Read about senior athletes In sports
frid~y,november7, 1986
cabrinicollege,r~dnor,pa. 19087
vol. xxxiii,no. 8
Fake I.D.:
Jumpingthe gun to 21 · by Denise Brady
It's Friday night and you are sitting in your room wondering what to do. Movies? Frat party? Road trip? Suddenlv vour best friend calls and she has the perfect idea - barhopping! The only problem with that idea is that both of you are under 21, the legal drinking age in the-state of Pennsylvania. The question is, are you still going to go barhopping? If you are like most students at Cabrini, the answer is yes. It is relatively easy to either borrow a driver's license from someone who is 21 or to alter your own license by stenciling it or even by using a computer to print up a "legal" license. "I got a paper driver's license from New Jersey and a back- up college I.D. so I could socialize," senior, male, said. "Most ofmy friends are upperclassmen and they all go out to bars." Kathy Ross, senior, who is now 21, said she got a fake I.D. last year for the same reason. Unfortunately, on her first try at a bar near her home, Ross and her friends were caught by the manager, who summoned the police. Ross was fined $120 and given three points on her license. This didn't stop her from going out to bars until she was 21. "After I got caught I figured I'd never use fake I.D. again," she said, "but, after a while, I thought it would be safe to borrow someone else's I.D." Annemarie Baeurle, sophomore, got her fake I.D. from a girl she met at a wedding. The girl gave Baeurle her old driver's license and so far Baeurle hasn't been rejected at any of the bars she frequents. · "I've been lucky," she said. "It's a risky business. In the long run it's probably not worth it, but right now it's the norm to have fake I.D. and use it." "I like to go out and mingle and have a good time," Baeurle said. "I don't abuse it. I use good judgement." According to Lt. Kelly of the Radnor police department, not everybody who uses fake I.D. uses it wisely. Kelly said that if you are in a bar and are asked to show your I.D., telling the police or Liquor Control Board that you don't have any an~ were not carded will not stop them from taking you down to the station and doing a computer check on you.
'I've been lucky.Its (usingfake 1.0.)a risky business. In the long run it's probablynot worth it, but right now, its the norm to have fake 1.0.and use it.' -Annmarie Baeurle,sophomore According to Kelly, if you do show them your fake I.D., they will most likely issue you a citation and let you go. You could pay up to $143 for that citation. If y_ouput up an argument the police have been know to issue a misdemeanor charge and even to keep you in jail overnight. The fine for that offense is up to $2,500 and a maximum of one year in jail. "The second you present a false I.D. you are liable to be charged with the misrepresentation of age to secure liquor," Kelly said. "That is a misdemeanor of the third degree." Kelly also said that while the LCB and the police are working as hard as they can to stop the use of false I.D's, they know that they cannot catch everybody. Sometimes even they can't tell whether an I.D. is fake or not without doing some serious checking. '½Jso," Kelly said, "there is always someone thinking of a better way to come up with a fake I.D." That statement is par;ially the reason behind the new Pennsylvania driver's license. The new license has a raised commonwealth seal that is extremely hard to duplicate. If the license is tampered with, it will be obvious.
There is alwayssomeonethinkingof a better way to come up with a fake 1.D." -Lt. Kelly,Radnor police department Jim Ryan, manager of Smokey Joe's on Lancaster Avenue, said that it is very difficult, almost impossible, to get into his bar using fake I.D. "We always take fake I.D. away from the user and if we have any doubts at all we have the customer sign an affadavit," he said. According to Ryan, Smokey Joe's employees are trained to spot fake I.D. Ryan has a stack offake I.D.'s in his desk to prove this. Smokey Joe's has even installed a videotape camera to record customers being carded. just in case they use the old cliche, "I wasn't carded." Even beer distributors and liquor stores have protected themselves against underage drinkers. Bob Schatzel, manager of Bottle 'n' Can has a book he calls the "Bible." The "Bible" has pictures of every driver's license in the country, just so he can check out-ofstate I.D. The register at Bottle 'n' Can prints out records of whether ur not his customers have been carded and he trains his employees very carefully. He said it's fairly easy to spot someone with fake I.D. "They're usually nervous or walk around for a while. Some even start talking to me like they're my best friend.'' he said. He also said time has a great deal to do with it. ''The later it gets the younger the kids get," Ryan said. "Weekends are really bad, too. Those times are when we card the heaviest." Even with knowing all of these precautions against fake I.D. usage, there are many students who continue to alter, borrow or even use an older person's birth certificate to get themselves a new license just to get into a bar to get served. "It's just so I can get served and hang out with my friends," Mike Long, freshman, said, "and also because it's fun and everybody else has one."
Mik~ D<;>lan, freshman, wo'.! the prize for best costume at the Halloween dance
heletfiitl&JpOl:if:$r.Dolllr,~tllt/11'1' hit greifn"Gumby'' ouflt, is joined by
sophom°'!3 and proud cheerleader Dean Mago/on, foreground, and the not-so;~~:~d witch Karen Halcombe, sophomore, background. (photo by Monica
Studentcampaignsfor Hoeffel by Maria O'Brien Jill Lehman, sophomore, has always been interested in politics. She followed Joe Hoeffel's 1984 Congressional campaign for Pennsylvania's 13th district and she lilted him. Lehman has been working on the 1986 Hoeffel campaign for the past year. He is a democrat who currently lives in Abington and is a lawyer in Philadelphia. Hoeffel served four terms as a State Representative from Abington. His accomplishments include the passing oflaws that created a State Code of Ethics for public officials, protected lottery funds for senior citizens, strengthened penalties for Medicaid fraud, increased state funding for mass transit and established five-year mandatory minimum jail sentences for repeat violent offenders and for crimes committed with a gun. , "I met Joe at Cabrini's videoconference last year," Lehman said. "I volunteered to work for him that day, got involved in the Democratic committee and was appointed a committee person for Norristown's district 4-3." Lehman's involvement in Hoeffel's campaign included travelling with him during an ordinary day, registering voters, arranging interviews for him and shaking hands with him. According to Lehman, Hoeffel starts a normal day by shaking hands at train stations at 5:30 a.m. From 11a.m. to 3 p.m. he's in the office attending meetings, planning campaign strategies and completing paper work. For the next two hours he's out shaking hands in supermarkets. His night finally comes to an end around 8 p.m. after he has gone door to door shaking the hands of more constituents. Hoeffel is currently running against Larry Coughlin, republican, who has represented Pennsylvania's 13th Congressional district for 18 years.
Hoeffel ran against Coughlin two years ago in a 2-1 republican counting. This means that there are two republicans per democrat in the district. Hoeffel received 44"k of the votes. Lehman thinks that Hoeffel is a candi-W:::. date that she can trust. "The thing I like best about Joe is that when he says something, he means it," Lehman said. "He never evades an issue because someone disagrees with him. He always tells you what he truly believes. I don't feel that I can trust Coughlin."
