Read about track team's first trip to the Penn Relays See sports
friday,may 1, 1987
cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087
vol. xxxiii,no. 22
Changesmadein thisy~ar'sSpringFling Kane, a racer?
Hawaiianst le
Dan Kane, senior, driving his black Subaru, won the road rally held last Sat. April 26. With the help of co-pilots, Laura Sullivan, senior and Kevin Corcoran, junior, the three endured high speed turns and rough roadways in order to obtain hidden clues around the neighboring area and rf't.urn in the shortest amount of time. (photo by Debbie Ferrar)
The traditional "Spring Fling" weekend usual highlighted with games and activities on Residential boulevard was changed this year. In fact, many students were not even aware that last weekend was designated as Spring Fling Weekend. Those who did, however, had a great time on Sat. April 25 playing softball out on the soccer field to the music of Campus Sound, enjoying a delicious barbecue dinner in the cafe and participating in the "Road Rally."
Juniors Tracy ~ii/er, Eileen Zebrowski, Michelle Dahl and seniors Betty . Hogan and A/Itson Schaeffer do their version of the hula at the Hawaiian luau held last Friday night, April 25 in the gathering area. . • (photo by Monica Palko)
Staff memberspreparefor .departure by Karen Sieg! Retirement, changes within a department's system, and personal need are the reasons that Mary Mulligan, nurse, Fr. Mark Falcone, 0. Praem, chaplain and Mary Ellen Lilly, director of resident life are leaving Cabrini after the spring 1987 semester finishes. Mulligan has been a part of Cabrini for ¡ 25 years. She says that she as well as the facilities available have come a long way.
"I remember my first office was a clothes closet with a few necessities such as bandaids (no pills)," Mulligan said. "I started from scratch to develop an office and next year we'll have an examining room," she said. On July 24, Mulligan will be moving to Portola, California where two of her children live. "I'll have a one-level family home which will be built. I might buy a dog and go out for walks," Mulligan, said.
In the two years that she has been working with Falcone, Reilly found him to be a very sensitive man with many talents. "Wehave only been exposed to one aspect of his personality. I began to see him as a writer and composer," Reilly said. As for Falcone's future, he will do whatever comes his ¡way. "There are enormous opportunities open," Falcone said.
.......... .... ~
If she works, it would be in a card or flower shop. Mulligan is excited for the move and preparing herself for the seasonal changes. "I'm not buymg any winter clothes ...only California- minded ones," Mulligan said. The position of chaplain has been eliminated and the planning of campus ministry for next year began in the last week of April. "When I came in, they had a different chaplain each year and this created an inconsistency. I thought I could supply them with their needs for personal contact," Falcone said.
Mary Mulligan
Beverly Reilly, assistant director of campus ministry, said, "Fr.Markhas been very effective on one-to-one counseling with students."
Mary Ellen Lilly
Fr. Mark Falcone, 0. Praem Three possible options are open now for Falcone. One is a similar campus situation. Others include his hopes to do some serious music composition with two international musicians and the third possibility is teaching sacred music on a graduate level.
Mary Ellen Lilly has been the director of resident life for the past four years. She is leaving this position for personal reasons. Looking back on her time here, she has very fond memories and hopes she has affected the students in a positive way. "I certainly hope I was able to give help and support to students during my time here," Lilly said. On the whole, she feels the work and time she spent at Cabrini has been a gratifying experience. "In the end, Cabrini has probably given to me much more than I could have ever given to the college," Lilly said. Her plans for the future are not definite.
loquitur- friday,may 1, 1987
It is never too路 late to make changes In our first editorial this year, we wondered, with the many changes in admin- issue was important to us and we wouldn't accept no for an answer. istration, office personnel and faculty, if the personality of Cabrini would also It is taken for granted at Cabrini that we have no school spirit. Is that engraved change. somewhere in the handbook? We complain about this lack of spirit, but we accept ------------------------------it and don't do anything to change it. Is that not important to us? It is easy to blame it on others - too easy. That first step forward has to be taken. We don't expectthe new.peopleto be the same as
the ones beforethem,just as we shouldnot be expectedto be the same as thosebeforeus.
Toward the end of the year, two campus events were successful. Superthon was fun, and the sold-out Senior Farewell was certainly "spirited." We wish we could ------------------------------have more events like them. A lot of the planners of such events, though, are . . . . . seniors and in a few weeks we will be saying farewell to them. Are we going to say With all new thmgs come change, and with that change comes a period of farewell to what spirit they had? They want to pass on the reigns but eager riders transition. Perhaps this was our transition year. We should all be able to accept have not come forward. ' change; it usually fosters growth. It is, however,important not to falter and take a step backward instead of forward. During the process, it is important for .the Many people have complained about the changes in student services. We are administration to keep open the lines路 of communication that we have enjoyed in allowing for the adjustment to new positions. We don't expect the new people to be the past. Equally important is remembering that we, the students, have the power the same as the ones before them, just as we should not be expected to be the same to change policies here and we have the power to change our attitudes - if we'd as those before us. But somewhere in the transition, energy was lost. However,we just get ourselves together and do something. feel that it can be restored. Wejust have to try a lot harder than we are now. When an obvious error was made in the height of the speed- bumps, we joined In this last editorial we say, next year, let's get off our butts and change things together and complained. We kept complaining until they were changed. This around here.
Biddinga final farewell Well, here we are, at the end of the line. As they say, all good things must come to an end, and so must my year as editor- in-chief of the Loquitur (whether that is considered a good thing or not is still under debate). The Loquitur must close its pages for the 3umrner. Don't panic though, it will return and be even bigger and better next year under the skillful direction of a new editorial board. And so, the day comes when I must write my last viewpoint. (I know, some of you are probably saying Thank God!) Although I never thought I would ever be saying this, I will miss this. I will miss the chaos and the panic and the tension, but more importantly, I will miss the people. Although I promised myself I would not write your typical, corny, end-of-the-year column, I find myself doing it anyway. I have been through too much and have too much to say not to. Therefore, I apologize to some of you, but I ask you to humor me and be patient while I write my last will and testament to the campus community. I entered this position a naive, shy junior commuter. I leave still a junior and still a commuter (although many people believe I live in the newsroom), but I have grown, mentally, emotionally, and intellectually, more than I could ever say. The experiences I have encountered, the people I have met, and the situations I have dealt with all have left their mark on me and have taught me something. I have discovered my limits and have tested my abilities to the utmost. I have also learned a lot about this school and the people who make it up. As a commuter, I often felt separated from the cam-
pus. This year, I feel I have gotten to know the in's and out's of campus living, and I now consider myself a "resi- commuter." This year has been very interesting to say the least. The Loquitur has reached new limits and has gone beyond the "PR" paper it once was to become a solid, hardnews college paper. We hope that our work will not have been in vain, and that the Loquitur will continue in this tradition. Recently, the Loquitur has been surrounded by controversy, and I, as editor-inchief, have been in the midst of it. I am not, in any way, sorry for this. I believe that controversy is good for a paper; it gets people aroused and interested in what is going on around them. My only hope is that these same people, students and administration alike, will continue to take an active interest in what affects them and speak out when they feel it necessary. On a lighter note, before I leave, I must stop and acknowledge some people whom I have come in contact with during my year "in office." Tothe staff of the Wigwam: I say a heartfelt THANKS!! Without' all of you, the Loquitur would have never been put out. I could not have made it through Monday night deadlines or Wednesday paste-up without my daily runs for Diet Coke, Kit Kats, and Mary Janes. To Odell and the cleaning staff: How did you ever put up with us? Many a Wednesday night I have left the newsroom unable to find my desk, and the next morning, everything is neat and in order. To you, I also say THANKS! To Mark Murray and the DJ's ofWCAB: What would we have ever done without your encouragement and music during
kate welsh those many late-night deadlines? You made us laugh, cry, sing, dance, and sometimes scream with your selections, and we appreciated it more than you will ever know.
To Joel Stein: Need I say more?! 'lb my parents and friends: Yes, I'm still alive. Thanks for putting up with me when I was, well let's just say, a little difficult to live with. 'lb the campus community: I know I was not always the most popular person at times, but if the Loquitur reached just one person with its reporting, then it was worth it. Thanks for continuing to follow us and for never giving up on us. To my staff: You are the people behind the Loquitur. You deserve all the credit for the First Class Honors which we received last semester. Thank you for such a great year! And Good Luck to next year's editors. I know you'll do a great job -after all, look at your teachers!
To my adviser, Dr. Zurek (alias JZ): Did you ever think this year would end? You once asked how we ever put out 22 issues with all the chaos that goes on in this newsroom. To that I answer, "I have no idea!" Thank you for always standing behind us and for letting us make our own decisions.
We appreciate your guidance, your support, your humor (if that's what you call it), and your chocolate chip cookies (which we know you didn't make). And finally, and most importantly, to my editors: You are 12 of the most unpredictable, funny, crazy, dependable, reliable people I have ever had the pleasure ('!?) to work with. Without your songs, jokes, sayings, arguments, ideas, hard work and input, I would have cracked after the first issue. Remember when we said, "1 down, 21 to go?" Well, here we are at number 22, and we made it. I could never really say how much you guys did for me this year. You are, in the immortal words of Christy Mason, "MINT." And so, Areta, Kim, Jeanne, Debbie, Chris, Christy, Yvette, M,iiria, Monica, Robin, Kathy and Lisa,
TltAti,K YOU!!!
