friday, nov. 17, 1989
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
Community relations are betterthan ever by Chris Pesotski The three decades of Cabrini College's existence have ushered many changes to the college, its students and the surrounding community. One constant has been the upand-down nature of the college's relationship with Radnor Township. "As far as I can remember, we've had a positive working relationship with Cabrini," said Bob Crawford, the Radnor Township manager. "Some members of the Cabrini administration have worked with us on various issues in the past, and several students have worked for us in co-op or internship positions.'' Crawford does not rule out the possibility that the college's immediate residential neighbors might have difficulties with some facets of the college¡s presence. "I can remember in l 987 or 1988 some of the residents on the streets joining the parkmg lot ~ complaints about the lighting being too bright and keeping them awake,'' he said. "That'sreallythelastiheard, though." "This is ancient history," said Mike Caranfa, chief physical plant officer. "When we do lighting in any new construction, we meet national and state codes. They take care of Radnor' s codes. Radnor has nuisance codes, but we don't violate them. There have been recent changes in the nuisance codes, which make our lighting restrictions much greater than a business on Lancaster Avenue, but I'm not really familiar with them. "The only recent complaint we've had was when we cut a tree down and a neighbor called to say that a light now shined in her bedroom window. The lamppost had been there for five years. What could we do?" In recent years, Bill Battles, the former vice president for instituional advancement, was the college's primary liaison with surrounding communities. ''Since he left, I'm not really sure who deals with the townships," Caranfa said. "I imagine that when we go to them next it will be Tony Brochi, (present vice president for instituional advancement), who will do most of the talking." Although Radnor has no ordinances or codes specifically designed
to pertain to Cabrini, the township does make regular health and fire code inspections. ''There is a regular schedule of visits, and they are often stepped up if there is a continuing problem or a complaint," Crawford said. "That is not usually necessary with Cab.. ,, nm. ''I think we have an excellent rapport with the fire marshal and the board of health," Caranfa said. "I don'tthink we've ever been cited in formal sense. When they come here, they make recommendations on changes to be made, typically in the food service areas, and we make them. It's as simple as that. If they were to come back, and we hadn't corrected a problem, then we could get cited. But it doesn't ever get to that point.'' The most recent problem Caranfa could recall involving the building or water run-off codes was during the constructionof Xavier Hall. "The contractor had some difficulty with storm sewer run-off, which resulted in a lot of muddy water in and around campus," he said. '' At that time the contractor was cited and the college was not further involved." According to Crawford, the township's relationship with Cabrini is comparable to its relationships with Valley Forge Military Academy and Eastern College. ''I guess because of its size, we tend to have a few more problems with Villanova," he said. Most of the problems tend to arise at the local bars or as a result of students living off-campus. "Recently the - township has enacted a set of codes which limit the areas where college students can live off-campus,'' Crawford said. "These were set up mainly with Villanova in mind, but other colleges are also affected. "I don't often hear of many complaints involving the police and Cabrini students. We get an occasional call to come onto the campus, but not much more." Crawford said the last time the college appeared for a zoning or planning request was in the summer of 1988.
more Community on 11
vol. xxxvi, no.9
I. Archbishop Bevilacquagets a hug from Jasmie MorganduringSunday'sanniversary celebration(photo by Frank Emmerich) by Kelly Ann McGillan
but devoted nun whosegoal wastraveling to the orient. but instead was sent to cross the Atlantic Philadelphia Archbishop Anthony Bevilac- to land in America whe~ she and the group of qua led the MissionarySisters of the Sacred missionary sisters helped the immigrants and Heart, their friends, collaborators, and benefac- opened institutions such as schools, hospitals tors in a mass celebrating the centennial of the and orphanages. arrival of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini and the Missionary Sisters in America last Sunday in the gym. Amid resplendent blaring brass horns and the glorious voices of the Cabrini College Community Chorus, the Cabrini Folk Ensemble and the St. Donato' s School Choir, Archbishop Bevilacqua led those gathered in the mass of thanksgiving to end a year of celebration. Sister Veronica Piccone, MSC provincial, welcomed all to the liturgy by describing the frail
Beforeclosingthe mass, Bevilacquatoldthose gathered of the effect Mother Cabrini had on him when he was a child. "When I was growing up, my mother had a picture of Mother Cabrini from the Italian newspaper and I always remember that,'• said Belivacqua. "My mother had great devotion to her even before she was canonized and told me, 'Someday she will be a saint.''¡
more Bevilacquaon 10
inside perspectives .. 2, 3, 4
Theatre critic
news ........ 5,'6,_11, 12
features .... 7, 8, 9, 10
opening night
sports .. 13, 14, 15, 16
(see page 7)
(see page 16)
And the wall comes tumbling down ... Aug.13, 1961.Gennanyisdivided.Forsome, this eventmeans absolutely nothing, for others, it is a significant reminder of a country harshly divided by communism. The Berlin Wall, a monstrosity of concrete and electrified barbed wire, has been a constant reminder of the division of the Democratic West and the Communist East. Ir is also a symbol of lives lost and bitter hatred. Now, 28 years later, the wall serves only as a reminder of the past, its significance destroyed by the cries of freedom. There was dancing in the streets, cheering and a newfound sense of freedom by the East German people. For now they are free to travel to West Germany without fearing the loss of their lives. The demise of the Berlin Wall is the first step taken to bring forth East Germany to a den:iocratic nation. A popular question here is, could East Germany actually become democratic, after all of these years? There is skepticism about this subject; how long will freedom truly last? A week, a month, a year? The "Prague Spring" in 1956 could be a parallel to such skepticism. Chzechoslovak:ians enjoyed a season of freedom, only to have their hopes squashed under the treads of Russian tanks. East German leaders are planning such things as free elections. Don't they first have to define what their sense of freedom exactly is? Living for so long under the shackles of communism, the East Germans have to construct a totally new system, of politics and economics. They must tear down the old and start with the new. The people who will be most affected by this newfound democracy are those who have known only communism for most of their lives. What about the East German teenagers, the young adults? What is their reaction going to be to living in a democratic nation? Will they go overboard with their freedom? Time will tell. This step toward democracy is a positive one, but are we being too hopeful? For now, the East German people have reason to celebrate. They are liberated from their prison of communism, and are finally able to start living a life of true freedom.
.We are family;let'sstart actin like it!
There are times in my life when I think that I can do more than I am presently doing, other times I feel that I am in over my head. Such is the life of a college student. We have so many things to worry about, so many things to do, but not enough hours in a day to accomplish all that we want. It was only last Sunday when I was challenged to think of yet another thing, something which I didn't realize had as much of an effect on me as it does. Standing outside of the gym, waiting for the centennial mass to begin, Archbishop Anthony Bevilacqua and I stood talking. He mentioned how beautiful our campus of 110 rolling acres was, then asked me how many students attended Cabrini. After a few moments of thought, I told him that there were about 1100 students attending Cabrini. "How nice," he said, "It is small enough to really get to know each other. It creates a good family atmosphere." I rolled my eyes upward and replied, ' 'Sometimes." Noting my sarcasm, the archbishop patted my shoulder and said softly, "Felicia, even the closest families fight sometimes." Truer words were never spoken! In my own family, which I consider to be close, there are spats over even the most trivial issues. We can fight about whose turn it is to clear the table, or who should shovel when the first big snowstorm hits, but most of the time it is done in a joking manner and we can all laugh about it in the end. When referring to Cabrini's "family," I really didn't think of the fighting aspect, but the deterioration of the family itself. For two and one half years now I have seen this family, our family, grow apart, then together, and apart again. This saddens me. The spirit I felt during my freshman year doesn't seem to be there anymore. Evaluating my two and one half years at Cabrini, my freshman year was the best. There was a friendly air about everyone that just doesn't exist anymore. It didn't matter where you were, what you were doing, or the weather outside, everyone would stop, say hello and smile. These days, you can consider yourself lucky for someone to say hello to you TWICE in one day! I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but it is true. I am always in a rush to get from one place to another. I don't always stop and say hello and ask people how they are. But I try. That's all it takes, on everyone's part. Along with the deterioration of the family, there is the decline of school spirit. How can anyone think of Cabrini as a great ( well, maybe good) place to be, if the student body is unsupportive and unreceptive? Did it ever. occur to you that Cabrini is what you make of it, and if it is lame, or boring, that is a reflection on us, the students! The lack of support is unbelievable. Spirit and pride are two words that go together. How do you think it looks when we have a basketball or soccer home game and there are more fans sitting on the opposition's side, cheering? The other schools notice these
things and gloat over them, making us look like apathetic fools. Other planned events fall by the wayside due to lack of support. The Masquarade Ball, the BSA fashion show, the Snowball dance, to name a few, are sponsored by classes and organizations. There is a lot of hard work put into each event, and it hurts when only a small number of people attend. It is not realistic to think that a person can
Did it ever occur to you that Cabrini is what you make of it, and if it is lame, or boring, that is a reflection on us, the students! be at every event sponsored on campus, whether it be a house party or a basketball game. {>eoplehave other commitments outside of school. It is realistic, though, to attend at least SOME of the e;ents"on campus. No one is so busy that they can't take time to at least stop in, say hello and offer support by just taking a few minutes to show that they care. I hate cliches, but I'd like to leave you with an appropriate one: "Life is what you make of it.'' College is supposed to be a time of fun, learning life's lessons (not only in tex1,. books) and enjoying where you are. Someday soon you may be wearing a three piece suit and catching the 8:30 train for an 8 hour day at work (which you can't "cut" if you have a hangover). Until that day comes, you have the opportunity to take advantage of what is offered here, and if you are not satisfied, you have the power to create new ideas to make Cabrini a better place. A family.
Edttor: Barbara Wilson Managing Editor: Angie Corbo News Editor: Johanna Church Assistant News Editor: Kevin George Perspectives Editor: Felicia Falcone Features Editor: Kelly Ann McGillan Sports Editor: Lou Monaco Copy Editor: Jenni Obrecht Business Managers: Denise Edwards and Sue Moriarty Photography Editor: Kristin Kroll Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser:
Dr.Jerome Zurek
Staff: Carrie Corr, Karen Dumorney.Denise Edwards, Frank Emmerich, Meghan Flannery, William Fulton. Kevin George, Mark Gudas, Carlo Iacono, Anna-Marie Karlsen, Mary Teresa Kelly, Clyde LaFores~ Jr, Melissa Landsmann, Daniella LoPresti. Kristin Mainero. Jennifer Morrison, Chris Pesotskl, Kelly Ann Reed, Christina Roach. Deborah Ryder, Sharlene Sephton, Pamela Stempleski, Leonora Veterano, Kelly Ann WalSh, Charlie Water1all, Kelly Ann Williams, Carol Wells Yarra,, Photography Staff: Mark Gudas, Frank Emmerich. Giselle Bellanca Loquitur is published weekly during !he school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price Is $25 per year and is included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters shoold be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, it the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters Should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it. t.etters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
The editorials and opinions published in Loquitor are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum tor student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited. robust, free and open discussion of issues.
perspectives ~~
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f riday, nov. 17,.1989 ,
·Underage drinking: What are you trying to prove? by Kelly Reed Cabrini supposedly had a "get tough" policy on underage drinking. According to the Cabrini College Student Handbook,• 'the legal age for the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages at Cabrini College, as in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is 21." HA, HA, HA that is the laughter from the under age masses who drank at their own will at the Fall Formal last Friday night. On all of the posters around campus that advertised the formal, the words "bring 1.0." appeared. What for? I ask. My little sister, who is ten years old could have gotten served in that ballroom Friday night. I saw at least 25 to 30 freshmen, who I know are not 21, clutching at least one if not two drinks to their breast. What I want to know is, where were they checking 1.O.'s at this little soiree? The bartenders certainly weren't demanding that
would-be drinkers hand over their proof of age. The fact that so many underage people got served wasn't even the crux of the problem that night. It's the fact that most of the underage drinkers, were drunk. Not a little inebriated, not1ipsy, they were ----faced. There were people staggering away from the bar, with a beer in each hand, who were obviously drunk and had no business being served another beer. I made the mistake of taking off my shoes, and my feet were immediately submerged in a puddle of whatever the drunken idiot who spilled it was drinking at the time. I wasn't the only dancer assaulted by some drunken sot, a friend• s date managed to get beer spilled all over his pants by someone who felt it necessary to dance with his beer in hand. I guess they were afraid that somebody might steal their Bud Lite while they were dancing.
