Feb. 16, 1990 Issue 15 Loquitur

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f riday, feb. 16, 1990

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxvi, no. 15

SGA proposes Racialtensionspark creditfor work


Sister Eileen addresses students after they got her out of bed due to illness. (Photo by BarbaraWilson, printildb¥ ChfisPesol$ki)

by Barbara Wilson On Feb. 13 at 4 p.m. several students assembled into President Sister Eileen Currie M.S.C.' s office and particpated in a sit-in. According to several students the sit-in was a direct result of the racial incidents that have taken place on Cabrini's campus. The most recent incident happened on Sunday, Feb. 11. A placard in Woodcrest Hall with Assistant Director of Resident Life Tyrone Carr's name on it was defaced with a racial slur. At the sit-in students demanded to speak with Currie so that they could talk over demands and grievances. After waiting in Currie's office for 55 minutes students had their chance to speak with her. .Although Currie was ill she managed to agree to their major demand. They requested to have a campus wide meeting that was to be scheduled for Thursday Feb. 15at 12;45p.m. in the Gym. The students felt that with Currie's backing, there may be a more unified attempt in controlling the racial tensions on campus. Among various adminsttators presoot, Academic Dean Antoinette Schlesier, Ph.D. was on hand and advised the students to "Do whatever you believed you have to do but to do it peacefully, quietly and be grown up about the whole situation." ..As a result of the coalitions demandsbeing insuffiently fulfilled the group took action to articulate their demands ..The coalition requested that Currie issue a statement on the overalJ racial tensionson campus. However, her statement keyed in on one specificincident rather than the issue as a whole. . At 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 14 approximately 78 people gathered and marched from the chapel through the atruim chanting along the way, "Were gonna beat back racist attacks., and "We're fired up, we won't take it anymore .. ''. Then on to the Widener Center through the second floor of SacredHeart Hall, past the Holy Spirit Library andthen to the Mansion, wherespeeches weregiven. Designated spokes people talked on previous racial incidents and what the group holds as its objectives. The group is calling themselves The Coalition Against Racial and Ethnic Intimidation. Four members of Haverford College's black student league were on hand to speak out and show their support. They mentioned that Swarthmore College andBrynMawr College were also'' united in the cause'' and were ready to come to the aid of the coalition. After the rallie the group then proceeded back to the chapel where they were advised by Tyronne Carr and Rita Calicat. Both reiterated that the group should be looked upon as a whole and that if their demands are not met ''they will be back tomorrow''.

by Christina Roach A proposal is under consideration by the academic council to give certain student government executive board members academic credit for their work. The idea began in November, when four members of the executive board attended a national convention for student government associations in Florida. At that convention the SGA members learned that many schools give compensation to their officers. Some of the schools offer monetary compensation, while others give academic credit for the experience. Student Government President Angie Corbo drew up the formal proposal. "Because I see my job as SGA president as a 30-40 hour a week job," she said, "and I know the responsibilities that lie within my role, I would like to propose that this experience be treated by the campus community as an academic experience as well as extra/co curricular." Corbo hoped that adding an academic side to the executive board would increase their integrity on campus. "People would lose the misconception," Corbo said, "that SGA officers get paid, and run for office only forthe money and perks of this glamorous job. And it will stress to the officers that they can't just bein this forthetitleorthenice office. There is a job to do--and receiving credit for the job would promote excellence.'' The proposal, still in its formative stages, proposed that the members of the executive board would have the option to take practicum-type credit fortheirjob. The officers would work closely with a faculty adviser to develop the terms of the individual practicum. The officer would then be required to hand-in paper work and supplement their learning with outside reading. The amount of credit an officer would receive has not yet been determined. Dean of Students Robert Bonfiglio thought that receiving credit for service is a precedent that already exists at Cabrini. Members who participate in some of the cocurricular activities, such as the Loquitur, WCAB and College

Success Seminar co-facilitators, can receive a one-credit practicum for their work. "In my opinion, the SGA presidency is a practicum,'' Bonfiglio said. "It is a practical experience in the area of leadership skills. So, in that context, it seems to make a lot of sense that the SGA pursue receiving credit for their work.'' Bonfiglio said the SGA serves two purposes in a school. It must serve the students in the institution and provide the students involved with an 'academic' experience. Academic Dean Dr. Antoinette Schiesler said there are pros and cons to awarding academic credit for a service. "On the one hand," Schlesier said, "I do not believe it is necessary to give extra credit for SGA experience. I believe that there is a lot oflearning that takes place that you can't expect to get credit for. On the other hand, I could see the experiences used as part of a leadership internship where you did get credit for it. So, I'm not closed to the proposition, just a little hesitant right now." The proposal will be formally submitted to the academic council at their February meeting. Both Schiesler and Corbo said they have received positive feedback from the faculty. Schiesler said she she is not ready to pass a judgment on the proposal yet. "I have lots of questions about the proposal,'' she said. "Some, Angie was able to answer to my satisfaction and some are still hanging." Schiesler questioned the loss of altruism on campus. "My first reaction was, 'whatever happened to the willingness to work for the joy and enthusiasm of doing something because you like to do it? Because you are working with people you like. Or, because you could learn something?' "However, that doesn't mean I am not for the proposal,'' Schiesler added. "I need more input before I can say 'yea or nay.' Bonfiglio said the goals of the college state that there is equally as much learning to be gained from extra-curricular activities as from

more Credit on 9



perspectives ...... 2, 3

Preserving the

We own Eagle

news ................ 4, 5, 9




features ....... ... 6, 7, 8


(see page 12)


sports........ 1O, 11, 12

(see page 7)





friday, feb. 16, 1990


view oint

Is freedomfor all or just for some ? A firm commitmentto leadership On Sunday morning, approximately 8 a.m. eastern stand3!d time, Nelson Mandela, prisoner of conscience, was freed from the shackles and oppression of the South African government. There was dancing in the streets, and even rowdiness which resulted in injury and death. So went the celebration. This event was long overdue, and timely, in fact, as it happened during Black History Month. So what effect does that have on us?

Mandela stated it best, upon his release, that "!. ..place the remaining years of my life in your hands." He was not addressing just South Africans when he made that plea. He was addressing every human who stands for the virtues of democracy and against the oppression of apartheid. Should we cheer and rejoice on this milestone that has occurred, or should we placidly say, "great" and go about our daily activities? This event should have all ofus excited to see such an historic stepping stone occur, and at the same time wonder how we've gotten to where we are today, while so much oppression still exists. When push comes to shove do we cover our own interests or do we truly promote democracy for all? We can have an effect. If we don't already, we should try to care about events going on ouside of our own circles and promote change. In a month's time we have seen a dictator fall from power, a tactical, moral leader finally released from jail and yet we remain blase to these changes going on around us. Mandela stated it best, upon his release, that ''I...place the remaining years of my life in your hands.'' He was not addressing just South Africans when he made that plea. He was addressing every human who stands for the virtues of democracy and against the oppression of apartheid. Revolution is abound in the world and yet we remain nervously cautious and blase about these events that truly touch each individual. To sit back on our hands, the same hands which Mandela asked for in assistance, would be a bit hypocritical for every freedom fighter.

Il.aventU.S. racerelations finally reache.cla stage of rough cottse}')sus?

Wf.'RE ~OT





angie corbo managing editor ''Now look, you be careful next year, college is not something to mess around with. You are going to be there to learn, and it's going to be a lot different than high school, get settled first before loading up on activities.' ' These wise words were said to me by my high school cross country coach, Rick Luckman. He feared that I would go into college and get in over my head in activities, thus ignoring my studies. Such a "simple" expression of concern that this coach/ teacher/friend made such a powerful impact on my college life. This is a memory that will vividly remain with me for the rest of my life. Every time I make a decision concerning the commitment of leadership I mentally relive the specific "warning" that I received from my coach. I popped into his classroom at 3:05 p.m. on a Wednesday afternoon and said, "Hi Coach, I have a brief meeting, would it be okay if I was 15 minutes late for practice?" He looked at me straight in the eye without saying a word. He never answered me with a yes or no, eventually he came out with his insightful "warning" and headed off to the locker room. Dumbfounded I stood there, this man who displayed limitedaffection towardshis runners now opened up to me. After I tortured his patience for four years I would have thought that this man would have taken a sigh of relief considering that I would soon be graduating. Instead of reaming me out and telling me to get myself to practice, he chose to take that private moment to allow his sentiments to glean. To this day, I am overwhelmed with the intensity that those words still have to me. Decisions are in demand and Cabrini College is constantly asking us to make plenty of them. As students, student-scholars, studentathletes, and student-leaders we exercise our right of choice everyday. We are asked to make life-impacting decisions within a brief amount of time. Sometimes this process in itself can be overwhelming. Committing to commitment is easy for many, fulfilling commitment is another story. Currently, the college is in the process of making a choice: the selection the 199091 student leaders. College administrators and a panel of students will be interviewing underclassmen for prestigious leadership roles. It is an annual event, students flock to student services to pick up their applications, run there to find out if they made second rounds and reluctantly walk to the office to find out if they "made it." How stressful! How draining! How exciting! How .. just consider what it is like !Ogo through this process. Nerves are activated, adrenalin is pumping and the paranoid feeling that you are constantly being watched are only a few of the common symptoms that a candidate for a leadership role may feel. Self confidence, self doubt, and suspense are all part of the hellish process. In the hype of the moment, it is often easy to lose sight of one's main objectives. Sometimes you just have to get away in the middle of it all just to refocus. In the shuffle of paperwork,the intensity of interviews, shock of makingsecondroundstime,

emotions and priorities seem to enter a vacuum and all sanity is transported to a cloud. In retrospect, the process itself is exciting and it can be a wonderful learning experience, if the candidate permits it. Why is it when wonderful things happen it is difficult to fully reap the benefits? In order to get the most out of the process and the experience of being a leader, it is essential to take the time to take a personal inventory of instincts, priorities and intentions. These things are all an important part of your compostion as a leader -- they are the subconscious factors that shape your style. You have to look deep within to come to terms with these emotions and keep in touch with yourself. If you can do this, you are a much stronger, healthier and happier leader. Discussing your fears, openly asking questions, and talking out objectives with a person outside of your peer group and outside the process are sometimes helpful to gain a realistic focus on your capabilities and objectives. Having a Coach Luckman or a Dr. Zurek around to address such ideas sometimes helps air feelings that otherwise I may have never known have existed. I saw Coach"T.uckman last summer in mid-August. Ironically, I was rushing back to school that day to arrive in time for Leadership Camp. He laughed at me and appropriately asked, '' So how many million things are you doing now?" I responded honestly and told him my agenda for my senior year. He looked at me shaking his head as ifhe was saying to himself, "She'll never learn." Oh, but Coach, I wanted to respond -- Yes I have learned and it is all thanks to you. You taught me to look within myself and in those times of need you've been the guardian angel at my side.

