vol. xxxiv, no. 18
Boardapproves 1O percenttuitionhike by Rebecca Rebalsky
room and board at both private and public institutions will grow at a combined rate of 5 to 6 percent this year and next. The board of trustees has approved a 10 percent Cabrini's combined rate of increase for 1988-89 is 7.4 increase in the cost of tuition and a 4 percent increase in percent. Although this year's hike is high, Romano said the cost of room and board for the 1988-89 school year. that double-digit percentage increases at Cabrini were Next year, students will pay $2,942.50 per not uncommon during the inflationary years of the late semester for tuition, $267.50 more than the current fee. '70s and early '80s. There was a 10 percent tuition increase The cost of room and board will be $2,050,up from $1,975. and a 10 percent room and board increase for the 1979The 10 percent hike in tuition is the highest 80 school year. percentage increase for Cabrini in the past five years. The average rate of tuition increases since 1983 has been 6.8 r percent. College administrators say that revenues from higher tuition and room and board will help cover the costs of increased faculty salaries, additional full-time and parttime faculty, an upgrade of the library, an expansion of the continuing education department, more sc~~olfunded student aid, funding for a new freshman adVIsmg program, and maintenance projects. . Dr. Mary Ann Biller, academic dean, said the education department will create two additional full-time positions, and the business administration department will hire another full-time teacher. Other departments will hire more part-time faculty, she said. According to Dr.Joseph Romano, vice president for academic affairs, the library needs more money in order to increase holdings and replace damaged and stolen books. Biller said the library will also hire additional staff. The continuing education department will have a \... larger budget next year in order to increase hours of staff, According to a poll by Opinion Research Corp., and to create a new full-time position. The new staff 77 percent of all Americans think the cost of a college member will be responsible for recruitment and <level- education will soon be beyond the me ns of he ty ical p en · he con inuing education depart~ n . family. The average cost of tuition at a private college is Romano said a withdrawal of financial support $6,150 per year. from the state also prompted the college to raise tuition. Villanova University and Eastern College will r~ also raise their fees for the 1988-89 school year. The For the past three years, the state of Pennsylvania a surplus budget and was able to give funds t?Ca?~mi Villanova University Senate voted March 25 to approve and other public and private colleges and umversthes. tuition increases of 10.4 to 13.5 percent. Tuition for fullCabrini usually received about $50,000. This year, the time students in the College ofLiberalArts and Sciences ·state stopped the practice. "It's a big blow to the ~chool, is now _$4,375per semester. The cost of room and board
at Villanova, currently $2,200 per semestet, will increase by 4 percent. Tuition at Eastern College will increase by 7.8 percent and room and board will increase by 8 percent, according to Evan Frey, treasurer. The present cost of tuition for Eastern students is $3,765 per semester. Room and board is currently $1,465 per semester. The decision to raise tuition and room and board is made by the college budget committee, which designs .
·TuitionComparisons % increase
$8117.00 ~
the budget for each fiscal year. The budget is first presented to the finance committee of the board of trustees, and then to the full board. The board of truskes approved an $8.3 billion budget for the 1988-89fiscal year on March 21. Loucks said that in addition to tuition and room and board increases next year, students will pay a general fee of $225 per semester. This fee will replace the $35 registration fee, the $165 general fee, and orientation and graduation fees.
inside: perspectives .. 2-3 news . ........ 4-6 features . ..... 7-1 0 sports . ..... 11-12
Person of the week: Gene Shay (page 8)
Antique Car Show highlights (page 6)
loquitur - friday, april 15, 1988
[~!~~1~1===~~:~c,,,:,~===w:o·,~•@c [itiiiii,~,~-===~;= Lookingfor a home
Willit be worth it? Cabrini's double digit tuition increase for next year is above the national average at ten percent. Nobody likes higher prices, but we generally don't mind if we feel like we're paying for quality. Paying for quality is an investment. Most people choose to make an investment. In choosing Cabrini, we are betting that in four years we will get a good return on our investment. If the increase in the quality of education is proportional to the tuition increase, then the $292.50 more that students will be shelling out per semester (fora grand total of $3,167.50 per semester including fees) may be worth it. As always, a lot depends on the student and how much he or she puts into their education. Areas earmarked for more funds, · like additional faculty and the library, are legitimate and should offer an increase in the quality of education. We have to decide if it is worth it. There are some students, however, who are working as much as they can to earn tuition and are just about making it now. The increase may push these students over the edge and slam the doors on many others. This is a national phenomena, and Cabrini is just following suit, staying competitive, administrators say. We may like it just fine here. We may believe we are getting an education well worth the cost. Thousands of people are willing to pay much more for an education that is equal to Cabrini's, but at a school that has an established "reputation." At a liberal arts college, we recognize that we are not just being trained for a job, but for life. The material return on our investment, a job, should not be based on how much we bought the education for, but for the reputation of the school and the quality of students it produces. Unfortunately, people do equate the two. If you go to Haverford and pay twice as much as Cabrini, do you learn twice as much? Or do you earn twice as much? As we are working this summer to save the extra $292.50, instead of going to the beach, hopefully we will think of the investment, and whether we are getting what we pay-for.
jacqui mcclernan
It is spring time once again and college students everywhere are scrambling to find housing for the next semester. Believe me, it sounds a lot easier than it is. I know, for I have begun the hunt for housing. The difficulties I might encounter searching for decent housing never occurred to me. In making numerous inquiries to friends, fellow students and of course, realtors, I have been met with a few roadblocks. For instance, if you and three friends decide to rent a hovse or even a large apartment, you know'll soon find out that it is against the law according to a Radnor Ordinance. Due to this small hurdle, many students are faced with the option of lying on their leases. Students will put three people on a lease and the fourth will live there anyway. This is fine, but when a problem arises the person whose name does not appear on the lease is out in the cold. From what I have heard from friends . living in secrecy, it is pure hell. When I first talked with a realtor I could not believe the prices I was hearing. I live in Northeast Philadelphia and could rent a two bedroom apartment for $375 a month. On the Main Line this is unheard of, and $440 for a one bedroom cubicle is considered cheap. One nice gentleman I spoke with told me that he could find a really nice two bedroom, two bath, adequately sized apartment for two people in the $650-700 range. What in the name of God do these people consider adequate? For the an1ount of time I will spend in an apartment I most certainly do not need luxury. Between work, school and an internship I doubt I will do much TIME?! Excuse me? The only way more than sleep and shower at an apartstudents achieve the Dean's List is by ment. Personally, I find the rents highly spending TIME, and lots of it, on books. amusing for a college budget especially
Actionout of character To the Editor:
I write as a concerned senior abo~~ !he supposed family-~ke atmosphere Cabr:ni possesses. Over the past four years, the "personalness" Cabrini offered me provided a true building block for my personality. This "personalness," however, maybe in jeopardy. The ignorance of not announcing the Dean's List students at convocation remains very uncharacteristic of Cabrini. The administration said "There isn't enough time."
"Referring to my program," Michael Edmondson, senior
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The second fact to consider is that I am a college student and, therefore, immediately stereotyped as such. It is a shame that college students are always labelled as a rowdy bunch, but doesn't everyone go through stages? By the time you move off-campus I would assume that you have matured quite a bit, and I would hope that people would take this into consideration. I called a woman the other day about renting at the Radnor House. She asked me for references. I thought "lady, I don't want a job I just want to live there. My parents didn't ask me for references when I moved home." I can see screening potential renters because I know I would. If I were going to rent an apartment or house I would want to know what type of people I was dealing with, but asking for references rubbed me the wrong way. Attention potential renters:
171reematurefemale collegestudellts lookingto rentin the BrynMawr or Waynearea. All three cany full credit loads, havejobs and are anticipatingintemships in the fall. P.S. Resumes available upon request. (Right!)
