Oct. 6, 1989 Issue 4 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, oct. 6, 1989

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxvi, no. 4 .

SGA seeKs Parents Weekend a success: newer leaves fond memories for all constitution by Denise Edwards

You' II be hearing the phrase constitutional convention this semester around campus. Don't expect to see Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin or George Washington though. It's the Student Government Association (SGA) revising its constitution. The SGA constitution wac; written in 1962. It defines the responsibilities of each SGAandclass officer. It contains general rules governing the clubs and other committees and student boards on campus. The last time the constitution was revised was in 1984. Angie Corbo, SGA president, and Frank Emmerich, SGA vice president, thought it was due time to revise. "The job descriptions don't fit anymore," Katie Mullen SGA recording secretary said. "We want to make sure everything is spelled

out" By revising

they hope to accomplish many

things. The SGA executive board believed that by rewording, rephrasing ordeleting someofthe text they will update whatSGA standsfor,clarify rbeirjob positions and appear to be moreprofeaaiooal. One of the positions being revucdis that of SGA corresponding secretary.

..._,. 1U1'11M'MilitstSMPii PW l Ir In the past the description of herjob was vague.

Now with the revisions she has definite responsibiJilies.Added to her duties is to beadtheclubs and other committees affiliated with SGA. •'Now I know definitely what my position is by woads.not just what I've beeJl told were my respoaslbilities,'' Mims said. SGA is planning to have the convention sometimethis semester. SGA hopesit will spark student interest and inspire them to give more q,m.Corbo hopes announcing the changes will JRYffllstudents from saying, "Nobody told us. nobodylistened.•· The revisions are going to affect not only those involved in SGA but also other campus groups. 1be new revisions concerning the committees and boards will mandate that those on the committee will have to relay their discussions and conclusions back to the campus. Clubs are also being asked to revise their constitutions and to keep better records on events they hold. At the end of the year each club will be able to recall their accomplishments for that _academic year. Rita Calicat, director of student activities, is pleased with the revising of the constitution. "It's going to give my job a different complexion to what ldo and how itaffectsmyjobldo with student ~ovemment,'' Calicat said. To SGA theconstitution is vitally important and something that should have been revised sooner. "It's like the Bible," Corbo said. "It's something you'vereadand know what it's about but you don't necessarily refer to it on a daily basis/'

Angie Corbo reacts to hearing the voice of Frank Emmerich announce that she is crowed the 1989 Homecoming Queen (Photo by Kristin Kroll)

New M.Ed. head:

Determined to carry out mission By Mark Gudas A man whose goal in life is to make a difference in the lives of children who live in the inner city, Jack McGovern, ED.D., was recently appointed head of Graduate Studies. "We felt that he was a concerned and committed man," said Dr. \1ary Ann Biller, vice president of academic affairs. "His values are very much in line with the Cabrini College mission.'' While working in North Philadelphia for 16 years, McGovern realized that his special goal is to make a difference in the lives of kids who live in the cities. "I met some wonderful kids," he said. "I know they can learn and they possess special qualities that they can give to us. I do not want their lives to be wasted. It would be a shame to waste a whole generation of people who are so special. The only way to prevent this from happening is through teaching.'' He wants to be more involved with the inner city and he wants to get the whole college involved. A major accomplishment for him would be to establish Cabrini as the best graduate school in the area as well as in the country. When he does this he feels that he will have fulfilled Mother Cabrini's mission and dreams. •'We considered him a master teacher who was dedicated to students and teachers of students," Biller said. "His administrative backgound was very influential as well. We see a need for good teachers because there are a lot of them who are at the age of retirement, thus creating many job openings. ''The education department here is strong because people are

more McGovern on page1O

Dr. Jack McGovern, began his postition as the new head of Graduate Studies on Sept. 25. (Photo by Giselle Bellanca)

inside perspectives ........ 2, 3

Weights have

Parents Weekend ·:

news .............. 4, 5, 10

to wait

a blast

features ........ 6, 7, 8, 9

(see page 12)

(see pages 6 & 7)

sports .............. 11, 12



f ridaXzoct. 6 1 1989


Recycling: Fad or future? angie corbo managing editor ¡As the cool October winds come breezing their way across the Cabrini campus, the crispness in the air indicates that fall is here. With the change of seasons comes the change of health care. How many times did my mother tell me when I was growing up, ''When the seasons change, it's the time that everyone gets sick.'' Shortly following the first fall frosting air, I noticed a case of "sniffles" going around the campus. Now kids, remember, Mom always says, be prepared for the change of seasons. Colds, sore throats, and low grade fevers are all part of the change in seasons. No, I am not going to continue discussing sniffles and ninny noses throughout this article. Instead, I, the greatest hypocrite of all times, am going to do a piece on health care among college students. As a energitic high-school cross country and track runner, !rarely found myself ill. I was constantly training. There was no time nor occasion for my young body to allow germs to invade. However, once I got to college even though running was still a part of my routine, it grew to be less of a priority. Well, they say that happens as people get "old." My freshman year, I can say that I faithfully continued my dedicated distancerunner's pace. However, sophomore year, after returning to campus to find that we did not have enough girls for a cross country team, I was discouraged, to say the least. After training an entire summer, running seven to thirteen miles a day, (no, I am not lying,) swimming, and bike riding, I was disappointed that assembling a team was a bleak possibility. I can't say that I was turned off to running at that point, because I was not. It was just that I became so preoccupied, no, occupied with my other resronsibilities on campus. It almost seemed like a blessing in disguise that I was not a member of an organized team when October approached. Was it a blessing? Looking back, I say a strong NO. I continued to jog for the beginning of the fall semester, but then I slacked off as projects, activites, and everyday obligations seemd to pile up. This is a point that! will laterrealize to be a crossroad. I never had the time nor the interest that year to increase my milage in running. I was more concerned about getting more than three to five hours a night sleep. A bad habit or pattern was beginning to develop, and I was blind to it. I was not exercising as much, sleeping, and eating less. Saying that now I realize that I was only headed for trouble. Yet, being involved in campus life, the newspaper, SGA, going through the selection process for RA and this and that, I did not have the time nor concern to be thinking about something as trivial as eating, sleeping, or running. Everything was great. I made RA, I was Superthon Co-Chairperson, and my life was floating by on it;s merry way. There was nothing obvious unsettling about it. MAY, 1988: two days following graduation. Angie is at her doctor's office being tested for strept throat. I was happy to find that I did not have strept throat. However, the doctor proceeded to tell me, "Your

throat is fine, but you have mono." No way. "Ha ha ha," I said. Only I would be so inclined to laugh at a doctor for being diagnosed fer having mono. Needless to say, I nursed myself during a semi-serious ailment in the same manner in which I would administer to a common cold. I was wrong. I later discovered that I caught the "germ" for mono in early March, right before Superthon. Not discovering this for two months, and literally abusing my body through lack of personal care, did not improve my condition. Taking summer classes in June, going to study in France in July, and working in the month of August before leadership camp, was just not what the doctor ordered. Now, I may not always listen to everything my doctor may say, andlamnotatotal nut who was out to kill myself during this time period. Instead, I was that stubborn Italian-Irish young lady, who thought she was taking care of herself. Honestly, I did not think that I was harming myself. I look at the situation now. It is somewhat comical, insane, and pitiful. I was not feeling well until January or Feburary of my junior year. Yes, that's right, almost a full year with mono. That was the point when I decided to become serious about restoring my health. I began seeing a new doctor, and things seemed to be getting much better. Unfortunately, after a few blood tests, and visits, my

Recycling has become the "in" thing to do in many states, counties and municipalities around the country. This fad of the '80s must become a reality for the '90s. What will the future generations have to deal with? Is our carelessness going to have an effect on their lives? It certainly will. These participating states and towns are already making the recycling project their reality. Usually, their recyclable trash is collected biweekly, presorted into three categories, paper, plastics and glass. Radnor township is required, by law, to recycle after January first. Cabrini, along with other institutions, businesses and apartment complexes, is not required to recycle until 1991. So, we have over a year to continue our not-so-terrific methods of waste disposal, right?

