Champion equestrienne - :See Sports
friday,october 3, 1986
cabrinicollege, radnor,pa. 19087
vol. xxxiii, no. 4 photo by Monica Palko)
ParentsWeekendtakesoff by L~ah Cascarina
With the annual ushering in of autumn, several things have come to be expected: the falling ofleaves, the briskness of the air and the arrival of Parents Weekend. "A lot of hard work, energy and cooperation have gone into the planning of the weekend," Rita Calicat, director, social activities, said. "I strongly believe that it will be very successful." As with all the previous Parents Weekends, the underlying theme is the experience of bringing families and the campus community together for a weekend. There is a slight change in the annual routine, however. This year, Parents Weekend is being packaged as a total weekend event, starting on Friday, Oct. 3 with fall convocation and continuing through Sunday, Oct. 5. "We want to be able to show parents another good Cabrini experience by having a weekend-long event where parents are meeting parents," James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, said. "By keeping people here on campus, we can show them both student and faculty successes so they can continue to feel good to be a part of Cabrini." Fitzsimmons also said that he hoped that the packaging of the weekend program would give parents more of a feel of what the college was all about. According to Joe Giuffre, president, Kappa Sigma Omega, a big complaint in the past was that there was never enough to keep the parents occupied. As a result, this year the organizers planned a diversity of activities hoping to appeal to a variety of tastes. Another one of the changes in this year's program is a $15 charge. This charge, however, was not meant to be construed as an admission fee, but rather as pre-payment for meals. "It (the fee) was never meant to niake money," Fitzsimmons said. "It will not even cover the food costs." It was also thought that it would be quicker and easier to pay for the meals before hand. By doing so, they hope to eliminate long, inconvenient lines. "We've packaged the meals differently as part of the whole weekend," Calicat said, "in an attempt to encourage parents to stay on campus with their kids." Fitzsimmons said that the quality of the menu was upgraded in another effort to encourage the parents to stay on campus, rather than venturing off to eat. This year Saturday's lunch and Sunday's brunch will be served outdoors, weather permitting, on linen covered tables. Pasta salad, fresh fruit, and cheese wheels, turkey salad, sauteed beef tips and mushroom, rice pilaf, green beans, and almond cookies in buffet style will be served for lunch. Sunday's brunch includes sliced fruit, scrambled eggs, sausage, french toast, jello molds, seafood Newbourgh, and assorted cheeses. A buffet table with cakes, pies, mousse and beverages will be placed out for dessert. "It becomes most important for the freshmen, because their parents aren't used to not seeing them for two or three weeks," Fitzsimmons said. "But we would like it to be a campus-wide event where all will participate. I hope it would be as special for senior parents as it is for the freshmen parents." Some of the events highlighting Parents Weekend are: the the Hospitality Center, the Resident Hall receptions, the President's Forum, the float parade contest, and the Presidents Reception and dinner/ dance. All these events are scheduled for Saturday. The first of the events to occur are the Resident Hall receptions. Each residence is giving a reception for their parents.
These "wild" freshmen are prepared to welcome back Mom and Dad. "The idea of the receptions is to give the parents a sense of resident life and enable them to interact with other parents of the residents," Calicat said. The Float Parade Contest is scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Each individual residence and the commuters wiJl be competing. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: overall winner, most creative and artistic, most orignal and most enthusiasm/participation. This years theme is "Cabrini - The Greatest Show on Earth."
A lot of hard work,energy
and cooperationhave gone into the planningof the weekend.I stronglybelieve that it will be very successful.' -Rita Calicat, director, student activities The President's Forum is a series of presentations given by Cabrini's seniors and administrators to the parents. The program's purpose is to inform parents of what is available to their children, highlighting specific student programs and college successes, both individual and collective. . The "Hospitality Room" is also a new addition to Parents Weekend. The room is being sponsored by the Parents committee and is to be held in the Great Room in Xavier. A cash bar and snacks will be available to the parents and students (with proper I.D. Jfrom noon to 4 p.m. The idea of the bar was also to promote the idea of staying on campus. "The bar gives the parents the opportunity to relax before dinner without leaving campus," Calicat said. "Family Fun and Enrichment" is a collaboration of activites designed to encourage families to interact with one another and with administrators. Between 1 and 4 p.m., faculty lectures, student goverment and drama presentations and games will occur. A rotation of the events has been planned so that the parents and their families will be able to participate in all five activities. Perhaps the biggest highlight of the event-filled weekend will be the inflation and lift-off ofa hot air balloon. Two chances for a ride will be raffled off to help pay for the weekend expenses. Chances are $1 a piece.
The balloon, owned by Lollipop Balloon Inc. of Downingtown, P.A., will travel beyond West Chester, hovering 1500 - 2000 feet during its journey.
''The weekend needed something colorful so parents can look back and think of something special," Fitzsimmons said. more Parents Weekend on 3
&.- -
Reliefcomesin 'three's'
by Rachel Athalia Anderson
A 3.6 cumulative average (cum) is difficult to maintain, even for an upperclassman who is accustomed to college studying and college level material. It was decided that a 3.6 cum is too much to expect from college freshmen who are inexperienced both with college life and college level material, therefore the cum was lowered. A freshman now must get a 3.3 cum in order to receive and maintain a $1000 academic scholarship. ~ However, after freshman year, a 3.6 cum is needed in order to keep the scholarship. Formerly, incoming freshmen, as well as upperclassmen, needed a 3.6 cum entering Cabrini in order to receive the scholarship. "Freshman who are now in their sophomore year have to earn a 3.6 just like everybody else," Beth Lieberman, assistant director of financial aid, said. ''A 3.3 cumulative average isn't going to cut it from sophomore year to junior year. It only takes care of that freshman coming in with an academic scholarship." According to Dr. Joseph Romano, vice-president of academic affairs, there were requests from faculty members to change the policy. "Most of the requests that I've heard have come from the faculty who are right there on the firing line," Romano said. "They realize how hard the freshmen have it and what they go through." Arlene McEvilla-Dittbrenner, director of financial aid, said that it took a number of faculty advisors and students an entire year to come up with the new policy. According to McEvilla-Dittbrenner, the pressure placed on freshmen to maintain a 3.6 in order to remain in school caused too much stress. Romano thinks that freshmen sometimes have a hard time adjusting to college life. Therefore a 3.6 cum, in
addition to the major changes in their lives, is too much to handle.
