May 6, 1988 Issue 21 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, may 6, 1988

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxiv, no. 21

Mixingdrinkswith.campus life Although Sheller said that it was hard to tell if this raid affected the clientele, he Drinking is depicted as a part of campus does at least predict a decrease in the life. Therefore, the effects that alcohol attendance of minors. The hearing could cause are a major concern on college result in a fine or possible suspension. campuses. To some, drinking and college Off-campus drinking encourages drivlife go hand in hand. ing while under the influence of alcohol Personalinjury, vandalism and violence and this can. result in more serious are a few problems that can occur as a result incidents. of drinking. • Although Paul Samuel, senior, realizes Last month on Villanova University's what can happen from drinking and drivcampus, a sculpture was damaged as a ing, he said that he has driven after a few result of alcohol, officials believe. The drinks. However, he added, "I was not repairs are estimated to cost between drunk." $60,000 and $70,000. How much does ittake for a person to be Although vandalism does occur on considered legally drunk? Cabrini's campus, students are selective Marilyn West, health educator, said about whatthey destroy, according to John that .10 percent alcohol in the blood is Doyle, director, resident life. "Vandalism _ legally drunk in most states, and .05 is the prime result of alcohol use," Doyle percent is driving-impaired. • said. Last year, the health tducation proIf a person is caught vandalizing on gram was established. West assumed that campus, a resident assistant will write an the campus community felt that there was incident report, and the person is charged a need for the program. James Fitzsimfor the damage. If it is proven that the mons, dean of students, was unavailable incident is alcohol-related, those involved for comment on this. will be referred to Health Services. The educator's purpose is to provide In Xavier Hall, Doyle estimated $300 drug and alcohol education, counseling, worth of dormitory damage per semester. treatment referrals and information in the It is usually after an illegal party, or a party form of brochures, pamphlets and awarewith a lot of alcohol, that the incidents ness. occur. There is a student-run organization With many of the upperclassman men called Stop Addiction Before It Starts moving to houses next year, Doyle (SABIS), which according to West, inpredicts that this will cut down on parties creases the campus awareness of drug and in individual rooms due to their sizes, and alcohol concerns. force the men to have legal parties. "An assessment is done to find out the With legal parties, there is a system to severity of the problem," West said. It is determine how much beer will be provided. then decided whether to treat and counsel The calculation is one beer per hour per the person on campus or to refer the person person, multiplied by the number of elsewhere. hours of the party, multiplied by the West said that whether the care is number of 21-year-olds. According to Rev. John P. Stack, dean

by La Tonya Lucas

of students, Villanova, the greater the amount of alcohol, the more likely for problems to occur. Like many colleges, Cabrini follows the state law and prohibits underage drinking. The Wayne Tavern also prohibits underage drinking. However, they were raided not too long ago. According to Bud Sheller, owner, the tavern has a problem with fake identification cards. He said that although some look fake, there are others that look authentic. "We confiscate when we can," Sheller said. The tavern, which now awaits a hearing by the Liquor Control Board, has a policy which requires anyone suspected of not being 21 to sign a pledge card. This policy is a precaution, and according to Sheller, a tightening of their screening process.

received here or elsewhere, the health educators keep in touch with the person to provide support. West stressed that the program is not designed to get anyone in trouble. "It is very confidential," she said. Villanova also has a program designed to aid students with problems related to alcohol, as well as drugs. Students are referred to the program after they have been involved in an alcohol-related incident. According to Jan Janosik, director, alcohol and drug intervention at Villanova, two out of every 10 students -can develop a dependency for drugs by the time they graduate. She considers alcohol to be a drug. The message of the program which is only available to Villanova students, is that


students can drink, but they should be responsible. They have a rule," Two Halt," which says to drink two beers per hour and never drink when you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired. Other rules are the " Two Halt TIPS" which ,5tands for things, ingredients,people and substances. Fot things, they discuss the use of funnels and beer bongs. For ingredients they discuss what the drink consists of. For people, they discusspeer pressure and the attitude ~ of their friends, and for substances, they discuss the effects of other drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and mushrooms. For those who really seek change, Janosik said that the program can, and has, changed behavior and lives.









120 LBS. 160 LBS.

200 LBS. egally sober LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Drive safely

Possibly illegal Should not drive

Illegal Do not drive

Preparationsmade for final day by Lisa A. Brzezicki With the year coming to a quick close, preparations for the 27th annual commencement ceremony are well underway. On Sunday, May 22, the class of 1988will take a giant step closer to the "real world" by kicking off the graduation ceremony with a mass at 11 a.m. The theme for this year's mass is "The Time of Our Lives," according to Sr. Bernadette Anello, M.S.C., director ,campus ministry. "The celebrants for the mass are Rev. Joseph Bayne, Rev. Thomas Owens, and Rev. Joseph Massare," Anello said. According to Anello, there will be a piano solo composed and performed by

Joel Zazyczny,junior, and solos performed by Karen Clark, senior, and John Doyle, director, resident life. During the sign of peace, according to Eileen Zebrowski, chairperson, baccalaureate mass, a symbol of appreciation will be shown by the seniors to someone who is special in the eyes of each individual graduate. "The communion meditation, where Karen (Clark) will sing, will be a reflection of that appreciation," Zebrowski said. The academic procession will begin at 2:30 p.m., followed by the commencement ceremony at 3 p.m. After the National Anthem, invocation will take place, which is then followed by the commencement

speech. This year's speaker will be Robert J. Flick, a Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the 167th Legislative District. Flick is Cabrini College's representative. Victoria D. Ryan, president-elect, alumni association, will present the Mother Ursula Alumni Award, followed by the valedictorian's speech and the benediction. ¡ The 1988 graduates will be presented by Dr. Joseph Romano, vice-president, academic affairs, while the conferring of degrees will be done by Sr. Eileen Currie, M.S.C., president.

inside perspectives..2 news............3-5 features.......7-8 sports........9-12

Person of the week: Dr. Zurek (page 6)

Tennis team goesto Kansas (page 12)



loquitur - friday, may 6, 1988


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Cqmpus drinking aff8cts bur lives

Getting the most out of your college years

Alcohol is a part of most college campuses and Cabrini is no exception. Besides all the obvious problems that alcohol causes - vandalism, violence and death - it also interferes with academics. 'Many students miss class due to hangovers: As a result their work suffers because they are not as conscientious. Homework is shoved onto the back burner as alcohol fills the lives of students. Social drinking is no longer only done on weekends. Many times drinking goes on every night. There is always at least one party to be found on any given night. According to data compiled by college officials around the country, two of every ten American college students will be harmfully involved with alcohol by the time they graduate. One solution to this problem is alcohol awareness and prevention. Students must become involved and be willing to learn about amounts and percentages so that they are aware of their level of intoxication. Habits must also be changed. Drinking should not be a hobby or pastime. There is no right time or place for drinking yet every day should not be the norm. Social drinking is fine when done in moderation, but can be a big problem when it is abused. Alcoholism is a disease and must be treated as one. Some organizations, such as Al-Anon and Alateen are designed specifically for dealing with alcoholics and their families. There is help available for those who tend to overuse alcohol. One must be willing to take the first step on the road to a life in which alcohol is no longer a priority. Only when this happens, can drinking be considered an occasional pleasure instead of an addiction.

beth bittne "These are the best years of your life." "Make the most of your college experience because it is an important time of growth and development." "Not everyone is lucky enough to be getting a college education." I am sure at one point and time, we have all heard at least one of these phrases from our elders and peers. But do we really believe them? Do we heed their advice? As I have been preparing to graduate, I have found myself passing these words of wisdom onto others. I have also found myself questioning some of my peers as to why they bothered wasting their time and money on a college education. Did they really get what they paid for? Was it just a great big party and an extended vacation? I know, I sound like your parents, don't I? But think about it. I have. And it's the i truth. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to afford a college education for four years. Do we really express our gratitude or do we misuse this opportunity?