Sorting trash isn't a difficult task. In doing this, you are taking time out, hopefully, to realize the great service you are doing for your community, and more importantly, your environment.

Wrong. By continuing to dispose of trash in a reckless, careless way, the only thing we are doing is furthering the ruination of ow::..environment. People don't realize the importance of recycling. Now is the time to become aware. The program called 'Global Issues,' instituted by John Doyle, is a step in the right direction for recycling on campus. The program, hopefully, will be instituted in December, with participation from all of the houses and Counsel Hall. While it is not feasible for all residence halls to participate, it will new doctor inform_edme that damage had be interesting to see how the recycling process is handled in the residences been done. What? How can a twenty-one that do participate. year old kid have potential kidney damages House 4, McManus House, has already instituted a recycling program at and imbalances in my blood levels. This is their residence. Not only does it bring money to the girls residing there, not fair!!! Sure, on the outside I feel much better.¡ I but it also fosters a concern and an awareness of this important issue. Sorting trash isn't a difficult task. In doing this, you are taking time out, feel like my "old" energy is now my "new" energy. All of that is wonderful. hopefully, to realize the great service you are doing for your community, However, it is not wonderfulthat I still and more importantly, your environment. have a long journey to travel when it comes We all have to live in this world. If everyone contributed to the recycling to restoring my body, and making it healthy process, just think how much better off we will be in the long run. again. What a waste. A girl who ran seven to thirteen miles a day, now over a summer, was forbidden to run just one year later. If I could express a message, speaking in retrospect, I would beg and plead with anyone who is approaching an illness. Sure, we all get colds and sore throats at the beginning of any new season. The important thing to realize is when a cold goes beyond a cold. Secondly, there is a point the body crosses when it just will not tolerate any more neglect. I admit that I have crossed the point, and neglected myself. Thus, I will be the mother hen, expressing my concerns to whomever will listen. What I say, I mean seriously. It took a very unfortunate event in my life to drag me down to say something as powerful as this. You are number one to you, and staying healthy both physically and mentally should be a high priority. You have one life, one body. Please, take care of it. As the school year progresses, many of us may lose sight of that priority. Although, I am sincerely convinced what I am practically preaching, I know that I am human, and may slip too. It is not because I am ignorant to the text that I have written. It simply is because I am still learning the necessary every-day steps to promote better care for myself. It may take me some time to adopt a better routine for my hectic lifestyle to really let the idea sink in. if I do not take the time to ensure the quality of my health, the quality of all else in my life will only reflect the state of my well being.

Want to have your say? This is the place to do so. Loquitur editors encourageyou to addressany concerns,or problems, you wouldliketo see changed, by sendingin lettersto the editor.

Editor:Barbara Wilson ManagingEditor: Angie Colbo

NewsEditor: Johanna Church PerspectivesEditor: Felicia Falcone Features Editor: Kelly Ann McGillan Sports Editor: Lou Monaco Copy Editor:Jenni Obrecht BusinessManager:Angie Corbo, Denise Edwards,Sue Moriarty PhotographyEditor: KriS1inKroll PhotographyAdviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staft: James Bligh, Karen Dumomey, Denise Edwards. Frank Emmerich.Meghan Flannery,William Fulton, Kevin George, Mark Gudas. Cano Iacono, Anna-MarieKarlsen, Mary Teresa Kelly, Clyde LaForest,Jr, Melissa Landsmann, DanienaLoPresti, Kristin Mainero.Jennifer Morrison,Chris Pesotski, Kelly Ann Reed, Christina Roach, Deborah Ryder. SharleneSephton. Pamela Stempleskl, Leonora Veterano,Kelly Ann Walsh, Charlie Waterfall. Kelly Ann Williams. Carol Walls Yarrow Photography Staff: Mark Gudas, Frani<Emmerich.Giselle Bellanca Loqultur Is publishedweekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College. Radnor. PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscriptionprice Is $25 per year and Is included in the benefits secured by tuition and studentfees_ Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorshipknown to the editors. However,It the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left oft the letter upon publicationand an InscriptionInserted such as "name withheld at the requ8"1 of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. It a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it. Lettersto the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The edltorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student edltor1alstaff and the Individualwriters and not the entire studentbody or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is establishedas a forum for student expressionand as a voice in the uninhibited,robust, free and open discussionof issues.



f riday,oct. 6, 1989


SGA appreciates student feedback Dear Editor: We would like to congratulate and thank the Kappa Sigma Omega Officers who essentially made Parents Weekend 1989 to be a smashing success. On behalf of SGA we would like to salute your attempt of bringing the campus together. For those that have participated, we congratulate you also. We hope you enjoyed the weekend's events. Just a reflection on the weekend to some of the constructive criticism that I heard. We know that it gets monotonous sometimes when it seems as if the same events are happening year after year. We in SGA strive to make events as fresh, and as "new" as J?OSSible.We try to carry on the tradition of the school, while introducing new events, programs and activities. We realize that students sometimes avoid getting involved because they are tired of the same old stuff. Two good examples that came to mind last weekend were Convoca-

tion and the Float Parade. Yes, they occur every year, and yes, changes may need to be made to make the events more appealing to the students. How can _that be done? Only through YOU!! Weknowthat ourevents could use a little refresher, and we invite your input. The only way to serve the needs of the student population is to listen. If you are willing to voice your thoughts, we are here to listen. This is a sincere appeal to you, the campus community. We want you to enjoy your year at Cabrini. We sincerely thank those persons who shared their thoughts on the weekend with us. Feedback is always positive, hopefully the feedback will foster some positive results on the campus in the near future.

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Sincerely, Angie Corbo, SGA President Frank Emmerich,SGA Vice President

Coming full circle leaves senior speechless

by Roe Wellman


made it all happen and didn't go crazy in the process. She is Kelly McGiUan. She was instrumental in getting me a special meal and took the time to see that I was taken care of. When the hotel messed up the reservations, she and Rita Calicat stepped in and fixed it. As far as I'm concerned, things couldn't have run more smoothly or been any better than they were. One question I have is, Why can't brunch

There is one word in the English language that I thought would never describe me, yet it would fit perfectly if you wanted to describe the way I felt this past Saturday night: speechless. That is exactly what I was when Angie Corbo called me up to accept a gift in honor of the senior class during the Parents Weekend Dinner Dance at the Adam's Mark hotel. Sh_ockis another word that would also be I think that we have all appropriate. After I stopped shaking and dried my tears I realized that I hadn't said a come a long way since word. Wow, what a first for Roe Wellman! our freshman year and it is I had nothing to say, until now, anyway. I'd like to first extend my thanks to those our turn tQ leave our mark who chose me to represent the senior class. on the place where we It was an honor· to accept the beautiful bouquet. I think that we have allcome a long have spent the past few way since our freshman year and it is our years of our lives. We've tum to leave our mark on the place where we all experienced our share have spent the past few years of our lives. We've all experienced our share of joys, of joys, tears, sorrows tears, sorrows and triumphs, but most imand triumphs, but most portantly, we have been there for each otherthrough it all. importantly, we have been The senior class, on a whole, has come there for each other through full circle. We've fought, disagreed and it all. hated each other, but we have overcome the obstacles and pulled together into the best senior class ever! be as good as it was Sunday, every weekend? I can't even begin to describe the feeling Now, it's truly amazing that even the food when I think of the graduating class of 1990 was good, or so I heard, since I'm still not a and allthe fun we've had. The past has been full-fledged normal eating person yet. great, but the future is sure to be even better, I really miss writing these opinions where I can write to my heart's content on whatever if that's possible! While I'm on a roll, I'd like to thank subject I feel like writing about. Kappa Sigma Omega for making this ParI guess that I've rambled on enough. In ents Weekend extra-special, not only for me, closing, seniors, you are all great and my hat but for all of the seniors and all of Cabrini. goes off to you all. I am proud and honored It seemed as if everything went according to be able to say that I am a part of the to plan and everyone had a great time. I've graduating class of 1990. Let's make this only been to two Parents Weekend's, but I year a special one to always remember. As really feel like this was the best one ever! my mom pointed out, "Just eight more I would be remiss if I forgot to mention ~onths before you graduate.'' God help me. the one person in particular and it's not just .We're seniors and the real world is just because I consider her to be my friend. She around the comer! was the backbone of Parents Weekend who



