friday, february 19, 1988
cabrini college, radnor, pa. 19087
vol. xx.xiv,vol.14
~!!~:immod~o~~ye~?ilie~e~tbeof students,resigns James Fitzsimmons resigned as dean of students last Monday amid a flurry of questionsconcerninghis departure and its impact on the future of Student Services. According to Fitzsimmons, he was not asked to resign as many speculated, but rather chose not to renew his contract for next year. He will continue in his present duties until June 30 in order to prepare for the new summer orientation pro• gram, reconfiguration of residences, graduation, and the fall semester. A suc• cessor is expected to be chosen by then. "We plan to follow the normal search procedure," Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president, said. Fitzsimmons' decision to leave Cabrini comesafter an 18monthtenuremarkedby succ~sses, failures and controversies. His "make no small plans" motto involved pooling Student Services with several other campus departments. Change, according to Fitzsimmons, brings controversy, and that is just what happened at Cabrini. This isnot to say that much of his work was detrimental. On the contrary, the establishment of Health Educators to deal with peer education and substance abuse, and the restructuring of the Rudy Rooyman's Counseling Center, are among some beneficial contributions. However, some difficulties which appear to have played a role in his decision to resign stem from the manner in which several of these changes were made. John Dzilc, director of athletics, has mixed emotions about Fitzsimmons' departure. He said that although they often
process of beginning to understand one another. "Jim provided ideas, guidance and insight as a new, objective staff member. However, mine was a more pragmatic approach due to my limitations as a one man department," he said. "I think change at Cabrini comes slowly," Christy Mason, senior, said. According to Dzik, some of Fitzsim• mons' frustrations may have come from the fast-paced tempo at which he was accustomed to operating. "An institution. like this is dynamic because it is made up of people. Students' needs are different each year," Currie said. However, she stressed the need for campus departments to work at the same pace in order to achieve this. Currie drew an analogy between the function of a car engine to the workings of the Student Services office under Fitzsimmons. "Each gear has to move with the same momentum for it to work. The gears will grind and strip if this doesn't happen," she said. Currie added that Fitzsimmons brought a great deal of energy to his position. "You want someone to bring what you don't have to the institution. His insights and programs have been very good for Cabrini College and I can appreciate his energy," she said. And what are students' reactions to Fitzsimmons resignation? "I was surprised," Donna Kulesa, sophomore said. "He did keep Student Services running, but at the same time I don't feel that he
Jim Fitzsimmons, dean of students. (photo by Dr. Carter Craigie)
madehimselfvisibleenough. That is except to those studen who were Jirectly involved with him," she said. - "Some people want to compare Jim with Sr. Christine Marie, who was dean two years ago, but I don't think it can be done," Mason said. "They are two different people who approached Student Services
in their own ways," she said. " can't say much because I haven't really seen things changing around here," Timothy Durning, sophomore, said. "People are going to miss him, but right now it is beneficial to the college," junior, orientation counselor, said.
Co-ed by Jacqui McClernan Resident life, in conjunction with student services, is working on a proposal for the reconfiguration of Xavier as a coed dorm. The proposal will consist mainly of student input at the request of Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president. A meeting was held lasrweek and another is planned for Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 1:00 p.m. in SH7, to gain student input into the proposal. Joel Zazyczny, president of the student government association (SGA), said, "The reason for so much student input is because Sr. Eileen will not pass a reconfiguration proposal of the administration. She said that the students are Cabrini." ·student turn out was good as numerous ideas and criticisms were tossed about. Sandy Prucha, director of resident life; John Doyle, assistant director of resident life; and Rita Calicat, director of student activites, were all present for the meeting. Reconfiguration would involve separating Xavier Hall into male and female wings. The remainder of the men would be relocated in at least two houses, possibly three depending upon the fate of Counsel Hall. If not a male Xavier Hall , the sight of reconfiguration. (photo by J. G. Starrs)
inside perspectives.... 2 news ............ 3-5 features ....... 6-9 sports ...... 10-12
Review of "Raisinin the Sun" {page 6)
Lincoln vs. Cabrini {pag~ 10)
loquitur - friday, febraury 19, 1988
Say for 17yearsyourworldwasyour neighborhood, filled with people just like you. Your friends were just like you and you went to a school with people just like you. Then you go off to college and find there is almost no one like you. Say you are black and you go to Cabrini. Of the 705 full-time undergraduate students, 28 are black. Six enrolled with the freshman class. Eita Calicat, director of student activities, is the only black administrator. There are no black faculty members. The Admissions Office has increased the initative to recruit minority students in the past year-and-a-half, following the request of Sr. Eileen Currie, M.S.C., president, by attending college fairs for minority students, purchasing names from SAT tests, and a few other efforts that may account for the six freshman. Just this year, on the application for admissions a question about ethnic background was added. Previously there have been no records on a student's ethnic background when admission decisions were being made. So what incentive do black or other minority students have for coming to Cabrini? There are black literature courses, an occasional black history course and, for the first time this semester, Bla~k Theatre. With the exception of the history course which was taught by a black teacher, (and has only been offered three times) these courses are taught by white professors. How much more enriched could these courses be if taught by a black professor? Would a Spanish professor teach about the French Revolution? If admissions succeeds in attracting mere black students, we will then be faced with the nearly insurmountable task of luring black professors here to teach. The demand for black persons with Ph.D.'s is so great that even if the college decided it wanted to recruit a black professor, more than likely the black professor would not want us. The starting salary for a teacher with a Ph.D. here is under $20,000. Why shouldn't the professor walk over to Villanova and boost his or her salary a few thousand? If the college is sincere in making the campus more palatable to black students, the lack of black professors is a tremendous void which will need to be addressed. We are caught in a catch-22 situation. We do not attract black students because our role models, professors, are all white. Yet we cah't attract black professors because the salary offered is not competitive. What benefits would we gain by luring more black students here and then, essentially, asking them to put on blinders and get by? Tonya Lucas, junior, and several of the other 28, have said the current status of the student population has helped them grow as individuals. Still, there are times when they wish there were someone who had been there before and understood.
In past years, we've counted down the days to vacation. This year, we not only count down the days to vacation, but we are also counting down the days to graduation. We are the seniors. Being a senior isn't easy. People expect you to have it all together. You're expected to have a master plan for the next 50 years of your life, including vacation and sick days. Unfortunately, many seniors ·become 'bed-ridden' with a common 'virus' that strikes only those preparing to graduate. This deadly 'disease' is called senioritis. Seniors sit in their classes, unable to concentrate. Complete with blank stares on their faces, they begin to envision themselves walking barefoot through white sand surrounded by· palm trees in the basking heat of the sun. This daydream is of the senior spring break trip to St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. But we face more difficult problems than the lack of ability to concentrate. We have to worry about such trivial things as finding a job, or how we plan to buy a car so we can get to that job. Others simply worry about having enough credits and the right grades to graduate. Some are even concerned about where they will live after graduation. I, myself, have had it all planned out for a year, at least I was going to research job possibilities in January and format my resume. By mid February I planned to have all of my resumes sent out. Well, here it is mid-February and none of it has been done. I get by by-the-day and I am living for tomorrow. Yes, senioritis has 'bed-ridden' me. All I seem to be able to think about is my own spring break trip to St. Thomas, and May 22, the day of graduation.
I haven't totally lost it, at least not yet. My homework gets done and I pretty sure I'm passing all of my classes. I'm slowly but surely putting together all of that research on job possibilities and my resume is finally done. So, sooner or later, they will be on their way, I hope. I never thought I'd be the victim of what they call 'senioritis.' But somehow I have weakened and I am slowly falling. Having been a commuter for two years, I have a car. If I get a job in the Philadelphia area I plan to live at home, if not I'll worry then. And for passing, I started praying back during the first semester. (I think it's covered, too, because I made Dean's List for the first time ever!) All I'm worried about is getting a JOB! See, you have to understand. I'm the first one to graduate from college in the family. And you see, a college degree means an instantaneous job. As I said, I have been planning this for a lifetime, but the life time of planning has been completely flushed. I feel like a freshman all over again. How can I find a job, if I don't even know what I want to do? (I'm open for suggestions.) People warned me but I didn't listen. They tell you altalong, wait till your senior year. You'll change your mind. No way! Notme! Iknewwhatiwanted to do with my life - until now. Maybe this isn't senioritis. Maybe, we, the seniors, are all in a stage that they call 'early schizophrenia.' (Could we really be losing our minds at such a young age?) Seniors and to-be-seniors, beware! Heed my situation. If it hasn't hit you yet, come time for warm weather and sun, it's bound to catch up with you. . Well, I guess I haven't given up the fight yet. I promised myself that I will adapt, adjust, and overcome. So, I might not have a 'real' job by the time of graduation. I'm sure, in the long run, everyone will understand. In the mean time, I'll get by for the day and live for tomorrow.
