friday, dee. 9, 1988
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
Teacher's exam to be altered
vol. XXXV, no. 11
a y avs ma1nta1n undefeatedrecord
by Denise Civa
After years of complaints from students and teachers alike, the Education Testing Service has finally conceded defeat and realized that their National Teachers Examinations (NTE), which certifies new teachers, must be replaced by tests which are more fair for education students. The test as it stands now is called ''simplistic and bias'' by
National Teacher's Examination
cnttcs. Not only can it not accurately describe the vast knowledge a person has of the teaching profession, but it is also bias against minority groups who score considerably lower than whites do. The Education Testing Service predicts that by 1992 the format_.ofthe NTEs will be severely altered to keep up with the trend of school improvement. The test, as it is set up now, is basically mutiple-choice which does not allow critical thinking on the part of the education student. It would be replaced by new sections, which are yet to be developed, but which would possibly include the following: * A test of general knowledge taken in sophomore year * A test of teaching knowledge and skills taken at the end of the students teacher training period using video, and computers * Classroom observation when the student becomes a full-fledged teacher Sue Stuhl, junior, special education and elementary education major, believes the format change of the tests are a good idea. "The tests now are very unfair," Stuhl said. "We sit for four hours straight without a break. It's not good test taking procedure and half of the stuff on the test you 'II never use." Carmela Cantone, senior, early childhood and elementary education major, also believes the tests needed changing. "I don't think it accurately judges teacher competency in the classroom because they're looking at the scores and they can't see you in a classroom situation,'• Cantone said. "You may be a person who can't take standardized tests." Right now the NTEs are used by 30 states including
The Lady Cavs are off to a fantastic start. At a 6-0 record, the Lady Cavs are heading toward an ESAC title. Shown above, Christi Courseault, junior, sets her eyes on the basket as she makes a righthanded layup during the Ursinus game on Dec.3. Story on page 11.
Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey. William Kuhns, assistant professor of education and director of student teaching, explained that the NTEs are not required in Pennsylvania though, unless the student plans to teach out of state or the specialty area the student is studying is not in the Pennsylvania Teacher Certification Testing Program (PTCfP). Some specialized areas not covered in the PTCTP which are covered in the NTEs include: early childhood education, education in the elementary school, and general science. Dr. Dawn Middleton, chairperson of the education department, said that whether the tests are changed or not, Cabrini students have an advantage over other students because they have a liberal arts background. Middleton also explained that Cabrini has recommendations on when students should take all the tests needed to be certified. She said in sophomore year the basic competency portion of the tests should be taken. In junior year the general knowledge portion, and in senioryear professional knowledge and the specialty area section. Any part can be repeated as many times as wanted to achieve a particular score. Stephanie Cole, junior, special education and elemen-
tary education major, said that even though the department recommends this information about the tests now, they didn't when she was a freshman or sophomore. Stuhl agreed with this statement. "They didn't tell us anything about the test. We should have been told about them last year." Both Cole and Stu~I said that there is no way to really study for thesetestsexceptbypossibly buying the Barron's NTE study guide or by getting sample NTE questions from the Educational Testing Service. One suggestion that was brought up though was to have a study group or class set up on campus to go over sample questions and explain exactly what will be on the test. "I think it would be a good idea," Stuhl said. "I got myself all worked up." Kuhns said that two years ago there was a program on campus for just this purpose, but that the program was increasing anxiety about the tests instead of decreasing the fears. They would go over 200 sample questions and have pep talks about test taking as a whole. Kuhns said that he does not know if this program would ever be implemented again because of the problems it caused students.
inside perspectives ........ 2, 3
Tips for staying in
news ................ 4, 8, 9
Missionary Sisters
features ............ 5, 6, 7
(series starts on
(page 10)
sports ........ 10, 11, 12
pages 6 &7)
fridaXzdee. 9, 1988
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Carols spark thoughts Student leadership filled As the holiday season is once again upon us, it would be nice to relax for a minute and think about those unfortunate people who will not be fully enjoying the Christmas season. As many start singing th 7 words to some of the more favorite Christmas songs it is ironic how most don't take them to heart or even think of those who may never fully comprehend and enjoy what they are singing about. !ust sit back and listen to some Christmas carols and you will soon realize there are many more things to ponder during this holiday season than what will be under the tree on Christmas morning. "Deck the halls with boughs of holly .. " Remember the millions of people, not only in the United States, but all over the world who don't ?ave halls to decorate because they don't even have a place to live. "Visions of sugarplums danced through their heads .. " For many, this is the only thing they can do, dream of the food that would fill up their stomachs since they won't have any on their tables. "I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus .. " Many estranged families will be eiperiencing the holidays without all of their loved ones due to divorce and/ or separations. Some children won't even be able to see one or both of their parents on Christmas. ''Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright .. '' Did you ever stop and wonder about those who lost their hearing or were born deaf and cannot experience the joyous songs and sounds of the holidays? They live in eternal silence and can only imagine what the sounds of Christmas are like. What about those who are blind and have never seen the bright lights, colorfully wrapped presents and decorations hanging all over the place? They must live in darkness and only wonder what the Christmas season looks like and just how beautiful it can be. These are just a few things to think about, but the most important thing is to remember the true meaning of Christmas. It is not what you get but how much you give. Christmas is a time to love and share with otHersas Jesus did all through his short life on earth. "0 tidings of comfort and joy .. " to all and a very Merry Christmas!
with fun and frustration angie corbo ATIENTION STUDENT LEADERS: I have a few brief questions for you. Have you been finding yourself falling asleep in classes lately? Do you feel that many times that your efforts are in vain? Is finding quality time with roommates/friends a topic that you laugh about? Final question: When you have a major test or paper for tomorrow at 8:30 and you donotretumtoyour room until 11 p.m.,due to commitments (a meeting and/or duty demands,) do you a) tearfully explain to your teacher that you had an emergency last evening, b) cut theclassandnotdothe homework or c) stay up until your 8:30 and finish the assignment? Although many of Cabrini's students who have co-curricular responsibilities have found that they have altered their lifestyles drastically, most will wholeheartedly tell you that they absolutely love the task in which they have undertaken. What is it about the student offices or positions that entice students to stay actively i1;wolvedyear after year? As many leaders have said, ''Why am I doing this to myself again?" Yet, there is a luring factor that makes students feel fulfilled after a project is completed. What is the mystic about being involved with campus organizations? ls it just another clique on campus that people find themselves involved? For the most part, most of the major organizations on campus feel that their peer support and staff arrangements are strong. A sense of community and intimacy is established by individuals involved in an organization. If you notice in the cafeteria, there seems to be a table of_RAs, a table of SGAs, and a table of athletes. The division of students becomes more defined each year. Obviously there must be something that keeps the sense of togetherness alive. I see this as such a positive aspect of our college. Yet, too much of a good thing can be detrimental too. For of you who know me, you understand that my involvement in campus affairs in something that absolutely keeps me alive. • Working, growing, and learning with other members of the campus community is something that I treasure more than anything about my college experience. Yet, I know that I need to ask the question: When is enough enough? I have had a great concern for the past semester about the health and well-being of many of the student leaders on campus. Perhaps some of you may be questioning what right do I have to write such an article, worry about people's health, when I myself have not recovered from mono from last May? I guess this experience has opened my eyes to the fact that college life is to be fun, exciting--not stressful and anxious. We, the students of Cabrini College, have been told time and time again, by our administrative advisiors that when we are at our limits, we should stop. But honestly, how many of us really know a healthy limit for ourselves? More often than not, I have seen my
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e~p_Gfma+ ion t,t' how the schoo\5 o~ratin, .f'C.fnds ehde4 <Af in · O~iverNorthJ Chrisf-rna5 C("'b account ... ~I
friends get to the point that they were so frazzled with theirown lives, that they began to grow bitter about the position that they held. In their hearts, I know how much student leaders care about their responsibilities. Yet, I see that the student's love for their jobs is buried behind hurt feelings. This is not what it is all about. I admit that this semester that I have had doubts, and I have asked myself the ''Why am I doing this to myself?" This is usually followed by a conversation with myself saying, "I hate school. I think I am going to quit all of this. I really hate school..." Then in the next hour, I find myself making door decorations for my wing, or doing something for SGA. I know, it is bizarre. Some days, I think being somewhat crazy is a prerequisite for becoming a student leader. Before I close, I'd like to take some people back in time--not too far, just to last August, to a remote resort in the Poconos. We came together, ener~ize~cited, and raring to go. We opened ourselves, and pledged that we would reach for the stars in the upcoming year. We were ready to fulfill our obligations in our respective roles on campus. As the fall semester comes to a close, "Just clpse your eyes and think back." Remember that anticipation about what we wanted to accomplish. Recall the sense spirit and enthusiasm that we generated. The end of the semester is demanding on us all. Eyes have been looking tired, and people have been running on what I call "weird energy." For a while I felt guilty about feeling this way. Now, as the holidays approach, I just want to kick my feet up and refuel for the next semester. The spring semester is the one that takes up the most energy, and I want to be ready to give it. Besides, the holidays are a time for relaxing. Please accept my sincerest wishes to all for a very happy holiday. Enjoy, and I'll see you in the spring.
