Dec. 2, 1988 Issue 10 Loquitur

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friday, dee. 2, 1988

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxv, no.1O

Combsgives Kantorchosenas Mother reasons·for Ursulaaward recipient resignation by LaTonyaLucas On July 28, 1988, Sister Eileen Currie, president, received a one-sentence resignation from William Combs, then chairperson of the college's board of trustees. Until now. no one knew exactly why Combs resigned, not even Currie. Combs, in a telephone interview with Loquitur, said that he did not agree with Currie's policies. "Decisions have been made before the board was told. This leaves no room for questions and answers," he said. Combs referred to the recent firing of William Battles, vice-president for institutional advancement, and the resignation of James Fitzsimmons, dean of students. Currie was asked about her relationship to the board of trustees, to which she reports. Currie said that the board of trustees sets policy, but does not do the everyday management. "It's appropriate to use them for consultation. It's my responsibility to staff the institution," Currie said. According to Barbara Rawls, second vice chairperson, board of trustees, Currie reports to the board. She does not manage the board. Rawls said that Currie also reports to her order, the Missionary sisters of the Sacred Heart. According to Combs, Currie's decision to fire Battles, influenced his decision to resign. Combs gave threereasons why he disagreed with the removal of Battles. He said that there was no "decent" explanation as to why Battles would be fired, there was no reason to believe that Battles was doing anything but a fine job and there wasn't a replacement for Battles already lined up. "This was a bad management decision because you don't get rid of good people without back up," Combs said. Combs said that if there were legitimate reasons in firing Battles, there should be no problem in discussing it with the board of trustees. Although Combs resigned before Battles was actually fired, Currie had told Combs prior to his resignation, that she was displeased with Battles, according to Combs. Combs said that his resignation was submitted with hope to bring Currie to her senses. "Combs never told me why he left the board of trustees, nor has he told the board," Currie said. Rawls said that she was mystified initially when she found out that Combs had resigned. "I wanted to understand more and why it happened," she said. According to Currie, ihe tried to get Combs on the phone in early September, but he was busy and couldn't talk. Combs said that Currie knew why he submitted a onesentence resignation. "She knew I was very unhappy," Combs said. "As chief executive," Combs said, "she has the power and she has to run it her way." According to Combs, before she fired Battles, Currie was going to offer Battles a newly-created position as her Combs said that this would have been an unauthorized addition to the budget.




Lisa Kantor, senior, is all smiles while on her way to receiving the Mother Ursula award. Kantor was elected by her fellow classmates who commemorated her for her many achievements over the past three years. See story on page 8 and more coverage on Mother Ursula award, page 6. (Photo by Paul Fallon)

Two years ago it had been Combs who had recommended Battles to be vice-president for institutional advancement and Combs believes that it will take two people to replace him. Combs said that he was shocked when the decision was made to get rid of Battles. "He did a lot more than what his job description stated. He knew the students, he cared and encouraged the students," Combs said. Combs agreed that Battles did not have experience in running a major fund-raising campaign, but Combs said, "We hired consultants to advise us on campaigning. I never heard a word from them about Battles not doing the right thing." Although Combs felt that Currie was a fine person, he believed that she does not have a real feeling for the students and faculty on a daily basis. "She is not available, she is not

accessible," Combs said. Currie said that Combs was extremely generous to Cabrini. According to Combs, he was getting ready to donate money, but he never did. "I gave a lot of time and money and happily so," Combs said. Rawls said that she believes there is more to the story than can be told. "It's frustrating for me to see what's reported. but we can't comment because it's not in the best interest of those involved," Rawls said. Combs would have been going into his third year as chairperson. It was Anna Kruse, assistant professor. biology, who introduced Combs to Cabrir,i. It is Sr. Mary of Lourdes, first vice chairperson, board of trustees who has taken over Combs' responsibilities until a new chairperson is appointed.

See more Combs on page 8

inside perspectives ...... 2, 3

Winnie the Pooh

Who won the

news ................ 4, 8, 9

and U2 reviews


features .......... 5, 6, 7

(see page 5)

( see page 10)

sports........ 10, 11, 12


fridaY,dee. 2,1988



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Presidentneedsto be more visible on campus Compared to larger colleges, you would think that our president would be highly visible. Right? Unfortunately, this is not the case, as most students on campus and especially commuters don't even know what Sister Eileen looks like. Yes, Sister Eileen Currie is the president of Cabrini College. Currie is definitely the leader of the college, but few faculty members and students feel it. More often than not, she is just the yes or no vote on every issue, problem, and proposal at Cabrini. Very few students get the chance to interact with her and those who do are hand picked, by her, for special jobs and committees. Currie moved into the Mansion this year, supposedly to be more visible, yet now it seems she is seen even less. Residents and students who live and work there hardly, if ever, see her. So just imagine those students who live elsewhere? The main reason for her low visibility is most likely the fact that she has overextended herself. As of this year, she now is not only the president but also in charge of the Master Planning Committee, construction on campus, . the Capital Campaign, as well as personnel issues. Currie has undertaken quite a lot. She is very growth oriented, especially with plans for a new dormitory, new science building, new athletic field and expanded parking lot. She has started the first Capital Campaign and it is a big one - she plans to raise $10 million. This alone will be changing her life for the next five years while also contributing to the growth and advancement of Cabrini. We recognize the fact that she needs to be on the road a lot doing some fund raising for the Capital Campaign but it is just as important that she interacts with the students of Cabrini. As of right now, Cabrini seems to have invisible leadership which is not really leadership at all. If Currie would only be more accessible, more visible, and less remote, maybe all of Cabrini would know who their president is and could actually say that they know her personally. All in all, it's not that Currie is a bad president. In fact, she is a rather good one, who has some flaws, but still can be better. In other words - she's human.

Fr~nkly Speaking /,,,;,7f/iur,-:_


Importanceof livinglife for the momentis realized stop for awhile to "enjoy" that time, then go, go, go until I reached another "high point" in my life.

denise civa It never really occurred to me what I had been doing all these years untill read in class Anna Quindlen's Nov. 10, 1988 "Life in the '30s" column from The New York Times. The topic of this particular story, was living your life now and not waiting for something miraculous to occur, because whether you realize it or not, your life is happening now with or without you. It was a very emotional, eye-opening article to me. When I finished reading it, I felt shocked and upset. It never really hit me that twenty years of my life, have passed already and I really haven't done anything of major importance with them. I don't feel like I've accomplished half of what I thought I would when I was two decades old. Quindlen is such an exceptional writer that every point she made in her article really came through loud and clear to me. You can always understand what she's trying to say and usually it's pretty easy to apply it to yourself . Quindlen, as usual, used examples from her own life to illustrate the many important points she made in her column, but when I read the article, I found that I could just as easily substitute examples from my own life. For me, Iife has been as ystematicstop and go process. By this I mean, that I seem to be·constantly looking forward and living for a specific moment in time - whether it was the day after an exam, Christmas vacation, a meeting with a friend, or even the weekend. I would go, go,go, until that time came,


I know that this really isn't any way to live, but I can't seem to help myself. I have to work on getting rid of my "living for Friday" mentality and concentrate on things that are happening now in my life. I can't keep constantly putting my life on hold, waiting to be happy only when a certain moment arrives. I realize not only does this not allow me to be happy along the road to this moment in time, but I find that when these long awaited times come, I either can't automatically switch on these happy feelings that I expected to feel, or the whole moment I had been waiting for for so long, was in reality nothing special or exciting. For example there was my big school trip to Canada a few years ago. I had waited forthat trip for what seemed a lifetime, but when it came~Jt.was nothing like what I expected. I thought it would be constantly sunny, enormously fun, and that I would come back with two French-Canadians under each ann. Instead, it rained tremendously, I had a fight with two of my close friends which lasted practically the whole trip, and the bus ride home left me on the verge of illness. Why don't things ever work out like you thought they would? I wish I had the answers to all my questions, but more than that, I wish I could finish this viewpoint and get on to somethi~g else. See what I mean about always having something to look forward to? Oh well, maybe now that I understand Anna Quindlen's article, I can try to avoid my living for tomorrow attitude and start living and enjoying for today, - or maybe I'll wait until tomorrow!

