Dec. 8, 1989 Issue 11 Loquitur

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J fri., dee. 8 1989 cabrini colle

a 19087 vol. xxxvi, no.11

mokey Joe's may be snuffed out by Chris Pesotski and Sharlene Sephton Young women urinating in the street, broken glass littering neighboring properties and loud raucous behavior late into the night, are just a few of the problems currently being associated with Smokey Joe's Bar and Restaurant on Lancaster Avenue in Wayne. Police Chief Maurice Henessy of Radnor Township states that 37 violations have resulted in citations issued to patrons of the establishment since the beginning of September.These violations include a death by auto, two hit-and-run accidents and 16 disorderly conduct incidents. The bar is frequented by a college-age crowd, often numbering nearly 300 on · a weekend night. "It's mostly a Villanova bar, but at least 30 Cabrini-people go there regularly,'• said Kelly Walsh, junior. Philadelphia sports teams• banners adorn the rafters; a pool table is spotlighted by a beer sign and a basketball game is tucked in one comer. A sports atmosphere seems to be the main drawing point for patrons. "Most of the customers I see are involved in Villanova football or basketball,'• said Steve

trons. On a busy night, cars can be Reichle, a Radnor patrolman. seen parked on side streets and in A sign posted at the entrance reads, "To our customers, in con- the lots of neighboring businesses. sideration of our neighbors, please Recently, Radnor police have keep quiet when leaving the area. begun barricading the Lancaster Thank you.•' Residents of nearby A venue entrance to Louella Court. houses claim this sign is ignored. Numerous community complaints "We haven't slept in six years," led to this action. Thirteen tickets, Mrs. Samuel Candelora of Louella have been issued in the area in the last two months. Court, said. According to Sergeant John Outside, an unlit parking lot and crumbling sidewalks surround McGeehan, district commander of the bar, which is adjoined by a bank the Pennsylvania State Police's and an auto-body shop. Houses Bureau of Liquor Control Enon Midland A venue share the back forcement, resident complaints fence and are visible from the es- have centered on the conduct of tablishment. Tire tracks mark patrons leaving the bar at the 2 a.m. closing time. nearby strips of grass. "Several recent investigations Pat Ryan, manager of Smokey have initiated citations for noise Joe's,admitsthere are someprobviolations at Smokey Joe's," lems with the parking area. "Yeah, it's dark back there, McGeehan said. "What the 21- to but our lot is not the problem," . 23-year-olds do when they leave is a problem. Their activities could Ryan said. Reichle, who often works the cause the bar to get closed down.'' For that to occur, Pennsylvania beat around Smokey Joe• s, disState Police must find a bar to be in agrees. violation of the definition of a "I've seen people breaking bottles, and peeing in bushes back "nuisance bar." The legal definition of a nuithere." Other Radnor police officers sance bar is, • 'Acts of the bar and work £ post across the street from or its patrons inside or outside the establishment do not allow resithe bar from l l:30p.m. to2:30a.m. on Thursday, Friday, and Satur- dents of the area to use their properties as intended and cause a general day. It also appears that the lot is decline of the neighborhood.'' "We have had a meeting with undersized for the number of pa-

the owners of Smokey Joe's about problem areas,'' McGeehan said. "However, there is no legal problem that has turned up with the way they run the bar. "In the last month, a raid did turn up eight or nine minors inside the establishment. Smokey Joe's was not cited because it was determined that they were Jet in by a 21year-old through aside door." An arrest is pending on the patron who allowed the minors to enter the bar. "I go to work every day and make sure we're not serving minors," Ryan said. "When dealing with a college crowd, a young crowd, they're comingatyoufrom all angles. We try to stop those we can.'' Ryan stations two doormen at the front door, and mopitors each of the side doors with a single employee. If the weather permits, a doorman stands outside, according to Ryan. "We're effective 98 percent of the time," Ryan said. The bar has a policy of holding any questionable ID on file while a patron is on the premises. "Have your ID ready," Ryan said. According to Smokey Joe's waitresses, doormen routinely check their ID's when off-duty.

"Yeah, I think we're getting a bad deal," Ryan said. "We've done everything Radnor township has ever asked us to do. I don't think we're doing anything wrong." "I don'twanttoseeabarclosed if someone is trying to run a business on the up-and-up," McGeehan said. "I think the Ryan's are trying to do that in Radnor." "I don't see it as a tremendous problem, but · they have their difficulties," Reichle saj.d. "The patrons have absolutely no respect for the police or the community. Out of 27 liquor licenses in Radnor, this is the only one that gives us a problem. •'I've never had a problem with Cabryni or Eastern students, but I have a totally different perspective of Villanova kids." Resident--<:en1plaints were heard at a Dec. 6th meeting arranged by the Pensylvania State Police at the Radnor Township building. Follow-up meetings have been scheduled to address on-going concerns. ''Wedon'tthinkthisisanything out of the ordinary," Ryan said. "It's just part of owning a bar."

Stories of devastation and separation brought to campus by Melissa Landsmann and Jennifer Morrison Imagine living in a world without freedom. You have no rights, no opinions and the government controls every facet of your life. Your family is tom apart. Although you are the majority, your life is ruled by the minority-controlled government. To many Americans, this world is difficult to picture. But to 23 million blacks in South Africa, this is an everyday reality. The tragic lives of South Africans were brougbt to life recently during Apartheid Awareness Week, which was co-sponsored by resident life and student services offices. The activities included films, lectures and letter-writing campaignsthat, to many students, brought a better understandingof the injustice of apartheid in South Africa. Apartheid is a system backed by law, which was intended to separate black native Africans from the Afrikaaners, who are descendents of the early white Dutch settlers. Apartheid is an Afrikaan word which means seperate but equal.

The history of South Africa is a story of conflict between two settling countries and the natives. In the late 1600's, the Dutch explored South Africa. They found the colony deserted and rich in fruit, a necessity when preventing the ships' crews from acquiring scurvy. Cape Town became their

themselves and their children while keeping the Africans in the gold and diamond mines without giving them an education. The blacks who did receive an education, were allowed to·only attend small classes and were not permitted to learn En~lish. This left political uprise impossible.

"It is important for students to learn as much as they can and become aware of the problem." -Lulama Kunene and John Mokonyama, of Eastern College home. 200 years later the British tried to claim the same land. Neither were happy to see each other and thus started the Boer Wars. An agreement was set and the two gruops fonned Pretoria. One aspect that these countries overlooked were the natives of this land. The Zulu tribe came from the north, thus putting the colonists on the defensive. The African tribe, who spoke Bantu, were defeated by the colonists and became slaves for the British and the Dutch. The colonists then began to educate

Separationwas more apparent when apartheid came into power. Blacks were not pennitted to travel in the same train as a white and had to be out of the major cities of South Africa before a certain curfew hour. If a black did not make the last train they were detained. Being detained was a horror to experience. ".:Thetorture that the blacks encountered, can be compared to the Nazi concentration camps," said Rita Calicat, director of student activities. During Apartheid Awareness week, several speakers shared their experiences of

South Africa in its' time of trouble. Nancobo Sangweri, a prisoner of conscience, was · the first speaker. Sangweri shared the pain and suffering that she acquired while being detained in a prison camp. Asked if she would ever go back to live with her husband in South Africa and join in the fight, Sangweri responded, '' I will not go back until the three political parties are dismantled.'' Reverend Carl Kunz of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware, was the second speaker. Being a white American who lived in a black South African township, Kunz was able to offer a totally different perspective about the apartheid situation. Kunz was appalled at the treatment of the blacks and the whites who sympathised with the plight of the blacks. According to Kunz, a cu~ous teenage white girl who attended an apartheid rally to gather information about the problems was identified and reported to police. The next the day she was interrogated for six hours. Because of her curiosity she will be labeled a black sympathizer for the rest

more Separationon 5

insideperspectives ...... 2, 3


Cavs defeat rival

news .. 4, 5, 6, 12, 13

naughty or nice?

Spring Garden

features 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

(see page 11)

in first home game

sports ...... 14, 15, 16

(see page 16)



f riday,dee. 8, 1989


Xavier Hall: a den of damage Labeling:anorm at Cabrini If you look on page four you will notice physical plant's report of the total campus vandalism up to Nov 30. You will also notice that much of the damage (approximately 76 percent) has taken place in Xavier Hall. Between 80 and 90 percent of Xavier's damage was done in Upper and Lower South. Xavier Hall also constitutes 67 percent of all campus vandalism. Last year, members of the entire dorm were charged for any damage that occurred there, whether they had contributed to the damage or not. This year, things have changed. Individuals are paying for their own damage--to an extent. There have been peoplewho have come forth and reported other people's vandalism. Those persons who have been caught vandalizing are charged and fined for the cost to fix the damage. The question remains: Why do you, the residents of Xavier who are destroying your living space, feel compelled to do this? Most of the vandalism is completely sensless: Stealing toilet paper holders, punching holes in walls and stealing elevator certificates. What is the point? Vandalism in other parts of the campus is significantly lower this year. This is due in part to the $100 security deposit and the formation of special interest housing. The real problem lies in Xavier. The resident assistants can't see everything that goes on, they do what they can. Would the presence of a 24 hour security guard put a stop to the vandalism? This is only one solution until Xavier vandals learn to respect their own property and the property around them.

Th.roughfamilytragedy,an importantlessonis learned by ChristinaRoach We buried my 20 year-old cousin today. His name was Danny. Some think he committed suicide. As I stood and watched six of his closest friends act as pallbearers, and as memories of bygone years ran through my head, all I could think was it wasn't fair that these guys, who are my age, had to lay their friend to rest. Danny always had a smile for everyone. I can remember playing with all my cousins as children. Danny, with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, would give a good tug at my pony-tail as I attempted to chase him around the yard. And, since he was a young boy, he thought little girls were "yucky" and wouldn't give me a kiss goodbye. And I remember him running the home video. camera at a Ouistmas party ...and talking with him about our future careers and college. He died such a senseless death. He had so much ahead of him. Danny was smart and talented. He was the kind of guy everyone liked. No one understands or knows why he did it. It remains inconceivable to those who knew him that it was on purpose. Many family and friends believe it was an accident. Yes, it was senseless--but the priest who gave the eulogy begged us not to let Danny's death be in vain. The priest asked us to see in Danny's death that nothing was so great it could not be overcome. People who commit suicide aren't unstable. They are usually people who have set very high standards for both themselves and others. Many are overly committed, conscientious, giving and talented people. And often, because they expect so much of themselves, each disappointment seems so great. They commit suicide because their depression is so deep, they see no other way When such a tragedy strikes close to

home, it allows us to see that the day-to-day things which cause us stress are unimportant in the big picture of our lives. No failure or setback is so great it cannot be overcome. A failed test, a lost race, a fight with a parent or a break-up with a girlfriend or boyfriend ate not worth dying for. The priest at Danny's funeral reminded us to appreciate the now. This shows how important it is to tell those people who are close to you that you love them. And it is important to realize that one fight does not break a relationship. Harsh words do not erase the love that is there. Sure, ultimately in the person's mind, death resolves the problems. But when we look at theendresultofa suicide, we are left to wonder if any problems were really solved. Often people are unable to see things can be worked out through communication. Or time will make the problem seem less important. Suicide does not solve any crisis. It creates one. For those who remain, there are so many questions, so much pain, grief and anger. I wish Danny could have seen that. There are so many things he did not do. So many things we never did with him or said to him. As the strains of the song "Oh, Danny Boy" echoed through the church and our hearts, we gave Danny back to God. And, from a life that had barely begun, we learned an invaluable lesson--that nothing is so big or terrible we can't get through it.

Danny died Nov.18, 1989

angie corbo managing editor Did you ever notice if you do something that happens tocatchpeople'sattention,you may be reminded of what you did for perhaps longer than you care to? Labeling is something which Cabrini has acquired a famous reputation for doing. Womanizer, bitch, partier, goody-two shoes, commuter, House 7 nerd, tease, soccer head, geeks, buttkisser,just some of the commonly used buzz words, shall I continue? At such a small college it is easy for labels like this to be established. The sad thing is that people do not get to know us for who we are, but who they perceive us to be, based on the "label" one may wear. Look at senior, Mike Feeley, a known partier basic no good kid who wastes his time doing nothing for the school. Sure Mike enjoys socializing around campus, but did anyone notice that his name was on the Dean's List last semester? Who sees him when he dedicates a weekend to the haunted house; when he participates in hunger awareness week; or when he offers to host a high school cross country runner who is a prospective Cabrini student? I know that I myself and many of those that I am in close contact with have been beating our heads up against a wall because of this. Many students that I know who are involved in leadership positions are sometimes unjustly stereotyped. resident assistants¡are bitches; campus ministers are do-gooders; student government officers are everything and anything in between, which of course makes us two faced. Kappas, oh yeah, I forgot. ..but so does the rest of the campus. Perhaps at this point, I should tone done the sarcasm and make a confession. For the past month, I have literally been sick over such stereotypes that exist on our campus. As I watch people label members of our campus community as "the campus sound guy" when referring to Jeff Foley or as, "You know, Kevin the commuter kid who transferred," instead of simply Kevin George. Does anyone ever take the time to look beyond the labels, to look at the people in the organization? Do people really care that there is more to people than what meets the eye? One of the attractions of a small campus is that "everybody knows everybody." This was one of the many reasons why I chose to attend Cabrini. Yet, as of late, I find that we spend less time getting to know each other as people. We are too quick to label organizations and people before taking the time to know them. It'sfunny,after lbecamemore involved with campus life, I feel like I am seen as the position the viewer needs to see me in, instead of a as person. At times this can be confusing, even frustrating. I would have an identity crisis ifl listened to all of the things that I have been labeled as. It certainly is true that sometimes one's roles dictate what they need to pursue. My role as SGA president forced me to speak on behalf of the organization when the newspaper did the investigative piece on our moderator, who for the past four years has been a very close friend of mine. My role as a reporter challenged me to write the sensitive article on the drug bust. My internship in the public relations office this semester has influenced the way that I dress, write and speak about the college. But the

underlying factor is that it is me, ME, who is still doing the work. Although I am in roles thatcall me toconformsomeofmyopinions so I can represent the masses, these roles have NEVER made me compromise any of my VALVES or INTEGRITY. Those who know me, know that I do not have vengeful feelings towards anyone on this campus. They see me feeling like hell for events that have occured this past semester. Anyone who knows me, knows that the responsibilities that I have elected to undertake are¡ ones that I bold dear to my heart. They are a part of me, although they do not represent all of me. The qualities that I put in to each job what I think each job needs. It kills me when people misjudge my intentions for doing my job for secular or selfish reasons. I do not mean to be on a soap box with this idea. I am using myself as an example because I can express my thoughts and feeling in an open and honest manner. There are many students that I have spoken to who share my conems about stereotyping. Where is that sense of community that I once saw established in this college? Can we come to common grounds with each other? The first step in crossing the bridge for appreciating difference and diversity is getting to know each other as people. How can we make any progress at striving for campus unity if we don't know what to stive for, or even worse, who we are striving for? It is a matter of social consciousness now for people to take the time to realize, to value and to appreciate the community in which we are all a part. We really do have something special at Cabrini. We are a family who has made an investment in visions together. Like any family, the bond can be strong or it can be distant. It is up to us to make a commitment to perserve the family heritage or to allow a beautiful tradition to be lost, depriving others from ever experiencing the exuberant life that Cabrini College has the potential to share.

