Read about America's cup in' sports
friday,february6, 1987
cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087
vol. xxxiii,no. 13
Reagan's proposal:
. Studentfinancialaid cut in half
by Monica R. Palko
On Jan .. 5, 1987, President Reagan proposed his trillion dollar budget for the fiscal year 1988 to Congress. To help reduce the country's deficit, the President has called for a cut in student financial aid funding. The President's proposed budget would reduce federal spending for student aid programs from $8.2 billion to $4.5 billion. This proposal is aimed to save $3.7 billion by increasing interest rates on stude~t loans and terminating federally subsidized campus jobs. The proposed cuts would deny grants to almost 1 million students. According to the American Council on Education, the Administration's budget would call for reform of the Higher Education Act, thus restricting federal grant aid and reducing subsidies of student loans. The President's proposed budget would deprive over one million students of the Pell Grant program by limiting eligibility to students with family incomes of$20,000 or less. Under the current program, the necessary income is $28,900. The budget recommends changes in the Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL) program by reducing its federal subsidies and decreasing the program by $2 billion in fiscal 1988. "The number of students getting GSLs next year would be severely reduced," Arlene McEvilla-Dittbrenner, director, financial aid, said. The proposed budget calls for the elimiaation effour lllltjeraid p,ognune,-inetuding College Work-Study, direct loans, State Student Incentive Grants and Supplemental Grants. The budget summary states that these programs are unnecessary and inflationary.
'The numberof students getting GSLs next year wouldbe severelyreduced.' --· Arlene McEvillaDittbrenner,director,financial aid To compensate for the loss of these programs, the Administration would remove all limits on unsubsidized Parent Loan and Supplemental Loan programs and extend eligibility to all students and their spouses. According to the Action Committee for Higher Education, located in Washington, D.C., 75 percent of the nation's total spendings for student aid is federally funded. If Congress adopts the proposed budget, enrollment in higher education would drop. McEvilla-Dittbrenner said that the proposed budget cuts will affect not only Cabrini but all educational institutions across the country. "The only institutions that will be left if the proposed budget is adopted are the prestigious schools, like Havard, and community colleges," McEvilla-Dittbrenner said. "There is no support from the Secretary of Education," Beth- Ann Lieberman, assistant director of financial aid, said. Secretary of Education William J. Bennett, in a quote taken from The New York Times on January 2, said, "The college graduate will earn $640,000 more than the high school graduate over his lifetime. It is only sensible and fair that the beneficiary pay the cost. rather than the taxpayer." "Now is the time to lobby against it (the proposed budget)," Lieberman said. Both McEvilla-Dittbrenner and Lieberman said that students have not been as concerned as they should be with the recent financial aid cuts in the past few years. "This has been going on since 1980," Lieberman said of the decreasing support for financial aid. "It's been slowly eroding away."
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The Reagan solution... by Monica R. Palko
In President Reagan's federal budget proposal for the fiscal year 1988, the cuts in federally funded financial aid would call for students to borrow money at higher rates. To compensate for this fact, the Administration is pushing a "new" program, the income-contingent loan program. According to the American Council on Education, this program-was proposed last year and rejected by Congress. Instead, the Administration decided to try a $5 million income-contingent loan experiment for only 10 institutions.
Second floor of Sacred Heart was the fOcusOf much afMrtlbttlttes., Jan. 13, as SBK Production shot a 'Choco-Bliss' commercial there. SBK Production picked the second floor of Sacred Heart because it most resembled the 't ical' hi h school
hallway. Cabrini receive
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In the President's fiscal 1988 budget proposal, the Administration wants to expand the experiment before it begins. The ICL would be increased to a $600 million national program to 1,500 schools where eligible undergraduates couldborrowup to $17,500 over four years.
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the administration feel blissful. The commercial for Choco- Bliss, which is a new snack cake by Hostess, is scheduled to air within the next six months. (photo by Monica Palko)
According to the American Council on Education, the ICL would call for borrowers to repay up to 15 percent of their incomes after graduation and no time limit on the repayment period would be set.
Delayedmailingangersstudents by Karen Seigl Cabrini's business office once again was faced with student complaints at registration Monday, Jan. 12, due to delayed billing and mailing ofreport cards over Christmas break. Additionally, students were not allowed to sign promisory notes at the time ofregistration this year because of the new Installment Payment Plan. "They held my grades because they said I owed money I didn't know I owed," Denise Penn, senior, said. "I had no idea my grades were being held until Jan. 5, 1987." "It's a lack of responsibility on the business office's part," a senior said. "They're negligent for not sending them (grades) out. For some, it doesn't matter, but for others, they get frantic." "I wasn't aware ofit," James Keches, business manager, said. "I apologize if there were problems. We try to accomodate but we're human too. If we made a mistake, we'll fix it." By the afternoon of Dec. 23, all of the report cards were ready to be sent out by the registrar. According to Robert Fetterhoff, registrar, about half (300~400 report cards) were held by the business office or the library. Those grades were delivered to the business office to be sent to students when the outstanding bills or fines were paid. Peggy Emmerich, junior, owed no money nor did she have any outstanding library fine. However, the business office kept her report card. When she inquired about it, they said they weren't aware that it had not been mailed out. According to Keches, the President (of Cabrini) prohibits grades to be sent if there is an outstanding bill or overdue library materials and/or fees.
Keches said that if a student has no outstanding bills or library fines, it is the responsibility of the registrar to mail the report cards out. "We made an effort to get all grades out by Christmas," Fetterhoff said. According to Fetterhoff, all oft he grades were in by Friday, Dec. 19, although once delivered to the post office. they have no control over what happens to them, especially during Christmas. Leah Cascarina, junior, had several run-ins with the business office during Christmas break about the balance due on her bill. After considerable time and phone calls,
she and her parents were assured several times that she would receive her grades on time. A week before school began again, she· called twice and was informed that the business office accidentally witheld her grades. Holiday help and incorrectly reading the bill were cited as reasons. The bill arrived the next day and the the grades arrived Jan. 10, 1987. Keches said that he must look at each individual circumstance to find the reason for a late bill or report card. He said that there are a half a dozen reasons why they would be held. Students also complained that since bills were mailed so late there was not sufficient time to get the money together to pay the bill. "I just don't see why they have to wait so long to send them (report cards) out," Debbie Maida, senior, said. ''.As for the bill, I really think that's unfair because it only allowed you two or three days to get the money." "In general terms, that was the policy," Keches said. ''.A lot of people called up and they had a legitimate complaint. As we resolved them, we mailed them. When they got the bill, they knew what they owed." The Installment Payment Plan has taken the place of the promisory notes, which according to the business office, was unsuccessful because students were not paying their bills. The new installment payment plan requires ten monthly payments within a year as opposed to the balance due within one given time. The plan requires a S25 application fee in addition to the 18 percent finance charge. "When you sign an agreement, it's a more sophisticated promisory note," Keches said. "We felt we needed tighter control." There are students who oppose as well as agree with and support this new payment policy. "Students who could not pay all at once had to go on the installment plan or were told they could not register," a senior said. "Nothing ever runs smoothly," Emmerich said. "There has never been a time, nor have I began a semester when I have not had a problem with bills or registration." "Years before, we didn't have time to get money,'' Maida said. "Nov. we have time to get it. I do believe our parents were on a plan as opposed to a big bill once or twice a year."
loquitur- friday,february6, 1987
Budd Dwyer,public suicide and the media In an act of overwhelming rage and careful planning, Pennsylvania state Treasurer R. Budd Dwyer made himself a public spectacle during a news-conference last month when he put a gun to his mouth and pulled the trigger. His death was instantaneous. 1$uicide, by any means, is not the answer to anyone's problems, and Budd Dwyer's were no exception. Dwyer was to be sentenced for mail fraud, conspiracy to commit bribery, and racketeering the day after the news conference. The conference was ultimately scheduled by Dwyer himself and he knew what he was going to do that day, but why did he make such a dramatization out his bloody act? And why did the media follow through with his request to view his suicide? Could the media get any more graphic if they tried?
...but neverbeforehad the newsseemedso realto visuallywatcha man shoothimselfon the noon news, or to·find such picturesof Dwyeras The Philadelphia Inquirerhad printedthe followingday.
Let him not have died in vain A tragedy occurred two weeks ago. A tragedy which many may now call old news. A tragedy which some say was a waste while others claim was a confession, but it was a tragedy nonetheless. In front of a crowd of reporters, cameramen, and friends, BudciDwyer, politician, husband and father, put a .357 magnum into his mouth and pulled the trigger.
