Nov. 13, 1987 Issue 8 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, novembef 13, 1987

cabrini college, radnor, pa. 19087

vol. xxxiv, no. 8

Experiencesshared by speakers by Kerry Gallagher

After Eisner and McCarthy spoke, there was a short question and answer St:d~nts, and Dr. Carter Craigie, asked questions pertaining to the media and

Jane Eisner, former Philadelphia Inquirer foreign correspondent who covered the TWA hijacking, and Lee McCarthy, former NBC foreign correspondent and present Channel 29 anchor, spoke this past Tuesday in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. The subject of the lectures was "The Media and American Foreign Policy." Eisner was applauded when introduced by moderator Dr. Jolyon Girard as the first foreign correspondent from a newspaper to be sent overseas with a husband and a baby. McCarthy, though never stationed overseas, was an NBC correspondent in Boston. He happened to be over in France with Vice-President George Bush when the hostages in the TWA hijacking were released in Lisbon. He related his experience over there at that time to the audience and gave a picture of what it was like covering news in a foreign country. Both speakers talked about censorship, hardships in finding a place to stay in a foreign country, being alone in a foreign country and the differing views of foreigners concerning international affairs. Eisner and McCarthy agreed that foreigners are more knowledgeable about· international affairs than Americans. They used as an example what effects a bomb going off in Paris would have on America and England, respectively. Most in America would not flinch. However, it would be the main topic of conversation in London and many British citizens would be very worried. One explanation of this may be the closeness of the countries in Europe. America is such a large country that Americans tend to be only concerned with what is going on in their own nation. Another idea presented was that Europeans are extremely wary of war. One guessed that this is because they have lost so much, just in this century alone, because of wars. Eisner gave insight to the foreign correspondent program at the Inquirer. Six . people are based permanently overseas. These six are stationed in London, Moscow, Nairobi, New Delhi, Manila and Cairo. There are also two placed temporarily in the Phillipines. McCarthy talked about the fine line there is in corresponding in a foreign nation. The line runs between reporting the event and becoming a participant in the event. McCarthy found fault with Walter Cronkite for invitingSadat over to America for Dr. Jo/yon Girard (center), moderates as Jane Eisner (left), and Lee McCarthy questions. (photo by Debbie Ferrar) (right), 11e1d peace talks.


Cur ic I by Denise Civa

Dr. Margaret McGuinness, chairperson, themes and problems from a number of religion department; Dr. Sharon Sch- academic perspectives," she said. Some ideas to achieve these goals warze, chairperson, philosophy department as well as the committee; Dr. are now being considered. For example, Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English and some new general education requirements communications department; Dr. Arthur that have been proposed for freshmen, Young, James Hedtke, Carol Serotta, involve the interdisciplinary theme. AnWilliam Kuhns and JohoHeiberger. Two other idea being examined is a senior representatives from student affairs, and seminar with a· "values/et~cs perspec· two students to be named by the Student tive" Biller said. Other ways to achieve these goals Academic Council are also involved in this include: having courses that are adecommittee. "Faculty members were elected quately challenging for incoming stuby their peers from six curriculum areas, dents, and encouraging students who fmd representing a number of departments in themselves on the same level as a class, to be exempt from that course and take someeach area," Biller said. Recently, this committeehasbeen thing more mind provoking. paying a great deal of attention to the general education requirements presently incorporated into Cabrini's curriculum. 'College courses should "Students take a bunch of courses without coherence," Zurek said. "There's provide challenge and nothing that everybody takes." . Zurek approach knowledge, mentioned that one way to .emedy this situation is to get a "common · 0re ofboo!-'..s" themes and problems for the general education requirements so from a number of acathat ultimately all Cabrini students will have gone through college having read demic perspectives.' basically the same novels and literaryworks. -Dr. Mary Ann Biller, Another issue regarding Cabrini's general educationrequirements academic dean is thatthey seem too much like high school courses especially regarding their titles.

Having a good education is essential to students. It is a key element in their lives and their futures. Cabrini College is dedicated to this fundamental belief. To enhance and build on this idea, about five years ago a curriculum committee was begun. Two years ago this committee was formally voted in as a part ·of Cabrini's committee system. The whole reason for the existence of the committee is the discontentment of some students and faculty members with the current curriculum and general education requirements which have not been changed for many years. Dr. Mary Ann Biller, academic dean and curriculum committee member, commented on the functions of this increasingly important council. "It's functions are to review, evaluate, and make recommendations to the faculty and administration on the entire curriculum in light of the college's statement on the qualities of the liberally educated person, educational research, and studies or analysis of Cabrini stude11ts or external trends," she said. Biller also added that the committee is trying to spur on interdisciplinary interests and expand on the current curriculum incorporating new fields of interest. Other members of the Cabrini "College cm.rses should provide faculty involved in this committee include challenge and approach knowledge,

inside perspectives 2-3 news ............ 4-6 features ....... 7-9 sports ...... 10-12

After years of planning and de bat-

Person of the week: "Goodie" (page 9)

ing, Sister Eileen Currie M.S.C., president, has asked this committee to develop a preliminary plan on the curriculum to be presented to all the full .Lime faculty members in the spring. She says the reason this is being done is so that faculty members might get funding to allow them to have some free time to work on developing the new courses and requirements. "In speaking with individual faculty members in both annual conferences and informally, I know the majority have expressed the need for a change," Biller said. "There's always room for improvement." Karen Holcombe, junior, said. "Some courses I have are stagnant and other course_sjust go over basic material." Eventually, all aspects of the ideas the curriculum committee · has covered will have to be debated and passed by the faculty as a whole in order to go into effect. "It •isalways stimulating to create something new, but it is also serious work to try to provide students with an education which will challenge and develop their minds, their values and the concern about issues greater than themselves," Biller said. "It is important to provide them (the students) with the best the world thinkers have offered to develop their own philosophies ·on life, people, values and societal issues," Biller said.

Cross countryteam wins ESAC (page 11)

loquitur - friday, november 13, 1987

Supportfor revisions Experiencingculture differencefirsthand

Any student truly interested in learning should support the curriculum committee's efforts to restructure the general education facist, and he was, but involuntarily. requirements. His visa and passport were denied and more time was to pass before he could Presently, the GER's are isolated blocks of-six or eight credits join my mother in America. His involunthat together lack a clarity of purpose. They are courses we accept and tary involvement in the duties of a WW II stephanie try to get out of the way. Italian youth was finally proven, and he was allowed to enter the U.S. giardini We 11eedcourses that make connections between the real world They both traveled to the new and individual disciplines. We live in an interdependent world where, country by boat with may others who were for instance, knowledge of economics is essential for as seemingly leaving post-WW II Europe. The grand It is a struggle. It has always been lady of New York harbor greeted their unrelated fields as journalism, social work, history, biology and educaa struggle for my parents to fulfill their hopeful eyes to the life that lay ahead. tion. We need to take general education courses that enrich our dreams and ambitions. Their dream was But, before they started that life, perspective in approaching other courses and the world. Otherwise, we ¡ America. Their goal was to get there and they stepped off at Ellis Island, a place of succeed. laboriously read from a book, acquiring passive knowledge. biting reality. The ominou~ halls where During World War II, growing up The most common student gripe is that GER's are not relevant to in a small rural Italian town was difficult. they lined up gave a cold feehng to the n~w As they were processed along with their major. We don't recognize their application. Perhaps because as They, along with their peers, were youths arrivals. the rest of the mass of humanity, they felt thrust into a world which today's children the presence of the millions that have they are outlined now, it is not there. fathom. passed before them and hardships that In a book by Ernest L. Boyer, former U.S. commissioner of can hardlyWhen I hear their stories, it seems <:till tn ~nme. education, titled College: The Undergraduate Experience in America, attimes unreal. Yet, it was real and a reality When my father arrived in Philahe says that in his national study he found that when traditional courses they have lived with all these years. delphia, my mother was staying with a It began under the leadership of relative of his. The hustle and bustle of a link learning to contemporary issues "almost without exception classes Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy. His large American city overwhelmed and such as these attract large crowds, (which) has nothing to do with easy regime was the one that changed and confused them at first. It was a big change grading, but reflects an eagerness on the part of students to be taken shaped their lives. He taught them, di- form their European lifestyle. rected them, he volunteered all of them as I remember distinctly a story my seriously ... to help them define their larger commitments." he saw fit for the good of Italy. And it was father told me once about going to his first This statement seems to be a written description of Dr. good, but only for a short time job in America. He went out to conquer McGuinness' Faith and Justice course. McGuinness is a member of the The youth of Italy, at that time, inner-city public transportation armed curriculum committee and has incorporated global awareness into this was Mussolini's strength. He directed soleywith his wits and a piece of paper with all under a facist rule, whether their the addresses of his destinations. religion course which applies the concepts of faith and justice to current them interest be voluntary or involuntary. They Imagine going through a city you world issues. lived by strict rules, learned great discipline do not know and not being able to commuSome members of the committee want to dispose of the core and respected with pride who they were, nicate where you are going or even able to curriculum entirely and start anew. Others want to expand the what they did and what was around them. read the signs. The ignorant attitude that Some may say that this sort of life the American people gave to this foreigner boundaries of the existing courses. An increased number of courses is harsh and cruel and yes, some of it may that day was the most frustrating part. which blend the lines of individual disciplines and enables students to have been. But, out of it came a sincere What a first impression of this directic:i and drive. sense of belonging, country and it's people he had. The sad better understand themselves, society, past, present and future, and the And with concern to the youth of today, is part is that this impression really never world in which we are aU a part seems ideal. it not that which some say is lacking? faded away. To this day, they both deal with One of the qualities of liberal education as defined in Cabrini's The one dream my mother had, the aggravation people give them because preamble is to promote global awareness. There is no guaranteed since she was eight years old, was to come of their accent. (They now speak, read and write English, but because of their accent America. exposure to global awareness included in the core curriculum. Boyer's and live in She is an independent and strong it continues.) Instead of making an effort study shows only seven percent of all colleges and universities in the woman. Always has been, always will be. to understand them, some can only make United States require a ¡course in third world studies. Only 14 percent She married at 18 and shortly after made jokes. journey to America. Imagine leaving Despite these obvious difficulrequire courses in international education. Cabrini is on the crest of a the all you know to come to a new land where ties, they conquered the obstacles of the wave that is slowly permeating liberal arts colleges across the nation. you do not speak the language or know English language, started a family and It seems too many students think education consists merely of job anyone. The thought ofit even frightens me learned the American way of life. and I am two years older than she was when They struggled through many preparation. Dr. Zurek, chairperson of theEnglish/communications hardships over some thiry-odd years and she came here. department, said a problem today is that students "are packed with work, They had to travel seperately, with they did it all for my two older brothers and and not getting an education." my father staying behind because of the myself. They gave us the best educations, a We agree with Boyer's finding that "general education urgently laws passed by Sen. McCarthy in America good life, advice from their experiences in the early 1950's. These laws said that and a whole lot of love so we can succeed. needs a new breath of life." my father's past record showed an They went through it all for me. It utPrP

