May 5, 1989 Issue 22 Loquitur

Page 1

f riday, may 5, 1989

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. XXXV, no. 22

Explosioncauses·fireat plaza

. On Arpil 25, local fire companies rushed to the scene of a propane explosion at the King of Prussia Plaza. causing a fire to break out in the Italian Delight Resturaunt. The entire mall was evacuated as fire fighters worked to control the situation . Left; a fire fighter strolls through a puddle of water after putting the fire out. Below; fire fighters stand on the roof where the explosion happened, checking out the damages. (Photos by KarenSiegl .)


Annualtuitionincreasehighestin 5 years by Bob Bonner On Friday, April 28th, Cabrini students received a notice from the public relations office--the details of the 1989-90 raise in tuition. This coming year's rise in tuition is the highest in the past 5 years. "My parents were going to pull me out and send me to Stockton State," junior Brian Tripoli said. "But next year I' 11be an R.A. so I won't have to pay for room and board. It costs as much to go to Stockton as it does for just room and board here at Cabrini." In dollars the rise looks like this: $715 raise in tuition for full time students, and a $250 raise in Room and Board for residents, for a total of $965. For evening school the per-credit fee will increase is $5. "I've been here ten years," said Financial Aid Director Arlene Dittbrenner, "and since I've been here the school has been

committed to keeping tuition down.'' So why has tuition jumped almost one thousand dollars for the up coming school year? Well, according to Chief Financial Officer J.P. Loukes, the library needs new books, and more money to be allotted to scholarships. And since 85 per-cent of Cabrini's operating budget draws its funds from tuition the cost must be passed on to the students. "It's a trade off--how many services can be offered v .s. how much money students are willing to pay,'' Dittbrenner said. "When you look at Villanova, St. Joe's, LaSalle, and other schools Cabrini is below average in cost," Nancy Gardener, director of admissions said. "And when students look at two competing, schools and one is considerably less than another they often use the mind-set 'you get what you pay for'.'' "In past years they've kept the lid on tuition," Dittbrenner said. However, some

students feel differently about the jump in receive, comes from students who pay the tuition. tuition in full. '' As tuition goes up, this school gives me ''The increase (in revenue) will go to fund less aid," Junior Mike Feeley said. "I could students who can not afford Cabrini," go to a Division II school for free (on a track Gardner said. scholarship).'' It sounds backwards, but the college is How will the Financial Aid Office deal increasing student's tuition in order to with the increase? increase the financial aid student's will "We bought Lotto tickets," Dittbrenner receive. joked. So,. students who can afford the cost of In reality though the Financial Aid Office school will be, in part, funding the tuition of will receive an increase in their budget, they students who rely on grants, loans and variwill receive more federal and state funds ous other forms of aid to pay for school. and are prepared to help students with loan "I would feel guilty if I were to say that programs, according to Dittbrenner. we oughtto take the financial aid away from Next year's senior class will have seen the people who really need it," Chris McShcost of Cabrini rise over $2000 during their erry, full tuition payer, said. "It's their right college career. to receive aid. I just hope my money is being Collin Coakley, one of next year's seniors used properly.'' commented, "I pay $3200 a year. I work all So, as Cabrini evaluates it's financial the time to make money to stay at this needs, students and parents assess their bank school." accounts and prepare for next year's tuition Some of the aid that people like Collin hike.

inside perspectives . .... . 2, 3


Time is running out

news ................ 4, 8, 9

Spring has arrived

on senior athletes'

features .......... 5, 6, 7

(see page 7)

college careers

sports ........ 1_0,11, 12

(see page10)


fridaXzmay 5, 1989


Lack of planningupsetsgraquates Frustration,exhilaration: A year Plans for graduation have been in effect throughout the whole year. Except for one small thing. The speaker for graduation. Isn't the speaker supposed 'to be the highlight, the inspiration for the graduating seniors? Why then, was the speaker chosen in early April and not in the very ~ginning of the year? Senior class officers. claim that there was a lack of communication between themselves and the administration. The students deserve to choose their speaker, but the administration should take full responsibility in overseeing the process. There should be specifically one administrative person in charge to work with the senior class. Thanks to Dr. Sharon Schwarze, there is a graduation speaker already scheduled for next year .. If it hadn't been for her, the same situation would have occurred next year. But is this fair? Does the class of 1990 have a say in who their speaker is? Dr. Patricia Reid-Bookhart, chosen by Lisa Kantor,· senior class vice president, to speak at graduation, is an alumnus of Cabrini, class of 1973. Kantor felt that having an alumnus would add a special touch to graduation because she could relate to the graduates and speak of her experience at Cabrini as well as give the graduates encouragement. Yet, there is speculation from people that Dr. Reid-Bookhart was chosen simply because she is black, and because of the recent racial outbursts on campus, her presence would alleviate some of the tension. These speculations are invalid, there is no proof of this. How can the color of the graduation speaker's skin mend any racial difficulties _that Cabrini has experienced this past semester? Think about it. Let's hope that choosing a graduation speaker well in advance becomes the norm. If the speaker is chosen well ahead of time, by seniors and the administration, it will be one less thing to worry about, and there will be a feeling of satisfaction for all those involved.

er Professorleavesgrads with powerfulmessage Dear Seniors,

It has suddenly occurred to me that I will miss both the Baccalaureate Mass and Graduatjon this year. I have taught at Cabrini for sixteen years, and have missed only one ·or these affairs previously, due to illness. This time, I will miss them by choice, but hard ones. On Saturday, May 20th, I must attend the wedding of a nephew of a very close, personal friend. He calls me "Aunt Margie.'' The next day my high school is celebrating its 50th anniversary. During the last decade, it has fallen on hard times. I believe in this school. I got a wonderful education at Little Flower C'atholic High School for Girls. I belonged to the music department. For 25cents, a week I had a private music lesson, given by a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra! (Can you believe it, this is the first,time I noticed that my computerdoes not have a "cent" markon it, which all of the old typewriters had. A sign of the times, unhappily!) I still remember my saxaphone teacher, Selma Guerra. She was young, beautiful, talented and dressed in the latest style. One day she told me that she liked something that I was wearing. It was one of the high points ofmy youth. On to more serious things. Schools like

Little Flower, Roman Catholic (my father's alma mater), St. Maria Goretti, etc. need to survive. Let us get our pridrities in order. As the future of the Catholic Church, I beg you to support inner-city parochial schools. They are so needed, far more than their sister-schools in the suburbs. This is my final message to all of the dear seniors whom I have taught, and of whom I ask forgiveness for my absence from their big day. As we said in the old church," Ad multos annos!" ([May you live] for many years.) Sincerely, Dr. Marge Reher Chair, Department of Religion

in the life of the editor-in-chief

denise civa Well-my job as Editor-in-Chief ofLoquitur is finally over. Sometimes I thought this day would never come, bu~ now that it has I'm-liaving a hard time dealing with it. I have got to becrazy. Thestresslthinkfinallygot to me. Why aren't I out celebrating my freedom and liberation from a job that has given me gray hairs at the ripe old age of 21? Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I don't sleep or eat because of this job. I've also been known on several occasions to threaten to blo~ up the newsroom, throw the computers out the window and shoot the staff. Does this sound like a rational human being to you? No, I didn't think so either. I guess the reason why I'm having a hard time leaving my post is because of the people I work with, specifically my editors. They helped me get through the bad times (lik~ when the computer malfunctions, stories don't come in and people complain to me) and enjoy the good times (many too many to mention, but do some of you remember Washington, D.C.?). So thanks to: Kerry: Whenever I needed to ta!~ or just let out the stress, she was there. She helped provide the laughter in the newsroom with her jokes of the day and her contagious off-the-wall personality. (Yes, yourname is in the paper again this week don't freak!) Roe: Thanks to Roe I was able to make a speech at the University of Delaware about being an editor of a college newspaper. She gave me the confidence to do it, not to mention ALL the infonnation I needed to prepare myself. Right Roe? Paula: She was my Wednesday deadline buddy. She was usually the last one in here with me finishing up her pages and helping me get ready for the printers. At times when I went crazy, she helped me pick up the pieces. Lee: I don't know how she did it, but Lee was usually the first one done with her pages each week. She hardly ever had problems with her section (which made my life easier). Lee was also our graphics queen. No one -was ever able to rival her talent in utilizing our computer art. Her pages were always great! Tonya: She was R.A., had an internship, was involved in many clubs and activities, had a social life (something not all of us were able to have--it wasn't unusual at times for us to answer the newsroom phone "Tonya's answering service") and still found time to be an editor. Wow! If there was a big news story to cover and no one else would do it, Tonya was there. She c;onstantly amazed me with her talent. Lisa: She had a hard time this semester because she was sick, but this dido 't stop her. She always gave her all at whatever she did. Sometimes it was scary how alike Lisa and I are. We talked about this before. Lisa is more on the quiet side, but she gets her

points across and gets her job done. Thanks for all your help and support (not to mention the time you and Steph took me to the printers --wasn't that an adventure?). There are so many more people I really need to thank like Angie, my lunatic business manager, the photography staff (especially Mike and Karen), Journalism I students, Jenni, Loquitur's writing coach, Mary, for her massages, Marian, assistant news editor, for all her help, support, latenight chats, willingness to help, etc., etc. And how can I end this viewpoint without thanking Dr. Zurek (especially since he got so upset when he wasn't mentioned in Roe's last viewpoint)? His assistance, cooperation and support helped me so much. The slight nagging and meddling didn't hurt either I guess. His children's (Christopher and Daniel) visits to the newsroom also helped boost my spirits on some very hard day.s. There is so many more people I should thank, but I don't want to forget anyone (which undoubtedly I will anyway) plus I don't want this to seem too much like a farewell speech, but instead a "hope you have as much fun as we d_id" speech for the new editors who are: Barbara Wilson - Editor-in-Chief Angie Corbo - Managing Editor Johanna Church - News Editor Felicia Falcone - Perspectives Editor Kelly McGillan - Features Editor Lou Monaco - Sports Editor Good luck to all of you! Paula, Roe, Lee, Lisa - should we begin again next year with yearbook?

