Read about Who's Who ,-.--~----,::-._-_-:-_ -_'!:'" __ -_-:-_ -_:_______ recipients in features
friday,april 3, 1987
cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087
vol. xxxiii,no¡.20
Options Superthonr~.,.__ ______ opened in GER's by Catherine Kelley
Next fall, incoming freshmen who had introduction to psychology or sociology in high school will be exempt from Cabrini's own versions of those same courses. Along with this change, incoming education majors will also have more freedom of choice. Education majors who currently must take introduction to psychology before they can take their required psychology courses, will be able to choose between introduction to psychology or introduction to sociology before taking upper division courses.
'First,therewill be greater flexibilityso studentswill havechoicesespeciallyin regardsto sociology. Second,it will avoid redundancybetweenhigh school psychologyand first level psychin college.' -Dr. AnthonyTomasco, chairman,psychology
The highlight of the Superthon weekend Olympic activities was the tug-o-war held over the pond across from the gatehouse. Due muddy conditions, however, the game had to moved onto the soccer field where the junior class 'easily' defeated the competition. Picture,~-------------------1 here are some members of the senior team, from front to back Michelle latesta, Allen Jones, Claire Swann, Laura Sullivan, LeP.-------------------__. Clowers and Lisa Catini. (photo by Kelvin Taylor)
According to Dr. Anthony Tomasco, chairman, psychology, this is technically not new. "The new requirements provide students with an option," he said. "Now there's a choice, you can take intro to sociology.This allows students more flexibility." Current education majors seem to agree with these new requirements. "If I took one of those courses in high school, there's no reason I would want it again," Deanna Zulli,junior, said. "I think you should be exempt from taking it again."
'I think its a good idea. I majorin math too and didn't haveto take modern college math.' -Angela Bove,senior "I think it's a good idea," Angie Bove, senior, said. "I major in math too and didn't have to take modern college math." Dr. Kathleen Daley, professor, sociology, expressed concern regarding the lack of. choice students were confronted with. "I wouldn't say there were hordes of people (complaining) but I had people come in and say they wanted to take sociology but were rostered into psychology," Daley said. Tomasco said the changes are in the best interest of all involved. "First, there will be greater flexibility so students will have choices, especially in regards to sociology," Tomasco said. "Second, it will avoid redundancy between high school psychology and first level psych in college." Tomasco also plans to have incoming freshmen who had good high school psychology or sociology courses reminded to take C.L.E.P exams.
No, Brian Fitzpatrick, senior, is not getting sick. He and a fellow senior comrade are participating in the pieeating contest. Although the freshmen did defeat the senior team in this event, that was okay because Fitzpatrick and his fellow team members got a good work-out trying to wrestle down the pie. (photo by Chris Corcoran)
WMMR's Big Daddy Graham was , among the comedians who performed last Tuesday night in the lecture hall to benefit the Leukemia I Society. Although the event-was po'orly attended, those who did go were able to purchase Graham's the proceeds which he donated to the charity. (photo by Palko)
loquitur- friday,april3, 1987
Takinga look at the brighter side of life Records have a side A and a side B, coins have heads and tails, and believe it or not, our pessimistic editorial that was printed in last week's issue has a flip side as well. Last week we sought out various problems. Some were less important than ,,others, but we felt that each had its point. We haven't found too many answers as of yet, but that hasn't stopped us. We have resolved to take a look at the brighter side of life (and college). •Superthon weekend turned out to be a great success. Approximately $1300 w~ raised to help fight Leukemia. The Class of 1988 won the Superthon Olympic events. •Fourteen seniors were selected as Who's Who recipients.
•Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English and communications, was selected as one of the top 12 journalism professors in the country. •The Theater's production of "Our Town" started out with a bang and will be performed for the next two weekends. •The Loquitur staff has only two more Monday night,deadlines. (Two more late nights, or early mornings; two more headaches; two more chocolate dinners, etc., etc., etc.) • ...And only fi~e ~ore weeks of classes. . . . There, we did it. We found some of the brighter thmgs happenmg around campus. Now it's your turn. This week, take some time to search for the happier things in life. Flip over to side B and see what it has to offer you.
Parkingstilla problem
Dear Editor: I think that time should be taken to thank Rita Calicat from student services ;md especially Kathy Funk and Kathy Gamble for pulling off one of the best events I've seen held at this school in years. Being a resident of House five, I watched the "Kathy's" making posters all day, organizing skits, begging people to participate in the games, waking up at 8 a.m. after two
Dear Editor:
hours of sleep to man the infamous toll booths, etc, etc, etc. After this weekend, I feel that Cabrini hasn't totally lost its school spirit! Thanks for rejuvenating my faith in Cabrini. Congrats Kathy and Kathy!! Sincerely, Michelle Iatesta
Avid reader makessuggestions Dear Editor: I am a faithful reader of the Loquitur. I have not missed an issue in my four years at Cabrini. I found your viewpoint column in the March 27 issue very interesting. I can appreciate the work that must go into running a college newspaper. I can also appreciate the difficulty behind coming up with new stories each week. One observation I have made, however,is that Loquitur is becoming more and more like a features paper instead of a newspaper. Only having one publication a week makes it impossible to have up to the minute news. This is an understandable fact. It is not understandable, however, that the news stories that are reported are al ways the same old thing. How many times can we be expected to read about alcohol and drug abuse? Every year there is at least one issue dedicated to these stories. Some stories, i.e. convocation, graduation, health fair, etc. are expected to be an annual event but there are other areas to be investigated.