"The first year is harder in terms of adjustment," Romano said. ''As people get more into their major and get the developmental courses behind them, they adjust better and perform better." Romano also found that a few freshmen were avoiding extracurricular activities and honors programs in order to maintain a 3.6 cum to keep the scholarship. "I think activities were a real concern," he said. ''They (freshmen) really agonized over how many activities they could do and still keep up their cum." Michelle Iatesta, senior, agreed with Romano. "I didn't go for the honors program freshman year," she said. "I think I opted more for the easier classes to get an 'A'." Another important factor that contributed to the change in policy was the fact that the 3.6 cum requirement caused many freshmen to lose their scholarships. ¡ Not everyone feels the new policy is fair, however. "They had to make a rule," Kevin Corcoran, junior, said, "which was a good rule. They just applied it wrong. It should apply to the whole school." "I do think it's fair," Lieberman said. "In your junior and senior year, you're well into your major, which is supposedly your strong point." Iatesta thinks very highly of the new policy. "I think it's excellent because as a freshman I think a 3.6 is too difficult," she said. ''They (freshmen) are adjusting to so much. They're adjusting to being away from home, they're adjusting to living with other people. To have that pressure of keeping their cum so high is just another added pressure. I think 3.6 is a little unrealistic." Romano thinks that the policy is fair and works for Cabrini. "You grow in age and wisdom," he said. "That seems to work hem.!t.
loquitur- frida¾october3, 1986
S1uden1s expressthanks Paraplegicdisplays courage Parents weekend has arrived and we have decided that this would be a good time to recognize our parents. Life has its ups and downs, and no matter what the case may be - school, friendships, relationships, you name it, our parents were there. Not only have they personally had these ups and downs, but they have shared ours with us. Courage - we all display it at some point Think about it. in our lives. Many of us are lucky though. We need problems ever, just courage. people.
Think of all of the times we have struggled for our independence, and at the same time, for security.
courage only to tackle the big in our life. For some people howgetting up in the morning takes Jim McGowan is one of these
I first heard about the Fort Washington man on "Evening Magazine." With only one ear tuned in, I listened to McGowan's When we were young, they were there. Ifwe fell offofour bike, they put us back story - paralyzed from the waist down, he on and made us pedal. If we got an 'A' on a grammar test, they hung it up o~ the planned on swimming the English Channel. "Sure," I thought. "That will be the refrigerator and praised us. day."
When we got older, they were there too. When we were old enough to go out, but not old enough to drive, they took on the role of chauffeur. If we failed a test, they pushed us. They pushed us so hard that we are in college now. It all balances out. Through the good times and the bad, the happy times and the sad, our parents were there when we needed them to pull us through, and they .were there when we needed that extra push. We still need our parents and they need us too. Sometimes though, wejust don't show how much we care. Think of all the times we have struggled for our independence, and then think of all the times we have longed for their security. Too many times we take our parents for granted. It's not actually done on purpose, but we all do it. It's just another one of those roads that must be travelled before we are really on our own. We will get there soon enough; there shouldn't be any rush.
A few days later, Jim McGowan's name came to my attention again, and I listened more carefully. A promising athlete, McGowan's future was changed abruptly when he was mugged and knifed one night. The knife wound paralyzed him and he was told he would never walk again.
McGowan's courage disproved these predictions, and with much hard work, he left the hospital using only a cane.
Soon however, the wound came back to haunt him and leave him a paraplegic. This did not stop McGowan though. Just because he couldn't walk did not mean he couldn't live. He continued to lead an In the mean time, we must remember who has taken us this far, and just how active life, and he became the first paraspecial our parents are in our lives. plegic to sky dive.
katewelsh· Although his dream of swimming the English Channel did not become a reality, the courage he displayed left me awestruck. Here was a man who seemed to h~ everything against him, yet continued to live and strive for more. Not only does McGowan serve as an inspiration for all handicapped men and women, but he also should serve as a lesson for those of us blessed with good health. How many times do we take our good health for granted? I myself feel guilty after watching Jim McGowan. I remember thinking my life was over when I had to get glasses in my freshman year of high school. Granted, I was exaggerating, but that is probably my biggest handic~p in life. Yet, how many times do I take my good luck for granted? How many times do I give up when I meet an obstacle in my life? I cried for Jim McGowan when I saw him on the news, not because he didn't swim the English Channel, but because he called his attempt a failure. I don't believe he failed. In my eyes, any man who can get up every morning, face a handicap in the eye, and strive to overcome it, is nothing but a winner.
S1udentviews'Easfdifferently Dear Editor:
On top of that, I was put into an off-campus housing facility.
As a former staff writer for the Loqui tur, I know how much the weekly newspaper prides itself on being a "timely" issue each and every week. Why then did you wait two years to feature an article on the issue of "Cabrini East?"
I shared the feeling of being segregated from the campus, as one student pointed out in the "East" article, but I feel it was much more than that. It was hard enough to get used to a college class schedule. On top of that we had to work around a daily routine bus schedule that sometimes let us on campus an hour before the beginnirig of a class. We were residents and commuters at the same time.
However, since you initiated it, I would like to set a few points straight. During my freshman year, I was housed at Cabrini East. I was a freshman going through major social, psychological, and environmental changes upon entering an entirely different phase of life called COLLEGE.
'In the women's volleyball story in issue three, freshman Jan Torres' name was misspelled. Also, Joe Giuffre and Katie Grimley's names were misspelled. We regret these errors.
Loquitur welcomes letters to the Editor
Residents of Cabrini East were deprived of having a normal freshman adjustment on campus. In fact, it wasn't until we did
move on campus (second semester freshman year), that we went through the expected adjustment period. I think the article on "East" dwelled too much on the "notorious wild parties, drug use, and lack of studying," blaming it mostly on the Cabrini East residents. I would like to verify that, with the exception of the bus ride and co-ed dcirm, this sort of life is also a part of on-campus life. To help us through our first semester, we really had no strong support system to fall back on like residents did. Sure, like everywhere and everyplace else there were parties and drug use, but
Sincere!~·. Tammy Hargrove, junior
Editor Kole Welsh Managing Edito,: Monico Polko News Editor Christy Mason Assistants:Moria O'Brien. Yvette Ousei\l Pe"Pl'Cfives Edrtoc K1moerty Kovach Features Ed1t0<s: Kathy H,bbard and Robin McKeon Sports Edrtoc L,so Mason
WE'RETft':JfNG 0
that wasn't all Cabrini East was. We were people all stuck together in the same offcampus facility. Some of us were upperclassmen choosing to come back to Cabrini East for a second term, but most of us were freshman and housed there (not by our choice). We formed many close friendships still evident and treasured to this day because of the support we needed to give each other to get through the pressures of the freshman adjustment period.
BusinessManager: Are1o Hlodky
Copy Edttor Jeanne Re1neberg Grophtcs Editor. Debbie Ferrar Photography Edi1or Chns Coreo<on Photography Adviser: Dr Corter Croig1e Adviser: Dr.Jerome Zurek
Slaff Rachel Anderson, Reg,no Battiato. Beth s,ttner. Denise Broo,- Patty Sra,,,n. Leah Coscarina Christine Cocchio. Rhonda Dannenho'-,.-¥, Kath•een Doo ey, Donna Dougherty. John Dunl0Q"V.Anne Fahy, Brion Feeley. Debbie Ferrar. Liz Files S1ephonie Giordmc Krtty Kelley. Meghann Jonnson, Kathleen McCabe, Jacqui McCleman. Patty Moore. Debb, Murohv. Marica Polko. Patrlaa Ruppe. Koren S,egl, Jim Sterner
Names must be known to the editor, however, if the writer wishes, names may be withheld from print.
