friday,april 6, 1990
vol. xxxvi, no. 21
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
Residentassistants:too muchto take? by Jennifer Morrison The job of resident assistant has been under scrutiny at several colleges across the country due to increa~ing amount of responsibilities placed on student resident assistants. Today the job of a RA requires more work than that of the earlier years. John Doyle, director of resident life, was an RA for the college in 1984-85, his senior year. His duties were to be a support system for students, as well as keep the buildings clean and in order.
Unlike today's RA duties, no formal programs were done, and rounds were every other night, only in the dorm which the RA was in charge of. Today, an RA's duties to the students and the college include disciplinary actions, programming social, cultural and educational events, filling out fonns for the events and/or incident reports, counseling, being a team member with the other RAs as well as the students, keeping the emotional well-being of their living environment by being a role model and a
friend, and sometimes even being an enemy. With all of this responsibility one might ask themselves why a person applies for a RA position. Theresa Daly, a 1989 graduate and former RA, feels that a big part of the fun she had as an RA had to do with the friends she made. "The skills you learn as a RA are important, but the biggest benefits were the friends I met on my floor, in the staff and the administration." As an education major, Sharon Sheedy, junior, feels the position
of RA has given her the chance to learn management techniques for her classroom. It has also taught her to respect the students in her hall and receive the respect she deserves while keeping a working relationship with the staff and residents. "I think our ~ducation majors find it as one of the best training grounds for being an education person," Doyle said. "Especially being a special education major, the intensity of the experience is very much like a special education experience.''
In the business major, the RA experience sharpens their managerial skills. When Tyrone Carr, assistant director of resident life, went out for the RA position in his college, he dido 't realize all of the bases he could touch with the experience. "I found that so many of the skills are transferable, the supervisory skills are definitely the strongest," Carr said. "Other than time management and interpersonal communication skills, which are transferable into any profes
more RAs on 9
Even on snow. Cabrini'scrimescommendable days, Civa comestt)rough by Daniella LoPresti Denise Civa, senior, who has worked in Holy Spirit Library for four years has been chosen as Cabrini's Student Employee of the Year. Each year in conjunction with the Northeast Association of Student Employment Administrators, College Work Study Supervisors are asked to nominate one of theirCWSemployeesforthis award. This awardcarries not only local recognition but also possible regional and national recognition and cash prizes. According to Beth Cairns, assistant director of financial aid, each department at Cabrini that employs work study students are asked to nominate a student for this award. "After the nominations were received, they were evaluated by a committee,'' Cairns said. The campus cormnittee consists of four members that evaluated the more Civa on
Sophomore Frank Bressi and junior Stephanie Hornyak discuss Babe's future in Beth Henly's "Crimqs of the Heart," which opened March 31 in the theater. For a review of the play, see page 7. (Photo by Sue Roux)
Campaignto help college's-needs by Clyde LaForest Glittery black and silver packets will soon be delivered to student mailboxes. They announce the kickoff of the college's first comprehensive capital campaign. Produced in high-end public relations fashion, the packets hold invitations to three events on May 5, 6 and 16 that are meant to celebrate the capital campaign's public debut, according to Nancy Costello, director of the comprehensive campaign. The first invitation is to a black-tie
gala in "the Great Gatsby tradition," said the invitation card, reminiscent of •:an age of high jinks and high life." The high life's price amounts to $100 per person. Costello admitted the cost is high for students, but she said they are invited to watch the fireworks show that night, Saturday, May 5, free of charge. It will be launched from the new parking lot, behind Grace Hall, over the all-purpose athletic field. The gala will require some temporary changes to the campus traffic patterns. Because of the fireworks, the
new parking lot will be closed Friday, May 4 evening and all day Saturday, May 5. Also, due to valet parking for the party-goers, the Eagle Road gate will be closed from about 5:30 p.m. until I 0:30 p.m., May 5, Costello said. She also said the road between the Mansion and Grace Hall will be closed May 5 for the "avenue of lights," and parking will be prohibited in the Mansion courtyard May 2 to 5. The next day's event is what Costello said she hopes will attract many more Campaign on 5
¡ inside perspectives ... ... 2, 3
Play review:
Cabrini Golf
news ................ 4, 5, 9
Crimes of the Heart
Classic to benefit
features .......... 6, 7, 8
(see page 7)
athletic department
sports........ 10, 11, 12
(see page 10)
fridaXzapriI 6 1 1990
view Death: difficultbut inevitable
Resident Assistants:
One-wayticketto burnout? As a glorified position, the resident assistant enjoys the heightened respect, added maturity and free room and board that comes with the position. But has the position outgrown its applicants, thus becoming a venue of cheap labor which the institution exploits? Many of the responsibilities associated with the job should be strictly the domain of trained professionals in a broad spectrum of areas ranging from secu_rityto psychology. Two methods to diffuse these intense responsibilities may lie in strengthening the support systems (via the campus and professional community), or the lessening of the burdens that now pull resident assistants away from the entitled norms of scholarship, peace, and mental stability. How well does the position prepare students for graduate school or other career endeavors when their days and nights are mired in police-keeping; red-tape sorting, and psychological counseling? The job becomes a one-way ticket to bum-out. RAs are expected to be educators as well as enforcers. How can they plan programs and be positive influences when they are simply students themselves? Education is the main prerogative of faculty and should not be a burden upon these upper-class students to the degree it is now forced. Legally bound as employees of the college, RAs go about their routine virtually untrained in psychological matters and crisis that they will inevitably encounter. This scenario is fertile ground in which the institution is ripe to have legal action taken upon them in times of liability. Qualified trainers and experts available for on-call referral can inherit the more volatile aspects of the RA position. An evening in-residence hall security force (Xavier and Woodcrest) would aid RAs in preventing vandalism and alcohol violations by residents and their off-campus guests. A stronger support system in the areas of psychological counseling would give the RAs another tool in combating difficult situations instead of fearfully going about the project solo. A twenty-four hour on-call system must be established to match the never-ending duties an RA fulfills. A course comparable to a leadership practicum or career development program may be implemented to serve as a secure and regular basis for the RAs to explore their recent experiences and follow-up on their outcomes with their peers. A feasible solution may lie in the utilization of older, more established students in continuihg education or graduate students from nearby institutions. That resource of experience in years, and a availability in time is just the right combination.
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johanna church news editor ''My great-grandma died the other day. At first I was sad, but we had a big party with lots of people. Great-grandma was there, only she was asleep. First, everybody stood around, crying. I don't know why they were sad, because then we got to ride in a limo. It was great! Then, we went to a fancy restaurant for lunch. I ate a whole bunch of little cinnamon buns. Yummy. And the best part was that everybody was giving me presents. First, my aunt gave me a real pearl necklace that was great-grandma's. It's beautiful. Then all these ladies I don't even know came up to me and started hugging me, giving me toys and dolls. It was so much fun. I can't wait for another funeral party.' ' This was my reaction to my first experience with death when I was 11 years old. The stages of acceptance of death a person goes through didn't hit me then. My second experience with death was last year when my dog died. There was no funeral, and no fun. It was the first time I felt a loss. Sugar wasn't asleep, she was gone forever. As time when on, the pain went away, and the loss was filled with a new puppy. My third exerience came on March 28, 1990. The phone rang, my aunt was crying. My grandmother decided she would go out to the shed to tell my grandfather. I heard my grandpop yell, "What!" "Your brother died today," my grandmother softly repeated. I sat on the couch thinking back to my childhood when my Uncle Bob would bring me toys everytime he saw me. My grandfather came inside the house, a blank stare on his face. Death is such a terrible thing. It leaves so much undone. I wish God would send you a card in the mail saying, "Johanna Church, your last day will be May 18, 1990. Get your bills paid, and your assets in order. Say goodbye to all your friends and family. Make sure you tell all the appropriate people you love them. This will be your only notice.'' It may sound ridiculous, but then there would be no surprise. I hate surprises. I like to know what's going on and I like to be in control. Afterall, birth is no surprise. You have 9 months of preparation. I know when people are ill for long periods of time death is usually expected. But there are the miracle times when people recover. My grandmother, who was seriously ill years ago is living proof. So, we went through all the traditional motions of a funeral. Before I left the house, I found two medals which my uncle received in World War II. He.had given them to me years before. I'm not exactly sure why. He just liked to give. Periodically during the day I would realize he was gone and not believe it. It's not like I saw him everyday, why would it be hard to let him go? The times when I did see him, he always had something to give me. Now all he will give me is memories. Something kind of funny about this whole thing is that now I will be near him every day. On the way to school I drive by the cemetery where he is buried.
I have passed it every day for three years and it never had any meaning or significance to it. Now it does. It's funny how things you door see every day have no significance in_your life. Then something happens and the things you do and see every day have different meanings. Death also gives you a whole new way of looking at things. As part of my job at a newspaper, I write obituaries. The first month I wrote them, I would get sad that people were dying, and I was summarizing their lives. Later it became a habit, part of the job, no big deal. When I heard of someone who had died, immediately in my mind I could form their obit. I couldn't even think when my uncle died.