Editor: Denise Civa and Barbara Wilson Managing Editor/ Copy Editor: Ke<ryGallagher and Ang,e Corbo News Editors: LaTonya Lucas, Lisa Brzez1ck1and Johanna Church Assistant News Editor: Marian Armstrong P8'Sl)8CtivesEditor: Roe Wellman and Felicia Falcone Features Editor: Lee Miranda and Kelly McGillan Sports Edrtor: Paula Phillips and Lou Monaco Writing Coach: Jenni Obrecht Bus,ness Manager: Angie Corbo Assistant: Kelly McGillan .Photography Editors: Karen S.egl and MikeStevenson Photography Adviser: Or. Carter Cra1gie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Marian Armstrong, Jim Bligh, Bob Bonner, Johanna Church, Frank Emmerich, Felicia Falcone, Diane Glancey, Sue Holefelder. Stephanie Hornyak. Ca~o Iacono. Melissa Landsmann, Kelly McGillan, Melissa Middleman, Lou Monaco, Nick Ostrowski. Chris Pesotskl. Kelly Reed, Chnsy Roach. Kelli Rudden. Sharlene Sephton. Karen Shank, Linda Smisko. Leonora Veterano, Barbara Wilson Photography Staff: Marian Armstrong, Giselle Bellanca, Kristin Kroll, Jeff Moore. Steve Pascali, Ande Romano Loqultur;s poblished weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971•8412. Subscription pnce 1s$25 per year and is included 1nthe benefrts secured by tuition and student fees. Loqultu~ welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, rt the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writers name may be left off the ietter upon poblication and an 1nsaiption inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the edrtor may ed~ or condense it. Letters to the editorshould be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. l.oqllitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited. robust. free and open discussion of issues.



friday, may 5, 1989


Appreciation,gratitude~xtendedto·1988-89 editors As the year winds down and we Loquitur's 1989-90 editors step into our new positions, we are realizing just how much

editors made in picking me as Editor-in-

Thank you for being patient with me when I

section an unique flair; through

Chief. In my eyes I have the best role model

was clueless about pagemaker, and for mak-

stories, her great personal stories in the

that there could possibly be and next year

ing me laugh, but more imponantly, for teach-


the editorial staff of 1988-89 has put into the

when I take the seat behind my desk, the first

ing me that one's opinion always counts for

graphics. My wish for next year is that I will

paper. We have been reporters for a year

day of journalism class, I will think of Denise

something. I will definitely think of you as

be able to do as good as job as Lee has done

now and not until actually filling the shoes

and remember her for all of her dedication

I am writing

this year. Lee, all graphics in the next years

of these fine people have we truly appre-

and help.

You're the best!


positions we would like to let not only them

Kerry Gallagher: A smile, a joke, a ray of sunshine, who else but Kerry Gallagher? For the past two years, Kerry has dedicated much of her time, and overflowing energy to the Loquitur. This year she tapped her

know how much we admire their work but

leadership skills in her position as managing

La Tonya Lucas and Lisa Brezicki: You guys were my first editors, You were both there when I frantically needed help reporting and writing my first story. As I grew as a reporter, you both encouraged me to go on to bigger and better things. Well, now,

them·. Throughout the year these

seven people have gone above and beyond the call of duty to make Loquitur an award winning paper. As we take our perspective

also we would like to take this opportunity to let others see them as we see them and to thank them for all of their dedication. At this time, each new editor has written a reflection

on the editor

in which



last minute editorials.

We have been reporters for a year now and not until actually filling the shoes of these fine people have we truly appreciated them.



editor of the paper. She took the personal re-

here I am, learning how to fill your shoes. I

Denise Civa: Throughout the year I was never quite sure what exactly it was that Denise did however, this week I have become her shadow and realize what an important part she plays in making Loquitur a success. Denise has been a big help to not only me but also everyone on the staff. She

sponsibility to keep the morale of the staff

only hope I can do it as well. Tonya, I hope

alive and going. Kerry supported her fellow

I will be as open and curious as you. Lisa, I

editors and staff members by using her gifts

hope I have the quiet creativity you have. I

of kindness and concern. When times grew

just want to thank both of you for being at

difficult, Kerry

the beginning of my dreams. Thank you for

could always be depnded

upon for a bit of encourgaement.

Roe Wellman: What can I say? I have

and her fantastic

Loquitur will be placed with a thought of you. Paula PhilJips: South Philadelphia will never be the same. Thank you for sharing your "street smarts" with me. I want to thank you for showing me the ropes of the

Loquitur. Thanks for supporting and disagreeing with me in my articles, columns, talks and arguments.

I will try my best to

uphold the Loquitur's "excellent"


section and even try to make it better than this year. I hope when you read the sports section next year, you can proudly say, "I played for the guy." Thanks again for your wisdom and friendship and good luck next year. We are all excited and fuil of energy to

the opportunities as well as the friendship.


Denise, Kerry, Roe, Tonya, Lisa, Lee and


has gained my deepest respect and I only

finally met someone who is louderthan I am!

hope that I can do as good a job as Denise, so

I will think of you every time I get yelled at

that when she reads next years Loquitur she is happy with the decison she and the other

in journalism for talking. Roe, you have been

Lee Mirenda: If I were asked to name one person on the Loquitur staff that I wanted to be like it would be Lee Mirenda. Although she doesn't know it, Lee has been my secret

an inspiration

role model.

to me throughout the year.



She has given the Features



the world

of journalism.

Paula, thanks for helping us to grow. Sincerely, Barb, Angie, Felicia, Johanna, Kelly and

Through jams, surfboaras, blazers: finally fitting in by Kerry M. Gallagher

them? Weren't they embarrassed? My OC was Keith Fogarty. So long, farewell, auf Wie- Clear as day, I can remember his derseben, good night. outfit--the white orientation TI hateto go andleave this pretty shirt and purple shorts with yellow sight. diamonds. He was so hyperactive I thought he was going to eject into I've been singing this song con- space. (Little did I know that I tinuously for the past week. It would be a similarly hyperactive seems that every day I am undergoOC three years later.) ing a finality of my college years. Our little group (Group 9) sat in My final term paper. My final a circle outside, next to one of the test. My final class. My final radio trees on the main lawn, and we show. played getting-to-know-you games. My final article for the Loquitur. Keith asked us to say what personal I jumped at the opportunity to possession each ofus brought with write an opinion for the Perspecus from home to Cabrini. tives page this week. I didn't want Jo Long, a name many of you my last Loquitur piece being about may remember, went first. He said the inadequacy of the library. he brought his surfboard. I pictured Though, I don't regret writing myself packing my bags that night. that (it was one of my stronger A surfboard??? What was this opinion pieces), I don't want to place? Brigantine Part II? finish here complaining about One thing I was sure of--I didn't Cabrini. I have had very little to belong here. I wouldn't last a year complain about Cabrini. My good at Cabrini. My sister told my mom memories far outweigh the bad. that the college wardrobe consisted And, boy, do I have a lot of of nice pants and blazers. Yes, memories of this place. I can recall blazers. distinctly my first day of orientaMy mom and I had bought six tion when I could not foresee my blazers in different colors. Those being here four years later. blazers have never been worn. They There I was all dressed up, and are still sitting in my closet back it seemed to me that the entire rest home. (My mom recently brought of the freshman class had dressed the subject up when I mentioned I for a circus. Everyone, but everyneeded to start building my ''lifeone, was wearing really weird in-the-real-world" wardrobe. I shorts called "jams." don't think so!) Jams? The only jams I had ever Anywhere, there I was only an heard of were of the grape, rasp- hour from home, but I felt like I berry variety. How could guys go was on another planet. around in shorts with flowers on Fortunately I had brought a few

pairs of sweats with me, and that helped me to feel a little more with it in terms of dressing. I quickly learned to adapt to my new surroundings and the people surrounding me. There were other things that took me time to adapt to. I was convinced the whole first semester that Dr. Romano was Dr. Zurek. (Long story, but I thought this because Dr. Romano had given me my tours of the communications center every time I came to visit Cabrini in high school, and I just assumed that he was the head of the communications department.) By the way, I know the difference now. Romano has a beard. Another area I had to learn to adapt to was classes. You have to admit that the college class schedule is much different than high school. To be quite honest, I really thought that one of the main differences between college and high school was that in college you didn't have to go to classes. It's not like I cut all of my classes, but I did make a habit of cutting gym. It was an 8:30 Monday/Wednesday class. Not to make excuses, but it was hell getting up for an 8:30 on 'Mondays, and, well, it was my only Wednesday class, and it lasted for less than an hour. Why bother? 1got my first failure warning in college in Slirnnastics. I cringed to imagine my parent's reaction. A failure warning in aerobics? What's the matter, cou1, ..1·t you

handle jumping jacks? I couldn't bear to tell them. I quickly ran to Goody. Isn't there anything I can do to make it up? I begged. I can't tell you how sore! was after three classes of Slimnastics every day that week! I learned my lesson. The cuts I made after that frightening experience could be counted on one hand. Another area I had to adapt to was my living arrangement. I have a different situation than many here at Cabrini. I live off-campus with a family, and I babysit in exchange for room and board. I admit now I was a little apprehensive at first. I felt like' 'College Student Lost in Space.'' I wasn't a resident, yet I was living away from my family. I was a commuter, but I didn't feel like one. I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere. I didn't know the family I lived with when I first moved in. They were so different from my family. I was from a large family. Living with a mom, dad and only child was a new experience for me. I didn't have to yell for the bathroom, I didn't have someone in the house all of the time. Most of all, they weren't my family. They didn't get upset ifI came in at four in the morning on a school night. They didn't know about my skipping aerobics. Gradually they became like a family. I came to know them. Allan (the father) would give me directions to get somewhere:

