f riday, oct. 5, 1990
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
vol. xxxvii, no. 5
Graduatestu·dies enrollment -~doubles for·fall by Joseph Buda
Anne Bonfiglio,.(Jaughtt1r of Oean,of Studtmts,Dr. RobertBardigliomeets,the Domino's PizzaNoid-duringtheParents,Weekena floatpartldft,Fo, morecoverage andphctos of Pitenis W8!Jkend 1990;ses ~ eight.:,tJ nlrfe~ I · . . ' ·.
Co-op divisionshowsresults by John Gay
The office of Cooperative Education began its fourth year of operation this fall, placing 47 students in paid career-related experiences. Cooperative education (co-op) is available to all students who have completed 45 credits and have
earned at least 15 of them at Cabrini. The students must also be in good academic standing with a grade point average of at least 2.0. James Loftus, director of cooperative education, sees the program as a "win-win situation for the college. We're making contacts with employers. We 're giving students work experience. They're
acquiring credits and making money on the job, so it's a good avenue for selling the college to prospective students,' • Loftus said. The program is open to all majors, with students from 15 out of 16 departments being placed in more Co-op on 11
The Graduate Studies program at Cabrini College has been expanded, in both student and course size, for the 1990-1991 academic year. The Graduate Studies program at Cabrini College consists of two full-time faculty members and two administrative assistants. Dr. Jack McGovern and Dr. Marty Waring-Chaffee are the two fulltime faculty members and Nancy Malone and Maura Gustafson are the two administrative assistants. According to McGovern, director of the .graduate studies program since January, enrollment has "jumped" from 155 students and 202 registrations in September 1989 to 207 students and 276 registrations in September 1990. McGovern also added that in September 19 9 there \1;ere43 new students as opposed to 72 new students in September 1990. The number of courses. according to McGovern, has also increased. In September 1989, there were 11 courses, whereas, as of September 1990, 14 courses were offered. The new courses now offered by Graduate Studies are "Creating a Community of Readei:s,•· "Literature for Children and Youth," "Qualitative Research," and ''Writing Curriculum and Designing Instructional Programs." According to the '' Addendum to Graduate Catalog-1990," the ''Writing Curriculum and Designing Instructional Programs•' course are designed to teach the writing and planning of educating a learner
in a planned course while being able to identify the learner's needs. The "Literature for Children and Youth" course is offered as an introduction to the oral and modem traditions of children's literature, from nursery rhymes, myths, epics, and legends, which are designed to enhance the i~agination of today's children, to children's literaturepicture books, fiction and nonfiction, and fantasy. The "Creating a Community of Readers" course is based on literacy, language, and learning from first through ninth grades. It shows how rea ing and writing are important and efficient learning tools when used together, and how they create a more meaningful learning experience when used together. The last of the new graduate courses. · 'Qualitative Research,'· has been added to the core curriculum of Graduate Studies for those beginning their course work Jan. 1990 and after. The course is designed to allow students to theoretically research their own classrooms, research their own school settings, or research learners. The courses were added because, according to McGovern, "We wanted a way to strengthen the program academically.'' "We also wanted to make things more creative for our graduate students,·• McGovern said. Carla Skuuchas, a graduate student, said that she is trying to obtain certification and take graduate studies courses at the same more Grad on 12
New tenure plan under debate by Bob Healey Professors at Cabrini College and schools across the country strive for one common goal, receiving tenure. ''It is the most important professional thing that happens to them,·' Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice president of academic affairs, said. This year at Cabrini the process by which a professor receives tenure is under proposed reform. According to Dr. Mar-
garet Reher, chairperson of AFRAT, the Committee on Academic Freedom, Rank, and Tenure, the Board of Trustees has not yet gathered to vote on the changes, but these changes appear imminent. Under the new policy, 'AFRAT will be abolished and two new committees will operate. .. AFRAT will be dismissed and more Tenure on 6 Many tenured faculty are noted for outspoken views.
photo by Frank Emmerich
inside perspectives .. 2, 3, 4
Parents Weekend:
Szabo attacks the
news ........ 5, 6, 11, 12
A collage of family
state of Cabrini
features ... 7, 8, 9, 10
and campus unity
sports .. 13, 1~, 15, 16
(page 8 & 9)
(page 14)
A new Germany This past Wednesday the re-unification of Germany took place with relative little notice in the West or among college students in general. But those who noticed are worried. The culmination of over 40 years of Marshall Plari assistance coupled with the fall of Eastern Europe has instantly created the fourth richest country in the world. The economic clout of West Germany combined with the new influx of East German blood gives the descendants of Prussians control of their own destiny for the first time since 1932. What was thought of ludicrous even one year ago, is now happening with the assistance of the United States government, the ignorance of the American people, and the apprehensions of Europe. What does the future hold for a unified, larger and stronger Germany? Will the new Germany be a "Fourth Reich" spreading power through economic clout? For many Europeans the very word 'German can cause a shudder as vivid memories of Hitler, and general state aggression mark their psyche. Or will the new Germany be the model state of an ever changing European climate? The very model of American democracy? With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, Germany (as well as all of Europe) has come to the realization that its destiny is no longer controlled by the rival superpowers of the United States and Soviet Union. The rise of Germany's nationalistic culture and pride is just an evolution of four decades of support, not the second coming of the Third Reich. Germany'has been denied the right to nationalism through the hands of its past. With the daily guilt trip the nation has endured through self-affliction (World War II and Nazi horrors are daily lessons for West German youth) , and the surrounding community, Germany is ready to be a player in the new century. Germany's trouble lies in its past. While emphasizing the future, the reunified Germany will be the most severely checked nation-state of all time. Israel wants a stake in re-unification terms, the Soviet Union (which has lost an estimated 26 million to German aggression in WWII) remains influential in the process, and Poland (which is invaded on a generational clip by Germany) is illustrating border claims today. The fears of the above nations are warranted. But the new Germany starts with a clear screen and fresh slate. With this system of checks and balances and the guidance of the United State_:;,Germany could be the great successful experiment. West Germany is the end result of postwar shuffling and self-interest by the United States. Riding the seas of neutrality for the first time since 1945, the new Germany will hold unprecedented economic clout, a la that of the United States in the 1800s. It was in Berlin this week, and not in the deserts of Saudi Arabia, that the futures of young Americans were sculpted. If the idea of political ideology doesn't get your mind ticking, than the following thought will. A strong German-American tie could directly affect the economic well being of this nation. In other words, your wallet will swell or shrink based on the events of Oct. 3. And if that doesn't get our minds ticking, nothing will. THE.8ERL11\J \../ALL COM1NC,!)OWN!
fridaXzoct. 51 1990
You need a break today stand up any longer. Don't worry if your roommate walks in on this tirade. You'll both get a good laugh, melissa although you'll never be permitted to live landsmann this incident down. assistant One of the things we should be taking the time out to enjoy is the people around us. news editor . When we look back ten years from now, we may not remember who said what at which The life of a college student is spent meeting (and we definitely wilJ not care), running from meetings, to classes, to work. but we will remember the people we spent We run until we are exhausted, then we grab our four years with at Cabrini. They are the a few hours of sleep and wake up only to start stuff memories are made out of. the whole process over again. Living for the The people we pass each day in the weekend, in the hope of having a few min- hallway, sit next to in class, or share the utes to slow down, becomes s:ommonplace. bathroom with are going to be the people we With all this jogging going on, taking any remember in ten years. They will be if we time out for ourselves is non-existent. We take the time to get to know them and have rarely let ourselves have the treat of some fun with them instead of just saying, watching our favorite program on television "Hi! How are you?" and then not even (who am I kidding. The last time I watched bother to listen for the response as we rush television, MASH was my favorite show, to our next class or wherever it is that we andldon'tmeaninreruns either). We can't happen to be rushing. afford to listen to our favorite tape because These years should be filled with more we have too much to do. There simply aren't than just stress, they should be fun. Fun? enough hours in the day. How can we have fun when we have not Every time we make a to-do list, we write slept for three days and we have to read 12 down all the meetings, assignments, people chapters for tomorrow? (Oh, by the way, to see, and places to go, but we never include consider enrolling in a time management a section of things we should be doing for class). ourselves. All of our responsibilities are If we are not having fun, the only person outlined by our lovely list (approximately a wehaveto blameis ourselves. Wereallydo n:iile in length) and, yet, we include nothing create it all. We create our fun. And, believe on that list about the person we are most it or not, it's true that we create our own responsible for--ourselves, stress. Stress and tension do not have to rule Things like talcing a walk, calling an old our lives--not unless we let them. friend, and writing that letter are put on the In this fast-paced world, we have to train back burner. The things that we should be ourselves to slow down and take a break doing for ourselves become last in impor- from it all once in awhile. Sometimes we tance after all the "more important" com- have to sleep in, skip a class (you did not hear that from me), lock the door and not answer mitments. What else could be more important than the telephone. ourselves? Why do we keep putting ourIf we don't start making time for ourselves last until we feel run-down and burnt selves soon, the only part of ourselves that out? We should be our most important prior- will remain by the end of this semester will ity and, yet, we don't even give ourselves be an empty shell of the fun person we used enough time to breathe. to be. We rationalize all of this and say that we· 11 Stop running and take the time out for a take the time during the weekend. And, a nice, slow-paced walk. You'll be surprised totally new to- list is more than long enough at how much you've been missing! to match the all too short length of the weekend. ' It never seems to end, does it? No, and it is not going to end until we stop it. We must start looking out for ourselves Editor-in-chief: Carlo Iacono because we are the only people who know Managing Editor: Jennifer Morrison our own limitations and we must make sure News Editor: Chris Pesotski that we do not overstep these limits. Assistant News Edilor: MeHssa Landsmann As backwards as this may sound, we have Perspectives Editor: Sharlene Sephton to force ourselves to relax. These are the best years of our lives, Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed according to our parents. It's hard to enjoy Spor1s Editor: Denise Edwards them when we are pulled in so many differ- Copy Editor: Andrea Atmonavage ent directions that we begin to feel more like Business Manager: Kim Marshall, Michelle Merger, and Lisa Rose a piece of play dough than a college student. Our stress builds up until we feel as if we are Photography Edilor: Frank Emmerich going to explode if we have to take much Assistant Photography Editor: Lisa Lindley more. Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigie When that stressed-out feeling starts creep- Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek ing up on us, we should take at least 15 Staff: Matthew Brush, Joseph Buda, Rita S. Cellucci, Karen minutes (more time if the stress level is l.)umorney, William Fulton, John Gay, Robert Healey, Matt Hodlofski, Kimberly Keck, Karen Kerchusky, Kimberly Leblang, especialJy high) to go somewhere and get Lorraine Marie Lill, Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Kim Marsi:,all, Jennifer Melchiorre, Alexandra l. Napoleon, Lisa away from it all. Neuman, Amanda Pttcher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Raynock, Directions on how to handle a panic at- Frank Sciolla, Dawn Timbario, Missy von Siegel, Charles tack: go immediately to your bedroom or Waterfall. Staff: Heather Clisham, Ivan Domazet Matt some other suitable place, making sure not to Photography Forman. John Gay, Mark Gudas, Kim Kojeski, Edd McNamee, stop for anything or anybody--you are Judi Panasik, Garin Pesotski, Chris Pesotski, Sue Roux, Charles Waterfall. · liable to say or do something that you did Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students not intend. Hang a do not disturb sign on of Gabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone:215-971-8412. your door. Go directly to the radio and turn Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and sludent fees. on your favorite song. The edttorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of Now (here's where it gets silly), dance 1he student editorial staff and 1he individual wrtters and around the room singing at the top of your not the entire student body or thel faculty and administration. lungs until youJall on the floor in exhaustion Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited. robust free and open discussion of or you are laughing so hard thaqmu cannot issues.
