friday, december 4, 1987
The crime that lead to campaign by Rebecca Rebalsky editor's note:Tllefollowlng storywaswrltten with lnformlllloncomplled fromlheAsaoclated Press, Iha Easton Express, end the
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Nineteen-year-old Jeanne Ann Clery, a freshman at Lehigh University, awoke to the sound of an intruder in her dormitory room sometime ·after 4 a.m. on Saturday, April 5, 1986. She was found dead about seven hours later. Police said Clery had been severely beaten, raped, •and strangled to death. After news of the slaying broke, some Lehigh students told police that their roommate had boasted of killing a girl that day. When police searched the off-campus apartment of Josoph Henry, a sophomore at Lehigh, they found several items belonging to Clery. Henry was arrested fhe foJowing Monday and charged with c.riminal homicide, rape, invo: untary deviate sexual intercourse, indecent assault, burglary, theft, receiving stolen property and robbery. Police said that Henry was able to enter the dormitory building where Clery lived through a door which had been propped open. The door to Clery's room was left unlocked. , -After the arrest, Donald B. Corriere, district attorney for Northampton County, said that he would seek the death penalty for Henry because of the brutality of the murder. During the trial, Henry's lawyer pleaded that Henry was drunk at the time of the murder and did not intend to kill Clery. On April 25, 1987, J osoph Henry was convicted of the rape and murder of Jeanne Clery and all other charges brought against him. He was sentenced, three days later, to death in the electric chair. He is now being held in Northampton County Prison in Easton, Pa., while his death sentence awaits review by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
cabrini college, radnor, pa. 19087
vol. xxxiv, vol.10
Tragic death inspiresbill'Se~uri!yon by Jacqui McClernan
vania colleges and universities to provide prospective students and In a home tucked away their parents with campus crime on a quiet wooded lane in Bryn statistics by category for the pre viMawr the memories of an only· ous three years. Also, it would daughter are as vivid as the day require a detailed summary of the she left. In the bedroom are her types of security measures and many tennis trophies, make-up, policies in effect on campus. Connie Clery said, "Our Lauren perfume and the boxes that were returned to her parents ultimate goal is to have a bill that would require crime statistic to be afterwards. The only difference is published so that parents and stuthat on one bed lies numerous dents have the truth of advertisenewspaper clippings of violent ment in selecting a college." She said that the most crimes on college campuses throughout the country. The important aspect now is the safety steps leading to the upstairs are of the children. However, the Clery's cluttered with mail, just from one day. Signs of the tedious work are meeting opposition both in Howard and Connie Clery do Harrisburg and in some of the daily to turn a tragedy into a larger universities such as the positive crusade. University of Pennsylvania. On April 6, 1986 Jeanne "Priority number one is Anne Clery was found brutally safety and colleges are running raped and murdered in her dor- scared having to swallow that," mitory room at Lehigh Univer- Clery said. The house is beautifully sity. The assailant entered her dormitory through a door that was decorated and filled with portraits propped open with a bottle. Her of Jeanne. On Jeanne's bed are particular room was unlocked. clippings and on a chair many The murderer walked right in. letters to the Clery's. The legisOn an end table in the lation is a part of life. Standing Clery's bedroom is a portrait of in the parlor one can hear Clery Jeanne in a dress she wore to a tell a repairman about the bill, Valentine's Day dance. She is the petition and urging him to sitting on her bed with a radio in write his representatives. the background. It was this phoClery said, ''We are fighttograph that was found in the ing for this legislation in memory camera which was stolen from her of Jeanne. We want to safeguard room and the radio in it that our children." helpedconvictthemurderer. She If the bill was passed it was murdered on that very bed. would mean more work for colIn the wake of their lege security to compile records daughter's death the Clery's have but these can be altered. William Zimmermann, worked in conjunction with RichardA. McClatchy, Jr., Republican Radnor Police Detective said, "If the police department can fudge Chairman, House of Representatives, to propose a bill that would figures than so can a university. A make it mandatory for all Pennsyl- rape -or assault can be written up
Jeanne Clery, the inspiration for college campus security bill. (photo by Kathleen McCabe)
inside perspectives 2-3 news .......:.... 4-6 features ........•7-9 sports ...... 10-12
Meet' Cabrinn's ·oldest stude11t (page 9)
as a less violent disorderly conduct." · As far as the bill is concemed he said that no college would want to put hard cold facts on paper to scare prospective students. "In any security system it is up to the students to maintain it," Zimmermann said. Dan Neyer, director of security, said, "In general college campuses are unsafe. I wouldn't want my daughter on a college campus." · "Security is relative in comparison to other colleges because Cabrini is small but not immune to the problems that a big college encounters," Neyer said. James Fitzimmons, dean of students, said, "As far as I am aware of there have been no reports of assaults or rapes on campus." However, Zimmermann said that approximately a month ago anincident that happened on Cabrini's campus was brought to his attention through Bryn Mawr Hospital. In turn he inform~d Cabrini's administration. The details are vague, but it involved at least two students one of which was definitely not a Cabrini student. A police report was filed however no charges were filed by the victem. When Fitzimmons was approached with this information he said he was aware of this as both be and Neyer spoke to Zimmermann yet elected not to inform the other security guards or campus community. "We do not respond to rumors," Fitzimmons said. "There was no police report filed." He continued, "There is nothing to be aware of and nothing to verify as there is no one to talk to about the alleged reports." "Sure the incident concerned me and that is why we pushed the escort service again and as a precaution had the physical plant worker who comes in in the middle of the night escorted to the building. In addition there are more rounds by the Radnor Police," Fitzimmons said. Just becauseCabriniisin the heart of the Main Line does not mean it is immune to crime. This is evident because the Radnor Police have been called here at leastl0 times according to Neyer and Zimmermann. . . If the Clery's le~slahon were passed, what would 1t mean . to Cabrini? . F1tzunmons said that
MaI n LI ne
by Anne Fahy
The serene campuses of the colleges along the Main Line appear to be havens of safety. However, the degree of proper security for student residences is defined differently by each of the seven area colleges. At Bryn Mawr College deadbolt locks are used at each of the 19 residence entrances. The doors are locked by security officers at 6 p.m. every evening. Each woman has a key to the entrance and a key for her room. Villanova University also uses a lock and key system at L dormitories. Residents of older buildings are issued two keys, one for the main entrance and one for the individual room. Resident Advisors 'are responsible for locking the dorm entrances at midnight on weeknights and "some time after 2 a.m." on weekends, according to Rowan P. Kelly, chief of security. Haverford College issues separate dorm and room keys to all 1200 residents. The college also employs a 24-hour security patrol and a security staff of 25. At Harcum Junior College, the one campus security officer could not be found for comment in two separate
calls. At Rosemont College, resident advisors are posted at each of the four dormitory entrances. VISitors must sign in with the resident assistant, who calls the woman and announces the guest. Cabrini and Eastern Colleges practice similiar security methods, using combination locks on all resident entrances which are changed about once a semester. guidlines would have to be revised, "What alarms me is statewide legislation is not suited fo every school, however, I have not read the entire proposal." If passed Cabrini would be required to publish their crime staistics and also a questionnaire for students and parents. Entering the Clery's home and walking amid the house the grief can be felt. Portraits of a young women whose life came to a tragic end one spring morning are a constant reminder. It remains
Examining students' study habits (page 8)
loquitur - friday, december 4, 1987
Hitch a ride on SEPTA Securitybill urged My pz.rents got upset after tte first two or thr~e accidents because they were In a Loquitur survey of security on nearby campuses, Cabrini sized truly our fault. But after that_ it see'?ed li_ke up pretty well. other cars were attracted to our's bke pms . . . to a magnet. However, when mstances that v10late secu~1tydo on We were hit while stopped at red campus, students should be made aware, and certainly admimstrators lights, stop signs, in traffic- -even 01 ce in should be aware. th e supermar~et parking lot w~rt· my For the information of those who didn't catch this one on the mother was m the store shoppmg. She . . . dropped two jars of pickles when she grapevme, about two months ago, m House 3, the Radnor Police were realized that the car being described over summoned because a man was found in the room of one of the women, the loudspeaker was hers, and she could uninvited only clench her teeth and nod when the · .. . . . owner of the car locked into the side of Nothmg v10lent occurred, but the potential was there. hers apolo~zed for forgetting to put his This information was not made campus knowledge. emerge,ncy Jreak on. Last month, a woman was allegedly raped by two male students in
murphy under the name "Murphy'' in our auto insurance company's records I bet it reads: HIGH RISK + + + - Nice bunch but
we can't figure out what theirproblem is. Thisfamily offive drivershas hnd 12 accidents among them inj.'-lstunderfour years. Sixfenders,four windshields,two brandnew 1 cars(threeothers) andfouremergencyroom J ·My parents no longer get upset a car on campus. visits are on the list of items our insurance. ab,9U~our accidents. They say they are too This information, too, was obtained from the Radnor Police. has coveredfor them. tired and too numb to care. They have even Ca.nceledby two otherco,:npanies,.,ttopped telling other people about our we took them on because no one else,;.:,drivingrecord--"Who's going tobelieveus Dean of Students Jim Fitzsimmons either didn't know about the wantedthem and because we make e,iou!/j · anyway?" incident, or chose to spar with the reporter who did before acknowledgfrom theirpolicy to vacationin Floridaevery, winter. I began to realize my parents just ing that the validity of the claim was still under investigation. Some men live for the day~ when their daughters get married. Myfather's dreams are more simplistic--he lives for the day w:1en each of his is off of his auto / insurance policy. When two of my sisters and I learned to drive within two years of one another, my parents were genuinely happy about it. They .enrolled ·us in driver's ed courses, quizzed us on "driving trivia" during ·ong hours of on-the-road instruction and sto0d by proudly ( a total of ~ix tinles) as each ofus attempted to pass o-:I driver's exam. In those d,.ys, Dad was unflappable. He didn't even wince wh(!n my younger sister blew off a stop sign on her first try a! the exam, "But Dad, the cop told me I didn't have to stop!" And he just smiled and said she would do better next time when she drove onto a curb while ~.yingto execute a three-point-turn during her second shot at the course. My parents offered the car. willingly then. Mom's chauffeuring days were over and she wanted to celebrate. We were allowed to drive anywhere as long as we obeyed curfew and brought ourselves and their cars home in one piece. And then, the unthought of happe11ed--I had an accident on an icy, rain) night during my senior year in high school I d:dn't do that much damage to the car, but Mom and Dad were not pleased to say the lea!t. I told them they should just be happy I wasn't hurt They told me I couldn't drive agdn W1till had kid-. of my own. Twelve accidents later, they still lose sleep wondering how things might have been if they had kept that promise. You see my parents decided that since there would be three of us in college at the same time, it would be impossible for us to live at school. Whatever colleges we decided on they said, we would have to commute to and so we corµpromisecl: if each of us paid the bulk of our tuition, they would let us use their cars and would pay our insurance. Little did they know that our auto insurance would soon cost as much as tuition, room and board combined.