I remember the beginning of my experience like it was yesterday. I wasn't exactly Joe student. In fact, I just wanted to have fun. I guess that's a normal feeling for freshman. In my sophomore year, I really messed up. Even though I cut back on the partying, I just didn't have my act together. I battled a lot of personal problems and I just couldn't make up my mind about w~at I wanted to do with my life. I became

really depressed and the hole I was digging just got deeper and deeper. In the second semester of my sophomore year, I finally realized I needed help so I went to the Rudy Rooyman's Counseling Center. I might sound like a commercial, but they were a lot of help. My life was like a huge jigsaw puzzle with a lot of missing pieces. They helped me find the missing pieces and, things really started going my way. During the summer between sophomore and junior years, I did a lot of innerself searching. I prioritzed my life and put the puzzle back together. I came into my junior year full force. I applied myself more in classes, I prioritized my responsibilities, treated activities as if they were jobs and I became the master of time mangement. People took notice of the change and it meant a lotto me. Ihaveaccomplished and experienced things that could never be replaced bytextoooks. I often wonder what I would be like if I didn't listen to the advice of my elders.and peers. Would I be as confident in myself as I am? Wouldmy peersand elders look up to me as they do now? Would I even be graduating. I guess what I am trying to say is this, please heed the advice of your peers and elders. They can often see things that we are blind to. If you're in a slump now, there is no time like the present. Look into yourself and find out what you really want. If necessary seek help from an unbiased party. The college experience is the ultimate experience of a lifetime and not everyone is as fortunate as we are to be able to experience it. These really are the best years of your life so make the most of them.


Bidding a fond farewell by Debbie Murphy How ironic that it should come down to this -- that the last thing I ever write at Cabrini College is an opinion for Loquitur. It seems a fitting farewell for a year that has truly been the one of the best of my life. I was more than a little apprehensive when I found out I was going to be editor during my senior year; afterall, the last year of my college career was reserved for monumental tasks such as interning in the "real world" and deciding what to do with the rest of my life. In the year w,hen most of my classmates were beginning to sever their ties with Cabrini, I was bound to it . more than ever. In the end, I reasoned that I had the rest of my life to decide what I should do with the rest of my life. I would never have the opportunity to be editor of Loquitur again, and so I persevered through 21 issues. The year seems blurry to me as I look back now, but one thing does stand out clearly, the people I have had the good fortunate of meeting and working with. It was so nice knowing that every time I walked into the newsroom, I would know everyone there; I will miss that bond and friendship.

Annie-sez, what would I have done of shape) I will always recall you as somewithout you? When everything really one who had a very great influence on my looked like it was going to fall apart, I life. You have taught me more than always knew I could count on your stability anyone else I've ever known -- both and insightfulness to see me through. Jax, about the communications field and about I guess we were like fire and ice most of the myself. I will miss you all. Never forget the way but you did keep things interesting. fun times· though: winning All American, What will you do next year without me to Monday night deadlines, hors d'oeuvres at wake you up every morning with a "this is Bennigans and beating up onPageMaker. your conscjence call," and who will I "do lunch" with every Monday. Steph (a.k.a. To the new editorial board, good-luck. the Good Egg) how could you have been so You have a big task ahead of you (living happy all the time? You were the calm up to our high standards) but we have reliable force behind Loquitur. Never forget those many Wednesday nights when endless confidence that you will do a great you and I stayed to pick up the pieces job--that'swhy wechose you. When things everyone else left behind. To the Red go wrong next year and you really wonder Heads on sports, you kept me guessing how another issue will get done, do what we most of the year -- "When does the sports did, eat! team think their going to finish their section. We have to be at the printers in an I am really sad to say say goodbye to hour!" I will always remember your sense Cabrini as well; I believe going here was of humor though, you were always able to the best thing I have ever done. Even break newsroom tension with your one- though it took me some time, I have grown. liners and off-beat ideas. I am ready to move on though, I am tired To Angelique le Chic, la Parisienne, of tests, late-night study sessions, RachelAtheliaAnderson Fuller, Chris and deadlines, constant rushing, never having Debbie -- thanks to each one of you, you money and always being tired. I crave some made my job so much easier. Finally Dr. stability in my life -- I only hope I never Zurek, when I'm old and gray (but not out crave it too much.

Editor: Debbie Murphy Staff Managers: Donna Dougherty, Angie Corbo News Editor: Jacqui McCleman Assistant News Editors: Rachel Anderson, Lisa Brzezicki, Ande Romano Perspectives Editor. Anne Fahy Assistant Perspectives Editors: Roe Wellman, LaTonya Lucas Features Editor: Stephanie Giardini Assistant Features Editors: Jenni Obrecht, Kerry Gallagher Sports Editors: Donna Dougherty and Beth Bittner Assistant Sports Edttor. Paula Phillips Business Managers: Kathleen McCabe and Angie Corbo Cooy Editor. Kerry Gallagher Assistant Copy Editor. Denise Clva Photography Edttor. Debbie Ferrar Photography Adviser:Dr. Carter Cralgie Adviser. Dr.Jerome Zurek Staff: Marian Armstrong, Lisa Brzezicki, Mari Bugie, Denise Clva, Angle Corbo, Kelli Dougherty, John Dunleavy, Kerry Gallagher, Shelle Koller, Kristin Kroll, Amy Lennon, LaTonya Lucas, Lee Mirenda, Jenni Obrecht, Paula Phillips, Keith Pyle, Rebecca Rebalsky, Ande Romano, Roe Wellman, Pat• rick Zipfel Photography Staff: Michele Corrado, Sue Hill, Denise Hurley, Jeff Moore, Steve Pascall, Roseanne Rossello, Karen Siegl, Mike Steveson. Loquitur 11pubiilhed -ldy during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087. Subscription price 11$20 per year and Is included in the benefits secured by tuttion and student fees. Loquttur welcomes lelters to the edttor. Letters should be signed and the authorship kn.-. to the editors. However, W the wrilef wllhee, and the edttor agrees, the wrlte(1 name may be left off the letter upon publieetion and an inscription In• serted such • "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters lhould be typed, double-sp&(;ed, and no moca.than 300 words in length. N a letter is too tong for 1he evaliable 1pece, the edttor mey edtt or condense tt. Letters to the editor lhouid be aubmltted by noon on Mondays. , The editorials and opinions published in Loquttur are the views . of the 1tudent editorial staff and the Individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.


