Sept. 15, 1989 Issue 01 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, sept. 15,1989

cabrini cpllege_,radnor,pa 19087

vol. xxxvi, no.1

ExpressregistrationGrace Hall:pastand present is not so express by KeUy Reed Registration received mixed reactions from Cabrini's students and administration. due in part to long lines and changes m the computer system which delayed the clearance process for many students. Lisa Hahn. the systems co-ordinator for the business office explained that the problems that ocurred during registration were due to the computer change from the Wang system to lBM. "The July billing was completed on the old system and had to be manually typed m.'· Hahn said ... When we switched to the new system the balances were bmught forward with the financial aid already on them and the compu!er counted everyone's fman• cial aid twice." This computer error resulted in students with huge credit balances and most of the confusion over the billing during registration. Student reaction to the long lines and disorganization of registration was mixed. Freshman, Scott Miller, registered early Tuesday morning and the whole process took only about five minutes. "l got my Pell Grant approved and I didn't have any trouble at all,'' Miller said. Other students felt tha! the registrati0n process was a hassle and could have been handled differently. Kevm Obrecht, freshman, said. ''The clearance process took about five minutes, but I was in line for almost a half an hour. I think that they should have taken us to register in smaller groups and they should have bee!' better organized." Tim Cronin, sophomore, waited for two and a half hours in line. "Once l got to the

tables it was no problem. It was supposed to work out that if you paid ahead, you could fly through. f guess the problem was that there weren ·1 enough people up front." KirnEgrestis waitedinlinefortwohours. ''While T was waiting I felt really irritated and angry. As. far as springsemester, f think that they will do something different.'' Egrest1s Tim Fahey, junior. was also ,;tanding in line for two hours. · 'The long wait of this year was worse 1han the ignorance of la-.t year,·' Fahey said. The admmistration feels differently than the students. ''The long lines at registration might have been avoided if students registered at their assigned time1. rather than everyone showing up at Grace Hall at 9 a.m. on Wednesday to register.·• said Elaine Rice, accounting manager of the business office. Frances Conwell, of the business office, suggested that registration would run more smoothly if students paid their bills by the deadlines set by the business offic~ rather than waiting until they register. Maryanne Mirra, the assistant registrar. felt that although there was some confusion due to the relocation of the registrar's office, registration went well. The Registrar, Jennifer Hansbury, said that the ne'A-ly renovated offices have made the office more efficient and made registration run much more smoothJy. The registrar's office had planned on having one-stop clearance as in years past. but. the problems with the new computer system prevented "The students handled themselves it. really well, and my office really appreciated their efforts.'' Hansbury said .. "Contrary to popular belief we do not enjoy making people siand in long lines to register."

(Above) Grace Hall as it stood before this summer's construction. (Below) The newly rennovated Grace Hall as it stands today with construction near completion and most offices in place. (Bottom photo by Frarrl<Emmerich)


Libraryincreasesbookbudget,hours by Frank Emmerich & Mark Gudas After three years of pursuing money for improvements, Cabrini's Holy Spirit Library finally had its budget increased. Updating and expanding the periodicals as well as extending the library's hours are just some of the ways the funds wil_l be utilized. The library proposed its usual budget which took into account the inflation rate of journals and periodicals and the normal increase of volumes. However, the budget committee allocated more appropriations than were expected. which means that students should notice a difference in the library this coming year. While the library has alway~ been a focus of criticism from the Cabrini College community. the library staff has been pursuing change for the past three years, but


in5ide perspectives ...... 2, 3

their demands have gone unmet. During this past summer's retreat, the Board of Trustees focused on the academic envfronment at Cabrini. The Academi-c Affairs Committee made a presentation regarding the inadequacy of the library, which also emphasized a comparision of similiar sized college libraries. The committee noted that Holy Spirit Library needed improve: ment. The fact that the price of periodicals has risen 157 per cent in the past IO years and that the average price of a book has increased toS35 dollars a volume led the Board of Trustees to allocate more funding to the library to compensate this inadeqaucy. Part of the money came from the grant for the National Endowment for the Humanities. This additional funding ha~ reaffinned the library's commitment to achieve 100.000 volumes by 1992. Also the


library was able to purchase a CD Rom which is a database set up for research in the field of psychology/litertaure. Previously students had to pay for such research. Now students can not only get the information for free, but they can also get ir readily. The hbrary also is in the process of getting accreditation in social work, while expanding its business reference materials. Biller said that the library has added additional staff to increase its full-time staff to six professional librarians. On weekends student~ wjll receive basic service from graduate students and undergraduates. On Sundays a technical service person will be there to serve 1he library users. The work study program will have a more professional role in the everyday operations of the library. Not only will students have an increase i11 the selection of materials in the library, but

Cabrini Singers

news ................ 4, 8, 9

, tour Europe

features .......... 5, 6, 7

(see page 5)

sports .......... 10, 11,12

also they will have a greater amount of time to make use of the expanded volumes. Monday through Thursday the library will he open from 8: 15 a.m. to 10:30 p.rn. an increase of a half hour. The new Friday hours are from 8: 15 to 8:00, an increase of three hours. On Saturdays students can use the library from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., which is an additonal two hours. An additional half hour has been added to Sundays making the new hours 2:06 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. According to Janet Dalberto. director of the library. the increased budget. ··was more than we expected and rhe staff credils everyone at the college for recognizing the importance of the library.'' Student's reactions to these improvements are mixed. Junior Jeff Hines feels positively about the additional half hour of lime in the

more Library on 8

Monaco mouths off (see page 12)



Summerof discontentsparksconcern Summer should conjur up such images as stretches of sandy beaches, miles and miles of clear ocean and a feeling of tranquility. When thoughts tum to the summer of 1989, perhaps these same images are thought of, but it seems as though the feelings of peace and safety have been violated. Think back to May. While most American college students were preparing for their final exams and anticipating summer, students in China ¡ were embarking on a quest for Democracy, beginning with a hunger strike in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. This quest ended in bloodshed and death, as China's military stepped in to forcibly control these students. In June, democracy became more of a reality for Poland, as the Solidarity party gained victory. July marked the Supreme Court's decision to allow people to bum the American flag. The controversy surrounding abortion was highlighted once again in worldwide protests and rallies.

The bottom line is to get involved and familiarize yourself with the issues going on here and around the world. In August, the United States was the target, once again, of hostage incidents. U.S. Marine Lieutenant, Colonel William Higgins was hanged and Joseph Ciccipio was given a 48 hour reprieve from his execution. These events, some overseas and others closer to home, should have an impact on every one of us, whether they directly affect us or not. To simply say , ''I don't care,'' displays an attitude of ignorance. It is no secret that the reputation of'' our generation'' is stigmatized as an apathetic one. It's no wonder. In the United States we are given just about ~vctythiug. Wt.-tlon't mtVC O Wulf:,,-r . e in a fi t fo democracy, or being held hostage because our views differ from a powerful leader's. We have it so easy, living in a free nation. Why do people have to tarnish this freedom by burning the symbol that signifies our freedom? The bottom line is to get involved and familiarize yourself with the issues going on here and around the world. College is a time for broadening horizons and realizing that positive change can be affected. It is wrong to speculate that all college students are not concerned with the issues. There are plenty who are. For those of you who aren't, wake up! It's your future.

