friday, apr. 21, 1989
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
vol. XXXV, no.20
Degreessparkcontroversialviews Seniorscelebratefinalfarewell by Kelly McGillan "I have gone on several interviews and they didn't seem to be turned off. Actually they've seemed pleasantly surprised that I've gone to a relatively small school with personal attention,'' said Stephanie Giardini, a senior English/communications major and business administration minor. However others are not so confident about their degrees from Cabrini. Rosemarie Francesconi, a junior, who has just registered for her last year of classes said, '' I am afraid that I will not get a job, primarily because I don't think that too many people have heard about Cabrini overall." As graduation and summer approaches, seniors are looking for jobs, sophomores and juniors are sending out resumes for co-op positions in their fields, and many are questioning their credentials as a graduate or student of Cabrini College. "Big name schools tend to have a slight advantage. There's no getting around that," said Donna Seckar, director of career counseling, "Cabrini students have the background to help them, they have the leadership roles that give them hands-on experience, and that's theirresponsibility to sell to the employer." "Big name schools are a dime a dozen, I think that businesses want to learn more about smaller colleges," said Giardini. Stephanie Blose, senior social work major, said even though Cabrini is a small school, students can compete because there is more teacher involvement. "I think it strengthens my knowledge for Picturedleft to right: CherylBeam, senior, Karen Sieg/,senior, TammyKelly,junior and CourtenayLyell, a degree in an area that the employer knows freshman. For morepictures from the Spring Formalsee page 7. there has been personal education," she said. Terry Smith, senior elementary education major, said that he felt that his degree from Cabrini will definitely help him find a job. ''I think that Cabrini has one of the best pro- expressed that she was surprised that only more transferring to the University of five. grams in this area." a fair amount of prospective students Delaware. "On a scale of one to 10, I feel Seckar said, "Some interviews are prejuSmith, who has talked to other teachers in inquire more about degrees, and opportuni- that the importance of a degree rates a six. diced and only wantto consider people'from the field program said that they've felt more ties for careers. Delaware is a better-known school with the Wharton, or people whose grade point is required at Cabrini than at other colleges. Bridget Collins, a sophomore tranfer opportunity for me to move up in academic averages are above a 3.5, they don't give Nancy Malone, administrative assistant in the graduate office, said that Cabrini has student from St. Francis College of Loretto, standards.' ' others a chance and therefore, they could be many inquiries into their graduate program said that she came to Cabrini because she felt Lisa Kantor, senior secondary loosing out." from teachers in the Philadelphia area who that a degree from Cabrini in communicaeducation major, disagrees. "You can get "Some employers are stuck on themhave heard about Cabrini from the student tions would benefit her because the depart- a good undergraduate degree anywhere, I selves and they have sterotypes that to be teaching program. ment is so well-known. don't think it matters the size of the school.'' smart you have to be from a big school. Many students said that they hadn't ''To a point, a degree from Cabrini inhibKantor also felt that when an employer That's their own fault. I don't want to work thought about job opportunities with a degree from Cabrini when they were apply- its because it is not as well-known outside looks at a resume they really don't look at for someone like that," said Giardini. ing. Nancy Gardner, directorof admissions, of this area," said Jill Carberry, a sopho- the school unless it's Harvard, or in the top
inside perspectives ...... 2, 3
All dressed up and
news.......... 4, 8, 9, 10
SOMEwhere to go!
Wrap-Up of volleyball season
features .......... 5, 6, 7
(See page 7)
(see page 11)
sports.............. 11, 12
friday, apr. 21, 1989
Uproar over housing The students of Cabrini College, more specifically the upperclassmen guys, are up in arms over the lottery. Claims of unfairness and discrimination have been noted as a new housing system was born. To start with, the reason there was a change in the housing situation was due to the vandalism and lack of respect for the male residences. The problem had to be solved so the idea of having special interest houses and a stipulation that no one can live in a house with fines exceeding $ 100 was approved. The major problem rests with House 7 and the proposal that was submitted by 26 men, many of whom are current freshmen. Juniors are complaining because now there is only one other house that will be open to them and that is House 3. If they don't get into that house the only other choice will be tripled rooms in Xavier. Is it fair to triple up men during their senior year? The men in House 1 and House 4 claim they never received the paper explaining the new system, yet the RA' s say they were handed out a week or more before the due date. The men say they never knew that they could submit a proposal for a special interst house until the day it was due. A cry of ''Seniority'' has been heard throughout the college as freshman take over prime housing space. There will only be four more freshmen men entering houses this year as compared to last year but the men of last year had to enter the lottery, whereas the freshmen of this year get into a house free and clear. One major complaint is the fact that displaced women were allowed to choose a new place to live before the lottery yet the men from all residences were not given this chance. Some feel that House 7 was already approved as the guys special interest house before the proposal was even written up because it was made specifically with them in mind. The claim is that the men who will be residing in House 7 were hand picked by John Doyle and had an advantage of knowing ahead of time about the special interest house option. The men who came up with this proposal, which was said to be fantastic because it was lengthy, indepth and sited 25 specific programs to accomplish, say they took advantage of a great opportunity and made it work for them. The campus is split and everyone seems to be taking sides. What type of spirit will we have next year if everyone is mad about where and with whom_ they are living or not living with? Maybe the best thing to do would be to totally uproot everyboby, every year and start from scratch.
Lack of publicity upsets theater To the Editor: The Cabrini Theater has weathered a very troubled and tragic year. Not only have we had to deal with the sudden, untimely death of Jeanne Russell Fisher in May, 1988, but weagainhad to find the strength tocontinue on after the death of our new director, Brian Morgan, this past February. Through all of this we still managed to produce "Winnie the Pooh" during the fall semester and were busy rehearsing ''The Odd Couple" when Brian died. We could have given up, but in the tradition of "the show must go on," we overcame our grief and pressed forward. We rehearsed on our own with Jacqui Ricci, our stage manager, watching over us until Mary Anne Morgan, Brian's wife, stepped in to direct us. We lost some rehearsal time in the transition. Our set had_to be modified, and props were borrowed from any source that would donate. By opening night, we had pulled together a terrific show that both Jeanne and Brian would have been proud of. So, where was the audience? Our first three shows were far from sellouts. There was one very important reason forthis. LACKOF PUBLICITY. We have always relied on the public relations department and the Loquitur to let the world know what we are doing. This year we were sadly
let down by both. The publicity given to the area newspapers did not appear until after the majority of the performances had been held. This made for full houses the last two days of the show, but it did not bring in the audiences for the first three performances where we sat 20 to 30 people in a theater that holds 90. But the public relations department is not alone in the neglect of the theater. The Loquitur did not give us anything more than a few lines in the update section; a section that few read apparently. I realize that theater is not a top priority with many students on campus, but I didn't know it extended to the Loquitur. A small article somewhere about our star-crossed production appears to me to be newsworthy. The fact that Mary Anne stepped in to save our show certainly makes good copy. Even a picture with a caption would have been enough. So where was the feature? Where was the review of our efforts? Where was the photograph? Just when we really needed help and lots of support, we were left out in the cold. It's really a shame that the Loquitur saw fit to ignore us. You missed one hell of a great show. Sincerely, Ruth Santoni, senior Continuing Education
Good feelings and fun discovered during Hand-in-Hand at St. Joe's lisa brzezicki
When Kerry Gallagher asked me what I was doing on Saturday, April 8, I replied with the usual, dull answer. "Not much. I'll probably do homework all day." However, little did I know, that what Kerry would ask me next would leave me with a very special feeling in my heart. ''Do you want to go to the Hand-in-Hand festival at St. Joe's for the mentally handicapped?" "Sure, why not?" It was something to do, right? I mean, who really wants to spend a Saturday doing homework? Besides, Kerry said it would be a lot of fun. And it was. When we arrived at St. Joe's, I felt a little apprehensive. I had heard about Hand-inHands before, but never experienced one. All kinds of thoughts ran through my head. What will I do if something happens? What if the "special" person I was paired off with didn't like me? What if ...? I think my biggest fear was letting my friend for the day down. I wanted to make sure that he/she had a good time; that it was a day to be remembered. We took our seats in a classroom, fully equipped with a free T-shirt, a booklet that explained the day's events and a complimentary danish. We waited for someone to brief us on what was expected of us during the day. As I sat, munching on my danish, a feeling of excitement overcame me. I hadn't even met my "special" friend yet, but I already knew that the day would be successful. There was so much joy in the air. After we left the classroom, we went to the Fieldhouse where we were "linked up" with our "special" friends. My feelings of nervousness immediate Iy left me when I saw the smiles and heard the laughter. As it turned out, Kerry and I were '' linked up" with the same person. Her name was Beth Ann Miller, and it is her smile that 1will remember forever. I don't think I've ever met a more friendly or lovable person in my life. Besides introducing Kerry and I to some of the most handsome men we had ever seen, Beth had the great ability to introduce herself to someone and always leave him/her with a smile. Her love for life was evident in everything she did and said, especially when she yelled "Whoo-eee!" after a good-looking guy would pass by. She was constantly hugging me and telling me she loved me. In fact, she told everyone she met that day that she loved them. I immediately became her friend and she became mine. After the DJ played the song "That's What Friends Are For," she continued to sing it for the rest of the day. It became a
theme for the three of us. Because of the inclement weather, everything was held inside. But, it didn't matter. Nothing could put a damper on the events that were taking place. Throughout the day, we were the indivisible three: Beth, Kerry and me, Stu. (Beth couldn't remember my name.) We played games, listened to music, colored in our Tshirts, danced and ate. I had so much fun sharing my day with Beth, that I was shocked, as well as disappointed, when it was time for her to board her bus. Again, she hugged me several times and told me she loved me. ''Well,'' she said putting her hand on my shoulder. "It's that time. We have to say goodbye.'' At first, I didn't kn0w what to say. Goodbye just didn't make any sense. I mean, only a few hours earlier that same day I had made a new friend, and already I had to say goodbye. Goodbye, most likely, forever. I never thought I would feel the way I do today. I was so concerned with what kind of day Beth would have, that I never stopped to consider the lasting effect it would have on me. The day was brought to a close when the Hand-in-Hand staff assembled their guests together to sing the theme song for the day, "Put a Little Love in Your Heart." To me, this was the perfect song because that is exactly what Beth did. She filled my heart, as well as my life, with more than a little love. I can only hope that I did the same for her.