He wanted to attract people's attention. That, he did. His suicide and the first snow storm of 1987 made the two top stories in the news on that cold, snowy Thursday .
There are many angles in this case which I can examine. I could talk of the way the press did, or did not cover Dwyer's death. I could write about the American justice system and the way it dealt with Dwyer's case, or I could condemn the jokes, We understand that whenever a newspaper is picked up or the news is tuned in already being told, that ridicule this tragon our televisions we will see and hear about crimes, fires, and deaths, but never edy. I don't want to talk about these things before had it seemed so real to watch a man shoot himself on the noon news though. I want to talk about something to me, is much more important stations, or to find such pictures of Dwyer as The Philadelphia Inquirer had which, his death.
printed the following day. 'lb many people, these clips and pictures seemed appalling; they seemed vulgar; and they seemed gross. It should not be this way at all. Any other suicide to be read or heard about would be dealt with more delicately. We are not suggesting how each one of us should feel about any suicide, but it's how we think the media should have presented it. News stations should have shown the video clip up to where he was about to pull the trigger, but some went ahead with it all. The Inquirer should have chosen a regular picture of Dwyer, perhaps a picture of him in his happier days, but they went ahead with more also. So who's to blame now when we must remember him with a bullet through his head and a bloody background?
Bud<.iDwyer is dead. There are no ifs, and's or hut's, no second chances and no appeals. Nothing and no one can bring him back. He is gone. Perhaps in his mind, killing himself was the only answer. However, in reality, his suicide did not solve anything, it only made matters worse. He is gone, but his family is not. Friends and supporters of Dwyer's are left to pick up the pieces. They are left with the pain and hurt his action aroused.
kate welsh He is gone, but the public who witnessed it is not. Children and teens are left with images .of a "famous" man, a "hero" (according to one friend), shooting himself. He is gone, but his troubles are not. Killing himself was not the answer, it was the problem. Dwyer said in his letter that he did not want to die in vain. I also hope that, but for much different reasons. I hope his suicide and its horrible aftermath will serve as a reminder to all those who viewed it of what not to do. Dwyer's suicide did nothing but bring about more pain and suffering, as do all suicides. It was an act of frustration, desperation, and disillusionment. Dwyer should not be viewed as a hero, nor however, should he be condemned. Guilty or innocent, right or wrong, he is dead now. We cannot bring him back, we can only learn from his death; we can learn that suicide does not solve problems, it only adds to them. Let him not have died in vain.
Barcelonato host1992olympics byVirginia A. Smith Reserve a week on your 1992 calendar for a trip to Spain, the year when the Iberian peninsula - land of siestas and fiestas will explode with celebration. In case you h11ven'tfelt waves of excitement on your side of th~ Atlantic yet, Barcelona, Spain, has been chosen as the official site for the 1992 Summer Games of the XXVII Olympiad. The official Olympic committee choice of Barcelona over other viable contenders such as Brussels and Paris sparked weeks long celebrations with fireworks, champagne toasts, banner-waving, tears ofjoy, and general merrymaking throughout all of Spain (not unlike the havoc that rocked the Main Line the night Villanova romped-Georgetown back in '85). In Barcelona, school children were given the day off (who could concentrate on academics with revelry in the air?), thousands of Barcelona balloons were launched, and an emotional mayor lit a symbolic flame six years in advance. Already bumper stickers, T-shirts and billboards have been emblazoned with the "Barcelona in 1992" Olympic logo. Given the Spanish passion for a good fiesta, the excitement is only bound to intensify the closer it gets to Olympic time. Some stats on the host city: Barcelona, a western Mediterranean port city, i!!second only to Madrid as the most important transportation hub in Spain. The city is the capitol of the autonomous Spanish territory of Cataluna, a region which is now officially bilingual, but which was once forced to abandon its separate Catalan language and culture by dictator Francisco . Franco. As a result ofit&culture apart from the rest of Spain, people from the region are highly independent and fiercely proud of themselves - which should be visibly apparent in the presentation of the 1992
games. (Should you make it to Barcelona in '92, you should be warmly welcomed: a recent survey printed in Spain's national newspaper, El Pais, states that 93.6% of the Barcelonians consider the Olympic Games a "positive" event for their city. What good sports!) And when you're not in the stadiums ''root-root-rooting" for the home team, you can busy yourself with the numerous cathedrals (that could take a week in itselO, monuments, museums and excavation sites (the area has been inhabited since two centuries before Christ). Barcelona is also distinguished as being the city where the Catholic monarches, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel, welcomed Christopher Columbus (here, Cristobol Colon) back to Spain on his return voyage from the New World <they were just anxious to get their souvenir T-shirts from the Americas, that's all). Which, incideptally, is reason , why Spain is the place to be in '92: It will be the 500th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of the Americas for Spain. Although Columbus is supposedly a son of Portugal and Italy, and is a national hero in "our territory," Spain claims to be the legitimate patria of "Colon," and the country that gave a curious young Chris his first "big break." Spaniards still enjoy referring to the states and the rest of the Americas as "the colonies," and joke that ifit weren't for Spain, the states wouldn't exist. Colon is no less than a demi-God here and every pueblo - no matter how small - has some statue, plaza,or street dedicated to the fearless mariner. If you believe everything you read in tourist brochures, Colon has slept at every rooming house, drunk at every tavern and prayed in every cathedral (probably eaten in every Burger King as well - which is probably what
eventually killed him). At the Alhambra in Granada, stood in the very room where he died at the age of 52, allegedly of rheumatism (we know it was the burgers) in Vallodolid, and the tomb where his remains have finally, allegedly, returned "home" to rest (after spending some time in Cuba) in the cathedral of Sevilla, third largest cathedral in the world (after St. Peters in Rome and St. Paul's in London bet that will come up in a "Trivial Pursuit" game one day!) Sevilla brings me to reason • to party in Spain (although in Spain one never needs a reason): the final world exhibition of this century will take place in Sevilla in what's the magic number - 1992. The most recent world exposition, (note the difference here: at an exposition, each country must design their pavilion exhibits according to one central theme. An exhibit, on the other hand, is a 'do-it-yourself free-style theme event), which washeld in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, was the first world Expo-Exhib-Fair-type event to actually profit from the event. So, Sevilla is hoping to be on the upswing of the trend. At least the city can't do worse than it did with the last such event it hosted: The Iberian-American Worlds Fair in 1929 opened just as the stock market crashed, putting quite the damper on the opening ceremonies. Now don't put off making your reservations until the last minute. Six years might seem like a long time to you, but remember that research paper you had plenty of time to work on? Time will just slip away from you, and before you know it, it's December 1991 and you're camping out all night for tickets like the rest of the procrastinators. Get a head start now, take some crash courses in Spanish and hurry on over. The party is already well underway.
Editor. Kate Welsh Monoglng Editor. Monico Palko News Editor: Christy Mason Assistants:Maria O'Brien, Yvette Ouselv. Donna Dougherty Perspectives Editor: Kimberly Kovach • Assistant: Beth Bittner Features Editors: Kathy Hibbard and Robin McKeon Assostonts:Debbi Murphy, Stephanie Giardini Sports Editor- Lisa Mason Assistants.Jacqui McClernon. John Dunleavy BusinessManager. Aleta Hlodky Copy_Edltor: Jeanne Reineberg Graphics Editor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Editor: Chris Corcoran Photography Adviser: Dr.Corter Croigie Adviser: Or. Jerome Zurek Stolt. Rochel Anderson. l?eglno Bot1ioto. Beth Bittner. Denise Brody. Potty Brown. Leah Coscorlno. Christine Cocchio. Rhonda Donnenhower. Donna Dougherty. John Dunleavy, Anne Fahy, Brion Feeley, Debbie Ferret Liz Files. Stephon,e Glordlnl Kitty Kelley. Kathleen McCabe. Jacqui McClernon, Potty Moore. Debbi Murphy. Monieo Palko, Patricio RupPe, Koren Slegl. Jim Steffter.
Loqultur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College. Radnor. Pennsylvania 19087. Subscription price is S20 per year and Is Included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editor~ However. if the writer wishes. and the editor agrees. the wrlte(s nome may be left ott the letter upon publieotion and on inscription Inserted such as ·name withheld at the request of the wrlfer: tetters should be typed, doublespoced. and no more than 300 words in length. If o letter· is too long for the ovoiloble space, the editor may edit or • condense. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
loquitur- friday,february6, 1987
A dream revisted Dear Editor:
by RachelAthelia Anderson
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream twenty-four years ago. A dream that his children would one day live in a nation where they would not be judged by the color of their skin but rather by the content of their character. Unfortunately, this dream has not come true. We as a nation celebrated Dr. King's birthday a couple weeks ago amid the shadow ofrecent racial violence he so unequivocally denounced. Yet this celebration should not cause us to wallow in the diffi. culties and frustrations of the moment. Rather, it should shine new hope on his dream that one day, "all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing the old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last! free at last! thank God almighty, we are free at last!"' Although that sometimes seems implausible, let Martin Luther King Jr. be an example for which we, the Cabrini community, may spread his vision.
