Read about the investigation of colleges INSIDE
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EDUCATION fridaY,april 10. 1987
cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087
vol. xx.xiii,no. 21
Controversies plaguedecisions by Christy Mason Theres ilefinitely a problem according to those involved. But they were unable to or declined to cite exactly what's wrong. There is, they said, feelings of anxiety, mistrust, fear and in some cases anger, in the present student services staff. According to staff members, James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, is making changes within the department without involving staff members in the process. According to one staff member, "I've never seen a team so quickly fall apart before." Positions and procedures have been added and deleted within the department, staff members said, many which have left them feeling skeptical and unsettled. The changes in the department, according to the staff members, are not the problem. The way in which these changes have been made, they said, is the problem. Campus Ministry, the counselling center and resident life are the three areas being most affected by these changes. Father Mark Falcone, O.Praem, chaplain, will not be returning to Cabrini either as chaplain or campus minister next fall. Falcone, as of March 24, was informed in a memo sent by James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, that the position of chaplain would not be renewed and that in place of one chaplain a "team" of chaplains would be developed, although no definite plans have been established.
'Peopledon't know how decisionsare being made. Whereare decisionscoming from and whos making them?' -Fr. Mark Falcone, O.Praem,chaplain According to Falcone, he knew nothing of this position change before receiving the memo. Fitzsimmons said that Falcone knew about this change in February when he had an hour-long meeting with him. Fitzsimmons also said that he had two other, shorter, meetings with Falcone regarding this matter. According to Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president, while she had some prior know ledge to the change in the chaplain position, it was Fitzsimmons who made the final decision. Fitzsimmons said that the decision was reached after conferring with Currie. "People don't know how decisions are being made," Falcone said. "Where are decisions coming from and who's making them?" ''There's a difference between not understanding goals and objectives and being¡ kept in the dark," Fitzsimmons said. "I've never not answered questions. I don't see where anyone was left in the dark." Falcone said that he has been approached several times by members of the campus community who are afraid to speak out because they fear their jobs will be in jeopardy. "What's causing this fear," he said, "is, I think, that people have seen job positions eliminated and people dismissed from the institution and they don't understand why. The procedures in which these dismissals have occurred is the problem." Last semester, John Dunphy was hired as director of music on a part-time basis for the Sunday evening mass, according to Fitzsimmons.
Fitzsimmons said that hiring a music director had been a topic of discussion in Campus Ministry long before he took office. In order to better unite a group, he said, it was decided that one music director should be hired to better coordinate the music at mass. Money was never available to facilitate this project, however. At the beginning of last semester, Fitzsimmons said, he re- arranged money in the budget so that a director of music was now financially feasible and Dunphy was hired. According to Fitzsimmons, Beverly Reilly, campus minister, and Falcone, met with Dunphy in the beginning of last semester, but as the semester progressed, the three were having difficulties defining individual responsibilities. In a meeting with Dunphy, 1''itzsimmons decided that Dunphy be given the title of director of liturgical services. Falcone and Reilly were not involved in this decision. Both Currie and Fitzsimmons said that Dunphy's new title is just that - a title meant to give one person the ultimate decisionmaking right regarding liturgical services. A director of campus ministry has been appointed to head next year's staff. While both Reilly and Falcone said they were not involved in this decision, according to Fitzsimmons the decision was made solely by the religious community. Fitzsimmons was informed of the appointment of Sr. Bernadette Anello, MSC, but was not involved in the decision making process.
The counselling center is also planned to undergo changes in the fall semester. At present, the plan is to hire, according to Fitzsimmons, a full-time director for the counselling center along with two interns. This, Fitzsimmons said, would change the hours of counselling available from 50 to 80 hours of service.
'Theresa difference betweennot understanding goals and objectivesand being kept in the dark. I've nevernot answered questions.I don't see where anyonewas left in the dark.' -James Fitzsimmons,dean of students Fitzsimmons also said that to hire one full-time director is more economically feasible for Cabrini because the present parttime counselors receive approximately $43 an hour. This money, he said, could be pooled together, and, based on a salary study, a new, more feasible salary could therefore be established. Not all part-time staff members, however, make this amount. The amount made by some part-time counselors is approximately $7500 per year which equals to a little less than $12 an hour. Changes in the TAMECE program, a program which has been recognized nationwide, are also being proposed, although at this time, the proposals are not known.
"I don't know what the changes are," Mary Helen Mapes, counselor, said. "I've been informed," she said. "I haven't been consulted or asked my opinion." According to Fitzsimmons, he never notified Mapes orally or in written form that she would not be returning as a counselor next year. He did say, however, that he informed Mapes and Russ Sullivan, psychologist, that they may not be returning as counselors next year. While Fitzsimmons said that he has spoken to people regarding responsibilities of the counselling center, the changes he has proposed are based on no research. A change in resident life is planned as well. Next semester, in addition to a live-in director ofresident life, there will be a livein assistant director of resident life who will replace the two resident manager positions. -
Fitzsimmons said that the decision to eliminate the resident manager position and create the assistant director position is two-fold. First, Cabrini intends to house many summer programs and thus needs someone to coordinate these programs. Additionally, the need for a live-in fulltime position was deemed necessary instead of having all the pressure put on two graduate students serving in a fulltime job as resident managers. Mary Elleli fiuy, difector of resident life, will not be returning next year. "I simply felt the personal need to move on," she said.
A fond farewell
Don!'a McBride, Michelle Jones and Lori Inverso, seniors, danced and drank the night away last Friday night at the Sen~orFarew~IJ.!he dinner/dance, sponsored by the sophomore class in honor of the senior class was held at the Holiday Inn m Kmg of Prussia. (photo by Monica R. Palko)
loquitur - friday,april10, 1987
Who shouldbe held responsible for education? According to the former U.S. Commissioner of Education, Ernest L. Boyer's I t t b ok "College "The Carnegie Foundation has recently undertaken a study ~ :ndergradu;te experience in America. This foundation visited thirty ;ubli: and private campuses that reflect the full spectrum _of_baccalaureate education. Throughout the Carnegie report, problems and achievements on the s are vividly described. campu . . . . . . We have examined the findmgs of the report m several stones m this issue and . . . . now '_Vishto appl~ the evaluation to Ca?rmi Co11ege. . This report boils down to the question: W~at exactly are we ~ettmg out ?f college and who should be responsible for th is outcome? We believe th at th is responsibility should be equally divided between th e college a nd th e st udent as far as the outcome of our· education is concerne_d._The college should meet th e appropriate needs of the student, such as providmg proper resources, enough computers, and a sufficient teaching staff. Students on th e oth er ha nd , should be responsible enough to take advantage _ofwhat th e college offe:s th em. . The most important issue is the ~~ahty ~ft~e faculty a nd th eir expectat~on~. T~ whatextentdoclasseschallengecntical thmk~ngormerelyex~ectre~gitation. Some students would rather be cha~lenged with more class discus~i~n th a~ promotes personal interaction and be_given the chance to become a critical th mker. Others students choose to be passive. At an intimate college such as Cabrini, we are given this chance. We are familiar with each professor and how they conduct their classes. Many Cabrini faculty promote critical thinking but we can think of many too, unfortunately,
who expect regurgit~tion. Whe~ we register, we can choose how we would like to be educated - passively or actively. A second question involves our development outside of the classroom. Does ~abrini prom~te leade~ship? It s~ei:ns that the students, faculty and ~dministr~tion that_ a_r~mvo~ved m one activity are the same peo~le that are mvolved m other activities. It is fine that a lot of the same people are mvolved, but what is the other percentage of students doing with any of their spare time? They could be the th t C b - • d fi • t Th h Id t fi d d h th d peop 1e a a nm nee s orvane y. eys ou s ep orwar an w en ey o, the college should do its part and recognize their leadership more. How about the pride of the college? Student activities should not have only games and such for students. We are young adults thirsting for more and more knowledge. The students should be given more ~hallenges. Projects such as lectures are run by the departments of the college, not the college as a whole. How will students learn to become the best leaders that they can without being surrounded by an inspirational atmosphere? The departments at Cabrini really do a great job to benefit their majors but when it comes down to Cabrini as a whole, to stand alone, under one college name, we don't have much to be proud of. We seem to be lacking unity within the college community. Students, faculty and administration, think about what we are proposing and suggesting. What are we getting out of college and what aren't we getting? Students should want to be proud of the four years they have spent here. Who wants to walk away with their degree alone? There is more to college than a B.A. or a B.S. Think about who is to blame if we don't find more than a degree here. These four years are fostering the rest of our lives. That's important.
