See .Features
SUNDAY friday,october1o,1986
cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087
vol. xxxiii,no. 5
Parents Weekend transformed
into "Liberty Weekend"as the men of Xavier, overall winners of this year's homecoming I/oat contes.t'/)Qlformed thelf "skiton Sat Oct. 4. Pictured here are Pete Bisconte, sophomore, alias Nancy Reagan and Bob Frankenfield, sophomore, alias President Reagan, waving to the homecoming crowd. Other float winners in individual categories were: most original, Maguire House; most creative, Infante House most participation, Casey House; and best overall appearance, the Mansion. Homecoming kings and queens were honored at the dinner/dance held Saturday night at the Adam's Mark Hotel. Overall class winners were: freshmen, Anne Marie Decurtis and Vince Romeo; sophomores, La Tonya Lucas and Jeff Moore; juniors, Kathy Funk and Pete Casazza; seniors, Katie Grimley and Sean Meenan. Seniors Brian Feeley and Kathy O'Donnell were the overall 1986 homecoming king and queen. (photo by Monica Palko)
Fall Registration:
600 drop/addscreateproblems by Patricia Brown Cancellations, course closings, time changes, and forgeries were some of the complications faced by the Registrar's office this semester as over 600 students submitted drop/add forms. In the words of Robert Fetterhoff, registrar, "It's like musical chairs, how to get the idea of a perfect schedule." The road to perfection is not an easy one, however. Often, courses are added or dropped from the master schedule during the summer, resulting in incomplete student rosters. Many times tbs limits options for a new class selection since most classes are full by fall registration. "They cancelled classes and took me out of a class that I needed for my major," Annmarie O'Mara, senior, said. "Some students don't take pre-registration seriously," Fetterhoffsajd. ''They don't really give a lot of thought to course selection and the chronology of their schedule. They don't really know how courses will fit into their work schedules." "I signed up for a course, but I didn't know there was a prerequisite for it, so I had to drop it and take another course," Marissa Bartholomew, senior, said, Course closings also added to the pile of drop/add forms on the registar's desk this semester. According to the master schedule put out by the registrar's office, when a course meets maximum enrollment restrictions, the class is closed unless seats
become available during the drop/add period. A student may have signed up for a course during pre-registration, but if the class becomes full, the student's schedule seems empty on the day of fall registration. Diana Adelizzi, senior, found this to be¡ the case. ''.Atpre- registration, I signed up for a course that was not listed as closed, but when I came back after the summer, they told me it was closed," she said. Twelve time changes listed on the master schedule added to the complications as ¡ well. It is not the registrar's office that changes class times, however, it is the individual department or instructor. Time changes are a result of resignations, sabbaticals and other commitments. "We are aware of the problem for students," Fetterhoff said. "We try to discourage departments from time changes. I try to see if there is a way to prevent it." With 17 course cancellations, the stack of ,drop/add forms piled higher. According to Fetterhoff, this happens when not enough students sign up for a class. "I signed up for a course in my major last spring, during pre-registration,'' Janet Palmero, senior, said. ''This fall, I found out that the class was cancelled. I was told I have to get permission to take the course next semester while I am student teaching. I need this course so I can graduate in May." When asked about the reason for the cancellation, Palmero said, "I was told that
the instructor had prior commitments and couldn't teach the course this semester." Forgery was another problem the-registrar's office faced. The office noticed signatures which were not those of the faculty . advisers. "In some cases it was obvious to us that there was a forgery," Fetterhoff said, "but it is not always easy tospot. We can't question every student." One stuQ.ent who admitted to forging said, "I didn't even think twice about it. I couldn't find my adviser. I'd walk over to her office and she was never there. She would have signed it, but I just couldn't find her." Another student who wrote her adviser's name on a drop/add form agreed.
They cancelledclassesand took me out of a classthat I neededfor my major.' -Annmarie O'Mara,senior "It's not like it was a check or something," she said. "It wasn't going to hurt anyone." According to the registrar, there were some cases in which advisers signed blank drop/add forms, leaving the student the chance to write in an unapproved schedule.
:A.tpre-registration,I signed up for a coursethat was not listedas closed,but when I came back after the summer,they told me it was closed.' -Diana Adelizzi,senior The format of the drop/add form may add to the problem. The procedure requires an instuctor's signature for class additions, but no signature is required for drops. Since an adviser only signs the form once, it is easy for a student to drop courses without approval. This can complicate matters for instructors who do r..otknow how many seats may be available until final class lists are processed. This makes it too late for a student who wants to add the course since the add period ends before final lists are distributed.
According to 1''etterhofl; there has been no disciplinary action taken at this time, but if the forgery persists, he will turn the problem over to the academic dean's office.
loquitur- friday,october 10, 1986
Convocation not taken Who cares who's seriously by students on board' On Friday, October 3, a very special event, or rather what should have been a It all started with "Baby on Board." special event, took place here at Cabrini - Convocation. Convocation is an event Those annoying, yellow which should be looked forward to by students and parents. Instead, it is a one- signs with that phrase, written in black, came popping up on every station wagon hour ceremony which many regard as a waste of time. window in town (and suburbs) last winter.
This fall, Convocation was not considered a high-point in Parents Weekend. Then, someone came up with "Child on Board," so as not to embarrass the four and Why? There are many reasons for this. While some students have ''better things five-year olds. to do" on a Friday night, others are embarrassed to be going. After all, Friday nights are for parties, not award ceremonies. The purpose of these signs escapes me. I guess it's to make drivers aware that a baby
Those students receiving awards at Convocation should be proud of their is in that particular car and that they accomplishments, :cot embarrassed. They've worked hard for them and deserve shouldn't hit that car. Instead, when about the recognition which Convocation offers. to be in an accident, drivers should aim for We believe there are two things Cabrini can do to restore the purpose of Convocation: 1- Convocation could be held at another time, Sunday afternoon for example. This way, students won't have to be embarrassed by saying they're going to Convocation on a Friday night. Also, more parents will be able to attend Convocation and not worry about having to leave work early; and 2 - More attention should be given to these students. One story in the paper is not enough. We hope that students will take Spring Convocation more seriously than they did Fall Convocation. These students worked hard for their awards and they deserve more than what was given to them Friday night.
a car without those signs on the window. Personally, I would feel like purposely driving toward the car with that diamondshaped neon sign on it just because they annoy me so much. As if those two signs weren't enough, there is now an entire assortment of signs available for every kind of person around. The store I worked for this summer sold these signs, and I always enjoyed seeing the kind of people who bought them. There was the cute, young couple, baby in arms, who bought the "Baby on Board" -sign, and the 17-year old boy, box on shoulder, who bought the "Party Animal on Board" sign. There was
katewelsh the nice old lady who bought "Proud Grandparent on Board," and the totally cool surfer who bought the "Beach Bum on Board." There was the mellowed-out women who bought "Pisces on Board," and the boisterous man who bought "Ex-wife in Trunk." The people who really impressed me were those who bought the sign "Who Cares Who's on Board." This is intelligent. Obviously, they are trying to make a statement against these signs, but they are really no better than the car with the sign "Mikey Likes It" because they, too, now have a yellow yield sign. I once saw a station wagon with 12 of these signs on its windows. What purpose do they serve other than obstructing the driver's view and annoying other people? Supposedly,.these yellow yield signs are illegal. If this is true, then why does every third car have one? Imagine the man who invented these signs. He is now driving around in his Rolls Royce with a yellow sign saying - "Millionaire on Board."
Studentappreciates ordinary lifeof professional by Kimberly Kovach
was greeted by a large fluffy golden retriever who drooled on my Reebok's.
and I played and they played and we had a great time.
When a friend of mine asked me ifl could babysit in place of her, my first thought was, "not on a Friday night!" Then I thought about the option once more and decided that I could handle passing up one Friday night to study, relax, and get paid for doing so; I accepted. '
I rang the doorbell, not quite knowing who to expect to answer, and then heard someone yell, "It's open, come on in." What, no maid, no servant?
