f riday, sept. 23, 1988
cabrini college, radnor,pa .19087
vol. XXXV, no.2
Majorstaffchangesoccuron campus by Johanna Church Five administrative and staff changes occurred over the summer here at Cabrini. The college has appointed as academic dean, Dr. M. Antoinette Schiesler; dean of students, Robert Bonfiglio; theater director, Brian Morgan; assistent resident life director, Tyrone Carr; and Jennifer Hansbury, registrar. Schiesler already has some important, _gradual changes in store for Cabrini students. "I will bepart of the re-development of the core curriculum (the general education requirement program) so that we're Sch iesler sure that students who leave here do' stand out from the crowd' and are liberally educated." Schiesler's changes also include faculty. ''I am very interested in faculty development and I want to be a part of that development," she said. Schiesler is impressed with Cabrini's size and its unique all around friendliness. "The spirit here lets me know that I am
part of this community, and that's very important to me," she said. Schiesler's backround includes a doctorate from the University of Maryland, as well as an undergraduate degree from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland and graduate work at Oak Ridge Associated Universities in Tennessee. Bonfiglio, on the other hand, plans to spend his first year at Cabrini evaluating and focusing on areas which need improvement. As dean of students, Bonfiglio's duties are all student services, which include resident life, activities, career counseling, health services, campus ministry, athletics and security. When asked about his role in each of those services,Bonfiglio said, "I think that one of the things I've been impressed with during my short time here is the quality of the people we have in those offices and the quality of the programs that those offices have been responsible for in the past, so I am Bonfiglio
going to do what I can to insure that we maintain a high level of quality.'' Bonfiglio, like Schiesler, is impressed with the amount·of spirit at Cabrini. "Before I came here, I heard a lot about the 'spirit of Cabrini' and I think that in my experience so far, I've really found there to be a tangible spirit that makes this place a dynamic place,'' he said. Bonfiglio comes to Cabrini from the College of New Rochelle, and was previously resident director for programming at SUNY College in New York. "Co-ed" is a new word to Cabrini, and that's what Carr is excited about. "Co-ed is definitely a necessary part of college development - male and female interaction,'' Carr Carr said. When asked what his goals are for this year, Carr said, "Since Xavier is 'an experiment,' I hope to make it work.'' Carr's duties include being in direct contact with John Doyle, resident director, and also to be in charge of Xavier, as well as
working with R a n d i Schwemer, head resident, and all the other resident assistants. Morgan, the new theater director, is excited about becoming a part of Cabrini. "I would Morgan like to be involyed in the health and growth of the college, in addition to my job, teaching and directing," Morgan said. Morgan is concerned about how the men of Cabrini feel about the theater. "I think that I want the male student population here at Cabrini to understand and to realize how exciting theater can be for them,'' he said, Hansbury, another change in the administration, replaces Robert Fetterhoff as registrar.She received her bachelor of arts degree in English from the University of North Texas. Hansbury's interest include being a crew memberofthe tall ship '_'Gazela," which is now docked at Penn's Landing in Philadelphia as a floating museum. She also enjoys being a change-ringer of tower bells for St. Martin-in-the-Fields-Guild, Chestnut Hill.
Volleyball:. Team defeated by Delaware Valley in best out of five
inside perspectives .......... 2
'What, Xavier is
CavaIiers enter
news.................... 3, 6
co-ed?' (page 4)
NCAA (page 8)
features .............. 4, 5
sports.................. 7, 8
f ridaXzsept. 23, 1988
Changesupsetdiners Reducespeed for the children The cafete_riaunderwent changes over the summer and for the most part, the changes are a real pain in the neck for all diners. The line, which in the past was slow, is now even slower thanks to its reversal. Students are now crowded into a small passageway as they await the meal to be dished out to them. Many are surprised as they round the comer and find out for the first time exactly what mystery meat is being served for dinner. It would be so nice to have a few minutes, like last year, to decide which one of the lesser evils will be invading one's stomach. The napkins, an essential part of one's dining enjoyment, were moved to the very end of the line causing students to perform a small juggling act as they try to reach for one. This also leaves the diner with a very wet tray making the cookies, eclairs and strudel soggy. The thought of putting one's silverware on a semi-clean tray is also very nauseating without one's trusty napkin to clean away stray debris and water droplets. The tables are crowded together causing students to go through a mini obstacle course just to get a seat. One's privacy is easily invaded as the people next to you don't even have to strain their ears to hear your conversation. The salad bar, all the way on the other side of the room, is inconvenient as a long walk is involved just to get a measly dish of limp salad. Things wouldn't be that bad if good food were involved, but as most of us believe, this isn't the case. Starch, high calories, and carbohydrates are on the daily menu, not to mention fat. We are in the 80's -- the time of nutrition, diets and health foods. The cafeteria should get with the times and offer more nutritious, healthier, lower calorie meals. Although the new design of the tables can be explained due to the largest freshman class, there is no reason for the whole reversal of the line which has screwed up the whole system. Extras in the cafe, such as the wider variety of cereals and the addition of a soup and bread table, are welcome. One obvious solution to the crowding would be the expansion of the cafe so everyone could be more comfortable and maybe more extras could be added.