couldn't take it anymore.· after accident number five.We had just sd down to dinner when my older sister came -into the kitchen crying and announced that she had been hit while stopped at a stop sign. The rest of us caught our breaths waiting to see how my parents would react but they just kept eating! Neither of them ever looked up and after a minute or so, my mother said, "Could we talk about this later, we're trying to eat right now?" After each successive car accident, my parents insisted that if we all really concentrated on being defensive drivers that the chain of accidents would ~~ave to end.
i My father was on hand for that particular accident though he didn't realize it at the time. He recalls reading the college stickers on the back of one of the cars involved in the accident car and thinking, "What a coincidence. Their kids must go to the same college as ours."
He was almost home before he realizedthatthebrown sedan with the mutilated front end was his daughter's. He says he didn't realize it earlier because he t!lough•."there was no way it could happen again." Friends brave enough to get into a car with Ille insist that I'm not a bad driver--and I reallyam not, and they question why my family has had so many accidents. I tell them no one has been atle to come up with a reasonable exp!anation for this. -
. 1d' ///. ~
Editor. Debbie Murphy Staff Manager: Donna Dougherty News Editor: Jacqui McCleman Assistant News Editor: Rachel Anderson Perspectives Editors: Anne Fahy and Christine Coeehla
Whatever the reason, two things Features Editor: Stephanie Giardini are certain: 1) Our family and cars were Sports Editors: Donna Dougherty and Beth Bittner never mebantthtoget tdog~th er,willand2)b MblyBusiness Managers: Kathleen McCabe and Angie Corbo younger ro er an sister pro a y Copy Editor: Yvette 0us1ey, never learn to drive. Ass istant Copy Editor: KerryGallagher Photography Editor: Debbie Ferrar
For now, however, the scores remain fixed: Dad-1, Mom-2, Donna-2, Cindy-3 and Debbie-4. At last I'm first at something!
by Berke Breathed
My sisterthinksthatwemust.have signs on our cars that only other drivers can see which read, "Hit us please we're trying to get into the 'Guinness Book of World Records,"' and my father thinks that he is being punished for every wrong he has ever done in his life. I insist that it's because our last name is Murphy ( as in Murphy's law.)
..7ll£Pl/NilPtJ1/f171.J°Te 50 BIT1cl?5W&&T, : l/Ke Jll5ffR WIN€IW/1 5f/GIIR, I ~r tr5 fl{.(JWN711/?V tJ1!£/?5'Feer_
For one thing, we won't have to rely on the grapevine anymore.
HIM.H€ KNtw11{(; Villi/€Of
AlthoughmanyofthereformsinHouseBill 1900,the College and Security Act introduced by state Rep. Richard McClatchy Jr. (RRosemont) may not apply to Cabrini because of its size, it is undoubtedly a good bill and should receive our support. Students can support the bill by signing a petition that should soon be passed around.
I remember once last year my family and I convinced ourselves that the spell had been broken--we went almost six months without an accident! My parents were even considering letting my 16-yearold sister learn to drive. Then another of .my sisters totaled her car.
The parents ofJ eanne Clery of Bryn Mawr, the freshman who was murdered in her dorm room at Lehigh University by another student in 1986,are pushing for state reforms for security on-campuses. One of most significant would be the requirement of all colleges and universities to publish with their recruitment information the number of on-campus crimes in the previous year. Of all the proposed reforms, this would affect Cabrini the most. _Itis possible that the result would be good for the school when the same numbers for area schools are published.
--UKE.1H05eor Cll5fllK W6/N86!?60f."
I WON/16? 'Cllt?t.VCC/. IF 1,1£U C/11(5MOOCHY. CIIKP~5H/ ..." MIii<€IT W!TH(}(lr r'M NOT HIM... OPTIM!:rlC. (
Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Cralgie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek
Staff: Marian Annstrong, Lisa Brzezicki, Mari Bugie, Denise Clva. Angie Corbo, Kelli Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Ker,y Gallagher, Shelle Koller, Kristin Kroll, Amy Lennon, LaTonya Lucas, Lee Mirenda. Jenni Obrecht, Paula Phillips, Keith Pyle, Rebecca Rebalsky, Ande Romano, Roe Wellman, Patrick Zipfel Photogr~phy Staff: Kevin Alexander, Sue Hill, Denise Hurtey, Rosanne Rossello, Karen Sieg!, Mike Stevenson. Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087. Subscrtptlon price Is S20 per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the wrilefs name may be left off the letter upon publication and an Inscription Inserted such as "'name withheld at the request of the writer."' Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. ~ a letter Is too long for the available sp<1ce,the editor may edit or condense it. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays,
The editorials and opinions published In Luqultur are the views of the student editorial staff and the Individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
loquitur - friday, december 4, 1987
No movie star in '88
Kilroy was here ... by Roe Wellman Vandalism, something that one hears about almost everyday in the newspapers, on the T.V. and by word of mouth. But what exactly is vandalism? "Malicious destruction of property" is the basic definition in most dictionaries. But again, what exactly is vandalism? ls it the keying of someones car or throwing eggs at someones house on mischief night, or is it breaking into vending machines? I guess vandalism is all of the above and more. In my opinion vandalism is stupid and senseless. What enjoyment does one get out of throwing eggs at houses? The only thing accomplished is a big mess that some poor person has to clean up. Why would one take a sharp object and viciously attack someones car? Is this a good time? I know I have better things to do then mess around with other people's property. One act that certainly goes beyond just plain vandalism is the breaking into and stealing of the items in a vending machine. Just a few weeks ago someone destroyed, not only the cigarette machine, but also the candy machine which are both located in the basement of Woodcrest.
by Anne Fahy
My question is: WHY?
"I'm a conservative," she said and stared at me.
Are some people so hard _upfor a smoke that they have to break into a machine in order to get cigarettes? Are they so hungry that they have to, not only break into the candy machine, but also break the glass and steal everything?
Delighted that this fellow college studenthad done some intelligent reasoning and arrived at a sound conclusion, especially in light of the national trend to assault students as being politically apathetic, I had to ask "why?"
Have people now a days lost respect for the property of others? I feel bad enough when I walk through the streets of New York and see the vandalism that is almost everywhere you go. It is even worse when you find it in your own basement.
Ha! Another student at my school who was going to prove false pompus Ph.d's slandering today's students in newspapers and best-sellers. "I dress conservatively."
I try to rationalize why things like vandalism occur, but I never find an answer. I wonder if an answer will ever suffice for the horrible things that occur. Deep down I know there will never be one.
I stared at her. (I had to ask.) She did dress conservatively. In fact, she looked every bit the young thinker tuned into PBS on a Thursday night, Cosby having gotten old. I couldn't help myself. kind of reason is that?"
So, for those people who get a kick out of it, or view it as fun, I have one thing to say to you - Vandalism is wrong. It is destructive and all it accomplishes is to hurt people you don't even know.
She wasn't aware that our 'conservative' administration has racked up the largest deficit in the world, ever. She seemed clueless that the reason her parents shelled out more money for tuition this year was because federal and state grants were slashed.
Shouldn't we, as human beings, just care a little bit more for our fellow men and women?
It never occurred to her that her children might not have the opportunity to attend college because it would simply cost too much, or that maybe she'd never see the money being taken out of her parttime job paycheck for social security, and that maybe her parents wouldn't either.
Thanks expressed To the Editor: We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those students who made the annual "Juniors for Seniors" dinner such a success. We would especially like to thank Aliza Candelori and Eileen Zebrowski, the co-presidents of the Social Work Club, and the other members of the club who worked so hard to insure that everyone enjoyed themselves. Both Aliza and Eileen worked extremely hard, and were committed to making the dinner and fundraising events successful. We realize that the students in the club have many responsibilities, howvever, it is encouraging that time can be made for such a worthwhile project. We encourage all students to take the opportunity to "Adopt a Grandparent", and join us next year for the "Juniors for Seniors" dinner. Remember, you can learn a great deal from the senior citizens, and have fun at the same time. My adopted grandfather ran a detective agency and it was great to hear about all of his adventures. I'm even thinking of a second career.
Forgetting the human services budget cuts that have crippled the lives ~f many in the past years, the exorbitant defense spending, the trade imbalance that has put us at the mercy of the Middle East, Germany and Japan, and the deflated buying power of the dollar, these issues _ directly affected her life. Her future. Who is going to pay off the some $2.5 trillion deficit - 13 zeros.