Editor: Denise Civa Staff Manager/Copy Editor: Kerry Gallagher News Editor: LaTonya Lucas and Lisa Bnezicki Perspectives Editor: Roe Wellman Features Editor: Lee Mirenda Spans Editors: Paula Ph~lips Writing Coach: Jenni Obrecht Business Manager: Angie Corbo Assistants: Joyce Mundy and Kelly McGillan Photography Editors: Karen Siegl and Mike Stevenson Photography Adviser: Or. Caner Cra1gie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Marian Arms1rong, Jim Bligh, BoO Bonner, Johanna Church, Frank Emmerich, Felicia Falcone. Diane Glancey, Sue Holefelder, Stephanie Homyak, Carlo Iacono, Melissa Landsmann. Kelly McGillan. Melissa Middleman, Lou Monaco, Nick Ostrowski, Chris Pesotski, Kelly Reed, Chrisy Roach, Kelli Rudden, Sha~ene Sephton, Karen Shank, Linda Srmsko, Leonora Veterano, Barbara Wilson Photography Staff: Paul Fallon. Knstin Kroll, Jeff Moore,Keith Pyle. Steve Pascall, Rosanne Rossello Loqultur 1spublished weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412 Subscription price 1s$25 per year and is included 1nthe benefrts secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However. It the writer w,shes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription insened such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters shoold be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space. the editor may edit or condense 11.Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire s1udent body or the faculty and adminis1ration.
Doesn't go together like horse and carriage by Roe Wellman
finding a very rich man or woman to support
you for !he rest of your life, and I do mean As I sat and listened to another romantic slim! story from a college student on how their Better yet, what happens when there is a boyfriend proposed, I was completely perplexed. Why, you might ask? Well, there is miscalculation and "Junio( is on the way a number of reasons. sooner then planned? Now the wife is out on It is hard for me to comprehend the situation in the first place because a) I have maternity leave, caring for an infant and the never been in love, b) I can't even imagine husband has two dependents to worry about? myself committed to another person at this Not exactly the way I want to spend the rest young age, and c) I honestly have no desire of my life especially if it all started when I to even get married so the whole situation is was just 22 years old. foreign to me. It seems this has been the semester for One of my first reactions to an early engagements and every time I tum around marriage is" How long is this going to last?" there is another engagement ring on a girl's Statistics show that the divorce rate is hand plus a look of euphoria on her face. Why is one so excited to spend the rest of their life higher among couples who marry in their with just one person? late teens and early 20s. I really can see why, "Love," say many. I, on the other hand, since the average person is still growing and say "bull!" How can one be so sure thatthey love this other person while they are still maturing during this time period. learning and experiencing new things every Maybe the reason I am so against day. For that matter, what is love and how 1 marriage is because I myself am too do they know 'When they have found it? Just the thought of graduating in May and immature, or then again maybe I'm just practhen marrying a man in June makes me ill. tical. I think even if I was presently in a I want to explore, visit Europe, have fun, relationship with someone I would feel this learn about myself, get an awesome job while also having many friends that happen way because I'm too involved and worried to be male. about my own life to even consider sharing Many are familiar with my views on it with another person and making a lifelong "love and marriage" and feel that somecommitment to them at this stage in the thing occurred during my childhood to shape them. WRONG!! My family is just full of game. happy marriages and to date there has only For all those out there who are engaged, been one divorce, which was very amicable. I really do wish you the best of luck. Maybe Some feel I have no right or authority to even discuss "love and marriage" since I this is the right thing for you and all will have never encountered love. I counter that work out but 10 years down the line and two with the fact that I do love many people such kids later look back and see all the things that as my family and my friends. you have missed. It.Isnot my fault that I have never fallen in As for me, my motto is, "Always the love but there is a real shortage of nice, trustworthy, open-minded, dependable, con- bridesmaid anci never the bride,'' and that is siderate and romantic men out in the world. just fine with me! It just seems that I am very picky and have never found a man who I could put up with for more than six months, or I should say, never found one who could put up with this loud, sometimes obnoxious and always outspoken female! It's depressing to think that most of my friends have a partner but it's even more so to think that they could be tying the knot within the next few years. For me this is the best time of your life and I think it is wrong to . clutter it up with love and then become bogged down with marriage. Worst of all, it's bad enough when friends are dating and tend to blow you off for' 'the love of their life,'' but it's even worse when they have a fiance or husband. Then you really never get to see your friend, and when you do you are part of a threesome. One major argument I have against early marriages is the financial woes that seem to plague them very soon Sharp Shooter after the "I do's" are said! I sometimes feel couples go into marriage with their eyes closed and their hormones in overdrive. How are two newly graduated people supposed to support themselves in this day and age? Of course, there is always that slim possibility of
friday,dee. 9, 1988
Mansionwarms Thanksexpressed for participation up -- finally!! To the Editor: To the Editor: This past Monday I had heat in my room It has been tradition to celebrate the for the first time in six weeks. I live in the festivities of the Christmas season on Mansion and since the beginning of No- Cabrini's campus. Each year Student vember, we have handed in approximately Government sponsor's holiday activities five maintenance requests as well as phoned that are open to all members of the college about six times directly. The lack of heat community. affected about seven rooms in the Mansion This year, the energy level that ran and were mainly in the rooms with the vents. through ''The Twelve Days of Christmas'' I cannot understand why it took so long to was far greater than e.}ler anticipated. It get a response to the situation. Our rooms definitely promoted the spirit of the season! were ice cold at all times of the day, making The trip to the Messiah, the Snowball it seem like our room temperature was the Dance, Christmas Caroling, and Yule Log same as the outside degree temperature. are just a few of the successes that we have One night last week I wore a shirt, sweatpants, seen this far during the season. two sweatshirts and socks under my blanI would like to say thank you to all who kets and afghan and I still shivered for 45 made these events so successful. Yet, I feel minutes until I fell asleep! I need to say a special "Congratulations" I understand that the offices are busy with to the freshmen class. The energy that they preparations for Christmas break and other have displayed thus far this year is the spirit things, but there was no acceptable reason that will keep Cabrini alive. that I can think of that would excuse them Your efforts have been noticed by the from fixing our heat for six weeks! SGA executives and by the campus at large. Many women in the Mansion have gotten endeavors are just as sick from the lack of heat in the building-- I hope your future ... ____,. one would think that something would have successful. been done sooner. Sincerely, Sincerely, Angie Corbo Donna Dougherty, senior ~
11~1\'NI~ 111~1~1~ & 111 ..1~ 1·3\
d 688-BEER
friday, dec.9 , 1988
Main Line students serve as consumers, employees I