To the Editor: Those who are new to the campus and/or are unaware of the location of The Children's School may also be unaware of the safety concerns raised by the parking lot construction near our building. The presence oflarge equipment, and the work itself, has significant!¥- reduced our parking area as well as access to the school. Parents bringing their children to school and picking them up require some parking space along the campus road from Upper Gulph Road during the ongoing construction. Please, be aware of their presence and
realize that there may be small children who can be very unpredictable on campus roads. Extra caution, along with reduced speeds of 15 mph or below, should be observed. We ask all to be alert and careful so that we can prevent any accidents. We love these children. Help us to keep them SAFE! Thank You, Ellen Jackson, Director, Children's School
Christine Whitworth shares the narrow lane near The Children's School with sons Chris and Ales alongside_a speeding car. (Photo by Karen Sieg/)
'viewpoint Parents Weekend:
Editor: Denise Civa Slaff Manager: Kerry Gallagher
Packed with memories
News Editor: LaTonya Lucas and Lisa Brzezicki ~erspectives Editor: Roe Wellman, Assistant: Jim Steffler Features Editor: Lee Mirenda
roe wellman
later he died and so many things had gone unsaid between us.
Losing someone you love is hard and I
Sports Editors: Paula Phillips
would have never made it if it wasn't for my
Writing Coach: Jenni Obrecht
I guess it took a tragedy for me to realize
family and friends. Their strength and love
Business Manager: Angie Corbo
how important ii is to value life and the time
helped me through all the bad times while
Assistants: Joyce Mundy and KeAy McGillan
you have with the ones you love.
makfog me realize how great they all are.
Photography Editors: Karen Siegl and Mike Stevenson
It's a shame the way some kids just don't appreciate their parents. I really get mad
Parents Weekend is once again upon us and, as usual, I'll be leaving for home as most parents just begin to arrive. As a junior, I've only attended one Parents Weekend and that was when I was a freshman. My parents and I had a fabulous time. We had fun and we laughed. We really had a ball! We took part in all the activities that were held on Saturday, especially enjoying the theater presentation and Cabrini le&ends. The dinner dance at the Adam's Mark Hotel was great. Not only did I get a chance to talk with my parents like an adult, but also I was able to dance with my dad.
I also became aware of the people who I knew who had gone through the same
Dr. Carter Craigie
Dr. Jerome Zurek
Staff: Marian Arms1rong, Bob Bonner, Johanna Church, Felicia
when I hear people complaining and bad
thing. They offered me consolation and
mouthing their mom and/or dad. I did the
understanding when I needed it the most,
Monaco. Nick Ostrowski. Kelli Rudden, Karen Shank, Linda
samethingatone time too but now I'm sorry
plus a shoulder to cry on and an open ear that
Smisko, Leonora Velerano, Barbara Wilson
I did it, especially since I don't have my dad
was always ready to listen.
Photography Staff: Greg Beck, Paul Fallon, Kris1in Kroll. Jeff
I guess it's about time though for me to let
Falcone, Sue Holefelder, Stephanie Hornyak, Kelly McGillan, Lou
Moore, Keith Pyle, Andrea Romano, Rosanne Rossello
I still miss my dad, often remembering his
go. I will be going to next year's Parents
Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students
jokes, his strong hands that I loved so much,
Weekend with my mom because I want to let
ol Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412.
but most of all his bear hugs that he gave to
her know how much I love her and how proud
me so often.
I am of her. She has so much courage,
It's almost two years now since he died
Subscription price 1s$25 per year and 1sinduded ,n the benefits sea,red by tuition and student fees. Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be
strength, determination, and of course she
signed and the authorship known to the editors.
yeti still findmyself gettingupsetoverlittle
puts up with me! It might be hard for both of
writer wishes. and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be
things. It's so hard seeing my friends with
us but we'll make it together.
left off the letter upon publication and an insaiption inserted
their fathers because I wish I had mine
I really hope everyone has an awesome
back. Weddings are especially difficult for
time during Parents Weekend while also
me, watching the father of the bride walk
still realizing that the time is now to show
the bride down the aisle and then dancing
your parents how much you love them.
together to "Daddy's Little Girl." You see,
Take part in what is offered that week-
my father's one wish was lo give me away
mainly because it was the last family event
to a man who would love me as much as he did.
together as a family. Tomorrow might be too late.
and experience
However, if the
such as "name wlthheld at the request of the writer."
For me, any other parents weekend could never compare to that first one at Cabrini, that I shared with my dad. Two short months
Photography Adviser:
should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length.