Edttor-in-<:h1ef: Barbara Wilson Managing Edttor: Angie Como News Editor: Johanna Church Assistant News Editors: Kevin George and Sharlene Sephton Perspectives Editor: Felicia Falcone Assistant Perspectives Editor: Carlo Iacono Features Editor: Kelly Ann McGillan Assistant Features Editor: Kelly Reed Sports Edrtor:Lou Monaco Assitant Sports Edito,s: Mark Gudas and Ctvis Pesotski Copy Editor: Chris Pesotski Business Manager: Denise Edwards and Sue Moriarty Photography Editor: Kristin Kroll Assitant Photography Editor: Frank Emmerictl PhotographyAdviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Carrie Corr, Karen Dumomey, Denise Edwards, WIiiiam Fulton, Kevin George, Anna-Marie Karlsen.. , Clyde LaForest. Jr, Melissa Landsmann. Daniella LoPresti, Kristin Mainero, Jennifer Morrison, . Christina Roach, Deborah Ryder, Leonora Veterano, Kelly Ann Walsh, Charlie Waterfall, Kelly Ann Williams, Carol Wells Yarrow Photography Staff: Mark Gudas, Frank Emmerich, Giselle Bellanca Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215•971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuttion and student fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the edtor. Letters should be signed and the alllhorship known to the editors. However, nthe writer wishes, and the edrtor agrees, the wrrtefs name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the wrtter." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. H a letter is too long for the available space. the edttor may edit or condense rt. Letters to the edttor should be submittedby noon on Mondays.

The edttorialsand opinions publishedin ~ltur are lhe views of the student edilorial staff and the individual wrilers and not the entire 8ludentbody or the faculty and administration.

l..oquilur Is 8slabliahedas a forum for student expression and as a voice in the urinhibll8d,robust, ne and open dlscuuion ol iuu..



friday, fe. 16, 1990


Former Nittany Lion loses his growl at Cabrini By Bill Firman In my few short weeks here at Cabrini I have heard a good many complaints about the institution from a number of students. Everything from registration to roommates has been the subject of scorn and I can empathize with them. However, will you forgive me if I say, "Well if you think that's bad, let me tell you something ... " I spent the first two years of my college career at a large university called Penn State. If you find Cabrini to be a trying experience, you haven't lived until you've been part of a 40,000 member teaming institution. Actually, I consider Penn State to be a 40,000 member minor league football franchise, but that is the subject of another opinion. I guess you've figured out by now that this space isn't going to be used to hail the old Blue and White. However, I'll just state the facts and Jet you be the judge. Let's use the Fall 1989 semester as our starting point and let'sretum to August 20th, move-in day. I arrived at my new apartmentto meet my four roommates. The first rule about State College is that it is as expen-

sive to live there as it is in Manhattan. The monthly rent for my dwelling was $1100 so Ireeled in four other suckers to join me. This living situation turned into a nightmare. I only knew two of them, so the other two were bound to be gerns--and they did not disappoint. We'll call the first one Mr.

hoped to join the Army someday. I can think of nothing that would make me feel as secure as General Bud being in command of billion dollar military equipment. Still there is more to university life than Jiving conditions. There are the high standards of education one can expect to Jive

is the Berlin Wall? How tall are Polish non-Communists? Who are the Chinese revolutionaries and what are their addresses? What should you make them for dinner?" I always kept my eyes on the door to see when the men in white would take her back and return my real professor. I waited in

If you find Cabrini to be a trying experience, you haven't lived until you've been part of a 40,000 member learning institution. Excitement. Mr. E slept 20 hours a day while somehow managing to carry the full load of nine whole credits. Mr. E was 22 years old and in his four years of college had excelled to greatness by achieving sophomore status. Watching him inspired me to academic heights only dreamed of. The other newcomer, we'll call him General Budweiser, was in the same academic boat, b.ut he added alcoholism to his resume of plenty. It was always a joy to wonder what part of the apartment General Bud would end up passing out in at the end of every night. The general also had a problem with money--he never had it on rent day. One final note is that he was in the ROTC and

up to in such a prestigious institute. You will share my surprise, I am sure, at the reality. I walked into my anthropology class with 300 other unfortunates. The professor walked in and immediately started showing a slide presentation. On the screen appeared mutations of every kind: people with feet coming out of their heads, extra toes on their genitals and other such scientific wonders. Needless to say, it was important not to eat breakfast before this class. In my political science class, the professor had just escaped from the local mental hospital and spent 75 minutes jumping from one end of the room to the other while asking such thought-provoking questions as, "How heavy

vain.Finally , there was the philosophy teacher who espoused such witty phrases as, "Life is a series of disappointments in between which we sleep or take naps." Such optimism was more than I could take. And so, with my living conditions abominable and my classes as challenging as watching grass grow, I turned to an exciting social life to cheer me up. Unfortunately, every time I went out, everybody was drunk. In State College even the farm animals drink to obsession. A collected blood/alcohol level for the entire campus would scientifically prove everyone to be dead! Returning home every night one encountered an obstacle course of vomit and comatose classmates.

The roadsides .were strewn with the bodies of those who truly lived by the words of that noted philosopher Billy Martin, "Tastes great, less filling! " While all of this proves to be an exciting movie, it is not conducive to sanity. After two months, I became tired of mutated Ninja turtles and I began to care less about how many Chinese dissidents my professor could fit into her closet. I began to tire of my roommates. General Bud had his friends knocking at the door at all hours of the night with the common phrase, "Dude, is so-and-so here?" to which I would reply, "No, but the truck and tractor pull is down the street, knock yourself out.'' Enough was enough so I packed my bags and returned to reality. So that is my story, humble and true. So far I find Cabrini to be a very welcome change. I prefer the sizes of the classes and I find both the faculty and students a little less comedic. I know Cabrini has its problems and I'm sure that I'll learn more about them from fusthand experience. But after the general and my other furry friends and future fust graders, I'll take my chances here. I bet the general would drink to that.

M~re news is always good newsl'i...__6_ff_'_E3_ ✓r_s"_'w by Chris Conrad A major problem of leaving home and living at school isn't adjusting to new roomates, cafeteria food, dormitory showers or college curriculum. Themajorproblemof living away from home is trying to combat the "Isolation Syndrome" from the lack of news most Cabrini College students experience. I find politics, sports, entertainment, and events happening in my hometown, the nation, as well as the world abroad, missing from my daily routine. However, Cabrini College isn't totally isolated. There are several sources of news available on campus but in a restricted manner. For example, the bookstore sells copies of the Philadelphia Inquirer but between work grant and work study jobs, classes and the inconsistent hours of Albert's Bookstore, buying an edition of the Inquirer is troublesome. The library has the Philadelphia Inquirer as well as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal for reading while visiting the library. These papers may not be removed from the library under any circumstances. This solution is great because it offers a variety of different news sources but waiting for a particular section and being limited to reading in the library has its drawbacks. Even watching the local news on the television is made difficult by persistent studies, papers, projects and roomates who constantly watch television. Trying to persuade two roomates that the nightly news is more appealing than the popular sitcom "Night Court" is harder than you think. Jim Gardner is no John Larroquette. la addition, A.M. radio is a medium that is hampered by the poor reception in most college dorms such as

Xavier Hall and Woodcrest. The perfect solution to solve the "Isolation Syndrome" on the Cabrini College campus would be to install newspaper boxes from such newspaper companies as the Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today. Installing these boxes near the Widener Center, for example, would be much more effective than the bookstore's or the library's solution to combat the problem.

Trying to persuade two roomates that the nightly news is more appealing than the popular sitcom "Night Court" is harder than you think. Jim Gardner is no John Larroquette. Newspaper boxes would allow students to purchase as edition of the newspaper of their choice at any time of the day which t!!ey desire and to take it back to their dorm room and read it at their own leisure. This method is also practical since newspaper company own their own newspaper vending machine boxes and continue to refill them daily. One of the solutions, albiet expensive, has already been implemented. There are now television monitors hanging from brackets in the cafeteria tuned to such television programs as "Good Morning America" during breakfast, the 12:00 news shows during lunchtime, and the local and national news programs from 5:00pm - 6:30pm during dinner. A daily nutrition of news will keep us informed on what's going on outside of the Cabrini College campus, in the real world.


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Chopdownthe Cabrinigrapevine Dear Editor, Perhaps it is time that the students of this fine Catholic institution begin to get hobbies. Try knitting, golf, aerobics, cooking or gardening. Hell, sit on your bottom and stare at the ants on the ground for all we care, but for God's sake--kill the gossip. It seems that many individuals on this campus, that of the Cabrini family, have no lives of their own. so they choose to invade, pry and make up rumors of other people's lives.