Editor. Debbie Murphy Staff Manager. Donna Dougherty News Editor. Jacqui MeClernan Assistant News Editor. Rachel Anderson Perspectives Editor. Anne Fahy
To the Editor,
was sheer magic! I learned that the ground for the play had been well tilled through a course in Black Theater. The results of the endeavor were thrilling! Three cheers for Jeanne, all the cast and every support person. It was a great night!
As a former moderator of the then BLACKSTUDENTS'UNION, I attended "Raisin In The Sun" last Sunday evening for several reasons. First, I wanted to show my commitment to our minority students, even though I was no longer officially connected with them. Second, I had never seen the pla~ before. What I experienced
Business Managers: Kathleen McCabe and Angle Corbo
Photography Editor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Adviser. Dr. carter Cralgle Adviser. Dr. Jerome Zurek
· Dr. Margaret Reher Chairperson, Religion Department
by Berke Breathed
cw1H€ptf/5 ~//?~, HOWcV~~,.I'I/€ MIi/?€ A wwr ~l<1H/?rXl6H:
Sports Editors: Donna Dougherty and Beth Bittner
Ass lstant Copy Editor. Kerry Gallagher
Enthusiastically, I looked forward to many more such productions. We have other minorities on campus whose stories
BLOOM COUNTY Ifl1 PANICKY AN/? ~f<.TTJ/?H/1.,. 0,10T/O/{II/.I..Y .TV€MEN ~YW086{.Y ...
need to be relived. I now think that they will be. Ad multos annos to the director, cast and crew!
Features Editor: Stephanie Giardini
--------I NOWCIINrlfCc 11-1€ 5H0CK/NfJ rllCr 11111T I Ne£? 50t.!P f'RQff55i Hct./7.•. /
l?CWIIH(/ff .. (}Pl(rlff.,.
5AUY... &eKllt.110 ... HA'!M---
Staff: Marian Armstrong, Lisa Brzezlcld, MarlBugie, Denise Civa, Angie Corbo, Kelli Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Kerry Gallagher, Shelle Koller, Kristin Kroll, Amy Lennon, l.aTonya Lucas, Lee Mirenda, Jenni Obrecht, Paula Phillips, Keith Pyle, Rebecca Rebalsky, Ande Romano, Roe Wellman, Patrick Zipfel Photography Staff: Kevin Alexander, Sue Hill, Denise Hurley, Rosanne Rossello, Karen Siegl, Mike Stevenspn. Loqultur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087. Subscription price Is $20 per yearand is included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur _,comes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, If the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writefs name may be left off the letter upon publication and an Inscription Inserted such as "name withheld at the r&:1uestof the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter Is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense It. Letters to the edttor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published In Loqultur are the views of the student editorial staff and the Individual writersand nol the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
.. loquitur - friday, february 19, 1988
Dr. Romano_stillintegralpart of Cabrini by Denise Civa After nine years as Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Joseph Romano has decided to go back full-time to teaching and advising Cabrini students. Romano, who started working at Cabrini in 1960, has decided to go back to doing what he seems to love best--teaching philosophy and helping students. "I missed it," Romano said refering to teaching. "I taught an Ethics-honors course this past semester. It got me psyched." Romano said he had been thinking about going back to teaching since last fall, but that he didn't actually make his final decision until this past Christmas. He said he will be leaving his current job on June 30, 1988. No decision has been made yet as to who will replace him. Dr. Mary Ann Biller, academic dean, says she will miss Romano in the academic affairs office, but is glad he is not leaving Cabrini altogether. "The office of Academic Affairs will be losing a valued administraive colleague. Fortunately for us, Dr. Romano will remain as an integral part of Cabrini's academic community. He will remain close by as an advisor, friend, and Cabrini historian for the Office of Academic Affairs." Biller said. Sister Eileen Currie, M.S.C., president of Cabrini College, agrees with Biller and is also happy.Romano is not going far away. "Joe has taught me a great deal," Currie said. "He has helped me every step of the way. I'm very grateful for all his help and support." Currie went on to say that she is also happy for the students here at Cabrini who willbenefit from Romano's teaching. Currie considers him an excellent teacher, who even though has had another job on campus for the past few years, has never really stopped teaching Cabrini students. "Joe has always been an advisor and teacher even when he's not in the classroom," Currie said. "One of Dr. Romano's most obvious strengths has been that of working with students on a one to one basis," Biller said. "He is truly concerned about students . I think this is a fundamental quality of a faculty member." Biller also said that Romano's years as an administrator here at Cabrini, have helped in at least one way to improve on his ability as a teacher today. "Having worked as an administrator for several years, he (Romano) has a broader perspective of the operations of the college as a whole. As a former faculty member, he was an innovator in making things happen (ie. Faculty Senate, College Council). He still has the same interests, but now his knowledge of college-wide operations and governance make him an even more effective advocate of students, faculty, and the college as a whole," Biller said. "I will miss working in the (academic affairs) office especially with Zita (Derham), Mary (Rau), and Dr. Biller. They are terrific people to work with. I'll miss the office, but there is more things in teaching that I want," Romano said. "Working with people who share similiar goals, values and humor, obviously makes work more pleasant," Biller said. "Zita Derham, Mary Rau and I shall miss having Dr. Romano work with us on a close basis. However, we know he will always be involved in anything which involves the good of Cabrini and its studel\ts."
Dr. Joseph Romano, vice-president, academic affairs. (photo by Jeff Moore)
Friday night, Feb.19, from 6:00 to9:00 p.m., the junior class willbe sponsoring a Mardi Gras happy hour in the Widener Center Gathering Area. Music will beprovidedbytheDeltaDJ'samd door prizeswillbeawarded. Itishoped that the Mardi Gras will encourage students to remain on campus for the traditional happy hour. Hors d'oeuvres and beverages will be provided including alcohol for those of age .
••• On Tuesday, Feb. 23, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall Tom Gr~h,a Pn!itzer prize-winning photographer, will present a slide lecture and speak on his e~enences as one of Philadelphia's most prominent photo journalists. A deputy editor of the Sunday Inquirer Magazine, Gralish has worked on numerous ?ews and fea~ures photo projects. I:Je received .hisPulitzer Prize for feature photography m ~986 for his photo documentation of the city's homeless. In addition, Gralish also rec1eved the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award for outstanding coverage of the problems of the disadvantaged. · In 1?86 Gralish went to the Phillipines to cover the country's election and eventual revolution. He set up a darkroom and transmission facilities in his hotel room where he filed photographs daily for the Inquirer. · Gralish worked as a wire service photographer and bureau manager for United Press International in Kansas City, Minneapolis, Detroit and Dallas prior to joining the staff of the Philadelphia Inquirer.
