friday, feb. 10, 1989
cabrini c~llege, radnor, pa 19087
vol. XXXV, no. 14
Theater directordies;planslive on by Jenni Obrecht Brian Morgan approached theater with the energy and vitality of someone half his age. "I think like an 18-year-old, so I act like an 18-year-old," he once told Peter Bartolini, freshman. A memorial service for Morgan, 43, theater director, will be held at Villanova' s Vasey Theater on Saturday, February 18, at 2 p.m. Morgan suffered a heart attack and died early Sunday morning at his home in Rosemont, Pa. Although Morgan joined Cabrini's staff a little more than a semester ago, those close to him said he had big plans for the theater department. The spring production of ''The Odd Couple'' will open March 17 as scheduled with Morgan's wife, Mary Anne, a theater instructor at Radnor Senior High School, directing. "We're going to do what we have to do to put on the play," Ruth Walker Santoni, senior, said. "Now we have to do it for two people," she said, referring to Morgan and his predecessor, the late Jeanne Russell Fisher. Jerome Zurek; Ph.D., chair of the English/communications department, said Morgan expressed an interest in putting on a play each-year which would be in keeping with the college's mission. ''The Fifth Sun,'' which would have been opened in late April, was to have been the first of such plays. However, the theater department has decided against producing it. Some other plans for the theater included organizing the Cabrini Association of Theater Students (CATS), a group of people who would assist behind the scenes doing publicity and technical work. At present, the status of this organization is uncertain. Morgan also encouraged community involvement in the theaaerand was in the process of forminga programfof patrons of Cabrini's theater at the time of his death. He brought 19 years of experience in the areas of acting, directing and teaching to his position as theater director. ''But, directing is what I enjoy most, because it puts it all
together,'' he said in an interview shortly after he was hired at Cabrini. For Morgan, directing was intellectually rewarding because it was the summation of his craft as a writer, designer, actor and businessman. While Morgan actively worked to expand Cabrini's theater program, his students remember him for his expertise as an actor and director. Santoni said Morgan's abilities as an actor often came through in his directing. She said that out of the blue he would slip in and out of a character to help a student interpret that character. "Brian preferred to watch, see what you did naturally and then incorporated it into.the character's movement," Santoni said. Rosanne Rossello, senior, said Morgan was successful in bringing more freshmen into last semester's production of "Winnie the Pooh." Bartolini was one of those students. He said that while he had never acted before "Winnie the Pooh," Morgan's encouragement and enthusiasm helped him to develop as an actor. "I'm going to miss his experience and his willingness to share his expertise," Bartolini said. ''Ifeelthat there was so much more I could have learned from him." In a conversation with Zurek, Morgan said he wanted to spend the rest of his teaching career at Cabrini because he felt very much at home on the campus.Morgan, who held a bachelor's degree in English and a master's in fine arts from Villanova University, was involved in all aspects of the performing arts spectrum. He was a guest reviewer for National Public Radio in Kansas City, Mo., and he belonged uity Association, AFTRA an tfi~e,r--,..,.;;.illil!ill!iiii• to the Actor•s American Theatre Association. "Brian had the attitude that he would _live forever," Bartolini said. "Now he'll live through the people he's Brian Morgan touched."
Cabrinicampusvandalismis 'totallyridiculous' by Roe WelJman Vandalism seems to be a normal part of every college campus and Cabrini is no exception. Vandalism is evident on campus in every dorm and can be found in all different forms. Some damage is ext-ve and can be very cost!y, such as the replacing of the sod on the front lawn of House 1, while.some is as trivial as the spreading of peanut butter on wall.s in Counsel, but this too costs money to remove. "Right now, there seems to be more vandalism than damage aud it seems to be stemming from a lack of respect on the part of the students," John Doyle, director of resident life, said. ''Damage that is the result of accidents is understandable. Abuse and misuse of property is not under'5tandable by me and is unacceptable at Cabrini,'' Sister Eileen Currie M.S.C., president, said. The real question when it comes to vandalism is, what is the reasoning behind itIThe mostfrequentansweris "forthefunofit" or "I was drunk and got out of hand."
"Drinking beer is fine ,but don't get out of hand and go around doing stupid things, don't be destructive. People have to be more responsible.'' Lou Monaco,R.A., said. "I feel that 99 percent of vandalism on campus is related to alcohol use;" Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, said. Vandalism seems to be more apparent in men's resident halls then in women's, but Doy le said '' it was evenly spread throughout the campus as a whole and this last semester was one of the few times when a male resident dorm charges have been low and that was in Xavier." The resident life staff will be concentrating on cutting down the amount of vandalism done on campus during this semester. One way is through a duty check list that must be filled out every night by the R.A. on duty and turned in the next day. "I know this is a hassle ,but keeping up on the condition of resident halls is imperative to cutting down the amount of vandalism," Doyle said. Probation is another possibility. As of right now, the men in House l are on probation due to the damage and vandalism that
has occurred there. This means that resident life will be keeping an eye on the place and if the situation worsens, the residents would be removed from campus. "Probation is protection for the college so if a situation arises and we feel the need to remove students, we are able to since they had fair warning." Doyle said. The men in House 1 feel that their house has not been vandalized and nothing out of the ordinary has occurred there. Their claim is that the house was in bad shape when they got there and the blame has been put on them. '' After the summer session, when students were living here, the housekeeping staff failed to give this house the full attention that the other houses received. When we arrived on the fiTst day, there was an odor in the house and it was a mess,'' Larry Kilcullen, junior, said. "I think that this house is the oldest and hasn't been cut a break. I also feel that other college J10uses on the Main Line are much worse than this one,' ' Basil Ingemi, R.A. in House l, said. When asked her opinion of House 1, Currie replied, "The abusive use of the
facilities in House 1 is simply repulsive." Much of the vandalism seen on campus is just plain stupid. "I really don't understand it. There's writing on walls, trash thrown all over the place, holes punched in walls, it's just totally ridiculous," Doyle said. There does seem to be a diversity in the amount of vandalism between the male and female dorms and the women do have a better damage rate, according to Doyle. ''I am not able to make an adequate -comparison, but if I judge simply on the conditions I saw in early January, the women's residencies were in much better condition,'' Currie said. "I think we have to teach the value of property and each other while also learning respect. There seems to be a lack of understanding that must also be addressed," Doyle, said. "I think it is good that it is being talked about and we must maintain the dialogue and keep the subject of vandalism in a place of prominence. I feel that students are not clear on what is expected of them so I am working with students to come up with a code of conduct,'' Bonfiglio said.
inside perspectives ...... 2, 3
Prevent the dry
Lady Cavs walk
news ................ 4, 8, 9
skin of winter
away with a.
features .... ...... 5, 6, 7
(see page 6)
surprise win
sports ........ · 10, 11, 12
(see page 12)
friday1feb.10 1 1989
SocietyfacingAlOS Known officially as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, AIDS is a disease that has been classified as an epidemic. The disease is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV). No cure or vaccine is yet available and some feel the disease will be around for a long time to come. The disease is most prominently associated with homosexuals and intravenous drug.users. Recent statistics show that up to 1.4 million Americans and perhaps 10 million people worldwide are already infected with the Aids virus. New cases increased from about 22,000 in 1987 to 32,000 in 1988. The Public Health Service forecasts that by the end of 1992, 365,000 Americans will have come down with AIDS and 263,000 of these will have died. AIDS will cost the American public tens of billions of dollars over the next decade while indirect costs will add several hundred billion more. Previously considered a "gay" disease, there are now more intravenous drug users acquiring AIDS than homosexuals, according to a recent article in Time magazine. Drug users need their fix while homosexuals have begun using precautions such as condoms, abstinence and monogamy. The AIDS epidemic has heightened awareness of homosexuality in society, promoting understanding and tolerance in most and reinforcing aversion in others. Cabrini College does have an AIDS policy which details the college's stand when dealing with a person that has AIDS. It states that Cabrini College's primary response to the epidemic of HIV infection is that of education. It then goes on to list guidelines about how someone with AIDS, ARC or a positive antibody test should be incorporated into the college community and not discriminated against. Education is the best weapon against AIDS and it is important for people to realize that they can drastically reduce their risk of infection by u ing common sense and taking precautions. Although education is necessary, it must also be accompanied by other measures such as the coupling of public and private funds and energies in the hopes of stopping AIDS. Everyone must also accept responsibility to learn how HIV is spread, to reduce risky behavior, to raise voices againstacceptanceofthedrugculture and to avoid stigmatizing victims of the disease. One thing to remember is never to think,' 'It can't happen to me,'' because one day it just might and you could tum into just another statistic. As the surgeon general says,' 'The best defense against AIDS is abstinence and the use of condoms.''
