Feb. 20, 1987 Issue 15 Loquitur

Page 1

Read about ghosts on campus. See features.

friday,february20, 1987

cabrinicollege,r8:dnor,pa. 19087

vol. xxxiii,no. 15


e ·oinin of two hearts

Distribution questioned by Jacqui McClernan


"Hello, I would like to set up an appointment." "Okay. Have you ever been in here to see us before?" the voice on the other end of the telephone, said. "No, I haven't." "Well, would you be interested in a day or evening appointment?" "Day would be just fine." "The first available appointment is February 27, at 2:00 p.m. Would that be alright?" "Sure, but do you have anything sooner?" "No, I don't, but are you considering the pill?" "Yes," I said. "Okay please bring in a total of$56. That will include $40 for the complete examination and the rest for the birth control pills." "That includes everything, right?" "Yes. May I please have your name and a number where you can be reached?" I replied and hung up the phone. This conversation was recently held between myself and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Assuming the _roleof a potential patient, I was shocked that the first available appointment was three weeks away. Recently, birth control has become an even hotter issue because of the increase of the sexually transmitted Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome virus, other sexually • transmitted diseases, and an increase in unwanted pregnancy. An informal poll conducted by the Loquitur found that one- third of the students polled ti, ... • .,,,.1 are sexually active. Of that one- third, over half are not using any form of birth control. In 1985, a total of 48,934 people visited Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania with 46,189 of these being contraceptive related visits. Thirty-nine percent of these .. f" people were under the age of nineteen. Educational institutions are becoming The freshmen-sponsored Valentine's Day dance was a huge success,espec,a/1 increasingly concerned over these alarming statistics. for Michelle latesta, senior, who was the main attraction at the 'kissing booth. Some institutions are going so far as to pass out condoms as is the case on Rutger's latesta is seen here smooching freshman, Jan Torres, who was delighted that Camden campus. latesta is interesed in younger men. Debbie Ferrar junior jealous that she could This has raised many controversial and heated debates. not get into the act point at the ever-loving latesta-Torres coupe. One student polled said they felt birth control education should be left up to parents. ''I think sex education should be taught in high school," junior, female, said, "but the (photo by Chris Francis) birth control itself should be left to Planned Parenthood." Norma Nelson, clinic coordinator at Bryn Mawr College, said, "We have a certified nurse who prescribes diaphragms and pills." "I deal with what the student wants to do and I think they are more receptive to condoms now with the scare of AIDS," Nelson said. Ori the other hand, Harcum Junior College does not provide birth control. Instead, Biller said that this is a very imporby Patricia A. Ruppe students are referred to either an outside clinic or physician. tant tool for the full- time day student A staff nurse at Harcum Junior College, said, ''No, we do not provide contraceptives. We because they can be tested in subjects in Through its continuing education which they are proficient. refer our patients to Planned Parenthood, a gynecologist, or a private physician." department, Cabrini College is offering "It shows that all learning does not students as well as those interested in 1more BIRTHCONTROL necessarily take place within the con3 documenting knowledge gained fines of the clasroom," Leahy said. through work experience, the opportunity to get college credit. The College Level Examination Program or CLEP tests have recently been approved by the College Board for use at Cabrini College. by Kathleen McCabe According to Sorrentino, ''If they can't "Whose fault is it that ~aybe you're The CLEP tests are designed to meahold down a job, it is our responsibility to black, the product of a poor school system sure the level of proficiency that an indiIt all started with Bob Geldoff and Band- take care of them. It's not charity, it's basic or your company closed," he said. vidual may have gained outside the aid. The world became obsessed with the human need." Other, more common instances that lead classroom atmosphere. poor in the Third World and what could be While keeping vigil, Sorrentino met many to this homeless state were the empThe test consists of two types of examdone to help them. many of the homeless and found them not tying of the psychiatric hospitals about a inations, five general examinations and Back home, however, there were also to be the sterotypic "bagpeople." decade ago, the disappearance of affordthirty subject examinations. thousands of homeless and hungry people. According to Sorrentino, many homeless able housing, reduction in federal funds for The general examinations are given Many believe these people went unnoticed people are very intelligent and well-read, social programs, or simply divorce and on topics which the student would have with all the media publicity focused on the primarily because they spend most of their domestic violence. taken in his or her first two years of African famine. time in the Library of Congress, going to college, such as English composition or The combination of the last four causes is Now a group of dedicated men and movies and attending lectures because it's becoming increasingly more common. The natural sciences. women are working to change that. They warm and free. The subject tests are designed to evalresult is that more single parent families are dedicated to helping the homeless in Alex, a Vietnam veteran, introduced uate more specific knowledge and skills their own country, in their own cities, in Sorrentino to the Free bee Finders Club, an and intact families are homeless because gained through job experience. they cannot afford housing. their own backyards. organization of homeless people who "CLEP examinations allow the indiThe Community for Creative Non-Vio- gather together and attend free events. A survey of25 cities taken by the United viduals to prove that they have the lence, an organizaton originally created to The members of the club meet in the after- States Conference of Mayors found that 28 knowledge, without requiring them to protest the Vietnam War, has been taking noon and separate to find something to do percent of the homeless population are sit through a college class when they notice of this growing population for the for the night. families with children. The number of chilalready have the skills," Mary Ann past ten years. A study conducted by the University of dren being born and raised in shelters is Biller, academic dean, said. They have recently been joined by former . Delaware found that a good portion of the 'rapidly increasing. Each examination is ninety minutes Cabrini biology professor, Dr. Joseph SorShelters are not the answer to the probhomeless are also well-educated. The study long and is divided into two sections. rentino. Sorrentino spent two weeks keepfound that 18 percent had attended some lem either. According to Sorrentino the Questions consist almost entirely of the ing vigil in front of the capital after college and five percent were college gradu- shelters are dangerous and degradip.g. multiple choice type, excluding the witnessing the homeless problem in Philaates. English composition test. The real goal of the activists is to "get delphia. Sorrentino has also written artiMany people are also under the impres- people back into the mainstream," Sorren"Originally these tests were designed cles on the topic for newspapers in sion that homeless people are transient. to allow a student to get advanced placetino said, "and to put the handicapped in Deleware. ment in college," Meredyth Leahy, an environment where they can be cared Sorrentino said they do this not only to Sorrentino does not agree. "The myth that homeless people are for." director of continuing education, said, show their concern for the homeless probtransient is not true," Sorrentino said. "but now people who have been out lem itself, but to do something about it. "They have their territory. They become As for who is to blame for the problem, working can get college credit from They are asking Congress, on behalf of Sorrentino said, "We are to some point , part of a community and do odd jobs." what they learned while working." the homeless, to pass emergency legislawasteful. We can't just point to Reagan." Although apprehensive at first, once According to Leahy, the topics which tion, the Urgent Relief for the Homeless Even though the passage of the bill looks they know that you are not trying to take Cabrini will test on had to be approved Bill. The bill would appropriate a total of hopeful because it is a bipartisan effort, advantage of them, the homeless are very by the head of the respective depart$500 million which would provide food, the help of the public is needed. ment or the instructor of the course for shelter (either new facilities, renovation of friendly. According to Sorrentino, there are many which the student wishes to gain credit. Sorrentino thinks that everyone can do old ones or the conversion of unused federal The subjects for testing which buildings) and would create a government people who take advantage of the home- something to help C.C.N.V. achieve their less. These people try and exploit the goal. All it takes is a letter showing your Cabrini has approved include topics in agency within the Department of Health history, English, business, psychoiogy and Human Services to coordinate the plight of the homeless through using their support to your congressman or senator. pictures and their stories as a means of and science. While those letters remain unwritten, program. profit for themselves and not to help the every night the temperature goes into the "This is by no means a new idea," "Why is it our responsibility to take care homeless. Leahy said. teen1;1 and someone without a home dies. of them?"