Why do you even care who does what, who does who, or why they do it? The fact is that you are probably wrong anyway, so shut up! Once again, we recommend an alternative pastime. Preferably one that doesn't hurt other people. Youmay even try studying. Crazy thought for those in college now, isn'lit?

Sincerely. Sally Amatelli DebbieBailey Bridget Collins

Pam Stemplesld

A diner's question:Are you what you eat? To the Editor: At mealtime, would you knowingly ingest sulfa drugs, chloramphenicol. penicillin, tetracycline, or drug resistant strains of bacteria? In an effort to counter the harsh conditions in veal factories, massive doses of antibiotics and other chemicals are administered to veal calves. These animals are fed a liquid diet of growth stimulators, powdered skim milk, and mold inhibitors; this results· in chronic intestional diseases. Since they are given no

solid food or water to drink, they slake their thirst by drinking more of their "milk-fed" diet. which aggravates their condition of chronic diarrhea. This practice adds up to the deliberate raising of sick animals forhumanconsumption. Please think about this the nexttime you order your meal


MurielleL. Park.er ContinuingEd. Student


f riday,feb. 16,1990



Parents,alumniworkingto raisefunds by Kelly Ann Williams The 1990 Cabrini College Phone-A-Thon is under way, and according to Martha Dale, director of alumni affairs and annual funding, it is off to a strong start. The Phone-A-Thon serves the student body of Cabrini by raising money for annual funding, scholarships, and daily operations. This money also makes up the 40 percent tuition cost difference as compared to what students at present pay. "So far, everything is going fine. The volunteers who support Cabrini are wonderful,'' Dale said. This year, the parents and the alumni combined efforts, and decided to hold the two Phone-AThons together. Why? "Cabrini has just recently added a beautiful atrium. When it was being built, special plans were followed that would allow organizations like ours to hold such functions,'' Dale said. Shealso added that many phone outlets were included in the original building plans for the atrium. ''These outlets are what make the combined Phone-A-Thon possible," she said. Many of those working with the Phone-A-Thon agree that holding it in the atrium this year is a major improvement over the Mansion, where it has previously been held. ''The atriums setting is good. The Mansion is much smaller and has fewer phones,'' Anthony Broe-

chi, vice president of institutional advancement. "The Phone-A-Thon is work.ing out much better in the atrium compared to the Mansion," Sister Antonia, M.S.C., assistant registrar said. The facilities are better, there's lots ofroom and the Phone-A-Thon is not taking away the space of the girls who live there. Everyone's happy," she said. Many of the volunteers expressed another advantage of combining the parent and the alumni Phone-A-Thon. The thought was, that in working together, there was a special feeling of unity, a pulling together and working for the benefit of the student body. Margaret Corcoran, an alumna, said, "I've been doing the PhoneA-Thon for 20 years. Cabrini College has been very good to me and I want to give something back. I feel the need for a commitment to private education. Without it, society is in serious trouble.'' "Everybody pitches in. The point is that people are here working together," Brocci said. ''This represents what college is all about. Cabrini is a great place doing great things.'' Dale explained how the volunteers came to their roles in the event "The alumni has had chairpersons for decades. These chairpersons choose coordinators who contact those interested in volunteering. Also, the Student Government Association (S.G.A.), has helped out a lot. They have sent many

students over to volunteer their time," she said. , Dale also explained how the students work does not go unrewarded. For every four students of any class who volunteer their time, that class receives 25 dollars towards its treasury. No major problems kept the Phone-A-Thon from its purpose. Some of the phones didn't work and some of the envelopes were incorrectly addressed, according to Cassie Westman, co-chairperson. One problem that Jeff Foley, vice president of the junior class, had, was with the outdated phone numbers. '' I was nervous to start with, and it didn't help matters to call the homes of four alumni who were deceased," he said. "I feel that it made Cabrini look bad. We should not give families the impression that we are uncaring and all we want is money." ' 'I hope that the Alumni Office will start to keep a record of these things." - '' All in all, it was a great experience. I had a lot of fun and got to see another part of Cabrini life that I would not normally see." Other students also shared in Foleys enjoyment. Heather Lurcray, treasurer of the freshman class and chairperson of the PhoneA-Thon said, "I had a greattime. I learned a lot and would do it again." Chris Costigan, secretary of the freshman class, said, '' I give a lot of credit to Martha Dale. She has

Alumna Lisa Kantor awaits an answer from a ringing phone as she solicits donations at Cabrini's phonathon. (Photo by Kristin Kroll) great organization and was very friendly. I really bad a good time.'' Costigan also believes that the Phone-A-Thon will reach its goal, which is $30,000 perorganization. "Ifwedon'texactly reach it, we'll come very close. We're definitely headed in the right direction,'' Costigan said. Many of the volunteers have done the Phone-A-Thon for a number of years, and agree that it

is more fun than work. "I love to see my old college friends. Catching up on the gossip is still just as fun," Corcoran said. Everyone who contributed to the Phone-A-Thon expressed feelings of enjoyment and commitment to the college. One volunteer said, "Cabrini is more than a college, it's a family. And even when we leave Cabrini, Cabrini never leaves us.''

Emergingle~derslearnto be in touchwith themselves by Lorraine Marie Lill "Emerging Leaders", the title given to the new leadership training process that was held Jan. 26 and 27, is the type of program that gives students the courage to set out for a goal and achei ve it. The confidence bestowed upon the twenty-two students who participated in the training process, left them with the attitude that, if they really want to, they can accomplish anything. This program is one which was designed to get students motivated and educated about the process for leadership selection. It gave faculty,staff,and student leaders the chance to nominate people they felt would make good student leaders. ' 'The program was geared for people who were trying to find out more about their leadership potential,'' Dean Bob Bonfiglio said. "It was for freshman and sophomores mostly, who were just starting to think about themselves in terms of leaders on

campus." "Emerging Leaders" was a two day training process set-up to assist students to get in touch with themselves on many different levels. The program was devised and facilitated by Mr. Louis Tenagli, a principal at Linden Elementary School in Doylestown. Tenagli said, "as youlearnhowtodeal with yourself, that enables you to lead others." Lili Goodman W aechtler and Katherine Preston were two other staff members involved with the program. They both feel that the program was beneficial to each student involved because of the positive responses given from the activities performed at the workshop. A few of the activities were listening skills and group processes. "The listening skills focused mainly on listening, not advice giving or counseling, but how to offer an ear to a person who might want to speak to you,' ' said Debbie Bailey a freshman who attended the training program. ''I think the main purpose of most of the ac-


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tivities was that perhaps some of the people there will end up in leadership positions, and there is a skill that could be very useful.'' One of the group processes had everyone formed in a circle and joined at the hands. The students were timed to see how fast they could successively squeeze each others hands. The first time they completed the activity it took seven seconds. Everytime they did the activity they got faster until they finally completed the activity within two seconds. "It just shows what a group of people can do when they are set on a purpose, a united purpose," Sharlene Shepton sophomore said. Both Bailey and Shepton said that the hand-squeezing activity was their favorite. "The point of that was that when everyone works together and wants to have a common goal, it can be acheived," Bailey said. ••If we can get more of that (unity) going and bring it back to Cabrini's campus and have people united towards one goal, we can ccomplish anything,'' Sephton said. Bonfiglio, Preston, and W aechtler all gree that the "Emerging Leaders" train. g program should be planned as an annual vent. The program was one of Bonfiglio's riorities and the students responded very siti vel y towards it. "I knew I wanted to go out for a leaderhip position, but the fact that someone else ¡ust thought of me and nominated me to go, at was a really good feeling,'' Bailey said. "Maybe people who are borderline about hether or not they want to go out for a sition, will have an extra power in them to o for it because someone else is seeking hem out as an 'emerging leader.'" The program concludes with three fol-

low-up workshops. The first session was just a specific information session on different kinds of leadership positions available on campus. The second session had to do with different types of leadership styles between men and women, and how different cultures respond to leadership skills. The final session is based on conflict resolution, resolving disputes within groups. It is hoped that the last two follow-up sessions will secure the students with hard skills that they can use in a leadership position, or dealing with a roommate or a friend where there is a dispute. When the program was first being discussed there were many ideas for topics which they wanted to cover. However, they didn't want to make it too long or too much of what might become a burden to the students. Bonfiglio said, "We had enough topics for six to eight follow-up sessions, but we didn't want to make it too long." The program is going to be looked over and considerations such as length are going to be discussed. Improvements are expected to be made. The workshop was experimental. It was suppose to be a learning experience, but fun at the same time. "I think the program is very valueable, because the people who were asked to attend are going to learn from it," said Bailey. ''The people who were there were given a boost of confidence that will go beyond the positions that are obtained, it will reach the who!; school community and effect everyone in different ways."



friday, feb. 16, 1990


(~1IIII•tJSIJI•J)1l.'l'l~S Eventselevate awareness by Alexa Napoleon Hey shutterbugs! This year's Cabrini College photo contest will be held March 26 in the Holy Spirit Library. Submit pictures in an 8 x 10 envelope marked· in bold letters Photo Contest to the mailroom by March 21. Photos can be color or black and white, and of any subject. The contest is open to the community as well as the college. Prizes will be awarded. Photos will be on display from Monday, March 26 thru April 9. Tune in while 'u' eat in the cafeteria. A TV has been purchased by the SGA and installed in the cafeteria for all to use. The SGA invites everyone to use it.