by Karen Shank Terri Rizzo and Giselle Bellanca, sophomores, were on their way to a local restaurant for dinner, again. This is a common thing for the roommates. They both agree that they rarely eat dinner in the cafeteria more than twice a week. They said for them, the .food there is too greasy, and doesn't taste very good. Because Cabrini is located so close to the Main Line, the students have an abundant amount of places to choose from where they can shop, or get a bite to eat. Correspondingly, the shops and restaurants depend on the students for business, as well as employees. It is a common occurrence to see a delivery man knocking on a door, pizza in hand. One of the better known food places on the Main Line is Campus Corner. With four employ-
school, and only four during the summer. The majority of the schooltime employees are students. Neiburg allows students to work only two or three nights a week, so their studies will not suffer, which, according to Neiburg, "is the reason they're here." Rizzo and Bellanca felt going somc;:whereto eat also provides a chance to get off campus. Stephanie Cole, junior, agreed. Her favorite place to eat on the Main Line is Denny's. "They're open late," Cole said. "I liked it better when they were open 24 hours. If you were hungry at night and had to get away from here, you could take your books and study there." Because Cole has her own car to provide transportation, she rarely orders out, but when she does, it is usually Domino's for pizza. As far as clothing shops go, Cole had a certain favorite. "It defi-
"Let me put it to you this way. During school we close at two in the morining. When there's no school, we close at three in the afternoon. " -· Harvey Nieburg, manager, Campus Corner
ees delivering each night, Harvey Neiburg, manager, says that the store depends on students for about 90 percent of their business. "Let me putittoyouthisway," Neiburg said. "During school we close at two in the morning. When there's no school, we close at three in the afternoon." During the summer and breaks they serve only lunch. Campus Comer is so popular with the colleges in the area, that Villanova University includes a menu from the store in their freshman package. A half page add makes up the back of their folder. Comparing business during school to business in the summer, Neiburg said it was like "night and day." This is evident through the amount of employees hired for the school year, as compared to those hired for the summer. Between 40 and 45 employees work during
nitely has to be The Gap. They're up on all the styles.'' Cole said. Mary Manning, store manager, said that the store is affected when winter and summer breaks come, because many employees leave. Because The Gap caters to a college-aged crowd, they hire many college-aged employees. Though this is a negative affect, Manning said, "It is nice to have them work here.'' As far as business goes, Manning said that though about 50 percent of the customers are college students, the summer break does not really have a bad effect because there is a regular crowd that continues to shop through the summer season.Dave Eagan, manager of Chili's restaurant on the Main Line,said vacations poseabigproblemforhisstafftoo. Though students account for only about 10 percent of their customers, they account for about 90 percent of the staff.
Pass Fall--Thelast day to declare pass/fail is Monday, Dec. 12. Trip--Woodcrest is sponsoring a trip to see "The Nutcracker" on Saturday, Dec. 10. For more information, contact Randi Schweriner at ext. 8455.
Fashion/Dance--TheBlack Student Alliance will be sponsoring a fashion show and dance on Dec. 10 in the WCGA. The fashion show will be held from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. and the dance will be from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Tickets for the fashion show and dance are $5. Tickets for the dance only are $3. For more information, contact Rita Calicat at ext. 8405.
Continuing Ed--There will be an open house for prospective continuing education students on Dec. 10from2p.m.to4p.m.inthe WCLH andtheWCGA. The open house will address students thinking about going back to school. The dean of continuing education, a representative from financial aid, and faculty are expected to be present.
Concert--The Cabrini College Community Chorus will present a Christmas concert on Dec. 11 at3 p.m. in the chapel. Admission is free. CounselingCenter--Thecounseling center is open for those in need of assistance iricoping with finals, stress, anxiety, or life's woes. Call ext. 8561 for an appointment or feel free to walk over. Counseling is on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons. Dramatized Reading--The Hedgerow Theater is currently presenting a dramatized reading of Truman Capote's "A Christmas Memory." The show will run on Thursday, Dec. 15; Friday, Dec. 16; and Saturday, Dec. 17 at 8 p.m. in the Hedgerow Theater on Rose Valley Road in Wallingford.
Merry Christmas to All Students from the Institutional Advancement Staff
Senior Secretary:
Denise Morris
Development Director: Data Entry Specialist: Development Secretary:
Mary Ellen Herzog Tracey Green Kristin Kroll
Alumni Affairs Director: Alumni Secretary:
Martha Dale Kay Mosko
Public Relations Director: Diane Kolodzinsl:i Dana Damiani Publications Manager: Jini Loos PR Coordinator: ·
Campaign Director: Campaign Secretary:
Nancy Costello Pam Talone
f riday, dee. 9 , 1988
A preview of the local holiday attra~tions by Jenni Obrecht Sure there may only be 15 shopping days left until Christmas, but there's sti II plenty of time to visit the many holiday attractions around the Delaware Valley. Starting tonight, Friday, Dec. 9, get into the Christmas spirit with the Battle of the Bands and Christmas Pub in the Widener Center Gathering Area. Go on a Shopping Spree to the Gallery in Philadelphia Saturday, Dec. 10. Vans will leave the cafeteria at noon and return time will be at the request of the majority of students. While you're downtown be sure to see "A Christmas Carol," Strawbridge and Clothier's holiday display which features I 00 characters who retell Charles's Dickens' classic story of Ebenezer Scrooge. In all there are 26 scenes spread throughout the children's department on the fourth floor. The display runs through Dec. 31 and is open to the public during store hours. Straw bridge's is located at Eighth and Market Streets. Another Philadelphia attraction is the John Wanamaker Light Show, a 15-minute show of 80,000 twinkling lights which can be seen from the Grand Court on the first floor at 13th and Market Streets. The Dancing Water Fountain,
the Christmas Tree of Lights, the March of Toys, Frosty the Snowman· and Rudolph highlight the festivities. Rose Tree Park's Festival of Lights for Peace begins with a lighting ceremony Sunday, December 11 at 5 p.m. Fireworks, a live concert of Christmas carols, the arrival of Santa and the illumination of over 80 trees will take place during the ceremony. The Festival of Lights can be seen daily from 5 to 9:30 p.m. through Jan. 7 at Rose Tree Park, on Route 252 in Upper Providence. Also on December 11, the Cabrini College Community Chorus will present its annual Christmas Concert in the chapel at 3 p.m. Refreshments will follow in the Widener Center Gathering Area. "Christmas Around the World" is this year's theme for Longwood Gardens annual holiday display of trees and lights. Traditonal trees from Brazil, England, China, Germany, the Ukraine, Sweden, France and Mexico will be on display through Jan. I. In addition, 40,000 lights will be lit from 5 to 9 p.m. daily at Longwood, the former DuPont estate on Route 1 in Kennett Square. Daily hours are IOa.m. to 9 p.m. Admission is $6 for adults, $1.50 for children 6 to 14, free for children under 6. The Christiana Cultural Arts Festival in Wilmington,
Christmas concert sparks holiday spirit by Jenni Obrecht Share the spirit of Christmas during a concert by the Cabrini College Community Chorus in the chapel, Sunday, Dec. 11 at 3 p.m. ''There is something about our annual Christmas concerts which spark the holiday spirit both on campus and in the community,'' Dr. Adeline Bethany, chorus director, said. Bethany, accompanied by Clara LaPorta, will lead the chorus, a group of 50 students, · alumni and community members, in renditions of traditional and contemporary Christmas songs. Sing-alongs, excerpts from Handel's "Messiah" and arrangements accompanied by a brass choir wiJI highlight the performance. Cabrini alumnae Therese Wainwright and Regina Ganine; Bill Middleton, son of Dr. Dawn Middleton, assistant professor of education; and Rosanne Rossello, senior, will be featured soloists. Bethany said the concert is being held earlier in the day to allow more parents to attend. Refreshments in the Widener Center Gathering Area will follow the concert.