Theater director applauded ;:~:; '~~.. ~sh!;;,,~:. ·$
Dear Editor:
Bughi1s campus Just when you thought it was safe, IT strikes. IT hits everyone, regardless of race, color, creed, sex or age. Every year at this time,1T arrives and students and teachers are never the same, at least not for the next few weeks. What is this re- occurring disease? IT is Spring Fever. Ah yes, we all know about it and we've all suffered from it. Some of us still have the symptons of this fever. Your mind wanders; you dream of hot sunny days, lying on the beach as waves crash down in front of you. Your eyes are unable to focus on a book, text · book that is, for more than five minutes. Your senses begin to imagine such smells as suntan lotion and flowers, and your mouth waters for the taste of funnel cakes and water ice. Although Spring arrives in March every year, Spring Fever can hit at any time. Usually Spring Break officially marks the beginning of this illness. Once people get a taste, no matter how slight,of warm weather, the fever begins to build. Students trade classrooms for the front lawn of Woodcrest, and pens for suntan lotion. Those severely hit with the fever sport jams and T-shirts, even when the temperature is 35 degrees. Although many professors have been known to pray for snow storms in April (and this year they got their wish), faculty and administration are not immune to Spring Fever. We know that the real reason we don't get our tests or papers back until three weeks after we hand them in is not because you keep forgetting them in your offices, but really because you, too, couldn't resist the sun's rays. Spring Fever never really breaks, it simply carries on into the summer, when it can run rampant. So,here it is, that time again. The Spring Fever bug has bitten students and teachers alike. Classes are harder to get to, on time at least, and papers are harder to write. The beach and sun are calling out to us to take advantage of them. Let us remember one thing, though - if we answer their call now, and blow off our work, will we be able to utilize them in the summer, when they will really be beckoning us?
Throughout my three years here at Cabrini, 1participated in several extracurricular activities. Through these activities I learned a great deal about myself and the world that I live in. Activities such as Project Appalachia, Creative Arts Workshop, and the cross country and track teams helped me to develop qualities of personal growth and universal awareness. Another activity, the Little Theater also played an important role in my development. I worked and also performed in the theater, now, for the past three years. I worked under the demanding and spirited ex-theater director, Mr. Dan Perna. Perna introduced me to the theater here at Cabrini and showed me the fundamentals and importance of theatrical work.
After Perna's untimely dismissal in the spring semester of1985, I was unsure of the future of the theater. I invested two years in the theater and was quite proud of the work that Perna and the members of the theater were producing. I never thought that the theater would ever come alive again like it did during my freshman and sophomore years at Cabrini. Soon after this, Jeanne Fisher filled the vacancy in the theater director's position. Initially, I hesitated in introducing myself to her, because I thought the theater lost its magical sparkle I observed under, Perna. One afternoon I passed by the theater and noticed Fisher in the theater working with a cast. I decided to stop in and within seconds she greeted me with a warm and friendly hello. I talked to her at length on the condition of the theater and of her need
for help. She invited me to rejoin the theater, I accepted, and to this day am glad that I made that decision. In less than two years, Fisher successfully placed the theater back on its feet and in great order. She is professional in attitude, energetic in spirit, and hardworking in nature. These qualities are contagious to those she encounters and also evident in the current theater production, "Our Town." Come out to the theater this weekend and see the Cabrini spirit come to life! Thank you Jeanne for renewing my spirit in the magical sparkle of the little theater! Sincerely, Peter J. Casazza, junior
Readercommendschastity Dear Editor: Concerning the Feb.20 issue of the Loquitur, I would like to congratulate the two-thirds of your fellow students who, according to your survey, have not been sexually active. It is refreshing and encouraging to know that so many of you are living up to the teachings of Jesus and the ideals of your school's patron Saint. Since this choice of behavior represents by far the majority of your peers and the tradition of those who preceded you at Cabrini, I was hoping that your editorial leadership, as a result of your survey, would issue a clarion call to the other third to join in a vision of young people that would cry out against self- indulgence and the using
of others for personal gratification. But, not so. I could not tell where your editorial came from, reading, as it does, like so many antilife and contraceptive mentality statements that dominate the secular press editorials. Your editorial becomes an additional proponent of another "unrecognized" evil that is plaguing our culture but whose consequences we will nevertheless have to face. It is unfortunate that you have been reared in the "me first" and anti-authority society that is all around you. Most of us from past generations tried to make things better for you in growing up, but the Catho-
·welcomes-. .letters to the editor all lettersmustbe submittedby noon on Monday.
lie Christian living of life is the minority. We shall, however, continue to try, because we love you. Our prayer: that God's Spirit will enlighten you, lead you and reward you. Rev. Charles E. Gormley, Pastor
Editor: Kale Welsh Managing Editor: Monica Palko News Editor: Christy Mason Assistants:Mario O'Brien, Yvette Ousely. Donna Dougherty Perspeclives Editor: Kimbery Kovach Ass,slant: Beth Bittner Features Editors. Kathy Hibbard and Robin McKean Assistants:Stephanie Giardini. Debbie Murphy Sports Editor: Usa Mason Assistants:Jacqui McClernon. John Dunleavy BusinessManager: Areta Hlodky Copy Editor: Jeanne Relneberg Graphics Editor Debbie Ferrar Photography Editor: Chris Corcoran Photography Adviser Dr. Carter Cralgle Adviser. Dr. Jerome Zurek Stott Rochel Anderson. Regina Battiato. Beth Bittner. Denise B,ady. Patty Brown. Leah Cascarloo, Christine Cocchia. Rhonda Dannenhowet Danna Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Anne Fahy, Brian Feeley, Debbie Ferret llz Flies. Stephanie Giardini. Kitty Kelley. Kathleen McCabe, JocQul McCleroon, Patty Moore, Debbie Murphy, Monica Palko. Karen Siegl, J,m Steffler. Loaultur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor. Pennsytvania 19087. Subscription price Is $20 per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees LOQuiturwelcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors However. if the writer wishes. and the editor agrees. the wrlte(s name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription Inserted such as ·name withheld at the request of the wrrter." Letters should be typed. doublespaced. and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter is too long for the available space. the editor may edit or condense. letters lo the editor should be submitted by 0000 on Mondays.-
lo uitur- friday,april10, 1987
Blackout,security indifferenceleaves studentsin the dark by Christy Mason
Over at the theater, the play "Our 'lbwn" was progressing along nicely. A 15-minute intermission was just about over when the lights went out. According to Mark Murray, senior, everyone remained calm, took their seats, and, thanks to the handy work of Chris Corcoran, senior, the lights were re-routed and working under minimal lighting. The play commenced. Over at Woodcrest, however, last Saturday night, April 4, things were not so calm. According to Joanne Goebel, at approximately 9:45 p.m., she smelled smoke coming from the generator room in the basement ofWoodcrest. Then the lights and the electricity went out. She contacted Linda Panetta, junior, RA, and the two quickly evacuated all the residents from the building. According to Chris Lombardi, visiting guest of a Woodcrest resident, over the library there was a "flash of light." "It was sort oflike lightening without the thunder," he said. "Then about three minutes later the lights went out and we were told to get out." Goebel then called the Radnor fire department. At this point electricity in all buildings on campus was out or was operating at minimum capacity. Out on the lawn ofWoodcrest, meanwhile, the evacuated residents tried to w~e down the passing security car to no avail. ''There was about 50 people out on the front lawn," Dawn Hartley, sophomore, said, "and about 15 in the street. We all yelled and waved at him, but the security guard sped by us and would not even stop." "The RA's did a good job getting everyone out," Vince Romeo, freshman, said. "They were real organized and helped everyone who needed it." According to Panetta, a car passed by Woodcrest after the security guard passed and she waved it down and asked the driver to chase security. "Security and the fire department got here at the same time," Goebel said. Once the security officer arrived, however,he could not figure out what key opened the generator room. The fire department had to pry the door open with an axe. There was no fire in the generator room or at any other location in Woodcrest. One of the generators was running hot and was turned off. When this was done, the power went on. Maintenance was called in as well, but upon investigation found nothing wrong. Although Woodcrest was evacuated quickly and relatively easily, both Panetta and Goebel were concerned about overall security matters. "Wecouldn't get through to security because the phone wouldn't go through," Panetta said. "Once the computer is out at the business office you can't get through to security." Panetta said that if there was any sort of emergency where the power went out, there wou1--lbe a problem. She also said that the security patrol car was going too fast through the crowd gathered in front of Woodcrest. According to Panetta, the fire alarms in Woodcrest did not work. •~s we were trying to evacuate," she said, "I tried to pull all the fire alarms to wake those who might be asleep. None of the fire alarms worked. Again, there would be a problem if there was an emergency." Goebel was concerned with security's not being able to find the key for the generator room.
•~ far as we could have known," she said, "one of the motors could have been burning." According to Mike Caranfa, director of physical plant, the fumes smelled in W>odcrest were exhaust fumes caused by a blown generator. Power was out for approximately 45 minutes and was the result of a blown transformer which was most likely struck by lightening during a storm.
