friday, march 16, 1990
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087 · .
vol. xxxvi, no.18
Circumstancesleave seniors-without pomp by Kelly Reed Not everyone from the class of 1990 will be walking to the end of their college career on Sunday, May 20. There are four or more students for whom there will be no graduation party, no sense of accomplishment and most of all no diploma until May of 1991. Cabrini's policy on requirements necessary to graduate is based on tradition. The college catalog states that in order to graduate, a student must meet all of the requirements of their major, as well as the general education requirements for a total of 130 credits.
seniors their credits do not total the magic number 130, and as a result they will not be allowed to participate in commencement. Chris Lampazzi, an education major, found out that she did not have enough credits to graduate when she registered for classes in January. Through a miscommunication between Lampazzi and her adviser, she is now 12 credits short in student teaching. Lampazzi believed that she would be able to make the credits up if she was to teach during the summer. This wasn't possible and now she can not graduate. "I am extremely irritated and
Christmas thinking that it was all go out onto the teaching world settled and I came back and found now, only I can't,'' Lampazzi said. Meghan Kane, a business maout that there was nothing I could jor, will not be graduating in May do," Lampazzi said. "I always used to kid my dad _ because she is five credits short in that I was going to be the kid on the · the general education requirefive- year plan and now it looks like ments. When totaling her major and I am,'' Lampazzi said. Although Lampazzi will be done credits, Kane did not realize that they did not total 130. her student teaching in December, ''When I received my academic she will not receive a diploma until evaluation in August I mis-read it May 1991. This might make it difficult for and I thought that it was just stating six credits I received from summer her to find a full-time teaching classes," Kane said. position in the middle of the year. Besides the disappointment of "What hurts is that I was a transfer from Marywood College not graduating, these seniors must last year and the education I face their families and friends, who received here is I00 percent had planned on coming to watch them in commencement.
Kane is the last of seven children to graduate from college, and her dad, who is a police officer, has to retire this year. · 'I cried and cried. I didn't want to tell my parents. Where are they going to get another semester's tuition?" Kane said. Unlike Larnpazzi, who plans to attend graduation, Kane will not be there. "It would be too hard for me to go and not be up there with the rest of my class.'' ''The worse part of not being there is that I will not be there for Trish (Fitzgerald) when she receives the Mother Ursula Award. She means so much to me, but she
BU Sh.Si8sh esWC0°11eg•eWia1crmdro Positionto promote by Jennifer A. Morrison
President George Bush recently proposed a slash in aid for 300,000 college students in the 1991-1992 academic year. According to Assistant Financial Aid Director Elizabeth Cairns, this should not cause any major problems for Cabrini students. Bush's proposal would contain cuts in the following Cabrini programs: Perkins Student Loans, Pell Grants, College Work-Study awards, and Stafford Student Loans. The Perkins Student Loan is a low interest loan that gives a small amount of students financial aid that is given by the college or university. In his proposal, Bush will save $135 million by eliminating the federal contribution to the Perkins. Education Department officials said institutions would have sufficient Perkins funds to provide loans to 695,000 students in 1991-1992- down from 804,00 expected in 1990-1991. ''Thts may hurt us a bit, but I feel that the govern-
ment is trying to make the colleges and universities self-sufficient," said Cairns. "There will be tougher rules on the Perkins recipient acceptance.'' Pell Grants are grants that are given to those students who are in need of extra financial aid. The reqirements for a recipient to receive the grant are strict. With this proposal the requirements will be tightened. Education officials said that 14,000 students who now qualify for $200 grants will be eliminated in the program in 1990-1991. According to Cairns only six Pell recipients at Cabrini will lose their $200 Pell grant. College Work-Study programs will drop an additional 5,000students according to Bush's plan along with providing no increases in the program for I9911992. According to Chris Pesotski, financial aid work study coordinator, this drop should not effect students
more Aid on 9
Jeffersonadded to affiliatelist by Anna-Marie Karlsen For students pursuing a career in the sciences, a new affiliation agreement with Thomas Jefferson University may be just what the doctor ordered. The basic agreement is that a student would enro11 at Cabrini for two years, fulfilling the requirements for TJU, then after those two years, he or she applies for academic transfer. "TJU has the final say whether or not a student is accepted," said Anne Kruse, chairwoman of Cabrini's biology department. "We have an affiliation agreement, not a direct transfer." The largest benefit of the ac-
cord belongs to the students. In applying for an academic transfer, students here would receive preference over students applying from a non-affiliated school. "This is especially important with physical therapy and occupational therapy, two very competitive fields," Kruse said. This affiliation is also important in that Cabrini may gain some prestige for its biology department. "We could have an increase in enrollment because students may prefer Cabrini due to the affiliation," Kruse said Maureen Becker, a 1987 graduate ofTJU, transferred there from Cabrini under the old program of "2+3." She now works at St. Christopher's Hospital for Chil-
dren. "I wish Cabrini had a four year program, because I made a lot of friends there in my first two years," Becker said. "Since there were only five students in my biology classes(at Cabrini), the one-to-one instruction helped prepare me for the more clinical training I received at Jefferson.' ' Presently, there are three freshman in pre-nursing, four in pre-pharmacy and three in prephysical therapy. Other schools sharing an affiliation are Bloomsburg University, Villanova University, Elizabethtown Co11ege and Juniata College.
more Graduation on 4
culturalawareness by Clyde LaForest Recognizing the need for a student government office which addresses the concerns of minority students, the Student Government Association's executive board has created the position of human affairs director, Angie Corbo, president of SGA's executive board said. ''The number one job of the human affairs director," Corbo said, ''is to promote cultural awareness in the student community. "The position is a link," · Corbo continued, "between the SGA and the student body who is consciously aware of the needs of minority students, by working with the Black Student Alliance and Melting Pot, for example. They're two SGA clubs." Initiating affinnative action, which Corbo defined as social justice within the community, is the third majorresponsibility of the new office, she said. The new position was tentatively called "minority affairs director" during its planning stages, but the SGA changed the name due to the accepted meaning of the word ''minority'' when it is used in contexts dealing with race-relations. '"Minority affairs'," Frank Emmerich, vice president of SGA 's executive board said, ''may be misinterpreted and therefore limit the effectiveness of the position. The position is there to help people solve prob-
terns. We are dealing with a human problem. Although everyone's a minority in some way, they may not know it." Emmerich referred to those other minority groups as ''nontraditional minorities'' and he said they would also be able to use the new position as a resource. Emmerich said an example of a non-traditional minority here is male students, and a male member of the community should be able to go to the human affairs director for help if he thought he was being treated differently because of his sex, he said. Emmerich said he believes this does not broaden the position's focus so much that it becomes ineffective. He said the traditional minorities' needs will not be left undealt with. "We don't anticipate," Emmerich said, ''many nontraditional minority problems, but we wanted to be able to address th~m if they arise.'' Corbo said that she and Emmerich are on the campus life commission, which has discussed the hiring of a paid administrator as a minority affairs director several times. Most colleges have such an administrative position, Corbo said, but in the absence of one here, Corbo and Emmerich decided the SGA should attempt to have a student acting in that capacity.
more Position on 5
inside perspectives . ..... 2, 3
The lucky
Airrrrr vs. U.B.U.
news ................ 4, 5, 9
you decide?
features .......... 6, 7, 8
(see page 12)
sports ........ 10, 11, 12
(see page 6}
fridaYzmarch·16, 1990
:: •
view oint [editoriai -: :: : . Educationwarrantsfunds It's not eas:ybeing red C
When President George Bush stood in front of a waving American flag at his Inaguration, he stated with force that he wanted to be known, among other tag~, as the education president. Now, the education president proposed a slash in aid for 300,000 college students in the 1991-92 academic school year. This recent action, coupled with Bush's track record on elementary and secondary school bills, illustrates that the president may have lost that page of his speech. 1:he president's motive for being the education president is certainly admirable given this particular phase in America's education history. No longer are we number one educationally, as well as in other areas. You can give the Japanese and Europeans that honor.
A new era of v1s1on, dedication, and addressing why our first graders can't find their home state on a world map are issues that can be tackled without money. The core of our education system has rotted after decades of indifferent students, teachers, and the handicap of some learning environments not exactly being conducive to learning. True, throwing money at the education system will not fix that core overnight. A new era of vision, dedication, and addressing why our first graders can't find their home state on a world map are issues that can be tackled without money. But taking that financial resource away will not help. If education is the tool to a better lifestyle, than that tool should be an equal opportunity device. Once funds become restricted, those from the bottom of the totem pole get hurt the most. As education more and more becomes a benefit of the affluent, the rewards of an enlightened mind are limited to those who can receive the most from them. It is becoming clearer by the day that education is a direct parallel to how much someone will take home in their pocket. In other words, your level of education will dictate your level of income. For those who value education as that main rung to climb up the financial ladder, they are wiling to make sacrifices. Financial aid receipiants still make sacrifices despite the assistance. In 1991, 300,000 young men and women will have to weigh an even greater sacrifice to achieve their goal. President Bush still has time on his side to come through on his education president title. But making that ride for some more difficult does not help.
r"'n.s skill'i have irnprove.d.sli.g~ilysinc.e.1971 \~ILL\ Al\t '8ovr M SA."'l.'
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kelly ann me gillan features editor Did you know that the country with the most red heads per capita is Ireland? I guess that is no big surprise. Ireland is 12 percent red heads followed by Scotland which is red by 11 percent. . My source was the "Red Head's Handbook." Yes, there is such a thing and the reason why is that red heads have it tough. We have to put up with dumb questions, being teased, called names, and getting into trouble when others could slip by unnoticed. I'm not griping but l just want to share with you if you're not a red what it's like to be one. If you are a red, I hope your scars have healed and you tan laugh at this. The first question a young red head gets asked growing up is, "Is your hairnatural?" That question is always followed by "Where did you get it?'' These questions are usually asked by grandmotherly types or late-middle age men who are rotund and balding. Most red heads get asked these questions by complete strangers. The most likely placed to be asked such a question is in the supermarket line. If the red head answers yes to the first question then logically the second question shouldn't be asked, but it is. Smiling halfheartedly and trying to be polite the red head answer is something like that of a family history. "Well, my grandmother's mother's sister, on my mother's side, who came over on the boat from Ireland in 1845had flaming red hair; so, I guess that's where I got it'' To say that you grew it would be rude. In my case, my mother has red hair; her sister, my aunt has red hair, and both grandmothers had red hair before they went gray. See what I mean? The answers are longwinded and often confusing, not to mention that since it's coming from a red head it's full of the blarney that the Irish are famous for. Being a red is the worst thing to be in grade school. I always had to have my homework done and done right too. My red hair made me noticable. I was always the first kid whose name the teacher could remember and I could always count on being called on for an answer. The advantage was that I got good grades, the disadvantage was I was labled a goody-two-shoes. However I could never get away with doing anything because I always got caught. The reason wasn't because I wasn't sneaky or cunning enough, but rather because I was easily spotted leaving the scene. Maybe this is the reason why the Irish are so full of blarney; redheads have to use it to get out of trouble when they get caught. Case in point. In high school we were not permitted to leave school grounds. This rule was generally ignored by seniors especially as it got closer to graduation. As seniors we occasionally went out to lunch. We got out of the building without anyone noticing us; out of the parking lot without any authority noticing us; had lunch at Mickey D's and got back to school just in time for the next period. We were going to get away with it, except that as we were heading back into the building through a side door when I was spotted. My red hair got me and everyone else sent to the assistant principal's office. I wasn't able to talk myself out of that one and I ended up with an after school detention. So did everyone else; talk about guilt.
