Feb. 5, 1988 Issue 12 Loquitur

Page 1

vol. xxxiv, vol.12

friday, february 5, 1988

Tragic death affects campus c~mmunity

Cabrinivs. Eastern

by Patrick Zipfel

skateboarder. He used to practice every minute he had a chance all On Saturday evening, over campus," Greg Beck, senior, Jan. 9, David Carney, senior, said. "As a matter of fact, we used business major, was struck from to practice together whenever we behind and killed by an automo- got a chance, not only here at bile. According to police reports, school but I used to see him down at approximately 6:05 p.m., Car- the shore with his skateboard and neywas walking west alongHagy's he was always riding. He was a Ford Road, in Penn Valley, when really nice guy who just kind of he was struck by an automobile kept to himself, but he got along driven by Martin Davis of Penn really well with most of the guys Valley. that lived down in the wing he Carney was a familiar moved into." face to most of the Cabrini comAlong with skateboarmunity, having worked part-time ding, another of Carney's pasin the cafeteria for a number of times was playing basketball in years.A commuter for a few years, the gym. He went out for he moved onto campus last semesCabrini's basketball team, but ter. He can be remembered for suffered a se~n-long injury his endless hours of skateboarwhen he broke his arm during ding throughout the campus. tryouts. "He was a really hard worker and a really nice guy," Although most of the Reggie McKoy, Seilers' em- students here were not able to ployee, said. "We were all pretty attend the memorial service for upset when we found out about Carney, Campus Ministry will be the accident because it happened offering a Mass commemorating over the holiday break. We never his loss on Sunday, Feb. 7, at 10:30 even got to go to the funeral be- am. This will give the Cabrini cause we didn't find out about it community an opportunity to pay until we got back;' McKoy added. th ir final respects o f ir "Dave wasa reallygreat own.

Christi Courseault, sophmore, holds back Lady Eagle's defense as Christine Federico, junior, moves forward on the offensive line. The Lady Cavsdefeated the Lady Eagles on Tues. Feb. 2, by a final score of 79-53. (photo by Mike Stevenson)

Goals outlinedfor 1988 by Ande Romano 1988 is bringing many new changes and improvements to Cabrini. Both the Student Life and the Academic Dean's offices are planning new programs for the school which will involve everything from core curriculum to resident assistants. In the area of Resident Life, according to James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, a head resident will be hired for Woodcrest in order to provide extrasupportforfreshmenas well as support for the resident assistants in Woodcrest. Fitzsimmons also said that a minimum of four programswillbe required of each resident assistant per semester. It willrequireeachRA toplangatherings and events for his/her floor. Fitzsimmons and the Student Life office plan to initiate a freshman orientation program . in which incoming freshmen will be able to spend a night on campus prior to their arrival in the fall. The Student Activities office, according to Fitzsimmons, is "super-prepared for this spring's Superthon Weekend," in

David Carney (photo by Steve Pascali)

inside perspectives.... 2 news ................3 features ....... 4-6 sports .......... 7-8

Alook inside¡ Broadcast News" (page 6)


which the 30th anniversary of the college will be celebrated. Campus securityisworkingonanewcardaccess system in which a student ID card will activale dormitory doors. Security, according to Fitzsimmons, is.also working on a plan to provide better lighting around campus. Fitzsimmons said that the Continuing Education department will be conducting a survey of students 25 and older, concerning"theneedsoftheolder students." For example, Fitzsimmons said that the non-traditional student may prefer more classes to be held on weekends or at nightime. Thecounselingcenter,as well, has many new plans in store for '88. Fitzsimmons said, "TAMECE is doing a great job and will continue to grow even more." He also said that Dr. Katherine Preston, director of the counseling center, has 14 new programs planned, involving the entire campus community. These programs will entail lectures and seminars on dating and sexuality, stress reduction and personal enhancement. On Feb. 28, Donna Seckar,

career counselor, and the business department will be sponsoring a lecture on dressing for success. Seckar will also be providing counseling for students in areas such as home financing, car purchases and insurance payments. Fitzsimmons said that students can discuss which type of life insurance is better: whole life or term. He also stressed that career counseling and the newly developed cooperative education program would work together in new areas. Dr. Joseph Romano, vice-president for academic affairs, said, "One of the biggest goals for the academic department is to establish co-op as a formal program." Cooperative education is a newly developed academic program in which students will be paid while working in an "on-thejob" setting. Several steps have been taken so far toward the establishment of co-op as a formal program. Dr. John Carroll has been hired as director of the program, and Ellen Kaplan, hired as job developer, is responsible for finding jobs for students. more GOALS on 3

Person of the week: Diane Kolodzinski (page 4)