LOQUrturis p.Jblished weekly during the school year by studen1so/ Cabtlri College, Rodno,; Pennsy1van,a1Xl87 Subscnpt,on p!lce is $20 oer year and Is inctuded n the benefits secured by tuition and student fees.
All letters must be submitted by noon on Mondays. '.<:CREATIVEMEDIA SERVICES Box 596S _
_,,, Ca. 9'705
LOQuifurwelcomes letters 10 the edi1or Letters should be slgnea and the authorship known to the editors Ho-wave,If the writer wishes. and the edttor agrees, the wrtte(s name may be left o/f the letter upon publico1ion and on ,nscripi,ar inserted such as "name witht,e,d at the request of the writer· Letters should be typed. double-spaced. and no more than 300 words 1nlength. If o letter ,s too ,oni;i for the avo1lable space, the edttor may edif'or condense Letters to the editor should be sub<nttled by noon on Mon~
loquitur- friday,october3, 1986
Programsto emphasizesexualawareness by Christine Cocchia
Although many students are able to handle sexual relationships, there are some students who just aren't ready. Who do you go to with your questions? How do you know when you are ready for something intimate. "Many students are unaware of the consequences when initiating sexual relationships," Dr. Arthur Young, director of CARe, said. "There is an intense amount of emotional pain involoved in any relationship," he said. "Sex is not just an act." Sexual awareness is a topic taken seriously by James Fitzsimmons, dean of students. "We want to implement a few programs this year dealing with sexuality," he said. Three programs are planned for this year. One prowam will deal with assertiveness training, another with enhancing personal relationships, and the other on the biological aspects of sexuality. The assertiveness training program will cover decision making and learning how to say "no." "Students have to learn how to take control of a situation that might make them uncomfortable," Fitzsimmons said. The program on enhancing relationships will deal with getting _the most out of a relationship, not just in terms of
The third program will deal with sexual health matters such as birth control and venereal disease. Fitzsimmons took an interest in developing these programs at Cabrini because of similar programs he involved with at Loyola College, where he was formerly employed.
"We want to encourage students to show respect for one another," Fitzsimmons said. "Sexual activity should be seen more in terms of relationships, not as an isolated act."
The programs are topics that students most frequently inquired about at orientation. According to Fitzsimmons, students seemed to want to know more about how to deal with sexual pressures, guilt, how to communicate verbally with each other, and how to overcome their sexual anxieties in general. At Leadership Camp, Fitzsimmons conducted a dating survey of all the orientation counselors in order to find out how the students felt about their relationships in college. This survey laid the groundwork for the upcoming programs. "Relationships in college are more involved than in high school," Laura Wilson, sophomore, orientation counselor, said. "The survey showed that basically our expectations change. I found the survey interesting."
'Thereis an intenseamount of emotionalpain involvedin any relationship.Sex is just not an act.' -Dr. ArthurYoung,director, CARe
''The survey really helped the students feel relaxed with talking about their sexuality," Miche!le Iatesta, senior, orientation counselor, said. "It covered a lot of important material."
WORLD HUNGER LECTURE-The Continuing Education department is sponsoring a lecture series on world hunger. All lectures will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. All lectures are being presented in coordination with a three-credit course "World Hunger," which is offered this semester. Admission is $3. Students will be admitted free of charge.
TRAFFIC AND SECURITY-Students who do not have parking stickers may purchase them in the dean of students office. Anyone planning to have a car on campus temporarily must obtain a temporary parking sticker. Temporary parking stickers are available in the dean of students office as well.
CAREER EXPERIENCE OPPORTUNITY -The Career Counseling program "Career Experience Opportunity" will begin soon. The program gives students an opportunity to spend time with Cabrini alumni in specific fields of interest. For more information, see Donna Seckar, director of career counseling.
CAMPUS MINISTRY-Campus Ministry will take students on an intercollegiate retreat Nov.14 -16 in Maryland. Interested students contact Campus Ministry about details. Sign-ups for lectors are this week in the cafeteria. For more information contact Beverly Reilly at ext. 225.
Pregnantf Confused? Uncertain about what to do? Let us offer a viable alternative. We are a professional couple seeking to legally adopt a white infant.
''Taking responsibility and learning how to say no are very important when faced with an intense or uncomfortable situation," he said. The programs that are to be conducted will attempt to help students feel more comfortable in discussing their sexuality. "Students have to overcome their shyness about their sexuality and realize that we are all human," Young said. ''And if they do get hurt.they should talk to someone who will not pass judgement." Fitzsimmons hopes to make clear the fact that its normal for students to question their sexualit .
CARE-The CARe center will be needing extra tutors by mid-term. For more information contact Dr. Arthur Young at ext. 562 or Barbara Rubin at ext. 564.
"What is normal? We should be equally concerned with those who are sexually overactive as those who have a lot of fears about their sexuality," Fitzsimmons said. Dealing with sexual stereotypes is also something Fitzsimmons wants to stress .. "There are a lot of myths that may be confusing to young people," Fitzsimmons said, "such as the male machismo and sexual role models. Anything that may cause anxiety is necessary to explore and help clear up." According to Fitzsimmons, young people need to know that just because they are in college and may feel more adult, sexual relationships aren't any easier for them. Sexual relationships need more attention because the¡ consequences could be very painful.
ParentsWeekendfrom1 The Adam's Mark Hotel is the location of the. President's Reception, to be held between 6:30 -7:30 p.m., Saturday night. The event will be hosted by Cabrini's president, Sister Eileen Currie, MSC. Dinner starts promptly at 7:30 p.m., followed by the dance which begins at 9 p.m. The affair is scheduled to end at 1 a.m. Winding down the weekend festivities on Sunday is the family Liturgy. ''The mass is part of this weekend experience in sharing as a family and is a celebration of the family being together once again," Reverend Mark Falcone, 0. Praeum, chaplain, said. ¡ The weekend comes to an offical end with the Regional Marching Band Competition. According to Giuffre, the competition, involving area high schools, is one of many programs where Cabrini reaches out to the communities. "So far the hardest part of the weekend as getting people to register and having hem return their response cards," itzsimmons said.
"Kappa has been working on the event ince last Parents Weekend," Calicat said. 'Basically now it's down to the nitty- gritty. he event has been planned, packaged and ublicized. Now we're into the detail work. ommittees are in place to take care of the ehind-the-scenes detail to make the event o smoothly."
he StudentGovernment Association Welcomesour Cabrini Parents
He/She would be raised in a secure, loving home and provided with a the full-time emotional and financial support necessary to develop into a responsible, self-fulfilled adult.
You would receive financial assistance for medical and preganancy-related expenses, and attain peace of mind in your time of dilemma. We would have the family we desire.
Plea$e contact us through Josph A. Ryan, Esquire 53 Darby Road Paoli, PA. 19301 647-3555 Your confidentiality will be maintained.