Coaching, cheering and support paves the road for numerous successes by Angie Corbo Ang, Ang wake up! Every Sunday momingmy father would wake me up earoming, (and as many of you know waking me up is certainly a chore). Through rain, through snow, through sleet and hail we would go out running "our" five mile course without fail. When we would get back Dad would play football with the guys, and me, until they would be jerks and kick me out of the game. Sundays were set aside to"be the sacred day of sports. (We even went to church on Saturdays just to keep Sunday free!) My father's days of a coach would re-emerge. The mad man in him would come alive. It was like temporary insanity overcame this normally mild mannered man. With every hill that I ran, he would tell me to lean forward. On windy days, he would run in front of me to block the wind. On humid days he would make sure that I drank enough water so I wouldn't cramp or dehydrate. This was his mild side. Now, football -- this is a different world. My father, a college football player raised his sons to be strong aggressive athletes. Once he had that football in his hands the back yard was transformed into a stadium. The trees served as goal posts, the neighbors lawn marked the end zones. My father was the QB and Nick and Matt were now in for hours of running, punting, tackling, and listening to my father's wisdom. I joke about it now but I must say that his patience (?), Sunday sessions and intensive play-by-play sports discussions at the dinner table with my brothers paid off. The past two weekends I watched both of my little brothers play football. (Right, little! Both are over 6 ft. and weigh in the neighborhood of 200 pounds) Those little runts who I used to think were the biggest nerds in the world have grown up. For
years I thought that Nick would be the stud who would go to college and major in football. Now he is a sophomore at Yale University. He plays football, but he has chosen to major in engineering and economics. Okay, so I was a little off base with my judgement. I, however, got to see him play college
The past two weekends I watched both of my little brothers play football. Those little runts who I used to think were the biggest nerds in the world have grown up. ball for the firsttime last Saturday. The Yale Bulldogs went against the Princeton Tigers. It looked grim during the first half. I,did not have too much hope for them. Maybe it was a sister's intuition, but I could tell by the way he was ran out on the field for the opening of the game that he was holding back. I kept asking Matt, •'Why is he running like such a wimp?" At the end of the half, the score was 7-0, Tigers. Needless to say I could sense the tension from my Dad. He is the silent type who puts so much pride into the performance of his kids at athletic events. It is almost as if he is out there on the field. At least, I always beleived that he in his heart that he was out there on the field whether it was football, soccer, cross country, track or whatever sport. Mom, a.k.a. Barb, is the spirited fan in the stands. She is always there, and can always be heard. A definite contrast, yet they somehow compliment each other. After the bands performed durir.g halftime, the teams returned to the field. There he was, #31 running out, full speed ahead. What happened in the locker room at
By' now, there are probably people reading this and saying, Where does she get off telling us what to do? Maybe I think that I'm qualified to write this because I don't drink, and I've been the person who has had to drive people home who couldn't walk straight. Maybe it is because I have cleaned up too many people who have passed out in their own vomit. Or maybe it is because I saw the waste of a human life when a friend was run down by a drunk driver and left to die in the middle of a highway. The point is that people felt that they couldn't possibly have a good time at the formal without drinking, and in most cases getting drunk. Why? This is what I want to know. I would love it if someone who was underage and drinking at the formal would have enough guts to write the Loquitur and explain to me what is fun about being drunk. I am serious. I really want to know
because from my standpoint as a nondrinker, I can't see anything fun or memorable about making an ass out of myself in front of a group of my peers and their dates. The sad part is that half of the people who were drinking that night probably don't even remember being at the Adam• s Mark Hotel, much less what they did while they were there. I had a really great time at the formal, and so did all of my friends. None of us were drinking. Does that mean that we are more intelligent, better conversationalists, or have better personalities than everyone else that was there on Friday night? I really don't know, maybe it just separates the real adults from those that are dressed and talk like adults, but whose actions reflect what children they still are.
Taking a look beyond Cabrini's wrought iron gates by Chris Pesotski
generation is the future of America and Is anyone out there listening? Hello? we're ignoringchangeswhich could bring The biggest story of our time is breaking us closer to the EasternBloc than most and no one is paying attention. East ever imagined would be posatDleagain. Germany bu opened its bordersa tint Whenman first IIICsfootonMarswill we lime in 28 :,ears.freedom is oa die dlmprN1"'WltoCIICla1hellllt-dool step of millions al people. and it I understandthat much of the world is see111S like ~.llJ!e gives a damn.
.. -..
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-in Wida tbe bk>ody here what they think of thelaattwoweeks• year's'eveiis «Nnideala mike events. and I get a blantloGk. Welit bae crack-downOil ...., ii for-. (OaaliclDBlllle in Cabriniland. ourownversionof Happy 111111.Ylltifdlis 1111eatimJ then?) Valley, and think that notbioa goesoo out• - WIS IDyODe payma We ll8Ddtodayia aposilioa to seethe side our wrought iron plea. end of COIIHDiiidiiP and the retlll'II of We tend to shy away from fcnip newsbecause it ramyseems to affect us, fla,drm and basichumanrights to mi). it just doean't seem relevant much of the lions. We slalldal8owidlaclearnarage a brobn anda repeat time. This story is different. What is pointif promises of the Ten Days that Shoot the World more relevant thanfftledom?So many occurs. have roots in the oppressed countries of Regardless of wbae we think these Eastern Europe, this is a time to loot changes will taketheworld, we shouldbe beyond our tiny, narrow, here-and•now an active audience. As the wheel of his· world. tory comes full cin:le. we.citiz.ensof the The end of an entire form of governCOWltly which has SO often cmricd the ment maybe in the forseeable future. and banner of democracy and freedom. should we're missing the story. In twenty years, be in the forefront of those championing our children may be asking us what it was the future of hwnan rights all over the like to be alive when such tumultuous changes rocked Eastern Europe. What world. As yet anotherauempt to crushthe will we answer? "I don't know. I was will andenergy of an entire region of in college??" We have aresponsibility people fails.we should be asking ouras students to use the infonnation we're selves several questions. gathering in these four years in a context Why aren•t we watching?Why aren't larger than these 110 rolling acres. we caring? Why aren'twe cheering? What will we do in the real world? Our
the half, I'll never know. Yet by the aggres- ball career as he prepares for the District III sive way I saw Nick run out on the field, I championship. When I watched him two knew that they were back in the ball game. weeks ago dressed in his equipment I saw The second half was remarkable. The a grown up kid. Not only does he have the game was close, but the bulldogs came nicest, well backview, of his teammates, he through. Yale won 14-7. One down and one is not a bad player either. more to go. If they can pull through for just So I guess my father's mania, I mean one more game, the Ivy League title is theirs. coaching, paid off, and Mom• s cheering It was always weird for me saying that I ~nspired all three of us to strive to be the best had a brother at Yale. I don• t know why. I that we could be. They taught us to dream guess I felt that awkward saying I had a big, and above all, to never give up. brother at such a prestigious school. But The lesson we've learned just doesn't even stranger than that was seeing little kids apply to us on the field or on the track. They coming up to #3 I and asking him, Nick, for apply to life. I guess that was the point. Peran autograph. It is definitely a different severance always pays off and maybe, I world. guess, that parents are sometimes right. (?) I now watch Matt in his college search process. Winding down his senior year foot-
friday, nov. 17, 1989
Waitingtables: "tips"tb last a lifetime· by Carrie Corr
Today I made fifty-two dollars. "Not too bad for only four hours work,'' some people say. I tend to agree, but only after the day is done, and I am home filling out my deposit slip for the bank.
because it encompasses the other characteristics I mentioned. There is this old couple that comes in every Saturday and I know them on a friendly basis. Saturdays are very busy, by the way. Well, this couple does the same thing to me every week. "Honey, we need two menus, (meanwhile they know the menu
breath at this point, and ask for help from one of the younger dishwashers. Finally, the couple is ready to order, and are a bit annoyed because they were ready for a few minutes and I did not rush right over to serve them. I apologize and humbly say, "I only have two hands, and I am moving as fast as
tion. A tip is a tip, but you have to draw the line when they break the code of conduct. Then there are the people, whether it be a picky woman or man (they come in all shapes and sizes) who are never, ever satisfied. They ask for something, let's say a cheesesteak with hot and sweet peppers, no onions, but lots
. I am a waitress. Yes, a lowly food servant that caters to people's needs during the lunch We, waitresses and waiters, work for our tips. We are polite, We rush between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. smile and we try to give the most efficient service to all of our every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. customers in hopes of receiving that sacred tip. It is a difficult job to People who have waited tables have when some days are slow, and you make no money. know exactly what I am talking about. It is the people who have never done it that I hope will read backwards and forwards) two ice these two feet will take me. I am of extra cheese. It could be the and learn. waters and a few more minutes to sorry.'' They realize that they were perfect masterpiece of a steak, and We, waitresses and waiters, decide (you must also keep in mind just being impatient, and apologize he/she will find something wrong work for our tips. We are polite, that I wait on fourteen other tables to me. I then ask them for their with it. "It's too cheesy," or we smile and we try to give the by myself). order · "There's too much meat," or most efficient service to all of our I am running my tail off in the ''The lady will have roast beef, when they really want to play with customers in hopes of receiving middle of a rush and the couple only if it is rare, with lettuce, your psyche, "I didn't ask for that sacred tip. It is a difficult job decides that they want coffee while tomato, raw onions ... (meanwhile sweet peppers." People areincredto have when some days are slow, they are looking over the menus. other hungry patrons are grunting ible, and I have come to the concluand you make no money. Not only do they want coffee, they in the background because this sion that these type of people who Waitresses and waiters live want half coffee and half water. couple is taking what seems like complain, are just plain miserable, day to day hoping that the urge (Because the caffeine is too strong forever to place their order) ...and end of story. to spend that cold, hard cash that for them.) She wants two creams, two small Pepsi's." I say "O.K." It is funny because the people's we take home does not hit us he wants one, and they both will and quickly attend to my other orders that do get messed up, are before we pay our monthly bills. take sweet and low. customers. the ones that do not fuss about it. Waiting tables takes patience, In the big picture I have fourMen predominantly come in to "Oh hon, that's o.k.," or "Don't coordination, a pleasant person- teen other tables that need atten- my restaurant. I really do not know worry about it, I'll eat it." It is ality and most of all, the ability to tion of some sort. Sandwiches to be why, but there are some experi- people like this that give me hope, perform well under pressure. delivered, sodas to be brought in ences with fresh, octopus-likemales and balance out the others. I will talk about patience first and I am out of ice. I take a deep that I will leave to your imaginaCoordination is something, I
think, that you acquire as time passes. When I first started waitressing I could carry maybe two cheesesteaks, and two sodas. Now, after two and one half years, I can carry three or four sandwiches and two or three sodas. I am proud to say that I have only dropped one cheesesteak in my career, and it was not my fault. Well, maybe it was. The whole point of this article is to let those people out there who look down upon waiting tables, know that it takes a lot of good qualities to be successful at the job. I think that waiting tables over the past two and one half years has taught me responsibility, patience, to be alert and aware of the things going on around me, but most of all to deal with people. I will take all of these qualities with me into the business world, and hopefully they will guide me down the road to success. If anything at all I will be able to appreciate a hard days work and maybe be a little-mote considerate to others. So the next time you are eating out and the waitress/waiter looks a bit haggard or extremely busy, crack a joke or be patient. Remember we're only human, just like you.
Loquitur letter policy: letters intended for publication in Loquitur A questionof responsibilitymust beAlltyped, double spaced, and submitted by noon on To the Editor:
•.I would like to comment on the article, ''Locating campus may be left to maps and memory," as well as the photo," Sign of the times" in the Nov. 3, 1989 issue ofLoquitur. I am curious as to why neither Frank Emmerich (who took the time to drive to Gulph Mills and photograph the Cabrini sign) or Meghan Flannery (who took time to write
the article) did not take the time to simply bend the·Cabrini College sign back into a legible, reasonably flat condition . Does this make some statement about, ''the sign of the times'' regarding the lack of action? It is your sign, so do something about it rather than complain. Steven Brinlee Admissions counselor
StudentschallengeSGA's supportfor fashionshow To the Editor:
We would like to take this opportunity to praise the efforts of Rita Calicat, Yvette Everett, Claire Da Silva and the rest of the BSA for the dynamite "Rare Essence" fashion show last Saturday night. Unfortunately Murphy's Law seemed to be in effect that night, but the uncontrollable circumstances did not dampen the spirits of the participants. Their perseverance should be commended and admired. Not many people have the kind of courage it takes to be a model and get up on a runway and be looked at by so many people. The support of family, friends and peers probably had a lotto do with their motivation and self-confidence. However, something came to our attention as the show progressed. Not one member of the SGA executive board was there. Not one class president or vice president attended either. Only a small
handful of senior and junior class officers attended, but no sophomore or freshman cl~s officers were there. We believe that there is something wrong when the administrators attending a student sponsored event outnumber the students in attendance. For an organization which is concerned that not enough students support SGA sponsored events, perhaps they should take a closer look at their own practices. In order to be a respected organization, SGA should be more consistent in practicing what it preaches. Sincerely, LeeMirenda Alice Mahoney Seniors
Mondays. Letters should be addressed to Loquitur and placed in the newsroom mailboxes, or sent through campus mail. All letters must be signed by the writer. If the writer wishes for their name to be withheld upon publication, it must be discussed with the editor-in-chief and perspectives editor. Thank you for your cooperation, Barbara Wilson, Editor-in-chief Felicia Falcone, Perspectives editor Editor's note: , In the Nov. 3 article, "Suspicions followed, drugs found," John Doyle, director of resident life, offered clarification on several points: 1. The fourth student to admit using marijuana came in the same day as the others, not "at the last minute." 2. The fact that the drugs were purchased off-campus did not affect the sanction, contrary to what the article said. 3. The one-time offenders were ~ot charged, as there was no evidence. Those offenders were asked to attend the programs and publicize them. · 4. The sanctions given were in!ended to educate the offenders, not to be scare tactics. Loquitur apologizes for these oversights and thanks you for the correction.
f riday, nov. 17, 1989
Lack~ of vendingmachines causes 1nconven1ence ■
Nov. 21 is the last day to drop a course to avoid receiving a failing grade. Students who plan to take off campus courses during the winter break should pick up forms in the Academic Affairs office in Grace Hall. · A Contemporary Book Art exhibit is on display now through Nov. 28 on the second floor of the Holy Spirit Library. The exhibit offers the viewer a new way of reading and looking at books. The book art is for sale, and all proceeds benefit the library. If snow falls, turn your radio to KYW Newsradio, 1060 AM, and listen for Cabrini's cancellation number-523 for day classes, 2523 for evening classes.
