Oct. 28, 1988 Issue 06 Loquitur

Page 1

f riday, oct. 28, 1988

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxv, no. 6

Constructionstarts Changes in curriculumoffer from groundup varietyto students by Marian Armstrong

DiMarco construction company continues their work at Grace Hall. (photo by Kare_nSieg/)

Due to the lack of parking problems, workers are creating an extension to the Sacred Heart parking lot. (photo by Keith Pyle)

Tennis courts undergo reconstruction (photo by Keith Pyle)

Cabrini's curriculum of the liberally educated individual has been rewritten for the first time in almost twenty years. Next year the curriculum committee will introduce the initial stages of the Cabrini Core Curriculum (CORE). Next year's freshman class will be the first class affected by the new curriculum. "Intellectual excitement will characterize the next few years here at Cabrini," Dr. Sharon Schwarze, professor of philosophy, said. The committee was established in 1982, but Cabrini's curriculum has been the same since the early '70's. Schwarze, who wrote the core curriculum, said, "Revising the curriculum has been a six-year process and it was time to ripen." Schwarz~ said that one of the objects in rewriting the curriculum was to have more coherence among the students. She said, '· It wasn't clear where the qualities were being achieved. With the new core curriculum, I think it's clear to students. Students wanted more of a choice and we needed more cultural diversity." The core curriculum is divided into two sections, the competency and the distribution. The competency section consists of the requirements in mathematics, 3-9 credits; foreign languages, 3-6 credits; computer information sciences, 0-3 credits; and wntmg and composition, 0-3 credits. Therefore, the number of credits required under the competencies can range anywhere from 6-21 credits, depending on how wellprepared the student is. For example, students are presently required to obtain six credits in a foreign language. Under the core curriculum, students will be given the option of either having to get six credits when starting with an introductory course, or having to obtain only three credits when starting at an intermediate level. According to Schwarze, students will be encouraged to take the higher level courses in these subjects because there is more of an incentive to do so. "We're hoping students will push themselves. We want them to reach, not grab for security," she said. The other section of the core curriculum, the distribution, is divided into nine different categories. These categories are self understanding (freshman seminar); natural science; heritage; common good (junior seminar); values and commitments; social and political institutions; imagination, creativity, and aesthetic appreciation; cultural

diversity; and contemporary issues. Courses will be distributed into these categories. Courses such as fine arts, history, religion. literature, philosophy. psychology, and sociology will no longer be listed by department. A course may not appear in more than one category. However, a number of courses can appear under each category. For example, courses listed under the category of heritage can be a history course, a literature course, or even a religion course. According to Schwarze, it's like a free-fora!!. ''The distribution gives the students a lot of choice,'' she said. Credit requirementin the distribution area will be 34-35 credits. The number of required CORE credits will range from 4056, depending on the student's initial competence. According to Schwarze, in addition to the competency and the distribution, the faculty has compiled a list of books which they feel best classifies what a liberally educated individual should be familiar with. The list, which is called the Cabrini Classics, will be the primary source of materials for next year's freshman seminar in the spring. Freshmen who are well-prepared in English and composition will be able to take the freshman seminar first semester rather than having to wait until their second semester. The seminar will be restricted to groups of 15 students, but may have as many as four or five faculty members teaching it. "My job is to find people with similar interests,'' Schwarze said. The seminar is designed so that the instructor can provide their expertise in their own particular field. The $80,000 grant for the core curriculum was funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. As well as the National Endowment grant, Schwarze has hopes of a possible grant from the National Science Foundation for another science course. such as astronomy, to give students more choices than just biology or chemistry. Dr. Antoinette Schiesler, academic dean, said, "I think the core curriculum is a marvelous idea. One of the things CORE is attempting to do is integrate. It is looking at the students' development." Schiesler said that students will get a taste of more than just one subject by itself. "I think it will help faculty to expand other fields of interest and that's exciting.'· Schwarze said, "We needed a knowledge of the rest of the world." Schwarze said the CORE will help students to take on a more mature attitude toward their courses and enable students to have more freedom and responsibility.

inside perspectives

...... 2, 3

news ................ 4, 8, 9 features .......... 5, 6, 7 sports........

10, 11, 12




- -





.;:.,..,.,. .,.~,,fl

What horror awaits

Memories brought


back by alumni

(See pages 6 and 7)

(see page 1_1)




f riday,oct. 28, 1988

ed_it_or_ia_l ___






Lite as a resident assistant Lack of funds crippling them to get to know them. You can not get a good rapport with the people in your resdiency if you do not know them. You are always busy. Someone always needs you. How would you like it if you try to take a half hour nap and four people knock on your door for something? Or try to get a Yes, I am a resident assistant, RA for good night's sleep when someone knocks short. I am one of those big bad guys on on yourdoorat 3 in the morning to open their campus that write you up. Well, I guess I'm door because they forgot their keys. labeled for life at Cabrini. Or try to get a good night's sleep when I know people stereotype us like this. How would you like it if you walk into a you have to take someone to the hospital and party or walk into the caf or walk down a hall stay to wee hours of the morning when you and be known only as bemg an RA? People have to get up early the next morning. Beoften say, '·There's an RA, watch out." lieve ir or not. the trauma unit from Bryn I hate this! My name is Paula. not RA. Of course people are going to say I'm an RA, but Mawr Hospital know!>me. Another thing that bothers me about the 1 am a student. too I have a name. When people ,ay we eat together in the job, is it is hard not seeing my friends all the caf or hang out together or that we are a time. Whetherthe reason forthis is that I am clique. we do not act like this on purpose. on duty or my friends are going somewhere Speaking for m~ self. I do not think I am that 1 am not supposed to go. better than anyone. We arc just friends. We It is not easy It\ ing h) myself when I need are partners. We pick up for each other. We someone to talk to. \\!hen you're used to support each other. When I chose to run for RA. I did not staying up late and studying with people. It realize what I really wa<, getting myself into. is hard to break the habit. No interview, training, or discussion can While I am talking about my friends -they prepare anyone to be an RA. know who they are- I want to thank them. You have to be prepared to be critized, too. Without my friends' support, I do not sometimes to be hated. to be an authority figure, a den mother, a counselor, a leader, know what I would do. I would not have and most of all, an example. Besides all this, anybody to complain to. Right! Ha! I know you have to be a student and your own I sometimes complain too much lately but I person. want to thank you for supporting me, being Being in this position, I did not realize that there for me and listening to my big mouth. every action or word you say is watched or listened to. I have to be careful of what I do Thanks. guys! I am not trying to gain sympathy from and say to give a good example. Sometimes, I feel I have to hold back because of my anybody because I do not want sympathy. I position. This bothers me a lot. just want you to understand that being an RA I feel the worst part of being an RA is is not easy. We have a lot of responsibilty on being the authority figure. I know it is my job campus. I think I speak for all the RAs when but I feel I speak for all RAs. We do not want to be the #?S %& !s of the campus but we have I say all we want is respect and for people to to do it. We enforce these rules to make listen to us. We want people to realize that we life happier for everyone. I realize the· do not want to make your life miserable but reasons behind the rules. The purpose for make it happier. rules is to ensure the protecton of individuals Sometimes this job can wear you out. It and the school. puts a lot of stress on you. Sometimes it Think about it. Parietals are there to make makes you want to quit the job. I know that everyone in the residency halls feel comfortthought has crossed my mind and proably able. Some people just do not like guys or other RAs to. girls walking around the hallways when they There are some good points to being an are walking to the shower or even in the RA, believe it or not. I get a good feeling rooms. You have no privacy. The alcohol when people appreciate my help and say policies are there to ensure safety so that no thank you for helping them. one will get so intoxiated that they get hurt. It is a good feeling when people trust me Of course, we do not make life happier for and respect my opinion. If a person takes people we write up. my advice and the problem gets solved, it God knows, I know what it is like to get brings me up. written up. I broke many rules (which will It is a great feeling when you help someremain nameless). Sometimes I hated my body then everything works out right and the RAs. The point here is we do not like writing person feels better. you up because many of us know how it It is a great feeling when you know you feels. have made adiffemce in somebody's life by I do not mean to be cocky, but if you put just being a friend. it in our faces, we have to act. If you do I can make things happen in the dorm or things discreetly and we do not know about on campus. I can pick up for the students' it, then we can not write you up. rights. I am a link between the administraWe do not want to be the policemen on tion and students. campus. I do not thrive on breaking up a These little things, which are little, outparty or throwing someone out of the dorm. weigh the bad most of the time. I hate doing it. When I thought about the job as I was Another disadvantage to being an RA is finishing this viewpoint, I asked myself, "Is not geting enough sleep. I am usually up to it all worth it?" all hours of the night because I start my I answered my question because I am still homework late. Why? I am too busy talking here. I would not be here if it was not, I could to people who need my help or just talking to have commuted. Besides, I love my floor!.