Enjoythe Weekend!
loquitur ~ friday, october3, 1986
Therealityof Africa by Christy Mason
After listening to him speak, one couldn't help but be very thankful to be an American on American soil. After attending the lecture given by Robert Rosenthal, foreign editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, on Sept. 23, one couldn't help but be inspired by the man and the continent he has just recently left behind. Rosenthal, who has just ret~ed from Africa after four years of foreign correspondence there, is a man who has witnessed, first-hand, the brutal reality that encompasses much of Africa today. He has been beaten and whipped. He has watched people beaten, stoned and burned to death. He has held dying babies in his arms and has felt the love of sick children who wanted to touch the curious-looking "white man." For Rosenthal, Africa is a cold reality. It is not a news clipping of sad faces with bloated stomachs, for whom in a moment of compassion, checks for food are written out to. It is not an AP wire service story about ·apartheid or riots. Rosenthal's perceptions of Africa are accurate. He had been a part of its daily life for four years, sharing and receiving knowledge. In a way that is very mch his own, a way that has made him a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize, Rosenthal has brought his people into our lives, hoping that through his writing, a difference can be made. · In Rosenthal's opinion, "apartheid is immoral and wrong." He feels Americans have a distorted view of what would happen to South Africa should the present government be overthrown. "The feeling I had when I got back to this country," he said, "was that there would be a revolution and there would be a new government there; a totally black government." "This is what I'm sure many people want to hear," he said. "But this, I think, is totally wrong. You have one of the most brutal and oppressive regimes in world history in South Africa. The reality we really face in South Africa is long-time in coming in terms of changing that government." According to Rosenthal, blacks in South Africa are not unified. There are, for instance, many black people who have "made it in the system." Because of this, they are seen as collaborators with the whites. They are the black business people who associate and work with white people during the day, but who make sure they are not on the street after curfew.
"As a white man working in South Africa," Rosenthal said,"I was allowed to do things that a black man would have been killed for." If and when a revolution does occur, he predicts that it will be a very bloody and , violent one.
Studiogets hi-techboost by Donna Dougherty
Due to a grant made possible through the state of Pennsylvania, Cabrini's television studio is now equipped with "state of the art" technology. The Instructional Equipment Grant Program awarded Cabrini $45,366.74 on For Rosenthal, covering the famine was the basis of full-time undergraduate the most emotionally wrenching story he enrollment figures. It was given to all covered while in Africa. In order to cover accredited colleges in the state. the story, Rosenthal traveled with organiCabrini received its portion of the grant zations such as "Save the Children" and in Nov. 1985. The administration then with United Nations people. studied the history of requests from the individual departments and determined "Covering the famine, emotionally, was the areas with the greatest need, according one of the most difficult things I did," he to Mary Ann Biller, academic dean. said, ''because people were dying. Babies Since the grant was meant to be spent on were put in my hands who were dying." "I cried a lot and was outraged," he said, institutional equipment, the departments that "and the only thing that kept me going was were limited. The departments received the money were the English/comthe thought that if I write something, munications department and the Commaybe it will help." puter Information Science (CIS) department. . At one point in his reporting of the famThe communications department ine, Rosenthal was asked by a camera crew received approximately $35,000 while the if he'd like to see what they were filming for, remaining $10,000 went to the computer an American TV show. "I cried as I watched it," he said. "It was department. very powerful to see what people at home According to Biller, the communications were going to see through the box." department had the greatest need because According to Rosenthal he wrote about of the dramatic rise in enrollment in that the African famine six months before any department. In 1980, there were 52 Engnewspaper or network began covering it. lish/communications majors in the school. In the fall of 1985, there were 50 English/ communication majors in the freshman However, because it wasn't a major story class alone. at the time, the editor's wouldn't agree to Out of a total enrollment of 711 in 1986, run it. When TV began to cover it, the there are 148 English/communication famine story became a top news priority. majors, according to Maryann Mirra, "I think it's really important in this assistant to registrar. country that we remember perspectives," English/communications is the second Rosenthal said. "We see things as being largest major at Cabrini next to Business simple and easy. Coming home from Administration. Africa, the thing that really struck me The English /communications departabout here is the great wealth and superment allotted its money to be used to purficia\i ty in society." chase new television studio and control room equipment. Two new Sony studio cameras which are "state of the art," a new "If you really want to have a cause," he editing bay, a one-half inch playback, and a said, "look at Africa. The West can really three- quarter inch video cassette recorder help the continent, but not through bring- I (VCR) were purchased. ing our values on a very ancient and proud Because the department has the new culture." equipment, the studio's old equipment was "Most of the things that happen in the turned into remote equipment. This world do not effect America," he said. "We . enables students to tape off-campus can read about it, we can get a political events. The studio now has three remote cause, but we're not in the streets getting cameras. shot down. We're not getting tear-gassed The new editing bay allows the students constantly. Friends of ours just don't disap- 'to edit two videotapes together. The studio pear and probably get killed." now has two editing bays. Also purchased "It's a very hard thing to see unless you was the furniture on which the editing bay go out (of the country)," he said.
The equipment will be much more accessible for student use, according to Cathy Yungmann, instructor, television production. Yungmann said that the old equipment was "baseline and the least expensive." Now the students will be using equipment that is the standard equipment found in any broadcast facility. The need for new equipment rose as the number of production courses offered increased. Yungmann now teaches 29 students in three different courses. Production courses are offered for the beginner, advanced and those wishing to take a practicum. Yungmann plans to produce a current events type of program for students oncampus in conjunction with the history/ political science department. The idea was proposed by Dr. Jolyon Girard, chairperson, history/political science department, James Hedtke, instructor, history/political science and Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English/communications department. If the show does well, two local cable companies, Radnor. Cablevision and Harron Cable Company have agreed to air it. Student opinions were positive concerning the advanced equipment. Chris Corcoran, senior, co-television studio manager, worked at a CBSaffiliated· TV station over the summer in Salisbury, Maryland. He performed a variety of duties, amo~ them promotion demos for upcoming CBS programs, sports promos, shot footage of news, and worked in the production process of making commercials. Before leaving for summer vacation last semester, Corcoran had an opportunity to briefly work with the new equipment: He felt that he had an advantage over Hie other interns at the station because the equipment that the station had was as advanced as Cabrini's. While Donna Capone, senior, co-studio manager, enjoys the equipment and feels because of it she will have an advantage over other job applicants, she said that beginning students are not going to learn the basics, as she had. Because she learned the intricate details of the equipment, she knows the "ins and outs" of them. "The new equipment will make it easier to adjust into the working world of TV," Brian Feeley, senior, said, "since the equipment is the equipment used in the industry today, or at least compatible with it." According to Biller, the concept of keeping students at the "state of the art" is very important when students go out into the ·ob market.
Cleaners - For sen,or citizens. to do light house keeping. Immediate placement, must hove own transportation. Earn $7.00/hr. Coll Mrs. Wensing ot Survey services for seniors. 688-2688.
Nurnry School - Central Baptist. in Wayne,
PA.Four mornings a month to teach songs to preschool children instrument not necece$Sory. Coll Carol Tatto at 688-8563.