I once approached a reporter for the paper and asked if it would be possible to do a story on money waste on campus. A story along this line could open many doors for improvement. I was told that there was an uncertainty as to whether or not the paper handled such types of stories. What types are handled? · Bring back TWAC (This Week at Cabrini). This was probably one of the most valuable and most read pages in the paper. More information on jobs in the area for graduating seniors would keep the paper a little more up to date. There is so much to be covered. I fully respect your position and I don't think I could do as good of a job in the same position. I gathered from your column that you were interested in your reader's opinion. Thank you for the fine work you are doing and for keeping an open mind. Respectfully yours, A concerned reader
The other day I was driving around looking for a parking space when I saw what looked to be an ideal spot located right outside Widener's doors. With the parking lot overflowing with cars, I was ecstatic over my good fortune.Unfortunately, as I pulled up to the spot, I saw a car parked diagonally - taking up two parking spaces. At first, I thought that this was an isolated incident. However, I soon found the case to be otherwise. Over the course of the next week I saw a number of cars parked in the same way. In several instances, notes were tucked inside the car's wipers asking the owners (in less-than-polite terms) not to park that way again.
PARW of YfM..tlft>I~
Dear Editor: I am writing in response to the article "Gynecologist Ad Causes Controversy," in the March 27 issue. As a student of Cabrini College, I find it quite disheartening that an ad placed in a newspaper would cause such controversy. Although I understand the passion which the Pro-life group feels about the questionable ad, I fail to see the right that they feel they have to pull an ad such as that. Is freedom of the press only for newspapers in public or otherwise non-Catholic institutions? Since when does any group, be it the Catholic Church or any other for
Ups~t senior
~CREATIVE MEDIA SERVICES Box 5955 Befkeley, Ca. 9'705
I am a senior English and Communications major. I have given four years of my life to several projects that I have felt are worthwhile, here at Cabrini. I've worked very hard, along with many other classmates, to help get these projects to where they are today. Dear Editor: I'm graduating and unfortunately there isn't anyone who has shown interest in carI would like to thank the Cabrini campus rying these projects on. I don't want to see community for a wonderful time during four years pf hard work and dedication go the Superthon weekend. We had an enjoy- down the drain. able time and made many aquaintances. What should I do? You can't force interThe greatest part of the weekend was that est on someone. there were not any drugs or alcohol What is the point of breaking your butt involved. Cabrini showed us the true meaning of for four years, if all that you've done will clean fun. Congratulations to the winner of just seem to fall apart or be forgotten. the Olympic events (the junior class) and I know that I'm not the only senior that thank you for welcoming us into the college feels this way. Why does it seem that community. nobody really cares anymore?
Thanks ...
Sincerely, Zaakirah Ousley Rosanna Ousley
Leah Cascarina, junior
Courage admired
Dear Editor:
I realize that the car owners parked that way to help prevent their prized possessions from being scratched or dented by other vehicles - but it's still no excuse for them to take up scarce spaces, which adds to the parking problem. Nasty and threatening notes are not enough to stop-pe<l'))lefrom continuing to park in this manner. The traffic committee should be on watch for these cars and should ticket and heavily fine people for taking up more than one parking space. Students pay a healthy sum to park here, therefore, the thoughtlessness and ignorance of others should not prevent them from doing so.
