cabrinrcollege, radnor, pa 19087
f riday, april 22, 1988
vol. xxxiv, no. 19
PresidentialprimarySenior Farewell'BB knockson PA'sdoor by Rebecca Rebalsky
The Republicans also scheduled a state primary for next Tuesday, but, analysts say, anyone can guess the results. Vice President George.Bush should easily win in
Next Tuesday, it's Pennsylvania's turn. In the April26 state primary, registered Democrats and Republicans will cast ballots for their favorite presidential candidates, and campaign '88 will move one step closer to its finish. Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis and Rev. Jesse Jackson, top contenders for the Democratic nomination for President, descended on the state early this week, launching active campaigns to woo Pennsylvania Democrats. Analysts predict Dukakis, who is still glowingfrom his huge victory in Tuesday's New York primary, will also win Pennsylvania, drawing on his strength in the western regions of the state. However, Jackson is expected to capture the city of Philadel~hia, where he Ge.orge Bush, vice-president has the support of Mayor Wilson Goode . ._ . Although Dukakis' New York victory Pennsylva~ia, ?nd go on . to capture ~he makes him the Democratic front runner, GOP nommat1on, accordmg to campaign Pennsylvania could still prove crucial to observers. Bush has already won 1,04? of his campaign. the 1,139 delegates necessary for nommaBesides voting for a presidential candi- tion. date, Pennsylvanians elect delegates to the Bush solidified his lead after winning parties' national nominating conventions big during "Super Tuesday," March 8, a scheduled for this summer. Democratic single day of 20 state caucuses and delegates are listed on the primary ballot primaries. By Wednesday, the media had along with the name of the candidate they turned its attention to the much less intend to nominate at the convention. predictable, far more exciting race for the Democratic nomination. A once crowded Democratic field was soon narrowed down toDukakis, Jackson, and Gore. Now the race for the Democratic nomination has developed into a one-on-one battle between Jackson and
Mike Dukakis, governor, Massachusetts
At the Democrats' July convention in Atlanta, Pennsylvania will be the fourth largest voting bloc, contributing 178 delegates. The current total delegate count shows Dukakis leading with 1,046 delegates. Jackson has 849 delegates. Tennesse Sen. Albert Gore, who was expected to drop out of the race this week, is trailing with only 441 delegates. In order to get the Democratic nomination, a candidate must have 2,082 delegates.
inside: perspectives .. 2-3 news. ........ 4-6 features. ..... 7-1O sports. ..... 11-12
During this campaign, Dukakis' name has become synonymous with the "Massachusetts Miracle." Supporters credit him with lifting Massachusetts from an economic slump and propelling it into a boom period. They believe Dukakis' program for Massachusetts could serve as a blueprint for the entire nation. But some critics say Dukakis should not assume responsibility for what happened in Massachusetts, that the burst of prosperity had little to do with his governance. James Hedtke, professor, political science, said that the development of high-tech industry in Massachusetts was actually the result of Reagan's defense spending, which bolstered the technological think tanks at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Dukakis' success as governor is substantially dependent on Reagan's defense spending, but he (Dukakis) isn't saying that,"
Carlos Chamorro, sophomore class president, gives a gratuity gift to Peggy Emmerich, senior class president, at the annual Senior Farewell held at the Holiday Inn in King of Prussia on Fri., April 15. (photo by Monica Palko)
Hedtke said. Jesse Jackson is remembered for his days as a civil rights activist with Dr. Martin Luther King, for his fight against drugs, for his "Rainbow Coalition," and for establishing Operation PUSH, a Chicago anti-poverty organization. Critics condemn Jackson for his lack of elected legislative experience and"say that
economtc programs, Jackson makes voters cheer with his simple formulas for national rejuvenation. "We must stop the flow of drugs into our country and stop the flow of jobs out ofit," he said atthe beginning of his campaign. "Stop drugs from coming in; stop jobs from going out." "Jackson is a poet," former President Richard Nixon told reporters on 'Meet the Press,' "Dukakis is a word processor." Albert Gore, senator, Tennessee
Who's Who recipients (pages 6-7)
PUSH, the only administrative endeavor on Jackson's resume, was seriously flawed. Jackson is criticized (or mismanaging millions of dollars in federal funds slated for PUSH. But despite these drawbacks, observers say Jackson has something that Dukakis probably never will--political eloquence. The media continually marvels at Jackson's ability to excite a crowd, to infect voters with enthusiasm for his campaign. While Dukakis seems to bore audiences with his dry, detailed explanations of
more Candidateson 4
¡Senior sports wrap-up (page 11)
_,11 __
loquitur - friday, april 22, 1988
Time for competence Voting: privilege not to be taken forgranted
Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis stated it best when he was criticized for not being charismatic enough and replied "We've had seven years of charisma, it's time for some competence." Loquitur editors feel it is about time voters woke up and showed some competence of their own in choosing the next president of the United States. We now have a president who can read the heck out of a script, or speech, as some may call it, and in reciting well- crafted rhetoric that amounts to a load of crap, stir up patriotisIJ,1and elicit feelings of security, kind oflike grandpa did. If grandpa said everything was alright, it was. Back off Republicans. There are competent ones among you. But Ronald Reagan doesn't happen to be one. There are times our country has gone through when we needed a Republican president. The year 1980 may have been one. But in 1988 we need a Democrat. Bad. A vote taken among Loquitur editors showeq the majority backing Dukakis, governor of Massachusetts. Dukakis is not a pretender. His ability not to conform to some of the ready-made images of a candidate reflects character and commands respect. The worst quality he has been accused of is being a work-horse. Being a work-horse is not such a bad quality for the leader of a country. His respect for the teaching profession and plan to provide incentives for the best people to enter the field will help rescue the sorry state of American education. He is on the right track in realizing that hand-outs must be cut, but that it doesn't end there. He wants to make welfare recipients viable members of society by establishing an education and job-training program. His intention not to raise taxes without enforcement of existing laws may give the diminishing middle class a fighting chance, and his support for a spending cut on defense money will help feed starving domestic programs.
order to just close the curtain. I was so nervous. Luckily it was a primary and I just had to pull one lever to vote all at once. After voting I felt better about myself because my vote might somehow be able to make a minuscule difference. I didn't know how big of a difference, but I felt that I had done my civic duty, somehow.
donna dougherty During 1984, I kept cursing fate that I wasonly 17 years old. Why? Becauselwas one year shy of being old enough to vote. Although some people, especially college students, take this right for granted, I happen to consider it a privilege. During the presidential campaign of 1984, I kept lobbying my parents to vote Democratic, since I couldn't, because I knew that the Republicans would spend all my education money. That was the summer before I entered college and I needed all the financial help I could get in the form of federal money. So when I was finally eligible to vote, I couldn't wait to get to the polls. I was so excited. It was only the primary but for me it was so much more than that. It wo.uld be the first time, that I, Donna Dougherty, would have some say in who was going to be in office the next day. The first time I voted, I was scared. I was afraid I would pull the wrong lever or that I would break the machine. I kept asking the helpers about what lever to pull in
When I left the polling place, I felt so proud of myself and my country. It was wonderful. For the first time the right to vote had taken on a whole new perspective for me personally. I felt more important and kept thinking that people looked at me differently. It was funny because the day after, I looked in the newspaper noticing the winners and losers trying to determine, which ones I had voted in. Of course I didn't remember them all, but I felt that at least I had helped in some way. Now it's four years later and it's another presidential year. When I read the papers now and try to follow the candidates, it's all so important now because I have to decide myself who I want to run this country and make that decision based in my best interests. But now at least I don't have to lobby anyone else to vote for me, I can do it all on my own.