Frankly Speaking
l,,;J J'f/;l,r"hhll:_
a Jby-m ifory<;ys+et11 cane1pecf cerl-Siheh+itfeU<etf~ .... .Pood 1
heal-H1 care,securi+y I shelter 'fotA na\Je your-ehot'ceuF' any two .... --.....___
~ r•
"Well, I'm not a liberal, so I g·1ess I'm a conservative," she said. Not everyone fits into the catagories of liberal or conservative. Clearly, neither are perfect. Both have benefits and drawback/;. I don't want the money with• drawn from my paycheck to be handed to a healthy, able-bodied person who is also capable of working because that person is the product of an environment that doesn't foster a drive to succeed. That is not helping them, or society. That mon~y would be better used helping to create a positive environment and teaching skills to the less monetarily fortunate.
Thanks again to everyone who came to the dinner and supported the event.
Margo Bare and Sr. Regina Peterson
It is one's right to agree with the lopsided priorities of our administrat;on. That concurrence, however, shoald b~ arrived at through reading and deductive reasoning of the issues.
The election of our 41st president nears. One should place less emphasis on wit, camera appeal, patriotic cliche's, and listen. Instincts are a good guide. They'll all be dressing conservatively. ©CREATIVE MEDIA SERVICES Box 5955 Berkeley, Ca. 94705
loquitur - friday, december 4, 1987
Limitedcourseofferingsanger students editor's note: This Is the answer to last week's •
semester," he said. "We are always looking for improvement or trying to add things to the curriculum." He continued, "We try to be student-oriented and try to offer students not only by Mari Bogie what they want, but also what they need." Stevens addedthatmanyofthecommunicationscourses that she was interested Creating a roster can become a great dilemma for stud~nts. When choosing in taking weren't offered for the spring semester. courses for the spring recently, many students had problems getting the courses they "Everytime I looked in the catalog and saw a course I was interested in, it wasn't wanted or getting the times they would have liked. offered in the spring and that was very aggravating," Stevens, a business major with "I think the courses for the English department are very limited, especially a minor in communications, said. upper-division" Denise Brady, senior, said. "Many of those which were offered I had There is also the problem of course close-outs during registration. . . already taken.' They need to offer courses a lot of people will be interested in." "By the time freshmen registration came around (this semester), there were In reference to the physical education reuirements one must take at Cabnm, 12 to 15 courses closed and there were three or four closed before the end of junior Brady said, "I would have liked to take slimnastics, but it was only offered at 8:30. Now registration," Robert Fetterhoff, registrar, said. I have to take it at a health club which is very inconvenient for me." He added that most of the close-outs occurred in the business, education Overall, Brady said that it was difficult to come up with a decent schedule, and communications departments. especially when one has to do an internship. Area colleges also experience similiar scheduling problems at registration time. "Next semester, I can only take classes on two days because I need three days "The classes which close out first are the most popular courses, but usually open to get the necessary amount of credits I need for my internship," she said. there is another time or section available or an alternate course the student can choose," The times classes are offered seem to cause a great problem for many students, Diane Harris an employee in Eastern College's registrar's office, said. both resident and commuter. "In the end, however, we do get everyone into classes to meet graduation "Many courses I wanted to take weren't offered. There were also a lot offered requirements," she said. at night," Amy Stevens, senior, said. "Night courses are hard for me beca~s~ I commute. Francis Clark of Neumann College's registrar's office said, "According to what They almost didn't offer a finance class I needed, but then they added 1t m at the last the demand is, students even out their day and night courses. If there are any scheduling minute but what if they never did, then what would I have done?" problems, because this is such a small f;chool, the students can usually talk to their ' Rhonda Ermentrout, junior, business administration major, also expressed advisors about it." . anger over the large quantity of business courses offer~d only at night. . Jeff Belz, a junior political science major at the University of Pennsylvania, "I realize that many of the courses are held at mghtbecause the peopleteachmg said that, them are working professionals," she said. "But I feel that since we pay the same tuition to take. for a large university, he is usually able to get every course he needs or wants : as everyone else, we should be offered equal daytime courses." "The University of Penn offers a wide curriculum of various departments and She continued, "Many of my friends who attend other schools'never have to take courses, and you usually have ample time to change your course selections," he said. night courses." Edward Christ, chairperson, business department, does not think, however, "Many students pick more courses than are needed and they end up dropping that the business department offerings for the spring semester are inadequate. one or more courses. This gives other students a chance to pick up courses that they want "We are quite pleased with the business courses we are offering in the spring to take," Belz said. WHArs THE SCOOP? question on course offerings at Cabrini
Fall Formal '87
The annual Fall Formal, sponsored by the junior and senior classes, wa held on Nov. 20 at the St. David's Inn. Maeghan Uprichard, junior, and seniors Pam Esposito and Tracy Miller (from I to r above left) party in style with friends while seniors Molly Fenerty, Tina Slater and friend take time out from an evening of fun to smile for the camera. (photos by Debbie Ferrar)
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loquitur - friday, december 4, 1987
Vandalismprovokes_ studentquestions .
by Lee Mirenda On Thursday, Nov. 19, at 7:45 p.m., Carlos Chamorro, sophomore, left his room in Xavier Hall intending to study with his friends. After he came through the doors next to the vending machines, Chamorro looked toward the doors 1eading to Lower South, and noticed the air was foggy and dusty. He also smelled something strange. "I thought something
This is all that remains of an exit sign in Woodcrest in the wake of vandalism.
was wrong with the elevator, maybe the generator was burning or something," he said, "so I decided to check it out." "As I waiked toward the elevator, I noticed dust outside the television room door. The door was closed, and through the window I could tell the lights were dim." He continued, "I opened the door and walked in and the room was cloudy. I noticed a fire extinguisher on the floor and the whole room was covered with dust. Someone had sprayed a chemical fire ex-
tinguisher all over the TV roo~." Xavier, Woodcrest, and the Widener Center Game Room have been damaged by vandalism over the past few weeks. Angry students complain that they have to pay for damages they di~ not cause. Mike Charvala, junior, resident assistant, said, "A lot of vandalism has been happening lately. There have been a lot of broken windows, the glass doors to the fire extinguishers have been broken, a rock was thrown through the side door window, thermostats have been broken, and a toilet seat was ripped off a toilet." Kevin Corcoran, senior, resident assistant, said, "We don't know what an extension phone in the hall way looks like anymore." W oodcrest has also been victim tothis recent vandalism. "In thelobby,the legs of the desk were broken off, furniture was turned standing up on its side, and trash and ashes were all over the floor," Theresa Daly, junior, resident assistant said. "An extention phone was ripped off, pens were stolen from message boards, and crude and obscene messages were written on some first and second floor doors," Daly added. The Widener Center Game Room has not been a stranger to this recent rash of vandalism. "The ping pong ball machine was broken into and the balls were stolen, pool sticks and ping pong paddles have been broken and some of the pieces to.fooze ball aremissing," Mike Edmondson, senior, said. What angers students most is that they are being charged by Cabrini for the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged items, when most students are not_resnonsible for the vandalism. Charvala said, "Xavier is being
What's the Scoop? As final exam time rapidly approaches so does Christmas. Unlike years past exams are going down to the wire. December 21,just four days before Christmas and . . some of us will still be taking exams. In addition to the late scheJuling of exams~a readmg day was excluded. This day was extremely useful for students to get themselves organized and rested before exams fell upon them. Tune in next time as the WQUITUR will attempt to find out WHAT'S THE SCOOP? with the 1987 exam schedule and lack of a reading day.
and 7 a.m., so where are they?"
In Xavier the extension phones have become thing of the past.
charged $15 per person for damages done just in the past three weeks." He added, "No matter where the damages are the whole dorm has to pay." Paul Magolon, junior, is mad because "the innocent have to pay. I can't stand it. I have to pay for what they (vandals) think is fun," he said "I don't want to pay for someone else's childness and stupidity," Chamorro said. "I'm fed up." Chamorro said, "If they (vandals) had to pay the bills out of their own pockets, they'd think twice." Daly said, "The girls (in Woodcrest) are angry because the whole dorm is being held responsible, and they have to pay for damages." Barbara Wilson, freshman, is angry as well. "Not only do we have to pay for it (damages), we have to look at it," she said. "Security should put someone in the lobby," Kelly Boyer, freshman, said. "They know damages happen between 3
Students are also angry that their fun is ruined by vanqals in the Widener Center Game Room. Mago1on said, "People ,wonder why the;-e 31e nti good games in the game room. Why should the school put out money for things to get wrecked?" Edmondson said it is easy for vandals to get away with damaging the campus. "The system promotes it. You might as well do ¡all the destruction you want. No one gets caught, and you hardly have to pay," he said. ~tudents are frustrated that they have to sacrifice moneyand enjoyment for the small portion of people who disrespect Cabrini's property. â&#x20AC;˘ "It's frustrating. We (resident assistants) can't be everywhere all the time," Corcoran said, "It's not our job to be policemen, but it might have to be."
Warning signs the day after vandals struck. (photos by Sue Hill)
Part Time Opportunities
Werso11 the 7fa//,,.
CHARLOTTE'S WEB-- The musical "Charlotte's Web," will be performed on Dec. 5-6. All shows are Saturday and Sunday matinees. Show times are 1 p.m. and3p.m.
For reservations, contact admissions at 971-8552.