I couldn't help but notice every detait"in the house. I was floored when I realized they have the same wallpaper in one of their bathrooms as we have in ours at home. Most of the rooms were big and all were decorated very nicely. I found, however, that just like any other American family, they spend most of their time in the family room with a couch, loveseat, recliner, and a 19-inch colored television. (Their wide-screen TV was in the living room.)
My friend told me the house was beautiful. My friend told me the children were good; two boys, one ten, the other five. And then she told me we were talking about Joe Klecko's home and children! Joe Klecko is a professional football player. He is a noseguard for the New York Jets with an excellent reputation. While driving toward their home to babysit, many thoughts entered my mind. First was the thought of a Doberman Pinscher, or two, biting at my ankles as I opened my car door. Much to my surprise, I
That is when I met Debbie Klecko, Joe's wife. She introduced me to some friends of hers and then to her older son and a friend of his from the elementary school. I was going to babysit the two of them that evening. I wouldn't be meeting Joe, Debbie explained. "He is only home on Tuesday's during the season. It's tough, but I've gotten used to it." She gave me the usual babysitter's instructions and then she and her friends were off.
So here I was in a big, beautiful house with a couple often year old boys. I studied and they played; I browsed and they played;
Activitieslack publicity Dear Editor: I am a former member of the Loquitur staff, and upon reading the first issue of the paper, I was upset to discover that there was no TWAC (This Week at Cabrini) section on the last page anymore. I questioned my roommate, a current member of the Loquitur staff, as to why there was no TWAC in Loquitur. She said that it was decided that it would be less expensive to print calendars for the student's use rather than put TWAC in the paper each week. While it may be true that printing calendars is less expensive, I think the calendars are not as efficient in spreading the word around campus regarding campus events. I used to know about campus events at least a week before they occurred. I used to know when "Tuesdays" was going to be held,
when and where dances were going to be held, and about many other campus events. Now I feel lost regarding these matters. I have also noticed that there was less participation at the campus events I did attend, such as the "Welcome Back Dance" and the first "Tuesdays." I feel this is due to the lack of .publicity of these events through the Loquitur. What happens when clubs can't sponsor campus events because they don't have enough funds due to a fundraiser they financed that nobody showed up at? In short, I am requesting that whomever can get TWAC back in the Loquitur consider doing so. I think it would be most beneficial to all concerned. Sincerely, Lisa Ann Rancatore, junior
On the counter in the kitchen by the telephone, was the September 29, 1986 issue of Sports Illustrated. The cover picture was of a team member of the Giants and one of the Jets. I opened the magazine to the cover story. It was such a thrill to read about the Jets and Joe Klecko when I was in his kitchen!
In last week's issue, Rachel Athelia Anderson's story, "Academic scholarships: Relief comes in 'three's'," had an error. Please note that a 3.3 average is necessary to maintain any freshman academic scholarship - some ~re $500 and some are $1500, not all are $1000. We regret this error.
Loquiturwelcomes letters to the 5----:~dito,----Names must be known to the editor, however, if the writer wishes, names may be withheld from print.
In another room, pictures ofKlecko and teammates such as Mark Gastineau, Marty Lyons, and Abdul Salaam covered the walls. On a long pine table, were game footbalJ~ and trophies from years of success. The gym (yes, they have a fully equipped gym in their house) had hundreds of trophies as well, from high school, college, amateur, and professional seasons. It was very impressive. It was an interesting night babysitting. I realized that no matter who you are, how much money you make, or what reputation you have, you live a normal life.
And later that night when I went into the closet to put away the Walt Disney edition of Trivial Pursuit, I was absolutely amazed to find a Pittsburgh Steelers hat on the shelf.
Editor: Kole Welsh Monoging Editor: Monico Palko News Editor Christy Mason Assistants Mono O"Brien. Yvette Ousely Perspectives Editor: Kimberly Kovach Features Editors: Kathy Hibbard and Robin Mckeon Sports Editor Lisa Mason BusinessManager Aleta Hladl<y Copy Editor Jeanne Reineberg Graphics Editor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Editor Chris Corcoran Photography Adviser: Dr Carter Craig1e Adviser: Dr Jerome Zurek Stoff: Rochel Anderson. Regino Battiato, Beth Bittner, Denise llrody. Potty Brown. Leah Coscorina. Christine Cocchia. Rhonda DonnenhOwer. Kathleen Dooley. Donna Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Anne Fahy, Brion Feeley, Debbie Ferrar, Liz Flies. Stephanie Giardini, Kitty Kelley. Meghann Johnson, Kathleen McCabe, Jacqui McClernon. Potty Moore. Debbi Murphy, Monica Pollca. Patricio Ruppe. Koren Slegl. Jim Steine,. Loquitur 1spublished weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor. Pennsylvania 19087 Subscripflon price ts $20 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees Loqu1tur welcomes letters ta the editor. Letters should be Signed and the authorship known to the editors. Hawevet If the writer wishes. and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and on inscription Inserted such as ¡name withheld at the request of the writer:¡ Letters should be typed. doubtespoced. and no more than 300 words in length. If o letter Is too tong for the ovollobte space: the editor may edit or oondense. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
loquitur- friday,october 10, 1986
OutstandingSenior Edllor's noteThe Outstanding Seniors column is a weekly column dedicated to those seniors who have contributed greatly to their class and to the college as a whole. If there is a senior who you feel merits recognition in this column, please write a short teller explaining why this person
deserves recognition
and submit it to the
by Beth Ann Bittner
I1;ltestacon_iesfrom a big, Italian family of eight. She 1s the middle child in between four brothel'l? and one sister. She admits that her family is very important to her and that she loves them very much. "My family is my best friend " latest.a said. ' "I enjoy being friends with Michelle," Chris Francis, junior, said, "because she is easy to talk to and cares a lot about people."
She has a smile and a personality that bubbles over with enthusiasm. She coaxes people to get involved in school functions and fundraisers with advertising that has a prominent, industrious style. Most of us know her as the senior class president. Others know her as that helpful girl in fiancial aid or the energetic orientation counselor. Her friends know her simply as Michelle, a person who's there through the best of times and the worst of times. This "Miss Congeniality of Cabrini" is (photo by Kelvin Taylor) none other than Michelle Iatesta, senior. "Michelle is one of the most supportive Believe it or not, four years ago, this outpeople I've ever known," Monica Palko going senior was not planning on attending junior, said. "No matter what she wa~ college. ''The whole thought of college was just so doing, she always had the time to talk to me." overwhelming," Iatesta said. "I just wasn't "She knows what makes people tick " ready to face it." ' According to Iatesta she had enjoyed Francis said. high school so much that she didn't feel ~at~sta aW?its that she needs people. Michelle 1s the kind of person that you anything could beat it. She also felt that she didn't have a special skill that was mar- know ~ill_ always be there," Christy ketable. Mason, Jumor, said. "She's the kind of perOnce Iatesta decided that she was going son you want to share the good things that to go to college and that it would be here at happen in your life with because you know Cabrini College, it took her a while to she'll really be psyched for you." "I'In:a_firm bel~ever in supporting people adjust. She entered her freshman year as a com- and g1vmg credit, where credit is due " Iatesta said. ' muter and was majoring in special education. Iatesta says that she has no regrets of the As she started to adjust she decided that way she has spent the last four years. She she was going to throw herself into has enjoyed them through the good times activities and become involved. Iatesta ran and the bad times. for sophomore class president and won. Now, as a senior, she is just as over"Winning class president was the big- whelmed as she was when she was a freshgest shock to me," Iatesta said. "I really man. "Being a senior is a scary thought " didn't expect to win because of all the put- Iatesta said. "You have to start worryin'g downs you hear about commuters." about the future instead of day-to-day Becoming class ·president was only the things like passing a test." beginning. Iatesta said that she really doesn't know Since freshman year, Iatesta has what she is going to do when she graduchanged her major to human service man- ates. She might take some time off and agement, has been part of student govern- travel. "Whatever I do decide to do after ment (SGA), is a member of Kappa Sigma graduation," she said, "it will definitely Omega, the Honor Society, orientation and deal with people." works in the financial aid office. Iatesta is interested in fields ranging But is Michelle Iatesta always so happy- fro~ an ~dmissions director for a college to go-lucky? cruise director of a ship. "I really do have a serious side to me," "I do know what I don't want to do," she she said. "Not everybody gets to see it said, "and I think that's a good place to start." though."