~~' tstaff


Studentpraises the AA article To the Editor:

Edttor: Denise Civa

Staff Manager/ Copy Editor: Kerry Gallagher News Edttor: LaTonya Lucas and Lisa Brzezicki Perspectives Editor: Roe Wellman Features Editor: Lee Miranda Sports EdttOfS:Paula Philhps

I would really like to compliment Bob Bonner on his article concerning Cabrini's chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous. Having a father who was an alcoholic before his death in 1987, I know the daily torture an alcoholic and his family go. through in .their battle against the addiction. Before my father's death he realized that he had a problem, and through the security and help of his AA group, the rest of my family, along with other branches, such as Ala-Teen and Ala-Non, he became known as a "dry" alcoholic. These groups really helped my family and I with their "homelike" atmosphere as Bob mentioned in his article. I think that the article was well written. It is very important for people to know that there is help out there for anyone who needs it. An anonymous former Ala-Teen member

Wrrting Coach: Jenni Obrecht Business Manager: Angie Corbo Assistants: Joyce Mundy and Kelly McGillan Photography Editors: Karen Siegl and Mike Stevenson Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craogie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Marian Armstrong. Jim Bligh, Bob Bonner. Johanna Church, Frank Emmerich, Felicia Falcone, Diane Glancey, Sue Holefelder, Stephanie Hornyak, ~arlo Iacono, Melissa Landsmann, Kelly McGillan. Melissa Middleman. Lou Monaco. Nick Ostrowski, Chris Pesotski, Kelly Reed, Chrisy Roach. Kell, Rudden, Sharlene Sephton. Karen Shank, Linda Smisko, Leonora Veterano. Barbara Wilson Photography Staff: Paul Fallon, Kristin Kroll, Jeff Moore.Keith Pyle. Steve Pascall, Rosanne )'.'ssello Loqu,tur ,s published weekly during the school year by students

of Cabrini College. Radnor. PA 19087. Phone: 215-971·8412. Subscription price is $25 per year aro is included in the benefits secured by turtion aro student lees. Loquitu, welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed aro the authorship known to the editors. However. if the writer wishes, aro the edttor agrees. the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication aro an inscription inserted such as ·name withheld at the request of the writer: Letters should be typed. double-spaced, and no more than 300 words ,n length. If a letter is too long for the available space. the edttor may edtt or condense it. Letters to the edttor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials aro opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the iroividual wrtters and



friday, dee. 2, 1988



Student lends advice to the new president by Carlo Iacono Whether we like it or not, we now know the next president of the United States. George Bush wiJI be the leaderof our country during the most important years of our lives. It was rather puzzling that out of the hundreds who were qualified to run for the highest office in the land, our two-party system chose two individuals who could never stir the emotions of the masses. Don't get me wrong; both individuals could have been rather charming and high Iy qualified, but we never could have guessed that from the negative campaign. Both were survivors rather than leaders of their respected political parties. This campaign from the start has been a battle of lesser evils. The American political psyche is so downgraded that it has determined that whoever messes up less is our man. Both men were terribly vague on the issues because they didn't want to offend any key swing voter groups. This vagueness

created a huge loss for voters and democracy itself. If the highest office in the land isn't clear and objective, how can the rest of the country be? But I don't blame both men for their cloudy campaigns. They are just a product of. a lazy America that doesn't care about its politics. Political consciousness died with the Kennedy brothers. I cast my vote for Mike Dukakis because, well, basically, he was the lesser of both evils for me. My high support for him dwindled from the summer because ifhe was naive enough to think that America would listen to his positions and ignore his cold, tactical manner, then he doesn't deserve to win a sad election of negative commercials and video news snippets. Position papers don't fit into 30-second sound bites. George Bush, excuse me, the Republican Party, invented and perfected that game. I still feel the election could have gone either way. But the outdated electoral college system appeared to have been in George Bush's favor. Video politics has

shrunk the political minds of what I consider the already politically ignorant masses. The majority of the small number that actually voted walked into the voting booth remembering George Bush draped in an American flag and starting his campaign by shaking Mickey Mouse's hand at Disney land. These images, beat the ones of Mike Dukakis playing soldier in a tank and giving weekend furloughs to criminals like Wille Horton. Tell me which one looked more ridiculous. The following are my humble suggestions for the executive team of George Bush and Dan Quayle. They are suggested for my sanity, and because I still have a dream of an America as strong as the one my grandfather lived in.

ate will remain silent if you do things that are incompetent or idiotic. To deter such a dreaded situation, I suggest receiving a brain transfusion of your 1980 presidential-campaign rhetoric (remember voodoo economics), burst out your closet socialism (it is in there somewhere), and keep peace and strength. J. Danforth Quayle, as your vice-president, poses a great concern for many Americans. If you so much as get a strong cough, many will head for the borders in anxiety - so I deeply suggest a strong cabinet. And remember to conduct your job in the upmost honesty because you're only the most powerful man in the free world. Sincerely,

Dear George Bush, Congratulations on your win. Upon your election, you requested trust from the percentage who did not cast a vote for George Bush. Right now you have my trust. But don't feel that the non-partisan elector-

A Concerned American P.S. - Continue to fund my education. After all, I must be somewhat self-centered to be an '80'.s kid.

Plight of homeless spurs MotherUrsularequests guilty feelings 1n student sponsorsfor children I

by Jacqui McClernan

I am walking to the bank on my lunch hour and I begin to walk faster. The feeling of guilt is annoying and chilling. Why the bank, how ironic? On 16th Street between JFK Boulevard and Market Street, I am stopped. The woman is old for her years, cruddy, tormented. She scolds a young child to stay back, and holds another. "Spare some change?" Hundreds of people pass and none stop, including myself. I suppose it was the children that moved me to write this, for I have encountered begging like this for six months now. Maybe Ijust lived a sheltered life and thought that these things were just on the news, however, they are not. I am asked for money at least once a day if not more. It began in June. I started an internship in Center City. I had always heard that it is an experience to help in your maturity process. I matured, but I am not so sure if it was positive or negative. The first time someone asked me for money in Suburban Station I was shocked and numb. My first thought-people really do this? The homeless beg as people come up from the train platform. One day, I went in a different entrance and in a long tunnel I saw a man with a dog, a sign

explaining his plight and a can for money. He was blind and in a wheelchair. According to his sign, he was an innocent victim of the Vietnam War. My heart bled. I continued walking, faster. I have become coldly immune to these people. I am bothered by the guilt for not throwing a buck in the can. However, if I were to throw a buck every time I felt guilty, would I be a sucker? I am scared I have become cold and unbothered. I cannot look at these people when they look up at me, begging. I walk faster. I look at the young boy Trevor who helps the homeless. He is wonderful. I am not. My problem lies with who needs help, who could get help, and who are freeloaders. My heart wants me to be nice to everyone but my conscience keeps rationalizing. Who honestly needs a few dollars and who doesn't? I am not trained to see that and therefore retaliate by being ignorant to the situation. I wrote this because I noticed what is going on and many people don't because no one begs at the Radnor and Wayne train stations. I am tom and bothered over the situation but am I helpless? Probably not. But for now I continue to walk faster, and faster, avoiding the problem, rationalizing and feeling guilt.

by MotherUrsula Yes, for only $2.50 a month, or $30 a year, you could sponsor a poverty-ridden

child in Mexico! With that small amountof money you could feed, dress and educate him or her. This humanitarian project is an outreach of FAMILIES IN CHRIST, an • ,• , . ' etlliillt11111■ 1i1·111111i.•... Michelle Iatesta,'87, is z.ealouslydevotingall her time andenergyto this project. and sheherself has adopteda Mexican child as her little sister. She came to Cabrini Collegeto talk to you aboutthis,butyou weredoingotherthingsat the time, If youdorttwanttc>do this individually,whynot haveyour dorm, or class,or club contributeto thesponsorship of a poorchild who will prayforyouin return'! Christ has said:"Whatever youdo for the leastof mybrethren,you do untoMB." ' Writeandsendyoqr$30 fOJoneyearto:


Familiesin Christ Hol01C$, Pa. 19043 In r:erum youwillreceivea photograph of the child yousponsorandinformation pertainingto thebackground of the boyor girl you se~ CabriniCollege is veryproudof Michellefor dewting herself to the careof the is whatMotherCabrinidid for the immigtanf$ whenshe~ to the United States:

Have Your SayHI Letters to the editor, as well as opinion articles are always welcome. All articles are due by 2 p.m. on Monday's in the newsroom. Please include your name and where you can be reached. Any letters and/or opinion articles can be published anonymously -with pnor approval from the Loquitur staff.

ichelle latesta, '87graduate of Cabrini, with a sponsored Mexican child at the rickyards. She visited Cabrini and gave a talk on the plight of poor children in




fridaY, dee. 2, 1988



Majorfund-raisingdrive_ underway by Jenni Obrecht Building on an existing base is how Sr. Eileen Currie, M.S.C., president, describes ..An Investment in Visions and Values," Cabrini's first comprehensive capital campaign. "The campaign, currently in the process of soliciting leadership gifts, has received pledges totalling $919,000 and is moving along well," said Nancy Gorevin Costello, director of the comprehensive campaign. Costello said that while May 6, 1989 is the anticipated date for the campaign to go public, it is difficult to adhere to a strict timeline during the quiet phase because potential donors need time to consult with financial advisors. At this time, she said campaign committee members will be able to determine a working goal, based on the money raised during this phase. In reference to the campaign schedule, Currie said she believes that accomplishments, not deadlines are the goal. · "There is a lot of organizational structuring going on behind the scenes even though there does not appear to be much change from this time last year," Sr. Eileen Currie, M.S.C., president, said as she pointed to a large folder of campaign notes on her desk. ·•some realignment of internal organizations has occurred. especially with the public relations and development offices." Diane Kolodzinski, director of public relations, said that almost one third of her office's day to day operation involves development and the campiagn." A revised version of the college's logo has been designed in conjunction with the campaign, "she said. "We want to come out with a new image of the college with this campaign," she said. "It's very exciting from a PR standpoint." · Currie said that while her expectations of the campaign were not completely clear two years ago when the idea to undertake a campaign was under consideration she hoped it would

Updates Campus Pass Fail-The last day to declare pass/fail is Dec. 12. Yule Log-The

annual Yule Log ceremony will be held on Dec. 7. Dinner will be at 4:45 in the cafeteria. The Christmas carol procession will leave from the cafeteria at 5:45 p.m. Yule Log will be held at 6 p.m. in the Mansion courtyard and the liturgy will follow at 7 p.m.