Dr. Adeline Bethany directs the Cabrini College Community Chorus during one of their rehearsals in preparation for the Sunday Christmas concert {photo by Rosanne Rosse/lo)
976-DORM Off Campus Activities Sports and Social Events 7 minutes of College & University information in the greater Philadelphia area Only $2 per call And You Can Have It All!
Delaware presents its first annual "Ebony Christmas Fest," Sunday, Dec. 18 at 3 p.m. The festival will showcase Christmas songs from the '40s, as well as West Indian, reggae and jazz music. Also, a children's ballet, original African folk tales and a drum performance will be featured in the celebration of black Christmas traditions. The Arts Center is located at 800 E. Seventh St., in Wilmington. Admission is $3.50. For information call (302) 652-010 I. "Scrooged," Bill Murray's modem version of Charles Dicken's "A Christmas Carol," and "Ernest Saves Christmas" are two holiday films playing at local theaters which present a humorous side to the holidays. And last but not least, what would Christmas be without "The Nutcracker?" The Pennsylvania and Milwaukee Ballets bring to life the enchanting story of Marie, Drosselmeyer and the Sugar Plum Fairy in the ballet choreographed to Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker Suite" by the late George Balanchine. Tickets for performances of the "The Nutcracker" range in price from $9 to $45. The ballet opens Dec. 15 and continues through Dec. 31. Call the Academy of Music at 893-1999 for times and tickets.
Thumbsup or Thumbsdown?
Copple & Nerelli review 'Scrooged' & the 'true meaning' of Christmas by Laurie Copple and Mimi Nerelli Once again the Christmas season has begun and so has the holiday hustle and bustle. To begin our season, we awoke early on a Saturday morning to catch the movie SCROOGED, a budget matinee of course, for our first movie review. After fighting the mall traffic and walking what seemed like three miles from our parking space to the theatre, we bought our tickets and collapsed in our seats. SCROOOED, starring Bill Murray, is-a modem remake to the classic Dicken' s novel A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Almost everyone has either read, heard or seen the story involving Scrooge, but this particular movie approached it from a modem perspective with a comical twist. The beginning focuses on Bill Murrary' s character Frank, a tyrannical, sadistic president of a television station. His character is a convincing one and the acting throughout the movie is superb (that means it is really, really good). The movie then leads you through the story of Scrooge, complete with the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future which kept us laughing with their offbeat personalities and mystical powers. This was Copple's favorite part along with Bill Murray's long hair. Nerelli liked the special effects, which would have made a small child cry "mercy", which was also our reason for the strong PG-13 rating. The movie is definately for 13 years and over, mostly due to the fact that the humor is on a mature level. Despite this fact, we understood everything .. We don't want to ruin the plot for you, but one last aspect of the movie that touched us both was the ending. It incorporates comedy with the tenderness and the true meaning of
Christmas. We highly recommend this movie to everyone, for it will Jift your spirits and put you in that Christmas mood. We give a thumbs up! One thing though, don't forget your tissues! .,. -=SC~=-=Copple and Nerelli also pride themselves on being professional, so we have to give at least one part of seeing the movie we didn't like. This part was at the beginning of the movie when we left to buy popcorn and soda and spent all of our recreational spending money for that night. It was definitely worth the torture for the high price of theatre food. It seems ironic that after leaving the movie with the true Christmas spirit we should find ourselves almost .killed by demented drivers out shopping for their Christmas gifts. These people, who are buying presents for their loved ones, have a credit card in one hand, a sledgehammer in the other, and no hands on the steering wheel as they fight for parking spaces. This explains the nine near fa. talities we had on the drive home. Then as we entered the Cabrini gates and parked illegally in front of Xavier, we thought our troubles were over. Upon entering our suite, not decorated 24 hours beforehand, we noted a change in the decor. The change was the absence of decorations, among other things. Specifically, "9 tapes (our favorites), 8 strands of lights, 7 bags of garland, 6 choo choo parts, and 5 GOLDEN1{INGS!" Sorry, we got carried away. Anyway we did have things stolen as did other people throughout our wing and in the building. What we would like to get across is if everyone had the true Christmas spirit, not just one day but all year round, Nerelli would still have her "New Order" tape, Copple would still have her choo choo parts and the world would be a better place. So go ;md see SCROOGED and get into that Christmas spirit. Have a safe and Merry Christmas!
friday, dee. 9 1 1988
Cabrinis Missionary Sistersare 1
Editor'sNote: The following is the beginningof a two pan selies of profilesabout Cabrini"sMissionary Sisters. ·
MotherUrsulaInfante by Marian Armstrong Born on Feb. 18, 1897 i_n New York, Mother Ursula Infante was an impressionable only"child. At the age of 14, she had already decided what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. Her goal was to do the "will of God." She became interested in the care of orphans at an early age and wanted to help them. She saw an opportunity to do so by joining the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Infante said, "My meeting with Mother Cabrini is the most important thing in my life because she told me how to enter the convent.'' However, entering the convent was against her parents' wishes. Mother Cabrini told her that she could enter the convent without her parents' permission at 18 and she did. Even-
tually her parents accepted it. Along with reading biographies, Infante said she enjoys to watch sports on television, particularly baseball and the Olympics. Infante has been an avid baseball fan since 1957 when she started to watch baseball with the girls at college. She was then and still is today, a Yankee fan. She said, "You get interested in the personalities and you like them to win.''