'I'd like to stay in politicsat a local level and I'll always support a candidateI believe in.' -Jill Lehman,sophomore The object of the political game in the 13th district is to get the Republicans to split their votes by voting for Hoeffel. Lehman thinks that the reason why Coughlin has remained in office for 18 years is . not because of his track record, but because Republicans vote the straight Republican ticket. "We don't want them to vote ·straight Republican," Lehman said. "We want them to look at the people not the party." Working directly with a congressional candidate gave Lehman some insight into the world of politics. "This campaign has made me realize that there's a lot more to-politics than voting," Lehman said. ''The campaign has also made me question any political career aspirations because it's so difficult and there's a lot of mud- slinging that goes on," Lehman said. "I'd like to stay in politics at a local level and I'll always support a candidate thai I believe in."
loquitur- friday,november7, 1986
Drunkdriving the primary issue
Homecoming arouses high school memories
It was a brisk, cloudy Sunday. What few leaves that were left on trees fluttered to the ground as the wind wisked across the field. The stands, a blur of black and gold, were packed with fans young and old. The band played the old fight song as the cheerleaders danced on the sidelines. A blow of the whistle, a kick of the ball. a roar from the crowd, and my high school's homeUnderage drinking is rampant in today's society. Those who are underage are coming officially began.
In Pennsylvania, the legal drinking age is 21. But, does this mean that students must wait until we are 21 to get into bars or have access to any alcohol? Not necessarily. Students have found many ways around this. A big issue these days is fake identifications. By using fake I.D.'s, students are almost doubling the amount of peopie who decide to drive home drunk.
literally breaking the rules, both on and off campus, to drink, to get drunk, and then to drive. Then again, when we turn 21, we may still be breaking one of these rules - drunk driving. Anymore, it doesn't matter who you are or how old you are, but how much you drink and how you plan on getting home that night. Sure we have heard this thousands of times from our peers, our parents, and even from various advertisements, but "the next life we save might be our own." If you drive drunk, or even if you drive after having only a couple of drinks, you run the risk of killing someone, killing yourself, or both. Your reflexes and mindset aren't the same. We aren't saying that everyone who enters a bar, will drink to get drunk, and kill someone on their way home. We are saying that drunk driving is a serious issue and more concern should be placed on it and the prevention of it than on busting students using fake I.D.'s. The drinking age is 21, but why? For the mere purpose that those who are under 21 will be too immature to handle being drunk and driving at the same time? We disagree. No matter how old you are, if you are drunk, you will still never be mature enough to drive home safely. Do 21-year-olds develop some kind of anti-alcohol chemical that begins neutralizing alcohol the second that they turn 21? No, they are just like everyone else. They can get drunk too. How many people who are over 21 get drunk and kill people by losing control of their automobiles? The statistics are staggering. Drinking and driving at any age is stupid and endangers both the driver and others on the road. Underage drinking will not disappear. The problem lies with those who drink and drive. More concern should be placed on responsible drinking. This may prevent those senseless deaths caused by drunk drvers.
Homecoming - coming home, seeing old friends, reliving high school memories, chatting about past games, gossiping about who's married, who's not, and who should be, lying about yourself and your social life, checking out who got heavier and who should not have dyed their hair. Ah yes, homecoming, there's nothing quite like it. Of course. returning to the old alma •mater is a must. You have to see who's there, with whom, and why. You see your old geometry teacher who flunked you two quarters in a row, and smile and tell her how well you're now doing because of her class (even though you have never used it since l. You see your homecoming queen, who is there with the quarterback of UCLA. and who still looks as great as ever <although her hair looked much better straight). You see the guy who had a crush on you and followed you everywhere for four years •and whom you never gave a second glance to. He is there of course. all six feet two inches of him looking great. Now it is his turn not to give you a second glance. Homecoming is like a reunion. You can't wait to go, see old friends, and talk over old
Experiencingcampus at dawn ......._
by Jeanne Reineberg
Although we all. at one time or another. pull one or more of those infamous allnighters, still very few of us realize the activity that goes on across the campus during the wee hours of the morning. Such activity was something I had never expected to see. But. it was late one night. or perhaps I should say early one morning, and I was making my way back to the Mansion following late-night duty in the newsroom in an effort to get out our weekly newspaper and following the completion of a major paper due in only a few short hours (procrastination has always been one ofmy worst vices). The brightness of the stars was beginning to fade with the approaching break of dawn (sounds like something from a harlequin romance) and I crept quickly across the campus acreage fearful of what might be lurking behind the shrubs and bushes, (yes, I am also a big chicken. Bak. Bak!). The Mansion was getting closer. I was feeling relieved. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, headlights flashed. A vehicle was approaching at good speed. But I was in the courtyard now. I could run ifl had to. And I did. Now the vehicle was in the courtyard ...following me! I bound up the front steps. The car came to a halt and out leaped a figure (ok. ok, so he stepped out slowly. At least let me exaggerate a little). The combination ...oh what a time to forget the combination! !No smart aleck comments please. I mean it's okay to go out and get drunk and forget the combination, but let one person forget it because their mind is not functioning at full capacity and they're marked for life with the name "Dizzy"). ..
I was doomed. This was the end. From deep inside I mustered up all the courage I had (which wasn't a whole heck of a lot at this point) and turned to face my assailant. "Good morning." said Albert Vassallo. our own beloved bookstore manager. So much for the Cabrini College Mansion Murder! But, what was Albert doing up, and dressed yet, at 6:30 a.m. and in the Mansion. From the looks of it, not even the sisters were up yet. Sandy, the Mansion housekeeper. too, was up and well into her daily housecleaning duties. · By now, it was a little after 7:00 a.m. and a few of our faculty members had begun to show their beaming faces (I want to know what makes it so eas for them to smile at 7:20 a.m.). 7:20 a.m.'. Why, the cafeteria would be opening in ten short minutes. Were those rumblings I was hearing my stomach or just the heater going berserk again, I wondered? That's when I remembered I had missed dinner tonight, I mean last night, I mean, I don't know what I mean!
I had left Odell back in the Widner Center also hard at work preparing this frequented building for the onslaught of students and administration who would begin to arrive in less than two hours. I was sure, too, that elsewhere, the rest of the housecleaning staff was on top of things beautifying the individual buildings we each, respectively, now call home.
Back in my room I sat awake. I guess I was just too exhausted to sleep, if that's possible. The birds were beginning to chirp, and the sun had begun to rise gloriously above the horizon. I told myself that this was the last time I'd play such a nasty trick on myself (although I know betterl. So. I sat back and watched the rest of the campus come to life before I finally faded into sleep.
kate welsh times. Yet, you spend the week before not eating and buying out Bloomingdale's for that perfect outfit. Did you ever notice how small everything seems when you return to your high school? The freshman all look about 12 (of course, we were never that small 1,the band sounds terrible (we were much better), and no one seems as excited this year (all the spirit left the school when we graduated 1. Going back made me feel so old. Students looked at me like I was an, an alumna or something. "You used to go to McDevitt, right? When did you graduate? '84, that long ago?!" This year's freshmen are the class of 1990. However, gossiping aside, homecoming does bring back a lot of memories, most of them good. I began to miss good old McDevitt and the fun times I had there. I almost wish I could go back; back to the care-free days of high school with football games. proms. homeroom, locker rooms, study hall ... eight periods a day and five full days a week, demerits, detention. uniforms? Well. maybe not go back full-time, but visiting would be nice. ·
In Leah Cascarina's story in issue 6. "Campus Sound: Success acheived through hard work," Donna Capone, senior. president of Campus Sound. was not respe<.:t1vely mentioned. As the president of Campus Sound. Capone is essentially respom,ible for their success.
