See Features to learn about what you really put on your face.
friday,march20, 1987
cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087
vol.xxxiii,no. 18
Deancontinuesto dealwith transition by Stephanie Giardini
It is his first year; a transitional period filled with problems, solutions and changes. It is James Fitzsimmons', dean of students, stepping stone for the years to come at Cabrini. "I guess the transitional year in any office is the hardest year," Fitzsimmons said. "This is no exception." The beginnings of this year were hard for Fitzsimmons and the student services department. The entire staff was new and still learning to function in the office. "When Sr. Christine and Colleen DiRaddo left, there was a gap that was not filled quickly," Fitzsimmons said. "The first couple of months were rough for both the staff and the students." The changes in personnel that occurred within the student services were drastic and caused much anxiety to all who had contact with it. Fitzsimmons believes that this anxiety was due to the unfamiliarity of personalities and styles of those who worked in and with the department. The staff and the students needed time to adjust to new people and new relationships. A major change in the physical arrangement of the staff was the move of the office of Mary Ellen Lilly, director ofresident life. The office of the director ofresident life, before this year, was located in the student services office. Now,Lilly's office is located in Counsel Hall. According to Fitzsimmons, the move was necessary. The office Lilly previously had in the student sentices office in the Widener Center was too small for her to work out of. More room Rita Calicat, director of student activities, and room for an additional secretary was needed. "Having the director ofresident life in ~ residents' hall is not an uncommon practice on any¡ college campus," Fitzsimmons ¡ said. "Counsel Hall was the obvious choice since it is the closest to the office." "I think we are still attempting to evaluate this move," Lilly said. "It was the best solution of the problem at the time." Lilly believes that the location of her office mey be too far removed. The confusion over location and getting through . Counsel's door combination has been experienced by both students and faculty.
"The Widener Center is a hub of activity and is more accessible for the students," Lilly added. Communication between both sides, student services and those who came in contact with it, was another problem that Fitzsimmons identified. The level of communications did not satisfy everyone. It also led to the lack of understanding of the plans and changes occurring. This lack of communication and understanding did not just stem to the students alone. Some of the faculty believe that there is a barrier between the students services office and themselves. "Student' services is an enigma to me," Dr, Arthur Young,professor of English and communications, said. "I do not know the plans of Dean Fitzsimmons and student services." Young believes that the faculty could help implement the plans and help the students, if they (faculty) knew and understood them. Young added, "It would be helpful for the faculty to know his plans so they can support him (Fitzsimmons)." Dr. Jerome Zurek, professor of English and communications, said that this lack of communication between the faculty and the student services officehas existed since he (Zurek) has been at Cabrini. '1n educating the total student, they (faculty and student services) should support each other," Zurek said. Because of the unfamiliarity of the staff and the low level of communication, a gap between. student ser_vice~qpd the students, was formed in the first few months of Fitzsimmons arrival to Cabrini. "Coming from a larger institution, I underestimated the reaction to the change," he said. "The gap," Fitzsimmons said, "is getting better as the year goes along when people meet each other and get to know each other." According to Fitzsimmons, changes occurred within the staffing of the student services office only. There were no major policy changes only implementations of new ideas and programs by Fitzsimmons and his staff "While addressing the needs and issues of this year, Fitzsimmons and his staff considered planning for the needs of the years
to come," Mary Kate Grimley, senior, said. "I think that you will see more programming done in coordination with Rita (Calicat) and Mary Ellen (Lilly)," Fitzsimmons said, "involving social and educat'ional proactive building of a community." These programs and/or sessions will deal with the major problems that affect a college community. They are designed to inform the students correctly and guide them in their decision making. The students will be encouraged, by student services, to attend the programs/ sessions addressing such issues as AIDS, alcohol, stress and sexual activity.
Informational literature on problem topics are also being distributed by the mail. For example, the recent literature on alcohol and its effects found in the students mailboxes came from the student services office. Other new ideas from student services, started by Fitzsimmons, are being implemented into campus life as well. The TAMECE program for freshmen is going through some revisions with the help of Mary Helen Mapes, counselor, and Joe Giuffre, senior. The idea is to integrate the orientation counselors into the TAMECE sessions with their group. more TRANSITIONon 4
l.isa Kantor. sophomore, cautl<s the home of a family in Appalachia, West Virginia where they and 21' other students from Cabrini spent their Spring Breaks helping the _underprivileged of that region. (photo by Cara Graham)
Presidentof collegeevaluatedandr&instated by Monica R. Palko
Sr. Eileen Currie, M.S.C., president of Cabrini, will remain in her position for five more years. Knowing that her re- appointment was approaching, Currie requestedlast semester that an evaluation be presented to the campus community. Dr. Mary Ann Biller, academic dean, was instrumental in preparing the evaluation for Currie. In compiling the questions, Biller went to many resourses of evaluative materials and spoke to various colleges who had performed presidential evaluations at one time. She also received input from Currie herself. '1 wanted an evaluation which would be appropriate for the Cabrini community," Biller said. "I looked at various evaluating instruments with Dr. Biller," Currie said. "She was very willing to conduct the evaluating process." One stipulation that Currie requested of Bitler was that the evaluations be distributed throughout a broad representation of the campus community. This representation, Currie requested, was to be comprised of faculty, staff and students.
According to Biller, the evaluation was made up of two sections. The first section had specific questions about Currie's performance in different areas such as communicatic;ms, budgeting, effectiveness and others. These questions required the evaluator to rank Currie's performance in a nu.merical rating, one being the lowest, five being the highest. The second section was comprised of three open-ended opinion questions. Currie wanted these questions included because she felt it would give the participant the opportunity to add any thoughts or comments that they may not have been able to convey in the first section of the evaluation. Biller then shared the evaluation with Dr. Kathleen Daley, head of the Faculty Senate Michael Caranfa, head of the pro~ fessional committee and Mary Kate Grimley, president of the Student Government Association. Biller wanted to get any input they may have had and let them know the evaluation was going to be distributed.
Daley and Dr. Anthony Tomasco, professor, psychology, were called upon by Biller to establish the most professional method of random sampling for a fair distribution of the evalua-¡ tions among the students. All of the full-time faculty, administration and most of the secretarial and physical staff received the same evaluation as the students. "I am ~tremely grateful for all the response," Biller said. "However; less that half of the students responded but that~ to be expected." According to Brian Feeley, senior, the reason he didn't fill out the evaluation is because he didn't think it would be fair. "I felt as though I wasn't knowledgeable enough to answer most of the questions," he said. "I didn't think it pertained to the students enough," Linda Panetta, junior, resident assistant, said. "The majority of the freshman on my floor weren't even familiar with who she (Currie) was."
A female junior said that she thought the evaluations were a waste of time and money. "The questions should have been what students could answer," she said.
"Maybe there should have been All participants had the option one evaluation for students and to sign the evaluation if they one for faculty and staff." wished.
'I wouldliketo think thatI am accessible to thestudentsbutI knowthereis a problemwithmy visibility on campus.' -Sr. EileenCurrie, M.S.C.,president, CabriniCollege
Upon receiving the completed form, Biller had the results tabulated by her secretary. "Every comment of the open-ended questions were compiled in such a way that Sr. Eileen wouldn't know who made them," Biller said. Biller had a composite made of the answers from each group and an overall composite of the whole campus community. "I was the only one to see the original evaluations and the results were kept confidential," Biller said.
