March 2, 1990 Issue 17 Loquitur

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friday, march 2, 1990

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxvi, no.17

Campus proqlems examined at forum by Carlo Iacono President Sister Eileen Currie M.S.C. otilized last Sunday's open forum to address the many concerns of the 25 students who attented. In light ofthe recent racial incidents and the formation of the Coalition Against Racial and Ethnic Timidation (CARET), the main topics of discussion were of racial hannony on campus and the merit

of the "mandatory" label placed ing, and circulate it to the campus meeting merited the "mandaon a general campus meeting on community after spring break. That tory" label, Currie believed she Thursday, Feb. 15. report will consist of CARET' s- wouldn't have had the kind of turnBut the two hour forum on .proposals and what some of the out if it wasn't for the mandatory Sunday, Feb. 25 a1so allowed responses were to those proposals. status. students to voice concerns over Currie said she made the Feb. 22 "Cabrini College needed to college communication, problems meeting ''mandatory'' because she stop and pay attention to its probwith registration day, student thought it was needed for the good lem of racism. It is that painful of advisement dilemmas, and resi- ofthecommunity. "Wearetalking a problem,'' Currie said dential overcrowding. Currie stated aboutacollegecommunitycoming Freshman Susan Elder supported that after meeting with CARET on together for the first time in my Currie's position when she said, Thursday, Feb. 22, she intends to tenure as president,'' Currie said. ''Even though mandatory is a harsh put together a report of that tneetStating the importance of the term, it was a good thing because ' ~

New schedµle slbocksclock by Clyde LaForest,

It has been-a part o:filie CabriniColleg_ih experience for 15years, andithasservedstudent$well. Since the fall of 1974, it has shared the goqd times andtiad times.but now it is nolC>ligerable to keep. up with a changingCabrini. The current daily class schedule has been re-

placed. Say good-bye to those8:30s and 3:30s: Forget all about that 12:25 to 12:50 s.queeze. Things are going to be a little different next year. If there 1sanycontroversy urronndingthe new schedule now, it is notbecauseofthenew schedule itself. It is .the same .controversy ~ by the reason a new schedule is needed.

removing the 25-minute lunch break on Mondays, Wednesdays and . Fridays. c,the evening classeswillbe~.nchroniied with theday classes. Thus, Monday's, Wednesday's and Frioay's day classes will begin at 8:20 a.m. and end at 4: 15pJn.Each cfass period willremain one Hour and 15minutes1ong, withfive minutes between cl asses. There are no other l,reaks during the day. Tuesday and Thursday also willbegin at 8'"20 a.m., but there is an aclivity period from 12:20 until 1:35 p.m., which is ~ normal class period on Mondays, WednesdaycS and Fridays. Classes resume at 1:40 p.m. and end al 4: 15 p.m. ·•we_ looked at eliminating an activity pe-

riod;" said RobertBonfiglio, dean of students

and member of the subcommittee, "but lhat "If we had anotherclassroom building," said would be contradicting the goals -of the instituDt. Dawn Middleton, educatiolidepartmentchair~ tion, ®e of which is to be involved in extracurricular activities.·· person. · 'We wouldn't even have to play with the schedule.·• Evening classes will qegin at 4:20 p.m. and The new schedule was formulat.ed by the .. end ~~:30 p.m, They will be one hour anq~ 15 Scheduling Concerns Subcommittee of Academic minutes long and meet Monday tfuougb Thurs~ Council. Registrar, JenniferHansbury,chairedthe dayonly. . subcommittee, whicb composed of several Sanitday willhave two longer periods; ,9;00 f achlty and administration members, to 11:45 a.m. and1:00 lo3;45 p.m~ · There were two main reasons a new schedule Accercling to Hansbury, one benefit of the was' being researched. ..according to Hansbury:·•.·· new s~dule more attractive driving times relieving the effects of limited classroom space fon:ommuters in the aftefuoon. Leavingcampus and eliminating the overl;ip of day and e.vening at 4:15 p.m. ratper than 4_:45p.m. should help classes. most commuters avoid rusb--;bour traffic, · By shifting the beginning ti~s of cfasses 10 Hansbury said .. · minutes earlier than the 'CUrrent·schedule,·and by "' more schedule on 9


New constitution allows student- input by Melissa Landsmann The most novel aspects of the Student Government Association's constitution are that the newly-elected members of SGAhave •'the right to select their moderator through the proce s of election'' and the creation of the positions of human affairs officers, according to the SGA Constitution. The revised constitution was introduced to students on Feb. 22, at 1 p.m. in the Widener Center lecture hall at the Constitutional Convention. Under the current constitution, the job of SGA moderator i the responsibility of the director of student activities. Besides his or her responsibility to SGA, the director is also in charge of all student clubs and activities on campus. The SGA ·s right to elect their own moderator gives them more ability to dictate their future. according to Frank Emmerich, vice president of SGA. Also, il allows the current executive board more flexibility in matching their needs to a faculty member who can fulfill those needs.

more constitution on 4

this school seems to have a problem with communication concerning getting things known. And I think for an issue that big it was necessary." Angela Corbo, Student Government Association president, asked Currie about her personal reaction to the general meeting and the results of the racial incidents. "I've been wonderfully pleased

more Problemson 5

Nicaraguan election:

Close to home by Kelly Walsh Elections in Nicaragua on Feb. 24 once again brought the Latin American country to the forefront of international attention. At Cabrini, Carlos Chamorro, a senior, had a special interest in the election. His cousin ran for president and won the election. So Carlos followed the returns with a special intere t. He left hiscountrymorethan IO years ago. He remembers Jeaving. ''Go get your things packed up. We're going to grandmom's ," said Chamorro 's father in a sharp-toned voice. ''Dad, what's wrong?" Carlos said. "Just do as I say, son." •'As we traveled out of Nicaragua, we stopped at a hotel to stay the nig~t. While we were watching the late night news. we listened as the newscaster reported that Nicaragua had just broken out in war. My sister and llooked at my father in amazement. '"Is that why ... why we left the country?' we asked my parents. "My father shook his head answering 'yes' to our question and hugged us dearly.'' The Republic of Nicaragua is located in Central America and is the largest republic there. Nicaragua can be characterized by its agricultural economy, its history of autocratic government, and its imbalance of regional development. Most of the population is engaged in farming and the national economy is overdependent upon exporrs of cotton and coffee. Nicaragua. mixed with Indians and Spanish descendants, is a country with most of the natives in poverty and a small middle-toupper class. Mostofthe natives are

Carlos Chamo"o (Photo by

Frank Emmerich) not educated and farm for means of survival. Fanning is a trade passed down from generation to generation. The natives can not find work, nor can they read. There is little, if anything, for them to do. For these people, sleeping in the streets and gathering Jeft over food from trash cans is the. only means of survival. Although there are more lower class families in Nicaragua, the upper class families gained control. During the 1950s, '60s and '70s, the Somoza family took control of the government. Somoza was a dictator and there was no freedom for the Nicaraguans. Finally, after a period of no freedom, people in the area, churches, and even the press, took a stand and started a. movement against Somoza. The revolution against Somoza was led by the Sandinistas a decade ago. ' The Sandinistas eventually came to power. They were strongly supported by the lower class citizens. The Sandinista government realized the role they had to play to reconstruct the national economy. The policy of the Sandinista government was to avoid radical changes, which could

more Nicaragua on 4

inside perspectives ....... 2, 3

Brenda Lee

All errors with

news ................. 4, 5, 9

Dance Co.

features .......... 6, 7, 8

performs at Cabrini

womens softball team ..•or what?

sports........ 10, 11, 12

(see page 8)

(see page 12)


friday1 march 2, 1990


Will new times be good times? My home away from home Upon registration, instead of having your first class of the day at 8: 30, it will now be held ten minutes earlier. This also applies to all other classes, as well. This change was implemented because of lack of classroom space, the 12:25 to 12:50 cafe crunch and to make life easier for commuters who finished their classes at 4:45, in the midst of rush hour. This will allow for more classes during the day and will integrate day and

- This change was implemented because of lack of classroom space, the 12:25 to 12:50 cafe crunch and to make life easier for commuters who finished their classes at 4:45, in the midst of rush hour. evening classes, also adding one more day class to choose from. The scheduling change will create some problems along with its benefits. For people who don't like to get up for their morning classes, the tenminute-earlier change will not be to their advantage. Students may also run into problems with the cafe. The cafe should extend their hours to accomodate everyone, especially those who are forced to take two important classes during the two lunch periods. The subcommittee should be commended for 'working with what they have' in trying tocreat~a solution to the lack-of-classroom-spaceproblem. This is the only feasible solution for the time being, until plans for a new building are discussed. For now the time changes seem like a positive change; whether or not it is well-received by the faculty and students remains to be seen.

Only in September will we know the success of this attempt.

Spring Break '90:

Sand, surf, sunscreen .._. and trouble in paradise? As you read this publication, a privleged few of you will be ready to travel to the land of sand and surf where the sun is hot and the drinks are cool. Whether your favorite hot spot be Fort Lauderdale, Daytona Beach, or various other islands in the Caribbean, the upcoming week will prove to be one filled with decadence. Spring Break offers a chance to 'get away from it all' in a tropical, relaxed atmosphere. There will also be hundreds of thousands of other college students to cavort with while basking in the sun during the day and cruising the bars in the evenings. In light of all the fun and frolic, we would also like to mention some sombering facts which could put a damper on your week, if not careful.

