Oct. 21, 1988 Issue 05 Loquitur

Page 1

f riday, oct. i1 , 1988

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxv, no. 5

Battlesfireddue to 'lackof experience' by Lalonya Lucas On Oc1ober 5, 1988, a memorandum was sent to the campus communi1y stating that William Battles would no longer be serving the college as vice president for institutional advancement. It was the same day tha1 Battles cleaned his office and left it for good. According to Battles. he was fired on October 4 ··because the president decided that I wasn't the person to do the job." Currie would not comment on the procedure of his termination. Battles said that he and Currie had had conversations about his lack of performance as early as last July, but he said that there were no talks about him leaving the school. According to Battles. he is still in shock by the whole thing. Battles believed that last year was a productive year wi1h the beginning of the comprehensive campaign and plans for construction. After a productive year, Battles said !hat only Currie can answer why he is no longer here. Currie would not comment. ··I thought things were going well, but the president wasn't satisfied.'· he said. Trying to recall the situation was difficult. but Battles remembered Currie saying that there wasn ·1 any reason for him 10 stay after that day. Currie said that ethically she could not discuss the termination of an employee. However. she did say that ii was a hard

William Battles, former vice president of institutional advancement

decision to make. According to Currie, the college has made a decision to search for a person with campaign experience to replace Battles-" an experience," she said." Battles did not have prior 10 coming to Cabrini College.'' According to Mary Ellen Herzog, director of development, Baules' termination was a business decision caused by a matter of change. • 'Two years ago when he was hired, campaigning wasn ·1 in the agenda," she said. According to Herzog, it is the master planning committee that foresees change for the coming years depending upon the need of the college. The college is now in the "quiet phase" of the comprehensive fund-raising campaign 1hat hopes to raise $10 million. Battles said that he was the chief development person for the campaign before he was fired. The campaign, which began in February. was established because the college could not meet its needs just on the annual fund. The annual fundtr'money raised from sources outside of tuition on a yearly basis. According to Herzog, Battles' major responsibility was lhecultivation and solicitation of major donors for the campaign. · 'This is a very important position,'' she said. Ba11les had to find donors. according to Herzog, by making friends and sharing something they had in common with Cabrini. A search has begun to find Battles' replacemenl. The person who replaces iiim, More Battles on 4

Blue Route:futureben-efitor presenthassle? by Johanna Church

There are no major north-soulh superhighways through Delaware County, the county in which Cabrini College is localed. Thal is why the Federal Highway Administration, 32 years ago, began planning the Blue Route, also known as lnlerstate 476. Finally, after many years of being pul on !he back burner due to law sui1s from environmentalis1s, 1he cons1ruction on the Blue Route is underway again, and moving full speed ahead. The new highway will run from 1-95 to 1he Pennsylvania Turnpike at the northeast extension, making it much easier and faster for the people of southern Delaware County to reach the Main Line and beyond. The project, which has an estimated completion cost of $581.3 million. is being looked at by 1he surrounding industries as an opportunity to develop and grow. "There is potential for !he highway to cause greal economic impact in the areas of construction,'' Gene Blaum. a press spokesman for PennDot's office in Radnor, said. · 'There are nine interchanges on the highway, and that should mean something to the areas along each interchange.·'

Laborers, shown here, work at the Blue Route construction site in Havertown. (photo by Kristin Kroll) Nancy Gardner. director of admissions, feels that it will take awhile, but eventually the Blue Route will have its benefits on Cabrini's enrollment. "I am sure that it will open up access to southern Delaware County, and may bring in those students who feel that we are not as

convenient as schools in that area," Gardner said. Interstate 476 is made up of six sections, numbered I00 through 600. Section I 00, which begins at 1-95 in Woodlyn, and continues onto MacDade Boulevard in Woodlyn, was completed in

August. Sections 200 through 400 and small parts of 500 and 600 are underway and completion of the whole project is geared for 1991. While the Blue Route will make travel a little easier when it is finished, people are concerned with the present effects of construction. Since Cabrini is so close to Lancaster Pike and many people depend on the road to get to class, one may be concerned about the toll that construction will take on this section of the Blue Route. • 'There is no scheduling to close Lancaster Pike righl now. However, construction is construction and plans do change,·' said Lois Morasco of PennDot in Radnor. "Due to the density of traffic in that area, we are hoping to avoid any closure or detour of Lancaster Pike or Conestoga Road.·' "I bum a quarter tank of gas a day trying it get to school," John Sparta, Havertown,said. '' It used to take me half an hour to get to school, but now it takes 50 minutes to get to an 8:30class, because of the construction on West Chester Pike." Ron Bellopede, Edgemont, agrees that

More Blue Route on 4

inside perspectives ...... 2, 3

Are these guys

Future looks bright

news ................ 4, 8, 9

doing community

for cross country

features .......... 5, 6, 7


(See page 11)

sports ........ 10, 11, 12

(See page 5)




fridaXzOCt. 21, 1988


~~' ............... I Iopinion The GreenhouseEffect Mansion residents angered

~Ied~it~()r=la,-----'---J ~~..............:

One problem that must be addressed by the future President of the United States is what can and will be done to slow down or eliminate the Greenhouse Effect. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased by 25 percent and this is causing the globe's average temperatur~ to raise on an average of three to nine degrees Fahrenheit. The results of this could be disastrous. Fertile farm belts will become parched, forests will dry up and become kindling for wildfires, rivers will dry up, the polar ice caps will melt, Siberia and Alaska will thaw, sea levels will rise, and there wi11be incalculable social and political tensions. There is a slight chance of slowing down the onset of global warming but it will not be easy. The next president must be aware of this situation and take an active voice in the changing of legislation that will help with the slowing down of the global climate.change. At present there are two separate bills being pushed in the Senate dealing with the prevention of an even more radical increase of temperature being caused by carbon dioxide loads, chlorofluorocarbon residues and forest destruction. One bill is pragmatic while the other is completely radical in dealing with the cutting of gas emissions and concerning the improvement of energy efficiency. Both bills are inspiring powerful opposition. The candidates, Bush and Dukakis, have really overlooked the Greenhouse Effect. Both seem to have a minimal platform on it and rarely talk about it. Bush and Dukakis claim they would convene an international conference during the first year to discuss what the world can do to slow global wanning. Dukakis ca11s for a national energy policy including the greater use of natural gas and solar and wind power. The 1990's are going to be.the most crucial decade in history for saving the planet's environment and the next president is the person who will have the most impact. The United States must face up to this issue and combat it now - not in the years to come when it will be too late for everyone.