Cabrini weight room Just like other universities and colleges, Cabrini does have a weight room. Unfortunately, it is a poor excuse for one. Although the weight room was just an added extra to fill up empty space, it has now become widely used yet doesn't fulfill the expectations of the students who use it. The space in itself is small and does not allow many students to work out at the same time, not that they would want to considering that the equipment is severely lacking. The room ·s whole atmosphere is dowdy and unattractive due to many, holes in the rug. Worse. its outdated equipment couldn't even be found in a grammar school. There 1sdefinitely a real lack of ambition among students who must deal with this as they try to stay in shape. The athletic department is not at all supportive and does nothing to better the weight room. It claims lack of tunds because there are no allocated funds designated for the weight room. It JUStkeeps getting the leftovers The time has come for students v. ho do not participate in team sports to get something from their college. Improve the weight room so it 1s more enjoyable for those who utilize it. ,_____ John Dzik, athletic director, claims he wants written recommendations for ideas on improving the weight room. Smee when do students have to get the ball rolling? He· s in charge of athletics and he· s the one responsible for raising the money for fixing up the weight room. Maybe if he would push harder with the administration for an increase of his budget or justplain cut on his spending there would be some ~oney left over that could benefit the weight room. The administration has overlooked this room for years and it's time that they took notice. If Sr. Eileen would just take a walk over and see just how bad the conditions are, she would understand the problem at hand. She claims she wants to improve student life on campus, but things must happen now as well as in the future. If the athletic department wasn't so worried about the basketball team and the administration became more involved with student life, the less fortunates could be thought of every once and awhile.


Have your say! The Loquitur is now accepting letters to the editor and opinion articles written by students, faculty, and staff of Cabrini College. All articles are due by Monday at 2 p.m. in the newsroom. Articles must include writer's name and where they can be reached. Any letter or opinion may be published anonymously if wished, with prior approval from the Editor's of Loquitur.

Editor: Denise Civa StaN Manager• Copy Editor: Kerry Gallagher ~

Edrtor La Tonya Lucas and LtSa Brzezicki

Assistant News Editor: Marian Armstrong PerspecttVeS Edrtor: Roe Wellman Features Editor· Lee Miranda Sports Editors Paula Phil,ps Writing Coach: Jenni Obrecht BuSIOIISSManager: Angie Corbo AsstS1ants:Joyai

Mundy and Kelly McGillan

Photography Edrtors: Karen Stegl and Mike Stevenson Photography Adviser AdVtser

Dr. Carter Cra1gt8

Dr Jerome Zurek

Staff. Marian Armstrong. Jim Bltgh, Bob Bonner, Johanna Church. Frank Emmerich, Felicia Falcone, Diane Glancey, Sue Holefelder Stephan., Hornyak Carlo Iacono. Meltssa Landsmann, Kelly McGillan, Meltssa Moddleman, Lou Monaco. Nick Ostrowski, Chris Pesotsk1, Kelly Reed. Chnsy Roach, Kellt Rudden, Shartene Sephton, Karen Shank, Linda Smisko, Barbara Wilson Photography Staff: Paul Fallon, Knst1n Kroll. JeN Moore, Ke,th Pyle, Steve Pascali, Rosanne Rosselle Loqurtur tS published weekly during the SChc>olyear by students of Cabnn1 College. Radnor, PA 19087 Phone: 215•971-8412. SubscnptM>nprice is $25 per year and Is tnduded In the benel1ts secured by tultM>nand student fees

Loqu1tur welcomes letters 10the edrtor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, 1f1he wnter wishes and the editor agrees. the wnter's name may be left oN 1he letter upon publ1cat1onand an inscnphon inserted such as ·•name wrthheld at the reques1 of the wnter • Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in ~ngth. If a letter is too long for the available space, 1he editor may edit or condense It Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.

The editorials and opinions published In Loqu1tur are the views of the student edrtorial staff and the tndMdual wnters and not the entJre student body or the faculty and adm1n1stratM>n



f riday,oct. 28, 1988



Campusvandalismin fall reported.at morethan$3,000 To the Editor: I partly sympathized with student complaints that they were being treated like children, until I saw the list of vandalism reported to Physical Plant for repair or replacement. From August 30th through October 19th, there was $3500 of damage, ranging everywhere from stupid things like peanut butter on the ceiling to stolen couches and broken street lamps. That figure does not include the estimated 40-50 percent additional vandalism which doesn't get reported to Physical Plant (such as the Cabrini mugs and 1987 yearbook missing from the Admissions Office, which I keep hoping will be returned to us since we don't have the money to buy new ones). A Tittlemath prowess will show that $3500 every 6 weeks for the rest of the academic year amounts to big bucks. The $3500 also does not include all of the vandalism to the construction sites, such as removal of surveyed stakes, supplies, etc. I was surprised to hear that students don't support the construction, since I know it was undertaken to make Cabrini a better place for the students, not just the faculty and staff. (Or would you rather be associated with a college too "rinky-dink" to provide a regulation-size athletic field and whose teams can't get in full-field practice because they have to share our little field with other sports; or who doesn't respond to your complaints about lack of parking and crowded classrooms; or who can't provide even better personalized attention because we have no place to put faculty; or who makes you run all over campus for academic services such as registration, advising,drop-add, transcripts.etc....) For the few of you who do commit vandalism, or those of you who let a friend or someone else get away with it, remember that it is your tuition money that has to pay for this, and don't expect much sympathy when you complain about tuition increases. Unlik-e many other colleges who don't seem to give a damn about their students, I've really been impressed during my 2 years here, how much Cabrini people truly care about helping to make these among the best years of your life. We can't do it alone. though, and hope you 'II join in helping to make Cabrini a place of which we all can be proud. Nancy K. Gardner, Director of Admissions

cartoon ..