-Interpretingreligionin different_,, ways
the tiny, box-like church. I listened very intently, but more importantly, I watched extremely closely. I was raised a Catholic. Everyone in my During the resounding applause and the family is Catholic and the majority of the inspirational musical beats, a lady fell to people the Fuller family associates with the ground. Her head made a thump that are Catholic. I have never even attended was heard above the stomps of joy and the any other type of school. shouts of laughter. I knew she was dead. I never really became acquainted with But, I was wrong. Later, after the foam any other religion, but recently, I had from her mouth dripped and the congrethe opportunity to explore the Baptist gation fanned her, she quickly rose and religion and expel all of the existing joined in with the choir's rendition of "Our myths that I possessed. This process was Father". a trial and error situation for me. In the I was shocked. My cousin told me she end, I found that I was just as confused "got the Holy Ghost". She was not the and misinformed about their religion as only one to get the Holy Ghost, half of they were about mine. the congregation got it. It all started when I forced myself to visit a Baptist church with my cousin. My question, after becoming Yes, my mind was closed. No, I had no friends with quite a few Baptists, was idea what was in store. We walked in this; how come, when I am sitting in St. and the congregation scrutinized me Philomena Church, surrounded by from head to toe. They knew I was God, the Holy Spirit never hits me like different, I became very nervous. The it hit that woman? Does the Holy Spirit preacher preached a very entertaining only "move" Baptist people? Or is it sermon. Applause was heard throughout that Baptist people feel the Holy Spirit 'by Rachel Athelia Anderson
by Berke Breathed
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the same as Catholics, but show it differently? My mind is a little less closed now. I am not as ignorant about the Baptist religion as I was. During my search for more meaning about the Baptist religion, I learned two important things. I have found that everyone is an individual. People interpret their religion in different ways. It is important to remember that you can't base a whole religion on one person's response or lack of response. Although my Baptist friends and I debate on the religion issue, I realize that the important thing is that they know and worship God, simply in a different way then I do. Sacrificing is an important aspect of Catholicism. So, in my opinion, it is more of a sacrifice to participate in a forty minute solemn, repetitious ceremony then the three hour, entertaining, high energized one I attended.
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Although my Baptist friends and I debate on the religion issue, I realize that the important thing is that they know and worship God, simply in a different way then I do. The funny thing is that no matter what religious persuasion they are, we will probably all be greeting each other in the same heaven. Oh, the irony of it all.
Editor. Debbie Murphy Staff Managers:Donna Dougherty, Angle Cofbo News Editor: Jacqui MeClaman Assistant News Editors: Rachel Ander10n, Lisa Brzezicki, AndeRomano Perspectives Editor: Anne Fahy Assistant Perspectives Editors: Roe Wellman, LaTonya Lucas Features Editor. Stephanie Giardini · Assistant Features Editors: Jenni Obrecht, Keey Gallagher Sports Editors: Donna Dougherty and Beth Bittner Assistant Sports Editor: Paula Phillips Business Managers: Kathleen McCabe and Angle Corbo Copy Editor. Keey Gallagher Assistant Copy Editor. Denise Civa Photography Editor. Debbie Ferrar Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr.Jerome Zurek Staff: MarianArmstrong, Lisa Brzezicki, Mari Bugle, Denise Clva, Angla Corbo, Kelli Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Keey Gallagher, Shella Koller, Kristin Kroll, Amy Lennon, LaTonya Lucas, Lee Mlrenda, Jenni Obrecht, Paula Phillips, Keith Pyle, Rebecca Rebalsky, Ande Romano, Roe Wellman Pat• rick Zipfel ' Photography Staff: Michele Corrado, Sue Hill, Denise Hurley, Jell Moore, Stew Pascall, Roseanne Rossello, Karen Siegl, Mike Steveson. Loqultur la published weekly during the school year by studenta of Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087. Subscription price Is $20 per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, H the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the wrlte(1 name may be left off the letter upon publication and an Inscription Inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer," Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. H a letter Is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense It. letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
loquitur -·friday, april 22, 1988
Lending a helping hand by Anne Faby
streets of center city are a nice place to visit, but would you like to live there? Not way up high with a million dollar view of Rittenhouse Square, or a quaint waterfront loft, but there, in the street, eye levei with the feet that quicken their pace as they pass you by. Don't look down, and you'll never know that the lump beneath those threadbare blankets is a person who probably hates lying there as much as you hate seeing him. Nothing that has not already been said about the new social phenomenon of homelessness can be reported here. The idea that the homeless are alcoholics, drug addicts and bums has already been proven a misconception. Outnumbering the old stereotypes, as one Cabrini senior has found in the year she has been.working with the homeless, are people who have lost their footing in society by losing a job and not having the skills or resources to find another, the mentally ill and retarded who were deinstitutionalized but never habilitated into society, veterans and a disturbing number of women and children who are often kenneled in shelters. Linda Panetta spends every Saturday night ministering to the homeless. "It just seems natural," she says.
"I don't see the people as poor and depressed. It's like, 'Hi Henry. Oh, hi Linda, how ya doin'."' Panetta was the first one to take me out on the streets. I watched her easily approach the homeless, give them food and drink, which they badly needed. I watched her kneel down to speak with them, laugh with them, hold their hand and listen to them. She gives much more than food. They, in turn, look out for her, she says. Panetta has invited several students who have shown an interest in the homeless to go out with her. She has also invited, maybe not quite as nicely, people who still believe the misconceptions. "I invite anybody who puts down the homeless to go out with me for one night' and see what their attitudes are afterward," she said. Like the weed that manages to grow in the dirt where a city sidewalk has cracked a bit - no matter how many times it is stepped on or pulled out the homeless stubbornly manage to survive in the most adverse conditions. "They celebrate being alive," Panetta said.
Ail orientation meeting by Ancillae Assumpta Academy, the group Panetta has been working with, will be held Thursday, April 28 at 7 p.m. for students, faculty and administration who are interested in becoming involved.
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Allreligionsdeserverespect To the Editor: I'm writing in response to last week's article "Questioning the Meaning of Traditions," in which the author questioned the practices of Catholicism. I realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however, I believe the writer has a very inaccurate picture of Catholicism. Unfortunately Ms. Lucas based all of her opinions on what a couple of "indifferent" Catholics feel their religion represents. Sad. I don't feel that the statements of two people could embody the feelings and actions of the Catholic community as a whole. Although Ms. Lucas did touch upon some good points about Catholics going through the motions ( although not indigenous to the Catholic faith), I found most of her statements to be more judgemental than questioning. First of all, comparing Bapists to Catholics is like comparing apples to oranges.Ihavefriendswho are Baptists,Jews, Lutherans and Buddists. Although there are differences in the religions and some conflicts in beliefs, I wouldn't think of questioning their religion in a deragatory manner and giving my opinions on something that I would have had to have been raised with to truly understand and be capable of making educated judgements. My best friend is Jewish. During Easter break, I was invited to a Sader, the traditional
Jewish meal marking the beginning of Passover. During the dinner, I would not have dared to ask how, in the 1980's, millions of people are still abstaining from pork and eating tasteless, unleaven bread. Religion is spritual - and shouldn't be questioned or criticized just because it doesn't seem rational. Religion is also very personal, and something that no one should pass judgements upon. If the writer was really interested in finding out what Catholicism embodies and why we do the things we do, she should have taken the time after a mass to ask a priest or campus minister - rather than making disparaging comments about beliefs and traditions that she knew so little about. I'm not a religious freak - and I'm far from a perfect Catholic. I just hate to see people pass judgments on something that is so personal and in an area where they are so uninformed. By the way Ms. Lucas - there's plenty of room in heaven for Catholics, Protestants, Buddists, Hindus, Muslums ... and Baptists. You see, we're not so bad after all.
