triday, sept. 7, 1990
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
New billing processcancels class registrations by Chris Pesotski Over 50 students' fall class registrations were canceled as college administrators cracked down on students who were late in paying their fall bills. The new system, designed to streamline registration day and encourage pre-payment of student bi1Jsrequires all bills to be paid by Aug. 20. "Anyone who did not have a clean balance as of Aug. 20, will have their registration canceled," JohnBarclay, chief financial officer, said. According to Dean of Students Bob Bonfiglio, any student who was not financially clear as of that date would also be denied access to housing. "We made very few special exceptions,'' Barclay said. ·'Some of them were based on unusual circumstances or the newness of the process." An additional exception has been made for the incoming freshmancia&s. llJe admissi~ office staff attempted to contact all freshmen who had outstanding balances. '' Since they are new to Cabrini we wanted to help them through for the present time," Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, said. Thus, only upperclassmen actually fac~d the possibility of losing classes for late payments to their account. Anyone who had a balance to pay or a student loan check to sign had to report to the Atrium to get a clearance card. This enabled them to register for classes and gain admittance to residence halls. Meredyth Leahy, dean of continuing education, said that the earlier financial deadline may have caused a hardship for some of the college's non-traditional students. '' I think maybe a couple of adult students were taken aback and couldn't take care of the bills be.cause of other family commitments," Leahy said. "We have not experienced a rash of complaints, though." One of the major benefits of the new system is the longer period of time the college has to prepare for incoming students. ''Once we have a student's money, we're
vol. xxvii, no.1
pretty sure that they're coming," Leahy said. The additional time also allows for the college to compile accurate class lists in time for the first day of classes,eliminating the needfor most clearance cards. With the new registration system, a new drop/add system will also be instituted. ''There will be two separate forms," Registrar Jennifer Hansbury said. "We will know immediately when a student drops a course. which will allow us to let students add a course on the spot.'' The time factor is important because this year course adds will be based entirely upon course enrollment. '' Students will not be approaching professors for admission to a course this year," Hansbury said. ''Only the most extreme academic emergencies will have exceptions made." Barclay keyed the institution of
Freshmanclasssize stabilizes by Sharlene Sephton
John Barclay
photo by Frank Emmerich
the new system less than a year following his arrival to the college. "My first day last year was fall registration," Barclay said. "Let's face it, that was a zoo. Right now we're all working triple time, but that's just to work out the wrinkles in the system." "This is the way everyone does it everywhere else,'' Barclay said. "We're in the 20th century now."
Heightened competition among colleges and universities for quality students and fewer high school graduates leave the Cabrini class of I 994 short of the record high enrollment numbers from the past two years. With 224 students, the largest class in the school's history enrolled in 1989. This year, the freshman class size has dropped to 197. "That's a little lowerthan what we had hoped for," Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, said. The goal for this year was 200. ''The number of high school graduates has severely dropped. All colleges are being affected," Gardner said . Gardner bases the trend on lower birth rates for the current college-aged generation and the added deterrence of rising tuition costs. As a result of the shortage, institutions must make significant decisions on whether to lower their
standards to maintain enrollment. "It's easier this year for students to get into more competitive schools. We've lost some at our top end," Gardner said. Schools that are more fully endowed are able to offer more full-tuition scholarships. Several of this year's Dean's Scholars, who are offered half-tuition awards, enrolled at other schools for better packages.