Faculty involvement:
BLOODDRIVE-The blood drive will be held on April 13th from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Widener Center Gathering Area. CPR CERTIFICATION-CPR certification will be held Saturday, April 25, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the gym. HOLY WEEK-Cabrini College, in conjunction with Villanova University, will hold a Holy Week Retreat from April 15-17. For more information, ~ontact Beverly Reilly by Tuesday, April 7. OPEN HOUSE-Cabrini will host a free open house for transfer students on Monday, April 13, from 3:15 to 7 p.m. The open house will address specific concerns of students interested in transfering to another college. The sessions will include an overview of Cabrini's admissions policy and procedures, academic programs and financial aid options. Students wishing to have their transcript evaluated at the open house may send a copyof their official transcript for prior review to Dottie Moore, Office of Admissions, Cabrini College, Eagle and King of Prussia Roads, Radnor, Pa., 19087. Tours of the campus and dinner will be provided by the college. For more information, contact the college admissions office at 687-2100, extension 550. ANNA VINCENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND-Financial assistance is available to undergraduate and graduate students through the Anna Vincent Scholarship Fund. All interested parties may obtain information by writing: Trustees of the Anna M. Vincent Trust, Mellon Bank (East), Three Mellon Bank Center, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102. DELTA EPSILON SIGMA-Delta Epsilon Sigma is sponsoring an essay competition on the U.S. Bishops' Pastoral on the economy. For further information contact Dr. Margaret McGuiness of Delta Epsilon Sigma. The deadline for submitting essays is December 15, 1987. CAMPUS MINISTRY-Blessing of the palms will take place at mass on Sunday, April 12. Anyone interested in confession should contact the campus ministry office, extension 255. RESIDENT LIFE-The 1987-88 resident assistant staff will be Mike Charvala, Kevin Corcoran, Theresa Daly, Peggy Emmerich, Peggie Federico, Molly Fenerty, Samantha Hidlebird,
Basil Ingemi, Quinn Jenness, Dan Kane, Judy Krajnak, Marie Lis, Betsy Mahoney, Lisa Mason, Monica Palko, Linda Panetta, Jeanne Reineberg and Tina Slater. PRE-LAW CLUB-In honor of the 200th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution, Michael A. Foley, professor of p~ilosophy at Marywood College, will lecture on "Capital Punishment and the Eighth Amendment" on Tuesday, April 14 at 1 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Foley'slecture will trace the historical evolution of the phrase "cruel and unusual punishment" and demonstrate that capital punishment remains consistent with the rules outlined in the U.S. Constitution. For more information, contact Jim Hedtke of the history/political science department at 687-2100, extension 336.
TEACHING THINKING-Dr. John Barell, professor in the department of curriculum and teaching at Montclair State College, New Jersey, will lecture on ''Effective Strategies for Teaching Thinking," on May 13 at 4 p.m. Barell will discuss practical ways to teach elementary, secondary and higher education students how to think critically and independently . For more information, contact Cabrini's masters of education department at 687-2100, extension 503. BLACK STUDENT ALLIANCEThe Black Student Alliance will sponsor "GOSPELRAMA 87" Saturday, April 11, at 7 p.m. in the chapel. Featured groups will be The Randolph Singers, Dawkins New Sound and Darryl and Yolanda Cofield. For more information contact Rita Calicat at extension 406. FINE ARTS-The Cabrini College Community Chorus and the Cabrini Jazz Ensetr).b~ will perform their annual spring concert on Sunday, May 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Admission is free. Kevin McCarthy, a contestant in the Tchaikovsky piano competition in Moscow, will give a piano recital Sunday, April 26 at 7 p.m. in the Mansion. Admission is free. S.G.A. NEWS-Class officer elections will begin Monday, April 13. Spring Fling Weekend will be April 25-26. Watch for posters on campus for more information.
Supporting.activitjesCONTROVERSIESfrom 1 by Stephanie Giardini
Do you think of your teachers as just teachers, and the only connection you have with them is strictly in the classroom? Do some teachers just teach and go home? For some professors, that may be the case, but other professors do try and get involved with extracurricular activities at Cabrini. Cabrini prides itself on being a small college where a student can receive one-on-one attention and assistance from a teacher. This relationship, for many faculty members, extends out onto the playing fields and campus activities. "Everybody is different," Dr. Carter Craigie , professor of English and communications, said. "I like sports. I personally enjoy watching the men's soccer team, the women's field hockey team and the basktball teams, but I haven't had the chance to see the volleyball team yet." Craigie thinks that it is very important to help the student outside of the classroom. He is the moderator of the photography club and he takes his responsibility very seriously. '1 would like to help (myself) in doing a better job as being the moderator of the photography club," Craigie said. '1 feel as ifl let them down by not being there as much as I want to." Scheduling, according to Craigie, is t~e problem. He is involved in so many activities on campus that the time slots are rarely open. John Heiberger, lecturer, business, agrees with Craigie on differing levels of involvement. "I think that it varies from teacher to teacher in the amount of imvolvement," Heiberger said. _ He thinks that a teacher should generally try to support the students extracurricular activities. "They should chose an interest and a time best for them amd get involved," he said. ''They cannot always attend everything though." Like Craigie, he enjoys dropping in on a soccer game or a basketball game and any other sports event he gets a chance to see. He also gets involved in certain committees and clubs within the business department such as the Society for the Advancement of Management. Jieiberger was not so sure, however, if the students really want the faculty actively involved. "How much do we direct them and leave them on their own?" he said. "Youdo not want to run a club." . Craigie said he thinks of the students as friends. "I like the students here and I know some of them like me," Craigie said. "I see them as friends and as people I enjoy being with." "It is a shame that some of my fellow faculty members do not share the same feeling I do," he said. "They are missing out on a lot!"
Rita Calicat, director of student activities refused to comment on problems said to e~ist within the student services department.
Many staff members cited the lack of consultation as the reason for the breakdown in communications, which has consequently led to this feeling of unrest.
Both Currie and Fitzsimmons said that these changes would have occurred under any administration because of the Master Plan that cited the need for them. The Dec. 10, 1986 minutes of the Master Planning Committee, however, does not reflect this. There is no mention in this report about any of the above stated changes and issues.
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loquitur- friday,april 10, 1987
Promotingleadership Libraryexperiences on campus growth,lacksfunding by Stephanie Giardini There are many leaders in this world. A person can be a leader of a country or even a college campus. What really constitutes being a leader? Does.everyone possess leadership qualities? With the graduation, in May, of this year's seniors, Cabrini is faced with a loss of many leaders. The time has come for the college to search within itself to find and develop the budding new leaders of tomorrow. The question is how. Rita Calicat, director of student activities, has already taken that into consideration. She, along with the rest of the administration, are working to help students realize their leadership pot.ential. "The faculty and the administration are helping to encourage student leadership on campus," Calicat said. According to Calicat, the college relies on students who are willing to run for office. With this year's graduation, there will be many leadership positions available. Seniors are helping to fill the leadership positions they're leaving behind through actively trying to recruit and spark the interest of lower classmen to want to take on leadership roles. Mark Murray, senior, agrees that the leaders of today can help f ring out the leaders of tomorrow. "I think the underclassmen will become goodleaders from watching the leaders and imitating them," Murray said.
'We,the staff, shouldact as listenersand respondby encouragingthe students. Createthe situation, encourageand respond.' -Brian Metz, lecturer, business "Wesee many dynamic leaders in the lower classes," Calicat said. "Wejust have to tap into that resource." A second plan that is still on the drawing board, concerns the college holding a leadership month in February of next year. The idea of this leadership month is to provide a series of informational sessions and programs showcasing the many leadership opportunities that exist on campus. Students can voluntarily come to these sessions or they can be recognized by the college and encouraged to att.end. "It is an att.empt to recruit the students and familiarize them to opportunities around them," Calicat said. Dr. Craigie, professor of English and communications, thinks that thi&type of programming is a very good idea. "I think it is wonderful!" Craigie said. "The timing is wonderful." Craigie also thinks that it would be a good opportunity and that the students would definitely get involved in such activities. Another way the college academically promotes leadership in its student body is through offering courses in different fields that emphasize leadership. Courses in communications, business, social work and other areas, all provide leadership building activities. Journalism, management, social work field experience and group structures are just a sampling of such courses. Betty Jane Betz, junior, social work major, thinks that her field of study is very instrumental in building her leadership skills. "The whole emphasis is, as a social worker, that we must take control," Betz said. "The client has the problem and needs our help." According t0 Murray, Cabrini does promot.e leadership. ·'In the coumunications video depart.::2Cl. - M::rr _. ;; "they allowed us to ~ o:i own with the rideo yearbookwhich generated more creative interes-"'
Student-teacher collaboration in the classroom, according to Craigie, is another way to promote leadership skills in students. He thinks that it· is important to allow the student to participate when they express an interest. "Why not use our students strengths for the good of all?" Craigie said. "It's fun! Education ought to be fun." In his management course, Brian Metz, lecturer, business, instills leadership by first t.eaching the students to understand what it entails, then letting them develop that understanding within individual group activities.