LITTLE THEATRE-"The Diary of Adam and Eve," will be presented on October 10th and 11th at 8 p.m. in the Little Theatre at Cabrini College. The play will be part of an evening revue featuring Cabrini College students performing scenes from other popular plays, monologues and songs. Admission is $2.50, and students and senior citizens pay $1.50. Tickets may be purchased at the door. For reservations, call Cabrini's Little Theatre at' 215-687-2100, ext.510. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL U.S.A.-Amnesty International U.S.A. will sponsor a lecture/discussion by Congressman William Gray, chairman of the House of Representatives budget Committee, on Sunday October 12, at 7p.m. Gray will speak on "South Africa: The unsurpassed Human Rights Abuser" at the Radnor Middle School Commons. For further information call 215-687- 0149.
CHILDREN'S SCHOOL-The Children's School will present a workshop on conscious parenting on October 15th. The workshop will include exercises, guided imagery and group discussion to provide a way that parents can re-examine the parent-child relationship. The workshop will be held in the library conference room. Pre-registration is required. The fee is $20.
COMMUTER AFFAIRS CLUB HAYRIDE-On Oct. 24, the Commuter Affair Club is sponsoring a hayride at Duncan Farms, Devon Street Rd., from 9 p.m. - 11 p.m. Following the hayride will be a bonfire. The cost is $3 for members, $5 for guests. Names will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. For more info or to sign up, contact Maria Stellabotto, box 664 or Katie Welsh, box 673.
NATIONAL COLLEGE INTERNSHIP SERVICE INC. (NCIS)-NCIS of New York assists undergraduate and graduate SYMPOSIUM ON AMERICAN EDUstudents to obtain individually designed CATiON TO BE HELD AT IP-Some o internships in their major fields during the nation's most prominent educators, political activists and government leaders summer 1987 and December/January Intersession 1986-1987. Placement is avail- will meet at Indiana University of Pennsylable in New York City, Long Island and vania for a national symposium to debate West Chester. Early application is the nature and future of education in America, Oct. 23-25. The purpose of the essential. Write or call: National College Intern- symposium, "American Dreams: The National Debate aboutthe Future ship Service of Education," is to raise the r.najor issues 374 New York Avenue Huntington, about education and schooling in AmeriNew York 11743 can society. 516-673- 0440 Two keynote debates will be featured. On-campus information is available through the Career and Internship Place- '.J'hefirst, "Education, Values and Society," 1sscheduled for 8 p.m., Oct. 24. The second, ment offices. "T~e Future of American Education," SELF-TAUGHT WORD PROCESSING-The new word processing tutoring begms at 10:20 a.m. on Oct. 25. program is now available by appointment For more info write "American Dreams only. Students who wish to use the self~aught system must see Dr. Arthur Young Symposium," School of Continuing and Non-Resident Education, IUP, Indiana, PA m the CARe Center for an appointment. NEW EDUCATION RESOURCE CEN- 15705, or call (412) 357-2227. TER COORDINATOR-Ellen Fisher has replaced Elizabeth Endy as coordinator, Education Resource Center. She is currently taking courses at Villanova Uni- PSYCHOLOGY CLUB SPONSORS versity for her librarian certification. This GET-TOGETHER-The Psychology fall she will be student teaching. Club is sponsoring a get-together for stuENGLISH AND COMMtJNICATIONS dents in the psychology and social sciences DEPARTMENT LECTURE-KYW-TV departments andmembers of the Psycholanchorwoman Jackie Hays will lecture on ogy and Social Work Clubs on Oct. 21, 6 how s~ries are written for TV on Oct. 14, at p.m. - 8 p.m., in the Blue room in Grace 1 p.m. m the WCLH. All English and com- Hall. For more info contact Peter munications majors ai;e required to attend. Rudegeair, box 148.
Jab Squad Mother's helper - Excellent so,ory flexible hour~ and own transportation needed (frveminutes from Cabrini) Coll 293- 9563 evenings Regina Nursing Center• FT/PTPQSJtions cvai:Ob'e in our f21bed geriotrtC nurs,ng foci',ty Expenence s not required. as we offei on 1n-dep•~ lro:ring program to al' new staff member; For more 1nfcrmotion co•t ory wo,kdoy from 9 om. to 5 pm.
Counter Help - For C'Brian News. 30-40 hours per week. $3.35-$4.00. Call Ed Nord, at 688-4199.
Meritor Mortgage• Need typist for accounting dept. Type checks 45 w.p.m '15-18hours per week (flexible). Call Deane Johnson for appt. at 734-5889.
Childcare• For two girls in home. Ages three to 16 mon1hs. Non-smoker, refererces required 001:y basis. 11/.ondoy-Fndoy 7:30 a m.-4 30 pm Neea cor Coll Ellen Simon ar 446- 3402
Ski & Sun Tours • Now hiring few active students •o sell and promote wmter and sprirg colleg,te vocations Flexible hours. Call Scott Fine at (301) 486-6750
Realaw Associates, Inc. - Gal Friday needed for lleol Estate Management Co. onWayne Pleasant telephone vo,ce. typ,ng. fling and general office skills necessary Port time. f'ex,b e hoJrs and pleasant working concitions Cell 964-9222
Chili's· Now Hiring. apply in person MondayFriday 900-4 30. 312W. Lancoste, Ale (next to Minello's). For a great ptoce ta place else ~ CM's.
Sunday sitter - For three year olds (one to six kids) at SI.Mary's in Wa-tne. from 9-50-1120am Call Mrs. Stratton at 688-'tll'.2. e;enings.
Holiday Health Spa. 1woopenings avollable 20-25 hr; per/wit Person needed to work at juice bar Free use of the spa. Coll Kathy Cummings at 644-7537 atte, 5 p.rn
PT Office help - Ccnsu!!,ng for oensions. word proce5Sing and off<:e tasks Two 10 focr days a week. 'l'.l:00· 2 00. $5.00 per,hou, Co:I of Ice hour; the Human Resource Services Dept at 527-5345. Ask for Pnil Fogt,
Childcare - For a one-year old, on Wednesdays from 9:00-5:00 pm. FITor PIT 8:00-100 p.m, or 11:00-600 pm (flexible). Col Cnristine ~oyock ot 254-9351 In the evening Room & Board • In exchange for light housekeeping and bobys,fting . rrust be a female Located on Radnor. Co: Annette >iypho at 687-1271
Help Wanted - Earn free vocations and cash We need a few good students to he,p us PARTY during Spring Break help us orgoroze voco1,or.s to Florida and o•hei destlrotions on your campus. Work around school scheoules If your ore on organozed. outgoing persor or a fraternity, soror,•y or sf\Jdent organizotjon or just a Por1y an,mol rock. with usto the fun and sun for spring break '87. Rep!\' to Natloncl Student Travel Serv1ces.PO Box1193.Ormond Seoch. Fl 32074 or ca11904-441-TOUR(8687)
Holiday Inn · Accepting applcotions tor banquet set up, bvs person. bartendeis worterlwo1tress.Appt 1 onperson of 260 Goddard Blvd.behind King of.Prussia plaza.
