May 5, 1990 Issue 23 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, may 4, 1990

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxvi, no. 23

NEH leaderto speak at commencementexercises by Charles Waterfall

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I'm doing with my life," Doyle

This year's commencement speaker, Dr. Lynne Cheney, chairperson of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), and valedictorian, Virginia Obrecht, will extend a final bit of advice and bid farewells to the graduates. Dr. Cheney was recommended as this year's speaker by philosophy chairperson, Dr. Sharon Schwarze. Cheney and Schwarze had met and became friends in Washington, D.C., as they were both finishing their doctorates, raising their children, and looking for similar jobs in education. Both women had interests in philosophy. ''I'm very pleased and proud (that Cheney will be speaker) because both she and I encountered a lot of predjudice against women (teaching)," Schwarze said. "It will certainly be a coup for us to have her." As Dr. Schwarze began her teaching career, Dr. Cheney went on to more creative things, according to Schwarze. Cheney has become a most articulate spokesperson for humanities, curriculum, and higher education, according to Schwarze. Cheney, who had become professor at several colleges and universities, now represents and believes in the independent federal agency that supports education, research, preservation and public programs in the humanities--The

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National Endowment for the Humanities. She has expressed the need and importance to focus more attention on the humanities through three reports, as chairperson for the NEH. "American Memory" (1987), a study of humanities education in public schools, "Humanities in America" (1988), and "50 Hours: A Core Curriculum for College Students," had reflected her concerns. Cheney has also written two other novels, and co-authored a third with her husband, Richard B. Cheney, Secretary of Defense. "50 Hours" suggests that colleges and universities strengthen academic requirements with the humanities so students receive the best possible education. She speaks of a core curriculum's importance and provides various examples that are used nationwide. "Lynne (Cheney) is really setting the style for college education," Schwane said. "She's shaping the constitution of how humanities are being studied and looked at.'' Cabrini's curriculum is similar to those which Cheney suggest. However, the college's courses had developed before her work was published, according to Schwarze. Last September, seminar classes had formed and became a requirement for those graduating 1993 and later. The program provides students with an insight in the humanities area, promoting self awareness and understanding. ''The whole system is quite


Dr. Lynne Cheney photo courtesy public relabons

new," Schwarze, also a member of the curriculum committee, said. The requirements have been eliminated and there is more emphasis in mathematics, language, and computer _ competency. The change in the curriclum, however, was supported by a grant from the NEH. Cheney suggests five basic areas that should be covered in the humanities core curriculum, including cultures and civilization, foreign language, mathematics, natural sciences, and the social sciences and the modem world. "Students who approach the end of their college careers without knowing the basic landmarks of history and thought are unlikely to have reflected on their meaning," Cheney wrote in "50 Hours." '' A required course of studies--a more Cheney on 15


Tuition climb~ record 10 percent for 1990-'91 by Sharlene Sephton The tuition and room and board fees for the 1990-'91 academic year reflect a record-high 10 percent increase over the current year. The real cost of the tuition increase will be an added $1, I 00 for resident students and $600 for commuters, according to Beth Cairns, assistant director of financial aid. "It doesn't seem like we're gouging students," John Barclay, chief financial officer, said. "It's the cost of doing business." The price of higher education will be double the rate of inflation for the cost ofli v ing, a phenomena that has been reported among colleges and universities nation-

wide. ''Cabrini is not out of whack with other institutions," Cairns said. From speaking with other financial aid directors, Cairns has found the average increases this year range from JOto 11 percent. "We are just about the lowest for the area. Immaculata is a few $100 lower than us. I have heard of Catholic schools of our size with 15 to 18 percent increases," Barclay said. In a March letter to all parents and students from Sr. Eileen Currie, president, she described the circumstances and consequences of the board of trustees approval to raise the rate from its usual eight to 10 percent.

inside perspectives 2, 3, 4, 5 news

6, 7, 8, 14, 15

features9, 10, 11, 12, 13 sports16,17,18,19,20



"While all of us would like to not increase costs it would be at the risk of quality, and naive about

"It doesn'tseem like we're gouging students." -JohnBarclay,chief financialofficer the real costs incurred,'' Currie wrote. These costs were listed as technological and scientific equipment costs, library holdings, facility maintenance, utilities, health care and development programs. Although 1990_-9l enrollment

figures are slightly down from last year's, the possiblity of more intense recruiting costs do not seem to be a factor. "Luckily Cabrini is in a really nice position that we do not have to face that problem. Cabrini is a mid-priced, liberal arts, Catholic college that is attractive to the present population," Cairns said. One change that will be absolutely implemented this year is a penalty of more unmet need for those students who applied late for financial aid. "It was more important than ever this year to have everything in on time. We've always had a scarcity of funds. We continue the awarding process until the money

runs out," Cairns said. Students who have not filed the correct forms promptly will have an unmet need of a few hundred dollars more than previous years. 'Cairns encourages students to review the real costs and compare them againsttheir award to find out the bottom line. Through individual meetings with the office, students can figure out which payments may seem unreachable, and alternatives can be worked out. The tuition trend for the upcoming years is unpredictable according to Barclay, depending on inflation and world affairs. "If we don't raise tuition now, though, we won't be in the business to teach your children," Barclay said.





Softball season

Grammy award-

slides to a close

winning Shadowfax

(see page 20)

(see page 11) .



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Loquitur raises levels of conscience

Editor·reflectson year·of learning


Editorials often iry to show different perspectives of issues. They ask the unasked questions and open discussion. They attempt to give some direction and offer workable solutions. Perhaps in this last issue for the 1989-90 volumes of Loquitur, it is necessary to show tl)e introspective side of perspectives. We must examine the role this paper plays on campus and how well we, as editors, have lived up to it. A newspaper provides information. But are we just reporting? Does our effectiveness reach priorities within formal committee meetings? In some way should we be setting a moral tone for the campus? The capacity

In some way should we be setting a moral tone for the campus? The capacity of a newspaper can also include ·serving as a leader and an educator. of a newspaper can also include serving as a leader and an educator. Loquitur must care for what it stands for. We do not accept ads solely for the revenue they bring in, nor do we suggest sponsorship of the advertisements we place. Within Cabrini's mission to educate, Loquitur has been established as a separated entity. It is an institution within an institution. The press should respect the college's values to the fullest extent, and the respect must be mutual. Loquitur strives to give the college community relevant topics to think about. It is only the beginning of informing a person. Our readers, too, must be responsible and use the newspaper as a resource to make their own moral choices.

Leadership :

Exploited by administration The pressure administration puts on students to excel as leaders is destructive to the educational process it is trying to endorse. The students are learning. They are learning how to juggle dual and triple roles within the classroom, dormitories, and offices as well as their contributions to co-curricular activities. They're learning so well they become frequently burnt-out after a semester of struggles to be a successful student-leader. One problem is that there are no teachers. Many details and responsibilities of administrators are passed over to the students without the direction and means to accomplish their projects. Once involved, student-leaders find themselves without administrative support and confidence because it is under-staffed. What happens when administration fails to make contact with the students? Unqualified students sign contracts they can be held liable for. The burden of entire programs i;; left on a few central figures. They are asked to act as professionals, but without the proper training, they remain students who are simply trying to do a good job.

Student-leaders are being immersed in responsibilities that are overflowing from inadequate systems and unreasonable expectations. There is a v1c10us cycle that student leaders get caught up in. The enthusiasm and energy students bring to their positions is genuine. They enjoy what they do and most are committed to the school. They don't want to let the institution and its superiors down, so they continue to accept more responsibilities. It is addictive. How well ·do these students know their limitations, and how far will administrators ask them to go beyond them? Student -leaders are being immersed in responsibilities that are overflowing from inadequate systems and unreasonable expectations. Student-leaders will continue to suffer both personally and academically until they are no longer asked to do the work of administrators.

barbaro wilson editor-inchief

matches.that could be heard half way around campus. Oh yea, and Luigi one last time ...JUST CHECKIN'! And then there is the person who had the biggesteffect onmy life this year. Notonly was she Loquitur's photography editor she was also my roommate. Kristin what can I say? You brought me out of my shell and showed me how to have some real college fun. Thanks for not throwing me out of the room when life became to much. That goes for you too Shelle, you can be my third roomie anytime. Hopefully, someday I can return the favor and bring someone home for you guys! Reporters, I wish I could thank you individually because without you there would be no Loquitur. I hope that I was always able to help and that in some small way I made writing something you enjoyed. Loquitur's photographers and Carter Craigie taught me the importance of using more visuals and less text. They knew how strong my love is for the written word and yet, they fought for pictures and I am glad they did. Thanks for that extra special mark of distinction. And to Loquitur's mascot Bud Mellon. The first day I met you Bud, I thought "There goes the fun," yet you were the main cause of most of the fun. Thanks for letting us wrestle in the newsroom. And Bud, one of my last duties as editor-in-chief I dub you Loquitur's official heart throb. Thanks for always being there, Bud Man. Although many people jokingly call me their faithful leader, the real leader of this group is Dr. Zurek. He has been our_silent commander. Many peopledonotrealizejust how much he does for us. However, his main goal is and probably always will be to make us think and learn. You have more than once come to my rescue, especially when I erased all the pages. Dr. Zurek , I hope you realize how much I respect you and appreciate everything you do. Mom, Dad, Patty and Laura, you have been with me through it all. You have given me courage and support. I could have never done it without you. I love you. I hope I have not forgotten anyone (Oh yea, Mich, thanks! You definitely got me through a lot.) To the new editors especially Carlo, I know you will do a wonderful job. I have the greatest hopes for you all. And as I tum my reign over to Carlo I hope that I will always remain YFE.

This year's Loq uitur staff is the 30th staff Cabrini has had. Within those 30 years there have been many stories behind the pages of print. This year I was fortunate enough to be included in the making of many of those stories. Sure, publishing the paper is our main objective each and every week but sometimes what really counted this year was the friendships made, the lessons learned and the growing up we all did while trying to work toward our main goal. As I sit at my desk in the newsroom and take a last look around as editor-in-chief, I see the people who have become my family for the past year. The bonds that have formed and the lessons learned within this room have at times been fun and yet others times very painful. However, all were valuable just like the people whom I have {1/orked side by side with. The people behind the paper are a diverse group, all with their own ideas and ways of doing things. The paper would not have been a success without them. And yet, a new staff has already begun to take lhe reins fornext year's Loquitur. Just as I had every confidence in the world in my staff, I leave Loquitur in their hands and hope that the advice that I have given them and the guidance and leadership I have shown in the past year will help them get through one of the most trying and fun times in their life. There are so many people to thank and so many stories I would like to share with Loquitur's readers. I can only hope that through this final viewpoint I can show just how great a family we really were this year. So here it goes: Angie Corbo was managing editor and my right hand this year. Whenever I doubted myself Ang was always there to pick me up and push me forward. She had the energy of twelve people and often times did the work of as many. When Angie graduates in a few short days, Cabrini will be losing the most valuable person they have. I can only hope that our friendship will last long after May 20. Ang, go out into the world with a song in your heart and all the ambition that you have shown while here at Cabrini. Johanna Church was Loquitur's news editor and our number-one commuter. She not only worked on our paper but she also worked at the Daily Local. Johanna always seemed to be right behind me, making sure I Edttor-in-chief. Barbara Wllsoo and Carlo Iacono Managing Edttor: Angie Corbo and Jennifer Morrison had my act together. If ever there was a year News Editor: Johanna Church and Chris Pesotski News Editors: Kevin George and Melissa Landsmann for change this was it. Talk about having re- Assistant Perspectives Edrtor: Felicia Falcone and Sharlene Sephton sponsibility. Features Editor: Kelly Ann McGillan and Kelly Reed Sports Editor: Lou Monaco and Denise Edwards Felicia Falcone was our perspectives Assitant Sports Edttor: Marl<Gudas editor. Boo-boo, thanks for all those opin- Copy Editor· Christina Roach Business Manager: Denise Edwards and Sue Moriarty ions you freely gave. Without Felicia as our Photography Edttor: Kristin Kroll and Frank Emmerich Photography Adviser: Or. Carter Cra1gie perspectives editor Cabrini would have Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek never experienced the cartoons of Tom S1aff: Carrie Corr, Karen Dumorney, Wilham Fulton. Anna-Mane Toles and Erik Andresen. It looks like it's Karlsen, Clyde LaForest, Jr, Daniella LoPresb. Knstm Mainero, Ryder. Leonora Veterano. Kelly Ann Walsh, Char11e onto House 5, SGA and yearbook for us. I Deborah Waterfall, Kelly Ann Williams, Carol Wells Yarrow look forward to working with you next year. Photography Staff: Marl<Gudas. Giselle Bellanca Our features editor, Kelly McGillan, was Loquitur weekly during the school year by students our f~ red head who became our graphics of Cabriniis published College. Radnor, PA 19087. Phone. 215-971-8412. queen. Without, Kelly's, expertise in pic- Subscription price is $25 per year and Is included in 1he benefits ture cropping Loquitur would not have been secured by 1uItIonand student tees. able to have such elaborate picture stories. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor Letters should be signed and the authorship known 10 the edttors. However, if 1he And yes, Kelly, I knew you would finally writer wishes. and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription insened learn how to master the waxer. such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters And what can I say about our resident should be typed, double-spaced. and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter rs too long for the available space, the mouth? Lou Monaco was our sports editor editor may edit or condense tt. Letters to the edrtor should be · submitted by noon on Mondays. and each week whether we wanted to hear it or not, Lou gavt>us his opinion on everything The edttorials and opinions pubished In Loquttur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual wnters and from Cabrini sports to love and friendship. not 1he entirsstuden1body or the faculty and admiQ1strat1on. Lou managed to educate me on the finer Loquitur is established as a forum for student express10n and as points of sports. I'll miss our screaming a v01ce in the uninhibrted, robust, free and open d1scuss1onof






friday, may 4, 1990

'3 •


Children'shopes dashed by vandals Dear Cabrini students, The vast majority of Cabrini students are a great credit to themselves, their families and the Cabrini community. At The Children's School we meet some of the finest. We have work study and work grant people who work with us. contributing significantly to the quality of our program. Students from many education classes observe and participate here, demonstrating qualities of caring, responsibility, creativity and dedication which let us know what fine teachers they will become. Members of the biology club, led by Kelly Evans and Nick Palumbo, have restored our nature trail, carrying and spreading countless loads of wood chips to make it safe for the children. They planted flowers and identified various natural wonders which they pointed out to the children so they could appreciate and learn about the environment. How saddened, angered and dismayed we have been of late to discover that a small group of students chose to defile and destroy that same environment. The trash from a beer party filled our Jog circle a few weeks ago. Ow- Children's School bench, lovingly decorated by two ofour fine work study people, and a picnic

table built by physical plant people, were removed from our playground andleft in the woods. Fortunately our friends from physical plant found and returned them. Last Tuesday night, April 24, our shed was vandalized. Shingles were ripped from the roof, the shed contents were thrown around and a wagon was stolen. The wagon was found in the 280 quad of Xavier. I love Cabrini and the Children's School. The people. here are exceptionally fine and work hard to create and maintain an environment in which spiritu4l, intellectual and moral growth may occur. Basic to that environment are respect and responsiblity for one's self. other people and the propeny of others. Those ·who chose to use our property an<!not return It and who were destructjve to ourpremises do not refle<,t those qualities of character which the college stands for. 1 hope they'll think about the consequences of their behavior and choose to change. 1bey have a plaee here at Cabrini in which they can change and be supponed for their positive choices.