loquitur - friday, february 5, 1988


~~~~~,tit~ A supreme blunder A few choice words about CO mm utinQ

Does this sound familiar: Congressshall make no law respectingan establishment of religi,on, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridgi,ngthe freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and . to petition the government for a redress of grievances. High school students, ignore the above statement. College students, beware. .

Tremors from the Supreme Court's 5-3 decision in favor of a Missouri public high school principal are rumbling through the circuits of student- ••••••••••••• run, but school-financed, publications in the country. am aw ene at a.m. y e e enThe principal yanked two pages from the student newspaper because ing sou nd of my alarm clock. he deemed the articles on teen pregnancy and the impact of divorce on At 6 =45 a.m. 1 am listening to KWY

newsradio -1060 on the am dial - not music - and I am headed west-bound on the Schuykill Expressway. After five semesters on campus I am now a···· a commuter. (Alright, I said it.) Dr. Young asks all th e commuters to sti ck around after class so he can establish a phone chain and I am standing there. lam now grouped among those with that horrible label. Let's talk about culture shock. In the Past three years I have never seen a bed, let alone slept in it, much before 2:!)()a.m. I was usually too busy watching David Letterman, making a late night munchies run, or sitting up rappin' with my roommate for hours on end · We use to rap about love, classes, work, and, sometimes, we'djustplainoldgossip. It would be pitch dark and the radio would play softly as we lay in our beds talking across the room. Now, we talk over the phone. There were somanynightswewouldbe in bed and get the munchies. That was okay because we just threw on sweats, grabbed the MAC card and took off no matter what time it was. No longer do I frequent th e familiar Main Line night spots: Bennigans, Minellas, Casey's, Barleycorne's and, of course, the Wayne Tavern. I believe these are all in my past life. God, do you think any of th ese businesses will suffer because I am not running out for nachos at 1:00 a.m.? I havenotwokeupwhenitwasdarkout since high school. I put on the radio and listen for my two favorite men in the morning. None other than Walt McDonald and Rod Carson with th e shadow traffic reports to help me on my merry way.

high school students inappropriate. No discussion or attempt to compromise was offered. The Supreme Court left conspicuously ambiguous the question of whether the foundation of their reasoning - that the paper, as part of the curriculum, was financed and hence governed by school officials - could be applied to college publications. It seems that in a nation that was formed on the basis of compromise that a compromise could have been negotiated in this case. The two issues are extremely important ones to high school students and the country as a whole. Students should read and write about them. It is from ignorance and fear that our greatest fears become realities we don't know how to handle. For colleges, the long-term implications of the ruling are not promising. Mark Goodman, executive director of the Student Press Law ,

Center in Washington, D.C., said, "If high schools begin discouraging all but the most mundane journalistic endeavors, it will either scare off or bore off more students from pursuing journalism in college or as a career." Those who do pursue journalism, Goodman said, "will have a perverted notion of the role of a newspaper in covering th e administration and the government." Loquitur believes one of the most ethical and critical occupations in a democracy, could eventually be crippled into a censored forum pared to the liking of those who hold administrative positions, regardless of the importance and overwhelming relevance of an issue. Those students could have learned the art of compromise, instead they learned the power of position. As long as information is fundamentally sound and without malice, · h Id b · d alb eit· unp 1easant tot h 1·nk ab out or confr ont, It s ou e pnnte · In a private college, the same rules should apply if the information is not in direct violation of the philosophy and purpose of the school. The Supreme 'Court's decision quakes the very ground on which many aspiring journalists choose their path: veneration of the First Am.endment.

Without them how could I possibly know that westbound on 76 at Belmqnt approachingtheConshohockencurvethereis a massive jam due to heavy volume? So, I get off at City Ave. and take the long way. Geez, thanks guys. There are so many things to adjust to, I cannot begin to say how much I have taken for granted. 1 can no longer get up five minutes before class, put on sweats and run. Instead it's up two-and-a-half-hours before class begins. I was notorious for getting up an hour before a class and studying for a test or writing a paper, but not anymore because that would mean 4:30 a.m. I used to love the convenience of the newsroom and computers anytime I wanted, which was usually in the middle of the night. Not anymore. There is another side to all of this. I am with my family a lot. I am eating real food and I will probably lose weight because I won'tbeeatingnachosinthemiddle of the night. The bank account will swell because I won't be gomg· out all the time I am sure · attend my grades will improve and I will every class. Above all I am spending time with my brother. We talk at the breakfast table. We sit there in the morning over a pop tart and a English muffin talking about his exams for the day. 1 mean, we fight sometimes over stupid things too, like me taking too many sips of his hot chocolate on a cold morning. At night he sits on mybedtellingmethetrialsandtribulations of being 13. ometimes I ,vish I had it so rough. I slide him a couple of dollars here and there. I forgot how good home feels. ITthe little red Hyundai that accompanies me every morning had ears ... My patience is thin, but put me behind a BMW doing 25 mph on the expressway and boy, are you trying me. 1 am the type who curses, points and beeps. Ihatethesoundoftheword 'commuter.' I feel like people are labeling me with a disease. I am enjoying it, but you should havetalkedtomelastweekafterlhitatree on my way home in the snow. All .I kept thinkingwas,iflstilllivedatschool I would not be in four inch of snow in this ditch. Needless to say, I had a few choice words about commuting.

Disturbingwelcome at House Three To the Editor: Before leaving for Christmas break, I accidentally discovered a rather disturbing fact about the safety of the house in which I live. While waiting for my father to pick me up, I decided to have lunch in the cafeteria. Upon my return, I found both my father • and my brother pacing in the foyer of my house. When I asked who had let them inside, my father replied, "No one. I let myself in.'' Kn · th t h did t h th owmg a e no ave e com-

opened in the above manner. Even the highly guarded newsroom, complete with alarm system, can be broken into if the alarm has not been set. (This, of course, does occur on occassion.)

bination to the door, I was a bit concerned about this statement. When I inquired how, then, did he get in, he explained that through the use of a small pen knife he depressed the catch located between the door and the door frame, slid it toward the side of the door, turned the door knob and opened the door. I later discovered that my I.D. could perform this same task. After doing a bit of my own investigating I found that many of the locks on campus, especially those with combination locks not having ,a turning knob, can be


With all the questions raised about security and the money spent on housing, special equipment, etc., it makes me wonder where all the money from tuition is going and who is going to pay when something gets stolen or someone gets hurt. Sincerly concerned, Rosanne Rossello

by Berke Breathed

Editor: Debbie Murphy Staff Manager.Donna Dougherty News Editor: Jacqui McC1eman Assistant News Editor: Rachel Andorson PeispectlYes Editor: Anne Fahy Features Editor: Stephanie Giardini Sports Editors: Donna Dougherty and Beth Bittner Buslnesa Managers: Kathleen McCabe and Angle Corbo Copy Editor: Kerry Gallagher Photography Editor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigle Adviser. Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Marian Armstrong, Usa Brzezicki, Mari Bugle, Denise Civa, Angie Corbo, Kelli Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Kerry Gallagher, Shelle Koller, Kristin Kroll, Amy Lennon, LaTonya Lucas, Lee Mirenda, Jenni Obrecht, Paula Phillips, Keith Pyle, Rebecca Rebalsky, Ande Romano, Roe Wellman, Patrick Zipfel Photography Staff: Michele Corrado, Sue Hill, Denise Hurley, Jeff Moore, Steve Pascall, Rosanne Rosselle, Karen Siegl, Mike