---$- ---$- ---$FranklySpeaking

LOOK! JUff wa.uf~7'ieAW4/l€NESJ -· ti.ASSMA-OE: '/OUAWAt<'E' Ji/AT YOU'RE SHORT, [)VMe ------- 4ND UGLYIJ NO REAJON 1b QUIT



Berkeley, Ca. 94705

---$- ---$- ---$-

Vandalism chart for fall 1988 DATE LOCATION




Sacred Heart

Broken window, weight room



Xav 153

Mirror broken





Wdcrest Rm312 Broken window



House #2

Beer can stuffed in sewer line



Xav low so.

Panic hardware bent


Sep 8


Front door broken


Sep 14

Sacred Heart

Gym door broken


Sep 14

Wdcrest Rm 316 Broken window


Sep lS


Broken windows stairs


Sep 19


Broken window Dean stud.off.


Sep 20

Lib Rml

Broken window,forced entry




Mens toilet vand.ceiling dam.



Hs2 Rm9

Screens ripped




Two fire horns stolen


Xav 170

Toilet destroyed


Grace Hall

Fin.Aid vand.thru tower(labor)


Sep 28

Grace Hall

Trash dumpster tipped over



Grace Hall

Fire crackers, water ballons


Sep 28


Three wardrobes outside

Sep 29


Breakers off,bulbs unscrewed



Xav 280

Fire a1arm bell wires cut



Grace Hall 22

Window broken


Grace Hall

Backhoe smashed & dented (construction co. will bill)


Oct 1

Grace Hall

Fire crackers,water ballons



Grace Hall

Peanut butter on ceiling



Wdcrest 114

Window broken


Sb Rmsl,lA,2,4,S Clocks stolen


Xav 220

Chair destroyed




Locked rekeyed,old key stolen


Oct 4


Fin.Aid vand. cottage cheese down tower (labor costs)

Oct 4

Hs 1

Cars driving up front lawn


Grace Hall

Hskping closet,supplies stolen

Oct 6

Grace Hall

Tower broken into


Grace Hall

Hskping closet,supplies stolen


Xav 230

Hall window broken




Two fire horns stolen


Oct 10


Mens rm. soap dish stolen


Oct 12

Grace Hall

Carpet stolen-hallways


Oct 12

Grace Hall

Screws removed toilet part.


Oct 12

Grace Hall

Access panel removed-bthrm.

Oct 12

Grace Hall

Firecrackers in bthrm.& halls

Oct 12

Grace Hall

Chewing tabacco spit on walls

s s s

Oct 12


Sofa stolen

Oct 12

Grace Hall

Garbage thrown in bldg.


Oct 14


Beer bottle thru off, win.


Oct 14


San. Nap. machines stolen-2


Oct 16

Eagle Road

Street light knocked down


Oct 16

Xav 163

Window Broken


Oct 16

Grace Hall

Tower lock broken


Oct 16

Grace Hall

Bulletin Bds stripped

Oct 19

Grace Hall

10 pieces plywood stolen

Broken window closure


12S ~




2S 100


lS0 2S 8 2S


0 2S0

TOTAL$3495 List of damages provided by Mike Caranfa, Director of Physical Plant . Estimated 40 -SOpercent more not reported to Physical Plant.-AII repairs were done by Physical Plant.

f ridaY,oct. 281 1988



updates Play--The resident life staff is planning a trip to Philadelphia to see the play "Nunsense" on Sunday, Nov. 6. Tickets are $IO.OO. For more information, contact Angie Corbo at ext. 8433. Legal Parties--There will be a party program about legal parties on Sunday, Oct. 30 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Xavier Hall's Great Room. The program will be conducted by the health educators. Mass--There will be an All Saints Day mass in Xavier Hall's Great Room on Tuesday, Nov. I at 9:00 p.m. The mass will be said by Rev. John Legar O.F.M. CAP.

Stress Workshop--There will be a stress management workshop on Nov. 3 at 9:00 p.m. in House 2. Hunger Awareness--There wil be a hunger awareness meeting on Monday. October 31 at 9: 15 in the deam of student's conference room. All are welcome to attend. Pre-registration--Pre-registration is on Tuesday, Nov. 8 for seniors; Thursday, Nov. 10 for juniors; Tuesday, Nov. 15 for sophomores; and Thursday, Nov 17 for freshmen.

Liturgy Planning--There will be a liturgy planning meeting on Tuesday, Nov. I at 5:30 in the cafeteria. All are welcome to attend. Art Show--Ceramic Nov. 6.

Fire alarms:a helpfulnuisance up at ridiculous hours in the morning. Woodcrest was much quieter." The frequent ringing of fire Angie Corbo, resident assistant, alarms, particularly in Xavier Hall, Xavier Hall, agreed that the alarms has become a nuisance, students were very sensitive. "In the beginsay. ning of the year, people were Residents have complained of entering and exiting from side doors being awakened at odd hours by in Xavier, and that set off both the the alarms going off. fire and burglar alarms," Corbo This problem is common in said. Xavier Hall because of the type of Corbo also stressed the imporalarms which were installed when tance of answering alarms but says the building was constructed in alarms are becoming a nuisance. 1985. "If they keep going off at odd John Doyle, directorofresident hours, it's life, said, going to make kept open residents 'Alarms are becoming a nuisance. If they keep the when the not want to redryers are going off at odd hours, it's going to make the spond when on, to preresidents not want to respond when they have to' they have to,·• vent the Corbo said. alarms from -Angie Corbo, junior, RA One staff going off," member puts Doyle said. the problem in so often are because of their sensiMike Caranfa, head of mainteperspective. Lou Monaco, resinance, has responded to a few false tivity and because people are setdent assistant, Xavier Hall, alarms in Xavier. Caranfa said, ting them off as pranks. Katie Mullen, sophomore, resi"The calls we've responded to were said, "It's a pain in the neck to get dent of Xavier, compared the situa faulty sensor and an accumulaup at five in the morning when you tion of dust, but the systems are ation this year to last year in Woodhear the --alarm,but it's something crest. Mullen said, "In Xavier I operational." you have to do because you don't Fire drills are conducted once a feel safe because I have a fire alarm know if it is an emergency or not.'• in my room, but I never had to get manth in every building. Caranfa

by Felicia Falcone


art work is on display in the library through


said that the maintenance staff does the drills in the daytime, and the security staff monitors the drills at night. Both Doyle and Caranfa stressed the importance of responding to the fire alarms. Doyle said that the fire alarms were important for safety reasons. ''I would rather the alarms go off too much than not enough," he said. Caranfa stated that the alarms should not be tampered with. Students tended to agree that the causes for the alarms ringing