In high school, Infante stressed patriotism in speeches and parades. "I always wanted the U.S. to come out tops," she said. "My everyday schedule is very undramatic," Infante said. "It includes prayer, mass, and work in the Cabriniana Room. The most special part of my day is mass and communion." In the Cabriniana Room, Mother Infante spends a lot of time writing translations and compositions on Mother Cabrini's works. She provides this type of information to all who are interested, particularly schools and churches. Infante said, ''Teaching was the most rewarding aspect of my life. It gives you an opportunity of building for the future. I love teachers and I love teaching." Mother Infante taught chemistry, biology, Latin, and math to high school students from 1930 to 1937. Infante said she dido 't think she ever had any regrets about becoming a sister. "I pray before I make a decision and l leave it to the Lord," she said.
job squad Radnor Racquet Club PT Position, answering phones, booking tennis courts. Needed Thurs, Fri, and Sat at $5.50/hr. Can do homework there. Call 293- 1407. Kashazad Ruggery Work in carpet store part time. Call 525- 7595. T J Maxx Broomall, Department Supervisor. Flexible hrs, full or part time, competitive salary, benefits. Call 3567274. Heirlooms Sweater Outlet Need people to help with the process of moving to a different location. Dec 5-17/4-6 hr shifts from 9:30am to 8 pm. $4/hr + 20% discount. Call Mrs Roth at 245-8338. Dress Barn Sales people/Cashiers. $4 & up to start, PT/FT, Full Benefits for people who worlcover 20 hrs. Call Bonnie at 971-0330. Waiters/Waitresses Paoli Local Restaurant, PT, flexible day & night. Pay negotiable. Call Sharon Sullivan at 2519725. Nursing Assistants Needed PT, 7-3/311 shifts. Starting at $6.23/hr. Call Mary at 359-4404 ext 221.
Do You Love Kids? Child Care/Nannies, Summer positions and one year commitment positions available. References required. Call Philadelphia Nanning Network at 546-3002. Telephone Survey Mon-Thurs evenings, need workers to call people asking them if they would like to attend seminar. No Telemarketing skills involved. Need immediately. Call Jo Ann Tadeo at 692-1325 or 647-8342. Slender Quest Someone needed to work at health club/tanning salon to watch customers on machines, Some office work. Call 688-0402. Restaurant Work Cashier, Cook, Etc ... FT/ PJ', Mon-Fri, $6/hr to start. Call Crocodile Cafe at 971-9993. Clerical/Customer Service Bryn Mawr office up to 20 hrs/wk. Call 527-8010 for an interview. Office Work 3-4 hrs/day, Typing, answering phones, assisting office manager. Rosemont Business Campus. Call Mary Klimowicz at 526-0120. H&R Block Wayne and King of Prussia offices need Typists ($5/hr), Non-Typ-
ist($4.50/hr), and Processor/assemblers($4/ hr) for Tax season, end of Jan-April 17, Flexible hrs. Call 265-4195 and ask for Susan Frederick.
Macy's King of Prussia Mall, Needs Sales Consultant (Commission up to $13-14/hr) and Clerical Worker ($4.50/hr.) Call Mary Raddario at 337-9350 Ext. 352. Restaurant Need serving staff for award winning gounnet restaurant/cafeteria. FMon-Fri, Flexible hrs. 7:30-3:30. Ff/ PT,Friendly work environment, $5/hr plus. Call 688-4785 for information. Data Entry James William Turtle & co. in Haverford, Flexible hrs., Experience Needed. Call 642-1864. Theater Help Cashier, Doonnan Attendant. Call George Cantiello at 473-3222. St David Gulf Club Needs Cocktail Waitresses. Weekend, Flexible hrs, Good pay. Ask for Jim Tague, Bar Manager, at MU820 IO. Merit Outlet in Ardmore and Bryn Mawr needs Cashiers. Start at $4/hr with Raise after90 Days. For Ardmore call Tina at 6498757. For Bryn Mawr call Joanne at 3564808.
Clerical Position Radnor Township Office. 8-10 hrs./wk, Flexible hours for Training during school year, More hours for summer months. Call 688-1200 between 9 and 4:30 for interview. Attn: Juniors and Seniors Cooperative Education-A great way to earn up to $10/hr and gain up to 6 credits in careerrelated jobs. Call Co-Op at Ext 8306 now! Teacher Aide For after school day care program. Radnor School District, Wayne Elementary School, Mon-Fri, 3-6pm, Kindergarten to 2nd grade. $5-$5.25/hr. Contact Mary McCurdy at Family Support Center at 352- 7610. Child Care Worker Divine Providence Village, dressing and bathing developmental women and children ages 6-50. Mostly evenings, some weekends. Call Angela or Jean at 3287730. Stouffer Hotels All positions available in King of Prussia and Gulph Mills. Call Job Squad for more information at Ext. 8422. Medical Secretary/Receptionist Ff/ PT, Immediate openings, 1PMPC experience preferred. $6.50-$7 /hr. Call Dr.
friday,dec.9 , 1988
'rich and vibrant 1n diversity' SisterEileen Currie by Lee Mirenda
was put away when she entered Cabrini as a student. She reevaluated her call to religious work midway through second semester of her senior year. After graduation, she entered the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The idea of becoming a member of the religious community was not new or foreign to Currie. Currie said she had
Sister Eileen Currie, M.S.C. is president of Cabrini College. Most of the Cabrini community has heard her name and is aware of her position, but her role in the religious life is also an important and integralpart of her life. Currie is p,roud of the community which she belongs to. Currie said, "It is diverse in works, personalities and cultures and it is rich and vibrant in that diversity." She said, "For me, the work of art is to sit back and see God in this work of diversity. It's wonderful." According to Currie, her fellow members are full of life and fully involved with God. The Missionary sisters are similar to what Currie imagined Mother Cabrini to be. Currie feels she has wonderful companions in her religious life. She said, "I feel enriched by these people.'' Sister Eileen Currie, MSC (above) and Currie's calling to Mother Ursula Infante, MSC (left) take time the religious life beout of their day to discuss their lives as gan while she was in Missionary Sisters . (photos by Karen Sieg/} high school. The idea
relatives who were in the religious life and that her parents, especially her father, had a very strong religious faith. She said her family was very encouraging. '' At different times in my life,'' Currie said, '' I am aware that I do not have a husband and children.'' She also pointed out that even though family and communal life are not the same, she also said that they are not opposites either. "It is nurturing, but in a different way," Currie said. "It is using the same ingredients that make you a complete person.'' According to Currie, there is no pre-packaged answer in the communal life and that there are always choices. She said. '' As family life has stresses, so does the communal life--it is never boring.'' Besides her experience in educatiQnJrough the Missionary Sisters, Currie also has a real interest in foreign mission work. She said she would like an opportunity for an overseas experience. Currie added, '' An important element of this mission (the Missionary Sisters) is the foreign mission."