~iewpoint Paper displaysignorance Another issue in the underground paper that caught my eye was the Prohibition article. In order to have a prohibition-like atmosphere, this campus would have to be lee dry. Cabrini is not dry, ifit were, 21-yearold students would not be permitted to drink mirenda on campus. Just look at schools like Boston Whoever is responsible for the under- University and Saint Joseph's University. we ground newspaper probably wants to see a should consider ourselves lucky. And what is so wrong about going underchange and/or provoke an awareness. The ground anyway? It's a challenge to be press is a very powerful tool and those creative and discreet. Right, writers of the responsible for the underground paper obviously have realized that. The writer(s) underground newspaper? I would think are very talented, it is unfortunate that some you would know that most of all. Besides, of their stories contained ignorant informa- isn't creativity a quality of the liberally educated person? And we are all here to be ' tion. liberally educated. I don't think it is fair to suggest that The underground newspaperis a fantastic members of the Resident Conduct Committool. It can be used as a forum for airing tee are in Sister Eileen's back pocket. This students' grievances in a creative and humorimplies that all Student Government comous way. But it should not feed the Cabrini mittee members are influenced by the people grapevine. Oh, you know the grapevine who appoint them. that wonderful fountain of misinformaBeing a member of some SGA committion. The place where the last person to tees and knowing some people on other hear information about the "latest" is usuSGA committees, I am very confident in the ally the one the "latest" is about. fact that votes are not cast in favor of Would you believe that some people something just to please Sister Eileen. However, decisions are made that, in the thought the underground newspaper came committee's opinion, would most benefit from the Xavier 240 suite? Guess again! Cabrini. Hopefully, that would be the same That just goes to show you that ignorance as what Sister Ei£een considers best for the starts rumors and, most of the time. rumors college. After all, we are all on the same can hurt. I have a request to the underground team, or at least we'd like to think we are. newspaper. Whoever is responsible - you I agree with the underground paper about trust, sometimes it does feel like we are being are a talented writer. Do you think you could treated as children. But look where trust has lower yourself to write for - God forbid - the Loquitur? Maybe by then we wouldn't need gotten us so far in Cabrinila~. I'm sure Lou Monaco and Spike Charvala so many ads to pay for our beautiful new trusted the residents in their halls. and now computers. But seriously, your writing provokes they have phones missing, fire alarms dethought and opinion - but please. don't write stroyed, graffiti on the walls, and vandalism and theft in the rooms. How's that for being myths. Even though you might be trying to trusted? Can you blame the authority for be funny. some people may not get the joke, and then there goes that grapevine again. wanting to clamp down?

with the new parking restrictions

by Nancy Luongo What would you do if someone told you that you were not allowed to park in your driveway or that you were allowed but there were certain time restraints placed upon you? What if you had to park about a block away and walk to your home every evening? I am sure that you would greatly disapprove of the situation but what would you do about it? I am a resident of the mansion and a car owner. I am not allowed to park my car in the mansion parking lot because the business department employees park there. I, along with every other woman resident of the mansion, have to park in the Sacred Heart Hall parking lot. 1 do understand that parking spaces are limited on a small college campus but ffeel that this situation endangers the safety of myself and other residents, not to mention the overall inconvenience of the whole issue itself. I will begin with the safety of the parking circumstances. At the present time there is a big issue circulating around the campus. Everywhere you go, you see composite sketches of a suspected rapist within the vicinity. This obviously increases the fear of female students and endangers their lives. Can you imagine how we feel when we are walking across campus, in the dark, by ourselves? We do not feel very safe and the thought of a rapist just heightens our fears. Secondly, I see no written rule that says the business people must park in the mansion courtyard. As far as I know, the only reason they park there is because they feel that they should not have to walk across campus to get to the office. Well. my argument to that is we should not have to walk across campus to get home. It would be much safer for the people in the business department to walk across campus at 8:00 in the morning than it would be for the mansion residents to walk across campus at 12 midnight. Let• s face it - they do not Iive here, we do. They do not pay to park, we do. Their lives are not in danger, ours are. So, who should park in the mansion parking lot? We should, the mansion residents. It makes sense, doesn't it? The last issue of importance would be the inconvenience of the parking regulations: one of these being the time restraints on parking. The only time the mansion women are allowed to park in the mansion courtyard is between the hours of 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. If that is so, then why did I receive a ticket at 6:30 a.m.? I asked around and I was told that the security guard goes off duty at 7:00 a.m., so he tickets all illegally parked cars before his shift has ended. That is one thing that is unfair. The second item of controversy is what was written across the top of my ticket: "If you leave courtyard by 8 a.m., this ticket will be void." If this is not unfair, I do not know what is. First of all, if the security guard leaves at 7 a.m .• how will he know that my car was moved by 8 a.m.? Secondly, the information about the void was on my copy only! When I called to see about my ticket, the receptionist informed me that I had to contest the ticket in order to find out if it had been voided. ·' I wish someone would give the people in the business office a ticket for parking in their own driveway," said Jennifer Wim-

mer, mansion resident. This is one of the many things that I consider to be inconvenient as well as unjust about the whole situation. "I think that it is unfair that we are the only dorm on campus that cannot park in our own lot!" Mary Krimmel, mansion resident, said. This is a true statement that brings us to another unfair aspect. I am a resident that goes home almost every weekend. Since I am not allowed to park in my own lot, I have to park over in the Sacred Heart parking lot and walk back to the mansion, on a Sunday night, ALONE! "Why don't you call security?" you ask. The answer is very simple. "There is no extension phone anywhere in the Sacred Heart Hall, outside of it or in the Widener Center," states Donna Dougherty. Another mansion resident agrees that the issue is unfair. Colleen Paul says," If we come in late, we have to walk from Sacred Heart to the Mansion. lt"s unsafe and unfair to us just because we live where people work." Jackie Savage backs up this statement by saying, "I don't feel we should park there. this is our home just like our courtyard is ours. Have the business people park over there." There are a few other issues that we must take into consideration. I understand that we must be unselfish in our motives since the mansion is half business offices and half dormitories. There are plenty of alternate solutions to the parking problem. The number of mansion residents that own cars is very small. The amount of space in the courtyard is limited; therefore there should be a limited number of parking spaces for residents but enough that will accomodate the changes that come with each school year. Secondly, since the mansion is half business offices, the visitors should have marked parking spaces also. The leftover parking spaces could be negotiated. The issue of parking in the mansion courtyard has been a problem for many years. I feel that the problem should be resolved once and for all. The mansion residents should be allowed to park in their own courtyard in order to avoid danger, fear and the inconvenience of an unorganized security system. It is not fair to push us out of our space because the business department has moved in!

Istaff. Editor: Denise c,va Staff Manager: Kerry Gallagher News Editor: La Tonya Lucas and Lisa Brzezicki Assistant News Editors: Manan Armstrong, Jim Steffler Perspectrves Editor· Roe Wellman. Assistant Jim Steffler Features Editor: Lee Mirenda Sports Editors: Paula Phillips Writing Coach: Jenni Obrecht Business Manager. Angie Corbo Ass,stants: Joyce Mundy and Kelly McGillan Photography Edrtors: Karen S,egl and Mike Stevenson Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craig1e Adviser: Dr.Jerome Zurek Staff Marian Armstrong, Bob Bonner, Johanna Church. Felicia Falcone. Sue Holefelder. Stephanie Homyak. Kelly McGillan. Lou Monaco. Nick Ostrowsl<i, Kelli Rudden. Karen Shank. Linda Smisko, Leonora Veterano, Barbara Wilson Photography Staff: Paul Fallon. Knstin Krojl, Jeff Moore. Keith Pyle. Steve Pascal,. Rosanne Rossello Loqultur 1spubhshed weekly during the school year by students o1 Cabrini College, Radnor. PA 19087 Phone: 215-97Hl412. Subscription price Is $25 per year and 1sincluded ., the bene1its secured by turtion and student fees. L0q<1itor welcomes letters to the edrtor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to 1he editors However, if the writer wishes. and the editor agrees. the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publicabon and an inscription inserted such as "name wi1hheld at the request ol the wnter." Letters should be typed, double•spaced. and no more 1han 300 words . in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense 1t Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The ed1tor,als and opinions published in Loqultur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual wnters and not the entire student body or the faculty and adm1rustrat1on