---------.-... A. QE.UNITEt>
il,MA.Wl\1'Jl> A CONF1 IHllUI JA,PAN ! ovQ R ST"llATE.c,'I A Svcc SI~! A s11cdSS8
f riday, oct. 5, 1990
:o.p1nions. Spoiling or starving the children of the world by Lorraine Marie Lill Parents weekend was great for me this year. My parents just left campus . to start their long ride home. They left me here once again, feeling tremendously happy, but lonely. I won't see them again until Thanksgiving vacation. I'm one of those.unfortunates who live too far away to have mom pick me up. whenever I want to go home. I lack the use of a car so I have no convenient way of getting home ifl should long for the hug only mom'can give. What can I say, I'm Cabrini boundl At first I didn't know why I felt like writing after my parents left. I knew something was bothering me, but I couldn't figure out what it was. After sitting around for awhile, shooting the breeze with a
few friends, I began to realize what my· tuition. They work night and Many children in the world was nagging at me. Love, sacri- day just so I can get the education have not even had a loving family, fice, giving, and simply caring I want. When I call home they let alone a college education. People were the feelings and emotions I always sound worn out. I hang the don't realize what they really have. wanted to express. The feelings phone up feeling sad because I can't When I was younger I thought parents have for their children. do more to help with my own tui- everyone had a family like mine. Feelings and Now that I am away emotions I from my safe, Everyone beginsas·a baby.It as ourjob to secure have experifamily enced my environment,! see make sure that the babies don'tdie as entire life. the need for love babies. These are a that many children few thip.gs I don't have. can honestly admit to being spoiled tion. Children are the source of life! by. Unfortunately, not every child They tell me that they are Without children, what are y,e? in the world can say the same. happy helping me with my educa- Without the shining smile of a My parents have sacrificed their tion. They wouldn't want things to child, what is happiness? The entire life for me. They clothed be any different. My parents love greatest gift God has ever given to me, fed me, and kissed the bruise me and I love them. •I will get my the world is life! Everyone begins on my knee to help take the pain education and some day I will give as a baby. It as our job to make sure away. Whenever I called out to to them everything they have given that the babies don't die as babies. them they were always around to to me. It will be their tum to Children are starving, not only in answer me. Now that I am in col- receive and my tum to have the third world countries, but in Amerlege, every cent they earn goes to pleasure of giving. ica, in Center City.
We complain about the cafeteria food being disgusting. We go shopping to buy new clothes, perhaps for lack of nothing better to do. We even get angry at our parents at times because we ask for something that our parents can't give us immediately. We are snobs! I do these things, we all do. The next time you're grossed out by the food in the cafeteria, think about the children who haven't had anything to fill their stomachs all day. The children who have no money to jump in the car and drive to the Gap to buy the latest style clothes. The children who have no one to cry out to. Appreciate what you have because you could have been born in their place. Born into a life of abuse and hunger. Children are our future leaders, love them, for without them, what will the future hold?
PersianGulf crisissymptomatic of American lite Over the last six weeks I have been engaged in a battle with my conscience as to whether it would be prudent (George Bush Vocabulary Word #456) to write a commentary on the current situation in lraqKuwait. Any positive commentary is likely to be seen as flag-waving, while any negative commentary is liable to be seen as unpatriotic, and since I am already on the YoungRepublican's hit list, I am little leery of appearing an-American. However, as "Operation Desert Shield" (better known as "Operation Let's Keep The Price Of Gasoline Below $ 1.50 A Gallon'') is now firmly entrenched in the sands of Saudi Arabia, I feel that my personal honeympon on attacking George Bush is over so here goes ... Let's review the crisis for those of us who don't remember why U.S. troops are where they are. On August 2, Saddam Hussein and his band of Merry Murderers from Iraq, invaded Kuwait,acountry the size of Radnor (give or take a few hundred miles). "Who lives in Kuwait?" you may ask. Well, to keep it simple and true, Kuwaitis populated by a slew of billionaires supported by the country's oil industry which is run on the backs of a peasant-slave class of Palestinians, Indians, and anyone else who is not a billionaire. Kuwait provides oil to just about everyone in the world except the United States-so,of course George Bush was the first one to volunteer U.S. assistance so the Japanese won't freeze their tails off this winter. With friendly neighbor like Hussein next door, Saudi Arabia decided it was a pretty good idea to avoid becoming unemployed billionaires like the Emir of Kuwait, so King Fahd invited U.S. troops into Saudi Arabia ... and, in a nut shell, that's the story. Now, the complaints: First of all I must confess that my biggest gripe has nothing to do with Bush. For six weeks· my television screen has been inundated with the image of that annoying Iraqi news anchor who looks like he's never wearing pants and bears a striking resemblance to Hussein himself. This man's name is Mikclad Morad, but I've been calling him Faziq alMeshuga because I know he'd appreciate having a Yiddish name. I have been forced to watch Faziq rant and
bill firman rave about the American presence in Saudi Arabia for weeks on end. If for no other reason, the United States should launch an all-out offensive on Iraq with the express purpose of force-feeding this man two ExLax so that he may cheer up. Enough about Faziq and onto serious matters. For all of you out there waving your flags and saying wonderful slogans like, "Nuke 'em," and "Don't Give Us A Reason," (thank you, noted pacifist, Hank Williams Jr.) keep a few things in mind. First, there are over 150,000 United States soldiers, most of them our age, sweating their noses off in the desert so that you and I don't have to walk to WaWa- an oversimplification, I grant you, but the point rings true. The United States did not invest this much energy because the Emit of Kuwait is a real Fresh Prince (pun intended) and Bush doesn't like to see his friends evicted from their palaces. Nor did the United States risk renewed terrorist attacks because the State Department feels Ki111tFahd is a real radical dude and we'd hate to see him work for a living. After six weeks or so, it is time to stop the cheering and do some serious thinking about what is happening in our world- it's not mommy and daddy's world anymore folks, it's people like you and me roasting in Saudi Arabia, risking a lot more than getting caught breaking parietals. Where is Kuwait? Many of us, I'm sure not all, realize that it is not an island off the coast of Iowa (I defy you to find an island there). Kuwait is a long ways away- you couldn't walk it. So what's the big deal if an anal retentive like Hussein wants to swallow up Kuwait to keep himself busy? The reason we are on the verge of war in the Persian Bulf is because President Bush knows very few things, but one of them is oil. It's what made his family rich. The oil fields
in Kuwait, in Iraqi hands, is not a pleasing thought. The idea of Saudi oil fields in Hussein's hands doesn't help Bush sleep any better. We are not in the Persian Gulf because Saddam Hussein violated international law, but because this man poses a vile and serious threat to the economic, and therefore, political well-being of this nation. And I don't find anything wrong with that reason. I happen to think it is vitally important to protect the oil wells of the world from anyone who still dresses like Fidel Castrobut do you want to die for it? Ask yourself this question and it is no longer a slew of "Nuke 'em" slogans because it could very well be your blood that greases the wheel of our economic system. This crisis is very real and we have only ourselves to blame. Who do you think provided Saddam Hussein with much of his military and economic assistance during his eight year war with Iran- the United States. I suppose the Reagan administration figured he just wanted to use the mustard gas as an air freshener. Don't be fooled by this crisis in the Persian Gulf. I do not attempt to argue that
Hussein should be allowed to run all over the Middle East like a 16-year-old with a Playboy. The point is, don't forget that the only reason we should be there is to protect our interests. Those interests do not include the well-being of the wealthy oil men from Kuwait who are now shacked up fo the Saudi Arabia Motel 6. The Kuwaitis are not the most popular folks among fellow Arabs- nor are the Saudis. The last thing the United States needs to do is cause a pan-Arab Backlash which would unite the non-wealthy Arab world in a religious jihad. Our goals should be to get Hussein out of Kuwait and Iraq (maybe make him the mayor of Philadelphia) and then get the hell out of the region and let the Arabs decide what they want to do. We have nothing to gain from spending six months to a year in the desert except a nice tan and the animosity of the world. So, rally around your President and support the boys abroad as you fill up the tank next time. Let us just hope and pray for a quick and painless solution to a problem whose outcome just might make us feel like giving up the car and walking to WaWa.
W£POTIN 71/EBo'l'Co i7;
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f ridav3 oct. 5 3 1990
Parents Weekend success not a singular effort To the editor: I would like to thank all those who helped make Parents Weekend 1990 a success. 1n the absence of a director of student activities in the early stages of planning Parents Weekend, several members of the college administration graciously offerred to help wherever they could. l would Iike to extend my appreciation to Dean of Students Robert Bonfiglio; student services staff Maggie Line and Anita Pesot; Alumni Affairs Director Martha Dale; Alumni Affairs Assistant Kay Mosko; Director of Public Relations Karen Berlant; Director of Development Mary Ellen Herzog; and Sr. Bernadette Anello, campus ministry. I would also like to thank Director of Student Activities Jennifer Marks-Gold, - who from her very first day at Cabrini,
Movie. Night will be held every Thursday at 9 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall.
jumped in enthusiastically to the preparations of the event. All the members of Kappa Sigma Omega deserve a standing ovation for their hard work behind the scenes. It did not go unnoticed. I would especially like to congratulate and thank the committee chairpersons- of the weekend. Denise Edwards, Jacquelyn Lashay, Karen Boyle, Kelly Reed, Mary Shimkus, April DuHadaway, Ellen Battersby and Jennifer Morrison gave jt their all from the very first meeting in February until the very last detail was completed. My hat is off to all of them.and I thank them for all their help, support and friendship. Together we made Parents • Weekend 1990 a success.
Sincerely, Kelly Ann McGillan Presidellt, Kappa Sigma Omega
Student keeps faith in financial aid staff To the editor: Despite reading the numerous rebuttles concerning the financial aid department's "danish hour," I am still compelled to add my own comments. I was not satisfied with the attitude conveyed by the rebuttles in last week's Loquitur, all of which were written by officers of the department. ln my opinion, because of their positions, their reactions were toned down. Ms. Arlene Dittbrenner, director of financial aid,may be the mostcaring,compassionate, officer at this school. She is a very busy woman, yet always finds the time to meet with troubled students. Also, she has a most capable staff that does not misinform students. What the staff says is always correct.
In reference to the "danish hour," at this time of budget watching, the financial aid department is watched as closely as any other. Coupling that with the start of school occupies Ms. Dittbrenner's time. If she had the time to spend with everyone she would. Sometimes, she doesn't, and this is why she has such a capable staff. Ms. Arlene Dittbrenner and her staff make the financial aid office the most efficient, we11-run office in this school. In the future., I suggest that if you have a scheduling problem with any office you should have more patience and try to keep it out of the newspaper and not pad your "gossip hour."
Dean's Fall Holiday is Monday, Oct. 8. Classes will not be held on this day. Campus offices will remain open. Van Service will be operating on an abbreviated schedule. For more informatjon about the schedule, stop by student services. Cabrini is hosting the W::iyneArt Center's ninth annual art show in the Grace Hall Atrium from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The display will include soft sculpture, exotic jewelry, wood sculpture, blown glass and much more." All displayed material is for sale. Tickets will be sold at the door. Admission prices are $2 for students and $3 for general public. For more information on the show or the preview party call 688-3553.
Auditions for Commedia, Cabrini's fall theater production will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. in the theater in Grace Hall. Those unable to attend at this time should drop by the theater office on Thursday, Oct. 11, between 10 a.m. to noon. AlLstudents are welcome to atiditionregardlessofmajororpreviousexperience. For more information contact Neil Newman at 971-8510.
' is Oct. Alcohol Awareness Week
Mocktail Party will be held in the cafeteria from noon to 1 p.m. on Oct. 11. A special liturgy is being held on Oct. 14, in remembrance of students who lost their lives in alchol-related deaths. "Know Your Limits" lecture, for alcohol awareness, will be presented by Dr. D~ Schw.Jz, director of counseling, on Oct. 18, at 4:30 p.m. in Xavier Great Room. "Women and Alcohol" lecture sponsored by the Junior League of Philadelphia will be held on Oct. 21, at 8 p.m. A Poster Contest is being held during the week of Oct. 14. Scholarship prizes will be awarded. For more details, stop by the Rooyman Center. One Sky, One World will be held on Sunday, Oct. 14, from noon to 4 p.m. This fifth annual international kite festival for peace will be held locally on Cabrini's athletic fields. Klassy Kites, King of Prussia, is co-sponsoring the festival by donating 200 free kites to participants. Students, faculty, staff and their families are invited to attend. There is no admission charge. New Health Center Hours: Health services will be closed Mondays and Wednesdays, October 15 through November 7. Serious emergencies should be referred directly to Bryn Mawr Hospital. Routine injuries or illnesses should be handled by your family physician or Gateway Medical Center at 354-0344.