Editor Kate Welsh Managing Editor: Monico Palko News Editor. Christy Mason Assistants路Moria O'Brien, Yvette Ousety, Donna Dougherty Perspectives Editor Kimberly Kovach Assistant. Beth Bittner Features Editors. Kathy Hibbard and Robin McKeon Assistants Stephanie Giardini. Debbie Murphy Sports Editor. Lisa Mason Assistants Jocaul McClernon. John Dunleavy BusinessManager: Areta Hlodky Copy Editor: Jeanne Reineberg Graphics Editor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Editor Chris Corcoran Photography Advi~er. Dr. Carter Crq1gle Adviser: Dr Jerome Zurek Stoff Rochel Anderson. Regloo Battiato. Beth Bittner, Denise Brody Potty Brown. leoh Coscarina. Christine Cocchla, Rhonda Dannenhower. Donna Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Anne Fahy, Brian Feeley, Debbie Ferrar. Uz Files, Stephanie Glordinl Kitty Kelley, Kathleen McCabe, Jacaui McClernon. Potty Moore, Debbie Murphy, Monico Palko, Karen Slegl, Jim Stetffer. loqu1tur ,s published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor. Pennsylvania 19087. S(;bscriptton p11ceIs $20 per year and is Included In the benefits secured by tutlioo and student fees. loquitur welcomes letters to the editor letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors However. if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees. the wrlte(s name may be left off the letter upon pubhcotlon and on inscription Inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." letters should be typed, double路 spaced. and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter is too long for the available space. the editor may edit or condense. letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.-
loquitur- friday,may 1, 1987
Everybit of controversyhas its:路pros and路 cor)s... Dear Editor: I am a senior at Cabrini and I have just finished reading the article by Lou Baldwin in The Catholic Standard & Times which dealt with the recent Loquitur ad and editorial. Frankly, I am a little confused. I understand that Cabrini is a Catholic institution and therefore must uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church against abortion. What I don't understand is how one ad can be blown so out of proportion.
In the first place, the ad was for Dr. Stein's medical services NOT for abortion assistance. Second, the editors were not aware he did perform abortions and therefore signed a contract with him entitling him to three week's space. When it was discovered that Dr. Stein practiced abortions, the final ad was to be run. Had the editors pulled the ad, Dr. Stein would have had every right to take legal action for breach of contract. Such action would have resulted in more than just bad press.
I am very much against abortions they are the unjustified killing of innocent children, however, I commend the editors on their courage and strength concerning their decision. I cannot, unfortunately, say the same for other members of the campus community. I am disappointed by their reaction to the editorial in the Feb. 20 issue of Loquitur. It has been proven that many college students engage in premature sex - ethics aside, this is a fact. The editorial neither encouraged nor condoned sex before marriage, rather it took the intelligent and educated viewpoint that if a person is sexually active, he/she must be responsible. In today's world of rampart teen-age pregnancies and fear of AIDS, it is vital to be responsible. That is also a fact. Many people at Cabrini seem to overlook this and are speaking against the editorial while living with blinders on to protect their eyes. No one person can stop a group of people who believe pre- marital sex is okay. Unfortu-
Leadersselections questioned Dear Editor: In lieu of the fact that we, as students, were swamped with requests from the administration and members of the student government to get involved in leadership roles, I find it very discouraging that rumors have circulated concerning the manner in which next year's orientation counselors were selected. I find it very distressful that personal prejudices had to come into play during this process. In a small campus environment, I feel that there is no room for this kind of attitude. It seems that it is unfair, that somehow the same people get chosen
Praisefor presence Dear Editor: After three years at a place like Cabrihi, a person sort of gets used to the way things happen. feople come, and people go, and there's not a thing you can do about it. Adversity, in one form or another, always opposes us and we deal with it however we can. There really is no shame in knowing when it's time to bail out; I've been at those crossroads before, but this letter isn't about me. I know that a lot of people reading this may not know who Barbara Duncan is, that's okay. You would know her if you ever spent a totally clueless day or two in the computer lab, like so many people have in the past, and will inevitably in the future. Barb is the nice lady with the ponytail (usually) that the lab monitors turn to for help when they can't answer a student's questions. Almost always she'd come up with the answer right on the spot, no matter how complex. Well, no more. Barb Duncan is retiring from her position as Computer Lab supervisor. I've been told that this is not a snap decision on her part, nor is she getting the sack. She has her reasons, and this is neither the time nor the place to discuss them, that's her own business. In her days at the lab, Barb has been a friend, a mentor, a policewoman (though not by choice), a confidant, a critic, l:\ last chance source for a loan, and an all-purpose well-spring for good feelings and inspiration. She's worn a lot of hats around here. They all \\-ill seem a little hard to fill. And as sure as there will be problems for some new person to handle in the lab, both technical and otherwise, Barb's presence and quick solutions will be sorely missed. Jason Starrs, junior
for all the leadership roles year after year. The orientation process is an important function in order that the freshman class gets started on the right foot. How can this be accomplished when this hypocrisy is taking place? Next year, after many of the senior leaders graduate, the administration will be looking for candidates to take their places, too bad the younger classes will not share the enthusiasm by then to make another
' nately, despite Catholic teachings, this group is very large. The editorial was wi路itten for them to protect them from unwanted pregnancies and, God forbid, death.
Dear Editor: My name is Patricia Fitzgerald and I am, at present, a freshman at Cabrini College. I read the Loquitur and in the Feb. 20 issue there was an editorial promoting the use of birth control. I am extremely upset about this. Cabrini represent.s one of many Catholic institutions. As a representative of Cabrini, the Loquitur should reflect the teachings of the Catholic faith. I am not saying that each article should relate to religion, but each article concerning morality should influence students to follow the ideals of Catholicism instead of trying to persuade them to go completely the opposite way of the teachings of the Church. I would like to make one more comment concerning this article. In order to act responsibly concerning premarital sex, you should say "no." This is the moral and most effective form of birth control.
Annemarie DiFelice, senior
Patricia Fitzgerald, freshman
In the liberally educated atmosphere in which we, the Cabrini community, has been educated, I regarded this editorial as appropriate and timely. One cannot get rid of facts by ignoring them as certain Cabrini members seem to believe. The answer may be to hold fast to one's beliefs, share them with others, argue for them if necessary - but also recognize the right of each person to decide their own fate. Each of us has seen the Cabrini model for the Liberally Educated Student, perhaps it's time to start living and practicing it rather than just reading it.
Grati1ude S1udent expressed 路expr~sses thanks Dear Editor:
We would like to express our apprecia- Dear Editor: tion to those members of the campus comA letter in the April 3 issue of the munity who participated in the National Library Week celebration by sharing the Loquitur expressed the opinion that the issue concerning the advertisement for choice of their "favorite book." gynecologist/abortionist, Joel Stein, is one Wewould also like to extend our thanks to Monica Palko and the Photography Club of freedom of the press. I certainly share for mounting such an exceptional photog- the conviction that a free press is essential in our nation. Yet, I think the letter-writer raphy exhibit. Our congratulations to the misunderstands the real issues involved. effort. winners. Thus, I'd like to discuss several points. Sincerely, Judith Olsen The function of any newspaper is to A perturb~d student Readers' Services Librarian inform the public by~ providing news reports on a variety of 'issues and events going on in the world. No one disputes this. We, Claire Swann, Jeanne Purpuri, and I, were not concerned about objective news reports which have appeared in the Loquitur. Rather, our objection was to an Dear Editor, quite a demand for the position, and not advertisement, which is a different matter. everybody can be accepted. But I was very Unlike news reports, a newspaper does not During my two years at Cabrini, I have hurt when I found out why I was not have the obligation to print every adverwritten quite a number of letters to be accepted. This happened despite the high tisement submitted to it. For example, does printed in the Loquitur. However, every score in my interview and enthusiasm. The the Loquitur (or any newspaper) have the single time I found myself crumbling it up reason I was turned away was because one obligation to print an advertisement for a and throwing it away because I didn't want person had one thing against me person- meeting of a racist organization, or for an to start trouble or create tension. This time ally. It was not because I couldn't do the job, X-rated movie theater? Certainly not. it has been submitted because I feel that it was because he didn't like me. This Also, Cabrini's identity as a Catholic colthe sudden escalation of politics on campus murder incorporated scheme must change lege would be made meaningless if it was has overtaken the students. Being a proud soon or else the people who really care operated in a manner indistinguishable from secular (public) colleges. But I citizen of this country, it has upset me that about our school's future will die. emphasize that people of all faiths (and such a thing has trickled down and satunon-believers as well) oppose abortion, rated our student body to such a degree. because ultimately, abortion is a human Being turned down as an orientation Sincerely, rights issue. . counselor upset me. I understaod there is Steven Pascali, sophomore It's also important to remember that freedom of speech is a two-way street. We exercised our freedom of speech by making known our views about the ad and, in a respectful way, providing input into the decision-making process of the Loquitur staff. Our demoracy is kept alive and vigby people expressing their views and Frankly Speaking b/ $;{_, /'ii,,,J:.. orous working for their beliefs, whether the issue is nuclear weapons, aid for the poor, di vestArre~~E Gl'lES '/OU10tlF. ment in South Africa - or abortion.
Tensionover selection
\;{VJ.OMA I'O SrJGGt;S-r 'fOU We sincerely thank the Loquitur for .l.cA\JE ~6 ST/JGE. Q'JtC"!;:..L'{ ... providing us with this opportunity to ..J~ GO!t.lGOtrr WITri A BAJ.JG. express our views.
::CREATIVE MEDIA SERVICES 8o> Sll5IS Berkeley,ca.9471le
Respectfully, . Tim Donovan
Berkofey, Ca. 94705
loguitur- fridav,may 1, 1987
BabyM rulingraiseslegal,MembersOnly:
~~~I question!ha,eababy, 0,toptlrSue,legally, JuSIa memory 0
a technical avenue that will fulfill the desire for a child. Looking into the future, <.I'riciaCronin, sophomore, said, "If I couldn't conceive I would go through all possible channels of adoption, and if it didn't work out my husband and I would have to settle for that." She added, "It's not so much that I agree with the pope, but my own feeling is that surrogate motherhood should be outlawed because it is babyselling." Minette Cannon, sophomore, said, ''The pope has to make a statement for the world." If he allowed artificial conception, she said, it could cause serious repercussions in other countries. ''America is a drop in the bucket compared to the world. Like the Church's ruling on birth control, if it was allowed governments in countries like Afghanistan and India would institute mandatory numbers of children." If faced with the decision herself, she said she would look to God for the answer. ''It would be superceding the church," she said, "but I think God would show me the right decision."
