f riday, apr. 7, 1989
vol. XXXV, no. 18
cabrini college, radnor,pa 19087 r L
Serotta receives Lindback award
Editor's note: Thefol.lowingis a speechgivenby Dr.MaryAnnBiller,vice-ptuidentof aeademk: affairsat diis.ycar's springconvocation on Mardi 31.
This year's recipient of the Lindbac.kaward is Carol HechtSerotta. Assistant Professor of mathematics. Carol Serotta's undergraduate and graduate education wasta.kenat die University of .Pennsylvania in mathematics andmathematicsresearch. She is active in a number of professional organizations. for· example: the Mathematical Association of America; National Council of Teachets of Mathematics; Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics; American ~on of University Women and National Association for the Advancement of Sciences. She is a member of Sigma Zeta, Delta Epsilon Sigma, Phi Lambda Theta, PhiDeltaKappa. PiMuF.piloo, Sigma Tau Sigma, Women's Athalon, Phi Beta Kappa,and recipient of The Four Chaplains Awad. • Carol Serotta bas been in
Carol Hecht Serotta, assistant professor, mathematics, addresses the audience at Convocation after receiving the Lindback award. The award was presented by Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice president of academic affairs, who is looking on. (photo by Marian Armstrong)
Stuaent's praised for tneir social and academic achievements goal-oriented and far-sighted. ''I think Nancy Costello gave an excellent speech! She obviThey started it off by singing ously did extensive research. I also the Star Spangled Banner. But it admired her sense of humor at wasn't a baseball game. It was various points throughout the speech," Marian Armstrong, senConvocation. Yet, just like singing the Na- · ior, said. Costello concluded her speech tional Anthem at sporting events, by comparing the renowned saint Convocation is a tradition, a ritual. with Mother Ursula Infante, MSC. It is the bi-annual celebration to At this point in the address, Angie honor students and faculty for Corbo, next year's SGA president, their academic achievements. presented Mother Ursula with a Nancy Costello, director of the dozen red roses, in honor of all she comprehensive campaign, .and has done for Cabrini College. 1971 alumna, was selected to give Following a standing ovation for the convocation address. She was Mother Ursula, the awards cereasked to share her thoughts on the · life of Saint Frances Cabrini. The mony was continued. Six departday before Convocation was the mental honor societies acknowl100th anniversary of the saint's edged their newest members: arrival in America. Alpha Sigma Lambda, for Costello traced Saint Frances continuing education students, Cabrini's life, and cited some of presented by Midge Leahy, dean of her qualities which makes her an continuing education. excellent contemporary role model. Beta Beta Beta, for honor biolSome of these qualities include: ogy students, presented by Dr. John zeal, common sense, persistence, DeTurck, professor of Biology.
by Kerry M. GaUagher
pus Wide Benefits Committee; Curriculum Committee; faculty advisor for math club; and Llbnuy Committee. In addition 10 working with and enjoying her husband and three talented sons. Carol Serotta is extremely involved in volunteer and community work. Primarily, Carol Serotta has been a teacher of mathematics which she hasdone for 19 years. She has special gifts of making a relatively difficult subject understandable through her teaching ability-aethense of humor, she has the extraordinary ability to make math enjoyable. Her course evaluations are consistently very high. Peers and studentsperceiveher as afaculty member who cares about Stu• dents. Typical of their sentiments is a letter I received last month.
aspects of mathematics and such topics as gifted students. Forexample, she has spoken at the Johns Hopkins Residential Honors Program at Dickinson College; the Association of Teachers ofMatbematics forPbiladelphiaandVicinity;onhv Homer~s radio programat WWDB,andat the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Muehofherresearchhas been in the study ofleft and right hemispheres and bow they affect the learning of mathematics. Another favorite question of her research is "Does truth orfalsity ofaconclusioneffectlogicalreasoning?" Carol Serotta also has done research on critical thinking as part of a Pew Foundation Grant and participated in a conference at the University of Chicago on critical thinking and accultura• tion. Carol Serotta' s past committee wotk at Cabrini College is
Delta Epsilon Sigma, the national scholastic honor society, presented by Dr. M. Antoinette Schiesler, academic dean. Lambda Iota Tau, the honor fraternity for students of literature, presented by Dr. Marilyn Johnson, professor of English and communications. Psi Chi, the psychology honor society, presented by Sr. Regina Peterson, MSC, assistant professor of psychology, sociology and social work. Society for Collegiate Journalists, national honor society for students of mass communications, presented by Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson of English and communications department. After this list was completed, the names on last semester's Dean's List were announced. The Cabrini College Honor Society roll call was given by See Convocation on page 4
"Dear Dr. Biller, I am teyoaia-die liiipis my calculus teacher - Carol Serotta- will be commended for her teachingstyle as well as her care and concern for her pupils. This past semester she has taken a student.me, one who had an intense fearofmath,andbrought out in rrie a keen interest and enjoyment in learning calculus. She is a shining example of an excellent teacher and wonderful human being. She makes her students want to learn and understand not only the subject matter, but how it applies to their lives. Because of Carol Setotta. this fall! will be able to enter the Masters program in architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. Thank you, Cabrini College and CaroJ Serotta. Sincerely, Mary Stuart Jenkins." In her own words, Carol Serotta has said, '• I have dedicated my life to the general purpose of improving students' attitudesand appreciation of mathematics and ofhumanizing the content, while maintaining academically honest standards. In short, I would Ii.Ice to think I helped in some way to make our next generalion 'teally count!'" .....
extremely lengthy. Currently, sbeis faculty senate president; ~rves -00 the Freshman Advising Committee; Bu.dgetJFmance Committee; Master Planning , Academic Subcommittee; Cam\.
inside perspectives ..••.. 2, 3
Celebrate the 100th
Athletics left out of
news •.....•... 4, 8, 9, 10
features .......... 5, 6, 7
{see page 6)
tennis court planning
sports ..•.........•. 11, 12
{see page 12)
fridaXzapr. 7, 1989
Benefitting from co~op Some students may often wonder what co-op is or what it does. For many it is an answer to a prayer because it means getting a job. The Cooperative Education Program, located in Counsel Hall, provides help with writing resumes, cover letters and getting your resumes out to prospective employers. The list of jobs available are extensive and offer a wide variety of possibilities. Even if there aren't any jobs that appeal to you, the co-op coordinators will be more than happy to make calls in order to find you exactly what you are looking for whether it be here in Pennsylvania or in your own hometown. One great benefit of co-op is the fact that most of the jobs offered are paying ones that allow you to get credit and make money at the same time. Getting co-op is just as hard as getting a real job and should not be taken lightly. Hard work, dedication, perseverance and patience are all essential as you embark on your journey to acquire experience. Even after the first part is completed -- putting together your resume, writing your cover letter and gathering any other pertinent information that is needed -- it is the waiting and hoping that will get to you. Some answers come back negative, some positive and some don't come back at all. What you are really hoping for at this point is a chance to make an appointment for an interview so that you can sell yourself as the best person for the job. The interview is very important and is basically your last chance to get the job. The co-op office has files filled with information on a variety of different companies so that you can familiarize yourself with the company that you are hoping will hire you. Knowledge of where you are applying can be very helpful during an interview. The help and assistance given to each student by the co-op coordinators is immeasurable and should not be overlooked by any student who desires a co-op. Just remember-- the best resume is one that has related job experience. Having experience is the key to getting a job in the real world. Best of luck to all of you who are in the middle of a job hunt!
Spring fever:
Blessing in disguise there is Frisbee, touch football or volleyball. Another place I love to go to in the spring is Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square.
denise civa I have started this viewpoint five times now with five different topics and I seem to be getting nowhere. Do I have writer's block? Maybe, but more likely I have a notso-rare disease that goes around this time of year called spring fever.
1be winter months are always so drab and depressing I can't wait until the sun starts
Here I can walk around in a beautiful setting and see the many flowers, plants and other floral exhibits. I like to spend the whole day there and really capture the feeling of the
season. 1be last place I love to visit this time of year is the PhiladelphiaZoo. This year I visited it earlier then usual when I went during Easter break. This is really a fun place to go to when you have spring fever. It is especially nice
takes great discipline -- the kind I feel I'm
to see when you go with small children ( I went with my 3-year-old brother) or friends who act like children. Well I'm coming to the end of my viewpoint so I guess myspringfeverdidn'treally hinder meat all. In fact. I think it might have helped me because I was able to escape from the newsroom for a legitimate reason-
lacking right about
I needed to go outside to do research on
Luckily I'm not alone in this feeling. Almost everyone I talk to right about now
spring for my viewpoint. You'd buy it,
to really shine, the weather gets wanner and the days get longer. When this happens all I want to do is go outside and get close to nature. How can I stay indoors and type for long hours on a computer? I just can't. It
wouldn't you?
is feeling the same thing. Everyone is tired of being coopted inside, and so I decided that the only way I was going to get this viewpoint done was to go outside and sit in the sun. I never used to be such an outdoors
person. I don't know what happened. I use to be content to just sit indoors and do homework and read, but now if you ask me what my favorite activity is I would quickly reply -- a picnic, a long leisurely walk or some similar outdoor activity. I just adore being outside. I feel such freedom and relaxation out among the birds, flowers and trees. Sometimes it's just the inspiration I need to write a good story.