10-quitur ·-friday, may 6, 1988


Ties broken·when roommatesbecome RAs In my situation, my triple was broken a roommate because of the position. She down into a double. However, other admits that both are difficult. roommates ofRA.'s were left on their own. Last year, her former roommate, A competitive search for Residents They had to select a new roommate. Samantha Hidlebird, was chosen to be an Assistants (RA.) occurs every spring, and Karen Siegl, junior, currently lives with RA. Hidlebird, however, lived in the same is an emotional experience for all of those Victo1:ia Daywalt, future RA. She needed dorm as Lucas -- only Hidlebird was the involved in the process. This seems to be a to select a new roommate, and elected to RA. Although they were in the same delicate issue among students applying for move from her house. Siegl, however, is building, the separation of roommates the position. It has been the norm, that looking forward to her senior year in a made spending quality time together more after a few weeks, emotions seem to have positive light. difficult. calmed, and the staff can be prepared to Lucas was alsp faced 'Withthe challenge accept the responsibilites of their new job. "First, I am proud of Vicki because she of knowing when to be Hidlebird's friend, The first offical 'duty for the resident life is taking a big step on the ladder by "ex-roommate," and when to see her as the staff has beencompleted. All new staff becoming an RA.," Siegl said. RA. members were asked to work during the "She has the potential to be great, and Each situation is different. Molly housing lottery, which was held, April 20- has the right frame of mind for the job," she Fenerty, senior, has been in her RA 21. said. position for two years. Although she made The feelings, that seemed to be tucked The concern that Siegl expressed is under the rug, were brought out once common to that of the other roommates again. Reality hit some of the future interviewed. She fears that the two will not resident life staff. be able to stay in touch as well, due to As a member of the new staff, I felt a different living accommodations. · twinge in my stomach when I saw my two Colin Coakley, sophomore, chose to ACADEMIC AFFAIRS-- The last roommates from this year selecting their move from his double in Xavier to a triple day to declare pass/fail is May 9. All room for next year. Our triple was now in Counsel Hall for next year. His roomthose interested in taking courses off broken down to a double. mate, Lou Monaco, was chosen to be an campus should go the Academic Affairs A roommate is a person with whom RA. office as soon as possible, for approval one shares a room, friendship, confiThis was difficult for Coakley because dences, and trust. for credit and to fill out necessary forms. he felt that he and Monaco were compatMost resident students will agree that ible as roommates. He is happy with his having a roommate is a life time experience two new roommates, yet he comments that LIBRARY-- All library books are that will never be surpassed. As happy as there will be a definite adjustment to be due by May 14. Students with overdue I was to become an RA., and as ready as I made next year. . books and/ or library fines may have their am to accept the challenges of being an Kachel Athelia Anderson, junior, chose grades held by the Registrar until the fine RA., I was not prepared for the to become a commuter next year after her is paid. experience of watching my roommates roommate LaTonya Lucas, junior, made prepare to live in a house next year. RA. With all of the commotion of the RA. Anderson felt that she would prefer to SPORTS-- Marko Gittens, sophoselection and housing lottery, the question live at home, rather than to risk living with more, was named to the Philadelphia "What do roommates do when one is se- a new roommate in an overcrowded dorm. Area Small College All Star team. lected to be an RA. for the upcoming Lucas has also experienced losing a year?" is often ignored. roommate to an RA. position, and leaving by Angie Corbo

the initial adjustment of not having a roommate, she still misses having her roommate at night to talk to, or having someone to make sure she wakes up in the morning. Although it has its drawback, Fenerty • feels that it is wise that RA.s have their own room. "No one else could ever adjust -to your schedule. As an RA., you do things around the clock," s-hesaid. Allotting a single room to an RA. also provides the privacy that residents need with their RA. "It is a sacrifice to make a change, but it will be worth it," said Alice Mahoney, junior, future RA.

GRADUATION-- Mike Edmundson, senior, will receive the Mother Ursula award at graduation. This award is presented to the senior who best exemplifies the values of Cabrini College. BANQUET-- The annual athletic banquet will be held on May 6 in the gymnasium. Cocktails will be served at 5:30 followed by dinner and award ceremony. Tickets are still on sale for $15 per person and $25 a couple. Athletes are admitted for free. Contact John Dzik for tickets.

CONGRATULATIONS to our employees



Linda and the rest of the class of "88, we're glad to see you made it ! From Albert's Bookstore. We'11miss all of you!

(all photos by Steve Pascali)


loquitur - friday, may 6, 1988


Populationlow, quick money is denied by Marian Armstrong

When it comes to getting a Money Access Center (MAC) machine installed on campus, there are many issues at hand that leave Cabrini at a disadvantage. MAC machines are usually installed in places where there is a strong concentration of people, and in locations where the bank is going to make a profit off

located in the student center. Susan Ansel, assistant controller at Villanova, said the MAC machine was installed to promote or make easier banking arrangements for students. "It prevents them from having to go off campus to do their banking. The idea has been very well-received by students," Ansel said. Ansel sees other advantages as


Joe Lowry, vice-president, departmept of operations, Main Line Federal Bank, said, "If it's going to be profitable, we're going to look at it closely." Lowry is cautious about where MAC machines are placed, for various reasons. Ideally, he would like to see the machines service 2,500student on a college campus. Janine Mclnerney, project manager for electronic banking, First Pennsylvania Bank, said, "We don't have enough money to install machines all throughout the city." Mclnerney said that to install the machines in crowded areas "is just a good use of the bank's assets and resources." The price of installing a full MAC machine is approximately $35,000. The telephone lines needed to run the machines costs roughly $300 a month, and the camera to prevent theft costs $7,500. Lowry said that a possible option could be arranged if a MAC machine was not possible. A cash dispenser would be another option. It's a lot cheaper than the full MAC machine. However, deposits can not be made on a cash dispenser machine. Villanova University has two Cash Stream machines and one MAC, which was installed in 1986. All three are

well. "Parents can wire money instead of paying a check; or they can transfer money from their account to student accounts," she said. Mary Jo Giunco, sophomore, said that she feels cheated. She said, "They have one at Villanova. I was surprised we didn't have one." Lowry said that the bank that installs the machine makes a profit from other institutions by exchanges made on the network. For example, a card from another institution used on a Main Line Federal machine will yield a fee to Main Line Federal. A Cabrini staff member, w!io wishes to remain anonymous, said that a MAC machine at Cabrini would not be practical because so many students receive checks from their parents. The source said a lot of parents do not want their children to have accounts away from home. Jay Loucks, chief financial officer, said, "I never reallyhadgivenitanythought at all. It's obviously a convenience." Loucks said that one advantage of a MAC machine on campus would cut-down on check cashing. The opinions of students vary as well. Some do not look at a MAC card as a necessity, whereas others see it as a God

send. Kathy Smith, junior, said, "I guess I don't have one (a MAC card) because it's not a big thing in our family." Smith said she always babysits, and therefore, always has cash. Cathy Currie, junior, said, "My bank account is just for tuition. My dad can write a check, and put the money in his checking account the next day." Currie doesn't feel she needs a MAC card. Leah Cascarina, senior, thinks having a MAC card is a necessity. Cascarina said that when emergencies come up, it's great to have money at your

fingertips. She said that having a MAC card is essentialif one does not have a credit card. "It was really a pain in the butt to cash a check. I find myself strapped for money, and I'm never able to cash my

check," she said. Carmela Cantone, junior, said, "When I'm really low on money, and I'm in a tough situation, I can get quick cash very easily."