Two bOys needed - For house work (plant spring bulbs and put away pool fumlturei Hours and salary negotiable. Coll Mrs. Barnes of 687-4968 evenings
Permanent PT positions-Positions ore CM'.lilobleworking with emotionottv disflJrbed children In residential setting. Positions are located in Chesler and ~aware counties Job ttttes: night attendants. residential aides, recreational aides, mental heolfh technician aides. Requrement>: must be 21year• of age and possess a valid drlve(s license. Hours:weekends. weekdays as your schedule permits-Salary: depends on posrtion: ranges from $4.65/hr to $5:05.'lv.Acceptable mojOrs are Education. Psychology, Social Sc,ences, and Arts. Col Devonarea- Lemuel Defibaugh of 964- 309\ Malvernarea • John Krawchuk at 296-6952 or West Chaste, area .JooeVoslle at 431-8119.
Secretary • Busyaccounting firm in Rosemont is looking for someone with excellent typing and dictophone skil~and a pleasant phone manner Exo<>rienceon the IBM PC is helpful but net necessary. Salary ,s negotiable. Please coll f'o! at Rudney. Rudney. and Company 527-n50
Klndargarden Teacher - PA.Certification FIT credits in early childhood Two teachers. Daily basis 10:00 o.m.-5:30 pm. Salary negotooble. Lincoln Doy Nursery. 6301 Elmwood Ave Philadelphia, Po. '19142.Can 724-0471 Babysitter· Needed for 2-year old. Flexible time schedule. Need car Coll Beth Elkins at 687-1483. Students· Earn extra cash International communico1ions research needs telephone interveiwers for day, evening and week-end shifts to conduct pubhc opinion research, no sales. Full training flexible hours. Coll ICRIJudy Forrest at 565-9298
loquitur - friday,october10, 1986
The 1987yearbook:
Depletedfundsforcenew fee by Kathleen Dooley
While American politicians continue to worry about the federal deficit, so too must Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English/communications department, worry about deficit spending, only on a smaller scale. This story of deficit spending began in 1980, when there was a lack of sufficient funds to cover the cost of "Woodcrest," Cabrini's yearbook. . In order to pay for the 1980 yearbook, Zurek borrowed money from the 1981 budget. He did the same for the '81 edition, taking money from the '82 budget, and so on for each of the following years. According to Zurek, the yearbook budget has been frozen since 1980. There has been no increase in the budget since that year. However, the costs of creating and publishing the yearbook have risen each year.
Zurek predicts that there is a 75 percent difference in the costs of producing the yearbook since 1980, while there has been no increase in the budget.
Unlikethe nation'sdeficit spendingproblem,the yearbooksspending problemhas been solved with the '87 edition.Since there is no budgetto borrow from , there is no way possibleto deficitspend. Therefore, in 1986, Zurek took all of the funds alloted for the 1987 yearbook to pay for the '86 edition.
Supportevident on campus
Unlike the nation's deficit spending problem, the yearbook's spending problem has been solved with the '87 edition. Since there is no budget to borrow from, there is no way possible to deficit spend.
What does this mean for the future of ----------------"Woodcrest?" It means that each person wanting a yearbook must pay for it them'I want to selves. The cost for the '87 edition will be $20. To purchase the "Woodcrest," students may sign for it. Tables will be set up in the cafeteria and the WigWam in the next few weeks. The charge will be placed automatically onto the tuition bill.
According to B.J. Petracci, senior, editorin-chief of the 1987 yearbook, this years yearbook theme is "Cabrini: This is Us."
After graduation, Cabrini becomes a thing of the past, right? For many Cabrini alumni, this is dead wrong. Cabrini College alumni are not only contributing monetarily to the college, but are also participating in events geared not only for them but for students currently attending Cabrini. Alumni contributions are acquired in two ways. One is through direct mail and the other through personal approach. The alumni office sends out a direct appeal in October to its alumni for contributions. However, mail can be shuffied under papers or thrown away easily. The major fundraising activity sponsored by the alumni is the annual phonathon. This event raises 60 percent of alumni contributions. Held in February of every year, the phonathon is successful in part because alumni call other alumni asking for donations. In 1986 they raised $29,652. The Alumni Annual Fund is co-chaired by two alumni, who work with Martha Dale, director of alumni, in overseeing the annual drive. The 1985-1986 co-cha-irpe~sons were Regina Boyle '63, and Turrie Hundermark '83. The 1986-87 co-chairpersons are Regina Boyle '63 and Peggy Kravatz '83. The average donation in 1985-86 was $47. The donors received a thank-you note and a receipt. The Alumni Office then sends out a Cabrini ·college Support Report, which lists all the donors for that year. There are special membership clubs for donors according to the amount they contributed. The clubs break into the following: the Founders Club, contributing $10,000 per year; the Ambassadors Club, contributing $5,000 per year; the Associates Club, contributing $1000 per year; the Pacesetters Club, contributing $500 per year; the Advocates Club, contributing $250 per year; the Century Club, contributing $100 per year and the donors, contributing up to $99. The money goes into a holding fund to be divided at the end of the year for college expenses. However, the donor is able to specify when placing his donation where he would like his money to be used. Onethird of alumni donations are used for scholarships. The Alumni Association awards an.annual scholarship to an incoming student based on merit. The criteria is a 1000 on the college boards <SAT's)and rank in the top 10 percent of the graduating class. The student must keep a 3.3 gradepoint average in order to maintain it.
capturethe spirit of Cabrini.' -8.J. Petracci;editor-inchief,"Woodcrest"
Those who wish to work on the 1987 edition of "Woodcrest" may contact Petracci. Her box is 526. Meeting times and locations are to be announced.