Some teachers didn't fill the evaluations out for much the same reasons as the students. A male teacher said that he had the form and kept saying he would fill it out but didn't.
After Thanksgiving, Biller presented the results to Currie and they discussed them at length. "I revealed no interpretations on my part when presenting the results," Biller said. "The narrative sections were extremely "For simplicity's sake, I wished helpful. They talked about Sr. to keep the evaluations the same Eileen's dedication, down-tofor faculty, staff and students," earth quality, accessibility and Currie said. "If anyone had any her ability to make difficult thoughts to add, they could make decisions." their comments in the last three questions," she said.
loquitur- friday,march 20, 1987
-WitoridJ:ill Monday nights Learningthe sirriple thi1""1gs lifehasto offer .breed tensio·n ·*
Picture this: It's midnight. No longer satThere was a lot of sunshine, but no beach; there was a lot of work to do, but no pay. For over 20 Cabrini students, there was fun and satisfaction over their spring isfied with the floor, girls have moved to dancing on the tables. The song, "Lean on break spent in the Appalachia Mountains in West Virginia. Me" blares from the radio. Pens, rulers and
"It w.asdifferent," replied many of the students upon their return. Wethink a lot of credit should be given to the group who more or less gave up the opportunity to 'live it up' during break, like so many others. These students who worked in three groups, in the towns of Union, Albertson and Hinton, West Vrginia, did not hop from bar to bar, lay out at any beach, or ski down any slope. They worked hard to benefit people they did not even know. One group painted an entire house, another group worked at an outreach center distributing clothes to the needy, and the other group helped victims recover from a flood. These students learned a new lifestyle, made friendships and strengthened others. They also learned how to make their personal problems seem insignificant compared to those of the people in Appalachia. Just when you think you've got it really bad, think of all of the others who have it worse. It is just good to know that there are others who care enough to lend a hand and at the same time, learn to treasure the simple things that life has to offer.
Euthanasia:Mercy Killingor Murder? by Jennifer Seaman
exacto knives (which double as weapons) are being used as microphones, as three girls screech, I mean sing, the words of the tune. On the other side of the room, one girl stands alone, staring into space, fingers clenched and raised to her temples, murmuring one word over and over again katewelsh "Tense." The phone rings and everyone screams and rushes to answer it. No, this is not a dorm room scene nor is it Eating also helps soothe our nerves on a dorm party. It is the newsroom on a Mon- deadline. The editors were thinking of takday night, deadline. What goes on in that ing out stock in the WigWam, since we visit room on that night is not a nice story, but it it at least five times a night. By the end of is a story which should be told none-thethe year, it will be easy to recognize the less. How an eight-page Loquitur is put out editors - they will be the students who no every week is a miracle in itself considerlonger fit through the door of the ing the scene that takes place in that small newsroom. room in the Widener Center on the second night of every week. Normal conversations are impossible to Gathering 12 girls in one room is danhold anytime after 8 p.m. on Monday gerous, but make that room a newsroom nights. At least three...people are talking · and those girls editors, and you have got big and asking questions at the same time. trouble. Usually, they end up answering their own Tense does not begin to describe the questions and continue on with their work. atmosphere. With deadline only a few However, many a question has been hours away, the pressure in the room answered 15 minutes after it was asked, builds. Therefore, following the old saying, with the poser of the question not knowing music soothes the savage beast, the radio is what is going on. on constantly. One song, by Phil Collins, "I Somehow though, with all the yelling Don't Care Anymore," is a particular favorite of the editors. and singing and general confusion going Singing is not the only release for edi- on in the newsroom, a paper is put out. We are proud to say that we have yet to see a tors, yelling also works. Although we are newsroom sunrise (and we never hope to all good friends, that friendship is stretched to its limits on Monday nights. .see one). Although the noise is frequently high-pitched and the jokes are usually Voices begin out calm, with words like "please" and "thank you" beginning and pretty bad, all in all there is probably no ending every sentence. However,by 2 a.m., where else I would rather be and nothing the only tone used is loud, and the only else I would rather be doing (except being tied to a stake in the desert at high noon). words spoken are unprintable.
When I first heard the term "euthanasia" I thought and interpreted it as "youth in Asia." That was then; now I understand the term and what it is. Many people think differently on the subject, including me. My friends and I have had discussions on the matter and had arguments whether euthanasia is acceptable. Does somebody have the right 'toend one's life? Tokill themselves? I believe they do. Not to take their lives for a senseless reason as in deep depression, but for a just cause or reason as in a serious health problem. Normally the taking of one's life is referred to as suicide and there is a cure for any reason for one to do so. There are counselors that are there to talk to and help you and as the saying goes - there is always a tomorrow. For seriously ill people, yes there is also a tomorrow, but with it comes along the pain as well as the expenses facing them of endless medication and possibly hospital costs. When a person is in extensive amounts of pain, is when I feel they should have the right to decide their own fate. But, I also believe that the person should be undergoing counseling before making a decision like that. Many people, as I said, have different views on this subject, but when it gets down to the end, it is only the person who is ill who should have the final say in the matter.
!!:)CREATIVEMEDIA SERVICES Box 5955 Berkeley. Ca. 94705
Editor: Kate Welsh Managing Editor: Monico Palko News Editor: Christy Mason Assistants:Marlo O"Brien. Yvette Ousely. Donna Dougherty Perspecttves EditOf: Klmberly Kovach Asslstorit: Beth Bittner Features Editors: Kathy Hibbard and Robin McKean Assistants:Stephanie GlordlnL Debbi Murphy Sports Editor. Lisa Mason Assistants:Jacqui McClernon. John Dunleavy BusinessManager. Aleta Hlodky Copy Editor: Jeanne Reineberg Grophocs Editor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Editor. Chris Corcoran Photography Adviser: Or.Corter Crolgle I Adviser. Or. Jerome Zurek
lettersmust be submittedby noon
Stoff. Rachel Anderson, Regina Battiato. Beth Bittner. Denise 8'ody. Potty Brown. Leah Coscorlno. Christine Cocchlo, Rhonda Dannenhower. Donna Dougherty. John Dunleavy. Anne Fahy. Brion Feeley, Debbie Ferrar. Liz Flies. Stephanie Giardini, Kitty Kelley, Kathleen McCabe. Jacqui McClernon. Potty Moore, Debbi Murphy, Monico Palko, Koren Slegl, Jim Steffler
on Mondays
Loqultur Is published weekly during the school yea< by students of Cobrin, College. Radnor. Pennsylvania 19087. Subscription price Is $20 per year and is included ,n the benefits secured by tulflon and student fees. Loqui•ur welcomes letters to the editor Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, ,1the wrller w,shes, and lhe editor agrees. the wrrte(s ~ome moy be left off the letter upon pubucotion and on :nscriphon inser1ed such as ''name withheld at the r9<:1uestof tne writer·· Letters srioutd oe ryped, ooubtespocec. ond no more !hon 300 words in ;ength. 1•a letter ,, too long for the ovailoble space. the editor may ed,t or condense Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays
news EVALUATIONfrom 1
loquitur- friday,march 20, 1987
"I was very happy with the Some students said that since results," Currie said. "It was more they weren't sure who Currie is, than what I had expected. There they had difficulty filling out the were some helpful comments and evaluations. wonderful recommendations and some of those recommendations have already been worked on. 'What becameclear to ·'I am very grateful to Dr. Biller and Mary Rau (Billers secretary) me (throughthe who did allthe hard work," Currie evaluations)was that said, "and all the members of the campus community who the campus responded. I am using the communityneedsto results." "Everyone responded very havea clearer fully," Biller said. "Sr. Eileen was understanding of her acceptive of the comments. Obviously the results were high (Curries)job. IJI am because she has been re-instated goingto be expected for another five years." According to Biller, one thing the students relayed is that they would like to have more communication with Currie. "Sr. Eileen is always open to students to see her," Biller said. '½.s a former dean of students, a good deal of her heart lies with them."