There will also be hundreds of thousands of other co"ege students to cavort with while basking in the sun during the day and cruising the bars in the evenings. * Did you know that arrests for underage drinking during Spring Break have increased at an annual clip of 10 percent per year? * One can get arrested for even the smallest of offenses. Reports from previous breaks include arrests for not only underage drinking, but for vandalism, rioting and harassment. The authorities are also fond of arresting out-of-towners for the slightest infraction. Locals are more likely to do these things and walk away scot-free. * Among the 800,000 reveling collegians who trek the to the perrenial Meccas of fun, Fort Lauderdale and Daytona Beach, an average of seven college-age people will die tragically, due to alcohol-related incidents and traffic accidents. So if you take the position of "no way" that these unfortunat.e events can happen to you, step back and use common sense. The last time we looked, no one was immortal. There is a worst case scenario where these things can happen to you. Thus, be healthy, tanned, and wise. Oh, and have fun.

felicia falcone opinion editor It is Sunday night at 9:30 and we are gathered around in the TV studio, discussing yet another issue ofLoquitur. The subject of the weekly viewpoint comes up. "Who's tum is it this week?" Everyone answers, ''Not me,'' including myself. So much for responsibility. This happens to be the last viewpoint I will ever write. It is now Monday night and I stare blankly at the computer screen while tossing ideas around in my head. The usual crowd is here tonight, thenewsroomisbuzzingwith activity. Since I can't concentrate, I save my nearly empty screen and get caught up in convers·ation with someone. This is not a typical Monday night, foriamoutofhereby 11:30. Miracles never cease to exist. So, here I am, back in this room on Tuesday night, working feverishly on a deadline. Somehow I work better under pressure. My problem still remains--what am I going to write about? I could write about the upcoming spring break and how bored I will be, or how I feel about graduation, or about... wait, the light bulb has just brightened in my head. Being in this new room for consecutive Monday and Tuesday nights (and then some) has left me with many thoughts, most of them good ones. Last year I used to spend as little time as possible here, now it has become like a second home. My roommate automatically gives callers this phone number even if she doesn't know where I am. I guess it is because she figures I am usually here. She is right almost every time. In September, when I frrst set foot into the newsroom it wasn't for any other reason than to pick up my yearbook. I was greeted by a surly-looking man who asked me for my l.D. I wondered, "Who exactly is this person, why is he here and why the attitude?" If this was any kind of inclination about how the year was going to be, I was ready to walk out. Luckily, I didn't. This surly-looking individual was none other than Bud Mellon, who in time we have grown to know and love. Bud is one of the reasons the newsroom is constantly jwnping with activity. It is his spirit and helpfulness that wills me to get my work done. In some small way, everyone I come in contact with in the newsroom has helped me or brightened my day at one time or another. Johanna, our news hound, never fails to make me laugh. Bud, our mascot, is always there for • 'headline help.'' Lou, our very own "mouth," is constantly offering the male's perspective on life. Angie, whose title is "everything," offers encour~ging words that keep me sane. Barb, our faithful editor-in-chief, is the one who keeps us in line, but she also has her share of fun in this room (like the times we ask her to come up at 2 a.m. because one of us has screwed up). Kelly, our graphics queen, usually misses these moments, probably because she has her stuff together and is out of here at a reason: able hour. Believe· it or not, this newsroom holds some fond memories for me. It may sound corny, but it is the truth. In this room there have been wrestling matches resulting in broken furniture and almost broken bones, encounters in the

darkroom (use your imagination), numer()us requests to area radio stations at 5 a.m., road trips to WAWA, fights between editors and lots of yelling and screaming . Nqw don't get me wrong, it is not all fun and games here, we do put in a tremendous amount of time. But all work and no play makes for a very boring situation. At one time or another all five of us cry, want to give up and are on the verge of tearing our hair out. Somehow, the good times get us through the bad ones and we come out feeling pretty satisfied with ourselves. I never thought that I would say this, but as I get closer to the end of my career as editor, the more I do not want to leave it. All of the aggravation and work poured into this paper is minimal compared to the pride we feel when Thursday night comes around. I have grown to develop a fondness for the people I work with, perhaps it is because we have constantly been thrown together in this newsroom for two nights out of seven (and then some). We have learned, worked, fought, made up and in a way, grew up together. This is something I will miss next year. ---So, in case anyone was wondering what exactly it is we do here behind the scenes of Loquitur, there you have it. All of the crazy times in the wee hours of the morning that we spent working on Loquitur has meant something to me. Barb, Angie, Johanna, Kelly, Lou and Bud: Thanks for sharing the experience. Reporters and assistants: You have made the voyage through Loquitur all the more interesting. Dr. Zurek: Your advice has taken me a long way. Now that you have read this you will probably appoint a nighttime referee to the newsroom. To all the others who still don't understand: You have to live it to believe it.

Editor-in-chief: Barbara Wilson Managing Editor: Angie Corbo News Editor: Johanna Church Assistant News Editors: Kevin George and Sharlene Sephton Perspectives Editor: Felicia Falcone Assistant Perspectives Editor: Carlo Iacono Features Editor: Kelly Ann Mc:Giiian Assistant Features Edfor: Kelly Reed Sports Editor: Lou Monaco Assistant Sports Editors: Mark Gudas and Chris Pesotski Copy Editor: Chris Pesotski Business Manager: Denise Edwards and Sue Moriarty Photography Editor: Kristin Kroll Assitant Photography Editor: Frank Emmerich Photography Adviser:

Dr. Carter Craigie

Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Ganie Corr, Karen Dumomey, Denise Edwards, Bill Firman.William Fulton, Kevin George. Anna-Marie Karlsen, Clyde LaForest, Jr, Melissa Landsmann, Daniella LoPresti, Kristin Mainero, Jenntter Morrison, Christina Roach, Deborah Ryder, Leonora Veterano, Kelly Ann Walsh, Charlie Waterfall, Keny Ann Williams, Carol Wells Yarrow Photography Staff: Mark Gudas, Giselle Bellanca Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student lees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be · signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. II a letter is too long for the available space. the editor may 8\fit or condense it. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published in Loqultur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues


friday, march 2, 1990



"QUAIDS," not AIDS, shaking up the nation by Bill Firman The dream is almost always the same: I'm sitting outside of the Oval Office waiting to see The Big Guys(Ineverdofind out why I'm there to see him, although I imagine it has to do with that "image" thing he's always working on). I am told that the President will see me and I enter that humbling office where the most important man in the free world conducts the affairs of the nation. The President is in that swivel chair behind his desk with his back to me. He turns toward me slowly ...something is very wrong. He is wearing a diaper with a Tshirt that reads, "I'd rather be golfing." Good God .. .it's DAN QUAYLE! I run, screaming out of the Oval Office only to be stopped by Secretary of State James Baker. He just says, "Whoops!" and hands meacopyof the WashingtonPost with the headline, ''PRESIDENT BUSH RUN OVER BY AN ELEPHANT; QUAYLE SWORN IN (AND AT)." At this, I wake up, heart racing and take a shot of ¥aalox, all the while reassuring myself, "It's only a dream." I am here to tell you about the deadly disease I suffer from. It strikes 70 percent of the American population and there is no known cure. Friends, this disease is called QUAIDS and it can strike at any time. QUAIDS is an acronym for Quayle's An Ignorant Dangerous Simpleton. This disease effects

anyone who realizes what would happen if President George Bush were to die and His Idiocy were to become, gulp, president. You can find signs of the QUAIDS virus in all of the nation's media. A recent example is the February 26 issue of Newsweek where the following entry may be found on page 55 in the Transition section: "RE-

place on the ticket. The first known case of QUAIDS was documented in August of 1988 when Bush's advisors realized that he was not smoking dope and was serious about naming the senator from Idiotnana, sorry, Indiana, as his running mate. After several attempts to dissuade the Presidential nominee from this fateful decision, six

succeeded 'to the Presidency a QUAIDS patient into a coma for through death or Nixon (registra- months. tion). With this voting coalition, As the months turned into an Bush/Quayle was elected. entire year, QUAIDS became a Trouble was lurking in the . disease to be reckoned with. But shadows, for soon the QUAIDS nowthatyouknowthe disease,you virus began infecting even those should also know the truth. who had been immune in NovemDespite what you may have ber. For example, anyone who heard, you can't get QUAIDS by heard Quayle speak about anything kissing or shaking hands with began to contract the killer dis- someone who has the disease. The only way you can get QUAIDS is by thinking. If you think about Bush's strict adherence to Quayle was due to his desire to show the that mental midget with his hands (or his knees) on THE button, or American public that George Bush could make a decision and stick about him running around the White to it, even if it was stupid. House screaming, '.'I'm President, time to play some golf!" you are TURNED SAFELY: From Car- members of Bush's staff conease. When Quayle tried to use the bound to get this disease. As the tegna drug conference, GEORGE tracted QUAIDS. Strangely phrase of the United Negro Col- Surgeon General has said, while BUSH.'' It is obvious that the en~ugh, Bush himself was the lege Fund, but came out with, "A absinance from thinking is the best editors of Newsweek suffer from only member of the team that did mind is a terrible thing ...isn 't a way to prevent getting the QUAIDS QUAIDS and were terrified about not contract even some trace of mind a waste ... a terrible waste is virus, if you must think, do it reBush's trip to Columbia enough QUAIDS. Bush's strict adherence a mind,'' it was only because Mari- sponsibly--your life may depend to cite his successful return. In to Quayle was due to his desire to lyn Quayle threw her shoe at him on it. fact, Bush's trip to Columbia and show the American public that that the entire audience dido 't reI ask you t~rite your conthe ensuing threats on his life George Bush could make a decivolt. gress, your President and your dramatically increased the num- sion and stick to it, even if it was Then there were reports of a clergy urging them to fund money ber of QUAIDS cases reported stupid. button located under the Vice- for research into a cure for nationwide. Once the VP announcement was President's desk which, when QUAIDS. Also, show compasThe symptoms ofQUAIDS are made, the nation asked, •'Dan pressed, signals the Secret Service sion for those, like me, who suffer easy to recognize. The victim has who?" The QUAIDS virus struck agents to storm into the VP's from the disease. an insatiable desire to know Bush• s whenever anyone answered that office. In his eight years as ViceThere is very little chance that whereabouts at all times and his question. Some, however, manPresident, Bush never once pushed this disease will disappear soon. health status at fifteen minute inter- aged to fend off the disease until this button. In a matter of months, Quayle will probably be on the vals. The victim begins to review after Election Day. Among these however, Quayle had managed ticket in 1992 and the thought of the 1988 November election re- survivors were those who felt that three times to accidently push the 1996 election will probably make sults, "just to make sure." Many Richard Nixon's greatest trait was button with his knee. And the virus QUAIDS the worst epedemic in victims cannot watch game shows sincerity and those who felt Ronald spread. this nation's history. or their hosts because it reminds Reagan should be anointed king. Soon, QUAIDS patients formed Please, join the fight against them of Quayle. Some other vic- Still, others were able to fend off support groups to monitor the QUAIDS and support those who tims deny that Indiana is even in QUAIDS by reciting the fact that President's health. If Bush con- have fallen. The next victim could the Union and disqualify Quayle's only nine Vice-Presidents have tracted a common cold it could put be you.