friday, oct. 21, 1988


letters Lack of lightcausesfear in residents Trusteecriticizesreview, To the Editor: I don't consider myself a paranoid person. so I know that something is definitely wrong. It has nevec bothered me to walk around campus alone; actually, it bothered my friends more than it bothered me. I always thought that they were just being over-cautious, but now I am beginning to think that they are right. Is it because of the events that have recently taken place offcampus - events that hit close to home - that make me think twice before walking home alone at night? Probably. but it shouldn't be that way. The campus is small enough so that students should feel !>afeon it, no matter what goes on outside campus. I think this could be ac-

complished very easily. I feel that if the lighting on campus was upgraded, most people would feel safer. There are areas on campus that are highly traveled by students at night, but are pitchblack. The paths to the houses are so dark that you can hardly see the steps until you almost trip up or down them. The lights on the houses themselves are hardly ever on, so if you are coming back from a night class, you practically have to be on top of the lock to punch the right combination in. Even the parking lot behind Sacred Hean isn't the brightest spot on campus. Should I goon?ldon'tthinkso. The picture should be clear enough. I know that many people will respond to this by telling me to take a security escort if I don't

feel safe. To me. this seems like a ridiculous solution to the problem. Cabrini, being the small campus that it is, shouldn't have to put this procedure into effect. I understand that the upgrading of the lighting situation would cost a great deal of money. and that there are other projects that are taking a good portion of funds right now. I agree that we do need more parking and a new donn - now. But in the future, how pertinent will these issues be if Cabrini acquires a reputation as being an "unsafe" campus? I hope this gets someone to see the light on this issue, because it's only getting darker outside. and I think that there are very few people on campus who aren't paranoid. And that's just not right. Lisa M. Kantor, senior


cites archbishop'sletter To the editor: As well intended as Dr. Romano may be in his defense of the film ''The Last Temptation of Christ," I believe that our bishop has a more important and cogent defense fort he good of our souls. As a longtime friend and supporter of Cabrini College, I hope that our students at this esteemed institution will be edified by his leadership and live up to our Archbishops expectations of the faithful in this archdiocese. I have enclosed Archbishop Bevilacqua 's letterto Lew Wassennan, chainnan of MCA Corporation for the illumination of all who read the Loquitur. God bless and watch over us at Cabrini. Barbara Henkels Trustee

Archbishopsays: '"Last Temptation'shouldnot be patronized" Following is a letter from Archbishop Bevilacqua to Lew Wasserman, chairman, MCA Corporation, Universal City, Calif.: This letter was originally intended to join the voices of many other Christian religious leaders urging you not to release the film, ''The Last Temptation of Christ.·· But the news of youi- decision to release it this week - even earlier than the original September release - makes it clear that the sensitivities of so many millions of Christians are not as important to you as releasing the film. Even so. as the Catholic Archbishop of Philadelphia


with the pastoral and spiritual care of over I million men. women and children, I cannot remain silent as this distorted portrayal of the Savior we worship is about to be shown in theatres around the country. I am well aware of the risk that protests like mine might result in more people going to see this offensive film. But the risk of appearing to approve of it is far greater for a Catholic Archbishop from whom faithful followers of Christ have a right to expect leadership. One has only to read the script of ''The Last Temptation


Christ" to realize that no matter how it is amended in the final version of the film, the portrait of Our Lord in this movie will be a source of great scandal. The Christ of the four Gospels, the Christ presented by 2,000 years of teaching,the Christ known in prayer by so many centuries of faithful Christians, is simply not recognizable in this script. Nor does the device of a prolonged dream covering 37 years after the crucifixion during which Jesus is portrayed not only as one tempted but as one gripped by sin save the picture from the tainted images which will remain in countless impressionable minds and hearts. By the time the dream sequence is completed and Christ is seen offering His life on the cross, the damage is already done. In many ways your efforts are similar to taking someone who is highly revered and greatly loved - perhaps someone's mother or father, or someone

like Mother Teresa

of Calcutta


and .

fabricating a lustful and demeaning study about that person as a profit-making venture. First Amendment freedom of speech and artistic expression, precious as this is. must also be accompanied in a pluralistic society by sensitive regard forthe most sacred beliefs and convictions of all persons. The exercise of First Amendment rights must always be.accompanied by mature responsibility. This is especially true for the entertainment media of television and motion pictures, which have a powerful impact on the moral fibre of our society.

It is my intention to urge all the faithful in the Archdiocese Pictured above is the winning photo from the first photography contest. The winner, Karen Sieg/, captured these children at play in the playground of the Children's School, located on campus. There will be a mini-contest monthly tor the whole college community . Only one picture for each theme should be submitted in 4x6, 5x7, or 8x10 inch sizes. Deadline for all contests is the first Thursday afternoon of every month in Dr. Craigie's mailbox .. The submission dates and contest themes are as follows: Nov. 3... Hot Wheels!, Dec. 1...Close to Nature, Feb. 2 ... Winter Wonderland, March 2 ... Totally Awesome!, April 6... Close Connections, May 4 ...My Favorite Animal. A $5. 00 winning prize and up to 3 honorable mention stickers will be awarded for each. contest. For more information contact Dr. Craigie.

of Philadelphia to avoid viewing this film, especially those who might be enticed by publicity to do so. Not viewing this film will help them preserve a more authentic grasp of the true identity of Jesus Christ, true God and true man, like unto us in all things but sin. They will also be asserting their own convictions "The Last Temptation

of Christ"

that films like

should never be produced; and

if produced, should never be patronized. Anthony J.Bevilacqua



. Greenhouseeffect

friday,oct. 21, 1988 Battles'firing from 1

Pollutionposesfuture threat to society by Stephanie Hornyak

Pollution in the air has now caused serious problems such as the greenhouse effect and exhaustion of the ozone layer. Pollutants not only include car exhaust and factory smoke but othernot so well known ones such as the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in aerosol cans, freon used in refrigerants, foam containers from fast food restaurants, and even solvents used for computer chips. these

pollutants pile up in the air and form a blanket over the earth causing the


effect. The infra-red rays pour in but the heat can't escape. The blanket gets

thicker and it gets hotter and hotter. The CFCs come down from the lower atmosphere to the stratosphere. The ultraviolet radiation breaks down the CFCs and the released chlorine destroys the ozone layer. As a result of the depletion of the ozone layer, people are more susceptible to skin cancer. Another problem caused by the greenhouse effect will be the eventual meltdown of Icebergs. Some scientists predict that between the years 2025-2050, the temperature will rise three to nine degrees. This will cause a one to four foot rise in the ocean and possible destruction of many seacoast cities. Another dangerous factor is that it takes 30 years for the CFCs to actually reach the ozone layer. This means that if we started now, we would only be cleaning out pollutants from the I 950's.


must have experience with annual funds and be able to make the annual funds and the comprehensive campaign interface, according to Currie. Battles was hired in July, I 986 by Currie and a search committee. Currie said that he was referred by William Combs. Although Combs, a friend of Battles, resigned as chairman of the Board of Trustees over the summer, Currie said that the timing of Battles termination was not a result of Combs' resignation. Combs · was one of the members that interviewed Battles for the position. As vice president for institutional advancement, Battles was responsible for development, which is fundraising, alumni relations, public relations and the comprehensive campaign. "I was confident that institutional advancement was going in the right direction with a well organized team,'' Battles said. Diane Kolodzinski, director, public relations, believed that Battles created a good team and treated them with the utmost respect. "The three offices have a good

relationship and partly because of Bill,'' she said. Kolodzinski said that she was pretty shocked about Battles' termination and did not expect it to happen. She said that Battles' role went way beyond development, public relations and alumni relations. '' He had an influence on a lot of different areas and he was very concerned about the students at Cabrini," Kolodzinski said. Marko Gittens.junior, thought that Battles had a genuine concern about the students and the functions around campus. Battles was also known to some students as the person who organized annual ski trips for them. "He wanted to 1,et students involved on campus. He made the ski trips fun," Lori Petrozza, senior, said. According to Battles, his two years at Cabrini were two great years for him. "I'm going to miss the opportunity to do something meaningful for a great bunch of students at a great little college," Battles said.

