Parents Weekend schedule - see page 4
friday, sept. 28, 1990
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
vol. xxxvii, no. 4
Renovations to mansion and library completed by Ki~berly Keck
The physical plant department made numerous renovations over the summer. Two major jobs were removing the asbestos from the mansion and replacing the library steps. In regard to aesbestos removal
being linked to causing cancer, Cindy Falcone, accounting manager, said, "A few people expressed concerns their health but Mike Caranfa, physical plantdirector, assured them of their safety." "The project didn't cause any inconvenience," said Denise Morris, institutitional advancement
secreratry, "because most of the · assistant, said, '' Any inconvenwork was done on Fridays or over ience was worth it." Many renovations were also the weekend." Due to the construction of the made in Woodcrest residence The library steps, students could not use first floor and shower stalls were the front entrance during the sum- painted. The curtains were also mer and were admitted through the replaced. Last year the sophomores residback instead. Linda Roccas, reader services ing on the first floor wrote a pro-
posal to improve the living conditions in W oodcrest. The proposal was sent to the dean of students, resident life and thephysical plant director. Karen Bell, sophomore, said, '' more REPAIRS on 6
Emergency procedures manual updated, revised through a training process. The RA' s duty in an emergency is "calling people on the next "Things such as fire and burglaries can step on the chain of Cfflltmand.'' She feels happen here too," said Karen Berlant, this new manual helps to clarify things for public relations director. "A college the RA's. Phone numbers are listed in the manual, community is like a regular community." So with that in mind, Berlant set out to along with instructions on whom to call and when to call them. There are three profesrevise the college's emergency n;ianual. The emergency manual deals with situ- sional staff members and twenty student ations for national disasters, bomb scares, RA's. Every night there is one person on crimes, illnesses, injuries, power failures. call. The RA's have to handle certain, etc. The manual covers the college's respon- smaller things themselves. When the manual sibilty in handling these situations, should is finished the RA 's and the medical assistants will receive a copy. they ever occur. "The time to prepare for Physical plant and security will work crisis is not when you are the middle of it, but in advance so that when they do happen you together in case of an emergency. According are not taken by surprise,'' said Berlant. · to Caranfa, they are involved in the Berlant noticed that the old manual was facilitation on campus. This means that if two pages long and not very specific. She there is a power failure or if utilities have then contacted Robert Bonfiglio, Dean of to be shut off, physical plant should be Students; Michael Caranfa, chief Physical called. In other cases of emergency, security Plant officer, and Dan Neyer, Director of will take over. Neyer, head of security, was unavailable for comment. Security and Safety. Sally Amatelli, a Counsel Hall RA, said Over the summer the four met and drafted a first copy. This new copy explained in that she likes the responsibilty and has more detail the responsibilties of each learned a great deal from the experience. person. "Every single thing is covered. We Amatelli also said that the RA guidebook played the devil's advocate in what ifs." provides instructions for what to do in disciThey then contacted Cathy Caulfield, plinary and medical procedures. Counsel Hall and the other residences Director of Resident Life, to add in some additional suggestions for the resident assis- recently had a fire drill, and other driJls are tants. Next week a final copy will go to the planned throughout the semester. In each senior staff for additional input. more MANUAL on 6 Caulfield prepared a staff manual for the resident assistants and all RA 's must go by Rita S. Cellucci
Recommended academic departmental reviews begin; no cuts forseen by Joe Buda
The education division, the business department, and the history and political science department will soon undergo an evaluation as suggested by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. This suggestion came in the form of the association's five-year review of Cabrini College's Periodic Review Report.
The Periodic Review Report is written by Cabrini College every five years to be reviewed by the association. In the association's review, dated Aug. 1, 1990, it was reported that in 1985 the college responded to the concern of consolidating departments, but that they did not respond to this concern in 1990. In 1985, Cabrini College had 32 majors, 14 departments and 44 full-time faculty members, which, according to the association, was too disproportionate to the ratio of the
number of faculty members to that of the number of academic programs. In 1985,according to the association, Cabrini College had indicated on their Periodic Review Report that they had consolidated two departments and were going ''to review the value of further consolidations.'' The association's more REVIEW on 4
inside perspectives .... .. 2, 3
Soccer field
news.......... 4, 5, 6, 12
finished but
features 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
enthralls Mansion
sports .. 13, 14, 15, 16
(page 8)
unusable (page 16)
f ridav1 sept. 28 1 1990
view oint
Saving the· wo ,Id must be a group -effort We are living in a dwindling universe. Our precious resources are no longer simply oil and rare metals, but water, land, food, and air. It's a desperate situation. We have know for years the plea to conserve, recycle, not to waste. But the danger does not seem to be pressing on our immediate lives, so we ignore it. We pass on the responsibility to someone else to take care of. But, do you know, that the water you are drinking has been through another person's b~dy at least seven times? The trash you set out on the curb or bring down to the dumpsters has no place to go? People are still starving, and children are still crying. We try to be conscientous citizens. We are aware and do our part. No one wants to feel that they had a part of ripping away the world. So we wear T-shirts with globes that say, '' Save the world!'' We seperate our cans and glass. We use both sides of a sheet of paper. All noble efforts, but they are not enough. Each person doing their own little bit to help is a step foward. Community ordinances, such as the one recently instituted by Radnor, for recycling are needed; but they are too little too late. Campus-wide efforts should be organized to supplement the township's programs. A serious ecology club should be our environmental leaders. Representatives could work with physical plant to make sure the recycling system does not eventually become clogged with laziness or indifference. They could stop the styro-foam by rallying support and presenting workable alternatives. They could be a volatil~ force in food committee meetings, monitoring their waste management. A few people, no matter how sincere, however, won't be able to do it on their own. Organization and planning, combined with a campus-wide dedication, is the key to making a change in our world. If we begin to take the little steps, eventually we'll be able to stand on our own, free from the material things we abuse. With a world of several billion people, though, you would think we could do better. We need to share resources and organize international conservation efforts. After all, we breathe the same air, shouldn't we all be responsible for it?
Junk food for the mind? With the advent of cable television on campus, the minds of academia squirm at the thought of competing with MTV. They loathe the competition from ESPN, HBO, and Ted Turner. And why not. The diversions presented to a student will increase 20-fold (23 if you get premium channels), and many fear it will be just the thing that kills library time, classroom conversation, and academic progress. But those in the hallowed halls should fear not. For cable is a greater link to the outside world. It is our ticket to culture, news, and general expansion of the brain; even if we want our MTV.
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Looking back .at growing up chris pesotski news editor Sometimes when taking inventory of our lives, we sit back and realize that some people are not nearly as bad as we once thought. In some cases, we even realize that an injustice has been done, a point missed, or an opportunity passed by. Probably the m'ost startling point in this inventory is the discovery that we value someone or something a great deal more than we acknowledge on a day to day basis. Often it is a realization to find that our relationships are dynamic and ever-changing. It is painful to discover that rarely is a friend life-long, and that hurt and awkwardness are inevitable. Perhaps the most awkward relationship we will ever encounter is with our parents. Something about growing up distances us from the people who love us unconditionally. We search for independence, set personal goals, and assert our individuality. We often do so with such vehemence that we create a gulf between our parents and ourselves which can never be fully filled. At the time, though .. we don't really care. Parents are the people who enforce curfews, tell us to clean our rooms, and "strongly suggest" how we should handle our problems. Any person who thinks he is mature and fully developed would chafe under such strictures. Our parents were right though, we weren't all grown up then, we really did need their advice all along. Of course, the only reason that our parents know any better than us is because they ignored their parents when they were teenagers and made all of the same mistakes we did. It's not that our parents are brilliant, rather that they're simply smart enough not to make the same mistakes twice. Gradually as the process of growing up continues, we find surrogate parents. Boyfriends and girlfriends help support us when we need it. Best friends continue to supplement our education. Teachers and bosses become our role-models. In the end, we leave little room for parents. We seem to have it all together. Even if we don't, we couldn't tell our parents, because, ''Parents just don't understand.'' Rare are the times we give credit for all of the hours spent assembling Christmas presents when we were little. All of the birthday cakes made and diapers changed are taken for granted. Usually we're totally oblivious to the fact that as we grow up, our parents are agonizing with every step that we take toward adulthood. They want to say so much more than, ''Be home by 11," when Susie goes out on her first date. Probably, they want to grab her hand and tell her that they love her, that no matter what she'll always be their little girl. Most of the time though, parents suppress this urge, and suffer in silence as they watch their children grow up. Why don't we notice? Mostly because we're not looking. We're too caught up with how we're feeling to worry about anything or anyone else. Eventually it dawns on us. We see that the reason that our parents worry and complain so much about us is because they love us.
They realize that there is little the world will be left with except us when they leave. We are their life-long project and they're just trying to get us right. Somewhere in our inventory taking that is part of maturing, we begin to get an inkling of just how important our parents are to us. We realize just how difficult it is to form values without the input of someone who's been through it all. There's no one to reach out to in that moment of panic. Then we realize that we must begin to fill the chasm between us and our parents. Then we see just how much their acceptance and love mean.
It's not until we're on our own and groping for our own existence in an . unforgiving world that we ·begin to properly appreciate our moms and ~ads. It's not until we ·re on our own and groping for our own existence in an unforgiving world that we begin to properly appreciate our moms and dads. Then we see that no one irons clothes like mom, and we really should have listened when she was trying to teach us. No one can play catch with you like dad did. No one takes care of you better when you're sick than mommy and daddy did when you were little. Nobody's praise means more than that which your parents give. All of those chances are gone now. We can never go back. But we can say thank you. And we should take time to do that, very soon. No matter how uncomfortable or painful it is to say, we should make the effort. They deserve it. Thank you mom and dad. For everything. Your sons and daughter love you.