Editor-in-d'lief: Barbara Wilson

ManagingEditor: Angie Corbo

News Editor: Johanna Church Assistant News Editor: Kevin George PerspectivesEditor: Felicia Falcone Features Editor: Kelly Ann McGillan Sports Editor: Lou Monaco Copy Editor: Jenni Obrecht

Business Manager: Denise Edwards and Sue Moriarty PhotographyEditor: Kristin Kroll PhotographyAdviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: cameCorr, Karen Dumomey,Denise Edwards,Frank Emmerich, Meghan FlaMery, Wlliam Fulton, Kevin George, Marl(Gudas, Carlo Iacono,Ama-Marie Karfsen, Mary Teresa Kelly.Clyde LaForest, Jr, MetissaLandsmann,Daniella LoPresb, Kristin Mainero,Jennner Momson, Chris Pesotski, Kelly Ann Reed, Christina Roach, Deborah Ryder. Sharlene Sephton, Pamela Stempleski, Leonora Veterano, Kelly Ann Walsh,Charle Waterfall, Kelly Ann Williams, Carol Wells Yarrow Photography Stall: Mark Gudas, Frank Emmerich,Giselle Bellanca Loqultur is pubfishedweeldy during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-11412. Subscriptionprice is $25 per year and is included in the benefits securedby tuition and student tees. l.oquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorshipknown to the editors. However, d the writer -..ishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be leN off the letter upon publicationand an i~n Inserted such as "name withheldat the request ol the writer." Letters should be typed. double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. tt a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions pubHshedin Loqurturare the VM1WS of the student editonal staff and the indMdual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loqultur ISestablishedas a forum for student express,onand as a voice in the uninhibited,robust, free and open discussionol Issues.

perspectives •







f riday, dee. 8, 1989







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Andresen respondsto criticism of ''No Exit'' Editor's note:Thefollowing letteris a responseto the negative letters published about the cartoonpru,ted in the'October21issue of Loquitur. CoJMSof the letterswen sent to the cartoonist,and here arehis mw,onllNcartoonandiauu.rpretalion: dot bowtie. 1bia comic baa been pablisbed in IDlllY ~ and .a\ledtu,bly posi1bant you for forwanliDa die dissentdve ....... Moat eadmli ... haw .. leaa'I •¥die '"lkOudessMale'a been female ..... who have ... OuidetolnteqlledngRejecdmLines. •• II limillr aperiaces with vile. nemy, is ironic dial the cartoon.wbicb is W., of dlCIDclippedout affront tnmismtalftClllion, llbollllcliClelf claeleu ma1e8. die C8ltOOll aJ ~ displayed it on be subject to such bizzaremisundentandtheir dorm waUa. I hope1batthere have iogs.


Fust off. thecartoon ooes not degrade women. The womanin the cartoon is a sympathetic character.She is confident and intelligent. The man.however,is a repugnant.vile example of human scum. He is thoroughly repulsive and has no redeeming qualities. Even so, he is unable to understand the woman's obvious contempt for him and misinterprets her

vitriolic rejection for flirtatious ad-

vances. Secondly. the comic does not condone the clueless man's viewpoint. He is antagonistic and cootemptable. Anyone who would exclaim, "Cool, I want to be like that guy," is seriously deranged. Nobody reading the cartoon would want to adopt the man's philosophy any more than they would want to adorn hispolka-

alsobeenmalespositivelyaffectedby the cmtoon. Perhaps IIOIDe 1UYsomewhere recognizeda little bit of himself in the dorky male, was embarassed, anddecided to change bis ways. Anyway, I hope that clearsthings up. If not. I will be happy to write a lengthy diatribeconcerningsatire, its relationship with irony andits social implications in the western world. In the meantime,thanksagainfor printingNO EXITin TheLoquitur,andI loot forward to manyyearsof servingthe studentsat CabriniCollege.


Student smoked about

C"ounsel'sfire escapes To the Editor: As I recently spoketomymomaboutmy donn, the food, classes, etc., a subject came up which alarmed her greatly: What type of escape is available in case of fire? I assured her she had nothing to fear as my mind reeled with the questions she asked. Of course, there are several exits with access from thehallway, but whatifthefirebreaks out in the hallway? God forbid. My donn room is an "outside" room on the second floor of Counsel Hall. My roommate and I have a lovely view from our five windows but little in the way of an escape route in case of an emergency. Our five windows are all jalousies and should

we possibly be able to break through the nine panes of reinforced glass, which constitutes a single 18"x30" window, we would still be in great risk jumping from the second floor. No ledge, no fire escapes, no ladder, and no guarantee of safety. Now, I'm not trying to live my life in a worst-case scenario fashion but I'd like to be sure of some things in my life--Jike my life. I also hope I have made some other resident students a little more anxious about their own safety in their dorms.

Sincerely, Joan Ann Brown Counsel Hall Resident

Amnion director-explains· open adoption process To the Editor: I recently read the October 27 issue of The Loquitur which included the article, ''Open Adoption Alternatives for Unwanted Pregnancies". I appreciate that the Loquitur presented adoption as a positive solution to a pregnancy which was unplanned. However, I also feel that several statements made throughout the article gave a negative and false impression regarding "traditional"' adoption. One example was the implication that the birthmother is allowed to directly choose


the adoptive couple only through "open" adoption; while in reality both ''traditional•' and "open" adoption procedures allow for this and encourage it. Over the past several decades the adoption process as a whole, whether traditional, open, or a mixture of the two, has become much more sensitive to the needs of the birthmother as she makes such loving and sacrificial plans for her baby's future.

Sincerely, Laurie Covert Assistant Director Amnion Crisis Pregnancy Center



-.. - r:·: . ···\:.>.. -


'Stop, l~ok and listen to the world around you' To all the Cabrini Community, I am writing for quite a few reasons. The main reason is the one which will probably be the hardest to understand ... values. I am not saying that you do not have any, just that I am not quite sure if they are sincere orif they mean enough to any of you that you would act on them. This may _seem angry--IT IS! I was recently told to "Read the code of conduct!" by a fellow student. I did and it only made me realize how far Cabrini has gone away from values. In the Code it states members of the Cabrini community should: uphold a high level of honesty and integrity, have concern for emotional and physical well-being of others, and that' 'the members of this unique community be particularly sensitive to their individual responsibilities for respecting the rights of others.'' During the past few months I have noticed a total disregard fro others. This upsets me as I am sure it upsets others. Some of you are probably wondering "What is going on?" Well, I have seen many people suffer from others Jack of concern. I have seen two of the most spirited people fall to the attacks of insensitive until they hurt so bad that they fall. Over the past few weeks both Rita Calicat and John Doyle felt the pain of this insensitivity. For those of you who do not know them you may not see the years of dedication and hard work they have placed into this college. Even the administration has let them down now. This statement may anger people, but i~ is time those of you who lie and hurt others to create an easier time for yourselves stop and look in the mirror. Do you like what you see? Can you sleep at night? Well, I know John Doyle could not, that is why he wound up in the hospital! He could not take the last beating of lies which threw him over the edge. I have seen both

of these people attacked and hurt by their own staff (students included), lied about and stepped on and they continued to give. Now they need support. Do they get it or do people continue this senseless garbage they call opinions or facts? Granted, everyone has a right to an opinion, but when it destroys people is it worth the two cents of steam you get off your chest? Maybe I grew up with a love for all peop~e that others don't have--1 don't think so because I have seen others act in loving caring ways. Please there isn't one ofus who are perfect. We try our hardest to do what is right and to please all we can without hurting others. When a person is down do not throw another stick at them, help them encourage them, take the time to tell them something happy and positive. I am not asking anyone to be fake. There is enough of that. Just stop and think about the words you use and the times and places you use them. If you give love out it will always come back a&-love but if you give · out pain it only hurts all concerned. "Expect the best and you will get the best but except only others what you except of yourself.•' (author unknown) If you get nothing else from this please take time to stop and look and listen to the world around you. We are here only a very short time--it would be a shame to waste it without loving as many people as possible. God bless you John and Rita and every student who has ever met you knowsthereal=~-~ truth. You are wonderful people with hearts big enough to hold the universe and souls to match!

With love to all, Claire da Silva senior

A penny for your thoughts would make campus "wealthier" Dear Editor:

In the past weeks, I have seen quite a few letters in your column commenting on the performance of the Student Government Association. Letters have raised comments, both positive and negative, about the organization. We are the ~lected representative body for the students. Believe me, I understand that we have not yet the every need of the entire population of the student body. This is a very demanding challenge, yet, it is a goal of mine, nonetheless to make an active attempt to strive to fill the needs that I am consciously aware. There is only one way to achieve such a goal: that is to listen to the concerns of the student body. SGA is to be the foundation

that makes the student body more unified. We need suggestions, feedback and support from all members of the college in order to do our job to the fullest capacity. It is my hope that more students follow the example of those who have expressed their concerns to you. If we all take the time to articulate our concerns and aspirations for the college to the SGA officers, the organization would have a more extensive base to begin serving the college community. I invite, encourage, and ask the college community to express their thoughts. If SGA had a penny for all of the thoughts of the campus, we would all be much wealtheir.

Gratefullyyours, Angie Corbo, president Student GovernmentAssociation

The 1989-90 Loquitur Editorial Board would like to wish the Cabrini community a joyus holida.y season and a relaxing winter break! Best wishes, Barb,Angie, Felicia, Johanna, Kelly and Lou



Networking: it's not just for television by DeborahRyder Computer Technology Corporation, The alumni affairs office is sponsor- Hoguet bas found that his education at ingan AlumniNetwortCaerFairnext Cabrini prepared him well.

mne111er. Scheduled for Feb. 4, 1990,

Jeanne '84graduate, now from6p.m.to9p.m.,thefairwillprovide a account managerfor WEAZ (FZ an oppodUllityfor cummt students to 101) radiostation. also remembers Cabmeet willlCabrinialumni. rini as a placewhere shewasgiven the MarthaDale, din,ctor of alumniaf- aecessary"graund-work"to succeed. fairs,delcribedtbeeventasa cbmcc for ft bclped me oducationallyandtaught "'alumniidWCJltiaa to become a real- me to be aggiaaive," Pilcicti said. ity'' for Cabrini. While odlerara colA self-described ''natural net0

leges already have alumni networking prognms, this is new for Cabrini,Dale

worker", Pilcicti, describes netwodting u what •'separates the good fromthe explained. excelleat.'' She is always preparedto Networtiasprovides students with an talk with peopleandestablish COldaetS, opportunity to meet and speak with her business cards always in her pocket. Cabrinigraduateswho arenow working Besides Hoguet and Pilcidci, other in their chosen fields. Although it is alumni in lltelldancewill include David especially helpful for seniors, it also can Pilla, podiatrist, Mike Fenz.a,controller, · be a worthwhile experience for students Leonard Siwak, federal examiner, Lori who are unsure about what they would Dessender,teacher, Yvette Ousley,jour1.iketo major in. Possible job contacts can nalist, Steve Pedano, senior copywriter, be made or a student can learn about the and Virginia Smith, editorial consultant. realities of a career they may be interOther colleges have similar proested in. gramsdesigned to assist undergraduates The fair is an informal gathering for preparing for the job market. The goal alumni and students to mingle together. for most career development counselors A Sunday evening was selected to allow is to put cUtTeDtstudents in contact with full-time and continuing education stu- alumni, enabling the students to benefit dents to participate. Refreshmentswill from the graduates experience and posibe aerved. tiao. Over a will be inatteoV-dlmovaUniversity'sstandardpracdance~ a variety of careers, lice is to bring alumniand u111dctgraduirvf fl I 1llel, lllllketing. COIIIPUlffS, llel tlOjelber on III individual basis. I le cation, journalism, and medicine. alumni invite studenls to spend For many of these individuala, volun- a wort day widl lbem, allowing the



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lllldealls is a way of returning die help they received as studeola. Jolm Hoguet. an '89gnh w,ban apecial affinity for Cabrini.He amed his degree through the continuing educalion department while be wu anemployee at Cabrini. Now employed as a personnel specialist for Systems and

■ 5 t.d ..... aocupation is abouL BUllem College bu followed similar praclicelinlhe put.However,thisyear theircan,er- development office has initilted an additionalprogram. At informal,mondllydinners, featuring a differ-

departmentevery time, current studentsmeet withalumnito network.