If a letter is too long for the available space, the
editor may editor condense It. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
The editorials and opinions published in Loqultur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
Loquitur is established as a forum for s1udent expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of
Big Brother/Big Sister - - Tickets are on sale now in the Student Activities Offices for the Baltimore Inner Harbor trip which is scheduled for Wednesday, October 23. .Tickets are limited and cost $15.00. Parents Week end - - Tickets for Parents Week end are on sale now in the cafeteria. The sale will continue until Wednesday, September 28. Homecoming --Nominations forclass homecoming kings and queens are being held outside of the cafeteria undl Friday, October 28. Marching Band Competition - - There will be a high school marching band competition held Sunday, October 2 at 2:00 on the athletic field. The raindate is scheduled for Sunday, October 30. Freshman Class Elections - - Elections for representatives for the class of 1992 will be held on Monday, October 3 in the cafeteria and the Widener Center Gathering Area. Management Workshops - - "How to Select and Motivate Employees," an allday workshop for managers, will beheld on October, 14 from 9:00a.m. to4:00p.m. Instructor for the workshop will be Brian Jensen, a personnel specialist at ARA Services , in Philadelphia. Also, on Friday, October 28, Lili Goodman, a college counselor who is currently a doctoral candidate at the L'niversity of Pennsylvania, will conduct a workshop on "Stress Management." The workshop will run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Regisration fee is $95.00. For more information, call Cabrini' s continuing education department at (215) 971-8500. Communication Workshop - - On Friday, September 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. there will be a seminar on "Making Effective Presentations," conducted by Rita McHale, president of Communication/Training Associates, in Reading, Pennsylvania. Participants will critique their public speaking through videos. Registration fee is $125.00. "Writing at Work" will be conducted by Carol Wahl, an adjunct English instructor at Cabrini and technical writer for Shared Medical Systems in Malvern. This workshop will be held on Friday, October 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Registration fee is $95.00. Mchale will also conduct a workshop on "Writing and Editing" which will be held on Friday, October 21 from 9:00a.m. to4:00 p.m. Registration fee is $95.00. For more details, call Cabrini's continuing education department at (215) 971-8500.
Here's a chance to have your say! .
The Loquitur 1s now accepting letters to the Editor and opinion articles written by students, faculty, and staff of Cabrini College. All articles are due by Monday at 2 p.m. and can be delivered to either the newsroom in Widener Center or the perspectives mailbox outside of the campus minis try offices. All articles must include the writer's name and where they can be reached. Any letters or opinion articles may be published anonymously if wished, with prior approval from the Editors of Loquitur.
f riday, sept. 23, 1988
INFLATION WASHINGTON (AP) -- Higher costs for food, shelter and gasoline sent consumer prices up 0.4 percent in August, the government said Wednesday, as the effects of the drought in the Farm Belt began to ease. The August increase, equivalent to an annual inflation rate of 5.2 percent, was the same as in July . In other August government figures released Wednesday, Americans' personal income rose a modest 0.2 percent, the weakest gain in eight months, while consumer spending w~s up at as lightly brisker 0.5 percent rate. Also, housing constructon fell 3.3 percent after increases of 1.4 percent in July and 5.2 percent in June. REAGAN-WRIGHT WASHINGTON (AP) --President Reagan Wednesday accused House Speaker Jim Wright of talking indiscreetly about U.S. intelligence secrets, but stopped short of denying Wright's claim that the administration used the CIA to foment civil unrest in Nicaragua. J:IURRICANEHELENE MIAMI (AP) -- Hurricane Helene formed early Wednesday in the central Atlantic and forecasters say the ocean's fourth hurricane this year has already begun to strengthen as it chums across open water. HAITI PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) -- Supporters of mutinous soldiers agreed Wednesday to meet with Haiti's new leader, who is trying to stop an insurrection in the armed forces that began after a coup placed him in power. The meeting was announced after soliders ousted four more commanders in the military, workers struck state-run companies and street battles occurred as Haitians released pent-up rage at three decades of authoritarian rule.
CAMPAIGN '88 Michael Dukakis challenged Republican rival George Bush to spell out his health insurance program for American workers whfle negotiators for the two candidates wrangled over panel members and podium heights for the upcoming presidentialdebate. TheDemocratic nominee, whooffered his own health care plan Tuesday, called on Bush to address the issue of providing health care. OLYMPICS SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- Elena Shushunova scored three perfect !Os to lead the Soviet Union to the team gold medal in women's gymnastics at the Olympics on Wednesday. The United States finished fourth, behind Romania and East Germany, but would have taken the bronze had it not been for a controversial half-point penalty imposed during Monday's compulsories. Also Wednesday, Matt Biondi swam to gold, silver and a world record in the men's 800-meter freestyle relay, becoming the first triple medalist of the Games, and the U.S. won in basketball, boxing and water polo. Dennis Koslowski of Minneapolis blanked Bulgarian l1ia Gueorguiev 6-0 to take a bronze in Greco-Roman wrestling.
Calling All Students Did you do well in a subject last year? Can you volunteer a small amount of time to help tutor other students in the CARe Center? Your services are very much needed and appreciated. If you have the time and would like to tutor please stop by the RRCC. The CARe Center is also available if you need help in any subject.
f ridaXzsept. 231 1988
Co-ed dormis no longera f~irytale by Kelly Ann McGillan
Doyle outlined clear goals for the dorms this year. They consist of tightened security for the residents by introducing a sign-in and sign-out procedure for all non-residents of Xavier and W oodcrest. Another goal is a decrease in vandalism, hoping that the freshman males will have moreres ctfor ro rt ifthe womenserve
as role models. Most importantly, Doyle stressed, was to increase the understanding between men and women on campus. Tyrone Carr, assistant director of resident life, explained, ''Our goal is to get students out in support of our programs to make Xavier a successful co-ed environment.''
