March 18, 1988 Issue 16 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, march 18, 1988 Nicholas Daniloff:

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxiv, no. 16

Guest at Convocation by Re~ca


he said. Convocation will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the gym. Presentations to be made during Convocation include Alpha Sigma Lambda, the continuing education honor society; DeltaEpsilon Sigma, the national honor society; Psi Chi, the psychology honor society; Lambda Iota Tau, the literature honor society; the Society for Collegiate Journalists; the Cabrini College Honor Society; and Dean's LisJ recipie~ts for the Fall 1987 semester.

The main event at Spring Convocation on Friday, March 25 will be an address by Nicholas Daniloff, a man described by television commentator Ted Koppel as "the most famous reporter in the world." . Daniloff, former Moscow correspondent for U.S. News and World Report, made headlines last August when he was seized by KGB agents on trumped-up charges of espionage and held in the Soviet Union for 30 days. Daniloff was arrested on Aug. 30, 1986in Moscow and taken to Lefortovo Prison, where he was subjected to about 20 hours of KGB interrogation over a 13-dayperiod. Daniloffwaslater moved to the U.S.EmbassyinMoscow, but was still kept under close observation by the government. Eventually, the Reagan administration and the Soviet government made agreements for Daniloff to return to the United States without having to stand trial in the Soviet Union. These days, Daniloff is leading a quieter life. He has returned to his alma mater, Harvard University, as a resident fellow. At Harvard, Daniloff teaches a six-part course which compares how the Soviet and American media have responded to world crises such as the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion and the Cuban missile crisis. "These are crises I have covered either in Washington or in Moscow," Daniloff said during a phone interview last month from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. When not teaching or traveling the lecture circuit, Daniloff, who is of Russian descent, is working to complete a book on his great-great grandfather, AlexanWho's Who Among Students in American Colleges der Frolov. and Universities, the Sbarboro Scholar award, the Daniloff explained that Frolov was one of a group PHEAA Scholarship in Education award, the Student of revolutionaries involved in the 1825 Decembrist Government Association Service Award, and the uprising inRussia. The Decembrists tried to overthrow Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback award for Distrinthe Czar and establish a Western-style constitutional guished Teaching will also be presented. government. The uprising failed and Frolov was exiled to Convocation will be followed by a reception in the Siberia.,.. Mansion. Daniloff says he began researching Frolov's history while on assignment in Moscow. "The book will tell three stories," he said. "My search for my ancestor, the story of my ancestor, and what happened to me." Daniloff says that his great-great grandfather's arrest by Rachel Athelia Anderson and exile can be related to his own incarceration in the "I accepted them for what they were and they accepted Soviet Union. "Reflexes and reactions to certain situations get passed down through generations," he said. me for what I was." Harriet Sistrunk entered Cabrini College in 1963.For two years she commuted from South "Not much changes." Daniloff says he was arrested by the KGB as a form Philadelphia. After that, she resided in the Mansion with of retaliation for the arrest on espionage charges of therestofthegirls.For fourentire years, she wastheonly Gennady Zakharov, a member of the Soviet U.N. delega- black person enrolled at the college. In her confident, soft-spoken voice, Sistrunk explained tion in New York. Although he describes the experience as "revolting," the situation between the white population at Cabrini and Daniloff says it did not significantly alter his perception herself. "I didn't find it too difficult. We both had to learn about each other." She continued to say that she enjoyed of the Soviet Union. ¡ "Russia is a country with a mixture of good and evil," the college, the setting--the whole atmosphere. She made it clear that although it was not unpleasant, he said. "There is a lot of talent, but there is also a great it does not mean that it was easy. There were not any deal of stupidity. I was victimized by the evil side of it." -students that looked like her and there were not any When Daniloff did come home to the United States, professors that looked like her. "The only blacks that it was with a greater appreciation for American values. wereonthe campus were the'help',besidesme,"shesaid. "The freedoms wehaveinthiscountryare wonderful," There was an obvious difference between the rest he said. "The founding fathers dearly saw the need to of Cabrini's population and Sistrunk, but the girls at the divide political power among three branches of governcollege were timid to address the situation of race at first. ment, and to create checks and balances." "In the Soviet system, all the power is concentrated in Later, they became more relaxed about the situation, and a few hands--making possible what the system did to me," were able to discuss relevant matters ooenly and.freely.

Cabrini,stillignorantof needs

inside perspectives..2-3 news.............4-1o features......11-17 sports.........18-29

Meet all of Cabrini's ¡presidents (page 4)

Nothing was left to sit and fester. "I enjoyed the experience that I had. I don't know how it worked ...I really don't," she said. Sistrunk and the rest of the girls got along well. Sistrunk said, "I wasn't there for them to like me. If they liked me, that was a fringe benefit. I had alterior motives." When you possess a trait that sets you apart from the rest of the community, a trait that could possibly bring about negative attitudes, how do you survive? "Temperament has a lot to do with it. I didn't go there to prove anything." She continued to say that it's unnecessary to walk Mound with a chip on your shoulder, waiting for someone to knock it off, Someone might just knock it off accidentally and there will be a confrontation over an accident. She suggested that such an attitude is not a good way to survive. Twenty-five years ago when Sistrunk was a Cabrini student, she did not have a chip, but she questioned a few things about Cabrini College. Why weren't there other black people enrolled? And what type of board representation did she have? more BLACKNEEDSon 10

Person of the week: Vito DiVicenzo (page 16)


loquitur - friday; march 18, 1988 ·· ·

----A glimpse

And I was fine. . . debbie murphy The questions were fired at me in quick succession -- "Do you have hepatitis or does anyone in your family?" No. "Have you ever been to Zaire, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya or Tanzia?" No. Have you received a tattoo, been an intravenous drug user, had sexual relations with a prostitute or been pregnant in the last six months?" Are you serious! Have you experienced night sweats, unexplained fever, persistent diarrhea, or blue or purple spots on or under your skin within the past year?" Amazed that someone could ask so many questions in one breath without cracking a smile, I quickly answered "no" to each one. I was recently subjected to this barrage of questions when I donated blood for the first time. Endless tests and questions are part of the American Red Cross' screening process -- a process that has been upgraded over the past several years when the threat of giving and receiving AIDS began to seriously threaten the Red Cross' supply of blood donors. The screening process is aimed specifically at individuals who have been subjected to the AIDS virus,with or without even realizing it. Bold headlines which read, "If you're a man who has had sex with another man since 1977, you cannot give blood," and "If you have ever had sex with a · prostitute, think twice before giving blood," line the front of the brochures and questionnaires handed out during the screening process.

on your body?!-' "Have you been on any special medication in the last six months?" "How do you feel today?" I remember thinking that even if the Red Cross couldn't use my blood, they could write a book about me. The donor screening process the Red Cross uses is as much an education as it is a means of sorting out acceptable donors from unacceptable ones. A nurse on duty explained to me that the purpose of the rigid sceening process was twofold: it was designed to make individuals who may have been exposed to the AIDS virus, possibly without even knowing it, aware; and the repetious questioning and brash brochures were designed to play on the consciences of individuals who, knowing that they have been exposed to the AIDS virus, insist on giving blood anyway. After an hour of tests and questioning, I was fmally ready to go "under theneedle."Iwasa little nervous, but soon realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. After a needle was put in my arm, I just laid back and relaxed. The only time I doubted what I was doing was when two people across the room threw-up and the lady next to me told me about her first experience giving blood --"Yea, I remember the first time I gave, they had to take me out in a wheelchair -- upside-down. But don't worry honey, you'll be fme." And I was. I couldn't believe it when the Red Cross volunteer told me my "bag was full" -- it was over so quickly.

I sat up slowly and applied pressure on the spot where the needle had been. I didn't feel the least bit dizzy. While I was waiting for the bleeding to stop, a nurse explained to me that a pint of blood wasn't a significant amount to take from the body considering that the human body stores 10-12pints at all times. She also told me it would take approximately 24 hours for my body to restore the blood that had been taken from it, and that until then, I The threat of AIDS, however, was should double my fluid intake to ensure the furthest thing from my mind when I that my system recovered quickly. Fmally, a Red Cross volunteer agreed to donate blood. I told anyone who escorted me to a table where I was asked that I was giving blood because I practically force fed orange juice and wanted to help others and because I was doughnuts. A "Be nice to me, I gave blood fascinated by the thought of my blood flowtoday'' sticker was slapped on my lapel. ing through a sick person's body and Giving blood in and of itself, is an restoring life -- okay the $20.00 lunch amazing concept, but actally observing certificate that my employer was offering and being a part of the whole process is to all first-time donors did influence me a even more so. I walked away that day little. pleased with myself. I felt really great knowing that I had helped someone I After filling out a questionnaire about my medical history, I was weighed, would never meet, maybe even a newborn ("Trust me lady, I haven't weighed less than or a young child who wasn't as fortunate 110 pounds since second_ grade") my ear as me. Giving blood doesn't cost anywas pricked for a blood sample,- and JP.Y blood pressure and temperature were thing, it isn't painful, it doesn't take mu~h taken. While a registered nurse was doing time or effort, and it leaves a person with a this, another was re-iterating the questions feeling of goodness and self-worth -- how I had already answered earlier on a ques- many things in this world can you still say tionnaire -- "Do you have any open wounds that about.


Government was a lot less involved with the welfare of the people back then. We've learned a lot of tough lessons in the past 30 years. Materialism and extreme individualism have their price. The year 2018 is looking brighter and more secure. The sensitivity of our first female president has proved essential in strengthening diplomatic relations and bridging the gulf between the very wealthy and the very poor that has evolved in America. The opportunity for college educations are swinging back again to being open to all people, after a near collapse that closed the doors to everyone but the upper classes. The hot majors for students are in areas solving the problems created, neglected and ignored in the first half of the century. Environmental engineers are demanding some of the highest salaries upon graduation. Their skills are much needed for handling trash and sewer problems. With the retiring of what were called "Baby Boomers" 30 years ago, the human resources and insurance fields have opened up to compensate for what, 30 years ago, was called Social Security. The transmission of information is more important than ever before, especially in relation to fluctuations in the world stock markets. Fresh fruits and vegetables are hazardous to one's health due to fertilizers and pesticides used in the 1970's and 80's. Most now are expensive and are eaten after some of the impurities are steamed out. Homes are houses with two trees to a quarter acre, nine or ten rooms, different exteriors, the same inside. A stroll in the woods is now a walk in a park with a name. Natural, open land is a scare commodity.

If nothing else, the '80's were a learning decade, sort of like the old, old saying "If you play with fire, you get burnt."

Loquitur wishes Cabrini a very happy 30th anniversary! \







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COOIN& (If ... I WIIX&P MV t.&6S.

Edffor: Debbie Murphy

Stall Manage,-: Donna Dougherty, Angle Corbo

NeM Edffor: Jacqui Mc:Cleman Aulltant

Assistant Perspectlws EdltOB: Roe Wellman, laTonya Lucas Featurn Edttor. Stephanie Giardini


........ ,


/ /


Edltonl: Rachel Andel90n, lJsa Brzezlc:kl,

P,mpectlws Edffor: Anne Fahy






Assistant FNlures EdttOB: Jenni Obteeht, Karry Gallagher Sports Edttora: Donna Dougherty and Beth Bittner

Anlstant Sports Editor: Paula Phllllpa Business Managers: Kathleen McCabe and Angle Corbo

-- --~

Copy Editor: Keny Gallagher Anlstant Copy Editor: Denise Clva Photography Edttor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Adviser:

Dr.Carter Cralgle

Adviser. Dr.Jerome Zurek

Staff: Marian Armstrong, Usa Brzezicki, Marl Bugle, Denise Clva, Angle Corbo, l<atll Dougherty, John Dunleavy. Karry

Gallagher, Shella Koller, Kristin Kroll, Amy Lennon, LaTonya Lucas, LH Miranda, Jenni Obrecht, Paula Phlllipa, Ketth Pyle, Rebecca Rebalsky, Ande Romano, Roe Wellman, Patrick Zipfel


f;tt10?G0/CY ? Y~ HMffJI/K&oe. /tlMT100Fll1iY"!

at 20 l 8

Ah, the '80's. The great rise before the fall. The "More" decade.

by Berke Breathed

--- 50 WHIIT'5TH6


Photography Staff: Michele Corrado, Sue HIii, Denise Hurley, Jell Moore,St.,... Puc:all, Roaeanne Rossetto, Karen Sieg!, Mike SteYHOn.

R!PPW MVKNE€CIIP5 OFF.""THeY'/?€ Bei!NP 1H~ 10/t.&r.


L.oqultur Is published -ldy during the achoo! year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, Penntylvanla 19087. Subseriptlon price Is $20 per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuttlon and student fees. L.oquttur welcomes letters to the edttor. Lettera should be signed and the authorship known to tti.edttOB. However, If the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publlcallon and an lnacriptlon Inserted suet\ as "namewithheld at the request of the writer." Leite,- should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. II a letter Is too tong for the available space, the editor may edit or condense It. Lettersto the edttor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorialsand opinions published In L.oqultur are the viof the student edttorial stall and the Individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.


loquitur- friday, march 18, 1988


Infringement by S.G.-A.


To the Editor, I am sure that I speak for many students when I say that I'm appalled by the infringement of student privacy in the publication of the Student Government Association's "Student Directory for 1988." I did not sign a permission release form allowing for such publication of confidential material. This directory is made available to the entire campus community as well as any business person or serial killer who wanders in off the street. So, the next time someone knocks on my door selling pots and pans, I'll know where he or she got my address. As for the other possibility, I wouldn't want to imagine the consequences. This is not my main complaint, however, I am not against the publication of names and addresses for t~..purpose of postgraduate communication among friends. I am opposed, however, to publication without writtencnsent. In other words, I would advise that the S.GA. make available consent release forms for student approval. As for the 1988 publication, I can only hope that it falls into the right hands. At least S.GA. had the good sense not to publish my phone number .



Most concerned, Ande Romano, sophomore

Splitpaths to the same destination by Roe Wellman Who is Malcolm X ? That was my first question when I found out that I had to read The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

to avoid violence ... no matter what the con~ Malcolm X wanted segregation, blacks sequences, no matter who was hurt by the and whites living in totally different areas violence," he said in his autobiography. because he believed that blacks and whites "If it must take violence to get the black were totally different. King spoke of inteman his human rights in this country, I'm gration, blacks and whites living together for violence exactly as you know the Irish, in peace because he believed we are all the ¡ the Poles or the Jews would be if they were same.

Then I thought, "Oh yeah he's a civil rights leader likeMartinLutherKingJr .. " I soon found out how wrong I was to say the names Malcolm X and King in one • breath.

Malcolm X's believed the white man was the devil. The white man was to blame for all problems that blacks had. He thought "iolent resistance was the only way to stop this. A striking part to Malcolm X's life is the fact that he was open to change. In his lifetime he changed his views three times. While he was a young man, Malcolm X was a hoodlum, a thief, a dope peddler, and even a pimp.

Both men wanted equal rights for all black people but chose vastly different approaches. Only after I really got into the book did I realize how opposite these two great men really were.

After prison, in his late '20's, Malcolm X converted to the Muslim religion and becameaminister. He was completely and totally against whites.

Yes, I do consider Malcolm X to be a great man even if I don't agree with his beliefs. Anyone who risks his life for a cause that he believes in and eventually dies fighting for that cause is a great man in my eyes.

After his journey to the holy city of Mecca, his beliefs finally changed. He saw all peoples living in peace and respecting each other, and realized that blacks and whites could live in harmony. Not all whites were "devils".

Malcolm X condoned violence. He felt that it was the only way blacks could get out from under white rule.

"I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the American black man's problem just

flagrantly discrimin?.ted against."

At a speech King gave during a march on Washington, he said, "When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state

I can't help but feel that the greatest loss for humankind and the black man's cause is that the two charasmatic men could not share philosophies to advance their com¡ and cwery city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men cause. men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to King preached peaceful resistance so join hands and sing in the words of the old blacks and whites could co-exist without Negro spirituai 'Free at last! Free at last! segregation. Thank God almighty, we are free at last."