Overall, only 37 percent of the students who were accepted and offered entrance, enrolled. Gardn~ maintains that despite this response, quality has not been lowered at all. "Our goal is to admit students who have a reasonable chance of graduating," Gardner said. "If we lowered our standards,
more FROSH on 6
Freshman Class Size 224
1985 - 1986
1987 1988
1989 ; 1990
inside perspectives . ......... 2
Newcomers make
news .................... 3, 6
the transition to
features ..... ......... 4, 5
sports .................. 7, 8
(see page 5)
(see page 7)
lo uitur
editorial I l(N~ 1T's
uorourHOE. IN THl.OESE~T
view oint BvT VOLi
8ffTfR6f.T VSfD 77) IT
Summerrevealsmore than justa tan carlo iacono editor-inchief
A~D 71101JT
BELI/(( nus £vER'/Wflf.R£ WILL
Facing a real t With the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, America regains i 1salmost forgotten job of policing the free world. The people who will benefit, be hurt, and carry out thes most are young Americans. There are approximately 350, between the ages of 18 and 24 sitting 3,000 yards away fro conflict. · Saddam Hussein's actions come at a time when all rec izable confrontations of Cold War policy have disappeared. gives America a chance to protect its interests. It gives the defense department a reason to wield its weapons. It gives the oil in ustry an excuse to exploit America's thirst for its product. And it means our brothers, sisters, friends, and classmates are battling sandstonns and boredom as we long for just one more ay at the beach. As in centuries before, young people are being us as an instrument of a country's foreign policy. This crisis giv is young soldiers a chance to question their reasons for being in the s rvice. It gives young Americans as a whole a chance to question their r le as the future nation. By and large, young people lead a life void of taxing c1s1ons. These young soldiers right now are on the brink oflife and dea h, rather than worrying about going to law school, or getting an MB . So while we sit here in friendly confines screaming for ussein's head, young soldiers will be carrying out the policies tha are not heartily theirs, but of their government. This has happ ned for generations, but there comes a time when the popularity of a co ontation is measured. Whether it be popular (WWII) or unpopular ( ietnam), that reckoning is derived from the experience of these young soldiers.
Just a reminder ... As the sounds of students returning fill institutions a ,;ross the country, the wheels of influence are turning to decide the comm •ncement speaker for ...1993. But at Cabrini the search remains stalled for the speaker of oice for the 1991 ceremony. In order to keep up with the "Jones" of the academic w rid, it is highly suggested .that the powers that be, whether s ents or administration or a hybrid of both, start the process. Being behind in the count by two, it would be nice to t all the ceremonies in one shot. No matter how painfully slow the process can be, the tool ~ftime is a nice thing to have and not abuse.
This column will start with the words that most grade school students are penning right now. "What I learned over my summer vacation ... " I learned two things. One is that I can fit through an open McDonald's drivethrough window. The other is that journalists are the most respected yet most feared people on the planet. Even though the first revelation is more entertaining, we wiU be concentrating on the latter. The second bit of revelation provides more general knowledge to the community. If you really want to know about the McDonald's adventure, ask me in a social setting. It makes a great story. But this space will be a continual forum of serious thoughts, complex issues, academic revelations, and general stuff in that vein. How I found out that journalists are the most respected people comes from a sports writer job that I had at the West Chester Daily Local ews. I was assigned a local Little League senior division for a beat, and when I recieved the assigment let's just say there was joy in Iaconoville. Watch baseball all summer, get a tan, and cover something uncontroversial enough that nobody would even think about suing me. Well I watched lots of baseball, gotthat tan, and didn't get sued. But I came closer than I ever thought I would. District 23 Big League was a complete soap opera. Without boring you with the details, a controversial coach in the league had a circus of events follow him around during the season, many of which occured