There are many more negatives that accompany red hair, like freckles and fair skin. I 'mjust beginning to tolerate mine. I used to hate them. My grandmotherused to tel1me that they were angel kisses. My answer to that was, "Could you tell the angels to stop wearing lipstick?" I've had to face the cold hard factthatthey will NEVER grow together and I will never get tan. Although every year I try. Have you ever seen a red head with a sun burn? We look like cooked lobsters! I feel especially bad for all the little red heads whose parents take them to the beach. You've seen them, the ones wearing teeshirts over their swim suits and being chased every ten minutes by their mothers with a bottle of 49 SPF lotion in their hand. Red heads are constantly searching for clothes that won't clash with the color of their hair. I don't care anymore. I wear red and orange and any other color for that matter. However, green is dangerous because anytime a red head wears green someone is going to definitely compare them to a leprechaun. Red heads get called a lot of things like "Ronald McDonald," '·carrot top." and ''Rusty,'' not to mention just plain ··Red.·• But theworst thingonecancompareared head to is an Irish setter. Although, I've always wanted to hit anybody who tried to say that my hair was orange, too. Being red isn't that bad, I highly suggest it to anyone whose considering changing their hair color; just be prepared to change your wardrobe, have snappy comebacks for the name calling, and don't be surprised if you start to grow freckles. "Who has more fun, blonds or brunettes?" Only redheads know the answer for sure.
Editor-in-ehref: Barbara Wilson
ManagingEditor: AngieCorbo
NewsEditor: Johanna Church Assistant News Editors: Kevin George and Sharlene Sephton Perspectives Editor: Felicia Falcone Assistant Perspectives Editor: Carlo Iacono Features Editor: Kelly Ann McG1llan <
Assistant Features Editor: Kelly Reed
Sports.Editor: Lou Monaco Assistant Sports Editors: Mark Gudas and Chris Pesotski Copy Editor: Chris Pesotski Business Manager: Denise Edwards and Sue Moriarty Photography Editor: Kristin Kroll Ass,tant Photography Editor: Frank Emmerich Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigre Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Carrie Corr. Karen Dumorney, Denise Edwards, Wilham Fulton.BIii Firman, Kevin George, Anna-Mane Karlsen. Clyde Laforest, Jr, Melissa Landsmann, Daniella LoPresti, Kristin Mainero, Jennifer Morrison •. Christina Roach. Deborah Ryder, Leonora Veterano, Kelly Ann Walsh. Charlie Waterfall, Kelly Ann Williams. Carol Wells Yarrow Photography Staff: Mark Gudas, Giselle Bellanca Loqurtur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and Is included in the benefrts secured by tuition and student fees. Loqurtur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, tt the writer wishes. and the edijor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscripbon inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer... Letters should be typed. double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too I6ng for the available space, the editor may ed~ or condense it. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published in Loqurtur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administrabon. Loqurtur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhib<ted, robust, free and open discussion of
f riday, march 16,1990
Here's a storyof the grownup Bradys by Carlo Iacono There are certain factors in everybody's life that universally act as guidance counselors. I'm not talking about the nice person named Fred or Gloria that helped you decide what college to attend. Guidance counselors are the Corkys who taught you how to fight at the playground, the Lanas who taught you ...well...everything, and last but not least - the Brady Bunch. Who didn't learn how to win a spelling bee from Cindy? Who didn't learn not to skip college to become teen-idol Johnny Bravo from Greg's bell-bottom fiasco? What boy didn't know how to replace a bicycle or build a go-cart from the Brady boys? And didn't every young girl learn how to be a blond-maned angel from the Brady girls? Well, alotofthingshappenedto dethrone the Bradys from their guidance counselor perch. First of all, you found out that the Bradys didn't deal in reality. That splitlevel suburban house you saw on television is from another planet - a world with no drugs, AIDS, or general bummers. Secondly, the show got canceled because its irrelevance became nauseating and it
floated in the syndicated world (where most of us learned our Brady 101). And thirdly, after its cancellation, the real life people who played the Bradys succumbed to real world vices. A drug rehab here or there have been rumored, some bad guest appearances on Love Boat, and various other '70s
called The Bradys, is back. This time it's a multi-generational family saga heavily weighted with dramatic elements - in other words it deals in reality. Since their return to TV, the adult Bradys have already dealt with unemployment, infertility, and physical suffering. The oldest
Carol is as bubbly as ever, but she has left the homemaker status for the work world and she now shows cleavage. Pop Mike is a little grayer and is now a politician. Alice the maid, finally married Sam the butcher, but she looks a little to old _J.opush a duster. The reality check enters in the
Well, a lot of things happened to dethrone the Bradys from their guidance counselor perch. First of all, you found out that the Bradys didn't deal in reality. That split-level suburban house you saw on television is from another planet - a world with no drugs, AIDS, or general bummers. and '80s vices chipped away at the Brady's innocence facade. Who hasn't heard the rumor that the girl who played Jan became a porn star? Or was it Cindy or Marcia? So much for innocence. And fourthly, avocado kitchens and plaid pants lost their charm. So I'm home during the first Friday before Spring Break around 8 p.m. (don't worry I went out later), and what do I hear coming from the speakers of my television? "There's a story of a man named Brady," - the sound permeates frightenly familiar like an old nursery rhyme. The Brady Bunch, now
brother Greg is now an obstetrician and has traded in his bell-bottoms for a bad-looking mustache. Peter is a playboy who runs his father's campaign for councilman. Bobby is the unlucky racecar driver who becomes paralyzed. Marcia had a face-lift - just kidding, actress Leah Ayres now plays her instead of Maureen McCormick. Infertile Jan has taken over her father's architect business. And little Cindy is not so little anymore because puberty has set in, and let's just say that porn star label is believable. The elder members of the household have also changed. Mom
form of husbands, wives, and grandchildren of the Brady kids. The Brady grandchildren sleep at campaign rallies, and do nasty things. For instance, Marcia's son Mikey watches Bobby's car-crash tape for fun and steals his grandmothers business cards. Marcia's husband, Wally, is chronically unemployable. And Martha Quinn, of early MTV video- disc jockey fame, now plays Bobby's wife who compassionately copes with her husband's handicap. The guidance counselor status is updated for the 1990s. These Bradys deal with subjects that were
once taboo when you saw the original episodes or in syndication heaven. The once half-hour comedy sitcom now deals in a drama format laced with humor in an hour-long time frame. A la thirtysomething, The Bradys still solve problems before the end of the show, but the degree of difficulty has increased. Sex, something any Brady never participated in, is now at least addressed in Peter's playboy status, Jan's infertility, Carol's cleavage, and, omigod, little Cindy's seduction of her boss - an older man no less. Political corruption was tackled when Mike's campaign for council was smeared by a dirty competitor. In 1972, no Brady had as much as a facial blemish, let alone a physical handicap. The sight ofBobby in a wheelchair is . a chilling illustration that life isn't that peachy keen. So take the new Brady's for what they now-. are. Once a guidance counselor for your wonder years, they are now back to guide you through this jungle we call life. After all, Fred and Gloria never taught you how to handle- sexual seduction.
and kindness j tove . A cry for courtesy,notcurtness To the .Editor:
aodyoudon'tmeantotakeit out on them. As a work-studystudentI haveto leam how to deal with people on many different levels. Mostof the time the stu-
Lately I have come to notice a trend amona,.the offices of Cabrini, a very~ setting trend. WheneverI walk ioto an office and try to aska questionor find out someinformationI feel like I am uking the world of someofficeperson. I am sorry. I didn't meanto bother you-wait, what am I saying? I pay13,a yearand I deaerve propertreatment. If I walk iotoanofficeaactiiltaquestioom
~yuur~butwhenlaskaqoestion to fit4 ouaif'lcanJJelp youI teally ctoo't _. • ..,~ orreply-.:teepit to
dents .arenoproblem because astongas I PJt asmileoomy fllCethey areusua,lly nice,but.withstaff,forget iL lamnot someidiot whodoesn't mow wllatlndOing. Maybelcan'tanswetall
more measurablethan monetary value Editor's note: This is an independent view supported by Neil Altman, a freelance writer who works in Upper Darby, Pa.
by Neil Altman
The worst kind of poverty, is sin, which
Did you know that you can be poor in
makes us poverty-stricken before our God. It separates us from our Creator. We can be
more ways than money? These tough fmancial times have turned against many people,
rich in everything of this
possessions, family, friends--but ifwe don't
making the poor even poorer and those of
have God as our friend, we are truly impov-
middle income just barely able to hold their
like it.lMlldou't ~tothoseoffiees to bend over backwams lC'f and wboaepatientwith• Fromworkingin FmancialAid I know tbaf $Ollle student$ are obnoxious and don't deserveyour time and effort.but for thalJewhoare not. pleaaetaethemneto lel1lbem that you arebaviq a bad day
own. Almost everyone has experienced a lack
In a world filled with all kinds of poverty, the abundance we need can be found in
of funds at some time in his or her life (a
Jesus. If we confess our sins and repent,
struggling college student, newly~eds just starting out, an unemployed spouse). If the
qod is faithful to forgive us. God is the
experts are correct about the future, soon
For he has said, "I come so that they might
most of us will know what it menas to have "less.,-,
have life, and that they might have it more
office,-our job
Practice. professionalism, pleaseI siooaJ,then pemaps she shooldreview her actions before ~ a professionalin I was surprisedto tead Hillary A. such a public forum. Goodbusiness sensewouldhavesoupt . . . of the R.egistnr in the a quieter resolution throughthoughtful -issueof . • iO , foUow-upconvetsation withtheRegistrar, ·«eftil herbosi.dlo Academ\C Dean. llllfiflil!iilfiillliiftl!!,l!l of
To the Editor:
ii C
eamessi)' indictan dent newspaper. If, as Ms. Hoch businessedu.cs~
If you think it is bad to be lacking money, consider how awful it is to be poor in love and kindness.