Babysitter - M-W-F. 9:30-10:45 o.m. at Exerobics in Chesterbrook shopping center $4.00/hr pus $2.00 for every child. Coll Rosemary at 647-6510.
Alda for preschool - Goodard school Paoli pike, Paoli PA. Coll Joe Scondone at 647-1793.Children's centet Malvern. PA Coll Mrs. Monti ot 647-5f77.
Denny's Restaurant - Now Hiring, all shifts available 24 hours. Flexible schedules available, all positions Coll 293-0246 or 687-3286.
Valley Forge Klnderhoun- Directing program for kids. ages two to six. ofter school. Doy shift $2 45 to $6.00. Confoct Susan Kelley ot Volley Forge Kinderhouse. 45 Walker Rd Wayne. PA.19087.
Tuesday Alda - Radnor Coop nursery school. Rodnot PA.Coll Nancy Zellman ot 293-9478.
lllallroom - Tuesda'/ and Thursday hours. Assist ,n bulk moiling, some heavy lifting required. $4.00/hr. Coll ext.525.
Appl, Secretary• Mondoy-Fridoy, 4:00-9:00 pm. and Saturday 9:30-4:30p.m $5 00/ht($160 00/wk) Call Mrs Konen at 265-1660.
Photo Plus - PT/FT, two or three afternoons and Saturdays. $4.00-$6.00/hr Coll 687-7711 Social Service field - Holms otnce of Community Interactions is presenfly seeking FT/PT personnel to work with mentally retarded clients Coll Bernard Glavin of 522-0333.
Intergroup Service Corp.• PIT10 hours/wk. data entry and word processing. $5:00lhr. located at 259 Radnor Chester Rd in Radnor Coll Peggy Park at 293-1200 Communlc Cable Co. - Pl/day help wonted to build custom cables $4.501hr.Coll Dove ot 644-1900
FT Fourth grade teacher• E$Sentionschool in Kensington area. Coll Sister Jone at 793-6226 for more information Companion • For an elderly grandmother needed late Friday ta Sunday afternoon. Need car. Call Mrs. Malter 644- 4427. Stouffer Hotel • Hos vonous positions opened for FT/PTemployment. Flexible hours, excellent wages and tips. Coll Joon Garibaldi at 337-1800
CMC TV and Appliance •Retail clerk and warehouse person needed. $4 501hr. Call Mrs. Jarvis at 265-2501.
Bennigans • Line ond prep cooks needed Flexible days and hours. Coll Marsha Windelboch 964-ttOO.
Telephone lntervl-r - Chilton Telsom Research Center. Must hove clear voice: no soles involve~ no experience nece$Sary $3.75/hr, plus benefits. various hours available. Coll Mrs. Long ot 768-5100
Montessori acllool • Needs port-time student teacher. 3:00-6:00p.m. 45 Walker Rd. Wayne. PA.Call Sue Kelley of 688- 8515
Babysitting - For o 10 month old girl. One morning per week. 8:00-tOO p.m. Need car, salary negotiable. Coll Mrs. Hicks at 527-0729.
Markel research• Port-time hours, conduct public opinion polls, pays well bonus program, nexible shifts Located in Lawrence Pork Industrial Pork in Broomall. Coll Ms. Carroll ot 359-1190.
Security Parson • For K,ng of Prussia Cour1 and Plaza. no experience necessary Flexible hours Call Mark Malone of 265-5100. Lawn work - Boy needed for yard work. routine lawn ond leaf war!<:wooded sight ,n St Davids Need cor. ca, Mrs Ware at 688-9113
New Gulf Chlldrens Center - Aide w,th infants to five- yeor olds Experience helpful r.tonday -Fndoy or M-W- F(~exible). 12:30-5 30p m Need car Call Nancy Kleis at 688- 2411
Dunfey . City Line Hotel is interviewing for PT/ FTpositions as room service servers, cocktail servers. too servers, dining room attendant;. bellpersons. Apply Monday- Wensday. 10 am- noon Dunfey City Line Hotel. Cily Line Ave. and Monument road. Bolo Cynwyd PA 19004 Call Sally Cobb at 645-6581 Chill's. Now Hmng, apply ,n person. Monday· Friday 9:00-4 30 p.m 312 W Lancaster Ave (next 1o
WineHos).For a great place to work no place else is Chili's
loquitur- frida¼october·3, 1986
Parentsand children:
Studentsloosenthe knot withoutbreakingthebond by KathyHibbard At times it may seem like an endless game of tug of war. One side is struggling for independence and the. other side will not loosen their grip on the rope. The teams: parents and their children, but the children are young adults now and the game intensifies. Through the frustration, quarrels and disagreements, however, there is love and caring and concern, and there is a unique bond between parent and child that can not be broken from the mere strain of misunderstandings. According to Dr. M.L. Corbin Sicoli, associate professor, psychology, at the college level students experience large spurts of cognitive development enabling them to see things from many points of view. When returning home for a period of time, they begin to question the perspectiv~ of their parents, which can be very hard on the parents. "The student is learning that you can look at things in an historical, psychological, philosophical, or value context," Sicoli said. "This can create tension in the home because students are questioning what was formerly just accepted," she said. Students on campus spoke freely of this sometime problematic stage in their relationship with their parents, but not without a deep respect for the values and ideals on which they were raised. "When I first came to school here, I was given total independence. When I went home, it was hard for me to go by their rules again, and it was hard for them seeing me become more independent," Aliza Candelori, junior, said. "Up until two or three years ago, I really didn't question the beliefs that had been instilled in me through my parents because, after all, they were my parents," Jeanne Reineberg, junior, said. "Now, having had greater exposure to society, I have begun to think on my own and disagree with some of my parents beliefs. This, however, does not go over too well," she said.
"It's hard for them to realize that I can think on their level," Reineberg said. "I realize every family goes through this. We're young adults forced to confront the world with our own views, and we're responsible for ourselves in a lot of ways. There are a lot of questions and problems we have to_solve for ourselves because it's all part of becoming independent," Reineberg said. "I think it's particularly difficult for parents whose whole existence for the past 20 or so years has revolved around raising a child. It's hard to let go. My family has been particularly close, and this closeness makes things even more difficult," Reineberg added. "I feel that I have become more mature in the past two years and my parents have begun to talk to me like an adult. They want me to cut the knot in a way, but yet, the 're still holding back," Michele
Can you affordto gamble with the LSAT,GMAT, GRE,orMCAT? Probably not. Great grades alone may not be enough to impress the grad school of your choice. Scores play a part. And that's how Stanley H. Kaplan can help. The Kaplan course teaches test-taking techniques, reviews course subjects, -and increases the odds that you'll do the best you can do. So if you've been out of school for a while and need a refresher, or even if you're fresh out of coIIege, do what over 1 miIIion students have done. Take Kaplan. Why take a chance with your career?