wrule I was there. l ignored the circus because it wasn't pertinent to the outside world. But after the Local News received several calls of complaints regarding the coach, I had to investigate the implications of his actions. Never have so many people not want to talk to me in my entire life. Now I'm a generally nice guy who people love to talk too, so I'm lucky I didn't develop a complex after this shunning. People related to the story would talk with candor until they would find out that I actually would print their remarks. "No, sir I just felt like I needed to know for my health,'' I said. That was better than the total avoidance on the part of some. After I would explain to them that the truth will prevail and not make anyone look bad, they reluctantly caved in. But they all used the life preserver of big words. When you don't want anybody to understand what the heck you said, then use big words. After all, the government does it. You always hear a senator say that he "reversed his position" when he lied. It makes me want to "involuntarily reverse my position," or vomit. Now that I am completely off the beat and path, I just want to reiterate that once
the parties involved saw the article, they were generally pleased and remarked about its fairness. As ajoumalisl, I was feared. Now when you think of fear, 128-pound writers generally isn't the first thing that comes to mind. But I held the power of truth, and in some situations, that doesn't benefit some people. You can't hide in the shadows when truth Jights the sky. And truth doesn't buy anyone time. Ask Richard Nixon, Pete Rose, and George Steinbrenner. When the unfortunate truth reached the surface, all these individuals gave the tell tale sign of the nervous anticipation. All of their eyes got beadier, foreheads wetter, and faces contorted. They all had that common look of the guy who accidentally microwaved your cat at your last party. What I'm trying to say is that the truth provides clarity and will generally prevail. If individuals cooperate, they won't look bad. Journalists are not out to fire people or make people look like idiots. Humans are capable of doing that all by themselves. We're just here to record it. We want to see things run just as smoothly as anyone else, but if factors that involve the community go awry, those affected will know. So when you see a Loquitur staff member, don 'tigrroreirim l'.5rtTer. re really nice people who seek the truth for the common good. Besides I can't guarantee that some will not develop a complex if you ignore them. And if you see me coming, smile and say hi. I don't always want information. Unless you're a pretty coed. Then I'll trade you a smile and a phone number for a great McDonald's story.
Edrt0<-ln-chief:Carto Iacono Managing Ed1t0</. Jenntter Morrison News Edlt0<; Chris Pesotsk, Assistant News Edit0<: Melissa Landsmann P8<Sp8Clives Ecitorc Sharlene Sephton Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed
$pons Editor: Denise EdWards Copy
Editor/Writing Coach: Chrlsbna Roach
BusmessManage,: Denise Edwards. Kim Marshall and M1cheRe Merger Ptolography Editor; Frank Emmerich PhotographyAdviser: Or. Carter Craigie Adviser: Or. Jerome Zurek Staff: Matthew Brush. Joseph Buda, Rita Celluoc:r.Robert Healey, William Fuhon.Matt Hodlofskl, Kimberly Keck, Karen Kerchusky, Lorraine Lill, Eizabeth MacGu.-e.Kim Mar&haN, Jenntter Melchiorre,Alexandra Napoleon, Lisa Neuman,Amanda Pitcher, Stephanie Ranieri. Dawn rmbano, Missy Von Siegel Photography Slaff: Mark Gudas Loqutturis published weekly dunng the school year by students o1 Cabrini College, Radnor. PA 19087 Phone: 215-971-8412. SubscnplJOnprice Is $25 per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the edttor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, tt the writer WIShes. and the editor agrees. the wrtter's name may be left off the letter upon publicationand an Inscription Inserted such as "'name wllhheld at the ,-est of the writer.• Letters should be typed. double-spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter is too tongfor the available space. the edto< may edit 0<condense IL Lette,s 10the editor should be submilled by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions publishedin Loqurturare the views o1 the student editorial staff and the ,ndivldualwnters and not the entire s1udenl body or the fawhy and admlniSll'ation.
Loqu,turis established as a forum for student expressionand as a voice in the unu1hibitad.robus~ tree and open discussion of Issues.