When we are selfish and
stingy with our love, we become "poor" and ultimately we starve ourselves more than those who reach out to us for a morsel of understanding or compassion. Another kind of poverty is hopelessness, exemplified
today in the rise of teenage
suicide and in the aimlessness in college life and society in general. It has been proven that people who cling to hope are able to survive better in the most extreme circumstances.
one lasting source of love, kindness and hope.
abundant! y."
fridaXzmarch 161 1990
The wires are he¡re, where's the MTV? by Charles Waterfall The plea, "I want my MTV" has been heard across campus for the past three years. Last fall, though, the first report of cable's expected arrival was not only thought possible, but almost definite. It is now midMarch. Where is your MTV? During his first year as assistant director of resident life, three years ago, John Doyle had made continuous efforts to support student requests. ''The cable company has -made things difficult with us," Doyle said, now directorof resident life. "The regional manager (Mike Kane) of Adelphia Cable, specifically, has been difficult to communicate with.'' When Kane first explored cable's situation on campus, he was reported, ''reluctant at the start.'' He did, however, bid a contract, later, that entailed installation in the rooms of those wanting cable television in Xavier Hall as well as the houses, respectively. The lobby of Woodcrest was also considered an option, but is not a priority at this point in time, according to Doyle. He would just like to see cable, as well as students, have their chance. ''We're ready. Absolutely ready-- ready for two years now!" Doyle said. "There just hasn't been returned phone calls for months (from Kane or Adelphia)." It was reported that cable would be
installed by the beginning of the fall semester of 1989. Obviously, it is not here; but, it can still be expected. "I can say, almost definitely, that it looks like it will be here this summer,'' Doyle said. "(Then again,) I just don't trust the guy. It would really be a pleasant surprise if it were to come a little earlier, though.'' After several attempts, Kane remained unavailable to comment on or confirm the new, expected date of cable's arrival on campus.
cable lines were run through every room of Xavier Hall. Residents must now wait to have the building hooked-up to outside cable lines. The "go ahead" from Cabrini's physical plantto dig trenches around campus for cable hook-up is also necessary before cable arrives. Still, there is no official verified date of when the campus will have cable available. Catherine Yungmann, professor of English and Communications, too, has been trying to keep in touch with Kane. Her
Last Monday, during spring break, cable lines were run through every room of Xavier Hall. Residents must now wait to have the building hooked-up to outside cable lines. The "go ahead" from Cabrini's physical plant to dig trenches around campus for cable hook-up is also necessary before cable arrives. Still, there is no official verified date of when the campus will have cable available.
Rick Conrad, Kane's associate, however, said, "I am only aware that 50 units are now scheduled to be installed (in 50 rooms) over spring break; but, I am unsure what building it will be in.'' Last Monday, during Spring Break,
concerns deal not only with correcting the college's basic cable hook-up that has somehow been disconnected for some time now, but with providing resident students with cable television, as well. In an effort to bring attention to the need
of cable oncampus, Yungmannhadhertelecommunications/ cable television class survey over 100 students. "Hearing a good percentage of resident students will give us something,'' she said. Doyle and Yungmann agree that cable television in the dorms and in the classroom would be a great benefit to the student's academic studies and entertainment. "It will definitely upgrade the standard of living in ourenvironment," Doyle said. "It would be wonderful if we could have closecircuited Cable¡ Cabrini News, too!'' Yungmann views cable as more valuable, educationally. She said, "Cable's basic programs, (including) CNN (Cable News Network), Discovery, and others will provide a lot of service to students.'' There are mixed reactions among the students. "I expected cable by the beginning of this year," said Amanda Picher, sophomore. "I was disappointed--not specifically for myself. but for my friends and others who would have appreciated.'¡ Chris Pesotski, sophom~re, said, "1 realize that it's areally complicated process to get cable on campus. But it is a big. resource for communications majors and for students who want to watch stations not necessarily available in this area. It does deserve more attention."
Graduation from 1 understands why I can't be there," Kane said. Kane will complete her five credits during a co-op over the summer. However, she can not receive a diploma until May 1991. Cabrini only issues diplomas once a year at commencement, therefore students who graduate late have to wait until the following May to receive recognition. Kane wants to walk with what she considers "her" class, the class of 1990, but according to the 'Registrar Kane is now the class of 1991. "Maybe I don't have enough credits to graduate in May, but who wants to walk in May of 1991 with people you don't know/' Kane said. In surrounding colleges and universities the policies regarding the ability to participate in graduation, and the issuance of diplomas are somewhatdifferent than theones here at Cabrini. At Villanova University, students who are short three to six credits are allowed to walk at the discretion of the dean of students. They have one commencement ceremony in May. However they issue diplomas on Sept. 1, Dec. 31, and May 31. Linda Myrtetus, the dean's assistant at Villanova, said "Students being short credits is a pretty common occurrence, if the students have a GP A of at least 2.0 and make up the courses in the summer, they can walk at graduation, but their names will not appear in the program." Rosemont College does not allow students who have not met the requirements to walk at graduation. Rosemont has a very individualized graduation and there is no way that a student could walk without fulfilling the requirements.
However, Rosemont does issue diplomas three times during the year. In addition, Rosemont will issue a letter, on request, stating that a student has met all the necessary requirements and is just waiting for their diploma. Students who are short between three and six credits are allowed to walk with her class at Eastern Col-
needed to earn after the fall semesterto graduate in May. The form also identifies the number of credits the student has already earned in the GER'S. The student is requested to to verify her status in the fall, and to meet with her adviser to evaluate her progress in her major. The registrar totals all of this
"I always used to kid my dad that I was going to be the kid on the five year plan and now it looks like I am." -Chris Lampazzi, senior lege. These students have to be cleared by the academic dean, and they are closely tracked to make sure that they complete their missing credits during the summer. Eastern also issues diplomas in September, December, and January for students who need to complete credits or who are graduating early. The Cabrini Registrar is the office on campus where every student's official academic records are kept. As graduation nears the office begins a long and thorough process that records and monitors students who plan to graduate in May. In August of a student's senior year the Registrar's office sends all students who have a chance of graduating the following May an evaluation of their academic progress. The letter states that the enclosed evaluation identifies the number of credits a student has earned to date, the number of credits the student is registered for in the fall, and the number of credits
information and subtracts the total credits needed to graduate from the total credits to date, and then the student knows what they need to graduate.
Students need to come in and verify their evaluations with the Registrar. In Sepember anyone with a problem is asked to come in. A letter is sent to the student and the advisor detailing the problem. In January everyone is re-evaluated and an updated audit is prepared. Another letter goes out asking any students with a problem to come in to resolve it. "Of everything we do in the Registrar's office, I am really proud of the way we handle the whole graduation process. We do a thorough job,'' Hansbury said. "We can sympathize with students who are not graduating, but they are short credits due to their own inability to keep up with their responsibilities. We did not do them a misjustice. ''We here do everything we can to make students aware of here they stand academically, they are more than welcome to come in and
"We can sympathize with students who are not graduating, but they are short credits due to their own inability to keep up with their responsibilities. We did not do them a misjustice." -Jennifer Hansbury, registrar At the bottom of the letter in big, bold letters is the warning," If you do not fulfill the above and your major requirements, you cannot graduate.'' "We are here to serve the students. We do everything we can to stay on top of the academic prog'ress of everyone who has a chance of graduating,'' Jennifer Hansbury, re istrar, said.
request a transcript anytime they want one.'' The question of allowing seniors who are short credits to participate in graduation falls under the academic affairs office. Dr. Antoinette Schiesler, academic dean, has been criticized by some students as being very hardlined and unyielding in this situation.
"I feel students have a responsibility for their own learning, and by the time you are a senior you should be awareof your academic progress,'' Schiesler said. In light of the policies at other colleges in the area, regarding having more than one issuance for diplomas, Dr. Schiesler said that she would bring the idea before the academic council for consideration. "I am hard-lined about not bending the policy. However I do not just look at the black and white. I try to see both sides and I do understand the embarrassment and the disappointment the students are feeling, but I don't understand how they let themselves get to this point,'' Schiesler said. "As far as being able to walk at graduation, we have a very special and individualized graduation at Cabrini, and I think it would be far more embarrassing to walkand not get a diploma, than to just walk with the class of 199 l." Sister Eileen Currie, president, was made aware that some seniors would not be graduating at the open forum she held. At the forum Currie mentioned that she felt that some type of curriculum manual outlining what students should be taking might be beneficial to business majors. No such manual exists as of now, and the education and communication departments have a high level of success with their curriculum outlines. "l feel the disappointment of the students involved, but I am equally put-off by their negligence to be accountable for what they haven't completed," Currie said. "I sympathize, but it's like waiting for Santa Claus to come down the chimney when your'e 21,'' Currie said.
friday, march 16, 1990
Campusclean-up St. Patty's Pub Night will be held on Thursday, March 15 from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. in the Widner Center Gathering Area. Alcohol will be served to those with I.D. Admission is $3. A new art exhibit will take over the Library's Fine Arts Gallery on Monday, March 18. Joseph Frasetta's work will be on display until April 11. "Crimes of the Heart" will open on March 31 in Cabrini's theatre in Grace Hall. Reservations are recommended; call 971-8510. Admission is $4. Educators and Computers will meet at the third annual Eastern Pennsylvania Educationai Computing Conference (EPECC) on March 27, 28 and 29 at the Valley Forge Convention and Exhibit Center. The conference will feature over 90 presentations by well-known educators, 55 commercial vendor exhits and hands-on labs sponsored by Apple, IBM and Tandy. For registration, contact Doug Lehnen, EPECC '90, c/o Bucks County I. U ., 705 Shady Road, Doylestown, PA 1890 I. Registration fees vary from $35 to $65.
In an effort to clean-up and beautify Cabrini's campus the public relations office is sponsoring ''Grassroots.·' "Grassroots" will be celebrated on Friday, March 16 from 11a.m. to 2 p.m. It is expected that 100 students and staff will be armed with tools and trash bags and then be divided into teams to fix up designated areas around campus which nee,d to be repaired. Over a dozen teams have been organized to assist in this adventure. If anyone has not yet joined a team but would like to particpate it is not too late. All volunteers are to report to the Mansion courtyard Friday morning. In the event of rain "Grassroots" will be held on March 19 at the same time.
The problems in Central America will be the focus of an interfaith conference held at St. Joseph's University on March 16 and 17. Father Jon Sobrino, S.J., published author of liberation theology, will be the keynote speaker. Contact John Field, 4382662, of the Central American Organizing Project for more information. A Green Grass Campaign is set for March 16. The day will be devoted to greening and cleaning up the campus. Students and faculty will join together to pick up litter and sprinkle grass seed.