Feast Day-The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is Dec. •8. Mass will be held at noon in the chapel. Trip-Woodcrest is sponsoring a trip to see "The Nutcracker·• on Dec. I0. For more infonnation, contact Randi Schweriner at ext. 8455.

broaden the base of support for the college both financially and from a public relations standpoint. "It has been said that any capital campaign is really a PR effort," Kolodzinski said . Costello said certain events have been designed to increase awareness and understanding of Cabrini among alumni, students, parents and community members. "By inviting new friends to the campus we are letting them know Cabrini is here and doing a good job," she said. Cabrini on the Road is a new program involving alumni and parents, Costello said. Currie-said that the Oct. 23 outing to the Lancaster home of Ann McCambridge Altimare, class of 1971 and the Nov. 13 trip to Connecticut provided her with an opportunity to update people on the changes at the college, like curriculum and construction, in a personal way. However, Currie stressed that already existing events, such as Student Government's Haunted House and the Expressions Art Show, have been elaborated on to continue building a good relationship with Cabrini's neighbors. Community members were invited to a reception following the Haunted House and also to attend dessert with artists participating in Expressions. Kolodzinski said alumni John Doyle and Steve Highsmith have shot footage and are putting the finishing touches on a campaign video to be shown to potential donors. However, one problem facing the campaign, Currie said, is the overall lack of prior campaign experience on the part of those involved. Questions have been raised on campus concerning the absence of a vice president for institutional advancement. While Currie believes it would be best to have a vice president for institutional advancement, she said the campaign has gotten off to a good start with the help of the PFG Endowment Corporation of State College, Pa. Currie said that while prior campaign experience was not a prerequisite in hiring a vice president for institutional advancement five years ago, she would not seriously consider hiring someone in the future who had never worked on a campaign. Tony Brocchi and Joseph Morelli serve as advisors. l_2.Costello's office, offering guidance on time frames and committee structures. The campaign is organized into several committees composed of volunteers from the administration, student body, the president and board of trustee members, Costello said. These include development, steering, communication and endowment planned giving committees. She said DanaLepis, sophomore; Carlos Chamorro and Angie Corbo, both juniors, were chose to sit on the steering committee to allow for student input while also providing them with campaign experience .. Corbo, recording secretary for Student Government, believes she was chosen to act as a liason between campaign members and the student body.


Fashion/Dance-The Black Student Alliance will be sponsoring a fashion show and dance on Dec. IOin the WCGA. The fashion show will be held from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. and the dance will be from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Tickets for the fashion show and dance are $5. Tickets for the dance only are $3. For.more information, contact Rita Calica! at ext. 8405.

Penance Service-There the chapel.

will be an advent penance service on Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in

Dance-The Snowball Bash will be held on Dec. 3 in the WCGA from 9 p.m. to I a.m. Admission is $3.

Continuing Ed-There will be an open house for prospective continuing education · students on Dec. IOfrom 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the WCLH and the WCGA. The open house will address students thinking about going back to school. The dean of continuing education, a representative from financial aid, and faculty are expected to be present.

-Results WhileYouWait -Confidentiality -Convenient MainLineLocation

Respect for Life-There will be a respect for life meeting on Dec. 6 at 9: I 5 p.m. in the campus ministry lounge. Concert-The Cabrini College Community Chorus will present a Christmas concert on Dec. 11 at 3 p.m. in the chapel.

National UNITED NATIONS - On Nov. 27, Arab dip.lomats said that they had the votes in the United Nations General Assembly to move part of this year's session to Geneva. The move is being made so that Yasir Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, can address the Assembly on Palestinian independence. The move was said to have been provoked by the Reagan Administration's refusal to grant Arafat with a visa, thereby denying him of making the speech in the U.S. NEW YORK- Prime lending rates were raised a half a percentage point to 10.5 percent on Nov. 28. It is currently the highest level since mid-1985. CALIFORNIA - The Air Force unveiled the long-awaited B-2 Stealth bomber last week. Stealth wa~ designed to fly at subsonic speeds and costs $80 billion for a fleet of 132.

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Winniethe Pooh and Morgan too!. By Felicia Falcone advice for small adjustments and changes to "Winnie-the-Pooh" the classic children's do the show a little bit better. The communiplay, is being relived in front of sold-out cation lines are always open and because of crowds for three weekends in November this, the show is becoming more exciting and and December. efficient." The stage was set, the audience, mostly Morgan said the cast is very talented and consisting of children and parents, eager .. friendly and the different personalities of The setting and the performance took place the cast brought about a different perspecright in the middle of the theater. rather than tive to the play which makes it very enjoyable on the theater stage. to watch. Bef9re the performance, the actors came The performance made children use out and introduced themselves to the their imagination to a high potential and it audience, to reduce the children's fear of brought back memories of past childhoods to them. the parents. Theater Director Brian Morgan Bartolini said, "In the beginning it was said,"Children view Winnie and the other difficult because there was always a hum of forest animals as four-inch canoon charackids talking, but eventually, the cast was able ters on T. V. In a play, though, the characters to concentrate and put on a good show." are much bigger to them. In our first show, The interaction between the cast and the some kids were scared out of their minds and children proved to be a plus, because it some even ran out of the theater." allowed the characters to interact and direct The introduction of the actors and the their lines to the children. animals rendition of the song, "Friendship," Morgan's teaching and directing of intereliminated any fear problems that the chil- action amongst the characters and the audidren might have had. ence, along with his expenise in theater proSome veteran theater students and fresh- duction, enabled the cast to rehearse and permen who made their debut on the Cabrini form in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. stage included: senior Roseanne Rosello, as Homyak said, "I learned a lot about chilWinnie-the-Pooh: continuing education dren's theater and also the psychological student Ruth Santoni, as Kanga; sophomore aspects of what goes into character roles." Stephanie Homyak, as Roo; freshmen Tara Bartolini said, "Iliked Brian ·s technique. Monte, as Piglet; Denise Edwards, as Eey- He was very thorough. He carries a lot of ore; Jennifer Morrison, as Owl; Peter Bar- experience with him." tolini as Christopher Robin: and Kristen Edwards said, "Brian is easy to work for. Mainero as Rabbit. Other forest animals He's concerned with everyone's welfare were played by freshmen Rachel Weidman, not just theatrically, but scholastically, Kelly Reed. Jacqueline Ricci, and Christy also. This is an excellent show.'' Earley. The play was narrated by senior Lisa The last two performances will occur on Scheirer. Dec. 3 and Dec. 4, both at !·and 3 p.m. in th&:.. Morgan said. "I try to talk to the actors Little Theatre. Tickets are $4. For reservabefore each show to offer guidance and tions and information, call 971-8510.

..• Radnor Racquet Club PT Position, answering phones, booking tennis• couns. Needed Thurs, Fri, and Sat at $5.50/hr. Can do homework there. Call 293-1407. Kashazad Ruggery Work in carpet store part time. Call 525- 7595. T J Maxx Broomall, Depanment Supervisor. Flexible hrs, full or pan time, competitive salary, benefits. Call 356-7274. Heirlooms Sweater Outlet Need people to help with the process of moving to a different location. Dec 5-17 /4-6 hr shifts from 9:30am to 8 pm. $4/hr + 20% discount. Call Mrs Roth at 245-8338. Dress Barn Sales people/Cashiers. $4 & up to start, PT/FT, Full Benefits for people who work over 20 hrs. Call Bonnie at 9710330. Waiters/Waitresses Paoli Local Restaurant, PT, flexible day & night. Pay negotiable. Call Sharon Sullivan at 251-9725. Nursing Assistants Needed PT, 7-3/311 shifts. Starting at $6.2-3/hr. Call Mary at 359-4404 ext 221. Do You Love Kids? Child Care/Nannies, Summer positions and one year commitment positions available. References required. Call Philadelphia Nanning Net work at 546-3002.

friday, dee. 2, 1988 Review

U2's latestis more than just an album by Stephanie Hornyak U2's new album,"Rattle and Hum," is a 17-track album complete with live and studio recordings. This is the seventh album for U2. "Rattle and Hum" is more than an album, though. As the writer, Bono sends fonh a message about the things that matter to him and to the group. He is the consci~nce of people everywhere. "Rattle and Hum" is a political album opposing apartheid, televangelism, and factors of American society, as well as support for the Beatles,Bob Dylan, Martin Luther King Jr., and Bishop Tutu. The album opens with Bono saying, "Here's a song Charles Manson stole from the Beatles. We 're stealing it back." U2 goes into a live performance of"Helter Skelter." This is a heated song played not only in dedication of the Beatles, but in protest of Charles Manson. "Van Diemans Land" is a studio recording. Dedicated to the poet, John Boyle O'Reilly, this is a folk song. It is mellow and seems out of place, but as the album continues, it fits in nicely. "Desire" is the first single released from this album. From the first to the last note, "Desire" moves and rocks combining rock'n'roll with the blues, complete with an old South ending. "Hawkmoon 269" only has to be listened to once to really love it. It is a lustful,jungle rhythm, and once you listen to it. it will become a favorite.