It was windy and overcast, the last day of March when the momentous decision of a year-long custody battle was announced. It received wide television news coverage and had been pro-ed and con-ed to exhaustion on editorial pages across the country. This was no ordinary custody battle, but one that could rewrite the pages of American law books. In one corner were William and Elizabeth Stern. In the other corner, Marybeth Whitehead. The referee was New Jersey Superior Court Judge Harvey Sorkow and the prize, Baby M. After Baby M's birth, Whitehead reneged on a $10,000 contract she had signed to act as surrogate mother and refused to give up the baby. Sorkow's decision that she receive absolutely no custody or visitation rights sets a precedent for surrogate-parenting legislation throughout the United States. Because biological and technical advancements enabling a woman to be artificially inseminated and give birth have been so recent and fast-moving, there exists no govNina Hagopian, sophomore, said she erning principle.for legislation. would not choose an artificial means of conWhen the case is brought before the Supreme Court and a decision is made, a ception because "It would not be a part of law will be written. But with that law, will me, but it is not because of the pope." the judiciary system of America also be Diane Szilier, math instructor, is the deciding what is morally right? According to the Catholic Standard and mother of two boys. She said that there are so many children who need to be adopted Times, March 19 issue which quotes the that if she wanted to have a girl she would recently issued Vatican document, "Instruction on Respect for Human Life in definitely pursue adoption rather than scientific means. its Origin and on Dignity of Procreation:" ''What is technically possible is not for that Jeanne Purpuri, junior, said she would very reason morally admissable." obey the doctrine. "I believe the pope is In the document, surrogate motherhood, artificial insemination and in vitro fertil- inspired by God and the Holy Spirit and ization, even when the egg and sperm used what he says is what God would want. If are of the married couple, are condemned. we're going to follow God and the Church, These are not matters of personal choice to we do have to make sacrifices. Those sacrimarried, Catholic couples unable to con- fices, I believe, will be made up." ceive a child. That is, if those couples obey Bob Quinlin, sophomore, said he agrees the law of the-Oatholic Church. Where morality and reality meet is on with the doctrine because artificially producing a baby "could be abused so easily." issues such as surrogate parenting. The He said adoption would be his first choice law says yes. The Church says no. One of the reasons why the Church is and that he agrees that "childbirth is a gift, not a right." saying no, according to the Catholic Standard and Times, is that the involvement of Since there is, and will continue to be, a a third party breaks the physical and spirruli~g by the Supreme Court is neccessary. itual unity of the maritial act. A child, the document said, "is not an Marion Armstrong, sophomore, said she object to which one has a right" but is "the disagrees with artificial methods of consupreme gift" of marriage, according to the ception, "Not because of what the pope Catholic Standard and Times. says, I think it is messing around with The document, however, approves technature." nological assistance to a married couple when it keeps procreation completely The Vatican doctrine would certainly within the marriage and "helps rather cease battles for custody like the one for Baby M - there would be no Baby M to than replaces the maritial act." battle for. There are two fertility techniques that comply with this definition. Both, with The ruling will establish a law by which medical assistance, allow fertilization to one who desires a child but has not been so take place within the woman's body. 'blessed' can utilize scientific advanceFor Cabrini students, most of whom are ments-and obtain one. Catholic, the pope's doctrine seems far removed from their lives now. As future Those who choose to obey the Church's parents the decision may one day have to be law, however, will forfeit "the supreme gift" mad1 '"o abide by the rules of the church, if of marriage.
by Debbie Ferrar
Once upon a time there was a program that offered drinks, food and a place to get together with friends. For one membership fee or a certain amount each time, any student, faculty member or administrator of legal drinking age could be a part of Members Only. . What ever happened to Members Only? "It died a quiet death " Mary Ellen Lilly Director of Resident Life, said. ' ' According to Lilly, the program was conceived and implemented last year by Beverly Reilly, former Resident Manager, and the Resident Assistants of the houses. "They hoped to make it a regular event," Lilly said. Any 21-year-old could pay a membership fee and get a membership card. According to Lilly, Members Only ran several times and seemed to be successful. "But it never attracted the administration and faculty outside of student services," she said. The program was designed to attract faculty and staff, Lilly said, and encourage the excliange of ideas between them and the students. She also said Members Only promoted responsible drinking. ''It was fun and it was a great idea," Allison Schaefer, senior, Resident Assistant, said. "You didn't have to leave the campus to go to a happy hour." Schaefer also added that it was a ~~d ~ime ~ visit with frie~ds who student teach or have internships. Members Only was planned to start again this year, according to Lilly. Kate Grimley, senior, SGA president and the resident assistants of the houses met with Jim Fitzsimmons, dean of students. ''There were questions about more guidelines," Lilly said. "We didn't want to promote a happy hour mentality:" They came up with the idea that Members Only be sponsored in conjunction with a department or office on campus. The first and last Members Only last fall was supposed to be co-sponsored by the President's Office.
"It was a good thing to have because there aren't many activities planned in the beginning of the year," Schaefer said. "But nobody picked it up after the first one," she said. According to Grimley, after the first Members Only occurred, no other resident assistants wanted to sponsor the event. She said the enthusiasm was lost when it came time to do the work. According to Lilly, there was more interest in other types of programs. "Members Only died out around the time Touche' became very popular," she said. According to Schaefer, people are more apt to leave campus in the warmer months. "It should have been brought back in the winter. No one really wants to leave campus in the snow," she said. Another problem with the program was lack of communication. Many seniors did not even know about the first and last Members Only.
'It died a quiet death,' -Mary Ellen Lilly,directorof residentlife Others thought that Fitzsimmon's dislike for the program resulted in its termination. According to some students, Fitzsimmons thought it w~ segregating the campus. According to Fitzsimmons, he was for the idea as long as it reinforced healthy drinking habits. His primary concern was liability. "If the college promotes a happy hour it assumes responsibility for the activities of the sponsored program. We have to provide adequate supervision to protect the interest of the students as well as of the institution," Fitzsimmons said. Despite setbacks this year, there is interest in reviving Members Only next year. ''The idea has a lot of merit. The concept is a good one," Lilly said. According to Lilly, the program gives students an opportunity to get together in an informal way and discuss campus events and problems. "We~hould definitely have it next year, "Dan Kane,junior, resident assistant, said. But, accordmg to Kane, Members Only would have to offer a good deal to compete with places like Touche' and Flanagans. According to Lilly, Members Only has potential. "But its up to the students. The initiative has to come from them," she said.
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news Musicliturgy:
loquitur - frida
Lookingfor interest
by John Dunleavy
He says he can feel it in the air. He also says that it's something that he can't quite put his finger on. This is how John Dunphy, director ofliturgy and music, describes the atmosphere he feels at Cabrini College. Dunphy was recommended when James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, contacted the chairman of the Liturgy Commission of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. In his first year at Cabrini, he has, directed a small group of six students who have provided the music at mass. Regarding the amount of student participation, Dunphy said, ''I try to involve as many folks as want to be involved." Fatlier Mark Falcone, O.Praem, would like to see more student participation in the liturgies. ''This year was bad. There was very, very little involvement and a lack of feeling to participate," Falcone said. According to Dunphy, who also teaches and directs liturgies at Villanova, based on numbers, he thinks Cabrini and Villanova are comparatively equivalent concerning student participation. He estimates that about one percent of the residents from both schools take an active interest in the musical liturgy. As the director of liturgical services, Dunphy is responsible for getting people interested. He recognizes this responsibility and says he has plans for recruiting more incoming freshman. Dunphy will attempt to identify possible
candidates by matching the people coming in by their interests. He says that this can be done by looking at the high school Standard Achievement Tests and getting an idea of student interests, possible musical experience, or even acting roles. Another idea that Dunphy has is to send out invitations to all of the incoming freshman. However, he doesn't yet know if the school's budget will allow it.
'Theliturgyandits symools keeppullingpeople.As a seriesof changesoccurwe mustbe opento them,' -John Dunphy, director of liturgical services Despite future uncertainties, this year's group was accomplished in retaining the spirit of the community. "My students are sometimes happier than others," said Dunphy. "When liturgies take place, they kind of reflect with what's going on in the community. It's kind of interesting to have a feel for the community through what's happening in the liturgies," he said. According to Dunphy, other reflections of the liturgy are changes in people and existing symbols that we all have. "The liturgy and its symbols keep pulling people. As a series of changes occur we must be open to them.
as the chief financial officer. ADMISSIONS-Cabrini College will host an open house for high school juniors on Sunday, May 3 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The open house, which includes a campus tour, is free and parents are also welcome. Lunch will be served in the cafeteria. Those planning to attend should contact the Colleges Admissions · Office at (215) 687-2100, ext. 550. CABRINI COMMENCEMENTU.S. Attorney Edward Dennis, Jr. will be the speaker at COl,!lmencement on May 17, at 3 p.m. on the College's mansion grounds. Leo Valentino, 1987 class valedictorian, will also speak during the graduation ceremony. Valentino is an English/communications major. Sr. Ursula Infante, MSC, founding president of Cabrini College, will receive an honorary doctorate of humane letters during this year's graduation ceremony. She will receive the honorary degree in recognition of her years of service to Cabrini College and to education of youth. For more information concerning this year's commencement contact the public relations office at (215) 687-2100, ext. 254. TEACHING THINKING-Dr. John Barell, professor in the department of curriculum and teaching at Montclair State College, New Jersey, will lecture on "Effective Strategies for Teaching Thinking," on May 13 at 4 p.m. Barell will discuss practical ways to teach elementary, secondary and higher education students---how to think critically and independently . For more information, contact Cabrini's masters of education department at 687-2100 ext. 503.