fridaY, feb.10 1 1989


Get up, standup barbara wilson Editor-in-

chief Whatever happened to the protests of the '60s and the peace movement of the '70s? Are they gone forever? Are the generations to come left with the uptight '80s and '90s? As I listen to the generations before me reflect on the past, they speak of a sense of purpose they had in college. We however. are called the ''me'' generation. In the past, people pooled their energies together to fight for what they believed to be important, whether it be racial equality or justice for workers. Life today is not as it used to be. The philosophy of one for all and all for one could be gone forever and with its disappearance, a single-centered society could be upon us. If we tum from the America of the '60s and '70s to the pres(.!nt, we see people in China, South Africa, and Poland who fight for what they believe in.. Newscasts frequently report the many protests and demonstrations that show students around the world standing up and taking action on issues. The issues that strike up such controversy at times have a momemous direct effect on these people's lives, while other people get involved in issues that do not directl ' affect them. Why do some people get involved while others remain passive? Is it because people ¡are unwi!Jing to help others or is it because many do not understand the implications of

those who choose to complain and do nothing should think twice and realize what needs to be done. Those who stand up and take action should be respected.

other countries, the United States faces problems on its home front, yet many are overlooked. Although we see many individuals standing up for what they believe in, there is a definite need for those, and others like them, to stand together and recruit others to help in fighting injustices. This and only this will keep our society and many like it a growing and maturing one. In many of my experiences, I have found students who sett!e for second best. I used to feel the same, but now I am realizing that I cannot remain passive and am choosing to change. Although 1 am changing, there are others who refuse to respect other individuals' ways oflife and property. These people do not see the hann they commit by their actions of vandalism and prejudices, which leaves the rest of us to take a stand toward such disrespect. In many of the classes that Cabrini offers, faculty allow students to inspect every side of an issue and formulate their own opinion. The opportunity for such discovery is there and should be used to realize the things that need to be changed and a way to do so. I am not a person that likes to see controversy and friction. However, to see that people are working toward a purpose other than self gratification is something that I admire and respect. We may not need the protestsofthe '60s and the peace movement of the '70s, yet isn't it time to make people aware and active in the society in which we live. It is myopinion thatthosewhochoose to complain and do nothing should think twice and realize whac needs lO be done. Those who stand up and take action should be respected.

Editor: Baroara Wilson Managing Editor/ :Angie Corbo News Editor: Johanna Church Perspeot,vesEditor: Felicia Falcone Features Editor-Kelly McG11ian Sports Editor: Lou Monaco

a hurting society and its people'? Considering all of the causes crying out for help within To the Editor; ices seemed the logical place to go. They, in the United States and beyond, one would tum, told me to go to physical plant, who think students would be more involved. Throughout the summer, there were news It seems that everything in Sacred Heart then informed me that l) The lockers should reports on China's problems. This was a Hall has undergone a change for the better. have been emptied (but as usual, I found out real issue that real people responded to. Each It seems that all needs were met and all the hard way and too late). And 2) The action taken by the Chinese and many like problems were taken care of. With the ex- contents of my locker were emptied into a them, proves to be a glimmer of hope for thinking and acting societies. China's cry for ception of one. box and sent to the Dean of Student's office. freedom symbolizes how people act upon Last semester I was a commuter and I was informed that the contents of each their beliefs and shows how little the like some other commuters, I found a need ' box were simply incinerated. Very nice, problems are that many of us face on a day to for some storage space on campus. The very neat, but now I am out a few good, day basis. We in the United States take for granted rights, opportunities and benefits reusable textbooks as well as a Spread- that people elsewhere have to fight for. We lockers in Sacred Heart were ideal. When I went home for the summer, I did sheets text and corresponding disks. need to take a closer look at societies other I just wonder why consideration for the than our own and to look beyond the trivial as other students did. I left some of my books, mostly hardbacked texts, in my students who paid to have the renovations and everyday problems that concern us now. Then we would finally be able to locker. My intention was obvious. I would done was so much to ask for. Maybe next realize the important things in life. This year I'll just ask forthe school to remodel my would also allow us to open our eyes and simply resell them in the fall. Now a sophomore and a resident, I began house! At least I'd benefit from the tuition take action against those things that were endangering our own happiness as we!l as my quest for my locker. I searched high and I've been working to pay. that of others, low for the tell-tale hot pink lock I used last In our country, deciding what to do on a year, but to no avail. Sincerely, Friday night is a major dilemma, whereas in others, fighting for democracy is what people Joan Ann Brown When I first inquired as to the possible are concerned with. It's these types of A very serious student new location of my old locker, student servthoughts that make a person rethink his or her priorities on what is important. Like

Copy Editor¡ Jenrn Obrecht Business Manager: Angie Corbo, Denise EdWards.Sue Monarty Photography Editors: Kristin Kroll PhotographyAdviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Jim Bligh, Karen Dumorney, Denise Edwards, Frank Emmerich, Meghan Flannery, William Fulton. Kevin George, Mari<Gudas, Carlo lanono, Anna-Marie Karlsen, Mary Teresa Kelly, Clyde Laforest Jr., Melissa Landsmann, Daniella LoPresti, Kristin Mainero.Jenifer Morison, Chns Petsoski, Kelly Reed, Christina Roach, Deborah Ryder, Sharlene Sephton, Pamela Erin Riley,Stempleski Kelly Walsh, Charlie Watenall,KeffyAnn Williams, Leonora Veterano, Carol Walls Yarrow, Photography Staff: Marl<Gudas, Frank Emmerich,Gisselle Bellanca Loqu~ur,s published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087 Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is induded In the benefits secured by tuition and student tees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship knownto the editors. However, if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as "name wlthheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words

The edltOfialsand opinions published in Loquitur are the views o1 the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is establ(shedas a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibtled, robust, tree and open discussion of issues.

friday, sept.15,1989



[ opinions, Seeing Red at a teen da·nceclub by Carlo Iacono Red Schoendi'enst, as he entered the baseball Hall of Fame this past July, stated, "In the middle of winter, I found in me an invincible summer.'' Whoever penned that line wis very eloquent The line was especially pertinent to baseball's summer of discontent. It was also very pertinant to my own summer of discontent. You see, forthe90percentof you who don't have a clue,Red was an excellent second baseman for the St. Louis Cardinals in the 1940s and '50s wbo went on to be a World Champion manager in the late '60s for the same Cardinals. He was a 42year career baseball man who was shamefully passed over in his years of Hall eligibility, but was saved by the Veterans Committee. At 66, still looking fit and trim, he accepted a reward from the ga~e he gave so much to. The moment was enough to make him feel young again. Though my revelation during my summer of discontent pales in comparison to Red's, I still feel there is a parallel. The summer of '89 taught me that I wasn'tso young anymore. The arena for this discovery was a dance club. Now don't get me wrong. Let me preface that I love dance clubs. After all. I was a regular at the Be-Bop Caf~ in Media, Pa., during the summers of '87. and '88. Every Sunday I'd embark on a quest for scantily clM young girls. I had the act

down to a tee; European shoes, slight peach fuzz musta~he, and I could speak in vowels if need be. But as I returned to my arena of past triumphs, I sensed I was somehow too old. Sure only last summer I was a regular, but something was different this time around. I felt like I was too mature for the whole game. At 19, hopefully stiJl looking fit and trim, I accepted a realization from the club that.gave me so much. The moment was enough to almost make me feel old. The atmosphere wasn't right or ..... adult like. Adult' is the word I'm looking for. A typical teen c1ub evening, and I specify teen, involved males fighting over stupid things such as looking at one's girlfriend or stepping on one's leather shoes, while females paraded around in packs of ten wearing a scant nothing. On the subject of wardrobe, I have a puzzling question. How can a 15-year-old girl parade past her father in a day-glo pink bikini top the width of a slice of bacon and tight spandex pants? She either (A) uses the back door, (B) wears a sensible ·shirt over the bikini and uses the back door, or (C) tells her father that it is beach party bingo night or something neo-60,§ that he participated in way back when. The sight of these females would even make Red feel old. The subject of male attire is more clear cut. The fashion statement requires lots of gold, big muscles, and a tank top. I, not being of large wallet or biceps, do the sensible thing- wear one gold chain and a polo shirt.