Valentine's . Day: subjectto interpretationand th-ought nice letter home, or to my grandparents just letting them know that I have been thinking about them. (If I did this on any other day
angie corbo
where I didn't have an excuse, my family would think that I needed money or a care package!) Yes, Valentine's Day has become more
FEBRUARY 14: Does this date ring a bell? For some the vision of lacy hearts dance through their heads while others see it as their lucky day for a hook up. Then, there is the pessimist who will say, "What's the big deal, it's just another day when my girlfriend/boyfriend thinks that I'm buying her/ him candy and flowers." To each his own, but why do we celebrate the feast of Saint Valentine each year in the first place? Are we just trying to follow his tradition of giving gifts to show our admiration and adoration of others? Was it just that February was a blah month and it needed something to liven it up? Or, was it the idea of some great romantic to set aside a day each year to let our loved one know how much we care for them. Celebrating Valentine's day has always been a tradition for me. As a little girl,
year of my life that I am alive, I realize how precious the gifts of love and friendship truly are. Last Valentine• s I went outto dinner for the first time with a special person who has made a remarkable impact on my life over the past year. LastValentine'slsaw
one of
my best friends get engaged to a man that has made her happier then any other person on this earth. LastValentine'sl
still gave out
those goofey cards that [ used to give out in grade school. Yes, as I welcomed the new into my life, l have still kept the traditional. Love is not new or old in the sense of me nation of the two. Love is always out there
cereal bowl was almost as great as waking up
in the world.
Christmas morning.
enhanced and experienced to those who chose
Then I'd trott off to
It can only be recognized,
school to send goofey Valentine's cards to
to welcome it.
m classmates. Thatwas alwa
to do. Our last period was shortened that day
This February 14, is only days away. _ Although we all recognize this day in a
so that we could give out our cards and then
variety of ways, I would like to wish all of
the thin
our teacher would .. surprise" us with Val-
you a Happy Valentine ·s Day. I say this with
entine cupcakes that had pink icing and red
the hope that your experience oflove on that
hot hearts on the top. Yes, it was such a great
day. as well as every day is what fills your
heart and soul with happiness, peace and joy.
As I entered junior high.Valentine's Day was a day of depression for my girlfriend and myself.
We were all "losers"
didn't have boyfriends. We all thought that it should be a national day of mourning and that this silly day should be banned from the face of the earth. In fact, one of my friends
boycott of the occassion.
Many people are unaware of the hazards facing our planet today. Even worse, some are aware of the condition of our planet, yet remain inactive in terms of avoiding- such detrimental items as aerosol cans, styrofoam and plastic materials. Exactly what are we doing to our planet? Time magazine recently devoted an issue to the jeopardized state of the planet earth, (Planet of the Year, Jan. 2). In the issue, Time photographers poignantly pictured a weakened earth bound in rope ready to be taken out with the garbage. The facts show that, in only a few decades, this may be the state of the place we call home. It is for this reason that we, the people of this planet, must band together to help stop the deteriorating effects of CFCs (chloroflourocarbons), which are emitted during the burning of styrofoam products. It is up to the global community to stop the razing of our forests for ineffective gain, while at the same time wiping out populations of
more to give to the people that I love. Each
chocolate Russell-Stovers heart next to my
the day, and also it was a her own mini-
animal species. It is the responsibility of the world to hall the production of nonbiodegradable plastics. This is not a problem for the next generation. This is, however, a problem that will plague the entire world population for centuries to come. If everyone does just his/her own part, just think of the effect it would have around the entire globe. If just one person stopped using Styrofoam cups in the Wigwam, and then told a friend or two to do the same, think of how many Wigwams around the world would boycott the use of styrofoam. We as individuals have much more power than anyone can imagine. It's a wonderful thought to think that you, a student at Cabrini College, can change the world, and change it for the better. More and more people are becoming concerned for their futures. More and more people are changing the fate of their futures. By becoming involved with your world, by working in your community, you are making your future something to look forward to. Sincerely, Ande Romano, Junior
come and gone. I have more to share and
waking up in the morning and finding
was her way of expressing her feelings about
To the Editor:
significant to me in my life as the years have
celebrating the idea of love. It is a combi-
insisted on wearing black on this day. This
Studentconcernedaboutthe future
Editor Denise Ctva Managing Edrt0<1Copy Editor: Keny Gallagher
News Edttors: LaTonya Lucas and lJsa Brzelldu Assistant News Editors: Marian Nmslrong and Johanna Church Perspecllves Ed«or Roe Welman Assistant PerspectivesEditor: Felicia Falcone Features Editor Lee Mirenda Assistant Features Editors: Bob Bonnerand Barbara Wilson
S!>o<ts Editor: Paula PhilLps
After junior high, I decided that there was more to Valentine• s day then stupid
Assis1antSports Editors: Lou Monaco and Kelli RUdden WrdtngCoach: Jennl Obrecht
boys, (as you could tell I still did not have a
Busmess Manager: Angie Corbo
boyfriend to share Valentine's
Day with),
Assistant Kelly McGillan
flowers and fattening candy.
It was a day
PhotographyEdrto,s: Karen Siagl and Mike Stevenson
that I learned to give a new meaning to, on
PhotographyAdviser: D<.Cat1erCraigie
my own tenns. (Yes, I do tend to do that a lot,
Adviser: Dr. Jerome ZUrek
I realize that.)
Staff: Marfan Nmstrong, Jim Bllg,, Bob Bonner, Johanna Church, Frank Emmerich. Felicia Faleone, Diane Glancey,sue Holetelder. Stephat1ieHomyak, Carlo Iacono, Melissa Landsmam, Ketty McGllla,,, Melissa Middleman, Lou Monaco. Nici<Ostrowsl<l,Chris Pesotski, Kelly React Chrisy Roach, KeNI Rudden, SharleneSephton. Karen Shank, Linda Smisko, Leonora Veterano. Samara Wilson
I would let my friends continue to protest the day in their own stubborn ways. I was going to welcome the day back into my life, once again. Valentines day to me, was now becoming more of a day of celebration. It was the opportunity to share
Photography Stall: Marian Armstrong, Peter Banoinl, Giselle Bellanca, Kristin Kroll, .i.NMoore, Steve Pascai, And& Romano ~itur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radn0<,PA 19087. Phone: 2t5-97H34t2. Slbsaiptlon plioe Is S25 per year and Is includedIn the benefits
fortune and gratitude with my family and
secured by tuition and student fees.
l.Qqultur welcomes letters to the edito<. Letl8<Sshould be signed and the authors/upknown to the editors. However,Hht -r wishes, and the ed~or agrees, the wnter's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an lnsaiptloo lnsef1ed such as "name wlthheld at the request of the writer.· LetlllfS should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. H a letter is too long for the avaiabla tpaee. the edlt0<mayedit or conden8e tt. Lstters to the editOIshould be submitted by noon on Mondays.
Now that I have been in college, Valentine's Day has been a great excuse to send a
The edltonals and opon,onspublished In ~itur are the vieNS of the student editorial staff and the Individualwriters and not the enllre student body or the faculty andadministration. Loqultur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust. free and open discussion of
f riday, feb. 10, 1989
opinions Learning about homosexuality through a friend by Kerry M. Gallagher Homosexuality. A year ago the only thing I knew about this word was what I heard from bad jokes or stories about a local news anchor. In other words, I did not know anything. I know better now, I'd like to sharemynew-found knowledge with you. My purpose in writing this is not to stir up controversy, though I suspect it may. My objective is to shatter some of the many myths you have concerning homosexuality and to broaden your knowledge. I honestly believe that much of the prejudice againsthomosexuals in our society comes about because of ignorance. The reason why I know more about homosexuality today than I did yesterday is because I discovered that I have a homosexual friend. Actually, I did not "discover" this. He told me. What I say here is a combination of my conversations with my friend and my own reading on the subject. I do not profess to be an expert on the subject, nor does what I say apply to every homosexual in America. I could not fit everything I want to say in this amount of space. I believe that is is so important for people to have a clear understanding of something before they pass judgment on something. I do not reveal my friend's identity. He does not attend Cabrini, in case you 're wondering. (This does not mean that homosexuality does not exist on this campus. Let's be real.) My friend attends a large university a ~ood distance from here. You do ·not know my friend, although I'm willing to bet you know someone like him. I am writing this for my friend, butheisnottheonlyone. Thereare millions and milUons of men and women like him. They are locked in closets and are having a tough time opening thedoor. My writing
this will not force the door wide open for my friend or for others, but my hope is that this will reduce some prejudice in the world that keeps those doors so tightly locked. I am not my friend's best friend. I am the second person to whom he revealed his true identity. He sat me down one night and said he had to tell me something. He fumbled at first. "I've wanted to tell you for so long .. .I don't know how to tell you ...I don't know how you 're going to react..." "Just tell me," I rushed him. ''OK.'' A long pause followed. "I am not heterosexual." Oh. What happened next I don't remember for sure. I will tell you that I was ina state of shock. I don't think that I even said anything right away. I just sat there in stunned silence. Then, I think I mumbled something like "That's OK. I'm stiJI your friend." I leaned over and gave him a quick hug and probably reassured him again that he was my friend. I honestly don't remember if we discussed it any further. It seems like a dream looking back on that night. I know he dropped me off at my house and I asked him what time he was picking me up for our tennis match the next Saturday. I went inside my house, went to bed and woke up suddenly at around one m ~ morning. TIie significance of what my friend told me four hours before finally had sunk in. My friend is gay. I tried to recall actions, word, anything my friend might have done to give me a hint. I took out letters he wrote me from college. Then I tried to think back to anything I had ever read or heard about homosexuality. I remembered a cover of Newsweek entitled ''Growing up Gay.'' I shuffled through old magazines and found it and read it. I spent the next day and a half making drafts of a letter to my
friend. I wanted to choose my words carefully. I finallywrotethe good copy down and mailed it to him. The basis of the letter was to reassure my friend once again that he was my friend rio matter what. I accepted who he was. I told him that I may not understand totally yet...l had a lot of questions. But he was my friend regardless. A few days later, we got together and he said he'd be willing to answer my questions. Slowly and thoughtfully, he answered the questions that I recited from my scribbled writing on a piece of notebook paper: "How do you know? ...How long have you known? .. .Is it hereditary? ...Do your parents know? ...Who knows? ...Aren't you afraid of AIDS? ... (and the two big ones) ... Are you sure? ... Are you happy?" I did not ask him anything too personal. I would not have felt comfortable in asking such questions, nor would he have felt comfortable in answering them. I must point out at this time that I would be lying to you ifl told you I never had suspicions before this, but since I did not know anything about the subject before, I quickly dismissed such thoughts. I had silently reprimanded myself for even thinking such things about a friend. I also was confused because my friend has dated (girl) friends of mine. He even seemed to be very much in love with a girl during our senior year in high school. We'd even discussed the possibility of his marrying her at one point in time. And he has dated a number of females over the years. He told me he's had a feeling sinceapproximately the 9thgrade, but it remained a feeling that he tried to ignore for a long time. Yes, he dated girls in high school and he even liked them, but he was not physically attracted to them and he knew something just wasn't right.