Leah Cascarina, senior
Linda Panetta, senior, and friend on a Saturday night in Philadelphia.
loquitur - friday, april 22, 1988
WCAB adopts a_lternative music format by Jenni Obrecht Technical difficulties and structural changes kept WCAB, Cabrini's radio station, off the air earlier this semester, but the past few weeks have proven profitable for the station. "We took longer to get on the air this semester due to painstaking attempts to fortify the station for future FM success," John Nicholas, senior, station manager, said. According to Cosmo Rose, radio broadcast instructor, those attempts were concentrated in establishing a strong music programming base. This involved deciding on what type of music to play and what type of rotation it would follow. "We feel that the alternative music, the new music, is not really available throughout the dial, and we would like to make it accessible to Cabrini students," Rose said. "WCAB is still anticipating an FM frequency, and that is one of the major reasons for our change in format." The new format, as described by Rose, consists of strictly alternative music during regular programming hours, while the
station addresses other musical interests with specialty shows at night. Nicholas said WCAB is moving in the right direction by creating contacts with record labels, such as Polygram and Capitol Records. Support from these record companies is important in creating a stronger music base according to Nicholas. Johannna Church, freshman, has been a DJ for the past two semesters and she believes that recent changes at the station have been for the better. "The radio broadcasting class is really involved with the station this semester,'; she said. "I think it's a great because it gives us technical experience." Another change involves WCAB's "hot clock," which determines when and how many times songs are played throughout the course of the day. Nicholas said that the new method the station uses is comprised of a series of cards with song titles on them. The cards are arranged so that DJ's simply pull the top card and play the indicated song. The card is then placed at the back of the pile and comes up again when the rotation is completed.
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"This type of hot clock is easier lo use, The staff meets every Monday at 12:30, especially if the DJ's are not familiar with outside of the radio station in the Widener Center. alternative music," Church said. The new format raises questions con"The staff would like to hear from their cerning familiarity with the music. Accord- listeners, "he said. "We invite anyone intering to Rose and Nicholas, the station would ested in radio to submit an application for like to introduce students to new artists staff positions for the Fall semester." who are not receiving commercial airplay in the Philadelphia area. This idea follows the concept which describes college radio as an alternative source of radio programming. "We're aware that most of students are accustomed to listening to the hit radio Dµkakis supporters tell Democrats that and rock stations in Philly," Rose said. Jackson does not have specific plans to "We were cautious about pursuing this new support his broad proposals. €hristopher format because the artists willbe unfamilCappello, junior, disagrees. iar to many students." Cappello, who registered as a Democrat Nicholas also is aware of the potential especially to vote for Jackson in the conflict of interests that this new format primary, said, "Right now, Jesse is putting could cause. out broad rhetoric to get people to like him. "You can't force it on people," he said. After the primary, he'll be more specific." "You have to make it appeal as much as Nevertheless, last week most campaign you can to the people you're trying to observers on Cabrini's campus and within reach, but at the same time you can't please the Democratic Party predicted that all of the people, all of the time." Pennsylvania Democrats will pick Dukakis. According to Rose, the WCAB staff is Why Dukakis and not Jackson? The interested in hearing from their audience. bottom line is "electability." "Democrats are looking for someone who can provide the strongest leadership in November," Dianne Merlino, chairwoman of the Delaware County Democratic Committee, said. "There's no question of Jackson's sincerity, but there is some question about his ability to win the presidential election. Dukakis appeals to Democrats across the country. He has the momentum going in, and his campaign is very well organized." Jill Lehman, junior, a Democratic committeewoman for Montgomery County, plans to vote for Dukakis because she thinks he has a better shot at beating George Bush. "As a Democrat, I want a candidate who has a real chance to win in November. I think voting for Jackson would be almost like wasting a vote." "Jackson's greatest liability is his color," Dr. Jolyon Girard, chairperson, history, said. "Americans are not ready in the broadest terms to support a black candidate for the presidency." Girard added that Jackson's lack of legislative experience compounds this problem. Some Americans will not vote for Jackson because he is black; others will not vote for him because he is inexperienced. "It is refreshing and good for American politics that a black has been taken seriously and evolved this far as a
Candidates from 1
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candidate,"· Hedtke said. "Jackson has mastered the rhetoric of politics, although he doesn't have the substance. But he is a precursor who is breaking ground for a black candidate who willhave substance."
loquitur - friday, april 22, 1988
Juniors,'diversified'classfacing reality by LaTonya Lucas edttor note: This Is the third In a series of the various college classes. The final part of the series concemingseniofswillappear next week.
The class of 1989, the junior class, are a group of people who started their college education two years, seven months and 18
daysago. They are currentlyfacedwiththe reality that in exactly one year, one month and approximately a day, they will be graduating. The class has one more summer to spend as college students and they have only one Spring Break left. Knowing that there is only one year left, many juniors are at a stage that can be labeled as preparation. They are preparing for their careers. If not before this year, the word resume is a part of their vocabulary and for many, the feeling, fear is in their hearts. Regina Battiato, junior, calls it "post graduation fears." Battiato said. that she is not yet prepared for the real world, and she knows that Cabrini is not it. Battiato takes a Monday night class called professional practices which explains how to network for a job and tries to prepare. students for the business world and rejection. "Every Monday night, I'm depressed," she said. According to Bruce Kidwell,junior, his resumeisjn thedraftingstage. Hesaidthat he will not start getting them out until the first semester of his senior year. Kidwell also agreed to having fears. He said that he is scared to graduate from Cabrini and face sonfething new. ''It will be like freshman year again in the sense that it's something different," Kidwell said.
Mary McGill,junior, who is interested in an internship and the co-op program, also expresses fears about graduating. "I have the insecurity of not knowing where I will live or what I'm going to do," she said. Donna Seckar, director of career counseling, would like to see more juniors using the career center. Although the greater majority of those who use the center are seniors, a few juniors who are looking for summer jobs and internships have come to seek career counseling. The week of April 25th has been set aside for juniors to use the career center. "They can come in and talk to me if they are unsure about their major. They can get help with their resumes and there are books that list employers," Seckar said. As well, there is a computer, SIGI plus, that will help clarify what kind of careers juniors are looking for. "The sooner you get started, the more you're ahead and less pressured by the end," Seckar said. Although some juniors express fears about post graduation, they feel that they are more mature, more confident and involved. According to Lisa Kantor, junior, she was not confident enough to get into different things when she was a freshman. Now, Kantor is vice president of the junior class, coordinator of orientation counselors, editor of Cryptic and a member of Kappa Sigma Omega, to name a few from her long list of activities. Battiato is also more confident. She said that she knows what she is capable of doing. "I'm not as emotionally crushed about a grade. In my freshman and sophomore years, ifl got a C, I would be upset..
if I get a C now, I know I can pull it up," everybody is different. The girls in House Seven have bold personalities and they are she said. Kidwell said that he is getting things outgoing. "We have a bad reputation, but ¡under control. According to Kidwell, he we are -no worse than anybody else," goofed around in his freshman and Carroll said. According to Carroll, they just want to sophomore years. However, Kidwell said that he would not change his freshman have fun and get the cam pus involved beyear for anything because it has brought cause "things are so stagnant," she said. Because next year is their last year, him to where he is. Kidwell described the junior class a~ many juniors are planning to make the best achievc;:rs. He _believes that everyone that of it. he knows has a special skill. "That'swhat'i Kidwell is planning to spend good times unique about our class," he said. with his friends. Kantor's goal is to make "Diversified, but with the potential tc orientation the best one ever and to pull the junior class together. be solidified," Kantor said. "This is my junior year. I have one left. "Ununited," Mary McGill said. These I just realized that a few weeks ago," are descriptions of the junior class. "They Carroll said. are more interested in themselves, not as a This feeling is one that is not foreign to class as awhole," McGill said. juniors as many of them will soon begin to According to Maura Carroll, junior, realize.
e 1ary o e ran as two remauung per ormances: April 22 and 23 at 8:00 p.m. Admission is $3.50. Call to make reservations at 9718510 or X8510. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS--The last day to declare pass/fail is May 9. All those interested in taking courses off campus should go the Academic Affairs office as soon as possible, for approval for credit and to fill out necessary forms.