Why not a day off in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King? Doesn't the man deserve it? I realize that we are a Catholic institution and we are not obligated to close our doors for any reason, but it is a national holiday. I was brought up in a family where King's birthday was always observed as a holiday. Although the day was not yet officially celebrated, we observed it as though it was out of sheer respect for King's memory and accomplishments. I, along with my parents and best friend, believe that it should be a holiday for everyone, not just for black people. King fought for the rights of everyone, therefore, it isn't a black persons holiday, but a holiday for all people. As a child, I welcomed King's birthday, because for me it meant a holiday from school. The following day in school, I was confronted with questions and comments about my personal holiday. Ultimately, I found that people were making an issue of my observance of King's birthday. When confronted with these questions, I found no reason to lie, so I continued to explain, to all interested, that I took the holiday in honor of Dr. Martin King. Obviously; people did not find that to be a valid reason for a holiday because the chastising continued. By taking the day off in honor of King, I certainly had not intended to generate negative feelings. Each year that I observed his birthday, I was sternly reminded by the faculty that it was not an official holiday and that I was not to be excused from the work on that day's agenda. Even as a child, I was fully aware that King's birthday was not an official holiday. Legally, I was cutting
Sincerely, John G. Donahue Jr., junior
Graduate expresses disappointment. Dear Editor: As a 1986 graduate, I try to get back to Cabrini whenever I can. When I came to Cabrini on Jan. 16 for the dance, I was disappointed at the turnout. What happened to spirit? Students complain about a lack of activities. Then they never participate when things do come up. Possibly, alcohol should be allowed at dances. It may help keep students on campus. I'd think that Cabrini students would be responsible enough to not leave campus after they have been drinking.
Also, I was reading· about the speed bumps that were installed. After hitting one with my car, I understood what Paul Scrivano was talking about in his letter (Dec. 12). I know that speeding has been a problem at Cabrini since I began in 1982,
however,I did not see any sign warning me about the bumps. After examining closer, I saw a pole; but it had NO WARNING SIGN ONIT. -As an insurance underwriter, I'm sure anyone's car that is damaged by the speed bumps will be Cabrini's responsibility. Cabrini was always worried about insurance claims with intoxicated students, and that's why it has remained a dry campus. I'd truly hate to see Cabrini have a claim against them because of a speed bump. However, I would not hesitate to file a damage claim if my own car was damaged by the speed bumps. Please do something about this problem. I too was quite upset when my new lowriding car hit the bump with a thump!!!
classes. But, in my opinion, the reason for these cuts is what was most important. · I learned later on in life, after making up all kinds of unnecessary homework, that I was not taking a holiday, but a day of inconvenience. Certainly to attend class and do the work that was assigned for that day, during the class time allotted for it, would have been so much more convenient than taking the day off. By observing King's birthday, I found that on my return I would face extra work and added tension from school peers and teachers. Freshman year, I observed King's day in the same manner I had in previous school years. Although I was absent on a national holiday and although I was now a collegiate, amidst other collegiates, I still met with jokes and questions concerning my "day off." "Why weren't you in class?," one teacher said to me very smugly. "I don't remember Monday being a holiday," he continued. Sophomore year, I opted not to take my day of inconvenience. It was the first time I had ever been present in school on King's day. I had become cowardly, not because of the chastising and the questioning, but because of the thought of making up all of the work I was expected to do on my return. I became a coward and lost sight of the reason that I take the day off. I can honestly say that my reasoning for taking the "holiday" is far from selfish. I figure if I take the day off on Dr. Martin Luther King day and inconvenience myself, my actions can never measure up to the inconveniences that King wentthTiffi'gh when he was alive. God rest his soul.
John Shvetz Class of'86
Sicoli:thanksfor vour support Dear Editor: As many of you know, last year I was blessed by the arrival of my infant . daughter, Kathryn Francesca. Her middle name is in honor of St. Frances· Cabrini whose intercession, I believe, was largely respons1ble for this miracle of life coming to me. The challenges inherent in mothering a baby are many in number, as are the jQYs.I feel as though I need to spend more time with Kathryn, and although I am continuing in my role as associate professor in the Psychology department, I feel as though I can no longer coordinate psychological services at Cabrini. I am asking you all to understand why I am resigning from this
Loquitur welcomes letters
administrative post. It takes up a minimum of12 hours a week for me in addition to my other full-time jobs as wife, mother, and professor. I wish to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all the love, support, and acceptance you have shown me over the years. Cabrini College has always been deeply committed to the psychological well-being of its students and I feel that by making the Coordinator of Psychological Services a full-time position, they are moving in the right direction. Please give the new psychologist they hire to administer counseling services all the love and support you have given me.
-s)CREATIVEMEDIA SERVICES Box 5955 Berkeley, ca. 94705
Regretfully, M.L. Corbin Sicoli, Ph.D.
all letters must be submitted by noon on Monday.
"011, that wasn't me talking. It -:t·asthe alcohol talking."
loquitur- friday,february 6, 1987
KnowledgeonlydefenseagainstAIDS by Christy Mason Death. All of us know that we will die sooner or later. Most of us opt for later. Some of us can't. "It's a killer," Dr. Gail Schwarz, director of Infection Control and Employee Health at our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, Camden N.J., said in a lecture held last Thursday in the Widener Center lecture hall. "It carries no gun, no knife but is every bit as deadly." "AIDS is worse than death by gun or knife or bomb," she said. "It's slow and fraught with the knowledge of the total decline of beings." At present, there are an estimated 15,000 suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome, the breakdown of a person's immunity against disease. An estimated 500,000 to one million people have been infected by the virus that causes AIDS, but have no symptons of illness as yet. By the 1990s, it is estimated that more than one million people will die as a result of AIDS. According to Schwarz, the disease originally came from Zaire, where African green monkies carried the virus. (Animals only carry the disease, they are not infected by it.) Since having sex with animals is an acceptable practice in some Central African cultures, the virus was passed onto human
soft tissue which lines the mouth, Intravenous drug abusers past stomach, digestive tracks. eyes, or present account for 17 percent vagina and anus. of reported AIDS victims. Thus, the virus is transmitted Currently, according to Schprimarily through sexual interwarz, in northern New Jersey. course and through the sharing of medical facilities are distributing intravenous drug needles. sterile needles to drug users "One sex act of any type with an rather than allowing them to infected person is sufficient share contaminated needles. enough to contract the virus," Hemophiliacs, according to staSchwarz said. tistics, account for one percent of According to statistics, sexually AIDS victims, although since active homosexual and bisexual April of 1985 the tests for antimen account for 73 percent of all bodies has made this percentage reported cases. Thi5 is greatly even lower. attributed to anal intercourse. Schwarz predicts that the fre'½.nal intercourse is a double- quency to which homosexuals and barrelled means of innoculation," intravenous drug users are Schwarz said, "because it breaks infected with AIDS will decrease capillaries at the entrance of the while babies born to infectious anus and allows semen to be mothers who will pass on the disdeposited right onto mucosa) ease to their infants, and heterotissue." sexuals who will contract the While prevention obvfously virus will be on the rise. Since there is no defense calls for an end to promiscuity and At Lourdes Medical Center in against AIDS, victims of the dis- the establishment of long-term, Camden, in the last three years, ease are vulnerable to serious ill- monogamous relationships, the number of AIDS victims has nesses that would not be a threat another preventive step is the use jumped from one to 16. However, to a person without the virus. of condoms during sexual activity. St. Michaels Medical Center in '½.ny common household cold However, users of condoms do risk northern New Jersey reported becomes debilitating," Schwarz t,he possibility of breakage, 1200 victims of AIDS this past The AIDS virus cannot be said. especially when engaging in anal . year. transmitted through casual conThe virus enters the vascula intercourse. While some drugs have been tact and is not highly contagious. system through exposed tissue. In a controversial move, broaddiscovered to inhibit the AIDS It cannot, for example, be con- For example, it can be "shoved" cast television and the print tracted by using the toilet. The into the vascular system, Schwarz media, starting this month, are to virus, currently there are no virus is not found in feces and very said, through cuts, hang-nails run condom ads in some states. drugs available to cure AIDS. rarely is found in urine. and even the splits caused in The ads will be run as a preventive Moreover, she said, eating uten- hands by harsh winter weather. measure against contracting and And still people continue to die sils cannot transmit the virus. It can also enter the body spreading AIDS rather than as a sooner than later. Since the highest concentration of through mucosa! contact-the birth control advertisement.
