March 27, 1987 Issue 19 Loquitur

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Read about Spring Convocation-In news

friday,march27, 1987

cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087


vol. xxxiii,no. 19

C'monguys,what seasonis it?

This issue is dedicated to examining college academic life and the pursuit of higher education for the betterment of all students. COLLEGE AND LEARNING

Superthon Events The scheduled events are as follows: Friday- Wheel of Fortune $1.00 per person , (SGA Ezecutive Board), 4 prizes. Roommate Game $1.00 per person, (RSA), 4 people (2 prizes). Dance 9:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m., (Social Activities Board). Pub 1:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Social Activites Board). Prize Bands (Mark Murray/ Rita) ''Wolfie Meat Hooks", Lip Synics/Air Band - 3:00 p.m. Food and drinks throughout. Delta DJ's, bonfire.

" •




With the me ting of the snow on the soccer field, Cabrini students took to celebrating the firs ays o sprmg with a softball game last week. However, from the looks of the pile of players on third base, the players couldn't quite remember whether it's softball season or still football season. (photo by Chris Corcoran)



Eventsto aid charity by Catherine Kelley

Saturday - Superthon Olympics$50.00 for each class, $1.00 per person 1:00 p.m. Torch Lighting Ceremony -Starts at Xavier down Residential Blvd., past Mansion down to Woodcrest, behind Sacred Heart, around Widener, to the lawn opposite the Mansion and _t~e Chape~. Games begin - l:15/2:15 Tr1v1al Pursuit Match (Eng/comm club) <DSCR), Pool Tournament (C.E.C.) (Game Room), Hot Shot (B.S.A.) (Gym), or Bean Bag Relay (Bio. club) (Main Lawn); 2:15 - Hool-laHoop Competition (Social Work club) (Main Lawn), Double Dutch Competition (Photo club) (Front of Widener), Jacks (PSEA) (Activities Room), Marathon Three Mile Run (Campus Ministry) (Course), or Ping Pong Tournament (CAEYC) (Game Room); 3:15 - Pie Eating (International club) (Main Lawn); 3:40 Feed the Baby Relay (History club) (Main Lawn): 4:15 - Three Leg Race (Pre Law club) (Main Lawn); 4:40 -Tug of War. Bar. B-Que at 5:00 (Soccer Field). Cocktail Party - Monte Carlo Night, Social Activities, $5.00 per person.

so no one area is being asked to do everyAccording to Funk, the fact that the SGA thing," Calicat said. budget has not been raised in recent years This year's Superthon Weekend will offiAttention to budget is another area and that the number of clubs on campus cially begin Friday March 27 at 1:00 p.m. where organization has played a large role. has increased, tightening the funds avail''The philosophy is, if we are going to with a Torch Lighting Ceremony to be held able for the Superthon was another reason at Xavier Hall. The torch and the Super- raise money for a charitable foundation, behind the increased number of events that's what we'll do," Calicat said. "We can't thon events will last until Sunday being offered this year. afternoon. lose sight of what we're trying to do." Another change in this year's Superthon The Leukemia Foundation of American "In the past we had a major band come on is the move from a 72-hour-marathon to has been chosen as the charity which will campus and that was cut out this year daily events. receive the proceeds from the weekend's because of the cost," Gamble said. ''We "We're not so much concerned about the events. want to raise a good sum of money to give to number of hours, but about quality," CalThere have been several changes made the Leukemia Society." icat said. in the Superthon this year. The most significant changes are in the number of people who have participated in the planning of the weekend and those who are scheduled to participate. The new "Superthon Olympics" is another major change in the regular schedule of events. Five teams, including students from each grade level and faculty, will compete in events organized by campus clubs and organizations. Rita Calicat, director of student activities, played a large role in the organization of this year's Superthon. She organized the event to focus on the campus and really wasn't sure how the event was run in the past. "Our ultimate goal is to have the Superthon be a campus-wide event," Calicat I said. According to Kathy Gamble, senior, who, as SGA corresponding secretary, was involved in the planning of the weekend, this objective is on its way to being met. "The whole campus is involved. Clubs are I running the olympics and every club has a part in the Superthon," Gamble said. . /, "Everyone working on it (Superthon) is /. excited," Kathy Funk, junior, vice president, S.G.A., said, "and if the people working on it get excited it will be better than ever and maybe rub off on the rest of the campus." , , d Paul Gauch,, semor, toregro According to Calicat, planning for this and Mark Murray, senior, background, star in Cabrini Theatre's year's Superthon began early last fall. adaptation of "Our Town," to open tonight at 8 p.m. in the Little "Emphasis was on preplanning. PreTheatre. organization has helped to balance things

lay openston1gt



Sunday- Car:1.pus Ministry Mass 1:00 p.m., tear for awards, Awards-Olympics. Weekend: Toll booth .25 to come and go. Friday 5:00- 8:00p.m., Saturday 11:00-1:00 p.m., 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m 12:00 p.m.


loquitur- frid_ay,march 27, 1987

Many problems, but no answers We gather around, pens in hand, notebooks open. It is time for yet another editor's meeting. What is new? What is old? What is controversial? What has to be covered, what has not? What should be? The questions encircle us. Soon enough, answers to these questions come forth, but unfortunately, all at once. We are talking over one another and are becoming overwhelmed with sq many ideas. Eventually, the meeting terminates and we look over our notes to see if any of our ideas have met. Here is what we came up with: •There seems to be a lack ofleadership around this campus lately. What's going to happen after some of our best leaders graduate this spring. And, at the same time, we hear some of the administration are leaving their desks behind them, as well. We keep hearing about the people who are leaving but nothing about anyone coming. •The students whine and complain about nothing to do on campus and then something is scheduled and no one attends. Why is this happening? •What is going on with the scheduling lately anyway? Activities are continuously being scheduled on the same dates. The dance scheduled by the commuter club was the same night as the House 1 party. House 4 is having a party the same night the junior class is having a beach party. And, "Our Town" is to be performed the same night as the Senior Farewell. Whose mistakes are these? •And the latest gripe about the cafeteria is that we are not allowed to bring any foods, other than ice cream or fruit, back to our dorms. If we don't take the china with us, and use napkins instead, then why can't we eat the food that we are paying for later on in the day? It is better than wasting food. •What about the classes that are only one credit per semester and so much work is given? •Why, why, why must we take four semesters of gym? It seems so ridiculous. Maybe one semester or two, but not four for only a half credit. So, that was our meeting - some of it. There are so many things going on. Always a complaint we suppose, but why, we don't know. Nothing can ever be too easy, not even the focus of the editorial we wanted to chose for this week. Read over these minor complaints that hung in the air of the newsroom and see if you can make heads or tails out of them. Someone has got to have some of the answers.


Beingeditor-in-chief for the day When I first found out that I would be the next Editor-in- chief of the Loquitur, my greatest fear was not of meeting deadline nor of dealing with criticism (oh, how naive I was), it was of something which to me, at the time, seemed much more difficult and scary - thinking up viewpoints.

kate welsh

Another girl kept insisting she didn't What could I possibly write about every know what she would write about. When week? What ifl had no views on anything she finally came up with something, it was some week, what would I do? What if every- procrastination. "After all," she said, "I one hated my column? These were just.a wouldn't be able to think of anything until few of the many concerns that I had upon the last minute anyway." entering this position. While many people suggested writing Well, here we are, down to the last few about personal experiences, hangovers, issues and I still have not completely over- spring fever, etc., others were more broadcome that fear. I try all week to come up minded. "Commitments," one person said, with a brilliant viewpoint idea, but I still "to ourselves as well as our community in find it is not that easy. I _try not to always order to make the world a better place." make my viewpoints serious, yet at the That would be something I would like to same time, I like to show people that I do read. have some intelligence. I try to write about Some suggestions were really original. issues that are not only important to me, One girl volunteered the idea of looking at but that I feel will be important to others as art in the dorms, and how people decorate well. their rooms. Someone else said it would be When talking to friends and classmates interesting to write about how people's throughout the week, I find that many peo- dress fit their personality. Being all in ple have a lot of interesting viewpoint ideas somber black that day, I quickly bypassed just waiting to be written. Therefore, I that idea. thought I would use this week's column to All in all, the ideas were - interesting give others the chance to express their - to say the least. The moral of this viewideas to the campus. point (yes, there is a moral) is that everyone Here are just a few of the ideas people can write. It is just up to you to do it. The came up with. One person decided to write Loquitur gladly accepts opinions and letabout Bruce, meaning Springsteen I ters, signed, from anyone and everyone. assume, although what more could be said The Cryptic also welcomes stories and that hasn't already. poems from students.

Laxpreparation concernsstudent

A matter of perspective

Dear Editor: Spring is here, and so is Cabrini women's softball. As of one week before the season begins, the questions of starting lineup and batting order should be the only thing on the team's and coach's mind. As of Monday, Mar. 16, the team was also facing the questions of: when the team would get their uniforms, would the team have umpires for their first game, would the team have game balls, and most crucial, is the team's first game on Monday, Mar. 23 or Wednesday, Mar. 25? With one week before the start of the season, one would seek the answers to these questions from the athletic director. Low and behold, the athletic director was away on a scouting trip for basketball. After looking, no answers were to be found, and none had been left to the people concerned by Coach Dzik. Coach Dzik, your responsibility as the athletic director is to all sports of Cabrini

College, not just to the basketball program. How can any team properly prepare for a season with this many uncertainties? Thanks to a polite and hard-working student in your employ, officials were found and the team will be receiving their uniforms one week after the season begins. Coach Dzik, you would not stand for such lax preparation in your basketball program, so please have the same consideration for the other sports on this campus. Outside preparation is, in fact, part of your job. Cabrini basketball has ended for this season. Let the other sports, men and women, have their turn.

I'm writing an objection to the statement in last week's Loquitur editorial (issue 18):

Michael S. Johnson, student

ters. Even Jesus took breaks and lived it up. It is unfortunate that those who do good in today's world are either considered to be eccentric or saintly. 'l\vo ~tandards

P.S. Cabrini College has, in my opinion, made a grave error in relieving Helen Goodwin of her duties in the \\bmen's Athletic Department.

Dear Editor:

"Wethink a lot of credit should be given to the group who more or less gave up the opportunity to 'live it up' during break, like so many others."

After reading the article about our new dean, I.had to sit down to make sure I was in the right college. As students, faculty and administration have noticed, many changes have occurred at Cabrini College. With anything, change or something new is always hard to get used to, but with certain things, change should not be necessary. I am talking about this new attitude in the Student Services Department. This college has been known for its friendliness and personalized attention since my freshman year. The Student Services office was

always an office where you could always expect a smile or an encouraging word. I know you cannot blame this change on one person, but I tend to question if our new dean has had a lot to do with this. No longer is the office run like it should be for the students. Instead, it is run like a business.· Everyone seems to be complaining about this, but unfortunately, no one is willing to take a stand because after all Mr. Fitzsimmons, you are the Dean of Students. I have . nothing personal against you, I just would like you to remember one thing. This is not Loyola College. This is Cabrini. Wegrow as people at this college because of the love

Respectfully yours, Anonymous

Living it up is all a matter of perspective. Last year, I went to Florida. Did I feel any· better going to Appalachia? No. I enjoyed both equally. The inner glow of having a good time was there for both. The point is, that no matter what we do, it is alright as long as we appreciate life to the full~st while not forgetting our brothers and sis-

that are unattainable for the common man. Rather, we should be peers and not get credit.