''Do you know where the Acme in Wayne is?" he would ask me. "Yes," I'd answer. "It's nowhere near there," he'd reply with a smile. Roseanne (the mother) became almost like an older sister in a way. She gave me much-needed advice on boyfriends and classes and just plain anything. David (the boy I babysit) has been incredible. I really miss my younger brother, and though David did not replace him, I was at least able to feel like a big sister. He has matured so much in the past four years, and it's just been so great to observe the changes--just like it is to see my own. I, myself, · have matured and changed dramatically in the past four years. I am not the scared freshman who started here Sept. 4, 1985. I have experienced so much more than I could put in this column. These experiences have changed my life and have changed me. I found my niche at Cabrini. I did belong here, and more importantly, I know for certain I wouldn't have wanted to spend these four years anywhere else.

fridaY, .may5, 1989




New Jersey beaches:waves or waste? by Kelly Ann McGillan

Mention the word summer and it conjures up visions of the beach and the ocean. However, last summer when people thought of the Jersey beaches, many thought of the pollution which washed up on shore forcing beaches to close and the tremendous loss of business it caused. Media attention focused on the medical waste that washed ashore. Hospital items like syringes, dressings, and intravenous fluid packs were found on beaches. (Laws in both New York and New Jersey require hospital refuse to be incinerated.) Hospital waste was a problem, but the reason for most closings were high levels of bacteria in the water. In Avon-by-the-Sea, where an Asbury Park sewage treatmentplant pipe broke and leaked materials into the water system, officals would test the water up to four times a day. In Sea Isle, helicopters flew over to gather water for periodic water sampling. To clean up the shores and prevent bacterial problems for the upcoming season, safeguards have been added to sewage treatment plants and state officals have conducted several studies of tidal and wind currents to determine how floatables travel from the harbors and waterways of New York to the shores of New Jersey. Floatables are characterized as hospital wastes, plastics, glass, metals, and woods. Most of the suggested programs have already been started to clean up the beaches. One program, the coastal surveillance program was devised to coordinate the efforts of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the counties and the coastal communities to check the beaches for pollution six days a week from May until Sept. Initiated in the spring of 1988, the program will continue through this years season. ''These initiatives will contribute significantly toward a safe and interrupted bathing season,'' said David Rosenblatt, DEP Bureau of Monitoring Management. To get people back to the beach the state of New Jersey recently launched a $2.7 million advertising campaign, according to KYW-TV. "Last year a lot of people went to the Poconos instead of the beach," said Dawn Bangle, sophomore and waitress at an Ocean City hotel, "I think they'll consider the Poconos again this year.'' Bangle also said that business where she worked was affected by the pollution. "It was slow because many people were afraid to come down,'' said Bangle. How will last year's closings affect opinions this summer? "Last year I went to the beach just as much, I just didn't go in," said Donna Feeny, freshman who lives in Avalon in the

Photo by Giselle Bellanca

summer. Amy Friedman, freshman, said, "I never went in last year, thisyearjustincaseI won't be going in." Bangle is hesitant about going in the water this year. "It depends on how much change there is. When I get down there, I'll decide,'' said Bangle.

Joe Schmidt, freshman and lifeguard at Sea Isle, is expecting a lot of questions from beachgoers like last year, "People were really concerned last year and they asked a lot of questions even though our beach was open all summer." Sally Amatelli, sophomore who was a

badgechecker at Avon-by-the-Sea, said, "I don't think I will forget, I really hope that there will not be a problem this year." Kelly Boyer, sophmore said, "I know a few people care, but, for many, it's in one ear and out the other. Once it's over, people don't remember it."

Graduation:Alumnato be guestspeaker by Marian Armstrong

"Oh my God," she said. And then again, "Oh my God." According to Martha Dale, director of alumni affairs, such was the initialresponse of Dr. Patricia ReidBookhart when she was asked to be this year's graduation speaker. After taking some time to think it over, Reid-Bookhart accepted Dale's offer. A member of the class of 1973, Reid-Bookhart was one of 12 inner-city black students to attend Cabrini in the early 70s on an academic scholarship. Only two

of the twelve students completed all four years of college. ReidBookhart was one of them. In 1975, Reid-Bookhart received a master's of social work from Temple University and, in 1984, she received her doctorate in social work from the University of Pennsylvania. She is the recipient of Cabrini's distinguished achievement award of 1986 and is currently an associate professor of social work at Stockton State College. A lover of African-American arts, she is the founder of the Afro One Dance Drama and Drum Theater.

"She's' really a multi-dimensional person. She's a very good role model for our students,'' Dale said. "I can't think of anything better thap having an alumna." Reid-Bookhart is the first member of the alumni to be a graduation speaker at Cabrini. Dale suggested Reid-Bookhart at the request of Lisa Kantor, senior class officer. According to Kantor, it is the responsibility of the class officers to make suggestions. These suggestionsare handed over to Sr. Eileen Currie, president, who then makes the final decision. Kantor said that having a speaker

who had a connection with Cabrini was important to her. "For me, I wanted somebody who could ~k to the class who knew what our experience would be in the future. I wanted it to be somebody who could put a special touch on graduation," she said. Kantor said that the graduation speaker.elected in early April, was chosen late due to the fault of the class officers and lack of communication. She said, '·There was a lack of communication between us and the administration. We weren't really sure what our part was in it."

Dale said, ''It seems to be anybody's job. It's not focused. It happens every year." "It's really nobody's job," Diane Kolodzinski, director of public relations, said. "I think it's partly the administration's responsibility and partly the students,"' she said. "Lately, we've just been too late and everybody's calendar is filled when we get to them." Bob Bonfiglio, dean of students, said, ''My sense was this process was going on all year."


More graduation on page 8



friday, may 5, 1989


Ethnicheritage:how it affectsyou Part four in a series: Polish-~merican_ heritage by Linda Smisko "I see myself as a Polish American and I am proud of my Polish heritage. It is where I have my roots and my ancestry," said Joel Zazyczny, senior. These words ring true for many of the students on campus who come from Polish familie~ and share in the Polish heritage. The Polish culture nurtures strong family ties and a sense of comradeship among fellow Polish people whether they Iive in the same United States community or further away in Poland itself. Zazyczny said, "My respect for my heritage comes from my father who is very active in the Polish community across the United States. "I am a member of the Polish Heritage Society in Philadelphia. This organization tries to bring the Polishcommunitytogether in the Philadelphia area. There are a lot of older generation Poles that are very proud to show their heritage.'' While most people can only relate to the Polish culture through a typical stereotyped dumb Polack joke, those who are Polish

know the true value of their culture. Dr. Jerome Zurek, professor of English and communications, said, '' A residual pride seems to develop from hearing so many bad Polish jokes.·' • 'The Polish people have a lot to be proud of. Many great researchers and scientists, such as Copernicus have come from Poland and contributed great things to America," said Zazyczny. Zazyczny summed up the Polish culture and said, "There is !1Ilauthenticity behind being Polish." Polish people are very traditional people. Many students live in families with first generation grandparents who continue to uphold the practices that they had in their native country. Another traditional trademark of the Polish culture is the wide variety of ethnic foods which they are known for. Many students on campus such as Chris Pesotski, freshman, still celebrate their Christmas and Easter holidays in light of the traditional Polish culture. Pesotski said, • 'The Polish people have some of the best food in the world. I was