Sometimes it's just the thing I need to calm
,vtoM,VA9,.·~e<'(r~,~ Yov •~L.O }Ac To 1-co1cour Fe>R•N A MAN l: fEEL I'VE fOUND IN flAN((\E.. \
down and relieve the pressures of work and school. Spring is my absolute favorite season of the year. Just walking around and seeing the flowers bloom again and the squirrels and birds playing puts a smile on my face. I especially enjoy seeing the campus come to life and look colorful again. One of the reasons I chose Cabrini was because of the 110 rolling acres that we hear so much about. The school was in such a gorgeous area and the campus itself was arranged so nicely with a lot of wooded and flowered areas, that I knew I wanted to go here so I could study in a pretty atmosphere. It never occurred to me at the time though, that because the area was so pretty it might be more of a distraction then a help. There really is so much to take advantage of in this area in the spring though besides just spending it on campus. For example just a few minutes away is Valley Forge Park. This is an excellent place to get away for awhile and just walk around in a large spacious area. It's also the perfect place for picnics and exercise. Exercise is a key element in spring. personally do not really enjoy exercising, but in the warmer spring weather, exercise is easily disguised as fun. For example
Editor- Denise Clva Managing Edttor/ Copy Edttor: Kerry Gallagher News Editors: LaTonya Lucas and Lisa BneZJd<i
Ass.SlantNews Edrtors:Marian Armstrong and Johanna Church PerspectivesEditor: Roe Welman Assistant Perspectives Editor: Fehcia Falcone Features Editor: Lee Mirenda Assistant Features Edttors: Bob Bonner and Barbara Wilson Sports Editor: Paula Ph~~ps
Ass,stant Sports Editors: Lou Monaco and Kelli Rudden Wntlng Coach: Jenni Obrecht BusmessManager: Angie Corbo Assistant: Kelly McGillan PhotographyEdttors. Karen Soegl and Mike St8Yenson PhotographyAdviser: Dr. Carter Craig"'
Adviser: Dr. JeromeZurek Staff: Marian Armstrong. Jim Bhgh, Bob Bonner, Johanna Church. Frank Emmench, FellCiaFalcone, Diane Glancey, Sue Hole1elder.Stephanie Homyak.Cano Iacono. Melissa Landsmam. KellyMc:Gillan,Melissa Middleman. Lou Monaco. Nd< Oslrowski, Chns Pesotski, Kelly Reed. Chnsy Roach, Kelli Rudden. Sharlene Sephton, Karen Shank, Linda Smisko, Leonora Veterano. Barbara Wilson Photography Staff: Marian Arms1rong,GIS8lleBeHanc:a, Knsbn Kron.Jeff Moore, Sieve Pascall. Ande Romano Loquitur is poolished weekly dunng lhe school year by students ol Cabrirv College,Radnor, PA 19087. Phone:215-971-8412. Subscriptionpnce Is $25 per year and IS included in the benefits secured by tumonand student tees. Loqu1turwelcomes lene,s to the editor Leners should be Signedand the au1horship known to lhe edrtors. However rt the wrrterwishes, and the edrtor agrees. the writer"s name may be left off the letter upon publicat,on and an 1nsaipcioninserted such as "name withheld at the request of the wnter. Letters should be typed. double-spaced.and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter IStoo long for the available space. the edrto, may edit o, condense rt. Leners 10 the editor should be submined by noon on Mondays The edrtonals and OP,OIOOS published in Loqu1turare the views of the student editorial staff and the 1nd1V1dual wrrtersand not the enbre student body or lhe faculty and administration.
Loqu11ur IS established as a fOfUmfo, student expression and as a voice in the un1nh1boted. robust. tree and open d1SCuss10n of issues
friday,apr. 7, 1989
Thoughtson suburbia,. family,life Reflectingon Convocation by Carlo Iacono I am proud to be the remaining link of a dying dinosaurcalled the middle-class suburbanite. While my generation is waiting in anticipation for the better home and nicer car, I feel we should sit back and appreciate the simple pleasures that I'm convinced kept my family together. One might quip about how much pleasure can there be in a plethora of two-story ranchers with a Ford in the driveway and a steak on the backyard barbecue? We are too busy trying to have the refurnished colonial with the exotic sports car and a peppered steak in the wok. Our justification for this turn around is that we are trying to strive ahead of what our parent's possessed. We want to dream higher and earn more. Inside that plethora of ranchers however is where our parent's found their dream. More importantly, that is where the majority of us molded our values and learned to be a family. Who could forget the neighborhood football games, backyard grills on the fourth of July and dad fixing the car as you stood by timidly as not to get into his way? We grew up as a family unit by the blue glow of the television in the den. The museum-like livingroom was only reserved for our parent's friends so you dared not drag mud across the rug. The reason I am proud to be a suburbanite is because in each one of those identical homes there are individual measures to preserve the family. The memories of these pleasures .give me a sense of security. I am apprehensive about what my children are going to experience in my haste to progress. \Yill my future employment require frequent moves -- moves that will alienate my child.ren from a
sense of community and, more importantly, family? My parents have resided in the same home for nearly 25 years. They still earn the same amount of money (in reference to the rise in the cost ofliving), and still have the same bills. If it wasn't for the change of seasons and in their children's physical natures, their entire existence would be the same routine of going to work, paying the bills, and taking the annual summer trek to Wildwood, New Jersey. My l980's kid wisdom viewed their comfortable stagnancy as wimpish. The world fed me images of exciting and important lifestyles, power career moves and the fruits of success. All this while my family had the same lifestyle, job and station wagon. "Why can't you go back to school mom,'' and "Come on dad, take chances with your career to move up in the world,'' is what I silently wondered to myself. But now I see the honorable importance of the values in their lifestyle period. They are trying'to save the life-blood of a growing civilization and teach their children strong. morals. They are saving the family, by their example, with sternness and love. The inner-city neighborhoods of our parents's youth are now run down. The suburbs, once maligned for tearing apart the American family, is our only bond to the family. Those suburban neighborhoods are where the family will have to survive. As middle-class suburbanites, we must do our best to preserve these simple pleasures because there is nowhere to evolve after this suburban gathering area. In this modem age, the family structure is clearly in decline. The once simple dream of raising a family and providing more for
your children has been sacrificed to the vices of career, divorce and the modem nomad. Career objectives have taken high priority among the youth. College graduates, male and female, enter the job force with success and growth on their minds. These notions leave little room for thoughts about their future household or links to their present home. Youth alienate from their family structure, and use whatever relationships they may have for short term pleasures. The fruits of success provide restlessness within the suburban "cookie-cutter homes." Residents leave for their perfect, individual home and take with them all aspects of community structure. Divorce has almost singlehandedly tom apart the nuclear family. I consider myself extremely lucky not to have been touched by the wrath of divorce. If we can keep the core (nucleus) of the family together, how can we possibly expect the exteded family to survive? No longer does •.-Uncle Mike" live across the street, "Grandma" down the block and "cousin Lisa" the next block -over. Suburbia is the only remaining link to the institutions of community and neighborhood. The modem nomad moving with each newjob promotion risks his family to a loss of communal unity. He doesn't settle long enough to know the neighbors. But the most important foundation suburbia could protect is love. Psychologist Abraham Maslow states in his self-actualization theory that basic needs such as food, shelter, and love are needed before an individual is to progress. Suburbia is required to prosper family love. It is the only place where the family unit can gather for traditional opportunities to show love.
by: Roe Wellman
then hearing my name announced I never thought it was a big deal. twice) was Nancy Costello's speech In fact, I often shrugged it off on Mother Cabrini. It was very thinking even if I did make Dean•s enlightening and really gave me List, I just wouldn't go. Well, that something to think about. Mother changed as soon as I did make Cabrini's spirit is still part ofus and Dean's List for the first time and we all must cherish and nurture it received an invitation to partici- throughout our lives. Another great part was the propate in Convocation. files of all the seniors for Who's Even after receiving that invitaWho. It was a great compliment for tion I still pondered, would I attend the Loquitur's reporters while also or not? The answer soon became a giving insight to the audience on definite "yes" when my f.amily the seniors who received this infonned me that they were coming great honor. The only thing overup especially for Convocation and looked was the editor, Lee were even going to spend the night. Mirenda, who not only assigned the I was immediately chosen as stories to the reporters, but also the coordinator for their weekend jaunt to Pennsylvania and began spent hours laying out the pages. I wondering what we were going to must say I was shocked when I heard some of the accomplishdo that weekend. I must admit I was kind of ments of my fellow students. I know nervous at the thought of my first I often feel bogged down with so Convocation, but I was also mysti- many things to do so I can't imagfied at what it was really like. Some ine the lives of these students who said it was boring and a waste of seem to be on a merry-go-round of time while others claimed it was activity: The ceremony was even more an interesting experience. I now special to me since I knew more agree with the latter. than half of the seniors who made · ~y family Can)e up Friday night, Who's Who. Some, I 'even conchecked into their hotel (I chose sider to be good friends of mine so the Valley Forge Hilton) and we _ it ;was a pleasure to share this expethen went to the buffet dinner at St. rience with them. David's Inn (my mom chose that) I was also very happy to hear and soon we were off to Convocathat Mrs. Serotta was awarded the tion. Christian R. and Mary F. LindAs soon as I entered I grabbed back Foundation Award for Distbe first person I saw andasked "What am I supposed to do?" As tinguished Teaching. You see, I per usual I was completely and had Mrs. Serotta as my Algebra totally clueless. I was directed to teacher and if it wasn't for her, I my room, located my name on the would still detes~ math. She not only got me to understand it, but list and sat at my assigned desk. Of course, I sat and chatted with she also made it fun! I might not ever make Dean's some friends while we all waited for the ceremony to begin and List again and might never again when it finally did, I totally forgot attend another Convocation, but I about the gum in my mouth and will always remember my first one wound up chomping away through- with fond memories. If there's one thing I have learned, it's to do the out the whole thing! Anyway, we all filed in, took best I can, not only for myself, but our seats and Convocation began. for my family who take pride in I must say my favorite part (other whatever I accomplish.
Lackingin sportsknowledgebutwillingto give anythinga try by Felicia Fakone It's not that I don't like sports.
Maybeit's justthat I don't understand them all that well. Baseball, basketball and hockey I can handle. What I really don't understand is football. Fans and players, don't take offense, but what is the point of men dressed in tight pants chasing after a piece of pigskin? (Yes, I do know what a football is made of, thank you!) I grew up in a sports-oriented family. My uncle loves the Philadelphia Eagles and my dad buys season tickets to the Phillies games no matter. what their season has been like . My two brothers play soccer, football, basketball and baseball. Their rooms are filled with posters of players in every sport and I car. 't even name half of them. Our dinner table conversations center around local sports, like high school basketball, nationwide sports,. like baseball spring training and what team is trading what
player. By listening to these conversations, you would think that I know all of sports trivia. The fact is, it bores me to death! I didn't grow up playing sports in school. I did not grow up hating sports, either. Growing up, I lived in a neighborhood packedwith kids. We were always playing baseball, jailbreak and I even engaged in a game of touch football now and then. I was good at these games, always being on the winning team and always contributing a hit, or a touchdown. Somewhere between grade school and high school, any sportslike qualities I had went out the window. In high school I used to dread gym. I mean DREAD it. I would !hink of every possible excuse to get out of it, but somehow, I always got dragged into playing. I could handle softball. That was fun. I usually got to first base, which to some people isn't a big deal, but to me it was a major accomplishment. Once in a blue
moon I would hit a double or a triple, and that was a major victory. I also liked floor hockey. Aoor hockey was a way to get all of my frustrations with school out by slashing away at the puck. I started as goalie, but soon after that I was moved to center because I was disrupting the other team since I constantly talked to them. My career in high school floor hockey ended shortly after that. One day, as our team was losing, the girl on the opposing team and I were fighting it out near my goalie. She was so intent on getting the winning goal that she raised her stick up in the air and slammed it down, on my hand. This caused my ring to crunch into my finger and their team to score the winning goal. I left gym class with a sore finger, a broken ring and an angry team. Oh well. At least I learned a lesson. From that day on I attended gym class jewelry free and with my hair pulled back. Then it happened. Things were
going just fine until senior year. Our gym teacher was on this volleyball kick. Of course I had never played volleyball so I saw it as a challenge. What it turned out to be a frustrating and humiliating experience. I was chosen as captain, but not for skill or anything like that, it was because I was caught talking again. I had no idea who to choose, so I picked my friends, figuring that we could play, talk and be. silly all at the same time. Was I wrong! I had hoped to be in some quiet, remote spot where I wouldn't have to really hit the ball. No sooner did that thought enter my mind, I heard, "Falcone, you serve first." I shot her a dirty look, took the ball and prayed. I stood there trying to decide which hand to serve with. I forgot to mention that I am lefthanded, something I consider to be a handicap, especially where sports are concerned. I held the ball in the palm of my right hand, held my breath and punched the ball with my left hand.
