Oct. 20, 1989 Issue 5 Loquitur

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friday, oct. 20, 1989

cabrini. college, radnor, pa 19087

$1,500 theft at Woodcrest by Johanna Church and Jennifer Morri son Fifteen-hundred dollars worth of jewelry was stolen from Woodcrest last week. Karen Kerchusky, Maria Toth and Kim Keck woke up on the morning of Oct. 11 to find some jewelry missing. At first, they thought they misplaced it. But when Toth saw Keck's chain by the door without the dog tag that belonged on it, they grew suspicious. They discovered that Keck was missing two rings and a dog tag while Toth was missing five rings. Immediately, the girls reported their missing property to security and their resident assistant and later learned of similar experiences occurring throughout the dorm. Other girls in W oodcrest reported two men walking into their rooms while they were sleeping. Upon entering the rooms,

each of the girls awoke, frightening the intruders who then walked back out before being questioned. Keck, Toth and Kerchusky concluded that when the men entered their room and they did not awake, that the men proceeded to steal what they could. Radnor police were brought in to investigate the incidents. Unconfirmed reports state that around three a.m. two men were brought into Woodcrest by two residents of the dorm after paritals. The investigation is still underway by Radnor police. "It's really scary to have guys in your room when you are not aware of it,' ' Keck said. ''Fortunately, we weren't raped.'' Toth' s parents were more upset about the locks than the jewelry. Keck said that there should be a mandatory guard in each dorm at night, for about eight to nine hours.

Parking privileges for some Out not for all by Mark Gudas A new plan to reserve parking spaces in the Sacred Heart Hall parking lot is causing controversy between students and faculty. The 22 spaces nearest the Widel).erCenter and Sacred Heart buliding are going to be reserved for faculty, staff, and handicapped. Nearly every college has some area set aside for faculty, staff, and handicapped to park. Dean of Students, Robert Bonfiglio, received letters from members of the campus community requesting new parking spaces. Bonfiglio forwarded these letters to Dan Neyer, head of the parking committee. Neyer and the other members on the committee got together and decided to reserve the spots nearest the Widener Center and Sacred Heart building. In addition to the new spaces, the new parking stickers are available at student services. Students who do not have parking stickers are advised to get them. Failure to purchase these stickers will lead to punitive action. The seven spaces nearest to the ramps at the Widener Center were originally for the residents of the mansion. The area was well lighted and if the women wanted an escort service they could get it from security. There has been no official word as to when this new parking situation is going to

Stud·ent'sfather shaken but unhurt by JohannaChurch

Hodlofskf said.

"At :firstl wasexcited, I never had As the two color television sets blare out pre-game cotmnentary, sophomoJ:c Matt Hodlofski surrounds himself with the passion of watching his favorite sporting event with his good buddies. Although he was taking in all of his favorite pastimes, he could not help but feelenviousofhisfatherwho was in San Francisco,on business, and bad planned toattendgamesfourand five of the World Series. Game two of the l 989Fall Classicwas about to begin. Al Michaels and Tim McCarver, both of ABC Sports werediscUS8ing the in-game highlights,whenall of a sudden..... .. I was watching the pre.game show and Al Michaels said,' you won't believe l this,' and the picture went fuzzy;; Hodlofs.kisaid. After a short time, Johnny Benchand Jack Buck.of 1210WCAU, over

anything to do with an earthquake before." Hodlooiki'sfatherwasriding in.a caron a back road in San Francisco.when the quakehit. • ''Whentheykeptreportingon theearthquake, I realize4 that it ·wasbiggerthan I • originally thought," be said. Mr. Hodlofs.kibadbeen in touchwith bis family. about an hour before the quake. When be called.he badmentioned that he needed a place to sleep. The next time'tbfflfie Hodlofm.' s had any contact with Mr.Hodlofski wasabout an hourlater,after the officialwordof the

the air with information.

staying in a pretty '


get underway. Anyone can park in the Sacred Heart lot, except for the spots reserved for security and handicapped, despite the fact that the other spaces are painted "reserved.'' It does not matter if you live here or are a commuter as long as you have a parking sticker. Residents can park there late at night and get a security escort back to the dormitory if they are afraid to walk. Until a work order is put in to paint the spaces "reserved" security can't issue tickets. The addition of the Grace Hall parking lot has cut down on the parking problem somewhat. Many students do not know about the new change that is about to occur. Some had different opinions about the Grace HaU lot. Some think it is good, while others think it is bad. "It does not make sense to reserve spots for faculty when they have the Grace Hall pi.trkingJot to park in,'' Diane Glancey said. "The students need those spaces nearest the Widener Center more so than the faculty." "I have a problem with parking in Grace HaU and having to take the longer walk, especially if I am late for class," Christy Early said. "The parking situation could pose a problem in the wintertime because if it snows I do not wantto walk the long distance between Grace Hall and Sacred Heart,'' said Chuck Ganime. "I usually end up parking farther away than I want but I don't have any

vol. xxxvi, no. 5

quake. All th•t was learnedin that conversation was that he wassafe andunbanned. It wasn't untilthenext day, Oct. 18, that the Hodlofsk.ifamily knew any details&om bim. #CAD lknow11dlaltliewomtidap dumpy hotel and

Some of the spaces behind Sacred Heart hall which will become reserved. (Photo by Mark Gudas) major problems with the parking situation.'' where," said Edward Christ, assistant Faculty are more aware about the new professor of business administration. spaces that are about to go into effect. "It makes sense to have the new spaces ' 'The new spots are going to be there but where they are going to be because teachers I am not going to use them,'' said Dr. Carter have more books to carry than the students. Craigie, professor of English and commu- It is common courtesy to the teachers. I don't nications. "I do not mind the walk and really care where the spaces are but I do besides that it is good for you." care that teachers are inconvenienced." "We were told at last week's faculty "I will use the new spaces ifl am late for senate meeting that new spots were going to be reserved, but we do not know exactly more Parking on 9

inside perspectives ...... 2, 3


news ................ 4, 5, 9


features .... ...... 6, 7, 8


Run... Run... Run...

sports ........ 10, 11, 12 -

{see page 7)

{see page 12)



rime on campus; yQu can't be too carefuI!

friday, oct. 20, 1989



Sister Eileen, where are you?

Approximately one week ago, three freshmen living in Woodcrest were robbed. The incident occurred at 3 A.M., while the girls were sleeping. Two off-campus men broke into the room and stole $1,500 worth of jewelry. Fortunately no one was hurt. Thes_egirls are very lucky, much worse could have happened. On April 5, 1986, a similar incident occurred at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA. Jeanne Clery, 19, awoke at 5 AM. to find another student burglarizing her room. She was beaten, raped and strangled. Since her death, Jeanne's parents have put into effect a law called the Clery Bill which is meant to tighten security measures on all college campuses. In Jeanne Clery's instance, her door was unlocked. The three girls in Woodcrest claim that their door was locked. That really says a lot for whoever installed the locks, as well as security and resident life, for neglecting to check up on, or fix these locks. Or perhaps it was the fault of the girls if they realized that their door was broken and didn't

under your jurisdiction, or does it? A simple thing, such as having shades in the houses. ldu We have to struggle to get them. At Leadership Conference, when you were made monaco aware of this, you said, "I'll look into it." sports Why then, do I have my comforter for my editor couch on the window acting as a "shade?" There is no reason in the world, why we should have to go out and buy shades when On Sunday, October 22, a student forum they should already be there! will be conducted in Xavier's Great Room at Do you see, Sister Eileen? You, as 7:30 p.m. Hosted by Sister Eileen Currie,. President, could have acted or stepped in on President of Cabrini College, this forum will this. I'm not saying to take an active part in enable students to express their views, ideas, everything, but for the welfare and bettersuggestions, criticisms and opinions about ment of the student body and school, you the college and administration. should at least keep both eyes open and Well, it's ab.outtime! maybe, even take action. For the four years that I have been here, It seems simple things are so tedious and this is only the second time I can.recall this the tedious things are so simple. Shouldn't it ever happening. I thank you so much for be the other way around? Just because we are located in suburbia doesn't mean allowing us,' 'your'' students, to give us the rare opportunity to, first of all, see you and, 3) Shouldn't this school's #l priority be that we are untouched by crime. second of all, to speak to you. that of a new residence hall? take steps to have it fixed. I'm sure a·lot of people are willing to ask Sister Eileen, I understand money and you all sorts of_questions,but some might be town ordiance~ aremajor obstacles in this Which brings up another point about security· hesitant to say what's on their minds. So I dilemma. I am not disputing that fact at all. If security makes their rounds on campus throughout the night, where guess, this is for all of them. You could call If you are working on getting a new dorm, were they when some residents of Woodcrest were bringing men into the this "Questions You Alway~ Wanted The let the community know about it. Let them building after hours? Does security realize that parietals exist? Answers To. But Were Afraid to Ask Sister know when meetings are, where information can be obtained, etc. Moreover, does the student body now rea Iize that parietals aren't put into Eileen!" THIS IS THE #l PROBLEM ON CAMeffect to make our lives miserable, but are mainly there as a safety device? I) How come you don't make yourself PUS! If Ai."1\fYO~E were able to walk into ANY build1rig at ANY time, don't you more visible to the students? It doesn't seem like this is the think that our crime rate would skyrocket? It has tobegiveandtake. Yes,wecango administration's #1 priority or concern, The point of this editorial is not to lecture on the importance of parietals, to you, the motivated students will and though. We, keep letting them in, but there trn:;-c:artnnrs e ze a i --'=---=--,_.,=soc:cm,,,,,eb 'seven an effort ,..bu--=-t=...,others~=--;aic:;;·=n,':t""n'-'"o"'place to~t~·,e=,m"'=I"-~~~~~~ 0 ""·~me=s,,,that,,., 0 m deserve your willingness to go to them. I wouldn't besurprisediflOstudents live Even on a campus with 110 acres of rolling green. You, as President, should be themostwelJ- in Xavier's downstairs TV lounge next year, ~ Just because we are located in suburbia doesn't mean that we are untouched known role model, here at Cabrini. You're because there's no where else to put them! by crime. That, to me, does not seem right!

When security changed the combination locks in the buildings on Dean's fall holday weekend, they also posted a sign saying, ''This is not a sanctuary, your safety is at risk.'' These words are true. Don't be naive and think that you can leave your property unattended. It is really sad that people feel compelled to t~e what they believe they are entitled_ to. But that is the sad truth. You can't be too careful.