Ski Trip--There will be a ski trip from Jan. 27toJan. 29, 1989. The price per person is $109 .00, based on four perroom; $129.00 based on three per room; and $149 .00 based n two per room. A deposit of $50.00 per person is due priorto Nov. 23. The balance is due prior to Jan. 4, 1989. For more information, contact Dana Damiani at ext. 8258.

Masqerade Ball--This year's masquerade ball will be on Saturday, Oct. 29 from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. in Widener Center. Tickets are $3.00 per person and $5.00 per couple. Costume is required. Project Outreach--Pete Casazza. alumni, will be giving a presentation on his experiences in Denver, Colorado on Nov.10 at 7:00 p.m. in the chapel. There will be a Project Outreach information meeting on Nov. IO at 9:00 p.m. in the president's _ office. Co-op--Cooperative Education will have a slide presentation on past co-op experiences on Thursday, Nov. 3 at 12:30 p.m. in Sacred Heart Hall, room C. Co-op will also sponsor a "Cabrini College Co-op'' logo contest. Bring your black and white designs to the co-op office in Counsel Hall or submit them to Gary Armstrong by Dec. 16. The grand prize is $25.00.




TAX CUT WASHINGTON -- The I00th Congress passed a tax bill that will cut taxes by $4.2 billion for some groups and individuals while raising taxes the same amount for others. Congress also sent a $2.8 billion drug bill to President Reagan that provides the death penalty for top drug suppliers and allows fines to go as high as $10,000 for recreational drug users.


CRIMINAL SILENCE GREAT BRITAIN London--An accused person's absolute right to silence in criminal cases is in jeopardy in Great Britain. On Oct. 20 the British government said that it planned to do away with the privilege, which ha been preserved since the 17th century Star Chamber.

SOVIET SHUTTLE MOSCOW (AP) -- The Tass news agency said Wednesday the Soviet space shuttle will blast off on its maiden flight Saturday mom-ing, making an unmanned trip into space designed to break the U.S. monopoly on reusable spacecraft. The delta-winged Soviet shuttle, which looks like its older American cousin, has been in the development stages for years.







friday,oct. 28, 1988

Martians invadeGrover'sMill by Kelly Ann McGillan This Halloween marks the 50th anniversary of "War of the World's - Invasion From Mars.'' The sleepy little town of Grover's Mill, N.J., has never been the same since the night of Oct. 30, 1938. What Orson Wells intended to be a ghost story of sorts and a harmless Halloween p;-ank, turned into a mass hysteria. People fled their homes and all roads were jammed because they believed that they were running away from martians. It all began with: "We now interrupt Raymond Racallos and his orchestra from the Park Plaza Hotel to bring you this briefing from intercontinental news." The reporter then said, "Here is the latest bulletin from Trenton, N.J. "It is reported that, at 8:50 p.m., a huge flaming object, believed to be a meteorite, fell on a farm nearby Grover's Mill, N.J., approximately 22 miles from Trenton. The flash in the sky was seen for several hundred miles and the noise was heard as far north as Elizabeth. "We are sending a special mobile unit out to the scene and we will keep you up to date on the situation here. Now back to our program from the Park Plaza Hotel.'' A few minutes later there was another break in the program. This time reporter Carl Phillips was live in Grover's Mill. Howling winds, a mysterious swirling noise, and the screaming of panicked residents almost drowned out his voice as he reported his story. · 'The object looks like a huge cylinder, I've never

seen anything like it before.'' He interviewed Mr. Wellnitz, the owner of the farm, who explained the crash had knocked him right out ot: his chair. This entire scenario was heard nationwide. Orson Welles and a group of Mercury Theatre performers who broadcasted the radio show had no idea the panic that they had caused throughout New York and New Jersey, as they read the script in front of microphones in the studio. Even though Welles had stated at the beginning of the broadcast that it was only a fictional story, many had tuned in late and believed that martians and UFO' s had landed on Earth and planned to take over, beginning in New York City. "War of the World's - Invasion From Mars" is Grover's Mill's claim to fame and the town is celebrating the' landing' with a monument dedication, martian panic bike races, a big float parade with the local high school marching band and a black tie dinner/dance in Princeton, to name only a few events. Posters, buttons, T-shirts, and sweatshirts have been designed to commemorate the anniversary ,and local businesses are selling the products, including Macy's department store. In the days following the broadcast, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission called the program 'regrettable,' but the residents of Grover's Mill would hardly agree. Martian feverthis Halloween will be high, as -network media and the nation looks once again at Grover's Mill.



Wanted: Personwho makes a difference by Lee Mirenda Is there a member of the Cabrini community who has affected your life in some way? Do you know of anyone who has helped in a way that made some sort of impact on another human being's life? Has there been some type of change on campus that has affected a group or an individual? Has someone you know made some sort of sacrifice. given helpful advice, spent quality time, or been a supportive friend? The Loquitur feels that a person who has made a difference deserves special recognition even if their actions are only known by a few. If you know of any individual or individuals who fit this description, please submitthe name of that person or persons, how they made a difference, your name, and where you can be contacted to the newsroom or Box #210. The Loquitur wants to give that person or persons who made a difference the special recognition they deserve.


' Person who makes a difference Who made the difference? How?

Your name: Box#:


Please return this to the Newsroom or Box #210. Thank you!


job squad Clerical Office Work PT, Flexible hrs. to suit schedule. Wayne office, Call Mr. Marriman for interview at 688-1200. Free Room and Board in exchange for babysitting 15 hrs/ week for 3 children. 4.3. and 3 months. Room & bath are private. Beginning in January. Call Betsy Welch at 964-1316. Mother's Helper Flexible with student I or 2 days a week. Call Joyce Orchin at 667-2630. Dan Becker Temporary Services Locations in Wayne, King of Prussia, or Valley Forge. Many positions, mornings. days/nights, weekends. $6/hr. Call 265-4844. Sales Position evenings & weekends. Divine Knits at the Court at King of Prussia. Public Relations Tues-Sat from 2-10. Salary is $15,400-22,000. Need backround in PR, business, marketing. Call United Consumers Club at 631-5151. Light Industrial/Plant Work FT 3-1 I PM Mon-Fri, $7 /hr. Call Timesavers at 337-9080. Internship for Marketing Pat Bums Limited in Broomall. Copywritin, word-processing. Call 359-9077.

