2 minute read

A look at the world in 1987. and

by Amy Lennon and Kristin Kroll

It was a year not to be forgotten. It was marked by strengths and weaknesses, triumphs and defeats, pleasures and pain. It was 1987.


The new year began tragically when nearly 100 people died in San Juan, Puerto Rico at a hotel inferno which was set by striking employees.

At the same time a controversy over the legalization of surrogate motherhood began, and the battle of Baby M intensified in the New Jersey Supreme Court.

Another battle started over the 1988 presidential elections with popular Republican contenders being George Bush, Robert Dole, Pete du Pont, Alexander Haig, Jack Kemp and Pat Robertson. The Democratic candidates include Bruce Gephardt, Albert Gore,JesseJacksonand Paul Simon. (No, not the singer.)

On a more glamorous note, Vanna White, the would-be star, became a commercial success by doing nothing more than wearing formal gowns and uncovering hidden letters.

Other people who made the headlines in 1987 include: David Letterman, Billy Joel, Amy Carter, Oliver North, Fawn Hall, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson (again).

war of blacks against the government over human rights conditions plagued South Africa.

Rebel leader Colonel Gregorio (Gringo) Honasan led a major coup attempt that nearly destroy,d Tim,! Magazine's woman of the year, Corazon Aquino, Phillipines president.

In West Beirut, Lebanon, a murderous bloodbath occurred between the Shi-ite Amal Militia and the leftist coalition of Prize Militia men.

In South Korea, students formed a core of opposition to the Chin regime and led protests in their fight for democracy.

Oral Roberts claimed that if he did not raise $4.5 million for the medical missionary scholarships at the university which bears his name, God would "call him home." And the public complied.

Pope John Paul II, the most traveled pope in history, visited the southern states in the U.S. Making several stops along the way, the pope preached the Catholic church's position on such controversial issues as AIDS, homosexuality, and abortion.

chael Dukakis' campaign revealed that Biden had plagiarized speeeches throughout his career.

Secretary of Defense, Caspar Weinberger, resigned as well. There is now only one member of Reagan's original cabinet still in office.

Oliver Norlh was fired from the National Security Council staff for his powerful role in the Iran-contra scam. The Congressional Committee on the Iran-Contra hearings, led by Congressmen Daniel Inouye and Lee Hamilton, pegged Admiral John Poindexter, National Security Advisor, as most responsible for the illegal proceedings.

The Iran-Contra report, the end result of an extensive congressional investigation, pointed the finger (albeit not directly) at President Ronald Reagan stating that "ultimate responsibility lies with the President."

Reagan and Costa Rica's Presid::zs: Arias Sanchez, who also won ue Peace Prize for his peace eff.r=..

On the Soviet froc; leader Mikhail Gorbachev cocl3:II• past Communist Party mist~ were underway for change in th:: Union, one of these being glasnos:.. this policy, people can now go p;cia exercise their freedom of speect..

A 19-year-old Germ: Mathias Rust, was sentenced to in a Soviet labor camp for flying • engine airplane into Red Moscow.

Gorbachev and Reaci::: signed a treaty this week at tfur summit meeting that will eliom::r short-to-medium range nuclear


In the box office we saw Vietnam portrayed - the way it really was - in "Platoon." Eddie Murphy was as funny as ever in "Beverly Hills Cop II," and the harsh reality of the Mafia was portrayed in the "Untouchables." The box officethriller "Fatal Attraction" drew sold out crowds to theaters throughout the country as Glenn Close became the "other woman" everyone loved to hate.

Thrillers were not only happening on screen but off as well. The continued

Throughoutthe summerof'87, we watched and listened to the contiuing saga of the PTL club's Jim and Tammy Bakker. Everything from Tammy's eyelashes to Jim's antics in a Florida hotel room were revealed to the public. His toy, Jessica Hahn, was later offered $265,000 to keep quiet concerning a Playboyspread.

Gary Hart's political career came to a screeching halt after Miami Herald reporters claimed that Hart had engaged in some serious "monkey business" with Donna Rice. Subsequently, Hart resigned from the 1988 presidential race, and Rice went on to promote "no excuses" jeans.

Democrat Joseph Biden also withdrew from the 1988presidential race, after workers from Democrat rival Mi-

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