Nov. 4, 1988 Issue 07 Loquitur

Page 1

f riday, nov. 4, 1988

cabrini college, radnot, pa 19087

vol. XXXV, no.7

Cabrinistudentslean towardBush Cabrinistudent poll 3%

43% George Bush

Michael Dukakis

Debate brings electionissues to campus

debates," he said. In a 2-minute answer by the Republicans about the role minorities will have in their party, they said that minorities are not discriminated a~ainst. In a I-minute rebuttal, the Democrats accused the Republicans of white supremacy. Even though Hedtke believed that the

by LaTonya Lucas

Although Gov. Dukakis and Vice President Bush did not make a personal appearance, the presidential debate held on Thursday, Oct. 27, sponsored by the Resident Student Association, presented the issues

election '88



Democrats repn:sentedDukakis' platfonn Three perssnt of 100 students in a poll declared themselves to be voting for

other candidates. the economy were some of the issues that led the two debating teams to persuade the audience that their candidate is the better choice. Not only did the teams answer the questions directed to them but they didn't hesitate to bring out the contradictions of the opposing team. Yet, sometimes the teams didn't answer the question directed to them. James Hedtke,

assistant professor, history, political science said that this was a result of the candidate's position not being clear. Pesotski thought that the debate could have been better. "I thought it was too much mudslinging and not enough issues discussed," he said. Hedtke thought that the debate went well. •'On a whole, the questions were just as good, if not better than actual presidential

that concern American voters. The Widener Center Lecture Hall was set up similar to the debates shown on television but instead of the candidates being there, students answered questions based on the standings of their candidates. On the Democratic platform, John Callinan, senior; Chris Pesotski, freshman; Tracy Sandoe, freshman and Joan Ann. Brown, freshman, presented the issues that Dukalcis and his administration has been discussing during the campaign. It was Jeff Sanders, senior; Frank Emmerich, freshman; Clyde Laforest, freshman; Jonathan Vargyas, senior and Laura Colamosca, freshman that reiterated and summed up the issues that the Republican party is stressing. The questions asked ranged from those that appealed particularly to college students to questions that concerned all Americans. Student loans, the budget deficit, Soviet Union relations, civil rights, gun control and Jeff Sander, Laura Colamosca,Frank Emmerich, Clyde LaForest, Jonathan Vargas(photo by Keith Pyle)

well, he thought that the Bush panel was sharper in articulating the candidate's position. "I would give the margin of victory to the Bush side," he said. Emmerich, who plans to run for the senate some day, said that his group prepared for two weeks. They each had a broad knowledge of Bush's platfonn and then picked one area to concentrate on. Emmerich concentrated on the issue of foreign policy. According to Emmerich, Bush and Quayle are the only people that have experience in foreign policy. "Bush has been vice president for eight years and has visited 74 countries on diplomat_i~ relations. Quayle has actively participated in Congress on the arms service committee,•' he said. Pesotski also concen~rated on foreign policy. "I amconcemed thatforeignpolicy is taking a back seat to domestic issues,'' he said. Pesotski said that he doesn't think either candidate has enough experience. "Bush has a little more experience, but he has never been there as the number one man,'' he said. Hedtke said that the most impressive thing about the debate was that the students thought of and conceived the whole idea. •'They wanted to inform the community about the candidates," he said.

inside perspectives ...... 2, 3

Is it Christmas

Senior athletes

news................ 4, 6, 7


finish their sports'

features .... 5, 8, 9, 1O

(See page 8)


sports ................ 11,12

{See page 11)




friday1 nov.4, 1988


~I ed ______ ito--'"'-ri~al ~~~~~~I

Iviewg()int:: •.: : I Soap opera election Student votes count

In just a few days the presidential election for 1988 will be over. The American public will finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief as all the name calling, snide remarks, and mudslinging becomes a part of the past. Both candidates, Vice President Bush and Governor Dukakis, have shown society just how dirty they can get. Bush claims Dukakis let a killer loose on a weekend furlough to kill again, while Dukakis counterattacks with the accusation that Bush spread garbage and lies about his record and is a racist. This campaign seems to be dirtier than those in the past.The candidates keep skirting the major issues, while focusing on the private lives and past experiances of each oth,er. Should it really matter to voters that Kitty Dukakis supposedly took part in a flag burning during a '60's antiwar protest? The sad part of the whole campaign is the fact that the two candidates are dictated to as to what to wear, what to say and how to act. What will these men do if they are elected to the presidency and supposedly must think and act on their own? How secure will the American people really be with one of these men running the country? It is remarkable when one realizes that two-thirds of the voters think better-qualified candidates should have been selected. and almost threequarters do not believe the candidates are giving honest views on the issues. The campaign trail of this election reads more like a soap opera as the candidates attack each other, ads berate the opponent, and personal lives are invaded. It is such a shame that real issues are not addressed and the real man is not exposed. Both candidates seem to be just robots who will do or say anything just to win the election. Will the right man for the job of President, please stand up and drop the mud?


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kerry gallaghe Do you realize, as a Cabrini College student, what an important moment in time this is for us? For many of us, this coming Tuesday will be our our first opportunity to take part in selecting the President of our nation. And, for many of us again, this will be our only opportunity to register a vote in a Presidential election as a college student. This particular presidential election is perceived as a very close race. So, this is the prime time to stand up and be counted as college students. Traditionally, college students have always been heavily involved in presidential campaigns. The candidates usually recruit their largest number of volunteers from college campuses. I don· t see that today. I don't think that this is because today's students are apathetic. Sure, we 're not the Berkley students of the '60"s, but l honestly believe that college students today, and especially those attending Cabrini, are concerned about our country and what direction it is headed in. Personally, I think this campaign has been a terrible initiation for all of us into a presidential election. I have seen very few students on this campus who are finnly committed to one candidate or another. There are a lot of issues in this race that affect Cabrini students directly. I strongly believe that it is our obligation to cast a vote for us! A lot is at stake for us. The candidate who wins on Nov. 8 will have a big say in our future. We can have a bigger say by picking that candidate. This issue of the Loquitur tries to give a comprehensive background on the candidates and where they stand on the issues. Maybe you are concerned about one area more than another. Pages six and seven outline eight key issues. One issue particluarly that affects us is college loans. The following is a brief summary of their plans for funding of higher education. I think, for many here at Cabrini, that it is a very vital issue and I'm sorry that we didn't devote more space to it. But these are some things to consider. Dukakis has come up with a plan he calls a Student Tuition and Repayment System, otherwise known as STARS. STARS would permit students to pay back their college

loans as a percentage of their income. Thus, students don't have to worry about loan repayments they can't meet. STARS would help those students who have been squeezed out of eligibility for Guaranteed Student Loans, or whose GSL's don't cover them enough to attend the school of their choice. Dukakis believes his plan will increase the availability of education grants for lower income students by reducing the default rate, and lowering the number of students who take out subsidized GSLs. Students in the STARS program could borrow directly from banks or financial institutions. These loans would be guaranteed by the federal government and paid back through withholdings of the student's future earnings over their lifetime. The government would not provide any subsidies or capial - it would act strictly as a clearinghouse for the repayments. George Bush's solutions for the problem of funding higher education is comprehensive. He, of course, says that he supports maintaining work-study and Pell grants for . low-income.students. Yet, funding for work study and work grants have been drastically cut during the Reagan administration. In July 1986, Bush proposed that the federal government create a new College Savings Bond. The bond would mainly work just as regular U.S. Savings Bonds do now, except that the interest earned on the bond would be tax-free if the bond is applied to expenses applied to expenses at any two or four-year college. Bush proposed that the tax benefits of this program start phasing out taxpayers with incomes of $60,000 a year and phase out completely for those with incomes of $80,000 a year. Congress has not passed Bush's proposed legislation. Therefore, the vice president, despite his good intentions, may not have come up with the best solution after all. It seems to me, as well as to other students that I've talked to, that Dukakis has the better plan for college students. I am not passing a judgement on either candidate, rather relating the facts to you. You make the decision about this. You'll be affecting your future and future students· futures. And I think that is pretty exciting!