DANCE:-- The Snow Ball Dance will be held Dec. 5, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., in the cafe. The activity is sponsored by the exSUPERTHON AND SPRINGFLING-- ecutive board and the freshman class. Superthon and Spring Fling meetings are every Thursday at 1:15 p.m. in the ACADEMICS:--The fmal day to declare S.GA. office. pass/fail is Dec.14
SENIORS-- The senior dinner will be held Dec. 4, at 6:30 p.m., in the mansion. Cocktails willbe served from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Seniors must R.S.V.P. by Nov. 25. LECTURE:--T'ne CARe Center is sponsoring a "Love Addiction" lecture on Dec. 10, at 1 p.m., in the WCLH.
WORKSHOP:--Financial Aid is sponsoring a workshop on Dec. 6, for parents and students, from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
LIBRARY:--The library committee is looking for students to volunteer to be on the committee for the 30th Anniversary celebration of the college in'March. If interested, contact Mary Ellen Herzog at ext. 8256. LECTURE:--The Black Student Alliance is sponsoring alecture on the presidency by Dr .Harry Bailey, professor of political science at Temple University on Dec. 7, at 1 p.m., in the WCLH.
CONTINENTAL BANKrecognizes that to gain valuable work experience . you must first gain entFy into the business world. We also recognize that as a student your time is limited.
To accommodate your needs Continental Bank has part-time day or eveningshifts available.
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loquitur - friday, december 4, 1987
Bennettcracksdown on high defaultrates Dittbrenner, director of Financial Aid, a student can technically be in default but Secretary of Education William J. can still be paying back his/her loan. She claims that Bennett's figures Bennett announced a plan early in Noare misleading to the casual reader. For vember to crack down on guaranteed example, she cites a statistical figure student loans (GSL). The controversial Bennett has stating that Alabama had 14 schools with proposed a plan which could disqualify a default rate of 100 percent. According to many colleges and universities from receiv- Dittbrenner, this leads readers to believe that no students are paying back any of ing federal aid. Disqualification will be based on their loan. However, she states that a the default rate of the GSL. Under this student may have to pay $300 per month loan plan, college students can borrow at and only pay $100 per month and still be a low interest rate as much as $2,625 in declared in default. Accoi:ding to a report from the freshman and sophomore y_earsand $4,000 in junior and senior years. . National Association of Student Financial Through this plan, the banks are Aid Administrators (NASFAA), default guaranteed repayment ofloans by the state rates exclude collections made after and federal governments. However, stu- default was declared. Thus, national dents are expected to begin repaying the default rate figures overstate actual default loan six months after they leave school, figures by one third. either through graduation or withclrawal. It is for this reason that many Bennett's plan calls for a "review'' financial aid directors believe that of those institutions which have high Bennett's assertions are highly exaggerated default rates, with the possibility of impos- and his proposal unwarranted. ing severe sanctions against those instituBennett's methodology is questions. tioned by leaders in higher education. In 1989,Bennett plans to examine They claim that Bennett calculated the those schools with default rates above 50 number of those who borrowed rather percent. In 1990, he proposes to eliminate than the dollar amount oyerdue on loans. aid packages from those schools above 20 Many involved ip. higher educapercent. tion believe that there is a growing concern Bennett claims that these severe toward default rates, however, they feel measures must be taken bec~use $1.6 thatthe burden is unfairly being placed on billion of taxpayers money is being spent colleges to rectify the situation. on bad debts incurred by students who According to NASF AA, "A have failed to repay their loans. higher than average default rate, in and of Bennett also purports that 32 itself, is not necessarily indicative of an percent of those institutions participating institution's failure to comply with program in the GSL program have a default rate requirements and regualtions." over 20 percent, and 500 of them have NASFAA feels that institutions default rates above 50 percent. should be evaluated on their good practices Educators, on the other hand, and administrative procedures. claim that Bennett's figures are misleadConcurring with this view, Paul ing. According to Arlene McEvilla- Shirley, director of financial aid ·atDela-
by Ande Romano
ware County Community College, claimed that the -college simply identifies students who are eligible for loans. Once, the students are gone, there is little that the school can do. Shirley stated that the schools send reminder letters informing students of their repayment obligations. Shirley also said that schools withhold transcripts of those student~ who are in default.
Repayment of the GSL is way down on t~e totem pole in terms of priorities. -Lisa Charleston-Kelly Financial Collection Agency Nora McFadden, director of financial aid at Pierce Junior College, agreed that Bennett is using misleading data to identify default rates. She noted that the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assisstance Agen,cy (PHEAA) quoted a default rate for PierceJunior College that was 10 percent lower than the percent rate cited by Bennett. According to Dittbrenner, Cabrini College has a default rate of 14 percent. However, John Ebersole, public information spokesman for PHEAA quoted a Cabrini default rate of only 6.2 percent after collections, based on the -number of dollars in default rather than the number of borrowers. PHEAA prefers to use this method of calculation as being most accurate. Ebersole cites- as an example Clarion State University, whose one and
only GSL borrower was in default. Bennett's method shows Clarion State's default rate at 100 percent. Student accounts declared in default are turned over to collection agencies. Lisa Charleston-Kelly, who works for Financial Collection Agency in Devon, PA, identified those who default on their GSL as "the educated debtor." Kelly claims that many professionals such as doctors and lawyers default on their loans because they are usually not well versed in financial matters and aie more ·concerned with starting their practice. Ebersole counters thisargument by claiming that students from lower income families have a higher chance· of defaulting due to their inexperience with credit and poor preparation for college. According to a profile survey done by Community College of Philadelphia, developmental students were most likely to default on their GSL. According to Kelly, "There is no such thing as a skip," she said refering to deadbeats. "They just haven't been found yet," she said." Claiming that bills for • tangible items such as clothing and mortgage payments are predominant on the list of payments, Kelly said that repayment of the GSL is ''way down on the totem pole" in t~i:m ,Qf priorities. Ebersole states that new regulations are being placed on banks to take part in the collection process. However, they lack sufficient tools for collecting. For example, the government now has the power to collect IRS returns if a person is in default. Scott Burtner, banking officer for Meridian Bank, said that less than one percent of GSL borrowers go into default at Meridian. He also claims he is in favor of a crackdown in default rates but hates to see future students deprived of an education.
A bit of Christmas
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The annual Festivalof Trees,sponsored by Paoli Memorial Hospital, was held on Nov. 28-30 in the Mansion. Trees donated by various families and companie$ were on display fully dressed for the season. All proceeds went to Paoli Hospital. (photo by RosanneRosse/lo)
loquitur - friday, december 4, 1987
Standingout at Cabriniwith unique hobbies by Angie Corbo
takes advantage of his serene property by carriaging. He orginally became interested in . the hobby after he bought his wife a horse for a birthday present several years ago. Today, Buzzard and his family enjoy carriaging for its pleasure, as well as competition purposes. Buzzard has participated and won awards in the Devon Horse Show, the most prestigious horse show on the east coast. 路"I drive the horses from the carriage," Buzzard said. "I don't ride them." Kevin Alexandar, junior, is also a horse admirer. He enjoys blacksmithing. In addition to changing horseshoes, Alexander would breed, ride and show the horses. He is commonly seen around campus engaging in another hobby of his, photography. "I have always enjoyed taking pictures of various subjects," Alexander said. Photography, topical stamp collecting and storytelling are only a few of the hobbies of Dr. Carter Craigie, professor, English/ communications. Craigie is also actively involved as a HAM radio operator. "I send and receive messages in both voice and morse codes," Craigie said. Craigie is able to send messages to other HAM radio operators all over the country. 路
"Stand out in the crowd" is a Cabrini motto that has been promoted this past year by the college. The cover of the catalogue depicts Cabrini as a union of individuals making their own personal contnbutions to the campus community. "We seem to be a family of outstanding individuals that have been joined together in harmony," Mike Charvala, junior, said. There are many "individuals" on campus that stand out in the crowd here at Cabrini. The unique hobbies that various people on campus have help distinguish them from others. Dr. Katherine Preston, director ofthecounseling center,and her husband are lay ministers. They minister through a Christian organization. Part of their responsibility allows them to perform weddings. Willie Paul, junior, on the other hand, enjoys collecting literary works from the time of the civilwar. Paul has hundreds of books that were written during this time period. be found Books of this nature can in antique shops, flea markets, and from other collectors. "It is usually rare to find books like this," Paul said. Due to the scarcity of the books, the price for them is usually expensive. Paul often uses his cultural Program director of WCAB hobby as an excuse for not having money. radio, Timothy Getz, sophomore, enjoys John Doyle, assistant director of working with the radio too. In his spare resident life, has a variety of hobbies. time, he and his friend enjoy mountain Doyle enjoys watching Dr. Who, working climbing. They hike 100 miles in parks in on the computer, watching foreign films Buck County. Dave Carney, senior, likes outand collecting comic books. His interest is Business professor, Howard door activity too. Buzzard, lives on a 2,000 acre farm. He skateboarding.Carney can be seen skate
boarding daily in the parking lots around Mike Stevenson, junior, feels that school or in downtown Wayne. the student's differences complement each Skateboarding is also his main other."Wearejustlikeafamilyin the sense form of transportation."! don't have a thatwe all have our individual talents within driver's license, so I skate or walk to the the family. These differences are what places that I want to go," Carney said. hold the'family together, add keep it Walking for others, however, is alive," Stevenson said. more than just getting from one place to When students share their time and another. 路 talents with the campus, they allow others Sister Bernadette Anello, direc- to see them in a different light. tor, campus ministry, enjoys walking for "It is the Cabrini challenge to get the physical activity. She also takes advaninvolved, to be active and have goals," tage of the time to talk to other people. Vince Romeo, sophomore, vice Pr~sident, Anello has another outlet. She Student Government Association, said. enjoys making floral arrangements for "These students who are active are the decorations. "I like to make arrangements students that stand out in the crowd." with anything that represents nature," Anello said. Joyce Mundy, sophomore, makes arrangements out of shells that she has collected from various beaches. Her by Marion Armstrong collection includes shells from Florida, New Jersey, and Maryland. The Cabrini College CommuInstead of gathering shells from nity Chorus will perform its annual the shore, Lisa Doyle, wife of assistant Christmas concert on Sunday, Dec. 6 at 7:30 P.M. in the Widener Center Lecdirector of resident life, John Doyle, ture Hall. collects sand. She has sand samples from This year, in addition to the beaches all over the world including Spain, Christmas concert performed,. at Italy, Jamaica, Hawaii, Florida and CaliforCabrini, the chorus.bas been honored ma. with the oppportunity to sing at LongEileen Zebrowski, senior, collects wood Gardens in Kennett Squ_are, wine bottles from Europe. She prefers Pennsylvania. The chorus will perform collecting bottles that hold homemade two concerts at Longwood Gardens on wine. Most of the collection has come Mon., Dec. 7, one at 7:00 P.M. and one from Spanish cities including Magallon at8:00P.M. and Borja. All are welcome and encourRita Calicat, director, student ag~d to attend. activities, loves to create her own "international" experimental dishes. Calicat enjoys making her own orginal recipes. "Chinese recipes are my favorite to make," Calicat said. ''but I never follow any recipe, I just make up what ever." Calicat loves holiday cooking. by Ande Romano One of her festive specialities is a gingerbread house. This is a Christmas On thursday, Dec. 10, Yvonne project that Calicat does each year. Kay, counselor, will conduct a "love adKari Papay, freshman, likes makdiction" seminar in the Widener Center ing creations with food, too. She is a cake lecture hall beginning at one o'clock. decorator. According to Barbara Rubin, "I have made wedding and birthdirector of the Care Center, Kay will day cakes for friends and relatives," Papay lecture on the similarities between love said. She has also made Care Bears, Headdiction and drug and alcohol addicMan, and all kinds of characters on her tion. I cakes. Rubin also added that, in addiThere is a variety of people, with tion to the lecture, Kay will stress group a broad range of interests attending participation. Cabrini.