Editor-in-chief: Carfo Iacono Managing Editor: Jenntter Mooison
News Editor: Chns Pesotski Assistant News Editor: Melissa Landsmann Perspectives Editor: Sharlene Sephton .Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed
.Sports Editor: Denise Edwards .Copy Editors: Andrea Atmonavage and Johanna Church Business Manager:
Kim Marshall, Michelle Merger, and Lisa Rose
Pholography Editor: Frank Emmerich Assistant Photography Editor: Lisa Lindley Pholography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Or. Jerome Zurek Staff: Matthew Brush, Joseph Buda, Rita S. Cellucci. Karen Dumomey, William Futton. John Gay, Robert Healey. Matt Hodlofski, Kimberty Keck, Karen Kerchusky, Kimberly Leblang, Lorraine Marie Lill, Joe Martill, Elizabeth MacGuire, Kim Marshall, Jennifer Melch,orre; Alexandra L. Napoleon, Lisa Neuman. Amanda Pitcher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P Raynock, Frank Sciolla, Dawn Timbario, Missy von Siegel, Charles Waterfall. Photography Staff: Heather Clisham. Ivan Domazet, Matt Forman, John Gay, Mark Gudas, Kim Kojeski, Edd McNamee. Judi Panasik, Carin Pesotski, Chris Pesotski, Sue Roux, Chartes Waterfall. Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscript,on price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuitiQn and student fees. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of 1he studen1 editorial stall and the individual writers and not the entire studen1 body or the faculty and a<lministrat10n. Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robus1, free and open d1scuss1onof issues.
f riday, sept. 28, 1990
Financial aid fights bac To the editor:
To the editor:
Concerning last week's letter to the editor, "CroisI would like to respond to the Iener published last week by a student who claimed that, when she arrive for a 9 a.m. sants or Counseling," I'd like to clear up an apparent meeting with me on Wednesday, September 12, was told misunderstanding. Unknowingly, I scheduled Miss Lindley' s general appointment with Mrs. Dittbrenner at the that I was at breakfast. First, the meeting scheduled was NOT with me person- same time she had already planned a meeting for that ally but rather with a financial aid staff person. Since it morning (early morning meetings are generally referred was at a time which I was already scheduled to meet with to as "breakfast meetings"). When Miss Lindley arrived for her appointment, I someone else, a financial aid counselor agreed to see the was there to speak with her, as a professional and a student. Lastly, I was not "at breakfast." Our counselor ex- counselor. It is regretful that Miss Lindley misinteras, "Mrs. plained to the student that I was in a breakfast meeting. preted the term "breakfast meeting" There is a big difference. Early morning meetings are fre- Dittbrenner can't see you, she is in the middle of quently described as such, It absolutely does not imply 'danish hour."' Such misunderstandings can cause frivolity, on the contrary, such mc·etings are frequently unnecessary harm to all concerned. devoted to more weighty topics. We were in fact Sincerely, preparing the college's application for federal financial Christine Cocchia aid funds for next year. Anyone who themselves Financial Aid Counselor completes individual financial aid applications can appreciate the effort involved in submitting an application on behalf of close to 900 students. To the editor: I would like to make sure that the college community appreciates the financial aid office's sensitivity to I would like to address the letter "Croissants or student needs. No one in this office would ever knowingly hurt a student. lfeel very badly thatthis student felt Counseling,'' published in the September 21 issue of the Loquitur. The person who wrote this letter had her facts that she had been mistreated. I would have appreciated her expressing her feelings to us. Since the student wrong. Arlene did not keep her waiting because she did not openly criticized our office I felt I had no choice but to want to interrupt her breakfast. Arlene and the assistant respond and defend ourselves just as publicly. I hope that in the future, students who feel slighted by director, Beth Cairns were in a "Breakfast Meeting," any office let that office know personally. I have been a which is the same as any other important meeting, the part of this campus community for 12 years now and I only difference being is that it is scheduled in the mornhave yet to find a department that didn't care deeply about ing. This is exactly the kind of misinformation that gives the students we serve. 'our office a bad name. The financial aid office is always If we hurt someone's feelings we deserve the respect here to help students in any way we can. So I would sugto be told personally so that situations can be handled to gest that anyone who has a complaint against our office everyone's satisfaction and not blown out of proportion. should get the facts straight before voicing their I don't think this newspaper exchange has made anyone opinion. happy.
Very truly yours, Arlene Dittbrenner Directorof Financial Aid
Donna M. DeKorne CWS Coordinator
Loqu~r welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship kno:W, to the editors. However, Hthe writer wishes, and the editor agrees, / the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an insc...,tion inserted such as "name withhelda1the request of the writer." Letters should be typed. double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. ~ a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it. Letters to the ,,
editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
Not justfor birthdays,parents are gift-givers by Melissa Landsmann I address this thank-you especially to my parents and to all parents who offernot on! y theirlove to their children but also the unique gift of their unconditional friendship. I remember that day long ago. It was a day of pain, the searing pain ofrejection that only the very young can feel so intensely. Jaime, a bully in my first grade class, called me a name (I don't even remember what now) and all the other kids laughed at me. My shame and embarassment were almost too much for me to bear. I felt such !onliness! For the rest of the day, I couldn't concentrate on class. Going through my mind, over and over again in slow motion, was the memory of the kids laughing at me. Teachers scolded me for not paying attention. The sense of isolation grew worse. I ran all the way home that day barely containing my tears until I hit the back door of my tiouse. When I walked into the familiar and welcome kitchen, Mom and Dad, you were sitting there drinking coffee at the table. You asked how my day was and I said fine and walked right past you. I couldn't even bring myself to tell you about my shame. But, I couldn't fool you either. You stopped me and that was all I needed to start crying. Little by little my story
poured out as you listened intently. At last, I looked up at you and you smiled and hugged me. The pain did not seem so bad anymore. As I felt your love envelope me, I realized that I would always have a friend in both of you. Throughout the years since that bleak September day, you have shown me that same compassion a countless numberof times. By listening to me, you taught me that I had something meaningful to say and, more importantly, that I was a person of value. You respected who I was, my ideas, my idealistic goals, my silly and serious dreams, and my highest aspirations. Even when I did not know where I was going, you supported me. There are so-many gifts you have helped me to cultivate throughout my life. But, none of these gifts is more important to me than the love you shared so freely. You gave me the courage I needed to leave the nest to fly into an unfamiliar and scary world unknown to even you. Because of the support and love that I knew was behind me I had the courage to look forward and find out whatthe future held for me. I never could have done it without you and I am glad I didn't have to. . As I go into the future there are many things I am uncertain about, but the one thing that I know I can rely on is
dr. robert bonfiglio
Challenging the education of future leaders One of the qualities of the liberally educated person, as found in our college catalog, is to ''function effectively in groups either as a facilitator, leader, or in some responsible role leading to group productivity." The nurturing of that quality is an important component in the overall work of the student services staff, and is the basis for the leadership development program o! the college. It is the expectation of the college that through fostering leadership skills, and by nurturing those skills within the framework of institutional values, the college will produce future societal leaders whose work in the world will compliment the leagacy of Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini. A benefit of attending a small college such as Cabrini is the myriad of opportunities one has for involvement in the leadership of the college. Leadership positions are available to students which offer experiential, structured learning opportunities. The key to the successful development of leadership skills in students is the ability of the college to both challenge students to grow in their roles and to support students as they cope with the challenges presented. This fragile balance of challenge and support is tested daily, not only by the responsibilities inherent in a given leadership role, but also by the competing elements of study, work, and play in a college student's life. When things go well and the proper degree of challenge and support exists, a campus leadership position can be uniquely rewarding for the students involved. With an imbalance in the measure of challenges face or support received, a leadership position can result in frustration, confusion, and exhaustion. A goal we have in student services this year is to rededicate ourselves to the degree of support which we offer our student leaders. I have heard students in campus leadership positions refer to the degree of professionalism that they bring to their roles. I cringe when I hear this term, because professionalism is not an expectation of our student leadership program. One of the definitions of professionalism is the appearance of expertness in a given role. Student leaders, however, are not experts, nor are they expected to be. They are learners, and therefore our expectations for student lead~rs are framed in those tenns. Many of us who work full time in student services are drawn to the profession because of our inclination toward learning and personal growth. This recognition of the value of life-long learning is not compatible with an expectation that student leaders act as professionals, or experts. Rather, student leaders are those individuals who would like to join us on this quest for a personal education which will make a difference in the world at large. President Ronald Reagan captured this sentiment in the following statement: ''One of the first things I found about my particular college was that, because of its (small) size, we assumed a lot of assignments. Most of the time, we took a whole host of leadership roles simply because there was no one else to do it. It was my first taste of stepping forward and assuming repsonsibility for more than my own life, and l never forgot it. Sometimes, when I think of how little I knew about life, contrasted with how much responsibility I took on at Eureka, it makes me smile."
Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, has a doctorate in education from Columbia University.
your endless love. Deep inside of me, that tearful little girl remains. But, emerging much closer to the surface is the young woman who has always felt the sustaining love of your friendship. Quite simply, and yet, I hope you realize my full meaning and intensity, thank you for being my friends! And to all parents who are friends to their children, know that although we may take your friendship for granted at times, it is the most valuable gift you could ever give us.
• <
f ridaY,sept. 28, 1990
Parents Weekend 1990 schedule of events Saturday, Septfmber 29 9:00 a.m.Hospitality Center 3:00 p.m. Widener Center Gathering Area
Resident Hall Receptions
1:00 p.m.- Faculty Lecture#1 2:00 p.m. Dr. Jolyon Girard Professor and Chairperson, History Widener Center Lecture Hall
Mansion Dining Room 6:30 p.m. President's Reception Holiday Inn King of Prussia
Resident Halls 10:30 a.m. Field Hockey vs. Penn State Ogontz Athletic Field
Float Parade
11:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. Noon · Cafeteria
Main Drive
l :00 p.m.4:00 p.m.
Monte Carlo Widener Center Gathering Area
2:00 p.m.- Faculty Lecture#2 3:00 p.m. Carol Goldfield Lecturer, English/Communications, Mansion Dining Room
Track Meet Philadelphia Metropolitan Tournament Belmont Plateau l :00 p.m. Tennis Match Tennis Courts
2:00 p.m.3:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Theater
Volleyballvs. Delaware Valley Gymnasium
Dance Lessons Sunday, September 30
Theater Scenes
10:30 a.m. Liturgy Bruckmann Chapel
Alumni Volleyball Gymanasium 3:00 p.m.Faculty Lecture#3 4:00 p.m. Dr. Carter Craigie Professor, English/Communications
SAC plans semester by Matt Hodlofski On September 6, 7, and 10 of this semester, the Student Academic Council (SAC) held a book sale in the student government office. Any returning student could come up to the SAC and enter books they did not want in the sale. The price of the books for sale was the responsibility of the student selling the books. The used book sale's profit amounted to $1,000, 10 percent of which went to the
"We are here to assist students with any type of academic problem they might have." -Michele Montgomery SAC. Vice-president Michele Montgomery said the SAC was really pleased with the sale and plans to have it before every semester. The SAC is an organization (not club) on campus that does everything they possibly can to help the development and progression of a well-rounded Cabrini student. "We are here to assist students with any
type of academic problem they might have,'' Montgomery said. The SAC also introduced a book this year which also benefited freshmen students. The SAC gave freshmen a book that gave a general overview of most teachers and how the teacher teaches. The SAC gave the survey to all full and part time teachers but some did not respond, faculty liason Eileen Turner said. One project the SAC has for this semester is making a survey to honor '>tudents asking them to narrow a list of 20 or 30 ideas for classes to their top ten favorite. "This will give the students more freedom to choose courses that are interesting to them.·' Turner said. Another project the SAC is on is asking every department chairperson to choose one representitive to attend all SAC meetings. "This will ensure that every department knows what we are doing and be well-represented,'' Turner said. A main goal for the year is enabling a memberofthe SAC to become a memberof the Academic Council. It would be great for the entire student body if a student representive could be on the Academic Council, Turner said.