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loquitur - friday, february 19, 1988
Reconfiguration from 1 1
dorm then Counsel Hall would house the continuing dducation department. Calicat said, "Classroom space availability is limited therefore if continuing education were relocated we could utilize that space." There are mixed emotions about the fate of the continuing education department, however Calicat pointed out that compromise would be the key factor in the success of reconfiguration. · One student said that no matter what the process some people would be unhappy with the outcome. Numerous questions were addressed such as the lottery system, displacement, room squ~tting, representation, security and exactly who would live where. - Students' input is necessary in arranging a lottery system which is basically fair to ev~ryone. ~he probl~m of displacement will effect the men 10 the wmg that will be female as well as the females in the houses and possibly Counsel where men will relocate. Pete Bisconte, junior, suggested a lottery system according to class, much like th~ o~e presently us~d. The exception would be that the 1uruors who are displaced would go first, followed by the other juniors and so on through the other classes. His suggestion was met with applause during the mee_ting. . The idea of squattmg rooms was discussed but nothing defmite was planned. John Callinan, junior, said, "Its not fair that people will be displaced if they want to keep their rooms". . . Another area addressed was student representation m the proposal, Bruce Kidwell,junior said that the proposal should be drawn up with student input, presented to Currie and then returned to students with any revisions for review. The idea of a suggestion box outside resident assis-, tants' rooms was discussed. Laura Wilson,junior, said that the student body needs the proper representation in the final decision making process. The administration said that a committee had been set up to draw the proposal which included various resident
assistants, Zazyczny and Christy Mason, president of the resident student association (RSA). Amy Lennon, sophomore, brought up the issue of security which was addressed by Doyle. He said that someone would be on duty 24 hours a day atthe gate just within the entrance of Xavier. Also mentioned were parietals. Nothing definite was set but the discussion centered around a 24 hour parietal in the lobby and the normal parietals in the rooms. Many students brought up the point that most freshmen women are kept together in Woodcrest and therefore the men should also be kepttogether to encourage class unity. Tim Fitzgerald, senior, said, "To separate the freshmen would break up unity. Right now I can tell you who lived at Cabrini East, in House 7 and in Counsel
Business office loses friend by Donna Dougherty
because that was very important. It's part of the healing process," she said. No longer will people see the familiar face of Miriam "I always found her to be a very pleasant person Gabe, 50, senior secretary to the business manager, when whenever I had to do business in the business office. The they walk into the business office on campus. She batttled Sisters (on campus) had a very nice relationship with her," cancer for a year before she died on Monday,J an. 25, 1988. Anello said. The campus paid tribute to Gabe in a Memorial Mass "She was outgoing and was always joking around and on Sun., February 14 in which students, faculty and staff teasing us. She kept us on our toes,'' Frances Conwell, members attended along with her family and friends. business office bookkeeper, who worked closely with She started working at Cabrini in August, 1981 and Gabe, said. worked until Thanksgiving this past year. "She was very proud of her Irish heritage and always "It's always encouraging to see ourselves as a campus saying that she was 100 percent Irish," she said. "She comm unity to see students singing in the choir and faculty always teased me that I was only half-Irish, even though and staff members paying their respects. We're there in my father came directly from Ireland." spirit to support her family members and also to pay Gabe, of Wayne, Pa., is-survived by her daughter, tribute to Miriam," Sr. Bernadette Anello, director of Maureen who graduated from Cabrini in 1981, and her campus ministry, said. son, Paul who lives in Georgia. "After Mass, her farnilywentto brunch in the cafeteria "She loved Cabrini and loved being here," Conwell which provided an opportunity for her family to come said. together to share time with each other. I'd like to credit In her memory, donations can be sent to the American Jim Fitzsimmons, dean of students, for the idea of brunch Cancer Society at 1422 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
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RA. Selections --Angie Corbo, Paula Phillips, Alice Mahoney, Victoria Daywalt, Joyce Mundy, Sandy Bradley, Claire DeSilva and Lou Monaco, sophomores, andLaTonya Lucas, Annmarie Bauerle, Kathy Atzenhoffer and Mike Stevenson, juniors, have been selected as Resident Assistants for the 1988-89 academic year. THEATER-- Lorraine Hansberry's, "A Raisin in the Sun" will be performed on Feb. 19 and 20. A cast and audience discussion willbe held after t~e performance on Feb. 19. Friday and Saturday showtime is 8:00 p.m. Ticket price is $3.50.Note that Friday's show is already sold out and reservations for Saturday's performance is highly reccommended. RESIDENT LIFE-- First semester dorm damage bills will be issued in the near future.
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S.GA.-If you have comments or inputs concerning housing for next year, attend the weekly SGA meetings, Tuesdays at 1 the SGA office.
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because they are all still friends." He continued that its not that he does not like people in his class but instead they never really were given the opportunity to become friends through a dorm situation. Doyle said that he would do his best to keep the freshmen men together but weaved in with the upperclassmen such as the case of suites this year. Jim Fitzsimmons, dean of students, said that the basis for the decision for reconfiguration at this time was due to the maturity of students. He added that Currie has approved the concept and has given 100 percent support of the effort to coordinate an acceptable assignment process. Currie will recievc the final proposal on Friday, March 4.
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loquitur - friday, february ~ 9, 1988
A St. Valentine'sDay Ball
KathySmithand CathyCurrie,Juniors,(left)celebratea sweet ValentinesDayalong with Megan McHale, EileenZebrowski, KathyHibbard and friends, (above)at the 4th annual Valentine'sMansion Ball on Sat., February 13. (photos by Steven Pascali)
Internships,windowsto the workingworld by Roe Wellman One way to gain valuable and practical experience, before going out into the working world, is through an -internship. Here at Cabrini internships are available in most program areas. Some are acquired by seniors through their department heads, while other students apply for them on their own. "The intern program was started in 1979 to give students an opportunity to apply their classroom knowledge to work experiences," Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president of academic affairs, said. ¡ In the last three years, especially in the business and English/ communications departments, there has been a pilot program for cooperative education. This program enables students to acquire three credits while also receiving a salary. When asked what kind of work is done at an internship, Beth Ann Bittner, senior, who is working for the Times Herald in Norristown, said "Right now I'm doing rewrites, research, and resource but I did get an assignment. I really do love it." Most internships are offered for just one semester but can carry over into another. Some students are even offered a iob after l!faduation. "Thanks to my internship with ¡ Systems Development Corporation I realized exactly what I wanted to do while also gaining experiance," Angie Agront, ('86), who majored in computer science, said.
"Now I'm a systems programmer with the Unicef Corporation." The internship program offers many advantages for those involved. Not only does one get practical exrerience but also on the job training, familiarity within the workplace and a chance to break into the profession. "It's a lot of hard work but it's great because I'm learning and now I have something to look forward to." Lori Johnson, senior, whoisinterningatthe Valley Forge Sheraton, said. In each department there is a different intern program set up. The biology department requires 90 contact hours along with a research paper and an oral presentation. "All seniors must do an internship in the area of science that interests them because it is a great help to them for the future," Anna Kruse, chairperson of the biology department, said. Donna Collins, ('84), majored in biology and found this to be true. "After interning with no pay I was offered a job a week after graduation and now I'm supervisor of a laboratory at Bryn Mawr Hospital," she said. Dr. Jolyon Girard, chairperson of the history department, requires that the students who intern keep a day to day journal. A midterm and final report done by the supervisor of the intern must also be submitted. "If a student takes advantage of it, plans it well and does the work, an internship is very rewarding," Girard said. Mike Johnson, senior, majoring in history, is now interning in Wahington, D.C. for Congressman Peter Kostmayer of the 8th district in Bucks County. in
Washiiigton,D.C. "I handle constituent complaints, such as ocean dumping, which was signed and mailed to about 1500 contituentsplus basic office work," Johnsonsaid. "lt'sthe best thing I've done in college," he said. The English and communications department, headed by _Dr.Jero~e zw:ek, offers a course on pre-internships. This course 1srequired of a students before they enter into an internship. No more than six credits can be awarded for those ~ho intern. Zurek said,"Internships are nice because the mtern works in a professional environment related to what they want to do while also making a lot of contacts." Not alt interns are paid. Many just work for.the credits and to gain on the job training. Others are lucky. "Not only was I paid but they also paid for my books and tuition," Steven Westhead, ('87) ,who interned with Vanguard but now is working for Wheelways insurance said. "It was a great opportunity." ' Many times an internship can also point the student in the right direction. "I graduated with a dual degree and because of~e internship I had with Herb Denenburg of CBS I realized I wanted to work in communications " Jeanne Pilcick, ('84), who is now working at WCA U, said. Internships are great opportunities that are offered !or students which help them in their perspective fields of mterest. Those that are invoved with internships acquire a lot of outside knowledge that is very valuable when they graduate.
Recruitmentextendsbeyond obvious by Mari Bogie
whom it should advertise. "We have not done any advertising since last September but instead did marketing research. The money we would have used for advertising, we put into marketing consultants," Kolodzinski said.
creasing lately because the admissions office is doing a lot more telephoning to prospective students. Each counselor has a certain geographic area and maintains a personal connection with students in that area.