Change causesnew attitude Dear Editor:

I'm not claiming to be the perfect example, but if doing ood was an everyday occurrence and not an extraordinary event, then the Kingdom of God will truly be close at hand.

shown through the administration and faculty, not l>y running the college as a business. This college survives on the Cabrini Spirit that you or no other person will take away.So please Dean, if you want to grow as a person here, stop running the college like a business or you will soon go bankrupt. Enjoy and get to know the Cabrini Spirit. It will carry you oh so far. Sincerely, A Concerned Senior

Editor: Kole Welsh Monoglng Editor: _Monico Palko News Editor: Christy Mason Assistants. Moria O'Brien. YVette Ousely. Donna Dougherty Perspecttves Edifor. Kimberly Kovach Assistant: Sett, Bittner Features Editors: Kaftly Hibbard and Rabin McKeon Assistants: Stephanie Glordlnl Debbl Murphy Sports Editor Lisa Mason Assistants: JocQul McClemon, John Dunleavy Business Manager; Areto Hlodlcy Copy Editor: Jeanne Reineberg Graphics Editor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Edifor: Chris Corcoran Photography Adviser: Dr. Corter Croigle Adviser: Dr Jerome Zurek Stoff: Rachel Anderson. Regina Bo1tiato. Beth Bittner, Denise Brady. Patty Brown. Leah Cascartna. Christine Cocchla, Rhonda Donnenhower. Donna Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Anne Fahy, Brion Feeley. Debbie Ferrar. LIZFlies. Stephanie Glordlnl Kitty Kelley, Kaftlleen McCabe, JoCQUI McClernan. Potty Moore. Debbi Murphy, Monica Polka. Karen Slegl. Jim Stef11er.

LOQultur Is published weel<ty during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Rodno,, Pennsylvania 19087. Subscnption price is $20 per year and Is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student tees. LoQuitur welcome~ letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and ftle auftlorshlp known to the editors Howeve,. ij the writer wishes, and the edito, agrees, the wrtte(s name may be left oft the letter upon publicahon and an inscription inserted such as ·name withheld at the reQuest of the writer." Letters should be typed, doublespaced, ond no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long to, the avoiloble space, ftle editor may edlt or condense. Letters to the edttor should be submitted by noon on l\o1ondays



loquitur- frida½march·27, 1987


Gynecologist ad causescontroversy by Kathy Hibbard

In the Feb. 13, 20, and 27th issues of Loquitur, an advertisement for Joel Stein, M.D., gynecologist, appeared. Approximately 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 25, a few hours prior to deadline of the Feb. 27 issue, (the issue which contained the last and third appearance of the ad) pro-life representatives, Claire Swann and Tim Donovan,· seniors, contacted Editor-inchief Kate Welsh, junior and Business manager Areta Hladky, junior. A mild confrontation ensued. According to Hladky and Welsh, Swann and Donovan said that they had a problem with the ad because Stein was on the black list for gynecologists who perform abortions. "They said they would prefer that we not run it," Hladky said. "They offered to get an ad for another gynecologist who did not perform abortions to replace the Stein ad around 3 p.m," Hladky said. Newspaper deadline is 4:45 p.m. Mondays. Swann and Donovan were informed that they would be gotten back to. The situation was discussed at length among Hladky, Welsh, and the editorial staff of Loquitur. Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English and communications, was also contacted. "We (the editorial staff) felt he was advertising his services as a doctdr, as a gynecologist-not as an abortionist," Welsh said. "It was two hours prior to deadline as well and we were under contract with Stein," she said. ''We phoned Dr. Zurek and he asked us what our stand was. After hearing our reasoning, he said that we obviously had made up our own minds and saw no reason why we should not put the ad in," Welsh said. Donovan contacted Hladky at 5:30 p.m. inquiring of their decision. "I informed him that we decided to go with it because the ad was an ad for Stein as a gynecologist and as an M.D. and that I was under contract with Stein to run the ad for three weeks," Hladky said. Subsequently, the ad was run for the third and final time. Donovan was adamant in pointing out that the incident would be pursued. Hladky suggested a letter to the editor. Repercussions of the appearances of the Joel Stein advertisement have extended far beyond a letter to the editor. The presidents office, public relations, campus ministry, and newsroom headquarters have been inundated with irate phone.calls and visits from pro-lifers, board of trustee members, and community and campus residents.

"People responded because they saw inconsistencies between the ad and the college's philosophy," Fr. Mark Falcone, chaplain, said. · Falcone cited a passage from the Cabrini College Student Handbook. ''.As stated in the handbook, 'The Apostolic priorities of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart include working for peace and justice, working against poverty and oppression, promoting personal and interpersonal growth, and increasing compassionate concern for all human beings. Cabrini College provides educational programs which recognize and seek to develop skills and values which are necessary to support and sustain a mature commitment to these objectives."' Falcone continued, "How in God's name is that (the Stein ad) consistent with this philosophy. The title of the ad was misleading to the practice to which he was doing." Jeanne Purpuri, senior and pro-life representative said, "Anytime advertising appears in the newspaper, I feel it should compliment not contradict what the philosophy of the school stands for." According to Zurek, it is the policy of Loquitur not to run ads counter to the ethics of the college. In a memo sent to Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, president, Zurek wrote, "Loquitur routinely runs ads for various professional services. The advertisement for Dr.Joel Stein was received and run as according to this policy." Since the appearance of the ad, further allegations have been made about the extent of Stein's abortion procedures. "Joel Stein has been a long time practicing abortionist and continues to be a prac_ticing abortionist," Michael McMonagle, a spokesman for the Pro-Life Non-Violent Action Project of Southeast Pennsylvania, said. "He's been in the news and he is a notorious abortionist. It is totally inappropriate for him to advertise in a Catholic college's newspaper." McMonagle continued, "Before taking an ad for a gynecologist, it should have been looked into. They (Loquitur stafO did not care enough to do so, and they did not care if they were advertising a man who kills unborn children. It is a poor reflection on a Catholic institution. As Catholics, it is our duty to protect the least of Christ's brethren." According to Donovan and Swann, Stein's abortion services are an extensive part of his practice. "We know for a fact that his services are to recommend and perform abortions," Swann said.

According to an article appearing in the Aug. 12, 1985 issue of the Philadelphia Inquirer, Stein said that performing abortions constituted about 25 percent of his practice. The rest of his v.:orkconsisted of treating women's ailments, prescribing contraceptives and conducting examinations. According to a memo dated July 5, 1985, intercepted by pro- life members and signed by Stein, first trimester termination of pregnancy was performed five days a week in his Valley View Apartment office. Performing abortions on the Valley View premises is in violation of the township zoning code according to Upper Merion building official, William Keil. Stein has since been evicted from the office. Prior to moving his practice to his Valley View apartment, Stein had operated at the Women's Mecical Center in Bridgeport. However,mass protests and arrests by antiabortion demonstrators were responsible for the clinic's closing. "His past record with his evictions demonstrates his vehemence about abortion," Swann said. Stein was quoted in te Aug.12, 1985 issue of the Inquirer as saying, ":Abortion is a terrible thing, and I'd prefer that people make themselves more available to contraceptives. But I'm here to help people and to get them through an unwanted pregnancy in the healthiest way we can."

'How in Gods name is that (the Stein ad) consistentwith this philosophy?' -Fr. Mark Falcone,chaplain Commenting on pro-life protestors, Stein was quoted in the same article as having said, "They have a point of view, and they can express it, but they should have some compassion and humaneness instead of being so fanatical. I believe their emotions may get carried away, and the possibility of injury does exist. Kathy (Stein's wife) was lifted off her feet during one protest last February. It was a riot; those people were not rational." "We understand that Loquitur is trying to make a distinction between his services as an M.D. and his practice as an abortionist," Donovan said. "We don't feel, however, that his legitimate medical services make up for the fact that he does perform abortions." In regard to the ad's purpose, Swann

said, "In essence it was advertising abortion even though the word abortion did not appear in print. Anyone who went to Stein would have found out." A formal apology for running the ad and a promise that the ad would never appear again in Loquitur was written by Diane Kolodozinski, director, public relations, and sent to a priest from St. Monica's church. The priest had contacted the public relations office complaining about the ad. Welsh and Hladky contend the ad was strictly objective in that it was an advertisement for gynecology only. According to Stein, the purpose in running the piece with the college was to advertise his services as an gynecologist for women. Stein refused to make any further comments. Since the controversy surrounding the ad, the issue of how extensively advertisers should be researched prior to Loquitur accepting their material, has been raised. "I think that when it comes to just advertising ordinary services or products like Domino's pizza for instance, I _don't think anybody is going to have a problem with it. Some advertising, because of its nature, is in a different category and merits special consideration," Donovan said. "In our society, you have to be very careful anymore and look into everything," Swann said. "We do that when we vote for people. We look into the ingredients in what we eat for example." "I'm glad that more came out about Stein's practices. I t1unk it really shows that people don't know everything," she said. Swann continued, "I have friends in Deleware and one of them informed me that our newspaper, with the Stein ad in it, was the topic of discussion at one of their pro-life meetings. It got around. Other people are aware of what our paper is advertising." "I personally will not search into every ad I get. It's not feasible. It will really depend on the type of ads I get," Hladky said. Hladky and Welsh feel that most students do not even remember the ad and those that do, viewed the ad as one for gynecology only. "Had such groups on campus not drawn so much unnecessary attention to the ad, especially in contacting outside groups about the ad, then there would have been no problem to begin with," Welsh said. ''We obviously did not mean to offend any group on campus," Welsh said. "Just becuase we ran the ad doesn't mean we're pro- choice or anything."

Job Squad Education Majors - Two positions available, one Pre- school teacher. and one Kindergarten teacher. 8-5 and 8- 5:30 p.m. 8eneHts,salary negotiable. Children's Center 486 Keebler Rd.. King of Prussia.Po Contact· Debbie Dascoli. Director 265-2686 Immediate opening. four year degree preferred.

Tutor - Tutor needed for 15 year old who attends St. Catherine"s Day School. Special EdYcotion major needed. Time is flexible. one hour. 2-3 times a week. The 15year old Is a good reader. but can·t spell -and needs help with moth facts Coll Mrs. Flaherty at 664-3207,

Summer Employment • Assure yourself of a summer job now Get experience while you earn tuition money. The Devereux Foundation needs summer staff to work with emotional and learning disabled children/ adolescents summer activities (water. sports. crafts. eel.) Pastian, ore located in the Devon. Malvern and West Chester areas. Applicants must be 21years old and possess a valid drivers license Majors In Physical education. teaching. psychology, social sciences and the arts accepted. Call Devan area. LemuelC. DeHbOugh at 964-3091. Malvern area, John C Krawchuk at 296-6952 or •West Chester area. Jane Vasile 431-8119

Mother's helper• Flexible hours with a six month old boy. 3-5 days/Week. Interest In dogs and light housework $3.50-4.00/hr. Call Cindi at 687-8493.

Remax-llainline • Weekend secretary/ receptionist. $4.00/hr. Typing and pleasant phone voice. Flexible hours. Call Charlie or Betty at 640-9300 ABT In Bryn Mawr - Software sales trainee. Marketing/Business maIor preferred Call Jim Keches at 527-8900 Gladwyn Post office - Has summer employment available now! Flexible hours, $5.00/hr. call Mr Davis at 642-2620.

Clerical duties - Intermittent Basic knowledge of word processing preferred Salary nnegolioble. Located very near college. Call 687-3720 and leave message Sell lunches • to corporate offices from 10-2 p.m. Monday-Friday. $5.00/hr.+ 3% commission Call Deirdre Shea at 535-1419.