"Rattle and Hum" includes some Jive versions of already recorded songs as well. "Pride (In the Name of Love)," appeared first on the Unforgettable Fire. This time it is dedicated to the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. "Bullet the Blue Sky," released on the Joshua Tree, is also a live recording, protesting the downside of American society. "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" was also recorded first on the Joshua Tree. Bono had intended for this to be a gospel song. The New Voices of Freedom, a gospel group, recorded a version of this song, and then U2 was brought together with them for a live recording in Madison Square Garden. The album includes some Elvis-sounding songs such as "Angel Of Harlem," "Love Rescue Me," and "All I Want Is You." "Angel Of Harlem" and "Love Rescue Me" were both recorded at the Sun Studios in Memphis where the legendary first Elvis songs were recorded. "When Love Comes To Town" is a rough-edged song fol! two songs later by "God Part II," a vengeful song with a message of love. "Heanland" is a moving and classic sounding U2 song, with passionate lyrics. "Silver and Gold" is an angry song written against apanheid, and "All Along The Watch Tower'' is a tribute to Bob Dylan, telling this generation that what Bob Dylan said in the '60s applies in the '80s.

job squad Telephone Survey Mon-Thurs evenings, need workers to call people asking them if they would like to attend seminar. No Telemarketing skills involved. Need immediately. Call Jo Ann Tadeo at 692-1325 or 647-8342. Slender Quest Someone needed to work at health club/tanning salon to watch customers on machines, Some office work. Call 688-0402. Restaurant Work Cashier, Cook, Etc ... FT/ PT, Mon-Fri, $6/hr to start. Call Crocodile Cafe at 971-9993. Clerical/Customer Service Bryn Mawr office up to 20 hrs/wk. Call 537-8010 for an interview. Office Work 3-4 hrs/day, Typing, answering phones, assisting office manager. Rosemont Business Campus. Call Mary Klimowicz at 526-0120. H&R Block Wayne and King of Prussia offices need Typists ($5/hr), Non-Typist($4.50/hr), and Processor/assemblers($4/ hr) for Tax season, end of Jan-April 17, Flexible hrs. Call 265-4195 and ask for Susan Frederick. Macy's King of Prussia Mall, Needs Sales Consultant (Commission up to $13-14/hr) and Clerical Worker ($4.50/hr.) Call Mary Raddario at 337-9350 Ext. 352.

Restaurant Need serving staff for award winning gourmet restaurant/cafeteria. FMon-Fri, Flexible hrs. 7:30-3:30. FT/PT, Friendly work environment, $5/hr plus. Call 688-4785 for information. Data Entry James William Tunle & co. in Haverford, Flexible hrs., Experience Needed. Call 642-1864.

Teacher Aide For after school day care program. Radnor School District, Wayne Elementary School, Mon-Fri, 3-6pm, Kinderganen to 2nd grade. $5-$5.25/hr. Contact Mary Mccurdy at Family Suppon Center at 352-7610.

Theater Help Cashier, Doorman Attendant. Call George Cantiello at 473-3222.

Child Care Worker Divine Providence Village, dressing and bathing developmental women and children ages 6-50. Mostly evenings, some weekends. Call Angela or Jean at 328- 7730.

St David Gulf Club Needs Cocktail Waitresses. Weekend, Flexible hrs, Good pay. Ask for Jim Tague, Bar Manager, at MU820 IO.

Stouffer Hotels All positions available in King of Prussia and Gulph Mills. Call Job Squad for more information at Ext. 8422.

Merit Outlet in Ardmore and Bryn Mawr needs Cashiers. Start at $4/hr with Raise after90Days. For Ardmore call Tina at 6498757. For Bryn Mawr call Joanne at 3564808.

Medical Secretary/Receptionist FT/PT. Immediate openings. 1PM PC experience preferred. $6.50-$7 /hr. Call Dr. Mark Saracino at 337-3335.

Clerical Position Radnor Township Office. 8-10 hrs./wk, Flexible hours for Training during school year, More hours for summer months. Call 688-1200 between 9 and 4:30 for interview. Attn: Juniors and Seniors Cooperative Education-A great way to earn up to $10/hr and gain up to 6 credits in career-related jobs. Call Co-Op at Ext 8306 now!

Part-Time Data Entry Contact Ms. Wi IIiams at 524-1005.



Graduates dreams and goals have the Cabrini touch

Prestige and honor is bestowed by peers by Lee Mirenda

Editor's note: The following is a speech prepared by Michael Edmondson, the 1988 recipient of the Mother Ursula Award. He was to give this address at the graduation ceremony of the class of 1988. Due to rain, the ceremony was shortened and Mike was unable to give his speech. The Loquitur staff would like to congratulate Mike and give him a bit of the recognition that he deserves.

by Michael Edmondson I would like to welcome the Honorable Representative Mr. Flick, members of the board of trustees, Sister President, faculty, administration and staff. my fellow classmates. family and friends. It is quite an honor to stand before you today and receive this award. None of us would be here. however, if it were not for the efforts of a small group of individuals. In the words of Winston Churchill, during the air raid of London in World War II: "Never have so many owed so much to so few." The few I refer to are the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. A group of women who have as their foundress Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini. A woman who had real dreams, real feelings. and made a real contribution to society. Thirty years ago. the Sisters decided to open a college and name it after their foundress. Today, the gates of Cabrini College remain open and the Sister responsible for the opening of those gates 30 years ago is Mother Ursula Infante. Unfortunately, Mother Ursula was needed elsewhere today. At a brisk 91 years of age, she has been a living model for all students to seek the quality exemplified by the life of Mother Cabrini. I need not go into the chronology of accomplishments over the last 30 years in Cabrini's history. Feel free to walk around the 110 rolling acres and see the developments that have occurred overt he years. (But not now, wait until I am finished.) -· Instead, I would like to take this opportunity to do two things: one is to tell you what being part of the Cabrini family over the past four years has been about; the other is to thank our parents and loved ones who have supported us over the years. Being part of the Cabrini family means more than having a beautiful campus, with its 110 rolling acres. to walk around on. It means to be a "real" person. When one looks inside past the beautiful landscape and architecture, they see the Missionary Sisters and the dedicated men and women who have helped foster the growth of students. The graduating class of 1988, is the result of the loving labor of these people in the true spirit of Mother Cabrini. Being part of the Cabrini family means more than being a student, one is a Cabrini student. We are real people with real dreams, real feelings, and real contributions to make to society. What the Missionary Sisters and staff have accomplished here at Cabrini is to create an environment to foster the growth of those --real .. qualities. Our dreams and goals have the Cabrini touch, a touch of gentle, loving concern. hope and faith. We know we will be successful because of Cabrini. Over the past four years, my classmates and I witnessed many changes here at Cabrini. some more beneficial than others. But we have been more than just witnesses, we participated in some of the changes. Throughout Cabrini we have developed more than ju\t physically, but also emotionally, intellectually. and spiritually. Together, we have been successful, and accomplished more


f riday, dee. 2, 1988


It is the most prestigious award a Cabrini senior can receive. It honors the senior who has best fulfilled the ideals of Cabrini College through academic achievement, leadership. and participation in·extracurricular activities. It has been coined by one person to be the "unsung hero" award. It is the Mother Ursula Alumni Award. Mother Ursula Infante finished her term as the first president of Cabrini College in 1967. Hertime in office was marked by respect, reverence, and admiration. In 1968 the Alumni Association wanted to honor the first president. Mother Ursula said, ..The) (the Alumni Association) knew what I stood for and they wanted 10 perpetuate tha1.·· As a result, the Mother Ursula Alumni Award was born and its first recipient was Michele Rusinyak. Martha Dale, director of alumni affairs, said the recipient is chosen strictly by peers. According to Dale, seniors place their nomination with the Alumni Affairs office when they RSVP the Senior Dinner. The Alumni Affairs office tabulates the top four or five nominations, then the seniors vote for their choice at the Senior Dinner where the winner is announced. At commencement the president of the alumni association presents the award to the recipient who then addresses the audience.t "It's arl award people do revere," Nancy Costello, president of the alumni association, said. Costello said that due to the immense respect people have for Mother Ursula, seniors give a great deal of thought into their choice for the recipient. Dale said, "It doesn't appear to be a popularity contest, it is awarded to someone who cares about their fellow man." Mother Ursula is satisfied with the seniors' choices through the years. ·'It is fitting that peers select the recipient," Mother Ursula said, "Peers form good judges because they see each other in and out of classroom."