Couns·elingcenter is 'focused on you' by Leonora Veterano "Don't be afraid to look at your heart. Don't be afraid to love yourself. Love yourself so much that it flows over to everyone." John Rogers This is the general feeling that the staff gives to those who seek their help in the counseling center, otherwise known as the Rooymans Center. The counseling center offers psychological as well as educational counseling for students and faculty. Resident life and health services are also provided in the center. . But the provisions don't stop here. The center is also a place where the staff cares about the needs of the students. "We give the student the opportunity to explore their inner-world, in a safe space with someone who does care," said Dr. Katherine Preston, director of the counseling center. "We are completely focused on you, which is different from friends.'' The staff also handles some of the programs that go on around the campus. J Programs that deal with stress management, date rape, relationships or success as well as eating awareness and suicide.

~ut the center is not just for those who may have a conflict with themselves or others, it is there for other ideas also. "We are not just here to serve people with problems,'' said Lilly Goodman Waechtler, a counselor. "We are here for those who may want to change some habit they have to exploring their ~s." But there are some problems which do arise pertaining to the center. Some people feel that you go there if you are failing a course or if you have some type of mental problem. But Preston said that those feelings are wrong. The services she and the staff provide are for anyone and everyone. "We respect and hold confidental, everything which is said to us," Preston said. ''Besides that, the services provided are free.'' The center is located next to Holy Spirit Library. In the center and through the hallway you will find the names of whomever you are looking for as well the service which he or she may provide. There is definitely l\ feeling of awareness being distributed throughout the center. A feeling of being wanted as signs are posted on the bulletin boards, stating: F.Y.I. (For


fridaXzdec.8, 1989

Xavier is main source of campus vandalism The following list was figured by Physical Plant. All items mentioned were repaired by Nov. 30. This does not include items which found vandalized or broken before Nov. 30 that were not yet repaired.







ocr 21 ocr 21

NOV 20 SEPT 7 11 OCT 19 NOV 11 NOV II




30 NOV 6 6 NOV 6 SEPT28 NOV 6 OCT 27 NOV 13 NOV 11 NOV 7 NOV 7 SEPT 7 NOV 7 AUG 28 NOV 7 NOV 8 SEPT14 NOV 16 NOV 1 NOV 16 NOV I NOV 16 SEPT12 NOV 16 OCT 14 NOV 16 OCT 27 NOV 16 NOV 7 SEPT 27 NOV 29 NOV 20 NOV l NOV 20 OCT 11 NOV 28 NOV 7 NOV 28 NOV I NOV 28 OCT 25 SEPT 12 NOV 7 NOV 28




15 30

13 12 50 50 75 45 420 25 20 45 15 40 15 15 100 28 100 18 98 20 98 100 30 40 12 60 15 8 150 24 12 8 40 8 102

8 20 40 70 l02 575 18 15 40 40 90

45 45 45 40 100 72 12 75


*NOTE: These items were either an accident or not the fault of the residents living in the dorm presently.

Your Information), upcoming programs are listed and locations for off campus housing are posted outside of the resident life office. You will also see senior and girl Friday, Rosemarie Francesconi helping to do her part in making the center a success. According to Assistant Director of Resident Life, Tyrone Carr, "It is good that all theareasof help are so close together. That way we can refer each other if we can't help to serve someone's individual needs." And if that isn't enough help, outside help is provided. "If we don't have the expertise to help someone, we then bring in outside help,' ' W aechtler said. ''Weare here to help the individual explore or expand themselves."

The staff is there to serve the needs of those who seek it at the seeker's convenience. The health center is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The counseling center is open from 8:30 a.m. to4:30 p.m. and Waechtleris there from noon to 7 p.m., one day a week. These services are provided by appointment. "When needed we can be flexible with our time," W aechtler said. "If these times are not convenient, appointments can be scheduled for the evening time if necessary." I According to senior, Mia Jackson, the center has helped her considerably. '' I recommend the counselors at the center, they're great," she said.



CANPUSUPDATES The last day to donate toys is Friday, Dec. 8. Drop the toys off at the SGA office in the Widener Center. Join the SGA in visiting retired Sisters of the Sacred Heart on Saturday, Dec 9 from 1 to 4 p.m. You can help share the holiday spirit with the Sisters and bake holiday cookies for them.

f riday,dec. 8, 1989

Student government: working to be more'issue oriented' by Christina Roach

TheChristmasConcertwillbeheldSunday,Dec. lOinthe chapel from 3:30 to 5p.m. The Cabrini Community Chorus will sing Christmas carols. There will be no admission charged and free refreshments will be available following the concert. A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Contest will be held on Monday, Dec. 11 in the Widener Center Gathering Area at 1 p.m. The SGA will also be awarding a cash prize that afternoon to the most "festively" decorated campus office. The '' Celebrate Safely - Mocktail Party'' sponsored by Health Services will show you how to ring in the holidays safely. Medical assistants will be serving non-alcoholic drinks in the cafeteria on Monday, Dec. 11 at 4:30 p.m. You can now find information easier using the library's- new "Info Trac" computer system that indexes various journals and the New York Times form 1985 to 1989. The Student Academic Advisory Board is back in action at Cabrini College. The council, which used to be active a few years ago, consists of students and faculty working together to strengthen the college's educational program. The committee acts as a student voice for academics. Contact the board's president, Bob Salladino, box 543 if you have questions or suggestions. Submitted by Kimberly Marshall. Get your announcements printed here by sending the information to Kevin George, box 357. Deadline for each issue is the Friday before publication.

Off Campus A poetry contest, with a grand prize of $1,000, sponsored by the American Poetry Association, is open to all students. Send your poems of no more than 20 lines to American Poetry Association, Dept. CT-90, 250-A Potrero St., P.O. Box 1803, Santa Cruz, CA 9506 I by Dec. 31.

Internships in Japan are available to coUege students and college graduates who wish to learn more about Japanese business and culture by experiencing it. The internships are four weeks long and are held between June 23 and July 21, 1990. Call 1-800-869- 7056 for more information. Registration deadline is Dec. 15.


The Cold War is Over The leaders of the world's two most powerful countries declared last weekend that the 35-year war of words and policies between the two super powers was over. President Bush, and Soviet President, Mikhail S. Gorbachev said after a two-day summit in Malta that the future relationship of the entire Eastern and Western worlds will be one · of economic cooperation and peace. Afterward, a joint press conference hosted by the two leaders symbolized the future of world politics, they said. No new treaties were signed ,but both sides promised new arms agreements at a summit scheduled next June.

Communists in East Germany Resign The entire leadership of the ruling Communist Party in East Germany resigned last weekend amid charges of corruption. Egon Krenz (the man who last month opened the Berlin Wall), the Politburo and Central Committee all resigned after lower members of the party pressured them. Three former partly bosses were jailed and charged with using government funds to finance luxurious vacation estates.

Czechoslovakian Communists Re-assert Power In a blunt reversal of his recent reform-minded policies, the Czechoslovakian Premier. Ladislav Adamec appointed a new cabinet dominated by Communists. The primary opposition group, Civic Forum, called the appointments a "betrayal" of the promises made during the past two weeks of demonstrations.

Religious Freedom Promised in USSR After a historic meeting with Pope John Paul II, Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev promised freedom of religion to all people of the Soviet Union. The Pope, in tum, blessed the President and his movement of perestroika. Gorbachev also invited the Pope to his country next year.

War Goes on in El Salvador A ten-year .var between Marxist rebels and a U.S.-backed government has claimed approximately 70,000 lives so far. The recent outbreakof violence has been sparked by the rebels' most concerted effort yet to overthrow the government. Although the revolt has not been supported by the masses in the Central American country, the wartom citizens and the poor are not supporting the government either.


Each year representatives of the Student Government Association (SGA) attend a leadership conference. The goal of these 'J)rograms is to help the SGA better assess the needs of the campus and their role in meeting those needs. And as the airplane touched down at the Orlando, Fla. airport on Nov. 18, the four officers set out to learn how to become an "issue-oriented SGA," rather than an '• activities-oriented SGA.'' "We seem more social activities-oriented, instead of issue- oriented,'' SGA Executive Board Historian Colin Coakley said. "We wanted to see what other SGA boards do in their schools. What is their function? If they are more issue oriented, how do they do it?'' SGA President Angie Corbo explained the difference between the two styles of leadership. She said that activity-oriented SGAs concentrate mostly on social events like dances and trips, whereas issue-oriented SGAs get involved in academics, judicial decisions and school politics. Corbo hopes the social activities board will take over those social events to allow the rest of the SGA time to address the other campus concerns. Some of the topics discussed at the conference included: minorities on majority campuses; campus apalhy; bridging the gender gap on campus; censorship of college media; legal issues concerning SGAs; longterm planning; and building more effective SGAs. "We went to every single workshop available," SGA Recording Secretary Katie Mullen, said. "We made sure we all went to different sessions so we could learn more. ''We are each writing summary reports of our experiences at the conference. We want to show accountability for the money we spent," Mullen said. "We didn't have any real free time. We didn't explore down there or go to Disney World. ''We were pretty close to being the small-

est college there," Vice President Frank Emmerich said. "When I gotthere and I saw all those big universities, I thought 'How can we learn from these big schools?' But, I realized we could, by taking their ideas and scaling them down.'' Corbo said that in comparison to the big schools, Cabrini's SGA budget may seem low, but the larger schools have more students and activities under theirs. "Ours is competitive," Corbo said. "If you scale it down to our population, the budget is as strong as the other schools. ''Overall, the conference was good for me because I now feel our SGA is really moving in the right direction," Corbo said. "Not only in the right direction for us, but the same direction as other SGAs." Mullen said, "On a secretary's level, I learned what others did. It made me realize how much work we do in comparison --even on a limited budget.'' According to Emmerich, many of the officers in other schools receive compensation for their work, either through credit hours or a salary. "We dedic~e ourselves to serving the students," he said. "The other schools did not understand this. When we told them that

we get 'no compensation'they laughed. ''I don't want to see Cabrini's officers get paid. as such,'' Emmerichsaid. ''Then-~~--, people may do it just for the money. Maybe the SGA should be able to earn credit hours for their work. The work we do can be applied to most majors, like an independent study with your advisor." All of the attendants said they came back with many ideas to implement at Cabrini, and

a renewed sense of energy. "We have dedicated ourselves to being issue oriented." Coakley said. "The conference allowed us to recharge our batteries and come back with a lot of enthusiasm. We have many new ideas to implement here at Cabrini.•'

Separationfrom 1 of her life. Two Eastern students from South Africa finished up the weekwith a college stu• dent's view of the situation. Lulama Kunene and John Mokonyama started their discussion with a few slides showing the natural beauty andthe human devastation of South Africa. Kunene and Mokonyama explained that color determines everything in South Africa: where you live; what kind of life you live; and what type of education you receive. The black ethnic groups are not pennitted to live in the cities and they must live at least 15 miles apart. They compared the places that blacks are forced to live to American Indian reserves. Thousands of black African students are failed because the government controls the grading system. It is very difficult for a black to succeed in their education. "We want an eradication of the present system," Kunene said. "We need a change of government. But, we want a government that is exclusive of whites. We want justice for all." Unlike Sangweri, Kunene and Mokonyama both plan to return to South Africa after earning their degrees in order to help in whatever way they can. This may mean that all of the hard work put into their educations may be wasted since getting a job in South Africa will be extremely difficult. "It is important for students to learn as much as they can andbecome aware of the problem,'', Kunene and Mokonyama said. According to Calicat, approximately80 J".COl)1e attendedthe events last week. "If we can make just one penon think this issue, then the week was a success,'' Calicat said. Although theredoes not seemto be machthat IIUdents can do, just becoming awareisa big step in the ao1utionto a plOblmlthat does not seemto havea solution.