Sincerely, Director of The ChilElleil J~ dren's School ad Staff •

Manager's ad ethics clarified To the editor: As business manager of the Loquitur, I feel I have been personally attacked and ridiculed by the Cabrini Sisters. I do understand the beliefs that this college community stands behind. But for sisters to write a letter of this harsh magnitude is surprising and uncalled for. To accuse myself and the rest of the Loquitur staff of misusing college resources and equipment to attack the values of this institution is ludicrous. With every ad that I receive from both on and off campus organizations, I evaluate and discuss the printing of the advertisement with the editorial board and Dr. Zurek. I do not take my responsibilities lightly. I do show compassion and concern for the standards and beliefs of this college community. We are a paper that believes in showing different sides of issues and giving diverse groups their space to voice their opinions. Advertisements placed in this paper do not reflect how we as an editorial staff place our beliefs. Advertisements are merely a source of income for the paper. We are open to different views. We let our readers make their own decisions and choices. We do not spoon feed our readers

To the Editor: I wish to comment on the letter written by the MSC's of the college community concerning the Phil Berg ad that appeared in the April 6 issue of the Loquitur. I don't know what "values Cabrini upholds," but I do know it is of value to me that the press uphold our right 10 obtain varied points of view. If Phil Berg wishes to run for the governorship of Pennsylvania on a pro-choice platfonn, that is his choice. I'm sure if Gov. Casey had submitted an ad promoting his pro-life stance the Loquitur would have

even though, from your letter, that is what you expect us as a Catholic college paper to do. I do believe being a liberally educated person means you are open to opposing views and beliefs from your own. Is this not something Cabrini tries to instill in their liberally educated students? I believe time and time again this year we as a college community have tried to work toward this kind of openness and acceptance to difference on this campus. I am more upset at your closed mindedness than anything else. Francesca Bansbach also showed concern toward the printing of this advertisement. The difference was she • took the time to .reflect and wrote a letter with _insight and choices leaving the reader to make a decision for themselves. She took the time to contact me and talk to me about the ad. She voiced her opinion and beliefs in an insightful, thinking way. I am looking forward to discussing this matter with you personally so you can get a better understanding as to where we stand. I would also like to know what specific acts of insensitivity and flagrant disregard for the values of Cabrini we have exihibited in the past.


Xavier Hall: life in a dump Editor'$note: This opinion is a responseto last week's front page story regardingthe vandalismin Xavier. It also ties in with the letter printed beside it. stand, though, that on oocasion, the toilet can't be flushed due to toothbrushes, toilet Xavier Hall- is quite an attractive paper rolls, nt?wspapers, bars of soap, or building...fromat least I00 feet away. N~ whatever, clogging the system. Why is the toilet paper on the floor? Bewhereelse have I ever a gardenof bottles an<Icans, where a new Bud appears cause there's no toilet paper holder. They all seem to vanish at one time or another. each day. Guys, what the hell is the purpose? Xavier south is my home; sometimes And sinks... I would have thought that I'm unsure whether it can be called just that. More appropriately, I can refer to my they were used for personal hygiene needs. place of residence as my "dump." Ifs a Some went as far as to think it could be used to clean dishes. Follow through with it. shame. There is no excuse for broken win- I'm getting sick as I take note of mold's dows, punched/kicked in walls, and dis- growth on dinnerware. It's ridiculous to always be in search charged fire extinguishers to occur repetitiously. It's downright stupid, and I have of the clean bathroom. Thank God for quad 150 and housekeeping, no respect for those responsible. There's If there would ever be a fire (and I obviously no !espect for me, or for any wouldn't be surprised if there were), we'd other resident. I'm legal, I like alcohol, and I can be cooked. The day wouldn't be right if I handle it. Very few other residents can hadn't heard the fire alarm go off. Who can tell anymore whet!Jer real or just a say the same. A walk through Xavier south is like a prank? I understand and sometimes appreciate walk through hell, if not worse. I dread coming back to the donn, especially on those typical college pranks, like adorning the weekends, to find rtew damageto the the ceiling with prophylactics early last semester. Though, when my money pays for building. It's alwaysanobstacle to g~tto missing or damaged objects, like the exmy room. If it isn't the shattered glass from the tinguishers, exit signs, etc., I get irked. I windows, lights, or anything you can don't think it fazes those responsible at all, name, it's that undefinable odor circulat- that I'm paying fer their childish games. The triplingof freshman into rooms was ing about the halls. It's a gagging expericap., I MM .... iil9tlrtN "111111 lnlflt fat m,m• wccesa811dbadhardly hdped for two mmutesas I dash tor my room. conditions.Thinkaboutit: two bathrQoms {depencfinsif the toilet or shower isn't It's actUallylhe odord Slalebeer OCJ1Dint from the mounds of trash that sit for weeks clogged with something) for 12people. No outside of almostevery quad. Xavierresi- wonder it's a disgrace. Still, one is able to dents would be rich if they were to cleanup afterhimself. At this time in our lives, we should recycle the beer's aluminum cans and realizethatmommy is not tiere·toclean up glass bottles. It would never happen. after us. If she only knew of the though. It requires WOik. Going to the bathtoom is evena chore. environmentwe areliving in, we probably wouldn't have a home for the summer. It's not so much tho toilet paper covered floors, but it's the urine-stainedandon- Maybethat'sgood. We couldlearna little flushed toilets themlelves. I do under- moreresponsibilitytowardmaturity.

by Phil T. Dorme



Earth Day tips to save the planet To the Editor:

In light of Earth Day and tlie beginning of Earthfest '90, I thought it prudent to reflect on the ecological nature of the campus community. The issues are clear and the 10 million people who actively participated in Earth Day 1990 illlustrate this is not a fad. To save the planet, we must be infonned and willing to take action. The Cabrini community in concert with the world can lend a hand in recultivating the Earth. The average family produces I 00 pounds of trash per week. Without the rainforests in Denise Edwards South America there will not be enough Business Manager oxygen on the planet to support life. If the use of chlorofluorocarbons in aerosol sprays and styrofoam production continues, sun published it as well. What would "pull the reputation of this bathing may become an invitation to skin cancer. 75 percent of the water used in the college down" would be muzzling the press United States is used in the bathroom. 100 on this campus. Give the students as many varied points of view as possible and let them gallons of water must be used to produce one • padofbutter. Amazing information andjust decide. It's sad that the MSC's seem more the tip of the environmental iceberg. As "dismayed and anguished" by free expresmembers of the world community, we have sion than the racial, alcohol and vandalism a duty to be infonned, spread the word and problems on this campus. take a stand. The Loquitur should be commended for Here are a few simple steps a Cabrini publishing that ad. Now I know that these student can take to help salvage the environfirst class awards are well earned. ment. Your actions make a difference. You cannot begin to act procatively until you Brian C. Marczyk, Freshman

stop actingdestructively. Don'tlitter. Take that can, bottle or sheet of paper you were about to throw on the ground and place it in a trash can, or better yet, in one of our campus recycling bins. Help clean up our campus and surrounding community. Be conservative when you photocopy. Use only the paper you need and if possible copy on both sides of paper. I have seen many signs made of two single sided sheets of paper pasted together instead of one double sided sheet. What a waste of paper! For those of you who might purchase beverages in six pack containers, snip the rings, sealife may get caught in unsnipped rings and die. Use albacore tuna; dolphins are killed in the nets which catch other types of tuna. Don't participate in chain letters, don't waste water, and try to purchase products which are not overly packaged. Look for products in large quantities and buy one big bag or bottle, not many little ones. The more package, the more trash. There are many more things you can do and many recourses available to learn about it. We can all be a part of reviving Mother Earth, start today, work together and make a commitment. Take some time to do for the world instead of for yourself. It feels great.

John Doyle, Director of Resident life



f riday, may 4, 1990



. . .· Round of golf provides tips for journalism and life by Carlo Iacono Editor-in-chief 1990-91

discussion drifted away from golf · the virtues of being organired and a and focused on school. red head. Johanna Church is a our As I left the clubhouse, I heard a ''How are you doing at Cabrini, "nose for news" as our news edivoice 'cry, "Hey there, little little fellow?" Lenny asked. tor. Her reflective viewpoints buddy.'' When I turned around to Just fine. taught us the value of life as well as see who it was, my eyes took in a "Are you still a budding jour- the pain of death. familiar sight from my not-so-disnalist?" Kristin Kroll, as photography tant past. Lenny was here to play a As a matter of fact, Len, my editor, always makes sure we have round of golf. career took a giant step forward. I the best pictures. Assistant news Lenny is a 72 year-old sage of a found out that I am editor in chief editor Kevin George adds wit, not man who is a regular at .this golf for my school newspaper, the Lo- to mention great news skills, to our course. Upon my first outing on the quitur, next year. newsroom. Perspectives editor links, Lenny introduced himself to "Oh, that is great CongratulaFelicia Falcone gives us spunk and my friend and me. We later found tions. How did you get that job and energy. She also likes my ears. out that he usually goes to the course who gave it to you?" Angie Corbo really keeps the ship alone and then finds his golf partWell, you see, I guess I did an afloat as our knowledgeable manners for the day. That March after- admirable job this past year as a aging editor. noon, Lenny gave us a lesson in reporter. And this year's editorial And the one who's footsteps I golf, college, and most importantly, board decided that I would be the am following in is our fearless life. one to take over'the ship. leader, Barbara Wilson. Her bubThe golf lesson was simple. I "I hope you don't guide that bly personality and infallable people moved my feet and my backswing ship that way you tee off.' · skills taught me that people, not the was too quick. As a novice, my Thanks Lenny. words, report the news. I only hope game is marred by the lawn-turf"Who is this board?" to do her proud. ing, tree-chopping, and lake-polThis year's board ·is a fabulous "Sounds like a great cast there, luting level of skill. Lenny is a group that has left a great impresCarlo. How are you going to get good golfer, but I was a project that sion on me. Lou Monaco is the along without them next year?" would take more than one spring sports editor who has a great sports That's the beauty of it Len. Next afternoon. mind and voiced his loud mouth year's staff is a 'strong camp of Now, over a month later, Lenny through a weekly column. The talent, skill, and character. I could recognized me and remarkably features editor, Kelly McGillan, is be dumb and blind and still put out remembered details of my life. Our our graphics queen. She taught us a quality product with this crew.

Doyle embodies Cabrini's mission by Chris Pesotski College should be a place where students can encounter individuals who can make a positive impact in one's growth and development. Higher learning is about more that textbooks and classes, roommates and ball games. College is about growing as a person, defining values and channeling energies. Cabrini is blessed with a great many individuals who realize this, and accept the challenge to educate us students both inside the classroom and out. They guide us when the way seems unclear, they counsel us when all hope seems lost, they laugh with us when all is well. Our "liberal education" would be sadly lacking without these individuals.

continue his work as an educator and mentor on these 110 rolling acres. This is a tragedy which cannot be allowed to pass unnoticed. John Doyle is a living example of what Cabrini presents as its mission. It tests my love for this college to the breaking point to see him forced to work without support, and have his-efforts deemed unimportant by his superiors. Although he and I have differed on issues and ideas, I cannot question his resolve to always dl1 what is right and is in the best interests of this college's students. John Doyle loves this college dearly, and it must . certainly break his heart to see it tum away from the ideals which made it a caring, loving place. Doyle embodies all that one could want J

A system which discourages loyalty and punishes initiative, dedication and energy must surely be out of line with the qualities of a liberally educated person. We as students value these people as they help us grow into well-rounded individuals. We do our best to supplement their meager salaries with smiles, wannth and words of thanks. To tell the truth, we students do far too little to recognize the contribution these people make to our personal, intellectual, and moral growth. The administration of this college seems to do even less·. Several recent actions indicate they go to the point of failing to recognize ther value of the qualities noted above. In her letter to the students in the college catalog, Sr. Eileen notes that the mission of the college is to develop "the qualities of the liberally-educated person in all Cabrini students.'' It would seem to me that l\11 excellent method of instilling these qualities would be populating the college's staff and faculty with individuals who live them on a daily basis. Yet, in a series of recent policy decisions, the upper-level administration has made it an impossibility for a member of the staff to

in a Director of Resident Life at a college which truly cares for the well-being of the student body. Apparently this college places the needs and wants of its students low on the list of priorities when evaluating the performance of administrators. Doyle builds relationships with students, befriending us, helping us when we need it. He remains able to judiciously administer policy, always attempting to educate students who violate it. · Approachable, energetic, committed, John attracted friends. Friends who respected him and his position, and worked with him on various projects. Perhaps that was his downfall. It is time to take a long look at our college's system of administration. A system which discourages loyalty and punishes initiative, dedication and energy must surely be out of line with the qualities of a liberally educated person. John Doyle, the students of this college will miss not only your presence, but also your ideas.

Denise Edwards takes over the sports desk with a bright smile, and 'in-depth twledge of Cabrini's athletic d artm~nt. Kelly Reed lends her c assy style to the features table. Chris Pesotski, as our news editor, is one of the best. He knows news before it even happens. His assistant, Melissa Landsmann, is a great person and a strong reporter. Chrisy Roach ·will make us spell correctly and use the right style as copy editor/writing coach. Frank Emmerich will use his great eye as photography editor. Sharlene Sephton will be the silent, strong, opinionated type as our perpectives editor. And Jennifer Morrison will be my right-hand woman as our managing editor. "Whew. What do you do?" Basically I just won't get in the way. I'll write a little, edit a little, copy pages, make peace, finalize decisions. The only perks are gets ting sued, and every editor must introduce me to their best looking female friend. "Oh, so you 're a comedian." No, I'm just a writer. "Just a writer. Are you crazy?

Always remember the powerof the written word. The written word has started wars and made peace. It has brought justice and revealed injustice. Its seeds are in truth, yet it has destructive power in falsity." Well, since you put it that way, my job is pretty important. "Heck yes. Nexttime you come to the club bring one of those Loquat ... Loquite ... What do you call your paper?" The Loquitur. "Yes, the Loquitur. Bring one by for me to read.'' I don't know if you would be too interested because it basically deals with campus events. "Heck, I'll be interested. Remember you 're writing for those who love the power of the written word.'' Oh, yeah. We'll write for those of you who love the power of the written word. "I hope your're a better editor than golfer.'' Why? "Because you 're quite a hacker now." Thanks, Lenny.