f riday, sept. 7, 1990
6 new faces in student services by Christina Roach Student services has hired six new key administrative positions due to the resignations last spring of the director of student activities, the director of counseling and the resident life staff. Several search committees were commissioned by student services to find suitable replacements for the administrative positions. The following people were hired: Director of Student Activities Jennifer Marks-Gold, Director of Counseling Dr. Daniel Schwarz, Director of Resident Life Cathy Caulfield, Assistant Director of Resident Life Tammy Causley, and Head Residents Ana Hazelrigg and Andy Mcllroy. Dean of Students Robert Bonfiglio said he was looking for candidates who had previous or parallel experience in the positions. In addition, he was looking for people who had a variety of experiences from various institutions. "I was hoping to find diverse individuals who would complement each other and appeal to the different students at Cabrini,'' Bonfiglio said. Bonfiglio said he thinks this will be an effective resident life administration. Their duties will be basically the same as their predecessors'; however, the job descriptions are more specific. Causley will be involved in the day-today operational matters of the resident life department in addition to the management of Xavier Hall. The addition of a second resident manager came about for two reasons. Caulfield will not be living on campus, as directors of
resident life have previously done, thereby creating the need for a third resident manager. According to Bonfiglio, Mcilroy was also hired to provide the same level of support for the resident assistants in the houses that exists in Xavier and Woodcrest. Bonfiglio said Marks-Gold will be an effective community builder as the director of smdent activities. '' Jennifer will communicate with the students the developmental potential in campus life." In addition to her other responsibilities, Marks-Gold is the adviser to the student
Jennifer Marks-Gold
photo by Chris Pesotski
government association. Bonfiglio said she will be able to support the SGA 's efforts to become more involved with the administration, as well as the social activities. SGA president Frank Emmerich said he has been very impressed with his work with her to date. "I think the students will find her very visible and very creative,'_' Emmerich said.
"She is not going to do things just for the sake of 'Cabrini tradition.' She has a lot of enthusiasm and there will be a lot of new programs.'' According to Bonfiglio, Schwarz will be very active in leadership development. Bonfiglio said that Schwarz has a very strong existing foundation to work with. He has a variety of experience with drug and
Enrollment detailed for fall by Shar•Sepbton A breakdownof enrollment numbers reveals that despitestringtnt eompetitionfor stu~ min()l'jty.
non--fresbman. andtontinuil,lj educa-tioo emoDmentsareootsufter.iog, .. Minotitiesare way up;"•~·
"I was hoping to find diverse individuals who would complement each other and appeal to the different students at Cabrini" -Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students alcohol abuse, Spanish-speaking communities and men's issues. Schwarz will be able to continue to expand on the programs offered at the counseling center. Bonfiglio anticipates some ''rough spots'' in the beginning because there are six new staff members trying to learn about Cabrini. In the long tenn, however, Bonfiglio said he thinks very good things are coming. "Community development is based on shared values,'' Bonfiglio said. "The current students and the new staff have come to the college knowing what values are important to us at Cabrini. With each passing year, there is a greater acceptance of those values ...there has been a marked change in the campus environment.''
lutyear. ~adults
mBIC!lea.··Melecty1ft Leahy.
Dela 4 &Jucation. said. Theincmlsing int.erestis explained by Leahy as .con1inuinge(luC'ah()O involves many students •seeking particulat· classeabey()llO their bachelor's degree or tor teachercertification. "We haV¢a wider variety;• Leahy $aid.
~-==· =========~
1be ~of~~--
1l, ~
\Velcome back from the Institutional Advancement team:
INSTITUTIONALADVANCEMENT Tony Brocchi Denise Morris Karen Gerace Tracey Green
Stop ue~ au, tk ~ ~ Aptuveet /M, tk 1990-1991
/IIUta~ U4e, to, ~
CAPITALCAMPAIGN Nancy Costello Pam Talone
'ii 'P'4 ~de~ ~ ~
ut, ~ ut,
DEVELOPMENT Mary Ellen Herzog Annette Sinnk Lillian Williams PUBLIC RELATIONS Karen Berlant Lisa Bogia . Jini Loos
(Remember--only thr~e months 'ti! Christmas break!)
lo uitur
t. 7 1990
Changing faces in Cabrini's resident life sta by Melissa Landsmann "Moving in New Directions" is the especially appropriate theme of the resident life department this year. An entire new staff, consisting of director and assistant director of resident life and two resident directors will be working together. Cathy Caulfield, who is replacing John Doyle as director of resident life, wants things "new and fresh." She hopes to "improve resident life's image by putting systems into place and letting
Catherine Caufield students know about them so things are not so confused and will not get lost between the cracks.'' Caulfield is a 198 I graduate of Susquehanna University where she majored in sociology and worked as an RA. While attending graduate school at Shippensburg University earning her Masters in counselling with an emphasis on college administration, she was the resident director of two buildings.