Ed110,.i<ote we:sh ~onog1ng Editor· Mor,ca Po 1(0 News Ee' tor: Christy Mason Ass,s+an,s \.1orio O'Brien. vvetfe o ... sely Perspectives EC:rtocKimoerly Kovach Feat;.;res Editors Kathv Hibbard and Robin McKeon Sports Editor use Wason Business Mol"\ager Areto Hla0KV
Copy Edi'or Jeanne Reineberg Graphics Editor Debbie Ferrer P~otography Editor Chris Corcoran Photogrophy Adviser Dr Carter Craigie Adviser Dr. Jerome Zurek. Staff Rochel Anderson, Regino 8a1t1oto. 8e1h Sittner.
Denise Brady Po11yBrown. leoh Cascarina Christine Cocch10. Rhonda Donnenhower Kathleen Dooley. Donna Dougherty, John Dunleavy. Anne Fahy. Brian Fee,ev. Debbie Ferrar, Liz Files. Stephanie Giardini. Kitty Ke11ev. Meghann Johnson. Kathleen McCabe. Jacqui McClernon. Patty Moore, Debbi Murphy. "1on1ca Palko. Patricio Ruppe. Karen Siegt Jim Stettler
Loquitur is published weekly during the schoot year by students of Cobrini College. Radnor. Pennsylvania 1'1087. Suoscription price 1s S20 per year and tS included m the benefits secured by tuition and student fees LOQuitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors However. if the writer wishes. and the editor agrees, the wnter's name rooy be left off the letter upon pubhcat,on and an inscription inserted such as ~name withheld at the request of the writer" Letters shOuld be typed. doublespaced. and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too tong· for the available space, the editor may edit or , condense.·Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays .
loquitur- friday,november7, 1986
Outstandingsenior by Rachel Athelia Anderson He stopped to give aid and show concern to a slightly injured team member. His concern was apparent as he provided her with a bandage for her wrist. This student is the manager of almost every one of Cabrini's women's ~thletic teams. Mike Fallon is the manager of the women's volleyball, basketball and softball teams. He is also a social activities representative for the senior class. "He is extremely reliable and dedicated. also honest," :\-iark Murray senior said "Michael helps every one. There are very few people on the face of the earth like Mike.'; Michelle Iatesta, senior. said Fallon is always willing to help others. "People don't realize how much ':Mailman· does," Iatesta said. r"Mailman" is Fallon's nickname) Fallon's interests do not just lie within sports. Academically. he is a history and political _sciencemajor.
, Mike Fallon, senior , (photo by Larry P. Aquino) "I like both of them," Fallon said. "Put it this way, I'm a liberally educated person." Because of Fallon's busy schedule. he thinks that his grades are suffering a little. According to Fallon, his studying sometimes must take a back seat to his extra-curricular activities. ''But I've always come through at the end." he said. "It's always a matter of time and getting everything done." Fallon devotes most of his time to managing the women's volleyball team. "If I didn't manage volleyball,'' Fallon said. "I probably still would have the same amount of work done. I've taken a lot of Friday and Saturday nights just to study." he said. Fallon does not have much time to socialize. "Senior year is supposed to be youc easiest year,'' Fallon said. "You're supposed to have a good time and everything else. "I haven't seen that yet. I'm still waiting for it to take place." Fallon said he has little free time. "I never relax." he said. "I can't, I don't have time to relax. I'm so worried about everything else. I have a lot of responsibility." Looking back on his years at Cabrini. Fallon is convinced that these were the best years of his life. "Sometimes I think I'll be glad when I graduate but I know I won't be.'· Fallon said. "Come fall next year I'll say. ·gee I wish I could come back.'" Although realizing that he'll miss Cabrini, Fallon's not worried about graduation and what awaits him after graduation. "I'm not concerned about that right now, I'm having too much funjust being in school,'' he said. As for his nickname. Mailman. Fallon remebers exactly when and where he acquired that name. "I remember the day and year it started." Fallon said. "It was Nov. 5. 1983." It all started Fallon's freshman year. He was at a party at Counsel Hall where, according to Fallon, he became "rather obliterated." Fallon said that he was acting rather obnoxiously and that a certainjunior at that party decided that he looked like a mailman. The name stuck and from that day on Fallon has been referred to as Mailman. "Most people don't even know my real name," Fallon said. At first, Fallon said he didn't appreciate the label, but as time went on. he grew used to it.-Now, he thinks that it is more out of respect then anything else. Ironically, Fallon's father is a mailman and this past summer Fallon himself was a letter carrier.
Job Sq·uad Retirement community - needs woi+ers wortresses ~or I f1me 2C hours \Vrl.4 8 30 .Coll ao•r,c,o ot 645 8621
o rr:
Yardwork - F,ex:ole "'10~·s '-!eeds me es to do o ...tcocr •,.:or"-A1sc needs c fe"''Ole to co 1ght 0 0.sekeec•ng•Call \!rs Power a· 688 3668
Canon Interiors - Execut ·~·ccssistont secre•ory neecec for porf.•,rre cosi~ion "5·20-hrs ce• wee< •referoby on accoun·,ng moIar Coll 254 0021
Olan Mills - Dor\'· read this it vou are looking for on easv nor-sotis 4 y,ng par· time 100. i-..owever it vou ere o self- sta,te; ...,.,•""· crnb1t10:"·c~d a frierdlv attit.,de \Ve hove a 1cb fo 1 vou Ear" up to S8 00, hr c:id mo•e Coll 5-9 pm. r.tando•, Fr dcy of 1:88-6521 er 6404 ask Jar John or Pct
Babysitter - .r e.lcc"longe for t·ee •oom O'"ld oco·d :ne• .orivcte bat"'). Coll Sandy S""elle, at
Program Company - Softwa·e teto1I store n ?oserr,ont 1sseek1nq oort-·1rre e"nplcyees to· retail selling ·..,vrntrcin. flex1b e ro,.rs Call Lorrv Mors"'oll at 527-0ooJ ~or ,n~ervie·.-.·
MADNESS Hillary'sPresents a Fiendishly DeliciousOffer
FridayandSaturdayNites11pmto midniteonly Create)'OUrownmonstrously good Htlaly'ssundaeo, conewith your~ ol threeIOpplngs-FREE. lu\198. fresh lruftsoryour favontecandtes ... whatbetterway 10top olf lhe freshestaeamoeSI oceaeam around? /vld whatbenerWir'f tolame those lalen,gh1 hungnes?So gellltO the madness... onlyal Hillaly's.
THE PHILADELPHIA TRlv-The Philadelphia Trio will open the Yellow Springs Institute's 1986-87 Winter/ Spring Concert Season with the performance of three classical chamber works: Barber's "Sonata for 'Cello and Piano. Op. 6." Franck's ·'Sonata in A Major for Violin and Piano," and Schumann's "Trio in G Minor for Piano. Violin and 'Cello, Op. 110." The trio will be performing at the Yellow Springs Institute in Chester Springs, PA. Admission is $6.50, $5.50 for students and senior citizens. For more information call 827-9111. SPANISH DANCES-Jose Molina will be performing Spanish dances at Immaculata College on Nov. 18. For more information contact Mrs. Rachat of the foreign language department.
Suburban Square
PARKING-Residents who are unable to find parking in their designated lots may park in the Sacred Heart lot until 8 a.m. or in the Grace Hall lot at any time. The five spaces next to the ramps have been reserved for Mansion residents. Any violations will result in a ticket and cars may possibly be booted. In order to have the boot removed from cars, call ext. 241 or 245. Tickets will automatically be applied to tuition bills.