NO EXIT by Erik Andresen

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Cabrini shouldn't have to say, "Who's Sister Eileen?" They should say, "There's Sister Eileen!" not! We just want to know WHY!? Granted, bigger schools such as Villanova and Temple probably never see their President. But this is not 'Nova or Temple. This is Cabrini. A small school. In order for us to develop and grow, the President has to take an active part. You are, Sister Eileen, but it seems to be behind-the-scenes. Nobody knows what you do or what you are striving to accomplish. The only piece of information that the students get from your office is that of a newsletter, published once a month. Would it be too much to ask to come to an athletic event, to visit a dorm, to attend a Special Interest Open House or just to even eat with the students at the cafeteria? I don't understand why we have to express our comments or opinions at your convenience. It just doesn't seem right. I'm not saying show up to everything. I'm just saying it would be nice to show us, visibly, that the President supports and cares in what we do as a college community. 2) How come there are so many Cabrini "politics" here? It seems as though, whether any individual, group, club, organization, department or whatever, tries to get something done for the betterment of the school, they have to go through so much red tape before it even gets started. It just seems to be everything, from SGA activities to having blinds or shades in the houses. Again, Sister Eileen, this might not fall

These are three major questions that I would like to have answered and I'm sure others would like to have answered too. -Cabrini shouldn't have to say, "Who's Sister Eileen?" They should say, "There's Sister Eileen!"

Edttor:Barbara Wilson ManagingEditor: Angie Como News Edttor: Johanna Church PerspectivesEditor: Felicia Falcone Features Edttor:Kelly Ann McGillan Sports Edttor:Lou Monaco Copy Editor: Jenni Obrecht BusinessManager: AngieComo, Denise Edwards,Sue Moriarty PhotographyEdttor:Kristin Kroll PhotographyAdviSffl":Dr. Carter Craigoe Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Karen Dumomey, Carrie Coo, Denise Edwards,Frank Emmerich,Meghan Flannery,William Fulton, Kevin George, Marl<Gudas, Carto Iacono, AIYla-MarieKartsen,Mary Teresa Kelly, Clyde LaForest,Jr, Melissa Landsmann,Daniella LoPresti, Kristin Mainero,Jennffer Morrison,Chris Pesotski,Kelly Ann Reed, Christina Roach, Deborah Ryder,Sharlene Sephton. Pamela Stempleski,Leonora Veterano, Kelly Ann Walsh,Chartie Waterfall, Kelly Ann Williams, Carol Walls Yarrow Photography Staff: Mad<Gudas~Frank Emmerich.Giselle Bellanca Loquitur is publishedweekly during lhe school year by students of cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971·8412. Subscriptionprice is $25 per year and is included in the beneftts secured by tuttion and student fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to lhe edttor. Letters should be signedand the authorshipknown to the edttors. However,Hthe writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off lhe letter upon publicationand an inscription inserted such as "name withheld at lhe request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. tt a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edtt or condense tt. Lettersto the edttor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The edttorialsand opinions published in Loquttur are lhe views of lhe student editorial staff and the individualwrttersand not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur Is establishedas a forum for student expressionand as a voice in lhe uninhibited,robust, free and open discussionof



No charge left in OY! To the Editor: Last week I read with great interest Lou's column, "Straight from Monaco's Mouth." In his column, Lou asked what had happened to Jocko, the Australian spokesperson for Eveready batteries, whose exclamation, "OY !" was a memorable classic. Lou, I have the answer to your question. I was missioned to work at our hospital in Melbourne, Australia from July 1983 to February 1987. While I was there I became interested in Australian Rules Football. One of the notorious footballers played forGeelong. Yes, Jocko. While I was there he did not have the best reputation as a team member. He was loud, raucous and even got in trouble with the law. Then he started to do commercials for Eveready. When he came on TV we would turn off the sound and even tum off the set in some

instances. When I returned to the good old USA, I found Jocko doing Eveready commercials here. I had had enough of him. I wrote to Eveready to complain. I even received a letter from their public relations person. To make a long story short, it seems that other people wrote letters of complaint and refused to buy Eveready batteries like I did. Soon Jocko was off the air and I received another letter from Eveready with coupons for free batteries explaining that they listened to their customers. I can only assume that he has returned to Australia. I can ask friends back there what became of him, if you like. Let me know.

Sincerely, Sr. Toni, MSC Assistant Registrar

Not race or color, but a differentkindof discrimination To the Editor: Lately on this campus there has been a new kind of discrimination going on. Even though some of the problem has been recognized, there isn't much being done to correct it. No, this problem isn't discrimination, it is

favoritism. It is those people (faculty, staff and administration) that choose to "bend" the rules or let something go without notice because they know the student on a personal level. Yes, this is discrimination. What about the other students who see this, but reali~e that the rules don't get bent for them? For example, certain people get written up for their actions, but are able to get out of it with only a slap on the wrist or a light reprimand. The same situation might occur and the people involved will pay the full price and get fined.

Another example would be the administration trying to appease certain groups on campus, only to keep the peace, not necessarily because it is right. People will say that this letter is about jealousy, but it is not. It is about something that Cabrini is losing, fairness to all students. All ,;tudents need to be treated the same, whether people know them on.a personal level or not! It is natural to like some people better than others, but please don't make your favorites so obvious! Until the favoritism ceases, and fairness is shown to all students, this discrimination will continue and be more and more evident on campus.

Sincerely, A concerned student

Whenff comes#me to table talk In the cafeteria, there Is always a lot:to say.

Butwhendo studentsreallyget a chance to be heard?

You can be heard by

SisterEileen.Currie, college president, this Sunday, at 7 p.m. in the Xavier Great Room. Shewill hostan open forumto honorstudents questionsand concerns. All are welcome. Bob Bonfiglio, dean of students will host an open forum at the Tuesday, October 31 SGA meeting at 1 p.m. in the SGA Office. All are welcome.

friday, oct. 20, 1989


"Boyof summer"enjoysseason of hardwork,sweatand success by Mark Gudas It all started back on a cold Monday afternoon in February. I had a big year ahead of me, and I was expecting.big things to happen. I was standing on the track preparing myself for my first year of varsity baseball at Father Judge High School, in Philadelphia. I knew it was going to be a long hard road to success, but I was going to be ready for it. As I started running around the track, I was thinking of all the good things that could happen to me and my teammates. Every day for a month I ran that track, thinking success all the way. I started out the first week running a mile and then as I increased my stamina I increased the miles. Before I knew it I was up to three miles a day. Through this one month of training I knew I was both mentally and physically prepared for the team practices that lay ahead. I believed that through these long and hard practices we were going to mold a winning team. Before I knew it, my training was over and practice began. There were many kids who came out to show the coach their baseball talent. Some were good, and others should have just stayed home. On that first day of practice the coach made us run close to two and a half miles. Some kids got sick and could not keep up the pace, but not me because I knew what to expect. We kept up thepiactice nwoiog every day for about two weeks. Then the weather started to get warmer and I started to get more psyched. We were finally having a real baseball practice. Each day the coach cut a few more players, and the semblance of a team was beginning to appear. Every day after the final cut we played like the team I knew we could be. We practiced hard and everyone gave 110 percent. All of the players had that winning look in their eyes. Well, April the eighth had finally arrived and the regular season was here. We finally had the chance to prove to everyone what all the preparing was for. Would all of my training and our team practices pay off? It seemed that way when we won our first game. It became more of a reality when we played the next three games and won them too. Then our division rivals put us to the test and handed us our first defeat ofhe season. It was a whitewash, and we lost by a score of 8-0. We won our next two decisions and then we suffered a heartbreaking loss to a team that up until that point did not have a win. Things looked pretty bad after we lost our next two games. People were wondering what was going on, and they started to doubt us. We won our ne_xttwo games and then we suffered a terrible setback at the hands of last year's champions. It was a hard loss to take asthescorewas 1-0. Wereboundedfromthis loss by beatmg the next two teams who were playoff bound. Then we lost again to the last place team. We needed to win that game to get into the playoffs, but we could not beat the worst team in the league. It came down to the last game of the seal.on. If we won, it would be awesome, and if we lost it would be a disappointment. We had to win that last game to get into the playoffs. It was a do-or-die situation forus. We played that game like a real baseball team and everyone was a part of that win. It was a real test for us and we proved that we could win the game in a crucial


situation. So on the last day of the season we won our last game and earned the right to play in the post-season. The playoffs were here and I was getting the chance to experience big time high school baseball. The regular season was over and everyone in the playoffs had a new record. It was another do-or-die situation for all the teams involved. If you won you continued on in the playoffs, and if you lost you could go home and prepare for next year. According to the playoff system, the first four teams get the right to play in the post-season. We were the fourth-place team and because of this we had to play the thirdplace team. Well, during the regular season we had lost both times to this team, so this proved to be an interesting confrontation. Nothing mattered to us. We were Father Judge and we were detennined to win. As in any sport, the final outcome is what counts and we emerged as victors. Next came the second round and we had to play the second-place team. We had split our two games during the regular season. It looked pretty glum when we were losing with only one inning left to play. We had come this far and we were not about to give up. Somehow we would find a way to win, and win we did. There was great joy on the team that day. Then we hadto play the first-place team for the • ·orthem Di, i.l.ion Oumpionship. It was a battle of the titan~ ~ll.U e U>eiWJJ'_..,..,...._,_:tt best pitchers in the Catholic League were going head-to-head. It was not the game everyone expected it to be. We blasted their best pitcher and gave them an embarrassing defeat. We won the game by a score of 8-0. Father Judge was the champion of the Northern Division. We were now going to be playing for all the marbles - the World Series of high school baseball. Whoever won this game would be deemed the best team in high school baseball. Everyone was keyed up for this game, both players and fans alike. This was the real test. Anyone whoever played a sport hoped'to get to where we were on that day. There were writers and photographers everywhere. There was even a television station camera team there. It started out great as we scored 2 runs in the first inning, and in the forth inning we added to our lead by scoring 4 more runs. Going into the sixth inning the score stood Judge 6 and Bonner 0. In the top of the sixth Bonner scored I run. We didn't score any more runs, but it didn't matter because the runs we had already were enough to win. In the seventh and final inning Bonner tagged on I more run, but it still wasn't enough. We held them off and we won the 1987 Philadelphia Catholic League Championship. There was total chaos on the field after that final out was recorded. People and players running everywhere. I had the greatest feeling of my life that day. That was some season. It started for me back in February and it ended in June. All of the running and sweating paid off. It gave me a chance to be at the emotional peaks and valleys with the other members of the team, and understand what winning and losing is all about. I learned a Jot that year and I grew up both physically and mentally, but what I learned the most is a team that plays and practices hard every day can be a winner even if they don't possess the greatest talent in the world. ·



fridax,oct. 20, 1989


Prevention through education: the new approach by Carrie Corr On Saturdays my house was usually like Grand Central Station. Imagine the fear I felt when I walked into the house in the middle of the afternoon, and no one was there. It was summer, I just returned from senior week. My parents knew I was coming home, where were they? My stomach ached with a anxiousness as I picked up the phone to call my aunt. Somehow I knew something was terribly wrong, I could just feel it. My aunt picked up the phone and by the tone of her voice, I did not hesitate to ask what happened. My eY.esfilled with tears as she calmly explained what happened. My brother had been in a serious car accident with his friend. His facial bones were shattered, and he was in a coma. I dropped the phone, and became hysterical. At the hospital I found out what happened. He had been the passenger of a car with a drunk driver. They hit a telephone pole head on when the driver had fallen asleep. The doctors said that Michael, my brother, had a very slim chance of making it; it would be touch and go for the next 48 hours. I can not even begin to describe the fear I felt for my brother, while at the same time anger. How could he have been so stupid?

