Read about products college students can't live without In Features
friday,october31, 1986
cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087
vol. xxxiii,no. 7 (photo by Debbie Ferrar)
Clogcausesbig stinkon campus
On Thursday, Oct. 23, the day after the flooding in Xavier Hall, maintenance workers tried to determine whether the main sew~ge line had a break in it. The line, located to the left of Xavier was in the process of being dug up when this backhoe tipped over after falling into one of the many sink holes in that area. (photo by Chris Corcoran)
by Christy Mason It's the lowest point Gh campus and all the sewage from the campus, with the exception of the seven houses and the gatehouse, runs down to it. "When you take a shower in Grace Hall it comes down here," Mike Caranfa, director, physical plant, said. "Here" is Xavier Hall and there, on Wednesday night, Oct. 22, a pipe clogged, causing the boiler room in Xavier to flood and preventing the men from taking showers Thursday morning. According to Caranfa, on Monday, during the day, on the grounds left of Xavier Hall in the wooded area, steam was noticed coming out of sink holes. Since there are no steam lines on campus, Caranfa concluded that something was wrong with the main sewage line and that machines would have to be brought in to dig up the sewage line in order to locate a possible break. (Xavier has its own separate line). At this point, all utility companies electric, water, and so forth - had to be notified that ground was to be dug up in case any utility lines were in that area. Utility companies require a 72 hour waiting period in order to determine whether or not any of their lines will be affected by the digging. On Wednesday night, Oct. 22, John Doyle, resident manager, Xavier Hall, Keith Fogarty and Patrick McKenna,
semors and resident assistants, ~noticed water gushing out of the door marked 'high voltage."'
By late Thursday morning, Oct. 23, the sewage line was cleared and the water turned back on in Xavier. The clogged line in Xavier had nothing to do with the main sewage line which runs under Xavier.
'Morethan watercame out. All sorts of 'seNagy'things that you can't write about came out. It smelledreally rank.'
A backhoe which was used to dig for the line tipped over in one of the sink holes. It was turned right side up and again digging for the break resumed. No break, however, was found.
-John Doyle,resident manager,XavierHall
''More than water came out," Doyle said, "All sorts of 'sewagy' things that you can't write about came out. It smelled really rank." Maintenance workers were called in upon this discovery and worked all night with pumps trying to prevent the building from flooding.
According to Caranfa, colored dye was placed dowti the toilets in Xavier Hall and came through the sewage line fairly quickly indicating that there is probably no break in the line.
The biggest problem faced by maintenance was locating the possible break without being blocked by the many tree stumps at that sight.
Caranfa said that the contractor who cleared the woods to build Xavier Hall buried many of the trees which were cut down in that process. These dead trees have begun to decay or rot which causes heat.
In an effort to minimize the flooding, all water in Xavier Hall was turned off. "It happens a lot where buildings just get clogged up," Caranfa said. "There's no way to tell what happened."
When the heat hits the cold air it creates steam which explains why steam is coming out of the sinkholes.
"If a sewer line is broken, there should be a lot of wet messy stuff," Caranfa said. "The decaying trees cause the sink holes." According to Caranfa there was no odor outside because the problem was caused by decaying roots and not sewage. However, according to many Xavier residents, the smell inside was very unpleasant.
'The guys in my quad went to Woodcrestto shower:It was pretty funny. -Jim Steffler,sophomore
"The first floor, lower north apartment reeked," Joel Zazyczny, sophomore, said. According to Doyle, the men thought the situation was "hilarious" because "they were right on a sewage dump." Because they couldn't shower before their 8:30 classes, some men simply put on their baseball hats and went to class.
Others, however, finding that situation intolerable decided to take showers across the street at Woodcrest. "The guys in my quad went to Woodcrest to shower," Jim Steffier, sophomore, said. "It was pretty funny."
Joquitur- friday,october31, 1986
Financialcare packages?
College studentslack courage?
Students who receive academic scholarships must maintain a 3.6 to keep $1,000 and a 3.75 for $1,500 awards. Athletes who receive money are required to maintain 2.0 (1.8 for freshmen) and carry 12 credits per semester. These grants are not called scholarships, but rather financial aid packages based on need. .Many view these athletic grants as scholarships. Afterall, it is financial assistance which we don't have to pay back six months after we graduate.
We find it very unfairthat a studentwith an academic scholarshipmust keep such a high cum, but an athletemust only keep a 2.0, (if that). We ask, what is the difference between a scholarship and a financial aid package? In our opinion, the difference appears to be in the amount of work that goes into keeping the money. We find it unfair that a student with an academic scholarship must keep such a high cum, while an athlete must only keep a 2.0, (if that). We realize that there may be a great deal of pressure placed on athletes who have to juggle academics and athletics. We also realize that due to their academic talent, scholars should have a good academic record. However, consider the pressure placed on a student whose financial situaton requires them to maintain a 3.6 in order to remain at Cabrini. An ahtlete would not be in danger oflosing his/ her money if he/she did not score 10 points a game. If this is the only difference, we are sure that any Bruckmann or Presidential scholar would be more than willing to accept a Presidential or Bruchman financial aid package.
'~bbie Hoffman says today's college students lack courage." This headline screamed out at me as I turned to page three of Sunday's "Inquirer." "Who," I asked myself, "is Abbie Hoffman and why is he saying I lack courage?" I read on for the answers. I discovered that Abbie Hoffman is a 1960's radical who "feels old when (I) don't see someone along the horizon to carry the banner." Hoffman claims that college students "lack courage" because "there isn't a cadre willing to risk being kicked out of school, risk being ostracized, risk being killed ... They want careers," Hoffman said. Therefore, according to Hoffman, because we, as college students, want to succeed in life, we are weak. In my opinion, Hoffman, who is turning 50 next month, should think before he speaks. If he did this, perhaps he would discover the absurdity of his statement. Someone should suggest to Hoffman that the reason his generation is "more radical than the next generation," is because we see what came out of their generation Woodstock, drugs, and a war. Maybe, we want something better. The 60's were a time of constant turmoil; a period where living together was "in" and marriage was "out"; protests were common and acceptance was unheard of; sex, drugs and rock and roll were popular, and school and a career were unthinkable. Some students were fighting a war they knew nothing about in a place they never knew
kate welsh existed, while others were fighting on campuses at home to end it. To me, this was not a time to strive to imitate. I look back on the 60's and see how not to act. I see a period of upheaval and a country which did not know how to handle it. In my opinion, we, as college students today, want more out of life. We see what was (or was not) achieved during the 60's, and we realize that perhaps more can be done by working hard rather than by protesting. How much did Abbie Hoffman and others accomplish through their radical behavior? No, we don't risk being kicked out of school, we would-rather develop our minds. We don't risk being killed, we would rather live life to the fullest. Yes, we want a career. We want to be successful. We want to work peacefully toward change rather than constantly fight and get nowhere. We believe that being educated on a subject will get us further than being ignorant, or even dead. If this is lacking courage, than perhaps Abbie Hoffman is correct.