You are cordially invited to ...
JOIN THECHRISTMAS SPIRIT and START OFFTHE CHRISTMAS HOLiDAY WITHTHECABRINICHOIR路 Event: Christmas Concert When: December 6, 1987 Time: 7:30 pm Place: Widener Center Lecture Hall
loquitur - f_riday,december 4, 1987
Students and teachers share study strategies by Roe Wellman
A scene from Charlotte's Web. (photo by Debbie Ferrar) by Denise Civa
The above are just a few descriptions of students study habits. There seem to be a broad range between the different ways students study. Some are "crammers," those who wait until the last minute who do their work in advance, never to study, others are "likers/dislikers," waiting until the last minute to do a those who study hard for the subjects they homework assignment, study for a test or like and blow off the subjects they don't do a research paper. like and finally, there are the "always in "I study about 26 hours per week advance people," those who have every- and I prepare way in advance, never thing done at least two days before the waiting until the last minute and never class. cramming for tests the night before," Ron Some insist that cramming is the Bellopede, junior, said. best and only way to study. "I study about four hours every "I cram the night before the test, night. I never cram because I don't like it. for me it is the most beneficial because I I prepare myself two days before class," retain most of it," Dave Butera, junior, Lisa Rancatore, senior, said. said. "I write down whatever is due on How does one cram? my desk calender. I spend a lot of time "It's always the night before the preparing which is better because it is exam, I read whatever I have to and then more concentrated," Pete Casaz.sai senior, go over and over the notes, hoping I can said: absorb everything by the next day," Pam Who's to say if these study habits Croke, sophomore' said. are right or wrong so long as the work is Sue Evich, senior, said, "I de rlnn~ and they get the grade? Right? major cramming because I can only study Teachers responded unfavorably whe~ .Iam pressured." to poor study habits. ,..,.., Then there are students who "Students should have a regular study according to what the subject is and study time with no days off and no messing how much they like it. around. They should study two hours for ¡ "If I like the subject I spend the every hour spent in class," Dr. Marilyn maximum time studying for it. If I don't L. Johnson, professor of English/ like it then I spend the minimum time on communications, said. it," Caroline Harvey, sophomore, said. "Students should practice and "I seem to study better if the drill, attend class, review right after class course appeals to me and if it is business and then before the class plus do all the oriented," Mike Rizzo, sophomore, said. assigned materials," Dr. Carol Serotta, "I stud whenever I can. If I like rofessor math said. is
EVERY day until
Tutoring will
in tne
,::,\i,e Center
in the
:)ecember ;,ccounting
,lord F-rocessing
in MATH and SCii::NCE be provided
in the
CARe Center!
and Thursday, and 17th
A musical for all ages
the subject! keep pp withit,.if I do not then I lose interest and fall behind," Jim Cahill, senior, said. The last group are those students
As she glancedout the windowshe realizedthat in just three hours she'd have to take the test that she had been studying for all night. He typed the last sentence and proofreadhispaper with afeeling of pride. It was a good paper and finished two days beforeit was due. Two teststommorrow,one in biology, which she hated and one in history, whichshe loved. Alreadyshe knew that she wouldspend a lot of time on her historyand hardly touch her biology.That was always the way--lotsof time on the subjects she liked and verylittletime on the subjectsshe
"It has never been done before." This was what Jeanne Fisher, theater director, said about performing the play "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White as a musical. "Charlotte's Web," the musical, played to sold out houses on it's opening weekend (Nov.14 and 15) at Cabrini's theater. This famed children's classic is primarily about a girl named Fern (played by Karen Gresh, freshman), and her pet pig named Wilbur (played by Roseanne Rosello, junior), and a spider named Charlotte (played by Jill Lehman, junior), who all become close friends, and the things they and their other animal friends have to go through to save Wilbur from being killed for food. Crowds of children and parents waited in long lines to see this childrens' play. Reservations were definitely necessary for this show. Unfortunately, though, some parents did not anticipate this. Some names were taken down on long waiting lists while others simply had to be turned away. Even some involved in the play were shocked by the turn out of people. "This is incredible," Rosarie Geiger, musical director said. "It makes me nervous," Rossello said. "I'm surprised, but I'm happy we were sold out." "This is pretty overwhelming," Fisher said. "Charlotte's Web" was first conceived as a musical by Fisher a year ago this past summer. She said fragments of music came to her then. She believed the play might seem a little harsh to children and that "music would mellow it out." "It just came together. The songs fit," Fisher said. Some songs she wrote were: "My Very Own Pig,"" Do You Want A Friend," and "Scrapple and Sausage and Bacon and Ham." Fisher needed help writing music for the songs she had written though, so she enlisted Geiger's help. Geiger had been involved with Fisher before through last years childrens production of "Puss in Boots" in which she played the queen. "I've been writing (music) since I was a kid," Geiger said. "Jeannie is the best lyricist I've ever worked with." With Geiger's musical direction, Fisher's songs became realities and were incorporated into the show. Some of the actors wor:kingon this play were not too sure in the beginning whether this was a good plan or not, but many slowly warmed up to the idea. "At first I didn'tlikeit," Jason Starr~, senior, whoplayedLurvy, said. "Children ¡ like it though, that's what it's all about." "It's fun doing it into a musical. It makes the show different," Rossello said. Many of the children and parents in the audience thought the play was fun, too. "It's a good play. It's presented well for the children and keeps them interested," Terry Giangiulio ofHavertown, who came to see the play with members of boy scout pack 144 troop 52 from St. Dennis parish, said. "The singing and acting were very good." "It's varied and the songs are cute," Ardmore resident, Pat Burke, said. Many of the children interviewed commented that the animals their favorite parts of the play. "I like the spider part the best," Margot Conrad of Ardmore said. "I like the crow (played by Kathy McAssey, junior) the best," Leila Burke, also from Ardmore, said. Another big favorite was Templeton the mouse played by Ruth Walker Santoni, continuing education student, whose part seemed to add humor and more fun to the play. Elizabeth Lippert though, was the only child who found something more to like about going to see "Charlotte's Web." "I like them singing Happy Birthday to me on stage," Lippert said. Lippert and a group of her friends came to the play to celebrate her birthday. "We were here last year (for her birthday) and it was so much fun, we came back this year," Lippert's mother said. Fisher said she was very happy putting on "Charlotte's Web," but children's theater is not exactly her favorite thing to do. "It's been great fun bringing "Charlotte's Web" alive, but adult theater is still my preference," she said. Even though directing children's plays is not top on her list, Fisher says she ends up enjoying whatever she does. Her criteria for choosing children's plays is that they must make the children think and feel deep emotions. "Kids, if they are chaJlenged, live up to the challenge," she said. Some members of the play agreed with Fisher's stat~ment and admitted to really enjoying performing for children. "In some ways it's easier to act for children," Starrs said, comparing adult theater to children's theater. ' "They're pretty responsive," Sean Homsher, junior, who played Homer Zuckerman, the farmer, said. "Adults are reserved, but kids let emotions show." "I like the honesty of kids and I like when they smile," Raeann Schoudt, sophomore, who plays the sheep , said. "It's fun and I'd do it again." And they will do it again. "Charlotte's Web" will be shown again to children from "two to 92" Q(\ Dec. 5 and 6. All shows are at 1 and 3 p.m.