. ~ccording to Kolodzinski, some prelimmary results show that Cabrini should "Over the years we have advertised in change its advertising. "We are trying to college catalogs, on radio and through make a much more perosnal approach to direct mail," Diane Kolodzinski, director, our market~g process. We are trying to public_relations, said. concentrate on the peop)t who are really She said that in the direct mail process, interested and who would make a good Cabrini buys names of high school stu- match. We can then build a rapport bedents through the SAT Board according tween admissions counselors and potential students," Kolodzinski said. to demographics, SATscores and intended Nancy Gardner, director of admissions majors. Presently, Cabrini is engaging in market research to determine where and to said that applications to Cabrini are in~
"So far we have five students who have applied to Cabrini from Paul VI high school(HaddonHeights, NJ). One of our teachers, Donna Colliton, is a graduate of Cabrini and is on the recruitment staff, so there is good contact between our high school and Cabrini," a representitive-from the guidance department at Paul VI high school, said.
Prospective students--where and how does Cabrini find them? The Admissions and Public Relations departments at Cabrini mainly concern themselves with this job. Where do they look and for what degree of quality are they looking?
Cabrini also has long term goals in mind because it is trying to attract more males and minorities. In addition, the
quality of applicants is being reevaluated. "Last year the students we accepted had SAT scores that were higher than previous years," Kolodzinski said. "Some preliminary results (final results will be available in approximately one month), are that high school students who are applying to Cabrini are also applying to schools such as Saint Joseph's, Villanova, West Chester, Penn State, Temple and Glassboro Universities. Theseareourtop competitors and this is also very good company for Cabrini to be in," Kolodzinski said. Kolodzinski said, "The main goal is to persuade prospective students to visit Cabrini. Once they visit, see our campus and meet the people, they are sold."
loquitur - friday, febraury 19, 1988
Sam Vasiliades:
Being a friend to everyone by Lee Mirenda How often do we get up in the morning and somehow know that it is going to be a bad day? A walk through the Widener Center before morning classes could produce a greeting of a warm smile and a friendly "good morning." lt;s a nice feeling to be the recipient of such a friendly greeting that can be a bright spot in a bad day. There is a person on this campus who has the genuine friendliness to do this, his name is Sam Vasiliades. Many students are lucky to know Sam -correction- many think they know Sam. There is so much behind his friendly hellos and good mornings, that it would take a volume ofLoquiturs to do him justice. Vasiliades, a resident of Havertown, is married and has a son and a daughter. He has been a member of Cabrini's housekeeping staff for one and a half years. He found the job here purely by chance, "I used to be a cook with Seller's and an office cleaner at Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital. I saw the job posted and I decided to apply." Vasiliades had been a cook for30 years when he was a deli, bar and restaurant owner in Center City. He was looking for a change of pace, plus he really liked Cabrini's atmosphere. Vasiliades also has many hobbies and interests outside of Cabrini College. "I'm
a sports writer for the News of Delaware He said, "One of my favorite people at ries, but that doesn't stop him. Vasiliades County and Main Line Times," Vasiliades Cabrini was Father Mark Falcone. He was said, "Anyone can say 'good morning' -it said. His weekly stories mainly cover high an exceptional man, he always had time to doesn't take a lot to be pleasant" He school ice hockey, but have also included talk tome." Frances in the cafeteria is also added, "If someone doesn't acknowledge high school baseball and football, and inspecial to Vasiliades. "She's a super me today, I'll still say 'good morning' to terviews with sports figures such as Bobby person. Frances is like a mother to me-she them tomorrow." Taylor and Billy Barber. stays on my back," V asiliades said. Vasiliades has pride in his work: "I'm Also part of Vasiliades' past is playing V asiliades' most favorite part of Cabrini the best that I can be." He doesn't take baseball. He said, "I played minor league is the students. He said, "I, treat the · time for granted and lives every day to its baseball for two years. I knew I wouldn't freshmen as if they were my own children. fullest. make ittothemajors." Hethenmovedon I'm 52-years-old and they make me feel Vasiliades is genuinely concerned for to playing professional softball in Philayoung. I can tell if a kid has a problem - Cabrini students, he feels that since he has delphia, coaching fast pitch softball, and I go over to talk to them and hopefully in experienced a lot in his life he can help now he is a Pennsylvania Interscholastic five minutes they'll have a smile." them. "I'm here for the kids if they need Athletic Association (PIAA) UD).pire. He sometimes gets frustrated when me," Sam said, "Just tell the kids, I love With all of this experience, he was more people don't acknowledge his pleasantthem." than qualified for the coaching position of <:t:) the Cabrini women's softball team. "Maybe I was over qualified, but my resume laid in Dzik's office for three weeks," said V asiliades. While he was waiting for a response from the Athletic Department, he began receiving contracts to umpire high school baseball games. Since he received no answer about the coaching position, Vasiliades withdrew his application for soltball coach and signed the contracts to umpire. Vasiliades said, "I signed those contracts to umpire and I plan to stick to it. I raised my two kids to be honest, so how can Igo back on my word (to umpire) and still look them in the eye?" SamVasiliades,a familarface in the WidenerCenter. V asiliades has a few favorites at Cabrini. (photo by Denise Hurley)
A Raisin in the Sun 11
Black theater comes alive by Amy Lennon "What happens to a dream deferred ...? It dries up like a raisin in the sun." Lorraine Hansberry's, "A Raisin in the Sun," is a famous play about black America now being presented by the Cabrini College Theater. It takes the audience back to the southside of Chicago in in the early 1950's to visit the home of the Younger family. The play shows the trials and dreams of this poor black family and the struggle they endure to survive in hard times. It also defmes the difficulty of black achievement in a dominant white society. . There is a conflict within the family as well as the conflict within society. Lena Younger, "Mama" (Karen Clark, alumna'87) is the strong central figure of the Younger family. She is torn between what she wants for her children and how to give it to them.
Her children are also head-strong and each have their own individual dreams which they strive to make realities. Walter Younger (Harvey Hynson) has many dreams of succeeding in the world, but feels that his dreams are deferred by white society, black women and "Mama." He must deal with his conflict with his sister, Beneatha (Lisa Mason, senior) which stems from her realistic attitude opposed to his constant dreaming. Determining dreams from reality, belief in God, and respect for self, family and money are the major themes of "A Raisin in the Sun." The climax to this family's struggle is when Walter has to make the decision to choose between money or becoming a man and stand up for his self-respect. There is a side plot of Beneatha choosing to date . Joseph Asagai (Gary Burnett, freshman) who is an intellectual understanding man from Africa who appreciates the beauty in life, or to date George Murchison (Roy Bowser) who is a stereotypical rich kid who wants only one thing--sex. Travis Younger (LaTonya Lucas, junior), son of Walter and Ruth, provided comic relief with the levity of his priorities and goals. "The laughter is healing. The actors allowed me to be humored within all the seriousness," Ruth Santoni, continuing ed, said.
radio on top of a beat up chest and the view ot a bncl<wall from the kitchen window is evidence of the careful attention to detail. Many of the actors are glad that Jeanne Fisher director, theater, noticed the lack of black productions and decided to direct the play. Students also feel that the play has made the campus more aware of the Black Student Alliance and that it, therefore, is a step in the right direction. "I am very overwhelmed by the courage of the students. We have had rehersal every day since Christmas break. This is the first play I have been able to sit and watch the whole thing and it is very rewarding," Fisher said, The play is sold out for Friday, Feb.19 and tickets are $3.50 and should be reserved for the Saturday, Feb, 20, performance .