Temporary Position • Delites in Rosemont. Person needed to visit area businesses to deliver breakfast In Rosemont for 2 months. Hours are 8 am.-1 p.m. Car required Need someone lively, outgoing. e•cellent communications SI.ills Starts on 3/23/87. Salary $5.00/hr. Call Joe Greenwald. Jr. at 768-0322 Babysitter• Need a bObysitter for two afternoons a week. Starting now thru the summer fQr two year old boy Pay negotiable. ECEstudent preferred. but oat a requirement. Call Eileen Casacclo at 527-n35.

LITTLE THEATRE-Cabrini students and faculty will be performing Thornton Wilder's American classic, "OUR TOWN," a 1937 Pulitzer Prize winning play. Friday and Saturday evening performances on March 27, 28 and April 3,4, and 11 will begin at 8p.m. Sunday evening performances on March 29 and April 5 will begin at 7 p.m. All performances will be held in the Little Theatre. Admission is $3.50 for adults and $2.50 for children, students and senior citizens. For more information, call the Cabrini Theatre at 215-687-2100 ext. 510.

Main Line Auto Wash- Full or part-time positions. fleXJble hcurs. Good pay and benefits Call Mli<e or Mork at 688-6560.

Live-In babysitter - Light housekeeping. Mfd June through Labor day, live In Vento, N.J References needed. Call Mrs. Peltz at 642-6819. P.11.Supervisor• Dally from 3-6 p.m. at the Sherr Lake Apartments. Butler Pike and Cedargrove Rd Call Shern Cuttler at 828-n33.


ANNENBERG CENTER-The Annenberg Center will present "The Guilded Age," by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner. Performances of "The Guilded Age" will be in the Zellerbach Theatre on Wed., April 8 at 7 p.m., Thurs., April 9 at 1 p.m. and 8 p.m., Fri., April 10 at 8 p.m., Sat., April 11at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. and Sun., April 12 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $22/$20 (Friday and Saturday evenings) and $17/$15 (all other performances). Discounts are available for groups, students and senior citizens. For telecharge and information, call 215-898-6791.

SUPERTHON-S.G.A. is asking for participants in the airband competition at the Pub on Saturday morning. For . more information, contact Kathy Funk, S.G.A. vice president. RA's are asked to develop games for Monte Carlo Night. A sign-up sheet is available at the RA mailboxes.

S.G.A. EXECUTIVE BOARD-Anyone interested in running for the 1987-88 executive board can still sign up on posters outside the cafeteria or in the commuter lounge. CAMPUS MINISTRYDIRECTORSister Bernadette Anello, MSC, will be joining the Campus Minstry staff as director in September. She will be visiting and meeting with the campus community during the spring semester.

POLITICAL ADDRESS-Former Congressman Abner W Sibal of Conne~ti~~t will address crucial political actl~1ties and decisions on Thursday, April 2 from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Widener ~enter Lecture Hall. The presentation !s free and open to the public. For more information, call Cabrini at 687-2100 extension 300. '

-loquitur- friday,march 27, 1987




Dedicatingyearsto receive.doctorate by Debbie Ferrar It has been described as the "union card of the college professor" and the "badge of the proved investigator." The Ph.D. has become the glory, jest and riddle of the world of higher learning in America, according to Moody Prior, author of "The Doctor of Philo~phy Degree." A doctorate is an advanced degree normally based on at least three years of graduate work beyond the bachelor's degree. It is usually granted as a Ph.D. in various fields. There are two types of doctor's degrees. Professional degrees include medicine and dentistry. Research degrees include the Ed.D. (Doctor of Education) and the Ph.D. COLLEGE AND LEARNING A Ph.D., or Doctor of Philosophy degree, is the most important doctorate of the research type in American institutions of higher education, according to Walter Crosby Eells, author of "Degrees in Higher Education." The American Ph.D. was patterned after the German Ph.D. The faculty of liberal arts or faculty of arts, was designated in German as the faculty of philosophy. Otherwise the present Ph.D. degree would probably have been called the Doctor of Liberal Arts or Doctor of Arts, since it no longer has any implication of philosophy, according to Eells. However,according to Eells, the original sense of the term "philosophy" is "love of wisdom." So it is appropriate to call the holder of the most advanced degree a lover of wisdom.

"You should truly love the discipline, not just go for the title," Dr. Joseph Romano. vice president for academic affairs, said. He pursued a Ph.D. in philosophy because he liked the subject so much and wanted to continue to study. Romano encourages Cabrini faculty to go for Ph.D.s. "It's a clear indication of professional growth and development," he said. At present, there are 24 Ph.D's and four Ph.D candidates in the faculty and administration. In psychology, the degree most likely recognized is the Ph.D., according to Anthony Tomasco, Cairperson, psychology. It is the "union card," he said. Another reason he decided to get a Ph.D. is that he thought ofit as unfinished business. The Ph.D. program, according to Prior, emphasizes depth of knowledge and cultivation of the tools of mind which allow students to go beyond what they have learned and exercise independence in the understanding of their chosen area of knowledge. Much history and tradition surrounds this program of higher education. According to Lowrie Daly, author of "The Medieval University," the most difficult and important doctorate in the age of medieval universities was theology. In the 13th century, the doctorate course lasted 12 years or more and the doctor had to be 35 years old. In the mid 1300's, a complete course seems to extend over a period of 16 years. There were not a large number of theologians who possessed the theological doctorate, according to Daly.

with the minimum form being In colonial America, higher education was a monopoly of microfilm. The number of vears to comchurch groups, which was a British tradition, according to David . plete a Ph.D. today ~aries dependLockmiller, author of"Scholars on ing on the individual and the institution. It is not possible, Parade." The majority of early according to Prior, to predict in graduates entered into the minisadvance just how long the try. There was little or no training research will take, what unexin applied sciences, modern social pected difficulties will arise and studies or modern languages. just how much time will be needed to organize and write up the results.

'I did not haveto do an oral defense.Thank heavens!' -Mance Bezdek, professor,Englishand - communications

A large number of Ph.D. candidates interrupt their program of study, often because of financial reasons, according to Prior. Tomasco recommends, however, getting into the program and finishing it. "The best way to do a Ph.D. or doctoral program is to do it on a full-time basis," he said. "The student should devote his life to his studies and in the long run it will make up for lost income."

The Ph.D. was first provided as an earned research degree in the United States at Yale University in 1860, according to Eells. At that 'lbmasco encourages students time, it required two years of work to further their education but not beyond the baccalaureate. This part time. "Don't do it the way I soon increased to three and fre- . did," he said. quently requires longer. Tomasco was a professor at It wasn't until the close of the Cabrini while he was a part-time 19th century that a fairly uniform student. The process of receiving agreement was reached in the his Ph.D. in educational psycholacademic world as to the require- ogy lasted 10 years. men ts. The conditions estabThe dissertation took the most lished, according to Eells, were time and was the most difficult that of a year of residence, a com- part of the program, he said. Putprehensive exam and a ting people together to sponsor dissertation. the dissertation is necessary to According to Lockmiller, a resi- complete the program. "They cerdence includes required courses tify that you demonstrate you can and a reading knowledge of two do scholarly research," Tomasco foreign languages. The compre- said. "The candidate has to conhensives involve written and oral vince the committee that the exams. The written dissertation research is worthwhile and is intended to make an original meaningful." contribution to knowledge and According to James Hedtke, must be defended. Ph.D. candidate in political sciAccording to Romano, all dis- ence, "Ph.D." stands for persertations must be published, severance, hardwork and determi-

Myer-Briggs results:

Personalitytypes tested

Hedtke has completed his written comprehensives in three fields. ''The instructor could ask any question in the field," he said. "At that point, you know so much you can dance around the questions pretty easily." Oral comprehensives were more difficult for him. "Orals are tough," he said. Acccrding to Hedtke, the committee of four people can ask anything, even questions out of the field. "It's an inquisition, is what it is," he said. According to Hedtke, the purpose of this is to see if the candidate can think on his feet. "It's kind of an intimidating experience," he said.

'Youshouldtruly love the discipline,notjust go for the title.' -Dr. Joseph Romano,vice presidentfor academic affairs The most difficult part of getting a Ph.D. for Marice Bezdek, professor, English and communications, was a lack of direction on the thesis for her dissertation. "I had to be totally self-directed," she said. The oral defense wasn't part f the procedure at that time, when she was getting her Ph.D. in medieval literature at the University of Pennsylvania. "I did not have to do an oral defense. Thank heavens!" she said.

Shedding¡poundsthe ¡safeway

by John Dunleavy

byliz Files

Among your friends, are you one of the last to hear what is going on or are you full of news about everybody? This was just one of the 126 questions posed to Cabrini full-time faculty members and a representative student body in the Myer-Briggs personality type test taken during the fall. The results of the testing suggested that a broad number of both Cabrini faculty and students have conflicting personality traits in four main areas. Faculty members tended to be organized and logical actors with introverted contemplative personalities. They saw themselves as theoretical and abstract thinker~ who were judgmental, deadline-oriented evaluators. In contrast, students tended to be emotional, sensitive actors with extroverted, forthright personalities. They saw themselves as concrete and practical thinkers who were spontaneous and ambiguous evaluators. In Januarr, Dr. Jolyon Girard, c~a!rperson, history and political science, led a faculty workshop with the purpose ofreceivmg feedback from the Meyer-Briggs results.

With spring and summer quickly approaching, many students and professors are trying to shed those few extra pounds for those warm months ahead. What procedures are they using and are these procedures necessarily safe? "Cutting calories is the safest and most effective way to lose weight," Mary Mulligan, RN, college nurse, said. "Most students will not eat the amount they should. They'll lose the weight fast but they'll gain it right back." Some students watch their weight all year long so they don't have to worry about shedding pounds fast before summer. "The way that I keep my weight down is by watching my diet and exercising. It's a matter of common sense about nutrition," Chris Trakes, sophomore, said.

In response to the faculty personality representing the best style for the formal educational environment, one third agreed, another third disagreed, and another third were neutral. As far as the student personality representing the best style for the formal educational environment, 60 percent disagreed, 20 percent agreed and 20 percent were neutral. The greatest amount of approval was for a compromise approach to teaching and student personalities in the learning environment. 80 percent were in favor while only 20 percent disapproved. Dwayne Monroe, sophomore, was in agreement with the vast majority of the faculty. "I think that compromise posture seems most logical," he said, "because if the school remains rigid, they'll be lost through the cracks. If they're too flexible nothing will be accomplished." ' In February, a second workshop was held. According to Dr. Anthony Tomasco, chairperson, psychology department, these workshops weren't necessarily an attempt to bridge the gap between varying personality types of students and teachers. "They were to provide an understanding of different perspectives of teachers and students, not to change the style," Tomasco said. Gir'.1rd_t~inks that l,~arning i~ b~se~ ~undamentally on communication and that personality is irrelavent. Personahty isn t important because it doesn't seem to have many implications in class," he said. Fu'.thermore, he thin~s that l~arnin~ difficulties arise when the communicating process 1s impeded. Accordmg to Gira'.d, ideally, teachers should teach clearly and fairly, have a firm knowledge of the matenal, and be able to communicate it with enthusiasm. At the same time, he said that students should have some kind of background of formal education, be intellectually curious, and put forth the effort and willingness to devote time t~ analyze the material that has been presented in class.

nation. Hedtke can be called an "Ab.D." This means he has completed "all but the dissertation."