We could be much further along the road of non-discrimination if these two black leaders had worked together to accomplish equal rights instead of splintering their race. Too bad. Together they may have accomplished their mutual dream of freedom. And the entire human race could have benefitted.



loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988

Cabrini College:

Presidents,nurturinga will to achieve by Ande RomanoMother Cabrini came to America with of organizing humanitarian institutions. Throughtheworkofthe leaders of Cabrini her tradition lives. There have been six presidents of Cabrini College-- all of them women motivated through the Cabrini spirit. They are strong woi;nen who have goals. Although many students frequent the library, several notice the tiny room on the second floor behind the periodical section. Perhaps some have seen Mother Ursula, the foundress of Cabrini College, walking through campus and eventually sneaking back to this hidden room where she works for hours on maintaining and restoring the history of Mother Cabrini and the college she inspired. Mother Cabrini's pressence was in the room as her words came from the moutq of Mother Ursula. The sunlight had just reached the peak of the window as it cast a glowing shadow on the portrait of the college's paitron saint. Behind the great wooden desk lie stacks of booklets preserving the precious history of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Going into the Honor Room, carefully tucked away in the remotest part of the library is like entering another era. Here, in this room are the ancient archives -- the mysteries of ages past -- so carefully guarded by t_hewoman who dared to make the Cabrini dream a reality. Mother Ursula casts a radiant glow as she remenisces about the years of the past when the site most students know as Cabrini College was actually an orphanage run by Cabrini sisters.


Mother Ursula Infante, M.S.C.

Mother Ursula was the principal of Cabrini High in New York when she came to her fellow sister's orphanage on 67th street in Philadelphia. The ophanage was run-down and in desperate need of renovation, when the sisters heard of an estate for sale in Radnor, PA. Later, the orphans moved to a new location in Philadelphia, while Mother Ursula stayed on to preside over the newly formed collegiate institution. Mother Ursula was very proud of her girls. "They were always very lady-like," she whispers, as she joyfully leafs through the first yearbook (1961). Life back then seems like fantasy. The Mansion, where the girls resided, was constructed much differently than it is today. "The chapel was where Mr. Battle's office is," Ursula chuckles as she recalls that the tables in the dining room are the same ones from 30 years ago. But Mother Ursula is reluctant to talk of herself. "As long as it is for the good of the College," she says as she unselfishly claims her work to what God willsher to do. But, as many are unaware, Mother Ursula started the school in 1957 with her girls from New York, paid $31,167.50 through the Missionary Sisters, and, within four years, graduated a class of 33 students from one of 933 Catholic women's colleges in the country. By the end ofher term, Mother Ursula's dream was reality. The slogan, "a new building each year" was mor~ than cliche by this time, it was stone. Sacred Heart as well as the library had been built by 1965, and classes were no longer held in the mansion. But it was time for our female foundress to move on. Mother Ursula was called to Milan as Sr. Barbara Leanardo continued in the esprit de Cabrini and undertook the role of the presidency from 1967 to 1968. Enrollment was up to 425 by 1968. The volumes in the library totaled 40,000. The Cabrini College yearbook had a few colored pictures by this time as several plaidskirted girls stoke a golf club above the caption, "Jan swings out." S.GA. had a grand total of 16 members by 1968, and the signs of the times arecapturedintheinside cover picture of the soldires in Vietnam. By

this time, the crown of Cabrini was placed upon the head of Sr. Gervase Lapadula.Sr. Gervase was the principal of Cabrini schools in New York, Chicago and New Jersey. She saw the college through one short year but retired due to illness. The next generation saw the first male graduate, as Edward Walsh, class of 1971 received his• diploma among 99 women. During this era, Cabrini celebrated culture week in which song writers and members of the Pennsylvania Ballet performed at the school. The era between 1969 and 1972 also saw a new administration -- one that was characterized by an "esprit de corps" at Cabrini, and a innate love for students. Sr. Regina Casey was elected to the presidency in 1969, and faced many challenges ahead of her.

Sr. Regina Casey,M.S.C. "Finances were a big problem back then," Casey said, as she remarks that, throught the work of the Board of Trustees, the situation is much better now. Wbfn Casey was a day student at Villanova University, she never dreamed that one day she would be president of Cabrini College. Nor did she ever imagine that she would be SuperiorGeneraloftheMissionary Sisters' congregation in Rome. Nor did she ever fathom executing the chief executive officer position of Three C's Medical Center in Chicago. Casey has learned a great deal from her administration at Cabrini. "I believe in the team appraoch," she said. "It helps to sort out the truth from fiction." This approach that Casey applied throughout her administration at Cabrini has caried over to her

work at the hospitals. However, even though Casey administrated the facility in Chicago, she still keeps Cabrini in mind. On Sept. 25, 1972, an article from Today's Post read,"'the new president of Cabrini College will likely be a member of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart,' an informed source said." Proving the paper correct, the Board of Trustees elected Sr. Marry Louise Sullivan president of the college in 1972. Sullivan is anxious to talk about her days at Cabrini. Eager to recall the pleasantry of the past, Sullivan remebers the special people during the time of her administration. "When I look back, I remember Larry Sedler, Father Rudy and especially Trudy Cancio, my secretary," she said. She recalls the first time men lived on campus and the evaluations of middle states. Currently, Sullivan is the founder/ director of the Institute for Ministry, which deals with pastoral care of migrants and refugees. She also writes and lectures about the life of Mother Cabrini and has just finished a book about Cabrini's inner strength and love of God. The Sullivan administration saw the first male S.GA. president, Joe Silvestrini, and the first male Who's Who recipient, Charles Jeffers. The campus began to change physically during the Sullivan administration. For example, seven houses and the Widener Center were built with monetary aid from the Pew and Widener Trust funds. Finally, a graduate of 1966 returned to her alma mater, not as a regular alumna, but as president of the institution. In 1982, Sr. Eileen took up the Cabrini tradition by becoming the sixth president following the principles of her sisters' ancestory. "Being president," Currie says, "challenges every fiber of my soul. I have learned to listen, to accept opinions, to believe and to have confidence," she says with great strength in her voice.

College has changed over years by Lisa Brzezicki

pus." W asho also remembei:s the strict time Since 1957, Cabrini Collge has grown, schedules. During the week, students had changed its policies and evolved from an all to be back on campus by 5:00 p.m. There girls institution to co-ed. was no talking after 11:00 p.m. or during The history of Cabrini began with the study periods. When Washo was a freshgraduating class of 1961 with a total of 34 man and sophomore, students were algraduates. According to Loretta O'Fria, lowed two 10-minute calls and the radio '61, times have changed since the time she could not be played after a certain hour. entered Cabrini. "I remember the dress As far as the curriculum, Washo recode. We had to wear skirts all the time and members having to take a l2rge number of were not to be seen in slacks or shorts." ..,, credits in religion. "In order to graduate, O'Fria also remebers that you had to be we all had to take 16 credits in theology over single. "If you were married, you had to the four year period that we were here," leave. Only single girls were allowed to she said. attend." To add to the policies of Cabrini in the What about social life? Due to the fact 60's, on Mondays there no visitors allowed that O'Fria was a day-hop (the term used on campus and the students were not for commuters back then) she really did allowed off campus. Mail was distributed not recall much of a social life. She did by being spread out on a table and the girls mention, however, that there were no fished for their letters. dances allowed on campus. When not studying, Washo recalls playThe only addition that O'Fria recalls is ing cards. "Because we didn't have apyTV, the construction of Sacred Heart Hall in I remember playing bridge all of the time," her senior year. "Before it was built, Washo said. classes were held in Grace Hall," she said. There were 53 graduates in the class of 1963. Nancy Washo, '63, remembers mostly When the 70's rolled around, a lot of the restrictions that were enforced. "We changes had taken place. Besides the had to go to mass at leastthree times a week

on campus grew as well. Maria Breeser, '73, recalls Prism. Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan,M.S.C. "Prism was a type of coffee house that Sr. Eileen graduated from Cabrini the school had one night almost every week," Breeser said. "There was also a never suspecting that one day she would be benefit concert held at one time for the president of the institution. With a degree people in Nicaragua who suffered after an in psychology, Currie entered the convent in the September following her graduation earthquake," she added. ruiother change that affected the from Cabrini and began substitute teachfemale population at Cabrini was the ing. From there, her role as president "kind elimination of the dress code. "When I was a freshman, a poll was taken and the of evolved." But, as the presidency and the students voted away with the dress code," college have grown, so too has Currie. "I've learned to prioritize things like Breeser said. never before," Currie says with a semiAn unlimited number of class cuts were . serious, semi-humorous laugh. "My also granted to students, unlike the challenge is to balance pieces amount of cuts allowed during earlier years together while keeping everyone confident and even now. The graduating class of 1973 io do his/her best." contained a total of 98 students. "The greatest strength is its people," Marybeth Salin, '83, was one of the 124 graduates who experienced major Currie says referring to Cabrini College. changes and crazy times at Cabrini. For However, without the support of the example, the addition of the houses and in female tradition of leadership proliferated her senior year, the Widener Center was by Mother Cabrini, the principles of the insititution would be null. built. Currie sighs when she says that some "I think the things I remember most are days she would just like to hear some good the crazy times I had," Salin said. "We news, however, she beams when she recalls used to have beer bashes in the cafe and the how students have grown. "You can say it's inr..f,:u-_puzelLLlvPrP

OTP"t " <:hP ""icl





loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988





years! on 30 succe_ssf1:1l

We encourage everyone to join in the celebration by participating i.n all of the special events planned for the occasion.

-- The Student Services Staff

Positions available for dining room waiters and waitresses, busboys, hosts and hostesses, night cashier, social counselors and life guard at the Concord Resort Hotel at Kiamesha Lake, NY through Labor Day. For more information ell Kelli Palinkas at (914) 794-4000. General offic.e work for financial services .agency in Wayne, 4 hours per day - 5 days per week, $5 per hour. ·Could lead to a full-time position. If interested call Steve Callaway at 687-4017.

job squad in Early Childhood Education interested in the Montessori method needed at Marple-Newtown Montessori Country Oay School for full-time employment. Call Karlie Roth at 359-1942. Graduate

Retail/Sales positions open at Conran's in King of Prussia - PT/ FT; flexible hours, salart starts at $5/hour. Call Kathy Cruice at 337-8322.

Waitress and Salesperson needed for Woolworths in Wayne, FT/PT. If interested call MUS-2496.

Learn the radio business,computerized music system! Typing, general office work and computer experience helpful. Located in Haverlown. Call 78901oo between ·9:ooa.m and 5:30p.m. if inter ested.

PT work in Broomall cleaning business offices. Flexible hours . goodsalary. lfinterested call Paul at 356-7718.

Today's Man is interested in hiring salespeopleand cashiers for FT and PT. If interested call Lori at 337-1200~extension 815.

Business Office needs Work Study Students desperately!!

Spectrum Carpets in Berwyn is looking for a dependable person for customer service, to answer phones, to file and to take orders. Evening hours 5-9,.. and weekend hl)urs available- flexible. Call 6473544. Law office in Paoli is in need of student with good typing skills, able to perform clerical tasks and has good telephone manners~ 3:00 - 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call Shuzman at 889-0770 or 687-1495. Teachers Aid Assistant needed at Valley Forge Country Day School. Flexible hours and negotiable salary. If interested call 783-0115. Day school in Broomall needs early childhood education major for Part-time help Tues.Thurs. mornings 9-12. Possible advancement to full-time employment.

Babysitter needed for 8yr old girl and 5yr old boy one mile from campus. Must have car to pick up children from school and prepare some meals. 4 or 5 afternoons, 3:30 _ 6:30p.m. Excellent pay, references required. Call John McNichol at 293-9563, evenings. Dental Assistant needed in Paoli, will train. If students want . to split hours, job share is possible. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8a.m.5:15p.m. Call Dr.Alderman at 6443776. Denny's restaurant Is now accepting applications for waitresses , waiters, hosts and hostesses. Please apply in person at 372 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, Pa. We offer excellent pay and opportunity.


loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988



Superthon Weekend '88


0 0

FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1988 Game Shows for Dinner and Dessert Featuring:

Wheel of Fortune, at 5 p.m. In the Cafeteria

SATURDAY OLYMPIC COMPETITION with Pete Bisconte as Pat Sajak Torch Lighting 12:30 - 1

and Joel Zazyczny as Vanna White

Roommate Game and Dating Game, at 7 p.m. in

Olympic Games

Xavier's Great Room.

1:00 p.m. Egg Drop, Flour & Life Saver Game, Froozball


1:30 p.m. Hula Hoop, Water Balloon Toss, 3 mile run

9 p.m. until 5 a.m.

2:00 p.m. Bocce Ball, Pool, and Double Dutch

9:30 - 10:30


2:30 p.m. Pie Eating Contest, Obstacle Course



3:00 p.m. 3 Leg Race, Jacks, Ping Pong

11 - 12

Band Competition

3:30 p.m. Sacck Race

12 -1


4:00 p.m. Twister, Pictionary

1 -2


2 -3

Talent Show


4:30 p.m. Feed The Baby, Racquetball, Hot Shot 5:00 p.m. Wor.ld Records


DJ's 5:30 p.m. Tug of War


Continental Breakfast in WCGA


Sleep over in the Student

6:00 p.m.

Government Office




6 - 8 p.m.

Saturday, 10-12 p.m.


Opening the Concert: The Dave'sat 7:30 p.m. Beru Revue Concert at 9 p.m~


SUNDAY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Mass at noon in the Chapel

Dinner 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria Olympic Award Ceremony, at 5:15 in the Cafeteria



loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini:

From Italy to New York, she left a mark by Kerry Gallagher

Cabrini College is named after Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. Many do not have any knowledge about Saint Frances Cabrini or how she became a saint. The following biographyis composed of infonnation. from three books: Francesca Cabrini: Without Staff or Scrip, by Lucille Papin Borden; Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini, by Mother Saverio deMaria, M.S.C.; and My Mission is the World, by Angela Martignoni. Incidentally, Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini was translated and edited by a fonner professor and English department chainnan at Cabrini College: Rose Basile Green, Ph.D. Maria Francesca Cabrini was born on July 15, 1850 toAgostiniCabriniandStella (nee) Oldini in Lombardy, Italy. She was their thirteenth child. Because of her slight, frail features, she was quickly given the nickname "Cecchina," meaning "Little Magpie."Her childhood was spent in spiritual surroundings. After receiving her first Holy Communion at nine years of age, she became a member of the "Children of Mary." She was so enthusiastic, interested, and zealous about the organization, that her companions dubbed her "The Little Saint." When Cabrini was 13, a missionary came to her town scouting for recruits. Cabrini went to him and expressed her interest. But he reportedly tried to dissuade her by telling her she was too ignorant. She became all the more determined and poured over books of information, geography, and atlases, in addition to her school work. She graduated from high school in 1868. When she was 19, her father suffered a sudden stroke of paralysis. He was able to hang for ~ while, but died the next year. Frances was very grieved, and then was hit again by sorrow ten months later when her mother passed away. Rosa, the eldest Cabrini daughter, then took on the resporu.ibility of caring for the family. It was around this time that Cabrini began teaching. She was asked to take the place of an ill school-mistress in Vidardo, Italy. She taught there for a while, but, at the age of thirty-three, she sought counsel from the parish priest at Vidardo, and confessed that the teacher's life wasn't for her. She desired the life of a missionary. So, she applied to the Instiute of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart. She was denied admission with the Institute, who cited her background of poor health as the reason. She had always been sick as a child, and was very weak physically. She made a second attempt and applied for admission to the Canossian Sisters of Crema. Again, her request was turned down. In the meantime, another job opportunity was in her future. A superintendent was needed for an orphanage. Cabrini was asked to fill the position, and did so in August, 1874. But, still she was not satisfied. She did not like the feeling of confinement. She was very anxious to become a missionary. She petitioned the bishop of her diocese. He settled the matter once and for all, saying, "So, you want to be a missionary? The time is ripe for such work. I do not know of any congregation of woman mis-

sionaries, so go and find one." "Yes," she replied. "I will found one. I am off to find a house." She hurried off to the church of the Friars,in the towninwhichshewasstaying. There, she prayed for guidance. Her prayers were answered immediately. Upon stepping out of the church, she discovered a vacant house right behind the church -- just ripe for her purpose. It was acquired on November 10, 1880.

on April 21, she opened an orphanage in New York for the immigrants' daughters. Plus, she established a free school before returning to Italy that July. She traveled back to New York less than a year later. Once again, in the month of April, she made the voyage to America. On this trip, she founded the first American noviciate for her order. After accomplishing this task, she returned to Italy, in August.