I wish God would send you a card in the mail saying, "Johanna Church, your last day will be May 18,1990. Make sure you tell all the appropriate_,p.eopleyou love them. He didn't even have a real obit, just a death notice. That bothers me. As I grow, death seems to be more difficult to deal with. It also has to do with the person. Now that I've been through the fun stage and am at the point of feeling the loss, what is the next stage? Does it get any easier? How will I handle the threat of death when it's my tum? Someday I'll find out. I hope it won't be soon. Goodbye Uncle Bob. See you on the way home.
Editor-in-chief: Barbara Wilson Managing Editor: Angie Corbo
NewsEditor: Johanna Church Assistan1 NewsEditors: Kevin George and Shariene Sephton Perspectives Editor: Felicia Falcone Assistant Perspectives Editor: Carlo Iacono Features Editor: Kelly Ann McGillan Assistant Features Editor: Kelly Reed Sports Editor: Lou Monaco Assistant Sports Editors: Mark Gudas and Chris PesotskI Copy Editor: Chns Pesotskl Business Manager¡ Denise Edwards and Sue Moriarty Photography Editor: Knstm Kroll Assitanl Photography Edrtor- Frank Emmerich Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Cra1gie Adviser¡ Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Came Corr, Karen Dumorney, Denise Edwards, William Fulton, Kevin George, Anna-Mare Karlsen, .. Clyde LaF0<est. Jr, Melissa Landsmann, Daniella LoPresti, Kristin Mainero. Jennifer Morrison, . Christina Roach, Deborah Ryder, Leonora Veterano. Kelly Ann Walsh, Charlie Waterfall, Kelly Ann Williams, Carol Wells Yarrow Photography Staff: Mark Gudas, Frank Emmerich. Giselle Bellanca Loqurtur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscnption price is $25 per year and is included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as "name wrthheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long f0< the available space, the editor may edit "'condense It. Letters to the edrt0< should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire s1udent body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.
friday, april 6, 1990
Negative reaction to Bloom's idea of radio reality by Kevin George Whatever it talces, I will not let the Andy Blooms of this world win. I'll let them play, but I won't let them win, not while I'm in the game. If you were lucky enough to attend Andy Bloom's lecture before the English and communications department, then you know what Mr. Bloom stands, I mean, slithers for. And if you listened close enough, you may know my feelings about Andy Bloom as well. For the rest of you who didn't have the pleasure of beholding Mr. Bloom, I'll give
you a recap of his speech by listing the man's priorities in descending order: money, wealth and money. Understand that I don't subscribe to the same priority list as Mr. Bloom, and that my disagreement may affect my opinion, but I truly believe, with all my heart, that an indepth understanding of Andy Bloom's character (and the subsequent eradication of it) could lead to world peace and human rights for all mankind. But before you begin to assume that this opinion will be another Liberal Arts-studentthinks-he-knows-it-all lecture on the perils of materialism, let me lay to rest your as-
sumptions by proclaiming it will be just that. Even if you've already heard all the liberal mumbo jumbo your stomach can stand, the following attack on Andy Bloom's philosophy of life will at the least be infonnative, and at the most be enlightening. If you have a hard time placing the name Andy Bloom, m~ybe his "buddy" Howard Stem will ring a bell. You see Andy Bloom is the man responsible for bringing Howard Stem into our daily lives. To anti-Stemians, that may seem like a heinous act, but I'm sorry to say, that giving Howard Stem a microphone and a transmitter is so far Andy Bloom's greatest contribution to civilization. Whether you like Howard or not shouJdn 't have any bearing on your feelings toward Andy, but whether you like to think independently should. Andy Bloom is the operations manager for 94 WYSP radio, here in Philadelphia, the fourth biggest market in the United States of America. He is the man who determines what goes on the air, and what doesn't. Andy
It is more than just radio. The station Wef'cnoose has a lot to do with our culture, our personality and our thinking. Of course, the less thinking we do, the better for men like Andy Bloom who need demographic models not independent thinkers.
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mentWandofflceonemnpllll:'ft~ members personally spoke to the clubs-including SGA--about this project and reminders were placed every cafeteria table several days prior to the event. When asked in a March 13th interview about what publicity was done for the
porting and remembers to include both
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MelissaMiddleman Student Coordinator, Grass Roots Campaign
Reflectingon Christ's endurance India., an illegitupate,a personfromffiro.. sbimaandonefromaSiberianslavecaq,. In the CODlel'of the plain they wmalled I'dlike to sharewithyou' 'GodLeadsA witheachother. At lalt they wee readyto ~ ute•• from the Hollywood FNo ,-ent their cue. It wasndll:r ~ Plw, in a edieedfaan: Iden God lfied dm Al the eadef dml. We-
To the Editor:
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graphic stereotype from another? How should I be labled today? Which way should I spoon feed my mind today? It is more than just radio. The station we choose has a lot to do with our culture, our personality and our thinking. Of course, the less thinking we do, the better for men like Andy Bloom who need demographic models not independent thinkers. But you say it is still only radio. Today, maybe it is only radio. But what if they could print 15 different editions of the newspaper, each one going to a different geographic area? Maybe the newspaper men could ''fractionalize'' the markets for their advertisers too. Maybe they could comer the white readers aged 30 to 65 living in Radnor by printing all the news important to them: tax hikes, school issues and business reports, while leaving out all the stuff they don't want to read like the problems of public transportation, inner-city school troubles and other "foreign" issues. If the newspaper and radio guys can do it, why can't television adopt Andy Bloom's principles, and whore themselves out for ad-
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Bloom is very good at his job, if you judge it by his salary which is six figures. Not only does Mr. Bloom decide what goes on the air at the' 'Classic Rock" station, but, through his national consulting business, he has programmed minds all across the country. I really shouldn't say "he has programmed minds'' because Bloom really couldn't care less about the minds of America's radio audience, only the advertisers trying to reach those minds, yours and mine. What you and I think does not matter to Mr. Bloom. In fact, he said as much in his lecture last week: people aren't thinkers. We don't think, but we do listen to the radio. And that's what Mr. Bloom cares about. In fact, he cares so much that he is willing to spend a great deal of money trying to get inside our little minds to find out what we want to hear. How does he do it? He calls us up and asks us. And we tell him. We not only tell him what we like to hear, we tell him our age, sex, race and income bracket. He needs tci know these things so that when someone wants to advertise on his station, he can tell them who is listening. That malces for a very efficient system: each radio station represents a certain portion of the population. You want to reach white males aged 25 to 40, call WYSP and WMMR. You want to sell to black males age 18 to 30, advertise on Power 99. You want to sell my mother a new cleanser, advertise on Kiss 100. Andy Bloom calls all this "fractionalizing" the market: cutting it up into little pieces based on age, race, sex and money. The main objective of the radio station is to target one of these markets and to grab as many people within the market as possible. It no longer malces "sense" to aim for more than one market segment, because advertisers don't like to sell the same things to me and my mother, or to me and a black male. At first look, this system seems like a great advancement of capitalism since it increases our choices. But what is our choice when we are choosing between one demo-
vertising dollars. With the technology of cable TV, it is now possible to transmit certain programs to certain parts of town. And guess what, the technology also exists to print up those market-segmented newspapers too. If Andy Bloom wants to make it to seven figures, he has a lot of ,work ahefld of him. And he is only in his late twenties. So who is the bad guy here? Can we really fault Andy for capitalizing on my choice of music, my inability to think for myself? This is America damn it, if you want to listen to music for white boys under 25, never expose yourself to something different, it is your right. Like Andy says, tune into WXPN if you don't like it. But it is also your human nature not to expose yourself to something foreign. we· are all tr;igically creatures of habit; men and women who love the security of defining ourselves. Who wants to get up at 6 a.m. and try to expose themselves to a different culture? Maybe those people who listen to WXPN do, but not you orl. We have more tangible problems in our life like paying bills, getting good grades, not getting fired. But as a thinking member of advanced civilization (pre-Howard Stem era), we also have the problems of other demographic groups, or market segments if you will. But those problems aren't as tangible; my life can go on without knowing about them, or solving them. And Andy Bloom likes it that way.
tr1aax,aprn 6,1990
Civa from 1 nominations on the following areas: reliability, quality of work, initiative, disposition, and contributions made to the employer. Civa was nominated by her supervisor, Joan Falcone. Falcone nominated Civa because of her reliability, initiative and remarkable knowledge of the library. "Denise has worked here (library) for four years and in all those years, we have never had a problem with her,'' Falcone said. "I can't remember a day Denise didn't come to work,'' she added. Even on snow days, when no other staff members are able to get onto campus, Civa would open the doors of the library. According to Falcone, Civa goes beyond her job description and will assist the library any way she can. ''She is always willing to work and never complains,'' Falcone added. Although, Civa's job title is periodicals assistant, she does office work, word processing, reference checks and all the responsibilities associated with the front desk. It is Civa's willingness to go beyond the regular requirements of the job that won her the award. The award came as a surprise to Civa, who is a veteran at winning awards. As recipient of the Charles A. Mastronardi Service and Leadership Award, Lindback Service Award, Who's Who and now Student Employee of the Year, Civa still is surprised to learn she has won an award. "I had no idea I was being nominated," Civa said. Civahopesshewaschosenforthe award because her peers respect her work and are happy with her performance. Cairns wants work study students to see that their work is appreciated by their
Senior Denise Civa at her job in the library. (Photo by Kristen Mainero)
"I believe most of the offices realize the importance of student employment and know that we couldn't exist without the students. In the financial aid office alone we have ten students working and I know we couldn't survive without them." -Beth Cairns, assistant director of finanical aid. employers and believes this award demonstrates that to the students. "I believe most of the offices realize the importance of st~dent employment and know that we couldn't exist without the
Dupont Models,Inc. is searching for new faces for T. V. commericials,films, and catalog work. No experience or training required. Children, teens, adults all types needed. No photos necessary to come in.