involvement in a totalitarian form of government and that he was not permitted into the United States. They said he was a

brings tears to my eyes as I realize this. Thanks Mom and Dad. I'm proud you are my parents.

The hardships of being .an overweight teenager by Roe Wellman

She pulled the sweater over her head and glanced into the mirror. No, this one wasn't good either. She still looked fat. Maybe the blue one with the white dots would make her I ook better. This was it. Perfect. She concealed her wide hips and pertruding stomach without looking nine months pregnant. Success at last and it only took four outfits. Now to put on that wide, toothy smile and go through another day as an overweight teenager. It wasn't easy. First, she had to put up with the teasing and ridicule on the bus during the twenty minute riJe to school. The rude and insensitive remarks such as "Evacuate a seat here comes two ton Tessie," or, "Sit in the middle so the bus isn't lopsided" were daily greetings. _ Even her so-called friends joined in the lau&hter when cracks were made

about her size. Many times even she laughed right along with them, trying to act like a good sport, when deep down all she wanted to do was cry in shame. School was worse because there were even more people who made fun of her. She cracked jokes about herself and others, just wanting to fit in. But, no matter how hard she tried, she was still an outsider. She was overweight. Nature had played a trick on her. She was different - and it showed. No one understood. Theythought it was so easy. "Just go on a diet," they'd say. Unfortunately it just wasn't that simple. She had tried, many times, but it never worked. She wanted to be thin like everyone else, but never had enough will power, or just plain guts, to go through with it. Every diet was a failure, but she made up for it with her personality. She was described as fun-loving, friendly, aggressive, nice, and jolly. She tried too hard to be in a good mood all of

the time - always full of energy, joking and kidding constantly. Masked was her low self-esteem. She thought everyone was better than she. Nothing she did was good enough. Her fat stood in her way. But it wasn't her weight that stood in the way, it was other's attitudes. Nowadays people are so concerned with being thin they sometimes forget the feelings of those who are overweight. Rude and degrading remarks are made when a heavy person walks by, alongwith giggles and smirks. It is like overweight people are aliens from mars. Society should realize that heavy people are just like everyone else, only they have a little more padding. Believe me, overweight people know they are overweight, they don't need to be told. It is a shame that some people feel they have to go out of their way to be_ accepted. Why can't they be happy with who they are, and what they look like?

I've found this true with many people, not only those who are overweight. It seems people are never satisfied with themselves. There is always something wrong. Much of this attitude could be blamed on magazines and television. Try finding even a slightly overweight person in a fashion magazine. Or, try going into Bannana Republic or Benneton and trying to find something in size 36 or 40. Youcan't. Theydon'thaveany. It seems people are trying to forget about those overweight, hoping that they'll just go away or even better, lose weight. Most of you probably don't know what it is like to try and lose weight, so let me tell you. It's not easy. I know it is unhealthy to be obese, but very ~ew peopl_e are actually obese. Many are Just ~rymg a few extra pounds. . Next tune you encount~r ~ overweight person, look beyond their size, and accept them as the person they are. That's all that really matters.

Spirit propos~I ·rebuttal

City life through the eyes of a suburban.child


Those hot, congested summers were times of afternoon and late evening frolicking, hop-scotch and jacks, double dutch competition and hide and seek. Once in a great while, the children tried to imitate their elders with nasty games like, "I'll show you _mine, if you show me yours."

wpmanhood and manhood was truly aoout. To these "kids", love existed . somewhere between the sheets or behind a low advertising billboard. ·They showed alot, but knew very little.

The children of this fast-moving, ever-deceiving, infamous block did not always live up to their innocent title. the girls were bullies and the boys were casanovas. Because of their teen-age hungry hormones, they were no longer satisfied with playing tops on the asphalt iri the early afternoon sun. They desired the stares of the developing young ladies whose busts were now distinguishable from the rest of their anatomy and their buttocks appeared swollen. This desire caused them to exhibit the most crude behavior patterns they possessed. Burping their sir names in base, reciting common tasteless jokes, (there once was a man from Nantucket. ..) And even rehearsing aloud all of the curse words they had ever heard, trying desperately to fit them together so they'd make sense in one long sentence.

I was in the midst of all of the hip, sassy, brassy, young city slickers, wishing I knew the language they understood. Yearning to experience the life they lived. During the moments when they were perhaps running from ,, the cops, I was lounging in my room, plowing through a novel. I was oblivious to their drug and alcohol abusive parents. All I wanted was a jack playing buddy. I received subtle hints from my grandmom, (who I called Gr-amps) that informed me of my friends sordid lives. I was never to eat dinner in their homes, drink liquid from their glasses or sleep in their beds. Despite all of the rules and regulations concerning my ~summer friends, they were always welcome to break bread in Mary Simmon's home and drink till their hearts content.

These hussies conversed loudly, displaying some very embarrassing, non-feminine traits. The "know-it-all attitude" was popular among these 28th street young broads. If they didn't know about it, it most certainly did not exist.

The topic of conversation was usually men with an underlying tone of sex. "He can't even handle what I got!" But what did they really have? In my opinion, simply a warped idea of what

Although I could be found on any given afternoon playing childhood games with these neighborhood dre~ they didn't really like me. Perhaps it had something to do with the cooLsummer dresses I sported, or our personal hair dresser (who made house calls every other Wednesday), or the bike I rode up and down 28th street (when I grew tired of getting shown up at double dutch) or the three substantial meals I savored every day, God send.

Whatever the reason, I was not well accepted. If ever welcomed into any of the activities on that block, it was merely as a joke. Certainly kids are cruel, but there are usually reasons behind their vicious actions. Looking back in retrospect, I think it's the old expression that clouded their judgement of me: Suburban kids may possess school smarts, but city kids have common sense. In their minds, I was naive, I knew nothing of the real world. They idea was that my life was pampered and puffed.


To the Editor: To the Editor:

by Rachel Anderson

Were these immature acts successful attention grabbers? Yes, the girls stirred. They were interested. Although in their ripe, tender teen years, each girl was plotting to get a man. The popularity of the skimpy clothing mode reflected this attitude. The denim shorts were revealing thier plump buttocks and the tube tops were constantly slipping, accidentally, on purpose, thus exposing their newly developed bosoms.

Pregnancyoption questioned

I would like to respond to the "Spirit proposal" of last week's Loquitur because I think a few things need to be , cleared up. First of all, before you start putting the blame on others, maybe you should try loo.king at the situation from this side of th~ fence. Hey, it's great to sit on the sidelines and c:omplain when there is nothing to do, but are you when there are events plannedZ Are you right there supporting the event? You have no right to complain until you have been on a planning committee for an event that has bombed- on a weekend_ that was filled with things to do. Maybe some of the events that are planned aren't to your liking, but Cabrini has many different ways for you to express your ideas _and viewpoints on this matter- class meet..ings, SGA meeting, and Social Activities meetings ( where you would have found that big plans are being made for Superthon and Spring Fling). As junior class vice president, I can't tell you how important in put is from everyone in the class. How are we, the officers, supposed to know what you want to do ifno one shows up for class meetings? There is only so much that the seven of us ,can do. You said "let's do something about it". Well, maybe youshould take the next step, because lord knows we've tried, and you seem to think that you can do better. Well, go ahead.

I am writing with a concern that I have about an article in last week's Loquitor (November 6) entitled "Unplanned pregnancies offered options". My main opposition to the article is that a representative from Planned Parenthood was interviewed and is quoted as saying she "would encourage someone to have an abortion if that's what they decided to do". As a Catholic college, which, after 30 years claims to have a mission, and encourages and promotes Christian values, we should be more aware of the influences put on people when they read the paper. Many people don't realize the fullness of the activities and thinking of Planned Parenthood. Let me share some share some of the facts with you:l)in one year at least 70,000 abortions were performed at Planned Parenthood abortoriums. Thenumberoftheirreferals to other abortion centers is not known.2)Planned Parenthood circulates a ''bigot-pack" of smearing Roman cartoons Catholicism.3)Planned Parenthood has promoted a pro-abortion comic book, geared for teenagers, entitled Abortion Eve. On the back cover is a very degrading cartoon of a pregnant Mother, Mary.