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini Cabrini and her newly recruited sisters hastened to clean and fix up the house. They went about putting together a book of rules and regulations for the order. They applied for official recognition from the church, and were granted approval in August, 1881. The Institute began to build. New foundations were made -- four within the next four years. Seven years after opening that first house in Italy, Cabrini traveled to Rome to found a house there. She met with initial disapproval, but was finally allowed to open a school for poor children in Rome. While setting this up in Rome, she began having audiences with Pope Leo XIII. In one of these audiences, she expressed an interest for sending some Missionary Sisters to China. He, instead, told her: "Not to the East, but to the West must your sisters go, to labor among the great number of Italian immigrants." It was at this time that Italians, poor and homeless, were leaving Italy in droves. Cabrini took the Pope's advice, and accompanied by six sisters, took off for Paris. It was there that they boarded an ocean liner headed to New York. They arrived in New York on March 31, 1889. Cabrini immediately set out to accomplish her goals. Less than a month later,

In the fall of 1891, Cabrini only briefly stopped in New York on her way to Nicaragua. She inaugurated the college of Grenada on December 3. She spent that winter doing missionary work throughout Central America. Upon leaving Central America, she took a coastwise ship, passing the Mosquito Coast, coming up towards the United States. She came to New Orleans, and

founded a Mission House there. She then proceeded to New York, where on September 15 she opened Columbus Hospital in a temporary setting. Her biggest achievement in the year 1893 was the founding of a college in Genoa, Italy. By 1894, Cabrini was becoming quite familiar with New York. On Sept. 11 of that year, she returned once again to the famed city with fifteen Sisters, where she stayed for nine months. In June, 1895, Cabrini traveled to Panama, where she began her second tour through Central America. Her major accomplishment on this particular trip was the establishment of the College of Saint Rose in Buenos Aires. The next three years were particularly busy ones for Cabrini. She set up houses in Paris, Scranton, New York, and Mexico. She founded schools in England, Chicago, and Newark, NJ. She also founded another college -- the College of Leo m, in Madrid, Spain. She continued her work in this manner of tight scheduling of accomplishments for the next decade. Her persistent ens:leavor and whirlwind enthusiasm is beyond words. Finally, on March 22, 1911, Cabrini left Rome on her last ocean voyage to New York. Her purpose in this fmal journey to New York was to direct the construction of Columbus Hospital. She practically made America her home for the next five years.During her stay in the U.S., she visitedPhiladelphia, where she founded anew school. In 1913, she traveled from mission to mission in the cities of Chicago, Denver, and Los Angeles. The year 1915 brought on the first evident signs of exhaustion in Cabrini's health. But, despite the fact that her health was failing, she continued her work. She spent a lot of time on the planning of a sanitooum in Seattle. She spent that spring in Los Angeles, and then left for Chicago. Cabrini's health began to steadily go down hill. In October and November, illness threatened her life every single day. Yet, she continued her activities. On Dec. 22, 1917, Cabrini died. She is buried in West Park, New York. The process for her canonization began almost immediately. Pope Pius XI signed the papers to begin the official process on March 31, 1931. She was beatified that same year on Nov. 13 in the Vatican Basilica. Finally, she was canonized on July 7, 1946. She became the first American citizen to be named a saint.

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loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988


The historyof CabriniCollege by Beth Ann Bittner

The growth of the college also resulted iu the expansion of campus facilities and On September 18, 1957, the Missionary resources. Witha large percentage of the Sisters of the Scared Heart opened Cabrini student body living on campus, the college College. Today, the college remains as the had to meet the need for additional housonly institution of higher education ing. founded by the order. Seven resident houses were built. The Cabrini is named in the memory of first three, Maguire, Dixon, and Infante, Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, the first were dedicated in 1979 and in 1980,the last American citizen saint. four houses, McManus,Casey, Lanshe, and

The Cabrini Mansion The campus was once the estate of the late John T. Dorrance, founder and president of the Campbell Soup Company. The estate was sold at an auction to the Sisters路 in 1954. The original campus buildings included: the Woodcrest Mansion, now the Cabrini Mansion; the stables, now Grace Hall and the Gatehouse. The 1960's saw the dedication of many new campus buildings. In 1960, Sacred Heart Hall; in 1962, the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel and the Bruckmann Chemistry Lab; in 1966, the Holy Spirit Library; in 1967, Counsel Hall and in 1969, Woodcrest Dormitory. When Cabrini first opened its doors in 1957, it was established as a four-year college of. liberal arts and sciences for women. The first class to complete four years at Cabrini was graduated in 1961 and totaled 34. In 1970,the institution became coeducational, allowing the men to enroll as day students. In 1975, the first residency was established on campus for men in the b1.1ilding which is now known as the Rudy Rooymans Counseling Center.

contemporary-styled dormitory, opened in January of 1985. The George D. Widener Campus Ceoter, the newest of resource buildirgs, was completed in 1982. The Widener Center houses the Dean of Students offices, student lounges, the WigWam (a snack bar), a game room, agathering area, the bookstore and a mailroom, a lecture hall, 路 the communications center, classrooms, and conference room. This building was made possible through a gift from the George D. Widener Trust and the communications center was funded by the Pew Memorial Trust. Other resource centers that were developed over the years are: the Children's Schoo~ a preschool facility where education majors can receive internship and field experiences; a counseling center for personal, academic, and career counseling; a writing center for tutorial assistance; computer and languagelaboratories, and a fully equipped Resource Center where education majors can find instructional materials. In recalling the past, program development has been an important hallmark in Cabrini's evolution. Highlighted hallmarks include: the first accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and 路, Secondary Schools in 1965; the naming of laymen to the Board of Trustees in 1969; the opening of the evening division in 路'1971; the Children's School opened in


Widener Center

Sacred Heart Hall Sulivan, were dedicated. Six of the houses were funded by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and the seventh was funded through the Pew Memorial Trust, a private source. Xavier Hall, a highly

(photos by Sue Hill)

1974; Continuing Education Division established from evening division iu 1976; Masters of Education program established in 1982 and the Cooperative Education program was established in 1987.



loquitur- friday, march 18, 1988


Dorm life has 'come a long way baby' by Angie Corbo Students, your parents must write a permission slip to the college president before you leave the campus. Your resident assistant, who is a Sister, tells you each night to turn off your lights at 10:30 p.m. Don't forget, you have one morning during the week that you and your classmates must attend mass. Thirty years ago, these statements would have been accepted by the women who attended Cabrini College. Twenty years ago, ,these rules were challenged. Today, thirty years after these laws were enforced, students snicker at the thought of abiding by them. The fact is that 30 years ago, the Student Government Officers sat down with Sister Ursula Infante, MSC, college president and foundress, and established "the rules and regulation" of Cabrini College. Mondays were considered "closed days." No one was permitted on or off of campus grounds. The reason for this was that so many of the residents went home for the weekend and the administration felt that the girls needed a day to "re-group." Quiet hours were enforced from 8 p.m. until 10 p.m. Nophonecallscouldbemade or received during this time, according to Gina DePaolis, '70 alumna. Smoking was not permitted in the rooms. If a resident wished to smoke, she was restricted to the "smoker" area of each dormitory. If a student wished to leave the dormitory,shehadto signinandourofthedorm. Infante felt responsible for each of the

women in the college. Therefore, she kept a close watch on each of them.¡ She felt it was her responsibility to make sure "her girls" were safe and doing what they were supposed to be doing. These rules were in effect for approximately 10 years. From 1968 to the midseventies, the existing rules were challenged. "Society was at a transitional period. Everything was changing and the college was not as progressive as it needed to be," DePaolis said. At this time, men were still not allowed in the rooms of the resident students. It took several years, but visiting hours for males in the girls rooms were established and approved by the mid-seventies. The administration approved this idea, with the condition that the girls would keep their doors open at all times when males were in the room.

were the only housing facilities available to the residents. Dolores Mable and Dearetta Wilson, housekeeping employees, are a pair that have also watched the women of Woodcrest and the resident life department grow. Their observation i&that women today generally have less respect for others and themselves. The use of language and lack of pride the girls have today in keeping their homes clean is significantly different than it was

It should be noted that resident life was not a developed aspect of the college administration until 1973. Prior to this, the president of the college was responsible for the resident students. Sister Bernadette Anello, MSC, director, campus ministry, was asked to be the first official director of resident life. Her resident life staff consisted of sisters who were working full time during the day, and resided in the dormatories in the evening. The first student resident assistants were selected in 1976. There were less resident buildings on campus at that time. The Mansion, Grace Hall, Counsel Hall (today's Rudy Rooymans Counseling Center) and Woodcrest

Life in the dormitory of the sixties.

Tuitionand financial aid grow ov~r years

Cabrini College:

Alumni, living up to expectations by Mari Bugle Are you wondering where you will find yourself after graduation? Just look at Cabrini's alumni. Who are the successful or outstanding people from the past? According to Martha Dale, director of Alumni Affairs, Cabrini does have some outstanding alumni in their fields. In the television field there is Salvatore Urbano '78, who is the sports director of WTKR-TVinNorfolk, VA.. Urbano was an English/Communications major. In the medicine field there is Patricia Redden, Ph.D, '62, who is a Professor and Chairperson of the chemistry department of Saint Peter's College in Jersey City, NJ.. Redden was a chemistry major at Cabrini. She went on to receive her Ph.D

Appalachia '88 Sr. Bernadette Anello, M.S.C., and Francesca Bansbach, campus ministry, accompanied students to two sites in Appalachia, West Virginia over Spring Break. Students interacted with the community while helping them with various home repairs. (photo by Linda Panetta)

years ago, according to Mable and Wilson. Members of the housing committee comprised of various campus representatives have proposed a plan to Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, college president, suggesting that Xavier Hall be reconfigured. Thus, women would live in the North wing of the dorm, and men would remain in the South wing. Men will also have the opportunity to move into houses, if the plan receives approval.

from Fordham University, according to Dale. Another outstanding alumni in the field of medicine is Edith McFadden, M.D., '65. Mcfadden is an Otorhinolaryngologist at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. She was a biology major here at Cabrini. What about those alumni who majored in the field of social sciences, what do they do now? Patricia Reid-Bookhart, D.S.W, '73 is an associate professor of social work at Stockton State College in New Jersey. Thomas P. Nerney, '77, who was a Social Science and Philosophy major, is the Vice President of Marketing at Maguire Insurance Agency. Theresa Cavanaugh, '74, has continued in the field of English/communications and is the Vice President of the Western

by Jenni Obrecht

What can you get for $550today? In 1960, it paid for one year's tuition at Region of Marketing for E.F. Hutton Co., Cabrini College. New York. Mary Beth Senkewicz, '76, Tuition for the 1987-88 academic year who also majored in English/Communica$2,675 per semester for fullhas risen to tions and philosophy, is now a lawyer and time students. Room and board now Executive Director of the Wyoming Bar costs students or their parents $1,975 per Association, (JLD- St. JohnsUniversity), semester as compared to $750 peryeat in according to Dale. 1960. In the education and history departToday many students turn to financial ments there is Particia Dailey, '82, who is aid to subsidize the rising costs of a the Deputy Atttorney General, Departcollege education. However, this money ment of Justice for the state of Delaware, was not always availa6le io Cabrini stu(JLD-Delaware Law School). dents. Alumni who majored in biology According to Beth Lieberman, fmandoing varied work such as Charles Toby, cial aid officer, Cabrini first participated '76, who is the National Account Manager, in the Title 4 program for fmancial aid Flextex Corp. Barbara Lagerquist during the 1968-69 fiscal year. Under Westrick, alumna, is a Regulatory Affairs Title 4, students were able to apply for Consultant for Triton Biosciences, Inc., aid through the National Defense Stuaccording to Dale. dent Loans (NDSL) and the Supplementary Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG). Lieberman said that the .college was allowed a $25,000 level of lending by the government, but only $10,743 was lent out to 13 students under the NDSL program. Today, the NDSL, which is now called the Perkins Loan, has 85 students who receive a total of $89,805 in federal aid at Cabrini. A total of 46 students are the recipients ofSEOG aid for the 1987-88 fiscal year. These students receive $37,950 in comparison to the 15 student participants in 1968-69 who received. $9,800 in SEOG aid. The addition of the College Work Study Program (CWS) at Cabrini during the 1971-72 fiscal year marked a growth in fmancial aid options for students.


loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988


ASPA installation Barbera Mock, senior, (left), is congratulated by Robert Nowaczyk, President of the GreaterValleyForge PersonnelAssociation, at Cabrini's American Society of PersonnelAdministration's (ASPA)installation ceremony. The ceremony and a dinner were held at Stouffer'sin ValleyForge on March 15. Currently,ASPA consists of nine members with Mock serving as president. (photo by Jeff Moore)

Black needs from 1 She was president of Cabrini's Black Student Union and she added her maturity and support to the group. She tried to btidge race gaps, and tried to be an advocate for the black students. Because during that era, they really needed one. "Where are you recruiting black students from?" and "why is there a lack of black professors at the college?" are spunky questions she asked back then to foster a better environment for the black students. Why would a person select a school where they know they will definitely be the minority? Randall says that the lack of blacks was more of a reason for her to come. She went to a college fair, saw Cabrini's table, and approached Dr.Joseph Romano, then chairperson of the philosphy department, with an intense question. "I want to be a medical student, what can you do for me?" He promised her a lot of opportunities, and when she arrivedon Cabrini's campus, hegaveherhissupport. He gave his support to all the black students, she sai<l.And although there was only one black professor that taught al Cabrini then (he was only part-time), the school tried to "have black role models come in," she said. "Black Eleanor Holmes Norton is an expert on some of the identity is harder to formulate at this age level." Dr. M.L. CorbinSicoli, associate professor, psycholmost important issues of our day dealing with family, ogy, also supported the black people on campus. As a affmnative action, racial and sexual matters. matter of fact, she and Randall discussed trying to bridge To commemorate the institution's 30th anniversary, a gap between whites and blacks. "She was a real mentor Cabrini College will sponsor her lecture, Tuesday, March tome," Randall said. "We've gotten to be very close." She 22 at 7:30 pm., in the lecture hall. explained that during her time at Cabrini, Sicoli was strict. Norton is a Yale Law School graduate, she attended "She's a very generous person in trying to help students Yale's graduate school and Antioch College. Currently grow." Randall and a few of the other black students on she is a professor of law at Georgetown University Law campus explained to Sicoli just how the situation was for Center and is also in the process of writing a book on them. Sicoli taught them how to communicate their the development and impact of anti-discrimination law and affirmative action remedies to foster public under- situation to others. She taught them "not to be a whole standing. This book is not her first time writing profes- lot of fan fare, but to back it up with facts. She had us sionally. Norton co~authored the book, Sex Discrimina- reading black journals when we were trying to read Essence. Cabrini taught me to get the substance as well as tion and the Law: Causes and Remedies. the facts," she said. Norton has held an historic postion in Washington. She Although Sicoli and Romano were able to relate to the was the first woman to chair the United States Equal black students on campus ten years ago, Randall said that Employment Opportunity Commission in Washington not all professors can relate. "Yes, you are going to have D.C. and the New York City Commission on Human professors that have never learned to relate to black Rights. people ...never. You hear me ...never." After gaining insight on what the situation is like for Cabrini's current black community, Randall gave advice. "You can't be silent. You have to speak out. Cabrini not going to give you anythingjust because you're black have to earn it." She graduated with five black people in her class. She's now a counselor psychologist at Temple University and her degree from Cabrini is hanging on the wall in her office. "I'm proud of it," she said. Randall said, "This black woman is glad she , found Cabrini and got through it." Zina Wilson entered Cabrini during the 1980's. By this time, one might expect that things had changed. But Wilson gives an account of her situation that illustrates that a new decade did not bring any changes. "Me and Gary Smith were the only black people to come to Cabrini that year. I was the only black girl and he was the only black guy," she said. She looked around the campus and said, "Where are all the bl~ck pe~ple?"

