friday, sept. 21, 1990
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
vol. xxxvii, no. 3
$800,000 budget deficit looms, ---.·coLLEG ..... ....... ... ·- college faces cuts ,,
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by Rita S. Cellucci Sister Eileen Currie, president, announced last week in a meeting with the faculty that the college faces a projected deficit of $800,000. In October, the board of trustees are to meet to discuss the situation and to decide upon a solution. Until then Currie has ordered a budget hold. A budget hold allows the departments to spend only 70 percent of thc::irexpense line. Dr. Jerome Zurek, head of the
English/communications Department, said, "This is a serious budget situation." The budget hold puts in effect a freeze of certain expenditures. The department chairpersons can only spend their alloted money on important purchases, such as books, equipment, conferences, etc. Less important purchases must be put off. Zurek said the communications department is very expensive and much is needed in order for students to'learn their field of study. However, this hold affects every
department and person at Cabrini, according to Zurek Anthony Tomasco, head of the psychology department, said his department, along with the other major ones, is being affected. The psychology department had plans for new equipment in terms of instructional materials, supplies, and computer hardware. According to Tomasco, the departments are surviving on 70 percent of lats year's budget. more Budget on 8
Minorityaffairsposf debated by Sharlene Sephton Recent flare-ups caused by racial tensions on universities nationwide have given rise to the nontraditional, high-ranking position of minority affairs officials. Cabrini administrators are still debating whether to hire such a director eight months after the Coalition Against Racial and Ethnic inTirnidation (CARET) responded to racial attacks on campus with marches and rallies. "Something is needed," President Sister Eileen Currie, M.S.C., said. "I am not convinced that a single person is needed.' ' A recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, discussing the success of minority affairs officials, stated, "Regardless of how they come into being, it is critical that the posts gain the firm support of the campus president to maintain the juggling act
that those in the position say the job requires." Currie said that there have been differing opinions in both small and full committee meetings of the senior staff and board of trustees. Dean of Students, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio explains they are in the process of evaluating the validity and efficiency of the position. "The senior staff is still deliberating on the nature of the position and the ways to insure that such a position would serve the campus in a positive way, rather than allocate all responsibility to one person and allow offices to abdicate all responsibility," Bonfiglio said. According to Currie, Academic Dean Dr. Antoinette Schiesler has held a similar position involved with minority affairs, and could give a better more Debate on 4
Budgetwoes stifleSGA planningfor the coming year by Carlo Iacono The student government association is experiencing budget woes. Its financial hands are shackled because the organization's budget is likely to be slashed by 30 percent and it has to pay back debts incurred in prior years. SGA' s purse strings were tightened in August when Duplifax copier company issued a payment due slip through Howard and Sobel Law Associates. The request was for $899.57 from an unpaid toner and service call of May 1989. Litagation was threatened if the bill was not paid immediately. According to SGA President Frank
Emmerich, the association was also dealt a surpriseblow when a percentage of its annual budget was withheld. SQA assumed a working budget of $20,000 based on last year's total, but it was told that it would receive just $14,000 with the chance of receiving another $6000 next semester. The receiving of that 30 percent is contingent upon the approval of the campus budget by the board of trustees in October, according to John Barclay, chief financial officer. A check issued on Sept. 5 by SGA for the payment due terminated further legal action on the part of Duplifax. This bill, combined with the 1990 Superthon payment
of a $2000 to the Ronald McDonald House, and a $113 per month copier lease through City Lease, leaves student government with a total of $9000 to work with. ''That total hurts because Superthon alone is about $5000, and student activities division gets $5000," Emmerich said. According to Katie Mullen, SGA treasurer, the copier incident illustrates student government's tendency to allow bills to float from board to board or fall between the cracks of the treasury. Because of the nature of the board, where members may be changing from year to year, several bills from the end of one year often carry over to the next.
"When I came into office there were several outstanding bills, bl!t it was a common practice,'' Angie Corbo, 1989-90 SGA president said. "We are talking around $1500." "I thought we had last year's bills all worked out, until the threat from Duplifax,'' Emmerich said. ''Every year bills come from the prior year," Mullen said. "We have a tendency to overspend and that is a problem." But in the case of the copier, overspending was not theculpritasmuchasmisundermore SGA on 8
inside perspectives .... .. 2, 3
Movie review:
Bookstore manager
news ................ 4, 8, 9
horror film "Night
Albert Vassallo
features .......... 5, 6, 7
sports ........ 10, 11, 12
(page 5)
(page 9)
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fridaXzsept. 211 1990 ]
Fillinga blackhole Just say no! There is a void on campus. It is_deep and threatening, and it needs to be filled before it ruptures and caves in. A minority affairs division, complete with a full-time staff member and council to serve as their support committee, is the only way to fill in the grooves. The first cracks started to spider during the racial cns1s m February. Minority issues and complaints that had long been ignored and passed over by administrators started to resurface. The time was ripe for change, and the conditions and awareness have been set to give rise to the new post. _ Haverford College's multicultural position was created under similar circumstances in 1977 with the mandate that it "should stimulate visible, sustained witness to the college's commitment to racial, ethnic, and economic diversity.'' Thirteen years behind, our administration still doesn ,-thave the guts to give action to their words. The college's mission of "working for peace and justice, working against poverty and oppression, promoting personal and interpersonal growth, and increasing compassionate concern for all human beings,'' is a job description for a minority affairs officer in itself. These values of the college, however, will continue to crumble if the the sparks from eight months ago are allowed to die out because of administration's hesitation. Further action needs to be taken on implementing the ideas of proposals, such as CARET' s and the Commission on Campus Life, or they will stagnate. The marches and rallies and meetings since last spring will have meant little. Minority recruitment has more than tripled since last year. Admissions has done an admirable job of getting minorities here. The questions remain, what are we going to do with them, and what support services do we have to offer minorities? Now that they're here, why should they stay? A minority affairs officer would know. The positiol} has the potential of being a very powerful, creative, and unique one. If the right person is hired for it, and then only if they are given the authority, support, and recoginition from administration, their success could change the campus' direction. Not only would they be a resource for those being discriminated against, but also an organizer. Someone to implement and organize tbe multicultural ideas and programs that so many facets of the college are beginning to instituite. It does not mean the responsibility for changing the campus rests on solely on the minority affairs position. It is simply a person to coordinate the avlrilable services, encourage students to take advantage of them, and break down some of the barriers of racism by getting people involved. If we truly believe in ourselves as a liberally educative college, then we must open up to diversity. ·with such a dynamic position of minority affairs official, and the support of all the students, faculty, staff, and administration, we can shrink the black hole.
Does this remind
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Budgetfreeze-hol~-w(ltch ALLRIGHT, THEYRf. "r~ s"
sharlen sephton perspectives~ editor Three simple words make it seem so easy. The power of persuasion and the need to be affirmed, however, often keep us silent. Or worse yet, we pledge "yes," and sacrifice our own interests. Until Nancy Reagan created the catch phrase for her anti-drug campaign, though, it never occurred to any of us to just say no. Maybe she was the only one to have the creativity or the ct>urage. "No,'' is one of the first concepts we can distinguish as a child. We know what it means even before we recognize it as a word and can articulate it. The first time the pacifier or blankie is taken away from us, we understand. It leaves us with an emptiness and resentment. "No,'' means we can't always have what we want. Even if we are being denied something for our own good, it doesn't make the hurt or anger any better. No, you are not allowed to display artistic talent by scribbling on the walls. No, you can't pull the kitty's tail. No, you may not stay out past the set curfew. No, and that's final. By the time we are toddlers, though, we realize, we too can manipulate the word itself. It no longer has to confine us. We can get back and rebel. We have control and we have power. The two-year-old who refuses to take a bath realizes he has a choice. He is asserting what few rights he has. Somewhere between toddler and adolescence, however, we learn the consquences of saying no to certain people and under particular circumstances. We know what we can get away with. It dawns on us at some point, that not taking a bath could be the reason not many friends are willing to sit next to us in class. Rebelling against authority, your parents, and school may get what you want, but it also may very likely get you grounded. We are all too familiar with what it feels like when the rejection is directed at ourselves. The teenage boy sits on the edge of his bed with phone receiver in hand. He summons up his courage, and thinks to himself, "Oh God, what if she ·says no?" The receiver clicks down again. The word, "no,'' wields a lot of power. It can do irreversible damage, or it can be constructive. We must learn how to use it and not abuse it. You see, ·'no,'' is not an easy thing for a lot of people to say. We live in a "yes,'' world. We say "yes" to magazine ads because they make us feel as if we need their product to be accepted. We say "yes" to sex because we want to feel important, loved, and accepted. We say "yes" to drugs because they give us the false courage to act as if we are accepted. We all want to be pleasers because that seem's to be the easiest way for people to like us. The question is, if you say "yes" every time, how much will people respect you? This holds especially true for women, because historically society has trained them to be passive and cooperative.- When men hear a woman say, "no,'' it is often misconstrued as meaning "yes." A woman's assertiveness is not taken It is not seen as complimentary.