to evaluateher,I need a criterionto set it againstand knowthe limitsof her job.' -Dr. Arthur Young, professor,Englishand communications
According to Biller, Currie's role as president consists mainly of having outside contact for the college, fundraising and representing the college.
There are some areas of Currie's job which select members of the college community believe she should concentrate on more. Fundraising is one of them.
· One remedy which Currie had discussed at one time with the Student Government Association would be to hold "town meetings" with the students. "I think something of this nature would be beneficial to the students and myself so we can ~xchange ideas and com• ments," Currie said. "If she had her druthers," Biller said, "she would probably like to work closer to the students. But she is the president and she has to define that responsibility and that is extremely demanding." "It is a concern of mine to be able to keep with the pulse of the students," Currie said. "It was a consistent statement made by most of the students on the evaluations."
'I didn't think it (evaluationform) pertainedto the studentsenough.The majorityof the freshmenon my floor weren'tevenfamiliar withwho she (Currie) was.' -Linda Panetta, junior,resident assistant
B1.ller then presented the results, without Currie present, to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. This board' is made up of lay-people, educators, business people and missionary sisters from the community. This group acts on major issues of the college, makes overall policy and appoints the president.
A freshman male said, "I've never seen her around campus. I thought Dr. Romano ran the college." "People have to understand her (Currie's) job is more fundraising and spreading of the college thn appearing on campus," Dr. Arthur Young, professor, English and communications, said. Young added, "What became clear to me (through the evalua''The board read every answer tions) was that the campus comto every question," Currie said. munity needs to have a clearer ''The board was appreciative of all understanding of her (Currie's) job. Ifl am going to be expected to the comments." After being evaluated and hav- evaluate her, I need a criterion to ing the campus community par- set it against and know the limits ticipate in the evaluating process, of her job." will those people who answered "One of the concerns which was the evaluation be able to see the expressed through the evaluaresults? tions was my visibility to on-and "The Board of Trustees is hold- off-campus students," Currie ing the results and it is up to the said. members to decide if they feel the Due to the time involved in her results should be made public," duties, Currie is not always able to walk around campus and eat Currie said. Did the evaluation serve its pur- lunch with the students as are the pose? faculty and staff. "I would like to Biller said she feels the evalua- think that I am accessible to the tions were good in terms of com- students, but I know there is a munication because people could problem with my visibility on express their opinions. campus," she said.
Job Squad Full ..time secretary• Word processor. sec. auties • type 55 wds. min. Good communincations skills. ooilily to work under pressure. over lime. Col An" Birch at 647-3700. Valley Forge Country Day School - In King of P,ussia. Teacher ECEor El Ed with teocher"s certification. Also 1eacher"s aide pre-school (port-time hours for aides). Salary negotiable. Call for appointment at 783-0115.
3 Dr. Jerome Zurek, professor, English and communications, said, "Master planning has revealed tremendous capital needs that would require a capital campaign and that should be one of her greatest responsibilities in the next five years."
'I've neverseen her aroundcampus.I thoughtDr. Romano ran the college.' -freshman, male Zurek added that Currie stated Cabrini should work on increasing its minority enrollment. "I think the college needs leadership here that only she can provide," he said.
Studentproducestape on kids writingprogram by Debbie Ferrar Many people hate to write. Does this attitude start early? This is what Donna Capone, senior, wondered before she produced a ¥i-deotape on the Children's School writing program. The video will be used as a promotion for the Children's School and parents can see what their kids are doing. Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English and communications, is using· the video for his teaching of writing class. Libby Endy, professor of education, is using it for her education classes. The tape shows what the program is, who started it and what the children do all day. Kathy Daly, teacher consultant for the Pennsylvania Department of Education, originated the program. She said writing should start at a pre-school level. If the children have a good feeling now, it will carry over, she said. The program shows the children that writing can be fun. The children are never forced to write and there is no pressure involved, Daly said. The emphasis is on the process of communication and expression, not the final product. According to Zurek, the program develops a positive attitude toward writing. To the children, writing is defined very broadly as any mark a child might put on paper and call writing, Zurek said. The goal of the program is not focused on external manifestations of handwriting but on the more essential attitudes and insights of writing. The program presents the image that writing is fun and is done for a variety of purposes, Zurek said. ''The program gave kids a really great taste of writing," he said. According to Capone, she did research and interviews at the Children's School and filmed tons of footage in order to produce the video. She also did research on other preschools with writing programs. Capone submitted the script to Cathy Yungmann, lecturer, English and communications and Zurek for suggestions and apprO\-al. Zurek will submit the tape to a video library in Harrisburg.
Mother's helper - wanted tor the summer to p,o·,11deloving care of newborn Q o.m - 1 o.m m1ddte of Moy thru July L,ve :n.or 'ive-out arrangements. available WI! pay too salary Non-smoker. driver's license ~nd excellent references required. Please ca1I 668-tt,58
Babysitting - A seven-year-old girl. Comfortable around dog Evenings and Saturday night. $4.00lhr.. car needed Coll Kina Becker 254-957B
Housecleaning • and general errands Best cays one Thursdav: iexible hours Pav $4 50 (negot,abIe) coI I Vo1e11ePeronieou at 293-1227 Wayne Anthony Movie theater - Want to have c paying job and tun far free? For info call Mr. Shub n or Sands at 254-0262.
Elson·s- Stouffer's Hotel - Part-lime soles/ cashier position. Apply In person, 8-10 hours. S4 001hr. call Lois Augginger at 265-4373.
Summer day camp counselors• s'artmg m J.ce '987 1hrough AugJst 1987 Infants. todc:ers crnsctiooI. kindergarten Full or pert-time. Solorv open. exper,ence reqo,red. call 489, 7~33 English Tutor-10th graae at Radnor High School Wliting skills. research. how to s•crt term papers. etc Call Dolores Cnessock at 688-7398.
Mother"s helper• wanted far cieaning laundry and other household jobs Minimum five hours: week · maximum negotiable and nexible (make own hours). Salary $5.00/hr. CaN Melissa Tadeo at 688-1825, , after 6:30 pm.