.cabrinisiteof CLEPexam


Groupbringshopeto the-homeless

loquitur - frida½february20, 1987


Studentsignorant of birthcontrol


SchoorspiritIOcking on campus

"Burnt once, twice shy." How many of us are playing with fire? It is only a What ever happened to school spirit here matter of time before one is burnt and left with a scar, the scar this time being an at Cabrini? Doesn't anyone stay on campus anymore? SGA and the social ·activities unwanted pregnancy. .. board try to §ponsor events that will give A d" t O n informal Loquitur survey one-third of the students on this Ipeople th ings to do on weekends and no one ccor mg a . . ' , seems to take advantage of them anymore. campus are sexually active. Of that one-third, over half of these people are not using birth control. Dances are a prime example of this. The Valentine's Dance, held in the cafeteria, If so many ofus are mature enough to continue to be sexually active, we should drew what should have been regarded as a be mature enough to be held responsible for our own protection. Not all forms of normal-_sizedcrowd. However;compared to contraception are 100% effective, but they are a lot more effective than ignorance. hhe_ Chhrist masd.a nd NefwlYil ears Ettveddandce~t' 1c were 1sgrace u y una en e , 1 was thought of as a huge success.

Not all forms of contraceptionare 100%effective,but they are a lot more effectivethan ignorance. Birth control is easily accessible. Condoms may be purchased in any drug store and other forms of contraceptives may be provided from clinics by appointment. In many cases, your privacy will be granted. So why are so many young adults ignoring or shying away from protection? It is time to take advantage ofit now. It is much better to be safe than sorry. We are not preaching to everyone about what they should or should not do concerning the topic of sex, but rather to remind those who are involved to become more responsible for their actions. According to one college female, there is a sense of fear which leads her to believe that contraception is not worth the trouble or money. "It's too risky and too expensive," she said. But has she thought of how risky it is to be sexually active and not use protection or how expensive a baby is when you are only 19 or 20 years old? These are some of the questions we should start asking ourselves.

Pub nights, movie nights, and athletic games are just a few of the other opportunities offered to students, and yet, no one takes advantage of them either. Many people, most of them fellow students, go to a lot of trouble to plan these events, only to have no one attend them. Students complain that there is nothing to do here on weekends, when that really is not true. There is plenty to do if they would just be open and willing to try new things. What they really mean is that there's no place to drink here on weekends. Alcohol plays a major part in student's apathy toward campus-run events. Juniors and seniors are turning 21 and venturing off campus for their social life. In past years, freshmen and sophomores have remained on campus and attended dances and other activities planned by SGA. However, as more freshmen and sophomores obtain fake ID, they can be found at Wayne Tavern and other popular night spots other than Cabrini.

kate welsh

We can't have it both ways. We can't expect Cabrini to continue sponsoring events and only have us show up when we feel like it. We, as students, have a responsibility to attend school-sponsored activities or else we will lose these privileges altogether. Student's biggest complaint is that no one goes to dances, and that is why they don't go. If everyone that wanted to go, went, then there would be lots of people there, and there wo.uldbe no more problem. Dances are not the only events which are poorly attended by students. Athletic games, whether it be soccer, basketball, volleyball or field hockey, also draw a very small crowd of supporters. Even Eastern games, which use to be so popular, are no longer packed with students. Weare in a sorry state if we can no longer have a good time without bringing alcohol into our activities. If people only have fun when they are drinking, what does that say about 1their personalities?

Learningto livewith criticism Dear Editor: Homosexuals are and always will be denigrated. People call them names, bust on them, and don't really care how they feel. _ Being a homosexual brings on many pressures. For example, people always criticize them. We homosexuals have to learn to live with this criticism. An additional pressure is the difficulty of accepting one's own homosexuality. It's difficult to deal with this knowledge when your family is against homosexuals. It kills us inside because we don't choose to be homosexual. Peoplejust don't turn homosexual; they are born like this. Some realize this when they are young, others, later in life.

LQquitur welcomes letters

Homosexuals have to keep a lot of feelings and emotions to themselves. We can't tell people our problems because they don't want to hear that we're homosexuals, especially if they're a friend. They just don't understand what is really going on in our heads. They try to help us but they don't know how.They really can't accept it and deep down inside they wish we never went to them. Even though we are not accepted in society, homosexuals need people to talk to. There should be some kind of help on this campus for these people. For example, a group could be organized which would be a support to homosexuals who need to talk about their problems as well as to meet other people.

Because this is a Catholic school, I realize that some people wou1dbe against this. This school isn't supposed to advocate prejudice against any minorities. Cabrini is supposedly an institution established to liberally educate its students. This organization would be a discreet group and would not interfere with anyone's lifestyle unless they wanted to be a part of it. Everyone should be given the freedom and the choice to do as they desire, as long as it does not conflict with another's preference.

In issue 14, the article "Volleyball Enthusiasts Form Men's Club" stated that John Doyle was the director ofresident life. Doyle is the resident manager. Mary Ellen Lilly is the director of resident life. We regret this error.

Sincerely, A concerned student


Editor: Kole Welsh Managing Editor Monico Palko News Editor: Christy Mason Assistants.Morla O'Brien. Yvette Ousely, Donna Dougherty Perspectives Editor Kimberly Kovach Assiston~ Beth Bittner Features Editors: Kathy Hibbard and Robin McKeon Assistants.Debbi Murphy, Stephanie Giardini Sports Editor Lisa Mason Assistants:Jacqui McClernon. Joh Dunleavy BusinessManager· Areto Hlodky Copy Editor: Jeanne Reineberg Graphics Editor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Editor: Chris Corcoran Photography Adviser: Dr. Corter Croigie Adviser Dr. Jerome Zurek Stoff: Rochel Anderson. Regina Bottioto. Beth Blttne, Denise Brody. Potty Brown, Leah Cascorina, Christine Cocchlo, Rhonda Donnenhower. Donna Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Anne Fahy, Brian Feeley. Debbie Ferrar. Liz File~ Stephanie Glordin,. Kitty Kelley. Kathleen McCabe, Jacqui McClernon, Potty Moore, Debbi Murphy. Monico Palko. Patricio Ruppe. Koren Slegl, Jim Steffler.

to the editor all letters must be submitted by noon on Monday.

Loquitur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College. Radnor. Pennsylvania 19087 Subscription price Is S20 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees.

Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However. If the writer w,shes. and the editor agrees, the wnte(s name may be left off .the letter upon publication and on inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." letters should be typed. doublespaced, and no more than 300 words In length If o letter Is too long for the ovoiloble space, the editor may edit or condense. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.-


loquitur- friday,february20, 1987 BIRTH CONTROLfrom 1

Whatdo friendsexpect from friends? by Yvette Ousley

Friendship means different things to different people. For many, friends are everything. Without friends, life just would not seem right. But do friends expect too much from one another? And do friends find their friendships disappointing? Though most students said they had high expectations of their friends and they weren't disappointed in their friendships, several expressed different opinions. Beth Bittner, junior, said that she expects a friend to be up-front, dependent and trustworthy, no matter what. "I have high expectations ofmy friends," she said, "but I'd like to think that I live up to my own expectations." Bittner added that she did not find her friendships disappointing because she knows what to expect from her true friends and they know what to expect from her. "I only have one or two close friends," she said, "because true friends are few in number." "I find my friendships stressful sometimes," John Callinan, sophomore, said, "because sometimes friends expect too much." Callinan said that a friend is someone he could tell things to who wouldn't judge him. "I don't find disappointments in my friendships," he said, "because I understand my friends." "My only expectation of a friend is that he or she be my confidant without telling me what to do," Janine Sarsten, junior, said. Sarsten added that friendships didn't let her down because she didn't expect a lot from her friends. Mike Edmondson, junior, thinks that people use the term "friend" without meaning friend. "People throw the word 'friend' around like they throw the word love around," he said. "I have so few friends because the standards I set for friends are so high," he said. Though Edmondson said that his friendships were not perfect, he did not find them disappointing. Edmondson thinks that a friend is someone he can totally be himself around, someone he can share his thoughts with, without the person giving him advice. Samantha Tomasula, freshman, thinks that a friend is someone with whom she can talk about anything and everything. Tomasula said, "I have high expectations of some of my friends and though some do things that I don't feel are right, I sti~l respect them." . . . John Janelli, senior, thinks that a friend is someone he can talk to without bemg afraid that the person will stab him in the back. Though, Janelli said he has many friends, he thinks that it is hard to pick out your real friends. "A friend is someone who's non-judgemental, caring, thoughtful, doesn't push their views on me and accepts me the way I am," Teresa Utz, senior, said. Utz thinks that her expectations of her friends are high, but she said she lives up to her own expectations. "Sometimes, I find friendships disappointing," she said, "but disappointment is a part of friendship because you can talk about your disappointments and still walk away friends." Though satisfaction with friendships seems high, some students did express different opinions about their friendships. ' "I often find disappointments in my friendships," Sandy Luciani, freshman, said, "because it seems like I'm always the. one doing favors and not getting anything in return." Allison Schaefer, senior, said that she thinks that a lot of times people become disappointed with their friends because one party may give and give and not get anything back. "Friendship is a two way street," she said. "You can get hurt if you don't get anything back._. According to Mary Helen Mapes, lecturer, psychology, a relationship is out of balance when one party feels he is doing more favors or being more of a friend to the other party, but not receiving anything return. "The feeling of disappointment is not uncommon in friendships," she said.