Edttor- Denise Civa
Managing Editor/ Copy Editor: Kerry Gallagher News Editors: LaTonya Lucas and Lisa Brzezodu Assistant News EditO<S: Marian Armstrong and Johanna Church PerspectivesEdto<: Roe Wellman Assistant Perspectives Editor: Felicia Falcone Features Editor: Lee Mirenda Assistant Features EditO<S: Bob Bonner and Batbara Wilson Sports Editor: Paula Phillips
Assistant Sports Editors: Lou Monaco and Kelli Rudden WrmngCoach: Jeoni Obrecht Business Manager: AngleCorbo Assistant: Kelly McGillan Photography EditO<S:Karen Siegf and Mike Stevenson PhotographyAdviser: Or. Carter Craigie Adviser:
Dr.Jerome Zurek
Staff: Marian Armstrong. Jim Bligh, Bob Bonner, Johanna Church. Frank Emmerich, Felicia Falcone, DoaneGlancey, Sue Holefelder, StephanteHornyak. Carlo Iacono. Melissa Landsmann,Kelly McGilan, MelissaMiddleman, Lou Monaco. Nick Ostrowski, Chris Pesotski, Kelly Reed, Chrisy Roach, Kelli Rudden, Sharlene Sephton, Karen Shank, Linda Smisko, Leonora Veterano, Barbara Wilson Photography Staff: Marian Armstrong, , Knstin Kroll, Jeff Moore, Steve Pascall, Ande Romano Loquitix ospublished~ during the sd1oOI year by students of Cabnni College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 21!>-971-13412. Subscrip110n price Is $25 per year and is 1ndudedin the benefrts secured by tuition and student lees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known 10 the editors. However, d lhe writer wishes. and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left oil the letter upon publication and an inscnption inserted such as "'name withheld al lhe request of the write,." l.atters should be typed, double-spaced. and no more than 300 words in length. tt a letter is too long for the available space, lhe editor may edit or condense it. Letters to the edttor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views ol the student edttorial staff and the Individualwriters and not the entwestudent body or the !acuity and administration. Loquilur is established as a forum rorstudent expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robull. free and open discussion ol
friday, apr. 21, 1989
Experiencing the adventureof N0w York'ssubways by Theresa Howe You should always hold your breath when you descend the dark steps to the subway. If you allow yourself to breathe in the noxious stench you '11 lose your breath immediately anyway. If you must breathe, it 1s best to breathe through your mouth. "'Scuse me mam, you got any change?" he says, as he jingles his cup in my face. "Sorry, I don't have any change." I hate lying to them all, but you never know if they're just going to use the money for crack or booze like the guy I met the time in the Village; at least he was honest. But even if I wanted to, I wouldn't have enough money for everyone who asks me. And it's not that I don't want to, it's just that there are so many of "them" out there --the nameless and the faceless. God, so many more than last year! They make me feel so helpless. "BEEEEP! BEEEEP! BEEEEP!" Train's coming! You should always try to have a token ready in case you do have make a run for it. Of course today I don't.
"Damn! " Why is it so hard to platform so you 're not going to fit the token in the slot whenever have to force yourself onto the first you're in a rush? Then of course car. One experience crushed in a your bag always gets stuck going standing position early in the mornthrough the turnstile. ing taught me. Guess I'll just have to wait for • 'This is the G train to Contithe next train. nental A venue. Classon A venue is "Wish me a good day." next. Please step in and watch the "Excuse me?" closing doors." "Wish me a good day," the "Bing! "Bing! disheveled creature said to me It's probably best not to look at again. other people when you're on the "Uhhh, I hope you have a good train or at least don't make · it day," I replied, not knowing what obvious that you're looking at else to say, or rather, not knowing them. Now I usually bring a book or whattosay that shemightleaveme I shut my eyes and pretend to be alone. sleeping. "I need to make a phone call. "Wish me a good day." Do you have a dime or a quarter Obviously she didn't buy my you can spare?" sleeping act. "Sorry, I don't have any "I already told you on the change." platform I don't have any change." She walks up to someone else, What else could I say? I tried not to giving the same, little pitch. I have be too abrupt. to admit, it was original, and it did "Well, I hope you have a rotten throw me off guard for a moment. day! I hope you drop dead!" Ahh, thank goodness, here comes I don't know whether I should another train. bother to be angry, but I'm trying The noise of the train coming hard not to laugh in her face. I don't gets so loud you almost HA VE TO want to "set her off." So I say SHOUT YQUR OWN nothing else, and instead, try humTHOUGHTS, but, who is thinking ming to myself that cheerful little that much in the morning anyway? jingle, "I love New York!" You should always make sure Actually, I'm beginning to get, you walk far enough down on the used to these repeat approaches.
Mad moneyacquiredby clipping,usingcoupons by Carolyn Leonard Coupon clipping is occasionally equated with cheapness, perhaps a penny-pinching practice, which inevitably saves money for an individual, while spending the time and patience of others in the checkout line. I beg to differ on the grounds that coupons are part of our society's big sale theory, which is acceptable with every other type of purchase except food. Everyone loves a bargain, everbody loves a sale. Everything from fumitire to jewelry to books to vacations to homes can be purchased at a reduced price. Clothing is probably the leading favorite sale item of all time. Even cars are rarely bought at sticker price. The automobile showroom banter is a familiar site; you keep the salesman running to the manager to settle on a price as you weasel your way to a less expensive tag price. If all other basics (clothing, shelter, transportation) are purchased at optimum prices, why not food? Coupons put food on sale instantly, and they couldn't be easier to find or use. What could be simpler? You receive them in the mail and newspaper, clip them, carry them, and hand them over to the cashier. And here in the tri-state area, Acme doubles coupons! Personally, I'd rather not willingly hand over an extra $5 of my money, which is my average amount saved on my weekly $20 groceries. Five dollars a week adds up to a sizable sum in a year or more, so I decided after every shopping excursion I'd stash in a glass jug the money I would have spent without coupons. It is my "mad money" with which I plan to do something fun. Using coupons is a small aspect of a bigger theme, which boils down to the fact
that it's my money, I worked very hard for that money, and I' II do my best to keep as much of it as possible. Although coupons afford that opportunity, like most things, moderation is key. A moderate, middle-of-the-road approach does not include fanatical extremes like doing without an important grocery item because you don't have an appropriate coupon, or coupon clubs where excessive amounts of time and energy are spent cutting, swapping, bartering and discussing coupons. A practical approach also does not include buying unnecessary items simply because it's a bargain. Mail-in coupons involve more time and effort and can be a big hassle with small returns. As a three-year veteran of this effort, I recommend the arrives-in-the-mail, clipand-carry, you 're-crazy-or-lazy-not-to-usethem variety. Remember "A fool and his money are soon parted," so recognize grocery stores for what they are--a catalyst in parting you and your money. Coupons can be a buffer. I'll leave you with a few thoughts: In September, when summer is winding down, and the fall semester is starting up, I'll have the difficult decision of choosing where and how my 18 months of coupon savings will be spent--one month's rent, one graduate class at Cabrini, three months of car insurance or an emerald and diamond fine-point ring with plenty left for a night on the town and still enough for a worthy charity. The last option is looking better and better! Finally, there's a fine line betweeen practicality and pettiness and a fine line between always paying premium prices and plain foolishness. The choice is yours.