than we could have ever dreamed. As the class of 1988, we have had a great deal of fun over the years. Hopefully, we even learned at least one thing in the classroom. But we have also learned from the Missionary Sisters, their staff and each other. For some, we have learned to listen more, or maybe care a little more. For others, we have taught each other to enjoy life more, and some ofus have even learned to act more seriously toward life's precious moments. There are, however, those who have taught each other to love, and this is what the Cabrini family is all about. When we started our journey through Cabrini we left one family and joined another. Now, after years of ups and downs as in any family, we must leave our home we called Cabrini. We must now return to that family that started us off years ago. Just as Mother Cabrini _provided a foundation for the Missionary Sisters, so too have our families done the same for us. We need to be thankful to Mother Cabrini for setting an example of service and love, for this family may never have been born. This event, is a way to say thank you to those people who have been by our side, through the good times as well as the bad times. The graduating class of 1988, through this commencement, says thank you for the financial support, but more importantly, for all the spiritual support that has been provided to us over the years by our parents, grandparents, relatives, spouses, and friends. Since this is a day for thanksgiving, I would like to personally thank my foundation, my mother and father, for allowing me the opportunity to experience what being part of a family is all about. For the rest of my family and my best friend gathered here, thank you for your guidance and support when I needed you. For the Missionary Sisters and Mother Ursula for providing a true example of what living life and experiencing love is all about. Finally, for my classmates, for without whom this award would never have been possible. You have accepted me for who I am and have provided me Dettahl' ...... . with some of life's most >.special SG>.Adventmm Ti11be in 1he wonderful experiences chepel at 6 pm. The caUection at cloth• and I thank you. YllJ be affved at this time. When we leave here today, we will go on and December 5.. 19&& encounter new people in Send 10me at your loft to the children at a different setting. I ask St. Edmun4'1Home tbr Crippled Children. my classmates to conSG>."fill be &ivinl out Chmtmas SU>cJania tinue giving this world to the chitclren. Times end tremportation what you have been ofTill be announced. fered at Cabrini, a chance to grow, a chance to December 6,. 1966 develop, a chance to Chrutmu Cerolin1 ennmd the campm dream and a chance to ..Ul leaft f\'om the cafeteria at 1 pm. .UI love others, and this carolers are asked to be Tearin1 tops. world would be that much better through your efDecember 7,. 19&1 forts. The Tute LoeCeremony Till ro11cvthe THANK YOU. campusChristmas dinner toni&ht >.tiare invited to attend. Mass be said aner the Yute LO& in the Mansion lobby.

Dale, Costello, and Mother Ursula would like the award to receive more recognition. Mother Ursula hopes that students will strive for it and gi, e of themselves more because it brings out the best in them.


Mother Ursula Award recipients The Mother Ursula Alumni Award was established by the Alumni Association in honor of Mother Ursula Infante, M.S.C.. the first president of the college It is presented annually to the graduating senior who most exemplifies the ideals of Cabnni College. Th..s,recipient is elected by vote of the senior class. 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Michele Rusinyak Margaret Boyte Margaret Hopkins Laura Hentschel Loretta Lawless Donna Sadowski Kathleen Fusco Theresa Walker Maureen Malecki Frances MacDonald Joseph Reilly Maria Pia Carusi Victoria Ryan Mary B. Lynch Kathleenrilippo Dane Linn Michael Hawley Gerard Lennon Barbara Colantuono Mary Kate Grimley Michael Edmondson Lisa Kantor

Welcome to the Twelve Days of Christmasl .





Deeeml>er 1911 a reminder 1bat IOdayI, e holiday at

01>U1atian.Men tchedulesTill be postlld. MOVIE NIGHT:a me,dly otChriJtmm Special.a Till be fbatured. Ieltivitiea Tin beiin Tith a HolidaySoiree at 8 pmin VCGA.

December 9,. 1961 Battle at the Bends Till come to Cabrini eoneael J. Christmas Put>,,mbe set up in the VCGA.Iood.friends, and f'tstive tun Till l:>e in store. All beiins at 9 pm.

December 10,. 1966 J. shoppinc spree to the Gallery in Philly Till leave from Cabrini's noon VansTill return upon the request of the majority of the students. BSAls sponsorlnc a t'a1hion shov In the 7:'JJ pm. See your peers model hii:;h rashion attire.





friday, dee. 2 ,1988

U.S. citizensplaced in internmentcamps by Johanna Church Sumiko Kobayashi had just finished high school and was preparing to enter the University of California at Berkeley, when her life changed drastically. The time was World War II, and Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. On Feb. 19, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which caused the drastic change in Kobayashi's life, and that of many other JapaneseAmericans. Kobayashi, her family and thousands of other JapaneseAmerican citizens were herded into internment camps. On Monday, Nov. 21, in a social work class taught by Margo Bare, instructor, Kobayashi brought her insight and experience to a discussion on early Japanese immigration, the Americans' hostility to American-Asians during World War II and the redress effort 40 years later. When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, rumors circulated about the loyalty of Japanese-Americans, and Kobayashi's family feared what was going to happen next. Executive Order 9066 gave the U.S. Army the authority to designate military areas from where all Japanese-Americans had to be evacuated. Later in March 1942, Congress passed an order stating that violations of E.O. 9066 or any order from a military commander was a criminal offense, punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. Soon after, Kobayashi and her family were sent to Tanforan Assembly Center, an old race track converted to accommodate its incoming internees. The change was not a slow and gradual one. These American citizens were given as little as one day's notice to evacuate their residences. Personal belongings were allowed, but only what each could carry with two hands. Many homes, businesses. furniture and other valuable belongings were lost. Kobayashi's sorrow was for her dog

of eight years, who was left in the care of another family, and later ran away. Four montlis passed at the Assembly Center, and Kobayashi's family was packed up and again moved to a desert camp in Utah. Another great loss in that ordeal was that family life and closeness were gone. Each family was sleeping in one room and eating in community mess halls. '·Jn other words, no privacy," Kobayashi said. The internees had opportunity to make anywhere from S 12 to $19 a month, by assisting in running an intern camp. Allowances of $3.75 per person were given each month for clothing. The government then felt that it was time to encourage relocation, not out of compassion, but out of fear that the internees would lose the ability to be independent, and would have to be permanent wards of the government. Kobayashi left Utah, and began her college education in Northern New Jersey. Later, her parents moved to the Philadelphia area. In 1983, 40 years later, Kobayashi began the fight, to redress the grievances of Japanese-Americans, by becoming coordinator for the effort for the Pennsylvania and Delaware chapters of the Japanese American Citizens League. Kobayashi mentioned that the main idea was to get an

apology and just have people realize it was a great wrong, and to get compensation to underscore the apology. The United States government has formally apologized and has set up a trust fund, allowing $20.000 to each surviving Japanese- American who was interned. An Office of Redress has been set up, and the first checks are to go out in the summer of 1989, after the money has been appropriated. On Sept. 22, 1988, Kobayashi was appointed to the Pennsylvania Heritage Affairs Commission, which is a program that "works with units of government and private, non-profit organizations which seek to preserve or promote some aspect of their local cultural heritage." Bare's social work class was given a dynamic lecture illustrated with approximately 20 pictures of actual internment camps and two brief video tapes. Kobayashi was well received by the social work students, who Bare said "were genuinely interested in what she had to say, since it has not been a big part of people's history lessons." Bare discovered Kobayashi trough Grace Uyehara, also of the redress effort. Kobayashi is not as optimistic about the redress money coming as soon as it is expected, but will keep fighting for what she believes was a mistake made by America to Americans.



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f ridax, dee. 2 1 1988


Combsfrom 1 Editors,_,

This is a Cop\/ of a letter sent lo former Voice

Presidenf of lnstttutional Advancement, Bill Battles, from fonner chairpe<soo of the Board ol Trustees, William Combs,explaining

Combs'reasonsfor resigning.