"Birth control is provided at Temple University for $2 for anything you need," Leonide Gerlach, Temple student, said. "We have a human sexuality class that teaches and explains everything about contraceptives." "Safe sex" is the new concept being promoted by the media and by educators. People are encouraged to remember that when you have sex with your partner you are exposed to anyone he or she has ever had sex with. Some people feel that the condom will become a very common birth control method. Kate Welsh,junior, said, "Soon condoms are going to be a household wordjust as the word car is." The thought of birth control scares some people. "I never considered birth control because I didn't trust the pill," sophomore, female, said. "It can really mess you up as far as kids are concerned later in life. I think birth control for myself is too risky, not worth it, and entirely too expensive." The controversy brewing now is whether or not birth control should be advertised on television. Presently, advertisers are aiming to make the public aware of the use of condoms as a preventive to the contracting and spreading of AIDS rather than solely as a birth control device. ., According to the February 16 issue of Newsweek, the condom market is worth $300 million a year with people purchasing 80,000 condoms daily. Newsweek also stated that in the 1940'sa major oil company sent a team of employees to visit gas stations to report on service. One of these was a woman. She was shocked to find a condom dispensing machine in the ladies room and told the attendant that it was inappropriate and had to go. "Nothing doing," the attendant said. "I get $100 a week from that machine-and there has never been a condom in it." That was 1940. This is 1987. I wonder how much he gets from that machine now.


PHOTO CLUB-The deadline for the photo exhibit contest is Feb. 27 at 12 noon. Entries should be protected and placed in Carter Craigie's faculty mailbox. All entries should have a label on the back with the entrant's name, extension box number and title of work.



_ ~ CULTURAL LISTINGS- "Voices from the Dust," an exhibit of paintings, prints and sculptures by Charles Muldowney will be presented in the library's Fine Arts Gallery until Sunday, Feb. 22. Works will be on display Monday through Thursday, 8:15 a.m. to 10p.m.; Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 11a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Admission is free. CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH-The Parents Committee of the Children's School will hold a benefit champagne brunch at Chef Tell's restaurant in Wayne, Sunday, Feb. 22, from 11:30a.m. to 3 p.m. The cost is $35 per couple and $17.50 per individual. Call the restaurant for reservations. RESIDENT CONDUCT COMMlTTEE-The following students have accepted appointment to the Resident Conduct Committee: Steve Saville, junior; Pete Casazza, junior; Laura Wilson, sophomore; Betty Hogan, senior; and Mike Fallon, senior.

INTERNSHIPS:NEW YORK CITY/ LONG ISLAND/WEST CHESTERThe National College Internship Service is now accepting applications for 1987 summer internships. Placements are available with sponsoring companies in New York.city, on Long Island


r:~:i~u~~l~ d~~i~:~, and evaluated. For .applications material, write National College Internship Service, 374 New York Avenue, Huntington, New York, 11743, or call (516) 673-0440. FREE TAX RETURN PREPARATION-Free tax assistance is available through VITA, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service. Vita trained volunteers provide free income tax return preparation to the community. For more information contact Ms. Servey at 687-2100, ext.322 or drop by Sacred Heart, Room 12, Thursday nights from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Bring pertinent tax documents and information (W-2s, interest statements,• tax package and last year's return if available) PHONE-A-THON-The annual phone-a-thon is underway. Cabrini alumni and students have been contacting alumni to request contributions for the scholarship program. The phone-athon will last throu h Feb. 22.

Job Squad PIT office help needed - Radio Consultant firm located in Bryn Mawr. 20 + hours per week. Typing and data entry experience a plus Challenging opportunity In a unique environment for motivated Individual with o flexible schedule and strong organizational skills.Send resume to 1021Lancaster Ave. Suite 206. Bryn Mawr, Pa. 19010.EOE/MF.

Fidelity Mutual• 'art-time. accounting skills In pension departrrent. 10-15hours a week. $6.00/hr.. apply in person. 250 Kirg of Prussia Rd. Radnor Pa. 19087.Call Rose McCormick at 964-7383. Oawden Nursing Home - Has weekend Job openings an the 3:00 p,m,• '1.00 p.m. and '1·00 p.m-7:00 am, shifts for nur,ing assistants, Please call Mrs. Helfrich at 356-7423 If Interested,

Joumallam Scholarship - The greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi. will grant several college Journalism scholarships torthe upcoming school year, The scholarships ore for StoOO each and ore Intended to ,etp the recipients torcareers In Journalism Students who LNE in southeastern Po.. southern N,J or Delaware ore elig ble. Application forms ore available In financial aid office.

Hajoca Corporation• In Ardmore Clerical person. part-time. Flexible hours 20 hours/wk. various prOjects. light typing, Scholarship· The Berwyn-Poall-Malvern business and professional Women's Club will award a $500. scholarship to a non-traditional female college student. Applleatlon forms and further Information Is avoiioble in the financial aid office.

Cellular Phone Store - Port-time Telemarketing. flexible hours, will train, Coll Branch manager at 265-7018. Chlldrena center• Port-time. open afternoons 3:30- 6:30 p.m $3:50/hr. Located In King of Prussia.Coll Don Shegater at 272-5540.

Go-ter/Housecleanera - For the Bryn Mawr and Glodwyn area. Must hove own transportation to job place, but car Is available there for use. Ten hours/Week or more: '!"rY flexible. $775/hr. Coll Judith Kutler at 527-1260. Salea/Cashler • Stouffe(s Hotel in King of Prussia.Port-time oosltion available. Apply in person. $4.00/hr.,eight to ten hours per week. Coll Lois at 265-4373.

u.dla Sales• New ottlce In Malvern. hos twelve openings FlexIble hours and shifts. 9 30. 10:30 pm. seven days a week. No experience necessary. Solory, bonus. and Incentives. For interview coll 640-1476,

Summer Jobs· Overseas custom-mode agency, Inc. specialize In plac,ng college women In summer employment as ''Mothe(s Helpers." For the 1987 summer vacation period we expect to hove 600 to 700 openings for young women and young men wishing to work in the New England and New York areas. The summer Jobs start in late spring and terminate in late August or early September, according to school schedules. Salary range is $115.00-$130.00 per week wit\ full room and board at no cost ta the employees. Students can contact Financial Aid office for on application.

Merit Outlet - Port-time stock person and cmhler On Lancaster Ave. in Wayne. Coll Robin at 254-0538, Joyce Salby Shoes - In the Court of King of Prussia,Soles people wonted. $3.35- $3.50/hr. + commission. 20 hours a week. flexible

Stouffer Valley Forge Hotel - All postilions available Interested students may apply 9:00 a.m, • 6:00 p.m. personnel office. All full-lime postilions carry a benefit package.