TMf. f.X.'1..0N Otl.-SPt&.L CL~N-tJPSAGA

The basics of a teen dance club evening revolve around finding a partner of the opposite sex. All witty pick up lines are thrown out the window because you can't hear each other speak over the loud music, So in this dungeon of sex, only the strong of body survive. There is a lot of posing by bothsexes set to raunchy music that involves non-printable sayings. I won't get specific about the content, but as humorist Dave Bany stated, some rhyme with "duck shoe." Maybe l 'm getting too old, but there has to be a better way to meet members of the opposite sex. All of my best attributes (wit, some-intelligence, and ... uh ... politeness) are wasted in the dance club environment. There was one incident that iJlustrated to me that it was time to retire from the game I love. An attractive female passed by a group of males, including myself, and was affectionally pinched in the buttocks by a person standing nextto me. She turned around and glared darts in a "who did it" way. I felt compelled to say something. "It wasn't me," l said, feeling gentlemanly. "But, I'm sorry." '·Oh yeah,'' she replied snapping her bubble gum, "Duck shoe! " She proceeded to flirt with the muscle bound man who pinched her butt. God,_I love dance clubs.

Dogs do die on Sunday by Johanna Church After an experience in my life requiring humane compassion was not merely rejected but ignored, I have come to wonder about the human race, and why people fight for things they believe in. I now truly feel that their beliefs are based on convenience. ''Save the Whales," an everlasting campaign, but why? Do those people who protest and solicit really care about the whales? The same goes for all the other "saving" organizations. Why was so much money spent to save the three whales in AJaska? Because my heart is hardened, I feel the whales were rescued due to the ongoing attempt for people to truly find satisfaction in humane actions. However, I feel it is impossible. People are no longer what they "used" to be, or even what they claim they really are. Although some can put on their "humane" hat for television cam• eras and newspapers to pretend to truly believe in a cause, I now believe. that deep down, on the underside of the imitation-heated warm heart is the icy cold spot, where each is as cold as the next, too caught up in their microcosm to realJy •·care' ' about the real world. Animal rights activists constantly protest for their cause, and sometimes get results, but those results often fall out of fashion too quickly. "Save the Whales" was an active campaign of the past, and following behind were the seals and birds as well as many other animals. But as I look at each campaign, I seem to feel a bit of fashion.or trendiness. The whales have come in quietly, made their point and settled down, left to Jess support as well as publicity. The same has happened, and is happening, to other animal causes, leading me to believe that such campaigns aretrends,just as the former peace movements. The most consistent organization for animals has been the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. lt has spent endless dollars, as well as hours, helping distressed, abused and unwanted animals. The organization does allow adoption of their animals, but only after the adopter signs numerous agreements stating he will properly care for the animal, and promises to return the animal to them in the event the animal is no longer wanted. Many, as well as myself, have believed in the truth of the SPCA

time of a dire need for compassion and returned support, only one out of seven people encountered was willing to give that compassion. Last April, my dog, which I had for 15 years, died. On that emotionally draining day, my famjly, who never had to deal with a deceased animal before, needed help. We didn'tknowwhoto call or what to do. All of us were not only mourning our loss, but looking for a sane light in our darkness of confusion. Our first attempt was to verify our dog's death by phoning our neighbor's veterinarian. Being a Sunday afternoon, we were referred by the doctor's answering service to another vet. whose service took a message, but assured a returned call In the meantime, we tried to call our dog's vet, but we received no answer whatsoever. Finally the doctor called. When we described the situation. the vet was sure our dog had gone. When we asked him what the procedure was for removing a deceased animal, the vet responded with what we had already thought to be the most sensible an!swer, · ·call the SPCA." From the · Society for the Prevention fo! Cruelty to Animal!.;'' we received a cold "We're closed on Sunday," as well as a stern "And we DON'T pick up dead animals." In our last attempt to find compassion, as well as information, on the proper way to handle a deceased animal on Sunday, we phoned our borough police. We were told to "put the dog in the shed and take it to the SPCA tommorrow.'' Giving up all hope of finding someone who realized that dogs do die on Sunday. we did as we were instructed. The next day when my grandparents took our dog to the SPCA, they were unwelcomely greeted by a cold and hostile woman who acted as though they had the nerve to expect the '' Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals'· to take our dog's body. Another woman, the only compassionate and understanding one, took the dog from my grandfather and gently carried her away. The things we believe in and support aren't always. what we think they·are. Anything can happen anyday. Causes come and causes go, but the SPCA seemed to be the most stable of all causes, except for their neglect to -realize that dogs do die on Sunday.




f riday,sept. 15, 1989

The new Grace Hall /

1. 2. 3. 4.

Theater Dance Studio FinancialAid -RestRooms 5. Career Counciling 6. Co-op 7. Conferenceroom 8. Continuing Education 9. GraduateStudies 10. Registrar 1¡1. AcademicAffairs 12. Conferenceroom *TemporaryCo-op office untilOctober 1989 13. FaGultySecretaries 14. Xeroxroom 15. Facultymailboxes 16. Admissionsoffices 17. Great Hall


16 14


13 15

?..===:l 10





-----i::=====:::;:::===:L. - - - .. 4











T 6




SGA Updates The Studenl Government Association halostarted off the year with high energy!! Listed below is a schedule of events for the month of September. We hope that there is something here for you. September 15 Friday Nite at the Movie.. Movies will be shown once a month in the Xavier Great Room, at 9 pm. Again, there is no admission fee, refreshments will be served and the movie is to be announced. 16 Let's go White Water Rafting~! Student Activities will have sign up sheets for the trip after Monday, Sept. 11.

19 SGA Meeting at 1:30 pm in the Social Activites Room.

Welcome Bae Everyone!!

21 Club Faironthe Man<;ionLawn during lunch, this isyouropportunityto learn about the various campus organizations. 23 Slate-wide conference for Collegiate Student

Government Associations at Lebanon Valley College. All members of the SGA (class or club officers) are invited. See Angie Corbo for details.

26 SGA meeting, I :30 pm, in the Social Activities room

Have a great year!

28 Food Committee meeting, J pm in rhe Cafeteria Students remember. SGA is a student govemmenl body for the student body!! All students are welcome to all of our meetings and events. For infonnation. ju t. top by the SGA office. We are located directly across to the Wig Warn. and beside the commuter lounge. We will have an open door policy. Plea e stop by to makt: your sugge~tion and reccomendations throughout the year for event , activities and/or programs. WE are here for YOU! I ho])\!that you have a wonderful and year. It seems to be ,taned off with a bang. Tam looking forward to all of the events and challenge. tha1lie ahead: l hope that you will be a pan of the excitement!! Sincerely. Angie Corbo, Presiden1 Student Govl!mment A sociation