No one knows why one is a homosexual. It has not been proven to be hereditary. It is not contagious. It is not a choice one makes. (Can you imagine someone actually choosing to become a homosexual, and thereby becoming a target of rejection and hatred?) His parents do not know. No one in his family knows. There are, at this t1me, as far as I know, only fourothersbeside mewhoareinon his secret. Yes, he is afraid of AIDS. Yes, he says, he is sure he is gay. I believe him. Another person he .,. has told actually told me that she doesn't believe him. She thinks he is afraid of women. She thinks he hasn't met the "right" woman, yet, so he "thinks" he is gay. I disagree. I believe and accept that my friend is gay. Yes, he says, he is happy. This is where I have my doubts. I believe that he may not regret being gay and he should be happy to have the courage to recognize (at least to himself) who he is. I do think, however, that he must regret being a homosexual in this society. He has a zillion friends. He's rather popular. Yet, he's lonely. He lives in constant fear of rejection. I try to reassure him by remindinghimthatnoneofthefive people to whom he has revealed himself have rejected him. Yet, I can't promise my friend that he won't face rejection somewhere down the line. I honestly can not tell him how his parents will react. I do not know. He is their only son. He will not marry. He will not have children. It will not be easy news for them to digest. We live in a cruel society. Anything that falls outside the norm is criticized. We attach labels to things. Those labels develop negative connotations. Yet we never really understand what those labels mean. My friend does not fit the stereotypical image of a gay man. He
does not have limp wrists. (I know-I have seen his serve in volleyball!) He does not wear flamboyant clothing. (He wears sweatshirts and jeans, just like you and I.) He does not have a lisp. (In fact, he speaks quite well, and has no speech impediments whatsoever.) He is not spending his college years studying to be a hairdresser or interior decorator. I do not consider him to be effeminate in any way. If you met my friend on the street, you would not be able to guess that he is gay. Nothing about his appearance betrays his secret. My friend lives in a world of silence. He sits through cafeteria conversations where jokes abound about flaming homosexuals. Yet, he laughs nervously and says nothing. . I do say something. Now. I say it is very rude and I find it offensive. The person sitting next to you could be gaj.-You really have no clue. I tell them I know lots of jokes that aren't offensive. Ask me, I'll tell you them. I tell them the facts: Homosexuality means that a person's strongest emotional and sexual responses are aroused by individuals of the same, rather than of the opposite sex. No one knows why homosexuality happens. how it happens or even what it is that does happen.
For many yearshomosexuality was considered to be a mental disorder. No more. Both the American Psychiatric and American Psychological societies have officially declared gays as a group are not sick. Being homosexually oriented does not make one sick or immoral or criminally inclined. Four percent of the population is exclusively homosexual. One in ten has homosexual tendencies. You don't know who around you is gay. It could be your brother, your sister, your teammate, your classmate, your roommate could be your friend.
Reminiscing of the junk foods from the good old days by Bob Dumas
uat. I hated seeing popcorn desecrated like
Alka Seltzer and came in various
(grape,orange, root beer, meat). If you put
· Yesterday I had a craving for some
But Screaming Yellow Zonkers is more
Fizzie in your mouth you were in danger of
Screaming Yellow Zonkers and there were
than just trashy junk food. To me, it is a
having your face explode. Not to mention
none to be found anywhere. I searched high
symbol of better times. Ah, the products of
the CO2 buzz you'd get from all the bubbles.
and low and nary a box could be spotted.
my youth. Many have fallen by the wayside.
The basic ingredient in all these products
If our local supermarket doesn't have a particular item, chances are it doesn't exist.
straws packed with colored sugar granules. Nothing
You popped the lid and
whoofed down the tasty sugar straight from the straw. Mmmmm, good! Another
treat I've tried to track
Some are still around but relegated to the
is considered
in today's society:
down is Bonamo's Turkish,Taffy. The stuff
dark recesses of supermarket shelves.
an evil
sugar. Sugar is behind all of today's prob-
was versatile. If you weren't hungry you
It has cheeses you can't pronounce, dried
Remember Bosco? As a child, it was a
lems. If a child is having trouble in school,
could always use it as bathtub grout.
bananas (which taste suspiciously like For-
major staple in my diet. It, after all, put
parents will purge the sugar from his diet and
mica) and coffee be~s from 143 different
always wondered if Turkish Taffy actually
!'hustle in my muscle," or so said
produce a model citizen. Son of Sam proba-
,third world countries. But no
commercial. Of course, it did no such thing.
bly wouldn't have done what he did if it
But what a sugar rush!
weren't for sugar.
Yellow Zonkers.
came from Turkey. Of course, I can't forget wax lips. In fact, candymakers made wax everything.
I really didn't wanttoeat any of the stuff.
I preferred it to Yoo Hoo, a drink I believe
But now, thanks to science, we know
I would consider it cruel to send a box to
to be basically chocolate flavored water.Yoo
sugar is the leading cause of heart disease,
idea here being once you were done playing
Ethiopia. I just wanted to prove to a friend
Hoo is still around ,but it has become less
divorce, alcoholism, abortion, prayer
with it, you ate it.
that such a food really existed.
schools, acne and bad taste in clothes.
It was supposed to be some kind of snack
since Yogi Berra's
countenance was removed from the label.
food ...popcorn covered with some type of
A friend recently reminded me of Fiz-
sticky substance I'm pretty sure was paraq-
zies, remember them?They looked a lot like
Pixie Stix would never go over today the way they did in the nutritionally-skewed days of my youth. They were merely clear
Well, writing this article has really worked up my appetite. I think I'll hit the kitchen and. whip up a Fluffemutter sandwich.
f ridaY,feb. 1O, 1989
Policy set to prevent spread of AIDS Townsready By Lou Monaco In September of 1988, Cabrini College enacted a four-page AIDS policy directed to all students (resident, commuter and continuing ed), faculty, staff and administration. The main purpose of this policy: education for preventing further spread of this growing disease. The policy is broken down into 17 guidelines, each relating to a specific situation or topic. The specfic educational programs shall emphasize eight important guidelines. These are as follows: * Most effective ways of preventing: abstinence from sex and avoidance of shared needles. * People with the infection pose no risk of transmitting the virus to others through casual contact. * The sharing of needles is an efficient way of transmitting the disease from one person to the other. * IDV III antibody individuals that test positive or are asymptomatic may transmit the infection to others through the known means. * Such things as toothbrushes, razors,· etc. that may be contaminated with blood,
should not be shared. * People with the inf~tion should not donate blood, plasma or any other body organs. * Precautions should be used when handling materials that are blood contaminated. Latex gloves should be worn and contaminated surfaces should ~ cleaned with freshly diluted household bleach. * When the person seeks medical care, they should advise them that they have the disease. Cabrini's Health Service has based its guidelines and recommendations for prevention of AIDS on a booklet from the American College Health Association entitled ''General Statement on Institutional Response to AIDS.'' This is the most current information available to colleges and universities. The policy states several other important items also: * Most students and college employees with the AIDS virus shall attend classes and work in an unrestricted and free manner. * Most food service employees can also work in their place of employment in an unrestricted and free manner. (AIDS is not transmitted through the air, food, or water or
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by touching any objects.) Basically, Cabrini's policy states that no discrimination shall take place in any manner. This applies to new student admission and employment at college-related jobs. The college will not require screening programs or mandatory testing for the AIDS virus because it will be counter-produc-tive, cost-ineffective and possibly discriminatory, according to the new AIDS policy. The college laboratories have to follow certain specific guidelines, though. These include: * Use of disposable equipment for blood typing, examination or finger pricking. * No student shall be required to obtain or process the blood of others. * Contaminated surfaces shall be cleaned with freshly diluted household bleach. What does this policy mean to the college community? Bob Bonfiglio, dean of students, said, "lt means that we have a p.repared plan to address the issue of AIDS on campus, if such an occurence were to arise. The plan, as accepted by the appropriate campus authorities, is in keeping with the spirit of the college and with the spirit of the gospel.''
