1 minute read

uys: more than 11just friends11 -·

"Just friends." I really don't like wcrn-out expression, yet I constantly .elfusingitin reference to some of :::b5cstfriends. I use the phrase bethey happento be male.

The term "just friends" makes -ad like I am being defensive of my •ICll:Shi.ps with these special people in -just because they are of the oppo-


It seems to me that many people a3cr the impres.sion that when two ol the opposite sex gettogether, and enjoy each other's company, that a attraction is bound to occur.

I disagree with this theory. I that two people of the opposite sex an unromantic, yet very intimate, •ro:::sru·p. In fact, that everyone should least one such friendship.

I believe it is becoming a more acand popular idea to be "just •• with a member of the opposite ,.. cially on college campuses where : these friendships are made.

1grew up with four brothers and a 1.:1 a neighborhood overrun with There was only one girl near my age _ block.Thus, I grew up with a strong a:fluence in my life.

My first close friend was Jami. He :.lll:21door. His sister Jodi was the :¢ on the block.

Although Jodi and I were defriends," when I look back consider Jami a best friend, too. ::!ien,I referred to Jami as my "best other." I just couldn'tadmittenll!'Othat I had a best friend who was

But Jami was a big part of my life, .E much as Jodi. We played ~c:a.i.. soccer, football and hide-and-

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