I would like to share one more thought with you. I know the job of the Lisa Kantor newspaper is to present people with the Junior class vice-president facts and we are supposedly developing To the Editor: "liberally educated" people. But if we really thinkabout it, was Jesus more conI am writing in response to the cerned about whether His followers were "Spirit proposal" in last week's Loquitur. liberally educated or whether they folBefore any major activities can be planned, lowed the values He taught them to live by? "minor" ones must be executed to show support and raise funds. Most of the A sincerely concerned student, activities this semester have been very successful. For example, the Haunted Jeanne Purpur~ senior House illicited campus-wide participation and made for a weekend of fun. The sophomore Masquerade Ball was a huge success. Other activities include the Oktoberfest, the float parade, and Homecoming Dance. There is movie night every Thursday in the lecture hall. All these activities don't just

occur themselves, they need planning and manpower.There are SGA meetings every Tuesday, and Social Activities meetings

everyThursdayto plan events on campus (in fact, Superthon and Spring Fling weekends are already in the planning stages). These meetings are open to everyone, but it is always the same people who attend. The people who are complaining should start involving themselves in the planning and stop waiting for something spectacular just to be dropped into their laps. Successful activities depend on everyone.

Edffor: Debbie Murphy

Stall Manager: Donna Dougherty ~

Edffor: Jacqui McCleman

Assistant New Edffor: Rachel Anderson Perspectkles Edffors: Anne Fahy and Christine Cocchla Features Editor: StephanieGiardini Sports Editors: Donna Dougherty and Beth Bittner Business Managers: Kathleen McCabe and Angle Corbo Copy Edffor: Yvette Ousley

Mary McGill

Photography Editor: Debbie Ferrar

Junior class social activities representative

Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Cralgle Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek

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Staff: Marian Armstrong, Lisa Brzezicki, Mart Bugle, Denise Civa, Angle Corbo, Kelli Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Kerry Gallagher, Shelle Koller, Kristin Kroll, Amy Lennon, la Tonya Lucas, Lee Mirenda, Jenni Obrecht, Paula Phillips, Keith Pyle, Rebecca Rebalsky, Ande Romano, Roe Wellman, Patrick Zipfel Photography Staff: Kevin Alexander, Sue Hill, Denise Hurley, Rosanne Rossello, Karen Slegl, Mike Stevenson.


Mlll?K€T Fllt.L.6,,.


Loqultur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087. Subscription price is $20 per year and is Included in the benefits secured by tuition and student lees. Loquitur welcomes fetters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an Inscription Inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. II a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published In Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.



- friday,.nov.e~ber-13, 1987

Master Plan implements many changes by LeeMirenda · Re~ntly, the Master Planning Committee approved the Cabrini College Master. .Plan for 1987-1992. According to the Master Plan, "The model incorporates a five year 'rolling' plan which outlines the immediate year's plan in great detail and outlines in less detail the next four years." Student Services is a major part of this plan, and some specific departments involved include campus ministry, resident life,' psychological and health services and · athletics. Some of campus ministry's goals have already been fulfilled. The Master Plan calls for clergy support in 1988-89. James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, s.aid,"Student services has now begun to provide a variety of chaplains." Concerning this new "variety of chaplains", Sister Bernadette Anello, director of campus ministry, said, "I have received good feedback byword of mouth from students and the community. The variety within has been exciting for people." Paul Magolon, junior, likes the change provided at Cabrini's Sunday masses. "There is more of a variety in the hotnilies and feelings in the Church and we get different interpretations of the Gospel,'' he said. The HANDS outreach program, which is designed to help the elderly, is another goal in the Master Plan for 1988-89. "HANDS needs to be evaluated before we can decide if we will keep it,'' Anello said. The Cabrini College Master Plan has projected goals for the resident life department also. Starting in 1988, the Master Plan plans the refurnishing of W oodcrest, the Mansion, and Houses three, five, six and seven. A goal set by the Master Plan has already been fulfilled in the appointment of John Doyle as as!)istant director of resident' life. A new residence hall with 125 beds is projected to be built in 1990 to house the increasing enrollment. "Our peak enrollment will be 250 freshman, so we'll need a new building to prevent crowding," Fitzsimmons said. When asked if this dorm would house both males and females, he said, "Co-ed dorms are not part of this proposal." According to the- Master Plan, resident programming, which is now $10 per student, will increase $5 each year for the next four years. Monica Palko, resident assistant, said the increase is needed. "With inflation and the cost of everything going up, we'll need more money to provide quality dorm functions." Psychological and health services is also included in Cabrini's newly approved Master Plan. The projected hiring of a part-time counselor for 1988-89 was filled last week. "Lili Goodman willbe active in the outreach program and the individual program,'' Dr. Katherine Preston, director of the counseling center said. "She willbe a nice addition to the Cabrini family." In the health services department, a part-time physician was set to be hired in 1988-89 in the Master Plan. Fitzsimmons said, "The plan for a part-time doctor has been withdrawn because the college can't afford it." He also added that since most of the residents live within a two to three hour radius, if a student were to get sick, it would be easy for the student to go to their own doctor at home.





~ . ; ·~

ART SHOW--The ExpressionArtShow willbe held the weekend of Nov. 13-15 in the mansion.

LIBRARY--· Design

the Library's Commemorative Bookplate celebrating Cabrini's Anniversary and win the $25.00 prizefor the chosen Deadline for entry IS Nov. 30. Pick up entry rules from the library or art department. FUNDRAISER--The Commuter Affairs Club, will be sponsoring a turkey-gram for Thanksgiving. For a fee, you can send a message and a chocolate turkey to a friend. The fund-raiser will run from Nov. 9-20. They willbe delivered on Nov. 23. FOOD DRIVE-- Eileen Zebrowski and Linda Panetta have coordinated a canned food drive called "Thanks-4-Giving." They are asking that people please donate food in the designated boxes on campus.

A RAISININ THESUN--Included in the

Cabrini's Master Plan was approved by the committee and will go into effect in 1987-1992. (photo by Rosanne Rosse/lo) ·


~~ .' ~~-'



Among the projects for the athletic department outlined in the Master Plan is the developing of architectural plans and the building of a recreational complex. The Master Plan states, "A new athletic complex is needed to serve the needs of the entire · campus community'' and its projected year is 1991-92. The Master Plan also allotted money towards cheerleading and last week a cheerleadingmoderatorwas hired. "Gail Oldfield, who is the dance teacher, is our new moderator,'' Dede Beckett, sophomore, said. "We're all really excited about finally .. getting what we've requested for so long." The Cabrini College Master Plan also involves improvements in other Student Services departments such as Security andStudent Activities. Plans for Security include a lighting upgrade of Houses and W oodcrest and the installation of an Identification Card Access system. Eileen Campbell, freshman, said, "It's too dark in the Woodcrest parking lot, · I'm glad it will eventually get better lighting." The plansandimprovementsforStudentActivities include:cultural and noontime programming, refurbishing of Widener Center Gathering Area and Game Room · and the hiring of a non-alcoholic pub manager. All of the above mentioned plans, projects for the other areas of the campus, and the possible ways of funding these proj~cts in the next five years are explained in the Cabrini College Master Plan Book.


These peer tut_orsare available for help in the



-~- --


- - -~---

casting of "A Raisin in the Sun", by Lorraine Hansberry are Karen Clark as Mama; Lisa Mason as Beneatha; Yvette Ousley as Ruth; Gary Burnett as Asagai; LaTonya Lucas as Travis; and Brian Butler as Bobo. Two strong actors are still needed for two male parts. Contact Jeanne Fisher at ext 8510 if interested. CHARLOTI'E'S WEB-- The musical "Charlotte's Web", will be performed on Nov.14-15 1 andDec.5-6. The shows are all Saturaay and Sunday matinees. Showtimes are 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Tickets are $2.00. Please note that the fist weekend is almost sold out. call to make reservations at 971-8510 or extension 8510.

CRAFT FAIR-- On Friday, Nov. 19, a craft fair will be held in the bookstore 1 during the mornings and outside of the cafeteria at lunch time. The handmade crafts are from poor regions in America and foreign countries. All proceeds will benefit those respective regions.