-----1 :00


TUES 5/10

¡ Till we see you again ...




WED 5/11

MF/MWF 9:50

TR/TWR 2:10


THURS 5/12

TR/TWR 9:50

TR/TWR 3:30



Good-bye! Good luck! God's speed! Academic Affairs Staff

FRI 5/13

MF/MWF 8:30

MF/MWF 12:50

SAT 5/14



MON 5/16

TR/TWR 11 :10

MF/MWF 2:10

TUES 5/17

TR/TWR 8:30

MF/MWF 11 :10


*The MF /MWF 3:30 classes will meet for the exam at 4:00 on Friday, May 13


Dr. Joseph Romano Dr. Mary Ann Biller Zita Derham Mary Rau

*MF/MWF 3:30

CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING M/F Summer & Career Opportunities (Will Train). Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii, Bahamas, Caribbean, etc. CALL NOW:


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loquitur - friday, may 6, 1988



John Doyle

New directorwith high goals by Angie Corbo

John Doyle, newly appointed director of resident life, has entered his administrative role with high energy. His expectations and plans for the upcoming year are of high caliber. · Doyle is not a new face to the college campus or to the resident life department. He is a 1985 graduate of Cabrini College, and has ·served as a former resident assistant, resident man~ger, and as the assist.ant · director of resident life. His new position, as director of the resident life department, is a completely new role to tackle, according to Doyle. As a member of the staff, he takes pride in the strong rapport that he has established with the students. Now he is conscious of the areas that he needs to develop within himself in order to be more of an administrator. A personal goal that he is committed to, is becoming more organized and more "administrative" as an individual. While Doyle sets out to achieve these goals, he has made a conscious effort to keep his

promote team work and a sense of trust the department next year, according to Doyle. A violation of each offense will be among the staff members. Doyle is depending on the support of his listed in the handbook so students may staff, and the new assistant director of have ·a clear understanding of their rights. Both Doyle and Dr. Jolyon Girard, resident life, and resident manager that he professor of history, resident conduct will advise next year. He would like to see committee moderator, will conduct a semihis department make revisions on the Criminal Code next year. Policies concern- nar on student rights. This will be an ing rules and punishment will be refined by informational session. that will provide students with essential information that will educate them on the rules of the college, and will instruct students about their rights when a disciplinary action is taken against them. A year long training process that will call resident assistants (RA) together once a month to have seminars on issues that are arising in their residencies, will also be developed. This will help the RA be better able to handle situations in a confident and competent way. If taken in a mature way, these changes can promote the growth that mature students will benefit from. If abused, the growth of the department will be stunted. It is up _tofuture residents to determine this John Doyle, director, resident life (photo by Rosanne verdict. Rosse/lo)

involvement and interaction. level high among students. Goals that he has set for his resident life staff for next year are many. He first, and foremost would like each individual to feel confident in their ability to do the job. Staff membersalso need to see.theimportance in their role, and to take responsibility that goes with the job. Finally, he wants to


Cuttingclasses,studentslearn the hard way sor, English and communications, students who cut classes have to. hit bottom Some do it to sleep, others do it to study, and learn the hard way. Jim Steffler, junior, said, "I remember a few do it because of illness. It's cutting class, and it has quickly become a habit. my freshman year history class. In high "My freshman year, I took off for a school, I was always an A student, week, cutting all my classes to visit a friend therefore I thought that I could skip a few in Pittsburgh," Sue Mackenzie, sopho- classes every now and then. As a result, I more, said. "I failed one class as a result received a B, instead of an A. I was really and I had to take it over in the summer. angry at myself, and next semester I went to Would you believe that my parents made every class and got an A." me pay for it? It cost $300." Terry Smith, junior, maintained a 2.0 Students who pay for their education grad~ point average throughout his freshare more likely to attend class more man and sophomore·years. regularly than students who do not. "I'm "I was in the habit of cutting classes paying for a portion of my education and I because I didn't feel like going. I had the don't want to waste either mine or my atti~ude like -· your only young once, s~ parents money," Michele Hanna, sopho- have fun while you can. However, this more, said. really hurt my grades. I was kicked out of Cutting classes is especially prevalent the education department. They gave me among freshmen, who are on their own for one more chance. Last semester I hardly the first time. Jennifer Lyons, freshman, missed any of my classes, and I made the said, "Last semester I went to all my 8:30's dean's list," Smith said. but I would skip in the afternoon to catch Diane Kadash, sophomore, cuts her up on my sleep." Monday/ Friday class almost every week. According to Helen Goodwin, assistant "I go to visit my boyfriend," Kadash said. professor, physical education, students "On my last test I got an F, and I promised who skip classes are just plain lazy. myself that I wouldn't skip it again, but I Goodwin said, "Because I do not give tests, did," she said. I have to make attendance a requirement, Like most professors, Bezdek has an or I'd be out of a job. You only need two attendance policy in her writing classes students for a lecture, but you need many because she considers it to be a workshop. more in order .to play a sport." "It's like signing up for piano lessons and Goodwin only cut two classes during then not going," Bezdek said. college. "I'm the kind of person who does Bezdek added, "I get frustrated when the things your supposed todo. I don't even students don't show up for class. I want double park because I'd probably break out to help them, but I can't if they are not in a rash," she said. here. It's their loss, not mine," she said. According to Marice Bezdek, profesUnlike Bezdek, John Heiberger, proby Shelle Koller


summer work

shouldn t take all summer.

King of Prussia



lheEmplo>,ment Feop/e

fessor of business, does not have a formal attendance policy. "I feel that if a student can show up on test days and pass the test, then fine. However, I have had only one or two students who can do that. I am concerned with the student who thinks he knows the material, but doesn't, and falls behind," he said.

Heiberger said, "I believe that continuing education students are much more serious. They always show up for class and they show up on time. I think students that come to class late are disrespectful. It disrupts the class, breaking the classes concentration," he said.