I'm not sure if they are beginning to try this with everyone, or just young, white females with your basic "'all American, 'post-punk', asymmetrical, 'Muffy-ish ', Godplease don't use that word yuppie,'' hairstyle, which seems to convey that I have lots of spare change. Then again, maybe its just the fact that I speak English, a particular rarity on the G train. There was that old guy at 42nd St., who came up to me three times while waiting on the platform, until finally I shoved a dollar in his hand and practically yelled at him to just leave me alone. Then he comes back up to me, when I'm standing by the trash dumpster, and asks me to move somewhere else because he needs to relieve himself anct also wants some privacy. God, I really don't know how these people· survive. But, its times like these I think I ought to wear a sing reading: "Please do not ask me for change -- I myself am in debt over $15,000 from student loans, and right now I am living on baked potatoes and Kraft macaroni and cheese. And furthermore, I've already spent 18 months as a volunteer counselor with homeless kids. Thank you and God bless you anyway." At the point, the very idea of
travelling an hour and a half to intern at a psychological hospital in Queens seems utterly ludicrous. Sometimes I sit here and think somebody ought to just "Krazy Glue" thesecardoorsshutandturn the G train into a mobile psychologu unit because a lot of the people on this train are far worse off than any of the patients as Hollis wood. But they don't have any insurance so they couldn't get into a place like Holliswood even if they wanted to. As far as some of the other characters go, you don't have to bother reading the paper on the train, unless you 're reading the comics because chances are, one of those crack dealers President Bush is quoted as vowing to eliminate, is asleep next to you., if he's not trying to read "The Far Side" over your shoulder. That's why these days, when heading through Bedford-Stuyvesant on the train, it's best to do aS1he rappers do, and wear headphones. That way you can block out the sounds, as well as the sights. ''This is the G train through heU. There are no other stops. Please step in and watch the closing doors.'' "Bing! Bing!"
Inadequacyand shortcomingso abrinilibraryfrustratesstudent by Kerry M. Gallagher It is proclaimed as National Library Awareness Month. There are plenty of activities taking place over at the library, but what really do we at Cabrini have to celebrate? As far as I'm concerned, nothing. I think it is a crying shame that our library is so sorely lacking. How can we continue to increase the size of our enrollment at such a rapid pace, yet not provide a quality facility for these students to successfully pursue their studies here? We all know the reply I will get from this question ... "It's in the Master Plan." You want to know my response? Sure, that's great for Cabrini students 10 years down the line, but it's not good enough for me. I'm out of here in two weeks--at least done my college studies. The library has been a constant source of grief and frustration to me overthe years, and I feel I must air these grievances. First of all, I have to admitthat I probably am luckierthan many of the other students here. I have had a car during all four years, and have thus been able to take advantage of the opportunity to visit other libraries in the area. My main sources of comfort are the libraries at Villanova University and St.Joseph's University. I guess I have become unfairly biased by comparing these large schools to our own. I am presently working on a very inv(?lved paper due at the end of this month for Mr. Hedtke. The research I found on my topic at Cabrini's library was next to nothing. For awhile, I thought I might actually be able to get some work done on this paper at our library, when I began to use the microfilms of The New Yorl:cTimes. However, my excitement was short-Jived. The printer was malfunctioning and I was not able to print any of the articles I had found I, painstakingly, copied by hand several pages of notes from the microfilm. The assistant librarian was of no assistance to me at all. When I asked her about the problem, she went off saying she would be bac.kin a minute with a tool to fix it, or to at least open up the change bucket and reimburse me. She never came back, nor did she ever reimburse me. While not all of the assistants over there are so unhelpful, many are. I come away with the feeling, quite often, that a few of them are not very competent at their job. I ask them where to look for a particular item, and they haven't got a clue. (I amnot referring to student employees here, but, rather, paid assistants, who I think should know what they are doing.) My search for infonnation for this big paper led me to Villanova's library on a rainy Saturday night. Would you believe I found seven Cabrini students thereon a weekend night at 8 p.m.? (Their library closes at 9 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights.) I found that their refuge there was a result of two things. One, obviously, that they were unable to locate the material they needed at Cabrini• s library. And. two, that our library did not keep the hours opened that the students needed It's National Library Awareness Month. Let's be aware of what our library bas, and doesn't have, to offer, and make a concerned effon to push for a better library for brini students ...of the future.
fridaY, apr. 21, 1989
Graduateschool:a stepping stonein highereducation by Leonora Veterano
Campus Memorial Mass--There will be a mass in memory of Brian Morgan on Sunday, April 30, at I0:30 a.m. in the chapel. Gospelrama--Join gospel singers and the Black Student Alliance on Saturday, April 29, at 6 p.m. in the chapel. All are welcome. Admission is $3. Photographs Needed-- "Cryptic," the college's literary magazine, is in need of phototgraphs (nature, sunsets, people, etc.). Pictures can be put in box 26 or Lisa Brzezicki's mailbox in the news-room. Library Awards Presentation--There will be awards presented on Tuesday, April 25, from4 to4:30 p.m. on the lawn of the library to the winnerofthe In Search Of...A Library Challenge quiz. There will be cash prizes of $50 to the first place winner, $35 to the second place winner, and $15 to the third place winner. There will also be awards presented to the winners of the photography contest and the library's outstanding student assistant. There will also be two "surprise" awards presented. Light snack foods and drinks will be available. This celebration will cap off the end of library month.
World Warsaw- The independent, self-governing Polish trade union Solidarity is legal again. For the second time, it has become the only free trade union in the Soviet bloc. Beijing- Thousands of Chinese students staged an emotional sit-in on the steps of a national monument in central Beijing, calling for democracy and demanding the resignations of officials. 'Mexico City- Hundreds of thousands of dissident teachers walked out of public schools in a wildcat strike to press demands for a l 00 percent pay increase and for the ouster of pro-government union leaders. Masada-ISRAELI- Hundreds of Arab residents marched through villages in the Golan Heights and set up burning roadblocks to protest Israeli controlofthearea, which was captured fromSyriain 1967 and annexed in 198 l.
Graduate school: an institution which offers education beyond the undergraduate level, courses that lead to the master's or doctor's degree. Depending on the type of field you may be going into a graduate degree, master's or doctoral, could be a stepping stone in a higher level job. "A MBA for accounting will take you futher in this job market as well as earn you more money in the future," said career- guidance counselor, Donna Seckar. Some companies will even go so far as to pay part of a student's tuition in graduate school. This type of procedure is known as tuition re-admission. Hercules Incorporated is one such company which provides this particular service. Hercules (formerly Hercules Powder Company) is a multinational chemical corporation that converts waste or low-value raw materials into industrial chemicals. The company's field of recruitment includes such areas aschemical, mechanical and electrical engineering; materials and polymer science; chemistry. Hercules Incorporated conducts a nationwide recruiting program, which offers educational grants. Another company which offers a tmt1on re-admission opportunity is the Chase Manhattan Corporation, often called Chase (USA). Chase (USA) is part of Chase's Individual Banking
Operation. There are many other corporations or companies which do offer the opportunity of tuition re-admissions, "but students should ask about this when going on their job interviews," said Seckar. Here at Cabrini the graduate program offers advanced training in the field of teaching. A Masterof Education degree requires approximately 30credits with two program options. Option I offers 12 credits of electives and option II offers three credits of electives and nine credits of required, research course work, including writing a thesis, which may be appealing to those interested in future doctoral level work. "With so many women returning to the work force, a teaching degree is very popular at this time," said adminstrative assistant, Mauria Gustafson. "On the educational level, a graduate degree can certainly be a benefit.'' The admission requirement at Cabrini is a "B" average in overall undergraduate studies and a letter of recommendation from a professor or employer who is familiar with the work of the applicant. Cabrini graduate student and athletic director, John Dzik said, "Having a degree does open certain doors in the job market that would otherwise be closed.'' But Dzik also feels that a degree is not as important as most people make it seem. "In my opinion when it comes to getting a doctorate degree, I just
feel it's for those people who enjoy going to class," said Dzik. But for freshman, Laura Collamosca, graduate school is definitely in the works for her after college. "When I graduate from Cabrini, I would like to go to the University of Penn for a doctorate degree in child psychology," said Collamosca. Collamosca feels that going to graduate school could open a lot of doors as far as economics go and higher positions which would be available. "Besides, having that doctorate degree separates you from the rest who don't have one, said Colamosa. "It shows real effort." Commuter, Michelle Ciccarone, would also like to attend graduate school at Villanova when she graduates from Cabrini. Ciccarone feels that with the degree she is getting from Cabrini that she wiJl not be able to make an adequate. income in the political science field. "I think that everyone should go to graduate school in order to enjoy their education, because you 're going to be working for the rest of your life, when you get out,'' said Ciccarone. Ciccarone would like to get a doctor's degree in graduate school. But according to philosophy professor, Dr.Joseph Romano, graduate school is not for everyone. "Graduate school is a decision you must think hard about and you have to know what your doing," said Romano. ·
Smokeout sparks mixed feelings on campus by Kelli Rudden
On November 17, 1988, some evident changes took place on Cabrini's campus. This day, as mostofusmayremember, was The Great American Smokeout. Cabrini College did its part. First and foremost, the cafeteria was smoke free, as of that day. "No smoking" s-igns that hung on the walls and columns in the cafe were unveiled in time for breakfast. When the largest meal crowd sauntered in at lunch to discover the signs, smokers could be heard grumbling to themselves and friends. However, some things other than the smoke in the cafeteria began to disappear. From outside the cafeteria, right after snatching away the leisure of smoking in tr.e cafeteria, someone snatched the cigarette machine. Service America was called in to take their machine away. Susan Fitzgerald, director of health services put in that call. "Since there was no smoking in the cafeteria any more, it seemed inappropriate for it to be there," Fitzgerald said. It may have been inappropriate for it to be in front of the cafeteria, but was it necessary to remove
them from around campus? • 'There is still a cigarette machine in the Mansion's basement,'' Fitzgerald stated. Even today, slightly over five months since the new rule went into effect and the machine was removed, smokers still complain. The extracting of the machine was not truly a deterrent in any smokers' habits. Fitzgerald did not think it would be. "People probably just go out to the store and buy two packs instead of one knowing it's more difficult to get them," she said. The new no smoking rule combined with the removal of the cigarette machine upset smokers, however it seemed as if their was nothing that could be done about it other than accept it. Carol Ann Gross, sophomore and smoker, remembers that day. '' I was kind of mad that we couldn't smoke in the cafeteria, but now I'm used to it." What about the missing machine? "I was mad because I had no way to get to the store. It was a lot easier with the machine.'' However, it was the non-smokers' answered prayer. Debbie Malveaux, non-smoker, was pleased with the new decision.