McLennan, sophomore, said. "Many times parents are facing a sort of emptiness syndrome, and their identity as a parent is- changing since they realize their child is getting older," Mary Helen Mapes, lecturer, psychology, said. "My mom went through a basic emptiness syndrome when I went away to school and grew more and more independent," Jody Romano, senior, said. "My mom dealt with it, but my dad was scared. He realized his mistakes in the past and he was scared ofletting me go without getting to know me. Throughout my freshman year, when I came home, I had a curfew ofll:30. It was ridiculous," Romano said. According to Sicoli, it's natural for parents to try and maintain control over the student's life, but eventually they have to come to grips with letting go and ease up on the contr<Jlover the child. Students, Sicoli advises, should talk to their parents about what their parents are. experiencing and what it's like to go from seeing a person day in and day out and then not seeing them for months at a time. "Students should see their par~nts as humans who are struggling_ and developing like they are," Sicoli said. As it is said, there is a certain calm that prevails after any storm, and so it is with this turbulent period between parent and child. "My parents have learned to trust me a lot more over the past three years, and they respect me as an adult," Candelori, said. "I've proven to them that I can be independent, which must make them feel really good because they know then that they've raised me well and that I'm capable of surviving in this world," Candelori said. "My mother and. I have gone away from the traditional mother/ daughter relationship, and we have started to develop a friendship," Romano said "Even with my father, we are starting to speak more than ever before. There's more respect and trust between the two of us. I am now considered a thinking person instead of a peon," Romano said.
"I just needed to ask my father to place some more confidence in me and to let me go a little, and slowly but surely he did," Romano added. McLennan said, "We get along a lot better now. My parents give me advice, but I have my own opinions and they have to let me make my own decisions. If I make a mistake or fall on my face, I just brush myself off and start over again." McLennan continued, ''What's comforting is that I can count on my parents for instant moral support and instant cheering up any time I need it." As an adult, you are still somebody's child and, as students push for entrance into the adult world, this fact becomes very real to them. They begin to consider how much of their growth as a person is owed to their parents.
'When they'reold and gray, I'm going to take care of them. They'llcome live with me. I lovethem lot.' -Michele McLennan, sophomore
''They're extremely important to me, and I owe them everything. Sometimes I ,forget to tell them how much I appreciate them and all they've done for me," Reineberg said. ''They gave me this chance to be out here on my own, and I want to do good in school and make them feel good about how they raised me," Candelori said. "I figure they have brought me up, always cared for me, and given me the opportunity to further my education, so I want to become the decent, respectable person that they want me to be," McLennan said. McLennan added, "When they're old and gray, I'm going to take care of them. They'll come live with me. I love them a lot."
~~Q,,--.-~'-~~Q,,--~e.~ ''AsLong As WeHaveEachOther'' he StudentServicesDepartment Welcomesyou to ParentsWeekend.1986
Best Wishes for a memorable and-fun-filled weekend
The Staff
loquitur- friday,october 3, 1986
Jazz fusesnewera by Stephanie Giardini "Hello my Honey, Hello my Darlin', Hello my Ragtime Gal..." From ragtime to Dixieland, and then on to blues and fusion, jazz music has been a prominent force in American music. Jazz greats of all variations span across American music in the twentieth century. Early jazz greats, like Louis Armstrong and Al Jolson, paved the way for later musicians to expand their ragtime sound. Musicians like Count Bassie, Benny ~ Goodman, Duke Ellington, Buddy Rich, Ella Fitzgerald, and Lena Home led jazz into the big band and blues styles. Today's jazz musicians have taken this sound one step further. Jazz artists such as Pat Matheny and Chick Corea have created a "new age" jazz or "jazz fusion" sound. This new sound is what rekindled the po'pularity of jazz music.
such as ''The Cosby Show," "Moonlighting," and "Late Night with David Letterman" have highlighted "cool jazz" in some of their shows. Ann Gleavy, junior, said, "I like jazz music. It's different music. It is a change some days." Most of the students interviewed do not consider jazz dQminant in their world of music. They also agree that it is mainly appreciated by ·an older group of music lovers. "I do watch jazz performers on the "David Letterman Show," Chris McCabe, sophomore, said. "It's okay, but I don't want to listen to it all the time," he added. Cabrini College's curriculum offers courses geared toward teaching students to appreciate all types of music. Jeanne Furia, sophomore, is one of the students studying music appreciation. At first, Furia said, "What is jazz music anyyvay?" But after her first Survey of Music class, Furia said, ''Today, in my Survey of Music class, I listened to a piece ofjazz ensemble. It was by Louis Armstrong and the Hot Five, and the piece was called 'Hotter Than That.' AltJ. ·•.gh it was not as exciting as Rock n' Roi., I found it interesting."
DoctorRuth:sexologist kissesand tellsall by Brian Feeley "Goot Evening, dis is Doctor Ruth Vestheimer, you are on zee air. The answer to your question is dat un orgasm is just zum kind uff schneeze." Have you ever had the opportunity to hear the melodious voice of the vivacious Dr. Ruth Westheimer? If so, you know a different Ruth than most students at Cabrini. Dr. Ruth Westheimer is, however, a well known sexologist. That's right, she knows a considerable amount about sex ....enough to advise the general public or at least those who need advising. But let's give some credit to this young, uh middle-aged, rather old woman of 57. What's that? You thought she was older! Well, how old would you expect a person to look after researc;hingher field for as long as she has?
'If Dr. Ruthwerenot alive,I wouldcreateher.' -Tim Fitzgerald,junior Lately, Dr. Ruth's research has been called to question. In her recent book, "First Love: A Young People's Guide to Sexual Information," sex therapist Ruth Westheimer, Ph.D., tells her readers that "the safe times (for sexual intercourse) are the week before and the week of ovulation." Will the mistake set off a baby boom? Dr. Ruth doesn't think so: "The next sentence says specifically that nob<ldyshould e~er use the rhythm method of birth control without the advice of a professional." What then, does that make Dr. Ruth - an amateur? Tim Fitzgerald, junior, said, "If Doctor Ruth werP.not alive, I would create her." Others tend to differ in their opinions of'Nestheimer. "She looks like a hamster," Kevin Corcoran, junior, said. If Dr. Ruth were here at Cabrini one may wonder, would she be a full-time faculty member? Would she teach from Sacred Heart or the basement of .the library, since her field is a fine art. · Regardless of people's opinions and her nauseating accent, Westheimer has become a mainstay in the contemporary eighties. Her style and dedication in the area of sex are unmatched. She is having fun and making money on sex ....and it's all perfectly legal!