Once upon a time ... That is the way most fairy tales begin. Many at Cabrini thought that having a co-ed dorm was only a fairy tale. The long journey that started in 1983 has lead students to the first step toward fulfilling the wish of a co-ed dormitory. Cabrini has now joined the many other Catholic colleges that house men and women in the same building. Xavier Hall is a dormitory with two wings, joined by a common lobby. Previously both wings accommodated only males. Beginning this school year, however, females reside in the north wing of the building. Many students feel the change was long overdue, and the delay too conservative. Resident assistants feel much the same way as senior RA Theresa Daly. "It's a very healthy move for Cabrini because deeper friendships can foster between the men and women on campus," Daly said. Resident Life is positive about the change, and plans to take advantage of the experimental housing configuration by Do the men of Xavier walk into a bathroom like this every morning. discussing such topics as relationships, gender roles, sexuality and cohabitation. If housing reconfigurations are to be made next year and Xavier is not a malefemale dorm, it may not be because co-ed housing didn't work at Cabrini. It could come from repercussions if the two all male houses are not successful. Could Xavier ever be configurated in a different way,possibly by floor or by quad? The response from Doyle was "someday, but not right away. First we've got to prove that it works. There's a long road ofrelationship education ahead.'' He even went so far as to say that someday even Woodcrest could be co-ed by floor, but for now that is only a fairy tale. Well, not really, women occupy half of the dorm now. (Photos by Karen Siegel)
Wanted:personwho makesa difference
by Lee Mirenda
Is there a member of the Cabrini community who has affected your life in some way? Do you know of anyone who has helped in a way that made some sort of impact on another human being's life? Has there been some type of change on campus that has affected a group or an individual? Has someone you know made some sort of sacrifice, given helpful advice, spent quality time, or been a supportive friend? The Loquitur feels that a person who has made a difference deserves special recognition even if their actions are only known by a few. If you know of any individual or individuals who fit this description, please submit the name of that person or persons, how they made a difference, your name, and where you can be contacted to the newsroom or Box #210. The Loquitur wants to give that person or persons who made a difference the special recognition they deserve.
Personwho makesa difference Whomadethe difference? ________________ How?
Many students feel that the first steps to co-ed housing were too small. "Because of the college's basis in Catholicism, we need to be more aware and meet the goals of the institution," Doyle said. Pam Stempleski, sophomore, said, "I don't think it's a co-ed dorm, but it is a step in the right direction.'' When asked if he had any fears about the reconfiguration of Xavier, Doyle said he was worried that something out of his control would happen that could jeopardize co-ed housing in the future. The resident assistants feel that there will be no problems in the enforcement of parietals, and were confident in the new system of signing in. Lou Monaco, junior RA, said there might be a problem downstairs because of students entering and exiting through the windows. Carr also believes that his past experience as RA in a co-ed dorm will help the rest of the staff in dealing with problems that might arise. When the residents were asked if they or their parents had any apprehensions about living in a co-ed dorm they all responded no. Most agreed that the building didn't really seem to be co-edMany said that they rarely saw the opposite sex and that there was no loss of privacy due to the reconfiguration. The first proposals for co-ed housing came in 1983 by Doyle, then a student, and many of his friends. When asked how the alumni felt about the reconfigured Xavier, he said that they were for the most part all psyched because it was something that they had all worked very hard to achieve. He also said that some of the older alum.ni were a littlf hesitant, but accepting of it.
New And Returning Students Come see us in Grace Hall if we can ever be of help, or just to say hi! r
Your AdmissionsStaff: Nancy Peggie
I Yourname:
Phone#: ------------
Pleasereturnthisto the Newsroomor Box#21 O. Thankyou/
Dottie Lisa
Sr. Toni Sheryl
f riday, sept. 23, 1988
New arrangement of cateteria prompts student reaction
This week in Cabrini history ...
by Kelli Rudden
September, 1972
While some students are pleased with the new salad bar, the new arrangement of the cafeteria has prompted mostly criticism. Last year, and for years before that, the cafeteria had been set up something like this: you would walk straight in the door, down the middle aisle past the salad bar and into the kitchen area. There you could choose your dessert slowly as the people behind the counter dished out the main course. Most students felt it worked rather well and moved along smoothly. Now with the changes, people bump into one another, awkwardly balance their trays and are generally not happy. "We' re packed in like sardines," Pam Stinson, sophomore, said, "You can't hold a conversation without 10 other tables hearing it." There are others who agree with Stinson. Melissa Middleman, sophomore, said, "I like it the other way. It's too congested this way." However, Middleman said that she'll get used to it. "It's just a question of readjusting," she said. Overall, the consensus on the salad bar was a positive one. Most patrons of the cafeteria like the fact that there is something new in the cafeteria. "It's bigger and nicer and it holds more stuff in it," Bill McKenna, sophomore, said. The salad bar went over well with everyone. Okay, almost everyone. "It's inconvenient. Everything is on one side of the room rather than in the middle for everyone to use," said Colleen Wright, sophomore. It does seem that way, doesn't it? The biggest problem, it seems, is something so
trivial, yet quite annoying to some: the napkins. It comes up in casual conversation almost immediately after patrons sit down to eat. Common complaints are that it is too difficult to try and juggle a tray and grab napkins at the same time or that you can't dry off your tray before getting your food. One sophomore, Ed Avena, liked to get his napkin first for his own reason. "I like to put my silverware on it before I get my food.'' Score one for neatness. One of the more familiar faces in the cafeteria is Marko Gittens, senior. He has been working in the cafeteria for two semesters. He is seen mostly at dinner checking student identifications and collecting money from those who do not have meal tickets. The change for him hasn't been beneficial. He said the biggest change was the different position in which he now sits. Gittens feels the other set-up was easier. "When people are walking straight toward me from down the hall I could get an idea of who goes here and who doesn't. This way. everyone is in front of me at once.'' Gittens also had some personal opinions. ''I like the salad bar because it's out of the way of the lines. The lines are slower because you get your main course first and then slow down to choose dessert. Last year, by the time you got your main course, that was already done." It is evident that the students of Cabrini College and all those who use the cafeteria are generally displeased with this new and different setup of the cafeteria. It seems though that just as people change and seasons change, so must cafeterias change. Until, as one student suggests, the cafeteria can be expanded, all must accept this change and just do without a little elbow room for awhile.