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themselvesfor springbreak by Amy Hudson (CPS) -- Spring break hasn't been what it used to be during the last three years. There have been terrible riots in Palm Springs and South Padre Island, a string of deaths in Daytona Beach and a rigid crackdown on public drinking in Fort Lauderdale. Yet, though the size of the welcome mat varies, most of the traditional spring break getaway spots say they want students back. Sort of. Fort Lauderdale, Fla., for example, which once reigned as the national magnet for those looking for sun, sex and fun during break, in 1987 passed a series of strict new laws to punish students who sleep on the beach, look drunk in public and are crammed too many to a hotel room. Palm Springs, Calif. -- still smarting from a 1986 riot in which hundreds ofrevelers ran wild, vandalized property, threw rocks, ripped clothes off women and briefly took over the center of town -- met students last spring with a snow of force, empowering police to ticket and arrest vacationers for public drunkenness and rowdy behavior on the spot instead of letting officers use their discretion to issue warnings. The crackdowns have helped drive students elsewhere. Only about 20,000 students are expected in Fort Lauderdale this spring, city recreation superintendent Steve Person says. In 1985, about 350,000 students descended on -theresort. snarlingtraffic, litteringbeaches and outraging local residents. Person added the city is making no special attempt to invite students this year, either. Something like 10,000-15,000 revelers are expected in Palm Springs, city promotions director Pam LiCalsi said. "Palm Springs is way out," complained Chris Schneer, a national sales representative for College Tours, the largest spring break operator for Mexico. "It's too strict, there are no crowds and way too many police officers." The Florida resorts have become so rigid that "it's really slowed down, and you can't even do what you want," added Schneer, who of course gets paid to lure students to Mexico instead. Nevertheless, some U.S. resorts still want students to come. Some 230 miles up the Atlantic coast from Lauderdale, Daytona Beach gladly has tried to fill the void, spending about $40,000 on marketing gimmicks to draw students. About 300,000-400,000 should show up, predicts Georgia Carter of the city's tourist bureau, each spending an average of $325 each week they stay. Civic paydays like that normally help city officials tolerate a lot of the insulting public behaviors, vandalism, violence and even deaths that seem to arise whenever huge hordes of students descend on a town. Although Daytona Beach has had its share of petty crime and major tragedy -- since 1984, seven people have died and 34 others have been injured in falls from hotel and motel balconies --city officials are resolutely
upbeat "Everybody's getting better" at behaving civilly, Carter maintains. "Many citizens are curious to see what goes on," she adds. ''Others just avoid it.'' At South Padre Island off the Gulf coast of Texas, the hosts are similarly tolerant. "Most of us enjoy (the st\)dent invasion)," says Breeze Carlyle of the island's tourist bureau, '' although we do look forward to our survivors' party in April."
f riday, feb. 10, 1989
Dry skin is not cracking everyone up by Susan Holefelder Cold, dry air is hard on skin. However, most of us forget this fact until the winter season is upon us. After then, we apply a little Lotion on our hands and hope our problems of dry skin will disappear. But as we all know, a little bit oflotion is not enough. There is a lot more we can do to protect our skin from the harsh winter's wrath. For instance, Janine Marino, sophomore, agrees that dry skin is a definite problem during the winter. "With the changing of the seasons, cold weather always makes my skin chapped. I use Jergen' sex tra dry skin cream to moisturize my skin." Mark Leong, freshman, said, "Dry skin is a year-round problem, but it gets worse in the winter." He also uses moisturizer to deal with his dry skin. But there are many other reasons why our skin becomes dry and irritated besides just the cold winter weather. According to Susan Fitzgerald, R.N., there are many underlying causes of dry skin. The dry air in the winter saps the moisture from the air, leaving your lips chapped, noses itching and throats parched. In addition, the heat used in the winter, also dries out the air. For this reason, people purchase humidifiers to replace the moisture that has been depleted from their skin. Fitzgerald explains that the fancy humidifiers are not as good as the old fashion humidifiers. These new humidifiers release minute particles into the air that we are breathing in. In other words, the mist is very fine and it isn't good for our health. As explained in the Sept. 1988 issue of Consumer Reports, humidifiers can encourage the growth of molds and bacteria in their reservoirs and in overhumidifiedrooms. The basic cool-mist vaporizers often emit live molds and bacteria as they spray their water droplets. On the other hand, the ultrasonic humidifiers spew bits and pieces of nonviable molds and bacteria that could trigger allergic•'reactions in sensitive individuals.
She suggests the old fashion humidifiers or, even better and cheaper, if you place pots of water near your heater it will help humidify the aiF just as well as a store bought humidifier. The only drawba\:k, according to Consumer Reports, is that it lacks a humidistat,so you can't control how much water is being pumped into the atmosphere. Another cause of dry skin in the winter, according to Fitzgerald, is the fact that we drink less fluids in the winter because we
aren't as hot and thirsty. Her suggestion, obviously, is to drink more liquid in the winter, preferably, water (about eight glasses a day). In the winter all of us like the idea of taking along, hot shower. Butthis, too, dries out our skin. We can still take hot showers but, don't take as many or as long of hot showers. In addition, Fitzgerald said, this is the best time to '))ut on lotion, after you get out of the shower. Most of the problem with dry skin seems
to take place mostly on our hands. The best way to eliirtinate this problem is to use lotion and when we go out into the cold, dry air of the winter season, wear gloves to protect our hands. Finally, if you follow the few, easy suggestions from Fitzgerald, you should defeat your problem of dry skin.
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Sue MacKenzie , junior, uses a humidifier to keep her skin from becoming dry
Everyone, everywhere is sick of being sick l.f miscellaneous
taken over by germs, or at least from where I stand. \.::::==============::::For the last few weeks I have either heard stories
by Barbara Wilson "Hello" "Hi, Barb, what are you doing?" ''Oh, nothing just lying down trying to rest." "Well, I just called to see if maybe you wanted to do something tonight. After all it is Friday night. You can't just sit home and rest." "No, Jacqui, I really feel terrible. I've been sick all week and I don't think I am ever going to get better." "That's too bad .. Well, I gotta get going 'cause Michelle and Anna are waiting for me to go out. Let me know if I can do ;mything for you.'' "Yeah, sure, I'll talk to you later. Bye." Does this conversation sound familiar? Have you or anyone you know been on the receiving line of this conversation? Chances are the answer to either one of these questions is yes. It seems that the world is being
or complaints about one person or another being sick. I myself have also been over run by the common pug and personally I am sick of it. Rumor has it that there are mono, the chicken pox, the common cold and that nasty stomach virus going around. Wouldn't life be simpler if we could see those nasty germs heading toward us and be able to run from them? Then again, who said life was simple? When I first became inflicted with the common bug, I said to myself, "how could you do this?" Of all the people in the world, I had to let myself get run-down. I suppose that I expected to be able to outrun the germs that were inflicting the people around me. Well I was wrong.No one is safe. After reviving myself enough to brave the outside elements, I decided to go in search of a few answers. All that time I lay in bed I had many visitors who complained of similar symptoms. I wondered, had Cabrini, like Penn State University, been affected with an overwhelming number of sick people? To my surprise, the answer was no. According to Cabrini's nurse, . Susan Fitzgerald, her average sick visits were up to par. Last year Fitzgerald cared for, on the average, six patients per day while during this past month of January she was averaging five patients per day. Not bad, according to her. Asking Fitzgerald what was the cause of all the moaning and groaning that I had heard in the past few weeks ,she said
it was because everyone was probably experiencing the common bug. It then dawned on me that around this time every year, there is an outbreak of the common cold and I wondered why. "Everyone becomes sick this time of year because you are all away from each other for a few weeks on Christmas break and when you come back you either share germs again or are so excited to see one another that you run yourselves down by staying up late," Fitzgerald said. The weather change is another exciting aspect that contributes to our nasty aches and pains. Why is it mother nature one day gives us spring-like weather where people break out the causal shorts and the next day turns Cabrini into a winter wonderland, leaving students in a wonder as to were the winter came from? As I thought this prospect over I realized it had to be a conspiracy, what else could it be? There is one famous line that comes from the mouth of every person whom I have spoken to: These people, sick or not, clearly feel that they "do not have time to get sick." Well, I wonder why these germs don't infect the people who do have time. After all , who wants to spend time with people who just don't have the time? Well, if you are one of those people who bas blown their nose so much that they think they broke it or can't get out of bed to face another day, relax. Those nasty germs will probably be on their way soon to infect another victim.
f riday1 feb. 101 1989
Valentine'sDay past and present By Stephanie Hornyak Red hearts. Huge boxes ofchocolate candy. Sentimental greeting cards. A dozen longstemmed red roses. Only one holiday con ju res up these images in your mind. It's Valentine's Day. The feast of St. Valentine, celebrated on Feb. 14, is a holiday to commemorate the Roman priest, who assis~ed martyrs in the 3rd century. When he was apprehended, he was beaten with clubs and be-headed. The custom of finding someone to "Be Mine," and sending valentine cards actually has nothing to do with St. Valentine. Valentine's Day, as a lovers' festival, has its roots in the pagan Roman festival of Lupercalia, which took place in the middle of February. During this festival, the boys would draw the names of girls in honor of their goddess, Februata Juno. The boys would then send ''cards' ' to the girls. The only relation of St. Valentine and the pagan practice is that Valentine's Day precedes Feb. 15, the day on which the goddess Februata Juno was honored. In more modem times, Valentine's Day has lost its religious roots and centers more on the tradition of the "lovers festival." Christy Earley, freshman, when asked how she felt about Valentine's Day said, "Ilike Valentine's day. I think it's nice if you have somebody to share it with.'' Voicing a similiar opinion, freshman Steve Wescott said,
"I enjoy Valentine's day because you get to spend lots of time with your girlfriend and eat lots of candy." Jim Steffler, when asked how he would like to spend
Valentine's Day, said, "I would spend the day with my girlfriend. It really doesn't matter what we do." On Valentine's Day, many people have one wish for the perfect Valentine fantasy. Rosanne Rossello, senior, and her boyfriend Kenny, said that they would like to spend two weeks in Greece together. Lori O'Donnell, sophomore, said that she would like, "anything from George Michael."