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Loquitur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini Collegfl, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087. Subscription price is $20 per year and is included in the benefrts secured by tuition end student fees. Loquttur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed aad the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes, and the edltor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription in• serted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter Is too long for the available space, the editor mayedtt or condense It. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.


The editorials and opinions published In Loqultur ere the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty end administration.


loquitur - friday, february 5, 1988


New applicationprocessbegins All candidates are required to attend a pre-leadership information session of the area that they are applying. During the As far as leadership is concerned, it has week of February 1, the first round interbeen said, "Many are called, but few are views began. Those conducting the chosen." Leadership spots had been interviews divided up into six teams. The advertised on campus in the past, however, teams included one member of the student the complaint was that the same students services, and two senior leaders. Input will were involved in everything. Thus, input also be given from willingfacultymembers, and activities on the campus were being staff members and any senior student dominated by a select few. leader. In order to prevent thi&from occuring Elected positions will also be handled in the future, selected individuals from the differently this year. Last year, it was the student services staff decided to trace the root of this "problem" and developed anew general consensus that students did not go application process for those interested in out for SGA because the announcement of any type of leadership position on campus. the appointed positions, and the campus The idea that sparked the interest for elections were being conducted at the same this project was last year's problem finding time. Thus, they were waiting to see how candidates that were willing to run for SGA they did on their interviews for other positions. executive office. In order to eliminate this problem this "SGA bore the brunt as lack of organization with scheduling. It was not apathy on year, the elections will be held at a later the students' part that they did not go out time. This will enable student leaders to for a position. It was more uncertainty. Last know their commitments for the upcoming year's elections indicated a need for a year before they nominate themselves for an SGA position. more organized process," James FitzsimThe coordinators of this program: Rita mons, dean of students, said. Calicat, director of student activities路 Teri The positions that students will be applying for include: medical assistant, Ciarlante, student coordinator of ~rientation; John Doyle, assistant director of orientation counselor, orientation coordinatior and resident assistant. These resident life; and Fitzsimmions, see mulare the key positions on campus, that are tiple benefits stemming from this new process. merited by the student service's According to the coordinators, this committee's appointments. To apply for these appointed positions, one must go process is much more organized as far as It will also through this new process of application. timeliness is concerned. This will entail the student to: complete the provide a clearer image of which students application, resume, and to obtain three are interested in leadership positions on written recommendations. The recom- campus. The early decision process will mendations must be completed by two enable the newly appointed leaders to gather before the end of the semester, and membersofthefacultyand/orthestaff,and one must be completed by a student leader. begin planning, as well as get to know their by Angie Corbo

THEATER-- Tryouts for the April production of Diary of Anne Frank will be held on Friday, Feb.5 from 1:00 p.m:, in the theater. FRESHMEN-- There will be a freshman class career development meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 1:00 p.m. SPORTS-- Cabrini will hold its oncampus tournament sponsored by The Schick Three on Three Basketball Tournament starting on Feb. 11 during halftime of the Men's Varsity basketball game.

WHO'S WHO-- The following seniors have been selested to Who's Who among American colleges and universities: Thersa Ciarlante, Kevin Cocoran, Michele Dahl, Mike Edmondson, Peggy Emmerich, Kathy Funk, Kathy Hibbard, Christy Mason, Lisa Mason, Yvette Ousley, Monica Palko, Jeanne Reineberg, Kate路 Welsh, Eileen Zebrowski, Deanna Zulli and Betsy Mahoney.

co-workers better, before the end of the semester. Making the decisions on school leaders at an earlier time, is a benefit according to the studnet services office and many student leaders. Kris Castagna, sophomore, present OC, is applying for the job of RA for the upcoming year. Castagna disagrees with the philosophy, "the sooner the better." In the past, it had always been that each leadership position held their own interview process. If someone who had applied for RA was not accepted, they would have to go through an entirely different application process, if they wanted to obtain a leadership position in the fall of the upcoming year. The consensus is that this process will make things easier for the student services staff. "Resident Life will probably benefit the most from this," Fitzsimmons said. As well as ironing out old problems, this new application process has produced new ideas in the office of student services. Although the coordinators have tried to cover all bases, complaints have arisen over this new policy. Many have said that the program was not explained well to the students by the administration. A popular complaint was that there would be a "limitation" of activities. Students may not obtain more than one of the following positions: medical assistant, SGA president, SGA vice president, SGA treasurer, or resident assistant. Members of the current SGA executive board have expressed their feelings about this. The majority of the officers feel that they are being limited by this restriction. They have spent a full year on the board and feel that theywouldbecapableofhandlinganother

are stereotyping the student body and underestimating good leaders who as individuals feel as though they can handle the tasks that they take upon themselves." An evaluation of the person should be in order if an individual would wish to apply for both, according to Zazyczny. Fitzsimmons, Calicat, and Doyle explain that this "restriction" exists because of their concern for the students. "How much can one physically do? Some students never get a break," Fitzsimmons said. He continued to say that limiting students to one position would avoid having a "clickish" group of student leaders. Calicat fears a "burnout" in the student leaders. She recognizes that these leaders are called upon time and time again. Students in more than one significant position, cannot consistantly be expected to keep that high energy level going, if they are constantly doing things, according to Calicat An evaluation will be in order after this process is complete, according to Calicat. She explain that student services had the welfare of the students in mind when designing this process. The process will be complete, if all goes as scheduled, by March 28, when the 198889 SGA staff is announced at the "Student Leadership Gala," which will be held at 9 p.m., in the WCLH. All new leaders will receive a formal congratulations for their new responsibilities.

WELCOME 路BACK! Hope you had a Happy Holiday

CO-OP--Co-op jobs are available and posted .outside of the Co-op office.

Goals from i ..路

position in addition to their same position, after their first year of experience. Joel Zazyczny, junior, SGA president, said> "I feel as though the administration

The._Admissions Staff: ,,l