Smoking is still evident throughout the campus . (photo by Mike Stevenson) "I liked it because I don't smoke. It's not right to smoke around people who are eating," Malveaux said. She was not fazed when they took out the cigarette machine though, she was "indifferent." On the other hand, both Malveaux and Gross feel that there
should be a machine available on campus. "I think they should have one on campus," said Gross, and Malveaux agreed. "It's hard for, people without cars to get cigarettes," Malveaux said. Most people light up outside the
cafeteria after lunch and dinner if they want a smoke. Gross had an idea for the new "smoker's lounge'• outside the cafeteria. "They should ·put chairs there or something ... that's where everybody smokes anyway," Gross said.
friday, apr. 21, 1989
Ethnicheritage: how it affectsyou Part two of a series: the lrish~American heritage by Barbara Wilson
family. As she sits discussing her heritage, Jacqui McCleman appears to be a reflection of what many people stereotype Irish people to be. With red hair, pale skin and a claddagh necklace, ring and bracelet McCleman is defiantly of true Irish he~tage. Why is McCleman and manyotherpeople with the Irish nationality proud to be Irish? Well, there are many reasons but the basic one is that Irish people come from a background of people who are strong-willed and that have strong family ties. According to Kathleen McCabe, senior.she is proud because "my grandparents were immigrants who made something of themselves.'' On the other hand, sophomore, Kelly McGillan, feels that it's important to be aware of her heritage and know were she came from. •'My parents always brought me up as being aware of where I came from and the relatives that I had. It's important to understand where you come from ,'' McGillan said. There are many traditions that the Irish people practice and many stem from being superstitious. "I am really superstitious, and I hate when people put their shoes on a table,'' McGillan said. The tradition behind shoes on a table says that if there are shoes on a table, it brings bad luck. Other traditions that come from the Irish is that if a bird bangs into your window there also will be a death in the
Within the hands of friendship lies loyalty and love, is another tradition that many Irish follow. The saying goes along with the symbol known as the claddagh. It is made up of two hands, a crown and·a heart. The claddagh is a symbol that is placed on many objects and worn on different things. In Ireland, the claddagh is a symbol on many Irish wedding rings. In the United States, it is more commercialized and placed on various things, ranging from jewerly to clothes. Other things that the Irish people consider one of their traditions or trademarks is the foods that they eat. Irish people tend to be meat and potato eaters. On the holiday of St. Patrick's Day, the traditional food people tend to have is com beef and cabbage. There is also another stereotype that many people think of when they think of the Irish. Drinking and the Irish nationality are at times words that go hand in hand. However, in Ireland, although there are 14,000 pubs, the majority of Irish adults hardly ever set foot in a pub, and if they do, it is for social purposes rather then drinking. It is said by many that the Irish people are one of the best-
everything from the banks to the schools are closed. Ireland is also very different from the United States, say many of the people who visit there. McCleman visited Ireland recently with her roommate Kathleen McCabe. Both agreed that compared to America, Ireland is not as futuristic or commercialized. Ireland is also considered to be a society where life moves at a much slower place. Ireland, where most Irish people's heritage comes from, is filled with many interesting experiences, that were taken advantage of when McCabe and McCleman visited just recently. When McCabe visited Ireland she had the opportunity to see where and how her relatives had lived. Yet, others retell their tales oflreland as seeing Ireland as a place they saw history and a land that held many intersting stories of years gone by.
liked nationalities the world over, yet, at times, they are not taken as seriously as they would like to be. The Jess serious side of the lrish stems mostly from the idea that they drink
Spiritof MotherCabrini liveson in Italianvisitors by Linda Smisko
It has been one hundred years since Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini came to America to fulfill her dream of caring for the Italian immigrants who had migrated there. She was an inspiration to everyone she met and the spirit of her endeavors is still alive today. Achille Mascheroni is the leader of the 16 pilgrims who came to Cabrini College on Sunday, April 9, 1989, after having joined in the Centennial Celebration of Mother Cabrini coming to the United States. The pilgrims had visited New York, where a special mass was celebrated at Our Lady of Pompeii Church the day before. Mascheroni spoke only Italian, but Mother Ursula Infante, M.S.C., was available to translate our conversation. Mascheroni had made all the arrangements for he and his group of lay people to come from Santangelo, Milan (Mother Cabrini's birthplace) to celebrate the event. Mother Cabrini is the patron of the city of Santangelo, and the people who live there are very devoted to her. Mascheroni has been greatly inspired by Mother Cabrini from a very young age in life. He was born a few feet away from Mother Cabrini's house, and his grandmother was her cousin. The works of Mother Cabrini have influenced his life greatly. He has known about her since he was a child and old enough to read. Mascheroni used to be a teacher and is now a practicing journalist. He has written a biography of Mother Cabrini's life entitled, •'Mother Cabrini, the Saint Who Discovered the Italians in Amer-
too much. The Irish heritage is also celebrated by the St. Patrick's Day holiday which is a national holiday in Ireland where
ica," which is on display in the library. ••She was my inspiration all through life. I think I have a little of Mother Cabrini's spirit because I try to accomplish things without a sense of pride,'' Mascheroni said. In all his undertakings, Mascheroni has recourse to Mother Cabrini. He talks to her and asks for help in his daily life. Mascheroni has tried to spread devotion to Mother Cabrini by having masses said in her name and by writing to people to come and spread her works in his city. He is often on television in his own town and takes these occasions to speak about Mother Cabrini and her devoted work. Upon his arrival in Santangelo, Mascheroni has planned on speaking about his trip to Cabrini College on television. Mascheroni was asked about his initial impression of Cabrini College. ••Although I've only been here a short period of time, I can say that the college and the behavior of the students is in light of the spirit of Mother Cabrini. Mother Cabrini must be very happy. "The college campus is great and very, very beautiful," said Mascheroni. Mascheroni expressed his interest in having students from Cabrini College visit Santangelo one day. "They would be received with great joy," Mascheroni said. Mascheroni has done so much to spread the news of the devoted works and unselfish endeavors of Mother Cabrini. He has even modeled his life after her, yet he is still not satisfied. Mascheroni said, "My greatest dream is to make Mother Cabrini known tt,roughout the world.''