I~ st_aff~~~IEdrtor: Denise C1va Staff Managert Copy Editor:_Kerry Gallagher News Editor: LaTonya Lucas and Lisa Brzezicki AsslStant News Editor: Marian Armstrong Perspectives Editor: Roe Wellman Features Editoc Lee M1renda Sports Editors: Paula Phillips Wnhng Coach: Jenni Obrech1 Bus,ness Manager: Angie Corbo Assistants Joyce Mundy and Kelly McG1llan Photography Editors· Karen Siegl and Mike Stevenson Photography Adviser: Dr Caner Cra1gie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Marian Armstrong. Jim Bligh, Bob Bonner, Johanna Church. Frank Emmench. Fel1aa Falcone. Diane Glancey, Sue Holefelder. Stephanie Homyak. Carlo Iacono. MellSS3 Landsmann, Kelly McG1llan. Melissa Middleman, Lou Monaco. Nick Ostrowski, Chns Pesotski, Kelly Reed. Chrisy Roach.Kelli Rudden, Sharlene Sephton. Karen Shank. Linda Sm1sko, Leonora Veterano, Barbara Wilson Photography Staff: Paul Fallon, Knsbn Kroll, Jeff Moore, Keith Pyle, Steve Pascall. Rosanne Rossello loqu1tur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabnni College, Radnor, PA 19087 Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription pnce Is $25 per year and Is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees Loquilur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be s,gned and the authorship known to the editors. However. if the writer wishes. and the editor agrees. the writers name may be left off the letter upon publication and an ,nsc,iption inserted such as name withheld at the request of the writer.·· Letters should be typed, double-spaced. and no more than 300 words In length If a letter Is too long for the available space, the edilor may edit or condense rt. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays The ed1tonals and opinions published in Loqu1tur are the views ot the student ed1tonal staff and the individual wnters and not the entire student body or the faculty and adm1n1strat1on.



friday, nov. 4, 1988


Presidential candidates speak to students by Vice President George Bush I worked hard in college, because good grades didn't come easy to me. When I graduated, I considered my options. The law was one, public service another. With friends and family in the East, everyone thought I'd settle there. But Barbara and I wanted to get out on our own. We needed 10 be challenged to find not only our real selves, but our best selves. During the war, I'd been stationed in Corpus Christi, and a friend told me,' 'The oil fields of Texas - that's the place for ambitious young people these days." So we packed everything we had into a little red Studebaker, and we drove to Texas. I started a business named Zapata Petroleum, and before long, we were providing not only a paycheck but hope for the future for several hundred people. That's what a dream is all about. Having an idea, and the freedom to pursue it. And I realized then what I realize now: That a job is more than something you do everyday, more than just a paycheck. A job is what you do with life, and the future you build for yourself and your family. Your college years are the years in which you build a foundation for your future. Your college education is one of the first steps to making a mark for yourself in this world. That's why I support college savings bonds, so that paying for college isn't the impossible dream. I also support continued funding for grants for low-income students and workstudy programs. For most student, your biggest concern is getting a job after graduation. Well, more Americans are at work now than ever before. Nearly 18 million new jobs have been created under the Reagan-Bush Administration; interest rates have been cut in half; unemployment is at an historic low. These are good jobs at good wages. A job is what you're working so hard for now, and those long hours of study will pay off. That's because the economic expansion created by

the Reagan-Bush Administration means that there will be a job for everyone who wants one. But only if they have the training and education to move into the increasingly high-tech marketplace of thy future. A college education is the foundation you need for this. People say that students today don't care about anything but themselves. And while I'm high on ear;h of you finding the right job, there are other things I know that are important to you. Helping the homeless, the inner city youths, those caught up in drugs, the illiterate. As I've said before, I want a kinder. gentlernation. And I'm depending on the young people of today to help me lead this country into the future - one with a cleaner, safer environment, better schools, and opportunity for those not given it now. Here's your chance to prove the cynics wrong, to prove that there's more to life than looking out for Number One. The time is ripe for a new idealism in this country - and it is your generation that can lead it. I proposed recently a program called YES, for Youth Engaged in Service to America. Think about what you can do. Consider a contribution you can make over the long run. Reading for a blind person. Visiting a lonely senior citizen. Rebuilding a city or restoring a park. As Thoreausaid,''goodnessistheonly investment that never fails.'' It's time for a new idealism in this country. It's time to elect a president who can build a better America, a president who can start building our future. ~-----~~~-I am thatman.

This statement was prepared by Vice President Bush exclusi,·ely for the National Student News Service(NSNS) and its subscribers.

by Governor Michael Dukakis Thirty years ago, when I was in law school, another son of Massachusetts was running for President. He asked the young people of my generation to consider public life as a way to serve our country. John F. Kennedy was one of the people who inspired me to devote my life to public service. As John F. Kennedy said, "The New Frontier is not a set of promises, but a set of challenges." That is why I have proposed, throughout this campaign, programs to challenge young people to public service. A National Teacher Corps, to encourage the best of minds of this generation to bring out the best in the next generation. A Citizens. Literacy Corps, to bring the gift ofliteracy to the millions of citizens of this country who cannot fully participate because they cannot read. And, most important, a Student Tuition and Repayment System - what I've called STARS - 10 make sure every student can go to college and get the education they need to contribute 10 our society. I want you to have the opportunity to pursue a life in public service. Through STARS, you will be able to pay back your loans as a percentage of your income, so that you can take any job you want - and not have to worry about loan repayments you can't meet. This fall, the American people will face a choice between those who see education as a lifetime commitment, and those who see it as an election- year strategy. Between those who believe that good education should be the birthright of the few, and those who believe it is the birthright of every American, no matter who they are, where they come from or what the color of their skin. The Republicans have been leading an assault on college loans and grants for students around the country. If this Administration had had its way, 800,000students would have lost their Pell grants, and one million students would have lost their Guaranteed Student Loans. In this year's budget, they even tried to prevent students from

working their way through school, by cutting the College Work Study program completely. Senator Lloyd Bentsen and I are going to stop the assault on college loans and grants. But we're going to do more than that. The STARS program will open wide the door of college opportunity to every young person in this country who is qualified to do college work. We will reach out to the millions of young people from middle-income families who are not eligible for grants and loans today, or who choose not to take advantage of loans because they don't want to start out in life burdened by tens of thousands of dollars of debt. In today's international marketplace, a college education is essential to our ability to compete. When you repeatedly try to cut access to a college education, that's an allout assault on our international competitiveness. · When you graduate, Lloyd Bentsen and I want you to face an economic future that is strong because America is strong - and stays that way. This Administration has written $200 billion in "hot checks," and it is your generation that will take on the burden of that debt. Unlike Dan Quayle, I don't think it's okay for foreign investors to buy up America. In a world in wb,icti.information and technology can travel the world in the blink of an eye, we need to invest in the good schools and good· skills and new technologies that can make America # I again in the world economy. So when you graduate, the jobs will be there, and the real economic strength to back them up. On November 8, you will have a choice, and a challenge: You can vote for the status quo, or you can vote for a better future. I be- . lieve that the best America is not behind us. The best America is yet to come. This statement was prepared hy Go,·ernor Dukakis exclusively for the National Student News Service (NSNS) and its subscribers.
























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frida)i nov. 4, 1988


Casting votes need not Qe threatening by Nick Ostrowski It looms in front of you like a mechanical monster. waiting to claim another victim. Slowly, but surely, you approach the cast iron coffin. You step inside and are trapped as its cape blocks your only exit. You stare at the dozens of tiny, fingerlike levers and reach to flip one in an attempt to cast a vote. "Did I break it? What if I scewed up? Can I d? it over again?" It's not a mechanical monster or a cast iron coffin left over from Halloween. It doesn't reach out and grab you. What is it? It's the ominous voting booth. And it's not as complicated as it appears to be. A voting booth .is nothing more than a three-sided metal box and a curtain. Inside is a bar which is pulled to close the curtain and guarantee absolute privacy when a vote is cast. On the wall are dozens of tiny levers which have a candidates name affixed next to them. The appropriate levers are flipped down to cast a vote for the candidates of your choice and when you are done, the curtain is opened and it is all over. There is no need to check yourself for cuts or broken bones. The most violent event takes place when you get home and kick yourself for being so petrified of the voting booth. ''Oh, but I'm registered at home and that'stwohours away. J'mnotgoingtodrive two hours just to cast my vote.·' There is no need to. This is what an absentee ballot is for. An absentee ballot is for someone who hasn ·1 registered in a certain township but is registered elsewhere and can't be there to cast a vote. It's simply a mail-in vote. The deadline for returning an absentee ballot was Nov. 1, a week before the election itself. "I don't like anybody that's running for president. Why should I waste my time?"

The president and vice president aren't the only offices one has to vote upon. Offices to be decided upon in your immediate vicinity include district judges, police officials, representatives, and mayor. Positions to be filled in the state and nation are Senator, Congress, governor, state treasurers, attorney general, and state judges. You miss more than you think when you don't vote. '' So how do I vote? Can anybody vote?'' No, not anybody can just vote. There are five general requirements a prospective voter must meet before the "privilege" to vote is granted: L) Be 18 years of age; 2.) Be a citizen of the United States for at least one month; 3.) Be a resident of your state for one year immediately preceding the election; 4.) Be a resident of the election district in which he(she) intends to vote for at least two months immediately preceding the election; 5.) Be registered under the permanent registration law.