According to Romano, course titles have already been selected, and the maximum number of credits (12) able to be earned in co-op have been established. "We have a good internship program," Romano said, "The only difference is now students are paid for their work." There are, however, several steps that must be accomplished before co-op is underway. "We must form an advisory board consisting of administrators, faculty and representative;; from corporations," Romano said."Secondly, we must determine a method of evaluating students. And finally, a computerized system of record keeping must be established." He also added that the new co-op office is located along "faculty row'' in Sacred Heart Hall. Other academic changes for 1988 include a newly established BSW (Bachelor of Social Work) degree for Social Work majors, according to Dr. Mary Ann Biller, acadeipic dean. Also, the Council on Social Work Education will convene this spring. Biller said that the biggest change for 1988 (which will actually not fully take effect until the fall of '89) is in the curriculum. According to Biller, a pilot freshman seminar consisting of 20 percent of the freshman class willbe formed in place of English Composition II. This new course, entitled ''War and Peace," will be co-taught by Dr. Margaret McGuinness and James Hedtke. She said the course willevaluate such topics as values, commitments and heritage. "This course will help students think on a different level," Biller said. "It will establish more appreciation of liberal arts." Biller added that courses such as "War and Peace" will enable students to take more upper level classes as electives because they will be exempt from many of the general education courses. The ultimate goal, Biller said, is to create an interdisciplinary freshman seminar which would meet for a lecture, and then separate into smaller groups. Through the seminar, students will learn that college is different than high school in that all t~e departments go together. Biller added that the course will be writing intensive.





Sr.Toni Alice ~

Dottie and Gay

loquitur- friday, february 5, 1988



Diane Kolodzinski:

PromotingCabrini·:not justa 9 to 5 job by RebeccaRebalsky

"I've also seen much better coverage of Cabrini in the local papers and in the Philadelphia Inquirer since Diane came on board," he said. "Every time Diane gets a story in the newspaper as a result of her contacts, that's another stroke on behalf of Cabrini." But publicizing events is only one part of Kolodzinski's job. She is also responsible for undergraduate recruitment advertising, and works closely with Director of Admissions Nancy Gardner to develop advertising strategies. "We're looking for a good match," Kolodzinski said. "We want to make sure we're marketing to the right people, the students who will be happy here." Two months ago, in order to better carve Cabrini's

Diane Kolodzinski probably would not describe herself as a salesperson. Yet, during the course of her workday, she never stops brainstorming for more effective ways to sell a certain product--Cabrini College. As director of public relations, Kolodzinski serves as a link between Cabrini and the outside community. She says th.at one of her goals is to "get the word out that Cabrini is a great place." "I think that over the years, Cabrini has been too silent about its capabilities and successes, especially in terms of academics," Kolodzinski said. As a result, she believes that the community tends to rank Cabrini with schools like Immaculata College and Chestnut Hill College. Kolodzinski wants to change this. "I'd like people to think of Cabrini in the same category as Tern pie, Drexel, or LaSalle, but as a smaller alternative - a place where a student won't be lost in crowds of people, but can still get as good an education," she said. "We're slowlydeveloping a system which will let people know about the good things going on at Cabrini," Kolodzinski said. An important part of the process is getting Cabrini into print. Kolodzinski is in charge of writing press releases about the news at Cabrini, and mailing them to local media sources. Outstanding students, honored teachers, fundraising events, and new educational pro- grams all warrant press releases, which Kolodzinski's office, housed in the Mansion, produces at the rate of 6 or 7 a week. Kolodzinski says that her background in journalism has helped her to prepare press releases more effectively. Kolodzinksi graduated with a BA. in journalism from Temple University, and before taking her first PR job with Philadelphia College of.Textiles and Sciences, worked for a few years as a reporter with the Ambler Gazette. "Because of my experience, I know how newspaper editors think," she said. "I know what kind of information to feed them." Kolodzinski's journalistic background also helped her get the PR position at Cabrini, according to William Battles, vice president for institutional advancement, who hired Kolodzinski in the summer of 1986. Battles commended Kolodzinski for improving the looks of the Cabriniviewbook, aphotopublicationmailed DianeKolodzinski, director of Public Relations to high school seniors; the Cabrini catalog; the alumni (photo by Debbie Ferrar) newsletter, "Comment;" and the president's newsletter.

Partner Advertising Agency needs individuals for typing, filing, computer word processing, and sales assistance. Can have full or part time hours. Contact Dave Pawlewicz at 687-2707. Get cash for your opinions and receive $20 or more. Contact the Savitz Research Center, Inc. at 962-079. Phila. Gymnastic Center needs three part time instructors, experience is not necessary in West Conshohocken. Four to six hours is required every day. Stu• dent must have a car. Call Jackie, 825·3023. Secretarial and Clerical work at an Insurance company in Paoli with flexible hours, 5 hours every day. Hourly rate is $6-$6.50. Ask for Susan, 640•4941. Part-time Marketing Research Interviewersfor evening and weekend shifts available. Call Savitz Research Center, Inc., 962-0609. Babysitter needed for a 9 year old boy after school (4 til 7:30} several days a week. Home is five minutes from Cabrini. Call Janet after 8 pm, 527-2834.

Runner, a responsible person for running errands is needed. Flexible hours and a car is provided. Will pay $5 per hour. Contact Ann, 527-4100. Light Housekeeping for four hours per week, with transportation provided. Will pay $6 per hour, call Mrs. Webster at 353-1181.

niche in the marketplace of prospective college students, Kolodzinski took the funds slated for recruitment advertising and invested them in market research. Cabrini has not advertised since December, when surveys developed by a Washington D.C.-based market research company were mailed to every undergraduate student. Kolodzinski said the survey got a "very good response" of 33 percent of the undergraduate student body. The surveys asked students to evaluate the college's marketing techniques and to identify factors which influenced their decision to attend Cabrini. Kolodzinski said results of the survey were expected by the end of January, and that the college should be ready to launch a new advertising campaign by mid-February. Although the surveys have been completed, Kolodzinski said she is still open to student input about marketing techniques. "Cabrini students are a lot closer in age to high school students than I am," she said. "It's pretty hard for me to think the way a 16-year-old thinks. I may love the way a brochure looks, but if it doesn't appeal to someone in high school, then it won' work." In order to better understand market forces, Kolodzinski decided to pursue a masters of business administration degree at LaSalle University about two years ago. This semester she is enrolled in a statistical methods course. "I'm hoping this degree will complement the knowledge I already have," she said. But despite her new-found interest in the business world, Kolodzinski says she is still a writer at heart. "I find writing to be a real release of tension and stress." said Kolodzinski. She has been wor~on a novel, which she would like one day to be published, but laughs when asked how close it is to completion. Between taking evening classes at LaSalle, and teaching a public relations course for adult students in the Main Line Night School program, Kolodzinski does not have many unfilled hours in her schedule. Her regular work load has increased due to the upcoming 30th Anniversary Celebration, which she is coordinating. Kolodzinski also takes aerobic classes, and enjoys skiing, and spending time with her family in her native New Jersey. She believes that the essence of public relations is having a positive attitude. ''I'm an eternal optimist, so this kind of work really fits my personality. I try to find the best in every situation and promoting Cabrini is always in the back of my mind," she said. "I wouldn't be able to do this job if I didn't really believe in Cabrini."

Telemarketingand data en-