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students," Cairns said. "In the financial aid office alone we have ten students working
and I know we couldn't survive without them," she added. Cairns also believes students make their jobwhat it is, "Yougetoutwhatyouputinto a job." Some of the offices only use students for clerical filing but even filing Cairns says has something in it. Cairns also said it was Civa 's ability to do more than just what is expected and her ability to perform even the menial tasks with a smile that has made her a winner. "Denise is considered a co-worker, rather than just a student," she concluded.
you keeping track of your future Social Security benefits? It's a good idea to periodically check your recorders against those of the Social Security Administration. An easy way to do this is to call Social Security at 800-234-5772 and request Form SSA-7004. After completing and returning the Request For Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement, you will receive a breakdown of the earnings that Social Security has recorded under your name for your entire working life. Any discrepanicies should be promptly reported to the Social Security Administration.
friday,april 6,1990
Campaignfrom 1 "Crimes of the Heart'' will play three more nights, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8 p.m. in Cabrini's theatre in Grace Hall. Reservations are recommended; call 9718510. Admission is $4. No credit sales will be permitted in the bookstore beginning April 10 and continuing until May 21. Any student with a credit balance on account in the business office will be issued a credit voucher to be used in the bookstore. The Wigwam will close at 3 p.m. on every other Friday for cleaning purposes.
Creative works wanted for Cryptic, Cabrini's literary magazine. Submit your original works of poetry, prose, black&white photos and art to box #290 no later than April 18. Be ~ure to include your name and box # on each entry. AH seniorswho have taken out Perkins or GSL loans must attend an exit interview with the Financial Aid Office. The interviews are to inform graduates about repayment schedules and obligations. There will be four days for the interviews: April 4,5,9 and 10. All of those who must attend will be contacted through the mail by the Financial Aid Office.
A Beef and Beer will be given by the Accounting Association on April 6. The party will include a disc jockey, food and beer for those with identification. Seniors can get in free by reserving their tickets: send your name to box 91 or 589 by March 30 confirming your attendance. Admission at the door for non-seniors or seniors who didn't reserve tickets will be $7. Advanced tickets are available from the Accounting Association at $5. Note: In previous issues, Shadowfax was misspelled and listed with incorrect information.
Shadow fax is coming to Cabrini on Sunday, May 6. Tickets will be $15 per person. Reservations are recommended; call 971-8255.
Spring Fling and Sibling Weekend will be the weekend of April 28. A Beef and Beer/Sodawill be held on Saturday, April 28 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the gym. Music will be provided by Delta DJ's. Tickets for those over 21 (with proper identification) who want to drink beer will cost $10 per person, $18 per couple if purchased before April 20. At the door, those tickets will be $12 per person, $20 per couple. Tickets for those not drinking beer cost $6 per person, $10 per couple before April 20. At the door those prices go to $8 per person, $12 per couple. Tickets can be bought from members of the Captains Club.
students as well as people from the surrounding communities. On May 6 Shadowfax will perform in the Sacred Heart Hall gym. Students with their I.D. will be admitted for $15. General admission will be $25 and reserved seating is $35. The invitation card calls Shadowfax '' one of the top new age groups in the country." Costell~ said the concert is one stop of Shadowfax' s national tour of its Capitol Records' album "Folksongs for a Nuclear Village" (1988). This its sixth album, Shadowfax was formed in 1972 but disbanded in 1978 during the era of disco, and regrouped in 1982, said a biography of the group from Capitol Records. '' A Shadowfax album ranges from the sounds of Angklung from Indonesia, Devil Chasers from the Philippines, and Talking Drums from Africa, to the blues guitar of their native Chicago,'' the biography said. In Philadelphia on May 16 is the Cabrini Golf Classic at the Torresdale Frankford Country Club. Proceeds from the $200 per player event will benefit the athletfo program, the card said. Cocktails and dinner alone are $35, the card also said. A reply card is enclosed in the packet to R.S.V.P.for all events. The capital campaign was approved by the board of trustees in February 1988, Costello said. Since then the campaign has been in planning stages, and it is only now that the school is ready to publicly announce
that is doing it, she said. Costello said the kick-off events are intended to attract the attention of the press and potential benefactors. The $7 million capital campaign is called comprehensive because it is designed to raise money for a variety of needs, whereas most fund raisers focus on the buildings and grounds of the campus. "It's for more than just 'brick and mortar'," Costello said, saying the money is also needed for programming, employee development and scholarships, among other things. Some ways donations may be made to the college are through real estate and personal property, wills, trusts and cash, according to the sales prospectus given to potential givers. The college also offers brick engraving for $1,000 per brick. These bricks, in walkways around the Mansion and campus, can be personalized ••with your name or that
of a special friend or loved one," said a brochure in the sales prospectus. The Mansion's gargoyles may be adopted for $2,500 to $5,000 per gargoyle, said another brochure.
The Easter Bunny will be hiding eggs filled with gourmet jellybeans in the mailboxes of all the good boys and girls on campus. Put your friend or roommate on the list for just $.50. See the bunny's representatives of Kappa Sigma OmEGGa outside the cafeteria from April 2 through 6 during lunch and dinner. '
Cap and Gown measurements are being taken now in the Student Services Office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The Senior Farewell Dinner/Dancealso known as the Spring Formal will be held on Friday , April 20. Seniors go free to the dinner which will be held at Twelve Ceasars on City Avenue in Philadelphia. A cash bar will be available. Tickets for both the dinner and dance are $30 for guests and underclassmen. The dance alone costs $15. Tickest for the Freshman Class 50/50 Raffle can be bought from Steve Bobo, box 142 for $1. You can also catch him in his room, Xavier, 154.
Celebratethe Earth on Earth Day. April 22 at Chester County's Hibernia Park. The progarrn features music, speakers, games, nature walks and a host of information boothes on the future of the environment. Contact 344-6415 for directions.
APril22; 1990 DoyourPartto cleanUP theenvironment Brits Protest PolJTax 40,000 Londoners gathered in Trafalgar Square to protest Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's poll tax, a flat tax to be levied equally across all income levels. While most protesters were peaceful, 339 were arrested and 450 injured after an attempt to storm Thatcher's home. The protests have been a means for the Labor Party to criticize Thatcher and for Welsh, Scotish and Irish nationals to voice growing nationalist demands.
Security incidents reported March 28 through April 2
Attempted Vandalism Another Bad Report Card After getting poor marks in geography only two months ago, American school students have also failed tests in history and civics. The U.S. Department of Education reports that 1/3 of eigth-grade students cannot identify such historical figures like Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. Only 50 percent of students tested knew that the United States is a representative democracy. The report card is the result of a 1988 test done in accordance with a 1969 law requiring student progress to be monitored.
3/28-1 :20 a.m.-Three males, throwing objects at Xavier Hall in the rear of the building, were approached by security. The suspects ran into the woods. Upon inspection by security, no visible damage occurr~d.
Disturbance 3/29-2: 15 p.m.-Several students were involved in a heated argument on the front lawnofSacred Heart Hall. A SeniorResident Life staffmembercalledsecuritywho dispersed the group upon their arrival.