Film portrays the cost of war in human terms experiencedlove on a physicallevel. A very humanVietnamstory hasfl. Major technical power of this film nally emerged in directorOliver Stone's comes from the cast of unknownsupportfilm,"BomQntheFourthofJuly."Itis not ing actors, which also belped forget that a one-sided account with atrocitiesor sentimentalism as we saw in "Apocalypse Now "and "The.Deer Hunter." Like Stone's other Vietnam chronicle, "Platoon," "Bornonthe Fourthof July" drives home the point (with flashbacks to a peasant massacre), "thou shall not kill." Ron Kovic,the main character.portrayed by Tom Cruise, adds to that command,

•'womeaandChildren," a ~inforcement of an isme raised in "Platoon." HOWev«.the auelties emphasized in tlus war account are the very personal onesexperiencedby Ron before,during and after Vietnam. Ron constantly sees President Kennedyand field reports on televisionin support of the war effon. He is tom by his urge to be a manand joins the Marines. Ron's mother pRCipitares his commitment to militmy service by encooraging him to •'do what God wants'.

and stop communism.

the main character Oianges in Tom's




facial hair and

physical appearance also maintain that

We sense Kovic's fear and personal hope in this dump of futility perception. Oliver Stonebas employed some other ~ tools; for example, three bars of music from a loud, sweet trumpet usher in severalscenes.At times, pop songs fromthe 'SOsand'60ssuch as "Rock AroundtheCloct Tonight" and "My Girl" are carefully interspen,ed throughout and sometimesrepeated, but are always suited to the mood of the

scenes. Techniquessuch as slow motion ac-

Individoal guilt over innocents·killed tion, as ascenein Veterans• hospital, and on bodi sides, bow the Vietnam contro- silence, creating a feeling of suspension versy divided families, and the devasta- in time, stun our senses. U11eof hazy tion through one town• s loss of sixyoung orange light and black shadows in war men are other wrenching issues ad- scenes signifies war is, "confusing," as dressed. But never to be forgotten is Ron says over and over. That truth can Ron's stay in the Bronx Veterans'Hospi- be somewhere in the shadowsseems to tal; roaming unknown jungles presents a account for the use of black silhooettes. more dignified possibility of SU1Vival. Oliver Stone's film about Vietnam We sense Ron's fear andpersonal hope may be the iecond in a series,but what canhedoforafollow-up? AssureasRon in this dump of futility. .' The hospital stay, through a coura- Kovic has arrivedat acceptance, Oliver geous interlude for Ron, moved me in its Stonehas arrived at matme filmmaldng. Kudos to the Academyof Film Arts grotesqueness, but his trip to Villas Dulce,Mexico, brought me to tears as and Sciences for its.recognition of Ron experiences seJloal fulfillment. Stone's ability to mmy substance and ·Until now he bas been frustrated by the technique harmoniously. "Born on the fear that no one will ever love him. As Fourth ef July" deals with as many Tom Cruise cries with a sense of ~lease. human issuesas there aresms in a fourth our hearts arewith him that after matW'· of July ni&btsty. Color those~ ing in many other ways, be has finally

gold and a IDDVie rating the same.



friday, may 4, 1990


Toles produces Pulitzer winning cartoons

H01'1K \F'lO

LOVE. T\.lE.


by Felicia Falcone As the Perspectives editor for the past year, one of my duties was to choose a cartoonist. I (of course) let Dr. Zurek handle this responsibility and he (of course) came through with a winner. When we first received a cartoon from Tom Toles we didn't think that his editorial cartoons were applicable to college life. They weren't, in the sense of dealing with the "fun" aspect of college, but they were multi-dimensional in the sense that they made us think deeply about world issues. Tom Toles has not only proven

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to be award-winning at Cabrini, but nationwide. Toles has been more than successful during his career as editorial cartoonist. He was the 1984 winner of the John Fischetti Editorial Cartoon Competition and most recently was awarded the 1990 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning. Since 1982, Toles has worked for the Buffalo News and appears daily in about 125 newspapers. Toles tackles prime issues such as the environment and economic justice. Some favorites that have appeared in Loquiturinclude those dealing with the destruction of the Berlin Wall, Nelson Mandela's

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release {rom prison and numerous environmental sketches, including the one printed above. Loquitur is proud to feature a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist such as Toles and we have grown to enjoy and appreciate his work. He has not -001¥-.broughtus a cynical view of politics and the like, but has increased our knowledge of worldwide events through interesting sketches. Toles appearance in Loquitur is due to one person, and that is Dr. Zurek. Thank you for pushing us on to cartoons that depicted more than just typical college life.





fridaY, may 4, 1990

Academic council institutes Search on for activities director comprehensive changes procen

small school, who can handle the diverse grouping of activities and events tbat are plannedthroughout the year," Emmerich

by KristenMainero

by Clyde LaForest At the most recent meeting of the academic council, a change in the course drop policy was announced, and the addition of a new physical education course and the official removal of the human services major were approved. Jennifer Hansbury, registrar, announced a new method of dropping courses. The current process, according to Hansbury, is to obtain the signature of the instructor of the dropped course and of the student's academic adviser. Starting with the pre-registration drop/ add period of this week and the fall 1990 semester, students will no longer need to get the instructor's signature. Drops and adds will require only the adviser's approval. A section change will not require any signatures, Hansbury said. The new method was created in order to streamline the registration procedure, Hansbury said. In the past, students would spend days trying to collect instructors' signatures. The registrar's office did not know

The pre-registration drop/ add period was done so that students could get their schedules more in order before leaving for summer break -Jennifer Hansbury, registrar how many students were in each class until all the drop/add forms were returned. The disorganization would last for weeks, Hansbury said. Starting with next semester, Hansbury said, drops and adds will be tracked on the registrar's computer system as students bring their forms to her office. Adds will be processed on a first-come-first-serve basis, provided the class has not reached capacity. As the registrar's office takes control of the adds and drops, faculty will no longer have to keep track of the number of students in their classes, Hansbury said. This will eliminate any pressure on them to enroll more students than the maximum number they had originally set, keeping classes small and improving the planning and use of classroom space, she also said. Next semester, each course to be dropped

and added will probably be on its own card. If drops and adds are brought to the registrar as soon as they are approved by the adviser, it will help keep the enrollment data accurate, Hansbury said. The pre-registration drop/add period was done so that students could get their schedules more in order before leaving for summer break, Hansbury said. It also gives the registrar's office a better idea of open seats in certain classes for incoming freshman, who register during the summer, than if all drops and adds were done in the fall, she said. Also during the summer will be tennis instruction, offered by the Continuing Education division, for physical education credit. Helen Goodwin, P.E. department chairperson, said this is the first individualized sport for credit here. Students will not be able to have private tennis lessons, but will have formal instruction in tennis, said Judith Bradley of the Continuing Education Office. Goodwin said she wishes there were more individualized sports programs in the physical education department, but with only one instructor it is not possible. Most current P.E. classes consist of several sports, such as softball for several week$, then volleyball or basketball for a few more, etc. Individualized sports would feature one sport for the whole semester. Goodwin said individualized sports programs would encourage life-long participation. Students with an interest or skill in a particular sport would be able to play it for credit in gym class while setting a pattern of exercise that would continue after leaving college, she said. Another action taken by the academic council was the removal of the human services major, offered by the business administration department. The academic affairs office said it was discontinued because of a lack of demand, but that current human services majors will be able to finish the program. Edward Christ, chairperson of business administration, said there are only three or fourhumanservicesmajorsnow. He said the major has always been "an orphan," being moved to different departments from time to time, and he "adopted" it several years ago. "We're under some pressure from the trustees to keep the number of majors down,'' Christ said, adding that each program should have substantial student demand and at least one faculty member who is Academic changes passed

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A searchcommitteeis in the of reviewingapplicationsand illlerviow- said. 1here.will be two sets of applicants. ing candidates for the position Oat of the first group of 11 tppllcants. activitiesdirecler. bas narrowed it down to four Serving on the commiu.ein: Dr. Banfiailio fiDllisca. Tboeefour will then be interRdatBonfiglio.delmof..... ...... Dale,director«--affain. Dr. A11lmr viewedby the committee. Boofiglio saysthatbewaspleased wish Young. assoeiale of English, John Dzik. dinc&Grof albletics.Frank thei(Ualityof thefour applicants. "TIiey EmmerichSGA1JJ1E 1idell-elect.Lisa Naab ·fit the profile that the college is looting SGA recording secretary-elect. andsenior for. They all have experience which is valuable." Gary B1imett. One of the applicants is Assistant of Accordingto the adveitisment that was published in ''The Chronicle for Higher Dining Services Marion Link. Link, who Education•' the purposeof the position is has worked with students since 1967,said one ofher mainreasonsforapplingwas "I to '' actively promotethe fulfillment of the goals of the institution through the coordi- would like to see more done for and with the students. I am a people person, I love nation of a diverse and comprehensive these students . ., student activities program.'' "I would like to see someone who Other responsibilities the directorwould



hold would be to coordinate the schedul- could serve all the different constituening of all non-academic campus facilities; cies of the school,'' Dzik said. '• I think to advise the social activities board of the Rita Calicat did an excellent job, and I student government and may serve, if · hope that the new director has her enthuasked, as adviser to the student govern- siaism." Dzik also said he is looking for the new ment exectutive board. Also he/she must have a working knowledge of student director to have new and innovative approaches to the demandsof the job. development theories. Young said he would like to seethe new According to Emmerich, the committee wants the new director to be a director '' ascertain what the students resource person that has the professional want and wori:iffigetting that for them .•• bossiness contacts neccessaryin the plan- He would like to seethenewdirector foster ning of events such as the Jell-0 wrestling the growth of community spirit, and work contest that was part of Superthon earlier on projects that the would be benefcial to in the year. the students. "We want someone who is used to a


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friday, may 4, 1990


ipsto keep the Earthgreen by KevinGeorge

Shadowfax will have a concert in the gym on Sunday, May 6, at 8:30 p.m. Cost of admission for students (with identification) is $15. Cost of admission for reserved seats is $35 and for general admission is $25. The Last Day ofClassesisMonday,May7. will begin that evening.

May 8 will be areadingdayandexams

Graduation will be held on Sunday, May 21, at 10:00a.m. on the Mansion lawn. The location of Commencement in case of rain will be in the gymnasium.

Baccaulaureate Mass will be held on Saturday, May 20, at 4:00 p.m. on the Mansion lawn. In case of rain, the location will be the gymnasium. Senior Dinner will be held on Thursday, May 17, from 5-9 p.m. in the Grace HaJl Atrium.

Live Radio Play, "Sorry, Wrong Number," will be presented on Monday, May 7, at 9:00 p.m. by WCAB 650 AM. The last day for Tutoring is May 7. Stop by TODAY to schedule an appointment.

Extended Hours of the library for exams are as follows: May May May May May

8, 9, 10, 14 11 12 13 15

8a.m.-11 p.m. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 2 p.m.-11 p.m. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Video Yearbook On Sale Now. You can order your Cabrini College annual video yearbook-30 minutes of this year's campus people and events-for only $15. Sign up in the SGA office. The new SGA Class Officers for the 1990-91 academic year are the following: Senior class: president, Brad Millaway; vice president, Edd McNamee; secretary, Kelly McGillan; treasurer, Anna Zawodniak; social activities, Johanna Church. Junior class: president, Matt Hodlofski; vice president, Mary Shimkus; secretary RUN OFF ELECTION- Deborah Maryott and Julie McKee; treasurer, Lisa Neuman; commuter representative,Kelly Reed; social activities, Ellen Battersby, Angela DiJoseph, and Megan Holcombe Sophomore class: president-Maura Johnson vice president-Eric Klansek secretaryChristine Costigan treasurer-Heather Larawaycommuter representative-Ann-Marie Karlsen

Human Affairs: chairperson-Elizabeth Miller assistants-Chris Pesotski, Monifa ~illiams board members-Joe Buda, Diane Flinchbaugh , Sarah Greis

No more P/F scales will be used in Computer Competency or Physical Education classes. Grades of A, B, C, D and F will be used starting in September. The Registrar wants to remind you that every course for which a student is enrolled after the free add/drop period-January 15-23, I 990-must have a letter grade to illustrate the transaction: A through F, C for Credit, NC for No Credit, P for Pass, I for Incomplete and W for Withdrawn.

to view wildlife in the habitatfor which · they \¥ere made. Theadmission price of Earth Day 1990may be gone, but the $3 not only gives you access to the whole problemsstill exist. In an effort tofoster pmt, but goes to help perpelU8te the pin's year-roundsupport for theEarthDay sJo.. existence. Yearlypassesthat cost $12.50 gan, "Think Globally, Act Locally" we give you admittan0e to natiooaJ parlcsall preseota brieflist of simple ways-noneof across the country and also help support which cost nxn ·than $2.0- to keep the the park system. For information on the planet around for more .EartllDays. Forsythe pm. call ((,09) 652-1665, or , write to: Edwin B. Forsytfie,NWR. Box Join the Nalioaal Arbor Day Founda- 72, OceanviUe. NJ 08231. tion andget It he Crea For a yeady duesof$10, you canbecomea member of Hike or ride a bone • tile Honethe official ttee organi7.alionin the coun-- Slloe Tnll. The Horse-Shoe Trailbegins try, get 10 tiny nea ready- for planting in VaJleyForgeNadonalPart and continmailed to your house, receive the Arbor uesfor 120milesto theAppalachian. Trail society's quartedy magazineArbor PAY,Youcan get maps and information on the and receM' diSOOUDlled membershipprices trail from the Horse-Shoe Trail Club for oothe foundation's wideseleclimof trees, $4. Membership into the club goes to the shrubs and flowers. To join, .send your maintenance of the trail and costs $6

nameand address to: The National Arbor annually. Write to the club's secretary • Day Foundation. Membership Informa- Mrs. Robert L. Chalfant, 509 Cheltena tion, 100 Arbor Avenue,NebraskaCity, Ave., Jenkintown, PA 19046. NE68410. Teach ~ about the environJ9in the National Wildlife Federation ment at theNatureCenter of Charlestown and get two mapziM.8 for the price of located just north of the Great Valley one. IfyoujoinbeforcJune 18th 1990,the Corporate Center in Devault, PA. The federation's two full-color magazines, nature center needs volunteers to leadNational WiWlite .andInterpatiqnaJ Wild- children in a variety of nature programs. li& come with · --No experience the membership needed, the fee of $15. center will Membership train you. Call also entitles you the center at to: discounts OD 935-9777 for a wide selection information. of nature books, Summer invideo tapes and ternships are records; the Of>also available portunity to join to college stuthe federation• s dents majoring sunnner vacaeitherbiology, tion programs education or a which visit wildrelated field. life areas from You can get to coast to coast; thecenter either updates on conby hiking the servation work Horse-Shoe throughout the Trail or by takyear; and a stake ing Rt. 29 north in the nation's from Rt. 30 to largest conserCharlestown vation group Rd., and then working to preservecleanair and habitat. making a right onto Hollow Road. Send your name to: NationaJ Wildlife Be(ome a student Sierra Member Federation, 1400 Sixteenth St. N.W., for $IS: 1be SierraOub is a nationalorWashington D.C. 20077-6420. ganizationdedicatedto lawful preserva-

tionof theworld'snaturalresources.The

See wildlife in real life at one of the membershipentitlesyou to national,state area's National Wildlife Refuges. The and local publications. Call the local Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge in chapter at 563-84~4 for information. Brigantine, NJ offers visitors the chance

Security incidents reported April 23 through April 29

Quality of Life on College Campuses on Downward Track Crime, racial tension, and alcohol abuse are contributing to the decline of in the quality of life on college campuses, a report out this week concludes. The study done by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the American Council on Education, reported that, of the 382 college presidents surveyed and 18 campuses visited, 43 percent said campus crime has increased in the past five years.