So, she found that she was in the minority. Why did she stay? Why did she come? She explained that when she was in high school, Cabrini sent a representative to her school. She listened to the speech. "It seemed pretty interesting," she said. Wilson had a lot of influence. Her cousin was already enrolled at Cabrini and when she came to visit, the Black Student Union threw a function that interested her even more. "The fouryearswerefunbecauseimademyown fun," she said. Wilson, who was dubbed "Zeen the Queen" during her collegiate years, had an attitude that hardly clashed with any other indi-..iduals. She was confident, swift and onthe-ball. So it is not surprising that she "never had any racial problems." She said, "I think it's the attitude." "Of course there was some prejudice," she explained. "Especially in Woodcrest." During Wilson's undergraduate years, she spent most of her social time in the houses. "The houses seemed like a more family type thing. In Wo_odcrest,it seemed so confmed, I stayed to myself," she said. Wilson suggested that perhaps this type of environment fostered prejudice feelings because students were so apt to form cliques in order to fit in. Wilson may not have experienced outright prejudice, but she, like the others, realized the lack of accommodations for blackstudents. Thelackofblackclasses bothered her. The lack of black faculty bothered her. She said, "Since they have blacks in the college, they could have black professors." There was one black female English professor. According to Wilson, she didn't stay long -- only one semester. In her opinion, she was dismissed because the white population didn't appreciate her. "The white people didn't appreciate her because she was black, and she sometimes spoke broken English," she said. Wilson said that she spoke common colloquial terms that anyone would sav. But the students made this a strike ""ainst her.

She did not enter trying to prove herself, but Sistrunk did leave the college with something to think about. "I did let them know that I am a human being. I can achieve." It's 1977, 14 years later, and the situation ·is drastically different. · Theresa Randall is a 1981 Cabrini College graduate and she told her story--race relation problems and all. Randall said, "Being black at Cabrini was challenging, not hopeless." A lot of the problems had to do with "communication between white and black students," she said. "The college is small enough that it should foster communication but it didn't." In her opinion, there was definitely an element of separation. Randall was 26-years-old when she entered. She said she brought with her maturity and a sense of who she \Vas. These traits were essential elements that helped her succeed. ,---------------------