Concernstiflesblaseattitude Dear Editor, I was attending the College Board Conference last week, along with the directors of admissions and guidance from most colleges and high schools in the fivestate area, to discuss ways to improve equal access to education for all students. Thus, I regretably was not able to be on campus during the march and campus-wide meetings regarding the racial incidents here. When the T. V ., radio and newspaper reports came out, I was approached by large numbers of colleagues who wanted to know how many people were injured in the racial attacks. When I explained that the incidents consisted of numerous written and verbal attacks rather than physical violence, I frankly was stunned by the blase attitudes of many of these people--from some of the country's most prestigious colleges and high schools--who indicated that ''these kinds of incidents regularly occurred on their campuses and what could they do since it is a problem everywhere.'• Some even indicatede that they hoped that the press never got a hold of them since they had much worse of a problem than we do. I am not mentioning this to justify or rationalize these terrible events, but rather to

say how very proud I am that such a large portion of our students gathered together in a peaceful and orderly manner to let it be known that you, as a student body, will not tolerate this kind of behavior. While administration condemnation of such events is important (I know some argue too little too late), such condemnations unfortunately often do little to change student attitudes. What will be effective, however, is you, the concerned students of all races, genders and religions, continuing to make it clear to your peers that ethnic, religious or gender slurs of any kind are not "cool," funny or acceptable. It has been enlightening to see that the "peaceful power of the people" can change attitudes not only in Eastern Europe and South Africa, but can be an extremely powerful tool here, as well. I hope the spirit of caring and concern sparked two weeks ago will continue to glow and that the Cabrini community will let it be known that we, as a united group, will not stand for being just another blase college with a racial problem.

Sincerely, Nancy K. Gardner Director of Admissions



fridaXzmarch 2 1 1990


CARET outlinesproposalsfor seniorstaff by Angie Corbo The members of the Coalition Against Racial and Ethnic Intimidation (CARE1) met with the Sister Eileen Currie, M.S.Cand the Senior Staff of the college on Feb. 22 presenting a nine-page document stating CARET's demands to improve conditions of minorities on campus. * Academics were the first priority in the proposal stating that cultural diversity must be a significant part of the curriculum with discussion groups based on the minority experience. Where possible, the institution should make every effort to employ minority professors. Advertisements should also placed in journals with high minority readership. * The division of student services was reminded of the need to draft a more specific policy on racial harassement and abuse as part of the Code of Conduct. * The Resident Lifepffice was asked to be more sensitive to the placement of minority RAs and to provide more inservice training and programs for their undergraduate staff. * A need was expressed for all student leaders to be aware of the principle that racism exists and that it should not be tolerated, encouraged or supported by student leaders.

Leaders should be taught to respect fellow humans and they hould be made aware of the Ethnic Intimidations Law . * CARET recommended hiring a minority counselor in the Rooyman Center and to have more minority priests be involved in the rotation schedule for mass. * In addition, a Minority Affairs Director should be hired. This person would report to the Dean of Students and would be responsible for a multitude of duties. * CARET addressed the problem of the small numbers of minority students on campus. "How can you recruit minority students when you don't already have minority students?" CARET proposed that a supplement public relations piece be designed to attract minority students. * A full-time minority recruiter was recommended for admissions. CARET also encourage a program for faculty and administrators to serve as mentors for incoming minority freshmen. * The institution should create a full scholarship for a qualified minority freshman. * Additional shuttle services between the campus and train stations were also recommended, in addition to runs to area colleges for social and academic functions. * Security was described by CARET's plan as an

inadequate service for the campus at large. The security force is to undergo sensitivity training around the Ethnic Intimidation Law of Pennsylvania. An increase in the numberoffull-time security guards on campus is a must and at least one minority staff member must be on the squad A detailed plan of sanctions for those individuals who chose it go against the proposed policies for racial violence, di crimination and/or intimidation was not completely developed on the date of the meeting. This plan, when completed, will be based upon the policy exi ting at the University of Michigan. Some members of the senior staff elected to defend that several of the "demands" are currently in existence their respective divisions. Currie complemented the group with highest sentiments stating that this was the most impressive group of students that she has seen pull together for a common cause in her eight years of president. Spokespersons for CARET said that they were pleased with the meeting and that they look forward to the follow up meetings.

'Resourc~s':a commitmentin sharingknowledge by Kelly Reed Cabrini has established a speaker's bureau, entitled "Resources," that is made up of faculty and staff who have volunteered to share their particular knowledge in a subject with the community. •'Resources' • was developed by Cabrini's public relations department because "Cabrini's greate t resource is its faculty and staff--who understand that education extends far beyond the classroom, and laboratories, and that learning is a life long process." Local organizations and new repre entatives are continually requesting authorities on subjects ranging from the political stability in the U .S.S.R.,to the latest trend m marketing a product, and these are . opportunities to highlight Cabrini faculty at their very best. Public relations sent all faculty and staff a brief questionnaire, asking what topics they could speak on, their academic background, whether they would like to be an authority to the media or community organizations and when they would be available to speak.

The result of the que tionnaire was that 34 members of the staff and faculty volunteered to donate their expertise in areas from "How to Breed and Race Greyhounds,'' "Breadmaking," and "Love Addiction" to "Media Relations: How to Bat 1,000 in the Major Leagues." "By volunteering for organization the faculty and staff who participate become "goodwill ambassadors for Cabrini,·· Director of Public Relations Karen Berlant said. All of the effort in preparing a lecture or speech for a community organization i a donation of time on the part of the Cabrini faculty. There are no paid fees for speaking to these organizations, at the most all they will receive is a free lunch or reimbursement for their travel. " speaker's bureau is a great way for Cabrini to get an even better reputation as a college with a viable and learned faculty, and in the long term it enhances the image of the school and brings in good students,•• James Hedtke, assistant professor of hi tory. said. "The faculty need to go out

and be the salespersons of Cabrini College, we have seen the beginnings of a rapid change in the image of this school over the last five or six years," Hedtke said. Dr. Katherine Preston, director of the counseling center, is listed as a speaker on "Stress Management" and "Parenting Strategies,'· and said that the speaker's bureau was a great way for Cabrini to become appreciated in the community. "The fact that there is no monetary reimbursement is not important, because there is a great deal of satisfaction and reward in doing something just because you enjoy i4 •' Pre ton aid. The topic of education has the most lecture ubjects under it in ''Resources", due to Cabrini's strong education program and its faculty. The topics range from "Adjusting to College" to "Instructional Strategies for Creating Literate Environments in the Home and Classroom." Nancy Rush, an associate professorin education, signed up to be a speaker on "Play and Creativity in the Classroom," because she wants to share her expertise with the community.

Constitution from 1 This article was added to the constitution in case a situation arosewhere SGA felt that they could not work with the director of student activities, according to Angie Corbo, president of SGA. There are some drawbacks to electing a faculty member instead of having a person whose full-time responsibility is to work with student activitie , according to Emmerich. The faculty member may not be available between 9:00 and 5:00 because of teaching and other·responsibilities while the directorof student activities i a full-time staff member whose energies are directed solely towards student activitie . "Ideally, the directorofstudent activities is the best person for the job of moderator of SGA because he or she has more information and connections by nature of his or her position that would be of help to many of the activities that SGA plans," Emmerich aid.

"A good part is that we can choo e who we want to work with us and that person can concentrate only on SGA and bring new ideas into the job each year,·• Jennifer Morrison, executive board social activities chairperson, aid. "A con i that the moderator could change every year and sometimes it takes a full year to get familiar with what the job enta1' . " The human affairs officers, which are newly-created po itions in the new constitution, shall erve as "a support system to students who feel discriminated against in any capacity within the confound of the institution" according to the SGA Constitution. There is a "definite need" to have a position that deals with the "people kind of issues," Emmerich said. This person could "try to network the problem through the proper channels." The current constitution has not been revised in seven years and was

in need of a revision, according to Karen Bell, freshman class president. "It is a complete modification of the old constitution," Corbo said. • 'We went through and revised every article making thing more clear, whereas before they were obscure.•• The revised constitution more clearly define the duties of the SGA officers and leaves less open to individual interpretation, according to Corbo. ''Changing the constitution gives SGA more clearly defined power. which in tum give the entire student body more power,'' Bell said '' document gives us more ability to be service oriented instead of only activities oriented to the tudents, ·' Emmerich said. The revised constitution will be reviewed every three to four years in order to "keep up with the times,•' Emmerich said.

; ·It is important to share your knowledge with the outside community. but it is also important to limit how many speaking engagements you take so that you're not neglecting your job or exhausting your elf,•' Rush said. To date "Resources" seems to be creating quite a response from the media, there has already been a request by a J radio station for an authority on the current political situation in the U.S.S.R., for ahalfhour radio talk show in March. Berl ant was also at a conference in Jan. where the editor for the education and child care section of Family Circle expressed interest in speaking with an authority on inner-city children.

"Not only i "Resources" gcxxl for Cabrini, but it also keeps me fresh on what is happening in the world and to be honest it increases my personal prestige and credibil- · ity in my field,'• Hedtke said. "I think it is a type of enlightened self-interest, bow well Cabrini does is how weJJ J do, and I think that in the future in order to maintain our position as faculty we are going to have to participate more and more in the outside world." Hedtke aid. The speak r' u u updated every year to allow more members of thefacultyandstaffto join as well as to address any topics that are not available at the present time.

Nicaraguafrom 1 bring results that would be dangerous for the economy. Daniel Ortega, outgoing president of Nicaragua, wanted to continue the same path the Sandinistas have followed in recent years. Some in the country feel that the government is oppressive and shouldbechanged. Violeta Chamorro. Cados's cousin, is one that holds such beliefs. Violeta ran becauses she believes in democracy for the people. She also believes she ''had'' to run for president because the country has not yet' 'had a chance". She knows what i needed and is capable of taking on this job, Carlos.believes. For example, Carlos says they have no money fur roads.The convenience stores are very low in stock. although prices are very high. Another point about their country. Carlos believes, is their militaiy. The government drafts boys around 17 yearsof age and up to 25 years old. Their anny consists of I00,000 soldiers and is composedofthree percent of the country's population. These are just a few things that Carlos' s aunt wants to change. Violeta was married to Pedro Juaquin Chamorro. a hero of the country. Hewastheowner/editorofthe "La Pren a·• newspaper. Pedrohad written something against the Somoza government and for that, he was assassinated in 1978. Carlos feels that after the assassination. Violeta 's lite seemed empty. She thought she should do something for her country and also for her husband. She wanted to strive for freedom of the people and of the pres . She took over ''La Prensa" as a result. Violeta and Pedro had three sons and two daughters. After the assassination, their family had been split apart. One son supports his mother. The two daughters support her and help out with the paper. The other son does not support her at all. He writes for another newspaper which opposes "La Prensa." called "La Barricada. •' Even though he still loves his family very much, he just has different views about the Nicaraguan government, Carlos says. The last son is basically "in the middle" of the two. Carl()S believed Violetta had a great chance for being elected. "The country is very poorand they need tomak.eit better.They need to make it a free country and I believe Violeta will be able to accomplish her goals.'' said Chamom>. "The number one step was for Violetta to be elected The second step is to work on democracy for the country.'•

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friday, march 2, 1990

Problems from 1

A Green Grass Campaign is set for March 16. The day will be devoted to greening and cleaning up the campus. Students and faculty will join together to pick up litter and sprinkle grass seed. Students are needed to help out with a concert scheduled on the campus for May 6. Shadow Fox has been booked for the concert. Tickets will cost $15 for students, but those who sign up to help with production will get in free. Contact Karen Berlant in the Public Relations office for more information.