fridaYzapril 6, 1990
Studentsreachout to studentprisoners by Christina Roach The red light pulsates on and off, a signal for the residents to clear the way. A group moves through the sea of people down a long corridor. Their destination is the library. Another session with the tutors from the outside has begun. They are illiterate. They like to be called students. They are the men in !he literacy project at Graterford prison. Five Cabrini women enter the maximum security prison every week to teach the inmates to read. The women are participants in the Campus Ministry Prison Outreach Program. Every Monday evening junior Pam Croke, sophomores Ellen Battersby and Julie McKee, and freshmen Juliann Dunn and Kim Keck drive to Collegeville, Pennsylvania to the prison. Aft~r they pass through the forty-five-foot wall the women must wait for security clearance from the prison guards. Lamont Henderson meets the women at the gate every week. He is one of the inmates who escorts the tutors to the library. He jokesaround with the women to make the walk through the corridor filled with loitering inmates easier. Henderson also acts as the '' icebreaker and security guard" between the women and the inmatestudents. He is on the administrative board of the literacy program. A former tutorhimself,Henderson said there are a tremendous amount of inmates who can not read and write. For two months, John Adamson has been Battersby's pupil. Adamson finished ninth grade and then dropped out of high school. He is involved in the prison's math and English programs as well. Adamson wants to take his high school
equivalency test. "I knew how to read," Adamson said. "I just have trouble comprehending what I read. I am getting back into the flow of education. I want to get back to the level I'm supposed to be at." Battersby said Adamson is a good student because he really wants to learn. "The very first week I felt uncomfortable because I was afraid John wouldn't take me seriously. But by the end of the night we were comfortable with each other. We work on a friendly basis and he enjoys talking to me because I am from the outside." Together they developed a list of goals for Adamson's progress when Kim Keck and her student focus their attention to learning about phonics. Battersby began tutoring printed by Kristin Kroll) him. Adamson wanted to read magazines and newspapers. gets easier each time.'' parole in the near future, and inThe two of them have a magazine McKee said her student is over mates who were sentenced to life swap and every week Battersby 50-years-old. According to her, in prison. â&#x20AC;˘ brings him The Philadelphia In- helping McFadden learn how to Dunn's student is Cuban. He quirer. In addition, Graterford read helps boost her own self-con- is literate in Spanish; however, he gives the students in the literacy fidence. does notcomprehendEnglish well. program books to use. "It makes me feel like I am They work on skills like using a Battersby said tutoring Adam- giving a special part of me to dictionary. son makes her feel good. "And I someone else,'' McKee said. Dunn said her knowledge of have lots of fun. I am just afraid I "Reading is a special gift we take basic Spanish has helped her won't be able to teach him what he for granted. Being able to give that communicate better with her pupil. needs to learn." gift to someone deprived of it is "A lot of times there is not a McKee said, ''Tutoring in- something we all should help with.'' specific translation for an English mates was something different I According to Dunn this is the word," she said. "So, I will use a wanted to do. I'd always seen first semester 'll group went to round-about way with the Spanish television commercials about Graterford. She anticipates that a words I know of. However, we teaching people to read and I wanted larger number of tutors will visit really don't converse in Spanish.'' to try." the prison next year. Her pupil will be eligible for She said her pupil, inmate James Dunn said she was not scared to parole in July. "Ourprogress has McFadden never went to school. work with the prisoners because been fast," Dunn said. "With "I was scared to go to the prison the students are screened before each step, his progress looks good the first week, especially after I they are allowed into the program. with the parole board.'' found out James' reading level," The students are divided into two Inmate Steve Blackbum is one she added. "It's not easy, but it groups, those who will be up-for of the original founders of the tutoring program. He said, "The fact that the tutors are young ladies acts as an advertisement for the program. aire discover special qualities within himself. Gere also
Movie review:PrettyWoman Movie Ratings: Pretty Woman Excellent Good Fair Poor
*** **** *** ** *
by Leonora Veterano Pretty Woman starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts is a wonderful, romantic-comedy, that will leave you begging for more. The two together make the movie sizzle in this comedy. Gere plays Edward, a wealthy millionaire whose only lasting personal relationship has been with his work. But as fate would have it, he stumbles accidently upon Roberts, who plays Viven, a hollywood prostitute. Roberts, who is unaccustomed to the lifestyles of the rich and famous, is immediately taken in by Gere' s charms and wealth. The lady oftheevening whoisonlysupposed to stay for the night, ends up staying for the week. Gere proposses to Roberts, what he calls a business proposition of $3,000 if she will spend the week with him as his companion in his business dealings in town. To the unsuspecting Gere, Roberts helps the million-
helps Roberts realize her potential as the two eventually fall in love. Pretty Woman has uplifting music that will leave your feet tapping and your hands clapping. Music includes, "Pretty Woman" by the late Roy Orbeson, as well as "Wild Women Do" Natile Cole's latest single. Gere and Roberts show you that even the strangest couples can learn to come together and look over the social classes all in the name of love. Gere whose movie credits include, '' American Gigolo", "Yanks", and "An Officer and a Gentlemen", displays a terrific sense of humor as well as his trademark of charm, style and sex-appeal. His cool looks will leave the women wishing they were his co-star. Roberts whose movie credits entail, "Mystic Pizza" and "Steel Magnolias", is sensous as she displays great charm and wit as she is transformed frollba lady of the evening to a lady. You will find that their is almost non-stop laughter throughout the movie as well as anticipation as you start to wonder if the two lovers will end up together and live happily ever after. Although Pretty Woman is rated R, it will not leave its audience offended by the character's acting ability or the use of language. For all of those who enjoy watching Gere and Roberts this movie is a definite. This movie is especially enjoyable if you are one who loves romance, comedy and happy endings, then you too must trot down to your nearest movie theater and see it. I don't think that you will be disappointed.
(photo by Chrisy Roach,
,But if we can help someone get turned on to reading, then they aren't rol?'ti.ll8 a cell or shooting drugs." Blackbum said that the prison does employ professionals to tutor the students, but the professionals often do not make as much progress as the volunteers. "We (Prison Literacy Program) make a lot more progress because of personal interest," he said. Another founding director, inmate Yusef Jones said, "Any lady here is good for the morale. Any contact with the community at large helps us to develop social and communication skills that are needed to survive and continue personal growth." Henderson said that tutoring the illiterate inmates is rewarding. Not being able to read and understand what is happening to a prisoner puts him at a terrible disadvantage because he is then at the mercy of the criminal-justice system, he added. "I love seeing people's faces when you teach them how to write their name," Henderson said.
Juliann Dunn and her student have become friends (photo by Chrisy Roach, printed by Kristin Kroll)
Swaziland adventure includes teaching children and dealing with unfamiliar customs by Dawn Timbario Andrea Thompson graduated from Cabrini College last year and already has gained experience that will last her a lifetime. This former English and communications major spent the six months following graduation in Swaziland, South Africa. Thompson learned everything from the quality of peacefulness to living a life devoid of electricity. It took a little while for Thompson to become accustomed to this lifestyle, but she eventually came to appreciate this country's limitations. Thompson traveled to South Africa with Cabrini's Project Outreach. This is a Christian service organization that places Cabrini student volunteers in the community service institutions of the Missonary Sisters of the Sacred Heart for a time limit spanning one semester to several months.
For those students who do well in school and graduate with above average grades, they are presented with opportunities and the chance to get ahead. Those unfortunate, average males are forced to spend the rest of their lives working in the dark mines. She heard about this program a few months before graduation through Sister Bernadette Anello, director of campus ministry and decided to broaden her horizons. Thompson traveled by herself to this foreign kingdom of Swaziland, which is slightly smaller than the state of New Jersey, and was greeted with a less than warm welcome. Thompson was told she did not need a visa to enter the country and was almost booted back to the West when she arrived at the airport. Thompson admitted that she was very nervous about entering this new land, especially when she was circling the airport and realized that it was no bigger than Cabrini's parking lot. Once Thompson became established, she was thrown into a job teaching the Swazi children how to read, write and do arithmetic. Having no prior teaching experience, Thompson was given a brief introduction in student teaching, and assigned a class for the very next day. Because she did not major in education, becoming an im,tructor was very new to her. Thompson purchased a book on how to speak Siswati that very day, and was able to learn the student's dialect quickly. Thompson's pupils ranged in literacy as well as age. Because some Swazi children do not begin to attend school until they are in their teens, the class consisted of students age 7 to 20. The school itself was in a very delapitated state. There were bats nesting in the rafters, not to mention the lack of toilet facilities in the building. During her stay, Thompson had to act as a doctor as well as teacher to many of her students. "Water is scarce in Swaziland, and sometimes even as black
as soot, the children were not able to wash their hands before eating,'' she said. This posed many health threats to the natives. Thompson was constantly reaching into her side pocket to hand out tablets for kids complaining of worms in their stomachs. Unlike many Americas who complain about attending class, Thompson said the Swazis love to learn. She complained, though, that they are taught with hideous British textbooks that fail to teach the children much of anything. For those students who do well in school and graduate with above average grades, they are presented with opportunities and the chance to get ahead. Those unfortunate, average males are forced to spend the rest of their lives working in the dark mines. Thompson visited the mining site, and said that they are more like prison fields that swallow the Swazi men up for hours of grueling, hard work. Education in Swaziland is not cheap. In fact, the cost is so significant that the families must have the means to support their children's schooling. Thompson said that life is very simple in South Africa. She, herself, lived in a convent with three nuns on a mission. Two and a half hours away, Thompson found a town that is basically filled with wholesalers peddling grain and other staples. Thompson visited Johannesburg twice during her six month stay and was surprised at how much it resembled our Western civilization. She said she went crazy eating pizza, hamburgers and other favorites that she normally could not enjoy. Thompson said, all foreigners should beware when they enter South America. The natives do not like foreigners, especially Americans. Swazis are still very much into native medical cures and some even place complete faith in the powers of the old witch doctors. The land in Swaziland is allotted to each family by the chief. There is also a strong reliance on the family unit itself in South Africa. Swazi's live like American Indians on areas known as homesteads. When sons and daughters marry, they live in houses circling the father's home. One accepted practice in Swaziland is polygamy. Because the natives live like extended family units in the village, there is cheating among husbands and wives as the men visit different huts. Thompson is currently working towards a masters degree in education here at Cabrini. She is working at a pre-school during the day. and tutoring learning disabled children at night. She is aspiring to return to South Africa in approximately two years and is looking forward to a longer stay this time. Her pupils from Swaziland still write to her and ask her to come back to teach them. When Thompson does return, she will stay for the children's entire three term school year, instead of missing a term and regretting it. Andrea would like to see the growth and maturation of the Swazi children with her own eyes. She encourages all who wish to visit any non-Western civilization to keep an open mind and except every foreign culture with open arms.