Norto·nto lecture

~~~~f~~ LIBRARY--The library committee needs volunteers



to help with the Antique Car Show on March 26. They need help with parking, entertainment, food and concessions. Wayne Dealership will be there auctioning cars off. The money that you pay for the car is tax deductible. All proceeds will benefit the library. For more information call ext. 8535. THEATER--The members of the cast for "A Diary of Anne Frank" are as follows: Rosanne Rosello as Anne Frank, John Doyle as Mr. Frank, Ruth Santoni as Mrs. Frank, Amy Garon as Margot Frank, Andrea Thompson as Mrs. Van Daan, Dr. Cater Craigie as Mr. Van Daan, JuddSerotta as Peter Van Daan, Terri Smith as Mr. Dussell, Stephanie Hornyak as Miep and John Alzavaglou as Mr. Kraler. "Diary of Anne Frank" will be performed on April 15-17, 22-23. Friday and Saturday perfo~mancesare at 8:00 p.m. Sunday's performance will be at 7:00 p.m. call to make reservations at x8510 or 971-8510. PARKING--All residents must park off campus on the Valley Forge lot on March 19 during the Classic Car Show.


loquitur - friday, march 18; 1988



Influencing society, yesterday and today by Shelle Koller It beganintheSpringof1954. BillHaley and The Comets released "Rock around the Clock." Elvis wiggled and jiggled on stage leaving teenage girls breathless and their parents outraged, and Fats Domino found his thrill on Blueberry Hill. These, and many more oldies-butgoodies gave current rock stars their roots. According to the book Rock Era, the do-wop music of the fifties "offered a release from the real tension of McCarthyism." Top 40 radio originated when AM radio announcer, Todd Storz, was sitting in a bar in Omaha, and noticed people playing the same hip tunes over and over again on the jukebox. It happened that there were 40 slots on the jukebox, so Storz decided to use 40 songs on his playlist, and top 40 radio was born. Aug. 4, 1957, Dick Clark's "American Bandstand" hit the music scene in Philadelphia. "Bandstand" became a visual top 40 station, in which the teenagers could participate in the music. Heartthrobs like Fabian Forte and Frankie Avalon performed on the show for their peers. Philadelphians became national trendsetters in clothing and dancing. According to Rock Eras, "Bandstand" helped to create an awareness of rock'n'roll as a shared national phenomenon. The '80's came to an end with the death of singers Buddy Holly and Elvis. The sixties were upon us. The '60's were a decade of protest. Young men burned their draft cards, and women, their bras. It was an era of sit-ins, flower power, getting high, deaths and the assassination of President Kennedy. It was a decade· of social unrest and change. A decade where music reflected society. The, groovy music of Paul Simon's "Fifty-ninth Street Bridge Song, was a great dope song," Rock Era quotes an anonymous music listener of the '60's. "It's easy and the ideal accompaniment to a joint," he said.

The clothes of the '60's reflected as much of the society as the mu~ic. Psychedelia surfaced. People wore mini-dresses, graffiti prints, peace and love belt buckles, and tie-dye anything. The June 16, 1%7 issue of Life said that the Be~tles went psychedelic. The Fab Four traded in their collarless cardin uniforms for long hair, facial hair and for John Lennon's granny glasses. Paul McCartney told Life," Sure we're going to lose some fans. We lost them in Liverpool when we tracfed in our leather jackets for suits." The British Invasion had hit America in 1%4 first with Beatlemania, followed by The Rolling Stones and the Kinks. Feb 1%4, the Beatles, orginally Johnny and the Moondogs, were greated at Kennedy Airport by 10,000 starry-eyed screaming fans. In 1968, the Beatles released "Abbey Road" (named after the location ofEMl's studio) which shook up American teenagers. A nationwide rumor spread that Paul McCartney was dead and "Abbey Road" contained clues to this fact. "Abbey Road" was a sucess. Artists like Bob Dylan and the Jefferson Airplane spoke out about social problems of the era. However, the music did not proclaim the political revolution, it simply questioned the meaning of America. . Mick Jagger said in an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine in 1980, "You've always got to have good tunes if you are marching. But the tunes don't make the march. The whole rebellion in rock'n'roll was about not being able to make noise at night, and not being able to play that rock'n'roll so loud and boogie-woogie.' When all the dope had been smoked and flower power was a thing of the past, the '60's ended with a rock celebration at Woodstock. Kenny Austin, of Bridgeton, N.J., at the ageof18 crammedin the back ofastationwagon to "accept the challenge to participate in something that hasn't been done before." August, 1%9, the three-day celebration

took place, despite pouring rain, with artists like Joan Baez, Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, JimiHendrix, The Who, and Crosby, Stills and Nash. Everything was cool. Everyone did their own thing. Some smoked dope, other.Iiran around naked. Some rolled in a huge mud pit, others just sat there in awe, listening to the groovy tunes. In the late '60's, hair made a statement all of its own. Some men wore their hair long to protest the war, other just like the style. Orginally, the Beatles started the hair fad with their bowl-shaped do's ( or hairdon'ts as Lennon called them). David Bowie followed with his tinted, sculptured hair-do in Ziggy Stardust, and the SexPistols spikey, slept in do definitly made a statement.

Peter York, a British fashion expert, wrote,"Though punk was political, at heart it was a haircut revolution." Hair, the first rock musical made its debute in 1968. The actors only wore their hair as costumes in this Broadway hit. The heavy music of the '70's is captured best in the sounds of Grand Funk Railroad, Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath. In 1969, Led Zeppelin2,pushedAbbey Road out of its numberone slot and stayed there for seven weeks. Rock stars of the '70's put away their psychedelic customs and Indian jewerly for a casual look. The heavy music bands wanted to create a style so that they would blend into the crowd, while performing to an audience of 50,000 fans.

· The '70's were also a time when women threw down their aprons and came out of the kitchen. Helen Reddy released "I Am a Woman," and Bette Midler sang "Do You Wanna Dance." In the mid-'70's, two different syles of music emerged, Disco and Punk. Studio 54 was the scene. Disco dancers like, John Travolta and Denny Terrio moved around the floor to the Bee-Gees' hit smash, "More Than a Woman," and "Stayin Alive." On the flip side, Punk came out of the basement with the New York Dolls, and the·Sex-Pistols. Sid Vicious, of the Sexpistols, wore ripped tee-shirts with logo's like "God save the Queen." Saftey pins were everywhere. They were on shirts, threw noses and ear-lobes. It was a protest, a revolution, and a chance for people like Jonny Rotton and Sid Vicious to speak out against their country, England. For The New York Dolls, punk was a "reaction to the hippie thing." "It was really pissing us ·off," said Buster Poindexter, music entertainer, said. "Thatkindoflaid-backness. We wanted to bring a Little Richard sensibitity back into rock'n'roll, that fastness -- and the fashion bit," he added. On that note, the Dolls went on a shopping spree to the local secondhand store. Teenagers of today are still listening to the music of The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, and The Sex-Pistols. Finally, the '80's stepped in. Michael Jackson has just made a come-back, and is still dazzling with his dancing. Madonna prances around in her underwear, Boy George looks more like a girl. George Micheal wants your sex, and "It Could Have Been So Beautiful" if Tiffany had been there. What will the teenagers of the future think about music in the '80's?

Cabrini College shared by mother and daughter by Lee Mirenda

"Peer pressure is not as big a deal as some people make it out to be," her daughter said. She also feels that social status is a major concern today. Not only do Cabrini College and Cabrini Boggiano share the same name, but they also "I think being accepted and how much money people have is prevalent today. The share the same milestone. In 1957 Cabrini College opened its doors, and the first person majority want to reach a little further u~," h~r daughter said. . . " , to enroll was Cabrini Boggiano (now Cabrini Lepis). In 1961, she was the first woman Dana Lepis says she has changed a lot_m this, her fir~t year at Cabnm •. Ive ma_t1?"ed to receive her degree in the graduation ceremony. Thirty years later, Cabrini College for the better and have become open:nunded," sh~ said. She adds tha~ m her o~u:non, celebrates its 30th anniversary, and Cabrini Lepis' daughter, Dana, enrolled in the class students are forced to change and be mdependent m order to m~e their own deas1ons. of 1991. ·She is concerned about today's competitiveness over career options. Since 1957, there has been an evolution and variety of attitudes, trends and emotional issues. The period of1957 to 1%1 was "a mild and complacent time," according to Cabrini Lepis. "We were in a valley of peace because we were between WlUS (Korea and

· I'1st'1c-- excep t f or gett'mg a d'1amond Vietnam)" said. th,eshe . 1957 ,ocuse ~d th eira . tten ti.ononge tt·mg th esc h 001,,1 • 'We weren 't mat ena . Smce sch oo 1was new, st u den t sm established.CabriniLepissaid, "Wehadno outsideworries. Thebigissuewaswhether nng. There were no drugs and AIDS, no war, and a lot less to date a Saint Joe's or a Villanova boy." . peer pressure. It was a placid time .' Political issues 30 years ago.were not an interest o! the majority. "The big issues}!! -Cabrini Boggiano Lepis '61 1960 was whether to vote for Nvcon or Kennedy and if Castro was on the level or not, ' Lepis said. ''The minority of us were interested in political issues, and the majority was interested in getting married," she added. Cabrini Lepis feels that the election of President Kennedy seemed to wake things up. "I noticed a change in my junior and'---------------------.---------senior years. JFK energized us," she said. Cabrini Lepis said that there were no options for women 30 years ago except for getting Lepis feels there were less "rebels" when she attended Cabrini, but her daughter lmarried. "There were three things open to us: nursing, teaching, or becoming a secretary, also feels that there are few people even today who get involved in certain issues. nothing else," Lepis said. "Therearecausesoutthereifpeoplewanttolookforthem,but some people are rebels · Dana Lepis finds it hard to compare her Cabrini College experience with her -not for a cause- but to get attention," Dana Lepis said. mother's because her mom can look at both. Her, mom, on the other hand, has nothing Her mother feels her college era was not a time of materialism and conformity. "We to compare hers to yet. weren't materialistic --except getting a diamond engagement ring. There were no Cabrini Lepis feels that her college days were not necessarily better but simpler. She drugs and AIDS, no war, and a lot less peer pressure. It was a placid time," she said. said, "Women were surpressed, we were naive and trusting. It was a simple world.''



loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988


JoAnn ,Rondini:

Dedicatedto Cabrini'spast and present by Angie Corbo "I'd never teach," was the claim of JoAnn Rondini, assistant professor of chemistry, when she was a student at Cabrini. Rondini has now been teaching in Cabrini's chemistry department since the early seventies. / Rondini received her degree in chemistry from Cabrini in 1969. She studied under Dr. Joseph Feighan and was the first alumna to return to the school as a lay teacher. Feighan was impressed by Rondini's excellent laboratory work and the motivation she had to participate in outside the classroom research projects, as a student. Rondini was not afraid to accept a challenge or to do extra work. · Rondini graduated with the department award in chemistry. Her plans were to continue her education in graduate school. Other schools had discovered her commitment to academics. Upon graduation, she was offered assistantships from four different colleges. She chose to , pursue her Master's Degree in chemical research from Villanova University.

character and maturity were the elements that impressed both Infante and Feighan. Infante said that it is important for the teaching staff of the college to realize the value of student-teacher relationships outside of the classroom. She feels that Rondini as a person has this trait as a built in characteristic. Rondini's students notice and appreciate this quality in her. "She has a maternal instinct about her," Samantha Hid.}~bird, junior, chemistry major, said. "Rondini has a way about her that keeps her students relaxed. She is never threatening," Joel Zazyczny,junior, chemistry major, said.

Her personality is also exposed to students at this time of year through the Irish Minstrel Show. Rondini has been involved with this show since she was a student, only, now she spends her time directing the show from back stage, instead of starring in it. Some of the activities that Rondini participated in as a student were, Basketball, Chemistry Club, Athletic Association, German Club and Sodality, which was a group of students who were dedicated to Our Lady. According to Infante, more religious functions occurred on campus is the earlier days of the college. In addition to these collegiate activities, Rondini had a job"as a waitress off campus. - She chose Cabrini because it was close to her home. Rondini wanted to attend a school that would enable her to commute. Most students did not go away to school at that time, according to Rondini. Commuting to school was what the majority of college bound students did in the late sixties.

There were less students on campus, and they lived much closer together. It also seemed as if they had less obligations from other sources to juggle.

'She has brains, but she also has a heart and soul.' -Mother Ursula Infante, M.S.C.

Some campus rules also required the girls to stay on campus. Thus, the girls did not have as many options as students do today. They had much more time to spend with each other. When Rondini accepted her role as a faculty member, she felt comfortable 'After all, I'm teaching in about the situation. She feels now, that she the same classrooms that I has an advantage over some faculty members because she knows Cabrini from learned in.' the aspect as a student and as a profes-JoAnn Rondini, asst.· sional. Going to work every day is more than going to a place of business for professor, chemistry Rondini. "Afterall, I'm teaching in the The college was still all women same classsrooms that I learned in." whe~ Randi°! was a student. She thought · Cabrini is and has been a vital part of her nothmg of gomg to an all women's college life for the past twenty years. Both Hidlebird and Zazycmy feel because that was also a "norm" for women that Rondini is an excellent teacher as well This semester, Rondini is on to attend all women's schools. Most ~f the During the period of time when as a sincere person. They say that it is sabbatical researching scientific methods Rondini was in graduate school, she obvious she wants her students to underlocal colleges and universities at that time, that will help junior high and high school needed a part-time job. At that time, stand the content of her courses. More enrolled either all women, or all men. students and teachers gain an interest in the Cabrini's chemistry department needed importantly, they know that their teacher Cabrini College, as an all material that they are learning in their someone to instruct part time. Rondini wants them to understand how and why women's college, was different than we classroom. This, however, has not kept her applied for and received the position. know it today as a.Co-Educational Instituthis knowledge is applicable. away from the campus. Rondini has spent Among those recommending that tion. Because of the circumstances at that Zazyczny had worked the in the much of her semester on campus whether Rondini should be hired was Sister Ursula chemistry lab for Rondini. He said hi this time, the rules and regulations of the it was rehearsing for the Irish Minstrel Infante, MSC. Infante endorsed this rec- situation she would still be teaching and college were much different, according to Show or working in the Lab. Rondini. ommendation because she knew Rondini promoting learning, only in an informal Her dedication to this school is not as a person as well as a dedicated student. way. Through this experience, he feels he She feels that it was easier for all of just said with words, it is shown through "She has brains, but she also has a was better able to absorb the material that the students to get involved within a club her actions, as her co-worker and students heart and soul," Infante said. Her good he was studying in his course. or campus event when she was a student. will confirm.

~Off-beat events occurring over 30 years at Cabrini by Denise Civa Do You Remember????? 1961- May Dance when the students brought a wagon into the mansion Swimming in the pool right after Easter break Dances in Grace Hall Courtyard Jazz concerts on Sunday afternoons Playing cards in the mansion game room

Antique car auction - They parked a big army tank in the parking lot Halloween - The mansion was bombed with eggs Halloween -A dummy was put in Sr. Patricia's office to scare her. (Sr. Patricia was the Dean of Students!) Prowler scare -It turned out to be a student who was jogging 1976- Sr. Bernadette Anello was serenaded with "Rubber Ducky" when she took her baths

Ghost stories develop Pink Bus - picked commuters up; took residents to mixers Strict dress code for women residents

Graduation was picketed because Congressman Bob Edgar (pro-abortion) came to speak at Cabrini Grace Hall closed as a dorm because it wasn't up to code for plumbing and electricity Wigwam opens Rudy Rooyman's Center opens

1964- The formal presentation of seniors and their fathers to the Bishop of Philadelphia

1980- Houses are built on campus Cabrini hosted the Special Olympics

1967- Maid For A Day Students wore raincoats with pajamas underneath Students met with J oho Cardinal Krol, Archbishop of Philadelphia

1982- Widener Center completed

1962- Monday was closed campus day --no guys in, no girls out

1972- Sr. Maria receives the nickname of "Shadow" First time drinking is allowed in dorms

1973- Dress code ended First time seniors are allowed to move off campus 1974- Christmas - Villanova guys came to Cabrini and stole some lights off of a

Christmas tree and a Cabrini student retaliated by stealing a nun's habit and going to Villanova pretending to be a nun. (She got the lights back!) Students take cafeteria trays and use them in the snow Dinners with themes begin (i.e. Safari Dinners!)


1983- King of Prussia entrance to campus becomes one way only The first female part-time security guard is hired . "Tuck ins" - students had children stories read to them, were tucked in, and kissed good night 1984- Trivial Pursuit Tournament Intruders invade houses on campus 1986- Hurricane Gloria closes school 1987- ATRA's attempted removal leaves the vehicle stuck in the mud The men of Xavier won first place in the homecoming parade


¡1oquitur- friday, march 18, 1988



A changing look for 30 years by LaTonyaLucas Ever since Adam and Eve began covering themselves up, people have adopted a certain style. A style that expresses their individuality. Let's explore the fashion world. Fashion appeals to people of all ages, shapes, sizes and colors. It always has. Back in 1958, the girls of Cabrini had a different style than the girls of today. Thirty years can bring forth a lot of change, including fashion trends. Mother Ursula Infante, M.S.C, believes that it hasn't changed so drastically, but she admits that the girls today are more free. "Sometimes I wonder if they're wearing their bedroom clothes," Infante said.

A look at the '60's fashions.

Although there weren't any dress codes 30 years ago, the girls all possessed a similar look from top to bottom. According to Sister Maria Pasqualini, there is a difference between the girls of that time and the girls of today. "They would get dressed up to go to school," she said. Io observing the yearbook of 1961, one could see that buoffant hairstyles were"popular. According to Nancy Holcombe, 1963 alumna, shorter hairstyles were popular as were ponytails and pageboys. "The girls would wear bangs and flipped up around the bottom,'' she said. Their clothes style mainly consisted of plaid, solid and pleated skirts that came just below the knee, white blouses and cardigans, some with initials, some without. Saddle shoes were also popular in the 1960's. Fashion trends change as society grows and expands. Styles change and are influenced by the previous years, according to Rita Eisenberg, director, fashion and special events of John Wanamaker's in Philadelphia. "Fashion repeats itself, but it comes back in different colors and fabrics to update the style," Eisenberg said. Dana Lepis, freshman, daughter of Cabrini Lepis, 1961 alumna, said that her mother dressed more conservatively then than she does now. "She has three daughters. She dresses like I do,'' Lepis said. Some favorite designers that she mentioned were Camp Beverly Hills, Benetton, Liz Claiborne and Calvin Klein. Big sweaters seem to be big in fashion, and Lepis said that she wears them. "I like comfortable, casual clothes that are nice," Lepis said. Holcombe said that the kids today are more fashion conscious, and that there wasn't much emphasis put on designer clothes when she was a teenager. With the '70's came the arrival of mini-skirts and dresses and polyester. The bouffants were washed away, only to be


replaced by afros and straight, long hair. Plaids, prints, solids and stripes covered the wide-collared shirts and lapels. With bell-bottomed dungarees and pants, f~ men as well as women, there was a definite change in fashion. Slow in adjusting to the change was the women's basketball team. In 1975, they wore mini-dresses with a shirt underneath, and sashes around the waist for uniforms, while their opponents played in uniforms similar to those of today. Albert Vassallo, bookstore manager, has been working at Cabrini for 28 years now, and says that Cabrini's the best thing that has happened to him. ''We've changed considerably,'' he said. "The girls should have more freedom, but they don't have to go hog wild." Vassallo tries to add something new to the bookstore every year, and keep up with the times. As the school grew, he had to buy more things. In the beginning, there were only regular tee-shirts, windbreakers, and heavy Cabrini jackets that aren't ordered anymore, according to Vassallo. "Today, there's more jogging, so there are more sweats," he said. The 1980's have brought along the fashions of previous years, as magazines reveal. There are the mini's and the stretch pants, to name a few. The 1980's have also left behind some things. The bell-bottoms haven't returned, nor the double-knitted polyester. "Bell-bottoms are hideous, and wouldn't go with the look of today,'' Karen Dumomey, freshman, said. Dumomeyrefers to the look of the '70's as the "hillbilly'' look. She said that the girls looked older, "like they were 17 going on 30." Fashion magazines have always influenced the fashion world. According to Holcombe, Glamour and Seventeen magazines were popular, and she followed their trends.