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L~iturDear Editor: The residents of House 4 are forced to listen to Cabrini's radio station, WCAB, everyday almost non-stop. Amazingly enough, we have the privilege of t,uning into WCAB without actually using our radios. It is like our house is p'ossessed .. When we turn on our televisions we not only see and hear the program, we hear the muffled drone ofWCAB also. Do you know what it is like to watch Cagney and Lacey and listen to Madonna's 'Like a· Virgin' at the same time? Try concentrating on the
evening news while being bombarded with David Lee Roth tunes. WCAB can also be heard on the extension phones and numerous room phones in the house. Sometimes, it gets so bad that WCAB is the only thing that can be heard. Must we'be subjected t6 this special privilege all ;,ear long? For once, I would like to watch t)le 11:00 news and hear the news. Sorry; but if I wanted to tune into the college radio station, I would turn on my radio. ' Sincerely, Rhonda Dannenhower, senior
letters to the editor The Cabrini-Mercedes 5-mile run held on Oct. 19 was sponsored solely by the Athletic Advisory Board. It was not sponsored in conjunction with Carson-Pettit car dealership in Wayne as it was printed in last week's issue. Also in last week's issue, Father Tony Medwid's name was misspelled. We regret these errors.
Ghoststoryproclaimed by student Dear Editor: You may call me mad! For even now I'm having trouble believing it. Yet, I know it's true! I saw it! And I wasn't the only one. Let me start from the beginning. It was one dark, dark night last week. Darker than usual. The air was thick and still for the rain had just finished falling. The fog was heavy and motionless giving an eerie, almost graveyard appearance to the campus. It was around nine o'clock and I had just parked my car in the Grace Hall parking lot. I was on my way over to the Widener Center when I saw a dark shadowy figure walking toward the courtyard of Counsel Hall. I merely dismissed it as a student and went on my way. When I had finished my business in the Widener Center, I walked over to the library. As I approached the Rudy Rooymans' parking area, the shadowy figure appeared in the mist moving toward the back of the library. I don't know what it was, but something told me to follow it. So I did. In a slow trot, I came to the corner of the library just in time to see this dark figure slowly enter the woods on the side of Woodcrest. I ran over to the infamous male expressway trail often used or most crowded at the midnight rush hour. When I got there, no one was to be found. I circled the library and still found nothing. I was about to give up as I reached the Rudy Rooymans parking area again, when suddenly, I saw the mysterious someone crossing behind the Rudy Rooyman Center. I quickly followed after. When I got behind the Rooyman Center, the fog was so thick it was hard to see. I slowly moved forward and than saw my shadowy someone at the foot of the Mansion wall. I decided to sneak up on who ever it was so I crept around a bush hoping to get a better look. As I slowly peered around the bush, I found myself only a couple of feet from my phantom; his back was toward me
and he had not heard my approach. He was dressed in a dark, black cloak and had the hood it drawn over his head. Just then, a twig under my foot snapped, revealing my whereabouts. The phantom turned about in a very hauntingly way as a thick cloud of fog passed. I could hardly believe my eyes! I stood frozen in my shoes as this faceless face of horror peered at me. It felt like the icy cold hand of death had touched my soul. His stare went right through me as if I wasn't there. He raised his honey hand as ifto touch me but then lowered it and slowly walked away and around the bush. It took a while for me to defrost and get the nerve to look around the bush, but when I did he was gone. I stood there trying to get a grasp on what little sanity I might have had when Brian Feeley and Kevin Corcoran came up to me and asked ifl had seen a strange looking guy walking around. I was in the middle of trying to come to terms with what I had seen, let alone Brian's, Kevin's, and my existance, so I couldn't answer. They told me about a guy who was dressed in black with a hood. My eyes almost popped out ofmy head when I heard them say this. I just nodded my head and pointed the way it was heading. They ran after it. After all this, I stumbled back to my car and drove home. I took a cold shower to wake me up and shock me into reality. I told my roommate what had happened. He didn't believe me. I wouldn't believe me either ifl were him. But let me tell you this: I know what I saw and it was real! No longer will I doubt Carter Craigie's ghost stories. I have seen the ghost that haunts Cabrini. I believe!
Signed, Horrifiedsenior , •'•l••~c
all letters must be submitted by noon on Monday. Names must be known to the editor, however, if the writer wishes, names may be withheld from print.
Editor: Kate Welsh Managing Editor: Monico Palko News Editor: Cnrls!y Moson Assistants Mario O'Brien. Vvet!e Ousely Perspectives Edi!or: Kimberly Kovach Feo!ures Editors: Kathy Hibbard and Robin McKean Sports Editor: Lisa Mason BusinessManager. Aleta Hlodky Copy Editor. Jeanne lleineberg Graphics Editor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Editor: Chris Corcoran Photography Adviser Dr. Cor!er Cra,gie Adviser: Or. Jerome Zurek Stoff: Rochel Anderson. Regino Battiato, Beth Bittner. Denise Brody Polly Brown. Leon Coscorlno. Christine Cocchio. Rhonda Donnenhowet Kathleen Dooley, Donna Dougher!y, John Dunleavy, Anne Fahy. Brion Feeley, Debbie Ferrar,Liz File~ Stephanie Glord,nl Ki1t~ Kelley, Meghann Johnson, Kathleen McCabe, Jacqui McClernon. Polly Moore, Debbi Murphy, Monico Palko. Potrrcio Ruppe. Koren Siegl. Jim Stetner loqultur ls published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnot Pennsylvania 19087 Subscription price is S20 per year and is Included In the· benefits secured by tuition and studen! fee,.
Loquttur welcome, le!ters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorsnlp known to the editors. However. if the writer wishes, onct the edi!or agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and on Inscription lnser!ed such os "name withheld a! the request of the writer.· Le1tersshould be typed, doubiespoced, and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter Is too long for the ovoiloble space, the editor may edit or condense. letters to the editor should be submi!ted by
noon on Mondays. ,
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loquitur- friday,october31, 1986
Psychology,her cup of tea
by Rebecca Rebalsky
"I like to tell students that it doesn't matter what you major in as long as you are committed to excellence," Dr. M. L. Corbin Sicoli, coordinator, psychological services, said. Sicoli's academic background, surprisingly, did not start in psychology. Her first academic degree was in music education. After receiving her degree, Sicoli was persuaded to study for a masters degree in educational administration at the University of Wisconsin. Unable, in those years, to get an administrative position, Sicoli began teaching. She soon discovered that she was more interested in "how they (students) thought than in what they thought." Thus, she began to pursue a second masters degree in research design. According to Sicoli these courses in research design, particularly those addressing the educational psychology findings of Jean Piaget, changed her life. While studying for her research design masters at West Chester University, Dr. Sicoli became involved in a university sponsored preschool for disadvantaged children and an alternative school for pregnant teens.