KAPPA SIGMA OMEGA-- The new members of Kappa are as follows; Sally Amatclli, 'Eddie Avena, Kris Castagna, Laurie Copple, Eileen Campbell, Bernadene Febbo, Joy Ferkile, Gheri Gorman, Jacqui Lashay, Kelli McGillan, Terry Smith, and Maria Tatta. SER VICE AND LEADERSHIP A WARD-- The following people have been selected asoneoftherecipientsoftheninthannualCharlesA.A. MastronardiService and Leadership Award; Laura Anne Wilson, Angela Corbo, Theresa Daly, Karen _,;._,;.....;...;.:._.;.... ""-czn . Holcombe, Lisa Kantor, .;..... Judith Kra'nak and Joel
___________ _________ .....
*************jrk* Receptionist needed with light typing skills, 40-50 wpm, full benefits, 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday. $13,000-14,000 per year. Call Marie Boris at 687-8165. PT cashier needed at Fiore Supermarket, Route 30, Frazer and in deli department. 20 hours per week, $5/hr. to start. Call Kathy or Jim at 296-5551. Job opportunity at mortgaging corporation in Great Valley Corporate Center in microfilming department, preparing documents, light clerical work. $5-7.50/hr. Flexible hours20/per week. Call Kim Edgin at 251-1616 ext. 2008.
Babysitter/mother's helper needed during summer months. Flexible hours. In Villanova call Susan Gretz at 688-2474.
In Langhorne summer employment open as operations host/hostess, operations lifeguard, operations live entertainment, general relations/ general admissions host/hostess, food and beverage host/ hostess, utility /cook, grounds maintenance attendant, and warehouse attendant. $3.75-4.75/per hour. Call Susan Pace at (215) 752-7070.
Dental assistant needed in Paoli, will train. Possible to share job between two students if necessary. Mon., Wed., and Thurs. 8:00-5:15. If Interested call Dr. Alderman at 644-3776.
General office work for financial services agency. 4 hours per day, 5 days per week. Could lead to fultime position. $5 per hour. If Interested call Steve at 6874017.
Learn the radio business and computerized music system. Typing and general office work, and computer experience helpful. Located in Havertown. Call 789-0100 bt:ltween 9a.m. and 5:30p.m. Typing done for reasonable rates. If interested call Maureen Russell at 3370696. Babysitter needed for 3 children, overnight for 3 days in Berwyn. If interested call Shelley Carpenter at 8890483.
Summer child care needed to start In July In Berwyn. 8:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday. Call 647-7384. Ticket agents to work at train stations for the Paoli lines, afternoons and weekends. Call Shelley at 7253300, ext. 24.
Scholarships are available for both under garaduate and graduate students in the financial aid office.
Ridley office¡ of Community Interactions Is seeking PT/ FTpersonnel to work with the mentally retarded in residential settings In Delaware County. Students interested in the social services field preferred. For more information call Peggy Smith Glavin at 532-1112.
****************************** ....
loquitur - friday, april 22, 1988
Who's Who recipients
Who's Who in American Colleges and Universitiesrecipients from left to right are :Theresa Cir/ante,Kevin Corcoran, Michele Dahl, Peggy Emmerich, Mike Edmondson, Molly Fenerty,Katherine Funk, Kathy Hibbard, Betsy Mahoney, Christy Mason, Lisa Mason, YvetteOusley, Monica Palko,Jeanne Reineberg, Kate Welsh,Deanna Zulli, Eileen Zebrowski. (photo Steve Pascali)
Theresa Ciarlante by Kristin Kroll Theresa Ciarlante is an active special and elementaryeducationmajor. For the past two years, Ciarlante has been the President of the Council for Exceptional Children and even presented a paper at the state C.E.C. (Council for Exceptional Children) convention in Harrisburg. Aside from her educationalactivities, Ciarlante has been the recipient for vmous otherhonors. She was the student coordinatorof the 1988 New Orientation Program for Cabrini. She made Dean's List five out of seven semesters, allowing her to also enter the Cabrini Honor Society. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Delta Epsilon Sigma. She was also the recipient for the 1987 Service and Leadership Award. When Ciarlante found out she was accepted into Who's Who, her reaction ~as one of shock. "I couldn't believe it," she said. "There were so many exceptional people to contend with that I never thought I'd get it." Ciarlante resides in House five, and it is there where many of her friends and memories lie. "My friends and I have had some great times in the house, at the Wayne Tavern and at Popcorns. This past spring break two of my friends, Kim and Pam, and myself went on a cruise to Key West and Mexico," she said. These, in addition to this year's leadership camp were some of her fondest memories of Cabrini.'' After graduation, Ciarlante plans on returning to Vineland, NJ., her hometown, and obtain a teaching position as a high school special education teacher. Eventually she wants to return to school and get her master's in communication disorders. "In the meantime," she said, "I have to live at home and save some cash until I can afford an apartment of my own. Who knows, maybe someday I'll even go overseas and teach at a service base."
pre-law club. Dahl was also an orientation counselor this year. Dahl has accumulated many honors in by PatrickZipfel her college career. She is a member of Delta Epsilon Sigma (national honor Kevin Corcoran, senior, has received society), Cabrini College Honor Society, the_Wh~•~Who in Ameri~ Colleges ?~ and currently serves as treasurer for Phi Um~erSitie~.Co~coranaBwsness~dminiAlpha Theta(historyhonorsociety). Dahl strationmaJor wrtha computermmorwas I has also received Dean's List all semesters selected from hundreds of college students and has been on an academic scholarship . . for four years. across the United States. Corcor~ a member ol. the ~br1n1 Dahl's favorite memory of Cabrini is Honor S~ety, as well as V1ce-Presid~nt "the quad." "It was my sophomore year. I of the Semor Class, was very happy with lived in Woodcrest in the comer room on get~g appointed into _t~ elite group. the third floor with Linda Panetta, Maria . lam really happywrth •_tbecauselfeel Lis, and Peggy Federico. It was crazy, it was one of the academic goals I had insane, and my best experience at Cabrini, planned and I reached that goal, " Corco- "Dahl said. ran said. Also Corcoran is involved with In the future Dahl wants to attend the Sigma Zeta, the mathematics and science Institute for Paralegal Training in Philahonor society, as well as being a member delphia, and then eventually attend law of the Resident Life Staff. Corcoran has school. Also Dahl will be getting married also been on the Dean's List for 6 semes- and moving to Germany in two years. ters. Some of his work experience beyond the Cabrini campus was with his internship, Rabbit Software, where he gained valuable work experience. by Donna Dougherty In Corcoran free time he likes to play Mike Edmondson, named to Who's hockey and golf and claims to be a devoted Who in American Colleges and UniversiPhiladelphia Phillies fan. ties, has been honored by his classmates as well. Edmondson was awarded the Mother Ursula Award, the annual award for the senior who best exemplifies the Cabrini Spirit. by Paula Phillips "It means a lot to me because it means "It is a great honor to be selected for that my classmates recognized what I did Who's Who. When you look at the people and because it comes from them and not who have been selected in the past, you feel some set criteria. Without my.classmates, privileged to be among the Michele Dahl, I never would have been able to get the senior, said. Mother Ursula Award I'm honored to Dahl, a history major with a double receive these awards and they mean a lot to minor in math and political science, was me," he said. one out of 17 students to be selected for Edmondson is a history major with a Who's Who in American Colleges and minor in secondary education. He would Universities at Cabrini. like to teach history and to also coach cross During her four years, Dahl has partici- country at the high school level in the pated in numerous activities. She is a future. He also plans to attend graduate member in Kappa Sigma Omega, the school for history. history club, the library committee, the Extracurricular activities that he has Student Academic Council, the chorus, been involved in include: being president and currently serves as president for the and treaurer of the Pennsylvania State
Kevin Corcoran
Mike Edmondson
Michele Dahl
Education Association; a member of the Career Advisory Board; an orientation counselor; hunger awareness committee chairperson for three years; participating in the haunted house; class parliamentarian for S.G. A.; member of the buildings and grounds committee; member of Kappa Sigma Omega, the college's service organization; Eucharistic Minister; Project Appalachia; run for hunger and cross country. Honors and awards that he has received are: dean's list, Outstanding Young Man of America, Phi Alpha Theta (History Honor Society), Cabrini Leadership and Service Award, the McFadden Memorial Award (awarded to student who exhibits concern for others) and the West Catholic Alumni Scholarship Award. His G.PA. is 3.66 in his major and 3.51 overall. "I'll take from Cabrini what I've learned from my classmates, the times we've had and I've learned to appreciate the "little people" more in life, especially the guys from Don Guannella," Edmondson said. Edmondson is the first one from his family to graduate-from college and just recentlv completed the Boston Marathon, which is 26.2 miles, with seniors, Pete Casazza and John Donahue.