The Top honored at Convocation
Sophomores who are on Dean's list are: Lisa Amici, Kathleen Atzenhoffer, Theresa Daly, Susan Flynn, Donna Grasso, Karen One-sixth is given to the Alumni AssoOn Friday, Oct. 3, at 7:30 p.m., Parents Holcombe, Andrea Jost, Lisa Kantor, ciation to run their projects. Another oneWeekend officially began with the annual Judith Krajnak, Latonya Lucas, Judy sixth is used for the College Operating Fall Convocation. One hundred and eighty- Mancuso, Cheryl- McGinty, Cheryl Fund for unrestricted purposes. seven students received awards this year, McMurtrie, Patricia Miller, Karen O'ConOne-sixth is given to the Special School ranging from Dean's list to Bruckmann nor, Terrie Pancio, Beth Pupkiewicz, Paola Fund for Children of Alumni. This fund Scholars. Riccione, Rr, Roseanne Rossello, Elizabeth was set up so that children of alumni could When asked about this year's Convoca- Smith, Thresa Tabasso, and Leo attend Cabrini if they could not otherwise tion, Dr. Joseph Romano, vice-president of Valentino. afford to do so. It is based on both merit and academic affairs, said he felt there is not as need. To keep this fund, a 2.5 cumulative mch excitement involved in Fall ConvocaThe Charles A. Mastronardi Service and average must be maintained. The last onetion as there is in the Spring Convocation. Leadership award was granted to Joseph sixth is given to special projects sponsored Romano hopes to reverse that. "We're Giuffre, Mary Kate Grimley, Michelle by the alumni. thinkingof bringing in well-known Iatesta, Patrick McKenna, Jeanne Last year, for example, the alumni assospeaker for the fall. We'd also like to work Reineberg, and Virginia Smith. ciation co-sponsored the visit of Robert E. with Martha Dale and do something speThe Cabrini College Alumni Association White, former ambassador to El Salvador, cial with the alumni," he said. Annual Merit Scholarships were awarded to the college. In preparation for the col"I was a little disappointed (with Fall to Mary Kate Grimley, Kathleen Hibbard, lege's 30th anniversary in 1987, the Convocation)" Romano said. "I don't think Michelle Holmes, Andree Jost, Megan Alumni Association would like to refurwe promoted the Bruckmann scholars McHale, and Roseanne Rossello. bish the furniture in the Mansion lobby. enough this year. Also, Dean's list should '½lumni support is very important to the be recognized for what it is, an honor. It's The Bruckm~r:.., Scholar was awarded to college, not only because of the amount not easy to get on our Dean's list." the top fiftee~,students in the school. These that they give, but also because of the Those making Dean's list are: Seniors: include: Donna Angelucci, Rita amount of cooperation they give the Diana Adelizzi, Trina Alyanakian, Larry Armstrong, Nancy Giloley, Kathleen Hibschool," Dale said. "When the college is Aquino, Donna Blyskal, Angela Bove, bard, Karen Holcombe, Michelle latesta, going out to firms asking for contributions, Anthony Bowden, Ruth Brown, Paul Cam- Andree Jost, Lisa Kantor, Elizabeth they are able to point to the high rate of panella, Amy Capozucca, Jean Cotignola, Mahoney, ,Patricia Miller, Maureen Mursupport that we get from our alumni." Karen Dawson, Annemarie DiFelice, Gia ray, Karen O'Connor, Roseanne Rossello "The participation rate for Cabrini' alumni DiGiminani, Nina Dolce, Paul Engel, Kim- Elizabeth Smith, Theresa Tabasso, and is 46 percent, which is high for a school our berly Field, Margaret Galvin, Kathleen Leo Valentino. size," she said. "Their (the alumni's) value Gamble, Nancy Giloley, Mary Grimley, goes beyond dollars." Denise Hee, Colleen Hogan, Donna The Alumni Association sponsors many The Cabrini College Alumni ScholHorsley, Michelle latesta, Kimberly events during the year. arship Fund Awards were given to John LaPlante, Patricia Lee, Julia Malik, Callinan, John Donahue, and Loretta In November, the association sponsors Catherine Mangam, Marguerite, Mar- O'Fria. the annual Alumni- Senior dinner. At this garet McKay, Thresa McNulty, Patricia candlelight dinner, given in honor of the The Jane Schwartz Benjamin Memorial McPhelim, Kathleen Mornell, Maureen Scholarship was awarded to Marcella Kutseniors, the Mother Ursula Award recipiMurray, Maryellen Noonan, Maria tler. The Patience Cavanagh McFadden ent is chosen. This award is the only award in which the reipient is nominated by his - O'Brien, Cara O'Donnell, Michele Pas- Memorial Scholarship was granted to querello, Denise Penn, Barbara Petracci, Michael Edmondson. The Lawrence R. peers. The Alumni Association, at this Barbara Picciottim Linda Posse, Peter Sedler Memorial Award was given to Cartime, is introduced to the seniors. Rudegeair, Lori Rudinski, Cathy Sacks, olyn Hurley. Julie Senatore, David Shackleford, Kenneth Sholka, Elizabeth Smith, Virginia The Career Experience Opportunity Smith, Laura Sullivan Theresa Tabasso, program is also sponsored by the alumni. The Lindback Foundation granted three Leo Valentino, Cynthia Weiss. This is a program where informal internscholarships to Peter Casazza, Eileen Junior Dean's list members include: Zebrowski, and Jill Lehman. The PHEAA ships are set up with alumni. Some alumni Mary Jo Ambrogi, Donna Angelucci, Rita scholar in education was awarded to are willing to have students work for a Armstrong, Maureen Becker, Teresa Deanna Zulli. Presidential scholarships brief period of time with them. Others are Beisser, Dina Branco, Marylynn Buddy,· were granted to Lisa Kantor, Sean willing to discuss their careers with interAliza Candelori, Leah Cascarina, Theresa McWilliams, Karen O'Connor, Rebecca ested students. The fields are varied. This Ciarlante, Kevin Corcoran, Michele Dahl, Rebalsky, and Kathleen Welsh. program is co-run by Donna Seckar, direcCarolyn Duckworth, Michael Edmondson, tor of career counseling. Seven new members were accepted into Pamela Esposito, James Falletta, Mary the Society for Collegiate Journalists: Lisa The association has an annual Alumni Fenerty, Katherine Funk, Kathleen Hib- Mason, Kimberly Stevens, Kathleen HibDay, which this year will be on Oct. 18. bard, Kathleen Hilden, Carolyn Hurley, bard, Jeanne Reineberg, Kathleen Welsh, Class reunions are held every five years for Jeanine Johnston, Carole Kirchner, Marie Yvette Ousley, and Maria O'Brien. the respective classes. The college's very Lis, Kimberly Lowry, Elizabeth Mahoney, first 25th class reunion is the night of this The Cabrini College Honor Society Lisa Mason, Kathleen McGorry, Megan inducted 12 new members Friday night. year's Alumni Day. McHale, Tracy Miller, Lisa Mummert, In January, the alumni schedule a They were Diana Adelizzi, Thresa Beisser, Deborah Murphy, Yvette Ousley, Jeanne Dina Branco, Annemarie DiFelice, CarCareer's Workshop, where recent alumni of Reineberg, Richard Roth, Sharon Sides, olyn Hurley, Jeanine Johnson, Marguerite Cabrini talk about the job search and their Maria Stellabotte, Lauriano Tomaszeski, McFadden, Maryellen Noonan, Peter job, and offer career advice. Next year, a Maria Watson, Kathleen Welsh, Jennifer Rudegeair, Laura Sullivan, Maria Watson, directory is in the planning which will list Wimmer, Deanna Zulli. all the alumni and their jobs. arid Deanna Zulli. by Kate Welsh
by Donna Dougherty
She plans to put all aspects of the college into it. Petracci added that a free poster giving a eneral notion of its contents will be included. "I want to capture the spirit of Cabrini," she said.
loquitur- friday,october10, 1986
'If Johnnycan'tread SuperSunday: who is to blame?' ¡.Phillyprepsto party by John Dunleavy
by Catherine Kelley
Somewhere in the house can be heard the monotone echoes of a 24-inch sound box being blown away by the vibrations of the 29,000 watt flame thrower. In another room, intervals of small blips can be detected along with an elaborate digital display. However, no where to be found is your basic small desk with a lighted lamp and a human body absorbed in Hemingway. Over in the far corner, the only other materials in sight are apparent school books lying in disarray, marked indelibly with images of Ozzy Ozbourne and the Grateful Dead. Although not all teen-agers are exposed to this atmosphere, most ofus can relate to the influences of the mass media on the young generation. Are television, radio and computer technology big factors in contributing to the illiteracy of the young generation? "Many students are spending too much time enjoying, not learning." Dr. Arthur E. Young, associate professor, English and communications, said. Young suggests that students develop a mix of learning and enjoying. "Even though there is a difference between learning and enjoying, our learning experiences can be enjoyable if we are open to letting them be," he said. Ever since the evolution of MTV (Music Television) five years ago, questions have been raised concerning it as a prime source of ignorance in teenagers. "MTV is a strong influence on the young, however, I am not against MTV but rather the students misuse of it. It is contributing to passiveness on their part," Young said.
Just because summer is over and school has begun again does not mean all of the fun times in Philadelphia are over. Super Sunday is Philadelphia's official 'goodbye' to summer and 'hello' to fall. It is "the world's largest block party," Patricia Clutz, public relations director of the event, said. Every year for the past 16 years, people from all over the Delaware Valley have turned out for this farewell to summer, and this year should be no exception. On Sunday, Oct. 19, Super Sunday will take over the streets of Philadelphia from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The activities will stretch from the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art to Logan Square along the Ben Franklin Parkway. As in the past, there will be an abundance of entertainment. Six stages will feature classical music, rock music, ballet, jazzercise, Shakespeare for Children, and the St. Peter's Bell Ringers.