Soph establishespep club by Matthew Brush The quest for Cabrini's first pep club is starting smoothly, according to sophmore Christine Cambria, the initiator. ''My purpose is to get people involved in school activites and show support. I think this school lacks spirit," said Cambria. Jennifer Morrison. social act1v1tes chairperson, of the Student Government Association (SGA), is very supportive of starting a pep club and has told Cambria that she and the rest of SGA will help her in any way possible. Others who will be helping the pep club to get it started are Jennifer MarksGold, director of Student Activities and John Dzik, Athletic Director, who will be the advisor of the club. When the pep club does begin, Cambria wants them to attend as many sporting events and school functions as possible, showing support and spirit for Cabrini. Cambria \\ill be relying on fund raisers. Her first priority will he raising enough money to buy a costume for a mascot.
9:30 p.m.Dance l :00 a.m. Holiday Inn King of Prussia
Xavier Great Room
Soccer vs. Alvernia Athletic Field
7:30 p.m. Dinner Holiday Inn King of Prussia
''One idea I have for the pep club is for the members to cheer in the cafeteria for 'Friends don't let friends drink and drive' during the upcoming alcohol awareness week," Marks-Gold said. Cambria so far has gotten support from junior Jayda Zazyczny, sophomore Karen Bell, freshman Keri Brembillo and a host of others who have signed up. The idea of starting a spirit or pep club came to her when Dr. Joiyon Girard gave a lecture about school spirit during leadership camp which she attended. Cambria was president of her high school spirit club and thought it would be fun to start a spirit club in college. "I am sure it would help," said senior Nicholas Ostrowski " ... actually it's cool, someone is trying to do something positive, cause this place needs help." A meeting is planned within the next two week& to solidify unity within the club and also to set an agenda. Right now Cambria i'> m the process of putting a constitution together to be revicwet by Marks-Gold.
11:30 a.m. Cafeteria
1:00 p.m. Main Drive
Float Parade (rain date)
moreREVIEW from1 reviewalso addect 1hatthere was no mpooae to tbeaecoocemsin the collep's 1990PeriodicReviewReport. Accordingto Dr. Mary Aon Biller, vice presidentof academica ffairs,the coUege is undergoinga five-year evalu-
Dr. DawnMiddleton,chairmanof the education said that the evaluatian is not an additionalburden on educationdivision... We are already undergoinga self-study for the Depart-
ment of Education,,. she said. Biller added that they came up with the process of evaluation on paper last year. The '· Proposal for Departmental Evaluation'' it is suggested that every deparment or division be evaluated once every five years . The proposal also said are going through this that the review should consist of four process in a formal major stages. Dr. Antoinette Scheisler and we wanted to test it fonnulated the proposal. First, the staff and faculty of the acaout on strong demic unit should design the evaluation departments." by identifying important issues, creating a timetable for the evaluation, and assigning specific tasks. - Dr. Mary Ann Biller Second, the faculty and the staff of the depanment or the division should per~ fonn a review focusing on the important grams. "We are going to evaluate three per issues of their department. Third, a review of the department or yearoverthe next five years,•· said Biller. division should be conducted and made Biller also said that the college was into a written report by faculty in that heginning the evaluations with the his·field from out-.ide Cabrini College. tory and political science department, ti!e Finally, a "memorandum of commiteducation division, and the business ment'· should becreated and agreed upon administration department. •'This is the first time we are going by the department or division, the Academic Dean. and the Vice President of through this process in a fonnal way,·· Billersaid. '' andwe wanted to test it out Academic Affairs. OD strong departments. ••
ation of all departments and majors to comply with the associate's suggestion that Cabrinievaluate its academic pro-
"Thisis the firsttimewe
Ne.vLocation - OneblockfromBrynMawr HospitJI
626,.HELP "My friendsfoldme, 'If you haveto go anywhere, go to Amnion'."
f riday, sept. 28, 1990
Going up! Sacred Heart elevator near completion by John Gay
pholo by John Gay
Funded by a grant from the Widener Foundation in Aid of Handicapped children, the project cost over $100,000.
Construction is expected to be completed by the end of the month •on the new elevator in Sacred Heart Hall. The elevator will make the Widener Campus Center and Sacred Heart Hall more accessible for disabled students. The funding for the elevator was provided by a grant from the Widener Memorial Foundation in Aid of Handicapped Children for $110,200. The elevator will not cost the college anything provided they stay within the alloted budget according to Mike Carenfa, chief of the physical plant. "Right now we're within it, and I don't anticipate going over." said Carenfa Construction on the project began in June, and was done entirely by outside contractors. The architect for the project was Dan Daget. The shell was built by Herzog Construction, who beat out a bid by Mcnanus Construction. State law dictates that all public buildings must be accessible to the handicapped according to Carenfa " Technically we are accessible, because you can use the ramps to get into Sacred Heart and Widener" Carenfa said, but added that "when you have students that are wheelchair bound, its really awkward tocome all the way up,
Security radio reliability questioned by Kimberly Keck Cabrini's version of 91 I often fails. When dialing the radio security extension 8245, administration and students have expressed complaints about this security system. In an attempt to tum off fire alarms in Xavier, Resident Director of Woodcrest, Ana Hazelrigg, was disconnected three times. Her fourth request was finally answered by a security guard. Sophomore Lorraine Lill was locked out of her resident hall room. When she called security to notify them, half way through the
"Consideration for a new system will arise if present system breaks down three, maybe four times." -Daniel Neyer, security director conversation, she was disconnected. Two times after that, she was also disconnected. Shesaid, "Whatifthiswas a real emergency and it took three times to get through?" Security guards, Richard Scatergood and Tom McCoy refused comment on the situation. Daniel Neyer, director of security stated it is department policy that guards may not speak with the press. Neyer saidof the security radio system, ''The school has no intentions of purchasing a new one. "Consideration for a new system will arise if present system breaks down three, maybe four times.'' Neyer said. Last year the system broke down and could not relay emergency calls twice. According to Neyer, The B.A. Radio Company installed the system seven to ten
years ago. In 1989, the radio company examined the system and advised Neyer it was functional. Neyer explained how this securtiy system works. He said that before 6 p.m., calls are registered into a switchboard, then transferred to the security guard's portable radio. After 6 p.m., calls are directly forwarded to the portable radio. "Malfunctions usually occur because of technical problems with radios or the security staff tends to get backed up." said Neyer. Repairs for the system are costly. The 1989 bill for radio repairs was $2,000. Each new radio purchased also cost the school $1,000. Dean of Students, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio confirmed that the school has no intention of purchasing a new radio security system. Bonfiglio was supportive of the security system and staff. He believed the campus is secure to its potential. Bonfiglio said, "The security staff has engaged in training pertaining to ethnic intimidation, drug and alcohol abuse and Campus Crimes Acts." Eastern College had a new security
"What if this was a real emergency and it took three times to get through?" -Lorraine Lill, sophomore system installed this year. Eastem's security system operates the same as Cabrini's with a portable radio and switch board. Eastern security guards also patrol campus on foot and by vehical. "This system is effective," said Jack Gallagher security guard for Eastern College, "and so far no complaints."
you have to go up three different switchbacks to get from the cafeteria to your Bio class." Antony Brocchi, vice president for institutional advancement, believes the easier acsess provided by-the elevator will help the current handicapped student as well as encouraging others to apply for admission. "I think it falls right in line with the mission of the college of helping those who need help" said Brocchi. Sacred Heart was chosen to house the elevator because of its connecting ramps to the Widener Center. "It seemed the logical most needed area, to do something to enhance the capibilitys of our handicapped students" said Brocchi. He cited Sacred Heart as having the most classrooms as well as the gymnasium, which hosts many social events. Brocchi also noted the importance of acsess of the Widener Center, home of student activitys offices and a gathering area for students. There was originally talk of equiping the mansion with a ramp according to Brocchi. "We could put a ramp into this building for a lot less than $100,000" Brocchi said. The idea was rejected when it became apparent the foundation was interested in doing an elevator project according to Brocchi. The grant from the Widener
Memorial Foundation in Aid of Handicapped Children was not the first for Cabrini. In 1982, the foundation funded the construction of the concrete ramps that connect Sacred Heart Hall and the Widener Campus Center. "Obviously getting a grant involves one: a worthwhile purpose and two: some kind of contact with the people that run the foundation" Brocchi said. "Obviously having Mrs Dixon as the chairman of the board of trustees, whose husband is president of that foundation puts us in a good position to be favorably received" The decision as to whether the elevator will be used exclusively for handicapped students has not been made yet.'' Its a decision that needs to be talked about by various people as to the intent of the elevator and how it can be utiilized" said Brocchi noting that the elevator could be used by faculty to transport A. V equipment from floor to floor. "We don't want to impede upon the purpose of it which is to help the handicapped.·' Broechi said. '' Its a descision that hasn't been resolved. Technically we are accessible, because you can use the ramps to_get into Sacred Heart and Widener" Carenfa said, but added that "when you have students that are wheelchair bound, its really awkward to get around."
ATTENTION PARENTS! Now you_can .send a message to your son or daughter in the Loquitur. You can wish them a -
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! CONGRATULATIONS! OR GOOD LUCK! Send a message by placing an ad in the Loquitur! This unique gift costs only $10.00 and is an l/8th of a page. To place an ad call 971-8412 or send in the attached form to Box #379 with your message and issue date needed for publication.
SAY IT IN THE LOQUITUR! ISSUE DATE--------,-------HEADLINE-____________
BODYCOPY------~------Issue Dates ,for Fall 1990#7 October 26 #10 November 16 #8 November 2 #11 November 30 #9 November 9 #12 December 7 Deadline is the Friday before each issue date. Send fonn to: Cabrini College, PO Box 379,610 King of Prussia Rd., Radnor, PA 19087-3699 Make checks payable to Cabrini College.
more REPAIRS from 1
updates Campus Take advantage oftheWeekend Van Shuttle Service to Center City Philadelphia. The van leaves at 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and stops at the Visitors Bureau at 15th and JFK Boulevard. Students returning to campus should assemble at the Visitors Bureau no later than 5:00 p.m. Attention Xavier Residents! There will be a hall meeting for the haunted house on Sept. 27 at 9:30 in the Great Room. All are urged to attend to find out about this event that is going to be held in your residence hall.
Movie Night will be held Thursday, Sept. 27 at 9:00 p.m. Cocktail with Tom Cruise.
f ridaY, sept. 281 1990
The movie this week is
I am pleased with everything Physical Plant has accomplished.'' According to Bell, the proposal went through without any problem. "John Doyle. (previous resident life director) was extemely helpful in making sure the proposal went through, "said Bell. "Painting the shower stalls made my job a lot easier,' ' according to Sonia Cowdery, housekeeping attendant at · W oodcrest. Catherine Caufield, director of resident life, was satisfied with physical plant's efficency. "My expectations were met," Caufield said. The money for these revenues came from the budget. The 1989 budget was $500,000. Caranfa places priority on the revenues to be completed. According to Caranfa, the 1990/91
If you are a Work Grant Recipient and are still looking for some hours, Community Watch may be the job for you. Contact Tammy Causley in resident life at extension 8458.
budget amount will be determined by the BoardofTrustees. The Board will make this decsion in October. · 'Renovations and repairs prior to June 31 are covered in the 1989/90 budget," said John Barclay, chief finanicial officer, · 'anything done after July I is considered for the 1990/9 I budget." ''For the renovations over the summer, I went by the amount we were granted for last year." said Caranfa Caranfa also said, ''The amount for 1990 should be at least the amount we received last year.'' Board of Trustees member, J. Robert Malone and Barclay said, "Nothing else can be determined until the board meets in October.''