Women have fought long and hard to say "no" to urtfair pay rates and sexual discrimination. They have learned that being assertive does not rob them of their femimmty. Women can celebrate in saying "no" with confidence for it enables them to be respected as capable people. If everyone based their total being on making others happy and forgot about themselves, eventually, there would be nothing left to share. It's not selfish to put our own feelings first, by having to say· 'no" sometimes. It gives us the freedom to follow our dreams. There's nothing wrong with saying "no." The phrase is linked to a lot of guilt,
The word, "no," wields a lot of power... We must learn how to use it and not abuse it. and reminds us of the rejection it can stir in ourselves since childhood. It reminds us that sometimes we do fail, and we don't always get what we want. Saying ''no'' does not make you any less of a person. In fact, a sign of a good leader is knowing your limits. It takes a lot of selfevaluation and a lot of courage to say it. It means knowing who you are and that we all have a breaking point when we need to take some time out in order to be the most effective. In the demanding world we live in today, saying "no" is essential to survival. We have to stick up forour own rights. It means not worrying so much about the approval of others, but protecting our own self-interests, working on our own terms. So in the meantime, be the kind, supportive person you are, but don't forget there's always more than one answer. By saying' 'no," you can say' 'yes'' to yourself.
Editor-in-chief: Carto Iacono
ManagingEditor:Jennifer Momson News Editor: Chris Pesotski Assistant NewsEditor: Melissa Landsmann PerspectivesEditor: Sharlene Sephton .FeaturesEditor: Kelty Anne Reed Copy Editors: Andrea Atmonavageand Johanna Church Sports Editor: Denise Edwards BusinessManager: Kim Marshall. Michelle Merger• and Lisa Rose PhotographyEditor: Frank Emmerich Assistant PhotographyEditor: Lisa Lindley PhotographyAdviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek S1aff:MatthewBrush,Joseph Buda. Rita S.Ceflucci,Karen Dumorney, William Futton,John Gay, Robert Healey. Matt Hodlofskl,KimbertyKeel<,Karen Kerchusky.Kimberly Leblang. Lorraine Marie Lill, Joe Martini. Elizabeth MacGuire.Kim Marshall,Jenntter Melchiorre.Alexandra L. Napoleon,Lisa Neuman,AmandaPicher, Stephanie Ranieri. J.P. Raynock, Frank Sciotla. Dawn Timbario, Missy von Siegel, Charles Watertan. Photography S1aff:Heather Clisham. Ivan Domazet.Man Forman,John Gay, Marl<Gudas. Kim Kojeski, Edd McNamee, Judi Panasik. Carin Pesotski.Chris Pesotski,Sue Roux. Charles Watertall. Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087.Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscriptionprice is $25 per year and is included in the beneltts secured by tuition and student fees. The editorials and opinions published in Loqu,turare the views of the student editorial staff and the individualwriters and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loqultur is establishedas a forum for student expressionand as a voice in the uninhibited,robust. free and open discussionof issues.
friday, sept. 21, 1990
Night under the lightsmakes h_istory This was an evening of perfection, an evening of adrenalin and an eveningofmemories. Although the actual number of us totalled a mere 32,000, I am sure that in years to come, millions of people will recall how they were there to see it. On August 15, 1990, the evening air in South Philadelphia was filled with victory and joy as a 27year-old. left-handed pitcher from Uniontown, Pennsylvania fulfilled and even surpassed his and our own wildest dreams. On this evening, the young man wearing number 45 would pitch nine innings against the 1989 National League Champion San Francisco Giants and all not one hit. In one evening, Terry Mulholland became everyone's hero. Now, before you decide to tum to page six because you think this is just another sports opinion, I ask you to trust me in reading on because this story has more to do with people than with a game played by grown men of six months out of the year. What Terry Mulholland performed on August 15, was something that had not been done by a Phillies pitcher in Philadelphia in this century. To give you some idea of the magnitude of that statement, think of this: It had not been done in Ronald Reagan's lifetime. Furthermore, ityou have personally met someone who was at the last such event in Philadelphia, then perhaps you have also had the privilege of entertaining President and Mrs. McKinley for dinner. (On July 8, 1898, Phils pitcher Red Donahue, to my knowledge no relation to Phil, no-hit the Boston Braves, 5-0.) Still, some of you may not be impressed. This is understandable for any "iion-baseball fan. However, on thisevening ofhistorymy
);'et, through the following innings, a feeling descended upon all of us at the stadium. It was becoming apparent to all of us that history just might be on the doorstep... or at least in the driveway. There is a special bond between baseball fans. The guy you wanted to beat the hell out of for stealing your parking space is the same guy you end of hugging and having a beer with after a game-winning hom~run. By the eighth inning, Arthur, myself, and the 32,000 others gathered in South Philadel-
around televisions and radios entire team swarmed around him. throughout the city. What I say Then I looked around to see was a city of people become one total strangers hugging and kissheart pounding as Terry Mulhol- ing one another. I looked at Arthure, land walked slowly to the mound to who had just witnessed her second bill start the final inning. Phillies game, and we both enjoyed firman Millions of thoughts race a little time in heaven. through my mind as we rose to our For one night, a city on the companion was a good friend who feet in a standing ovation. Still, verge of bankruptcy; a city whose is not a baseball fan but who felt the one thought I kept returning to inhabitants are literally killing each like joining me in my monthly was how strange it was that an in- other at an hourly pace; a city of excursion to Veteran's Stadium. significant little game called base- people with diverse concerns and For music's sake, we'll call my ball could bring so many people backgrounds came together as one companion Arthur, Now, Arthur together. You could see it in their body of human emotion - it was had attended only one previous faces. We were all together, and it probably the most beautiful sight Phillies game in her entire 21-year was incredible. you ever will see. existence. While I, on the other Terry Mulholland was down to It was becoming hand, had been to roughly 150 Phils his final batter, Gary games in the same time span. (I apparent to all of us Carter. To fully underfigure that I am personally responhow hated Carter is that history just might stand sible for paying off Len Dykstra's among Phillies fans, let new contract.) be on the doorstep ... me draw the following In fact, there are only three analogy: Imagine or at least in the dates in history that I can reacafl Mulholland facing Saddriveway. exactly where I was at the time: dam Hussein and you get March 5, 1969,(I was born and had the idea. Arthur and I T!) the editor: to be there); April 5, 1986, (Wilson phia had become one soul united. glanced at each other and Goode completed an entire sen- We were becoming a part of some- held our collective breath Last Monday, I had a financial aid tence in grammatically correct thing larger than all of us, some- as we paid our final look eligibility question which I was told English); and October 21, 1980, thing that would bring all of us down on Mulholland as could only be answered by Arlene (The Philadelphia Phillies became together in a bond that would last he delivered his last pitch. Dittbrenner, director of financial aid. World Champions). forever in our hearts and minds. Hussein, Carter When I asked to speak with her, the Arthure and I finally settled into Arthur had been taking all of lined a shot a third baseinformation given to me was that she our seats in the General Admission this in with me and I was glad I was man Charlie Hayes and met with students by appointment only, section, high above centerfield (the with her so I could gauge the effect for exactly one entire so I made an appointment to see her at only place to watch a ballgame). ofano-hitter on a non-fan. I knew second, everyone in that 9 a.m. on Wednesday. Once the game began, conver- this was more than a baseball . stadium did not utter a At 9 a.m. when I arrived, I was sation continued in between pitches game when Mulholland retired the sound or make a move as asked to wait. A few minutes later, and after Mulholland retired the Giants in the eighth inning and we attempted to discern a person came out of the back office Giants in the second inning, I Arthur was the first one out of her whether Hayes had, in and informed me Arlene was having utterred that basebal witticism, seat in thunderous applause for the fact, caught the ball. No breakfast and they would try to help "Only seven more innings for the young man from Uniontown. sooner had Hayes smothme. no-hitter!" A look of excitement In a city where people routinely ered that ball in leather I am sure this individual probably came over Arthur's face. Even a beat, rape and slaughter each other than an entire city erupted gave me the same information that non-fan has heard the myth and at a frantic pace, it is not often that in a celebration not seen Arlene would have if she would have mystery of the no-hitter. However, one sees her inhabitants join to- in quite some time. cut her "danish hour" short and kept since I hate to see people dispp- gether - but on this night, the people Mulholland walked our scheduled appointment. ointed, I quickly went on the of this city made quite a sight. As slowly toward his catcher, If the financial aid office has estabpredict that Mulholland would I looked out on the crowd, I could Darren Daulton, and then lished business hours to help students probably, walk the next 16 batters see not only those of us in the jubilantly threw his glove with concerns and questions, I suggest to continue the Phil's winning ways. Stadium, but people gathered in the night air as his that is what they use the hours for.
Croissantsor counseling?