PHILADELPHIA PLAY-"Sleep of Reason," a play about the Spanish painter Goya, is currently running at the Wilma Street Theater through November. For more information call 963°0249.
Theentire CabriniCollege communityis invited to Catch the CabriniSpiriton
MotherCabriniFeastDay Thursday,November13 Schedule of Events:
Work study:grant
- Anyone interested who hos sorne talent in poiri~ing. cons~ructior. carpent'y. design. or theater loo work Coll Jeanne Fisher In 1he Ut·le Tnecfer o· ext.510
4 p.m. Liturgy in Sacred Heart Gymnasium with a special Homily "Sharing the Spirit of Mother Cabrini" 5 p.m" Dinner in the Cafeteria featuring an international
Zoo Intern - Paid inremships for college students ond college graduates. Goin skill and experience In informal eaucat1on. exh;b1t management,
museum/zoo administration. For persons intereseted in teochJng or administrative careers. 18-week semester, December t 1Q86 • April 5, 1987 or January 5, 1987 • May 10. 1987 40 hrs.lw~. sflpend $100.For mare info wrife· Zoo Intern Program. Philodelphlo Zoo. 34th and Girard Ave Philo PA. 1910l.
menu and a special presentation about SPIRIT
Everyone is urged to attend wearing Cabrini att;re.
Come sh_arethe Cabrini Spirit with the entire Cabrini communi
loquitur - friday,november7, 1986
---------.Seniors Soccer:
John Berenato, senior, is known to his friends as "J.B." This former captain is playing his fourth year of soccer for Cabrini. Berenato finds soccer to be an aggressive and competitive sport. He is one ofthe players who is very vocal on the field. Berenato is constantly verbally supporting his teammates. "He's a motivator for the team." Andy Spence. sophomore, teammate, said. "John's the type of player every team needs," Tim Matthews, senior, teammate,
by Monica R. Palko
Returning to the field this year after only playing his first year, Kevin O'Donnell, senior, business finance major. decided to leave his mark on the Cabrini soccer field. O'Donnell said that he wanted to play this year because the team looked really good this season. "He came out after not playing soccer for awhile and he's finally fitting into our program," Eric Ehresman, junior, teammate. said, "and he's doing real well."
A soccer financial aid package was an added incentive for Joe Klimek. senior. history major, to come to Cabrini. Klimek enjoys playing soccer at Cabrini. and because of the school's size. he believes the team is closer. "At a smaller school. there is more unity on the team." Klimek said. "At William Patterson !the college from which Klimek transferred). there were 11.000 commuters and 2,000 residents. After practice or a game, everyone just went home.'' Klimek is a driving force on the field and his teammates see him as an essential part of the team. "Joe is one of the biggest keys to our success this year," Sean Meenan, senior. captain. said. ''He's playing center midfield and that is the biggest asset to a team. Joe is a big asset to us." Klimek has an additional semester at Cabrini after his fellow senior teammates leave. However. Klimek will be ineligible to remain on the soccer team.
Charlie Dodds, sen{or, English/communications major with a marketing minor. has been playing soccer for Cabrini since his freshman year. His senior year has become particularly important to Dodds. "I set a lot of goals for this year." Dodds said. "My first goal was for us to win the Eastern Pennsylvania Athletic Conference which means beating Spring Garden." Dodds' second goal is a personal one. He wants to try to break the single season scoring record held by Jim Vail (a 1983 Cabrini graduate) which was set at 12 goals. Mike Finn, a former Cabrini soccer player, tied the record twice. but he never broke it. Dodds has set these goals because of one significant occurrence that stands out in his mind. "When we were freshmen. Dzik (John Dzik, director of athletics) told us by the time we were seniors. we were going to be on a winning team. and now we are." Dodds said. Freshman year we got our butts kicked and now the tables are turned." Even Dodds' teammates can see the goals he has set. "He has a goal set and he's working on it," Andy Spence, sophomore, teammate. said. "He really wants to try for that before he leaves. I don't think he had goals set other years, and I think he set them because he is a senior." ''This season is the best soccer he's been playing in his four years here," Sean Meenan, senior, captain, said. "I'll miss playing soccer because for the past seven years, soccer's been everything," Dodds said.
said. "He gives 150'7<everytime he's out on the field." "He's one of the quickest players we had on the front line," Sean Meenan, senior, captain, said. "He makes things happen." Berenato plans to continue playing soccer on a community club team upon leaving the Cabri'.ni athletic field. . "My objective for the next fifteen years is to be one of the major real estate magnets on the East Coast," Berenato said. His major in marketing and minor in business should make that goal attainable.
As the treasurer of Students for the Advancement of Management and Kappa Sigma Omega. as well as being a resident assistant in Xavier Hall and an accounting major, it is hard to believe Sean "Torch" Meenan. senior. captain, has time to play soccer. Being captain of the soccer team his senior year is a real challenge for Meenan this vear. "As the only captain. it was difficult with a new coach.'" Meenan said. "'It would have been nice to have had a co-captain because there would have been another perspective for the team. l can only give one perspective:¡ For Meenan. playing soccer is an outlet for pressures that build up during his busy schedule. "The com
Chuck Mongiello, senior. is a business major and has played soccer at Cabrini for four years. Mongiello enjoys soccer because of the sense of competition and contribution that the sport evokes. "I've also gained friendships and leadership skills from soccer." Mongiello said. "Playing soccer has been a positive experience for me." Many of Mongiello s teammates, who have played with him for the past four years, have said that Mongiello has been a stabilizing force on the team. "For four years, he has given the team 100<:i of his mental and physical self to support and help all." John Berenato, senior, teammate, said. "Chuck is a worker," Sean Meenan. senior, captain. said. "He's not quick, so he has to work as hard as he can. He's picked up on a lot of skills." "Chuck is the most improved player in the past three years," Charlie Dodds. senior, teammate, said. "He's always working on his game." Besides playing soccer. Mongiello is a player on the men's tennis team which competes in the spring. "I belong to the 'Wayne Tavern team."' Mongiello said. "Joe (Klimek1 and I are undefeated. first team all-state."
"From what he was freshman year, he's improved," Sean Meenan, senior, captain. said. "He knows he's not going to get a lot of playing time, but he still tries hard and puts the effort through." "If Kevin takes the same approach to soccer as he does to a good time, he'd be a starting all-American!" Kevin Corcoran, junior, said. O'Donnell will continue his education to get a masters in finance. "Hopefully, I'll go to graduate school at Temple University and eventually I want to wor~ on Wall Street." O'Donnell said.
something to do besides classes." Meenan said. ''He's a hard worker," Patrick McKenna. senior, resident assistant. said. "He puts a lot of himself into anything he does, be it RA, Kappa. or soccer. Sean can relate to a wide aspect of people." Meenan has gained the respect of his fellow players because of the job he is doing as captain this season. "Sean is a leader. He is someone to look up to," Kevin O'Donnell. senior, teammate. said.
Women'sTennis: by Jim Steffler
Donna Capone. senior. Englishicommunications major, is playing in her second year on the tennis team. Capone took summer lessons to prepare for the fall season, and according to Dodds, it certainly has shown in her refined play this year. "I feel that I have mastered the basic skills of the game, but more importantly, I have learned to have fun while playing," Capone said. Besides playing tennis, Capone is also involved in many activities on campus. She has been the president of Campus Sound and the manager of the TV Studio for three years. She is a member of the Senior Class Council and tutor students in computer science.