'• I do care what students want,'' Caulfield said. ''My style is open. Anyone who wants to let me know what they want , we'll (resident life) see what we can do." Caulfield also wants to '·manage and address student behavior by making the halls a good place to live and building community so people care about where they live." Caulfield has nine years of resident life experience to back up all that she hopes to attain. She worked at Bryant College, Western Maryland College and The University of Delaware holding the positions of programming director, assistant director of resident life. and area coordinator respectively. Her responsibilities included supervising professional staff, hall directors, and resident assistants (RA 's), implementing special interest housing, and advising fraternities and sororities. Her next step was Drexel University where she was responsible for coordinating and planning freshmen summer orientation and family weekend, providin~ academic support for students who were having difficulties, and handling parental concerns. "I came to Cabrini because I missed resident Iife and the contact with students," Caulfield said.
Tammy Causley, a 1990gradu-
ate of Montclair State College, replaces Tyrone Carr who resigned as the assistant director ofresident life in August.
"I want to let people know you can live in a residence hall, follow the rules, and have a good time if you build a community of respect,'· Causley said. While at Montclair, she was an RA for a year and a half and worked for two summers as a conference Ana Hazelrigg assistant(CA),organizing 11 CA's and "learning how to keep people happy." She has two years of rectorofWoodcrestHall,isa 1990 experience as assistant manager graduate of Spring Garden College which included organizing a desk , in Philadelphia where she majored staff (similiar to Cabrini's commuin social science. nity watch) of30 peopJe, schedulHazelrigg was involved in many ing, enforcing policy, and handling activities including resident assismany of the jobs that RA's do at tant, peer adviser, student govemCabrini. ment, Freshmen Experience (simShe was involved in activities iliar to Orientation Counselors), such as the Organization of Afri- and activities committee. She was can Unity (a group similiar to the also the scorekeeper for soccer and taught aerobics and dance.
Bryn Mawr Willow Grove Center City 950 HaverfordRoad Willow Grove Plaza 1528 Walnut Street Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Willow Grove, PA 19090 Philadelphia,PA 19102 (215) 526-9744 (215) 659-9111 (215) 546-3317
Denny's Several Position available
Andy Mcllroy is the resident director of the seven houses, the Mansion and Counsel Hall.
Tammy Causley
Please contact management at
She hopes to go for her Masters in counselling in the Spring at Villanova. Over the summer she worked at Philadelphia College of Textiles as live-in resident coordinator of the summer program fornewly graduated high school seniors.
Ana Hazelrigg, the resident di-
~ Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances
Positions are available at the Denny's Family Restaurant in Devon.
Black Student Alliance), choir, and president of the Zeta Phi Beta. She also h~ld a Co-op position at Hoffman-LaRoche Phannaceutical. The positions of resident directors have been created to be responsible for supervising, training and selecting the RA's, and facilitating social, cultural, and educational programs within their areas of responsibility.
Andy Mc 1/roy This native of Alliance, Ohio, is a 1990 graduate of St. Olaf, Northfield, Minnesota where he majored in history and worked as a junior counselor. As junior counselor he worked on a volunteer basis with first year students in71role "much like that of the RA." "I see my role as an educator, and I want to help people understand what it means to live in a community,'' Mcilroy said.