Mother's Helper Mon-Fri, 5-7. Pick up children from day care and begin dinner. Possible room and boardinlieuofchildcare. Call Ann Gill at 688-8093(home) or 97 32679(work). Concord Resort Hotel Accepting full or part-time, flexible hrs. Experience preferred but will train in the positions of front desk, telephone reservations. or typing pool. Also director of nursing and coffee shop mgr. Call Mrs Donahue at 794-4000 ext. 1916 for more information. Sales, Marketing, and Management Tri-Valley Broadcasting Corp. is building a group of radio stations and needs career-oriented individuals to work in above positions. Send resumes to: Tri-Valley Broadcasting Corp., 130 Martell Ct., Keene, NH 03431. Mother's Helper For expectent mother and 1 child. Mon-Fri as many hrs as possible. Call Kristen Catalani at 296-2710. Nanny Placement Service Need people interested in in-home child care for working parents. Interviews for possible nannies every Tues, Wed, and Thurs from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm. To arrange interview call 430-8584. Part Time Sport Instructors

Excellent opportunity to gain practical teaching experience while earning part time income. Call 277-6787.

Office Work Part time hrs .. negotiable. for law firm in Radnor. Call 254-9595 for more information. Bryn Mawr Hospital Clerical positions available. Pays from S6.91-7.47/hr. Work includes data entry, phone work and filing. Hours are PT. Call Ellen Mallin for information at 896-3026. Security Duty positions in special home for special children. Alternating schelule Sat 4:30-12:30 or Sun 4:30-12:30. Call Sr. Mary Antoni ta at 525-8800. •

Receptionist PT or FT for typing, phone work. bookkeeping. 6-10 hrs a week at $5/hr. Call Federation Day Care Services at 8779011. Secretarial Work Horizon's Bakery Corp in Paoli. 4-5 days/ wk. 4-6 hrs/day flexible. S6/hr. Call 644-4100. Freelance Art Work Someone to do simple designs, tracing outlining plus mechanicals. Flexible hrs/pay negotiable. $5-10/hr. Call Doug Todd at 644-3238. Marketing work Flexible hrs. Salary+bonus+expenses. Call Team Computer in Paoli and ask for the college program. Call 8891767.

Busperson Experience preferred, not necessary. Evenings, I weekend night. Call Bret or Steve at La Fourchette Restaurant after I :00 at 687-8333.

Light Housekeeping Needed 4 hrs/week--your preference of which day. $6/hr. Call Mrs Webster at 353-1181.

Part Time ExperiencedTypist For small office in Devon. Flexible hours, $6/hr. Call Mrs. Coyne at 648-0132.

PT Sales Help Mon.Wed, and Fri early day and night. S4.50/hr. Call Le Petite Boulangerie at 337-9 I 91. Ask for Carol Donahue.

Mailworkers Roach Brothers in Devon. Mon thru Fri from 2:305pm. Call 889- 7760.

Jewelry Sales Block Jewelers looking for someone 10-25 hrs/ week evenings and/or weekends. Salary negotiable. Call Joe Burger or Gary Block at 544-8300.

Landscaping Work Flexible hrs, needs people anytime. $6/hr. Call 1-489-4550 (please leave message)

PT Order Entry Must work at

least 12 hrs incl. 4 weekend hrs. Blocks beginning at 8 am. Possibility for FT summer work. May bring books and wear jeans. Cal I Marlene Becker at 4 30-1098, QVC Network in West Chester.

Retail Jewelry company. TruRun, located in Marshall's stores needs sales people. Need people available days, afternoons, evenings and weekends from 15-30 hrs/wk. Discounts, sales and holiday pay. Starting at $4.50 with no experience. Call 5433128 (Ava Killian), 6576688(Robin Jacobs), 6763025(Kathy Smith), 9490575(Wayne Lord). Motion Picture Theatre Employment Cashiers, ushers, concession attendants. Apply to the manager any evening after 7 pm or on weekends anytime. Eric Theatre, 252 W. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood. Service Grant Students Needed. Financial Aid Office needs people form 8:30-l 2:30on Tues and Thurs. Call Christine at ext. 8423.

PT Christmas Help Day/evening at Wilson Suede/Leather. Call Cathy Scarperia at 337-9049 for information.

, I I I I I I I I I I I I


frida)iOCt.28, 1988



Haunted Housemarksbeginning by Kelli Rudden

As you step cautiously into the dark, silent room, you cling fast to the person beside you. Your eyes dart quickly around the room, only to find what seems to be perpetual darkness. Heartbeats quicken as a strong, powerful voice speaks out from nowhere, visions tlash in front of you and an evil scientist appears unexpectedly from behind, grasping a decapitated head, a favorite piece from his gory collection. That was only the first of many frightening and unanticipated surprises you may have encountered in the Haunted House sponsored by the Student Government Association and performed in Counsel Hall last weekend. Children and adults alike had a good scare when the · 'Creature from the Black Lagoon'' surfaced from his home beneath the sea, or when a crazed zombie fell into their path from the cei Iing. The Haunted House was the first event held to kick off a celebration of the approaching holiday called Halloween. Halloween began back in the ninth century when a feast was named in honor of all the saints on Nov. I. The evening, which we know today as Halloween, was previously called Hallows Eve. During medieval times it was believed that fairies, elves and witches tlew around on this night and large bonfires were made to ward them off and keep them away from the villages. Years later, in the late nineteenth century, these fairies were believed to play pranks on All Hallows Eve. This led young boys and men to do the same. Over the years it has led to the customs of Trick-or-Treat that we follow today. The treat is usually forthcoming, and the trick rarely occurs. However, the Trick-or-Treating years are brief for most.

This is only one of the many haunted scenes which brought to fife the Halloween SpirJL. A child only really begins to enjoy the ritual when they begin to understand it, usually at about age five or six. As the child gets older, this ritual seems babyish and immature. So, at about age eleven or twelve, although the treats are surely going to be missed, the ritual ends. Now you have on your hands a restless young

teen who still wants to be part of this holiday. but is too old for treats and too young for really cool parties. What else is there to do but cause trouble? The birth of Mischief Night. Mischief Night usually occurs the night before Halloween, and Cabrini students are more than happy to participate. One might think that by the time a person reaches college, all

The dedication and hard work of SGA turned Counsel Haff into a creepy and successful Haunted House.

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f riday, oct. 28,, 1988 -

of Cabrini'sHalloweentradition

The Cabrini students Laure DiNunzio, Mike Feeley, Dawn Hartley, Jayda Zazyczny, and Mark Gudas were transformed into Haunted House creatures for their nghttime visitors.