Now there are millions of more pollutants in the air, and if we stopped all forms

of pollution this year, we still would not have all of the pollutants cleaned out until the year 2018. Scott

Welch is the senior vice-president

at Bridge Publications in Hollywood,

California. Bridge Publications has taken it upon themselves to begin the process of finding


a solution to this threatening problem. Bridge Publications is working with scientists to make people aware of this situation, and to develop research as well as funding. According to Welch, presently there is no significant funding for this type of research. Welch said that some scientists feel this problem is more threatening than the threat of

Career Fair--A career fair will take place on Wednesday, October 26 at lmmaculata

College. The fair is being sponsored by Cabrini, Eastern, and Rosemont.

AIDS, because there is $850 million for AIDS research, and none for this research.

Because of the lack of funds, most of the research is being done by' 'hobby'' scientists, working on the research only in their spare time. Welch said that he would like to create a spore that would go up into the atmosphere to "eat"

the pollutants thereby destroying the blanket, and then ·'eating" itself.

Blue route from 1 the construction is causing havoc in traffic. "People don't know where they are going," Bellopede said. "Some days a road is only open to one lane, and others it's open to two. With all the temporary traffic lights, it's also confusing." Aside from the traffic problems, which will subside, what about the desruction being done to the land?

"It's a shame, they are cutting down all the trees and disrupting everyone's prope11y," Bellopede said. "It's hard on the car too, there are ditches and holes from construction, and dust everywhere from dirt.'• So is all of this construction and destruction necessary? Will it help open a door to southern Delaware County? Bellopede thinks it just might not be worth it. 'Tm sure I'll appreciate it to a certain extent, but even so, it's just not the same place anymore."

Election Results--The Student Government Association announced the winners of

the freshman class elections on October 18. The commuter representative for the class of 1992 is Jen Morrison. Because of a tie, four social activities representative~ were selected. They are: Roberta Rossano, Elise Lipenta, Jayda Zazyczny, and Mary Shimkus. Secretary is Jacqui Ricci. Treasurer is Frank Emmerich. President is Joe Schmidt and vice president is Mark Gudas. Evening Counseling Hours--The counseling center is now open from 7:00 p.m. to9:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. The counseling will be

conducted by Michael Hayes and Lili Goodman. Donna Seckar will be available on these evenings by appointment only. Coaching Clinic--Cabrini will hold a coaching clinic on Saturday, October 29 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the gym. The clinic is being sponsored by the Delaware

County Coaching Association. Theater--Any student interested in the London theater trip over spring break or in

joining the Student Theater Association contact Brian Morgan at the theater in Grace

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Hall on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Concert-- Lance Wiseman. pianist, will perform works by Chopin, Schumann and

Ravel on Sunday, October 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mansion. Admission is free. International Festival--Traditional food. music, dance and costumes will be featured at an international festival at Drexel University on Saturday, October 29, I 0:00

a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Grand Hall of Creese Student Center, 32nd and Chestnut Sts. The festival is being sponsored by Drexel's International Students Committee. Among the cultures being represented are Chinese, Japanese. Middle Eastern, Indian and Korean. Admission is $2.00. For more information. call (215) 895-2505. Villanova--The Villanova Law Review will hold its annual syposium on Saturday, October 22 at I :00 p.m. at the Villanova School of Law. The syposium is entitled

"AIDS, The Limits of the Law" and will focus on the controversial issues surrounding AIDS. Craft Show-On Friday, October 28, Saturday. October29 and Sunday, October 30 there will be a craft show held at Memorial Hall in West Fairmount Park. Philadelphia. Pa. The show will present l 00 major crafts artists of the Delaware Valley. Hours are as follows; Friday 5:00 to 9:00 p.m., Saturday I 0:00 to 9:00 p.m. and Sunday I 0:00 to 6:00 p.m.



friday, oct. 21, 1988


Housing shuffle offers needed change by Nick Ostrowski

of being told where to live. E.J. Hartman.junior, said,

Cabrini College achieved a milestone when the news of the campus housing reassignment was made final last semester. The decision put men back into Counsel Hall, houses one and four and women into the north wing of Xavier Hall, giving Cabrini its first co-ed dormitory. With the shuffling of campus housing came the question of "why?" 1988 marked a record in the numberof incoming freshman students with 2 I6. This breaks the pre,.,ious high of the 1985 freshman class which consisted of 205 on campus students. This year. more of the freshmen were men and Xavier Hall was not designed for such an influx. This produced a need for more male housing. When the decision was made to put men in the houses and Counsel Hall, John Doyle, director of resident life, had several goab in mind. ··My first goal was to give the men more options for living arrangements thanjw,t Xavier. My second goal was to integrate men and women so they lived in closer proximity. Third was to offer enough space for men and women with the incoming freshmen. ··My main concern with guys in the houses is dorm damage. My other concern is with parties because men have a different view when it comes to parties, but with a little education. that can be solved," Doyle said. That i-, the issue which pushed the men out of the houses four year'> ago and kept them out until now. But inevitable overcrowding of Xavi_erHall and lack of extra housing left the school with no choice. The change was becoming necessary 10 keep the campus' newest building, Xavier Hall. in good condition. Dorm damage was repeatedly the chief area of concern in the once all-male dorm. '·You can just tell how much cleaner Xavier is this year by walking through the halls."' Tom O'Donnell, sophomore. said. When the appeal for housing options came through, the ma1onty of male students were grateful. They were tired

''I was happy to see a change. I like to have a choice so I can be with guys I have something in common with."

Mike Becker, junior, said," It's much better than being forced in Xavier.' 'Since all the men used to be

"""---. ·.· 1in one ½'."

building, one would think that a feeling of

unity developed amongst them, but it is completely . opposite. ''I liked Xavier," says Pete Bisconte, senior R.A. and Counsel

j Counsel Hall residents Nick Ostrowski and Tom O'Donnell relax in the room talking with the guys. (photo by Paul Fallon)

Hall resident, ''but this place seems

closer. I think people are closer because of the setup . of the dorm. Everybody leaves their door open and you can just walk down the hall and talk to them in their room." Doug Jobson, senior, said, · 'It's a feeling of separation but it's a good_feeling. You have your, closest friends with you." How much different is life in a house from life in Xavier? Most people like it better. The houses provide a more home-like atmosphere from Xavier. While both buildings provide private bathrooms, a house offers a kitchen complete with microwave, refrigerator, and stove. Included is a basement in which legal parties may be held, as well as just a place to hang out. "'You take more pride i11living in a house." Jobson said, "so you try to keep the place looking good.·· Doyle said, ··Any concerns I have are I 00 percent outweighed by the benefits that come with the move·." When asked how it feels to be in a house instead

House 4 guys Mike Dolan, Shawn May, Jerry O'Donnell, Gerard Gannon, Mike Stevenson,and Steve Buividashave some fun in their basement. (photo by Paul Fallon)

Midterms are coming!

of Xa\ ier, Hartman said, "It's great. There's a lot more privacy. It's easier to get to places on campus.'' Bisconte had a similar view when he said. · 'Counsel's closerto everything. Now we don't have to walk up that godforsaken hill.·•





__, ._

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the CARe Center for help with any subject or with study skills?