Students are needed to help out with a concert scheduled on the campus for May 6. Shadow Fox has been booked for the concert. Tickets will cost $15 for students, but those who sign up to help with production will get in free. Contact Karen Berlant in the Public Relations office for more information. The Cabrini Dance Ense.mble will perform at West Chester University's Phillips Auditorium on April 19, 20 and 21 in the show "Dance Production Workshop."
Spring Fling and Sibling Weekend will be the weekend of April 28. Volunteers needed to •'adopt a grandparent'' for an evening at the Juniors for Seniors dinner-dance. The Social Work Club is organizing the event which will bring senior citizens from Main Line Senior Services to Cabrini's cafeteria for dinner, dancing and prizes. The dinner-dance will be on April 6 at 6 p.m. If you can't make it to the dance, the club is taking pledges of $5 to help pay for the event. Contact Tricia Loughran at 341-9569.
Positionfrom 1 Preliminary research began even be~ fore the Coalition Against Racial and Ethnic Intimidation formed, according to Corbo. As a part of that research, Corbo and Emmerich spoke with Tyrone Carr, assistant director of resident life, and members of the Black Student Alliance. "It was still a calm time, a week before the recent events,'' Corbo said. · 'They were expressing a recognition of racial tension 1hen. "Unless I had spoken to minority students," Corbo said, "I wouldn't have known there was racial tension on campus before the coalition's fonnation. More attention needs to be paid to the needs and
sentatives, minority students not applying for the position, and administrators, Corbo said. • 'The appointment process,'' Corbo said, ''helps us screen the applicants better and hear concerns more. A panel should come to a better conclusion than an individual." The SGA is looking for a "sensitive, energetic, and dedicated person who will do research and be sincere in serving the .... -~----'· campus," Corbo said. Non-minority students may hold the office. Corbo said it is understood that no student would be perfect for the new position and that the human affairs director
Nl~lfS llllIEl~S More History Being Made in Soviet Union The Soviet legislature has officially ended the Communist Party's 73-year-old monopoly of power, paving the way for a multi-party system and open elections. The deputies also vote.ctto strengthen the office of Mikhail Gorbachev to that of an American-style presidency. The victory for Gorbachev is a sign that the conservative element in the party is loosipg its influence. Soviet citizens and private groups can now own and operate their own businesses and take a cut in the profits. They will not be allowed to own land, however. Lithuania, a Soviet republic bordering Poland, declared itself an independent state early this week. The provincial government asked Moscow to begin negotiating a secession process, but Gorbachev replied that no negotiations would take place. Gorbachev has called for a commission to study the problem. Lithuania, along with its baltic neighbors Latvia and Estonia, was independent between World War I and II. A secret pact between Stalin and Hitler annexed the three countries in 1940.
No Federal Budget Deficit in Four Years? If the federal government cuts three percent off defense spending over the next four years, freezes spending in other programs and raises taxes on oil, alcohol and cigarettes, the current $166 billion deficit will be reduced to zero by 1994, says the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Dan Rostenkowski (D., Ill.) President Bush has indicated he is ready to negotiate the proposal, but he says his lips remain clear: no new taxes. Another Military Regime Falls In Haiti, where military or dictatorial rule has been a way oflife during its entire history, the road to a civilian-elected government has been opened. The last ruling general has resigned and left the country. A temporary president sits in place until elections are held in October. And Another In Chile, 16 years of military rule came to an end when popularly-elected president, Patricio Aylwin, took the place of Gen. Augusto Pinochet. Aylwin immediately freed all political prisoners and began a campaign for human rights.
"Unless I had spoken to minority students, I wouldn't have known there was racial tension on campus before the coalition's formation. More attention needs to be paid to the needs and feelings of minority students." -Angie Corbo, president of SGA feelings of minority students.'' Corbo said the tension often stems from "innocent ignorance," an unconscious prejudice one might harbor against someother cultural group. Sbe said most people have an ''innocent ignorance.'• Complaining that only minority students receive financial aid toward educational expenses is an example of ''innocent ignorance'' Corbo cited. All of the SGA' s members fully supported the new position, according to Corbo, but some were less enthusiastic about it than others. "We're all at different levels of cultural diversity," Corbo said. "We've got to work with people's perceptions and level of understanding of cultural awareness.'' Discarding an election as the process of choosing the human affairs director, the $GA made the position an appoint• ment by the SGA to its executive board. Open nominations from the campus will be taken, and the nominees will be interviewed by a panel of SGA repre-
would have to do research and attend conferences to educate themselves about other cultures. "We bavea 'job description,"' Corbo said, ''but the job is much more than that says. We don't know what it's going to tum into, so it will have to be rewritten when the constitution is revised again three or four years from now. The first couple people will establish the position.'' Because the workload of the new position is so large, the director may have two or three assistants, who will also be chosen by appointment, Corbo said. "I would compare the human affairs director to the president of SGA in tenns of the comprehensitivity of the two positions,'' she said. The human affairs director was provided for in the revised SGA constitution, which is in the process of being ratified now. "If it's appropriate," Corbo said, "we'll chose (the human affairs director) before the end of the year, so things can get going. Ifit's not, we'll wait until next year.
friday, march 16, 1990
'Secondshift'beginswhen day job ends ij
Editor's Note: This is the first of a three part weekly series on working mothers and how their duel roles affect their Jives and families.
part of the second group. Working the "second shift" is difficult for her, she comes home from work and goes back to work. She doesn't mind, she says, because her husband shares the housework and the child-care. by Christina Roach Their daughter is 15-months-old. She is a child with non-stop energy. As an alternaWomen work 15 hours a week more than tive to beiog in a day care center she has men. In fact, they add an extra month of 24different student babysitters who care for hour days to every year. her. On Sunday mornings, she can be found This phenomenon, called the ''second at brunch, toddling up to all the students shift'', was the topic of study in the recently who call her name. published book by Arie Hochschild, called They are the Doyles. Director of Resi"The Second Shift Working Parents and the dent Life John Doyle and his wife Lisa and Revolution at Home.'' daughter Tina live in the Gatehouse. They By adding up the number of hours a week have been married for almost three years. spent at paid jobs, housework and childcare Lisa Doyle takes the train to 15th and Hochschild formulated the second shift Market Sts. to work every morning. She theory. She discovered "that women works as a building administrator at Center worked roughly 15 hours longer each week Square. Dealing directly with the tenants, than men, most women without children she listens to their problems and works on spend much more time than men on housesolutions. work; with children, they devote more time At 5:45 p.m. she takes the train home to both housework and childcare. Just as again to begin her second shift. there is a wage gap between men and "Working, taking care of the baby and women in the work place,'' Hochschild cleaning the house is very difficult," she added, "There is a 'leisure-gap' betweel'! said. "It is especially hard when Tina is them at home. Most women work one shift awake. And by the time she goes to bed, I am at the office or factory and a 'second shift' at usually too tired to clean." home." According to Hochschild, most of the For some, the second shift is thrust upon women she interviewed undertake most of women by husbands who do not see housethe responsibility of the home. Most mothwork and childcare in their job description. ers do the lion's share of the housework--inFor others, the second shift is the wife's cluding the daily chores and child care. portion of more equally assumed home However, most couples create the "family responsibilities. Lisa Doyle counts herself as myth'' that they equally share the work at
Irish Legends:
Catch me if you can by Kelly Reed Everyone, who has even a wee bit o' the Irish in them, has heard of the little fairies that are only found in Ireland. Unlike the fairy legends of other countries, the fairies of Ireland have names and personalities. The legends surrounding the "little people" come from the fact that each region of Ireland had its own favorite form of agricultural rites. These rites included worshipping certain powers, which supposedlybrought either good or bad luck to a person. The combination of all these ideas, plus the fact that the Irish are very superstitious by nature, and are great story tellers produced the legends of the banshee and the leprechaun. According to ledgend, the leprechaun and the banshee do not travel in groups, they are loners and tend to keep to themselves. The leprechaun comes from a community called Lu-chorpan, which means "the wee bodies." As a rule leprechauns are always shoemakers by trade and most of their clientele
consists of other fairies. Leprechauns like to party in old castles and can be found there or at the end of a rainbow, guarding their crock of gold. If you were lucky enough to find a leprechaun, you should sneak up on him quietly and then grab and hold him tight in your hand. When caught the leprechaun has to tell his captor where his pot of gold is hidden, but beware he'll try and cheat you. Leprechauns will not part with their gold unless they have to, so keep a good watch on him for he will disappear if you turn your back for an instant. The banshee, which means "fairy woman'' has no permanent home. She wanders aimlessly from one home to the ne~t. and if she wails outside the door of your home someone inside is about to die. The banshee is the chief mourner of the dead and she "keens" for the dead by wailing a long mournful moan as their death approaches. People who have seen the banshee claim she wears long flowing gossamer robes, and is always brushing her long, darkhair. The ganshee is particular though about the victims she "keens" for; only families whose names are Gaelic such as Mc Gillen or O'Brien are v·isited by the banshee.