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IV commercials:
entertainmentor a bathroombreak? down a flight of stairs. The expression on her face and the manner in which she falls is You are wrapped up in the spectacular unbelievable, and most people see it as a plot of the NBC Monday night movie. It is a joke. Other commercials are just plain stupid, mystery thriller, and you can't wait to see the and people remember them for their stupidconclusion. ~ut wait, here's a word from our sponsor. ity. One example is the commercial for "The You want to scream. Instead, you suffer clapper.'' This is a device that you plug into and listen patiently to why Dawn takes an outlet and when you want to turn on a light grease out of your way. If that isn't bad or turn off the television, you just clap your enough, two other advertisements are ~tress- hands. (Who thinks of these things anyway?) Greg Beck, senior, enjoys this commering the need for Charmin toilet paper and the cial. "It's totally stupid, but it is so funny. Regina steamer carpet cleaner. I love the old lady at the end.'' ~ommercials. Who needs them? They Commercials like Crazy Eddie, Krass are a great reason to subscribe to cable, but Bros., Ragu spaghetti sauce and Magic there are some commercials that can be Mushrooms are the least favorite ones, achelpful and even make you laugh. cording to Cabrini students. Deb Takes, advertising professor, said Jeff Moore, senior, dislikes the Gordon that the effectiveness of the commercial Phillips commercial: "It is annoying, shown depends on the impact_itmakes on its target constantly and doesn't portray what beauty audience. The reason that certain commerschool is supposed to be about.'' cials are shown at a particular time are The song is an example: "It's a beautiful because they have to appeal to a specific life when you love what you do.'' What is it group. that these people do? The commercial American Express, Joe Isuzu, Nike Air, advertises wanna-be beauticians singing into Silo, Maxell, Levi's, and Reebok are some curling irons! popular commercials selected by Cabrini Most people don't like the Pennco Tech students. commercial mainly because it is boring. It Kathleen Rowan, sophomore, loves is the perfect reason to step out to the kitchen commercials that feature children. Among and grab a snack while waiting for the show her favorites are Downy fabric softener and to come back on. Brite floor polish. However, Pete Bisconte, senior, gives an ''These commercials grab your attention interesting reason why he doesn't like this especially when the little kids talk. They~ commercial: "The commercial is stupid and so adorable," Rowan said. it interrupts the Beverly Hillbillies." Okay. Tami Moylan, sophomore, also finds Brad Snyder, senior, thinks that the commercials with children appealing. ''The Perillo Tours commercial doesn't portray Johnson's Baby Shampoo commercial with travel agencies as it should. "Mario Perillo the kids singing 'Yes sir, that's my baby' is is an idiot. He isn't appealing and neither really cute. The song is catchy, and it makes are his trips. I'd never take a trip that he the commercial memorable.'' sponsored.'' Good point. The commercial Beer commercials are also favored. Dana Lepis, sophomore, likes beer commercials • shows Hawaiian girls on some tropical island in the South Pacific exclaiming, "Perthat feature sports celebrities. illo is here!" Perillo is where? Cavorting "I don't really follow sports, but I know on some island when he should be behind his who the sports figures are from seeing them desk arranging trips! in beer commercials,'' Lepis said. Those Bonnie Spiegel, freshman, finds the Panwhich include Joe Piscopo and Bob Uecker tene commercial with Kelly LeBrock dis11 are her favorites. 1 Brian Tripoli, junior, also likes beer tasteful: "She says 'Don't hate me because ( l commercials: "They are different, sort ofoff Tm beautiful' and comes across as a snob. Who would say that?" the wall and they catch my attention.'' Did you ever wonder how many women Tripoli adds, '' I don't like Spuds McKenzie though. Having a bull terrier advertising out there have spent their hard earned money to buy Pantene products (they are beer is stupid.' ' The Sprint commercial is making people expensive), and later realized that they had laugh everywhere. The commercial itself no chance of looking like Kelly LeBrock? advertises the long distance sound quality of What a shame. Mary Shimkus, freshman, dislikes comSprint over AT&T. The scene is someone's living room. Gradually, everyone crowds mercials that exploit women, "specifically They don't into the room to wish "Jimmy" a happy Coppertone commercials. birthday and there are so many people in the advertise the lotion, just the girls in the bikinis." room, that the floor falls through. She also finds commercials advertising Brad Snyder, senior, likes the commercial for its unusual humor. Barb Stein, cigarettes distasteful. ''They make smoking senior, says that in comparison to other out to be glamourous,'' Shimkus said. Vince Romeo, junior, said that the worst phone commercials, this one is original and commercials on television are the ones memorable. Maria Elena DiSipio, sophomore, likes which advertise feminine needs. "These commercials are embarassing. I the 4C parmesan cheese commercial, with don't need to know which ones are the best the Davis family. "It is funny and appeals to my sense of because I don't use them. Most of the time humor because of the family atmosphere. It these commercials are stupid and the women in them are ugly." is a typical family dinner table scene," Frank Bressi, freshman, doesn't like toy DiSipio said. Other commercials which try to portray commercials: ''Today's toys are too complitheir product seriously have an unintended cated. Whatever happened to Lincoln logs?" Barbara Stein, senior, thought that the humorous effect. An example of this is the Citrus Hill orange juice commercial lacked MedAlert commercial. MedAlert is a safety device for the effectiveness. "There are too many versions. It's a elderly in case they have a fall. It is an ! . important tool &,or the elderly, but the com- stupid attempt to meet all audiences and 1 mercial depicts an elderly woman falling represent each ethnic group with the same dialogue," Stein said.
fridaXzapr. 211 1989
Mark Sutton-Smith Players
by Felicia Falcone
PresentsA Musical Performance of ~
New Age FusionJazz Pieces
Wednesday, April 26 th 8:00 pm In the Mansion
TheStudent Government Association wouldliketothankthefollowing sponsors fortheirgenerous donatons andsupport during Superthon 1989. All benefitswillgotowards TheChildren's HospitalofPhiladelphia. RoyalBilleard& Recreation 107N.WayneAve. 687-6226
VillageDanceShop SpreadEagleVillage 688-4988
LaCasaHairdressing 123N. WayneAve 688-1035
Cowan's Florist 195E.Lancaster Ave. 688-5150
MainlineVideo 1221E.Lancaster 527-4900
DairyQueen 138N.WayneAve. 293-9689
WayneSporting Goods 124E.Lancaster Ave 293-0400
Brooks Stationary 130E.Lancaster Ave. 688-1072
Everything ButComputers 105S. WayneAve. 688-3040
friday, apr. 21, 1989
Seniorsadd to the listof memories
Se_niorclass SGA showed their appreciation toward the sophomore SGA.
Senior Mike Charvala looks like he could use a break from dancing with seniors Annmarie Baeurle and Pete Bisconte, so ... he relaxes with fellow seniors Lisa Kantor, Christine McMurtrie, Chris Schick and Patty Miller. (Photos by Mike Stevenson)
Enthusiasmand apathymarkweekends SpringFling Weekend
SuperthonWeekend by Lou Monaco Superthon 1989--St. Patrick's Day Weekend. A weekend of high spirit, energy and enthusiasm. The pul'JX)seof Superthon: to raise money for a worthwhile cause and to help other people who are less fortunate than us. In this year's case, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, a world-renowned organization to help fight children's physical and mental disabilities was benefitted. The goal: to raise $2000 or more. The result: Cabrini acheived it's goal but the student involvement was lackluster at best, which brings up the question: Can Cabrini ever have a worthwhile activity with the full support of the entire campus community? Anne-Marie Mims, junior and chairperson of Superthon, said, "The morale of the campus student body is so low that it brings you down sometimes. You work so hard to make the campus active in different things, and it seems like nobody cares.' ' Superthon activities included a student-body Olympics, a Battle of the Bands, the world-famous Rocky Horror Picture Show, a dance pub and many other activities. Joel Zazyczny, SGA President, said, "I was personally disappointed that the Rocky Horror Picture Show had more Villanova students than Cabrini. This was also the case with the Battle of the Bands." Did anybody from Cabrini participate? Katie Mullen, sophomore participant, said, "The freshman class was outstanding. They have such spirit and enthusiasm, that I feel, they will be the future backbone of Superthons to come. The junior class had good participation, but the sophomore and senior classes barely had any support. As a matter of fact, the senior class didn't even participate except for a handful of people." The senior class, however, donated $200 to the cause and boycotted Superthon, in protest of the senior student
body lack of interest, support and enthusiasm for the event. Joe Orsatti, freshman participant, said, '' For the students who participated in the activities, they put their all into it and made it a success. But, it seemed as though, the same students participated in the same events. I think we need more cooperation from each class to make it more of a success next year.'' Kevin Koknar, sophomore participant, said, "It was good and fun for a worthwhile cause but I feel there was not enough participation amongst the Cabrini student body. I don't understand why college students ·wouldn't want to help out for the betterment of mankind.'' Frank Bressi, freshman participant, said, "It accomplished what the event setouttodomoneywise, but in some areas, student involvement/cooperation were sorely lacking." Many students wonder what they can do to get this campus alive and kicking again, during such campus activities. Zazyczny said, "I think the Cabrini administration can support the student body a little bit better. They can relate and "publicize" the event in their individual classrooms. I just wish pride in Cabrini will be established in the near future." Angie Corbo, junior, said, "I want to personally thank the people that worked on and participated in the event. They worked their tails off, but we need a more diverse group of students to participate in this thing.'' Jayda Zazyczny and Angela DiJoesph, freshman participants, said, '' A lack of attendance at Superthon weekend proved that those who complain about nothing to do on campus are wrong and it is proven that those who complain-don't participate, but on the whole, it was a success and a credit to student government.' ' Carlo Iacono, freshman non-participant, said, "I went to the evening activities and I did sign up for some of the Olympic events, but I decided. to go play tennis with my friends." Mullen said, "Why do people choose to go to this school and then choose not to support it in anything? I just don't understand."
by Lou Monaco
When kids think about college and its students, these questions always arise: What's college like?, Are your studies tough?, Do you have lots of fun?, Where do you live on campus?, Is college all they say it is? The answers to these and many other questions may be answered during Cabrini's Spring Fling Weekend, April 21st-23rd. This event will enable Cabrini students, brothers, sisters and friends to come onto campus, stay for the weekend and actually see what college life is all about. A full slate of activities are scheduled. On Friday, the reggae-band, Dr. Cheeko, will perform on the Mansion Lawn. On Saturday, a pool & volleyball tournament, a block-party carnival on Residential Blvd., a barbecue and_ Disney movie night will take place. It all winds down on Sunday with mass, brunch and the all-popular Cabrini Road Rally, scheduled to take place. Angie Corbo, co-chairperson of Spring Fling, said, ''Last year was the first Spring Fling. This year, we have sent home letters telling parents about the event. Hopefully, this will spur more interest and more participation. It's also a way to let commuters know that they are also wanted and invited to participate in this event.'' Will this be better than Superthon 1989? Corbo said, "We hope to have more upperclassmen participate and be involved since the Carnival will be held on Residential Blvd. We are trying to have a diverse plan of activities for both the older and younger kids.''
fridaXzapr. 21, 1989
-,-,. '
Parents' values: are they influential? by Nick Ostrowski
out for himself what makes sense and what
individuality. It's as if they're saying 'I am
do something, and I'll probably do it but
my own person.'''
don't tell me."