Library• Service grant or work study positions available in the library. See Mrs. Olsen,

Marketing firm • Seeking ambitious students to sell over the phone Evening hours. excellent pay, located In Wynnewood. Call Sharon al 642-2438.

Telemarketlng • Permanent Port-lime jobs. No experience necessarv ..Good speaking voice and desire are all you need! All shills available. flexible hours and starting times salary plus commissions plus bonus program! Coll 640-1476.

Summer Girl Scout Camp -If you ore looking for the opportunity to work with children In on outdoor setting, to make new friends and gain valuable work experience. contact u~ Pick up on application at Finociol Aid office. Mohawk Pathway Girt Scou1Council.

loquitur - friday,february20, 1987



Student/teacher relationships:

Friendships formedoutsideclassroom . . by Monica R. Palko

Young, however, thinks quite the opposite. Teachers professors and '"Thachersare always talking to instructors. They teach, grade, each other about how they can explain, help, criticize and listen. help the students," Young said. But is that all their job descrip- ''We are very accessible and we go tion requires of them? After all, out of our way to make special teachers are people, too. . office hours for the ~tudents One of the benefits of attending whenever it's necessary. Cab--'-· is the small, personal AccordingtoYoung,onereason atm ere. To most students, a student may feel he doesn't have this is an asset to the rela- · good communication with a tionships and communication teacher is because he does not between students and teachers.' know how to approach his At a personalized college, both , instructor. students and teachers feel that "It's a problem of verbalizing contactwitheach other should not whats wrong," Young said. "I help end in the classroom. the student to ask the right quesDr. Arthur Young, director of tions and suggest how he should CARe, said that the personalize? approach the teacher." attention iswaitingforstudentsif ''Part of the benefit of a college they want it. learning experience is for stu"Not everyone wants the per- 'dents to be able to approach their sonal attention," Young said. professors," Dr_ Jolyon Girard, "Some people take advantage ofit chairperson, history and political and some pass it by." science, said. "Anne Survey is helpful," a stuYoung added, ''The vast majordent said. "She'll sit down with ity of teachers want students to you and explain something until approach them." you understand it." "I definitely think the teachers One student believes that the here are approachable," Quinn personal attention that Cabrini Jenness, junior, said. "Teachers offersisjustaploytheschooluses that weren't even my advisors to get Students. were willing to help me. Youdon't "To a certain extent students get that at larger schools." receive some attention," a junior, male, said, ''but I don't feel the ''The easier it is for a student to teachers go out of their way." approach his teacher," Steve Sav-

ille, junior,. said, "the more com. fortable a ~tudent will feel in the classroom. "I can talk to Gary Armstrong about anything," Mike Dolan, freshman, said. "He's cool." One aspect of a studentJ~acher relationship th~t i~ be~eficial for good commumcatlon is contact outsideoftheclassroom. "Students should feel free to communicate with teachers outside the class," Girard said. "A studentshouldbeabletobesocial with a teacher." . One of the reasons that Girard teaches at the college level is that he enjoys being with college age people, both academically and socially. . Donna Seckar, director of career counseling, said that compared to other places she has seen, thestudent/teachercontactisbetter at Cabrini. A strong reason for this is that most faculty and students eat lunch together. "Eatint lunch toge th er gives st udents a nd teachers th e opportunity to talk a nd interact,"

"A teacher is put on the spot in . Young_d?esnot behre i~/towthe cafeteria because_he may need ~ngfa~ontls1!1t?a stu ent i t ere to talk about something confiden- , is a friendship m~olved. , tial," Young s~id. "You hav~ to : "It's not professio~l and I don! ~e sure to discuss those thmgs see ~h-~~ happenrng here a m the proper atmos~here." Cabnm, he said. An~t~er way tha~ mstructo~ at "There is an invisible line," Cabrini b~come involved with' Young added. "They are the stustu?~n_ts is through campus I dents and we are the teachers. activ~tie~, such as clubs a nd Sometimes it gets touchy if the organl;Zlltwns. student tries to cross that line." "It is good for teachers to be involved with activities ~ecause Girard said, "When you can find the students can se the i~structors as human," Young said. "It's a combination of an emotional health.y for stu~ents to_~e teach- and social relationship and still e~s with their families and be objective, that's a nice balance to have between a student and a friends." . teacher." _Stude~ts c'.1n eve~ establish friendships w~th their profess~rs "You have to watch out," Tony and most feel it can be beneficial Bowden,senior, said. "Youcan't go to ,~hes~udent.. . 'A friendship with a teach~r too far (with a student/teacher helps the st~dent because it friendship) and come to think the makes that . instructor mor~ teacher will do everything for approacha~le m and out of class, you." Jenne~s said: . · A friendship wit~ a te3:cher can Not all teachers and students also work to a shght disadvan- are comfortable with each other tage, in a non-academic environment. According to Girard, some "I think you're less tolerant teachers just aren't comfortable with those people that you're with students outside the class, more friendly with," Young said. but that doesn't make them bad "A professor will come to expect teache.~,. .... , "There are also students who more and know how much to are just not likable,".Girard said. ex.,;pe;_c•t•."-----~~~-----------~----,

=~r/t~~~~:~:1:~ftr~~=~~ perspective." Yi ·d h · t· ohung_tshai t de etnJobysteamg 1unc WJ s u en s, u sometimes it is hard to devote his full attention to them ....._______

Katz presentsfirst lecture BI k in series·on Constitution ac

by Christy Mason The Constitution of the United States is the oldest written constitution in the world, According to Ellis Katz, professor of political science and resident fellow at the Center for the Study of Federalism at Temple University, that in itself is "cause for reflection," Katz represents the first speaker in a series of lectures on the Constitution presented by the history and political science department of Cabrini. 1987 marks the 200th birthday of that document. l{atz, who has received an MBA and a Ph.D from Columbia University and is the author of over 300 books, monographs and articles, spoke to the Cabrini audience about the particular summer in 1787 when a group of delegates gathered together and composed a document. That document, nearly 200 years after it was written, remains as significant and as important as the day it was signed. On May 25, 1787 in the Philadelphia state house that is now Independence Hall, the Constitutional Convention officially got under way with the election of George Washington as the presiding officer. William Jackson was elected secretary of the convention. In 1818,according to Katz, Jackson's notes were published but were inadequate. Thus, most of the information we have about the convention was taken from James Madison's notes, made public in 1840. Although 55 delegates were in Philadelphia during the days of the convention, only 30 were present on any given day, The delegates met every day except Sunday and, of course, Independence Day. May 29 marks "Virginia Day." That date is significant because it marks the day when Richard Randolph of Virginia proposed that the Articles of Confederation be officially discarded and called for the restructuring of the Union. Randolph's proposal included a bicameral legislation with representation according to state size, a national chief executive to be selected by the legislature, a court of revision with the power to veto and the establishment of a judicial system. Randolph's proposal received much support from the convention. The small states, however,were opposed to the Randoph proposal because they felt they would not be represented adequately. The delegate's major obstacle in the writing of the Constitution was creating an

effective government while retaining democracy and freedom. On June 18, Alexander Hamilton made what Katz considered to be "his most important contribution" to the Constitutional Convention. Hamilton proposed that the United States government should become an adaptation of the British government, complete with a constitutional monarchy. According to Katz, Hamilton really wasn't in favor ~f this, but wanted to move the conference m some different sort of direction so that a decision could be reached. Soon tht!reafter, Oliver Ellsworth of Connecticut proposed the "Connecticut compromise." That compromise called for a senate based on equal state representation, a house with representation based on state population and a part national-part federal committee selected to break ties. Katz described the 3/5ths Compromise as the "great failing of the convention." That compromise counted slaves as part of a state's population although slaves were not allowed to vote. · The delegates at the convention were quite willing, Katz said, to regulate their own affairs where slaves were concerned. Gradually, the issues fell into place including the devising of the electoral college system. On September 17th, the Constitution, excluding the Bill of Rights, was ready for signing. In 1791, the Bill of Rights (the first ten ammendments) was added to the Constitution.