Cabrini welcomes the 1972-73 freshman class of 110 students. The class consisted of 103 women and seven men.
September, 1976 As a result of an inventory compiled over the summer by head librarian Mrs. Gough, it was discovered that approximately 8,000 library books were missing.
September, 1977 The grand opening of the Wig Warn was held on Monday, September 12th. The scheduled open house of the Rudy Rooymans Counseling Center was postponed to November 13th due to lack of furniture.
September, 1986 Rita Calicat, director of student activities; John Doyle, resident manager; and Jim Fitzsimmons, dean of students were "new faces" on campus. Atra training facility was brought to Cabrini.
September, 1987 Atra training facility is closed due to Jack of members. · Computer credits become a requirement for all classes beginning with the class of 1991.
September, 1988 Cabrini welcomes the largest freshman class ever, consisting of 2 I6 students. Information compiled by Mother Ursula Infante and Lee Mirenda. .)
job squad Painter Villanova, to do inside painting. Flexible hrs.,
male or female, pay negotiable. Call Maryanne Heam at 527-4295.
Salespeople Valley Forge, Bryn Mawr. FT/PT available.
Marketing Research Co. Bala Cynwyd, needs Host/ Hostess. PT, flexible hrs, evenings, no weekends. $5/
Stockperson-driver at Ardmore Army & Navy Store. Flex. hrs. $5/hr. Unlimited hrs including weekends. Call Moira at 642-9919.
hr. •'call Toni or Kathy at 667-1110.
Telemarketing Wayne, PThrs.,Flexibleschedule,
$6/ hr. Call Nancy Spirow at Peirce-Phelps, Inc. at 8795369.
Wayne Nursing and Rehab. Center Variety of positions/hrs. $5-$6/hr. Call Marjorie Walker at 6883635.
Main Line Auto Wash Cashier at $5.50/hr.
for Weekends. Attendants at $4/hr. flexible hrs. Call 6886560
Metronet Communications Bryn Mawr, light office work, PC skills helpful. Mon.-Fri. 2-4 hrs. per day, 8:30-5:30.
Campus Comer Cooks, Cashiers, & Drivers, Day & Eveningpositions,FT/PT,Goodpay.
Conestoga Group Inc. Needs PT Word Processor/Receptionist. Hrs. flexible. Will train but must be able to type. Call Eva Fireneka at 889-9500. Cole National Corp. King of Prussia Plaza Nights/ Wkends, PT, $5/hr. Call collect 0-609-881-2331. Leave name/number.
Receptionist King of Prussia, M-W-F l-7:30pm/flex-
Call I. Goldberg at 296-2200.
Roach RealtorsDevon Office work, PT. Flexible hrs. MonFri, 12-20 hrs. Wang PC exp. helpful. The Limited Exton Mall, PT flexible. All hours. Contact Michelle at 363-9413.
Data Base CoordinatorHaverford,
PT, 20-25 hrs. Flexible day/evening. Up to $7 /hr. Call Doris at 649-4101.
Secretarial position. $5/hr + Bonus. Call Chris at 687 7937 between 10 and 12.
Cleaning Help, Yardwork, Painting Newtown Sq .• 5 hrs/ wk. $6/hr. Call Mrs. Noble at 353-5429.
Waiter/WaitressHost/Hostess. Martins Care Community in Marple. $4.40-$5.50/hr. Week/Weekend. Call 353- 7660.
Teacher's Aides Stratford, FT/PT. $4.40-$6depending on exp. Call Joy or Pat at 688-5229 before 2.
Childcare Wynnewood, Hourly rate or free room and board. Non-smoker, Car, Female. Call Bonnie Goldman at 6422108 after 8pm.
Scan Magazine Distribution,
monitering issues. Call 483-7999.
Receptionist Med Life Ins. FT. Must type 40-50 wpm, tuition reimbursement plan. Call 527-8900.
Housecleaners Mon-Fri PT/Ff. $6-6.50/hr. Office Cleaners evenings Mon-Fri. $5.50/hr. Call Apex at 524-
Pearle Vision Center King of Prussia Plaza. PT/Ff, Call
Confections Weekdaymornings/afternoons, PT. Call
There are still many jobs available.
ible. IBM PC exp. preferred. Typing needed. Call Dr. Mark Sarcino at 337-3335.
Come visit us at the financial aid office for job opportunities.
Dishwasher King of Prussia Rd. Green Restaurant Evenings/Sunday. Call 687-2801.