James E. Merriman of the Radnor Township Municipal Building said, "People think my vote doesn't count, and local elections are decided by only a couple votes." That is just one example of how important one vote can be. Another glaring fact was brought forward by Margaret Boyd, directorof voter registration at the Delaware County Courthouse. She said 1988 is the lowest expected turnout ever for eligible voters in voter history. It has been said many a time how it is one's civic duty to vote if they can. But do some Cabrini students take advantage of this? Edd McNamee, sophomore, said, "Yes, I vote because I have a strong interest in politics and I feel if you don't vote, you don't have a right to complain about the government.'' Pat Zipfel, senior, said, "Everyone should

be able to choose to vote, but it should be your choice to vote." But why should someone vote, even if they don't want to? Wouldn't this prompt a less-than-accurate vote? McNamee said, "No.they shouldn't vote. They would vote aimlessly with no thought or concern.'' Brad Millaway, sophomore, said he would vote anyway, even if he didn't like any of the candidates because "I would be able to find someone I'm comfortable giving my vote to.'' Zipfel also said he would vote. '' Although I personally may not like their views or ideas, I still think it's my duty to vote for someone who can responsibly take office.'' When asked why he thinks some people shy away from voting, McNamee said, '' Because they' re _intimidated by politics and don't understand them."

''I want to vote but I don't know where or how to register.'' In order to register, one must go, in person, to the office of the Registration Commission. which is usually found in the county Court House. There, you must satisfy the voter requirements for the approval of the registration authorities. · 'When I went to vote, there were all kinds of people outside the door supporting one of the candidates. Isn't this illegal?" No, as long as it is not within 10 feet of the entrance

to the pollingplace andthey don't interfere with the voter in any way. But why do younger adults shy away from voting? Do they feel they don't know enough or is it just a lack of interest in governmental affairs?

UJ>gates Pre-registration--Pre-registrationis on Tuesday, Nov. 8 for seniors; Thursday, Nov. JO for juniors; Tuesday, Nov. 15 for sophomores; and Thursday, Nov. 17 for freshmen.

BloodDrive--This semester's blood drive will be on Monday, Nov. 7 from 12 to 5 p.m. inWCGA.

A political exhibit displaying literature on the presidential campaign is shown on the main floor in the Holy Spirit Library (photo by Mike Stevenson}



BookSale--The library will have a book sale on Saturday, Nov .19 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 20 from I p.m. to IO p.m.

Photo Lecture--Dave Hickey, award-winning photographer and photo editor for The Suburban will share his past experiences as a photojournalist on Thursday, Nov. IOfrom I to 2 p.m. in the lecture hall. For more information, call (215) 971-8255. Concert--SopranoTonia T ecce will perform a concert of classical and contemporary songs to benefit the 1989 summer student European concert tour of Italy and Switzerland. The concert will be on Sunday, Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. in the Mansion. Tickets are $20. For more information, contact Cabrini's fine arts department at (215) 9718380.


Ski Trip--There will be a ski trip from Jan.27 to Jan.29, 1989. The price per person is $109.00, based on four per room; $129.00 based on three per room; and $149.00 based on two per room. A deposit of $50.00 per person is due prior to Nov .23. The balance is due prior to Jan. 4, 1989. For more information, contact Dana Damiani at ext. 8258.


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Project Outreach--Pete Casazza, alumni, will be giving a presentation on his experiences in Denver, Colorado on Nov. 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the chapel. There will be a Project Outreach information meeting on Nov. 10 at 9:00 p.m. in the president's office. Logo Contest--Co-op will sponsor a "Cabrini College Co-op" logo contest Bring your black and white designs to the co-op office in Counsel Hall or submit them to Gary Armstrong by Dec. 16. The grand prize is $25.00.


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friday, nov. 4, 1988

Close-ups of the candidates George Bush by Denise Civa

George Herbert Walker Bush was born on June 12, 1924, in Milton, Mass. to Dorothy and Prescott Bush. Bush was the second of five children and spent most of his childhood growing up 'in Greenwich, Conn. Bush"started preparing early for his political career. His father, Prescott, had served 10 years in the Senate and Bush, it seems, wanted to follow his example. He graduated from Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., in 1942 and on his 18th birthday enlisted in the Naval Reserve. During World War II, Bush served as a carrier pilot. He was shot down over the Pacific and won the Distinguished Flying Cross. He completed his active duty in 1945 as a lieutenant. After the war, Bush entered Yale University and majored in economics. He received his bachelor's degree in 1948, after spending less than three years in school. Bush worked after graduation as an oil field supply salesman in Texas. he then helped form the Zapata Petroleum Corporation and an off-shore drilling firm. Later, in 1959, Bush moved to Houston and became very active in politics. In 1964, he won the Republican nomination to run for the Senate against Democrat Ralph Yarborough. Bush Jost to Yarborough, though, by 300,000 votes. In 1966, however, Bush was elected to Congress by Houston's seventh district. He was re-elected without opposition to the position again two years later. He served on the House Ways and Means Committee.

Michael Dukakis In 1970, Bush again made an attempt for the Senate. His opposition this time was Democrat Lloyd Bentsen. Bush lost to Bentsen by 157,000 votes. The same year though, President Richard Nixon named Bush his United Nations Ambassador even though Bush had little foreign affair~ experience at the time. Three years later, Bush became the Republican National Chairman and found himself surrounded by the Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration. In Sept. 1974, Bush under President Gerald Ford became chief of the U.S. liaison office in Peking, China. In 1975, Ford appointed Bush Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1979, Bush declared his bid for the Presidency of the United States. He lost this bid though, to Ronald Reagan who later appointed him vice president in 1980 and in 1984. Bush has been manied to his wife Barbara for 43 years. They have five children: George, 42; Jeb, 35; Neil, 33; Marvin, 31, and Dorothy, 29. He is a very athletic person who likes to play tennis and jog.

election '88

as a volunteer for the Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities. Elected to the Massachusetts House of Michael Stanley Dukakis, third-term Representatives in 1962, Dukakis was the governor of Massachusetts, was born of. first legislator to introduce a no-fault auto Greek immigrant parents on Nov. 3, 1933, insurance bill. Massachusetts enacted the in Brookline, Mass. nation's first no-fault system in 1971, four A life-long resident of Brookline, years after its introduction. Dukakis attended Brookline High School Dukakis won his party's nomination for where he was a three-letter athlete in cross lieutenant governor in I 970, but he and country, baseball and tennis. He was presiDemocratic gubernatorial nominee Kevin dent of student council and a trumpet player White lost the general election to Repubin the school band. lican incumbent Francis Sargent. He entered Swarthmore College in the He returned to his career as a practicing fall of 1951 as a political science major, and attorney in the Boston law firm of Hill and spent the summer of 1954 studying at the Barlow following the election. University of San Marcos in Lima, Peru. After declaring his candidacy for goverAfter graduating Phi Beta Kappa from nor in 1973, Dukakis went on to defeat Swarthmore with highest honors, Dukakis Sargent a year later. Jan. 2, 1975, marked his served in the U.S. Army from 1955 to 1957. inauguration as the 65th Governor of MassaHe was stationed for 16 months at Munsan, chusetts. South Korea, with the 8020 AU, the Support Edward J. King, defeated Dukakis in the Group to the U.N. Command delegation to 1978 Democratic gubernatorial primary the Military Armistice Commission in South election, but was later ousted by Dukakis in Korea. the 1982 election. Returning from service in Korea, he ·Nationally he serves as chairman of the became an active participant in state Committee on the Industrial and EnDemocratic Party affairs. Dukakis later treprenurial Economy ..fur the Policy Comstudied law at Harvard University, graduatmission of the Democratic National Coming with honors in 1960. mittee. In 1963, Dukakis manied the former After his loss to Sargent in the 1978 Katharine Dickson, daughter of Jane and gubernatorial race, Dukakis joined the staff Harry Ellis Dickson of Brookline. Mrs. at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy Dukakis is a member of the President's School of Government as lecturer and Commission on the Holocaust. director of intergovernmental studies. Their eldest son, John, a former actor, is Dukakis, who speaks several foreign currently working in his father's campaign. languages, is adedicated fitness walker. In Daughter Andrea will graduate from Prin1951, he finished 57th in the Boston ceton University this spring. Kara, the Dukakis' youngest child, has taken time off Marathon. His hobbies include tennis and from studying at Brown University to work gardening.