Andrea Thompson said, ''I would like to go to Paris with Ed, he's my boyfriend ...and make out in the Louvre." Sophomore Dana Lepis said that her Valentine fantasy is '' any kind of a surprise evening with my boyfriend. You know, 'be ready at 7 ...and be whisked away to the Bahamas.•' Robert Bellopede, senior, said that his ultimate fantasy is "ultimate sex on the beach in the hot sun." His brother Ron describes his ultimate Valentine fantasy: "to be onthebeachesof the Virgin Islands with the hot sun beating down on my body and the body of the one I Jove." Ruth Santoni, continuing education student. said that her Valentine fantasy is ''24 hours alone with Tom Selleck in a classy hotel." Faculty members weren't quite as risque about their Valentine fantasies. Dr. M.L. Corbin Sicoli, professor of psychology, wants "to go to a Wagner festival in Beyruth, Germany" for her perfect Valentine fantasy. Dr. Carter Craigie, professor of English and communications, said that he wants "a trip to N.Y.C., dinner at the Algonquin restaurant, the hottest play on Broadway, and champagne and strawberries afterwards with my number 1 honey." Finally an anonymous sophomore said, "I would like to spend this Valentine's Day with Lou Monaco, except I think his girlfriend would have a problem with that." Lou Monaco said that his Valentine fantasy is · 'to show my girlfriend a weekend of desire, ecstasy and why God put me on this earth. From there, the possibilities are limitless.''
LoquiturConversationHearts Missy.
Colin- Thank you for making Valentine's Day and everyday so special. I Love You! Katie. To my Special Valentine, Jen M. Be my Valentine. A Secret Admirer. Spike, Ijust wanted you to know that someone has their eye onyou. Happy Valentine's Day. When we see you in the cafe, We find it hard not to laugh. Scotty, you seem to think you have it all. Love from two who share four walls. Pumpkin-I'm glad you're my sweetheart! Happy Valentine's Day. Love Zucchini. Dear Sharlene, It's been great so far! Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Chris. Annemarie M. Te amo, Te quiero, Te adoro, En este dia de enamorados. Te digo lo que mycorazoncanta. Con mucho amor,Siempre Carlos! Angie, "When you say my eyes are beautiful, it's because they're looking at you" ... Je t'adore beaucoup! Mon Cher: Je crois que tu sois 1'homme magnifique. Je t'aime, etje t'adore beaucoup, toujours. Wendy- You are the best sister anyone could have! I guess you could say I'm lucky! I love you! Dawn.
To: Munchkin, Kathy, Bethie, Kim, Tammi, Ellen, Sharlene and all of the friends at House 7 (Gina, Carol, etc.) and House I Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Toni. Sherry Lee. You are the only one for me! Love, Trevvor. B.J.-You're the best & I long to see you again! Lil' R Steve Brinlee- U R A Q T! Frank B. Nice. Happy Valentine's Day! Love Always, Kimmer. Basil: I'm still watching you. I love you! Vince Romeo: I live for your smile, I'd die for your kiss. Happy Valentine's Day. HappyValentine'sDaytomyoneandonly. you, Dede.
I love
To Dave McKee: I love you, honey. I hope we last forever. Love always, Rachel S. Bob, Happy Valentine's Day Sweetheart! All my love always! XOXO-Laura. Happy Love Day G! You are the BEST thing that everhappened tome. Thank you! ILOVEYOU!
To Felicia: May your joy show through your smiles-May your happiness shine each day. You are so awesome! Happy Valentine's Day, My Love!!! I love you! Love, Lou XO Phil, ljust want you to know that I will always love you and that our love will never die. P.S. I LOVE YOU! L.F.T.E.T. To Meg, Kathleen, Mary, Christi, Trish, Pam, Jodi, Julie, Virginia: You're the best! Happy Valentine's Day! To My Fellow Editors: We're almost through!!!! You're all first.class people. (Ha Ha) Love, Paula John, Tyrone &Randi: You'redoingagreat job! Keep up the great work! Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Claire. Ron B.: Happy Valentine's Day to the sexiest guy I know! Let's go out soon! Love always from guess who? To the one who makes my nights & days happier Patty Moore I Love You! Dave To the ones I Jove: Happy Valentine's Day Love Ke
friday ,feb. 10, 1989
Studentstake advantageof skiingthe local resortsin the Pocon-os By Felicia Falcone Winter sports, particularly skiing, have become more popular in the past few years due to the growth of a more active society. The Northeastern part of the country hosts a variety of resorts for professionals and beginners alike. Among the most popular in Pennsylvania are: Camelback, Jack Frost, Big Boulder, Femwood, Alpine and Mount Airy Lodge, all located in the Poconos. Camelback, located off oflnterstate 80 in Tannersville, is the largest ski area in the Poconos, offering 25 slopes and trails with 11 lifts and night skiing. A major $3.5 million expansion has taken place, featuring all new rental shops and food service factilities. Call (717) 629-1661 for more information. Jack Frost Mountain, located in Blakeslee, offers 19 slopes and trails with l 00 percent snowmaking. It provides extensive beginner packages and have many ski and rental shops. For information call (717) 443-8425.
· Big Boulder is' 'where snowmaking got its start.•' In its 42nd year of operation, Big Boulder is one of the best ski resorts in Pennsylvania. It features night skiing on all slopes and has midnight skiing on Fridays and Saturdays. For more information, call (717) 722-0104. Fem wood Ski Resort in Bushkill, is known as the ''fun place to learn to ski.'• Femwood has facilities for both the skier and non-skier, providing two ski trails, roller skating. swimming, tennis, snowmobiling and tobagganing. Call 1800-233-8103 for more information. Alpine Mountain, located in Analomink, offers many new features for 1989. They have slopeside ski-and-stay packages with free midweek skiing, another quad lift, a new ski lodge, an expanded children's program and a new rental shop. Call l-800-233-8240 for more information. Mount Airy Lodge in Mount Pocono, provides everything from ice skating to snowmobiling. Accommodations range from $57 .50 to $120 per person with a capacity of 1200 people. It boasts a new indoor sports palace with indoor tennis courts and Olympic-sized pool, ice skating and health
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club. Also included in the package is admission to four night clubs with no cover charges. For more information, call 1800-441-4410. Many Cabrini students take advantage of the popular Pocono resorts and sports that the winter season has to offer. Dave Rowland, freshman, lives 15 minutes away from Jack Frost and Big Boulder mountains. ''I have been skiing since I was five and I love it.'' He prefers downhill over cross-country skiing and enjoys watching ice hockey in his spare time. Pete Bartolini, freshman, has also been skiing since the age of five. His favorite spots to ski are Elk Mountain and Camelback. He likes to snow ski as well as crosscountry. He considers cross-country skiing much easier than downhill skiing. Joe Orsatti, freshman, also loves to ski and watch ice hockey. Orsatti said, "llike downhill skiing but I can't deal with cross-country skiing because it has the steepest hills. Later in the season, Orsatti is heading to Steamboat, Col. to show off his skiing talent.