SGApresident, explains, "Mischief Night is the night before Halloween. On Mischief Night, students disrupt the campus." How do the students accomplish this mission? Zazyczny continues, ''People throw water balloons at each other and throw people in the mud. They also try to get bad · food from the cafeteria and throw it around." The main targets are the lobbies of each dorm. "They usually go around and trash the lobbies. Nothing has ever

happened to anyone, but people get in trouble for getting out of hand,'' Zazyczny adds. In order to try and keep people away from the temptation of trashing the campus, a movie night is planned. Zazyczny

said, "About four horror movies will be shown Sunday night starting around 7 p.m. Soda and probably candy will be available.'' Another event to celebrate Halloween is the Masquerade Ball being held on Saturday, Oct. 29., in the Widener Center Gathering Area. It is being sponsored by the Junior Class and WCAB, the college radio station. Costumes are required to enter the Masquerade Ball. Refreshments will be served and a bar will be available for those 21 and over. Other than the holiday itself, the Masquerade Ball is one of the most anticipated events coming up. It seems that Cabrini is well prepared for this autumn gala, with events and the familiar Cabrini spirits in full swing.

Halloween greetings from Mummy, Pete Bisconte, to all who left the Haunted House the same way they entered - alive. (all photos by Steve Pascali)

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f ridaY, oct. 28, 1988


New smokinglaw headed for Cabrini by Johanna Church The cafeteria will soon become non-smoking in order to abide with the laws of Radnor Township. On Jan. 7. 1988, Radnor Township passed its first ordinance for the new year. The article was created for the purpose of "prohibiting the smoking or carryingoflighted cigars, pipes, or cigarettes in buses, certain eating and drinking places. elevators. food e~tablishments or certain indoor places of public assem~lage.'' writes Graham D. Andrews, President, Board of Commissioners of the township of Radnor, in an announcement of the new ordinance which was sent to the physical plant department at Cabrini. What does this have to do with Cabrini? The announcement specifies in its definition of eating and drinking place, that the ordinance applies to any· 'lunchroom or cafeteria in schools or other educational institutions.'' Another specification is that the establishment must have a seating capacity of 50 people or more, and those places must now create specific sections for smokers and non-smokers, with a different ventilation system for the smoking area. Since Cabrini's cafe does not have the proper ventilation system required for a designated area to be smoking, the whole cafeteria will have to be non-smoking. Also, as part of the new ordinance, signs must be posted to indicate which areas are smoking and non-smoking. As a penalty for any violation of the new ordinance, fines of $300 or less will be distributed to the institution that is violating the law. ''Phy/,ical plant is responsible for keeping up with codes and township ordinances:· said Sue Fitzgerald, R.N., who was given a copy of the ordinance by Mike Caranfa, director buildings and grounds. Even before Fitzgerald was given the ordinance, she was

interested in doing something about the smoking situation on Cabrini's campus. The spring semester of 1988 Fitzgerald took a survey from students, faculty and staff about how people felt about smoking. ''The results of that survey indicated people are very interested in designated smoking areas, but not in total bans of smoking," Fitzgerald said. As soon as Fitzgerald drafts a letter to Roland Young, manager of Seilers food service at the college, the appropri-

' Absolutelynot! I thinkthey can make it bothareas (some non-smokingand some smoking),but peoplewho smokehave just as muchrightto smokeas thosewho don'tsmoke, not to smoke' -Kathy Hogan, senior ate actions will be taken to begin transforming the cafeteria from its present stage of smoking at free will, to nonsmoking. Some students, do not agree with this new ordinance. When Kathy Hogan, a smoker, was told that the cafeteria will soon become a non-smoking place, she said, '· Absolutely not! I think they can make it bot~ areas (some nonsmoking and some smoking), but people who smoke have just as much right to smoke as those who don't smoke, not to smoke.'' "That's bad, I never heard anybody ever complain about smoking in the cafe," said Ed Avena, sophomore. "It's taking away students' rights. If people don't like other people to smoke, then they should have two sections."

There are some students who are non-smokers and who don't care if people smoke and don't get offended by smoking. · 'When you are sitting with your friends at a table, they should be allowed to smoke,'' said Susan MacKenzie, a nonsmoker. MacKenzie also said she was concerned about the cafeteria becoming non-smoking because those who smoke will just eat and leave and not hang around to socialize because they will want to leave so they can smoke. On the other hand, there are a lot of non-smokers who are very happy this change will occur. Eileen Campbell, a nonsmoker is relieved the rules are changing. "Thank God! I think it's disgusting trying to eat while other people are smoking,'' Campbell said. "I think they shouldn't smoke, it smells horrible and I don't think it's very sanitary at the same time as others are eating,'· said Mia Jackson, a non-smoker. Jerry O'Donnell, also a non-smoker.feels smoking in the cafe can be unsanitary. ·•1 don't approve of people smoking while I'm eating and people putting their cigarettes out on the trays, burning them, and putting their ashes in the cups because I will probably have to drink out of that cup later,'' O'Donnell said. Since a lot of smokers will not be happy with this change. will it work? "It should be the cafeteria staff and the other students' responsibility to enforce the new rule, so that if anyone is in the cafe and there are no smoking.signs posted, it· s up to the students to tell people that it's a non-smoking area and to please put out their cigarettes.'· Fitzgerald said. As of now, the cafeteria will be the only non-smoking section on campusotherthanthelibrary and classrooms, but Fizgerald does eventually plan to set up special smoking areas to make the majority of Cabrini's campus smoke free.











friday, oct. 28, 1988

Art exhibition serves as 'teaching aide' by Susan Holefelder

' The first professional ceramic exhibition ever to be held at Cabrini, is being shown now until Nov. 6 in the library art gallery. Seven artists from the Philadelphia area are presenting their work. The purpose of this exhibition is to provide the clay artists here at Cabrini with a "teaching aide," Gail Gosser, fine arts department,said. Gosser is responsible for coordinating this event. In February of last year, Gosser started working toward her goal. Stie began contacting the artists with whom she was acquainted. The artists who are participating in the show are all professionals. Gosser wanted her students to see professional work. Mike Smyser has exhibited his work at the Campbell Museum in Camden, N.J., at a show entitled "Fixed with Enthusiam.'' Smyser's work featured in the library is stoneware. His pieces are large, with the exception of , "The Bather." In addition, his work has a "landscape theme," said Gosser. Also working in stoneware is Fritz Reindel. Reindel previously worked as a corporate supervisor. After being offered early retirement, Reindel turned his interest toward pottery. Today, he has several works of art. Reindel is exhibiting some of his tile mosaic pieces and some freestanding pieces. Also participating in the ceramic art show is Holly Adams. Adams' works are coil-built stoneware. Her works center around nature and can be found in a flower fonn. Paula Catanese is the only artist featured in this show who uses a "low fire clay" medium. Her work has an "animal theme," Gosser said. Catanese has shown her work at the Langman Gallery in Philadelphia. One of the artists who works in porcelain is Young Kang. All of Kang's work exhibited is done by a technique called thrown pottery. Brush work decorates her pieces. A studiomate of Gail Gasser's, Susan Sapareto, centers her work around human relations. Her ceramic art is

Shown above is a colored clay sculpture titled "Hot Lunch" created by artist Susan Sapareto. (photo by Paul Fallon) Gosser found that creating this show was exciting but detailed. In addition, Sapareto uses colored clay and does hard work. It was the first time she has ever set up a show of not use one type of clay. She combines different clays. All other people's work. her themes are direct from her life. "I wanted to do it because people have a preconceived Gosser is exhibiting a piece entitled "Top Hat Magic." idea of what ceramic art is," Gosser said. "The artists' She is the other artist featured whose medium is porcelain. generosity allowed the ceramic art show to occur."