Romanian President faces dissent Interim President Ion Iliescu came under harsh attack in Romanian protests that were the first outcry again a new non-communist European government. A former Communist Party secretary under dicator Nicolae Ceausescu, Iliescu fell out of favor and was given relatively unimportant party posts. He gained prominence during the December revolution, the most violent of the pro-democracty revolts that swept through Eastern Europe last year. Iliescu and his National Salvation Front have dominated the interim government. Despite repeated assertions that the Front embraces democracy, Romanians seeking Iliescu's resignation accuse him and others in the Front of seeking to re-establish some form of communism.

Criminal Mischief 4/26-11 :40 p.m.-Delivery order was left in the outside area of the cafeteria and foodstuffs were destroyed.

Alcohol Violation 4/27-10:50 p.m.-Illegal party broken up by security and resident life in the wooded area behind the chapel.

Vandalism 4/28-2:44 a.m.-Fire extinguisher vandalized in Xavier Hall.

Theft 4/28-11 :25 a.m.-Tennis racquet reported missing from the trunk of a student's car which was parked in front of House 5.

Alcohol Violation 4/28-10: 15 p.m.-lllegal party around physical plant was dispersedwhen police were called.



fridaY,.may 4 1 1990


Doylefrom1 point. Doyle feels part of the problem that he was subtly told he was no longer wanted in the position was conflicting views on what the position entails. According to Bonfiglio, the job requires the "overall functioning of the resident life department, policy enforcement, and the training, supervision, and evaluation of the resident life staff.•' "I don't have the opportunity to teach students to care about each other, to respect and love each other, not to threaten or hurt others, and to be fair," Doyle said. "For the institution that is not of value." Doyle also felt that the "chain of command" was being rearranged, meaning that Bonfiglio would expect something of him,

not tell him to do it, then go to Currie when he was dissatisfied. "John was well aware of my expectations,•• Bonfiglio said. "Our communication was good.

to take action," he said. He attributed that to lack of trust and support, and "the ability to know what's happening." •'As I look back on the past two

"I have realizedthe true limitationsof the powerand the abilityto take action." -John Doyle,directorof residentlife As a function of our departments, we would meet each week. "I am comfortable with the communication between John and I. We spoke on the telephone about four or fives times a day." Doyle said other problems were contributing to his decision to leave. "I have realized the true Limitationof the power and ability

months, I can see a problem with the students protecting each other for wrongs that are not understood," he saicf. "If I can affect change, then it's time for me to move on. "I've always considered that this job would be a four-year position. It's time to move on an find the right thing to do what I do.•• Doyle said he is considering

going into teaching. Although he does not yet have a job, he will concentrate on his theater company he started several years ago which performs Shakespearean plays for high school students. Another factor Contributing to Doyle's final decision to leave was that he was given untilJ uly 1to find new housing. •'Since John had come to me with the idea he might not continue here, I felt it was important to tell him that there was an eventualJy possibility the gatehouse would be for other uses," Currie said. Doyle said that at first he was angry about all the things which were happening, but he leaves "knowing that I've done good for some people.''

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"I also know there is a lot more work to be done," he said. "There are still problems with alcohol, respect, and simple human kindness. "I think of how Mother Cabrini didn't have as much effect on change when she was alive as when she was dead. I hope that I can cause the change I wanted after I'm gone since I cannot do it while I'm here." "John has made a conscious decision not to return to the college," Bonfiglio said. "I think it's based on the extremely taxing demands of resident life. ••Something very clear to me is that this year John had frustrations in trying to fill the job according to the standards he had set for himself."



_f riday may 4, 199'1







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friday, may 4, 1990


Student Teachers:

Facing the challenges of children's- curiosity . .

Editor's Note: This is the last of a three part series spanning this semester looking at the lives and growth of student teachers as they prepare for classrooms of their own. by Angie Corbo

Mrs. Daywalt, are you married? 2Dear, Mrs. Daywalt is my mother, I am not married yet. Do you have a boyfriend then? Is he cute? ls he a teacher too? What do you do when you go on dates? Do you have any children? -No! Ahh, well ...! mean ...Why don't we look at today's math lesson?


Vicki Daywalt, student teacher, asks, "Why are young students so curious to know a teacher's marital status?" She is "assaulted" each day with personal questions such as the situation above. Daywalt is not alone. The Friday of the senior farewell, Bridget Howard was giving a spelling exam. The students knew that Miss Howard had a formal dance to go to and that her boyfriend was driving up here all the way from South Carolina Giggles stirred throughout the classroom for the duration of the day. Despite Howard's own excitement about the night ahead, she ignored the giddiness and continued teaching her spelling lesson. Ordinarily, Howard looks forward to the free structure in her spelling class, only today she noticed that the students were a bit "preoccupied.'' In order to get the students' interest, either she or the class will compose sentences containing their ·spelling words. "fhis particular day, the students had creative energy and were "just brilliant" at making up their own sentences, Howard said. Protection, slid, tore, drank and similar words with sexual implications were coincidentally the words in her actual spelling unit.

Sentences from the pupils came out like, "Miss Howard and her boyfriend drank too much at the dance. Miss Howard's boyfriend tore her dress. Miss Howard slid f between her boyfriend's..... wonder if Miss Howard will use protection tonight.'· Howard teaches fifth grade in a Main Line, Catholic school; while Daywalt works in a Catholic grammar school with second grade students. As student teachers, both are approached by children who are comfortable asking them questions that are sometimes uncomfortable for the teacher to address. Teachers now deal with issues in their classroom at a much earlier age due to societal changes, according to Dr. Dawn Middleton, Chairperson of the Education Department. Hearing "f-- you Miss Stuhl'' may sound shocking to an outside observer in Sue Stuhl's special education class; however, it is an every day occurrence in her classroom, Stuhl said. Smoking is one of the questions that Annette Simones's eighth graders wonder about~ She advises, teaches, and coaches these students. They too, are curious about what Miss Simone does on her off hours. Does she curse? Go to bars? Play softball? She describes her students as a very responsive group. They ask her questions about her personal life, and Simone feels it is a positive dialogue when she responds to their questions. The students seem uninhibited to ask, and Simone is open enough to address the issues that the adolescents question. Alumna Mary Kate Grimely taught English at Saint Hubert High School for Girls in Northeast Philadelphia. She found many students were drawn to her because of her age. "When students see that you are younger they feel they can relate to you and you to them," Grimely said. Many teachers enjoy this "confidante" asp~ct of the job, yet they realize it is tiring,

draining and can sometimes place them in an awkward situation. Simone and Howard like working with the students on personal level. Howard sees this as a potential occupational hazard in the future. Thus, she is very conscious about developing a professional· rapport with her ''first real class.'' Working with "kids off the street" and their problems are what Simone is looking forward to. She values the personal time she spends with herstudents. From the early weeks of her placement, Simone has been coaching softball. This is an opportunity to show these young women how cooperation and responsibility parallel in the classroom and the field. Each day after school Simone gives up her free time to coach. Her goal is to "teach to girls" that softball and sports will relate to them for the rest of their live. Simone knows s'1,e had her work cut out for her when she began. She knew it would not be easy convincing a team of mainly non-athletic girls that playing softball would have a tremendously positive impact on their lives. Softball will come into the picture in their future relationships, family events, social outings, as well as teach the players the concepts of teamwork and discipline. In order to preserve the activepersonal aspect of her job, Simone would like to go to graduate school and earn her master's in psychology. The more £hallenging the situation, the more determined Simone is to do her best to motivate, educate and give her students hope. The elementary-student teachers find the interaction experience of their job to be much different. Daywalt explains, "the kids see you in one of two ways. You are either one of them, or you are their parents age.'' Thus. becoming a buddy is not as common as in the secondary setting.

• Daywalt feels the students see her more on the age level of their parents. She is a alumna of the elementary school in which she is student teaching. The students in the school see her as "old." Kelly Lyons, on the other hand, believes she is perceived more on the student's level by the students. ''First of all, I'm not much taller than they are. When we had our

The child, however, interpreted it as to literally take his chair to the principal's office in order that he may call his grandmother. Thus, he carried his chair all the way to the office. Shortly following, the teacher looked for the child, only realizing that both he and his chair were missing in action. The search for the missing child was complete when the

They come in each morning needing a hug and kiss, knowing the teacher will share warmth and show receptiveness.

class picture taken, standiflg flat on the floor, I was as tall as the kid standing on the top row," she said. ''That is pretty sad when you teach kindergarten!" A constant supply of energy is needed to attend to the immediate needs of the younger students. At times, the teachers find themselves acting upon impulsive actions from their students. Trish Fitzgerald accompanied her students on a field trip to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. One of the students broke loose and ran wildly towards center city. Acting on impulse. Fitzgerald ran in a full sprint chasing the child through the streets of Philadelphia. The student ran into a local restau rant to get away from the'' crazy woman'• he had chasing him. He screamed to waitress, "Help, help, there's a crazy lady trying to kidnap me." With that the restaurant owner asked them both to leave. No less than at full speed, the student began to run and Fitzgerald was close behind. Fortunately, the child was headed back in the direction of the Institute. He andthe student teacher joined the group in the planetarium for the remainder of the afternoon. Chasing m1ssmg students can happen in the school as well as on an outing. Diane Kadash's co-op teacher once needed to track a child and his chair. A few minutes prior to the disappearance, the child reported a missing lunch box to his teacher. The victim thought he had left it on the bus. His first reaction was to call his grandmother, hoping that she would be able to redeem him by bringing him some lunch. Apparently the child was told _bythe teacher to take his chair before going to the principal's office. Caddish believes that her intentions were for the child to sit down and then he could later go to the principal's office and call Student teachers swap stories about the questions and the antics of their students. (photo by Angie his grandmother. Corbo , printed by Frank Emmerich)

- Chris Mcsherry student teacher secretary called the teacher and assured her that both the child and chair were fine. The elementary and middle school student tend to listen to the letter of the law the teacher projects more so than the secondary students. "If one more person makes a sound you will not be able to go to lunch today," is a line that Kadash has selected. She said she would not keep a child from lunch, but it "sure is effective when trying to get the class assembled in order." For the most part, the teachers in the elementary schools believe they have incorporated "assertive discipline" into their style of teaching. They reward and/or take away freedoms according to the student's behavior. Howard thinks nothing of threat-. ening to have her students write the dictionary. Simone has gone to great lengths to compose "the most fair" tests. Joyce Mundy feels the authority to assign her noisy fifth period class to do their poetry lesson on their own instead of in the noise penetrated classroom. Simone likes her classroom control phrase, "Control yourself, maturity, discipline please.'' The student teachers claim they are reasonably able to control their students. They have the sense that they and the children have established a comfortable studentteacher rapport. When discipline is in order, the class will hear it; and when the student needs to talk, the teacher will listen. Many times student will flock to the student teacher for love. Chris Mcsherry said some of her students in her socially and emotionally disturbed special education class are literally starved for love. They come in each morning needing a hug and kiss, knowing the teacher will share warmth and show receptiveness. It is not what secondary teachers would perceive as establishing an informal rapport. The special education ~a~~ers in this situation are a resource for basic human needs. more teachers on 13



friday, may 4, 1990


Electricso~ndof Shadowfaxto jolt campus by Charles Waterfall Or Sunday, May 6, in conjunction with the launch of Cabrini's capital campaign, the surrounding area can experience Shadowfax, where a blend of diverse musical orientation and electronically modified instruments produce a hybrid sound, unique of any other band. ''The music is characterized as new age fusion jazz,'' Karen Berlant, director of public relations, said. "It has gone through an evolution." The Grammy Award-winning group includes founders Chuck Greenberg, Phil Maggini, and G.E. Stinson as well as Charles Bisharat, David lewis, and Stuart Nevitt. Each member, with different backgrounds in music, compose as much material as the other. Greenberg's style is similarto and inspired by blues singers John Coltrane and Eric Dolphy. His talent with instruments, from the- lyricon to the soprano sax, have contributed to the band's past success. Maggini and Stinson's preShadowfax experiences together in the blues, has also been incorporated into the band's music. While Maggini has stuck with straight blues-style bass guitar, Stinson has been said to go with "the free form." Stinson' s guitar-playing is between the styles of Bo Diddley and Don Cherry, but is the result of a developed hybrid itself. Bisharat came to Shadowfax in 1982 after ten years experience in classical violin. Today he has adapted and modified the use of the violin to an electric sound, but continues to practice the classical style. • Lewis joined the group back in

The Grammy award winning group Shadowfax from left to right: Phil Maggini, Stuart Nevitt, Chuck Greensberg, Charlie Bisharat, David Lewis and G.E. Stinson. ( Photo courtesy of Variety Artists)

1984. He, too, was influenced by band's last album, "Folksongs for classical music--giving particular a Nuclear ~illage," produced in credit to Stravinsky and Ravel. 1988, won them the Grammy. The His music is produced through six other albums have been prothe keyboards. duced since 1982. Nevitt, the drummer and perTheir latest album, "The Odd cussions player, came from a Get Even,'' was released two blues background', like band's weeks ago. In conjunction with the founders. He joined a decade release, the band began its tour. before Lewis. Cabrini will be the band) stop in Shadowfax, a name coined from Philadelphia. J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Last September, plans of having Rings,'' has produced seven Shadowfax perform on campus albums under Private Music, a was a goal of the capital campaign. subsidiary of Capitol Records. The The idea was to bring in new people

who would not otherwise come to campus and, "to project Cabrini into the future." After specific contractual negotiations were finalized, the band's appearance on campus has become a reality. "For Cabrini, a concert production of this magnitude is an ambitious undertaking," Berlant said. She is also a member of the campaign's steering committee. The plans and preparations for the production have been put into action. The campus security, physical plant, food service, housekeep-

ing and students play important roles toward the the concert production, and some have already begun working in full force. Students will work as hosts to the band, and as a lighting crew. According to Berlant, many students do not realize Shadowfax is a band that has gained notoriety over the years. The band has gained a strong following in Philadelphia. '' Students would not want to miss an event like this,'' Berlant said.

Friendlinessavoidsseparationfrom neighbors by Carol Wells Yarrow Area residents are pleased with Cabrini College as a neighbor these days. The occasional complaint directed to campus security regarding excessive noise sti11 exists, but for the most part residents enjoy the happy sounds of college activity. ''Our being here affords the neighbors a park-like setting where they can walk, bike and play tennis," Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, said. Additional benefits are the library, cultural offerings and a labor pool, all of which are available to the community. "There have been times when neighbors, who were planning a party, ask permission to use the campus for their guests' cars,'· Bonfiglio said. One nearby resident said that her children have used the game room over the years and have attended the '! Battle of the Bands." However, they were unsure if they were still welcomed, as neighbors, to attend such events. A neighborly relationship is a two-way street, and according to John Doyle. resident life director, Cabrini makes a concerted effort to maintain a friendly association. In order to avoid a separation between college and community, Cabrini responds to the concerns ofneighbors. "We try to answer complaints immediately," Doyle said. To correct some annoyances, a few cosmetic measures have been made. Curtains have been installed in resident housing. And, doors are being kept closed to help avoid noise permeating into the surrounding area. Holding band concerts and movies indoors is an added measure that Cabrini has taken, even though most events would be more appropriately sch,'!duledto take place outside. Life-long residents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hooven have only one gripe with Cabrini. "It's those dam lights that they put up,'' Hooven said. ''They shine into our property from the top of that building," he said. "J stopped having dinner parties because of them," Hooven's wife said. According

to them, it appears that perimeter lighting directed to shine into-the parking lot could solve this annoyance. Karen Berlant, director of public relations, reports that "relations with neighbors have been cordial," she said. One couple who lives on Berwind Circle recently asked if Cabrini could control some of the undesirable behavior that has been exhibitep near their property, since they're trying

"Cabrini has always been a good neighbor the only fear we have is that they will build too close to the property line." Mrs. Earl Morgan, a 25-year resident to sell their home. · ·They were very nice about it,'' Berlant said. The installation of a privacy fence could possibly correct this problem. However, since the "school is built on a hill, a fence would preclude the visual problem, but not the noise," Doyle said. Sergeant Jerry Gregory of the Radnor Township Police Department said that the department has a good relationship with Cabrini. "I can't recall when we were up there last,'' he said. Noise complaints are usually handled by campus security. "We've had only one more complaint than last year," Dan Neyer, director of security and safety, said. '' Mostly the neighbors fear the future.'' Neyer said, referring to the erection of buildings and tree removal that would be associated with any new construction.