· "A Raisin in The Sun" is Cabrini Theater's first black production. All the actors are black except Kevin Koknar,, who plays Karl Lindner, the "welcoming" committee from the white neighborhood the Youngers are planning on moving into. The acting in this play was outstanding. Only two out of the eight actors and actresses had ever been in a performance before. Yvette Ousley, senior, who played Ruth Younger, Walter's wife, was intense and touching in the portrayal of her character's strife. "I was impressed by the quality of acting of those for whom it was their first performance," Brad Millaway, freshman, said. Many of the actors feel that the reason they played their characters so well is because they could relate to them. In order to act well the actor often becomes the person they are portraying. The scenery is authentic as it places the audience in the home of a poor black family in the 1950's. The picture of Lisa Mason, senior, and Ga,y Burnett, freshman, in the last supper on the wall, revealing the family' religiow: a scene from "A Raisin in the Sun.• (photo by Rosanne fJelief, the chandelier missing a bulb, an old fashioned Rosse/lo)
loquitur- friday, february 19, 1988
Localartistdisplayscartoonart in library by KerryGallagher The signinthelibrarywindowreads"ArtShow," but this art show isunlikeanyother art show that the library window sign has ever publicized before. This is a cartoon art show by local artist John Jonik. 50 of Jonik's cartoons are on display on the second floor of the library. The cartoons have received national attention in such magazines as National Lampoou,Playboy, Good Housekeeping, National Enquirer, and The New Yorker, and Psychology Today, just to name a few. J onik has an interesting personality to match his interesting cartoons. He claims he got his ¡start in cartooning in the second grade "drawing such things as pictures of the nuns with machine guns, holding us prisoners." These experiences were made from growing up in Havertown, and attending Saint Dennis School. He attended Villanova University for a year and a half. He got his real schooling,however, at The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, where he studied for four and a half years. J onik got his first break when his first cartoon was published in Golf Magazine in 1970. He lived near Merion Golf Club, where Golf Magazine staff frequented golf tournaments. Jonik caddied and made lasting important contacts at the same time. His first published cartoon is among those displayed in the library. "It is a very crude picture when I look back on it now," Jonik said about that first published cartoon, "But I put it in so people can see the difference in drawing." Cartooning is a unique branch of art. J onik explained the business of cartooning. He compares it to songwriting. "It's very automatic. I very rarely sit down and say "I've got to draw a cartoon," Jonik said. "I scribble ideas down whenever and wherever I get them. I scribble them on a zillion pieces of paper, and I mark them as cartoon ideas with an 'X' in a circle. This separates them from the zillion other pieces of paper I have floating around. Then I work on them when I get the chance. "I mull through all the ideas and find the ones I really like. I sketch real quick, and then work on them more completely later on. Sometimes while I'm working on one idea,I get another idea. so, then I make spinoffs. And then I make spinoffs of my spinoffs. "I use rulers and perspective points. But, I end up slashing it out so it doesn't show all the work. It was very difficult drawing the skeletons of the cartoon characters. "Most of the stuff I draw is really just a logical conclusion. I just take things one step further. For example, one cartoon reads 'Eat. Drink. Be merry. Jail.' Jail is the logical conclusion, especially in these times. I look for the logical train of thought." Jonik belongs to an organization called "The Cartoonists' .Association." The association gathers for parties, cartoon art shows, and gatherings with members of the media. The former secretary of The New Yorker is the agent for many of the cartoonists. She goes arounsd to the different magazines and works on getting fair rates for the cartoonists." While cartooning does seem like an interesting career, it is . i>nly for the most dedicated, talented individuals. "There is absolutely no money in the cartoon business, unless you spinoff. It's almost like the same problem with poets. Poets don't really make any money unless they spinoff and do jingles for commercials.'' The other disadvantage to cartooning is that ''you always have to be wary about the originality of your ideas. People steal ideas like crazy. You can copywright an original drawing, but you can't copywright an idea." Jonik seems to have such creative ideas for cartoons, it's hard to believe that he has problems with originality. His cartoons are also almost international in a way. They appeal to all cultures. Many don't have words, and they're cartoons that anyone cari understand and laugh at, "no matter if you're from Japan or Japip," Jonik said. The cartoon entitled "Old Man/Mr. Death" is Jonik's favorite. So much so, that the cartoon is the only one in the show not for sale. It shows an old man lying in bed and Mr. Death walks in his bedroom door. Attached to the top of the door is a bucket of water that is ready to fall on him. "It's a joke on life. That's what it is," Jonik said. "Old Man/Mr. Death" is also a favorite of art patron and junior, Becky McGinnis.
"Ilove it! That says life. It's going out with a sense of humor. Iabsolutely love it! I want it!" McGinnis said. "It really fits my whole philosophy of my cartoons - making the best of a bad situation," Jonik said. "I liked his literal sense of humor. They really captured my attention. I recognized his stuff from magazines," Kim Kovach, senior, said. Gary Armstrong, assistant professor, fine arts, expressed a lot of enthusiasm about Jonik, himself. "He is a primary example of an alternative lifestyle. He is out of the mainstream of the conventional way of living. He has a gift and he is exploring and expressing it. And I think that is the value of the show for Cabrini students." Jonik's advise to those interested in the cartoon field is to "first of all, have the talent. Really want to be a cartoonist. There is plenty of information around if you are interested. And stick with it."
Jonick's cartoon, "Dancing Still-Life.â&#x20AC;˘ (photo by Karen Sieg/)
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loquitur - friday, february· 19, 1988
Stressing its importance for students by Denise Civa
Some students find that dating is the most important thing in their lives in comparison to academics.
Dating - to some the word evokes feelings of happiness and memories of enjoyable events; to others the word dredges up bad experiences and unhappy feelings. Either way it's looked at, dating seems to be an important influence on most college students lives. Whe.ther a student is dating infrequently, frequently with several people, or has a steady boyfriend or girlfriend, dating usually plays a role in their lives. How large or small a role, is totally up to them.
'School comes first with me.' -Ann Gleavy, senior, "Schoolwork comes. second, and after I've established a relationship, then I'd go back to schoolwork," Christopher Renz~ junior, said.
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On the ottier ·Jiand though, there are those who place their grades and cumulative average first before dating or are able to balance both college studies and a relationship fairly easily. Jeff Hines, freshman, for instance, said he and his girlfriend make a schedule to talk and see each other whenever they have the chance, but his "top priority is schoolwork." Ann Gleavy, s~nior, said, "school comes first with me. Senior year is the first time I went out on weekdays." "I balance my time around it ( dating)," Cathy Currie, junior, said. "Dating's only a weekend thing." Nancy Porter, Rudy Rooyman's counselor, says that juggling academics and a relationship can be tough sometimes with relationships tending to effect students more than academics, but that "a wise person works for balance." Dr. Katherine Preston, director of the Rudy Rooyman counseling center, said "some people have a clear focus on academic success and they don't let the dating scene distract them. For other people, how they feel about themselves has a lot to do with whether they have a date or not. In those cases, the emotional upset about having or not having a date has_ the potential to interfere with schoolwork." For some students, balance depends on whether they have, or want, a short or long term relationship while in college. "I'm still in school. I haven't decided what I want to do when I get out, and I feel it wouldn't be fair to somebody to have a long term relationship when I don't know what I really want," Grace Leuzzi,junior, said.
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"If I found the right guy, I'd want a long· term relationship," Mary Jo Giunco, sophomore, said. "I'd schedule dating around my work." Pam Stinson, freshman, says that right now she wants short term relationships because she'd much rather have a bunch of male friends then just a boyfriend. Preston says that people usually choose a long term or short term relationship because of their age and stage of development. Porter adds that personality and needs play a major part in deciding this aspect of dating as well. _ There are many influences, feelings, and concerns to take into consideration when talking about dating, but when it comes down to it, what are the differences between dating in high school and college? "You have more freedom," Hines said. "You don't have to go by a time schedule. y OU have more independence to do as you please." "I could see my boyfriend everyday in high school, but now I'm lucky if I see him every other weekend," Tracy Grady, sophomore, said. "Dating in college is harder, I think, because you don't have enough time likeyoudoinhigh school," Mary Krimmel, junior, said. Preston says college gives students a great freedom to date and find out what they like and what they don't usually, without pressures from parents and their points of view. "College is a format that continues the exploration of values and beliefs that, for many students, begins in high school and, for some, begins in college," Presto~ said.