'Its a complexworld out there,and althoughthe mediaand MTV are contributingto illiteracy,the main problemcomes from studentswho are not keeping their prioritiesin perspective.' -Dr. Arthur Young,associateprofessor,Englishand communications Other influences on teenagers are television and computers. When asked ifhe thought these factors attributed to a decline in reading, Young said, "Students are reading less because they don't know how to enjoy reading. This is a failure of the education system because they don't make learning as interesting as it should be." Chuck Couwels, sophomore, agreed. "Most of us read because we have to read to fill a requirement, not because we want to," he said. Computers have become an integral part of society, but have they contributed to a decline in the thought process? Young doesn't think so. "I feel people are thinking more because of computers. I think it's wonderful because a student is more likely to change something if they know it can be erased with one push of a button," Young said. "Computers can greatly enhance education if they are used properly." As technology becomes more complicated, increased knowledge gains even greater importance. Archie E. Lapointe, executive director of the National Assessment said, "Now that we are moving into a service economy where people have to gather and assimilate information, we can no longer hide the fact, or live with the fact, that we have a literacy problem." '1t'&.a complicated world out there," Yqung said, "and although the media and MTV are contributing to illiteracy, the main problem comes from students who are not keeping their priorities in perspective."
Can you affordto gamble with the LSAT,GMAT, GRE,orMCAT? Probably not. Great grades alone may not be enough to impress the grad school of your choice. Scores play a part. And that's how Stanley H. Kaplan can help. The Kaplan course teaches test-taking techniques, reviews course subjects, and increases the odds that you'll do the best you can do. So if you've been out of school for a while and need a refresher, or even if you're fresh out of college, do what over 1 million students have done. Take Kaplan. Why take a chance with your career?
''There were so many people, so many different things," DiFelice said.
'My favoritething about SuperSundayis all the differentkindsof food.' -Annemarie DiFelice, senior For food fans, Super Sunday is the ticket to an all-day binge. From Philly pretzels to delicacies of the far east, over 500 vendors will seek to tantalize your taste buds. "There's lots of junk food: funnel cakes, ribs, and all of my favoites," Diana Adelizzi, senior, said. "My favorite thing about Super Sunday is all the different kinds of food," Annemarie DiFelice, senior, said. "I liked it. I went a couple of years ago and I thought it was different," Mary Ellen Noonan, senior, said. ''They had a WMMR and WYSP booth and they gave out bumper stickers and other stuff like that. They even had a fortune teller and a beer company had an arm wrestling competition," she said.
Une convement way to reach the activities is to take the Paoli local to Penn Center and head for the Parkway. "I just take Septa down and follow the crowd," Noonan said.
Other attractions include Craft Alley, Sports Alley, ECO Alley, Fine Arts Plaza, InternationaL Sports, The Free Library Book Sale and a children's section.
An Academic Alley on Eakins Oval will be an added attraction this year. This year's theme is "Campus Philadelphia - Get to Know Us!" There will be over 60 colleges and universities from the Philadelphia area participating. As to Cabrini's representation at the event, Diane Kolodzinski, director, public relations, said, '.'It's very much up in the air at this point. We probably will, but all of the details haven't been worked out." Super Sunday will be sponsored by the Woman's Committees of The Academy of Natural Arts and Sciences and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The proceeds from the event will be used by these committees to sponsor research and educational programs at the Academy and the Museum.
CareerFair Wednesday,October 15 1:30 - 4:00 Opportunity for students to talk with employers Make Contacts Vanwill be available(sign-up in RRCC)
Co-sponsored by Cabrini, Eastern, lmmaculata, Rusemont
at Rosemont
1oqu11ur - rnaay,octooer 1u, l~tio
Lyricsprovokecontroversy by Meghann Johnson
~ince birth control is what Planned Parenthood is all about, those who support it are naturally disturbed. Their interpretation of the song is that Maaonna does not consider the issue of prevention, the advice of parents, or the financial and personal implications of supporting an unplanned child as a single parent, in her lyrics. On the other hand those who oppose abortion support Madonna, and see "Papa Don't Preach" as a pro-life song.
Controversy is not a stranger to the world of rock and roll. The biggest pop stars like Elvis, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and modern day Prince and Madonna have styled their music in question of the norms of their time. In the compelling "Papa Don't Preach" video, Madonna plays a working-class adolescent who pleads with her father, "Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep ...But I've made up my mind, I'm keeping Those who oppose abortion my baby." With the United States leading nearly all supportMadonna,and see other developed nations in pregnancies of "PapaDon't Preach"as a girls 15 to 19 years old:60 percent of whom will end up on welfare, what are th·e prolifesong. implications of Madonna's cho,ice in this song? Maureen O'Conner, chairperson, DelaMany local groups concerned with pregnancy and abortion are giving both . ware County Feminists Clµb, said, thumbs-up and thumbs-down to the pop- · "Because Madonna's popularity is so widespread and incredibly powerf'ul over adosingle and Madonna herself. lescent America, her portraying a teen who chooses to have her child rather that to At a recent meeting of Planned Parenthood of Philadelphia, this issue was dis- have an abortion is a very responsible and cussed. According to those attending, since positive choice to make." The issue of "keeping" the baby is what Madonna has had such an influence over·a young audience, the song's message may is really concerning society. By avoiding to mention the choice of adoption as a positive prove too influential to impressionable alternative, Madonna seems to be "sugteens.
gesting to teen- agers a path to permanent poverty," as stated by Alfred Moran, director of Planned Parenthood of New York City.(New York Times September 18 1986) ' '
Alumnus· succeeds· in field ;:,
Sincebirth controlis what PlannedParenthoodis all about,those who support it are naturallydisturbed. The "Papa Don't Preach" message evokes various opinions from students on campus. Some support the song while others believe that ~he interpretation of the song is entirely up to the individual. Jim Winters, sophomore, said, "Madonna leads her audience to take responsibility for their actions and could possibly make them think of the consequences beforehaDd." Beth Bittner, junior, said, ''Today's teens arel,l't listening to the words as much as they are to the beat of the song." "Young people can take it all in stride, while adults always seem o pick things apart and ruin the purpose of today's music, the fun." Rob Fink, senior said. ''The song is only taken in the context the listener puts it in," Bittner said.
by Catherine Kelley
Maybe you have seen her on television in Shop 'n Bag, or Pacifico Ford commercials, or maybe you have heard her on the radio or read some of her articles in the News of Deleware County, The West Philadelphia Scene, or The County Press of Newtown Square. Alumnus, Bobbie Polomano, a 1979 English and communications major, has worked in many aspects of the field, including freelance writing, resume writing, sales and marketing, broadcasting, and advertising. Reflecting on the partnership she has formed with Dunlap, Wharton, and Associates, an advertising agency, Polomano said, "Working for yourself is the ultimate."
'Workingfor yourselfis the ultimate.' -Bobbie Polomano, alumnus
There was a time, however, when Polomano was working for everyone but herself. ,Simultaneously, she worked for WMMR-FM, Philadelphia during the day, did free-lance writing for three newspapers, and did broadcast work for WNAR-FM, Norristown on the weekends.
GoCavs! Wayne
Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English and communications, recalls Polomano. "She was a real sleeper," he said. "It is hard to believe when you see all her accomplishments."
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"Frequently we (teachers) are all amazed at what happens to students on internships. Internships tap a potential different than what is tapped in other courses," Zurek said.
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'I stressthe value of internships.They give you a solid background.You have morethan just courses.' -Bobbie Polomano, alumnus
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Polomano is a prime example. She speaks highly of internships. During her senior year she had two, one at WPVI, channel 6, Philadelphia and another at New York Film and Video. "I stress the value of internships. I got into WMMR because I had done research at· New York Film and Video," she said. ''They (internships) give you a solid background. You have more than just courses."
\ I
Polomano has brought some of her experiences to the college. She has appeared as a guest lecturer on the issue of sexual harassment.