22 -parkingspaces near Sacred Heart and Widener buildings are now reserved for faculty, staff and the handicapped. Student's parking is provided in the rest of the lot for those who have purchased a parking sticker through the Student Services office. Security has announced that the reserved parking policy will be enforced.
;,Eastof the Sun, West of the Moon" will be presented by Cabrini's Theatre For Young Audiences, located in Grace Hall. Dates for the show are: Nov. 18, 19 and Dec. 2 and 3; all curtains at 2 p.m. Tickets are $4 and arereservable by calling 9718510. Operation Native Talent, a regional convention for employeers and college students, will take place on Jan. 2 and 3 at the Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel in Philadelphia ..
Flu shots will be available from campus health services, located in the Rooymans Center until the beginning of December. The shots are not intended for everyone, but are recommended for the following groups of people: those over 65, those with a chronic illness and anyone who works with large groups of people, particularly groups of children. The shots are available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, and cost $8. The annual Festival of Trees signals the start of the Christmas season on campus. The festival, held in the mansion, features 30 decorated Christmas trees, an assortment of wreaths and a gift boutique that will sell hand-crafted gifts and ornaments. The Festival will be open on Friday, Nov. 24 from IO a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday from IO a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday IO a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for seniorcitizens andfreeforchildrenunder5. The festival benefits Paoli Memorial Hospital. Contact the hospital's volunteer office at 648-1099 for advance ticket information.
The Book Sale at the Library will ht;held Nov. 16, 17 and 18 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Get your announcements heard in this column by sending the information to Kevin George, box 357. Deadline for each edition is the previous Friday at noon.
NEWS llllll~FS "Crack" Hits Suburbia Crack use is spreading among middle and upper-class America, drug abuse counselors and law enforcement officials say. The experts estimate that nearly one half of crack users are affluent, white suburbanites, contradicting the existing "media" stereotype of crack users who are poor, urban and black.
Civil Rights Monument Opened Twenty years after they died for civil rights, the martyrs of the civil rights movement have been memorialized with the first monument in the nation dedicated to their memory. Last week in Montgomery, Alabama, the town where Rosa Parks started it all when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white man, a granite slab with 40 names engraved on it was dedicated by officials who declared the monument's purpose is "to show how far we've come and how far we have to go."
Democrats, Pro-Choice are Big Winners Democratic candidates.nearly all of which were running on a strong pro-choice platform, were overwhelmingly elected by the voting public on election day last week. The abortion issue apparently pulled voters across the traditional racial voting barriers in elections in Virginia and New York City where black candidates became the first of their race to hold the offices of Governor and Mayor respectively. Virginia's new Go\l'ernor, L. Douglas Wilder, is the first black governor in America.
by Meghan M. Flannery Recently, students looking to the vending machines for a quick snack have been finding themselves disappointed. Some of the machines on campus have not been stocked due to high rates of vandalism and theft from the machines. One such machine is located in Xavier Hall. According to Tyrone Carr, assistant resident life director, vandals last year smashed the glass front of the machine, stealing the food from inside. People have also used wire hangers to retrieve food from the machines. "These people don't realize that they break the machines when they do this,'' Carr said. "The machine is automated, and when you force it manually, it breaks." Students are upset with the situation of the machines being empty. Many enjoy a late night snack of a candy bar or chips. ''l'msomad," said Xavier resident, Toni Muskett, sophomore. "When I'm up late studying and have the munchies, there's no where to get food." Students aren't the only ones who are losing out to vandals. Service America, Inc. of West Chester own the machines and they are bearing the financial burden. The company makes their profit directly from the machines. When the food they've paid for is stolen, they lose money. They also must pay to fix the damages caused by campus vandals. &entually, they refuse to
Sincethecafeteriacouldnotprovide such an ' area, the alternative was to ban smoking altogether. Susan Fitzgerald, R.N., director of health services, said the machine was out of place in front of the cafeteria since smoking was no longer permitted there. She said she suggested that the machine be removed and the administration complied. "I don't think the college should be in the position of supplying cigarettes to students," Fitzgerald commented. "That's what 7-Eleven and Wawa are for." She also commented on the vandalism of the machines. '• Several years ago, the cigarette machine in the W oodcrest smoker was smashed,'' she said. ''The company refused to replace it.'' Students have mixed reactions to the removal of the cigarette machine. "I think it should be here," said sophomore resident, Karen Holahan. "People like to smoke when they drink and you don't want them drinking and then driving to the W awa for cigarettes.'' Paul Zulli, senior, says he is unaffected by the removal of the machine since he doesn't smoke or live on campl,ls. He still thinks it was wrong to remove the machine. "Everyone has a free choice to smoke," he said. "The school shouldn't try to make that decision themselves."
stock machines because of the high risk to their capital. According to John Doyle, resident life director, Service America, Inc. also removed the ice cream machines from campus residences. Due to mechanical problems and overall lack of · demand, to ice cream would frequently go bad. "As far as I know, no machines have actually been removed because of vandalism,'' Doyle said. One machine that was removed last year is the cigarette machine from outside the cafeteria. The machine was removed on Nov. 17, 1988, the Great American Smokeout Day - the same day smoking was banned in the eafeteria. The ban was the result of a township ordinance stating that a public dining area seating 50 or more people must have a separate, A hungry student stares at one of campus' empty venilated smoking areas. vending machines. (photo by Frank Emmerich)
SEf~IJRl'fYO UPORT. Berlin Wall Opens New Era The opening of the Berlin Wall last week has given credibility to the wave of reform sweeping East Germany, and has formally ushered in a new era of European history. The world's political leaders are now raising questions about the possibility of a reunified Germany, the fate of East-West relations and the future of other Sovietbloc countries.
Security incidents which occured 11/6 through 11/13. -11/6-1 p.m.-Vandalism to vending machine in lower level of Sacred Heart Hall. -un-5:42 p.m.-Student injured her head and hand when she walked into the glass doors at the entrance to Grace Hall. -11/9-12:30 p.m.-Unknown person struck a parked car in Xavierparkinglot.
friday nov. 17 1989 3
Civil disobediei1ce all in the name of a good cause by Deborah Ryder The earth's ozone layer is threatened by the production of chloroflorocarbons (CFCs) used in consumer products such as Styrofoam containers, electronic cleaning solvents and refrigerator coolants, maintained Greenpeace representative, Kathy Armstrong, speaking with students on Nov. 7. ''The ozone layer is decreasing by one and a half percent per year," Armstrong said. "There is a hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica the size of the United States." Scientists studying the problem have predicted that a l Oto 20 . percent depletion of the ozone layer could have a
1O to 20 percent depletion of the ozone layer could have a profound effect on human health and could be contributing to global warming profound effect on human health and could be contributing to global wanning. However, according to Armstrong this is not the only problem created by the use of Styr~foam products. "It is not recyclable and does not break down," she said. Styrofoam products are reusable when shredded and reformed into building materials, and are considered to be stable landfill material, but they can not be recycled back into a food-safe container again and are not biodegradable. Concerns about the use of Styrofoam products at Cabrini were raised last year and again this year by the Social W orb Club which sponsored Armstrong's visit. The Seiler's Food Service Company, which operates Cabrini's cafeteria and the Wigwam, uses Styrofoam products made without CFCs. When discarded, the styrofoam will make its way, along with other trash to a landfill. Greenpeace is an organization dedicated to the protection ofthe earth's environment. Since 1971. when there were
Beacon Lodge
three members and one old fishing boat, to 1989, with a countries. A successful campaign was waged against Iceland by membership of 3,000,000 strong and a fleet of 80 ships, Greenpeace has pursued issues all over the globe from convincing Wendy's and Long John Silver's to discontinue nuclear weapons traveling on the earth's oceans to seal kills buying fish from Iceland and by carrying out periodic in the arctic circle; from the plight of the shrinking South placard-waving demonstrations in front of area Burger Kings to pressure the corporation to stop buying fish from American rain forests to trash heaps on the snowy landscape Iceland also. The whaling ships of Iceland are conducting of Antarctica. '' We practice nonviolent direct action,'' Armstrong said, the last season of hunting now, having agreed to stop by 1990. ''in the Quaker tradition of bearing witness." Every year the Cabrini's Social Work Club has a fundFor the active members of Greenpeace, practicing this policy means approaching warships in the open seas to attach raiser, and makes a donation to a worthy organization. Greenpeace is the club's choice for 1989 and the proceeds from "tags" to their hulls, signs bearing the triple-triangle their dormitory-survival-kit raffle will be donated to Greensymbol used to denote the presence of nuclear products. peace. "There are 30,000 nuclear weapons at sea," Armstrong ''We were hoping to spark some interest, or raise awaresaid. ness," explained Linda Conroy, club president. ''This is dangerous because there is a greater likelihood While some of the people who came to listen expressed of an accident happening at sea. If a ship loses communicainterest in learning more about environmental concerns, tion it can take action on its own." Practicing this policy, also means engaging in an equally others asked questions commented on the problems with dangerous activity of placing themselves in the middle of a non-recyclable wastes. Kay Mosko, a Cabrini employee from the alumni-office, whale hunt, positioning their open vessel between enormous agreed with the need to find alternative solutions. animals and the tip of a grenade-powered harpoon. "Maybe business students could research biodegradIt also means staging a hot air balloon landing in the able products at a comparable price,'' she said. middle of a Nevada desert nuclear test site, on the day of the The Social Works Club is investigating alternatives for test. Greenpeace considers their activities to be civil Styrofoam also. disobedience tactics designed to call attention to their causes and gain media coverage. "We are trying to raise awareness of the masses," Armstrong said. Not all of Greenpeace's protests are as dangerous to carry out. To combat the by Deborah Ryder protest gained not only student support but international whaling indusTen percent of the entire student popu- also the support of some faculty and adtry, their organization tarlation at Montgomery County Community ministration members including Montco's geted not only the countries College (Montco ), in Blue Bell, Pa., signed dean of student affairs, David Steward. that hunted whales but also a petition last month during a demonstraMeanwhile at Delaware County Cornthe corporations that bought tion organized by student leaders to protest mwlity College (DCCC), in Media, Pa., seafood products from those the .. of ~.... .pudllds-:inthe~ lhere areattellst aTew voi~ ~ lege' s cafeteria. raised over the amount of Styrofoam "Some people said, 'We don't care ... going into the school's dumpsters. big deal.','' Marcye Davis, editior of the "A few students have brought the issue Montgaz.ette, said, ''so someone put up a up," a student activities spokesperson sign that said, 'Sign the Petition or Die! ... said. eventually ... 1be Future.''' Nancy White, one ofthosefew, admitts 1be demonstration was organized to that, ''its the begiming of a long struggle.'' raise awarenesswithin the student body She has been questioning the food servand to protest the useof a non-recycleable, ice department about their use of Styronon-biodegradable product. foam products for two semesters and is "Every person signing the petition was avoiding using items made of Styrofoam provided with a chinet plate which they which are used extensively in the student attempted to use in place of the Canteen's cafeteria. one,'' said Karin Knittle Small, co-presiMontgomery and Delaware County dent of Phi Theta Kappa. "The Canteen Community colleges are planning to offer would not let them use the chinet, but some programs with guest speakers to debate people transferred their food on to it.'' both sides of the issue. In its three and a half hour duration, the
Environmentalco¡ncernslead to Styrofoam sit-in
Camp for the Blind Positions available for students interested in providing a summer of recreation for blind and visually handicapped children and adults. Beacon Lodge, located in central Pa, is seeking camp counselors for ten and twelve week camping programs. In addition to GeneralCounselors, there is a need for a WSI) Canoeing Instructor, Archery Instructor, Crafts Instructor, Nature Specialist and Nurses and Lifegurads. The summer offers a well-rounded program of.activities from bowling to overnight canoe trips down the Juniata River. To request an application and/or additional information, write: P.O. Box 428, Lewistown, Pa , 7044 or call 717-242-2153
Some thoughts on Styrene. and Styrofoam products The problems surrounding the issue of whether to use styrofoam or styrene products are complicated; Most people who are concerned want to know the facts and have arrived at these thoughts:
If we stop using plastic products to
eat off of , what should we use in place?