B~f1~ ~~l~~ay, born.Eleanora

Gough ;~Kay, is remembered as one of the most outstanding jazz singers ofl~~~;;~~~~tJ!:C~:~completelyu~tr~inedandh_ad virtually no technical knowledge of smgmg, her voice was a vivid manifestation of her personality. LeRoi Jones author of Black Music said about Holiday, "Emotion' is wherever you are. She stayed in the streets." Holiday began singing professionally in Harlem nightclubs at the age of 18 after a brief interlude as a prostitute. · Benny Goodman (clarinetist) and John Hammond recognized her talent and arranged her first recordings. In 1933, Goodman recorded several songs titled under his name which featured Holiday. In 1937 and 1938, Holiday toured with Count Bassie and Artie Shaw. Holiday was born in 1915 and died in 1959 from a heroine addiction. Although the drug addiction changed her voice, her technique never altered. Her father was a professional guitarist who played in the Fletcher Henderson Band. (Information taken from Black Musi~. by LeRoi Jones.)

I HIs Ory 1ir·1bute ■

RachatbringsEgyptto Cabrini by Patty Moore

Irene Rachat, professor, French and Spanish, spent November 17 to December 2 cruising up the Nile, walking through the desert and touring great pyramids. On Monday Feb. 9, Rachat shared these experiences with the Cabrini community by presenting" An Evening In Egypt." Rachat gave a slide presentation and lecture on her trip to a room filled with students, teachers and visitors. She described the country, explained hieroglyphic symbols and related her experiences at the difThe Constitution, although since added ferent cites. to from the days of the Philadelphia con"Every day had a special moment, so full vention, continues to remain timeless as of different experiences," she said. each generation of new Americans is born. Having always been interested in EgypIt continues to preserve the democratic tian civilization and history, Rachat took a freeedoms our forefathers so tirelessly six-week course, "The World of Ancient fought for. Egypt" at the University Museum of the To celebrate the Constitutions 200 birth- University of Pennsylvania. day, Philadelphia is planning a host of The trip was offered in addition to the events including an exhibit entitled the course. It was sponsored by the University "Miracle at Philadelphia" to be held at Museum and the Museum of Natural HisIndependence Hall. Also on tap are tory in Denver, Colorado. The entire trip parades, a visit by the Supreme Court jus- was filmed for an exhibit on Ramses II to tices on September 17, the day the Con- open in October in Denver. stitution was signed, and, a joint session of Rachat and about 40 others visited Giza, Congress that plans to meet in Phila- Memphis, Saqqara, Cairo and several delphia on July 16, the proposal date of the other areas, travelling up the Nile on a boat Connecticut compromise. called the Nile Legend. On March 12, the history and political Rachat visited the Cairo Museum which science department is presenting its next is home to thousands of artifacts dated lecture on the Constitution. D.V.Stevenson from Ancient Egypt. Statues, figurines, is slated to speak on "What is hieroglyphics and mummies were some of unconstitutional?" the things she viewed.

She toured the largest pyramid, that of Cheops/Khufu, located in Giza. The pyramid is 450 feet high and is built from huge blocks of limestone. Rachat also visited the Chicago House, a part of the Oriental Institute. The Chicago House is where the archaeologists study epigraphy which is the science of writing on stone. ''They preserve and conserve the writings and paintings of ancient Egypt," she said. Rachat, a native of France, was able to talk to the director of the French Institute in Cairo. "I was interested in the role of the French in Egypt during Napoleon's stay," Rachat said. ''We also spoke about the state of the French language in Egypt." . At many of the places she visited, there was a sound and light show at night. This idea was started by the French. While a text is being read, in five different languages, colored lights highlight a structure causing it to stand out in the night. "Many institutions are excavating in Egypt. We visited the University of Pennsylvania's research and excavation cite," Rachat said. "They saw the archaeologists and where they lived," "The people were extremely friendly," Rachat said. ''The children have big brown eyes and waved to us as we passed." "An Evening in Egypt" ended with the serving of Egyptian refreshments. Photo albums and souveniers were laid out on tables for everyone to look at.


loquitur- friday,february20, 1987


Mansionrumoredto be Jnhabited by spiritspast by Leah Cascarina

As most students are aware, Cabrini has a rich and colorful past full of history and bits oflore, -and ghosts. Everyone is familiar with at least one of the stories that involves the Dorrances, the previous owners of the Mansion, Cabrini's_grounds and Campbell's soup. Whether or not one believes in the hangings, suicides, pregnancies and/or abortions - all which supposedly happened on this campus - is all up to the individual. That's all in the past, right? Wrong. It is the belief of many students that the past is indeed haunting us in the present, whereby the Mansion is privy to the spiritual entities of those who once graced this campus long ago. "Because it's so old, it's really creepy," said Kathy Currie, sophomore. '~ll the stories you hear that ghosts could actually exist really make you think. It depends on what mood you're in and whether or not your imagination runs away from you." Currie's statement echoes the feelings of quite a few Mansion residents who Currie said, "would not go down and do their laundry by themselves because of their fear of the unknown." "It is perfectly fine for those who like to believe in such stories," Carter Cragie, PhD., Folklore and Folklife Studies, said. "The cynics among us, however, might have a different perspective. I don't know what turns them on." When asked ifhe believed in the stories or an:y of the folklore encompassing the college, Craigie said, '~ a professional folklorist my job is not to question the veracity of the stories themselves, but to examine the effects they have on the Cabrini folk family. Where there is good rich earth, a small seed will produce a magnificent plant_" In regards to whether or not he actually believed in the ghost stories about the Mansion, Craigie said that until he sleeps there, he would not know. Craigie added, however, that he had been in buildings that have been haunted, so he does believe in ghosts. Perhaps the most famous "inhabited" room in the Mansion was that of room 15. Rumors had been circulated for months that the room had been possessed and needed to be blessed several times to get rid of the unwanted entities. Jean White, senior, was one of the residents who lived in the room last year. She confirmed that the room was indeed occupied by something of the supernatural nature, but insisted that the presence was not a bad one. "Even when you were alone, you didn't feel alone," White said. "I think that there is something in


• ·

abrini's 'ghostly' mansion is conducive to rumors of spiritual hauntings. (photo by Debbie Ferrar) the whole Mansion, a ghost or spirit." White claimed that their television used to go off and on every night. The bathroom doors used to lock them out of the bathroom. A rush of cold air used to come out from under her bed. "Yc.u'd ask if anybody could have caused them to happen, and they would always say 'no,"' White said. It was these occurrences, plus the lights going off and on and shadows on the ceiling that prompted them to call on the spiritual talents of Father Mark Falcone, 0. Praem. Falcone said that he had heard rumors that strange things were happening in the room before he was approached by White. "I blessed two or three rooms by request," Falcone said. "Basically, the nature of a blessing is to evoke goodness on what the blessing is upon, so that God can favor his presence on it and those who lived and come in contact with the room." White said that once the room was blessed, there were no future problems. Probably the most popular of the unexplainable incidents is the mysterious knocking on the residents' doors. •~ couple of years ago I was doing my homework when I heard a knock at the door," Peg Cirone, senior, said. "I heard it three times. All three times I said come in and there was no response. The third time I thought someone was just laying games so I stood by the door. After a fourth knock, I

opened.the door only to find no one was there." Cirone commented. that she was a little "spooked," but not too scared. She said that she felt fairly secure with the nuns living right down the hall. "I figure with them, there can't be any evil spirits around." According to Mansion residents, quite a few alumni had similar stories concerning ghosts in the Mansion. Mother Ursula Infante, however, disagreed with them. "I've never experienced anything or even thought about it nor have the students while I was president (1957 to 1967)," she said.' "Only recently have these reportings come about." Infante, added, "Not during my 10 years here as president have I seen, heard or dreamt of any ultra-mundane beings on this campus." Most Mansion residents believe that there is indeed something there, although opinions vary on pinpointing quite what it is. ''They are people who are just looking for a place to rest, which is also why they wander around," Kathleen Dooley, sophomore, said. ''There was a lot of tension in the house when familes lived there," Donna Dougherty, sophomore, said. "It's like they're still fighting each other. To them, it will always be their physical selves that left, but the spiritual beings stayed." Others, however, consider the supernatural possibilities sheer "hum bug."