-JobSquad Stouffer Hotels have an abun• danceofjobs, at varioushours.Call 337-1800, or inquire480 N. Gulph Rd., Kingof Prussia, PA, 19406. Personality plus Entertainment Earn Extra Incomeas Mobile Disc Jockey. Will train. Salary negotiable, part time and weedendhour available. Call Ray, 622-7586. House for Rent in Ardmore, cost: $875 per month and utilities. Three· Bedrooms, 11 /2 baths, Living room with Fireplace, Dining room,· Screened in porch, Gourmet Kitchen with Breakfast room, Panaled recreation room, washer/ dryer, detached garage, yard near a park with tennis courts will be at your convenience. Robin-Tan-Line Sun Studies in Devon Lafyette Hill location. Posi• lions available include: assistant managers and PT help, Flexible hours and salary and commision. Desk Top Publishing small CC publishing firm seeks detail-oriented, dependable, team-player wity Desktop Publishing and photocopier experience; type 50 wpm. Must be versatile and flexiblewilling to pitch•in. 9to 5:30. Send resume to Desktop Publishing Dept., 4th Fl. 1926 Arch St., Phila., PA 19103. American Service Associates has both full and part time openings. ff interested in a position, call Barbara B. Everist, Director of Personnel, 64().2700.

Afterschool Childcare need in Paoli home for a 7 and 10 year oldgirls. Hourswouldbe4:15to 6 pm plus one evening till 8:30. Sat. mornings, 7:30-1:30 thru April 15th. Call 935-1420, day; 296-8814,evenings. AskforMarian Strange. Gundaker Foundation Inc., a non profit organization of Rotary District 745, invites students in their district to apply for grants for the 1988-89school year. Full details are provided on the application, which are available in the Financial Aid Office.' Grant Market/Communications needs office help. Needs full time employees. Advance• ment opportunity/ Contact Elizabeth O'Sullivan, 843-0550, Conshohocken. Pennsylvania Federation of Democratic Women, Inc. is offering the 29th Annual Scholarship Awrd. Several scholarship awards are available to any woman student in the junior class of an accredited college or university. Applicant should be interested in making a career in politics or government. Each scholarships is in the amount of $1000.00and is intended for the student's senior year. See fin an• cial aid office for application. Room for rent in Wayne. Living space in the entire room of a third floor, private bath is included. Contact Tridi Cambell, 293-9741.

try Jobsthat will pay $5/hour

Part time instructor needed at a small, historical site in South• west PhIla. Flexible morning hours to instruct school-aged children in colonial history. Write letters of application with a resume to: Mr. 0. Roger Mower, Jr., Director, The John Bartram Assoc., 54 th & Lindbergh Boulevard, Philaelphia, PA 19143. Child care for 10dayscooking meals, and basic child care skills. Paoli woman needs individual from Feb 22-Mar 2, everyday in late afternoons, and one weekend day. Call Mrs. Horn, 647-2424.

plusbonus. Interestedpersons shold contact Bellone,288 Lan· caster Ave, Frazer, or call 6441613. Wanted immediately: Mother's helper 1 to 3 days per week, 1 pm to 9 pm, will pay $4.75/hour. Responsibilities include light housekeeping, laundry, supervision of two chil· dren, and simple dinner preparation. MUST ORNE. Call Nancy Cantor, 525-7717. Knitting and weaving PT positions on Tues, Wed, Thur, and Sat. ff interested call Grace Mellis or Monica, 688-6658.

Room for rent for $200/ month. Provides laundry priviDOCUMENTS OF DISTINCTION leges, not kitchen. Location, is Typing Service seeks employees to between the Military Academy work with their IBM state of the art and train station. Call Mrs. memory typewriters. Call Joe at Hilger, 687-3393. 964-8717. Receptionist/typist in Radnor, Live in Nanny needed in Phoe- 9-1:30, several days a week. Call nixville. Three children, two of 688-0666, ask for V.erna. whom will be in school during the day. Prefers a non-smoker and own Secretary /Receptionist Job transportation. Includes: Free room available on Mon, Wed, and Fri. and board, plus $75 a week. May Must be comfortable on an IBM also include light housecleaning. PC. Office is in Valley Forge. Call Call Anna Carruthers: 436-9770, Dr. Saracino for an interview, 337day; or 933-6399, evenings. 3335. Little People Day School looking for a teacher's assistants with their infants, tooddlers, and pre-school• ers. Afternoons, flexible hours. Will pay $4.50 and hour. Ask for Mrs. Francinfelter, 630-9330.

Babysitter is needed In King of Prussia for overnight positions, several times a week. Will pay $20 per night for two children, ages 5 and 6. Contact Jean Roth, 2756496.

Girls to clean house on Sat. Receptionist/Runner, flexible 12:30-5:30. Will pickup. Salarytobe hours, and room for .advancediscussed. Call Mrs. Shapino, after ment. Call Gathering Gorman, 7 pm at 688-4136. 251-0350.

loquitur- friday, february 5, 1988



Charge cards:a financialmenacefor students "I get moneyfrommyparentsandmymom'sboyfriend but I don't have charge cards or checking accounts. Sometimes when I go shopping my mom will give me her They come in a variety of colors, all are usually three"I charge massive amounts and usually just pay the charge but I don't have one of my own," Kathleen and-one-half inches long and two-and-one-quarter inches wide, are made of plastic and have names suchas minimum. At one point my bills were so much I had to give Graham, freshmen, said. my cards to my dad just so I would not charge anymore," Cash on hand is still alive at Cabrini and most of the American Express, Visa, Macy's, Sears etc. students live their lives by it. Some don't even have a bank They are called charge cards and have limits--some as Aliza Candelor~ senior, said. The birth of the charge card industry was back in the card because they feel it is just as dangerous as a charge low as $100.00--while others have no limit at all. early fifties and has grown and doubled over the years. It card. Today, Americans in all walks of life are packing a lot "I used to have a MAC card but I had to get rid of of plastic. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer Maga- started in Manhattan with Diner's Club with only 5,000 zine (Jan. 15), almost every credit-worthy adult has a members, and grew to the point where people were being it because I was taking too much out with it, it was just too easy," Larry Kilcullen, sophomore, said. charge card i:i.ndthe average person has seven. The best bombarded with offers to apply for a card. With the birth of the charge card came organizations Those who do have charge cards and checking estimate is that there are 90 million American consumers such as Spender Mender, Debtors Anonymous and Shop- accounts and savings accounts seem to juggle their toting around 703 million credit cards. Something new in the line of charge cards is that the per Stoppers. Millions of Americans were using their money around so as to always have some when it is growing amount of college students who apply actually charge cards to the point where they had no money to needed. "I might alwayshaveabalanceonmycharge cards but receive them. According to the College Credit Card Corp. pay them off, some people even filed for bankruptcy. Surprisingly there are more students at Cabrini I always find a way to pay them off. That's just the way I of Philadelphia, which was quoted in the Inquirer, there are over 12 million college students in the United States without charge card than with--in fact most don't even manage my money," Molly Fenerty, senior, said. "I usually only charge what I know I can pay and most with an estimated disposable income exceeding$40 billion have a checking account. It seems that the average student only has a savings account which is the main of the time I just use cash," Samantha Hidlebird, junior, annually. How do students pay their bills and manage their supply of their spending money. When that is exhausted, said. there is nothing left and they live sparingly. Who's to say what the best way is to manage ones money? "When my money runs out that's it. I rarely go to my money? Some can have charge cards and not overuse Some are fortunate, they have parents who are willing parents for money because it is enough that they pay for them, others can have bank cards and not go broke and to pay their bills. some just go nuts. "I have four .charge cards and each one is paid off by my college education," Bridget Howard, sophomore, As an anonymous quote says in the Inquirer,''The thing my dad. I charge whatever I want an~ if, something _is said. "I worked over the summer and I work during school about using cards, instead of cash, is there is no reality overly expensive then I call first to ask him if I can have 1t. He says I have the cards because I don't charge that for extra money. I could ask my parents but I just don't to it. You're not conscience about how much money you like to," Kim Hunsberger, freshmen, said. need to have to pay for things." much," Christine McMurtrie, junior, said.

by Roe Wellman

Others must scr~p and save just to pay at least the minimum on their monthly bills.

Concert Review