A disappointed senior yet still hopeful, Mark J. Murray
that matter, have the right to decide what should or should not go into a publication? I am not saying that everyone who reads an article has to agree with it. I am sure that everyone reading this knows the Church's views on such subjects. The mature way to deal with things we do not agree with is to take them for what they are while keeping our own beliefs. Wecan't just go around demanding retractions for things which go against our own beliefs. I applaud the Loquitur staff for standing up for what they believe in. It is this courage that makes America work the way it was originally intended to. Anonymous
Edttor: Kate Welsh Managing Editor. Monico Palko News Editor: Christy Mason Assistants:Marlo O"Brlen.Yvette Ousely, Donna Dougherty Perspectives Editor: Kimberly Kovoch Assistant: Beth Bittner Features Editors: Kathy Hibbard and Robin McKean Ass1stonts:Stephanie Giardini, Debbi Murphy Sports Editor: Lisa Mason Assistants:JocQul McClernon. John Dunleavy BusinessManager: Areto Hlodky Copy Edttor: Jeanne Reineberg Graphics Editor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Editor: Chris Corcoran Photography Adviser: Dr. Corter Crolgle Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Stott Rochel Anderson. Regino Battiato, Beth Bittner. Denise Brody. Potty Brown. Leah Coscorlno. Christine Cocchlo, Rhonda Donnenhowet Donna Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Anne Fahy. Brion Feeley, Debbie Ferrar. Liz Flies, Stephanie Giardini. Kitty Kelley, Kathleen McCabe, JocQui McClemon. Patty Moore. Debbi Murphy. Monico Palko. Koren Slegl. Jim Steine,
LoQultur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Rodn0<.Pennsylvania 19087. Subscription price is $20 per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However. if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, thl! wrtte(s name may be left off the letter upon pubhcotlon and on Inscription Inserted such as ~name withheld at the reQuest of tile writer.·· Letters should be typed, double• spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter Is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
loquitur - friday,april3, 1987
Closedeyes opennew dimensions by John Dunleavy
"These dreams go on when I close my eyes, every second of the night," sings "Heart," a rock band. But just how true is this statement and what do we really know about sleep and dreaming? Many of us have common beliefs about dreamtng, but are these beliefs justified? According to William Hayter, psychologist, present evidence indicates some facts that might interest you. Supposedly, the following are truths about sleep: 1. The best preparation for a test is a good night's sleep. 2. It is wise to sleep on a big decision before making it. 3. Some problems are solved in one's sleep. 4. A glass of warm milk at bedtime promotes sleep. In addition to these truths, there are some common fallacies about sleep. For instance, research has indicated that alcohol doesn't enhance sleep and older persons don't require any more sleep than younger persons. As far as dreaming is concerned, Richard Runyon, psychologist, said, "Dreaming is a far more common occurrence than most people think. Wedream every night and we have several dreams each night." Psychology indicates that these dreams result from rapid eye movements (REM's) which have been observed as occurring about every 90 minutes. It has been proposed that this kind of sleep provides a restorative function. More specifically, if an individual doesn't receive the amount of sleep he or she needs, their body makes up for the loss with increased REM (known as REM rebound) on subsequent nights. According to Audrey Haber, psychologist, we occasionally remember a dream because the content is sufficiently arousing or frightening. In fact, these dreams occurring during REM sleep are what we refer to as nightmares. However, is it true that Freddie Krueger has returned into your "Nightmares on Elm Street?" Think about it. If you were to dream every night and your dreams picked up where they left off, then in essence, you would pe leading two separate lives. Then again, you might not have to think about it. Perhaps, you were dreaming that you just read this article.
SGA nominations:
Dollarsmakethe difference
by Anne Fahy
If you had a choice of being a Resident or Medical Assistant or being on the executive board of the Student Government Association, which would you choose? All are prestigious positions on a college campus. They are leadership roles that look good on a resume. All require dedication, responsibility and many hours of extra time. If room and board costs were free for two of the posts in exchange for the services, would that influence your decision? R.A.'s and M.A.'s receive about $2800, the cost of room and board at Cabrini, deducted from their tuition bill. Fifty candidates tried out for 11 R.A. positions and 10 vied for 2 M.A. positions. No one is running for SGA. According to Rita Calicat, director, student activities, the main reason for the lack of participation in SGA is a "fear of the amount of work and commitment required to be involved." "Students are concerned with financing their education," she said. "It is getting more and more difficult and students have to have part-time jobs." Mary Kate Grimley, senior, president of SGA, said, "People can't afford not to work, so it's either be involved or work.'' According to Jim Fitzsimmons, dean of students, the student affairs staff discussed the problem at a meeting last week. The lack of interest, they concluded, is being caused by students who are waiting to be selected for an R.A. or M.A. position, and the amount of additional time and work SGA positions require. He said that the time element of elections will have to be reviewed since students who are not selected for one of the positions come in late to SGA or run unopposed. Additionally, he said that the staff will have to "look at the positions to see ifresponsibilities are reasonable. Have we expected too much from the executive board~ He also said that leadership grants may be investigated for board members. According to Grimley, some type of tuition remission would definitely be a motivating factor for students to run for offices in SGA. Other colleges of similiar size and costs offer salaries or a tuition reduction to executive board members of SGA. Calicat said she is currently gathering information on SGA's at other schools to help Cabrini in formulating a plan. "We have to be very careful if money is offered," she said. "Will the dedication of the student be lost?" Although Grimley does agree that monetary reimbursement would increase participation, she said that self-motivation is the biggest factor in the lack of interest. "Youhave to want to make a difference," she said, "make things better. What better way than being part of student government?" "Maybe we have to get to a point where something fails. Maybe then people will pick up the reigns," Grimley said. Both Grimley and Vice-President Kathy F\.mk,junior, said that although it varies with events that are being planned, they dedicate between eight and 15 hours per week to SGA. Ata minimum wage, part-time job, that would amount to between $26 and $50 per week. Grimley said, "Eight hours is the minimum. It would be getting done just what has to be done." They said that during the planning of events, such as Superthon last week, the time ranges from 20 to 30 extra hours per week. What is sacrificed being active in SGA each said is social life and sleep. Funk said that one reason why so much time must be spent is because it is always the same small group of people organizing things over and over again. The attitude of a lot of students, she said, is "someone else will do it." Leah Cascarina, junior, said, "I've known a lot of people who have wanted to run, but they are afraid to go up against them because they think it's a popularity contest." THE INSTITUTE