fridav 1dee. 8, 1989




Competition boosts ASPA to new levels and five out of the 15 went to Allentown to compete. Those One may ask, "What does five were Carlos Chamorro, ASPA stand for?" When they senior and president of the organization; Rob Bell, senior; find out, they might ask, "So, Sylvia ten Boom, senior; what does that mean?" ASP A stands for the Christine Gothie, senior; and American Society for Person- ¡ Barbara McPhelim, junior. The day started when the nel Administration. ASPA is an organization designed for five students, accompanied by Brian Metz, advisor to the orhuman resource management majors and minors. The club ganization, left the grounds of sponsors many different activi- school at 7 a.m. They took ties and is a big fund raising the Cabrini van to Allentown and upon arriving, ventured group. Basically, ASPA is part of a into a room for the Presistudent chapter for the further dent's introduction and the professional field of human sponsor of ASP A's lectures resource management. The club at 8:;30a.m. The competition was degets involved in different activities that are experience oriented signed to test and increase and worth their time. Such the participants' knowledge activities would include lec- of human resource managetures and guest speakers from ment and also to boost their different companies. Along with confidence levels. They were given a case that, they get monthly newsletstudy that had to do with emters, magazines, newspapers. ASP A is sponsored by the ployee relations. With the Greater Valley Forge Chapter. case study, they had to ana- Four ASPA members who went to the competition proudly show their trophy marking them for third place. Members have to pay a fee of lyze, resolve and present the From left to right are Christine Gothie, Rob Bell, Barb McPhelim, and club president,Carlos Chamorro. $30 to join. The reason for the case in front of five judges. (Photo by Frank Emmerich) fee is because this club is affili- There were two presentaedge together to pick an approach boosted my confidence.'' ated with corporate profession- tions: one prepared case was pre- continue doing in the future." for the prepared morning case "I'm not too involved in the Chamorro has been in the club als. For example, since the are sented in the morning. This case was study. I'm definitely looking forclub because of my work schedsponsored by the Greater Valley pre-prepared because the participants for two years. ward to next year's competition. I ule, but I'm glad I went to the "Last year, I wasn 'treall y that Forge Chapter, they are invited had gotten the case to review about ten think we will have a better sense competition because we had a reactive,'' he said. ''This year I am to special dinners with different days prior. next year since we have already ally good time," Bell said. board members and representaThe second was the spontaneous active and president of the org&nihad some insight of it this year.'' Metz was very impressed with tives from the human resource case, presented in the afternoon. zation. I feel that it is a network to his students who were involved in The competition went very department. In a sense, mem- There were l Ominutes to present the the professional field of human the competition. He mentioned four well according to all who atbers are getting a head start in case and IO minutesforquestionsand resources. By getting newsletters, distinct goals which the stud.eats tended. Cabrini placed third out it is very informative about what's the field they are studying. answers from the judges. Chamorro On Nov. 18 Allentown Col- and ten Boom presented the morning going on in the field. Also, Mr. had. One,all of the students worked of the five schools. Allentown lege represented a competition prepared case, and Bell and McPhe- Metz, advisor to the club, had been together as a group. Two, they placed first and Mulhenberg came of ASPA students from five lim presented the afternoon spontane- not only informative, but very sup- presented ideas and thoughts to in second. the professionals by their own local colleges. The five colleges ous case. Metz advised the morning portive with his bright ideas." According to Chamorro, Alwork. Three, it was a great "The lO minutes of questions were Allentown, Moravian, case, but not the afternoon one. lentown is setting up another experience and learning process. Mulhenberg, Albright and '' I was very nervous, but after I got and answers were tough," McPhecompetition next semester. Cabrini. The reason for these my first sentence out, everything just lim said. "The judges a~ked us The last goal was to win. '' After the competition, Allen"They did all the work themfive working together was be- flowed," ten Boom said. "I feel that hard questions that we weren't town invited us to come back next selves," Metz said." They wentto prepared for, but we were calm in cause they all were about the by being there, it might have taught year," he said. "We were all very libraries to research, called and answering them. By going to this San)e size. me more than just sitting in a got information from consultants, happy and are enthused about Cabrini's ASPA organization classroom. That was¡ something I'll competition, giving a presentation and then pooled all of their knowlgoing back.'' has about 15 active members always remember and would like to and answering difficult questions,

by Kelly Walsh

Continuing Ed joins forces to help laid-off workers By Chris Pesotski Nearly 1,000 people will lose their jobs when the AT&T plant in King of Prussia completes its closure. At this facility, workers have spent their entire adult lives assembling and repairing telephone equipment. Most took jobs with what was then "Ma Bell" immediately after high school. Hundreds now have spouses and children. At the beginning of their careers, these were secure jobs, although pay rates were low. The next two decades brought higher wages, in some cases tripling a worker's starting hourly rate. And then came the government-ordered divestiture of Ma Bell, and the subsequent de-regulation of the telecommunications industry. Suddenly, "baby Bells" sprang up. Competition threatened the AT&T empire. Layoffs hit every level of the corporate giant, initiating major changes in the lives of thousands of families. Workers at the AT&T King of Prussia site have few marketable skills for today's job market. They are, however, the clerks and technicians that helped build an industrial power. Advances in technology made their jobs, and all the effort these workers put in over the years, obsolete. Few employment opportunities exist in

today's job market which tap the resources thesemenand women possess. Theirhighly technical skills have been superseded by machines and speed. According to Mary Kline, associate director of continuing education, these workers kept pace with society in terms of wages, but new labor contracts failed to address necessary re-training issues.

workforce as the economy changes. "The kind of work we're doing should have been done over the course of many years," Kline said. "Now we're trying to get these people prepared to hold jobs in a market they are not prepared to face.¡' Area industries contact the JVC when their workers face a layoff which would force them to seek further education or other

"The kind of work we're doing should have been done over the course of many years. Now we're trying to get these people prepared to hold jobs in a market they are not prepared to face. -Mary Kline, associate director of Continuing Education Kline and Judy Bradley, coodinator for special programs and student services for continuing education, direct t.lJ.eCabrini end of a project headed by the Joint Ventures Center (JVC) to re-train these workers with the skills needed to be successful in today's job market. The JVC is a cooperative effort among area colleges, businesses, and labor unions to train and re-train the region's

re-training in order to re-enter the job market. The JVC then sets up and administers a program where the workers can get career counseling and employment education from local colleges. The program designed for the AT&T workers is similar to programs for other industries. Kline and Bradley run five threehour sessions and conduct an hour of

counseling with every worker. The sessions help identify each worker's college potential, and inventory the interests and career possibilities of all participants. "One of the unstated goals is letting these people vent their frustrations and fears," Kline said. "Once they do that, you can really see people move forward in the five weeks. "We teach them resume writing, how to prepare for interviews, what a cover letter is, things that will help them get a job in the short run. For the long run, we try to orient the workers to a college setting," Kline continued. "We show them the differences between credit and non-credit courses, what just a few courses can do for them, how to get around a campus, and some of the other things that college students take for granted." One of the major skills workers re-entering the job market are lacking is the information needed to job hunt. "When they got their jobs (at AT&T), they just looked up a job in the help wanted section and went over to the plant," Kline said. "Things have changed a lot in the last twenty years. We're trying to give them a hand at adapting to the changes.''



f riday, dee. 8, 1989


Waiting'til the last minute:all-nighterhorrorstories by Mark Gudas You somehow found a way to bum coffee. The Snickers bar is stale. The electricity went out in the dorm and you are using an electric typewriter. When it comes back on yourunoutofinkinthe typing ribbon. Your roommate drank your six-pack of soda when he came home because he was drunk and he thought the soda was beer. These are some horrible things that could happen to you while you are pulling your all-nighter. The following students tell their own personal all-nighter stories as has happened to them. Ellen Battersby, sophomore, experienced a horrible all-nighter last year. "Last year I had three French papers due and I had to write and type them. I was up until 5 a.m. and then I had to do other work. I ran out of ink in the typing cartridge and I left an important paragraph out on one of the pages. I ended up getting the paper done but the next day I slept through all of my classes." Jacqui Ricci, sophomore, knew it was going to be a terrible night when she started to study and there were people talking loudly in the hallway. Then they started running around and banging on everyone's door. The next thing she knew she had joined all the other girls and they had a water gun fight. When it was all over and she resumed studying again the clocked showed 3:17 a.m. She opened up the book to begin reading the five chapters for the test and when she looked up the clock read 6:02 and she was on the same page. By the time her 8:30 rolled around she had read half the material and written an extra credit paper. She passed the test and fell asleep as soon as she got back to her room. Meghan Kane, senior, had this story. Her roomma~ went to bed at midnight and Kane went into the room around 3 a.m. to get a soda. Kane lay down for about 5 minutes but ended-up falling asleep. She woke up at 8 a.m. and the paper was due at 8:30. "I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off,' ' Kane said. She typed the paper as fast as she could and ended up going to class at 9 a.m. and got an A on the paper for only doing an

hour's worth of work. Carlos Chamorro, senior, had to write a paper and study for a test both in the same night. Chamorro started studying and then stopped and began writing the paper and fell asleep. When he woke up he could not remember what he had studied so he went back and studied for two more hours. He then went to breakfast and then took the test. After the test he finished writing the paper. When he finally got the grades back they were both poor. Marco Sardi, sophomore, was studying for a microeconomics exam that determined whether or not he passed the course for the semester. He took a study break and realized after he took the last puff on his cigarette that the pack was empty. He jumped into his truck and went to Wawa. When he got out to his truck after his purchase he had a flat tire. He fixed the tire and when he got back to school he went to his room, only to find out that he locked his keys in the truck. He had to wake up his roommate to get back into the room. Eventually, he did some hard studying and passed the exam and the -course. Christy Earley, sophomore, was up until 3 a.m. trying to do a paper. Earley finished writing the paper and when she went to type it she found her dad using the typewriter which he was finishing up some work he had brought home with him. She went to bed but could not sleep because she was upset that she was not going to get the paper typed. Earley rolled out of bed early and came to school. She went to her friend's room and used hertypewriter. She eventually got the paper typed but she was late for class and the teacher considered the paper late because she collected it at the beginning of class. She would have gotten an A if the paper was in on time but she only got a B because it was late.

Frank Bressi , sophomore, prepares for finals by pulling an a/1-nighter.(photo by MarkGudas)

ThankGod it was onlya dream


By Mark Gwltu Yousay to yourself, · 'If only I didn't ta/ long on the phone I wouldn't be up at 4:00 a.m. studying for this final exam." Why did you wait and PIii off the studying? It is your first all-nigltler. You thought you would prepare ahead of ti1M blll you didn't. Armed with chocolale "!1's, a nx-paclr. of ~~~ head out to the most uncowfortable place you canfindhopingtoconquerthepilesofboolcson the floor. Students should balance their time better and not wait until the last minute to do their studying. It is best to set time aside and do a little bit each day. People in college have ~o learn what their priorities are and get them in line. College is a place for learning and students should do their work before they ckcide to party. "Know what has to be donl!," Carter Craigie, professor of English and communications said. "Stick to what you say you are going to do.'' Craigie' s advice includes not studying for more than an hour on any one particular subject. He said it is best to try to get a study group together with people who are doing well in the class. ''The most efficient learning comes with interspersed repititions,'' Bobbie Rubin said. Cramming can really improve a students chances for getting a better grade ckpending on the student. It also depends on the subject and the type of test being studied/or. It is _a lot easier to study for a chapter test than a final exam. Some students work better under pressure. It is best to study the subject from the minute you get the assig~nt and just refresh it in your mind the night before the ",,.






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''Cramming brings everything from the beginning of the semester in the back of your brain to the front and ii refreshes your memory," Craigie said. " My definition of cramming is reviewing and reciting over and over again until yod learn the information.'' •'Cramming is not good,'' Carlos Chammoro, senior, said. "Especially if you are doing it cold and have no idea what you are about to study. It is impossible to absorb an entire semesters OntOWlt of work in a short pmou.nt of ti1M.'' Trish Fitzgerald, senior, also belives cramming is ineffective beCOIISe''you will be tired whenyou are taking the test.''

' 'If you have not been preparing on a regular basisit is good t!)cram," Rubinsaid. "A link bit of crammingis better than nothing at all. If you feel competent abolll the information you studied an unexpected test question can be answered with logic. ''An inte,w man immediately before an exam is no, ,ood beC01Ue .}'ON, 'YOfl1' ftaibi1ity in being logical llltd 'ytlllr "'1lllyIO manipulale information goes down," R,!!1~? ~ All-nighters are ja,nmed paclced with ideas and information and the students will have trouble sorting it out into a system that makes sense. A crt11111Mr is more likely to experience test anxiety. People cram every semester and then say they'llneverdo it again, bllltheydoitmiyway. People just get behind and they haveto pull allnighlers. Saying you will never do it again is a lot easier than actually not doing it. Students find otherthingstodoandthatiswhytheyhave to do the all-nighlers. Ellen Battersby, sophomore, experie>rceda ho"ible a/1-nighter last year. ''Last year I had three french papersdue and/ had to write and type them. I was up until 5:00a.m.andthenl had to dootherwork. Iran out of ink in the typing cartridge and I left an important paragraph out on one of the pages. J ended up getting the paper done blll the next day J slept through all my classes.'' ''Students should consolidate all ofthe information by going to the syllabus and picking out the main concepts of the material studied," Rubin said. "It is good to look at where the course has been and where it has brought you. A good thing to do is to try and predict questions that will be asked and look for the answers to those questions. You should test yourself before the exam to find your personal weak areas and then concentrate on those aspects.'• SofM general information that can be help/uJfor cramming is to recognize that it is not thesameasltarning. It is more work because ii talceslonger to learn information when you are under pressure. The purpose of cramming is to make tJtebest of a bad situation. Try to study the most important information because. when you read everything lighlly the chances are greater that you. will forget everything. The lceyis to read all your information over and over again and to repeat it out loud. Try to relaJCw/,ileyouaretakingthetestandrealize thatyou are going to do the best you can. -










f riday, dee. 8 1 1989



The next decade holds no definite The last in a series of five focusing on ¡the last decades of this century Editor's Note: As we approach in the '90s, Loquitut has taken a look back at the past decades to understand where we have been . We are now going to explo;e the future to see what the '90s will bring.

by Kevin George One day soon you're going to wake up, look at the calendar, and say, "I'm living in the 1990s, already?" Yes, already. Then you'll reflect, ''Gee, the '80s went fast." Yes, they did. "Hold it, I'm not ready yet. How should I wear my hair? What will I wear?" you'll ask. . It's too late for all that, you'll just have to wait and catch up on the latest trends after they've become fads. That is, unless you read this article and believe in preparing for the future. You can get ready for tomorrow

Although negative responses outnumbered positive 5 to 1, students see the recent changes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union as good omens. Students are worried that mudslinging campaigns and unethical finger-pointing will increase before it gets better. But they predicf a bright future in nuclear disarmament and improved relations with the Soviet Union. Everyone surveyed agreed that the present state of social values is in bad shape. But the outlook for tomorrow's society is mixed; some believe '• we will clean up our act,'' and "get back to basics," while others see a future without values at all. Those who look for positive changes see the '' death of the yuppie" ahead and a younger generation with more respect for premarital sex and less drug abuse. Musically, and perhaps socially, students still believe "rock 'n roll will never die," but some predict there will be a rebirth of activist music: "like the sixties." Others see the only rebirth coming from

