friday, oct. 26, 1990
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
vol. xxxvii, no. 7
Communityservice proposaldebated
by Karen Dumorney
photo by Frank Emmerich
As part of a spree of campus damage, vandals destroyed the candy machine in the basement of Sacred Hean Hall/ last weekend. More photos and a story on page 11.
Opting to pay a fine or do community service is something the resident life department is taking into consideration since Frank Emmerich, junior, president of the Student Government Association, (SGA), submitted a proposal in July 1990. According to Emmerich, the code of conduct is in need of a better system of retribution and rehabilitation for violators. ''The current system which emphasizes fines in my opinion does not deter a student from committing acts against the code of conduct because the obligation of paying fines becomes the responsibility for the student which in most instances is the parents,'' Emmerich said. The proposal, if implemented, would serve as follows: -emphasize that this is a positi\'e reaction to a violation of the code of conduct. -include the option of the program expanding into the surrounding community with the public relations value that this is a
positive response to a violation. -those choosing community service should have a reasonable choice of projects to do, perhaps right in the immediate area of the violation. -the responsibility of scheduling and monitoring community service hours be handled by a professional member of the resident life staff such as the Iesident manager. -the parents should be made informed of the policy change which would allow community service hours to replace heavy fines. In addition, it's purpose is to put emphasis on the code of conduct's focus on responsibility and respect individuals and the community in general. By participating in community service, viohrtors of the code of conduct would be putting their services back into the community in which they took from. In a traditional case, those financially responsible for the student take more SERVICE on 11
Budget crunch leads college to freeze hiring
by Kimberly Keck Sister Eileen Currie, college president, has put a hiring freeze into effect. This freeze will affect all categories of people employed at Cabrini, according to John Barclay, chief financial officer. These departments consist of faculty, administration, cle.rical, security and housekeeping. Only Currie can make exceptions to the freeze, according to Barclay. According to Linda Fox, human resources manager, there was no more hiring than usual before freeze. "Cabrini is a small college with an average turnover,'' Fox said. This freeze mainly pertains to full-time positions. Part-
time employees or adjunct faculty can be hired if the department has enough money in their budget. This was the solution for Meredyth Leahy, dean for continuing education. Two people from her fulJ-time staff, Lia Terrey, academic records specialist and Mary Klein associate director of continuing education, resigned. Leahy believes that these positions should be replaced with full-time faculty. "The same number of staff dealing with 259 students are now dealing with 445 students.'' Leahy said. According to Leahy, Terrey's position was added in 1986 when there was 256 continuing education students. In 1988, Klein's position was added and 340 students were enrolled. This year, there are 445 continuing education
students. •'Program development is harder when having to worry about day-to-day issues. There's less time to be creative,'' Leahy said. According to Leahy, Terrey's position was replaced on a pan-time basis by Gail Crawford, former Cabrini employee and continuing education graduate. A segment of Klein's job was replaced by Steve Welch. He will assist in advising continuing education students. Library cataloger, Muriel Clouser, died on Sept. 10. Her position can notbereplacedbecauseofthehiring freeze. "I have forwarded a request to Dr. Biller for Muriel's position more FREEZE on 6
Sign situationworsens by Rita S. Cellucci Cabrini has a problem; people can not find it. For the past five years, the college has been trying to have traffic signs placed on the major roadways. · Last year, Loquitur reported on the problem of signs being bent and unreadable. Because the signs are so small, students and their families must always be on the look out for Cabrini's -signs. This year, due to a lack of funds, the signs will not be replaced for a while. Karen Berlant, public relations
director, has been working closely with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (Penn DOT) and met over the summer to discuss the situation. Berlant is also looking to place a sign on the Blue Route exit at Lancaster A venue. There are other locations that need attention for signs and PennDOT. PennDOT and Radnor lfownship have many guidelines and restrictions for educational insti more SIGNS on 5
photo by Edd McNamee
Budget constraints make it unlikely the stolen Cabrini sign at Rte. 320 and the Schuykill Expressway will be replaced in the near future.