raised with the Polish Christmas celebration parents are from Poland and speak Polish of little Christmas (known by Catholics as fluently, as does Anna. the Epiphany). We share unleavened bread "I'm proud to be Polish. I don't let the called platky on Christmas Eve, just like in jokes get to me, I joke about it myself,•' said Poland. Zawodniak. Wigilia is celebrated on Christmas and Zawodniak said that she has been to PoEaster. The word is Polish for vigil. It is a land seven times. "It is a very poor country religiously oriented tradition where all of the run by the Communists. The people live a food is blessed and families eat seven differ- very rigid, structured life where everything ent kinds of fish. is rationed out in tickets. The country itself Pesotski said that most Polish families is very beautiful. have adapted Wigilia to their particular "Polish people are a lot of fun. They love needs and lifestyles, which makes it very to make you eat, they won't take no for an interesting. answer. They are very giving people that "I have friends who celebrate it much really care about you. differently than my family because they "They want to do everything Americans blend other ethnic traditions. There are very do. When break dancing was a big hit in few true Polish Orthodox traditions left the United States, the Polish were trying to today," said Pesotski. copy this American dance in Poland," Sharlene Sephton, freshman, said that Zawodniak said. she celebrates her Christmas and Easter in "My parents want their children to be a similar fashion but the platky is broken American and fit in, but not become so and passed around to each family member completely Americanized that they forget who then makes a blessing for a happy, their Polish traditions. healthy new year. "I know that I will follow most of my Anna Zawodniak, sophomore, is almost Polish traditions and pass them on to my one hundred percent Polish. Both of her children,•• said Zawodaiak. a series: Mixed heritage by Karen Shank What about the mutts? There are many of us who do not boast of belonging to any one nationality, because we don't. Yes, sad as it may seem, there arethoseof us who have pasta and kielbasa for Christmas dinner, and perhaps top it off with Black Forest cake. To people who have been born full-blooded Italians, Germans, Polish, or Irish, it may seem hard to imagine not having only one set of traditions to folJow. The ·question is, does it really make any difference to a multinationality individual? "I've never felt deprived," Andree Jost, senior, said. "Actu-

ally it's kind of neat, and I can appreciate bothin me and the mixed nationalities in everybody." Though Jost is mainly French and German, she is more aware of her German ancestry, because her grandmother is German, and does not speak English. When meals are eaten at her grandparents' home, certain German traditions are observed. It may appear that having a variety ofnationalities could cause a problem in cultural identity, but it did not appear to create any problem at all for junior Claire DaSilva. "I like being mixed up," Dasilva said. "It adds to my image of being confused.•' Some people are totally indifferent to the situation. ''I'm not real! y big on national-

Job Squad Salesperson Full or part-time position available at Guest Quarters Gift Shop, Wayne area. Contact Mrs. Heller at 642-3397. Housekeeping Work available Saturday and Sunday at Bryn Mawr College. For more info. contact Dorothy at 526-5236. Sacred Heart Medical Center Part-time food service worker. Contact Dave Harrison at 527-5230. Free-Haircuts Male & Female models needed for in-salon advanced haircutting workshops, not a hair-show. Your choice of styles. Also perms: $45 includes cut; full-head hilites $35; color rinses $18, cut and style included. Call 964-9433. Hair Salon at Club La Maison, 215 Sugartown Rd., Wayne.

ity,' • John Osborn, freshman, said. "Being German and English are not big things in my life." Dana Lepis, sophomore, did feel as though she could be getting more out of her heritage. "I think I am missing out a little because I have a diversified ethnic background. I'm Italian and German. I guess I don't get as much out of my cultural heritage as I could if I were more focused in on only one nationality," Lepis said. Sophomore Lisa Martelli is Italian and Irish. She agreed with Lepis. "My family isn't big on any one nationality. I see families that are though, like big Italian families with special traditions, or Irish families, and I do feel like I am missing out on that.•' Junior Lisa Brzezicki felt the

reactions of other people towards her nationalities made her realize that Italian and Polish is not the most common mixture. "Well, 99 percent of people realize I am Polish because of my name, but when they find out I am Italian too, they look at me kind of strange because of the combination, then they usually say 'What a combination!•" For her, cultural identity has never really been a problem. "Because my name is Polish, I identify with being Polish, but because my grandmother is Italian, and I was around her a lot, I was subjected more to the Italian heritage. I guess I identify more with the Italian heritage because of it,•' Brzezicki said. Sophomore Bridget Collins is a

mixture of Irish, English, Scottish, German and Polish. Because she was brought up in an Irish-Catholic environment, she identifies most with this culture, but feels people often put too much stress on nationality. "Sometimes people forget we are all living in the same country. Some people make prejudgements on others because of what they are,·' Collins said. Even though Kelly McGillan is purely Irish, she is able to see the advantages one might have in being a number of nationalities. "When a person is many nationalities, they get to experience a number of heritages. They can benefit from this by having the opportunity to become more openminded about all cultures."

-Best Wishes to the Class of 89 Congrats! -from the Financial Aid Office '.







eniors display art for last time

fridaXJmay 5 1 1989


Cabrini heats


Pictured with their work are seniors Mike Stevenson (above left), Diane Flynn (above right), and Kathy Feraco (below). (Photos by Kristen Kroll and Mike Stevenson).

Spring is he,; a;d many students have taken a break from th~ir books for some sun, -fun,. residents of Woodcrest have made their back yard a make-shift beach , ow~ers of conve:11 letting the sun shine in, and people are looking for e_veryexcuse to be outside .. To sum it spring weather is definitely a big hit. (Photos by Mike Stevenson and Karen Sieg/.)

Toys: not just for kids anymore by Lou Monaco

The Business Office is now hiring for • • summer pos1t1ons. Please stop bythe Business Office between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm and see Elaine Rice.

Mullen said, "I play with the pinball Toys: a national pastime of recreation, machine when I'm bored and my stuffed fun and pleasure. Sure, everybody had dolls, animals are like security blankets for me. I toy soldiers and Tinker Toys when they were have become very attached to them." kids, but when you're 21 years of age, in Hertwo favorite stuffed animals: a bunny college, majoring in business or communi- and a teddy bear. cations and are on the verge of entering the • 'The bunny because, my boyfriend gave "real-life world," are you supposed to play itto me and the teddy bear because I have had with a game called Blip, a Mr. Skin Grafter, it for about six years and it has gone through a Mr. Potatohead or Mr. Hippo? a lot of happy and rough times with me.'' Well, you would be surprised at how Nick Ostrowski, sophomore, has three many college students here at Cabrini, still toys. A bull-horn, a Big-Jim Action Rig Set play with these things. Each student values and a helicopter on a string. their toys like one would value their car, Ostrowski said, "My parents bought me house or family. Each toy has a special place the helicopter because they wouldn't let me in his/her heart and each of them loves their get my pilot's license." toy, like that of a boyfriend, girlfriend, His favorite: the bull-horn. family member or pet. "This way I can annoy opposing sports Steve Pascali, senior, has several toys. teams on the soccer field, from the comforts They include Mr. Potatohead, a Grinch That of my own room and leave them at total Stole Christmas doll, a game called Ker- unrest.'' plunk, a bat phone, a do-it-yourself ear Ed McNamee, sophomore, has a yo-yo, piercing set and a Super Pickle. spyrograph, stuffed Fred Flintstone, windPascali said, "I think they are very up penguin and crayons. indicative of the person that I want to Why does he play with them? become. They are all simple toys." •'To keep myself entertained and beHe plays with everyone, but not one cause, I don't have a girlfriend." jealousy sets in amongest the other toys. His Senior Michael "Spike" Charvala's fapersonal favorite: Mr. Potatohead. vorite toys are his two Pound Puppies, Rex "He has character and integrity. He's a and Spot. real true-life toy, not like these other toys out Charvala said, "These are my favorites in today's market that impersonate movie because their unlike most people on this stars. He does me more favors than the other campus. They don't annoy me and they toys. He shuts my alarm clock off in the never talk back. These guys are the real party morning and treats me with respect. He is animals." the least jealous out of everybody and he Finally, Mike Feeley, junior, plays with shows how genuine I am as a person." Blip: The Electronic Game of Light and Peter Bisconte, senior, also has many Mastermind (pocket-size version). toys. These include Mr.Hippo, a Gotcha gun Feeley said, "Blip is the electronic verand a trash-can basketball hoop. sion of Gnip-Gnop. It's flashing red lights, Why does he have these? futuristic sound and sleek black design cataBisconte said, "So when I'm on duty, I pults me into a fantasy world of my own.'' have something to play with, besides Steve Mastermind is his favorite though. Pascali." "The skill, quickness and agility inHis favorite: Mr. Hippo. volved with these toys have sharpened my "I've had him the longest and we've skills in all aspects of my. life. When been through a lot together. I talk to him depressed, Blip and Mastermind are great everyday." alternatives.'' Katie Mullen, sophomore, has stuffed The old saying is true: We are all little kids animals and a pinball machine. at heart.




friday, may 5, 1989


cools down, springs to life. ■

,d frolick ... es are ,: the warm

'Adultstatusbut notall of the adultresponsibilities' by LeeMirenda

Evolution . I've come a long way on paper. All those days l thought l couldn't live through Have all been here and gone. l still remain confused with my own evolution. l shall always have quiet resurrections Of where l' ve been and why. There is still a slight Disney edge on all my dreams, But lam not led anymore by restlessness or ultimatum. l have unlearned my fantasies So that l may fill myself with something real. I have loved and l have been loved, Not always simultaneously. l have given and l have taken, Not always without motive. My life has been a curious design of contradiction But I think I chose my own sorrow. I had to experience it and discover it In order to create my own particular peace. (author unknown)