Delaware Valley Parent• Sales part-llme/fulltime; newspaper advertising space; 25% commission. Position available immediately. Call Blanche Babysitter • needed on Wednesday afternoons 315-5:45 and Friday afternoons 12:00-2:30 for two toddlers aged 2 and 3 Car preferred If possible. Call Dr Kob 783-7882
Summer babyaltter • weekends. nexrble. in St. Davids. Call Linda Goldstein at 687-3075. Babysitter - for morning or afternoon. one day a week Four or five hours that specific day. Two children. Coll Mrs Collins at 688-8212
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Room & Board• In exchange for help to run errands and get children off ta school and to make dinner. In VIiianova call Meade at 525-6295. Clerical • part-time with typing skllls. Localed In Wayne. Call 687-1666. Summer Youth Employment training program • We will employ approximately 800 Youths, ages 16-21tor seven-week period beginning July 6 and ending August 22. 1987.Far more Info call 565-4410.
RoMmont camp • College students who are lnteresfed in obtaining summer employment which ,.111 gll/e them hands on experience wo,king wtth ellher children wtth learning disabllllles or teenagers and adults who are developmentally disabled. Staff selected typically from special educatlOn. elementary educatton. For more Information call (717)253-3no.
Helper • In King of Prussia home with housework and answering business phones. Flexible hour,. preferably attemoons. $4.50/hr Colt Debbe Rachlin 337-0799
Fidelity Mutual - Port-time accounting skills In pension department. Ten to 15 hours a week; $6.00/hr. Apply In person. 250 King of PrussiaRd. Radnor. PA19087. Rose McCormick at 964-7383.
Full-time Model • $6.00 per hour. Splraflc week schedule. car needed.118-127 lbs. s·-s·8· Call Ana Birch at 647-3700.
Summer Childcare - Three days per week in our Slraffo,d home for 6-month Old. Salary negotiable. References required. Cati 688-0435.
loquitur- friday,march20, 1987
4 TRANSITIONfrom 1 At campus ministry, John Dunfy, music director, will be added on as.director of liturgical services. Within the counseling center, approval was received for a director of physiological services who will assist the students with some of their problems. Also, the development of an outreach program is. in the planning. The outreach programs would inform and help students development decision making skills in areas such as substance abuse, sex, stress and assertiveness training. "These programs would provide the opportunities for student leadership to become clearer in their minds and new opportunities will be made available," FitzsiIJ}mons said. As he addresses the need for students growth in the college community, Fitzsimmons also has to deal with the problems that arise everyday. Vandalism was and still is one of the toughest problems that Fitzsimmons faces and tries to solve in student services. Fitzsimmons does not expect to have any vandalism at all on campus. He states that the damage that is being done to the doors and fire extinguishers of the dormitories is only harming the students themselves. They are responsible for their area and if something is damaged the students get the bill. For the students who do not feel responsible for their environment, Fitzsimmons states, "Be fair with others and keep after them until they ari: fair with you."
With concern to the recent damage done to Xavier Hall, Fitzsimmons is disappointed. "I'm sure that there were very few people involved," he said. LITTLE THEATRE-Cabrini stuFitzsimmons receives praise from Dr. dents and faculty will be performing Joseph Romano, vice president, academic Thornton Wilder's American classic, affairs. "OUR TOWN," a 1937 Pulitzer Prize "He has met new challanges," Romano winning play. said. "He is accessible. That is important." Friday and Saturday evening perforRomano thinks that Fitzsimmons mances on March 27, 28 and April 3,4, deserves credit for his accomplishments and 11 will begin at 8p.m. Sunday evewhile working with new people and being a ning performances on March 29 and 'rookie' himself. April 5 will begin at 7 p.m. All perforAccording to Romano, Fitzsimmons mances will be held in the Little received new responsibilities in addition to Theatre. his role as dean of students. He is also Admission is $3.50 for adults and responsible for campus security, vans, athletics and the physical plant. ' $2.50 for children, students and senior citizens. For more information, call the "He understands what we are about. His Cabrini Theatre at 215-687-2100 ext. goals are the same as our goals," Romano 510. said. "He is in tune with what the college's needs are. He knows what it needs to make ANNENBERG CENTER-The it go." Annenberg Center will present "The Guilded Age," by Mark Twain and Fitzsimmons would like the students to Charles Dudley Warner. Performances know that he is accessible to them. of "The Guilded Age" will be in the "A big part of my responsibility is to supZellerbach Theatre on Wed., April 8 at 7 port the students," he said. p.m., Thurs., April 9 at 1 p.m. and 8 p.m., He is present at campus functions and in Fri., April 10 at 8 p.m., Sat., April 11at 2 the cafeteria and invites students to go p.m. and 8 p.m. and Sun., April 12 at 2 down to the gatehouse to talk, watch T.V. p.m. and relax. Tickets are $22/$20 (Friday and Sat"Cabrini is all that I thought it would be urday evenings) and $17/$15 (all other and more," Fitzsimmons said. "I am very performances) Discounts are available happy here." for groups, students and senior citizens. "After the dust settles, we will continue For telecharge and information, call focusing on the students needs," he said. 215-898-6791. "Next year we will be more beneficial to CHILDREN'S SINGER AND SONGeveryone." WRITER-Folksinger Mary Lu Walker, a composer of six children's albums, will perform at Cabrini on Saturday, March 21 at 2 p.m. in the WCLH. Walker has presented concerts throughout the United States, Australia and the UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Soviet Union. Admission is $3. Proceeds will benefit the Cabrini College Children's school. For reservations, call 215-783-7943 or 215-525-2779. OpenAdoption.Select
and Meet the Adoptive Parents.
available for minority students. Students interested in applying for scholarships should write to: Sharon Donahue, manager Minority Recruitment and Equal Opportunity Department,AICPA 1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-8775 The deadline for receipt of applications are July 1 and December 1.
TbeAooprionAgency Ardmore, Pa.
(215) 642-7200 AMNION CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER-Amnion is sponsoring their annual walk for life on Saturday, April 25 at 10 a.m. The walk will take place at Eastern College, St. Davids, a.
MARCH 1987 4·_ 7 p.m.
$5.00 OPEN BAR 5 • 7 p.m., . ·&FREE BUFFET 5 - 7 p.m. HORSEWCAU DANC ~Q 504 AROUND (<,,~,+.,~ NITE PARTY s DRINK PARTY 6 -10 p.m. VIDEO .:I,~~~~ 8 -12 p.m. E /~~~~ OPEN BAR OPEN BAR Admission FORLADIE FOR LADIES $5.00 D 8 -12 p.m. 8 -12 p.m. · ✓ MOST· 21
25 cents
50 cent 12HORSE ALEDRAFr FORMEN 8-12 p.m.
LL DRINKS $1.50 OR LESS FOR MEN 8-12 p.m.
12 Midnight PresentThis·card For .FREEAdmission For YouAnd YourGuestsOn TuesdayNight
VETERANS' MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND-Applications are now available for the 1987 Coors Veterans' Memorial Scholarship Fund which provides more than $500,000 to the sons and daughters of American veterans. Coors will award 100 scholarships to eligible students who successfully have completed their freshmen year in college. Applications can be obtained from local Coors distributors or participating veterans organizations, by writing Coors Veterans' Memorial Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 3Ut;""Northbrook, Ill., 60065, or by calling toll free 1-800-49COORS. Completed applications and materials must be postmarked on or before July 1,1987.