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Polomano, herself, was a victim of sexual harassment on the job while working for Metromedia Incorporated, owner of WMMR and won, settling out of court.
by Jacqui McCleman
An athlete's entire playing career can be shattered in a matter of a few short seconds of one play. All it takes is a hit to the wrong spot, and the door can close on the most promising future. Fortunately, in recent years new light has been shed on physical and orthopedic therapy, otherwise referred to by athletes as sports medicine. Roxanne Busch, of Temple University's College of Athletic Training and Exercise Science, said, "Athletic training and exercise science are hot fields now due to a heightened public awareness of the roles these people play in the rehabilitation of sports figures." John Dzik, director of athletics, also sees this awareness as people are more health conscious. He notices that there is much more stretching involved in athletics now. "Athletes never use to stretch sufficiently the old way. There were no warmups. The coach blew a whistle and you ran," Dzik said. People have various ideas about sports medicine. Busch said, "I grew up thinking all doctors could fix a sports related injury. The difference comes in the training and also the place where an athlete is treated." The surrounding community offers two locations that specialize in sports medicine: Haverford Wellness Center and Bryn Mawr Orthopedic Associates. According to Dzik, "The injuries that demand emergency treatment go directly to Bryn Mawr Hospital's emergency room. Reoccurring ailments that are a nuisance such as a knee, are referred to Bryn Mawr Orthopedic Associates."
loquitur - friday,october10, 1986
Bryn Mawr Orthopedics Associates is located across from Bryn Mawr Hospital. Dzik said this of the clinic, "I prefer going there (Bryn Mawr Orthopedic Associates) because I have good working relationship with them and I have confidence in their treatments and abilities." ·
This year, Cabrini introduced a physical fitness center, Atra, which according to Dzik is open to everyone in the community not just the campus. "I believe Atra can benefit a broad spectrum of people," Dzik said. Atra provides three quarters of a million dollars worth of equipment, as well trainers. According to Joe Carrabes, Atra employee, "The facility can be used for rehabilitation of muscles that have not been used due to an injury." Many sports related injuries can be found on campus. Andy Spence, sophomore, soccer player, has torn the ligaments in both his ankles. He was treated at the Haverford Wellness Center where he received physical therapy. "I have a long way to go in therapy. I can't take a hit as well as before the injury," Spence said. Presently, Speilce is wearing braces that were provided by Bryn Mawr Orthopedic Associates. He said, "The braces are helpful because l don't tum over on my ankles as much, but they are hard to get used to."
aspect that is sports medicine." Busch tells of a female athlete at Temple who injured her knee. "I saw her sitting outside, so I approached her to see how she felt. Her face was flushed and then pale and then flushed again. I asked her if she felt all right and she told me she was doing her exercises. Three days after a major operation the orthopedic surgeon had her doing physical therapy!"
Terry Mancini, women's basketball coach, tore up is knee in his senior year at Cabrini. "By the end of the season his knee was dragging. I referred him to Bryn Mawr Associates who operated on it. His knee is better today than it was before he came to Cabrini," Dzik said. Terrie Pancio, sophomore, injured her knee in high school. She was treated by her high school trainer who later referred her to an orthopedic surgeon and a sports medicine clinic. According to Pancio, "I was advised not to play competitive sports due to the risk of a permanent injury."
"I am determined to play competitively again," Pancio said, "I hope to play softball in the spring ifl continue the therapy and my knee feels up to it." "The athletic trainer and orthopedic surgeon are the 'creme de la creme' of an athlete's recovery," Busch said.
' In comparing a hospital emergency room situation and a sports clinic, Spence said ''A hospital knows a lot but not as much as~ place that specializes in sports related The emergence of sports clinics is eviinjuries." dent. Busch said, "Sports clini~ are popBusch agrees with Spence. "Medical doc- ping up all over the place. The final step is tors treat injuries, but not the mental taking advantage of the facilities."
lntramuralsget underway, women'sleagueconsidered by Patty Moore
Are the women satisfied with just having co-ed intramural teams? This year those organizing intramurals are considering two separate programs. The men think that the women should have their owo teams, but they also like coed teams. Christopher McCabe, sophomore, said, "Co-ed intramurals are less competitive, but more enjoyable." Ann Gleavy, junior, said, "You feel inferior on a co-ed team."
''Guys don't treat us equally," Alice Mahoney, freshman, said. John Dzik, director of athletics, said that women should get involved if they are interested. He wants captains to get the teams together. "There is a strong need for intramurals. I'll help schedule facilities. I'm anxious to get this off the ground." Some would like to have teams consisting only offemales. They say that the men play differently when it is a co-ed game, sometimes excluding them from the game.
~thlete f the -~week
omen's Thnnis Heather Schwartz, freshman, has been selected this week's athlete- of the week. 'She's playig really tough and she doesn't ·ve up," Joe Dodds, coach, said. "She won her last match and she and her father won t~ Parents Weekend Tournament," Dodds added. Women's Cross Country Beverly Reilly, coach, has selected Jeanne Robinson, junior, as athlete of the week. "Jeanne has exhibted great improvement since- the beginning of the season. Her hard work and dedication have brought her to the top," Reilly said. She continued, "I am really happy with her performance this past weekend. Her times are dropping considerably. Again, she's paving her way to the Nationals." Women's Volleyball Managers Mike Fallon and Gary Firestine were selected athletes of the week by Gerry Szabo, coach. "They only had one error in handling the food money and tournament brochures. They always have a low percentage of error when handling the team." Men's Cross Country Mike Edmonson, junior, has been added to the ranks of athletes of the week. "Mike ran a very good race Saturday, finishing seventh overall," Tom O'Hora, coach, said. "He was injured earlier, but now he's beginning to come back. He's struggling to get into shape and starting to come back strong," O'Hora safd. Field Hockey Because of her steady game playing during the previous week, Chris Schick, sophomore, was selected as this week's athlete of the week by her coach, Mimi Greenwood. Her performance in the games during this week were consistent, and helped to contribute to the team's effectiveness.
selected by the coaches
The only intramural sport in action so far this year is the men's one-pitch softball team. The games started because of an interest shown by some of the men. They went to Dzik and inquired about starting teams. The captains volunteered, got people together and the season began, There are four teams: The Masters, The Lushes, The No-Names and The Loads. They play Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:45. After six games, The Masters are in the lead. In the past, Cabrini has held intramural weekends and bowling nights which have
all been successful. These activities were single-night events and didn't require an obligation from students except for that one night. The women's intramural teams 1 would require a commitment from it's members. Long-term plans need to be formed. If you are interested in getting involved with intramurals, leave your name, box number, extension, the sport(s) you would like to play and whether you would like to help organize an intramural team, in the athletic office located in the gym.
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loquitur- frida); october 10, 1986
~ Budgetingtimeessentialto studentathletes by Debbie Murphy
Academics, part-time jobs, financial worries, peer pressure; the demands placed on college students ai·e many. Add to this list the strain of practice sessions and athletic competition, and the pressures can seem overwhelming. How do college athletes handle the pressures of being both students and team players? Where do they find the time to do all that they must do? For Marie Lis, junior, member of both the women's field hockey team and the Cabrini Honor Society, the key to successfully balancing athletics and academics is time management. "Everything comes down to managing and budgeting mytlme," Lis said. "Being busy and heing involved in so many different things keeps me motivated so that when I do have free time, I use that time productively."