* If you are intrested in being a part of Project Outreach see Sr. Bernadette in Campus Ministry
. friday,april 6, 1990
Comedy of 'Crimes'will stealyourheart by Sharlene Sephton
mother's suicide. Homyak goes beyond her girlishness and proves her capability as an actress to portray an abused and dissatisfied woman. The male influence in the play extends from the sisters' grandfather who is not seen in the play to Doc Porter, a long-time suitor once infatuated with Meg, and Barnette Lloyd, Babe's defense lawyer. Sophomore Timothy P. Cronin easily fills the role of the gangly southern gentlemen, Doc, remaining respectable and thoughtful throughout the play. Frank Bressi, sophomore is a humorous counterpart as Barnette. His ambitious efforts are exaggerated to the point of a loser, but not quite. Bressi allows for compassion in the character and we are warmed by his personable qualities. A detailed setincludingmajorappliances and decorative magnets complemented the realism of the play. All except running and boiling water was accounted for. The effort put into the set's construction was one of the most elaborate of the theater's recent attempts. Lighting and music worked well as mood devices. The professional input of Randy Wise was noticeable but not exceptional. The upstage area often left actors in the shadows. Heavy and dramatic make-up lines were the only other detrimental factors. Actors as well as production staff conspired to make· 'Crimes of the Heart," one of the most professional and inspired endeavors of the theatre.
Sultry jazz and southern drawls heavy with sweetness and sarcasm filled the air during opening night of "Crimes of the Heart." Sometimes risque by "skimping on the nylon,'' and often touching, the comedydrama revealed insightful perspectives on sibling relationships, affairs of love, prejudice, and death. The three unloved McGrath sisters are endeared to the audience as they are brought together by the youngest sibling's murder of her affluential husband. They relive past resentments and memories, and by the end of the play they are a step closer in their sisterhood and in knowing themselves. With a mousy naivete, Lisa Lipar, freshman, portrays the oldest sister, Lenny. Her soft and unassuming features allow for us to want to protect her innocence. When she fights back against the bullying cousin, Chick Boyle, played by Kimberly Anne Marshall, freshman, the audience cheers her in triumph. Marshall had a significant challenge in her role. She demonstrated a careful balance between snottiness and becoming a spectacle. She managed to wear a neon orange suit and maintain her composure when the skirt is pulled to her waist in the first scene. Marshall manages to strike a well-known comparison of the intrusive neighbor we all seem to have met, but on stage we can laugh at her and hate her as we could never before. Suzanne Marotta, freshman, as the middle sister, Meg, is the darker side of the family. She is the most free with her habits and is living the life of a struggling singer in Hollywood. Her sisters see her as the one who always got what she wanted and the most self-centered. Marotta' s presence adds a glamour to the set, but we soon recognize how returning to home is often a humbling reminder of who we used to be. The shocker of the play is the frilly murderess Babe, played by Stephanie Anne Homyak. Her little girl stubbornness is the only hint of a ki!Jer, and through Lisa Lipar as Lenny listens intently to Kim Marshall, her experiences she solves Chick Boyle, her pushy cousin during a performance of "Crimes of the Heart. " {photo by Sue Roux) the mystery of the sisters'
GospelramaSingsthisSaturday bJJAOIIOl'l!V--.
OnSatunlay,ApilJ,at6p.m.,1heBIKkStudent Allianco(BSA)will proudlypnsent theirIalditioll of tbe Oolpehw. 1'heGospelramawilltab placein Bruc:kmal Memorial Oapeiand I~ -rill beheldin lbeMwicJGimmediately followina, 1bemembertofd!eBSA•lookialllrwald1oMeveninst>fmeJody andhammy 1bepedi • bluet. toKlrmDamorney,jalljar .,..\Vid lf,mamoot of1111e
andlhe wll payoff. Sameof tbe &stdf,-._
llecnn lbeirwa"t
• own Dr.~ Scbiesler who will be siDgiDaIOla, ~ Liz Millllrwill also be singing IOlo. YvetteEverett. seniorwill be perfonablaa daaeesolo• well.
friday1april 6 1 1990
Nationalstudyreportsdeclineof alcohol on campus by Chris Pesotski According to a recent national study published in the New York Times, the prevalence of alcohol consumption on college campuses dropped in the 1980s. According to the 1989 study, the percentage of students who had had a drink in the last month dropped from a 1982 high of 82.8 percent to a low of 76.2 in 1989. A casual observation of drinking on the Cabrini campus still shows a high rate of alcohol consumption on weekends. In a twohour period Saturday night, r.,!arch 31, fifteen obviously inebriated undergraduates were monitored in the lobby of Xavier Hall. Many were known to have been underage. The Times study defined ®avy drinking as having five ormore drinksinarow. The national percentage of students who had done heavy drinking in the last two we·eks was 41.7 in 1989. That groups high was reached in 1984, when the percentage was 45.4. Following the national drop in drinking has been a drop in other problems associated with alcohol consumption. The decreasing problems include drunk driving accidents and arrests, and violence related to drinking. . One percentage which has remained constant in the last decade is the percentage of college students whQ have had at least one drink in the last decade. This number stood virtually unchanged at 90 percent throughout the 1980s. Fraternities, a major source of drinking problems throughout the 1970s and early '80s, have made a concerted effort to combat the "Animal House" image which pervades thoughts about campus life. Recent programs fraternities have run on the nation's campuses have emphasized alcohol education and stricter control of alcohol supply policies. One of the major reasons fraternities have adopted the stricter policies seems to be money. Liability insurance rates for frats have sky-rocketed in the last ten years. In an effort to limit liability, several fraternities
have formed an insurance purchasing coalition. The coalition seeks to lower rates by advocating stricter alcohol control. These more stringent controls come in conjunction with further limits placed on alcohol policies by campuses across the country. One national trend has students leaving college residence halls in favor of off-campus housing. College administrators claim that this trend is due to under 21year-old students trying to escape the prying eyes of college security forces. One of the other areas of major importance relating to alcohol consumption on college campuses is its effects on young women. The prevalence of female heavy drinkers in college isoverten percent higher than in the general population. An article in College View magazine cites several reasons for the prevalence of female drinking on campuses. According to Princeton graduate Andrea Ryan, quoted in that publication, "Everybody drinks. It's a quick way to relieve tension and gain confidence." As noted in the article, women must play a huge number ofroles in today's society. They must be attractive, assertive, intelligent, thin, decisive, caring, and friendly to name a few. College View's Caroline Knapp attributes the rise in female drinking to attempts to relieve the pressure from these many and varied roles. One of the most disturbing trends in the rise in female drinking is the accompanying changes in sexual activity. A 1981 national survey from the University of North Dakota found that most women said that alcohol lessened inhibitions most people feel about sex and intimacy. 22 percent of the women surveyed said that alcohol made them more sexually assertive. A 1986 study cited in the magazine reported that 4 7 percent of those surveyed had had unplanned sex because of drinking. Many people drink to feel better or because they believe alcohol will enhance their sexual performance. Alcohol is actually a depressant drug which will generally intensify feelings of loneliness,
Senior girls consume gossip and "good times." (file photo by Kristin Kroll) insecurity and/or depression. Alcohol also interferes with the body's motor responses. This results in lower than usual sexual performance and problems coordinating movement. Alcohol is an addictive substance. Every time a person consumes alcohol and gets "drunk," their tolerance for the drug is increased. The next time that person wants to get drunk, more alcohol is needed. The addiction grows as the person needs more and more alcohol to get the same high as they were trying for. As a drug, alcohol also interacts, sometimes fatally with other drugs. A combination of alcohol and common cold tablets can
have tragic, even deadly results. Long-term solutions to campus alcohol problems involve changing the way society views women. Drinking will continue to occur in greater proportion for women as long as they have to live up to a "superwoman" image, according to Brown University's Toby Simon, as quoted in College View. ·• - Also needed are earlier alcohol education programs, hopefully beginning in the home, Dr. A. Lee Fritschler, president of Dickinson College, said in the New York Times. Psychological profiles are done on violators of the alcohol policy at UCLA. They determine if a student is at risk of becoming an alcoholic.
SGA would like to THANK our sponsors for SUPERTHON 1990!