Designated Smoking Areas: The lounge behind the area joining continuing education and graduate studies has been designated as as Grace Hall's first floor smoking area. Since Sept. l, all other campus buildings have either been designated smoking areas or have become smoke-free.
New StaffNamed. Name withheld
Loqultur welcomes letters ·totile editot. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. ,4 However, tt the writer wishes, and the.editor agrees, the w,:iter's name may_ be left off the letter upon publication and-a:n inscription inserted such as "name wlthheld at the request of the writer." Lettoo; should be typed, double--spaced, and no morE!"than 300 words in length. If a letter is too loog for !he available space, the c. 2, editor may edit or condense it. L:i~ttersto the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. C.....::
,6fJ1 ?
626-HELP "My friendstoldme, 'If you haveto go anywhere, go to Amnion'."
PhoenixviUe resident Sulekha Kalyan has joined the staff of Holy Spirit Library as a librarian. Kalyan holds a master's in library science from State University of New York at Buffalo, and worked as a librarian at Chestnut Hill College prior to joining Cabrini. Kalyan will be responsible for circulation, inter-library loans and general collection of materials. Robert P. Moran, of Broomall, has been named assistant registrar. Prior to joining Cabrini, this graduate of LaS-alle University was administrative coordinator at the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering. Moran will be resl?onsible for providing technical support, updating computer files and assisting in graduation review.
Security incidents reported Sept. 25 through Oct. 1.
Suspicious Condition 9/28-12:35 p.m.-32 caliber bullet found in Xavier Hall entry way. The bullet had not been fired. Automobile Accident 9/28-5: 15 p.m.-Shuttle van struck a parked car in Sacred Heart parking lot. Criminal Mischief 9/28-10:40 p.m.-Two males discovered by security guards while attempting to break into the business office fled on foot and escaped. The guards inspected the scene and found a window open and a broken screen. Radnor police were called in to investigate. Under-Age Drinking 9/29-1:S0p.m.-Case of beer confiscated by security guards during the soccer game from a group founJ drinking in the parking lot. Reckless Driving/Criminal Mischief 9/30-3:20 a.m.-Car found turfing the lawn near the tennis court. The license plate number is known and is being traced by security.
fridaXzoct. 5, 1990
McGovern works to give inner-city kids a chance by Bob Healey Drugs, violence and poverty. These words describe .the neighborhoods in which many inner-city children live. For these kids, reading is not their first priority, survival is. Dr. Jack McGovern, director of graduate studies in education, is working to change that priority. Four years ago McGovern started the program •'Good Books For Great Kids." The program is a workshop for elementary school teachers in the Philadelphia School District. Teachers participating in the program receive the guidebook "Where Reading Is A Joy." This book is a collection of responding-to-literature activities and annotated bibliographies developed by Philadelphia teachers who participated in the program. The title was derived from a comment made by Margo Ackerman, a special education teacher at the Sullivan School. She said her classroom had become a place "where reading is a joy." "We want children to see the joy in reading," McGovern said, "and have them become life longTeaders.'' The new book, presently untitled, will be completed and distributed next fall. It is being written by a collection of teachers who completed ''Good Books For Great Kids.'' It will contain a book list, activities-for teachers to use in class and helpful hints for teaching. McGovern and others will organize it and write an overview. A goal for' 'Good Books'' is to motivate teachers and give them a sense of enthusiasm. They should then translate this enthusiasm to the kids so that will enjoy reading from a young age. "I ,.,am more turned on by books,'' said Lorraine DeRosa, a participant in the program who teaches at Huey Elementary School. ''My enthusiasm has to affect the kids." According to McGovern, the purpose of the follow up to "Where
Dr. Jack McGovern, director of graduate studies, created the program, "Good Books for Great Kids," currently used by Philadelphia teachers to develop reading skills in children. McGovern is currently working with a group of teachers on a new book which would supplement the program. Reading Is A Joy" is to "create a new document which still contains the teachers' ideas and also provides an argument for why teachers should spend more time reading to kids.'' "I have always believed that the best teachers of teachers are other teachers. This book gives teachers more opportunity to network with one another, " McGovern said. "This book is a document for the 110 "Good Book" teachers to talk to thousands of teachers. Consequently they affect many more children.'' "I met people from different districts and made contacts that have helped me with teaching," said Elaine Carty, another participant who teaches at Spring Garden School. "It has given me a_renewed enthusiasm.'' Along with assisting teachers to make reading fun, the-program also attempts to show children the beauty of dreams. "Children also need to read books that allow them to dream," McGovern told the teachers at the seminar. ''These books can inspire them to think beyond the confines of their environment and
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''The kids love it,'' Carty said. "They can experience a sense of success." Around the turn of the century Mark Twain frequently told people, ''I never let my schooling interfere with my education.'' McGovern also believes there is a difference between schooling and education. "Schooling," McGovern said, "is simply making kids learn information and then testing them on it. '"'Education," be said, "celebrates each individual's talents and provides them with the best we know about our culture.'' McGovern also said,' 'I believe you have to fight for an education as you go through school."
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let them in on new worlds.'' "I think we need to feed kids dreams,'' he said in an article appearing in the Inqmrer. "You don't know what book is going to turn a kid into something.'' The program is funded by PATHS/PRISM:the Philadelphia Alliance for Teaching Humanities in Science/Philadelphia Renaissance in Science and Math. The Pew Charitable Trust also provided a grant. According to DeRosa and Carty, it is still too soon to judge the program, but the outlook is encouraging. "ltistooearlytosee results," DeRosasaid, "but already my children are taking books home with them."
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photo courtesy p0.blic relations
Now that McGovern won his battle, he is guiding teachers and assisting inner-city kids fight a war. He sees it as a war against society, a war against the system. and a war for an education. Leigh Ann Kowalchick works for PATHS/PRISM and is assisting McGovern on the project. "It is wonderful to work with Jack," Kowalchick said of McGovern. "He is always a teacher." In 1981, McGovern wa~ awarded the prestigious Rose Lindenbaum award for being the Philadelphia School District's Teacher of the Year. He received the award while teaching at the McClure School in Hunting Park. a neighborhood beset with drugs and poverty. The acknowledgment section of "Where Reading Is A Joy" reads as follows: "We would like to recognize Dr. Jack McGovern. Director of the 'Good Books For Great Kids' program as its inception, whose enthusiasm for children's literature is boundless and contagious, and whose impact on teachers can be described only as magical. '1-, 'Any word I use to describe Jack would not truly give him the praise he deserves,'' DeRosa said. McGovern is receiving no monetary compensation for his work and sometimes he does feel exhausted. ''There are times I find myself overextended.·' McGovern said, "but you can't pass up an opportunity like this." "If you want to make a difference in this world," McGovern said. "You just have to be willing to work hard."
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f ridax, oct. 5, 1990
First of a two-part series
Drugs force sear~h for solutions by Karen Dumorney Expelling college students from school is a proposal made by the Attorney General of Delaware to curb drug abuse on college campuses. While William J. Bennett, the head of the Bush administration effort to battle il1egal drugs, has called for an end to federal aid for colleges that do not have policies forbidding illegal drug use. These are two proposals made that would help eliminate drug abuse on college campuses. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, most administrators, if asked, can quickly rattle off a list of things they need to do to prevent alcohol and drug abuse among students. Somewhere on the list will be more money for programs and more leadership from university presidents. However, at this time, officials looking for definitive answers are coming up short. "We are throwing millions of dollars away on good faith efforts and on programs that we think really work,'' Geraldo Gonzalez, associate professor of counseling at the University of Florida, said. The fact that research is limited on what really works has become the major problem .. According to Gonzalez, •'The irony is that we are research institutions--with no research on alcohol and drug abuse among college students." In order to research, they need to first look at the work that has been done and its effectiveness. According to Gloria Scott, president of Bennett College,' 'Colleges and universities must also go a step further. They must take the initiative in accepting the responsibility in studying the reasons behind the pervasiveness of drugs in American society because the role of the academy is to explore this.'' To help combat the issue of drugs on campus, the Delaware Attorney General, Charles M. Oberly recently urged colleges and universities to expel students who are in the·possession of drugs illegally. Oberly made the request in a letter to college officials because it seemed to him '' that institutions of higher education should be in the forefront of saying that drugs should . not be on campus."
He went on to say that t09 many colleges and universities di.9 not take any serious action against students who were found to have drugs unless they were convicted. Oberly said it was "simply not true" that a college needed to wait for a conviction to take action against a student. Gene Hall, criminal state prosecutor of Delaware, said in a phone interview with Loquitur that Oberly is not suggesting that college officials expel college students without allowing them the right to be heard. "But I don't think that universities should sit back to see what the criminal justice system does. I think that they should take it upon themselves to help curb drug abuse," Hall said.
"I don't think that universities should sit back to see what the criminal justice system does. I think that they should take it upon the!llselves to help curb drug abuse." - Gene Hall, criminal state prosecutor of Delaware Ha!l added that he did ~ot exp_ect any lawsmts because of Oberly s genume concem. Although _Obe~l~suggested th~t th~ colleges and um_vers1t1escomply ~1th his request, Hall said that there weren t any other measures taken t,~ ensure that the ~oll~ges are drug free. His only authonty is to enforcethe!~w. He is not in any positionn~~ does he desire to take over any colleges, 8:all said. He went on to say that it concerns him th~t the excess of alcohol on campus may be detnm~~tal to youn~ people. . In addiuon, Oberly ts sugge 5trng ~at the free flow of alcohoJ be controlled with the respect to living in a protective learning environment. On the other hand, Mike Moyler, assistant press secretary for the Attorney General
The U.S. Department of Education now of Pennsylvania, said that they do not have any set guidelines for students who possess encourages colleges to share information drugs. ''They fall into the same category about drug control policies through volunwith the rest of the citizens, Moyler said. tary participation in the Network of They are punished the same and are not Colleges and Universities Committed to the given any preferential treatment just be- Elimination of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. With all this in mind, the representatives cause they are college students. The law is the law." ofcolleges and universities are taking active According to his knowledge, as far as measures in making their school drug-free. curbing drug -abuse on campus, there aren't Universities across the country are devisany special units or efforts directed at ing new approaches to an old problem. According to the Chronicle of Higher colleges. The Attorney General of Pennsylvania, -Education, Northern Illinois University, for Ernie Preate, Jr., is very much in favor for example, offers an academic course on administrators to speak out on drugs to patterns of alcohol use which students may college students,'' Moyler said. Along with take to meet graduation requirements. According to Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean Oberly, Moyler agreed that the institutions should be in the forefront in saying that drugs of students, Cabrini College provides edushould not be on campus. "Preate is an cational programs. They -also distribute advocate of having drug education and information about drug and alcohol and its supports in the legislature which says that harmful effects among the campus commuchildren should be educated," Moyler said. nity and they have to let them know what the ''In addition, he hopes that it will soon federal and state laws are in respect to that. Morgan State University, in Baltimore, become a law which will mandate education in public schools from kindergarten on up.'' Md., took a different approach. to the problem Among these top officials, Bennett is and held a mock funeral to dramatize the another advocate who believes that his dangers of drunk driving. Organizers proposal be adapted to help curb the use of borrowed a casket, appointed pallbearers, and gathered -th&'-lffliversity's choir for a illegal drugs. The proposal would create yet another funeral march through the campus. Even colleges that maintain "dry'" camway in which fed-student aid programs become entwined with government efforts, puses, barring alcohol from all buildings and events, face obstacles to substance-abuse according to the-Chronicle. In the past academic year, under new prevention, such as inconsistent enforcelaws, colleges and universities receiving ment of policies and fragmented programs. federal aid were required to ensure that However, what one campus needs in the illegal drugs were not used by employees on way of substance-abuse prevention may not the job, and to have student-aid recipients be appropriate for the next campus. '' And _ certify thatthey do not use drugs, according what may be appropriate on campus one year to the Chronicle of Higher of Education. may be inappropriate the next," David S. Bennett, director of the National Drug Anderson, an associate professor at the Control Policy Office, proposed the change Center for Health Promotion at George as part of an overall strategy for combating Mason University in Virginia, said. drug abuse. While colleges take different approaches President George Bush, has not yet en- to preventing alcohol and drug abuse. they dorsed Bennett's plan, although he has been face common challenges in implementing kept informed of its development. Many of successful programs, according to the Chronits proposals would require congressional icle of Highef Education. approval according to the Chronicle. Edward H:Hammond, president of Fort Editor's note: This story will continue in Hays University, noted that the proposal the next issue, covering the varying would shift government policy away from ideas developed to combat the drug allowing colleges to regulate themselves on problem on America's campuses, the drug issue. including solutions right here at Cabrini.