'Youcan nevermasterall of psychology.There is alwayssomethingnew to learn.Youcan study all your lifeand maybeonly understandone-fourthof it. It's reallymy cup of tea.' -Dr. M.L. CorbinSicoli,coordinator,psychological services.
enter Hlllarys Sundae-Beet HalloweenCoatumeContest•
Sicoli thrives on her hectic schedule. "I have a low tolerance for boredom," SicoH said, "and I need change in my life to be happy." · Part of these changes include coordinating new programs at Cabrini to address specific studen_t problems. One such program in the making is a support group on campus for students who have experienced the loss of a parent or loved one. _ According to Betty Hogan, senior, who initially suggested the program to Mary Ellen Lilly, director, resident life, the importance of this program could be immeasurable. Hogan, who recently experienced a death in her own family, said that Cabrini was very supportive during that difficult time, but remembers an urgent need to talk to someone "who had gone through the same thing." Hogan thinks that Sicoli would be an ideal person to guide and counsel the group because she is, "open and sensitive to people." "Youcan never master all of psychology," Si coli said. "There is al ways something new to learn. You could study all your life and maybe only understand one-fourth ofit. It's really my cup of tea."
The Spirit is coming
to Cabrini College ~
See page 8 of this issue of the Loquitor
This HatlowM11,Friday, Ocl. 3t only, we'raawardingp,tz.
winning aundaea to cuatome,s -ing the ,-t unulUal costume, the craziest ~tume, and the beat blnlna apUt took-alike coatume. So get on your broomatick and a.. IO Hillary's. Trick ua with your sundae beet Halloween cos1ume • and we'll treat youl 'Otle<...
_lor __
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: 20 FIRSTPRIZES • nu - • II ... I 300 SECOND PRIZESf,IO 11111 UT nnuu. : 4 THIRDPRIZES :..~•= 0
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Upon completion of this masters degree, Sicoli began work on her doctorate in development and educational psychology at Bryn Mawr College. It was through contacts made at Bryn Mawr that she obtained a teaching position at Cabrini in 1974. The first course she taught, drawing on her background in music education, was Opera Appreciation. When Anthony Tomasco, chairperson, psychology, learned of her doctoral work in psychology, he arranged for her to teach courses in psychology and special education. Today, Sicoli has three important roles at Cabrini. She is an associate professor of psychology and teaches many courses. She is the coordinator of psychological services and supervises the five psychologists and is also a student therapist. Although now dedicated to the study and practice of psychology, Si coli finds that she still draws on her music education background. She is currently working on a book which explores the psychology of popular music. As part of her research, she is analyzing papers that students wrote for a course offered last semester, Psychology and Popular Music, and hopes to include them in a presentation of her work to the American Cultural Association. Sicoli hopes to"oefinistied'1irff'W't'ti9"IM"""'"'""'"""'"ffll'!!l'IIP _______ _ Besides working at Cabrini and on her book, Sicoli has a private practice of diagnostic psychological testing for children. An avid traveler, Sicoli lectured last summer in England on the subject of Cabrini's TAMECE (Towards a More Effective College Career) program. · Sicoli has two children, Michael, 16, and an adopted 15 month old daughter. According to Sicoli, watching her baby grow is a "psychologist's joy." "She is the perfect laboratory," she said.
Trick us and we'll treatyou-
AU. ... )
Boardof trustees:
Makingtimefor student advancement by Patricia Brown
Who were those strange faces having lunch in our cafeteria on Monday, Oct.20? Those are faces to reme~if& 1 ~.fause it is people wfio make t e eClSIODS a ut Cabrini College. They are the Board of Trustees. The members of the board are Mrs. Thomas Balshi, treasurer; William H. Combs, chairman; Mrs. Thomas Costello; Robert D'Anjolell; Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon; Sr. Patricia Dunleavy, MSC; Sr. Catherine Garry, MSC; Mrs. Vincent J. Genuardi; Mrs. Paul Henkels; Sr. Mary of Lourdes, IHM,first vice-chair; James J. Maguire; J. Robert Malone; Sr. Dianne McKenna, MSC; Elizabeth A. McNerlin; Sr. Aloysia Morelli, MSC; Sr. Veronica Piccone, MSC; Sr. Pietrina Raccuglia, MSC, secretary; Mrs. Barbara Rawls, second vice-chair; Anthony M. Renzi, M.D.; Charles G. Roach; Dean W. Roach; Mrs. John Rollins; Mrs. Jesse Saunders; Sr. Maria Barbagallo, MSC, Honorary Chairman by office;Sr. Ursula Infante, MSC, life trustee; and Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, by office. Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president, Cabrini College, refers to the members as the "three W's"-wit, wisdom, and wealth. "They are competent, professional men and women coming from various backgrounds and various experiences, who voluntarily come together to work for the good of Cabrini by promoting it, guiding it and supporting it finacially. They are wonderful!" she said. There are six committees that make up the board. The nominating committee finds new members and officers and looks for honorary degree recipients. The development committee is in charge of fund-raising. The academics committee oversees academic aspects. There is a committee which oversees student life. The buildings and grounds committee looks over physical plant. The finance committee discusses financial matters. These six groups work independently presenting information to the board as a whole. The full board meets four times a year, but can be called together when needed. New members are found through recommendations made to the nominating committee by other trustees. The committee tries to choose members who will add their expertise to board decisions. The specialized input comes from business people, managers, doctors, lawyers, religious and other professionals.
According to Currie, the chief responsibility of the board is to hire and evaluate the president. ''They safeguard the integrity of the college misjion," CW-fie aid. " responsibe for financial planning an or the health and well-being of the institution." The work the board does is all voluntary. They are not paid employees of the institution, yet they find the time in their busy schedules to make decisions about Cabrini. Why? Diane Kolodzinski, director, public relations, said, "They care about the students and they care ·about the education the students are getting. That's why they are here." Student~ are not present at the board meetings. Faculty members do not usually attend the meetings unless they are asked to give some needed information. · "Senior staff members are sometimes invited to the board meetings for certain discussion topics," Currie said. "They serve as the experts to the board, not as voting members." Currie explained that the by-laws of the board do not call for studeQts or paid members of the institution, aside from the president, to sit at board meetings. However, "Their input is wanted," Currie said. Student input is at the committee level, but not found at the actual board level. This fact and the prestige of the members of the board has caused some intimidation. According to Kolodzinski, they are aware of this. "The board has requested to become involved in the campus more than they have in the past," she said. In August, the members of the board attended a conference in the Pocono's. "They got together off campus to talk about their role in the continuation and expansion of Cabrini and just for a way to get to know each other better,'' Kolodzinski said. According to Kolodzinski, board members are invited to campus functions. "We have opened doors to them," she said. Board members may be spotted at a basketball game or eating lunch in the cafeteria. According to Kolodzinski, there were even three or four trustees at the five mile run on Alumni day. "They like the kids and they like the faculty. They are an awfully neat group to work with. They are very busy, competent people, yet they still care about Cabrini," Currie said.
loquitur- friday,october31, 1986
4 KateGrimley:
Outstandingsenior by Regina Battiato
She is president of the Stu:lent Government Association, a resident assistant, a Eucharistic Minister, a rr,ember of Kappa Sigma Omega and is actively involved in the Student Academic Council. She has received the Anna M. Vincent Scholarship, the Alumni Association Scholarship and the City of Philadelphia Scholarship. She has also received an award for l¥lrvice and leadership. Who is she? She's an outstanding senior. She's Katie Grimley.