Despite AIDS scare, students continue to practice unsafe sex (CPS) -- More evidence emerged last week that indicates that the AIDS (aquired immune dificiency syndrome) scare has not markedly changed students' sexual habits. More than 700,000 men aged 18 to 29 have had at least IO sexual partners during the last year, a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study found, putting them at "considerable risk'' of getting AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. AIDS, a virus which fatally destroys the body's immune system, is spread by contaminated blood products, sharing hypodermic needles with infected people or by having sex with someone who is carrying the virus. There have been about 70,000 reported AIDS cases in the United States. The disease's spread, of course, provoked a wave of

efforts -- ranging from government pamphlets sent to every American home to the installation of condom vending machines in campus washrooms -- to persuade citizens to adopt '' safe sex'' practices. The results of the efforts seem mixed. Some reports indicate students -- a relatively promiscuous sector of the population -- have changed their sexual habits, while others indicate they haven't. A University of Wisconsin study conducted last year indicated that half the students at the Madison campus had changed their sexual behavior. A March poll conducted by the Michigan State University campus paper, the State News, revealed the AIDS threat had moved almost three quarters of the students there to make some changes in their sexual activities.


But University of Texas researcher Dr. Scott Spear reported that students are still contracting other sexually transmitted diseases, indicating that students aren't heeding efforts to practice safe sex. And a 1987 survey of college students by Blotnick Associates, a New York polling finn, revealed that only 6 percent of men think about AIDS before choosing sexual partners. The new CDC study, in fact, showed that "most Americans appear to be at relatively low risk of infection," Dr. William Darrow said in releasing the findings Sept. 24. "However," Darrow added, "a sizeable percentage of young, never-married men report more than IO sexual partners in the past 12 months." About 5 percent of all the young men questioned in the CDC survey claimed they'd had more than 10 partners.


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After pnonathon, booster cl·ub still on shaky ground by Bar.haraWilson

Although the newly formed Cabrini booster club is in the beginning stages of establishment, it. will eventually benefit Cabrini's athletic teams financially as well as socially. The booster club is still on shaky ground but there are many things that are being planned for.the future. Such future plans ·include making more people aware of what the boosters are all about, so that funds can be raised for future projects. Projects that are still in the initial stage include a booster club social where members of the club could get together and have an evening out. Future involvement in alumni and parents events is also planned, so that the alumni and parents can get involved in Cabrini athletics. Financial aid to all of Cabrini's athletic teams is also a major goal that is set for the booster club. The money collected from future fund raisers will go to help support Cabrini's athletic programs as well as to pay for the things needed to promote the booster club. In order to recruit pledges, the boosters must <?ffer something in return for the money they receive. The items offered in each package varies from a Cavalier window sticker to free advertising in game programs. The amount of money donated for each package ranges from $25 to$ J000 per year. Athletic Director John Dzik's goal for the

booster club is to bring in more corporate memberships while still handling parents, students and alumni memberships. A recent event that took place from Sept. 19 to Oct. 9 was the first athletic phonathon. The phonathon has so far brought in $200 from new members of the booster club. Athletes from various teams participated in phoning parents of athletic students as well as alumni who graduated all the way back to 1975. When asked if the athletic booster club phonathon took away from Cabrini's usual phonathon, Dzik said that it did not because not all alumni were called,just the ones who were previously involved in one of Cabrini's teams. The phonathon was also used to make people aware of Cabrini's recently held Cabrini-Mercedes run, as well as the upcoming cocktail party, that is set for Nov. 20. The athletic booster club's members are made up of alumni, parents and students. Each graduating senior this May will also be added to the list as honorary members forone full year. After that year, the graduates will have the option of continuing to support the booster club or canceling their membership. The parents of these graduates will also be included on the list of honorary members for one year, which entitles them to receive some of the benefits the regular members already receive.

f ridaY, oct. 28, 1988

not er campus t reatens o ban skateboarding (CPS)--Still another campus may soon ban skateboarding . Western Michigan University President Diether Haenicke has asked WMU administrators to ban skateboarding on university property ''because laws suits have come up from people involved in accidents related to biking and skateboarding around campus."


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yet to stand trial on

charges of resisting arrest and "skateboarding on university property," but says he may sue the police for harassment and

August, violating Appalah I s chian State "right to "I want to stress that this university University skate.'' in North is not a public playground," "Every Carolina skater is Haenicke told the Western Herald, the also banh a r i s h e d campus paper. "Someone can't just assed,'' he skateride around on a skateboard, get claimed. boarders. "If I had The uni- injured, then sue the university. I want been on a versities of this kind of activity stopped." bike, they Arizona w o u Id and California at Berkeley, along with never have Arizona State University, prohibited stopped me.'' skateboarding in recent years, too. Western Michigan's Haenicke was While most campuses ban the practice primarily worried about injuries, howfor fear of being held liable for injuries, ever. last week Louisiana State University "I want to stress that this university student Jason Christie threatened to sue is not a public playground," Haenicke over the banning itself. told the Western Herald, the campus paper. LSU does not allow skateboarding on "Someone can't just ride around on a a campus sidewalks, so Chri_stie found skateboard, get injured, then sue the himself skateboarding on a campus street university. I want this kind of activity last June when city police asked him to sto

from 12

equipment in the weight room, but nothing has been written down on paper. Dzik said,' 'If the wrinen work or recom


pull over. The frightened Christie fled instead, and, when he was finally cornered, allegedly swung his skateboard at his arresting officer.