friday 1 dee. 9 1 1988
Finals week: coping with test stress by Chris Pesotski The symptoms are unmistakable. Bleary eyes, insomnia, short temper, increase or decrease in appetite, sweaty palms, indifferent attitude. The diagnosis: Test stress. Most frequent time of occurrence: Finals week. "Stress gets a bad rap," said Dr. Katherine Preston, director, ~udy Rooymans Counseling Center. "People think of stress in a negative sense. What stress really is, is a physical reaction to external stimuli which produces adrenaline. That gives you more energy. It is when students take stress too far that it can become harmful,'' adds Preston. Most college students are used to the dreaded feeling of having too much material to cover in a short period of time. This is when panic often begins to set in. ;'It's a mental pressure which can grow into a physical sickness," Angela Murray, sophomore, said. Susan Fitzgerald, nurse, claims there is a biological reason stress can cause illness. "Your body is working so hard to cope with stress, your immune system is weakened, making you more vulnerable to getting sick. The best way to deal with stress-related illnesses is to eliminate the source.'' Caffeine can also cause problems at exam time. Caffeine increases your heart rate,'' says Fitzgerald, "When you add thatto
stress, you can have severe physical problems." Don't try lo kick the caffeine or any other kind of habit during finals, though. "Why add another stress at a time when there's already enough on your mind?'' Fitzgerald added. Christine Cocchia, senior, experiences a wide range of symptoms of test stress. ''The night before a big test, I get very grouchy, eat a great deal, and feel generally anxiety-ridden. Usually I try to talk myself out of it, but it almost always makes it worse.'' • Indifference is anqther serious result of anxiety at final time. "I don't really flip out, I just get to the
point where I just don't want to study anything anymore," Patricia Lee, freshman, said. "Indifference is caused by anxiety," Preston said. "Even students with 4.0 averages feel some anxiety on occasion. It's natural, and people have to learn to deal with it." Preston basically advises students to replace all the negative images which flood their minds during cramming with positive thoughts. ''Envision yourself completing all the material you need to study,'' Preston said. "Envision yourself waking up refreshed the morning of a test. Further, see yourself get-
ting the test, and realizing you know all of the answers to the questions on it. Finally, envision getting the test back with a big'' A'' on the top of it. Then begin to study." A new textbook in use in the Cabrini curriculum is "Becoming a Master Student" by Dave Ellis. In it, Ellis outlines the rules for cramming. One of the most important points is to study a small amount of material a great deal, thus making yourself an _expertin at Jeast one aspect of your studies. One must realize that cramming huge volumes of material simply doesn't work, repetition of small amounts of knowledge does.
New policy requires more security by BarbaraWilson Effective Spring '89 there will be a 24-hour security guard on duty on Cabrini's campus. According to Dan Neyer, director of security, Cabrini will be hiring an additional security guard to cover the added hours that have come up due to the new 24-hour policy. There are 45 hours added to the number presently being covered at present by the already existing security guards. The hours which the new guard is expected to cover is between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Hiring the new guard will insurethat the campusgroundswill be supervised and other duties will
be fulfilled during the new hours. Such duties that the security guards must fulfill are patrolling Cabrini's campus both by foot and by car, also with the additional parking lot that is being built, the guards are going to have to enforce more parking regulations. The new security guard will basically do the duties that the already existing guards do except he wi 11do them at different times. In order for the new guard to be hired, Neyer had to put in a request for an additional guard. The request was then put into Cabrini's master plan and t~en was decided upon. So far Cabrini's attempt to hire
a new security guard has been minimal, there have been ads placed in newspapers and Neyer is planning on interviewing perspective people. After Neyer collects all the information needed to make a decision, he will give the information to Dean of Students Robert Bonfiglio for approval. The requirements that Cabrini is looking for in the person they will hire is for completion of either one of two programs. Either Act 235 or Act 120, both are mini courses in Pennsylvania law enforcement. According to Bonfiglio, Cabrini is also looking for someone who has good people skills and possibly someone with previous
Sending our warmest wishes that you and your families may have.the happiest of holiday seasons.
"Relaxation is also a key," Fitzgerald said. "Do something to take a break and let out your nervous energy. Taking a walk, physical exercise, or just a series of deep breaths can go a long way to making you feel better and study more efficient! y." The best way to avoid test stress is to know the material in advance. If you just can't do this, use effective cramming techniques, and take breaks to enjoy yourself. A good night's sleep or a homecooked meal can go a long way to making you feel better when the stress of finals hits.
Merry Christmas from The Student Government Executive Board, Joel, Vince,Colin,Dan, Angie, Meghan, Anna Marie, Dana, and Donna.
law enforcement skills. According to Bonfiglio, the funds needed to hire this new guard are expected to come from within the institution because "Hiring a new secruity guard will helpCa'6rtnikeep up with the growing pace of the campus,'' said Bonfiglio. Other plans to up-date Cabrini's campus and make it safer for its residents, is to put in additional lighting near the houses and Woodcrest. The additional lighting is still in the planning stages that have been included in Cab-rini 's master plan which will eventually be installed before 1990.
f riday, dee. 9 , 1988
Course evaluations: helpful or useless ? by Linda Smisko
"I take them seriously. Sometimes I wish I could put my name on Picture this. It is the last day them. If something is real good, of class for the fall semes~er. you want to tell the teacher." Sitting in class, your mind wanLennon said, ''Teachers should ders to the upcoming finals, the tell the students before they take Christmas holiday, and how you the evaluation, if you 're not going will spendyour four weeks away to take it seriously, then leave." from Cabrini. The clock on the Karen Sieg!, senior, said, "I take them seriously. What do I have to wall ticks by at an excruciating slow pace. Finally the last 10 lose by taking it seriously? I'm minutes of class arri Ve. YOU' re investing myself in my education. I'd rather it benefit someone else almost there. But what's this? The in- even if I don't see it at the time.'' structorwhipsout a thick Manila Instructors discussed the overenvelope. You almost forgot all effectiveness of the evaluabout the course evaluations ations and specific changes they given out each semester. Will had made as a result of them. Dr. John DeTurck, biology proyou be like the student near the door who fills out anything to fessor, said,' 'I think they are semimake a quick exit, or perhaps effective. Students sometimes put like the person near the window down what the instructor wants who takes this seriously in order them to. They think the teacher will to make a difference for the read them before the semester is other students who will take the through." DeTurck said that he found some course? Only you know the anof the same strengths and weakswer. Interviews with students and nesses come up year after year. faculty reveal that most take "In science, students feel they are treated like science majors when these evaluations seriously. Dave Butte, senior, said, "I they're non-majors," he said. As a result of the evaluations, take them very seriously and I'm objective in my answering.'' DeTurck said that he made a bigger "I don't think they're a effort to get his points across in wasteoftime. Teachers tend to class. "My efforts have been in teach in the same format, so teaching techniques and explanathey could change the formats tory methods," he said. for each class. You can benefit James Hedtke, assistant profesif everyone is honest in their sor of history and political science, said, "They point out to a teacher answers," Butte said. Amy Lennon, junior, said, his obvious strengths and weak-
nesses. You see what you 're doing right and continue, while trying to correct the wrong.'' Hedtke's changes were incremental. He said that he changed test styles, teaching methods, and text books. "In one evaluation a student wrote that she thought a number of students were cheating, so I implemented a multiple test distributed in a single section of the classroom. I've operated from the basis of'if it isn't broke, don't fix it,"' Hedtke said. The format for the course evaluation sheet has been in existence at Cabrini for about 10 years, according to Dr. Anthony Tomasco, associate professor of psychology. Tomasco compiled the questions from existing research questions and scales. Minor modifications were made by the Student Academic Council over the years, which added the essay questions on the back. What faculty members are required to give course evaluations? Each full-time, non-tenured faculty member must submit to the Academic Affairs office at least one classroom evaluation per semester. The part-time faculty are encouraged to participate in the course evaluations. Tomasco said that the student reports are effective but should not be the sole method of evaluating a faculty member. They should
be used in conjunction with other means. Tomasco said that the students' suggestions are taken seriously. "Students should feel very confident that their responses are being taken seriously. Students can be teachers by evaluating the instructor themselves. I would hope the students are taking the written part of the evaluation to provide constructive alternatives to courses," he said. According to Tomasco, there is a four-week delay in the fall semester before the instructors receive the evaluations. The delay is anywhere from six to eight weeks in the spring semester. This was agreed upon by faculty and students so that the reports would have no bearing on final grades. Many may have wondered what happens to the evaluations once they are placed back in the envelope and carried off to the Faculty Secretaries office. Tomasco said that the 20 multiple-choice items are summarized by computer and reported to the faculty member. The essays are read over by the instructors. Is this evaluation sheet subject to change? Tomasco said that the questions are not etched in stone. "There are a variety of forms available commercially. Anyone could look at them, and if someone is convinced that other alternatives
are more desirable, then they can be talked over with the Academic Dean,'' he said. How fair are the questions? Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice president of academic affairs, said that the evaluations are fair and accurate for the most part. "They've always been controversial wherever I've been. There has been an equal share of positive and negative comments," she said. What can happen to faculty members if they receive negative responses? Biller said that unless it was a total disaster, it would have to be the student evaluation--plus that could seriously effect a faculty member. Biller said, "If someone was a marginal first-time teacher in college, they need time to develop. Many have had a low evaluation the first time and improved nicely in later evaluations.'' Biller said, •~ try to work with the person that got negative responses. The academic dean would work with that faculty member." ''It might be teaching style, personality, teaching pace, or difference of perception that results in a poor evaluation. We try to weigh all of these considerations,'' Biller said.