Peggy Emmerich by Mari Bugie Peggy Emmerich, senior, who majors in special and elementary education, is one of the graduates nominated to Who's Who in AmeriCJDCollege and Universities. "I was really excited and glad to be a recipient of Who's Who," said Emmerich, "It was nice to know my teachers and peers nominated me. It made me feel very good.'' Some of Emmerich's honors include Dean's List, class president and Cabrini's service organization Kappa Sigma Omega. "I have a few "best memories" form Cabrini," Emmerich said.''They would be my orientation my freshman year and Superthon my junior year. Another great memory has to be this year's spring break trip to St. Thomas!" "After graduation, I will start teaching, and in about a year, I will go for my master's degree," she said.
Mary Fenerty by Mari Bugie "I felt honored because it came from students and teachers. It was nice to be recognized by them," Molly Fenerty, senior, education major, said, upon being honored as a recipient of Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Fenerty has received many honors during her four years at Cabrini. Amoung th em are: th e Charles Mastronardi Service and Leadership Award, Outstanding Young Women of America, Cabrini Honor Society, Cabrini College Academic Scholarship .and the Dean's List. · Along wath her honors, she has also been involved in many activities a~Cabrini. ~enerty 'Yas a cheerleader, ~resident and Vice-president of Kappa Sigma Omega, secretary of her class, ~A., orientation co~selo~ and class co~ncd.. . Thetunelspeutbemgwathmyfnen~s, at school and down the s~ore have ~e~n some of ~y ~est me~ones. at Cab~1ru," Fe~erty said. I also liked bemg a resident asSIStan~becau~e I g~~ to meet so many more fnends this way.
loquitur - friday, april 22, 1988
take center stage----Katherine Funk by Patrick Zipfel Kathy Funk, a special/elementary education major with a minor in psychology, was nominated because of her academic and social excellence. Funk, former SGA vice-president, was excited after finding about this award, "It was a big honor to be put in Who's Who in American•Colleges and Universities. I was thrilled when I was nominated," Funk said. Funk is also involved with the orientation commitee and was co-chairperson for Superthon '87. Although Funk achieved this honor, she didn't have it as one of her goals. "When I first came to college, I didn't have it as one of my goals but later on with the various activities I was involved wilh and the people around me, I thought it would be a great honor to be nominated." Being a special/elementary education major, Funk has had the opportunity to student teach with such schools as the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit. When asked about student teaching, Funk said " I love student teaching " After graduation, Funk hopes to someday go on for her master's degree in speech/ communication disorders.
public realtions director of WCAB Cabrini's Honor Society, Outstandin~ Young Women of America and the Society of Collegiate Journalists. ''I believe that because of Cabrini's small environment leadership positions to all students," are easil>: a~5;iible Mason_said. It IS easy to get involved." Mason's college experience helped her·• to learn . "t_hat_limitations that one faces are only h:rmtahons that you put on yourself." .
LiSa Mason
by Stephanie Giardini
"I was really excited, Lisa Mason, senior, English and communications major, said, upon receiving the Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities Award. "It was something that I have worked toward for a long time." This prestigious award is one of many that Mason has received in her four years at Cabrini. Some of these other achievements include: sports editor of the Loquitur,member of the editor staff of the yearbook, resident assistant, Cabrini's Honor Society, Society ofCollegiateJournalists, Outstanding Young Women of America and member of social activities of SGA. "Cabrini has taught me to have faith myself and also that through diligence you can make your own path in life," Mason "I was realy excited," Kathy Hibbard said. senior,English and communications ma~ Mason also believes that a person's jor, said on her receiving the Who's Who accomplishments are not the only imporin American Colleges and Universities. "It tant thing in life. "This is not to say that we hit home that I was a senior and that I had accomplished a lot when I received this do not need others because friends are very important," she said. "But in the end you award." Features editor of the Loquitur activi- ·are the one who makes the difference in tie~ editor of the yearbook, Lamda Iota your life." Tua, the literary honors society the .Cabrini College Honors Society, ~tive Board of SGA and the Society of Colleby Kerry Gallagher giate Journalists and being Bruckmann
Kathy Hibbard
Yvette Ousley
Scholar are just some of Hibbard's achievements at Cabrini. "Being at convocation and hearing my name amoung all those who also received the award really made me proud," Hibbard said. "I had always hoped to be a apart of something like that." "My parents were very proud of me and all the others recipients because we were finally awarded and recognized for all the hard work we put into our four years at Cabrini," she said. According to Hibbard, Cabrini helped her to reach inside herself and be the best she could be. "I was pushed to prove that I could do whatever I need to do and that I have the confidence to succeed," Hibbard said.
Christy Mason by Stephanie Giardini "I was psyched!," was the first response from Christy Mason, senior, English and communications major, upon receiving the Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities Award. "I could not wait to call my parents." Mason feels that she was able grow tremendously as a person and a student here at Cabrini. Part of this growth was through the many acitivities that she has been involved in the campus community. Some of Mason's accomplishments have been: news editor of the Loquitur, presi~ent of the Resident Student Assotiation, secretary of Kappa Sigma .Omega, orientation counselor, news and
As well as being a Dean's List student five out of seven semesters so far, and a member of the Cabrini Honor Society, Yvette Ousley has been very involved during her four years at Cabrini. She is a former president of the Black Student Alliance. Ousley also had the lead in this year's theatre production of "A Raisin in the Sun." Ousley's principal interest is journalism. She began working at The Philadelphia Inquirer in March 1987. She holds a part-time position there right now, and plans to continue working there after she graduates in May. At present, she is a reporter for the Inquirer's Neighbors section. She also writes out the wedding and engagements for the society page. She gained experience in journalism as copy editor and assistant news editor of the Loquitur. Currently, she is the co-seniors editor of the yearbook. Ousley claims one of her proudest accomplishments to be winning the "Television, Radio and Advertising Club Scholarship of Philadelphia." Ousley has enjoyed her years at Cabrini. "It has given me a chance to work hard and contribute through that hard work to the college that I've really come to love."
and communications major, said. Palko has always strived for the best in school. This is evident in the many activities that Palko has been involved with and the honors that she has received. Some of these accomplishments are: RA., photography editor of the yearbook and the newspaper, the Mastronardi Service and Leadership Award, the Cabrini Honors . Society, orientation counselor, the Society of Collegiate Journalists, Kappa Sigma Omega and president of the photography club. Palko believes that Cabrini fosters initiative in students to get involved and strive to be involved with their academics and others. "If I had gone to a larger schoo~ I may not have become as involed as I am here •" she said. "The faculty and the others students made me feel that I could do my best."
Jeanne Reineberg by Stephanie Giardini "It was a good feeling knowing that you have been judged worthy by your peers and the faculty and administration," Jeanne Reineberg, senior, said on her receiving the Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities Award. Reineberg has been active with the Cabrini community throughout her four years. Her list of activities include yearbook editor, SGA corresponding secretary, president of the English and communications club, class officer, resident assistant as well as orientation
counselor. "You do so much and you are never aware of the internal things that you get out of it," Reineberg said. ''This award really reminds of those internal things."
Reineberg has achieved many honors in her academic career. The Cabrini College Honor Society, Delta Epsilon Sigma, the Charles Mastronardi Service and Leadership Award, the Society of Collegiate Journalists along with being elected as one of the Outstanding Young Women of America are just a few of her academic acievements. Her future plans include teaching on a
secondary level. She intends on being actively invovled in the students' sports activities and their literary publications. Reineberg also plans on writing a book. She has not decided on a topic, but because this has been a dream of hers since she was a child, she has many ideas.