The Cabrini Dance Ensemble will perform at West Chester University's Phillips Auditorium on April 19, 20 and 21 in the show "Dance Production Workshop." Spring Fling and Sibling Weekend will be the weekend of April 28. Volunteers needed to "adopt a grandparent'' for an evening at the Juniors for Seniors dinner-dance. The Social Work Club is organizing the event which will bring senior citizens from Main Line Senior Services to Cabrini's cafeteria for dinner, dancing and prizes. The dinner-dance will be on April 6 at 6 p.m. If you can't make it to the dance, the club is taking pledges of $5 to help pay for the event. Contact Tricia Loughran at 341-9569.

Listen to a black folk odyssey titled', "Heroes and Hard Times," presented by Sparky and Rhonda Rucker. This historical story will start at 8 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall on March 14. The Power Nap is back. The Rooyman's Center will be conducting a series of classes that will help you to relax and control stress. The classes will be held in the Xavier Hall Great Room from 12:45 to 1:30 p.m. beginning on Tuesday, Feb. 27. Hey shutterbugs! This year's Cabrini College photo contest will be held March 26 in the Holy Spirit Library. Submit pictures in an 8 x 10 envelope marked in bold letters Photo Contest to the mailroom by March 21. Photos can be color or black and white, and of any subject. The contest is open to the community as well as the college. Prizes will be awarded. Photos will be on display from Monday, March 26 thru April 9.

Nl~lfS llllll~I 1S

Grandmother Defeats Guerrillas A 60-year-old grandmother in Nicaragua defeated the same military regime which former President Ronald Reagan spent eight years trying to overthrow with contra rebels. In the first widely-recognized democratic elections in Nicaragua since the Sandinistas took power 12 years ago, the Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega lost the presidency to Violeta Chamorro, a mother of four, grandmother of nine. The surprise, landslide victory for Chamorro, marks a possible turning point toward pe~ce in Central American history. Muscovites RaJly 200,000 muscovites rallied in the Soviet capital last Sunday, calling for more radical economic and political reforms than the Communist Party has already suggested. The protestors were angry with the conservative element of the party which has been reluctant to bend. Some speakers also called for President Mikhail Gorbachev to step down.

and delighted of what has come about due to these unfortunate events. Something very negative has generated and caught the good talents of students who want. to do something for this community. ''It's the.kind of energy that is harnessed and focused in the sense that they've done their homework. I don't know of anything that has generated that kind of good responsiveness in my eight years as president of this institution," Currie said. But Currie mentioned that she has some concern about the silent members of the college campus. ''They (silent voices) are the ones I want to communicate with, maybe without any · official members present, because I want to hear why they are silent,•• Currie said. Currie posed a question of what would it take to get the campus community together. She displayed her informal nature when she quipped that the gathering should be

past January's registration day, Currie stated that registration "has to change immediately." Currie listened to some of the seniors• concerns about not graduating on time due to an error in scheduling that leaves some of them within five credits of the required 130. Those seniors cited poor advising and general uncooperativeness on the part of the registrar.

Answering senior Meghan Kane's plea to walk with her class, although five credits short of graduation, Currie said, ''The registrar has gone crazy trying to get people to pay attention to their credits." Kane replied, "I honestly did not know I was short on credits until this semester." Currie acknowledged that some majors, the business department as an example, fall victim to a possible trap of no structure early in a college career, thus some students run the ris.k: of falling short on credits.

"I've been wonderfully pleased and delighted of what has come about due to these unfortunate events. Something very negative has generated and caught the good talents of students who want to do something for this community." -Sister Eileen Currie, M.S.C. without the addition of a "keg" party. In seriousness, she stated that the campus must get together more often to examine its problems. ''There is a difference between talking about a problem and learning about personal ignorance. ·\Ye may not be guilty of ignorance, but we will be guilty if we refuse to learn,' ' Currie said. ''It is like having a wound. It may be unsightly, but if we don't scratch it, it does not hurt. Once we scratch the surface, and it begins to ooze, that's when we address the hurt,• ' Currie said. Currie stated that racism is an illustrated negative "ism" in our society, but that other negii.tive "isms" should be addressed, not exactly in an open large forum setting, but at least being talked about. Currie cites consumerism, our need to have all the prod\lcts we have, as one of the "isms" that we should address. While acknowledging that most of the problems Cabrini is sustaining are related to thecollege'sgrowth, Currie pointedoutthat the "isms" are not growth problems. Concerning the bad feelings about this

As far as problems with advising, Currie said that as students, they have the right to ask questions. "If there are personality conflicts among students and advisers, a student should confront the situation maturely because nothing will be gained from remaining silent,'' Currie said. Freshman Steve Bobo asked, "Why are we building atriurns instead of dormitories?•• Currie answered that a new dormitory is priority number one, and that "no more beds will be added next year." When Bobo stated he was one of the five students who lived in the TV lounge of Xavier Hall last semester, Currie cringed and said, ''The TV lounge situation was never to have been.'' Currie left the Xavier Great Room gathering with a request of spending the upcoming Lent season curbing the angry communication that is evident on this campus. "I would like this campus community to reflect upon the violence (to individual, environment, and ourselves) and not do those things," Currie said.



US-German Agreement On Re-unification After emerging from two days of talks, President Bush and West German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, announced complete agreement between the two nations on reunification of East and West Germany. The leaders also agree that the new Germany should be connected militarily and politically to the West through NA TO-a position, the Soviets have gone on record as being against.

Security Incidents reported Feb. 19 through Feb. 26 Vandalism 2/25-3:35 a.m.-A fire alarm in Xavier Hall was set off as a fire extinguisher was extended in an act of vandalism. Traffic Incidents 2/23-5:00 p.m.-A hit and run accident occurred in the Xavier parking lot. Damage was found on the driver's side on the right rear panel of the student's car. Harrassment 2/22-2:10 p.m.-Harrassment by writing was discovered in Woodcrest Hall. Derogatory remarks were written on the door of the resident staff's adult supervisor. The incident is under supervision. 2/26-12:20 a.m.-Harrassment by communication occurred in Counsel Hall. A student reported several harrassing phone calls to Radnor police as well as the phone company. Miscellaneous 2/25-11:45 a.m.-A lock mechanism in the Grace Hall area was broken by a key jammed in the lock. Physical Plant was notified. 2/25-11 :45 p.m.-A broken water pipe in the Mansion necessitated a plumber to be called in .

South African Violence In a three year period, 2,800 people have been killed by violence between opposing political factions in the Natal province of South Africa. The pro-African National Congress ANC faction and the group loyal to Zulu Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi have been at odds over how to bring about an end to Aparthied. Nelson Mandella called for an end to the violence before a crowd of 100,000. Earth Day: April 22, 1990 The world will celebrate itself on April 22, the 20th anniversary of the first Earth Day. The product of the "flower power" movement of the idealistic ''hippies•• has become an international, multi-million dollar event that is geared toward creating a ''grassroots'• environmental movement. In Philadelphia, an entire week of celebration will provide litter-free entertainment and education for all those who attend. Keep posted for more info. ,.

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fridaXzmarch 23-1990



Competition is no sweat for jocks ~ \\

There is an honest-to-goodness Editor's Note: This is the first part of a two-part rivalry to be · 'top dog." Or "top series on the additions, changes gun,'' as Tom and improvements occuring at Foran puts it. Cabrini's radio station, WCAB. Foran, half of WCAB's 0ream Team DJ entry, masquerades as by Carol Wells Yarrow "Goose" (from the movie "Top Dial 971-8453 and discover who's rockin' Gun"), because you 'round the clock. The Dream Team, friends have said Thursday Night Jam, Classics Cuts, Metal that he shares the Zone, Italian Duo, and Tara are just a few of same personality WCAB 's hottest disc jockeys who offer you as the movie the ''ultimate in alternate.·' character. On So, you say you don't like alternate? If Mondays, Joe you like the Hooters, U2, The Cure, B-52's and Warrant, you like alternate. "We were Hewing(AKA "Ace"), teams playing' Heaven' by Warrant last year before 11p with Foran to it became a big hit," Station Manager, Chrisy produce the Roach said. The new WCAB station format allots Dream Team--a show that rifles more time for "choice" requests. "Four the air waves per hour to be exact," Anne-Marie Karlsen from 10 tomidsaid. Karlsen solos on Sunday from 8-10 night. Since Erik Sides (left), and Dan Francis team up to spin the "ultimate in alternate" on the Wednesday p.m. Every two or three weeks she features Foran and Ewing 2 to 4 shift. (photo by Frank Emmerich) a requested artist, but basically "I just let the have a pe9cbant music do the work.' ' The heat of the rivalry among the jocks is 'Walks Like A Lady,"' Welch said. He Alternative music is what colleges around for frogs, they sign off with Kermit's theme caught one of the band's recording sessions song, "Rainbow Connection." "It helps evident. "They can dream all they want,'' the United States are rockin' to. "Bands establish a personality for their stint,'i Conrad said. "We'll get them sooner or at Ocean Recording Studio in New Jersey. such as The Alarm, U2, and REM broke big later.'' Conrad and Rodriguez bill their show and the industry is "buzzing about the fact at this level," Jim Rodriguez, DJ, said. Foran said, referring to the theme song. The Dream Team, whose name was ac- as "the hottest show on campus since the that they are good national prospects,'' he Like Billy Joel, Rodriguez, who is an avid quired through an ardent dream to aspire to Xavier Hall dumpster burning." With a said. fan of Billy Joel's, also hails from Long As for a handle for his show, since he· s the heights of a WMMR, is doing a lot of legacy like this, their fire could be hard to Island. He refers to Joel's music as the a local, from Newtown Square, he wants to "Long Island Sound." You can catch Ro- hopping around their lily pads this season in squelch. use his real name. "This way, when WCAB Tim Welch, WCAB's 12-2 p.m. Sunday driguez double-jocking with Chris Conrad an effort to out- leap their archrivals, Roon their Thursday Night Jam session, whie;h driguez and Conrad. To increase their listen- jock, has a burning desire to drum-up a goes FM, people in the 15 mile FM radius airs from 10 to midnight. In keeping with ing audience, they feature a ' 'Quarter After multitude of listeners by playing more will recognize me,'' he said. Contest,'' where" A free pizza is awarded to Aerosmith and VanHalen. He admits that This decade WCAB has christened its thehumoroftheirshow "we broadcasttothe the first caller who can accurately identify alternate does contain some hot bands. first official speciality show, Classic Cuts. entire wigwam," Conrad said. the artist ·who we're playing," Foran said. Host Dave Rowland proudly struts his stuff Welch predicts that Baton Rouge, which In the staudio this semester, considerable "We also do our 'rebels of the airway' records on the Atlantic Records label, will during his 10 p.m. competition is breeding among the WCAB promo, which airs periodically during the make it big in alternate. "They're soon DJ's. They're vying for favorable spots and comi~ out on MTV with their first single, specialty shows when the station goes FM. week."