Learning the Cabrini rules by Kristin Kroll Many of us complain about the rules and regulations we must follow here at Cabrini. We should, however, consider ourselves lucky. As I glanced through an old handbook from 1968, I ~as surprised at the past rules and regulations by which the students were expected to abide. Rules were enforced concerning meals, classes, visitors curfews dress, telephones and basic living conditions. ' ' . Cutting class ~as definitely not advised. Over-cutting constituted an automatic withdrawal. A cut taken on the day before or the day following vacation was considered a do?ble-cut. Any lateness to class was taken as a half-cut. Dean's list students of the prcVIous semester were, by arrangement with their professors, allowed more than the usual amount of cuts. ~h~ cafeteri:1we know and ~ovetoday h~d quite a different atmosphere 30 years ago. Semontywas widely used. JU01orsand semors were served dinner between 5:30 and 5:45 p.m. Sophomores and freshmen were not permitted into the cafeteria until 5:45 p.m. No one was allowed to break the serving line for seconds unless the entire school had been served. (Could you imagine Charlie trying to enforce this rule now?) The girls were also told they could only ha~e their hair set at dinners on Friday and Saturday and brunch Su~day. These me~ tunes were also the only times students could bring a male guest to dinner. No smoking was allowed unless a special permission from S.GA. was granted. S.G A. ~eetings we~ecompulsory. One demerit was given to any girl who didn't attend. Demerits we_realso 1SSuedbyS.G A. for breaking curfews. During the week freshmen were expected m at 7:00 p.m., sophomores, 9:00 p.m., juniors, 10:00 p.m., and seniors, 12:00a.m. !11<:w<:ekendswere more h"beral.The freshmen and sophomores curfew was 1:00 a.m., while_JUlllOrsand seni?rs were permitted to set their own. Any 15 minute lateness cons~1tutedone dement. For any lateness over 15 minutes, the student was required to proVIde four hours of campus¡ service. ~hen male visitors came to call, they had to be attired in a jacket. If any showed up wearmg shorts, they were asked to leave. Freshmen and sophomores c?uld entertain their visitors in the smoker Monday tbru "hu~sdayup to 5:30 p.m. JU01o_rsand seniors were allowed in the Green Room (a preVIous lounge m Counsel) up till 9:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. On weekends the students were permitted in the lounges only up until their curfew. Dress codes were strictly enforced. No shorts, slacks or short kilts were allowed on camp~. Jeans, pajamas and coats were not proper attire for class. Girls were not perm.1tted to publicly have rollers in their hair before 5:30 p.m. . Aside from dress, the girls also had other limitations. Each girl was allotted five ounutes on the phone pe~ call Monday thru Thursday. They were required to take phone duty on a designated night and:enforce this rule. The phone could only be used up to 7:00p.m. When leaving the building at night, all girls had to sign out - stating their destination. ~o studen~ could ~gn out for an overnight (other than going home), unless their parents signed a slip grantmg them permission. A name and address where they could be reached always had to be left. No student, however, was permitted off campus on Mondays. • Rules and r~~latio~ were a lot stricte~ back then. As the years went by and times clianged, Cabnm s polietes have moved ngbt along with them.

GIVE A BOOK FOR THE 30th AND HELP US GROW ! Be a part of this year's special celebration by making a donation to the Library. The Library will place a special bookplate within a book "in honor" of someone special, your family, your child, or "in memory" of a loved one.

A look at the '70's fashions.

The November 20, 1962 issue of Look magazine, similar to fashion magazines of today, bad an article entitled "Ski Clothes Go to School." The first line read, "Snow, or no snow, students are turning up for class and campus looking like ski pros." The scene is not much different than that of today. Ski jackets and sweaters are still popular popular among college students. In 1962, however, matching ski sweaters were popular when a guy and a girl were going steady, according to the article. So, some styles have changed, and some have basically stayed the same. But, there is one fashion that will remain in style, and~ be proudly worn regardless of the time period, and that is caps and gowns.




To make a donation or for more information, contact the Developm"ent Office, Cabrini College, Eagle and King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA 19087. (215) - 971-8256. .... , . . . /,

All donations are tax deductible.

loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988



Dr. Margaret McGuinness~:

Combiningwork and familysuccessfully by Marian Armstrong

Her family and friends call her Maggie, but most students know her as Dr. Margaret McGuinness, religion instructor. Usually her Wednesdays are spent writing and doing research, but on this particular Wednesday she's on campus. She arrived shortly after 9:00 a.m., and has already realized that she has forgotten something at home. She then called an out-of-town friend who was staying at her house. Her office is a bright, medium-sized room with a lot of unused space. The small scattered mess on the floor was resurrected by her "kid," who she had in with her the day before. Her "kid" is Will Shipley (McGuinness chose to use her maiden name) and he's 22-months-old. McGuinness' friend agreed to bring McGuinness her forgotten material. After giving her friend a whole slew of directions to the college, and, ultimately, to her mail box, McGuinm;ss said, "Under M will say McGuinness. Now, do you want to know what you're going to put in it?" she asked with a laugh. · "There's no such thing as a quiet morning in my house. It's always a rush ticket out the door," she said. McGuinness, who has been teaching at Cabrini for three-and-a-half years, said that her classwork always has to be planned in advance, because she never knows when the unexpected is going to happen, and she always has to be prepared. She drops Will off at a day-care center before she teaches, and picks him up when the day is through. Most of the evening is spent on dinner and Will. After a whole day at the day-care center, McGuinness said her son is anxious to spend time with her and her husband. McGuinness said her life, as both a mother and a working woman, is made easier thanks to her husband,

Bill Shipley, a computer programer consultant for IBM. all equally important. Whatever you do has to help some," "I ha_vea lot of support from my husband," she said. she said. They've been married almost four years. McGuinness Now, at the age of 34, it takes McGuinness a couple met Shipley in college. of seconds to remember her age. "I try to block it out," McGuinness went to Boston University. She majored she said jokingly. in American studies because she was fascinated with American religion. One of her professors encouraged her to take up theology in order to have a strong background to relate American religion to. She wound up getting her master's in theological studies. She spent fiveyears at the Union Theological Seminary in New York City where she got her doctorate in American church history, while dealing with issues of social justice and liberation theology. "l loved living there for five years, and I miss it," McGuinness said, referring to New York City. She remembers New York for the various bookstores and the nights out to dinner. McGuinness said college in Boston in the early seventies was different than it is today. "It (Boston University)ishuge,"shesaid. There could have been as many as 1,000students in a dorm, and all the big dorms had dining rooms." The issues were different too. McGuinness said that whether the military was allowed to recruit on campus or not was a big issue. The ROTC left campus. Most people didn't want them there. Also, back in the days of snorkel jackets, plain tee shirts, hiking boots, and only blue or grey sweats, students didn't have to go off campus for entertainment. Movies and concerts came to the campus. The drinking age was 18 so parties in the dorm were not a problem. Most students either walked or took the subway. Drinking and driving was nor an issue. McGuinness has developed a philosophy on life. "You . . . have to somehow try to make a contribution somewhere. Dr. M~rgaret McGumness,professor, rel,gJOn.(Ph<?to by There is no such thing as a small contribution. They are Sue Hl1/)


30th • I

-Anniversary Cabrini



From the staff at the Financial Aid Office Donna Lori

Beth Mary Beth

Elizabeth Arlene Jen


loquitur- friday, march 18, 1988







, loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988



Vito Di Vincenzo:

30 years,andstillgoingstrongat Cabrini · by Amy Lennon

School. Later he graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor's degree. He continued his education at the University of Pennsylvania for his masters. He did additional graduate work at Middlebury Language School, VT.

"What happens when a fish drinks too much water? It winds up on squid row?" This is the way Vito DiVincenzo, professor, foreign languages, begins a conversation - with a joke. DiVincenzo's belief He taught in Puerto Rico and Cuba. In that humor makes learning fun is reflected addition, he served three-and-a-half years in his fetish for telling one-liners during in the Navy during World War II. class. Besides teaching, DiVincenzo enjoys DiVincenzo has been teaching since photography, which is proven by the picthe beginning of the college in 1957. He tures he readily shares. is the only remaining faculty member from "I am asportsbuff, andonememorable the original staff. "I am semi-retired, not retarded," event I miss at Cabrini is the annual faculty-student softball game. It was a lot of DiVincenzo said. He is teaching part-time fun and the winning was shared by both at Cabrini and Villanova. "I am in my 51st year of teaching, and teams." DiVincenzo said. , still love it! I started teaching in Puerto Rico in 1937when I was only 20 years old," "My wife and I used to chaperone the DiVincenzo said. dances that were always held in the manDiVincenzo is a real family mall. He sion, never off campus. Everyone looked refers to his wife, daughters and grandchil- terrific all dressed up." DiVincenzo said. dren often. His two daughters, Linda and Another one of his most memorable Donna, both majored in, and taught experiences was when the stable was Spanish. turned into Grace Hall. "There used to be He and his family have been going to horses where the offices are now." Spain every year since 1968. They have DiVincenzo has seen a lot of changes been there 25 times. One year they even take place in the 30 years that he has been went three times. Duringhissabbatical, he here. "When the school became coedulived in Spain for six months. DiVincenzo cational, that was a major change. There has also enjoyed travel to France, Italy and used to be a dress code, too. The uprise Switzerland. of all the other buildings on campus was DiVincenzo was born in Cincinnati, new." Ohio, and grew up in Southwest PhiladelDiVincenzo loves teaching at Cabrini. phia. A member of St. Barnabas parish, He said,"I will keep coming back as long as •he;;..;a;;.tt;e;;n;de;d;;...w~es;;t .. Phil•'•a•d•e~lp hi111 ' a... H.i1111 gh-•t•h•ey11in_vi.te•m-e.•"---------, 111




Vito DIVincenzo, instructor, foreign languages. (photo by Steve Pascali)

An Irish tradition at Cabrini by Donna Dougherty


WE'LL DO OUR PART TO MAINTAIN THESAME HIGH CALIBEROF STUDENTS FOR -TIIE NEXT 30 YEARS. Nancy, Tony, Sister Toni, Gay, .A.lice, Paula, Laurie, Steve, Peggy, and Dottie.

The Irish Minstrel Show started in 1964 when the chemistry club approached Dr. Joseph Feighan, chairperson, chemistry, with the suggestion. It soon became an annual tradition that has since only missedtwoyears, 1967and1986,due to schedulingproblems. The show centers around everything Irish, from Irish clergy and leprechauns to Irish music and dancing. One thing that stays the same are the characters of Gallagher and Shean. According to John Doyle, assistant director, resident life, and member of the cast and crew during thejour years that he was a student, the characters are "classic. They are an old vaudeville routine from the 1920s and they're very Irish." JoAnn Rondini, as£istant professor, chemistry, and faculty moderator, said, "It's a chance for kids who have never been on stage before to perform, and they do it just for the fun of it. It's all voluntary." Over the years, Feighan estimates that 400 students 'have performed in the Irish Minstrel Show, and the audience each year totals about 400, including faculty, staff, parents and students. One of the unique parts of the show involves the student- writing ofsome song verses that deal with the school in general. This might include the writing about faculty and staff. "The show has so many traditions in it that are ingrained," Doyle said. "For insta~ce, the song 'Little Bit of Green' has been sung the same way over the years. There has been no change in the song." The scenery that is used presently include the same pieces that were used in the first performance. Some have been repainted, but it they all the same materials. For the first production, the cast took props from around the school that they could utilize. Over the years, the cast has included some staff. According to Feighan, Fr. Rudy Rooyman, deceased chaplain, "used to love it. He felt it was a chance to mix better with the kids." Sr. Bernadette Casciano, M.S.C., ex-campus ministry, was also on stage a few times, .aswas Fr. Martin Nolan, ex-religion professor, who was in one of the first shows about 20years ago. More recently, Fr. Mark Falcone, ex-chaplain, was also on stage performing. Also, for 20 years, the show also went on the road. Nolan, was the chaplain at St. Mary's of Providence , Elverson, Pa., and requested that the show be performed at the home. The cast traveled 32 miles away to perform it there. "It's a real tradition here. One thing that is special is that the people really get involved in it," Doyle said. "It's a lot of laughs. People who want a good time, a Cabrini good time, that's the Irish Minstrel Show."· Paul Fallon,junior, cast member, said," You never know what is going to happen until the night of the show." Last year, he said, that the cast sang the song "Wild Rover" to the tune of another song on the night of the show. "He (Feighan) kept yelling and screaming at us backstage. We were laughing so hysterically that we couldn't get it. It was funny," he said. Kerry Gallagher,junior, cast member, said, "It is so much fun. We all have a ball doing the show! I'd recommend everyone come out and join the show next year."


loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988


Dr. Margaret Reher: /

Inspiredby interactionswith studen~s by Stephanie Giardini

"Good morning children and how are we today?" is the pleasant greeting Dr. Margaret Reher, professor, religion, gives to her 8:30 a.m. World Religions cl~ as she walks through the door of library classroom 3. She places her morning Diet Pepsi on the desk, along with her brief case, as she lightheartedly pokes fun at her age. Awaiting her ne:,..ijoke to break the monotony of time of day, the class laughs along with her. Byjust watching her beginher class, one could plainly see that she genuinely enjoys teaching. The attention she pays to her students' thoughts and comments tells them that she cares. Reher began her teaching career 33 years ago, and says that she has enjoyed each and every year. "It feels like yesterday," Reher said. "I would like to continue teaching - not for another 33 years mind you- but some more years would be nice." It has been 24 years since she began teaching religion here at Cabrini after instructing at St. John's Univ~rsity in Jamaica, Rhode Island. She vividlyremembers the first day she came to Cabrini for an interview. Reher came with the intention of not taking the job offered by the college, but minor details that she observed became the major influencing factors to her staying. The kind greeting that she received from Fr. Rudy, and the genuine caring she observed when a student called to say hello to him from a classroom window, impressed her tremendously. Reher finds teaching very gratifying when she hears the student's reponses and sees them formulating new insights. She says that this type of learning is exciting for both the student and the teachers. She believes that there is a symbiosis between teachers and students. "Contact with young people keeps me younger also," Reher said. "I am comfortable with college students. I really can relate to their age."

Reher graduated from Fordham University, a Jesuit university in ,New Yor~. During her time there, the subject of ·theology sparked her interest. While in graduate school at St. John's University, in Jamaica,· Rhode Island, she studied speculative theology because it fit into her schedule. She immediately became d~ply interested in it. With this interest and guidance of a teacher, who became a friend and a mentor, she has made it her iife study. Her newly written book is proof of the dedication she shows to her work. The book is a 200year survey of intellectual trends ,vithin American Catholicism. It focuses on people and movements within the general culture, and their repercussions. Reher was asked to write this section, of a series, three years ago, by the general editor of the series. She gladly accepted the project because it was for a good purpose and she would learn a lot from the experience. "I also wrote it for Cabrini," Reher saiq. "I was the only one from a small college to participate in the project." Other Cabrini events that Reher is exceptionally proud of are: being selected

fo greet Sr. Eileen Currie as the new president of the college and receiving the Lindback Award for distinguished teaching. "I was honored to have received this award the first year I was eligible for it,'' she said.

Reher has also taken an active interest in the needs and activities of the black students on campus by being the faculty advisor of the Black Student Alliance. "My commitment to minority students stems back from a high school experience," she said. "I witnessed the discrimination of a friend of mine." She wishes to continue to grow as a teacher through writing and keeping active in all aspects of teaching. "How fortunate I am to get paid for something I love to do!" Reher said.

Dr. Margaret Reher, professor, religion. (photo by Mike Stevenson)

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. loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988



Join the Festivities at Cabrini's 30th AnniversaryCelebration!!! Here'swhat'shappening:


Saturday,March19 Rockgroups BERUREVU and THEDAVESwj]] perform original pop hits, beginningal 8 p.m. in the gym.Doors open al 7:30 p.m. Tickets:$5 Reneraladmission;students: $3

Sunday,March20 Selected membersof the PhiladelphiaWalerColorClub will displaytheir artwork during a special exhibitionwhichwill run through April17. Openingreception is Sunday,March20 from 3 lo 6 p.m. in Cabrini'sUbrary Fine Arts Gallery. _____ Admissionis free.

Monday,March21 FlamencoDancingfeaturing Julia Lopez,a singer and dancer originally from Madrid,Spain. The performancewill begin at 8 p.m. in the college's gym. Tickets: $5 general admission. Cabrinistudents/staff free.


Wednesday, March23

Eleanor Holmes Norton, professor of law at GeogelownUniversity and the womanlo chair the United States E9~al~mploymenl.Oppo~tunityCommission,will speak on c1v1lnghls and affirmabveaction at 7:30 p.m. in the Lecture Hall.

. The topic willbe "Moralityvs. Pragmatism." The host w1llbe Susan Bray,of WWDB's weekdaymorningtalk show. Join us as Cabrinialumni,nowprofessionalsin their fields,discuss how peoplemake moral decisionsin the face of the growing~ressu~es of today's .success:oriented society. Speechesw1llbegm at 7:30 p.m. m the college'sLectureHall. Free.

fhursday, March24 Phil~danco, founded in 1970 as Philadelphia's first perfo!'~mg company for minority students, wil1 present clas~1c~l, contemporary,and jazz dance in the college'sgym begmnmgal 8 p.m. Tickets:$5 general admission; Cabrini Friday,March25 students/staff free. Nicholas Dani]off, diplomatic editor and Moscow correspondent who was arrested in 1986and held in the Soviet Unionfor 30 days, willspeak during the college's Academic Convocationceremony,beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the gym. A graduate of Harvardand Oxford,Daniloff worked for the Washin~ton Post before ioininaU.S.Newsand W9rldReport in 1980.Convocationis free, but reservations are reqmred.

Saturday,March26 Classic Car Showand the NewCar Auction. Save money on your newcar! Bidsfor a variety of new cars wrnbegin al wholesale, and any cost over wholesale wm,be tax,. deductible. Allproceedsbenefit Cabrini'slibrary. fhere will also be a vacationraffle and a chance to ride j;1 a RollsRoyce. Admissionfee: $3 at the door.



loquitur - friday, march 18, 路1988


Thirtyyears of outstandingathletes Editor's Note: The following outstanding athletes were picked according to hlslortcal moments. This Is not a complete listing of Outstanding athletes In the 30-year history of Cabrini College.

by Paula Phillips There have been numerous Cabrini graduates through the years that have left their mark on the college whether it was from academics, department activities, social activities or even sports. In the earlier sixties, the program had only a baslcetball team which路 was coached by Helen Goodwin. There were women who played only defensive and women who played only offensive. This changed in 1963 when one player was allowed to cross the half-court. This player was called the "roving player." Goodwin said, "Since the players always played either defensive or offensive, they enhanced their skills on what position they played." Goodwin remembers a number of players who were decent players but recalls two of them. The first was a graduate of the class of 1962. Her name was Joan Gionnoscoli. Goodwin said, "She was our best player on the team that year. She was a good shooter. We counted on her for points." The second graduate's name was Susan Scanlon '64. She was the "roving player" for the team. As the 70s came into being, the basketball rules for women had been changed to what they are today with some exceptions. Other changes included new additions to the sports program such as men's basketball, soccer and volleyball. Joyce McCresh,'74, was a basketball player. She was an excellent and consistent player."If three pointers were allowed back then; she would have made three point shoots all the time. She was an excellent outside shooter," Goodwin said. Mary Beth Senkeweiz,'76 was high scorer for the team in both . 1975 and 1976. Goodwin said, "She was our first really aggressive player in both defensive and offensive." Tom Nerney was a basketball player initiated into Cabrini's Hall of Fame in 1978. He was the first male ever to score 1,000 points in four years. Another graduate from this class was a woman named Aunnie Bedard who was initiated into the Hall of Fame in 1982 for her allaround outstanding play in both basketball and volleyball. Another male graduate was Walt Williams. He was also initiated into the hall of Fame in 1978 for being the "heart of Cabrini's soccer." With the help, advice, coaching and persistence of Williams, a soccer team was organized in 1977 which was the start of the soccer program. Without Williams the soccer program would have never arisen. In 1982, three male graduates stood out, John Keating, Ray Young and Tom De Matteis. DeM:atteis played soccer. He was one of Cabrini's high scorers ' and received high praise by the team.