'I thinkthe underclassmen will becomegood leaders from watchingthe leaders and imitatingthem.' -Mark Murray,senior
"We, the staff, should act as listeners and respond by encouraging the students," Metz said. "Create the situation, encourage and respond." Metz thinks that the individuals who outwardly show leadership qualities are not the only people who can be leaders. There are, he said, subtle leaders who are not the formal leaders, but still help advance the group by seeing the need for input rather than for formalized leadership. "This," Metz said, "is a wider, more expanded view of what leadership means." "The natural leader might be the subtle leader, not those who build their leadership," he said. "Anyone can be a leader if they find the situation that matches to their leadership qualities." ''There are many types of leaders," he said. "It is not just the title and the power." Besides academics, students can build leadership qualities through participation in clubs on campus. "Positions such as student governmemt, orientation counselors and resident assistants and other school activities are excellent opportunities," Metz said. Involvement in campus activities, committees and clubs are all opportunities that the campus provides for students. They build the needed skills for advancement in whatever the student puts his or her mind to do.
by Lisa Mason According to the recent study of colleges conducted by the Carnegie Foundation, the state of the college undergraduate experience is lacking. Among the many areas examined was what is typically called the "heart of an institution," the library. The study found college libraries to be typically underfunded and underused. Though not completely stereotypical of the trend, Cabrini is not toUl:1lyfree from t~e problems. Colleges have been issued a challenge to make necessary improvements m their systems. Cabrini faces this challenge as well. The primary problem seems to be the lack offunding provided to increase the libraries· effectiveness. The report recommends that a minimum of five percect of the total operating budget be allocated for library improvements. According to Anita Johnson, library director, the library receives approxiamately two percent of the budget. "This percentage should be much higher. In the five-year master plan, we have requested an increase in the library material budget," she said. According to Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president of academic affairs, the college realizes that more funds are needed and is working toward increasing the amount. "We are trying to increase the budget 10 percent each year over the next five years. In order to do this, we are also asking for outside sources," Romano said. Though the collection has improved within the last two years, with the library receiving $7,500 in special gifts this past ~emester, Johnson sees need for fur.t~~r impr~vement. She cites need for more mat.erials, mcreased staffing and updated fac1hties. An mcrease in the budget would help upgrade the library. Students agree that the library needs to be upgraded, primarily in the area of adding more materials.
'We have experienceda dramatic21 percentincrease in circulationsince last year.We havegone up in almostevery area.' -Anita Johnson,librarydirector Previously, there was a problem with materials being stolen from the library. However, with the recent installation ofa security system, the amount of thefts has decreased. Now students are simply frustrated with the lack of sources available. ''The library is poor for research," Jean McCreavy, senior, said. "I very rarely get most of my mat.erial from Cabrini's library. They usually have something, but not enough." "Sometimes it is very discouraging because half of what you need is not there. It was either stolen before or we just don't have it," Lori Johnson, junior, said. According to Johnson, in addition to the lack of material, there are other major area;; in the library which need attention. They are currently working on getting minimal facilities such as more shehing. ""'-"• Johnson also cites a need for an increase in staffing. Presently, the library only employs a part-time reference librarian, catalogue and loan librarians, and a director. In the future, there is also a need to bring the library up to date with technological advances such as computers. Even with the need for improvements, the library is experiencing growth. An examination of the compiled data shows that over the past year, circulation has increased from 11,844 to 14,375. Inter- library loans have increased from 607 to 930. The overall holdings have expanded from 79,239 to 81,539, showing a increase of2,300. According to Johnson, Cabrini does not follow the trend cited in the Carnegie report that college students only use the library as a "study hall." "We have experienced a dramatic 21 percent increase in circulation since last year. We have gone up in almost every area," Johnson said. "Students are not just studying. They are asking for services." Johnson thinks that there are many reasons why students here utilize the facility for more than just a study hall. "I believe it is due primarily to the unbelievable support from faculty members. They give assignments which are productive and not just busy work," Johnson said. "Wealso have a super staff which is int.erested in helping students and this helps creat.e an atmosphere of trust and partnership," Johnson said. "This kind of atmosphere makes the difference of whether you have a repository where students come and study or where they can grow and learn."
'Thereare so many (positions)that we're spreadingthe leadershiptoo thin.' -John Heiberger,lecturer, business
The libraryreceivesapproximatelytwo percentof the budget. Do students learn and expect to learn in the library? Are librarians considered teachers
John Heiberger, lecturer, business, thinks, based on what he has seen, that these positions on clubs and committees are very good, but there are not enough students to fill the positions. This, in effect, he said, puts too much pressure on those who accept leadership positions. "There are so many (positions) that we are spreading the leadership too thin," Heiberger said. ''Too much time is spent on retraining each new leader," he said. The college's administration encourages student interest in leadership opportunities. With student involvement they can be well represented. "The school should not hamper creativity," Murray said, "if it does, it is defeating its purpose." MACabrini graduat.e is unique," he said, "qualities are developed that you can carry into the future."
At Cabrini, the librarians are considered useful resources. "I don't particularly consider them teachers, but I do think they are good, helpful resource people." McCreavy said. "The student aides are also very useful parts of the system." Students and staff agree that the library should be part of the learning process and be used for both studying and researching purposes. ''The majority of the time I just go to use the resources, but I also study there," Carolyn Duckworth, junior, said. "It should be both. We want it to be a study hall, but also far more. Any old room will do if all you want to do is study," Johnson said. The report also found that college libraries characteristicly house many books which, because of professors particular interest, concentrate on narrow scholarly int.erests. As director, Johnson basically works in conjunction with the academic affairs office, as well as the various departments. ''The responsibility is spread over all the departments, and they submit orders for the books they desire in their field," Johnson said. "Through this collective wisdom, we keep in touch with the curriculum. We avoid such things as having 10 books on Impressionism and none on Realism, which could occur if the teacher had a int.erest in that area." Johnson continued, "I've worked in other libraries where we were plagued by this problem." "The director of the library basically has control, but there is a mutual agreement concerning the amount of money allocated to each department," Romano said . "I am in constant contact with Anita (Johnson). We have many meetings, more than ever before. Though she is pleased with the use of the library, we know the problems, and we know that we need to work on them,'' Romano said.
loquitur- friday,apriJ10, 1987
by MonicaR. Palko
When your night class disperses, does your teacher disappear into the darkness of the parking lot not to be seen until the following week? If you have a problem in a class, is it hard to find your teacher because he doesn't have an office?In the case of part-time faculty, these situations are not uncommon. According to the book, College: The Undergraduate Experience in America it has become a "growing practice to hire instructors of part-time status, creating a permanent 'underclass' of temporary faculty members who are often insecure and unconnected to the college." Part-timers are growing in large numbers on campuses across the country, and at Cabrini college. The Carnegie Foundation found that approximately 25 percent of all faculty in four year colleges are part-time employees. Sixty percent of the colleges surveyed report an increase in part-time faculty at their colleges during the past five years, and 4 7 percent of those colleges think that these people are doing the jobs usually filled by full-time faculty. The academic affairs office stated that Cabrini has 45 part- time faculty members teaching at this time. "The business department has the most part-time faculty members," Dr. Mary Ann Biller, academic dean, said. Why the increase in part-time faculty members at colleges in recent years? Biller said that a strong reason for the great influx of part-time faculty has to do with an institution's budget for a fiscal year. "If Cabrini can't afford to get a full-time faculty member," Biller said, "we must utilize the service of a part-time faculty member." Part-time faculty members are paid by the course and their duties are fewer; hence, they are paid less th<m full-time faculty. They are not required to advise students, that responsibility falls totally on the full-timers. Part-timers also do not have required committee work, and for the most part, are not expected to perform the same duties as a full-time member. The biggest downfall of being_a part-time faculty member, accordi~g to Dr. Kath~een Daley, president, faculty senate, 1sthe lack of benefits. In the case ofth1s group, there 1sno pension plan which would help come retirei:nent time. . . . " . . Dr. Valerie Hollis, part-time lecturer, Eng1sh and cornmumcations, said, Getting paid by the course in conjunction wit~ no benefits is a losin~ g~~e." . . Hollis instructs both day and rught courses and she said, Youget paid less for everung courses and get just as many students as in day classes, so you get stuck." "It w~uld be a good idea to raise the salaries of part- timers," Robert Dahl, part-time teacher, mathematics, said. "Some other colleges not only pay their part-time faculty more, they also pay expenses such as travel." Dahl, besides teaching high school during the day, travels every Thursday from Reading to conduct a three hour math course. . Part-time faculty not only face monetary problems. There 1s the factor oflack of office space. . . . '1\.11part-time faculty are offered office space, which usually means sharmg_ With another faculty member," Hollis said, "But it's just as well for me to meet students m the library or the Widener Center. Accessibility is a problem, but it's true with full-time faculty, too." •~ a part-time teacher, you end up meeting students after class or setting up office · hows by appointment," Greg Pasquarello, part-time teacher, philosophy, said. "If you wo~ at different places at the same time, you end up working out of your car." Pasquarello said if an instructor does teach at more than one college at the same time, there is also a potential for burnout. Coming and going from place to place offers little recognition, too. rrhe faculty senate at Cabrini has been presented a proposal by the Faculty Adjunct Committee. This sub-committee was formed to investigate the problems of part-time faculty and is headed by James Hedtke, instructor, history and political science, a former part-time teacher. The proposal asks for the addition of three or four new positions for next year called "permanent adjunct faculty" (PAF). The PAF would be offered a better salary and benefits and would have established for him a specific number of courses that would be taught in the fall and/or spring semester.