Welcometo theBoomtown' Chuck Browning, program director, WIOQ, Philadelphia, said, "Late 70's jazz died out. Now it's been recycled." During the seventies, the popularity of jazz began to fade from the music scene, and recording companies refused to contract new-age jazz musicians. These musicians took it upon themselves to expose their music, and they succeeded. Fusion is "stern line, hard jazz," Browning said. "It is hard to understand and is an acquired taste by intuitive jazz listeners," he added. Jazz enthusiasts are not the only people who can enjoy the :new-age jazz sound. Everyone can listen to programs on area radio stations. WIOQ airs a two-hour jazz program on Sunday mornings from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. "It's the best time to air jazz fusion music. The audience is relaxed and kicked back," Browning said. Offering a jazz program creates a wellrounded radio station. "It's another avenue of music to play," Browning said. Television is also responsible for exposing the jazz sound. Television programs
Singingwith a bang by Anne Fahy
Dr. Adeline Bethany, chairperson, fine arts department, is a firm supporter of the advancement of jazz appreciation. "Jazz is American," Bethany said. She also believes that it is kept alive on Cabrini's campus through the efforts of the Jazz Ensemble Band, which is comprised of 25 outside and student musicians. The ensemble is directed by Dr. Ja~es Capolupo, president of the Pennsylvania Jazz Educators Associations. The stage band meets for rehearsals -on Tuesday nights from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. All students are welcome to come and listen to the stage band perform the "cool jazz" sound.
WelcomeParents! Enjoyyour visit
The AdmissionsOffice Staff
Through the frenetic, astral rhythms of synthesizers and guitars, the words of David and David's first single, "Welcome to the Boomtown" seem to be almost spoken to you.
Reviewc===== Their debut album, "Boomtown," on A&M records, is both literate and thought-provoking, an unusual combination in today's music world. According to James Hunter, album reviewer for Rolling Stone, David and David have produced "intelligent tracks, --long on rythmn and mood." "Miss Christina drives a 944 Satisfaction oozes from her pores She keeps rings on her fingers Marble on her floors ...She keeps her back against the wall I say Welcome Welcome to the Boomtown All that money makes such a succulent sound"
'It seemslike he'stalking from experience.' -Frank Bokoski,senior
"Handsome Kevin got a little offtrack Took a year off from college And never went back ...Now he deals dope at Denny's Keeps a table in the back ...So I say, I say Welcome Welcome to the Boomtown Pick a habit We got plenty to go around ...All that money makes such a succulent sound"
"The lyrics remind me of a James Taylor or Harry Chapin song," Mark Murray, senior, said. "The refrain is belted out like a John Cougar Melloncamp song, though." Frank Bokoski, senior, manager of WCAB, relates to the singer's point of view. "It seems like he's talking from experience, like, 'Listen to me. I have something to say,--slow down, look at life'," Bokoski said.
Patti Ruppe, junior, had mixed opinions: "I'm not really sure what it's about, but it made me think. I wondered if this guy was making a reference to the way the fast life is effecting society. He mentions the guy who dropped out of school, sells dope, and makes a lot of money," she said.
Where is Boomtown? Fi-rst impressions conjure up images of the California fast-lane life, but Boomtown could be any town, or even country.
One opinion is unanimous: the song makes you think. What it means is open to individual interpretation. Stimulating enough to make one stop and wonder, the song merits success.
Robin McKeon, senior, said, "The first time I heard this song, it reminded me of what my friend said when he returned from Europe: 'People in European countries think that life in America is like "Dynasty" and "Dallas"."'
Hunter borrows a title from one song on the album to sum up his thoughts. "Their extraordinary record is about how not to be swallowed by the cracks," he said.
loquitur - friday,october3, 1986
Mercedes-Benz raffleto benefitathletes by Karen Siegl
At 9:30 a.m., a varied group-0fpeople will receive the starting signal, and with it will begin a race/raffle sponsored by the Athletic Advisory Board (AAB) to raise funds for the athletic department. A group of students, nearby residents, alumni, businessmen and women, will start and finish t.qis competition in the Mansion courtyard on Sunday, October 19. The course will span the Cabrini campus and the hills and flats of the Wayne and Radnor communities. The course will be marked and patrolled. In the°"'weeksbefore the race begins, raffle tickets are being sold for $100. This amount is a tax-deductable donation. The winner of the raffle will be awarded a 1987 Mercedes-Benz 190 or $20,000. The winner of the race is given one free chance in the raffle drawing, which will immediately follow the race. John Dzik, director of athletics, is optimistic about the event for the future, "I hope to make this run an annual event, but whether a Mercedes is chanced off or not is indefinite." Jim Fitzsimmons, dean of students, said, "It's a money-maker hopefully. It's something to feel good about. We could have chanced off a lesser car, but a classy, top-notch car promotes excitement for the staff and students." Excitement and participation of the staff and students of Cabrini is an important factor in this event. Dr. Robert Sorrentino, professor of biology, is looking forward to the race and supporting the school. "I like to run in short races to help build-up endurance, although I don't like to race for competition. I think races like this are good in pulling diverse amounts of people together," Sorrentino said. Tom Nearny, chairman of the AAB, said, "I would like as much student participation as possible. From the board's standpoint, we would like to focus on students' increasing their awareness about the campus." The men's track team will not participate in the race, but will help run the event. Pete Casazza, junior, cross country runner is looking out for the school and team's image. "I know they need people to work, so I'd rather work to make it look good for the school and cross country team." Fitzsimmons prefers that the cross country team help with the race and work for the benefits they will receive from this event.
"It does not fit into their program to run because they may have a race previous to this one. But the athletes will benifit from these funds, so they should help with the race," Fitzsimmons said. Mike Edmonson,junior, cross country runner, said, "I'd rather work it, it doesen't make a whole lot of sense to run two races back to back." According to Dr. Joseph Romano, vice-president of academic affairs, Nearny initiated the entire concept of the AAB. Nearny said, "I came up with the idea of having AAB by observing the program. I saw the job that the college had done and observed its needs. I gave support in that area and pushed for their approval." The purpose of the AAB was described by Nearny. "The function is to advise the director of the athletic department, to promote Cabrini College athletics in the area which gives them more leverage and recognition, and to create an endowment fund." The members of the AAB include: Bill Battles, vice- president for institutional advanement; Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president; Joanne Balshi; Elin Dixon; Fran Kelleher; Chris Lange; James Maguire; Al Tarbotten; Dzik; Fitzsimmons; Nearny; and Romano. Planning of the fundraiser also included a goal to persuade as many members of the outside community to become involved. Romano and Fitzsimmons agree that in order to develop a good rapport with the community they must begin to market the school and inform the area of Cabrini's athletic feats. "If we get the community emotionally involved, then it's only natural that they will support you as well," Balshi said. ''We are trying to interest various corporations. It is a year-round project and our maiden voyage which we hope to continue." The race will involve both experienced and unexperienced runners, all of whom may need some medical assistance. Romano provided some assurance that a trainer will be present at the race. "I am positive that there will be a medical trainer present for the fundraiser." However, the need for a trainer during the year is still a problem, as is securing the funds for such a proposition. . According to Dzik, the profits from the race will be added right into the budget for all of the many things that the program needs, a trainer being one of them. Romano said, "We let the athletic program run on a shoe string with very little funds to run the program before the AAB was organized."
Will fans pay?