What was he thinking when he got into that car? My brother made it. He was one of the lucky ones. With the help of cosmetic surgery, and therapy he is back in the mainstream of his 24-year-old peers. Others may not be so lucky. Oct. 15 to 21 is National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, and Cabrini College celebrates its fourth year of participation with many new and different events aimed at prevention through education and individual responsibility in connection with alcohol use. Have you noticed the car wreck on the lawn of Sacred Heart Hall? The smashed car that sits there represents what could happen if you choose to drink and drive. The board of statistics is visual proof that alcohol and driving do not mix. Susan Fitzgerald, director of health services, hopes that the smashed car will remind students of the importance of a designated driver. "A lot of students go off campus to drink," she sid. "Hopefully this car will remind them of their responsibilities to their passengers, others on the road, not to mention themselves." Cabrini has tried various types of events in the past including spaghetti and clam

bakes, alcohol-free parties and other open events. ''The turnouts were never very good because of competition from other parties on campus," Fitzgerald said. "The whole reason for Alcohol Awareness week is to make students more aware of the dangers and consequences that follow if you 're not responsible about your drinking. "This year the Medical Assistants are taking a lot more of the responsibilities, and are planning more specific programs. We also sent out letters to the faculty to suggest they try to incorporate some type of alcohol related issue into their class discussion." Some of the events scheduled for Alcohol Awareness Week include a party-policy workshop night to teach students how to be responsible hosts. House two and four scheduled an alcohol-free dinner party with MA' s Debbie Malveaux and Trish Renz. House seven scheduled a showing of the film "Clean and Sober." And Malveaux and Amy Cassari created buttons and informational flyers to be distributed throughout the whole week. The devastating effect that alcohol has on society is becoming greater and greater each year. According to Knight Ridder Newspapers and the National Council for Alcoholism, these statistics reflect the disas-

ter that alcohol brings: -Over the past 10 years there have been over 250,000 deaths on the highways due to . alcohol. -There have been 91,000 lives lost due • to alcohol-related diseases. •More than 6 million serious injuries in non-highway accidents last year alone due to alcohol. •25 percent of all domestic violence, including spouse and child abuse, occurs because of alcohol. -40,000 babies were born last year with fetal alcohol syndrome. ·There are more than 3 million teenage alcoholics. •85 percent of all teenage automobile accidents involve alcohol. -There were 4.1 million drunk driving arrests last year. ·You are 18 times more likely to be killed


by a drunk driver than to win the state lottery. There are alcohol anonymous (A.A.) meetings right here on Cabrini's campul They are open meetings that take place on Saturdays from 10 to 11 a.m. in the Widener Center across from the Wig Warn. Everyone is welcome to attend with no questions asked.




Are colleges manipulating the figures? FrankEmmerich

up to that panicular coll_ege's freshmenc~'average SAT score. standards. Colleges are now Because of the increase in the using a classification called NIPS average score, the admissions deor" not in profile students." These partment started publicizing the students scores arepurposly elimi- score. According to Gardner at this nated from the SAT statistical data, time Cabrini feels that the score therefore manipulating the aver- can be used as a successful public age score. By dropping these relationship tool. scores the colleges average SAT Eastern CoJlege uses a similar score is significantly higher than system in which students with a the straight average. lower SAT score are placed in a Nancy Gardner, director of program called the Pushing Cenadmissions, said that Cabrini's ter for Academic Support. Judith average SAT score is not computed Lake, admissionscounselor at Eastfrom all the enrolled students' ern, said that unlike Cabrini those

those accepted to the school. By riOI averaging all the accepted students average SAT scores, these colleges are actually lowering their average score. One guide to colleges, Peterson's guide to American Colleges, avoids the problem of manipulated SAT data by only publishing the percent of students who scored over 500 in the math and verbal sections. However the problem with this is Peterson's 1989 guide only states the statisti• cal information from 1987.

any of its literature, and only gives out the infonnationif a Beware high school seniors student asks. and perspective employers: Other colleges such as colleges may be altering their Cabrini and Bryn Mawr do institution's average Scholaspublish their average SAT tic Aptitude Test scores. score. Elizabeth Vermey, Colleges around the nation director of admissions at Bryn ~· are manipulating the statistical Mawr, said that although they data obtained from the SAT in do not personally tell a perefforts to persuade perspective spective student what the aver-~ college students and to higher age score is, they do publish their status within the commuthe statistic in their Handnity. book. Cabrini publishes their Because of admissions score in the admissions packets counselor.. acute awareness to that are sent out to perspective the public relations aspect of students. their job, admissions counselGardnerbelieves thata colors are devising new mathe"SATsare one measure of a person's ability,but they are not a lege publishing an average matical formulas to manipulate SAT score can scareoff stupredictor of college sucess." the differennt scholastical stadents. She said that students tistics, especially the average -Linda deSimone,director of think the average score is the SAT score, forthepurposesof miniumum and that perhaps admissions, Rosemontcollege over-representing the instituthey do not qualify for the · tion. college. At the present time there is LindadeSimone,director of no standardized method in scores. Students' scores who are students' SAT scores areaveraged admissions at Rosemont ColAccording to the local admiswhich colleges are to compute accepted to the college under the in their published SAT score. lege, said, "the SATs are one sions counselors, the average SA Ts data such as the colleges' averGeneral Studies program are not measure of a person• s ability, Haverford College, which has a are not one of the counselors age SAT scores. Different used in the calculation of the very selective admissions proce- selling points. Lake of Eastern but they arenot a predictorof colleges compute their pubaverage SAT score. Cabrini's 1989 dure, averages the entire en- College said thatshe believes that college success. lished data in different ways, average SAT score of acombined Gardner said that graduatrolled student body. Haverford's coJleges and especially Eastern is therefore there are many dis926 only accounts for about 80 Joanne Washington said that taking a more personal approach ing seniors are not always crepencies within the system. precent of the enrolled students. Haverford does not manipulate towards admissions, one where conscious of the institution's The National Association Three years ago, Cabrini numbers, not for athletes and not extracurricular activities and the • average SATscore, but graduof College Admission Counadmissions avoided using the even for alumni sons. studentsentirefile takemoreprece- ates and alumni can support selors is presently conducting college's average SAT score beVillanova University's Dean of denceover a standardiz.ed test score. their educationwith the statisa survey to collect data on how cause the score did not reflect the Admissions, the Rev. Erdlen, said. Gardneraddedthat ''schools with tic. college admission counselors standards that the admissions de- that like Haverford, Villanova takes impressiveSAT averagesuse it to People who areinterestedin are computing the colleges partment wanted. This procedure a straight average of all those en- marketthe college.'' an institution's average SAT average SAT score. is common arnongplacesofhighet rolled students' SAT scores. Because college admissions score should be awarethatnot A popular method accordlearning, when the college's Area colleges all use one counselors are becomingincreas- all quantatative analysis are ing to Edward B. Fiske in his admissions department cannot use similiar variable in their fonnulaingly image-conscious the SATs comparable. If SAT scores are article in the New York Times the statistic as a selling point for tion. Cabrini, Eastern, Haverford. by colleges ~ only used when it serves as a being manipulated is to implement a procedure the college. Bryn Mawr, Rosemont,and Villa- strongselling pointforthe college. thenwhataboutstudent-faculty which eliminates those stuIn 1988Cabrini experienced a nova all use only those students en- Washingtonsaid that Haverford ratiosand job placement perdents scoreswho may not be significant rise in the in-coming rolled at the school, and not all doesn't publish a SAT averagein centages.



f riday, oct. 20, 1989


For baby boomer's, M.Ed. program is easy transition by Kevin George

Lock your desks and dorms. Hide in the game room. Beware, there are students roaming the campus who constantly write research papers, actually do outside reading, pay their own tuition, and love it! They are graduate students and they are everywhere threatening to undermine all that we undergrads cherish: college life as we know jt. Don't worry; it•s easy to spot one; they 're not wearing sweatpants or sneakers. They're usually seen at night, lurking in that building with all the books. Some brazenly fraternize with the faculty, and some have the audacity to be seen running to class. Who are these cretins, and who do they think they're kidding? Not themselves. There is a species of student on campus that many undergraduates never get to meet, and yet, at one time these masochists of education were just like you and me, regular college students. All of them have already spent four years of their lives in the educational underworld, where the thought of enduring more schooling repulsed them as it probably does you now. And here they are, back on campus, many times a decade since they last strapped on their thinking caps. Now they come armed with sharp pencils and their sights set on a masters degree. '' I can remember saying that once I graduate, I'll never go back," Carla Skuchas, West Chester State College graduate of 1972, recalls. But I have really enjoyed going back to school,'' the former music major said. "I'm a much better student now.•· Skuchas, mother of two, is the rule rather than the exception among Cabrini's graduate students. And contrary to what may be popularly believed, these lovers of learning are not all former 4.0s.