The entire staff from "A Style Above" has relocated and changed our name to Please attendthe
Valentine's Carribean Cruise Dance Friday, February17 (stopby after the men's basketballgame)
Prestige Salons to welcome you to our new salon we're offering 25% off any service including: Hair Care Nail Care Skin Care Tanning & Waxing For both men and Women. Come see us at our new location in Devon Village . 821 Lancaster Avenue Wayne (next to Friendly's) 687-9192
o1 1989
fridax, feb. 1
Understanding the mystery of youth suicide Part one of a series of three: Why American youths attempt suicide by Jenni Obrecht
David Sinclair had every reason to Iive. The popular high school senior had been accepted at a -respected college of music. He was a talented musician with a pretty girlfriend. And on the night of the biggest party of the school year, he committed suicide. David Sinclair is acharacter in the movie "Permanent Record,'' but in life, he is one of 500,000 American yo·uths between the ages of 15 and 25 who attempt suicide each year. Of that number, 5,000 succeed in taking their own lives. Completed suicides by white males account for 70 percent of all youth suicides. "These numbers may be grossly underestimated because coroners often don't report suicide as the cause of death to protect the families involved," Cynthia Galan, Cabrini health educator, said. Galan worked for two and a half years at Hahnemann University Hospital's Adolescent Suicide Prevention and Treatment Center. She added that nowmoreandmore coroners' offices are reporting suicides because there is less of a stigma associated with the subject than in previous years. These shockingly high numbers rank suicide as the number two killer of adolescents, Mary Louise Corbin Sicoli. Ph.D., psychology professor, said. She said that number may be even higher because car accidents, which claim the most teenage lives, are often masked suicides. While the most constant suicide rate occurs in people over 70, youth suicide has increased by 300 percent over the years, Galan said. Sicoli cites the presence of a psychological dimension during adolescence as one reason for the increase in the 15 to 25 age group. For the first time in their lives, teens reach a stage in which they are able to reflect on their own experiences and compare them with those around them, she said. • 'The distance between the ideal and the real can be much greater for the adolescent,'' Sicoli said. '' Adolescents tend to idealiu life so they have more problems with coping than older people do.'' Sicoli said many of the teens she treats who have attempted suicide have done so because they were depressed or they had suffered a series of losses. Depression falls into two categories, she said. While depression can be biological in nature and can be treated with drugs, she said the majority is psychological. ''The biggest dynamic in depression is a loss of what you consider to be your best self," Sicoli said. "If you have a clear sense of your uniqueness in the world, you 're not going to end your life." Sicoli said the biggest danger of depression is that the person becomes inwardly focused and his thoughts become negative. She said evidence now indicates that children under the age of 12 can suffer from depression. Galan said that while she worked at Hahnemann, children as young as 5 were brought in for treatment. ''Experts in the field of suicide are hesitant to classify these types of cases as suicide attempts because they are not sure of the children's understanding of the consequences,' ' Galan said. "However, their attempts are real and would be
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Katherine Sutton-Smith Preston, Ph.D., director of Rudy Rooyrnans Counseling Center, said the emphasis on success can cause many adolescents to feel inadequate or insecure about their own abilities. "We are a success-driven society," she said. "Our children also feel that pressure to succeed in their lives, even in something like making the little league baseball team." Preston said Japan has a high suicide rate because their society, like ours, is success-oriented. ·
"The only difference," Preston said, "is that we dQn't expect the high achiever or the one with no obvious problems to commit suicide. Allan J. Schwartz, Ph.D., and Clifford B. Reifler, M.D., M.P.H., reported in ''The Journal of American College Health,'' September 1988, that a person's sex is the first, and perhaps most crucial factor for those who commit suicide. Men commit suicide at a higher ra,te than women, at every point in life. Galan said young women in the 15 to 24 age group attempt suicide four times more than young men, but young men successfully complete suicide four times more than women. Even though fewer men attempt suicide, Galan said more of them succeed because they choose more lethal means than women. Also, white males are more likely to attempt suicide than blacks, Galan said. Of the 75 reported cases of suicide in Philadelphia in 1986,shesaidthemajorityofthem were white males. While there is no "textbook case," Sicoli, Galan and Preston said some common factors include: * white male * depression * the loss of someone close, a parent. grandparent, boyfriend, girlfriend * pressure to succeed * family problems, including divorce or difficulty in relating to parents * self-doubt about one's abilities * overwhelming sense of hopelessness * underlying sense of worthlessness * clustering phenomenon, in which series of copycat suicides occur in the same general area A typical reaction to youth suicide is, 'What could be so bad at that age to make someone do that when he or she hasn't faced some of life's bigger problems?' ''One of the pitfalls in looking at adolescent suicide is that we tend to diminish the intensity of the situation for the person,·· Preston said. ''The problems may not seem overwhelming to us, but what that person experiences is real and painfut'' The reluctance to accept suicide as the cause of death often makes the diagnosis difficult, she said. Preston said several common myths need to be dispelled to better understand the growing problem of youth suicide. ''While suicide is still considered by many to be an almost taboo subject, people shouldn't be afraid to talk about it, or to use the word, 'suicide,"' she said.
Next week - Warning signals and what to do if you suspect someone is suicidal. Is any one person more at risk to be suicidal? Studies If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, help
indicate there is no standard composite. The klutz is as likely is available on campus. Appointments can be made any day in to commit suicide as the homecoming queen, and the slower the Rudy Rooymans Counseling Center, and walk-in appointstudent is as much at risk as the high achiever. ments are available. Call 971-8561 for infonnation.
R.-S.A:.Agroup overlooked by Karen Shank
classified such if the children were older." Galan said suicidal people do not always show typical signs of depression, such as behavioral changes. A situational crisis, like the suicide or the death of someone close, can trigger thoughts of suicide without any prolonged period of depression.
What is R.S.A.? And who does it stand for? R.S.A. is the Resident Students Association, and it stands for those students who are the residents of Cabrini College, or at least it will, if you find yourself in trouble and need to know what your rights are. "Basically, we fight for students' rights if they have to go before the judiciary committee," seniorandR.S.A. President John Callinan said. Because it is fairly new, R.S.A. is not one of the better known organizations on campus, according to Callinan. This accounts for why R.S.A. has yet to be called upon by any residents in trouble. "No one's come to us because we haven't been that vocal. It's been really quiet," Callinan said. Because R.S.A. is still in the stage of establishing its responsibilities, many of its actual duties remain undefined. "We represent the interests of resident students as far as policy. We suggest different things," Callinan said. Callinan' s duties include calling meetings and collecting ideas and making sure they are viable. The ideas are then presented to John Doyle, directorofresident life, and Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students. The mock presidential debate held in November was
sponsored by R.S.A. and the history club. R.S.A. revised the resident questionnaire, which all potential residents fill out so they can be placed with a compatible roommate. • The annual float parade will be run by R.S.A. next year. A few new programs are also in the works, such as an effort to get cable television on campus. This semester, according to Callinan, R.S.A. will be working on getting a test file in all dorms. The file would hold copies of exams from each professor. The exams would be available to students on a library-type basis. Students would pay a small fee, such as five cents, for copies. According to Callinan, though R.S.A. has similar responsibilities as S.G.A., it is aimed more towards working with administration,
while S.G.A. basically governs the
students. R.S.A. works most closely with John Doyle, on a "give and take basis," Callinan said. Doyle even suggested the test file. Because R.S.A. is so new, Doyle picked the officers of the executive board for this year, but in the future, they will be voted in. Andree Jost, senior, is the vice president; Laura Lombard, junior, secretary; Bruce Kidwell, senior, treasurer and Trish Renz, sophomore, program officer.
friday, feb.10, 1989
Billsproposeservicefor financialaid By Lou Monaco
could redeem their vouchers for college, vocational, or job-training expenses. If they decide not to enter college, the voucher Two new bills being proposed in Con- could still be redeemable for a down gress will detennine how financial aid for payment on a house or car. This proposed students will be distributed. bill, if passed, will not affect current students Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Georgia) and House enrolled in a college or university. Besides Representative Dave McCurdy (D-Okla- the vouchers, participants in the program homa), propose that students would have to would be paid $100 a week, receive health do volunteer work or join the military to get insurance and in financial aid. some cases, room and board. Many Congressmen and supporters preThe Democratic Leadership Council fer Sen. Claiborne Pell (D-Rhode Island) (DLC), a Democratic organization headed plan. His ·plan would extend GI-Bill educa- by Nunn, estimates that the cost of the tion benefits for civilian service. The GI-Bill program would be about $5 billion a year is a federal program where the armed forces with about 800,000 people participating. set aside money for servicemen to attend Mccurdy said that his and Nunn's bill college following their term of service. Pell' s would ''reinvigorate citzenship and patriotplan would not have any student aid ism." programs wiped out but would make public If this bill becomes law, how will private service an alternative for student aid. colleges, such as Cabrini, deal with it? Nunn and McCurdy said their bill would Bob Bonfiglio, dean of students, said, "If phase out all federal student !lid programs we are compelled to by federal law, we will. within the next five years. The new bill would then enable students to perform some I think we need to foster interest in public kind of "national service" in return for service and provide pathways for students to financial aid for their individual education. give of themselves in any way. I am against If this phase passes, Nunn and McCurdy compulsion. That's why I like Pell's plan expect Congress to vote on it by early 1990. better." The basic requirements of the bill enable How do students feel about it? students to serve one year in a public Carlo Iacono, freshman, said, "It's sort service-type job, such as working in a hospital, nursing home, or community center oflike a subtle way to reinstate the draft and for senior citzens or two years in the combat increase the military size. The volunteer branches of the military: Anny, Navy, Air service proposal i, good because young Force, Marines. At the end of their stint.the people today do not volunteer for anything. student would get a $25,000 voucher from This would be an incentive to get funds for the military or a $10,000 voucher from the an individual's education, along with bringcivilian jobs. e volunteer spirit of America." The students who enter tlte program mg
ROTC students stand at attention during drill at the Valley Forge Military Academy (photp by Karen Sieg/)
HowCo-opStudents Benefit
Co-opStudents Benefit Bythe... - On-the-jobexperience whichletsthemexplore career fieldsandclarifycareer goals - Relevance theyseebetween classroom theory and the realityoftheworkplace - Competitive edgetheygaininthejobmarket or graduate schooladmission process - Increased independence andself-reliance they acquire through meeting realistic challenges. - Extraearnings whichtheycanapplytoward their education expences - Professional Workhabitstheydevelpo whichwill ease theirtransition fromtheclassroom tocareer. ApplyNowForSummer AndFallPlacements Office of Cooperative Education 20Counsel Hall
Concert--Thewinners of the Opera Company of Philadelphia Luciano Pavarott nternational Voice Competition will perform in the Mansion on Sunday, Feb. 12 at 3 p.m dmission is free. rt Trip--Woodcrest is sponsoring a trip to the Philadelphia Art Museum on Saturday, Feb 8. The group will be leaving Woodcrest at noon. All are welcome. For more information all Randi Schweriner at ext. 8455.
lay--The play "The Odd Couple," a female version of the television program, wil performed in Cabrini's Little Theatre on March 17, 18, 19andApril I and2at 8 p.m. d March 31 at 9 p.m. For more information, call 971-8510. osmetic Show--Therewill be a Mary Kay Cosmetics make-over show on Thursday, Feb 6 at Dixon House. For time and more information, call Judy Krajnak at ext. 8441. ower Nap--Thecounseling center staff is offering opportunities to learn different method f deep relaxation on Feb. 16, March 9 and 30 and April 13 and 27 from 12:45 p.m. to l :4 .m. in the Xavier Great Room. All are welcome. areer Lecture--There will be a career lecture, Careers of the l990s-Be Prepared, o ursday, Feb. 16 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Widener Center Conference Room. Tuer s a $35 fee, $25 for students. For more information, contact the office of continuin du cation. oetry Contest--TheAmerican Poetry Association is sponsoring a poetry contest. Poet ay enter the contest by sending up to six poems, each no more than 20 lines, name an ddress on each page, to American Poetry Association, Dept. CT-22, 250 A Potrero St., P.O ox 1803;SantaCruz,CA 95061-1803 Poetscan enter upuntilJune30. Itisopentoth ublic and entry is free. hotograpby Exhibit--RobertAdams' photo,graphs of the American West will be o isplay from Feb. 19 to April 16 at the Philadelphia Art Museum. The exhibit include pproximately 250 photographs and covers a time span from 1965-1986.