by Jenni Obrecht

Llovd Bentsen

Dan Quavle



by Kelli Rudden

by Kelly A. McGillan A staunch conservative, Dan Quayle has served in Congress for 12 years. First, as a member of the House of Representatives from his election in 1976 until 1978, and then in the Senate in 1980 and again in 1986. While in Congress, Quayle served on the Armed Services, Budget, and Labor and Human Resources committees. His stance on the issues include opposing federal funding of abortion except in cases of incest or : rape, capital punishment for convicted drug dealers, and advocating drought relief for farmers. Quayle also favors military aid to the Nicaraguan rebels, limited sanctions against South Africa, and Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). He voted in favor of the INF treaty, banning intermediate-range missiles, and in 1983 he voted yes to allowing chemical weapon production. In 1985 Quayle voted yes to produce the MX missile, and in 1986 he voted no to testing antiballistic missiles. Among other votes in the Senate, Quayle has voted in favor of school prayer, a balanced-budget ammendment to the constitution and the confirmation of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court. Quayle was born Feb 4, 1947, and raised in Huntington, Ind., Quayle attended Depauw University and graduated with a B.A. in 1969. He then attended the University of Indiana Law School andgraduated in 1974. Prior to becoming a Congressman, Quayle was an investigator for the Indiana Attorney General's office. He was an administrative assistant to the governor of Indiana, and attorney and associate publisher of the family-owned newspaper, the Huntington Herald Press.

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A: Chances are, we do too! We knowyou'llbe back formore... ProperI.D. Reqlked

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Lloyd Bentsen Jr., born Feb. 11, 1921, is a 67-year-oldsenator from Texas. He is the first son of millionaire Lloyd Bentsen Sr., who made his fortune by building a real estate empire in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, which now has an estimated worth of $40 million. He now holds the position of chairman of the finance committee in the Senate. This means he has jurisdiction over taxes, Social Security, and welfare. Bentsen entered politics in 1948 after retumingfrom WorldWarl. Hemarriedthe former Beryl Ann Longino and . also that year, at age 27, he became the youngest member of Senate. Bentsen served three terms. He left in 1954 after deciding that his $12,500 salary was not sufficient to Jive on. Rather than join his father's immense Bentsen Developmental Company, he and his brother Elmer, formed the Consolidated American Life Insurance Company. He returned to politics in 1970. It was then, in 1970, that Lloyd Bentsen and George Bush had a meeting. The elections for senators to represent Texas were on and Bentsen and Bush were running against one another. Who would have thought that the victorious Bentsen would meet the man he had defeated 18 years earlier in a bigger and far more significant race? Six years after defeating Bush in the election year that resulted in the Carter Administration, Bentsen also ran for president. However, he dropped out of the race after a brief initial showing. He was later, in 1984, a possible running mate selection for presidential candidate Walter Mondale.


6 election '88

Children taxpayers' dollars to sanction abortion. Bush would support changing the laws to make it more difficult for a woman to get an abortion. Dr. Margaret McGuinness, of the religion department, was still an undergraduate when Roe vs. Wade was decided in 1973. Because there was so much more going on at that time, such as antiwar protests, McGuinness does not recall the decision as being the main happening at the time. Well, times have changed. According to "U.S. News & World Report," lately there have been about 1.6 million abortions per year, with unmarried women accounting for about 80 percent, and nearly two out of five patients having had previous abortions. This is an issue that demands attention. McGuinness, who purposely holds her own views back from students, feels an obligation concerning the abortion issue, but it is not an obligation to support one candidate over another. "I feel an obligation to make sure people understand the issue in courses where it is relevant," McGuinness said. ''I think it is important that I help students form their own opinions.'' When asked if she felt it was difficult to support a candidate that changed his stand on an issue like abortion, such as Bushdid in 1980, McGuinnesssaid, '' So much of it is put in political tenns,I'm not sure what to think of either candidate on this particular issue."

In spite of their many differences, George Bush and Michael Dukakis do appear to have at least one thing in common. Neither seems to have a proposal that will rescue America's educational system. Time magazine reported that the bulk of American students don't know how to locate the world's most important nations on a map. Education is a forum in which there could be a clear cut case for presidential leadership. However, neither candidate seems to be interested in making it a major issue. Bush has three main ideas in his proposal. He has suggested to establish a $500 million program to provide awards of $100,000to each school that shows an improvement in test scores or a marked decrease in the dropout rate. States that can match grants to create or support magnet schools (schools which offer special programs that are usualfy not available in other schools), would be given an additional $50 million. A third program would grant $1 million to each state to experiment with raising the teacher's salary, allowing parents to enroll their child in any school within a system, and creating a yearround curriculum. Although Bush wishes to see standards for teachers and students raised

nationally,he insiststhatfunding for his program would come almost exclusively from state and local governments. He would raise less than$ I billion a year in federal expenditures for education. This

is a third of what the Reagan administration proposes to spend on Star Wars. Dukakis' program on education involves creating a $250 million national teaching excellence fund. This fund would be established to pay for the college tuitions of students who become teachers. This money will also be used to revive the national teacher corps to allow some recent college graduates to experience the classroom. Dukakis claims that he would establish field centers of teaching and learning for veteran teachers. He would ask businesses to encourage their employees to consider becoming teachers on temporary assignments. Some question as to how many businesses would be willing to permit capable employees to leave their jobs. Dukakis also has a plan to ask investment bankers and college administrators to help families start setting money aside for their child's college education. How will this help the poorest of Americans? Dr. Ruth Sower, coordinator of the graduate studies office, tends to support Dukakis over Bush in the area of education. She said, "Both candidates have said that they support education. However, the present administration has provided very little. Bush is promising more of the same.· ' Sower said, ''One would feel that Dukakisoffers some hope with support for young children and Joans for college students.'' The present administration seems unwilling to take a strong stand in these areas.


Environment Many emotional environmental problems are facing Republican Candidate Vice President George Bush and Democratic Candidate Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis in the 1988 election. These issues include: acid rain, caused bythe emission of chemicals from autos; global wanning, called the Greenhouse effect, which could cause a 3-8 degree Fahrenheit rise in temperature before the year 2050 and the use of chloroflourocarbons (CFCs) from aerosol cans which break down the ozone layer, causing problems such as skin cancer. Other federal issues that need to be dealt with are the clean-up of toxic waste dump sites; clean air and water. · Bush said he will call for an international conference to find solutions to deal with the Greenhouse effect. To contend with acid rain, Bush wants to reduce the annual sulfur dioxide emissions by millions oftons and supports new technology. Bush also wants to have ocean dumping banned by the year 1991, although he supported Reagan's veto of the Clean Water Act. Bush has helped develop a treaty that commits countries to reduce their use of CFCs, and to take other effective action. Bush wants new and innovative technologies to clean up toxic waste with higher safety standards and the support of the states. . According to Newsweek, the Environmental League of Conservation Voters gave Bush a D+ for his platform on the environment. Michael Dukakis wants to ban ocean



Abortion According to the Oct. 3 issue of "U.S. News & World Report," the majority of patients who have abortions performed are under 25 years of age. Fifteen years ago, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on a case known as Roe vs. Wade. The decision invalidated the Texas statute making it a felony for anyone to destroy a fetus which was not a threat to the life of the mother. The Court ruled that the 14th amendment's concept of personal liberty, and the 9th amendment's reservation of rights to the people include the right of the woman to decide whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. The court also ruled that this decision is not absolute, and the state has the right to forbid abortion after the first three months of pregnancy. Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis, candidate for the Democratic Party, holds to the decision of the Supreme Court, in favoring the woman's right to decide on what is right for the individual. He opposes a constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion and says he would not veto federal funding to help poor women pay for abortions. Republican candidate Vice President George Bush once supported the woman's right to choose, but changed his position when he ran for the presidency in 1980. He now opposes abortion, except in cases of incest, rape, or when the mother's life is in danger. Bush supports the idea that the federal government does not have the right to use

fridaXznov. 41 1988

dumping by the year 1991 and has supported renewal of the Clean Water Act. He does not want any new construction of nuclear reactors until safety measures are devised and waste disposal questions resolved. He was a key figure in the fight against a nuclear reactor in Seabrook, N.H.,and received praise from critics. Dukakis has called for a fee to be paid by energy consumers in states that are responsible for the chemical emissions that cause acid rain. Dukakis wants these chemical emissions reduced by 12 million tons annually. Massachusetts was one of the first states to pass its own acid rain legislation with the absence of federal legislation. In doing so, Dukakis saved a $1 billion-a-year fishery that provides 40,000 jobs for people in that area. Dukakis has also emphasized ,the use of renewable resources like solar energy. According to N,wsweek, the Environmental League of Conservation Voters gave Dukakis aB for his platform on the environment. When asked his opinion on the platforms of the two candidates, Dr. John DeTurck, biology department, said, ''If I were voting solely on environmental issues, I would choose Michael Dukakis because of his past performance and current platform. He is concerned about acid rain reduction, renewal of the Clean Water Act and reduced off-shore drilling. •'George Bush represents the interests of big business and his past record on concern for the environment is not outstandin2," DeTurck said.