Student success linked to educational values the aim of education can really be nothing less than the promotion of the human in all aspects of work with young people. Granted, education also involves the promulgation of knowledge and the acquisition of basic skills; nonetheless, all this belongs ultimately to the development of human relationships and values." -Alan Howard Education and Our Human Future
Dr. Robert Bonfiglio
our cultural values as: an overemphasis on the benefits and not the responsibilities of individual freedom; a highly idealized conception of consumerism and conspicuous consumption, and the unrelenting pursuit of sexual gratification. At the risk of sounding puritanical, I would agree with Father O'Hare. The ability of our society to function with these values has become further complicated by what appears to be a large number of dysfunctional homes and increasing racial and ethnic diversity throughout the country. A college education, and a Cabrini education in particular, must attempt to confront students with the values of the institution and focus on the points of divergence with societal values. Specifically, that is our charge in student success. This is why much of the work of the sutdent services area centers around programming, such as orientation, leadership development, and residence hall activities. It is through our programs that we as administrators strive to address issues.that will result in educational change. It is through our programs that we fulfill our education role, and support the mission of the college.
as our work is clearly about the development of human relationships and values. The summer is a refreshing time for I wonder, however, if we have been as the college administrator. The work pace clear as we possibly can in highlighting the slows slightly, and one finds an opportunity values that we seek to nurture. It was this to reflect on the challenges and achievements thought process that, a year ago, lead to the of the past year. For me, this reflection development of the code of conduct at Cabprocess usually involves a review of the rini. It is also in the articulation of these college mission statement, and an attempt values that we in student services, and the to evaluate the relationship of the mission institution as a whole, face one of our greatstatement to the day to day functioning of the est challenges. The challenge stems from student services division. the degree of difference between the values According to our mission statement, ''The of the institution and the values of the College recognizes that all Cabrini person- 'American culture. nel are involved in the education of its stuThe code of conduct identifies the basic dents - in and out of the classroom - in a spirit values of the institution to be honesty and of personal caring for the development and integrity; concern f~r the physical and well being of each student.'' A focal -point emotional well being of community memof my reflection this summer was this con- bers, and respect forthepropertyandauthorcept of administrator as educator. If one ity of others. The values of our culture seem, 'Robert Bonfilglio, dean of students, accepts the aim of education as defined by at times, to be much different. Alan Howard above, it is clear to me that Father Joseph O'Hare, the president of has a doctorate in education from those ofus in studentservicesareeducators, Fordham University, has identified some of Columbia _University.
Sincerely, Lisa Lindley, senior
Graduate program up in arms and numbers To the editor: We enjoyed the Friday.September 7, 1990, issue of the Loquitur, but we are disappointed in an article on page 3 entitled, "Enrollment detailed for fall." It seems you've forgotten about us. For your information, we have 275 registrations in the graduate program this fall. Of that number, 70 are new to the program. As a further note, fall of 1989 enrollment was 202 registrations with 43 new students. Sincerely, Jack McGovern, Ed.D. Director, Graduate Studies Loqunur welcomes letters to 1heeditor. Letters should be signed and the authorship knownto the editofs. HolY8Ver,~ th lYl'nerlYishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's namemay be left off the letter upon publication and an nsc:ription insertedsuch as ·name withheldat the requestof the lYl'ner.• Lette<sshould be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. ff a letter is too long for the available space, Iha editor · may edit or condensen. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
f ridaY,sept. 211 1990
more Debate from 1 understanding of the beneficial and unfavorable aspects of the post. Schlesier, however, was unable to comment on the responsibilities of her past role. According to the Chronicle, defining the nature of the position and clearly stating its objectives and granting the authority needed to carry out those objectives is essential. Reginald Wilson, a senior scholar at the American Council on Education, said, "Creating the positions is not a problem. The important things are preparing the campus and defin-
"I have not seen a position description that I have liked that fits Cabrini's style.'J· -Sr. Eileen Currie ing the duties, responsibilities, and authority of these people.'' Both CARET' s proposal and the report of the Commission on Cabrini Campus Life, recommended the hiring of a full-time staff member during the 19901991 academic year. Their suggestions outline the responsibilities for a minority affairs offical as including, but not being limited to, minority issues, support services, programming, and attendance at administrative meetings. "I have not seen a position description that I have liked that fits Cabrini's style," Currie said. Currie feels that the position has an inherent lack of trust built into it. "It points the finger at one person and says, 'he's to blame,"' Currie said. Because the minority affairs position is a non-traditional one, a second fear is that it will just be another layer of bureaucracy. "Such a model often becomes a title, or just another branch of student affairs,'' Currie said. Charles D. Moody, vice-provost for minority affairs at the Universtiy of Michigan, said, "That to be successful, minority-affairs administrators 'must be woven into the fabric and fiber of institutions,"' according to the Chronicle. "I feel the resolution is beyond organizational structure,'' Currie said. "There is a philosophical element. No office, no person, no
group is going to be able to change sity for denying tenure to a black the situation unless the campus is professor based on color. As an open to it. There has to be a conver- advocate, Winbush was seen as sion of heart. being too confrontative and adver'' It is a simplistic expectation to sa..rialinhis pursuits. have one person bearing the burAs Assistant Dean and Director den of the entire campus,'' Currie · of Multicultural Affairs at Haversaid. '' A collection of thoughts· is ford College, Angela Gillem, being looked at. Essentially, there Ph.D., presently holds a similar would be more than one person.'' position. Bonfiglio said that minority "In the colleges I know of," members should ideally be able to Gillem said, "the person serves a turn to anyone on campus for sup- very special and important funcport. "If people feel right now they tion." have no one to go to, the tendency Gillem sees her responsibilities will be to assign all the responsibil- in three parts including academics, ity t<?the one minority affairs per- student life, and programming. '' It son.'' keeps coordinated all of the pro''I like to hope that all students grams which support students of are supported," Currie said. "I color," Gillem said. don't know if all students feel there Her involvement ranges from is a support." serving on committees on diverBonfiglio cites members of the sity, developing new courses for faculty, CARET, and the homan Haverford' s social justice requireaffairs division of the Student ment, monitoring peer education Government Association under race relations training programs, supervision of Jennifer Marks- to being aware of national trends, Gold, director of activities, as key supporting admissions recruitment supporters. of minority students, and the de"I have such an interest in it," velopment and planning of culGold said. "Myheart andsoulisin tural events, conferences, conit. Eventually everyone will be certs and speakers. touched by prejudice whether its •:1t's a big job," Gillem said. their hair color, skin, religion. It's '' All of the assistant deans put in a out there." "I don't know how good 40-60 hours a week.'' much work I will be able to do, but they can come and talk to me," "In the colleges I Gold said. If you keep a positive know of, the person attitude, your ideas will never be chipped away. There is support, serves a very special rejoice." Gold said. and important "It would be nice to have another support person,' ' Liz function." Miller, SGA human affairs officer, said. ''It would probably be easier -Dr. Angela Gillem to have someone to turn to and get advice from. That way, I could relay information from the council The multicultural position was to a professional.'' created in the fall of 1977. This An ex.amplegiven in the Chron- was in response to student protests icle of Raymond A. Winbush, a in the 1976-1977 school year. One minority affairsofficial from Oeve- of the students' demands called for land State University whose con- an office of minority affairs. tract was recently allowed to ex"I can't really comment on pire. whether another college should "Mr. Winbush says his prob- have a position like mine," Gillen lems began with a poorly defined said. "What I can say is that it is a job- which he now describes as very, very important position for nothing more than 'window dress- Haverford.'' ing' to make it look as though the "I see my position as not just university was trying to improve about making Haverford better for the climate for members of minor- students of color, but also aoout ity groups,'' according to the Chron- making it a better place. If it is icle article. truly multi-cultural, everyone beneThe post had been created in fits, otherwise, we are ill-equipped 1987, after an investigation was for the world,'' Gillem said. held on charges against the univer-
Campus Happy New Year! Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, is celebrated Thursday, Sept. 20.
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night will be performed on Sunday SEpt. 23 from 3-4 p.m. in the Mansion. This special performance for students, faculty, staff, and guests is provided complements of Philadelphia's Shakespeare in the Park. Admission is free. Tickets for Parents Weekend are on sale in front of the cafeteria during dinner and lunch hours. Summer Greens art exhibit featuring paintings and silkscreens by Carol Schwartz will be on display through October 28. Opening Reception: Sept. 23 from 3-4 p.m. in the Library Fine Arts Gallery. All ar~invited.
New Network discs must be purchased by all computer room users. he old sytem discs are no longer compatible in the computer room. The cost of the new disk is $6. Weekend Van Shuttle Service to Center City Philadelphia is being offered on a trial basis. The van leaves at 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and stops at the Visitors Bureau at 15th and JFK Boulevard. Students returning ·to campus should assemble at the Visitors Bureau no later than 5:00 p.m.
Attention Commuters! Personal lockers are available in Sacred Heart Hall and the Widener Center. Lockers are available on a firstcome, first-serve basis. For further information, contact the student services office. Recycling containers for aluminum, corrugated cardboard, and office grade paper are in the residence halls, Sacred Heart Han (stairs near greenhouse), Widener Center (loading dock), Gathering Area, and Grace Hall (kitchen). Homecoming Elections for finalists will be held the week of Sept. 24, outside the cafeteria and the Wigwam. Results will be announced at the Parent's Weekend Dance. All Vehicles operated and parked on college property by students, faculty, and staff must be registered annually with the college. Beginning Monday, Sept. 24, non-regustered vehicles will be subject to ticketing. Individuals may submit their tickets to the student services and register their vehicles on the day they receive their tickets. Fines will not be asssessed provided the vehicles are regustered at this time. Non-registered vehicles will towed at the owner's expense.
Attention business majors! The Wall Street Journal available in a vending box. outside the bookstore.
is now
The Holy Spirit Library is participating in Acme Supermarket's Free IBMs for Your Schools program. Please save: Acme receipts dated 9/2/90 through 2/5/91; Scott Paper "Learning Tools for Schools" seals; Campbell's labels; and Tastykake Family Pack UPC bar code symbols. Deposit them in the bos near the Circulation Desk in the Library or send them through Campus Mail.