photos by Chris Pesotski and Frank Emmerich
Welcome and Blessings to the Class of 1994. Also Blessing to the classes of 91,92 & 93 and to all faculty and staff. 1
Gretchen, Pat and Sr. Eileen Weleorn~ of 19941
the Anancidl Aid Office "····
friday, sept. 7, 1990
Froshmove into new digs:join Cabrinifamily
-~.·. i ,_
I t"
by Chris Pesotski
tough,'' orientation counselor Christine Costigan said. "But it On Tuesday, lines of cars filled was hard to get them motivated for with over 100 freshmen, their the evening activities." parents, family, friendsand a whole The evening portion of the day's •lot of personal belongings formed program included a cultural diverin front of Woodcrest and Xavier sity presentation and a dance in Halls. Orientation counselors fer- the gymnasium. "The diversity ried the contents of students' rooms presentation was very subtle," up flights of stairs and down halls. Jennifer Marks-Gold, student ac"The O.C. 's were really tivities director said. "He didn't friendly and willing to help,'' preach, but rather interjected at Andrea Atmonavage, freshman, oppertune moments themes about said. After the O.C. ·s moved all appreciation and diversity." Atmonavage's things in. the real Pam Stempleski, a resident aswork began. "Arranging the stuff sistant, believed that the key to the in the room wasn't as bad as I day running smoothly was comthought it would be," Atmonavage munication. ·'] got theimpression said. "We can actually see the that the different offices on campus floor now.'' actually talked to each other and '' Moving the freshmen in was planned the day," Stempleski said.
-~~ .
Top:F athers Dale Inman and Frank Harns help put together a shelf in Woodcrest room 215 .. Left: A freshmen moves all of ~..• their wordly posessions to ~ Cabrini Right: Father and daughter help decorate the dorm room.
.....:· ~ , photos by Frank Emmerich
New Beginnings....... Many Blessings! Welcome to our Campus Community. Come visitus;we're here for you.
Academic Affairswouldliketowelcome you backtoa successful Academic year.
Campus Ministry · Staff & Council Extension8225,8226
MaryAnnBillerPh.D VicePresident forAcademic Affairs M. Antoinette Schiesler Ph.D Academic Dean ZitaDerham MaryRau Staff
The NCED Program . ':,,,. and. Dr.McGovern ,. Welcomeall back to campus..
friday, sept. 7 1 1990
-~ FROSH from 1 we could have twice the number of students," Dr. Arthur Young, director for the Center for Academic Reinforcement, said. "I have seen students that we reject accepted into other school's regular programs, which is a disgrace. They'll flunk out." Young coordinates the Act 101 and general studies programs that provide needed attention for those students who marginally qualify for entrance into the regualr academic program. There was an 85 percent success rate last year within the fulltime program, and a 100 percent success rate for part-time students. ''Usually we admit no more than onequarter of the class into the program," Gardner said. "We like to keep general studies small because they need a lot of
support. We don't want to throw them to the wolves.'' This year, the 54 students are included in the program. The size is higher than admissions would like it to grow. "More students who qualified for that program accepted than we anticipated,'' Gardner said. "Sometimes it's not an exact science.'' "Because of the staff size, we need to keep the program relatively small," Young said. ''With more staff, the services offered could be used by everybody." Young approximates last year's general studies class size as 50. He considers the increase, "no big deal. We have high hopes for all our freshman.''
United States High School Graduates (projected in millions from.1986 to 2004)
Education Continuing Back Welcomes All Full-Time and Part-Time Students
WCAB 650AM Welcome Back!
' Come see us in G·race Hallsign up for work grant and hours! work study I
Cabrini College-for the best alternative and heavy metal music-tune into YOUR radio station, 650 AM starting September
. ..
f riday, sept. 7, 1990
Youthful talent could spark soccer squad's success by Denise Edwards With two seniors and two juniors being the only returning upper classmen of the 1990 soccer team the Cavaliers are faced with some hard work to get the team off to a successful season. "Its a little disconsenting with twelve new comers and eight sophomores,'' head coach Duncan Hubley stated. "Its always harder for a team with a lot of new talent. Getting them adjusted to new teammates, and a new coach can take some time." On a whole the team is very optimistic about the up coming season. "We have a lot of talent and we all work well together as a team,'' Glen Jaskelewicz sophomore said. "Everyone is positive and Duncan is a good coach," Bill DiRita ,captaiq, said. "He knows what everyone can do after a couple of days so we immediately start working towards strengthening our weaknesses.'' So far the team is off to a very successful season. The incoming freshmen and returning sophomores have proven to be a great benefit to the team, according to Hubley. Freshmen Jason Paoline, Clark Zimmennan,Brendan Ryan,and Jason Giles have come to the fore front as valuable assets to the team, Hubley added. Clark Zimmerman the teams new starting goalie has proven himself by coming through with his fantastic goal tending skills. Jason Paoline a forward for the team is already leaving his mark at Cabrini by making a goal during the Trenton State Kick Off Classic last weekend. Not only did Paoline score but he was named to the All Touma-
photo by Frank Emmench
Cabrini's Matt Capone and St. Joe's James McCole anxiously await the shot on goal during Tuesday 's game.