"I had ~ childhood interest in t~achin~, but I always struggled academically," Jessica Andraka remembers. It wasn't until after working in the biology field and raising two children that Andraka realized where she belonged: '' When I brought my daughter to nursery school, I said to myself, 'I really love this place."' Now, she, like many other former members of the working world, find themselves pursuing masters degrees in education, a field many never even considered before. "It's really funny when you think about how you planned everything back in college, and now it works out completely different," Skuchas, a former yogurt sales representative, reflected. It's true, some may fit the stereotypical image of learned men and women, but by and large, masters candidates are the same as undergraduates with one essential difference: they've "been there." Paul Schlecker, MBA, Temple, 1984, left the business world for classroom because he simply found his work with computers "not satisfying." He now teaches math at Valley Forge Military Academy and Junior College while enrolled in the masters program. He teaches because he "enjoys the contact with young students.'' Schlecker draws '' a lot of satisfaction' ' from his new career, whereas in his old one he simply drew a lot of dollars. But before we classify returning students as chi,unpions of self-actualization, there are those entering teaching for more practical reasons. "I just didn't want to take a job with only two weeks vacation," admits Marie Politowski, formerly a chemist for 21 years with Wyeth Laboratories. When Politowski'sjob moved to New Jersey, she and her friend Joan Jackson also a biochemist, started their own landscaping business and enrolled in the masters program here. When Jackson and Politowski become teachers, they will bring nearly 40 years of chemistry experience into the


Sl~(~IJlll'l'Y lll~I•()ll'l

classroom. Politowski says it will benefit.the students to have a teacher who "knows h~w to make a living in chemistry." Not only will it benefit her •future students, but her present classmates can gain from her experience as well, and vice versa. For many working parents, education is the only "ideal" career that allows a balance between family and financial responsibilities. The challenge exists in making it through the grueling course work while raising a family. But it can be done with the right attitude, as Sharon Sides, a 1988 Cabrini graduate, explains: ''You don't have to necessarily separate the two (family and school.) Your family can become part of what you 're doing. I've told bedtime stories to my kids by reading them my history homework.'' Part of the enrichment of attending classes in the masters program is learning with people of such varied backgrounds. In any one class you may find yourself sitting next to a working teacher, a working mother, even a working author. Imagine being lucky enough to get the seat next to Bob Zaslavsky, Ph.D in Philosophy, English teacher, reader of Greek, former college librarian, author of article~ published in philosophical and literary journals, not top mention his 198 I book: Platonic Myth and Platonic Writing. Zaslavsky (Dr Bob to his friends) even spent time in the business world, producing programs for cable TV. He left because ' 'he missed the academic life.•' Interacting with the students 1:>nngs excitement and enrichment to you, they even bring !hings out of you, you didn'tknow you had. They're constantly challenging me," Zaslavsky said. Dr. Bob will be spreading some of his experience across Cabrini's campus next semester when he conducts two classes himself. •'The Art of Murder'' and •'The Saintly

more M.Ed. 9

Are You Pired of Fighting with Food?


Incidents which occured Oct. 1 thru 17 -10/1- Disorderly conduct: fighting and drinking at soccer game.

Eating Disorders Awareness Week October 23-29

-10/3- Suspicious person around houses. -10/3- 12:30 p.m.- Power outage. -10/8- Suspicious person report: Valley Forge Military Cadets. -10/10- Medical problem: Stuc;jentfell out of bunk bed, resolved by secruity locating the medical assistant. -10/11- Disorderly conduct- 1 :30 a.m.- drunken male student bothering female co-eds by pounding on their dorm doors. -10/11- Attempted theft-3:30 a.m.-two males attempted to drag rugs from the mansion- they were dicovered by security and ran away.

Film And Speaker on Eating Disorders Monday Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. Counsel Hall

-10/11-11 :25 a.m.- Theft of jewelry in Woodcrest: under investigaion by Radnor police. -10/15- Simple assault- female student was pushed by a boyfriend who refused to give her car keys back to her. The security officer got her keys back for her and took the boyfriend off campus. -10/15- 11 :30 p.m.- Vandalism: Sacred Heart window broken. -10/15- Vandalism: Two street lights knocked down at the King of Prussia Road entrance. -10/16- 11 : 15 p.m. - Two black males looking into cars in the Mansion courtyard. They were chased by secruity but not caught.

Workshop on why diets don't work Thursday Oct. 26 at 12:45 p.m. Commuter Lounge, Widener Center



f ridaXzoct. 20 1 1989


6 Review:

Pacino sails on suspenseful 'Sea of Love' "SEA OF LOVE" rated R

years on the force, he is eligible for retirement and the idea has him scared of getting old. Not only did his ex-wife marry a member of his force, but his partner no less. This scenario makes way for some Pacino foul mouthing and fights by Carlo Iacono and allows the audience a window When Al Pacino was a film into what is bothering Frank Keller. icon, everyone knew his lines. Frank is in need of attention, or From "I'm dying over here" of diversion if you will. He gets it in the form of a serial "Dog Day Afternoon" to "Jeah, I murder case. The police arepuzzled wan my juman rights" of "Scarby two cases in which men who face,'' Pacino immersed himself in placed personal ads in a Manhattan his characters until you couldn't magazine are found naked with tell if he was acting or living the bullet holes in the back of their part. heads. The cops think it's a reIn his new film, the seductive vengeful female and have dubbed thriller "Sea of Love," Pacino her Toe Shooter. But there is a has no new catchy lines. Instead he catch to both of these murders. displays a total package of characterization that a great actor should Both occured to men who placed ads that rhymed, and both occured do in the zenith of his career. with Phil Phillip's golden oldie Playing Detective Frank Keller "Sea of Love" spinning a hauntof the NYPD, Pacino rekindles our thoughts ofthePacinoofold. After ing theme in the background. After punching his partner, 14 years of subpar films, Pacino Pacino hooks-up with a new cop returns to his charming, witty self buddy named Sherman -played by of "Scarecrow" and the two the large funnyman John Goodman "Godfather" films. Paired with of TV's "Roseanne." Together the sultry blonde Ellen Barkin of they set out to catch this villainess "Big Easy" fame, Pacino sparks sizzle into their on-screen romance. by placing a rhyming ad. Their Frank Keller is a cop in his late plan is to meet these ladies at the forties who is suffering a midlife local bistro where they would take crisis. He frequently boozes it up, their fingerprints from the compliwatches late-night television, suf- mentary glasses of wine. Among fersfrom insomnia,andmakeslate- this bevy of women. Frank. posing as a printing executive, stumbles night drunken phone calls to his exupon Helen, played by Ellen wife. What is worse is that after 20

Barkin, a curvaceous vixen of a female who prefers high heels (she works in a shoe store) and leather. Frank and Helen don't hit it off, and more importantly she doesn't drink her wine. This leads the audience to believe she's The Shooter. After an unplanned latenight run in, the two hit it off better. A lonely Frank breaks the one rule, going to bed with the suspect, and becomes deeply involved with her. Paci no and Barkin set the screen

ceased on her refrigerator door to the 45rpm record of'• Sea of Love'' in her collection. Director Harold Becker masterful! y portrays this thriller in a whodunit way reminisent of the Alfred Hitchcock or "Fatal Attraction" mode. Yet novelistrumed-screenwriter, Richard Price, doe\n't make this murder mystery a very logical one. If Helen is really the vixen killer, then Frank would have been dead by the third


with a bad history of men. To Pacino and Barkin's credit, they reveal much more about each other's characters aside from the sexual facade. The audience begins to feel for both of them and don't want to witness the inevitable - either Frank full of holes or Helen in the slammer. Screenwriter Price "doesn't count his chicken before they're hatched" and reveals a suprisingly obviousbut-not-seen plot twist. I will not give away the ending, but let me say it has somehing to do with Helen's notorious history with men. This movie is not all mystery and sexuality. "Sea of Love" is laced with winy and spontaneous cop-humor. 'The laughter scenes range from Pacino impersonating former New York Yankee great Phil Rizzuto to seven cops sining around writing love poems to zinging one liners from Goodman. At 49 years of age, Pacino' s box office pull does not have that many miles left on it. After a career of gems mixed with duds, Pacino needs to make the most out of every chance he gets. Pacino shines in this vehicle. If you · are still at doubt on whether or not to see this intelligent, well-written, spellbinder, then go to see a great actor in the zenith of his career.

***** **** ***· ***

GO SEE ANOTHER MOVIE on fire with their go-for-broke lovemaking that includes a groping scene in a brightly lit supermarket. Keller, as well as the audience, continues to get hints that Helen is the one. Those hints range from a starter pistol in her bag to the names of the two de-

film reel. But Frank's ~arly death would not make a movie. Thus the audience tends to doubt their original inclination. Barkin, aspellbinding

lead. reveals how Helen's sex games are really a protective shield. She is really a lonely single mother

Exhibit showcasesartworkof localfemale artists by Anna-Marie Karlsen Until Oct. 22, on the second floor of the library there is a show of talented local artists, but there is something different abput this show. All of the artists in the show are women. "You find that in galleries in New York and Philadelphia, men get more exposure,'' said Diana Kingman of Berwyn, an artist in the show. "Ilik:e these all women shows because sometimes group shows are the easiest way for some women to display their work for the first time." Kingman is no stranger to the world of art exhibitions. She has done a few one-person shows, but is not affiliated with

"There is still prejudice in the art world, but having all women shows won't end that, persistence will." - Patricia A. Traub any gallery. "When you sign with a gallery, they try to dictate what you paint, but I am an experimenter, and I don't express myself when I'm told what to do," Kingman said. "I was thinking of joining a gallery in the future, but not too soon.'' Kingman is an abstractionist, or as she calls herself, a "non-representationalist." She has two works hanging in the exhibit, "Untitled Figure" and "Untitled Abstraction." These two are extremely powerful works that stretch the imagination and awareness. The "Untitled Figure'' is an abstract oil painting with the shadowy presence of two people. They seem to be sad, with their heads hanging low. The basic color scheme is black and other dark hues. As with the diversity of artists, so are there diversities in the works at group art displays. Artist Betty E. Miller, from Norristown, is one of two sculptors in the show. She has two statues in the exhibition. The one called "Standing Model" is a nude woman that is made of grey epoxy. On the statue, there are painted

silhouettes of women, that, in Miller's words, "gives you something to see a~a distance, and a new perspective as you get closer." Miller is also an active member in the field of teaching art classes to all ages. "I just love art so much that teaching it is not even like having a job," Miller said. During the summer, she teaches at an art consortium in Norristown that involves talented kids from all over Montgomery County. She has been with the program since it was formed five years ago. ••I think that the kids enjoy learning art as much as I love teaching it," Miller said. In the winter, she teaches adult classes at the Chester Springs Studio. Miller said, "You're never too old to learn." An artist also from Philadelphia, Patricia A. Traub, describes her work as "an internal image that is developed from a real person, object or experience.'' She feels that the works she has in the show are deeply gripping. One in particular is a self portrait, that is so full of sadness that it grabs the observer from across the room. '' A lot of my work shows the frame of mind I was in at the time that I did it," Traub said. "At the time I did my 'Self Portrait', a close friend of mine had just died and I was trying to deal with it.'' She also said that many times at shows, people tell her that her work brings out feelings in them that had not before come to the• surface, and that the feeling is so overwhelming that they begin to cry. "Some people have even told me their life stories because they think no one else could understand,'' Traub said. Although she did participate in the show, Traub does not feel that having all men or all women shows is necessary. •·A show that is promoted to be all one sex has too many generalities attached to it," Traub said. "I feel that group shows are good, but there should be a sexual balance. I am against sexism of all kinds. There is still prejudice in the art world, but having all women shows won't end that, persistence will."