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friday, april 6,1990
RAs from 1 sion you 're interested in. Being a resident assistant helps you get a better understanding on how to express your feelings to others in and out of your environment.'' Doyle feels that developmentally it's helpful for a college student to go through the kind of
one. Joyce Mundy, senior RA, feels,' 'The best part of the position is learning to take a group of people and making the environment a place where it's nice to live and know your adding to their experience of college life.''
door,'' Sheedy said. Monaco feels that time management is very hard to keep. "I am constantly on duty in my house. I'm one person trying to lead the life of both a student and a role model for the guys in my house.'' "I am the type of person who
to teach RAs the limits to their jobs. There use to be in-service days, in which the RA would go to workshops on how to put things in order of top priorities." '' A big thing that RAs have to realize is that everyone in your
_ residence is in college and are adults," Mundy said. "You are not responsible for them, you are Today, an RA's duties to the students and the college here to help them through difficult include disciplinary actions, programming social, cultural and times. I can only talk to someone educational events, filling out forms for the events and/or about a problem until I become feeling drained. I then have them incident reports, counseling, being a team member with the get professional help through our other RAs as well as the students, keeping the emotional wellcare center." being of their living environment by being a role model and a "One thing that RAs need are friend, and sometimes even being an enemy. resources,'' Mundy said. Monaco feels that maintenance of the houses should be done by A lot is put on a RA. Many loves to talk and help people out housekeeping once a month. intense maturing process that an RA position can force on a person. times it's just too much for them. when they need me. I can never "Housekeeping should come to the Over all, Doyle feels that being Whether it's personal or has to do leave my door locked and not come resident halls and check on supan RA helps the student finan- with a situation in the dorm, a RAs out,'' Monaco points out. Doyle feels that the hardest plies once a month to make sure we cially, personally and fulfills the job is definitely not easy according part of being an RA is disciplinary have everything we need.'' self-esteem and growth for indi- to a few sources. Sheedy found that the combina- actions towards peers. vidual staff members. He also feels that the paperwork Some RAs have ideas of how to is too time consuming. '' If my Lou Monaco, senior RA, looks tion of her personal problems and at his position favorably while the problems with her students possibly alleviate some of the tenhouse wants to put on a program I describing himself as a father, stressed her out. "It's really hard sion ofa RA. Mundy said,'' Yes it can be have to fill out a planning sheet, friend, enemy, confidant, worker, to learn when to say, 'I need to be and fellow employee, wrapped into alone' and then close and lock the hard, but the resident life staff has evaluation sheet.and collect everyone's' evaluation sheet to hand in to resident life. It would beeasierto hand in a planning sheet, tell resi-
"Dollars for Choice" is the fund-raising effort to enable BERGFOR GOVERNORto convey the following message to others throughout the Commonwealth: Democratic candidate, Phil Berg states that: "There should be no government intervention in a woman's reproductive rights. It is not the PRO-CHOICEobjective to demand that every unwanted pregnancy is to be terminated by abortion. It is the antichoice position to insist, unequivocally, that every unwanted pregnancy be maintained
I want to help PHIL BERGbecome GOVERNORof Pennsylvania: D Register students on campus
even against the will of the woman involved. We are concerned with all of our Civil Rights, which are as American as apple pie, baseball and PRO-CHOICE!" "Dollars for Choice" will educate and register the disenchanted and disillusioned individuals who represent 40%-50% of our potential electorate ~ho are unregistered and also advise them of the importance of this election to reafftrm our basic Constitutional rights.
D Make phone calls
D Help develop issues
D Help
I want to contribute to the BERGFOR GOVERNORcampaign by sending my "Dollars for Choice'~ I have enclosed: D $1.00 D $5.00
D $25.00
D $100.00
D $500.00
Name ____________________
D other _____
the responsibilities from the staff does a couple of things. If you take away the disciplinary aspect, it leaves the job up to Randi, Tyrone, or myself and we can't be in the same place at the same time. It also causes a conflict of interest between the one who writes an infraction and the one who enforces it." ''Removing the counseling section, removes the help a person may need. If you take away the managerial tasks you lose the focus of an RA. Each component has its own value." Should the position be given to a graduate student from another college? Doyle feels the two year maturity difference is enough. If the freshman cannot feel comfortable going to the RA to communicate then the resident life staff cannot help. The end result is that the student buries their problem. He also feels, that the graduate students wouldn't be affiliated with the institution and naturally wouldn't be connected with the policies of the school. "Another problem," Doyle adds, "it would cause is that it would cost the college approximately $100,000 a year for off
"I found that so many of the skills are transferable, the supervisory skills are definitely the strongest. Other that time management and interpersonal communication skills, which are transferable into any profession you're interested in. Being a resident assistant helps you get a better understanding on how to express your feelings to others in and out of your environment."
dent life how it went and have them ask those who attended how it went." He adds,"It doesn't count as a program without a program sheet. I think that's a little out of whack." "I think the job is gigantic, "Doyle said. "I don't think that it's too much. Removing some of
campus RAs to come on campus. Thus, removing financial aid and losing 20 beds in housing which on Cabrini's campus right now we can't afford to do." Although difficult, most first year RAs return to the position for another year. "I never thought of not taking the position a second year," Daly said.
Address ____________________
City ____________
State ____
Occupation _________
Phone ________ P,,id tor hy
Ht.•r~ tor Cowrnur
Zip ___
_ _
Commirtl't:',Frank R. Thunquist. Tre.t3Urt.'F
Mail to: BERGFOR GOVERNOR 706 Ridge Pike Lafayette Hill, PA I 9444 or call: (215) 834-7600
Men who don't register with Selective Service aren't eligible for federal student aid, job training, and most federal employ• ment. So register at the post office within a month of your 18th birthday. It only takes five minutes to fill out a simple cord.
Re9isterWitltSelectiveService. It''sEuy.hlllt'sTMLaw.
f riday1april 6 1 1990
Straight from Monaco's Mouth . lou menace sports editor
No-more Lou after-the-next.two !
As my sports editorship reign comes to an end, I have decided that this week's column will be the original Monaco Style P,ieceof journalism. Telling it like it is and getting straight to the point, short and sweet. So,here'stheMonacostyle thatyou have all grown to love and hate, for the final time in Cabrini journalism history.
10) They would be .the number one topic of discussion in Dr. Romano's Ethics In Media class. 9) They would probably be shot by a player who has had a -poor season. 8) They really practice men's synchronized swimming. 7) The editors from last year's staff would be really aggravated. . * Answers to the Cabrini basketball 6) No, Pete's last name is not LaCock. player's nicknames: 5) Our perspectives editor, Felicia Falcone, wouldn't understand. Marko Gittens: Griff 4) There might be a feature story out of Mike Carrafa: Skinny it for Kelly McGillan. Brian Kilroy: KiKi 3) We wanted to let the college Dave Kershner: Greis . community know the difference between Giles Smith: Miles fiction and non-fiction. Dave Wissler: Country Time 2) Our Editor-in-Chief just wanted to Che Perry: Foots make sure that those were the actual Mike Massari: Bookworm birthgivennamesof Cabrini's equivalent of John O'Hare: Harsie Woodward & Bernstein. Paul Karsch: Fat Boy and the number one reason why Ozzie Jeff Barnes: Rasty and Pete's real names will not be released ... Coach Dzik: DJ Jazzy John Jeff Hines: Huggy 1) Dr. Zurek might want Nick OstrowJason Yurchak: Rex ski's new job as Cabrini's first-ever mascot. (All nicknames submitted by senior Brian Kilroy) * From the home office in Loquitur's newsroom, the Top 10 reasons why Ozzie Outfielder's and Pete Pitcher's real names wiJI not be released:
* From the home office in New York, the Top 10 people on Cabrini's campus to fill Brent Musburger's shoes at CBS Sports: 10) Carlos Chamorro: Los, Violetta is on your side!
9) Charlie Tucci: Would rename NFL 7) Listen to Chris Pesotski's in-depth Today to USVBA, We Need Your .Help shredding of why Duke wears blue and white. Today. . 6) Figure out how Coa_chK's nose will 8) Larry Kilcullen: Would kick Mike shorten to human-like size. Francesa out and to replace him, well you 5) Urinate on Tark's towel and send it to guessed it. him. 7) Denise Edwards: Phyllis George re4) Beat up Frank Emmerich! turns. 3) Imitate Matt Hodlofski's siren for a 6) Bob Bonfiglio: Would make Will week and see if it gets on anybody's nerves. McDonough sound manly. 2) Go to every summer league camp and 5) Marko Gittens: Kinda sounds like Brent, keep the dream alive. don't you think? and number one ... 4) Frank Emmerich: Finally a Republican on CBS. I) Go out for a John's Village Market 3) Brian Tripoli: With Madden and Franc- hoagie, get a case of Piel' s, go sit on a chair esa, OH MY GOD! where you will be doing an action, watch 2) Colin Coakley: That won't work, he'll reruns of the Madness and count the days pin Francesa in IO seconds. until March of I 991. and the number one person to fill Brent Musburger's shoes... · * Congratulations to Loquitur's new sports editor for 1990-91: Denise Edwards. 1) John Dzik: He won't have to worry -Gayle Gardner eat your heart out! about dealing with athletic programs and * UNL V in the NCAA on CBS--What is being called Speedy. this alphabet soup? * Dickie Noles is done. From the home office in Durham, North * Pray to Alaa! Carolina, the Top 10 things to do after March * Does Moses Scurry sound like ChewMadness: bacca? 10) Wa! Wa! Wa! Wa! Wa! 9) Listen to Johanna Church telling about her boyfriend kicking boards in his karate class. 8) Sleep with the Pizza Hut ball!
To all my readers, the lists were done in fun. Please do not take offense to them. Only two more columns and then you guys don't have to listen to me anymore! See ya next week with a surprise!
Golf fund-raiser to benefit Cabrini Athletic Department by Kevin George
In just one day, you can play a round of golf on one of the area's most exclusive courses, meet the most famous amatuer goJfer in America, and help the Cabrini Athetic Department expand its budget. You can do all this by entering the Cabrini Golf Classic, May 16. The entrance fee is $200 per person, but Cabrini's Athletic Director John Dzik, indicated that you get a lot for your money.