The Cabrini Constitution Convention Committee will meet Feb. 22 with four representatives from each class. The meeting will take place behind closed doors, but there will be a one week commen: period after the meeting. Final ratification will take place in March. Congratulations, MichelJe Adelman and Marco Sardi who both participated in the ACUI Region Four Billiards Tournament last weekend. Michelle took 3rd place. The fifth annual Minority Career Conference is scheduled for Feb. 24 at Drexel University's Grand Hall in the Creese Student Center, southwest comer of 32nd and Chestnut Streets. From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., over 50 companies and government agencies will be talking with any student who attends a college or university in the Delaware Valley. Admission is $5 for undergraduates and includes lunch. Call 895-2567 for registration. Congratulations, Nick Ostrowski, for being elected as the new Cabrini mascot.

Nl~ll7S llllll~l~S

February is African-American month. At Cabrini, we are celebrating this month with the help of the Black Students Alliance (BSA) and the History Club. Rita Calica!, director of student activities said that the significance of African-American History month is to try to recognize the contributions that blacks made to United States history which are frequently neglected. ''The main purpose of African-American History month is to make possible a greater awareness of these facts,'' Cali cat said. There is so much information about Black American history that the average person is ignorant of. Calicat feels that African-American history should be a nationwidecourse in schools' curriculums. "Only the facts about African-Americans' contributions to United States history that cannot be neglected are taught in schools," she said. Calicat feels that the "rich, full culture" of African-Americans is a new realm for American citizens to learn more about. There are many activities going on during this month concerning Black American history. On Sunday, Feb. 4, there was a celebratory mass at the chapel with Father Fred Britto presiding, as well a5 the opening of

"A Celebration of Black Artists" in the library's fine arts gallery. This showing will continue until March 11th. On Feb. 18, "The Civil Rights Ballet" will be performed by the Brenda Lee Dance company (featuring Cabrini senior and BSA member Yvette Everett) at 3 p.m. in the Sacred Heart gym. Feb. 23 there will be a lecture entitled "African-American Heritage" by Dr. Edward Robinson at 7p.m. in the library conference room. Throughout the month there will be a series of movies shown in Sacred Heart 207, including "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman" and "Do the Right Thing." Also being held this month is the African-American History Trivia Competition. The first person to hand in the most correct answers out of thirty questions will win $100. The contest deadline is February 26th at 1;00 p.m. All of the events mentioned above are free to Cabrini students with identification. To get more information about these activities, contact Student Activities at ext. 8407. In addition to these events, the library has material on important figures in AfricanAmerican history. They have put together displays and have printed small biographies about Black Americans such as Mahilia Jackson, Lorraine Hansberry, Zora Neale Hurston, and Ralph Ellison.



Mandela Is A "Free" Man Nelson Mandela, the man who has been held prisoner for 27 years by the South African government, was released on Sunday. The sentence apparently had little effect on Mandela' s political and idealogical beliefs on human rights. At a speech before thousands of cheering South African blacks, Mandella, now 71, announced that he is prepared to die in the struggle for "freedom for all." A Change Is Coming In a week of meetings, the Central Committee of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union proposed changing the foundation of the party's political platform which has been in place since the 1917 revolution that brought the Communists to power. The Committee proposes to allow other political parties in the government, to leagalize private property, to create a free-market economy, to create a stronger Presidential office and to provide freedom of speech and religion . The Committee's proposals are "suggestions" that need to be voted on by the Congress of People's Deputies to become law. A meeting of the Congress is scheduled for the "near future." One Germany In Two Years West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl said last weekend that West and East Germany would be united within two years. In his annoucement, Kohl said that Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev gave him his assurance that the Soviet Union would respect the decision of the two Germanies and that the time frame for reunification was up to East and West Germany. City Students Failing Math In 1987-88, 51 percent ofhighschool freshmen in the Philadelphia School District passed math. 56 percent passed English, 57 percent passed science, and 59 percent passed social studies. Of those enrolled in the shool district's general math classa watered-down rehashing of sith-grade math-52.3 percent flunked. City Students Passing Math In the 1989-90 school year at 14 North and West Philadephia elementary shcools, fourth and fifth graders are learning algebra through project SEED. SEED stands for Special Elementary Education for the Disadvantaged, and is a new program designed to teach kids that they can learn abstract math concepts at an early age. The results from other parts of the country where SEED has been implemented for years, are driving up test scores of the kids who were previously labled "at risk" developmentally.

Loquitur is looking for a responsible, reliable person to p~ck up and distribute the paper each Thursday evening between 4: 30 and 6: 00. You must have a car to do this job! It pays $10.00 each week. Interested persons contact Barbara Wilson, 971-8412 or Box 550.

Sl~(~IJlll'l'Y n lll~I•f)ll'I' \ ~

Security incidents reported Feb. 5 through Feb. 12 Vandalism 2/11-9:30 a.m.-The double doors of the refrigerator located outside the Sacred Heart kitchen area were tampered with. 2/11-12:00 p.m.- A caseofcriminalmischiefresulting in astreet light in front of W oodcrest being knocked down was discovered. Traffic Incidents 2(7-10:00 a.m.-An auto accident occurred in the Widener Center parking lot as a blue Honda rolled from a parking lot space and hit a silver Buick. No damage to either car was reported. 2/12-2: 10 a.m, -A vehicle on campus was repossessed by a private company. The proper authorities were notified. Disorderly Conduct 2/8-4:00 p.m.-In response to a neighbor's complaint of noise and disorderly conduct, a group of students were dispersed from the soccer field for creating the disturbance. Arson 2/6-2: 15 a.m. -A dumpster fire was set in the Xavier parking lot. A two-toned car was observed in the area shortly before. The fire was extinguished by shidents. Harrassment 2(7-2:00 p.m.-Harrassment bycommunicationwas reported by asecurityguard who was harrassed over the phone by a male student. Miscellaneous 2/11-3: 15 p.m.-Security's two-way communication recorder failed. An alternative system was put into effect. The base unit was repaired the following day.



'Tremors' shakes up landslides of laughter

*** by Karen Dumorney When you look back on the best popcorn flicks of the '90s, "Tremors" will be hard to beat by a landslide. Imagine" Jaws" with a low budget sensibility, set not at sea but in the barren plains of the West, where unseen creatures are terrorizing the population in a remote town. Perfection, Nevada, in this case. A misnomer if ever there was one. Perfection is a few trailers, a few satellite dishes, a general store and hundreds of miles of scarcely layered

Ratings Excellent Good Fair Terrible

The creatures move underground at incredible speeds, tracking their prey by sensing vibrations on the earth's surfacefootsteps, for instance. In the words of one character, "They listen until they hear something that sounds like lunch." The townspeople all gather in the general store, where they make plan's to escape with the help of a lady seismologist (a person who studies geophysical science of earthquakes and of the mechanical properties of the earth) who's been investigating the strange seismic readings that have been emerging in the nearby desert. All of Perfection has been terrified with the exception of Burt and Heather Gummer (Michael Gross and country singer Reba McIntire), two survivalists whose basement is stock with enough gunpowder to invade Panama. Armed with the latest in automatic weapons, homemade bombs and construction equipment, the residents of Perfection head toward the granite cliffs nine miles away where they will be safe since these creatures cannot burrow throughsolid rocks. This film reflects the illusion of the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" throughout the entire movie. In the event, the feisty Westeners outwit and are outwitted by -- the killer creatures. Throughout the movie, you will discover that "Tremors" exhibits no form of originality. However, despite that one flaw, thefilmmakerdoesan impeccable job at making this material exciting and worthwhile. During the entire movie, the executive producer Gale Anne Hurd, captivates the audience's attention with the seemingly never-ending danger which keeps you in suspense from beginning to end. •'Tremors'' is a movie that can be categorized as being a true classic. It's a movie that will go down in the history of entertainment. In addition, it's not only intriguing but also humorous. If these two combined create a unique chemistry, then it's definitely worth seeing.

**** *** **


desert in every direction. The kind of town where the "Welcome to" road signs are perforated with gunshot holes. Things are so slow in Perfection that Val (Kevin Bacon) and Earl (Fred Ward) decide to pack their truck with all their worldly possessions and leave town. A few miles down the road, they encounter a road block. Nearby, they discover an abandoned utility truck, and a lineman's hard-hat with nothing inside except a human brain. After that grim discovery, they take off like crazy chickens only to find more victims along the way. Val and Earl warn the dozen of inhabitants in Perfection of what they have encountered as they try to get help but only to learn that all the phone lines are dead and the roads are blocked. When Val and Earl try to escape on horseback, they have their first encounter with -- them. Giant, subterranean reptilian creatures with sharp, clinching teeth.

fridav 3 feb. 16 3 1990


McCartneytravels awaited "Long and ~inding Road" by Bill Firman Hill, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.Let It Be.Good DaySunshine.Got To Get You Into MyLife, and Back In the USSR. However, the final piece in a per-

Once in a lifetime. That was the sentiment expressed last Monday night in the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh when former Beatie Paul McCartney brought his world tour into the Steel City. McCartney, 47, just returned to the States to continue a tour he started back in September to promote his new album, Flowers In The Dirt. Both the concert and the man was an experience of a lifetime. The show began with an 11 minute movie produced by Dick Lester, the producer of the Beatie films A Hard Day's Night and Help! Lester's film was · shown onthree split screens and it was a short documentary, synchronized to Beatles' and McCartney music, that displayed the various world events from the Beatlesbeginnings right up to the present day. At the cooclusioo of the film. the stage went darkand the words,•'And Now....." appearedon thescreeo. Then. McCartney and bis band took the stage to aaendlralledcrowdofovcr 14,000. McCartney. joined by wife Linda.Robbie Mclalmh, HamilbStuart. Wix.and C1uil Wiam played for over

feet evening was McCartney's encore. First came the single most recorded song in music history, his 1965 offering, Yesterday. Then, McCartney and bis incredible band performed the Golden

Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End medley from the last recording done by the Beatles, Abbey Road. Intermixed with these Beatie classics were solo successes of McCartney's such as Jet, Ebony and Ivory, Live and Let Die. and more recent recordings such as My Brave Face, and This One. Throughout the evening, one got the impression that this was not an ordinary concert. The fact that McCartney was a Beatie and that his last concert oocured thirteen years ago, added to the feeling of~McCartney is a legeod and be bean that responsiblity

welLHcputoaoneoftbolegreatcoocerts lhll mealwayatalbd about yean later. McCartneycontinues bis tour for tbcnextfewmoadlsbut

he has scheduled

twoal w ulfbaan. Tbeshowopeoed nodate&fordM,fltiladclpbiaarea.In fact. widaMl::Catnoy'1aowest offering. Fig- die concert on Febnwy .Swas originally fltttt° Eig#d,11utdteccowci ..Uy did not dJe time frame be WU due to be in PbiJa.