ACTUALLY GET AWAY WITH IT! We're all guilty of trying to grow up faster than nature lets us. When we were 16 we wanted to be 18. When we were 18 we wanted to be 21, when we are 21 we want to be a college graduate. Does it ever end? All this time we spent rushing and waiting for the future, we missed out on the present. I don't know about you, but I don't want to grow up yet. I want to play. I don't want the adult responsibilities of children, spouses and loan payments. But I still want the adult privileges. College is the time for this. I can have the '' adult status'' but not all of the A very wise Cabrini English professor taught me the "adult responsibilities." concept of evolution. And I don't mean evolution in the Growing up is a natural process that takes one day at a terms of monkey to man. Evolution in terms of a person '-s time. Each day brings us a bit more knowledge and each growth. day brings us slightly closer to that thing we call "adultA common misconceptionis that we say people ''change.'' hood." A self-confident, reliable, responsible adult will I can change a tire, I can change the clothes I am wearing, but evolve from a young adult who can play everyday and still . I can't change myself. I am stuck with me just like you are gain knowledge from the day's experience. stuck with you. When my personality is different, it hasn't Best of luck to the Class of 1989! "changed," it has "evolved." A person evolves meaning Yo editors! WE DONE GOOD! I'll miss all of our the original self is always there, it may be hidden, but it is craziness. there, just different, developed or refined. Thanks Mom, Dad, John, Anth, Amy, John, Lisa, Tina, All of us 18 to 22-year-olds are going through a very Kantor, A.E.Y., J.R., J.G. and last, but certainly not least, peculiar time in our lives. When else can we act like an adult JZ. Believe it or not, all of you have had a tremendous affect making important career decisions one minute, and then like on my evolution. an immature nut the next. Here's the killer: WE CAN

miscellaneous file





fridav. may 5 1 1989

Eating,sleepingand final exams by Marian Armstrong "Just the whole thought of the test makes me nervous. When I get the test in front of me I always panic. I have to calm myself down,'' Lisa Majka, sophomore, said. According to David B. Ellis' "Becoming a Master Student," a little tension before a test is good. That tingly, butterfly feeling in the stomach is caused by adrenalin and it is a healthy reaction that can sharpen one's awareness. However, too much anxiety can be damaging. Specific symptoms of anxiety can include insomnia, loss or increase in appetite, a hard time concentrating and boredom. Ellis suggests that students overcome their test anxieties by dealing with their thoughts. When the mind is racing with worries, one should yell, either to themselves or out loud, "Stop." This action may "momentarily break the cycle of worry.'' From there on in students can use other techniques such as daydreaming, praising one's self, and considering the very worst that could possibly

absurdity." After imagining the worst that could happen, it is easierforone to laugh and realize a more realistic fear. Lack of sleep can also be a problem when studying for finals. Dr. Mark Pressman, Medical College of Pennsylvania, said "I think most people need at least eight hours of sleep. There's no magic way of dealing with it,'' Pressman said that people can get by on six hours of sleep, but "the question is how well can you function." People are more alert and are able to retain more information on a full night's sleep. However, for those who can't get a full night's sleep, Pressm_an said that usually two hours sleep will be of some benefit. It generally takes a two hour nap to get into a deep sleep. For those who have trouble sleeping, Pressman suggests, not getting into bed until one is relaxed or sleepy. "It's obvioµsly difficult. You can't make yourself sleep," he said. Rather than get frustrated, Pressman

such foods that takes the longest to digest. Therefore, one doesn't get hungry as fast. However, Noble advises that the extra fat be pressed out with a napkin or some sort of paper towel. Although a danish or doughnut provides for a quick breakfast, they cause the blood-sugar level to go up and then quickly down. ''Your pancreas isn't too happy with that kind of treatment,'' Noble said. For exam snacks, Noble suggests a piece of fruit, fruit juice, or a couple of pieces of cheese. •'Even peanut butter and crackers would be better than the Milky Way," Noble

neutral, such as reading. "I just get frustrated trying to squeeze a whole sememster's work into an hour's test," Dana Lepis, sophomore, said. "I try to get a lot of sleep. I just concentrate. better when I get more sleep." As far as being nutritionally prepared, Betsy Noble, R.N.,said, "It's really true that a good breakfast is important.'' A good breakfast will include both carbohydrates and proteins. Carbohydrates provide a quick pick-up and proteins enable one to maintain the energy received from the carbohydrates. Oranges and grapefruits are an excellent source of carbohydrates. ••1eat up until the night before the final. I usually don't eat before the final because I'm usually too nervous and I'll get sick," Majka said. You want theblood-sugarleveltogoup and to maintain that level you need proteins," Noble said. Eggs, milk, cheese, sausage and bacon are all sources of protein. Although the excess grease from

said. Noble also stressed the importance of exercise. Exercise helps fight off the blues and helps one to sleep better. Majka said, ''I keep leaving and taking a walk and then I come back."

Cii'6.r°fr1T rece IV es•o iWO -·year•goodr•ant Help Wanted

Models /Actors

by Chris Pesotski One of the most talked about changes set to greet future Cabrini College students is the institution of a new core curriculum beginning next semester. "There's lots of excitement about it. The faculty is really looking forward to this new curriculum," says Dr. SharonSchwarze, Chair of the Philosophy Department. "One of the key factors to the success of this new step is faculty development. We hope to better equip our teachers to teach from primary sources, such as the Bible, Sophocles' plays, and the works of Greek philosophers," says Schwarze, who coordinated a pr9ject to secure funding for a comprehensive faculty development program. The project resulted in a twoyear $80,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. '• Right now we' re working on a proposal to fund a third year of the grant," said Schwarze. The college matched NEH's grant with an $80,000 allocation of its own. Accoring to Dr. Mary Ann Biller, Vice President for Academic Affairs, approximately $10,000 of the grant will go to library development.

"The faculty has proposed a list of books and other works which it thinks college students should be reading. These books on the humanities will be called the Cabrini Classics. The $ l 0,000 will be used to purchase these books and related works about them." The remaining $70,000 will be utilized to bring faculty consultants to Cabrini. They will be contracted to work with the faculty on these texts and to help in the development of the new freshman seminar program. • 'The focus for the consultants during this summer will be for the faculty involved in teaching the freshman seminar, now called the Seminar 100," says Biller. "The theme of this seminar will be 'Self-Understanding' and the course will be inter-disciplinary in nature.'' "There will be five consultants here at Cabrini this summer to discuss Shakespeare, Plato, the Bible, "What it Means to be a Catholic College Today", and Sophocles, adds Schwarze. "This is a real coup for Cabrini. These speakers come from the University of Pennsylvania, Swarthmore, Trinity College and Boston College, and are world-reknowned in their fields. "What's really impressive is the level of faculty interest. Over

forty faculty members have signed up to participate in the enrichment sessions. What this really amounts to is them going back to school. Too often we, as educators work from textbooks without referring to the works those texts were drawn from. These seminars will reacquaint us with books that are importantto read. This is a strong list of books. All of Stanford University's required reading is on our list, and much more." "Freshmen next year can expect to take English Composition,'' says Biller, "Then they'll go into the Seminar 100 program, which will be writing intensive and have a limited number of students in each class. The plans for the course will be drawn from the insights of our consultants.'' "Students will then continue their coursework in their sophomore year. In junior year, they will enter the Seminar 300 program, which has the theme 'The Common Good'. This program will be more global in nature and combine disciplines such as communications and business." The new core curriculum has a deeper meaning than simply changing academic requirements. "We want to broaden what a Cabrini graduate is. We want them to have a mature, informed outlook in addition to possessing the skills

necessary to make it in the job market,'' says Schwarze. Through exposure to readings, emphasizing morality, diversity, and role models, we hope to foster that outlook.''

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Concert--The Cabrini College Community Chorus will have its spring concert on Sunday, May 7, at 7 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Admission 1s free. Video Yearbook--Saturday, May 6, will be the last day to purchase a video yearbook. To order the 40-minute video, contact Lisa Kantor ai box 358. The cost of the video yearbook is $15. Job Fair--TheFinancial Aid Office will be holding a job fair for all work grant and work study students on Thursday, September 7 at 1 p.m. to assist students in securing work study and/or work grant positions. Letters will be sent home over the summer about the job fair. If you have any questions, call the Financial Aid Office at ext. 8423. Photographs Needed--"Cryptic," the college's literary magazine, is in need of phototgraphs (nature, sunsets, people, etc.). Pictures can be put m box 26 or Lisa Brzezicki's mailbox in the news-room. Foot Screenings--Free foot screenings are available during the month of May at The Foot and Ankle Institute of the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine at Eighth St. and Race St. Screenings will be from Monday through Friday (except Monday, May 29), from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and all Saturdays in May (except Saturday, May 27) from 9 a.m. to noon. Also, ath1etesand sports enthusiasts are invited to a free sports medicine screening on all Fridays in May from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and on Saturday, May 20 from 9 a.m. to noon. For an appointment for both of these screenings, call The Foot and Ankle Institute at (215) 238-6600 or Donna Dougherty at (215) 629-0300 ext. 218.

Graduationfrom 4 Bonfiglio had met with Joel Zazyczny, president of the Student Government Association, and Mike Charvala, senior class president, over the summer to discuss possibilities. Kolodzinski said that U.S. congressman Bill Gray was also considered. However, Gray had already had a previous commitment. "To get the perfect person is hard. You're not going to please everybody. Every college wants Mrs. Bush. There are only so many famous people,'' Kolodzinsk.i said. Due to racial unrest on and off campus, Dale said the fact that Reid-Bookhart happens to be black is • 'very timely.'' Dale said it was important that young black students see someone of her caliber.