Editor: Debbie Murphy StaffManagers:Donna Dougherty, Angle Corbo News Editor: Jacqui McCleman AssistantNews Editors: Rachel Anderson, LisaBrzezicki, AndeRomano PerspectivM Editor: Anne Fahy Aaslatanl Perapecllws Editors: Roe Wellman, LaTonya Lucas Features Editor: Stephanie Giardini Asslslant Features Editors: Jenni Obrecht, Kerry Gallagher Sports Editors: Donna Dougherty and Belh Bittner Assislant Sports Editor: Paula Phillips Business Managers:Kathleen McCabe and Angie Corbo Copy Editor: Kerry Gallagher Assislant Copy Editor: Denise Clva Photography Editor: Debbie Ferrar Photography Adviser: Or. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek
At two seconds per name, it would have taken all of six to nine minutes to read all of the students' names. Excuse me, and this letter, if you think two seconds of recognition is too much. Silly me.
considering the fact that my "daddy" did not hand me his platinum American Express Card and tell me to pick something comfy. (I wonder if my dad even has a card because I was never given the honor.) I suppose I have to take a few factors into consideration: the location and who I am. Let's face it, this is the Line and people would kill to say they live here. I do realize that the property values out here are extremely high, but th~re are quite a few colleges here as well -- many with a lack of facilities. For instance, at Villanova University upperclassmen are told that they must vacate campus or wait to enter the housing lottery after freshmen and sophomores have already chosen. I think I am beginning to see the light. Students are forced to live offcampus, therefore, they will pay whatever these people demand. It is certainly a shame for those on a college budget.
60fJ l<NOP/5, I CH8(/5H fJt.llCKffl.Jf't£.
Stall: Marian Armslrong, Lisa Brzezicki, Mari Bugle, Denise Civa, Angle Corbo, Kelli Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Kerry Gallagher, Shella Koller, Kristin Kroll, Amy Lennon, LaTonya Lucas, Lee Mirenda, Jenni Obrecht, Paula Phillips, Keith Pyle, Rebecca Rebalsky, Ande Romano, Roe Wellman, Patrick Zipfel Photography Staff; Michele Corrado, Sue Hill, Denise Hurley, Jeff Moore, Steve Pascall, Roseanne Rosselle, Karen Siegl,
Mike Steveson. Loqultur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087. Subscription price Is $20 per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur welcomes lettera to !he editor. Letters should be signed and the aulhorshlp known to !he editors. However, if !he writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the wrlte(s name may be left off the letter upon publication and an Inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter Is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense 11.Letters lo the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions publis/led In Loqultur are the views of !he student editorial staff and the Individual wrilera and not the entire sludent body or the faculty and administration.
loquitur - friday, april 15, 1988
Outrage at Whos Who presentation
To the Editor: I am writing this letter with regards to the Spring Convocation that took place on Friday, March 25. Since it was my last Convocation, as I will be graduating in May, I was greatly looking forward to it. Since Cabrini was celebrating its 30th Anniversary that week, I was told there would be a lot of "special" things going on at Convocation. For one, Nicholas Daniloff was to be the guest speaker. Another, and probably the most important reason I was looking forward to my last Convocation was the fact that I would be receiving the "Who's Who" award. For three years, I had sat and watched past alumni stand on stage at this ceremony and listen proudly as their list of achievements was read out loud. I remember, as do many of my fellow classmates I'm sure, constantly being amazed and impressed with the activities, achievements and awards these past seniors had accumulated, and I hoped that I too would some day be able,to be added to this list. When I discovered I received "Who's Who" a few months ago, I felt honored to be included in this category. I know that the 16other awardees of the "Who's Who" this year felt the same way. However, the one night in which we would be able to stand proudly and be awarded this honor was cut short. Instead of being able to go up individual1y and receive this award, we were told, minutes before we were to process in, that we would be called up as a group and a scattered list of various activities in which we all participated in would be read aloud. Those watching would have to simply guess at who participated in what activity. We felt cheated and we had a right to feel this way. When we attempted to talk to someone about this, we were basically told to grow up and get back in line. Grow up? Seventeen people worked hard for. four years to get that award. Seventeen people gave up many nights of par-
ties and sleep to devote to their individual activites and honors. Seventeen people had families and friends who drove many miles to be there that night to see their son/ daughter /friend receive a very special award, and 17 people were cheated and felt hurt and angry at what they got from Cabrini College that night. Why weren't we given the time (an extra half an hour) to be properly honored? It certainly wasn't to give anyone else extra time. Dean's List recipients were also jilted of their award. Parents and friends were told to consult their programs to see the names of those who received Dean's List. (Who's Who recipients were not even granted this. Our names were completely ommitted from the program.) If I was a freshman, this ceremony certainly wouldn't encourage me to come back. Daniloff only spoke for half an hour, so the time didn't go to him. We were out of there earlier than I ever remember leaving Spring Convocation - 8:50. Many people, Who's Who recipients, Dean's List students and others worked very hard to receive their honors, and yet Cabrini certainly didn't do a very good job honoringthem. Whowas this night for, the students who received awards, or the college? What were the reasons behind all the "special" things (i.e. cap and gown) that were planned, to make the night more special for the students, or to impress Daniloff? We, as students, gave up our time, many hours of our time, for Cabrini. The least Cabrini could have done would have been to give up another hour or so of their time, their 30th Anniversary celebration, for us. My four years here at Cabrini are almost over. My memories of my last Convocation certainly weren't what I expected. I only hope that next year, the Who's Who recipients will get the recognition they truly deserve. Kate Welsh, senior
To the Editor: On Friday, March 25, the annual Spring Convocation was held. For the senior class especially, this was to be a momentous event because it was our very last convocation. For some seniors, Dean's List was achieved for the first time last semester making this convocation an even more special event. And for 17 seniors, in particular, this convocation meant more to us than graduation because we were to be honored with the prestigious Who's Who award. For three years, we seniors have sat by and watched as previous seniors have been PERSONALLY and INDIVIDUALLY recognized for their accomplishments. We have anticipated the day when we could stand before our parents and friends, individually, because we wanted to make them really proud. This was to be their night, much moreso, than ours. I cannot possibly explain the bitter, bitter disappointment at being herded on stage, all 17 at the same time, while a list of someone else's accomplishments were read off. It was a "generic" reading as one senior put it. We are crushed. Our parents are crushed. They too have sat through three years of convocation ceremonies where previous seniors 1were truly "honored." According to a very reliable source, a committee decided how convocation was to be run this year. Well, I'd like to tell that committee how incredibly thoughtless and twisted their thinking was. I am appalled how Dr. Romano ran through the awards ceremony as if a bus was about to hit him. Wake up folks, thh was SPRING CONVOCATION, not a Nick Daniloff praise hour. You were so damned worried about the prestige of having Mr. Daniloff here that you forgot the reason he was here in the first place. He was here as a GUEST lecturer, the night was suppose to be in honor of the students - remember now?? What about the poor students who made dean's list only and were told to stand and be "looked up in the program?"
Parents did not drive from other states to see their sons and daughters "looked up in the program!!" It would not have taken that long to say the names out loud. We all expected it to be a longer convocation but we did not mind at all because you dressed us up in "academic garb" and built up the event so much that we were all truly excited. What could have you, the "committee,"possibly been thinking of? How could you have been so unkind and so blatantly disrespectful to the very students whom you call the "cream of the crop?" This was suppose to be an event honoring THEIR achievements, not Daniloff's. I cannot possibly convey in this letter how we seniors feel. ¡ If the committee wanted to conserve time they should have cut out the violins! Our parents ca.meto see us, not hear music.