'Whenthings get reallybad, I pay a visitto the chapel.' -Lisa Catini,senior According to Dr. M.L. Corbin Sicoli, associate professor, psychology, organizing.time and getting things done must be top priorities in the lives of college athletes. "Not only must these students deal with i:nental exhaustion, hut physical exhaustion as well," Sicoli said. ''The key to dealing with both is time management. These students will be at a risk for difficulties if they are not more organized than the average student." John Donahue,junior, finds that he actually does better academically in the fall when involved in cross country. "It helps me to organize my time and motivates me to get things done, he said. Sean Meenan, senior, member of the junior varsity basketball team and captain of the men's soccer team, has a different outlook. "I'm very disorganized, but somehow I find time for everything. For me, handling school and sports really isn't difficult at all. I just get things done whenever I have time," he said. Athletes agree that participation in team sports does place some additional pressures
on them. For most however, these extra pressures help to increase motivation and relieve stress. For Lisa Catini, senior, member of the women's field hockey, basketball, and softball teams, sports are a way to reduce tensions and pressures. "When school gets me down, sports relax me and relieve a lot ofmy tensions," she said. "They also give me a chance to take out all of my frustrations on the opposing teams." Maureen Murray, senior, captain of women's cross country, agrees with Catini. "For some people, participation in a sport might seem like an added pressure, but it's really not," she said. "Cross country is a release for me, it relieves stress and makes me feel like I'm doing something good for myself" The social aspect of team sports further reduces any pressures involved. Athletics give players an excellent oppurtunity to relax and interact with their peers while competing as part of a team towards a common goal. "Part ofmy social life is basketball,'. Jim We]de,junior, member of the men's team said. "It gives me a chance to relax with my friends. When I play, I don't think about the pressure, I just think about having a good time." "Field hockey gives me an oppurtunity to talk and be with my friends that I might not otherwise have," Lis said. "I actually look forward to practices and games after a full day of classes." In addition to athletics and academics, many students hold part-time jobs. Murray, a resident assistant, must be on duty approximately 20 hours each week. She uses this time to catch up on homework or to socialize with friends. "Generally, being on duty two or three nights each week isn't difficult." Meenan, a resident assistant, also works off campus 10-15 hours each week at an accounting firm. Like Murray, he does not think that working part-time in addition to athletic competition and academics is stressing. When the demands of athletics and schoolwork combine with other pressures and become too great to handle, what can these students do; where can they turn? A few take advantage of the tutorial services offered in the Rudy Rooyman Center. Some head for the Wayne Tavern and attempt to relieve their pressures with alcohol. Basically, most students simply try to get away from it all. "When I feel overwhelmed, I try to get off campus,'' Catini said, "I ease up on academics and pour myself into my sports because that's where I'm happiest. When things get really bad, I pay a visit to the chapel."
Vide0enhances worldof sports by Jim Steffler
The world of video is invading sports as well as music. With such recent technological innovations like the popular game, QBI, and the newly acquired ArenaVision at the Philadelphia Spectrum, there may be more excitement in the bars and in the stands than on the playing field this year. Are you one of those people who have always dreamed of playing quarterback in the NFL? Well, stop dreaming, and start warming up your arm for Sunday. A quick mind and a fast hand are the only -prerequisites for QBI, a new electronic game that allows you to match wits against the best coaches and athletes in the NFL. The idea for QBI was born when Don Klosterman, former general manager of the Houston Oilers and Dan Downs, his assistant, were looking for some way to get people to interact more with the game. When they realized in 1983 that the technology was available, QBI was formed. QBI, marketed by the National Tulecommunicator Network (NTN) of Carlsbad, California, is the game that puts you in the game. The game consists of a red, white and blue cover, divided into 11 squares that lies over a console and provides the game board. A call is made for every play (except for punts and place kicks) by pushing the square for the desired play. That decision is registered on a computer behind the TV screen. If one calls the play, the offensive team runs, and points are granted. However, if the play is wrong, no points are accumulated. John Jones, a retail clerk at the Norristown K-mart, plays the game occasionally. According to Jones, "30 seconds between plays is not much time when you are talking to teammates and trying to decide on a call in the chaos of a bar." The game even includes its own "playoffs" during the NFL playoffs. The winners will earn prizes such as paid vacations to Hawaii. (For more information write: NTN, 2121 Talomar Airport Rd., Suite 305, Carlsbad, California 92008.l QBI is a game that is played in bars when a person is unable to or does not wish to attend the real game. Now, thanks to Arena Vision, a person at the Philadelphia Spectrum will be able to enjoy the excitement of actually being at the game without
losing any of the luxuries of home television. Arena Vision is a $2 milliori hexagonal scoreboard that hangs from the center of the Spectrum. Each of the six sides contains a 9-by-12 foot screen on which pictures of the highest TV quality are displayed from projectors inside the scoreboard, 15 feet from the screens. "It is the first of its kind in the world," Rebecca Ridgway, public relations supervisor for Spectrocorp, said. ''This self- contained, rear-projection video scoreboard has the capability of showing live action, instant replays, and graphics. It will enable us to innovate programs like no one has seen before." The man responsible for the Arena Vision concept is the managing partner of Spectator Management, Aaron Siegel. "For Siegel, Arena Vision is the end product of about five years of intensive research," Ridgway said. Siegel travelled around the world to find the technology that would provide the comforts of home to millions of fans. "It will give the fan the _best of both worlds," Ridgway said.
'But now,becauseof ArenaVision,fans will appreciatethe game much more,especiallyon goals scored.' -Terry Smith, sophomore Unlike Veteran Stadium's Phanavision, Arena Vision will ensure a top-quality picture to patrons seated 60 feet from the screen. Phanavision is bold matrix lightning which uses rows of light bulbs to make a picture. Arena Vision is a Talaria projector which uses high-intensity xenon lights, each of which produces 2,000 lumens, whereas Phanavision or bold matrix lightning produces 400 lumens. According to Terry Smith, sophomore, "I think that it's a good idea because it will enable fans to watch the (hockey) puck more closely. While viewing a game at the Spectrum, it is often difficult to follow the puck's movement because of its high velocity. But now, because of Arena Vision, fans will appreciate the game much more, especially on goals scored."
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Stepstaken due to thefts by Kathleen McCabe
Recently, four soccer nets have been stolen from the soccer field. Steps are now being taken to eliminate these thefts. "Wehave to explore the option of making it a criminal and not just a college matter,'' James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, said. John Dzik, director of athletics, has taken precautions against the thefts. "Because the soccer nets have continued to be stolen, we're starting to take them down after every contest,'' Dzik said. In order to take the nets down frequently, he has purchased nets with velcro fasteners, which cost about $150 a pair. Cabrini has not been the only victim, Eastern Baptist College has also had three nets stolen. Dzik has discussed the matter with Eastern's athletic director and they have decided to take the same precautions. No one has been caught or accused yet. "I'm not accusing anyone because I have no proof,'' Dzik said. "It may be outside schools or neighborhood children. We don't know." Even though no one has been accused, Cabrini students, especially the soccer players, seem to think that Eastern has something to do with it. Joe Klimek. senior, said, '½t this point-if a net's missing we know it's Eastern." Kevin O'Donnell. junior, thinks that both sides are to blame "Hoarding soccer nets is a hobby of Cabrini and East. ern students alike," he said.
This practice has come to be a craze on campus. "It's a fad that has grown to epic proportion," Larry Kilcullen, junior, said. '½ harmless idea for a room decoration has turned into a revenge factor." Jim Vander Gracht, freshman, agrees, "I think it's really horrible that Eastern would steal our nets, however, Eastern's nets look really good on Cabrini's ceilings." While some students find it funny and an expression of school spirit, others are concerned about the effects. Joel Zazyczny, sophomore, said, "It's school rivalry to a point, but the vandals• should take into consideration the expenses billed to the school." Some students question why the thieves haven't been caught. "I can't see why security hasn't caught them," Michael Long, freshman, said. "That is their job, isn't it?" Fitzsimmons pointed out that security has been increased in the area of the soccer field recently in order to deter the vandals. The expense and the lack of respect for school and personal property are major concerns of Fitzsimmons. He said that the thefts of the soccer nets only address the issue of vandalism on campus. There have also been cars vandalized and poles knocked down. "Wehope it's an isolated incident, but when it keeps being repeated we have to trv different methods such as the po-lice,"Fitzsimmons said. About the expenses, Fitzsimmons said, "It's our responsibility to put your tuition dollars to good use, vandalism is simply a waste."