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Reading day sacrificed for late openin

by Jacqui McClen.can

As the semester winds down students are finishing up last minute papers and projects anc. of course, preparing for final exams. But wait just one minute, the last day of finals is Dec. 22. Isn't Christmas just a short three days later?


In addition to exams ending later this year, the reading day has been eliminated. Accordiug to Dr. Mary Ann Biller, academic dean, it is a double edged S\\ord.

"We considered starting a week earlier but we realize that a number of our students have jobs down the shore and Labor Day weekend is important," she said.

The Academic Council decides the academic calendar for the year and the registrar schedules the exams.

Robert Fetterhoff, registrar, said, "There are many valid reasons why exams arc ending later this year."

Fetterhoff points out two reasons for the scheduling. He said that if exams ended on Dec. 23, allowing for a reading day, then final grades would not make it to the registrar's office until after Christmas. This in turn would delay the arrival of grades to students at home for the holidays.

The second reason was the aspect previously mentioned by Biller, beginning school a week earlier and the repurcusions it would entail.

'When Biller was asked about the possibility of eliminating Monday, Dec.14 as a class day and making it a reading day she explained.

"Traditionally, the fall semester is shorter by a week than the spring semester and we are already behind on MondayFriday classes because of the Dean's Fall Holiday, which fell on a Monday," she said.

Fetterhoff said that the academic calendar prepared by the Academic Council was approved in the spring oflast )Car by both the Student Academic Council and the Faculty Academic Council.

Despite the administrative approval and the apparent pros and cons of the scheduling, students still remain unsatisfied.

Lisa Rancatore, senior, said that this year she happens to be lucky because most of her exams were final projects that have already been presented. Although her exam schedule is not as difficult as others she says that she can understand the dilemma.

"If I did havea number then the lack of the reading day the weekend to studywould hurt."

"It's a raw deal for the students.Rancatore pointed out Lb.a£•11 to study for two exams in one d%1,,. the reading day can be difficult bo:-• is nearly impossible to retain information.

As for the scheduling of close to Christmas she said, "The are for families and it might be people who have to travel or just_ accomplished before Christmas.. the semester it is just too hectic.• Biller said that the sched::iim• done wi.:lithe students in mind ·--·--• summer. So consider this fair w"2fl' a reminder that exams begin Tuesoi: 15, the day after classes officially

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