Playing basketball, running cross country and holding a 3.75 grade point average, Keating was a good example both on and off the court. In 1983, Cabrini retired his jersey, number 20. His jersey was the first to be retired in Cabrini's history. The reason for his jersey being retired was, 路as Dzilc said,"He was not just a good athlete but a scholar. His abilities on the court transformed into his qualities in the classroom. He was a Bruckmann Scholar with a 3.75 average. John was the best example of an individual who exemplified what a student athlete should be."

sport. Eileen played softball, basketball and volleyball," Dzilc said. Herbig during her sports career at Cabrini, was selected for all-star teams in both NAIA division 19, EPAC, and PAIAW for volleyball and basketball. In basketball, Herbig became the first woman ever to score 1,000 points in her four years at Cabrini. Patti Hinke and Lori Di Meglio both played field hockey. They were both high scorers for

On Dec. 9, 1982, Keating scored his 1000th point against Upsala College. Young also was a basketball player who led the team in rebounds, seven a game and was a 1000 point scorer.

Freida Gibbs

.he team in sophomore,junior and senior year. Also in their senior year, they were both elected to the NCAA division III All Star Team. John McQueen was an all-star basketball player. He was selected to all-star teams through his four years at Cabrini in differe路.it conferences. In three seasons at Cabrini, he scored 1,229 points which set a record for the leading scorer of all time.

Allen Jones was named honorable mention NAIA division 19 All American basketball player in both his junior and senior year. He was a 1,000point scorer and for two straight years was named National Catholic All-American, NAIA division 19 Player of the Year and first team All-ESAC. "Allen had more athletic ability than anyone as an athlete. He only played basketball but could of played any sport he wanted. He had speed, tremendous timing, leaping ability and strength," Dzilc said. Jones now plays for a professional basketball team, the Washington Generals. The team is now going on a domestic tour of the U.S. with the Harlem Globetrotters which will be in Philadelphia on March 19 and 20. Fredia Gibbs, senior, was a Kodak NCAA divison III AllAmerican in 1987. In her junior year, Gibbs was also an honorable mentioned NAIA All-American. She was a nationally ranked scorer and rebounder and was selected as National Player of the Week for NAIA. This honor was the first division athlete since 1981 to be honored. She was also division 19 Player of the Year . In her senior year, Gibbs was chosen NAIA division 19 AllAmerican. She led the country in rebounding with an average of 15.96 a game and finished second in the country in scoring with an average of29.82 a game. She rewrote Cabrini record books establishing new career highs for most points, rebounds, steals and career scoring average.

Gibbs set single-game records for points, rebounds and steals. Karl Sartor was a 1,000 point scorer and all-time leader in rebounding in the history of the college with 879 rebounds.

Dave Long

Larry Tukis,'86, played outstanding soccer. He was Cabrini's finest goalie. In his senior year he received All EPAC and had registered a record nine shutouts while having a .625 goal against average. He also ranked third in the nation for goals allowed per game. Tukis now plays for the Kansas City Comets, a professional indoor soccer team. Dave Long '86 transferred here in his junior year. He ran cross country. In his junior year, he made All EPAC and All Star Team for division 19. In his senior year, he again was choosen All EPAC and was chosen division 19's Runner of the Year.

Tom Nerney

Debbie Harvey transferred here in her junior year. She played both basketball and volleyball . In her junior year Harvey was the second highest scorer for the basketball team, scoring 13.7 a game and rebounding 15.4 a game. Also in her senior year, Harvey was the first woman to score her 11000th point at Cabrini. She was named MVP for the volleyball team her senior year.

Danny Welde transferredto the college in his junior year. He


was an all-starbasketballplayer. In his junior year Welde was

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tied with two other players for leading scorer with an average of 10.1points a game. He also led in assists with 535 a game. Welde received MVP for the KAC conference in his junior

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year, also. In his senior year, Welde was selected to the Philadelphia Small College All-Area Team and scored his 1000th career point here. He also received Honorable Mention for All-American for NAIA and was chosen MVP for the college. Eileen Herbig is the first woman ever in the history of the college to get her jersey retired, number 24. "She was an all-around athlete. She had the ability to play any

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loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988


Formerdirectorsrecall_early days by John Dunleavy

"He and I shared an office. Oh my heart, can you believe it?" Helen Goodwin, assistant professor, physical education teacher, said. Goodwin was referring to the scenario within Cabrini's athletic department in the early 1960's when she was joined by Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor, history. Goodwin said she was hired in 1%1 by Sister Ursula Infante, founder of the College, and placed in charge of women's athletics. Girard arrived a few years later; becoming the part-time men's athletic director in response to the switch from an all women's school to a coed institution. Girard took on the challenge of laying the necessary foundation in order for the men's program to get off the ground. "My first year in the program I was coaching an all intramural basketball team in what was then the Eastern League. The guys were in last place and asked me to help out,'' he said. A former basketball player himself, Girard enthusiastically accepted and gave the team the organization they needed to succeed. ''We even made it to the playoffs," Girard said. According to G<.'odwin,Girard called his intramural team the "Cabrini Mothers." · In addition to coaching basketball, Girard was responsible for putting together men's soccer, crosscountry and softball. Initially, both the level of competition and participation varied from sport to sport. However, according to Girard, everything slowlyexpanded. In fact, four years after his arrival, Cabrini had joined District 19 and they had soon afterwards become a part of the Keystone Athletic Conference. While Girard was busystrengthening the men's program, Goodwin was hard at work organizing women's basketball, field hockey, volleyball and softball. She has many fond memories of her early years at Cabrini.

Go9dwin vividly recalls the aftermath of an invitation Cabrini received to participate in the junior varsity volleyball tournament at Eastern College. ''We didn't have an official team, but I picked out six girls anyway. We wore little blue tunics because we didn't have anyuniforms. Butwewoneverygame and won the trophy for first place," she said. Goodwin also remembers the trophy presentation where there was an attempt to downplay Cabrini's victory. She recalls that Trenton State, who finished second, was praised for playing a wonderful game while Cabrini received a reluctant "and you came in first." Another memory of Goodwin's is just as vivid but not as heroic. On this occasion, she received a call to play in a scrimmage softball game against the University of Pennsylvania. Goodwin said, "We really knew nothing about softball. When Pennsylvania came to Cabrini they wanted to know_ where the pitching rubber was at. We had no one to pitch the ball. They felt sorry for us,'' she said. Needless to say, the courageous Cavs lost the game 45-0. Goodwin said she coached the softball team for 10 years, the volleyball team for seven years and field hockey team on and off' for the same period of time. · According to Girard, when he came to Cabrini the athletic department also began to build in the area of sports facilities. He said, "The glass backboards were put in, both the scoreboard in the gymand the original wooden scoreboard on the soccer field were installed and the gym floor was re-done." In addition, Girard said that the original weight room was added along with light nautilus equipment and a whirlpool in the trainer's room. In 1980, Girard said that the athletic competition was becoming so improved that the department required a full-time athletic director. Although he considered the position, he decided with encouragement from his wifeto not take the athletic director's position and

In celebrating the 30th anniversary of Cabrini College, we congratulate the

our Five Sister Presidents, and all of the students, faculty, staff, benefactors, trustees, and alumni who have contributed to the success of the college since 1957.

From: THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Robert E. Fetterhoff l\'IaryAnn Mirra


'We didn't have an official team but I picked out six girls anyway. We wore little blue tunics because we didn't have any uniforms. But, we won every game and won the trophy for the first place.' Helen Goodwin, assistant professor, physical education Goodwin, Girard and Dzik all have views on what the addition of men's athletics has done for Cabrini or the effect it has had on the women's program. Dzilc said, "The athletic program being offered to men has made the school more visible." "It was good for the school. Cabrini needed athletics to draw more boys her " Goodwin said. She added, "The men wanted more sports so it probably strengthened the women's program." Girard said, "Basically the women were supportive of the men's program. Occasionally there was some grousing when the men received more publicity but for the most part the women accepted it well."

The developmentof physicaleducation class, taught by Dan Perna, former theater director, was similar to the type of dancing It was a cold winter day in the middle of taught in our present day classes, according January. The huge windows that aligned to Goodwin. the high ceiling did not hell' keep the frigid Jane Leary, a 1970 graduate, rememair outside. One by one the girls entered bers her experience in dance class. "My wearing short colored tunics--the fresh- roommate and I hated to dance, so we man in green, the sophomores in yellow, worked out a deal with our teacher. In the juniors in red and the seniors in blue. exchange for us cleaning the stage after At 10 a.m. Helen Goodwin, physical every class (something he despised doing) education teacher, emerged from her we didn't have to dance and still got a office wearing much the same attire as her passing grade. I doubt that would ·work students. Taking role did not take long, today!" she said. _because there were only eight or nine women in the gym class of 1%5. As the years went by and Cabrini In the 27 years "Goodie" has been at became co-ed, several activities such as Cabrini, the physical education curriculum field hockey and elementary games were has not significantly changed. dropped from the routine. "The men were In the 1960's, field hockey and archery very active, sometimes overly, so that physic were frequently played on the present day cal education needed a different tempo," soccer field. The women would aim their Goodwin said. Floor hockey became the shots into the woods where arrow heads popular sport. "Everyone loved it for could probably still be found today. On the years," Goodwin said. "Unfortunately we days when these games were not being were told we had to stop because it ruined played, the women were transported to a the gym floor." local stable where they could go horseback One factor that changed, to Goodie's riding. After a few years, however, people relief, was the scheduling of gym classes. did not want to paythe cost of each visit and From 1%1 to 1968 the Registrar did not this was dropped from the curriculum. register any students for physical educaAs the weather changed and the women tion. "I had to take all 200 students' moved inside, they played similar games schedules home and assign every kid a gym of today, except for a few exceptions. class. It was murder,'' Goodwin said. Besides basketball and line volleyball, Over the years the only additions to the Goodie made her classes participate in gym itself, have been ceiling fans and new many elementary games such as kickball lights. The windows and curtains have been and dodgeball. replaced with plywood and the floor was "Back then, the girls would play those permanently lined. Before this addition, kind of games and anything else I'd think the volleyball and basketball courts the up. Today kids have their own ideasabout floor had to be taped onto the floor. what they want to do,'' Goodwin said. "What we really need to cause a variety "In the 1970's, four semesters of physi- in our gym program is a field house, a pool cal education are required. It is, however, and a track. Until then, no significant enforced that each women be scheduled change in physical education can be for at least one semester of dance. The brought about," Goodwin said.

by Kristin Kroll

. Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart,

remain a full-time history professor. Girard was succeeded by John Dzilc, director of athletics. Dzilc began in 1980 as the men's athletic director and has since become full-time athletic director. Goodwin is no longer the women's athletic director, but still remains an integral part of Cabrini athletics, leading the physical education program.


loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988


Tom O'Hora:

Cross country is more than a foot ra~e by RebeccaRebalsky Tom O'Hora remembers the day he interviewed for the position as men's cross country and track and field coach at Cabrini. "That was five years ago," he said. "There was no official team, no scholarships and no track. I told John Dzilc that I thought it would make an interesting challenga. He said to me, 'Good Luck.'" Today, O'Hoia has reached something of a milestone in his coaching career at Cabrini. The runners he recruited during his first year are now preparing for graduation. "They will be sorely missed," he said, referring to seniors such as Pete Casazza, John Donahue, Mike Edmondson and · Chris Francis. In turn, the runners will miss O'Hora's guidance. "Coach has always been willing to help out. He'll do anything for us," John Donahue, senior, said. "He's not only our coach, he's a good friend." O'Hora says that a runner's development off the track isjustasimportantashis performance at a meet. ~

Tom O'Hara, cross country coach

"I've always felt that it's e~ier to turn a good person into a good runner, than it is to turn a good runner into a good person," O'Hora said. This is the sort of thing that O'Hora tells high school students whom he would like to see in Cabrini's program. • O'Hora had never recruited before becoming a coach at Cabrini. But aft~r a few years of absorbing advice from Dzik, athletic director, O'Hora seems to have recruiting down to a science. "He really does his homework," Donahue, who was recruited from Lansdale Catholic High School by O'Hora, said. "When he goes to a high school meet, he knows exactly who he wants to talk to." When recruiting, O'Hora not only interviews the runner in question, but also invests time talking to the runner's coach and teammates. "I try to find out what kind of person the runner is, whether or not he's dedicated and hard working," O'Hora said. "Ultimately, that's more important than how fast he i:an run.'' O'Hora keptthesefactors in mind when · he recruited members of the current team.

"They're the kind of people you would want to live in your neighborhood," he said. O'Hora says the growth of the team over five years can best be measured by the accomplishments of the individual runners. He cites the qualification of Mike Dolan, sophomore, for the 1987 National Collegiate Athletic Association national cross country competition as one indication of success. Dzilc commended O'Hora for his hand in the team's progress. "He (O'Hora) has built an outstanding cross country program," Dzilc s~d. "When they were still National Association of Intercollegiate Association, they went to the national championships three consecutive years.'' O'Hora's colleagues have also recognized his coaching talent. Dzilc said that O'Hora has been a three-time 'recipient of the District 19Coach of the Year Award for cross country. Virtually all of the cross country runners at Cabrini also participate in spring track and field, which is already underway. O'Hora anticipates a tough season because of injury problems, but hopes that individual goals will be achieved. "I would like to see Mike (Dolan) go to Nationals in the 1500meters, and Harry (Furey, senior) go to Nationals for the javelin," he said. O'Hora concedes that track and field at Cabrini does not have the depth of the crosscountryprogram. However, the track team has received its laurels as well. Last year, Cabrini was invited to participate in the Penn Relays, a competition described by both Dzilc and O'Hora as "exclusive.'' Although it is an honor to take part in the prestigious Penn Relays, O'Hora hopes his runners will get a lot more out of their athletic careers at Cabrini. "If you run, it's difficult not to see yourself as a whole person," he said. "The self-discipline is the hardest aspect, but it. often leads to_self improvement." O'Hora's theory has held true for Pete Casazza, senior. "The experience of being on the team bas showed me that bard work pays off," he said. "Now I have the willpower to achieve whatever I want to achieve, even outside of running.''

Donahue says he admires O'Hora's commitment to running. "Coach tells us that be is at Cabrini because running has given a lot to him and he wants to give it something back." O'Hora says that he has been running for as long as he can remember. "I used to run in the streets long before it was popular to do that," he said. "In those days, it was considered very strange. I was even picked up by the police." O'Hora competed in track and field while.attending LaSalle University. After graduation, he joined an organization for competitive amateur runners known as the Philadelphia Pioneers. O'Hora was part of their mile relay team, which he described as the world's fastest, and became the 400 meter national champion.

' Coach has always been willing to help out. He'll do anything for us. He's not only our. coach, he's a good friend.' -John Donahue, senior O'Hora, who earned a degree in English from LaSalle, has worked at a number of radio stations. At present, be puts in about 20 hours a week as a part-time disc jockey with WYSP-FM, and also does consulting work. His dream is to one day own his own radio station. Despite his busy schedule, O'Hora still finds time to run competitively. He participated-in last year's World Masters Games held in Sydney,Australia, and was selected captain of the United States team. O'Hora described the games as an international competition for athletes aged 40 and over. He earned eighth place in the 400 meters race. "Competing is a lot offun," be said, "but personally I get more out of coaching. The opportunity to work with other people really makes coaching a learning experience.''

Here•sto all the facul1y, administrators; staff, students and friends of Cabrini_College, who made the first 30 so great! Many Thanks,many times over, ~ Sr.Eileen Currie, MSC

...and now for the next thirty...


loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988


Cabrini'shistoryof by Paula Phillips

It has been a long and sometimes difficultjourney filled with the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat for the Cabrini sports program. The sports program has changed dramatically from a small athletic program to a strong, competitive intercollegiate one. There have been many changes throughout the years which have eliminated and added coaches, uniforms and equipment to improve the teams and the athletic program itself. To examine the growth of the program one must start at the beginning -- 30 years ago. The sports program· began in 1958 when Cabrini opened its doors to students, who at that time were all female. Although the college did not offer much in the intercollegiate field, it did offer a variety of intramurals. The intramurals program was extensive in its scheduling of events. The students were offered a variety of intramurals including the usual volleyball, softball, basketball, tennis and field hockey; but were also offered badmittion, swimming, horseback riding, golf and arch,ery. There was an intercollegiate basketball team, which in 1962 only played eight games from Feb~ary. The team played such colleges as the University of Pennslyvania, West Chester University, Rosemont College and Immaculata College. In the late 1960's, the team joined the Philadelphia Association ·of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (PAIAW) but this league did not promote p0st-season play. Students that participated in gym, intramurals, or in the intracollegiate basketball program wore a required uniform. A typicaluniform consisted of a short dress (called a tunic) with a belt around the waist and a shirt underneath. For footwear, the women wore bobby socks and sneakers which today would be called "hobos." The basketball team and the intramurals program was supported by the Athletic Association, which consisted of students and cheerleaders. In 1972, women still wore tunics. These were a little shorter than in previous years, but other schools were already playing in shorts. For footwear, there was a change of style from "hobos" to Converse sneakers. After 14 years the AthleticAssociation was no longer in existenr.e. The cheerleading squad also faded out. In addition to intramurals and a basketball team, an official volleyball team was also formed. In 1974, there was another addition to the Cabrini sports program, a men's intramural basketball program. This team interacted with Eastern's intramurals because Cabrini did not have enough males to have a complete program.