CARET meetsto re-orga~ize, by Charles Waterfall
The campus' Coalition Against Racial and Ethnic Intimidation (CARET) regrouped Tuesday to discuss the future of the organization. The 12 students whoattended agreed to not allow the group to fizzle, as some thought it would. In response to the racial incidents which have occured on campus over the past year, CAREf came into being. ' To make themselves visible as a coalition, they demonstrated by marching and staging a sit-in. Things seemed to have calmed down since then. "CARET is still here and still working," member Juliann Marie
Dunn said. Because CARET demonstrated and marched in such a vocal way, some may have believed the group to be radical. ,Changing that image is one of the several goals to be . worked upon this fall. "We've slapped people in the · face," CARET member, Kevin Koknar said. '' If we keep doing it, it would be abuse." "We should be asocial organization, based on cultural diversity rather than a radicalgroup that some would be for, but others, against,'' Koknar said. The organization would also like to have speakers representing CARET for both Peace Week (October 14) and Cultural Aware-
ness Week (November 5-9). One ideal speaker, according to member, Anna Rodriguez, would be Dr. Simmons, presently teaching the course, Minorities in Sub-Cultures. Other intentions involve interaction with other colleges, having a in conjunction with the Black Student Alliance (BSA), and finding a trademark, such as having ethnic food served at social gatherings. "I think that it will be different,'' Rodriguez said. ''I am psyched." The Student Government Association does not provide funding because CARET is not yet under their membership, although it is recognized as a functioning organization.
Security incidents reported September 11 throught September 17 Robbery
9/14-12:45 a.m.-Pizza Delivery person reported three pizza bags stolen from car and·car keys missing. The keys were found. Radnor police were notified. Criminal Mischief
9/14-1:00 a.m.-Unidentified person was reported driving on the lawn near the chapel. Disorderly Conduct
9/14-1:30 a.m.-Three males were reported yelling obscenities in front of Woodcrest. The suspects left the scene when security arrived.
friday, sept. 21, 1990
"NightAngel:"She's hell on earth by Kelly Reed
Photos courtesyof Richard Lewis
An unearthly, beautiful being rises from the fires of hell. She is Lilith the Queen of Hell, and the subject of the movie "Night Angel." Lilith is a demon-like version of Eve. Lilith and Adam were supposedly made together out of the dust of the earth by God. She refused to be subservient to Adam and ran off to the Red Sea, were she copulated with demons and then became one herself. Lilith is doomed to go through life seeking the pleasure of sex but never finding true love. The movie opens with the death of the editor of the international fashion magazine Siren. A death caused when Lilith seduces him and then proceeds to plunge her hand into his chest and rip out his heart. The scenes in which Lilith slays her victims are particularly graphic and are not for the weak at heart Lilith lures one unsuspecting male with an erotic, animal-like dance and then procedes to push him down an elevator shaft. The plot behind the movie is that Lilith wants to be on the cover of Siren magazine at any cost, and she will kill anybody who gets in her way. The hero and heroine are Siren's art director Craig Matthews and Kirstie, the sister of Siren's new editor. After seducing Siren's new editor, played by actress Karen Black, the entire magazine staff is under Lilith's spell. It is up to Kirstie and Matthews to either save their friends and co-workers or perish the grisly death that Lilith has in store for them. The special effects in "Night Angle!" were unbelievable with several EFX sequences, as well as numerous sound and lighting changes that added to the ominous atmosphere. The death scenes were very convincing and kept the audience on the edge of their seats for most of the movie. Convincing performances by Isa Andersen, as Lilith , Debra Feuer, as Kirstie, Linden Ashby, as Craig Matthews and last but not least Karen Black, as Rita. Siren's editor-in-chief, add to make this a uniquely frightening horror film.
Actress Isa Andersen is transformed into the demonic Lilith in the movie "Night Angel. "
Isa Andersen:insidethe characterof Lilith by Kelly Reed
Her long, black fingernails trail up and down his back while she bites on his ear ever so lightly. There is a dark, heavy atmosphere in the room and a chilled wind seems to blow through the set. "That's a take!" Isa Andersen, the star of the horror film "Night Angel" spent much of the last few months working on scenes like the one described above. Andersen was born in communist East Germany. Her parents escaped communism and fled to West Germany, where Andersen grew up in cities like Munich. She began modeling for fashion magazines at a very early age, which allowed her to travel in countries like France, Italy and the United States. It was while she was living in New York City that she decided to try a few acting classes. Andersen liked acting
so much that she decided to audition for parts in movies and films. Guest shots on shows like "Cheers" and "Airwolf' led to starring roles opposite stars like Jim Belushi and John Ritter in United Artist's "Real Men." It was while traveling through Europe that Andersen picked up her impressive repertoire of dialects which include German, French, Russian, and English. Andersen now lives in Los Angeles, CA and has lived in the United States for the last five years. "I love living in Los Angeles, this is where American films are made,'' Andersen said. '' here film making is a real business.'' In Germany the film industry produces very little movies on their own, most of the films shown there and in the rest of Europe are 85 per cent American made and produced. "I would love to make a film in my native Germany, but there are very few parts and even fewer good strong roles for ,
women,'' Andersen said. The character of Lilith that Andersen plays in the movie Night Angel is a very strong role for a woman. The character had complete control over all of the men in Night Angel. "I think that there needs to be more equality in the type of roles that actresses are being offered." "Stronger female character~ need to be developed,'' Andersen said. Andersen researched the role of Lilith by reading sections out of the "Talmud", a Jewish religious book, and from variou:; books on myths and legends. She enjoys reading about the unexplainable. and believes that there are some things that just cannot be explained with scientific or rational explanations. ''People need to be more open to the ideas of reincarnation and other thoughts that do not go along with conservative thinking,'· Andersen said.
f riday, sept. 21, 1990
Fascination,intrig_ue and lo.neliriess are all a part of comingto A-mericaand Cabrini by Lorraine Marie Lill Chiaki Suzuki has taken her first step on to Cabrini's campus. As she looks around, people appear different. Everything seems to be moving rapidly. Taking a chance, she approaches an older gentlemen to ask direc· tions. Although she knows the language fairly well, she ponders over words to use with fear of not speaking properly. Fascination, intrigue, and loneliness soar through her body. She knows no one. · She has no idea what is awaiting her. Traditions, customs, emotions, and expressions are all different. She has come here to study. She has come to America. Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, meets these students upon entrance to Cabrini. Many of the students who come here have this type of experience. Students from other countries must ob· tain a student visa which allows them to study in America until they complete their course of study, said Gardner. In 1986 when Gardner started working at Cabrini there were no international students studying here on student visas. The first students to study at Cabrini on student visas did not come until the fall of 1987. Gardner said that there is a lot of interest from international students to study here and Cabrini could possibly accept more students, however, there is not enough support on campus. If the school is to add too many more international students, a full time International Student Advisor would be necessary.
Photo by John Gay
Internationalstudent Chiaki Suzuki and Ande Romano help each other with homework in the Widener Center gathering area. Students who have chosen Cabrini have come here for many different reasons. They may have transferred from another college,
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Congratulations_ to Lisa Lindley, Karen Kerchusky, Sharon Kourt, TaraRodman,.and Tricia Daley- Who were winners of CD's on. Tuesday night during the Woodcrest and WCAB's party with "The Dream Team"Ace & Goose, Boo Boo and the Bud Man.
a memberof the faculty or staff may have met them while visiting their country, or perhaps a friend told them about Cabrini. Natacha Bolufer, a Spanish student, said that the former theater teacher, Dan Perna, met her while visiting Spain and asked her to come to Cabrini to study. Ines Bolufer, Natacha's sister, came here to study because of her sister's experiences here. Most of the international students are able to speak more than one language. Natacha and Ines are both able to speak Spanish, French, English and a language spoken on the east coast of Spain called Valenciano. Natacha and Ines are considered Spanish, yet they were born in Paris and moved to Spain when they were still children. Their father is Spanish and their mother is French. A student from Morocco named ElMostafa Nechchadi is multilingual as well. He speaks Arabic, French, Italian, and English. Nechchadi will be running cross country for Cabrini this fall. He is a world class runner. In 1987 Nechchadi was third in the world for marathon running. He has also won five world championships with Morocco. Because of the different culture and customs positive and sometimes negatives feelings are experienced. "When I would meet someone in Spain we would kiss and here you don't do it. Sometimes I find that cold," Natacha Bolufer said. ''The difference sometimes makes us feel alienated." Suzuki, a Japanese student said, "In Japan we don't say things straight. We say no, we mean no, but we don't say it straight. Here you have to say no right away. In the beginning I was not use to it so when people said no to mj!, I was hurt." "I confuse sometimes the way people gesture or smile, because every country is very specific about that and when you switch countries you notice that,•' Ines said. "Certain things in the United States you can say with a smile on your face and if
someone would say the same thing to you in Spain, you would say this person is laughing at you," Ines said. One thing that international students find amusing is how Americans cannot admit that they are only American when they are asked what nationality they are. "We do laugh,notinameanway,butwe do find it funny that American people do not accept that they are North Americans simply," Ines said. "They always need to go back to their background." Schooling in Europe is much different than in the United States, according to these students. "The system of studying here is enjoyable. I would not criticize it because it is enjoyable. In Europe your courses are chosen for you,'' Ines said.