Additionally, research work with animals, as well as accidents involving household pets, allowed for the virus to be transmitted. In 1977, the first reported cases of this breakdown of the immune system were reported, but it wasn't until mid-1981 that the first cases were reported in America. Schwarz said that the best defense, at present, for the prevention of AIDS is knowledge and education. "We don't have all the answers on cancer," she said, "but ·we do have an enormous amount of information. The same can be said for AIDS." According to Schwarz, the AIDS virus is tramsmitted through blood and body fluid. That means tears, saliva, semen, breast milk, vaginal secretion, blood and sweat are all potential transmitters. The incubation period seems to range from about six months to five years and possibly longer.
the virus is found in the blood and the lowest in body fluids, there must be a very significant volume of saliva on any given utensil for the virus to be transmitted. According to Schwarz, she kisses her AIDS patients on the mouth in front of their families to prove that the virus cannot be contracted casually. However, very passionate, pro-longed, "frenchkissing" could result in the tran_smission of the virus. There are a variety of symptoms a person infected with the AIDS virus can have. These include: weight loss greater than 25 pounds, extreme fatigue, swollen lymph nodes usually in the neck, armpits or groin, diarrhea, loss of appetite, fever and night sweats.
KECHES RESIGNS-James Keches, business manager, resigned on Wednesday, Jan. 21. Keches, who has been at Cabrini since 1980, was named Acting Business Manag-erin 1981. He was promoted to Business Manager in 1982. Keches aided in the expansion of the college's financial and budgetary process, and in the implementation of computers on campus. He has accepted a position in the busine$8 sector which is effective in midFebruary.
AN EVENING IN EGYPT-Students, faculty and staff are invited for "An Evening in Egypt" with Irene Rachat, professor, foreign languages. Rachat will present a talk with slides that recounts her experiences during her recent trip to Egypt. The presentation will be held on Monday, Feb. 9, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Library Conference Room. Middle Eastem refreshments will be served following the presentation. DONATION NOTED-The members of the Social Work Club, with the support of the Social Work faculty, raised $100 to purchase specific library books for their discipline. This special library project was separate from the Juniors for Seniors project which that group
also sponsors. Anita Johnson, library director wishes to acknowledge this student involvement and participation in college needs. CHORUS PLANS TRIP TO AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY-The Cabrini College Community Chorus will leave for a two-week trip to Austria and Hungary on Tuesday, June 23, and will return on Wednesday, July 6. The trip, which is sponsored by the fine arts department, is open to students, and costs $1,475. This price includes transportation, accomodations and meals. Financial assistance is available. For more information, call Adeline Bethany, chairperson, fine arts, at extension 380.
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..·•'. :t~,_ttt .::;
Child care - For two children 5 yr old and 8 mon. old. Every Tuesday and Thursday In Broomell home. Coll Michelle at 353-8044.
Babysitter - Monday-Friday 3-7 pm (flexible). Must drive but ~wn car not needed. Two children 4 yr. old and a 6 month old. Coll Bruce Luehrs on 985-7287 01649-0766.
HouNlceeplng/Babysltllng • In exchange for free room and board. will need help at night and weekends. Coll Sheila Buerke at 449-1898.
Math Mor -At my home In Volley Forge. Two girls, one hour a week. Coll Mrs. WIison at 783-6520.
Ubrary- Service gronf or work study.positions available In the library. See Mrs. Olsen.
Head LHeguard• and other lite guard~ swim coach. and Instructors needed. Salary based on experience, bet above minimum wage Coll Rose Conolly at 644-4646.
Telemaotletlng• Permanent Port-time Jobs. No experience necessary. Good speaking voi~ and desire a,e all you need' All shifts available, flexible hours and storflng times salary plus commissions ptui bonus program! Coll 640-1476.
{ J
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETINGS-Alcoholics Anonymous discussion group meetings are held throughout the year on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. in tl~e Widener Center Conference Room. S.G.A. NEWS-The freshman class is sponsoring a Valentine's Day Dance on Friday, Feb. 13, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the cafeteria. Dress code will• be enforced. INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALLStudents, faculty and staff are encouraged to form teams for intramural volleyball. Teams must consist offive males and five females. Rosters must be given to John Dzik, director, athletics, by Wednesday, Feb. 11. The matches will begin on Monda , Feb. 16.
agency, Inc. spec,alize In placing college women in summer employment as "Mothe(s Helpers.· For the 1987 summer vocation period we expect to hove 600 to 700 openings for young women and young men wishing to work in the New England and New York areas. The summer Jobs start In late spring and terminate in late Augus1or early September. according to school schedules. Salary range is $115.00-$130.00per week with lull room and board at no cost to the employees. Students con contact Finonciol Aid office for on application
RHldentialProgramworkerpoiltlona · Fulltime ond port-time position openings to work with · developmentally disabled adolescents and adults In community-based progrom in Delaware County. M~st hove drtve(s license. EducatiE>nand experience preferred, but not essentiol. Good salary and frln~, benefits. Send resume to: CLA Director Community Interactions 9th & Morion Ave. Folsom. Po. 1Q033.
Clerical Help - Port-time at lntegro Ink. Answering phones. work on word processor 18M,filing and general office duly. $5 to $6 /hour, Coll 662-4080.
Chocolate by Mueller • Soles positlon ovolloble, located In Wayne Formers Market. Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 o.m,-4:00 p.m. very flexible. $4.50/ hr. Coll Mike al 29.3-0850.
TWAMarketing Service•. PT/FTtelemarketing representatives available. Sto,tlng 2l1/87. very flexible hours. Starting salary $4.50 plus benefits (including TWA travel benefits). Located In Plymouth Meeting. Coll Jone Johnson at 834-8150.
Spectaguard- security posttlons ovalloble tor mole or female. Porf.llme from 20 to 30 hours a weekend. Call 896-0880.
Chlldcare/Houaebeplng • Core and entertainment al 5- veer-old girl. Must drive, and be able to assume housel<eeptng responslbllitles. 9 o.m. to 12:30 p.m. weekdays. $4.00Jhr.Moy lead to a fuH flme summer position storflng June 15th. Coll 644-8880 during day.
Night Receptionist - Monday thru Thursday. 5 to 9 p.m. and on Saturday 9 to 6 p.m. Devon Hill \lolkJWOgon, BMW located on Lancaster /we.
Marketingfirm - Seeking ambitious students
to sen 0\18r the phone. Evening hours. excellent pay.
WayneW■llpeper- Dependable person to run shipping deportment In wallpaper store. Involves checking In orders. shipping box8$ U.P.S.etc. Musi hove drivers lloense. Port-time flexble hours. Coll Bob Hepp al 687-8100 or 293-0474.
located In WVnnewood. Coll Sharon at 642-2438.
Omega Cleeners• counter help. $3.50/hour.
Babysitter - to drive and watch kids or home. 5:00- 7:30 p.m. House located in Kerrwood Rd. In Wayne, Po. Cati Kate Allison at 688-8919 or 985-8115.
IIOOIIII Boanl • In excflohge for babysitting in the mornings and two weekends a month. tnclud8$ meals. You would hove third floor to you,sell. Home located In St..OCMds,Po. 19087.(:!611 Nancy Sherry at
lloufferYalie, Forge Hcql. All P()Sllflons <MJlloble.ln19lette0 students movapply 9:00 o.m.• 6:00 p.m. penonnel Ofllee. NA lull-flme posfltlons carry o
' 68f:051t
/ ' "
Monday thru Saturday 7:30-6:00 p.m. very ftexible. Coll 687-3327. Sunwner Girt Scout camp ·11you ore looking for lhe opportunity to work wllh childre11 In Q!l.OUli;loo(. setting. tomal<e new friends Ond"goln vatuobfe wo,k experience. contact us. Pick up on oppllcoflon ot FlnoclOI • Ai<:!office. Mohawk Pathway.Girt~'-~~• · •;. ,, ..
' •'
•Arla, design student needed to port-time. leldble houri for small ~Musi holle~llty to-with co~lefS . $5.00/hr. Send resume to SusonGoldlteln 223Conel1Qgo Rd.Wayne. Po 19087.