Trakes said she. follows a balanced diet and eats everything in moderation. She finds that these methods are usually successful. Even the men are conscious about what they eat and their apperances. Chris Francis, junior, runs cross country in the summer and in the fall. "I run between 30-50 miles a week. It keeps me in good shape and I'm able to eat more that way," he said. Francis has a different kind of weight problem than most people. "I spend most of my time trying to gain weight, instead of losing it. It's especially hard to gain weight when I'm running cross country." Professors are just as weight conscious as students, especially during those warm months. James Hedtke, professor, political science, loses weight naturally when the weather gels warmer. "When it gets

warmer my appetite usually decreases. I eat mostly fruits and vegtables during this time," he said. Hedtke feels exercise is very important. "During the summer I play volleyball two to five hours a day, four to seven days a week. It gets rid of my frustrations and makes my mind clear," he said. Rob Yackel, junior, worries more about his health than his weight. "I have a very high metabolism that hasn't slowed down." he said. "Most of the reason is because the amount of exercise I do."

'I spend most of my time trying to gain weight instead of losingit. It'sespecially hardto gain weightwhen I'm runningcross country.' -Chris Francis,junior Yackel runs three to five miles everyday and bike rides 25 miles daily. Mulligan thinks there are many students who worry more about losing weight than about their health. "To lose weight the safe way, you should lose no more then two pounds a week,"she said. Mulligan said that most of the problem stems from the media and America's obsession with being thin. "Girls will see the thin models on television and think that's how you're suppose to look to be accepted in today's society. If you lose weight the nght way, you will not only look better, but you will also foe! better about yourself," she said.


loquitur - friday,march27, 1987


The cut-cornerway to making Conqueringthe written the grade -



word by Yvette Ousley

Imagine going into a restaurant and ordering chicken every single time because you ~an't read the menu, or imagine never travelling because yo can't read the signs in a bus or train station. Ir.1agine the threat that illiterate individuals may be to themselves and to their childrn :iecause they cannot read the labels on household items like dish detergent, poisons and medicines. Imagine the fear ... Illiteracy has only been acknowledged as a problem and dealt with in the United States in the past several years. But despite avid efforts on the local, state and national levels to make the nation's illiterate literate, the number of men and women who are unable to read and· write escalates each year due to a high drop out rate and poverty level. A test administered nationally by the armed services in 1980 indicated that 4.5 million adults, between the ages of18 and 23 years old, were reading below a seventh grade level. Of those, 1.5 million, blacks and Hispanics were reading below a fifth grade level. It was estimated that 2.3 million adults would join the pool of illiterate adults each succeeding year. The Center for Literacy, one of the many organizations that help beginning and low level readers learn to read, is the oldest and one of the largest of its kind in the Philadelphia area. At present, the CFL serves 1000 people_per year with the help ofover 400 volunteers. "The students come from every neighborhood, every socioeconomic background and every race," Richard Wells, director, public affairs, CFL, said. Wells added that in the areas of greater poverty, the levels of illiteracy tended to be higher. On a state level, out of over 3 million who qualify, 30,000 individuals are served each year by the various programs that exist to aid ip teaching basic skills including: reading, math and communications to adults. However, the drop-out rate among school age youth is also 30,000 individuals per year. As a result the problem of illiteracy is a recurring one and adults find it harder to function in society. · "What happens is, the level of education needed to function effectively becomes higher and higher each year," Meredyth Leahy, director of continuing education, said. "Twenty to 30 years ago a person could drop out of school and work in a mill all of his life and never need to know how to read," she said. "But today such jobs are disappearing and , employment is becoming more and more sophisticated." · Leahy, who also works with the state department adult education task force noted that it is somewhat of a paradox, that this country places so little value on providing quality education for adults who missed out the first time around. "A child who comes from a family where learning is encouraged and valued stands a greater chance of starting school with self-confidence and a positive self-image," she said. "This is not so for a child who comes from a family where little or no importance is placed on education." "We find that many of the students who come to our program, have been labeled as slow or retarded during their elementary school years," Wells said. ''As a result they begin to think that they're slow learners and fall behind in their reading when all they really needed was a little individual attention." At present, retention programs, programs aimed at keeping youth in school, are going into effect. The hope is that if the young people stay in school long enough to receive a diploma, then maybe they can find jobs after graduation and contribute to society in some way as opposed to getting on welfare or resorting to theft etc., in order to support themselves. The retention programs try to work around family problems that children may be having, such as teen pregnancy, etc. Outside of retention programs, Leahy said that she thinks the drop-out rate and, in turn, the growing number of lliterate adults can be reduced with growing public awareness of the tremendous impact adult illiteracy has on cost related to productivity, welfare education and crime. "The··educated have to recognize that the problem of illiteracy among adults effects all of us," she said. · Anyone interested in becoming a tutor or a student with CFL may contact the organization at 215-382-3700 · There is also a small center in Wayne, Norristown, and \\est Chester, Pa.

by Anne Fahy Why should Steve attend class every day? He has the notes and a copy of the tests, given to him by a friend who took the course last year. He'd rather be playing basketball, sleeping or watching General Hospital. "If I can get an A or a B on the tests anyway," he said, "why should I go? It's the GPA we're all going after, right?" Steve is the alias of one student at Cabrini who, paying about eight thousand dollars a year, attends class about four or five times a semester-to get the syllabus, to take the mid-term, the final exam and maybe two other classes when he "feels like going." The money does not bother Steve. He said he has "never thought about it that way." Steve is not alone. There are many "Steves" here at Cabrini, (not to be discriminating, "Steve" can be replaced with "Mary" or "Jane" and can be found on any campus in the country.) Is Steve bluffing his way through college? Or, as he said, if his grades are not effected, why should he go?" Is the grade point average of a student the bottom line in determining what he has learned in college or how well he has learned?

COLLEGE AND LEARNING . In the age of"Yuppiedom," of getting the biggest and best sooner than the rest, it is often the bottom line and the most direct route to get there that takes priority. If a high GPA gets the job, that is the bottom line. And if one can get a high GPA without going to class, then why should one go? All is well. Steve got a B + in history last semester. He went to five classes. He said, "My phone rings the night before a test more than it does all semester with people who also cut classes asking for a copy of my notes." What effect will this emerging pattern have on future career requirements? In 'life before college' there were the rules of parents and teachers to abide by, usually resulting in repercussions if neglected or broken. Demerits were given in high school for cutting classes and social life took a dive if parents found out that their kids were skipping classes. In establishing one's own standards in college and methods of approaching the

requirements of the school, a foundation is built upon which one moves into career responsibilities. Steve said, "I will always find a shortcut." He said he finds nothing wrong with "cutting corners" and that he will probably continue it in his career. The practice of cutting classes, for Steve is confined to general education require~ ments. He doesn't feel that they are relevant to his major. He admits he is "bluffing my way through certain GER's," but said that it will not have future impairment on his career since he does not cut his major subjects that often. Maybe Steve should have gone to trade school. The philosophy of the liberally educated student incorporates the understanding that all courses are relevant, forming a coherent whole, beneficial to any field of study. Dr. Carter Craigie, professor of English and communications, whose syllabus states that class attendance and participation constitutes 50 percent of a grade, said "If a student cuts a GER, maybe colleg~ isn't for him." Does the responsibility fall only on the student or is the professor who allows poor class attendance and still gives a B + partially to blame? Craigie thinks both are responsibile.


"If a student cuts GER classes, I would ,ay that the teacher isn't very good, isn't very stimulating. But," he said, "it is the student in the end who loses." Steve also thinks it is the responsibility of both student and teacher. If he knows a teacher is demanding he will meet their requirements. "I would never cut an Arthur Young class or one of Mrs. Mapes' classes," he said. But he tries to take classes with the "good" teachers that friends who have graduated have told him about. (In thfs reference, a good teacher is one who allows cuts without effecting grades.) "In one ofmy GER's this semester," Steve said, "I've gone three times. I just got a test back with a 90. Why should I go more often, to get 100?" If it is indeed only the GPA Steve's striving for, than he is doing all right. His B- average is a pleasant compromise to sitting through triple the number of classes for an A. ·

MARCH 1987


Educationextendsbeyond classroom .



by Brian Feeley

For some students, studying in suburban Radnor, Pennsylvania is just not as exciting and as stimulating as studying in Paris or London or Madrid. So, in order to gain that excitement and stimulation, they study abroad. Sue McKernan, senior, political science and economics major, had the chance to spend the fall semester in London, where she carried 15 credits in a program based out of the University of Wisconsin. Keeping up with the news was a big part of the education system in Europe and meant reading a total of four papers a day for McKernan. "I had a time slot reserved at the Library where I would read the papers," she said. Being away from the states gives someone a whole new understanding of the world. "It was the best experience ofmy entire life," McKernan said. McKernan and 700 other Americans in the program studied in the heart of London where everyday routines became a learning experience. "Unlike the topics of discussion at a Cabrini lunch table," McKernan said, "you have to keep up with the world news and political policies in order to converse." Virginia Smith, senior, English and Communications and Spanish major, found much of the same where she studied abroad. Studying abroad 1.soffered to any student provided they meet certain requirements of their particular progr81:"-·. For McKernan and Smith, the arrangement was made through the college so that credits could be transferred. According to both, the experience was a learning one, academically and socially. Smith spent her fall semester in Spain acquainting herself with the language of her major. "I accomplished in one semester what would normally would take two vears here at Cabrini," she said. · "In Europe things are so close," McKernan said. "I had a friend who spent an afternoon in Paris shopping. I was fortunate to spend time in Russia, Germany, France and many other places." Fbr both McKernan and Smith, the education stretched further than just their courses. Socially they had experienced a whole new way oflife. "Not only did I meet the people of England, but I also got to know students from every part of the United States," McKernan said.


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loquitur- friday,march 27, 1987




Takinga 'stepabovethe rest' in learning by Stephanie Giardini

Youare a college student working toward your undergraduate degree. Once you get that bachelors degree, does it really stop there? Did you ever think about futhering your degree in graduate school? Many seniors this year here at Cabrini have plans to enter graduate school either immediately or sometime after graduation.

McKernan is a history major and plans to get a Ph.D. in history. "I plan to go into the international arena," McKernan said. "I cannot do that with an undergraduate degree." McKernan begins her graduate studies in January, 1988. Due primarily to finances, she is taking the fall semester off. "Graduate schools are very expensive," she said. "The cheapest grad school I applied to is $3000 for nine credits. The most expensive one is $8000 for nine credits."


For many college students, graduate school is a reality that they never thought they would need before. With more people graduating from college, however, students are finding themselves in need of graduate degrees in order to enhance their career possibilities. According to Donna Seckar, director of career counseling, many students go on to graduate school to further their education and to advance themselves in career opportunities. "Students go to graduate school because their major requires them to pursue a higher degree," Seckar said. "Because of their career choice, they need to furthur their degree." Sue McKernan, senior, is one of those students who is planning on entering graduate school.

'Do not limityourselfto what societydictatesas profitable. Strivefor your own enjoymentin a career.' -Beverly Reilly,director, campus ministry McKernan thinks that students considering graduate school should not only look at the name of the school, but should focus on the department they will be working with as well.

Seckar agrees with the importance of choosing the right graduate schools to suit a students needs. "It is important to think about what you need," she said.

Studentleadersfeel burnout by Brian Feeley

Last August the leaders of the campus assembled in Maryland for leadership camp. Leadership camp is designed to strengthen the leadership qualities of those who hold leadership roles during the school year.


For some students, however, retaining that leadership role Tor the entire scholastic year can become over burdening. It is then that the symptoms of "leadership burnout" are most evident. Michele Iatesta has been the president of her class for four years. She now finds, in her senior year, that the burdens of that position are finally catching up with her.