Today's world is full of students. Those
Just about everybody had to hear "I told
But Preston also makes a point of saying
students will tum into adults and some of
you not to do that. Why did you go and do it
that it doesn't mean students are rebellious.
those adults to parents.
While tomorrow's
anyway?" when they were growing up. Few
parents are today's students, they aren't
people would have said what they wanted to:
tend to either conform with their parents'
(when they were teenagers),'' Preston said.
neccessarily the
same people.
experience suggests that people
Preston attributes part of the problem to a generation
think it consists of
parents forgetting what they
"Because you told me notto do it." Butthis
values or rebel against their parents' values
"They forget the stage they went through
views may change among these people ,but
seems to hold true for nearly
because the forbidden fruit always tastes
as a stage in the development of their own values."
in terms of asserting their own individu-
one thing almost all of them will have in common is a desire for their children to
remember what they've been taught.
ality, so they look at the adolescent/young adult of today and don't understand their
Katherine Preston, director of the Career
students do what their parents don't want
values. The parent gets caught up in the
What happens when little Jimmy isn't so
Counseling Center, thinks students do take
them to do because '' you want to find out for
content instead of the process.''
little anymore and is shoved off to college
therr parents' values to school with them.
yourself. If they (parents) tell you not to do
O'Donnell recalled a time when he spe-
and parental-
"In one form or another, people tend to
something, you go ahead and do it to see what
cifically went against his parents' wishes
free decision-making for the first time? He
either accept the values and act according
and the reason why. "My parents told my
still remembers his mom telling him to use
to them, or they react against the values. In
good sense and his dad telling him to make
either case, the values are determining the
of curiosity
and the fact that they believe
because they were alway~ having crabapple
them proud.
choice of behavior."
they're getting away with something." Junior
fights. My brother Jerry got hit in the eye
to experience independence
How does this affect him when he's faced
Preston said students always do things
with a situation in which his parents' advice
their parents are dead set against because
could easily save him from unforeseen di-
"it's a phase ofrebelliousness that has to do
lemmas? Sometimes a teenager has to find
with asserting their independence and their
Senior Steve Pascali said, "They do it out
brother and I not to go to this kid's house
Brian Tripoli's reason is sort a shadow of
and as we were walking home, my dad drove
James Dean.
by and picked us up. When he saw Jerry's
"They resist authority,"
Tripoli said.
''They hate being told what to do. Ask me to
eye, he banged our heads together.
We did
it because I didn't like the kid and it was me and Jerry against him."
Pascali recounted a time when his "parents told me not to go to New York to wait in line for Springsteen tickets, but I did it anyway. I did it because there comes a time in a person's life when they have to make their own decisions.'' Pascali said he hit that teenage rebellious stage in about ninth grade. "I used to act real contrary to my parents and what they would say to me. One time, my dad was trying to watch T.V. and I kept talking to him. He said 'Will you be quiet a minute?' So I counted to myself and when theminutewas
up, I said 'Theminute'sup.
Can I talk now?' I was a teenager.''
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news ,
friday, apr. 21, 1989
Changesin classscheduledistu.rbs dinner,activities by Kelli Rudden
earlier in the evening as opposed to later. Unfortunately, some people will go without dinner--or will they? Hansbury has assured that there is a plan being considered for those students that will be missing dinner. "No decision has been made as of yet," Hansbury said. However there have been some ideas and possible solutions. "Students who are boarding may get coupons that can be used at
A possible conversation between two students in the fall semester of 1989 may sound something like this: "Hey, it's 4:30, you want to go to dinner together?" "No, I can't. "why not?" "I've got a class." "What?" Some classes for the Fall semester have been "I needed the class. I was upset at scheduled from 4:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. Yet, accordfirst because it was an ing to Jennifer Hansbury, registrar, the college inconvenience. But it's better than a made the change to provide classroom space. night class. I'll get out earlier. ''The college is growing in leaps and bounds, but the classroom space isn't,'' Hansbury said, Colleen Wright, sophomore "We had to add another class slot." Hansbury explained that although there are the Wig Warn to get a hot meal," Hansbury exother courses offered at this time, the slot is plained. Susan Fitzgerald, director of health services is predominantly scheduled for education courses. working along with the registrar, cafeteria and the "We have lots of education majors ...we need Wig Warn, in order to ensure that students are courses available,'' Hansbury said. Since a great majority of education majors do getting comparable nutritional benefits, as they some kind of field experience and a normal class would in the cafeteria. Students who have registered for the classes in day for them ends around 3 p.m., these evening that slot feel that there should be a dinner program classes were scheduled with them in mind. It appears only logical to organize classes for them.
CEC sponsorsfirst HandsAcrossCabrini
~hen my friendsand I graduated fromhigh school,we all tookpart-time jobs to pay forcollege. They ended up in car washesand hamburger joints,puttingin longhours for littlepay. Not me. Myjob takesjust one weeke,nd a monthand twoweeksa year. Yet,Im earnin~$18,000for college. BecauseI Joinedmy localAnny NationalGuard. They're the peoplewhohelp our statedunng emergencieslike hurri~es and floods.They're alsoan importantpart of our country'smilitary defense.
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by Lisa A. Brzezicki
As soonas I finished.Advanced Training,the Guardgaveme a cash bonusof$2,000.I'malsogetting another$5,000fortuitionand books, thanksto the NewGI Bill. Not to mentionmy monthlyAnny Guardpaychecks.They'll add up to morethan $11,000over the six years I'm in the Guard. And if ltake out a collegeloan,the Guardwillhelp me pay it back- up to $1,500a year,plus interest. It all adds UJ? to $18,000-or more -for collegeforJust a littleof my time. And that's a heck ofa better deal than any car wash willgive you. THEGUARDCANHELPPUT YOUTHROUGHCOLLEGE, TOO. SEEYOURLOCALRECRUITER FORDETAILS, CALLTOLL-FREE 800-638-7600: OR MAILTHIS COUPON. "!"1!••••im-~2_;;. Y... n. R,co W mu.,:u,m mw;1. \'u~m l,L.nd, ~~.;;-,;,::,~<><:is. s .. 1'"'".'' IIOO•"~;:,, "' Ai..,l,. , ..... ,, , ... , ,... , ~.1~.~~~ns~,n,nl """""~ni,d ., ,h, l).,f,u~ Sn,rt•I)
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Colleen Wright, sophomore, early childhood education major, is one student who believes that a dinner program for her and others in this predicament is only fair. ''Since people who have field experience and co-ops can brown bag from the cafeteria, I think we should be able to get something for dinner." Wright said. She is happy that there is a system in the works. However, one might question why she bothered to take a class at that time in the first place. '' I needed the class. I was upset at first because it was an inconvenience. But it's better than a night class. I'll get out earlier,'' Wright answered. If this new class time works out well, it could very well be permanent, or at least until new classroom space becomes available. ''If we can move the class slot back to 6 p.m., we will. But until we get the space, we'll have to double up. We want to accomodate everyone," Hansbury said. Hansbury estimates that when the move to Grace Hall is made, and the new dorrriito'ry is built, that things will be easier, but other than a little extra work, she doesn't seem too displeased. "It's like happy growing pains. People are starting to realize what a quality place Cabrini is,'' Hansbury said.
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In addition to the traditional Spring FlingSibling Weeken4 the 1st annual Hands Across Cabrini will take place this Sat., April 22. The event, sponsored by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), is being held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the soccer field,
weatherpennitting. Approximately 78 mentally handicapped persons will be coming from three different institutions. Students, faculty and friends are asked to come out and "adopt" a "speciar• friend for the day. SGA will be providing free games and prizes for the kids and lunch will be served. The schedule of events are as follows: 11 a.m.- arrival of buses; "link up" 11:30 a.m.- balloon launch noon - lunch on the soccer field 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.- games All those who have already volunteered to "adopt" a child for the day are asked to reportoutsideoftheWidenerCenter at 10:45 a.m. Both CEC and SGA are looking forward to a very successful and enjoyable day for all. Any support and enthusiasm that can be given will be greatly appreciated. For more imformation contact Stephanie Cole, president of CEC, at Box 61 or.341-
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Education department reduces . restrictions on student loans (CPS) --The U.S. Department of Education, which oversees most federal college programs, apparently is relaxing its campaign to keep students at campuses with high default rates from getting Stafford Loans. On April l I, Education Secretary Lauro Cavazos said he was dropping efforts to cut off loans automatically to students at colleges where the default rate is higher than 25 percent. Congress, however, still is weighing a bill mandating automatic cutoffs. College lobbyists in Washington, D.C., were encouraged. "We 're very happy to hear that Secretary Cavazos will not sign on with (the prior) punitive approach" to solving the default crisis, which could cost the government a~ much as $2 billion this year, said Janet Lieberman of the U.S. Student Association,
fridaXzapr. 21, 1989
II :00 e,,••• : -;:;-4#4t-tr ,;:;-4#4 '4tloo# (,atutd, M,
which represents campus student presidents from across the nation. "We will not have an automatic cutoff' of Joans, Cavazos, formerly president at Texas Tech University, said at a press conference in Washington,D.C. Cavazos said he "will go after those schools that have very, very high loan defaults, and try to work with them, find out what the problem is. If they don't resolve their issues after a period of time, then we will get into the issue of cutoff.'' Trade schools, community colleges and historically black colleges tend to have the highest default rates. Backing up his words, Cavazos "discounted" $1.7 million in defaulted loans processed by Miles College, a historically black college in.Alabama, to help it bring its default rate below the 25 percent cutoff level Congress is considering imposing.