As far back as the 1960's, homelessness has been an issue that has rapidly grown into what today is a national concern. It is one of the major issues that Dukakis and Bush must deal with if elected president in the upcoming election. According to Sr. Regina Peterson, professor, social work, homelessness basically began as the result of the failure of deinstitutionalization. '' As an attempt to get people back into the community, people who had been originally institutionalized were moved out," Peterson said. Some were moved into homes and services were provided forthem. Others, however, were moved into hotels, but had to take care of themselves. The attempt was a failure because eventually the many who were placed in hotels lost their rooms due to the lack of necessary skills that would help them get through life. The deinstitutionalization of the American mental health systems, acccording to Mary Ellen Hombs and Mitch Snyder, authors of 'Homelessness in America,' has contributed heavily to the number of people on the street-- one-third to one-half of the homeless people in this country. However, mental patients are not the only homeless people on the streets. According to Hombs and Snyder, some are senile while others are alcoholics. A large majority are the unemployed, victims of harsh economic realities and congenital poverty: the last to be hired, the first to be fired.

In his platform concerning the homeless, Vice-President Bush states that he has great compassion for those who are homeless and live on the margin of society. Bush proposes that the federal government will spend about $400 million in assistance to the homeless on such issues as emergency shelter and medical care. Bush also states that the federal government is making about $10 billion in block grants to the states in homelessrelated aid, such as shelter, low-income support, mental health clinics. and other communities. In the democratic platform, Governor Dukakis states that he believes that homelessness should be ended in America; that the supply of affordable housing should be expanded in order to avoid the projected shortfall. · Dukakis also states in his platform that he will help many thousands of families to lift themselves out of poverty and find good jobs; and will work with state and local leaders, employers, unions, and community oraganizations to expand the opportunity for quality day care services for our children. "I feel that Dukakis has the better platform of the two concerning this issue because he is in touch with the general needs of the homeless,'' Peterson said. "Dukakis is advocating day care centers, is in favor of increasing minimum wage and has made changes on a state level. He has shown that change is possible,'' she added. '


friday, nov. 4,1988


on eight importantissues Drugs The national polls say_that the No. 1 issue for the presidental race is drugs. One of the· major reasons for increased drug use and trafficking is that the Reagan Administration, from 1981 to 1986, cut by 40 percent programs designed to reduce demand for drugs, while more than doubling law enforcement. The international drug control effort is not a high priority for U.S. ~s foreign policy. Tl)e candidates have put in their presidental platforms major plans to combat drugs. Bush leans more toward law enforcement and criminal penalties, while Dukakis stresses helping to improve local education and prevention programs. He also wants to balance tougher law enforcement. Bush's major plan to fight drugs is to put the vi~e president in charge of the government's efforts to fight drugs. The Dukakis wants to appoint an antidrug czar to lead a National Alliance Against Drugs. Domestically, Bush wants to create an "anti-drug leadership coalition" with governors to promote education and treatment programs. Dukakis' s centerpiece for his platfrom is to expand his state program to develop school curriculum and poliices to combat drug and alcohol use. Bush's centerpiece of his enforcement plan is his proposal for the authorization of the death penalty for drug-related

Economv .. killers and major traffickers. Dukakis is against the death penalty. Bush wants to implement a policy of "zero tolerance" toward drug possession. Bush favors proposed legislation that would strip drivers' licenses and deny federal student loans for repeated offenders. Dukakis wants to step up use of laws allowing confiscation of property and profits of drug dealers. Bush also wants to create an international anti-drug force. Dukakis wants to initate a series of hemispheric summit meetings which would bring democratic neighbors and allies together to discuss drugs and the way to combat them. Bush favors mandatory testing for drug use of anyone responsible for the public safety. Dukakis wants to provide immediate treatment "for every I.V. drug user who asks for help.'' He wants to sign an executive order "to prohibit the payment of CJ.A. or other federal funds to any person engaged with drug trafficking, ''unless it was part of an undercover operation aimed at the person's arrest." He wants to cut off foreign aid to countries that will not cooperate in fighting drugs, while providing special aid to those that will. He also wants to use a' 'bigger piece of our foreign aid to fight the war against drugs.''

cratic nominee, stated that "no responsible candidate can rule out new taxes. If we need more revenue, we should tax for it.'' Dukakis also opposes a Constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget. Instead, Dukakis supports new federal spending programs for long term health care, the economic development fund, and the expansion of the Job Training Act, to name just a few. Concerning the economy, Dukakis feels that the nation has "enormous potential" for economic growth by investing in community and regional development. Dukakis promises better-paying jobs. He has proposed programs like the "fund to rebuild America" to spur new businesses, research and public works in hard-hit areas. Dukakis favors federal support of re-training programs and an increase in minimum wage. Dukakis also proposes to mandate that all employers provide health insurance to all employees. John J. Heiberger, instructor, business administration, is concerned with such aspects as taxes and the national deficit. Heiberger feels that in either case, taxes will have to be raised. ''There is no way to avoid it,'' he siad. But Heiberger also thinks that Bush's tax plan will affect the wealthy giving them more tax breaks. Heiberger is also concerned with the national deficit. He feels that the deficit is costing people money, and making interest rates higher. "In the long run, it will hurt us,'' he said .


Housing Nationwide, the average cost of a home today is approximately$ I03,000. To a young couple, just starting out, these prices for homes and the mortgage payments, are probably more than what most just married couples can afford. Vice President George Bush explains in his platform on housing what the Reagan Administration has done so far, and what he plans to do. "The best housing policy is sound economic policy," Bush said. "Low interest rates, low inflation rates, and the availability of a job with a good paycheck that makes a mortgage affordable are the best housing programs of all. ''That has been the key to the rebirth of housing during the Reagan-Bush Administration.," Bush said. "Mortgage rates have fallen from 17.5 percent to single digits today. "Homeownership has become affordable for more than 10 million additional families. "We support the FHA mortgage insurance program, theGovernment National Mortgage Association, the VA guarantee program, and other programs that enhance housing choices for all Americans," Bush said. "We pledge to continue to expand opportunities for homeownership and to maintain the strength of savings institutions, including thrifts.'' Gov. Michael Dukakis' platform is more exact about what has to be done about the housing situation. ''The opportunity to live in decent and affordable housin is an inte al art of

With the upcoming presidential election, many people are concerned about the present economy. Voters are concentrating on unemployment, jobs, the federal deficit, and. minimum wage. According to Newsweek, people are optimistic about their personal finances. But somehow this personal optimism isn't translated into a broader optimism about the country's future. Bush, states that he will not raise taxes because the key to reducing the deficit is cutting spending, not raising taxes. Bush also proposes to reduce the capital gains rate to 15 percent on gains held for more than one year. The reason for this is because we need more investment in order to compete in trade and industry with other countries. Bush also notes that some tax incentives for business need to be restored; his capital gains tax proposal would achieve the goal of encouraging risk-taking. Bush also supports a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget. Bush's view on jobs, is that economic expansion will produce the most job growth. He opposes increasing taxes or mandating benefits by companies, which would cut into job creation. For small businesses, Bush opposes pending legislation to increase the minimum wage. Another priority for Bush is to consider defense spending. He feels that we should not ask ourselves how much money should be spent, but what is required to be secure. Govemer Michael Dukakis, Demo-

Nationaldefense the American dream," Dukakis said. "Yet today, the disgrace of homelessness is a tragic sign of our inability to ensure decent housing for all. '' And that is why I propose the creation of a National Partnership for Affordable Housing. ''The Partnership would require the active involvement of everyone who has a stake in the future of affordable housing in this country - developers and building trades unions and bankers and the clergy and realtors and housing advocates and community action agencies and government at all levels working together toward a common goal. '' The Partnership will help shape national housing policy and develop new federal tools toward four goals: Supporting local efforts to build new low and moderate income rental housing. Broadening opportunities for homeownership through better and more creative uses if federal credit and savings mechanisms. Preserving our existing low and moderate income housing stock where it is threatened by disinvestment, use restrictions that are expiring and other forms of neglect." John Heiberger, business and economics, said, "I find it difficult. Neither candidate has a clear plan." "Dukakis has an idea that is not bad, but it won't help people who don't have IRA 's," Heiberger said in reference to Dukakis' idea to allow people with IRA• s to use amounts of that money to pay for housing, without penalties.