ATTENTION SCHOLARSHIPSThe Education Committee of the Valley Forge Charter Chapter of the American Business Womens' Association is accepting applications for scholarships. The deadline is April 30,1987. For more information write: Patricia S. Hiddleso Education Chairman, ABWA 1003 Green Hill Road West Chester, Pa. 19380 The Hellenic University club of Philadelphia will award three educational scholarships for $3000 each. The deadline for the application is April 15, 1987. For more information: Scholarship Chairman Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia P.O. Box 408 Ardmore, Pa. 19003 .
STUDYGROUPSAT·CARe Jim Falletta By appointment Lori O'Fria M & T 11:30-12:30 Denise Penn · By appointment: ext. 404 Jacquelyn Gerhart By appointment Jeanine Johnston M 12·2, T & F 1-2 Steve Saville W 2-3 Computer Science Donna Capone By appointment (in Lab) Kevin Corcoran M 12:30-3, w 5:30-7:30, Th 12:30-2, 5:30-7:30 Susan Flynn M 10-11:30, F 10-11 Economics By appointment Jim Falletta W 10-11, 2-3 English Literature Rachel Anderson Trish Cronin W 10-11, 1-2 By appointment Finance Jim Falletta Angela Corbo By appointment French Trish Cronin W 10·11, l-2 Rachel Anderson W 10-11, 2-3 Karen Holcombe W 10-11, Th 9-10 History Pete Bisconte W 10-11, ·1-2 Italian Grace Leuzzi T & Th 2-3 Lisa Nolan M 8:45-9:45 a.m. Math W 9:00 p.m. in Mansion By appointment, ext. 461 Patricia Miller Susan Nahmias T & Th 9:45-11:00 Angela Bove M 10-11, F 10-11:30 Deanna Zulli T ll-12 Julie Sledzeski W 10-ll Philosophy (History)Grace Leuzzi T, Th 2-3 Political Science Steve Saville w 2-3 Psychology (Intro) Karen Holcombe W 10-11, Th 9-10 Gina Catinella W 10-11, l-2 Spanish Eileen Zebrowski Th l-2 Karen Holcombe W 10-ll, Th 9-10 Pete Bisconte W 10-ll, 1-2 Writing Karen Holcombe W 10-11, Th 9-10 Donna Angelucci Th l-2 Jean Cotignola T & Th 1-2 Rachel Anderson W 10-11, 2-3 Patrick Zipfel w 10-11, 2-3 Gina Catinella W 10-11, 1-2 Lisa Kantor W 10-11, l-2 *************• TOPS Staff on dutv for students: Rob transfer Ritson ________ ____.u..---.
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W l-2
delphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is sponsoring its First Annual lOK Run. The starting point for the run is the foot of the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum, Sunday, April 12 at 10 a.m. All proceeds will benefit the Philadelphia Vietnam Veteran's Memorial to be constructed at Penn's Landing to commemorate the 625 Philadelphians who were killed. Registration fee is $10. Prizes will be awarded to the top three finishers in several classes and T-shirts will be given to all registrants. For more information call 546-9500 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
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loQuitur- friday,march20, 1987
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A new look for an old standard
by Debbie Murphy
The theme from "2001: A Space Odyssey" sets the stage as the bright sun shines down upon the thin yearbook lying in the grass. 1987 is printed boldly across the front. The music climaxes as the wind picks up, and the pages of the book slowly begin to turn ¡ stopping first at 1984, then 1985, 1986 and finally, 1987. And so begins the senior class video yearbook, written, produced and directed by Marie Murray, senior. The idea for such a video originated over four years ago when Murray was a freshman. "I've been trying for four years to do this," Murray said. ''They must have finally said 'we have to get him out of here' and let me do it," he said. "I got permission this semester to do the video as a three credit practicum," Murray said. "But I was going to do it whether I got credit for it or not," he said. Work on the video began in December oflast year when Murray began researching and collecting popular songs and photographs from his four years at Cabrini. Student response and support did not, however, become evident until late February when a two minute commercial to promote the yearbook video was shown in the cafeteria over the course of several days. The commercial featured photographs of students and campus events which Murray took from past yearbook and Loquitur issues. "There was a good late response to the video and the majority of pictures from students came in after the original deadline," Murray said. "I think students saw the commercial, realized that the senior video was worthwhile and became enthusiastic about it," he said. "Response to the video yearbook has been great," Jody Romano, senior, said. "People who haven't been involved in other things during their four years here are begging for things to do," she said. Murray, assisted by a crew of sixteen students, now works on the video approximately 30 hours each week to try and complete it before May. "The video yearbook is our gift not only to the senior class, but to everyone on campus," Murray said.
Each year will be representedon film throughmusic, still picturesand lip synchronizationsof campus hits performedby students.
The video yearbook was originally created to replace the "same old slide show" shown each May during the Baccalaureate Mass, Murray said. However, because the mass will be held outside this year, the video will be shown instead during senior week at the senior dinner and on graduation day during the Baccalaureate reception held in,the cafeteria.
The final 15 minute video will be available to anyone who would like to purchase it. The price will be between $15 and $20. Murray plans to distribute order forms to faculty, students and parents. The final video will proceed in chronological order from the class of 1987's freshman to senior years. Each year will be represented on film through music, still pictures and lip synchronizations of campus hits performed by students. Romano is the music director for the senior video. She was responsible for researchingand choosing the top 15 national and campus songs from 1983 to the present. "That's What Friends Are For", "Fill Me Up Buttercup", and "So Many Men, So Little Time" are just a few of the songs Romano will include in the final video. As historian for the video project, Tony Catania, senior, was responsible for researching major events from 1983 to the present. In doing this, he relied on encyclopedia yearbooks and popular magazines. "I looked through yearbooks and magazines and found pictures of what I thought were important national and world events from the past four years," Catania said. ''Then I took them into the television studio where Marie and I filmed each one of them separately," he said.
The vjdeo yearbookis our gift not only to the senior class, but to everyoneon campus.' -Mark Murray,senior
Major sports events, popular entertainers, triumphs, tragedies and important political events and figures will be highlighted in the video yearbook, Murray said. These pictures will be intertwined with photographs of students and campus events from the past four years. "I'm going to try and place similar campus and world events together on film," Murray said. "For example, I might show a picture of the World Series in oneshoht'nd the Cabrini soccer championship in the next," he said. Lip syncs performed by students to popular campus hits from the past four years will comprise a large part of the final video as well. "I'm going to try to follow a pattern of live shots positioned next to still pictures," Murray said. ''The entire lip syncs won't be shown on the video though, only about ten seconds from each one," he said. The video yearbook will end with the name of each graduating senior appearing on film. "We're not sure how we're going to do it yet, but every senior's name will somehow appear on film at the end of the video," Murray said. "We think that doing this will make the video all the more memorable for the seniors," Murraysaid.