China and flatware or individual beveragecontainers would solve the problem of landfill wastes, but it does not solve the problem of a take-out/to-go lifestyle prevalent in America today. ~ WHYY's program ''Here today, here tommorrow'' addresses some of these concerns. It describes the invention of photo-degradable plastic and cornstarch plastic that is biodegradable. Even paper in a landfill does not decompose because it is not exposed to enough moisture or sunlight. Trash-to-steam plants can efficiently bum styrene products. producing more heat then a similar-sized paper product.
If we take a closer look at paper products, behind their production are sacrifices made by the paper mills, which are number one pollutor in the United States.
f riday, nov. 17, 1989
Cast, crew receive rave reviews after opening by Carol Wells Yarrow
Trolls, gargoyles, hags, winds and stone figures. Such-is an account of the eerie fairy tale characters who are cast in Cabrini's Children's Theatre production, "East of the Sun, West of the Moon." The Nov. 10 premierof "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" was perfonned in Cabrini's theatre in front of a capacity crowd. Matinee performances are scheduled at 2 p.m. on Nov. 17 and 18 and Dec. 2 and 3. S~ephanie Homyak, cast as the female lead, Karin, said that opening night "went well, thanks to a WQnderfuldirector, cast and crew." Following a few slow-paced rehearsals, director Susan Frohman LaPalombara was very pleased about opening night. "Their energy always gets up for ~e show," she said. LaPalombara chose this adaptation of BrianKral's "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" because it was not a show that everybody puts on. ''I chose a play with a lot of characters, so I could get a lot of people involved,'' LaPalombara said. The Norwegian fairy tale is set in the frozen countryside of Norway after the advent of Christianity. It's a wondrous story of Karin, a female heroine of meager means, who rescues Peder, played by Matt Hodlofski. Peder, whose wealth and plague are unbeknowst to Karin, is afflicted with a spell pronounced upon him by trolls. The spell relegates him to being a white bear by day and a man by night. The Troll Queen, played by Kelly Jennings, wants Peder to marry her daughter, the Troll Princess, played by Kelly Williams. To avoid the marriage, Peder must find a woman who would promise not to peek at him at nighttime for one year. Out of desperate poverty, Karin's mother, played by Christy Earley, traded her daughter to Peder in exchange for monthly stipends. Earley had little difficulty in characterizing the middle-aged woman. "She acts frustrated like my mother," Earley said. An apparition scene required Earley to possess the voice tone and mannerisms that one would expect of the dead, a difficult task since there was no one in residence who was well-versed in being "dead." The black mono-chromatic theatre decor was enlivened by the spirits of such characters as stones, gargoyles and winds. How lively can a stone be you ask? Ellen Battersby answered while in costume, "You have to keep still," as she touched the cross that hung from herneck. "You have to show emotion with your voice,'' she said. The stone figures were Christian travelers who were converted to their hard, cold existences by the Troll Queen and the
Troll Princess. The gargoyles, played by Karen Bell and Julie McKee, wore masks frightening enou·gh to scare off Ivan Reitman, the producer of ''Ghostbusters. '' Winds, played by Jason Pippin, Yvonne Frazier, Susan Elder and Johanna Church, blew in from the East, West, South and North to transport Karin from the troll kingdom to the troll castle in search of Peder. The rainbow-colored makeup of the Winds was showered with gold sparkles which contrasted with the black decor and cast an evening glow that is akin to Norway and the land of the Midnight Sun. Karin's search was hampered by three wilderness !:Jags, played by Jacqui Ricci, Jenny A scene from Brad Kral's "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" shows from left Kelly Igoe and Elizabeth Goldman. Williams, XXXX, Stephanie Hornyak and Matt Hodlofski dressed as the bear. (Frank "I liked my character," Emmerich) Goldman said. "I like to be weird." • For the most part characters thought that the play was fun. "I like drama and comedy," Williams said. "Crying, screaming and bitching come easy to me." Williams attributes her ease with acting to ''being an only child. Lastsaturdaynight the "It allows you to live in fantasy," she BSA took Cllbrinito a •, said. ParisfashionIUl1MIYwhen As Troll Princess and Troll Queen, they displayed fashion Williams and Jennings spend one hourprior trendsof the PIIIOl'I. to each performance to have their noses Right.~ transformed into evil-looking latex protru~ sions. the runwayin take-over The 18-member cast of'' East of the Sun, West of the Moon," was supported by an Limited. ingenuous production staff who exercised their resourceful talents. The lack of equipment and the pitfalls of a slim budget necessitated cast members to experiment and improvise. "This way, it makes you think," said Chris Pesotski, technical director. For Matt Hodlofski, everything he does in his roles is improvisation. This was his debut. ''It's like culture shock,'' Hodlofski said. "I grew up around sports and my family. I never did anything like this before.'' Jason Pippin's dual roles of East Wind and Horick, a troll attendant, are in contrast Left, Claire da Silvaand Tyron Ca" show-off to the characters he played in his high school
10ntren s
theirgreatlookingsweatersfrom the Gap. Other modelsalso showedoffcomfortable, colorfulsweats,fas wellas he latestin leatherand formal attire. (photosby Kristin
plays. Even though Pippin's true love is musicals, he's having fun acting in his first children's play. The cast, crew and director were all smiles as they accepted opening night bouquets. However, "the real test of success will come during the mati_neeperformances," LaPalombara said. ''Children are the bigger critics. They get bored and talk and walk
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triaav, nov.
teatures I
The '70s:
Times of turbulence, terrorism C
The third in a series of five foc·using on the last decades of this century Editor's Note: As we approach the '90s, Loquitur will be taking a look back at the past decades to understand where we have been and where we are now. We will then be looking ahead to where we are going in the future and what the '90s will bring.
by Carrie Corr The '70s, was an era of anxiety. The 1970's was a time of transition and turbulence for America. Coming out of the 1960's where people who felt they could make a difference, they soon found out that many of the causes they believed in, were not worthy of support. The '70s was a time of doubt, fear and a hope that tomorrow would bring a brighter day. With the war in Vietnam coming to a close, people found themselves more angry at the government than ever before. On May
Inflation, unemployment and interest rates were at their highest ever and America was heading for a big recession. All of the three reached double digits at one point. 18, 1970 at Kent State University, students organized a demonstration that led into a riot that resulted in many stud_entsbeing shot. People wanted the war to end, and students wanted the government to take notice of how they felt about Vietnam. The statement, "If we're old enough to die for our country, we're old enough to vote" is one that became so prevalent in the years of our government that on June 22, 1970, 18 became the fixed voting age in our country. The '70s brought about a new ''openness'' with people, and how they expressed themselves. Coming out of the closet was one of the new "things to do." In New York City on June 28, 1970, thousands of homosexuals, both male and female, filled the streets in a protest to make the government rescind the laws that made homosexual acts between consenting adults illegal. It seemed as though everyone had a cause in the '70s, that they wanted to do something that caused friction for others. On June 30, 1971 THe New York Times fought their own battle for the right to print the secret war in Vietnam, or in other words, print the Pentagon Papers. The Times exercised freedom of the press to its fullest. As Vietnam experienced the
lowest death toll in the years of fighting, 300 men a week to 11 men a week, Northern Ireland began its crisis. THe British government invoked emergency powers of preve.ntion detention to arrest suspected leaders of the Irish Republican Anny. The beginning of the end of the trust in our government came when five men were arrested in the Watergate offices. They were found fully equipped to burglarize with cameras, walkie-talkie's, and survalence equipment. The fear in America grew when the 1972 Olympics in Munich hosted a massacre of 11 Israeli olympians. The Arab terrorists were responsible for making America aware of the fact that our own American athletes may not be as safe as we thought they were in foreign countries. Finally, the American men that were sent to Vietnam to fight, were coming home. On Jan. 27, 1973 America agreed to cease-fire and stop the fighting in Vietnam, Those who made it were lucky, we thought. Little did we know how truly awful the conditions and experiences were over there. The devastating effects that Vietnam had on many of our men will probably never be justified. No one wanted to believe it. no one could believe it, but it was true. Richard Nixon was named coconspirator in the Watergate scandal on March 15, 1974. Facing impeachment he resigned. America was up in arms. On Aug. 9, 1974, Gerald Ford became the next president of the United States. He pardoned Nixon on Sept. 16, 1974. America was not sure of what was to come, and not sure who to trust anymore.
It seemed as though so many things were happening all at once in America when in fact a lot of incidents of the '60s had already caused intense cynicism towards the government. Inflation, unemployment and interest rates were at their highest ever and America was heading for a big recession. All of the three reached double digits at one point, the labor union was facing its demise and the answer to our problems did not seem close by. People sat in long lines waiting for gas fortheir cars in 1973, when America experienced a major gas crisis. It was acrisis that changed everything about America and what it is today. Time magazine called it "The Death of the Love Affair," or the death of the big, huge gas guzzling car. Foreign cars seemed to be the answer for saving money on gas because they had higher gas mileage. Japan saw our need and started some heavy hitting marketing of Japanese cars here in the U.S. Compact cars were in, gas guzzlers were out. There is not too much to be said about the American cars of the '70s, except that they did try to follow suit of Japanese compact car. Ford came out with the ever so popular, Pinto and the Mustang II. Other cars were the Volare' the Swinger, the Pacer, and the Gremlin. None of these were very much to look at, but at least America was trying. At one point on Aug. 11, 1974 the shortage was so bad that gas stations were only allowing people to purchase two and three dollars worth of gas at time. Gas had gone from 30 cents a gallon to $1.10 to $1.20 a gallon.
It was at this time in America that we realized that we were no longer a unilateral power. Detroit would no longer be the car capitol of the world, and if other countries could produce products of quality, America would buy. Dealing with foreign countries was not one of our major concerns before the gas crisis. Relations with
American hostages were released from Iran. Carter will forever be looked down upon by the way he handled the hostage situation, even though he put his heart and soul into the issue. His hands were tied as far as putting any type of policy into action. Iran wanted to let America know they had control over our elections. This big event would
The beginning of the end of the trust in our government came when five men were arrested in the Watergate offices. They were found fully equippedto burglarize with cameras, walkie-talkie's, and survalence equipment. China and Russia opened up soon after America realized that it was not the only country that had power and that communication could be used to prevent misunderstandings. Jimmy Carter and his running mate were elected president and vice president on Nov. 2, 1976. Carter's presidency stood for a lot of the same issues that we are still confronting today. He was concerned with the environment, the preservation of energy and opening up good relations with other countries. Carter began relations with Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin at the Camp David Summit meetings. Carter faced his toughest dilemma on Nov. 26, 1979 when Iran seized the United States Embassy and took hostages. It was "America held hostage," as Ted Koppel reported every night. It was not until Jan. 18, 1981 that the
lead us into the "Reagan era" of politics for the '80s. Other hot topics of the '70s revolved around civil rights, women and feminism, and sexual freedom. The invention of "the Pill'' started an era of sexual freedom for women, which lead to more women seeking their individuality. Women wanted equal rights, and they were about to start one of the toughest uphill battles because it went against everything society believed was "proper." Women decided tocuttheirhair short, stop wearing bras, and start wearing slacks as a statement that they were equals. Some very newsworthy and controversial people made the headlines in the '70s. We all remember Charles Manson, the psychotic brainwasher who caused the brutal deaths of many people. In 1971, NASA continued explorati~n in space by sending astronautsDavid R. Scott and James B. Irwin on a journey to the moon. It was the first lunar '' dune buggy'' ride in space. Although there was much violence and turbulance throughout the world, Walt Disney found a way to ease the tension. In Sept. of 1971 Walt Disney World was opened for all the world to see. Two very famous panda bears from China, Hsing-Hsing and Ling-Ling were given to the United States as a gift from China. On June 30, 1974 Baryshinikov, ;;~;;;.;-·•;;c..(;"'ia.,. a very talented and famous ballet dancer from the Soviet Union, de. fected to our country. July 4, 1776, Happy Birthday America! The celebration of the 200th birthday of America. The mysterious Legionaire's disease claimed the lives of 28 people in Philadelphia in August of 1976. Women's movements were making progress all over the country and at West Point the first woman was admitted into the institution in April of 1976. Medical technology was making unbelievable progress in The festive spirit of opening ceremonies of the 1972 Olym1cs changed to a solmn and scared America, as well as in London mood after terrorists captured and killed lsrali athletes. (photo Newsweek: printed by Kristin Kroll) where the first test tube baby was born in 1978.