"He's hard-nosed, dedicated, and hardworking," Marty McGonigle, sophomore, said. The "he" McGonigle is speaking of is Tim Matthews. senior, business administration major. "My style of play hasn't changed much since my freshman year,'' Matthews said. "My skills are below par and I just go out there and hustle and try to make something happen." "Tim's all hustle," Sean Meenan. senior. captain, said. "He puts 100';} in all the time. He has a drive." "He's a hell of a player," Charlie Dodds, senior, teammate. said. "Timmy gives you 1000<.:iand he's got more desire than anyone I've ever met in my life." Matthews likes the thrill of competition that soccer presents. He feels that there is more intensity in a game if he is playing against a better team. "You know one bad play could cost you the game or one good play could win you the game," Matthews said.
Maureen Dunnigan, senior is the captain of the women's tennis team. She majors in accounting and works as an intern at the Jefferson Bank in Downingtown, Pa. According to Dunnigan, there isn't much time for tennis when you have to juggle studying and working three days a week. "Maureen has a lot of heart," Joe Dodds, coach, said. '~!though her internship and other responsibilities limit her play somewhat, she still manages to get things done for the team." The team has progressed from having no uniforms to T-shirts to the good possibility of securing an indoor court for the winter. "Maureen is a good tennis player and provides the team with her court experience,'' Peggy McKay. teammate, said. Dunnigan was a member of the Society for Advanced Management in her freshman, sophomore. and junior years. She was also the treasurer for the Accounting Club in her sophomore and junior years. Dunnigan said that this year would probably be her last year of competitive tennis. She hopes to work in the accounting department for a small public firm or perhaps, even, for a large corporation or bank.
loquitur - frida¥november7, 1986
recordof excellence~----cross Country:
by Jim Steffler Colleen McLaughlin, senior and elemen•· tary education major, is running cross countryfor the first time this year. "My senior year goal was to run cross country; I only wish that this was my freshman year goal," McLaughlin said. Because this was McLaughlin's first year, she lacked experience, which created· a challenge for her. Apparently however, she has risen to the challenge with determination, hard work, and a lot of sweat.
"It took great emotional strength for Colleen to accept her position on the· team," Beverly Reilly, coach, said. "It took even greater strength for her to work toward a desired goal." McLaughlin is also a member of Campus Ministry at Cabrini and enjoys helping people in all aspects of life. Besides persisting to wake at 7 a.m. every day to run, McLaughlin's plans for the future are to continue in elementary education.
VQlleyball: by Patricia Ruppe
Michele Jones, senior, is a marketing major and captain of the team. According to Gerry Szabo, coach, Jones handles her responsibility very well. "I believe Michele will do well in the future considering her management of responsibility," Szabo said. "Jones had to become a star for the women's volleyball team after playing a supporting role in the previous year, and has done so with great success," Szabo said. John Dzik, director of athletics, said "Miehe le is perhaps the best spiker on the team and one of the best I've seen." Fellow teammates also have praise for Jones' qualities. Michele Pasquarello, senior, teammate, believes Jones is a very good leader and admires her a great deal.
Maureen Murray, senior, is captain of the "Michelle Pasquarello is the spark plug women's cross country team and resident of the women's volleyball team," John assistant at Woodcrest. Dzik, director of athletics, said. "Maureen consistently gives a 110 perPasquarello is a senior with a double cent of herself to everything she does," Bevmajor in computer science and mathematerly Reilly, coach, said. "She is very ics. She is interested in actuarial work coachable on the field and maintains a after graduation. rigid mental discipline both on and off the Playing the back line for the team, field," she said. Michelle's technique is described by Coach Last year, Murray achieved outstanding Gerry Szabo as perhaps the best he has recognition by being the first woman in the ever seen. history of Cabrini college to place in the "She has a tremendous amount of Nationals at the University of Wisconsin. heart," Szabo said. "She is also an excellent She was also recognized as the most valu- . leader." able player to the cross country team. Szabo continued, "Michelle's determinaBesides managing the responsibilities of tion will make her successful because she team captain and resident assistant, she is makes obstacles her allies as opposed to currently m:iintaining a Dean's list standallowing them to hinder her." mg with a 3.8 quality grade point average. She is also the two-time recipient of the Bruckmann Scholar Award which is given 1 every year to the top 15 students who have demonstrated high academic achievement. Donna Kolb, senior, marketing/business by Patricia Ruppe Murray is an elementary education administration maor, is an avid tennis major and hopes to teach at an elementary player. school, pr~ferably in_ the immediate "This is Donna's second year on the A senior marketing major, Kim Toth is 1 vicinity, next September.' team, and she has improved a great deal described by her coaches Mimi Greenwood through harder concentration on the and Vicki Greenwood as a very consistent game," Dodds said. player. Kolb's primary goal for this year was to "She was a four-year starter. What else have the team come together more than can be said," Greenwood (Vicki) said. they did last year. She tries to recommend Toth was plagued by a knee injury this different practicing drills to the team oping year, however, according to John Dzik, to create a greater respect for the game director of athletics, she still played great ' among the players. games. Kolb played four years of tennis in high school and one year of tennis for Camden Teammates agree. "Kim is an excellent Community College in South Jersey, defensive player," Stephanie Cole, freshwhere she was the only woman on an all- man, teammate, said. men's team. "She is simply a great player," Ruthie She is an orientation counselor and a Bro~n, senior, teammate, said. member of Kappa Sigma Omega which is a campus student services organization. Kolb plans to continue to play tennis on a competitive basis after college.
Reid Hockey:
Peggy McKay, senior, double-major in business administration/ and human resource management. is a beginner in tennis. This year is her first year on the team. Her goal for this year is simple: to learn and observe. "I played over the summer, and it's fun just to be a part of the team," McKay said. "I don't really mind if I don't play in any matches. I just want to play better." "Although Peggy is the least experienced of all the team members. her team spirit greatly supports the other players," Dodds said. "She is also verv coachable." McKay is on the Se,,ior Class Council and is also a member of Students for the Advancement of Management. She has been a member of the International Club for two years and belongs to the Honor Society. She loves sports, especially softball, skiing, and water-skiing. McKay wishes to attend graduate school after college in hopes of attaining a master's degree in human resource management.
Ruthie Brown is a senior education major with a minor in psychology. She is also co-captain of the team. Brown learned to play field hockey at Cabrini. "She has really turned out to be a great player for the team," Greenwood said. "She will be missed." "Ruthie is a thinking player on the field," she added. T:·"ylo-t' ;. )",:::,_Long, I Ph:·:···;da John Dzik, director of athletics, said, "Ruthie is a great defenseman and does a ':).~\tH'! ,-:•i -, I··,.:,w(:-,- , .:;;1, t1 d M!. c h ·C 1 '.;~ great job funneling the ball to the sideline and employs good judgement."