In the past decade, there has been some difficulty with neighbors when Cabrini attempted to construct some resident housing, but for the most part, area residents enjoy the college. "Cabrini has always been a good neighbor," Mrs. Earl Morgan, a 25-year resident, said. ''The only fear we have is thatthey will build too close to the property Iine," she said. The Grass Roots Campaign that was conducted on March 16 is one example of Cabrini's commitment to keeping the campus environment favorable and presentable for all who wish to attend events and use the college facilities. In addition, Berlant's office invites the local community to events, such as the up-coming May 5 Capital Campaign kickoff, where there will be a 20-minute fireworks display. "The whole township will be invited," Berlant said. Cabrini's campus providesanarrayofpleasures for area resi.dents. "It's a lovely place to take a walk," Mrs. Edward Moynahan said. Moynahan especially enjoys the concerts and the Paoli Memorial "Festival of Trees" Christmas display. "It's nice that some of these thing~ are open to the public,'' she said. According to former Student Activities Director, Rita Calicat, students are making great strides to show responsibility through community service. Several outreach projects that embrace the local community are the haunted house, children's theatre, and arts and crafts activities at the Bryn Mawr Hospital pediatrics ward and also during the annual one-day baby sitting service. Cabrini's good neighbor image is noticed. Detective Sergeant Peter Gangl, a 22-year veteran of the Tredyffrin Township Police Department, said that the force receives very few complaints about Cabrini. "In fact. normally Cabrini calls us to handle situations. such as suspicious persons on campus or loose animals," he said. .. But. seldom do neighbors call.'·




friday, may 4, 1990

WCAB anticipates hitting the airwaves on FM by Carol Wells Yarrow As 1990 marches into the decade, WCAB 650 AM is pounding-out a new cadence of operation. ''With the assignment of positions, we 're a lot more organized," Station Manager Christina Roach said, referring to the management positions that WCAB has established this year. Appointments have been made in the programming, music, news, sports, production, promotions, public affairs, and grants departments. ''This way someone is responsible for each job," Roach said. The increase of on-air broadcasting, currently 70 hours, up 14 hours over last semester, including 12-hour Sundays, necessitates the need for more on-air personalities. "We have held to a regular schedule every day ofthe week," Clyde Laforest, assistant station manager said, proudly. In order to operate the station during broadcast hours, many students double their commitment. Dawn Timbario is one DJ who also does a news shift, as welJ as

holding the position of assistant news director. "That's the kind of retention we' re looking for," Communications Center Supervisor Bud Mellon said. As program director, Dan Francis' job is to supervise the sportscasters, news anchors, disc jockeys and engineers. Francis- holds a DJ slot, too. He sees this semester as "the time to get ourselves organized before we go FM," he said. News Director, Jennifer Morrison, is pleased with the station's ney., news format. ''This semester we dropped Compuserve (a news wire service), and the. anchors are writing their own news copy," Morrison said. This allows the latest news to be broadcast to the Cabrini campus through three- to- four minute live reads, which are prepared in the production studio. Also new this year are pre-produced events and interviews which broaden the format. Sports news is broadcast on oddnumbered hours, at the top of the hour. Laforest goes on to say that WCAB has just introduced some new programs, wherein speakers, issues and events are highlighted

through pre-produced media and live interviews. Hosts for the specials are Frank Emmerich, Mark Gudas, and Laforest. The station has come a long way since its inception in 1982 when Frank Hogan began with a five-day-news staff. According to Mellon, Hogan, known as "the father of WCAB radio," added a rock-oriented format and Iive broadcasts of Cabrini basketball at the Palestra. As promotions manager, three-year station veteran Maria Watson is committed to the station's growth legacy and is striving to increase station awareness among the campus community. "We've been advertising in the Loquitur and have printed some WCAB logo's on sweatshirts," she said. Other campaigns include trivia give-aways sponsored by Domino's Pizza in Wayne and Donnelly Directory. WCAB 's community commitment goes further than the Cabrini campus. "Our involvement in Superthon is like a radio station's pledge <.lJ:ivefor charity," Lou Monaco said. Monaco is referring to the 48hour M&M marathon that he and Mellon staged during Superthon '90. As WCAB strives to become more professional, the station management is mindful that it is a teaching studio targeted to give students hands-on experience. "We need more people and you don't have to be a communications major," Morrison said. "We'll train you." Joe Hamett teaches Radio Broadcasting class and, he teaches Roach's fonnat to all his students. Hamett has taught many of the current staff. His aim is to teach them "to find words of beauty," Hamett said. "Words that sound beautiful over the air and move people from one mind set to another.'·

Wasit onlya d_ream? By Mark Gudas




It's 3:30 a.m., the coffee is brewing and the bag ofMilkyways is almost~mpty. Your typewriter is smoking from the rapid depression of the keys. Papers seem to be giving birth because every time you look on the floor there seems to be another page of notes that you have to study. You want to reach for the Vivarin, but you forgot to buy it. A wann bed sounds real good, but you have to push on. The clock slowly ticks away. It's 3:45 a.m., and your fingers are still moving slow. You try to keep your eyelids open by putting toothpicks in them, but they break. Your entire body from head to toe, including the hair behind your kneecaps, feels like it weighs a ton of bricks. It's 4:15 a.m., and you hear a voice from beyond say, "Gertrude, you gotta stay awake. You knew )wo weeks ago that the paper was due, but you put it off anyway knucklehead.'' It's 4:30 a.m., and the blank pages stare back at you longing for the answers. Time to walk around the room. You get up and fall because you tied your shoelaces together in a fit of anger at your procrastination. It's 5: 15 a.m., and your fingers look like bananas. Your room is full of pink smoke. _.Avoice from beyond says, "You're hallucinating strap, get back to work." It's 5:30 a.m., and you have half of a page done. Only four'and a half more to go. You congratulate yourself with a swig of coffee. It's 6 a.m., and another page and a halfl}ave found words to fill them. You say to yourself, ''This is a piece of cake. I can do this standing on my head.'' It's 6:30 a.m., and the morning sun sends butterscotch swirls dancing upon your floor through the open cracks of your Venetian blinds. But miraculously another page has found words. It's 7 a.m., and your roommate is ready to roll. You tell him to pick you up a cup ofcoffee because you ran out with that last swig at 5:30. Another page has danced it's way to heaven for it found words. There is only a half hour left before your alarm goes off telling you its time to get in the shower. It's 7:30 a.m., and the alarm goes off. You pick it up and throw it against the wall like a Nolan Ryan fastball. Strike three. The alann breaks. Now you are really mad. Not only are you out of coffee, but you are out $15 for the alarm, and you are still waiting for the Page Fairy to wave her magic wand over the last page and help you finish the paper from hell. It's 7:45 a.m., and for the first time in your life you are taking a col~ shower, just to wake up. Not only are you singing, but somewhere you are formulating the final page in your head. You start thinking of all the excuses in the world. You come up with one. "It was a blizzard and my cousin's sister's aunt died and I just had to talk to her about it." It doesn't wash just like the lint in your bellybutton. It's 8 a.m., and you feel zestfully clean but not much else. You are so numb that you think you can walk in front of a semi doing 80 miles per hour down the Schuylkill and not get hurt. You think you will walk away without a nick. Maybe when this paper is done you will try it. It's 8:15 a.m., and somehow the Page Fairy rains words down upon you. Your last page is finished. You pack away the typewriter and start to head out the door. You stop. Sugar, you forgot to do the cover page. It's back to the typewriter for a quick three lines. You bang it out in rapid fire fashion. You put the paper in front of the door so that you don't forget it. The typewriter goes in the closet and when you turn around at 8:28, that coffee you ordered at 7:00 is now making love to your cover page. It's 8:30 a.m., and somehow you make it to class on time with paper in hand. You hand it to the professor only to find out that the paper is not due until next week. Buzzers go off. It's not really school beJls that are going off, but the hiss of the wet coffee hitting the hot plate. It's 3:30 a.m., and you fell alseep only to find the coffee brewing, the Milkway bag half empty, and five blank pages staring you in the mug.

Curreqtly, the station's staff is concerned about going to an FM frequency. When the station goes FM it must abide by the Federal Communications Commission(FCC) laws. There will be more monitoring, and a certifiable number of PSAs required. "We do more PSAs than is required anyhow, because of WCAB's philosophy," Communications Department Chairman; Dr. Jerome Zurek, said, referring to their dedication to being an educational station. ''It's great that communication majors have a chance to be on the air their freshman year," Christina Rudden said. According to Rudden, she also would like to see students follow her lead and listen regularly to WCAB. "It's a plus to be able to keep up with local news and news from other campuses,'' she said. Under FCC regulation paid advertising will be prohibited; thus Grants Director Melissa Landsman is researching other ways to bring in revenue through local business sponsorships. According to Mellon, the FCC has issued a construction permit for a FM tower. The frequency number will be 88.5 FM. Before construction can begin, however, ''the communications department must receive grant monies from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration," Zurek said. "It's a 'Catch-22' situation." "The school has set aside the necessary money, but we can't use it until the federal grant is received." An FM transmitter, tower and a microwave link to Villanova University are some necessary equipment that is needed to make the conversion. When the system is complete,WCAB will be splitting the weekly broadcast hours with Villanova.


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friday, may 4, 1990




Kappa improvescommitmentof service Ceremonycelebratesdedicatio_n Reorganizationof tour guide of seniors;welcomesinductees programaids admissionsoffice by Kelly McGillan

Tatta, Roe Francesconi, Hillary Hoch, Mary Jo Guinco, Denise Civa, Heather With the lighting of candles and Corlett, Dede Beckett, AnneMarie Mims, awarding of certificates,Kappa Sigma Omega Shiela Smith, Diane Brinker, and inducted it's new members ana said farewell Stephaine Cole. to it's graduating seniors. While their parents and friends As pattering rain-drops hit the sky- looked on new members received recognition for completing the pledge process "Compared to inductions in and becoming full members. New inductees were given accolades to their spirit of the past we had more service, enthusiasm and devotion. This attendance this year." year's pledge class was the largest in recent Kappa history, totaling 30. - Denise Edwards, "Compared to inductions in the vice president. past we had more attendance this year. It was better organized as well,'' said Denlight of Grace Hall's Atrium, graduating 1989 ise Edwards, vice president. ''The seniors Executive Board members inducted current and family of new members seemed to board members by passing a flame represen- really enjoy the ceremony.'' Associate Director of Admistative of service and dedication. sions, Laurie Bentz, announced the names Seniors helped to welcome in the new inductees before receiving gifts and of Kappa's which admissions had choose praise for their years of invaluable service to to represent them as tour guides under the newly implemented program. the college community. After the ceremony, members Kappa Sigma Omega's graduating seniors include: Angie Corbo,Paula Phillips, and guests gather for a reception catered Alice Mahoney, Heather Schwarz, Maria by Seilers Cafeteria Service.

Old Kappa officers pass on the responsibliites of their office to the new officers with the fight from a candle (photo by Frank Emmerich)

Teachersfrom 1-0 McSherry has seen many teaching professionals in special education get '·burnt out'' by serving as the constant resource to these students. McSherry observed young and old alike, teachers have theirlimits. Regardless of the school, there are a variety of the "fresh and bright" teachers mixed in with a few "burnt out and dull" teachers. All of the student teachers exprerienced the challenge of finding the proper dynamics to establish a professional rapport with diverse faculties. Kristen Schaller was expected to attend all faculty meetings/functions with her coop teacher. Mundy was told to "help herself'' in the cafeteria during lunch and to join the other teachers in the faculty dining room. Using the faculty lounge is something Simone has grown accustomed to. How-

ever, one day she was almost reprimanded for using the faculty lavatory. "This teacher that I say 'hi' to everyday gave me the most peculiar look when I walked out of the bathroom dressed in my softball stuff." Simone said. "She thought that I was one of the kids being smart and using the wrong bathroom to change in.'' Diane Kadash feels she has established a very professional rapport with her co-op teacher as well as the other faculty members in her grammar school. ''I think that since I am the only student from Cabrini, I tend to act more mature because I don't have the college kids to hang out with,'' Kadash said. Most teachers will finish their student teaching on May 4. They will have completed the requirements for the commonwealth of Pennsylvania to teach in any school in the state. Next fall most of these student teachers will return to the classroom. Not as student teachers, but as professional educators.

by Kelly Williams While the weather takes a tum towards spring, many students are anxiously awaiting the end of the semester. However, there is a certain groiw of students who are busily preparing for next semester's incoming freshman. They are the students who donate their time to the admissions office by giving tours to prospective incoming students. All are members of Kappa Sigma Omega, Cabrini's service organization. There will be a change this year in the selecting procedureoftourguides. Previously, any Kappa member who chose to donate time was able to give a tour. The admissions office has decided to change this policy. Kappa members will now be chosen through admissions. Laurie Bentz, associate director of admissions, said, •'Cabrini College spends thousands of dollars each year on advertisements and literature about Cabrini in the hopes of recruiting - new students. The campus visit is crucial--it is usually the first impression that an incoming student receives. The' impression that the student receives from the tour guide is one which stays with him or her.'' Bentz said. "We want to make sure that the best people represent Cabrini College.'' Bentz said. "We are choosing the most knowledgeable, honest, reliable, dedicated, and enthusiastic people who we feel would best represent what Cabrini is all about." Along with this change in policy comes a greater prestige associated with tour guides. At the Kappa Sigma Omega induction, which will take place on April 29, 1990, not only will the newly chosen Kappa members be inducted, members of Kappa who have been chosen to give tours will be called up. and presented with a gold and scarlet pin, signifying the schools academic colors. Bentz said, "We feel that the current tour guides gi~ so much of their time anc are so dedicated to the college that they deserve proper recognition. Bentz said that the final decision of selection tour guides has been extremely difficult. "I really enjoy seeing so many dedicated students, many who which I, myself, interviewed as incoming freshmen." Bentz said. "Seeing students volunteer their time for nothing but their own personal satisfaction in return, reinforces everything that Cabrini admissions is all about. Many other col• lege' s pay theirtour guides. Cabrini doesn't have to, thanks to the students who give of themselves in order to keep Cabrini the way

that it always has been, a family," Bentz 1 said. The only problem that Bentz mentioned was the trouble that she was having in actually selecting the 20 to 30 Kappa members who will be chosen to give tours. •'When it comes down to the hand selecting of these students, the cuts will be extremely difficult. All of the Kappa members have done a wonderful job, especially this semester,'' Bentz said. "We are trying to cover all majors and varied interests in terms of matching tour guides up with the interest of the incoming student. We also are trying to have each available time slot for tours covered by a guide. These are big factors which also weigh in our decision.'' Other Kappa members have found this new policy to be a marked improvement. Admissions Liaison Kelly Reed said, "I receive a lot of personal satisfaction from giving tours. It's nice when I see people to whom I gave tours and they decide to come to Cabrini. I also feel the new policy concerning tour guides is good. It's important that possible incomigg students receive quality service. "If a possible student has a good tour guide, then that student will have a good impression of Cabrini, and that's what we want; the best possible rep_resentation of Cabrini as possible,'' she said.