Fondest Wishes& ManyThanks to each of you for all of your help. We'llmiss you! The AdmissionsStaff

Nancy Tony Sr. toni Dottie Lisa

Laurie Paula Steve Peggy


loquitur - friday, may 6, 1988



Dr. Jerome Zurek:

Dedicationinspiresstudent growth by Kerry Gallagher

designing, funding and completion of the communications center in the George D. Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson, Eng- Widener Center. lish and communications department, Melissa Reich, lecturer, public reladoesnotknowthisyet, butheisdeemed this tions, said, "I have always been impressed week's "Person of the Week." with his forward thinking in his One of Zurek's many titles at Cabrini is development of the communications dethe moderator ofLoquitur. In his roles of partment at Cabrini." moderator, and teacher of the journalism "He planned it all out, and developed classes, he sends out evaluation forms of the department in the areas of journalism, reporters every week to those whom they radio and television," Reich added. "Cabinterview. rini is now on a competitive stature with the biggies-- Temple, La Salle, Penn, etc. The credit all goes to him." Most communications majors get the opportunity to know Zurek in their freshThe evaluation forms read in part, man year when they take the introductory "You may not be aware that the first time course, "The Role of Mass Media." I see a story is when it appears in the Zurek challenges the students, particunewspaper. I neither assign nor read them larly in this class, by forcing them to stand before they go in the paper. Editors are up for their opinions. He plays "devil's entirely responsible for assignments and advocate" many times. Some see this as editing." This statement is signed "Jerome a good learning experience, though. Zurek." "Dr. Zurek -- he's constantly on my Zurek has been advisor to Loquitur for back, saying 'do this, do that.' He's always 16 years. He has been respected by many challenging me, and encouraging me to go for the freedom he allows his journalism back and do a better job," Paula Phillips, students, while criticized by others. sophomore, said. "I hate it sometimes, but "He does not inhibit our learning expe- I know it has helped me. I think in the long rience by butting in on what we are doing. run (especially in the real world), I'll appreHe lets us make mistakes so we are able to ciate it more than I already do." grow from them," Debbie Murphy, senior, Among his many accomplishments, former editor-in-chief of Loquitur, said. Zurek has received the Christian R. and "Myrespectforhimhasgrownenormously Mary F. Lindback Award in 1982 and a in the past year." National Teaching Award form the Under Zurek's guidance, Loquitur has Poynter Institute for Media Studies in beenawardedan "All-American" newspa- 1987. per rating from the Associated Collegiate He has a plaque hanging in his office Press for the past three years. "All-Ameri- outside the newsroom that honors him for can" is the highest rating the organization "an appreciation of outstanding service to awards. In previous years, Loquitur was Cabrini College" on behalf of the admisawarded "First Class," a notch below "All- sions committee in 1986. American.'' Also adorning the walls of his office is A native of Buffalo, New York, Zurek a collection of photographs of his two sons: earned his BA. at Fordham University. Christopher, six, and Daniel, two. They are Thenhewentontoreceivehismaster's and his pride and joy. doctorate degrees at Bryn Mawr College. Zurek is married to Dr. Susan Toton. All of his degrees are in English. They met while both faculty residents at Zurek came to the English department Saint Joseph's University. For a time, both at Cabrini in 1971. At that time, only taught at Cabrini. Toton now teaches at theater and broadcasting programs were Villanova. offered to Cabrini matriculants. This Many students at Cabrini have the developed into the English and commu- utmost respect for Zurek, and the time he nications department in 1973. gives to the school. Zurek added the first journalism Yvette Ousley, senior, said, "He's one courses. He was named chairperson of the of the most dedicated, caring people in this English and communications department school. With the combination of work in 1976. hours he puts into the school, and the time One of Zurek's greatest contributions he gives to the students here, I don't think has been the development of the commu- there's any words that would express fully nications program. He was involved in the howimportantapersonheistotheschool."

P erSOnOf th e Week

Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English and communications department. (photo by Mike Stevenson)

Congratulations to the Class of 1988! We Need Your Help! Now's your chance to: • Become active in the Cabrini College Alumni Association • Become a spokesperson for Cabrini in the community and on thejob • Continue to support your alma mater • Help us to recruit new students • Give us your ideas

Best wishes for the future from the Office of Institutional Advancement

Congratulationslo the Classof 1988! Wehope that you have

Bill Battles Martha Dale Mary Ellen Herzog Diane Kolodzinski

Pat Cooper Denise Morris Barbara Duncan Jini Loos

an enjoyablesummer.

from The Office of the Registrar Robert Fetterhoff. MaryAnnMirra

· features


loquitur - friday, may 6, 1988


Students take· part in Project Outreach many places and types of service one can perform.

by Denise Civa

For example, Zebrowski, who will be stationed in Galicia, Spain, will probably be This year, three Cabrini students will be doing something unusual with_their time. working assessing the needs of families and communities in that area. She said this will While most seniors will be out in the working world, Pete Casazza, Linda Panetta, and help her to develop more of an understanding of people in different areas and cultures. Eileen Zebrowski will be donating their time and energy by participating in a Cabrini program called Project Outreach. "I always wanted to do some type of missionary work," Zebrowski said. "I don't Project Outreach, as defined by the booklet supplied by the college, is a Christian think I'm ready to settle down into a job yet." service project under the auspices of Cabrini College, which places student volunteers Casazza, on the other hand, will be stationed in Golden, Colorado. He said his for a summer, a semester, or more, in the community service institutions of the Missiona!Y volunteer work will consist mainly of working in soup kitchens in Denver, and doing Sisters of the Sacred Heart. maintenance work on the grounds of the Mother Cabrini Shrine where he will be staying. The purpose of the project is to provide students with the opportunity: 1) to be genuine Casazza said, "I hope to make a positive and productive contribution to the Mother service to others; 2) to work with a community of people who have similar goals; 3) to Cabrini Shrine in Colorado, in whatever way I am needed." He added, "I've always use and develop their professional skills; 4) to determine ways in which they might use been interested in social outreach work, and I feel that both myself and the shrine will their skills to serve others in the future. benefit from this experience greatly. It is a very concrete way that I will be able to share It is a response to the directive of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' the Christian spirit with others." statement, "Justice In the World." This calls upon educational institutions to become Lastly, Panetta, who will be stationed in Guatemala City, Guatemala, will be working a humanizing force in society by overcoming the promotion of narrow individualism, and with the children of the area to help improve their personal hygiene and teach them by inculcating a truly and entirely human way of life in justice, love, and simplicity. English. She will also be doing prison ministry about once a week. Project Outreach is headed by Sr. Bernadette Anello, campus ministry director, and Panetta describes this opportunity of going to Guatemala as a dream. Sr. Eileen Currie, M.S.C., president of the college. Any student' may apply to become an Outreach volunteer. Once accepted, there are

"I'm really excited to be able to work with the people of Guatemala,"

she said.

job squad Record X Services 1sin need ofa FT accounting clerk in St. David's. Call Gary Arend at 254-4014.

Residential and Commercial Cleaners needed in Broomall. $6 - 8/hr., PT day or night. Call Karen at 356-6671.