Chris Smith, senior, is captain of the men's cross country team. In addition to going to school full-time and running on the cross country team, Smith is in the Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps at the Valley Forge Military Junior College and also belongs to the National Guard. When Smith graduated from high school, he was one of the top ten runners in Pennsylvania. When he came to Cabrini, the team won their first district meet in the school's history. "It took a lot of courage for a fine athlete like Chris to choose Cabrini which, at the time, had absolutely no reputation for running," Tom O'Hora, coach, said. "I hope that he will always be remembered for playing an integral part in laying the foundation for a running program at Cabrini." Smith has achieved distinction during his running career. He was given the title of All-Region at Hagerstown Junior college in Maryland for his outstanding achievement in the 10,000 meter run. He was also named All-American and placed 15th nationally in the Junior College Marathon. "Chris has a serious side that not many people see," Mike Edmondson, teammate, said. "It is a vital part of him that shows in his dedication to running." Smith majors in history at Cabrini and plans to make his career in the Army. "I would really like to get a position with the U.S. government, the State Department, or the Department of Defense," Smith said. Tennis -
"Llsa Catini is the backbone of the women's field hockey team," John Dzik, director of athletics, said. "She really gets the team up and is a fun person to play with," Stephanie Cole, freshman, said. Catini is co-captain of the team and plays the goalie position. "Lisa is an excellent goalie and has turned away a tremendous amount of shots considering the number of games that we have played. She has made some spectacular saves and has had very fi.:wgoals scored on her," Mimi Greenwood said.
loquitur- friday,november7, 1986
!~~!11 sees playofs for firsttime For the first time since tts start. the women·s field hockey team participated in a championship tournament. Although Cabrini sports have alwav;; been known for championship seasons and intercollegiate honors, the hockey team has always seemed to come up short. How~ver. on Oct. 31 at Eastern College. the first game of the Eastern States Athletic Conference playoffs pitted Cabrini against Frostburg College. Frostburg is ranked sixth in the nation among division three schools.
Though C'abnn1 pluyed a ~trong defensiYe game and wa,;: able to hold the oppoi;ttlon to only a 1-0 lead at the half. Frostburg·s proved to be too mucl'. for • theCavs.TheCavslostbyafinal score of 4-_0. . . Accordmg to V1ck1 Greenwood. assistant coach, "The girls played a brilliant first hal[ The other tern's coach even came up to us after the game and said that no one had played them that hard in the first half all year.'· She continued. "But Frostburg's superior stick work came through in the second half and they beat us."
Theteamplayl•daron~olat10n g;ime agam~t W<.'~leyCollege_on Nov. 1. Despite a d1sappomtmg first. half, the _Cavs were defens1vely strong m the second and were able to keep_the game scoreles~ 1~to overtime. Ho\yever. Wesleys key player scored a goal off of Cabrini in overtime. and they won the game by a final score of 1-0. "We definitely outplayed them." Kathy Fasciocco. junior. said. "We made a lot of mental mistakes during the first half of the game. but we dominated the second. They just took a lucky shot and scored.'' she said.
M1m1 Greenwood. coach. added: "That game wa~ a heartbreaking game to lose. fhe team played so well defensively. we Just la_cked the scoring punch." shesaid._ . . Part1c1pation m the ES~C tournament was the h1ghpomt of what proved to be one of the teams most successful add most competitive seasons. Though the team did not perform as well as they had hoped in the playoffs. most were happy just to be given the oppurtunity to compete in a championship tournament. ·'Even though we lost both games. we were happy just to be
Soccercoachfired by Kimberly Kovach On Thursday, Oct. 23. the men's soccer te~m tied Sto~kton State 0-0. Head coach Tom Salmon was only there to see the last 25 minutes of the second half. Salmon was dismissed from his coaching position that same day. "What I saw. was a deteriorating situation." John Dzik. director of athletics. said. "I made observations of how t'ne team was being handled. I felt there was negligence which affected the team. I fired him clearly based on his contradictory obligation of his duties." Salmon was hired as head soccer coach onl_vtwo weeks prior to the first game of the season. According to Dzik, Salmon had mi1,sed numerous practices and one entire game. Salmon's late arrival of about one hour and fifty minutes to the Stockton game led Dzik and James Fitzsimmons. dean of students. to make this decision. '·When we came back from the game. I saw Dzik and Fitzsimmons." Salmon said. "I told them we tied 0-0. Dzik said. ·I heard.· I knew something was up then. On the field a while later Dzik told me I was fired." '·The team was left without a coach." Dzik said. "This is a negligent act in terms of respon'libility to the team. the college. myself. and the athletic department as a whole. I warned him once before. He said it wouldn't happen again. but it did." As one of the players put it. "This time he struck out." Dzik continued. "The only solution I saw was to dismiss him. It isn't fair to the team. who are now Eastern Pennsylvania Athletic Conference champions. to be left without any support ...
\Vhat were the reasons for Salmon's absences and latenesses? "Everyone pretty much knows the situation. I had problems with my car. I was on rn~' wa_vto the Stockton game and I had car problems. I had to take it to get fixed." S<!lmon said. "I had no ride until Dzik sent someone out for me. There was nothing else I could do. That is the reason I missed some of the game." Some of the players felt that Salm~n was never a part of the team. Ironically. Salmon felt the same way. ·'I was only their coach. I was never actually a part of the team.''
"One thing I wasn't clear upon about my dismissal was the fact that when I saw Dzik alone. he said it was Fitzsimmon's idea. and when 1saw Fitzsimmons alone. he said the decision was Dzik's:· Salmon said. "Otherwise. I understand that I was let go because of the Stockton game.-· Sean Meenan. senior. captain. felt it wa~ upsetting to lose their coach in the middle of the season. ·'He helped us when he was there, but then again. he wasn't always there for us." "I did trY to work as hard as I could. The team had ·more to say for themselves this year than for the past three years with Bill Crowley. That's saying sornethin g. ·• Salmon said. "They are a g-oodteam. They work real hard and I think thev have done pretty well." ·
"I can see Cabrini field hockey grO\\;ing: new talent just keeps coming in," Lisa Catini. senior. captain. said, "I really believe this year and our participation in the ESAC playoffs are just stepping stones for the Cabrini field hockey program.·• she said.
Jim Falle::ta
By appointment
Biology (for rMjors and non-rMjors) Busi~ess Courses
Lori O'Frla Denise Penn
MW 11-12,
Paul Campanella Steve Saville Donna Capone
W l-2
Kevln Corcoran
Computer Science ( 1,.1 Labl
Susan rlynn
By appolntment 2-4, W 5:30-7:30, F 12:30-2 T,Th 12:30-2:3J, F 12:30-2 M 2-3,W 10-11
Donna Angelucci
T,Th 12:30-2
R. Smith
Lisa Nolan Patricia Killer
Donna Angelucci
F 10-11,
Kate Grimley Joe Giuffre Elizabeth R. Smith
on duty
T, Th 1-2
W Th 2-3 By appointment: ext.
Players have some bitter feelings toward his relationship with the team. "He didn't show up at practices or some games. He wasn·t a very good example for the rest of the team." Andy Spence. sophomore said. "I think his dismissal was a good decision."
in the playoffs. at least we did that much, .. :\-larie Lis. jumor.'said. "I'm glad we had the oppurtunity to go." Greenwood said. ·'The more we play again;,t really good competition, the better we'll become" ·
1-2, Th 2-3:15 W 11-12, F 1-2 1-2
H 11-12, T 10-11,
W 11-12
T, Th 10-11
Th 11-12
T, Th 12:'30-2
TOPS students:
Nancy Glloley
T 1-2
Rob Ritson
W 1-2
Ki• Stevens
Th 1-2
CARe supervisor: 10/30/86
Telemarketing Telephonemarketingservices,Inc., a leader in telemarketing has doubledthe size of its' easternoffice. Westand for integrity,perseverance,and success. Convenientlylocated on Wayne,we offer part- time and full-timepositions:Days,evenings,and Saturdays. Startingsalaryis $5-$6/hr.with a brief (two day)payed training period. No experiencenecessary.Warmatmosphere, profe~sionals~affall consistingof individualsin variousstages of the,r collegiatecareers. Wepromote from within!Payed medical,vacation,holidays. Come grow with us and/or earn extra money for Christmas.