In sports, like politics, the recent corruption scandals seem to have tempered student attitudes toward the future. Most sport fans bet on another decade of corruption and multi-sport athletes, a la Bo Jackson. many different ways. You may follow Nancy Reagan's advice and read your horoscope, or Jeanne Dixon's and buy those supermarket tabloids. Or you can listen to your peers and get the inside track on what they' 11be doing in the next 10 years. Students Speak of Their Future The following paragraphs summarize the findings from a student survey that was taken to find out what Cabrini students believe the next 10 years hold in store. In politics, students see corruption today, but hope for tomorrow.

the continuation of the current glut of remake-music into the next decade. In sports, like politics, the recent corruption scandals seem to have tempered student attitudes toward the future. Most sport fans bet on another decade of corruption and multi-sport athletes, a la Bo Jackson. Several predict a mixed future for Philly sport teams: championships in football, "cellarville" in baseball.' Students, along with the professional economists can't agree on the future of America's economy (see bull and bear charts). Students

were asked if they believed they will have a hard time finding a career after graduation. The answers were split: half say they will have di[ficulty, half don't. When '' 'bout their generation, these college students have an overwhelming sense that they have the power to change the future. Like their responses on society, the surveyed students believe the present "me" generation has lost track of its values, but when considering their own generation, positive outlooks outnumber negative ones, 3 to l. Those who believe they can change things say there will be a reaffirmation of' 'family'' values and "sexual awareness." They also predict their generation will come to grips with the problems that previous generations have created. "I think our generation has to make a change for the better. I think evefltually we'll all grow up and start doing what is needed to make our world a better place,'' 23 yearold male. Another way to prepare for tomorrow is to consult "experts" in their personal fields of knowledge. Here, we present a collection of what the professionals expect in the 1990s. On the Campus Colleges will be faced with challenging years in the very near future, especially small institutions like Cabrini. Currently, there has been a drop in the college-age population which will continue until the mid '90s when the ba~y ''boomlet" -children of baby ¡ boomersbegins graduating high school. Until then, universities and colleges will continue fighting for freshmen, but Cabrini won't, according to its Admission Director, Nancy Gardner who also serves on the master planning committee. With full dorms already, Cabrini is planning to "hold the line" on growth, to a rate of about 1.5 percent, Gardner says.

What's Your American Dream? This is a sampling of student responses to a Loquitur poll.

"I didn't know there was one of them anymore," female, 2j. "Living comfortably with someone who compliments me, raising and being close to my children, involving myself in the world around me," male, 19. "Being happy in whatever I do. Jt will not matter how much money or if I'm alone as long as I'm fulfilled in what I do," male, 20. "To be in love with the best girl in the world, to be Hke Bob Costas and to own the best sportsbar since Smokey Joe's, to be happy is the ultimate dream," male, 2T "Find a suitable companion to share the rest of my life with and have a successful and fulfilling career and have two children and live comfortably with good health," female, 20. the school will concentrate on building new dorm space and improving services to the existing student body. A new dorm is planned to open in '92 or '93 and after that the planning committee seesoverall enrollment growing to 1000 students. By then, the school's planners also hope to have a more diverse student body as well. Gardner reccommends the school's minority enrollment grow at two percent over the next five years, but she added there will be no quotas set. Male enrollment is intended to grow from 24 percent this year to 40 percent in five years. Women in the '90s. The future of American women

will be a key issue in the next decade. Who will be the happy women in the 1990s? Will it be the career women who foresake all the conventional roles of women and liberate themselves to realize their own potential? Will it be those who have tasted the business world, didn't like dropping their kids off at day care every day, and now have returned to the PT A? Or will it be those who do both? Is it possible to do both, adequately, today? The women of the '90s will be looked at as the generation that either wins the battle for equal rights or loses it. One thing is clear, it is not over. Women still make 66 cents to a man's dollar. Those th_atwork full

. E~onomist are debating the future of America's economy in the '90s. Some say that it will be the most prosperous decade ever, while others say it will be mediocre at best. ""Therewill be no recession because the economy is "chugging" along at a one percent growth rate.

*There will be a recession due to the economy's slim growth rate (1 percent).

*The trade deficit is showing encouraging signs (September 1989 was lowest in five years).

*America owes the rest of the world $600 billion now and by the year 2000 will owe $1 trillion.

*The Common Market in Europe in 1992 will boost trade even more, and the ma(ket possibilities of Eastern Europe, Russia and China

""TheEuropean Common Market in 1992 could bring more restrictions and the dollar will continue to have problems overseas. *Babyboomers won'tsaveallthatmuch

*Baby boomers entering their mid 30s and 40s will begin saving, and thus creating mass amounts of capital to spur growth. *Unemployment could fall to four percent because there are fewer young people entering the work place.

*Young people entering the work place are increasingly unqualified and poorly educated.




f riday, dee. 8, 1989


nswers but asks serious questions time still do up to 75 percent of household tasks. Women who get divorced and who receive custody of the children typically see a 73 percent drop in their standard of living after a divorce while the man's standard jumps 42 percent. Their have undoubtably been gains in sexual equality from the women's·movement of the early 70s, but tomorrow's adult women willbe the ones who have to deal with the positive and the negative results of those changes. The early benefits may have produced a complacent generation of women who won't identify with those who fought to win them those rights, "feminists," but nonetheless expect equality in society. The recent recharging of the abortion issue may change all that. The Supreme Court's Webster decision increased the membership of the National Organization for Women, NOW, by 100,000. Women's issues in the '90s won't be centered on equality of the sexes but just treatment for those women who are now struggling to ballance the roles Qf father and mother. More than half of poor families in America are headed by single women. For women in poverty and in the middle class, day care and maternity benefits will be the major issues in the '90s. It appears, the '90s woman will not be fighting for equal rights, but human rights.

Workinginthe'90s The employment outlook is important since most of you will become "college educated" anu, at least briefly, unemployed in the next decade. If the movie, "The Graduate" were remade for today, Gene Hackman would not whisper "plastics" into Dustin Hoffman's ear, he'd probably shout "healthcare." Ten of the 15 fastest growing jobs for the next decade are in healthcare. The reason: there are more and more old people in the country than ever before. Today, about 12 percent of the population is either 65 or older, by the year, 2030 it will be around 20 percent. Just to keep up with the present pace we'll need to add 220 nursing

home beds every day from now until the year 2000. But if you can't see yourself taking care of the elderly or sick, the next best word of advice would be 'diversify.' Long-term survival for tomorrow's work force depends on the worker's ability to adapt to a technology-driven, world-wide, market-sensitive economy. Today's college graduate should be prepared to change jobs 10 times in his/her working career which

Today's college graduate should be prepared to change jobs 1O times in his/ her working career which could easily span four decades thanks to longer life expectancies (and crowded nursing homes). could easily span four decades thanks to longer life expectancies (and crowded nursing homes). The bright side to the boom of geezers is that there will be fewer and fewer young people around to do all the work; that translates into low unemployment and high pay for younger generations. The opportunities will increasingly come in the service sector of the economy - jobs like fast food, retail sales and business services. The US Department of Labor estimates there will be 20 million new service jobs by the year 2000, most of those part-time. At the same time, the manufacturing industry will loose 800,000jobs, due in part to America's inability to compete in the world-wide manufacturing industry. Not everyone will be working with french fries though. The labor department says higher education will become increasingly necessary for employment. Currently only 22 percent of all jobs require a college degree, in the '90s that will rise to 33 percent. But in case you feel like bagging college and maybe moving to theSunbelt, here is an encouraging

Products of the '90s --Tomorrow's Shopping Cart ,,.ccordingto Advertising Age Magazine

-carbonated, flavored milk -''healthy'' frozen food -Super-concentrated granular detergents (these are mixed with water by consumer to save packaging) -''Kids''' food -Chemical-free produce -pre-moistened cleaning wipes -fat substitutes -rice bran


list of the top ten jobs for the next ten years - this list is in actual numbers of jobs, not percentage of growth. retai I sales clerks waiters and waitresses registered nurses janitors housekeeping and janitorial personnel general managers top executives cashiers truck drivers office clerks food counter clerks nurse's aides orderlies Whatever you decide to do, keep in mind what the 80s has taught us: technology can change the world with lightening speed, and chances are the job you'll occupy ten years from now may not even exist today. To get you ready, here's a peak at what the want ads may look like in the not too distant future. · Wanted llicro Bngla-.r We are a leading-edge manufacturer of the new technology of microscopic machines - miniature machines built from wafers of sllicon. We are the makers of the P5000 Cardio-arterial Declogger, the world's first mlcroma.chine that eats away clogged arteries in human hes.rt tissue. Help us develop our next life-saving product. Candidates need to be creative, self-motivated individuals with degrees in science and medicine.

Trout Stream Builder Help bring the days when streams supported life, not endangered it. We are a. newly-created environmental group that turns forgotten, polluted streams into viable fresh water trout hatcheries. Applicants must posses not only a. knowledge of the la.test fresh water microbiology technology, but an abllity to communicate a.s much of the work 1s done through government agencies.

l'ood. Preparation Specialist Burgerm.eister Corporation 1s looking for experienced, reliable men and women who "have ketchup in their veins". We need motivated kitchen personnel for our new 24-hour super stores to work all shifts. Wages start a.t $10 per hour, include health and dental insurance. Advancement to management possibllities. Free uniforms, pleasant working environment.

llouvelle cu.laDe Artist Creative person needed to help this start-up company become the la.rgest in its field - the a.rt of food a.rra.nging. Work is ma1nly done for weddings and other events where everything be perfect. No cooking in· volved, just a. good eye for ma.shed potatoes.

A guide to phrases you may hear in the next decade. Pat., want to buy some ice? "Ice" will be the drug of the '90s. It is a methamphetamine (speed) that is crystal-like, hence its nick name. Drug enforcement officials say it started in Asia. is already the #I drug in Hawaii and is currently hitting the California coast. Experts say ice will become popular with workaholics because it produces a rush that can last . anywhere from eight to 24 hours without a severe "crash" afterwards. The drug is also easy to make with the right chemicals.

Honey, where's the sphygmomanometer? By the end of the' 90s, sphygmomanometers (an instrument that measures blood pressure) will be as common a household item as thermometers aretoday, experts predict. Blood pressure tests will be just one of the growing number of self health tests people will do in their homes. Other tests will include cholesterol level, blood sugar level and colon cancer.

Mom, where do I put the polystyrene? Five years from third of all landfills will be filled, it will be a federal crime to dump solid waste in theocean, andyour family will have produced approximately 1,550 bags of trash. For some communities, recycling is a reality of the '80s, but by September 1990, most people in Pennsylvania will be fort:ed to sort their garbage. Also be on theloot out for newforms of packagingthat will help lessen the solid waste productionwhich since 1960 bu mt creued 80 percent to 160 million tons per year. Despite publicawarmess,expertssay America will continueto produce garbage at twice the rate of Europe per capita well into the next century. Goodbye yuppies, Helo ff the deadl of the young.upwardly-mobileprofessionals doesn't comeabout in the'90s, then they certainlywill be aettinasicker1be desire for high-priced imported goods will be comingdown with the contin\llllbweak dolw abtQad.consWDeJ walCbeis~- lf ~ doesn't til'I dieyapa.the simple ftlct lbat ~ will be leis llidlea people entering their yuppie years (25 to 35) in the '90s.


lee, • half cup sifted flaffY cellulole, • quarter cup fat SDbltitute.. Eating in the 1990swon't be nearlyu tasteful as it used to be but you won't have to wony about clogging your arteries wbilemunching on mou.arella sticks or milk shakes. Instead of grazing on oat bran cereal each morning, you 'II be able to get a full day•s supply of fiber by using a flour substitute that is made from fibre but is undetectable by taste. Two fat substitutes are cunently being considered by the Federal Drug Administration. One, called ••Simplesse,•• can be substituted for fats in frw.enand refrigerated dairy products, i.e .. guilt-free cheesecake." The other, called •'Olestra,' • can beboiled, fried and otherwisesizzled so that you can coot fat-free french fries.

Mr. and Mn. JGDeS,yoe're baby is rady Get ready to makesomebig ethical decisions if you 're planning to raisea familyin thenext decade. Today,thereare250 genetic defects that can be ideaafied in embryosusinc varioustesdag medloda.Some day 10011, thecnlirehumm genetic code may be dei ipll&-,ed, IDlkiDa it poable to tletumine whichemhryol will have bhle ~ cmty bair or hairy bmctles. Will Ibis lead to '',-etic llq,pen.'' .-mas thatdeb.uiae bow amart, or how11111 lbeir c:biJdrenwill be befcn tbey are born? A c:ummt awvey of .,._. foal that 11pertelllwoald aboltaprepancyif they mew their child wuuld b4 .. ..;caDy pmditp ISiedtoabelity.





TIie recea1 tnllld iD WOlt-at-bomecnen will COlldnuead fbnll inlDlbe am cmimy •Y 1he,_ ... ...,. The home wiB mab • ideal office ao1 clllly for the mm of the family,but also die semi-tetiredeldedy (one 67-year old 1111Din Plorida set a salel reconlfordlel>aylla WOIUIIOlll<J(llis home).The hram:rpped CM aleo beMfit fiml tkholDD-offlce.