more Tenure from 1 a Promotions and Tenure Committee (PTC) and a Redress committee will be formed,'' Reher said. According to Reher, the PTC will handle promotions from rank to rank and tenure procedures. The Redress committee wil1 be a grievance committee handling appeals on decisions of the PTC and complaints of infringement on academic freedoms filed by professors. According to Reher, the unresolved issues are as follows: whether or not you should you be required to possess a doctoral degree to receive tenure, the redefining of a terminal degree, and how to treat those professors who apply for tenure while the rule change-over is taking place, if the changes are approved. Another change that is proposed is placing the job of proving that one isdeservingoftenure upon the individual professors, according to Biller and Reher. Formerly it was the faculty senate and sub-committee's responsibility to show proof of deserving tenure. According to the Faculty Employment Policies, tenure is an agreement between the college and the indi..vidualfaculty member that she/he will have pennanent and continued employment. The granting of tenure is a two-way pledge. It is a pledge of the confidence that the college has in a particular professor and it is that professor's pledge to remain a vital part of the college community. "Tenure is a marriage commitment," Biller said. According to Gary Armstrong, associate professor in fine arts,
"Tenure is a bonus for academic efforts." Under the new proposal at Cabrini, a teacher will be hired under probationary service,.a series of year to year contracts. During the spring of their fifth year teaching on -probationary service, a teacher may apply for tenure. Tenure, if granted, is effective at the beginning of the eighth year. The proposed new tenure procedures will have the applicant present a personal portfolio to the PTC and to the vice president of academic affairs. This portfolio will document why tenure should be granted. The burden of proving their case will now be on the
"Tenure i? a marriage commitment." - Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice president for academic affairs applicant, not the committees. "The onus is now on the faculty member to receive tenure," Biller said. "Strong policies force strong faculty." "You want to know people are behind you," Dr. Margaret McGuinness, assistant professor, religion, said. "But ultimately the burden of proof is on you." The portfolio presented shall contain: present and alumni student evaluations, teaching innovations, professional peer evaluations, chair and academic dean evaluations, professional developments, and proof of service to the col-
lege community. A common saying in the teaching world is ''Publish or perish". "Teaching should be weighed heavier. We are not a research institution, nor do we present ourselves as one," James Hedtke, assistant professor, history and political science, said. "Cabrini is more teach or perish." According to Biller, lack of publication will not prevent tenure. "It would be nice to see, but it is not mandatory," Biller said. Biller also said that there is currently a movement to have the academic dean and the PTC, presently AFRA T, to work more closely. By working together they will produce afuller report. Once tenure has been granted a professor has stability and can be fired only under extreme circumstances. They are: incompetence in performance, serious misconduct as judged by a committee of peers, and extraordinary financial circumstances or severe curtailment of a program. ''Tenure affords the faculty member opportunity to exp1ore controversial issues without harassment from the institution," Armstrong said. "Tenure essentially protects you from being fired," Hedtke said. "Unless you are hopelessly immoral or for budget cuts." Hedtke's tenure started last year and Armstrong's is effective this year. According to Dr. Sharon Schwarze, chairperson of the philosophy department, the Board of Trustees will meet in October. ''Nothing has been decided,'' Schwarze said.
f riday, oct. 5, 1990
Cabriniwants its MTV ·. -
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by Joe Martini Just as students are starting to feel the monotony of their weekly routines, Adelphia Cable Communications is throwing them a new curve. Beginning in late September, cable television services will be offered in Xavier Hall and in the residential hotis~s. Students living in these dorms will then have the opportunity to subscribe to a full range of cable television packages, from basic to all of the premium services. '' All the student needs to do is bring a television, and we'll do the rest,'' Chuck Balestri, Adelphia Cable's Marketing Manager, said. Basic cable service, which includes a variety of channels, ranging from MTV, toESPN and CNN, costs $15.45 per month, peroutlet. The premium services, which include Prism, HBO, and Showtime, will cost an additional $6.95 to $12.95 per month, per outlet. Adelphia offers a two premium package for $35 per month, a three premium package for $42, and four, five, or six premium packages for $49, $56, and $65, respectively. Prism is $2 extra per month with any of the premium packages. Students said that they would be willing to pay anywhere from $10 to $70 per month to have cable service in their rooms,or $3 to $15 per month to have cable in a common area in their dorm. However, most students said that they would rather pay more to have cable in their rooms. Cable television is one one of the luxuries of home that many college students miss out on when they live on campus. Now that
cable will be available, though, students are planning to watch much more T.V., anywhere from four to 20 hours per week more, according to some. Kayce Pottichen, freshman, said, "I think more people will spend more time watching T.V., rather than doing homework.'' "I think it will hurt the students academically," Curt Laudenberger, junior, said. "People are going to tum into couch potatoes.'' Other students think that the coming of cable will open new doors for the social aspect of the campus community. When boredom sets in, the bored will be able to watch cable. "Everyone can sit togetherand watch the Flyers' games," Heather Clisham, freshman, said. Brian Wolk, freshman, said, "I think cable will bring the students together." The most popular cable channel among students is, undisputedly, MTV. When students were asked which channels they wanted most, every one said that they wanted MTV because of the videos the alternative format. Other channels that are popular with Cabrini students are HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime for the movies. Prism is also at the top of the list of favorites because they air the Philadelphia Flyers' games. Aside from the extra-curricular impact that cable will have at Cabrini, the coming of cable will also have a significant impact on Cabrini's television production curriculum. Students will have the opportunity to produce their own show that will be aired on cable. This will give students the opportunity to experience what it is like
to actually script, direct, shoot, and edit an actual show that will be aired on a local access channel. The show will be aimed mostly at Cabrini students, and can give the entire campus a chance to see what is going on in other aspects of the Cabrini community.· "We 're hoping that a show that the advanced students do will be a significant media outlet around campus,'' Catherine Yungmann, communications instructor, said. Yungmann also sajd that the production of a show for cable will play a large role in the television production curriculum in the future. The entire television production staff at Cabrini is looking forward to the first show which will be produced this semester. It is very time consuming to produce a show of sufficient broadcast quality and length. However, the staff is confident that a pilot show can be produced this semester. Evehtllafly, the staff and students will become more proficient at production of these shows, and the production time and difficulty will be cut down considerably. ' 'I would like to see this be a biweekly show, 15 to 30 minutes long, to inform resident students, commuters, and the general population about what's going on at Cabrini,'' Y ungmann said. Presently, there are about ten advanced students working on this project. According to those involved, they will be putting in long hours and it will take much dedication and organization to get this project off the ground.
'Learningdisabilities':a prize winningstory by Alexandra Napoleon Last year Kelly McGiJlan, now a senior at Cabrini College, wrote a series of articles on learning disabilities. Little did McGillan know that as a result of one of these articles she would win the Roy W. Howard Award for Public Affairs Writing. The other article in the series will be printed in an advanced editing textbook. McGillan felt that an article of this type would make a powerful statement to the student body. People want to ignore the problems LD individuals have because they are not visible in the way that physical handicaps are. "I saw the problem, and it needed attention,' ' McGillan said. These articles not only informed students abouttheproblemsill individuals face, but also indicated that Cabrini has no programs for the learning disabled. McGiJlan hopes that the outlook will improve . for LD students at Cabrini and elsewhere. Dr. Jerome Zurek, Loquitur adviser said that McGillan was a "watchdog" who increased awareness about LD . with her articks. · One day last Marcrh McGill.an received an 1ward application in her mailbox. She did 101 think much of it until about two weeks ater when Zurek approahed her and asked if
she was going to fill out the application. When McGillan said she was not sure that she wanted to enter her series, Zurek requested that she do it for him, if not for· herself. A few weeks later McGillan was "overwhelmed'' to learn that she had won the award. This past week McGillan traveled to
photo by Carin Pesotski
Kelly McGillan Indiana University on an all-expense paid trip from the Scripps-Howard foundation and the Indiana University School of Jour-
nalism to receive her award which included a plaque and a $1000 prize. At the conference, McGillan met with journalists from the University of Illinois, the University of Western Kentucky, Louisiana State University, the University of California at Long Beach, and Emerson College. McGillan says that this award is not really for her, but rather to help people realize that learning disabilities are real and that we need to deal with them. The intent of the series on LD was to inform and to bring about a greater awareness. The award for her article is such an honor that McGillan said. "I still can't believe it." Learning disabilities are such a ''broad field,'' McGillan said, and communication is necessary in order to increase knowledge about the problems LD individuals face. If society can understand these problems, they can begin to. correct them. College students who have learning disabilities have additional problems. In McGillan' s second article, she wrote that although Cabrini presently did not have facilities for learning disabled students, they were willing to spend the money for such facilities. Because learning disabilities are so easily ignored, they are often pushed under the carpet. Increased awareness about this
situation was the key to McGillan •s series on learning disabilities. McGillan's series was printed in the Feb. 16 and the Feb. 23, 1990 issues ofLoquitur. McGillan said that she had to be coaxed into advanced journalism classes because she was not interested in writing. In fact, she disliked it. However, McGillan was talked into taking journalism by the persistent Zurek. He saw potential in McGillan that she did not see in herself, and assured her that she could handle these classes. At first, McGillan did not ,like her class. Eventually, though, she began to enjoy working on the paper and was convinced to apply for the position of features editor her junior year. Zurek' s persistance paid off, as McGill an finally realized her own potential, due in part to Zurek's convincing. McGillan's awardwinning article proves it. McGillan, though, still knows who to give credit to when it is deserved. She is pleased and honored by her award, but she said that she has had much assistance, She gives credit to Dr. Zurek because he encouraged her, supported her, and assisted her in reaching her potential. "Dr. Zurek is the one I owe this all to."
f riday, oct. 5, 1990
Cabrinifam photo by Frank Emmerich
On the float entered by Woodcrest are seated left to right Trish Loughran, Christine Meyers, Dawn Romano, and Karen Bell.
each other 'For being by Kelly Reed
photo by Ivan Domazet
Junior April Duhadaway and freshman John Quiras enjoy dancing to a slow song on Saturday night at the Holiday Inn .
