2 minute read
A sentimental gathering for the seniors
By Patrick Zipfel
On Friday, Dec. 4 the annual Senior Dinner was held for all seniors in _the Mansion Dining room. The dinner is sponsered by the Alumni Office to get all the semors together and introduce to them the idea of being alumni. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Mother Ursula award to an outstanding senior.
Peggy Emmerich, senior, said,"It was a chance for all of the seniors to get together and a time to realize they are close to graduation. The alumni introd.u~~dto us the idea of being alumni and they gave us a chance to find out some of the act1v1t1esthat we will be able to get involved in after graduation."
After the dinnertheseniorclasswasable to meet some members oftheAlumru Association and they were informed on how they can get involved with fundraisers and participate in alumni affairs.
Later on in the evening the Mother Ursula award was presented to a senior that represents the ideas and beliefs of Cabrini College. This year the award was presented to Mike Edmundson, senior. He was voted on by his fellow classma_te_s someone who has shown himself as an all-around good person for the good of Cabnm.
"The affair was really nice and it gave the seniors a chance to relax and get together," Edmundson said. "I am really looking forward to graduation and it was great to get all the seniors together."
With this honor Edmundson will serve as a speaker at graduation and will receive an award from the Alumni Office.
May the Christmas Season Bri11:9eaclistudent and liisfami~ Peace anclHappiness A[( tliro119 Ii the Comi119year Christmas BCessi11:9s, Sister Eileen Currie, · MSC President of the College
THEATER-- The theater has recruited two students from Cheyney University to participate in "Raisin in the Sun." Richard Holland has been cast as George Murchison and Harvey Hynson has been cast as Walter Younger. The performances are tentatively scheduled for the second and third weeks in February.
ACADEMICS:-- The final day to declare pass/fail is Dec. 14
LIBRARY:--The library committee is looking for students to volunteer to be on the committee for the 30th Anniversary celebration of the college in March. If interested, contact Mary Ellen Herzog at ext. 8256.
CAMPUS MINISTRY--Campus Ministry is sponsoring the annual "March for Life" in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 22. The approximated cost for transportation is $10. If interested, stop in the Campus Ministry office.
RESIDENT LIFE-- School will close for the Christmas holidays on Dec. 22, at noon.
ACADEMICS-- In order to take a final exam at a time other than the one scheduled, students must consult with the instructor, fill out the appropriate
LIBRARY-- The library has a lost and found items including g keys, text books, and jewelry. Items be described to be claimed. Items claimed will be disposed of at the January 1988.
LIBRARY HOURS-- The hours during final exams are as t • Tues., Wed. & Thurs. Dec. 15, 16 & 8:15 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Fri., Dec. l.S--a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sat., Dec. 19--8:15u:::.. 5 p.m.; Sun., Dec. 20--2 p.m. to 11 ; Mon., Dec. 21--8:15 a.m. to 1() Tues. & Wed., Dec. 22-23--9 a.m. c p.m. The library will be closed Dec.:Jan. 3.
The winner of the bookplate compe was Micheal Sell, junior, fine major. Sell's design commemorat~ 30th anniversary of the college. Sel receive a cash prize of $25 for his w• entry.
WOODCREST-- Christmas o.., baking will be held Dec. 12, at 11 a.:::. the Woodcrest smoker lounge.
LITURGY-- A special litur~ complete the twelve days of Chr~ will be held on Dec. 13 at 6 p.m.