Collectingodditiesprovesfascinating past time by Monica R. Palko Did you ever wonder why people take the matchbooks from restaurants or hotels? Or why people save the labels off of different beer bottles? Collecting items such as these is not an uncommon occurrence. Some people collect various things from places that they or their friends visit. Cathy Feraco, sophomore, said, "I collect dolls from around the world. Whoever I know that goes somewhere, I ask them to get me a doll." '½nytime I go somewhere and there are some brochures lying around," Karen Holcombe, sophomore, said, "I pick thm up. I especially like collecting college brochures." Gerald Satlow, assistant professor, computer science, has an international beer can collection. "I have beer cans from Mexico, Brazil, Canada, England, Israel, and Ireland."
my birthday is on Valentine's Day," Lori Perozza, sophomore, said. A hobby is one reason for collecting things. Dean Magalon, sophomore, said, "I just like collecting beer cans and baseball cards as a hobby and all my friends try to out do each other with our collections." A collection of almost 200 baseball hats adorn senior Charlie
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Dodds' room at home. "I have always liked hat.a and I wasjoking around with my parent.a about starting a collection," he said. "Soon all my parents' friends were getting roe hats from wherever they went." Chris Smith, senior, collects old books. "I have one from the Civil War, around 186," he said. "It was a speech Burnside gave during
the war. It's leatherbound and ¡I ing oddities sets people apart. bought it in bookstore for abu $10, According to an article in the May but it's worth more." 6, 1986 edition of The New Yorle Collecting may also be a means Times, Dr. Robert London, a psyof making money for some people. chologist at New York University ''Eventually, I'll be able to make Medical Center said that "people money off of some of the baseball who collect odd things in a sense on the cards in the collection my brother beome an authority oddity." and I have," Magalon said. London continued that "since so Besides the basic collectibles, many of us are locked up in a like teddy bears and dolls, collecthumdrum world, being a collector of odd things gives you a sense of individuality." The same article also pointed out the various societies for those who collect odd paraphernalia. They include: the Cast Iron Seat Collectors Association, the International Sand Colectors Society, the International Barbed Wire Collectors Association, and the Spark Plug Collectors of America. At Cabrini, many students and faculty collect oddities, things that most would not come to mind as the average collectibles.
~nytime I hear or read somethinginteresting, I write it down. Quotes are cheap.You don't haveto spend any money on them.' -Julia Malik, senior Dr. Maurice Bezdek, professor, English and communications, has saved all the library cards she has obtained from libraries acrss the United States. Others have more sentimental reasons for collecting the things they do. "I collect hearts because
Beer bottles and baseball caps
are two popular items for collcting fanatics. (photo by Debbie Ferrar)
Julia Malik, senior, collects quotes and sayings. "It's just a compulsion I have. Anytime I hear or read something interesting, I write it down." She said, "Quotes are cheap. You don't have to spend any money on them." Smith also has a colection of hard-core music from 1979 and 1980 that includes special vinyl editions not available anymore. Satlow and Robert McGee, associate professor, mathematics, have a joint collection of math stamps from Germany, France, Israel, and Ghana. Elizabeth Endy, instructor in education, collects old sheet music from the years 1900 to 1920. ''My favorite title is 'You Broke My Heart Just to Pass the Time Away'," she said.
loquitur- friday,march20, 1987
Squeezingthe maxout of the minimum by Jacqui McClernan
Waas said, "Procrastination is simply putting off something until it is a necessity in time." According to Waas, when a person procrastinates, he puts unnecessary inconveniences on the people he answers to. An example of this is if you have a doctor's appointment for 2:00 p.m. but you show up at 2:20 p.m. This results in delaying all the appointments for the rest of the day inconveniencing the doctor and his other patients. "When I know that I have the freedom to do a project and the deadline is set, then I procrastinate," Samuel said. "The work I do is not necessarily the best quality, but it is not the worst.either." Waas said, ''Procrastination inhibits people who can't cope." Others who procrastinate find that it works to their advantage as they work better under pressure. Brian Metz, lecturer, business, said, "The brain functions better and sharper when it is under a high level of anxiety and stress."
Are you always late? Are you a perfectionist? Do you sometimes find yourself questioning your self-esteem? On top of all of this, do you wait until the last possible moment to begin a project? If so, then you have mastered the art of keeping up with yesterday. In layman's terms-procrastination. Les Waas, President of the Procrastinators Club of America, said, "We are all procrastinators to a degree, however, there are good procrastinators and there are bad procrastinators." People define procrastination in a variety of ways. For some, it is a positive influence that helps them to work better. For others it is a downright hindrance. ¡ "I think procrastination is holding out until the last possible chance," Edwina Kulczynski, sophomore, said. Paul Samuel,junior, said, "The putting off of a subject or matter until right before a specified deadline when it has to be obtained."
He continued, "True procrastinators not only get things done on time but feed on stress." This falls into what Waas refers to as good and bad procrastinators. He believes good procrastinators can concentrate on one thing, are very efficient, and very organized. Bad procrastinators, on the other hand, work on a lot of different things but never accomplish any of them. "Procrastination hasn't been a big problem for me because when it is important, I'm accountable to others and I produce on time," Metz said. "Procrastination is more in my personal life than in my professional life." "Journalists, accountants, and advertisers need to meet deadlines so they tend to procrastinate in order to meet them," Waas said. ''.Alot of these people are attracted to our club." There is hope fellow procrastinators. Youcan attempt to overcome it, live with it, or,join the Procrastinators Club of America.
Cosmeticcontents Experiencinga taste -remaina mystery of Chili's by Regina Battiato
by Patty Moore
Talc, radun, zinc stearate, prophylen glycol, propylparaben, methylparaben, imadzolidinyl urea, fragrance, iron oxides and titanium dioxide. No, these are not some of the components used to make the next atomic bomb, nor are they the ingredients ofone of your favorite recipes, but more likely they are what is in the cosmetics that millions of women wear on their faces every day. The prettiest of pinks, the boldest of blues and the raciest of reds, are all colors and shades of cosmetics with which women love to enhance their beauty. Are all the lipsticks. eyeshadows, mascaras and rouges as simply put together as they are used or is there a complexity to these tools of beauty that the user may know little or nothing about?
It's Saturday night on the Main Line. You'vebeen to Minella's, Bennigan's, Coco's and back to Minella's. This weekend, you're looking for something different. Chili's Grill and Bar is that place. It's something different.