-, · • ) ~eit.,.
'S-f F •
'W9ncly's ~ flexible
hours available. $3.50-$5.50 per hOur.Coll Josie at 525-4462.
Cleltt,~ NewsAg(lney 131N. Woyne Ne. If\~Port-~ and Full-timedoyl-nlng hours. , FlexlbWI ~le. $3.36-$4.00/hr. P<JVrate. Stop In to au out on of>pilCCJll'lll call EQat 688-4199.
CellularPhone Store- Port-flme
Telemorketfng. flexible hours.will train. Coll Branch manage, at 266-7018. " . .
Telephone Rape.• PT/FTpositions ovolloble tor 12 reps tor o local newspaper. Choose your own hours. •
Chllctr.,;. ~ter; Port-li!"e, ope,.;¢te,noons
. 3:30· 6~30pcm $3;50/hr. Located In King of Prussia.Coll Don Shegoter at 272-5540.
P,.ec:hoolteac~•T8:30to3:1Sp,m. ....,_c ,_ • Monday !hru Frl&ov. All Saints Pre-school Coll Nancy Lichty at 279-3~. . ,. , •
~byaltter - Eve<yThursday tor"' 12p.m. lo " p.rn. Children oie 4 and 6 yrs. old. must nave troosportotldn·ond must be vtry responsible. $3.00lhOur.•· - ColL ~a~ Hulch!son at 6!13· 78~67..
Teacher• Aki• Heartstrings ChHd Develop~t-Cente,. From 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. dolly wllh two to five year olds. Coll 687-6900.
R-,UC,nlat - PoOIIMernorlol Medical
sitter-References requested. solory negotioble. Approximately Morch 7 to 13.-COII Christine Davis al 687-1872.
Port-flme and F~ll-time wo,k available. Excellent opportunity to 8$toblish summer employment nr:,w. Must be ove< 18. Experience desired but wlll lrpt,).Earn top.wages. Excellent surroundings In whleh •,lt'The~IOIIOICR"&I Club. coll Ml2-5800.
• Three days O ~k. hall 0<7A ' possible. car needed. CoM Anno Kilgore 687-9859.
"! C~ljcl C,,..
Shifts : 9:30 o.m.-1:30 p.m. or 3:30-6:30 p.m. on -el<ends. No experience needed. For more Info. con Mr. Wlllls at 640-1476.
...., ..
Elltr■ CUhl • American service. associates. on Insurance compont locoted In Malvern. needs temporary help INfetlll)Cty,-ond'Marct!'proces1tng Insurance opplicotlons and doing general office work. We are ppying ~-OQfl<and ~ tlexible'wo~ulet dur1rlQ 1f1edo-Ior 8\l9nlngl. Coll ot 0$2700:· ..,
Building, for Or. Belh Slmonowltz. Saturday 8:30 p.m lo . ~:30 p.m.,and Monday S to 8 p.m.
loquitur- friday,february 6, 1987
social issues heightened---Homosexuality:
Realitiesand rightsexaminedoncampus by Donna Dougherty
You're in your freshman year and you're on your way out with your friends. You forget your money, so you stop back in your room where you see your female roommate and another girl in a tight embrace. You're so shocked that you shut the door as fast as you can and flee. It's a Saturday night during your freshman year and you go to talk to a friend about a problem that you have with your girlfriend. While asking for advice, he makes a pass at you. One might first think that these situations were encountered at some university or college in San Francisco or any school a million miles away from the conservative-minded Main Line. However, the reality is that these homosexual encounters occurred right here on Cabrini's campus. However,are there enough homosexuals on this campus to warrant an interest for a gay organization? What would the students here think if such an organization was ever proposed? "I wouldn't be against it because it would be discriminating not to permit students who want to form such a group," Julia Malik, senior, said. "Not in this school because the school is too small," Tony Bowden, senior, said. "It's a shame that, if there is a need, that people would condemn it. We proclaim to be a liberal-minded college, and we should put forth that belief into action," Jennifer Wimmer, junior, said. "I don't think there should be a gay student union anywhere," Steve Pascali. sophomore, said. "Besides, this is a Catholic college and it shouldn't be promoting homosexuality," he added. "If a homosexual society was organized on the Cabrini College campus, I would be in favor," Ande Romano, sophomore, said. '½lthough I do not necessarily agree with homosexual practices, 1 do believe that individual rights are sacred. Just as various social organizations are founded to promote the liberal qualities of education among "normal" students, an organization that deals solely with homosexuality would provide these same qualities for "abnormal" students," she added. "That's not a simple-question," Dr. Joseph Romano, vicepresident, academic affairs, said. "It's a controversial issue, but I would have no discriminating feelings toward such an organization, as long as they do not break any
laws of the College. Also I feel that as Christians, we have an obligation to provide support for each other," he added. "No. We are a Catholic College and that would be supporting it (homosexuality). Even the Bible says it," Claire Swann, senior, said.
Board of five-to-six members, of which Russell is one. The group is a registered student organization under Temple's college guidelines. It also has a faculty advisor. The organization has 15 members who regularly go to the meetings and events, and they have a turn-out of 50-100 people at their events.
"If a man lies with a man as one with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable." - Lev. 20:13
A social event that they have is a coffee break once or twice a month. They recently had a dance with the University of Pennsylvania and their group, LGaP l Lesbians and Gays at Penn). At the beginning of the year, the group also offers to give panel discussions in some classes at the request of the teacher. . During these discussiol)s, they talk about the issues of homophobia, which is an unbased, unnatural fear of homosexuality, and heterosexism, the assumption of heterosexuals that everyone is straight and that homosexuals are a small minority. At Bryn Mawr College, Gay Peoples Alliance was formed at least five years ago and works in conjunction with Haverford College. The organization is a member ofS.G.A.; but is independent of the administration. According to Julian Carter, Bryn Mawr sophomore, there are about 45 members and there is a lot of interest on campus for the group. Carter is acting as the leader of the group since the organization has had no formal leadership. The group, according to Carter, acts as a forum of meetings for discussion of sucb issues as: "tension between straights and gays living in communities together, and the social and moral consequences of "coming out of the closet." There is open membership in the organization and their group is more political than the other group on campus, the Lesbian Support Group. Gay Peoples' Alliance have speakers, discussion meetings, and films. The Lesbian Support Group hosts performers and holds a radio show. Carter is planning the details for the Annual Gay Week, held in the first week of April.
"Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor "' homosexual offenders * ...will inherit the Kingdom of God !" - 1 Cor. 6:9-10. According to Fr. Mark Falcone, chaplain, one should consider passages from the Bible carefully, so as not to take the quotes out of context. He raised the question about God being merciful and "Love thy neighbor as thyself," which are also taken from the Bible. The question of the possibility of a gay student organization forming was recently raised at Villanova University. According to Gary Bonas, assistant director of student activities at Villanova, the suggestion was first aired through the student newspaper, "The Villanovan," when a female student wanted Villanova to form a gay student union. Letters to the editor went back and forth from that one request. The debate, according to Bonas, centered around the rights of gay students. No one approached Bonas formally about forming such a group, but if one had, it would have met with a negative response because "it was found to be against the University's Mission Statement." Also, the Catholic Church is at the "heart of the issue." However, at Temple University, Philadelphia, their gay student union has been in operation for 12-15 years, off and on; and has recently been reorganized three years ago. According to George Russell, Temple senior, and a member of the Core Committee of Temple Lambda Alliance, Lambda is the Greek universal symbol for homosexuality. Temple formed the organization because they saw a need for it and to instill a more open and supportive environment on campus. According to Russell, the group has met with no real resistance.
Acc?rding to "Bill" at the Gay Switchboard of Philadelphia, the only campuses in the Philadelphia area that he has a r_ecor~of are at: University of Pennsylvania, Drexel Umvers1ty, Temple University, and Bryn Mawr College and Haverford College.