S~me pay up to $10/hour!
friday, sept. 23. 1988
Hiring Process
Faculty, administration qualifications reviewed by Marian Armstrong Sr. Eileen Cunie, president, said, "When you sit and discuss academic life and issues, you begin to get a glimpse of the person through their responses. You begin to develop a sense of the way they will fit in, their vitality, values and all that they bring as a person to Cabrini College." Sr. Eileen Currie, president of Cabrini, said most faculty and administrators at Cabrini are normally hired through a search committee formed after the new position opens. The size and make-up of the committee v_aryin terms of the position. The supervisor often serves as the chairperson of the search committee. Once formed, the committee meets to discuss the criteria expected in relation to the needs and future of the college. Once the criteria have been established and the resumes have been reviewed, the interviewing process can begin. This type of procedure was demonstrated in the hiring of Dr. M. Antoinette Schiesler, academic dean; Robert Bonfiglio, dean of
students; and Brian Morgan, theater director. Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice president of academic affairs, was chairperson of the search committee for academic dean. BilJer said, ''The qualities we were looking for were experience in teaching and administration, a familiarity with budgeting, planning, and academics, and the ability to get along with people, all of which Dr. Schiesler had.'' As far as the committee's expectations for dean of students, Biller said, "We were looking for administration experience in the area of student housing and experience in programming. There was a requirement of a master's degree and Bonfiglio was well beyond that.'' According to Dr. Jerome Zurek, professor of English and communications, there were forty-five resumes received from people in theater with master's degrees. The seven member committee had the four finalists teach an acting class during the summer. Zurek said, "Craigie, Johnson, and I attended the four classes and participated in
the acting exercises. While it is rare at Cabrini to have prospective instructors teach a trial class, it is even rarer for those on the committee to participate in the class.'' Schiesler said there was only one difference in Cabrini's hiring procedure when compared with that of other colleges and universities. ''Cabrini asked for letters of reference with the application and that is sometimes a problem. Other jobs did not ask for a letter of reference until they informed you that they are seriously considering you," she said. This presented a problem for her because she did not want her references to know that she was looking into other job opportunities. Schiesler also said that her interview with the search committee and the faculty was often very nerve-racking. She preferred the one-on-one interview she had with Currie to being interviewed by several people at one time. Bonfiglio saw there was an opening for the position in the Chronicle of Higher Education. He said, ''The hiring procedure was fairly standard. My interview
A parking crunch and dorm renovations were two physical changes on campus this month. The parking crunch occurs by 9:30 a.m. when all the places in the main lot are filled and drivers are forced to park on the grass. The Grace Hall Jot is being expanded, and during the expansion, is closed to parking. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, said that the new parking lot was started in early September and will be finished by early October. The parking lot has to be finished before cold weather, snow, and frozen ground
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confirmed that l was interested in a small Catholic liberal arts college and to be back in the Philadelphia area.'' Morgan said, "It was a very fair procedure. I got to know them, they got to know me. My experience I think is atypical because it came under very sad circumstances. With othercolleges and universities, the time frame is much longer for making a decision." Currie is grateful for Cabrini's search committee process. She said,' 'I really value it because consensus can keep all of us free from playing God."
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The new parking lot will be located between Grace Hall and the maintenance building. It will hold approximately 120 more places than Cabrini has now. Bonfiglio said that the parking Jot is phase one in an overall construction project, which will include an athletic field and tennis courts. Another not so obvious change is the new furniture which was installed in Woodcrest over the summer. John Doyle, director of resident life, told the Loquitur that Woodcrest has not been renovated since it was first built. Sixty percent-of the bedrooms in Woodcrest now house three residents each. The furniture that had been in it were designed for just two residents in each room. New furniture had to be bought that took up less space. The new furniture includes wall units and mini lofts which take up less space. The renovation project was approved in the early part of the year, and began in June. The estimated cost of the project was around $127,000. A new residence hall is set to be built between Xavier and Woodcrest. Although the situation has not been resolved, Doyle said that the new residence hall would accommodate approximately 250 people, both men and women. It would be three stories high, with classrooms and offices in the basement. The new residence hall wouldhaveacore with bathrooms, living areas, and kitchen facilities. The rooms would be to either side
of thecore. Doyle saidthattheadditionof the new residence hall would "de-triple" Woodcrestand make Cabrini"WlCl'Owded"
friday 1 sept. 23 1 1988
Olympics dominate week's attention
Scoreboard Results Soccer 9/17
LOOK FOR ... There are many athletes from the United States and from other countries to look for in the Olympic games who will strive to reach the pinnacle of excellence - a medal in the Olympics. Some will reach this pinnacle with unbelievable strength, quickness, and determination maybe breaking some world records. Others will not reach this pinnacle but that does not mean that they weren't determined. All of these athletes, no matter win or lose, combine to show us the true meaning of the Olympic spirit - the determination to win, the ability to compete and to show the world whatthey can do no matter who they are or where they are from. Look for these following athletes who are favored to win a medal in the next two weeks:
Track Two women from the U.S. dominate the track. They are Jackie Joyner-Kersee in the heptathlon and Florence Griffith Joyner in the 100-meter and 200-meter race. Mary Decker Slaney is back in full action. Look for Decker in the 3,000-meter and 1,500meter races. Carl Lewis will try to repeat victories in the 100-meter, 200-meter and the long jump. Also, Sweden's Patrik Sjoberg will try to clear an 8-foot high jump to break a world record.