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HAND IN HAND-Cabrini College's Council for Exceptional Children will participate in St. Joseph University's Hand in Hand festival for the Handicapped on Sat., April 11, from 10 a.m. to 4p.m. For more information, contact Teri Ciarlante. EDUCATION WORKSHOPCabrini's education division is sponsoring a workshop, "Barrel," on May 13, to encourage students to think more creatively. For more information, contact Mrs. Endy, extension 353. HOLY WEEK-Cabrini College, in conjunction with Villanova University, will hold a Holy Week Retreat from April 15-17. For more information, contact Beverly Reilly by Tuesday, April 7. OPEN HOUSE-Cabrini will host a free open house for transfer students on Monday, April 13, from 3:15 to 7 p.m. The open house will address specific concerns of students interested in transferring Jo another college. The sessions will include an overview of Cabrini's admissions policy and procedures, academic programs and financial aid options. Students wishing to have their transcript evaluated at the open house may send a copyof their official transcript for prior review to Dottie Moore, Office of Admissions, Cabrini College, Eagle and King of Prussia Roads, Radnor, Pa., 19087. Tours of the cam~s and dinner will be provided by the college. For more information, contact the college admissions office at 687-2100, extension 550. ANNA VINCENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND-Financial assistance is available to undergraduate and graduate students through the Anna Vincent Scholarship Fund. All interested parties may obtain information by writing: Trustees of the Anna M. Vincent Trust, Mellon Bank (East), Three Mellon Bank Center, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102. DELTA EPSILON SIGMA-Delta Epsilon Sigma is sponsoring an essay competition on the U.S. Bishops' Pastoral on the Economy. For further information contact the chapter moderator of Delta Epsilon Sigma, Dr. Margaret McGuiness. The deadline for submittin essa sis December 15, 1987.
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loquitur - friday,april3, 1987
JuliaMalik PeterRudegeair
Julia Ma:likhas held various leadership positions during her time at Cabrini. She was photography editor for Cryptic this past year; secretary for the photography club; secretary and president of the computer club; member of the English/communications club, member of the philosophy club and the psychology club; and photographer for the Loquitur and the Woodcrest.
Peter Rudegeair is a psychology and religion major. He has received academic honors at Cabrini from Psi Chi, the psychology honor society, the National Honor Society, and the Dean's list. Rudegeair is also the recipient of an academic scholarship.
e as e e pos1t10ns o sop omore class representative, mathematics department representative, and president this past academic year for the student academic council; student representative for the curriculum committee from 1984-87; student representative for the library committee from 1985-87; student representative for the master planning committee; president for Sigma Zeta, the Beta Zeta chapter; president of Phi Alpha Theta, the Upsilon-Psi chapter. Malik holds a 3.63 cumulative average with a 3.72 average in mathematics and a 3.48 average in history. Academic honors at Cabrini include: the Cabrini College Honor Society; Delta Epsilon Sigma (National Scholastic Honor Society); Phi Alpha Theta (International History Honor Society); Sigma Zeta (Honorary Science Society); Society for Collegiate Journalists; and has been on Dean's List for five semesters. Also, she has been awarded the Cabrini Academic Scholarship twice. Malik served as a math tutor, assistant orientation counselor and Student Government Association election committee member. Currently she serves as a computer lab monitor. Future plans for Malik include earning a masters of science degree and a doctorate in mathematics.
Rudegeair is the president of the psychology club and is a member of the Student Academic Council. He has contributed his time and resources to his community through a youth group and shelter projects for men and women. Currently, Rudegeair is a leader and administrator of Formation and Initiation for a lay community of 190 people. He has been happily married for two years and plans to attend graduate school for clinical psychology.
PatriciaLee Patricia Lee, a special education and elementary education major, works full time as a recreational counselor at Cardinal Krol Center in Springfield, Pa. and also student teaches at Don Guanella School for Boys. With concentrations in religion and psychology, her overall cumulative average is 3.79 and a 3.9 in her major. For 1986 Lee was chosen as one of the ~ost Outstanding Young Women of America to add to her credits. Her campus involvement has been varied. She held the position of vice president for Campus Ministry in 1984, participated in the liturgical music group, was an eucharistic minister, lector, and a peer minister. Being a member of the Cabrini College Community Chorus enabled Lee to go to Spain in 1984 to sing. In the same group, she held the title of President in 1986. This summer she plans to travel to AustriaHungary with the group. In the Student Government Association, Lee was the chairperson of the Election Committee for two consecutive years. Representing the education department, Lee is on the Student Academic Council, and most recently she worked with Lisa Nolan, senior, and Dr. Ruth Sower, chairperson of the education division, on a Logo project for the Childrens' School. She was elected into the Honor Society and Delta Epsilon Sigma, which inducts students for scholarship and service in Catholic Colleges. Cabrini also has awarded her an academic scholarship. Future plans include entering graduate school at Cabrini in the summer to obtain her masters degree in special education. She would like to get a job involving severely mentally retarded boys, preferably teen-agers.