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The fun of redecorating the basement is just one example of the unity and frienship of the guys in House 1. (photo by Jeff Moore)

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friday, oct. 21, 1988 ·

,-----------------------------~---------------------;Alumni travel down memory lane ! I_,___ -~-I I













I I.

I ·I I





. ..










~~~~,.......~ ~!~


: -------~--------



: ··~:~~ : I






·1 I



1 1 I I






I I t ~~

-~~··=----..,.--1 ~.-~ , Alumni Day was celebrated Sunday, October 15 with activities such as the Mansion Open House, Cabrini vs. Salisbury State soccer game, and the Alumni Mass. Alumni awards were presented to Lois Friel Burns '63 for distinguished achievement, Cassie Bradley Woestman '67 for distinguished service, and Anna Kruse was presented with the 1988 Honorary Alumnus Award. (photos by Mike Stevenson)

I I I I I I I I I I I I I : :





friday,oct. 21, 1988


Concern over partypolicy r·········································" : Cabrinihighlightsof the 19B0's by Lee Mirenda

underage drinking laws in the country. ''Cabrini will not take responsibility for It is one o'clock on a Tuesday afternoon students breaking the law," Galan added. and an unfamiliar occurrence is about to Hosts of a party are liable for damages a happen in the place where SGA meetings are drunk person causes when they ·1eave that held. Room 7 in Sacred Hean Hall is over- party. flowing with students. Doyle said that legal parties should be Why'? Bob Bonfiglio, dean of students, considered as programming because the is having an open forum. An opponunity for resident assistant is involved. Also. the students to ask questions and raise concerns. dorm can get money from the resident life Also, a chance for the dean to find out what depanment for food and programming. He issues are on students minds. added that legal parties are• 'not meant 10 be On the majority of students minds at this fundraisers for the houses. they are meant 10 forum were concerns over the legal party be social occasions. They are not to be policy. John Doyle, director ofresident life, sponsored for just a profit." said,· 'There are no changes on the policy.·• At the Bonfiglio forum. Samantha He said that the re-drafted policy will clarify Hidlebird, senior resident assistant, brought state laws and how they affect legal panies. out a student concern. She said that the In the re-drafting of the legal party policy. students areupsetbecausetheywanttomake a profit from the legal parties. Bonfiglio said it raised two points of concern for him. The amount of food to be served The money would be used for things was not specifically stated in the old like dorm shirts, decorations, and furniture policy. Secondly. the practice of admission forthe residence. Hidlebird wanted to know to the party had to be looked at. what alternatives the school can offer stuFor example, Bonfiglio said an admission dents in terms of making money. fee or cover charge to a party could be Bonfiglio said. ''The college can make interpreted by the state as selling alcohol some money available to the house for without a license. throwing their legal party to defray costs." Doyle said that the transferof cash cannot He also said that the houses cannot use take place at the entrance of a party. college money to buy beer. Otherwise, the "Students can ·1 be tricky, it's state law." he college becomes legally responsible for what said. is going on in the house. Additional clarifications include that only Bonfiglio said the re-drafted policy has the people ""ho attend the Pany Policy been sent to Joel Zazyczny, president of Seminar can host a pany. The host(s) need SGA, the health educators, and the resident to have an adequate amount of food and life depanment. In turn. they are to discuss it non-alcoholic beverages served at the party. with their perspective area\. · 'The next step.'' Also, no more than 30 percent of the atten- Bonfiglio said, "is to take their comments dees can be off-campus guests, and an on- and see where we go from there." campus guest can sponsor no more than three Bonfiglio plans on having more student off-campus guests. question sessions throughout the year. He Cynthia Galan, health educator and co- said, "I >Aili incorporate recommendamoderator of the Party Policy Seminar, said tions from the students as long as they are in Pennsylvania has one of the strictest concert with the law.··

: • : • • : : • • : : • •

October, 1980 Mr. Heiberger. vice president for development, announces that the official groundbreaking of the George D. Widener Center is set to take place in late Fall.

October, 1981 A propo~al for the Master's degree program in education is in the early stages of development. Sr. Marie Louise Sullivan, president, is in the process of adding ten new members to the Master Planning Committee to raise membership to 22.

October, 1982 The proposed computer !>Ciencemajor goes before academic council for approval.

October, 1983 Kappa Sigma Omega re-evaluates the purposes behind Parents Weekend and decides to change ib focus from freshmen and their parents to all of the campus ■community. :

October, 1984

Students question the slogan '"Cabrini: dramatic increase in the student body.

A personal place to learn .. because of : •

October, 1985

Scheduled to kick off Alcohol Awareness Week is entenainer Marty Bear. The Philadelphia Inquirer is in midst of newspaper strike.

October, 1986

School Day Care Program at Wayne Elementary. Mon-Fri, 36, $5-$5.25/hr. Call Mary McCurdy at 3527610. King of Prussia, All Positions Available. Call Job Squad at ext. 8422. Stouffer Hotels

Provides Temporary and Pennanent Work. Flex. hrs. and Valuable Job Experience. Call Robert E. Craig at 337-9080. Timesavers

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George Cantiello at 473-3222. Medical Secretary/ Office Mgr Ff or PT,

$6.50-$7/hr. IPM PC Experience Preferred.


The Athletic Advisory Board and Carson-Pettit car dealership sponsored the first • Cabrini Mercedes Run. : Information compiled by Mother Ursula Infante and Lee Mirenda.




job squad Thacher Aide After-


Call Dr. Mark Saracino Months. Call 688-1200 Stop in. at 337-3335. between 9 and 4:30. ·Data Entry and Data Dress up as a smoking Analysis Software prevention character Package PT Flexible. American Lung Assoc.

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Francis Ely Opticians in Wayne. Pay Negotiable. Call Francis Ely at 688-4554. Counter Person/Mgr. Instant Printing. Looking for a person who has familiarity with desk top publishing or operation of a Xerox 9500. Send Resume to: Q.H. Associates, P.O. Box 331, Glad"')'ne,Pa. 19035.

Freedom Health Care Looking for People to stuff Brochure Packets. PT,Make your o"n hrs. $5/hr. Call Karen Bolpi at 1-800-8220505.





friday, oct. 21u 1988



Age poses no hindrance to education by Stephanie Hornyak


"Teachers are the tops," said Ruth Santoni. Ruth Santoni is a continuing education student who started at Cabrini in I985. Before coming to Cabrini, she was a parttime student at a local junior college. She "wasn't going anywhere'' and had always wanted to be a teacher. Santoni is s.tudying secondary education here at Cabrini and will probably go for her master's degree. Santoni chose Cabrini because of the size and because, "Continuing education made me feel at home; they were really nice,•' she said. She takes six credits a semester and has taken nine credits in the summer session. In addition, Santoni is a mother of two, and works two jobs in the mornings and afternoons. She is a ·member of Alpha Sigma Lambda, the f!ational honor society for continuing education students, and has been involved with Cabrini's theater.

Santoni said that the \tudents are especially wonderful, and that she has made many good friends in the student body. As for the professors, they not only treat her well but they realize that she has other responsibilities in addition to schoolwork. Her only gripe is that there is nothing for the continuing education student in the area of financial aid. Randee Gallo is also a continuing education student at Cabrini, studying social work. ' She is a co-director for a residential facility that treats chemically addicted women and their children, as well as a facility that treats just the women. After being a flight attendant for IO years, Gallo asked herself the question, ''Who am I?'' She came back to school for self-fulfillment. Gallo chose Cabrini for a variety of reasons. She lives in the area, and liked the size of Cabrini. ai well as the intimate atmosphere, and also the fact that Cabrini offers credits for life experience. Gallo said. "The professors are nice,