1987-'88 EDITORIAL STAFF-Editor-in-chief:Debbie Murphy, News Editor:Jacqui McClernan, Asst. News Editor: Rachel Anderson, Features Editor: Stephanie Giardini, Sports Co-Editors: Beth Bittner and Donna Dougherty, Perspectives Editor: Anne Fahy, Photography Editor: Debbi Ferrar, Copy Editor: Yvette Ousley, Managing Editors: Angie Corbo and Kathy McCabe, Staff Manager: Donna Dougherty. COMMUTERS-Commuters sweatshirts are being sold to raise money for a television for the T.V Room. Orders must be submitted before the end of this semester. However, they will not be received until next semester. PHYSICAL PLANT-is now hiring summer painters. Salary is $5 per hour. All those interested please apply at the Physical Plant. FINE ARTS-Cabrini College Community Chorus will present a Spring Concert on Saturday, May 3, starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Widner Center Lecture Hall. Admission is free. For more information, contact Adeline Bethany at 687-2100, extension 301. Financial Aid-There are now summer college work-study jobs available. All those interested should inquire in the Financial Aid Ofice as soon as possible. Financial aid forms are past due. Students will not receive financial aid unless all necessary forms are submitted to the Financial Aid Office. For more information, contact Beth Lieberman, assistant director of financial aid. CAMPUS COMMUNITY-David G.Hunt, CPA, recently joined the administrative staff of C bri ·
Good Luck!!
-iCSpecialwishes iCto our seniorstaff members IiC Ii(
· i( i( i( i( i(
John and Monica Dunphy provide music at the Cabrini 6 p.m. liturgy. (photo by Denise Hurley)
Robin McKeon, Maria O'Brien, Patty Brown, Kitty Kelly, Brian Feeley, Chris Corcoran and Rhonda Dannenhower
~ TheLoquitur_Staff
TO THE CONTINUINGEDUCATIONGRADUATES Jean Hollenbach- History JudithMusselman- Sociology ArnoldCampanile- Education
LindaSambrick- Chemistry
MargaretKing- Chemistry
LouisaSlack- Chemistry •
John Pepe- Education KennithT. Skolda- Accounting SuzanneZefferi- Chemistry
and to the entireclassof '87 BestWishes ContinuingEducationStaff
loquitur - friday,may1, 1987
Absenceof TWACprovokesstudents by Brian Feeley
"All you hear is that there is a lack of participation in activities, and then they turn around and take out the major source of information on these activities," Jody Romano, senior, said. 'They' refers to student services, who did not renew a contract that would allow the Loquiter to run the TWAC page. For those who are unfamiliar with TWAC, it is the listing of events, activities, and meetings happening within the week. It can now be found on Bulletin boards arou,nd the campus. "The argument that is raised is that TWAC was more convenient than searching around for the up-to-date activities on bulletin boards," Jolanda Stringfield, junior, said. The reason that TWAC does not appear in the Loquitur this year is two-fold. The budget a lotted for student services does not allow it to purchase the advertising space needed for TWAC. Another reason is that TWAC is not viewed by some as an advertisement and should not be paid for as such. "I believe that TWAC is more of a public service since it provides information
to the campus community," Jim Fitzsim- · mons, dean of students, said. Although TWAChas not appeared in the Loquitur, events have been advertised in various handouts. A monthly calendar has been devised to accomodate the students with a listing of activities for that month. In addition, there is a weekly update of what is taking place, along with any changes that happen to occur. This is sent to administration, faculty and selected students holding positions related to campus life.
Students are not as receptive to the new source of information as student services would hope. "The calendars are sometimes too vague when it comes to up-to-the-minute information, and aside from that, they easily become lost, whereas the paper is something usually kept close by," Kevin Corcoran, junior, said.
Clubs are encouraged to utilize there own resources. to advertise the events. "If a club or organization needs extra publicity, I refer them to the Loquitur where they can advertise their events," Calicat said. Although the Loquitur is open to help clubs and organizations, a problem still lies with affording the advertisement. The average club budget does not allow them to utilize the Loquitur's service.
Regardless of where the advertising appears, there is a problem with advertising. Clubs and organizations sponsoring the activities, have always relied on the calendars and TWAC. According to Rita Calicat, director of student activities, students should take more initiative in advertising their functions. "Student services is not a means by which clubs can advertise for free. Weprovide a service to the campus community of upcoming events scheduled on the Cabrini calendar," Calicat said.
:t\11 you hear is there is a lackof participation in activities,and then they turn aroundand take Ol,Jt the major sourceof information on these activities.' -Jody Romano, senior
Student services does not intend to use Loquitur for the upcoming year, but is willing to look at the whole picture to see if a solution can be found. "I believe TWAC was a nice easy package for Loquitur, but I think there are other vehicles and options to solicit advertising, and they need to work on those avenues." Calicat said. Fitzsimmons said.
~~ Jk,riorsSeniors
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New administrator
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9u.t\CoU°,1\oiA.. __,,. David G. Hunt, CPA, has joined the administration of the college as the chief financial officer. Hunt has prior experience managing the financial operations of a
non-profit organization involving aca demic programs, computer systems, main tenance and housing. (photo by Mike Stevenson)
~"'1,"~~e,c,a.hMt' ~~---noLA.v
Job Squad Childcare - For three children. 8 month old. three and five year c,d 40 + hours per week. May 26 until end of summer and can live In. Call Karen Hayes at 667-5908. · Babysitter • Need responsible woman ta care for school age girts dunng the hours al 3 - 6 p.m Pav is negotiable and a car Is a necessity. Call 687-8360. Public RelaUons • Cabrini College's Relations Oft ce is looking to hire student interns for the coming fall semester. Student, with good wnting skills. a need for an expanded portfolio and an enthusiasm for learning more about non-profit relations should stop by the PROlf,ce In the Mansion or call x254 Hou-eeplng - Must be in good phyStcal condition. Full-time Presbyterian Home, call Joan Cook at 527-6500
Harlslrings - Chlldrens clothing store In Strafford. Full-time ano part-time sales help positions ova,lable, ~exible Call Ellen ManoIapoulos at 971-9400 Snack B■r - In King of Prussia at a swim club needs help M-F 10·45ta 5:00 p.m. Call Mrs. Saggiotes at 687-2515 after five. Registrar Otlice at Cebrinl College-Hiring O!f,ce clerk for the summer, competihve salary 20 to 30 hourtrweek. CaII Bob at 687-2100 ed 545 Babysitting • four girls for summer. Car Meded Call Phylis Colbs at 687-1003. Babysitter - For the summer. One ten month old child. Two to three afternoons in the week form 2 500 p.m. Call Ruth Frey at 647-6805
Part-time Office Help Needed. Radio consulting firm located In Bryn Mawr 20 + hours per week. Typing and data entry experience a plus. Challenging op;,artun,ty in a unique environment for mohvoted lnd,viduol with a flexible schedule and strong organlzaHnal skils. Send resume to: 1021Lancaster Ave. Suite 206. Bryn Mawr. PA.19010. Full-time painter • Some experience needed. $5 00/hr. located in Wayne area Call 8111 Greenwald at 254-9676 Kennetex - Sum-ner positions Textile Machine operators. $4.00-S500/hr. Day. evening and night sh,lt. Coll Pot Shaffer at 444-0600 Free room and board • In exchange for bobys1lf1ng. starhng In June Third floor Including a bedroom and full both available to non-smoker with references. Call Beth Shoup at 667- 5467 Gateway Receptionist - Ph1laaelph10 International Airport Is seeking students to work as part of the Gateway Receptionist Program. To qualify, individuals must be bilingual and be a registered student eligible under the Work-Study or PHEAAProgram Students may a so auoltfy if thay are under an Internship Program. For more ,nfo. contact Mork Pesce Information Services Supervisor, Ph1la:lelph10 International Airport. Philo. PA> 19153.(215)492-3070.
Summer position In Health Dept. - Health Inspections osst,tont, on or after Moy 18.1987 S600 . 7.89/ hr depending an experience Possessionof o valid Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle License ,s requ,red. Submit application or resume to: Lower Menon Townsh,p, Dept. of Health. 75 E.Lancaster /we Ardmore. PA 19003 Appltcotlons muot be recleved by Monday Moy 11
Houaecleanlng - Daytime and summer help needed. S5.00- $6 00/hr_ car needed. Coll Niki Sovostio at 565-1820. Housecleaning • Two day o week. three hours each (hopelut;y Mondays and Fridays). S600/hr. and car needed Call Linda Sandler at 235-3057.
Syms - Clothing Berwyn. part-time and lulltime. Sale~ cashier. stock people Avolloble lmmedlate!y. $450/hr. Coll Mr. Levin at 644-2000
lower Merion Senior Center - Needs people to help out with senior clt,zens. every Wednesday for about two and a halt hours. Coll Mrs Lerner at .649-5292 Spanish Tutor • needed for high schooI Spanish. flexible about days and ltme Call Mrs Sonders at 525-1902. Howard Johnson's • Faur open lifeguard positions starting Memorial Doy till September Seven day o week from to om. to 10 p.m. S4.00/hr.starting rote
Child care/light Housekeeping Experienced. dependable. non-smoker to help core for 2 preschool children in my Strafford home. References and car needed M-W-F 8:00-4:00 and soma evenings Coll Lourie at 964-1791. Yard clean-up - Work available any day. $50 00. Coll Avis McAvlllo ol 647-3895. Free room & board = S25/week. Free room & board within local Villanova home in exchange for 10-15 hours per week of child care for o small baby Private room/both which Is very conducive for studying. Please coll for further lntormot,on 688-9499 Annamarie Robb. 517Chandler Lone, Villanova. PA.19085.
Childcare • From time to time Two daughters. one age nine. the other age t.fteen. The older one ,s physically handicapped with o form at muscular dystrophy and Is wheelchair bound Pre-requis,tes· nonsmoker. own transportation. strong enough ta 11fta 95-100 lb. person Coll Mrs Terri Jacob at 668-9588.
Babysitter• In Devon area Need o mature and responsible babysitter three to five days o week. S5.00 on hour.
Chilton - General office work for one of Chilton's mogaZJnes. Typing p,o,ects. envelopes. M-F. 2 30 or 3 30 - 5 00 or wtll consider flexible hours, 2-3 hours per day Solarv: $4 501hr.Coll Mory Seth Cartochl at 964-4221.