"I never experienced anything, and it's been against my nature to believe in something such as this that's not visible to me," Jeanne Reineberg, junior, R.A. said. Reineberg also said that old places like the Mansion have their little quirks and that people tend to exaggerate about things that may have simple explanations. "I've heard noises in the Mansion," she said. "I've been a little nervous, but I'd react the same way to strange noises in my own house." Still other residents have their own reasons for not getting caught up in the spirit of the ghost tales_ "The stories are so contradictory that it makes it hard to believe them," Julia Malik, senior, said. "I've heard three different versions of how the same girl committed suicide."

"I was laying in bed one Friday morning and both of my roommates were out," Lauriann Tomazeski, junior, said. "I heard a lock jingle and thought it was one of my roommates, so I went back to sleep. I then heard a louder noise and the door pulled open about six inches. I got up, looked in the bathroom and no one was there and the girls Iiving on the other side of the bathroom were out. I ' heard the knob turn several times very loud and very fast. I was so scared. I hid under the covers." '~!though I laugh about it now, I was apprehensive for the rest of the day," she said. Some, however, have done more than just hear them, they have seen them too. "Last year, I was alone in my room in the opposite corner," said one junior. "I saw someone out of the corner of my eye and went to the door to see who it was and there was an old ghostly woman with a blue veil on her head. Later, someone told me that it was seen before and it was the ghost of Mother Cabrini." One of the more humorous incidents with inexplicable phenomenon involved a Cabrini graduate, Lisa Schwartz. During her junior year, Schwartz said that she would floss her teeth at night and discard the waxed string into the waste basket. Every morning, however, the floss would be on the floor beside the basket. It reached the point where she would gather her friends in the bathroom to watch her discard the floss to prove to them that she indeed was placing it in the basket. This did little to inhibit the occurrence, since it continued to happen until one day when it suddenly stopped. Schwartz said it was more funny than it was scary. When asked what she thought might have caused the dislocated floss, Schwartz replied, "I don't know if it's the winds or if stories add to overacting imaginations, however, at the time it seemed •very real."

Despite fellow residents' skepticism, some still think that there · She continued, "Despite any stois more going on than meets the ries or experiences anyone could relate to me, I still would rather eye, especially when they start live no where else but within the hearing things. "Just after we turned off the mystic grandeur of the Mansion." Residents said that most of the lights and went to bed around unexplainable occurrences hapmidnight I heard a trotting of a horse for about 10 minutes," Mar- pen in spurts - going away for a ian Armstrong, sophomore, said. time and suddenly reoccurring "The next day I asked my room- just as they start to believe that mate and she said that she heard they had never taken place. Despite all the skepticism that the same thing." the majority of Mansion residents Falcone, however, still believes are sure to face in semesters to that there is an explanation to come (from not only students, but faculty and religious leaders as what they heard. "fve lived in old buildings and well), most will continue to believe mansions all my life and have that there is indeed something of found that noises and various the supernatural lurking about sounds can be attributed to any- the Mansion simply because they have experienced it. thing," he said.

MansionmarksValentine's Daywithformalball by Jeanne Reineberg

The rugs, which legend has it cover the blood of a young girl who jumped to her death from the balcony of the Mansion, were pulled up, But no traces of blood could be found. The antique furniture, characteristic of the old building, was removed, and sIIltlll tables donned with flowers and shimmering candles atop scarlet red tablecloths replaced it. The day, Valentine's. The place, the Mansion. Seemingly oblivious to the rest of the campus, the residents of the Mansion were in festive spirits on Saturday, Tobruary 14 celebrating this special day in what has traditionally become the Mansion Ball. · Out came the dust-laden formal gowns lef5-over from past high school proms. The champange was chilled and ready to be popped, and the music, provided by Campus Sound, livened the already excited crowd. This event, which became the major project for the Mansion for the year, had been in the planning stages for several months. F\.mdraisers were scheduled intermittently throughout the semester in the hopes that sufficient funds could be accumulated in order to cover the costs of the ball.

The ball, open specifically to the residents of the Mansion and their dates or other invited guests, however, had almost been put on the back burner this year, due to dampened spirits caused by unresponsive campus participation in the fundraising attempts of the girls. But, in an effort to keep a tradition from dying, the girls opted to elevate the ticket price from the past years. "It was good to be able to keep up the tradition of the ball," Ginnese Morris, senior, dorm vice-president, said. "It is always such fun." Also changed was the format. Previously, a dinner had been served with the dance following. This year a variety of hors d'euvres were provided throughout the entire evening. A champagne toast at midnight united the dorm for a brief reflection on the meaning of friendship, and then it was back to dancing until 2 a.m. The changes did not seem to make a bit of difference to the Mansion residents who ate, drank and were merry until a mechanical difficulty with the sound equipment ended the last song a little early. Not caring too much, they continued acappello to their own version of "Philadelphia Freedom" before saying a final good-bye to their guests. "It was a lot better than I thought it would be in view of the fact we had such a time getting things together," Liz Luciano, senior, dorm president, said.

loquitur - friday,february20, 1987



n percentsurveyedsay 'yes' to premaritalsex by Debbie Ferrar

More than half of American adults consider pre-marital sex acceptable, according to a recent Gallup Poll (New York Times 5/16/85). Cabrini students are no different.


In a survey of 50 Cabrini students, 83 per cent of the males polled believed in premarital sexual activity, and 72 per cent of the females. Some women (22 per cent) said that whether or not pre- marital sex is right or wrong depends upon the situation. They felt that it is alright to engage in sexual activity if the two people are in love. Only 13 per cent of the males that do tp.ink sex is right indicated that there should be some feeling involved and that the freedom to have sex should not be abused. A recent study indicates that college students today are more sexually active that they were in 1978 (Ms. 10/86). Also, a survey of unmarried students at several South Carolina college campuses revealed that 91 per cent of males and 79 per cent of-females had had sexual intercourse at least once, according to Ms. magazine. Of the women who answered the Loquitur poll, a little more than half have had premarital sex, and 76 per cent of the men are not virgins. Government statistics say that three-quarters of American women are beginning sexual activity before marriage, according to the New York Times (4/17/85).The median age for first intercourse in 1985 was 16 years (Ms. 10/86). Even though the majority of the men have not delayed having sex themselves, they would prefer to marry a woman who is a virgin. "I would love to be the first," a freshman, male, said. Other reasons were health and ethical ones.

'If he sayshe'snota virginhe is eitherstrangeor hes lying.' -junior, female Respect also plays a part. "I would like to marry a virgin because I respect a girl who can avoid the pressures of sex before marriage," a senior, male, said. Over one-third said that it wouldn't matter whether or not their mate was sexually experienced. However,most of the Cabrini women polled would not want to marry a virgin. About 44 per cent wanted a man with some experience, either the same as them or more. They _wantedtheir husbands to be able to teach them something.

Almost as many females (38 per cent) didn't have a preference. "It doesn't matter because you'll be experiencing a new person, no matter if he's a virgin or not," a junior, female, said. The small percentage that did want to marry a virgin wanted to be the first. "I think it would be awesome to experience sex together for the first time," a senior, female, said. However,these women were not very optimistic about finding a male virgin. "Ifhe says he's not a virgin he is either strange or he's lying," a junior, female, said. Despite preferences of sexual experience, about three- quarters of the women polled didn't think it would make a big difference in their marriage. "Sex is only the icing on the cake, but it's not the cake," a sophomore, female, said. The men agref)d, with 60 per cent of them saying sexual experience would not affect a marriage a great deal. "You learn and grow with the one you love," a senior, male, said. According to the New York Times (4/16/85),research has found little or no relationship between the frequency of sexual intercourse and marital satisfaction. Therefore, what is vital for a good marriage? Cabrini males say friendship is the most important factor. "I would want to be my wife's best friend as she might be for me'," a senior, male, said. Communication and having the same interests are close behind.