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Thes~ peer tutors are the following subjects:






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Kath Algebra-tr

Deanna Zul 11 Becky McGinnis Tim Getz Hike Stevenson Michelle Panetta Yolanda VukoYits Missy Gallo



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T,Th 10-11 W 171:30 W


W till


"• r-. 1r-11 F 11-12

Psy Statistics



Andree Eilleen

Jost Zebrowski

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Word Processing





Jeanne Reineberg Karen Holcombe Denise Clva


by apt by apt by apt

H,F 2:15-3:15






-Tutors dre also available by appointment at other other subjects. -If anyone ls still interested ln tutoring please CARe Center.

or HOT Delivery, C~II

in the

H 3-4


Th 11-12



H 2-3 T 2:30-3:30 W 1-2 Th 12-1 H 10-11 T 3:30-4:30




features Bulimia:

loquitur- friday, november 13, 1987


A student's$truggleto win the battle by Debbie Murphy

A small group of women sits in a circle at a group therapy session at the Renfrew Center in Roxborough, Pa. Though their ages and backgrounds vary, there is one thing which binds the members of this group together, each of them is suffering from an eating disorder. Some are battling bulimia, a form of anorexia nervosa in which victims do eat but "purge" or vomit nearly all of what they eat up to avoid weight gain. Some don't eat at all and others alternate bouts of starving with overeating. There is a newcomer to the group who sits quietly by herself for some time. The others are curious. Slowly she is drawn into the group's discussion and begins to tell her story. Though it is very similar to the stories the others have told in previous sessions, everyone listens with genuine interest and concern. Pam Esposito, senior, told her story then because at the time it helped her to learn to deal with her illness. She tells the same story now so that others may benefit. In the beginning

"I look back and see how miserable my life was and I want others with the same problem to know that the quality of their lives never has to be that poor," she said. Her story began during the summer between her senior year in high school and her freshman year at Cabrini. Her life she said, had been "perfect" up until then, and suddenly everything began to fall apart. "My boyfriend of two years broke up with me without an explanation and I was depressep so I started to eat more and gained 10 pounds," she said. "At the time I didn't think it was any big deal." When college began that fall, Esposito still hadn't lost the extra weight she had gained over the summer. This, compounded by roommate problems and fears brought on by a complete change in the pattern of her life, lead her to start playing what she termed "eating games." "I would eat small portions of healthy foods in front of other people because I thought everyone was watching what I ate," she said. "But alone I'd eat all of the things I had deprived myself of in front of other people, and the pounds continued to add up." "My family began to notice and' suggested I go on a diet," she said. "But I'm not a person who can stick to a strict diet even though I was able to convince everyone that I was because I would only eat 'diet' foods in front of them" Alone was a different matter. Esposito became more withdrawn and depressed and was convinced that no one could possibly like her the way she was, "I never felt like going out and I didn't want to eat or drink in front of other people." Her binging continued and became more frequent as the semester wore on. However, so that she would not gain weight from her junk food binges, she

devised a way to make sure that the extra food never stayed in her stomach very long. "I began to make myself purge after I binged," she said. "I'd stick my finger down my throat and if I heard someone coming I'd stop - it was sort of like a game I played." At this time, she also began taking diet pills and laxatives with the hope that the extra weight would come off more quickly. "I desperately wanted to be thinner," she said, "But I couldn't stop eating." During the following summer, Esposito's obsession with her weight became more intense. "I lived at the shore with two very skinny friends," she said. "We worked together and went other places together and guys always paid more attention to them than to me. I was convinced that it was because I was fat and they were not." Her cycle of binging and purging became more frequent but her weight stayed the same. She said that she didn't know she had an eating disorder yet, "I thought I just liked food a lot." Still, her obsession intensified. "I started binging on things like sticks ofbutter, hot dog rolls and hot chocolate mix and I became more and more depressed," she said. "I was suicidal many times that summer." On the surface, however, she was still "perfect Pam" to her family and friends, "I never acted angry or complained about my problems because that's the way I thought I had to act in front of everybody." "I devised a technique so that nobody would know about my problem. I would eat a little bit of everything and if I wanted to binge on a lot, I'd go out and get it myself." The turning point "I finally realized I had an eating disorder during the following school year when I read a story about bulimia in a magazine," she said. "I felt like I was reading a story about myself." Esposito began to realize she needed help and finally confided in Dr. M.L. Corbin Sicoli, professor, psychology. "I wrote her a letter and tried at least 20 times to give it to her," she said. "Finally, I got up enough nerve to stick it under her door but even then, the part of me that wanted to keep my secret hoped she wouldn't find it." "Dr. Sicoli called me the very next day and asked me to come over. When I got there, It old her whatl had been doing and she asked me how long I had been bulimic - I was amazed that she knew what was wrong with me." "She made me realize that I wasn't a bad person because I had bulimia," Esposito said. "And she eventually referred me to a therapist when it came time to go home for the holidays." At this time too, Esposito was forced to tell her parents about her illness. At first they denied that it could be as bad as she'd told them, but eventually, they supported her and attended group therapy sessions when their daughter'• condition started to get worse.

"Every morning!' d wake "I was at home alone up and feel like I was trapped in a with my parents and I had this vicious cycle. I didn't think there overwhelming need to binge," she was any way I could fight my said, "but I couldn't do it in front bulimia and I felt more alone than of them, I had to get out." ever." "When they questioned me about where I was going, I "One Friday night after became almost hysterical." my roommate left for home, I was It was on this night that in a particularly bad depression and tried to kill myself," she said. the Esposito family realized how "I took one and a half bottles of bad their daughter's problem had gotten. It was on this same night pain relief tablets." "Looking back now, I that they mutually decided that don't think I ever really wanted to she should enlist the help of eatkill myself, I think I just wanted to ing disorder experts at the Renbe found unconscious so that frew Center for anorectics and someone would realize how bad bulimics. things had really gotten." On Sept. 8, 1987, as her "Instead the pills just friends were returning to school to made me sick and know one ever begin their junior year at Cabrini, knew," she said. Esposito was admitted to the Esposito finally told her Center. therapist about her suicide atThere, she participated tempt. Things became ·somewhat in a six-week program which better after that. covered such areas as assertive "I started to realize that training, women's issues, risk takemotionally I was trying to purge ing and .nutrition in addition to my feelings away instead of deal- group and individual therapy ing with them," she said. "My sessions designed to help her and therapist and I devised a system in the other women there to overwhich I'd wait a half hour after I come their eating disorders. binged before I purged and during "At the center, we that time, I'd call her or write my would each set goals for ourfeelings down." selves everyday," Esposito said. Learning to re-focus her "At first my goals were simple feelings and bring them out into ones like tasting my food or not the open instaed of purging them wearing make-up to a group away with food binges was a therapy session, and eventually, I turning point in Esposito's life. By worked my way up to bigger goals the spring of her sophomore year, like telling people how I felt." she had learned to stop purging "These were the hardest but continued to binge. goals for me, because they taught Learning to cope me how to live in the real world" The summer that fol"Overall the six weeks lowed was as equally depressing were exhausting because I was as the previous one Esposito had dealing with feelings and emospent attheshore, "Iwasvery self- tions that I hadn't dealt with in conscious and very dt;pressed and three years." I didn't want to be around other According to Esposito, people." she learned many new things One nightneartheendof about herself during her time at the summer, all of the feelings the Renfrew Center and from and emotions that had been build- her illness in general. ing up inside of her came to a "Ilearned thatl am a very front. emotional person and that that's



okay," she said. "I've learned that I have needs and that people do not know what my needs are un-. less I tell them." "I also learned to be. more selfish. Before, I would do anything anyone asked me to do even if it didn't feel right inside. Now I know that it's okay to say no." "But the greatest lesson I've learned is that I'm not perfect and I don't have to be perfect :md that that's okay." After Esposito left the RenfrewCenter, she continued to attend a weekly after-care group. Eventually, however, the problems she listened to every week at these meetings became more foreign to her and she stopped attending them altogether. "I finally decided that I didn't want to play the game , anymore and after that, everything began looking better." She encountered a few setbacks along the way including the death by complications stemming from anorexia of her roommate from the Center; bouts of depression; and occasional sugar and salty fooo binges left over from her bulimic days. Overall, however, the story Esposito began to tell the members of her therapy group at the Renfrew Center had a happy ending. She returned to Cabrini in January, 1987, met a supportive boyfriend who accepts her for the "imperfect" human being that she is, and has begun working with Sue Ecker, an intern at Cabrini who specializes in eating disorders, to set up a support group for anyone who might have an eating disorder or a concern about nutrition. "I am very happy and proud of what I have accomplished. I've come so far and worked so hard," she said."And I know I will never be that out of control again."

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loquitur - friday, november 13, 1987



Co-op program now a part of Cabrini by Marian Armstrong A cooperative education program is ir the process of initiation here at Cabrini and will be in full swing next semester. The co-op program is much like an internship in that it allows the student to gain experience in a particular career. However, it is also very different. Mary Ellen Herzog, director of development, said, "An internship is probably a one shot deal. The idea of the cooperative program is not to change what exists, but to expand on it." The cooperative program was granted to Cabrini by the government on a five year plan. After that the college hopes to be able to carry.the program on its own. Herzog said the idea behind a cooperative job is to check one or more career interests. After the student experiences one career for a semester, the government would like to see the student investigate another job interest. A job obtained through the co-op program is not just a learning experience, but a paying experience. It is also one in which a student receives credits. According to Herzog, students with career experience are more marketable. Government studies show that job experience, while an individual is in school, has many benefits. Students with experience generally receive a higher salary and are more stable. The government also benefits from a co-op program because students with larger salaries after they graduate are in a larger tax bracket.