The Financial Aid Office



f riday, sept.15, 1989


Yellowbuses,rusticcabins,and leadingtowardunity by Kelly McGillan

Some small group sessions were presented by a staff member in conjuction with a student who was on their second or third leadership conference. ·'All sessions were of a high quality and that showed in the presentations,'' said Bob Bonfiglio, dean of students. Plenary sessions dealt with issues such as racism, how others view you as a leader, and dealing with difficult people. Another session, the adventures of leadership was presented by Indiana Jones, ak.a. John Doyle, director of'resident life. Speciality sessions allowed the different types of organizations to assemble together and work on leadership qualities and concerns of their particular position.. Angie Corbo, student government president said that she had accomplished everything that she had planned on her agenda. ''S.G.A. was very receptive and enthuiastic in working with the other groups on campus, such as the R. A.' s," Corbo said. Aside from the various types of sessions the leaders were given a couple of hours of free time each day to to go horseback riding,

canoeing, swimming, just simply relaxing or throwing other people in the pond. Leaders competed against each other in games such as Twister, horseshoes, hoolahoop and pie eating during the ''Iaff-olympics," as well as lip-synched and performed skits at the evening socials. Some groaning and griping could be heard throughout the sparce and rustic one room cabins of the YMCA Camp in the beginning. Studenfs who had gone on previous leadership camps told the first-timers about the "luxurious" accommodations at Quarry Hill Farms, home of former chairman of the Board of Trustees, William Combs. Many who attended the camp came back to Cabrini with a tremendous feeling of closeness to the others at camp. The closing ceremony expressed this feeling of closeness. Each leader was asked to find a piece of wood to contribute to the bonfire. While standing in a circle around the blaze an opportunity was given to all the leaders, if they wished. to step foward and express their

Boarded on two yellow school buses, and a ton of luggage piled in the Cabrini van, more than 80 student leaders and staff cheerfully departed last Sunday on a four-day excursion to Camp Speers-Eljabar in Dingmam 's Ferry, the Poconos. This sounds like a vacation, and to a point it was, but the primary reason was to better educate the selected _group of students on how to be more effective leaders on campus. Students represented orientation counselors, resident assistants, medical assistants, campus ministers, student government executive board, class officers, and for the first time, Kappa Sigma Omega executive board members. The camp's dual themes of leadership through unity and seize the moment enabled both staff and students to come home as one group, not divided as R.A.'s, O.C.'s, and S.G.A.'s. The first activitresof camp were to define what Cabrini spirit meant to the leaders personally and then to define individua goals for the camp. Jacqui Ricci, sophomore O.C., said, "I found setting my goals a little difficult a first." Ricci went on to say that one of he basic goals was to be a little more outgoing. "I clam up easily and I really wanted to interact more," Ricci said. Ellen Battersby, sophomore campus minister. said that her goal was to develop confidence in her abilities. She feels she accomplished this because she got to know the other leaders and feels that there is a · support system there for her. "Even if not by personal conversation,'' Battersby said, ''then through small group sessions where people opened up and talked about themselves.'' Student leaders were able to choose from a variety of small group sessions that dealt · with such topics as dealing with burnout, II ---,iL,.. ____ _ how to encourage effective change on camGary Bundy, instructor in the education department, lectures students during pus, using humor with leadership, making Leadersh;p camp on becoming better leaders and dealing with cultural diversity. ethical choices and handling male/female (Photo by Frank Emmerich) · relationships, to name a few.

feeling towards others among them. The leaders expressed to friends thanks for their friendship, support, and sometimes for their forgiveness. AU barriers and guards were down, and everyone opened up because they knew that the people around them were welcoming and inviting. ''It's rare when people can get to the base of their emotions." Corbo said. "It talces something special to get people to do that, bring feelings to words. Leadership camp allowed and made students aware of their feelings towards each other." People were expressing how much certain friendships meant to them, telling others how much they admired them, wanting to forget past barriers and renew forgotten friendship and celebrating new friendship formed in those few short, but meaningful days. Some felt that it would be too difficult explain to those who did not go to camp how close and honest the emotions were for old friendships, and how deep they were for new friendships. A lot of people cried and laughed and many still get chills thinking about it. "It was incredible feeling of every emotion," said Debbie .Ma~ux. junior and medicaJ assistant. "It may seem far fetched, but what happens every year at leadership camp is magical," said Rita Calicat, director of student services. After two hours the fire had almost died out, Doyle summed up the ceremony telling the student leaders that the fire will go out during the semester if they don't keep rek indling the flame, if we don't reach out to the other leaders for support afld lean on them to get them through. A concern was expressed among the leaders that lhe feeling and closeness might get tossed when they came back from camp back suggestions were made to renew the feeling of camp after Christmas break. '' After Christmas break the student leaders should comeback early to renew the feeling of camp," said Dana Lepis junior, O.C. and S.G.A. member.



Choir: Singing ambassadors in Europe by Jen Morrison Many people dream about going to Italy and Switzerland, but for several Cabrini students the dream became a reality this summer when they went on a European concert tour. TI1e Delaware County Community Chorus {DCCC) Cabrini Singers under the direction of Dr. Adeline Bethany toured the two countries from the last week of June to the beginning of July. ''There was not a big turnout from Cabrini,'• said Karie Papay.junior. "Money is a big reason because it falls smack dab in the middle of the summer and people can't get off from their jobs, but the experience is worth I 000 times the amount you pay." Kelly Evans, junior said, "A solution to this problem could be to move the date up to earlier in the summ~r, eliminating problems with jobs." Bethany said, «1 am sure that the primary reason more students did not tum out for the trip is because of financial reasons. The cost of the trip, while low by tourist industry standards, is high for students who need to work to earn their tuition.'' "lf there is a will, there is a way to work for something that you really want," said Clara La Porta, choral pianist. ''Students were able to earn money to participate in the trip by running a fundraiser.'' Donna Kulesa, senior said, "People aren't aware of everything that happens on the trip. There is more to the trip than just concerts.·'

Stresa, heard her play for the first time. Dr. Bethany said, · 'For me, the highlight of many, was recording in La Salle de Musique in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. The acoustics of this famed hall were superb. The Berlin Symphony and the Orchestra de la Suiss Romain record here." "J was honored to be perfonning and recording on the same stage. The recording engineers were Deutsche-Gramrnaphone, one of the best, if not the best recording company "I am trulycommittedto the in the world. Our tape is magnificent.'· Kulesa said, '' A highlight for me was seeing the Matterphilosophythat goodwillcan be horn, the world's greatest nature!! formation. I also enjoyed spreadto othercountriesthroughthe eating lunch on the Alps with friends." effortsof our music making. Evans said, "My biggest fear going to Europe was not being able to understand the language, but I did well in Friendshipis the messageand music "I didn't have trouble with the language barrier Italy." is the medium. This really sumsup because I was able to use body language and stumble through it," said Papay. the purpose of organizingthese La Porta said,' 'We have no idea what antiquity is in the trips." states. What we consider old, is young in Europe. To think we were looking around at art that was hundreds of years old. - Dr.AdelineBethany European countries that are under consideration for future trips include Spain, England, Scotland, Wales, and Evans said, ''The way the entire group got together was - Ireland. great considering that we just met each other." The group Bethany said, "I am truly committed to the philosophy ranged in age from 17 to 73. ' 'There were no barriers between that good will can be spread to other countries through the the age groups.'' efforts of our music making. Friendship is-the message and La Porta received a gold medal for her outstanding music is the medium. This really sums up the purpose of accompaniment on the night her family. who live near organizing these trips. "

ton, continuing education student said, •'The highlight of my trip was when I gave a pairof drumsticks to a little boy from Stresa, Italy. He appreciated the music and because the drumsticks only cost me eight dollars I felt that they were worth more to the little boy.''