loquitur - friday, february 19, -1988
Sharingthe bond as well as the boo_ks by Angie Corbo Do the chimes of wedding bells sound enticing to you in the near future? Have you considered entering into marriage before the completion of college? Balancing a marital relationship and a full credit load may seem challenging to some. According to several Cabrini students, however, this type of experience is not onfy possible, it is rewarding as well. Barbara Mock, senior, said "Going to school has enhanced my relationship with my husband." Mock said that her education has given her an additional means of communication with her spouse. "We can intelligently discuss an article in the Wall Street Journal, and both get a lot out of the discussion," Mock said. Lisa Finn, freshman, on the other hand has increased the proficency of her time management skills. Finn said, "I have to make the most of every minute, limit 'extra' things, and use my time well." Finding time with her husband is difficult, due to their work and school schedules. Therefore, it is important that the time that the couple spends together is spent well, Finn said. In addition to a husband, Finn has a young infant at home. "I read when the baby naps," she said.Managing her time well is a crucial factor in her life. According to Finn, raising her son has confirmed her desire to be an elementary education major. "I think my son has been an influence on my decision," Finn said. Nancy Murphy, senior, and her husband, Mike, agree that her education has ¡ stregthened their family life. "It is a cooperative system," he said. The Murhpy's have three children aged 16, 18, and 19. "Everyone has responsibilities around here. The children and I realize that this is something Nancy has to do," Murphy said. "We want her to succeed.'' Nancy Murphy said "My husband was the main inspiration for me going back to school.'' Though she realized that going back to school would be an adjustment, she feels that her family has helped her through her transition.
Because Murphyis very aware of the pressures and anxieties college students face, she is reluctant to force her own children to enter college. "Kids need to settle down before they are ready to make the commitment such as going to college," she said. Anne Lynn previously attended Cabrini. She then married and took some time off from school. According to Lynn, she has returned to Cabrini now as a person who really wants to learn and finish her education. "I appreciate things like education and money much more now," Lynn said. Going back to school has not altered Lynn's priorities, however. Her family time as well as school time is important to her. "I have my day organized well by setting up time for homework and studying. I spend my morning with my daughter." Finn said. Minnette Cannon, sophomore, also believes that a well rounded education is essential. She has been married since May of 1987. Cannon previously earned her associates degree in nursing and is currently pursueing her bacholors degree. Cannon said, "My _husband is very
supportive towards myschool work." She likes the fact that he does not put pressure on her to neglect studying in order to do something more entertaining for him. Cannon finds that the greatest difficulty she encounters are people's attitudes towardherwhenthey discover her marital status. "Most younger people are surprised and think its strange when they discover that you are married," she said. Despite this minor obstacle, Cannon says she is happy. "I love married life and the atmosphere of Cabrini," Cannon said. Cannon is in school because she wants to learn and further her education. She feels that earning a bacholors degree is important. However, Cannon s.aid, "I could never do this if I didn't have the complete support from my husband that I have.'' John Doyle, assistant director, resident life, is also pursuing a graduate degree from Villanova University. He and his wife, Lisa were married in June of 1987. Currently, they reside in Xavier Hall. As a professional, student, and husband, John Doyle has many demands placed on him. H;is wife, however, is very understanding.
"Lisa see the importance of the things that I do." Doyle said. According to the Doyles, their reception of the college's attitude towards them and their marriage has been positive. ''We have received a gook response from the Administration as well as the students," he said. According to John Doyle, the residents of Xavier have been especially considerate of their relationship. They both have noted a significant change in the environment of the dorm. "They (the residents) have built a respect for Lisa," Doyle said. Dr. Katherine Preston, director of the Counseling Center, can see this experience on both a personal and a professional angle. Recently, she and her husband completed a master's degree program together. They are currently enrolled in a course focusing on spiritual and psychological thinking. Preston felt that it was extremely important not to crowd school work into her "together time" with her husband. "Time management is the key to balancing school work and married life," Preston said. "It is so easy to let the marriage on the backburner .'' In the situation where one partner is going to school, Preston feels that it is importantto get the other spouseinvolved in the education process. This enables each partner to see demands placed on the student academically, socially and emotionally. Preston emphasized the need to support the partner while in school. This makes the process of education more of a joint venture, she said. A unanimous piece of advice was stated by all of those interviewed to all of those who have cosidered the idea of marriage before graduation.
If you are sure that you can manage your time, and have the complete support of your spouse, a marriage is workable. According to Preston, there is a constant choice to make between studying and devoting time to the relationship. However, Cannon said, "Ifyouhavethe support of your spouse, anything can be worked out.''
Black history:
Strength depicted. through photographs The black soldiers from the Spanish American War stand tall and proud in their uniforms ready to fight for their country.
by Roe Wellman
The pictures on the walls tell only a small part of the black history but they do it with vibrant emotion that just reaches out and grabs the viewer. -This is the impression one gets of "Bl~ks
in America: A Photographic Record."
The pictures were organized by the International Museum of Photography at Eastman House and are on display at the Philidelphia Art Alliance. This exhibit chronicles the life of blacks in America from the days of slavery up to the present. Although some of the pictures ~e old, brown and crinkled at the corners, the message was clear: the blacks of America from the 1800's were proud to be black and even prouder to be part of America. The hard times are evident in each picture, be it the old worn suit of a young black man to the bent backs of the cotton pickers, yet all seem to have a gleam of strength in their eyes. Leaders in the fight for equality such as Sojourner Truth, Booker T. Washington and Duke Ellington are not only seen on the walls but also felt through their poignant words. "I think that the whole future of my race hinges on the question as to whether or not it can make itself of such indispensable value that the people in the town and state where we reside will feel that our presence is necessary to the happiness and wellbeing of the community," writes Booker T. Washington in his book" Up from Slavery." The chilling images of slavery, slums, orphanages and horrid working conditions¡ are all present in this memorable and educational display. The importance of religion is evident by the photos' showing small groups of blacks getting together to worship in a one- room make-shift church. Education was important as small one-room school houses are seen with one teacher for over 25 toddlers and children of all ages.
All the photos mirror the story being told, one of pain, sadness and more often, hbpe. As Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed; we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." "Blacks in America: A Photographic Record" is on view in the first floor galleries of the Philadelphia Art Alliance at 251 South 18th St. from Jan.16 to Feb.25.
loquitur - friday, february 19, 1988
Cavs defeat Lions, 79-68 by Shelle Koller
Scoreboard Men's BasketbaH
The Cabrini Cavaliers hosted the Lincoln Lions on Saturday, Feb.13 and defeated them by a final score of 79-68. According to John Dzilc, coach, it was a close game in the first half before Cabrini was able to capitalize on Lincoln's missed shots and turnovers. As a result, the Cavs jumped out to a 22 point lead, scoring the last six points of the half. At half-time, Cabrini led by the score of 44-28, scoring the last six points in the first half. In the second half, Dzilc said, "Lincoln was more aggressive defensively which helped keep them in the game." In addition, the Cavs shot a poor 16-34 from the free-throw line. Although these factors kept the game somewhat close, Lincoln was not able to draw any closer than seven points.
Cabrini 65 - Catholic U. 50 Cabrini 63 • Hartwick73 Cabrini 85 - Wesley C. 84 Cabrini 72 - Wilmington C. 60 Cabrini 84 - Spring Garden 57 Cabrini 50 - Millersville 73 Cabrini 71 - Eastern 81 Cabrini 71 - Otterbein 58 Cabrini 86 - Susquhanna 70 Cabrini 65 - St. Xavier of Ill. 75 Cabrini 57 - Notre Dame of Ca. 43 Cabrini 60 - Del. Valley C. 49 Cabrini 67 - Stocton State 66 Cabrini 73 - Allentown 69 Cabrini 94 - Penn State 67 Cabrini 73 - Lincoln 66 Cabrini 83 - Spring Garden 69 Cabrini 93 - Wesley C. 76 Cabrini 64 - Eastern 72 Cabrini 90 - Salisbury C. 81 Cabrini 75 - Allentown 67 Cabrini 80 • Pbila. Pharmacy 75 Cabrini 79 - Lincoln 68 Cabrini 79 -Alvernia 59
Despite Cabrini's poor foul shooting, there were enough team strengths to offset Lincoln's efforts. "The team played well in the first half, but in the second we lost our concentration and lost a lot of foul shots," Jason Yurchak, freshman, said. However, Dzik said, "The team played well as a whole and rebounded well."