friday, nov. 9, 1989
lnd a governmentin turmoil The Vatican experienced many problems when Pope VI died in August of 1978. Pope John Paul I took his place and only one short month later he passed away. John Paul II became the the next Pope, and he also became the first nonItalian Pope, he was Polish. Philadelphia had the pleasure of seeing the Pope on Oct. 6, 1979 when he visited many cities in the U.S. Terror struck the people of Three-Mile island when there was an atomic leak on March 31, 1979. Fashion sense in the '70s consistedofbell-bottomed pants, short skirts, high and thick collars, large plaids, high-heeled boots, hot pants, elevator shoes, and turtlenecks. Women started wearing slacks polyester suits, and for the men, a lot of' 'urban cowboy'' type clothing. Towards the end of the '70s straight legs came back in, skirts became longer, and cotton re-. placed the itchy polyester. Hairdo's in the '70s were rebelliously long for men, and "statement" short for women. Men let their hair grow long either to annoy
ton. All of America cried for the loss of one of the most well known and loved rock stars on Aug. 16, 1976. Elvis was dead. Beatie lovers across the the world were spellbound 'when Paul McCartney announced that he was leaving the the band on April I 0, 1970. Led Zeppelin began their '' Stairway to Heaven,•' when they surpassed the Beatles in the popularity polls in 1971. The Rolling Stones started satisfying audiences across America, with lead singer Mick Jagger heading the band to1;uccess. Topping the charts were, "Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie," "The First Time Ever I Saw Your face," "I Am Woman," by Helen Reddy and Roberta Flack's "Killing me Softly With His Song," just to name a few. By the sound of the music, America seemed pretty cheerful. We sang to Stevie Wonder's ''You Are The Sunshine Of My Life,'' "Tony Orlando and Dawn's, "Tie A Yellow Ribbon' Round The Old
President Nixon address congress (photo: Newsweek,printed by Kristin Kroll)
their parents or because their favorite rock star wore it that way. Women had haircuts like the "Pixie," the "Dorothy Hammil," and the "Farrah Fawcett," for those who still wanted to have long locks. It was a confusing time for fashion because no one really knew what they wanted. It was a time of experimentation, just as the rest of the era. The music of the '70s was very experiential, much like the other aspects of the era itself. America lost some of music's greatest artists in the '70s. Among them were Jimi Hendrix, who is reknown for the magic he performed on his electric guitar, Janis Joplin, who is best remembered for her passionate, bluesy style music, and Jim Morrison, who was the lead singer for the controversial rock group, the Doors. All of these artists had something in common, they died because of drugs. Two of jazz's most prolific artists also died. In 197 I Louis Armstrong and in 1974, Duke Elling-
Oak Tree," and John Denver's "Sunshine On My Shoulders." Heading towards the mid '70s the music grew more _"funky" and easier to dance to. Besides Donny and Marie's, "It Takes Two," the most noted songs would have come from the Bee Gee's, "Saturday Night Fever'' and '' Stayin' Alive." The Bee Gee• s led America into its next phase of fun and excitement, ...disco. The movies of the '70s were memorable classics that by now are out on video in case this article spurs some nostalgia. Old favorites like, "Cabaret," and "The Godfather," hosted the early '70s with entertainment. Movies like, "The Exorcist," "The Great Gatsby," "The Sting," "The Godfather II,'' and "Chinatown" gave people reason to talk about "hot" Hollywood. Then, in April of 1975 when audiences thought it was safe to go back to the movie theater, Steven Spielberg released ''JAWS'' to the big screen. People screamed in their
The Watergate hearings begin in Washington and the American media captures it all. (photo: ·
Newsweek,printed by Kristin Kroll) seats, and feared the water for summers to come. The next big hitter on the big screen was Sylvester Stallone in "Rocky." People crowded the theaters to see the now famous fight between Rocky and AP,ollo Creed. Movies were not only taking us out on Friday nights, they were attempting to take us to other galaxies. "Star Trek," the movie, wa~ released and America loved it. We sat through "Saturday Night Fever," "Grease," and laughed hysterically at John Belushi in '' Animal House.'' Towards the end of the '70s more of the movies started dealing with
more human and societal issues. Movies like "Kramer vs. Kramer," "Norma Rae," and" Apocolypse Now," dealt with topics such as divorce, women's rights, and the horror story of Vietnam. Television also dealt with societal issues on shows like, "All in the family,'' with Archie Bunker as a racist bigot. "Maud," which dealt with feminism. Then there was "Happy Days," with "the Fonz" and Richie Cunningham which dealt with teens growing up in America. "MASH," a sitcom supposedly aboutthe war in Korea, was really about the way it was in Vietnam. Sports in the '70s bring to mind the names, Billy Jean King, O.J. Simpson, Jimmy Conner, Bjorn Borg, Jack Nicklaus, Dorothy Hammil, Bruce Jenner,Johnny Bench, and Pete Rose. Baseball would never be the same after Pete Roselle signed contracts that would allow players to become free agents, resulting in higher pay, much higher.
The early '70s brought an explosion in televised sports. Roselle was also responsible for the designation of Sunday and Monday night football. The Pittsburgh Steelers are remembered for winning three superbowls in the '70s with Terry Bradshaw and Lynn Swann. In baseball the "hot" team was the Cincinnati Reds, in basketball it was the Boston Celtics, and in hockey it was Philadelphia own Flyers who took the Stanley Cup two years in a row. The '70s was an era filled with confusion, trial and error, anxiety, sexual freedoms, and new ideas. Women were beginning a new era of equal rights, and technology was leading u.s into new and exciting realms of discovery. Heading into the '80s, society will be looking for stability in many aspects. Stable families, homes, economy, and government. The "Ronald Reagan" era will guides us into the '80s for a less turbulent decade
Mickey Mouse greets children as he parades down Main Street U.S.A. for the first time 1971. (photo: Newsweek,printed by Kristin Kroll)
fridaXznov. 17, 1989
Bevilacqua from 1 His first parish after being ordained was the parish of the Sacred Hearts and St. Stephen's, where the Missionary Sisters were stationed in school. He used to say mass in the mission there, the very tiny church of St. Charles were Mother Cabrini had attended mass. "The pastor kept trying to tear down the church because it was in the poor section of the parish, but every time he tried the people were up in arms. It shows that Mother Cabrini was still very much alive and kept the church open," Belivacqua said. After mass all gathered under a large yellow and white striped tent on the main lawn for refreshments and to listen to the festive Mummers sounds of the Greater Overbrook String Band. "Mother Cabrini must have said a few words to Mother Nature because today truly is a beautiful day," said Fr. Joe Rielly, alumnus, commenting on the s~nny yet seasonal autumn day. For over two hours the Archbishop shook hands, posed for pictures, signed mass booklets and spoke with those who had gathered to celebrate with the Sisters. Greeting everyone, the Archbishop displayed his warmth and one-on-one devotion for all whom he spoke with. He told children from St. Donato's that he would 'see them around' and put his gold trimmed miter on the head of a small boy, bringing smiles to the faces of all who witness the little boy trying to look at his mother's camera from beneath the brim of the oversized hat. ''Today I felt this very special affinity to the missionary sisters. I knew I had to be here today for my mother as well as for all the sisters around the country,'' Belivacqua said "It's difficult to summarize the feeling that you get from an event like today,'' said Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice president for academic affairs. "It was a wonderful tribute to the spirit of MotherCabrini, which is a love of people and a dedication to people.''
"It was a uniting and uplifting day, it brought everyone together," said Francesa Marinaro, who works at the Cabrini Home in Philadelphia for the retired sisters, and who was a lector during mass. Joanne Balshi, second vice chairperson of the board of trustees, said, '' As a member of the board, events like today really give me motivation and good reason for being a part of the board of trustees and for staying involved." "We're part of a legion of Mother Cabrini's followers, that's something I really live to," said John Doyle, director of resident life, '' For as rough as this year may have been for us in our different departments I think that's something good to hang on to. I think we' re all part of a larger mission this kind of ceremony reminds us of that.'' A lot of people commented that they felt the presence of Mother Cabrini on Sunday. Francesca Bansbach, campus minister, commented on the celebration saying, "I feel a special connection today because I was named Francesca after Mother Cabrini." "The mass was very beautiful mostly, because of the people who were there, but also because of the reason for the mass," Belivacqua said, "Mother Cabrini is still here today through her sisters and we pray for the future." "I love all the missionary sisters dearly. I'm especially attached to Mother Ursula, who was president when I was a student," said Balshi. "I have always felt that she would give you a hug first and put everything else second." Sr. Antonina Avitabile, MSC, said the next hundred years will bring "a lot of challenges and opportunities to do new things'' for the sisters. Sr. Bernadette Anello, MSC, who coordinated the mass, commented that the mass not only celebrates the hundredth anniversary of the mission, but ''marks the beginning of a new era."
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Con-celebrant Fr. Thomas Hilserty looks on as Archbishop Anthony Bevilacqua raises the chalice during consecration at Sunday's liturgy celebrating the centennial anniversary of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. (photo by MarkGudas)
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friday, nov. 17, 1989
Youth conference leads to pilgrimage of growth by Denise Edwards When Christina Roach went to Alabama to receive her National Youth Award, she didn't realize she also was going on a pilgrimage of growth. Last month Roach, a sophomore, attended a national youth conference in Birmingham, Al. She was one of 10 students in the nation to be selected as an outstanding youth leader in church, school, community, extra-curricular and service activities. The conference was sponsored by the Religious Heritage of America Movement (RHA). The RHA is an interfaith, non-political citizens movement based on Judeo-Christian principles. The RHA was assembled to evaluate and promote America's religious heritage by demonstrating the vital importance religion has in America today. Roach learned of the conference through her involvement with Campus Ministry. "Sister Bernadette sent me the information about the conference in the mail," Roach said. "I had a lot of the criteria they wanted but I wasn't quite sure whether I should apply. !_guess what lead me to send in my application was the fact that I kept putting it in a place where I kept finding it.'' The 10 students who received the National Youth Award ranged in age from 18 to 24. Each received an all expensepaid trip to the conference, a plaque and a silver medal. The awards were presented to them in Birmingham, Al. on Oct. 15. Roach comes from a strong Catholic background. Her mother and father were raised Catholic, and she has attended Catholic school for the past 16 years. Now Roach found herself as the only Catholic among other young people of similarly strong, but very different religious backgrounds. ''I felt like I had to be the sole attester of my religion," Roach said. "I had never been tested like this before." This was the first time Roach had ever begun to understand what diversity really is. '' You learn diversity by being put to the test,'' Roach said. "I didnotwanttogo," Roach said. "They didn't tell us what was going to happen and I'm not a big one for surprises. I need structure. I was also really apprehensive because I don't like to fly and allI kept thinking about was all the work
I would have to catch up on when I returned on the 16th." When her plane landed in Atlanta, the midway point of her trip, she met four of the other recipients. "I was extremely nervous," Roach said. "Two of the girls were fro~ the same college and the other three all met on the first plane. They were alllaughing and joking so I felt left out." By the time they landed in Birmingham Roach felt as if she was getting along fantastically with the others. "There was an instant chemistry between us," Roach said. During the first session Roach was pleasantly surprised with the material that was discussed. "I wanted someqne to teach me my job better and that's
"After I realized everyone wasn't as radical as I thought, I could step back and accept their differences. I realized once I accepted the differences I got the most out of the people and the discussions." -Christina Roach exactly what they started to do in the first session,' ' Roach said. Roach was very impressed with the coordinator of the conference. "She did not try to reinvent the wheel," Roach said. "She taught us how to use our skills better. She knew when to be quiet and let us talk and when to chime in with information.'' While at the conference Ro~ch visited many churches and religious sites. The only Catholic function she attended was going to see the Ave Maria Grotto in Cullman, AI. She also went to The Club, an exclusive restaurant overlooking the skyline of Birmingham. Here Roach attended a banquet in honor of the award recipients. Following the banquet Roach attended a service at the Sardis Baptist Church.
"It blew me away," she said. "I almost fell off the pew. It was incredible, very inspiring." On Sunday, Roach attended a service at the Briarwood Presbyterian Church. There were more than 3,000 people in the church and the church had recently built on a complex worth more than $29 million. "It was very uninspiring," Roach said. "These people never get out of their little world. They can stay there from birth to death. They had a day care, grade school, high school, seminary and even a health facility. Everyone is a middle to upper-class yuppy Republican in love with their happy marriage and 2.3 children." Sunday was a hard day for Roach because she didn't get to attend mass. There was an older man, George, who was with the recipients during the week. George was Catholic and was going to mass later that day. Roach was tom between going to mass and staying with the group. "I was tom because I felt like I had an obligation to the group,'' she said. "They had given me the award and I was there to see other churches. If the night before had not been so uninspiring I probably would have been less indecisive." Roach was so upset she started to cry. "They didn't understand how a serious Catholic felt about missing mass," Roach said. "I was distraught." Protestants to Roach have a very active faith compared to Catholics. "They taught me so much about being a person and having a faith,'' she said. ''The concept of when they were saved. This is a hard concept for a Catholic to grasp because we don't find it in our faith." Faith is important to Roach. But she does not like to share her faith with others. She likes to keep it private. "They wear their faith like a bann~r," Roach said. ''They made me feel so much better. What I learned from them has made me a happier, more fulfilled person.'' Roach felt the conference was challenging to her faith. "After I realized everyone wasn't as radical as I thought, I could step back and accept their differences. I realized once I accepted the differences I got the most out of the people and the discussions. ''The people maae the conference. We grew to like each other. They touched my life in such a profound way, we'll always keepin touch.''