Hush Puppy Shoes in King of Prussia Mall is in need of

Macro lnterprising is looking for a dependable student to work with cash receipts and invoices for 12 weeks between June and August. 40 hrs. per week, $5/hr. Call Jeanne Armstrong at 2656606.

a salesperson. Flexible schedule, PT , salary negotiable. Call Jeff at 265-0250. RadioShacksintheMainline area are hiring for PT or FT

shifts for summer. Call Larry Vererami at 688-8890. PT position as Telemarketing interviewer in Wayne. Flexible night or day hours, $6-8/ hr. Call Jim Wiley at 341-8422. Receptionist needed in Wayne for DATACOMP, 15hrs./day, $5.50/hr. Call Marianne Statf at 687-4900. Housekeeper with own car needed FT by warm, friendly Villanova family to care for 2 school aged children. Housekeeping duties, dinner prep, driving. Must be energetic non-smoker and provide references. AT least one year committment. Call 525-1515 to apply.

Senior Counselor, Unit leaders and music, nature, sports and art specialists needed for a day camp in Newtown Square. June27 -August 19, 8:30-3:oo. Salaries vary. Call Bob Gallo at Camp Garnett,


Houlihan's in King of Prussia is hiring waiters, waitresses, hosts and hostesses. Flexible a.m. or p.m. shifts, PT or FT. Call Greg Becconeat3379522. Wayne attorney needs secretarial help for 6 - 10 hrs. per week. Flexible daytime hours. Modest typing skills and general office skills desired. Call Alan Fried at 2540120. Warehouse/Driver - summer positions available. Duties include stocking shelfs, pulling orders and also truck deliveries. Current driver's license required. For more information call 365-8504. Villanova Main Line Federal is now hiring PT clerical workers for a few days per week, 15 hrs or more. $4,75/hr. Call 526-6431. FT supervisor and sales positions at T. J. Maxx in Broomall, M - F and at least one· night. Call 376-7274.

Medical Receptionist/Secretary needed in King of Prussia are for PT M/W/F, 1:30 7:30p.m. Requires IBM PC experience. Call Dr. Mark Varaciano at 337-3335.

Student needed to read for a blind woman. Call Grace Meisel at saS:9087. Golf Mills Country Club is hiring a waitress- and a bartender for FT/PT work, flexible hours. Contact Renee Flaw at 828-0717. Associated Cleaners needs females to clean homes for $5/hr and up. Up to 12 - 15 hrs. per week. Call Carolyn Brant at 688-8427. The Computer and Information Science Department at American College is looking for a data processor, and proof reader. Must have some knowledge of computer operations. Flexible hours M - F, $6/hr. Send resume to John Krawchuk, Assistant Director of Personnel Services at American College. FT receptionist needed Immediately. Salary $240/wk. Call Gerri Hunt at 293-4975. Stock/Warehouse position available April through August(possibly longer). Duties varied. Call Harron Cablevision-Kennett Square at 444-1225 for an interview.

Positions open at Peak Performance Fitness Retailer opening in Wayne for office manager, in sales and service. If interested call Richard Hendricks at 293-0558 or 4822605. Telemarketing Representative position open at Dinner Tours, Inc. Work from home or office for high commission, PT or FT, must have professional phone manner. Call Anne at 354-0818 or 3540819. Swimming instructor needed in Newtown Square. Certificate not necessary. Make your own hours, pay negotiable. Call Peggy at 3531717. Kelly Service is now providing temporary jobs for college students working around schedule and vacations. Call Lynn Gross at 8967420. Night cashier and telephone operator permanent position open at Devon Nissan. 5 - 9 daily and 9 - 5 on Saturday. Pay negotiable. Call Robert Groves aJ 647-5454. Overbrook Golf Club is hiring Waiters and Waitresses to begin at $7/hr. guaranteed. FT/PT or nights available. Call Dan McAnally at 6884000.




loquitur - friday, may 6, 1988

Tips for studying abroad by Shelle Koller Have you ever been interested in studying abroad, learning about not only math and science, but the differences in foreign cultures? According to Helene Hennigan, language department chairperson, studying abroad is a wonderful enhancement to learning about the difference in language and cultures. Hennigan said, "It's necessary to understand how other people think and that our culture is not necessarily the best." Students who wish to study abroad can go through the American Institute for Foreign Study(A.I.F.S.). The A.I.F.S. is a nationwide organization that provides comprehensive overseas study and travei programs. Over 300,000students and teachers have enrolled in A.I.F.S. courses in Europe, Africa, Austrialia, and Asia. During the academic year, the A.I.F.S. organizes courses at universities and colleges in Austria, Britain, France, Germany, China, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland. The institute has over 300 full-time students currently enrolled abroad. Students, while studying abroad can obtain room and board by taking a position known as an "au pair girl." An "au pair girl" lives with the foreign family, and in exchange for her room and board, she either babysits or does light housework for the family. Most students go abroad either their junior or senior year of college. According

to Hennigan it is a question of maturity. "We like to send juniors and seniors because they are ready to accept and learn about a culture different from their own," Hennigan said. It is recommended that students who study abroad carry between 10-12 credits. This is because the students need the time to travel and explore, but also must remain full-time students in order to qualify for financial aid. F amities who qualify can receive a maximum loan of $2,500 per academic year from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. According to Gianfillippo Zuccarello, Italian foreign exchange student studying at Cabrini, the universities in Italy are free, but they are also more difficult. According to Hennigan, "Foreign university professors are not there to be friends. They are there to teach." She said, "This is difficult for American students, who are used to the personal touch." "Because the classes are so large, there is no time for discussion," Hennigan said. "The professors do not care whether or not a student shows up for class, either. The class grade is based upon either one or two, tests a semester," Hennigan said. - Zuccareilo finds Cabrini College similar to the level of difficulty he found in his high school education. ¡ Zuccarelfo said, "The teachers here are wonderful and helpful, but I find it difficult to fit in because of the difference in cultures."


Saving$ in Europe by Kristin Kroll Students' dreams of traveling through Europe are abruptly ended when one remembers that a student budget usually don't cover much more than a night out at a club, or a hoagie at the local deli. Regardless of how much money one has (or doesn't have), Europe _can be traveled for much less money than a person may think. There are, however, helpful hints to traveling inexpensively in Europe. The cheapest way of seeing Europe is to backpack. Before leaving the states, it is possible to become a member of the American Youth Hostel Organization. Hostels are low-cost dormitory-style accommodations that are located throughout all of Europe. For $4 to $10 a night, one can get a clean safe place to sleep and bathe. According to "Frommer's Europe on $30 a Day," it is wise to travel from city to city second class. The difference on European trains between first and second class seats is a matter of one or two inches of extra padding, at most. The money one saves from this small inconvenience is well worth it. If one will be doing an extensive amount of city changing, Frommes also said that a Eurailpass is a must. This allows one unlimited travel throughout all of Europe. Anyone under the age of 26 can purchase a Eurail YoÂľthpass entitling them to unlimited second class transportation for one month for $310, or for two months for $400. With transportation and lodging taken care of, meals is the next consideration. With the exception of major European cities, "Fodor's Budget Europe" said finding low-cost meals is quite easy. While in England, Fodor recommended eating in the many chain restaurants, and saving money for the better meals available in France and Italy. Frommers said that Bavarian food found in Germany can be eaten for $5 and under, in, surprisingly enough, department stores. Beer gardens aJso offer an enjoyable cheap meal and can be found in every location. A good place to eat budget meals in Austria are in their wine houses. They o(fer classic Austrian dishes for as little as $10. An effective money-saving method in Italy is to eat at cafes and bars that are "Tavola Calda." These are stand-up eating spots with counter space where one will rarely encounter prices that strain a modest budget. To eat cheaply in Paris, one must speak at least basic French. Instead of going to restaurants, shopping for meals in the French market is a great idea. Ronald Smith, who traveled extensively in Europe for two years, said a meal can be purchased for as little as $5 in France. When deciding where to eat in Europe, one should try to look for little out-of-theway restaurants. It is here where the most delightful meals can usually be found at a low price.