It sailed in the air, but it didn't go straight. It was totally out of bounds. My team groaned, the other team laughed and I wished for a fire drill. Anything to get me out of gym! Eventually I was able to serve well, but I would never consider playing for a team. Actually I don't think that anyone in their right mind would let me play on their team! So here I am in college. Still envious of those people who can score field goals, shoot three-pointers and hit home runs. I also know that I will never get away from sports. My dad will still faithfully buy Phillies tickets and my brothers will go on to high school and college sports, maybe they' II even go pro. My boyfriend works for the Big 5 at the Palestra. and is a sports fanatic. I will probably end up marrying a basketball coach or maybe 1will be the ownerofa professional team. Who knows. There is one thing that I am sure of. I still have a lot to le.1m.
Convocationfrom 1 mass communications, presented by Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson of English and communications department. After this list was completed, the names on last semester's Dean's List were announced. The Cabrini College Honor Society roll call was given by Johnson. This list included students who have maintained a 3.7 average in 45 or more credits, or who have reached Dean's list status three consecutive semesters. An unexpected award came next in the program. Mary Beth Beckett, senior, was honored for the successful year she spent studying abroad. Because of the guidelines established by many honor societies, grades obtained in study abroad programs are often considered ineligible. Yet, the academic affairs office wanted to point out Beckett's outstanding work at the University of North Wales during her junior year. Beckett maintained a 3.6 GPA in her study abroad program. The 12 students nominated for Who's Who Among Stud.ents in American Universities and Colleges were honored next. Dr.
Mary Ann Biller, vice president for academic affairs, read a short bibliography on each nominee. The Student Governme~t Association Service A ward was presented by Corbo. She bestowed the award upon present SGA President Joel Zazycmy. Zazyczny, although he had no speech prepared, took the podium and addressed the audience. He cited this year's freshman class for giving him inspiration. He then advised Cabrini students to "love yourself, and love your parents.'' The Faculty Appreciation Award was granted to Dr. Margaret Reher, chairperson of the Religion department. Reher recently had her first book published. Finally, it was time for one of the most covetedawards ofthe Spring Convocation, the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation A ward for Distinguished Teaching. This year's celebrated teacher was Dr. Carol Hecht Serotta, assistant professor of mathematics. The awards were followed by a reception in the Widener Center Gathering Area.
friday, apr. 7, 1989
Studentshonoredfor academicexcellence The following students have made the Dean's List for the 1988 Fall semester: Seniors: Debra Adams, Mary Elizabeth Beckett, Nancy Beakley, Stephanie Blose, Sarah Ann Burke, Winifred Cable, Carmela F. Cantone, Christopher Cappello, Gail Crawford, Tricia Cronin, Catherine Ann Currie, Theresa Marie Daly, Maureen Dion, Susan M. Aynn, Annette Fries, Jeanne Furia, Kerry M. Gallagher, Stephanie Giardini, Nina Hagopian, Robin Herd, Karen Holcombe, Andree M. Jost, Lisa Marie Kantor, Elizabeth Ann Kraft, Judith Ann Krajnak, and Patricia Kramer. Also, Paul Kropiewniclti, Janine LaGreca, Susan Larkins, Judy R. Mancuso, Christopher McCabe, Loretta A. McGettigan, Mary McGill, Michael McNichol, Touri Nakjavan, Sherry Neusbaum, Barbara Noone, Karen Ann O'Connor, Kathleen O'Hara, Virginia Obrecht, Terrie Anne Pancio, Suzanne Pleier, Beth Ann Pupkiewicz, Rebecca Rebalsky, Paola Riccione, Rosanne Marie Rossello, Lisa Scheirer, Pamela Scherer, Christine Schlindwein, Julie Ann Sledzeski, Cassandra Lee Smith, Kathleen Mary Smith, Katherine Stefanatos, Michael G. Stevenson, Andrea Thompson, Margaret Vail-Sullivan, and
Elizabeth Goldman, Tricia Hirsh, Warren Hodavance, Karen Holahan, Diane Huff, Tricia Hughes, Carlo Iacono, Donna Kindig, Clyde Laforest, Melissa Landsmann, Michele Maguire, and Elizabeth Mastrocola. Also, Ray Mescallado, Kathleen Murray, Suzanne O'Connor, Elizabeth O'Shea, ChristopherPestoslti, Alanna Pettit, Kelly Reed, Christina Roach, Heather Scheetz, WilJiam Schellinger, Sharlene Sephton, Bonnie Spiegel, Ro~emarie Visalli and Michele Vuocolo. Receiving the Alpha Sigma Lambda award were: Ellen Abramson, Pauline Bogaert, Susan Ezzi-Bloxton, Linda Conroy, Stacy Constien, Gail Crawford, Diane Crosley, Annamarie Fahy, Randee Gallo, Julie Garberina, Judith Johnson, Kathryn McGilvery, Kim Nedelka, Maryann Nelson, Sr. Anna O'Connor, Brenda Pope, Mary Ellen Rachor, Pamela Scherer, Margaret Vail-Sullivan, Evelyn Wagenhoffer and Linda York. Receiving the Delta Epsilon Sigma award were: Dorothea Beckett, Sandra Bradley, Denise Civa, Laurie Copple, Angela Corbo, Christine Fisher, Brian Gilloly, Lisa Goldberg, Michele Holmes,
Campus Housing Waiting List--A waiting list for housing recently went into effect. Freshmen and non-freshmen living within 20 miles of campus, who wish to obtain housing on campus, may choose to be put on a waiting list or may contact John Doyle about off-campus housing possibilities.
Film--The language and history departments will be sponsoring the film "De Gaulle" in English on Tuesday, April 11, from 1 to 2 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. For more information, contact Irene Rachal at ext. 8341 or Dr. Jolyon Girard at ext. 8335. Lecture--The social work club will be sponsoring a lecture on suburban homele;sness onTuesday,April 1 l,at7 p.m. in theLibrary Conference Room. Thespeaker will be Donna Derr of the Montgomery County Family Services. Play--' 'The Fifth Sun,'' a drama about the Catholic Church fighting for justice in Central America, will be performed in Cabrini's Little Theatre on April 27, 28, 29, and 30 and on May 5 and 6. All shows are at 8 p.m. Admission is $4. For reservations or more information, call 971-8510. Children's Portrait Raffle--The Children's School is raffling off a children's portrait that will be created by Gary Armstrong. The portrait will be a 23" x 29" graphite pencil drawing of the child of the winner's choice. Tickets are $5 a piece and $25 for six chances. They can be purchased up until the drawing date, June 12. For more information, call (215) 971-8520.
Book Sale--There will be a book sale in the library on Thursday, April 13, from 8: 15 a.m. to IO p.m. and Friday, April 14 from 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m.
World BEIRUT- The residence of the U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon was struck by rockets fired during battles between Christian army troops and Syrian-backed Muslim militiamen, damaging furniture and igniting fires, police said.
SEOUL-SOUTH KOREA- Two police buses were burned while radical students and workers battled police with fire bombs and rocks to protest a police ass ult which broke a strike at South Korea's largest shipyard.
WINDHOEK-NAMIBIA- A series of firefights along the volatile Namibia-Angola border have begun to unravel months of calm and optimistic plans for Namibian independance.
BELGRADE-YUGOSLAVIA- A bomb was thrown at a troop truck in Yugo- slavia's riot-tom Kosova province and at a newspaper office amid signs that ethnic Albanians may resort to guerrilla attacks in their fight against Serbian dominance.
Theresa Wilk. Juniors: Dorothy Beckett, Sandra Bradley, Cl1ristineCamerote, Linda Conroy, Patricia Conway, Joan Cook, Angela Corbo, Peter Dabback, Victoria Daywalt, Elizabeth Durbano, Christine Fisher, Patricia Fitzgerald, John Gallagher, Stephen Geary, Mary Jo Giunco, Lisa Goldberg, Michele Holmes, Francesco Iacono, and Kristin Kroll. Also, Margaret Lewis, Minette Malkoch, Sean McWilliams, Rosalie Mirenda, Joyce Mundy, Paula Phillips, Andrea Romano, Sandra Sadeghi, Karen Salerno, Kristin Schaller, Linda Smisko, Lisa Smith, Bethann M. Sobyak, Shari Tachna, Evelyn Wagenhoffer, Rosemarie Wellman, Carolyn Wilson, and Jennifer Wimmer. Sophomores: Dana Alessandrine, Elizabeth Baumstark, Norma Borzillo, Kathleen Brennan, Linda Collins, Christina Conti, Georgina Demas, Kimberly Egresits, Rosemary Giangiulio, James Heasly, Timothy Janusz, Sophie Karamolengos, Jeanine Kederis, Catherine Libertz, Adele Malasavage, Lisa Martelli, Robyn McAnulty, Mary McBlain, Barbara McPhelim, Susan Moriarty, Tami Moylan, Katherine Mullen, Sr. Anna O'Connor, Christina Pasqualini, Patricia Renz, Ralph Romano, Monica Wroblewski, and Michael Yeager. Freshman: Natacha Bolufer, Megan Boyle, Denise Castorani, Laura Caolo-· mosca, Kathleen D' Amelio; Frank Emmerich, Tyra Fry, Stacey Gaiser, Diane Glancey.