arents:t e new freshmenat orientation aid, who facilitated a parent

by Pamela Stemple ki Cabrini College's Class of 1993 spent

two days of their summer break attending freshman orientation and for two days, their parents attended a parent orientation, right along with them. The parents went to sessions, held . group discussions, enjoyed socials and Livedon campus. This is the second year Cabrini has in tituted this format and the idea seems to be catching on. Yes, it's true. No longer is the theory of leaving home,familyandparents togo away to college a valid one. This year, parents actually joined students in the experience of getting to know Cabrini first hand. The theory behind parent orientation is that it is equally important for the parents to be comfortable with Cabrini as it is for the ~tudents themselves. Parents as well as students felt that it was much easier to adjust to the idea of college life when they were able to be introduced to it together. ''It gave you a taste of college life,'· said Nicole Gabriel, freshman. "It wa~ great because I was in the dorm, but it was also good to know that my parents were close by.'' ·•1 felt kind of awkward knowing my parents were around and that they were with me at college," said Dave Thompson, freshman. Heather Laraway, freshman, did not have her parents withher. Shefeltthatshe got more out of her orientation without them around. "ft was better without my parents because I got to experience college on my own," Laraway said • 'Parent orientation is great,•' said Rita Calica!, director of student activities.. "It gives parents a chance to know the campus and know what the freshmen coming in will be experiencing in the fall, and in tum, they'll feel more comfortable leav. ing them here." Although both parents and students attended the orientation at the same time, most of their day was spent separated. The parenls spent their time meeting administration, learning the financial aid ropes. meeting the other parents and getting a chance to ask some question. of upperclassmen about college life in general. Chris,sophomore orientation

discussion group felt that the program went well. ''They were weil structured sessions and had clearly defined objectives, Pesotski said. "The parents seemed enthusiastic.·• Pesotski also felt that having parents attend orientation was more for their benefit rather than the students'. , However, it was also nice for the students to get 1heirparents· approval of their school. "l think it's a great idea,'' said Sally Arnarelli, resident assistant in Woodcrest. "I thinl il's good for the parents and the students to be separated. It's time to start being independent. Thi!'. was a good first step.'' '· Many parents didn't go to college, or haven't been there for a while," s~id Kevin Koknar, R.A. in Xavier. '·Mo:;! of rhe people I talked to were interested in what they saw. I didn't hear many bad things about the program, As a whole. reactions were very positive." John Doyle, director of resident life, felt that the parent orientation was a positive thing in many ways. ''ft gives the parent. a chance to meet the administration face to face, so that when they need to call about a problem they are familiar with you and the school policies. Orientation, for students, is primarily ~o that the student can bond with the institution. It also give them a chance to meet people, a sort-of mini-co mos of Cabrini." "I'm glad to see thatthe parentsshowed up and took time out to attend the orientation,,. said Tyrone Carr, assistant director of resident life. "It gives them a chance to experience one night of what their kids will experience. They can meet with faculty and administration who will bein contact with theirchildren. Parents aregivenachanceto ask all their questions at one time.'' Overall. the opinions of Cabrini' parent orientation were varied, positive, and encouraging. ''The accomodations were fine, the food was adequate. breakfast was too early, and the campus was beautiful,·' said Mn.. Conner, mother of Jacquelynne and Michael Conner." A lot of what wascovered was a repeat of what we heard at the fall information sessions. I was very comfortable with Cabrini from the start.

WELCOivIE! Let us knowif We can

help you in any wa'y. ancy Gardner aurie Bentz teve Brinlee heryl Stiman ykenia Cowe

Peggy Morscheck Lisa Bogan . . - inner

fridaYz sept.15, 1989


Parents,freshmenlearning to adjust to college lif9 Editor's Note - This"isthe first of a two part series on lww families make the transition when a child goes to college . by Angie Corbo The time: At the change of the ~e~ons in early Sept. The place: A small. uburban, Catholic college located outside of a large city. · Characters: Stem. supportive fathers. teary-eyed mothers, nervous students and a friendly. energized college orientarion staff. Setting: All have setcled into their respective residence halls, and we wait for the final ''Goodbye.·· Perhaps the scene may seem slightly overdone by the word, that have been selected to depict the fm,t day of new student orientation. However, a scene such as this has been typically the front page picture story of the first issue of Loquitur in years past. Campus leaders have been trained to acknowledge the vane1y of emotional re-

"It's a new beginning. I'll have less laundry to . wash, less dinner to cook, but we'll make the adjustments at home." - Mary Ann Marczyk mother of freshman sponses that a college freshman and his/ herfarnily experience throughout the adjustment period (after a child ··leaves the nest to go to college"). Early on the morning of Sept. 5 all of the orientation staff. resident assistants, and other campus leaders were geared up to greet the incoming students and their families. They expected to deal with a variety of people, problems and situations. However. the majority of the staff on hand was pleasantly surpri ed to find that their one-on-one skills were required in a capacity other than they had anticipated. The tears. the complaints, and the commotions that had existed m past years at Cabrini College did not ,eem to exi-;t in the same manner. "A 11of the problems and que tions that came up were answered "'ithin minutes ... said John Doyle, director of resident life. "People just seemed amazingly content." At the end of the "move in.' day. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of ~tudenb said that the day went very well, and that all ran very smoothly.

On Wednesday, the last day of the new Patricia Fitzgerald. student orientation. tudent coordinator of orientation, and Rita, director of student activites were delighted at the overall ,uccess of the orientation process. Why did thi~ orientation seem to run more effectively than those of past years? Was it the maturity level of the freshmen class? Did the summmer orientations help the adju tmen1 process? w~ there a superior orientation staff that made Lheadministrative ·ide of the program work more efficenlly'? Were the staff. parents and new students working exceptionally well together - at the right place and at the right time'? O, erall. parent!'. were very positve in their responses, reactions. and action throughout the day. Maudie Regina. mother of Barbara Regina, freshman. summed up the fee Iing of rnosr oft he parent who were inten· iewed. "She's ready." Regina said.Lisa Ro~e. freshman is roomming with her best friend froi11Bi hop McDevitt, l1er high school. This served as a comfort factor for her parents. They ell that Lisa's attitude Loward · Cabrini was so positive, that her college experience was beginning on a strong note. Although Lisa is the oldest child in the family, her parenis are not hesitant about •·sending her off to college.'· "lt' time for Lisa to move on," her mother aid. "Every adju ·tment i a new adventure," aid Ann Sexton. a freshman from Fort Washington. Md. As a child she grew accustomed to mo\'· ing because her father Lhe Air Force. Although Ann is the youngest of the Sexton's two daughters to leave for college. her parents feel very positive about their daughter's choice for college. Brian Marczyk, freshman is the youngest son to leave ·'the nest." His mother had mixed emotions on the "move in" day. "It's a new beginning. I'll have less laundry to wash, less dinner to cook, but we '11make the adjustment at home," she said. Marczyk has a car on campus, and hi~ mother said that she did expect periodic visits, but reminded her son that her adjustmenl would come 4uickly to the lighter loads of laundry. Sending "kids" off to college ,eemed like a positve experience to mo~t parents this year who were at orientation. "I enjoy getting each of my kids started, in their own college.·· said the father of Mike Finn, freshman. He, and many other parents arc looking forward to experiencing the Cabrini collegiate life with their children.

Z'ea ol 1(/idu 'P'"'t ,,~



514,te,t, ?o,u; 1/t,u. 1/tuvra,


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f riday,sept. 15 1989



Freshmen say: Get ready 'cause here we come 'l!t:

:- ...·

Brig~tly colored balloons mark the e~trance to Xavier Hall (Photo by Frank Emmerich)

- · .


.· .

Mary Shimkus exhibits her charm ~nd O.C. skills to her orientation group. (Photo by · Frank Emmerich)


·1 _ .

Freshman Mike Conner get chummy with Dean Bob Bonfigf;o. He's starting out on the right foot! (Photo by Frank Emmerich}

What are you going to do in may when it's time to move out? (Photo by Frank Emmich)

Moving in becomes a family affair! (Photo by Frank Emmerich)

_____ ~_ . ...:.

Starting semester right .... Dear Students: Welcome to the new academic term. Best wishes for a successful and healthy year. -Sister Eileen Currie College President


• .,.'ic

the off • • •




the semester right.