Rowing Penn AC rowers, the "Killer Bees" -Tom Bohrer, Rich Kennelly, Dave Krmpotich and Raoul Rodriguez - may be tough to beat in the rowing competition. Look for them to win a medal.
Wrestling John SmithofOklahomaisfavored to win a gold. He took fust in the Olympic Festival, Pan American Games, and the World Championships. Dennis and Duane Koslowski, twin brothers from Minneapolis, are in contention for a medal in GrecoRoman wrestling.
Cycling Ken Carpenter and Connie Paraskevin both qualified for the medal round with the strongest times in the 1,000-meter race in their respective field. Christa Rothenburger Luding will be right behind Paraskevin in the 1,000-meter. If Luding captures any medal she will become the first woman in history to winmedals in both sets of Games- winter and summer. She won the gold in Calgary in the 1,000-meter speed skating race.
Volleyball Look for Karch Kiraly, who has been named the world's greatest player by the sport's international governing body. He will try to lead the U.S. team in retaining its gold medal status.
Diving Greg Louganis will try to repeat his excellent performance from 1984 and bring home at least seven gold medals. He has a strong chance.
Field Hockey
Olympic Schedule for Sept. 23 to Sept.29
9/17 9/20
2 1
Saturday, Sept. 24 Noon-lp.m. Track: women's heptathlon concludes; Cycling: men's & women's 1,000-m sprint final; Swimming: men's & women's finals 4p.m.-7p.m. features and taped highlights 7:30p.m.-Midnight Gymnastics: women's individual event finals; Track: men's 400-m hurdles final & high jump final,women's 100-m dash final; Diving: women's springboard final l 2:30a.m.-2:30a.m. Track: women's 3,000-m final Sunday,Sept.25 8a.m.-Noon Swimming: men's & women's final(tape) 4p.m.- 7p.m. Features and taped highlights 7:30p.m.-Midnight Track: men's 800-m finals & hammer-throw finals; Diving: men's platform preliminaries 12:30a.m.-2:30a.m. Track: men's long-jump finals & 110-m hurdles finals Monday, Sept. 26 7a.m.-10a.m. Basketball: men's q uaterfinals 7:30p.m.-Midnight Diving: men's platform finals; Basketball: women's semifinals; Volleyball: women's semifinals; Wrestling: freestyle preliminaries begin 12:30a.m.-2:30a.m. Water polo: U.S. vs. Hungary; Equestrian: individual dressage final Tuesday, Sept. 27 7a.m.-10a.m. Judo: 156.5-lb. final 7:30p.m.-Midnight Basketball: men's semifinals; Volleyball: men's semifinals; Track: men's decathlon day 1, pole-vault final & 400-m dash final; Tennis: men's & women's semifinals; Equestrian: team jumping final 12:30a.m.-2:30a.m. Track: men's 200-m final; Baseball: final Wednesday,Sept28 7a.m.-10a.m. Boxing: quaterfinals; Basketball: men's semifinal 7:30p.m.-Midnight Weightlifting: super heavy weight finals; Boxing: semifinals; Basketball: women's final; Track: men's decathlon day 2 & women's long-jump finals 12:30a.m.-2:30a.m. Track: men's decathlon continues Thrusday, Sept.29 7a.m.-10a.m. Volleyball: women's final: Track: men's decathlon concludes & women's 200-m final; Wrestling: freestyle finals 7:30p.m.-Midnight Basketball: men's final; Track: women's high-jump final; Water Polo: final round begins; Synchrinized swimming: solo final; Tennis: men's singles final 12:30a.m.-2:30a.m. Archery: individual finals
Haverford 8
Volleyball Cabrini Cabrini
DV Eastern
3 3
Friday, Sept. 23 7a.m.-10p.m. Swimming: men's & women's finals 7:30p.m.-Midnight Track: women's heptathlon day2; men's 100-m final, triple jump final; Gymnastics: men's individual finals; Rowing: men's single sculls final
9/14 9/17
1 0
Cabrini Cabrini
Pharmacy 0
Men's Cross Country 9/17
BaptistBible Placed4 out of 1O
Schedule Soccer Sat. 9/24 Mon. 9/ 26 Wed. 9/28
Frostburg V.F.Christian Penn State
home 3 pm away3:30pm home 4pm
Field Hockey Mon. 9/26 Thrus. 9/29
Eastern DV
away away
4pm 4pm
Elizabethtown away Wilmington away
noon. 7pm
Volleyball Sat. 9/24 Wed. 9/28
Women'sTennis Fri. 9/23 Sat. 9/24 Tues. 9/27
Cedar Crest Wesley Beaver
away home away
4pm. 1pm 4pm
Men's Cross Country Sun. 9/25
Trenton State Inv. away noon
Olympic Wrap Up ... The first week of the Olympics truly have been "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.'' In the race for medals, the Soviets have captured 13 (six gold, two silver, five bronze) while theUnited States- have seven (two gold, three silver, two bronze). On Saturday, Sept. 17, Michele Mitchell, of Florida, and Wendy Williams, of Missouri, became the first Americans to win medals at the Summer Games. Mitchell captured a silver medal and Williams captured a bronze in women's platform diving. On Sunday, Sept. I 8,a disappointed Anthony Hembrick from the U.S. was eliminated from middleweight competition when he showed up late for his bout against HoJung Ha of South Korea. . Matt Bondi, of California, won a bronze medal in the 200-meter freestyle swimming race in 53.46 seconds. Janet Evans won the United States' first gold medal in the 400-meter individual medley with an American record of 4 minutes 37.76 seconds. On Tuesday, Sept.20, Tamas Damyi of Hungary set a world record in the men's 400-meter individual medley with a timeof 4minutes 14.75 seconds to win the gold. Local Olympian Dave Wharton, of Warminster, Pa., took the silver. Matt Bondi settled for the silver in the 100-meter butterfly as Surinam's Anthony Nesty won the gold. The U.S. water polo team upsetthe top-seeded Yugoslavia, 7-6, after Jim Bergeson scored a goal in the last five seconds of the game. The men's gymnastics team failed to qualify for a medal. They finished 11th out of 12 teams.