Kolodzinski said, "Certainly the fact tha Pat is a minority is not the reason (she wa chosen). It's kind of neat that it turned ou that way." "She (Reid-Bookhart) is a very poise and beautiful lady, so I knew she would be good speaker," Dale said. "She's involved in tons and tons o organizations. She's amazing. Her resum is amazing,'' Kolodzinski said. ''She's jus a real good lady. I'msureshe'llhavealoto good things to say." • "It really doesn't matter to me. A alumnus would be good because she woul know the school and she could relate more t us,'' Patty Miller, senior, said. Zazyczny said, "I think it (the choice) i good. I guess I think there are more promi nent alumni.


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friday, may 5, 1989




Students lend a helping hand in Project Outreach by Lisa A. Brzezicki "Life is short and in a short time we will be on the threshold ofetemity. At that point, how will we wish to have spent the years of our life?" -St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Seniors Marian Armstrong and Andrea Thompson, along with junior Dolores Rogers have al_readychosen a path in their lives. All three are this year's participants in Cabrini's Project Outreach Program. Since 1976 when Cabrini sent its first graduate to Swaziland, the project has grown. According to Sr. Bernadette Anello, campus ministry, coordinator for Project Outreach, approximately 35 students have participated in the project. Also, there have been students who have graduated and who have come back to participate in the program. The purpose of the project, according to Sr. Eileen Currie, president, is to provide opportunities for students at Cabrini to have experiences as lay missionaries, whether it's in a foreign country or in the United States.

According to Armstrong, she came to the decision to take part in Project Outreach after taking a look at her future after graduation. "At this time in my life, a job in the English/communications field didn't appeal to me," Armstrong said. Armstrong will begin her missionary work

"I am slightly nervous that I won't be able to handle seeing infants addicted to cocaine. However, my biggest fear is that I won't be able to establish the kind of relationships that I want with the kids. It is very important to me that they know that I care." -Marian Armstrong, senior June 5 in the inner city of Chicago. She will be working with children from the ages of infancy to the-late teens. Some of them will be addicted to cocaine due to their mother's

use of the drug during pregnancy. Others will be the victims of abandonment or physical abuse. ''I've always wanted to work with emotionally disturbed kids and I felt that this was my last chance,'' Armstrong said. In preparation for the project, the candidates went through interviews with Anello, as well as with a counselor at the counseling center, and are presently taking part in a training program that will expand over a period of two weeks. According to Dr. Lili Goodman, counselor, counseling center, she feels that by meeting with a candidate she can help him/ her deal with any uncertainties that he/she may have about participating in Project Outreach. "I help the candidate clarify his/her intentions," Goodman said. Armstrong said, "After speaking with Lili, I left her office with the fantastic feeling that I could really do it. She made me feel more confident about myself.'' According to Rogers, she felt more selfconfident after meeting with Dr. Katherine Sutton-Smith Preston, director, counseling center. "After speaking with Dr. Preston, I had



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the feeling that it was going to be a very positive experience for me,'' Rogers said. Rogers, like Armstrong, will be fulfilling her mission in the United States. She will be working with the elderly in Manhattan, as part of the Cabrini Cares for the Forgotten Elderly Program. "The women I will be working with are mostly widows over the age of70. I will visit them and tend to their needs, whether it be cleaning the house, cooking, doing their shopping or taking them to the doctor," Rogers said. Rogers will leave for Manhattan sometime in August and return December 31. While she is serving as a missionary, she will also be receiving credits which she arranged with her advisor. This is just another opportunity that the Project Outreach offers to students. In contrast to Armstrong and Rogers, Thompson has chosen to fulfill her mission in a foreign country. Thompson said, "I want to experience

"I have a fear that someone I am serving will die. However, I believe that it can be a positive thing for me, as well. Because I am closer in age to the women I will be working with, I think I will be able to learn from them how to grow old gracefully and face my own growth." -Dolores Rogers, junior and learn about a new culture. I have always been interested in the Peace Corps and I think this opportunity will be a test run for me.''

Thompson will spend five months in Swaziland serving mainly as an aid at the local school and health center. "Aside from serving the best way I can, my main goal is to learn the language. Really that's my only fear; not being able to communicate with the people," she said. Armstrong added,' 'I am slightly nervous that I won't be able to handle seeing infants addicted to cocaine. However, my biggest fear is that I won't be able to establish the kind of relationships that I want with the kids. It is very important to me that they know that I care." Rogers said, ''I have a fear that someone I am serving will die. However, I believe that it can be a positive thing for me, as well. Because I am closer in age to the women I will be working with, I think I will be able to learn from them how to grow old gracefully and face my own death." Materialistically, according to Anello, there isn't very much required for the program. The students are provided with room and board and half of the air fare to their destination. Although no previous experience is required of thecandidates, Currie feels that motivation and desire are two qualities that they should possess. "I think it is very important that a candidate have .the motivation and a sense of purpose when deciding to take part in the program. They need the true.desire to be a help to the goodness of God,'' Currie said. Armstrong added, "Project Outreach is an excellent way to fill the desire that was already there.''





friday, may 5, 1989


Senior athletes conclude college careers Pat Zipfel by Stephanie Hornyak "I owe John Dzik my life. I would like to thank him for helping me, and putting up with me. He is the one person who made college more meaningful for me. Pat Zipfel, senior, talks fondly about his sports career at Cabrini College, and especially about the man who made it all possible for him. Active in many sports, Pat played golf, basketball for three years, and ran crosscountry for a season. "Cabrini gave me the opportunity to participate in many different sports. I wouldn't have had that oppurtunity at many other schools, especially big schools.'' His most memorable golf match was when Dzik came up to him at the 18th hole, and told him they had to get up and down in two to win. What happened? "We lost by one," he said laughing. His most memorable basketball game was the final varsity game against Spring Garden. "Because I was one of the starters." Pat takes his athletic interests outside of the gym as well. He had an internship last year with the Philadelphia Big Five and another internship with Sports Camps Inc. He is an English-Communications major, and after he graduates he wouldlike to get a job as a graduate assistant college basketball coach. To help with his job search, he will spend the summer going from "basketball camp to basketball camp, all over the East coast from Providence to Virginia.•' He adds that his advice to underclassmen athletes is, "Win some. Lose some. And get some rained out."

Dave Butera by Johanna Church "I've played basketball practically my whole life and I began to grow a little tired

of it," Dave Butera said. He was referring to his switch in his junior year from the basketball team to the tennis team. He felt that he needed a change from the ear-piercing sneaker squeaks to the refreshness of the outdoors. In his years of athletics, playing Eastern College was always exciting as well as anticipated. "We've always gotten very pumped up before we had to play them," Butera said. "They've always seemed to be o?r biggest rival." A political science major, Butera plans to go on to graduate school, to eventually receive a masters in business administration. Extra curricular activities were not always top priority for Butera. "I have always worked between 20 and 30 hours a week, so it was often a little difficult to be in many other activities,'' he said. Butera really enjoyed being an athlete because of the relationships he developed. "I won't miss the idea of a coach barking down my throat, though."

Scott Lecompte by Johanna Church What isn't Scott LeCompte going to miss about Cabrini? "I won't miss shooting 100 in golf!" LeCompte entered Cabrini a sophomore, after transferring from the University of Alabama. That year, he played junior varsity basketball and in his junior year, after growing tired of the sport he played since approximately the age of six, LeCompte moved on to play golf. Why the switch? "Golf is challanging," he said. "It brings you out every day, and even if you don't do good, you want to go back out again."

The Class of '89 will retnain in our hearts.

God BlessSister Eile·en, MSC

GoodLuckGraduates! ComeBackandsee ussoon!! -Dr.Biller Dr.Schiesler MaryRau & ZitaDehram

Also, his senior year, Lecompte played soccer, as well as golf. After graduation, LeCompte plans to work for his father who owns his own contracting company. LeCompte, who is from Lancaster, Pa, is a business administration major. The best part of any season for Lecompte is beating one of the Cavs biggest rivals. "Beating Eastern at soccer is always great, plus we know there will be a party afterwards," he said. What was the best part about sports for Lecompte? "It was the main source for my friends," he said. ''We always had a lot of fun at practices and games. Although competition was sometimes good and intense, we would make it fun." As far as continuing golf on to postgraduation days, Lecompte plans to just play for fun.

Terrie Pancio by Felicia Falcone "I don't know who will be happier at graduation: my parents or me," said Terrie Pancio, senior. Pancio is just one of the outstanding senior athletes that will graduate from Cabrini in May. She has been involved not only in athletics, but other clubs as well. Pancio has been playing on the women's tennis team for three years. She has also been on the women's softball team for three years. This year her softball season was cut short due to an injury. Pancio is also involved in Project Outreach for the Homeless, the big brother/ big sister program, Thanks 4 Giving, and as an accounting major, a member of the accounting club. As a member of two athletic teams, Pancio feels that she and the team have hadgood and bad moments. Her most memorable games were both in tennis. "Last year we won district nineteen and that brought us to

the nationals in Kansas City," said Pancio. This year Pancio and fellow senior, Carol Risse, played in the doubles finals at the Eastern States Athletic Conference (ESAC) tournament. Pancio feels thattaking part in the athleti~ program at Cabrini has done a lot for her. Shehasmixed feelings aboutgraduating. "I will definitely miss the friendships and the good times, but I am looking forward to the future," said Pancio.