ment team along with teammates Glen Jaskelewiscz and Clark Zimmennan. Returning as heart and soul of the team are Michael Conner, Bill DiRita, Matt Capone,Eric Burke, Steve Buvidas, Glen Jaskelewicz, Matt Schlegelmitch, Kevin Gaherty, Joe Caveliere,Mike Long and Dave Thompson . DiRita and Buvidas take the reins of this team as co-captains.
•'DiRita is coming on strong as a leader both on and off the field,'' Nick Palumbo stated. '' He becomes and even better player with each game." "Buvidas is a seasoned player who has gained a lot of confidence in himself over the past year,' 'Palumbo said. Michael Conner, "Pickel", Matt Capone,'' Hatch," Matt Schlegel milch,'' Sledge'' ,andEric
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Burk,':Woody" have all come back stronger.more aggressive and more confident since there first year out last fall, according to Hubley. "They don't play like sophomores," DiRita stated. •'They play like juniors and seniors already, I see lots of potential for this team in years to come because of them.'' The top scorer for this year is expected to be Glen Jaskelewicz. J askelewicz had a phenomenal scoring season last year and many are looking to him for a repeat performance. "Glen can create things by himself ...he does his work on the field," DiRita stated. "We beat teams better than us because of Glen. He's the difference," Hubley said. The teams ability to make the transition from offense to defense,the added quickness in some of the new players, and having a large team are its strenghts. "We play a much tougher schedule for the size of our school,"Hubley said."This means we might not have a winning season but a very challenging one." "We have everything to gain and nothing to lose," DiRita stated. "Cabrini is a good competive soccer." "Ilike coming into a game as the so called underdog. It makes it more of a challenge," Jaskelewicz said The driving force behind all of these men is their love of the sport and it shows when they're out on the field. Bill DiRita summed it up best. "We all play because we love the sport we're OU! there because we want to be," DiRita said.
fridaXzsept. 7 3 1990
~-Zimmermanearns Athlete of the week honors by Denise Edwards Determined, assertive,_ultimately confident and just being a likable guy are only a few of the qualities that athlete of the week Clark Zimmerman possesses. Zimmerman, a freshman from Shoemakersville Pennsylvania has definitely shown his ability to be a team player. "He has played further and above everyone's expectations,'' head coach Duncan Hubley said. Zimmerman originally came onto the team as a midfielder but two weeks ago, at the first practice, he began thinking about suiting up as goalie. With last years goalie Mike Long unable to attend summer practice,incoming freshman goalie Matt Bond injured and senior goalie and first year player Sean McDonaugh still learning the game and the position the team was in need. Zimmerman felt with his prior experience of playing goal tender eight times in high school he could help out the team in this crunch. "lknew we needed agoaltenderandlknew Sean wasn't strong enough yet so I told coach I would give it my best shot,'' Zimmerman said. Zimmerman admits he is a raw goalie but with practice and instruction he will improve. ' 'I just watch and learn from other goalies,' 'Zimmerman said. We also have someone coming in to help us learn how to goal tend so I feel confident I will improve." When asked how he felt about being named athlete of the week he was surprised. Being one of the new kids on the block and in a fairly new position he was honored to be chosen among all of the other talented players on the team. "I don't wantto get cocky atall. Ijustwantto go outthere and play my game,'' Zimmerman said. Zimmerman could not say enough good things about his teammates and his teammates about him. "He's outgoing, versatile and plays aggressive at the net," Nick Polumbo manager said. '' He knew we needed a goalie so he stepped up where he
photo by Frank Emmenct,
Cabrini's first Athlete of the Week Clark Zimmerman takes his usual aggressive approach towards the ball during a pre-season practice. was needed not necessarily thinking of himself but the team,'' Matt Capone sophomore said. "The guys make me feel comfortable and they trust my decisions I make at the net. When I hear you're doing a good job from my teammates it inspires me to try harder," Zimmerman said.