by KimberlyKovach A few record companies and some releases later, in late 1987, Flesh for Lulu signed to Capitol Records and released their latest album, "Long Live the New Hesh." Flesh for Lulu is a band that is looking for a good time. The band consists of five fun guys who enjoy rock and roll and who want their listening audience to enjoy it just as well. "Long Live the New Flesh" is the kind of album that proves their point by making you sing and want to dance along with their definite British beat. Who are they, arc you still asking? Remember the track "I Go Crazy'' from the John Hughes film, "Some Kind of Wonderful?" This songisaFleshforLulu original. The soundtrack, which has sold over a quarter of a million copies features "I Go Crazy'' as well as their new LP does. The band is moving up on the college charts. According to the Gavin Report, "Long Live the New Flesh" is at number eight this week. There has been a lot of college airplay going on including WCAB's alternative format. Listening audiences are becoming more familiar with this relatively new band. Actually new only to those of us in the U.S., for Flesh for Lulu have been around in the United Kingdom since 1983. A newly remixed "Siamese Twist" is on the album and also available on an extended version LP. Another hit is the Lulu's "Postcards from Paradise" which can also be seen on video on MTV. Speaking of being seen, Flesh for Lulu was seen in Chinatown at the Trocadero on Jan. 23 for an all ages show. The band opened up for Gene loves Jezebel. Likewise, Flesh for Lulu's performance was worth attending. Flesh for Lulu has a unique style that they know how to use. Their stage presence is not anything too flashy or obnoxious yet ~ot the least bit dull. Nick Marsh, lead vocalist, guides the band with a strong spirited voice that will not let them down and at the same realm, makes the audience want to put their hands together. There is a great deal of energy here. At the Philadelphia show, the band: Rocco Barker, lead guitar; Kevin Mills, bass guitar; James Mitchell, drums; and Derek Greening, keyboards (and newest member), melodically yet tenaciously shuffled the punchy backbeat of their sounds and literally, made the Troe rock. Flesh for Lulu knows what good time rock and roll is all about.



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loquitur- friday, december 11, 1987



A reviewof BroadcastNews"...in the realworld 11

by Rachel Athelia Anderson

by Jacqui McClernan . Peter Jennings appears nightly on our boob-tube conveying to us in his cool-as-ice and seemingly convincing tone the news of the day. 6:58 p.m., "I'm Peter Jennings, good night." That's a rap. However, what goes on hehind the scenes -at a network broadcast is entirely different. This new found perception is brought to the surface in one of this year's best films, "Broadcast News." · The cool as ice anchorman, Tom Grunick, is portrayed by William Hurt ("Children of a Lesser God"). A flexible actor by nature, Hurt successfully places himself in the role of the gorgeous anchorman who has no understanding of the news he reads. He is a puppet. Hurt's puppeteer ( and sometimes lover) is the spastic news producer of the evening news, Jane Craig, (Holly Hunter). Executive, sophisticated and full of conviction by day, she has the ability to let her hair down at night. However, not too much. The audience is led to believe that Hunter's character runs the whole show and keeps everyone in line. She is also the object of desire for both of her male couterparts in the movie. This leads to more than a little tension between the three. Completing the love triangle is ace reporter Aaron Altman, (Albert Brooks), who although he is an excellent reporter, cannot anchor. His one shot at anchoring occurs on a weekend evening and he sweats profusly from nerves. . Many of the scenes are realistic and others, according to Tom Brokaw, NBC Evening News anchor and managing editor, are not. "The movie tweaks us where we ought to be tweaked, but it vastly exaggerates the conflict between the serious and the lightweight," Brokaw said in a recent People Magazine article. In one scene in the movie, Brooks makes a call to the control room during a high pressure live news update on Libya. He filters important information to Hunter who in turn conveys it to Hurt via the ear phone. Brokaw says that in reality this rarelt happens. My own assessment is that you either love it or you hate it. I adored it. I found myself laughing the entire time and watching my spastic twin (Hunter) on the screen act like myself right down to her method of spraying perfume. My advice is to view this movie with an open mind. This is not network news exactly, . but close. A romantic comedy of life in the newsroom. So pull up a seat, soda, popcorn and of course your best laugh.

Adrian Cronauer:

Making a difference in Vietnam by Stephanie Giardini "Goooooood Moooorning, Vietnam!" You will find yourself screaming this after seeing this side-splitting and fast-paced film about the wildest military disc jockey that ever aired across Vietnam. .


·RevieW----------------1 Adrian Cronaurwas the military's unexpected motormouth of 0600 (6 a.m.), which kept the G.I.'s stationed in Vietnam in early 60's, in high spirits and laughter. Cronaur, the menace of the Armed Forces Radio in Saigon, broke the boredom ofMantovani records and brought life into a less-than-desirable place with craziness and rock'n'roll. In the several months that he was stationed in Saigon, Cronauer kept his military superiors on their toes with his spontaneity and lack of reverence to military protocol. He can best be described as the John DeBella of Saigon in 1965 (maybe ·even better). Impressions of Elvis, Walter Cronkite, and even Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz following the Ho Chi Minh Trail were just a few of Cronauer's cast of characters that helped the American G.I.'s rise and shine. Robin Williams, comedian/actor, grasps the essence of this outrageous character and his crazy radio repertoire. By adding a little of his expertise in zaniness, Williams really creates a winningly hilarious performance. If you are a fan of Williams, you can appreciate his best movie -performance. If you are not a fan, you cannot help but catch the fever of his off-beat humor. Williams captures the movie audience with improvised, witty, and knee-slapping remarks and carries them through till the end of the movie. Don't be fooled to think that this movie is a series of one-liners. Williams smoothly integrates the sorrows and frustrations, which are characteristic of the Vietnam tragedy, for the U.S. G.I.'s and the citizens of Saigon. Throughout the movie, the military brass were less than thrilled with Cronauer. But his outrageous behavior satisfied the boys out in the field and relieved them from the heated tension that surrounded them. To Cronauer, those boys were the only ones that mattered. Although a comedian, Williams brings this important message to the audience. You will find yourself agreeing with this point at the end of the movie. Williams' performance was certainly not harmed by that of Forest Whitaker, the actor who portrayed Cronauer's military sidekick, Private First Class Garlick. Whitaker makes the perfect straight soldier who desperately tries to control Cronauer's lunacy, while at the same time trying to control his own laughter at it. "Good Morning ,Vietnam" has been called the best military comedy since M•A •s•H and it deserves this title wholeheartedly. Each actor gives a fine performance that perhaps shows the other truth of Vietnam not seen in "Platoon.''

information for the majority of their stories. "Yes, we have a 27-year-old white Retir~g at supper time with the male found dead in the back of a vehicle. intention of rising at dawn, knowing full He died of a possible drug overdose and a well the bus was not scheduled to arrive sudden death. There is nothing suspicious until 8:00 a.m., I made sure I had plenty of at this time." That was the shell of the time to prepare for my day at WPVI- story, my job was to find.the nut. Action News, Channel 6. I was given a lot of responsibility on my My mother had prepared "a little first day and as much as I tried not to foulsomething for me to eat," but intense up, eventually I did. "Collect call from nerves had set up shop in my stomach so I William Stead (the ex-manager of didn't have an appetite. I did, however, SEPTA). Will you accept the charges?" need my mother for information. "How Well. This was the first time this situdo you make really good coffee?" I asked. ation had occurred to me and no one had Since I was told innumerable times that explained what to do. So, I told the operacoffee making would be my only concern at tor to hang on. I pushed a button--the such a large establishment, I wanted to do wrong button, and William Stead was no my very best. My dad always said, "No longer on the line. He called back. Thank matter what you do, try your hardest and be God. the best.'' So I practiced that coffee making I work