Temple Lambda Alliance consists of a Coordinating
Groupconquersaddictionwithhelpfromabove by Kathy Hibbard
They spoke of Chit Chat Farms, anniversaries, and new beginnings. They listened warmly and intently to one another's experiences. "I just celebrated an anniversary," said one. A round of applause and smiles warmed the room. The sharing was con$tant and the closeness among them all, compelling. The anniversaries being celebrated are months and years gone by without a drink. Chit Chat Farms is a rehabilitation unit that offers a 28-day program for drug and alcohol addictions. Nearly all at the meeting had graduated from Chit Chat. They are all encountering new beginnings: experiencing life without the alcohol. The Saturday morning Radnor group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets promptly every week at 10 a.m for one hour in the conference room across from the Wig Warn. Brother Phil Calahan, a retired teacher of 40 years from West (},tholic High School and a recovering alcoholic, organized the group, and it has been slowly growing since. "I'd really like to see mo.e students on campus involved," Calahan said. "It's open to everyone: alcoholics an~ non- alcoholics. It's open discussion, and I'm sure students could make contributions, especially psychology or pre-med majors for instance," Calahan said. "Even if students may think they have a problem with alcohol, they are -welcome to attend," he said. Calahan spoke firmly and with concern regarding the use of alcohol. According to Calahaµ, a loose definition. of alcoholism would be if any area ofone's life is effected by booze. "He may as well think he's got a problem," Calahan said. '½nybody who finds some area of his life being impaired with.the use of booze better sit down and do something about it," Calahan said. What are the signs of alcoholism? According to Calahan, a change of personality and black out can be potential signs.,
'Evenif studentsmay_thinkthey havea problemwith alcohol,they ~ welcometo attend.',:; ..,,.
, , _~, -Brother Phil Calahan ''The person who is really nice ·and_quiet-l:iutthen when he drinks gets really mean for example. -That signals a problem," Calahan said. ., --~· According to Calahan, tnere has been' some confusion regarding blacking out and passing out. Blacking out an4passing out at-e not( \ie in the same. Black outs occur when, after drinking, an individual can not recall incidents or time spans although he or she remained fully conscious. ~ "I l')eliew black out&are a »w:esign ofan alcoholic," Calahan said.
Calahan also believes that an individual who has to drink more than his peers may he suffering from an alcohol problem. A list ofl0 questions devised by A.A. serves as a self test for anyone who may think he has an alcohol problem or even for those who believe they have control over their drinking.
J\nybodywho finds some area of his life being impairedwith the use of booze bettersit down and do somethingabout it.' -Brother Phil Calahan Acc?r~ng to the pa~phlet entitled, ~n Introduction to A.A., u published by Intergroup Association of ~lcohohcs Ano~y~ou_s ?~Greater New _York, 'yes' answers spell danger. Althou~h th~ d1se~e may be _m ~~ m1tial stage, contmued, it can worsen and significant!~ 1ml?a1rthe hfe of the md1V1dual as well as his family and friends. The list of questions 1s as follows: •Do you lie about how much you drink? •Do you gulp your drinks and sneak extras? •Do you drink to relieve feelings of inadequacy? •Do you drink to escape worry and to dispel the blues? •Do you drink when overtired, to "brace up''? •Is drinking affecting your peace of mind? •Is drinking making your home life unhappy? -Do you sometimes drir.k alone? Do you black out? •Do you require a drink the nex_t,morning? •Do you lose time from work due to drinking?
"If students-would like an evening or day group, or if they just want to meet and open discussion about l,llcohol,I could arrange something," Calahan said. ·.. ,, ·.: At the heart of A.A ,which was founded in 1936, is the belief of its members that their lives have become unmanageable due-to alcohol and they, in turn, have placed their in the hands of a power greater than themselves - the power of God as they understand Him. Their motto-The Serenity Prayer:
"God Grant The Sere'ftityTo Accept The Things I Cannot ~hange Courage To Change The Things I Can . And Wisdom To Know The f>ifference."
The Radnor Saturday Morning group endiitheir ineeting at 11a.m. and each closing is marked by a unique ritual. Joined hand in hand, heads bowed, the Lord's Prayer is spoken.
loquitur- friday,february6, 1987
Venturing into supernatural life by Leah Cascarina
Outer-body experiences, confrontations with extra- terestrials and deja vu, were just a few of the unexplainable phenomenons viewers encountered while viewing Shirley MacLaine's "Out on a Limb" on ABC. The telemovie, based on the book by Shirley MacLaine, was an account of the famous entertainer's journey through life in her ultimate quest for her answer to "Who I am and 1
One definite plus of the film was it's exotic locations, which seemed to add to the overall mySt ique of the film. MacLaine's supernatural pursuit took the viewer to the British Parliment in London, the beaches of Hawaii, and the deserts of Peru. It was in the deserts of Peru that the viewer was exposed to David Manning (John Heard), the most intriguing character of the mini-series. Heard played more than a would-be artist in the film; he portrayed a character that stepped right out of an episode of the "'l\vilight Zone." . Manning claimed to have met an extra-terrestrial whose mission was to show man that Godis .within ourselves. He told MacLaine this while he and MacLaine were in Peru on a UFO hunt. Whether or not one believed in Manning's philosophical gems such as - "Everything is happening as it should," or his saying "They all had a purpose in dying," in-response to an accident that killed a bus load of people - the viewer more or less finds himself eagerly waiting to hear what else the character had to say. I guess you could say that MacLaine did a good job portraying herself - for who could express more than she, her "spiritual awakening" and outer-body experiences. Her role, however, could in no way compare to her incredible performance in "Terms of Endearment."
where do I fit in?" It was during this spiritual search that MacLaine also sought after answers to questions that many of us have probably contemplated in Religion 101 - the most popular being: "What is God?" "Where do we come from?" "Why are we here?" and "Is there an· afterlife?" During an emotional scene, MacLaine's lover fervently stated to the actress, "If you want to get to the fruit of the tree, you've got to go out on a limb." With all the controversy surrounding the movie's supernatural theme, it seems as though MacLaine did just that. Although the production was essentially MacLaine's baby (she co-produced, coauthored and starred), she wisely surrounded herself with exceptional talent. Stan Margulies, who served as co-producer, had also co- produced "The Thorn Birds" and "Roots." Colin Higgins of"Harold and Maude" and "Nine to Five" fame, co-wrote the production. Director Robert Butler's best work was seen in the series pilots of"Hill Street Blues" and "Moonlighting." To round off the talent, John Dykstra, noted for his extraordinary work in "Star Wars," provided all the special effects for MacLaine's outer-body experiences. The characters portrayed in the production were also far from the ordinary. Each, in his or her own way, brought something unique to the small screen. Charles Dance did a fine job portraying Gerry Stamford, MacLaine's lover. It was Stamford, the British politician, that encouraged the performer to pursue the spiritual unknown. It was MacLaine's strange and mysterious bond to the power- conscious politician that led the actress to believe that they both knew each other in previous lives. As MacLaine's interest in the idea ofreincarnation increased, her personal quest to find herself also heightened - leading into areas of the supernatural. The actress became involved with people known as "trance- channellers." These individuals served as mediums to the spiritual world. Through these mediums, MacLaine was able to ask questions about her previous life - or rather lives. It was with one of these channellers that MacLaine discovered that she and Stamford were inaeed romantically involved - 300,000 years ago, in the lost city of Atlantis. If this sounds rather bizzare, hold on to your Ouija boards. In the telemovie, the two trance-channellers - Sweden's Sture Johanssen and California's Kevin Ryerson - play themselves. According to MacLaine and ABC, the spiritual entities also agreed to play themselves - meaning that during the seance scenes, the spirits consented to repeat everything for the cameras that they originally told MacLaine.
The spiritualentitiesalso agreedto play themselvesmeaningthat duringthe seancescenes,the spirits consentedto repeateverythingfor the camerasthat they originallytold Maclaine. At the film's conclusion, one is left confused about what MacLaine was actually trying to say. She had not fully answered any of the questions that were raised throughout the production. Of course, the other side of this criticism is that none of her questions can ever fully be explained by mere mortals. Perhaps the lack ofunderstanding was due to the emotional restrictions offilm productions. Chances are that the novel was better able to depict the author's personal experiences, and therefore offer the audience a better understanding of her quest and the answers to her seemingly unanswerable questions. Although the mini-series did have its share of interesti~ and unusual parts, the overall production seemed to drag, especially Sunday night's episode, which dealt mostly with MacLaine's rocky and indecisive romance with the Englishman. The mini-series, if anything, gave its viewers a change from the typical, pure fantasy, sex-oriented mini-series that rule the television screens of today. Regardless of whether one agreed with MacLaine's enlightened beliefs or perceives it all as spiritual mumbo-jumbo, "Out on a Limb," needless to say, is thought-provoking at its very core.
'Littleshop:' All the ingredients for laughter by Patricia Brown Take one insecure nerd, add one blonde, high-pitched beauty, mix in a sadistic dentist, add a pinch of a masochistic patient, throw in an assortment of characters and songs to season taste, place in skid row, and top it with one bad plant with an interesting appetite, and you get one great, tasty, crazy, funny, movie.