The question for the presidential candidates in relation to national defense is how much the United States should have. This issue includes military deterrence against foreign aggression, missiles, National Guard, military bases on foreign soil and Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars), to name a few. The two candidates have their positions on this issue. Bush believes that the best way the country can prevent war is by maintaining a stong and effective defense system. The New York Times recently reported that Bush would go slow on making arms agreements that would drastically reduce inter-continental range strategic weaponry. The use of U.S. diplomatic and military pressures to protect U.S. citizens and interests is supported by Bush. ''I will streamline our defense procurement process," Bush said. "I will see that the taxpayers' dollars are well spent. On nuclear weapons, Bush is only for them because other nations have them. He said we must move toward the verifiable elimination of chemical and biological weapons. Finally, Bush is fornuclear weapons testing, increased funding for the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars), MX missiles, production of chemical weapons, and military aid to the Nicaraguan Contras. Bush is against tougher economic sanctions against South Africa. Dukakis, on the other hand, believes the count should move forward defen-

sively but steadily and cautiously. Dukakis doesn't want to reduce our strength. At the debate on Sept. 25, Dukakis said that we should not forget that national security and economic security go hand in hand. "We cannot be stong militarily when we are on top of a mountain of debt," he said. Dukakis wants to continue research into the strategic system but, at the level it was in 1983. "Star Wars" in Dukakis' judgment makes no sense at all. Dukakis is reluctant to support the use of U.S. diplomatic and military pressures to protect U.S. citizens and interests, preferring to appeal to legal, multi-national bodies. Finally, Dukakis is for ending nuclear weapons testing and tougher economic sanctions against South Africa. Dukakis is against increased funding for the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars), MX missiles, production of chemical weapons, and military aid to the Nicaraguan Contras. "The major flaw in Bush's campaign policy stance is SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)," James Hedtke, history and political science, said. "It can never be full proof. SDI encourages an actionreaction arms race and is useless. It is an ultimate waste of money." "I'm not too happy with Dukakis either,'• Hedtke said. '' His platform is even more ridiculous. Dukakis feels SDI won't work but he will continue research."





f riday1 nov. 4 1 1988


Creativity and fun highlight Masquerade Ball

The talent of "Robert Palmer" (Chris Callinan) and "escorts"earned them the best group costume award.



"Donald Duck" (Vince Romeo), "Huey", "Duey", "Louie", and "friends" quack up for the camera.




tf ~


"Mac" (Frank Emmerich) and friends were out for a good time at the Masquera e Ball.

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Santa and Mrs. Claus (better known as Tyrone Carr and John Doyle) didn't have to worry if the Cabrini kids were naughty or nice. (Photos by Steven Pascali)

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f riday, nov. 4, 1988


Trivialissuesinfluencevotingdecisiors by Bob Bonner You are opening the curtain of the election booth or licking the envelope of your absentee ballot wondering if you made the right choice. You've read Newsweek cover to cover this past week, attended the school's mock debate and, to your dismay, listened to what your parents had to say about the candidates. However, you still aren't sure whether you made the right choice. But don't fret. While you were debating issues like school prayer and military spending, other students were debating where Kitty Dukakis got her nickname. These are what are called the issues behind the issues orthe behinds of the issues - whatever be your pleasure. No one has had the courage to address these behinds of the issues because no one really cares about them. Until now. So we've decided to give some space to the stupid, ridiculous, and bizarre reasons which affected Cabrini students' decisions at the polls. "I'm voting for Mike Dukakis, the

Duke," said junior,John Tucker, "because he kind ofreminds me of the real Duke, John Wayne."

George, himself, isn't crazy about Barb. Who would tie? The public would applaud if George was lucky enough to get involved with someone like Donna Rice. And I guess Busch's running mate is Anheiser, too. Lekeisha Harris, freshman, said, "I like Dukakis's eyelashes, but, hun, those eyebrows have to go. I mean, you could plant squash in those things, if you know what I'm saying."

Brian Tripoli

Vince Romeo


John Wayne? Dukakis stands at about

5'4", and that's with platform shoes. He makes Dr. Ruth look like she's average height. Vince Romeo, senior said, "Bush, of course. Hey, 1 drink his beer (Busch)! But I'm not too crazy about his wife, Barbara."

Kathy Brennan

I know where you're coming from, babe. Kathy Brennan, junior said, '' A lot of people say thatBentsen, Dukakis's running mate, is old, but he reminds me of Jimmy Stewart, and I like Jimmy Stewart." Yeah, a lot of people say that Bentsen is old because he is! And I think you've seen Mr. Smith Goes to Washington too many times, Kath.

Brian Tripoli, junior said, "Quayle reminds me of a Chemistry teacher I had in high school. I hated him. He failed me. So, I guess I'm for Bush. I don't know. Basically, I just like voting booths." You've gotta love that. And finally our last stupid, ridiculous, and bizarre reason for voting for one of the presidential candidates comes from senior, Cun Richards. "Well, Mike Dukakis looks like the husband of a wife whose father looks like Lloyd Bentsen and whose boss looks like George Bush and whose young lover looks like Dan Quayle.'' -Huh?


election '88 John Tucker

Lekisha Harris

Lesserknowncandidates also seek presidency by Kerry M. Gallagher

pendent candidates. Perhaps, this is due to the fact that he is a former Republican Bush or Dukakis. Dukakis or Bush. Congressman from Texas. He also quickly Many voters are tom between the two gained the support of former Presidential candidates. In a recent CBS/NewYorkTimes candidate Pat Robertson, shortly after poll, as many as 25 percentof those polled Robertson dropped out of the race. said they could still switchtheirvotesto the Some of the changes Paul hopes to othercandidatein Tuesday'selection. implement if elected President is to outlaw While many voters are strugglingwith income taxes, the CIA, FBI, draft registrathe decision, it shouldbe notedthatthereare tion and the welfare program. Dr. Lenora Fulani, 38, is pursuing the otherchoices out there. lbese choices are commonly referredto as thirdpartyor inde- Presidency by appearing on the ticket for the New Alliance Party. Fulani is a developpendentcandidates. Manypoliticalscientistsagreethatvoters mental psychologist from New York. Her who puttheir X by a third party candidate's campaigning experiences thus far have name, aregenerallynot voting for the indi- included running for the office of Governor vidual but rather are protesting the choice of New York and Mayor of New York City. offered by the two major candidates. New Alliance literature describes the party Each state's ballot contains a different list as a "black-led multiracial party that is part of independent choices. A candidate must of the Rainbow Coalition, an affiliation of pass certain qualification requirements in minority groups that supported the 1984 order to have his name included on the Presidential candidacy of Jesse Jackson." The Populist Party's presidential candiballot. The requirements vary from state to date is David Duke. A formermemberofthe state. Eugene McCarthy, 72, who is running on Ku Klux Klan, Duke, from Louisiana, is the the Consumer Party ticket, is a familiar founder of another white-supremacist orname. McCarthy is a bigwig in American ganization, the National Association for the politics. A former U.S. senator from Minne- Advancement of White People. sota, he challenged President Lyndon B. The Workers League platform is to scale Johnson, and particularly Johnson's policies down military spending, eliminate unemconcerning American involvement in the ployment, and establish the beginnings of a Vietnam War, during the Democratic pri- Socialist economy. maries in 1968. He was successful enough to Ed Winn, who the Workers League win a series of early Democratic primaries, eventually forcing President Johnson to Party has chosen to represe~ them in the '88 Presidential election, is a 52-year-old former abandon his race for re-election. Ron Paul, 53, is running on the Libertar- bus mechanic from New York City. Winn ian Party ticket. He has received a little states that he supports a "socialist approach more cover.age than the other four inde- to jobs and health care for all."


Cabrinielectionyears November, 1964

Eileen Currie, political science student, coordinates campus presidential election campaign between Lyndon B. Johnson and Barry Goldwater. November, 1968 The Loquitur and Woodcrest did not report concerning the presidential election.

any information

November,1972 George McGovern emerges as winner of the Cabrini election by a vote of 113 to 90, defeating Richard Nixon. November, 1976

The Loquitur and Wooclcrest did not report concerning the presidential election.

any information

.November, 1980

Campus watches Ronald Reagan win by a landslide over incumbent Jimmy Carter and Independent candidate John Anderson. Many students feel they will be most directly affected bt Reagan's moves concerning college education funding programs. Few students felt, the U.S. would go to war under Reagan because they see his war-hawk image as campaign propaganda. November, 1984

The English and communications and the social workers club sponsored a mock presidential debate between local supporters of ReaganBush and Mondale-Ferraro tickets. The issues addressed were nuclear arms race, economic situation, education, and social security. Information compiled by Mother Ursula Infante and Lee Miranda




f ridaY,nov~4 1988



Dream to go to Israel finally comes true by Denise Civa

gether, is one of the most important things in Israel that he misses now that he is back home

•·1 always wanted to go to Israel," Gerry Sallow, math and computer science teacher, said. And so he decided to Between the months of June 1987 and unpaid

leave of absence from Cabrini, and became a volunteer in a program called, · simply enough, the Ma'alot Volunteer Program. But there seems nothing simple about the program or Satlow's involvement in it. The Ma'alot Volunteer Program was started about 10 years ago in Ma'alot, Israel. Ma'alot is a small development town near the Mediterranean sea, that is hometoabout6500people.