Maeghan Mercer, Rosalie Mirenda, Virginia Obrecht, Linda Conroy, Paula Phillips, Rebecca Rebalsky, Karen Salemo, Christina Sciallo, and Maria Tatta. Receiving Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges were: Theresa Daly, Kerry Gallagher, Samantha Hidlebird, Andree Jost, Lisa Kantor, Judith Krajnak, LaTonya Lucas, Mary McGill, Virginia Obrecht, Rebecca Rebalsky, Rosanne Rossello, and Joel Zazyczny. Receiving Beta Beta Beta were: Michele Holmes, Basil Ingemi, Maria Trabacco, and Christina Sciallo. Receiving Lambda Iota Tau were: Debra Adams, Angela Corbo, Rebecca Rebalsky, and Andre Romano. Receiving Psi Chi were: Joan Cook, Laurie Copple, Elizabeth Durbano, Mary McBlain, Melissa Middleman, and Christina Sciallo. Receiving Society for Collegiate Journalists were: Marian Armstrong, Angela Corbo, LaTonya Lucas, Virginia Obrecht, Paula Phillips, and Rosemarie Wellman. Receiving the Cabrini College Honor Society were: Jeanine Kederis, Catherine Libertz, Barbara McPhelim, Minette Cannon-Malkoch, Rosalie Mirenda, Joyce Mundy. Andrea Romano, Lisa Scheirer, Cassandra Smith, Micheal Stevenson, Theresa Wilk, and Carolyn Wilson. Receiving the SGA award was Joel Zazyczny.
f riday, apr. 7, 1989
Queensryche's 3rd album: 'one of the most intelligent heavy metal albums ever recorded' by Jenni Obrecht "Operation: Mindcrime," Queensryche's third album on EMI-Manhattan, shatters the myth that all heavy metal music is unintel1igible. The quality of the musical and lyrical content, which weaves a tale of corruption and brainwashing in contemporary society, makes this one of the most intelligent heavy metal albums ever recorded. In addition, I think the level of energy and professionalism the Seattle-based quintet brings to its music gives heavy metal the shot in the arm it so desperately needs. There is no phony hype with Queensryche--what you see is what you get. We're talking
consummate musicians here, folks. Queensryche' s live performances never cease to amaze me. They have to be one of the tightest bandsI have seen take the stage, and they are one of the few bands I am willing to pay $17.50 a ticket to see. Opening for Metallica's "Damaged Justice Tour,'' Queensryche played to a sold-out crowd at the March 21 Spectrum show in what had to be one of their best perfonnances. The "Mindcrime" story is an intriguing one which revolves around a cast of shady characters with sordid backgrounds. Dr X, the instigator behind the plan call~d "Mindcrime,'' manipulates the other characters through their heroin addictions, programming them to carry
the album isn't one of those first-listen types. You can still pull things out of it even after severaJ listens. I think "Mindcrime" takes a few cynical Jooks at contemporary society, and people may agree or disagree with some of the statements in the story. It's not really supposed to be our opinions, but it is a rather extreme view of society. The album deals with mind control and brainwashing. It just might make people think about how certain programming might be going on around them, whether it be from the media, television or even by people controlling other people in certain situations. It's not one of those super happy-golucky tales, but it's certainly not unrealistic and it is very possible in late 1980s America.
DeGarmo:It's interesting because I look at the album as a whole, with each song representing a different chapter in the story. I think the personal satisfaction comes in from being involved in the whole story, the whole album and in finishing it. So it's very hard for me to pick just one song. To make it simple, I'd say that today it's "The Mission." Ask me tomorrow, and it might be another song. Loquitur: How is the tour going?
DeGarmo:This tour is shredding arenas across the country. The packaging is really strong with Queensryche and MetaUica. We're tapping into their fans, and I think things are going very well. Loquitur: What has been the best part of the tour?
DeGarmo: I think every night on stage is the highlight. There have been a few evenings out with the Metallica boys that would rank up there with the 'Why did I do that last night and God, I feel incredibly awful today because of it· types of evenings. For the most part, every show we do is great. Some shows stand out more than others, but there hasn't been much that's gone wrong with the tour. However, winter seems to be following us around this whole tour. It was snowing when we were in Texas, and our bus slid off the road and ended up in a ditch. That was one particularly interesting highlight of the tour.
out his violent phi-
losophy of change. Loquitur: What Bassist Eddie Jackson, guitarist Michael Wilton, vocalist Geoff Tate,guitarist Chris DeGarmoand drummer Scott Dr. X programs are your plans for the Rockenfieldof Queesrycheplayed to a sold-out crowd, March 21 at the Spectrum. The band's video for the song #Eyes an addict named of a Stranger#is on the top 15 call-in requests on MTV. Nicky to assassinate religious and next few months? · political figures, but problems arise when Nicky falls in love DeGarmo: We finish with MetalJica the third week in with Sister Mary, who also is controlled by Dr. X. The two Loquitur: How did the idea for "Operation: Mindcrime" decide to escape from X, but their plans are foiled when Mary April, and then we're off to headline a show at London's develop? dies mysteriously, and Nicky is committed to a mental DeGarmo:We've always worked off of themes on our Hammersmith Odeon. After that, we're playing the Aardinstituiton for the crimes he committed. other records. There are a couple of songs which have someshockfestival in Hol. In a recent phone interview from Albany, N.Y., guitarist thing to do with those album titles, but we wanted to do land; a festival in Chris DeGarmo discussed the writing of '' Mindcrime,'' the something that was a full- concept album. Geoff came up Dortman, West Gertour with Metallica and shared the band's plans for the up- with the initial outline for the story of "Operation: Mindmany. and then we go coming months. crime,' • and we all thought it to Japan. We've been Loquitur: was achallengwriting some new maThis summer,walk into some "Mindcrime" and ing thing to atterial and I would think veryexcitingbusinessventures ... some of your older tempt. We that a new album Manpower hasthelargestvariety material seems to started working ADMITot£ THIS DATEONLY would be on the store of high payingtemoparyjobs. Be- be thought-provokon it, and then shelves by late Decemcomea Manpowerempolyeeand ing. What do you like a snowball you'llfindmanyoptionsavailable to want people to down a hill, it ber or early January you,includingFREEwordprocess- think about after started growing (1990.) ingtraining.Experience our world- listening to this until we found We have a video out widereputation andrecognition and album? ourselves with for .. Eyes of a most importantly,our professional D-eGar mo: this massive Stranger,'· which is personnelcounselorswho care First and foremost, project called doing extremely well aboutyou andyour work interest. I hope people en- ' 'Mindcrime. '• ComevisitourKingof Prussiaoffice joy listening to the on MTV. and we may or call usat 265-6300 album, and that Loquitur: be shooting a new MANPOWER they can listen to it What is your video for the song · · r TEMPORARY SERVICES over and over favorite song on Don ·1 Believe in again. I also think the album?
in thP nP~r f11t11rP
friday1 apr. 7 1 1989
Centennialof MotherCabrini'sarrivalin USA remembered by Mother Ursula Infante. M.S.C. A few years after founding the institute of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mother Cabrini asked Pope Leo XIII to go to China to evangelize the pagans. To her surprise, the Pope said: ''Not to the East, but to the West. Go to America and take care of the Italians who have migrated there in great numbers and are in urgent need of help." Mother Cabrini did not hesitate to obey, even though this meant the abandonment of all her childhood dreams and gir_lhoodplans. She prepared a small group of Sisters who with her, for the first time, would leave their homeland for the United States of America. After a Departure Ceremony in thechapelofCondognowhere they received the missionary crucifix from Bishop Scalabrini, they boarded the SS Bourgoyne at LeHavre, France. Notwithstanding the rough and stormy twelve-day voyage, Mother Cabrini spent the time in the steerage, helping and comforting the hundreds of immigrants in that class. The dawn of March 31, 1889, revealed the Statue of Liberty at a distance. And to Mother Cabrini the lighted torch in the statue's hand was a reflection of divine light illuminating the new road opening out before her. The beginnings in New York City proved to be a disappointment: the convent she had been promised did not exist, the school in which she was supposed to teach was not available. Was she discouraged? ..... No! She searched and found a large hall in the basement of Our Lady of Pompei Church on Bleeker Street in New York City, and here she taught catechism to the public school children every day after school hours. On Saturdays the Sisters gathered together a large number of children to teach them sewing and embroidery. Here they also opened a kindergarten for the younger ones. And it is precisely in this Church--the Church of Our Lady of Pompei in Greenwich Village--that the M.S.C. are holding their Centennial Celebration on Saturday, April 8, 1989. On this occasion a solemn mass will be celebrated by His Eminence, Cardinal O'ConnorofNew York, and the
Cabrini College Community Chorus, directed by our Dr. Adeline Bethany, will perform. On the following day, Sunday, April 9, Sr. Eileen Currie, our president will welcome a group of twenty-five pilgrims who will be coming from Santangelo, Milan, (Mother Cabrini's birthplace) to celebrate the event. Mother Cabrini's arrival in New York City in 1889 initiated a century of evangelization, education, health care and social service--all for the glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and love of neighbor. So, to be celebrating an
anniversary that marks a century of service by hundreds of Sisters is quite an accomplishment. It is really an occasion to rejoice and to be grateful to God for His love and His grace. The cornerstone of all her works--schools, orphanages, hospitals, clinics and day care centers, not only in the great cities of the United States, but also in Central America, South America and Europe--was the faith, compassion and love of Mother Cabrini who could not look at poverty and sorrow and do nothing about it.
This is a display in the library of the story of the devoted work of Francis Xavier Cabrini, the first American citizen to be proclaimed a saint. (Photo by Mike Stevenson)
job squad College Work Study Is Available For The Summer. Applications for Summer CWS may be obtained in the Financial Aid Office. Housing will also be available. Bartenders, Waitresses, Hostess, & Cooks Full-time or part-time. Needed immediately & for summer. Bennigans in Devon. Call 9641100. Assistant to Director of Promotions Calling press/ media to promote music groups. In Wayne, contact Sheila Bartlett/Dale Yeager at 687-5909. Babysitter Babysit 18 mo. boy on vacation with family at North Carolina beach home, May27June 3. Call Robin Frees at 644-5466. Medical Secretary For Dr. Kanefsky in Philadelphia. Call 427-7048. Telemarketing $7/hour plus bonuses. Call 941-9604.
Fulfillment Clerk To do general Telephone Work Modern Vision Receptionist Graphic Design office work. Blue Lawson Inc., Promotion & Marketing in Wayne. Co. in King of Prussia. Contact Linda between 10-3p.m. at 337Malvern. Call 648-9370. 687-5909. 2745. Study Abroad Interesting in Babysitter Watch 2 chidren, 6 mos. & 3 yrs., while vacationing studying abroad? Graduate and CWS students Physical Plant with family in North East Harbor, undergraduate programs in is now hiring for the summer. Maine for month of July. Contact English. Write to: Katholieke Housing is available on campus. Universiteit Leuven - Kardinaal Contact Mike Caranfa, Director, Harriet Madeira at 648-0989. Mercierplein 2, B-3000 Leuven, at ext. 8240. Staff Accountant Bryn Mawr Belgium. Assistant Athletic Trainer Rehabilitation Services Corp. in Malvern. Call for job description Computer Skills For Budget For work in The Athletic Training at 251-5595. Ask for Lynda Rent-A-Car in Berwyn & King of room. Could be used to fulfill Prussia areas. 251-0186, ask for service grant hours and college McGonigle. work study. Those interested Harry Dunlap. contact Head Trainer Carl Marketing Skills American Business Services in King of Housecleaners Pay up to $8/ Ruggero at 356-2980 or Athletic Prussia area. Call 539-4714. hour. For more info. call Flo Director John Dzik ext. 8386. D'lgnazio. Day 296-7557, evening Medical Secretary King of Word Processing For The 688-1969. Prussia area. For more info. Equitable. In Wayne, call 293call 872-2200. 4975. Ask for Gerrie. Audio-Visual Technician For Meridian Accounting Temporary help for Bauer-Southern Audio Visual, Secretary James Latesos Paving Co. in Valley Forge Hilton. Call 625- Development Corp. in Wayne. For more info. call Arlene at Chester Heights. Call 459-4500. 0885. Ask for Leslie or Carl. 971-9000 .. Ask for Christine. Clinical Position Clerical Camp Counselor Working with Practice Associates in Devon. To Place information in Job chidren & adults with disabilities. For job description contact David Squad, contact the Financial Contact PA Easter Seal Society. Smith at 341-1850. Aid Office at 215-971-8420. 717-939-7801.
f riday, apr. 7, 1989
Spring fever distracts faculty and students from work .