'Sexis onlythe icingon the cake,butit'snotthe cake.' -sophomore,female When asked whether they preferred to marry someone who has been in lovebefore, half of the females said yes. "I'd want them to be sure they loved me," a junior, female, said. Nearly one-third said they didn't care and 22 per cent would not want to marry a man who had been in love. "Guys always compare you to their first love. In their minds, no woman will ever be the same as the first one they loved," a freshman, female, said. An overwhelming 73 per cent of the males wanted a wife who had been in love before. "Understanding one's emotions and a sense of maturity is needed," a senior, male, said. Insecurity caused some males to say no. They said they would be afraid that their wife would still harbor feelings for the other man. A solid 83 per cent of Cabrini women polled have been in love before. But over half of them experienced negative feelings with the end of the relationship. A few added that even though it was a tough time, it helped them grow and mature. Three-quarters of the men said they had been in love before. A little more than half stated that the end of the relationship was a positive experience for them. -

- ,ill.--.

FreskQuarteteducatesthroughmusiC However,the performance was not just your typical performance. It was a demonstration, with facts about the composer, the piece, and the music of Sweden added in to educate the audience. Dr. Adeline Bethany, chairperson, fine arts department, helped to bring the distinguished quartet to Cabrini while they are on their current four week tour of the United States. "Having the Fresk Quartet in our community was a real treat. They try to inform and educate their audiences, as well as, entertain them," Bethany said. John Rile of Joanne Rile Management, the quartet's management company, said that the musicians often go on small tours such as this one, a four-week, 20-show tour, because they don't like to spend too much time away from their families. The day after the performance, the quartet went on to Massachussetts and the following weekend they will be giving a presentation at the Frick Gallery in New York. The Fresk Quartet members The tour also includes dates on the West Coast as well as (Photo provided by Joanne Rile Management)

by Christine Cocchia

The best of all quartets performing today include four Swedish musicians who have been playing together professionally for 17 years, which is longer than most quartets even stay together. They've toured Europe, Canada, the United States, Australia, and the Soviet Union, and on Wednesday, February 11, these accomplished, well-respected musicians performed their music in Cabrini's Mansion. The Fresk Quartet, lead by Lars Fresk, on violin, also includes Hans-Erik Westberg, on violin, Lars-Gunnar Bodin, on viola, and Per-Goran Skytt, 'Oncello. The piece they performed, Serenade in C major, Opus 29, was composed by Wilhelm Stenhammar (1871-1927),a Swedish native himself. The piece was based on a story from the 13th century about a young man asking for a young girl's hand in marriage and the grief he goes through when asking each family member for permission. The piece was in "allegro molto con Spirito," meaning very fothL..._:iths.11.irit. STUDY GROUrs A'!' CARe Account in'] ( for


rnajori; and non-majors) Busl,,cus


Computer Science ( in Lab)

Jim Fa lletta

By appointment

Lori O'Frla Denise Penn Jacquelyn Gerhart

H & T 11:30-1~:JO By appointment: ext. By avpolntmcnt

Jeanine Johnston Steve Saville

M 12-2, W 2-3

Donna Capone Kevin Co1:coran

By appointment

Susan Flynn

Th 12:30-2, M 10-11:30,


Ange la Corbo


Karen Holcombe


F 1-2


H 12:30-3,



W S:~0-7:JO,

5:30-7:30 F 10-11


By appointment W 10·11,

Th 9 ·10

T & Th 2-3 Ll:ia NoLw


H 8:45-9:45

p.m. i11 Man;.;lon by appointment, ext. 461

W 9:00

Patricia Hiller Sui;an Nahmias Angela !love Deanna Zulll Philosophy Politlcal

(Hlstory)nracc Scle11ce



!:pan! i:h Wr !ling




W 2-3


Th 2-3

K:ircn Holcombe

W 10 11,


Elle.en Zebrowsk I Karen Holcomb<!

Th 1-2 W 10-11,

Th 9· 10

Karen Holcombe Oonn:i An•Jelucc l Jean Castlgnola

W 10·11,

Th 9-10


on duty

T 11-12


••************ Staff

T & Th 9:45-11:00 H 10-11, Th 12-t




t-2 Th l ··2

T & Th




Lisa Rynldewlc111 Mias Pennsylvania USA g

If you are an applicant who qualifiesand are betweenthe ages of 17 and under25 by February I, 1988, never marriedand at least a six month resident of Pennsylvania, thus college dorm studentsare eligible,you could be Pennsylvania's representative at the CBS-nationallytelevised MissUSA• Pageantin Feb., 1988to compete for over $175,000in cash and prizes.The MissPennsylvania USA• Pageant for 1988 will be presented in the Grand Ballroomin the tloward Johnson Hotel,Monroeville,Pennsylvania,April 3, 4 and 5, 1987. The new Miss Pennsylvania USA1'along with her expense paid trip to compete in the Miss USA• Pageant, will receive a $1,000 cash scholarship and will personally select a $1,000 wardrobe among her many prizes.Allgirls interestedin competingfor the title must send a recent snapshot, brief biography,and phonenumberto:

-1988 Miss Pennsylvania USA® Pageant c/o Tri-State Headquarters -Dept. A, 347 Locust Avenue, Washington, PA 15301 Tri-State Headquarters Phone Is 412/22S-S343 Application Deadline Is March 4, 1987. "A CarVern Production"


loquitur- friday,february20, 1987

Athletic,academicabilities keyin recruiting by John Dunleavy

Year after year and season after season, Cabrini's athletic program has succeeded in coming up with a collection of talented, hard-working individuals who are committed to upholding a competitive program. This is not merely an accident of good fortune, but rather is the end result of coaches who have spent many hours recruiting some of the better high school athletes. Recruiting, usually thought of as attracting athletes through scholarship offers, is considerably different at Cabrini. · According to John Dzik, director of athletics, head basketball coach, all Division I and most Division II schools can offer scholarships, however, Cabrini can not. Under National Collegiate Athletic Association rules, Division III schools can not offer scholarships.


gaining power, (lack of scholarships) some serious studentathletes find it more attractive because of the quality of both the athletic and educational programs. Jim ~elde, junior, varsity basketball player, said, "One of ~he mam reasons I came to Cabrini was the smaller classes. It is more personal, where you can get to know the teachers and they can get to know you." Besides basketball, Welde said he also chose Cabrini for both the academics and the total atmosphere of the college.

Because of this, Cabrini scouts must approach potential student-athletes with a different perspective. "When we approach a player, we tell them we'd like to interest them in our school," Dzik said. "Then we ask them to fill out a financial aid form so we can tell them what we can do to help them." Unfortunately for the players, if it is determined that they don't qualify for financial assistance, Dzik indicated that there is very little that the school can do. Despite this, Cabrini can be appealing because it places a greater importance on education and what the institution can provide academically. Although it seems Cabrini has less bar-


'We go wherewe think they're goingto havethe academicability to succeed.' -John Dzik,directorof athletics

Women's Varsll.,.OVerall Record: 16·6(5-5) CGbrlnl 62 at MIiiersviiie Tournamenl75 (0·1) CGbrlnl 7' at MIiiersviiie Tournamenl71 (1-1) CGbrlnl 67 lrynmawr ,42(2·1) Cabrini 63 Eastern 62(3-1) Cabrini 63 Wesley College 52(4•1) Cabrini 62 at Spring Garden 83(4·2) Cabrini 65" at Delaware Valley 61 (5·21 Cabrini 61(ot) Marywood 70 (5·3) Cabrini 78 Mlserlcordla 67 (6-3) Cabrini 86 al lopllst llble 54(7•3) Cabrini 85(ol) Clly College of N.Y. 71 (S-3) Cabrini 76 al Lincoln University 59(9-3) Cabrini as Beaver College 42(10·31 Cabrini 71 al Easlern a8(10•4) Cabrini 72 Allentown 67 (11•4) Cabrini 83 Spring Garden 72 (12·4) Cabrini 61 urslnus 3a(13•4J Cabrini aa llncoln 61(14-4) Cabrini 55 al Marywood 72 (14•5) Cabrini 67 al Neumann 40(15-5) Cabrini 79 at Widener 49(16-5) Cabrini 64 al Allenlown 70 (16-6)

-Athlete fthe

The opportunity for success for athletes and students alike, has become a contested issue lately as a result of President Reagan's proposed cuts in financial aid. If adopted, these cuts would eliminate all federal government grants and with vari- 1 ous other changes, ultimately sky-rocket the cost of education. According to Dzik, if Reagan has his way,Cabrini will be in a lot of trouble, both athletically and academically. "It would devastate our athletic program and I would say that it would cut our enrollment at least in half," he said. When recruiting athletes, Dzik said that everyone has their own style, but he looks for scouting confirmations, athletic ability, and most of all, attitude. First and foremost though, Dzik said, "Wego where we think they're going to have the academic ability to succeed."