Colorful explanation of athletic, academic traditions by Denise Edwards Cabrini trivia question for Friday March 2,1990. What are the official colors of Cabrini College? If you chose royal blue and white you are only partially correct. Surprised? Well if you are, here's, a little history lesson on your school colors. The official "academic" colors for Cabrini College are scarlet and old gold. The' 'school'' colors are royal blue and

"The gold stands for the divine power and light of God we experience at Cabrini and iri our lives and the scarlet was to represent the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart." - Mother Ursula Infante college founder white with a black accent. The source of this information was Mother Ursula Infante, M.S .C., and John Dzik director of athletics and "The Academic Heraldry in America". When the c,ollege was established in 1957 one of Mother

Ursula's jobs was to choose colors to represent the school. "I chose scarlet and gold for two symbolic reasons,'' Infante said. ''The gold stands for the divine power and light of God we experience at Cabrini and in our lives and the scarlet was to represent the Missionary Sisters-of the Sacred Heart.'' The royal blue and white was chosen because Mother Ursula wanted two sets of colors. '' I thougl:it it would be nice to have a different set of colors to represent our athletic teams. I chose the royal blue color to represent the blessed mother.'' The black accent was added to our school colors in 1987 by John Dzik, director of athletics. "I liked the way uniforms looked with an accent color so I decided to add it to our athletic uniforms,'' Dzik said. The Academic Heraldry in America'' is a book which lists all the official colors of colleges and universities across the United States. The book was written in 1962 because of the increasing number of both institutions and students which lead to a greater interest in academic heraldry. Each college and university adopted its own school and academic colors based on what they wanted without regard to what other institutions had done. The result is a confusing array of caps, gowns, hoods and colors. Because of the confusion in 1895 a commission was set up to consider a uniform code for academic costume. The group produced the system which is still in use today, although it has been slightly modified by successor committees appointed by the American Council on Education. The code has three main parts it deals with caps, gowns, and hoods. Cabrini follows the codes that where established by the commissions concerning the caps and gowns but does

not follow all the codes for the hoods. The hood bears the heaviest symbolic burden out of the three. Since the cap, gown and hood are no longer worn for warmth, their function is one of identification. The hood identifies the level of the degree, the faculty in which it was given and the institution which awarded it. Cabrini does not fulfill the last requirement because we have two sets of colors. If someone wanted to look up something on Cabrini and all they knew was the colors being royal blue, white with a black accent we could never be identified because of the other set of colors scarlet and old gold. Cabrini is not the only school with a set of academic colors and a set of school colors. The University of Maryland's academic colors are black and old gold while their school colors are red and white. We've had the two sets of colors since the_college was founded and no one seems to have been bothered by it. I guess only time will tell if a change will occur. So when its finally your tum in May to put on your cap and gown and receive that degree that you have worked for over these past four years hopefully you won't look at the lining i_n your hood and ask, •'Why do we have a scarlet and old gold hood when the colors are royal blue, white with a black accent?'' Instead you '11remember this little history lesson on Cabrini's two sets of official colors.


friday, march 2, 1990



Aromas of days gone by and the futures to come by Kelly Ann Williams

just as strong as my father. She had total devotion to her husband, her children, her church, and the On the corner of 9th and Washington Avenues in South family's dream." He said. Philadelphia, begins a piece of American history which many The only thing that Frances Giordano held South Philadelphians still consider a cultural, economic, and with equal importance to the business was the practical part of daily life: the Italian Market. Catholic Church. "I can remember times at Seven days a week, merchants rise at the crack of dawn church when my mother would yell at the priest and set up shop in preparation for a profitable day of if he started mass late. She figured that if she business. When the rest of the city begins its day, the Italian could be on time then so could he. Besides, she Market street shops are filled with fresh meat, poultry, fish, had a business to attend to. But as angry as she sometimes got, she never missed amass. Ahh- my fruits and vegetables. mother," Giordano said. While people wann their hands near roaring 55-gallonThat was then. drum fires and hear the loud bellows of shop owners calling ''Fre-ei;h fru-it. Washington apples he-eah. Ripe strawberToday, the Giordano family occupies over a ries. Fre-esh fru-it." they are partaking in something which dozen stores on the Italian Market, and these stores are not known only by local people alone. has been in effect since 1895. Is it just a business for these store owners? Absolutely Pictures of Paul Giordano with Presidents Re- Market welcomes generation after generation of south not. There is a family bond and respect for the established agan, .Carter, and Ford, and with Sylvester Philadelphians. (Photo by Kelly Williams, printed by Kristin business which dates back even further than the Italian Stallone, Don Deluise, Walter Mondale, and Kroll) Market itself and is what has held the market so strong for all Gary Hart adorn Giordano's main booth. won't do myself. We work together as a team and this is why ''I could go on and on forever about the people I've met, Geno's is doing well." of its years. . One storeownerinparticulartoldofhis family's humble but the one man who I enjoyed the most was President Ford. So, why here? "I come from South Philadelphia and'! He was such a sensitive, intelligent man. He fascinated me. have strong roots here. The people are wonderful and the start which led to a future of unbelievable success. This man is Paul Giordano, and 75 years ago I even made bread in the shape of Jerry Ford's name. That business just took off," Vento said. "Thank God it did, Giordano'' s mother and father planted the seed which grew evening I got a call from Mrs. Ford thanking me and the very because when I opened this place, I started with $6 in the next day the Ford's son came down to the market to visit.'' into the American dream of today. register, a box of hot dogs, a few pounds of sandwich ''My mother and father started out with a push cart on this When asked if Giordano himself still found pleasure steaks and a lot of determination." he said. working in the stores, Today. the award-winning Geno's stands on its reputaGiordano said, "Oh tion. yes. The people of Vento added, "It may have been easier in the old days, but Philadelphia are won- I am up to the challenge of today's customers' preferences.'' derful. There's acerSomehow, a day spent at the Italian Market not only tain feeling about the brings pleasure, but it also recalls years when values and city and this market that cannot be described. You just have to experience it." "The people of Philadelphia Many feel that are wonderful. There's a this definitely rings true, for the atn10scertain feeling about the phere of the Italian city and this market that Market is something that no one person can cann.ot be described. fully describe. The You just ha~ to food, the people, the experience it." aromas controlling the streets, all must be experienced first hand. - Paul Giordano But where does one go when the aromerchant A merchant bundles-up to sell his produce in the cold February weather. (Photo by- mas of the Italian Kelly Williams, printed by Kristin Kroll) Market's streets take control of one's stompnont1es were different, when things like families and ach? There was unanimity from the people of South Philadel- people were the center of a person's life, and when respect street about 75 years ago." Giordano said. " They were here together from daybreak until sunset. But the work phia that no trip to the Market would be complete without a was expected and not requested. So, if ever you hear the phrase' 'It's not like it was in the dido 't stop there. My father handled merchandise when he trip to Genos located on 9th and Passyunk, just a little ways olden days,'' The Italian Market will definitely provide went home and my mother took care of the household needs. from the Market itself. a glimpse into what the old days were like, not only for "They have the best steak sandwiches in the world," They were a team. And, through their hard work and Italians, but for allPhiladelphians. As Vento said, ''There's business sense, they were able to purchase their first real one passerby said. something special about Philadelphians. They are a class The owner of Geno's, Joe Vento, said, "The secret to store." amongst themselves, and these people are what make the Admiration and love glowed in Giordano's eyes as he my success is that I never let it go to my head and I never city, itself, work." recalled distant memories of childhood. These memories forget whe re I come from, which is here, South Philawere not solely shared by Paul Giordano. Giordano's mother, Frances, had l4children. "As our family grew, delphia.'' Vento talked as he so did our business.' ' Paul Giordano said. '' When we were old enough, we worked with our mother and father in the worked. He never sat down. store. We learned how the business ran and we learned how But he did take time to show his meticulous shop. Geno's to run it together, as a family." When Giordano talked about his family, respect and is so clean that a person could pride reflected in his tone, and love and affection could be literally eat off of the floor. Vento himself makes sure it seen illuminating his face: "Family" he said and smiled. Giordano has vivid memories of his mother and father. stays this way. "I make sure that this "My father was a very strong man. He never took a day's vacation, nor did he give one. Not even to my mother. Her place stays in #p-top condichildren were born above this building and she was at work tion. That's why people come the very next day.'' Giordano said, '' Her children's births back. I do my very best to were something that the whole neighborhood knew about make sure that my customers and shared in. They knew that when it was time for her to receive the service that they deliver and she went up those stairs, that tothorrow would deserve. This is what I have bring the news of another healthy newborn. My mother was chosen to do for my life and I take pride in my work. sort of a legend around here,' ' he said. Vento bas owned Geno's When asked if Giordano's mother ever minded this ever- present work atmosphere, Giordando said, "No, it for 24 years. "I work seven wasn't really all work. We worked together as a team and days a week and 10 hours a we had a goal. My father did the buying for the business day minimum. There's noth- Deals at the ltalien Market outweigh prices anywhere else. (Photo by Kelly ing that I refuse to do or ask Williams, printed by Kristen Kroll) and my mother did the seUing. ~ike I said, it was a team.'' Giordano continued about hls mother, "My mother was my employees to do that I 0