_,,_ Lisa Doyle, shown here with daughter Tina, splits her time daily between family and home with her job in the city. (photo by Kristin Kroll)
home. In one family in Hochschild's study, the husband felt he contributed equally to the work because he walked the dog. The Doyle's do believe they share the household work. John said, ''I don't clean. My sense of 'clean' doesn't equal Lisa's, so she'd never be happy with my cleaning. So, I take care of Tina a lot, especially while Lisa cleans or does her needlepoint. I take out the trash, clean the shower and change the cat litter. I am in charge of electronics and repair work. And I do about seventy percent of the cooking.'' " Why our relationship works," he said, "Is because wedo a lot of stuff together. We balance ourselves out to what feels the best. The 'second shift' doesn't happen here." "I have a husband," she said, ·'Who, unfortunately, doesn't like to do housework. I do give him a lot of credit for what he does." She said they have established a schedule. When they get home from work, they cook dinner together. Later they will spend time with Tina and each other. She said she will sometimes "kick-out" John and Tina so she can "super clean" the house. The Doyles are very family-oriented. ''I have a thing for taking time to be happy and for making time for self and each other," John said. '' Sometimes we will let the house get 'dirty' for a few nights, if it means we can relax. Then we'll save the cleaning for the weekend. "I think Lisa does more work than me at night," he added, "But that is because she wants to. I will tell her not to do anymore, to just relax. I am definitely messier than she is and that frustrates her." Hochschild said, "Women's move into the economy is the basic social revolution of our time ...In taking paid work outside the home, masses of women live a life divided between two competing urgency systems, two clashing rhythms of living, that of the family and the work place.'' According to Hochschild, women are judging the value of their identity on new ideals. She said, "If women previously based their power mainly on attractiveness to men or influence over children and kin, now they base their power more on wages or
authority on the job.'' Hochschild feels many women are making the choice t9 work outside the home because those jobs seem more exciting than being a housewife. ''I definitely saw myself as a working mother," Lisa said, "Not because I had to, but because I wanted to. But I never thought I would be living on a college campus where our housing is free. I thought we would be in an apartment, probably struggling." John said his work at Cabrini is not alien to what he had hoped he would be doing. He also added, "I don't think people can have any conception of how good married life can
"I have a husband, who, unfortunately, doesn't like to do housework. I do give him a lot of credit for what he does." - Lisa Doyle working mother be when it works. And fatherhood is better than I imagined it would be.'' The Doyle's said they like the care that Tina has received by the students of Cabrini. Lisa has heard a lot of horror stories about day care and doesn't want to put Tina in a center while she works all day. "Ifl stop working here as the director of resident life at Cabrini," John said, "Lisa will stop working, have another baby and stay home with them." In Hochschild' s study she found that '' the men who shared the second shift had a happier family life." She also found that, in comparison to those who did not share, "involved fathers are aware that their children depend on them," in more ways than · just financial dependency. '' In the end, caring for children is the most important part of the second shift,'' she said, '' And the effects of a man's care or neglect will show up again and again through time." Hochschild feels that "now is the time for a whole generation of men to make a second historic shift--into work at home."
friday,march 16, 1990
about inputs and opinions of students regarding academics by Sharlene Sephton "We're here, and we mean business," Robert Salladino, president of the student academic council (SAC) said. The revival of the SAC has been the enterprise of several freshmen in order to rebuild the group's credibility and become a force to be reckoned with among the faculty and administration. SAC represents the opinions of the student body, deals with academic grievances, implements projects, and submits student input to the academic council. The academic council consists of faculty department chairpersons - and is· chaired by Dr. AntoinetteSchiesler. '' Anything that remotely impacts on academics is considered fair game," Robert McGee said, chairperson of the math department. McGee acts as the academic council's faculty liaison to the SAC. He hopes to see the council become a filter for problems and
who were chosen are all freshmen. The purpose of the council is described by Salladino, as, '' A channel which students and faculty can go through to interact. Students now have a voice to speak out and be heard." "The council's status was up in the air for so long, that it was forgotten by the faculty as a source to test student opinion,'' McGee said. Dr. Sharon Schwarze, chairperson of the curriculum committee, has been disappointed with SAC' s disjointed efforts in the past. Salladino and Michelle Montgomerey, vice-president of SAC, have taken SAC's traditional seats on the curriculum committee. "It's a voice we've been missing ... good students who will come and speak up have the potential to give fertile ideas,'' Schwarze said. "It's an opportunity for students to come together and ex press their concerns upward ...not just to wait for the academic coun-
"I like to see SAC as part of the new activism on campus and believe it will really have an impact." - Dr. KathleenDaley petitions. McGee views SAC as a powerful entity. The council signifies widespread support and consensus on campus. "It represents all classes and all departments, so it has a lot of weight,'' McGee said. McGeegivesacurrentexample. Due to the recent racial-ethnic issues being dealt with on campus, a consensus may agree that a course involving racial topics is needed. SAC could research the possibilities, take surveys, and move the idea along. According to a previous Loquitur article, the council was originally a' 'mirror image'' of the academic council. "One of my questions now is, if we're the student version shouldn't we have input' on policy? Revisions of the academic schedule were made without consuiting us,'' Salladino said. "The demise of the student academic council came when the 1988 president failed to initiate new officers into the council for the following academic year.'' According to Dr. Kathleen DaleyMcKinley, coordinator of the sociology program, it simply lost momentum. In the beginning of the Fall semester of 1989, the Student Government Association recognized a need for a distinctive group that could deal with specific academic problems. The renewal of the SAC was suggested. New officers for this year were elected from students who expressed interest in the council and were willing to work. The seven
cil to come to them," Daley-McKinley said. Salladino said meetings are called on a need basis, untilthere is an increase in interest and new concerns are on the agenda. Because they are still struggling to get their feet on the ground, there has not been strong attendance. '' As many people have a gripe about a particular class or teacher, no one is coming to us,'' Salladino said. McGee stresses the importance of ongoing committee work even if there is no burning issue at hand. • Several concrete projects have already been initiated by the SAC. Currently, they are collaborating on a viewbook to be available during freshmen orientation. It will highlight teachers styles and course requirements. '' Some teachers see the book as a threat. They fear students will look for the courses that seem like an easy •A'. We see it as a way the academically conscious student can benrJit to more efficiently plan their semester," Salladino said. SAC increased their membership by asking the heads of departments to select a student to represent the department's interests. This representative serves on the board and attends each of the meetings in order to present any conflicts or concerns regarding a specific field of study. "This recruitment of upperclassmen shows a real effort to reach the campus community," Daley-Mckinley said.
SAC encourages suggestions and has placed two suggestion boxes. One is by the mailboxes and the other is outside the cafeteria. Also, a survey was sent across campus asking for new course ideas to be possibly scheduled in the near future. An advanced Spanish grammar course has been set for the spring of next year. Other responses included education courses such as sign-language and teaching English as a second language. A Greek mythology course sponsored by Dr. Joseph Romano, professor o( philosophy, is being planned for the Fall of 1991. According to Salladino, implementation of the courses will depend on the amount of interest and level of commitment to enroll in such a course. The council is also the deciding body for the DistinguishedTeacher of the Year award and will be evaluating resumes and making recommendations to the president of the college. Schwarze also suggested that the council take on a small project and to do it well in order to reestablish their credibility. Her ideas include organizing a used book sale and keeping a file of old exams and syllabi for particular classes to be used as a resource for students. At each academic council's meeting there should be a report presented concerning the student academic council's findings in order to enhance SAC's visibility. "In this way there will be mutual feedback and influence," McGee said. Montgomery expressed concern over her influence as a freshman. ''Who wins the teacher's award is resting on our heads. Because we're all freshmen, it would not be fair to include only the teachers we know,'' Montgomery said. McGee also addressed the concern of having all-freshmen leadership. "It's probably not ideal. But in terms of a sports team, a young minor league team will get beat up, but at least they gain experience," McGee said. "Not knowing the system can benefit. Traditional steps may be disregarded because they may not know them,." Daley said. New ways may be discovered and old ones bypassed. 'This freshmen enterprise has unusual enthusiasm and they are very mature," Schwarze said. "Enthusiasm isararecommodity around here," McGee said. "SAC's existence is much applauded as well as the nature of their concerns.'' ''The history of the organization has had a lot of ups and downs. I like to see SAC as part of the new activism on campus and believe it will really have an impact," Daley said. "We plan to stay," Salladino said.
Stellar_performance by Midler in remake of 'Stella' by Leonora Veterano If your looking for a movie with warmth and style, then Stella is the movie for you. Stella, starring Bette Midler, is a wonderful, heart-wrenching comedy of a single mother's tribulations of raising her daughter - alone. Bette Midler's wit is uncanny, as only Midler can be. Midler is funny when the need arises, as she parades around the screen in her well noted, outlandish outfits. But at the same time she'll leave a tear in your eye as the sensitivity of raising a young girl alone pours out to the audience. The story will grasp your heart as you watch Midler help her daughter go through the problems of growing up. You sympathize with the trial and tribulations that both the mother and daughter face. It's a movie that all ages can relate to, parents as well as their children. John Goodman (from Roseanne) adds spunk to the movie as the drunkard friend of Stella who tries to help Stella with the upbringing of her daughter but because of his problem with alcoholism is defeated in the quest. Stella is the type of movie where the audience can laugh one minute and criticize the next. The movie displays comedy as well as romance. Thumbs up for Stella, a movie the whole family.ean enjoy.