Women's Basketball This week Terry Mancini, coach, chose seniors Lisa Catini and Fredia Gibbs as athletes of the week. Mancini said, "T~ are the two seniors who provide the leadership that has kept us together and carried us this season." "Both girls are going out the way they should on top, as winners," Mancini said.



Men's J.V. Basketball Scott LeComte and Mike Stevenson, sophomores, share this week's athlete of the week title. Gary Smith, coach, said, "They provided a good inside, outside game for the team." "Scott connected on six three point attempts, while Mike compiled a game high 26 points from the inside. Both players really took control of the game •when the team really needed them," Smith continued. Men's Varsity Basketball Rocco Sansone, sophomore, has been chosen athlete of the week by Coach John Dzik. "Rocco played to his potential this past week. He played like he really cared. He had good games against the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science and Allentown College," Dzik said.

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loquitur - friday,february20, 1987



Cavsstriveto makeit theiryear player in the district. He is capable of doing quite a bit," he said. Philadelphia Pharmacy is named by Dzik and Kelly, as well as players, as the team to beat in the District 19 playoffs. "Philadelphia Pharmacy is our main competition in the district, but our talent level is the best in the district. If we play the way we are capable of playing, we should go to Kansas City," Kelly said.

by Catherine Kelley

''This is our year," John Dzik, men's varsity basketball coach, director of athletics, said. Assistant coaches Joe Kelly and Mike Keeley, well as the players ,agree. They see this as the year when they have the talent and the experience to come out of this season with their best record ever. One of the reasons cited for the confidence and optimism of this year's team is the number of sen_iorson the team. Allen Jones; Karl Sartor, Anthony Dade, Lee Clowers, and Jeff Kardos are {lll seniors and have the experience of participating in playoff games. "There are a lot of seniors on this year's team, guys who have been through a lot and who are ready (for the playoffs). They know what is important," Keeley said. With the Eastern Pennsylvania Athletic Conference title under their belt and a record of19-4 (as of Feb. 9), the team will be taking part in two separate playoff competitions. The first is the Eastern States Athletic Conference where Cabrini is ranked number one in the northern division. The team will also compete in the District 19 playoffs, playing for the title which could lead them to the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Nationals in Kansas City. "This is the best team we've had, talent wise, in the seven years I've been here," Dzik said. '~llen (Jones) got 1,000 points when we were in Iowa and we have two other players about to hit 1,000 points," Keeley said. (Karl Sartor and Anthony Dade both hit the 1,000 point mark on Feb. 16 in a win against Salisbury State). "That's pretty special to have three 1,000 point players on our team. It says a lot for our program and our team."


In the ESAC playoffs, Keeley and Kelly both point to Lincoln University as the biggest competition. Although Cabrini beat Lincoln 116-85on Feb. 7, Keeley said, "Linc!)ln has a good deal of ability if they play together and can be tough to beat. They are the only team to out rebound us this year and they have done it twice."

'Ourgoalisto go to Kansas City,NAIA,andplayon a nationalscale.' -Mike Keeley,assistant

coach "We are top-ranked in ESAC's northern division but to win ESAC isn't our ultimate goal," Keeley said. "Our goal is to go to Kansas City, NAIA, and play on a national . scale. The talent level is a step above us there, but with our experience - if ;we're going to win there, this will be the year." "We will have to play one of our better games to win. We have to be above average because the teams there are the top 32 in the nation," Kardos said. Mike Waters, sophomore, said, "We have to keep playing the way we have been and be enthusiastic." According to Dzik, to win in Kansas City will take a group effort. "Our best asset is that we're not a oneman or even a two- man team, but a nineor ten-man tearn,"'he said. ·

Kelly said, "In ESAC, our main competition is Lincoln. We beat them handily in the game the other night, but we played an outstanding game." Dzik sees Lincoln as one of the obstacles 1 standing between Cabrini and the District 19 title, but not as the only one. "It's hard to say who the biggest competition will be. Allentown, Lincoln and Spring Garden are all good teams," Dzik said.

"Ifwe play smart, intelligent basketball, and ifwe can switch gears from low to high tempo and high to low,I think we can win a couple games," Kelly said. Not only would the team and coaches (photo by Chris Corcoran) like to make another trip to Kansas City, According to Kelly, the player who must but they would like to receive more school do well in the game against Lincoln is Jim and student support during the playoffs. ''This year, and the past couple years, our Welde, junior. "Welde must be strong; he can change the tempo of the game. If we talent and style of play has been our best," can shift gears from running to slow and Kelly said. "I'm disappointed and surback, we should do well against them," prised at the apathy of ,students, faculty and administration. Attendance is dismal. Kelly said. Keeley sees Jones as the key player when It's disheartening. The players work hard, facing Lincoln in the playoffs. "He is an All-\ we work hard and we would like to see a American candidate and probably the best crowd on the stands."

·Twinsshowdiversitythroughcommoninterest by Liz Files

They are friends. They are teammates. They are sisters. And when they step onto the court together, a certain electricity sparks that friends attribute to the fact that they are also twins. A complaint twins often have is that they are not considered individuals. "I categorize them separately because they are both very different, with different personalities," Terry Mancini, coach, said. These diverse individuals are Jodi and Julie Snow,freshmen, of the women's basketball , team. The Snow sisters are not identical twins. Jodi has blonde hair and is right-handed, while Julie has dark hair and is left-handed. They also seem to be distinguishable by their personalities. According to Mancini, Julie, who is a point guard, is more easy going. While Jodi, a small forward, worries more about the game and her performance. "You would have to know that Julie and Jodi are twins because in reference to their personalities they are both so different. They both are individuals with distinct personalities along with having two different roles on the court," Annmarie Baeurle, sophomore, said. "Julie is very laid back and casual about life, but on the court she makes things click and gets the job done very well. Jodi is a very sensitive person and puts her heart and soul into the game," Baeurle said. "The combination of the two balances out, so they make a very good team," Mancini said. The twins didn't like Cabrini at first. (photo by Chris Corcoran) "Once we started playing basketball, we became more adjusted," Julie said. Mancini agrees that the women were able to adjust. "They were able to fit in right away," he said. Both sisters are competitive, but they don't compete against each other. "There dosen't seem to be any jealousy between them," Lisa Catini, senior, said. "They seem to be very supportive of each other." ''The reason we're not competitive of each other is because we both play different positions," Jodi said. The twins graduated from Cardinal O'Hara high school. This is where they met Mancini. He persuaded them to play basketball at Cabrini. ''Wechose Cabrini because we wanted to play basketball, but didn't want to play at too competitive of a school (Division I or ID," Julie said. Julie is a communications major and doesn't know what her future goals are as of yet. Jodi is an education major, who someday hopes to teach nursery school. "No matter what their differences are, they're both very good players who are extemely ambitious. They are an asset to our team," Mancini said. "Both girls are an essentiai part of the program with great futures for the next three years," Baeurle said. ''They work well together, you can tell they have played together over the years because they anticipate each others moves," Baeurle said. Both sisters enjoy the same activities and hobbies. They work as lifeguards in Sea Isle City. They have the same set offriends, and go almost everywhere together. '

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