Her decision to attend Cabrini has not only been beneficial to her, but also to many others who have come in contact with her. As president of the ~tudent Government Association (SGA), Grimley works very closely with Rita Calicat, director, student activities and James Fitzsimmons, Dean of students. "I think she's excellent, dedicated and hard working. She's an outstanding young woman," Calicat said. "She's great, responsible and responsive, receptive and friendly," Fitzsimmons said. Though it may seem that someone so involved would not have time for friends or fun, Grimley makes the time. ''Although I've known Katie for four years, I learn something new about her every day," Joe Giuffre, senior, said. "It is that aspect that has made our friendship grow as strong as it is now," he said. "When I'm ready to enjoy myself and let loose, I'm open to any suggestions that my friends have to offer," Grimley said. "I'm not particular about where to go as long as I have ajammin' time."' According to Grimley, there is a very serious and an "absolutely off the wall" side to her.
Grimley left behind her home in Northeast Philadelphia to live on campus. "I left behind a household of seven family members of which I am the second oldest," Grimley said. "The thing I miss most about not being home," she said, "is sitting at the dinner table with my family. There have been times when I'v left the table in tears from laughing so hard. They're a priceless crew." Although there are those times when Grimley misses her family, she has not let that stop her from making herself comfortable at Cabrini, as well as from being a very involved person here. "My goals were always academically centerd in high school," she said, "so attending college was a natural progression in my life. I chose Cabrini because it was close to home, just the right size and academically strong for my major, which is English/communications."
"I always try to work on a balance for the two aspe<;ts of my personality," Grimley said. "I don't let a whole lot of people see my weird side, but after four years at Cabrini, the word is getting around." Not only has Grimley made her mark on Cabrini, Cabrini \llso has made its mark on her. "It was a gut feeling that told me Cabrini would be right for me," Grimley said-. "I trusted that feeling and have never regretted it since I first felt it." Cabrini has become a major part of Grimley's life.
"Graduation will be a difficult time," Grimley said, "although I do feel that come May, I will be ready to move on and explore all the exciting things the world has to offer."
SPRING REGISTRATION-Schedules for spring registration are available. Seniors will be pre-registering for the spring semester on Nov. 4; juniors, Nov. 6; sophomores, Nov. 11; freshmen, Nov. 13. Detailed times are on the master schedule. Students will register alphabetically from Z-A. FRESHMEN CLASS OFFICERS-The following freshmen have been elected as freshmen class officers: Carlos Chamorro, president; Mike Feeley, vice president; Kristin Kroll, secretary; Lee Mirenda, treasurer; Ed Ford, commuter representative; Vince Romeo, Angie Corbo, and Trish Fitzgerald, social activities representatives.
CONCERT FOR A FUTURE-Philadelphia Musicians for Nuclear Arms Control (including members of the Philadelphia Orchestra and other noted instrumental groups) will present a "Concert for the Future" on Sunday, Nov. 2, at 8 p.m. to honor the start of the Great Peace March for Global Disarmament and to benefit the Philadelphia Nuclear Freeze. The concert will take place at the Church of the Holy Trinity at 19th and Walnut Streets on Rittenhouse Square. Admission is $15. To receive tickets by mail and for more information call 569-1974 or 699-7160.
PARKING-Residents who are unable to find parking in their designated lots may park in the Sacred Heart lot until 8 a.m. or in the Grace Hall lot at any time. The five spaces next to the ramps have been reserved for Mansion residents. Tickets will automatically be applied to tuition bills.
ANCIENT INSTRUMENT CONCERT-The Community Scholars o Beaver College will present a concert by the American Society of Ancient Instruments on Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 8 p.m. in Grey Towers Castle, which is located at Easton and Church Roads. The Society performs music written during the six centuries before 1700 on the instruments for which it was specifically written. Admission is $3. To order tickets, or for more information call 572-2914.
SPANISH DANCES-Jose Molina will be performing Spanish dances at Immaculata College on Nov.18. For more information contact Mrs. Rachat of the foreign Jan ua e de artment.
PHILADELPHIA PLAY-"Sleep of Reason," a play about the Spanish painter Goya, is currently running at the Wilma Street Theater through November. For more information ca 11963-0249.
The SocialWork Club presents it'sannualJuniorfor Senior DinnerDance/ Pub night on November-------------c11 14 --------=.:::.:-..:-;-:-:.-:,--~ Sponsora grandparentfor $5.00
Though Cabrini has been a strong foundation for Grimley to stand on, it will not be her final stop.
and receivefree admissionto the Pub
"I intend to pursue my education even further through attending graduate school," Grimley said.