" The people who wi II be chosen will be more qualified, more dedicated, an_dmore responsible. " -Anna Zawodniak Kappa member Kappa member Anna Zawodniak said. "Ifeel that the new policy is a good idea. The people who will be chosen will be more qualified, more dedicated, and more responsible. They want to do this.'' Vice President of Kappa Denise Edwards said, "I feel that this new policy is great. Admissions is getting exactly what they want. With admissions selecting us, they are getting the top Kappa people who will do the best job.'' Edwards said. This new tour guide policy was instated with the intention of raising the enrollments for next year. Bentz said, "With the best people representing the college, perspective students will receive an accurate and sincere portrayal of Cabrini. Through this, we hope to have the highest enrollment as of yet.':'

Kappa tour guides Lisa Neuman and Anna Zawodnia.k answer parent and incoming student's questions at an open house during a group tour (file photo)



f riday1 may 4 1 1990


Senior citizens party with a timeless message by Kevin George Cabrini hosted two parties for seniors on Friday evening, April 6. At one gig, the dance floor was packed with people shuffling to the DJ's beat. At the other party, the DJ spent most of the evening playing music to an empty space, the dance floor. One party provided beef and beer; the other, with the dancers, served spagehtti and Sprite. The Sprite must have had a dizzing effect on the seniors at the one party, because as they left, their faces were gleaming with enjoyment and appreciation of those who invited them. The beer served at the other party took a little longer to generate enthusiasm, but it still failed to heighten spirits to th~ point which the 'sprite-induced seniors acheived. While the seniors with the beer were getting up the nerve to dance, the Sprite-drinking seniors were already planning their next party, since most of them have over 70 years experience doing it. They planned their next get-together by doing what they do best, having fun. After going home, they kept the good times rolling by raiding the refrigerator, picking up a couple of pizzas, and talking until I a.m. The contrast between the college seniors· get-together and the real seniors' bash provided an interesting illustration: how to party, and how not to party. Leaming the finer points of the party lifestyle is not one of the expected benefits of hanging around with the silver hair crowd, but then again, if we youngsters don't do what is expected of us, why should our grandparents? Such was the reasoning one had to conclude upon leaving the Social Work club's "Adopt a Grandparent" dinner and dance on that Friday evening. The night offered volunteer "grandchildren" an even more valuable opportunity than getting a few pointers on partying; they got a look into the real people behind those thick spectacles. They got to meet women like Carmela, a 94 year-young, rug-cutting "teenager." Carmela and her adopted grandson,

gotthe party going as they spun around the centerofthe dance circle while the rest of the dancers kept the beat going with their clapping hands. The dancing seniors also recruited wallflowers who needed a little encouragement, and by the evidence of the"'fewcanes that were left behind, ease of mobility was not a prerequisite, only a remnant of party-animal instincts. For Lydia, those insticts were alive enough to make her forget about her knee that was operated on last year. Even non-dancers could have benefitted from the more veteran partiers. It seems that those who have more experi-


Learning the finer points of the party lifestyle is not one of the expected benefits of hanging around with the silver hair crowd. ence in the art of mingling, believe it is easier to _meeta new person in a room with the lights on, and where the music provides conversational accompaniament instead of communicational interference. If you were fortunate enough to slam a few Sprites with a woman like Mary (who won't tell you her age because you shouldn't ask that of a lady) you could avoid a conversation that starts with "what did you get on that history mid-term?" Instead, you could break the ice with ''What do you think about raising kids?" If you did, Mary woul reply simply "stay home with your them." In Mary's experience, she has found, ''The most precious time of your life is seeing your children develop, and if you miss it, all the money in the world won't g'et it back." Her friend Irene agreed: "After I was married, my family lived in a two-room apartment and we shared a bathroom with another family, but I didn't care how poor we were, I had

Student delivers award-winning paper by Kelly Reed


that he had done considerable research on both Camus and Merton and that he was well in control of their thought. He handled the discussion period afterwards with admirable ability." Rev. James J. Doyle C.S.C., Secretary of Theta Alpha Kappa said. McWilliams also presented his paper and led Chairperson of the Engfish/communications department Dr. Jerome Zurek's "Individualism and the Common Good" class in a discussion on the ideas expressed in his paper. "I was really surprised that I was asked to speak at the conference and in Dr. Zurek's class, I don't consider myself a very good public speaker,'' Mc Williams said. "But I really enjoyed the conference and the class because I knew my topic very well and I am really interested in the philosophical speculation that is involved with this type of paper," Mc Williams said.

"Sean was really great in class and he really synthesized the ideas in the paper well,'' Zurek said. Besides his interest in philosophical speculation, Mc Williams is also a history and political science major. He had an internship in the State Department where he worked in the Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. While he was there he reviewed various asylum cases, where refugees from countries like China and Poland had applied to the U.S. to escape persecution in their homeland. Mc Williams job was to review each case and to decide if the refuge had the qualities to be considered for asylum. "It was very difficult for me because I knew that by denying these people asylum I was most likely sending them back to be killed in their own countries,'' Mc Williams said.

Senior Sean McWilliams delivered a paper to the annual meeting of the religious honor society Theta Alpha Kappa at Caldwell College, New Jersey. At the April 7 event, McWilliams presented the paper which dealt with an analysis between Albert Camus' atheist theory of a •'saint without God'' and Thomas Merton's idea of human goodness being motivated by God. The works Mc Williams compared in the paper were Camus's book "The Plague" and Merton's essays on Camus. Mc Williams's paper was originally written for a class that was taught by Dr. Margaret Reher in. the spring of 1989 titled "Thomas Merton: the early years.'' After reading the paper and completing 12 credits in religion, he was asked by Dr. Reher to consider membership in the •national religion honor society Theta Alpha Kappa. Every year there is a "call for papers'' by the honor society and the theology professors choose what they consider to be the best paper and send it to Theta Alpha Kappa for consideration. The best paper is chosen by the national president of the honor society to be delivered at· their annual conference each year. The selected paper is also published in the honor society's journal each spring. McWilliams delivered his paper to the conference, which consisted of professional theologians and other students in the honor society. "It was clear to all ofus who had Senior Sean McWilliams was recognized at the national the privilege of hearing him speak conference of Theta Alpha Kappa. (Photo by Chris Pesotski)

to stay home with the kids.'' Both Mary and Irene agree, leaving children in day care isn't the way to go. ''No one can love your kids like you, and that· s what they need, alotta love and attention.'' The advice from life's veterans takes on new meaning when one gets to know, even ifforone night, those who have learned the hard way. Getting through the hard times apparently helps put one's priorities in order, and for these two women who lived through The Depression, material things seem to occupy too much time of today's young couple. When you start to consider marriage, Mary says to look for a person not a salary. She told Tricia Loughran, her friend's adopted granddaughter, "Marry someone for who they are not how much money they make.'' Anyone who has spent an hour or two listening to their grandparents talking about' 'the old days'' has heard enough bread-used-to-be-a-nickle-a-loaf stories. Those ancient history episodes tend to make us think our grandparents are out of touch with our world; like the world is a different planet today and their experience doesn't apply. But after experiences brought to us by the Social Work club, like the Adopt A Grandparent night, common denominators begin to surface between "us" and "them." Common things like happiness and unhappiness. Not all the faces were happy on that Friday night; there were a few who couldn't muster the energy to get up and dance. And there were a few who wished they could. And at the other seniors' party, some didn't need a beer to get up and move or to go over and introduce themself to someone new. Some senior citizens were eager to talk or to mingle and some were too shy or too unpleasant, just like the seniors at the other party. The men didn't do much dancing at either event. In fact, the biggest differences between the two parties were the beverages served and the age of the crowd.

Civic duty:

Census ori campus by Anna-MarieKarlsen Itis 1990. Doyouknowwhat that means ' in our nation's capital? It is time for all citizens of ourcountryto stand up and be counted.

I don't mean elections. It is time for that every-ten-years tradition called1he·census.When mailboxes are bursting with long and tedious fonns that ask us our name, birthdate and if we have a washer-dryer in our home or use a laundromat. 1be census is commissioned every ten years by the federal govemmem. It surveys all citi1.eDS, and compiles the data, which is then ~ for a variety of purposes. including congressional representation. ''11JeRA's were1heoneswho handedout the forms.''said John Doyle, director of Resident Life. Every resident student recieved a census fonn. They either recieved a shortform, which may take a whopping 19minutes to complete, or the long fonn, which can run you a good 45 minutes. 1be way the fonns were distributed was that every sixth studem got a long fonn and the others got the short fonn. "We just started with a list andcowtteddown," Doyle said, pointing to an alphabetical list of on-campus students, "and 1-23-4-5 got theshortform, andthe

six1bgot the longform.'' To students whobow little aboutthewaythecensuswarks.

the question of double-counting often to mind. "Won't I be rounted twice, consideringthat my parents will also fill out a censusform?" "No, not if thefonnsare filled out corectly," Doyle said. "Anyway, it would not be a huge disaster, because the census fonns (nationally) are not being returned.'' So what is the purpose of a census? Can't they just count us using our social security number? Well, to be accurate, the census is a lot more than just a scoreboard. Most homes and apartment acrossthe nationreceive 1he long fonn. It asks everything about an individual. It of course will ask names, ages, and how long at present address. But it goes more in depth, for example--do you have any pets, do you own a personal computer, etc. "1be census is designed to tell what kind of people are living in America,'' Doyle said. So what was the reaction of the students? "Most were unbelievably confused,'' Doyle said So far, of the approximately 460 census forms have been passed out, about 420 have been returned. If you haven't returned it yet, John Doyle asks you return it to him or give it to your RA. "Wewantascloseto 100 pel'CCDt retumed as possible.'' Doyle said. Now is the time to stand up and be counted for the 1990 national census.




friday, may 4, 1990


Toto leaves education division for ministry post by Jennifer MGffl80ll

Sr. Julia Toto, MSC, will be leaving her positionas assistantprofessorin the educationdepartmentat the end of the spring1990semester. Toto Im accepteda missionto West Park. New York.whereshe will be the assistantcoordinatorof the religious ~t for adolescents at the St. Cabrini Home on the Hudson.

In Totos• resignation letter she states, "Pleaseaccept my profound gratitude for all that I have experienced during these past nine years, as well as for my previous four years 1973-1977 as codirector of the evening division.•• One of Toto's major accomplishments was founding the continuing education department in 1973. "Sr. Julia tumedthecontinuingeducation office from a desk and a chair into a department in which there are 400 parttime students enrolled,•' Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice-president for academic affairs, said. In 1977, Toto left Cabrini to become the principal of St. Donato's grade school in Philadelphia. She returned to Cabrini in 1981, where she has been an assistant professor in the education department for nine years. She has revised and taught the "Foundations of Education" course for education majors, and has taught other

coursesincluding: "Teaching Social Studies and Undelllmltin15 Minority Issues in

F.ducation ••, a saninarin secondary education.and a clan in curriculum and methods of teaching secODdaryeducation social studies.

Toto has developed and prepareda manual for the education majors' field work experience, served as secondary education coordinator and advised secondary education students. Andrew Litavec, assistant professor of education, said that in Toto's work as chairperson of the secondary education advisory board she included many of the cooperating teachers who helped with the professional development of our students. "Her many years as an elementary school principal in Scranton and Philadelphia led to many innovations not only in the content of the course, but provided the edu-

"Sr. Julie has been a source of inspiration to all" -Andrew Litavac

Sr. Julie Toto will accept a position in a New York home for adolesvents. (Photo courtesy public relations) ate, empathizing, and have mutual respect forotherstodeal with feelingsofchildrenas well as people in general,•' Toto said. In her new position, Toto will be working with adolescents who live in group homes off-campus. "Sr. Julie thought about a change in ministry," Biller said. "Her relationshipwith young people. will help her with the young people in a great deal of need and will be a great service of the Lord.•• "I'm going to miss the people of Cabrini, especially, the students, sisters (my colleagues). and the long and short term friends

cation department with insights and experiences which benefited the entire education department, •• he added. Toto has hopes her students take what they have learned anduse it not only in the classroom, but also with people in general. who have considerablyenrichedmy life in '' I hope by preparing students to become many ways during my tenure here,'• Toto future teachers, I've taught them to be not said. only competent, but also to be compassionBiller feels thatmanystudentsboldToto

Students vol □ nteer help at tax time by Kelly Reed Every year on April 15,millionsof Americans race to the local post office to mail their income tax returns before the midnight deadline. Of those millions of Americans that actually file many suffer the post filing anxiety that maybe they deducted something that wasn't deductible or maybe they aren't recording items that they can actually count as deductions. This is where the Internal Revenue Service-sponsored VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program can really help. Since the beginning of the semesteruntil April IO a group of Cabrini students had been offering their time and expertise as volunteers for VITA. The VITA program is basically set up to offer tax preparation hefp to those members of the community who need it the most. VITA targets those taxpayers who cannot afford professional tax assistance. These groups include the elderly, the handicapped, taxpayers who do not speak English, and people with low to moderate incomes. According to the VITA Handbook VITA volunteers have nine major objectives when they offer to give assistance to a taxpayer. *to teach taxpayers to prepare their own Forms l 040EZ, 1040 A and 1040 in self-help sessions. *prepare I 040EZ, 1040A, or 1040 if taxpayers cannot take part in self-help VITA sessions. *assist taxpayers with their state and local returns *identify all returns with VITA *make an entry on a volunteer assistance card each time service is given *quality review all returns prepared under VITA assistance *refer taxpayers with complicated returns or questions to an IRS publication or to professional assistance *remind taxpayers that assistance from VITA volunteers is free *decline all offers of payment from taxpayers This year the VITA program is celebrating its 20th year and will offer assistance to over 2.9 million taxpayers, according to the VITA Handbook.

The main purpose behind VITA is to teach taxpayers how to fi IIouttheirown returns with the help of a VITA volunteer. Volunteers can take part in in many different aspects of the VITA program. They can prepare returns directly, teach taxpayers to fill out their own forms, manage a VITA site (local community centers where volunteers can meet with their clients), or arrange publicity for the VITA program. Participation in the VITA program is a requirement for the Federal Tax course offered here at Cabrini. "The VITA program is a required part of Cabrini's course in taxes because students gain invaluable experience working with people and their returns,'' said Ann Servey assistant business professor. Cabrini has been a participant in VITA for the last four years.