This position would be contracted yearly and require the part-time instructor to perform more duties than at present. Daley said that the advising will be one duty that will "help those part-time teachers become more integrated members of the college community." It is now up to Dr. Joseph Romano, vice-president of academic affairs, and Biller to address the questions of what the other additional duties will be in the PAF position, what departments would get these positions and what part-time faculty would be eligible. If the position of a part-time faculty member has so many disadvantages, why do people teach part-time? Pasquarello is working for his doctorate and teaching part- time is a way to keep an income coming into the home. "I could probably find a full-time job, but it wouldn't justify up-rooting my family and my wife leaving her professional job," Pasquarello said. "One of my teachers is working on his doctorate, and he doesn't seem excited about the material," Jeanine Johnston,junior, said. Working all day and coming to campus at night makes it hard for him to get excited." Some faculty members, like Deb Osterhoudt, part-time instructor, advertising, teach because they enjoy it. Osterhoudt teaches training courses at her place of employment as well as advertising courses at Cabrini. "I learn from the research that I do for class," she said. "I find the classroom an exhilarating atmosphere; I enjoy the interchange with the students." "For those who choose to be part-time for pleasure," Biller said, "there is not that sense of urgency as there is for someone who may have a Ph.D. and is looking for part-time jobs to feel that he has an existence as a faculty member." "Some part-time teachers bring more experience and new ideas to the class," Johnston said. "I don't think they rely on the text as much. If they teach their field, they can apply the subjects in class to their everyday work." According to "College," students, when considering a college, should look carefully at who teaches lower division courses. "Most of the courses I teach are GERs, but I've also taught advanced courses," Pasquarello said. "Of course, institutions would give part-time faculty introduction courses and, in some ways, after teaching those courses over and over,we become as experienced as the full-time faculty." Hollis said, "The institutions who are able to get teachers like me are getting qualified people to teach those freshman level courses." "You want the freshman to be introduced to the major with well-qualified, good teachers no matter if they're full- or part- time," Biller said. "However, if you don't have fulltime faculty in lower level courses, the teachers may not be able to see the progression of the student through the major." "Whether they're full- or part-time, it should have no bearing on what goes on in the classroom," Mike Feeley, freshman, said. "Even though part-time faculty may get stuck with introductory courses, it seems they try their best because that's their role here at Cabrini," he added. For Dahl, teaching lower division courses is not a problem in terms offeeling as if the courses were left-over for him. "lfl had to prepare for the higher level courses, it would be a bit much to handle because I have to teach and prepare for seven periods of high school each day," he said. How do these part-time faculty members fit into the community if they are subject to left-over introductory courses and offices in their cars? ailler believe.s it is up to the designated departments to keep the part-time faculty informed and unified with the college and other faculty members. One specific department that Biller expressed has a good rapport with its part-time faculty is the English and communications department. She said, "In communications, Dr. Zurek spends a lot of time inviting part-time faculty to workshops, and explaining the philosophy of the college and its goals." Dahl said that the math department has taken steps to improve the situation of the part-time faculty. "I live so far away that it's a problem to keep up with things in the department," he said. "Fortunately, the department has regular meetings for the part-time members."
More to life thanexamsand highcums by Debbie Murphy
. As the teacher enters the college cla:isroom, _heputs his books down on the front desk and begms talkmg. . Through?ut the lecture that fol~ows,he stops occasi?nally t?ask i_fanyone has any que~tions. The class remams fixed m their seats, some_stan~g mto space, excep~,foro~e st~dent who bravely rai~,es his hand and asks, Is this gomg to 1?eon the exam? . . Accordmg to the findings ?f t~e Ca~neg1e Foundat10n ~or~e Advance~ent ofTeachmg m their t~~ee yea_rexammation ?f_Amencan colleges and umversities, this scene 1s a familiar o~e. . . Through this study, m_embers of the Foundation disco~ered, amon~ ?th~r thmgs, tensions between conform1ty and creativity m ~he classroom. . . Ernest L. Boyer, president of the Carnegie Foundat10n, in his book entitled, College: The Undergraduate Experience in America, reports that throughout the survey, the commission found in "too many classrooms, an absence of vigorous intellectual exchange between teachers and students." . . F~culty members, ~e. said, complamed over and over ~gam abo~t the ~ass1V1ty_ofs~udents wh? on~y-seen:ied mterested m passmg exammatJons and mamtammg high cumulative ~verages. . . . . Students, m return, bla~ed the passiVIty that exists m college classrooms on their teachers, whom many students said act~d disinterested and detached from t~e~. The foundation also reP?rted _that classroom pass1v1ty seemed to decrease and satisfaction between students and teachers increased in liberal arts and smaller colleges. . Cabrini fi~ into both of these ca~gori~s_.How th~n does 1t compare ~th the col_legesand universities exammed by the Carnegie Foundat10n? Most st_udents ~~d teachers agree that the "passivity" of students m Cabnm classrooms, or lack thereof, depends to some extent, on the nature and type of course under consideration. "ln general educatio': ~equirement courses, there may be a great deal of passivity because students know they have ~ take _them _andte~he_rs kn~w they have to teach them, Jenmfer Wimmer, Junior, said.
"Other courses are just dead, for example, math," she said, "So there really can't be a lot of give and take between the teachers and students," she said. · Dr. Carter Craigie, professor, English and communications, said that the personalities of students also need to be considered. "Passive does not necessarily mean quiet," he said. '1\.· stud~nt who ~s quiet in class may be pa;>7ingattention, keep1~g up wit~ the ho~ework _and readi~gs and really learnmg. That 1s not bemg passive," he said. Craigie feels that though Cabrini students as a whole are not passive, in certain situations, they can be. "I find that when there are mixed grade levels in one classroom, students are more passive than otherwise," he said. "W_he':o~e grade level is in one classroom, students are less mtimidated and feel that they can speak out and question more," he said. "If students are passive, it's because they are afraid of letting others know how little they think they know" Craigie said. ' Brian Metz, instructor, business, began teaching at Cabrini two years ago. When he began, he was shocked to find that students write everything down. According to Metz, in the "real world" people are more interested in analyzing and questioning. Metz thinks that when considering the passivity of students at Cabrini, many factors come into play. '1\. false assumption of roles may also lead to a lack of questioning on the part of students," he said, "Students who see the role of the college institution as a giver of knowledge may not feel it is their place to challenge that role," he said. · Metz also thinks that passivity in the classroom might be the result of teachers not fully using all of the teaching devices that are available to them. "Part of learning is student participation and t.eachers have to learn to structure their classes around that," Metz said. "I try to do that but, depending on the nature of the course, my classes may end up being more content oriented than anything else," he said. Sister Regina Peterson, MSC, assistant professor, social work, said that passivity in the classroom may result from learned patterns of behavior.
"I think that Cabrini students are active thinkers but many come from school systems which do not invite' student participation or questioning," she said. "I try and challenge my students to believe more in their thought processes and feelings," Peterson said. "The thinking is there; students just have to learn to trust their own questions," she said. Metz added that because this campus is so isolated, ~tu~ents need to be more informed about what is happenmg m the world at large ifthere is to be an active exchange of ideas between students and teachers. "Sometimes in class I discuss or ask questions about major news events and all I get back are blank stares," he said. "That's discouraging." In wh~t other ways can students and teachers generate more active learning in the classroom?