Herzog said that students in every major are encouraged to get some experience in.the working world, "To be more marketable in your own skills is the biggest edge Cabrini can give you." It is important to get paid for the job. "College is a niajor financial investment and it's a smart move to know what direction you're going in," Herzog said. "If you're getting paid, you're more likely getting a higher level of education and also are more likely to be a productive member of the staff." Herzog said another benefit is that students can gain experience in handling interviews. Herzog said that interviews can be intimidating for some students. The coop program can take some of the sting out of the experience. Dr. Mary Ann Biller, academic dean, believes that learning in the liberal arts and in a major field of study is enhanced by practical work experience. · She said, . "Students suddenly understand much more dearly the reasons for their studies and they inevitably become much more motivated to learn in the classroom as well as on the job." Biller said that with about 80 perrent of the student body on financial aid, the program fits is as a sound education for a career opportunity. James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, said, "I think the co-op program provides valuable career experience in coming to a final decision about a first job or first career." Joe Rosta, a junior at Drexel University, is alreadyinvolved inaco-opprograminwhichheworksone semester and goes to .class the other semester. He said,

"You have severalyears advantage over someone who's just graduating. When I graduate I'll be in the same position as maybe someone 27 years old." Aliza Candelori, senior, has an internship now. She said, "I think it would be excellent to be getting paid and getting credit. We're working almost as hard or just as hard as anyone else at the company or agency we would be working at." Leah Cascarina, senior, also has an internship. "I think it's a great idea because it will offer students a chance to have an internship who normally wouldn't be able to have one because they need a job that pays." Many of ilie guidelines have yet be established. According to Biller, the college is now in the process .'.lf hiring the director of cooperative education, the job developer and the secretary for the cooperative education office. The office willbe located on the second floor of Grace Hall near the business faculty offices. Biller urges students who are interested in becoming a part of the co-op program to stop by the cooperative education office after Christmas break. She would like students to be in the second semester of their sophomore year before they venture into the co-op program and to have a grade point average in the range of a 2.0. to be eligible. Paid internships right now might be considered cooperative. However, the refinements still have to be worked out. Biller said an alternating semester co-op program will be considered for the future. Under this type of program, students would take classes one semester and work the other.

Students give and receive experience abroad by Amy Lennon Approximately every two years Dr. Bethany, director of fine arts department, arranges a trip abroad. This past summer was the third trip. She and eight Cabrini students joined a group of 65 people and toured Austria, Hungary and Germany. The group mainly consisted of singers and dancers. They performed shows and sang in a local square, at an outdoor amphitheater,at a home for the blindand at an orphanage. "We were in Beritz and supposed to ~ng outside. It began to thunder and rain and the organist wouldn't play. The people stood out there in the rain beneath umbrellas and still wanted us to sing. So we sang for them without any music and they loved it," Virginia Smith, ('87), said. Friendship Ambassadors sponsored the trip. They are an organization that sponsors cultural events. They took care of all the advertising. "The group wore uniforms. The

women in black skirts and black shoes with a white blouse and red bollero. The men had black pants, white shirt, red ties and carnations," Dawn Hartley, junior, said. "At every concert we handed out dozens roses and the people were so appreciative," Hartley said. "The roses symbolized friend-

They lived in small hotels and houses of Triangle, appropriately named because native families. you could _go in and never come out," Samuels said.

'We were visiting the country as more than a cultural event. We were representing the United States, so it was a responsibility too.' -Virginia Smith, ('87)

ship,"Smithsaid. ''We were visiting the country as more then a culturalevent. We were representing the United States so it was a re-

sponsibilitytoo," Smithsaid.

''When we visited Budapest, Hungary we didn't feel like it was communist until we came to the borders where there were guards with guns and they checked everything," Paul Samuels, jun"It was hard not knowing their ior, said. language but it is amazing how people can "I didn't feel like it was commu- communicate with music, smiles and nist except for the occasional red star at gestures," Smith said. "I walked away the top of the buildings symbolizing the feeling like I had and entire conversacommunist party," Bethany said. tion." "At night we went to discos. The group lived in -close living quarters so they became like a family. There was one called the Bermuda

Bethany said her funniest experience was, "Living above a disco that didn't close until 2 a.m. so I said if you can't beat them, join them." The total trip cost approximately $1500. The group raised half of its money through fund raisers such as selling soda and candy bars at the band contests and around school Samuels said his favorite moments were, "Signing autographs and talking to and meeting people. I would like traveling to be a lifelong hobby." "My favorite · moments were conducting works by Mozart and Beethoven in Vienna, enjoying an evening in a wine garden near Vienna, learning that Beethoven had written the HieligenstadtTestament there and visiting Mozart's birthplace." Bethany said. "I can't wait to go on the next trip," Hartley said. "Going abroad is an experience you have to see to believe."

Attention Students: ,, 0


All classes have been shortened so that students can participate in

Mother Cabrini Feast Day Friday, November 13, 1987 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.

Liturgy in the Gym Free International Lunch Buffet in the Cafe Entertainment by Campus Sound

10 -11 a.m. 2-3 p.m.

Cabriniana Room wiil be open for Special Tours by Sr. Ursula Infante, MSC

Wear a Cabrini T-Shirt! •


loquitur- friday,·november13, 1987 .

Local stations compete

for audience, ratings editor• note: This sto,y went to print prior to WCAU FM's decision to change their format from contemporary to oldies.

by Jenni Obrecht


Students help the needy byLisaBnezicki Picture this: a bigjuicy steak cooked just the way you like it, lasagna covered with tons of mozzarella cheese, or how about lobster, so succulent it crumbles when you touch it, com on the cob smothered with melted butter, a turkey dinner with all the fixings topped off with grandma's homemade apple pie. Sounds good huh? What would you do however, if you couldn't have any of these delicious foods? Not for a day or even for a week? ·While many of us don't have to worry about the answers to such questions, there is a large number of those who do. With this thought in mind, students are coming together to help those who are less fortunate around the world and as close as North East Philadelphia. Hunger Awareness Week is just one of the events that has been planned. Originally · started by Beverly Reilly, former campus minister, Hunger Awareness Week has been a tradition at Cabrini for the past three years. Pete Casazza, senior, and chairman for Hunger Awareness Week, would like to see the tradition carried on. "I would like to see Hunger Awareness Week form a domino effect on the years to come," Casazza said. According to Casazza, the week is devoted to two basic objectives: to make people on campus more aware of the hunger issues that are present throughout the world today, and to ask them to respond creatively by participating in the week's activities. Hunger Awareness Week begins Nov.15 and ends Nov. 20. The committee, which is broken down into seven sub-committees, has planned a variety of activities, one for each day of the week. To get things started, there will be an opening liturgy at the 6 p.m. mass on Sunday in the chapel. On Monday, there will be a hunger banquet held in the Widener Center Gathering Area from 5:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. The banquet, according to Casazza, is a simulation of eating patterns in the first, second and third world countries. "Move for Hunger" is scheduled for Tuesday from noon until 5:30 p.m. Participants can help raise money for hunger by running, walking, even crawling a loop around campus. On Wednesday night a coffee house will be held in the Widener Center Gathering Area from 7:30 through 10:00 p.m. Along with the fun and entertainment that is being provided, there will be letter writing to congressmen to help initiate political movement concerning hunger issues. "World Fast Day" is Thursday, Nov.19. $2.00 will be donated for everyone who will give up their lunch for the day. On Thursday there a selection of films on world hunger will be shown in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. On Friday, a craft fair will be held from 9 through 11:00 a.m. in front of the bookstore, and in front of the cafeteria from 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. When asked what kind of response was received so far, Casazza said, "The response has been very supportive." The "Thanks-4-Giving" food collection, which has been underway since Oct. 15,isyetanother event that has been organized to helpthelessfortunate. While Hunger Awareness Week's main focus in on world hunger, "Thanks-4-Giving" is geared to the families of Holy Child Parish, which is located in North East Philadelphia. The main goal of "Thanks-4-Giving'', which is being run by seniors, Linda Panetta and Eileen Zebrowski, is to offer more than 40 families a Thanksgiving meal. '"Thanks-4-Giving' is a project through which we are attempting to make people more aware that there are those who can't have a Thanksgiving meal," Zebrowski