S.. yea'N 32·...,, I tlilllb It's dae ,-... MBica's youdl are hllllllllOW'I ...._

eidler. Today, --

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Brid,e' & maguine says 111111 ia the '90I it will be aociallyaccept· able for the poom to have a tea.le as a ''Best Penoo'' IDd for the bride to havea male "Man of Honor."





f ridaXzdee. 8, 1989


Never too old for cartoon Christmas specials by Denise Edwards

man.'' "My favorite part is in the middle when Frosty plays with all the children,'' Harris said. ''The sledding down the hills, the marching through the downtown streets, and the music gets you in the Christmas spirit." Harris believes Frosty is important to the holiday season because it takes a snowman, which in real· life is an inanimate object, and brings him to life by placing a magic black top hat upon his head. "It's the magic of having things come to life that is the spirit of Chritmas,'' Harris said. Clyde LaForest, sophomore, remembers how much he looked forward to watching the holiday specials when he was a kid. "I wish other things would not come up, like assignments and exams during some of the Christmas specials," LaForest said. "There is still the kid inside of me that enjoys them." Many students on campus also commented on how the cartoons and specials have changed so much since they were children. Harris does not care for

Here we are in December and the tell tale signs of winter have set in. The wind blowing furiously outside, is a dead give away that its definitely below zero. More and more you find your self hibernating in your room and watching television. You 're flipping through the channels and you happen to come across a Christmas special. As you sit their watching you begin to remember how much you enjoyed them as a child. You get those warm fuzzy feelings about the holidays and it puts you in a fantastic frame of mind for the rest of the evening. J'he watching of holiday cartoons and Christmas specials has become a tradition for the Christmas season. How many of us have put off studying for an important exam for just an hour more because Rudolph was on at eight o'clock? As silly as it may seem some of us could not get through the holidays without watching our favorite special. Tara Monte, sophomore, could not live without her Christmas specials. "They make the holiday," Monte said. "They get everyone into the spirit of Christmas.'' Garfield's and Heathcliff's Monte gets very excited about seeing them year after Christmas specials. year. Her favorite is "The Christmas That Almost Wasn't." "They have no mean"That's the one with the Heatmizer and Coldmizer." ing," Harris said "They do Monte explained excitedly. not set good examples or The reason she likes the show so much is that when she proper values for kids. A started watching, about 17 years ago, it captivated her atten- . sarcastic cat dressed up in a tion Santa Claus suit is not Christand would always put her in the Christmas spirit. mas." Elizabeth Baumstark,junior, has s~veral favorites on her Harris believes that the list of "must see" before Dec. 25. One is "Twas the Night cartoons should show Santa Before Christmas.'' That's the one with the mice and the in a positive way and back town clock that saves Christmas. up the age old traditions of "I like it because it shows the true meaning of Christ- Christmas. mas," Baumstark said. Suzanne Marotta, freshIf Baumstark was allowed to watch only one special man, believes the Christmas during the holiday season it would be ''It's a Wonderful special should be happy and Life." non-violent. "It's great," Baumstarksaid. "'It's a WonderfulLife' "Christmas is a time for is the classic Christmas movie. It hits every emotion, it's traditions and people to be happy and sad." happy and giving, the new LeKeisha Harris, sophomore, loves "Frosty the Snow- cartoons do not express these


Do you know all the words? JINGLEBELLS Dashing through the snow In a one horse open sleigh, O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way; Bells on bobtail ring, Making spirits bright; 0 what fun it is to sing a sleighing song tonight! Refrain

.. - ... '"' ,. ,~ r QJ I




. .. I

- I






December 9: Turner Network Television How the Grinch Stole Christmas December 12: Disney Channel Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper Casper's First Christmas

December 14: HBO The Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree


December 15: CBS Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer A Garfield Christmas A Claymation Christmas Celebration December 21: CBS Twas the Night Before Christmas

Come Sing Along with the_

CABRINI COLLEGE CHORUS Sunday Dec. 10th at 3pm.

December 24: ABC Santa Claus: The Movie the 1985 film starring Dudley Moore

The concert will be held in the chapel. A reception in the WCGA will follow t~e performance. Admission is free!

December 25: ABC Walt Disney's Very Merry Christmas Parade

Check listing for times.

' \...

A Guide to Your Favorite Holiday Specials

December 13: CBS A Charlie Brown Christmas Frosty the Snowman NBC A Christmas Story in America starring Kenny Rogers in a special about four Christmasses in the life of a professional photographer

A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride, And soon Miss Fannie Bright was seated by my side; The horse was lean and lank, Mis-making spirits bright; He got into a drifted bank And then we got upset! Refrain

Refrain:JingleBells! JingleBells! Jingleall the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh! JingleBells! Jinglebells! Jingleall the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh! J

values," she said. Gail Rabstein, freshman, does not like the way many of the cartoons make fun of Santa. '"Ziggy's Christmas' shows a bad image of Santa to children,'• she said. ''They show him as a man dressed up in a costume with nothing special or magical about him.'' LaForest does not agree with what the networks have done to the older cartoons over the years. "They've cutalotofthemsothey'reonlyahalf an hour long," LaForest said. "It's a shame. When you remember something in its entirety and it's not that way, it's a big disappointment." Chris Pesotski, sophomore explained that •'the cartoons today are too commercial. They take away from Christmas. Frosty and Rudolph are what Christmas is all about. It's not fair. It's not what I remember about Christmas." LaForest commented on how the older cartoons were more willing to let you believe in magic and fairy tales. ''They reflected the older values - God, family and spirit.'•




f riday,dec.8, 1989

'Twas the story behind

Christmastraditions... by Carrie Corr The true meaning of Christmas sometimes gets lost in the hustle and bustle of today's society. When Christians think of Christmas, they think of tradition. Christmas Eve dinner, opening that one present before bedtime, waking up extra-early Christmas morning, and the wonderful bliss they experience when it is time to open up the gifts. What about the Christian meaning behind the symbols of Christmas? Why do they put up a Christmas tree? Why are Christmas colors red and green? What do candy canes have to do with Christmas? With Christmas just a few weeks away, it may be important to know some of the reasons Christians do what they do during the holidays. The Christmas Tree. The tradition of the Christmas tree was brought to this country by German-speaking immigrants. The Christmas tree is an "evergreen" and is one of the few trees that does not die in the winter. For this reason it is a symbol of everlasting life, the precious gift from Jesus to all believers. The Christmas Candle. Candles have long been a part of the tradition of the Gatholic Church. The candles they bum at Christmas remind them of their own Baptism and their own adoption as God's children. The Star. The star is one of the most popular symbols ofChristmas.Manypeople top their Christmas trees with a star. The star Jed the Magi to the crib of the new born King. The star can remind Christians that they are invited to come to Christ and offertheir gifts to Him. Ornaments. Decorating the Christmas tree with ornaments comes from an old European custom when ornaments were made from cookies and bread. These were hung on the tree in thanks for "our daily bread," and they also meant a special treat for children.

Christmas Bells. Bells have been used for hundreds of years to call people to an event. Church bells call people to wor-

ship. The bells of Christmas have special meaning, for they sing out: "Your Savior is at hand, your freedom from sin is here!" Santa Claus. Santa Claus seems to overshadow the true meaning of Christmas and there is a sad irony in this since he is really Saint Nicholas. He was generous to the poor and always gave his gifts secretly, we are told. In imitation of him, anonymous gift-giving at Christmas time began. The Wreath. Christ's victory over evil on the cross is also symbolized by a wreath. Christians are reminded of the crown He wore, how Jesus paraded through the streets of Jerusalem for all to see and how He struggled with sin and death on the cross. The Candy Cane. On that sacred night when Jesus was born, in a stable near the hillsides ofBethlehem, some shepards were invited by the Angel to go and see the newborn Messiah of Israel. Their crooked shepard staffs have been memorialized in the candy canes which decorate Christmas trees and fill the stockings of children. Christmas Colors. Red and green are the most used colors at Christmas time. In the tradition of the church these colors have special meaning. Red symbolizes the blood of Christ and the martyrs who loved God and remained faithful to him. Green is the color of hope and has al ways been a sign oflife and growth and nature. Love and hope are very much a part of the Christmas story, for God became human to prove His deep love for Christians and give them hope of eternal life. Holly. Garlands and sprigs of holly are used to adorn homes, churches and public places. Long ago, the sharp thorns and red berries reminded Christians of the suffering for which the infant Messiah was destined. They saw in the thorns the crown which would pierce His head, and the berries remind them of the blood He would shed. Christmas. Christmas is a word that we see and hear so often through the season, yet many are hardly aware of its origin. Christmas is a combination of two Latin words: Christus and missus. These two words mean: Christ is sent. Sent where? Into the world by the loving Father who wishes to give His children the most precious gift of all ... His only Son.

Do you knowall the words? HARK! THE HERALDANGELS SING Hark the herald angels sing, Glory to the newbornKing; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled. Joyful all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies; With th' angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in bethlehem. Refrain: Hark! the herald angels sing, Glory to the newbornKing.

Christ, by highest heav'n adored;Christ, the everlastingLord; l..Atein time beholdHim come, Off-springof the Virgin'swomb. Veil'din flesh the God-headsee; Hail th'IncarnateDeity, Pleased as man with man to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanual! Refrain Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die, BorlJto raise the sons of earth, Born to give themsecond birth. Ris'n with healing'inHis wings,Ught and life to all He brings, hail, the Sono/Rightousness!HailtheHeav'nborn Prince of Peace! Refrain



Dreamsof Santa dance in their heads by Carrie Corr Christmas is a time of celebration, giving and sharing. In the tradition of the saint, Nicholas, Christians have come to know the magical, jolly old man with a white beard and red outfit as Santa Claus. Santa Claus is by far one of the most popular symbols of Christmas and credit for that can go to the children. You are young only once, and even though Christmas has become a bit overcommercialized, nothing can take away that warm fuzzy feeling you get when a child's face lights up from getting that "perfect" gift. Their joy and excitement is what Christmas is all about. A spontaneous visit to the Children's School here at Cabrini provided some very genuine and enlightening responses to some Christmas questions. Brighteyed and eager to talk about Christmas, the children sat around their snack table and let their imaginations go wild. Were you naughty or nice? "I was kind of naughty," said Matt Sutherland, 4. "I spilled my lemonade all over the table when I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. Is that naughty? Because it was only a mistake." "I was nice all year," said Becky Briskin, 4. "I can'trememberdoinganything... well maybe, does sticking your tongue out count?" What's your favorite part of Christmas? "I like getting up and seeing all of the pretty presents under the tree when I wake up,'' said Christa Schmidt, 3. "I like the toys!!!,'' said Sam Dalke,5. Who's your favorite reindeer? The unanimous response, "Rudolph!" What is your favorite Christmas song? "I like 'Frosty the Snowman,"' said Daniel Zurek, 4. "I also like' Jingle Bells' and 'Santa Claus Is Coming to Town."' What is the one present you would like Santa to bring? "Well, a new drum set,'' Matt said. ''You see, last year I got a drum and it was small. It didn't have a

foot pedal or even a cymbal. I'm bigger this year so maybe Santa will bring a "real" drum set this year." What do you leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve? "Oreo cookies and milk,'' Christa said. "My dad says that Santa likes Oreos." ''Christmas tree cookies, chocolate chips and beer," Becky said. "Santa probably likes beer." The final question was to Brian Johnson, 4. What is the one special wish you would like to ask Santa? He replied, "I'm not telling, it's for Santa!"

What do you leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve? "Christmas tree cookies, chocolate chips and beer. Santa probably likes beer." - Becky Briskin, age4

f ridav3 dee. 8 3 1989



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A meal ticket for Cabrini's cafeteria entitles each student to 19 meals per week, eight months per year. This fee is included in the room and board fee, regardless of wh~t a student eats in the cafeteria, and how often they eat there. Why must students pay for food that they may not even eat? Why does it cost the same to run into the cafeteria for a banana and a Coke as it does to eat a full meal? Is this the best meal plan the school can come up with, or is there possibly an alternative? Of the $4,350 this school's students pay for room and board for the 1989-1990 school year, approximately $650 of that is used for the meal plan. This averages out to approximately five dollars per person per day that Seilers (the catering company employed by Cabrini to operate the cafeteria) has to spend on its meals. Anna Marie Mimms, senior, member of the Food Committee explains that Seilers, in fact, relies on the students who don't show up to every meal to help defer costs. What about the idea of having more than one meal plan option (example: 10, 15, and 19 meals per week )? According to Frank Emmerich, sophomore, head student representative on the food committee, more than one meal plan would mean that the system would have to be computerized to determine who has which plan as they enter the cafeteria. '' There• s talk of having a 10or 15 meal plan. It's being investigated," said Emmerich, "It would have to be much more monitored. This way, we keep a family-like atmosphere. You can just walk into the cafeteria with relatively no hassle." Emmerich also said that many of the people involved with the food committee feel that offering a 15 meal per week option would reduce the amount of people who stay on campus during weekends. "We have problems keeping them here the way it is," Emmerich said. What about commuters? Are they confined to the Wig-Warn because they don't live on campus? According to Bill Schellinger, sophomore commuter, this isn't the case at all. Schellinger participates in a lunch card program. This entitles him to five lunches per week for $155 each semester. Schellinger is pleased with this option and claims that he gets his money's worth.

"With my lunch card, I get more for my money than I would at the Wig-W am, I get to meet residents and spend time with my friends, I get more of a variety here, too. It's good food and good company,•' Schellinger said. Kelly Reed, another commuter, eats lunch in the cafeteria because she feels that the Wig-Wamistoocrowded. She feels that the meal plan as it is now does mean that money is wasted with each missed meal, but that it would be too complicated to pay for each meal one a time. Why aren't there other meal options? John Barclay, chief financial officer, feels that he may not be comfortable encouraging students to eat less that the nutritionally recommend three meals per day by offering them a less expensive option. ''To allow students to get by with only one or two meals per day defies the concept of education, nutritional education,'' Barclay said,. Barclay said that one of the primary reasons there aren't any other meal plans now is that it simply wasn't a part of the original negotiation or contract. ''The people who made up the contract aren't here now. A new option can be discussed. I'm willing to work with Bill (Haile, director of food services) if he thinks it's worth it." Is It possible to get other meal plans instituted? "I have no real opinion one way or the other," Barclay said, " Maybe it would be beneficial to look into alternate meal plans. I'm willing to listen to suggestions, and look into it." Barclay also stated that ultimately, the consumer pays for everything, and that any changes would eventually come out of the students pockets. What does Seilers have to say? Marion Linke, Assistant manager for food services, said that she has worked in other schools where there were several meal plan options. However, those schools had many more students enrolled. She recalled that one of the schools she worked at had l 0,000 residents. Even on the weekends, she remembers feeding 1,000 to 2,000 students per meal. She said that it makes sense to have several options at schools that size, but a school this size couldn't afford to have several meal plans. "Bigger schools have lots of options because they can afford to. Small schools with options means that the students end up paying a fortune," Linke said.