Best Wishes for a successful semester. -The Office of the



New conductcode sets penalties by Barbara Wilson Although the code of conduct recently presented to Cabrini students appears to be new, it actually is a revised version with a few additions to Cabrini's rules and regulations. The presentation of this revamped code has raised some questions throughout the campus. "The students appeared unclear as to the con~ents of the code of conduct, so we summed up Cabrini's ruJes and regulations in one precise document.'' said Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students. The events leading up to reiterating the code were acts committed by students last year that included, among other things, vandalism and intentional abuse that was either spoken or written. •'The code now allows for more freedom to deal with larger issues when faced with a discipline problem," said John Doyle, director of resident life. "The code allowed for inroads that will help out when dealing v.ith a situation that is not specifically stated in the handbook or in the code of conduct.·· Although the code wa a general repackaging of Cabrini's rules there was one addition which refers to the verbal or written abuse of any member of the college community. Bonfiglio explained that the basic function of the code was to make the ideaL of Cabrini clear. ''Most students live according to Cabrini's ideal without having to think about them, that is how we would Iike all of the students to live.'· aid Doyle. Spring semester last year was the first time that the code of conduct was worked on. Cabrini sent away to various college and asked for a copy of their codes. A committee which consisted of students, Bonfiglio, Doyle and Dr. Jolyon Girard, history professor, was set up to organize and formulate the conduct code. After reviewingaJI of the college codes the commiuee came up with oneoftheirown. PassedamQ.ngvarious committees within the Cabrini community. the code was reviewed and approved. Doyle views the policy as a positive step in discipline. "Instead of tdling someone that they can't do something I can say, yes you can do that under these guidelines.•' While trying to upgrade the emotional outlook on campus with the code, Cabrini improved the phy ical environment for students. Residents living in the refurbished dorms on campus are able to see the many repairs which took place. During the ummer months physical plant, along with con-

tracted workers, repaired every donn on campus. In addition to painting and cleaning all seven houses, dry wall work was done to• repair the vandalism that had been done last year. Xavier Hall also had repair work and painting done as a result of vandalism. Workers al o replaced and installed many of the window screens in Xavier. Counsel Hall was limited to room repair and hall painting. with this year's residents painting their own rooms. Woodcrest and the Man ion had minimal work done because Woodcrest was redone just last year and the Mansion was in good

"Most students live according to Cabrini's ideals without having to think about them, that is how we would like all of the students to live." --John Doyle, director, resident life hape. There are now only fini hing touches to be done to the donn on campus and with the completion of the repairs in sight Doyle said ··students see the positive effects of living in a well kept dorm and realize that vandali m is not beneficial." One step in making sure that vandalism does not occur on campus this year is the room deposit that has now become a security deposit. Jn conjunction with the security deposit Bonfiglio said. "visual enforcement and educating studenrs on the code of conduct will help in preventing problems on campus." Other steps taken to insure proper conduct on Cabrini's campus are the disciplinary actions taken if the code is violated. Such disciplinary actions mclude: fines; community service: educational, alcohol or drug programs in related offenses; notification of parents of dependent children; social or residential probation; suspension of resident hall privileges; withdrawal from college or expulsion. All of the regulations in the code are considered to be a deterrent for actions that do not coincide with the Cabrini communities philosophy on how to live.

Libraryfrom 8 library. ''I think it's great, especially for those with night classes. Now they can get in an extra half hour of research," said Hines. "It is a step in the right direction. We should not be deprived of what other colleges get just because we are smaller. In the future, they should extend them more." Marco Sardi is pleased with the longer hours because he will now be able to get in an extra half hour of piano practice. However, some students do not feel that anyone will benefit from getting the half hour ~xtension. "It should be open until at least midnight," Debbie Malveaux said. ''Most college libraries are open until midnight and they will be kicking us out at 10: 15 anyway." ~nior Lee Mirenda is still not too plea ed with the changes. "If it's going to be open an extra half hour. why don't they get better books that make it worth ~ing open." Senior Claire De Silva finds the library an important factor in the development of Cabrini. · 'The library promotes the growth of student population. It should be open until at least 11:30," De Silva said.


fridaYzsept.151 1989

-~l)f~-~-t ~ I ~ I I 1iJ Jl ~ ~ I I I I I I I Welcome Back to School Students & Faculty


(II was a long, hot, lonely summer without you!)

The Institutional Advancement


Tony Brocchl Jr. Denise Morris Tracey Green


Development Mary Ellen Herzog Kristin Kroll


Alumni Affairs/Annual Giving




Martha Dale Kay Mosko


:J'f ;;

Comprehensive Campaign Nancy Costello Pam Talone Lillian Williams


Public Relations Karen Berlant Jini Loos Dana Damiani

J}f ~

~~,,~-~~ Welcome Back from the Rooymans Cent formerly the Counse Center John, Tyrone, and Randi, Arthur,Bobbie and Janet, Sue and Eileen, Donna, Katherine, Lili,Michael and No




friday, sept. 15, 1989

Work studyand work grant;the new financialaid byChris Pesotski

In order to help eligible students pay for the costs of a college education, the Cabrini College financial aid office administers a number of different, grant, and work programs. 111rough panicipation in these programs. students can earn tuition rebates, receive grants and loans and even earn spending money to help defray·college costs during the year. Two of the most utitized financial aid programs underwent changes over the summer. The most obvious change occurred in the work grant program, formerly called service grant. In_this program the majority of workers are dormitory monitors. Director of Financial Aid, Arlene Dittbrenner, said some of the changes, "better met the needs of the students, faculty, and administration, so we re-designed the work grant program, to permit two different types of work within the program. "The traditional ten hour per week job is still in existence. Those jobs pennit students to study while on the job. Financial aid calls these jobs monitoring jobs." The annual work grant award is $1100, and students must work 280 hours to receive the grant. Thus the effective hourly pay rate is $3.93 an hour. ''Of course the benefit is that these students can study during work." Dittbrenner said. "The new kind of work in the program is jobs which do not permit students to study (jobs formerly reserved for college work study employees). These jobs can now be used to fulfill the work grant time requirements. One major difference between these jobs and monitoring jobs is that students are required to commit only six hours per week to the program.'' This kind of work grant also has 1100 awards, but requires only 168 hours of work. Thus the effective hourly pay rate is $6.55 an hour. "I hope that with all of the information students have received, they understand the changes in the work grant program,'' Dittbrenner said. "If students stifl have any questions,they should stop by the financial aid office for clarification." The Campus Job Fair, held on Sept 7th, was designed to acquaint students with the changes in financial aid programs, and to allow students to apply for campus jobs.

· •[ think we were successful,'' Dittbrenner said. ·•At the Job Fair, the coordinators of the college work study and work grant programs outlined the differences between this year and last. Al-thoughwe were pressed for time due to the large number of students with 2: IO classes, students were responsible for the information in the Job Fair discussions. The program coordinators are available to answer any questions students might still have.'' One question that seemed to be coming up with disturbing regularity was why did the college work study pay rate drop? The answer is that for most students, the pay rate did not drop, but was frozen. "In 1987-1988, the wage rate for college work study on campus was $3.35 to $4.10," Ditbrenner said. "We simply could not compete with area businesses with that pay structure. We couldn't even compete with McDonald's." Ditbrenner said that campus depanments couldn't find employees to operate efficiently, and the program was not being utilized to its fullest extent. Based on the number of workers in that year, she said that financial aid raised the pay scale to a range of $5 to $6.50. ''This move was more than successful in luring people to the program," Ditbrenner ~aid. "We were so successful, in fact, that the college work study budget wa,; considerably over spent last year. To continue operating the program, we had to once again adjust the payscale. Now it is $4.50 to S6.00. We selected this move so that no student staying in a job would receive a reduction, but merely a one-tame freeze.'· According to Dittbrenner. the regular award for work study is $1500. Last year it would have taken a student earning the base pay rate ten hours per week to earn the $1500 in one school year. This year, at the new base pay rate, students will have to work 11 hours a week to earn the full $1500 award. Mos students seem to understand the changes. especially upperclass.students.