friday,dee. 9 3 1988
Fitness becomes a necessity as winter appears by Kelly McGillan It used to be that as the weather got colder and people wore bulky sweaters, their fitness consciousness dropped. That was until our country's fitness craze changed the way people thought about exercise. Many students are now exercising regularly because it makes them feel better, helps them concentrate on studying, or keeps them in shape when their sport is not in season. Susan Fitzgerald, campus nurse, said that many activities that keep college students active on campus are outdoor activities and the cold weather prevents them from getting a lot of exercise. Fitzgerald suggested aerobics and stationary cycling as two great methods of exercise during winter. Many students on campus are already involved in these activities. Joyce Mundy, junior Resident Assistant, who started an aerobics programs in W oodcrest this semester, said freshmen women seemed to be the most concerned about fitness. Mundy started the program because last year she went off campus to work out. This year she noticed that other women were worried that they would put on weight. "This was a positive way to keep weight off,•• Mundy said. Mundy approximated that about
20 percent of the women go off <;:amp us to programs such as Living Well Lady for aerobics. Upperclass women showed interested in the program so next semester Mundy will open it up to the entire campus, focusing the program on toning and aerobics. Although exercise is not necessary every day, Fitzgerald said that three times a week for about 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, exercise that increases your heart rate, will maintain fitness. "It is best to exercise whenever you can make it most routine to make it a habit," Fitzgerald said. Fitzgerald also said that exercise lowers the stress level. Roberta Rossano, freshman, agreed with that. "After I exercise I feel so energetic,'' Rossano, who will often exercise during study l;,reaks, said. Katie Mullen, sophomore, said that she liked to go walking because "not only is it a great way to exercise, but it is a chance to relieve stress." "I think it's important to stay in shape,•' Bridget Collins, sophomore, said, "but nobody can motivate you more than yourself." Kelly Reed, freshman, said that she is really concerned about gaining weight. "The deadly freshmen 15 hits you one morning when you wake up and you're no longer a size five but a size 12," Reed said.
Mark Gudas, freshman, said that because he plays baseball he keeps in shape all year long. ''During the winter I work out on weights, jump rope, and do some running."
Jennifer Cligget, freshman, said that she was going to be cutting down 1n the cafeteria and watching what she ate. However Fitzgerald warned that many times when stu-
dents decide to cut back they choose the wrong things like proteins and dairy products which have important nutritional value.
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f riday1 dee. 9 1 1988
'A great team effort' puts Cabrini Cavaliers Scoreboard Lady Cavaliers on top IStatistics I IResults by Kelli Rudden The Cabrini women's basketball team played Ursinus College Saturday afternoon at home and walked away with a wellearned victory and a final score of 81-70, taking the team's record to 5-0. According to Lady Cav coach DanWelde, this win was a big one for them. Since Ursinus_is favored to win their Division III MAC conference in the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA), beating them will give Cabrini good credibility in the NCAA. From the first tap, and somewhat well into the first half, it looked as though it was going to be a sloppy, desperate game with teams just pulling for point~. This short display turned out to be just an exploratory period on both teams' parts and became a well-played, satisfying game to watch. Cabrini handled the ball well under its own basket but when Ursinus dribbled toward its basket, the players went straight for the kill and didn'tgivetheLadyCavs much of a defensive chance. However, Cabrini's offense was right on key. The players' passes were fast and accurate, they took advantage of their time on the shot clock, knew at all times where their teammates were, and were quite dangerous from the outside. One player, whom Ursinus should have been destined to try and stop, was Barbara Milligan, second highest scorer of the game with 18 points. All of Milligan 's points were gained from three-point shots beautifully executed and well-timed. Destiny was not with Ursinus this day. Because of Cabrini's effective offen~, Ursinus put the full court press on early, about eight minutes into the quarter. Ursinus finally brought its offense and defense together but barely put a dent in the Lady Cavs' game plan. Nicole Helverson started pulling down a lot more rebounds as the half was coming to an end and Donna Aeillo assisted in a fast break to·Helverson with about three minutes to go. After Cabrini had broken through Ursinus' press numerous times, the half ended with the Lady Cavs ahead 31-25. The second half began with Ursinus in possesion and they quickly lost it after an unsuccessful shot as Cabrini's defense made a shining appearance. The teams exchanged about two unsuccesful shots a
piece and the second half began with a striking resemblance to the first half. Within three minutes, Cabrini regained complete·control and kept it from there on in with Aeillo at the vanguard. Aeillo was fouled on a shot and made the bonus shots and, after an Ursinus basket, took a fast break all alone. With the Lady Cavs' defense strengthening and their offense still as confident,Ursinus was losing ground. They were making sloppy shots without squaring off, resulting in rim shots and air balls that kept Ursinus down. Ursinus got desperate and the game got rough. Their defense seemed to pick up late in the half with about five minutes left. They closed a 10-point margin down to a very close four-point margin with plenty of time to pick up.the slack. But Aeillo and Milligan were hot and led the team back to a to-point lead. The score was now 76-66 with three minutes left. A technical foul was called on Ursinus and Aeillo was called to the line. After making a quick sign of the cross, she effortlessly swished in two more points. God was most likely with her, but her talent and determination helped a lot. With 30 seconds left and an 80-68 margin, the entire second string walked onto the court together and the starting five walked to the bench a little tired but happy, and no doubt pleased with their performance. Ursinus coach Lisa Comish commented on the game, ''We came in knowing we had to stop their outside shot,but without Veronica it was hard.'' (Junior point guard and floor leader, Veronica Algeo, was out of the game with injuries.) Comish added, "They (Cabrini) shot well from the field and got all the shots they had to make. We wanted to keep them under 55 points." Aeillo was high scorer with a total of 30 points. Coach Welde had only good things to say about her and the rest of the team: "Donna (Aeillo) and Barb (Milligan) show,ed great leadership, held their poise and pulled us through. Everyone played well and contributed to the win. It was a great team effort.'' When Welde was told that Ursinus' goal was to keep the Lady Cavs under 55 points, he confidently said, "No one can keep us under 55."