Weekend food is ·not home cookin' by Kelly Walsh

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Titroughout the years, at different schools, students complain about the food in their cafeteria. Cabrini is no exception to the rule. Some complain to no end, and never get results. Should they get results? Are the cooks doing the best they are capable of doing? Is the food better or worse on the weekends? "I live on cereal," said John Osborn, sophomore. "I wouldn't go and eat in the cafeteria if I had food in my room. But I have no money, so I have no food. Also, it is such a hassle to if you want two entrees. You are only allowed to get one, and if you want another one, you have to get in the back of the line again! '' Sophomore, Mary Shimkus also eats cereal every weekend. "It seems like they have the same menu every weekend," she said. ''I like the salad, but it looks worse on the weekends. You could go out and get your own food, but it ruins your meal plan.''

moreon 1~




friday, dee. 8, 1989


Student~ find alternatives to please taste buds by Karen Dumorney There seems to be a tremendous amount of money being spent by the residents here at Cabrini. This is a result of students not being completely satisfied with the meals served in the cafeteria. Residents hav_efound ways to overcome this problem. Some have decided to cook for themselves with the use of microwave ovens, toaster ovens and even stoves. Some have taken another route in solving this situation - they order out. Whatever the case might be, they have foundways to eat what suits their taste buds. Indeed in frontofyour very eyes there are students who live on campus who cook during the week. They can be found in all residence halls and in their rooms. But who are these chefs and where can they be found. They are your colleagues. Some may be your friends, some may be acquaintances, however, to a certain extent, they are creative individuals. Residents here cook fornumerous reasons. Some don't like what they're being served in the cafeteria. Some say that mealtime conflicts with their schedule. Others say they are so used to home cooking that eating anywhere but home, is like eating baby food all over again. Whatever the case might be, they cook for a reason. Marco Gittens, senior, cooks because he enjoys it. Butmostly it'sbecausehegets late night cravings that lead into temptation. "I eat here in the cafe, and then, late a~ night, I eat again because late at night I get hungry," he said. "Instead of eating junk food, I just whip up a nice good hot meal. I cookjust about every night. I make pepper steak, spaghetti

and meatballs and all that other good stuff." Che Perry, sophomore, said that he cooks every night in his microwave because mealtimes sometimes conflicts with his schedule and because he prefers what he has in his room to what they're serving in the caf. But mainly he cooks because he enjoys cooking. "I like cooking myself because the food is hot and usually when I go to the caf it's warm and I don't want warm food, I want hot food,'• he said. With a serious look on his face, he said "I share my food with no one." Michelle Jones. junior, cooks at least twice a week because she said the food here is very weak. She cooks as an alternative because they don't cook what she likes in the caf. "I once came in the caf with the intentions on eating soul food," she said. "By that I mean collard greens and black-eyed peas and they didn't have it.'' She further said that they don't have a variety to choose from especially when it comes to ethnic foods so as a result, she cooks because they don't have what she Iikes to eat. On the other hand, Nick Ostrowski, junior cooks from a different perspective. He cooks about five times a week on an average. He says that the food in the caf is too high in fat, too saturated and has entirely too much cholesterol. In addition, he cooks because he says it's a good way to watch what you eat. "The food here has too much grease," he said intensely. Roe Wellman, senior, cooks at least seven times a week: because she is on a special diet and the food that they serve in the caf is not appropriate for her diet. In addition, she is able to cook: her food the way she wants it and as a result of that, knows what she is putting in it. However, Wellman is not the only person who feels this way.

Ostrowski is very skeptical when it comes to eating in the cafe. "I enjoy eating in the caf, but I'm not too sure about the conditions here," he said. "I don't know what they 're doing back there." Perry said that he enjoyed eating in his room because there he would have privacy and can enjoy the comfort of watching television as well as eating at the same time in a relaxed atmosphere. Christi Courseault, senior, said that she cooks about three times a week. Like many, she cooks as an alternative to eating in the caf. But when she cooks, she cooks. She makes spaghetti and meatballs, hamburgers, macaroni, and even gumbo, which is a dish that they make back home in New Orleans where she's 'crom. She said that she cooks because she has to eat. Jacqui Lashay, junior, said that she very seldom goes to the caf. On an average, she eats in the caf once or twice a week. When she's not eating there, she is found cooking in her room. She on the other haild cooks because she has a stom- Barbara Burpulis demonstrates the art of cooking for yourself in one of the ach problem. which is a result houses. (Photo by Giselle Bellanca) of her being a picky eater. "I just like to watch what I eat basically," she said . ..----~ ......... ~----, '' I buy all healthyf<>Olirfresh anywhere else other than the caf. You would think that paying to As a result of people cooking in their vegetables, meats and fruits,•' she rooms, you can just imagine how crowded said. eat in the caf and then spending it gets in the Acme Supermarket, where Courseault spends about $12 a even more for ordering out would most Cabrini students buy their groceries. week on food. be extravagant but apparently not. Some buy junk food, some buy diet "I'm a real economic shopper," The students here would rather foods, and some even buy nutritious she said. spend more money than settle for foods. Whatever they buy ,they spend a Krista Palmisano, sophomore, eating in the caf. lot of money considering that they are is fortunate that she doesn't have Ordering out goes onjustabout already paying for the food they are sup- to worry about how much she every night. This is a result oflate posed to be eating in the caf. spends because she doesn't pay for night snack mongers and people According to Perry, he and his room- it. who are just fed up with the food in mates spend about $80 a week on "I don't know how much I spend the caf. They spend an average groceries among the three of them. on food, my mother foots the bill,'' between $5 to $IO a week. "We put our money together and make she said. Some even said that if they had a list of what we want, and then one of us Sometimes, when these people an option, they would rather eat out goes out and buys the groceries,'' he said. are too busy to cook, they just pre- on a regular basis than to settle for Wellman spends anywhere from$30 fer to indulge in some hot and al- eating_ in the caf. And from the to $40 a week on food because she is on ready made meals. They order out looks on their faces. they were a special diet. from Campus Comer, Dominos or definitely serious.

Weekend from 12 On the other hand, the meal plan doesn't exactly fit some schedules. Besides school work, one might be involved in activities such as, the Student Government Association (S.G.A.), work or meetings. "My schedule doesn't worlc well around the cafeteria's hours. I usually go out and get food,'' said Jeff Foley,'; junior. "The food is lousy during the week and twice is bad on the weekends." Others have the same problem about the food being twice as bad on the weekends. ''The food is bad 24 hours, seven days a week,'' said Scott Miller, freshman. "The eggs taste like mashed potatoes, the bacon is hard and dry, and the orange juice is too watered down. The ice cream

is probably the best meal because you can't mess up ice cream." Sophomore Julie McKee feels the same way as Miller. "I wouldn't call it food," she said. ''On the other hand, I can understand it's not their fault because they are short staffed on the weekends." Not only is there a problem with the food. but according to sophomore Ellen Battersby. there are maintenance problems too. ''They let too many things go,•' she said. ''The soda sometimes doesn't taste right, at times there's no ice and the milk drips," The salads are good. I can usually find something I like." Chris Renzulli, junior, is on the other end of the spectrum.


food is not bad at all,"

"I wouldn't call it food. On the other hand, I can understand it's not their fault because they are short staffed on the weekends." -Julie Mc Kee, sophomore Renzulli said. "The stuffed shells and mashed potatoes are the best. I sometimes go up for seconds." Another person who agrees with Renzulli, is the manager of Seiler's, Bill Haile. Haile recently joined

the staff and is working to ensure that the services are up to par. Despite his attempts to make the food appropriate, students still complain. Haile stated that the main reason why the food is the way it is on the weekends is because they are short staffed. "Since there are only about half of the population left on campus during the weekends, we offer a different and modified menu,•' Haile said. ''We try to incorporate breakfast and lunch in the same hour and then have dinner from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The deli bar is self serve on the weekends and we use some of the left-overs from during the week to substitute. Students often make complaints about the food among

themselves. One way to prevent the complaints, Haile said, is to taste test the food. "If something isn't right, even maintenance problems, we make a move right away," he said. "We see if things are out ahead of time and check to see if everything is correct. We always have enough food in case something runs out. We also have a backup supply of food to substitute meals.'• Haile, along with the employees of Seiler's, are working on ways to satisfy everyone. Ideas on a better bunch and new ways of setting it up are being thought of and are on the way. Any suggestions, comments, or complaints are welcome on their suggestion board





fridaXzdee. 8, 1989

Straight from Monaco's Mout_h lou monaco sports editor

As we enter the 1990's, a decade which brought us joy, tears, happiness, agony, wins~ losses, champions, losers, change, tragedy, anger, controversy, and most importantly, memories, comes to a close in the world of sports. A column of the 80's is not enough. Therefore, after careful consideration, I have decided to write a Monaco's List of the past decade. In this list, you will find names, events, scores, highlights, lowlights and anything else that happened in the past 10 years of athletic competition. It is up to you, the reader, to remember why that specific item is significant to the sports public. The list will not satisfy everybody. Feel free to write a letter or drop me a line in the newsroom on what should be omitted or what should be added. Some things you might know right off the bat, others well ... So, put on your favorite sports

* Borg * "No Mas!" * Stallworth * Sebastian Coe * STRIKE! * Clemson Football * Fernando * The Mahre Brothers * Susan Brown * Sampson vs. Ewing * Sugar ... Sugar ... Sugar ... * The Catch * The Drive * Randall * Pine Tar * Billy ... Billy ... Billy ... Billy ... Billy ... * Bryant * Halas * Aunese * Ralph Norwood * Don Rogers * Len Bias * The Golden Bear * The Walrus * Derek Whittenburg to Lorenzo Charles * '' Oh My!'' * Stars & Stripes * Boycott * BYU * The Wave * John 3:14 * Martina * Slaney * Wheaties * Reebok * Just Do It *Bo *Lou * Moses * Carl * Steroids * Cocaine * Banned For Life/Reinstatement * George Michael * Costas *

cap andsay good-bye to a decade Musberger • Louganis which started out with U-S-A! and ended with anabolic steroids. * 4-3 * Mike Eruzione * Jim Craig * Eric Heiden * Rosie Ruiz * Tugger

* Al Campanis * PSU * ND * Torvill and Dean * Los Angeles • The Great One * Islanders * Retton * Flutie * Miami * Kosar * Testeverde * Steinbrenner *

Schellenberger * Doc * Mookie * Spud * USBL * USFL * D'Amato * Tyson * Eddie Robinson * John Dzik * Crum * Shoemaker * Sistrunk * Roger ___ _ * Magic * #23 * STRIKE! * Bobby Knight *Prop48 *64Teams *Mario * Racism * Boz * Graf * Chang * Janet Jones * Gambling * Katarina * Eagle * Fingernails * Kersee * .Nairn Suieymanoglu * Colorado * Quake * Rickey * Evert *V * The Shark * 56- 7 * Redskins * Nova' * Federals * Doug Williams * ESPN * SportsChannel * Lights * Dean * 186-184 * The Lottery Pick * Hex * Ivan * Jordan - Hare Stadium * Seve * Hoyas * Paolo Rossi * Rocky * Ben Johnson * The Hall * Steve Fisher * Foreman * Rozelle * Dickerson * LeMond * #16 * Lew Alcindor * Trumbull, Conn. * Giamatti * Alysheba * Terry * Lynn * Agassi * * Sanchez * Trump Staubach * Instant Replay * Jensen * Scabs * Cityto-city * #20 "Donnie Moore * 3 pts. * Phi-Slarnma-Jarnma * 7 foot Midshipman * Pelle * Tony Ayala * Teofilo Stevenson * The Two Brian's * Mears * Marco * Oilers * Raging Bull

* Bull Durham * The * Duk-Koo-Kim Citadel * Hoosiers * * Reggie * Ciccarelli Riggins * Garvey * Frieder * Kellen * Jimmy the Greek * Synchronized Swimming * Oklahoma * WF AN *WWF *Wade *Adams * Sports Source * Fridge * Chris Drury * Eastern * Isiah * Reds * McEnroe * Jimbo * Lefty * Baseball Cards * Fantasy Leagues * $$$$$$$$ * $3 million ballplayers *6 fouls * Television * Cable * Satellite * 900 numbers * Eskin * Mad Dog * Pete Franklin * Domes * College baseball * High School Football On Television * Gibson Does Hobbs * Strange * Kevin Moen * 46 Defense * J * Silver Stretch * Bernard King * Drinking * Sweetness * Daryl... Daryl... * Joe Must Go! * AJ * The Stage * Balabon * Simmons * Deion * The Nation * The Flower That Went Limp * Boom-Boom * O'Leary * Lupica * Dick Vitale * The Almost Biggest Upset Ever * Penn Football * Courage * Dave Dravecky * 66-64 * ''Going For Two ... '' * Ties * FumbleRooskie * 91 Yards * * Expansion * Niners Columbia * Northwestern

* Black Coaches * Russians To USA: Who Would Have Thought?! * Karch * Rice * Fights * Bounties * Buddy * Rollie * Riley * Courson * McClain * Divac * Baskerville Holmes * Spuds * Bud Bowl I * Taste Great, Less Filling * In the front rooow ... * Phillie Phanatic * Penn Relays * Big Five Conference * Buck The Bartender * Kawakami * Conlin * Whitey * Davey * Yogi * The Battle By The Bay * Senior Professional Baseball * L.A. Gear * Ali cologne * Bully cologne * Adidas cologne * Siena * Palestra Pandomonium * Ware, Sanders, Brown, Rozier, Walker, Flutie, and other people that I can' t remember right now! * Nolan Ryan: 5,000 K's * Gittens: 1,000 points * 200 wins for Coacl\ Dzik! * The Ballbusters reign! * Guido: The Eagles Scab QB * ACC-Big East Challenge * 5 a.m. practices * Gizmo * Webster * Bubby * Jerome Brown beats out the end to the Cold War.