"I understand the differences," said Jacqui Ricci, sophomore. ''H's more organized. One job, the six hour kind, has been added, and you can't study. The old ten hour job is still around, and you're able to study." The Job Fair also clarified the differences between work grant and work study for Matt McGeeban. · 'The work grant helps you pay your tuition and comes right off your bill," McGeehan. "The work study helps pay expenses and gives you some spending money every week.'' ''If students understand the changes, and the Job Fair was successful, then we've done what we set out to do," Ditbrenner said. "We'll have a Job Fair again next year, probably with a few minor changes, but we feel good about the way things ran."

The Summer Orientationwould like to thank

Domino's Pizza

for their generous donationsthis summer.

UPandAwa~fora Successful Year!! Deanof Students

Director of Student Activities

·Robert Bonfialio

-Rita Calicat

Director of Resident Life •John Doyle

Asst.Director of Resident Life -TYrone Carr•


Director of HealthServi~--~--Susan MasonFitzserald

Center ounseling Pre$ton •Dr.Katherine

Director of CareerCo


-Donna Seckar

-Lili Goodman

Woodcrest Manaeer


-Randi Schweriner

-Anita Pesot

Director of Campus Ministry -SisterBernadette Anello

Campus Minister -Francesca Bansbach

Director of Security


-Dan Neyer

-Eileen McAlinneY

Director of Athletics & Intramural SPorts •John Dzik



f riday, sept. 15, 1989 ■



1989 CabriniFall Previews:A Sea men··ssoccer


by Lou Monaco

by Matt Hodlofski

Cabrini men's soccer promises to be an exciting team, but questions for the 1989 fall campaign still exist. Senior and Co-Captain Brian Doherty said, "Right now we are jn a developmental/ rebullding stage. We have a lot of inexperience because we are a relatively young team. Only six of last years players have returned for the 1989 season.'' ·Last year, Cabrini finished with a I0-7 record and claimed third place in the ESAC Northern Division. Senior and also Co-Captain Larry Kilcullen said,' 'One of our biggest strengths is Coach Duncan Hubely. He has coached Division J before and he knows what he is doing. His knowledge of the game and his drive for a successful season is evident." Killcullen said,' 'The young players on the team are willing to work, but the hardest part is going to be to try and psych them up forour toughest rivalries, such as Eastern and Spring Garden." Mike Long. Senior and first-year goalie said. "We have good leadership amongst our coach, captains and returning players. Once we all blend together as-a team, and get to know the freshmen a little better we should have a pretty good season.'· Freshman Glen Jaskelwicz, forward, said. '·our outlook for the season is good. The freshmen players are working hard and we should be able to hold our own. l believe that our one disadvantage is that, size wise, we are a small team. Many of the teams in our division are bigger, so that may become an important factor.'' Currently the men's soccer team has a record of 1-2. Division I foe, Srunt Joseph's University defeated Cabrini in a hard fought match by a score of 2-1. They lost to Ursinus College by a score of 6-4, but bounced back to defeat ESAC rival and defending champs Allentown on the road, 2-1. Freshman mid-fielder, Matt Capone said, "We defeated Allentown, which was very important to us because it was an ESAC league game. After beating Allentown, we can do almost anything." Freshman forward Kevin Garheity said, ''We can get other opponents to play Cabrini style soccer. This means slow it down a bit, stay in the game right till the end and get some quick goals.'• Jaskelewicz said, "We have to hustle each and every game. Our speed should help, but we should never lose confidence as a team.'·

The Lady Cavs tennis team has started the 1989 fall campaign with a tough, opening loss to East Stroudsburg, but rebounded to beat Alvemia College. Senror Captain Heather Schwarz, said, "The team has a lot of individual talent, but right now, we're not qurte working together asa team. Once we get that team spirit back, we'll be a great team. We just have to keep striving for excellence." Celeste Eschbach, freshman, said, "When the team gives 100 percent every tim·e they step on the court, we'll be more competitive, therefore we' II be more relaxed to enjoy the game.'' Freshman, April Scott,said, ''Our coach, Reggie Day, is our driving force to be the best we can be. He motivates us to play . well. Through this, if we play hard. without many mistakes, we"ll have a successful season." Schwarz said, •'Marywood and Frostburg from the ESAC Conference will be our toughest competition this season, yet we haveanexcellent shot to win the championships." Scott said, "As soon as we get together and work as a team. we'll be the team to beat." The Lady Cavs face ESA C rival Marywood. away, on September 16 and return home to face Frostburg State on September 30.


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friday, sept. 15, 1989


son of action,hopesand victories men'scross-country


by Lou Monaco

by Lou Monaco

1989 is a yearof high hopes and expectations for the Cabrini men's cross-country team. Coached by Torn O'Hora, they wiJI try to improve on their third place finish in the ESAC Championships last year and run with the same consistency throughout the season. Mike Feeley, senior captain, said, "Coach O'Hora shapes and molds you into the runner that you want to be. As for the success of the team, it's up to the team. We have to go and give it our best each meet." There are many strengths, yet weaknesses, to this year's crop of runners. The major strength of the team is that experience should prevail, if it is put to good use. The majority of the team has a year under its belt. Runners returning to compete are Chris Callinan. Mike Dolan, Mike Feeley, Dan Francis, John Osborn, John Tucker and Torn O'Donnell. Francis said, ''We also have a lot of transfer students coming in who are talented and young. As time goes on. the team can only get better." Feeley said, "Our one weakness we have to work on is our team unity. The team has to realize it's up 10 us to have a successful season. We have to forget about the injuries and other intangibles and set our minds on the goals we want to accomplish. Running is 20% physical, 80% mental. Physically, we are in shape. If our minds are in it, though, the team will be on a plane to the National!>."

women'scross-country by Lou Monaco The 1989 Cabrini women's cross-country team is trying to get back on it's feet again. Four members are currently on the team and two more are on the way. The four members are Jacqueline Albrecht, Jennifer Arnholt, Nancy Long and Debbie Bailey. Women's cross-country practices with the men's team. They practically have the same schedule, but they need to have five members in a meet to get individual scoring. Freshman Debbie Bailey said. "we need to increase the number of runners and to increase our strength. not only with enjoyment runners but with people who would want to work for

it..' Junior ,~ancy ~ng said. "Our tea1_:1has a lot of spirit. We are out there mainly for ourselves. Bailey said, ''We have put flyers up around campus to encourage participation and involvement in people who are willing to run and compete." Long said,' 'We are out there to be better runners, better individuals and just to have fun. If you feel like a winner, you are a winner!" To the dismay of Coach O'Hora, the s4uad is not a complete team in the eyes of the NCAA. Five girls are needed to have a complete, competitive team. The women harrier~ are currently competing on an individual level, as opposed to a team level. Thus. recruiting new members to the team is an absolute necessity, if Cabrini would like to have a recognized program. Although the female runners are content with their level of competition for the time being, ·they would welcome new members to the squad. Just one more girl willing to run, could make the difference between having an official Cabrini College team, or four individual runners_