~--.& 1be


fear, if you missed him.

faaoer IDClllberof the Fab Dick Lester is also making a movie on

Fouris onhiafint US tour since 1976. Duringthattour, he nmainedfroJn ID0ll of bis oldBeatie workandconcentrated more on bis solo career. This time, however,after 20 years,theold wounds have healed. McCartney has reconciled with bis past and is ready to enjoy it. McCartncyperfonnedsuchBeatlestand-

bys as Can't Buy Me Love, Hey Jude, Things We Said Today, The Fool on the

McCartney's world tour. Rumours also aboundabouta possible concert album andmaybe an additional leg to the tour that might include Philadelphia. Still, nothing could quite compare with the experience of actually being there. As in the refrain from Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, for the 14,000at Civic Arena, "we certainly did enjoy the show."

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friday, feb. 16,1990


Underground railroad:

Preserving whistle stops along rails to freedom ~

by Kevin George

If you look outside this country, see the horror of human rights indignities, see the suffering of the oppressed, witness the punishments one human can inflict on another, it is easy to forget that America was once the land of oppression and bondage-not liberty and freedom. But it shouldn't be easy to forget, because, to a lesser extent, these same indignities still occur in our own American society. Recently, two bills have been introduced in Congress dealing with civil rights: one to ensure we have them; one to ensure we don't forget them. The Civil Rights Act of 1990 was announced Feb. 7 by a bipartisan group of legislators. The bill is an attempt to overturn recent Supreme Court rulings which, in general, have made it tougher for an employee to win a racial or sexual discrimination law suit against an employer. The other bill proposes to establish a national Underground Railroad "trail" to ensure the memory of those ''radicals'' who worked to abolish £lavery would not be forgotten. The Underground Railroad Bill was introduced by Congressman Peter Kostmeyer (D., Bucks) on Jan. 23. The bill seeks to commission a study on the "railroad," in order to identify authentic locations which were actual stops along the railroad. Should the study be approved, there will certainly be some investigating going on in this area. In fact, local historians have already done a lot of the research. Charles Blockson, a professor at Temple University, wrote a book in 1981 titled The Underground Railroad in Pennsylvania. In it, the authoridentifies routes,stops and mostimportantlythe peoplewho werebehindthe railroadin


In Norristown, there existed a healthy population of free blacks, and understandably, the area became a hotbed for the anti-slavery movement.

In Delaware County, the main route went from Philadelphia to West Chester and followed along West Chester Pike. One stop, located at the comer of West Chester Pike and Pennock Avenue in Upper Darby, called the Howard House, catered to wealthy visitors upstairs while housing fugitive slaves in a secret room downstairs. Along this route, the escaped slaves also stopped in Manoa, Broomall and Newtown Square. Montgomery County was a more active sight of abolitionist movements. In Norristown, there existed a healthy population of free blacks, and understandably, the area became a hotbed for the anti-slavery movement. Famed abolition advocates like William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglas spoke at the First Baptist Church in Norristown, originally located on the comer of Swede and Airy Streets. In Plymouth Meeting, Abolition Hall still stands on the corner of Butler Pike and Germantown A venue as a testament to George Courson' s dedication toward ending slavery. Helen Mirras is a historical expert on Plymouth Meeting, and she explains how the hall came to be built: "They used to hold abolition meetings in the Plymouth Friends' building across the street untill it attracted too much violent attention. So the Friends asked them to stop using it.'' Courson, a member of the Friends himself, then built Abolition Hall in 1858 to hold meetings of the Montgomery County AntiSlavery Society, and, in part, to house runaway slaves. Despite the activity of the abolitionists, both black and white, popular sentiment was definitely against them. According to Blockson, the abolitionists were viewed as ''trouble makers·" and "dangerous radicals." In the book, Blockson disputes the myth that Pennsylvania was ·'a friendly state to the Negro.'' Blockson writes that the vast majority of whites were either completely apathetic



Abolition Hall, where meetings were once held to speak out against slavery and coordinate anitslave efforts still stands at the corner of Butler pike and Germantown Ave. (photo by Kevin George, printed by Chris Pesotski)

to the issue of slavery or they, in fact, supported the same bigoted attitudes held by Southern slave holders. The historian also clears up the role that the Quakers played in the Underground Railroad. It is not true that most Quakers were abolitionists, Blockson writes. The Quakers who spoke out against racism and who participated in smuggling slaves were a minority in their religious community. Courson, who was a Friend in Plymouth Meeting, once wrote of his disappointment that none of the ''wealthy and influential Friends" from the Merion Meeting (in Lower Merion Township), were "active in the crusade against slavery." Those that were active, Blockson makes it clear, were extremely brave people who lived lives of principle. One particularly interesting figure was a woman named Lucrieta Mott, a Quaker who lived in Cheltenaham Township, Montgomery County. The Motts owned a very profitable business selling cotton goods, but when Lucrieta learned that the goods were the products of slave labor, she and her husband, James, gave up the business. Lucrieta personally boycotted slave-made goods for 40 years and she encouraged her wealthy Quaker friends to break their business ties with Southern slave owners. The Motts' home, called "Roadside," was frequently visited by touring abolitionist speakers like Robert Purvis, Garrison and Douglass. Fugitive slaves were never turned

away from Roadside, historians report, but only a gate house is left of the estate. Mott also spoke out on equal rights for women, international peace and working conditions for wage earners. A spokesperson for Kostmeyer's office said the trail would approximately follow actual routes taken by slaves but still be accessible by car. During the 1980s, the Supreme Court passed rulings that cloud the issue of racial, ethnic, age and sexual discrimination in the workplace. In 1989 alone, civil rights advocates say the court's decisions in five cases have turned back the clock on affinnative action. One ruling puts the burden on the worker to prove that the employer had no business reasons for making employment decisions that have discriminatory effects. Another decision took away a 100-year-old legal avenue (the Civil Rights Act of 1866) for the purposes of fighting harassment on the job. The new bill includes provisions that would clarify the laws on discrimination during employment decisions-making it clear that it is illegal to use race, ethnicity, religion or gender ascriteria for those decisions. The new law would specifically include a section that bars racial harassment on the job. Another provision would give more time to file claims of age discrimination. The bill reportedly has widespread support in both houses, but the Bush administration has not yet endorsed it 'I

Czechchoir'snationaltourmakesstopat Cabrini by Kelly Reed You can fill your car with gas at the local AM/PM market, and have the attendant enquire, "Where is Cabrini College?" Ironically, there is a choral director in Czechoslovakia, which is half way around the world that not only knows where Cabrini is, but is bringing his choir here to sing on Sunday, Feb. 18. The choir is coming to Cabrini, as part of its national tour, the high point of which wiJl be when the choir sings forthe National Choral Directors celebration in Washington, D.C. later this month. The choir, whichhas46membersplusadirector, will be arriving at Cabrini on Sunday, Feb. 18 at 4 pm. where host families, some of which are Cabrini students, will each take two choral members home with them for the weekend.

The chorus will perform on Sundaynight, Feb. 18 in the Widener Center Lecture Hall, at 7 :30 p.m., everyone is invited to come and enjoy the music. "Everyone on campus seems to be talking about cultural diversity, and this is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the culture of the Czechoslovakia." Dr. Adeline Bethany, Cabrini's choral director said. "This is an example of cultural diversity in action, it will be very interesting to talk to the Cz.echoslovak:ians about the recent democratic refonns in their country, as well as the rest of Europe," Bethany said. Bethany is not sure what songs the choir willbe singing, as the program they distributed is written in Cl.echcbo~ slovakian. She wanted to assure the community that it is an excellent choir and its performance should be wonderful.