·inside perspectives ..... . 2, 3
Keaton terrorizes
Knee injuries:
news .... 4, 5, 6, 11, 12
landlords in
The road to
features .... 7, 8, 9, 10
"Pacific Heights"
sports .. 13, 14, 15, 16
(page 10)
(page 14)
Working it off This past week a candy machine was gutted, a toilet was ripped from the ground, and a window in Xavier was smashed by a person's fist. No one has been caught, and there are no suspects. Repair costs for damage such as this sucks the money out of students' wallets, regardless of who the vandals really are. They will probably remain nameless and faceless forever, and no one will ever take responsibility for the vandalism. Many people do get caught for a number of different violations, though. The repsonsibility they show for their actions, however, is not much better than the unknown vandals. Simply by handing over a fine, he destruction· and harm they cause is often minimized. Often, the charge is answered without even an apology or feelings of remorse. The code of conduct stresses responsibility and respect from all indi viduals towards othersand the learning environmentaround them. Does paying a monetary fine, often with the funds supplied by unwitting parents, compensate and fulfill these objectives? The community service proposal has been attempted in several forms in the past, but no one has successfully set a standard. Enforcement has been too wishy-washy, and because of this the stigma against community service is that it is the easy way out. How much thought, time, and effort, however, is needed to write a check or call home to mommy and daddy for another "book fee?" Are the offenders forced to understand the impact and wrongness of their actions? Do they actually work to repay the damages? If we are committed to the educational objectives community service represents, we will find an effective way to monitor and supervise. The scale for fining should be set and it should be enforced consistently by a professional, such as a resident director. And there should not be an option to simply pay a larger amount of money. Each and every person should be expected to fulfill the community service requirements dependent upon the severity of their offense. A moderate fine and community service set by a scale of standards should be mandatory. The fines collected should be used to repay the general damage costs that go unattributed monthly, instead of filtering the money to feed the budget deficit. The community work accomplished will instill a newer sense of pride for the community.
J·usta thought ... Maybe for once the night before Halloween could be something other than an excuse for vandalism and vicious excess. At an institution of higher learning, we should be able to find more creative ways to celebrate the myths, ledgends and lore which surround the coming of fall. How about a night of terrifying stories in the Mansion? You're never too old. What Americans. are driving
1990·s 1 1n L~ ,N,__,. •use,-::::. \i~J~~~1') ~~' n4I
friday 1 oct. 261 1990
Faces behind the masks denise edwards sports editor When we were children we always had the ideal person or thing we wanted to be. Halloween was my favorite time as a child to dress as the person I admired or wanted to be the most. For months I would drive my mother crazy telling here exactly what I wanted to go as for Halloween that year. I always seemed to choose the person or thing with the most intricately detailed costume, the one that even a fashion designer in New York City would have difficulty making. As children, we all would pretend we were our favorite super hero, a scary monster or a maiden princess. The whole idea of being something that we were nQt brought contentment to our young vibrant hearts. But how about now? We are no longer children, or for some of us no longer teenagers for that matter. Yet we still all like to be thought of as something we are not from time to time. The class clown, jock, Mister or Miss Popularity, all of these we have once wanted to obtain. Surprisingly, with a bit of luck and being at the right place at the right time ,some have actually been able to achieve such glorified positions. This pursuit sometimes becomes a very scary experience when one morning you wake up and to your astonishment you have become that very something you thought you never were or ever could be. Many times we deny to ourselves and others of what we really are. Much of this stems from the fear of being classified as something holding a negative conotation in our society. This often draws us further away from the reality of what really makes each one of us the unique individual that we are. I often joke about my own life and say I wear many different hats or that I see myself hide behind masks to cover and protect the real me. I know it is only human to do so, but how much of this is actually good for you?1 had a friend who pretended to be something he was not. It took him years to confess to himself and others that he was more interested and attracted to men than women. Because of the way our society shuns the gay individual he was afraid to admit to himself and those around him what he was going through and how he felt. Finally, last Christmas he came to terms with all these competing masks he was trying to sort through. He gained thecourage tocomeout of the closet about his lifestyle and tell those he cared about the truth of what he had been dealing with for years. Last spring, when I applied for an editor position on this paper, the last position, besides editor in chief, I did not see myself being able to fill was sports editor. To my surprise on March 27, inthewee.hoursofthe morning, I was awakened to come to the newsroom. The current editorial board had made rheir decisions on the new board. I was astonished to learn I had been named the new sports editor. I thought, "How would anyone ever believe in or take the captain of the cheerleaders serious as sports editor?" Even after I arrived back on campus in late August to work on the first issue of this year, I was still not comfortable with the
thought of being sports editor or the responsibility I was about to take on. With every issue I do I learn more about myself and the trials and tribulation one goes through as an editor of a paper. This is one of those prime examples of waking up one morning and realizing you had become something you never thought you could ever be. For something that started out as being a feared part of my life because there was so much about the position that was unknown to me, it has actually been a very positive experience. A part of me has been molded from that initial mask I held up as a shield to protect me from ridicule and embarrassment.