understanding, and challenging. There is a balance achieved with younger and older students.'' Gallo jokingly said that her only complaint is "I'm tired!" Erica (Ricky) Gero started at Cabrini a year ago to obtain a degree as a certified teacher of secondary English. She received a degree in sociology from George Washington University in 1968, and worked for the state employment service dealing with persons who had difficulty finding jobs, such as Vietnam war veterans, ex-convicts, and mothers on welfare. Gero then decided to take time out to have children. and now has two daughters, ages 15 and 12. She then worked as a freelance writer for the Main Line Times. and the Food Trade Times. She also worked in a public relations firm in Philadelphia for several year1>before deciding, that she was unhappy. '"The business world was not meant for me. and I was not meant for it.'· she said. It was always in the back of her mind to go back to · school, and she found out about

Cafeteria food: grease vs.~ THE DOMINO THEORY. nutrition 11111111·mllll-

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Cabrini through a friend. She liked what Cabrini offered: flexibility with day or evening classes and the fact that her valid degree was accepted. She also liked the personal interest from the teachers to the students. the warm atomosphere, and the fact that she is not a number. Gero said that this time around she is really interested in learning something. and she really loves it! The only problem she has encountered is finding enough time to do her

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I I 1 1


Is the quality of the cafeteria ·s food and food service up to par? Roland Young, food service director, claims that the choice for a good diet is there. He said, "The problem is not what's on the menu, but the combination of entrees.,. Marion Linke, a\sistant food service director, said the most common complaint at the last food committee meeting was the location of the napkins. The problem has since been corrected. Other complaints included long lines, cold food. hair in the food and the amount of greasy foods being served. Linke said. "These menus were written before we ever got here.•· The menus are now being revised by Young. "Students would like to see more entrees and more homestyled foods rather than too many fast foods such as pizza," Linke said. Also, in order to keep the vegetables hot and the line shorter, there is now a vegetable bar at dinner. Linke pointed out that, in spite of the complaints, the number of students attending dinner is higher than it has been in the past. In the past, 250-300 was an average attendance for dinner. Now. 350 a night is considered a low number. Vince Romeo, junior, chainnan of the food committee, said, •'I think our cafe has a fair variety of food, but of course we have our nights when nothing is perfect. I know the staff is trying to give 150%. I haven't heard as many complaints as I did the first month of school.'' Romeo said the possibility of having the deli bar at dinner as well as lunch was discussed, but the idea fell through. He said, ''The problem with the deli bar at night is that it would cost the students money." Students don't realize that those who show up at every meal only pay for 60% of their meals because the food service already takes it into consideration that all the students are not going to show up for all 19 meals of the week. Therefore, the food service only orders what they think they will need. Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor of history, has eaten at all three meals in the cafeteria.

a11 I mm® I~ IN


see cafeteria on 9


. loquitur

cafeteria from8 He said, "I think the service provides some of the best cafeteria food I've ever eaten. I really think the food service here makes an effort to feed the students well." Girard likes the cafeteria food because it provides a good variety of fruit and vegetables and plenty of other options. Helen Goodwin, assistant professor of physical education, said that Cabrini's food is better than that of other colleges ... It seems to me they have something that everyone could find to eat. I think the food is wonderful." Dr. Margaret McGuinness, instructorofreligion, said, "I usually eat the salad bar stuff. The salad bar is terrific.'' However, McGuinness said the cafe goes a little too heavy on the burgers and cheesesteaks. Mark Gudas, freshman, said,' 'The food is a big grease pit in my stomach. I eat it because I have to. I can't afford to go out every night. I found an eggshell the size of a half dollar in my breakfast. They tried to tell me that it was a rare incident, but it's happened to other people." Nancy Luongo, junior, a transfer student from Penn


f riday, oct. 21, 1988

State, Delaware County, said, "It's the same as Penn State. It's greasy." Jennifer Wimmer, senior, has attended both Wells College in New York and Old Dominion University in Virginia. Wimmer worked in Wells College cafeteria and now works in Cabrini's

learn what to avoid.'' She said there are many foods that are

cafe. She said, "I think the food here is great compared other two schools I've been at. I really can't see what are complaining about." Wimmerthinks the cafeteria nutritious food, but she doesn't know whether or not

There is a lot of protein in eggs, but it is better to stay with to the people serves people

always want to eat nutritious food. Tracy Sandoe, freshman, said, ''The variety is good. I just wish it were a little tastier.'' Sandoe said that nutritious food is not appealing in the cafeteria and that it is not prepared the way students would like. John Doyle, director of resident life, said, ''Meeting needs is not always meeting wants.'' Doyle said that part of the menu revision entails a cycle for foods in which "we won't expect food that we didn't like on the menu for a couple of weeks." Sue Fitsgerald, nurse, said,' 'With a little common sense and some effort, you can eat very well in the cafe. You have to

Ifyou'reookingfor ~ Extraincome

~ Competitive wages ~ Free uniforms

served in the cafeteria that are low in calories and yet nutritious. For breakfast, Fitzgerald advises that students stay away from all the sugary cereals and stick with cereals high in fiber. the plain omelettes and the scrambled eggs.

Ham and

cheese omelettes increase calorie and cholesterol intake. For lunch, Fitzgerald suggested students to stay away from the processed bologna, salami and ham. They are loaded with salt and high in fat. Also, cheesesteaks, hot dogs and burgers are high in fat. Fitzgerald said to stick with chicken and fish at dinner because they are low in calories. Red meat co_ntainsa lot of animal fat and animal fat usually means cholesteral. Fitzgerald considers pasta a good choice because it's low in calories and it's filling. However, the cream sauces and cheeses are too fatty. Tomato sauce is good. Fitzgerald said, "You have to put a Iittle more thought into it. Think about what you 're eating and try other foods."

Work study, servicegrant aid students by Susan Holefelder What exactly is work study and service grant? To begin. they are two totally different programs.


students use the names interchangably. However, they should not.

~ ·Freemeals

Work study

~ Flexible hours

to fill real campus jobs. If college students didn't fill these positions,

is a federally funded




government provides 80 percent of the student's wages. ''Work study is a program in which students on campus are used the college would have to go into the community to find people who would,"

Arlene Dittbrenner, director of financial aid said.

Also, there are clear guidelines for work study.

~ Friendly and caring co-workers

Are you having trouble finding a job? If you are, you shouldn't. "There

are jobs available,"

says Dittbrenner.

"There are jobs available, but students who waited this long to look for a job will have trouble obtaining one," says Christine Rakowski, adminis1rative assistant of financial aid.