"We do laugh,not in a mean way, but we do find it funnythat Americanpeople do not acceptthat they are NorthAmericanssimply. They alwaysneed to go back to their background." - Ines Bolufer, senior Ines feels that school is extremely difficult in Europe. They have many students, but not enough universities. '' Students are going to fail, that is the way we control our amount of students in a classroom," Ines said. "It's a selective system where they select who is better to fight and who cannot do it.'' The students said they like America. Many want to stay after they graduate if it is possible. In order for them to stay they must obtain a work visa which is good for a year.
friday, sept. 21, 1990
Roomates: a mixing of styles and personalities by Kimberly Marshall What happens when The Cure fan meets the classical music addict and they are forced to live with a Bart Simpson clone?Somehow the posters, clothing, styles and personalities must all fit into a 13ft. by 20ft. room. Megan O'Brien, a freshman, felt that getting along with her roommates made the first days of starting college easier. "I thought it would be harder since we all had our own rooms at home." Her one roommate, Sue Aster, said ''We all m·ade the transition really well." Some do not adjust as well. According to Michelle McKenna and Charlyne Adams, freshmen, their third roommate only arrived with two bags and left that same night. Her mother was making her Jive on campus, according to McKenna. Adams said that she and McKenna are certainly not enemies but they are not best friends either. Although majority of the women in Woodcrest live in tripled
rooms, some of them do not seem to mind. "Everything is cool," said freshman Jennifer Yates. Carolyn Freitas said her one roommate has a boyfriend but that they all get along great. " We have different personalities and different friends," Justine Kozileski said. It seems that having )hings in common helps. Belinda Desher and Joann Carbone, who Jive in Woodcrest's penthouse, have the same major, two classes together and the same study habits. "Little things happen which are stupid," Desher said. Alex Szep and Rich Dreher of Xavier are always doing stuff together, according to friends. Freshman Ray Larkin thinks he was really lucky getting Dave Hirsch as his roommate. ''He is so much like me that I can not foresee . any problems." They have the same views on relationships, sports and partying. Freshman John Young said of his roommate, "We are different people, but we get along and we are interested in the same music."
He also said that his roommate is considerate and does not smoke when he is in the room. Carlee Fortmann, freshman,was able to room with the same person she roomed with for orientation. "It's very cluttered because we
it is wonderful. "I have sophomore friends down here and freshman friends upstairs,'• Monaghan said. Junior Matt Hodlofski seems to think that luck had a little bit to do with him and Charlie Tucci getting along so well. They lived together
relationshipsare individualsincewe I d h can OnY O SOmUC withthe questionnairesand
for freshman and sophomore year and now they are neighbors in house seven. "It is still as if we are living together since we hang out with the same people and enjoy sports,'' said Hodlofski. Juniors Michael Tino and Bill Keenan are starting their third year living together. According to Keenan, they both came from differentbackgrounds but they are not that much different. "We don't get
-""'!""---.------A lot of the roommate
havi ng to triple some
people." -Catherine Caufield Director of Resident
have too much stuff,'• according to her one roommate, Kasey Eckman. Freshman Patricia Monaghan did not find out she was going to live oncampus until just before school began. Monaghan is living with sophomore Susan Carroll and thinks
on each other's nerves and we are both easy going," Keenan said. "We hititoffrightaway," said Elizabeth Baumstatk about her roommate of three previous years, Amy Cassari. •"After a while, it was a ·given that we would room together," Baumstark said. She also feels that the reason they have been together this long is because they are so different. Resident assistants said gener-
ally, they feel there have not been \oo many problems thus far. Lisa Lindley said she thinks her first floor of sophomores in Woodcrest are wonderful. According to Mary Shimkus, the freshman are getting along except for petty matters. Shimkus said of the women, "No tears have been shed yet." Jeff Hines, RA in Xavier Hall said everything is fine and Ed McN amee said the same of the Freshman men in Xavier. Then there are people like junior, Michele Adelman, who prefers to live by herself. "After living on my own for so long, I found it hard to share a room,'' Adelman said. Catherine Caulfield, director of resident life, said that her department expected more conflicts. "A lot of the roommate relationships are individual since we can only do so much with the questionnaires and having to triple some people." Caulfield did say that they were able to fulfill many room assignments with people who wanted to Iive together after meeting at summer orientation.
Life after age five is easy, according to Fulgham by Alexandra Napoleon Crayola Crayons. Every child goes through boxes of them. But have you ever had the box of 64 with the built-in sharpener? Robert Fulgham, the author of "All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten•• recently bought himself a box, because he had never had a set when he was a child. Crayolas are im integral part of life, Fulgham says. They develop creativity and imagination. He also suggests that the United States drop Crayola bombs, happiness weapons, to "cover the world with imagination.'• Fulgham' s '' uncommon thoughts on common things'• range from strange experiences with jumper cables and trick-or-treating the week before Christmas to merI
maids, giants, wizards, and dwarfs, and spiritual advice from "The New York Times Almanac.•• Fulgham, explores everyday experiences and asks why, how, and what?--questions that children ask, and adults frequently neglect to. In the preface of this book, Fulgham relates his psychology of himself, "a small map, in case you get lost." He tells us how he writes, that he contradicts himself and often says things that do not make sense. It would be great if we each had a "small map" to guide each of us through our own lives the way Fulgham's leads us through his book. Then we could not be too far off track and could find it again. Also Fulgham explains how his book seems to be disconnected, but each chapter is a vignette which is part
of everyday life. socks all over your body and they '' ALL I REALLY NEED TO will stick there.•' His wife thinks KNOW about how to live and wh~t he is strange for doing this, but we to do and how to be I learned 10 all do things we cannot explain to kindergarten. Wisdom was not at _ everyone. th~ top of the ~uate-school ~ounDo you like weeds? You do if tam, but there m the sandpile at you like dandelions. Fulgham says ~unday School." When was th~ la~t that they are wonderful because trrn~ you le~ed about one _ofhfe s they grow without anyone• s assisbas1cs, the ~portant ones,. m a col- tance, you can use parts of the plant lege. course. _Thereare phtl_osophy for eating, and you can make wishes s~ud1es and !1terature courses, b~t with them when they change to did they remmd you to take a nap m seed. This has been a sore spot the afternoon and have warm cook- between Fulgham and one of his ies and cold milk for your afternoon neighbors. Fulgham finally snack? Probably not. One other stumped his neighbor by saying thing Fulgham reminds us of is "the "weeds are in the eye of the befirst word you learned-the biggest holder/' and that was that. word of all-LOOK." Fulgham' s "Kindergarten" is Fulgham does the laundry at his simple in that it is about things that house. He likes to use Cheer deter- occur all the time, but his perspecgent. He likes to fold the wash when tive is different because he demonit is still warm from the dryer. ''I strates what some of us are relucespecially like it when there's lots of tant to adrnjt, that we are all chilstatic electricity, and you can hang dren at heailt. He makes us realize
that humans cannot be as bad as they are made out to be. His works remind you what some of us Jost when we left kindergarten and entered first grade. This book is all true--it applies to one and to all, and it really makes you think about what is important. The "Storyteller's Creed," a verse significant to Fulgham,printed in the preface of "Kindergarten," is the basis on whichthis book and most others are written. "I believe- that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death."
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moreBudget from 1 Tileq'dofuus&eesddepeip. bas broupt ill over S3 ciide at their Oc1.22 meeliag if million. What she feels hurts die ~ will be allowed the budpl andscllol.... Gaefall llfflOUlttSde- atSbp. twdon Mniasicms,aa4
f ridaXzsept. 21, 1990
WCAB • prepping ·for FM by Matthew Brush
/'t,IJa ......
As the days draw closer for WCAB switching from AM to FM radio, the staff is working relentlessly to put their hard work together for January's projected finish. Chrisy Roach, station manager ofWCAB,said. ''Tangible people will be listening, so we'll have to run an Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), broadcast to real advertisers, and most importantly our staff will have to be more professional then ever before." Last January WCAB, along with Villanova University, applied for a grant from the federal government that would enable them to receive up to $500,000 in a joint venture. This fund would allow each school to purchase state of the art equip-
pholOby Mark Gudas
The WCAB studio will need to be enlarged for FM broadcasting.
Bud Mellon, WCAB's adviser said. The signal will have a radius of 15 miles, a far cry from what WCAB-AM has now. The present signal reaches just the outskirts of the campus. Villanova, whose call letters are WKVU, will share both the grant and air time with Cabrini. "They (Villanova) might have better equipment but not as good of a dee jay staff as Cabrini,'' Mellon said. Cabrini's time slots on FM will be Sundays from noon until midnight, along with Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:01 a.m. untilmidnight. When WCAB is not on FM mept. they can be heard on 650 WCAB"If the grant doesn't come_ AM following the same format through, we'll just have to broad- followed this semester, starting cast in mono instead of stereo," September 17. I
SGA from 1 standing, according to Emmerich. ''The bill from Duplifax was always for a copier in the education resource center, and we believed that it was sent to us because cit ••scacolldWce- it was signed by Joel (Zazyczny, 8-;Jay. ile acatHlii... 1987-89 SGA president) who also worked in the mailroom during his is COIIIClous ii to . tenure,'' Emmerich said. ---wbicli ... "I honestly didn't think it would obje('livel• AnodierdlMle and pllilosophydo go as far as litigation," Mullen shortagemtbedebtr. .._. ... 'illaftY..... l,\ltthcm said. "But because of the nature of .., ........ much," torationntexnmnimd Gleoe .. the board, it can easily fall through Hill last year. Bltiiii4 n_A~ kidsneed the cracks." Dr. Mary Ann Biller,vice,. tb&lNolasses *1ER's,ind Mullen also stated that it was president of academic a11'airs, lheORCurrlcuhD.'' July 27, 1990 before SGA was said she saw tbe restoration as Biller feels lbat the college specifically warned by Duplifax, neccesary in order to create more still has aademics as a priority. and by then it was too late. space for new classrooms and She added that continuingeducaEmmerich requested the assiscooference 'l'OOIDS. In order to tkm 111d tbe PQate studies tance of Chief Financial Officer pay for dieseandodlel'apeilles, ,-pllDMvebefJnC!OlltinumgCOJohn Barclay in negotiating the buyout of the lease. According to Barclay, even his assistance was not influential. Zazcyczny said that all bills
concerning the copier were balanced and at zero when he graduated. "But I was aware of the toner purchase in May (1989) which would be the financial responsibility of the next board over the summer,'' Zazyczny said. ''.There was more confusion with the treasury than people think." "I did not know there was an outstanding bill. Joel was probably correct when he thought the bills for the copier were balanced because they stated education resource center," Corbo said. Mullen said that as treasurer, one of her goals is to get a continuum of air tight records to stop the "cracks." ''The whole thing is really not our fault, and it is not a conscious fault on the part of last year's board, but just a product of really messed up records,'' Mullen said.