with only a few television aspect of life. personalities on the weekends: Gary The bus was scheduled for 8:00 a.m., I Papa, Denise James, Dwayne Jackson arrived at the stop at 7:00 a.m., just to and Rob Jennings. At first I was in awe make sure I wouldn't miss it. I was knowing that I would actually be in the determined to be on time. That first same room with them. But, later I realized impression is the most important and you that they are ordinary people. I found this only get one chance at it. out quickly and haven't lost sight of that fact As I waited, I practiced the speech I was since then. going to deliver to the manager. "Hello, Papa, sports anchorperson, strolls in at it is such a pleasure to be in the company 3:30 p.m., normally with two bags from a of the in.an who manages one of the finest popular fast food restaurant, and sits at his news programs on national television, desk glued to 1iisblack and white TV set, etc." Over and over and over again, I watching some sporting event. He is very practiced that speech during that long sociable-very, very sociable. There isn't SEPTA journey. I didn't even have the much that I say that he doesn't respond with chance to read my James Baldwin novel. I went to the front door of the Channel 6 building, I walked in expecting to see th~ largest security system in all of the United States. What I found was a half-witted security guard and a sign-in sheet. I took the elevator to the fourth floor. Seeing the newscasters on television is normal, seeing them in ·person, face-toface, is like a dream. I pictured how they would look all dressed up in their expensive suits. The men in their Georgio Armani and the women in their Liz Claiborne. I was surprised when I saw Jordache and Lee jeans instead. Most newscasters and reporters dress casually from the waist down. My interview with the manager was for 9:00 a.m. I found his office at 8:53 a.m. He invited me in to have a seat. I didn't have to choose a seat because there was only one there. There was only one there because only one could fit in the office. Working hard on thai: first impression, I sat down gently. I placed my novel on the side of me. "You read Baldwin?" he asked with a puzzled look. I nodded, very timidly. "You're fired," he said. I was floored, but he was only kidding--thank God. He asked me questions about my life Rachel Athelia Anderson, junior, and things in general, so there was no time to d_elivermy speech. After supplying me with valuable interning iqformation, he said I could get started. I thanked him by saying, _"Thank you Mr.___ _ Again he was stern with me as he tried to explain how I was now a valuable part of the news crew and just as important as any other person there. "So," he said, "I am no to you. My name is longer, Mr._-=--Bob.'' We took a stroll around the news room, (which didn't take long) and he pointed out a few people. "And, his name is no longer Mr. Odem, it is Vernon. This is no longer Mr. Papa, his name is Gary,etc." Before the end of the day, timid me was replying, "Yo, Vern, what's up cuz'?" I chatted with the assignment editor, my boss, to find out the duties of a news intern. I listened intently as I looked around for the "Mr. Coffee.'' There wasn't one to be found. I wouldn't be making coffee. I was taken back. My ultimate duty was to write up news stories to be included in the news spot scripts. One of my first stories was serious. "Hi, this is Rachel from Action News, is there anything going on?" Calling the precincts is the way the news crew gathers

channel 6 intern (photo by , Debbie Ferrar) a smart remark. Seeing him on television, behind the news desk, you cannot really see the results of his obvious dedication to bodybuilding. He's a short man, built like a powerhouse. He's an obnoxious indi\'idual with a comedic streak. James, news reporter, usually saunters in around 1:00 p.m. from being out on the streets covering a story. She smiles brightly to all and types for the majority of the afternoon. Later, it is time for her to report on yet another story. Jackson, news reporter, a man whose looks are ratherdeceiving, is fairlynewto the Channel 6 news team. "Never judge a book by its cover," (a saying I thought my mother made up) fits Jackson perfectly. A person can never be sure of what willcome out of his mouth. I was shocked by the first couple of sly remarks, but now they are as normal to me as eating corn flakes for breakfast. Having been there for over a month, I believe I can take all that is given to me and digest all that is said around me without divulging it to others. Also, I truly believe I am no longer the "disillusioned intern," and, I still haven't made a pot of coffee.


loquitur - friday, february 5, 1988


Eagles soar over Cavs to victory by LaTonya Lucas The bleachers were filled, alumni were present, the cheerleaders were decked out in their crisp blue and white uniforms, Mother Ursula could be seen amongst the crowd and the men's varsity team was preparing to once again challenge their rivals from across the road. Tuesday night, the men's varsity basketball team faced the Eastern Eagles for the second time this basketball season. Jeff Hines, freshman, Marco Gittens, sophomore, Everett Starnes,junior, Jim Welde, senior and John Aivaroglou, senior were the starting line-up for Cabrini. Aivazoglou started the game off with a three pointer. However, the rest of the first half was not profitable for the Cavaliers. There were 17 turnovers and Eastern managed to capitalize on the turnovers. With six minutes until halftime, the score was 27-16, Eastern. At halftime, the Cavs were down 17 points with the score being 42-25. The volume of the Eastern fans was deafening. For Cabrini, the atmosphere was tense and the fans in the crowd seemed to have died.


Not only were the players tense, but the referee seemed to be tense, too as he yelled to the crowd, "Shut the ---- up" during the second half. The beginning of the second half was as bad as the entire first half and the team were down 21 points after Eastern scored, making it 50-29. However, the Cavs didn't give up hope. According to John Dzik, head basketball coach, the team came much closer than he hadanficipated. "During the second half, they (the Cavs) shot much better," he said. With less than ten minutes left in the game, the Cavaliers managed to fight back. The crowd was alive again. According to Dzik, the cheers from the crowd was a tremendous help. With 1:37 to go, the Cavs were down by two points. However with 15 seconds to go, the Cavs were down by four and the final score was 72-64, Eastern. According to Marco Gittens, sophomore, the team fell because of mental errors. "As a team, we need to start playing the whole game, instead of halves," Gittens said. Gittens was Cabrini's leading scorer with 17 points and leading rebounder with 14 rebounds.' Anthony Murphyjunior, was second leading scorer with 13 points. Eastern;s Irvin Hutcherson led the Eagles with 18 points andArnold Johnson was a.dose second with 17 points. Although, Dzik and Gittens both describe the game as very disappointing, Dzik said, "The game reminded me of some games in the past."

Jim We~de,senior, moves out of the way as Everett Starns, junior, attempts to score agamst the Eagles. (photo by Mike Stevenson)

"We were appreciative of the fans. It means a lot to the coaching staff and the team," Dzik said.


JV'basketballteam: lt disbanded. 11

by LaTonya Lucas


Dzik knew that for some guys, there However, when the varsityteam was in to prove themselves each time a new coach Iowa-; Dzik was informed that James would have to be a reward at the end, and came in. "Each coach had a different style," Ste- Hillyard, sophomore, was ineligible to play for some, it was not worth playing. Among the intercollegiate sports on venson said. Anapolsky said that he was upset beduring second semester. "That, more campus, a junior varsity basketball team Bruce Kidwell,junior, stoppedplaying than anything was the decision," Dzik cause there are guys on campus who could used to exist. It no longer does. JV during the second semester of last year said. "It would have been too much of a play for JV, but did not have the enthusiasm Junior varsity is the level of basketball because he did not adjust well to the strain put on the freshmen, time-wise." to go out for the team. between intramural and varsity basketball. atmosphere of the team. Dzik said that some guys are suffering According to him, there is a lack of To those athletes who want more than the "I would love to play basketball, it's from the loss of a JV team. According to support with their games and nobody fun of intramurals and less pressure than a just the atmosphere. I can't play with Dzik, Kevin Alexander, junior, needs the comes out to watch. "Nobody cares. It's varsity team, JV is the perfect