The following year, Cabrini had its first official men's basketball team. Dr.Jolyon P. · Girard was coach. 1977 brought major changes in the sports programs. Tunics for the women were put in the archives and shorts were allowed to be wom. The Athletic Association was revitalized and was involvedin intercollegiate athletics, intramurals, the faculty-student softball game, and the· first annual sports banquet with Michael Dunlevy of the 76ers as guest speaker. The cheerleading was also revitalized with an eight member squad. A soccer team coached by Dr. Carter Craigie was also added to the sports program this year. Not your typicalteam, it was made up of both men and women. The soccer team continued to be co-ed until 1980. 1981 the athletic In Cabrini's first male basketball team in 1975 coached by department joined a new conferDr. Jo/yon Girard. ence, and named a new male ath1984 was a year of Wesleyan, 10 to 70. letic director, and formed new Cheerleading became Intercollegiate Athletics changes, new additions teams. an official sport, being required to JohnDzikwasnamedthe (NAIA). They were placed in and victories. cheer at every game. position of head coach for the District 19 where, in their first The soccer team had a The softball team, in male basketball team and director year, the Cavs advanced to the new head coach, Bill Crowley. their nine game season, placed of athletics. playoffsbut lostto Hampton Insti- Their season record was fivewins, third in districts, and placed secA field hockey team tute. seven losses, and one tie while the ond in PAIA. coached by Vicki Greenwood was Also the women formed volleyballteam had a record of ten For the first time ever, added to the program. The team a tennis team due to the efforts of wins and twelve losses. there was a track team at Cabrini. had a six game schedule, but was Sue Roth '84 and Carol Wohl '83. The field hockey team They attended three road races winless. It was basicallya training· They had a four match season but had their best record in the and two invitational meets. season for the team. It was spent won none. college's history, fivewins and ten Also for the first time in learning rules, fundamentals, In 1983, w~e the fi~Id- losses. They participated in the the college's history, there was a building student interest and a ' hockey team was still struggling PAIA tournament in Swarthmore men's tennis team under the dif?r wins, the volleyball team where they won two and lost two. competitive team. rection of Paul Caruso, former In the previous season a signed on anew head coach, Jerry The women's tennis women's softball team· and a co- ' Szabo. team became the first intercolle- Cabrini student in 1984 and 1985. ed cross country team also had Under his guidance the giate tennis team at Cabrini. The team participated in both the been added to Cabrini's sports team had a record of 14 wins and Before this year the team was NAIA and EPAC championships. program. The basketball program four losses. Also during the sea- always a Student Government The highlight of their season was keptgrowing. The two teams were son the team held its first annual Association club. Their record a team victory over Neumann. under the direction of two new tournament on Halloween. was one and three, beating Neu1985 was a victorious head coaches, Dzik for the men The soccer team added a mann. year for th_e Cabrini's sport's The Lady Cavs basket- program. and Jill Fausnaught for the member to its coaching staff, women. Brown, and went on to set their ball team had a record of nine and The basketball team put The women's team had best record in Cabrini history of thirteen and they placed third in Cabrini on the map. The Cavs an 8-10 record while the men's five wins, six losses and one tie. the Poinsetta tournament held at ranked for the first time ever team won their first title. This record helped the Cavs to get Scranton University. among the nation's top 20 in the The players and the a berth in NAIA division 19 playThe men's team joined NAIA, ranking 20th. coach developed from a team that offs where they took a lost to a new conference, the Eastern With a 23 and six record Pennslyvania Athletic Confer- beating such teams as Mount St. was not familiar to each other to a Eastern College, two to one. championship team in March. In basketball, the Lady· ence (EPAC), the "Little Five". Mary's in New York and Johns With 18wins under their belt, the Cavs, under a new head coach, The five teams included Cabrini, Hopkins, the team won its second team soared ahead and captured Mike Tenaglia, participated in Allentown, Eastern, Spring Gar- EPAC title and also their second the Keystone Athletic Confer- three tournaments, Immaculata; den and Lincoln. NAIA division 19 title, in two In their first season in ' consecutive years. The Cavs deence (KAC) championship leav- Scranton; and the Eastern ing their record, 20-9. Association of Intercollegiate this conference, the Cavs had a feated the College of Philadelphia 1982 was filled with de- AthleticsforWomen(EAIAW)in record of seven wins and one loss Pharmacy and Science in NAIA feats and triumphs. The soccer Boston. The Cavs beat such only to Allentown. This record playoffs to earn a bid to nationals team, coached by Will Langton, teams as Allentown, Eastern, enabled them to capture the title in Kansas City where they were had a record of 4-9-4. Ursinus and Swarthmore to ofEPAC. defeated by the seventh seeded The team was invited to team, Marycrest College by one The season was also high- achieve a season record of 11-13. lighted by a trip to Virginia where The men's team finished their first annual National Catho- point, 71 to 70. the team played NCAA division with a 22 and six record, a third liclnvitational in Iowa where they The other highlights of III Longwood College and consecutive KAC championship defaeted Viterbro College of the season was a win over St. NCAA division I Virginia Com- title, and again a berth in division Milwakee, Wi. and lost in the sec- Thomas Aquinas of New York, monwealth University. 19 where they lost to Lincoln ond round to Loras College, the who ranked sixth in the nation in Both the volleyball,field UrJversity 76 to 75. host team. NAIA. The game went into hockey, and softball teams had Another highlight of the The Cavs also made double overtime where the Cavs rebuilding seasons while the year was the Cavs on Dec. 14 their second trip to the Palestra in won84 to 80. women's basketball team had a ' played in the Palestra, the home Philadelphia where they beat LinThe Cavs also made winning season of 13 wins and of the "Big Five", against Stock- coln 92 to 67. widespread medi.a attention from seven losses. ton State College where they beat The highlight of the sea- the NewYork Times to the USA son was a 99-95 VICtory over Today to local news .. coverage The men's team, having them 63 to 53. The softball team got a Coppin State for the division 19 when they played against Eastern a 20-11 regular season record, new coach, Tenaglia, for the sea- championship, and a trip to College. captured their second straight son which was only a month long. Kansas City, Mo. for the NAIA Why? The game went KAC title. They played four games, winning national tournament where they into six overtimes where the Cavs The team, this season, also were defeated by West Virginia were victorious. The game regisjoined the National Associ~~ionof two of them.

loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988



athleticachievements tered in the record books as the third longest college basketball· game ever and the longest in the country that year. The men's basketball program for the first time also added a men's junior varsity team who had a record of seven wins and eight losses. The soccer team had one of its best se_ilsons in Cabrini's history. Their record was ten wins, four losses and one tie. The team advanced all the way to the Division 19 playoffs where they lost to Allentown. The volleyball team had a winning season of 16 winsand five losses. They reached the the division 19 championship where they were eliminated by Allentown. The men's cross country team under the guidance of Tom O'Hora, had a dual meet record of 15 wins and two lpsses. The team won their first invitational victory at Trenton State Tournament held at Washington Crossing Park in New Jersey. At the Baptist Bible Invitational there was a major EPAC upset when Cabrini won their second invitational of the year while beating Baptist Bible on their home course for the first time ever. At the EPAC championship race on Oct. 25, Lincoln retained its title with a seven points over Cabrini. At the NAIA division 19 championship race on Nov. 7, the Cavs dethroned eight-time champion Lincoln University by seven points and earned an invitation to the nationals in Wisconsin. The_ field hockey team advanced to NCAA division III status where it played its most competitve season. The team placed third out of eight teams in the Swarthmore College's annual tournament.

The women's tennis team for the first time competed in a complete league schedule where their record 'was one win and five losses. The men's team in its second season had a record of three wins and seven losses. The women's basketball team had a troubling season when a ineligible player participated in some of the games that had to be forfeited later and the firing of Coach Tenaglia at the end of the season. Despite their troubles, the team defeated Spring Garden at home for the first time ever in the college's history by one. Another season highlight was the Misercordia game when the Cavs were down by eight. With less than a minute to go, they tied the game to send it into overtime where the Cavs were victorious 75-73.

honors a~ four invitatio~al meets, Baptist Bible, Lincoln, Eastern, Penn State Capital and Eastern. The woman's team placed second to Allentown at the district race and the EPAC race. The woman's tennis team reached its .500 mark with a record of five winsand five losses while the men had a record of three wins and six losses. The men defeated Lincoln who was the pre-season pick to win EPAC attd placed fourth in division 19 finals.

The volleyball team had a record of 18 wins and 11 losses while taking a second place finish in the NAIA region 19 playoffs. The soccer team captured the division 19 title, based on an overall record of 11-3-2. The team advanced to the region ten finals against region division 18 The softball team got champion St. Vincent College another coach,. Caleb Jefferson, {17th in theNAIA) where they lost "CJ.". The team made the NAIA one to zero after the game had division 19 playoffs and advanced gone through three sudden death to the semi-final round where overtime periods. The team also won their they were defeated by Beaver first major tournament at Mount College. The Cavs during the St. Mary's College Invitational. _seasondefeated three of the top They were seeded fourth out of area teams, Widener, Textile and four teams. The men's basketball Immaculata. Also over the course of team captured its third consecutheseason,theteam achieved an tive division title while having a record of 24 wins and 6 losses. overall batting average of 322. They received their third invitaIn this year the track team faded out of exis- tion to nationals where they lost to Wisconsin Eau-Claire. tence. They finished third at the In 1986 the cross country National Catholic Tournament in team participated in their second Iowa and also captured the EPAC straight NAIA national champi- and ESAC championships. onship by capturing the division The women's team had a 19 title for the second year. record of 13 wins and 12 losses The team cap- which carried them into their first tured the EPAC championship playoff berth ever against Beaver while placing second to Frostburg where they won 76-49 but lost to State College of Md. in the East- Allentown in the finals. ern States Athletic Conference · In 1987, three teams (ESAC). headed to NAIA national tournaThe team also took top ments and playoffs. The Cavs

or gym classes, the women were required to wear unics until 1977.

By defending Salisbury State 4-1 and winning ESAC and Division 19, the 1986-87 soccer team went on to Texas for the NA/A National Tournament. (photo by Debbie Fe"a1 . and eight record while winning captured eight division 19 or division 19 sending them to their EPAC/ESAC conference titles and placed first or second in 13 fourth trip to nationals. The team . also won different tournaments. The soccer team was EPAC with a perfect record of eight wins and no losses. expected to be in trouble but The softball team had a proved the critics wrong by cap11 win and six -los eason. The turing the EPAC regular season title. The Cavs also won the highlight of the season was when the Cavs took revenge on ESAC title defeating Salisbury Rosemont beating them 5-4 for State and captured the division kicking them out of the playoffs title by blowing out Allentown. last year. The Cavs won their first region ten championship against This yellr, 1988, the fall St. Vincent's of Latrobe, Pa. in second overtime when Shawn semester has brought more titles Meenan '86 scored a goal ending to Cabrini and a new athletic director for the women. the game, 1-0. Dzik took over the entire The Cavs went to naathletic program on tionals-where they were defeated Oct.1, 198~. by Rockhurst, Ms. and University The volleyball team of Maine. The women's cross coun- captured ESAC north but lost to try team placed second in division Salisbury State in the finals. 19 championship. • The soccer team also The men's team domi- captured ESAC north but lost to nated the Middle Atlantic Re- Salisbury State in the finals. gion. The team finished fourth in The men's basketball the Philadelphia Metro to begin team had a record of 23 and seven the season. They went on to win and captured once again ESAC. all their races against all oppoThe team also moved nents except for placing second to into NCAA division three where Haverford in the Allentown Inviin their first season got a bid for tational. the playoffs held in Scranton The team captured where they lost to Scranton and three Invitational ChampionAllegheny. ships at Dickinson, Baptist Bible The women's team adand Trenton State. vanced to division 19 playoffs They won EPAC and where they lost to Allentown in the ESAC Conferences and also won semi-finals. Division 19 which sent them to their third consecutive trip to . The championships, nationals where they placed 25th titles and victories that the differout of 34. ent sports teams have captured The field hockey team hit that have built up the sports prothe .500 mark and qu~ed for gram can be remembered by the post-season play for the first time. many banners that hang from the ·The volleyball team ceiling in the gym. finished third in districts with victories over Neumann, Alvernia Who knows in the future and a lost to Allentown. if there may be more banners that Both tennis teams hit the are filled with the memories of the .500 mark. The women competed thrill of victories and the agony of in P AIA W division III champion- defeats that will characterize the ships capturing third in a nine Cabrini sports program. Hopeteam field. In the ESAC champi- fully there will be. onship, they took a fourth place finish while the men placed third The cross country team once again were ESAC champiin the ESAC championships. The women's basketball ons while the women's team faded team had their most successful out of existence. season ever with 17 wins and a second place finish in NAIA diviThe women's tennis sion 19 championship losing to team for the first time ever won Allentown after defeating Holy a division 19 title which gave them Family. . an invitation to nationals in May at The men's team had a 24 Kansas City.



loquitur - friday, march 18, 1988

Dream becomes realityfor Evich by Kerry Gallagher

It is the dream of high school and college basketball players to score a 1000 points within a four year time frame. To many, it remains a dream, but for Sue Evich, senior, the dream became a reality in a game against Immaculata College on Feb. 25, 1988. Friends and family gathered to witness the historic moment. They watched anxiously and cheered her on as she came closer and closer to reaching her goal. Evich's roommate, Virginia Cyphers, junior, flashed the camera at her every attempt. Finally, at 8:09 p.m., with 12:47 left on the shot clock in the second half, sophomore Donna Aeillo passed Evich the ball. "Here Sue! Come and get it! Take it in! Shoot it!" Aeillo screamed. Evich did, and consequently scored her significant basket. The clock was stopped while streamers flew out onto the floor. Her teammates gathered around her, and presented her with flowers, balloons, and poster collages with words cut out from magazines that described her feat as "The most unforgettable moment," aud "Going above and beyond what is expected." "It felt great when I finally hit it! I knew this whole season that I had a good shot at it but it just seemed that it was always out of reach," Evich said. "I don't think I was nervous about hitting it - - I was more anxious than anything. I tried not to think about it but it was hard to block it out. I think everyone was just as relieved as I was when I finally hit it." Evich's family praised her accomplishment. "She works so hard and she makes us so proud. She deserves this," Betty Evich, mother of Sue Evich, said. Her father, Bob Evich, said, "She was always a team player more than a scorer, from grade school to college. That's what makes it extra special."

Evich's teammates were excited to share in the moment. Aeillo said, "I am so happy for her right now because she really deserves it. Even though we've only played together for two seasons, I feel like we've been playing for much longer." "She's got fancy feet!" Lori Albertus, senior, said. Evich began playing basketball at the tender age of ten. As a tomboy, she loved all kinds of sports but basketball was alw~ys her favorite. Evich said, "I played with my brothers and my dad, and they played just as rough with meas they did with each other. Maybe, that's why I foul out of so many games!" Evich went on to play basketball for Bishop Conwell High School in Levittown, Pa. "In high school I had great coaches who were very patient with me and always pushed me to my potential. I learned a lot from them, and have appreciated them for it," Evich said. Evich followed her sister, Mary Beth, to Cabrini College, and began playing ball once again.She doesn't regret her decision on choosing Cabrini. "I had a great time playing ball for Cabrini. I learned a lot from playing, not just about the game but about life itself," Evich said. "I've learned things that I've appliedingames thatwill continue to help me through life such as perseverance, leadersliip, teamwork, composure, unity and many other things." Sue Evich, senior (photo by Jeff Moore)

Evich continued, "In leaving Cabrini's and my teammates on - and it makes me as well as her peers. I know whatever she basketball team, I want my coaches, Terri feel great inside," Evich said. does, she'll do well." Mancini, Danny Welde, and Timmy John Dzik presented Evich with an inUpon graduation in May, Evich plans {Shooter) Feeney, to know that they have scribed ball on March 1 at the woman's to continue her education at Jefferson positively influenced my life, and I appreciate all theirtime and patience that they basketballteam's last game of the season. University, Philadelphia, to attain her He called her mother down from the master's degree in physical therapy. have given me." bleachers and presented the ball to the two of them. "My mom and dad have always been a Pete Evich, brother of Sue Evich, great influence in my life. They've always chimed in, "It'~ a well-deserved achieveMary Beth Evich was present at the supported me in everything that I have ceremony. She said, "I'm proud of her. ment }?ecause of her hard work and deterdone. They're at every game rooting me She's a good role model for young people, mination."

This Week at Cabrini Friday


March 18 9AM-4 PM 3PM 4:45 PM

March23 ¡ Bryn Mawr Trust Co. Interviews, Widener Conf. Rm. SUPERTHON Faculty & Staff Pub; Grace Hall Foyer SUPERTHON WEEKEND BEGINS at Dinner Cafe


March 19 DAY


1 PM

SUPERTHON OLYMPICS Doors open for Beru Revue Concert, Gym; Opening Band, The Daves;Ticketsfor students:$3; Guests:$5. Kick Off for week-long 30th Anniversary Celebration SoftQall vs. Swarthmore, Home


Thursday March24 All Day

Junior Fall Pre-registration


PHILADANCO performance in the gym, 8 p.m. Classical, jazz and contemporary dance. Reception in Gathering Area follows.

March20 NOON 1:30PM 3PM

30th Anniversary Liturgy, Chapel; By invitation only Bi~hop Louis OeSimone, celebrant Brunch in the Cafe; By invitation only Philadelphia Water Color Club Exhibition Meet the Artists Reception, Library 2nd floor


Friday March25 9 AM-4PM 3 PM

Bloomingdale's Interviews, Sacred Heart Men's Tennis vs. Eastern, Away

7:30 PM

ACADEMIC CONVOCATION with speaker Nicholas Daniloff, editor of US News and World Report, who was held hostage by the Russians for 30 days in 1986. Free. Reception will follow in cafeteria.

March 21 4:45-6:30 PM Special Spanish Dinner in Cafe; Free to all ttudents, including commuters; Staff/faculty pay $5.50 8PM

Is it immoral for a lawyer to defend someone he knows Is guilty? If you were a real estate agent, would you tell a potential buyer that the home they are going to purchase has a leaky roof? Would you treat an AIDS patient if .you were a doctor? A panel of alumni professionals will discuss ethics in business, politics, real estat-e,law, and medicine in a panel discussion of "Morality vs. Pragmatism." Susan Bray from WWDB moderates. Free, lecture Hall.

Saturday All

March 18-March 30

Flamenco performance, gym; Free to all students/faculty; Guest: $5; Reception follows in Gathering Area

Saturday l\larch26


All Day

Antique and Classic Car Show

March 22

10AM 1 PM

Doors Open. New Car Auction (Buicks, Fords, Dodges). Get the best deal on a new car. What you pay over cost is tax deductible. Vacation Raffle. Buy a chance! First prize is $5,500 cash or a OE 2 cruise to England. Raffle tickets: $10 each. You can purchase them at the Development Office in the Mansion.

9 AM-4 PM 12:30 PM

Aviation Supply Office Interview, Sacred Heart Peer Education Health Services, Dean of Students Cont. Rm

7:30 PM

Eleanor Holmes Norton Lecture, lecture Hall. Norton is an expert on aff,rmative action, equal opportunity, and civil and women's rights. Norton will discuss the conflict between an individual's needs and society's needs. lecture is free.

Wednesday March23 9 AM-4 PM 9 AM-4 PM 3 PM


Sunday March 27

Monday Association for Independent Growth Interviews,Dean of St. Conf. Rm. Senior Education Practicum, lecture Hall Softball vs. Eastern, Away

March28 4 PM

Softball vs. Phila. Pharmacy, Away

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