Women's Basketball
The leading rebounders for Cabrini were Anthony Murphy and Marko Gittens, both sophomores, each of whom pulled down 10 rebounds. Gittens also led Cabrini in scoring a total of 18 points and John Aivazoglou, senior, aided in scoring a total of 17 points to Cabrini's victory. This Friday, Feb. 19, Cabrini will once again host Lincoln in the playoffs. According to Dzik, we have the best conference record of the teams, therefore the playqffs will be hosted by Cabrini, The winner of Friday's game willgo on to play the winner of the Spring Garden verses Allentown game for the Northern Division.
John Aivazoglou, senior, scored 17 points for the Cavs in their game against Lincoln on Saturday, Feb. 13. (photo by Mike Stevenson)
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
83 - Wesley 40 55 - Berry 61 58 - Mal)Wood 76 57 - Spring Garden 47 72 - Del. Valley C. 61 62 - Eastern 47 59 - Frostburg 72 65 - Lebanon Valley 60 67 - Newman 50 81 - Swarthmore 56 56 • Allentown 65 66 - Lincoln 49 46 • Spring Garden 55 80 - Ursinus 77 61 - Marywood 64 79 - Eastern 53 74 • Bryn Mawr 59 50 - Allentown 52 77 • Widener 51 92 - Lincoln 34 50 - Holy Family 62
·ob squa Pre-school teacher with a minimum of 2 years or 60 credits in early chil.dhood education. Full time 8:30am to 5:00pm, 12 months, not negotiable. At 2600 S. Broad St, Phila. Pa 19145. Call Marie Di Mento at 467-1500. Nursefinders Service Co· in Bala ordinator Cynwood- FT Mon-Tues 2:30pm ..11:30pm or Thurs- Friday 9:00am6:oopm, Saturday 2:30pm- 11;30 pm. If interested call Carol at 6672900. Free room and board for a male student in exchange for being a companion to a 10 year old. Music and science interests. If interested call Susan Martel in King of Prussia at 2548206. Work Grant students needed to work in the campus ministry office and in the game room. If interested see Rita Calicat for information.
Free room and board in exchange for babysitting 2 girls. If interested call Dr. Alice Wong at 3373059(home) or 5420385(work). Free room and board in exchange for a small amount of babysitting and cleaning for a female student starting 9/88. Call 293-1718. Salesperson needed at Conran's in the King of Prussia Plaza. PT and FT positions available and flexible hours. Call store manager Kathy Cruice at 337-8322. Part time clerical position open at the Radnor Corporation Center. No typing required. Flexible hours with salary of $4,50-5/hour. Call Laura Shur at 688-6000.
Office cleaners needed for the Berwyn, Radnor, Plymouth Neeting and Fort Washington area. 46 hours, Monday through Friday. Must supply own transportation. If interested call RealtyServices Co. at 546-3344. Inventory specialist- no experience necessarytraining provided. Must have driver's license, telephone and transportation to office. $5/hr., PT/FT or Sat. only. If inter.ested call Liz at the Washington Inventory Service at 532-1666.
Room and Board for a female student in exchange for light housekeeping and childcare for a 6 and a 9 year old. Babysitting usually in the evenings. If interested call Jane in Ardmore at 896-6326.
Environmental Services Division of ARA Services Inc. has openings in its accounting and research and development department in King of Prussia starting 2/19. Also are seeking trainees and experienced housekeeping personnel for PT or FT evening positions. Hours are 311pm and 611pm. Hiring rate is $5.25 per hour. Call 6678023 between 10 and 3pm for interview times. Local group interviews may be arranged.
loquitur - friday, february 19, 1988
Knee injul)·:
The scar that can haunt you for life by Rebecca Rebalsky . ~av\ you ever heard of_an an~enor cruciate • ~ow about a medial meruscll;S, or a condition known as chondromalaoa patellae? . These terms are not restncted to the lexicon of Latin scholars. On the contrary, they are household words to countless Americans who suffer knee injuries every year. Chondromalacia patellae, a common cause of pain in the knee, involves breakdown of the cartilage lining the back of.the kneecap, according to Dr. Thomas Barton of the University of Pennsylvania Sports Medicine Center in Philadelphia. The anterior cruciate is a ligament of th e kn ee which prevents th e fr ont part of the tibia from rubbing against the back part of the femur. The medial meniscus is a cartilage in the knee region which bears the weight of the leg, stabilizes the joint, and absorbs shock. Damage to the anterior cruciate or the medial meniscus constitute two of the most common types of knee injury, often requiring surgery, according to Dr. Steven Wertheim, also of University of Pennsylvania's Sports Medicine Center. Then, of course, there are additional types of knee injuries which do not need surgical intervention, but can still be debilitating.Strains and sprains fall into this category. Paul Gaffney, physical therapist with King of Prussia Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Center, says that many people mistakenly use the terms strain and sprain interchangeably. "It's important to make the distinction," he said. "A strain involves the muscles that control the knee joint, while a sprain affects the ligaments." Both strains and sprains are identified by varying levels of severity. For instance, a first degree strain is a partial tear of muscle fiber. It can be incurred simply by walking or jogging. The more serious third degree strain occurs when the muscle which is attached to the tendon around the joint tears away from the tendon.
A first degree sprain is a partial tearing of the ligament from .the bone. A third degree sprain involves a complete rupture of a ligament from the bone and often requires casting, according to Gaffney. Gaffney says that first and sometimes second degree strains and sprains can be effectively treated in the first 48 hours after the injury by the RICE method. RICE is an acronym for: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Third degree strains and sprains usually require surgical intervention. Gaffney identified two basic causes for knee injury. One is a direct blow or impact to the knee. He illustrated this ·th an example of a quarterback who is Wl preparing to throw a football,and is hit at the knees bya defensive lineman. The other ca~seis a wrenching or twisting of the knee which can be accidentally self-inflicted as in the case of Mike Charvala, junior. '
'Those with a far greater risk of knee-injury are adult 'recreational' athletes who do not exercise consistently.' Charvala tore the anterior crudate of his knee while skiing last January. "My skiis got stuck in wet snow," Charvala said. When he tried to extract his skiis, he twisted his knee. "I knew right away that I couldn't walk on it," he said. Charvala was admitted to Bryn Mawr Hospital's emergencyroom, where he was told that his kneebone was not broken. However, pain persisted and a few days later he went to Orthopedic Associates in Bryn Mawr. Physicians t_here diagnosed damage to the anterior cruciate and part of the knee cartilage, and told Charvala that an operation was necessary.
After undergoing arthroscopic Gaffney said that young, competisurgery, Charvala was inrehabilitationfor tive athletes at all levels--professional, about two months. collegiate, or even high school--generally Ed Rowe, assistant men's basket- have well-developed exercise programs ball coach, also injured his knee by twisting for flexibility and strengthening. For this ' it. reason, says Gaffney, these athletes Rowe, who works as a fleet experience fewer knee injuries. service agent for US Air, regularly lifts Those with a far greater risk of heavy pieces ofluggage. On the day of his knee injury are adult "recreational" accident, he was working on his knees in- athletes, who do not exercise consistently side a small area of the plane. He tried to but perhaps play a pick-up game ofbasketraise a heavy suitcase, and wrenched his ball occasionally. ---------------knee while doing so. "At first I thought it was just an 'Perhaps the only aspect innerbruise, but thepainkeptincreasing," said Rowe.At one point, he said, the pain of knee injuries which rewas so intense it kept him awake at night. mains the same for both He was finally diagnosed as havd hi t athletes an non-at e es: ingdamaged a cartilage lying between two bones of his knee. Two weeks ago, he was a knee injury can haunt admitted to Metropolitan Hospital in f , Springfield for surgery. you for Ii e. Rowe is on crutches now, and can be seen on the sidelines during the Cavaliers' home games, but he is not able to travel to many away games. Once his knee has had a few weeks of rest and he has grown accustomed to crutches, Rowe says he hopes to begin recruiting and scouting again. However, because his job at US Air involves tasks which put strain on the knees, Rowe will not be able to return to work for a month and a half. How can knee injuries--which prove so troublesome--be prevented? "By maintaining a good flexibility exercise program," answers Gaffney. "This involves quadricep and hamstring stretching." The hamstring and quadriceps are the muscles of the knee joints. However, Gaffney cautioned that the popular "hurdlers' stretch," an exercise in which one lunges toward a bent front leg, while the other leg is extended in the back, can be harmful to the knee. "This places abnormal stress on the leg in the bent position," he said. "Deep squats are also not recommended."