Last weekend parents, studentsand alumni gathered here at Cabrini to celebrate the importance of family and friends under the theme of ''Thank you for being a friend,'' from the popular television show "The Golden Girls.'' Parents weekend began on Saturday morning with a hospitality center, where parents were greeted by their childern and following that was the reception forthe resident halls. Parents and their Cabrini student could have spent the rest of the day watching the float parade, eating lunch, or cheering on the Cavs in tennis, volleyball or soccer. In the float parade this year's theme was "Friends around the world." There were four entries in this year's float parade, one from the ladies in House five, one for the Mansion and Counsel Hall, one for Woodcrest and one from the alumni. The women from House 5 won the float parade with their theme of ''The world
photo by Frank Emmerich
The residents of House 5 performing the skit that won the,r, first place in the float parade on Saturday morning. Left to right are Felicia Falcone, Katie Mullen, Becky Tressel, Kathy Murray and Kelly Ann Williams.
friday, oct. 5, 1990
y thanks -friend.' photo by Maril Gudas
The king and queen of Homecoming, seniors Steve Buividas and Nancy Long, sharing their firs_tdance together.
house.'' The Mansion and Counsel Hall was second with their theme of"Friends-around the world." In the afternoon there were faculty lee: tures by Dr. JoJyon Girard, Dr. Carter Craigie and Carol Goldfield. Many students and a parent participated in Cabrini's own version of the Newlywed game, with junior Clyde La Forest and his mom taking the top prize. There was also the opportunity to learn how to "chacha" and "tango" at the dance lessons, followed by a series of theater scenes in Cabrini's little theater. Saturday night was in full swing as students and their parents enjoyed dinner and then_danced the night away at the Holiday Inn in King of Prussia. The King and Queen of Homecoming were Steve Buividas and Nancy Long, who were crowned at the dance on Saturday night. On Sunday everyone gathered to the chapel for a special Liturgy and then ended the weekend with a special brunch shared with family in the cafeteria. photo by Frank Emmerich
Juniors Ellen Battersby and Sue Roux, with some help from their friends present their "Friends around the world," entry in Saturday's float parade.
photo by Ivan Domazet
Cabrini students and their families as they jammed at the dance on Saturday night.
friday, oct. 5, 1990
Cabrinialumna headed for the Miami Herald . . by Kimberly Marshal) Yvette Ousley, a graduate of 1988, is working for the MiamiHerald, one of the top 10newspapers according to Dr. Jerome Zurek, Loquitur adviser. "It's a remarkable move for someone straight out of college," Zurek said. Ousley will no longer be covering the 54 towns of Bucks County or writing between eight and 10 stories a day for the Trenton Times. ·This week she is moving to Florida to begin covering the education circuit for the Miami Herald. One person suggested Ousley for the Miami Herald job. She received the position after two trips to Florida and rigourous technical and psychological tests. Seven people also interviewed Ousley. Ousley opened the eyes of many journalism students during a Sept. 24 journalism I and II class. Ousley was the assistant news editor when she attended Cabrini. ''Being a writer is the hardest profession there is," Ousley said, "To write, get the facts straight and make it so people understand it.'' Ousley had an internship with the Neighbors section of The Philadelphia fnquirer and continued on with them after graduation. She was a stringer and was paid by the story. Zurek remembers Ousley as very insightful and a hard worker. Ousley moved on to work for The Trenton Times with only one recommendation and after a rigorous test where she had to go to the local mall and interview people and compile a story. While at The Trenton Times, Ousley investigated and uncovered a newsbreaking story about the J.D.D. Inc. Landfill and illegal dumping going on there. Ousley recently covered the John DiGregorio murder trial also. DiGregorio killed his daughter on Easter Sunday 1990 and dismembered up her body. Ousley received a call from a friend of the district attom~y and
photo by Frank Emmerich
Yvette Ousley, a 1988 Cabrini graduate, to share her experiences as a journalist. went out to cover the story at 5 a.m. on Tuesday of that week. The call and getting the story even before KYW was exciting yet, according to Ousley, she would never want to cover anything like it again because it was so gory. "It was just like a Perry Mason trial on television,'' said Ousley. Ousley's time spent covering Trenton was weU worth her while, she said. "Some reporters are satisfied with working seven hours and going home. Good reporters get stories because they work 24 hours a day.'' Ousley said. She said she gives out her home phone number and tells people to call her whenever they have information. The Trenton Times is very different
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from the Loquitur accordingto Ousley. She waited for three weeks to receive some sort of orientation, which never happened. ''I was aggressive but sometimes it can be taken the wrong way when starting in a new place,'' Ousley said. Ousley was·responsible for her own story ideas, and no one rewrote her stories to make them sound better. According to Ousley, if she were out sick for the day no one else would cover her stories. Networking and a little bit of luck had a great deal to do with all the connections Ousley has, she said. "You have to put yourself in situations where you can meet people,'' Ousley said. On balancing her career and home life,
Ousley said she has to make up at the end of the week. On Saturdays and Sundays, she and her little boy, Trevor, go to the park and if something comes up she can work on her computer from home. ''Cabrini prepared me well technically but I had no idea of the expectations or the demands,'' Ousley said. Ousley· s long term goals are to coverthe court circuit or possibly go to law school. "If you want it bad enough you can have it. Don't let competitiveness discourage you," Ousley said as her final words of advice to the class.
MotherUrsulaAward, honoringthe Cabrini spirit
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visited Dr. Jerome Zurek's journalism class on Monday, Sept. 24
by Jennifer Melchiorre Soon seniors will be receiving an invitation to a dinner at which they will vote for the recipient of the Mother Ursula award. Every year the senior class votes on which senior they think deserves the Mother Ursula award. The Mother Ursula award is unique because it is the only award that is voted by the seniors, for a senior. Since 1968, this award has been given to the senior who "best embodies the ideals of Cabrini,'' Martha Dale, director of alumni affairs and annual funds, said. The plaque, which hangs 1n the mansion, reads "honoring a distinguished senior for academic achievement, leadership and service to Cabrini.'' The qualification that is most looked for however, is ''the element of service to Cabrini,'' Dale said. Lisa Kantor, the 1989 winner of the Mother Ursula award, said that winning the award was ''the greatest part of my senior year, I felt so special.'' Kantor was an English major and is now teaching English and reading at a Catholic school.
When asked why winning the Mother Ursula award was so special to her, ~antor said, "It wasn't like any other award given by teachers for good grades. It was like my peers were saying 'here this is for you, for all you've done.' It felt so nice." A prime candidate for this award is any senior who serves the community, on and off campus, and promotes the Cabrini spirit. This award represents "the spirit of Mother Ursula, the spirit of giving," Kelly McGillan, senior class secretary, said. "In our four years at Cabrini we have all been tollched by Mother Ursula's spirit in some way. To be acknowledged for displaying that spirit must truly be a honor," McGillan said. Each senior will receive an invitation tothedinnerat theend ofOct. Along with the invitation will be a ballot. This date is when the seniors get the chance to vote onwhichoftheirclassmates deserves this award. On Nov. 16, the night of the dinner, the votes will be tabulated. The top three nominees will be voted on again by those present at the dinner. The winner win be• notified at the end of the evening.
friday, oct. 5, 1990
Comprehensive campaign moves into Phase 11 by Kimberly Keck The co11ege's capital campaign, launched in 1988, has raised$3.3 million to date. The goal is to raise $7 million within the next five years. One point three million dollars of the $7 million has been pledged as of July 31. The purpose of the campaign is to address Cabrini's future. "Colleges can no longer depend on tuition alone," Nancy Costello, director of the campaign, said. Plans for the campaign were formulated by the board of trustees in 1987. Cabrini hired an outside agency to conduct the feasibility study for the campaign. The PFG Endowment Company suggested a goal of 7 million dollars. ''ft ·1s not unusual for a college to seek outside counsel when organizing a project like this," Costello said.The program was initiated in 1988. The public announcement was made on May 5, 1990. The public announcement was made in a grand style. A black tie affair was held in the mansion in the tradilion of the roaring '20's. "The campaign is now moving into Phase II," said Costello. This will consist of asking_individuals within the Cabrini community to make an investment in the college. Networking done by the board of trustees and the president of the college will also play an important role in this project by introducing new friends to Cabrini. Major donor alumni will be reached through face to face situations, mail and phone, according to Costello. In order to increase awareness about Cabrini, the college will host breakfasts once a month to introduce itself to outside members of the community and potential donors. These buffets will be held October through December. ''Noted individuals from the business sector will serve as the key note speakers,'' Costello said. "Campaigns are much more complex,'' Mary Ellen Herzog, director of development, said, "because you don't go through the same channels to obtain money as with annual fund solicitations.'' Herzog said, '' Annual contributions are obtained though the contribution offi(ier of a company. However, campaign funds are raised when president of the college speaks with the person holding the highest position at a company.·• "Sister Eileen Currie has been instrumental in this effort,'' said Herzog. ''For example, Sister Eileen and another board of trustees member approached Union Paci fie' s chait-
man of the board. This meeting earned the campaign $50,000.'' The chairman of Union Pacific's board impressions of Cabrini encmrraged Time-Warner, Inc. to donate $10,000. The board of trustees have determined where they want the campaign funds to be distributed. ''Our current priority is to raise unrestricted dollars to fund Grace Hall,'2.Costello said. ''The facilities expansion component of the campaign should be wrapped up by 1995." Campaigning has proven successful for other colleges as well. Eastern College's campaign ran from 1985-1990. Marilyn Curley, secretary in the development_office, said, ''The goal was $24.1 million and that was the amount the campaign brought in." · According to Charlotte Cox, development communica-
tions manager at Villanova University, the institution has sponsored a ten year campaign. "The first phase, Covenant I, ran from 1978-1982 and brought the university a profit of $10 million," said Cox. "The second phase, Covenant II, ran from 1985-1990 and brought the college $19 million. This amount is still in the process of being closed out." Campaigning has been a popular outlet for private colleges to raise money. However, state universities like West Chester State University usually rely on annual fund raising. ''Because West Chester receives money from the state, we do not depend on outside resources for revenue,'' Mary Anderson, news director for West Chester State University, said. "However, we are involved in annual fund raising and receive alumni contributions."
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Prank calls plague campus ~·
by Matthew Brush
Recently, the Cabrini community has been having teJephone problems. Not technical difficulties, but crank phone call difficulties. "One should treat a telephoneringjust as if someone is knocking on your own door,'' Thomas Duddy, news bureau manager at Bell of Pennsylvania, said. Duddy went on to say that crank calls are usually made by people that you know and that they are just playing a practical joke on you. I
"People~ who do this are not very mature." - Heather Clisham, freshman This does not seem to be true for all, though. Heather Clisham, a freshman in Woodcrest Hall, said prank calls she received "contained very explicit sexual and verbal abuse." Clisham went on to explain that on Sept. 19 herself and her roommates received a series of prank phone calls between midnight and two in the morning. Not only was their private phone ringing, but the obstructers were also pranking the hall phones as well. The problem had gotten so bad that evening that two resident assistants (R.A. 's) were involved by answering the phone to see if they could identify the pranksters.
''People who do this are not very mature," Clisham said. "They· not only scare my roommates and me but they make us very mad:" Prank phone calling is a violation of state and federal laws and is punishable by fines or even a jail term. Two options one has when repeated prank calls happen are features called "return calI" and "call trace." Return call is a feature where a person pushes the *69 on touch-tone phones or I 169 on rotary phones, thus calling back the phone which had previously called. Call trace is where a line is automatically trapped and reported to Bell o(Pa. This is done by pressing *57. Last year there were over 100,000 cases of reported prank phone calls or telephone harassment to Bell of Pa. When someone does consistently call and harrass a person, Duddy said to call Bell of Pa.'s business office and discuss the problem with a service representative. In extreme cases the phone number might have to be changed to insure safety. Senior Jeff Hines, an R.A. in Xavier Hall, said he gets pranked one out of every two phone calls. Hines said, "I wish those degenerates would leave me alone.'' Jamie Santora, a freshman who also gets pranked a lot~ said "Once in awhile I hit *69 and surprise them ... and if I ever find out who calls me at 3 a.m. I'll hang him.''