,__ _..•u••••ldnswflllt Madualwill darify each department il}d penon•s responsibilty
Tutoring is available on campus through the CARe Center in the Rooyman' s Center. Stop by and schedule an appointment or to pick up a schedule. Tutoring services are offered at no charge.
~ whichBedant
feels is the
J11P1N of'CMpublicrelationsoffice.
The 1989-90 Woodcrest Yearbooks are in! If you ordered a copy, see Bud Mellon in the newsroom for your copy.
If you would like to buy a copy of the Yearbook for 1990-91, contact Kelly McGillan box #369 or at ext. 8478. The cost is $25 if purchased this semester and $35 next semester.
,,., slmld be preparedbecause. in caseof an emergency,they me lhe to tbink ones who would haveto handlecalls from Mr¥OU$ parents and die media. happens. Bedant.whostarted lastAupslato.b-anodM:!1rini.-4eachdepanment BildpDl'BOAiJ ~ ......proceduresto run smoothly.
>'lilii!iRAft!!i,tl, ..
Counseling Services are available on campus at the Rooyman's Center. Call to set up an appointment at 971-8561. Need extra money? Fill out a Job Squad application in the finanical aid office in Grace Hall. Job Squad is a program on campus through which students are referred to local residents who have tasks such as babysitting, tutoring, housekeeping, and yardwork which they would like to have done.
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Summer Greens art exhibit featuring paintings and silkscreens by Carol Schwartz will be on display through October 28.
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New Network discs must be purchased by all computenoom users. the old sytem discs are no longer compatible in the computer room. The cost of the new disk is $6.
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Recycling containers for aluminum, corrugated cardboard, and office grade paper are in the residence halls, Sacred Heart Hall (stairs near greenhouse), Widener Center (loading dock), Gathering Area, and Grace Hall (kitchen).
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Mass Schedule: Sunday 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at noon. All are welcome to attend. Attention Commuters! Personal lockers are available in Sacred Heart hall and the Widener Center. Lockers are available on a first -come, first -serve basis. For further information, contact the student services office.
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Security incidents reported September 18 throught September 24:
Harassment 9/19-1 :55 a.m.-Student reported receiving harassing phone calls. Suspicious Persons 9/20-4:30 p.m.-Two unauthorized persons reported soliciting perfume. They were asked to leave by security.
Plan ahead and go on a Co-op assignment with some of the nation's top empl~yers ~n business, industry and government. Obtain practical expereence, in your major, get college credit, and set up contacts for the future. For more information, stop by our office in Grace Hall. Or call 971-8306 to set up an appointment with one of our coordinators who will show you how to sharpen your focus.
Criminal Mischief 9/21-12:00 a.m.-Two street signs were stolen from Residential Boulevard. Alcohol Violation 9/21-9:00 p.m.-Illegal party in Xavier Hall was broken up by security guards. Simple Assault 9/23-1:30 a.m.-Two students assaulted by off-campus people who had caused a disturbance at a legal party in House l.
Suspicious Persons 9/23-9: 15 a.m.-Suspicious person reported on routine patrols of Widener Center by security guards. All doors in the area were checked and all was secure.
Criminal Mischief 9/23-11:20 p.m.-Two stairwell Ugh~ were broken by off-campus males.
· loquitur
f riday, sept. 28, 1990
Favorite munching places aside from Seiler's by KimberlyMarshall Eating is a basic part of existence, but it is especially a part of college life. The surrounding area of Wayne, Radnor and King of Prussia has so many places to eat but only a chosen few are favorites at Cabrini campus. According to students, Bennigan '.sin King of Prussia comes out on top. Suzanne SanFelice, a sophomore commuter, said, "Bennigan's has a wide variety of selections on the menu and the service is quick.'' Sister Bernadette Anello, director of campus ministry, also commented on the variety ofBennigan'smenu. "Igofortheir potato skins," said Chris Conrad, sophomore. Heather Quinlan chose to go to Bennigan's when her dad came to take heroutto dinner. John Fasolka,freshmen, also prefers to dine there. Shawn Mott, a senior who commutes from outside the city, prefers Houlihan 's, also in King of
The surrounding area of Wayne, Radnor and King of Prussia has so many places to eat but only a chosen few are favorites at Cabrini campus. Prussia, over Bennigan's. "Houlihan 's atmosphere is relaxing, the prices are reasonable and they serve large portions,'' said Mott. According to Mott, Benni• gan 's atmosphere was cold and the food and service were all right. Chili's Grill and Bar on Lancaster A venue was fc!vored by many, including Dave King, fresh. man, who goes for the Mexican food. Bill McKenna senior com-
muter enjoys Chili's but if he is dining with his family he likes to go to J. B. Winberie Restaurant and Bar in Wayne. Dr. Sharon Schwarze, philosphy chairperson, goes to La Fourchette on North Wayne Avenue. It is not cheap but it is nice for special occasions, according to Schwarze. "There are a number of good places in Wayne but Tacquet in still probably the best, "Schwarze said. Tacquet is located on King of Prussia Road in Radnor. Although her husband owns a restaurant at the shore, the Kinterra Restaurant in the Wayne Hotel is the favorite of Dr. Kathleen Daley, sociology department. "We love to go out to dinner," said Dr. Adeline Bethany, Ed.D., music department, of herself and her husband. Charlotte's Restaurant on West Chester Pike in Newtown Square is her favorite and the prices are reasonable, Junior Jayda Zazyczny'sfavorite place is Martini's on Lancaster Avenue in Devon. "Gullifty's in the Rosemont Shopping Plaza is a Bennigan's style restaurant," Karen Boyle, junior, said. According to Becky Tressel, junior, Ristorante Primavera on Lancaster A venue in Strafford is a fancy restaurant with good food. Juniors Frank Bressi and Larry Martin frequent John's Village Market near the Wayne train station. "They have great subs and cheesesteaks," Bressi said "Their only downfall is that they do not deliver." CurtLaudenberg,junior, however, believes that it is under rated. •'The best Chinese food around is Chinese Delight on Lancaster A venue," said Dave Craighead, senior commuter. He also likes Burger King better than McDonalds. Dave Thompson, sophomore, still opts for McDonalds. Pizza is a basic staple in any college . It covers the carbohydrate, dairy and vegetable categories for a meal. Where the best pizza comes from is another issue
photo by Lisa Lindley
Mine/la's Diner on Lancaster Ave. in Wayne is a local eatery for hungry Cabrini altogether. Domino's Pizza has run into some competition since the new Pizza Hut that delivers opened on Lancaster Avenue. Sophomore Chris Conrad is tom between the two. "Domino's delivers quicker but Pizza Hut tastes way better," Conrad said. Tammy Causley, assistant director of resident life, does not like Domino's. Andy Mc Ilroy, resident director of the seven houses, has no preference. Mc Broy orders out from Domino's or Pizza Hut. Sophomore Michelle Brown usually orders from Domino's but that could be changing now that she knows about Pizza Hut. Kelly Digan, sophomore, or-
deredmostlyfrom Campus Comer and La Nova last year but she has not ordered out yet this year. Freshman DeniseOrtizdoesnot like Campus Comer's pizza. Also, "Their delivery takes too long,'_' freshman Priscilla Fuentes said . Fuentes is not fond of Real Pizza either. "Campus Comer's pizza is bad, but the sandwiches are great'', said Brian Killen, freshman. Wendy Bronick, freshman, likes Campus Comer's white pizza. "Their pizza wasn't that good but I really liked Domino's,'' Mirielle Jean-Baptiste, freshman said. James Shaak, freshman, really has no preference and said that he orders from Campus Comer or Domino's. Nina Charlier will only order from Wayne's Pizza after a bad experience with Campus Comer. She ordered a stromboli which
photo by Lisa Lindley
The golden arches of Mc Donalds are like a beacon in the night for hungry Cabrini students .
was still doughy and the cheese was not melted all the way. However, the same stromboli was rated tops by Lyn Bechtel, freshman. Gus Nazaridid, freshman, and Michelle Montgomery, sophomore, like Real Pizza. Denise Ortiz, freshman, likes their chicken wings. " Then there is Lenny's, I mean Denny's." Paul Puskar, "I go to Denny's every so often when I want a good meal.'' Brian Marczyk and Sara Krauss, sophomores, go to Denny's in Devon often. According to Marczyk, the mozzerella sticks are his favorite. Krauss said they also go to Wawa frequently for "everything." •'Wawa has containers of health food like trail mix,'' Suzanne O'Connor.junior, said. Junior Erin
Riley likes Wawa's yogurt covered raisins and gourmet jelly beans. There isa Wawalocatedon Valley Forge Road and there are several along Lancaster A venue. "I wouldn't know where to eat," said Nick Ostrowski senior. According to Ostrowski, he never goes off campus or orders out to eat. Sometimes he buys snacks from Acme but that is about it. People always seem to have their qld favorites. Chris Conrad sophomore mentioned that he goes to Minella's Diner, on Lancaster A venue. John Latvenas, junior, finds the best ice cream at Friendly's. King of Prussia mall also offers many fine eateries. Lyn Bechtel, freshman, enjoys Sbarro's in the Food Court. Right around the comer is Arthur's Fish and Chips, an old favorite of Tom Anderson, sophomore. Anna Hazelrigg, resident director ofWoodcrest Hall, eats out a lot. She enjoys Pastabilities on route 202 beyond the King of Prussia Mall. "There is always Roy Roger's in Wayne," Hazelrigg said. According to Hazelrigg, ordering or eating out can become very expensive. Chris Thompson, sophomore. always ordered out from Campus Comer, Domino's, and Wayne Pizza, however, "I gave it up this year because it costs too much money,'' Thompson said. With all the various restaurants so close to Cabrini and the opinions of 45 people, Carin Pesotski, freshman, and April Duhadaway, junior, still prefer to eat at home. "Nobody can beat my mom's cooking," freshman Chris Rollo said.
f riday, sept. 28, 1990
Newman brings a wealth of experiences to Cabrini by Sharlene Sephton
was missing while he was _onstage. Several friends and professionals suggested he pursue directing. Newman cited several special qualities he found he possessed to be a good director including, "The ability to interpret the entire play, the love if doing research and all the demands of
The rich and famous are his acquaintances. He has traveled all around the world, including the island of Okinawa, Japan, · where he lived for three-and-a-half years. He is an actor, a singer, a musician, and ·above all else, a director. He is Neal Newman, the new theater director. "Acting and being on stage was just a job I did well, and achieved success in, ", Newman said. "I have the unusual ability to go beyond to be the director. I see the entire play. I enjoy sitting in the audience." Newman's career began at California State University where he received a bachelor of arts in theater. He started. off majoring in history, because he was attracted by its theatrical aspects. "I realized that it was better suited to professors with suits and neckties. I found another way to indulge my love for history in theater," Newman said. "l wanted to be really good at something," Newman said. "Sol looked at what I did well, which was public speaking and entertaining, and I came up with acting." Newman also attended the American Conservatory Theater of San Francisco, the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and Carnegie-Mellon University from which he received a masters in fine arts in directing. While working in the Guthrie Theater of Minneapolis, Minn.and later in New York, Newman longed to see all the great plays he
Neal Newman .