Video yearbook takes shape by Diane Glancey
by Linda Smisko Beautiful blue sun-filled skies, singing birds, blooming flowers, warm weather. These are some of the warning signs that one should heed when Mother Nature arrives and exclaims emphatically, "SPRING IS HERE!" Spring is that time of year when the plants begin to grow, the weather becomes warmer and students begin to daydream .. Daydreaming is one among many of the persisting symptoms of spring fever that hits students each year around this time. Springtime means different things to different students. Ann Tsigas, sophomore, said, "I start laying out when the weather gets nice. I daydream a lot. I do my schoolwork just to get it done instead of trying to concentrate.'' Cyndi Fuhrer, junior, likes to get out her old cut-off shorts. Driving around in her car with the windows rolled down and the radio turned up is a big part of spring for her. Fuhrer said, "Spring is a good time for golf. I like to play golf because I can spend a lot of time outside.'' "I don't feel like going to classes when the weather is warm. I'd rather be with my boyfriend, at home or playing softball than at school," said Susan Schwetz, sophomore. Vince Piazza, junior, said, "I don't feel like doing anything for school when spring comes around. My family owns a farm, so we start our work at this time of year. I just bought new jet skies for the shore this summer. I can't wait to catch some rays." "Spring is a time for many outdoor activities," said Charlie Couwels, junior. ''I plan on playing basketball at night where I live and will go fishing down the shore this summer. Baseball season is opening very soon. Now I'll be able to go to the Vet to watch my favorite team, the Phillies. The only thing about spring I don't like is that it means it's time to look for a new summer job,'' said Couwels. Lauren Sapienza, freshman, said, "Spring is a carefree time. It means the end of school, and lazy, daydreaming days. I get beach fever around this time and go out to buy
new spring clothes. I'm usually tempted to call out from work on nice days. I'm in a better mood in the spring than I am in the winter." "There is a general feeling of peace in the springtime. It's a reawakening, you get a burst of energy. It tends to ease the pressures of everyday life. You begin to see things in a new perspective. The redundant things that you dq_everyday seem new, like you're doing them for the first time," said Jim Steffler, senior. Spring fever is not restricted only to students. Faculty and staff as well often get spring fever symptoms that distract them from classwork. Dr. Carter Craigie, professor of English and communications, said, "I fee II have much more energy in the spring. My thoughts tum to outdoor activities including: biking, going for 10- kilometer Volk marches, hiking on the Horseshoe Trail in Valley Forge and kite flying. '·You might get tired doing these kinds of things, but it is a good, healthy tired. Spring is an energizer that makes me feel alive.'' Sam Vasiliades, housekeeping, said, "All I can think about is the baseball field, even in the winter. The day after that I come back to reality. When I'm working, I usually try to save cleaning the outside of the windows for a nice day.'' For most, spring is a positive time that brings with it all the promise of a happy summer. This is not true for everyone. Mr. Robert McGee, professor of mathematics, said, "I don't believe there is a spring in the Philadelphia area. It seems to last about a week and then summer is here. I wish we could have a real spring for much longer because I hate the hot weather. '· As soon as the summer weather comes, everything else stops. Students think that the semester is oyer when they may have two more weeks of class. It's tough to hold class then. "At Cabrini, teaching is tough then because in the classrooms the heat doesn't shut off until almost June, it's so hot. If you close the windows, the air conditioner won't work. If you open the windows, sure enough, someone will be cutting the grass outside of your classroom.''
Sharing college life with a sibling by Barbara Wilson I was a sophomore in high school when I first heard the words Cabrini College. I was not the overzealous student who looked into colleges earlier then needed, I was the sister of a senior in high school. When my sister, Laura, was a senior in high school she, like many other high school seniors, had involved herself in the search for perspective colleges. When she finally decided that Cabrini was going to be the college of her choice it seemed that the words Cabrini College would forever become a household term in the dwellings were we lived. Little did I know then, that I too would choose Cabrini as my alma mater. My first impressions of Cabrini where as Laura's little sister who was still in high school. I had come to visit her one weekend (as many younger siblings do) so that she could show me what college life was like. It was here where I met all of her friends and became familiar with what I one day would experience as a college student. It was also here at Cabrini that I was bombarded with that famous question that every sibling who visits has encountered. You know the one, '' Are you planning to come to Cabrini?" This was a topic of many conversations that weekend and although ,it's a good topic to talk about to the siblings of Cabrini's students, it gets a little boring after the first 50 people. Even though I have experienced this, it never fails, I still stick my foot in my mouth every time I find myself asking that same question. I went home after that weekend with the thoughts of hurrying through my last year of high school so that I could go onto college. What college at that point did not matter because to me college was a lot better then high school. When I began to look at perspective colleges, Cabrini was the one school on my list that had a star next to it. The
miscellaneous file
star was there to remind me that, yes my sister went there and could we survive at the same school? Well it isnowLaura'ssenioryearand we have survived sharing Cabrini as "our" school fortwo years now. It wasn't as bad as we both had imagined. Actually. at times it has been better than both of us had thought it would be. What never really occurred to me before was that some people never really look into other schools, but rather attend Cabrini because other members of their family have. For the first few months of my first year here at Cabrini, I was known as either Laura's younger sister or even her twin (which to us seemed ridiculous because we don't think that we look alike at all). But as time went on, people began to realize that Laura and I are very different from one another. We like different music, different activities and even different kinds of people. As I look around Cabrini I see that Laura and I are not the only ones who have decided to share in what Cabrini has to offer. Cabrini is a family school, which to me at first was kind of weird. I thought that I would be the only person with a sibling on Cabrini's campus, but gladly I was mistaken. One day I was talking to a friend who also has a sister here and he made a remark that struck me as something that probably most people who have a sibling could probably identify with, his remark was that his sister "followed him to high school, followed him to college and now she was even following him to work.'' There are many advantages to having a sibling on campus. There are the obvious advantages like having someone who reminds you of home and there is always someone who listens and would you believe siblings even come in handy when you need to borrow something like for instance the car? The one thing that made me hesitant about coming to Cabrini is not going to be here next year. Laura being a senior, will be graduating in May. I don't think Cabrini will be the same without her. Yet I am glad that I was able to share not only my college experience with her, but also the Cabrini experience.
The senior student body and the T.V. production class have decided to put their heads together and create something memorable through which graduates can remember Cabrini. This year Cabrini College will be distributing a video yearbook, for those of you who might have been puzzled by the students running around on campus with video cameras. It all began when Lisa Kantor, president of the senior class, approached Cathy Yungmann of the communications department with the idea of having students film campus activities for graduating seniors. In the hands of Yungmann' s T. V. production class, the idea is coming to life on a grand scale. Each student in the class has been assigned a chapter of the yearbook on which to focus. The filming is not only a valuable hands-on project for Yungmann's students, but it is a creative way in which Cabrini students can preserve their college memories. The students are trying to make the video as complete as possible. Virtually every event from last semester and this semester will be included--the Cabrini Run, the opera presented by Cabrini's fine arts department, the Irish minstrel show--as well as other aspects of life at Cabrini College. The faculty members are also being filmed for the yearbook, "even though," Yungmann .laughs, "some might not know it.'' Communications student Andrea Thompson, who you might have seen filming the opera in the mansion on February 12, feels that the video should stress, "the stuff you really remember about college--the cafeteria, the commuter lounge, the way the campus looks 10 a.m. on a Sunday morning.'' Sophomore Dana Lepis, who is also a member of the production class, has been assigned to collect footage on resident life and the construction work being done on campus. She comments, "The project is very, very time consuming with filming and editing. There's a lot of pressure because this is important to graduating seniors.'' But it is this mutual commitment between the production class and the seniors that is making the video yearbook a reality. Yungmann projects that the final cost of the video will be $15 in order to compensate the senior class for the $200 spent on raw tapes. She adds that the video yearbook will, "give students something visual to remember ...Hopefully, we can do it every year. It will be a nice momento.'' Lepis adds that the video is being made with "a lot of time and thought. It's really going to be good."
April in the '80s April 1988 The F.nglishand CommW1ications programwas
AprBl'82 The ~t was ltlade that Sr. Eileen Currie MSC. will succeed Sr. Louise Sullivanas ~identof Cabrini. April1914
Cabrini'sLoquitur wins first-class Award from Associated Collegate Pressforthe sixthconsecutive time. the
Aprill'86 The United States bombs Libya and shocks the
nation. April 1987 Cabrini makes~
to build
AD information deeted by BarbaraWilton and Mother Unula Infante.