solution. tension," Kidwell said. experience of a JV team, although he symbolic of an entire wave that's going. However, only the varsity team and around campus," he said. Jim Donnelly,senior,believes the dis- works out very hard for varsity. intramurals existed last semester. "If I had to do all over again, I would bandment was due to the large number of Playing on the JV team meant different graduating seniors from the varsity level. have kept JV just for Kevin," he said. things to different players. According to Donnelly, approximately 23 "JV was for the guy who wasn't a Dr J, guys are needed on a JV team and there but enjoyed playing ball," Dave Butera, were not enough players for the JV team junior, said. without hurting the varsity team. Scottie Lecomte, junior, played JV for Kidwell believes that there should not fun and it does not matter to him if there is be any importance placed upon a team. "If a JV team or not. you want guys to play well, you can't make Joe Anapolsky, senior, used JV as a it (JV) priority (number) two," Kidwell ;18 West Avenue, Wayne, Pa. . ' . ~. . . means to improve his game in orde_rto said. make the varsity team. He also said that JV was a combination of exercise and fun. Dzik hopes to re-establish the JV So then, what happened to the JV Bas- program only if the players have the potential to develop into varsity players. ketball team? -HOURSFor FAST Pick-up John Dzik, athletic director, said, 'llt He said that he is not interested in guys or tlOT Delivery,Call . playing for fun. "It's not intramurals," disbanded." MONDAY THAU THURSDAY 11 AMTO11 PM A common reason given to explain why Dzik said. 687-2222 the team disbanded was a lack of enthusiAccording to Dzik, it was decided to FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 11 AMTO 12 AM asm and interest. drop JV for the frrst semester at the end of 688-2222 Mike Stevenson, junior, did not try out October with the intention to re-establish SUNDAY 4 PM TO 10 PM for the JV team this year. "I like to play the team for second semester. Dzik in688-5588 basketball, but I wasn't into practices formed the team's opponents of this. The plans were to let the freshman vareveryday," he said. Stevenson added that throughout last sityplayers swing JV and varsity, along with year, the team saw three different other guys on campus who were interested coaches. Although Stevenson said that in JV. This would give them more playing the coaches were very good, the players had time to help improve their game.


loquitur- friday, december 11, 1987


Lady Cavs defeat Easternrivals I by John Dunleavy

The Lady Cavaliers played host to their rival, Eastern Lady Eagles, on Tuesday night. Cabrini, combining a strong team defensive effort of 15 steals and a consistent shooting attack, 49 percent, easily downed Eastern by a final score of 79-53. Cabrini started the scoring off the opening tip when Meg Hagan, sophomore, scored on a fastbreak lay-up off a nice· pass from Donna Aeillo, sophomore. Eastern quickly answered back, scoring the game's next six points, the first two coming on an inside move by Sandy Rogge, freshman. However, the Lady Cavs struck backwitharunoftheir own,going on a 100 spurt, capped off on a steal and lay-in by Aeillo. Cabrini also got strong inside play from Nicole Helverson, freshman, who scored eight points, all of which were scored in the opening 20 minutes of play. At the 2:55 mark, Chris Federico, junior, gave Cabrini its biggest lead of the half, 33-17, after nailing a baseline jumper off an assist from Barb Milligan, freshman. Eastem's Joan Spaventa, freshman, tried her best to keep her team in the game, scoring the Eagles final four points of the half. Lorrie Albertus, sophomore, scored 10 points in the Cavs victory over Eastern. Despite Spaventa's efforts, (photo by Mike Stevenson) Cabrini's Lee Mirenda, sophomore, scored the last basket of the half on a feed mand of the game which they had bee~ in anced scoring attack, Dan Welde, head coach, said, "Ideally when Sue (Evich) and from Julie Snow, sophomore. control of from early on. At halftime, the Lady Cavs led by Sue Evich, senior, gave the Lady Donna (Aeillo) are on we are at our best, a count of 37-23. Cavs a 31 point lead, their biggest of the but we are looking for anyone who has the The two teams traded baskets in game,, 77-46, after stealing the ball and open shot to shoot the ball." Federico who scored eight points the opening moments of the second half, finishing it off at the other end. before Cabrini claimed complete comCommenting on his team's bal- and _played a strong defensive game (3

steals) was asked about the defense. "We are playing man-to-man and a lot of pressure defense lately. Quickness is our strength," she said. Welde agreed. "We arc going to a lot of full-court pressing. That's when we're at our best," he said. According to Welde it was this same pressure defense that brought the Lady Cavs back from a 16 point deficit in an earlier game against U rsinus College. Aeillo led Cabrini in scoring with 14 points. Other double figure scorers for Cabrini were Evich and Lorrie Albertus, senior, who scored 11 and 10 points res pectively. Cabrini's leading rebounders were Evich and Jodi Snow, sophomore, each of whom pulled down seven rebounds. Eastern was paced by Spaventa's gamehigh 15 points andteammateJanice Robbins, senior, who added 12. The loss dropped the Lady Eagles record to 6-14, while improving the Lady Cavs record to a playoff bound 10-6. Cabrini, having claimed fourth place in ESAC will be hosted in the playoffs by either Marywood or Allentown, whomever finishes first in the regular season. Although Cabrini has previously dropped two decisions to Marywood and another to Allentown, team members remain confident they can be successful in the post season. According to Aeillo, the team is really coming together now. Referring to the upcoming showdown against either Marywood or Allentown , Federico said, ''We've got a shot. I think we can take them if we play our game."

February S through February 19

-----------------~ ~~ February5 9:00 AM

Continuing Education seminar on "Dealing with Difficult People; Call CE Office for Details

_________________ Saturday February6 2:00PM 7:30PM 9:00AM

~ ,... ,



9:00 AM

"'-" r"4

Feiruary 12 8:00PM



• Continuing Education Seminar on "Writing Memos/Letters; $95; Widener Center Conference Room; Call CE Office for Details Opening Performance "A Raisin in the Sun;• Cabrini Theater; Tickets: $3.50; Event held in honor of Black History Month Valentine's Day Dance; Cafe; Sponsored by Tennis Team


Women's Basketball vs. Bryn Mawr, Away ~ Men's Basketball vs. Salisbury, Away Continuing Education Seminar on "Wri_tingfor Returning Adults; ~ Free to all students, $25 for non-students; Call CE Office for Details r "'"


~ ~


9 AM 6:00 PM 8:00PM 9:00PM


Continuing Education Seminar on "Writing for Returning Students•; Free to current students; $25 for non-students; Call CE Office for Details Women's Basketball vs. Lincoln, Home Men's Basketball vs. Lincoln, Home Val-:ntine's Day Ball in Mansion; Sponsored by Mansion Residents

Sunday HAPPYVAJ.£NTINE'S DAY Fe-brua_ry_1_4 -------~~--

Monday February8

-Tu--d-----------------"" es ay February 9 6:00 PM 8:00 PM

Women's Basketball vs. Allentown, Away Men's Basketball vs. Allentown, Away

=-----------------/"""'\ Wednesday February10 9:00 AM 7:30 PM

Finance/Budget Meeting, Mansion Lectors,raining, Chapel; Call Campus Ministry for Details

----------------~ Thursday February11 12:30 PM 12:40 PM 5:00 PM 6;00 PM 8:00 PM

Language Department Film, Lecture Hall Enrollment Management Team Meeting, Wid. Cont. Room Athletic Advisory Board Meeting, Mansion Women's Basketball vs. Widener, Home Men's Basketball vs. Phila. Pharmacy, Home


Monday February15 10:00 AM


6:00PM 7:30PM 7:30PM

President's Day Open House; Sponsored by Admissions Office for high school students and transfers Women's Basketball vs. Holy Family; Away Men's Basketball vs. Holy Family; Away Eucharistic Ministry Training, Chapel

12:45 PM

Language Dept. Film, Lecture Hall Curriculum Committee Meeting, Wid. Seminar Room

r "'"' ~ r ~ Tuesday February16 ~ 12:30 PM ~



February17 10:00AM 7:00 PM



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Master Planning Meeting, Library Conf. Room Studef!\ Phonathon for Admissions Begins - continues through Feb. 25; Mansion; Help the Admissions Staff by calling potential students. To volunteer: Call Admissslons Men's Basketball vs. Alvernia, Away

8:00 PM --------------------------


February18 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:30 PM

Language Dept. Film, Lecture Hall Library Committee Meeting, Library Conf. Room Staff Human Resource Council Meeting, Wid. Conf. Room ack History Month Speaker,

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