emmentprog1am.._-, tbebud,et cut waalbe position of a studenthmnaDaf~ Batedona CampusLife Commission l'IIIOl&m.,.tetinn to help fosterbetter OOINIPmity relations,the huarm affairs posilion was born 1ast spring. In Auguslitwascktamined by the SGA ExecutiveBoard thatlheprogramwouldbe held over to next year because ~QO~~ for educationalseminars and
speakers. "It is a shamedlattbeposi.. lion had to be held, but we felt that it would be severely limitedwithout sending the IDCln• bers OD educational seminars and obtaining guest speakers," Emmerich said. Emmerich added that it was student government that acted first on the human affairs issue,andnow it is unfortunately put on hold by the college· s budget crisis. •'In the worstcasescenario we thought we were going to get $20,000 andtha.lmaybea .... $3000 to $5000 fo; rile huma affaiispitioa.'' Emmerichsaid. guest
.. ft ...
more Philly from 1 Barron's, and talked with college consultants,'' Mall owe said. Barron's is a widely-used guide to four-year colleges and universities in the United States. In it is varied infonnation on each college or university, including a rate for how competitive each one is. In it, Cabrini College is listed as a "less competitive" college. "Don't gettrapped by that kind of definition.'' Dr. Joi yon Girard, chainnan of the history and political science department said. "You can ~asily define Cabrini as a thirdrate college if you play that type of word game.'' Girard added that it is difficult to rate Cabrini with the same credentials as one would rate Harvard, like Barron's does. Mallowe, in a similar state-
flNIII ...
~lfllaken. ment, said that Cabrini, when being rated, should be segregated into a category with other small, private, Catholic colleges and universities. In this category, Mallowe's own opinion, he rated Cabrini as third best, tied with Villanova University and Chestnut Hill College, with St. Joseph's and LaSalle Universities finest in the area. According to Girard, what re-
ally matters is "Can you get a good education here? I believe that yes, you can get a good education at Cabrini.'' Some of the students on campus agree with Mallowe's review. Angela Visco, freshman, said, "When I tell my friend where I am going to college, they look at me like I'm going to Guam." Another freshman, Dominique Drew, has similar experiences.
According to Drew, when she tells people where she is going, they ask, "What matchbox aid you find that college on the back of" Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, said, ''I wish we were reviewed as progressive, but well known, instead of agressi ve and largely unknown."
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f riday, sept.. 21, 1990
Vassallo resigns as bookstore manager, position responsibilities split for near future by Carlo Iacono
Albert Vassallo
file photo
Albert Vassallo, manager of campus bookstore since Cabrini's founding, resigned his post Thursday. Vassallo, whose namesake is borne in the store sign, submitted his resignation and subsequent retirement to his immediate superior, Chief Financial Officer, John Barclay. Barclay, who was away on vacation at the time of Vassallo' s resignation, was made aware of the departure upon his return, according to the business office. No offical memo or written statement was submitted by Vassallo at press time, rather a verbal statement to his superior and various campus departments. "I just figured that it was time to go," Vassallo said, '' I made my decision to retire and that was it." With no offical statement on his resignation, Vassallo simply stated that Thursday will be his last day. According to the secretary to the director of financial aid, Christine Rakowski, Vassallo' s responsibilities will be overtaken by
purchasing manager, Sr. Antonina Avitabile and business office cashier, Judy Barnes. Vassallo spent the better part of his final day training the two. Work study students will be coordinated to keep the bookstore operation open between 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. "Jayda Zazyczny (book store worker) has been wonderful in helping me coordinate and instruct new employees," Rakowski said. Those close to Vassallo and aware of his reposibilities felt that the job may have been too much for one individual due to the growth of the college and industry itself. "Albert did a credible job, but it was getting to the point where it was impossible for one person to do," Sam Vasiliades, mailroom manager said. "The position warrants two people even though Albert was on top of things.'' Rakowski said, "I think the position could use two (people), if not two full-time positions, maybe one full-time and another parttime person." Vassallo gave no indication of the
weight of his reponsibilites warranting his resignation. •'I blame no one or nothing, rather I just figured that it was time to go.'• With the college in a hiring freeze, the prospect of two managers filling Vassallo's void is probably technically and financially unfeasable. "Technically there is a hiring freeze but I don't know the contingency or time table of filling the position, that is up to John (Barclay)," Francis Conwell, payroll manager, said. As far as the hiring of a new manager, Barclay is responsible for that void. Barclay was unavailable for comment, due to a vacation, at press time. , The bookstore is property of the college. Vassallo's namesake was on the store sign due to the years of service at the institution. Vassallo retired from his post once before in 198 I. After a semester hiatus, Vassallo returned citing a request from the institition. "I think he did a wonderful job, and a lot of people will be sad to see him go,'' Rakowski said.
Commencement speaker search underway for May by Melissa Landsmann The senior class is at a serious disadvantage as it begins its search for a commencement speaker. In order to get their first choice, the search should have begun during their sophomore year, according to Dr. Sharon Schwarze, professor of philosophy. At least a year advance notice is needed in order to reserve the most choice speakers. Schwarze was responsible for obtaining the 1990 graduation speaker, Lynne Cheney, the most well-blown speaker Cabrini has
had in years. Senior class officers are meeting with the graduation committee, which consists of senior class officers and administration. The senior class officers form a list of possible speakers and then meet with the graduation committee to submit names to Sister Eileen Currie, president, and the Board of Trustees who formally invite the speaker. ''The more in advance you plan, the better your chance of choosing and reserving a good speaker," Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor of history said.
Planning this late means that the senior class may have to "scrape from the bottom of the barrel" as far as speakers are concerned, according to Schwarze. '• A commencement speaker should be indicative of what the college honors,'' Schwarze said. According to Schwarze,the luxury of deciding who Cabrini is and what it honors h~ never been afforded because the search for a speaker was delayed and the options became limited. Students also have to be realistic in choosing potential speakers.
ampus ready to go for cable hook-ups by Matt Hodlofski While you were home over the summer vegetating on your couch, did you get used to watching CNN HEADLINE NEWS and keeping up with all the information on the Persian Gulf crisis? Did you love keeping up with your favorite musical artists' videos on MTV? Did you enjoy watching lost sitcoms from the 1960s and 1970s such as "Gilligan's Island" and "The Brady Bunch?" Did you bask in the enjoymentof watching ESPN'sFriday and Monday night's Double Heaper Baseball Games of the Week? Then, when you came to Cabrini, did you find your television habits were rudely cutoff? Well, fear not. Cabrini College will have cable on campus, and sooner than expected. Chuck Balestra, marketing manager at Adelphia Cable in Wayne, said a table would be set up in the cafeteria for order-
ing cable as early as this past Wednesday (September 19) or at the latest sometime next week. The actual installation of the cable will begin a week after ordering has begun. Adelphia Cable, which is the most comprehensive cable system
in the Philadelphia suburban area, having 52 basic channels and all the premium channels such as Prism, Home Box Office, etc."will be available all through Xavier Hall and all seven resident houses. "The two other resident halls,
Counsel and Woodcrest, will not be able to receive cable service until the success of cable for the rest of Cabrini is determined,'' Balestra said. The Mansion will ~o not be wired for cable immediately. Janice Reuter, freshmen and resident in WO<>Qcrest said, "I am disappointed that W oodcrest is being left out, but as long as cable is on campus I will be able to see the shows I want". The starting package from Adelphia Cable includes all the basic cable channels along with two additional channel.s such as Home Box Office and Cinemax (Prism is two dollars extra), along with a remote control and free installation for $35 a month. If you just want basic cable with no additional channels it will cost $15.45 a month Frank Bressi, junior and a resident in house six, said, "Ifearcable may be detrimental to my academic life, but I will have to work extra hard with staying on the straight and narrow.