"There still is adjusting in a lot of little ways," Satlow said about returning home. "I wanted to be here and there at the same

make his dream come true. August 1988, Satlow took an

in the United States.

The city, was

created by the government to settle areas that had not been populated before in the country.

time." One aspect of the Israel experience that seemed very frightening, was the fact that Sallow was living and working in a war zone. '' At first I didn't know what to expect, but after I was there for awhile and settled in, I didn't live in any sense of fear,·• Satlow said. Military men with weapons patrolled the city often. occasionally rockets went off, but Satlow believed the area was fairly secure." The ideaofbeingattacked or held hostage seemed "very remote" to him. Overall Satlow said he really enjoyed the experience he received in Israel. He said he's going to try to return there again this summer. ''The pace and rhythm of life is different (in Israel)," he said. "The experience was very satisfying."

, Gerald Satow points to a scenic view of an Israeli city (photo by Karen Sieg/)

It is basically a poor city with many .. ----------------------------------------------.--. immigrants living there from such areas as North Africa, Morocco, the United States, and the U.S.S.R. The program provides shelter, medical coverage, and


a salary of$ I 00 a month in exchange for


the sharing of one's talents in a job posi-

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tion that they provide for you. Sallow felt the time was ripe for him to explore the lifestyle, customs, and country of an area that he has been so fond of for so long. Even

though, he had visited Israel

once before in 1985 on vaction, Satlow wanted to have a more d~tailed, and indepth look at the country. He found out about the volunteer program during this va~ation period in Israel. He was deterrnined to go back and ·join the effort, when he heard about it, and

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constructively in the many positions he held in Israel. For instance, he gave pri- • vate lessons

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English. He was head instructor in a day camp and also worked for the Israeli Center for Creative Arts in which he answered mail and wrote correspondence in both English and Hebrew. "I did a bunch of different things,"

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Satlow said, "but the thing I liked best was being there. It was very satisfying." Satlow said. Satlow described his experience in Israel as a "search." This search he said, was not only about the people, life and customs of Isreal. but also a search within himself. He said spending time in Israel in the Ma'alot Volunteer Program really allowed him to accomplish this. The area in which he worked. he said,

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friday, nov. 4, 1988


Senior athletesfinishtheir sports'careers Editor's Note: All information on this page was gathered by Paula Phillips.Karen Shank, Barbara Wilson. Photos by Jeff Moore and Mike Stevenson. Although winning the National Association of Intercolligate Athletics tennis championships is the main highlight of Gina Strobel's athletic career here at Cabrini, she feels that there are many memorable occasions that she will never for~et. Winning the championships was a big event because the team was sent on to Kansas City to compete in further matches.

Strobel is this year's tennis team captain. She has played tennis every year that she has been at Cabrini. "Playing tennis helps me get things off my mind," Strobel said when asked why she plays. Having fun while playing tennis is another main objective in Strobel's involvement in playing tennis. Strobel"s major is psychology. In May, when Strobel graduates, she is planning to continue on with her education. As she moves on after graduation, Strobel feels that the-experiences she has had while at Cabrini will someday help her in other aspects of life.

Marty McGonigle, for four years, has been Cabrini soccer's starting goal. Soccer at Cabrini has given McGonigle a chance to mature in his role of goalie and in his leadership skills. "I think I have matured from being_just a player to a leader on the team and taking on responsibilities.'' "Soccer has given me a lot of good memories but the one that stands out the most is

when we beat St. Vincent's in triple overtime by the score of 1-0," McGonigle said. "It was one of my best games and we're Area 10 champs which sent us to Texas." One aspect of Cabrini that will stand out in McGonigle's mind long after he graduates is his friends. "I will always remember the friends that I live with now because of the bond we have and the good times we have had. I know I can count on them." McGonigle majors in Business Administration and Marketing. After graduation, he says that he has some options open but has not made up his mind of which to take.

Kevin Brennan transferred to Cabrini in 1986 from Bucks County Community College. He will graduate in Decmember with a degree in Business Administration. Brennan plays two pm,itions on the soccer team. One position is midfield and the other is fullback. which he played the most this year. "Some people think that Kevin is ageneric player but he always gets the job done,'' Marty McGonigle, senior, said. "I enjoyed playing soccer mostly bea-

cuse 11 was fun. Another reason I enjoyed it was because of the people I came in contact with and because I got a chance to travel." Brennan said. His most memorable game in his career at Cabrini was when the team beat St. Vincent's College in sudden death overtime to win the Area IO title and to get a chance to travelto Texas for Nationals in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). Brennan admits that he will miss Cabrini and the good times that he has had 'Tll miss the three to one girl-guy ratio. Just kidding. I will miss the friends I have made and the unity of the guys in the house. But most of all I will miss the g?<Jd times, especially at the Tavern."

Maura Carroll will be leaving Cabrini this year, as a graduate, but not without fond memories. The one which stands out most in her mind is the trip she took last year to Kansas and the Nationals with the tennis team. Playing the top schools in the nauon. the competition was tough, but well worth it. Carroll has been playing tennis for

Cabrini since she transfered here in her sophomore year from the University of Delaware. She liked the si1eofCabrini and felt it was more personal here than at a bigger school. Carroll feels she has greatly improved in her tennis game through practice with the team. Carroll majors in Early Childhood and Elementary Education and plans on going on to graduate school. Other activities Carroll participated in include Kappa and PSEA. from her sophomore through her senior years.

Pancio played softball her freshman and sophomore years, but had to stop when the season conflicted with the tennis Nationals. She has played tennis her freshman, sophomore, and senior years. Due to knee surgery, she was forced to sit out last year's season. Last May, Pancio ~ accompanied the ten-

nis team to Kansas and the Nationals, after winning the NAIA championship. She has worked at the school bookstore all of her four years at Cabrini. and has an internship with a King of Prussia public accounting finn. Pancio has also involved herself with the "Thanks ForGiving" program which is dedicated to providing meals for the homeless in Philadelphia. The organization works through the Anchillae Assumpta Academy in Wyncote. A program of this type will be starting at Cabrini in approximately a month.

Scott LeCompte had never touched a soccer ball before in his life until this year. ''The guys on the team persuaded me to go out for it because the) needed an extra person so I said why not.•' LeCompte said. "I had a great time. It was fun trying it and learning about a new sport. I only wish I started playing when I

was six or seven.·• LeCompte said that his best moment playing this year was when the team beat Eastern. "It is always the biggest rivalry plus we were not favored to win." he said. LeCompte majors in business administration. After graduation, he plans to go into business with his father. "I will miss the close friendships I have made here. The friends you meet are in many ways different from the friends in high school. The bonds you make in college are stronger and real,"LeCompte said.

After graduating with a degree in biology, Basil Ingemi plans to attend medical school for Physical Therapy. One of his top choices for medical school is Jefferson Cr iversity. Ingemi has been playing soccer since he was in fifth grade. ·'Playing soccer is fun. It releases energy

that is stored inside of me. It keeps me in shape and I'm part of a team effort." The best moment of Ingemi's sports career is when the team beat St. Vincent's College for a berth in the Nationals in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) conference. · 'Beating St. Vincent's was a great victory because they beat us the year before in overtime. We were in the same position again. took revenge and we beat them:· Ingemi said.

Annmarie Bauerle was the captain of the newly formed women's cross country team this year. "I wanted to run for the fun of it but I also wanted to help form a team for Cabrini especailly a winning one," Baurle said. Baurele went on to say that it was ·•neat to be on a team that is just coming into existence and to be che captain of it.'· •·It was great to have the special bond with the girls on the team. It was also nice

to introduce the coach to Cabrini athletics,'' she said Bauerle will graduate in May with a degree in early childhood and elementary education. After graduation she plans to teach and live down the shore. She also wants to auend graduate school for psychology. Baurele says that she cannot pick a most memorable moment at Cabrini. ••Every year brought something different. I developed new friends. I have enjoyed the sense of leadership. I also have enjoyed the good times I have had and the friendships I have made on the athletic teams I have played on,·· Baurele said.