publicity photo
organizing, reading everything the author of the play ever wrote, designing the scheme of production, and finally going into rehearsal.'' In New York, Newman founded the Lyric Theater of New York while working as a waiterforthree-and-a-half years at the Waldorf Astoria. It was here that Newman started making contacts such as, Sonny Bono, Mary Tyler Moore, Frank Sinatra, Laurence Olivier, and Muhammad Ali. Olivier sat in on rehearsals one night and
gave advice to the Lyric performers. " Olivier told me, 'Don'ttalk about,justdo it.' Now I try to live by it, and I tell my actors the same thing,'' Newman said. Most memorable to Newman, however, is Leonard Bernstein's attendance at one of the Lyric's performances. "Not because he came," Newman said, "but because he called his friends. It helped me to be taken seriously as a director." Besides teaching theater and directing classes at Cabrini, Newman teaches at the Walnut Street Theater, the Shakespeare in the Park Conservatory, and the Lincoln Center Institute of the Arts in Education. He has previously been head of the directing department at the University of -the Arts. Newman's most recent projects include the summer production of ''The Tempest'' performed by Philadelphia's Shakespeare in the Park, and "No Holds Barred Part II" performed by the National Bar Association. Also, Newman understudied the first classical playever held in themansion, "Twelfth night," performed by the touring company of Shakespeare in the Park this past Sunday, Sept. 23. Newman considers his Tuesday classes at Walnut Street as, "The most advanced classics class in Philly." He hopes to hold a class for all those interested in observing on campus. Newman's goal for the theater program is to impact the entire community. "Too often people working in the college will refer
to us as those people in the office downstairs," Newman said. "I'd like to see more arts happening here." One of Newman's endeavor's for the fall semester is a children's comedia play includ-
"I wanted to be really good at something. So I looked at what I did well, which was public speaking and entertaining, and I came up with acting." - Neal Newman, theater director ing singing, dancing, tumbling, and music. '' It will be actor oriented, but they must have incredible skills, including athletic, to be integrated into the project,'' Newman said. ''If the quality is high enough, we will redo itto be cablecast," Newman said, "and it will be put on television." A_lso being· planned are midieval mystery plays that will be staged throughout the campus. The audience will be presented a map along with a program, and verformances will be held anywhere from the boiler room to the chapel. "To pull this off, I'm going to need all the cooperation of the entire campus from the janitors to the English department who will write the scripts," Newman said. "I want to be a part of making Cabrini a wonderful place to be," Newman said.
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tloquitur .
friday, sept. 28, 1990
'12th Night', Shakespearean tale of romance, intrigue performed· in mansion
In a scene from '12th Night', Viola played by Molly Delaney on the left and Lady Olivia, played by A. Taylor Williams.
by JenniferMorrison On Sunday, September 23, something historical happened tothe mansionlivingroom. Cabrini Colleges' first professional Shakespearean play was performed by "Shakespeare in the Parle" A chapter of Shakespeare unfolded and took the audience back to England and to a love triangle between twins, a duke and a lady. "The Twelfth Night" is a love story of Duke Or~ino, and the lady Olivia. The Duke falls in love with Olivia and sends his messenger and servant, Cesario, to betroth his love to her. But Cesario is actually Viola, a twin who lost her brother, Sebastian, in a shipwreck at sea and is in search of what happened to him. Her brother finds his way back and falls in love with Olivia. When Cesario goes to win Olivia's heart for the Duke, Olivia in tum falls for Cesario. But Cesario begins to fall in love with the Duke. Needless to say this confusing triangle works itself ouL "Shakespeare in the Park" is a theatre group started five years ago by Neal Newman, Cabrini's theatre director. Newman began directing Shakespearean plays in Phila-
delphia because there was a need for them. '' When I came to Philadelphia, I found that there was a need for the classics,'' Newman said, "if there was a need for belly dancing I'd do
"When I came to Philadelphia, I found that there was a need for the classics. If there was a need for belly dancing I'd do it." - Neal Newman, theater director it." Two years ago, Newman constructed some of the cast for "The Twelfth Night" from a class he was teaching a\ the time. These members are still with the company.
photo by Frank Emmencb
Molly Delaney, who plays Cesario, and the twins began two years ago and started after taking Newmans' class for a month. Delaney is an english teacher at Penn Charter high school. Delaneys' love for Shakespeare came from studying for a year in London. She then spent some time in Ireland and New York. She feels that Newman is a better teacher than · previous teachers. With the music of Newman, who wrote the pieces, and the balcony which gave the scenes an extra lift, the mansion told the story the best. Mort Patterson who plays the Duke said, "the mansion was the most inspiring atmosphere to work in." The acting was inspiring, believable and truly a great first for Cabrini. There are two casts that are involved in the production. For instance Delaney is in the cast Saturdays and evenings while another actress plays her part on other days and nights. "Shakespeare in the Park" will perform "The Twelfth Night" on October 3 at Villanova.
A~CALL {2l5)'.i68·7S1f
photo by Frank Emmerich
Lady Olivia, as she prepares to reprimand her servant.
friday, sept. 281 1990
'SummerGreens':-aworldof watercolorsand oils by Karen Kerchusky
Cabrini wiU be one of the first suburban colleges to have such a Painter, silkscreen artist, writer, department but admits that an graphic designer business person operation of that proportion and teacher are the jobs that Carol would be extremely expensive. Schwartz is currently pursuing. "We have a beginning," Schwartz "Summer Greens" is the title of said. her collection of paintings and Schwartz finds Cabrini's cam-::_ silkscreen prints now on display pus beautiful. "I smile when I in the Cabrini Fine Arts Gallery tum into the driveway," on the second floor of the library. Schwartz said of Cabrini. The - Painting has always been an campus important part of Schwartz's life. experience ofliving in beautiful She is the eighth generation artist natural surroundings and the close in her family and describes it as relationships between faculty a need: "It's like eating, sleeping, and students are two distinct painting.' ' Landscapes, woods and advantages she believes Cabgardens are most predominant in rini offers. "I would love to her work. ''Nature does it better pitch a tent and paint the woods. than we do. Harmony is very I hope the students appreciate important; humans close it out. It's it,'' Schwartz said. ruthless,'' Schwartz said. Ten Her exhibit, "Summer Greens," percent of any artwork purchased is is "a way for my students to get .. donated by Schwartz to Greento know me better. If they see peace, an envir9nmental movesomething that interests them, photo by Frank Emmerich ment. then they come to me." Artist Carol Schwartz and student Sue Roux discuss the exhibit "Summer Schwartz teaches to balance Schwartz explains the theme of her Greens" at the Sunday Sept. 23 opening . her life. She feels that just painting show as her return to oil isolates and distorts reality. With a painting. Normally she would fine arts degree in photography and paint large watercolor pieces computer. Bethany is hopeful that in the a state teaching certificate from that were very time consuming. future a minor or possibly a Moore College, Schwartz has been This summer she decided to paint major in commercial art will be teaching at the Art Institute of small items in oil paints. "Cabbage offered at Cabrini. Philadelphia for the past 11 years. at Dusk" is an example of her A collegue of Schwartz from Currently, she is an administrator rediscovery of oil paints. "I love and full-time teacher of color and the smell, feel and brilliance of the Art Institute of Philadelphia design, photography, and various the colors," Schwartz said of oil attended the opening. Mr. Hooper sees much of Schwartz in her other media. ''Whenlfirststarted, paints. I couldn't believe I was getting The invitation for the show work. Sensitivity and a sense of pattern are, to Hooper, very evipaid because I had a good time, ' ' was designed by Schwartz. Schwartz said. However, the original idea, created dent in her work. "She uses colors beautifully," Schwartz is teaching her first on the MacIntosh, was for a Lisa Lipar, a sophomore, said. class at Cabrini, graphic reproducsilkscreen image. "Computers Lipar describes Schwartz's work tion techniques. The class in- complement. They'renotthe end," structs students on the MacIntosh Schwartz said. Schwartz owns a as being very graphic, yet not overcomputer. The goal of the course is MacIntosh and considers it a stating her purpose. "You could of her for each student to write, create a major tool for her company, Caro~ almost walk into one graphic design and lay-out a bro- Graphics. For Schwartz, the oil paintings," Lipar said. "Alpha and Omega," one of chure promoting computer is a way of expression. themselves. It also allows her to mix colors and the serigraphs on display in the The MacIntosh is steadily see the final color before she show, was commissioned by Poplar Spring Psychiatric Hospital. "I growing more popular in the makes the final product. graphic design and publishing inThe opening reception of had six weeks to do it in," Schwartz dustries, and Schwartz feels that it "Summer Greens" on Sept. 23, said. The picture is actually three would be to Cabrini's benefit to brought congratulations from photographic slides on top of each organize a MacIntosh department various well-wishers and many other. The pictures were taken in .. tt (CIS) with the Philadelphia area parks. The since she is not aware of graphic admirers. Dr. Adeline Bethany, •~ 111dLal:ey's" Sharon serigraph, or silkscreen, is a layer arts being taught on computers in chairperson of the fine arts departGless,areamonpttbefew. J)iime the suburbs. "The city is too ment, considers Schwartz's work process, putting one layer of color k •i$obvieus that this fall has eXJ)eCtto 8ml this faff? The teens dangerous. Cabrini elegant: "She knows how to -.york on at a time. a variety of shows to choose have theil'place with .. Hull High" Schwartz, an award winner, has would be the perfect place," with the elements.'' Bethany feels from. TheeditorsofT.V:Guide which adds rap, rock, dance, and been painting for 18 years Schwartz said. Schwartz hopes that Schwartz's teaching is a "step videos to its highschoolhallways each havetheirpicksof hit andmisses and relishes the Philadelphia for the fall. forward" for Cabweek. Watercolor Prize that she won the ''Gabriel's Fire.'' where a rini. It is an introducNew familyshows will be joining most. "Summer Greens" will run tion to commercial art us this fall a'>well. They include fonner cop and ex-con goes to through Oct. 28, in the Fine Arts and graphic design on ''Parenthood'' (NBC), "Uncle work as an investigator, has its Gallery in Holy Spirit Library. 18 West Avenue, Wayne, Pa. Buck" (CBS), "True ColOJS .. (FOX), promises. "Ferris BueUer" is ,... __________________ .... The Family Man,. (CBS) and thought to be the best movie-
t's not
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'Lenny'' (CBS).which goes up tumed-into-seriei.. • gainst "The Wonder Years". CBS will give us "The We will also find a handful of Plash". which is said to have a ries in which the networks try to certain Batman like quality. apturehitmoviesootheT.V.screen. "American Dreamer•· (NBC), 'Perris Bueller" (FOX), ·'Uncle ··working it Out", ''WIOU", uck" (CBS}, and ·•Parenthood" and "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" NBC) are some of the few. all have cntics smi1ing with But every show can't be a com- thumbs up. dy. There will be plenty of dramatic had hoped for. · broadcasting on the 4 networks. • With all of these new shows 'Cop Rock'' (ABC), written by attacking our T.V. screens at "L.A. Law's .. Steven Bochco, mixes once, it is bard to say what wiU · e drama with rock, rap, and stay on and what will be gone. The critics thinkitisgoingtobe U" (CBS)willrevealwhat a fascina.tiognew season.But
. .