Roe Wellman represented the senior class in receiving a bouquet of flowers on their behaff at the Parents Weekenddinner dance . (Photo by Kristin Kroll)



friday3 oct. 63 1989


Prestigious award should spark senior selection by Denise Edwards


Soon seniors will be voting for the prestigious Mother Ursula Alumni Award. This award was established in 1968 by the Alumni Association in honor of Mother Ursula Infante, M.S.C., founding president and life trustee of the college. It is given by seniors to a senior who they believe through academic achievement and extra-curricular activities best embodies the Cabrini sp~t. "I am interested in seeing young men and women doing service for God and service for mankind," Mother Ursula said. "I'm glad the college has an award expressing the ideals of Cabrini.'' The award stresses the formation of certain characteristics such as honesty, achievement, service, courage and all of the other qualities expressed in the college catalogue on the liberally educated person. Lisa Kantor, last years recipient of the Mother Ursula Alumni A ward believes the seniors should choose someone that they know does the job for Cabrini not for the resume. ' 'The person that is there before, during and after the event." "It is not a popularity contest," Martha Dale, coordinator of the award, director of alumni affairs and annual funds said. "It is a reflection of what the college stands for being a liberally educated institution!" ''Mother Ursula has definite leadership qualities,'' Michele A. Rusinyak Domin, the first recipient of the Mother Ursula Alumni A ward said. "She tended to many things and tackled what everGodgavehertodo. Shedidit withherwhole

heart." "There has never been a close race," N~cy

,_ ___

Costello, alumnaand directorof comprehensive campaign said. She believes every year there always emerges one person who the class believes is worthy of the award because that person

Mother Ursula Infante, M.S.C., the namesake for the prestigious Mother Ursula Award. {Photo by Kristin Kroll)

can reach all of the different groups of his or her class. The alumni association named the award in honor of Mother Ursula because of all that she has done and achieved for the college. At age 60 when most people are planning retirement her driving spirit lead her to found the college,malcing her the perfect namesake for this prestigous award. Mother Ursula's personality reflects the true character of Cabrini College. "She's quite an amazing person," Domin said. "Especially since she's still there and can influence those around her." Dale explained the procedure of choosing a recipient as being a simple one. The alumni office sends out invitations to seniors for the senior dinner, which will be held on Nov. 17. On each invitation is a nomination form. This way every memberofthe senior class gets to nominate someone. Then at the dinner those seniors who attend vote by ballot from the top three to five nominated. The winner is announced that evening. Then in May during commencement the award recipient receives a plaque and $200. Dale said she wanted one thing made clear. "During commencement the award recipient is announced and may or may not give a speech,'' she said. "The speech is separate from the award." •'I think the award becomes more prestigious every year," Costello said. "When the award is given at commencement it is moving, extremely emotional because Mother Ursula is there. Gosh it's a thrill." "I was extremely honored and humbled," Domin said. "Ifelt more honored because I knew her and I had seen and felt her presence on campus. She took a personal concern for the students. Mother Ursula was definitely a mother figure." '• I was really excited,'' Kantor said. •'At first I was shocked, it was an award given to me not for academics but by my friends."

Cabrini taking. part in preserving the environment by ~arrie Corr Despite a mandatory law that will require Radnor township to recycle after the first of the year, Cabrini College will not be required to participate until 1991. Although the township will be required to participate, until 1991, colleges, businesses and apartment complexes will not be included in the township's recycling program. Until then, Cabrini will be responsible for its own management of waste disposal, and will have to incorporate its own recycling programs, according to Barbara Johnston, the secretary to director of Public Works and Recycling and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Bureau of Waste Management. There is hope that Cabrini will take it upon itself, and do its part for the preservation of the environment. "I would be whole heartedly supportive of instituting acarnpus recycling program,'' said Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students. • "It is consistent with the norm in the student code of conduct that supports concern for the physical health and safety of all of the members of the college community.'' Part of the Cabrini community has already began its recycling program. "House four has already started a recycling program," said John Doyle, director of resident life. "They decided amongst themselves to do this." Doyle hopes to have a recycling program in all of the houses and :'ounsel Hall by December. • 'I have received strong student support for this through a program called 'Global Issues' at leadership camp,'' Doyle said. For the time being, the recycling program will be concentrated on the smaller areas of campus. '• At this point there are no plans for recycling in Xavier, Woodcrest, and the Mansion," Doyle said. "For logistic reasons, we are going to wait and see how

the houses and Counsel Hall do with the program. The dorms and the Mansion do not provide large enough facilities for the size bins needed to manage such large buildings. • 'I strongly hope that this program wiU be a success. The house with the largest amount of recycled material at the end of the year will be awarded a prize,'' Doyle said. Doyle would .like to see the students participate in

recycling because '' we all are a part of a global community and should be working for global survival," Doyle does anticipate some student reluctance to engage in this type of program. "It takes a lot of hard work to stay on top of your waste management,'' Doyle said. ''Students will need to under-

more Recyclingon page 1O

Bins located outside Radnor police station for recycling glass show how the township expects its residents to cooperate with the new recycling rules. (Photo by Mark Gudas)