More Cavs from 12 My shot was on," Murphy said. "In the first half, we played well offensively, but not good enough defensively, although we did shut down Ward," Cabrini's assistant coach JoeKelly said. At the-end of the first half, Allentown had gone ahead by one point as Cabrini's defense deteriorated. The second half opened with both teams offenses starting to become ineffective, while both defenses were starting to become forceful. Allentown switched to a two-three zone w~ich was packed tightly causing Cabrini to shoot from the outside. Cabrini's outside game was not as lethal as it usually is. Cabrini shot only 8-24 from the field the second half and only shot 3-14 from three point range the whole game. ''Overall, the thing that helped us the most was switching to a zone defense. It left them (Cabrini) stagnant and passive to the zone,'' Allentown head coach Jim Hutnik said. Head Coach John Dzik said,' 'They played a good match up of a two-three zone. We didn't know what (plays) to run on them and we just weren't shooting the ball well." Cabrini's defense was not lacking force either. Allentown had only made 9-24 from the field. Cabrini finally shut down Murphy as well as Ward the second half, but Bill Gardiner, junior, was not. Gardiner scored approximately 10 points in the second half for his team's 21 points. "They (Cabrini) shut down Ward the whole night, but Murphy stepped in. Then when they shut down Murphy, Gardiner stepped in. It was a good team effort on our part," Hutnik said. Due to strong defensives on both sides and lack of scoring ability, the score was held to a one basket game, even up to the final minute. Cabrini's strategy was to try to stretch the Allentown· s defensive out of the tight two-three zone to try to work the ball inside. Allentown was drawn out of the zone, being
fridax, feb. 103 1989
down by three, because of the short time remaining. Cabrini did draw the foul, but foul shots were missed. Then with 37 seconds left in the game Neal Boyle,senior from Allentown, sinks a basket off an offensive rebound leaving the game to a one point difference. The game came down to defense. Allentown had possession with 14 seconds left on the clock. Cabrini's strategy, with five fouls left before Allentown gets a bonus, was to run down the clock by fouling. But this defensive strategy was to good to be true. Cabrini was called for an intentional foul on their sixth team foul with two seconds left on the clock which left the Centaurs to shoot and sink two foul shots and to end the g!lffie. "We played hard. They played smart. We didn't shoot well. You have to give , them credit. They played in the tempo they wanted to. We didn't,"Dzik said. "We weren't patient on offense due to their defense. They pressured us into doing thingswedidn't want to do," MikeCaraffa, sophomore, said. The past games against Lincoln and Pharmacy, Cabrini's offense has not been hot. · Against Lincoln, it shot only 6-28 the second half and againstPhannacy it only shot 12-34 in the second half. Dzik said,"Our problem is that we lack offensive leadership, which causes us to loose offensive patience. We can't get organized and we lack execution. It's not a knock on anyone, but it's a fact."" "It's not one particular thing. We're not playing defensive, not putting the ball in the basket. We have good individual talent, but we haven't played well as a team since Frostburg,'' Rocco_Sansone ,senior ,said. JasonYurchak, sophomore, said,"Nobody could get on track. We couldn't get the ball in the basket. We just couldn't get_ it together. Something's missing on our team but nobody knows what it is.·' Now, Cabrini's only tangible goal is to shoot to win the ESAC conference. It has already clinched a playoff spot for the north- Jason Yurchak, sophomore, soars in the air overtop of Dennis Csensits from Allentown to score two. (photo by Mike Stevenson) ern division.
job squad Garden State Graduate Fellowship third year accounting major. Position provides Telemarketing positions with the Easter Sea Program will be taking applications until experience in PA tax work and some billing. Society. Call Eileen, 870-1000. March 1, 1989. This is a $7,500 award for Flexible hours. Contact George Brook, 688-4838. Newspaper home delivery on Thursday an1 each academic year. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office. Available: Word Processing Service for Sunday, $50/week. Call Joe Abrahams, 68i Students. Nancy Sargent is interested in helping 3390. Shearson, Lehman, Hutton is searching studnets print resumes, letters, reports, and term Data Entry position at Tight Masters in Wes for an employee to do office work and papers. Call her at 687-6716. Conshohocken. Will pay $7/hour. Call 834-784( word processing. Call 687-6161 and ask for Tracey West. Light Housekeeping for Robert Stokes. Will pay The Limited needs management trainees for co $7/hour. Call 648-0557. op., Morning hours are preferred. Call 649-598~ Lutheran Deaconist .Community in in the Ardmore Suburban Square location. Gladwyne is looking for a few people to Waitresses/Waiters needed at the Valley Forge help with the evening meal and to work Marriott Courtyard. Contact 687-6700. Household Cleaning job in Villanova, Pa. CaJ with the switchboard operator. Call 642Mrs. Arr, 8838. Central Park Nursing Home is searching for a 525-3402. part-time person to plan music related activities House Director Position is available at with the senior population. Contact Kathryn Bennigans in Devon needs cooks and waitresses Harcum Junior College. Call Regina S. Lange, 356-0800. Weyer, Director of Residence Life at 527964-1100. 6080 if interested. CWS Students Slender Quest Tanning Salon has part tim The Seedling, a childcare facility needs positions open. Call Jean or Cathy, 688-0402. Nominations are now being taken for part-time aids to teachers. Call Marsha at the Cabrini College Student Employee 667-4947. Rasaly Sherman will provide and opportunity fa of the Year. Contact Chris Pesotski in anyone interested working with aluminum moldin Manufacture Representativeof Industrial and sanding. Call 687-1876. the Financila Aid Office or you CWS Equiptmeot in Wayne is looking for a
super.visorfor more details.
friday, feb. 1O, 1989
Cavaliers plan to step Straight into the Eagles' nest from by Kelly McGillan
Throughout the history of sports there have been great rivalries, rivalries such as Tyson vs. Spinks, McEnroe vs. Conners, the Dallas Cowboys vs. the Washington Redskins, the Philadelphia '76ers vs. the Boston Celtics and the Cabrini Cavaliers vs. the Eastern Eagles. Rivalries grow out of the realm of regular competition because the teams are seeded leading conference standings and wanting of bragging rights of a particular area. The rivarly between Cabrini and Eastern is not too different. This rivarly arises from the fact that the two colleges are neighbors, the players know each other and simply because there are differences in the two schools. However, the two coaches differ in their opinions of the rivarly. Nate Ware, head coach of Eastern' s men's basketball team said that the atmosphere and the intensity on the floor makes the rivalry so great. John Dzik,headcoachofCabrini'smen's basketball team, said that the rivalry was lost a little because Eastern is no longer a member of the Eastern States Athletic Conference(ESAC). Eastern is a member of the NAIA conference because, at the last meeting of the ESAC conference it was passed that any team not a full member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) Division III could no longer be a member of the Eastern States Athletic Conference. Eastern awards financial aid packages to athletes and because they do so, they do not ~
Dzik also said that he was not even concerned · about the upcoming game because the team only looks at one game at a time. One of the games against Eastern has already been cancelled, due to an NCAA ruling that limits games played in a season to 25. Earlier in the season when the team traveled to Iowa to play a tournament, they advanced to play four games instead of the guaranteed two games, thus two games had to be eliminated from the second half of the season. Also eliminated from the schedule was a game against Wilmington College. Eastem and Wilmington were chosen because they are non-conference games. Even though there now is a difference in conferences, the game will still be an intense one for the Eastern Eagles. Ware said, "We can prepare them beforehand with the X's and O's, but they forget and their minds are on the pick and roll and they will be hung up on emotion." _ Ware also said, "Mentally when the players step on the floor, emotions takeover automatically and that's what makes it so competitive and intense.'' With this particular rivarly, there is no advantage for playing on the home court. Both coaches agreed that crowd support was split 50-50. Dzik said though that, "Eastern crowds were far more supportive.'' Dzik recalled the all-time Cabrini vs. Eastern record as being seven to three in Cabrini's favor. Eastem's three wins came twice last year and once in the playoffs.
the NCAA requirements.