Kate Welsh by Stephanie Giardini Kate Welsh, senior, an English and communications major, was truly honored to be chosen on of the recipients of the Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities award. "I was really excited when I found out," Welsh said. "It felt that all the work that I had done meant something." Welsh attributes her college success to Cabrini because "Cabrini makes it easy to get involved." Her involvment in many various aspects of the campus helped her develop into the person she is today. "Being editor-in-chief of the Loquitur really helped me to grow in all areas," Welsh said. A few of Welsh's other achievements, earned here at Cabrini, are: activities editor of the yearbook, the Presidential Scholarship, the Annual Services and Leadership Award, Cabrini College Honor Society, the Society of Collegiate Journalists, secretary of the Commuter Club, as well as being a mamber of . the non-Resident conduct Committee. She plans to continue writing in the magazine field. Welsh has a head start on this goal with her pending job as an editor for a major magazine publication in conjunction with the Chilton Publishing Company, Radnor.
more Who's Who on
Monica Palko by Stephanie Giardini "I was honored that I held that kind of company," Monica Palko, senior, English
A few o: the Who's ~ho in American Colleges and Universities recipients from (left to rtght) are Kevm Corcoran, , Michele Dahl, Mike Edmondson Peggy ' Emmerich, Molly Fenerty. (photo by Steve Pascali)
loquitur - friday, april 22, 1988
Who's Who from 7
Who do you want for President?
Elizabeth Mahoney by Mari Bugie
"It was a good feeling to know my teachers and peers had that much respect for me," Betsy Mahoney, senior, on her nomination to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Mahoney has a double major in elementary education and psychology. She plans to start teaching in September, and then go back to school for her masters. Mahoney has been in many activiites in her four years at Cabrini such as class officer, class council, orientation counselor, RA., basketball, softball, Kappa Sigma Omega and also the Pennsylvania State Education Association. Cabrini Honor Society, P..61CHI National Honor Society for Psychology and Delta Epsilon Sigma are the various honor societies which Mahoney has been inducted into. Along with those, Mahoney has been a Bruckmann Scholar for all four years. "My best memories at Cabrini include my floor of friends my freshman year at Woodcrest, being an RA. and of course my spring break trip this year to St. Thomas," Mahoney said.
'Is Sister Eileen leaving?' Michele Dahl, senior
'I think I'm leaning towards Dukakis. I would like to see more of his platform, though.' -Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president of academic affairs
Tm not pleased with any of the candidates. My favorite politicians are Rizzo and Ferraro.' John Dzik, director of athletics
'Bush for President. Because the Republicans have done a good job with the country now and he will continue.' Jay Rader, senior
Eileen Zebrowski by Mari Bugie "I was really happy and excited about it. It gave me a sense of accomplishment on a goal I had set," said Eileen Zebrowski on her reaction to her nomination to Who's Who. Some of Zebrowski's other achievments include, Deans list, Resident Assitant position, Co-orginizer for juniors for seniors dinner this past November, Chairperson for liturgy comittee for Parents weekend this past fall, Orientation counselor for 1987,Project Appalachia 86~·87, honor society for psychology (PSICHI) which she was inducted into the fall of 1987. She also had the oppurtunity to study literature in Spain this past summer. Zebrowski's best memories at Cabrini include the Leadership Conference of 1987 and the first year she worked on project Appalachia. Here she had the oppurtunity to work with less fortunate people. "It gave me a feeling of satisfaction within myself that I could help someone else out,'' Zebrowski said.
Deanna Zulli by Stephanie Giardini "I was thrilled," Deanna Zulli senior ' ' math and secondary ed. major, said. "It was a lot of work paid off. I was surprised I got it." Zulli accomlished amany honors while being a commuter at Cabrini. Some of these acheivements include: Cabrini Honor Society, Sigma Zeta, president of the math club, PHEAA Scholars and as as tutor for the CARe Center. She believes that this award is partly attributed to her reorganization of the math club on campus. Zulli feels a great sense of accomplishment from successfuly completing this task. After graduation, Zulli plans to teach for four years and in some time receive her masters in education. Being on activities, working at CARe with others and helping people gave Zulli the opportunity to grow and become more outgoing.
Information compiled by Stephanie Giardini; photos by· Sue HIii.
Movie Review:
Life on drugs depicted on film During the day, Jamie checks the facts his life comes crashing down. He is caught of other writer's stories before publication in a world of bright lights and big cities, and doesn't know how to get out. Glamorous characters,glitzynightlife, in a magazine at the Office of Factual Overall, my movie companions and I and an endless drugs stream on the streets Verification. Because of his drug addicwere greatly disappointed with this movie. of New York, set the stage for Micheal tion, he is continuously late for work, For two hours, we waited for the climax. Hughes'newlyreleased BrightLights,Big irresponsible, performs his job poorly and We were still waiting for it as the lights in eventually gets fired. The loss of his job, City. the theater came on and the credits were Michael J. Fox stars as Jamie Conway, however, is not what plagues him. Amanda being shown. a young writer who's in a job he doesn't does. It was a disturbing movie to watch Amanda, played by Phoebe Cates, is a want,has a life he's not happy with and a because it showed the pathetic side of what desperately brokenheart. This character is top fashion model for Oscar de la Renta. most people consider stardom and glamtotally unlikeother role Foxhas previously She was married to Jamie for one year and our. It would have been beneficial if the portrayedin television or the movies. used him to get to New York City. Once Jamie rides an emotional roller coaster there, she established herself in the movie had succeeded in leaving its viewer and the only stablingforce in his lifeis his modeling field and left him without a word with a lasting feeling or a message. or a reason. addictionto cocaine. Instead, it played upJamie's addiction Day after day, Jamie is tormented with The entirefirst-thirdof the movieshows · and emotional trauma for almost two nothing more than Jamie and his best the memory of her and turns towards drugs hours and then suddenly ended leaving my friend Allergast,playedby KieferSuther- and alcohol. He is also haunted by the companions and me with a dissatisfied land,drinkingvodkaon the rocks,meeting memory of his mother who died one year feeling. We felt like we wasted two hours variouspeople in nightclubsand snorting earlier from leukemia. Jamie never learns of our time and $17.50--including popcorn. to deal with either of these tragedies, and lines of 'Bolivian'sbest.'
by KristinKroll
loquitur - friday, april 22,-1988
The Diary of Anne.Frank:
CabriniTheater presentsa storyof tragedy by Ande Romano The Little Theater production of the "The Diary of Anne Frank" opened last Friday night to an enthusiastic audience. Jeanne Fisher, theater director, chose this particular play in commemoration of holocaust rememberance month.
Play Review: "If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it," she told the receptive audience before the play began. The play depicts the story of two Jewish families sheitered from Nazi terror by sympathetic and compassionate Dutch partisans. While living secretly in claustrophobic quarters, tucked away from the cruelties of the concentration camps, a young girl becomes a woman. On the first day of the families' "incarceration," Anne is given a diary by her father. From this point on, Rosanne Rosello, junior, captures the pure innocence of Anne. Rosello truly brings forth the hopefulness of her character and the spirit of her belief in the goodness of human nature. Rosello has found the 13-year-old girl within herself and brought her forth as she writes in her diary, ''We'll start by being friends." As the audience, we feel the plight of a young teenager beginning to know herself. Life is the same, as it always is; except this time it takes place within the confines of a tiny attic loft. The stabilizingpersoninthedramaisAnne'sfather,Mr. Frank played by JohnDoyle , director of resident life. Doyle, who exhibited less strength than what the part demanded, was unconvincing in his role. In order to keep the phrenetic group hopeful, the character would have been more believable had Doyle been stronger in his interpretation. Mr. Frank seems to be a charismatic type of man who was both strong willed and compassionate. He was one of those few persons would could demand respect from people while also having a sensitive side. Also in the loft are the Van Daans. Mr. Van Daan, played by Dr. Carter Craigie, professor, English/communications, is a self-seeking man who quarrels often with his
materialistic wife (Andrea Thompson,junior). Both Craigie and Thompson do a good job at capturing th eir characters. Thompson is wonderful as ~er character frantically pleads wt th her husband to search for money to pay off the Nam. Mrs. Frank, played by Ruth Santoni, is a quiet woman. Santoni is very believable in her character as she finally loses her temper when she finds Mr. Van Daan stealing bread from the cupboard. Overall, most of the characters are very believable. However, as a generalization, Rosello steals the show. Some of the characters are weak in their body movement. In order to portray action in a believable fashion, an actor must have a motive behind his/ her action. This was not always the case. For example, Peter Van Daan, played by Judd Serotta, was too stiff in his actions. Although he seemed to capture the child-like qualities of his character, Peter never grew up. Serotta's bodily actions exemplify this. Another example of poor body movement was Mr. Dussel, played by Terry Smith, junior. Mr. Dussel is a nervoud little man who joins the two families in their attic home. Although Smith is wonderful with the comic aspects of his character, his drama is lacking. This can be said about the entire play. The tension needed to make the situation believable was present at times but not quite strong enough. The drama for this type of play is more than difficult, and the cast handles it satisfactorily. On a more positive note, the comic relief is wonderful. In fact, Smith and Craigie, as the hypocondriatic Dussel and pessimistic Van Daan, respectively, are very good during the comic moments.There are many other positive aspects of the play including the set design and the stage effects. The set design makes the theater appear two times bigger than it actually is while enhancing the crowded atmosphere effect. The lighting, which ordinarily would be taken for granted, actually provided some powerful effects. For example, as Mr. Van Daan lights his candle on a darkened stage, a low, blue light gradually falls over the scene. This has a realistically natural effect. The greatest effect of all occurs at the beginning of the play in which a flash back is created while a tired, bitter Mr. Frank reads from his daughter's diary. As Mr. Frank reads, Anne's voice picks up the reading and the audience is taken back to the first day in the unfortunate attic.