T.V. it's wbatllleviewersdlilutdw
f riday, sept. 28, 1990
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f ridaY,sept. 28l 1990
Paper,cardboardand aluminumrecyclingmandated num, the yellow cans for paper, responsibility of the college to and cardboard will be placed in the employ a private c,ompany. Caranfa is not exactly sure how On Sept. 26, 1990, Pennsly- gray cans, or next to the cans. · much it will cost, but stated that it Michael Caranfa, the director vania 's mandatory recycling would be expensive. Cabrini will law (ACT 101) will take effect. of physical plant, will be in charge have to pay $68 a month for a Cabrini, along with every other of Cabrini's recycling program. dumpster if trash is picked up once institutional establishment, will Caranfa said he is very much in a week, and $110 a month if trash be required to recycle alumi- favor of recycling, but is weary of is picked up twice a week, along num, corrugated cardboard, and its cost. "I am all for recycling," with the labor costs involved. Caranfa said. "But I don't think we office-grade paper. The initial purchase of the cans Blue, yellow an gray cans should have to bear the cost.'' and plastic liners cost the college Cabrini, even though it is a will be setup around campus for $1,047.30. Additional containers faculty, staff, and student con- college, is considered a commerhave since been ordered at further venience. They will be in vari- cial entity in waste management cost. ous areas such as campus build- legislation. This means that the Eastern Waste Industries (EWI) ings, the resident halls, and college must dispose of its own will collect Cabrini's trash, cardkitchens of the seven houses. trash. Radnor Township does not board and paper. From there they The blue cans will be for alumi- collect Cabrini's trash. It is the will sell the paper and cardboard to Edwards Enterprises in Downingtown, Pa. Edwards Enterprises is a paper processing facility which will recycle the material. According to Caranfa the cost of recycling will be assuaged slightly by recycling aluminum cans through the college. Cabrini will collect the cans, store them seperately, and recycle them by the truck load. '' Aluminum will be sold to the highest bidder and the money will be used to defray the cost of cans, bags, and labor," Caranfa said. According to President Sr. 1ilephoto Eileen Currie, MSC, Cabrini's Although Cabrini does not recycle glass , glass recycling goal is to recycle at least 25 percent containers are located at the Radnor Twp. building. of refuse this year.
by Bob Healey
Pt.:>toby Ivan Oomazet
Physical plant workers Rudy Pizzuto and John Osborn collect recycling materials from containers outside the library.
d0B.S~tJAD CHILDCARE- Experienced person needed to care for an 18 month old boy. Flexible/ part-time hours. Must have a car, be a nonsmoker, and have references. Contact Nancy at 660-9295. TEMPORARY POSITIONS- Manpower Temporary Services has 50 openings available for casual laborers, runners, and attendants. Casual laborers:people capable of strenous physical labor. Runners:people to assist with the event, run errands, dispose ofboxes and trash. Attendants:people who enjoy selling and demonstrating items. If interested, please call or stop by 600 DeKalb Pike, King of Prussia, 265-6300. TRAVEL RELATED POSITIONS- Take A Break Student Travel has openings for Campus Manager(responsible for organizing on-campus sales force),and Sales Representatives(responsible for marketing Spring Break travel). Make your on hours, up to 10 hours a week. You can obtain one FREE trip or $400. for every 20 trips sold. For an information kit call (617)527-5909/ (800)32-TRA VEL. CLERICAL ASSISTANT- A small insurance company in King of Prussia needs someone to assist with filing, data entry and telephone work. Flexible- 20 hours a week-· $6.00 per/hr. Contact Gloria Myer,Chapman Agancy, 337-1171. TEACHERS ASSISTANT- Aday school in Norristown is looking •for someone to work as a teacher's assistant afterschool. Mon.Fri. 2pm-5pm. $5.00/hour. Call Mrs.Fraunfelter, 630-9330, for more information.
SCHOLARSHIPS- NSF Grauate Research Fellowship 3 year fellowships in science and engineering fields offered by the National Science Foundation to Minority 1990 college students. Deadline Nov .9th 1990. See Financial Aid Office for more information.
PART-TIME- Immediate opening for an assistant position in an public affairs research firm. Involves 20 hrs. a week performing office tasks (filing, xeroxing). Pay $7.-$10. Contact Janice Busko- Mgr. of Research Service- 299-2900.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships 3 year graduate fellowships in science and engineering fields offered by the National Science Foundation applicants must be U.S citizens, college seniors or first-year graduate students. Deadline Nov.9th 1990. See Financial Aid Office for more details.
IMMEDIATE OPENINGS- Stouffer Hotels & Resorts have openings in Housekeeping Dept. 8am-4:30pm, Laundry Dept. 3:00pm11:30pm, Dish Stewards l 0:OOpm-6:00am, DNG. RM.Servers 6am-2/3pm, DNG. RM. Bussers 7am-2/3pm, Cocktail Server Flexible PM shift, Banquet Set-up 3pm-Flex., Front Desk Clerk- Flexible hours. Call 3371800.
The Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China is offering grants for social scientists and humanities research in China. Application is open to U.S. Citizens. For more information, see the Financial Aid Office. HOUSECLEANING- Someone needed for weekend or night work, one day a week, $7.00/hour. Call 688-3576. DANCE INSTRUCTOR- Ardmore YMCA is looking for a dance instructor for children's dance and other departments. Thursday afternoons. Pay based on experience. Call Linda at 649-0700. · MOTHERS HELPER- Live-in/Commuter to help child off to school and afterschool. Call 853-3263/365-8500(work). DRIVER- Someone to drive handicapped (epileptic) son, and staying with him. Sat. morning: 10-12:30; sometimes would want person to stay all weekend. If interested call, 688-5793/296-9795(work).
PRESCHOOL TEACHER AIDE- 6 monthsNovember 1990 through May 1991, 1:00 pm-6:00pm. daily. Experience with ages 2 l/2-6 years. Enthusiasm and love for young children required. Paid vacation and paid sick leave offered. Phone Mrs. Segal, the director at Rose Tree Day School, Monday thru Friday 10:00-4:30- 565-4505.
RECEPTIONIST- Part-time receptionist for Gallagher-Knatzer, 20 hours a week, $6./hr., general office skills, own transportation. Call Ruth 964-8722. LIFEGUARDSClub La Maison is looking for 2-3 certified lifeguards. Days available- mornings before 2- 7 days per week. Pay is negotiable. Call Howard Moore964-8800. TELEMARKETING POSITION- High pressure phone job, need organization and telephone skills- jewelry knowledge helpful. Monday thru Friday 9:30- 1:30pm, $8.00$8.50/hr. Call 265-5424.
PART-TIME-Customer service center in Wayne needs help, pays $6.-$6.50/hr., Call 688-5980. ART GALLERY - in Berwyn has an opening with flexible hours, 15-20 hrs. a week. $6-8/ hr. depending on experience. Call 644-4400. OPENING- M. Charles Producers Inc. in Upper Darby has hours available to work 5-9 Mon-Fri., 9:30-1 :30 Sat., $5./hr. Will be trained. Ca11352-1023. SALES- YDW Enterprises lets you sell the product of the 90's. You set your own hours. Contact Vonnie at 676-3590. KENNEL WORKER-Noexperiencenecessary, will train, must have a love for animals.' Hours are Monday thru Thrusday 9:00-1 :00. $5.-$6/hr. Call 688-1018.
friday, sept. 28, 1990
13 ~
Fitnessand ..vou
Virtually injury free, 'power' walking, _a national fitness craze by Dawn Timbario Walking for fitness, or power walking, has become a national craze. Many people are turning to this form of exercise because, unlike jogging and running, it is virtually injury free. Fitness walking is proven to be better than running because it does not place a heavy strain on the tendons of the foot and leg. The body can adjust to running only through sustained work-outs ofbrisl walking on a regular basis. There are some people, though, who do not view walking as a form of exercise they would enjoy. Matt McGeehan, junior, said "I play basketball, baseball, and other sports to stay in shape.'' Although less stressful than running, a brisk one hour walk bums about 300 calories. For many who are interested in getting in shape, walking should be their main exercise activity. Dena Biaocco, a former Cabrini student who is currently attending a local community college, said she used to walk around
campus last year with a friend. Many students possess an interest in walking but find themselves with very strict time limitations. '·r useo to walk around my high school track," Maria Toth said, sophomore, but she has not been able to find the time for walking while at college. There are recreational ways to make fitness walking fun. Volksmarches are walks normally cov-
volksmarches all over the United States in addition to 15 other countries. All events are free, and there is a special commemorative award available at a nominal cost for all who complete the event. Volksmarching is good exercise and encourages outdoor activities all yearround. Peopleof all ages and levels of physical fitness are urged to participate.
"You can do it at your own pace, there is no starting gun because it is not a race. - Dr.Carter Craigie, professor ering a distance of 10kilometers or 6.2 miles. Participants can begin the walk between 8 a.m. to 10a.m. The finish time for the volksmarch is5 p.m. Participants are free to walk at their own pace because the marches are non-competitive. In fact, everyone who finishes the march leaves a winner by receiving acertificate or medal of recognition. The American Volkssport Association (AV A) sponsors
Not only is this fitness walking event healthy and fun, but it allows for visitors to experience the diverse beauty and attractions of various regions. Dr. Carter Craigie, professor of English and communications, is a Baloney Stomper. The Baloney Stompers are a group of people who enjoy volksmarching as a way of sharing in the outdoors and possess an interest in walking. "You can do it at your own
pace,'' Craigie said. ''There is no starting gun because it is not a race." The absense of competitiveness is what makes the marches fun. When walking for fitness, it is important to dress properly. Dr. Lawrence Dorr, an orthopedic surgeon with the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic in Inglewood, California, specializes in JOtnt replacement and arthritis and wrote in USA Today that it is important to wear proper footwear. He recommended finding shoes with good arch and heel supports to protect the feet from constant pounding. ''The average women weighing 130 pounds exerts nearly 400 pounds of force on the knees with every step," wrote Dorr. Clothing is also an important element of fitness walking. The rule to remember is wear as little as possible. In the warm months, comfortable cotton clothing is recommended. When temperatures turn cooler, dress in layers so that the outer garments may be easily removed as the body warms.