the air. According to Simmer, a direct TV campaign was utilized that "enticed reguThere is a highly competitive . lar listeners and attracted TV viewers to battle for ratings raging between listen, some of them for the first time." Philadelphia's two major CHR (ContemAs CHR stations, Eagle 106 and porary Hits Radio) stations, 98 WCAU98 share some common elements in their FM and WEGXEagle 106-FM.According attempts to attract listeners. Contests and to Vince Benedict, general manager of promotional giveaways are one way of WCAU, "We'retheDavidand they're the accomplishing this on such stations. Goliath," but the question at hand is 98 features "Take Your Radio to whether or not this statement is truly Work", reminiscent of WMMR's radio reflective of the situation on the airwaves of checks on the "Morning Zoo", in which Philadelphia. listeners can win money if a station There are several instances that representative finds them listening to would point to the contrary of Benedict's WCAU at work. statement. For example, 98 WCAU-FM, According to Simmer, the Eagle the more established of the two stations, 106 "Inflatable Radio" and the "Money went on the air in-September of 1981. The Chamber" are popular promotional items station format was classified as "hot hits"/ because theycan beuseddaily. The money Top 40 radio which appealed to a fairly chamber is similar to a telephone booth, young teenage audience. but with one difference, contestants atHowever, Benedict claims that tempt to grab as much money as they can the station underwent a transition that in an allotted time period and it is theirs began in October of 1985 and was com- to keep. pleted in March of 1986. According to Both stations also air local and Benedict, the type of music played on 98 national weekly countdowns. Casey Casem has remained constant, but the framing can be heard on 98 WCAU while Scott around it, which includes the station's Shannon is broadcast on Eagle 106. approach to attracting listeners as well as There is a highly competitive edge the clients who choose to air commercials in this industry and according to Simmer on the station, has been toned down to one comes to expect it with the territory. appeal to a more mature audience. However, the level of professionalism in "The station has shifted more to dealing with this matter varies from station the 20 to 35-year-old age group since to station. October of 1985 and now there is less emphasis on reaching the teen audience," Benedict said. One question this raises concerns the recent departure of morning man Terry Young. Young's show "The Breakfast Bar" featured a variety of sound effects during news reports; impersonations of public figures like President Reagan; and wrestling reports with the Slamettes, teenage girls who made predictions on upcoming matches. All of this would not appear consistent in appealing to 20 to 35-year-old women. said. Lisa Rancatore, senior, said, ''98 ' Boxes have been placed at various locations on campus to allow students, is trying to appeal to an older audience, but faculty and administration to donate non-perishable goods. it's just not working. Terry Young left about a month ago, but that doesn't make The last day of collection is Nov. 24. On Nov. 25, the ·food will be distributed to sense if the transition occurred over a year the families in hopes that they will be able to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving. ago." Young parted amicably after six years on the air because "it was time to The majority of the records move on to the next growth stage in the played on CHR stations are usually the 1 J station," according to Benedict. Ted Kelly, top of the chart best sellers. Both 98 and program director, has been named as 106 subscribe to this format, but according Young's replacement in attempt to to Goldberg 106 provides more of a variety downplay the personality aspect while of music. "Eagle 106 plays all kinds of focusing more on the music. music from Poison to Whitesnake to On March 13, 1987 a new comMadonna as well as older stuff, like 'My petitor under the call letters WEGX Sharona' by The Knack, that was popular a entered the CHR market in Philadelphia. few years ago," she said. Your name __________________ _ Eagle 106, formerly Electric 106, signed Donna Myers, sophomore, says on the air in response to a demographic that the air personalities are as important Address ___________________ _ survey that indicated the need for a CHR as the music itself. "I usually listen to Jaybo station in the Philadelphia area, accord- Jones on 106 and while he gets loud it's still City _______ _ State __ _ _ Zip _____ ing to Denise Simmer, promotions funny, but not obnoxious," she said. director for WEGX. Phone ( For some there is no real choice in While it is common to have two hit the matter. For example, Melissa MiddleAvailable to work the following hours: oriented stations in the same market, it man, freshman, said, "I listen to98 because would appear that Eagle 106 has been my roommate who likes dance music, does, Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat more successful in reaching their intended but when I can I listen to 106 because it's audience of 18 to 34-year-old females than more like the station I listen to at home." From 98. Jim Cahill, senior, said he listens "Regardless of the image they to "WMMR in the shower, 106 in the car To (98) are trying to project, they're still because my radio.doesn't pick up 93.3, and perceived as being a station for teeny- I'll listen to 98 if I hear a song I like." boppers," Harry Hagan,junior, is a channel Leah Cascarina, senior, said. changer who listens for songs he likes. WENDY'S needs: Eagle 106's "Morning Show" with "When I'm flipping from station to station Rick Walker and Sam Yudkin is a big I'll hear something that grabs my attention, Students • Homemakers • Retirees • YOU! listener attraction. Lisa Goldberg, sopho- like Whitesnake, and I'll listen to whatever • No experience is necessary - we'll train you more and regular "Morning Show'' lis- station happens to be playing it," he said. • Flexible hours available, day or evening tener said, "I love their morning show. They Therefore, one could argue that (Rick and Sam) are hysterical and the 98 WCAU-FM has slightly missed its • Competitive wages things they do are outrageous." mark in relation to its target audience. • Free uniforms Humor aside, 106 ranafive week Cosmo Rose, radio broadcast instructor • Opportunity for advancement (we promotional piece in October called at Cabrini, said, "It appears that while 98 promote from within) "BirtH.ay Bucks".in which listeners could and 106 are basically of the same mold, that Wendy's is an Equal opportunity Employ~r OHc:r ora win ,rtrious amounts of money if their being CHR, WEGX seems to he targeting free Cla'J..Sichamburger is xooJ throut¢h Ft.-bruary, 1988. birthuatc makhed tu . one announced on an older audience than WC.<\ll"


Fill in this cotlpon. . .. Bring it to any Wendy's. , Get a FREE classic hamburger and A GREAT JOB!

• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••



loquitur- friday, november 13, 1987

Chesapeake Bay scene for leadership camp activities


Juniorstor Seniors

by LaTonya Lucas On Friday, Nov. 6, 19 students accompanied by Rita Calicat, director of student activities, James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, John Doyle, assistant director of resident life and Lisa Doyle travelled to Chesapeake Bay in Maryland for a weekend of leadership camp. The purpose of the week~nd was to review the qualities of a leader, ~eir styles and characteristics. It was preparation for prospective leaders, an explanation for the new leaders and a review for the present leaders. The weekend was divided into different seminars that allowed the group to express their views about what it takes to be a leader. Samantha Hidlebird, junior, resident assistant, explained the position and offered advise to those who want to become a resident assistant. "Be honest. During the interviews answer the questions as honestly as possible and be yourself," she said. The seminars included programming, team building, group roles and stages in which a team operates. As well as discussion, the staff members prepared a weekend that also included involvement and participation. Students were able to express their feelings freely about themselves and others. Timothy Getz, sophomore, went on the trip because he wanted to do a better job as a commuter representative for the sophomore class. He also wants to become an orientation counselor. "I learned how much I didn't know," Getz said. "I learned other people's technique for leadership and I got to share my technique with other people." Fitzsimmons said the student involvement was incredible. "Students were comfortable in exchanging thoughts about themselves and friends," he said. Karen Dumorney, freshman, recalls her greatest moment at the leader~hip weekend. "When we gathered around in a circle, we expressed our deepest feelings toward our closest friends and peers. The moment was touching and memorable," she said. Dumorney said that the leadership weekend was a college experience that she will long remember. Accommodations and food were provided by two members of the Board of Trustees which made this weekend a success. Mrs. Kitty Genuardi supplied the food for the weekend and Mrs. Barbara Henkels opened her home and made every part accessible.

The Juniors for Seniors program held it's annual dinner/dance in the cafeteria on Friday, Nov. 6. Cabrini students picked up senior citizens from area centers to attend the function. At the dinner, students were given the opportunity to "Adopt a Grandparent" for the night. (pictured above) (photo by Mike Stevenson)

Art show aids school, com¡munity by Marian Armstrong The sixth annual Expressions Art Show will be held on Nov.13-15 in the Mansion lobby and dining room. The show is being run by the students and by the business administration department in cooperation with the fine arts department. Howard Buzzard, assistant professor of business administration, said that he hopes the show will give the students experience byparti~i~ating in a bus":1e.~ function. He also said the show will mcrease Cabnru s visibility while raising money for the coJ}ege. Buzzard moderator and advisor of the art show, said the money ;aised will be distributed in three areas. There will be a donation to the fine arts department, a donation to the library to be used in purchasing books and business periodicals and the school will be provided with money for scholarships. In order for students to be eligible for the scholarship, they must either be a business administr~tion majorand/orafmearts major. '!~~ymustalsoc~mtn~ute heavilyto on and off campus actIVIhessuchasonentation, the art show and church and civic organizations. Last year, a total of $1,950 was raised, $1,750 of which went to student scholarships. Buzzard said, "The school certainly benefits by what students receive and, also, the surrounding neigh-

borhood can enjoy looking at and purchasing fine art." He expects about 20 percent of the turnoutto be alumni. "They (alumni) are invited at reduced rates to come and enjoy the show and see the college and ¡some of their former class mates." Christine Schlindwein, junior, co-chairperson fo the art show, said that she has gained a lot of experience through the show. "I benefited because I learned how to organize and manange," she said. "I was in direct responsibility of sales for preview night." Robin Herd,junior, is also co-chairperson of the art show. "I'm learning how to work with a group of people and getting first hand experience with how an organization actually operates." She said that running an art show is like running a business. "Putting the show together was hard work but it's worth it because what I learned in this project can't be taught in a classroom." The show will begin on Friday with a champagne reception in the Mansion. Tickets will be sold for $20 per person and $35 per couple. On Saturday and Sunday, admission is free between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. The show will consist of over 200 prints. "Mother's Birthday" and "First Haircut", both original Norman Rockwell paintings valued at an estimated $10 000 each-will be displayed in addition to works by app,roximately 50 other local artists.

Cabrini Day celebrated by Jacqui McClernan On Friday, Nov. 13, Cabrini College will celebrate the 30th Anniversary Celebration of Mother Cabrini's Feast Day. Due to the celebration all classes have been shortened so that everyone inay participate in the celebration. Time changes have been distributed throughout campus. Beginning at 11:30 a.m. a Liturgy will be-celebrated in the Gym followed by an Intema~onal Lunch Buffet in the cafeteria at 12:30 p.m. Campus sound will provide entertamment. Sister Ursula Infante, MSC will be giving special tours in the Cabriniana Room between 10-11 a.m. and 2-3 pm.

What's the Scoop? Secretary of Education, William J. Bennett proposed that guaran.eed studer:t loans could be taken away from colleges whose default rate exceeded 20 percent. How is thi~ action going to effect Cabrini? ln addition lo this latest bit of news, what ~xactly c!oes financial aid offer lo Cabrini students? What avenues are available to students? Whal aid other than the obvious is avaibble thrc ugh school or private instituions? Tone in next week as theLOQUlTURwill ~ttempt to find rntt WHAT'S TH;!: SCOOP'? with financial aid rl.!sources to coll<,gc.students ~m! :ire they readily available to tbm.

~teoq 1ne~411.,.

loquitur - friday, november 13, 1987

features Goodie:


Teacher enjoyslife at Cabrini by Rebecca Rebalsky "My name is Mrs. Goodwin," she tells students on the first day of gymclass, ''but most people call me Goodie." Helen Goodwin, chairperson, physical education, has been affectionately known as "Goodie" since a student coined the nickname several years ago. When 路 Goodwin first came to teach at Cabrini 27 years ago, however, students always addressed faculty members formally.