fridaXzmarch 23 1990


Learningdisabled:equal opportunities for all by Kelly Ann McGillan Barbara Wilson sits at a computer in the newsroom, her eyes fixed on the screen in front of her. She shifts her position in the chair, bits the delete key a couple of time and then types the correct spelling of the word. It could be any word, the scenario is the same week after week. No one would ever be able to guess that Barbara has dyslexia. "Iii didn't come to college I wouldn't be Editor-in-Chief of the paper and I wouldn't be able to pursue the career I wanted to," Wilson said. . It wasn't always clear that she would be able to attend college. According to the American Council on Education, the numbers of learning ·disabled students attending college has increased in recent years. · CoJleges are responding to the to increase in numbers. There are over 250 colleges which offer special programs for students with learning disabilities (l.D's) and 88 percent of all four year colleges now offer students some sort of remedial instruction or tutoring. Cabrini does not have a specific LD program, but they do provide assistance lo LD students. "In general we, asaschool, are cautious," Dr. Katherine Preston, director of the counseling center, said regarding the admission ofleaming disabled students to Cabrini. ''We are cautious primarily because we don't have a program specifically designed to address the needs of learning disabled stu~ents,'' Preston continued. ''What we do have is a small school with a caring faculty and staff in an environment where people don't get lost," Preston said,' 'but to say we have anLD program is not true.'•· The admission office wasn't sure if they _!ladstatistics on the percentage of learning disabled they admit each year. However Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, estimated that it was less than one percent, or about 5 students per year. "There are even students who have found out that they have a learning disability after they're here at Cabrini." Gardner said. ' 'We like the idea of taking LD students because we think they are exceptional people,'' Barbara Rubin of the Rooyman Center, said. "However we are limited because of our facilities. We accept all students that we have reasonable certainty for their success." • 'My dyslexia will never go away I will always have to work harder," said Wilson, a junior. "How are these type of students &opposed to get ahead in the world without the opportunity of a college education.'' "Some teachers feel that if LD students can just get through high school that's O.K. That's bull shit," Joe Schmidt, a,sophomore said who has dyslexia. ''I was never told that I could be anything I wanted to be.'' In order to get the chance to go to college LO students most have a strong support system behind them in high school. ''The Jaws regarding special services in Pennsylvania high schools arechanging daily," Dr. Edna Barenbaum, special education coordinator said.


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Barenbaum predicted that by September most learning disabled students will be back in the classroom instead of getting _the academic support they need. "Many students who will need service will not receive them," Barenbaum said. "Students will be passed along and passed over for services." Education majors at Cabrini are required to take a course entitled ' 'Mainstreaming'' which teaches the b~kground of learning disabilities and training in looking for possible problems in their students. Barenbaum intends to revise the curriculum for the course to stay current with the changing laws. Why don't high schools and colleges want to give learning disabled students they help they need? "Money. That's the bottom line," said Barenbawn bluntly. "It's very expensive to provide special service to learning disabled students." A request has been made this semester by the Rooyman Counseling Center to hire a specialist that would have the necessary training in working with LO students. "I have no idea how much a specialist would cost, or if they are proposing a full time or part time position.'' said Dr. Antoinette Schiesler, academic dean, as she shuffled through the pile of papers on her desk looking for the written proposal. One major concern ofLD students seemed to be sensitivity towards the difficulties they encounter when trying to learn. "It's not like being retarded:' Wilson said. "You can't see learning disabilities, so people don 'tunderstand them and they don't help you." Last semester, Schlesier sponsored a seminar on learning disabilities for the faculty. Most faculty members have no fonnal instruction on teaching, they have their degrees and doctorates in their academic specialty. "We need a Jot of help," Schlesler said regarding the development of faculty understanding about LD's. "The seminar was good but it was only one. It did raise sensitiv.ity among the faculty.'' Schlesier did say that she had been approached by faculty members who were concerned that Cabrini did not have a learning disabled program. ''Cabrini is willing to put forth the money necessary in that area,'' Schielser said ''My philosophy is that if we accept a student with a learning disability then we are responsible to provide the necessary support services.'' Faculty members have been willing to compensate for students with learning disabilities. "Dr. Middleton was concerned that I wouldn't finish an essay test," Schmidt said, " She told me that if I didn't finish during class I could continue taking the teat in her office." Dr. Dawn Middleton is an assistant professor of education. Both Schmidt and Wilson deal with their dyslexia by setting aside extra time to read in order to comprehend the material the first time and both of them arrange to study with friend so they can hear class notes aloud. "I don't want allowances, I just want a chance," Wilson said. ''I'm not lazy, I'm working hard." Learning disabled programs at

some colleges work closely with the faculty and the student. They have special tutors and built in assistance such as allowing the taping of lectures and the option of oral examinations. Regarding a learning disabled program at Cabrini for the future, Schlesier said, "It fits into the colleges mission, but as far as a program that's a decision the entire Cabrini community will have to make.'' Wilson said that she felt there was a discrimination against learning disabled students. "OnJy five LO students per year," Wilson said. "We open our arms to minorities, then it should be to minorities of all types, even the ones you can't see."

Correction Loquitur reprinted the preceding story due to an error last week in which the text of the story was incorrectly placed.

Da1]ceco.~ceJebrate · Plackjlistory month %






friday, march 2, 1990


Schedule from 1 The Academic Council is a standing committee comprising the vice president for academic affairs, the academic dean, department and division heads, the registrar and other academic officers. The subcommittee's proposal was accepted by the Academic Council in full. Most of the members of Academic Council said the new schedule is better than the current one. "What you gain," said Julie Luckraft, computer information science department chai~rson, "is much better than what you've lost." Some said the new schedule is not effective enough. ''I don't think the scheduling,'' said Dr. Anthony Tomasco, psychology department chairperson, "went far enough to try to resolve other problems.'' Saying, "We can no longer afford the luxury of not scheduling classes on Wednesday,'' the subcommittee's proposal explains that most ''freshman and sophomore classes" will be on aMonday/Wednesday rotation or a Wednesday/Friday rotation. Hansbury said freshman and sophomore courses are physical education, 100- and 200-level classes, and those written specifically for freshman and sophomores because of the new Core Curriculum. Hansbury s~id John Heiberger, business administration instructor and member of the subcommittee, originally introduced to the subcommittee the process of scheduling Wednesday's classes to allow the Monday/ Wednesday and Wednesday/Friday arrangement. Some classes will meet in a different room on Wednesday than the one it meets in on Monday or Friday. Heiberger said the current use of Fridays ''turns Cabrini College into a four-day-aweek operation" and "a suitcasecollege." In the process of writing the new schedule, the Student Academic Council was not consulted. According to Hansbury, Robert McGee, the faculty representativeto the SAC, and Michele Montgomery, vice president of SAC, the council was only loosely organized

during the fall semester, when the Schedul- flicts within the ing Concerns Subcommittee began its work. sch~ule)." Current Day Times New Day Times _"I tried to find out who the representaHansbury tives were,'' Hansbury said, '_'Noone knew said good advis8:30 - 9:45 a.m. 8:20 - 9:35 a.m. who they were. But because I couldn't find ing and planning 9:50 - 11:05 a.m. 9:40 - 10:55 a.m. 11:10 - 12:25 p.m. 11:00 - 12:15 a.m. the Student Academic Council, I made it a will be even 12:50 - 2:05 p.m. (Tuesday /Thursday) 12:20 - 1:35 p.m. point to talk to other students." more crucial activity period 2: 10 - 3:~5 p.m. 1:40 - 2:55 p.m. Hansbury said she solicited the opinions next year than 3:30 4:45 p.m. 3:00 - 4: 15 p.m. of students she thought could well represent now. She said the whole student body. She also said she her office and Current Evening Times New Evening Times discussed the new schedule with other par- the department ties who might be affected by the changes, chairs will be 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. 4:20 - 5:35 p.m. such as faculty members who have young very careful to 6: 15 - 9:00 p.m. 5:40 - 6:55 p.m. children and need to arrange day care. not schedule 7:15 - 9:15 p.m. 7:00 - 8: 15 p.m. "We were surprised," Montgomery said, required and in8:20 - 9:35 p.m. "because it's such a big change. It's going - frequently-ofto affect all the students, but they dido 't tell fered classes only during the two lunch time than the 10-minute change, but the college us. needs more classroom space to make some ''We don't know if we should complain, periods. Several subcommittee and Academic of the other ideas work, Hansl>urysaid. though," Montgomery said, "because we Tomasco suggested a Monday/Thursday don't know if we should have been con- Council members said other colleges do not have lunch times built into their schedules. and Tuesday/Friday rotation. He said it sulted.'' Hansbury, McGee and the SAC unani- They said the crowding of the cafeteria from spreads the separation of the two class meetmously agree that the SAC should be in- 12:25 to 12:50 p.m. indicated the need for ings evenly over the week. He said he never volved in future decisions affecting students. some other provision, and that students liked the long separation between Monday and Friday class meetings and the short separation from Friday to Monday. Both Tomasco and Helene Hennigan, "We looked at eliminating an activity period, but that languages department chairperson, said the would be contradicting the goals of the institution, one school day could stait around 8:00 a.m. and end around 3:00 p.m. every day. This would which is to be involved in extracurricular activities." put the activity period atthe end of the day, -Robert Bonfiglio, dean of and there would be five per week, instead of only two on Tuesdays and Thursdays. students Tomasco and Hennigan said students would know the latest they could possibly Although Cabrini students have become should take the responsibility to schedule a be at school even before they scheduled the used to having a scheduled lunch break, lunch time if they want one. It is po_ssiblethe next semester's classes, and could plan their job hours much more easily because of that. most of the subcommittee and Academic cafs hours at lunch time will be expanded "On Tuesdays and Thursdays,'' HenniCouncil members said they do not think next year, according to several faculty gan said, "Everything gets crammed into students will have any problems getting members, although none of them can make those days. Everyone is at meetings and all lunch. Problems would arise out of students that decision. the meetings you have to go to are at the same having to take required courses during lunch There are other ways of reforming the rime. I'd rather see meetings at various times hours that prohibit them from having time to schedule than what was chosen for next during the week.' ' eat lunch. year. Some that have been proposed by past "That would not be effective,'' Heib"We can't guarantee," Hansbury said, scheduling committees but were never erger said. '' Students would be more "that somebody won't have a problem. implemented were raised again. Some of the inclined to actually go home since they had· We're going to take more control of the department chairs had more radical ideas no more classes that day." schedule and resolve those problems (of con-