SuPerthon Presents:
JelloWrestline FridayMarch23 at 8 Pm
wrestleYourfavoritePar:tner * for moreinformation callSGAat 911-8415 Attention; Juniors Sophomores Fruhmen
fridaY, march 16, 1990
Competition is no sweat for WCAB jocks by Carol Wells Yarrow Dial 971-8453 and discover who's rockin · you 'round the clock. The Dream Team, Thursday Night Jam, Classic Cuts, Metal Zone, Italian Duo, and Tara are just a few of WCAB's hottest disc jockeys who offer you the "ultimate in alternate." So, you say you don't like alternte? If you like the Hooters, U2, The Cure, B-52'sand Warrant; you like alternate. "We were playing 'Heaven' by Warrant last year before it became a big hit,'' Station Manager, Chrisy Roach said. The new WCAB station format allots more time for choice re. quests. ''Four per hour to be exact," Anne-Marie Karlsen said. Karlsen solos on Sunday from 8-10 p.m. Every two or three weeks she features a requested artist, but basi.cally "I just let the music do the work.'' Alternative music is what colleges around the United States are rockin' to. "Bands such as The Alarm, U2, and REM broke big at this level," Jim Rodriguez, DJ said. Like Billy Joel, Rodriguez, who is an avid fan of Joel's, also hails from Long Island. He refers to Joel's music as the "Long Island Sound.'')'. ou can catch Rodriguez double-jocking with Chris Conrad on their Thursday Night Jam session, which airs from 10 to midnight. In keeping with the humorof their show ''we broadcast to the entire wigwam," Conrad said. In the studio this semester, considerable competition is breeding among the WCAB DJ's. They're vying for favorable spots and specialty shows when the station goes •FM. There is an honest-to-goodness rivalry to be "top dog." Or "top gun," as Tom ·Foran puts it. Foran, half of WCAB's Dream Team DJ entry, masquerades as "Goose" (from the movie "Top Gun"), because
friends have said that he shares the same personality as the movie character. On Mondays, Joe Ewing (AKA ·'Ace"), teams up with Foran to produce the Dream Team-·a show that rifles the air waves from IO to midnight. They sign off with Kennifs theme song, "Rainbow Connection." "It helps establish a personality for our stint,'' Foran said, referring to the theme song. The Dream Team, whose name was acquired through an ardent dream to aspire to the heights of a WMMR,is doing a lot of hopping around their lily pads this season in an effort to out-leap their archrivals, Rodriguez and Conrad. To increase their listening audience, they feature a '' Quarter After Contest," where a free pizza is awarded to the first caller who can accurately identify the artist who we're playing," Foran said. "We also do our 'rebels of the airway' promo, which airs periodically during the week.'" The heat of the rivalry among the jocks is evident. "They can dream all they want,'' Conrad said. "We' 11get them sooner or later." Conrad and Rodriguez bill their show as "the hottest show on campus since the Xavier Hall dumpster burning." With a legacy like this, their fire could be hard to squelch. Tim Welch, WCAB's 12-2 p.m. Sunday jock, has a burning desire to drum-up a multitude of listeners by playing more Aerosmith and VanHalen. He admits that alternate does contain some hot bands. Welch predicts that Baton Rouge, which records on the Atlantic Records label, will make it big in alternate. "They're soon coming out on MTV with theirfirst single, 'Walks Like A Lady,"' Welch said. He caught one of the band's recording sessions at Ocean Recording Studio in New Jersey, and the industry is "buzzing about
the fact that they are good national prospects,'' he said. As for a handle for his show, since he's a local, from Newtown Square, he wants to use his real name. ''This way, when WCAB goes FM, people in the 15-mile FM radius will recognize me,'' he said. This decade WCAB has christened its first official speciality show, Classic Cuts. Host Dave Rowland proudly struts his stuff during his 10 p.m. to midnight slot on Wednesdays. He plays an awesome amount of Rolling Stones, Bob Erik Sides and Dan Francis spin the 'Ultimate in Alternate.' You can check Dylan and Grateful them out Wednesdays from 2 until 4 p.m. (photo by Frank Emmerick) Dead. His decision to host this show stemmed WCAB grow and to getting more Conner is not turned on by WCAB. from the fact that he likes this style listeners. ''Basically you start with "It's too repetitious," Conner said . of music a lot and has a good quanyour friends and spread it around He and roommate Stan Cerkez tity in his personal library. that you're on the air," Tarutis said. want more pop music, but admitted To excel in the staunch DJ Dawn Timbario and Lorr<\ine to not knowing the station's phone competition, Mark VanBelle and Lill concede that they're a boring number and not requesting their Joe Hvicdeos aim to play all re- duo, but have a lot to say. They favorite artists. quests during their Saturday night throw in some heavy metal, oldies "We really don't have the 6-8 p.m. spot. The night of their and pop during their Monday 8-10 support of the campus that we premier, the duo received fifteen p.m. show, and are vying for an deserve," Chrisy Roach, station requests. "This number contin- oldies specialty show when the manager said. ''Everyone is doing ues to be pretty consistent," station goes FM. a great job up here." VanBelle said haughtily. They kick Bob Marley and son, Ziggy, WCAB is on top of the nation's off by twirling the Banana Splits along with Eek-a-Mouse are among trend. "The hot music on college theme song and swing into their Tara Monte's favorites. She spins campuses is alternative,'' Music alternate favorite, "Salty Dog." them on her Monday show from 4- Director Jacqui Ricci said. Ricci, WCAB's DJ bastion has a stable 6 p.m., and touts the fact that she who has direct weekly contact with of women jocks who grace the has "a good reggae following on record companies, assures WCAB waves with silky voices. Sophocampus'' --even though her follow- listeners the latest alternate releases. more, Tara Tarutis is one jock who ing consists of her cousins. She says that listeners can dial solos on Thursday's from 6-8 p.m. ''Freshman jocks, Maria Toth 971-8453 and delve into the underand prefers the not-so-silky alterand Kim Keck average about two ground future of alternative. "It's nate group, "Violet Femmes." requests during their Monday 2-4 an opportunity to say 'I liked this "They have a different beat and p.m. gig. By playing Poison, White band before they became big' ...sort are crude and yell the words,'' Snake and Motley Cru they keep a of like Marko Gittens is now, beTarutis said. variety of sounds alive on their fore he goes pro,'' Rodriguez said. She went on to say that the jocks show. "We have a good time," are "having great fun this year since Toth said. "Even when Bud has to Bud Mellon is in charge." Melremind us to tum the mike on." lon, communications center superFreshman Michael "Pickle" visor, is dedicated to making
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friday,march16, 1990
Library'sdebate over mosteffectiveindex by Charles Waterfall Here, on campus, they're every student's best friend. Between themselves, there is rivalry, because only one may be allowed to remain. It's all a matter of machine versus machine. The InfoTrac Academic Index and the Magazine Articles Summary Index are CD-Rom (compact disc--read only memory) computer software which compile lists of sources for research projects and are currently on a trial basis at the library. Finding sources, usually a timeconsuming task, has been found a Jot quicker and easier through the use of these computerized indexes. Both are ''the new way, rather than the traditional way of research," library director, Janet Dalbeno said. InfoTrac. the computer version of The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature and The New York Times Index, is capable of producing an article's title, author, and source for any subject entered into the computer. ¡ The Magazine Index does the same, except it has an added feature that provides the researcher with a summary of each article found. "The Academic Index (lnfoTrac) is actually a smorgasbord of information,'' Dalberto said. The computer's CD-Rom stores only scattered material from January, 1986, through October, 1-989. The Magazine Index's disc covers material since 1984. Soon, InfoTrac must be returned to the company that it was borrowed from, but the Magazine Index will be on loan until the first week of March. InfoTrac was expected to return the end of last January and is still in the library due to the company's default. "We will own one ortheother, or at least a general computer index fornext September," public service librarian, Anne Schweim said. The funds for the purchase will come from next year's library budget, after the new fiscal year begins in July. The choice of which computer
Kay Harper, a continuing education student, works on the Info Trac system in Holy Spirit Library. (Photo by Frank Emmerich)
will remain, or whether a computer will remain at all, will depend on the final budget, according to Dalberto. It is not sure at this point, however, if there will be enough funds for the purchase. The use of the computers are free to students and faculty, but certainly not for the college. It would cost Cabrini $4,000 a year for Info Trac' s compact disc, alone. The Magazine Index's disc, alone, as well, would cost $1,519 monthly. Many schools in the area now have at least one CD-Rom reference tool in use. "We want to purchase a CD-Rom because it would be beneficial and easier for the students to research,'' Dalberto said.
"It's a great place to start," Schweim said, "but, we don't want students to think that their searches end here." Cabrini already owns PsychLit, another CD-Rom index, that is often used by psychology, sociology, and education majors. ''The results have been good," Dalberto said, inspired to attain a more general, multi-subject index as is the InfoTrac or Magazine Index. With this almost new trend in computers, Schweim would like to see a business related CD-Rom in Cabrini's future. "Then," she said, "we'd be well into our way of serving the student population, because there are so many business and education majors.''
Dalberto expects ERIC, an education related CD-Rom, sometime this year to be on demonstration. For now, though, the library is concerned with which program that would best serve the students and faculty--InfoTrac or Magazine Index. According to Schweim, Magazine Index feedback has been mixed, so far, although it has been only two weeks since the computer was installed. InfoTrac, on the other hand, has received many enthusiastic responses from Cabrini's students and faculty. In an optional lnfoTrac questionnaire, student comments all seemed to be similar. Many expressed gratification and urged the
need for lnfoTrac to become permanent on campus. "I love it!" one student commented, "If you remove it, I'll die!" Schweim, herself, is enthused with the InfoTrac system. "(The Magazine Index) will serve better in a public library than a co.liege library," she said. "Hopefully, the students will like Info Trac too.'' The decision of which computer will remain is not that of Schwelm's, alone, but of the entire library staff and, largely, from student questionnaire responses. "Students filling out the surveys makes a great difference in selecting (betwÂŤ?Cn) the computers," Schweim said.
971-8453 650AM To hear your favorite alternative requests. 'U'eu4tdt-~~I
fridax,march 161 1990
Straightfrom Monaco'sMouth lou monaco
sports editor (Editor's Note: This NCAA Tournament.column is dedicated to the late Hank "The Bank" Gathers of Loyola Marymount University, who died so suddenly last Sunday night in a game against the University of Portland. His love of life and bis love of basketball was so eveident during that game that, we as sports fans, can't believe he is gone. So, this one is for you Hank!, for all your dunks, rebounds, shots, class and especially, smiles. You will always be remembered as one helluva player and one helluva guy.) It is now 5:00 p.m., Thursday night and the MADNESS has already started in Hartford, Salt Lake City, Knoxville and Austin. Tomorrow, it continues in Atlanta, Long Beach, Richmond and Indianapolis and it will continue until 63 teams are disqualified and one remains "on top of the heap" on April 2nd in the Mile High City of Denver. I have been looking forward to this moment since November and it is trulyan incredible experience. 64 teams gunning for one thing: a championship title. If you win, you keep going. If you lose, you pack your duftle bags and wait 'till next year. It's that simple. Of course, as in every year, controversy surrounds the big dance. Why was this team picked instead of this one? .. Why was this team seeded higher than that one? Why did that team get placed here or there? It's always something new. The fact of the matter remains, 64 teams were selected, 64 teams will play (some of them have even won or lost
already as you are reading this.) One champion will emerge and deservedly so. Folks, this is the NCAA's--The Greatest Show On Earth. As fans, we go berserk during this three-week adventure (at least, I do.) We have already made our systematic, pain-staking picks and we pray to God our teams win. Tournament charts are tacked on our walls and scattered across our desks and beds. We buy more newspapers during this time, than any other during the year. You name 11,Philadelphia Daily News, Philadelphia Inquirer, The National, the New York newspapers, the USA Today; we want as much information as possible. Some of the professors might not like this, but skipping a class to watch Xavier versus Kansas State in the first round of the Midwest Regional, is probably more important than anything else. (I will warn my professors now, I will try my hardest not to miss, but could you make class a little bit shorter?) We go to any human being's house who has cable television, send them away for two days, sit in front of ESPN and watch 16 games non-stop for hours on end. We stock up on food and drink as if we were facing a national disaster. Our telephones are right within our reach, for when an upset occurs, we have to tell other people immediately, A.S.A.P., no ifs, ands, or buts about it. We wear our favorite school's hats, shirts, shorts, anything we can find. Our tournament television sets have to be in color, remote control is a necessity and the VCR is ready, in case of a NE Louisana upset of Purdue or an unforgettable moment of the tournament that we have to add to our never-ending
collection of sports videotapes. We yell at the announcers for their stupidity, we yell at the refs for their inconsistency and we yell at the fans that are there because we wish we were. We are in more gambling pools during this stretch of three weeks than we are in swimming pools during the entire summer. And finally, you know, we have to get that $2.99 Pizza Hut NCAA Tournament Ball or else the viewing of the tournament just would not be the same. It is a sickness that needs no medication. Our television serves as the aspirin and the wins of our favorite teams serves as the drink that washes it down. Right now, with the scandals at Maryland & North Carolina State and with the recent NCAA probation of Marshall University, this tournament couldn't have come at a better time. This tournament was also saddened by the sudden death of Hank Gathers, as noted in the editor's note. The question was: will the Loyola team play in the tournament? The answer is: they will. Afterall, I think Hank would've wanted it that way, don't you think? The tournament is unlike any other in sport. It is bigger than the Super Bowl. It is bigger than the World Series. It is bigger than any other championship, in any other competition, in any other sport. These are college kids, just like you and I, and to see these guys on the tube is something else. ' Yes, the big money has ventured its way into it. That could be diasterous, because in the future, more money, more tv and possibly more teams could be
introduced. Somehow, though, I feel, the mystique and uniqueness of the tournament will outweigh the money factor. J¡sure do hope so. Maybe I'm a dreamer. Maybe I'm not. I just hope the tournament remains a piece of traditional sports folklore and mystique. As teams go down one-by-one, the pressure gets higher and higher and the talent level gets better and better. When 60 teams are out, four are left. The Final Four. A doubleheader of rich talent, unique tradition, unbelievable fanfare and an experience that just has to be felt every March. Spring wouldn't be the same, we wouldn't care about-AprilFool's Day and the Madness would be sadness. It is just really special. I don't have any clue as to who is going to win this thing but I will tell you this, Hank Gathers will be remembered this tournament and from now on, during every NCAA Tournament. Nobody can predict how Loyola will do in this tournament? Some say, there is just no way that they can compete after such a tragedy. I say, watch out for this team. They loved Hank very much and you know. BO KNOWS BASKETBALL! Bo Kimble will play the best basketball of his life.For not just the team, but for his friend, pal, buddy, and closest thing in his life, Hank "The Bank" Gathers. On April 2nd, the 1990 version of champion will be crowned. Until then, hold onto your seats, get your drink, eat that food, buy those papers, fill in those charts, win those pools, and root for your favorite team. But never forget about Hank. I know I won't. God Bless!