Call today,start.tomorrow
loquitur- friday,november7, 1986
Studentspresentviewson voting by Brian Feeley "Are you going to vote?'' "For What?" "It's Election Day." "Who's running?" Jo Long, sophomore, replied. For some, election day holds no important place among other days that make up our year. For others, it is a day where political feelings are exp_ressed in their right to vote. It is up to the individual to decide whether or not to waive this right. Tuesday was Election Day and regardless of one's feelings toward the political candidates or voting on a whole, there were outcomes that will effect many of the students on campus. Joann Everly, sophomore, had worked on the campaign for Joseph Hoeffel, democrat, who was running for congress. "Voter turnout is extremely poor. especially when it is not the Presidential election and even then the percentage of voters is low," she said. "Many people feel that this year's election does not concern them, when in fact it does." Everly continued. Although some choose not to get involved, there are those who choose to·utilize their right to support people with their same views. "Even though I live in New Jersey, I still keep up with" the issues at
home through my family and the media when I'm home." Theresa Daley. sophomore. said. Those who decided not to vote have a different outlook. '"It doesn't matter what decisions I hold because the outcome would not directly affect my life at the present. I am still going to routinely do the things I do regardless of who is in the local office of my area and state," Long said. Teri Ciarlante, junior, believes that we definitely have an impact on the issues. "The very fact that our age group is the lowest voting group involves us in the issues. Why should a candidate concern himself with a group that does not hold that much weight in the voting?" Ciarlante said. Some students believe that it is this very reason that aid is being cut from students. If Reagan is going to cut somewhere, he might as well cut where he will face the least opposition. "The President has cut loans and money going into student education on the college level because of the lack of interest shown by the low turnouts on Election Day by our age group," Ciarlante said. Much of the reason for lack of interest stems from the recent television campaigning by most of the candidates. Many students feel that the issues are not laid
Big Country~
Scottish sound setsthem apart
out clearly nor is the platform on which they are running. ''.All I heard on television is what the opposmg candidates didn't do rather than what they did do," Cara Graham, senior, said. According to one student, the mudslinging in this year's campaigning was most evident through the use of the television media.
"I really didn't follow this year's elections, but I couldn't help notic all the mudslinging that went on. There was one candidate who, after competing in the knit-picking, spoke out against all the back-stabbing," Michelle Iatesta, senior. said. "Although it was a good political move. I would have to question the sincerity of that particular candidate," she said. Mike Dolan, freshman, did not vote this year for the same reason many students did not. "I am not in the position to vote this year because I am unfamiliar with the issues," Dolan said. "I feel I would do more harm by going into the booth and voting for those people whose names sound familiar. Hopefully those who are voting are educated in the issues enough to make a sound decision in choosing those who run our government," Dolan said.
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by John Dunleavy Can you think of a rock group that really doesn't fit into one of the typical musical styles of the 80's? Combining a mix of Scottish folk and contemporary pop, they have created a bold and unique sound. Led by Stuart Adamson, they are none other than Big Country. Adamson, a native of Scotland, is assisted by bass player Tony Butler, guitarist Bruce Watson, and drummer Mark Brzezicki. The band, probably best known for their hit single "In a Big Country," echoes music with memories of traditional Scottish folk tunes, carrying bagpipe like sounds evoked by swirling guitars. On stage, Adamson breaks into a contagious Highland jig while singing his burning visions oftronbte and triumph, of social unrest and touching personal relationships. 'i\ny music that really works must reflect the places where it's been made, its time, and things people are going through," Adamson said. That's what thrills him about being successful in America. "My songs make connections here," he said. 'i\merican kids respond to the same things British kids do. Pop music can give you a belief in your own potential; show you a brighter horizon where before you've only seen depression." Big Country has recently completed an international tour that included an August show at the Tower Theater, Philadelphia. The tour followed completion of"The Seer", their new album and follow-up to the "Crossing and Steeltown," both on Polygram. Jim Hunter, senior, who attended the concert said, "They were simply unreal. The music and special effects combined with their devotion to the fans made it chilling." Joe Galanaugh, senior, agreed. "The Big Country concert was excellent. The length was incredible. and I didn't know a group so relatively unrecognized could be so good." When asked what he thought made the group unique. Hunter said, "They give 110 percent when they play and would do so for any number of fans." Kevin Dinan. senior. said. "Their Scottish sound and flannel shirt look are happening." · Commenting on their musical style. Galanaugh added, "They have an original sound that is different and sets them apart." In case you were wondering where the band came up with its name, Adamson has the answer. "We needed a name that would conjure up expansive images. a sense of pioneering, a feeling of inspiration," he said. And so Big Country was born. Now the pride of Scotland, each member of Big Country takes less than $200 a week in salary with the rest going back into the band's activities. "There's no point in taking more money than you need," Adamson said.
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Galanaugh feels it is this attitude that makes Adamson group a class act. 'i\damson's and interest in his fans make Big Country special," he said.
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Hunter said, ''They believe in their music and it shows in their performance."
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type of and the devotion him and
Dinan agreed. "Five encores proved it for me. The fans wanted more, so they gave it. They just kept coming back for more."
loquitur- friday,november7, 1986
Johnnyvs. Joan:
Whosehumorkeeps youup late? All information compiled by Tammy Harw<Jve.
'Joan Riversbecauseshe has a nasty mouth.' -Sam Vasiliades,Seilers' cook
'Joan Riversbecauseshe has interestingguests,and she asks the questionsno one woulddare to but everyonewantsto know.' -Renee Acconciamessa, junior
'Neither.I hate them both. Joan Riversis obnoxious, and JohnnyCarson is over the hill.' -John Doyle,resident manager,Xavier
'Joan Riversis doing nothing but a poor imitationof JohnnyCarson,and she shouldnot be on T.V.' -Paul Scrivano,junior
'I'd ratherwatchJohnny Carson.I don't think Joan Riversis funny,and I never -nave.' -Dr. Jolyn Girard, chairperson,history department All photos taken by Larry Aquino
Seniorsto dine in formalMansionsetting by Robin McKean
An exquisite sit-down dinner is prepared for seniors but once a year. and it's not served in the cafeteria. The Annual Senior Dinner will be held on Friday. Nov. 21. in the Mansion dining room for all prospective seniors. ¡ "The purpose of the Annual Senior Dinner is to acquaint seniors with what the alumni association does and let seniors know what they can experience after senior year." Martha Dale, director, alumni affairs. said. Another purpose of the event is the nomination of students for the Mother Ursula Award. as chosen bv the entire senior class. Students who carinot attend the dinner may nominate classmates through the R.S. V.P. slip which will be mailed to every senior. according to Dale. Dale said that it is essential for seniors to R.S.V.P.and let the alumni affairs office know whether or not they will attend the dinner because there is limitedseating in the Mansion dining room. "We work very hard to make it a special occasion." Dale said.