fridaXz feb. 16 1 1990


Art showcelebratesblack historymonth by Carrie Corr

The Broomseller, one of Vann' s Bob Abayomi Scott is the favorites and also not for sale, is a creator of the sculptures and Many of us enjoy looking at clear depiction of an old man sell- pencil drawings in the art show. artwork, some of us appreciate it, ing brooms down in the Italian ''I prefer sculpture over pencil,'' some go as far as to search for Market. ''I could tell his business Scott said. "Pencil gives me quick meaning in the pieces they like, wasn't doing that great," Vann gratification and often inspires me and often the meaning is hard to said. ''His peaceful demeanor is to sculpt." depict. what attracted me." A Mask is a sculpture that Imagine getting the chance to Braids, originally inspired by a represents a mask that all people meet your favorite artist or the "Super Saturday" held in Ger- wear and hide behind. "When I mantown where the chil- sculpted this one I had my brother dren are very engrossed in mind,'· Scott said. "He hides with the carnival's many behind a mask of his own." events, Vann spotted a little A sculpture named Anelope girl who looked very self depicts the image of a small anicontained. '' She looked like mal. Its shape evolved from nature a little girl away from all the and the way the wood was shaped. chaos," Vann said. ·'I also "I start off with a piece of wood liked the way her braids and nature decides what the wood framed her head." will do,'' Scott said.'' After sculptTo this day the Massai, ing for a while the wood takes a a primitive tribe in Africa, shape and I decide what the sculpare initiated into womanture will be.'' hood and manhood by acHaving a two year-old of his complishing certain acts. own, Scott sculpted Pottie Chair Men are sent out to kill a with the thought in mind that one lion, while the women wait day he may be in need ofone. "My patiently for them with ban- daughter will be training soon, and dages and ointments. Wait- "Pottie Chair reminds me of that ing for Her Warrior cap- fact,'' Scott said. tures this scene. In Scott's pencil drawings he Vann traveled in Africa likes to capture a photographic and took shots of many dif- image. In the drawing entitled ferent things, Ram/a is one Nyoka, Scott captures the image of of them. Ram/a is a portrait his wife. This is only one of artist 8-o~b--b-va""n_n_'_s ... of an old woman, who is Louis Armstrong and Dr. Marworks on display in the library known in her village as the tin Luther King Jr. are two of (photo by Lisa Lyons) storyteller or the one who Scott's pencil drawings that bring passes on history. "Somethe figures to life. Pieces of metal creator of something you truly how she was special," Vann said. are added for eye catching appeal. "It was something in her face; her "It takes great patience and underadmire, and being able to ask him, gestures." standing of the work to know when what made you paint this? Or, what Most villages in West Africa to add pieces to a drawing,'' Scott inspired you to sculpt this? The are poor and substitutes for toothsaid. insight that artist would provide for paste and breathmints are used. Scott feels strongly about his you could change your perspective Sotchu Sticks are peppennint work and believes that it should be on a piece, or about art altogether. tasting sticks that are used to clean shared with the world. "It is diffiFebruary is Black History Month nationwide. To help cele- teeth and sweeten the breath. Sotchu cult to see the pieces go, but that Stick was inspired by a little girl is what art is all about, sharing," brate, Cabrini's Fine Arts departScott said. ment is hosting, A Celebration of chewing on one of the sticks. Soon is another depiction of the Black Artists from Feb. 4 to March 11, on the second floor of the li- Massia woman waiting for her man to return. "It brary. The two artists featured are Bobb was the look of anVann from Germantown, who at- ticipation that caught tended the Philadelphia College of myeye," Vannsaid. The extended Art and Bob Abayomi Scott, curfamily is something rently of Norristown, who attended Carnegie Mellon University, Indi- that still exists in Africa and The Nile ana University of Pennsylvania and Allegi1eny Community Col- Child representsexactly that. An old man lege. Vann did all of the paintings in holds a young child the show beginning with, The as he herds his sheep. Witness. The painting portrays a "There is concern young, child surrounded by older betweeq the young and old," Vann said. people, looking on at carnival-like, business promotion. "l saw this "There is a certain sense of mortality, child and I photographed him," you can almost feel Vann said. "He stood out among it." the crowd, it was something in his There is meaning facial expression." behind expression Vann's last exhibit was entitled and through Vann's Slice of Life, which explains why paintings there is a Vann takes his camera with him distinct feeling of wherever he goes. He takes picpeople and how they tures or "studies" of people. "Most think and feel. people don't mind if you photo"Wherever you go, graph them, you have to be sure to people are all the ask though," Vann said. same," Vann said. The Red Hat, is a painting that ''The paintings of portrays a woman at one ofVann's the little boy in Witfamily reunions. She stands with her hands crossed on her hips, ness and the little cigarette and coke bottle in hand. girl in Sotchu Stick "Her "look" or attitude made me are continents away, Dr. Martin Luther King, a pencil drawing by but they are basically artist by Bob Abayomi is on display in the want to paint her," Vann said. the same.'' library. (photo by Lisa Lyons)


HAPPY 93rd BIRTHDAYMOTHERURSULA! Student Government President Angie Corbo and the entire cafe surprised Mother Ursula Tuesday with birthday cake and song. Students welcomed Mother Ursula into the cafe by wearing birthday hats and blowing noisemakers. (photos by MarkGudas)


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friday, feb. 16, 1990



Students coping with 'the invisible handicap' Editor's Note: This is the first part in a series of two focusing on learning disabilities and the college student.

by Kelly Ann McGillan The bell rings. Joe's next class is Reading. A freshman in high school, he plans his move. Like a spy on a mission he attempts to sneak into special services area of the school. All he has to do is get behind the dark glass door without anyone seeing him. Today he thinks he made it, but he wonders how much longer he can keep his learning disability a secret. Joe Schmidt has dyslexia, a learning disability in which his brain reverses the shapes of letters or order of words that his eyes see. Learning disabilities (LD's) confuse and frustrate an estimated s'to 10 million people in the United States every day. Many people don't even realize that they have a learning disability, and therefore the problem has been given the nickname "the invisible handicap." "I was lucky. They discovered that I had a learning disability when I was in second grade," Schmidt said, currently a sophomore. What exactly are learning disabilities? A learning disability is a general term, which includes a large variety of learning problems. Learning disabilities prevent the brain from properly interpreting and processing messages, and therefore

are not due to trouble with vision or hearing. Besides dyslexia, other types of learning disabilities include problems when comprehending; trouble with memory or sequencing skills; problems coordinating the hand and eye; as well as difficulty interpeting spoken messages. There are even disabilities which educators and psychologists can narrow down but can not specifically pinpoint. The mystery about learning disabilities is that they are very complex. Most people, when tested, are found to have average or above average intelligence. Many stu-

using 'slaughter house' in a story I was writing.' ' Frustration and discouragment are common among LD st1:1dents.After winning a five-mile race in seventh grade in an 18 and younger field of competition Schmidt felt a great sense of achievement. He had tried to learn baseba11 and couldn't because of difficulties with depth perception, Schmidt discovered that running was a area in which he could excel. "It was the first thing that I could do we 11,'' Schmidt said. Barbara Wilson, a junior with dyslexia, has overcome the reversals of letters in her mind to


Barenbaum, special education coordinator said. When sophomore Jen Morrison found out that her younger brother was going to be classified LD she thought, "no way." "I wanted to find out what his classroom would be like. I went into school with a negative attitude," Morrison said, "but once I saw how the teacher was encouraging the class to work toward something my attitude changed.'' The success of many LD students who are now at the college level can be attributed to their parents. Schmidt's mother worked

"Students with learning disabilities have extraordinary compensatory mechanism, and bend over backwards for their deficit in what ever creative ways possible." .,

- Dr. Katherine Preston, director of the counseling center

dents perform very well in some subjects and poorly in others. '' Students with learning disabilities have extraordinary compensatory mechanisms, and bend over backwards for their deficit in what ever creative ways possible,'' Dr. Katherine Preston, director of the counseling center, said. ''Leaming disabled people are very artful and creative." Schmidt would write marathon long sentences in order to avoid using a word he didn't know how to spell. "One time I used 'the end of the road for cows' to avoid

become Loquitur's Editor-in-chief and proficient in the area where her disability lies. .. It will never go away," Wilson said, "I always have to work harder. I see someone working less and doing better in a class and I get discouraged, but I know I'm doing the best I possibly can.'' Many students do not receive the support services needed because parents don't want their child to be labeled. "There are positive and negative aspects attached to being classified learning disabled, unfortunately there are more negative stigmas," Dr. Edna

with him every night on homework. "If she hadn't done that I don't know where I would be,'' Schmidt said . The high school weekly vocabulary tests may have seemed easy to those who don't have a learning disability, but for Schmidt it was anything but easy. "Monday night my mom would start helping me learn the words by using flash cards," Schmidt said. "We would drill those words all week. I would get frustrated and we would get into fights but she would never give up on me."

Credit from 1

Morrison confers: "I definitely think that a student's performance is enhanced by parents and a family who care and will spend extra time with their homework.'' In addition to their own help, many parents hire private tutors to provided their children with the extra support services they need as Wilson's parents did. "Without my mom I would have never made it through high school,'' Schmidt said. "Everyone said that if I just got through high school that would be O.K., but not my mom. '' I would spend two hours studying with her the night before a test and then get just a "C," she would be thrilled." First recognized in the 1960's and 70's the number of children diagnosed with LD's and placed in the special education population has more than doubled from 1976 to 1984. It's only been until recently that progress has been made in the diagnosis of LD's and · the development of remedial programs in schools to bring children with LD's to their academic potential. According to the American Council an Education the number of learning-disabled students attending college has increased in recent years as well. "I want to give kids a chance," Schmidt said, a special education major. "I want to encourage them to be anything they want to be.'' To be able to do this he needs a college education.

the program,using her experienceas president. She

the classroom. He added that offering the officers credit would validate those goals. ,"I'm not seeing this as compensation," Bonfiglio sa1d, "but as a recognition that there is a great deal to learn in this position. By attaching fonnal requirements to it, the educative potential would be enhanced.'' "I am happy to see the proposal come forward," Schiesler said. "It means the SGA is thinking about different programs to make the office of president more attractive. lean see wheretheexperienceofthepresident is quite beneficial. That personlearns a lot about group skilJs,groupplanning,et cetera." Corbo volunteered to do a non-credited trial run of

said she felt this type of intensivelearningexperienhance the curriculum of a liberal

'Whatever happened to the willingness to work for the joy and enthusiasm because you like to do "t?' I •

-Dr. AntoinetteSchiesler, academic dean

ence would education.