friday, apr. 7, 1989
BSA presentsproposalto administration by Kelly McGillan The Black Student Alliance (BSA), through a series of meetings with the administration, has proposed several suggestions for policies and improvements for the college and the campus community. Jeff Hines, sophomore and member of BSA, said, ••I came out of the meeting with a positive attitude. We stated that we were serious about our cause.'' Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice president for academic affairs, said, "It was a very positive meeting. The students had largely past righteous indignation and anger and they were acting responsibly and maturely.'' The BSA's proposal included suggestions for the college regarding academics, student services, resident life, counseling/ health services, campus ministry and leadership. Rita Cali cat, director of student activities, said, "BSA's proposal is a working document and the institution is committed to work with it." Proposed under academics was course offerings in Afro-American History and
cultural diversity, while citing that the catalog describes a black history course that has only been offered once in the past five
years. The BSA also suggested that "every effort be made to bring qualified black professionals here in either a full-time or adjunct capacity to teach a few courses we offer in the black experience." The BSA also encouraged that Cabrini establish a minority vitae bank. Biller has already taken steps toward creating such a bank of resumes. Biller wrote to the deans of nearby Cheyney and Lincoln Universities, which are predominantly black institutions, and informed the deans of Cabrini's search for minority faculty. Biller said that this was not an attempt to take away their faculty, but rather build up a bank of resumes to pull from when a position to teach course would arise. Also ~ong the academic suggestions was a recommendation to enhance the library collection not only now but on a annual basis by including black authors and topics relating to the black experience. With regard to student services, the BSA
suggested that an ''immediate policy which related directly to racial harassment and abuse" be drafted. Dean of Students, Robert Bonfiglio, said a verbal harassment policy has already been adopted temporarily for pressing needs found involving the subject of racial harassment with extreme disciplinary action. Other suggestions made included: *take into consideration the atmosphere and environment in which a black resident assistant is placed to live. *the counseling center needs a black counselor or at least someone who can identify with minorities. *campus ministry should include a black priest to give the campus community a broader knowledge of cultural awareness. The BSA also proposed that in the leadership process it should be pointed out to student leaders that racism exists. An orientation session for freshmen should also be set up to inform them of ethnic differences and explain that these differences need to be appreciated and not discriminated against. Bonfiglio said that the policies will be in
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Bonfiglio said, ''The only time students see a policy is when they violate a policy, this way they would know what's expected of them on campus.'' "Students should read it and sign it," said Samantha Hidlebird, senior and member of BSA, "but if the administrationdoesn't enforce it, it will do no good. Dr. Antoinette Schlesier,academic dean, said, "We all have a responsibility to do something about racism. The BSA began to take their responsibility through an excellent proposal with a call for action from the whole campus." "We (BSA) never asked for special treatment, just to be treated fairly," Hines said. Hidlebird felt that even though there were racial incidents at the beginning of the semester, there is still a potential for a positive change because of the proposal.
by Marian Armstrong
BETTER PRICES DELIVERED. r------------------, I I a I I $1.00 off!
the policy.
Students affectedby summer changes
effect for next September, but he has not decided in what form to present it to the campus community. The options are to present it through the student handbook or through having every student read and sign
There will be construction on campus this summer. There will be asbestos removal. There will be painting. There will be housing. There won't be summer classes. With the exception of graduate student classes, which will be held in the library, classes will be held at Archbishop John Carroll High School in Radnor. Midge Leahy, dean of continuing education, was in charge of designating a suitable location for summer courses. Leahy said, "We felt that we shouldn't go far from campus.'• She pointed out that due to traffic and the fact that faculty will need to get things on campus, the location "just makes it easier for everybody.'' Also, students will need the use of the library on Cabrini's campus. The fact that the Radnor train station is right beside the high school is another benefactor. Leahy said that the accomodations Archbishop Carroll had to offer also made it a practical choice as well as a choice of convenience. For example, audio-visual equipment such as overhead projectors and VCR 'swill be supplied by the high school. Although there will be no air conditioning, Leahy said the structure of the building will be a plus in keeping it cool. It is four stories tall with large classrooms, high ceilings and marble floors. Since Cabrini will only be using the first two floors for classes, Leahy hopes that the heat will rise to the top floors. Leahy said that all the courses will be offered as planned, with the exception of computer courses. Leahy said that to transport computers from Cabrini to Archbishop Carroll would be too expensive and too risky. Credits of computer courses taken at other colleges will transfer to Cabrini. Leahy said, "The only difference is we
See summer on page 9
friday, apr. 7, 1989
Summerfrom8 won't be running any day courses.'' All weeks. There will also be housing for courses will be in the evening. construction workers and students for a sub"I think it will be good to be in another stantial amount of the summer. setting,'' Leahy said. According to Robert Bonfiglio, as of Accompanying the change in the location right now there is no transportation being of classes will be some changes in residency provided by the school to commute students this summer. John Doyle, director of resi- from campus to Archbishop Carroll. dent life, said there will not be summerhous"I can't drive. I won't stay if there's no ing for students in Xavier or Woodcrest and van service. I won't pay $125 a credit if I probably not in Counsel. won't have a way to get back and forth,'' "There's going tobepaintingalloverthe Dana Lepis, sophomore, said. In regard to place,'' Doyle said. There will be painting taking classes at Archbishop Carroll, Lepis inalmostevery dormitory. Theonly dormi- said, "I want to take classes this summer. tory that Doyle does not expectto be painted I'lljusthavetoacceptit. Ifthatisall they can will be the Mansion. Due to the painting~ do, fine.'' most students will have to transfer to a Pam Stempleski, sophomore, said, "I different room about midway through the won't mind the commute at all if they are summer. doing the best they can do to make things In addition to students living on campus, convenient.•• there will be a number of other residents. Stempleski said, "We always com"There are going to be less people (on plain about things not getting done and campus), but for longer periods of time," summer is the besttime they can do it." Doyle said. For example, housing will be Lepis said, "There, s nothing we can do provided for Sisters attending a conference. about their decision. They have to paint Last summer the Sisters were here for two sometime.,, w;ee;k;s;. . .;Th~is~y~e;;ar;•;.;th~e~y 1111 be1111111 h1111 e.re11f•o•r•fo•u•r-----------------, 11wiiiiil 11 11
Co-opprepares studentsfo.rfuture by Kelli Rudden Cabrini offers opportunities to earn credits. Of course, there are classes, but more interesting and helpful ways would be the Cooperative Education Program (CEP) and internships. Both programs are similar yet have a very substantial difference - money. CEP and an internship both offer credit for the work a student does. The credit they earn depends on how much and how long a student works. Anyone who has finished his sophomore year or 64 credits, 15 of which have been acquired at Cabrini, can apply to CEP. In front of the cafeteria and the CEP office, located on the lower level of Counsel Hall, are lists of jobs separated by majors. Every Friday, new job opportunities are posted. Once a student sees a job he/she is interested in, he/she contacts the CEP office. Then, a resume is sent to the company by the CEP staff. Each employer is different so other papers may also have to be sent, such as cover letters or clippings which the student will provide. The enrollment process is not only easy but it is growing rapidly. James Loftus, director of CEP, said, "Numbers increase daily, and there are more jobs each day. The spring enrollment has increased over last year.'' At . present there are 50 students enrolled. Most commonly, a student in his junior or senior year would go to his adviser and/ or the head of the department in his major and get his help in finding a job. Unlike CEP jobs, internships are not done for a salary, only for credits. Chrissy Federico.junior, went to Anna Kruse, assistant professor, Biology department for help in finding an internship. Federico was planning to live at the shore this past summer and wanted to have an internship there. Kruse c,ontacted the Shore Memorial Hospital, Summer Point, New Jersey. After checking with some departments there, Federico landed a position in the microbiology laboratory.
"It was very helpfulforexperienceinmy (future)career.I might wanttodothatwhen I get out of school.'' Federicosaid. One student,StevePascali,wenttheCEP route and has found the CEP staff to be extremelyhelpful. ''Theyareverygood to workwith. Co-op is great for being as new as it is," Pascali said. "There's rules, butyougetsomeleeway. I'm keepingupwith mylearningobjectives. I set ones I knew I could reach. It is a very fair system,'' Pascali said. Salary is determinedby the employer. However, the most importantthingyou can get out seems to be the experience. Jacqui McCleman,senior, found her internship experience helpful. However, McClernanalso found out something very interesting,"I know now whatI don't want to do." she said. McClemanworkedat Bell of Pennsylvania for two years which later became an internship. "Everything (articles) had to be looked at and approvedbefore publication.'' she said. This goes against what McClernanbelieves in and it was evident to her supervisorin her final evaluation. "She (her supervisor)gave me a great evaluation. She told me I was unhappy but that I had my strengthsin creative writing and that I should go into a public or community relations field.'' McClernansaid. Other than everyday job gripes, there have been no complaints aboutCEP. "We have a file full of positive reports. Some student were even offered jobs after graduation," Loftus
Freshman Kim Le~l~ng is ~xi~us to have an internship m her Junior year. "Internships will give me hands on experience. It will teach me to _be competitive and how to work with others.'' LeBlang said. LeBlang is willing to work during the school year as well as in the summer. She has always worked hard for grades and for herself. ''They say when you graduate college you start at the bottom of the ladder. With this (internships) you 're already a few steps up that ladder,'' LeBlang said.
Are studentstakingtheir jobs seriously? by Nick Ostrowski
Welcometo RealWorld101. You'dbe surprisedhowmanycollegestud~ntsgo from highlighting textbooksto highlighting the dassifieds.The factis,a staggeringm.nnberofgraduatesareunatleto sea.n-e a careerin theirfieldof study. lbat's whythere's a nationwideprogramforcollege studentscalledCooperativeEducation._ It all~wss~den~ to alternatestudiesat the collegeof theirchot_Ce ~ paid, practicalworkexperiencein the caree_rof theirchoice.So Co-opEducationstudentsgraduatewith morethana degree. Theyhavepra~ticalknowl~ge. Anda competitiveadvantagem a crowdedJ~bmarket. If you'rea student,youshouldsenouslyconsiderthe Co-opEducationProgram. . Becauseafteryears ofstudyingin college,the lastthing youneed is anotherreadingassignment
CO•OP EdUcatiOn
Youearn a futurewhenyouearn a degree.
See your advisor or visit Summer Job Opportunities
the Co-op Office Are Available!