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The U.S. Senate okays minimum wage hike for students (CPS) -- The U.S. Senate approved a measure April 11that would raise the federal minimum wage -- which many working students are paid-- from $3.35 per hourto $4.55 per hour, but President Bush has promised to veto the measure. A number of college campuses, trying to hire students who have tended to take higher paying off-campus jobs, already have raised the minimum wages they pay. On April 3, for example, Appalachian State University in North Carolina announced it would raise student workers' pay from $3.35 to $3.85 for the fall, 1989, term, and to $3.95 per hour if they agree to work for the campus food service, which has had a
particularly hard time hiring enough people. In March, the University of Illinois announced a 40-cent an hour raise for its student workers for next fall, too. The Senate bill, which would begin pushing wages up in three stages to $4.55 by 1992, would cover all jobs in the United States. President Bush pledged to veto the bill, which already has been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, saying it will fuel inflation. Still others feared that businesses, forced to pay their workers more, won't be able to afford to hire as many people. "Businesses may not be able to afford
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the 25 percent increase," Henry King, a University of Texas at El Paso professor told The Prospector, UTEP'spaper. Other economists have predicted a raise would force firms to cut an average of 19 percent of the minimum wage positions they offer. •'Raising the minimum wage is not only a good idea, it should have been done years ago," countered University of Alabama at Birmingham Economic Prof. George Ignatin, who doesn't think many jobs will be losL •'What will substitute for human hands at a fast food place," he asks, "a super-duper hamburger maker? Many companies won't · lay anyone off. The companies will simply absorb the increase and payrolls will go up. That's why businesses are against the increase."
Kinko's may face copyright lawsuit for 'professor publishing' (CPS) --A group representing the biggest
bookcompanies in the country threatened in early April that it may sue Kinko's, the nationwide chain of photocopying centers,
forits practice of helping teachers engage in ''professor publishing.'' The Association of American Publishers (AAP), based in Washington, D.C., said the practice -- in which professors photocopy and bind together materials to supplement or
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in some cases replace textbooks -- violates copyright laws. Professors claim the practice also can save students from having to buy lots of textbooks. Under the "fair use" provision of copyright law, professors need permission to copy everything, unless they can pass a litmus test for brevity, spontaneity and •'cumulative effect" of the copying on the course. It's up to Kinkos, the AAP says, to make sure they can pass the test. "We have no comment on whether or not there will be a lawsuit,'' said AAP spokeswoman Virginia Antos. "We're not saying anything more or less.'' Kinko's representatives also declined comment. The publishers' group in 1982 won an out-of-court settlement in a case that charged nine New York University professors of illegal photocopying practices. NYU professors now need written proof that they have publishers 'permission to make' photocopies. Kinko's has more than 400 stores, most serving college campuses.
fridaXzapr. 211 1988
The NCAA'sgood name is slippingaway Cabrini college or universitiy in this conference has ever hired a black coach for basketball or football until now. CCongratulations to the athletic department and the whole Tennessee University for having enough courage to break the mold in the S.E.C. It's about time! Last week, Doug Dickey, athletic director, and Johnny Majors, head football coach from the University of Tennessee, resigned their memberships in Knoxville's Cherokee Country Club after a report that the university's new basketball coach, Wade Houston, would not be allowed to join the club because he is black. The Cherokee club denies having a racial policy and pointed out that Houston never applied, but the club never has had a black memeber before. Also Tennessee University paid for club memeberships for the athletic director, basketball coach and football coach. This practice is believed to be widespread especially among Southern _ universities. Lamar Alexander the university's president and former governor of Tennessee said that they would sell the three memberships back. The memberships were worth $15,000 each. How can a university pay for club memeberships for coaches that cost $15,000 each? That is ridculous. Couldn't they put the money to better use for academic scholarships or even other areas in the athletic department? I'm sure these coaches get paid enough money to pay fortheirown memberships. Do they really need to give the coaches extra benefits? Who are they -Saints. No wonder why athletic departments and athletes get a bad reputation with the public and especially with professors in institutions! I don'tthink that contributors to the college would like to see their money being used for club memberships. At least the university withdrew their memberships and asked other institutions to do the same, The only question I have is why did they wait so long to do it? Did they need an incident such as this one to push them to do it? Also, in hiring Houston, Tennessee became the first institution to hire a black person to !l coaching position in the Southeastern Athletic Conference (SEC). No
*** After an 18-month trial, a jury in a U.S. District Court in Chicago found sportsagents Norby Walters and Lloyd Bloom guilty last week of defrauding six universities by using cash to lure star athletes into signing contracts before their college eligibility expired. If they are given the maximum sentence, which I hope they do, they could both spend up to 60 years in prison. They were found guilty on mail fraud and racketeering conspiracy. I think they both should receive the maximum sentence because they were extorting young men and organized crime was involved. Was it that vital for them to sign these athletes before their eligibility was up? They had to use secretive ways to sign athletes. Were they that worried that they would not be able to sign them after graduation? Forty-three athletes avoided prosecution in the case by signing pre-trial agreements to perfrom community service and to pay back portions of their scholarships. I think that these athletes got off easy. They are just as guilty as the agents because they accepted the money. I would think these athletes were old enough to decide what is right from wrong. I thought wrong. I guess money talks too much. I just don't understand why they would wantto blow their full scholarships and the possibilty of ending their college career on some extra money. They should have gotten a job! Simply, dumb! Once again, no wonder why college athletics has such a bad reputation.
The exceutive director of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Richard Schultz, this month will ask college presidents and other NCAA leaders to consider implementing a system of ac-
creditation for the sports programs of the association's 800 memebers. The plan would require that every five years a college or university would be examined on its performance in areas such as recruiting, admission standards, athletes' progress toward academic degrees, the behavior of players and coaches and graduation rates. This comes at a !ime when evidence is mounting that the public is becoming increasingly skeptical about the integrity of college sports programs. It is evident in the unfavorable reports by Time Magazine's cover story about the failure of universities that sponosr big sports programs and do not provide athletes with an adequate education and by a major Sports Illustrated story that called big-time college sports "an American disgrace." These storie~reported cases of rule breaking, of special academic exceptions made for athletes and of a rash of criminal incidents involving athletes over the past winter, which was a trying time for college sports. It is about time that someone stepped forward with such a proposal! It should be passed because it would increase the accountability and prestige of the N.C.A.A. and thus address the problems that have led to the public's cynicism anout college sports. Of course, some schools have already started complaining about the proposal. The NCAA should just ignore them. Why would the schools have to complain about the proposal if everything is going the way it is supposed to? Can anybody guess or is it too obvious that they have a guilty conscience? If this proposal is not passed, the N.C.A.A. better do something fast to save the credibility and the prestige of college sports because its good name is slipping very fast!
*** Before I end this column of bad feelings I have to mention my favorite and best hockey team in the National Hockey League, the Philadelphia Flyers. Of course they beat the Capitals. Who would have thought any less? And of course they will beat the Pittsburgh Penguins in the Patrick Divison finals this week! If they don't, which I doubt very highly, I'll eat my words!
Cavaliers Scoreboard Results Men's Tennis 4/15 ESAC Championships First Place • Salisbury State Second Place • Wesley College Third Place · Frostburg State Allentown College Fifth Place • Cabrini College 4/17 5 Cabrini Pharmacy 4 4/18 8 Cabrini Phila.Bible 1
Men's Golf 4/17
Women's softball 4/14 4/17 4/17 4/18
2 7 7 2
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
lmmaculta 5 Shenandoah O Shenandoah O Holy Family 10
Schedule Men's Tennis Sat. 4/22 Tues.4/25 Thrus.4/27
Wesley Beaver Alvemia
home 1 p.m. away4p.m. away4 p.m.
Men"s Golf Mon. 4/24 Fri.
ESAC championships at Allentown 1 p.m. Misericordia away 2 p.m.
Women's Softball Sat. Sun. Mon. Wed.
4/22 4/23 4/24 4/26
Textile Marywood Misericordia Alvernia
away 1 p.m. home 1 p.m. home3 p.m. away4p.m.