1/JeS!udel7! SemcesS!off co17gro!ulo!es o/1of I/Jegroo'uo/;i?g se171ors for o;obwello'o!7e.

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loquitur - friday, may 6, 1988

Getting into shape with diet, exercise by Roe Wellman

keep a food diary of what is eaten so that gives the body a chance to adjust. Also, it one can see it in print and realize exactly is easier to keep the weight off when it The swimsuit season is just around the how much is consumed. · is lost in moderation. comer and many people are doing whatOne basic idea, which is often over• Lastly, becoming more physically active ever they can for the sole reason of getting looked, is to eat only when hungry. Many is also important. Exercise, when done into shape. Once March comes around people are ruled by the stomachs and eat right, stimulates the body's muscles and there is a rude awakening to the fact that in constantly, while others wait until they are helps get rid of the excess fat. just a few months one's body will be on starved and then pig out. "There are millions of diets but the one display, in a swimsuit, for all to see. Realize that losing weight slowly is which works the best are those which Two ways in which one accomplishes better than quick weight loss because it incorporate the four essential food getting into shape is through diet and exercise. Unfortunately,manypeople tend to abuse and overuse these two· outlets which are supposed to make them healthier and happier. Although there are many who truly are overweight, there are even more who are obsessed with the way they look even though they are at their ideal weight. For these people diets become an answer to their prayers, but a hazard to their bodies. Dieting, when done right, can be very beneficial but once it is ·abused, such as in the case of crash diets, the body truly suffers. "Crash diets are very hard on the body because the body's metabolism won't adjust and before you know it, the weight lost is gained back, plus more," Susan Fitzgerald, director, health services, said. "Fad diets do more harm than good to the body so in the long run a good sensible diet is more beneficial," Sharon Menkowitz, an employee at Holiday Spa, said. "Diets are one thing but starving is something else because it withholds the basic nutrients which the body needs," Sandy Stewart, athletic trainer, said. Although there are no "right" diets, due to the fact that each person's body is different, there are a few guidelines to follow, as stated in "The New Our Bodies, Ourselves," in order for one to diet in a healthy way. First and foremost is to cut out junk food Christi Courseault, MiMi Nerelli and Joan Cook take a while increasing the amount of fruits and walk for their daily execrise. (photo by Mike Stevenson) vegetables eaten cac~ day. One should also

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groups," Stewart said. "The best diet is one which provides enough calories to get all the nutrients the body needs," Fitzgerald said. Just as dieting can be abused, so can the exercising aspect of getting into shape. Some people tend to push their bodies to the limit, and in the end, cause more harm than good. Many people feel they must exercise every single day, but they do not give their bodies a chance to recuperate. In the long run, their muscles become tired and susceptible to damage. "When exercising, the warm up is very important so that you don't shock your muscles and then you must be aware of what your body is capable of," Stewart said. "The most beneficial way to exercise is for 20 minutes, two to three times a week, doing aerobic activity because it helps your cardiovascular system," Fitzgerald said. Although there are many types of exercise programs, there are a few essentials to a good exercise program as stated in "The American Medical Association Family Medical Guide." Have at least three exercise sessions every week at regular intervals and stated times. Each session should be 20 minutes or longer, with little or no rest. Incorporate warm-up, as well as cool-down exercises, in each session. Choose forms of exercise that are enjoyable and fit into your schedule. The goal is to develop a habit of physical fitness so enjoyment will be an added incentive. Do not attempt to get into shape too rapidly.Start gently, with just a mild strain, and increase your efforts weekly to build up your tolerance level. "Exercise is great, but even better when it's done sensibly," Menkowitz said. "Getting in shape is not something to be undertaken in the spring. It's something that should be done all year round," Stewart said.

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wishes to the Class of 1988 .for

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a successfulfuture.


loquitur - friday, may 6, 1988


A final farewellto seniors Renee Acconciamessa by Paula Phillips "It is a good outlet for me. It is a positive energy release from the buildup of school work," Renee Acconciamessa, senior, said, referring to softball. Acconciamessa played for Cabrini's softball team during her four years here. She has been on the starting line-up for the team since her freshman year playing varieus positions, including pitcher, right field and left field. When she graduates in May, Acconciamessa will have acquired a history major and a minor in social work. After graduating, she wants to work with emotional disturbed adolescents in juvenile detention centers teaching them motivation skills, self-image confidence and how to release their energy in a positive way. "My internship now is working with these adolescents. I would like to continue in this area of work after graduation," she said.

Renee Acconciamessa (photo by Mike Stevenson)

Jay Rader by K.AJ. Pyle Jay Rader, senior, was a member of the golf team this season. The team finished third in the Eastern States Athletic Conference (ESAC) championship games this season. This has been the first intercollegiate season for the golf team. For Rader and the team, it has given them an opportunity to enjoy and practice their game while competing on different courses. Rader is a marketing major whose favorite classes have been marketing, salesmanship, and economics. - Rader said, "I have enjoyed my four years here at Cabrini. I will miss being here next year but, it is time to move." While attending Cabrini, Rader started an internship for himself selling cars in the area. He plans to sell cars after he graduates and spend the summer down at the shore. His long term goal is to be financially independent by the age of 35. Rader feels that he has benefitted from Cabrini. He said, "I like the Cabrini atmosphere and I like the way the business department is set up. I have made a lot of friends here."

Jay Rader (photo by Jeff Moore)

Alex Hladky by Beth Ann Bittner

"While I was in high school, I quit the tennis and soccer teams so that I could be more serious with volleyball," Alex Hladky, senior, said. Hladky started playing volleyball approximately eight or nine years ago in various leagues. "I've always enjoyed playing volleyball," he said. According to Hladky, volleyball wasn't just a form of enjoyment. It was a way to stay in touch with a lot of his friends and the Ukranian culture he was raised in. Hladky also served as assistant coach for the women's volleyball team this past fall. "!approached Gerry Szabo (women's volleyball coach) about helping him . out in the fall because I enjoyed volleyball so much," he said. Graduating in June, Hladky, a biology major, plans on seeking employment in the environmental biology field and eventually obtaining a Master's degree in toxicology.