Artist Barbara Danin, also of Philadelphia, says that still life is her style, "I would say that still lifes of gardens is what I find the most enjoyable for me to paint," she said. Recently., Danin went on a trip to England, to look at the beautiful gardens that Great Britian is famous for. In the show, she has three watercolors that are close-ups of colorful flowers. There are many treasures to be seen in the show, and the works on display can even be purchased.

"The Joke II," by Betty E. White on display in the library sells for $2,000. (Photo by Kristin Kroll)



friday, oct. 20, 1989


Hollywooddream comestrue and 'Life Goes On' for actorChrisBurke by Kelly Reed Hollywood is the place where dreams are made and broken. For actor Chris Burke his dream is now a reality. Burke, who worked for Cabrini's physical plant in 1986, always dreamed of being an actor, and this season he's starring in ABC's drama "Life Goes On." Burke, who has Down's Syndrome, was a student of the Don Guanella School for the handicapped. He was a helper in physical plant for about six months as part of the Don Guanella-Cabrini training program. While in physical plant, Burke worked under Rudy Pizzuto. He did odd jobs like moving furniture and cleaning up trash on the campus. "Chris was always really outgoing; he had lots of energy," Pizzuto said. Kay Satterthwaite, who formerly scheduled the Don Guanella students for work at Cabrini, described Burke as "talkative and super polite.•' The dreams of a career in show business began when Burke was 5 years old as·he watched his brothers and sisters act in commercials. He was bitten by the acting bug, iµid his dreams were realized on a small scale with his parts in various Don Guannella productions. "Chris used to sing along with the radio, and he loved to dance atthe school socials," said the Rev. Enzo Addari, director of Don Guanella. While on a trip with his family to Tennessee, Burke made a cassette tape of himself singing to the group Alabama's hit song "Elvira." "Chris was so proud of that tape he played it for us," Pizutto said. "He thought it was going to make him a star. Chris really felt that he was going to go places in life, he was going to be a famous singer, actor or a news reporter.'' The events that led to Burke's role in "Life Goes On" were due in part to his inability to let the harsh realities of life interfere with the plans he had for himself. In 1987 Burke saw an episode of the show "'I)le Fall Guy" which featured a handicapped boy named Jason Kingsley. Burke wrote to Kingsley and expressed how much he liked the show and Kingsley's performance. A pen pal relationship developed between the two. Michael Braverman, creative producer of

Cast Members of ABC's "Life Goes n," from left to right, are hris Burke, Monique Lanier, Arnold "the semi-wonder dog," Bill Smitrobich, Patti LuPone, and Kellie Martin. (Photo courtesy of Warner Brothers Television) "Life Goes On," was asked by the ABC network to create a pilot dealing with Down's syndrome. The pilot was originally entitled ''Desperate.'' When Kingsley's mother Emily, a longtime member of the West Chester Asscociation for the Retarded, heard about the auditions for "Desperate" she remembered Burke's interest in acting and recomrnenrled that he audition for the leading role. Burke learned he had won the role four weeks after auditioning. His dream had come true, andhe began his television career. Network executives liked the pilot so much, they decided to create a new show around Burke's character, Corky. "Chris is treated like any other cast member, and he learns his lines with the help of a dialogue coach that helps him stress certain words," said Heidi Trotta, publicist for Warner Brothers Television. Braverman and the ABC network are backing ' 'Life Goes On" and Chris Burke all of the way. ''Nintey-eight percent of all the phone calls and the mail we have been getting are really upbeat and positive,•' Trotta said. ''I am so happy for Chris,'' Satterthwaite said. "People seem to shy away from them

because they' re different. People just don't realize how much potential they have." "The very strong emotional ties that Chris has toward his family, and especially his brother J.R. Burke, is one of the reasons that he has been able to accomplish so much despite his handicap,'• Trotta said. "Chris really looks up to his older brother,and when he wouldcome backfrom a weekend at his brother's house he had all kinds of stories to tell," Satterthwaite said. "We chose Don Guanella because Chris could be close to me, and the school offered him a lot of opportunities he couldn't get anyplace else," J.R. Burke said. "People should realize that not all mentally handicapped people are on the same levels of comprehension. Sometimes families don't have high enough expectations and can underestimate their abilities." "Life Goes On" has been doing well in its time slot on ABC, Sunday nights at 7 p.m., and it has consistently appeared at the top of the Neilsen Ratings. "We love it, the actors are outstanding and the problems that the character Corky faces are problems that the handicapped do have to deal with on a daily basis," J.R. Burke ·said.

The Don Guanella program basically tries to prepare students for life outside of the school by placing them in various jobs in the community. The students are taught to be dependable, how to handle their money, to be on time and to use the telephone to call in sick if they would need to. Another key taught to the students is how to use the public transportation system. '' It is essential that the students learn how to get around the community if they are to fit into normal everyday life," Addari said. "We watch the show here at school and although the problems are dramatized, the show truly is beneficial for people to better understand the handicapped.'' ''Chris real1y seems to work hard at his acting,• ' Pizzuto said. '' His speech is really clear and articulate, and he seems really relaxed." ''Chris is just a very upbeat, optimistic and outgoing person," J.R.Burkesaid. "He believes in himself. Although the family thought he should be more realistic, he didn't lose sight of his dreams. "I don 'tthink that all of this attention will change him, he has just a phenomenal concern for others," s'.lid Burke about his brother. "He's neat!"

Headaches:Collegewrittenall over them by Daniella LoPresti Finals, term papers, lack of sleep and the wrong di~t can contribute to the reasons why so many college students suffer from frequent headaches. In addition, alcohol and tobacco are potent causes of vascular headaches. There are three main types of headaches: migraines, cluster and tension. Each of which has different symptoms and characteristics. Tension headaches are the most common and are the easiest to treat. These headaches are a result of the muscles in the head and neck becoming tense and tightening together. While there is no real medical cure for any type of headache, "relaxation and over the counter painkillers are helpful," said Susan Fitzgerald, director of health services. "No one particular drug works for everyone. Whatever works for you, definitely stick

with.'' Some studentssuffer from headaches more often than others. "I get headaches about twice week,' ' said Crystal Peterson, freshmen. ''Nothing helps me except sleep. Staying up late and not eating right, are definitely what gives me a headache.•' "I get heidaches everyday," said Jen Campolieto, junior. According to Campolieto, her headaches exist more when she's in the college environment, mainly because of the amount of stress she is under. The second type of headache is the migraine. Generally accompanying this type of severe headache are nausea and disturbed vision. Many students assume a severe headache is a migraine. "Migraines are not as common as students think, " Fitzgerald said. "They run primarily in families and you should consult a physician for treatment." Previously, caffeine was thought to be an


effective remedy for migraines because caffeine constricts the brain's blood vessels while migraines do the opposite. "Migraines are caused by the dilation and constriction of blood vessels in the brain,'' said Diane Carron, a registered nurse at Haverford Hospital. Symptoms of migranies include intense pain followed by vomiting and photophobia. Photophobia is when an individual finds bright lights unbearable, Carroll explained. "No one in my family suffers from mi·graines but I get them often," said Christa Pepper, freshmen. She usually takes Advil for the pain and attributes her headaches simply to stress. The thrid type of headache is the cluster. It usually is on one side of the head and is similar to a migraine. It differs from a migraine in that cluster headaches are recurring and could last only a matter of minutes.

However, this type of headache comes in groups throughout the day; hence the name cluster. No medical source r:ould give a cure-all drug to relieve the pain of headaches but most students have their own remedies. ''Eight hours of sleep--you simply need eight hours of sleep,'' Peterson said. "Turn off the lights and sleep," said Jen Dow, junior. Dow usually takes Tyl~nol and feels it is effective. While Dow finds Tylenol useful, Campolieto believes nothing helps. Dow and Campolieto do agree, that headaches are common and not enjoyable. So how do they cope when they both are suffering from throbbing headaches? "Cry," Campolieto said. "I usually lay down and cry." "Complain, I complain quite a bit,'' Dow concluded.