(photos by Chris Corcoran and
Mike Stevenson)
JosephA. Giuffre Joe Giuffre is an English and communications and secondary education major. Guiffre's awards and scholarships include: Outstanding Young Men of America, Charles Mastronardi Memorial Service and Leadership Award, Society for Collegiate Journalists, English and communications Departmental Award, National Council for the Teachers of English, and National Orientat"ion Directors Associatian.
./ Some ot Ui uffre's extracurricular activities include: Kappa Sigma Omega, Student Government Association (social activities chairman), Woodcrest yearbook activities-editor, senior class council, Cabrini College theater, Cabrini College Student Leadership Conference participant, Loquitur Insights editor, Orientation Advisory Board and Selection Committee, and Peer Ministry. Giuffre's college and community service include: Board of Trustees Sub-committee for Student Affairs, eucharistic minister, CARe Center tutor, Drug and Alcohol Advisory Board, Co-editor Hemophilia Newsletter, volunteer forensics judge at St. Joseph's University, and C.C.D. teacher. Giuffre hopes to pursue a masters degree in student personnel administration.
Michelle Iatesta is a human services management major, with a marketing minor. She is a recipient of many scholarships and awards including: Outstanding Young Women in America, Bruckmann Scholar, Cabrini College Academic Scholarship, Service and Leadership Award, Patience Cavanaugh McFadden Scholarship, Student Government Service Award, dean's list and honor society.
Theresa Tabasse is a psychology and social work major with a minor in Spanish. She has served on the executive board of the social work club and has been a member of the psychology club and Kappa Sigma Omega. She also has played on the Cabrini softball team.
DonnaB/yskal Donna Blyskal, senior, is one of fourteen students selected to Who's Who, with a 3.9 cumulative average in her major and who is ranked tenth in the senior class.
Iatesta's extracurricular activihes include: Student Government Association class president, Kappa Sigma Omega, Orientation Counselor, Orientation Advisory Board, Project Appalachia and chairperson for Hunger Awareness Week. College and community service include: lector for Sunday mass and volunteer service through Kappa. Iatesta plans to travel after graduating. She would like to pursue a career in either personnel administration or work in a college admissions department.
Tabasso has received academic honors at Cabrini from Psi Chi Honor Society, Delta XI Honor Society and the Cabrini Honor Society. She is a Bruckmann scholar and is a recipient of many scholarships. Tabasso has served her college and local community through the fundraiser "Juniors for Seniors" and as a dormitory representative. Tabasso is currently applying to various graduate schools for entry into a clinical psychology program with hopes of specializing in and making a career of child psychology.
Blyskal is a human resource management and business administration major and also has a minor in marketing with a concentration in finance. She interns at Miller, Mason & Dickinson, a compensation and benefit consultant firm, in Conshohocken. Blyskal has been involved in many activities including, class secretary for student government during her sophomore and junior years. Within the business department, she served as secretary of SAM, and later served as its vice president. Blyskal was also a tutor of business for CARe. Blyskal also used her.administrative talent.a in her campus jobs in the Business Administration Office and the President's Office. Blyskal's plans for the future include her wedding in Oct. 1988. Academically, she would like to pursue her masters degree in business administration at Rider College.
loquitur - friday,april3, 1987
receivingcredit wherecreditis due PatMcKenna
VirginiaSmith She's a writer, teacher, actress, traveller, and student. She is Virginia Smith, senior, who has just returned from six months in Salamanca, Spain, studying her favorite Ian uaf{e, S ani~l).;
Mary Kate Grimley Kate Grimley is an English and communications major, minoring in psychology. She is also a recipient of numerous awards and scholarships which include tl:le Cabrini College Alumni Association Scholarship, the Anna M. Vincent Academic Scholarship, and the City of Philadelphia Mayor's Scholarship. Other honors include, National Society for Collegiate Journalists, the Mother Ursula Infante Award for the class of 1987. and the 1983 Congressional Merit Award for Service and Leadership.
When she gr·;duates in May, she will have a degree in Spanish as well as English/Communications. She has won scholarships from the Delaware Valley Television Radio Advertising Club for excellence in communications, and the Scripps Howard Foundation Grant for Journalism. She has also been granted the Cabrini Service and Leadership Award for 2 years, and has been on the Dean's List nearly every semester, maintaining a G.P.A. of 3.6. Besides her academic life, Smith says she's been involved with just about every Cabrini organization she knows. She was the Editor-in-Chief of the Loquitur when the newspaper was awarded a top AllAmerican rating by the Associated Collegiate Press. Smith was also the layout editor for the yearbook. Theater was a big part of Smith's life here. Besides acting in several productions, she was the public relations coordinator for Dan Perna, former theater director, and was the assistant director of the Cabrini Summer Arts Camp, where she taught journalism and mime classes. In her freshman year she participated in Project Appalachia, visited Spain for 2 weeks with the chorus, and in her sophomore year she was selected for Project Outreach, and was sent to Buenos Aires, Argentina, to represent Cabrini and to lecture on life in America. Smith would like to combine her interests into something unusual, and her ideal job would be working for Time magazine in Spain, or doing some work as a columnist.