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friday, oct. 5 3 1990
September campus damage tops $1,500 Date Reported
· Damage
Aug. 21 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 22 Sept. 4 Sept. 5 Sept. 6 Sept. 9 Sept..11 * Sept. 11* Sept. 11* Sep1.·11* Sept. 13* Sept. 16 Sept. 16 Sept. 16 Sept. 17 Sept. 17* Sept. 17* Sept. 17* Sept. 20 Sept. 23 Sept. 24* Sept. 24* Sept. 26* Sept. 26* Sept. 26* Sept. 26* Sept. 26* Sept. 26* Sept. 26* Sept. 26* Sept. 26* Sept. 26*
House 4 House4 Soccer field Xavier upper so. Xavier 184 Xavier 105 Woodcrest Gr9unds Xavier 170 Xavier House 3 House 6 Xavier lower so. Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Xavier Xavier 170 Xavier upper so. House 5 Soccer field Woodcrest Woodcrest Xavier lower no. Xavier 162 Xavier 163 Xavier 181 Xavier 134 Xavier 141 Xavier251 Xavier 172 Xavier 173 Xavier great room
Fire extinguisher stolen Fire extinguisher stolen Tire tracks on field Panic hardware stolen Re-key lockset Replace lockset 2nd fl. lounge screen broken Trash cont. tom from ground Fire belLstolen Smoke detector vandalized Ligbt fixture stolen Discharged fire extinguisher Fire extng. case broken Toilet paper throughout 2 street signs removed 2 traffic signs stolen Trash cont. tom from ground Toilet paper holder removed Toilet paper holder broken Holes in ramp walls Screen broken room 7 Tire tracks pn field Stairway lig'ht fixture broken Stair light fixture removed Discharged fire extinguisher Screen removed Screen removed Screen removed Screen removed Screen removed Screen removed Screen removed Screen removed Sofa broken
$68 40 68 130 40 110 15 16 65 90 48 16 42 0 18 84 16 7 8 100 15 44 48 16 27 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 350
Total damage from August 21 through Sept. 261990:
Damage which will be billed to students: note: (•) indicates damage which will be billed tost11dents
Much of the campus damage occurs in resident hall common areas. Over the last several years, most lamps and artwork, including those shown in this 1988 photo of the Wodcrest lounge, have been removed from common areas because of vandalism or theft.
by Chris Pesotski On Sept. 26, the physical plant department reported that $1,638 in damage was done to campus facilities in the period from Aug. 21 through Sept. 26. Cathy Caufield, director of resident life, attributed $1,002 of the figure to student vandalism. Students will be billed forthe vandalism which can be traced to individuals or certain rooms. The billing will be done on a monthly basis for individuals and on a semester-by semester basis for damage attributed to a certain area.
The remaining $636 is unattributable or was attributed by Caufield to nonnal wearand-tear on the facilities. The resident life department is ~onducting investigations on several incidents of damage, and hopes to be able to bill students for some damage which is currently unattributed. The investigations include the breakage of panic hardware prior to the beginning of school, during a time when the soccer team was using Xavier Hall for soccer camp. The $1,638 figure represents approximately 10 percent of the college's total damage figure for all of last year.
pevelopmentOfficeaids collegeby findingscarcefunds by Rita S. CelJucci Colleges, when applying for a grant, whether from a corporation, foundation or an individual, has to show a high level of visibility and credibility. Sounds easy but it is not. It requires a lot of bard work and planning in advance. This is where the Development Office comes in. The purpose of this office at Cabrini is to solicit money from corporations, foundations, or individuals. The bottom line of all this work is for the student. According to MaryEllen Herzog, director of institutional development, she has to be currently aware of the different academic needs of each department in the college. When a department chairperson needs money for new innovative projects or speakers to come throughout the semester, he or
she consuJts the academic dean, and then sends the proposal to the Development Office. , Once the request for a grant has been established, Herzog must then start a process of "research and cultivation.'' Research involves finding out what is available in the field, what companies are funding certain situations, and whether Cabrini meets the guidelines of these grants. Herzog is constantly '• wading through tons of data to make the right match" for Cabrini's academic needs and the donor's. The other part of this dual process is the cultivation. Herzog said cultivation is trying to get Cabrini known among the donors. That means hosting special events and inviting all of the important prospective contacts in one place for the administration and faculty to meet. During these infonnal gatherings, proposals are discussed. Herzog' s job
then is to draw up a proposal. The Development Office works closely with the chairperson or a faculty member in drawing up a proposal. The department head shows the technical side of its needs, while the Development Office prepares the guidelines that have to be met. Follow-up calls are very important in soliciting money in that a company may not be ready now to give money, but in a year it may be. Whatever the case, the reason for these calls is to make sure Cabrini is not forgotten. Herzog said the Development Office has worked with every department on campus. Each one participates in the planning and the proposal and funding ideas. She com· mented on the good work the faculty members do with their limited budgets.
more Grad from 1 time. ' 'The program for me is so prescribed that I cannot take one of the new courses. They do not fit into the programs I have to take," Shuuchas said. Denise Hansen, a third-semester graduate student, said that the new courses are perfect for someone already certified but pursuing a masters degree. Barbara Laskin, a graduate studies student, said that what is needed is more interesting electives, because it seems to her that many of the interesting electives are never offered. According to McGovern, the program has to be fairly prescribed because many of his students need to be certified and some of the classes are required for both the program and for certification in Pennsylvania. "lf the ·program dropped a required course, it would not change the need for that course for certification," he said. "It is a little more structured than needed,
" McGovern said, "and I am lobbying for a change." Dr. Nancy Rush, a graduate studies professor, said that the biggest complaint she gets from the students is that they want more electives and less mandatory courses. She added that she thought thatthe new electives were "really neat" and that she hopes more electives "open up to offer even more." Hansen, who has "Qualitative Research," said that in the class they "pick a dilemma, and use different methods of solving it.'' Kirn Sutton, a first ·semester graduate student, added, ''Our professor, Dr. Chaffee, called it 'looking to learn, learning to look,' because it involves so much participant observation." Graduate student Valerie Hawley, is only taking the' 'Creating _aCommunity of Readers" course. She said that in the class they discuss books that are used to teach and how to enjoy and start a love of reading.
friday, oct. 5, 1990
Radnor Fitness Center an affordable alternative by Francis Sciolla
photo by E"ddMcNameeprinted by Frank Emmerich
A Radnor high school student takes advantage of one of the many pieces of nautilus equipment at the center.
It's late September and you've put a few p0unds on since the wnmer. However, there is no need to worry, because now you can work out in a local fitness center for only a dollar a day. The Radnor Fitness center is open to Cabrini students week days from 2:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The center is operated by cenified athletic trainers from Bryn Mawr Sports Medicine. Those interested in working out at the center are required to get a physical or to prove that they have had one in the past year. Located at nearby Radnor High School, the cei:iter provides a wide variety of aerobic, free weight and nautilus exercises. There are stationary bicycles,
which strengthen the arms and the health and physical education from legs, along with stairmasters. The Temple University, said. nautilus ection is equipped with The one dollar per session goes machines for every major muscle directly towards purchasing new in the body. Treadmills will be equipment installed in the near future. The center is non-profit and it is If you have never worked out or the lowest priced club in the area. you are intimidated by the size or The Main Line Nautilus club costs complexity of the machines, there $300 for th.ree month . At Villai no need to worry. nova it co ts over $100 for one ''We will take anyone around seme ter. You can work out five the center fortheir fir t three work- days a week for three months at the outs if they need any help,'' Mark - Radnor Fitness center and it would Grothmann, who has a master's of only cost $60 doUars. education degree in sports admini''The more people come, the stration from Temple University, more revenue we can raise,'' said. · 'We will always spot some- Grothmann said. · 'It wi1l only get one on the free weights if they bigger and better." don't have a partner,·' Grothmann The Radnor Fitness Center is said. located off of Radnor-Chester road "We have workout cards on at Radnor High School. Easily which students can keep track of within walking distance, Groththeir progress," Shawn Klenk, . mann said, "Students can jog over who has a bachelor's degree in as a warm up."
CaValierGame Highlights Two years·and30 goats later abrlni's Glen Jaskelewicz1w hed his namein the Cavsrccbook.Jaskelewb'stally.jJi second half of a 3-0 victory ver Wesley ~ ·th Larry Kilcullen asCabrini's · bi$ory over a .four year
ericontiasquad3-2. JasonPaolini· Malveaux had seven spikes and tabi~ twice and Ryanaddedthe J.owaqadded fourace..dle·Lady Cavawentflat 4tt;Jtd the remalnm&ptin ...... JOriclory; . remainingtwo smand thelllal:b. . The resurgentLadyCavsvolMiehele Ballinghofftallied all
three matches during this weet.:•s Cavs fleld 1loc:ay team to their action as they improved their rec- second victory of the season. A ord to 4- 12. K:athfeen Rowanreg. 3-2 overtime thriller over Delaware istered3I kills'during this week's Valley College. The Lady Cavs
For the second consecutive week the Caff cross eeutry sq~ distinggished themselves. This time it was at thePhilaidel. • . . · pma-:Metropolitaa. Invitationalfor Ouis Curci SCOied111e Ladyaws SmaU~ &th the men~, tone,oalaplmt Pean Stale. For aad W-OIDell. ·~ fnhlert .,_ Diali likr BncJaet faudk.Su,..._.~ Co1lim~ 18 sa'teS. all wtth a time of 22: 18, earned Although
MaryAnne Walker WIS
Lady Ca
tennis team dropped their only malCb of the week to F.ast Strodsburg by a 6--3count. Joelle Spa.pola claimed theotber singks victory while the kme double$ triumph Weot to tbe team
171h,JacquelineAlbrechtfinished 33fd,.LoriStaneru.ckwas41sund , Jaskclewiczmsontytaten JenArnholtwas54th. O)ris Calli·seasonand a half to equal that nan wasthe meo·stop finisberas' arlc. KeeperOm Zimmer- action to pace "theLady Cavs marltfor the past week 1-1-1. Folbe ~ a ~plaGe finieh turned aside 14sbotstorecattack. The Lady Cavs~ lowing Moaday'&3;-0W81 to rival with· a· time of 2':3:t. Joel bissecondshutout of theseaNeumannCollege 2~ the ~ EmemCoOegemec.._sqoad of"-1 BellandKaddeeaD'Am&-McGovem came in 15111.John on. Earlieractionwitnessedthe ~ wenM,,;14a is.to. Alter rebounded to Mae MawafeVal- li<>-,. Joa dropp1'd the Lady As1Qonwas33nl.Pau1Greenbalp , n ~ ._. going over- defeating BeaverCofteae 15-3in ley before they plajed Pea,\ Stare Cavarevordto 3!-4. crosseddie lino in the38dtspot to1Um backa stubborn Mis- the fim of dfte $et$. Debbie. Ogontz to a 1-l stlkmw ..~ and.John Fa.db.was40lb.
Ca\/s crush Delaware Valley for fourth win by Sharlene Sephton With a three game. sweep against Delaware VaUey College this Parents Weekend, Sept. 29, the women's volleyball team seized a fourth victory for the season. "For the first time they can call themselves a vol1eyball team,'' said Gerry Szabo, women's volleyball coach. Straight set scores of 16-14, 15-6. and 15-9 took the air out of Del Val according to Szabo. The first set was saved by the Lady C:::avsat game point. with Del Val leading 14-7. A side-out by Del Val put the Cavs in control for another four points by Lori MacAvoy. sophomore. Del Val never regained their momentum. "Once the confidence goe down, everything self-destructs,''. Szabo said. Tri-captain Debbie Malveaux, junior, continued the comeback giving the Cavs the lead of 15-14. The rally of nine points, was finished off with the set's winning serve by Carol Ann Gross, senior. . Without letting up during the second game, the Cavs lead all the way to the 15-6 win. Malveaux sufferred a pulled shoulder while blocking a point lost to Del Val at 10-4, but continued play throughout the remaining sets. "Malveaux is not the same person," Szabo said. "It's amazing where she's progressed to." He attributes the
change to a ummer of intense practice. The game point of the second set was tapped over by Pam Weeke , sophomore. for a final score of 15-6. Del Val tied-up,the third set at 6-6, and again al 9-9. Fast paced in-your-face net play by Malveaux, MacA"oy. and Jennifer McKee, sophomore kept the ball alive as the point. racked up against Del Val. The tjnal game and match point was served by MacAvoy for a score of 159. "They can play better than that," Szabo said.· "We need to be a little more aggres ive. It's a handicap from , being well brought-up." The parents who did bring up their daughters to be volleyball players were in attendance for Parents Weekend. Sandra Rowan, mother of senior tri-captain Kathleen Rowan, camefor the weekend from Louisiana. She has een two of her daughter's games in four year . "It's great. lfit wasn't for this weekend, I would never get to see it otherwise,'' Mrs. Rowan said. For Rita and Dominic Malveaux, tri-captain Debbie's parents, this was the first game they have been able to attend. They arrived for the week after a three-hour flight from Houston, Texas. ''It's exciting to see them play, and especially to see them win," Mrs. Malveaux said. ''From what we are, and where we're coming from, we're doing remark.ably well," Szabo said. ''Overall, I'm pretty elated with everything."