'I believethat a system shouldbe enforcedwhere studentsin leadershiproles be limitedto a two year term of office. This would cut downon burnoutand it wouldalso keep a continual cycleof new studentsin leadership positions. -Michelle latesta,senior, presidentseniorclass

"I am experiencing extreme senior burnout," Iatesta said. "Our class came in with such a force and became immediately involved, giving 110 percent, that now it's like overkiil." At this time last year, student officers for the executive board of the Student Government Association had already been nominated. This ;ear, on the other hand, there are more vacancies than filled positions and no nominations have taken place.

Sekar also suggests compiling a list of colleges through reviewing their catalogs in order to get a head start before the graduate school entrance exams. Beverly Reilly, director, campus ministry, is currently attending graduate school. She received her undergraduate degree in secondary education in 1983 and her masters in education in 1985 both from Villanova University. At present, Reilly is enrolled part-time at Widner University, working toward her doctorate degree in education. "What I want is not getting the doctorate but working toward the doctorate," Reilly said. "It gives me credibility in my field," she added. Reilly thinks that a college education is a necessity and that graduate school gives that student a step above the rest. It brings a person higher than the rest. Freshmen, in her opinion, should not worry about graduate school uness their major already requires it. They should concentrate on the four years of college and wait till their junior year to think about it. To those who do not know what they are planning to get into, Reilly said, "Do not limit yourself to what society dictates as profitable. Strive for your own enjoyment in a career."

Some college students decide to work before they decide to enter graduate school. This has the advantage of raising the

finances for their education and the disadvantage of the extended time. Barbara Pi cciotti, senior, is one of those students who is going to work before she continues her education. Her major is human services management. "I am interested in graduate school but not right after undergraduate school," Pi cciotti said. "I feel I need experience before I go into a good school." She also pointed out that some corporations pay for their employees continuing education. This, to Pi cciotti, is a great advantage.

'I plan to go into the internationalarena:I cannot do that with an undergraduatedegree.' -Sue McKernan,senior This working period also gives her time to decide whether she wants to receive her masters in psychology or in business administration. Not every students knows whether he or she might go to graduate school. To those students, especially freshmen and sophomores, Seckar advises looking into the fields they are considering. ''They should check on the requirements of the field of study," she said, "consider them and see if it is feasable."

Fillingthe gap between parentsand students by Kathleen McCabe

The stereotypical view of a college student is beer in one hand, book in the other and "Louie, Louie" blaring in the background. Or is it? Numerous misconceptions cloud the view of"college life," especially in the gap between parent and the first generation college student in the family. One reason for this gap is the fact that students do not tell their parents everything about college life. They leave out some aspects that they think will upset or anger their parents, such as parties and cutting classes. ¡ Doreen Miller, freshman, shares a lot of the college experience with her mother, but does admit to distorting the facts a little. "My mother is very interested in my classes and friends. I share a lot with her byt some things I leave out," she said. "I say 'Moro there's a party-they're having kool-aid and pretzels.' I've learned the fine art of censorship." Are we to suppose that parents are completely in the dark about college life and live under the impression that "Animal House" is real? Perhaps, but, many students do tell their parents the good and the bad sides of college life, and many understand. Brian Feeley, senior, said, "They (parents) understand because it's the same time period 'Most e veryone¡whoholdsa that they went through, adolescence, young adulthood, just in a different setting." Some parents try to push their children into fields that they feel are suited to them or positionis a senior.We because their parents are in that business. Kathleen Connelly, mother of Cabrini alumnus, said, "Youcan only recommend. If you shouldhaveforeseenthe push too hard, they (students) don't listen to you and end up making a bigger mistake. problembeforeit reached You have to give them all the choices and hope for the best." Elizabeth Hogan, also mother of Cabrini students, said, "You have to teach your child this level.' how to decide, not make the decision for them.'' -Mark Murray,senior Joe Marley, freshman, is given freedom by his parents in respect to his career. "My father wants me to choose my own direction in life, not necessarily follow in his footsteps," Marley said. ¡ More parents, especially mothers, are encouraging their daughters to go to college, because they didn't have the chance. They, in essence, don't want them to follow in their "Most everyone who holds a position is a senior," Mark Murray, senior, said. "We footsteps. Miller said, "My mother was very supportive of my sister and me going to college should have foreseen the problem before it because she wanted to go so badly. Her mother convinced her to get married instead. reached this level." Women in college simply wasn't heard of then." Students, after attending college, sometimes view their parents differently and their relationship changes. This is due to the fact that their interests change and that they feel that they are smarter than their parents and know it all. They feel that their parents When a particular group (in this case the couldn't possibly understand, because they have taken a different, better direction in life, senior class) carries the responsibility for Arthur Young, assistant professor, English and communications, points out, however, the entire campus over such a period of that their knowledge is just different. time, it becomes increasingly easier for "As you get older, you share the knowledge more," he said. "For example, I know about those not involved to stay that way. Shakespeare and my father knows about engines. I'd much rather have my father with me if my car broke down. His knowledge is just more practical.'' The sacrifices that parents make, as well a going unappreciated, sometimes make students feel uncomfortable and too dependent. Dan Kane,junior, is now working to pay for his tuition in order to avoid this feeling. "I used to feel so guilty taking $30 a week from my parents," Kane said. "I needed to feel "I think it's a shame that the same people have to do everything and that others independent and on my own." aren't holding up to their responsibilities," In Young's family, education was stressed as "a way to get ahead." "Yourealize how much they sacrificed for you to do something that they couldn't, due to Kathy Funk, junior, vice president, S.G.A, said. circumstances beyond their control," Young said. On the whole, parents do realize the need for their sons and daughters to go to college, whereas in their day they didn't have to. In today's society, there is little opportunity for people to be a imccess without a college education. "I believe that a system should be The father of Dr. Carter Craigie, professor of English and communications, was virenforced where students in leadership tually a self-made man. He didn't graduate high school but taught himself and became a roles be limited to a two year term of office," success. Iatesta said. ''This would cut down on burn"My father was always a supporter," Craigie said. "He knew that experience was the out and it would also keep a continual cycle way for him to succeed in his time and formal education was the way for me to succeed in of new students in leadership positions." mine.''

With an executive board comprised of six seniors and two juniors, there leaves a lot of seats to be filled. "I believe a lot of the burnout that people are experiencing resulted from leadership camp," Dan Kane,junior, said. "I left with a feeling of disgust and bewilderment." Kane was not the only one who felt unsettled about leadership camp. "Leadership camp was not a bonding atmosphere as it had been in the past," Iatesta said. ''That unity has to be present in order to carry through the year."


loquitur - friday,march27, 1987



Studentsho_nored at ceremony '



Alpha Sigma Lambda, the continuing education honor society, welcomed members into its Cabrini chapter last Friday night, March 20 at the annual Spring convocation. (photo by Chris Corcoran) The Cabrini College Honor Society Additional juniors are Marie Lis, Kimby Kate Welsh inducted 28 new members this semester: berly Lowry,Elizabeth Mahoney, Christine At 10:00 Friday night, March 20, Spring Rita Armstrong, Leah Cascarina, Theresa Mason, Lisa Mason, Megan McHale, Ciarlante, Theresa Daly, Nina Dolce, Paul Joanne McKenna, Barbara Mock, Lisa officially bloomed on campus and around the world. With the start of Spring also Engel, Kathleen Gamble, Nancy Giloley, Mummert, Deborah Murphy, Michael came Cabrini's annual Si:. .. Convoca- Denise Hee, Karen Holcombe, Andree Murphy, Nancy Murphy, Yvette Ousley, tion. '!\vice a year, those studena~ ¡lio have Jost, Lisa Kantor, Judith Krajnak, Mar- Monica Palko, Maria Pastino, Jeanne received Dean's List, awards, or .,,chol- garet McKay, Karen O'Connor, Cara Reineberg, Dorene Shirley, Sharon Sides, O'Donnell, Yvette Ousley, Terrie Pancio, Maria Stellabotte, Lauriann Tomaszeski, arships are honored in front of friends, parMichele Pasquarello, Denise Penn, Linda Maria Watson, Kathleen Welsh, and ents, faculty and administration for their Deanna Zulli. accomplishments. Posse, Beth Pupkiewicz, Johanna Rebarchak, Paola Riccione, Rosanne Although Convocation is most well Rossello, Christine Schlindwein, Julie known for honoring Dean's List recipients There were 42 sophomores honored for and those students who received Who's Sledzeski, and Katherine Stefantos. Dean's List. They were Mary Beckett, Who, there were many other awards given Audra Bowman, Sarah Burke, Gina out. Eighty students were inducted into Catinella, Gail Crawford, Catherine Curnine different honor societies this Fourteen seniors were chosen to be a rie, Theresa Daly, Timothy Donovan, semester. part of the distinguished group of Who's Annamarie Fahy, Susan Flynn, Jeanne Who Among Students in American Col- Furia, Jacqueline Gill, Donna Grasso, . Alpha Sigma Lambda, the continuing le~s and Universities. They are Donna Robin Herd, Karen Holcombe, Rachel education honor society, welcomed Blyskal, Amy Capozucca, Joseph Guiffre, Abboud, Carol Irwin, Andree Jost, Lisa Donatella DeMarco, Carole Duran, Mary Mary Kate Grimley, Michelle latesta, Kantor, Judith Krajnak, Jacqueline Kueny, Jill Lehman, Marguerite Lucas, Hoy,John Houget, Donna Li, Chris Moran Patricia Lee, Julia Malik, Patrick Kathleen McCabe, Mary McGill, Karen and Timothy Skolka into its honor society. McKenna, Teresa McNulty, John Meenan, O'Connor, Terrie Pancio, Donna Perri, The following students were inducted into Lisa Nolan, Peter Rudegeair, Virginia Delta Epsilon Sigma, the National Honor Smith, and Theresa Tabasso. Suzanne Pleier, Ellen Procaccino, Beth Pupkiewicz, Patricia Renzetti, Rosanne Society: Donna Angelucci, Ruth Brown, Rossello, Christine Schlindwein, Julie Leah Cascarina, Nancy Giloley, Michele Sledzeski, Cassandra Smith, Edward SpinDahl, Jeanine Johnston, Carole Kirchner, Dean's List certificates were granted to elli, Katherine Stefanatos, James Steffler, Elizabeth Mahoney, Jeanne Reineberg, those students who received a grade-point Lisa Turner, Theresa Wilk, and Paul Zulli. and Peter Rudegeair. average of3.5 or above for the fall semester, Lambda Iota Tau, the literature honor 1986. There were 56 seniors who received society, inducted the following students: Sixteen freshmen received Dean's List, Dean's List. They include Diana Adelizzi, Jean Cotignola, Mary Kate Grimley, and Trina Alyankian, Donna Blyskal, Angela representing nine percent of the class. Virginia Smith. The following students They were Christine Camerote, Angela Bova, Ruth Brown, Paul Campanella, were inducted into Phi Alpha Theta, the Corbo, Janet Fioresi, Christine Fisher, Qonna Capone, Amy Capozucca, Karen history honor society: Dina Branco, Mar- Dawson, Annemarie DiFelice, Gia DiGimi- MaryJo Giunco, Lisa Goldberg, Sean tha Bradley, Ruth Brown, Michele Dahl, niani, Nina Dolce, Paul Engel, James Fall- McWilliams, Rosalie Mirenda, Donna Michael Edmondson, and Sharon Sides. etta, Kimberly Field, Kathleen Gamble, Myers, Sherry neusbaum, Virginia Psi Chi, the psychology honor society, Jacquelyn Gerhart, Roseann Giardina, Obrecht, Paula Phillips, Rebecca Rebalsky, welcomed Donna Angelucci, Margaret Nancy Giloley, Cynthia Goss, Mary Kate Kristin Schaller, Chr-istine Sciallo, and Federico, Marie Lis, Karen O'Connor, Lau- Grimley and Kathleen Hasson. Maria Trabocco. riann Tomaszeski, Cynthia Weiss, Eileen Zebrowski, Carolyn Duckworth, Judith Krajnak, Christine Jeffers, Quinn JenAdditional seniors include Denise Hee, ness, and Kathy Funk into its society. Donna Horsley, Michelle Iatesta, Christine The following students were inducted Jeffers, Jeffrey Kardos, Mary Kramaric, into the math and science honor society, Kimberly LaPlante, Patricia Lee, ElizSigma Zeta: Lori Boyd, Lissa Malabeth Luciano, Julia Malik, Margaret linckrodt, Deanna Zulli, Angela Bova, McKay,Teresa McNulty, Maureen Murray, Patricia Ann Torzone, Margie Lucas, Theresa Neilio, Lisa Nolan, Maryellen Megan MCHale and Joanne Curry. Theat Noonan, Cara O'Donnell, Loretta O'Fria, Alpha Kappa, the religion honor society, Annmarie O'Mara, Michele Pasquarello, welcomed one new member, Peter Denise Penn, Barbara Petracci, Linda Rudegeair. Posse, Johanna Rebarchak, Joanne Riddle, Five new members were inducted into Joanne Romano, Peter Rudegeair, Lori the Society for Collegiate journalists: Beth Rudinski, Julie Senatore, Elizabeth Bittner, Kimberly Kovach, Christy Mason, Smith, Theresa Tabasso, Leo Valentino, Cynthia Weiss, and Stephen Westhead. Monica Palko, and Trish Reilly. Forty-three juniors, representing Donna Blyskal, senior; received the Dl'll)artment of Business Administration twenty-five percent of the class, received Dean's List honors. They included Donna Award and Timothy Skalka, senior, received the Pennsylvania Institute of Cer- Angelucci, Rita Armstrong, Teresa tified Public Accountants Senior Medal. Beisser, Lori Boyd,Dina Branco, Leah CasThe Wall Street Journal Senior Award was carina, Theresa Ciarlante, Joanne Curry, granted to Paul Campanella, and Timothy Michele Dahl, Rosina DiPrinzio, John Flanagan, senior, and Jeanine Johnston, Donahue, Carolyn Duckworth, Mary senior, were granted the Society for the Fenerty, Kathy Funk, Brian Gillooly, Advancement of Management Schol- Daphne Grabowski, Kathy Hibbard, arship. Kathleen Fasciocco, junior, was ,Kathy Hilden, Carolyn Hurley, and Quinn Jenness. named as the Scarboro Scholar.