Grimley's extracurricular activities include, Student Government Association president, Cryptic editor-in-chief, Campus Ministry president, Woodcrest yearbook copy editor, and fundraiser chairperson for the Superthon. Her college and community services include, resident assistant, eucharistic minister, CARe- writing tutor, C.C.D. teacher, Project Appalachia volunteer, and a volunteer for the Hemophilia Foundation Newsletter for the Delaware Valley Chapter. Grimley plans to obtain a position as a teacher of English and communications on a secondary level.
Amy Capozucca Amy Capozucca, a French and mathematics major, is currently completing her student teaching and practicum in mathematics at a high-school near her home. A recipient of the Cabrini College Academic Scholarship, Capozucca has been on the dean's list nearly every semester of her four years at Cabrini. She is a member of the Cabrini College Honor Society; Delta Epsilon Sigma, a national collegiate honor society; and Sigma Zeta, an honorary science society. Through the Cabrini-in-France Program, Capozucca lived with a French family in St. Germain en Laye, France for one semester. While there, she studied French history and culture. Capozucca was vice president and president of the International Club during her sophomore and junior years respectively. She has also been a member of the Society for the Advancement of Management, the Cabrini ·association for the Education of Young Children, the Pennsylvania State Education Association and the Cabrini resident conduct committee, and tutored both french and math in the CARe center. Though uncertain of her future career .goals, Capozucca plans to attend graduate ,chool in the fall to pursue a master's iegree in mathematics.
Teresa McNulty is a special education and elementary education major with a minor in psychology. Her grade point average is 3.83, and she has been awarded dean's list every semester. McNulty is also a recipient of a four year academic scholarshi .
McNult"y's academic achievements include membership to Delta Epsilon Sigma, Cabrini Honor Society (vice president,three years), Psi Chi, and Outstanding Women of America. McNulty's extracurricular involvement extends into many different areas, such as PSEA, CEC, Parent's Weekend committee head, Drug and Alcohol Board, Kappa Sigma Omega, and campus ministry. Looking to the future, she plans to secure a teaching position in an educational institution for handicapped children. She ·also plans to begin studies toward a masters degree in Psychology.
SeanMeenan Sean Meenan is an accounting major who is a recipient of an athletic scholarship and was selected to All-EPAC (1985-Eastern Pennsylvania Athletic Conference). His academic honors include Academic All-American, and Meenan has also been named to Outstanding Young Men of Am~rica. _
Pat McKenna majors in biology and psychology and serves as both a medical and resident assistant. His extracurricular activities include, biology club president orientation counselor, Hunger Awarenes~ Committee chairperson, dormitory council president, and Student Affairs Committee member of the Board of Trustees.
McKenna's coll~ge and community service!>include, blood platelet donor for Children's Hospital, Glouster County Children's Clinic volunteer, Kappa Sigma Omega member, Middl&-States Evaluation Committee member, Drug and Alcohol Advisory Board member, and Board of Trustees Student Services Committee member. His academic achievements include, Student Academic Council, Charter Member of Beta Beta Beta National Honor Society, Charter Member of Psi Chi National Honor Society. McKenna plans to continue his education by pursuing a degree in the medical sciences incorporated with his background in psychology.
Lisa Nolan Lisa Nolan has been a very active student at Cabrini. She has been president of the campus ministry and the Council for Exceptional Children, as well as the treasurer for the Student Government Association. She has been an orientation counselor, a tutor in the CARe center, and is currently a resident assistant in the ManI sion. She is also a member of Kappa Sigma ; Omega.
Nolan instructs the students at the Chil- 1 dren's School in a computer language called LOGO, and taught that program as well as math in her junior year as a participant in Project Outreach on an Indian reservation. • In her sophomore year, she was a memHe has been a resident assistant for two , ber of Project Appalachia. years and has held the position of treasurer While maintaining a 3.8 G.P.A., she has for Kappa Sigma Omega. His extracur-, participated in Delta Epsilon Sigma, ricular activities include: Society for the Theta Alpha Kappa, and Sigma Beta. She's AdvancementofManagement, Accounting' been on the Dean's List every semester, and Association (vice-president), soccer (capis a member of the Cabrini honor society. tain), and basketball (captain, J.V.). Nolan received the Lindback Award for Meenan is the assistant coach of Springoutstanding academics, personality, serfield Soccer Club, and coordinator of the vice, and dedication, as well as the Cabrini Under-14 Springfield Soccer Camp. Academic Scholarship . Looking to the future, Meenan plans to She wants to combine majors in math work in a major accounting firm while and religion· with a certification in secondstudying and taking his CPA exam. Evenary education, as well as a minor in tually he hopes to open his own public _psychology. accounting office.
loquitur- friday,april 3, 1987
Indulgingin a bit of delayed Irish· merriment byDonna
It was surely a night when the leprechauns came out of the woodwork. No this wasn't St.Patrick's Day when the Irish have cause to celebrate (or make excuses U:celebrate).