Community from 1 ''They submitted a plan for a building which was just way too long,'' he said. ''Since then we haven't heard anything. "If they comply with the codes. We don't have any choice but to grant them a permit. Villanova has been working long and hard on a dorm proposal which it looks like will be acted upon favorably in the near future. But we're still waiting to hear from Cabrini.'' Crawford was surprised to hear that Cabrini may be planning to increase enrollment in the next decade to close to 1,200 full time students. "I d~n't know how the township or the people would view that," he said. "We've always had a strict posture with Villanova. Right now they've basically agreed to hold the line on increases." Much of the college's growth potential hinges on the approval of a new donn. "The college's ability to comfortably house students on campus controls the growth for a large part," Crawford said. "I can't guarantee that the people in the town won't have a lot to say about it if the school starts adding more people.'' Local objections may hamper current amendments being suggested to the college's master plan. "I think we would probably take a long look at Cabrini getting a whole lot larger," Crawford said. At least for the present, Cabrini enjoys a good relationship with the Radnor community. "We' re really fortunate to have four excellent institutions within our borders," Crawford said. "Cabrini is an important part of our community."
Spring Break 1990 Individual or student organizations needed to promote our Spring Break trips. Earn money, free trips and valuable work experience. APPLYNOW! Call Inter-Campus Programs: 1-800-327-6013
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f ridaY, nov. 17, 1989
Rectifyingbusinessaccountsis similarto an amusementpark by Carol Wells Yarrow
I I I I. I I
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EarnExtra$$$!!! Local marketingfinn seeks · individualsto conducttelephone surveys. Parttime, flexible hours No experiencenecessary! Call Anne 971-0200
Come to:
James and Company Creative Hair Before you go home for Thanksgiving Spend your time at home with family and friends. Not in a salon. We're located at : 201 North Aberdeen Ave. Wayne at R.R. tracks Just one mile from Cabrini Come in and
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"Debit or credit?" Some students find the process of rectifying their business accounts and getting their money somewhat like probing in the dark to locate the escape door in the fun house at the amusement park. To better understand students' frustration involving their business affairs, please bare with me as we talce a walk through the maze of "debit or credit." To join the stroll through the maze, you must first have received a bill that shows a credit or debit balance. (No student billings have been mailed since August.) The rules for the walk are as such: 1) When one's bill reflects inaccurate charges or credits, you must trek to the business office, 2) When one's financial aid is tardy and/or "missing in action," you must embark on a scavenger hunt untiJ revelation, 3) If one's "monthly tuition payment" is absent, you must stampede to correct the truancy, 4) If one's transcript is being held, you must sprint to seize. Let the marathon begin. After standing in the very lengthy registration line in Sacred Heart Hall (get out your campus map) in January and being told that she was not cleared to register, one sophomore plodded to the Mansion, pried open the heavily-carved door and bolted to the business office. "Your account hasn't been credited yet," she said she was told, '' so you '11have to pay with a personal check." Her personal check was in the amount of $1,200. She's still trying to recover it Her debit balance uncovered a snafu from Financial Aid. She was told that ''her check was sent too late,'' the sophomore said, ''to be credited to her account.'' Currently, her account is just shy of $1,200. She would like to have her money, or at least be able to wager semester tuition payments against the credit, but, "they (business office) won't talce out any charges except bookstore charges and other (small) fees," she said. Her next avenue oftravellead her to the Financial Aid Office. She learned that an electronic mail tape, which is financial aid's own elusive courier, is the method which is used to electronically transfer funds to the business office. "We transfer funds electronica1ly on the 13th and 30th,'' Arlene Dittbrenner said. Dittbrenner, who has a 10-year tenure as director offinancial aid, added that "an initial 'glitch' in the new computer software caused student accounts to be erroneously credited two times--once in July, and then again in August." The business office confirmed that the duplicate credit caused severe problems with student billing. Unfortunately, the'' glitch'' came at registration time. Sophomore, Melanie Merlino, pushed through the ominous brown Mansion door to ask business office personnel why she had to stand in line for one-and one-half hours to get a receipt the first day of school, since she had sent her tuition payment. It was "the fault of the newly innovated 'monthly tuition payment plan,"' Merlino said. "Honestly, they didn't seem to know anything about it." Via telecommunications (thank goodness we didn't have to walk), we learn that the ''monthly payment plan" is directly linked to Tuition Management System (TMS), who has a quartersaving 800 number in Rhode Island and a post office box in Philadelphia. It is to this organization that participating students mail their monthly tuition payment. According to Carolyn at TMS, ''we send a report once a month to Cabrini," she said. The report indicates the current status of each student who is enrolled in the "monthly tuition payment plan. The inability to interface with the computer software is the reason given by the business office for student account problems. For the business office, rectifying student accounts seems to be plagued by a chronic state of personnel inadequacies, under-staffing and a new computer system. There has been a conversion from the WANG system to the IBM-CMDSsystem.
Student complaints, regarding unanswered questions about their accounts, have been voiced for the past year and a half-before the staff turnover and the new software system. The tenure of one senior commuter has mellowed her concern, "I have a cr~t and I'm waiting for my check," she said. "Last year was the same." The run-around, before the new software, seems to have been caused by under-staffing, which was caused by a lack of supervision, guidance and support. "That office was always understaffed," said a former employee, who is still-unemployed. (There is no one left in the business office who can give a recommendation to prospective employers.) Accordingly, former employees concurred that" memos, sent through the chain of command for addition;i.l staff, went unanswered.'' Over-work, and the related stress, resulted in job openings over the past year, as employees dropped from employment like flys. Business office vacancies were filled mostly through temporary agencies. But, there was no one left to train these employees. For one sophomore, getting her spring semester grades proved to be quite a challenge over the summer. "They insisted that I received a bill for my outstanding charges,'' she said, '' so they were holding my grades." She never received the first, second or third bill that was reputedly mailed. Her outstanding'• debit balance'' was for her $5 .00 I.D. Spring semester was beforeJohn Barclay's reign began. Barclay is the new chief financial officer, who took control on Sept. 6. ''This office had a 99 percent turnover in two months,'' Barclay said. This left only one veteran employee and plenty of problems for him and students. He is fully aware of the time and effort it is taking to train the new employees for their positions, as well as, understanding how to interface with the computer software. Interfacing with the computer software was inhibited by the lack of a manual and any employee familiar with the program. To further slow the learning process, the business office had to wait one and one-half months for a consultant from the computer software company. A computer consultant trained the staff the last week of October, but ''we' re still in a learning curve,' ' Barclay said. According to Barclay, the business office has recently hired a full complement of staff, including a cashier, a secretary, an accounting manager (who will become the office manager), an accountsreceivable manager and an accounts-payable clerk. He anticipates that the office should be back in full steed by November's end. Barclay's office has finished the audit and accounts payable. Next they will tum to the student files. "He's (Barclay) doing an admirable job moving steadily from one area to the other," said Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice president for academic affairs. Dr. Biller is the spokesperson for Sr. Eileen Currie during her recuperation, To help with maze-defoiling, Barclay suggests that students don't phone (save those quarters), but come in (just one more little stroll), and ask for "Judy" or ' 'Roberta.'' To avoid future financial aid problems or to resolve any current ones, "send them our way," Dittbrenner said pleadingly. "We can't help, if we don't know there is a problem." Commuter Debbie Ryder, has developed her own "cr~t'' recovery system. She got a swing loan to see her through the 60 days that it took for the business office to reimburse her. Is it necessary to use Ryder's "I need it now" approach? Not so, contends Barclay. ''It's the students money, not ours, and it's due to them,'' he said. However, he added, ''the office in not in a position to send refunds," until they're comfortable with the software and the problems are straightened out.
f riday, nov. 17,1989
Straightfrom Monaco'sMouth lou monaco sports editor
As !_watch the classic divisional battle between the Bengals and Oilers in the House of Pain, here's another column that I got from my brain! * Hey, that rhymes! !! * In Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, a Senate Judiciary subcommittee held a hearing on the increasing rise of all sports programming from free television to cable television. Then you wonder why rumors that the Super Bowl, in a couple of years, might move to ESPN or HBO.are TRUE! Big money in sports is here to stay guys! The influence of the American dollar in athletics today is tremendous. Look out for the Jon Konchak's of the world. These are the athletes who want a zillion dollars for refilling water bottles, while sitting on the bench. Guess what? He got the zillion dollars! See what I mean? * Thanks to Mouth fan, Andy Corr, for being the youngest and loyalist reader of my column. He is the 14-year old brother of senior, Carrie Corr. -Keep reading, buddy! * Lucky Lou's NFL Picks of Week #11 *
Eagles + 1 1/2 over Vikings Some people might say this is a fan pick. It is not. The Eagles have looked lethargic the past two games. Just like the Rams last week, this is a MUST-MUST-MUST win. Eagles are playing at home in front of some upset fans. The Eaglei; seem to come up big against the better teams. Carlos Carson will play like an All-Pro this game and Herschel could get '' cheesesteaked'' in this one. This is the best game of the week and the Eagles and Randall will finally get off the Tarmac and fly again in a close one. Dolphins -7 over the Cowboys Cowboys lost a tough one last week to the Cardinals. Aikman got rocked and the way Marino is playing now, will get rocked again. Cowboys will play at home, but who wants to ¡play in front of no-shows? Dolphins in a romp. This is definitely not like the classic '70s matchups. Too bad! Other picks include: Bills -4 1/2 over Patriots Saints -3 over Falcons Browns -8 over Chiefs Steelers -3 over Chargers Raiders +4 1/2 over Oilers
* The Archbishop of Philadelphia, Anthony J. Bevilacqua, graced us with his presence on Sunday during the lOOthAnniversary of SaintFrancesXavierCabrini's arrival to the United States. During the reception, I asked the Archbishop, who his favorite sports team was? "Of course, you have to root for the Eagles and Phillies. When I was in Pittsburgh, I rooted for the Pirates. But when I was growing up in Brooklyn, I was a big fan of the Yankees!'' ¡ -Your Excellency, I must confess a good sin, I'm a diehard Mets Fan! I didn't want to spoil your celebration on Sunday. Thank you for your kindness, your smiles and your presence, here on I 10 rolling acres in Radnor Township. * Congratulations to Angele Tripoli, sisterof senior Brian Tripoli and member of the Lock Haven State field hockey team. Lock Haven won the NCAA Division III National Field Hockey Tournament, by beating Trenton State, 2-1, on Sunday.
* Good luck to the Cabrini men's basketball team, who open their season tomorrow at the Dickinson Tip-Off Tournament. Its game #I of a season of high hopes, dreams and success. Good luck to Dzik and the Boys!!!
Record to date: 3-2
* Dave Dravecky, the courageous pitcher for the San Francisco Giants, retired Monday after doctors found another lump on his pitching arm. Dravecky had surgery on his pitching arm earlier last season due to cancer. - An athlete that provided us with more than just skills and talent. He is an incredible man! * From the home bffice in Manhattan, Kansas, the top five reasons why the Eagles are in a slump: 5) ' 'An Eagle flew over the cukoo 's nest.'' 4) Buddy's new TV show is "Ryan's Hope." 3) Carlos Chamorro played instead of Carlos Carson! 2) Ted Plumb ate a pear before the game. And the #1 reason why the Eagles are in a slump, * That pigeon on the 50-yard line at the Vet.*
he hi/lie Phanatic and sports editor Lou Monaco proudly show their "symbols of fame" which have brought both of them to new heights of prominance in the communications world. (photo by Mark Gudas)
3) The Minnesota Timberwolves! 2) Where's Darryl? And the #1 reason why the Sixers are bad, * They have Jay, not Fay, Vincent! *
* From the regional office in Philadelphia, the top five reasons why the Sixers are bad: 5) Its 1989 not 1976! 4) Hersey isn't one of the all-time greats.
* Sophomore Matt Hodlofski is starring in the Cabrini version of "East of the Sun, West of the Moon." -Matt, I don't.think the lines ''WE ARE PENN STATE'' or "BLUE" are in this famous literary work. Check The Odd Couple. That might have it. * Have a joyous Thanksgiving Break! I leave you with these: -HERE WE GO IRISH!!! HERE WE GO!!! -Eagles victory over Cowboys makes Thanksgiving dinner easier to digest. -Howard Eskin is in The Pete Rose Thom of Shame! -College Basketball starts up again!!! OH MY!!! SEE YA IN DECEMBER!!!
Let's Go IRISH!
job squad Salesperson Selling items in gift shop. Pay $5/hr. Full & part time shifts available starting after the holidays. For more info. contact Mrs. Heller at 642-3397. Part-Time Sales & Maintenance worker needed at Gantos in Springfield Mall. Flexible hours. Apply in person. Telemarketing Part-time, evenings hours, Mon.-Thurs. Pay $6/hr + bonus. Call 254-0292. Stock/Salesperson Part-time positions available at Baker's Shoe Store in Court of King of Prussia. Salary+ commission. Contact Gerome Rogers at 265-8948. Sales Associate The Gap in Springfield Mall is looking for outgoing salesperson. Competitive salary. Call 3281616, ask for any manager.