Review-¡----Chili's is a south-western, Mexican type restaurant. Filled with wall hangings, cactus plants, Western-Mexican antiques and showpieces, the room makes you feel like you've been trarn,ported south. The bar stands in the center with tile-top tables set off in sections around it. Hanging from the ceiling are copper "chili" buckets converted into :lamps. The food at Chili's is reasonably priced. For five to ten dollars, you can get a complete meal. Available for appetizers are three specialty salads, soups and nachos. For the total Mexican touch, try the Quesadillas: tortillas with meat, cheese, chives, tomatoes, sour cream and guacamole. There is also, of course, Chili's chili either by the bowl or in a pie. Chili's provides an assortment of Mex-
ican-American foods such as tacos, hamburgers, chicken and fajitas. The tacos are stuffed with meat, chili or vegetables. All are served with guacamole. If you're in the mood for a unique type of hamburger, Gtriii's is the place to be. They ¡ serve many different burgers: the Verde Burger ( guacamole, lettuce, tomato and swiss), the Muy Macho (cheese and hickory sauce), and the Chili Trip (chili, cheese, and sauteed onions) are a few of the choices. Hungry yet? How about a platter of sizzling steak, onions, guacamole, cheese and sour cream? This char-broiled meal is called fajitas and is served with tortillas. For dessert, try one of Chili's sundaes: vanilla ice cream wrapped in a cinnamon coated tortilla and covered with either hot fudge or cinnamon apples. And if you are of that age, you can enJoy a special Chili Margarita made with Cuervo Gold Especial Tequila, Grand Marnier and Cointreau or other bar specialties. Chili's opened late last year and is part of a chain originating in Texas. The atomosphere is relaxed and very casual. Even the waitresses wear jeans! So, if you're looking for a cure to that normal Saturday night, look for the white. orange and green canvas awnings of Chili's at 316 Lancaster Ave. in Wayne. It's something different.
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(photo5y Debbie F~rca!)
Unless your rouge-0r blush contains only natural ingredients, the contents may read: contains talc, radun, zinc stearate, propylene glycol, propylparaben and methylaparaben. and continue with: May also contain ... ,so one may not know what they are putting on their skin. Zinc stearate is a compound of zinc and stearate. It can also be used in making plastics and is contained in many lacquers. Another is propylene glycol. It is a colorless viscious liquid used as a substitute for glycerin. It is used in emulsifiers and stabilizers. Propylparaben and methylaparaben are two other compounds that are contained in cosmetics. Propylparaben is used in preservatives, fungicides and in controlling mold in sausage casings. Methylaparaben is used in different types of medicines and food additives. Some consumers will go to any small retail store where cosmetics are sold, find their favorite color and purchase it. The process is not time consuming and very little thought is put into what is actually buying. "I just put it on my face," Chris Quinn, freshman, said. "I never really thought about it," she said. ''.Aslong as it can improve my looks, I don't really care what goes into the making of it," Sara Melick, freshman, said. Then there are those consumers who are a little more particular about their cosmetic purchase. They usually buy from a company specializing in the making of it such as, Lancome, Clinique and Estee Lauder. Of course it takes a little longer, but they are looking for quality and are somewhat concerned about the contents. "I won't buy any cheap make up that is on the market," Beth Kraft, sophomore, said. "I like to buy it from companies that specialize in cosmetics, like Estee Lauder," she added. "I like my make up to be hypo-allergenic," Paula Phillips, freshman, said. "I won't buy just anything," she added. There are also the consumers who believe that what they don't know won't hurt them. "I don't really care, although I don't really want to know what's going into my make up," Amy Lennon, freshman, said. "Sometimes the less you know, the better," she said. Whether or not the consumer cares, there are still contents in cosmetics that remain a mystery. For those of us who are not chemical wizards and cannot interpret what "imazolindinyl urea" really is, there are still contents in cosmetics that remain a mystery.
The Texan mood of Chili's is accented with cactuses and copper , chili pots. (photo by Rhonda, Dannenhower)
loquitur- friday,march20, 1987
Studentsservepocat G,Qver b~ff!.~l(ldn'tgetOO
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Eileen Riddle paints Mrs. Johnson's house while in Appalachia with campus ministry during spring break. (photo by Cara Graham)
Spring break is a time for everyone to relax, go on vacation, and work, but for 22 students it was a combination of all three. These students went to Appalachia in West Virginia, along with Father Mark Falcone and Beverly Reilly. In T1nion, West Virginia, a small town roughly a mile in length, 11 students and Father Mark stayed at St. Andrew's House, which is the Catholic Church. The other 11 students accompanied by Reilly went to Alderson, West Virginia. The Community Service group in Union usually provides jobs in the mountain areas for the students of Cabrini College. This year the project was on the main street of Union. The students were to paint a house for Mrs. Anne Johnson. The Alderson group mainly worked with victims recovering from a flood that occurred in December 1986. Both groups were a combination of sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Lisa Kantor, sophomore, Union group member, said, "I thought it was a great learning experience in terms of different ways of life. Learning to deal with people from different lifestyles, as well as dealing with the people I came down with. It was a lot of fun, even the work was fun. I got a lot of satisfaction out of the work I did." For Rita Genovese, junior, Union group member, this was the second year she went to Appalachia. Genovese said, "Last year I got a chance
They were special and they touched my heart. They treasured the simple things and they were grateful every time you did the littlest thing. They shared everything with you no matter how small in gratitude. I don't think you would find that here." The group in Union who painted the house of Mrs. Anne Johnson found out they would be staying in town next door to her and so they invited Johnson to dinner. They had seen a change in her attitude from the first time she met them to the night she had dinner with them, she had opened up to them and she really appreciated what they were doing for her. Kantor said, "Thursday we had been painting Mrs. Johnson's house, after we had been painting for three days, and nobody really wanted to paint anymore. Every time she saw what we were doing, we could see how touched she was and happy. That egged us on to do more, like when we decided among ourselves to go out and get the paint for her porch it seemed like everyone got new energy to finish the job."
'A lot of peoplethink it (Appalachia)is a joke going with CampusMinistry - and that you haveto be a holy-roller,but thats not the reasona~all. Its a chanceto do somethinggood for someoneelse...besides yourself.I don't think people understandthe extentof it unlessyou've·been there and experiencedit.' -Rita Genovesa,junior
Mrs. Anne Johnson, when seeing the house, almost completed said with a smile, "I had always given directions to my house as being the big gray one on the comer. Now, no one will recognize the big white one on the corner." Maria Watson, junior, said ''The work we did was worthwhile, not just busy work, because we could see the look of appreciation on her face. We could see the result of our work. My memories of the trip are white paint and mountains. Whenever I see members of my group I'll remember we were a unit working together and socializing." Kathy Hogan, sophomore, said, ''It was a great experience, one you really can't describe. It answered a lot of questions about myself and the poor. Also, the people were amazing. They wanted to do things that I was doing, like going to college. I hope I can go back there again. There's one thing I'll always remember - Mrs. Johnson's face when she saw the completion of her house." Eileen Riddle, senior, said, "You became so attached to the people of the town and the group that leaving was very emotional and uneasy. I grew spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and even physically because I ate so much. I just couldn't resist Rita's cooking." Samantha Hildebird, sophomore, said, ''The town was very supportive and the people were very nice. I enjoyed the work. I got to help someone else without expecting anything in return. I'll remember the night Mrs. Johnson came over for dinner and the way everyone reacted. We were so happy and so respectful." Carolyn Duckworth,junior, said, "I don't think I would go back because it will never be the same. I got to know everyone a lot better." Genovese said, ''Appalachia gives a person a chance to become better known with some of their fellow classmates that you would otherwise not have gotten to know. Youshare a special bond as a result and you get to know your friends even better." ''A lot of people think it (Appalachia) is a joke - going with Campus Ministry and that you have to be a holy-roller, but that's not the reason at all. It's a chance to do something good for someone else besides yourself. I don't think people understand the extent of it unless you've been there and experienced it," she added. Both groups met to share their experiences. The meetings were on Alderson, and again on Friday, in Union .