Review~====================================== This night was really a night for Irish eyes to smile because this was the 22nd annual Irish Minstrel show put on here 'by students on Wednesday night, March 25 in the gym. This show was not your ordinary show by any far stretch of the imagination. It was a show in which even the actors laughed when they messed up their lines. The performers were lively and entertaining and the show was a hit with a full crowd in the gym. The audience and characters laughed together during the funny lines and antics of the performers. The performers mixed the dialogue and Irish songs well during the show and even threw in a little bit of country with the character of J.D., played by Mark Murray, senior. J.D. was dressed in overalls and a straw hat in contrast to almost everyone else, who dressed in Irish sweaters and green outfits. The show centered around the theme ofreligion. J.D. did not go to church and liked to bet on Sunday horse races while he drank in Mc Namara's Pub, set in a small town outside Dublin, Ireland. The townspeople who fre4uented the tavern are being split in half by those who go to church and those who are wavering in their faith. The only people who remain faithful to the church are the two leprechauns, both named Pat, who are played by sophomores, Lisa Kantor and Mary McGill. and the character Mr.Gallagher, played by senior, Mike Johnson. The priest, Fr. O'Reilly, portrayed by Mike Fallon, senior, confronts the tavern owner, MacNamara, played by Sean Meenan, senior, about going to church. He tries to convince him to go or he'll be sorry. MacNamara laughs it off. The next scene involves an American tourist, Hillary Hoch, freshman, being escorted on stage by the local travel representatives, Gallagher, and Mr. Shean, played by Bruce Kidwell, sophomore. The tourist tells the priest not to worry and she will bring the people back to the congregation. MacNamara places all last month's profits on a bet for the horse "St. Patrick." J.D., on the other hand, bets on "Red Devil." This causes the climatic ending of the race and the fate of the pub. However, another problem that is faced by the patrons is the rotten potatoes and Guiness Brewery shutting down. When Gallagher and Shean are run over by a bus and killed, the tourist is turned into God and the travel agents as angels. Johnson, as an angel was hillarious when his wings kept knocking into everyone's face and broke during the play. At the conclusion, God allows "St. Patrick" to win and for celebration he turns water into beer. The show highlighted the singing talent of Rosanne Rossello, sophomore, who sung "Irish Eyes are Smiling" and "O Danny Boy."Rossello sung clear as a bell and silenced the audience. The show had catchy lines and offbeat antics. It was highly entertaining. It also s.9owcased the Irish dancing of Meenan and Mary Meenan '86. Also, there was a group Irish dancing effort that was performed.
song; Jackie Kueny, sophomore; Jody Romano, senior; Michelle Pasquerello, senior; Annie Gleavy, junior; Chris Jeffers, senior; Theresa Daly, sophomore; and Kerry Gallagher, sophomore.
The cast was as follows: Peggy Emmerich, junior, who played MacNamara's wife; Joel Zazyczny, sophomore, who was the tv announcer; Irish women : Karen Sieg!, sophomore; Kristin Kroll, freshman; Shelle Koller, ; Missy Gallo, freshman, who also sung lead in a
Greg Pasquerello ,'77 and Zazyczny played piano. Faculty moderators were Dr. Joseph Feighan, chemistry department chairperson, and Joanne Rondini, lecturer, chemistry. Stage director was Patty Feighan, '83.
Irish gentlemen were: Pete Bisconte, sophomore; Terry Smith, sophomore; John Callinan, sophomore, who played guitar with Mike Stevenson, sophomore; Colin Coakley, freshman; Chris Francis, junior; Paul Fallon, sophomore. Little People were: Chantal and Michael Pasquerello.
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loquitur - friday,april3, 1987
Lifein smallNew Englandtown portrayed by Rhonda Dannenhower Youhave to live life to love it, and love life to live it. This theme pervades Cabrini's production of the play "Our Town." "Our Town" is an American Classic written by Thornton Wilder.
ReviewF-· ============= The play takes you through the life and times of over 20 characters. In narrative form, we ·are taken back into the past through 13 years of the characters' lives. The scenery is black, therefore leaving everything up to the actors' interpretation and your imagination. The only props are a table and chairs, costumes and expressions. Yet, it is not difficult to see the kitchen of the Webb's house, or the garden tended to by Mrs. Gibbs. Although the characters lead ordinary lives, none can be left out. No matter how small their part, they add a great deal to the entire play. As mundane as their lives may seem, the interpretation and performance the actors give wraps the audience into the play. The attention of the audience is never distracted. For two hours, you sit back and partake in others' problems, and forget your own. You come away with a clearer understanding of their Iives as well as your own. "Our Town" is an inspirational play that teaches you how meaningful life is and how to appreciate it. No matter how minute and unimportant you may see your own life as being, this play makes you realize the true importance of it. Each actor in this play did an exceptional job; no one went unnoticed. Mark Murray, senior, portrays the stage manager/ narrator. His interjections bring insight to the play. Mary Elizabeth Beckett, junior, who portrays Emily Webb, brings freshness, yet maturity into her character. Carter Craigie, professor, English and communications, played an almost natural drunk. He amused and impressed the audience. "Our Town" will run for the next two weekends, April 3-5, and April 10 and 11, in the Grace Hall Theater. Admission is $3.50 for adults and $2.50 for students.