The program begins at the TorresdaleFrankford Country Club in Northeast Philadelphia with an 11 a.m. buffet lunch. Tee-off is set for I p.m. and golfing will continue until 6 p.m. A cocktail hour will precede dinner at 7 p.m., which will be served in the country club's dining room. The tournament includes a chance to meet Jay Sigel, the most well-known amatuer golfer in the United States, although Dzik said Sigel's appearance is contingent on the man's personal business engagements.
With a little luck, the day could turn into a windfall for participants. Should anyone sink a hole-in-one, they win a new car or $20,000. A week-long golf vacation for two to Pinehurst, North Carolina will beraffled off at dinner. The event is organized and sponsored by the Athetic Advisory Board which is currently in a reorganizing stage, Dzik said. The board is waiting for instruction from College President, Eileen Currie, MSC, for
instructions on how to reorganize. Dzik predicts a tournout of 25 foursomes, or 100 golfers. Reservations can be made by calling, #971-8386.
job squad Roomate Needed Starting Aug. 14th, female senior or grad student roomate needed to live at Radnor House Condominiums. Two bedroom, terrace, free cable, pool, w/w carpeting, $362/ month plus utilities. Call after 5:30 weekends. Contact Dawn Hartley, (Alumni '89) at 5278612. Part-Time · General office duties. Flexible hours, anytime between 9-5. Call 666-4814. Operators/Secretary Part-time (about 4 hours), weekends (flexible). Pay $6/hr, will train on keyboard. Call 688-2141.
Telemarketing Three and a half hours per day. Pay $9/hr. Contact Brian Green at 975-0859.
Secretarial Job Need skills which include typing, spelling, memo writing and some financial background. 4 hours/week, 5 days/week, Housekeeping Light housekeeping - help to move. flexible hours. Pay $8/hr. Call 971-6542. Will pay well. Need own transportation. Call for schedule, 296-5993. Part-Time Selling equipment, selling movies, albums; video transfer position. Flexible hol:lrs, Car For Sale '84 Ford Escort. White, 4 door, those with photography background helpful, but automatic. PIS, P/B, AM/FM cassette. Good not necessary. Contact Kathy at 527-0300. cond., very clean interior. $1,600 o.b.o. If interested call Christine Rakowski. (H) 666-0553 Teller Monday-Friday, 11:30-8:00. Call 254(W) 971-8420. 9150.
f riday,april 6, 1990
Broken bus and fill-in waterboy .add to slump in Cavs play Kilcullen was the first man out of the Cabrini then lost to Lock Haven, by a (Editor'sNote: This will be a fictitious, dugout to congratulate his sidekick. They score of. 7-5. â&#x20AC;˘ satirical journalism piece which will last embraced each other and their adrenaline "McGeehan pitched a great game," throughout the season. It is intended for pure entertainmentand interest for those was running so high that when they gave high Mellon said. "He deserved to win, espewho have a love and admiration for the fives to each other, they did it so hard, that cially with his curveball snapping the way it Kilcullen broke his hand and Dougherty was." sport of baseball.) fractured his wrist. '' It was just one of those days,'' Matt by Ozzie Outfielder and Pete Pitcher Senior pitcher, Marko Gittens, who just McGeehan said. "My deuce was coming in came off the disabled list looked good until so sharp that it looked like it was falling off The Cavs knew that their Pennsylvania the fifth inning, when he started to get a little a table. When the guys score five runs for me road trip was going to be bad when the wild. He walked the firsttwo batters and then I should get the win." hideous blue and white bus they were riding a wild pitch allowed both the runners to The one extreme bright spot for the Cavs on, ran out of gas halfway to Slippery Rock. advance one base. A moonshot sacrfice fly was a monsterous grand slam by the unsusThe team thumbed their way to the nearest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gas station which was l Omiles away only to find out that it was closed. Consequently, Kilcullen was the first man out of the dugout to they had to forfeit the game and 0-for-theseason pitcher, Bob Salladino. lost another congratulate his sidekick. They embraced each other and game. their adrenaline was running so high that when they gave "It is a shame that this had to happen," Manager Bud Mellon said. "If our athletic high fives to each other, they did it so hard, that Kilcullen department would get their butts in gear we broke his hand and Dougherty fractured his wrist. would never have had this embarrassing situation." Athletic Director, John Dzik, immedi- scored one run and that let the man on pecting Iacono. Gudas led of the inning with ately got a call from the irate Mellon. second move to third. Another wild pitch let a single up the middle. He moved to second when sophomore Matt Hodlofski drew a Mellon even went as far as to smash a local in the Nittany Lions other run. "He just lost his composure," pitching walk. Up next was junior Jeff Hines, who radio reporters tape recorder when he tried coach Jim Hedtke said. "After Gudas beat out an infield single to load the bases for to interview him about the mishap. When ( sophomore catcher) and I went and talked to the , 5-foot 4-inch Iacono,who then smashed the blue and white finally arrived at Slippery him, he calmed down and struck out the next an 0-2 fastball to deep centerfield to give the Rock stadium, the team boarded the bus and two batters." Cavs their only run of the afternoon. headed to the field of Penn State, the Cavs "Gudas told me to concentrate on the "I was surprised that Lock Haven didn't next opponent. people who were up to bat. I was not going examine the ball," Iacono said. "I even The Cavs upped their record to 11-9 after to let the bottom of their lineup beat me," thoughtthat the ball might have been juiced theydefeated theNittany Lions, 5-2. Senior Gittens said. '' I stopped fooling around and up after I hit it." shortstop, Colin Coakley, launched a rocket The 11-IO Cavs then went up to into the left field bleachers to put Cabrini up went right after them with my best stuff." The Cavs got their final two runs on a Bloomsburg to face a powerful left-handed 1-0. Batting sixth and seventh in the lineup Frank Emmerich double that scored lineup. ''We only had right-handed pitching were seniors Larry Kilcullen and Brian leftfielder Sean McDonough. Second baseready to go," Hedtke said. "We weren't Dougherty who also can hit the long ball. man, Carlo Iacono , hit a triple inside the really ready for them." These Siamese Twins were even seen tothird base line and scored on a sacrfice fly by Bloomsburg pounded Mike Reidy, Matt gether in the hospital after increasing the Carlos Chamorro. Brush and Brian Kilroy for II runs. Reidy Cavs lead to 3-0.
was chased in the second with a four-run barrage. "It looked like his fastball was up," Dr. Anthony Tomasco said. "Those guys justtook him apart." Tomasco filled in for Jerry Zurek at the waterboy spot for the trip. "Jerry was at the national waterboy 's convention in Chicago,'' Tomasco said. Freshman Matt Brush worked through the seventh, when he was touched for three runs before finally retiring Bloomsburg. The Cavs attempted a comeback at that point, when center-fielder Bill Fulton doubled, and first baseman Frank Emmerich was hit by a pitch. Emmerich's jaw was broken, and he had to leave the game. A towering Mike Caraffa blast plated three runs, narrowing the deficit to 7-3. "Well, Emmerich's out for the season," first base coach John Doyle said. "He's really hoping that the injury won't affect his campaign." The injury worried Mellon. "That's three guys who are potential starters to go down in one week," he said. '' Another week like this, and we may as well give it up.'' Brian Kilroy was called on for mop-up duty for the eighth and ninth innings. "Brian looked a little rough for the firsttime this year," third base coach Sam Vasallides said. BloomsburgJ1it Kilroy around for the final four runs of the game. The 11-3 loss dropped the Cavs to .500 for the season at 11-11. In the coming week, the Cavs will head south to play the University of Miami, the University of Georgia and Georgia Tech. "We've really gotto come togethernow," Mellon said. "If we want to make the NCAA championship, we 're going to have to win every game from here on out."
A lett~r from a dedicated fan and supporter Dear Editor: While I enjoyed Ozzie and Pete's coverage of our premier baseball season, I must point out some journalistic oversights in their last column (3-30). They neglected to mention that the opening ceremony of the new 25 million dollar Romano field was certainly enhanced by Kite-Man Emmerich's gliding descent from the right field grandstand. He executed a perfect landing on the mound and presented the ball to starting pitcher Kilroy. That more jeers than cheers emanated from the 1100 fans was due to the dismaying fact that 1000 of the atten-
dees were from Fordham. The most glaring omm1ss1on, however, was the failure to report the sparkling GROUND BALL triple play pulled off by our guys in the top of the fourth. With Ram runners on first and second and the infield in tight, the Fordham batter hit a onehop smash at the third base bag. Matt Hodlofski, who moved to third when Pesotski went in at second for defensive measures, simultaneously speared the ball and touched the bag. He wheeled and fired a strike to second. Leaping high to avoid the on-coming Fordham runner, Pesotski rifled a
bullet to first beating the running Ram batter by half a step. Hodlofski to Pesotski to Churnetski will surely replace Tinker to Evers to Chance in the folklore hall of fame. Congratulations to our team for a great season and good luck in the play-offs.
Sincerely yours, A. Fann
WCAB TheUltimatein Alternate 650- AM...Tunein andhearwhatyouaremissing! Listenfor the bestmusic,news,sportsandyourrequests.