' .
Men's Varsity Basketball
Men's Varsity Basketball
Cabrinivs.SpringGarden High Scorers
11/30 12/2 12/3 12/6
Brian Butler • 19 points Marko Gittens - 19 points
High Rebounder Marko Gittens • 16 rebounds
86 70 75 86
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
SpringGarden N.C.Wesley NewportNews Lincoln
79 73 59 71
Men's J.V. Basketball 12/1
North CarolinaWesletanTourney Cabrinivs. N.C. Wesley High Scorers
97 Cabrini
Valley Forge 58
Women's Basketball
Brian Butler • 19 points Marko Gittens · 17 points
11/30 12/2 12/3 12/6
High Rebounder Marko Gittens - 8 rebounds
94 88 81 89
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
Spring Garden 67 Marywood 69 Ursinus 70 Lincoln 46
Cabrini vs.Newport News
High Scorers
Mike Carrafa - 18 points Jeff Hines - 14 points
High Rebounder Marko Gittens - 10 points
Men's Varsity Basketball
Cabrini vs. Lincoln High Scorers
Sun. 12/11 Wed. 12/28 Thrus. 1/51/8 Thrus.1/12 Wed. 1/18 Sat. 1/~1 Tues: 1/24 Thrus. 1/26
Brian Butler - 29 points Marko Gittens - 18 points
High Rebounder Rocco Sansone - 12 rebounds
Men's J.V. Basketball Cabrinivs. Valley Forge . High Scorers
Millersville away 3 p.m. Cabrini Christmas Classic National Catholic Basketball Tounament(DuBuque,lowa) Del. Val. home 8p.m. Allentown away 8 p.m. Frostburg home 8 p.m. Wilmington away7:30p.m. EASTERN home 8 p.m .
Men's J.V. Basketball
Marty Howley - 20 points Sat. Mon. Fri. Wed.
Patrick Zipfel - 15 points
12/10 12/12 1/20 1/25
Montgomery C.C.away 7 p.m. Reading C.C. home 7 p.m. Valley Forge away 7 p.m. Phila.C.C. away7:30 p.m.
Women's Basketball
Cabrinivs. Spring Garden High Scorers Donna Aeillo - 25 points Barb Milligan • 18 points
Sat. 12/10 Wed. 12/28
High Rebounder
Fri. 1/13 Wed. 1/18 Thrus. 1/19 Sat. 1/21 Mon. 1/23 Thrus. 1/26
Barb Milligan - 7 rebounds Cathy Murray - 7 rebounds
Cabrinivs. Marywood HighScorers Donna Aeillo - 19 points Jodi Snow - 12 points Melissa Greisser - 12 points
Pharmacy away 4p.m. Rutgers/Camden Holiday Festival Neumann away 7p.m. Allentown away 6p.m. Cedar Crest away 7p.m. Frostburg home 6p.m. EASTERN away 7p.m. EASTERN home 6p.m.
ESAC North Standings
High Rebounder Barb Milligan - 12 rebounds
Men's Basketball
Cabrinivs. Ursinus High Scorers
Donna Aeillo - 30 points Barb Milligan - 18 points
Spring Garden Allentown Lincoln
3·0 1-1 0-0 0-2
Nicole Heleverson - 12 bounds
Women's Basketball
Cabrini vs. Lincoln
2-1 0-0 0-2 0-3
Allentown Lincoln Spring Garden
Donna Aeillo - 19 points Bridget Collins - 13 points
HighRebounder Nicole Helverson - 11 rebounds
f ridaY,dee. 9 3 1988
Cavaliers take char e1n ESAC by Nick Ostrowski The Cabrini men's basketball team played the Lincoln Lions on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. at home and won by a score of 87-69. The win moved the Cav's record to 3-0 in the Eastern States Athletic Conference(ESAC) which places them first in the standings and to 6-1 overall. The game opened up to a packed house as Cabrini immediately took the offensive and jumped to an early lead. Strong defense and domination under the boards kept the Cavs out in front. But at the midpoint of the first half, Lincoln caught a second wind and started to close the gap on Cabrini. The Lion's surge moved them within 12 points atthe half as Cabrini took a 43-31 lead to the locker room. With the start of the second half, the Cavs once again took an early offensive and . worked the inside basket. But Lincoln managed to hang tight and keep the game within it's reach. The Lions once again began to close the gap and at 12:39 of the second half, Cabrini coach John Dzik called a timeout when Lincoln shaved the Cav's lead to five points making the score 54-49. Cabrini came back onto the court and still seemed a little shaky as it was called for a five second violation and was forced to tum the ball over. But the Cavs picked themselves up and started to tum the game around in their favor making up for some lost ground. The crowd was rejuvenated as Cabrini started to run the ball well once again although they were
having trouble keeping a handle on the ball underneath the basket arrdconverting the fast break into points. The Cavs were starting to work the ball well on the inside but still had trouble making the easy layups. At 8:03, Cabrini opened their lead to 6650 as Lincoln called a timeout. When play resumed, sophomore Jeff Hines nailed a threepointer to spark some excitement among the crowd. The Cavs continued to have trouble handling the ball inside but still hung on to hold a commanding lead. In the final three minutes of the game, Cabrini started to work the ball slowly and hold onto it longer in order to run out the clock. The Cavs were lead offensively by senior Brian Butler who delivered 29 points. Senior Rocco Sansone snatched 12 rebounds and junior Marko Gittens also contributed with 11. When asked what he thought were his team's strengths, coach John Dzik said. "In the first ten minutes, we played as well as we will all year and we rebounded with them. The man-to-man offense isn't working well but we have a little time off to reconstruct. We 're still a little disorganized on offense." As far as Lincoln's play went, sophomore Jeff Hines said, "They were a very athletic team but overall, they seemed very unorganized.'' Hines also said,' 'Compared to the first seven games, this was the best game we played as a team."
Brian Butler,senior, drives up the lane for two of his 29 points o t e game while the Lincoln Lions are left defenseless.{photo by Paul Fallon)
This Week a·: Ca :lrini Friday, December 9 11 pm: Honor Fine Arts presentation, WCLH 9 - I am: Christmas Pub and Battle of the Bands Competition
Saturday, December 10 12, noon: SGA sponsored trip to the Gallery 7:30: BSA Fashion Show and Dance
Tuesday, December 13 Reading Day, the first exam will be this evening at 4 pm
Wed:pesday,December 14 FINALS
Sunday, December 11
Thursday, December 15 FINALS
3 pm: Christmas Concert, WCGA 10 - 12: Santa will read Bedtime Stories in the Residence Halls
Monday, December 12· 11 - 2: Watches, Watches, Watches, will be on sale outside of the caf 11-2: Santa will visjt the caf and WCGA, Christmas Cartoons will be shown I pm: Judging of the Christmas Centers 5pm: Announcement of the best decorated center
Friday, December 16 FINALS
Up-coming Good luck on your final ex(!,ms!! The Loquitur staff would like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas!