friday, feb. 24, 1989
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
vol. XXXV, no.16
Racialincidentssparkanger,reflection by Denise Civa and Roe Wellman Racism means racial prejudice or discrimination. Racism means ignornace. Racism lias hit Cabrini College. It's notasifitneverexistedhere before, but recent events have brouhgt it to the attention of the campus. The incidents began the night of Tuesday, Jan. 24. According to senior LaTonya Lucas, resident assistant and African-American, she was performing her last rounds at House 4 when she heard a female voice coming from the room of Mike Dolan, a white student. She said she had given him warnings before and he didn't take heed, so she wrote him up for a violation of parietals. Lucas went on to say that Dolan made it very clear that he was not concerned or worried about being written up and claimed. he had not been warned. As she waswalking away from the house that night, she heard Dolan's voice yell out ''white supremacy." Gary Burnett, sophomore, said, " People were yelling obscenities and Mike yelled white supremacy." On Jan. 27, Lucas, along with Randi Schweriner, head resident Woodcrest/ Mansion, was on duty when Dolan asked
said in an interview with WCAU-TV News,"No onesh9uld claim racism on just those two words." The next day, dur1ng a meeting between Lucas, Hidlebird, their fathers and Dolan, Dolan admitted to threatening Lucas, which he later denied, Lucas said. Due to the situation, Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, made the decision that Dolan should be moved from House 4 to Xavier instead of being removed from campus after he had been removed for a brief period. Lucas was dissatisfied with Bonfiglio's decision. "I didn't want Mike removed from campus solely on the basis of his racial overtones," she said. ''Primarily I wantedhim removed beon15e he had threatened me.'' "I definitely was not satisfied with the decision. I don't understand the reasons behind movinghim from House 4 to Xavier. I think he should have been removed from campus. !believe that any studentwhofor any reason threatens another student should be removed, especially one who hunts and hasbeenknownto havegunsoncampus," Lucas said. "We did the best we could for the time being, John Doyle, director of resident
to speak with her. He apologized for yelling out ''white supremacy,"which Lucas accepted. "I heard Mike apologize to Tonya," Burnett said," and she accepted it but questioned it as real. She then directed a question to me, asking how I could just sit there and let it happen. I told her I can't influence the wayMike feels about her, he has a right to his own opinion. At one point, Tonya called Mike racist and he replied, 'If you think I'm racist, wait until you see my friends."' Dolan then claimed that sheshould be able to handle verbalized abuse since she held a position of authority. According to Lucas, the word nigger wasthen used by Dolan to describe another RA, Samantha Hidlebird. As Lucas wasleaving,Dolan again yelled out ~'whitesupremacy." "Tonya did try to explain how she took offense to the term white supremacy. Mike said since she was in a position of authority,she shduld expect it. Tonya said she did but that term is something very different. Mike claimed it was the same, Tonyasaid itwasn't. The argument started to get heated so we broke it up," Schweriner said. Dolan, who refused to talk to Loquitur,
life, said. Dean Bonfiglio made the decision and I support him 100 percent because he needed to take action and that was. the best action he thought he could take.'' Another racial incident occurred during the early morning hours on Feb. 18, after the Valentine's Day dance which involved two black administrators, Tyrone Carr, assistant director of resident life, and Rita Calicat, director of student activities. Both had pornographic materials placed on their cars in Sacred Heart parking lot. The word nigger, along with other obscenities, was written on the pornographic material on Calicat's car. "I came out from the dance and noticed that the car next to mine had a picture of pornography on its windshield. There was a black woman depicted with a naked man. I got in my car, pulled away and then noticed there was something fluttering on my back windshield. It turned out to be a picture of a naked white woman," Carr said. "'Thepeople involvedwere so oowardly," Calicat said," that they couldn't act upon their feelings and intentions in an open manner towards people who could respond or even engage in conversation
I love these people that I love them enough that it hurts me. The stuff that happened with them I think is such a crime against them as individualsand us as human being." The racial incidents that have occurred· on campus have provoked many · thoughts and feelings about racism in general. It has also sparked a willingness to be more open minded towards minorities and realize that education is the key to help combat this problem. "The first thing that has to be done," Bonfiglio said," is to recognize that yes, there is a problem that has to be addressed and once we recognize that problem I think we have to have a dialogue that the people who are being affected by the problem, mainly the students, and together arrive at some positive steps that can be taken to address the issue. Education is where our true potential lies." "I think we need to offer mandatory sessions dealing with diversity, prejudice and human issues and offer courses that deal with other cultures," Schwerinersaid. "Yes, there does need to be education," Calicat said, "because racism is ignorance. Someone said it's the highest form of ignorance and I happen to agree with that" Racism is a problem that must be · addressed but can it be solved? There might be many answers but is there a solu1 1 lion? "This problem can't be resolved," Calicat said "there is not a resolution to this. Racism is an attitude." "I think we're all looking for words that are rational, that are answers," Doyle said "andlthinkwe need to look forinspiration, integrity, trust and faith. Above all, we need to look for it together.'' "Where do you start and how do you reach all of the people?" Carr asked. "I feel that you can't reach all of the people _allof the time, only some of the people some of the time." "1t's a tremendously complex issue," Bonfiglio said "and to think that it would be anything else but long and arduous, we i would be kidding ourselves. It's going to take a while for us to make a difference."
"The qualities of the liberally educated person, the college's mission statement--ifyou go to those documents and if you live bythemandiftheyarereally, truly . about--How come I feel this way about the spirit of Cabrini," Calicat said "then you? It was done anonymously, secre- racism and other hatreds and abuses can't tively and it's the kind of thing people do be tolerated on our campus and we need to to hurt and cut, and that's exactly what it say that clearly, plainly and live up to it and did. I can't tell you in words how violated in everything I say and do, that message I felt." should beclearand apparent, but not only "I was angry," Doyle said. " I was tired to me but everybody.'' ofit. It just made me remember how much
enior?countdownto graduatiori Rhonda Ermentrout, Regina Battiato, Lori Petrozza and Maria Falcone celebrate being seniors at a pre-graduation bash in the Widener Center gathering area. See related story on page 9. (Photo by Karen Sieg/)
inside perspectives ...... 2, 3
Love was in the air
Lady Cavs beat
news................ 4, 8, 9 features .......... 5, 6, 7
at the Valentine's
Spring Garden (see page12)
sports........ ,10, 11, 12
dance (see page 6)
f ridax, feb.24 ,1989
Racialharmony:just a dream? Appreciatingand realizing It can be found at Penn State, The University of Wisconsin at Madison, Bryn Mawr and most recently at Cabrini. It's racism. Incidents involving racial overtones have occurred on Cabrini's Campus within the past month. Eyes have been opened to the fact that there is racism · present on campus. Some students never even realized that there was a racial problem until rumors mixed with facts began to fly concerning the incident between a black female and white male. Sr. Eileen, M.S.C., president and Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, has not helped matters. In fact could be said that they hindered things since the reaction time was so slow. They looked upon it as an isolated incident which would just go away. This allowed the problem to ferment and become even bigger. The decision of what to do was not reached efficiently. Sr. Eileen sending out a wimpy, discreet, bland and useless letter which just beat around the bush, did absolutely nothing. Attitudes were not changed, people were not educated and the point just did not come across. Cabrini did not have a policy dealing with racism on a physical or verbal level and still doesn't. One might be made up by the fall but that is tentative. It comes down to this: Fellow human beings are being treated differently simply because of the color of their skin. Racial slurs have been screamed, people have been insulted, and some have been violated due to the ignorance which is present. Ignorance about those who are not like your yourself, stereotyping because of a lack of knowledge and prejudice that has grown from generation to generation. We can no longer just talk, we must act but not in violence. Violence will solve nothing. Open communication, patience, understanding and an open mind is needed in order to combat the racial question which has no answers. The Administration must come up with a policy and stick to it. Education must be made available so that all students are aware of what is going on and realize the extent of the problem. We must band together as a community and ward off the growth of racism on our campus. An example of what can be done is a plan made up Charles Holly, former Black Student Association President at The University of Wisconsin at Madison.ItiscalledtheHolly Reportand it calls for thecreation of a multicultural center, minority student recruitment and retention programs, a racial harassment policy, and racial diversity orientation for new students. Cabrini College has adopted a new proposal which will give students an education that includes a range of cultural perspectives. This proposal will require students starting with the class of 1993 to take one inter-cultural course as a curricular requirement. Is it so much to ask for all people to live in peace and harmony or will it always remain just a dream?
Racismblamedon ignorance To the Editor: Yes, I heard about the situation, it brought a few tears to my eyes, but then I realized, "what can you expect from the ignorant?" So, I sat down and decided to write an eloquent letter to the Loquitur to make a point(that will probably go over your head) and show my support to the "underrepresented" students of Cabrini College. As I raked my mind for crystal clear, nondebatable points, I decided "to hell with eloquence, they were never moved by it before, so why try again.'' So I opted for the frank and blunt approach. (It still may be over your head though.} It is so sad that when someone is reprimanded, they regress and try to retaliate. 'Tm gonna get my friends.'' But, what more can we expect from the ignorant? It is sad that certain male students (no need to mention names right, KKK wanna-he's) decide to harass a couple of innocent black females when black males are just as available on this campus. But what more can we expect from the ignorant? I suppose those cowards in question are not even embarrassed? We all know you
were dumb, but was it totally necessary to verbalize your ignorance? Couldn't keep it in any longer, right? Hey, listen, us underrepresented students understand, completely understand your plight. I saw "Animal House." I watch "All in the Family." I saw "Roots." I am well versed in the "white mentality." I am hoping •'Mississippi Burning'' will provide me with even more insight. Hey, I was even moved by "The Holocaust." Us underrepresnted students realize that prejudice is the precious birthright of the ignorant. So, you want to bring your friends to aid your retaliation. Ok, that's fine. It was quiet the first time, but, continue with the ignorance and you will feel the ''Fire Next Time.'' Yes, I am absent, but I am not silent. I will never be silenced. Also understand some of us understand just what you guys are going through. But jealousy isn't necessary. And remember, we all admire Martin Luther King, but we all don't agree with that non-violent approach. Hey, and happy Black History Month. Love and Stuff, Rachel Athelia Anderson-Fuller
the valueof a good friend latonya lucas One of my few weaker qualities is that I tend to take things for granted. I usually don't notice if there is a full moon, I seldom notice the beauty of a sunset or the beauty of life itself. Realizing this weakness, I now make a conscious effort to stop and take notice of my surroundings. However in my quest to be observant, I couldn't help but to be more conscious of people and I noticed that good friends are hard to come by. Although I have many friends who I cherish dearly, there is one in particular that deserves the seal of good friends placed in the center of her forehead. · I sometimes call her Shamrny Shamrock, you may know her as Samantha Hidlebird. I met her during an Open House in l 985. I introduced myself to Sam and her mother, exchanged telephone numbers and left. I want you all to know that I was the first person at Cabrini to witness Sam's greatest strength and that is expressing herself. During that summer, we spent four hours on the telephone. Remember, I had not known her beforethis. From this day on, we hit it off well. I still find it hilarious that Sam thought I was a nerd when she met me. ME?! I guess it was those black circled framed glasses that I wore in freshman year and I guess that's how I earned the nickname Secret Squirrel. But it didn't take her long to realize that she had judged this book's cover totally wrong. The ironic point to be made is although I didn't consider Sam a nerd, I thought I was "hipper" merely because I was from West
Pridefor surroundings questionedafter the fact To the Editor: What happened to the good old fashioned attitude of having pride in our surroundings? During this school year I have noticed how enthusiastic we are in preparing for events: Balloons to greet the new students in September, Notices about upcoming special events all over campus and Christmas decorations on all our buildings to help foster the holiday season. What is my point? Long after the new students are in their dorms or in their classes, the balloons were still hanging on the trees, dying. What does this say to visitors as they drive up onto our campus? What about the sign still posted on the glass windows in Grace Hall with directions to the Art Show which was held in November? The rhododendron in front of Sacred Heart Hall still has Christmas decorations on it We are preparing for Easter. I would like to suggest that whoever puts decorations or signs up should have a counterpart in dismantling the same. What would you think if you came onto a campus and found examples of what I have just mentioned? Think about it. Thank you for allowing me to vent. Sr. Toni, M.S.C., Assistant Registrar
Philly and she lived in Mount Airy. Sure, Shammy and I have had our ups and downs, but we've managed to overcome obstacles that I thought we would never make it over, but we have. Sam and I were roommates during our sophomore year and I have to admit that that was the best year socially. Academically, I suffered. (Can't party and study at the same time, now can you?) We did so much together and shared so many happy times that we began to realize each other's strengths and weaknesses. (I bet Sam said to herself for an English/ communications major, Tonya never was too observant.) There are two incidents that will go down in our roommate history that I will never forget. Three squirrels nibbled through our screen and invaded our room. They ate my Cadbury chocolate bar and my Better Cheddars and scared Sam half to death as she walked in the room. The other incident was the time when one of our neighbors (I won't mention her name nor her condition) went to the bathroom during the night, made a left into our room instead of a right and climbed into bed with Sam who was up against the wall trying to wake this person up. I laughed until I cried. Sam, the invader and I still laugh about it. In the four years, we have done a lot of growing up. We've had long talks on the important things in life as well as helping each other socially. She introduced me to bocci balls, Kenny G and house music parties. I introduced her to orange lipstick, Liz Claiborne perfume and silk ... (well, use your imagination. Sam would be most embarrassed). The way I see it is together Sam and I have experienced everything from eating dry tuna fish at 2am to racism. And even I noticed what a broad spectrum of experience that is, for I lived it, with my buddy, Sam.
Ecitor: DeniseCNa Staff Manager/Copy Editor: Kerry Gallagher News EdttOIS:LaTonya Lucas and Lisa Brzezicki AsSIStantNews Editors: Malian Arms1rongand Johama Church PerspectivesEditor: Roe Wellman Assistant PerspectivesEditor: Felicia Falcone Features Editor: Lee M11enda Assistant Features Editors: BobBonne<and Barbara Wilson Sports Editor: Paula Phlll,ps Assistant Sports Editors: Lou Monaco and Kelli Rudden Writing Coach: Jeml Obrachl BusinessManager:Angle Corbo Assistant:Kelly McGtllan PhotographyEd~ors: Karen Siegl and MikeStevenson PhotographyAdviser: Or. Carter Craigle Adviser: Or.Jerome Zulllk Staff: MarianArmstrong,Jim Bligh, Bob Bonner, Johanna Church, Frank Emmerich,Felicia Falcone, Diane Glancey, Sue Holefelder,Stephanie Homyak, Carto Iacono, Melissa LandsmaM, Kelly McGillan,Melissa Middleman.Lou Monaco. Nici<Ostrowski.Cms Pesolski, Kelly Reed. Clvisy Roach, Kelli Rudden, Shar1eneSephton, Karen Shank, Linda Smlsko, Leonora Veterano,Bllfbara Wilson Photography Staff: MarianArmstrong,Peter Bartoini, Giselle Bellanca,Knstin Krol, Jeff Moo<e,Steve PascaN,Ande Romano Loquitur Is published weeklyduring the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor. PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and Is included In the benefits seaired by tuition and student fees. Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorshipknown to the editors. However,It the wrtter wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publicationand an insaiploonInserted such as "name wnhheld at the request o1the wrtter.• Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. ff a letter Is too long for the available space, 1he editor may edit or condense It. Lettersto the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published 1nLoqunurare the Y18WS of the student edltorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loqunur,s established as a forum for student expressoonand as a voice ., the uninhibited,robust, free and open discussionof issues.
friday, feb. 24, 1989
Afraidand angryover raciali~cidentson campus Livingup to
To the Editor: Are you aware of what is happenening on Cabrini's campus? Maybe or maybe not. Perhaps you would like to know what is going one since the recent newsletter sent out by the president left most of us clueless. Well, it is something that should be a concern for all those involved. It is mostly directed to all the narrow-minded individuals who have some misconceptions about minorities. Here are the top four misconceptions that some white people have about blacks: black people are ignorant, black people are inferior, they are inhuman individuals and blacks will always be niggers. Let me start by saying that we are not inferior, but then again, who gives you the rightto be judgmental. We are not ignorant, again how ignorant of you to make a statement so absurd yet alone use the term that describes yourself. Now, isn't that ignorant! We are human beings everyone of you and we do have feelings. Finally, did it ever occur to you that using a racial slur is not only insincere but also "inferior," as you would say. In case you are curious about what I am talking about, read on. It happened on Tuesday, January 24th, the night La Tonya Lucas was on duty and a racial slur was yelled to her. Someone also had the audacity to yell out White Supremacy. Again, what right do you have to say, and for the most part believe, that the white race is more superior and more powerful than any other race. In case you weren't born on the same planet we were, there is a man who goes by the name of the Almighty God who created us and stated in the Bible that all men are
,equal regardless of the color of their skin. If you disagree with him, then you are ignorant! There was another occurance on Friday, January 27th. LaTonya Lucas was again the victim along with another R.A., Samantha Hidlebird, who was not present and were both threatened. Now I ask myself, ''how did we get to this here place." This is 1989. We are in the midst of approaching the year 2000 and racial violence still exists. How can we allow something of this nature to take place at Cabrini or anywhere else for that matter? Cabrini is supposed to be a liberal arts, Catholic colleg·e. It's also supposed to be a family-oriented institution, according to the brochure, where we should be able to live in peace and harmony, where no one should be afraid of anyone or anything. But, needless to say, some ofus are afraid. So afraid that some of us are scared to death to sleep in our own rooms because we fear for our life. So afraid that some of our parents are sitting on pins and needles because they are unsure of our safety. So afraid that we can't even count on the institution for our safety because they are more concerned about the institution itself and its reputation than they are about us. So afraid that some of us are so disoriented that we 're afraid of our own shadows. You want to talk about afraid. Well, at this point I am past the afraid stage, I'm ANGRY! Angry because we have allowed it to come this far. Angry because the administration have failed to realize that there is a racial problem
: . ".
here at Cabrini and not just an isolated incident. Angry because I've allowed myself to be physically as well as emotionally involved. Angry because I am tired of being angry To the Editor: and because I am fed up with the ignorant. There have been many problems in our Once again I address the question ''how lives lately. Maybeyou don't all see these did we get to this here place?" Well, I can problems because you are not directly only speak for myself and on the behalf of associated with them, but they are there. the B.S.A. members who at this point are I am not afraid to stand up for what I bitter, outraged, angry, upset and disgusted. believe in. People are very important to me You really want to know how we got to this because I enjoy life. I refuse to sit back and here place, I'll tell you. We allowed it to get watch Cabrini College tum into a hostile this way. We, as in the minority students, battle ground where people fight, through allowed it to. So there's no point denying it. actions or words, with others. Now I guess you're wondering what did This is supposed to be a family! I am your we allow to happen. Well, first we can start sister and so is that girl sitting by you and that with the racial jokes and racial slurs. When boy sitting next to you is your brother. We it first started we should have stopped it, but were all given something, LIFE! We all have we didn't.And you knowwhywedidn't,it's it and we all should cherish it! because we felt and were too comfortable. We must all stick together to get rid of We were so comfortable that we allowed just hatred, prejudice, violence and any other about everything and everybody to say things negative emotions. There is no difference in to us that we would not normally accept but any person in this world: inside they are all because we wanted to feel wanted and ac- people! cepted we allowed it to happen. But I assure I will not sit back and RELAX! I don't you that we, meaning the minority students, want my future to be full of hatred! will no longer allow you to disrespect us in We are a community!--We are an entity, such a manner where we get to a point where not separate, but together. If something is we're intimidated anymore. We just won't unjust -- fix it! Don't complain unless stand for it. you're willing to do something about it! As a black student at Cabrini, I will no It is like Michelangelo said: longer feel or be threat~ned by you narrow'' It is easier to fight for one's principle• s minded individuals anymore. I'll just give than to live up to them." you fair warning, if you don't watch what Start acting! Live up to the values and you say, you'dbetterwatchtowhomyousay morals that should rightfully be! it to. "The time is now, the place is here!"
Karen Dumomey, sophomore
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Claire daSilva, junior .
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Reflectingon a time of fermentand change:The 60's by Joseph J. Romano
consolation in reporting that the salesman made certain that the house was on "the At least once during the year mythoughts fringe" of the development. As they talked are brought back to some significant about this new threat to the ''value" of the momentsofmylifewhich occurred in the property, the pieces started to fit: The 1%0s. Sometimes my thoughts are pro- family had a young daughter; the mother voked by a lecture I attend, or a television worke.d for a department store, the father documentary; but whatever the case, I reflect was "merely'' a mailman; and worst of all, on some personal part of me that remains he wasfrom the poor part of Conshohocken. in that eventfuLdecade of ferment and Of course! They are talking about change. Charlie Weaverwho grewup a few blocks It was the mid-sixtjes, and my wife and I from me, graduated from the same public had purchased our first house in an amus- high school, was working two jobs and ingly named community of King of Prus- getting his college degree at night; and, sia. with his wife Dolores and daughter Wendy, The fields and farms of Upper Merion were just about the nicest people you Township were fast becoming the subur- could meet. They simply did not know ban dream for America's upward bound. _Charlie Weaver and found it very easy and The neighbors of this community were comfortable to hate the unknown. When homogeneously grouped under a single I went to Charlie's house and renewed our criterion--we were all attracted by the low high school friendship, he shrugged off the cost of a good house. I was not immedi- prejudice directed toward him, saying ately aware of another more subtle there had never been any overt actions he criterion which measured qualifications could object to. Eveiything wasvery subtle, for residency. We were all white. and, after all he was in his new house and Shortly after settling in, I encountered was extremely proud. On weekdays he a cluster of neighbors digressing from the worked for the post office; took on weekusual sidewalk talk about green lawns and end work for a caterer; and was enrolled crabgrass control. The group was upset by in West Chester College's evening proa rumor that a black family was moving gram as a degree student. Charlie did not into the neighborhood. Standing on the have much time to hate anybody back. He fringe of their conversation, I discovered was concerned, however, about another that the friendly real estate agent had been black family in an adjoining development skillfully and surreptitiously discouraging who had been denied membership in the black families from buying homes in the local swim club. development. I learned that the owner of the swim Now, it seemed that a persistent family clubwasa member ofourchurch. Hewas prevailed,and had made settlement The a paving contractor who had graced the concerned sidewalk group took some parish with many favors, including free
black-topping of the parking lot. Some of us who had formed our own discussion group on the changes in the church, tried to approach the elderly pastor regarding the "problem" at the swim club. We were hoping that the Pastor would put some pressure on the owner, but he refused to speak with us on that topic. I joined another group of citizens in the area who were planning a demonstration at the swim club on the Fourth of July. It was a unique experience that day, celebrating our country's freedom bywalking a picket line in front of a swim club in 95degree weather. Action News covered the event and interviewedsomeofourleaders and the offended family. At the end of the day, the Weavers invited some ofus back to their house for a cool drink. A few of the television crew members joined us after they finished work. One was & black camera man who kept us spellbound late into the night telling of his work in the south. A few years before, he began his. career with a local ABC affiliate in his native southern town. Given an assignment to cover a prayer meeting, he and his crew were intentionally misdirected by traffic police straight into a meeting of the Ku Klux klan. Incensed at the sight of two black crew members, the Klan beat one of the men severely, but were unable to drag our storyteller from his car as he sped away. I have a lasting memory of that hot Fourth of July in 1966. Much of the Nation, however, seems to be suffering from amnesia. Even worst, there is a hostile feeling among some white people
that black people have become a privileged class; that gains in civil rights for black people are won at the expense of white people. This attitude is being fueled by the newest hate groups that disgrace this planet: Neo-nazis, White Supremacists, Skinheads. If one were really interested in the facts about the "gains" of black Americans, then one should read the data regarding average income, average life span, professional employment, health care. No one can deny the gains in civil rights that were hard-earned in the sixties. The pity is thatthey had to be fought for in the first place. Complaints of "special treatment at the expense of whites," can hardly be anything more than a recurrence of the oldest evil on the face of theearth--bigotry. I suggest the following formula as a test for whether or not blacks have gained at white expense: "Where would I be now if I had been born a black person (x) number of years ago?" (Substitute your present age for x.) Chances are that the older your age, the less the odds that you would enjoy your present station in life. Better odds for the youthful might indicate that strides towards full equality have been taken, and that the civil rights movement of the sixites has made a significant difference in society. However, it would be difficult for even younger people using the formula objectively to deny that their new color would bring more disadvantages than favors in a world where you are in the minority. .I have often wondered what Charlie Weaver's life would have been like, ifhe had been born white.
f riday. feb. 241 1989
Racism: topic of discussion at fireside chat this incident, Currie sent out a memorandum fellow students who put themselves superior to the campus community stating that racial to any other students, in academics, athletAlthough the fireside chat was originally incidents are total! y unacceptable at Cabrini. ics, or race, and ask: Who the hell do you "We can't pretend that it doesn't exist think you are? " scheduled in order to discuss life as a student at Cabrini, the primary focus was geared and hope that it all simmers down. We must Claire daSilva, junior, said that she feels people need to think more about what they toward the racial incidents that have plagued address these issues now,•· Currie said. the campus this semester. A concern that Currie had was that !)e.:' say before they say it. She also said, "People really need to be aware of what's A chance to voice concerns and offer cause Spring break is next week, followed potential solutions regarding racial, sexual by Easter break, then exams, these problems going on, because it's not only a Cabrini and ethical issues was offered to the entire may not be dealt with. thing, it's a life thing, and a people thing." Another need that Currie expressed was Several students spoke about the need for campus community by Sister Eileen Currie, · president, on Tuesday, Feb. 21, in the Man- for the students to communicate with one definite policies and procedures in dealing with racial and sexual harassment at Cabsion. another. According to Currie, some incidents '' I need the black students to talk to white rini. "I really think that you need to think students, to talk to each other. We have to have occurred that needed to be addressed. about racial issues and sexual harassment, "The situation (concerning a resident create an environment where conversation and set up policies for these things just like assistant and a student) was not singular. can happen,•• Currie said. Many students present had a variety of the academic policies," Marko Gittens, There's been a lot of abusive behavior on Cabrini's campus, but the catalyst in this thoughts and ideas to express concerning junior, said. The need to build a community in their personal views as well as Cabrini's case was racial," she said. which respect and consideration are found Another situation discussed was the policies. incident in which pornographic photos were Student Government Vice President Vince was expressed by many present. The put on two black administrators' cars. After Romeo said, "I would like to address my .general ideas stated were that such attitudes would eliminate many of the racial problems which exist at Cabrini. Samantha Hidlebird, senior, felt differently, however." As much as we try to love and respect each other, and act like a community, people who are racist are still going to have that problem. I want to know what the administration is going to do to protect me?" In response to these requests, Robert Bonfigilio, dean of students, said, " We need to reinforce and assert the values that Cabrini College stands for.'' Currie warned that we must not allow Play--The play ''The Odd Couple,'' a female version of the television program, policies and rules to give us a false sense of will be performed in Cabrini's Little Theatre on March 17, 18, 19 and April 1 and 2 at security, that people are going to feel the 8 p.m., and March 31 at 9 p.m. For more information, call 971-8510. way they do, regardless of what policies are created. "We can't take away an attitude Irish Minstrel Show--The annual Irish Minstrel Show will be performed on Thursthatdoesn'twanttogo away ... wecan, howday, March 16 in the gym. Keep posted for time. ever, educate people to help them act beyond their prejudices," Currie said. Superthon--Superthon weekend, featuring rocky horror pictures and battle of the Currie believes that how a person treats bands, will be held March 17 to 19. The proceeds of Superthon will go to the Children• s himself and how people treat each other is Hospital of Philadelphia. more important than anything learned in a classroom. Power Nap--The counseling center staff is offering opportumt1es to learn different Barbara Stein, senior, feels that' 'if Sister methods of deep relaxation on March 9 and 30 and April 13 and 27 from 12:45 p.m. Eileen states in her memorandum that there to 1:45 p.m. in the Xavier Great Room. All are welcome. is no room for silent acceptance, why then is she being silent and avoiding telling people Yearbook Photos--All are welcome to submit photographs for publication in the what really occurred. Education begins with yearbook. Submit all photos, with name and box number on the back, to box 261. knowledge of the facts. If liberal education is the goal of the college, why are they Photography Contest--The photography club is sponsoring a photography comest avoiding the real issue and not taking real in the library. All photos are due in Carter Craigie's mailbox on March 28. The entry action.? They need a policy now. The time fee is $1 per picture with a five picture limit. Photos must be black and white. is now," Stein said. Freshman Jennifer Cliggett feels that Poetry Contest--The American Poetry Association is sponsoring a poetry contest. Cabrini should not tolerate this. "We're Poets may enter the contest by sending up to six poems, each no more than 20 1ines, name not about racism at Cabrini, if someone has and address on each page, to American Poetry Association, Dept. CT-22,250 A Potrero a problem and hurts someone, get them out St., P.O. Box 1803, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1803. Poets can enter up until June 30. of here. They don't belong." It is open to the public and entry is free. According to Leonora Veterano, junior, she is tired of being stereotyped and judged because her skin is a little darker. ''The next
by L. Lucas and P. Stempleski
World Vatican City- A major policy report ordered by Pope John Paul II condemned racism as a "wound in humanity's side that mysteriously remains open" and singled out South Africa as the worst example of instiutionalized racism. United Nations- U.N. Secretary-General Javier Parey de Cuellar said that he would meet with the foreign ministers of Iran and Iraq in March, in New York to resume ceasefire talks aimed at settling differences between the neighboring adversaries. Budapest,Hungary- Communist party leaders in Hungary have decided to revise the official view of the 1956 anti-Soviet revolt, which the party so far has branded a counterrevolution, a source said as members of the party's Central Committee met behind closed doors to discuss a reappraisal of the event. MANAMA, Bahrain - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iranian spiritual leader, refused to lift a death threat against Salman Rushdie, despite of Rushdie's apology to Muslims for his book The Satanic Verses.
time you wonder what it feels like, imagine being at an all black school and see if you could handle it,'' she said. E.J. Hartman, junior, attended this session because he wanted to know what was going on. '' I felt like I was placed in the middle. On one hand, I had a friend who had done something that wasn't right and on the other hand, I have friends who I didn't want to lose. I didn't want people to think that I was involved with this because he's (Mike Dolan) still my friend. You can be friends with someone even though you have different beliefs,•' Hartman said. Tyrone Carr, assistant director of resident life, was pleased that a lot of students had so much to say. '' Some people raised good points and said things to make you think," he said. There were approximately 80 people present and Hartman felt that the turnout was not good. Currie asked if the meeting should have been held at the Wayne Tavern.
"We can't take away an attitude that doesn't want to go away ...we can, however,_ educate people to help them act beyond their prejudices." - Sr. Eileen Currie, president However, the amount present went beyond da Silva's expectations. " I was happy this many people showed,'' she said. According to Currie, the chat was a "good beginning." "I was gratefulthat this many people showed up today. Even if one or two conversations were sparked and continue because of this, I am grateful for tonight,' ' Currie said. According to Dolores Rodgers, sophomore, the college could use this as a growing experience and serve as a possible role model for other schools that are experiencing racism. "I hope there is another meeting so that we can continue this. Next time, I'd like to see it begin with a prayer and end with a prayer," Rodgers said. Hartman feels that "this little school has turned into a big school overnight."
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friday, feb.24, 1989
Project Appalachia opens eyes to the poor by Susan Holefelder West Virginia, also known as the "Mountain State," is a state of high, wooded mountains, deep valleys and rolling plateaus. It's a land of natural beauty. But beyond this natural beauty lies a land of poverty. Hidden among the Appalachian mountain_sare people just like you and me, living in a house not fit for a dog; but it is the only place the inhabitants have to call ''home.'' These people living in the houses are poor and elderly. They can not afford to maintain their homes, and they don't have the strength or energy to keep up the house and yard work. This is the reason for Project Appalachia. Ithas been a Cabrini tradition for about eight years, according to Francesca Bansbach, campus minister. During spring break, students devote all their time and energy toward a cause from which they get nothing in return but a feeling of satisfaction that they have made a difference in someone's life. The project begins with two information nights. From there, students decide whether they wish to join the group or not. However, not just anyorw can volunteer for this project. All the voluteers have to have some type of prior experience working with the poor and elderly. Once the minds are made up, four training sessions are given. ''The aim is to learn, plan and build community with each other,'' Bansbach said. At these sessions, Bansbach said they read and discuss a pastoral letter by Catholic Bishops of the region about the Appalachian mountain•s. This letter is done in poem form. Once West Virginia is reached by Cabrini students, they continue, by van, up the moutain to two small towns. The first town is Union, located in Monroe County, and the second is Fayetteville, located in Fayette County. Once this destination is reached, the project begins. The main purpose is to serve the poor in these small towns. The work entails renovating the homes of the elderly. The students work long, hard hours painting, washii:tg windows, scrubbing floors, cleaning out chicken coops, cutting grass, meals-on-wheels, visiting senior citizen centers and being companions for those in need ofone, and whatever else the inhabitants of these houses need done. According to Bansbach, a coordinator sets up jobs in advance so time isn't spent deciding what has to be done, or what is most important to fix first. The night before Cabrini students leave for their trip, a mass . and dinner are given for the volunteers. Family and friends are invited to see them off. Bansbach said that Cabrini's involvement in ProjectAppalachia is '' a small part of the big picture to help make things better in the world.''
She also added that "everyone is touched differently, the students grow very close to each other the week they spend in Appalachia.'' Project Appalachia ''opens the eyes of those involved to a lot of things. They learn a lot about their self needs and actions." Sister Bernadette Anello, M.S.C., said, ''We have touched their lives and they have touched ours.'' She explains by telling a story about a little girl belonging to a family of seven children and her mother. There is no father. The food that was left over (from the students of Project Appalachia) was given to this family. One of the items of food was a grapefruit. The little girl was in awe of "the big orange." Anello explained to her that it was not an orange and not a lemon, it is a grapefruit. ''We leave with a feeling of sadness and we are very tired." Those scheduled to attend this year's chapter of Project
Appalachia are: Ellen Battersby,
Long, Karie
Linda Conroy,
Stephanie Cole,
Papay, Sharlene
Mary Shimkus, Mike
Claire daSilva, Kelly Evans, Oyde
Stevenson, Laura Walker and John
Laforest, Laura Lombard, Nancy
Callinan, the student coordinator.
Accompanying them are Francesca
Bansbach and Sister Ber-
nadette Anello.
John Callinan, Nancy Long and Sharlene Sephton (photo by Mike Stevenson)
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fridaYz feb. 24, 1989
...And they dancedthe nightaway
Left: Colin Coakley and Katie Mullen at Valentine's dance on Friday, Feb. 17, in the Widener Center Gathering Area Above: Mark Gudas Right: Frank Emmerich, Mary Shimkus, Mark Gudas and Chrisy Roach
Kantorto presentpsychologypaper in Boston by Johanna Church As she turned the lock of the mailbox door, senior Lisa Kantor didn't expect anything exciting to be inside. It was just another day. It was January 1989, and as she sifted through the mail, she recognized an envelope that she had addressed months before, when she submitted her psychology paper to a contest .through Psi Chi, the psychology national honor society. For just a moment, she paused to wonder if she could be holding a rejection letter. Hesitating no longer, she ripped open the envelope. "I am pleased to inform you that your paper has been accepted as one of 40 papers to be read during the Psi Chi program at the Eastern Psychological Association in Boston," the letter read. She paused and thought '' ...your paper has been accepted ...Oh my God!'' Then with great excitement, Kantor began to explain what she just read to a friend who was nearby. In the spring semester of 1988, Kantor took an honors psychology course taught by Dr M.L. Corbin Sicoli: Psychology and Pop Music. For the entire course only one paper was due, which was assigned in the beginning of the semester and due a few weeks before the end. The assignment was to take a theory of psychology or of some specific psychologist and apply it to today's music. Kantor decided to use Lawrence Kohlberg's cognitivedevelopment theory of moral judgement ''which states that people pass through stages of moral development, with each stage representing a more adequate level of complexity in moral judgement,'' as taken from a synopsis of the paper written by Kantor upon the time of submission. She chose to prove Kohlberg's theory because "I've done a lot with Kohlberg over the years, and ever since the first time I've encountered him, I've been really interested in his work,'' Kantor said. "So when we did him in that class, I really knew his theory, and I just thought it would be easier for me to use him." Her purpose was "to determine if there is a relationship between an individual's stage of moral development and the stage of moral development of the individual's preferred popular song,'' Kantor wrote. In order for Kantor to come up with the finished product, she had to first research Kohlberg, perform an experiment
and then finally gather the statistics and write the paper. "I had todoresearchonKohlbergand what other people thought of him, so I went to Villanova's library and got a lot of different articles on his theory and I also had to see if there was anything that supported what I was trying to prove,'' Kantor said. She explained that the process of finding support for her theory was time consuming . Next, for Kantor to perform her experiment, she had to
•'I wanted to see if the levels of moral development that a person is on, has any influence over the songs that they chose and it came out, for the most part_.that it did,'' she said. Kantor explained that Kohlberg sees morality in levels and as a person grows, they reach different levels. Kantor also said that, due to the circumstances of the experiment, she would someday like to re-do the survey, to hopefully gain better knowledge about one's morality. Although Kantor's majors are English and secondary education, one of her particular interests is in psychology.
"I am so usedto Lisadoingwell, I've almostcome to expectonlygood thingsfrom her." - Dr.ArthurYoung,professorof english
Lisa Kantor (Photo by Marian Armstrong) use two types of surveys, one of which she developed. The first survey was the Defining Issues test, a standard test used in psychological experiments, developed by James Rest. '' It gives you a situation and it asks you to rank statements according to importance and the way you do that determines your level of moral development,'' Kantor said. "The test has about 10 situations, and with my own survey attached about popular songs, the survey took a long time to do, and when a lot of people saw the length of it, they wouldn't do it." Because of the problem with getting subjects for the experiment, Kantor. had to distribute her surveys in her psychology classes, making the experiment a controlled one with a small sample. The result of her experiment proved positive.
She feels it m'ay help her to better understand people while in the classroom, teaching English. The Eastern Psychological Association holds its annual conference in a different location each year, having this year's conference in Boston, March 30 to April 2. Sicoli distributed applications to be chosen for the conference to the members of her class in the spring of 1988, and Kantor was the only one chosen from Cabrini this year. During the conference, Kantor will give a five-to-eight minute presentation about her purpose for the paper, what her experiment was, the results, the problems and good points.and how she will change it the next time around. After the conference, Kantor will receive a certificate commemorating her accomplishment. Kantor's other accomplishments include: vice president fo~ the senior class, former Cryptic editor, student coordinator for orientation _this past summer and fall, a member of Kappa Sigma Omega, secretary of Cabrini's chapter of Psi Chi, a member of the National Honor Society, and most recently Kantor made Who's Who, received the Mother Ursula award and the Charles Mastronardi award for ~rvice and leadership. Dr Arthur Young, professor of Engli_sh,has Kantor as an advisee and said,• 'this honor comes as no surprise to me.'' "I am so used to Lisa doing well, rve almost come to expect only good things from her. "It's a sign of things to come for Lisa in the future," Young said.
f riday, feb.24, 1989
.. 7
Springbreak:a time to get away fromit all by Stephanie Hornyak "I'm going to scuba dive, check out the new swimsuits, and windsurf," James Steele, junior, said, referring to his spring break vacation to Jamaica. Steele is spending his spring break with some high school friends and added that he is hoping to have sex at 100 ft. while scuba diving," Hundreds of miles north, Greg Fresta, junior, will be spending his spring break in Vennont skiing with a friend. "I want to learn to ski better," he said, "and drink heavily." Fresta would also like to fall and break a leg and have a beautiful blond help him. Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor of history, is going to be more resourceful over spring break and will be "spending time at the Chesapeake Bay working on my boat." Some Cabrini students are spending spring break doing cultural, educational or social service activities. Barb Stein, senior, is going on the theater trip to London for her graduation present. She had been to London in high school and stayed with a family there and just felt like going again. "I want to see the sights I enjoyed or missed. I want to avoid the hot spots and get a feel for life in London," Stein said. "You know, I'd like to take pictures of the slums, and visit toy
stores and antique stores.'' staying at the El Pueblito Hotel John Callinan, senior, is the a!ld will head for the beach, take in student coordinator for Project some tours, "and do nothing but Appalachia. have a good time," she said. Callinan, along with 15 other "I hope that I meet a nice guy. Cabrini students and two people Andihope I don't getrippedoff," from Campus Ministry, will drive she added. down in vans rented from Cabrini. Then there is the Florida crew. Once there, they will work with the Sophomore Joey Martini is poor and elderly. going to Daytona Beach, ''just to Kathleen McCabe, senior, is party and drink a lot. going to Ireland with her family "A lot," he added. and a friend from Cabrini. "I'm going to get up early and Her brother and father are in the go back to sleep on the beach. At "Jokers," a division of the night, I'm going to go to parties and Mummers parade. The Jokers bonfires on the beach," Martini brigade is playing in a St. Patrick's said. Day parade in Ireland, and is sponMartini added that his fantasy soring the trip. for the week is to party with the girl McCabe will travel up the west from the Coppertone ad. coast of Ireland, taking time out to He summed up his vacation by see the sights, visit my family, drink, saying "a killer time, we'll have." be merry and go to the parade.'' Also spending spring break in Close to home, two freshmen, Daytona beach is senior Pete BisFrank Emmerich and Mark Gudas conte and ''guys from Counsel.'' are going to the Poconos for spring Bisconte will also be drinking break. and sleeping on the beach all day. Emmerich and Gudas are going As for their transportation he to go fishing, relax, explore, and said, "We'll be driving in Pat drive around looking for interest- Zipfel's car." ing landscapes and animal life to Joann Falciani, senior, along photograph. with other seniors from Cabrini Cabrini is sponsoring a trip to will be flying down to North Palm Cancun over spring break, and Beach. Lisa Scheirer, senior, is going with She made her flight reservations some friends. early, and said she thinks that's the Scheirer said that the price is key for inexpensive tickets. reasonable. "Who knew when this What will she do once she gets opportunity would come up again? there? "Lay out in the sun, party It's going to be one last adventure and relax just like everyone else." as a college student before entering Freshman Steve Wescott is drivthe real world,'' Scheirer added. ing down to Boca Raton with eight Scheirer and friends wiJI be guys from House 1.
Wescott, like the others, is going down there to relax and get away from school. "I'm going to play golf, lay out in the sun, and drink--in that order," he said. Many Cabrini students will be spending this spring break at home with their families, either working or just relaxing. Suppose these students were given between $5000 and $10,000. Where would they go for their vacation over spring break? Lori O'Donnell, sophomore, said that she would go to Southern Italy. Why? "Because there are beaches, because I want to travel to Europe, and it would be romantic. Also, Italy has a lot of men," she said. Once there she would "shop, go to cafes and drink, meet Italian men; lay on the beach, and, of course, see the sights." If Martha Bradley, senior, had an unlimited cash flow to spend on a vacation, she would go to Australia because of the warm climate and the fact that it wouldn't be crowded with college students on spring break. Bradley said that Australia seems peaceful and relaxed. What would she do? "I don't know. What does one do in Australia?" she asked.
Writing:my strange,asexUallove
lf .
the summer, which ever comes first, left to live." Or perhaps I may have even been philosophical, "Do you see miscellaneous , \.....that beach out there, mame? Do you know how many grains '- lofsand are on that beach? Millions. And those millions are as numerous as the paths in life. And every time the tide washes a sea-shell up on that shore, do you know what that means? It means that there is one more shell on the beach or somebody to stub their toe on. And do you know what that means? Well, mame, neither do I, but I know this--there tis a hell of a lot of sand on that beach." Well, I never !Wavered from my standard recitation, but it would have lbeen fun to try ... Aside from getting bored with the same question and 1----------------------_rs"'ame answer all the time, I began to think about where and by Bob Bonner when I realized that I had a love for writing and why I had this strange asexual love. Could it be that I was forbidden to I spent this past summer at the "shore" in North speak as an adolescent and therefore was forced to write out Wildwood, N.J. In addition to spending a great deal of of a need to communicate? Was it something they injected time at the beach, I met a lot of interesting people from all into my system when I was immunized? Did I just have over North America at the condominium where I nothing else to do with my time? lifeguarded. I met people from Miami to Montreal, and Well, like any good journalist I traced the problem back to the question I was most frequently asked aside from, ''Is its roots--my childhood and it is there that I began the it safe to swim in the ocean?" was "What are you investigation. interested in doing with your life?" I found that I spent two-thirds of my younger years in front The answer always came quick and easy, and of the "boob-tube" watching people like Johnny Socko, in without hesitation, "I enjoy writing, so I hope maybe times of danger, call up flying robots on their wrist-watches to go into journalism or some other creative medium.'' to save the day or people like Speed Racer facing off against Then I'd continue to go through this spiel, which villians like the notorious Racer X. Did my mind go to coincidentally I had down to a science and was able to waste? Some people might say yes, but I think zany recite in my sleep by the end of the summer. In fact, I cartoons and wildly fantastic shows, such as these, fueled became so bored with the question, "What do you plan my imagination. And when I aged past 4th grade I wanted to do with your life?" that I was tempted to give people to create things like I had seen on the great "boob-tube." outlandish answers, just to test their shockabiltiy level Andi did. In 5th grade I wrote a short story called "House and just for the shear fun of it. For example ,I might have of Horror.'' The plot was consistent with what Amityville sought sympathy or money or even a date and said, and teen-slasher producers call terror--blood mixed with "Well, I'm not sure exactly what it is that I want to do some more blood, and a touch of suspense--by suspense I with my life. Everything's been so crazy since the doc mean the kind we see every Saturday on Scooby-Doo. "'" said that I only have one more month or until the end of "House of Horror," of which I still have the original copy
(so just in case I ever become famous, biographers can say of my early writings, "Oh, God that's groce! "), is the story of 5 young couples who spend the weekend in an erie old house where one by one they are axed. So much for happy endings ... My investigation uncovered further youthful works of ''art'' which I penned in my gradeschool days. The next two were of the Clint Eastwood genre. The first was called "Fighting Back" with super sophisticated JamesBond-like double agent Guido Sanchez ("Could we find a more ethnic name?'' you ask). The next script was a American-Chinese karate flick called "The Challenge." Subsequently, since both of these scripts were written the titles have been "stolen" by big screen imitators. It's a shame that nobody tells 7th graders about copyright laws ... I didn't limit myself to serious drama, though. I wrote a "Variety Show" which spoofed the Royal Birth, a "Life and Times" which pictorially spoofed my life, game summaries and stats for our neighborhood street hockey team and lastly, I'm reluctant to admit, I wrote songs and poems about girls, love, death, girls, lust, friends and more girls. What do you want from an 8th graders priorities ...? As I plunged into the depths of my investigation I discovered that my parents were not intensely fond of writing. In fact my mom used to tell me and still does, "Get rid of all those papers under your bed. Why are you saving them?" And it has taken me this long to come up with ·an answer other than, "I can't throw them out. They'll be valuable if I ever become famous.'' So next time someone asks me, "So, Bob, what are you interested in doing with your life?" I can respond, "I enjoy writing, so I hope maybe to go into journalism or some other creative medium. Before I tell you anymore, why don't you read over some of my earlier writlngs--here are samples of my work ... "
fridaY,feb. 241 1989
Understanding the mystery of youth suicide Last in a series:Dealingwiththe loss by Jenni Obrecht
For Stephanie Giardini, senior, graduation from high
On a warm summer morning in 1985, 20-year-old Andy Thompson died of a self-inflicted gun shot wound. His neighbor, Keith Moyer, said that from what Thompson's friends could tell, there weren't any signs of his intention. :r,._1oyersaid the entire neighborhood and Thompson's friends,joined together in a group which was dubbed "the circle of friends.'' "We probably bonded together because Andy's death made us face our own mortality," he said. "When you're young you don't think about someone your own age dying. This was the first time most of us were faced with it.'' Moyer said his first reaction was denial, and after that the questions came. "I wondered what would have happened if I had gone outside an hour earlier and had been able to ta1kto him,'' he said. ''But those questions are gone now and there are only memories.'' Moyer said he wrote out the lyrics to an optimistic and somewhat spiritual song which he gave to Thompson's family. He said this helped in the healing process. The grief experienced with every loss, large or small, is normal and a necessary part of growing, Cynthia Galan, Cabrini health educator, said. ''Reaching
the point of accepting a loss and of moving
on with our lives can be a difficult process if we are not allowed to fully, and sometimes periodically, grieve losses,
"When you'r~ young you don't think about someone your own age dying. This was the first time most of us were faced with it." - Keith Moyer, friend of suicide victim especially major ones,'' Galan said. Galan said the grieving process can be different for each person, with some moving in and out of certain stages or
school helped ease the loss of David, her commencement partner who committed suicide the day before the senior prom. "You really don't see 90 percent of the people after graduation," she said. "Most people go away to school, so it's sort of the final chapte_rfor that part of li_fe.'' Kelli Rudden, sophomore, said she went through a series of stages before coming to terms with the suicide of her 19year-old friend Michelle. After the denial, anger and questioning, she was able to accept that her friend was gone. It's been almost three years since her friend's death, and Rudden said it doesn't hurt as much to talk about it now. However, she said she often wonders what Michelle's life would have been like if she were alive today. "I wrote her a letter after everything had happened," she
"Reaching the point of accepting a loss and of moving on with our lives can be a difficult process if we are not allowed to fully, and sometimes periodically, grieve losses, especially major ones." - Cynthia Galan, Cabrini health educator said. '' I told her how much I missed her and wanted to know why she did what she did.''
her!IO& he said. "Bua, thinking oh11y slash I made in emotions." Paul"s
and more,I wan•
• g--except dying. ~ oot the anger
and__ .._ .• llcltlQjl~iW(furd¥1. He•• erdose
Preston said this helped Rudden to work through her loss because it, like graduation for Giardini, gave a sense of closure to the friendship. Mary Louise Corbin Sicoli, Ph.D., psychology professor, said those who experience the suicide of a friend or loved one, need to find the best way to work through their grief, ~hether it be through music, writing, taJking with friends or seeking help from a counselor.
starting in the middle of the process. Others, she said, may rea~h one stage and stay there. Katherine
Rudy Rooyman's
Preston, Ph.D., director
Center, said people react
differently in coming to terms with suicide. Anger, confusion, questions and eventually acceptance are not uncom-
If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, help is available on campus. Appointments can be made any day in Rudy Rooyman' s Counseling Center, and walk-in appointments are available. Call 971-8561 for information.
mon, she said.
Lack of communication hinders success of p_rogram by BarbaraWilson Secondary education students are experiencing problems with their program. These problems range from a lack of communication within the program, to having to deal with a lack of individuality. "Many of the problems that have arisen are due to a lack of communication within the program," Joyce Mundy, junior, said. ''The secondary education department is one that has grown quickly over a short number of years requiring an increase in personnel," Dr. Arthur Young, professor of English and communications said. ''The problems with the program need to be defined and ironed out before the program can function well,'' Young said. According to Young, what is needed to make the program become fully functional, is for students to become made aware of what is expected of them and for them to receive appropriate feedback from their placement experiences. Cabrini's secondary education program has had what many have said to be a shaky history. The general consensus from students is one that reflects the many problems that
they have had to face. According to senior Lisa Kantor, many seniors have not had a full-time, permanent head since they have arrived at Cabrini. ''Due to the changing facility ,the position has been filled with many part-time people who have had outside interests," Kantor said. Newcomer, secondary education head Eric Luce, said, ''The reason I was hired for this job is so that the problems with the program can be turned around." Luce was hired on a full-time level in Sept. and said that he is unsure exactly what the problems are that he will be dealing with in order to make the program work well. However, Luce thinks there is a general feeling that the sophomore students need a better program. Luce is responsible for the placements now in effect for the secondary education students. He said that there are not many jobs in the secondary education field and felt that is why the students are finding it difficult to be placed. "The sophomores involved in the program are facing the problem of field placement. They are generally placed in Cabrini's CARe center where they do not have the opportunity for a wide range of interaction with teaching students," Shelle Kollerjunior,said.
Other education majors are able to go off campus for field placement in their sophomore year to teach and they are then able to benefit from this extra year of experience. Another problem that secondary education majors feel they must face is that they are grouped together with all the other education majors, when they have meetings and feel that they do not receive the proper attention required to further their growth of studies. '' What the secondary education students really need is for a more focused meeting on Secondary Education issues,'' Young said. An example of this would be when there are general meetings, specific points are brought up that do not concern secondary education, but would rather affect elementary education. ''The Secondary Education department has potential if we move quickly in defining the problems, arrive at a solution and implement the solutions immediately,'' Young said.
friday, feb. 24, 1989
Seniors reflect on plans after graduation by Lou Monaco Senioritis. It's a "disease" where every feeling and emotion comes into play. There is the feeling of excitement ('Tm finally graduating!") to the feeling of sadness ("When will the good times come again?!"). There's the feeling of discovering ("What the her,k am I going to do next?!") to the feeling of saying goodbye to special people that you have grown to love for the past four years of your college experience. These are the sentiments shared by Cabrini's Class of 1989. May 21 is the ending of the old and the beginning of the new. On May 21, every Cabrini senior will say ''What the heck am I
going to do May 22 and for the rest of my life?!"Here's what some seniors say on the subject: Pete Bisconte said, "I am going to live in Ocean City (NJ) for the summer and get some kind of joke job, like painting with my cousin, Mike, while living in the Love Bungalow." Michael "Spike" Charvala said, "First, I am taking a month and a half off to RELAX! The first week in July, I will be starting in a three-year intern program, managing a financial investment business.'' Steve Pascali said,' 'I will be living at my shore house in Asbury Park, while taking a speed-reading course at Evelyn Wood. After that, I will be following The Boss (Springsteen) during his fall tour.''
After graduation, many seniors will start believing in their dreams and work towards them. Their energy, enthusiasm and ambition will push them to reach new heights, new dreams and new aspirations that they never thought possible. Here's a few of them. Terry Smith said, ''To save as much money as possible and then try to move to a warmer climate on the East Coast, such as North Carolina and live by the beach with my younger brother, Chris. This is step one of my five-year plan.•• John Callinan said, "I would like to write something to be published. Hopefully, a novel." Theresa Daly said,' 'To get my Master's, to be a really good teacher in the field of special education, to be happy and to have fun." Pat Zipfel said, "Look me up in eight years and I will get you Final Four tickets.•• Pat's goal: to be the best college basketball coach ever. Pascali said, "I have many dreams. To one day open up my own Windsor Shirt Company. To own a business combination of a pizza parlor, beer distributor and movie rental. Finally, to get in the Guiness Book of World Records to see how many pet rocks I can fit into a Volkswagen." The feelings and emotions of a college senior are overwhelming during the last few months of the '' greatest four years of your life." 'I)ley deal with it as best they can, but, on Graduation Day, it explodes into something unreal. Listen to a few thoughts: ~isconte said, '' Although I have time constraints put on my napping time because of student teaching, I am going to have as much fun as my body and human spirit will
allow." Charvala said, "I am happy to leave but disappointed that its all coming to an end." Donna Dougherty said, "I am very nervous. I feel panicky, depressive, excited and anxious all at once. I would like to know exactly what I am going to do, but. .. '• Anne-Marie Bauerle said, "It's a happy, sad and sentimental time for me. I have a positive outlook, but it's really weird not knowing that there is four more years of college left." Pascali said, "Look at it this way: The first three and a half years is the little cap on top of your head. The last few months is the propeller on top of that little cap. It will be sad to leave, and the good times are definitely going to be missed.'' When asked to "give one word that would describe your college experience of the last four years,'' as only seniors can, each gave an unique and individualistic answer. Bisconte said, "GROWTH. I learned a lot about myself. I gained self-confidence, made friendships that will last till the day I die, and I learned a lot about my career field, history, in spite of Doc Girard." Charvala said, ':.INDIVIDUALISM.I learned to be myself and not to worry about what other people say or think.•• Dougherty said, ''INVOLVED. Every year, I was always busy doing different things in many different areas of life. I enjoyed it that way." Bauerle said, "DIVERSITY. Many experiences in academics, social, people, life and Cabrini, in general. If you can balance all of these and go at a good tempo, you will get the most out of your four years.•• Pascali summed up the college experience: "SEEDS. I planted the groundwork for future nuts, headaches and disciples.'-' The Class of 1990--Are you ready?
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fridax, feb. 24 1 1989
Volleyball team searches for .support by Kelly McGillan As students wander out of their 11 : 10 classes and make their way down to the cafeteria, members of the men's volleyball team start setting up the nets for their 12:30 practice. · Getting practice time in the gym is hard because other fully recognired teams such as basketball, both men's and woman's, get higher priority than the volleyball club team. No coach is waiting for them. Michael "Spike" Charvala, senior, is the playercoach and will be running the practice. Charvala admits that running the team as a student is tough, and when game time rolls around, it's difficult to keep your head in the game and to make substitutions. Team members feel that Charvala is doing the best that he can as a coach. John Jaczko, freshman, said "I feel that Spike is better than a regular coach because he can relate better. He makes us feel more human because he makes mistakes too." Marty Howley, a freshman who has never played before, said that he could
already notice his improvement because of Charvala's coaching. · Colin Coakley,junior, said that since he's been playing, he feels that everyone offers encouragement to others. "Spike's responsible on the floor, He's trying to be a friend and decide who plays, which causes a lot of conflicts," said Coakley. With the help of Alex Hladky, senior, and Jan Torres, junior, Charvala is looking foward to a good season. "I'd like to see the team place in the top three in the league. I think we have a realistic chance of doing that," Charvala said. The team this year consists of many new players, and Charvala realires that inexperience on the court may hurt them. "It's not so much their skills on the court,'' Charvala said, "the young guys have great athletic ability, which will enable them to play well.'' Charvala feels that they have a solid starting five and a good core of players back from last year. He sees the biggest improvements coming from Leo Eshbach and Tim Janusz.
More Lady Cavs from 12
Another factor that stopped the Bobcats was their own manpower. They only had six players on their roster leaving one player at all times to sub in. As apparent as that was, Cabrini's strategy through the game was to run them ragged so they would get tired and couldn't catch their breath. As a result of this strategy, Spring Garden was unable to keep up with Cabrini's fast pace. "We had only six girls the whole year. The season caught up to us,' 'Brennan said. "They were really tired," Julie Snow said,"They didn't. have any subs. We were subbing in and out
the whole game." "They only had six players which made them tired. We were able to make the fast breaks on them,'' Milligan said. Welde said,"Our strategy was to run them and pick up our tempo to tire them out since they only had six players." Although the game was not filled with excitement because of the consistency of play from both teams, there was one exception. That exception was Barb Milligan. Cabrini's highest lead of22 points which came in the second half was caused after a series of fast breaks and three point shots by
''It's a total team sport, there are no stars, there are some good players,'' Janusz said. "No matter how well I block, nomatterhow well Jan hits and no matter how well Spike sets, we're only as good as every member on the team.'' The league which the team plays in is the Atlantic Men's lntercollegate Volleyball League, which sets minimum standards, such as a requirement to carry at least one creditatthe school which you'replayingfor. If the team were to become a part of National Collegate Athletic Association (NCAA), they would be playing against Division I schools. Right now in the league they are in, they can be competitive. Even though the team does not want to become an NCAA team, they would like to have more recognition from the athletic department. Charvala said that right now they get volleyballs from Helen Goodwin's gym class, and they had to pay for their own uniforms. "The only thing that the athletic department pays for is the referees and the vans to take them to matches," said Charvala.
Milligan. Milligan's shooting Ihythm was off in the first half, as shot after shot bounced in and out of the basket, scoring no points. But in the second half Milligan' s Ihthym changed when she exploded with a rash of sixteen points including three three-pointers and three fast breaks from steals within a six minute time span from the fourteen minute mark to the eight minute mark. She ended up with 21 points including four three pointers. "My shots weren't falling. I really didn't worry about it. I know my defensive will always be there so I concentrated more on that and getting the assists,'' Milligan said.
Janusz said, "It bums me out when we see teams like Villanova and Temple which have full uniforms, coaches and assistant coaches.'' '' I think we get intimidated by teams with full uniforms and coaches, but once we get on the court and start playing we're just as good," Janusz said. "We can use this disadvantage to help us play better.'' "We;'re not looking for a million dollars, we'd just like to see more support from the athletic department,' ' said Charvala. John Keefe, sophomore, said, "It's not right that we have a good·numberofpeople and don't get the support.'' Looking toward next year, Charvala said that he hoped that the team would continue. Janusz said that he plays because he enjoys it, and if the club was in trouble of folding next year that he would take over to keep it going. Coakley said, '' In terms of leadership for next year, it all depends on who emerges to the forefront this season. Right now, it's really vague."
Although Milligan's offense rhythm was offbeat for awhile she still kept pushing. Her position of point guard enabled herto concentrate on moving the ball to other people who were hot. At the end of the game she had assisted on six baskets. Her defensive skills were just as sharp. Millgan grabbed six defensive rebounds and had six steals. Adding to the score was Julie Snow who acquired 12 points including two three-pointers and Chris Federico, senior, who acquried 11 points including one three-pointer. Spring Garden's high scorers were Thomasjunior, with 22 points and Ann Beale.sophomore, with 12
points. At the end of game, while Spring Garden was catching their breath, Cabrini was holding it. There was a possibility that the Lady Cavs would not receive a berth in the playoffs for the Eastern States Athletic Conference (ESAC). This was due to its losses in previous games to Marywood, Spring Garden and Allentown Colleges. To receive a playoff spot, Cabrini's win had to be graced by a win from Frostburg College over Marywood College that same night. Later that night, Welde received a call. Frostburg had beaten Marywood and his team was in the playoffs.
job squad Phoenix Technologies in Conshohocken has positions available for interested in word processing. Call 834-8010.
John Wanamaker in King of Prussia, needs sales associates. Will pay $5 and up. Ask for the Human Resources, 2655100.
American Feature Systems in Bryn Mawr has part-time positions for inside sales. Will pay $4 plus commission. Call Neil Marder, 527-8600.
McKeever, Burke, & Grant in Wayne, has a position open for general office work. Hours are 3-5 pm, Mon. - Fri. Call 964-9490.
Darryl Andrew National Safety Associates in King of Prussia, has a business opportunity to begin own business. Call 962-5700.
Charlestown Nature Center 1n Phoenixville, is a natural science educational center. Needs additional staff members to manage gift shop. Weekend hours, will pay $5/hour. Contact 935-9777 or 935-2665.
JCT, a Telemarketing Group in Upper Darby, is looking for PT reps. No experience is necessary. Will pay $7.50/hour. Bring ad to the interview, and qualify for a $50 bonus. Call Marty, 853-4440.
Housekeeping position available during July and August in Cape May, NJ. Will pay $180/week. For details call Mrs. James K. Davis, 527-1198.
Applications for Rotary International Scholarships will be accepted until April, 1989. See the Financial Aid Office for details. Steak & Ale next to Valley Forge Music Fair need head waitresses and waiters, cooks and hosts. Call 6447585. Jack Esquire & Assoc. in center city is a capital firm seeking ten associates. There are full-time, part-time, and summer pos1t1ons available. Contact David Jackson, 877-5327. O'Hare Imagine Co. in King of Prussia, looking for data entry personnel. Contact Joyce Streibig, 265-6712. * To place information in job squad, call the Financial Aid Office, 971-8420.
Athletes: 'this one's for you' Maybe some male athletes expect girls to
My column
fall over them but what about other males who are good looking
or hold
a high
position, what do they expect?
paula phillips
fridaXzfeb. 24, 1989
Straight from Monaco's mouth
Cabrini Cavaliers Scoreboard
I do agree that athletes can get carried away with sports while forgetting about homework. On the other hand what about people who are involved in millions of clubs
I, as an athlete, a female athlete, was quite off~nded by people's comments in the article "Athletes and love: do they mix?"
also forget about school work.
in last week's paper. So now its my tum to rebut those comments and put my two
besides athletes , walk around with their
cents in. To my fellow athlete's,especially
mouths open ready to catch flies on campus.
female athletes,"This one's for you!"
The ratio IS three to one girls.
As I read the article, I did not realize that people
have formed
a serious
towards athletes or should I say prejudice. We are jocks. We have attitude problems. Wearestupid. Weareugly. Wearestuckon
Did anybody every watch other males,
Did somebody mention thaj most girls who play sports are ugly? Not to be conceited but did you ever look around this campus at the female athletes? I do not think
ourselves. We are a clique.
we are that bad. Cheerleaders are considered athletes,too.
These are just a few prejudices against athletes and I am sure there are many more.
I do not see anybody complaining about
If you think about it other people carry these characteristics, but they are not in the public eye as much as athletes. Anybody in the public eye is always subject to criticism and sometimes unfairly. In Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, prejudice is defined as a preconceived judgement or opinion or an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an indidvidual or a group. I belive that any prejudice forms because people do not know and understand each other. I think that these attitudes form against
their looks. Look at the female athletes in the Olympics. Please you are not going to tell me that Jackie Joyner or Janet Evans were not good looking. As one male put it, ''Girls who sweat all over-ew-no way!" Guys and especially the one who passed this comment, let me tell you something, you do not smell or look too good either after a workout or game. Eh! Female
athletes for one thing do have
better toned bodies for that sweat than some other girls and some other GUYS! I do not think that any guy would not mind looking at
athletes because people do not know them.
a well-toned, female body in a bathing suit,
Did anybody ever think that the reason athletes might have attitudes is because of the stereotyping ofthem? Did anybody ever
just like girls would
think that these so-called attitudes are contributed by rumors? Did anybody ever think that athletes might have too much pressure
generally healthier than other people. They have well formed muscles and a stronger heart. In the long run, they have a stronger
on them to be the winner or tough guy?
stamina than other people for many things.
Why do cliques form?
My answer is
mind taking a
glimpse at a well toned male body. On the subject of bodies, athletes are
male said, "They're(girls)
because those people have a common interest or common friends. Did anybody ever
there to watch the guys running around. And
think that athletes hang around together not just because they are stuck up, but because
in theirlittle swim suits, and you 'II see twice as many girls.·' Should I dare question the
they like each other's company? They have something in common just like other cliques
thought that a male never walked into a female sporting event not to support them but
on campus have similar interests.
just to see what they look like on the court
People have said and,I'm sure other people feel the same way, that athletes are egotistical, especially male athletes. I'm sure there is some egotistical athletes out there. But did you ever think that people who are not athletes have the same attiudes and sometimes worst?
lou monaco
and are active on campus. They are so gung-ho about putting on activities that they
go to a swim meet sometime, where guys are
wearing shorts or bun-huggers. Please give me a break. Men are human,too. Plus,
I don't know who that person is
referring to but the girls I know and myself who go to the games go to support our friends and the school not to watch guys sweat and run around.