Dear Bill. As you know, I am deeply concerned about el'ents that rook place this past summer at Cabrini College. To set the record straight, I had no alternative other than to resign as chairman and trustee because of major decisions being made be Sister Eileen, without consultation with Board of Trustees, that sei·erely impounded on the future of the institution. I know howdevastatedyoumust be because of your sudden dismissal from Cabrini and I feel obligated to recogni:e your outstanding accomplishments as l'ice president of Cabrini College. When I submiued your name as a candidate for the open position to the Search committee in 1986, it was based upon your strong management background at Bell of Pennsylvania and thirty years of important volunteer activity for the University of Vermont. Obviously, the Search committee was impressed as you were selected among the many candidates. Your two plus years at Cabrini were most productive. Thefirst year was devoted to creating an Institutional Advancement team that had a grasp of and a commitment to the Master Plan of the college. You instilled a strong positive spirit in your team so that Alumni Relations, Development and Public Relations could direct all their attention to promoting the image of the institution. The second year was one of continued accomplishment. Your feasibility study was completed and the Board gave the go ahead for a Comprehensive Capital Fund Raising Campaign. During the same period, because of your decision to use consultative help, certification was receivedfor CO-OP Education along with a five year grant for $474,000. Act 101 assistance from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was also received. Being the thirtieth anniversary year of the school, a wonde1ful celebration week was put together primarily by your Public Relations director and highlighting many cultural, academic and social functions. 1 was particularly

impressed by the Antiq.ue/Classic Car show held on the campus. The improved cooperation by al/was obvious. I didn'tfollow alumni relations as much as fund raising and student affairs, but I do know that the Alumni Director had another fine year including increased fund raising and most important the percentage of participation. I've also observed and know from events at Quarry Hill Farm that student spirit has never been better for which 1 give you considerable credit. I was most encouraged by the new people you were introducing to the school and the progress you were making with foundation representatives. Special progress orfirst time successes were realized with the W.W. Smith Fund, the Campbell Soup Fund, the LaffeyMcHugh Foundation and the Arcadia Fund. Just getting the Dorrance family to have theirfamily reunion at the Manor House, their old family home, was a real coup. Working with the outside consultants, you were making tremendous progress with our $10,000,000 capital plan. The substantial donations and pledges you had already received almost guaranteed the success of the campaign. While all this was going on, you were the main school contact with the architect, the local government, the some what hostile neighbors and contractors. Construction is well underway and the college is surely indebted to you Jor your tireless and effective efforts especiallywith the zoning authorities and reluctant neighbors. The '87- '88 year was a record for external fund raising, which I think was a remarkable achievement in such a short period of time. Your total dedication to the institution, your attendance at every function, night or day, and your personal interest in the students, the faculty, the staff, the parents and alumni will be sorely missed. Cabrini is certainly much better off for your having been there. Sincerely, W. H. Combs ,

Student honoredby fellowclassmates by Kerry M. Gallagher

Fall Orientation, truly symbolizes the spirit of Cabrini," Mark Gudas, freshman, said.

Lisa Kantor, senior, was recently honored by her fellow classmates

as the

Her past achievements

include being


Editor-in-Chief for the past two years of Cryptic, the literary magazine; an orientation counselor and a participant in Project Appalachia. She is at present a "big sister" to a few Cabrini students and Clubs and Organized Activities Co-Editor of Woodcrest. In . addition to her busy schedule of extra-curricular activities, Kantor manages to keep on top of her studies. At this point in time, she maintains approximately a 3.7. She is a Presidential Scholar and recipient of the Charles A. Mastronardi Service and Leadership Award. Mary McGill, senior, and a very close friend of Kantor, said, ''Lisa has worked very hard her four years here, and I really think she deserves it."

The Alumni Association then counted the votes and made up slips with the names of

Kantor is a secondary education and English major. At present, she is doing field

the four students who drew the most votes.

observation at -Archbishop Kennedy High

They were: Theresa Daly, Kantor. Laura

School in Conshohocken.

Wilson and Joel Zazyczny. These slips were placed on the tables and

In her spare time. if you can call it that, Kantor just likes to spend time with her

the seniors then checked off one of the four

friends. And her friends like spending time with her. "Lisa is one of the most giving and

recipient of the prestigious Mother Ursula Award. At the Senior Dinner, sponsored by the _Alumni Association, on Nov. 18, Kantor was selected for the award. The Mother Ursula Award is given to the senior, who in the opinion of the senior class, has best fulfilled the ideals of the college through academic achievement, participation in extracurricular activities and leadership and service to fellow classmates and the college. Nomination fonns for the award were sent out to all seniors a month before the dinner. The nomination fonns were included in the invitation forthe dinner, and accompanied by a complete list ofnames for the senior

names. Victoria (Tory) Ryan, '80, president of the Alumni Association Executive Board and a Mother Ursula Award winner herself, ,_ announced Kantor as the winner. Kantor is a native of Spring Valley, New York. She is a 1985 graduate oflmmaculate Heart Academy in Westwood, N.J. The

list of activities Kantor has been

caring people that I know.

She's just all-

round wonderful," lneresa Daly, senior, said. Kantor would like to live around this area after she graduates. She wishes to teach high school English. "I


like to, one day, go on to

involved in here at Cabrini is endless. She

graduate school and study reading," Kantor

has been an active member

said. Her long tenn goal is to become a reading



government. For the past two years, she has served as vice president of her class. Her biggest involvement may be Coordinator of Orientation '88. Kantor took on a

specialist. The first item on her agenda for the future

lot of responsibility in this position. Under

is preparing a speech to be read at graduation. It is traditional for the Mother

her leadership, Cabrini conducted its first summer orientation program and it ran very

Ursula Award winner to give their acceptance speech at that time, as that is the

successfully. "Lisa's enthusiasm, as displayed during

moment when he or she fonnall y receives the award.


Seniors bid farewellto selectingcourses by Leonora Veterano On Tuesday. Nov. 8, the Cabrini tradition continued as the senior class registered for the 1988-89 spring semester. But for the senior class this is a time when registration is the final step to the enviable day of graduation. Not only do they not have to deal with the long lines any more at this time, but the chances of getting cut out of a class are almost null and void. According to second-semester senior Brian Butler, "In my past years here at Cabrini, I have experienced trouble with registration in getting closed out of classes and such, but forthe first time things have gone smoothly." But Butler also feels the reason for this is because he is a second semester senior. But for some of the seniors the problem does not always lie with the long lines, or getting closed out of a class. One senior felt there is definite room for improvement when it comes to registration. For example, EdwardJoseph(E.J.)Hartman felt that the courses which Cabrini offers are all right if you are going for the ones you have to take because it is for your major, but if you want lo take them for pure interest alone, then Cabrini

fails in that department. Most of the senior class during this time sign up for their classes because of requirements in order to graduate in the spring. "I picked some of my classes because they were required for my major and others such as electives because they interest me," senior Douglas Jobson said. But Jobson has a few concerns of his own. "Not only do I have some tough courses to attack during this last semester such as historiography, but all of this could have been avoided if only some of the really important courses like this one were not offered bi-yearly." Not only do the seniors have their negative attitudes towards registration but the registrar's office has a few opinions of their own to contribute. "I really do not like the way pre-registration is handeled here at Cabrini, not only is the computer system here not up to par, but the labor during this time is just too intensive," Jennifer Hansbury, registrar, said.


than these two problems, Hansbury feels fine

because the seniors help make registration easy due to the fact that they have been through it before. Hansbury also cites that the class which goes through the most problems during registration is the freshmen class. "The freshmen definitely get the worst of it, because they are the last ones to register." Besides all of the negative problems that have been voiced, there are some positive sides to the whole affair. Senior Grace Leuzzi said, "I like the fact that the senior class gets first pick." Kathy Smith, senior, also feels comfortable with the students registering in alphabetical order, "It makes the process less complicated." But Hansbury feels that one of the biggest assets at the office is definitely Maryann Mirra, who also works at the registrar's office. ''Her channing personality makes the whole experience easier for the students," Hansbury said. "It takes a lot of time and effort to make sure that everything is done right and Mrs. Mirra displays this in her work."



friday, dee. 2, 1988


ClervAct '

Campusopenseyes to crimerate By Karen Shank

According to Clery, many schools spend only five-tenths of I percent of their operating budgets on security. More is spent on a varsity sport. This figure is ridiculously low, according to Clery, when campus crime rates are 3 to 5 percent higher than national crime rates, and last year there were close to 6,000 rapes, 13,000 aggravated assaults, and 3,300 drug arrests on college campuses. "We have been lucky. but we're not gloating," Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, said of crime rates at Cabrini. "We plan to be pro-active in beefing up security and making sure policies and procedures are clear." Gardner said that during the last two open houses parents have asked specific questions pertaining to the Clery Act. "The Clerys have made the public more aware thatthey need to ask," Gardner said. According to Gardner, priorto the recent publicizing of campus crime incidents around the state, people often assumed by the nature of our campus that it was safe. "We want to make sure students realize it's not a sanctuary,"Gardnersaid. "It's really upto the students to make sure all this

It is never easy to find good in bad, or to turn a tragedy into triumph. It becomes even more difficult to do so when the tragedy affects someone close to you, your family, or yourself. On April 6, 1986, a young woman was raped and murdered in her dormitory room at Lehigh University. Jeanne Anne Clery was the victim of the brutal crime. Another student, then sophomore Josoph Henry, was later convicted of the slaying and sentenced to death in the electric chair. The victim ·s parents, Howard and Connie Clery. have since worked with state Rep. Richard McClatchy Jr. to propose a bill that would help to protect other students from crime. "Wedo it in memory of Jeanne," Howard Clery said. "It helps us think her terrible death was not in vain." On Nov. 26, 1988, the College and University Security Information Act went into effect. Through the implementation of this law, also known as the Clery Act, colleges and universities are required to inform incoming students of crime statistics upon request. Howard Clery said he is hoping students will elect not to attend schools with high crime rates, which will in turn force these schools to spend more money on security. Clery feels the law will "lift the curtain of silence."