Review "Little Shop of Horrors" is a musical comedy which would make anyone with a green thumb wary of plants. Rick Moranis appears type-casted for the lead role of the lonely Seymour. He works in Mushnik's flower shop
and lives in the basement. His dream is to find a plant that will attract customers into the unsuccessful shop. Seymour is in love from afar with Audrey (Ellen
'LittleShop of Horrors'is a musical comedywhichwould make anyone with a greenthumb wary of plants. Greene), a dizzy blonde who hopes to get out of skid row. Audrey, however, has a boyfriend, a sadistic dentist played by Steve Martin. Martin's performance really makes the show. His best scene is with Bill Murray as a masochistic patient.
Emergencytest prep helpforthe imminent MCATandD.A'I As you see below, the exams will be here before you know it. And if yoor vital signs include sweaty palms, a somersaulting stomach and shaky legs. you need help-fast. Check into a Kaplan center. Our test-taking techniques and educational programs have helpedlowerthe pressure and boost the scoring power and ronfidence of over one million students. Weeven have compact classes so you can be ready for this falls exams. So if yotire getting ill thinking about the MCATor DAT. call Kaplan. Wellgive you all the "mental medicine" you need. And a lot ofintensive care.
The most interesting character is Audrey II (Twoey)the strange plant which Seymour discovers and names after his love. . Twoey,as Seymo_urrefers to the plant, prefers a bizarre kmd of plant food in order to grow. He promises Seymour fame, fortune, and the girl he loves, in exchange for some ... plant food. Torn between his own conscience and saving Audrey from her sa~istic boyfri~nd, Seymour agrees to 'l\voey's offer. Watching the dentist beating the woman he loves Seymour says, "He sure looks like plant food to me." ' The performances are top rate. The songs are upbeat and the plot is silly, but hysterical. Be prepared for a great time. "Little Shop of Horrors" will have you laughing from start to finish. It's not for the weak-hearted.
Studytroup at
Congratulations The following people have been casted for the college's production of Thornton Wilder's American classic "Our Town." Faculty members will be joining the cast in cameo roles including: Dr. Marilyn Johnson, Carol Serotta, Beverly Reilly, Rita Calicat, and officiating at the wedding of Emily and George will be Father Mark. STAGE MANAGER .... MARK MURRAY DR. GIBBS ........•. SEAN HAMSHER JOE CROWELL ......... LOU MONACO HOWIE NEWSOME ..... JEFF MOORE MRS. GIBBS .... ROSANNE ROSSELLO MRS. WEBB .......... RUTH SANTONI GEORGE GIBBS ........ PAUL CAUCHI REBECCA GIBBS .JACQUELINE KUENY WALLYWEBB ............ PAT ZIPFEL EMILY WEBB MARY BETH BECKETT MR. WEBB ........... PAUL SCRIVANO SIMSON S'.flMSON . DR. CARTER CRAIGIE MRS. SOAMES ... JENNIFER WIMMER CONSTABLE WARREN JASON STARRS SI CROMWELL ......... LOU MONACO SAM CRAIG ....... CHRIS CORCORAN BASEBALL PLAYERS .. CHRIS CORCORAN, JEROME CHENNAULT, JAN TORRES EMILY'S FRIENDS ..... KAREN SIEGL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. MARIAN ROCKEFELLER . STAGE MANAGER ...... JEFF MOORE LIGHTS . CHRIS CORCORAN and KAREN GRESH SOUND .............. MARK MURRAY COSTUMES . JENNIFER WIMMER and LARA HATZELL -
loquitur - friday,february6, 1987
Teamin midstof change At mid-season, the men'sJ.V. basketball team has found themselves under new management. Having acquired two new coaches, the team is in the midst of a transitional season. Jerome Chennault, senior, and Gary Smith assumed the positions of head coaches as of Jan. 24. They replaced John McQueen, 1984 graduate, who left due to a new employment opportunity. Lee Clowers, senior, was also added as an assistant coach. "The team has been disoriented. They lack unity now which is what we have to work on," Chennault said. Play~rs agree.
"Welack a strong team spirit. The spirit should be stronger both on and off the court," Lionel Salomon, freshman, said. "We've had coach and player changes. Thes~ major changes affected the team negatively," Tim Powell, senior, said. Though the team members cite negative repercussions because of the change of coaches, they also see beneficial aspe"ctsof the change. According to Powell, the new coaches are also able to offer a dual leadership role as both authority figures and peers. "They can give us insight as players and coaches because they have been in similar situations," Powell said.
Cavs hit hard by third place
"The team seems to be responding well to the new coaches. They see the coaches trying so they are working a little harder, "Powell said.
The teamhasbeen disoriented. Theylackunity nowwhichis whatwe have to workon.' -Jerome Chennault, coach "Jerome and Smitty are more available · so that we can practice more," Salomon said. The lack of practice, according to Chennault, has hampered the team's performance.
''There are problems now.They are missing lay-ups, not hustling enough, and some people don't know the plays," Chennault said. "They haven't had enough practices. Practicing once a week is not enough." In order to remedy the problem, Chennault and Smith plan to hold practice five days a week. In addition to remedying the practicing problems, the coaches, as well as the team, have set their sights on finishing with a record above .500.
"Every time the team steps on the court it is serious and I want to win," Chennault said. As of Feb. 2, the team's record was 7-6. .
by Anne Fahy During winter break, the men's basketball team went into the National Catholic Basketball Tournament in Dubuque, Iowa ranked number one. They met some tough competition, according to Coach John Dzik and finished in third place with three wins and one loss. Dzik said that most people would be pleased with a 3-1 record, however,"I don't think anyone on our team is pleased." The team got off to a good start, easily beating Viterboro College, Wisconsin, by 15 points, 87-72. "The second game was a scare," Anthony Dade, senior, said. "We won on a last second lay-up." The score was Cabrini 71, Rosary College, Illinois, 70. In the third game, the Cavs faced Christian Brothers College, Memphis, Tennessee. They played each other point for point. Cabrini lead by four points with two minutes to go, but three costly turnovers and two missed shots in the last seconds gave the game to Christian Brothers, 68-64. "We beat ourselves," Dzik said. They came back in the final game to beat Loras College, host of the NCBT, 82-75 and take third place. "If the one loss had been the championship, maybe we'd feel different," Dzik said. Players seem to agree. For seniors on the team, it was especially disappointing. "I feel sorry for the seniors. This wastheir year and it was because of them that we were ranked number one," Butler said. "Wetake it a little bit harder," Jeff Kardos, senior, said, "because we won't be able to go back next year for another shot. We've been in it for four years." For one senior, Allen Jones, the disappointment may have been compensated by being named to the All-Tournament team. The NCBT was held Jan. 6-12. Before that they played in the University of Scranton Invitational on Dec. 19 & 20 and received second place. Jan. 3 & 4 the team went to West Virginia to play in the Hardees Four State Classic in which they received second place again.
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loquitur- friday,february 6, 1987-
Men'sVarsity basketball:
Cavsstillkingof EagleRoad by John Dunleavy The last time Cabrini met Eastern was back on Dec. 2, 1986 when the Cavs came from behind on their home court to squeak by their Eagle Rd. rivals, 74-73. Last Saturday, Jan. 31, the teams remained the same, only the setting was different. This time John Dzik's squad came prepared to do battle against not only a hungry Easfern team, but an accompanying student body who were looking to even the score. Even with all this help, it wasn't enough for the Eagles, who once again came up short, falling in overtime, 86-77. Following the pattern offiercely competitive and highly intense games between the rivals, Cabrini was able to survive regulation thanks to a blown opportunity by the Eagles. With only 0:03 remaining in regulation and the score tied 67-67, Eastern's Irv Hutcherson missed the front end of a one and one, sending the game into the extra period. Just seconds earlier, the Cavs had knotted the score, when center Karl Sartor, senior, received a pass off a screen, drove to the hoop and got fouled. At the end of the play, Sartor hit the floor hard, injuring his elbow. With Sartor unable to shoot the free throws, Dzik had to choose someone from his bench willing to challenge the charity stripe. "It was a tough decision," Dzik said. "It was between Brian Butler, Tony Dade, and John Aivazoglou. We decided to go to Brian because he had a smile on his face. You always go with the guy with the smile." Butler, junior, calmly sank the first free throw to even the score. Although he missed the second free throw, he had set the stage for the Cavs to-win it in overtime.
Commenting on the pressure packed situation Butler was placed into, he said, "I felt that I could make it. I was trying to do it for the seniors because it was the last time they were going to be playing them." (unless they meet in the post-season.) · Cabrini took control of the game in overtime, when Allen Jones, senior, and teammate Mike Waters, sophomore, exploded for 17 of the Cavs last 19 points.