loquitur - friday, december 4, 1987 features Big Brothers/Big Sisters:
· Programaids youth development by Marian Armstrong "Every kid's story is a heartbreaking story. They're all very separate, but they're all similar too," Elizabeth Luciano, alumna '87, a case worker at Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Bucks County, said. Big Brothers/Big Sisters is a non-profit organization primarily funded by the United Way that is designed to aid youth in forming relationships that may be helpful in their development. According to Jackie Wood, case worker, children involved in the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters program have a variety of problems in which a role model can help. Boys have usually been rejected by their fathers and need a male figure to provide them with some sort of guidance. Girls, however, tend to need a big sister for more diverse reasons. They are sometimes sexually abused, anorexic, bulimic or feel socially awkward. One of the saddest cases in Wood's memory is that of a 12 year-old girl who came from the South to live with her re-married father, hiswife and their three daughters. Her step-mother favored her three daughters and eventually began to physically abuse the girl. Luciano described a memorable and touching,experiencein her career. She was at a softball game, one of the monthly· group activities, when she started talking with a little boy she had never met before. They got around to talking about what the boy thought of his big brother. Luciano jokingly said that if he did not like his big brother, she could always have him traded in for another. At this remark, the boy's eyes lit up. He said that he did not want another big brother because he already had the best. Luciano looked up at the boy's big brother to see a huge grin on his face. He was so proud of himself. There are plentyofbigsistersfor little sisters but,because there arenotenough big brothers to meet the demand, liitle brothers usually have to wait at least a year before they are matched up with a big brother. This time length is complicated by a very strict screening process and certain guidelines required of the volunteers. Volunteers must be at least 21 years of age and have an established residency in the county for at least six months so that their background can be checked. Prospective volunteers must also have a car and have the minimum required state automobile insurance. They are expected to sign up for at least one year and spend a minimum of three to five hours a week with their little brother or sister. The screening process consists of a number of steps. The first ·step involves gathering information from the prospective volunteer. This information includes address, age, how they heard about the program and what motivated them to get involved. They are then invited to an orientation to explain the children to them and the role models they would be taking on. They receive an application at the orientation. Once an application is sent back and reviewed, the references are checked. The prospective volunteers furnish Big Brothers/Big Sisters with five references. References must come from one employer, one neighbor and three from people who are not relatives. All five references are a must. The next step is to schedule an interview with the volunteer that is conducted
by the case worker. There are certain questions that must be asked. The case worker must know if the volunteer has ever been arr~sted; if they are homosexual; if they have ever been seriously involved with drugs or alcohol and if they have ever received counseling before. If the answer to any of these questions is "yes," that does not necessarily mean that the applicant is not eligible. However, if an applicant lies and the caseJ,Vorkerlater finds out about it, the volunteer will be automatically pulled from the program. , Also, there is a nationwide police check and child abuse check done.on the applicant.· There is a second interview done to fmd out what type of values the applicant has and what type of role model is important to them. At this point in time there is a home visit to see what type of environment he lives in. F'mally, there is a two-night training program. According to Luciano, matches are made on common interests; personality; geography (the distance from the home of the big brother/ sister to the home of the little brother /sister) and a basic gut feeling on the part of the case worker. Luciano said that 85 percent of her job is gut feeling. "If a potential volunteer comes into my office who seems inappropriate for our program, I have the right to terminate them out at any point in the screening process," she said. Such a thorough screening process is important because one never knows whom they are dealing with. For all the case worker knows, they could be dealing with a child molester. The relationships established in Big Brothers/Big Sisters benefit both the children in need and the volunteers. Cheryl Dennis, director of public relations and recruitment, said, "Having a big brother or big sister gives the children a positive role model to talk over their problems with." Dennis pointed out that the child's problem does not always have to be so extreme, such as a problem with drugs, but can sometimes be a poor self-esteem problem. Dennis told the story of one boy. All he wanted to do was learn how to ride a bike. He soon wanted to give up because he did not think he could do it. His big brother kept pushing him until he learned. Dennis thinks that the program can instill a sense of accomplishment. If he learned how to ride a bike, he can accomplish other things as well. Dennis thinks the volunteers are also growing from the experience by having the opportunity to learn about children. Being involved in the program makes them feel good about themselves and what they are doing. Mike Petticrew, a case worker who deals with boys, said, "I would say the program serves officially as a preventative method of keeping young boys out of trouble." Petticrew said that, when getting to know a boy, he does not talk about the main problem right away, but he tries to build up a type of trust. Otherwise, the boy is not going to open up. Wood, who works with the girls, said, "I've seen some relationships that just really impressed me." Luciano said that, to the children, the big brothers and sisters are considered "something else."
Fran Effers:
Older studentwho is stillyoung at heart She is very happy with her decision. She is carrying 15 credits. Her courses include: Latin America, comparative government, modern American literature, philosophy, and French revolution & Napoleon. Eff ers spends her time outside of class studying, working in the Admissions Office, reading, crocheting, and commuting from Collingdale, Pa. everyday. Her most interesting activity, some believe, is her interest in weightlifting. Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor, history, went to his gym in Cherry Hill, NJ.,and found out about exercises which would be beneficial to Effers, especially with her arthritic condition. She admitted that she laughed at him when he first suggested her working out, but now is happy that she took his advice. Effers said, "It makes me feel good about myself."
by Kerry Gallagher A van full of college students has been lost for three hours. One student begins to tell dirty jokes to break the tension. It seems like an ordinary situation, however, it is no ordinary student telling these jokes. The student is 62-year-old Cabrini College j_uni~rFrances Effers.
Person of the Week Fran Effers is a transfer student from Delaware County Community College. She graduated from there in May with an associate's degree in liberal arts. She is pursuing a bachelor of arts degree in history at Cabrin~ with a minor in English literature. Her ultimate goal is to get a Master's degree so that she can become a librarian. Effers first got the idea to go to college when she became a widow in 1981. She joined a program that was just starting in her area called "Displaced Homemakers." The program was set up to help widows, widowers and divorcees. The program is today called "New Beginnings." Dr. Susan Whitaker, head ·of the program in Delaware O:>unty,urged participants in the program to either get a job or go to school. Effers chose to go to college. While studying at Delaware County Community College, Eff ers began to look into possible schools to get her bachelor's degree. She looked at Rosemont, Villanova, Widener, West Chester, and Cabrini. She said she chose Cabrini because it was a small college, but most importantly, because she heard only nice, not negative, things about the college.
Fran Etters, Junior (photo by Sue Hill)
Debbie Adams, junior, has known Effers for some time. She attended Delaware County Community College with Eff ers, and continued her studies here at Cabrini, as well. Adams said, "Fran likes school. I give her credit. She seems to get along with everybody and makes friends easily." "She's astudentjustlikeus. She'solder, butshe acts younger. She's really energetic, and is very concerned about meeting fellow students. I think of her as a typical Cabrini student," Angie Corbo, sophomore, said. Fran is anxious to get involved at Cabrini. She ,attended the leadership conference sponsored by the Student Services staff in November, and plans to run for an office on the S.GA. executive board next year. The best part. about going to school, however, according to Effers is the learning experience. Effers said, "Since I've started back to school, I have a voracious appetite for learning. The more I learn, the more I want to learn, and you can quote me on that."
loquitur - friday, december 4, 1987
James Hillyard,a leader before his time by LaTonya Lucas Affectionately known as "Junior"," Zel Money'' and "Hill", James Hillyard is striving to be perfect in all areas of the game. He is striving to break records and receive All-American honors. Hillyard started playing basketball in the seventh grade at Mayer Salzberger Junior High School in West Philadephia where he says he was always known to be "on the slim side of things." "I was always skinny," he said, "but I had the potential to be as 'bad' as I wanted to be." He says that it was word of confidence that got him through his junior high school years with basketball. Hillyard graduated from Salzberger only to enter the doors of West Philadelphia High School where many of his friends attended. "I learned that high school was a lot different than junior high. High school set the stage for me to grow up in all areas." After marching to the pomp and circumstance and singing West Philly's alma mater for the last time, Hillyard was recruited to become a part of the Cabrini Cavalier's basketball team. As a freshman, Hillyard played for both junior varsity and varsity. According to John Dzik, head basketball coach, Hillyard received playing time from being on JV and prestige from the varsity level. "This helped him in his game," Dzik said. Hillyard is now a sophomore and is now a part of the starting five. However, Hillyard feels he still has more growing to do. "By me being a sophomore, in certain areas of the game, I haven't reached my full potential yet." Dzik agrees. "This year, all of the responsibility is placed on him. We're looking at him as a leader which normally wouldn't be put on a sophomore." Because seven oflast year's varsity players were lost, Hillyard is considered a veteran. Although Dzilc feels that Hillyard is notreallyready to be a veteran, there is no time to wait for him to prepare himself. According to Lee Clowers, graduate assistant basketball coach and roommate, Hillyard seems to be more sure of himself this year. "He's got to be the one to take charge in a clutch situation." Jeffrey Hines, freshman, fellow player, looks to Hillyard for advice about the game and things off the court. "Since Hill's had a year's experience, he's been through everything that I am going through right now." Dzik revealed that Hillyard portrays the same basketball qualities as John McQueen '86. '.'I hope that James will develop John's talent as a player and a person," he said. Hillyard feeis good about the comparison. . "We both have similar qualities. Hecanjump, he plays o.k. defense and he tries to stay involved in the game."