Herron Cable TV - Direct Sales Mgr ..door to door sales Salary commission. Expect to earn S300 . $500/weel<.Area of sales . Malvern. Devon. Berwyn, Pool! lmmed,ote openings Coll or wnte Andy Walton. Marketing Manager. 111Ruthland Ave. Malvern, Po 19355 296-5112
Omni Equipment Corp. • is presentty accepting applications for sates trainees. Omni ts o leading distributor of Sanyo Focsimllles and Ponoson,c Etectronrc Typewnters. We offer complete soles training. protected local territories. salary plus commission as welt as BSIBC/MMcoverage To arrange for a confidentiol interview. please coll Tom Monostro at 696- 4000 First Penn. Bank• 15th & Market Sts.•Philo PA Port-time proofreader of letters. Word Processing Dept. Eng /Comm. moIor 20 hours/week. salary negotiable Coll Kathy Jackson at 786-8025
Yard work - Any day. $5.00 per day. Colt Mrs. DePuppo at 525-2506 Anlhony Wayne Theatre• Port-time management also open,ng in Bryn Mowr Start Immediately very flexible hours. Child caie - Very light housekeeping. expenenced . dependable. non-smoker to core for two pre-school children References and car ore necessary $4.00/hr. M-W-F 8 00-4:00 and some evenings Coll Lourie Morse at 964-1791
Babysitter• Housekeeping full-time, for three Veterinary Hospital • In St.Davids Is hiring port- t,me on weekends. Pay Is negotiable. Coll Dr.Gw Huggler at 688-1n6.
girts 2. 5,7. S200 00/Week Five days o week from 700 o.m to 7:00 p.m. Start m,d May until Lobar Day. Also three weeil. August vocation In Vermont. Con live in or out must be able to drive o stick shift. Call Mrs. Fort,r a• 446-2558, or 527-2872
loquitur- frida, ma 1, 1987
he¡ almostover...
The girls of Casey House soaked up the rays last Sunday, April 26 behind their house. Allison Schaeffer, senior, can't seem to pry herself away from the television. Oh well ...she's allowed ...she's a senior! (photo b Monica Palko)
...but it'snotfinal Finalexamschedule Exams to be held May 5-9 and 11-13 9:00 Wed 5/6 9:50 a.m. TR/TWR 9:00 Thu 5/7 8:30 a.m. TR/TWR 9:00 Fri 5/8 9:50 p.m. MF/MWF 9:00 Sat 5/9 SAT A.M. 9:00 Mon 5/1111:10 a.m. TR/TWR 9:00 Tues 5/12 8:30 a.m. MF/MWF 9:00 Wed 5/13 3:30 p.m. MF/MWF 1:00 Wed 5/6 12:50 p.m. MF/MWF 1:00 Thu 5/7 2:10 p.m. MF/MWF 1:00 Fri 5/8 2:10 p.m. TR!l'WR 1:00 Mon 5/11 3:30 p.m. TR!l'WR 1:00 Tues 5/12 11:10 p.m. MF/MWF 6:00 Tues 5/5 TUES EVE 6:00 Wed 516THURS EVE 6:00 Mon 5/11 MON EVE
MF/MWF = Monday-Friday/MondayWednesday-Friday TR/TWR = Tuesday-Thursday/TuesdayWednesday *Example: If you have a MF/MWF 2:10 class, your exam will be given on Thursday, May 7th at 1:00 p.m.
~~~----------------------..... Tuition:
Hikefor 1987 y Kathleen McCabe The 1987-88 school year brings with it new challenges, new experiences, and ye nother tuition increase. Tuition itself will go up at least $175 per semester and room and board will increase a east $75. These are unofficial estimates given by Frances Conwell of the business office. This means at least a $500 increase for the full-time resident and a $350 increase fo he full-time commuter. The tuition hike was put into effect in order to develop three areas of concern toth aster Planning Committee. As stated in the Five Year Master Plan, these areas include: recruitment of new students, retention of current students and fundraising. Funds given to the public relations department to aid in the recruitment of new students will be used toward catalogues, computers and other materials. F\:mdraising will raise enough money to pay for new programs and w~atever else i needed. Some of the money will be added to the college's endowment to be used for financial aid and faculty development programs. According to James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, the funds are also needed because plans are being made to construct a new recreation center, an academic building and a new dorm. These buildings will be needed to keep up with the increased enrollment tha
WANTED! The BusinessOffice needs Full-timestudentworkers for the summer.
GRADUATES!!! Weknew you coulddo it! Best Wishesfor a brightfuture. PleasecontactFrances
between8:30 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
loquitur- friday,may 1, 1987
Campuschorusto singoverseas by Debbie Murphy For two weeks this summer, when the thoughts of most of the Cabrini community have turned to warm, sunny beaches and carefree days, seven Cabrini students will be skiing down the slopes of Innsbruck and sipping tea in quaint Austrian cafes. . And because the seven are members of the Cabrini Community Chorus, through it all, they will be singing. . From June 23 through July 6, in conjunction with the Delaware County Commumty Chorus, the students will be traveling to and performing in, designated cities throughout Austria and Hungary under the sponsorship of the Friendship Ambassadors Foundation, an international organization committed to promoting peace and goodwill through music. The group of student performers includes: seniors: Patricia Lee ~d Virginia Smith; Paul Samuel, junior; Dawn Hartley, sophomore; and freshmen, Tim Getz and Donna Kulsea. Paul Bethany, a part-time student at Cabrini. Dr. Adeline Bethany, chairperson, fine arts department, and choral director for'both the Cabrini Chorus and the Delaware County Community Chorus, will accompany the 66-person choir on their tour of Vienna, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Austria and Budapest, Hungary.
J\ndthisyear,we havethe largestnumberof students evermakingthe trip.That impliesa lotrightthere.' ,-Dr. AdelineBethany,chairperson, finearts department
The ma)ority of the gro~p taking the tour are older members from the Delaware County Commumty C~orus. Smith, _whotravel~d to Spain with the choir three years ago, looks forward to the mter-generat10nal learmng that will accompany international learning. "It's so great to watch the group develop as a family during the two week tour" Smith said. "The older people taking the trip learn so much from the younger generation and vice versa," she said.
'It'sso greatto watchthe groupdevelopas a family duringthetwoweektour.' -Virginia Smith,senior As the day of the departure draws nearer, group practice sessions become more frequent as does the enthusiasm among choir members. "I am so psyched to go on a plane for the first time, to travel to Europe and to see the estate and grounds in Salzburg where the "Sound of Music" was filmed," Hartley said. "The one thing I look forward to the most, is being able to say in the end, 'I skied in Innsbruck,"' Getz said.
Antoinette Anderson, a senior member of the Delaware County Community Chorus, summed up the attitudes among older group members towards the trip when she said, "To sing in Vienna, the music capital of the world, is the icing on the cake ofmy life."
Plans for a choral trip to Austria and Hungary have been on the drawing board for well over three years. These plans almost became a reality last summer when a similar group of performers were scheduled for the tour, however, after numerous terrorist attacks involving U.S. citizens, the group decided to decline the touring invitation. This year, the threat of terrorism is no longer a concern for members of the group or for the Foundation sponsering the tour. "In speaking with the Foundation, the subject ofterroism has never been brought up," Bethany said. ''.Andthis year, we have the largest number of students ever making the trip. That implies a lot right there," she said. The group is required to give at least six concerts while in Europe. However,their exact itinerary will not be finalized until just before they leave in June. The rest of the tour will be filled with group tours and individualized sightseeing expeditions.
Some highlights of the tour include an excursion to LinderhoffCastle, one of mad King Ludwigs homes; a tour of Adolf Hitler's former residence, Burchess Garden; and a final concert during which the group will sing the tune "It's a Small World" in both English and German and distribute 13 dozen red silk roses, a sign of goodwill, throughout the audience at the end of the performance.
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loquitur - friday,may1, 1987
Philosophyof lifeoverlooked by Jim Steffler
It is 8:30 a.m., Tuesday morning and, as usual, Harvey Lape, lecturer, philosophy, walks into the classroom. This is History of Philosophy, and Lape is about to embark on a journey through the ages where the class will examine some of the most important philosophical questions and theories from ancient Greek thought to modern times. For many students it is a wasted journey and one that, if it was not for a mandatory general education requirement, would never be taken. But most of these students have pre-conceived or stereotyped notions as to what "philosophy" is really about. For instance, when Rob Ritson, junior, heard the term "philosopliy." he perceived a "bunch of intellectuals" sitting around together talking about "intellectual things." "I used to experience the same old 'taboo'," Pete Casazza, junior, said. "I envisioned Plato and Socrates walking around in some kind of garden with books in their hands, daydreaming," he said. According to Cathy Entenman, freshman, pre-medicine major at Ursinus College, these misconceptions are largely formed due to societal pressures.
'The purposeofteaching philosophy hereat Cabriniisto encouragestudentsto think critically.' -Harvey Lape,lecturer, philosophy "Society has taught us to ignore the teachings of the great intellectuals." Entenman said, "because it is widely held that their words hold no real life implications," she added.
"How can the philosophy courses help me in the business world and where does faith, God and Descartes come in?" he said. Lape believes that "philosophy" is central to the liberally educated person. "It is inconceivable that one could be liberally educated without some kind of philosophy background," he said. "The purpose of teaching philosophy here at Cabrini is to encourage students to think critically," Lape said. According to Lape, students have been conditioned throughout their entire lives to take on the role of a passive receptacle in which the teacher's word is regarded as "Gospel law."
'Societyhastaughtusto ignorethe teachings of the greatintellectuals becauseit iswidelyheldthattheir wordsholdno reallifeimplications.' -Cathy Entenman,freshman, UrsinusCollege "Students aren't just receptacles, and if philosophy is different from other courses, it's the extent to which we try to get it across that students need to take an active role and must realize that knowledge is something that they must make themselves," he said. Many students are deceived into thinking that college degrees, certain courses, activities and grade-point averages are the essential points to be evaluated by prospective employers. Dr. Sharon Schwarze, chairperson, philosophy, believes that it is not really a matter of what you have taken in school or how well you have done, but it's who you are that counts. Ritson majors in business administration and has made it his goal to secure a position in the General Motors Corporation.