They cannot expect entertainers or celebrities on such short notice and those people may not always be the best or even good speakers, Schwarze said. The graduates should be able to
"A commencement speaker should be indicative of what the college honors." -Dr. Sharon Schwarze learn something from the speaker and be able to remember what was said, not simply who spoke, according to Schwarze. "Choosing a commencement speaker is an institutional responsibility and students as well as administrators are part of the institution," Dean of Students Robert Bonfiglio, Ph.D., said. "Stu1ents have been just as lax in thei4 interest in choosing a
commencement speaker as administration has been sluggish in approving one," Schwarze said. The senior class will meet this week with the graduation committee and they will "gofrom there" according to Brad Millaway, senior class president. As of right now, they have no possibilities. . "I hope we're going to get support from administrators and seniors in choosing a speaker and planning graduation," Milla way said. Millaway hopes to get input from seniors, possibly sending questionnaires to them asking if there is someone they would like to see. Millaway would like to get a speaker who is "relevant and timely." Senior class officers are given the responsibility of choosing possible speakers and are then faced with the frustrating and real possibility that the speaker that they want may not be available.
Telemarketers for local company in Wayne Flexible hours Full and Part-time available $6-$10 per hr. Call 688-2207
DENNY'S Positions are available at the Denny's Family Restaurant in Devon. Please contact management at 687-3286
A thlete of the week
f ridaY, sept. 21 1 1990
Callinanrunnin· a coursetowardNationals
by Denise Edwards Out of bed every morning Monday through Friday at 6:50 am to run and then out running again in the afternoon is an example of the dedication,detennination and love for the sport of running that this week's athlete of the week possesses. Chris Callinan, junior and co-captain of the cross country team, has been leaving his mark as a leader in the Cabrini cross country program since his freshman year of 1988. "He knows the sport," John Fasolka, freshman runner, said. "Cross country is the type of sport that not only requires physical ability but also a lot of mental preparation. He has the best of both and he's been teaching me a lot of these qualities," Fasolka said. ''Chris has made himself a better and more mature runner because he wants to be a better and more mature runner," 0 'Hora said. To his coach and teammates Callinan's biggest strenghts lie in his knowledge of the sport and his smartness as a runner. "The biggest determining factor in making someone a great runner is how they think," O'Hora said. Its been O'Hora's experience that the stereo typical good runner is smart. Running is more of a mental game than anything. Very often the brains come into knowing your self and your inner abilities.To O'Hora Callinan proves this case. "Chris, because he is smart ,does excel in what he does out on the course. He has potential at being a candidate for Academic All-American,'' O'Hora said.
in the way he has trained this yearcompared to last. He's in better condition." "I think it is something he realizes he's ,, good at," Albrecht said. "He knows he has a gift and pushes to use it to the fullest.' ' Callinan takes his position as co-captain • of the team very seriously. "I help push everyone along," Callinan , said. "During practice I set a goal and see who follows me through practice.'' "He gives the youngerrunnersadviceon what to expect during particular races," Albrecht said. Callinan believes his strength as a runner is in his abiliity to run the tougher courses well. I':"... . "I may not be the fastest of runners but '~~~· harder courses, those with many hills and ., rough terrain ,are to my advantage,'' Calli••, nan said. • · .. Callinan is tough on himself when it ,_. ;... ._:,;, comes to his performance. ~ "I hate to lose. It bothers me," Callinan 4 • ~ • said. 'Tm always working to improve.I am determined to make national champion• .: ' ships this year." ~f~• " ~. Last year Callinan came with in five sec~ onds of qualifying for nationals. , ~~;· ......~- ~ "His goals are very realistic," O'Hora ..,..;• · ;: ..._z.,.._.... ~ -said. "Its hard to qualify (for nationals) photo by Frank Emmerich because it is very competitive and only a few spots are open. Eventually he'll make it. If Chris Callinan, althete of the week, stretches before a run. "He can stay with the better runners proving and his willingness to go the extra not this year then definitely next. Its entirely up to him.'' because he is mentally prepared to stay up mile is important to note." in front with them,"O'Hora said. Callinan has become more competitive "Over the past two years he has learned and confident in his running over the years. Editors note: This week Callinan was also to run smarter," Jackie Albrecht, junior ''This year he realizes he can do it if he runner, said. "His dedication is always im- stays on course," O'Hora said. "I see this named ESAC Runner of the Week.
t~ ..~-.:'x:
JOB SQUAD CHILOCARE- Experienced person needed to care for an 18 month old boy. Flexible/parttime hours. Must have a car, be a non-smoker, and have references. Contact Nancy at 6609295. TEMPORARY POSITIONSMinpower Temporary Services has 50 openings available for casual laborers, runners, and attendants. Casual laborers:people capable of strenous physical labor. Runners:people to assist with the event, run errands, dispose of boxes and trash. Attendants:people who enjoy selling and demonstratingitems. If interested, please call or stop by 600 DeKalb Pike, King of Prussia, 265-6300. TRAVEL RELATED POSITIONS- Take A Break Student Travel has openings for Campus Manager(responsible for organizing on-campus sales force),and
S a I e s Representatives(responsible for marketing Spring Break travel). Make your on hours, up to 10 hours a week. You can obtain one FREEtrip or $400. for every 20 trips sold. For an information kit call (617)527-5909/ (800)32-TRA VEL. CLERICAL ASSIST ANT- A small insurance company in King of Prussia needs someone to assist with filing, data entry and telephone work. Flexible- 20 hours a week- $6.00 per/hr. C.ocl3:t Gloria ~f}er.Cbapman ...... "'....._.,,.:;:r-H-L
TEACHERS ASSISTANT- A day school in Norristown is looking for someone to work as a teacher's assistant afterschool. Mon.-Fri. 2pm-5pm. $5 .00/hour. Call Mrs.Fraunfelter, 630-9330, for more information. SCHOLARSHIPS~ NSF Grauate Research Fellowship 3 year fellowships in science and engineering fields offered by the National Science Foundation to Minority I 990 college students. Deadline Nov.9th 1990. See Financial Aid Office for more infonnation. NSF Graduate Research Fellowships 3 year graduate fellowships in science and engineering fields offered by the National Science Foundation applicants must be U.S citizens, college seniors or firstyear graduate students. Deadline Nov.9th 1990. See Financial Aid Offa:e for more details. The Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China is offering grants for social scientists and humanities research in China. Application is open to U.S. Citizens. For more information, see the Financial Aid Office.
HOUSECLEANING- Someone needed for weekend or night work, one day a week, $7.00/hour. Call 688-3576. DANCE INSTRUCTORArdmore YMCA is looking for a dance instructor for children's dance and other departments. Thursday afternoons. Pay based on experience. Call Linda at 649-0700. MOTHERS HELPER- Livein/Commuter to help child off to school and afterschool. Call 853-3263/365-8500(work). DRIVER- Someone to drive handicapped (epileptic) son, and staying with him. Sat. morning: 10-12:30; sometimes would want person to stay all INSTRUCTOR. Good salary, will train. Gymnastic instructor needed to work with kids. Classes are Mon. -Sat. with parttime hours available. 825-3023. POSITIONS AVAILABLEHost(ess)/Caterer-FT, Day/Evening. Dining Room ServersPT ,Evenings,$5.99/hr. Coffee Shop Server-PT,Day/Evening,$6.08/hr. DishwasherFf ,$5. 79/hr. SecretaryPT,Days. Charge Nurse R.N.FT ,Nights. L.P.N.-Fr,Evenings. Pool Positions-Rotating Shifts. R.N.,L.P.N. a:id Nursing Asst. RN. Pool- $18.21/hr. LPNPool$14.99/hr. NA Pool $8.25/hr. Contact Personnal Office, 6458610.
CLERICAL/GENERAL OFFICE WORK-Treasurer's Office in Wayne is looking for an individual to work 20 hours per week-flexible. Pay $6/hr. Call 688-5600. PART-TIME- Dairy Queen in Devon has lunchtime shift available, possible nights also. Call 688-4921 to apply. SALES ASSOCIATE- B-Dalton Software is looking for someone who isaggressive and computer literate. Wages negotiable. M-F, 12-4. Apply in person at the Court of King of Prussia at B.Dalton Bookseller. MOTHERS HELPER- Supervising homework and driving children to activities. Hours are from 3pm through dinner time. Flexible salary. 525-2046. TEACHING ASSISTANTFlexible evening hours, 15 hours a week. Call Mrs.Fraunfelter630-9330. INTERESTED IN BEING A CLOWN- Great pay, must drive, mostly weekends. Call Judy Abrams '' Joodles The Clown" 527-5083. LIVE-IN AID- An individual is needed as a total care, live-in aide/companion foi- a quadriplegic college girl. Private quarters, lots of spare time, weekends off, paid vacation, must drive, salary $200. Call Jane Bradbeer 964-9496/293- 1010. NEED TYPING DONE?Resu~es, reports, term papers, manuscripts, etc. Reasonable I
rates, high quality. Call Karen Taney, 640-2707 to make appt. PIZZA HUT DELIVERYNow hiring drivers, cooks, and order takers. First rate wages offered, competitive benefits. Call or stop by today! Wayne Pizza Hut Delivery 975-9090. Must be at least 18. JOB OPPORTUNITY- Have fun, get paid, and work on developing skills. Program assistants to help conduct Freedom and Leadership youth conferences. Flexible schedule, Thurs.- Sun. Call Ms. Shelly J. Marsh ,M-F 9-5, 933-8825. CLERICAL- Some typing, mostly phone work. Flexible, 20-25 hours, start at $5.00 per/ hr. Call Eileen Nolton at 2658200. GENERAL CLERICAL WORK- filing, billing, receptionist. Part-time, salary negotiable. Call 566-1546. CLERICAL- Answer phones, light boolleeping, some typing. Mon.-Fri. 2-6pm. Starting salary $6.00 per/hr. Call Maria 789-0915. CLERICAL- Flexible, 10-15 hrs. p/wk., days only available-no nights. Salary negotioable, prefers busines/com munications m3ljor. 430-0300.
friday, sept. 21, 1990
Working toward filling some key gaps
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(Left to right) Chris Callinan, Suzanne Beck and Joel McGovern, members of the cross country team, work on their form during a recent practice.