In revealing the positive and negative sides of basketball player, which is more importantto me. I'm not Hillyard, Dzik explains that although Hillyard has a good putting down his basketball skills." atti!ude and he plays to win, he also has to learn to accept Hines also believes that Hillyard has the potential constructive criticism and be consistent on the court. of being a good leader. "It's just a matter of time," he said. "Consistency is the measure of greatness," he Hillyard said that the team perceives him as said. an upperclassman leader because there are only four In response to Dzik, Hillyard admits that he does veterans. ''For Cabrini to be successful, James Hillyard is has a problem listening to criticism. "Sometimes during the game, there's a pres- going to have to be successful," Clowers said. Hillyard believes that the team is improving. sure situation where a mistake might occur. The reason I don't listen to criticism sometimes is because I want to ''We got to learn to keep our heads up toward the stars get into the game. In the near future, I wµ1try to correct when times are bad. We can be as good as we want to be as long as we believe in ourselves." the listening problems," he said. As a second year player, Hillyard said that he tries to display all the things that he learned from Allen Jones '87 last year. "Al was the best player in the school. I learned some of Al's defensive skills, quickness and offensive control." On the court, Hillyard wants to obtain the strength of Marko Gittens, freshman and he enjoys playing with Jim Welde, senior. "Jimbo really gets into the game and makes.good decisions on the floor," he said. "I used to spend all my time playing ball, but then when God made girls, He made distractions. I became distracted," he said. Off the court, Hillyard also has goals to obtain. He wants to graduate with aB.S. in business management. Next year, he hopes tohaveaninternshipwithacompany. After graduation, Hillyard wants to get involved with an advertising agency; manage his own shoe store or work at an insuran~e company. Hillyard also has to deal with regulating his studies and basketball. "I'm trying to improve my academics because at any minute they could slip." Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls is his role model. "Jordan is my rolemodelbecausehehasa degree from North Carolina University and he seems to handle his life very well," he said. Hillyard, too, has fans. He recalls that his family are his biggest fans, especially his brother. "I am doing a lot of things that he wishes he could do. He doesn't say too much, but I can tell he's proud." Other fans are his high school coach and Heather Schwarz, sophomore. "I appreciate her (Schwarz) support and I often'return it to her about tennis," he said. There is a side to Hillyard outside of basketball and academics. It is his personality that allows Hillyard to have a lot of friends. According to him, he has two types of friends: friends of the heart and friends of the road. "Friends of the heart are closer to me." Hines said that Hillyard is a funny guy to be around. "If you're down, you can go to Hill for a good laugh." Clowers describes Hillyard as a happy-go-lucky · kind of guy who is concerned with his future. "The best James Hillyard, sophomore (photo by Kevin Alexander) thing that I have to say is that he is a better person than a
. s
job squad Security Officers needed for the Kuntz Detective Agency. Minimum starting salary is $4/hour. Uniforms and training are provided. Must have a telephone and own transportation. If interested call 644-9363.
Wig Warn needs counter help. Contact Sue if interested.
Dr. Tomasco, psychology, needs and assistant. Anyone interested in the · position should contact Dr. Tomasco personally.
Financial Aid Office needs two work study /grant students. If interested, call extension 8421 or 8423.
The National Italian American Foundation Scholarship Program has scholarship applications available in the Financial Aid Office.
·Scholarship applications for the American Business Women's Associations are available in the Financial Aid Office.
Reporter at Today's Post in King of _Prussia. Must be a communications major. Contact Barbara Mcclennan at 337-1700. Library will need several Aides for Spring Semester. Contact Judy Olsen.
loquitur - friday, decer:nber 4, 1987
Cold weather change_s fitnesspatterns by Angie Corbo
What are you going to do over the Christmas holidays? Will you just eat and sleep, or willyou be one of the brave and physically fit individuals who "roughs" it out in the brisk cold or within the steamy walls of a gymnasium? · Many students consider the subject of exercise during the winter. Though many Cabrini students arc lackadaisical about exercising in the cold, there are some brave students who actually attempt to exercise in the winter months. Betsy Mahoney, senior, limits her athletics to the indoors. She enjoys swimming laps and playing basketball. According to Mahoney, compared with running and other outdoor sports, these activities are much more bearable than being in the cold. Samantha Hidlebird and Patty Miller, juniors, on the other hand tolerate the outdoor weather. They have established an exercise program that involves walking three to five miles, several times a week.
· · · Steven Pascall,· Juntor, exercises both indoors and outdoors during the winter. "I love running out in the snow during the winter," he said. _ Pascali also has a unique "twist" in his exercise program. "I have a disco trimmer. It simply is a metal disk that I stand on and twist back and forth on while watching television," he~said. Pascali claims that this is a strengthening exercise
for the stomach muscles. · Mimi Nerelli, sophomore, and several other women on campus, have enrolled in LivingWell Lady'sfitness program. These women go to aerobic classes and work out on the equipment several k t. rmes a wee · According to Nerelli Working Out ' at LivingWell Lady is considered as an off-campus gym course. semester, Nerelli has received a half credit towards her physical education requirement by atte ndin g aerobic classes at Living Well Lady. Pete Bisconte,junior, has a different approach to exercise. Bisconte claims that he purposely leaves his room late for According to Hidlebird, she and class. This way he forces himself to run Miller have been faithfully committed to from Xavier Hall to Sacred Heart Hall. this program since the spring semester of , "It is easy to stay in shape this way," 1987. Bisconte said.
H e an d hi s " qua d -ma tes ,, ha ve also invented games such as quad-ball, and alsoplaysoccerinthehalls of Xavier. Then every Sunday afternoon, his friends and he gather to play football. Molly Fenerty, Chris Francis, seniors, and Mike Charvala, junior, take · advantage of the cold weather. They are all £ l th kiin · d active skiers. They ~e. ats gisago_o exercise because it mvolves the entrre
body. "When you are on the slopes, you usually ski from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. You are in constant motion, and working your arms and legs the entire time," Fenerty said. Charvala feels that skiing helps build up the respiratory system. All three said that skiing is not as dangerous of a sport as people consider it to be. When precautions are taken, and common sense is used, skiing is not a hazardous activity. Tina Slater,_ senior, resident assistant, has seen an interest in fitness on her floor. Five freshmen girls do aerobic routines in room 203 almost every night. The girlssaid that this is a good way to stay in shape, as well as an opportunity to get to know each other better.
Lauriano Tomaszeski ' senior, faithfully follows an exercise program consisting of calisthenics. She has· been actively doing this for the past seven years. Tomaszeski says that she works out for one halfhour,approximatelyfourtimesaweek. J•)el Zazyczny, junior, keeps in shape by exercising regularly and by eating right. During the winter, Zazycny takes a high caloric intake. He explains that the body can metabolize food at a faster rate in the winter. Thus, he adJ·usts his eating habits with the seasons. Sandy Stewart, Cabrini College trainer, warns for those who are actively involved in sports to take precautions before exercising, especially in the outdoors. Common inJ·uries that are seen during the winter are sprained ankles and crall!ping. Individuals are not as aware-of their fluid intake during the winter months, _ according to Stewart. She also points out that the leg muscles are among the muscles most neglected in the winter. For serious runners it is especially important to keep a modified exercise program or the body's endurance to the sport can be lost within two weeks. Stewart suggests weight training, aerobics, indoor swimming and basketball as the ideal "stay in shape" winter sports.
An asset to basketball-and athleticdepartment By u·sa Brzezicki
With two years of college under her belt, Jill Lehman,junior, is moving right along. Le~an, a com°;mnications, history and political science maJ~r,. ~~es pnde in her school work as well as her responsibilities to the athletic department. "Over the past two years, working in the athletic department has become more thanjus~ a job to me. No~ I feel a commitment towards John (Dzik) and the team, Lehman said. Lehman became a part of the athletic department in her freshman year. Under theworkstudy/work grant program, she worked as a secretary for John Dzik, director of the athletic department. "Jill is a very reliable person. She did a fine job when she worked as my secretary," Dzik said. Due to a cut in work study /work grant money, Dzik no longer has Lehman as ~ecretarr, ?u~ she continues to assist him with other du~es that lie within the department. With the basketball season underway, Lehman can easily be found at every home game keeping the . . official game book for the team. "I basically take care of everything that IS · considered official, such as how man~ fouls the guys have and the running score," Lehman said.
Jill Lehman, junior ( Rosanne Rosse/lo "Jill does a very good job with the stats. She is accurate, which is very important. ll we have an away game that is close by, we like to take her with us," Dzik said. Lehman enjoys herself too. "I really like going to every game and cheering for the guys," Lehman said.
Along with being the statistician for the team, Lehman also assists Dzik in "keeping after" the players. "I help John by sending out class sheets on the players so he can see how the players are coming along grade wise," Lehman said. In addition to working with the basketball team this year, Lehman has taken on another project within the athletic department. Under the supervision of Ed Broadbine, coordinator of the intramurals program, Lehman has become the campus affiliate for the program. "Jill's presence on campus helps the program greatly. She has become a terrific asset between the students and myself," Broadbine said. Lehman's responsibility towards the program is not focused on just one particular task. Her duties are unlimited. "I'm_ basically a co-coordinator. My job is to make the posters to promote the program; organize when games will be played; contact the captains to remind them when they have a game; attend the games to keep score and even act as an unofficial referee at times," Lehman said. "Jill is very good for the job because she is very dependable. When asked to do something, she gets the job done," Broadbine said. · Lehman said, "I love it (working in the department). I've even arranged my schedule around basketball."
Lady Cavs suffer disappointing loss to Marywood by Paula Phillips
"Tic-Tic-Tic," as the time ran out on the scoreboard so did their chances for victory. They walked off the court, heads held low, disappointment in their faces, and frustration running through their · minds as the Lady Cavs lost to Marywood College. The stands were crowded with fans from both sides on Monday, Dec. 1 in Cabrini's gym. The teams huttled by their respective benches to talk over last minute strategies before the tip-off. The starting five for the Lady Cavs were senior, Sue Evich; juniors, Ann Marie Baurle a~d Chris Federico; and sophomores, Julie Snow and Meg Hagan. These five were backed up by the following players on the bench: junior, Lori Albertus; sophomores, Jodie Snow and Lee Mirenda; and freshmen, Ann Feraco, Nicole Helverson, and Barb Milligan. _, _ The Lady Cavs huddlcl,1 the center of the coun and at the same time, shouted "banner." Banner being a motive to win the game. Cabrini is striving to capture, for the frrst time in women's basketball history, a championship title in NAIA, district 19.