International Exchange Program The Embassy of Japan is now accepting applications for the 1990 Japan Exchange & Teaching Program. Approximately 800 university graduates from the U.S. will be chosen to participate in the program which is designed to promote international exchange at local levels and strengthen English language education in Japan. For more infromation and an application, contact the Job Squad Office located in Financial Aid. The deadline for applications is Dec. 20, 1989. Child Care Student needed who is interested in child care in home upon graduation for one child, and one on the way! 5 days/week, flexible salary. Contact Kathy Nassau at 648-0494. Delivery Person Delivering phone books in Del. County area. Pick your own route+ hours. Contact Carolyn at 4460490.
Part-Time Assistant to District Manager needed for various office duties. Days/Evenings, 8-10 hrs./week. Pay $4.50/hr. with raise at 3 months. Contact Stephanie Walsh at 964-9125. Student Services Typing & word processing offered to students of Cabrini. 10 years experience, quality service at low rates. Contact Carol Sosenko at 971-0244. Various Positions Sheraton Valley Forge Hotel has many postions available. Flexible hours, weekdays/weekends. Meals free for employees + Sheraton discount Contact Nanne Laboon at 768-3262.
f ridaXznov. 17 1 1989
Dolan: backbone of Cavs x-pountry,for 4 years by Daniella LoPresti
Until he graduated from St. James in I 985, senior, Mike Dolan, ate, drank and slept running. His life revolved around the sport. Now, almost five years later, a more confident and experienced Dolan feels differently. "I realize now there is more to my life than just running. You have to have fun," he said. And that, in a nutshell, is Dolan's philosophy on life. He remembers when he first chose to be on Cabrini's crosscountry team, how uptight and serious the team was. He wanted desperately for that to change.- Dolan thought a change in the team•s attitude would invite new runners and relax the veterans. He was right. -"When I first came here, the team was so tense and not too much fun; now it is a lot of fun,•• Dolan said. He also said he has many wonderful memories and friends as a result of being on cross-country. '' I joke around a lot and at first that made me the outcast. Now, all the runners joke around and its just more enjoyable,'' Dolan added. Although Dolan does have fun when it comes to dedication and disciple, he has that too. ''I don't go out Thursday or Friday nights,'' said Dolan. He has learned through experience that he just can't go out and still run a good race. "You have to be responsible and when you know you have a race on Saturday; its just irresponsible and plain stupid to go out Thursdays and Fridays," he said. Besides the discipline cross country demands, it takes motivation. Motivation is something Dolan 's father instilled on him when he was in fifth grade. "More than anyone, my father got me to run," Dolan said. When he was in fifth grade, Dolan' s father told him he wanted Mike to run. That started him running and he hasn't stopped. It is obvious by his voice that Dolan looks up to his father a great deal. With nine kids, Dolan said there was never anything he needed that his father denied him of. "I just hope when I'm 47 I am exactly what he is," Dolan said. Another person, Dolan thinks highly of, is Coach Dzik. "He is so talented, he gives so much and in reality, doesn't
get anything in return,'' he said. Dzik, the college's athletic ''Running is a glorified sport, it is only self-satisfying,'• director and Dolan talk often. To Dolan, Dzik is the single- Dolan said. He explains that there really aren't any fans there most dedicated person on the campus, "He never stops to cheer you on even at the more important meets. giving, he organizes everything," said Dolan. So then why does he stick to it? "I'm very competitive But Dolan can't complain. As a runner, he is extraordi- and strong willed. Running made me more mqtivated and nary. He was the first person from Cabrini to go to the dedicated. I really love running. I run for myself." nationals a feat he is looking forward to accomplishing this year also. Dolan will admit he is talented, but he believes Mike Feeley is the true leader of the team. Dolan sees Feeley as someone he will never forget, because he feels Feeley is someone else who never gives up. "Mike genuinely cares about everyone on the team. I never met a runner who gave more than him," Dolan said. Feeley, in return, thinks Dolan is a teammate he will never forget. "Dolan was the greatest runner in Cabrini's history," Feeley said. Dolan is defiantly someone Feeley wants to stay in contact with after graduation. ''Mike has influenced my running a great deal, I have learned a lot from him," Feeley said. Feeley also explains that he will miss Dolan as well as the entire team. "The contributions of Mike Dolan are easy to see," Coach Tom O'Hora, said. ''He is the best runner the school has ever had," he added. O'Hora also said because of Dolan' s ability the other runner try to Jive up to him and push harder. "The runners want to be like Mike," O'Hora said. The team will miss Dolan' s wittiness and outgoing personality, as well as his victories. But will Dolan miss the team? "Everyone on the team really cares. It is important for us to be friends off the team, as well as on," Dolan answered. He explained that deep down he believes everyone on the team would help each other in a jam. "We are close, we can talk about our personal problems or our achievements,•• Dolan said. The only complaint Dolan does have is the sport doesn't get enough recognization. 'Tm outthere running seven days a week, in the sun or in the pouring rain and no one really cares," he said. Dolan feels sports aren't really important Senior cross-country runners Mike Dolan and Mike here, therefore players with mediocre talent don't get Feeley show their winning running styles. developed the way they should.
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Feeley: a leader ana a cflampion by Daniella LoPresti Academics first, athletics second: a philosophy not too many athletes believe in but a philosophy Mike Feeley feels strongly about. Feeley has been running cross-country for tenyears. Hewascaptain oftheBishopEgan team and now is captain of our team. Feeley undeniably makes a great captain because he posses all the necessary leadership qualities. "I may not be the fastest runner on the team, but I lead in other ways," Feeley admits. He enjoys being a part of the team because he feels he can set an example. "My knowledge of the sport along with the know-hows and whys are my main contributions to the team," he said. Feeley is one of the most deaicated runners on the team but isn't anxious to steal the limelight. "I give a ll0percent but so do all the other runners," he said. Feeley loves the sport and it shows. "I never met anyonewhocaredsomuchorwho gave so much," Mike Dolan, senior, said. Dolan said Feely never quits and is the most dedicated runner he has ever met. Dolan also said if there was anyone who could motivate a team Feeley could. Cabrini• s cross country team has gone through a very transitional period over the past four years and Feeley was a part of it. Feeley recalls his surprise when he came here and joined the cross country team. When he thinks back to his freshmen year he smiles and says, "unstoppable." But when you ask him about his last two years on the team, he smiles but frowns, "disappointing." It isn't that the strength of the cross country team is diminishing, its that the recruits that Feeley expected to join the team for one reason or another never made it here. Feeley, who spent most of the season unhealthy, didn't give up when things got tough. Rather he stuck with the team and lead them in other ways. He sees the team as
powerful but too small. '' I must admit we are the underdogs but we are still in the running,'' Feeley said. ''Mike unfortunately has been sick for a lot of the season but he never stopped giving," Coach O'Hora said. So what will the team do without the dedicated and supportive captain? "You can't replace the leadership of Mike,but we do have a good crew of sophomores," O'Hora added. Feeley will definitely be missed a great deal by the team. And it will be hard to forget his outstanding leadership qualities. But Feeley won't be able to forget the team either. '' I want to coach. I want to pass on what I know about the sport,•' Feeley said. Although, Feeley is a natural leader, there are people he has followed and learned things from. "People like Pete Cazaza, Chris Francis, John Donahue and Mike Evadmonson acted as my mentors,'' Feeley said. The four upperclassmen influenced Feeley' s life not only as a runner but as an individual. Feeley also learned a lot about running styles from teammate, Mike Dolan. ''He is so talented and he has influenced my running a great deal,'• Feeley explained. Feeley sees that running in itself has effected his life as did the people he has met. ''Coach O 'Hora taught me that there is more to running than just bringing back a trophy on the weekends," Feeley said. Through his time as a runner at Cabrini, Feeley has grown a lot and developed the team a lot. There are things he will never forget and people he will always remember. But there is one memory that stands out in his mind. ''It is nice to go to a school where you can walk on a cross-country team and upset the nationally eighth ranked school (Frostburg 1896.)" That in Feeley's own words is a memory "I will NEVER forget."
f riday, nov. 17, 1989
PhilliePhanatic:the prideof the Philliesfans by Kelly Reed
What is green, likes Bugs Bunny and races around on a four wheel motorcycle? Everybody's favorite member of the Philadelphia Phillies, the Philly Phanatic. The person behind that big green, furry bird is 33 year old, Dave Raymond from Wilmington, DE. Raymond has been the Phanatic for the last 11 years, since it's inception in May of 1978. The idea of a mascot for the Philadelphia Phillies originated in the Phillies promotion office. Raymond had started as a general gopher for the organization during the Allstar game in the summer of 1976. Then in May of 1978 Chirssy Logoo, the assistant for the Phillies promotions, called 1'.aymond and asked him if he would be interested in being the mascot for the team. Raymond accepted the job, even though he was still a student at the University of Delaware. The Philly Phanatic officially appeared for the first time in May of 1978. Raymond was given total freedom for developing the personality of the Phanatic,
and be basically just tried different things to make people laugh. ''They put me in the costume and told me to just go have fun,'' said Raymond. ''I got some directions from Bill Giles, like going out and cleaning off the bases with my little brush, burl just go out there and try to entertain the fans,'' Raymond said, There is no telling what the Phanatic might do to a fan in the crowd, you might get a big sloppy kiss, or your hair all messed up, ifhe' s feeling especially mischievous he might blow his party horn in your face. "I really enjoy playing with the kids in the crowd, unfortunately sometimes the kids are the most difficult aspect of the job, I might meet hundreds of kids hut it's the ones that try to rip my head off and are just brats that I might remember," Raymond said. Besides the 81 home games that Raymond does ¡a year there are also another 250 personal appearences that he does for colleges, weddings, and professional advertisements. Raymond works six to seven days a week, though his job does not require a stricly nine to five schedule. In addition to the 250 appearences that Raymond makes. his back up, does another 30 to 60 appearences when Raymond is on
vacation or two events are going on simultaneously. Raymond has only missed six games in 11 years of being the Phanatic, and during those six times the Phanatic was "sick." He and the management of the Phillies want to try and keep the Phanatics personality consistent and keep the quality of the Phanatics antics the same, therfore they try not to use other people in the role of the Phanatic. "I am never embarassed by what I do as the Phanatic because nobody knows it's me inside the costume, I can act like a looney and no one carc,s,because it's the Phanatic being his crazy self," Raymond said. The reasons for the Phanatic 's success, when other teams mascots have failed can be cotributed to both Raymond and the Phillies organization. "Being a football player in college, I learned to stay in shape and how to handle the heat, which really come in to play when I am running around in the crowd in that costume,'' Raymond said. "The Phanatic would not have been as much as a success as it is if the Phillies organization had not given it so much support, as far as creating the costumes and publicity,'' Raymond said.
Previewfrom 16
The Phillie Phanatic, a.k.a. Dave Raymond, without his costume on.(photo by Mark Gudas)
e Marko Gittens for his leadership, John O'Hare and Che' Perry for their front- court play, and the four returning guards because they know how it feels to win and lose." To get to those goals Cabrini must wade through a jungle of a schedule that has them eJayin~ the aforementioned Division II schools, only eight of 21 at home, plus an always tough conference schedule. "If we beat the top schools in their gym, then it looks impressive. Come NCAA Tournament time the judges will take it into consideration when they give out bids,'' Hines said. Dzik had pointed out that Cabrini is not in total control of their scheduling life. With their conference not having an automatic , Dzik is forced to schedule impressive schools to prove worthy come tournament time. A logical choice would be other local Division III schools, butthe problem is that schools from the Mid-Atlantic Conference won't play Cabrini. Thus, Dzik must schedule Division II teams that most of the time will only play if they are home. "We'll play anybody in the MAC and beat them, but they won't play us. Widener University won't play us because they are scared. Swarthmore and Haverford College declined on the basis that we were not academically competent with them, yetthey play us in soccer and other sports," Dzi.k said. "Swarthmore and Haverford can put out their all-star teams and we'll beat them. And they know it," Dzi.k exclaimed. Perry said, "The schedule won't affect me. When I was at Keystone, the majority of our games were on the
"The fun part of my job is that I am not effected by the wins and losses or how I am playing, I can go out and do my job without any of those worries,'' Raymond said. As the Philly Phanatic, Raymond has had many chances to travel and has met some of baseball's greatest players, but his favorite memory is of the 1980 playoffs in Houston. ''The excitement I felt was unbelievable, it was one of my best memories as the Phanatic,'' said Raymond. ' Another special memory for Raymond is the fact that he received a 1980 World Championship ring, just as the players from that World Series team did. ''I remember that Bill Giles told me that I was as much a member of the Phillies team as one of the players, that really meant a lot to me," Raymond said. Although according to Raymond he would love to be the Philly Phanatic for the rest of his life, he realizes that he just isn't going to be able to do all of the athletic antics he performs now, when he's in his '40s. "I think my biggestjob as the Phanatic is to entertain the fans and to show that you do not have to be a fan of the Philadelphia Phillies, or even love the game of baseball to bring your family to a game and have a good time,'' Raymond said. ---
road." Gittens added, "I think the schedule will make us play better because we like to shake up the crowd on the road. Besides, we don't have a tremendous homecourt advantage because we don't get that much fan support." What kind of basketball will Cabrini play this year? "We are going to play strong defensive and smart offensive basketball," Dzik said. Gittens said, ''Cabrini is going to do the Airborne Shuffle. By that I mean we'll fight to the end, play a lot of defense, and take it to the top.'' The Cavalier's fight will begin this Friday evening against a tough Scranton team. Coach Dzi.k has a personal vendetta at stake versus Scranton. "The last two times we've played Scranton we've been homered by officiating.'' Coach Kelley added, "We have yetto shoot a one-inone the two years we've played them." Perry said,' 'We want to beat Scranton especially for coach and see him come out on the positive side." Gittens said, "It is de-finitelyimportant for us to get off to a good start against Scranton.'' But coach Dzik added, "Even though the Scranton game is big for us, if we lose we must still bounce back.'' "I don't know if this team is hungry," Dzik said. "But we'll find out soon." Dzik added that fan support is needed for a successful season. "I hope that even though we only have eight home games, we get more student body support. Come to see quality and commitment," Dzik said. In the early '80s this place was hopping. I want to get back to that feeling."