Person of the week------,--That was before the days of co-ed soccer, when horseback riding was offered as an activity for physical education, and the girls wore tunics to gym class. "Each class had a different color tunic -- yellow, red, blue or green, and everyone had to wear one, including myself," Goodwin said. Goodwin was at Cabrini for the commencement of the first graduating class in 1961, and she taught the young Eileen Currie. "Sister Eileen was a very enthusiastic participant, she really seemed to enjoy phys eel," Goodwin said. "I think she liked basketball the best." Goodwin says that being "in the right place at the right time" helped her get a job at Cabrini. Goodwin was looking for a teaching position at a college after she, her husband, and their three children moved to West Chester from Erie, Pa., where she had taught physical education at the Behrend campus of Penn State University. 路 Goodwin began her job search at the placement bureau of West Chester State University. "Five minutes before I walked in, the president of Cabrini, who was then Mother Ursula, had called. She was desperately looking for a phys ed teacher," Goodwin said. Goodwin drove out to Cabrini to talk with Mother Ursula and tour the campus. She came home that day with a job offer and the firm conviction that Cabrini was the perfect place for her.

When not teaching slimnastics, team sports, or physical education for children, Goodwin can be found on the sidelines during any home game at Cabrini, cheering the Cavs to victory. "I go to every home sporting event for every team," she said. "I really enjoy watching all the sports here." Goodwin's personal favorite sport is tennis, which she plays twice a week. She also enjoys playing bridge and reading -- primarily spy novels. During the summer, Goodwin visits her sister inMassachusetts. "Mysister is 15 months younger than I am, and we get along famously," she said. Last February, Goodwin traveled to Germany with her sister's choir, and is planning to accompany her again next summer to Poland, Hungary and Austria. "There's not one thing I haven't done," Goodwin said, "and I have the best job anyone could ever ask for." What is Goodwin's secret for happiness? "I think that it's very important to be conscientious about your work," she said, "but I think it's also important to learn to relax, and enjoy yourself, and enjoy life."

"I said to my husband, 'It's a beautiful campus, I've got to do it,"' Goodwin said. "And I've been doing it and enjoying it for 27 years." What does Goodwin like most about teaching at Cabrini? "The kids," she said enthusiastically. The walls of Goodwin's office are lined with photographs of former students, and she acknowledges that her most memorable experiences at Cabrini involve the students she has taught or coached. I

"We had a lot of fun when Doc (Dr. Jolyon Girard) and I were athletic directors," Goodwin said. "One day I came into my office and my couch was gone. Some kids had stolen it because they wanted it for their house. Well, the next night, Doc and I went to their house and stole the couch back."

~------"---Job University of Pennsylvania is now Interviewing applicants for temporary employment to help with undergraduate admissions applications processing. Salary is $4.00 per hour. For appointment call Mrs. Taylor at


Driver needed to provide transportation to Eastern College from Lower Merion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday by 9a.m. If Interested call Catherine Cob at 642-5092.

Clerical support needed at Meridian Mortgage Corporation in St. Davids. Full and parttime. For more information call Kriste11Lodge at 293-9616.


Squad--------Entry level personnel recruiter for Tac Temps at 1006 W. 9th Avenue King of Prussia. Some human resource bacK. ground preferable. If Interested contaol Bobby Graham at

768-0304, Interviewing position available during the week from 4p.m.9:30 p.m. and on Saturdays 9a.m.-Sp.m. No experience necessary. Call Kathy at 2654442 or 565-8840.

Helen Goodwin assigns students to teams in one of her team sports (photo by Mike Stevenson)

Part-time receptionist with light bookkeeping skills for 2 days a week. Should have at least one semester of acounting. For more information contact Donna Seckar at extention 560.

UPS is hiring peoplefor physical (union) jobs and clerical positions with no typing required. The shifts are 4:30a.m. to 9:30a.m. or 5-9p.m. The salary offered Is 8/hr. for physical jobs and 6/hr. for clerical. If interested call Carol Warner at 430-6734.

Child Care Workers and Night Attendants needed at Divine Providence Village in Springfield. Call 3213-7730for an application.

Babysitter needed for 8 hours a

week in Villanova for 2 children. If Interested call Laura Shor at 687-9565.

Tele Sales and Service Representative at Chemlawn in Malvernfrom 5p.m. to 9p.m. at 6/hr. For more information contact 296-2400.

Salespeople at Bloomingdale's at King of Prussia Mall it:11and part-time. For more information contact Sue Pollard at 337-6212.

Babysitter needed for a 4 year old and 15 month old in Malvern for December 21-24 and 28-31 (can provide room and board if necessary). If Interested calf Karen Platt at 647-7500.

Kindergarten teacher needed at in Conshohoken for mornings only. For more information contact Fr. Robert Ryan at 828-0268(M-Th-F) or leave message with answering service(T-W).


Babysitter for 2 children ages 2 and 2 months needed on December 2, 4,8, 11, 16, 18,21, 22, and 23 from 11a.m. to 4p.m. and on December 8 from 9a.m. until 3p.m. If interested call Mrs. Vogan at 647-8047.

Part-time help wanted to perform clerical duties 12-20 hours per week, you pick the time, between 8a.m.-7p.m. Monday thru Friday. Salary is $5.50路$6.50 per hour, dependir.g on experience. If interested call Prima or Steve at 337-9288 between 10:30a.m. and 7:00p.m.






loquitur- friday, november 13, 1987



Sports update:

Season ends with ESAC loss season as a whole, because I felt that we had beaten Eastern and Spring Garden which were our quality games but we just had a tough time putting it together in the rest of our games."

by Patrick Zipfel The 1987 men's soccer season came to a close last Monday as the Cavaliers fell to Salisbury State 4-0 in the Eastern States Athletic Conference championship game. The Cavaliers started the game strongas they held backSalisburyformost of the first half, keeping the game tied with no score. But with four minutes left in the first half, Salisbury struck with their first goal and never looked back as they scored three more goals in the second half of the game. The Cavs got some very important wins over such schools as Eastern and Spring Garden Colleges yet had some very disappointing losses to such teams as Widener University and Penn State University. The first two games of the new season went well for the Cavs. They scored wins over Valley Forge and Wesley but then suffered a very disappointing loss to Rutgers-Camden. Marty McGonigle, junior, goalie, said "I was a little disappointed with our

"That game pretty much reflected our whole season with frustrations of winning some games and losing some close .ones.' -Eric Ehresman, senior

When looking forward to next season, the Cavaliers seem to have a very bright future ahead. - Ehresman said, "This year I had more fun playing than any other year and I t!tlnk one of the reasons was because of Duncan. He kept me motivated throughout the whole season and I think without him some of the team may have lost interest." Kevin 'Brennan, junior, feels the same way about the new coach. "He's a really good coach and was very helpful throughout the season,'' he said.

The annual inner-squad varsity basketball game willbe held in the gym on Friday, Nov. 13 at 6 p.m. Immediately following willbe the _ annual alumni game which will beginat 8 p.m. This year's game willfeature such past basketball greats as Karl Sartor ('87), Pat Nolen ('86), Dan Welde ('83), Terry Mancini, Allen Jones and Tom Niemey the first 1000point scorer at the college.

"We lose two very good players this year in Ehresman and Dave Kudluk ;\.lld I think they will be very difficult to replace. They played four years of great soccer here at Cabrini and have helped us on and off the field," McGonigle, said.

"The loss to Salisbury in the ESAC championships was a very bad way to end the season. That game pretty much reflected our whole season with the frustrations of winning some games and losing some close ones," Eric Ehresman, senior, said. -

"This year's team loses some very good players but Hubley is a good recruiter and I feel that he will bring a lot of good players to our school,'' John Dzilc, athletic director, said

Now thatyou've registered for courses, it's your required your electives. timetochoose

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The-;price,iaf>rirli dlarges in :re1ati<> other area colleges .and ·univeersities in the areaare minimal. Villanova 1University j>la~ .•~ ~e Big S basketball ronference ancltheir• fans can exped to pay anywhere between $6 and $15to .~the.Wildcats play. All of the schoolsin ..•.th·····.e;Big.5,\,p···. a~' '!,~j?Utthe sameamounr .•to see a The University, (lf Mm-yland because of the size of the enrollment alllots one ticket to each student who canshow valid.student I.D., butsince their arena only seats approximately 10,000 people then a large percentage of the 60,000students usually don't get tickets to the games. But on on Cabrini's campus the price for a basketball game will remain at'its'current price of$1.



loquitur - friday, november 13, 1987


Lori Johnson:


individ~_e!entto~!t~ spiritand devotion

A baby girl was born to the Johnson family in Conshohocken, Pa. in January, 1967. Little did they know that she would spend most of her school life cheerleading and coaching others. She has grown to be a 20 year old woman who attends Cabrini with a double major in marketing and business administration. This woman is Lori Johnson, senior. Johnson attended grade school at Conshohocken Elementary School. After school, she attended cheerleading practice for a squad in the . conference of the Midget League CheerleadingAssociation for the Keystone State. Johnson did this for four years between the ages of eight and twelve. Why did Johnson start cheering? "It gave me something to do after school." she said. "Like my mom said, it kept me out of trouble."' "Lori joined cheerleading on her own. Although she's not gymnastically inclined, her spirit and devotion to cheerleading made up for it," Mrs. Sue Johnson said. When she stopped cheering in the squad, Johnson coachedifincompetition for five years. During this time, the squad won first place in competition for all five years. After four years, Johnson went back to competition in the Midget League and started the first senior squad in her division. Her senior squad competed with ('ther squads from across the state of Pa. The competition consisted of three minutes of cheers and a three and a half minute dance routine. During this year, her squad attended a tournament in Maryland where they placed third against teams from other states. The highlight of this year was when she was picked by her squad to compete for 'Ms. Senior Cheerleader of 1982.' She competed against other girls from across the state in front of a large ~3:nelof judges. At the end of the competition she was named 'Ms. Senior Cheerleader.' Mrs. Johnson clearly remembers that day.