This sometimes becomes a very scary experience when one morning you wake up and to your astonishment you have become that very something you thought you never were or ever could be. With Halloween just around the comer, take time to think of the masks you might hide behind from day to day. I'm sure all of us secretly wish we could change one thing about ourselves. Sometimes by stepping outside of ourselves and evaluating the situations around us can give us the fresh perspective we need to take to grow and move forward in life. Hiding behind a mask could deter us from making such progress. If we are true and honest to ourselves about our goals and desires as individuals we can learn and grow from these inner expectations; Put down the mask you hold before your face and let the true you· shine back brightly at you in the mirror. You might be surprised at what you see.
I staff Editor-in-chief:
Carlo Iacono
Managing Editor Jennifer Mornson News Ed11or: Chns Pesotski Assistant News Editor: Melissa Landsmann Perspectives Editor: Sharlene Sephton Features Ed11or· Kelly Anne Reed Sports Editor: Denise Edwards Copy Editor: Andrea Atmonavage Business Managers:
Kim Marshall, Michelle Merger
Photography Edttor: Frank Emmerich Assistant Photography Edttor: Lisa Lindley Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Cra1gie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Slaff: Matthew Brush, Joseph Buda, Aita S. Cellucci, Karen Dumorney, William Fulton, John Gay, Robert Healey, Matt Hodlofski, Kimberly Keck, Karen Kerchusky, Kimber1y Leblang, Lorraine Marie Lill, Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Kim Marshall, Jennifer Melchiorre, Alexandra L. Napoleon, Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Raynock, Frank Sciolla, Dawn Timbario, Missy von Siegel, Charles Waterfall. Photography Staff: Heather Clisham, Ivan Domazet. Matt Forman, John Gay, Mark Gudas, Kim Kojeski, Edd McNamee, Judi Panasik. Cann Pesotsk,, Chrs Pesotsk1, Sue Roux, Charles Waterfall. Loqu1tur Is published weekly dunng the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-97H!412. Subscription pnce is $25 per year and is included ,n the benefits secured by tuition and studenl fees.
The ed1tonals and opinions pubhs'led in Loquitur are the views of the student edrtorial staff and the individual wrrters and not the entire student body or lhe faculty .and ad111nistra1ion. Loquitur is established as a forum 1or student expression and as a voice In the un1nh1bijed, robust, free and open dIsrussIon of issues
friday, oct. 26, 1990
Respect life and women's equality:
Rights of the unborn and their mothers' by Tim Donovan I recently saw a man wear' ing a T-shirt which proclaimed, "Men of quality respect women's equality." This made me reflect on the meaning of "equality." I immediately associated the term with racial and gender-related issues. "Equality" in the popular sense refers to such concepts as equal pay for equal employment opportunities, etc. Certainly, such practices embody, in active form, the concept of equality, but I thought it would be useful to also find what definition a dictionary would provide. According to a definition in the World Book Dictionary, equality refers to ''sameness in amount, size, number, value, degree, rank, etc." In this objective sense, it's clear that all humlJJ}beings are not equal. A mentally retarded adult is not equal to a high school honor student in intelligence. A physically disabled child is not equal to an able-bodied child in terms of physical ability. An unemployed welfare recipient is not equal to a successful businessperson in terms of work productivity. Yet, at our best, we as Americans affirm that all human beings, regardless of race, sex, intelligence, physical ability, or economic status, have rights simply because they are human beings. Unfortunately, there's one class of human beings who are excluded from legal protection precisely because they don't "measure up" to a certain standard: unborn babies. Cert31inly, an unborn baby doesn't possess the physical and
guest columnist
tim donovan