Wam'sfutureis in accomodatingstudents by William A. Fulton Seilers Food Service, in conjunction with the Cabrini College Food Committee, has recently resolved the issue of arranging analternativeforstudentswhoareunableto receive dinner during the normally scheduled dinner hour. The arrangement has been made in order to accommodate those students who have been affected by the recent restructuring of this semester's class schedule. In addition, Seilers is considering future plans that will enhance the efficiency and quality of dining for both resident and commuting students. ''Due to the increased number of students this semester, there was a need to extendcertain classes into the nonnal dinner hour,'' said Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students. ' 'As a result, a number of students would have to miss dinner.'' In order to prevent this from happening, these students were given a cash credit for a predetennined amount for the purpose of purchasing dinner in thl:Wig-W am. At first this predetermined amount was $2.75. It soon became apparent, however, this was not enough. ''There was some negative feedback from students in tenns that the credit given was too low,'' Bonfiglio said. In order to resolve this situation, representatives from Seilers Food Service and the Food Committee, a subdivision of Student Government, met to devise a more suitable system. In attendance at the meeting were among others, Frank Emmerich, chairman of the Food Committee; William Haile, food service director at Cabrini; Sellers District Manager Maurene Burns, and Susan Mason Fitzgerald, R.N., adviser to the food committee. During the course of the meeting different options were discussed, including the opportunity to have a choice of platters as an alternative to a cash credit. After weighing the options the consensus of the group was to raise the existing credit to $3.20. "The $3.20 was taken because students received more for their money and they also had a better choice on what they wanted to eat," Emmerich said. What the students were eating was also a concern of the group. "The credit is not to be used for candy or ice cream," Fitzgerald said. "That way students are encouraged to purchase 'real food' for their meals.'' A main factor in having this matter settled was the presence of Seilers District Manager Maurene Burns. "Maurene Burns is very accommodating," Fitzgerald said. "She really wants to be involved in the students concerns.'' Committee chairman Emmerich also added, "We were lucky to have Maurene Bums there. She made it a lot easier to settle the matter.'' Along with Bums, Food Service Director William Haile, who is talcing over for previous director Roland Young, also was willing to accommodate the students who were involved in the class-dinner conflict. ''Our three main concerns were first, to make sure those students were fed,'' he said. ' 'Also we wanted the credit to be enough for the students to have an adequate meal. Finally, we're looking to improve the meals by possibly supplementing them with a tossed salad or perhaps even a soup." Eventually, Haile would hope these students could eat in the cafeteria, but until improvements are made he assures students, Seilers will do everything they possibly can to provide for the students dining needs. Resident students are not the only people who are holding Sellers' attention. Commuting students will benefit from changes as well. Most of these changes involve the Wig-Warn, which Seilers' hopes can be improved in tenns of efficiency, with the possibility of re-organizing the methods for ordering food. This may be accomplished by establishing a 'Take-Out' window so there will be less time spent waiting in line when placing an order. Other areas of improvement are also being researched. One such area is the possibility of 'linking-up' to a computer system in order to maintain a better control of Sellers' inventory and logistics. "Let's be realistic," Haile said. "Cabrini is a small college. Nonetheless, we as a company hope to move ahead with the times in order to work in a more productive manner with the school."

Members of the food commitee, from left to right, Trish Renz, Anna Marie Mims, Sue Fitzgerald and Debbie Malveaux discuss important issues concerning the food service, with new Seiler's director Bill Haile.( Photo by Mark Gudas)

f riday, oct. 6, 1989




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6 features House 7 guys show off those beautiful legs and sexy boxer shorts (Photo by· Kristin Kroll)

Chrisy Roach tells fellow sister Angie Cort".>how Dean Bonfiglio's Code of Co~duct SAVED her from breaking parietals. •Praise Dean Bob!' (Photo by Kristin Kroll)

An extravaganza events brings Cab Last weekend the college community invited parents and alumni to campus to celebrate family under the theme of "As Longas We'veGotEachOther," from the hit television show "Growing Pains." Saturday's events included a resident hall float parade, two faculty lectures, ball room dance lessons, a soccer game, a Lady Cavs field hockey game,APuttin' on the Hits talent show, and a Family Game Show, and finally the traditional Dinner Dance at the Adam's Mark Hotel.

The float parade started it al off. The women of Woodcres blasted back to the past and rocked around the clock singing Shoo bee do wop do wop. The men of Sullivan House were transformed by a boxer rebellion from being the geeks o greek into party animals. The alumni float brought back fond memories of what Cabrini used to be like, way back when. But it was the women of Counsel Hall that won first prize for their skit which praised Dean of Students Bob Bonfiglio for the

The women of Woodcrest cruised the float parade in •Greased Lighting' while singing •we Go Together.• (Photo by Kristin Kroll)

Jenn Bauman and her dad danced the nigf1t away. (Photo by Kristin Kroll)

Sister Bernadette and Mrs. DiJoseph kick up their heels and dance the Lindy. (Photo by Kristin Kroll)

Judges Dr. Carter Craigie, Dr. Mary Ann Biller and Tori Ryan, president of the alumni association cheer on the floats during the float parade. (Photo by Kristin Kroll)

f parents weekend ini closer together Code of Conduct, the new bible, which saved them from living in sin. Both the soccer team and the field hockey team were victorious. Lou Monaco, a.k.a. Frank Sinatra and the Nelson Riddle Chorus (Colin Coakley, Carlos Chamarro, and Brian Tripoli) won the Puttin' on the Hits contest singing "Summer Wind," 'That's Life," and an encore presentation of "New Yo1k, New York." Julie McKee and her Grand-

fatherwon the Parents Weekend version of the Newlywed Game, and a $20 cash prize. The Dinner Dance ended the day. Lou Monaco and Angie Corbo were crowned King and Queen. As all kicked up their heels and had a good time. Sunday, all gathered for a special liturgy in the Chapel, then enjoyed a dcliciou. brunch --~--~~in the cafeteria, while recalling the memories of the weekend.

....... -Homecoming King Lou Monaco and Queen Angie Corbo share the first dance after receiving their crowns. (Photo by Kistin Kroll)

Jack Moore waves to the crowd with Kathleen Rowan by his side. (Photo by Kristin Kroll)

Fresnman Matt Brush hopes to get lucky at a Monte Carlo game table. (Photo by Kristin Krall)



fridax, oct. 6, 1989

No one's rushingfor greeks by Clyde LaForest For many American college students, fraternities and sororities--commonly called "Greeks" --are a part of the total college experience, whether they belong to one or not. More than likely this is not so for Cabrini students. "There is no written policy, but it's understood there are no fraternities or sororities here," Dean of Students, Robert Bonfiglio said. •'There really isn't any process for establishing fraternities and sororities,' ' Resident Life Director, John Doyle explained. "There's nothing here to compare them to. They aren't like clubs. There's just noway to get one started, they're so against the sense of community we have here.'' Bonfiglio also said, "Fraternities and sororities, by nature, are exclusive bodies. Either you 're in or you 're out. This doesn't go with the sense of community or family we hold. There's room for everybody here. •'The absence of fraternities attracted me to this college," added Bonfiglio. Many Cabrini students may say the same thing. Most students, when asked if they thought Cabrini should have fraternities and sororities, said no. Those people thought the school was too small and had too many . cliques as it is. They said Greeks would segregate the population even further. ''They tum people into snobs, more than they already are,'' said Michele Adelman, sophomore. However, there were differing views. Several students, both men and women, thought there would be enough women at Cabrini to have at least one sorority. Upperclassmen commuters Lisa Goldberg, Sandy Luciania and Sue Holefelder were indifferent to Greeks. They saw them as "residents-only" activities. Junior transfer student Paul Greenhalgh, a former member 9fTheta Kappa Epsilon, disagreed, saying fraternities and sororities get commuters involved. "Half of the guys lived in the frat house and the other half lived off-campus," Greenhalgh said. Some students who saw Greeks as beneficial pointed out the social functions and service work fraternities and sororities sponsor. The aspect most appealing to those who knew about Greeks, though, was not wild parties or a status-symbol characteristic, but the feeling of brotherhood or sisterhood. .A.I.thoughhe thinks Cabrini is too small for a (ratemity, Greenhalgh misses belonging to bi,s. •'The thing I liked the best is you could go to any TKE house at any college and stay there,'' Greenhalgh said. Adelman saw this quality of unity reflected on campus in the sports program. '• Our version of fraternities is sports, soccer players stay together, basketball players stay together," Adelman said. "They all stay together and support each other. I think that's more important in a frat than the parties." Some students may think the Special Interest houses, Counsel Hall and Sullivan House, are a sorority and fraternity; however, Student Services said this is not true. "I reject ittotally, because not only does fraternity and sorority living segregate itself from university life on a larger basis, it encourages behavior contradictory to community," Bonfiglio said. Counsel Hall resident assistant Joyce Mundy, said, '' Sororities are exclusive, but we try to be inclusive." House 7 resident assistant Lou Monaco, said, "There's the sense of fraternity or identity that all the houses develop, so, in that sense, House 7 is like a fraternity. But we