sibility for their safety. The law does not actually demand that colleges and universities change any policies, but instead says all security policies and procedures must be provided to every person who submits an application for admission, to every new employee, and annually to all students and employees. This information will include: the number of students enrolled, the number of residents, the number of non-student employees on campus, information on security personnel, the office responsible for security campus, the enforcement authority of security personnel, the policy on reporting criminal incidents to state and local police, the policy regarding access to institutional facilities and programs by



guests and other individuals, the policies regarding alcohol and drug possession use and sale, the policy regarding possession and use of weapons by security personnel and any other person, the policy regarding students or employees with criminal records, security considerations used in the maintenance



Dean of Students, Robert Bonfiglio, feels the law will make the campus safer by heightening the interest in security on campus. He agreed that students have a respon-

scription of the medium used to inform the campus community about security matters and the frequency with which the information is provided.

campus facilities, and a de-

Because Cabrini maintains student housing, it must also include information on the types of student housing available, policies on housing assignments and requests by students for assignment changes, policies concerning admission of visitors to student housing facilities, features used to secure doors and windows in students rooms, descriptions of the type and number of employees, including security personnel, assigned to the student housing, the type and frequency of programs designed to inform student housing residents about housing security and enforcement procedures, policy for housing students during low-occupancy periods such as holidays and vacations, and policy on the housing of guests and others not assigned to the student housing or not regularly associated with the institution. This information should be in students' mailboxes beforeChristmas break. Crime statistics and rates for the most recent three-year period wi II be available upon request to applicants and to all new employees. Every college and university is also required to report crime statistics to the Pennsylvania state police on an annual basis. Dan Neyer, director of security, is responsible for compiling and submitting this information. According to the information Neyer will be providing to the state

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police, in 1986 a total of 22 offenses occured. These offenses include six larceny-theft reports, five drug abuse violation reports, two disorderly conduct reports, and four other offenses (except traffic).

All of these reports were found to be actual offenses. A total of 38 offenses were reported in 1987, including one assault, four forcible entries, 14 larceny-theft incidents. offense,

one arson

11 vandalism incidents,

two disorderly conduct incidents and five otheroffenses (except traffic), all of which were found to be actual offenses. In 1988, 63 offenses were reported and found to



offenses. According to Neyer. the increase in number is due to dorm theft records being more completely kept. Five assaults, four burglaries, 32 thefts, one arson offense, 16 drug abuse violations, and five other offenses (except traffic). are included in the total. Clery said he and his wife were satisfied with the final law. He said it is a landmark and 17 other states are now looking at it. Clery said the law will now force the administration to make students aware of campus crime status where previously there has existed lying and distortion.






friday1 dee. 21 1988

Mercedes Raffle

Cocktail party toasted as a success by Kelly Ann McGillan Anticipation grew in the mansion as Villanova basketball coach, Rollie Massimino, reached into the raffle ticket cylinder to draw the winner's name of the 1988 Mercedes 190 E Sedan. After pausing for a moment while reading the name to himself, Massimino handed the winning ticket to John Dzik, athletic director, and said, ·'Well, it's not you!" With a smile Dzik read the name aloud, ·'The winner is Patrick Holness." Holness was later announced as a member of the physical plant staff on campus. It was also revealed later that Holness had purchased the share with another member of the physical plant, Al Granese. The mansion was full of excited shareholders and guests on Nov. 20. For Cabrini, this was the first time the Mercedes drawing took place during a cocktail party a month later and not immediately following the five-· mile run. The idea was Joanne Balshi 's, a member of the athletic advisory board, and with the help of Angela Zager, a member of the president's advisory committee, organized the evening. The main objective was to raise money for the athletic program. Balshi estimated that about $20,000 would be raised, but that figure was changing because 23 tickets were purchased at the door. Sponsors were: Keenan Motors, which provided the car: Snelling & Snelling Personal Services; Institute for Facial Esthetics; Genuardi's Supermarkets, and National Risk Management. All donated money to put on the evening. "What the money raised will be used for, hasn't been decided yet, probably for capital projects," said Jim Fitzsimmons, former dean of students and current member of the athletic advisory board. The athletic advisory board raises the money, but the college decides where the money is most needed. Last year, the money r~ised enabled the college to widen the athletic field, buy more equipment and new goal cages. Guests were greeted by valet parking and, once inside, by a string quartet playing selections from the baroque and classical periods. A buffet, an open bar and various hors d'oeuvres, were also served. Diane Kolodzinski, director of public relations, said, "This evening is important for the capital campaign. We are expanding our base of friends and contributors of the college." She also added that she saw many new faces and said, "This cocktail party is great for developing these new relationships for the college." Kolodzinski also said that it's great having Massimino attend as well, not only because he coaches at neighboring Villanova, but because he understands the college's attempt to expand athletically. There were many familiar faces in attendance as well. Fitzsimmons, who was last year's winner, was hoping for a repeat. Dean of Students Bob Bonfiglio, joked that he didn't purchase a share because of what happened last year. Other guests included: alumni, faculty and parents of current students. Several students attended in place of their parents who were unable to attend. Before the drawing, Sr. Eileen Currie, president, welcomed all of Cabrini's new friends and thanked the athletic advisory board. Dzik then introduced Massimino by saying that this was the first time they had

More on cocktail party on page 11

Rollie Massimino prepares to pick the winning ticket for the Mercedes Raffle as Tom Nerney opens the wheel and John Dzik looks on. {photo by Mike Stevenson)

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Cavs open with a shaky win by Mark Gudas & Frank Emmerich

The Cavaliers' momentum from winning the New Paltz Tip-Off Tournament carried over to their home opener. On Nov. 21, the Cabrini Cavaliers tipped-off the 1988-89 Eastern States Athletic Conference season with a victory over the Wesley Wolverines. The first home game for the Cabrini Cavaliers was a morale booster for the team, ~espite their sloppy play. Cabrini dominated the Wesley Wolverines most of the game leading at times by as much as 22 points. The starting line-up for the Cavaliers was: Jeff Barnes, Brian Butler. Jason Yurchak, sophomore and c<Kaptains Marko Gittens, junior and Rocco Sansone, senior. Inconsistency at the end of the game enabled Wesley to close the gap to 13 points. As stated by Coach Dzik, "this was the worst defensive game in nine years that I ever coached."

Being known as a defensive club, giving up 99 points was a disappointment to the Cavaliers. However, Cabrini's offense was explosive at times lead by co-captain Gittens' 23 points. Also contributing to the potentoffense was Yurchak whopoured in 22 points, including three consecutive crowd pleasing slam-dunks. One notable quality of the Cabrini squad is their depth coming off the bench. Jeff Hines and Giles Smith supported the starters by scoring eight points respectively. Every sport has one aspect of the game that decides the outcome. In basketball the majority of the times the game is won or lost at the foul line. In the game, the Cavaliers shot 18 of 23 from the line, while the Wolverines were only capable of shooting 8 for 15. When Cabrini took their 22-point lead, the Wesley coaching staff began to question the officiating. Wesley's frustration lead one of their team officials to verbally protest

a call, forcing his ejection from the scorer's table. According to JoeLindsey, the headofficial, a score keeper must remain an unbiased official during the game. Wesley's head coach, Jim Wentworth, was impressed by Cabrini's effort. He claims that Cabrini is, "always tough in their own building." However, he thought both teams played rather sloppy, considering the talent that both teams possess. He also said that he believes that Gittens is the best player in the league, and that the Cavaliers will be a dominating force in the Eastern Conference playoffs. Even after the 13-point victory, Coach Dzik remains, "cautiously optimistic." He will look to the leadership of Gittens and Butler to carry the team into post-season play. Coach Dzik claims that the squad's backcourt experience, depth, hustle, and good defense will make up for their lack of size, which is their main weakness.

Cocktail Party from 10

Positive attitudes still strong despite loss in home.opener

met face to face and hoped th at they cou Id also meet on the court. Massimino, who interrupted an early Thanksgiving with family and players before going to Puerto Rico for a week to get ready for basketball season. said he was glad to accept Dzik's invitation. "because this is what it's all about." "There is no difference between what we're doing at Villanova and what you're doing at Cabrini," Massimino said. Holness and Granese had not attended the cocktail party and commented the next day on their win. Granese said that Holness was contacted first and had immediately called him. "We were very excited over the phone

by Carlo Iacono

together, our families are also excited," said Grane_\>e. Granese said that it was nice coming into work because everyone at the plant was happy for them. When asked if they would accept the cash instead of the car, Granese said that they hadn't really decided yet. "Well, we can't split the car in half, either we 'II split the cash or one of us will buy out the other's share of the car." Granese said. Holness was not available for comment, howeverGranese said that he could speak for Holness and say that he was excited.