John Dunleavy by Stephanie Hornyak John Dunleavy is a familiar face to many residents, commuters, and athletic contemporaries. He played on the junior varsity basketball team for the frrst time this year. John said that he learned a lot more about Cabrini athletics because of playing on the basketball team. "I learned about commitment and what Coach Dzik refered to as Cabrini pride,'' he said. "You can really only get a feel for the sports program if you participate in it. Cabrini's program makes you want to give total effort to the goals you• ve set." Although he didn't play a lot, his most memorable game was against Brandywine Junior College, at Brandywine. "I didn't score a lot, but I had a lot of assists,'' he said. In addition to playing basketball, John wrote for the Loquiturfortwo years and was the assistant sports editor in his second year of journalism. This year, he is the sports editor for the yearbook. When he graduates, John will miss "just being here." "I'll also miss the people, the campus, the memories, and playing basketball with my brother Jim, a sophomore,'' he said. An English-Communications major, John would like to go into sports marketing when he graduates. accomplish all that your potential allows.

CULTURAL DIVERSITY DAYS Thursday May 4 & Friday May 5 Steel Drum Player Cultural Dinner Multiple Cultural Films Third World Vendors World Peace Prayer Service Dr. Craigie Gives Talk Thursday at Dinner *Broadcast* Friday 11-6

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fridaY, may 5, 1989


and say 'the memorieswill last a lifetime' RoccoSansone

degree and he wilt "prove some people wrong" who didn't think he'd make it. If his basketball career doesn't pan out, Butler has been told that his deep voice and love of the game will make him a natural as a basketball radio or TV announcer. "I would like to commentate for local high school basketball,'' Butler commented. "I wish all the seniors good luck. And to the athletes- take advantage and enjoy your playing days,'' Butler stated softly as a cool breeze.

by Carlo Iacono

Rocco Sansone is an easygoing man who "lays back with the flow" and always sings a happy tune. The 6'4" South Philadelphian came to Cabrini as the power center of St. John Neumann High School. In the shadows of the Italian Market, Rocco refined his basketball skills. Cabrini is where Rocco utilized those skills to become "Mr. Cat,rini Basketball," according to teammate Brian Butler. Sansone stated that Cabrini athletics taught him responsibility and a positive way to channel his emotions. ''Cabrini by Carlo Iacono athletics kind of stands out. Athletics, in Everett Starnes peers down from his 6 '9" general, is a good teacher of life. It gives you frame that earned him the name "Stretch". competition in a good style and channels He is soft spoken about his accomplishyour emotions. It also gives you responsi- ments and years at Cabrini. The memories bility to schedule your day,·' Sansone stated. and goals are not specific to him, yet he As a role player, Sansone's statisics remembers ·the good times and enjoyed weren't impressive, but he gave the team them. certain intangibles--a steal, hustle, key reStarnes started his basketballcareer in his bound, or block shot. freshman year of college at Philadelphia "I've always had team leadership skills. Community College. After two seasons Leadership takes a certain presence. I defi- there, he transferred his long reach to Cabnitely had the mouth for it," Sansone rini. That is not a misprint. Starnes never explained. played high school basketball. And that fact Sansone, a great competitor who'll let you must have his high school basketball coach know his presence under the glass, quipped pulling out his hair. about an incident with an opponent from ''I never thought about playing ball in Eastern College. high school," Starnes said. "I was just a "Eastem's Arnold Jackson, their finest nice guy that got along with the girls," scorer, was getting banged around by me for Starnes added. rebounds. Well, we were getting beat, so This nice guy went on to refine his reCoach Dzik took me out because my role bounding skills for the Colonials of PCC, was limited when we were far behind. and became a strong offensive rebounder off Arnold went on to score the bulk of his the bench for the Cabrini Cavaliers. points. Afterwards, at the Tavern, he came After sharing the duties of the center up to me and said, Tm sure glad they didn't position with Rocco Sansone, Starnes will put you back in because I couldn't get two miss the 'good times" with team. "I'll easy points with you out there.' That is when miss the friends I made,•' Starnes stated. I knew I commanded respect on the court,'' And in the traditionofhis heroes, Walter Sansone said. Payton and Maurice Cheeks (twoquietstars If Sansone commands respect from his who lead by example), Starnes feels his opponents, he feels his teammates will re- effort will speak for itself. member him as a hard partier who was a Starnes is a corollary to Teddy Roosevgamer on the court. No doubt that he went elt's saying of "speak softly but carry a big about it singing a happy tune. stick.'' Starnes speaks softly and walks tall.



Brian Butler

Gina Strobel

by Carlo Iacono

Brian "Breeze" Butler drives to the basket in the image of his idols, Julius Erving and Magic Johnson. His 20-foot rainbows drop from the sky into the basket like Erving. His IO-foot behind-the-back passes land on a dime like Magic. Yet he is not outspoken about his accomplishments. He sits back and observes like a cool breeze. Butler was the first Cabrini player ever to achieve a triple-double (double figures in points, assists, and rebounds in one game), and NCBT All-American. A product of Concord High School in Wilmington, Delaware, Butler started his college career at Northeast Christian Junior College, redshirted at Cabrini his sophomore year, and became a varsity member during his junior campaign. Through the years, Butler said he will miss the players that let him fit in, road trips, and the special sense of family that comes with Cabrini basketball. Butler, an All-Philadelphia Area player, remembers a game in his junior year at Millersville. "We went into Millersville, who was ranked number one at Division II, and lost by just one point. That is the closest we ever came to getting ranked," Butler said. Basketball is not over for Butler. He is now working on a deal to play in Germany or for the Washington Generals, but states that both prospects are "long shots" right now. His first accomplishment will be to graduate, which he feels he will accomplish no later than this summer. With a bachelor's degree in English and Communications, Butler will feel proud to graduate because he'll

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by Felicia Falcone I am looking forward to graduation. There are no more GER's to worry about, or school pressures. Now I can worry about what I wantto do," said Gina Strobel, senior. Strobel has participated in the athletic program since freshman year. She has played tennis for four years, and has been the captain for three. She also has been on the softball team for two years. Being involved in sports at Cabrini has done a lot for Strobel. "In both sports I learned how to deal with people. I gained friendships and learned good sportsmanship. Being the captain of the tennis team taught me to be responsible." Strobel has many fond memories of playing on both the tennis and softball teams. In her junior year the team traveled to Kansas City to play in the NCAA tournament. "We got a chance to go away and compete with high rank players.'' Strobel's season in softball this year wouldn't have been complete without beating Eastern College. The team beat Eastern in the second game of a doubleheader. "We played really well as a team. It was the best game we ever played," said Strobel. Strobel is majoring in Psychology and plans to go to graduate school at Villanova. She is considering teaching as a career. She wants to graduate, but will miss college life. "I will miss the challenge of playing tennis as a team member playing for a championship. I will miss my friends that are on the team, but I know that I will keep close contact with my close friends."

Chris Federico by Felicia Falcone "Playing sports was a good experience for me. I got to play and do a variety of other things, but I'm ready to move on. I'm ready for change,'' said Chrissy Federico, senior. Since freshman year, Federico has been actively involved in Cabrini's athletic program and a number of other school-related activities. She played field hockey for four years and was captain this year. She was also on the basketball team and was co-captain in junior and senior year. This year she ran spring track and cross country. Her activities include being a Medical Assistant, Science Honor Society president, a member of the Biology Club and a member of the Captain's Club. Two memorable games for Federico were in basketball. In both her sophomore and senior year, the team beat archrival Allentown College. Involvement in sports has brought Federico many acquaintances and friendships. She has also learned about teamworlc and winning. "I learned how to have fun even ifwe didn't win. I learned to balance between taking losses and maintaining a winning attitude." Federico is a biology major. She hopes to get a job in the medical or environmental field doing medical research. She is considering going to graduate school. She is looking forward to the future, but will miss Cabrini. "Hopefully I will still see my friends. I know that I will have a different lifestyle than I do now," said Federico. She will also miss playing sports, especially basketball. ''It is going to be hard next year, not playing basketball. I have been playing for twelve years, and this will be a new experience for me."

Dave Butera

Terrie Pancio

cott Lecompte

Gina Strobel

occo Sansone

Ghris Federico

Lou D'lppolito by Stephanie Hornyak Lewis D'Ippolito will be graduating in May, and leaves behind fond memories of his years at Cabrini. He played on the golf team for two years, although the first year the team competed in district matches only. He was also involved with the intramurals program for basketball. His most memorable game was the "scramble" tournament that was held atthe endoflastyear. Thiswasagolfmatch which includes alumni, and although there were no alumni last year, there will be alumni at this game. He is a business administration major with a human resource minor. When he graduates, he will be moving back to Vineland where he already has a job lined up. He will be working at The Children's Courtyard, which is a private school for children from pre-school through 8th grade. His duties will include bookkeeping, building up-keep, and research. He said, "I enjoyed Cabrini. I liked the area because there was a lot going on. You have the benefits of Philadelphia without actually being in the city." He pauses for a·moment, taking a drag of his cigarette and adds, "I' 11miss the people. And the old coffee shop, but not the new one that has formed.'' A huge smile comes to his face and I realize that I have missed something. He said that Cabrini's golf program is young, and he didn't do as well as he hoped to. "There wasn't enough practice time. You can't expect to play once a week and really do anything.'' -His advice to next years golfers?"Good luck. And practice."