Campus TravelRepresentitive or- Weightroom ~rOrganization Needed to Promote SPRING BREAK TRIPTOFLORIDA Earnmoney, freetrips, and, valuableworkexperience. Call Inter-Campus Pro9rams at 1-800-433-7747


mendations are on my desk, the athletic department would have some idea in which direction to go in in order to improve the weight room.'' Some recommendations are already being thought of. Steve Pascali, senior, said, "Rubber mats should be used instead of rugs for the free weights, more variety of equipment for the room and maintenance of the machines should be kept up.'' Colin Coakley.junior, said, "The weight room should have some kind of monitoring system with work study or work grant people, to watch over the weights, machines

and room. Also, when not in use. the weight room should be locked in order to prevent theft of free weights and machines." Dzik said, "In the early stages of the weight room, a monitor system was set up.

It started out fine for a while but as the year got going, it proved to be so unsuccessful. People wouldn't show up to do their job, no one had a key to the room. It was terrible. Plus, we have no funds to pay the monitors.

It would be a bad situation if we had the monitor system." Of those interviewed, the overall grade report of Cabrini's weight room was a Caverage, with the· majority of the people suggesting more improvements

and more





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Alumni game 'bringsback some good memories' On Friday. Oct.21, thealumni who played volleyball during theircollege years here at Cabrini came back to show that they still have their skills and that they are still in good shape. The alumni who came back to play


fridaXzoct. 28, 1988

were: from the class of 1985, Katie Fitzpa- spectators. One male said,"lt brings bac trick ;from the class of 1986, Leslie Kraska, some good memeories !" Who won the game? Well it really di Joanne Gobel and Vicki Rodriguez; from the class of 1987. Michele Jonesand Michele not matter but the alumni still had it i them . They beat this year's team in thre Pasquerella ;and Kerrie Reeder. The game was fun for everyone even the. games.


I Results Soccer 10/22 10/24

1 5

Shensdosh 4 Nyack o

Cabrini Cabrini

Field Hockey . SEASON OVER

Volleyball 10/25





Women's Tennis SEASON OVER

Men's Cross Country 10/22

Lincoln U Inv. Placed 2nd out of 5

Schedule Soccer Sat 10129

Stockton State College A 1pr'1

Field Hockey SEASON OVER

Volleyball SEASON OVER

Women's Tennis SEASON OVER

Men's Cross Country ,Leslie Kreska '86 shows off her talent as shespikes the ball over two blockers. This talent is the reason why her number is retired. If you look up on the rafters you can see Kreska's number.

Sat. 11/6 Sat. 11/12

ESAC Championship Mid Atlantic Regionals

Standingsfor ESAC Soccer Spring Garden Allentown Cabrini Eastern

6-2 5-2 5-3 3-3-1

Volleyball Allentown Eastern Marywood Cabrini

5-0 5-0 2-2 2-3

Field Hockey Eastern Cabrini Marywood

Does this bring back memories? Joanne Goebe/'86 takes her spiking approach as Leslie Kraska'86 sets her up. These two alumni are well known for their excellent performance together.

3-0 1-2 1-1

Women's Tennis 2-0 1-2 0-2

Marywood Cabrini Eastern

Overall records Soccer Spring Garden Allentown Cabrini Eastern

11-6-2 14-3-1 9-6-0 8-8-1

Volleyball Allentown Eastern Marywood Cabrini

19-9 22-8 9-11 4-20

Field Hockey Eastern Cabrini Marywood

14-2-0 2-9-2 2-13

Women's Tennis Vicki Rodriguez

'86 spikes the ball over a triple block.

(all photos by Jeff Moore)

Marywood Cabrini Eastern

7-0 6-3 7-7



fridaY, oct. 28, 1988


Consensus: weightroom needs a lift by Lou Monaco

The weight room. Almost every college campus has one. People go there to work out, to get stronger physically and mentally. They have individual programs that they must follow to achieve their own personal growth and goals. Cabrini's weight room is satisfactory to some, but the majority of the people that use it say, "Gimme a break!" Some people wonder where the weight room is. Some people wonder, when they get to the weight room, where's the equipment? Many people have different reactions to Cabrini's "muscle room. ,.Theiropinions are mixed, both good and bad. Carlos Chamorro, junior, said, "People have abused the equipment, misused the equipment and have neglected the equipment." When the weight room was initially constructed, it was a 'throw-in' idea. The main priority at that time was to have adequate locker rooms and space for Cabrini athletic teams, as well as visiting athletic teams. John Dzik, athletic director at Cabrini, said,' 'The funding for the weight room was for the space. The funding was not allocated to weight equipment. Whatever equipment we had at that time, we just put into that space.'' The weight room has some advantages and some disadvantages. The advantages are that a lot more people are using the room, it keeps people from working out off-campus at other fitness centers, offers convenience and it is free to anybody that wants to lift or exercise. The disadvantages are not enough room

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Jeff Frank,junior, is one of the many students who use the weightroom to build up strength under such dilapidated conditions . (photo by Jeff Moore) to work out, appearance of the room and not enough machines to work on. Not too long ago, Cabrini had a privatelyowned, $2 million dollar fitness center called ATRA on campus. The membership fee for the year was $90. This was for the general public's use and enjoyment. Why did it leave after only one year of operation? ATRA was a separate business.

The Cabrini campus did not own A TRA, therefore being a business, it had to make profit. As it turned out, ATRA lacked the support from the campus community and the surrounding areas and therefore was out-ofbusiness. Dzik said, "I would never attract ATRA again.'' As of now. there is no separate budget for the weight room. There is a budget for

athletic equipment, designated to supply Cabrini's athletic teams with equipment, uniforms, etc. If any money is left over in the athletic budget, it might be allocated overto the weight room. Many recommendations have been made to Dzik about improving the appearance and More weightroom on page 10

This Week a·:Ca~rini Friday, October 28 6 - 9 pm Octoberfest in the WCLH sponsored by the senior class

Saturday, October 29 9 - I am Masquerade Ball in the WCLH. sponsored by the junior class

Tuesday, November 1 12:30 - 1:30 Peer Support Group, Counseling Center Conference Room 12:45 -2 pm Mass will be said for All Saint's Day in the chapel 1 - 2 pm Photography Club meeting in SH 4 1:30 pm SGA meeting

Wednesday, November 2 6:30 pm A lecture will be presented on Successful Money Management

in the WCLH.

Sunday, October 30 MISCHIEF NIGHT Movies from the Nightmare on Elm Street will be shown in the WCLH beginning at 7 pm. Refreshments will be served.

Monday, October 31 9: 15 pm A general meeting for Hunger Awareness willl be held in DSCR.

Thursday, November 3 I - 2 pm There will be a Senior Class Communications Meeting in the communications classroom I - 2 pm An Eating Disorder Presentation will be made in the WCLH. 9 pm MOVIE NIGHT: Fatal Attraction 9: 15 Chairperson's Meeting for Hunger Awareness Week, DSCR.

Friday, November 4 Students will participate in an Intercollegiate Retreat at Sea Isle.


Up-coming All Class and Club Officers will be installed this Sunday fallowing the 10:30 am Mass in the chapel. A brunch will follow the cerem·ony. Officers and their parents are invited.

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