Blue and White game highlightsnewcomers by Anna-MarieKarlsen
The crowd was cheering and there were pounding and screeching sounds emanating from Sacred Heart Auditorium. The familiar sounds of the beginning of basketball season seemed to be the obvious answer. But this was no ordinary game. This was the Blue versus White game, an annual event here at Cabrini. For ten years, the coaching staff of the men's basketball team have held this game. For the coach, John Dzik, it is a chance to see his new team perform, from the eyes of a spectator. For the players, the game provides an arena to show the coaches that they, as a group, can be cohesive and cooperative, skillful and superlative. But by no means is the game easy. It may
seem like an easy situation. The fouls committed by a player will not foul him out, mistakes he makes aren't held against him, and Cabrini can't lose. However, on the other hand, everyone knows the same plays, no team has a "secret weapon", and both sides are eager to show the coach what they 're made of. That makes the competition a lot harder than it seems at first glance. "It's very hard to play against yourself," said Dzi.k. "They are all friends, they all know each other, and they all know the plays." The blue team, headed by the heavy scoring of Che Perry (34 pts.), won by the score of lO 1-79. "I feel as though we played very well together as a team," said Perry. "We need to work on
1989 Blueand WhiteStats Blue team C. Perry M. Carrafa M. Gittens M. Messari K. McKee P. Karsch J. Barnes
Pts. 34, 20 15 10 9 8 5
J. O'Hare 25 J. Yurchak 22 J. Hines 14 D. Whistler 10 G. Smith 4 2 B. Kilroy
f riday 1 nov. 17, 1989
Men's varsitybasketball: Women'sb-ballpreview high hopes and dreams by Jennifer Morrison
we did have one more year experience than' the surprise team of the prior year. We weren't physically prepared,'' explained When coach John Dzik and the Cabrini Cavaliers sat down to contemplate what Hines. Smith said, "I don't know why we didn't went wrong during the 1988-89 season, play well. Towards the end something just two factors came back to haunt them. Lack happened.'' of big men inside and an overall non-gelling Coach Dzik has taken many measures to of the players were memories that kept them make sure that "something" doesn't occur up at night. But the Cavaliers did not take a again. To take care of the physical end, Dzik long summer's nap. Instead they went out prepared a pre-season conditioning camp to and recruited four big men and prepared for ensure his team would be tough enough to a '89-90 season with vigor and vision. endure the long season. It wasn't as if the '88-89 season was•a "The pre-season team camp was good complete washout. Cabrini kicked off last but I don't think we're still in top shape. season with a New Paltz Tournament We 'II continue to push for it, but I assure you victory, but the rest of the season wasn't the that if anybody on the team does not play perennial 20-win affair they were used to. hard he will not play," Dzik said. "All an After concluding the season with a 17unconditioned status will earn is more bench 10 record, the Cavaliers , for the first time time." in Dzik 's nine year tenure, will be looking The visible rewards of the hard work of to get back on the 20-win track. Last year Dzik's staff of coaches (Joe Kelly, Mike also marked the first time in the last five years Keeley, Greg Downer, and John McQueen) that Cabrini failed to get a post-season bid lie in the acquisitions of O'Hare, Perry, for a national title. Wissler, and Kerchner. '' I think we got off to a good start last year O'Hare is a transfer from Delaware County (13-3 record), but after we took the PhiladelCommunity College where he put together a phia Pharmacy team lightly and lost to them, fine scoring and rebounding performance .. it turned our season around. As a coaching The crafty swingman will add versatility in staff we were angry. We went on to win only his size and shot. three of our last 11 ball games,'' Dzik said. "Cabrini's coaches had shown an interest in me in high school. I remembered that and I'm excited to play for this program,'' "Last year we had a O'Hare said. "I think I can fit into the mediocre season because scoring and rebounding picture.'' Perry is a graceful, Randall-Cunningof a lack of intensity, but ham look-alike from Roman Catholic high this year we will play fresh." school who can move the ball down the court with speed. Affectionately nicknamed - Marko Gittens "Foots" after his enormous feet, Perry hopes his rebounding skills, in-the-paint This season the Cavs have tripled their scoring, and defensive ability will contribute amount of big men. With the loss of 6'5" to a successful season. Everett Starnes to graduation, Cabrini has "I'm very confidant about everybody added John O'Hare (6'5" sophomore swing on this team. My personal goal is to help this man), Che' Perry (6'5" freshman center), team recover from last year and if we play David Wissler (6'5" freshman center), and as a teani, we'll win. That's a promise from David Kerchner (6'9" freshman center) to 'Foots,'" Perry said. join returning 6 '5" returning sophomore Wissler and Kerchner add height and power-forward Mike Massari. strength to the inside. Wissler, from Garden "Last year's front court was weak. The Spot High School, is a goggle-wearing paint coaching staff did a good job filling holes. man who can rebound. Kerchner, from We worked hard at recruiting--it wasn't by Cherokee High School, can plant his 240dumb luck," Dzik said. pound frame in the paint and gamer reThe newcomers will join a returning bounds. squad that is deep in talent and scorned by These four additions complement an allast years outcome. Senior captain Marko ready deep returning squad. Coach Dzik Gittens heads a group of five returning can make personnel changes and not skip a guards. Gittens, over the past two seasons, beat. The starting five are not based so much has emerged as one of the top performers of on ability, but on the needs of the particular Cavalier history. With one season game. In other words, the starters just remaining, Marko has accumulated 913 happen to be the five out there when the ball points (16.3 average), and barring injury is tipped and the backup~ can fill in with should wind up as Cabrini's third all-til_lle force. leading point scorer. The 87 points Gittens "Coach can change the line-up at any needs to achieve the 1000-point mark should given time because we have talent," Hines occur, based on his career average, either said. Dec. 5 at Lincoln or Dec. 7 at East The Cavaliers have a definite agenda to Stroudsburg. accomplish this year. Coach Dzik wants a The other returners are juniors Jeff Hines, good conditioned team that will get better as Mike Carrafa, Jason Yurchak, and Jeff Bar- the season goes on. On the tangible front, the nes. The quartet combined to produce over overall consensus among the players is a 2033 points per contest while sharing the win season, a championship at this weekguard position. Senior forward Giles Smith end's Dickinson Tip-Off, strong showings returns to add his defensive prowess. Senior against NCAA Division II schools, such as Brian Kilroy comes back with his experience East Stroudsburg and Cheyney State Uniand shooting ability. Freshmen Drew versity, a National Catholic Basketball Molloy and Kevin Magee round out the Tournament victory, and a berth in the NCAA varsity squad. Division III tournament. The reasons last year's squad did not gel "Last year we had a mediocre season were numerous among the players. because of a lack of intensity,'' Gittens said. "Last season was a letdown because we "But this year we will play fresh." didn't play well together as a team,'' Carrafa Coach Dzik said, ''The keys to this team said. arbid ''The season was disappointing because more Preview on 15
gether, we'll have a successful season." With four seniors on the team this year, Welde feels that they will provide the leadership that the team needs. Returning to the team this year are: Milligan; Snow; Julie Snow, junior, a winning season. Christi Courseault. senior, and Kathy The team with its nine players consists of five returning players and four new- Murray, sophomore. Looking back at last year, the team worlc of Milligan and Jodi comers. Coach Dan Welde is beginning his third Snow put together 92 three-pointers, putting the Cavs, eighth in the NCAA threeyear as coach for the Lady Cavs. pointer percentage. The Cavs hold-high expectations and This year's newcomers show just as goals for themselves. Captains Barb much talent. According to Welde, freshMilligan, junior, and Jodi Snow, senior, man center Amy Crossley, who is a have set goals for the team. "The Lady Cavs have never won both center, has a height advantage. "She is one of the tallest girls we've the tournament and the championship,'' had on the team,'' he said. And with a Snow said. "That's one of our goals for little time, she's gonna be a tremendous the season. The other goal is to hang a help in the end.'' banner in the gym.'' Of the other newcomers, Welde feels "Another goal is to hit 20 and get 20 sophomore Shannon O'Donnell, and wins," Milligan said. "Last year was the freshman Diane Flinchbaugh are solid first time in Cabrini's history that the women's team won 20 games, and this players. While senior Meg Hagan, who is back from a knee injury, provides the year we'd like to duplicate that accomteam with solid inside play. plishment." Fans are a big part of any team. Snow and Milligan said they feel that "When we have fan support, we this season will be successful if the team really, really play well,'' Milligan said. basically works together. "We need fan support." '' I think if we worlc together as a team "Our mairr"rlvals for us this season we can pull through anything,·' Milligan will be Allentown, Frostburg, maybe said. ''Concentrating on our foul shootMarywood," Welde said. "Our chaling is a concern for us this year, it was a big lenge right now is to beat Marywood, to problem last year.'' at least get into the play-offs.'' "We have a lot of experience coming The season starts Nov. 17 to 18, at the from last year," Snow said. "We just Hunter College Tip-off Tournament. have to improve our defense." The Lady Cavs have three home g~ During the season, Welde is counting during the month of November. On on the guards to help the Cavs wingames. Nov. 21, Cabrini faces off against "If you have the guards that control the Muhlenberg College, Neumann College ball and you can score, you should be in visits on the 27th and Spring Garden the game," he said. "What we have to closes out the month wi1h4--gaffie on basically work on is rebounding and deNovember 29. fense. With those two components toAn anxious and ambitious team of Lady Cavs are getting ready for the 1989-90 basketball season. With the first tournament at the Hunter College Tip-offToumament in New Yorlc, the team has high hopes for
by Carlo Iacono
JV-basketballpre'7iew by Clyde LaForest
good varsity team every year, according to Rowe.
Junior varsity basketball. A bunch of bumbling weekend athletes with an 0-and25-record, right? Wrong, say the coaches and players of Cabrini's men's J.V. program: They are looking ahead to a great 1989-90 season. "Win 'em all," is Coach Rick Costello's goal this year. Costeno·s enthusiasm may stem, in part, from this being his first year here. A 1988 graduate of Muhlenberg College, Costello has coached in the summer basketball league and little league in Media, Pa. Cabrini is his first college-level coaching job. On the other hand, Rob Rowe, assistant coach, is not new to Cabrini basketball. He and his brother, Ed, coached J.V. last year, the program's first season. Rowe said the team does not run the same way this year, though. '' Last year we had a set J.V. team and a couple of guys who didn't see much time playing varsity," he said. "They'd come down and play J.V. They'd get a lot of time down there. "What he (John Dzik) is doing this year is, since we haven't had the tum out that we did last year, he's 'swinging,"" Rowe said. ''There are seven definite guys on varsity and out of the 12 or whatever on the varsity team, the other five or six are definitely needed to play J. V.'' This system helps develop betterplayers in the hopes of maintaining a very
When asked about its potential performance at the seasonopener,the teamhad mixed reactions. ''It's still early,'' said Mike Callinan, freshman. "We need time to gel as a team."
"It's going to look hopeful," said Mike "Pickle" Conner, freshman. "Everybody's working together." ''They will be ready,'' Costello said. Other opponents on this year's schedule include Valley Forge Military Academy, Penn State and Delaware and Montgomery County Community colleges, among others. The team is looking aheadto playing in the Penn State Delco Tournament, in which three Penn State schools plus Cabrini participate. It is the only tournament the J.V. team will play in. "It should be a good competition," Costello said. "For me it feels really good just to be able to play basketball at that level (college J.V.)," Callinan said. "It's my passion. Even if we do badly, just to play is a thrill. " ''Cabrini basketball is supposed to be known as a powerhouse,'' said another player, Paul Karcsh, freshman. "I think it's going to be a fun four y~ars
_____________________ __,,
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The team's first game is Nov. 21 at
WilliamsonTrade School near Media