In the proposalit was suggested thatthe credits could be cateredto fit almostanymajor; however,if approved,it may be implementedas a leadership practicuminstead. ••Lookingback,'"Corbo said, I would say that otherthan my actualinternshipsandLoquiturexperience,nothinghas shapedme more into a professionalmoldthanmy experienceas a SGAexecutive boardleader. I feel that experiencewu one of the greatestassets to my education.'' 0

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We're still ettin




fridaY, feb. 16, 1990


Cavs losetough ESAC battleto Shenandoahin pa~kedhouse by William A. Fulton

It was the type of night that could have provided lasting memories for the Cabrini Mens' basketball team. It was the last home game of the season. Dean Robert Bonfiglio conducted pregame ceremonies during which the members and parents of both the Cavs' mens and womens basketball teams as well as the Cavalier cheerleaders were honored. The opponents were the defending ESAC southern conference champion Hornets of • Shenandoah College. The Cavs' senior trio of MarkoGittens, Giles Smith and Brian Kilroy were ready to give themselves and the fans one last home victory to savor. Unfortunately for the Cavs , the visiting Hornets did not share in the evenings sentimental mood as they raced by the Cavs 102-91 last Saturday night. For Mens' coach John Dzik, the performance was not a memorable way to end the home schedule. "We played a very poor game defensively tonight," said Dzik. "I was very disappointed, especially since this was such an important game for us.'' The loss which was crucial in terms of a play-off spot in the ESAC, dropped the Cavs overall record to and in conference play. In honor of their playing their final game at home, seniors Giles Smith, and Brian Kilroy joined Marko Gittens in the starting line-up. The visiting Hornets, who in the past few years have played the likes of Georgetown and other NCAA Division I schools, greeted the seniors by sprinting out to a l 0-4 lead by the 17:33 mark of the first half. Coach Dzik quickly called time out and countered the Hornets "run and gun" style by going with the smaller yet quicker guard tandem of Jeff Barnes and Jeff Hines. ''We usually don 'tlike to play Barnes and Hines together for too long because it leaves us with a height disadvantage," said Dzik. "But at that time it was something we felt we had to do." The substitutions kept the Cavs within range of the Hornets, as 3-point shots from Hines and junior Jason Yurchak as well as back to back buckets from Gittens sparked the Cavs offense. The Cavs hustling play continued as a fine defensive play by freshman center Dave Kerchner led to a break-away dunk by

Yurchak that got the crowd on its feet as well as cut the Hornet lead to 27-25 with 8:30 left in the first half. The up and down pace continued as another base linejam by Yurchak and strong inside baskets by freshman John O'Hare, who finished the game with 19 points, provided the bulk of the Cavs'scoring. Their output was matched, however, by Hornet baskets from Brian Cooper and reserve center Damon Hough as the half ended with the Hornets leading the Cavs 4237. Despite trailing the talented Hornets by only five points, the Cavs knew they were not playing their type of game. "We're not a running team per se," said Gittens, who along with Yurchak were the game high scorers with 22 points each. "Tonight, the tempo of the game was too fast for our style of play.'' "We got into that "You score, we score" mentality," added Hines. "We just can,t play like that and then expect to win." Eventhough Shenandoah held the lead at the half, Hornets coach Dave Dutton was still concerned with Cabrini's ability to score inside the paint. "At halftime we talked about shutting down their big bodies down low," said Dutton. ''We felt that if we were going to win we couldn't let them push us around underneath the basket." One thing the Hornets did not have to worry about was their ability to score points in the second half. A 3-pointer by forward Mario Pritchett and coast to coast scoring plays by Brian Cooper helped the Hornet lead balloon to 6552 by the 13:02 mark of the second half. Once the lead became that large, the Cavs seemed to be in for an uphill battle the rest of the contest. '' At the beginning of the second half our defense let-up," said Kerchner. "Once that happened we were in trouble." Adding to that trouble was the Hornets torrid shooting, as they shot 68 percent from the field, including 7 for IO from three point land. '' Anytime a team shoots 68 percent their going to be real hard to beat, " Dzik said. "Not to take anything from Shenandoah, they can play good basketball, but what really bothered me was how we just let them do anything they wanted offensively. I mean we scored 91 points, that should be enough points to win the basketball game.'' As the '' track meet'' type of pace continued throughout the second half, the Cavs

seemed to slowly wear down by late in the game. ' 'Another thing that hurt us tonight was not having Mike Carrafa in the line-up because of an ankle injury," Dzik said. "He's what I like to call our "X" factor. Without him, Marko and Jason had to play too many minutes in a game with this type of tempo." The Cavs did manage one final run at the Hornets late in the game as Baskets by Gittens and Yurchak sliced the lead to 96-86 with 1:27 left ~oplay. However, ¡ the Hornets, led by guard Eugene Baltimore, who finished with 21 points to go along with his 13 assist, and forward Mario Pritchett who tallied 20 points were able to hold off the Cavs. As Jason Yurchak 3-pointer at the buzzer

closed the nights scoring, the three Cabrini seniors walked off their home court for the final time. ''Before the game, I didn't try to think too much about this being my last home game,'' said senior guard Briitn Kilroy. "We had to focus too much on playing Shenandoah. But after the season, I'll think back on the season and that's when I'll remember all the good times that I'll miss with my coaches and teammates.'' The Cavshopetokeeptheir post season hopes alive by winning their final two games on the road against Allentown and Wesley. We absolutely have to win one of those games to even think about making the playoffs," Dzik said. "But we're hoping to win both games. Needless to say tonights loss hurt our play-off chances.''

Senior Marko Gittens goes up strong against a tough Shenandoah club. ( photo by Kristen Mainero)

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friday, feb. 16, 1990


Storiesof hiddentreasure:Cabrinistyle by Carlo Iacono

(Editor's note: second of a two-part series on sports memoribilia) As with all bastions of youth, baseball card collecting is a hobby that many young men leave behind come the onset of p~berty. Interest in collecting wanes as young men must account for their budget, the start of car driving, and the pursuit of young women. But many young men here at Cabrini continue their hobby of days-gone-by with the same childlike interest and innocence, and now couple that with their collegiate sense of business. In other words, it is still fun to collect cards but it also makes them a pretty penny. Senior Brian Tripoli became interested in baseball cards when he was a seven yearold. After his father, Jerry, noticed his son was spending the good portion of his allowance on the cardboard pictures of his baseball heroes, he started buying complete sets for Brian and became more hands-on with the hobby. His father's source of funds and interest culminated two years ago when he aided Brian in becoming a sports memoribilia dealer. That combination has produced BT Cards, a father-son business which has participated in memoribilia shows in New Jersey. BT Cards also hosted a show last spring and will be hosting another one on April 29 at Richland Fire Hall, Richland, N.J. "We categorize ourselves as dealing collectors. By that I mean we enjoy the hobby first and the dealer aspect second," Tripoli said. With his connection as a part-time worker in a deli, Jerry buys his cards directly from the companies and can get a large volume at wholesale cost. By keeping his son informed from a far, Jerry and Brian do smaller-type "fireball" shows because of their lack of large volume. But this small-type weekend business has yielded the Tripolis a substantial amount of money. Enough, Brian said "to be in the hobby for a long time." Speaking as preservers of the innocence of the l)obby, Brian does acknowledge that the hobby is now a big business that comes with dishonest people. But to those who doomsay the hobby, Brian feels that sports memoribilia industry will never bust. He theorizes that although hype and dishonesty may scar the hobby, kids are not as dumb as people think and they will always have

baseball heroes. ''When you have demand, the hobby will never end," Tripoli said. Brian's favorite player and !bus cards are those of the just-retired Mike Schmidt. With pride, he stated that he has every Schmidt card ever made by Topps, including the valuable rookie year. Not all of Cabrini sports collectors know the value of their collections. Sophomore Joe Orsatti is a case in point. Having always enjoyed card collecting of any type, Orsatti received cards from his cousin a couple of years ago. Until last year, Orsatti was unaware of the little goldmine he inherited. In those cards were valuable baseball and football cards from the late '60s and early

football and hockey cards. Stating that they each spend ·easily over $100 dollars a year, they feel the hobby will continue to go through the roof. "I've collected since I was young and I got Wayne Gretzky's rookie card three times," Capone said about his over $100-apiece treasure. There are a number of ex-collectors on campus that had their cards thrown away or they simply lost interest in the hobby. But all remember those days with fondness. Sophomores Matt Hodlofski and Mark Gudas relive those days by collecting new kinds of memoribilia. Gudas owns pennants from every major league team. While Hodlofski collects sports figurines and baseball hats for

As with all bastions of youth, baseball card collecting is a hobby that many young men leave behind come the onset of puberty. Interest in collecting wanes as young men must account for their budget, the start of car driving, and the pursuit of young women.