Phonathonto ContactAll Parents: Developmentoffice needsvolunteercallers! Rewardsfor largestnumberof pledgesper night Work grant time can
Pledges are contributed to scholarship funds and student's services.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Mansion dining room sodas and snacks provided;
Call ext. 256
Sign up: November 10, 11,12
"Students who aren't involved with the dinner will be serving as .waitresses and waiters." Charles Berardi. manager. Seilers Food Services. said. According to Berardi. a group of senior students decide the menu for the evening.
The purposeof the AnnualSeniorDinneris to acquaintseniorswith what the alumniassociation does and let seniorsknow wha, they can experience after senioryear:' -Martha Dale,director,a1umniaffairs According to Dale, the event is being held on a Friday night this year for the first time. In recent years, it was held on a Wednesday night. but complaints from instructors of students who had to skip evening classes to attend the dinner caused the change ofnights.
loquitur- frida½november7, 1986
recordof excellence:-----cross.Country:
by Jim Steffler Colleen McLaughlin, senior and elemen-· tary education major, is running cross countryfor the first time this year. "My senior year goal was to run cross country; I only wish that this was my freshman year goal," McLaughlin said. Because this was McLaughlin's first year, she lacked experience, which created· a challenge for her. Apparently however, she has risen to the challenge with determination, hard work, and a lot of sweat.
"It took great emotional strength for Colleen to accept her position on the team," Beverly Reilly, coach, said. "It took even greater strength for her to work toward a desired goal." McLaughlin is also a member of Campus Ministry at Cabrini and enjoys helping people in all aspects of life. Besides persisting to wake at 7 a.m. every day to run, McLaughlin's plans for the future are to continue in elementary education.
Vc;,lleyball: by Patricia Ruppe
Michele Jones, senior, is a marketing major and captain of the team. According to Gerry Szabo, coach, Jones handles her responsibility very well. "I believe Michele will do well in the future considering her management of responsibility," Sz.abo said. "Jones had to become a star for the women's volleyball team after playing a supporting role in the previous year, and has done so with great success," Szabo said. John Dzik, director of athletics, said "Michele is perhaps the best spiker on the team and one of the best I've seen." Fellow teammates also have praise for Jones' qualities. Michele Pasquarello, senior, teammate, believes Jones is a very good leader and admires her a great deal.
Maureen Murray. senior, is captain of the women's cross country team and resident assistant at Woodcrest. "Maureen consistently gives a 110 per', cent of herself to everything she does," Beverly Reilly, coach, said. "She is very coachable on the field and maintains a rigid mental discipline both on and off the field," she said. Last year, Murray achieved outstanding recognition by being the first woman in the history of Cabrini college to place in the Nationals at the University of Wisconsin. She was also recognized as the most valuable player to the cross country team. · Besides managing the responsibilities of team captain and resident assistant, she is currently m:iintaining a Dean's list standing with a 3.8 quality grade point average. She is also the two-time recipient of the Bruckmann Scholar Award which is given every year to the top 15 students who have demonstrated high academic achievement. Donna Kolb, senior, marketing/business Murray is an elementary education administration maor, is an avid tennis major and hopes to teach at an elementary player. school, preferably in the immediate "This is Donna's second year on the vicinity, next September.' team, and she has improved a great deal through harder concentration on the ..... game," Dodds said. Kalb's primary goal for this year was to have the team come together more than they did last year. She tries to recommend different practicing drills to the team oping to create a greater respect for the game among the players. Kolb played four years of tennis in high school and one year of tennis for Camden Community College in South Jersey, where she was the only woman on an allmen's team. She is an orientation counselor and a member of Kappa Sigma Omega which is a campus student services organization. Kolb plans to continue to play tennis on a competitive basis after college. Peggy McKay, senior, double-major in business administration/ and human resource management. is a beginner in tennis. This year is her first year on the team. Her goal for this year is simple: to learn and observe. "I played over the summer, and it's fun just to be a part of the team," McKay said. "I don't really mind if I don't play in any matches. I just want to play better." "Although Peggy is the least experienced of all the team members. her team spirit greatly supports the other players," Dodds said. "She is also verv coachable." McKay is on the Se11ior Class Council and is also a member of Students for the Advancement of Management. She has been a member of the International Club for two years and belongs to the Honor Society. She loves sports, especially softball, skiing, and water-skiing. McKay wishes to attend graduate school after college in hopes of attaining a master's degree in human resource management.
"Michelle Pasquarello is the spark plug of the women's volleyball team," John Dzik, director of athletics, said. Pasquarello is a senior with a double major in computer science and mathematics. She is interested in actuarial work after graduation. Playing the back line for the team, Michelle's technique is described by Coach Gerry Szabo as perhaps the best he has ever seen. "She has a tremendous amount of heart," Szabo said. "She is also an excellent leader." Szabo continued, "Michelle's determination will make her successful because she makes obstacles her allies as opposed to allowing them to hinder her."
Chris Smith, senior, is captain of the men's cross country team. In addition to going to school full-time and running on the cross country team, Smith is in the Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps at the Valley Forge Military Junior College and also belongs to the National Guard. When Smith graduated from high school, he was one of the top ten runners in Pennsylvania. When he came to Cabrini, the team won their first district meet in the school's history. "It took a lot of courage for a fine athlete like Chris to choose Cabrini which, at the time, had absolutely no reputation for running," Tom O'Hara, coach, said. "I hope that he will always be remembered for playing an integral part in laying the foundation for a running program at Cabrini." Smith has achieved distinction during his running career. He was given the title of All-Region at Hagerstown Junior college in Maryland for his outstanding achievement in the 10,000 meter run. He was also named All-American and placed 15th nationally in the Junior College Marathon. "Chris has a serious side that not many people see," Mike Edmondson, teammate, said. "It is a vital part of him that shows in his dedication to running." Smith majors in history at Cabrini and plans to make his career in the Army. "I would really like to get a position with the U.S. government, the State Department, or the Department of Defense," Smith said. Thnnis
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"Lisa Catini is the backbone of the women's field hockey team," John Dzik, director of athletics, said. by Patricia Ruppe "She really gets the team up and is a fun person to play with," Stephanie Cole, A senior marketing major, Kim Toth is 1 freshman, said. Catini is co-captain of the team and plays described by her coaches Mimi Greenwood the goalie position. and Vicki Greenwood as a very consistent player. "Lisa is an excellent goalie and has turned away a tremendous amount of shots "She was a four-year starter. What else considering the number of games that we can be said," Greenwood (Vicki) said. have played. She has made some specToth was plagued by a knee injury this tacular saves and has had very fow goals year, however, according to John Dzik, director of athletics, she still played great • scored on her," Mimi Greenwood said. games. Thammates agree. "Kim is an excellent defensive player," Stephanie Cole, freshman, teammate, said. "She is simply a great player," Ruthie Bro~n, senior, teammate, said.
Ruthie Brown is a senior education major with a minor in psychology. She is also co-captain of the team. Brown learned to play field hockey at Cabrini. "She has really turned out to be a great player for the team," Greenwood said. "She will be missed." "Ruthie is a thinking player on the field," she added. John Dzik, director of athletics, said, "Ruthie is a great defenseman and does a great job funneling the ball to the sideline and employs good judgement."