fridaXzoct. 20, 1989


Mentors: key to opening doors of real world by Melissa I: ndsmann

while you earn credits. One of the goals that the Co-Op program strives for is to help If you are looking for inside information students meet contacts and, ideally, form about your career field, you may have al- mentorships with employers. ready realized, with some frustration, that it "Co-Op jobs are a good way to link is not easy to get on the inside track. industry to education," said Linda ChanThe solution to this problem: establish ning.job developer for Cooperative Educaa mentoring relationship with a professional tion. ''Co-op allows you a realistic view of in your chosen career field. what the job entails. Also, it can provide job This may not be an easy task for some, but leads for when you graduate." ~ mentor can be an adviser, a teacher or, for Whether or not mentorships are formed English and communication majors, some- depends on the students and the employers. one you may have done a career develop- There are some employers who are not perment information interview with. sonable, but most are more than willing to Mentors are professionals who advise give advice, according to Channing. Often students on the best way to pursue the career it is just a matter of rapport between the of their choice. They offer helpful hints in employer and the student. everything from possible places to look for a "Mentors can give students direction: job to how to manage a career and a family. ideas on places to apply for jobs, and ways Mentors enable the students to obtain a that they may enhance their abilities to get a realistic view of the job. job,'' Donna Seckar, director of career counThe key word that continually comes to seling. "Who you know does help advance mind when talking about mentors is guid- you in your career." ance. Students and mentors alike agree that Former students who had mentors felt guidance is one of the most important factors that they advanced further more quickly a mentor can offer. They can offer guidance than those who did not have connections and direction on such issues as what classes within the company, according to Seckar. to take or even information on internships. Dr. Jerome Zurek, English and commuThis information can be invaluable to nications department chairperson, said that it college students who must strive to make is up to the student to develop a good themselves marketable in an industry about relationship from their information interwhich they haveonlyatextbookknowledge. views. Professionals can offer insights into what "The ideal would be that there is some trends may be becoming popular in the chemistry that clicks betweep a student and industry. a professional," Zurek said. "If the student First mentors may be academic advisers, is polite and follows up with thank-you as was the case for Roe Wellman, senior notes and Christmas cards, then the student communications major. has someone they can use as a¡contact near "Dr. Zurek opened doors for me and graduation.' ' pointed me in the right direction,'' Wellman Wellman is an example of a student who said. used her information interview to her Mentorships are sometimes formed benefit. She interviewed Brian Jensen, who through department-sponsored lectures. teaches professional practices at Cabrini Karen Sieg!, a 1989 graduate, met her men- and works for ARA Services. They estabtor in this way. lished a positive rapport and, according to Sieg} did an internship at The Suburban Wellman, Jensen made her realize what she and Wayne Times in January 1989 and, had to do in order to get a job and what to look upon graduation, was offerd a full-time for. position as photographer. She said the This summer, Wellman worked for reason she got the job was due to her contact Burnham-Callaghan Associates in New York, with David Hickey, the staff photographerof . and Ed Callaghan became a mentor to her .. the Times, who had come to Cabrini to give ''He was great because he was patient and he a lecture on photography for the commu- gave me space to grow,'' Wellman said. '' He nications department in the fall 1988 was there for me and said he would help me semester. with the job search after graduation.'' "It's important to get your foot in the He also offered Wellman a full-time job door," Siegl said. Sieg! did do that, and during Christmas break. when Hickey left his job, she was offered his Trish Fitzgerald, senior special education position. and elementary education major, did her Sometimes mentor relationships are field experience at Vanguard in Paoli teachformed through job experience in your field. ing I I-and 12-year-old boys. When the One way to gain experience is to get a job school needed a substitute assistant teacher through Cooperative Education (Co-Op), for three weeks at the beginning of the which enables you to earn extra money summer, she was offered the job. Fitzgerald

HEADACHES from 7 However, complaining and crying only compound a headache. "An overflow of endomorphine is the cause of 90 percent of all headaches,'' Ziggy Acker, pharmacist at Alpine Drugstore, said. Acker, also agreed that stress was the primary reason for a headache. So putting additional pressure, by either complaining or crying generally only intensifies the headache. Headaches, generally, cause no need for alarm. However, there are signs that signal when there is something different from a conventional headache that may need medical attention. Traditionally, if a student complains he or she is suffering from a headache along with blurred vision and trouble walking, Fitzgerald usually recommends the student see a physician. "Just because a student has a severe headache, does not mean they have a brain tumor," Fitzgerald added. All medical figures agree, that the lives college students lead play a major role in why they so often have headaches. Eating fastfoods,mixingalcohol,notsleepingand all around stress are the most obvious reasons students have the most number of headaches. So before eatingaMcDonald'scheeseburgeror drinking aCoors lightbeerthink; You may be inviting one very unwelcome guest: a headache.

established a mentorship with her cooperating teacher, Murray Kramer, who she said helped her to identify her weaknesses and strengths. "Working on a daily basis at the school gave me a different perspective and allowed me to get to know things that I did not get to see through my field experience,'' Fitzgerald said. '' I became part of the teaching staff and got to know the dynamics of teaching on a daily and weekly schedule."

"From a business standpoint, mentors are popular because it enables the company to develop and retain quality employees. Employees who have mentors within the company have personal as well as business reasons for staying with the company." _ - Brian Jensen One concern among female students is that there is a lack of female mentors to provide guidance to women. The reason for this may be that there are not many women in some fields of interest who are willing to act as mentors. Wellman, who recently put together a press kit regarding mentorships for Phila-

delphia Women's Network, said, "In the past women were more likely to see female newcomers as rivals since there were so few women in the workplace. That is changing and people are finally realizing the necessity of female mentors.' ' This semester, Wellman has an internship in a small office and the president, Pat Bums, has become her mentor. "She has done so much for me and been so good to me," Wellman said. "It is important to have someone to guide you, someone you can trust who can give you background and let you bounce ideas off of them.'' ' 'The employers seeking students for coop are more and more often women," said Nancy Hutchinson, job developer for the coop office. Students who have had mentors agree that it is invaluable to have contacts in their field, but they are not the only ones who get something out of the experience. Mentors also benefit from helping students. "Professionals are flattered by young people contacting them and looking up to them for advice and direction,'' Zurek said. Jensen, who has served as mentor to many Cabrini studenli,, finds the positive relationships that are formed to be personally rewarding. ''From a business standpoint, mentors are popular because it enables the company to develop and retain quality employees,'' Jensen said. "Employees who have mentors within the company have personal as well as business reasons for staying with the company." '' Anyone who values a life of service will get a lot from mentoring,'' Jensen said. "It's a win/win situation: I achieve business goals, help a person in need, and establish

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f riday, oct. 20, 1989




A fun tradition or present hassle? by Karen Dumorney

reason for the outcry. She believes that it's a profitable event, and that they always find good ways to sponsor We are in the midst of approaching one of the biggest charitable events. Student Government events on Cabrini's campus and that is Doyle believes that it's a good place to have it and that it the Haunted House. brings off campus people into our community. There has been a bit of tunnoil over where the event will Tracey Grady, senior, resides in Xavier andthinks that it take place and who will get the profit. is a nice idea and that it will work well but does not plan on As far as Cabrini students and administrators can remem- participating because it is on the men's side of the hall. ber, tho Haunted House has always taken place in or around Laura Walker, junior, who also resides in Xavier, the vicinity of Counsel Hall. thought that they should stop making a big fuss over it. She According to John Doyle, director of resident life, it was went on to say how they just have too many meetings and started by a man named Dan Perna, who was director of the get nothing accomplished. school theater at the time when Doyle attended Cabrini ''If they want it in Xavier, have it in Xavier and stop during the fall of 1984 school year. He believed that Perna fussing about," she said. was the one who originally thought of the idea, and later after Lisa Martelli, junior, who is a resident assistant there, he left it was turned over to the Student Government believes that it's a goodideabutdoes not know how much Association (S.G.A.). Since that time, S.G.A. has been in interest there is. She doesn't think that they should personally make anyone do anything they don't want to do. control of the event. Angela Corbo, president of S.G.A., senior, felt that the According to Meghan Flannery, sophomore, ''because issuse involving the location of the Haunted House was the guys are having it, the girls are left in the dark,'' she not controversial but was merely just a change in scenery. said. Because of this, she does not plan to participate. She went on to say how she didn't want a repeat of last year; •'They didn't come to us and say we need volunteers,'' they wanted something fresh. So they opted for Xavier she said. "It's just a guys' thing." because it met all of the stipulations, and because it would Tim Janusz, who is a junior and also a resident assistant at get people involved who nonnally would not have been Xavier, suggested to put it in the women's side because he involved. felt that the women would be more involved than the men. "Our first choice was the Mansion but it did not meet the He went on to say "that if someone doesn't want to do fire codes and also because it was hazardous,'' Corbo said. anything, I can't force them, especially if it's extracurricu•'Our second choice was Woodcrest, but it was too small and lar." later found out that Counsel was out of the question due to Brian Tripoli, senior and also a resident assistant at the fact that Physical Plant recommended that they find Xavier, said '' if these guys live here it is their home; if they somewhere else to do it because they feared that it would don't want to have it here it's their choice." jeopardize their unfinished project.'' Mike Feeley, senior, is excited about this years Haunted Colin Coakley, senior and historian ofS.G.A. and also an House because he's been an active participator in the event employee of Physical Plant agreed it wouldn't have been a since he's been at Cabrini and is looking forward into wise decision to hold the event in Counsel due to the converting his room into an opera house where he plays the damages that were caused from it last year and feared that Phantom. "I don't think that the physical features of the building they might have a repeat perfonnance if it would havetaken resembles that of a Haunted House. but it'll give us a chance place this year. Basically, their only alternative was to have it in Xavier. to work even harder," he said. '"I am looking forward to As far as the administers are concerned they have no qualms creating an atmosphere where the kids can have fun and with the decision. bring positive recognition to Xavier." Rita Calicat, director of student activities, said that since He went on to say, that it is a satisfying feeling when there hasn't been a set location over the years, she sees no you've made some little kid's Halloween. "Besides, it'll

give me a chance to destroy my room and play loud music; the way it ought to be,'' he said with laughter. "Xavier is already a Haunted House so it really wouldn't make a difference whether they have it here or not,'' said Che Perry, sophomore. "They'll just be adding more things." He feels this way due to the the chaos that's been taking place on his wing, such as excess trash, people running around in their underwear and just crazy things that have been happening. In addition, he says that as long as it is not in his room, he has no qualms with the Haunted House taking place in Xavier. Unlike these people, there are a few who feel differently about the whole ordeal. Mike Tino, sophomore, said that most people didn't want it here because they didn't have much time. According to Michelle Moses, sophomore, "I still think that we should get part of profit since it's an inconvenience for everybody not just for the guys. It's our donn to as a whole. It's only fair that we get half the profit." Despite the mixed feelings shared amongst the campus community, Meghan Kane, treasurerofS.G.A., said that the main reason for wanting to have it in Xavier was to get the freshmen more involved as well as the rest of the campus. In addition, she said by working on the Haunted House they all will get a personal reward and satisfaction by doing this. Tyrone Carr, assistant director of resident life, said that there wasn't any controversy but just confusion due to the lack of communication between Student Government, Xavier residents and Xavier resident assistant staff. Corbo added that everything is running smoothly now that the men have agreed to participate and allowed them to use their living space. The cost for tickets will be $3 for adults and $2 for children and Cabrini students. The students will not be held responsible for damages done to props and scenery by the public; S.G.A will take care of this. However. students will be responsible for damagescaused by lheOlielve .-~-----,_. Corbo. went on to say that everything will happen each day and she hopes to get the blue prints by the third week of October. "People here are spontaneous," she said enthusiastically. "It's now up to the people to decide whatthey 're going to do."