'I think that Cabrinistudentsare activethinkers,but many come from school systemswhich do not invitestudentparticipationor questioning.' -Sister ReginaPeterson.MSC, assistantprofessor,socialwork i:r think more oral exams need to be given and a higher emphasis placed on class attendance and participation," Wimmer said. "Students cannot just be graded on written tests. There aren't any of those in the real world," Wimmer said. "You have to be able to think and verbalize thoughts," she said. Michelle Bamber, senior, thinks that if less emphasis was placed on scholarships and grades, students would be more willing to depart from the norm. "Grades can limit your free time, your creativity and your participation in outside activities, all of which are important in developing your thinking skills," Bamber said.
loquitur - friday,april10, 1987
Cliffsnotes:Are they reallya shortcut? by Kimberly Kovach
Youhaven't even cracked open your literature book and it's supposed to be read by the next class. It's hundreds of pages long, but you have hundreds of other things to do as well. What do you do now? Why don't you ask Cliff...? Roughly one out of every four American students have been asking Cliff for about 28 years now. But what does he know and who is he anyway? He is Clifton Keith Hillegass 69 from Rising City Nebraska. Cliff is the Cliff of Cliffs Notes, the "keys t~ the classics," as he refers to them, according to Rolling Stone magazine (March 26 )_ In the past 28 years, more than 60 million Cliffs Notes have been sold. Cliffs annually ships out about 5 million Notes a year and brings in more than $7 million in revenues. Cliffs Notes completely dominate the book-notes marRet, according to Rolling Stone magazine. Some points of interest: The Catcher in the Rye was the first contemporary book that Cliff noted; The Scarlet Letter is the best-selling Cliff Note, followed by Huckleberry Finn, Hamlet and Macbeth; and the entire set of Shakepeare's plays are being completed. Cliffs publishes only three to six new titles a year, and only for books that are widely read and have subjects ofan ample body of criticism to be covered. The criticism that they cover, however, seems to be a bit controversial. In traditional English classes, readings were assigned, students were lectured, and exams were given. The notes would be helpful in this case, but today, there is more to be covered in and out of literature class. "In my opinion," Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English and communications said, "Cliffs Notes would be less helpful to my students and Dr. Young's. In our classes we de-emphasize critical analysis. The importance is the contact between the student and the author."
. There are various authors of different Cliffs Notes, t~erefore, s~udents a~e left with only one persons analysis. The writers of Chffs Notes are not any more special than any ot~er reader. You do not need a Ph.D. to write them. The ITTrl_who noted Th~ Coloi: Purple was. only 18 at the time she wrote it. A <:hffs Note may give you a better grade because you w1_llat least have had S?me knowledge of the book, but 1t won't essentially give you an A. "Cliffs Notes are _oftenfound to be inac_curate,"Dr. A_rth~r You~g, !ss1stant p~ofessor, Enghsh commumcations said, They don t tell you all you need to know." ------------------•-
. . a~ pomtmg out are collections of essays and they ~ve studen~ a bro~der_ view. They contain many wt:ferent points of ~ew m opposition to the single pomt of vie~ t~at _Chffsgiv~s you." ~oung _said, It 1s more difficult to write a paper usmg Cliffs Not~~ because you need to know more than ~he plot. Critical response has to be shown from spec1~c responses taken directly from the text. There is no way around the text." Both Zurek an~ Young believe that there should be a personal emot10nal contact between the student and the author. They want their students to relate to what they have read and show their own critical response on paper - not only Cliff's critical ~esponse .. They want to hear the student's 'CliffsNotesare oftenfoundto be mterpretation. inaccurate.' To most students, Cliffs Notes are merely a short D Art cutthroughapartoftheireducation.Cliffisoffering r. hurYoung,assistant students the chance of an easier academic lifestyle. professor, English/communications According to Rolling Stone magazine, Richard J. Spellman, the president of Cliffs Notes, says com-------------------pany-sponsored surveys show that most students who use the Notes also read the books. "The better Originally, Cliffs Notes extensively quoted the the student, the more likely he is to use the Notes," books that they were synopsizing. In the mid-1960's, Spellman was quoted as saying. Not all students are Scribners and Random House sued Cliffs Notes for like that however. copyright infringement. They claimed that the For a quarter of a century now, by the means of quotes were handled too liberally in their summaCliff's successful scheme, students have been getting ries. 'l\vo years later and after some controversy, Cliff away with murder. And for a quarter of a century cut down on the quoting and had the emphasis now, most professors have probably, in a sense, been changed from the summary like notes to deeper ready to murder Cliff. commentaries. Cliffs Notes may be easy to be found in near-by "I would suggest the 'l\vayne series and 'l\ventieth bookstores, but they are unfortunately just as easily Century interpretation," Anita Johnson, Library to be found by professors. Rumor has it that Cliff is director said. "These particular books are available colordeaf. He chose the colors of the Notes covers to in our library, unlike Cliffs Notes. The series that I be bright yellow and black.
learningor makingmoney:
What is the goalof collegestudents? by Jim Steffler
Has the college experience been reduced to a means for getting a "good job" later in life? Or do students have other reasons for going to college besides monetary interests? Tim Corbett, freshman, is going to college because he believes that getting a better education will yield a ''better job" better, that is, in terms of money. If Corbett could have gotten a ''better job" out of high school, the chances of his being in college would be pretty slim.
Joh~ Blakeslee, senior, Bishop Kenrick High School, Norristown, Pa., ,-lans to attend college next year, but his reasons are 'Somewhat different from those of Corbett's.
Blakeslee wants to go to college to interact with people from different backgrounds which will provide him with exposure to points of view other than his own. "This is important," Blakeslee said, "because, around here, things seem too provincial, and you can't get exposure to other cultures." Michelle Manzo is also a senior at Bishop Kenrick and believes that going to college is essential for those that are going to have to support themselves later on in life. But what about people like Blakeslee, who are not really concerned with making money after college? Are there more students like him or is he the last of a "dying breed?" According to Dr. Sharon Schwarze, chairperson, philosophy, there are still people like Blakeslee enrolled in all types of colleges throughout the world.
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''There will always be that thrill oflearning," Schwarze said. "It can't die out, and no monetary value can be placed on it." Manzo thinks that it is too expensive for most students to genuinely experience all . aspects of a liberal college education. "Atleast with one idea in one field, they know they'll get a good job with money coming in," Manzo said. Schwarze, however, maintains that the justification of going to school to get a ''better job" is self-defeating because the credential level for "good money'' keeps rising, and college has become the minimum credential. Dwayne Monroe, sophomore, went to technical school for two years for electronics and ended up working at C&C, an appliance store in Upper Darby, Pa., for a year before coming to Cabrini in 1985.
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Monroe realized while still working at C&C that he didn't want to do menial labor for any long period of time. He decided to go to college because he wants to write and, therefore, needs to support himself in a somewhat stable manner. "Besides," Monroe said, "I feel that it's something I should do anyway-to use the available resources (good teachers and good courses) to train my mind." Monroe maintains that the prospects of a student going to college to secure a meaningful education and a good job are possible, but not probable. "Most individuals who are preoccupied with acquiring 'financial success' just aren't the sort of people who have an equal preoccupation with abstract learning for learning's sake," Monroe said.
, 'There will always be that thrill of learning,it can't die out and no monetaryvalue can be placed on it.' -Dr. Sharon Shwarze, chairperson,philosophy According to Schwarze, those people who rise to the top in their profession are the people with a broad education. "People who are most successful are open to new ideas, they don't dismiss them," Schwarze said. Schwarze also believes that today's students think more about material things and have therefore created needs that students ofSchwarze's generation didn't have. One woman, who is presently doing periodic work on her doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania, summed it up when she said, ''We are a society that wants to play, not learn." She grew up in England where she attended only the best private schools. She has a degree from the University of Michigan and the University of Stanford. She has taken courses at Berkeley University in Calif. as well as the University of California in Los Angeles, where she worked on her doctorate in research physiology. "Students are looking for all of the shortcuts," she said. "They're going to go where the money is, and it doesn't matter to them what it takes to get there because that's all they see." "It seems as if we're heading toward a society where just the wealthy and a few talented individuals from the working class will be able to afford going to college," Monroe said.