You robbed us of what was suppose to be for many the highlight of four years of college. I am embarrassed that Mr. Daniloff was present at such a despicable showofpoortaste andlack of concern this school displayed for its students that night. The administration at Cabrini-College expects so very much from its student leaders and gives so very little in return. This fact was quite evident at convocation. This was to be our night and you - the committee - destroyed that. Well, at least we all know now how much Cabrini really does "care" about its students. One more thing, I am writing on behalf of the senior class "honored" at Daniloff's lecture. If you want to know who we are, refer to your program.
Let down, Christine Mason
Questioningthe meaning of traditions by LaTonya Lucas
Confession is a word that bothers me. On Easter Sunday, I went home to church and my pastor, Rev. Benjamin F. Powell of the 59th Street Baptist Church said, and I quote, "Don't confess to me 'cause I can't help you." I often ask my friends who are Catholic why they confess to a priest, another human being. A common response is that the priest acts as a representive of God, and when the priest forgives, it gives them a clear conscience and a sense of cleanliness. "Oh ..." is my common response. _ . When I ask such questions as I often do, I am really curious, struggling for an 1.nswerthat will satisfy my curiosity. I have 't found one and maybe I never will.
response was "Lord Hear Our Prayer." From the response, I knew they were praying. I was trying to make a point when I asked my friend, who faithfully responded each time, "Lord hear our prayer," what the student was saying. She couldn't tell me. I couldn't help but laugh at her. The irony of it all, I thought. My roommate, who is also Catholic, summed it up this way. "Catholicism is so repetitious that people get more caught up in the repetition than the meaning." How much meaning can a person get outofchurchifhe isstatingScriptures that are ¡so well rehearsed they could said backwards?
I am of the Baptist religion and despite all the negative rumors I've heard about how strict Catholic schools are, I am attending a Catholic college. This is my first time away from home and away from the religion that I am used to. As a matter of fact, I've never even known a black Catholic until coming to Cabrini, but that's beside the point. Being a Baptist, it is understandable that I do not know much about the Catholic church. I do know that John Paul II is the Pope andthatAnthonyBevilaqua is the new Archbishop of Philadelphia. I have heard words such as "purgatory" and "confession," but these words are foreign to me. Baptists believe that there is a My friend had no idea what she was heaven and ahell--no place in between. We praying for. also believe that the way one spends his life On Palm Sunday, I decided to go to here on earth will be the judgement as to .ass here on campus. During mass, a So I question my friends further. "Do where he will spend his eternal life. ,tudent was reading Scripture and the you feel the presence of God during
mass?" "No." "So why do you go to obligation and as a church?" "It's Catholic,ifyou don't, you are sinning. You go and hope you get something out of it."
My response is if you feel so obligated, don't go. You'll be covered if you make a visit to confession whenever the sessions scheduled, confess the sin that you don't go to mass, be forgiven by the priest, die and go to heaven.
On second thought, if this were the case, there would be no room in heaven for Baptists. During the school year, I usually go to the chapel and pray alone, because regardless of the religion, it is still a house of God. That's the same reason why I get in line for communion when I do go to a Catholic mass.
Unityfelt among the sophomore class by LaTonyaLucas To be a sophomore means that a person is in their second year of college. According to Webster's Il New Riverside University Dictionary, to be sophomoric is having the characteristics of a sophomore and to be immature and overconfident. Mary Krimmel, junior, said that as a sophomore she was immature as co~pared t~ now. Krimmel said that this year's sophomore class isn't too mature, but she believes that the level of maturation depends on the person. Although Krimmel agreed that sophomores tend to be immature, she does not think sophomores are overconfident. "It's more like being underconfident. Sophomores are unsure about most things," she said. Bridget Howard, sophomore, captain of cheerleading, explains what she wants to accomplish during her junior and senior years. "Hopefully, I want to find out what I want to do and pick a definite field of study. I especially want to improve cheerleading and this school's spirit," she said. According to Howard, her sophomore year should have been her freshman year because this year was harder on her. Samantha Tomasula, sophomore, willingly answered how Howard's life as a sophomore has been. "All aspects of the past two semesters have been challenging to her life. She had an Arthur class, a McGuiness class, her personal life, her mother was sick and she's moving again," she said. Tomasulais no longer active in extracurricular activities. "I dropped everything," she said. When asked what activities she was involved in, she said, "school work." Although Tomasula said that she is satisfied academically, her plans for next
BIKE LINE 165 W. Lancaster Avenue Wayne, PA 19087
CONFECTIONS 1019 N. Wayne Avenue Wayne, PA 19087
826 DeKalb Pike
year include transferring to Rutgers University. "I have no doubts in going to Rutgers and no regrets in coming to Cabrini," Tomasula said. In observing Tomasula, Howard and their friends, one could witness the closeness of their friendship. They share good moments as well as bad and they do a lot of things together. They plan to attend the Seuior Farewell. One thing thatTomasulawillnotjoinin, is their water fights. Tomasu'tlsaid that there is a lot of unity among the sophomore class, and a lot of phoniness. "One sophomore wouldn't mind helping out another," she said. Ed Ford, sophomore, considers the sophomore class as being different. According to Ford, he was a commuter representative trying to bring different people together. "They had different views of ~e and they didn't want to listen," Ford said. Ford's future goals are shooting for a 3.5 grade point average, getting involved in the co-op program, hitting the lottery and finding a really nice girl. . Leonora Veterano, sophomore, shares similar views with other students. As a sophomore, she says that she is mature in some ways and immature in others. "I'm not taking it (sophomore year) as seriously as I should. I see my friends taking things that I haven't even thought of taking," Veterano said. According to Veterano, this year is another freshman year. "For now," Veterano said, "I still have it easy. During my junior year, I feel I'll have to get on the ball." Veterano said that she definitely has to become involved. She wants to apply for a resident assistant or orient~tion counselor position. She also agrees that the sophomores are a united class. "Superthon proved that to be true," Veterano said.
Blood Drive,successful by Beth Ann Bittner
The 1988 Health Fair sponsored by Student Health Services had a successful start on Monday, April 11 with the American Red Cross Blood Drive. One-hundred and fourteen people came out to give blood and out of the 114 registered donors, 98 units of blood were collected. This was only 2 units short of the 100-unit goal set by Health Services. There were 23 first-time donors this blood drive and nine gallon pins awarded to previous donors. "This was the best spring blood drive
WAYNE BEVERAGE CO. 346 W. Lancaster Avenue Wayne, PA 19087
everinthehistoryofCabrini College," Sue Fitzgerald, director of student health services, said. According to Fitzgerald, the medical assistants (MA's) were a major factor in the success of the drive. "The blood drive was publicized more than ever," she said. Fitzgerald continued, "I'd also like to thank those (the donors and volunteers) who turned out and made this one of the most successful drives ever." "We, the American Red Cross and myself, appreciate the support of the college community and hope that we will be able to count on them again in a time of need," she said.