'...We loveto beat Easternbecause its for the rightto own Eagle Road...' -John Dzik,coach Leading by only a single point, 73-72, Jones took the ball inside, layed it off the glass and drew the foul. Eastern center, Arnold Johnson who fouled out watched as Jones completed the three point play. These were the first of 11 unanswered points that Cabrini ripped off. Waters put his own icing on the cake, when he stole a pass and finished off a three point play. When the smoke had cleared, the Cavs found themselves ahead to stay, 84-72. Cabrini fans went wild as they began singing chants of good- bye to the Eagles and their alumni. After the game, Dzik singled out center, Lee Clowers as his unheralded player of the game. "Lee Clowers did a great job in coming in and sustaining our lead," Dzik said. "It was the best game he ever played at Cabrini." Clowers, senior, said, "I come in to guard the other team's big man when our team is in foul trouble. If I score
Americansregaincup by Brian Feeley America was showing off its Stars and Stripes this week off the shoresofFremantle, Australia, muchto the dissapointment of the Kookabura Ill. The heavily covered America's Cup finally came to an end after a battle with the Indian ocean that started with trials back in October. The event, however, has roots that stem farther back than October. The America's Cup is one of the oldest awards given in professional sports. Unlike some seasonal sports represented by cities and states, the America's Cup brings out the best of countries and continents, much lilte the olympics. This event parallels the olympics in another way in that it occurs every four years instead of annually. The event is spaced over such a period of time to allow for the raising of money for the next competition. Over 100 years ago America raced Britain and won. The name of the ship representing America was fittingly called America. Since that win, America has entered many yachts, all of which have come home victors. The Cup was conviently called America's Cup because of our unrelenquishing possession of it. That possession, however,ended for the first time in 1983, creating a desire for America to regain the Cup. ---------------------------------lithe
it's a plus, but I look to get the ball to Allen, Ice (Waters), Brian, and Tony." As far as the significance of the game, Dzik said, "It's a big win. They're all big wins. We love to beat Eastern because it's for the right to own Eagle Rd. I think we're 8-1 in our last nine meetings against them. They're a good team and over the next 20 years it'll probably be even." The victory improved the 1986-87 Cavs record to 16-4. In their seventh season as a conference member, they have won six straight conference championships. Over the seven-year period, their regular season conference is 49-3, while their overall record against conference foes is 63-4.
Dennis Conner, has slowly grown to become a household name and a hero among those who follow the sport. As skipper of the Stars and Stripes, Conner, remains the only skipper to relenquish the cup, and now the only one to regain it. Conner was confident of his boat and crew, but remained reserved during the finals. Conner remembers all too well the year 1983, when he was up by two wins before relinquishing the cup to the Australia II in this seven race series. Conner, who was then aboard the yacht Liberty, was in tears after losing. He had no intention of repeating that saga this time around. Other members of his crew were more vocal about their confidence. The Main Line was represented by veteran sailer, Jon Wright from Rosemont, PA. During the Challenger series, which pitted Stars and Stripes against the Kiwis from New Zealand, Wright yelled to the opponents, "Welcome to the big time."
For Dennis Conner and the crew of the Stars and Stripes the big time had come, and thanks to their hard work and effort they bring back the most coveted prize in boating, the America's Cup.
·t the
Saturday, Jan.31 at Eastern Cabrini(86) Jones 10 3-5 23, Waters 4 9-13 17, Sartor 1 0-4 2, Butler 3 4-6J0, Welde 3 0-0 6, Dade 5 3-613, Kardos 2 0-14, Clowers 2 0-0 4, Aivazoglou 1 0-0 2, Hillyard 2 1-2 5. Eastern(77 l Craver 4 8-10 17, Johnson 4 2-4 10, Hutcherson 8 3-6 20, McCarron 1 0-0 2, Eiola 3 4-5 10, Boone 6 1-2 16, Walters 0 0-0 0, Wilkerson O 0-1 0, Cobb O 0-0 0, Scott 1 0-0 2. Cabrini ................. 34 33 19-86 Eastern ................. 25 42 10-77 Three-point goals-Boone 3, Craver, Hutcherson. Fouled out- Johnson. Rebounds- Dade 9. Assists- Welde 5. Total fouls-Cabrini 24, Eastern 23.
Effortsfallshort in toughcontest by Brian Feeley The woman of Eastern won a hardfought battle over the Lady Cavs by a score of 88-71, in a contest plagued with controversial officiating. With referee, the delayed game was underway. Chris Federico managed to pour in the first 6 points for Cabrini and it appeared the Cavs would not be stopped, but after jeers from the crowd concerning certain calls, the referee stopped the game until the other official arrived. "Im not going to call a game between two rivals, especially these two," Sharen Kane, referee, said. The second referee arrived after a short delay and re- started the game which was already four minutes into the first half.
"This is the first time I ever fouled out. I can't sit. I'm so frustrated," Julie Snow, freshman, guard, said.
'It'sa shamethe officiating had to be the decidingfactor in the game insteadof the effort put forth by the teams.' -Terry Mancini,coach Frustration fit the mood of the Cavs and their fans as the clock ticked away. With only 1:42 left in the game, the score was 78-69. Once again, however,fouls put Eastern on the line, and by the time the buzzer sounded, the Eagles pulled off an 88- 71 win over the Cavs.
Cabrini and Eastern stayed close throughout the first half but fouls plagued the Lady Cavs and the Eastern Eagles started to pull away. The second half started with a technical "It's a shame that officiating had to be foul served to Cabrini just before the end of first half. The two teams battled hard the deciding factor in the game instead of the effort put forth by the teams. We're a good team. We're still young and will and with plays like Fredia Gibbs' senior improve," Terry Mancini, coach, said. around the back, up and in lay-up, ther~ · was never a dull moment. The high scorers of the game were Traci Although Cabrini was penetrating, the Eagles were sent to the line more and Spencer who tallied 32 points for Eastern and Frieda Gibbs, senior, who poured in 29 more, which proved to be the backbreaker in this war a ainst rivals. for the Cavs.
Scoreboard Men's Varsity Basketball Lee Clowers, senior, has been selected athlete of the week by John Dzik, coach. "Lee was instrumental in two victories as a substitute," Dzik said. "Playing a total of a 1:30 in the Lincoln game Lee scored a basket, had some rebounds, and played excellent defense," Dzik said. "He and the other players off the bench were responsible for tying the game, sending it into overtime, and eventually winning the game."
"By far the Eastern game was the best game Lee has played since being here at Cabrini," Dzik said. "He had 5 points, 12 rebounds and two long passes for layups." Women's Basketball This week Terry Mancini, coach, chose Jodi and Julie Snow, freshmen, as the athletes of the week. According to Mancini, •~s freshmen the girls are an asset to the future of this team and ro ram."
"Jodi and Julie have displayed a super attitude that benefits the entire team,' Mancini said. Men's J. V. Basketball Joe Anapolsky, junior, was added to the ranks of athletes of the week by Jerome Chennault and Gary Smith, men's J.V: basketball coaches. "Joes leadership on the court as well as his consistency on the jump shot make him my choice for this week " Chennault said. ' selected b the coaches
Current Record; 16-4 (tnru Feb. 1) Coorini 67(ot) Delaware Volley Cabon, 66 At Millersville Cobrini(N) 77 East Stroudsburg Cabrini 74 Eastern College Cobrini(N) 92(ot) Stoney Brook Cabrini 86 At A~red Universtty Cabr,nl 74 At Spring Gorden Cobrini(N) 79 Bloomsburg U. Cabrini 67 At U ot Scranton Cobrlni(N) 73 Newport News Cabrini 82 Shepherd College Cobrinl'.N) 74 Vilerbo College Cabrini :NJ 71 . Rosary College Cabrin1(11ij 64 Christion Bros. Cobrm1 82 h, Lures L.onege Cobrin, 86 Alvernio Cobrin, 131 Al Baptist Bible Cabrini 122 Penn State Capitol Cabrini 85(ot) At Lincoln Unlvers,ty Cabrini 86(ot) At Eastern
65 67 63 73
77 81 73 74 85 52 90 61" 70 68 75 81 92 63 78
(1-0) (1-1)
(2-1) (3-1) (4-1) (5-1) (6-1) (7-1) (7-2) (8-2) (8-3) 110-3) (9-3) (11-4) (12-4j (13-4) (14-4) (15-4) (16-4)