"Contrary to what students h,elieve,there are hundreds of students out there and they re a_llgood. They all h8:ve great grades and excellent credentials," Entenman said. According to Schwarze, the people that rise to the top are often times those who have a broad education. "These are the people who can improvise when confronting problems that don't have a textbook answer," Entenman said. ·
'Onceyoucan learnhowto think throughthe problems thatare raisedin philosophy, it becomes easierto thinkthroughproblemsin othersubjects, as wellas lifeitself.' -John Callinan,sophomore Ironically, often they are the philosophy or religion majors who had to put up with a good deal ofpe!'secution in _collegefor going into a "useless" or "bogus" major, she said. What's scaring Entenman, though, is that students may be trying to conceal their love for subjects like literature, journalism and philosophy because society has placed upon them the label of"wanderers" or "dreamers." "But in a society that is so easily swayed by the dollar. this is not surprising, at all," Entenman said. "It's scary to think that many of these people are abandoning their dreams and their livelihoods due to monetary reasons, because they are the morality makers of the world. They set our limitations for what is right and wrong," she said. John Callinan, sophomore, would seem to be at least one exception. Callinan is a philosophy and~nglish major He explained why. • "Once you can learn how to think through the problems that are raised in philosophy, it becomes easier to think through problems in other subjects, as well as life itself," Callinan said. ,
Seniordisplaysworksin art exhibition by Patty Moore
Last Sunday, April 26, an art exhibit featuring the works of Deanna Baranowski, senior, opened in the Fine Arts Gallery of the Holy Spirit Library. On display through May 10 will be over 30 works created during her college years, most of which were completed in the past two. The opening reception was from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Family and friends of Baranowski attended, as well as faculty and area artists. Baranowski used a wide range of mediums, including watercolors, oil paintings, pencil drawings, pastels and charcoal in her work. She has no specific theme repeated in her art, just "a little bit of everything." Baranowski's art works ranged in price from $15 to $75, mainly to cover the cost of framing and art supplies. By the end of the afternoon, over half were sold. Preparing for the show took many hours and Baranowski has been getting ready since winter break. The pictures were all framed by the artist herself and the invitations were designed by her also.
Last minute details were still being made after the paintings were hung the Wednesday before the show. "Right now I'm just excited. I've spent so much time on this," Baranowski said. Baranowski first became interested in art while attending Bishop McDevitt High School in Harrisburg. She studied art for four years and was taught by the same teacher who influenced her to pursue a career in the field. She then continued her education in the arts at Misercordia and Kutztown and transferred to Cabrini two years ago. " I came to Cabrini because it had arts administration, not many schools offer that as a major," Baranowski said. Graduating in May with a degree in fine arts she will return in the fall to complete the one class needed for a double major in the field, arts administration. Also in the fall, she will work at a paid internship for the New Jersey State Art Council. "I would like to work for the State Art-Council, possibly in Harrisburg," Baranowski said.
Truelovemeansmore thanwealth·andlooks by Debbie Murphy
Like "Pretty in Pink," and "Sixteen Candles" before it, writer John Hughes' new release, "Some Kind of Wonderful" is tun and ~ntertaining but too super~ fic1al to dehver any real message to its audience.
Deanna Baranowski's works include a wide range of mediums including watercolors, oil paintings, pencil drawings, pastels, and charcoals. (ohoto bv Rhonda Dannenhower)
The plot is a simple one: A starry-eyed youth falls in love with a girl he knows he can never have and foolishly pursues her only to find real love in the end with the girl-next-door. Aimed at a purely teen-age audience, "Some Kind of Wonderful" traces the plight of Keith Nelson (Eric Stoltz), a middle-class high school senior, who has the misfortune to fall for one of the school's most popular beauty queens, Amanda Jones (Lea Thompson). Amanda, though not wealthy herself, prefers instead to run with the fast crowd at school and enjoys the status afforded her by Hardy Jenns (Cra1g Sheffer), her rich, arrogant boyfriend. Stoltz, of "Mask" fame, gives a solid performance as the love-smitten hero who tries temporarily to hide his true self through elegant cars and lavish
gifts hP .:annot afford, in an attempt to win Amanda's attention. Thompson is equally convincing in her role as a troubled teen struggling to decide who she really is and what she wants from life. In the end, through her contact with the film's central character, Amanda finds self-respect and the courage to stand up to the rich, possessive Hardy Jenns. Mary Start Masterson gives an excellent performance as Keith's hardmouthed best-friend Watts, who is herself in love with Keith. Her character has the best lines and never misses a heat as she delivers almost continuous cutting remarks about the dismal prospects of Keith's and Amanda's relationship. . Laura, St-0ltz's younger sister in the film, is equally entertaining in her role ~ a middle class valley girl who revels in the attention her brother's relationship with Amanda Jones brings her. At the film's end, it is the irrepressible Masterson, not Thompson, who walks away with the love-smitten Stoltz, proving once again that the "good guy" doesn't always finish last and true love is more than we
loquitur - friday,may1, 1987
-u2- The JoshuaTree:
Politicalrockband branchesout ' by Kathleen McCabe U2, the Irish rock band, has taken the world by storm with hits like "Pride," "Sunday Bloody Sunday," and "Bad." They now stand poised ready to take on the ultimate challenge, producing even more hits .. Can they do it again? Judging by the sound of their new album, the Joshua Tree, the answer is yes.
Without going commercial, U2 has achieved what few bands can. They have changed just enough to keep their music interesting and they have stayed true to form, so as not to alienate their audience.
(photo by Denise Hurley)
The change is obvious when you listen to their lyrics. Their messages are no longer black and white. They're shaded with religious imagery and they've acquired a subtle poetic sophistication that one doesn't find in their previous albums. They've learned that a whisper is just as good as a scream. The bitterness and anger of Boy and War are gone, leaving behind a thoughtfulness· and passion all their own. The young rebels from the streets of Ireland have turned into modern day poets and philosophers.
Their messagesare no longerblack and white. They'reshadedwith religious imageryand they've acquireda subtlepoetic sophisticationthat you don't find in their previous albums.
Critics have called the Joshua Tree album grim and "a picture bleaker than U2 has ever painted," said Rolling Stone critic, Steve Pond. However, when was the last time you heard an upbeat catchy tune from U2?'1t simply isn't their style. They are a serious rock band with a message. The Joshua Tree may be called melancholy by those who don't get their message, but spiritual to those who do. Musically, Joshua Tree comes from the direction of the Unforgettable Fire, their last album, with afew subtle changes and innovations.
Stanley Kubrick's
Bono, U2's lead singer, takes full advantage of his powerful voice by not taming, but restraining it slightly. This gives his voice a rough edge that is very appealing. In songs like "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", he croons with a rugged skill that is teeming with passion and emotion. The harmonica is used very effectively throughout the album. In "Trip Through Your Wires," Bono plays it with a ghostly quality that compliments the song's haunting melody.
Adam Clayton's bass and Larry Mullen Jr.'s drums maintain the pulse, while the Edge, lead guitarist, performs his aggressive solos and excites the pulse.
loquitur- friday,may 1, 1987
Mixing,not¡matching for summerfashion by Patricia Ruppe
What's hot in spring and summer fashion? Denim, lots of color, celebrity style shades, and would you believe python skin jackets? Believe it, it's all here.
sense this spring and summer. Khaki is displayed in contrast to bright reds, yellows, and oranges in baggy and stone washed fabrics. The key to achieving this element is to blend colors such as earthtones or blues and grey~ with completely contrasting or even clashing colors. For instance, department stores such as Macy's are displaying modest length khaki shorts with a brightly colored "bugle boy" cotton shirt or sweater.
The fabric for this upcoming season is cotton and it's being shown in a variety of textures such as denim and woven cotton. The versatility of cotton is presently seen in the popular rugged look created with stone washed denim. The fashion houses of Guess and Zena are showing stoned The key to achieving washed jackets and jeans coupled with checked cotton miniskirts this elementis to and black cotton blazers in the blend colorssuch as May issue of Elle magazine. Department store chains such as earthtonesor blues Macy's and Bloomingdale's are and greyswith displaying Guess and Zena in abundance. completelycontrasting The mini skirt is another hot or even clashing item. These wonderful little eye catchers are affordable and vercolors. satile. The mini skirt is being shown by many major designing houses and in many different ways. The textures vary from cotThose individuals who choose a ton weaves, clingy and comfortmore reserved style of dress will able, to suedes and denims. They . find that they can trendy too, as are being shown in Harper's natural sportswear becomes more Bazaar and Elle magazines with popular. These styles include the anything from a python skin unconstructed blaze~ baggy jacket to khaki safari linen. shorts coupled with the cotton Contrasting color will be an oversized top or the Laura Ashley integral part of displaying fashion jumper.
Formal dressing, however, is a different story. The triumphant return of contour is happening this season. Short is the trend. Dress length is above the knee and off the shoulder quite obviously intended to flatter the female figure. Gentlemen will continue to en ¡oy the Italian
"Youknow the way.So I will content myself by expressing the firm trust I have in my heart, that even after you leave the College you will show yourselves worthy of whatever state of life to which God has called you, that you will impart to others the lights you have received ... God bless you your life that may render it fruitful to the Church, country and society."
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Denver, Colorado May 9, 1905 Excerpt from letter to the Alumnae of Rome
designs in suits coupled with paisley ties. In order to create a fashion statement this season, one need but employ a bit of imagination and some taste. Mix colors that would not ordinarily make a match. Styles are also being mixed in any way, s~ape or form
that will insure a second glance. For instance, lingerie is much more visible than ever according to Elle magazine. So mix it, do not match it textures, colors and skins. Sleeveless turtlenecks, mini skirts, raincoats, belts and shorts are in this season.