Door Prizes Pub admission50 cents
Jab Squad Nursing Home receptionist - Hours lull-t,me 11 a.m-7 p.m. Contact E!lzo Cathcarl at 688-0833 Foot Locker - In King of Prussia 1shiring o manage, tro:nee. Minimum 1wo years of College. ~o ex:perience necessarv Generous salorv and benefits Aoply at t-e foot Loc,er Burger King - In Devon neeos Fi/PT emp:oyees. l'ex,ole hours S3 50-A 001hr Call 688-Q7A3. The Gap • Needs soles employees In Wayne and Concord mall. Port-hme position. co,, Cindy at (302) 478-96"0 Acme Markets - Hir-ng part-+iMe employees ,n most area stores. flexib:e schecules available, training Cortacr Peggy Sc~oelder at 969-1200
First Investors Corp. • In Feasterville. management trainee position. no bock ground In fincnce needed Call Boroaro Emis at 364-8610 Money Financial Services· In Bolo Cynwyd. Tele marketer 6-9 pm. Four-five aays1wk. SA-S6/hr.Call Jann Schaffer ot 667-1760 Mallroom tnserters - Needed at the Suburban Woyne Times, 134 N Wayne Ave. Wayne Wed evenings 3 W-7 30 or 5-9 other t,mes available Need seven peop e immediately $4.251S450. Call Chuck r-..icho:sat 688-3000 ext 141 Putman at the Court• ladies specio!ty s1ore is now h,ring ~ort-time sa,es people. Two nights, Saturdays and alterna•ing SUndavs Call 265-2917 and ask Jar Donna. PT Typist • F:,r Wayne Co must type 65 wpm. S6 001hr. Co: Mrs Everett al 687-8899. Eagle's Eye• Port-time - Excellent communications and interpersona: skills Two or three days per week. Salary $7.00/hr. Call personnel at 6"7 ,3700 Coat Checker- Part-time F11doythrough Sunday 5:00• 10:00 pm Excellent wages. Excellent surroundings in which to work Call Bob Valent, at Merion Cricket Club at M:2-5800 Work atudy/grant • Anyone interes•ed who hos some talent in pointing, construction. carpentry. design. or theater lob work Call Jeanne fJSher in the L1tt:e Theater at e<t.510 Outdoor Work• Need assistance on weekends Coll Mr. Rawls otter 6 pm. at 525-4377. Babysitter • Needed for seven and ten yr. olds. Every Vied 12:45-4 00 p.m Coll Maggie at 296-3736 in the eveni,gs
Gardner• Preferably male, nex1bte ,ours. Help wtth foll planting at shrubs, bulbs perennials. yard cleanup. Some heavy digging. Private home ,n St•afford, $4 00-$5.00/hr. Call Janet Tiffany a• 687-4915. Eagle's Eye• Ful -time position· Degree required and one year of experience preferred but not required. Person should have excellen1 communico1iof"ls and interpersonal skills. Resoonsibi!ities w,: include resolving questions relation to orders and service for all specialty and dept. store occoun1s including re-order sollcitat,on Salary $1'1.500 Murry Communications• Teleohone operotors. answering service on :atest telecommur1cat,on equipment - will train. $4 Mory Leighton at 688-6272.
oo,rir. Cati
Eddie Bauers 1 Inc. ~ Oppor1unities available for PT1FT so,es representatives cohJers and stock persons i the11King of Prussia store. Good work,ng otmasp~ere. compe!ihve woges and 30% merchondls discount. Apply to manager of Eddie Bauers 01 the Court Eagle's Eye· "Order Ed,tof' PT,20-25 hrs.twk. S5.00/hr. Resposlbllit1es include accurately applyi,g all necessary info. for processing orders order dote~. etc. Go over doily error list. making necessary corrections for data processing Process Incoming orders. Distribute depa•tmental mall Se able to use calculator ana CRT Acounting skills not necessary. Coll the personnel dept at 647-3700 Meridian Bank - ,-.eeds proof machine operators 4 00- 8 00 p.m 5 days/Wk over $4.00. Coll Mrs. Becker 251-5925 Receptionist • In center city, 1 ~0-6:30 pm. Monday- Friday $5 00/hr. Cal' 569.'1400
Zoo Intern• Paia internsh,p.s far college students and collece graduates Gain skill and experience in informal education, exhibit mor"'ogernent. museJmizoo odm1nistrot:on For persons infereseted in teaching or odl'T'inistrotive careers.18- week semester. December t '986 - April 5, 1987 or canuory 5. 1987 - fvloy 10. 1'187,40 hrs /wk.. stipend: $100. for more info w11te Zoo Intern Program. Phllodelph,a Zoo, 34th and Girord Ave. Philo. PA.1'1104.
Teachers/Education Majors- Part-time pos11ionsavailable at area private schools for ofterschool program Monday through Friday 3-6 pm. The position involves superVision of students In grades K through 5. Pos11honalso includes planning ot creative activities and homework assistance Ideal opporrunity for student interested in the ed,cohon f,etd Salary is $5.00/hr Interested students co: Cnnstine Farrell. The Seedlings at 667-4'147. Surveyers • For puolic opinion polls , flexible hours, good salary w,th steady ,ncreose. Coll 526-1800. for interview Pizzeria Uno restaurant and bar• Flexible hours. regular pay. Three to four posihons available Todd Cardin al 337-'1'189.
Hit or Miss in Wayne• Management trainee and Sates associate PT/fl day or evening Contact Vida Denegan at 687- 3'161. Executive Secretary• Port-time, flexible hours ,n St Davids Coll Mafia at 254-0021. Retail Wine Sales• Chaddsford Winery 1n SUburbon Square, Ardmore Call 6"9-1679 Graduate Fellowship• For science and engineering mo1ors available for 1987 In the finonclol 01d office. Warehouse Help • Order pickers. packers, stocking clerks. and receiving cler,s. Wage and bonus. fl/ PTpos,tions Monday-Friday. Apply in persor at Taylor Gifts 355 E. Conestoga Rd. Strafford. McManus Entertainment - Typ,st-recept1on1St needed for busy theatncal wntlng Co. Monday-Friaoy 10-6 p.m, Cor needed Call 664-8600
Survey Research. Needs interviewers to conduct opinion polls. No experience needed no selling. flexible hours and paid training. Co Mrs. Boone ot 96"-4676 . Dunkin' Donuts• Earn extra money. good
pay. nice people, flexible hours See Julie at 733 Lancaster Ave Bryn Mcrwr.
loquitur- frida½october31, 1986
Seniors'crawl'throu h 13bars by Christy Mason
Whe it was all over, they clamed that it brought them together as a class. After all, it was an exclusive class function. It was also an unusual function. It was a function that the administration had no part in. It was a function that many claimed was the best time they had ever had. "I had an awesome time," Kerry Hogan, senior, said. "It was the best time I had since freshmen year." It was the famous, or for some, infamous "Cabrini Lancaster Crawl" that took place on Friday, Nov. 24. According to Betty Hogan, senior, cocaptain crawler, this event "promotes responsible drinking" and "brings the senior class together." The "crawl" is actually a game of survival. The objective is to have one drink or shot in every bar along the "crawl route" on Lancaster Ave. This year's crawl route started at Roache and O'Brien's and ended, as it does every year, at the Wayne Tavern. Thus, in between these two points, the crawlers slithered into about 13 bars. At every establishment, including and between these two points, each "crawler" has 15 minutes in which to consume one beer or shot. At the end of the 15 minute period, cocaptain crawlers, Katie Grimley, senior, and Hogan blew a whistle and checked all glasses for unfinished alcohol. All crawlers then piled into the two, rented-for-the- occasion-vans and drove to the next establishment. Juniors Peggy Emerich and Kathy Funk were designated van drivers. Clad in chauffeur attire, the two tirelessly drove the seniors from point to point. "It was so much fun," Emerich said. "I can't wait until we are 21," she added. Before any senior could participate in the crawl, they had to understand and agree to abide by the tringent rules established for the crawl. Thee rules include: •each crawler required to wear sneakers. eeachcrawler is to have a "buddy" that is with him/her at all times. Buddies must don matching colors. •all buddiesare to be referred to as "buddies." The word "partner" is not tolerated. •buddies must accompany one another to the bathroom. •all empty glasses must be shown to the captain crawler. If any of these rules are broken, offenders are punished. According to crawl rules, "violators are required to consume an additional alcoholic beverage at the bar following the one where the violation occurred. Aiding and abetting a violator will result in double punishment for the accomplice. Costs for punishment will be at the violators expense." At dinner, before the start of the crawl, scheduled to start at 6 p.m., many seniors were· filling up on starches and drinking milk in order to coat their stomachs for the event. According to Kathy O'Donnell, senior, getting sick was not one of her worries. "No, I'm not concerned about being sick," she said. "We're prepared. We've worked on our tolerance during the week."