The junior varsity Cabrini Cavaliers will have to wait another day to bask in the glow of victory. The squad started their 1988-89 campaign with a 78-67 loss to the Philadelphia Community College Colonials. The defeat took place before a sparse, yet spirited, pre-Thanksgiving crowd in Sacred Heart gym. In fact the amount of players, 15, was even with the numberofspectators at tip-off time. The crowd eventually swelled to about double its original size. But nobody said JV play was glamorous. The program has the important job of planting the seeds for future varsity play. Against the Colonials, Sean McDonough and Brian Kilroy showed that they are about to sprout to that level of play. "The purpose of the JV team is to try to give the varsity players who don't get playing time a chance to improve their skills. A successful JV is when the squad works hard together," Coach John Dzik, athletic director, said. "Despite the loss, I am encouraged by what I saw," Dzik,said. "Idon'tgiveahoot about their won-loss record. They did a good job and the game gave a chance for some varsity players to shine-especially Sean McDonough and Brian Kilroy," Dzik, added. The JV squad consisting of 15 players includes: four varsity members and seven walk-ons. Even with the additions of the walk-ons, the junior unit is kept close-knit by the brother coaching tandem of Ed and Rob




friday. dee. 21 1988

Rowe. "We were fired up and positiveaboutthis game. We were definitely out there to win," McDonough said. That positiveness showed in the opening minutes as Cabrini played strong and stayed with Philadelphia Community by tying them at 11 midway through the first half. But PCC pulled ahead to a 36-27 halftime lead by out-rebounding Cabrini, and by scoring four unanswered field goals to close the half. In the second half, the Colonials ran the ball more, and combined with Cabrini's sloppy play, pulled outto a game high 49-33 lead with 13:55 remaining. After an 11: 11 time out by Cabrini, the Cavaliers played a spirited three minutes to close the gap to 53-40. But this late surge was all for naught as PCC effectively shot their foul shots to go ahead for good. If blossoming talent is more important than wins at the JV level, then this game was asuccess. Sophomore McDonough is a6'3" big man with soft hands for the outside shot. McDonough garnered I 6 points and 16 rebounds as he played an agressive game with his temper in check. Temper has been a problem for McDonough. "The first couple of scrimmages I got into some fights because of my agressive play. Coach Dzik told me to keep it (temper) in check ifl was to play better," McDonough said."Tonight I was able to control my temper and it paid off." But emotion is also a key to McDonough's game. He has a certain snarl to tell you that the upcoming rebound will be his. "I wouldn't play well in a passive way,'' added McDonough, "but temper is the fine line I can't cross if I'm to be effective." "I may have had a good game, but I thought that Brian Kilroy played an allaround great game and was a great team player," McDonough said. Junior Kilroy earned a triple-double (19 points, IOrebounds. and I I assists) with all around good play. Kilroy is no stranger to the varsity program because of the tenure he served with them last year. He knows his main role is that of providing leadership with the benefit of his varsity experience. "Coach Dzik doesn't like to see wasted effort and talent. A JV program only helps. I have no trouble playing JV-I know my role is to help up and coming players:· said Kilroy. Kilroy added, "If all else fails-at least they learn of the pride of playing in a Cavalier program."

Scoreboard I Results Men's Varsity Basketball 11/18 11/18 11/21

74 Cabrini Old Westbury 81 Cabrini SU New York 112 Cabrini Wesley

52 78 99

Men's J.V. Basketball 11/22 11/29

67 Cabrini 75 Cabrini

Phila. C.C. 76 Brandywine 45

Women's Basketball 11/22 11/28

62 Cabrini 107 Cabrini

Mulhenburg 52 Wesley 52

Statistics Men's Varsity Basketball New Paltz Tournament Old Westbury College, New York High Scorers Brian Butler - 16 points Marko Gittens - 14 points Most Rebounds Brian Butler - 10 rebounds State University of New York High Scorers Marko Gittens - 21 points Brian Butler - 1~oints Most Rebounds Marko Gittens - 7 rebounds MVP of Paltz Tournament Marco Gittens Touranment All S~r Team Brian Butler Jason Yurachak

Wesley College High Scorers Jason Yurchak - 23 points Marko Gittens - 23 points Most Rebounds Brian Butler - 15 rebounds

Men's J.V. Basketball Phila. Community College High Scorers Brian KIiroy - 19 points Sean McDonough - 16 points Most Rebounds Sean McDonough - 16 rebounds

Brandywine College High Scorers David Budka - 22 points Sean McDonough - 14 point Most Rebounds Sean McDonough - 12 rebound

Women's Basketball Mulhenburg College High Scorers Donna Aeillo - 29 points Christi Courseault - 15 points Most Rebounds Christi Courseault - 7 rebounds

Wesley College High Scorers Donna Aeillo - 21 points Christi Courseault - 20 points Most Rebounds Melissa Greisser - 9 rebounds

Schedule Men's Varsity Basketball Fri. 12/2 N.C. Wesleyan Tour. away TBA Tues. 12/6 Lincoln University home B pm

Men's J.V. Basketball Mon. 12/5 Thurs. 12/8

Allentown J.V. away 7:30 pm Penn State away 7:30 pm

Women's Basketball Fri. 12/2 Sat. 12/3 Tues. 1216 Thurs. 12/8

Marywood Ursinus Lincoln Del Val

home home home away

7 pm 6 pm 6 pm 8 pm



f ridaXzdee. 2 1 1988



Lady Cavaliers tame Wesley Wolverines by Nick Ostrowski

defense. They were too slow to contain the fast working Cavs and never got set up defensively. There was nothing wrong The Cabrini women's basketball team played their home with the Wolverine offense as they squeezed out 52 hardopener on Monday night at 7:00 and handily beat the Wesley earned points, but Cabrini just overpowered them offensively and in the rebound department. Wolverines by a score of 107-52. The win moved the Lady Cavs' record to 2-0 and showed In a 23-13 hole, Wesley tried to pick up the tempo of the they could be a strong contender for the ESAC (Eastern game even more, but Cabrini quickly turned this in their favor when they got six straight points on lay-ups by junior, States Athletic Conference) title. There were few spectators present as Cabrini controlled Donna Aeillo. Cabrini dominated the first half and went into the locker the game from the opening tip-off. The Cavs asserted themselves early jumping to an 8-0 lead by working the room at the half with a 55-28 lead. The Lady Cavs started the second half off in the same inside basket. Cabrini was obviously the quicker of the teams and fashion playing hard-nosed defense scoring quickly on the showed it by forcing Wesley to commit turnovers with their inside with junior, Christi Courseault, leading the charge. full pressure defense and by running the fast break for some Cabrini continued to run hard and punch holes in the early points. This pressure didn't let up the whole game as Wesley defense all night with Wolverine coach Dr. Frank they made the Wolverines force some bad shots and keep Fry shouting instructions from the sidelines to no avail. The home team had just too much depth, strength, and speed for them from effectively setting an explosive offense. Wesley's real problems seemed to lie in their lack of the visitors to put up much of a battle. In the end, the Wolverines never got to set up an effective defense and couldn't contain the fast break. At one point, Cabrini lead by as many as 60 points. Cabrini coach, Dan Welde, contributed the teams good play to the fact that "Wesley just wasn ·t that good this year:· Welde also said,"The transition game was going well but our manto-man defense is still weak." Wesley coach. Frank Fry, said,"! was impressed (with Cabrini). They hustled and didn't even let up, even when we played weak. That's a disciplined team." When asked how she saw her teams overall performance, Courseault said,"Our goal was to score I 00 points, and we reached it, but they Donna Aeillo , junior, drives down the court with Melissa Greisser, freshman, goes up for two as an opposing player tries shouldn't have scored 52 points." intensity. ( photo by Steve Pascali) to block her shot. ( photo by Steve Pascali)



Tuesday, December 6

Friday, December 2 6:30: The Student Government Trip to the Academy of Music to see the Messiah transportion will be provided.

I 2:30 pm: Peer Support Group, RRCC I pm: Christmas Caroling leaving from the cafeteria 6:45 - 8: I 5 pm: Campus Ministry Meeting, DSCR

Wednesday, December 7

Saturday, December 3

4:45 - 6:30 pm: Campus Christmas Dinner, caf 6:30: Christmas Caroling leaving from the caf 7 pm: Mass in the mansion

A clothing drive will be in WCGA . 9- I am: The Snow Ball Bash, WCGA

Thursday, December 8

Sunday, December 4

Holiday of Obligation 8 pm: Soiree in the WCGA 9 pm: MOVIE NIGHT: featuring Christmas Specials

12:30 - 5 pm: Financial Aid Workshop 6 pm: SGA mass, chapel Volleyball tournament

Friday, December 9

Monday, December 5 3 pm: Departure for St. Edmund's Home for Crippled Children from the WCGA Transportation will be provided. 7:30: Penitential Service, chapel

11- 12:30: Honors Fine Arts Presentation, WCLH 9 - I am: Battle of the Bands and Christmas Pub, WCGA


Welcometo the 12 Days of Christmas, December1 12. Join in the festivities.

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