Beth Bittner ("the blood-drop') senior (photo by Monica Palko)
503 W. Lancaster Avenue
Wayne.PA 19087
The Student Government Associaton of
COW AN'S FLORIST 195 E. Lancaster Avenue Wayne, PA 19087
Cabrini College
King of Prussia, PA 19406
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loquitur - friday, april 15, ·1988
Would Like To Extend Our Gratitude
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EVERYTHING BUT COMPUTERS 105 S. Wayne Avenue Wayne,PA 19087
To The Following Area Businesses HIDE AND SHEEP INC. 129 N. Wayne Avenue Wayne,PA 19087
Who Helped To Make Superthon '88 PHOTO PLUS 213 W. Lancaster Avenue Wayne, PA 19087
PIZZAHUT King of Prussia
A Great Success ROY AL BILLARD & RECREATION 107 N. Wayne Avenue Wayne, PA 19087
24 W. Lancaster Avenue Ardmore, PA
WAYNE SPOR11NG GOOD CO. 124 E. Lancaster Avenue Wayne, PA 19087
loquitur - friday, april 15, 1988
Cabrini honors academic excellence by Jacqui McClernanand Debbie Murphy
Kathleen Fasciocco, senior, was the McHale, Barbara Mock, Lisa Mummert, recipient of the Sbarboro Scholar award. Deborah Murphy, Nancy Murphy, Michelle Nichols, Yvette .Ousley, Monica The PHEAA Scholarship in· Education Palko, Tammy Pasqualini, Marie Pastino, was awarded to Deanna Zulli, senior. Lisa Rancatore, Jeanne Reineberg, SteThe Lindback Distinguished Teaching pen Saville, Michael Sell, Sharon Sides, Award was presented to James Hedtke, Deidre Skahill, Maria Stelabotte, Lauriassistant professor, history/ political sciann Tomaszeski, Lisa Turner, Maria Van ence. Barren, Eric Webber, Kathleen Welsh, Dean's List Certificates were awarded Eileen Zebrowski and Deanna Zulli. to the following seniors: DonnaAngelucci, Junior Dean's List recipients included: Rita Armstrong, Cynthia Avellino, Beth Nancy Bleakley; Minette Cannon, Patricia Ann Bittner, Teresa Beisser, Lori Boyd, Conway, Gail Crawford, Tricia Cronin, Dina Branco, Linda Brook, Rosemary Diane Crosley, Theresa Daly, Maureen Burgoon, James Cahill, Aliza Candelori, Dion, Timothy Donovan, Annemarie Leah Cascarina, Karen Clark, Kevin Fahy, Susan Flynn, Jeanne Fury, Donna Corcoran, Joanne Curry, Michele Dahl, Grasso, Nina Hagopian, Tammy HarTheresa Drumm, Carolyn Duckworth, grove, Robin Herd, Karen Holcombe, Michael Edmondson, Peggy Emmerich, Karen Ermold, Pamela Esposito, Mary Andree Jost, Lisa Kantor, Judith Krajnak, Fenerty, Debra Ferrar, Michele Fillippo, Jill Lehman, Judy Mancuso, Gina NataTimothy Fitzgerald, Katherine Funk, loni, Karen O'Connor, Kathleen O'Hara, Kathleen Hibbard, Nancy Hoffman, Mary O'Neil, Linda Orsatti, Terrie Pando, Tracy Houser, Carolyn Hurley, Carol Beth Pupkiewicz, Paola Riccione, RoseIrwin, Quinn Jenness, Jeanine Johnston, anne Rossello, Lynn Scheffer, Pamela Carole Kirchner, Marie Lis, TeresaLong, Scherer, Cassandra Smith, Lisa Smith, Kimberly Lowry, Elizabeth Mahoney, Terrence Smith, James Steffler, Michael Christine Mason, Lisa Mason, Megan Stevenson, Andrea Tompson, Maeghan
Uprichard, Magaret Vail, Lori Waddell, Theresa Wilk and Paul Zulli. Members of the sophomore clas:, who received Dean's List honors include: Dorothea Beckett, Robert Bell, Denise Civa, Linda Conroy, Angela Corbo, Lisa Digiandomenico, Patricia · Fitzgerald, Mary Jo Giunco, Michele Holnies, Kristin Kroll, Paul Kropiewicki, Donna Kulsea, Lisa Lyons, Sean McWilliams, Rosalie Mirenda, Joyce Mundy, Sherry Neusbaum, Virginia Obrecht, Paula Phillips, Rebecca Rebalsky, Andrea Romano, Jeff Sander, Kristin Scalier, Linda Smisko, Bethann Sobyak and Maria Tatta. Freshman Dean's List recipients included: Elizabeth Baumstark, Norma Borzillo, Daniela Dirubbo, Lisa Finn, Karen Gresh, Timothy Janusz, Jeanine Kederis, Catherine Libertz, Joseph Mancuso, Lisa Martelli, Michael McGee, Barbara McPhelim, Melissa Middleman, Katherine Mulle, Sr. Anna O'Connor, Patricia Renz, James Sclafani, Karen Shank, Elizabeth Simms, Kimberly Skelding, Michael Yeager and Lorraine Zabielski.
Working hand-in-hand with the 30th Anniversary Celebration Cabrini College honored its best at the annual Spring Convocation held Friday, March 25. Dressed in academic attire Cabrini's faculty, students, and administration rolled out the red carpet to welcome Nicholas Daniloff, diplomatic editor and Moscow correspondent for US News and World Report. · Numerous awards were distributed as parents and friends looked on. The award ceremony was followed by a reception in the cafeteria. In addition to the Dean's list recipients some students received other academic honors. The following students were inducted into Alpha Sigma Lambda, the honor society for Continuing Higher Education. These included: part-time students: Janet Feighner, Stephen Highsmith, Joseph Lowery, Theresa Moyer, Susan Plastino, Laura Reape, Ruth Santoni and Karen Thomas. Fulltime students inducted included: Rita Armstrong, Nancy Bleakley, Linda Brook, Timothy Donovan, Brian Gillooly, Carolyn Hurley, Betty McKenna, Barbara Mock, Nancy Murphy, Dorene Shirey, and Sharon While pursuing his bachelor's degree failure. Hedtke defined a "good teacher" by Angie Corbo Sides. at St. Joseph's University, Hedtke chose as one who is fair, knowledgable of Lambda Iota Tau, which is the literary "When I discovered I couldn't be a to supplement his historical knowledge by course content, and enthusiastic about the honor soci(ity, inducted three new memprofessional baseball player, I decided to concentrating on the area of political sci- course's material. bers: Kathleen Hibbard, senior, Jeanne Rebecca Rebalsky, sophomore, feels go with my second choice," Jim Hedtke, ence. He felt that the degree in political Reineberg, senior, and Rosanne Rosello, assistant professor, political science and science would provide more options to that Hedtke is well versed in the material junior. . that he presents in class. history, said. him in his career. The biology honor society inducted five Hedtke was the honored recipent of the After college Hedtke married and She was impressed with his intelligence new members: Joanne Curry, senior, annual Lindback Award at the Spring went on to graduate school. He was and his sense of humor. Both she, and Christine Federico, junior, Jacqueline Convocation Ceremony. This award rec- offered an assistantship from Villanova Andree Jost, junior, history major, feel Keuny,junior, Grace Marie Leuzzi,junior, ognizes an outstanding professor who University, and received his master's that Hedtke is approachable, easy to talk and Megan McHale, senior. exemplifies the qualities of service, leader- degree in 1973. The fall of 1973 was the to and an enjoyable person. They feelthat Delta Esilon Sigma, the national honor ship and character. Candidates are nomi- beginning ofHedtke's career as a part-time his enthusiasm brings text book material to society, inducted new members also innated by their co-workers, voted on by the professor at Cabrini College. Hedtke life. cluding: Lori Boyd, Linda Brook, Student Academic Council and reviewed became a full-time professor ten years Theresa Ciarlante, Theresa Daly, Pam His fulfillment as a teacher comes from by Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, college later. Esposito, Molly Fenerty, Katherine Funk, his pupils coming back to him, and · president. · Hedtke considers his career a vocation. Sheryl Gerrow, Karen Holcombe, Andree showing him how they have applied the "History always came easy to me," Bruce Kidwell,junior, was impressed with Jost, Lisa Kantor, .tudith Krajnak, Jill base of knowledge that he provided for Hedtke said. His family did a considerable Hedtke's attitude about teaching. He Lehman, Kimberly Lowry, Patricia Miller, them. amount of traveling when he was a child. recalls a conversation with Hedtke when he Barbara Mock, Deborah Murphy, Nancy He equates these kinds of experiences He has vivid memories of exploring revealed that God had called him into Murphy, Karen O'Connor, Terrie Pando, to the biblical passage of the lost sheep. museums and attending professional education. Thus, Hedtke devoted his life Rosanne Rossello and Maria