photo by Sue Roux
Kathleen Rowan dinks a Delaware Valley player as Deb Malveaux and Carol Ann Gross look on. Volleyball took three from Del Val to highlight Parents Weekend.
fridaXzoct. 5, 1990
Billiard club grows and set to tackle ACUI tournament play Penn State. Adelman competed there and placed third out of 25 For the second year in a row, co1Jeges. She was proud to note Cabrini has a small, yet dedicated that although no one had heard of billi~ds team. This year's team, Cabrini when they arrived, they all however, is showing more enthusi- knew of it when they left. Some of the other schools that competed asm than the year past. were Catholic University, "Billiards ismylife. Iloveit," Michele Adelman, junior and presi- Howard University,. Penn State dent of the team, said. Adelman has University, Towson State Univerphoto by MarkGudas been playing pool since 1987. She sity, University of Pittsburgh, and Billiard club, vice president, junior Bob Furhman, lines up a shot while gameroom watchers practices every day at B.J. 's Bil- George Washington University. study his form . This year, the tournament is liards in Conshohocken. Her man. One of these ideas is a shoot- sidered to be a practice. Rules for devotion to the game has been being held at West Virginia Uni- both residents and commuters, and span all the different classes. a-thon over Superthon weekend, tournament play are very different versity. The player who places rewarded with national and interwhere every player tries to sink as from regular barroom play, but they Adelman is president, and Bob first at the regional tournament national recognition. (Cabrini is ACUI • region IV) many consecutive balls as they can. will be provided for any team . Fuhrman is vice-president. FreshThe billiard team's main goal In order to determine which member who would like to try to men Jim Kunf and Matt Marshall goes to the internationals. Adelfor this year is to send four players team members go to West Vir- get to the tournament. were recently appointed treasurer man went to the international tourto the Association of College In addition to the excitement of ginia, a tournament will be held nament in 1989, where she placed an_d secretary, respectively. Unions International tournament The team had a budget hearing among themselves at B.J. 's Bilcompeting against about 25 other 12 out of 16. in Feb. ln addition to- billiards, the colleges, the team sees this tournaliards later in the year. Until the Feb. tournament, the last week. They asked for a small ACUI offers· toumam•nts in sevment as a good way to spread the Adelman regrets that only four team would like to set up monthly budget to purchase new cues, balls eral other non-physical games of Cabrini name around. games with Villanova's billiard from the team can go, since everyand a powder dispenser for the skill, such as table tennis, bowling, one is showing so much enthusi"Last year at Penn State, even chess, and foozball (or table club. The team would also like to game room. local colleges came to the tournaplay local clubs at BJ. 's Billiards. Also, the team would like for asm for the idea soccer). Adelman would like to ment with no idea where or what The billiard team existed last the school to cover the overnight New members are welcome to see Cabrini send other teams to the the team. According to Adelman, Cabrini was," Adelman said. year, although there were very few expenses for the tournament trip tournament besides billiards in the "They all knew who we were active members. This year, hownext semester, as it did last year. a person doesn't have to be good, future. In addition, the team bas sevthey only have to enjoy the game. w,hen it was over. This year. we're Last year was the first year that ever, those who signed up are very There are no set practice times; just going all the way to West Virginia. eral ideas for fund raisers throughCabrini sent any team to the ACUI interested in the idea of a team. The members of the team are out the year, according to 'Adelgetting together for a game is con- Think about it," Adelman said. tournament, which was held at by· Amanda Picher
.Szabo blasts the athletic department byStephanie Ranieri On the way to determinig athlete of the week, coach Gerry Szabo paused to contemplate the state of the women's volleyball team. ~•Before I came to Cabrini the volleyball team was recognized as a horrible team. They were at 4 -25. After my first year here they ended the season at 25-4," Szabo said. "I am not frustrated. I'm proud of the girls,'' Szabo said. '• At this moment I can't give you an athlete of the week. It's a team effort. If one person screws up the whole team collapses, although when they play as a team they are a lot of fun to watch.' ' When asked to describe the team he's so proud of, Szabo used analogies from the classic movie "The Wizard Of Oz." "They're a bunch of munchkins. They should all try out for' Somewhere Over the _ Rainbow.' Where else can you find a team
that can walk under a net with out knocking it down,'' Szabo said. ·' We see the team as one animal. We see ourselves as a floorbeast.'' This tradition started in 1982, when one of the players took Szabo' s theory of never letting the ball hit the floor to the most literal point as she dove for balls sparing no injuries. "Someone said look at her she's diving all over the floor. Yes, I said she was a floor beast," Szabo said. A major concern for the players and coach Szabo this season seemed to be the lack of or the disappearance of the scholarship program here at Cabrini. ''The reason the volleyball team got their scholarship program and grants taken away was because we became an NCAA organization," Szabo said. "Cabrini isn't the right size of school to be in this organization. I don't see any scholarship program in the near future. It just won't happen."
"I think Cabrini is in a definite need for a scholarship program,·' Kathy Moore, a junior player, said. "I know for a fact that four members of the guy's basketball team get grants so why can't we," fonnerrookie of the year.Laurie MacA voy said. '' Basketball is everything at Cabrini. They get all the advantages." It seems that more than just the
"This is a phenomenal school and I love it-here but it deserves better. Cabrini is a small school with too big of an athletic department, therefore the talent here is getting diluted. There's not enough talent to go around," -Gerry Szabo, volleyball coach scholarship program disappeared at Cabrini in recent years. "There is no support on the end of the athletic director or on the part of the student body," Moore said. "People don't treat volleyball as a real sport. We have nothing to win for," Pam Weekes, the team manager, said. ''Gerry should get the credit for our wins. Gerry can teach a trash can how to play volleyball," Moore said,," We as a team
CALL 789-4369
need to work on our attitude and confidence." Szabo spared no remorse when criticizing the administration's part in not only the volley ball team but the athletic department in general. ''The focus of the administration is on the academic system ~d the family life here at Cabrini and it should be. They are right to focus their attention there," Szabo said. ''That focus is right for them but not for me. I feel like Cabrini is the Earth and the athletic department is Jupiter. They should move the athletic department closer to the planet," Szabo said. Szabo stated that he wants some improvements to be made to the volleyball team if possible.although he doesn'tthink he'll see them. '~The offices for the coaches look like storage offices. Would you believe that you were sitting in the head of the athletic departments office right now,'' Szabo said. "I have a office with central air and a wide screen television to watch thereplays of the games (at other schools), and that's at a reform school." ''The net is nine years old. Its been here since I got here," Szabo said, "This is a phenomenal school and I love it here but it deserves better," Szabo said. "Cabrini is a small school with too big of an athletic department, therefore the talent here is getting diluted. There's not enough talent to go around.'' "We are a college team trying for excellence.and I am just ~ lonely part time teacher with no rights orno say.'' Szabo said.
f riday, oct. 5, 1990
Soccerfrom 16 Owen Cleary hitting the deck after a shove. '' Tempers just flared there,'' J askelewicz said. "We play as a team and that means sticking up for each other. But it was more tempers flaring than a fight.'' Aside from some issued yellow cards, neither side was pentalized for the, ruckus. The result was a shift in play from the Wesley end to the Cabrini side and a homecrowd affection for Cleary (who eventually exited with a ankle injury with 14 minutes to go). , A couple of tough saves by freshman goalie Clark Zimmerman maintained the Cabrinnead. A line drive kick by sophomore Michael "Pickle" Connor with 11:35 remaining boosted Cabrini's lead to 2-0. Senior Steve Buividas assisted Connor's insurance mark. That set the stage for Jaskelewicz's record quest. With 2:48 remaining, Jaskelewicz took an outlet pass and broke on goal only to be fouled by Wesley sophomore Sean Ryan. Trying to capitalize on the reward of a pentaly shot, Jaskelewicz's atterript was stopped by freshman goalie Daniel Martin. Cabrini sophomore Eric Burke pounced on the rebound and hit the post, then Jaskelewicz headed that rebound in for career goal number 30. His next score will break the mark set by LarryKilcullen in 1989. Kilcullen set the mark in four sea.sons (1986-89) of play. Jaskelewicz has reached that milestone in not quite a season and a half. · "I had been having bad luck for a while (a post shot in-the first half)," Jas-
Field. maintenancefrom 16
photo by John Gay
Glen Jaskelewicz goes for his record tying career goal. kelewicz said. "Toward the beginning the team and 1 pressed too much. Finally I said to them that the win is more important and my shots would come.'' Jaskelewicz's next shot at breaking the record will be at home on Saturday, Oct. 6, against Swarthmore. The victory enables the team to stride into the meat of their schedule with a 7-4 mark. With games remaining against traditional rivals Swarthmore, Eastern, and Salisbury State, plus tough contests with West Chester and Stockton State, the Cavaliers won't find calm terrain. "We have a tough season remaining," Hubley said. "We'll be in every game, but none of them wiU be easy." As for Jaskelewicz, who was one of the 11 players suspended for a game last week, the win did more for team morale than the winloss column. "We have to put whatever happened behind us," Jaske1ewicz said. "We want Cabrini to see us as a winning soccer team instead of a bunch of bad guys, which we are not."
been an excellent and quick one," Dzik said. Cabrini is not unique in facing the problem of managing long range planning for its facilities. Bruce Bryde, associate athletic director at Widener University, sensed a need for institutions to show more commitment toward their athletic departments. "We need more of an overall concern for maintenance in general,'' Bryde said "Specifically, what we need is more money, manpower, equipment and supervision of facilities.'' Dzik felt that concerns such as these are indicative of what NCAA Division III athletic programs similar to Cabrini must express in order to gain the necessary attention from their college administrations. It is this attention, which Dzik feels is necessary in order to remain competitive not only at their current level, but at future levels as well. ''The school wants to create a picture, but they aren'twilling to fill in the pieces to that puzzle,'' Dzik said. At Ursinus College in Collegeville, Pa., increasedFommunication and cooperation between the athletic department and school administration has proven to be an effective measure toward resolving this type of situation. ''I'd have to say that, overall, we as an institution do plan ahead in terms of maintenance," Jim Moyer, sports and equiptment manager at Ursinus said. ''We do have a Buildings and Grounds committee, which handles any long range planning for the college and its facili-
ties," Moyer said. "I also know that the athletic department is represented on that committee.'' According to Anthony Brocchi Jr., vice president for institutional advancement, the committee is composed of members from the college's board of trustees. Brocchi said that the athletic department is given the same consideration as other areas of the campus community. '' I feel that athletics is given the same amount of attention as other areas at Cabrini," Brocchi said. "I'm certain that the physical plant has an awareness of the entire maintenance needs for all the buildings and facilities on campus. Obviously, athletics is included in that as well." Another issue involved in this matter is that of Cabrini establishing priorities with regard to the care of its facilities. "I feel that prioritizing is an important aspect," Brocchi said. "A lot of what we can accomplish depends on what the college can afford to do.'' Other colleges and universities also recognize that obtaining the funds needed to properly maintain its facilities is more involved than simply asking for an increase · in a departments' budget. "There has to_;Qe_.IDJ..element of salesmanship involved in order to determine where and how any money will spent/' Moyer said. "Everyone feels that their department or area is the most important. It just a matter of making your concerns known to someone who is able to do something about it."