mental abilities of an adult- neither does a severely retardedfive-yearold child. An unborn baby is quite dependent on another person for sustenance- as is a senile woman living in a nursing home.- Abortion is, quite literally, a form of discrimination because it means that an unborn human being can be judged "inferior" based on his or her attributes, and consequently, denied the right to life. • At this juncture, it's often claimed that opposition to abortion is based solely on Catholic religious doctrine. But the fact is that many religious denominations oppose abortion: the Souther Baptist Convention (the largest Protestant denomination in our nation), Orthodox Jews, the Mormon Church, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod; the list goes on. How can people with such diverse beliefs share a belief in the rights of the unborn? Because the question of abortion ultimately transcends religious beliefs. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a former abortionist and agnostic, has written that regarding abortion, "We can and must decide on the biological evidence and on fundamental humanitarian grounds without resorting to hierarchial decrees, or belief in God. Even if God does not exist, the fetus does." Put
another way, the fact is that each one of us (religious believer or atheist, liberal or conservative) was once a fetus. If one claims that •'The unbornare not human beings," the logical corollary is, ' •At an earlier point in my life (i.e. before birth) I was not a human being,'' which, I suggest defies both reason and biology. I believe that legal protection should be restored to unborn human beings. Does such a position mean a lessening of women's
s0<_:ietybuilt with the model of a childless male in mind. They (have) agreed to restructure the woman rather than restructure the environment." That is, the idea that abortion is simply a private matter of "choice" can leave many pregnant women isolated, without the emotional and practical support that they often need. I wonder how many men have walked out on their pregnant partners and "justified" their irresponsibility with the thought,
I wonder how many men have walked out on their pregnant partners and "justified" their irrespohsibility with the thought, -"Pregnancy is only a woman's problem, and after all she can always choose abortion." equality? Not at all. Sidney Callahan, a professor at Mercy' College and pro-life feminist, refers to legalized abortion as a "Betrayal of feminism." She notes that nineteenth-century American feminist leaders such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were opposed to abortion. She holds that feminism is a way of life which rejects aggression and destruction and seeks "alternative, peaceful... means to resolve conflicts.'' Thus, she decries, "Continued access to assembly-line technological methods of fetal killing.'' Another feminist, the late Ann O'Donnell, makes the interesting observation that the idea ''That women (have) to be unburdened of children in order to achieve in a
"Pregnancy is only a woman's problem, and after all she can always choose abortion." How many pregnant teenagers have been pressured into abortions by their parents who deny them the support that they so urgently need? In these ways, abortion "restructures'' women, through destruction of their unborn babies. Can't we instead ''restructure the environment" (society), so that both the rights of women and the unborn are protected? The good news is that many pro-life groups provide a wide range of practical, compassionate services to assist pregnant women in need: counseling, housing, medical care, adoption information (if desired), and more. Pro-life groups continue to expand their
Environmentalconscience.ssparked by cafeteria Styrofoam
services. Several groups, for instance, provide free day care service so that young mothers can complete their educations. These services embody the "Peaceful, alternative ... means to resolve conflict" that feminist Callahan advances. What else can be done to help restructure society? Child support laws should be viorously enforced to insure that single mothers are not left to raise children in poverty. It is surely unjust for some men to abandon the children that they participated in conceiving. Laws can be implemented to assist all people, particularly women, in maintaining job security. For example, a bill recently proposed in our state legislature would, among other provisions, provide unpaid leave so that workers could care for a new born baby. Such a law could help relieve some of the pressure·otrWomen who may seek abortions due to economic circumstances. Family planning (according to one's ethical beliefs) and adoption services are also important alternatives to abortion.Theoligian Richard John Neuhaus has urgedthat there should be no cenflict between the rights of women and the rights of the unborn. He eloquently asserts that, •'Life and liberty are not enemies ... unless there is life there can be no experiences of liberty. Unless liberty is devoted to the defense of life, neither life not liberty can survive." The very real difficulties faced by many pregnant women should be addressed in peaceful ways that respect life, rather than by the violence of abortion.
Loquitur coverage lacking?