women'sfield hockey. by Lou Monaco Hard work, perseverance and enthusiasm. are all trademarks of Cabrini athletics, will enable the 1989 women's field hockey team to rebound from a disappointing season. Led by captain Rose Poljevka, Michelle Ballinghoff, Kelly Boyer and Bridget Collins, the Lady Cavaliers will attempt to improve last year's 2-9-2 record. Poljevka said, '·our team has a positive outlook and a strong attitude. We have to stick together and work as a team.'' Their toughest opponents this year include Rosemont College, Marywood and Misercordia. Poljevka said, "We nee9 crowd support to help us out in the games. It's a good feeling when people come out to see you play.'· Freshman Chris Costigan, right wing said. ''one of our main strengths is our offense. Our attack lines are good and the scoring potential is always there.'' Ballinghoff said, "Our one weakness is that we have no depth. Nobody ison the bench. We have twelve players, six r etuming and six freshman. so we are a young team. It's just a matter of communicating and working with each other." Costigan said, "one big change we made for the team is moving Bridget Collins from left back to goalie. She has a lot of talent and is a hard worker, she just has to learn the position.'' Freshman Tricia Hickman, center-half said, "We \.von·t be easy to beat." The Lady Cavs open up the season away at Cedar Crest College. then return home for a two game stint on September 14 and 15 against Penn State-Ogontz and Rosemont College.

The 1989 Lady Cavs volleyball team will try to rebound from a disappointing 4-21 record last year. Last year's team was young, but all players are returning with a year of experience under thefr belts and with the addition of some talented freshmen, the only way to go is up. Four new-freshmen and two new sophomores are added to the roster of 15 this year. Graduation did not affect the ball club, but senior, Christi Courseault will not be returning. Senior Co-Captain Trish Payton, said, •'The loss of Courseault will affect the team. She had great talent and was a big leader for the young players. She will be missed.'• There are many strengths, yet weaknesses to this years club. Payton said, "The freshmen players have already had some experience playing at this level already. They don't have to learn a lot of things. Our experience will also help through out the year." Senior Co-Captain Paula Phillips, said, ''Our serving has not been consistent and so far we have not moved together as a team." Payton said, "Team unity has to be there especially when we play teams like Wilmington College, Eastern, Bryn Mawr, Widner and Philladelphia Textile. These are all tough opponents.'' Phillips said, "Wehavetosupportoneanotheras a team. Wemustbelieveinoneanother. Once we work together, the t~am will get and we will have a pretty good season.'' The Lady Cavs continue the fall campaign with Stockton State College on September 14 and Delaware Valley College on September 16. Both games are away.


friday 1 sept. 15, 1989


Straightfrom Monaco's big fat mouth by Lou Monaco The Summer of 1989 will forever be remembered as the summer The greatest third baseman of all"that could not possibly happen time leftthe game with dignity and respect and all of Philadelphia rebut did,, in the world of sports. rt was a summer that brought ceived a shot in the arm coming baseball's greatest hitter and husfrom a drug called Dykstra. tier to his knees with Giamatti It was a summer when possiexclaiming, ''Let it also be clear - My the greatest ba'ieball commisthat no individual is superior to the sioncr ever, saved the game of baseball for what it was and tragigame.'' cally, died a week later. II was a summer when a little It was a summer when France town called Trumbull rose to the cheered, "LeMond ...LeMond ... " national spotlight and won the Little and the United States fell in love League World Series, behind the with a new American hero. superb pitching of a feisty 12-yearIt was a summer when Tyson old and coaching of a roofer and an didn't have to ·'Fight The Power··insurance salesman. -he owned it! lt was a summer when all Phillie 1t was asummerwhenbaseball, fans agonized in the cellar again.

with all of its prnblems, still had four close pennant races. It was a summer when chants of "USA" broke through the walls of Franklin Field, as the U.S. National soccer team defeated the Russians. 1-0. It was a summer of high expectations for the ole' green and white, as the Eagles prepared to board a future flight to the Super Bowl. 11was a summer when Bo knew everything but Didley. lt was a summer when Cabrini finallytoreup "thing''nextto the Mansion and put up some real tennis courts. It was a summer when Nolan didn't have to spell R-E-L-1-E-F

loo monaco

and his 6;000 strikeout was just around the corner. It was a summer when Yankee outfielder Luis Polonia, gambler Pete Rose and a desperate Rob Lowe starred in the hottest movie of the year, "Sex, Lies and Videotapes."' 1t was a summer when people failed to realize that drugs can kill. Added to the death list: Berry, Matusak and T0ran. When will we learn! It was a summer when Steinbrenner lived up to his nickname. • •Richardhead! ·· It was a summer when the Angels found the Savior in a man named Abbott and proved the old

adage wrong, "Always use two hands." The true spirit of courage can be found in this man's heart. It was the summer of Evert, yet the summer of the teen. Thanks Chang, Agassi and Sanchez. Finally. it was the summer of change. money. death. drugs and memories.

3 more seasons to go, Guys!

Internship: Gudas, behind-the-scenes, on-the-air at WIP SportsRadio 610 AM by Frank Emmerich ft was the Phillie:. business persons special and for Mark Gudas, it was a childhood dream come true. Mark. was standing in the Phillies locker room, press pass hanging from his belt and a WIP 610 AII-Sportsradio microphone in hand. Mark stood there motionless as he awaited his first interview. Before he was able to collect his thoughts and questions, Larry Bowa approached him ask~Tlghim where he went to scliool and how he got a job af WIP. After casual conversation with Bowa, Mark decided to get an interview for WIP morning man Tom Brookshier, from the newest addition to the Phillies, John Kruk. Upon exiting the locker room. Gudas found himself eating lunch with Philadelphia sports legends Bob Vetrone, Harry Kalas and Richie Ashburn. After one day on the job at his internship, Gudas accomplished many of his childhood goals.

There is no glamour at the outset, and there is a lot of hard work involved. The only shortcut to the Hall of Fame is hardwork." - Tom Brookshier



If anyone asks Gudas aboul his summer. this is the story they will hear. Gudas began looking for an internship toward the end of his freshman year. He wrote resumes and cover letters to send to all the local radio stations in the hopes of attaining any contacts in the industry. After a long wait, Gudas received notification from WIP, in Philadelphia, thatthey would like to set up . an interview with him. The rest is history. WIP assigned Gudas to act as Tom Brookshier" s intern for 8 weeks. His main responsibility was doing interviews for

Brookshier' s feature, ··Man Off The S1reet." Gudas would wander Center City asking all types. of people an assigned question about a big sports evenl such as Ron Hextall's suspension and the Mike Tyson fights in Atlantic City. After gathering about 15 interviews, Gudas would head for the studio, edit the rapes and put them on carts. Typically, Brookshier would use these sound bites the next morning on his program. Occasionally, Gudas lined up guests for Brookshier's show. He enjoyed this aspect of the job because he got to talk to many famous sports figures. After lining up guests, he would collect information about their careers and write a short biography on them for the show. Gudas learned many things from Brookshier, the most important being professionalism. Being in a big market radio station everyday and seeing how it operates on a daily basis, taught Mark that radio is "a mobile medium on the rise." However, Gudas is conscious of the advice Brookshier gave him, ·'Don't come into the business disillusioned. There is no glamour ar the outset, and there is a lot of hard work involved. The only shortcul 10 the Hall of Fame is hardwork."'

W/P·s intern for Tom Brookshier, Cabrini sophomore, Mark Gudas (photo by Frank Emmerich)

heatre Audttions for East of the Sun, West f the Moon are: unday Sept. 24 2:00-4:00 uesday Sept. 26 7 :30-9 :30 uditions will be held at the Theatre.· ore information is available outside the heatre.

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