tions and I was always supportive of her. There was so many great cheerleaders at this competition. With their gymnastics and style I didn't think Lori was going to win. When she got up in front of the judges, I felt every word she said. I was so nervous. When the judges announced her name I was ecstatic. I was so proud of her," she said. Of her .daughter's win, Mrs. Johnson said, "I feel her charisma and smile won it for her. She won the judges over." Johnson entered Whitemarsh Junior High where she was a member of the squad for three years. After junior high she attended Plymouth-Whitemarsh High Schoel. Johnson competed there against 100girls lo become a memberof the squad. Only 15 girls made the squad and she was one of them. At this point Johnson started her high school career. Johnson was captain of the junior varsitysquad in tenth grade and captain of the varsity squad in both the eleventh and twelfth grade. When Johnson entered Cabrini, Lori Johnson, senior, practices the cheerleading drills that have been she tried out for the squad in her freshman a part of her life since she was very young. (photo by Karen Sieg/) year but she did not make it. She was chosen as an alternate. "I have had a lot of tun. 1 also Johnson in her sophomore year "I enjoyed jazz the most. I only have gotten a lot of personal satisfaction tried out again for the squad. This time she took ballet to be more graceful at jazz," she made it. by doing it well and getting rewards and said. recognition for it," she said. She said, "I had the spirit and the Aside from cheering and dancing, attitude within me to want to try again Johnsonisabusy person.She has a workbecause I knew I had the talent to make it. grant and a work-study job. She also has Johnson said she also benefits I tried again and I made it.'' an internship at the Valley Forge Sheraton from cheering because it keeps her in good Why cheerleading rather than Hote~ Valley Forge, Pa. physical condition. "I'm more weight conanother sport or another activity? Johnson is the vice-president of scious and body conscious during cheering Johnson said, "I've kept with it the marketing club and is one of the so I keep in shape," Johnson said. because I've always enjoyed leading the persons responsible for the Annual Excrowds and getting them hyped. I also pressions ,Art Show. In addition, she enjoy psyching the players up. It always strives to maintain her Dean's List status. "After college, it's time for me to helps the players to know that there are B ·d h · J hns als let it go. I have to worry about getting my people supporting them.'' . es! es c eenng, o on . o career off the ground," she said. "Lo · · db h , h d 1en1oys dancing. She attended dancmg . n is goo ecause s e s a a school from the age of ten until she Johnson hopes to pursue a career lot of experience. She~ows what _tolook graduated high school. She tookja7Z and in hotel management. She would like to for, ~ood and bad pomts: She 15 very ballet in dancing school. motivated and very dedicated to everystay at the Sheraton for a year and then thing she does," Bridget Howard, sophoJohnson would like to become the move on to a bigger hotel such as the more, co-captain, said. official coach for the squad at Cabrini Embassy Suites, in Plymouth Meeting, Pa. Beth Ann Bittner, senior, cheered since they do not have a coach. She said, "I Whatare Johnson's future goals? with Johnson her sophomore year. would like to be able to give constructive "She was a very supportive criticism and structure to the team. At this With a smile, Johnson said hopefully, "Someday I hope to own my own hotel and leader. She wasn't just· a captain, she was time it's hard to criticize the squad because manage it." a friend," Bittner said. I'm cheering with them."

Men's cross country:

Team wins ESAC by Kristin Kroll Last week, Cabrini's men's cross country team won theEasternStatesAthletic Conference (ESAC) Championships. The race was held at Allentown College on Nov. 1. Approximately50runners of six teams, competed in the race, with Frostburg University being their hardest opposition. Mike Feeley, sophomore, said, "We didn't worry about the other teams and we didn't pressure each other. Basically, we knew we had the talent to win and did just that." "The entire team held their own," Paul Magolon, junior, said. "We put everything together and just went for it." Coming in as the team's top five runners were: Mike Dolan, sophomore, first place; Pete Casazza, senior, third place; Magolon, fourth place; John Donahue, senior, sixth place; a£d Tom O'Donnell, freshman, eighteenth place. Cabrini, consistently has three or four runners who finish at the head of the race. In order to win however, it is essential that thy fifth, sixth, and seventh runners close the gap between the top runners and the rest of the team. "O'Donnell did just that," Feeley said. "I think this was the deciding factor in winning the championship.'' According to Casazza, Dolan dese_rves a lot of credit. "I think he has matw·ed both physically and mentally. A good indication of this is in his performances this season. He's been very consistent and helped lead our team to the ESAC championship," Casaua said. Individuals however, are not what make or break a race. "People say cross country is an individual sport," Magolon, said, "but it takes a team to win.'' On Nov.14 the team will be returning to· Allentown where they will compete in regionals. Feeley said, "Regionals will be unreal!"





loquitur- friday, november 13, 1987


Team reflectson Mancinias headcoach by Donna Dougherty

"We had one girl from the team on the selection committee and the girls were looking for someone with the same approach to the game as Terry's. We chose Danny because he came across as having the same approach to the game and he had the philosophy most similar to Terry's. Terry should be commended for that," he said. "I think Danny will do a great job," Mancini said. "I think the transition will be easy for the team because Danny played together in college and have much of the same philosophy about playing." "With Danny in charge, I can still put input into the team and if my shift work changes, maybe I can return next year," Mancini said. "He was fun. He cared a lot about the sport. And he took the time to have a relationship with every player on the team," Chris Federico,junior, team co-captain, said.

Terry Mancini, the women's basketball team coach for three years has resigned due to career opportunities, according to John Dzik, athletic director. Mancini, who works for Federal Express, has been taken on full-time at his company now. Because he works night hours as a driver, thiswould have conflicted with games and practice time for the team. "I wanted to be fair to the girls and to Dzik and it wouldn't have been fair if I had stayed and not been there for the team all of the time," Mancini said. "It was a hard dcesion but it had to be made." "Until we found Danny (Welde), Terry still ran the practices for the team really out of the good graces of his heart," Dzik said. · I "He did a very fine job for us," Dzik said. "Last year the girls had the best record "Terry put a lot of time and effort into the program. He knew how to handle He was an excellent coach," AnnmarieBaeuerle, junior, ever.And he handled a tough situation last year concerning Freida (Gibbs '87). With theemotionallevelofwomen. that I mean, Freida being such an outstanding player and her abilities being above the team co-captain, said. other girls, Terry did a great job in having her as part of the team concept." :•He d~velo~d a unique friendship with each player," she said. "I think the highest compliment to Terry would be that when we interviewed for 'We still realize that Terry would have some connection with the team as far as his replacement, the girls wanted someone like Terry," Dzik said.

Welde replaceswomen's head coach by Kelli Dougherty The basketball season is opening with a new women's head coach, Dan Welde. The recently hired Welde is a 1983 alumnus of Cabrini. Welde isreplacingTerryMancini whose career move forced him to resign as head coach. However, Mancini will continue to volunteer his efforts to the team as much as his free time allows, according to John Dzik, athletic director. Welde first played basketball from 1979-1981 for Delaware County Community College, Media, Pa. He then transferred to Cabrini where he played for two more years. In 1983, Welde was Cabrini's first All-American basketball · player. Welde has high expectations for his team. "Our plans for the season are to win the ESAC (Eastern States Athletic Conference) and to hang the first women's basketball team banner," he said.

Welde's confidence is definitely shown :it practices. During drills, an aggressive Welde gets out and participates with the team as if he were one of the players. His orders are definitely the prominent voice that is heard on the court. Welde reveals what he knows about basketball to the players who listen intently to every piece of advice. "I am looking forward to having him as a coach this year. He makes us work hard at practices which will be evident in our performances at games," Sue Evich, senior, captain, said. "'i'ransttion hasn't been that difficult. People are getting a lot out of practice and contributing a lot. Danny has a lot of enthusiasm," Annmarie Baeuerle, junior co-captain, said. ' "Danny has adjusted really well. He took the time to get to know about our backgrounds. Practices have been really w?rthwhile and he seems to enjoy playing with the team because be always scrim-

mages with us," Chris Federico,junior, cocaptain, said. "The team seems to be really unified this year. Everyone is working for a common goal." Dzik also has faith in Welde as the new coach.

"If Dan Welde brings to his coaching the qualities he exhibited on the basketball court as a player, then I have confidence in his ability to coach " Dzik said. ' Welde is depending on the leadership of the captains to guide the other team players. "The team has three big people -captains, Annmarie Baeurle, Sue Evich and Chris Federico. I am looking to them for our team's leadership," Welde said. Dzik said, "Dan W eldeis a wjnner and everyone wants a winner on their side especially if you want a good team." '.

TWAC is RETURNING in the next issue of LOQUITUR.!!!! For publication please forward any information about upcoming events to the Student Activities Office by Friday of each week.


Information for Spring events must be in the Activities Office by November 20 for the Spring Calendar.


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