CavalierGame Highlights A pair of firsts wereturned in last week• end by the men's cross country team at the Delaware State College Invitational. Chris Callinan, captured the individual honors as he lead the Cavs to the team championships. The rest of the Cavs finished as follows. Joel McGovern-9th, Paul Greenhalgh-10th, John A;;hton-l 2th, Bob Funnan~26th,John Fasolka- 30th, Dan Francis-40th, and Joe Schmidt-44th_ ~ The Lady Cavs alsoenjoyed a fineweekend as they captured three of five dual meets at the Cedar Crest Invitational. Suzanne Beck finished seventh overall with a time of 22: 10, Denise Tucker was ninth at 22:56, Jackie Albrecht took the 14th spot with a time of 24:16, Lori Staneruck was 16th with a mark of 24:23, and Jen Arnholt finished 23rd with a time of 29:31.
According to Craigie, proper volksmarching attire ranges from at-shirt and shorts in the summer to sweatshirts and sweats in the winter. According to Craigie, "Comfortable shoes are a must!" In learning how to fitness walk, it is important to perform a few warm-up exercises to guard against injury and prevent soreness. Begin at a comfortable, rythmic pace and maintain proper posture with each step. Allow the arms to swing normally and take long, deep breaths while walking to expand the lungs. Where to walk also plays a crucial role in walking for fitness. The walker should attempt to walk on stable and smooth surfaces. A void rough and uneven surfaces as well as quick stops and turns. The distance of each walk can be increased slightly with each day of exercise. Dorr said to begin walking at 20 minute intervals and gradually work the body up to one hour work-outs. It is beneficial to the heart if brisk walking is alternated periodically with slower strides.
Vollevballgetssecondwin of the season The Lady Cavs Volleyball squadcap-
Tennis dropsto 3-3 The Lady Cavs tennis team watched their record fall to 3-3 as they lost both matches during the past week. Philadelphia textilesent the Lady Cavs to defeat by 7-2 count and then ESAC foe Salisbury just edged the Lady Cavs 5-4. Lisa Rose wa.-1 the lone singles winner against Textile, while the doubles team of Karen.Bell and Kathleen D'Arnelio registered the lone doubles triumph. Highlighting the Salisbury State match were singles victories by MaryAnne Walker,and Erin McCarte. Doubles victories went to the teams of McCarte and Walktr, and Rose and Bell.
their second victory of the season as Soccer winning streak ends tured they routed Alvemia 3-0. The set scores were 15-0, 15-0,and 15-0. After running their winning streak to four Laurie MacAvoy led the way withl5 the Cavssoccerteam dropped a 6-0 verdict to spikes while Kathleen Rowan added 12 Frostburg State. spikes and 12 service aces. Glen Jaskelewicz tallied alt threegoals as The Lady Cavs didn't fare as well at the · the Cavs upended Widener 3-1 on WednesElizabethtown Tournamentas they dropped day, Sept 19th. all four of their contests. Jaskelewicz is the Cavs leading scorer as The Lady Cavs lost to William Patterhe has registered 12 goals and three assists son, Upsala, host Elizabethtown and Scranfor the season. ton University. Once again. MacAvoy was the leading spikerwith 17 kills, Rowan- added 13 kills and five aces.
FieldHockey suffers hardloss
Michele BaJlinghoff recorded the Lady Cavs only two goals as Cabrini Watched their record fan to 1-2 as they dropped a32 decision to lmmaculta.
Overallteam standings Soccer
Tennis Field Hockey Volleyball
3-3 1·2 2-11
COME ONE, COME ALL! -To see Neal Newman's production of "Life in the Theater" at 3pm on Saturday.
f riday, sept. 28, 1990
Women's .Tennis:Victories o_nthe rise By: Stephanie Ranieri Winning the ESAC championship will be a definite challenge for Cabrini's women's tennis team this season but with youth and dedication behind them, their chances for victory are on the rise. Each player has her own individual weakness to overcome before they, as a team, can make the championship become a reality. "I would like to improve my overheads,'' Celeste Eschbach,top player on the team,said. "I need to work on placing the ball," Susan Detrick, co-captain said. "The team lacks a steady lineup, communication, and team spirit," Gina Strobel, assistant coach, said. Being a former member of the team gives Strobel the advantage of not only ~ing the team through the eyes of coach, but of a player as well. ''The team members have a great deal of support for each
other," Strobel said. "Being a young team with no seniors is definately an asset as it gives us plenty of room to do nothing but grow." MaryAnn Walker and Joelle Spagnolia are the two upcoming freshman to watch, not only forth is season but for the seasons ahead as well. At present time, the tennis team's status is 3 and l . Cabrini sees their opposition as competitors and enjoys the thrill of the competition as well as the enjoyment of the game. "When you' re in a match, your mind is on the concentration of the game. It's hard to keep your mind focused on one thing, but your concentration is mainly focused on achieving good points," Lisa Rose,sophomore player,said. "We look at the opposition as competitors with the exception of Marywood and Eastern whom we see strictly as the enemy," Strobel said. If practice makes perfect then the chances for Cabrini to beat Frostburg are once again greatly
photo by Sue Roux
Lisa Rose, sophomore, returns a serve during Wednesday's game against Textile. Rose was the only cabrini player to win her match. enthusiasm," Day said. increased. Practices entail hard- Eschbach said. The Marywoodmatch proved The only improvements the working skills such as the dreaded Cabrini to be a formidable team. suicides, the death marches, and tennis team has seen this season Coach Day commended Karen was on the appearance, side acthe painstaking two on one drills. Bell and Kathy Da'Melio for thei'r Everything might look like it's cording to Eschbach. They are now outstanding perfomance at all falling into place for the tennis prepared to dress for their upcomMarywood. ''With team this season, but there are ing matches in new uniforms. •'Our top five players are solid team togetherness and confidence I still some improvements that can be made. and will hopefully be leading us think we have what it takes,'' Day ••I would like to see lights on the into the championships this sea- said. "We are a talented and tough competitors with a lot of heart.'' courts," Detrick said. "An son,'' Coach Day said.
additional two or three courts would be a great improvemnt,"
"Our team makes up for their lack of experience through their
GabriniMaseot:Why the Cavalierattitude? by Lisa Neuman Just as everyone is finally starting to get over their mourning of the summer's passing, Parents Weekend and Homecoming h_ave suddenly come upon Cabrini College. Everything necessary for autumn's most important tradition is in place: the alumni are ready, the parents are ready, the athletes and cheerleaders are ready, the students are ready, the Homecoming King and Queen are ready. What, then, could possibly be missing? Does anyone remember the Cabrini mascot? At the end of basketball season last year, the idea of creating a mascot became very appealing to a number of people. Showing support for the athletic program and pumping up school spirit were several reasons Angie Corbo, Student Government Association president at the time,decided to pursue this idea. '• It started after Angie attended a seminar on school spirit at the SGA conference we attended in Florida last November,'' -----------------,
Frank Emmerich, SGA president, said,' 'It became a personal project for her.'' It was a project that came about when a surprise anonymous donor came forward to provide Cabrini with a Cavelier costume. The only stipulation was that the mascot had to be elected by the student body, not handpicked by any individual or organization on campus. An election was held and a winner was selected by a student vote. of the students. That winner was Nick Ostrowski. "It was a novelty to be chosen," Ostrowski said, "but I haven 'tthe slightest idea what happened to the mascot. The last I heard about it was when I informally accepted the position last semester.'' According to John Dzik, Director of Athletics, a lack of communication was what happened to the mascot. ''Never talked to him," Dzik said. "I would have thought after the election he'd be in touch to talk about his role and responsibilities, but we never communicated. Then summer hit, and things never got off the ground." Since then, however, other factors have hindered the effort. The anonymous donor has withdrawn support, not out of ill will toward the college, but because the person has "fallen into financial difficulty, and is not in the position at this time to donate the money,'· Dzik said. Ostrowski has begun to lose interest in the endeavor, "because of so much wasted time. I don't even know exactly who my adviser is supposed to be. Nothing has been done to forward this. The total operation has been stagnant since the end of the election,'' he said. When Ostrowski was elected, the financial support was there to fund a costume. However, Ostrowski was never fitted. "No one ever got in touch with me,'' he said.
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SGA has not been notified about why the mascot never materialized. "It was assumed that Dzik had ordered the costume, but by the end of the year it hadn't been ordered. I hadn't heard anything, but I thought things were under way,'' Emmerich said. - Reviving the mascot is not completely out of SGA's hands, but the organization might need to relobby to get it back off ground. Now that the lack of mascot has been brought to Emmerich's attention, the issue will be brought up at the next meeting for discussion. ''We were really excited about it last year. It looked like we'd have a mascot for this year. It is a shame that right now it looks like we like we won't have one for the fall season and Homecoming," Emmerich said. In addition to the lack of communication between Dzik and Ostrowski and the withdrawal of financial support, the third factor hindering the debut of a mascot is the budget watch. Due to the restriction of spending, the funds are currently not available for a costume, which would cost approximately $500. "I can't in good faith allocate that amount of money at this time. When I get the funding for it, there will be a mascot," Dzik said. The support for the mascot is still present. "It gives the school ~omeone to follow behind, which giv~s the school more spirit, which it desperately needs," Joe Hvizdos, senior, said. Cheerleading captain Barb Millaway was also looking forward to having a mascot and had already made plans to integrate the mascot into the squad's performances. "We learned cheers at cheerleading camp in which we would work with the mascot. We were really excited about it,'' Millaway said. "I think we need one."
Sophomore Christine Cambria recently began taking steps to create a spirit club to rally support at home games. A mascot would be beneficial to both her and the new club. "Once you have a mascot, it gives students more incentive to come out and support the teams," Cambria said. "The
"I feel likethe school used me like a tissue. servedtheir purposefor the time being. They blew their nosein me and threw me away. I've neverfelt so used in my life." -Nick Ostrowski,
senior mascot would make the games more fun to go to, more entertaining." According to both Dzik and Emmerich, there is the possibility of the new spirit club fundraising for the needed money to create the costume. By the time the money is found, however, it may take some prodding to get Ostrowski to accept the position. "I want him to do it, I really do," Millaway said. " It would be good if he did it; it would make a big difference.'' ''I want someone to do it who has the time and the interest," Dzik said. How does Ostrowski feel? "I feel like the school used me like a tissue. I served their purpose for the time being. They blew their nose in me and threw me away. I've never felt so used in my life."
f riday. sept. 28 7.1990
Athlete of the week
Poljevka.courageous, determined by Melissa von Siegel Fierce determination, strong dedication, and an ability to motivate oneself and others are among the qualities that the athletic selection board believes makes Rose Poljevka, a senior from Collingswood, New Jersey, this week's athlete of the week. Poljevka, who has been playing field hockey since her freshman year, almost didn't come back for this season. Last Oct. 29, on a Sunday night, Poljevka was driving back to Cabrini from the hospital at which she was treated for a hand injury that occurred in the previous day's game, when at 10:30 p.m., she was hit by a drunk driver. Physical injuries included a punctured lung, a fractured clavicle·(collarbone), four broken ribs, several head wounds, plus internal bleeding. Poljevka also suffered a loss of memory; when she woke up in the hospital, she did not remember the accident at all and thought she was still being treated for her hand. She has vague memories of an ambulance and seeing a priest standing over her in the hospital. "That's when I got scared." said Poljevka. "I really thought I wasn 'tgoing to make it."