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loquitur- friday,march 27, 1987

Censorship placesrestraints oneducation by Jim Steffler

Censorship is defined by Sigmund Freud as "the psychological force which represses ideas, impulses, and feelings and prevents them from entering consciousness in their original form." COLLEGE AND LEARNING

Dorothy Broderick, censorship authority, bolds that censors are not simply protecting themselves, but are set on promulgating their own ideology to the exclusion of others. Broderick sees censorship as "a conflict between those people who perceive morality only as a series of'shoulds' and 'oughts' that can be taught at home, in the school, and in the church by preaching and repetition, and those people who perceive morality as a set of values internalized by the individual through the processes of acquiring knowledge and making and defending decisions." According to Broderick, if parents are to bring up their children "in the marketplace of ideas," all ideas must be available, even those surrounding controversial issues like children and sexuality and children and violence. "People are afraid that if you expose students to other value systems or other belief systems that it will warp what some people see as the universal values we all should hold," Dr. Arthur Young, assistant professor, English/communications, said. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a classic among contemporary American literature, has been under fire recently in different parts of the United States. Much of this stems from objectors in the south who contend that the character Jim, who is frequently referred to as a "nigger," is depicted as an "Uncle Tom" figure. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People believes that the book presents a demeaning picture of black people. Dr. Marice Bezdek, professor, English/communications, teaches Huckleberry Finn in her English Honors 300 course, Mark Twain and the American Dream. According to Bezdek, though Jim did bow and scrape to whites, he had to for his own survival.

The morewe can make peopleawareof different . valuesystemsit will eitherdefine,expand,or develop our own value systems.' -Dr. Arthur Young,assistantprofessor,English/ communications "In order to preserve the free exchange of ideas, it's necessary to put up with other beliefs even if that means the word "nigger" or explicit sexual scenes," Bezdek said. Young points to the crucial fact that the book must be placed in its cultural setting because we cannot deny that we had a slave system in our history. In addition there are certain passages where Jim does stand and assert himself over the white man.

"The more we can make people aware of different value systems it will either define, expand, or develop our own value systems," Young said. In the state of Alabama, U.S. District Judge Brevard Hand has ruled in favor of 624 parents who attacked textbooks that they believe unconstitutionally support the "religion" of secular humanism. Ultra-conserative groups maintain that "secular humanism" is, in fact, a religious belief that places man above God. Their argument is that since secular humanism is a "religion" and public schools are prohibited by the Constitution from teaching its principles, then textbooks which appear to support the "religion" of secular humanism should be prohibited in public schools. According to William Kuhns, assistant professor, education, Hand ruled that because the plaintiffs (parents) couldn't find an acceptable reading textbook series, the plaintiffs children should be excused from reading instruction classes and be allowed to go to study hall.


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Mark Twain is only one oft e authors to be censored. (photo by Denise Hurley) Hand further ruled that it was the parent's responsibility to find acceptable reading material. "The plaintiffs felt that if religion was banned then secular humanism should be banned also because the absence of a religion is a religion," Kuhns said. The ruling has caused thousands of classroom teachers in Alabama to reorganize their curriculums eliminating many controversial texts. The ultra-conserative groups, according to the National Edlieation Association, had attacked one home economics book, Contemporary Living, for encouraging adolescents to think for themselves instead of teaching students to rely on absolute, God-given values. Hand banned the book. The protection of children is frequently cited as the reason for this suppression and exclusion. Policemen have protested their image in the Caldecott winning children's book, Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, by raising a furor for portraying policemen as pigs. Michael Farris of the Moral Majority, Inc., recommends that librarians be sensitive in the area of children's materials in a different way than they're sensitive to adult materials. · "I do not think that a totally open-shelf policy is the best answer here when it comes to children, especially children and sexuality, children and violence, and of things of that nature," Farris said.

Collegestudentsuninformed. by Kimberly Kovach

It's noon during an ordinary weekday. The 11:10 classes are beginning to wind down, the cafeteria is filling with students, faculty and administrators, and the news is broadcasting over television screens ... but who is tuning in?


"There are not as many informed students as I would like to see. I know a lot of students don't take a part or local news,"_ Dr. Carter Craigie, professor, English and communications said. "Other things are more important to students at this time in their life "he continued. ' "I never really watch television at all. The only time I watch the news is when I go home from school. There are too many things to do wheri I'm on campus," Bonnie Caruso, sophomore, said.

This is the life in the fast lane - it's the 80's and students have a lot to do. Places to go and people to see they say, but it seems that there is never enough time or else nothing seems easy enough for anyone. Many people have an excuse for not watching the news or reading about it. According to one student, she finds a newspaper too much of a bother. "My arms seem too short to hold up the entire newspaper," junior, female said. "I hate it because the paper gets all messy and it falls all over the place. The only time I read the paper is when I have enough room to lay it down on the floor, I watch the news every night though." "I really wish I did watch the news more," Michelle Iatesta, senior, said. ''Watching the news just every once in a while makes you feel like you're coming in during the middle of it. You don't know the whole story because you didn't watch the news the night before. I read news magazines like Time when I get a chance to."

Many classes at Cabrini, such as history, business, and communications, require that students subscribe to Time or Newsweek magazines, or to the Christian Science Monitor or The Wall Street Journal. The faculty encourages students to read, yet some students need more than encouragement, they may need to understand the reasons why they should know what is going on in the world. "Students are not immediate enough. They can't see how news affects their lives," Craigie said. "An informed student becomes a more interesting person, a thinking person. When you can become informative, that's a reward within itself." "I don't really have time for newspapers but I always find a way to get the news," Mike Edmondson,junior, said. "I listen to KYW at least every other day, whenever I'm in the car. I read Time magazine once a week, and I watch either a local or national news program almost every night of the week."

"I don't feel that watching the news or reading the paper should be an obligation, but it is something that I enjoy doing," John Donahue, junior, said. "Some people don't feel that it is so important and I guess that's okay, but I get personal satisfaction out of knowing what is going on in the world." A great deal of people think that the news is reporting depression, which it often does, but what students must realize is that the news is real and it is going to happen everyday no matter what. "The news can be depressing but it can be relaxing to sit back and watch a half an hour of news a day. It's reality," Donahue said. "Everyone should be able to leave a half an hour a day open for the news. There's no excuse for not being aware of what's going on in the world," Edmondson said. "News is important and when students become involved in the world around them, they will be able to understand it, think it, talk about it, and "Yl"iteabout it," Craigie said.

Cheatingand relationshipsbroughtto light by Patricia A. Ruppe

It's 1987 and there's a growing surge of those individuals with the noncommittal attitude towards relationships. The television shows the viewer an array of married couples who cheat on one another and they're always the casanovas who carouse and use their supposed partners as a means to an end.· What are the rules that we are playing by? Are we growing more or less committal? Is the media giving the masses a true report on the social situation in America? What does the youth of this country think of relationships?

Students at Cabrini seem to be the exception to the rule. Though not all students agree with the idea of commitment, they do seem to have an attitude ofrespect concerning seemingly permanent relationships. "I don't agree with any kind of dishonesty in a relationship," Maria Watson,junior, said. "If you want to see other people then you should tell one an other about it," Watson said. There is an old cliche which states that ignorance is bliss but students seem to disagree. "Youreally wouldn't want to be played for a fool," Anthony Ranoia, junior, said. "It would

really depend on the depth of the relationship," Ranoia said. Anthony Talotta, sophomore, said that though he was very possessive, he would prefer honesty to a lie. Some students on the other hand, would prefer to be exempt from such knowledge. "I wouldn't want to know. I would kill him," Lisa Goldberg, freshman, said. Although Billy Joel, popular rock musician sings "honesty is such a lonely word and everyone is so untrue," most students agree that they would much prefer honesty in a relationship as opposed to being lied to.

The consensus of students is quite apparently against the act of cheating and thus dishonesty, but what if it happened to you?

'lf it werejust a phase I think I could "I would feel like the person had understandbecause no respect for me or the feelings we shared," Lisa Rancatore, some peopledo it to junior, said. "I would try to undertest their feelingsbut stand if not forgive but it gu1;:s to respect and whether you some peoplenever back would not want the same considlearn from their eration," Rancatore said. mistakeseither.' ."If it were just a phase I think I could because some -Anthony Ranoia, people understand do it to test their feelings junior but some people never learn from


their mistakes said.

either," Ranoia

loquitur- friday,march27, 1987




Fallingshortin reality by Kathleen McCabe

Jonathan Switcher is an aspiring artist. In one of his previous brief jobs he creates a beautiful mannequin. Emmy, the mannequin is his creation, and incidentally the spirit of an ancient Egyptian princess (don't ask). They fall in love, dress beautiful store windows together, and live happily ever after. This is the simple plot of Mannequin. If the plot seems reminiscent of an old Saturday morning cartoon you once saw, don't be surprised. Ironically, the movie opens with a cartoon credit sequence by Sally Cruikshank, who also animated the credits for Ruthless People. If it had continued throughout the movie, few would have noticed. Many of the characters were too clear cut and shallow, to the point of allowing them only one course of action. This made the film pitifully predictable and void of suspense. Other than having little to work with, the actors, on the whole, gave poor performances. Andrew McCarthy, as the artist, was his usual shy guy, who can't get a 'break. However, with the help of his cute smile and charming nonchalance, he "gets (photo by Chris Corcoran), the girl" in the end.