"The adult athlete is usually not involved in proper conditioning techniques," said Gaffney. "After playing a game of tag football, for example, an adult might go home, sit down, and watch TV. The young, competitive athlete, on the other hand, is trained to do stretching exercises after strenuous physical activity." Perhaps the only aspect of knee injury which remains the same for both athletes and non-athletes alike is this: a knee injury can haunt you for life. Like chronic back pain, knee injuries are almost always recurring, says Gaffney. "The bottom line is that once you have experienced a knee injury, you become more susceptible to have another one," he said. Charvala would agree with Gaffney. A few weeks ago, only one year after successful arthroscopic surgery, Charvala' s knee "went out" during ,a casual game of basketball. "I just nursed my knee back to health and took it easy for a while," _hesaid. "I guess thisis something which is going to affect me for the rest of my life."
Winter Olympic Schedule Saturday, February 20 Noon.{;:00p.m. Bobsled Alpine Skiing Biathlon Ice Hockey (Fin. vs Swede.) Ski Jumping Ice Hockey (Can. vs Fran.) Speed Skating Figure Skating 7:00 p.m.-11:00p.m. Ice Hockey (Pol. vs Switz.) 11:30 p.m.-Midnight Olympjc Overview
Sunday, February 21 11:00 a.m..{;:00p.m. Figure Skating Bobsled Cross Country Speed Skating Alpine Skiing Ice Hockey (URS vs Czech.) 7:00 p.m.-1t:00 p.m. Ice Hockey (Aus. vs Nor.) Ice Hockey (Fran. vs US) 11:30p.m.-Midnight Olympic Overview
Monday, February22 8:00 Cross Country Skiing Ice Hockey (Fin. vs Pol.) Alpine Skiing Ice Hockey (Swed. vs Can.) Figure Skating Speed Skating Ice Hockey (Fran. vs Switz.) 11:30 p.m.-Midnight
Wednesday, February24 8:00 p.m.-11:00p.m. Figure Skating Nordic Combined Alpine Skiing Ice Hockey (F.R.-3 Games) 11:30p.m.- Midnight Olympic Overview
Thursday, February 25 8:00 p.m.-11:00p.m. Cross Country Skiing Alpine Skiing Ice Hockey (Final Round) Figure Skating 11:30 p.m.-Midnight
Olympic Overview
Olympic Overview
Tuesday, February 23 8:00 p.m.-11:00p.m. Biathlon Nordic Combined Ice Hockey (Final Round) Figure Skating Speed Skating Ice Hockey (Final Round) 11:30 p.m.-Midnight Olympic Overview
Friday, February 26 8:00 p.m.-11:00p.m. Alpine Skiing Ice Hockey (Medal Round) Biathlon Ice Hockey (Medal Round) Speed Skating Ice Hockey (Medal Round) 11:30 p.m.-Midnight Olympic Overview
loquitur - friday, february 19, 1988
Lady Cavs roar past LincolnLions by Angie Corbo The goal was to score 100 points in their last home game of the season, however, Cabrini's women's basketball team did not get a chance to accomplish this on Saturday, Feb. 13, night in their competition versus Lincoln. The final score read 92-34, in favor of the Cavaliers. Interestingly enough, when the time clock read 2:54, the game ended after a third player from Lincoln had fouled out of the contest. As a result, there were no players left to use as substitutes. Thus, Nilda Guisao, Lincoln's head coach, requested that the game be discontinued. Guisao's team left the court half in despair and half in anger. Lincoln's staff felt that the officials were not making good calls during the game. "Your calls were unfair," was the only comment Guisao said to the referees at the half. Looking at the statistics, it was an impressive game for the Lady Cavs. Everything seemed to be "double." The score at the half saw Cabrini on top, 53-24. According to Gary Firestine, team manager for Cabrini, 30 points is the half-time average for the Lady Cavs while total usually steals range between 12 and 13. In addition to scoring the 53 points, the Lady Cavs were credited with 25 steals. Firestine said, "The girls shot 2030 on the foul line, which is an improvement." He also commented that the number of turnovers was cut in ·half. Dan Welde, head coach, attributes these accomplishments to the speed his girls used on the court Saturday night. According to Welde, "the girls did not slack off, despite the calibur of the com petition." Lincoln is placed sixth out of six teams. The Cavlaiers are placed fourth in the league. "I was very satisfied with the game. Everyoneplayed well,and everyone got to play," Welde said. "Our transition was excellent. The giris did a great job of keeping the ball in bounds after Lincoln
scored. It was definitely our best first half of the season." Cabrini's men's head coach, John Dzilc, said, "Welde used his bench well. Everyone got an opportunity to get playing time in the game. The main accomplishment of this game was that players other than the normal starting five were given a chance to get involved in the game." A Lincoln staff member felt that
his girls were not playing as well as usual. Their score at the half was lower than the norm. He attributed many of the teams problems to the number of fouls, and the small pool of substitutes. The Lady Lions only had seven girls, whereas the Lady Cavs have twelve girls. One observation Lincoln's staff made was that Cabrini's Sue Evich was not playing as aggressively as she did the last time that the two teams met. Evich had the pressure on her. She entered the game, knowing that she only was 45 points away from notching her 1000th career point. "It is natural for anyone to get nervous when they are close to their one thousandth point," Fuestine said. Evich was the top scorer of the game with 27 points. She scored 17 points in the first half, and 10 in the second. Christi Courseault, sophomore, was the second leading scorer with 16 points. Only 49 total points were scored in the second half, compared to 77 points which were scored in the fust half. Firestine commented that the improved defense in the second on the Cavs part permitted the Lady Lions to only get 10 points by the Cabrini's women. A probable element that kept the scoring low in the second half was the amount of violence used by the Lions. It was evident to all present that Lincoln women were displaying an inadequate attitude on the floor. The Cavs stayed cool and played it through to the abrupt end. Firestine said, "This was probably the best attended game of the season thus far."
Christi Courseault, sophomore, prepares to score another basket in the Lady Cavs' romp over Lincoln, 92-34. (photo by Mike Stevenson)
This Week At Cabrini ;:;F:--;ri;-;d:-a-y _______________
February 19 through March 3 _:__ T;;;;-hu_r_s--::d:-a-y _______________
February 19 9:00AM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM
February 25 Writing Business Reports; Sponsored by Continuing Education; Wid. Conference Room ~abrini Theater students present 'A Raisin in the Sun" In honor of Black History Month Mardi-Gras Party, Gathering Area;Sponsored by Jr. Class ESAC Division Basketball Championships Weekend Retreat to Sea Isle City, N.J.; Sponsored by Campus Ministry
12:45 PM 7:00 PM
Dress for Objecti_vesWorkshop; Lecture Hall; Learn to dress with impact and style Women's Basketball vs. lmmaculata, Away
Friday February26 9:00AM
"Helping Others Write Effectively" Seminar sponsored by Cont. Ed
February20 9:30AM 8:00 PM
Stress Management Seminar; Sponsored by CE· $25 Cabrini Theater students present "A Raisin in th~ Sun" in honor of Black History Month ESAC Division Basketball Championships
Saturday February27
Sunday February28
1:00 PM
February23 12:45 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 PM
Marchi Academic Council Meeting; Wid. Conf. Room Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Tom Grallsh presents slide lecture- - "How Are Photo Series Conceived and Planned" Student Phonathon sponsored by Admissions· Come sup~ort Admissions by phoning potential and 'transfer students· continues through Feb. 25 · '
Wednesday February 24 9:30AM 8:00 PM
Delta Epsilon Induction, Mansion Dining Room
12:30 PM 12:30 PM
Film sponsored by the Language Department, WCLH Photography Club Exhibit-Exhibit will run though the month of March
Wednesday March2
Thursday Fac~lty Meeting - Proposal by Curriculum Committee Men s Basketball vs. St. Thomas Aquinas, Home
March3 12:30 PM
Film sponsored by the Language Department, WCLH