Stellabotte. "When one lost sheep returns to the masbaseball games with his father during to teaching and learning. The psyc~ology honor society, Psi Chi, ter, the joy the master feels when his sheep their vacations. Even his leisurely reading He feels that a good teacher should inducted the following students: Karen returns to him is the most gratifying expecentered around historical novels. never be afraid to learn or to admit his own Gresh, Lisa Goldberg, Karen Holcombe, rience that the master can feel." Lisa Kantor, M~ry McGill, Beth ·Another great asset that a teaching caPupkiewicz, Eric Weber, Carolyn Wilson, reer provides is that Hedtke has been able Peggy Emmerich and Donna GrpSso. to coach women's softball. Hedtke sees his The Cabrini College Honor Society role as a coach and teacher in a synonoinducted the following newmemb.ers: Lori mous way. The same skills ofinstructing, Boyd, Linda Brook, Rosina DiPrinzio, communicating and giving of oneself to the Carol Irwin, Quinn Jenness, Christine students are all applied to athletes in a Mason, Barbara Mock, Monica Palko, different setting, he said. Paria Pastino, Dorene Shirley, Timothy The main difference between the two is Donovan, Annamarie Fahy, Susan Flynn, that the results of his instructing are Jeanne Furia, Robin Herd, Jill Lehman, . "instantaneous" when he coaches, whereas Linda Conroy, Angela Corbo, Mary Jo it may take years to discover the effect of Guinco, Sean McWillams, Sherry Neushis efforts in the classroom. baum, Virginia Obrecht, Paula Phillips, Jost has seen Hedtke from the prospecKristin Schaller and Rebecca Rebalsky. tive of a student and an athlete. In her The Society for Collegiate Journalists experience, she has said that she could not inducted the following students: Denise recall a situation where Hedtke did not Civa, Donna Dougherty, Annamarie exercise good judgement or do an excellent Fahy, Kerry Gallagher, Stephanie Giarjob at what he had set out to do. dini, Kathleen McCabe, Jacquelyn As a teacher, Jost admires how Hedtke McClernan and Deborah Murphy. can instruct ·and listen to the input of the The following students were chosen as Who's Who Among Students in Ameristudents. Jost likes the way that Hedtke can Universities and Colleges: Theresa gets his students involved in class. His Ciarlante, Kevin Corcoran, Michele Dahl, discussions and projects are challenges Michael Edmondson, Peggy Emmerich, that promote intellectual growth. Mary Fenerty, Katherine Funk, Kathleen "I emulate him and I know that some Hibbard, Christine Mason, Lisa Mason, day I would like to teach. If I could have Elizabeth Mahoney, Yvette Ousley, students speak of me, in the same way that Monica Palko, Jeanne Reineberg, KathI hear students speak of Jim Hedtke now, leen Welsh, Eileen Zebrowski and Deanna I would know that I would have succeded Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, congratuatesJames Hedtke, assistantprofesso,· Zulli. . in my vocation," Jost said. history, on receiving the Lindback Award. (photo by StevePascali) '
Hedtke receives Lindback Award
loquitur - friday, april 15, 1988
AntiqueCar Show The Antique Car Show was held on Sat., April 9. The Show presented approximately 150 cars of all styles, classes and ages. It began at 10 a.m. and the award ceremony was held at 3:30 p.m. The presenters themselves voted for the winner. Though the chilly weather slighted attendance, everyone enjoyed the day. (photos by Tim Fitzgerald)
THEATER-- "The Diary of Anne Frank" opens this Friday, April 15, at 8:00 p.m., in the theater. The performances will continue through the following dates: April 16, 17, 22 and 23. The Friday and Saturday shows are at 8:00 p.m., and 7:00 p.m. on Sundays. Please call to make reservations, at 971-8510 or ext.8510.
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PHI ALPHA THETA-- The following students have been initiated into Phi Alpha Theta, the international honor society in history: Renee Acconciamessa, senior; Donna Angelucci, junior; Peter Bisconte, junior; Brian Gilouly, senior; Karen Holcombe, junior; Carol Hurley, senior; Andree Jost, junior; Jill Lehman, junior; and Jeffrey Sander, junior. ACADEMICAFFAIRS--The lastdayto declare pass/fail is May 9. And all those interested in taking courses off campus _shouldgo the Academic Affairs office as soon as possible, for approval for credit and to fill out necessary forms. RESIDENT ASSISTANT-- Pete Bisconte, junior, was recently selected as a resident assistant.
LIBRARY--Currently, and through the month of April, the library is displaying an exhibit of children books that were written by students as part of a class
project. The exhibit, created especially for National Library Week (April 17-23), can be found on the first floor of the library. SPRING FLING-- The annual Spring Fling is scheduled for April 22-24. The
theme this year centers around siblings. NATIONAL PERSONNEL ASSOCIATION-- Cabrini College recently installed a student chapter of the American Society For Personnal Administration (ASAP), it is an affiliate of a chapter devoted to human resource. The new members are as follows; Melissa Buhl, senior; Cathy Cline, senior; Joann Falcianni, junior; Kathy Fasciocco, senior; Michele Fillippo, senior; Judy Mancuso,junior; Christopher McCabe, junior; -Marbara Mock, senior; Maria Pastino, senior; PaolaRiccione, junior; Richard Scattergood, senior; Maeghan Uprichard, junior; Eric Weber, senior. SGA--Thenewly elected members of the 1988-89 SGA executive board include: Joel Zazyyczny, junior -- president; Vince Romeo, junior -- vice president; Colin Coakley, sophomore -- tresurer; Angie Corbo, sophomore -- cooresponding secretary; Dan Sheldon, freshman -- recording secretary; Trish Fitzgerald, sophomore -- social activities chairperson; and Donna Dougherty, junior -- historian.
· loquitur - friday, april 15, 1988
Recognizingphobiasas real anxieties by Denise Civa
"Agoraphobia is probably the most common type of phobia people seek treatment for -- although it's not uncommon for people to seek treatment for fear of airplanes, etc.," Dr. Anthony Tomasco, chairperson, psychology department, said.
Does any of this sound familiar? A flash of lightning pierces the sky--you know thunder will follow. You run into your room, get into bed, and pull the covers over your face.
As high as two to four percent of the general pop_ulation You walk into a building with 20 floors -- you want to get to the 19th floor. You decide to take the stairs because the fear of being confined in an elevator would be just too much to bear.
can experience some sort of phobia, the DSM III states, and according to an article in Psychology Today, these phobias can develop from anxiety attacks. When people associate feelings of panic with a certain place or situation, they can develop a phobia from a specific experience, or by observing someone close to them who fear something. Tim Durning, sophomore, for example, says he has experienced a few phobias over the years. When he was younger, Durning states that he had a fear of authority ligures like teachers, policemen, etc.
You want to visit your aunt in California -- you live in Pennsylvania. Taking an airplane would be the fastest and ---------------------. easiest way to get there, but you opt for the train instead.
"I just grew out of it," Durning said. Today he lists his phobias as those of making oral speeches, and going for job interviews.
These are just three exam pies of a type of anxiety known as a phobia.
Kathy Smith, junior, said she has a fear of left turns. This fear, she believes, is caused by two accidents she was in, in one year, that involved left turns.
A phobia, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM Ill), is "a persistent and irrational fear of a specific object, activity or situation that results in a compelling desire to avoid the dreaded object, activity, or situation. The fearis recognized by the individual as excessive or unreasonable in proportion to the actual dangerousness of the object, activity, or situation."