Kim Catrall, as Emmy, acted with slightly less exhuberance than one who wins the lottery and consequently comes off as an airhead.

Estelle Getty, from Golden Girls, gives a disappointing performance as Mrs. Timkin, owner of Prince & Company (AKA John Wanamakers). Her lines seemed to lack her usual bite of sarcasm. Her style could have been used to appropriately in respect to her character, a cute little old lady turned corporate executive. There were two shining stars in this comic strip. The first was Mesach Taylor, who played Hollywood Montrose the drag queen window dresser. He comes complete with hot pink Cadillac convertible and license plate which bears the name "Bad Girl." He plays his character with energy, and unlike the others, he makes you believe. John Wanamakers made a stunning performance as Prince & Company. Philadelphians will not be disappointed in this aspect of the movie. Wanamakers got to show its stuff in a scene where Catrall hang glides through the atrium lobby. The only thing that was missing was Wanamaker's trademark, the brass e2rgie. Where'd they put it? The soundtrack of Mannequin, which included hit songs by Belinda Carlisle and Starship, is very upbeat and does compliment the movie's charm. However, unlike ''Against All Odds," you're not going to envision Catrall and McCarthy rolling around in the sporting goods department when you here Starship's "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now." Is it a love story, a comedy or a romantic comedy? I'm really not sure of the intention of the movie's writers, Edward Rugoff and Michael Gottleib. Neyerth~less, it wasn't romantic and it was far from funny - more like comical. If you've had insomnia for the last few nights and you're in need of a good dream it wouldn't be a bad movie to see. The fan~ tasy does get a little ridiculous at times but if you're tired of social statements and con, troversy, treat yourself to a night of fluff while seeing the sights of the "City of Brotherly Love."

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loquitur - friday,march27, 1987

Campusarchitecturereflectshistory Biography: by Beth Ann Bittner

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k' The buildings on the Cabrini College campus can be attributed to one man. He is Horace Trumbauer. Trumbauer was born in 1868 in the Bucks County area of Philadelphia. As a child, he demonstrated an exceptional talent in drawing. At the age of 16, Trumbauer left school to apprentice with the well-established Philadelphia architectural firm of George and William Hewitt, distinguished Philadelphia architects. Through his apprenticeship, he began to learn craftsmanship and architecture and developed an interest in Renaissance design which he would later incorporate i• into his works. Trumbauer opened his own office in 1890 at 310 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia. His earliest works were for small businesses and outbuilding designs for farms and estates. He was able to acquire a steady commission through Wendell and Smith, 'Main Line' builders and developers, by designing suburban houses. Finally, in 1893, Trumbauer was commissioned by William Welsh Harrison Jr., to design his country home, ''Grey Towers," which is now Beaver College. The design of "Grey Towers" launched Trumbauer's career and stereotyped him as an architect of the rich. Between 1890 and 1935, Trumbauer produced over 400 major commissions. Some of his works include "Woodcrest" (now the Cabrini College Mansion), "Portledge" (owned by Harcum Junior College), the Ritz Carlton Hotel and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In 1915,Trumbauer, having had no formal schooling as an architect, was given an honorary degree by Harvard University. His work was praised as "conforming successfully to the prevalent standards of educated architects." Trumbauer died in 1938. Today he is remembered as one of America's most successful and prestigious architects of the early part of this century.

by Beth Ann Bittner

"Cabrini College lies on 110 rolling acres of woodedbeauty." This statement has been used many times to describe the campus' atmosphere, but what really creates this microcosm of "wooded beauty?" The campus of Cabrini College is enhanced by the original architectural structures of its past. The Mansion,






of the courtyard is accented by a handsome gable-roofedframed by stepped buttresses, and capped by ·a half timbered gable. Impressively carved figures called grotesques accent the imposts of the cut stone voussouirs above the main entrance. These grotesques convey what was happening in the area or in the family at that time. These particular grotesques and those on the gatehouse denote a hunting theme. The porte cochere, more easily identified as a porch, opens into a small vestibule and the great entrance hall. This two- story space, surrounded by an open balcony, forms the major room of the house. This great space is capped by a Tudor plaster ceiling from which hangs a wrought iron chandelier. Leadedglass windows on the balcony and the first floor add a sparkle to the grand hall. At the east end of the house is an immense dining room paneled in oak with a decorative plaster ceiling. The center wall is dominated by a limestone fireplace embellished with a carved stone panel of a hunting scene.

, portico,




(photo by Kelvin Taylor) Grace Hall, the gatehouse and the springhouse are major works of art that were created by one of the most prestigious architects of the early twentieth century. Early in 1900, Horace Trumbauer, a Philadelphia architect, was commissioned by James W. Paul, original owner of the land, to design and build his counrty-styled residence. The estate, then known as ''Woodcrest Farms," was completed in 1902. Its 230 acres were laid out on a north-south axis, a typical turn of the century beaux-arts tradition. It then included Woodcrest Mansion, a gatehouse, a ·stable complex, greenhouses and potting sheds, tennis and squash courts, a large reservoir and a springhouse. A few renovations were made on the main structures by the Dorrance family, the estate's second owner. Later, some property was sold and the greenhouses and farm buildings torn down. The Mansion "Woodcrest", presently the Cabrini College Mansion, stands practically unchanged in its external appearance. Trumbauer fashioned the estate in 15th to 17th century late English medieval design. This historical range is intended to give the impression that the structure is evolving over time, as if one family has developed it through many generations. Bold stone walls mark the entrance into the courtyard of the mansion. It is framed on the left and right by half timbered walls joining the major block of the house from which extends the gothic entrance portico. The bulk of the building is made oflocal Conshohocken stone. The stone is laid in rough regular courses. The windows are trimmed in smooth cut limestone. The center

At the opposite end of the great entrance hall was a great paneled library which has since been subdivided into administrative offices. This renovation was accomplished without any significant damage to the original structure. A grand stairway, made of dark stained oak, climbs to the second floor. This floor is primarily occupied by bedrooms arranged in suite style. The rooms have simple wall trimmings and are accented by handsome Stuart era fires places. The rooms are connected by short passages to the balcony of the great hall entrance. Grace Hall Several hundred feet from the mansion, stands Grace Hall, formerly a stable, which contained approximately 21 stalls, a carriage house, a feed room, hay storage, tool shed and additional servants quarters. The walkway of the U-shaped building mirrors the court of the mansion with its own gable centered court. This relationship is further emphasized by the style and composition of Grace Hall. Local stone is used as a foundation and for the first story of the entrance block. Furthermore, an octagonal stair tower is located on the left of the building as is in the mansion. The two other buildings that have survived and add to the beauty of the college are the gatehouse, located at the entrance of King of Prussia Road, and the springhouse, located below the chapel. Both structures reflect the grandeur of the main buildings.

AuthoritiesclosedownCabrinihotspot by Justin Funne

Many college students live for the weekends! Ah, those weekends! Symbol of all that is good and true. Yet, such is not necessarily the case at all institutions of higher learning. In the case of Cabrini, yes that means us, students live for Tuesday nights. · Tuesday means a night at the Wayne Tavern, not that this is exclusively the only night this hot spot is frequented by tbose avid Cabrini drinkers, I mean, students. It's just that Tuesday seems to be the most popular night of the week (Weekmeaning Monday through Friday; the weekend is an entirely different story). It's mid-we~k. Well, close enough. Most Cabriniites,'who h~ve so inadvertently managed to schedule their Wednesdays free of classes, (and mom and dad thought Cabrini was closed on Wednesdays) need the n_ightoff (and the following day for recu~ration) to mellow out after a tough two days of ngorous classes (yes, George, that one class on Monday is really straining) and to brace up for the remaining two days. Yes, what would Cabrini and its illustrious students do without the Wayne? Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately (at least in the eyes of many of the faculty and administration) the Wayne will no longer be the Tuesday night hangout after April 7, 1987.

in no condition to drive. They tend to be aware of the fact that there are people living around the area of the tavern." The Tavern was also cited by separate authorities for their violation offire codes for that vicinity. Unless these regulations are met, the building will not reopen in any capacity. A number of students who frequent the bar are outraged by this new development. For seniors, it is a tradition they are sad to see die, especially since they are so close to graduation. "Now we're going to have to find a new bar for just the next two months. Kevin and Dan, and I are having a hard time deciding which of our other favorites to choose as the prime hot spot for Tuesdays," a senior, male, redhead, said. Another senior, who prefers only to be noted as Lou, is now suffering tremedous financial difficulties having put all his money into stock for the Wayne Tavern. Some of the student teachers say they really can't sympathize with them since they must give up these nights out for Wednesday's teaching stints. Many have felt rejected by the Wayne Tavern troupe who have established a certain comaraderie having spent so many Tuesdays together. "I'm almost glad. At least it will mean we (students teachers and RAs alike) won't be getting anymore phone calls in the middle of the night by drunken individuals who I'll leave nameless," a female, junior, RA, said.

"If we ~ wait until the weekend to party, so can they," a female, senior, student teacher, said. "Hey, it_doesn't matter to us. We'lljust find another hangout," a male, sophomore, who sports a silver-grey MR2, said. While the seniors are seeking a new joint, unhappy with the sudden turn of events ~eshmen tend to be indifferent to the closing. "We had Partner's Pub before this. We'li "The Wayne Tavern has been under strict observation for the past few months and has Just go back there. ~ure it's a bigger dive than the Wayne, but heck·;-wecan get in easy," a been repeatedfy found guilty of contributing to under-aged drinking," John Hawkes LCB freshman, male, said. ~epresentative, said. "We ~ave confisc_atednumerous fake I.D.'s and fined those at~mptmg to pass them off as their own. While we are certain there remain many who have got past us, the number caught is more than elf(?Ughto merit closing of the place. Weare more Rumors around campus are suggesting that the entire incident is purely a hoax than ready to take action!" • · concocted by a group of upperclassmen who are fed up with the onslaught of freshman who have begun to frequent the tavern. A trip to the Wayne after April 7, 1987 will prove So, why pick on the Wayne Tavern? this belief is pure fallacy. So, one better make his way to the Wayne ~on ifhe wants to get ~uthorities were directe? to this establishment by neighbors who complained of the in that last drink. Wayne Tavern manager, who is known to Cabriniites as Bill, was unavailable for boisterous and loud behavior of_students upan ~heir return from the popular bar. It is suspected, howeve~,that the gurlty students hail from Villanova University who have comment. However, it is doubtful he will remain unemployed for long, as he has recently applied for the position of director of resident life at Cabrini. recently begun to mfiltrate the once _Cabrini do~inated site. ' And, if you still believe all this, than you all deserve the title of April Fool! "When I was a"'.akened on~ evenin_gby ~h~ yelling and screaming around 2:30 a.m., I looked out the wmdow to discover its ongm a!ld sighte_d a large group of obviously ?runken ~tudents. _Ipresumed them to be from Villanova smce they were mostly wearing Jackets with the Villanova nameplate," Ida Green, Wayne resident, said.

As wi~h any other simi_larestablishment, the infamous liquor license is a must. Since, afte~ this date, Way~e.will no longer hav~ _sucha license, it is doubtful its patrons will continue to be Cabnru students. The decision to recind the license came yesterday and several reasons we:e cited by the Liquor Control Board.