Men's vollevba/1 a
This seasonCavs were 'so closebut yet so far' by Stephanie Hornyak
The men's volleyball team is considered a club rather than a team because of the lack of The men's volleyball league tournament. a hired coach and funding. was held on Sunday, April 9, at the Jake Mike "Spike" Charvala, senior, and Nevin Field House at Villanova University. captain of the team, has been playing volleyThe tournament was divided into two ball since his freshmen year, and has been on divisions. Cabrini was in the division with Cabrini's team for the past two years. Villanova, Haverford, Eastern and Lehigh. For the overall season, Charvala feels that The final scores of this division were as the team played really well. follows: 2-0 with Haverford, 1-1 with ''We had our bright spots ...and our down Lehigh, 1-1 with Eastern and 0-2 with spots. When people didn't show up for Villanova. Cabrini finished second in this instance," he said. bracket. When asked about the playoffs, Charvala The tournament then went into the play- said, "We played with three major schools. offs with the top three teams from each Having only 1200 students at Cabrini, it was division. The division consisted of Cabrini, a good feeling to play with teams like that.'• Villanova, and Lehigh against Delaware, He went on to add,'' Jan Torres played his Swarthmore, and Temple from the other best game against Temple in the second division. · round. He really stood out." Cabrini beat Swarthmore in the first Jan Torres, junior, felt that the playoffs round, but lost to Temple. were "great. Very organized. Everything The final four winners of the playoffs was fair." were Cabrini, Villanova, Delaware, and Torres said that the season overall was Temple. good, considering they dido 't have a coach. Cabrini tied with Delaware for third place. Charlie Tucci, freshman, voiced the same
opinion as Torres regarding the overall season, but said, ''the playoffs could have been more organized. There was controversy in the ruJes." As for their expectations fornext year, Marty Howley, freshman, said, "We've proven ourselves. We need a coach." Tucci said his expectations are "hopeful. We should have a coach. Weshouldn'thave to pay for our uniforms, and we should get some funding from the school." Torres wants "to win it all next year. Definitely. This year we were so close but so far.'' Finally, Charvala said, "I hope the team can continue to play in the league. I hope they do as well as we did in the first two years. I hope also that we can be recognized as a team, and that they hire a coach." "Good luck to the guys next year," he added.
Tennisfrom 12 and Rich Benetiz of Salisbury State, who were also the champions, 8 to I. Overall, Day said the championship literally came down to 2 or 3 points. "It was very close. We were right in their with Salisbury State. Cabrini was the only team that really gave them a challenge. Salisbury State didn't have any trouble, they have some really, really, tough, tough players." Jan Torres, junior, said, "It was hard, I was never that up, that concentrated. It was very intense, I never expected myself to play that well. I hope we have a chance at the NCAA." Torres also added, "It helped that we were in the finals, we kept on trying, but came up short. But I felt we played very good.'' Coach Day said, "We went in with one primary goal, to do better than we did last year." And the team did justthat, they came home with three more wins this year than last year.
fridaXzapr. 211 1989
Easy steps allow you the 'perfect body' by Felicia Falcone When thoughts tum to summer, most people think of sun-drenched beaches, long lazy days and well toned, sun-bronzed bodies. It is thattime of year again. The stores are advertising their summer lines of bikinis and cruisewear. People are pulling out their bathing suits, looking in the mirror and some are not happy with what they see. If you are one of those people who are dissatisfied with your body after those Jong, dreary winter months of eating, don't despair, there are easy steps which can allow you to have the "perfect body'' for summer. The combination of diet and exercise has been proven to maintain a sensible weight and good health. Sue Fitzgerald, Cabrini school nurse, advised this combination to effectively lose a few extra pounds. "Lower caloric intake and exercise is important. Weight loss without exercise usually won't work. Ifit does, the weight is harder to keep off," Fitzgerald said. Fitzgerald suggested aerobics and walking as two important components for exercise. ''Twenty minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week or walking is effective," Fitzgerald said. Changing eating habits is also important, especially at a young age, because as a person grows older
they usually have set eating patterns. Today, most people are on the run. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. This means that people tend to skip meals or eat from the wrong food groups. Some of the people who do diet have the attitude that skipping meals will lead them to weight loss more quickly. ''Dieting lowers metabolism. By starving yourself, the body reacts by lowering its metabolism, making weight loss more difficult.'' Fitzgerald said. Other concerns among people of all ages are vitamin intake and cholesterol level. "People who eat a balanced diet do not have to worry about taking vitamins,'' Fitzgerald said. Cholesterol level is an increasing concern in today's society, as high blood cholesterol is a risk factor in heart disease and strokes. Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance that circulates in the blood. Since cholesterol occurs in the blood anyway, people do not need that much from other sources. Unfortunately, many foods contain saturated fats which, if consumed over a long period of time, will raise the blood cholesterol level, clog arteries, causing heart attacks and strokes. To lower cholesterol levels and have the perfect summer body, here are the foods which should be chosen from each of the food
One form of excerise to tone the body for summer is to lift weights. Doug Jobson,senior, lifts weights to get in shape for the summer months.(photo by Mike Stevenson) groups: MEAT AND PROTEIN: fish, chicken and turkey without skin, lean beef, pork and veal, beans and peas. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: all kinds of fruits (in reasonable amounts, because some fruits contain a lot of sugar), all kinds of vegetables (prepared plain, because when prepared in oil or butter they
add calories), pure fruit juices. DAIRY: low fat or skim milk, low fat yogurt, ice milk, and low fat cheeses. BREADS AND CEREALS: english muffins, whole grain breads and cereals, pasta and rice. SNACKS: plain popcorn, rice cakes, gelatin, puddings (made with low fat milk). Eating these foods in reason-
able amounts and good exercise will have a positively significant effect on weight loss. One thing to remember is, it takes time. The ideal weight takes a while to achieve. It will not happen overnight. But keep in mind that with diligence, patience, exercise and eating the proper foods, it will happen.
Banquet moves 'a step above previous years' by Johanna Church •~we wanted to take this year's banquet and put it a step above the previous years, to make the ceremony nicer, and to hopefully begin a tradition," Mike Feeley, vice president of captains club said. He was talking about the sports banquet, which will be a little different this year than years before. The banquet was usually held in the gym, but this year, John Dzik, athletic director, suggested using an off-campus facility, and the captains club began to figure how it would work out. The first thing that was considered was how the student athletes were going to feel about it, because if the banquet were to go off campus, it would mean higher ticket prices. So Feeley, along with other captains
club officers put together a questionnaire, and gave the student athletes an option as lo whether to have the banquet on or off campus to determine what they wanted and could afford. The results of the questionnaire showed that the athletes wanted their banquet off campus, so Feeley and Dzik began interviewing various banquet facilities to find an appropriate one. • 'We chose the place that gave us the best offer to fit the need within the results of the questionnaire," Feeley said. That was the Goddard Room at the Holiday Inn in King of Prussia. The banquet will be on Friday, May 5. There will be a cocktail hour at 6 p.m., with a cash bar for those of legal drinking age. At 7 p.m., a buffet dinner will be served. At approximately 8 p.m., the awards will begin.
The awards to be given that night include a highlight of each team for the season, as well as a most valuable player, a most improved player and either a rookie of the year award or acoachesaward foreach team. Also, new year's captains will be announced, as well as a special tribute to senior athletes and the female and male top graduating athlete. The cost for dinner is $15 for student athletes and $20 for guests. According to Feeley, there is still plenty of work to be done to put the finishing touches together, such as putting together the program booklet, selling tickets, and getting letters out to the families of the student athletes. Part of the vice president of captains club's duties is to be chairman of the sports banquet.
Feeley is excited about this year's banquet and is happy with all the help he has received so far. ''The best thing about captains club is that I may have the title 'Chairman of the Sports Banquet,' but everybody works together and chips in, while there is a coordinator," Feeley said. Senior athlete John Dunleavy has a neutral opinion about the banquet being held off campus. •'I don't think it really makes that much of a difference if it's off campus. lthink more people would go if it was on campus, but it's good that the athletic
taking steps to make it something more important and special," Dunleavy said.
Men's Tennis
Cavs meet primary goal iri ESAC championships by Susan Holefelder On Sat., April 15th, Cabrini's men's tennis team took to the courts at Frostburg state in Frostburg, Maryland for the Eastern Seaboard Athletic Conference Championships (ESAC). There were eight teams represented from the men's division of ESAC. In first place, with 30 points was Salisbury State from Mary-
land. They didn't lose one match and walked away as the team champions in all five team matches and individual champions in the singles and the doubles. In second place was Wesley College from Delaware. Third place there was a tie between Frostburg State and Allentown College. Cabrini placed fifth with six points, if you count the tie as two, "and it was good
enough to put us ahead of Shenandoah College,'' Coach Reggie Day said. Shenandoah came in sixth with four points, then Eastern College with two points and bringing up the rear was Lincoln College, who failed to score. The rain forced thechampionship indoors and cancelled the constellation round. Five men from Cabrini's
tennis team participated in the championships. Gary Burnett, sophomore, lost to Ken Kline of Wesley College 8 to 2 in the 3rd singles. "The 1st doubles is where we really came through," Coach Day said. Jan Torres, junior, and Leo Eschbach, sophomore, of Cabrini defeated Chris Nace and Robert Vanella of Wesley College 8 to 4 in the first round. Day
added, •'The double finals was something to be seen.'' ''It was a tight match, the adrenaline was flowing. Jan and I were both really pumped up,'' Leo Eschbach, sophomore and co-captain, said. Torres and Eschbach also defeated Jeff Stinson and Donny Matthews of Shenandoah College in the semifinals 8 to I. However, they lost in the
finals to Mike Horvach and Tray Moore of Salisbury State 7 to5 and 6to 4. ''This was an excellent match," Day said. Mike Reidy and John Cooper participated in the 2nd doubles defeating Derick Richie and Matt Kane of Eastern College 9 to 7. But they lost in the semifinals to John Tramp
More tennis on 11