'70s, including several Mickey Mantles, Carl Yastremskis, Reggie Jacksons, and Johnny Benchs worth individually in the hundreds of dollars. With these newfound items, Orsatti renewed interest in sports memoribilia. "I'm not in the hobby for the money aspect of it. I'm in it for fun and kick of having valuable sought after items that are older than I am," Orsatti said. Orsatti now collects '80s and '90s cards and estimates that between buying the cards and protective materials for them (plastic sheets, cases, boxes) he spends in the neighborhood of $400 per year on the hobby. ''I do think it is getting out of hand as far a the expensiveness (of the hobby). But it is still a great hobby," Orsatti said. Though he vows never to sell his collection, Orsatti isn't totally oblivious to the business end of the hobby. He stated that he bought one price guide in his life and that was to give him general information about who was in the set. Besides he collects for the fun of it, and his Star War cards are his "favorite." Like Orsatti, freshmen Tom Baritone and Matt Capone collect for the fun of the hobby. But their area of interest is in


decorative reasons. Some administration members also remember their days of collecting cards. But like most people their cards got lost in the shuffle or simply thrown away. Dean of Students, Robert Bonfiglio bought and traded cards when he was young. Those cards got thrown away or lost by the end of each summer. But those cards were utilized more than for investment. Those cards acted as noise makers in the spokes of his bicycles or as statistical aids for a ''Chai-

lenge the Yankees' ' box game. His fondest memories of cards included the mocking of "funny" names of players. The immortal John Boccabella, a first baseman who stayed for a cup of coffee for the Chicago Cubs in 1967, comes to mind. Now Bonfiglio collects valuable yearbooks of the Dodgers, Yankees, and his beloved Mets. Bonfiglio states that even though he lost a fortune in his tire spokes, card collecting was different and more innocent then. ''Cards were valuable in an emotional sense, not in a monetary sense,'' Bonfiglio said. Athletic director, John Dzik once collected cards but now only collects "banners and trophies." Like everyone else, Dzik' s cards were either lostorthrown away. His collection had potential for a nice fortune. Having been a Yankees fan, Dzik owned every Mickey Mantle card, and several at that, during the '50s. Keeping in mind that each of those Mantles are now worth between $ 1000 and $4000 a piece, it isn't outrageous to say that Dzik squandered away enough for a down payment on a house. Dzik now watches with interest as his 14 year-old son, Mike, collects. Knowing the hobby through his son, Dzik feels the market will ebb and flow but will never dry up. ''There is goingto l'1ea time when people throw out those shoe boxes (filled with cards) again. Those who keep it will be the smart ones,'' Dzik said. "Sports memoribilia is tied in with the nostalgia kick that is going on in America. I read where it is people's way of returning to simpler times," Dzik said, "Cards are a nice way to tie that bridge between past and present.''

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f ridaXzfeb. 161 1990


Easternflightdelayed at O'Hare Court by Mark Gudas Fans, noise, cardboardgirls, taunting jeers, and basketball at its finest. All these things are a part of the Eastern rivalry. A rivalry separated by Eagle Road. Coach Dzik came here 10 years ago and called across the road to Eastern' s coach at the time and said since we are right across the road whY. don't we play each other? Eastern's coach replied that Cabrini did not want to play them because they were too strong for us. Dzik said that he would call them back in a year and they would not be too tough for Cabrini. That is how it all started. The rivalry has lost some of its luster in the past year because both schools used to be in the ESAC and now they aren't in that conference anymore. Now the games don't mean anything when conference standings are taken into affect. Cabrini is in the NCAA Division III and Eastern is NAIA. Despite the two schools being right across the street from each other they are not Cabrini's biggest rival in the conference. That right goes to Allentown College. From a students perspective, there is no doubt they are the school the fans get the most psyched for. Freshman Lorraine Lill said it was exciting being at apackedgym. "There was an energy running throughout the gym that was saying 'Go Cavs'," Lill said. "A rivalry such as the one against Eastern is good because it makes the whole student body want to be at the game.' ' Eastern is a young squad and the game against Cabrini was their third in three nights. They were worn down physically and the Cavs just played together as a team and did what they had to do on offense. One of the biggest factors in the game was the pesky defense of Jeff Hines and Jeff Barnes. They kept Eastem's freshman

sensation Kenny Coull in tact and held him to Road was won by the Cavaliers 105-76 who foot came down on the foot of Jimmy West just 24 points as compared to the 43 he had raised their record to 14-8 to remain in the and Caraffa went down hard. He was carried the night before against Columbia Union. . play-off hunt. off the court by the trainers and later escorted The large crowd was a big factor accordEarly on in the game the Eagles relied on from the gym via stretcher. ing to Dzik. "They gave a lot of support and the three pointer but no one could find a hot ''We are going to miss him because he is might have even helped the team come hand. Going cold, they tried to work the ball an outside threat who helps our inside together,'' Dzik said. inside to Orlando Walters but Che Perry was game," Yurchak said. "He's been around A surprise starter was senior guard Brian there to stop him. for a while and his leadership is going to be Kilroy. ''He worked hard in practice the day Throughout the first half both teams a loss." before the game and he deserved to start,'' kept exchanging baskets. The biggest lead His resurgence in the first half of the Dzik said. By starting Kilroy, Dzik was the Cavs could muster was 5 points. game would defiantly have helped the team proving a point to his players. "There is no At halftime the score stood at 48-45 with down the final stretch of the season. doubt that Marko Gittens is better than Mike Caraffa leading the way with 12 "Because he has not been playing 1ike his Brian, but the people who show up for prac- points. usual self lately his contributions to the team tice are the ones who play in the games,'' Carrafa and Jason Yurchak were finding will not be greatly missed," Dzik said. Dzik said. "I have to draw the line gold at the end of their rainbow "three's" This will make Gittens more of a guard somewhere.'' and Perry and O'Hare were crashing the and will give O"Hare and Yurchak more "Everybody wants to start but they can't," boards. playing time along with Gittens. Dzik feels Kilroy said. "If you are on a team you have With 2: 10 left to go in the first half Caraffa that the absence of Caraffa will open up a to be prepared to play when you are called took the ball on the left wing and drove the on. It's how you play and not when." lane for a gutsy lay-up. Upon landing his spot for maybe Kerchner, Wissler or Smith. Gittens was not really in the flow of the offense. He missed a lot of short jump shots from right outside the paint and was not playing like the All-American candidate that he is. His poor performance in the second semester is his own fault according to Dzik. '' Marko is cheating himself, his teammates, and the program," Dzik said. Gittens agreed with Dzik. "My efforts have been more geared towards securing the best career opportunities," Gittens said. "I haven't been at practice as much as I would like to have been and that is why I am not playing that much and also why I haven't been playing as well as I usually do." Freshman center John O'Hare was the flight conductor for the Cavs. He led all scorers with 29 points and had 7 rebounds. "He played nearly a perfect game-," DzJc said. The Eagles from Eastern won the opening Cabrini fans go crazy in victory over Eastern College. {photo by Kristin Kroll) tap but that was all as the Battle of Eagle

Cavs keepingtheir ESAC hopesalive by Matt Hodlofski and Lou Monaco Monday night, the Cabrini Cavs traveled north to play in the not-so-friendly confines of Allentown College. Afterwards, Allentown felt the agony of defeat. The Cavs beat Allentown for the second straight time this season, in overtime, 81-79, to keep their ESAC playoff hopes alive. With Cabrini down by three, less than 15 seconds remaining in regulation, junior Jeff Hines nailed one of his patented threepointers to send the game into overtime. The small Cabrini faithful that attended the game were pleased for sure. In overtime, with just six ticks remaining on the clock, John O'Hare sealed the victory with two clutch free throws that absolutely stunned the wild Centaur crowd. Allentown still had a shot to win it at the end, but the shot missed and Cabrini came away

with a tough road victory. The Cavs were led by O'Hare with 24 points and Jason Yurchak netted 15. Senior Marko Gittens displayed his leadership throughout with tough defense, ball-handling and court awareness. The Cavaliers overall record stands at 15-9, while their ESAC conference record is 3-4. Next up for the Cavaliers, ESAC foe Wesley College, on the road again on Saturday, February 17 at 8:00 p.m. Cabrini fans are still waiting for an answer to the biggest question of the season: can they make the playoffs? We shall soon find out.

-----------------------------------Men'svolleyballservesintothe '90s by DeniseEdwards

problem is we don 'tknow the game

the eleventh point and then we

as well as a coach would. Inexperi- lose it, our momentum dies and Go into the gym any Tuesday ence can cost you a win very easily I don't know how to fix it. We or Thursday night around nine in volleyball." need something that will wake o'clock an,dyou will see 13hard working, dedicated and a very diverse group of individuals. They are none other than the Cabrini men's volleyball team. This year's team is lead by its tri-captains; junior Tim Janusz, sophomore Charlie Tucci, and junior LeoEschbach. Men's volleyball just like cbeerleading does not have a coach to be there to instruct, guide and organize. This has made the position as captain more than just a name. With it comes leadership, organization, dedication and a different outlook on being a player. "Becoming a captain has given me the power to be able to instruct the new players so we won't do bad, "junior tri..cap- tain Leo Eschbach said. "I feell play a part in the overall progress of the team. It is areflection of me unlikewhenI wasa player, then I felt I only contributed on the individual level," "Being a captain is a lot harder than you would think," junior tri-captain Tim Janusz said, ''Charlie ,Leo and l attempt to lead everyone, butour biggest

It is the inexperience and the them up." youngness of the players to the sport Also the loss of one of their that most worries the team. "It's a key players Jan Torres, has had hard sport to get the jist of/' Janusz agreateffectontheteam. "lthas said, .. and when you're in those put a big detour in our plans for pressure situations the player with the season. He knew the game the most court time is the one who the ~t. There's no one person has an easier timepullingthrough for that can replace him." Janusz the win." said .. Since we started practicing in '•Toe captains make sure eveOctober, our hitting has improved. ryonegets to play," junior player Now I would like to work more on ·JohnKeefe said. "It's great bebumping/passing the ball,'' Esch- causewith play timecomesconbach said. fidence and the ability to think "There's more togetherness, under pressure. Hopefully.by players aremore confident io them- next year,thismight help us come selves and everyone is more relaxed out and dominate as a young during scrimmages,·• Tucci said. team because everyone had the "With the help we've received chance to play the season befrom the alumni volleyball players, fore." we are becoming a stronger more • 'They also play with a lot of well rounded team," freshmen heart," Tucci said. '· After player John Dicataldo said seeing the team play in the VillaJust like any other team they nova Tournament in December, have a few obstacles to overcome. the guys have shown that if they • ''Trying to keep their intensity want it, they can achieve il" level high is a bard thing to do," Eschbach does not like to Tucci said. "We'll have a lead of6sound too optimistic but if how 0 and they'll slack off a bit and then they have played during scrimits 8-6 we add the pressure our- mages is any inclinationto how selves." they will play during the season, .. We reach what I call the 11th •·Well then, who knows. We may plateau," Janusz said "We get to even shock ourselves.,.

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