M.Ed. from 5

Par_king from 1 professorofEnglish and communications. "I think the faculty deserves some privileges. We do not get any breaks." Due to the fact of increased parking in Grace Hall the mansion residents are allowed to park in the seven spaces on the left side of the parking lot in the courtyard. Seven others are for staff, three for maintenance, and three for visitors. More than half the residents living in the mansion have cars on campus which makes parking difficult. People who park in the other spaces get ticketed if their car is left there after 8:30 a.m .. The situationatthemansionisoneofsupply and demand. There is more parking needed in that area than the campus has allowed for. "It is a first come first serve basis for those seven spaces," Heather Corlett said. "When I was a freshman living in W oodcrest there were only about 20 cars in that parking lot, and now there are more cars than parking spaces."

Sleuths" are two classes Zaslavsky will teach that deal with detectives throughout literature.

If you can't make it to one of Dr. Bob's classes next semester, he does have some advice for anyone considering entering the teaching profession: "If you 're looking for a comfortable job. don't do it. But if you have a genuine enthusiasm for learning. intellectual stimulation and the challenges and you arewilling to make the necess3:TYfinancial sacrifices. then by all means do it. •'Because in actual, teaching is more stressful than the business world. If it is stress you 're trying to get away from, teaching isn't the place to go.•' Sinc.e 1985. when the n\asters of education program started. (Cabrini's only postgraduate degree) the program has grown from 12 students to 160.

job squad Yardwork 4-5 hrs./week, $6.50/hr. In Villanova, weeding & raking when weather is nice. Call 688-8533.

Darkroom Technician Mon., Thurs., Fri. up to 4 hours daily, $5/hr. Call 622-7688.

Teachers Assistant K-2nd grade, Mon.-Fri. 3-6 pm, $6.25-$6.75/hr. Lynnewood Elementary School, contact Mary McCurdy at 352-7610 ..

Part-Time Assist in third party billing, flexible hours, $6/ hr. Will train, contact Linsday Lankin at 247-0779.

Office Work Flexible 5-10 hrs/week, $5/hr. For more info. contact Jean Cox at 964-8753. Telemarketing Mon.-Thurs. nights, flexible hours, $6/hr. Contact Josette Bulvin at 254-0292. Office Work Valley Forge Music Fair - give info. on shows, take phone orders. Sat 10-6, Sunday 1-8, salary negotiable. Call 644-5000. Ask for MaryEllen.

Shop Help· Higgins Bakery in Wayne. 3-6 pm, 4 nights/ week. Call 688-2666. Ask for manager. Salesperson Craftstand (outside of Wayne's Farmer's Market), Sat. 8-4, $5/hr. Call 688-7747. Ask for Jay. Driver Needed For a quadrapalegic woman who lives in Wayne to get to classes at Cabrini on Mon. afternoon at 1:30 and Tues. and Thurs. afternoons at 3:00. Please call 9649496.

Various Positions The Residence Inn in Berwyn has openings for a Breakfast Attendant, Van Driver, Front Desk Clerk, and Security. All jobs pay $5.50/hr. For more info. call 640-9494. Part-Time Deacon's Luggage in King of Prussia needs retail sales help. Flexible schedule, pay according to experience. Call 265-3987. Ask for Diane.


Nursing Assistant Life Time Care Center in Newtown Square has part-time position on weekends, 7-3 and 3-11 shifts. Starting salary $6.23/hr. Contact Mrs. Mary Anne Ezzi, RN,C. at 359-4404.




LadyCavs continueto ace ESAC opponents by Carol Wells Yarrow A stiff afternoon breeze blustered across the campus Oct. 9. The sunbowedbehindGrace Hall, while flannel-grey clouds lurked to warn of impending winter weather. Afar, the brass trumpets and bugles of Valley Forge Military Academy blared with precision and spirit. These sights and sounds are apt to indicate football. But, to the lady Cavs tennis team they meant the beginning of a rigorous week of tennis. And, team survival meant marching to the service line trenches and firing their best weapons. By week's end the Cavs had launched themselves into second place in the ESAC (Eastern States Athletic Conference.) Division III league. Victories over Wesley Co Hegeand Salisbury State earned a number three position, but a default by Marywood clinched the number two spot. "We're having a very good season this year," said Head Coach Reggie Day. Anticipation of a close match Oct. 12 with the Salisbury State Seagulls, had Coach Day pacing between the plexipave courts, even though the "gulls" arrived with a 2 and 2 record. "They're a touch, Division III team," he said. A modest confidence was evident in Day, however. The Cavs had just come off an easy 81 league victory over Division III opponent, Wesley College. Against the Wesley Wolverines, singles wins were garnered by Celeste &chbach, Susie Detrick, Pam Croke and Erin McCarte. Eschbach, who held down the fort at number 2 singles, battled to a 64, 6-1 victory. Detrick, Croke and McCarte, at number 3, number 4 and number 5 singles, respectively, captured victories with scores of 6-0, 6-1. Senior, co-captain Carol Risse conquered number 6 singles in two sets at 6-3 each. No. I, No.2 and No.3 doubles teams.comprised of Detrick and Eschbach, McCarte and Croke, and April Scott and Stacey Conesky, respectively, teamed-up to score a clean-sweep victory in doubles. . Senior, co-captain Heather Schwarz, the Cavs number I singles player, suffered the sole defeat of the match. "I just feel burned-out right now," she said. "I've just been playing for too many years, I guess. I need a big break. A very big break." She lost 6-1, 6-1. Schwarz' s loss agianst Wesley upset Day. "I just hate to see a senior finish like this, after all her hard work," he said. This 8-1 victory over the Wesley Wolverines put the Cavs into 4th place in the ESAC. Overall, even though an easy victory, more importantly it unified team spirit and individual confidence.

"We're beginning to work as a team," said Assistant Coach Gina Strobel. On Oct. 12 Salisbury State coach, Ray Still, shared the pacing with Cav's coach Day. They each knew it was going to be close. Called because of darkness, the Cavs won at 6 1/2-2 1/2. To Day's relief, Schwarz marched onto the ~ourt with resurgent confidence and determination. She captured a 6-2, 6-4 victory against Vicki Franz, by driving blistering forehand's crosscourt, targeting the add court comer. ' 'I was pumped for my singles today,•' she said, as her father looked on. "This match will be won at the number 2 and number 4 singles," Day said, as he watched Eschbach and Croke surrender their first sets. It was destined to be a long afternoon of threesetters. Eschbach, a freshman, pulled up her bootstraps, after. her first loss to opponent Millie Baer, to secure a 2-6, 6-1, 6-1 victory. As Eschbach's brother and fellow Cav, Leo, looked on, "I thought about the end of the season," she said. "I wanted a winning record." She stepped out with an early break of serve in the second set, drilling her two-handed backhand to Baer's add court with fiesty consistency. Coach Day continued to pace, until Eschbach commanded the tempo in the third set, breaking serve four times. Detrick, a sophomore transfer student from Susquehanna University, overpowered her senior rival, Pam Vay, 6-1, 6-2. Detrick cooked in the second set, serving-up strong, deep serves and dishing-out deceptive drop shots. This win disputesa pre-seasonlackof playing, however, ''building confidence, moving more and practicing my strokes," Detrick said, is what she'll be working on. She's taking one match at a time, with ESAC as her season goal. For Detrick, coach Day is the first male coach of her career. "It's good, because he's into winning and so am I," she said. Croke, a senior, diligently salvaged her threesetter, coming back from being down 3-5 in the third set, to gamer a 4-6, 6-3, 7-5 victory over Suzanne Curtis. Risse lost her battle 6-4, 6-3 to Christina DeSanto, after being ahead 2- J in the first set. In doubles, Detrick and Schwarz were slated against Franz and Baer. The Cavs lost 7-6(8-6), 64.

Kim Wheeler and Risse won over DeSanto and Marshan, 1-6, 6-3, 7-6(7-2). Scott and Conesky joined forces to-conquer Curtis and Vay, 6-2, 2-6, 7-5, as darkness necessitated the end of play, ending Coach Day's pacing.

Schwarz:anace to win ESAC Championships by Carol Wells Yarrow Resurge_nt~d determined, senior co-captain Heather Schwarz has her sights set on capturing the #1 tennis smgles at the ESAC (Eastern States Athletic Conference), which is slated for Oct. 21 at Salisbury State. • Schwarz is armed with experience and confidence gained over the years from her ESAC and ~ NAIA (National Athletic Inter-Collegiate Association) participation. As a junior, Schwarz came in second in the ESAC, where she was seeded as #2. In 1987, as a sophomore, Schwarz competed at the NAIA 's in Kansas City. She lost in her first round singles, and made it to the quarter finals in doubles. This season, playing #1 singles for the Lady Cavs, Schwarz holds a 7 and 6 record. Head Coach Reggie Day sights senior year demands as the reason Schwarz' s record is not more favorable this year. "The pressures--classes, activities, job marketanticipation--raise havoc with conducting your life," he said. "It's very distracting." , After a couple of unexpected season losses this year, Schwarz regained confidence with a Division III victory,dismis~ing her Salisbury State opponent6-2. 6-4. Onthevictory,Schwarz said, "I was pumped for my singles." Asked early in the season about her personal goal, Schwarz confidently replied, •'To win ESAC's!' •