Cooperative Education
What Is It? Cooperative education is a form of higher education that seeks to relate classroom learning to its application in the workplace. Successful cooperative education programs emphasizes the three-way partnership among the school, the employer and the student. All three parties have responsibilities which must be met. The school must prepare the student, monitor the progress, ai:id stayed informed of the employers needs. The employer must provide the student with constructive supervision, challenging tasks, and accurate evaluations. The student must perform to the best of his/her ability and enthuastically learn as much as he/she can from his/her work enviornment. ,..
Cabrini Cavaliers Scoreboard
Men's Varsity Basketball
Ed~or's note: Lou Monaco's column appears f¥11ery other week
By Lou Monaco
?.O l;nnn~Pl
Cabrini 55 Cabrini
Salisbury Allentown
Men's J.V. Basketball 2/3 2/6
Cabrini Cabrini
Ursinus Mont.C.C.
Women's Basketball Proposition (Prop) 42. Here are some questions that should be answered and some comments that should be considered: * 154 people voted against this proposal. How many have had Prop 48 casualities? * To expand on this, how many of these casualties could have helped a collegiate team to win a championship? * How many people oppose both Prop 48 and Prop 42? * Why can't there be more Michael Jordans, more Danny Ferrys, more Tim Browns and more athletes like these people? They have not taken the easy way out. They have earned everything and look where it has gotten them. * To Temple Head Basketball Coach, John Chaney: "Didn't you have three Prop 48 casualties this year who could have helped you to a better season and possibly a national championship? ...! see, championships are more important than the futures of these kids. After all, championshipi. do come once in a blue moon. * Are these really hard requirements to meet after the education of an individual through elementary ed, junior high and high school? * Without a doubt, there must be more assistance, guidance and nurturing at the high school level for these gifted and talented athletes. * Does Chris Washburn ring a bell to anybody who knows about college basketball? Look what he has done! * Three cheers for all the coaches arid schools that graduate their student-athletes on time. * A college recruiter talking to a prospective student: '• Academics come first, athletics come second." It's too bad some of the schools today can't practice what they preach. * Is it so wrong to better one's life and make him or her go out into the real world with a head on their shoulders? * What a powerful word WINNINGis. * What a powerful tool MONEYis. * Some time a_go,did Brian Bosworth really say this: '' Athletes shouldn't go to class." * The ironic thing about this: Most of the American people look up to this guy. Why? * Why do people think the American educational system is rotting? * Notre Dame: Rich in academics, Rich in athletics, Rich in people, Rich in tradition-yet so many people dislike this school? Shouldn't they, as well as many other fine
athletics and good for people.
Offirp nf l;nnnPr~t.ivP
Results 2/4 2/7
higher educational institutions, be role models for the students of the future? * Big Business=Colleges. * It's time for the American people to finally stand up and say, "Enough is Enough!" * Prop 42 is good for education, good for
Apply Now For Summer And Fall Placements
anybody tell ya any differently!!!
Don't let
2/4 2/7
49 Cabrini 71 Cabrini
Salisbury Allentown
51 66
ISchedule Men's Varsity Basketball Thrus. 2/9 Sat. 2/11 ' Tues. 2/14 Fri. 2/17
Hartcom Shenandoah Eastern Spring Gar~
away away away home
7 pm 7 pm 8 pm 8 pm
Men's J.V. Basketball Fri. 2/10 Mon. 2/13 Wed. 2/15
Bergen C.C. Brandywine Reading
home away home
7 pm
7 pm 7 pm
Women's Baske,ball Sat Fri.
2/11 2/17
Shenandoah away Spring Garden home
5 pm 6 pm
More Lady Cavs from 12 behind with twelve seconds left to go, it didn't seem possible to win. Snow got her hands on the ball and swished in a three-pointer. The game was tied. Allentown must surely have been perplexed. The Lady Cavs kept the defense strong but Allentown was weak. Threepointers were falling easily for the Lady Cavs. They drew quite a few fouls taking them to the free throw Line. The game was out of reach for the Lady Centaurs. It was, in reality, over. When Welde finally calmed down, he was asked how he felt just before Snow made the climactic hoop. •'When there was about five minutes left and we were down by LO,I thought to myself'One of these days we' re going to beatthem.' Julie made a super shot; one step, it was up and it put us into overtime." "I've been involved in a lot of big wins in my career, but this was one of the biggest wins ever," he added. Coach Tom Shirley of Allentown gave a surprising answer when asked what happened to cause this sudden defeat. ·'Wewere beat by a better team. "Someone's got to win and someone's got to lose. They played their man-to-man and shot well. They got the job done."
. 12
friday, feb. 1O, 1989
Lady Cavs·humblethe Centaurs by Kelli Rudden The Lady Cavaliers played the Allentown Lady Centaurs at home Tuesday, Feb. 7. After a long, passionate, grueling game, the Lady Cavs came away victorious in overtime. Starting off with Allentown possession, the Cavs set up their man-to-man defense. Cabrini was putting on a lot of pressure with this defense and also with an uncharacteristic full-court press. · The Lady Centaurs also proved to be talented defensively by keeping the Lady Cavs around the outside perimeter, causing them to take inadequate shots. Meanwhile, the Cavs kept the Lady Centaurs away from their basket for a short time. However, when they got there, the Centaurs were much more accurate than the Cavs were. Even though the Centaurs were doing a fine job keeping the Cavs on the outside, there were times the Cavs could have passed in to Chrissy Courseault. She was open and alone on quite a few occasions but the ball just didn't seem to find her. Did Courseault feel her teammates were neglecting her? She didn't seem to think so. "Mostgamesstartoffthat way. Forthe first half the team shoots. Later on when the defense goes out on them, they pass it in to me." ''If they (the team) is shooting welJ, I don't want the ball. If there is a problem, then they can pass it in to me,'' Courseault added. It came to a point where the Cavs were just throwing up the ball without timing their shots. They were not seeing w)lere their teammates were and Coach Danny Welde looked as if he was losing his mind, screaming out plays to his team and turning I 6 shades of red. When the passes finally started going to Courseault, there was always a Lady Centaur behind her or in front of her or on the side rejecting the ball. Barbara Milligan kept the team alive with some successful three-pointers. As time was winding down, the Cavs and the Centaurs were both pulling and pushing each other and reaching for the ball. The Centaurs were putting on the full-court 'press and the Cavs kept up a high intensity level. This caused the Cavs to become too hurried, making them lose sight and control of the ball. The half ended 28-27 with the Centaurs A Lady Centaur is unable to press junior Julie Snow as she drives down court with intensity to look for an opportunity to set in the lead. up an offensive attack .. ( photo by Mike Steveson) The Lady Cavs began the second half in remarkable happened. the same fashion. They went totheoutside happier now. The Lady Cavs came within phenomenal defensive job. There wasn't The Cavs got the fire, the hunger and the to shoot and weren't doing too well. Howan incredible amount of action happening two points and the fans were crazed, as well ever, the Centaurs continued with their true desire to win this game. They started but Cabrini started to see their offense. For as the rest of the team over on the bench. apparent grace and style, knowing always pushing the Centaurs to the outside causing awhile, it seemed like a valiant, final thrust, The Cavalier defense became so tense, their percentage to falter and freshman Kathy but the Lady Cavs couldn't get closer than and the offense became so quick, that it where their team was. It seemed that Lady Cavs were never Murray, the smallest girl on the team, was eight points. threw Allentown off. Now the Cavs were coming back. They were just going to keep underneath the basket for every rebound. Then, something even more remarkable three points Milligan and Julie Snow were quick on happened. scoring to save face and keep their dignity. Then, when all seemed lost, something really their feet, getting in front of the ball doing a More Lady Cavs on11 Welde was still yelling, but it was much
Cavaliersshotdown unexpectedlyby Centaurs by Paula Phillips After four consecutive years of beating Allentown College, who would of thought that this season would be different. The Cabrini men's basketball team on Tuesday was beaten for the first time in four years by the Allentown Centaurs by the score of 57 to 55. Due to this loss. the men's team now has to face the harsh reality that it will not have a berth in the
National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) Division III tournament and even face the strong possibilty of not winning 20 games this season. The rivarly between the two teams has been intense throughout the years and this game was no different. Allentown coach Jim Hutnik said,"l might just get a raise from the president of the college for this
win_., ri
e 11:ame es
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second half, the Cavalier' s offense was rendered ineffective, though the Centaur's offense was not much better. Both teams, Cabrini and Allentown, were held to a minimum of 20 and 21 points respectively in the second half. Cabrini shot just 44 percent from the field - 33 percent during the second half -- while Allentown also shot 44 percent from the field -- 31 percent during the second a f. Nee lesstos v. a ew s
defense for both sides. Although both teams offenses were lacking, their defense was a different story. In the first half, Cabrini's problem was not offensive play as it moved the ball inside to Brian Butler, senior, and Marko Gittensjunior. Cabrini broke the pressure of Allentown's man-toman defense scoring 35 points but their defense was not up to the same par. Althrn11•h the Cav.ali
down the Centaurs leading scorer,John Ward, senior, holding him to only five points the whole game, other members of the squad picked up the slack. One such Centaur who penetrated the Cavs defense was Terry Murphy, junior. He sank five threepointers by the end of the half. "When they doubled teamed John(Ward), he saw that I was open and he passed the ball out to me.
More Cavs on 1O