According to the article in Psychology Today on phobias," phobias can be treated with behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, drug therapy or a combination of these." "Behavior modification (based· on-iem-ning theory) is probably the most effective treatment for phobias," Tomasco said. "Prognosis is generally good so long as the patient is motivated to continue treatment."
For instance, people can have phobias about water, heights, driving, or speaking in front of large groups. This list can go on and on.
"Most phobias are acquired early in life and are the result of faulty learning in the presence of anxiety," Tomasco said. "It would be safe to say that phobias interfere with life activities and often limit behavior."
The DSM III divides phobias into three categories: simple phobias, social phobias, and agoraphobia (fear of open spaces).
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loquitur - friday, april 15, 1988
Gene Shay:
Energeticinvolvementin communications $30,000 for a club called The Main Point, locatedinBrynMawr. This was held at the Tower Theater in Phila. and it featured High energy, motivation and a lot of Joni Mitchell, vocalist. valuable experience is what Gene Shay, He has been very involved with folk advertising instructor, gives to his students. music over the years. Shay currently has his This energy is not confined to just his own folk music radio show every Sunday at teaching alone. Shay's list ofactivities stem 9 a.m. on 91 FM. He has been doing this from being a disc jockey, to an master of show foe 29 years. Some of his vocalist and ceremonies, to writing commercials. personality guests have been: Suzanne Shay- attended Olney high school and Vega, James Taylor, Martin Mull, Hall & then went onto Temple University where Oates, Jim Croce and Linda Ronstadt. he majored in communications, concenAcccording to Shay, this has been the trating on radio, journalism and television. longest running radio show in Phila. During his years at Temple, Shay was a Shay has also been the master of disc jockey for WR Tl, the university's radio ceremonies for the Philadelphia Folk station. While still at school, he worked for Festival for 29 years and is also one of the channel 10 which increased his interest in founders of the Folk Festival. working in the communications_field. "I was also in the 'The Magic of Books,' Being an author and a record which was a daily radio show and I was an actor in it," Shay said. "I did this while still producer are more accomplishments attending Temple. It was broadcast on Shay has added to his list. He wrote a book WFIL and Temple radio and television on magic tricks and he has recently produced a blues record for Moses Rascoe on produced it." The first professsional job Shay had the Flying Fish label. "I have been involved with advertising after graduation was as disc jockey at WHAT AM and FM, which is now as a writer and producer and have been WWDB. Shay also went into the army and creative director for many advertising was a disc jockey in the armed forces radio, agencies," Shay said. "I also do voice over work and work for clients and ad agenin Frankfurt, Germany. Shay continued his disc jockey career at cies." "Cathy Youngman, of the communicaWHAT, WDAS, WMMR, WIOQ, and tions department, invited me to do a colloWHYY. "I have produced concerts and have quium at Cabrini," he said about his beginbeen very involved with music," Shay said. ning at Cabrini. "I liked the campus so "I wrote the commmercials for Woodstock much and lived so close that I knew and I was the first person to bring Bob someday I would like to teach there. So, they kept me in mind until there was a Dylan to Philadelphia in 1962." In the middle of the '70's, Shay raised position open and that is when I came here
by Mari Bogie
Outside of all of Shay's activities he still to teach advertising." finds time for hobbies. "Right now I am an independent producer. I do all the channel 10 "I like to listen to shortwave radio such promotions," Shay said. I write and as, Radio Moscow late at night," he said. produce for channel 10 WCAU news." "I enjoy playing the harmonica and Shay also writes and produces for WMGK, performing magic tricks and I also tell jokes --poorly!" Power 99, WPEN and WMMR.
Gene Shay, advertising instructor (photo by Denise Hurley)
job squad Receptionist needed with ¡ light typing skills, 40-50 wpm, full benefits, 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday. $13,000-14,000 per year. Call Marie Boris at 6878165. PT cashier needed at Fiore Supermarket, Route 30, Frazer and in deli department. 20 hours per week, $5/hr. to start. Call Kathy or Jim at 296-5551. Job opportunity at mortgaging corporation in Great Valley Corporate Center in microfilming department, preparing documents, light clerical work. $5-7.50/hr. Flexible hours20/per week. Call Kim Edgin at 251-1616 ext. 2008. Babysitter /mother's helper needed during summer months. Flexible hours. In Villanova call Susan Gretz at 688-2474.
Dental assistant needed in Paoli, will train. Possible to share job between two students if necessary. Mon., Wed., and Thurs. 8:00-5:15. If interested call Dr. Alderman at 644-3776. General office work for financial services agency. 4 hours per day, 5 days per week. Could lead to fultime position. $5 per hour. If interested call Steve at 6874017. Learn the radio business and computerized music system. Typing and general office work, and computer experience helpful. Located in Havertown. Call 789-0100 between 9a.m. and 5:30p.m.
Babysitter needed for 3 children, overnight for 3 days in Berwyn. If interested call Shelley Carpenter at 889-0483. Summer child care needed to start In July in Berwyn. 8:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday. Call 647-7384. Ticket agents to work at train stations for the Paoli lines, afternoons and weekends. Call Shelley at 7253300, ext. 24.
Scholarships are available for both under garaduate and graduate students in the financial aid office.
In Langhorne summer employment open as operations host/hostess, operations lifeguard, operations live entertainment, general relations/ general admissions host/hostess, food and beverage host/hostess, utility/ cook, grounds maintenance attendant, and warehouse attendant. $3.75-4.75/per hour. Call Susan Pace at (215) 7527070.
Typing done for reasonable rates. If interested call Maureen Russell at 3370696.
loquitur - friday, april 15, 1988
Fast cars; hot cars reflectowners'style by Kristin Kroll Hot rods, cool rods. To some students, their cars are their prize possession. To others, they are a status symbol. With the spring season coming and the weather getting nice, many students can been seen driving their classic and sports cars around campus. It is a time when the owners can show off hot cars and others to just admire. For most of the students interviewed, their car was a gift fr.om their parents. Lenny Strobel, sophomore, gift was quite a surprise. On New Year's Eve, 1984, Strobel's father overheard Lenny making a bet with his sister about drinking. "My dad cut in," Strobel said, "and told me he'd buy me a car if I didn't drink until graduation. For the next year and a half I didn't drink and two weeks later there it was, a Porche 9-11. I couldn't believe it, it was awesome!"
Greg Beck's, senior, car on the other hand was not a gift. His 1979 Mercedes had b~en his fathers and was handed down to him. "I think my car is an understated. An unassuming kind of hot car," Beck said. "It has a classic body style that a car buff would know more about." According to those interviewed, a connection Jeff Moore, junior, shows off his "hot car• with Kathleen Rowan, freshman. develops between a persons car and their personality. (photo by Karen Sieg/) "A car exudes a certain image of who you are," Brad attracts a specific type of person, hopefully someone like Snyder, junior, and a 1985 Cabriolet owner, said. "AZ- myself." 28 wouldn't fit my personality," he said, "but a Cabriolet E.J. Hartman, sophomore, does not have this type of which is fun and sporty does. It's me." car. Hartman owns a 325 BMWthat has been restored. When Lori Boyd, senior, picked out her car, a 1985 red Corvette, she chose the style because she wanted a fast "I know girlsdon't like my kind of car," Hartman said. sports car that would attract a lot of attention. "Most of them can't appriciate it because they don't understand what it is made of. It's definately a fanatical "I like to have fun with my car," Boyd said. "I feel good car and an obnoxious one too, not unlike myself." about myself when I'm in it and love the attention I get. I've met so many people because of my car." What does it take to keep a hot car in mint condition? "I think my car fits my personality," Jeff Moore, junior, "I'm very careful with mine," Joanne Swanson, junior, and owner ofa 1985 Toyota MR-2, said. "Its small and and owner of a 1988 Acura Integra. "I used to park it quick, just like me." in total isolation, now I'm not quite as fanatical."
the time to keep it up." Hartman and Snyder wash their cars once or twice a week and see to regular tune ups. "My car is so old," !fartman said. "it requires a lot of maintenance. I put it ~ the shop every tw? months to get it tuned up or tightened, but then agam I do tend to drive it hard at times." Boyd,_however, said she doesn't baby her car. "I try to keep 1t clean, but as nice as it is , it is important to remember it's still just a car."