are far from being exclusive, so we aren't a fraternity." Jim Keller, a House 7 resident said, "There's no connection. It's just a place to live." Steve Buividas and Nick Ostrowski, both juniors and Xavier Hall residents, thought the Special Interest houses are not Greeks, saying every dorm develops an identity. Doyle, an alumnus of Cabrini, knew of only one student attempt at starting a fraternity in Cabrini's past. "During my junior year (1983-84) a group of guys from my building tried to get one going," he said. "Other guys in the building didn't want it. Obviously it didn't go anywhere." Doyle did not know of any attempts to found a sorority. • There are definite draw-backs associated with Greek life. There have been many reports of deaths and injuries incurred during hazing, the infamous rites of initiation usually involving the consumption of toxic levels of alcohol. In addition, many cases of date rape on college campuses occur in fraternity houses, a New York Times article from last year said. According to the New York Times article, at least three colleges in this country have banned fraternities: Amherst, Colby and Williams. These colleges were able to take action because they owned the frat houses, but at most colleges the buildings are owned by alumni associations, making it nearly impossible for colleges to close down dangerous fraternities, the New York Times said. Despite the hazards, student interest in Greek life is on the rise. According to the Student Activities office at Villanova University, there is an upward trend in new members of sororities and fraternities there. The same New York Times article said national fraternity figures show steady growth since the 1970s: in the early '70s there were 162,000 members and in 1988 there were more than 300,000. •'Seventeen'' magazine cited similar trends in sorority membership. In 1987 there were 275,000 sorority women, up from 180,000 in 1975. Having fraternities and sororities at a college provides the opportunity for benefit as well as harm. Not having them may have its downside, too. In general, though, Cabrini's population seems to prefer the organizations' absence .


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friday, oct. 6, 1989



Conversation in, one-night-stands out

by Carlo Iacono Posters of muscle-bound men and striking movie stars surround us as I drop the bombshell of a question, "What is dating like at Cabrini?" The response by the gathering of freshman women is a giggle in unison. After this commotion, there is an equal number of mixed answers. "It's great," competes with the chorus of "It stinks." As Tom Cruise peers down with an apparent superior smirk, thus is the state of Cabrini dating. According to the :rile New York Times, in the trend setting town of Manhattan, monogamy and talking are in, and the onenight stand is dead. Many factions of Cabrini agree with this statement. Yet let it be known that Cabrini is not exactly on the cutting edge of trend setting. "From what I have seen, I think the one night stand is alive and well and resides in Xavier Hall. However, scattered cases of monogamy have been observed,'' quipped an anonymous freshman male. "I don't think what is happening in Manhattan is happening here,•• sophomore, Kathleen Kirincic said. The reasons forthedeathoftheone-night stand in the outside world is the onset of AIDS and the time demands of careers. Yet at Cabrini, not unlike many other colleges, the one night stand is a rite of youth, and the torch is not just carried by males alone. "Many girls are looking for hook-ups not commitments,•• Dena Baiocco, freshman, said. •'The dating scene is mixed,'• sophomore Steve Wescott said. Wescott, who met his own significant other, freshman Jacqueline ''.Happie" Connors added, "One night stands hold true. But I see more coupling this year at Cabrini compared to last year. '• When members of the opposite sex do

"Dance clubs are fun to go to but it is not a place to meet your future wife." - Michael Tino, sophomore "I think clubs can be fun if not to meet people. They are cheap pick-up joints." - Frank Bressi, sophomore

date, the parties involved agree that talking and a long-term relationships are coveted. The first couple of dates involve lots of talking, exploring each others personalities, and more talking. "It takes weeks of talking and several dates before you can really trust somebody," Lisa Suosso, freshman, said. ''The first couple of dates with my boyfriend Steve involved lots of talking. It got to the point where we became trusting friends,•• sophomore Brenda Hendershott said. The same sentiment rings true for those who maintain long-standing relationships with partners off campus. Sophomore Curt Laudenburger, who has been dating his girlfriend Tara for one and a half years, said, "We talked often in the beginning of our

relationship." In the era of coveted talking, it is ironic that the biggest problem between men and women is the lack of communication which leads to sexual stereotypes. "One-night stands are basically failed relationships," freshman J.P. Raynock said, "People attempt to start a relationship, but it goes nowhere." "Most guys do have a one-track mind. The (statement) may sound typical. But I've already met two or three of them," answered freshman Jennifer Luciano, •'Onenight stands are okay if they are not with somebody on campus because the Cabrini grapevine is deadly." But what do Cabrini men covet? Do they really have one-night stands on their mind? In a den of scantly-clad female posters, junior Shawn May states, "From what I hear among friends, a typical date sounds 1ike •come on down to my room' because there really isn't nowhere to go on campus." Luciano adds, "Women are being too hard on men. We must communicate and be open with them." There is a void for couples on campus as far as where to go out. "We go to the movies, dinner at fairly nice places, and end up hangingoutinourrooms,'' sophomore Mike Tino said about his relationship with sophomore Renee Cambacorta. Carnbacorta adds, "There really isn't anywhere to go on campus, and after a while you tap all the offcampus options.·• If many were allowed to choose the perfect date, Cabrini would be at a loss geographically to provide many with satisfaction. Men and women alike stated their liking for the beach and serentity. ''I would enjoy a late-night walk on the beach after an evening of dinner and talking,•• Wescott said. Other sentiments for perfect dates include South Street, expensive dinners, and being alone in a romantic setting. Females expressed a yearning for him to "shower me with gifts" and "use some chivalry." Many students expressed that the dance club scene is not conducive to meeting people. In the words of The New York Times, real romantics don't do dance clubs. •'Dance clubs are fun to go to but it is not a place to meet your future wife,•• Tino said. "I think clubs can be fun if not to meet people. They are cheap pick-up joints," sophomore Frank Bressi said. One area of dating that is in major accord with Manhattan is that sexual promiscuity has lessened in the era of sexually transmitted diseases. "You are noticing more long-term relationships and the asking of a lot of questions. You ask around because you don't want to date sluts," Tino said. "Yes, there is more monogamy. You don't want a one-night stand. You want a relationship,'' Suosso said. Others disagree. ••Attitudes are changing (about sex) more because of reputations," an anonymous freshman male said. "We've always lived in the age of STD's (sexually transmitted diseases), so we are really affected by them at an early age. Older persons who dated before this era would be more affected," graduate student Maria Watson said. "Attitides (about sex) really aren't changing at Cabrini, because people feel that they're more responsible for themselves," Wescott said. "Sexual attitudes are changing but it is not stopping anyone," Hendershott added. Another aspect that is consistent with the Manhattan survey is that students, when dating, want someone who is pre-screened to a degree. The thriU of dating a stranger is just too dangerous not ro mention nervous.