Marywood started the game with a bang as they got frrst possession. Kathy McHale, number 25, scored two with a jumper as Marywood went up on the boards frrst. Cabrini came back as Federico, number 25, hit a jumper. But that was the only basket Cabrini was to score in the next three minutes. Marywood drove ~head to a five point lead as tpe Lady Cavs called a time out to regroup themselves. Cabrini came back on the court to rally back. It was not until the 3:26 minute mark that Cabrini was charging back. The score was 29-22 in favor of Marywood. Both teams were in the bonus. The Lady Cavs started to press as Marywood started to get in a frenzi. The score was now 29-24 in favor of Marywood. Marywood called a time out. Both teams came back on the courtasthe buzzer sounded.Marywood scored a basket. But then it was Cabrini's turn. There was one minute left in the half as Cabrini put the pressure on. Milligan, number 12, stole the ball. As she drove for a basket, she fouled. Milligan shot two at the foul line and she made them.
As Marywood took the ball out of bounds and dribbled up the court, Milligan stole the ball again as the crowd went wild. She passed itto Federico who made the layup. Cabrini was down three as the
Cabrini would turn on the burner one last time to try to come. from behind. "Swish," Snow, number four, sunk a three pointer as the fans cheered. Snow displayed her eagerness to win as she stole the ball and scored again. This brought Cabrini within seven points scoreboard read 31-28 in favor of Mary- of Marywood. wood. This was the closest that Cabrini This would not hold bac.kthe firey came to beating Marywood in the entire offensive of Marywood as they increased their lead to 16 points which held out to the game. Marywood scored another bas- end of the game. The final ~core, Marywood, 76, ketball as the buzzard went off to end the Cabrini, 58. half. Everyone in the stands applauded as both teams left the gym for their half-time Cabrini's high scorers for the meeting. game were: Evich with 13 points and 10 As the teams came back onto the rebounds ( three offensive and seven decourt, both warmed up to play the second fensive), Milligan with 11 points and five half. steals, and Hagan, number 20, with ten The buzzard wen·t off as the points and 12 rebounds (seven offensive starting five for both teams walked onto and five defensive). the court. Cabrini received possession to Marywood's high scorers were start the last half. Mary Ross~ number 23, with 28 points and Evich, number 23, scored for the Chris Gr.ande, number 42, with 17 points. Lady Cavs and the score_ was narrowed to Expressing his feelings after the 33-30, Marywood. game, coach Danny Welde said, "The Then Marywood came back to main problem with the team right now is_we gain a blowing 12 point lead at the 11:37 can not handle man to man pressure. Also mark. we are not a good rebounding team."
loquitur - friday, december 4, 1987
Cavaliers capture win over Wilmington by Paula Phillips As the horn went off during the second half of the Cabrini vs. Wilmington basketball game held in the gym on Nov. 30, the Cavaliers captured their third win of the season against Wilmington College. Their record at present is three wins and one loss. The men's team went into the locker room during the women's basketball game, which preceded the men's game, to prepare for their 8 p.m. game. Exiting the locker roc,m, the Cavaliers charged onto the court an~ proceeded with their warm-up routine which consisted of lay-ups, foul shots, and outside shots. During this time, the men from Wilmington College ran onto the court. They wore green uniforms and possessed a 7-foot-tall freshman. As they finished up their warm-ups, both teams sat on their designated benches and waited for the announcement of the five starters for both teams. Cabrini's starting five included: seniors, Jimmy Welde and John Aivoziglou; junior, Everette Starnes; sophomore, Marko Gittens; and freshman, Jason Yurchak. Other members of the team include: senior, Joe Anapolsky; junior, Rocco Sansone; sophomores, Brian Kilroy, Jim Hillyard; and freshmen, Jeff Hines, Mike Caraffa, Jeff Barnes and Alex Mairone. The basketball was thrown up for the tip off. Wilmington got first possession. . . Their first attempt to score was unsuccessful. Cabrini rebounded and drove down the court to execute their offense. Welde1 point guard, set up the offense by calling plays and moving the ball around to get a good shot. Finally after two minutes of no scores for both teams, Cabrini's offense took charge. The Cavs moved the ball around quick, as ea~h pl:iyer moved ~otheir position for their offense play. As the shot clock ran down, Aivoziglou shot a Jumper for two, putting the Cavs up on the boards first. The lead went back and forth as each team was either up two or down two. The players ran hard, rebounded, passed, shot and played defensive to try to put their respective teams ahead. . . Fans for both sides were on the edge of their seats as they screamed for their teams, hollered at the referees, and gave advice to the players on the courts. There was a break in the game as Wilmington called time out at the 7:44 minute mark. Cabrini had taken a four point lead. This would regroup Wilmington to copie back and tie the game again at the 3:40 mark. Again both teams battled for the lead, the best shot and a position under the basket to get the rebound. Cabrini put on the heat as they went ahead three points in the last minute to play in the first half. Wilmington took a shot. They missed. Cabrini took a shot. They missed. As the clock wore down Wilmington took their last shot. They missed. The Cavs obtained the rebound.
They drove up the court with five seconds left in the half. Aivoziglou got the ball. With one second left, he released the ball. Everybody watched the ball as it traveled to the basket not knowingwhetheritwouldgoinornot. "Swish." "Buzzzzz." Aivoziglou scored two for the Cavs as time ran out on the clock for the half and the fans cheered. The first half ended. The scoreborad read Cabrini-33, Wilmington-28. In the second half, Cabrini kept the lead and increased it by nine points. The lead did not last. Wilmington rallied back to a seven point lead at the 12:07 minute mark. The score was 48-41 in favor of Wilmington. Cabrini called a time out as Coach John Dzik instructed his team. This did not help the Cavs as Wilmington increased their lead by ten points, their biggest lead of the game. Wilmington maintained this lead for four and half minutes. Although Wilmington was leading, Cabrini did not give up. They turned the burners 011and came back with an additional four points. The score read 54-50. Dzik subbed Caraffa and Hillyard in as the other three starters remained on the court. The three starters were Welde, Gittens, and Yurchak. These five players started pressing, adding pressure to Wilmington. Aivoziglou subbed in for Yurchak. Welde set the offensive. He passed it to Aivoziglou. He shot a three pointer. It was good. Cabrini was down by one point. Wilmington scored two. Welde set the offensive again. This time the ball was passed to Caraffa. He shot. The three pointer was good. The score was now tied at 56 at the 4:50 minute mark. Wilmington then missed their shot. Cabrini drove back down the court. Hillyard scored. Cabrini took the lead for the first time since the very beginning of the half. Wilmington turned the ball over. The Cavs ran down the court. Aivoziglou shot. It was good for three points. Cabrini was now up by three with 56 seconds left. Wilmfugton would be unsuccessful in their attempt to come back. Cabrini would keep their lead to end the game, 62-60 in favor of Cabrini. High scorers for Cabrini were Aivoziglou with 16 points(two three pointers), Gittens with 14 points,nine rebounds and three steals, Hillyard with 12 points. Adding to the win was Starnes with seven defens~ve rebounds and Welde with five points, three _-steals, and six assists. Dzik commented on the game, "We shot poorly and we got hurt on the boards. The game is over. We won. Now we have to concentrate on the next game." ''We really played poorly. We should have beaten them by a wide margin. We are playing down to our competition and if we keep it up we are going to have problems with the best teams. We had the potential to win big. It just wasn't there," Aivoziglou said. Welde said, "We should have beaten them bad but we just didn't execute our offense well. Also, we didn't shoot well." "We weren't patient enough with our shots. Despite our mistakes, it was an exciting and good game," Caraffa said.
This Week At ·Cabrini
Alumni Senior Dinner Mansion, 6:30 pm
"Charlotte's Web Theater 1 &3pm
TAMECE 15; Counseling Center; 12:50 pm Lunchtime Special "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas•
Women's Basketball vs. Delaware Valley; Gym; 7pm
Snow Ball Dance; Cafe; 9 pm-1 am; Cash bar;
Men's Basketball vs. Millersville, Away, 7:30 pm
Refreshments; Santa; Photos, $3; Tickets Available at door or in Advance
Financial Aid Workshop 12:30pm
Christmas Dinner, Cafe, 5 pm; Yule Log Ceremony, Mansion, 6:30 pm; Liturgy (fulfills obligation of Mass for Immaculate Conception, which is Dec. 8) 7 pm, Mansion Foyer
Peer Education Health Services, 12:30 pm, Widener Seminar Rm.
Mansion Resident Christmas Party, 8 pm
Dr.Yvonne Kay speaks on
Dinner Theater
Fruit Basket Preparation, WidenerCont. Rm, 11 am
"Charlotte's Web," Theater; 1, 3 PM Cabrini Chorus Christmas Concert 7 pm, Lecture Hall
Women's Baskebtall vs. Eastern, Away,6 pm
Dorm Tree Judging Administrators will judge best decorated dorm
Caroling & Christmas Cheer Counsel Courtyard, 8 pm
"lovesickness, Love Addiction," 1 pm, Lecture Hall; Open to all
Christmas CookieBaking
"High Energy," Dance Variety Show; Widener Gathering Area;7:30 pm
MovieNight, "A Christmas Carol"
Trip to Gallery in Philadelphia
Liturgy & Reception marking the formal close to "The 12 Days of Christmas•
Last Day of Classes
Final Exams
Final Exams
Final Exams
Final Exams
Final Exams
Study Break, 11 am
Study Break
Study Break
Study Break
Last Day to Declare Pass/Fail
Final Exams
Study Break
Offices Close for Break at4:30pm Offices Reopen Jan. 4