The sports Chris Federico has played during her time spent at Cabrini have given her a sense of leadership and responsibi Iity. Two vet) good examples of this would be her efforts as captain on both the basketball as well as the field hockey teams.

"Playing sports, especially basketball, seem to be the natural thing to do,'' Federico said when asked why she plays the sports she does. "When I scored my first field hockey goal, it was exciting because I had never played it before,·· Federico said when asked what was her most memorable moment here at Cabrini. Federico's plans for after graduation include continuing her education as a biology major and working in a medical lab.

Charlie Young will grdauate in May with a degree in Mathematics. After graduation he wants to get a job in a related field of his major while working outdoors. Young played soccer for Cabrini for four years. His

positions on the team were mid-field and sweeper which he played this past season. •·J started playing soccer when I was in fourth grade. I have always enjoyed playing soccer. It is a good workmtt and it involves team effort to win,''Young said. When asked what his most memorable soccer game was, Young said, ··1t was when I broke my nose at the Allentown game during the ESAC championships."

"I started playing soccer here at CabrinL because it was something to do. It was also a way to represent your school and get involved with your school besides academics,'' Andy Spence said. Spence plays center half back position

for the team . .His most memorable moment in his sports career was when the team in 1986 defeated St. Vincent's after losing to them the year before in the same situation. "Besides the win against St. Vincent's, I will always remember the fan support that the team had at home games even the away games,·· Spence said. Spence will graduate next December with a degree in Marketing. He plans on getting a job in a direct marketing firm or marketing research firm.

Touri Nakhjavan will garduate with a degree in Elementray Education and Specail Education. After graduation she wants to teach the emotionallly disturbed children and also go back to school for her masters.

Nakhjavan ran on the women's cross country team this year. "I basically ran for the fun of it. I was never involved and I wanted to be because it is my senior year,·· she said. Her most memeorable moment this year was her first race. "I was excited because I never competed before but I was also nervous,·' she said. She also said that she enjoyed learning how a team works and seeing the coopertion among the runners.




friday, nov. 43 1988


--successdependson defense by Lou Monaco

The sounds of sneakers pounding the glossy court surface, the shooting of basketballs going in-and-out of nets, the leadership of one of the finest coaches anywhere in the Philadelphia area and the smell of victory all mean one thing this time of year: Cabrini men's basketball is off and running. The Cabrini men's varsity basketball team is coming off another fine season with a 23-7 record, another ESAC (Eastern States Athletic Conference) Championship and its first-ever, at-large bid selection in the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) Division III National Basketball Tournament. The 23 wins marked the eighth consecutive year in which the team has had more than 20 victories. Coach John Dzik said "It was a 'Cinderella' year last year. We had a lot of new players and it was a complete shock to our basketball program that we made the \ NCAA Division Ill Tournament for our first year in NCAA play." Cabrini's team lost three players from last year's squad. They included: Jim Welde, starting point guard; John Aivazoglou, offguard and excellent thret;-point shooter and Joe Anapolsky, another off-guard, who came off the bench to contribute in several key situations. Brian Kilroy, junior, guard, said, "How far we go this season depends on the play of our point guards because, they set the tempo

of the ball game. They control the offense and set up the defense." . Defense will play an important part in the success of the team. Mike Carrafa, sophomore, guard, said, "We are working very hard on defensive skills and plays. Defense is the key to offense. If they both work together, we'll come out on top with a victory." Rocco Sansone, senior, co-captain, said, ''The defensive drills we are working on are very important.Our team can score 40 points and win in one game, yet score 100 points in one game and lose. Defense is the key to the game. Good defense equals win." According to Dzik, practices have been going well. The team has put out good efforts, both physically and mentally. The team has been working on fundamentals and conditioning, while learning the basics of new attacks and plays. The learning process will continue throughout the season with more teaching and more effort. Brian Butler, senior, forward/guard, said, '' In practices, the team is becoming a team. The chemistry and unity has begun to take shape and the detennination of the players, as a team, is evident during conditioning and fundamental drills." The players agree that their strengths are many, yet there are some "holes" that they can fill and improve on. Buder said, "Our strengths are at the forward spots and our play in the middle. Our speed makes up for the team's lack of size. Everett "Stretch" Starnes, senior, cen-

ter, said, "Our team has talent and experience. If we play as a team unit, we 're going up to the rooftop. Nothing will stop us.'' Dzik said, "Our main weaknesses as a team are that we are not very big in size. The lack of size will mean that we will have to fight for every single rebound. Rebounding is an essential part of the game and we will have to go to the boards a lot more. Our outside shooting is suspect, yet as the season continues, we will progress in the shooting department.'' The team is very well-balanced in both offense and defense. The team's depth is an essential part of the team, yet the MVP oflast year's squad, junior co-captain Marko Gittens, will play an important and key role in the team's success. Dzik said, "Marko was our leading scorer and rebounder last season and is a tremendous talent on the court. He has the experience, strength and talent to carry the team. The supporting cast around him, especially Brian Butler, will take a lot of the load off Marko. This will even make Marko an even better player." This year's schedule is tough. The season opens up Nov. I 8 at the New Paltz Tip-Off Tournament in upstate New York, hosted by New Paltz and John Jay Universities. The Cavs play traditional rivals Eastern, Lincoln, Allentown and Spring Garden Colleges. The team also plays Shenandoah this year, which has to play NCAA Division I powerhouse, Georgetown University. Cabrini is hosting the Cabrini Christmas Classic on Dec. 28-29. The teams include:

Neumann, Holy Family and St. Thomas Aquinas, a team which is coming off a 39-2 record and this year, is ranked in the top 10 in the country at the NAIA level. Another challenge will be Millersville University. It is a preseason No. I pick in the country at the NCAA Division II level. What does the team think of its postseason chances? Dzik said, "Our chances are stronger than last year. Several factors are involved. Allegheny University, a strong opponent last year, moved to a different conference and the national tournament has expanded its field of teams from 32 to 40. In order for us to make it again, we will have to win the ESAC Championship again, win 20 or more games and lose no more than six. It will be a dog fight for us, but our players have heart, unity and detennination to get us there." Dzik said, " The Blue/White Intrasquad game between the players, and the annual Alumni Game will be big support boosters for our basketball program. I encourage fans to come out and watch some exciting ball." All Cabrini stud~nts, staff and faculty members will be admitted to all home games, free-of-charge. The 15-man varsity squad includes: Gittens, Sansone, Butler, Starnes, Carrafa, Jason Yurchak, Jeff Barnes, Jeff Hines, Alex Mairrone, Kilroy, Giles Smith, Kevin Alexander, Dave Budka, Mike Mesari and Sean McDonough.

This Week a·:Ca rlrini Tuesday, November 8

Friday, November 4


4 pm: Resident Student Conduct Committee 5 .pm - 11 pm: Dinner for the Haverford School

9 am: Battle of the Bands Senior Spring Registration for the Spring Semester l :30 pm: SGA Meeting, SH 7 AISA Imports Handcrafts will be outside of the cafe for sale at Meal Times.

Wednesday, November 9

Saturday, November 5 A Claire Owen art exhibt will be on display at Saint Joseph's University until December 2, 1988 Alumni Soccer Game, soccer field

5 pm: Athletic Advisory Board Meeting, Mansion Dining Room 5:30 pm: Hunger Awareness Dinner DSCR 9 pm: Kappa Sigma Omega Meeting, WCLH

Sunday, November 6 12 noon: ESAC championship soccer game, Salisbury 3 pm: Xavier S@nsored trip to see·Nunsense 5 pm - 11 pm : Tonya Teece Concert

Thursday, November 10 Junior SpriJ!g Registration 11 - 2 pm: MCI Card Application 12 pm: Simon Sez, Xavier Great Room I - 2 pm: Photography Lecture, Dave Hickey, WCLH 7 pm: Pete Casazza, '88, will speak on Project Outreach, chapel 9 pm: MOVIE NIGHT: Full Metal Jacket

Monday, November 7 12 - 5 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive ASIA Imports Handcrafts will be featured outside of the cafeteria 7 - 9 pm Chorus Rehearsal, in the WCLH

Friday, November 11 10 am - 3:30 pm: AdmissionsOpen House Day Alumni Basketball Game, gym Expressions Art Show, Mansion 10 - 2 am: Fall Fonnal

Up-coming ...

Fall Formal Tickets will be on sale outside of the caf until November 8 . If your club would like to publish informationin TWAC, submit it to Student Activities one week prior to desiredpublication.



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