(photo by Denise Hurley)
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loquitur - friday,may1, 1987
Golf teamtees off newseason by Beth Ann Bittner
As the sun shines brighter and the grass gets greener, golf fanatics pull out their clubs, which have been in storage all winter and hit the courses. This year Cabrini College joined the rage of fanatics and formed a golf team. According to John Dzik, athletic director, an interest had been expressed by Jeff Cooke, senior, two years ago about the possibility of starting a golf team. "Because of student interest, I started to call around to look into golf course fees and the possibilities of starting a team. Unfortunately, due to responsibilities to the tennis team as coach and also to the high rates of golf course fees, all possibilities were put to rest," Dzik said. This spring a tennis coach was hired, and, once again, Dzik began calling around about golf course times and fees. This time Lady Luck was on h_isside. "I was able to negotiate an arrangement with General Washington Country Club that allowed the availability of course time to a team for practice at a very reasonable rate," Dzik said. The next step was to find the team members. "When all the necessary arrangements were made possible, I talked the golf team up to find the people to play," Dzik said. At last, the golf team was formed. The Cabrini golf team consists of five members: Cooke; Eric Ehresman, junior; Dave
Kodluk, junior; Pat Zipfel, sophomore and Brian Kilroy, freshman. The team officially started practice the second week in April. Due to such a late start in the collegiate golf season, the team only had the chance to participate in the District 19 Golf Tournament. The teams that participated in District 19 were Philadelphia College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Alvernia, Allentown, Misercordia and Cabrini. "Wewere seated against some of the top players in the District," Zipfel said. "Believe it or not we were seated pretty well in the tournament, too, but unfortunately due to anxieties and bad weather, we didn't do as well as expected." Cooke agreed with Zipfel. "It was a combination of bad luck and bad weather," he said. "This year was pretty much a casual set-up," Cooke said, "but I feel next year, the team will be successful. They have a good place to start." "It was a lot offun this year and I think next year, with more people and an earlier start, it'll be even better," Kodluk said. According to Dzik, the team took fourth out of the five teams in the District 19 Tournament. "Dzik really went out of his way for us. He coached and supported us and was even able to give us a few good pointers," Zipfel said. Dzik hopes to formalize the golf program next year and get if off to an earlier start. "Maybe we'll even be able to get some women interested in the golf team," Dzik said.
Trackteam runsagainstlackof recognition by Regina Battiato
"Yes Virginia, there is a track team at Cabrini." It is not talked about that much, but it does really exist. ''Track is a fairly new and oncoming sport," Paul Magolon, sophomore, track team, said. The Trenton State relays took place on April 18 and the team qualified for the Penn relays on April 25. The Lincoln Invitational, in which athletes from small colleges compete, will take place on May 2. "Lincoln was number two in the NCAA. All the good schools will be there, and so will we," Tom O'Hara, coach, said.
'Its not reallya sport that attractsthat much attention, at least not at Cabrini.' -John Donahue,junior "I have a real positive attitude about the season," Magolon said.
Though the team receives very little attention, the members and the coach were not bothered by this and hoped for a successful season. The season is a short one that only lasts about two months. Track is really a sport that prepares one for cross country and its popularity may very well be over-shadowed by cross country running. "It's not really a sport that attracts that much attention, at least not at Cabrini," John-Donahue, junior, track team, said. The team has brought itself som~ notice with its participation in this past weekend's Penn Relays. It was the first time in Cabrini College's sport's history that the team competed in this race. Donahue, Magolon, Harry Furey and Pete Casazza, juniors, and Mike Dolan, freshman, were among the members of Cabrinis mile relay team for the race. Casazza, Furey, Donahue, and Magolon also finished second in the Peacock 1\voMi le Relay to Temple and beat West Chester, who came in third. The team finished in last place with a finishing time of 8:32.
Paul Mago/on, sophomore (left) and Mike Dolan, freshman (right) run and strive towards the finish line as they represent Cabrini for the first time at the Penn Relays this past weekend.
Tothe Classof 1987 ___... ~~
We're proudto "admit"
Toall ReturningStudents _Enjoy yoursummer & see you in the Fall
that we have best wishes in mindfor your future
--oalJQl\lll1fw =-
Dean of Students
Career Counseling
John Dzik
Jim Fitzsimmons
Donna Seckar, M.Ed.,
Health Services
Campus Ministry
Mary Mulligan
Beverly Reilly, M.Ed.,
Sue Fitzgerald
Fr. Mark Falcone, 0. Praem, M.A.
Resident Lite
Counseling Center
Mary Ellen Lilly, M. Ed.,
Mary Helen Mapes, M.Ed, M.A.
Joanne Goebel
Russ Sullivan
John Doyle
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Student Activities
Rita Calicat, B.A.,
Security Student Coordinator Orientation
Dan Neyer Sean Mitchell
Teri Ciarl
Good LuckGraduatesof 1987 The AdmissionsStaff
loquitur- friday,may 1, 1987
Men'steam,overcoming obstacles by Patricia A. Brown No coach, no courts and no strong administrative support have weakened Cabrini's tennis program since its start in the spring of 1984. According to Chris Corcoran, senior, who organized the tennis team in the spring of 1984, Cabrini administration said that if the team stayed together, win or lose, for one year, a "real" coach would be found. Although the tennis team has lasted for almost three years, it was not until this semester, spring of 1987, that the administration followed through on its promise by hiring John Newman as tennis coach. "I have been going to the administration since my freshman year to get a coach for the tennis team," Corcoran said. "For the past three years they kept saying there wasn't enough money in the budget." Cabrini found Newman when he called John Dzik, athletic director, inquiring about a position as soccer coach. Upon hearing that Newman has also coached tennis for five years, Dzik offered Newman the job of tennis coach. Newman accepted.
Referring to Newman, Corcoran said, "He's been exactly what the program has needed for quite some time. He is very knowledgeable."
'It is hardto take a tennis programseriouslybecause we don't havetenniscourts on our campus.' -Chris Corcoran,senior
Corcoran said that Joe Dodds, senior, and he had acted as coaches in the past. "Last year Joe and I tried our best, but we are still not knowledgeable enough to coach a team," he said. Enthusiasm, however, may not be enough. Teammates and coach agree that on-campus tennis courts would improve the tennis program.
"It is hard to take a tennis program seriously because we don't have tennis courts on our campus," Corcoran said. Newman said, "We need courts so the guys can practice on their own and play just Zazyczny agrees. "He is a really good for fun." coach. He is very enthusiastic," he said. "He's there to enhance what we already know. He knows what he is doing. He The team pratices on Eastern College's, knows how to coach. I've never seen a more Radnor High School's and the Tredyffrin dedicated coach." Eastown Library's courts. Since there are "It has not been just my enthusiasm," no courts for home games, the team must Newman said, "The team i~ enthusiastic." travel a lot. "We didn't have a coach. Dzik said he wanted to take the tennis program seriously," Joel Zazyczny, sophomore, said, "We needed a coach to take it seriously."
An_other obstacle the team faced was startmg late. Practice did not begin until the last week of March since it took so long to find a coach. The season will be over after the District 19 championships this weekend.
"Tennis should be started around January or February so we can roster around matches," Zazyczny said.'"! missed most of the matches because of my classes." Despite the obstacles, the team took second place in doubles and placed third, overall, in the ESAC Championships in Maryland on Saturday, April 25. Salisbury State placed first with Allentown College taking second.
'We could haveplaced higherif we had had a coach earlier,but our team didn't start playinguntil a month ago.' -Joel Zazyczny, sophomore
"Travelling takes time from everyone," Newman said. "Some of the guys don't like to travel so far. Travelling takes away from studies:"
"We could have placed higher if we had had a coach earlier, but our team didn't start playing until a month ago," Zazyczny said. "We were playing people who were practicing everyday or every week."
Referring to the win, Newman said, "That's quite an accomplishment for a team that doesn't even have tennis courts." "We've created a team," Zazyczny said. "We are going to have an awesome team next year if we start early."
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loquitur - friday,may1, 1987
Neglectedconditionof facilityquestioned by Denise Brady Late night pizzas, ice cream at lunch, and all of those beers at the Wayne Tavern. Those pounds have really begun t.o show, and now you would like t.o work them off. Maybe you would just like to work out because you like t.o keep in shape. Where do you go? There is no "real" recreational facility on the Cabrini campus, and the weight room and Atra are not known as the hot spots t.o visit. There are no bicycle or jogging paths. What is the problem? Lack of funding for one thing, and lack of interest, for another seem t.obe the reasons pinpointed. There are plans to renovate the outdoor tennis courts. A recreational sports complex is in the discussion stages according t.o James Fitzsimmons, dean of students. The drawback in making these plans a reality is a lack offunding. The most recent issue is that of the weight room. Some of is old and the stationery exercise bicycles are broken. "It's horrible," Christy Mason, junior, said. "I give tours for Kappa Sigma Omega and I find it very embarrassing to show the weight room t.o a tour group."
Beth Bittner, junior, is more angry than embarrassed. Bittner used t.o use the stationery bicycles her freshman and sophomore years, and also used some of the free weights.
until the end of the year to see ifhe has any money left from other areas of the athletic departmenrs budget t.o cover the weight room. Dave Butera, sophomore, said, "I think the equipment should be upgraded to keep up with the latest in weightlifting."
"Now," she said, "it's a mess." "Things are broken or missing, and they haven't Asked why he did not use the more been fixed or replaced. I think the weight equipment in Atra, he room was forgotten when the budget was sophisticated planned." Bittner has since joined a gym • replied, "It's a farther walk." elsewhere. Bittner elected not t.o use Atra because "I have no budget for the weight room," it's too small. "There's no room to stretch John Dzik, athletic direct.or, said. out or walk around, and, most importantly, the hours it was open were inconvenient for me."