Strobel keeps his Porche in a garage, does not take it Many hot looking cars have a certain amount of sex appeal to them. "A Cabriolet," Snyder said, "isn't a out on rainy days and makes sure its cleaned regularly. "If blatant slap across the face. It has~ certain sex appealthat you want to have a car like this," he said, "you have to take
Cabrini's Health Service wishes to thank all participants of the 1988 Health Fair. A special thanks to:
Jeff Frank's, sophomore, jeep looks 'hot• sitting in the-sun. (photo by Karen Sieg/) ·
Genuardi's Markets Domino's Pizza Talent Hair Salon Montgomery Fitness Weight Watchers Radnor Police Department Dr. Al Iannucci American Lung Association American Cancer Society
loquitur - friday,april 15, 1988
Schwarzeearns recognitionin squash by Roe Wellman It is something that could be compared to racquetball or even tennis yet it is totally different. As Dr. Sharon Schwarze, chairperson, philosophy, says, "Squash takes a lot more skill than most sports." Schwarze, an avid player as well as competitor, has been playing squash for the past ten years. . "I got interested in it after I finished my doctorate in philosophy. I went out for the squash team at the club and made last place, only because some people dropped out," Schwarze said. The game of squash takes skill but is easy to learn because there are only a few rules and techniques. "Squash is a lot of fun for both men and women because you can be fairly competitive. Strength is not important, strategy is what really matters," she said. Squash can be played in singles and doubles and may even be played alone. The squash match can be played in as little time as 30 minutes and at whatever pace the participants choose. "I really enjoy it because I can practice by myself and just get away," Schwarze said. As well as playing squash as a hobby, Schwarze also competes. "From Jan.15 to April 15 I'm playing competitively almost every weekend," she said. Last year she was ranked 16th in the country and at路 the World Master's came in third in singles and second in doubles. Recently she won the Senior Ladies Double Championship and came in fourth in the Women's 40 and Over. "I like both the competition and the recreational parts of squash. I had to learn to like to compete but now I look at it as the incentive to improve," Schwarze said.
The game of squash was started in between seven to ten ounces. The ball, usually the 70-plus ball, is England by prisoners and then somehow appeared at exclusive English boy's hollow and soft and about the size of a golf schools. It is more popular in the rest of ball. It comes in the white dot for cold the world, even in such places as South courts or the blue dot for warm courts. "The ball is similar to that of a racquetball Africa and Munich, Germany. but is less bouncy," Schwarze said. The two main pieces of equipment used There are two different courts dein the playing of squash are the racquet pending on what is being played--singles and the ball. or doubles. It is an enclosed, rectangular, The racquet is constructed of lamifour-wall court that is 32 feet long and 18 nated wood with a circular-shaped head. 1/2 feet wide for路 singles and 45 feet by 25 It is 27 inches long and usually weighs
Dr. Sharon Schwarze (photo by Steve Pascali)
Athletic Ad_visoryBoard:
Raisingmoney for sportsprogram by Kerry Gallagher After years of planning, the Athletic Advisory Board is finally making its mark on Cabrini's campus. Because of the tremendous growth of Cabrini and its programs, the need for additional support and funding in many areas, including Jthletics, is almost a necessity. The organization was formed in order to: advise the President on issues relating to college athletic:$ at Cabrini; gain visibility for Cabrini in the local community, as well as the mid-Atlantic region and to develop fund raising programs which will help to promote and support the entire athletic program at Cabrini. The president of the board is Tom Nerney, a 1977 Cabrini graduate. The other officers and members include Joanne Balshi '69; Bill Battles, vice-president of institutional advancement; Edith Dixon, board of trustees; John Dzik, director of athletics; Sr. Eileen Currie, president; Jim Fitzsimmons, dean of students; Angie Corbo, sophomore; Jim Hedtke, assistant professor, history and political science; Frances Kelleher '75, board of trustees; Joseph Romano, PhD, vice-president, academic affairs; Peter Federico, parent's committee; Sean Sweeney, business community representative and Jim Welde, senior, president of the captain's club.
"First is marketing. Cabrini markets to the outside -- to let people know that Cabrini exists. Onewaywedothat is to use the athletic program to showcase the school," Fitzsimmons said. "The second part of this is fund raising. This year, the new athletic board raised about $41,000 in 18 months," he said. Battles said, "The overall responsibility of the athletic advisory board is fundraising." The board's biggest fundraising activity is the Mercedes Five-Mile Race and Raffle held in the fall. According to Battles, the first year the event was held, it raised $20,000. Fitzsimmons said that the Five-Mile Race and Raffle has been the "predominant source of fundraising for the
athletic board." The money has not been put to waste. It has been used for a variety of things. Thanks to the fundraising efforts of the board, several teams have been able to afford to travel for championship games. The money has helped the men's basketball and women's tennis teams to visit Kansas City and the soccer team to visit Texas. Five-thousand dollars was spent just this past summer on refurbishing equipment and uniforms -and expanding the athletic field to make it be official size. In addition, a coaches' room was furbished, including showers, so the coaches have someplace to unwind after This distinguished group of people have practices and games. organized themselves in order to work Money from the athletic board covered towards a common goal of supporting the the meal expenses of the athletes who came intercollegiate sports program at Cabrini. up the week before school started for their Fitzsimmons describes the primary camps. purpose of the program as two-fold.
feet for doubles. "On a squash court you can't hit below the red line on the front wall and you can't hit the ceiling," she said. As in tennis, the serve is the method of putting the ball into play to begin the point. The server must keep one foot inside the service box during the serve and the ball must travel directly to the front wall. This is the only shot in squash that can be completely controlled. During the game any other shot can hit the side or back walls first before hitting the front wall. "In squash you play the angles off the wall and try to use a lot of strategy," Schwarze said. The main idea of the game is to hit the ball to the front wall in such a way that the opponent is unable to return it successfully. The game is played to路 15 points and a match is three out of five games. Squash is a good spectator's sport because you are right next to the players. However it cannot be broadcasted on national television due to the quickness of the ball as well as its small size. "Squash is very demanding but less dangerous. There's a sort of science to it. It takes determination and skill but you don't have to beat yourself to a pulp while playing," Schwarze said. At one point in time, Schwarze used to take some Cabrini students to the court and have them play squash. "The kids picked it up real fast and they had a good time with it," she said. The game is fast and demanding but most of all it is an incentive to improve. ,,As Schwarze says, "I've grown to love it and it's by incentive to impr9ve because I can still get even better."
The newest banners in the gym giving recognition to the teams are a result of the money the board has been raising. The athletic banquets are also paid for with this money. The athletic advisory board seeks support from a variety of sources. These sources include: support from alumni and parents; corporate/community support, private foundation support, professional franchise financial support, support fron:. area philanthropists and an athletic booste1 club. The athletic board is in the stages of being developed as an extension of the athletic advisory board and the department of intercollegiate athletics. Membership in the club will be open to all individuals who have an interest in the welfare of the athletic program.