loquitur - friday,april10, 1987
sldewaik sud1ng:
Old crazeridesin on new_____ w_ave by Donna Dougherty Most people think of it as just an enjoyable hobby, but to the people who do it, it is a sport and should be taken seriously. They are seen on campus riding a little board with wheels. Commonly, it is known as skateboarding. According to Jay Emmons, salesperson, Bill Battey's Sporting Goods in Media, skateboarding hit its first big craze around 1974 or 1976. It was originated on the West Coast due to the hot climate. Later, it was picked up in the East. The skateboards used then were made of aluminum, fiberglass and wood. Also they were long and thin and used primarily for downhill "skating." Since the latest craze hit the area in the spring of 1985, according to Emmons, the style of skateboarding has changed too. Now most skateboards are 10" by 26" which makes them wider and longer for better gripping. Skateboards are equipped with "chicktails" and "nose lips." "Tails" are located in the back which allows for leverage, and "nose lips" are in the front of the board and allows the skater to perform tricks by lifting the front of the board up with his foot. This gives him more gripping and holding capabilities. According to Emmons, the biggest market for skaters is the 12 to 19 year olds. He said the craze hit hard in the summer of 1985 when he sold three skateboards a day, but by summer of 1986 he only sold three boards per week. "The diehards are keeping it alive. But they don't usually buy a whole skateboard kit. Instead, they just buy the parts that they need," Emmons said. However, according to diehards on campus, the sport is growing in popularity. "It is back. It is a big sport now, maybe bigger than before," Greg Beck, junior, said. Beck works during the summer at Surfer Supplies in Ocean City, N.J, where he sells skateboards and supplies. "Last summer a lot of boards were sold. We sold about three a day. I can remember one day when I sold 10," Beck said. On the West Coast there were a lot of surfers, which added to the popularity. Because of the climate, the skaters would skate during the "off-season" and then surf in the summer. According to Emmons, there is a high correlation between the two sports. Both surfing and skating involve the same movements: same balance control, flow and movement. Phil Sparagna, junior, has skated for about six years. "It's fun. I'm a surfer and sometimes it helps me surf." John Berenato, senior, who has been skating for five years, began to skate because "all my friends down the shore were skating. It's very popular down the shore. The younger generation, people in high school, are starting to skate again," he said. Berenato said, "I like it because it is an individualistic sport; you can do it whenever you want." According to Emmons, "skaters tend to form cliques among themselves." He said they are usually individualistic, keep to themselves a lot, and wear surfer type dress such as jams (a style of shorts). They added that they tend to wear very colorful sneakers. "Skateboard wear goes hand-in-hand with surfer wear-jam shorts and vans (sneakers available in low and high top styles). The low tops are a type of deck shoe and the high tops have well- padded ankles. They also wear Vision Street Wear which are skateboard shoes with a rubber-gum type bottom sole," Emmons said. Tim Fitzgerald.junior, has skated for about four years. He said that he used to skate all the time while in high school and during his freshman year here. "Now I'm too busy to do it seriously," he said. "I used to skate when I was little, and then when it got big I tried to pick it up again. I mostly just street skate," Fitzgerald said. Davj'lCarney, junior, has been skating for 11 years, since he was in the sixth grade. He enjoys skating because he enjoys the thrill and the challenge. Berenato, Beck and Fitzgerald have never competed on any teams, but Sparagna used to be on a skateboard team for the Young Men's Christian Association in Vineland, N.J. Carney has also competed once or twice when he was sponsored by Spikes and Skates, Philadelphia. Carney no longer competes he said, mostly due to school. "In order to compete, I have to practice. I had to make a choice between school and competing. Right now school is more important." · However, Carney uses h~s board as a form of transportation to and from school. It takes
John Berenato, senior, soars high above the gymnaswm tloor aemonstratmg Just how easy the diehard skateboarders can make it look. (photo by Greg Beck) him between one and a half to two hours to arrive at Cabrini from his home in Narberth, Pa. Emmons said that Virginia Beach holds some of the bigger competitions on the East Coast for skaters. Also, further down south in Florida holds some too. There are two types of skating: free style and street style. According to Beck, "Free style skating is done on a totally flat surface and concerns only finesse maneuvers. It is more artistic in form and more expressionary. Street style is more of an all-out radical kind of skating where you use any kind of obstacle to skate under, around or over like curbs, banks and hills." To the skaters on campus, it provides a release. "It's a good escape for me," Sparagna said. "It's a great release. If you're tense or want to release tensions, you skateboard," Beck said. "I started because it was fun, and it was really close to surfing, which I really like to do." Beck has now skated for 11 years. He said that most people take it too lightly as a sport. "It's something you can do all by yourself and it's good when you want to get rid of frustrations and aggressions," Fitzgerald said. As for the chance for injury, Emmons said that novices have more of a chance for that occurring because the diehards have more command of their board and more control of their weight displacement. Also, Emmons said that the people who do it all the time study the tricks before they attempt them, whereas novices just do them without practicing beforehand.
Job Squad Ufeguatd - Certified for vorlous apartment house condominium pools In greofer Delaware Volley and New Jersey. Siar! Moy 23. 1987thru Sept. 7.1987. Interested coll now for on interview of 828-5590. Turn-Key Pool Consultants, Inc. 9 Colwell Lone Conshohocken, Po. 19428,
Mo~,-. helper· Salary or In exchange far room and board. 32 hours/wk., nex•ble, mostly mornings: new born and 15 month old. Coll Patsy Jones at 296-7318.
Protect-a-LIie Corp. - Looking for o Telemarketlng person part-time basis. Monday-Thursday. $20 per evening plus bonus Incentive. Coll 666-0900.
Summer Babysitter• Twogirls 6 and 4 yrs. old. Responsible with co, some days to pick up from comp. Two days o week. .Cor needed Coll Mrs. Mc Cogue at 649-0753 or 687-6125.
car for aale • 79 Ford Mustang Great AM/FM Radio, decent condition. Asking $1500.Call Dione of ext. 254 or 884- 7407 in the evenings
Technlcat Resources Groupa - Port-time worker.sfor o ltrnited ttme period Open and flexible as lo number of hours and days per week (during period 1l o.m - 6 p.m.).Must understand computer terminology. Dalo entry of Information trom resumes into dole base Located near Plymouth Meeting Moll. Salary $5/hr Coll Lorroiae Petrone ot 825-5565
Office work • porf-tlme typing, filing. phone answering and able to learn computerized office procedure. Pay ond hours negotiable. Coll Dr.Kohler. of 642-7882
Walter/Waitress• Cooks. bus persons. machine operators. No experience necessary. will be trained Full or port-time available Located in Wayne. Coll between 9-5 of 692- 7m
Babysitter - In Malvern. three children ages one. six.ond eight. Start as soon os possible or In Moy. Three full days 8:00-5:00 pm. $40/doy. Coll Mory Beth hocker at 644-5614.
St. Davida cleaners - counter person. Flexible hours. port-time starting $4.75.Coll Loretto Moreno at 688-9508.
Child care - Live In opportuni1y. If desired. Car pooling for two career family with 5 and 6 year old daughters. Light housekeeping, occasional extra hours. Requirements: car, nexlble, good natured disposition, affection for children Avolloblllly from June to August 21. Salary: Room and Boord plus $3.50/hr. OR $4.00/hr. Plus lunch and dinner 12 noon to 7:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday, Coll Robin Moll of 527-3244.
Student•• Ale you looking for that Ideal porttime 1ob? The one that pays well. has special bonus programs. gives you a choice of shifts, hos pleasant surroundings. If you c:m speak clearly, write legibly. and ore looking tor on Interesting Job. you should be falklng to us.Your Ideal port-time job may be Justo phone coll away. TMRIs o market research company tho! conducfs public opinion polls from Its convenienfly located office In Iha Lawrence Pork Industrial Pork In Broomell. Call 359-1190and ask for Ms. Carrol.
Roaatree Day School -145 Wes! Rosetree Rd. Media. PA 19063.Afternoon Kindergarten core teacher. 11 lo 6 pm beginlng October of 1987.ends In August or 1988. $5.50/hr.
First step of Cheater county- Connie Nowell educotton supervisor of Firststep needs o summer substitute In on early Intervention program. Port-time hours 9-3 everyday. Coll 696- 4271.
Management Opportunities • In commercial cleaning industry for new graduates. Successful candidates will be placed In o management training program and become o district manager wifhin one yeor Responsiblllties include selling. client relations. control/Ing expenses. etc. Offer competitive salary, benettts and commission pion. Send Info. to Shellvllle Services. Inc. P.O. Box790. 3910 Skippack Pike. Skippack. PA.19474.Or coll 584-0888.
Yardwork • Person needed to do yardwork. manual labor Flexible hours, coll to work out days ond hours of 688-7563. osl<for John Montgomery.
Stouffer Hotela - Full-time job openings: Front desk clerk. Re~rvotlonlst, Bell Capt. Room Service. Banquet Coffee Host1Hostess.First Pastry Chef, Line cooks . • House keeping Aftend. Port-time Concierge. Typist.All positions require ovoUablllty of weekends and holidays.
Babysitter - Student to babysit full-time June 8-19 (Mondoy-Frldoy18 • 5:30. Musi hove car-tor 9 year old girl in Bryn Mawr. If ln·erested coll Katherine Coughenour offer 6 at 525-4397.
Au.• In Ardmore need on assistant to bookkeeper and phone answering. Everyday at funch hour, pay Is negofloble. Coll WIiiiam Sklorossof 649-6035.