Spring ThisWeekend,A Inviteyour brat to the Weekend'sPub, Carnival, Movies,BeautyPagent, Junior ClassCarWashand RoadRally!!Join the fun in the sun!! Mealtickets for the weekend for siblingscan be purchased in Student ServicesOfficefor $10.
loquitur - friday, april 22, 1988
New housingproposedbasedon figures According to her, 440 applicants were accepted this year. Of this total 89 were male and 351 female. The A total of 138 prospective freshmen have enrolled to admissions office assumes 50 percent will enroll. That date, and the admissions office is looking for an estimated would mean a total of 220 freshmen. As far as non-freshmen, 15 men are projecteJ. Non200 to 210 member class. This total, according to Nancy Gardner, admissions director, is the ideal number that freshman category includes transfers, re-admits and st uCabrini aims for. In fall 1985, the freshman class was the dents. who change their status from continuing education biggest enrolled class to date with 205 students. to full-time. La st year there was a total of two men who Of the 138 students enrolled for next year, 37 are male were residents and at this time, there is one male enrolled. and 101 are female. There are also 220 accepted students Because of the projected high enrollment of resident students next year, there have been some housing that the admissions office has not heard from yet. Last year at this time there were 27 men enrolled in changes scheduled for next year. the freshman class, however, total male enrollment turned Xavier Hall will be reconfigured into a co-ed dormitory out to be 42. This is a37 percent increase over last year. that will have one male wing and the other will be female. Working with the figures, the admissions office is projectThe north wing will be female and the south will remain male. Xavier will have a 24 hour hall monitor set up ing between 55 and 60 freshman men will enroll. Eighteen freshman men were slated to live on campus between the two hallways. last year at this time; while the total number of freshmen Men wiJJreceive houses one and four as well as well men living on campus last year was 31. The adi:nissions Counsel Hall. These houses were chosen because they office is projecting that 30 men from the upcoming had the lowest percentage of juniors in them and had freshman class will reside on campus. mostly seniors. Although58 percent of the freshman men had~nrolled Women will be able to reside in Woodcrest (freshhere at this time last year, Gardner said that the April 24 men), the Mansion and Houses One, Two, Three, Five, Six open house might entice many accepted students to enroll and Seven. at Cabrini. A number of accepted students want to see According to John Doyle, assistant director of the campus she said. resident life, the crowded housing capacity is 529. This-, ___ .:.___first,.:.._ _________________________________
total would include the maximum number of spaces available on campus that are utilized. With House Five, the total number of spaces for men is 164 and for women, 365 spaces. Without House Five, the available number of spaces is 141 and for women 388. Projected totals for returning resident upperclassmen are: junior class: 26 men and 68 female; sophomore class: 25 men and 70 female and the freshman class: 28 men and 104 female. The totals forreturning students would be 321 with 79 being male and 242 being female. Why is there such a high number of projected freshmen enrollment this year and why is there a housing problem? This year theadmissionsofficehadagoalof205 to 210 enrollment for the freshman class. The admissions office, according to Gardner, made a conscious effort this year, to make follow-up phone calls to prospective students. Also, this year, orientation for the freshmen will be held during the summer. Gardner said that this might have had an effect in the enrollment figures. The program will consist of a day and a half where the student will be able to consult with his advisor and receive personal attention with regards to his schedule. At this time, they will also take their placement tests that are usually taken in March and April. In this way, the freshman class will have already registered by September when upperclassmen return.
by Donna Dougherty
The admissions office generally guarantees housing on campus for all four years. However, they have set May 1 as the cut-off date for guaranteed freshman and nonfreshman housing. In five years, according to Gardner, a goal of the master plan is to build another dorm. They also would like to have a full-time enrollment of 850 as compared to 720 now. More than 65 students filled the Widener Center Lecture Hall on Tuesday, March 1 to hear the final housing proposal that was submitted to Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president, for next year. This proposal has not yet been approved. The folfowing are the points that were submitted: 1) that displaced students would go first in the lottery followed by regular students; 2) incoming freshmen men will be housed in Xavier South and freshmen women will be housed in Woodcrest; 3) freshmen students will only live with other freshmen; 4) to enter the lottery or to "squat" one's room, one must have a roommate; 5) due to space limitations, the following dorms will be filled to capacity in terms of priority--Xavier "L" rooms will be tripled, Woodcrest, Mansion and Counsel; 6) Houses One I and Four as well as Xavier South and Counsel Hall will be , male dormitories next year; 7) there will be 24 hour 1 parietals in all lobbies to go into effect after Spring Break this year; 8) head resident managers will live in Woodcrestand Xavier; 9) in Xavier, Woodcrest and the Mansion, there will be two shifts of security in the lobbies to curb vandalism and for security reasons; 10) Xavier lower south will be installed with a combination Jock to cut down on traffic and ensure security and 11) off-campus housing is the last resort. The housing lottery was held on April 20 and 21 in 'the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Reassignment is based on residency seniority, thus commuters will not be permitted to participate in the lottery reassignment process. Commuters requesting 1 residency status will be assigned as availability is deter1mined.
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loquitur - friday, april 22, 1988
Seniorsbid farewellto the court John Aivazoglou by K.A.J.Pyle
He said, "We won in Ohio.and played inlowa. It was the first time we (the men's basketball team) were recognized as a quality school." After graduation, Anapolsky plans ·on doing marketing work for Gambone Brothers Corporation. He also plans on getting his real estate license and working part-time for a video production company. Anapolsky's most memorable time at Cabrini was his freshman year in Counsel Hall. He said, "Counsel was quite an introduction to the college scene and the Counsel guys will know what I mean." Anapolsky added, "I remained at Cabrini because of it."