"I hope we do this next weekend," Corcoran said. ''Being a senior is fun. Yeah, you can quote me on that too." The rest of the crawlers arrived at the Wayne Tavern about 11 p.m: While some looked better than others, with the exception of one, all survived the crawl and were still able to talk about it. Buddies Sean Meenan and Brian Fitzpatrick, seniors, whose matching outfits included high topped sneakers, green sweat pants, white T-shirts, jeans jackets and cabbie caps, also said they enjoyed themselves. "No -problem!" Meenan said, "I had a great time!"
'I wouldliketo sayto everybody thatif itweren't fora lotof beersand a lotof shots,thisnightwouldn'tbe possible.' -Brian Fitzpatrick, senior
"We went to t'le Wayne Hotel because we were dressed more appropriate for it," Corcoran said. "Partners is a dive." Both Murray and Corcoran said they _had the time of their lives (from the expressions on their faces, they were telling the truth).
Reflectingon life in a smalltown
(photo by Chris Corcoran)
by Kimberly Kovach
Fitzpatrick, who contemplated the answer more than his buddy, said, "I would like to say to everybody that if it weren't for a lot of beers and a lot of shots, this night wouldn't be possible." According to most of the crawl participants, the event was successful because people who would not normally go out together did so. "It was awesome," Joe Giuffre, senior, said. "Everybody stuck together and followed all the rules. It unified the class even more." "I think it was a lot of fun," Darron Patton, senior, said. "I talked with a lot of people that I didn't even know before this." "One thing that was really neat is that the senior class has joined together," Hogan said. Most participants said they will crawl again this spring. Some were even looking beyond the spring. "The Cabrini crawl will never be the same," Chris Koerner, senior, said. "There will be an alumni crawl!" Other crawlers offered words of wisdom, advice and overall views of the crawl. "If there's not a crawl allowed this spring, then everybody should go out and do it themselves," Frank Bokoski, senior, said. "I drank all club soda up until the last 30 bars," Fitzpatrick promised. "Excellent, excellent, excellent time," Julie Senatore, senior, said. "It was my wildest experience in four years," Michelle Bamber, senior, said. "The friends and memories we have now last forever," Dave Febbo, senior, said. "It's the best times we'll ever know."
If I went home on Halloween, it certainly would not be to pass out candy to trick-ortreaters. We never really had many, basically because we never had many neighbors. I live in a very small town. The town where I grew up is called Ellisdale. I am quite sure it hasn't been heard of; it isn't even on the map. There are not any banks, post offices, or stores;13idewalks or yellow no-passing lines on the roads in this town. In fact, it was just a few years ago that the road in front of our house was paved. Small towns may seem like potentially boring places to grow up, but according to many Cabrini students who come from small towns, they would not trade in the memories or the experiences they have from living where they do. There is a special closeness between friends in small towns. Some believe that they are closer to their friends from high school than the people from cities and even the suburbs are to their old friends. "Everyone has grown up together," Tina Slater,junior, said. "Wehave gone to the same schools from elementary to high school and everyone knows each other. There is a closeness between friends coming from the years of experiences we have all shared," she said. . fo smaller towns, there is not much to dQ. · · ·. . because of the limited places to go. "High school was like an outlet," Pete Casazza,Juruor said. "Dances and athletic events were always really big." . . People from small towns found it even harder to get to places before they got their licenses or before they got a car to drive to these places. "There weren't a lot of places to go. I remember talking on the phone a lot in high school "Cassaza said. "My friends and I had to depend on each other. When we wanted to go so~ewhere, we always had to drive so there was_planning involved in our activities." "What I really like about living in a small town 1s the fact that whenever I go home, I always know where to find my friends," Trish Reilly, senior, said. . . Reilly continued, ''.Allwe used to do in h_ighschool was to go to ~arties_,not ~ecessar1ly to get drunk all of the time, but to socialize and have a good time with friends. It was something to do." . ,, . . "This may sound crazy, but my friends and I used to have field parties, Jumor, female said. ''They are literally parties in a field. We used to bring our own 'beverages,' set up a huge hon fire, play some music, and really have a good time." . . All of the ideas small town residents have about their hometown are very sumlar. There are close relationships between friends because, in an indirect way, they are each other's entertainment. As opposed to city or suburban kids, those from the country always have to find things to do. They could never take a walk around the block deciding where to stop first - the movies, a bar, or someplace to eat.
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"I'm really excited," Peggy McKay, senior, said. "I'm not going to be sick. You have to think positively for this." The first crawlers to worm their way into the Wayne Tavern at approximately 10:15 p.m. were buddies Chris Corcoran ana Mark Murrav, seniors. According to Corcoran, while the rest of the buddies continued to Partners Pub, he and Murray took an alternate route because their matching outfits, suit and tie and dress shoes (an obvious violation of the rules), were too classy for Partners Pub.
Seniors pose for a sober-:;hot" before the infamous qawl down Lancaster Ave.
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loquitur- friday,october31, 1986
Productseasecollegelife by Debbie Ferrar
Imagine life without television or music; no cars, refrigerators, and l God forbid) no beer. What did people ever do without these things? How on earth did they survive? In reality, every human being can obviously exist without contact lenses, hair spray, happy hour and automatic bank teller machines, but some college students would have a tough time living without them. They aren't llfe-sustaining, but they do make a big difference in every day college existence. Students have grown accustomed to many luxuries that make life just a little bit better. It seems that Cabrini would collapse without music. Who doesn't listen to music? Stereos are the number one item Cabrini students can't live without. For example, Eric Power and Tim Fitzgerald, juniors, can't do without the Monkees, Van Halen and Animal House tapes. Television runs a close second. What would it be like without "Cosby," "Wheel of Fortune," "Family Ties," or "General Hospital?" And, of course, one can't forget David Letterman. Some students don't tune in to just certain programs, they watch everything on TV. "It (TV) is on every minute of the day," Mike Fallon, senior, said.