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loquitur- friday,march20, 1987
CavsreclaimDistrict19titlebeforefalling in KansasCity · by Leah Cascarina For the fourth consecutive year, the men's basketball team captured the District 19 title, which won them another trip to Kansas City to compete in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics National 'Tournament. The road to the championship banner was paved by aggressive ball playing, enabling them to reclaim the District 19championship crown. However,the road to a win in Kansas City was not as smooth. The Washburn lchabods', Kansas, proved to be a stumbling block. The final score was 87-64. The Cavs began the playoffs for the District 19 championship in grand style, Tuesday, March 3, by trouncing the Alvernia Crusaders 118-69. The Cavs, to the delight of the cheering fans, raced to a 59-29 halftime lead with a 20-9 spree at the game's outset. Coach John Dzik was visibly calm throughout the game; often resting his chin in his palm while sitting slouched in a chair on the sidelines. That night, Cabrini could do no wrong, dominating the boards on both ends of the court and making shots from all angles and positions on the court, including a number of three point plays. The game also read of opponent turnovers-leading to countless Cabrini baskets. From start to finish, the game was one of intensity and aggression. "It was a very physical game," Dzik said, "but in order for us to be successful, we have to play that way." Dzik was pleased to remark that all 10 eligible players participated and contributed in the game. Cabrini was now one step further to capturing the District 19 championship and a return trip to Kansas City and the NAIA Basketball Tournament. Their next opponent was Philadelphia College of Pharmaceutical Science. The Cavs met the challenge and overcame it. Kansas City was within their grasp and they weren't about to let it slip away. "The last time we played Philadelphia Pharmacy we IQ~t,"Dzik said. "We lost because we were physically intimidated. In order to win we have to play a physical game." The Cavs honored Dzik's wishes and played with a physical vigor. They took the lead early in the game, a lead they never relinquished. As in the first-round game, the Cavs dominated their opponents, leaving the Blue Devils to regroup as they led 39-26 at halftime. The Pharmacy fans (composing the majority of the crowd) cheered and encouraged their team, but as the clock ticked away the point spread widened, leaving the Devils battling to close the gap. However,the Cavs continued to forge ahead with a game- ending slam by Anthony Dade, senior, giving Cabrini a 85-61 win. "K.C., K.C., K.C.," echoed through the gym. The net was cut. And once again the Cavaliers were off to Kansas City. Cabrini reached the Heartland of America looking for its first win in the NAIA National Tournament in front of6,805 onlookers at the Kemper Arena. Before the tournament began, Dzik was hoping for a middle of the pack seeding, but unfortunately he did not get his wish. Dzik was upset to find that Cabrini was seeded 27th, but said that a team's low ranking should not reflect or hinder a particular group of individuals. "That reputation is something we shouldn't have to worry about," he said. ''We're certainly not one of the five worst teams in the tournament. But the only way to do something about that is to go out and do something about that."
... :J Jim Welde, junior, drives past the opponent during the 85-61 win over Pharmacy, which Jed the Cavs to their fourth consecutive District 19 title. (photo by Debbie Ferrar)
The Cavaliers had their work cut out for them as they were pitted against the lchabods, who were seeded sixth in the tournament. Washburn r~riked"'eighth in the NAIA in rebounds and ninth in shooting percentage. They outrebound their opponents by eight per game (36.7 to 35.7) and shoot 53.7 percent from the field. Cabrini got off to a rough start in the first half, shooting 30.6 percent form the field in the opening 20 minutes. The Cavs, however, managed to stay close and at the half the score stood at· 37-31. Cabrini's effort, led by Mike Waters, sophomore, and Anthony Dade, senior, with 12 points each, was not enough to combat the Ichabod's onslaught which was to occur in the second half. ''We had done a goodjob of getting back into the game in the first half," Dzik said. "We were down by 15 at one point and closed it to within six. But they jumped out to a 12-point lead in the second half and toward the end it got ugly." The second half began with an 11-2shooting spree by Washburn and outscored Cabrini 14-2,at the end, to lift the Ichabods to victory. As some consolation to the defeated Cavs, the loss is a familiar fate in the tournament for almost ~l District 19teams, since none of them have advanced past the first round since Copin State captured the NAIA national championship in 1976. "People in our area think the NAIA is below Division III," Dzik said. "But I'd like to see them say that after going out here and seeing some of these teams play."
Organization brightensteam'soutlook by Donna Dougherty
The bats, gloves and balls have all been taken out of storage. As spring approaches, so does the beginning of the women's softball season. This year, 15 ·women will wear the Lady Cavaliers' uniform as they try to better their 8-8 record of last season. The team members are: seniors, Michele Pasquarello, Torry Neilio; juniors Linda Panetta, Renee Acconciamessa, Betsy Mahoney; sophmores Theresa Wilk, Torrie Pancio, Rhonda Ermentrout, Mindy Wyszynski, Andree Jost, Valerie Porto, Rachael Cavellier; freshmen Annette Simone, Judie Wood,and Kristin Kroll. As the season begins, they sport· optimistic attitudes as they return having lost only one starting senior from last year. "I think that, realistically, they have the potential to win 14 or 15 games, as well as the District 19 title and the PAIAW(Philadelphia Association oflntercollegiate Athletics for Women)," Jim Hedtke, coach, said. "We have a very good team this year. We're strong in every position this year as last year. We only lost one starting senior from last year. An area that we're especially strong in this year is pitching," Hedtke said. He was referring to pitcher Judie Wood, freshman, who was voted All-Catholic as a senior last year at Holy Cross High School in Delran, N.J. . The team this year is primarily composed of sophomores and juniors. Last year six to seven underclassmen started.
According to Hedtke, virtuallyeveryone has returned from last year's team, and the players are experienced in their individual roles, which will give them more depth as a team. ''I think that the team we have this year, with the combination of the veterans and young players coming out gives us a solid base," Jost said.
Practice is underway and the team is concerned with improving basic skills. "Right now we are concentrating on bunting practice and defense against bunting. That's one of the things that hurt us last year because we never did drills," Acconciamessa said. The team's first game is March 2:J against Philadelphia Pharmacy at home.
In addition to the experienced players, Acconciamessa said, "The freshmen are helping us out a lot. They're filling in spots." Optimism is not lacking on the team. The players commented on the better organization of the team in comparison to last year. "It's a very good team this year. There's more communication this year, not only between the players, but also with the coaches," Acconciamessa said. "The veterans know the coach better and knows what he expects more than last ye~r," Mike Fallon, senior, statistician, said. This year it is more organized, according to Hedtke, because he gives directions to each assistant coach before practice and then they carry out the instructions with their assigned groups. Also, this year assistant coaches Mike Johnson, junior, Gary Firestine, junior, Bruce Kidwell, sophomore, each have an assigned itrea of responsibility. "Everything is more efficient, which should make us more effective," Jost said.
According to Hedtke, they· will play 20 scheduled games with the toughest opponents being Allentown, Eastern and Philadelphia 'Toxtile. "I'd like to see a good turnout at the games because that's an important aspect," Jost said.
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