An admittance charge for women's volleyball games is a new idea on the drawing board of the Cabrini sports program. Discussion between John Dzik, director of athletics, and Gerry Szabo, women's volleyball coach, was conducted in reference to initiating a policy by which fans would be charged to attend the volleyball games. At this time, men's basketball is the only sport that requires the fans to pay a one-dollar admittance charge. Dzik said that while no binding decisions have been made, both he and Szabo are in favor of such a system. "I am very much in favor of the idea. All the other schools are charging. Why shouldn't we?" Szabo said. According to Szabo, the idea was also discussed with the players who·had mixed reactions. "These kids work hard out there and they deserve this," Szabo said. He went on to say that the crowd would be more "funneled." "Fans that are paying to see a sporting event are really there to see a sporting event, thus the effort of the players is in no way cheapened." Thus far, no date of initiation has been set for the action, but Dzik did comment on what the funds would be used for.
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"We would plow it right into the million things we have to do from maintenance of team equipment to alumni functions," Dzik said. When posed with the question of a possible reduction in attendance due to the proposed admittance charge, Dzik replied that, "charge or no charge, the attendance is basically static." According to Dzik, there are a variety of factors that can effect attendance including class schedule, day of the week, and caliber of the opposing team. Szabo felt that the charge would great ensure the quality of the crowd viewing the event.
r ~~~ 1v
~ Athlete
...,_, _of
The rightchoice. •
Athlete of the week will return next issue.
loquitur - friday,october3, 1986
_Gary Firestine:
A silentforcein Cabrinisports by Rhonda Dannenhower "He is a very dedicated and hardworking individual. The Cabrini sports program would be lost without him," James Hedtke, softball coach, said. "He's dependable. He is always around when you need him. The gym is like his second home," Michele Pasquarello, senior, women's volleyball, said. · Who is this dedicated "gym rat?" He is none other than Gary Firestine, junior, manager for three of Cabrini's sports teams: women's basketball, softball and volleyball. Firestine, a 1984 graduate of Conrad Weiser High School in Robesonia, Pa., has managed the women's sports teams since he was a freshman. Firestine does not participate in any intercollegiate sports. However, he does play in three softball leagues during the summer. "I play second base in the leagues near my home. That is how I got involved with the softball team at Cabrini," Firestine said. Although he is currently majoring in accounting, Firestine has hopes of some day coaching his own team. "I have an appreciation for sports and want to learn all I can so that I can coach in the future. Ifl get involved in a lot of sports activities, it will look good on my resume and give me references for a coaching job," Firestine said.
the players on the team," Hedtke said. "He is a very perceptive person. However, he will not come right out and give his opinion about anyone. You must ask him for it."
Gary Firestine, junior, busy at work during
a women's
(photo by Larry P. Aquino) "I enjoy managing the teams, especially volleyball. Volleyball is fun because of Gerry (Szabo) and his style of coaching," Firestine continued. Both players and coaches characterize Firestine's manner as quiet, yet supportive. "He is a man of few words," Hedtke said. "When he speaks, he has a 'matter of fact' manner about him, but you.can always count on him for an honest answer."
"Gary is a quiet individual, but he really knows his sports," Ruthie Brown, senior, women's softball said. "He tries to give us helpful hints about our game and makes the practices bearable and even fun sometimes." "Gary gives the softball team a lot of pointers and suggestions. He really supports us as a team and individually," Pasquarello said. · "You can always count on Gary to give you a different outlook, a perspective of
"Sometimes I get caught in the mid: dle of the conflicts between the coach and the players during the season," Firestine said. "I hear all sides of the story. I don't like getting in the middle, but sometimes I am put there by the players." "I prefer managing women's sports here more than men's because they have a more competitive season," Firestine said. "The men's teams are already on top and are expected to win, whereas the women's have more of an opportunity to pull an upset. This makes watching them more exciting." Managing three teams a year, Firestine finds that he has little time for anything else. "When the volleyball and basketball seasons overlap, it takes up a lot of my time because the practices are usually held back to back," he said. Besides managing these teams, Firestine also serves on the intramural committee. "I participate in the intramural sports, as well as run the program. I must collect each team's roster, set up the schedules, set up the equipment before the g_a~tl, and keep track of the scores and records," Firestine said. Michael Fallon, senior, said, "He is totally into athletics, all aspects of them, managing as well as playing them."
Cabriniboastschampionequestrienne by Monica R. Palko Cabrini College has a world champion in its midst, Lori Boyd, junior. Boyd has ridden in many world horseback riding competitions during her fourteen years of riding. She has just returned from the North Carolina State Champion Horseshow held September 18-20 in which she faired very well. She rides American saddlebred showhorses. In North Carolina, Boyd placed first in the three categories in which she competed. "During the competition, I must keep the horse and myself in perfect form," Boyd said. "The judge calls for different gaits and I give reign and leg commands to the horse to change gaits." Boyd was invited to ride in President Reagan's first inaugural parade where she sat on a horse for fourteen hours. The parade was delayed because of an announcement from Former President Jimmy Carter about the Iranian hostage situation. The riders were not allowed to dismount until the parade was completed. That parade is one example of the promotional work in which Boyd is involved. Most of that work takes her out of the country. Boyd finds riding in competitions not only a means of self- achievement, but also a means by which to make many new friends. "I get to meet a lot of people when I travel," Boyd said. "And I'm good friends with the people I ride with. It goes beyond just the riding ...the friendships that you make." Boyd said many riders travel from Japan, Canada, England, and South Africa
to compete in Kentucky where most of the world competitions are held. "It's interesting meeting and talking to people from different countries," she said. Boyd's riding days extend back to when she was six years old. The "neighbor boys" taught her to ride and establish this hobby. Her parents thought her riding was a fad, but Boyd's interest and skill kept her going. "When you're little, it's all or nothing," she said. "I was very successful as a youngster and the success kept me in it (riding)." Since her success as a youngster, Boyd has been travelling back and forth to Kentucky to train with her two trainers peri'odically every month. At this stage in her life, Boyd has reached a category in competition where she can't go any further as an amateur. "Now I pretty much ride for pleasure," Boyd said. So why is this world champion at Cabrini College? After transferring from Ryder College in Princeton, N.J., Boyd wanted to enroll in Villanova, but its business school does not accept transfers. As for Cabrini, Boyd said, "I saw the sign and decided to check it out. I also love the area." Despite having to practice at home in Lancaster, Pa. and in Kentucky with her ten horses, Boyd finds time to sustain eighteen credits and get to know people on campus and in Sullivan House. '½fter the novelty of my being a world champion wears off, people warm up to me and I can get to know them," Boyd said. "I have never come across anyone who hasn't been happy for me. Everyone is always supporti,ve."
Lori Boyd, junior, shown riding Wild Chatter, displays the poise and skill necessary in riding. (photo by Jamie Donaldson) "She fits right into House seven," Margaret Culcasi, senior, said. "When I first met Lori, she was very friendly and it didn't seem like it was a big problem for her to adjust," Peggy Emmerich, junior, resident assistant, said. "The girls (in House seven) made her comfortable. You'd never know that she didn't go here last year and that she wasn't
friends with these girls before," Emmerich said. , Boyd majors in business administration and computer science. After graduating from Cabrini, Boyd wishes to pursue a career in hotel management. Do horses and riding fit into her future? "I want to compete as long as I'm physically and financially able," Boyd said. "I really never want to quit."