lose that slot to somebody else. Wright said this is the first time a Whether a person is a paper boy or a situation of this nature has been brought to corporate executive, their job requires his attention. ''My biggest problem,'' said dedication. The same principle applies to Wrigpt, "is that when there are problems, I Cabrini service grant and work study jobs. don't hear about it. I heard about this But as oflate, there have been some com- situation through the letter (to the paper). plaints concerning the dedication exerted "If I don't know about it, (the problem) by the student employees in certain deI can 'tsolve it. My main concern was to stop partments on campus. whatever was going on. I just made it clear The most recent case occurred in the that I won't put up with it.'' computer lab located on the bottom floor The computerlab is one of the only places of Sacred Heart Hall. In a letter to the on campus where students earn work study editor in the most recent issue of the hours without any supervisor around after LOQUITUR, an upset student com- a given time. This puts Wright in a position plained of going to the computer lab to do where he has to depend on someone being at some work only to find it closed during the lab at all times when he isn't there. hours in which the lab is scheduled to be Wright said, "The situation is that rm open. forced to rely on people because I can't Even though this is the first report con- always be here on the weekends.'· cerning something of this nature in the Sophomore and computer lab monitor. computer lab, Charle!>Wright, the com- Edd McNammee, thinks the allegations puter lab supervisor, has taken extra meas- against work study students not performing ures to handle such a situation should it their jobs are overemphasized. ··Tue camarise again. Wright has informed monipus community is stereotyping all work tors that if they don't show up for their scheduled time slot, they automatically More work study on page 10
fridaXzapr. 73 1989
College campuses deal with rape problems by 80'1 Bonner One in five college women across the United States are victims of a not-so-recent phenomena called date rape. Until recently date rape on college campuses has been a taboo subject. A subject faculty, administration and students have ignored until now. On college campuses across the nation students are fonning support groups in ordertoeducateand infonn about unwanted forced sexual intercourse. At the University of Pennsylvania, sophomores Erica Strohl and Anne Siegle have fonned an organization called Peer House. At the University of Michigan a group called People Organized for Women, Equality and Rights (POWER) has emerged, and at the University of Wisconsin at Madison a rape education group composed entirely of males called Men Stopping Rape is addressing the issues head-on. But often addressing the issues head-on presents a problem. Although there is now a wealth of resources available from which to learn about all forms of rape and a heavy onslaught of media coverage, there still exists misinfonnation and confusion about the genres of rape. In it's most basic terms, all rape is unwanted sexual intercourse brought about through physical force or the threat of force. Although it seems that new rape acronyms, like date rape, acquaintance rape and confidence rape, are being invented every day. Yet the wxlerlying message remains the same: •'Rape is like robbery. It is the actual taking of someone's personal space,'' according to Margueritt Cluelow of the Delaware County Chapter of Women Against Rape (WAR). Recently, people have become very
alarmed by new acronyms, like date rape and acquaintance rape, because these new titles suggest that the rapist is no longer just hiding in the back seat of a car or off an unlit wooded path. In date and acquaintance situations the rapist lives upstairs, sits in the same math class, and may even be the person with whom your having an intimate relationship. A 1985 study conducted by Dr. Mary P. Koss and reported in Ms. Magazine found that 84 percent of college-age rape victims know their assailants. The study reported in Ms. Magazine is alarming for two reasons--number one, it implies that college-age women have virtually no means of protection against an attacker whom they "know" and trust, and-number two, the percentage of people committing these violent sexual acts is so large that fitting them into a strict and easily identifiable mold presents difficulties. 'fhe' only common statistical string which links the assailants is that 98 percent of them are male. • "Real women want it aQd real men take it,'' that's what a majority _ofour culture is raised to believe says rape counselor Cluelow. And recent surveys, like the Ms. Magazine study and one conducted in Rhode Island using 1,700 sixth to ninth graders of whom nearly one-forth of the boys and onesixth of the girls said it was acceptable for a man to force a woman to have sex if he has spent money on her, support Ciuelows ·assessment. "If I have the opportunity (to have sex with someone), hey,I'm goingtodoit,"one male Cabrini student said. •'The guy should be the aggressor." It is limited and narrow-minded specified gender roles like these, passed from generation to generation, which lie at the root of the
I~S11'l c;111l'l
problem of all rape incidents. For instance males are taught they should be the initiator of sex, and that sex like sports is geared toward achieving a specific end result. Although the axiom of the problem rests finnly upon the means used by the male to achieve this desired end result. If the male believes that it is okay to use any means necessary, physical o~ psychological, to achieve that end result, that male is capable of becoming a rapist. In the 1985 Ms. Magazine study, one in 12 college-age males admitted to committing acts that met the legal definition of rape. However, male gender roles aren't solely to blame for our society's violent sexual problem. Other factors include oursocietal feminine conditioning which trains women not to "make scenes" or engage in physical battles. In author Robin Warshaw's new book "I Never Called It Rape" an 18-yearold raped by her date at a fraternity party later recalled: •'I felt...that the woman was always guilty until it had been proved that she had been knocked unconscious or doped. .. .It didn't occur to me that it was okay to hurt him ...Good girls don't do that." These male and female prescribed gender roles combined with the entertainment and advertising mediums further perpetuate the idea that women are sex objects to be admired (in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue), ~ldin bondage (on M.T.V.), won (as in Moonlighting), and "had" (as in every teen beach/sex movie). However, it appears that rape in all its fonns, like most important societal issues
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If you or anyone you know has been raped or if you are interested in learning more about rape and rape prevention, contact the Delaware County Chaptf:r of Women Against Rape (WAR) 24 hour hotline at 277-5200.
Work study from 9· study students because of the actions of a few." Another situation which literally leaves students out in the cold occurred a coupleof months back and appeared in a LOQUITUR article. This was the case of the "delinquent" van drivers who, at times, didn't return to pick students up from the mall or the train station, thus leaving the people between a rock and a hard place. Junior van driver, Carlos Chamorro, said, "I understand people in the past haven't been able to rely on the van. They've taken steps to make the van drivers reliable and the problem has been solved." No complaints have been filed recently about the van service so everything is running well for "the Cabrini monorail." Another problem could be that some students just don't take their job seriously. Chamorro said, "I would say about 65 percent (of the students) really put in the time and effort and the rest just don't take it seriously enough to get the job done.''
"Can you believe that only have one month classes left?"
"No, I can't believe it! I better get over to the CARe Center. I need heli: in Chemistry."
"I'll go with you. I need help in Math and Spanish."
Come over
-- Everyone's
which require immediate action and attention, has been deluged by media coverage. Such a media-flood usually results in the public turning a deaf ear to the issue and pushing it further and further to the rear of their consciousness. Until rape intrudes upon their life.
we of
Do you know that the last day of classes is ONE month from tomorrow!?! Don't wait --come to the CARe Center now for help in any subject! Seep#UMII
friday, apr.7, 1989
Athletic Department taken for granted the fencing and the lighting. All these details can affect the way students pe_rfonn on the courts. paula If the courts weren't built correctly, what department besides the athletic departphillips ment would be affected? None. The athletic Sports Editor department should have been consulted then if no other departments were involved. According to Mary Ellen Herzog, director When I assigned the lead story in this of development, she thought the architect section about the tennis courts' construction talked to Dzik, coaches and students. What I did no_tthink that it was a big deal andthere a lack of communication! had to be some communication between Kolodzinski, I think, was partially right departments. After I received the reporter's when she said that John Dzik, director of story, I realized that I was totally wrong. athletics, could have consulted the architect. 1bere was NO real communication and Correct me if I am wrong though, BUT Cabrini• s administration dido 't think it was a isn't it technically the MAIN JOB of the concern. architect or the subcontractor or the person After I read the whole story, some who is charge of the construction on serious questions developed in my mind campus, to consult and initiate a meeting that I would like to get answered, but of with the athletic department to see what their course I won't. How can the school not even recommendations are. By the way, WHO IS consult the athletic department on the IN CHARGE OF CONSTRUCTION ON construction of the courts? Who did the CAMPUS? DOES ANYONE KNOW? contractor actually talk to, to find out how I would think that it is their job first rather the school wanted the courts done? Who than Dzik's. Also, DZIK DID SHOW knows? INITATIVE and talked to Mike Caranfa, How can the school construct something director of physical plant, after no one conas important as the courts when they don't tacted him. Finally, the right surface will be consult people who have expertise in that used to pave the courts. Who knows what area? Sure, many people might say, "What the surface would have been? is the big deal about tennis courts?" Well, The administration, I think, have made a it is a BIG DEAi for several reasons! big mistake in not consulting athletics and The most important point I will make is also in not realizing that even though the this one. If the architect only did consulting tennis courts are only a small part of the with faculty and staff on major campus construction on campus, that they are still projects like Grace Hall, according to Diane important to the student body. Kolodzinski, director of public relations, Someone definitely needs to step up and then someone please explain to me and take the lead with the construction, espeothers, what is the defintion of major that the cially when it comes to exchanging ideas school is going by? HOW CAN SOME- and infonnation. There is a lack of commuTHING BUILT ON CAMPUS LIKE TIIE nication and without communication there TENNIS COURTS , OR ANYTHING AT will be NO SUCCESS! ALL THAT WILL AFFECT STUDENTS, *** NOT BE CONSIDERED IMPORT ANT In the last issue of Loquitur, March 17, OR MAJOR? It may seem to be a simple John Dzik had a candid interview with a job to build tennis courts, but there are reporter. He brought up some valid points certain details that need to be attended to. that the administration, staff and students Some of these details include the surface, should consider. I support Dzik in what he
said and I'm sure others do to because it's the TRUTII! I believe that the administration has to realize that as the school grows in number, especial! y in regard to men, that the Athletic Department with quality facilities must grow with it.In the health-crazed society of today, there is a need to show prospective students that the college is up-to-date with good athletic facilities. Right now we don't have a lot. Why do you think people, especially men, go to Villanova or Ursinus or Allentown? Better facilities would enable all students, not just athletes, to keep in shape. How can someone keep in shape and have pride in our weight room? How can students be taken care of with a part-time trainer? How can the athletic department run to its full potential with a one-man office and a part-time staff? The student body isn't much better. I agree with Dzilc when he said that there is no pride for the program even among athletes. It's also true that other people from rival schools do take more pride in our school's program then we do. I have seen it. Other colleges are so eager to beat us. They show so much dedication andwillingness to win. Ourteamsjustdon't compare to some schools dedication and wi1lingness to win. WE as a STUDENT BODY have to realize that this is our school and we should take pride in it. We should take pride in our teams and support them becausewedohave one of the best programs around this area. I'm on -the volleyball team and when I· play I am so embrassed seeing more people from another school in our gym than our own people. ,There is a need for change on. the part of the administration and the students. When the administration recognizes the importance of an athletic department and its facilities to a growing college and the students start supporting and taking pride in Cabrini and each other, then we can say we have a great department.
lou monaco April 3rd, 1989: Early afternoon. Pat Zipfel and I were coming back from the mall, when I decided to stop at the local news store and pick up a copy of the Philadelphia Daily News. Of course. I immediately · turned to the back page --the sports section. As my eyes glanced upwards, I saw one of the best sports headlines ever in print. It said, "MAY BEST DREAM WIN." I turned to Pat, siniled and said, "Damn, that's good!" That headline summed up all the emotions, all the feelings, all the adrenaline that goes into a NCAA championship game. There is nothing like it in the world. On this night, two teams with incredi?le stories and individuals, took to the Kingdome hard-court in Seattle to participate in what is known as ''The Game.'' Seton Hall University -- South Orange, New Jersey. A team led by an Austrailian and a Puerto Rican, Andrew Gaze and Ramon Ramos. A backcourt, led by two New York City born kids who know how to play ball city-style, John Morton and Gerald Greene. Last, but not least, a kid by the name of Darryl Walker, whose middle name is
Midnight -- Championship Over: As people watched the first 35 minutes of this game, you could get a sense that Seton Hall was about ready to explode. They clawed back, from deficit after deficit, but just couldn't pull the trigger. Then, as if P.J. said, "Fellas, Hit It!," Seton Hall had tied the game and all of America was ready for an overtime period. They aachievedthis by relentless defense, determination, John Morton and an incredible drive not to give up. · Michigan, on the other hand, led the entire game and just like that, they realized they were in the battle of their lives. Robinson and Rice were unstoppable during the
Cabrini Cavaliers Scoreboard
I Results
Men's Volleyball 3/19 3/21
3 3 3
3/30 4/2
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
Temple 2 Sp. Garden 1 Haverford 1 Lehigh forfeited
Men's Tennis 3/21 3/28
Cabrini Cabrini
Women'sSoftball 3/28
7 7 7
Cabrini Cabrini
Wesley Wesley
GoH 3/28
Pharmacy 0
I Schedule Men's.Volleyball Sat. 419 ClubChampionships 9 am. Villanova'sJake Nevin Fteldhouse
Men's Tennis Sat. 418 Mon.4/10 Wed. 4112
Frostburg NeumannEastem
home 1 p.m. home3:30 p.m.
away 3 p.m.