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f ridav3 march 2 3 1990



Straightfrom Monaco'sMouth lou monaco

sports editor


- ...this month of March 1990. Yes, of course I am talking about the NCAA Tournament. Yet, before I go into that, there has been somewhat of a madness here on Cabrini's campus. The madness. bas caused such a furor that I thought it needed some attention and some explanation in my column, for whatever that's worth. What is the madness you ask? It is this. In last week's edition of the sports page of the Loquitur, an article appeared on page 11, with the headline: Bats, balls and gloves: Cav baseball is finally here. Now has you all know, Cabrini does not have a men's baseball team. Although, sometimes I kinda wish we did If the readers of this article looked behind the surface of the text, they would say to themselves, "Hmmm ...are they poking fun at the administration and the athletic department of the college ·to maybe some how get them started to at least thinking about getting one." This is a possible reason. Secondly, the way things are going on the professional level in Major League Baseball, we, as fans, might not even see a pitch thrown or a bat swung in the first year of a new decade. This is in some way, something for those who love the game of ~aseball for what it is ...a game. This is a possible reason. Next, it is entitled for the pure joy, entertainment and fun for the Loquitur reader. Although it is fiction, it gives a chance for people who are not in Loquitur, som~ fame and glory. This could even be a possible reason. Here is one. A bunch of guys who get together and play pick-up games after classes, after dinner and long five-hour

THE MADNESS IS UPO.NUS. marathons of hotly-contested battles of competition, hustle and sportsmanship. These are a few of the reasons, along with the creativity of two writers who love the game and the creativity of a pretty good journalistic piece. The main criticisms of the "mission" are these. 1) The people or players in the article are not even notified that they will be in it. The quotes are just made up without the permission of the individuals and journalistically and ethically, that is wrong. 2) Should this kind of writing be allowed to be in a newspaper? Is it appropriate? These are all legitimate questions. My response as editor of the sports section is this. 1) It is a fictitious, satrical journalism piece which will last throughout the season. It is intended for pure entertainment and interest for those who have a love and admiration for the sport of baseball. This is stated at the very beginning of the article every issue. It is entitled "Editor's note:". I put this in my column this week so everyone could read it because it seems like some people bypass this part, which I don't understand because it is about the size of a softball. 2) IT IS ALL FICTION (except for the names). Who cares if a person strikes out, flies out, falls on his derriere or whatever. It is all made up. It is not true. In my opinion, whoever would get really upset and depressed by this, should schedule an appointment with his family doctor for an extensive and intensive physical and mental examination. If people are offended by this opinion or accusation, please write a letter to me or to the letter to the editor (although I have been pleading for letters for seven months and I have received in the Mouth Mailbag and grand total of two parchments with ink on them).

3) It is· a college newspaper. Most college and university publications have far worse and threatening articles, whether true or not. I could see if it was in the news section, the features section, the opinion and perspectives secti_pn. People might have a legitimate gripe. But, this is in sports. If we can't smile at a not-so-serious section, although important, what can we smile about. That is the most important thing of the publishing of this series: to bring a smile to the reader. Is that so wrong? I respect the opinions and concerns of the readers of my section, of my column and of my reporter's articles. But, in this rare case, the fictitious Cabrini men's baseball series and season will continue throughout this delayed season of spring. Afterall, we beat Villanova and are now 1-0. Let's cheer for that!

Here's Monaco's morsels and tidbits: * McDonough, one week baby! NYC here we come! * Conference tournaments and the NCAA pairings show are almost here! * Monaco asks: "Whose running the pools this year?" If anyone is, please let me know. Thanks! * LaSalle will go out to the West region of the NCAA tournament (only a prediction). *Another prediction: Notre Dame will get in to the NCAA' s, but only by a wisp of dental floss. Will probably be seeded #10-#16. Possibly get away with a first round win and then bow out in the second round. * A footnote to ND: Digger is diggin • a hole for himself. * Villanova will get in. They don't even need a Big East Conference Tournament win. All Wildcat fans relax!

Atte11tion Golfers First Cabrini CoUege Golf Clat;sic Wednesda)",May 16 'l<1rn•~Jal1·-Fra11kford Country ( :Jub Graul & .Frallkford Avt'nucs, PhiJaddphia to ht.·m·fit Cabriui CoUt'gt' athl,·tics.

For d1·t..1il,, t·all th1· athleti1· offic«· (21:"ll 971-B]Bh

* Some teams to watch out for in the Tournament: --Minnesota. -LaSalle. --Loyola Marymount. --Ohio State. --St. John's. (some underdogs to consider). (what the heck do I know). * North Carolina State: possible investigation because of an alleged pointshaving scandal. --SIGH! * Cabrini's men's baseball team goes on the road for three games during Spring Break. Look for game results and stories in Issue #18. * DON KING: WHAT A JOKE! . * If Tyson ever fights again, the Douglas loss will be the only one of his career. I just hope he realizes that with King in the corner, he will lose again. * House #7 is looking for another dorm to play us in softball during the spring. It would be a dorm vs. dorm challenge. J~st let me know and we will arrange it * Cunningham is talking about early retirement from the Eagles and from professional football. --Randall, what are you doing? You got a team at the Vet with excellent potential. Why would you want to leave? Buddy should let you be Randall and then I don't think we would hear this nonsense. * WE WANT BASEBALL! WAKE UP OWNERS! WAKE UP PLAYERS AND STOP GIVING THE FANS THE SHAFf! FOR ONCE CONSIDER THEM! ***Hope everyone has a great spring break and I'll see ya in two weeks. Take care and Manhattan here we come! See Ya later!



. friday, march 2, 1990


Kilroy scratches opening day four-hitter to beat Wildcats,· 9-2 by Ozzie Outfielder & Pete Pitcher (Editor's Note: This will be a fictitious, satirical journalism piece which will last throughout the season. It is intended for pure entertainment and interest for those who have a love and admiration for the sport of baseball. Number one pitcher senior, Brian Kilroy notched his first ever Division I victory as the Cavaliers triumphed over the Villanova Wildcats 9-2 in the season opener. Kilroy allowed just four hits but walked five batters through a tough seven innings of work. In the first, the visiting Cavs drew first blood when leadoff batter Mike Feeley drew a walk. Third sacker Chris Pesotski also worked a walk as the Wildcat hurler put runners on first and second. Second baseman Carlo Iacono grounded out to deep short moving both runners. Sophomore catcher, Mark Gudas stepped to the plate and drove a high 2-1 fastball deep over the leftcenterfield fence to put the Cavs up 3-0. Left-Fielder Sean McDonough smashed an 0-? curveball into the gap in right-center for a stand-up double. Left-handed hitting Charlie Tucci came up next and struck out on three straight pitches. Senior, Lou Monaco and sophomore, Frank Emmerich both got walks and loaded the bases for Kilroy. Kilroy helped his own cause and hit a single driving in one run. The bases remained loaded as the 'Nova skipper went early to his bullpen. As the Cavs batted around, Feeley rapped an infield single in the gap between short and third scoring a final run in the inning.

Pesotski came up again to strike out and end the inning. The Wildcats first two hitters rocked Kilroy with solo homeruns. That proved to be the only scoring for 'Nova as Kilroy set down the three, four, and five men in their line-up. "It rattled me to have the first two go out," Kilroy said. "But I settled in and tried to refocus." Kilroy didn't give up any other hits until the seventh inning, when pitching coach Jim Hedtke saw him tiring. "It's early in the season and we don't want anybody to get hurt,'' Hedtke said. The score stood 6-2 at the bottom of the seventh when manager Bud Mellon made wholesale line-up changes. Out came Gudas (3-3, 3 RBI) to be replaced by powerful sophomore, Mike Tino who also launched a rocket into the seats. Senior, Mike Carrafa replaced Tucci and singled up the middle. Monaco grounded out, moving Carrafa to second. One of the most astonishing plays of the game came as Carrafa caught the Nova catcher napping and stole third. "Mike really has his head in the game when he is on the basepaths," thirdbase coach Sam Vasalliades said. ''Smart play like that could earn him a starting job before the end of the season,'' Mellon said. Brian Tripoli replaced Emmerich and contributed to the Cavs' scoring by adding to the homerun barrage. "We need Brian's pov,:erhitting,'' John Doyle, first base coach said. "Because be still has to work out a lot more on the basepaths if he wants to be-like Rickey Henderson.'' Slick fielding characterized the Cav defense for the day. Iacono put down a great tag on a runner trying to steal second as he received a high throw from Tino. Iacono also figured prominently in the Cavs four doubleplays. In right field, Tucci gunned down a Wildcat trying to score from second on a single. "I didn't think defense was going to be our strong point this year but things are looking up,'' Mellon said. Nearly a hundred blue and white faithful turned out for the away game. "You can really tell it's spring when this many people come out to watch a baseball game," Dr. Carter Craigie said. The Cavs will travel south to play Texas Tech and Auburn over spring break. ''Those are really going to be tough games down there,' ' Mellon said. '' I am really glad we got a win under our belt in the opener."