Food is an understood necessity. Humans cannot survive without these basic physical needs. How~ver, there are specific foods students would rather eat than anything else.
'CocoaKrispiesare tough to go without.' -Keith Fogarty,senior
"Cocoa Krispies are tough to go without," Keith Fogarty, senior, said. Mike Charvala, sophomore, needs steak or pizza to make him happy, while Joyce Mundy and Trish Fitzgerald, freshmen, would be content living just on chocolate. "Oodles ofNoodles" and Manilla's cheese fries are other staple foods in the Cabrini diet. Vanity and cleanliness are the motives for many college necessities. Soap, shampoo, deodorant and razors are at the top of the list. . ''Toilet paper and toothpaste, definitely," Terry Smith, sophomore, said. Karen Siegel, sophomore, s~id she can't live without 45-minute hot showers.
Juniors: Kevin Corcoran, Tim Fitzgerald, Eric Power and Steve Saville utilize three crucial necessities simultaneously: a television set, a stereo, and beer. (photo by Debbie Ferrar) Some students can't live without sports. sophomore, trash bags are a necessity. "My Athletics is "the pinnacle of my existance, room is so disgusting, I need a trash can," the essence oflife," Mike Feeley, freshman, she said. cross country runner, said. Fitzgerald even cited a necessity for a Pete Casazza, junior, can't live without particular day of the week. According to his running shoes. ''They're an important him, hats on a Saturday morning, without part of my life," he said. Casazza added a shower, are vital. that he also needs clippers for his hair. On a personal note, Feely said,"I can't One man's junk is another man's trealive without my red hair. I love my red sure. According' to Mary Beth Beckett, hair."
'Our World!-:
Presenting 'pop'history by Annamarie Fahy
It competes with "The Cosby Show" and "Family Ties" on Thursday nights, so if you did catch the first two episodes of "Our World" (8 p.m. WPVl-channel 6) you may have caught it by accident. Or, maybe the TV dial wouldn't budge past the number 6 because "Our World" related to your world.
128West Lancaster
Receive this cup FREEwhen you order any large one-item or more pizza. All you have to do is ask the phone person when you place your order. Offer good while supplies last. No coupon neceuary, Just ask. Limit one cup per pizza. Not good with any other offer. Available only at the location listed.
OurdriYers carryINa
"Our World," hosted by Linda Ellerbee and Ray Gandolf,is a weekly one-hour program that presents great history making events. The show is different in that while concentrating on historical text of government and world affairs, it attempts to weave a common thread through the popular people, places and events of time. One might call it a "pop" history show. The show has covered such topics as the Cuban Missile Crisis in Oct., 1962, the creation of the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk in 1954, and the McCarthy hearings in the early 1950's. Interspersed between films of these and other events are personal anecdotes of people directly and indirectly related with the issues, popular songs and broadway plays of the time, as well as, personal reflections from the hosts. Dr. Jolyn Girard, chairperson. history and political science department, said it would be wrong to contrast the show against the depth that a historian is supposed to bring to a subject. "It is not fair to criticize the show, but the medium, TV, in most cases, is simply not a medium of depth," Girard said. He continued, ~'For what the program wanted to accomplish, it did it well; it was a balanced overview." Credits rolling, "Our World" ends with the hosts alternately narrating bits of information relating to the time period: "In 1962, the United States Surgeon General forms a panel to determine if cigarette smoking is harmful; Campbell's Chicken Noodle is the most popular soup in America, at 18 cents a can; Lenny Bruce is arrested for speaking obscene words in a public place ..." This trivia is a fine way to enhance the time frame examined. Kathleen McCabe, sophomore, said she'd give up Cosby to watch "Our World." ''The show (premiere) helped me get a more complete picture of what was going on around the time I was born. Besides, I think Linda Ellerbee is great."
loquitur- friday,october 31, 1986
Runnersclinchconferencetitle by Patty Moore
omore, said. "He told us we were mentally and physically ready." With five runners placing in the top 15, the team won the championships. The top finisher for Cabrini was Mike Dolan, freshman, who placed third. Magolon finished fourth, coming ip. 12 seconds after Dolan. ''We never gave up. We knew what we had to do," Magolon said. Casazza finished seventh, Paul Magolon, sophomore, finished eighth and John Donahue, junior, finished 13th. "The team has worked too hard to let ourselves down,"
The men's cross country team placed first at the Eastern States Athletic Conference (ESAC) at Frostburg College, in Maryland last Saturday. The runners approached the meet with an optimistic attitude. "This is our biggest meet this season, " Pete Casazza, junior, said. "The team is optimistic because we've trained so hard." "The night before the race, the coach called a conference," Dean Magolon, soph-
Casazza said. Tom O'Hora, men's cross country coach, said, "The team is working real hard and deserved to win. We have no stars but a close-knit team who stays together and finishes together." MikeFeeley, freshman, finished 30th in the race. "Theteam is a role model for me," Feeley said. ''They helped me along and made me feel comfortable my first year." "Mental toughness won this race for us," Magolon said. "We pretended it was our last race and went all out."
SLDauid, Health
Meetboosts morale·
Cross country runners Maureen Murray, senior, Angie Corbo, freshman, and Jeanne Robinson, junior, were named to the Eastern States Athletic Conference (ESAC) All-Conference team as they placed seventh, eighth, and fifteenth, respectively. The team placed third overall in the conference championships. Completing the team were runners Colleen McLaughlin, senior, Patti Renzetti, sophomore, and Eileen Zebrowski, junior, who finished eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth.
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''The ESAC championships mean a lot more to the team than winning the districts," Casazza said. ''The competition is a lot stiffer at the ESAC." Saturday, the cross country team will participate in the District 19 Championships, which they have won the past two years. "We are the favorite. Other teams don't have the depth we have." O'Hora said. The team won every invitational except one this year. "Unselfishness, closeness. and pushing each other, this is what makes championship teams." O'Hora said.
'This meet was a real boost for our team and a great incentivefor the districtsthis weekend.' -Maureen Murray,senior Both Murray and Corbo remarked about the positive effects of the race and their desires for a repeat performance Saturday ,ia ~ · · · · "All our work is paying off,'' Murray said. "This meet was a real boost for our team and a great incentive for this weekend," Murray continued.
... :'
Corbo said, "I felt a lot of team support and unity. It was a great feeling to run with Maureen during the race." "It also helped me a lot to have Beverly (Beverly Reilly J, our coach, directing us along the course and also to have the mens team cheering us on," Corbo said. Corbo con,,tinued, '1'm psyched for the District meet." r:-Reilly summed up the overall attitude when she said, ~he team is hungry. They feed off each other. This past weekend gave them a real taste ofvictory and accomplishment. The.ic llnity·as a·team allows them to see through one eye, the eye of the tiger."