job squad Housekeeping Light housekeeping. I or 2 people, pay $12/hr. 2-4 hrs. every other week. Contact John Heiberger at 971-8348.
Teacher's Aide Aide needed to work¡ with children between the ages of 4-14. Mon.-Fri. 8:30-3:00. 337-9775.
Sales Associate F/f OR P/f positions for sales associates at Conran's King of Prussia Plaza. Flexible hours. Contact Julie at 337-8322.
Payroll Coordinator Full-time position. Some experience with payroll and PC computers required. Salary in high teens plus excellent benefits. 645-8610.
Hotel Positions Stouffer Valley Forge Hotel has immediate openings including cooks, stewards, and banquet servers. For more info. call the personnel office at 337-1800.
Clerical Work Filing, light typing. Part-time, 3 days/week. Salary negotiable. 566-1546. Part-Time Weekend work all semester. 4-6 hrs./day to remove trash from dormitory buildings. College Work Study students are welcome to apply. Contact Michael Troupe at 971-8241.
Scho!arship Various scholarships are being offered by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for both graduate and undergraduate students. For furthur information about these scholarships, contact the Financial Aid Office. Scholarship Both graduate and undergraduate scholarships in the amount of $1000 are being offered by the Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia. Applicants must be of Greek descent and U.S. citizens. The deadline for applications is April 20, 1990. For more information contact the Financial Aid Office.
friday,march 16, 1990
pring Breqk burns Cavs; record stands at 3-3 later,the final score stood at 20--0, of this world.·' "'We were really glad to get out of there," In the high desert of Arizona, the Cavs' entire Cabrini offense. Hines doubled along ceterfielder Mike Feeley said. "We were offensive woes continued. ..The cactus (Editor's Note: This wiH be a rtdi- the right fteld line and Kilcullen rocked a looking forward to Aubtlm. and not plants out there are really nice," team tious, satirical journalism piece which high sliderdeep intothe seatsto put theCavs concentrating on the game at hand.•• equipment manager Jeff .. Axel" Foley will last throughout the season. It is up2-0. · On the way to Auburn. tbe Cavs stopped said. "The team really looked bad intended for pure entertainment and Four straight si~ with two out in the at the Alamo for some cultural awareness, thougb." interest for those who have a love and bottom of the eighth led Tech back into the Chris Pesotski continued his earlyadmiration for the sport of baseball.) game,but Brush damped down and struck · 'It was reallyswell for me to see the guys react in suchapositvemanner.'· waterl>oy season slide as he completeda hitless out the final batterto preservethe victory. "I Jerry Zurek said. ''One of the real benefits road trip slump by going 0-5 against the As the rest of Cabrini launched into staned to get physically tired.but I mentally of travel is the differences you see in the way Sun Devils. "His defense is keeping hint Sprin&,Break, the Cav baseball team pumped myself up to get the job done,'' people live." in the lineup right now,'• Mellon said. headed south for four tough contests. A Brushsaid. ~ Mite Reidy turned in a Surprise starter Carlos Chamorroput the double-header against powerful Texas Those lonely two runs wereto p,ove the stellar performance. eamiag a complete Cavs up 1-0 when he doubled in catcher Tech kicked off the trip. FreshmanMatt high water mark for the Cavs on the gamen shutout. despite the fact that the Mark Gudas. Once again, relief pitching Brush was thrownto the wolves in his first southern roadtrip. .. l sboold bave ·seen it CIW$ lo$t. 1..0, to the Tigers of Auburn. hurt the team as Matt McGeehangave upa collegiate stan, as be faced off against a coming," Mellon said. ''Baseballwasn't fn the\'JQtion\ of 1be nmth. Reidy walked grand slam in the seventh inning. the ooly thing on the guys· minds... teenteam loaded for the Jongball. die leadoff'batlet, and Mellon came with a "He'd been outontbemoundfoatong "He handled the situation with_poise. .. "We were seeing stuff we'd~ seen pitching coacb Jim Hedtke said. "Hts before,·• first base coach JohnDoylesaid. qoickhook.''Wewantedtosave him'forthe time," Gudas said. "We should have breaking ball had a sharp bite and his •'Concentrationwent out thewindowonthe rest of the ·trip," said Hedlke. ··We am 't seen him leaving the breaking ball high. affoni any injuries to this pitching staffearly He's' g0t to learn to keep his curve down, fastballpick«t up velocityas theaftemooo plane ride down... He wastired and it wastime even if he•s tired.•• wore on." The Cavsdropped tl\elCCOlldgameofthein die.season. to get him OUI of there.•• With the Cav's late home win over Brusb struck out five and walked two $.()lltbem swing in the nightcap of theTew In came Salladino with a chance to re~ Temple, the team's record stands at 3-3. while going the distance on a 90 degree Techdoublebeader. l3obSalladinomade his deem himself. He set the Tigers down with "We wanted to do better down there.♦' day. «we really didn't want him to go ftrst and probably last start of the~• a double play and a strike out to end the Mellon said. "Butl think we learned some that far,"managerBudMellonsaid. .. We Tech shelled himfor 14runs in the finuwo 0 niath. Unfortunately. in the tenth, his luck important lessons. asked him how he feh between innings, inningsof work. .. I didn't 11eeany .._.lO Gamesupcoming for the Cavsinclude but he wanted to stay out there. So we let leave him out there," Mellon said. *t'We ran out as be served up the gamewinning homer. The Cavs then looked ahead to the homehalf of theVillanovaseries,and him go." werealreadybeyondhopeand I ~:to nationally-ranked Arizona State. games at Bast~ andSt. John't. Offense was tough to come by for both see whattheother guys could do.'• 0 1've never seen an)'(bipg like it in Ol)lle~ ne Cav's then swing west for games. teams,as the fiQltally was2-l. Seniol' Salladino wasphilosophical about the giate ball,., third base 00iCh Sain V.,.._ "-'Sta. and Xavier University a leftfielder Larry Kilcullen. making his events. "Som.edaysyoujustdon'thaveit," de:ssaid. "TheArbouaSt,tioa 1l1rivl• Ohio. and nineCeenhits first .startof the &eaSOn,combined with he said. 'l1ne . by Ozzie Outfielder and Pete Pit<:her
sneakers from 12 Daniel Sawyer, senior, wears Adidas because of the quality but mostly because of the price. Mia Jackson, senior, who.says that she's not a sneaker person. However, she only wears them because she is living on campus. As a result, she wears Olympians as oppose to other sneakers because they were on sale. "Whatever my money buys is what I can afford." As for Chris Renzulli, junior, he said that he prefers Nikes but wears Kangaroos as opposed to other sneakers. But it depends on the price. "Whatever is cheaper and looks better is the one that I' II get," he said. "But if it really looks terrible, I don't care how cheap it is, I'm not getting it.·· According to a 1989 Athletic Footwear Association (AFA) survey, 93 percent of Americans own at least one pair of sneakers. More than 150 million pairs of brand-name sneakers were sold in the U.S. last year, more than twice as many as five years before. There are certainly not twice as many feet out there as there were in 1984. What happened? Two things. First, women leapt into the sneaker with both feet. Last year's AFA survey revealed that the average woman now owns 2.6 pairs of sneakers, compared with the 2.5 pairs of sneakers that the average man owns. Che Perry says that he owns eight pairs of sneakers of which six are used for playing basketball and the other two are for leisure. Although he admits the reason why he has so many is because they were given to him as gifts. Marco Gittens, senior, said that he owns four pairs of sneakers. However, they are used for different things. He said that one pair of tennis shoes will not do the job. He uses them to walk in, play ball in and run around in. "You need more than just one pair," he said. Sean McDonough, junior, said that he owns three pairs of sneakers. One for sports, the second for work and the third for leisure. Shereelyn Darang, sophomore, owns three pairs: one for aerobics, the second for walking, and the other for running.
reservesecond basemanJeff Hines, for the
Leonora Veterano, senior, on the other hand owns one pair of sneakers for leisure. The second thing that happened was a revolution in marketing. As recently as 1987, Reebok spent only $12 million on advertising; Nike, 23 million. That year, not coincidentally, was also the year Nike launched its Revolution campaign, a fabulously successful series of television ads that brought about the music of The Beatles. After having been surpassed in sales by Reebok in 1986, Nike has climbed back to the #1 spot (about $ l.6 billion in 1989 sneaker revenues compared with Reebok's $1.4 billion, according to industry sources), thanks in large part to its Just Do It c~paign. Reebok on the other hand, launched the U.B.U. ad campaign of 1988, which showed odd characters--a fairy godmother coming out ofa subway station was one-going about their surreal business in Reeboks. The ads fell flat, and Reebok sales did not rise dramatically. Despite the drop in revenues, a recent poll taken by the Cabrini students showed that 55 percent preferred Reebok over the other name-brand sneakers, 25 percent preferred Nike, 15 percent preferred Adidas and 5 percent preferred other namebrands.