-------------------------------------------------------TEMfORARY POSITIONS- Manpower Temporary Servic~s has 50 openings available for casual laborers, runners, and attendants. Casual laborers:people capable of strenous· physical labor. Runners:people to assist with the event, run errands, dispose of boxes and. trash. Attendants:people who enjoy selling . and demonstrating items. If interested, please call or stop by 600 DeKalb Pike, King of Prussia, 265-6300. TRAVEL RELATED POSITIONSTake A Break Student Travel has openings for Campus Manager(responsible for organizing on-campus sales force),and Sales Representatives(responsible for marketing Spring Break travel). Make your on hours, up to 10 hours a week. You can obtain one FREE trip or $400. for every 20 trips sold. For an information kit call (617)527-5909/(800)32-TRAVEL. CLERICAL ASSISTANT- A small insurance company in King of Prussia needs someone to assist with filing, data entry and telephone skills. Organization skills and account keeping. Mon-Thurs 4pm to 8pm, $8.00 an hour. Important to be self motivated and work independently. Call 254-5604. NANNY-Full or part-time depending on schedule for a 1 year old, flexible hours. CaU 296-4027. References required. BUSINESS SURVEYS- $10.00an hour. Monday, Tuesday, and Thurs. 9:00am-4pm. Preferred marketing or business majors. Call
DRIVER/HELPERA person is needed to drive for a handicapped (epiliptic) son, and staying with him. Sat. morning: 10-12:30; sometimes would want person to stay all weekend. Pay is negotiable. Call Mrs. Charles Baker at 688-5793/296-9795. TELE~MARKETING-Donnelly Enterprises has an opening for evenings 5:30-9:00, $8.00 an hour plus bonuses. Call Linda 251-0994.
FULLJPART-TIME- Asmallnewspaper in Upper Darby is looking for someone to work as a marketing and business assistant. Good math slcills, detail oriented and ability to work independently. Help with marketing of paper by partcipating in idea sessions. Prepare customer billing,weekly and monthly. Postion pays $6.00 an hour. Contact David Reh 15500 Garrett Rd. Upper Darby, Pa 19082 6227688. 278-5568. SALES- YDW enterprises has a parttime opening. You set your own hours. Pay is negotiable. Training will be provided. Call 676-3590 Vonnie Weiner. WAITERS/WAITRESSES- Flexible hours, no experience needed! Starting rate of pay $6.00 per hour, $6.25 after 480 hours worked. Call 5267000. RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM SPECIALIST- 10 month position working with H.S. girls who are visually/ hearing impared. Sunday evening through and including Thursday evening, plus 11/2 hours in the morning. Salary is based on experience. Employee would be required to stay in apt. that is provided. Call Gary Belkot at 877-0313.
JOB OPPORTUNITY-Aquilar Jnc. has flexible opportunity, call for more information-296-9241. LIVE-IN NANNY- Includes room, board,and salary. Three children 11, 7, and 4 years old. Long flexible hoursgeared towards part-time students. Call 251-4587, 296-0316.
PART-TIME- Record data, prepare reports and contacting our customers. Need excellent communication work. Flexible- 20 hours a week$6.00 per/hr. Contact Gloria Myer,Chapman Agancy, 337-1171. DANCE INSTRUCTOR-
PART-TIME- Immediate openingfor an assistant position in an public affairs research firm. Involves 20 hrs. a week performing office tasks (filing, xeroxing). Pay $7.-$10. Contact Janice Busko- Mgr. of Research Service- 299-2900.
IMMEDIATE OPENINGS- Stouffer Hotels & Resorts have openings in Housekeeping Dept. 8am-4:30pm, Laundry Dept. 3:00pm-11:30pm, Dish Stewards 10:00pm- 6:00am, DNG. RM. Servers 6am-2/3pm, DNG. RM. Bussers 7am-2/3pm, Cocktail Server Flexible PM shift, Banquet Set-up 3pm-Flex., Front Desk Clerk- Flexible hours. Call 337-1800.
YMCA is looking for a dance instruc-
tor for children's dance and other departments. Thursday afternoons. Pay based on experience. Call Linda at 649-0700. MOTHERS HELPER- Live-in/Commuter to help child off to school and afterschool. Call 853-3263/3658500(work). DRIVER- Someone to drive handicapped (epileptic) son, and staying with him. Sat. morning: 10-12:30; sometimes would want person to stay all weekend. If interested call, 688-5793/ 296-9795( work). HOUSECLEANING- Weekend or at night. One day per/wk, $7.00 per/hr. Call Louise O'Malley at 688-3676. CLERICAUGENERAL • OFFICE WORK- Treasurer's Office in Wayne is looking for an indi.;,dual to work 20 hours per week-flexible. Pay $6/hr. Call 688-5600. OPENlNG- Dairy Queen in Paoli has flexible position available, Call 5444571 to apply. RECEPTIONISTLight word processing, someone who lives iii area, Mon.- Fri., approx. 4:30-8 and every other Sat. Salary is negotiable. Call Jean Schultz at 272-4224 (leave message).
PRESCHOOL TEACHER AIDE- 6 months- November 1990 through May 1991, 1:00 pm-6:00pm. daily. Experience with ages 2 1/2-6 years. Enthusiasm and love for young children required. Paid vacation and paid sick leave offered. Phone Mrs. Segal, the director at Rose Tree Day School, Monday thru Friday 10:00-4:30- 5654505. RECEPTIONIST- Part-time receptionist for Gal.lagher-Knatzer, 20 hours a week, $6./hr., general office skills, own transportation. Call Ruth 964-8722.
LIFEGUARDS- Club La Maison is looking for 2-3 certified lifeguards. Days available- mornings before 2- 7 days per week. Pay is negotiable. Call Howard Moore964-8800.
TELEMARKETING POSITIONHigh pressure phone job, need organization and telephone skillsjewelry knowledge helpful. Monday thru Friday 9:30- 1:30pm, $8.00-$8.50/hr. Call 265-5424. PART-TIME- Customer service center in Wayne needs help, pays $6.-$6.50/hr., Call 688-5980. ART GALLERY-in Berwyn has an opening with flexible hours, 15-20 hrs. a week. $6-8/hr. depending on experience. Call 644-4400. OFFICE MANAGER/SECRETARY- Need computer experience orifwillingto learn word processing, 15-20 hours per week (flexible, $8.00/hr. For more information call Mr. Paul Bierly or Lynn at 933-8010. TEMPORARY ACCOUNTING WORK- Olsten Prof. Accounting Services has openings in all levels offemp. accounting work. Hours are flexible, call 354-0514. ,
OPENING- M. Charles Producers Inc. in Upper Darby has hours available to work 5-9 Mon-Fri., 9:301:30 Sat., $5.lhr. Will be trained. Call - CLERICAL-RELATED WORKKnowledge of computer data entry, 352-1023. 4 nights p/wk, 3:30 to 7:30 Mon., SALES- YDW Enterprises- lets you Tues., Wed., Fri., pay based on experien<;e. Call 525-2209. sell the product of the 90's. You set your own hours. Contact Vonnie at 676-3590. INSTRUCTOR- Good salary, will train. Gymnastic instructor needed KENNEL WORKER- No experience necessary, will train, must have a love· to work with kids. Classes are Mon.-Sat. with part-time hours for animals. Hours are Monday thru Thrusday 9:00-1:00. $5.-$6/hr. Call available. 825-3023. 688-1018.
friday, oct. 5, 1990
Soccersquadputs hecticweek behind them, focuseson homecomingvictory
by Carlo Iacono
91en Jaskelewicz tied Larry Kilcullen for 30 career goals Saturday, 29, against Wesley.
Results I
Soccer 3 0
9/29 10/2
Cabrini Cabrini
Wesley Drexel
Field Hockey Cabrini
Penn St.
Volleyball 3
Del. Val
Men's Cross Country 9/29
4th at Phil. Met. Inv.
Women's Cross Country 9/29
The large parents weekend and alumni crowd flocked to Saturday's soccer game to view a few events. First, they came to wit- · ness sophomore Glen Jaskelewicz break the college's career goal record. Second, they hoped to' see the team up there record to 7-4. And last, they came to socialize. What that throng re- " ceived was a solid 3-0 Cabrini victory over Wesley College. Jaskelewicz tied the career mark with 2:41 left in the contest. And the presence of Radnor police made sure all socializing that involved alcoholic beverages wasn't visible to the general public. One and a half out of photo by John Gay three isn't bad. Matt Schlegelmilch squeezes between Wesley players Frank DeBiase and Blake Chapman en But for the soccer route to a 3-0 Cavalier victory over Wesley Saturday. team, after experiencing a week of turmoil as a result of several players being suspended due to the destruction of a school van, a solid, quiet win was just what they wanted. '· Sure, this week has been hectic, but this team is focused,'' head coach Duncan Hubley said. "We're a little angry because
we didn't blow them away." The rather mundane, foul-ridden contest started with a 1-0 Cabrini lead at the half. Freshman Brendan Ryan head shot the the ball in the cage with 17:44 left before the break. Therelativecalm subsided with26:59 left
in the game when tensions flared on the field. After senior Bill DiRita responded on a foul with a few return shoves, both sides converged at mid-field with Wesley freshman
more soccer on 16
4th at Phil. Met Inv.
Lack of responsibility and man power leaves athleticfieldspoorlymaintained
by William A. Fulton
Soccer Sat. 10/6 Tues. 10/9 Sat. 10/13 Thurs. 10/18
Swarthmore Eastern Shenandoah Holy Family
1pm 3:30 1pm 4pm
home away home away
Field Hockey Fri. 10/5 Mon. 10/8 Thurs. 10/11 Sat. 10/13 Tue. 10/16 Thurs. 10/18
Penn St. Ogontz away Alvernia home Moravian home Misericordia away Beaver away BrynMayr away
4pm 4pm 4pm 1pm 4pm 4pm
Mon. 10/8 Thurs. 10/11 Fri. 10/12 Sat. 10/13 Tue. 10/16 Wed. 10/17 Thurs. 10/18
Textile BrynMawr Cheyney Marywood Wilmington Swarthmore Lincoln
away 7:30pm home 7pm away 7pm away 12pm away 7pm away 7pm away 7pm
Women's Tennis Sat. Mon. Tues. Mon.
10/6 10/8 10/9 10/15
Frostburg Cheyney Wesley Eastern
away away away away
11am 4pm 3pm 4pm
Men's Cross Country Sat. 10/6 Dickinson Inv. away Sat. 10/13 Allen. Inv. away Wed.10/1 7 Alvemia home
12pm 11am 4pm
The lack of a long range plan for the care and maintenanceof Cabrini's athletic facilities has become the source of concern for Athletic Director John Dzik. According to Dzik, there seems to be some uncertainty as to who should be responsible for this maintenance plan. ••As director of athletics, it is my responsibility to ensure that the fields and facilities are properly prepared for the time of· the game,'' Dzik said; ••However, what I seek to . find out is what is the long range, routine maintenance plan for our athletic facilities.'•· Dzik feels that this is an "institutional priority," and that someone should be responsible for making him aware of the college's intention on this 'matter. "My point is that our athletic facilities fall under the responsibility of the physical plant," Dzik said. "much the same way classroom buildings, dormitories and other buildings on this campus fall into that category." Michael Caranfa, director of the physical plant, whose departtnent is responsible for the overall maintenance of the entire college, agreed with Dzik in that, when it comes to athletics. the issue of routine maintenance becomes somewhat unclear. "I'm not certain whatourresponsibilities with regards to the athletic department actually are," Caranfa said. "Right now, it seems to be sort of a gray area.'' One obstacle Caranfa and Dzik face in . maintaining the athletic fields in particular is that of finding available manpower. • '] am bound by the goodwill and availability of work study students in order to see
pho1oby Mar1< Gudas
Deplorable! How can you clean up the tennis courts with a broken squeegie. that the fields are prepared for a game," Dzik said. Likewise, Caranfa maintained that he too is affected by ll limited availability of labor. "We only have two groundskeepers to cover the entire campus," Caranfa said. "And truthfully, they have little to do with regards to athletics." Dzik said he understood the limited
labor situation of the physical plant. He also said that overall, despite their limited resources, physical plant performed their job in an efficient manner. "Whenever a particular problem does arise, physical plant's response·has always
more field maintenance on 15