However, Poljevka pulled through and began the long road to recovery. Her doctors voiced what she herself was afraid of--she may never play hockey again. Poljevka became determined not to give up and decided that her long-term goal would be to play hockey again. This goal, combined with the support and encouragement of her family, friends, and teachers, are what she believes helped her to recover. She also cites her teammates and hockey coach, Mimi Greenwood. •'They gave me the motivation to fight and recover,'' said Poljevka, recalling the many cards, phone calls and the time the entire team snuck up the backstairs in the hospital to see her and decorated her room. "It meant so much to me," Poljevka said, holding a stuffed dog with a religious medal attached that Coach Greenwood had given to her. Poljevka was in therapy for eight months, five of which she spent at Sports Physical Therapists, Inc. in Wayne. Pa., one of several sports medicine centers headed by Pat Croce, trainer for the Philadelphia 76ers, Phillies, and Flyers. She attended sessions there two hours a day, three days a week.
"Rose had severely restricted motion in her right hand and shoulder and was in a lot of pain," said Kim Fogarty, a physical therapist at Sports Physical Therapists, Inc. Fogarty described Poljevka as "very dedicated" and upon her discharge had ''regained full range of motion as well as strength in her right shoulder and hand." Poljevka notes that Fogarty and the other therapists who worked with her were full of encouragement. But, Poljevka said, "It was a lot of hard work. Sometimes I pushed myself too hard and became very frustrated.'' As with most accidents, Poljevka experienced physical as well as mental strain. She was bothered by nightmares caused by inner anger and frustration at the person who hit her, depression, and hallucinations caused from becoming addicted to her medication. After completing her therapy with Fogarty, Poljevka knew she · would have to continue to work in order to get back in shape for hockey. Over the summer, she regularly went to the gym, rode her bike ten miles per week, and was a swimming instructor in her neighborhood. The program paid off, as
Rose Poljevka, athlete of the week.
she rejoined her team at summer camp this past August. Poljevka, whose position on the team is right half-back, noticed that two of the offensive players from last year had transferred and asked coach Mimi Greenwood if she could help out. •'L always wanted to play offense. Mimi said, although it may
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take awhile, I could try it," said Poljevka. ••She made a remarkable recovery from last year," Greenwood said, also noting Poljevka 's leadership qualities as serving as captain of the team for both this year and last. Her teammates, as well, are pleased to see Poljevka back in action. "Being co-captain with her means a lot to me," said Bridget Collins, senior. "We're two different personalities--! tend to yell and scream sometimes where Rose is more quiet while still getting the job done. There is a time for each personality,'' said Collins. "She's one of the most courageous people I know," said Michelle Ballinghoff senior, Poljevka's teammate, roommate. and friend for four years. The team also appreciates the level of skill Poljevka brings to the field. "She's very quick and determined," said Michelle Montgomery, sophomore. Although freshmen Kerry McGillan and Mary Chris Curci have not known her long, they, too, recognize her talent and drive. "She's very aggressive and has excellent stickwork,'' said McGillan. Curci added that Poljevka "al ways gets us pumped up forthe game." In regard to being named athlete of the week, Poljevka was both very surprised and excited. Though she's come a long way, she feels she "can do better." 'Tm lucky to be alive. ltook so much for granted before and being that close to death .. .l know I can overcome any problem now,'' Poljevka said. Having completed her long-term goal, Poljevka was asked if she had any other aspirations for this year. "Well, to catch up and graduate on time," Poljevka said. "Also, it would really top it off if we could go all the way. It would be like a dream come true."
f riday, sept. 28, 1990
Coach suspends11' soccerpfayers by Denise Edwards and Chris Pesotski On Tuesday Sept. 25, 11 members of the men's soccer team were suspended from playing in Wednesday.'s game against Misericordia. According to Athletic Director John Dzik, the reasons for suspension stemmed from an incident which occurred during an away game against Frostburg State University in Maryland on Saturday Sept. 22 . . Seniors, Ralph Romano and Mike Long, juniors, Joe Cavaliere and Bill DiRita, and sophomores Eric Burke, Matt Capone, Michael Connor, Kevin Gaherty, Glen Jaskelewicz, Jeff MaGee, and Matt Schlegelmilch, were suspended for breaking team rules, the Cabrini code of conduc~nd leaving a van in unsatisfactory condition, head soccer coach Duncan Hubley said. All of the suspended players rode in one of the two vans which returned from the game. Coach Hubley was not present on the van which contained the suspended players. Hubley supervised the other van, which contained aJI freshman team members. A team member confirmed that drinking of alcoholic beverages did occur on the van trip between Frostburg and Cabrini.
9/20 9/22 9/24
2 0 0
Cabrini Cabribi
by J.P: Raynock Widener Frostburg
1 0
Field Hockey Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
lmmaculata 3 Marywood 1 Eastern 3
Volleyball Cabrini
Women's Tennis 9/21 9/23
2 5
Cabrini Cabrini
Textile Salisbury
7 4
Men's Cross Country 9/22
1st place, Cabrini Del.St.Col. Inv.
Women's Cross Country 9/22
Cedar Crest Inv.
15 15 15 28 44
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
Alvernia 50 Centenary 50 Eastern 50 Cedar Crest27 Muhlenburg16
Schedule 9/29
Sat. Sat.
9/29 10/1
Fi~ld Hockey Penn.St. Widener
home 10:30 home 4pm
Volleyball Sat. 9/29 Sun. 10/2 Tue. 10/4
Del. Val. Col. home Rosemont home West Chester home
1pm 6pm 7pm
Women's Tennis Sat. 9/29 Sat. 10/1 Mon. 10/3
Alvernia Rosemont Allentown
home away home
1pm 4pm 4pm
Women's & Men's Cross Country Sat.
In 1988, Cabrini College began the Grace Hall renovation program. In addition to renovating Grace Hall, the program also included plans for roadwork, a new parking lot, new tennis courts, and a new athletic field. The roads, tennis courts, and parking lot are completed and operational. The athletic field, however, is still not usable. According to John Dzik, athletic director, the new field is not usuable because the dimensions do not meet tile National Collegiate Athletic Assosiations (NCAA) minimum specifications for soccer fields. Although there is enough playing area, there is not any space on the sidelines or endlines. •'There are no provisions for goals, stands, and other equipment necessary for intercolligiate play," said Dzik. However, the main concern is for the safety of student athletes. Immediately beyond the north end is an earthen wall, and at the south end the field runs into a ditch. "There's not enough margin for safety," said Dzik. •'As athletic director with responsibility for the safety of student athletes, I
don't feel it's safe."
Soccer Sat.
Photo by Chns Pesotsk,
Soccer coach , Duncan Hubley
leave new soccerfield·unused
Results 3 6
a known fact." Dean of Students, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, said he supported Coach Hubley's decision. "I believe it was handled effectively by the athletic department," Bonfiglio said. He did not believe any further action would be necessary. Despite the suspensions of upperclassmen, the soccer team beat the College of Misericordia 3-2 , in overtime. The squad which made the Misericordia trip was headed by senior co-captain Steve Buv idas, who did not play at Frostburg. Eleven freshmen and a sophomore rounded out the team. •'I believe my punishment was fair and fit the violation," Hubley said. "Winning today without them (the suspended players) made the punishment more effective." "They learned their lesson," Buvidas said of the suspended players. "The team broughtthem back a 'W' and that's the most important thing of all.'' Freshman Jason Paolini scored two of the Cav's three goals. The victory upped the team's record to 6-4. The suspensions issued by Hubley were in effect for the Misericordia game and will not extend to this weekend's Homecoming clash with Wesley.
Buckpassing,communication gaps,
9/19 9/22
Dave Thompson, sophomore, was the driverof the suspended van. Thompson was not named in any disciplinary action. After talking with Thompson, Dzik was satisfied that he was not involved in any of the violations and agreed· with Hubley's decision not to suspend Thompson. Reggie Day, coach of the women's tennis team, said that his team was delayed an hour the next day because the van was left dirty by the soccer team. Day likened the smell of the van to that of a garbage truck. "Maybe I found a couple of things I shouldn't have found," Day said. Day said the security department made a report on the condition of the van. According to a college employee, among the items removed from the van Sunday morning was a crushed beer can. Other trash from the van was chewing tobacco, spit balls, athletic tape, junk food wrappers and food. "This was not the first tiine," Hubley said, "and (it's) definitely not the last. Every year they need to be reminded and reprimanded.' ' Hubley did not deny that drinking occurs on van trips. "They could have been drinking," Hubley said, "but I wasn't on the van. Drinking has occurred in the past. It's
Phil. Met. Meet away 11am
Dzik also said that the athletic department was never consulted while the field was in the planning stages. "Discussions and questions never came my way," said Dzik. Because of the lack of space for bleachers, t~ere was some speculation that the field was designed to be a practice field only. Anthony Brocchi, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, said he could not comment on whether or not the field was intended for practice only, as he has only been at Cabrini since April 1989. However, he said "To my understanding it was to be the gamefield." William Battles, Vice President of Institutional Advancement when the plans were being drawn, would not comment on the original intentions for the site. When called at his office_,Battles said "I really don't have time to answer any questions. I don't
The begining construction of the new ,unusable athletic field in October of 1988. recall anything. Talk to Dan Dagit - he was the architect.'' According to Michael Caranfa, Director of Physical Plant, the plans fit the field site when they were drawn. "(There was) only a two foot rise over 20 feet a~ designed by the architect at the north end of the field," Caranfa said. However, the parking lot needed fill, so it was taken from the soccer field site, thus increasing the slope at the north end. •'The design was feasible until they dropped that wall," Caranfa said. According to Caranfa, the school saved $123,000 by taking fill from the field site rather than hauling in fill. Dan Dagit, architect for the project, said that the field meets minimum NCAA requirements for intercollegiate soccer play. According to Dagit, the book,' 'Planning Facilities for Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation," states that intercollegiate soccer fields "be rectangular and not more than 120 yards in length and not less than
I 00, and the width not more than 75 yards and not less than 65 yards. The recommended size is 120 yards by 75 yards." Dagit said the field met those criteria. As for charges that there is no room for bleachers, Dagit said, "Nobody asked for anything other than a soccer field. As for bleachers, they can be built in the bank and put on the other side. The criteria was to ~et a soccer field out there and that's what you have.'' According to Brocchi, there has been discussion as to fixing the field, but ''to be honest I got mixed signals from different people." "It's not going to cost anything to extend it (the south end of the soccer field)," Caranfa said. ''Maybe a little grass seed, but that's it." According to Caranfa the "field will be seeded this fall. It's already staked and ready to be filled in." Caranfa indicated that the field should be ready by next year.