look to PhoenixvilleHospital. Our Food Services Department is looking for you. We currently have openings for diet aides and porters. Experience in food services is helpful but not necessary. What is necessary is an interest in joining a team dedicated to providing excellent patient service. And we're close by. Located at the intersections of Routes 23 and 29. we're only three miles from Valley Forge.five miles from Collegeville. and 15 miles from West Cheste_r and Bryn Mawr. To schedule an interview or find out more information, please call Phoenixville Hospital's Human Resources Department at 215/933-9281.extension 425. We look forward to ~ hearing from you.

The financial aid office, when notified of a job opening.puts an ad in the Loquitur. Who gets first pick: seniors, juniors, sophomores, or freshmen? "No one gets first pick," says Dittbrenner. Students who had a job prior to this year, either to fill their service grant or their work study requirement, entered this year with that job secure. Be it a sophomore or a senior. Once it is decided whether you are eligible for either of these programs, applications are sent out. They are sent out before school starts. "Freshman start looking for jobs in the summer, early August and the beginning of September," said Rakowski. So they also have a job secure coming into the school year. If you are a student who was not eligible before, or a student

who decided they did need the grant after all; and waited until three or four weeks into September to find a job, you might have had a little more difficulty finding one. The service grant program was started in 1981. Prior to this, there was a Cabrini grant program. required.

However, no service was

In I 98 I, the name was changed to a service grant,

therefore, requiring a service.

Also, in I 981, the money

availability was increased. In the beginning, a service grant was formulated to fill the need for dorm monitor positions and help assist students in paying for their tuition, among other things. Today, the primary purpose is still to help students pay for their tuition.



f ridaY,oct. 21, 1988


Cavaliersshootdownthe.Eagles t-

Gina Strobel ,senior, with determination, prepares herself to return the ball. With determination just like Strobel's , confidence and the coach's help , Cabrini defeated Eastern . ( all photos by Mike Stevenson)


Heather Schwartz , junior, demonstrates her back hand during the game. Right, Terrie Panico, senior, contemplates on her game as Caoch Reggie Day gives her advice and encouragement




trom 11

play harder.

Bui I \aw good



Cabrini 1oday: they are a solid team.·' challenging game.•·



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Colorado. For More Information Call Toll Free: 1-800-231-0113

There is comfort knowing you are a pan of

Senior Basil Ingemi agreed by saying.

a solid learn. bul that does not make losing

"P ena I11es · aren · t usua IIy ca IIed t hat c Iose to

any easier to take. Ingemi said. '"It was an

the end of the game, unless they are really

important game for us because it counts in

flagrant, because no one wants a game de-

our conference record.'· This record deter-

cided like lhat. We had controlled the ball

mines who gets into the Eastern State\

better, but then we got frustrated and that

Atheltic Conference ·s (ESAC"s) champion-

make'> it harder to play well."'

ship game at the end of the season.


win raised their record to

is the toughest loss I've ever

four wins, seven losses and one tie and they


are behind Cabrini by one game in the con-

sophomore, said. '"We 'II just have to take ii


Their coach, Jerry Dibartolo, felt

as a learning lesson. But our fans were really

that the key to the game was that his team

behind us, and we appreciate their enthusi-

"had a strong defense and was able



at Cabrini,"

Steve Buividas,

As the team regroups from 1his loss, they

capitaliz.e on its opportunities.·· Dibartolo said, "I think we started with more intensity and that pushed Cabrini to



still have a

9-3 record and still have an

opportunity to win a title.

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Season marked by uphill climb by Linda Smlsko

Despite injuries and illnesses, Cabrini men's cross country team has maintained a winning season. The team has won five duel meets and lost one. This is the first time in three years that they have lost a duel meet. They placed third at the Philadelphia Metro Invitationals, and took second place at the Trenton State Invitationals. Coach Tom O'Hora, now in his sixth season of coaching at Cabrini, said, ''This is a rebuilding season. We have a young team this year with no seniors.'· O'Hora said, "The cross country team draws its strength from one outstanding individual. Mike Dolan. Mike Dolan is one oft he best smal I college runners in this state. After Dolan, they're all about equal. This is good because we have a lot of depth to build towards the futute.'' As far as weaknesses go, a lack of experience is what hurts the team the most, O'Hora said. "It's very hard for freshmen to adjust to college cross country in that it's different from high school," he said. "The extra mileage plays a factor in their adjustment." The cross country team faces tough competition in every meet, said O'Hora. The Dickinson Invitational and Philadelphia Metro in particular were tough meets because the competition came from all three divisions. The weekend of Oct. 15-16, the team was in a pivotal race at the Allentown Invitationals. O'Hora said. This is the course where they run the Regional Championships. It was important for them to do well. Cabrini finished fourteenth out of seventeen schools. "The competition was extremely tough. Three or four of the competing teams were nationally ranked," O'Hora said. The League Championships in Salsbury, Maryland, will be real tough. Cabrini will face good competition within their own league. They have won this championship two years in a row. "The next three weeks will give us an idea of how good our team really is," 0' Hora said.


friday,oct. 21, , 1988



Mike Feeley, co-captain, said, "Our coach is a part-time coach which makes it harder to remain dedicated. When we wake up at 7 a.m. and run for three or four miles, we are doing it for ourselves:"' Tom O'Donnell, sophomore, said, "Mike Feeley has always been there to hold the team together. Whether we have a good or bad race, he is there to give advice from his previous running experience.'' "The immediate goal of the team is to make it to the Nationals," said Feeley. Cabrini is the underdog this year at the Regionals in Allentown. They will need to beat three or four teams that had previously defeated them. ''It's an uphill climb, but we have a good shot of winning despite a rough start,"

Feeley said. The cross country's overall goal is to grow together as a strong team. Feeley said, '' Because this is a young team, we have more years to work and improve together. By making winning a habit now, we can ensure it for the future.'' The future of the team is full of optimism, O'Hora said. '·1 don't run for them, it's up to them how well they will do. I'm optimistic," O'Hora said. This year's runners include the following: juniors Mike Dolan, Mike Feeley, Jeff Frank, and junior transfer student John Tucker. Tom O'Donnell is the only sophomore. The freshmen include: Chris Callinan. John Osborne, and Dan Francis.


I Results Soccer 10/8 10/12 10/15 10/17

0 2 1 0

10/8 10/9 10/13 10/15 10/18

0 0 1 2 0

10/8 10/10 10/0 10/12 10/12 10/13 10/13 10/15 10/15

1 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 2

Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini

3 0 2 1

Rutgers Eastern Salisbury Phila. Bible

Field Hockey Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini

Marywood 2 Misericordia 1 Moravian 3 1 Wesley 0 Beaver

Volleyball Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini

Marywood 3 Textile 2 2 Widener 2 Alvernia Wilmington 2 Bryn Mawr 2 Rosemont 1 Allentown 3 Baptist Bible0

Women's Tennis Cabrini




Men's Cross Country 10/15 Allentown Inv. Placed 12th out of 20

Schedule.. Soccer Sat. 10/22 Mon. 10/24

Shenadoah Nyack

away 3 pm home3:30pm

Field Hockey SEASON OVER

Volleyball Sat. 10/22 Tues. 10/25

Fall Classic Ursinus

home home

9am 7pm

Women's Tennis Sat. 10/22 Wed. 10/26

Juniors, Mike Dolan and Mike Feeley practice on Eastern's running track. ( photo by Mike Stevenson)

ESAC Championships TBA Phila. Textile away 3:30pm

Men's Cross Country Sat.


Lincoln U Inv. away noon