EBEL serves up ads & $$$ An ~pinion by Frank Emmerich Although the 1990 Ebel U.S. Pro Indoor Tennis Championship is over, the one-time sport ci"fnobles has succumbed to the incentives· of sponsorship. Or should l say sponsorships? I have watched professional tennis for years and have admired the great play of the legends of tennis: Borg, Connors, McEnroe, and Lend!. Never pave I been so aware of the sponsorship of the individual tournaments, as I was Wednesday when I attended my first professional tennis tournament. Certainly, I am not,soignorantto the fact that each tournament needs a sponsor. Even those tournaments of tradition such as. Wimbledon and the French Open need sponsorship to assist in appealing to athletics through the large purses. But doesn't the sponsorship stop with the one large sponsor underwriting the cost of the tournament? Apparently not. Tennis used to be a game of noble gentlemen, a game which has its traditions and origin founded back in the 13th century. Most of us can not imagine tennis existing in Shakespeare's time or during the French Revolution, but it did. In those times it was not called tennis it was referred to as the ancientgame ofkings. The ancientgameof kings was a leisure activity that only the affluent of the society could play. It was a game for the rich and powerful. Tennis in its early history existed not because of the motivation for money, but instead it was played for honor. It was a gentlemen's game in which the winner did not receive any concrete evidence of his victory, but rather received the praise and admiration from his opponent and the rest of the gentry. When I arrived at the ticket gate to pick up my passes, I was not given a ticket to watch a game of honor, I was given a $20 advertisementfor Ebel, Unisys and WMMR, and a pass to be bombarded with 89 more businesses competing for my last college dollar. Where did I get the number 89? I got it from counting all the banners and signs that were within my eyesight from Section 33, Row 10, Seat 1. I came to the Spectrum to watch tennis, but for the first 30-minutes I spent most of my time reading all the billboards and advertisements that encircled the Spectrum's concrete walls and distracted my attention from center court-- the court on which the noble gentlemen were defending their honor. What annoyed me about the signs was not so much the quantity of them, but the products that they were representing. No there were no Nike tennis sneaker posters with

pretty boy Andre Agassi, no tennis racket advertisements, no signs claiming who makes the best tennis balls. Instead, there were advertisements for businesses that do not have any direct connection to tennis, the sport that people paid up to $50 to watch. The tournament's sponsor was a watch maker, its presenter a business system, and a men's fashion company fit somewhere in between. What does Nabisco have to do with tennis? Does Andrea Agassi have to have some Johanna Farm's milk and Nabisco cookies in between sets? Did Bell of PA advertise because McEnroe likes to reach out and touch someone, usually the chair or a line judge. The Phillies jumped on the Ebel U.S. Pro Indoor advertising band wagon because they need any athlete that knows what a ball is. Brad Gilbert must have been thinking about what color MAB P-aint he was going to use for that next home project, when he got eliminated from the Pro Indoor early. A whole lot of young tennis players were being discovered in the championship, even though they had to use their Discover card to enter the tournament. There were many more companies or services that glared,!he eye as I tried to concentrate on the great tennis that was being played on "Supreme Court". Eventually the ads did become non-existent as McEnroe, Gilbert, and Mayotte stepped onto the court, but it was only because those athletes gave me what I went for and that was to watch and admire great tennis. The Ebel U.S. Pro Indoor concluded Sunday with 18 year-old Pete Sampras taking the ' 'honor.'' Yes the word ' 'honor' ' is the right word for this kid's win. An 18year-old cannot win a professional tournament for money. Sampras had to have the spirit and desire to win like the old Englishmen had back in the days of old. Sampras won to increase his honor within the tennis realm from number 122 to the '60s or '50s. Many young tennis players have come from the quagmire of tennis ranks to become legends if just for one day. I will never have to worry about balancing my tennis skills with my desire for money because no one will ever offer me money to play the game. Maybe I am the lucky one because I can play a game I love from an aged, cracked parks and recreation court, to the new courts which lie behind the Mansion, to illustrious courts of the All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club and still enjoy the sport for just being a "game." Hopefully Sampras won't take the game for all it's worth, but take his pride to its limits-- the rewards will be greater.

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fridaXamarch2, 1990



Softball·programneglected? I Results by Kevin George There is a group of girls who want to play softball for the school this year. They have enough players; all they need now is a coach, some bats and a few new balls. Before the season has begun, the team is awash in controversy over why they have no coach and whether the athletic department gives them enough money. Since their former coach, Sam V asiliades, resigned early in January, the flock has been without a shepherd to guide them. With the first game scheduled for a tournament in Washington D.C. on March 22, the need has become dire. Complicating matters for the girls is a budget which their former coach and some players are calling inadequate. The missing coach is currently being worked on by Athletic Director, John Dzik who said he plans to make a job offer by March l. When asked about the time between Vasiliades' resignation and the search for a new coach, Dzik said he asked the former coach to meet with him to try and determine why the coach resigned. But the meeting never happen, according to Dzik. Vasiliades said the director talked to him once about a meeting, but never scheduled one. The coaching position was then posted internally for two weeks beginning Jan. 26, in accordance with school policy. Since no one from the Cabrini community was hired, the job search went beyond the ca.111pus. The athletic department advertised the position in The Delaware County Daily Times, and the Philadelphia Daily News. On Tuesday, Dzik said three interviews were held, but a new coach would not be named before Friday. For the team, the resignation came at a bad time. Co-captain, Christy Vilotti called it "kind of a shock." She didn't think two months was enough time to find a new coach and to get either he or she acquainted with the team. Vasiliades said he "felt badly" about

res1grung. ''It really bothered me to leave them,' ' V asiliades said. .The former coach declined to give a specific reason for leaving, adding only, "Ifeltlcould really upgrade the program, but I feel I was denied that opportunity." The budget gripe is not completely agreed upon. Team co-captain, Michelle Ballinghoff said the money from the department was sufficient enough to run a team. "We could always use more money, though,'' the junior captain added. Dzik said his policy for budgeting the softball team is the same for every other team: they are allotted enough money to buy "the essentials to compete." For girls soft-

right for one team to have access to all the money and have nothing left for all the others." According to Vasiliades, Dzik told him that spring sports often get caught in the budget squeeze since they come Lastin the. year. He quoted Dzik with saying "spring sports get what's leftover." The team decided to take budget matters into their own _bands and raise money to purchase team jackets and other supplies. In fact. the team is holding a raffle now to raise more. First prize is two Flyers tickets, second a $50 gift certificate to Al E. Gators, third and fourth prizes are Cabrini sweatshirts. You can buy a raffle ticket from any team member. In the absence of a coach, the athletic director has been offering the guidance the Dziksaid his policyfor teams needs, according to Ballinghoff and budgetingthe softballteam Vilotti. "Dzik has been helping us out a lot," is the same for everyother Ballinghoff said. Vilotti commented that team:they are allotted Dzik has been "very cooperative." The real problem is the missing coach, enoughmoneyto buy "the according to the captains. "The captains essentialsto compete." shouldn't have to worry about money and buying equipment," Ballinghoff said. This year's budget does include enough ball, the projected amount for the 1990 seamoney to send the team to a tournament at son is $3,200. Next year about $4,600 is Catholic University in Washington D.C. targeted for the team; the increase is for where they will be facing tough programs uniform replenishment. from Stockton, Salisbury and Shenandoah. V asiliades: Fonner assistant coach, Mark · One grim fact the team will face is that the Gudas and Vilotti say the team is getting new coach will have, at the most, two weeks short-changed. to get the team ready for a schedule that will "It seems we haven't gotten any new not accommodate a slow start. The first week equipment in two years,"Vilotti said about of play features nine games, and the rest of the budget which she labeled .. too small." their schedule will end within a month. Vasiliades simply disagrees with Dzik's claim Nevertheless, the captains' outlook rethat the team is given the "essentials to mains bright. Everyone from last year's 4-18 compete.'' team is returning, but there are no seniors. Even Ballinghoff said, "Everything we have is old." Vilotti spoke about an improved pitching Dzik has bought the girls a dozen balls to game this year, ''We have two or three good start practicing with, but the remaining cash pitchers this year, whereas last year we only will be spent by the new coach. had maybe one or two.'' She summed up the Vasiliades takes issue with the depart- team's chances, "We'll be very competi. ment' s allotment of funds to teams other than tive.'' Mens' Varsity Basketball, he said, "it's not

Men's Basketball • Final season record: 1fi-10. * ESAC Conference record; 4-4. * ESAC Playoffs record: 0-1. (Lost to Shenandoah College at Shenandoah in the first round}

ESAC Playoff information,. article & update on Dzik's protest will be published in Issue #18.


Men's Volleyball Feb. 23

Feb. 27

Northeastern 3 Cabrini 'Game1:9-15. • Game 2: 13-15. • Game 3: 13-15. LaSalle Univ. 3


Cabrini 2

* Game 1: 11-15. • Game 2: 15-9. • Game 3: 6-15. • Game 4: 15-6. • Game 5: 13-15. • Excellent crowd participation & turnout. • Statistics by Anna Zawodniak*

Schedule Men's Volleyball March 17 University of Delaware (A&B) away (TBA) March 20 Temple home at 7:30 pm March 24 Lehigh University away at 2 :00pm

Athletic Dept. News * New women's softball coach should be announced today!

* April 28th: Captain's Club Beef & Beer. - For Ticket Info: contact Barbara Hasson (athletic deptartment secretary), ext.# 8387. .~



'--Wet-v-, ,])laye(:

* May 4th: Cabrini Sports

. 1\e Q~i fdl u flougit they~-


whote·s~-~111y·of&1tse.••. sa'id. gethet~u a~ "Our ~i on:the The:C'aw~bave been psyched.oat 'whote~betterbut it iS'stiUbl\d,"Coakle, "This is our rebutldingy.ew and we up are hoping that evefybody gets playing. before the matches even began. Nori:h- said.Withoutpassingtbeteamcan'i°set. eastetn$lloWedup with matchinguniforms, attacks whklr then tun1into point$, time in every match.'' Tucci said. •'Our balls and waterbottles. K.n&:vingthat Cabrifli took an early 1-0lead in the first seasonis morefrustratingthandi<iapp()jntNortbeastcm bad a. player fromCalifor- g11me hui couldonly muster8morepoints as ing. You know yo~1should beat tearmrand

nia.~wllere youcan find more volleyball they l~'t the·game I5-:9. The secondgame · players on the beach than s-,.antly~cfad wa,sa lot better. women in short bikinis;and another fronf Down 5.~. Orris Thompson servedand Japan. didn't help matters any. Even tbe brought the Cavs back to tie the game S-5. busthe:ydrove marchedtheir unifonns. When the team got ti1eball back junior, Tim Factor in also that NJCC defeated Penn Janusz lobbed a dinky-serve that felt in f~out State Deico wlromthe Cavs lost to and it of thcir dig man and put the team in the lead P,roved to be a long night for the team . for the first time all night. NJCC battled whose record now stands,.at-04. ,l'lad m take the lead 14--9 but behind No one.player in pa.rticli'larplayed ex- , Coaldey's servesttie Cats camebackonly cepdonally well fortheCavs. Two~the to be one point 14--l~. They



Banquet at the Holiday Inn (King of Prussia} -- Tickets go on sale after Spring Break 1990. • Women's softball opening day scheduled to begin March 26th at Neumann.

* Men's tennis serves on March 24th at Wesley. Men's golf tees off March 26th at Shenandoah College. *

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