John Dunleavy

Jill Lehman

Pat Zipfel

Liz O'Connor

Special thanks to Jill Lehman and Liz O'Connor for their

dedicationand hard work as manage_rs for the Cabrini basketballprogram.


fridax, may 5 1 1989


Cavs experience uphill climb in 1989 by Susan Holefelder The 1989 tennis, golf and softball teams are into the final days of their season. For some, the season has ended and for others, there is still hope to end up with a good record. The teams went into the season with many goals and they are corning out with some of those goals accomplished and others not. According to Coach Reggie Day of the men's tennis team, the goals set for this season were accomplished. "The first was to do better than in the past," he said. Prior to this year, the team only had 3 wins. The seasonal score to-date is 7-6 with 2 matches to go. Another goal expressed by Day was to have a winning season. "Which we obviously will," he said. In the ESAC championships, Cabrini placed fifth out of six teams with a score of 6 pts. Day said, "The score isn't

always indicative to how the match was played. We should have won some of the matches we lost. It was very close. "We had some tough loses to some really good teams." Day expressed, "Cabrini is a new comer on the block and we have to fight for recognition. We are a team to be reckoned with in the future." Leo Eschbach, sophomore and co-captain, said, "We had a good season. We should finish with a winning season.'' "It was bad because of the transition from coaches. We have a much more demanding coach this year," Eschbach added. Gary Burnett, sophomore player said, "This season was a great success. It was a lot more structured and organized than last year.'' '' I feel it is the starting point of Cabrini's best tennis program," Burnett said. The women's softball team wasn't as fortunate this year,

however. They didn't make it to the ESAC championships and their final record in the northern division was Oand 4. Coach Sam Vasiliades said, "This year was a building year with all the freshmen.'' Being his first year coaching here at Cabrini, he said, "It gave me a chance to see who was interested in softball and who wasn't. " Vasillades said that there wasn't enough dedication. "The players didn't want to commit themselves to a winning season," he said. Another problem expressed by Vasi_liadeswas the amount of players on the team. This season there were 18 players. According to Vasiliades, this is too many. He plans on having only 13 players next·year. Adding to the list of problems was the weather conditions. As the saying goes, '' April showers bring May flowers,'' April was definitely a month of showers.

Straight from Monaco's mouth lou monaco new sports editor

As the 1988-89 school year draws to a close, I would like to personally thank the current Loquitur staff for giving me the opportunity to present and write a column, which has drawn controversy and praise. I would also like to personally congratulate the newly-elected Loquitur staff for the 1989-90 school year. * "WE WILLKICK--, GUYS!!!"* As Spring passes us by and the Summer slowly moves in, I would like to offer these thoughts and comments for you, the reader, to ponder over for the next few months: * The Flyers will win the Cup! I never thought a die-hard Ranger fan would say that but, for some odd reason, I have a feeling this is their year! Are you happy now, Jeffrey and Basil! * The Phillies are going to be playing some good ball over the summer months. There's no way that they will win the National League East Flag, but at least their style of play will raise some eyebrows

around the league and the Philadelphia fans will, at least be content with this ball club. * MVP Award for April: Sam Vasiliades, Cabrini women's softball coach. You have done an excellent job with this team. You have showed the girls leadership and hard work and with you at the helm next year, things can only get better. Congratulations, Coach! * Let's GO KNICKS! * Pat Zipfel: Thanks for the opportunities, the advice, the talks and your big dreams! Your gonna make it! * To the Cabrini Senior Athletes: Thanks for the memories and good luck in the future! ALL RIGHT! * As September rolls around, the Eagles will be flying out of the gate to the Super Bowl! * Watch out for Cabrini Basketball next year! * To my loyal readers: I'll be back whether you like itornot! Th;mks for all your support, praise, negative comments and wisecracks! * Hey Bisconte, Always Stack Your Chips: 35 Black! * Three cheers for all the guys who play in the pick-up softball games, after dinner and on weekends. It's a great time! Let's continue it next year! Tliat's it! Have a blast over the summer and good luck on exams! It's been fun!

''The rain prevented us from working on things outside,'' Vasiliades said. Finally, a problem faced in the game was pitching. Vasiliades said, ''There were games we should have won but lost because of pitching.'' One goal V asiilades had for the team was to win the ESAC championships. He believed he had a team to win it. "But it didn't work out that way," he said. Moving away from the diamond and onto the green, the men's golf team fared well in their season. They ended their season with a record of 6 wins and 5 losses. "It was a good success. Last year we only won 2 matches," Coach John Dzik of the men's golf team said. "We could have done better in the conference." At the ESAC championships this year, Cabrini finished forth out of five teams with a score of 466. Allentown College finished in first

place with a score of 422. '' I was a little disappointed with the outcome at ESAC,'' Dzik said. Brian Kilroy shot an 89 which, according to Dzik, is bad for Kilroy. "Brian shot his worst round of the season.'' Dzik said. Steve Wescott shot an 88 and Dzik said he missed being a contender for first place. ''We had a winning record, I am happy about that," he said. Dzik' s outlook for next year is positive. "If we get a little consistency in the game we will be better next year. Three out of four of the top golfers will be returning." Jerry O'Donnell, junior, said, "We started out the season strong. We only had two wins last year." O'Donnell feels the team surprised a lot of other teams. When asked how he did this year, O'Donnell responded, ''I'm not much of a golfer, I'm just out there to have a good time."

is coming on heavy, "Remember Abbott" and know that you can overcome obstacles . paula phillips Now, my final words of wisdom to the old Cabrini community and its administration. sports editor To the administration: Once again I really see the need for improvement, improvement in communication with the athAs my final column for the Loquitur or letic and physcial education department, imshould I say my final words of wisdom on provement in the facilities, improvement in my (should 1say Lou's) beloved sports pages, the realization that this school is growing I want to reiterate some of my thoughts about rapidly and to attract students, especially the year in sports. males, the athletic program and phys. ed. When 1 ponder back on this year, I would department needs to expand with it. venture and I'm sure people would agree All I can hope now is that my complainwith me,that this has been a trying year for ing was not done in vain. the sports world including. Instead of To the Cabrini community: We have to pondering on these trying points which we get our spirit back. We have to be proud of all know what they are, I want to share one who we are. This pride has to start in each aspect of this sports year that has been a one of us and then it has to filter into the source of inspiration for me and could be for school pride . others. Let's try to get the spirit and pride back at The inspiration was an athlete from the Cabrini next year! 24th Olympiad. The one athlete who stood My final words of this column have to be out in my mind all year and should be re- "thank you" to all the people who have membered by all, whether an athlete or not, is made this year possible. My fellow editors, Jim Abbott, the leading pitcher for the U.S. Dr. Zurek, House 6 especially Kathleen, team. Abbottwas handicapped. Hehadonly my two special buddies in Woodcrest and one hand. my girls on my wing thanks for keeping me He pitched the championship game against going when I was running low with words of Japan capturing a win (5-3) and a gold encouragement, a smile, a joke and a hug. medal. After a bad inning in the sixth giving And last but not least, a very special up two hits, two walks, two runs and strand- thanks to Mike Stevenson who came through ing the tying run on third, Abbott shut out the every time for me when I was in a bind and Japanese the rest of the way. listened to me complain when it wasn't his My words of wisdom are thatAbbott fault, even when I knew he wanted to tape should be an inspiration to all of us to never my mouth shut. He doesn't get enough quit and if you fall down, get back up again credit! THANKS MIKE! and try. Never say never. If you work hard, My final,final words of this column have then that hard work will pay off. (If you see to be: How about them Flyers!!! Will they a California Angels baseball game on t. v. beat Montreal? Of course they will! To look for him). J.Y.: If they don't, I'll eat my words!!! Ha!Ha! If you arepressured to succeed and stress

Butler honored by the Philadelphia Sports Writers Association by Paula Phillips On Wednesday, April 26, at Colleen's on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, one of our own was honored by the Philadelphia Sports Write rs Assocation, as one of the best basketball players in the Philadelphia Area. The assocation named, senior Brain Butler, to the Philadlephia All-Area Small College Basketball Team. This honor was only bestowed on nine players out of the National Collegeiate Atheltic Assocaition 's (NCAA) divison two and three teams in Philadelphia area. On receiving the award, Butler said,"I

never received an award like this. It gave Others honored at the banquet included me a little bit of exposure and recognition both professsional players such as player of not just here, but in my home town. It's a the year, Charles Barkley, NCAAdivision great honor." one Big Five players and coach of the year. Butler who was also named to the Eastern *** States Atheltic Conference (ESAC) first team, was the ali around leader on the Another men's basketball player also Cabrini's men's basketball this year in finished his season on a high note. Mike categories such as scoring, rebounding, Carrafa, sophomore, finished 19th in the assists and minutes played. "He had a very country in NCAA division three free throw outstanding senior year. He lead in every ·percentage. His percentage for the season category we kept stats in," John Dzik, from the line was 85.8 percent. athletic director and men's head basketball Marko Gittens,junior, was named to the coach, said. Dzik then added joking, "He ESAC second team for his oustanding play even lead in turnovers.': this year.

The women's basketball team and one its star players sophomore Barb Milligan also ended the season on a high note. The team as a whole finished in top honors in the three point range area in the country in NCAA division three. The team placed third in the country in three point goals made and finished eighth in the country in percentage. Leading the women's team to this finish was Milligan who finished 11th in the country in division three in three-point percentage having a 44 percent average. She also was given the honorofESAC honorable mention.

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