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loquitur - friday,october31, 1986
Despiteobstacles,team looksahead by Jacqui McClernan Overcoming tough competition and the p_roblemcaused by a lack of proper facilities, the women's tennis team competed in the Eastern States Athletis Conference (ESAC) championships, placing fourth overall. Singles winners include: Freshmen Heather Schwarze, Pamela Croke and Carol Rissa; sophomores, Gina Strobel and Rachael Cav:illier; and senior Donna Kolb. Doubles winners include: Risse and Cro!ce, Schwarze and Strobel, and Dunna Capone, senior, and Kolb.
"There were four other schools there and the competition was fierce. and we don't have the experience of competition," Schwarze said. To prepare for the competition, the team practiced two hours daily and talked about the upcoming tournament. "We talked about it, psyched ourselves, and helped each other out in practice," Str0bel said.
• "I can only coach the team so far, but they have to want it. The potential is there, but the coach can't do it all," Joe Dodd, senior, coach, said.
The underlying problem all season for the tennis team has been the lack of playing facilities. "Having courts would have made it much easier to just go )ut practice anytime," Schwarze said. St.robe! brings out another facet associated to the lack of facilities. ''Potential recruits from high schools would look more favorably upon a college with facilitiest Strobel said.
"I was told weare getting three courts, hopefully by the end of t.he year," Dodds said. According to Jolin Dzik, director of athletics, "Eventually I'm sure the courts will be refurbished; however, no date has been ., se.t
Strobel believes courts "'ould be a wise investment because the team is young. Looking ahead to next year the team will consist of juniors, sophom->res, and freshmen. "They don't realize we have an awesome young team and new courts could be for evflryonf not just the tennis team," Stnbel said. Reflecting on the !!emmn, Strobel said, "This season we started to climb the mountain with dedication, 1mpport for each other, a helpful coach, and a 'never say die' attitude, but before I gradu11te I hope we reach our penk." Do,lds agrees with Strobel that the girls have the talent. "We have a young team of freshmen and sophomores with potential lo have a championship team by the time they graduate, but it is to the girls," Dodds said.
Coachchallengesruling by Jim Steffler
Standards, set at-12·_ by Rnonda Dannenhower Athletes at Cabrini must abide by certain rules in order to remain eligible to participate in their sport and keep their athletic award. "An athlete must remain in good academic standing to be able to play a sport," Dr. Joseph Romano, vice-president of academic affairs, said. "We must comply with PHEAA's/Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency) definition of good standing which is making progress towards a degree," Romano said.
meet whatever standards the academic dean sets," Dzik said. "EPAC requires an athlete to have 12 or more credit hours per semester, and to pass 24 per year." "If the required amount of credits are not earned, the athlete auotmatically becomes ineligible to play," Romano said. Cabrini cannot give athletic scholarships. However, athletes do receive athletic awards. "Because of an NCAA rule (that affects Division III schools), we are not permitted to give athletes scholarships. So, athletic awards are given to those who need them," Romano said:
"Athletes are under the same standards "Athletic awards are need-based awards as the rest of the students here," Beth-Ann that are incorporated into an athletes Leiberman, assistant director of financial ' financial aid package," Leiberman said. aid, said. "These standards are: a 1.8 for ''An athlete fills out the required finanfreshman and 2.0 for sophomores, juniors, cial aid papers that everyone else fills out. and seniors." Their financial aid package is based on family contribution and the guaranteed student loan," Dzik said. However, there are other specifications an athlete must fulfill to remain eligible. The National Athletic Intercollegi'½!though the amount of the award is ate Association (NAIA>,the National Col- determined athletically, no athlete has an legiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Divi- award in lieu of a guaranteed student sion III and Eastern Pennsylvania Athletic loan," Dzik said. Conference IEPAC), all have their own standards of eligibility. "If for example, an athlete's need is determined to be $3000, they would receive a "The NAIA says that an athlete must financial aid package consisting of a $2500 abide by the standards set by the instituguaranteed student loan and a $500 athtion. Division III says they must uphold the letic award," Dzik said. "They can never standards of the institution and of their end up with more money than they need." conference," John Dzik, director of athletAn athlete can lose their award,just like ics, said. an academic scholarship could be lost, if the eligibility standards are not upheld. Under the rules of EPAC, an athlete "If there is no prospect of an athlete getmust take a certain number of credits a ting back in good standing for the second semester. "EPAC doesn't set any grade semester, I think their aid package would point average, it states that athletes must reflect this," Romano said.
A new ruling was instituted this year by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA).The rule is applicable to every sport and implies that a team must have a 500 record (an equal number of wins and losses) during the regular season in order to qualify for post-season play. "The rationale behind the ruling was that the N AIA wanted wmnffi'g teams to play for a national championship," John Dzik, director of athletics. said. Gerry Szabo, district volleyball chairperson of the NAIA, women's volleyball coach. recently made an appeal to the NAIA on the behalf of District 19. Within the last two weeks, Szabo's appeal was accepted and approved by the N AJA. Szabo pleaded that an exception to the rule be made. He based his appeal upon the fact that not all teams within the district compete in head-to-head competition and that the strength of team's schedules is diverse. "Many coaches within the district look to pad their playing schedules with weaker teams. This is a clear indication that these coaches are only concerned with eligibility for post-season play," Szabo said. Szabo has a different philosophy when it comes to scheduling games and choosing opponents. Szabo said, "The accepted way of getting better is to play teams that are better than you." Dzik's position as athletic director requires his responsibility both to the teams and their respective coaches, and also, to the administration. . In this particular situation, Dzik must provide a happy medium between the teams desire to grow and the administration's economic boundaries. "I believe that the 500 rule is that compromise," Dzik said. The new rule will allow only those teams with a winning record to compete in post-season play and, at the same time, will meet the college's budget by eliminating the expensive cost of financing post-season play for every sport. Dzik does believe, however, that Szabo should have made his appeal to the NAIA in the beginning of the volleyball season. This would have made his argument seem much more justifiable to the general public. On the other hand, Szabo emphasized that he has been trying to change the 500 rule for the last two years, and that he is in no way guilty of hypocrfay just because his team happens to have a 10-30 record. However,Dzik also said, '½!though philosophically I am againstsub-500 teams playing in the playoffs, I will stand behind Gerry's initiative and determination in looking out for the best interest of his team." His only concern was the unorthodox way in which the NAIA handled the· entire situation. According to the normal flow of communication regarding such controversial matters, the NAIA, after reviewing Szabo's plea, should have met with the athletic directors in the district before making any kind of decision regarding the issue. In the near future, Dzik seeks to adopt an institutional policy with the approval of the administration that will require every team to secure at least a 500 record during the regular season for eligibility in any post-season play.
AttentionStudents,Faculty, Staff and Administration Theentire CabriniCollege communityis invited to Catchthe CabriniSpirit Thursday,November13, 4 to 6 p.m.
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