"You ask your friends what a girl is like, instead of going right up to them because you're nervous and reaUy don't know her history," Tino said. People are also getting back to relating to each other as people instead of entertainment for an evening. "I never regarded

dates as entertainment for the evening, I consider it ignorant," Bressi said. But the dating scene at Cabrini isn't all by the book. •'Real romantics do anything they want to do," Luciano said. Tom Cruise may even agree with that. '

Roommate conflicts: The war in the trenches of freshmen dorms looking, frisbee-like object called an aerobie. The men in Xavier lower south personally take credit for the craze that is Security Update: At presesnt, today no sure to spread throughout the campus: resident students have been murdered by high-speed killer aerobie. One group of their roommates. roommates said that they have a pet groundOther problems are slightly more comhog who comes to their window and begs mon. for lemon wafers. *"She plays the worst music!" Many people want to know when they ,.."He stays out too late and makes so are going to start feeling close to their much noise when he comes in." roommates. "It's important to realize *"His feet smell and he hasn't showthat, in order to be compatible roommates, ered since he got here.•• you don't have to be best friends.'' RA *"She wakes up too early--Why did Sally Amatelli said. she take an 8:30?" For many residents that is exactly what One freshman was quoted as having the the problem is. They can be inconsiderate • 'roommate from hell.•' Everyone at one or disrepectful of each other's concerns. timeoranotherhasfeltthat they have their Oftentimes, the problems are due to a lack very own version of the creature from the of communication and compromise beblack lagoon lurking in their room. tween roommates. Although lack of respect and consid"I wish they would talk to each about eration is an issue, one of the more their problems as much as they talk toevepressing concerns in Woodcrest is that ryone else about them," said Amatelli. thereis an abundanceof roommateswho Although there are problems occurhavethe samename. ring, there are not as many as therehad Veronica's Hoffowi aod McNamee been in the past. "We have not had as arejust two of the people who havethis many problems coming through our office problem. Hoffman, who has a habit of tllia-year"ii we liM tiii:I in past years.''~ tot~ to ~ ls~ astoniabed when someone answers questions she said Doyle. According to Tyrone Carr~ assistant directs to herself. 'Theirroommate, Cardirector of resident life, it is expected that roll Latrechiano,finds the whole thing there are going to be some personality difvery confusing. Messagesleft oo their ferences between roommates and it is doorreading,"Veronica,callyourmom" required that residents stay for a twosendbothVeronica'sto thephoneto call week graceperiodin order to insure that home. a chance. Contrary to popular opinion, John theroommates give thesituation If diffenmces cannot be resolved, they Doyle,directorof-residentlife.claimsthat

by Melma Landsmann

the duplicalioaof namesWIS not done on may l'CqUesl room-changes. "Resident life tties to accomodatethe pmposeandnnmn.,. ,r,,ae ffllll:hed aimresidents, but we encourage them to help ply onthe basisof theirlikesanddislibs. Jo a largerIChool,dusproblemwould us findthe spaceif a move is necessary,•• 0

have bappeoed,"Doyle said. '1'bia Carruid. The problems in Xavier are especially showsourpersonaltouch." Third floorofWoodcrest,whileitdoes unique this year: most of the double not seemto havea great numberoflOOIII• roomshavebeen tripleddue to a lack of mate problems,is fast becoming famous donn space. This donncnmch is the same for its mud-sliding and pre-dawnmini- problem that is plaguing campuses all barbeques.Also popularon thisfloor,are around this area. "It stinks having three people in a the Grinch,the dancingflower, the cardroom made for two people,'• said Tom boarddog namedCB andthe donnghost Karie Papay,ResidentAssistant,said, Foran. freshman. not

•:Toe girls on this floor are a bunch of night owls." The women, in general, did not seem to mind being tripled at all. Some even preferred triples to doubles. Their reasons? "You have a better chance of getting along with at least one of your roommates this way and, hopefully. you can all balance each other out," one Woodcrest

Foran and his roommates, Joe Ewing and Ivan Domaret, both freshmen, are dealing with the situation. They get along with each other. but the only way they could fit their furniture in the room was to put one of the beds on two bureaus. Many of the other rooms in Xavier are forced to do the same type of stacking of their furniture. Others have to put the bureaus in fheir closets. "The cramped conditions make it almost impossible to study in your room.'' Ouis Conrad. freshman,said "But. there's always the Great Room." Dorm crunches are also responsible for the renovation ofXavier•sdownstairsTV lounge toaroom for five men: Steve Bobo, Colic Dillon,John McCall, Dale Peny, and 01ris Tbompsoo. The men in the quintuplet get along well with each other. A biga,rob)rm is tbatdlenearest bathroom isc:lowndle ballway. Thesolutionto dus JQblem:tbeyplanongeaing a hot tub in

residentsaid. "I'm really happy that the girls are worldng out theirown problems,"said Papay.The only room-switchthatwe've had has been due to personalitydifferences andwas not dueto an all-outwar. I thinkpartof thereasontherehavebeenso few problemsis tbatthe girls all hangout together,eitberinthehallwayor inaomebody's room." Xavier also bas theirmare of crazy WalkiagdlaJasb lowerIOlldi. youblveagoodchaneeofbeingllllUbd by1lellDis lle1Ja,80CCi« balls.ora man,etheirmom!




f ridaY,oct. 6, 1989


Commutingmade easier by_SEPTA ~

by Kevin George For the first time in its history, the campus-of Cabrini College will be directly accessible by public transportation, according officials of the Southeastern Pennsylvania-• Transportation Authority (SEPTA). Starting on Sunday, Nov. 26, the route 205 bus will be running between the Wayne CHESTERBR station of the Paoli Local and the King of Prussia malls. En route, the bus will stop at Cabrini's entrances on Eagle and King of Prussia roads, SEPT A officials announced. At present, the college provides shuttle service to both the Wayne station and the Radnor station of the Norristown High Speed Line. Both shuttles will continue to operate after the Septa route .. Cabrini goes into effect, according to Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students. As of now, SEPT A has no plans to provide bus service to the Norristown High Speed Line, although Bonfiglio said he has suggested it to the authority. The 205 bus will wait at the Wayne station for commuters getting off the train according, to John Calnan, senior operations planner with SEPT A. ''The schedule has been set so that the bus will meet the

serve the Wayne and King of Prussia shopping districts and three colleges: Cabrini, Eastern and Valley Forge Military Academy and Junior College. Last July, SEPT A held public hearings to detennine whether there would be sufficient support for the line. Bonfiglio said he attended the hearing to voice the school's need for publictransportation. ~ SEPT A approved the new line along with others that will increase service in the King of Prussia and Chesterbrook areas on Sept. 13. Look for one of SEPT A's red, white and blue buses to visit Cabrini on Tuesday, Nov. 7 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Representatives from SEPT A will be distributing schedules, maps and rail pass

.. the new route 205 train with in four minutes of its arrival," Calnan said. Making over 30 trips per weekday, the bus will run from 6:52 a.m. to 10:22 p.m. During the rush hours, (6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.) the bus will pass Cabrini at 15 to 30minute intervals. On Saturdays, the bus will run every half hour between 7a.m. and 10 p.m. On Sundays, the bus will run hourly between 9 a.m and 9 p.m. SEPT A implemented the route to

information. According to Ronald DeGraw, chief officer of suburban operations, fares for the 205 will be the same as those for other routes. For a ride on the bus it will cost either $1.25 in cash or a $1 token. A transfer from the train will cost $.50. The bus is free when you buy a weekly or monthly pass for the train. Bonfiglio said approximately 50 students and employees currently use the Paoli local and the shuttle to get to the campus.

Presidentreactsto drugsand the collegestudent by President George Bush

Americalis agree that the biggest threat we are facing as a nation in drugs, in particular cocaine and crack. Who is responsible? Everyone who uses drugs. Everyone who sells drugs. Everyone who looks the other way. Some people used to call drugs just a benign fonn of recreation. They're not. Drugs are a real and extremely serious threat to our schools, our homes, our friends and our families. it doesn't matter where you live or what school you attend. No one is free from the threat of drugs. Inlier cities, small towns, and college campuses all are under siege -because America is still under siege. On Sept. 5,lannouncedthefirst comprehensive national strategy to end the siege -- to fight drugs with tougher laws andenforcement, and with improved treatment, education and prevention. The programs we've proposed are an all-out assault against the evil of drug use and drug trafficking. We are aggressively attacking the problem from every angle, and proposing a 1990 drug-budget totaling over eight billion dollars -- the largest single increase in history.