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Volleyball ends season on _spi-keless note block of a Haverford spike attempt. John Keefe, junior, replaced Tino and brought the After a long disappointing season, the Cavs back into the game, 4-5, with the help men's volleyball team ended their season ofthe tremendous defensive play of senior, with another loss. The season which failed Colin Coakley. Haverford responded to the Cavs rush to provide the volleyball team with a victory in their final match and in the season, con- with strong defensive plays and they regained the momentum of the match. After cluded with a loss to Haverford College. Although Cabrini jumped to a 1-0 lead in Haverford extended its lead to 12-4, Charthe first game, Haverford responded by vala was forced to call a time out. The extra breathing time was not enough building a 13-4 lead and they never looked back. The Cavaliers called a time out to try for the team, and the second game went to to regain their composure with their huddle Haverford after Gary Burnett, junior, and Tucci failed to block a Haverford shot. break of ''Jet's go.'' A growing crowd of 50 students watched The time out provided little help in uniting the make-shift lineup because Haverford the volleyball team fall,15-4, in the second finished off the first game with a 15-4 game. The Cavs came out strong in the third trounce, when miscommunications occurred between Charlie Tucci, sophomore co-cap- game, despite Haverford jumping to a 3-0 lead. Charvala subbed in Kevin Koknar, tain, illld Mike Tino, sophomore. The possiblilities of a Cavalier win looked junior, to serve which provided Janusz with hopeful when the volleyball coach, Mike the opportunity for a power spike. Despite Charvala, arrived at the game with the Cavs Janusz' attempt to fire up the team, Haverford responded with a spike of their losing the second game, 4-0. The arrival of the coach apparently own which Koknar sent to the rafters of the inspired the duo of Tucci and Tino to play gymnasium. The Cavs continued to try to create an with a little more heart and emotion which was a consensus of the team to have been a offensive attack, but Haverford continually problem of the season. Tucci and Tino made responded with strong defense coupled with a diving attempt into the Cavs players bench a adequate offensive of their own. Tucci then came in to serve with the score, to safe a point. Their attempt and the men's volleyball team in general , failed to make 4-6,and providedanexcellent saveofaHaverford spike, but his teammates failed to the play. Tino and Tim Janusz, junior, provided a convert his efforts. The injuries of Tucci symbolized the big boost to the team with a combination
by Frank Emmerich
Cavalier's season. Early in the season, Tucci had injuried his hand in a game, and later in the season, he fell with a sprained ankle and was confined to crutches for a brief time. With the score, 5-9, Tucci once again went down due to an ankle injury. Haverford went on to build up their lead to 11-5, unti!Janusz responded with a strong point which brought the score to 11-6. Janusz kept the game alive with a block and then went to the service line where Cabrini edged another point. However, Janusz's next service attempt landed in the net and the game ended when Keefe's spike attempt went long and wide. The match ended, much like how the season ended; 15-4, 15-4, 15-7. TheCavsfailed to win a game in the Haverford match and failed to win a match all season. Keefe claimed that the volleyball team's trouble was that they "weren't together." Tucci blamed the unsuccessful season on the team "not having enough hitters except Timmy and Leo.'' Coakley, who played in his last home game for Cabrini said, "there was no blocking and no bumping' ' and in the season there was "no blocking, no bumping and no hitting." ''Everything needed work, but we never worked on it. Instead of practicing, we played," said Coakley. Charvala said ''it was the end of a lousy season and it was kind of depressing in a depressing atmosphere.''
alUnan gumlqgand runningfor Nationals
Scoreboard Schedule Men's Volleyball April 5 "Senior class" exhibition) home at 7:30 p.m. April 7 League Tournament
at Villanova Univ. (TBA) Women's Softball April 7 Marywood College
(doubleheader--away) at 2:00 p.m. April 11 Allentown College (doubleheader--away) at 2:30 p.m. April 12 Holy Family College home at 4:00 p.m. Men's Tennis April 9 Neumann College away at 4:00 p.m. April 11 Eastern College home at 3:00 p.m.
.. Coach o•HorJ geesme into the big called "Don't Quit." l loolcat this alot,"
byLeu Meaaco
c:aa.-mwilhNCAADmsimI «:lloms.
Neblt lh1M.._~. dnlmtisWlllfda 18.a,,
fridaY,april 6 1 1990
.fk •9 ffls ~-\\it
said Callinan.
His _, lllOdel ia ~ Said my lfi3iviaiial Aomta From Morrocco. Callinan sai<L
• ..,., Callidiaflltct. .. He itulleonly personto ever nm under up and a-. CaUiaanruns70,80JPilesa week.Mon- 13 minutes in the 5,000," but his biggest ....... isbismom. She Diesto come out to evay meet. I getsopl)'Chedup for arace,where Qeyaey UWn;JilJ. at 7:0Da.aandflDe • 3:30:P- Onurort- When I don't careaboutmy p]lyaical tiredness. Tlda ~..ed:nnn,aSClf'II»-••••,.. -uedoaeonPridaylllCISuaday. me alwayshelps me keep a clear llead. IIMft,Wlllm__....,. from-iclffl,- .-Sarunliy~thowlimt. Slieiaalwaysdlens.I waattomateiltothe inalapill.,_5.oeo-...w11111•ti1ot Afttr~•,--.taewouldbave aw,--•umotl5:0S.Jiaffleef _....CIICb • ._.,,.,.., with._of nadonals,for oat only my,elf, but for my CaffinM-aid. lll•ec ... dltJiaeatCQIIIJl-----p)ace on mom.·· Pn aty. Illinois ia the site of the "I didd'tcwea bow I wastbatclQee. Apd121 at ~ Collegt,IPfOOae,t nadoaalehampionsbipsdlit year. There is Thatwas 1be ftifl( m. l"veev«lU die 1>iviaion IJCIIDola. waitingfor Callinan. All he has to 5AOO dlil ,-~ ta..... -. I cut (WW a The ASICS(tel l,ytes ate bis 100ls for a 'IJOt miautefftmmype,aoullimelast,-;• .-..s, u llilJIIOdvarblcomesttom do is takeadv.uase of iL saic:I CaDhwl.:\li'li'J ii coidled by TQIII df$tent .... Iliadpoent1f lhat be ae, 0•11ora.Catlrinl'a~anclnct Womracdime."Iblvc:a poemthat someCOICh. l,ocfygavefbe, ~ .atOlouteaierCatholic, Ilea:
::e•=- ::c::=.~~= •••.,._..he~
Athletic Department News
** Remember Captain's Club Beef & Beer Saturday, April 28th 8:00 p.m. -- 1:00 a.m. in the gym Music provided by the Delta DJ's For those under 21, there will be a Beef & Soda
*** Don't forget: Athletic Awards Banquet on May 12 Look for more information! **** Congratulations to new
Cavs firing and swinging their way to ESAC top by Kevin George With favorable skies, consistent swings and some emotional concentration, Cabrini's golf team has a shot at winning the ESAC tournament title this season. So far, the sun has neglected to show for the team. The opening match against Shenandoah was cancelled due to inclemency and the second match, up in Allentown, was played in a drizzle. In the Allentown match on Monday, the Cavaliers lost by 39 wet strokes, 337-376. Golf matches are scored by combining the four lowest scores on each team. Captain Brian Kilroy, lead the Cavaliers with a score of 82, and junior Debbie Malveaux backed him up with a 93. The rest of the team played "horrendous" in Coach John Dzik's words. But Dzik is not discouraged by a bad team performance in the rain, and he is looking forward to success in a challenging schedule which includes some tough opponents.
This Monday, a four-way match with Division I opponents Villanova, Penn and Pharmacy at the exclusive Aronomik Country Club in Malvern, will be the team's biggest challenge of the season. Kilroy said a realistic goal for the team is eight wins which would make them a .500 team. Ever since Kilroy' s freshman year, the team has gotten "a little better each year," the captain said. ''We're more stable this year than in years past,'' Kilroy assessed. Consistency is something, Dzik says is needed by every playeron the team. But as for their biggest weakness, Dzik would like to see the young players develop "emotional maturity." "Golf requires that you keep your emotions under control. If you make a bad shot, you can't let it get to you, and if you make a great shot, then you have to make another," Dzik said. "Malveaux is probably are most consistent player,'' the coach said. '' She just hits them straight down the fairway.'' Kilroy though is the team's number one player, and Dzik says he could make regional
All-American if he plays to his potential. Kilroy said his personal goal is to capture the individual title in the ESAC which barely eluded him two years ago in a sudden death playoff. Junior golfer, Stephen Wescott, is the number two man on the squad, Dzik says with Malveaux completing the third position. The fourth, fifth and sixth positions are being battled for by a pack of six other golfers: Eddie Avena, Alex Mairone, Glen J askelewicz, Michael "PickJes" Conner, Michael Young, and Terrance Donohue. While wins would be nice, Kilroy said Coach Dzik and the team would really like to beat Allentown in the ESAC tournament. Mairone said the team taJces a serious but realistic attitude toward the matches. "If we win, great. If not, then we're just glad to get out and have fun," the junior said.
1990 -- 1991 new Loquitur Sports Editor: Denise Edwards
***** Cabrini College Golf Classic on Wednesday, May 16 at the Torresdale -Frankford Country Club For details: call 971-8386.