"Students gain invaluable experience working with people and their returns." -Ann Servey, assistant business professor The students in the class have to do a minimum of 10 returns during the program, some students have done as many as 30 returns. "It is important that taxpayers who need assistance seek help. There are a lot of credits available to the elderly and low-income families that can reduce their tax liability if they know about them. That is where VITA volunteers like the students in my class can be the most help," Servey said. Charlie Tucci, a sophomore accounting major, said,' 'It is a really good program because a lot of people either don't know how to fill out the returns or they don• t want to do it." "It has really helped me out in class because our exams are based on methods we learned filling out other people's returns," Tucci said. All of the VITA volunteers are given training and the materials necessary for them to complete the tax forms given to them. The IRS coordinator from the district that Cabrini is located in provided each volunteer with a Volunteer's

in high regard. '• At a sophomore/senior dance Sr. Julie was sitting at dinner. There wasn't a great amount of time that she wasn't surrounded by students," Biller said. "Sr. Julie has a definite concern about people. We• re sorry to see her go, If there is someone who can give a lot of interest and love, it's Sr. Julie." Litavec said, ·'Sr-.Julie has been a source of inspiration to all of the faculty at Cabrini, especially those of us in the education division. Herexperience.wisdomand sense of

humorwill be missed.'' Toto said, ''The highlight of my expe-

riences at CabriniCollege is one of personal and professionalgrowthandjoiningin the variedCabrinicampuscelebrationsparticularly the annualyule log ceremony.·'

Cheney from 1 core of learning--can ensure that students have opportunities to knowthe literature, philosophy, institutions, and art of our own and other cultures.·' Cheney had also led the Endowment to the NEH/ Reader's Digest Teacher-Scholar program that enables teachers to independendy study hmnanities for a full year. The highest cummulative grade point average of Cabrini's class of 1990, a 3.95, was achieved by Obrecht. She has attributed her successto working bani.not only for the put four years, but for the most part of her life. "It hid comeaboutas a pauan set through grade


mahIChool.''Olncht said. AltboupObrecbtrealizestbatlhobas workedhard • welldesenu thebonor,''kstillc:ameasasbock wllenJ opmed the avelopc, '' she said. Tftis year• for graduationweekend is •~ •• Olacla has siwnmuch thought as IO wllat she will say to gl'lld8ldngseniors. "I'm aNntma,amriie•--athelines oflbere notalways ....... i■... ,Ntejoamey,''sbe said. "lt'snot .......... howtDFfto1hllgoal.'' Olndlt WCllllldDliketoexpess thatoneshould loot 11.-:tafterpaduation andkeep in mindthe roots lhlt bavebeenmade. To uodeqpildc Fin, she bad suggested orpoization. iavolvement in activities, andprioritizing a keys to saccess."YOUdon't want to miss out,''

sbellislAssistor's Guide. This covers how to fill out the Forms 1040 and I040EZ, and provides information of particular interest to the elderly. Kathy Hagan, a senior business major, said "You apply what you have learned in the classroom to help people figure out what type of form they should use and how to prepare their form." "I have learned a lot about the different tax laws. I did about ten people's returns, mostly my friends.·• Hagan said. "I did about nine returns, mostly my friends. they didn ·1 feel like filling out the forms so I did them for them.·· Kristie Vilotti, a junior accounting major said.




fridav 1 may 4 1 1990

Straight from Monaco's Mouth A very special thank you to. • •

Lou Monaco Sports Edito


As the 1990-91 Loquitur Editorial Board You might hate me but I hope I have given was announced a few weeks ago, I felt I was something to the paper and to Cabrini, that the people and the community will rememlosing something. As Denise Edwards was announced as ber for quite sometime. Hey, if you love me, Loquitur's new sports editor, I knew I was thanks for reading it and I love ya too. To Dr. Zurek: "Hi, How are ya?" Thank losing something. It was the beginning of an end to my two- you for giving me the opportunity to explore year tenure on the Loquitur news staff. Of and disco\'er my abilities and potential, course one must move on, but I could not help which I never thought I had before. One but wipe a tear from my left cheek that night. thing though, next year can you get the Sports has been my baby this year. My Philadelphia Daily News in the newsroom? To Barbara Wilson: As Editor-In-Chief, colleague, Paula Phillips, helped me along during my first year on Loquitur and even you have done a fine job. You were the gave me the opportunity to have my own '"glue" that kept "the family" together and personal column, where I could expand my Ijust wanted to check to make sure you knew mouth on paper and hopefully entertain and that. To Felicia Falcone: As Perspectives spice up the sports section of this fine college Editor, you've shown great patience and it publication. I will never forget the first issue I had to has come out in a fantastic section. I'm very proud of you. You 're also nuts! do. To Johanna Church: As News Editor, Paula, the sweetheart that she is, stayed up with me until 8:00 a.m. the next morning, you have shown great determination in guiding me through the dreaded Aldus Page- your work. Never forget those working latenights in the newsroom, buddy. May the maker computer. Westchester Daily Local go national beWhen the section's pages were complete, I said to myself, "What the heck am I cause you deserve it. To Kelly McGillan: As Features Editor, doing? I'm never going to be able to do you saved my life on picture cropping so this." Now after 23 issues, endless late-nights many times, that without you, I would have up in the newsroom and becoming part of never made it through. Thank you so much. To Angie Corbo: As managing editor, Loquitur's rich journalistic history, I can you kept us in line with your wrestling and now say, "I'm going to miss it. Very much." This column will be my last and ironi- your caring. The King and Queen are outta cally, it doesn't have anything to do with here! Loquitur will miss you. To Aldus Pagemaker: So many times I sports. This is a column of thanks to the people that helped me through, to the people wanted to throw you out the newsroom who had faith in me and to the people who window! So many times I wanted to take a batto you and knock the$#%"&* out of you! have become my "adopted family." Yet, so many times, you have come through To my Mouth fans and haters: You in the clutch with a key three-pointer. Thank guys are the ones I write for. You guys are you for being patient with me. To the newsroom: You have been my tJle ones who spur me on to new heights and new challenges. Letters to the Editor were no second home on this campus. So many where to be found, but I knew you guys were times I have closed you up for the evening reading it, just by your comments and and so many times I've turned on the lights feedback that you gave me during the year. for you in the morning. Without actually

working in it, no one will understand you. Thanks for your hospitiality. My "family" has been through a lot. We have been through shouting matches, latenights and times of non-stop laughter. You guys have made my newsroom and life experiences memorable. Always remember the good times because I know I will never forget them. Remember what I said last year, that we would "kick ass?" Guess what? We did. Nobody can understand what we have gone through to put this ne""spaper together. Let the critics rant and rave, for we know, we put out a helluva newspaper. Thanks guys! I'll miss you.

To the reporters: You guys were the ingredients that helped put it all together. You all have worked hard and I send out a hearty congratulations to you all. To the editors of 1990-91: GOOD LUCK! It's in your hands now. Always remenber WaWaruns, late-nights, deadlines and "save as." To Bud Mellon: Bud, what can I say? Without you, the newsroom would just not be the same. You made the place special. Thanks for being a great friend and may M&Mgo down in history. To Cabrini's sports teams: I hope I have covered all of you guys fairly. [f not, I apologize for that. May each team grow bigger and better and thank you for your wins and losses. To John Dzik: You have a vote of confidence from the former sports editor. Thanks for your spirit, enthusiasm and dedication to all the athletes and sports. Someday, this school's administration will realize that athletics are important. To CCRJ: You guys have been the best during this past year. Without you guys, I couldn't have accomplished all that I did. Thank you for your friendships. You guys

are the best. To the men of Sullivan: Thanks for all the fun and aggravation. You guys were great. We have had our fallouts and we have had our laughs also. Even though I yelled more than I thanked, I thank you for making my senior year one of the best ever. To Matt Hodlofski: Your enthusiasm for life, this school and sports are incredible. You just take everything in stride. Thank you for letting me take you under my wing. Cabrini is lucky to have a guy like you. Just remember, MARCH MADNESS! To John Husher: Your crazy, man. Thanks for being one of my many guests at the Monaco Hotel this year. Always remember the good times and I'll never forget your smoke. It's nice toknowthatsomebodyout there in this world is like me. To Tom Berretone and all the others who bave'\:ome through in the clutch: If it wasn't for you guys, my internship would have been non-e.x.istent. If there is anything I can do for you guys (you know who you are), please do not hesitate to ask. To Spike, Pete, Zip, Basil, Dan Kane, Mailsy, Jeff Moore and especially, KUDS: Thanks for taking me under your wings. You guys are the best. One last sports note: METS, RANGERS, JETS, EAGLES, KNICKS, Channel 29, SRED, FISH, and to every sports fan out there that is as crazy as I, you guys are all the best! I hope I have'nt forgotten anybody. If I have, I thank you too. Many people have helped me through these four years and without you guys, I could'nt have made it. CHEERS TO YOU! God Bless! Take care! Hope to see you on the pages, over the air, or on the boobtube. Always remember the Mouth will never shut up. See ya later, Cabrini.

udget freeze locks out Cavs from NCAA playoffs l,y0aieo.tl1lll1r_.Ptlt


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. loquitur

friday, may 4, 1990

Philly's fans: Are they crazy? an opinion by Bill Fulton

They fired Bobby Clarke three weeks ago. Actually.I really wasn't too surprised. All season long, during my winter of discontent as a Philadelphia Flyer season ticket holder, I sat uncomfortably as I witnessed the slow, painful death of a true Philadelphia sports legend. One particular night at the Spectrum stands out in my memory. The Flyers had just lost another home game, only this time it was especially painful because · they lost to the hated New York Rangers. Walking out of the Spectrum, a few frustrated fans decided they had seen enough. "Hey Clarke," one yelled toward the general managers' executive box "Your killing the same team that made you great.'' Another disgruntled fan advised, "Do us all a favor and just quit you bum!'' As these self-appointed voices of the people walked down Pattison Avenue chanting, "Trade Bobby Clarke ...," they were greeted by another Flyer fan who simply asked, •'What kind of fan boos Bobby Clarke?" They arrogantly replied, "A true Philadelphia fan, that's who." I cringed in em barassment when I heard those words. For as long as I can remember, I have been an avid follower of Philadelphia sports. Unfortunately. sometimes that would mean losing all perspective on my life and allowing myself to live and die with "my teams," the Phillies, Flyers, Eagles, and Sixers.

Growing up with these pastimes meant enduring the inevitable emotional peaks and valleys that go along with the world of sports. So for every 1980 Phillies World Series Championship I've had the pleasure to enjoy, I have also had to suffer through my share of Eagles losing seasons. However, what I really remember is having the opportunity to watch some of the greatest athletes ever to grace the face of the planet. Forever etched in my memory will be the image of Julius Erving driving the baseline against the L.A. Lakers. In one motion, refusing to acknowledge the laws of physics, Dr. J wrapped himself around the backboard and dropped in a reverse layup that left Magic Johnson and Mark- Landsberger of the Lakers looking skyward in amazement. Maybe what Julius Erving taught me, more than anything, was how an athlete could make the graceful transition from a profesional basketball player to a life where the cheering stopped and the dayto-day realities of life away from the spotlight began. However, for every Doctor J. graceful transition into the "real world", there has been the agony of watching Steve Carlton trying to prolong his career with a arm that · 'just said no." It was hard to imagine the possibility of "Leftys'" last pitch being lofted into the seats by the likes of the Buddy Biancalanas' of the baseball world. Somehow I pictured Steve Carlton's legacy being perserved in a hard biting slider. The type that used to leave

Dave Parker and his big swing in a cloud of dust. But I guess dreams die hard in sports, just like they do in our own lives. Maybe that is what makes the Philadelphia fan unique, the way we, as fans, are able to identify with our sports teams. Perhaps Philadelphia suffers from a "middle child" complex. To the south there is Washington D.C., which is comfortable with its' stature as the political center of the free world. Likewise, to the I north there is New York City. When someone has made it in the "Big Apple" whether it's sports, art, or the theatre, then it becomes officially accepted that they have made it to the big time. Philadelphia, for all its' important contributions and pivotal role in United States history, (after all, this is the city where,literally, our country was drawn up on paper.) still suffers from a modern day "identity crisis." In a way sports gives this city a face by which it can be recognized. Unfortunately, sometimes that face turns ugly. This was especially evident last winter. It was then that Jimmy Johnson and his Dallas Cowboys were run off the field in a -barrage of iceballs and overpriced Veterans Stadium beer. The cynics around the league responded, "What do you expect from a town that boos Santa Claus, and their own moms on Mother's Day." This is the type of behavior that gives the Philadelphia fan a bad name. Philadelphia has always prided itself on being THE most knowledgable sports town. I would



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have to agree that Philadelphia takes its sports more seriously than any other city. However, this is also where the fans begin to take themselves too seriously as well. Burdened with all the knowledge the Philly fan posseses, they feel it becomes their responsibility to analyze and evaluate every single detail of whatever occurs during a given game. Not only will this make for a more skeptical outlook on the sport itself, but it will also take away the simple joy of watch-

ing a game that can, at least temporarily, distract us from our often hectic and stressful lives. What sports gives us is structure. To try and complicate the game by making it more complex than it actually is would be to defeat the purpose of what the concepts of sports are all about. Hopefully, the "true Philadelphia fan'' wi IIsomeday realize th is before they start trying to run a legend like Bobby Clarke out of town.


W CAB lVould like to thank all of our listeners for your support thi~ year. Stay tune to 650 AM next year because lVe're still getting hotter ..... .

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fridaXz may 4 1 1990

sports · .