Lady Cavs win 13-2 by LeeMirenda
On Monday, April 11, the van ride to Aston, Pa. was a quiet one. The passengers were the Cabrini College Women's Softball team and the destination was Neumann College. Before the trip, Coach Bruce Kidwell gave the team a "pep talk." "I told the team to take time to think about what their goals were and what the team's goals were," Kidwell said. The pep talk paid off because the Lady Cavs came away with a 13-2 victory over Neumann College. 路 Cabrini started off strong, scoring seven runs in the first inning and four runs in the second. They topped it off with another two runs in the sixth inning. Cabrini allowed Neumann to score only two runs Parents of student athletes are auto- which came in the third inning. matically given free memberships. Th~ Pitcher Terrie Wilk,junior, gave up only board plans to seek out members for the one walk and seven hits. Wilk also contribbooster club from the business communitv. uted to Cabrini's offense by batting two for athletic alumni and parents of students.'' three, hitting two singles. Also batting two for three (single and triple) was Kristi Memberships are being offered in vari- Violotti, freshman. Michelle Ballinghott, ous levels of support. The basic package i1; freshman, batted four for four, hitting called a "Cavalier Silver Membership," for three singles and a double. a membership fee of $25. This package Coach Kidwell feels that no individual includes a season pass to all athletic team member stood out and the victory was events, _anathletic newsletter twice a year, a team effort. a Cavalier bumper sticker and a ticket to Concerning Monday's victory over' "Meet the Cavs Night." Neumann, Kidwell said,"This game is nothing in comparison to Wednesday's Battles said, "Overall, the mission game against Marywood." Kidwell told his team, "If we play with the same of the athletic advisory board is a sincere intensity on Wednesday, we can give commitment to the advancement of athletMarywood a run for their money." ics at Cabrini College."
loquitur - friday, april 15, 1988
vT~~~ completes Problemsplague firstofficialseason track team by Marian Armstrong The men's volleyball team wrapped up their first official season in Delaware on Sat., April 9 by defeating both the 1University of Delaware and Swathmore College. The team beat the University of Delaware in three straight games with the scores 15-6, 15-12and 15-5. The win over Swarthmore did not come quite as easily, however. Cabrini lost the first game 1517, but rallied back to win the next three consecutive games 16-14, 15-8 and 17-15. Gary Firestine, senior, co-coach, attributes the wins to improved techniques. "We ran our free ball offense very good, better than we have been doing the last season, and they weren't returning our spikes," he said. Firestine said that the team was up 101 in the first game of the match against Swarthmore, but Swarthmore came back to win it. Firestine believes that Cabrini's passing helped turn the match around. He said, "To me, the key is passing the ball to the setter and the spikes will be good." Mike Charvala, junior, said, "I think we really came together well as a team." Jan Torres, sophomore, said, "Everybody played great. The emotions were good. They (the team) were up for it. We played Swarthmore like we should have played Swarthmore." Alex Hladky, senior, co-coach, said, "We didn't serve as well as we could have, but we got good hitting." Having a nine-to-one record, the wins are typical results of the team's performance this season. Hladky attributes the team's success to what he considers to be the best setting in League 1, experienced hitting and a lot of 1uck.
Charvala said,"We were lucky to get the group of athletes that we have. What are the chances of getting a six foot Puerto Rican who plays volleyball?" Charvala said that the 1.hree freshmen on the team, LeoEschbach, TimJanuszandJoe Tripoli, were a contributing factor to the season. "They came through strong," he said. Firestine said, "I would have never thought we would be nine and one our first season in the league. Our season was great. We should have beat Villanova." The team was six and zero before it lost to Villanova on March 29. Firestine said that the loss was a learning experience for the team. He said, "I think that ow heads were swelled. We were unbeatable. That's what everyone thought." Firestine said the loss made the team realize that they could lose again. So when a later match against Temple started out similar to the match with Villanova, the team knew to be on guard. The team will play in the finals tournament at Temple on April 23 and 24. The players anticipate good results. Hladky said, "We're going to get first or second seed." "We should win or place second," Firestine said. Torres said, "It's going to be very, very difficult. We have a good chance of winning, but it's not going to be easy. The semi-finals and finals · are going to be tough."· Last year the team played· wherever they could get a scrimmage going. Now the team plays in the Atlantic Men's Intercollegiate Volleyball league (AMIV). Charvala said, "Next year we will hopefully have a coach and be picked up by the school as a full college team."
--------This Friday April 9:00 7:00
2:00 1 : 00
Bloomingdales Interviews SHCR Sophomore Senior Dinner Dance at the King of Prussia Holiday
Softball/Allentown "Diary of Anne
1 : 00 pm 8:00 pm
7·00 pm to Thursday April 21
11 : 0 0
am to
pm to
Senior Education Practicum Softball/Phila. Textile Men's Tennis/Beaver Qesident Life Lottery
Sigma Omega Ceremony
Friday April
Check Printers Interviews Resident Life Lottery
"Diary of Anne Frank" SPRING FLING EVENTS
"Diary of Anne Frank" SPRING FLING EVENTS
Saturday April 23 Tennis/ Penn St. Softball/Deleware
pm pm
CH )
Harrisburg Tech.
CH )
Sunday April 24
Tuesday April 19
Noon 11:45 am to 12:30 pm to 6:00 pm to
5: 0 0
am to pm
Monday April 18
"I'm disappointed. The bulk of our team was from cross-country and it was on our own initiative to create and develop it. We needed more help from Dzik for a complete team. But I started the team last year and I got what I wanted from it. It's up to others to follow through," Furey said. Dzik said that the intent was for the track program to go hand-in-hand with the cross-country program but that, because of injuries and waning interest, it never got off the ground. Casazza said that O'Hora does not have the budget and cannot recruit runners for specific distances. He also said that there needs to be a more positive direction concerning student interest in order to receive the backing of the administration. According to Dzik, O'Hora is working on recruiting incoming freshmen in an attempt to revive Cabrini's track team. For now, track members are on their own. Furey is still hopeful of participating in some events and said that he is waiting for Dzik to order him a javelin. Casazza said that he is keeping himself in shape by running road races every now and then.
"Diary of Anne Frank" NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK (April 17 - 23)
A third concern was that many of the seniors had their mindson graduating and were preoccupied with searching into
9:00 4:00
Sunday Apr i l 1 7 am to
'The track team hasn't been as successful as the cross-country team because we don't really have sprinters for the short distances.' Pete Casazza, senior
Wednesday April 20
Saturday Apr i l 1 6
Although there is still a list of scheduled invitational relays for what was supposed to be this year's Cabrini track team, in essence there is no track team but rather individual undertakings. Unfortunately for interested team members, there are a number of reasons why Cabrini's track program has not come together this spring. According to Pete Casazza, senior, team member, the failure of the program has come as a result of a general lack of interest due largely in part to priorities, combined with an absence of intangibles in some track events which are not present in Cabrini's cross-country program. "John Donahue, (senior, captain), myself and Mike Edmondson (senior) haven't been to any meets. Nobody has been running them. It's difficult for all three of us. Mike and I arc student teaching and John's working an internship. I wish I had more time," Casazza said. In addition, he said, "The track team hasn't been as successful as the crosscountry team because we don't really have sprinters for the short distances." Casazza also mentioned injuries as a contributing factor.John Dzik, director of athletics, said that To:n O'Hora, head coach, hoped to ha,,e a complete team but the two of them mutually agreed not to go on with it for primarily three reasons, one of which involved a nagging foot injury to Mike Dolan, sophomore. Another reason cited by Dzik is the absence of Paul and Dean Magolon, juniors, who are unable to run because of financial and academic problems, respec-
career fields. Harry Furey, senior, who started the team last year, has mixed emotions about what has transpired. Furey, who runs track and also participates in the field half of track and field, said that everyone was on their own.
Week At Cabrini
15 am to pm to
by John Dunleavy
12:30 1:30 7:00
Parking Traffic Comm. Mtg. Peer Traffic Comm. Mtg. Career Program/Dr. Girard