Alex Hladkey (photo by jeff Moore)

Oave Kodluck by Amy Lennon David Kodluk, senior began playing golf in high school. He attended Father Judge High School, in. Phila., Pa. where he played soccer and golf. "My father influenced me to play golf, I used to play with him whenever I got the chance." Kodluk said. "Overall I feel the Cabrini golf team was very well organized for its first year as a team. I was pleased and had a good time playing,"he said. Kodluk,a marketing major, is currently working for IBM, where he is a Marketing Systems Analyst. After graduation, he plans to continue working for IBM. Dave Kodluck (photo by Jeff Moore)


loquitur - friday, may 6, 1988




Eric Ehresman by Amy Lennon

"My father is a golf pro and he influenced me to play golf," Eric Ehresman, senior, said. "I began seriously playing golf in high school where I was picked All League in my junior and senior years," Ehresman said. Ehresman attended Archbishop Wood High School in Warmiaster, Pa.,where he played in various golf tournaments. Cabrini's golf team played five matches this season in which Ehresman qualified in every match he participated in. This is his second year playing golf at Cabrini, but this is the first year a team was formed. "Everybody showed up for the practices, matches and overall, the team had a good attitude throughout the season. I had a good time," Ehresman said. Ehresman is majoring in marketing, and has had two job offers from Pearson Brothers and International Exchange Co. He is taking the summer off to golf and will start work in September. Right now, Ehresman is a part-time owner for a mail order shoe company, Society Hill Sports, that he and his friend started.

Eric Ehresman (photo by Jeff Moore)

Gary Firestine by Beth Ann Bittner

When the men's volleyball club started to develop last year, Gary Firestine became involved in it. Firestine gained the knowledge and ablility to play volleyball by playing in co-ed summer leagues and also practicing with the women's volleyball team as manager. He also developed position strategies through the help of Gerry Szabo, women's volleyball coach, and learned how to soft set through Eileen Herbeig, '85. "I enjoy playing volleyball as well as meeting new people," Firestine said. Aside from playing volleyball, Firestine has often been considered the backbone to the women's athletic department. He has been the manager for both the women's volleyball and basketball teams for the past four years. In his . sophomore and junior years, he was assistant coach for the women's softball team. Firestine 'also served on the intramural committee during his freshman and sophomore years. As an accounting major, Firestine plans on taking th_e mmmer off. "I plan on getting a part-time job over the summer ioing whatever, and looking for a full-time accounting position that I would be able to start in September," Firestine said. Firestine included, "I would ultimately like to get a ;econd job coaching a high school level basketball team."

Jim Welde

Gary Firestine (photo by Mike Stevenson)

Jim Welde (photo by Jeff Moore)

by Paula Phillips

------------------------------The Continuing Education Division

More known for his basketball playing than anything else, Jimmy Welde also engages in the sport of golf. "I started playing golf around five years ago. My father and brothers always went to play and I just tagged along," Welde said. Welde joined the golf team because he wanted to participate in a spring sport. "I didn't join tennis because I didn't have enough time and golf I could fit in. I enjoy golf, too," he said. Welde described the team as being "really good and enthuiastic." "It was a good year. We had a lot of good golfers on the team," he said. Welde majors in business with a concentration in finance. He is working toward a minor in marketing and holds an internship at the Associated Rehabilitation Consultants in Wayne, Pa. Pending graduation, Welde intends on getting a job possibly at Rosenbluth Travel as a manager and attending Villanova University graduate school to achieve his master's in finance.

sends heartfelt

Congratulations to

1988 Cabrini Graduates

and best wishes to all of you As you embark on your first, second or third careers.

loquitur - friday, may 6, 1988



Tennisteam preparesfor KansasCity by Beth Ann Bittner

The women's tennis team will be making a trip to Kansas City, Missouri,on Ma)' 22, to compete in the National Championships for the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). In October of 1987, the women's tennis team won the District 19 title of the NAIA for tennis. There is a total of 32 districts throughout the United States. This was the first time in the history of athletics at Cabrini that a women's team has won this title. Since their victory at Cedar Crest College in Allentown, the team has been preparing themselves for the national championship.

Schwarz, sophomore, said. "Because ot the lack of space we haven't bee~ that successful with practices." ''The weather hasn't been very cooperative," Gina Strobel, junior, said. Along with practice inconvenience, the team has run into an attitude slump. The team has lost their 'high.' "I think it has a lot to do with added stresses,'' Schwarz said. The team has been holding its own. Joe

Dodds, coach, has not been able to help the team as much as he would like because of preparing for graduation. "Gina has been handling all of the practices," Dodds said. Despite their problems, the team is convinced that when the pressure is on, they will pull through. "We proved this last season," Schwarz said, "and I know we can do it again. All

we need to do is gain back the attitude we had going into the District 19 championships." Strobe~ Schwarz, and Krista Hritz, freshman, will compete in the singles. Juniors, Maura Carroll and Terrie Pando and sophomores, Carol Risse and Pam Croke and freshman, Dara Seidman will compete in the doubles. "We ,are all looking forward to the learning experience," Strobel said.

'I know we can do it again. All we need to do is gain back the attitude we had during the district 19 championships.' Heather Schwarz, sophomore At first, the team did not think that it would be able to go to Kansas City due to lack of funding. The team pulled together though and held its own fundraisers. Seeing the active interest displayed by the team, the athletic department funded the rest of the money the team needed to take the trip. They set their minds and hearts on Kansas City. "We have been practicing, or at least trying to practice everyday," Heather 1987-1988 Women's Tennis Team: First row (from left to right) Gina Strobel, Maura Carroll, Carol Risse, Pam Croke, Heather Schwarz, Second row (from left to righlj Krista Hritz, Terrie Pancio, (Missing from photo Dara Seidman.) (photo by Steve Pascali)


Week At Cabrini-----------May 6-19



May6 7:30 PM

May13 History Club Final Get-Together, Mansion






9:00 PM

Beef & Beer Pub (Sponsored by the Accounting Association), Wid. Center Gathering Area


Sunday May8



6:00 PM

8:00 PM

Special Mass to honor Project Outreach Participants, Chapel

Cabrini Chorus performs Spring Concert, with jazz, contemporary, and Broadway music, Widener Lecture Hall, Free





FINALS Last Day of Classes Last Day to Declare Pass/Fail 9:00 PM

Campus Ministry Year-End Celebration, Dean of Students Conf. Room

Tuesday May17




May18 Reading Day FINALS BEGIN •• GOOD LUCK!

5:00 PM

Business Dept. Internship Dinner, Mansion Dining Room

Wednesday Mayll

May19 3:00 PM 6:00 PM

Thursday Mayl2 Noon Noon


Med. Tech. Luncheon, Mansion Dining Room Ascention Day Mass, Chapel

GRADUATION REHEARSAL (Call Dean of Students Office for Location) Graduates Dinner, Mansion

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