Recyclefrom 4 stand the reasons fot this program for it to be a success." House four feels proud to be involved in the only recycling program so far on campus. "Our recycling program is going extremely well so far,'' said Michele Adleman of house four. "It's really exciting because recycling brings money back in to our house. We like to keep our house clean, and everyone does their part.' ' Other areas on Cabrini's campus have caused reason for concern. According to Janet Palmer, the food service supervisor of the Wig Warn, thousands of styrofoam cups are used every week, with about 150 large styrofoam cups alone, being used every day. Styrofoam and non-returnable bottles propose a large problem for the environment. because it will talce hundreds of years for them to begin to decompose. Where a non-returnable bottle or cup can only be used one time, a returnablebottleor

America is fighting a war against drugs. Yet the most important weapons inthewarondrugsarethe least tangible: self-discipline, courage, character, support from one's family, faith in God and in one's self. Fundamentally, the drug problem in America is not one of supply, but of demand. We are taking strong new action to stop the flow of drugs into this country and to stop the dealers themselves; but as long as Americans are willing to buy illegal drugs, somebody., somewhere in the world will sell them. College campuses have long been centers of conscience and idealism in this country, places where students have raised their voices to protest oppression, injustice and human suffering around the world. Yet, no one would deny that often drugs go hand in hand with injustice, suffering and

the drug trade by addicts. What greater human rights violations exist? What greater injustices? Yet, recreational drug users still on some college campuses are ambivalent to the death and destruction they are financing. We must appeal to the social conscience of every college student on every campus in America. The way to protest the misery and oppression brought about by drugs is to commit yourself to staying away from drugs -- and working to keep them away from your friends. Drug use doesn't usually begin the way most people would think, with young people getting their first drugs from an addict or a dealer. Instead, they get them free from "friends" who think casual drug use hurts no one. Peer pressure is what spreads drug use and peer pressure can help stop it.

even death. But where is the ---------------------------------. sound of protest? Innocent bystanders are killed at random on city streets. Babies are born realizing that jobs are being offered. addicted to crack and heroin. We want to establish our program as Young children are forced into unique." Some of the general duties of the head of graduate studies are to administer the program, supervise and update the curriculum, advise the students, teach courses, beverage container can be used 15 to 20 be concerned with advertising and public times. relations and conduct workshops. One commuter student had some strong Right now McGovern is only part feelings about recycling. time. He will become full time in the ''Recycling is a great idea for Cabrini,'' middle of December. Kathy Flynn said. ''I live in Prospect Park ' 'The reaction I saw towards him was and we already recycle there. Maybe if they rare," Biller said. "The committee dido 't waste so much paper on flyers that knew he was someone special and worth everyone just throws away, they would waiting for." have enough money to use paper cups Some of McGovern's career experiinstead of the styrofoam ones.'' ences include being the head of the PlyNancy Dadourian, another commuter mouth Meeting Friends School, for five from Paoli, said, "They should stop using years until May. He was in charge of daystyrofoam in the Wig Warn, and if that's to-day operations and for the planning, impossible, maybe do free refills so there is coordination and execution of the school's less waste. educational policy. At Plymouth MeetThere is proof that recycling is having a ing Friends School he increased enrollpositive affect on society. According to the ment, eliminated a deficit and created a Environmental Protection Agency, by 1990 surplus, coordinated a successful as much as 26 percent of consumer discards $350,000 capital campaign and charted may be recycled, largely as energy producan institutional development effort. tion from wastes. He has been adjunct professor at the

McGovernfrom 1

University of Pennsylvania, Beaver College and Chestnut Hill College. He was the director of ''Good Books for Great Kids.'' This program destroyed the myths that young kids in the inner city are no good for anything. He wants to incorporate that program into Cabrini's graduate studies, by combining itwiththe new corecurriculum. Hefeels that people lack knowledge of Shakespere and other classics. "Everyone should be able to read, write, and understand the values contained in these classics,'' McGovern said. "I made it work in the poor neighborhoods in North Philadelphia and I feel I can malce it work here.'' In 1981 he won the Rose Lindenbaum Award (teacher of the year award), given by the Philadelphia School District. He did not think he was doing anything extraordinary to deserve the award. He was just trying to find a way to become great. He said, "I just try hard all the time with a lot of effort and determination. His message for students here and the rest of society is, "Be the best you can be and you will never fail.''



f riday, oct.. 6, 1989


ParentsWeekend pumpsup Cavaliers by SharleneSephton A hard-kicking, fast-paced game of Cavalier soccer was played on Sunday afternoon against Shenandoah. A huge crowd of parents and fans welcomed the Cavs home for Parents Weekend after being on the road for their last five games. The Eastern States Athletic Conference game ended a 4-2 loss for the Cavs. Their record is now 5-3 overall, and 2-1 in the ESAC: The Shenandoah team from Winchester, Virginia, coached by Court Smith is now 8-4 overall and 3-0 in the conference. "We played them tough, but they're a big, physical team," said Michael Conner, freshman forward. Both of the Cavs' goals were scored by freshman forward, Glen J askelewicz during the second half. Jaskelewicz has had ten goals this season. Five freshman started the game. "We never really caught up to their psychological play," Head Coach, Duncan Hubley, said. He remains pleased with the team's performance. ''They're only better in one position, that's goalie,'' Hubley added. ''Mike Long, senior and first-year goalie, has been lucky. Today he was unlucky. But you have to give him a lot of credit.'' An uncommon call against Shenandoah's goalkeeper stirred up some controversy in the game. Referee WilliamBurdich pulled the goalie out of the net when he noticed that he was wearing an earring. The goalie was replaced by a substitute and was allowed to re-enter at the next stoppage of play. "Feels good," was the reply of the Cavs when asked how they felt about playing at

home for Parent's Weekend. They felt their support was strong as ever. "I especially like the crowd's involvement," Hubley said. "They don't pick us up as much as they pull the other team down. Shenandoah's crowd is the most hostile team we've encountered. Our crowd is mild compared to them.'' Most of the parents in the crowd were enthusiastic about the opportunity Parents Weekend gave them to see their sons. "It's really great to see him participate in a game he enjoys," said Sharon O'Donnell, mother of senior forward, Jerry O' Donnell. ''This is the spirit of the weekend.''

"This is the spirit of the weekend." - Sharon O'Donnell Judy and Duke Doherty, parents of cocaptain Brian Doherty, also were impressed by the added opportunity to watch their son. "Yesterday's game was excellent," Judy Doherty said, in reference to the Cavs 1-0 victory over Wesley on Saturday. They suggested that in the following years, Parents Weekend should include special recognition of all the Seniors involved in athletics. The Cavs next confrontation will be a home game against Eastern College on Oct. 10.

Freshman forward Michael Conner is 'heads above the rest' against Shenandoah this past Sunday. (Photo by Kristin Kroll)

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f ridaYzoct. 6, 1989

Straightfrom Monaco'sMouth lou monaco

sports editor As I sit behind my cherished sports editor's desk, the Toronto Blue Jays are about to do battle with the Oakland Athletics in Game # I of the American League Championship Series. As I watch the nation's pasttime begin its climatic finale to a most unusual 1989 baseball season, some unusual sports thoughts, opinions and juggernuts of true sports information have come to my mind. Like, you guys didn't already know this, ya know what I mean?! So, once again, here it goes: * NBC broadcaster Bob Costasthe best, by far. His knowledge, his wit, his clear, concise dialogue of games and his GQ clothes make him the overall "fashion statement" in all aspects of sports journalism. * MAZOOK.IE: Mookie Wilson and Lee Mazzilli of the Blue Jays. That's the new word flying around

Toronto. Just think, if the Mets wised up, it could have been the wordin New York. Ofcourse,that was not to be the case.