Egotism is all over. Did you ever think that a person who is able to sing well, or
Although this prejudice towards athletes has always existed, I still can not figure out
draw well, etc. can be just as egotistical as
why. Sometimes if I didn't know better I'd
a person who can dribble,kick, or spike a
swear that some people are just jealous!
Paula Phillips' and Lou Monaco's columns will appear every other week. We welcome letters of responses about the coulmns. Letters can be put in Boxes 236 or 212 or dropped off at the newsroom.
Well, guys and gals, after a week's absence, Monaco's Mouth is back! This edition features a grab-bag of sports information, predictions, gripes, thoughts and whatever else comes to mind. So, here it is: * First prediction for the upcoming NCAA men's college basketball tournament: The LaSalle Explorers will surprise a lot of people and do not be surprised if they make the Final Sweet 16. * Despite an up-and-down year Coach Dzik, this writer wants you to know, your still one hell of a coach and a class act. * Spring Training opened up for the Phillies last week--SO! * Three cheers for Mark Gudas and Frank Emmerich for going the extra innings to try to get Cabrini a men's baseball team. They should be commended for their outstanding work! * Thanks a million, Bob Vetrone (Philadelphia Daily News columnist and WIP broadcaster) for reading my first column, over the airwaves, on WIP (Feb. 5). Thanks for the vote of confidence! * Idiot of February 1989: Charles Thompson, Oklahoma's starting quarterback. This guy gives a lecture to high school kids about saying "NO" to drugs. The following night, he gets busted for possession of cocaine. Your gonna tell me that this society isn't wacked out of its mind?! * From the home office in Norman, Oklahoma. Top 5 pick-up lines Oklahoma athletes give to girls: . 5) "Care to see my piece?" 4) "Can I borrow a Kleenex? My nose seems to be bleeding!" 3) "But honey, I can get you an A in that class. I'll just tell Coach!" 2) "Don't worry, I'll pay for dinner. Coach gave me an advance on my book money!" And the# 1Oklahoma athlete pick-up line to girls: ''Would you like to take a ride in my 280Z or my RX- 7!" . * New intramural sport at Cabrini: Hall Ball at Counsel. Sign-ups soon! * This week's question: What's a Howley? * Yo Adrian Dantley: Get your act together, would ya?
•'Oklahoma ... Oklahoma ... Oklahoma ... '' -0 U Drug Dealers! -0 U Wackos! -0 U Idiots!
-Just O U!
* The
women's college basketball score of the year: Louisiana Tech 126 Pan American 25 * They should go back to being stewardesses!!! We welcome your thoughts and comments! Please write!! !
Results Men's Varsity Basketball 2/17 68 Cabrini Spring Garden 65 High Scorers Mar!(o Gittens - 16 points Mike Caraffa • 15 points High Rebounder Brain Butler - 8 rebounds
Men's J.V. Basketball 2/18 Cabrini Del-Tech C.C High Scorers Scott Connell • 26 points High Rebounder Marty Howley • 11 rebounds
Women's Basketball 2/17 75 Cabrini Spring Garden 57 High Scorers Barb Milligan • 21 points Julie Snow • 12 points High Rebounder Maureen Clark - 8 rebounds
Schedule Men's Varsity Basketball Fri.
ESAC playoffs at Lincoln College at 7 p.m.
Women's Basketball Fri.
ESAC playoffs at Allentown College at 7 p.m. (Will only play on Friday if a victory was made aginst Marywoodthis past Wednesday)
ESAC North
Final Standings Men's Varsity Basketball Cabrini Allentown Lincolm Spring Garden
7-4 5-5 4-7 3-6
Women's Basketball Allentown Cabrini
9-2 8-4
Spring Garden Lincoln
5-5 1-11
jCongratulationsj Congratulations is order for juniors Trish Payton and Christi Courseault who received honorable mention All-ESAC in volleyball. Congratulations to seniors Brian Butler,Rocco Sansone.Everett Starnes, Pat Zipfel and Chrissy Federico who have been dedicated and supportive to Cabrini's basketball program for four years. Thank you for the memories and good luck.
f riday3 feb. 243 1989
Cabrini clinchesESAC northtitle by Nick Ostrowski The Cabrini men's basketball team, working againsta tight Spring Garden defense, prevailed in its final regular season appearance and won by a score of 68-65. The win over the Cav 's 3-6 conference opponents allowed Cabrini to finish high in the Eastern States Athletic Conference (ESAC) and assure them of a place in the ESAC playoffs. Spring Garden won the opening tip-off and quickly sparked to a 70 lead. Despite an early lead, Spring Garden, as well as Cabrini, were having trouble working the ball for points on the inside basket. But it was the Cavs who proved to have the tougher time of it. Cabrini managed to work itself back into striking range thanks to a reinforced man-to-man defense which kept the Spring Garden offense in check midway into the first half. Senior center Everett Starnes Sean McDonough, freshman, takes a firm stance to protect the ball while looking to swing it to the made his presence known under top of the key. (photo by Steve Pasca/i)
the defensive and offensive boards stabbing rebound after rebound. ,The Cav's points didn'tcome easy for they had trouble hitting from the outside but managed to muscle in some hard-earnedpoints underneath. Cabrini slow Iy worked the score to 23-22 in Spring Garden's favor and then took the lead for the first
time at the three and one half minute mark. ThekeytotheCav'snewlyfound success was blocked shots. Senior forward Brian Butler teamed up with Starnes to block shot after shot and kept Spring Garden from getting its offense off the ground. They got in their opponent's faces every time they attempted a shot.
With that, the Cavs took a 32-27 lead to the lockers at the half. Whenthesecondhalfresumed, Spring Garden came out of the gates breathing fire and took over underneath the basket and moved out to a 48-40 lead at the 12 minute mark. But as they did in the past, the Cavs caught their second wind and
Lady Cavs leave the Bobcatsbreathless by Paula Phillips There was no time for them to catch their breath, not a spare minute to take in some refueling oxygen. Cabrini's upbeat tempo including fast breaks from Barb Milligan, fast ball movement on offense and fast movement of the feet and hands on defense left the Lady Bobcats of Spring Garden College breathless after an 18pointloss,75-57, to the Lady Cavaliers. Both halves seemed to be reflections of each other as both teams stayed stable in the way their playing. During the game, Cabrini's shots were falling but Spring Garden's were not. The Cavalier's movement of the ball on offense was well executed as the open man was found from all areas of the court to add up the points including an array of three-point shots. The Cavs shot 57% from the threepoint range making eight out of 14 shots. The Cavs also were on top of their foul shooting by making 15 for 18 from the line. "We were seeing the open man and making the shots. Also, Barb (Milligan) was really on," Julie Snow, junior, said. Danny Welde, head coach of Cabrini, said,' 'We shot the ball really well for one of few times this season. Barb (Milligan) took over the game in the second half.'' On the other hand, the Bobcats had two minute to five minute intervals without scoring through both halves. During a five minute interval between the 16 minute mark and the 11 minute mark in the first half, the Bobcats missed nine consecutive shots while the Cavaliers contiuned to score and
through the whole game. Jodi Snow,junior, said,"We created a few turnovers on the press and played good defensive. Then once we got a good lead, it gave us more confidence in ourselves. We knew we couldn't take advantage of it, but we knew we could keep it." The Bobcats offensive strength usualJy comes from their inside game which was rendered ineffective by Cabrini's dominating man-to-man defensive play. Even though Kim Thomas.junior and leading scorer for the Bobcats, who averages 18.2 points a game was still effective scoring 22 points, Kelli Deacon,junior, was shot down. Deacon who is their second leading scorer averages 16.2 points a game was only held to eight points, five in the first half and three in the second half. Dennis Brennan, Spring Garden's head coach, said,' 'They stopped us from getting the ball inside. They forced us to shoot from the outside which created fast breaks for them. We also didn't get enough rebounds." "We knew we weren't in the playoffs. We were just in this game for pride," Thomas said, "It just wasn't there. Our shots weren't falling. We started to get frustrated and then everythingwent wrong.'' Cabrini mainly stopped Deacon and Spring Garden by dominating the boards, especially defensive boards. Maureen Clark.junior, had eight rebounds while Bridget Collins,sophomore, had seven rebounds. All total the Lady Cavs had 29 defensive rebounds alone from a total of 41 rebounds. nrA I ::i v ~::ivc: nn 1n
started making things come together offensively. In the waning two minutes, Spring Garden moved its defense to a full court press to make something happen in its favor. The Cavs managed to hold onto the ball and run out the clock for the final game of the regular season. Oddly though, with nine see-
onds remaining in the game, coach John Dzik called a timeout. This would obviously appear to favor Spring Garden but when asked about the strange call, Dzik said, "We didn't have our best foul shooter in so we put Jason (Yurchak) in for Rocco (Sansone)''. Dzik said this game allowed Cabrini to finish first in the standings even though it was clinched three games ago. "We go to Shenandoah for the ESAC championships," said Dzik, '' and we 'II play either Frostburg or Salisbury." With the playoffs being Cabrini's next stop down the road, sophomore Jeff Hines said, "The playoffs are gonna be extremely tough. Any of four teams can win the playoffs. ''The only thing that kept us going was that we knew we had our . backs against the wall and we had to win." With this being the final game of the regular season, four Cabrini seniors played their final varsity regular season game. The four are: Brian Butler, Rocco Sansone, Everett Starnes and Pat Zipfel. '' I was glad to have the opportunity to contribute in my last senior home game," said Zipfel. "I would personally like to thank Dzik for everything he's done for me, on and off the court."
Volleyballplayersin need of support_ for total success
Tim Janusz,sophomore, leaps into the air and extends his arm to the fullest to deliver a powerful spike.(photo by Mike Stevenson)