Buslneu Office at Cabrini• Full-time job opening In the Businessofnce as computer operofor, Coll Elaine Rice at ext. 2n. Competitive salary.
Temp. S.rvlces - Coll today work tomarrowl It's that simple. CDI Temporary services hos the Job for you. It'stime to earn good pay and work flexible hours so coll , 1 us today at (215)569-2200 Babrslttlng - Free room and board In exchange for babysitting, flexible hours. one child.April 20 - Mid August. Car needed. Coll Anne Mosko at 688-4353.
loquitur- friday,april 10, 1987
Possibilityof n~ courtsexplored. by Leah Cascarina "It's like playing at Wimbledon. There's so much grass," Antle Romano, sophomore, said. "It's the only time I've played tenni~ where I've risked getting poison ivy." Romano's statement echoes the common complaints of other tennis enthusiasts on campus who are upset because of the lack of a usable tennis facility. Due to the increasing demands for a playable tennis court, steps have been taken toward bringing much-needed tennis courts to Cabrini's campus. "Playing away all the time is an obstacle,'.' Joe Dodds, senior, assistant coach, men's tennis team, said. "It would be great if we could play here on campus." Dodds still has hopes, however, that both teams will one day be able to play on Cabrini's campus. At present, both the men and women's tennis teams are forced to play elsewhere, usually either at Radnor High School or at Tredyffrin Eastown's library courts. "Last year I thought getting a tennis court was a lost cause, but this year I'm
more optimistic," Dodds said. "If it wasn't realistic, Fitzsimmons (Jim Fitzsimmons, dean of students) wouldn't be spending so much time on it." Fitzsimmons has indeed been working on the project. At present, he has been planning to have four tennis courts with a bubble ceiling and an outdoor basketball court installed where the weed-infested courts stand now.
'Its like playingat Wimbledon.There'sso much grass. It'sthe only time I've playedtenniswhere I've riskedgetting poisonivy.' -Ande Romano, sophomore "I'm personally committed to having an outdoor facility of tennis and basketball for intercollegiate and recreational use for students and staff," Fitzsimmons said.
Fitzsimmons talked of having a joint venture with a tennis instructor who knew of a businessman who would finance the project. In exchange for the financial backing, Cabrini would share the courts with the instructor. Fiztsimmons said that the negotiation process has slowed because of the financial feasibility for the instructor. They may also run into problems with the zoning laws if a joint venture was agreed upon. Fitzsimmons said the biggest obstacle is tp.e money. Four courts and a bubble ceiling will cost $200,000. Tlie resurfacing of the two courts and a basketball court will run $50,000. Locker facilities (for outside clients) and the foundation for the bubble totals $60,000. The grand total for the facilities: $310,000. Also, adding in the operating and staffing expenses will increase the facility's cost. The question has come up in regards to Cabrini picking up the tab. Fitzsimmons said that if the college paid for it, the project would take away from other institutional needs.
The initial planning for the courts started in August when Fitzsimmons wanted to finance the project through donations. He talked to contractors and potential donors. According to Fitzsimmons, there were a lot of problems with coordinating- all the necessary contractors and construction activities for the same time. Fitzsimmons was then forced to use other means to obtain the courts. At present, Fitzsimmons said that he is pursuing both construction options. "We'll do anything we can to utilize the area, even ifwe go withjust two courts," he said. If the college decides to have four courts, two new ones will be installed while the two existing courts will be resurfaced. Fitzsimmons said it was too early to speculate on just how many courts there will be. Dodds commented, however, that the idea of resurfacing is more financially realistic than constructing new courts.
Knowledgenecessaryin weightlifting programs ¡by Rachel Atheha Anderson You desire to have a more muscular body, so you turn to weightlifting, but one wrong move could put you out of commission. According to Al Berger of Al Berger's Gym, you must receive professional knowledge of what you are doing before you get started. He suggest that help on.a one to one basis may be more beneficial. Jeffrey Cook, senior, who utilizes free weight, realizes the importance of knowledge that Berger points out. There are two different types of weight lifting: Nautilus and free weights. Berger cataloged the significant differences between the two weight training programs. Free weights, Berger explained, provide the trainee with a variety of weight control in addition to the added benefit of one free weight being able to work many different body parts. Nautilus, on the other hand, works on wheels not providing as much control. Cook uses free weights because they can make you stronger faster. He believes Nautilus is more appropriate for toning a body's muscles, whereas free weights give you greater concentration in one area. According to Berger, who has been involved with weight training for 57 years, employing heavy weights with few repetitions help in building muscles. Cook stressed that you must know the correct procedures before you begin. "Weightlifting is not as easy as it looks," he said. Cook has been involved in weightlifting, on and off, for approximately seven years. Cook splits his week into what he refers to as push/pull days, a concept familiar to many weight lifters.
He sta r t s off w1'th a five t o 10mmu ¡ te s tr etch . . During his push days, he will sweat over incline bench, military bench and decline bench presses. These different bench presses work a different part of the chest. The ~ext pa_rtof the week woul~ be pull da:ys.This would include pull ups which involve strappmg weights from the waist and domg pull overs which concentrate on chest muscles. Curls are another aspect of pull days. These weightlifti;;g exercises affect the arm muscles. Berger would agree with this typical procedure because it shows balance and a preceding goal. Cook enjoys weightlifting because he thinks it is a good way to work off steam. "It makes me feel good," he said. Mike Ciaccarello, freshman, also interested in weightlifting, started around three years ago. He was involved in the weight program at his high school, Bishop Egan. Unlike Jeff Cook, Ciccarello did not seek professional guidance before starting. Instead he became an avid reader on the subject. Berger explained that reading books is acceptable, but it could be dangerous. "You should actually consult a professional first," he said. Ciaccarello lifts at Cabrini College and Holiday Spa at least three days a week. Ciaccarello agrees with Cook that free weights get you "bigger a lot faster". All of the lifters agree that Cabrini should expand on the amount of free weights in the weight room because of the growing interest in the sport.
SuperthonAuctionCommittee_wouldlike to extendour sincere appreciationto the manybusinessesand organizationswho were so eager to contribute their donationsfor the benefit of the Leukemiafoundation. Due to yoursupportour Superthonwas a huge success. ThankYou!LindaPanetta A. Hansberry 'Kl4 E. Lancaster Ave. Wayne. PA 688-5006
A Style Above 323 E. Loncos1er Ave Wayne, PA.687-1654
Brooks Stationary 130 E. Lancaster Ave. Wovne. PA 688-1072
Carmen & Co. Aldmore W. Soopping Ctr. Aldmore. PA.649-4444
Pizza Hut 192 DeKalb Pike King of Prussia, PA. 265-1780
KPizzeria Uno 826 W DeKalb Pike Klng of Prussia.PA.337-4060
WILBURGERS SKI SHOP Attn: Jerry Beaudry Bryn Mawr Mall Bryn Mawr, PA. 525-6688
Coco's Restaurant
Wayne Toy Town 163 E Lancaster /we. Wayne, PA.688-2299
Santinos Pizza 101Lancaster Ave. Devon. PA. 688-6486
Radio Shack East Lancaster Ave Wayne. PA. 687-6385
Radnor Rolls 789 Lancaster /we. Villanova, PA. 527-1231
Merian Art & Repo Ctr. 17W. Lancaster Ave. Aldmore, PA. 891>-6161
Dairy Queen
New Strafford Pizza
First Pennsylvania Bank 367 W Lancaster /we. Strafford. PA. 688-8484
Gianni Jewelers, Inc. 15 E. Lancaster Ave Ardmore, PA.642-6860
Harrison's Dept. Store 106 E Loncas1er Ave. Wayne. PA. 688-3660
Philadelphia. PA. 6n-1050
195 E. Lancaster Ave. Wayne, PA.688-5150
138 N Wayne Ave. Wayne, P.'I.293-9689
Flowers On The Ave. 821 Lancaster Ave. VIiianova. PA. 527-7670
Jack'sCameras200 Gelger
King of Prussia Plaza King of Prussia, PA. 337-4516
Cowan's Flowers
Friendly's Restaurant 801 Lancaster Ave. Wayne, PA. 688-7673
Smokey Joe's 212 Lancaster /we. Wayne. PA. 687-4087
775 Loncos1er Ale. Strafford. PA.688-3084
Spread Eagle VIiiage 503 W. Lancaster /we. Wayne, PA.293-9195
Paisley Shop
Wayne Sporting Goods
104 E.Loncoster 1'9/e. Wayne, PA.687-6522
124 E. Lancaster /we. Wayne, PA.293-0400
La Nova Pizza 789 Lancaster /we. Villanova. PA 527-4330
Mad's Records
9 w. Lancaster Aldmore, PA 642-0764
Main Line Video Store
128 W. 'Lancaster /we. Wayne, PA.687-3456