The play, Our Town opened
last weekend with ample' attendance. (photo by Rhonda Dannenhower)
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loquitur - friday,april3, 1987
Teamworkpaysoff by Denise Brady
The 1987 women's softball season got off to a winning start in a scrimmage against the Philadelphia College of Bible. They continued their forge ahead as they won their first game against the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Monday, March 23, the Lady Cavs hosted the game against P.C.B. Although the game was officially a scrimmage due to lack of professional umpires, the Cavs still "ran the pants off them (PCB)," according to Jim Hedtke, coach. . Stefanie Blose, sophomore, scored the first run for the Cavs, and after that it was one run after another. The final score was 15-3, in favor of the Cavs. "Everybody just worked together as a team," Bruce Kidwell, sophomore, assistant coach, said. "There is a big difference in this year's team as opposed to last year's." Teamwork also played a major part in Wednesday's game against Pharmacy, which was the first official game of the season.
Led by the pitching of Judi \\ood, freshman, the Cavs coasted by Pharmacy, 9-4. The leading scorer was Mindy Wyszyski, sophomore, with three runs,followed by Linda Panetta, junior, and Annette Simone, freshman, with two runs each. Also scoring were Michele Pasquarello, senior, and Andree Jost, sophomore.
The Lady Cavs continued on their winning streak by sweeping the doubleheader against Eastern College on Saturday. The Cavs shut out the Eagles in the first game, 7-0, and then beat them again in the second _game, 6-4. With a step in the right direction, the team is optimistic about the future. "Everything is going great. We have a lot of talent, everybody is friendly, and we work well together," Wilk said. "We need fans, though. It makes a game. Having people there gives us confidence," Blose added. "We're going to win all 20 games," Hedtke said. "We're going to Nebraska for the finals!"
Recruitment process provokes.uncertainty by Jacqui McClernan
The countdown has begun as high school senior athletes and college coaches nationwide scurry to wheel and deal in the recruitment process. This process can be especially overwhelming for the high school senior. Karen Thompson is a senior at Cardinal Dougherty High School in Philadelphia. She is currently experiencing the frenzied atmosphere typically surrounding the recruited students. Presently, she is being recruited by Terry Mancini, women's basketball coach, in addition to eight other colleges of division I, II and III caliber. Mancini has been out recruiting since November, when basketball season began . "I think I have to do the leg work on this level because we don't have the scholarships to offer because on this level (division III) we base everything on financial aid," Mancini said. Mancini said that when he approached Thompson for the first time she didn't seem to realize she was being recruited. Thompson agrees that she was never prepared by her coach, Bob Bologa. "Basically, my coach did sqwat," she said. "I don't think I was prepared for the recruitment process at all because I was never told what was going to happen." '½JI he ever did for me was ask me where I wanted to go to college, and he said he would call," Thompson said. John Dzik, director of athletics, said, "Most high school coaches do an abominable job preparing students for college through counseling." Bologa views the situation differently. "I try to make it so that it is not a distraction to the student. The coaches come through me, and I edit things," he said. According to coaches, this time of the year is most frantic because no one is ready to commit. ' "Right now is the busiest time through September 10 because no one will make a commitment without a money figure," Dzik said. Thompson has yet to receive definite word on her financial aid; therefore, she has not made a final decision. Also. she has not been out to visit C?!l,ti..9i.but does plan to soon. Cabrini's philosophy of ~ecruiting according to Dzik is to recruit for the needs of a particular program. Thompson seems to fit into Mancini's plan for the 1987-88 season. "I look at what the team needs," Mancini said. ''This year we are losing a center and forward so I am looking for people to fit in the roles I'm losing." Thom'pson is a forward and could move into the program and work well, according to Mancini. Mancini said, "From what I have seen, Karen displays good leadership with her young team, and sets a good example." According to Mancini, Thompson's coach, Bob Bologa, has a great deal ofrespect for her. "He speaks highly of her help with the program, her contributions and her example to teammates." Thompson is optimistic about Cabrini, the team and the coach. "So far everything I have seen about Cabrini I have liked," she said. ''The only thing is that Cabrini is small, but I am leaning toward there of all the division III schools." Thompson said, "My education is important to me and I think that by playing in division ill as opposed to I or II I could relax a lot more and focus on my education." Thompson also commented that she liked the idea that Mancini was interested in her and would like to have her play for Cabrini rather than having the typical "you need us attitude." When Mancini recruits he makes it a point to try and bring players from the team with him to offer another perspective. Mancini said, "It's good to bring players because there can be a void when you are talking with the student and their parents." "You don't know who you'll be playing with, and it was great to talk to players," Thompson said. As of now Thompson is at a standstill until she hears about her financial aid. When asked if she were coming to Cabrini, she said, "Honestly, money will be a deciding factor." Mancini's answer now lies in the hands of PHEAA.
Judi Wood wips in a powerful pitch to stike out (photo by Chris Corcoran)
a Pharmacy player. -
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