Another Wayne resident commented, "I never had any problem with Cabrini students. In fact, I was impressed by their maturity in walking back from the tavern when they were




loquitur- fridaY,march27, 1987


Anorexiaand sports:



Eatingdisordersaffect athletes

Hoosiers scores

by Beth Ann Bittner by Patricia Brown ·

Emotion, pure and simple emotion, without the flash or ornament, is what the movie "Hoosiers" depicts. The film does not try to impress with superficial basketball scenes. It is the emotions of the people, connected in any way to high school basketball which makes "Hoosiers" stand out from the run- of-the-mill sports movie. The story depicts the emotional struggle between a man's regrets for the past and his chance to either repeat his mistakes or make amends through a second chance. This second chance takes place in a small town which, as a townsperson explains, "doesn't like change much." This man, Norman Dale, lets us know what we are in for when he says, "Welcometo Indiana basketball." Gene Hackman portrays Norm, the tough, stubborn, and willful coach of the eight member, small-town basketball team, the Hickory Huskers. "What I say when it comes to this basketball team is the law, absolutely and without discussion," Norm said. It is through such demands and determination that Norm teaches the team and the town. "There's more to the game than shooting; there's fundamentals and defense," Norm demands. This is what "Hoosiers" emphasizes. Basketball is more than entertainment and so is the film. There are lessons to be learned through the psychological development of the characters. The characters develop as the writers, ''break 'em down and build 'em back up." The film is simply about people and what the game of basketball means to each of them. The characters are real people with real emotins and problems. This brings about many man-toman confrontations, but the writers and actors portray the strong emotions without fouling or going out-of-bounds. The predictability of the David and Goliathtype story is a technical foul, but the overall emotion and simplicity of the film scores for the win. An outstanding performance is given by Dennis Hopper as Shooter, the alcholic fatl).erof one of the Huskers. Hopper's character is believable. Shooter's drunken scenes are not overacted or overdtamatic. Since the film is not just about basketball but about emotion, people who are not basketoall fans can still enjoy the story. People who have participated in any high school or college sport will be able to relate to what really goes on in the locker room. However, those who expect a fast-paced, flashy basketball movie may be in for more of a coaching in life. Norm's words to the townspeople in reference to his coaching methods reflect the sty le of the film. "I apologize for nothing. You may not be leased with these results but I am."

Athletes display society's idea of the picture of health. Their bodies are put through long and vigorous training periods, so that they are in tone both physically and psychologically. Many in society envy this picture of fitness and strive to copy it. ~ The most impressive feature that attracts one to this picture of fitness is the ability to control their weight. The most common form of weight control is dieting. Dieting is not easy for many people. Fat stores a lot of energy, and losing fat means losing energy. In other words, as some may know, it is easier to gain than it is to lose. Losing weight requires a commitment to exercise more and eat less. This committment may be strained by boredom, !onliness, stress, or other psychological states. Losing weight takes time, and new eating and exercise patterns must be established and maintained. This attempt to lose weight can sometimes become an obsession. When this happens, dieting turns into self-starvation and the entire concept of weight control is blurred. Self-starvation, medically termed anorexia nervosa, is a self-imposed state of malnutrition and may at times become life threatening. It is primarily a disorder of women which is accompanied by severe psychologic disturbances leading to an abnormal desire to lose weight.

The clinical feature ~f anorexia nervosa consists of profound weight loss. Although most attach anorexia to the idea ofloss of appetite, people who suffer from this disorder also have abnormal eating patterns, with episodes of anorexia and periods of excessive eating. The severe restriction on food intake often causes an uncontrollable urge to eat. Once anorexia becomes severe, other peculiar habits may develop which are aimed at weight control. One may start to dispose of food, induce vomiting, or take laxatives to rid of any excess waste. Surprisingly, in spite of their exhausted nutritional state, anorexics may display hyperactivity and increased alertness. They also demonstrate a distorted perception of their physical state. They view their feeble, wasted appearance as normal. Anorexia nervosa does occur in males. However, unlike female anorexics, the condition in males is a self-destructive pathological behavior. It is exhibited mostly by male athletes who strive for faster times in road races and better performance in sports through long, intense training. The number of those suffering from anorexia ne-rvosa seems to be increasing. According to Arthur Hayes, M.D., Montgomery Hospital, to be sucessful in copying the picture of health, a diet must contain the essential nutrients, OOt?tain the desired number of calories, and be set up so that it could be followed indefinitely without hindering one's health.


Optionunexplored by Rachel Athelia Anderson

Did you know that if you are unable to take any of the physical eduaction courses-here, you are premitted to take them elsewhere? According to Helen Goodwin, assistant professor, physical education, the procedure requires that you spend at least 28 hours of the semester participating in the outside activity. The activity must be lead by an instructor. At the end of the semester, Goodwin sends a letter to the instructor, which must be signed as proof that the student actually attended the classes. Goodwin explained that the few people that partake in the off-campus physical education programs are those students that are too busy to take them at Cabrini for various reasons. So far, there hasn't been any problems. According to Goodwin, a minority of people tried to take the easy way out with ideas like, "I ride my bike every day. Can I do that instead of taking gym at Cabrini?" However,ideas such as these are not permitted because they do not meet the requirements. As wth all physical education courses at Cabrini, the off-campus activities are also pass or fail. No letter grades are given. There are no restrictions as far as the location of the activity is concerned. ~


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loquitur- friday,march27, 1987



Cinderellastoryof 'Novahitsreality "I was standing in the Rose Garden, wired on cocaine. Nothing new about my being that way. I'd been high on cocaine a lot during my college days at Villanova."

According to Miller, Villanova is very concerned and may take precautions to ensure that athletes are not treated differently than non-athletes. "Westarted looking into drug testing and whether or not it was legal in 1986 before this whole thing occured," Miller said.

by Rhonda Dannenhower

This is an excerpt from ''A Bad Trip" by Gary McLain, that appeared in the March 16 issue of Sports Illustrated. This 18 page story is an emotional account of his drug abuse. The story outlines McLain's drug addiction beginning with his junior high school experimentation with marajuana and leading to his bout with cocaine. This story not only affected McLain, but also had ramifications on the institution from which he graduated, the basketball program which he represented, and the supporters who cheered them to victory. ¡

'I am surprisedand disappointedthat Sports Illustratedwouldgive this story 18pagesand the cover.It is sad to think that Gary McLainwouldsell his soul for $40,000.I feel that this publicityhas tainted one of the greatestsports momentsof my lifetime.' -Patrick Welde,1985Villanovagraduate McLain said that he had snorted coke and smoked pot with some of his teammates at Villanova. He also said that Coach Massimino knew about his drug problem, but ignored it because he was afraid oflosing his star point guard and possibly other members of the team. Villanova Basketball Coach Rollie Massimino and Reverend John M. Driscoll, O.S.A., Ph.D., president, Villanova University, were unavailable for questioning. All questions about the article were handled by Craig Miller, sports information director, Villanova. "The article brought the athletic department under public scrutiny for a couple of days," Miller said. "but I think it showed the strength of our (athletic) program, not in a negative light." "The article showed that he (McLain) secretly used drugs, and nothing more," Miller said. Miller feels that, internally, the sports program was unaffected by the accusations in the article. "Externally, I feel that people are aware that even strong programs such as ours have problems. Even the best programs can have drug problems occur within them," Miller said.

"If athletes were tested, we would then be reating them differently than our other students. Some feel that it is an infringement on their privacy. Athletes here are students first," Miller said. Miller also added, "You have to remember that in 1984-85 (during the championship season), testing wasn't done, not even on the pro level," Miller said. There is no action of any kind being taken by Villanova against McLain at this point. "Villanova only hopes that Gary gets better and we will do anything we can to help him," Miller said.

However, an investigation is being conducted by Radnor Township Police to examine McLain's allegations that he bought drugs in various Main Line bars. "Weare concerned because on his own admission he admitted to selling and purchasing drugs in bars on Lancaster Avenue," Police Cheif Maurice Hennessey said. A team of four investigators are out trying to contact players who were on the team with McLain and also other students, Hennessey said. At first glance, one only sees the tragedy of a young man's life tainted by drug use. How~ver,others see !he issue as having a broader influence. They react strongly as they consider the reputation of the school; as well as the controversy surrounding the article. ~a~y are disappoi_nted wi_ththe idea that McLain would put a price tag on his drug addict10n, as well as Jeopardize the reputation of his alma mater. "I am surprised _anddisappointed that ~ports Illustrated would give this story 18 pages and the cover. It 1s also really sad to think that Gary McLain would sell his soul for $40,000," Patrick Welde, 1985 Villanova graduate, said. "I feel that this publicity has tainted one of the greatest sports moments of my lifetime "


"The fact that he came public with his drug problem;is..nne," John Dzik, athletic director, Cabrini College, said. "But for him to put any blame on Villanova or the basketball program is ludicrous. His was a self-created problem. Villanova and Massimino did not create his problem." ''Although it is a shame for the coach and the program, I don't think that it will have any affect on the program," Dzik said. "The program is still a good program. It was just one individual not the whole team with the problem," Allen Jones, senior, basketball player, said. "I was surprised that more individuals, coaches and players did not know about his problem if it was as serious as he said it was," Jim Welde,junior basketball player, said.

Motivesquestionedas drug abuseis revealed The fairy tale story of the 1985 Cinderella basketball team from Villanova came to a screeching halt last week as the March 16, 1987 issue of Sports Illustrated hit the stands. The fantasy world ended and reality set in for Gary McLain, or did it?




Jacqui McClerna

In the past week McLain's motives have been ques~ioned. He feels he is helping ?ther addicts by opening his soul but mstead he is allowing himself and his ~lma mater to be exploited. I wonder if McLain realized what the magnitude of the story was and what the repercussions would entail. He received $40,000 for an explicit, 18 page, cover story of his drug addiction. The amount of money he received does not begin to compensate as compared to the publicity and amount of issues sold by Sports Illustrated.

I wanted to do some right then, before the game ...." This statement provided the perfect tie-in that Sports Illustrated needed to the Tournament. In the end, McLain, Coach Rollie Massimino and Villanova were the ones who were damaged. McLain's reputation is ruined, but then again what did he have to lose by going public. His basketball stardom at Villanova was over, he had lost his job on Wall Street, and he needed money. However,now McLain has totally alienated himself from his friends, associates, and of course, Villanova. Massimino now is under scrutiny as a coach. Should he have noticed? Did he know and then hide it? Why didn't he take action? The questions are posed and Massimino's performance in the next few years will be his answer. At the press conference held at Villanova with the president ofVillanova, the Reverand John M. Driscoll OS.A., Ph.D, Massimino adamantly stated his position, and in so many words said he would resign if he were in the wrong.

His story was worth much more, but to him $40,000 must have seemed like a great deal of money in order to raise eyebrows across the nation.

Presently, high school students throughout the country are looking into colleges and making final decisions. I can't help but to ponder the effects of the negative publicity on this year's admissions process at Villanova. The fine image of that squeaky clean team from the Main Line has been tarnished. Can they bounce back?

Think about the timeliness of the release. This issue hit the stands just as the 1987 National Collegiate Athletic Association Tournament began. In the article McLain said, "My friend arrived at the Final Four with a fresh supply of cocaine. Before the semifinals against Memphis State, he gave me a gram for afterward. But

To the Editor-in-chief of Sports Illustrated, Henry Anatole Grunwald, I pose a question. What were your motives? Did you wish to help other addicts of the world through a graphic story, to make a buck, or to exploit an addict on his way to recovery? By the way, Mr. McLain, I might ask the same of you.


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