John Aivazoglou, senior, better known as "Voz," started his basketball experiences at Cabrini during his freshman year, playing for the junior varsity team. As a sophomore, he started played for the varsity team although he did not get much playing time. This year, Aivazoglou played forward and was the captain for the varsity team. He was a part of the of the starting five and exceled in shooting from the three point range. Basketball has been very important part of his life while here at Cabrini. Through the years, Aivazoglou has had some of very memorable moments. One of his fondest memories is when the team took a trip to Kansas for the NAIA nationals. During the National Catholic Basketball Tournament in Dubuque, Iowa, Aivazoglou was awarded Academic AllAmerican. He was the first from Cabrini to recieve this award in Iowa. Aivazoglou is a political science and marketing major. "Cabrini was the right choice for me," he said. "The school has given me a strong foundation in my education." The only regret that Aivazoglou has is that he wishes he had studied harder during his freshman year. After graduation, Aivazoglou plans on attending law school. He would like to by Donna Dougherty attend either Temple or Delaware Law schools. Senior basketball player, Jim Welde, "I want to finish law school in three began playing basketball for Cabrini on'the years," he said. "I really would like to be varsity level his freshman year in 1984. He a sucessfull attorney one day." has started at point guard the last two. He graduated from Monsignor Bonner High School, Drexel Hill, Pa., where he was he led his team to two Catholic league titles in 1983 and 1984. He played junior varsity basketball his freshman year at Bonner, then was promoted to the varsity level the next three years. His family has influenced him the most at Cabrini. According to Welde, the reason he came was because his brother, Dan,'83, also played basketball for Cabrini. "In coming to Cabrini, I ended up with many lasting relationships, an excellent education and over my four year period, I got a good start towards my future," he said. Welde majors in business with a concentration in finance. He is working towards a minor in marketing and holds an internship at the Associated Rehabilitation Consultants in Wayne, Pa. After graduation, he intends on getting John Aivazoglou a job and attending Villanova University graduate school to achieve his masters in finance.
Sue Evich by Kerry Gallagher Sue Evich, senior, will likely be remembered as one -of the most outstanding athletes to graduate from Cabrini College. Evich has played a starring role in the success of two teams on Cabrini's campus .• the women's volleyball and basketball teams. Evich stood out from the crowd as she captained both teams. She will be remembered as one of three in an elite group of women basketball players who have scored 1000 points in their college careers. Evich scored this fantastic feat on Feb. 25, 1988in a game against Immaculata College. Evich put in years of practice lo continually improve herself as a basketball player. She began shooting baskets around the ageofl0. Evichthenjoinedher CYO grade school team and polished up her playing at Bishop Conwell High School in Levittown, Pa. As for volleyball, Evich did not enter Cabrini with that much experience. "In fact, I never played volleyball in my life until sophomore year (of college),'' she said. "Gerry Szabo, the coach of the team, asked me ifl was interested in learning how to play and said ifI was, he would teach me how to play. I took him up on the offer."
Jim Welde
Lori Albertus by Beth Ann Bittner "I've been playing basketball since fifth grade," Lori Albertus, senior, said. "And I've been playing ever since." Albertus started playing for the women's basketball team in her sophomore year. This year, she played the postion of wing guard. "I didn't play during my freshman year because of my classes," she said. During her basketball career at Cabrini, Albertus has enjoyed being with team members and having a good time. She also stated that she'll always remember the game against Allentown. "Even though we lost to Allentown by one point, I'll always remember that game because it was our last game together as a team and we played our hardest,'' she said. Albertus is an accounting major and plans on seeking employment in accounting or sales after graduation.
. Sue Evich
Evidently, she learned how to play the game quickly. During last year's season, Evich was chosen MVP for the team by Szabo, and was named second team all conference by the other coaches in the league.
Lori Albertus
Joe Anapolsky
by Lee Mirenda Joe Anapolsky, senior, began playing basketball when he was six-years-old. Anapolsky's father has been the biggest influence on his basketball career. "My dad got me started playing when I was six and he's been to every one of my games from summer league up to college," Anapolsky said. Anapolsky played on Cabrini's junior varsity basketball team for more than two years, and on the varsity team for his remaining college career. The traveling and the tournaments the (?:abrini men's basketball team has played ii:l.hasmade this year the most memorable for Anapolsky. Jim Welde
Despite all the time spent in sports, Evich still manages time to study. She has a double major at Cabrini ·• psychology and physical therapy. Upon graduation in May, Evich plans on continuing her education at Jefferson University in Philadelphia to attain her master's degree in physical therapy. "Someday, I hope to own my own practice,'' she said.
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loquitur - friday, april 22, 1988
Frustrationruns high among tennis players by Roe Wellman Lack of motivation, organization, and players, and inadequate facilities on which to practice are just a few problems members of the men's tennis team have to deal with as their second season begins, according to Vince Romeo, sophomore, team captain. The '88 season, which began in early April, had a slow start because of a lack of practice time. "We started late in the season with our practicing so we were unprepared and not at all ready for competition," Leo Eschbach, freshman, who is seeded first on the team, said. ¡ "Practice was begun only a week before the first match which put us at the disadvantage. Other teams, such as Allentown, play year round so theywere better prepared," Romeo said. "If we had played four or five matches before the season began, we could have beaten Allentown or Eastern ," John Newman, coach of the team, said. To compensate for lack of organization, the team tries its best to set up practice times and continue with their goals for improvement. "We are not at all organized. Its hard to get everyone together for practices and it seems that we have no motivation," Jan Torres, sophomore, said. One reason that might contribute to the lack of motivation is the hassle that the team must go through just to find a court to practice on due to the lack of courts at Cabrini. Some tennis courts being used in the area are Radnor High School and White Dove Park, both of which require reservations. "Cabrini just doesn't have the facilities so we have to find other places to practice. Then we have to worry if a van is available to bring us there," Dara Seidman, freshman, team manager, said. Another contributing factor is the lack of support given to the tennis team by the Athletic Department. The team is still without uniforms and have no backers to furnish them with equipment.
"There's just not enough money put out for the men's tennis team in or(jer for us to be successful," Romeo said. One other disadvantage is the lack of players. Currently the team is looking for people who are jnterested in the game and would want to improve their skills while gaining valuable experience. "We need more players and more stable seedin~," Gary Burnett, freshman, said. "The team is made up of good players but we need more people on the team," Dave Butera, junior, said. The feeling of unity amo11gteam members is another missing factor. "Although we are all friends and get along, we arc not a unified team. Some players are serious and others aren't, which does not make for good practices or matches,". Romeo said. According to Romeo, this was most evident at the
Women's Softball Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
vs Swarthmore L13-1 . vs Beaver College W12-4 vs U. of Maine L8-12 vs Spring Garden forfeit vs Neumann College W13-12 vs Marywood College L3-13 vs Marywood College L7-8 vs Allentown L6-7 vs Phila Textile L0-15
'The team has a lot of potential but needs more dedication and practice to be somewhat successful.' -John Newman, coach Eastern States Athletic Conference (ESAC) where all the other teams had the same uniforms and rackets, while Cabrini's team looked disheveled in "mismatched everything." Although there are a lot of problems facing the team, there is a feeling of hope and determination to continue and improve. "There is a lot of talent in our team and progress has been made but there's still more to go," Torres said. "The team has a lot of potential but needs more dedication and practice to be somewhat successful," Newman said. "Other teams have aspirations to be pro's- we just want to win a match," Romeo said.
This Week At Cabrini April 22-May 5 Friday
All Day
Spring Fling Events
8:00 PM
"Diary of Anne Frank" Theatre performance
9:00 AM
Snelling & Snelling Interviews, Sacred Heart Conf. Rm. Atlantic City Casino Trip sponsored by the Accounting Association (bus leaves in the evening)
Saturday April23
All Day
Spring Fling Events
April 30
11:30 AM
Junior Class Car Wash
ESAC Championship Tourn.
8:00 PM
"Diary of Anne Frank" Theatre performance
7:00 PM
Gospelrama, Chapel
7:30 PM
Vox: A Renaissance Consort, Mansion
Monday May2
6:30 PM
April25 3PM
6:30 PM
Softball/Misericordia (A) Labor Relations Simulation, Wid. Center Conf. Rm.
Tuesday April26 12:30
Peer Education, Health Services, Wid. Center Seminar Rm.
Wednesday April 27 11:30AM
Thursday April 28
Social Work Luncheon, Mansion
Labor Relations Simulation, Wid. Center Seminar Rm.
Tuesday May3 Noon
SGA Banquet, Mansion
Peer Education, Health Services, Wid. Center Seminar Rm.
Wednesday May4 11:00 AM
Sophomore Class Fruit Basket Distribution, Wid. Center Conf. Rm.
6:00 PM
Student Teaching Banquet, CAFE
Thursday Mays 5:00 PM
English & Communications Senior Party, Mansion