Women's team joins Cabrini's athletics. • • again by Leonora Veterano This year the women's cross . country team has decided to come back into existence. The club has not been active since a year ago. One of the reasons for the decline of the women's cross country team is due to the fact that there was not a large turnout. Even now there is not a large number of students on the team. In fact there are only six members this year participating on the team. Jacqueline Albrecht, Jennifer Arnholt and Elizabeth Miller are the three freshmen who have decided to join this year. Although

Miller has recently left the team due to a tough school and work schedule this semester. Annmarie Baeurle, Christine Federico and Touri Nakhjavan are the three seniors who have also joined the team. Athletic Director John Dzik does not see the team winning any major championships, his only concern at this point is seeing that the team finally gets off the ground, which he feels he has helped in doing. Dzik does not play a major role with the involvement of the team. He just sees that they have his support and listens to what the coach's

needs are. "What would help improve the cross country team is if the coach would start recruiting members instead of relying on the students already here at Cabrini," Albrecht said. As a whole, the team members feel that at this point they are not excelling as a team but on an individual basis. "Right now the team is not strong, they have a lot of work to do, but everyone is trying," Miller said. Right now the team seems to be in a learning process in trying to reorganize. The coach, Jeff Harris,

is learning with the women as well. This is the first time that Harris has ever coached a women's cross country team before, but other thanthat he feels confident that the team has a positive future. "Because the team is so small right now, I do not ~ee any major wins for us. If there were any injuries with one of the girls, then it would be to our disadvantage because the team is so small." The reason it would be to their disadvantage, is the fact that they can not qualify for that many competitions due to their limited size. On the positive side of things, though, the women feel proud of

their accomplishments which they have already made, such as the team unity they express with one another. ·'Here, no one is in competition with the other girls on the team. We are just proud of the fact that we are the ones !hatgot the team going again," Baeurle said. This is-the general attitude of all the women on the team. They know that right now.just making a name for themselves is what is important. Ifthey show confidence in themselves, it will surely show in their running.

Referee's call sparks controversy as team loses to Salisbury by Jim Bligh

The men's soccer team gave excitement to the enthusiastic home crowd on Alumni Weekend, but unfortunately could not give them a win. By losing to Salisbury State College two goals to one goal, Cabrini now has two losses in the conference and they trail both Allentown College and Spring Garden College by one conference game for the right to play in the league championships.

The game began slowly, as both teams seemed to be taking turns attacking, being repelled then mounting another attack. Scoring not quite midway through the first period. Salisbury gained the edge first and kept that lead until the start of the second half. At that point everything seemed even but the score. Almost immediately in the second period, a petiod marked by greater intensity and aggressive play by both teams, Cabrini struck back. Cabrini's effort was very apparent as they controlled the ball the majority of the second half,

but they could not translate that into more goals. With just under seven minutes left to play, there was a penalty called on the Cavalier's goalie, senior Marty McGonigle. That set Salisbury up for a penalty shot that produced their winning goal. The penalty call was extremely controversial. Gary Burnett, sophomore, said, "I think it should have been an indirect kick, instead of a penalty, because our goalie had possession of the ball: That call made it very difficult to concentrate. and some players did lose their cool. It was a very More soccer on page 10



fridaY, oct. 21, 1988


Strides of excellenceapparentat CabriniRun by Karen Shank

On Sunday. Oct. 16. the 3rd annual Cabrini Five-Mile Race was held. The race began at 9:30 a.m. Starting at the Cabrini Mansion, the course followed through Radnor, and finished on campus. An awards ceremony was held directly afterwards. There were a total of five eategories in the nien 's division and five categories in the women's division, with a total of 150 participants in all. The age groups were 19 and under, 20-29, 30-39,40-49, and 50 and over. The first place winners and their times were: 19 and under - Ted Callinan, 28:45 and Tara Maguire, 41 :32; 20-29 - Steve Oliver, 25:31

and Gina Procaccio. 28: 17: 30-39 - Jack Myers, 27:33 and Sandy Hamian, 36:54; 40-49- William H. Young. 31 :37 and Margaret Hunting, 39:30; and 50 and over Jim McGrath, 36:04 and Gerry Fitch, 40:4 I. Gina Procaccio was the overall winner in the women ·s division. Steve Oliver took first place for the men ·s division. as well as overall winner. Second place winners and their times were: I9 and under - Chris Norris, 29:08; 20-29 - Dean Magolon, 26:47 and Monica O'Hara, 31 :29; 30-39- Jake Finnegan, 27:43 and Marianne Chawluk, 44:02; 40-49 - David Gingras, 34:39 and Sarah Burns, 39:37; and 50and over - Earl S. Butler Jr., 36:30 and Helen Senisch. 43:32.

.... On your mark, get set, Go! Runners begin the annual Cabrini Run. ( photo by Roseann Rosello)

if1 Winners of the race:Gina Procaccio and Steve Oliver( photo by


Trophies and cash prizes were awarded to the top two finishers in each category, with Oliver and Procaccioreceivingacash prize of SI 00 each for their first-place finishes in the men's and women's division. Although this year"s race was not held with the usual Mercedes raffle immediately following, a new twist has been added. Both the first and second place finishers in each category received a free raffle forthe drawing which will be held on Nov. 20. at 5 p.m. in the Cabrini Mansion.


Friday, October 21

Accompanying the Raffle will be a cocktail part} to which ticketholders will be admitted. All in attendance should be sure to keep an eye out for Rollie Massimino, head basketball coach at Villanova UniYersity. According to Dennis Wise. Sports Information Director. Massimino wi II be a guest at the cocktail party. Ticketholders should be hoping the number of tickets sold is as close to 1200. which is the maximum number being sold. as possible. According to the Fall 1988 Cavaliers Newsletter, Cabrini

Athletic Director John Dzik explained that as the number of tickets sold increases. so does the value of _,the prize. the maximum of ....____. which is a Mercedes 560 SL Roadster. The cash alternati\'e of this prize is $50.000 cash. Although the profiL, of the RaceRaffle ¼ill not be e, idenl until after the raffle is held. according to Dzik, 25 percent of the proceed., will go to an endowment for the athletic department while the rest will be under the control of the athletic advisory board.

Tuesday, October 25

The Cabrini Haunted House will be at Counsel Hall from 6:30 until 9 pm. Cost is $2.

Eng & Com Sophomore meeting, 1 p.m., Com Class The Peer support group will meet at 12:30 in the Counseling Center Conference Center with the health educators. Lorraines Golden Luxuries jewelry will be displayed for sale at all meal limes, outsid

Wednesday, October 26

Saturday, October 22 This will be the last evening for the Haunted House. There will be a pizza party for all participants following in the SGA office.

Want to make money? Class officers, remember the ph9neathon to night, from 5 pm - 9 pm. This is a great opportunity for your class to make money! Kappa Meeting, 9 pm, WCLH

Sunday, October 23

Thursday, October 27 A representative from the Credit Card Association will be available from 11:30 until 2 pm to inform students on how they go about ap plying for credit. Eng & Com Junior meeting, 1 p.m., Com Class A Presidential debate will take lace from 12:30 -2 m WCLH

Baltimore Inner Harbor Trip, cost is $15. Admissions Open House Piano Recital 7 pm - 11 pm, WCLH

Monday, October 24

Friday, October 28

Weight Watchers will be outside of the Caf at lunch. Representatives will be available to speak to from 11 - 2. There will be carnation sales outside of the caf. Orders for Halloween candies will begin today outside of the caf.

Octoberfest will be sponsored by the senior class, from 6 - 9 pm in the WCGA.


Don'tforgetthe HauntedHousethis weekend!!

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