'Its a mess.Thingsare brokenor missingand they haven'tbeen fixed or replaced.' -Beth Bittner,junior
•--------------He also said that the bicycles were checked by maintenance, but have t.o be replaced because they are beyond repair. He hopes t.o replace them within the next year, as well as add a rubber mat t.oprotect the carpet. He says he will have t.o wait
'The weightroom is the only recreationalarea offeredto thosewho don't play a team sport and by not using decentequipment,the weightroom is goingto waste.' -Harry Furey,junior
Dzik agrees with Bittner about the hours, but feels that the Cabrini community did not take advantage of Atra. Atra, the fitness center in the Sacred Heart parking lot, was not very popular with students and has been closed since January due t.o liability problems. Harry Furey, junior, said, '½tra is good for athletes on teams at Cabrini, but not for the t.otal student body. The weight room is the only recreational area offered to those students who don't play a team sport, and
"The bottom line is money," Jolyon Girard, chairperson, history department, said. "The college has committed funds on a priority basis, and at present, there doesn't seem to be any money for recreation." Girard said, "Do the students themselves want the activities available to them?"
Keepin touch: -------------
t"tka c/<1jj
by not using decent equipment, the weight room is a room going to waste." "You wonder about the priorities of those in charge of the budgeting especially for those students who aren't athletes on a team," Mason said.
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loquitur- friday,may 1, 1987
Athleticdirectorevaluated~pinion--hailto a hero by Jacqui McClernan
This year has brought about numerous abrupt changes within the administration of Cabrini. The athletic department has been no stanger to these transitions, which have escalated throughout the year into full scale problems. Helen Goodwin, physical education director, was relieved of her duties as women's athletic director at the end of the 1985- 1986'school year. "It was a shady deal," she said. "I was informed through a memo from the president and a very unsatisfactory meeting with Dr. Romano, vice president, academic affairs. Therefore, I was out and no questions were asked." ''At no time was I ever asked to meet with Dzik or the administration to discuss the change," she said. When Goodwin was removed as women's athletic director, John Dzik, then director of admissions. became both the men's and the women's athletic director. in addition to his men's varsity basketball coaching position. This year he encountered many unique circumstances in his new position. The controversy is brewing over whether or not Dzik has enough time to handle all of the athletic responsibilities, especially the women's athletic department. During the past school year, many feel that the women's athletic department has received the short end of the stick. "He needs to be more attentive to other teams," Mike Johnson, senior, said. "Goody's being relieved was a big mistake. In order to provide an overall good athletic program we need to delegate equal time to the various teams." Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor of history and former men's athletic director at Cabrini, said, "It is particularly difficult to be an athletic director and also a head coach within that department." For example, he said that the women's softball team had a win taken away from their record because of a misunderstand-
ingwith umpires which, accordingtoJohnson, is the athletic director's responsiblility. ·
"Dzik acted as if he didn't need any support, so, ifhe didn't ask, why should I offer," Goodwin continued.
Girard is having difficulty understandIn addition to this, Johnson said that the ing the decision to release Goodwin of her team was sent to Northeast Christian Col- duty as women's athletic director. ''As an lege for a softball game that never took outsider looking into a situation where I place because Northeast Christian was used to be an insider, I could never underplaying Rosemont ~~llege in_stead. stand why Mrs. Goodwin was let go," he said. "She had an excellent track record "The game that Mike is referring to was with legitimate programs that were comlisted as a scrimmage and the policy is to petitive and coaches that were happy with use student umpires," Dzik said. "As far as her." the game at Northeast Christian, somewhere along the line, representatives from the two schools discussed a game to be "I have speculations, (as to why Goodwin played on April 2 at 4:00 p.m. Contracts are the responsiblility of the home team and was let go) but they are not pleasant," Girard said. we never received them." One of the problems expressed has been· ''As athletic director, I take responsibil- that, with basketball recruiting, whether ity for sending a team on the road to no or not Dzik is around enough athletic game and I should have followed up on it," director. Dzik said. "I apologize to Jim Hedtke, Bruce Kidwell and Mike Johnson." Goodwin said, "He is out a lot and that is As far as the problems with softball are a problem because there is no one here to concerned, Dzik would prefer to keep them ask when a problem arises." between himself and the coach. "I have no Dzik said, "I could sit and complain, but I comment other than anything to to deal am not. Instead I am dealing with the cards with women's softball is between Jim that have been dealt to me. I will not defend Hedtke and myself, he is the coach," he myself in the Loquitur," he said. said. Dzik had to deal with the transitional "Make sure everything is done at home period of being an athletic director and the before you go out and play or recruit that is director of admissions up until October 15 the job of an athletic director" J:mnson ' as well as filling in as soccer coach. These said. were all unusual circumstances and they took their toll on his popularity. James Fitzimmons, dean of students, Dzik said that he did his best to lend said that it is a transitional year and many support in the admissions office to his suc- circumstances existed that usually cessor but that he did not receive the same wouldn't. He continued to say that he does response in the athletic department. not think Dzik can be judged on this year "Maybe Goody felt she didn't need to give alone as he entered into a new position. He me support, I was just given a stack of plans to evaluate the situation next year. papers," Dzik said. Goodwin disagrees, seeing the situation Dzik does not think he is overburfrom another light. dened. "My responsibilities are athletic "He did not get support from me because director for men and women's athletics and it was not my job and he never asked," head varsity basketball coach," he said. "I Goodwin said. "Dzik told me he understood don't think that there are too many responhow I felt and that he would talk to me once siblities because this year many unique he was out of admissions, and to date, he circumstances presented themselves that I has yet to approach me." don't think will surface again next year.
Women's softball:
Seasonsitson mound of success by Rachel Athelia Anderson
After a long uphill climb, when you are nearing the summit, there comes a feeling of accomplishment and relief. The Cabrini womens' softball team has this feeling. "We're on a plateau. We've done all the up-hill work," Andre Jost, sophomore, said. Camaraderie, continuity and confidence are traits that this team possesses, traits that they have practiced and tried to perfect and traits that aided the team in the climb to their summit. The team is "functioning more as a unit," according to Jost. Jost attributed working together, compensating for someone else's mistakes and knowing each team member's individual tendencies as distinctive characteristics that Cabrini's women's softball team exhibits. The team agreed that they were performing much better this current year than they were last year. According to Jost, there lies a wealth of talent amidst the players.
and chose this school on her own. Even though she holds twelve years of softball experience under her belt, Woodwas never recruited. According to Michele Pasquarello, senior, captain, the team played a good game.against Chestnut Hill College. They won it in seven innings. Pasquarello does not think that the team has had a bad game this season. She agrees that the team is better this year then last year.
Hedtke said that their worst game was against Textile. They had come away from two tough losses to Allentown. He thinks that the team merely lost confidence but said, "Losing happens to any team." All teams need a supportive coach and according to the teammates, Hedtke fits the bill. "Hedtke is constructive in his criticism," Jost said. "He knows what's going on," Wood said. "He supplies 100% support."
"It's good to have a team where even the underclassmen are strong," she said. James Hedtke, coach, women's softball, said, "Th~ir knowledge of the game is much better." According to Betsy Mahoney, junior, the team is keeping their eyes on one freshman, Judy Wood,who has gotten them "out of a lot of tough innings." Wood,the team's •.,... illl■li:;..___ pitcher, is from Holy Cross High School
.;..,.,, ----...:..••• ■....
(photo by Mike Stevenson)
isa mason--
I was sitting around with a couple of friends over Easter Break watching television. The announcer was talking about the tribute and parade for the Philadelphia 76ers' Julius "Dr. J" Erving who is retiring from basketball after this season. One of them, who shall remain nameless because I fear for her life, said, ''A parade, why is there so much comotion over Dr. J?" Within seconds, a casual chat turned into a heated argument. We virtually attacked her verbally. I didn't know where she'd been, but a country, and in particular the city of Philadelphia, would answer her question in the exact words that we all shouted at her. "Dr. J is a hero." We continued to pour out our personal opinion about Dr. J and the type of person he is. Wesaid things like, "he's an awesome player," "he always makes time to sign autographs," "he's the epitome of a gentlemen," and "he consistently maintains a positive image." I also remember someone saying something that echoes my feelings. He said, "Dr. J is a prime example of a well-rounded person. He's smart, talented ...everything." Afterwards, I thought about the way we ranted and raved over whether or not Dr. J deserved the attention. I thought about things that each of us said. It wasn't the typical disagreement over who can dunk better than who, or what player has the best round-the-back lay-up. It went deeper than that. We weren't just talking about some basketball player. We were commenting on a man who because of his good-natured manner, intelligence, warm personality, responsible attitude, dedication and devotion to his fans (the list goes on) had made a mark on not only a sport but a country. But why had he left such a mark, and why do I respect and admire him so much? I continued to think about our conversation, and what hit me was that most of my friends aren't even basketball fans. Yet, when it came to the "Doc" they all proclaimed him to be a hero. Why? The reason is, Erving has something more than talent on the basketball court. He has not only made achievemen ts which warrant recognition, he possesses qualities which are admired and can be modeled. One person in the group posed the idea that Dr. J realizes his influence on kids, and he is a good example for children. She also said that he tries to encourage them to lead good lives. Then another friend said, "he's a family man." Someone else commented on his wellspoken manner and intelligence. The compliments continued, and they went far beyond his talent on the court. Yes, "Doc" can fly, and his skill and finesse have kept us thrilled and amazed. Yes, he has continuously broken records and lead his team to many wins. Yes, he has scored over 30,000 points in his 16 year basketball career. There's no question whether or not Erving is a hero in basketball, or whether his name will go down in its history. His accomplishments speak for themselves. But this is not what brought hundreds of people out to a parade in his honor, or enabled him to have May 20th designated Dr. J day. But what makes him shine is that he has not only achieved hero status in basketball, he has a much broader appeal. I think even a person who is in no way a basketball fan can respect and applaud him. In the midst of such drug controversy surrounding athletes, it was refreshing to give attention to an athlete who kids can look up to. Kids need role models and they need to dream. It's good for them to dream and have heroes. They usually turn to sports figures, and I am so glad "Doc" has been around for so long. It's sad now to think that, after this season, we'll no longer be mesmerized by his moves, charmed by his personality, or impressed with his eloquence. "Doc, we'll miss you."