f ridav1oct. 20 1 1989


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friday, oct. 20, 1989

College football today: $$$ is .in, education is out by Chris Pesotski

than the lofty ideals the NCAA claims to herald. Sports Illustrated runs these horrenIf all of these people are being entertained, dously long expose stories now and then. there must be some money in it for someone. Recently, SI ran a book excerpt from "The Who? Not the students. Not the NCAA, not Hundred Yard Lie", which details Rick even the colleges. Most of the money goes Telander's disenchantment with big-time to autonomous athletic departments, who college football. True to usual SI form, the build bigger stadiums, pay coaches and article rambles over 16 pages and covers a ghost employees outrageous salaries, and whole range ·of deficiencies in college ath- don't give a dime back to the colleges they letics. But Telander tells us nothing earth- represent. As if that's not insane enough, these shaking. It's all run-of-the-mill information, un- programs manage to lose money. Michigan less you call a college "student-athlete" was $2.5 million in the red for the 1988 who failed or withdrew from every class in football ·season. According to Telander's his senior year out of the ordinary. That's story, 62 percent of Division I-A athletic what Paul Palmer did at Temple, before departments lose money. There's something leaving the coIJege to pursue professional wrong here. football. I think I'd like to try getting If the Michigan athletic program can't through college with Palmer's course load. make money, it's no wonder I can't balance Telander played football at Northwest- my check book. All of those programs with ern. He ·snow a senior writer at SI. He ·s an no one making money is yet another sympinsider who always loved college football. tom of a good idea gone sour. Amateur athletics is a noble idea. But Somewhere in the miasma of the last NCAA season, with aII its investigations, court colleges have taken a noble idea and twisted cases and drug scandals, Telander lost his it to get the most out of players. Athletes on rosy outlook on the Saturday afternoon scholarship can't hold jobs during the school games. Somewhere m the middle of his year, have little or no money and can look at professionals with nearly the same talent, earning six or seven figure salaries. It's no wonder so many are skirting NCAA regulations and hiring agents. It's no wonder so If the Michigan athletic many are taking money from alumni boostprogram can't make money, ers. It's no wonder so many are leaving college before graduation, and heading for it's no wonder can't the Ft. The way the NCAA Division I-A is set balance my check book. All up, players aren't amateurs, they're indenof those programs with no tured servants. The colleges take their labor, one making money is yet make millions of dollars on it, and shove the another symptom of a good players unprepared into the "real" world after four years of faithful service. idea gone sour. This isn't what amateurism is supposed to be based on. This is exploitation. · Changes -. have to be made in this system, if for no other account of the disaster and disgraces of big- reason than people are being used. Used like time college athletics, I saw what he was animals. These players are being told they're getting an education, but the education they saying. I know I've resisted listening to other are getting is in football, not information critics of college football. The pageantry needed to make it in the world after football. and spectacle of the games, with 100,000 These players are being told they'll have a people .crammedinto the stands always erased shot to play professional football. In 99 what doubts I had about the overall program. percent of the cases, this isn't true. So how can we cure big,time college I hop on bandwagons. Right now, I'm football's ills? Telander spent a long time riding the Notre Dame bandwagon, hopethinking about this and his suggestions are fully right up to another national championship. But isn'titalittleinsane? A guy who's numerous, well-thought out and workable. . Telander believes the NCAA should never been to Notre Dame, doesn't know anyone at Notre Dame and who's only half- begin to call big-time football what it is: Irish, goes nuts every Saturday when the professional. Pay these player a fair rate, and request that.the NFL partially subsidize Irish put another six points on the board. Next time you tune into a college game, this skill-developing league. Players in this take a look at the stands. THERE AREN' 'T new league should be 18 to 22 years old and ANY STUDENTS THERE!! They're all be eligible for scholarships to sponsoring older people. Why are these games being colleges, if they would meet addrnissions Players could utilize this played? With the advent of college games requirements. being played in Ireland, France and else- scholarship after a football career. Colleges not wishing to participate in the where by American colleges, the NCAA has finally given up trying to pretend these new league could still retain football progames are for college students. College grams. These schools would play under football is a form of national entertainment. rules similar to those currently governing If you looked closely at the game through- Division III schools. I like these changes. They could be out its history, you could pretty much tell implemented. They could save college that it was designed for public entertainfootball. They could help all of those ment and not the building of fine young people. The loose academic standards for players who are being chea_ted. But as long athletes, involvement with big-money as higher education leaders simply watch the corporate sponsors, coaches emphasizing the pageantry of college football and ignore the here-and-now talents needed to-make it in underlying problems, these suggestions the NFL and ignoring the reasons people are will be ignored. Maybe Telander's book is supposed to be in college (to grow and to the push people need to demand change. I

vices of Xavier Hall as the goblins host the



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fridaY, oct 20 1 1989


Straightfrom MonacO'sMouth lou monaco

sports editor It's Monday night and The Battle of the Bay is calm while, 3,000 miles away, the city of Buffalo prepares to host the best team in the NFL, the Los Angeles Rams. Jose's 900 number was busy, so I'll just "Bust A Move" and rap for a while:

inagurated. Every now and then, The Mouth will give scores and comments on this exciting new craze that has hit Cabrini. Nintendo Football Rizzo 10 Savarese 2 - And you thought you were unbeatable, Joe! 路 Nintendo Baseball Wescott 29 McDonough 9 - Stick to rap music, LL! Nintendo Hockey Savarese 9 Rizzo 1 - Savarese exclaimed in jubilation, "Riz,youdon't wantme,pal! Go back to your bar stool!''

* Madison Square Garden public address announcer, John Condon, the "voice of New York City", died last week in Manhattan. - May his voice echo through the Great Garden as Dave Zinkoffs does through the Spectrum in South Philly. * The A's are up 2 ganies to 0 * Herschel Walker goes to the against the Giants in the 1989 Fall Vikings for 7 players and 5 draft Classic. When this appears in picks. publication, the Series could be - Why not throw in a pair of over. Just one thing: sneakers while your at it and a six- "Can Philly get the A's back, pack of beer? if at all possible?" * The Tennesee Volunteer foot* Golden State Warriors forball program, ranked #6 in the ward, Chris Mullin, turned down a country, kicked their top rusher, lifelong dream to play for the New Reggie Cobb, off the team. Al- York Knicks and signed a brandthough the athletic department has new, 9-year contract. During the refused comment, it is believed to next 9 years, he wilJ make, each be over a positive resulton a drug year: $2 million.$2.5 million, $3 test. million, $3.1 million, $3.2 million, - Where have we heard this be- $3.3 million, $3.4 million, $2.5 fore? million and $2.6 million. This is all paid in cash. tot.ailing $25.6 * A new "tooth"_in Monaco's million! Mouth has emerged. Starting this - Hey Chris, don't spend all this week, the House #3 Nintendo cash on kegs, cases, bottles, nips, Tournament Roundup will be 30-packs, 40 ouncers and shots!!!

* "Where are_they now" section: * Gary McClain * Don Gullet * Pearl Washington * Freddie Patek * Leo Rautins * Frank Taveras - If anybody has any information, please get back to me. * Answer to the trivia question a couple of weeks ago: - Nittany is the name of a mountain in Centr~l Pennsylvania where mountain lions are located, thus comes the name, Nittany Lions. * Notre Dame beats # 17 ranked Air Force, on the road, 41-27. Miami beats that up-and-coming powerhouse, San Jose State, 48-16. - Can't wait for that last game of the year! * Congratulations to the Great Gretzky for surpassing Gordie Howe, as the NHL's all-time leading scorer against his former mates, the Edmonton Oilers. He is only 28 years old. - Mano, your good but this guy is just $#%"& * amazing!!! * Way to go, Eagles. For a second there, I thought TUPA was going to beat out CUNNINGHAM! What a story that would have been! * Did you see those Cardinal uniforms? My God! * Art Schlichter, former quarterback for Ohio State and the Indianapolis Colts, has admitted himself to a Las Vegas hospital that specializes in treating chronic gamblers. - That's pretty ironic! - How much ya wanna bet he gambles in this place? - Hey Art, are you related to Pete? * Secretariat, the greatest race horse ever, died last week at the age of 21. He won, placed and

showed in all of our hearts, whether a fan or not. * Thank you Sr. Toni! You are the only one that cares! * Some new words for Cabrini students: * CHEER! *WRITE! *LETTERS! *SUPPORT! - These are not hard to memorize and do, guys! * NBC Baseball will be missed! Now, we have to watch CBS and Brent! As Dick Enberg, NBC sportscaster, says, "Oh, My!!!" * Cabrini Basketball has started practices! - It's HOOPTIME again in Radnor! * Bo's Back, and of course, He Knows Football! * Have you seen that insignia on the 50-yard line at the Vet? That ain't no Eagle! Maybe a pigeon or seagull, but there's no way that's an Eagle. It's so Jame! * The Ayers have landed with a 1-4-1 record. It's early but, fo~ us Ranger fans, it's great! * To New York Jets Head Coach Joe Walton: - Hey Joe, use a tissue for your nose. Stop picking it, would ya? Just curious: What do you do with them after you pick it? * College football's player of the week: - Penn tailbac,k Bryan Keys: 37 carries for249 yards rushing with 4 touchdowns, to help beat Brown 32-30 in an Ivy League c路ontest. * DEION! DEION! DEION! * You have heard of the Reggie Bar, now there's the Bernie Bar for Cleveland Browns quarterback, Bernie Kosar. It's 2 1/4 ounces of milk chocolate candy, wrapped in brown and orange foil, with Kosar's picture on 路the front and an applica~

tion to join the Bernie Kosar Fan Club. Retailers, are permitted to sell these for up to $2 each. Part of the sales go to PROJECT: LEARN, a program for teaching adults how to read. - Where have you gone, Baby Ruth? * The College Football Scores of the Week: * St. Mary's (Kansas) 41 Friends 0 - They obviously didn't have any this game! * Graceland 28 Mid-Am Naz 10 - Paul Simon and Elvis would be proud! * Gustav Adolphus 22 St. Olaf 13 - I'm not gonna touch this one! * JohnCarroll 26 Heidelberg 3 - He must be smiling up there! * Chico St. 34 Humboldt St. 12 - Freddie Prinze played football? * St. Norbert 33 Lawrence 7 -NORBERT?! * Mt. Senario 21 Maran Bapt. 14 - They didn't need a story line for this. * Valley City St. 27 Mary 24 - Shimkus, you have to work on your passing game! * Hamline 17 Bethel, Minn 6 - Weight Watchers, think again! * LambuthCollege 20 Millsaps 14 - Hey Ronnie, I guess you really can't see! That's It! HELP ME! See Ya next week!

Cabrini5-mile run:路A 'speedy'event

On Sunday, seventy-eightrunners crossed the finish line in the grueling 5-mile run over the rolling terrainof CabriniancfRadnor (above). ThomasCasey of Philadelphiacapturedthe men's divisionof the Cabrini 5-Mile Run in a time of 27:29 (right). (Photosby Frank Emmerich)

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