There you have it! Have a Blessed Christmas and a wonderful 1990! Can we try to make a resolution for next semester: WRITE ME LETTERS!!! I sure would appreciate it! See Ya Next Year!

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Salesperson KenRock at G.H. Bass in Court at King of Prussia (opening very soon) has full/part-time positions, flexible hours. Salary+ commission. ContactJanie Tomlinson at 1-800-678-7789or 223-2115.



friday, dee. 8, 1989


Athletic money slipping into the red gradually by Kelly Reed What could you do with $21,000? You could buy yourself a big boat. A really cool car. Put a hefty down payment on a house. Could you run a successful athletic program that has 13 competitive teams all trying to be the best they can be? This is the question that John Dzik, athletic director, had to ask himself again this year. Is it possible to have competitive NCAA Division III teams on a budget that only allots $1,615 to each team for the whoie year? The entire athletic budget for this year is $123,000. Of that $123,000, $83,000 is appropriated to the salaries for the coaches, money for home officials and for students with work study awards. Another $12,000 goes toward staff benefits such as disability and health insurance. Other expenses that are incurred during the year include $5,000 for athletic equipment, money for the bookstore, all of the various teams' travel expenses and expenses from recruiting new athletic talent for Cabrini. The van that the tell{Tlsuse to travel to games costs the department $23,000 between the gasoline and the rental fees. That leaves a grand total of approximately $28,000 for the department's operating expenses, of which $7,300 is tied up in the van rental. In reality, that leaves $21,000 for the various operating expenses of the 13 teams. Although Cabrini is a small college, it has a minimal amount of funds left for operating expenses compared to colleges of its same size. According to "The Winning Edge," by Francis and James Kilpatrick, Rosemont College has an operating expense account of over $47,000 for its athletic teams. Frostburg State, a state-supported school, has an operat-

ing budget of $470,000. Salisbury State, also state-funded, has a budget of- $340,000. However, both schools do have a football team. Albright College, a division III school, thoµgh not an ESAC conference opponent, has an operating expense budget of $500,000.

This increase in budget includes an attempt to get some funds for areas that have no funding at present. Expenses such as training supplies, whirlpools, bandages, the fitness center, weights, intramurals, the athletic awards banquet and the pre-season athletic camps all have no budget lines. No definite monies are set aside for them because there isn't any money available. ''The team wasdisappointedthatwedidn't have a single overnight invitational this season, but the money just wasn't "When the athletic department has there," said Tom O'Hora, the cross country coach. "The 20 percent of the student body · team bought new uniforms about two years ago, but we had about 15-20 of our warm-ups stolen last year, and there involved in intercollegiate sports, wasn't money to replace them in the budget, we look like it is definitely a marketing tool ragamuffins. '' I think that Dzik has done a remarkable job of trying to for the college, and part of its run this department on a budget that is 'below a shoestring.''' attractions." Gerry Szabo, the women's volleyball coach, said, "We - John Dzik are lucky because, we are allowed to keep the proceeds from USVBA (United States Volleyball Association) amateur tournaments, so whatever the budget can't give us, we can make for ourselves. We have three sets ofuniforms, warmThe biggest surprise of all is Eastern College, Cabrini's rival. Eastern has an operating budget of more than $86,000 ups, and some of the finest equipment we can get." Reggie Day, coach of the men's and women's tennis and is in the same division, same conference, and right across teams, said, "I am pretty happy with what we have, we the street from Cabrini. finally have tennis courts and our equipment is in good "Dzik asked for $122,721 for the athletic budget, and he shape.'' was granted $123,976," said Dean of Students Robert "If anything, I would like to see a proviso, under which Bonfiglio. "He was given everything he asked for. "We try we could come indoors during inclement weather, but indoor to do the best we can for the athletic department.'' nets are really expensive and it mightJ»cheaper to just go "We need more money," Dzik said. "The athletic to an indoor club," Day said. "If the funds were available department has been operating in the red since 1981. We have it would be great for the men's team to have a summer camp $21,000 to work with and an estimated operating expense of and a pre-season like the women's team does.' ' $40,000." ''When the athletic department has 20 percent of the In order to maintain the athletic department in a suitable student body involved in intercollegiate sports, it is fashion, that is, without any program improvements, the definitely a marketing tool for the college and part of its operating budget would have to increase from $50,000 in the attraction,'' Dzik said. 1991-92 season to $68,000 during the 1993-94 season.

ports in the '90s: for better or for worse? by Chris Pesotski Well, Monaco's talkingabout the '80's, so I guess I'll wander into my ivory tower and prognosticate about the '90's. Sports will continue to be big business. Making a buck ispartoftheAmerican Dream, and entreprenuers are going to grab up every cent fans are willing to fork over. 1bat'U mean higher ticket prices, more events on pay-per-view, and skyrocketing player salaries. Why are players going to make so much? As the level of mediocrity in all sports rises, the value of tJue stars will become more and more astronomical. Fans will pay to see a Gretsky or a Mattingly, even if the rest of their teammates belong in the minors. Additionally, players hold the power. If they go out on strike, the owner's currently bottomless pockets suddenly dry up. Look for more strikes in all sports in the coming decade. Sounds pretty bleak doesn't it? Well. takeheart armchair athletes of America.

Some really exciting developments will come along in the next 10 years. How about year-round football, NFLstyle? Yeah. ThatWorldFootballLeagueis going to make it All of the money the NFL is going to sink into it will buy a few big TV contracts. People have proven (myself included)thatthey'llpaytosee anything. I'd imaginefans will eat up spring food,all played by over-the-hill veterans and NFL draft rejects. We all loved ''Football Follies and Baseball Blunders" didn't we? What will make this fly when all of the other leagues before it flopped? Money, money, and more money. These guys don't have to compete with the NFL,they're apart of it. Look for this idea to tum ifuo the longawaited minor league of the NFL. Baseball may even make some winter appearanceson the boob tube in the '90's. The Old Phogies League down in Florida will probably get a winter TV contract, giving guys gracefully called veterans, another shot at some glory.

I know I'll be watching. I'd dojust about anything to seeCarlton throw againor watch Manny Trillo and Johnny Bench work their defensive magic. These new leagues are for suckers like me and Gudas who will watch a great gameand guys like Bench, no matter how skilled the players are. By Lord Stanley, hockeylooks like it will become a major sport in the '90's. All of the rough-cut, cute young stars attract the teenage girls. With them come their boyfriends. The drop-the-gloves and bash the other guy's brains out tactics pull in the macho men who just Jove the crushing tackles of football. Now if they could just fmd a way to make that stupid little puck easier to see on television. the NHL would have network contracts pouring in. On the college scene, basketball will continue its trend to Dick Vitale's "slammin' and jammin''' style. Defense will take a backseat to scoring. Soundsa little like the NBA, doesn't it? No changes in college football, unfor-

tunately. Except bigger, bigger, and bigger. Half-million fan stadiums, cocaine orgies, lower and lower graduation rates. TV sponsorswill make even moremoney, as America blindly accepts Saturdayafternoon disgraces. Players of the '90's? How about anyone who stays off drugs, doesn't gamble on his

games, is happywith his contract, sleeps with just his wife. andhas some fun entertainingus? Somehowa few gentlemenwill surfaceon the playingfields. Bo Jacksonis a truly great athlete,and will inspire others to attempt to play two sports at once. But betting this is a short-lived fad. Jacksonwill tire of the constanthitsandlowerpayof theNFI.The Raiderswill lose himwithinthe next two years.Basesball,however,will profit This guyhaswhatit takesto beone of thegreat


ones. Well. thereit is. The'90's as I see them. Dropmealinein IOyears,amdletmeknow bow ldid.


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f riday, dee. 8, 1989


sports ,.

Gi ens Ge s I



I Results Men's Varsity Basketball Nov. 29 Dec. 5

Cavs 75 S. Garden 65 • 1st home game of year! Lincoln 67 Cavs 64 • Senior Marko Gittens reaches the 1,000 point plateau.

Women's Basketball Dec. 2-3

Millersville Dutch Country Classic Championship game Lady Cavs 73 York 60 All-Tournament Selections: Christi Courseault Barbra Milligan MVP: Christi Courseault

Dec. 5

Cabrini 52 Lincoln 48 • Senior Meg Hagan needs 1 point to the 1,000 point mark.

Schedule Men's Varsity Basketball Dec. 11 York College A 7:30 p.m. 28-29 Cabrini Christmas Classic (Glassboro St., Del.Val., Neumann College) H TBA

Cavs lose it; LincolnaddressesCabrini,67-64

Jan. 2-6 National Catholic Basketball Tourney •Gabrini goes to Iowa• Jan. 11 Frostburg State A 8:00 p.m.

Women's Basketball Dec. 9 Phila. Pharmacy H 8:00 p.m. Dec. 11 Widener University H 8:00 p.m.

Above left: Senior Marko Gittenstips in his 1,000point of his <;:areer. {photo by MarlcGudas) Above right: FreshmanChe Perry congratulates Gittenson his accornpl/shment. (photo oYMarlcGuoasJ "Below'fiift: Gittens continuedhis scoring ways as he lays up one of his 20 points on the evening. (photo by Mark Gudas) Belowright: Junior Jason Yurchakbreaks away for two. Unfortuanately,the Cavs couldn't get enoughof them in this tough loss at Lincon. {photoby Mark Gudas)

JV Basketball Dec. 11 Cecil Cty. Comm. Col H 6:00 p.m. Dec. 23 Valley Forge Military H 7:00 p.m.

Have a Happy Holiday!


Cavs defeat rivalSpringGarden, 75-65 '' Our starters were tired from the Cheyney could just show up and it would win it for us.'' The Cavaliers wanted fan support. The State game," Coach John Dzik said. "You "I felt as though we didn't rebound as Cavaliers got fan support. Playing in a could see it tonight--they were tired. We well," said sophomore, Che' Perry (12 packed gym, the men's basketball team were a step slow." Dzik said each of the upped its overall record to 3-1 against the starters played 3 8 to 40 minutes of that game, points, second-highest scorer for the Cavs). "A couple of guys thought we could just Spring Garden College Bobcats on Nov. 29. which was two nights before. stand there. Jeff Barnes and Jeff Hines, The 75-65 win came after a quick-paced, The second halflooked like the first at the point-for-point game that showed both strong start. Both teams scored quickly and consis- Marko and I helped pick things up in the and weak points in the Cavs' execution. It tently. With the clock at 11:26 the score was second half, I think. Jeff Barnes played was a game of a fairly effective offense, a 50-44. Spring Garden had grabbed 20 points defense real! y strong, a lot of points from the and Cabrini 19 since the clock began ticking offense came from turnovers." somewhat weak defense and poor rebound"I'm happy we won the game," Dzik again. Twenty-one seconds later, though ing on both ends. ·said. "Butyou've gottagiveSpringGarden After the ~obcats won the tip-off, the things started to look a little different. Freshman John O'Hare went up for a a lot of credit. They out-hustled us. Cavs set the pace of the game by quickly "We'll have our hands full," he also said, taking possession and sinking two points wide open, one-handed slam, signifying the describing the Cavs' game against Lincoln within 36 seconds of play. Spring Garden Cavs' determination to slow the Bobcats' was not to be outdone, though, and it wasted scoring. With 8:28 left Cabrini evened the University in Philadelphia Dec. 5. "We're no time in putting numbers on the score at 52, but fell behind again. At 6:43 the taking some time off so we'll be physically team pulled ahead with a two-pointer from prepared for the game.•' · scoreboard. "We have enough 'guns' offensively," The Bobcats were doing a better job of Gittens for a score of 56-55. It stayed ahead for the 75-65 win. Gittens said on WCAB's "Sports Source" getting their hands on the ball than Cabrini, after the Spring Garden game. "We shouldn't "In the second half," Dzik continued, at their own hoop and at Cabrini's. "We weren't rebounding very well," said senior, "we started with the same line-up: Che' have to worry about scoring the rest of the captain Marko Gittens, whose 14 points Perry inside and Jeff Barnes outside, and year." Gittens sank 14 points against Spring made him the top scorer forCabrini. "They Jeff Hines and Jason Yurchak turned it Garden. His performarice, plus Perry's 12 around." were getting a lot of second and third shots.'' Cabrini's offense helped the team stay "Jeff Barnes and Jeff Hines gave us a points,Jason Yurchak's 11 and O'Hare's 10 ahead during most of the scoring exchange, defensive spark,'' Gittens said. ''That picked account for more than 60 percent of the but the Cavaliers left the court at halftime up the crowd and us. We didn't come out team's score . . mentally prepared. I guess we assumed we trailing Spring Garden, 30-25.

by Clyde LaForest

Forward John O'Hare ignites the Cavs and the crowd to a come-from-behind victory over Spring Garden, 75-65. (photo by Mark Gudas)

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