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by Kelly Reed The music starts to pulse. "Everybody move to the music, Vogue." ~ight ponytails bop in unison to the beat of Madonna's song Vogue. The returning Cavalier Cheerleaders were back at Cabrini practicing cheers, chants, and partner stunts, while the rest of us were still lolling on the beach. . ·. From August 23-25 the women were under the direction of two instructors from the Elite Cheerleading Organization. The· squad received information in the mail about different cheerleading camps that they could attend this summer. After considering the cost they decided to hold their own camp here at Cabrini. The cost of the camp and the instructors was paid out of the cheerleading quads'budget for the year. The only cost to the wome~ was a five dollar night charge by the school for their rooms. Dressed to sweat, the women worked for hours to perfect the new echniques for approaching a shoulder-sit and other partner stunts. "We haven't seen each other all summer and we've really clicked right ack into things," Tara Monte, a junior, said. The squad spent two hours each morning perfecting the newly learned beers and then after an all too brief break they worked on one of their new ance routines. In the afternoon there were instructions on building more dramatic yramids and new techniques for approaching partner stunts. Cabrini's instructors from the Elite Organization were Jennie Wilson and Diana Hori. , Wilson is a special education teacher in Maryland, and has been an instructor for Elite's summer camps for seven years. Hori is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh where she is a member of e cheerleading squad. ''The girls have really been working hard, this is a sport that requires more skill and time than people give it cr~dit for,'' Wilson said. Besides learning the new material for the coming soccer season, the camp also allowed the squad time to get motivated for the season. Hori and Wilson also offered the team advice on ways to get their fans and the crowd more involved during the games. Having a free-throw contest during half-time and by getting local businesses to sponsor promotional gimmicks like that are ways the team can get Cabrini students out of the dorm and into the gym . The team also learned how to make noise makers and other crowd rallying gadgets on a limited budget such as theirs. The team is also going to work more with Cabrini's newly selected mascot to bring more fans to the games and raise some school spirit in them. Despite leaving the sandy beaches of the Jersey shore a few weeks early ''The camp was a chance for us to accent our strengths and to work on our weaknesses," Georgina Demas, a senior, said.
, F
Zimmerman has proven himseif a goal tender. Last weekend he was named to the All Tournament Team at the Trenton State Invitational the Cavaliers played in. 'Tm not the greatest athlete in the world but I go out there and give it all I have and I believe that's good because you can't give much more than that."
Scoreboard Results Soccer 8/31 1 Cabrini 9/1 2 Cabrini 9/4 1Cabrini
Trenton St.Inv. 2 Del. Val. 1 St. Joe's 2
ISchedule Soccer Sat. 9/8 Sun. 9/9 Wed. 9/12
Allentown away TBA Allentown away TBA Lincoln away3:30pm
Field Hockey Tue. 9/11
Cedar Crest home 4pm
Women's Volleyball Sat. 9/8 Haverford Tip Off awayTBA Tue. 9/11 York away 7pm Tue. 9/11 F&M away 8 pm Wed. 9/12 Beaver home 7 pm Thurs. 9/13 Stockton away 7 pm
Cross Country Sat.
Lebanon Val. Inv. away
Women's Tennis Mon. 9/10 Tue. 9/11 Thurs. 9/13
Phil. Pharrn. lmmaculta Cedar Crest
home home home
4 pm 4 pm 4 pm
~thletic Department New~ Anyone interested in becoming a Cabrini College Soccer Cheerleader the first practice for try-outs will be .held FRIDAY SEPT. 7th at 4:30 in the gym. If you have any questions please contact Denise Edwards at: 254-9772