8 .
fridaXJseet. 23, 1988
· sports
Cavs gaincredibilityenteringNCAA by Lou Monaco For 82 years, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) ·has been involved in higher education and collegiate athletics. Today's student-athlete recognizes the NCAA as a leader in SOfiety, both on and off the playing field. Cabrini College has recognized this leadership in excellence and has, for the first time in its fine athletic tradition, switched from the little-known National Association Of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) conference to the big-time NCAA Division III bracket. All varsity athletic teams at Cabrini, whether it be men's or women's, will play at the NCAA Division III level. This move, says John Dzik, athletic director at Cabrini, "enables Cabrini College to get more visibility across the state and East Coast, yet more importantly, gain more credibility in the immediate Philadelphia area.'' The level of play at NCAA Division III is a step above the NAIA conference. In Di vision III, it is more difficult for the athletic teams to get to the national playoffs than it had been in NAIA. At Division III tournament play, with the exception of cross-country, teams are picked by an NCAA committee. The committee's decision on the tournament teams is based on numerous f~ctors, such as the strength of the team's schedule and the team's win-loss record. Rocco Sansone, co-captain of the Cabrini basketball team, said, "The road to the national tournament is a tough one, but once your team gets in, any team has a legitimate shot at the national title." In the NAIA conference, Cabrini teams had an easier time to get to the national tournaments, but once they got there, they had a tough time competing. In NAIA, the key is winning. If you win, you keep advancing in the tournaments, such as the regionals and districts. The chances of getting to post-season play in NAIA were a lot easier than in NCAA Division III. Athletes who participate in Division III play must sign forms before they can play their sport. These forms state that the athlete is of amateur status, that he or she is a full- or parttime student, is physicallyfitto play the sport andconsentstorandom-selectiondrugtesting if the team is involved in tournament play. If the athlete does not sign the drug test consent form, he or she cannot play in the playoffs. NCAA Division III does not offer athletic scholarships or athletic grants. The only monetary help Division III offers is financial aid, which is based on need only. There are a few minor rule and regulation changes in Division III, but these occur mainly in the recruiting aspect of the individual sports themselves. Do the athletes approve of the switch? Brian Doherty, Cabrini soccer player, says, "The chances for post-season play were better in the NAIA than in the NCAA Division III bracket, but in NCAA tournament play, the team can get more recognition, more credibility and more visibility." Mike Feeley, co-captain of the men's cross-country team, adds, "The Division III bracket that we run in is very competitive, such as Haverford, Gettysburg and CamegieMellon. The strong competition helps our team work harder and race better." Dzik says,'' As a basketball coach, I have mixed emotions. The NAIA tournament trips to Kemper Arena in Kansas City were great experiences for our athletes, staff and for the
Cabrini community. The trips will be missed, but as an athletic director, the switch to NCAA Division III play, will benefit the student-athlete and the school in the long run." As a whole, Cabrini's switch from NAIA to NCAA in athletics is a major step of growth and progression for the campus community. The NCAA Division III conference will finally establish Cabrini as a strong athletic and academic institution in the Philadelphia area.
Paula Phillips dinks the ball as Delaware Valley opponent tries to block her. Women's volleyball team is one of the college sports to enter NCAA. (Photo by Paul Fallon) ·
This Week at Cabrini Friday, September 23
Tuesday, September 27 Student Government Meeting, 1:30 pm, SH 7, This will feature the first lecture of the faculty series . Dr. Girard and John Doyle will speak
Senior Class Car Wash, 12-5
on the judicial process involved for residents.
Saturday, September 24 Support your athletic teams! (See the sports Schedule for information.)
Sunday, September 25 Mass, 10:30 am and 6 pm Eucharistic Ministry Training, 7 pm, Chapel
Monday, September 26 Handmade Jewlry Sale, Lunch Hour, Cafe Campus Ministry Dinner/Chaplains, 5-10 pm, Mansion Dining Room
Wednesday, September 28 Ronnie Romm Show in the Cal This will be a presentation on ESP. Commuters have the opportunity to have a free lunch in the caf. See Student Services for details. Kappa Meeting, 9 pm.
Thursday, September 29 Movie Night: , 9 pm in the WCLH This week will feature: BROADCAST NEWS.
Friday, September 30 Banquet Scholarship Awards,5 pm-7 pm, Mansion Dining Room Fall Convocation, 7:30 pm, gym
Up-coming Timeis gettingclose! ParentsWeekendis next Weekend!! ·Makesureyou extendan invitationto your Parents!!