Women'sSoftball Sat. 4/8 Wed. 4112
Marywood Allentown
home 2 p.m.
home 3 p.m.
Golf Mon. 4/10
Thrus. 4/13
SpringGardenhome 1 p.m. and Allentown Allentown away 2 p.m.
Feet from 12
Stressing the importance of foot care should be practiced year round, but is highlighted during the month of May. May marks the national celebration of National Foot Health Month. In Philadelphia and the surrounding area, Foot Health Month is sponsored by the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine. The college is located at 8th and Race streets in Philadelphia. Events which are to take place are a children's foot health fair and a sports medicine seminar. The children's fair is on Tuesday, May 20, and is geared toward children begame, but somehow tween the ages of three and five. They are THEHALLJUSTWOULDNOTDIE. able to get their feet screened by the podopeThe overtime period was something that diatric staff at the college. The day also will be remembered for a long time. Back includes visits from a clown, a storyteller and forth they went. It was like an Ali- and snacks. This event is free. Frazier fight. Nobody wanted to give up. Another highlight is the sports medicine Seton Hall grabbed the lead by Morton's seminar. Here, athletes can get their feet incredible shooting, but back came Robinson screened, and the sports medicine staff will and The Wolverines to regain the lead. detennine if the athletes are wearing the Seconds remaining with The Hall up by proper shoe for the sport that they play. A one, Michigan drives down court and Greene, shoe salesperson will also be on hand to who turned 23 today, felt like he was just display his sneaker inventory. The dates for born and FOULEDRumeal Robinson with this event are Saturday, May 20, by appointthree seconds showing on the clock. ment only, and Fridays in May, also by Robinson, with ice in his veins, parents appointment. This seminar is free. To call watching and millions of people clinging to for an appointment for either event, the their television sets, NAILED both free number is 629-0300 extension 218. throws like it was nothing and put Michigan The college is also offering free foot on top, 80-79. screenings to the public during May. For The Hall still had a chance for their faith- more infonnation call The Foot and Ankle ful in Jersey. Institute at 215-238-6600. Ramos throws downcourt, Walker Donna Dougherty, senior, is an intern grabs it, let's one fly ....... . in the Public Relations department at the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric MediYou know the rest. This game did not cine. She is the foot health month coordinadeserve a loser, but one had to go home with tor. the title: Champion. ''I think that most people do not recognize That was Michigan. the importance of proper foot care. The feet The other had to go back to the quiet are often taken for granted until a problem confines of South Orange, heads up high, develops. That is why Foot Health Month for they accomplished something that few carries such a powerful message. The month can lay claim to: they were in the NCAA gives people the opportunity to get their feet championship. screened and, at the same time. reminds them What else is there? of this valuable and necessary need,"Dougherty said.
Straight from Monaco's Mouth Defense. The "father-figure" of this surprise: P.J.Carlesimo. Amanwhoalmosthad the title of Unemployed, instead of head coach, one year ago. The University of Michigan -- Ann Arbor. A team who has always had the talent to get to the big show, but just didn't have the boss to lead them to the promised land. The days of Bill Frieder are long gone. On this night, Steve Fisher had the ball and it was up to him to shoot it. His supporting cast: Glen Rice -- a possible twin of Michael Jordan? Rumeal Robinson -- a leader in his own right. TerryMillsandLoyVaught-the first ever twin "Round Mounds Of Rebound.'' Sean Higgins -- simply a phenom. The stage is set, the crowd is beginning to file in and as Tone Loe says, "Let's do it!"
friday1apr. 7, 1989
AthleticDepartmentleft out in the cold by Johanna Church The Athletic Department is getting what it asked for: new tennis courts. The onJy problem is that the planning and building of those courts up until now has had no input from anyone involved in athletics on campus. "No one from the institution in temtS of physical plant or more importantly the architect in charge of the design has ever contacted me to see if I have any feelings or interests,'' said John Dzik, Director of Athletics. "I think I should be involved in the planning of any project on this campus that would directly affect athletic facilities and I would like to have the Athletic Department put their two cents in.'' Dzik is concerned about the specific details of the court such as the topcoat surface, fencing, lighting, and so forth. '' Since the tennis courts are not totally constructed, I've approached the Director of Physical Plant, Mike Caranfa, and went over schematics with him," Dzik said. "I was very concerned about
The tennis courts, undergoing construction, are located to the right of the mansion,(photo by Marian Armstrong) the actual surfacing of the courts consulted by either Cabrini or Dan happy. and I was assured by Caranfa that Daggat, the architect, about the When Mary Ellen Herzog, Dithere would be the proper topping courts. His tennis experience rector of Development, was asked on the courts." includes the planning of several about the architect's communicaTennis coach Reggie Day was courts for various clubs. tion with the Athletic Department, as uninvolved in the planning of the Lack of communication seems she said "I'm sure he talked to courts as Dzik. Day, too, was not to be the reason athletics is not so John Dzik, but I'm also sure he
probably talked to some of the coaches or some of the students as well." Diane Kolodzirski, Director of . Public Relations, said that Daggat did do a lot of consulting with faculty and staff, but it was concerning the major campus projects like Grace Hall and the new parking lot. Kolodzinski is wondering why athletics has concerns for construction of the courts. "It's a pretty simple job to build tennis courts," she said. She also said that tennis courts are basically standard and the subcontractor specializes in that type of work. She feels that athletics could have been consulted if Dzik would have taken the initiative to call the architect a long time ago, when no on came to him first. "I know that they (the architect and the subcontractor) have been very responsive to the schools needs, and if someone from athletics would have taken the initiative and gottenthe number and called them, I'm sure they would have helped out," Kolodzinski said.
Yourfeet are notjust made for walking by Felicia Falcone
care, attention, medical diagnosis and treatment. Some common foot problems are athletes foot, blisters, sprains, tendinitis, calluses and warts. Athletes foot is caused by a fungal infection, which usually begins between the toes and can spread to other areas of the foot. Dr. William Sanner, an assistant professor at the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine, said that athletes foot is more common during the summer months because of high humidity. Sanner recommended that powder be kept in shoes and that shoes and socks be changed frequently. Another solution for athletes foot is to place shoes outside in the sun to air them out and rid them of the fungus. Blisters are fluid-filled cushions caused by damage to the top layer of skin due to a friction from shoes or socks or an allergic reaction to shoe materials. The best treatment
for blisters is to rub tincture of Benzoine on them and cover with moleskin. The moleskin will stay on for about one week and then naturally fall off. Do not pop a blister because then there is more of a chance of infection. To prevent blisters from fonning, rub Vaseline on a blister-prone area. Sprains are common running injuries caused by a soft tissue disruption in which the bone itself is not damaged. Proper care will allow an ankle sprain to heal fully. Sometimes, sprains can be worse than fractures because ligaments may be tom. Ligaments are necessary to stop the joints from going beyond their nonnal ranges of motion. Any time a ligament is sprained or stretched, the joint may remain unstable unless it is repaired surgically. "A sprain should be treated right away because if it isn't, it develops into something worse. There are different grades of ankle sprains, but there is always a tom ligament,'' said Dr. William Martin, Medical Director of the Pennsylva-
nia College of Podiatric Medicine, the Foot and Ankle Institute. The 6'4" forward is racing down the Tendinitis is an inflammation of the tencourt, anxious to get the ball mthe basket. don, and it plagues most athletes. SympHe is unaware of the throbbing in his right toms of tendinitis include an aching or ankle. He reaches the basket, leaps up and grating sensation near any of the tendons of sinks the ball in, as a cheer goes up from the the lower leg and feet, swelling and crowd. He comes down hard on his right tenderness. If the Achilles tendon is foot, now fully aware of the throbbing pain. affected, a heel lift must be used to relieve As he limps off of the court, he realizes that strain or stress on the tendon. If this fails, whatever the problem is, he should have had surgery may be necessary. it checked out. Calluses are caused by friction between Later in the week, he goes to the doctor bone and underlying soft tissue, such as fat who·tells him that he has a tom ligament in and skin, and the surrounding surface, like his foot and so ends his basketball playing the inside of a shoe. The tissue is subjected for the rest of the season. The doctor also to friction and forms a thick layer. Calluses adds that if he would have come in sooner, may form on other parts of the foot, and are the problem could have been treated and he best treated by a podiatrist, who will find the would be able to play. The basketball player underlying cause and correct it. shakes his head and walks out of the office. Warts are caused by a viral infection. Foot problems are the third most They look like callouses or corns. There is common ailment among Americans today, pain because the nerves are being pinched. yet very few people seek treatment for these Many go away by themselves, but some tend problems. We depend on our to spread. Treatment for warts can feet to take us where we want range from over-the-counter preto go, but usually don't think scriptions to extensive treatment about them until they hurt. from a podiatrist. Actually, feet are more Sanner said,"I don't recommend than a means of getting from an acid treatment for warts, beone place to another. The feet cause it could be dangerous. If the support the rest of the body acid treatment is used, it should be and whatever causes trouble used under supervision." for the feet can cause trouble in All of these, and other problems other parts of the body, especan be prevented if the feet are cially the back, knees, hips and taken care of properly. neck. Feet keep the body "There is no real type of aligned. They maintain balmaintenance for foot care. Keepance and mobility. ing feet clean and wearing proper The foot is one of the most slioes are important. If there is a complicated parts of the huproblem which persists, the paman body. Each foot has 26 tient should be evaluated. People bones, along with ligaments, have a tendency to ignore sympmuscles, nerves and blood toms until they develop into an vessels. The foot is subjected infection," Martin said. to more pressure and injuries These problems are common, than any other part of the body. but are in no way minor ones, Unconciously, people especially when they hinder choose the wrong footwear, everyday life or athletic performignore pain and don't seek ance. Most of these problems can treatment for problems right be prevented, and all of them are st able to be corrected. away. Mo foot problems Many people are unaware of the fact that the foot is one of the most important and most complicated can be prevented with proper parts of the human body .. (photo by Kristen Kroll.) More feet on 11