By Francis Sciolla
completing the training part but we will have to see about the luck and injuries part." As far as the women are concerned, the season will most ltKely come down to whether or not Kathy Murray decides to participate. The talented junior, who without any serious training placed first in the Philadelphia Metropolatian and who was named an AU ESAC runner at last year's championships, has not yet come out for the team. "If Kathy comes out and takes it (training) seriously, there will be a 200
Facing adversity is something the men's cross country team shoufd be extremely well versed in by the time the playoffs come arou_nd. The team has been plagued by pre-season injuries and sickness to three key contributors. Senior Paul Greenhalgh, junior Bob Fuhrman, and John Osborn, a junior who finished fourth in the ESAC championships a year ago. Fortunately for the Cavaliers, all three will be back in action sometime this year. "We're starting behind last year," Tom "With proper training, some O'Hora, head coach, said as he and his team , prepared for last Saturday's Baptist Bible luck and no injuries things Invitational in which they finished fifth will turn out well for us." overall. -Paul Greenhalgh, The temporary loss of the trio of upperclassmen should be softened by the arrival co-captain oftwoexciting freshmen John Fasolka and Joel McGovern, according to O'Hora. Cavalier co-captain Chris Callinan, calls percent improvement teamwise," O'Hora McGovern, "A good, tough runner who has said. the potential to be awesome." According to O'Hora, even if Murray With the graduation of Mike Dolan and does come out this year she still might not be Mike Feeley, Callinan will assume the role the best runner. That title seems to compare of top gun. well with the abilities of freshman Suzanne "Chris is head and shoulders above the Beck. rest and I expect him to push to be a national "Suzanne is an excellent runner with a lot qualifier," O'Hora said. of potential," O'Hora said. In response to this lofty praise, Callinan Jaqueline Albrecht, co-captain and a junreplied, "There is a lot of pressure because ior , who hopes to run her fastest time this my job of number one is beating every year, is also duly impressed. other team's number one." "Everyone has to get up to meet Suzanne Of pressure Callinan said,"I don't mind it and then we will work better as a team," at all and once John Osborn gets back into Albrecht said. shape, we will have a solid five." Jennifer Arnholt , co-captain and also a Not unlike the rest of the team, Callinan junior along with Albrecht, has improved has optimistic yet realistic goals for the her endurance since last year. season. "We are definately a better team this year "Hopefully we will place really well at the and Suzanne could take us places," Arnholt regionals but we won't make the nationals," said. Callinan said. As a team, the women feel they have a Ultimately it rr.ay come down to that old better first five than a year ago. pre-season cliche. The difference for the women could be a "With proper training, some luck, and no talented junior with the potential to break injuries things will tum out well forus," Paul records or hearts. Greenhaulgh, co-captain, said. "The men are
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Event sponsored by Kappa Sigma Omega
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fridaY, sept. 21, 1990
Lackof scholarships,experience Scoreboard won'tdim volleyball'scommitment Results by Amanda Picher
Gerry Szabo brings 25 years of coaching experience to the women's volleyball team this season. Still, he feels this may not be enough to overcome some of the difficulties facing the team this year. The tear;nhas been practicing for three weeks, and Szabo said he is very proud of its progress. Half of the players are new this year, and a lot of work is involved in integrating the new players with those returning. This, however, is not what Szabo is concerned about. The other women's volleyball teams Cabrini plays all offer scholarships. Cabrini, however, offers none. The problems, Szabo thinks, started about five years ago, when Cabrini decided to go NCAA Division III. Because of that move, the volleyball team plays other Division III teams. The difficulty with this is that other colleges in the division put more money into their sports programs. They are able to offer scholarships and better facilities to the players. Currently, no woman on the team receives any financial aid for her athletic ability. Szabo would like to give something to those players with special talents, and said he wishes the school would offer scholarships to attract experienced volleyball players to Cabrini. As fewer experienced players come to Cabrini, the school becomes less known for volleyball. As the school becomes less known for the sport, fewer experienced players want to come to Cabrini. According to Szabo, this is a cycle that becomes almost impossible to break. Szabo's main goal is for the women to enjoy being on the team and that they do not belittle their accomplishments. According ,to Szabo, the team's greatest strength is they enjoy playing and work hard to ao their best. Their weakness is a lack of exposure to the fundamentals of the game. For many of the new players, this is the first time they have played volleyball with a team. Several returning players gained all their knowledge of the game through Szabo's coaching. "He (Szabo) taught me everything I know about volleyball. Before I joined last year, I didn't know anything about the game,'' Jen McKee, junior and returning player said. "We're a young, inexperienced team. We still have so much to learn,'' Kathy McLane, also a returning junior said. In addition to learning the fundamental knowleclge, the team also has to adjust to working with the new players. Carol Ann Gross, a returning senior and tri-captain, said, "Learning to play as a team takes effort. In volleyball, ev~ryone moves as a unit. This is definitely not an individual
Soccer 9/12 9/15
5 6
Cabrini Cabrini
Lincoln Del.Val.
Overall record 4-3
2 0
ESAC 1-0
Field Hockey 9/14
• Women's Volleyball 9/13 9/15 9/15 9/15
O 2 O 0
9/13 9/15
3 6
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
Cabrini Cabrini
Women's 9/15
Stockton St. 2 Roesmont 1 N.E. Christian3 Chestn\)t Hill 3
Cedar Crest 2 Marywood 3
Cross Country
4 out of 7 Bible Baptist Inv.
Men's Cross Country 9/1,5
photo by l.Jsa Lindley
Women's volleyball work on shot returns during a recent practice. sport." Szabo also said that he would like to see the volleyball team get a little more respect and recognition than it does now. The players work hard, but still face empty bleachers at the home games. "W~ don't get as much attention as, say, men's basketball, but that's always been a problem with the women's sports,'' Debbie Malveaux, returning senior and tri-captain, said. McLane noted the team could not get a van to take them to the recent tournament at Haverford. "We had to take the regular shuttle, then call to be picked up when we finished." Despite these difficulties, Szabo and the athletes are hoping for.a satisfying, competitive, season this year.
Athleticdept. couldget "pressed"by budgetwatch
5 out of 7 Bible Baptist Inv.
Soccer Sat. Tue.
9/22 9/25
Frostburg Misericordia
away away
11am 4 prr
Field Hockey Sat. 9/22 Mon. 9/24 Thurs. 9/27
Marywood Eastern Del. Val.
away away away
2pm 4pm 4pm
Women's Volleyball
Fri. 9/21 Sat. 9/22 Wed. 9/26
Elizabethtown away Tournament away Neuman home
4pm 4pm 7pm
Women's Tennis By William A. Fulton
work toward sound fiscal management by watching our expenditures and trying to stay within our revenues." Despite having to work under the -current spending constraints, Dzik feels his department will be able to deal with the situation. "Until October 15, I don't see the watch having that great of an effect on us,'' Dzik
feel a greater impact. "I don't wantto speculate, but if we have to continue to operate at 70 percent of our budget, somewhere in the future some tough decisions concerning our department's spending will have to made." However, for now the watch seems to have had little effect on how the college departments are going about their business.
As various Cabrini men and women· athletic teams prepare for the upcoming fall schedule, the entire athletic department finds itself entering the fall season at less than 100 percent of its original operating budget. To be more precise, the athletic department is currently working at 70 percent ofits original operating budget for the current fiscal year. According to John Dzik, athletic director, "I do·n'twant to speculate,but if we have to continueto this is due to a budget watch being placed on operate at 70 percentof our budget,somewherein our the entire college until October 15. our departments Dzik was told of the watch by Dean of futuresometoughdecisionsconcerning Students Robert Bonfiglio at a recent staff spendingwill have to be made," meeting. . "It's my understanding that until October 15 we have been asked to limit our spending -JohnDzik,directorof altheltics to 70 percent of last year's budget," Dzik said. "It seems to be a measure to ensure that cettain departments in the college don't go said. •'Our department has never had a "Thus far, there haven't been any indiout on a limb in terms of spending.'' problem in the past staying within our budget vidual department heads with any signifiThe entire college is expected to observe anyway. We intend to comply with the the watch in order to gain a more clear under- watch and we'll just have wait and see what cant concerns pertaining to the matter," Bonfiglio said. "Generally, the response standing of its spending practices. develops after October 15.'' •'The purpose of the watch is to assess Even th!)ugh, the watch appears to be a has been one of both cooperation and the spending practices of departments , temporary measure, Dzik is concerned that understanding." throughout the college,'' said Cindy Fal- if it stays in effect for•a prolonged period of cone, accounting manager. "We are trying to time, perhaps the athletic department will
Fri. Sun.
9/21 9/23
Phil. Textile Salisbury
home away
3pm 2pm
Women's Cross Country Sat.
Cedar Crest Inv.away
Men's Cross Country Sun. 9/23 Tue. 9/25 Tue. 9/25
Trenton St. Inv.away Valley Forge away Phil. Bible away
noon 4 pm 4 pm
Dept. News
Chris Callinan, junior cross country runner has been named ESAC runner of the