* 1-900-234-JOSE. This is the phone number that Jose Canseco, Oakland A's outfielder, fans can call up to see how Jose is trying to change his lifestyle and image as a "Rebel Without A Cause." -If this# is busy, call the other Jose #'s: * 1-900-SLO-DOWN! * 1-900-HEY-COPS! * 1-900-RU-FINED? * 1-900-I-GOT-GUN! * The 1st Annual Cabrini Alumni Golf Open was held at Pickering Valley Golf Course in Malvern, this past Sunday. The top four finishers, with a handicap of "who knows?," were: * Winner Kevin Corcoran * Dan "KEG" Kane * Eric Power * Tim Fitzgerald

Corcoran, after the win, exclaimed, ''Coach Bisconte taught me everything I know. He has been like a father to me.'' -May God watch over this group every single day! * Can anybody find this answer for me: Whatever happened to Jocko, the Austrailan spokesperson for Eveready batteries, who exclaimed over American television a couple of years ago, "OY!" * Remember Luis Polonia in my first column? He was sentenced Monday to 60 days i_njail and fined $1,500 on that misdemeanor charge of having sex with a 15-year-old girl. -I bet his jailmate can't WAIT for him to step into that jail cell! Have FUN, Luis! "' To those Philly Eagles: -As a fan, shut up and just play ball! All of Philadelphia would love to see you guys in the Big Finale, including myself. Just worry about covering the receivers, cause' if you guys get burnt one more time, its gonna be a long, long, season. One more thing, KICK the GIANTS *&%$#, this Sunday. Please! * Get the Philadelphia Daily News and read Dick Weiss' column on college sports everyweek. He is one of the best newspaper

writers in the country and his journalistic writing is very entertaining. * Watch ESPN's Dream Season every Sunday. Through NFL Films' innovative techniques, it matches up former Super Bowl teams against each other in actual game situations. For example, last Sunday, it was the 1986 Giants versus the 1982 Redskins. Result: Giants beat Redskins on a last-minute blocked punt. * The I 989 Monaco Award for Baseball's Player/Man of the Year goes to San Francisco Giants pitcher, Dave Dravecky. His courage, faith, determination and never-ending battle to comeback and succeed, will live in our hearts and minds forever. God Bless You, Dave and we'll see you on the mound in April. * The College Football Scores of the Week: Illnois Weslyn 51 Carthage 20 -A bunch of dead people played for the losing team in this one. Drake 35 Alma 20 -They should have played MaterU. Simon Fraser 42 Lewis & Clark 36

-Where was Pocohontas when they needed her? * Temple Football: Geez!

* A Monaco Poll: Major Harris or Tony Rice for the Heisman? Please send votes to the newsroom or to Box 212. I'm serious about this! * Buddy Ryan NOW likes Burger King! * Flyers, either your going to trade somebody or your not going to trade somebody! Make up your minds! * Congrats to new Raider coach, Art Shell. Don't let Al Davis control you, pal! * Isn't it nice to see the name of Wrigley on television and not have to. worry about choosing between spearmint and peppermint? * Let's go Cubbies! To all those Notre Dame and Straight from Monaco's Mouth haters, PLEASE write me letters! It would be nice to see that my column has been read and has stirred up some controversy. So, I personally ask, to put some ink on some paper and drop letters off in the newsroom or in Box 212. Thanks a million! See Ya in two weeks!

Weightroom:not liftin'its own weight by Pamela Stempleski "There's just not enough in there," said Tom O'Donnell, junior, when asked his opinion of tfte weight room on campus. According to John Dzik, director of athletics, $1,000 was invested in additions and restoration of the weight room. According to many students, this just isn't enough. Since last year, funds aquired from the 1989 Mercedes raffle were usedto make additions such as more free weights, a weight rack and a new rubber mat for the floor. A combination lock has been placed on the door as well . Even with these renovations, however, several students still feel that the room is not up to par. Freshman Ann Sexton uses the weight room approximately once each week, and is disappointed with its condition. "A lot of stuff is broken or doesn't really work as well as it should, Sexton said. "Since there's only free weights, you can't work out unless you have someone to spot for you." Sexton's suggestion is that the school start from scratch in remodeling the room. Paul Greenhalgh, junior, sympathizes with the college's situation. ''It's hard for private schools to get funding and I understand the spot they're in," Greenhalgh said. Greenhalgh said that considering the size of Cabrini, the weight room is adequate. He also feels

that considering the number of to do anything." McDonough also feels that offpeople who use it, the room is pretty campus people have used the equipextensive. "It does thejobforme," Green- ment more than Cabrini students in the past, and he feels that it is halgh said. Mike Feeley, senior, uses the these people who are responsible ~ weight room on a regular basis. for most of the damage and theft He feels that the people who com- that have occured . "There should absolutely be plain about the weight room, for someone at a desk to check people the most part, have never used it. "It could stand to be a lot better in and help keep the place in orwith some additions," Feeley said, der,'' McDonnough said. Dzik says that a program like "but until they get here, don't wait that was instituted at one point, but around on your duff.'' Feeley thinks that on a scale of it didn't work very well. What it efone to 10, the improvements this fectively did was close down the year brought the weight room from weight room. What's wrong with this picture? Is this a weightroom, garage "Because of the limited amount a three to a six, and additional or the basement of your house? See Athletic Director John Dzik dumbbells would bring that six up of time students could man the desk, for answers, comments, suggestions and criticisms to help get and the times that they just didn't to a 10. the weightroom off the ground, once -and -for-all. (Photo by Feeley also thinks that the room show up, the room was closed more than it was open,'' Dzik said. Kristin Kroll) is adequate. ' 'It doesn't matter what is in the '' At one point, the room was closed safer and more people would utilweight room, it's how you use it from Feburary to the end of the se- fact that people don't utilize the ize the facility. Dzik, however, mester because students' work weight rack which has been purand how often," he said. doesn't see that happening as the Many other students disagree. grants ran out. It's a situation that chased to help the room look betfunds used for this year's repairs ThemenofHousethree have opted didn't work in the past, but I'm not ter, and to keep the equipment in came from the Mercedes raffle, order. for bringing in their own equip- saying that it can't work." which is not occuring this year. "It would at least look much Dzik feels that the new method ment and creating a weight room Greenhalgh suggests that those in the basement of their house. Sean of having a combination lock is nicer," Dziksaid. "I spend at least students who really want some im10 minutes putting them on the McDonough, sophomore resident much more effective. provements made should consider "This way, you have access to rack each time I go in there." of House III was part of this proccontributing to it themselves. "I'd E.J. Hartman, senior, doesn't use it at your leisure, and you don't ess. be willing to put in $20 if I knew "We drove all the way to Jersey have to wait for a work grant stu- the weight room because he feels it everyone else was too," Greenis in such bad condition. and got a guy's personal equip- dent to show up," he said. "Now, ''There are no dumbbells, no halgh said. those students who really have an ment," McDonough said. "We interest will make the effort, and it mirrors, not enough free weights, shouldn't have to do that." and the universals are in bad conMcDonough is not satisfied with keeps others out. "This way, the people who use dition because the cables are the condition of the weight room. frayed," Hartman said. "The it are familiar with the equipment "It makes younoteven wantto always disrepaired, and are capable ofusing it. We also bikes are lift when you walk in there, there's not even a scale to weigh your- know that they will comply with too.'' Many _students feel that if some the wishes of the athletic departself," McDonough said. "We've work was done on the room, •it gone to Dzik about it, and he cares, ment.'' Dzik is dissappointed with the would be more attractive, much but he.just doesn't have the money

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