"Price levels meet resistance only when the product doesn't work," says Reebok's chairman, Paul B. Fireman, whose Pump model went on the market for $170 last Thanksgiving weekend and has sold like hotcalces.~ Cabrini student's opinions differ entirely when it comes to price: Peny said the most he• s spent on a pair of sneakers was $225 and they were Gucci hightops. Marco Gittens, senior, said that the most he has spent on a pair of sneakers was between $55 and $60. Shereelyn Darang, sophomore, said the most she has spent on a pair of sneakers was $80. As you can see, students here think that the price on a pair of sneakers does play a major factor on the sneakers they wear. But price isn'ttheonlythingtheylookfor in a shoe. Style comfort and durability among other things determine if they should purchase the shoe or not. Darang, said that she buys her sneakers for the sake of the name. Davina Todd, junior, said that she buys it because she likes it. Dan Shaller, senior, said he wears Reeboks for the comfort and the support. Besides the durability, stability and com-
fort of the shoe, consumers also look for one other factor when purchasing a shoe ...color. Reebok alone has 150 models and 450 different colors and patterns, Nike offers an even larger selection, with a separate line of sneakers for each of 24 different sports and a total of 300 models and 900 styles. Although there is such a variety of colors to choose from, the students at Cabrini like red, white, blue and black. In addition, all the sneaker companies told the AF A that Americans of all ages will spend some $5.5 million on brand-name sneakers in 1990. About half of that sum will go to Nike and Reebok, the ''Coke and Pepsi'• of the sneaker business, who have been #1-#2 (or #2-#1) in the industry since 1985. Most analysts predict that as those giants flex their marketing muscles, they will continue to gain market share at the expense of the R.C. Colas of the sneaker world: Converse, Puma, New Balance, Etonic, Brooks, Adidas, Keds, etc. But the sneaker business is a fast-changing game. There's no telling what they will have in store for us in the future. According to analysts, "you take your hand off the wheel for 22 seconds in this industry, and you're left at the back of the bus.'' In addition, you would have to be a physicist to know and understand all the principles that supposedly come into play in these technologies. ·
Attention Golfers First Cabrini College Golf Classic Wednesday, May 16 Torresdale-Frankford Country Club Grant & Frankford Avenues, Philadelphia to benefit Cabrini ·college athletics. For details call the athletic office (215) 971- 8386
Brand-newDay and seasonfor men'stennis by Frank Emmerich Rising temperatures, longer days, and afternoons spent worshipping the sun and note books can only mean one thing--spring fever? No, men's tennis on the side lawn of the Mansion. For the first time irl the history of Men's tennis will there be an official tennis match played on Cabrini's campus. The new tennis courts will certainly enhance the men's tennis program but according to Coach Reggie Day it will be a team of dedicated individuals who will the suocess and hardwork established by last years team. Last year posted many milestones for the men's tennis program. They posted the most season victories in their short history and they had their first winning season with a record of 8-7. "If ·you had asked me in the Fall how the tennis team would do, I would have said <lynamic," said Day. Day had expected to have a well balanced team with depth as he surveyed the coming season in the Fall. However, three critical playersthat Day expected to play would not be available because of transfers. The number #2 seed for the tennis team fast year was Jan Torres. Torres was forced to transfer from Cabrini after Hurricane Hugo devestated his homeland, Puerto Rico. Another key player to the team, Shawn May, tranferred to the University of San Diego and Bob Bonner, the recipient of the Coach's Award last season, transferred to the University of Jacksonville. "It is very unfortunate when a coach's dream becomes a coach's nightmare," said Day. Although Day's game plan for the season has been altered, he is still optimistic about the success of the coming season. Day believes that his Co-Captains will provide the leadership and example that is necessary for the team. Leo Eschbach will lead by his play according to Day and Gary Burnett will pro-
vide the mature leadership that the young team needs. When Cabrini athletics moved fonn the NAIA conference and jo~ned the NCAA association not only did the quality of competition increase , but the experience of the competition increased. Many of the powerhouse tennis teams of the NCAA are constructed around upperclassmen players. Cabrini's tennis team does not have the luxury of this situation this year. Besides the Co-Captains the team is comprised of underclassmen and unexperienced players. MikeReidy and John Cooper are returning sophomores who according to Dey will be battling it out for the number #2 and #3 position on the team. Burnett, junior, Steve Buividas, junior, Sean McNamara, junior, and Dave Thompson will be fighting for the #4, #5, #6, and #7 position. Buividas was a late arrival to the team last year, and Dey believes that once he is '' desoccered'' he will help the team out. Thompson, Dey said '' shows real potential'' and the "walking band-aid" , Tim Cronin will be there for the team, Day said. Day is optimistic about the possible interteam competition. He believes in "foster competition" within the team to make everyone play according to his abilities. Eschbach is number #l on the team as has been since his arrival at Cabrini, but if someone capable of challenging his position that would only benifit the team Day claims. Although the "bread and butter" of the team is gone and the dominating doubles partners are going to have to be rearranged, Day still has a master plan to winning. "If we can win three of three of the six singles and two of the three doubles we will be in great shape to win," said Day. Day expects Leo to improve on his 6-9 individual record of last year based on his consistent play against some of the most formidable opponents. Eschbach and who ever his partner will be will be a strong
doubles team, but Dey looks for the team of Cooper and Reidy to continue with the strong perfomrmances they displayed last season. Reidy believes that the singles play of the team is "consistently getting better." Day philosophy towards tennis is ''if you always do your best you are a winner." However Day added, "it is important that they understand that we are with the big boys in the NCAA and not the NAIA." The Cavalier's schedule is a more difficult one than last year Day claims. The team will face teams like Cheney, Lincoln, Widener, Frostburg, Salisbury State, and of course, Cabrini's traditional rival, Eastern. '• Personally I want to beat Eaastem bad,'' growled Eschbach. Last year Cabrini finished the best it ever has in the ESAC Championship. Day hopes that they can at least match their performance of last year, and possible improve upon it. "The team needs to know that we are together, a team, a·unit. We must support each other and when one is slipping the other guys must be willing to step in with a pat on the back," said Day. Eschbach believes that the team has ''to work hard and put in the time" in order to have a successful Spring. "Our first goal is to do well in the first match and then take each game as it comes,'' said Day. What sho.uld Cabrini expect to see from the men's tennis team this year? The Mansion lawn will be the scene for a lot of successes and probably a share of disappointments, but according to Day who knows that the team will be going through a lot of "growing pains", this season wiII be one to watch.
A long time ago before there was an evolution in the sneaker industry Reebok, Nike, Adidas, L.A. Gears, Diadoras, and Brooks to name a few were unheard of. We were wearing ordinary sneakers or tennis shoes as some people called them. They were flimsy things, canvas on the top and rubber on the bottom. There was not much of a variety to choose from. You either had the lowtops which came in blue or white or the hightops that came in white or black. They were all made in the USA and you could call them tennis shoes if you wanted to, even if you weren't wearing them to play tennis. And in those days, the older and raggedy they were, the better. Back then times were hard so you kept them until your mother or someone else 1hrew them out, for there was nothing more inferior then having a disgusting pair of tennis shoes that looked like they've been through World War I and II and that in tum created an illusion that of Freddy's Nightmare, according to Sports Illustrated. But for less than $15, you could buy another pair exactly the same as your last pair, because year after year sneakers didn't c:hange. Back then sneakers well, they were just sneakers. They weren't worn to make a fashion ~tatement. The only statement you made by wearing sneakers was that you were going to hack around all day and eventually have to wash your socks out afterwards. Times have changed since those days.
Sneaker companies spend millions of dollars to sponsor telecasts of the Super Bowl. College basketball players raise a little extra cash through endorsements and engineers are exploring new technologies. According to this month's Sports Illustrated, sneakers have improved. Today they are cushioned by various space-age technologies and have arch supports and waffled soles to allow the foot to exert its natural torque. After being designed in the U.S., Japan or West Germany, now virtually all sneakers are made in the Far East- South Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand, and Indonesia. Flexibility, stability, and cushioning are the
I Results Men's Varsity Basketball ESAC Playoffs--First Round Shenandoah 74 Cabrini 65 • Marko Gittens: 23 points in final collegiate game of his career. • John O'Hare: 15 points • Che Perry: 15 pts. • Gittens: 11 rebounds. I
•••••coach Dzik's protest denied due to NCAADivision Ill regulations that state that teams may play in Canada over Christmas Break.•••**
Final Season Stats • Best Offensive Performance: O'Hare 29 pts. versus Eastern. • Most rebounds in game: Gittens 14 versus Manhattanville. • Most free throws: Mike Carrafa 12-12 versus Xavier, Louisiana • Most 3-pt. field goals: Jeff Hines 5 versus Lincoln University.
Women's Basketball • Final record for season: 16-9. • Coach Dan Welde's three-year record: 51-27 • NCAA Division Ill Record: 13-8 • ESAC Conference record: 5-5.
Ischedule Men's Volleyball March 17th University Of Delaware (A&B) away (TBA) March 20th Temple home at 7:30 p.m. March 24th Lehigh Univ. away at 2:00 p.m.
Nobody...Nobody...Nobody... has the same sneaker in the.latestfoot craze by Karen Dumorney
friday 1 march 16 1 1990
key factors that podiatrists and orthopedists look for in a modem sneaker. As for the consumer, he wants everything: fashion, support, attitude, plus a perfect fit. Money is apparently no object to some consumers, but to others it's definitely a major factor when purchasing a pair of tennis shoes. Nicole Jones, sophomore, said that she buys Reebok mainly because she said they make her feet look smaller but also because they are affordable. "Regular sneakers cost $95 as oppose to other sneakers. I go to college, I can't afford to buy expensive sneakers," Jones said. More on page 11
Athletic Dept. News •• David Tajirian named new women's softball coach. Coached previously at Penn State while attending there. •• Softball, men's tennis, golf and track practices started this week. If anyone still interested, contact A.O. office at extension # 8386. •• Marko Gittens & John O'Hare will be honored March 20th (Tuesday) at Philadelpt\ia Area Small Colleges Banquet. Congratulations!!!!!
*" Voting on All-American candidate Marko Gittens going on this month. Results will be announced in April. •• April 28th: Captain's Club Beef & Beer. For Ticket information: contact Barbara Hasson (athletic department secretary), ext.# 8387. •• May 4th: Cabrini Sports Banquet at Holiday lnn--King of Prussia --For tickets, contact the athletic office. •• Women's softball opening day, March 26th at Neumann. ** Men's tennis serves on March 24th at Wesley College. •• Men's golf tees off March 26th at Shenandoah College.
Reebok, Nike, Converse, Etonic and the ever-popular "AIRRRRRR" latest fashion names of the foot-fetish '90s. (photo by Sue Roux)
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