Seniorathletes·:leavinglegacyand memories by Carrie Corr,Denise Edwards, Frank Emmerich and Mark Gudas (photos by Sue Roux and Mark Gudas) There is a time when part of a team moves on. For seniors that time is now. Pulling together a strategy at a crucial moment. Fighting back tears of joy or sorrow when there is a win, or a loss. After four years of practice, competing and strengthening a team. ' Seniors are the segment, or backbone of a team that hold together the spirit and leave behind the hopes for the future teams. Name: Colin Coakley Sport: Volleyball Major: English/communications with a • minor in marketing Personal Reflection:"The experienced players taught us new ways to play the game and then when we entered the league we were one of its top teams. "Wanting to play volleyball became contagious.'' ''I wish the season would have ended on a better note, but I am just happy that I got the opportunity to play a sport in college. Aspirations:''! would like to work for an in-house public relations company in a non-profit organization. "Someday I want to own my own consulting firm.'' Mike Dolan sums up his running career at Cabrini as "I didn't gain weight, it did some good for me, and I gained freinds." Coach O'Hora easily admits that "Michael was the best runner in the history of the school." Dolan became the first person from Cabrini to go to the nationals. Dolan's attempt at nationals two years in a row, fell short because of an injury in his sophomore year. Despite the injury, Dolan remained in "high profile in the running circle," according to O'Hora. Dolan had a chance to repeat his perfohnance at nationals again this season, but once again a late season injury kept Dolan from adequately preparing himself for the closing meets. Name: Brian Dougherty Sport: Soccer Major: Marketing and Business Administration - Personal Reflection: "The best year

Colin Coakley

Mike Dolan

Brian Dougherty

Jeff Frank

Marko Gittens

Giles Smith was my freshman year because we went to Smith is a Business Administration and Texas to play for the national champ. "My senior year was special because I Marketing major. According to Dzik Smith was a "dependable player·• who never "got was a captain. "Our team pla)ed poor at the beginning .the opportunity he deserved." Although Smith was a dependable player, of this year, but we came together atthe end." Aspirations: "I am definitely going down Dzik believed his greatest asset to the team was his leaping ability and his eagerness to the shore after graduation. "I want a job where I start out in a '' do whatever was asked of him.'' Dzik admired his academic performance management training position and then at Cabrini and Smith's dedication to scholasmove into an executive management roll. "I plan to play soccer until I can't run tic pursuit will enroll him in a graduate program where he plans on earning a M.D.A. anymore. "In five years I am going to be making in Marketing. Name: Carol Risse $50,000 and be laying on the beach in the Sport: tennis Bahamas." Major: elementary education Name: Jeff Frank Personal reflection: "John Dzik does a Sport: Volleyball great job, he really tries to make the program Major: Business Administration work for the students,'' Risse said. When the Personal Reflection: . womens tennis team went to Kansas City for ''It was challenging for me because a tournament they got to show how much never played the sport before. their talent improved. "Dzik went to Kansas "I played because after the first practice City with us, and we really got to show him I fell in love with the sport. how good we were.'' Aspirations:·· After I graduate I want to Aspirations: Athletically, Risse would work in sales.'' some day like to teach tennis to elementary "God only knows what I will be doing age children. Professionally. Risse would five years from now. like to teach elementary school in NJ. 'Tm just going to let things happen." Name: Meg _!!!gen Sport: basketball Mike Feeley came to Cabrini with ten Major: social work years of running experience .. Personal reflection: "I think the proO' Hora attributes Feeley success at Cabrini because of his hardwork and seri- gram is well run. 1 think we need more fan support though. Cabrini is small. but the ousness he developed towards the sport. Throughout his running career at Cabrini competition is still there .Here at Cabrini Feeley had numerous injuries and battled you get the best of both worlds, the fun and the competition.'' with mono. Aspirations: In October she plans to go Dzik will remember Feeley by "his evolution in maturity from freshmen year to to Chicago to participate in the Project Outreach program for four months. Come senior year. "Mike lead by virtue of what he did to September, Hagen plans to go for her mascontribute. In this sense he did as much as ter's in social work. Name: Jodi Snow Dolan," O'Hora said. Sport: basketball Marko Gittens Major: elementary education In his senior year Gittens lead the Personal reflection : · 'We established a Cavalier's team in steals, rebounds, and scoring. With this past season's perform- good program coming in our freshman year, ance Gittens became the second all-time and have built it up to get where we are leading scorer and rebounder in the Cavs today." "We were the first team to go to a tournament, and win. "We also had five history. selected for all-conference He also scored his illustrious 1,000 players point at Lincoln University to make him the (ESAC).'' Aspirations: Athletically, Snow would 11th Cavalier player to do so. young girls in Gitttens has won an assortment of like to someday coach awards. Named on the All-Philadelphia basketball. Her professional plans are to Area Small College Team. Gittens was on teach elementary school children. the 1988 Philadelphia All-Area Team and Name: Julie Snow has been named twice as Philadelphia Area Sport: basketball Small College Player of the Week. Major: liberal ans Gittens was selected as a member of Athletic Achievements: All Conference Who's Who in American Colleges and Uni- team her senior year, and Most Valuable versities, and was awarded the Bill Bradley Player of the Hunter Tournament in New Award for his athletics, academics, and York in November of 1989. leadership. He was also the recipient of the Personal reflection: "The womens' proNational Catholic Academic Award. gram here at Cabrini has come a long way "Being the non-traditional student Marko since my freshman year, " contributed by his leadership. He had a very Aspirations: Graduating in August, mature perspective of basketball at our Snow hopes to coach younger girls and level, and that was play hard, put in a good eventually work in a career that deals with effort, and basketball is not the end of the helping people. world," Dzik said .

.a Mike Feeley

Larry Kilcullen

Brian Kilroy

Jp,rry O'Donnell


friday, -may 4, 1990






Pam Croke Christi Courseault Aspirations: "I already have a job lined Name: Larry Kilcullen up for after graduation. Sport: Soccer "I am going to be project manager for an Major: Marketing and Business Adminielectrical company in Philadelphia. stration Name: Chris Pulos Personal Reflection : "I don't necessarSport: Volleyball ily think we had the best talent in the world Major: Business Administration but we had a group of guys who were willing Personal Reflection :"We had a great to play. '' At the end of the season our team pulled time. The loss of Jan Torres was a major factor in our losing season. He was like a together. ''I am lucky to have played soccer in teacher and a coach to us.We missed his college for four years with such a quality leadership.'' ¡ Aspirations: "I want to work in the group of people.'' Aspirations: ''I am hoping to start off in banking industry and someday for the Dea management training position and then partment of Environmental Protection. Name: Christi Courseault move up until I am well off. Sports: basketball and volleyball "In five years I hope to aspire to own my Major: psychology/sociology own business with a six month work year. Personal reflection: "It's a good pro"The other six months will be spent relivgram, and I think Dzik gets a lot of hassle ing my college days." he shouldn't be getting," Courseault said. Brian Kilroy Kilroy, who has a double major in ''The program has improved since my Business Administartion and human resource freshman year, but it just needs more monemanagement, participated in Cavalier bas- tary support.'' Aspirations: Academically, Courseault ketball and golf programs. Dzik recalls Kilroy's performance in the would like to attend graduate school for Allentown game in the 1989-90 season counseling child psychology, and eventuwhen "things where not happy, Brian was ally work with abused children. Name: Pam Croke thrown into the-fire-and did a commendable Sport: tennis job" allowing the Cavalier's the opportuMajor: business administration/nonnity to win the game in overtime. "Brian was the best golfer we ever had, profit management Personal reflection "I think tennis has and we're unlikely to get his ability unless grown a lot both in popularity, and in I start recruiting for golf," Dzik said. support,'' '' We went to Kansas City for the Kilroy was theCaptainofthegolfteam in championships, and we really impressed his sophomore, junior and senior years, and ourselves as well as Coach Dzik." as a sophomore tied for the overall ESAC Aspirations: ''I want to be successful in individu_altitle, until losing it in a playoff. my career, but more importantly, content Kilroy summed up his college career as, with my job.'' "I like to play sports and to be involved." Name: Paula Phillips Name: Jerry O'Donnell Major: English and communications Sport: Soccer Sport: volleyball, women's basketball Major: Business Administration Personal Reflection :"We were a suc- manager Personal reflection: "I liked the teamcessful unit. work and loved the sport I guess that's why ''It was fun going to the championships in win or lose it's been rewarding. I can't put my first and third years. into words what it has meant to me. I can't "My most memorable home road trip put four years of sweat, tears, joy and friendwas when we pulled up at Cabrini and Dean ships into one sentence. Fitz caught us getting out of the van with Aspiration: "l plan to get a job in my beer. field but more importantly, I plan to be happy." "It was great that the fans and the crowd Name: Trish Payton backed us up. Major: biology "I wish all the luck in the world to next Sport: volleyball year's captain, Steve Buividas. Athletic Achievements: Team MVP '' My most memorable game was this year (88), NAIA District' 19 Regional Player against Stockton State because no one thought (88), All ESAC Honorable Mention (88), we could beat them and we did.''

Chris Pulos

Giles Smith

I Trish Payton Meg Hagen . Captain (88-89), Rookie of the Year(86). Personal reflection: "It helped me organize my time and my grades were better during the season. Volleyball made me want to do better." , Aspirations: Payton plans to get a job as a clinical , analyst or in lab research. Payton also plans to go to graduate school, . get married, find a cure for aids, cancer, and have some children in between. Name: Heather Schwartz Major: accounting Minor: marketing Sport: tennis Athletic Achievements: Champion l st annual Philadelphia Area Catholic Colleges Invitational (89), Who's Who in Athletics in American Colleges and Universities, All ESAC (89), Champion NAIA District 19 Paula Phillips Championship (87), Kanas City Quarter Finalists (87), Most Valuable PLayer (8889), Champion PAIAW Championships(86). Reflection: ''I'm going to miss all the girls, Reggie,and beating Eastern.'' Aspirations: Schwarz plans to attend graauate school and get her master's degree in long term health care administration. While in graduate school will be working as a marketing assistant. Name: Sue Westgate Major: human resource management, business administration Sport: volleyball Reflection: "It helped me manage¡ my time,1 meet new people, and it helped me be more independent. Volleyball showed me it was time to be a leadernot to be a follower." Aspirations: After graduation Westgate Heather Schwarz will be working at State Farm as an underwriter.

-.... Jodi Snow

Julie Snow

Sue Westgate

Carol Risse



friday 1 may 4 1 1990


Athletics versus academics by Frank Emmerich A new terminology has started to grow on college and university campuses throughout the country. The old classification of student-athlete has been replaced with a new breed of college enrollee called the athlete-student. In the quest for big television contracts some colleges are no longer recruiting for the best scholar, instead they are looking for the best athlete--no matter what their possibility of academic success in college may be. "In the big time money programs, the top twenties in basketbalJ and football, I think there are a lot of problems in .terms of whether or not those 'student athletes' are there to be that or are they there to service the institution from an athletic point of view to make money for the school,'' John Dzik, athletic director, said. Those universities and colleges who receive media attention in the form of money are usually Division I and Division II schools. The NCAA, in order to monitor the quality of students recruited to play varsity sports, has established s_everalpropositions. Most notable among these are Proposition 42 and Proposition 48 which put limits on enrolling students SAT scores. Division III schools are not required by NCAA rules to monitor their enrolling freshmen's standardized test scores. However, according to Dzik, Division III schools have higher admission standards then those established in Proposition 42 and 48. For Division I and Division II athletic programs, any student who is Proposition 42 and 48 ''okay'' is eligible to

"I think that sports in this country at this point in time is in a quagmire in terms of the public's perception of athletics at the collegiate level." -Athletic Director John Dzik be enrolled within that school. In Division III athletics Proposition 42 and 48 "okay" does not necessarily qualify a particular student for admission into the school no matter what there academic ability. Because of money, there is a lot of pressure on the top programs to be successful. Coaches need to succeed and success for the top athletic programs is winning games. Such coaches are forced by the institution only to go after the best "players" and not the best scholars they can find. Cabrini has a different recruiting process for athletes. Dzik looks for someone who can play at the Division III level, who realizes it is going to cost them money, and who has the ability to succeed academically at Cabrini. Once admitted to a college, often the athlete falls below that particular institution's academic norm. The Center for the Study of Athletics at the American Institutes for Research has statistically proven that the grade point averages of athletes are lower than those of other students. The study indicated there is a quarter-grade difference between athletes playing basketball and football compared to other athletes and there is another quarter-grade drop-off between

students in nonathletic extracurricular activities. Because 6f the recruiting practices of some colleges and their admission of non-college material students, many of their athletes end up on academic probation. Jim Valvano of North Carolina State, in his first nine years of coaching had 29ofhis43 basketball players on academic probation at some point in time during their enrollment at N.C. State. According to Dzik thereareandhave bee_nsome Cabrini student-athletes who have been on academic probation. Dzikjustifies this fact by stating there are "students who are walking around here who do nothing and they are on academic probation.'' . College athletes, on the average, may not only have grade point averages below the traditional students' grade points, but the graduation rate of athletes is often questioned at some of the big name colleges. The general accounting office of the NCAA surveyed 97 Division I schools that offered scholarships for basketball. Thirty-fl ve of those schools had graduation rates of zero percent to 20 percent. Some of the universities who can compete at the top of their division, while still having an emphasis on academics, are Providence, Georgetown and Duke, who all claim a nearly l 00 percent graduation rate. Often in big universities the academic progress or maturation of the athletes is so neglected that there are some cases when the athlete leaves college functionally illiterate or learning disabled. In order to address potential learning problems, those universities which have academics as the highest priority of the institution often hire professional support systems for their athletes. Such systems include seminars on study habits and time management. Dzik has requested from Dr. Antoinette Schiesler, academic dean, an academic advisor for athletes who can understand the problems of an athlete and can empathize with the student athlete. At this point in time, the advising of athletes is left primarily to Dzik. "I think that sports in this country, at this point in time, is in a quagmire in terms of the public's perception of athletics at the collegiate level," Dzik said. "Probably the most underpublicized, and the one group that the NCAA could point to with a finger and say, 'I wish athletes were like this,' is the Division III schools. The Division III schools, for the most part, and certainly almost across the board, are- academic institutions first and athletic institutions second. Division III schools are not revenue producing and they do not generate funds for the school, so therefore, you find the abuses there a lot less,'' Dzik said. Dzik said that as long as the NBA and the NFL continue to play a large role in college athletics the demise of the student-athlete will continue. Dzik said he can see a day when colleges will recruit players specifically to play on a particular team--without ever having to walk into a classroom. ''They will be identified with the school and it will be almost be like mercenaries, where we would go out and recruit ten people to play for Cabrini College. They don't go to school here, they don't take any classes and we all go to cheer for them and we love them and everything, but we call them what they are--athletes,'' Dzik said.

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••1peas ovenll wecldalriglll. ••Hultleysaid. .. It tnlllbictly •q,ricwJdanaflll'....,-aoit'sbmd

1' ayhowaldlitNlllytillpeclom-tamaawllole.'' The spring achedule coadadedlbisplllt weekald Wilb a DDiq1leeight-man IIJideIIOUrW held at TaenlmSlale. In additionto the bolt 11111111 TlmlOII Stale. the Cavaliers allo aw actionapiost competitive squads fram Middlesn mlj)Villanova as well. 1lurina 1hecourseof the tournament. and the entire aping achedule itself. Coach Hubley bad a chance to give an early assesamentof what was in store for some of the Cavs• this fall. .. We didn't have a chance to go into the schedule .di ear 1urio4 pogamn 1ftMftd," Hubley .., ''Bull ca see tbatsomeofthe,-,enareJOina to have 111111rt


illfl71hl t

conditioning.Thisteam is going tobave togo into next

..... Riady101mlalotifwetaepeina'1.!I0~~~~-1 on the level I expectthem to play. Nevertheless,the brief spring look at 90IDe of bis players has left Hubley with mlSOll to expect an exciting and improved seasonthis fall. ''I think:of all of our players. Michael Coonerbas one of the best oppc,nunitiesto impNwebilmelf next season.··Hubleysaid. Eventhough Hubley expects his team to come into next seasonready to play, he also acknowledgesthat be will takehelp fromwhateversourcethatmaywantto

lcndaband. "I thinkwe will be alrightgoing into next year," Hubleysaid. •'Theonly thingI'mhopingfor is thatwe areas lucky as we werelast season.If thathappensI thinkwe'll be okay.,.

14-5 loss does not dampen spirits on season (Right) Pitcher Mary Beth Shedden Lets one go during loss to Stockton State 14-5. , (photo by Kristen Mainero)


.....,...., .,.-:p~

(above) Sophomore, Angela DiJoseph rips one past Stockton State. (photo by Kristen Mainero)

The women's softball team finished the season with an overall record of 614 behind the first year coaching of David Tajirian. The women commented on the season as being one of growth ,great teamwork, and dedication by all. "Everyone contibuted . We all came together as a team," Jennifer Pagano, Designated hitter.


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