To the editor:
We are writing to you because of our concern over the use of Styrofoam in the cafeteria. We as members of Lanshe spe. cial interest community are environmentally conscious and are concerned about this usage. Styrofoam is a very ecologically destructive material because of it's tendency to release Chlorofluorocarbons, (CFC's) which will eventually destroy the ozone layer. It is understandable that dishwashing equipment failure has forced Seiler's to resort to using some alternative means of food presentation. However, we feel that' Styrofoam is not the best possible alternative. Paperer plastic dishware would be a more suitable solution. We, as an environmentally aware community, feel that this is a matter that needs to be addressed and enacted. Thank you, The Lanshe community
DON'T l(N<fal
To the editor:
~ATwlCAN fX>. I
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AL\.MYS IJSl.MlltR. f.'XP[CT IIS ASI(l='oR
A few weeks ago I ran a letter campaign for the U.S. troops over in the Middle East. This letter was a show of support from the entire Cabrini College community. This was a successful campaign with 250 signatures of support including the president of Cabrini. This campaign, however, received no publicity from the Loquitur. I was disappointed that such an event like this one, was not newsworthy enough for a small' college newspaper. I hope that next time an event such as the one I ran, will be duly considered by the chief editor.
Brandon Dougherty junior
10 SAIi[ 71(( WHou_
Loqullur welcomes lette<s to the editor. Letters should be ~gned and the authOIShlpknown to the editors. However. if the writer wishes. and the editor agrees. the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication ond an lnsc~pflon Inserted such as '· name wllhheld at the request of the wrrter.·· Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter Istoo long for the available space. the editor may edit or condense tt. Lettersto the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
f rid&Xzoct. 26 1 1990 •
ContinuingEducationenrollment risesagain by Rita S. CeJlucci Renee Bauer had to go on a field trip one day with her school in Upper Darby. Field trips are always hectic with young children, getting them on the bus, making sure they are accounted for and then spending the whole day making sure they are having "fun." She then had to rush back to Upper Darby and get to Cabrini in time for her French class at 3:30. There was also a test that day. The night .before she could not study for the test because she had ¥1other class' homework to do that took up the whole night. As she rushed to school that afternoon she "looked" through her French book. When class finished at 4:45 she then had to hurry home through rush hour traffic to prepare dinner for her husband and her son. After dinner and dishes, she had to clean up the house to get ready for her part-time job. She was a skin-<:areconsultant and had women coming over for a demonstration that night. She barely saw her son that night as he went to bed. Her husband went to bed early because he also had school the next day. She put all her skin-care equipment away and prepared for the next day at school. She finally collapsed on the bed and was fast asleep. This is a day in the life of a continuing education student here at Cabrini. Meredyth Leahy, dean of continuing education, said that ''more and more people are returning to school" because they feel the need to complete their college education. "They realize a college degree is necessary,'' Leahy said. Another reason people return to school is for personal growth as well as professional growth. Joan Bateman, 57-year-old junior, said there is a "continual growth" involved. ''Leaming is more important than the time it takes to receive a diploma," she said. Pat Zehner, another junior, says ''Education is always important.'' Randee Gallo said she "values education" now that she has returned. .Continuing education's enrollment has increased 14 percent from last year to the present total of 443 students. the percentage of traditional part-time students, ages 18-24, is about 28 percent. The major bulk of continuing education's students, approximately 325 students, is over the age of 24. These are the non-traditional students. Many of the adult students who return to
college have been working, starting families, or both. Even though they have not learned in a school setting, they have been learning through everyday experiences. For this reason the continuing education office has established the Assessment of Prior Learning. Leahy said the 15-20 percent of the students take APL. The APL program allows students to identifythe knowledge and skills they have acquired in their jobs and in life and to put that towards collegecredit. Leahy said the APL program recognizes that the adults have learned a lot, but that the learning did not take place in a formal setting. It gives them college credit file photo which puts them ahead. They then prepare Meredyth Leahy, dean of continuing education, and staffers Lia Terrey and a portfolio that documents their learning at Nancy Gruver work with the 44<3continuing ed. students. Terrey has since left work and school. the college. They can also receive credit by taking the Pat Zehner, another junior, volunteered part of the school." College Level Examination Program Tests Renee Bauer has completed her educa(CLEP) and DANTES tests. These are to tutor children and she was offered a standardized exams which correspond to the permanent position. She wants to receive a tion and received a bachelor of science courses offered at Cabrini. It enables the degree and to be certified for elementary and degree in education. She enrolled in student to not take the class if they have special education. She read about Cabrini September 1987 and took one class. At first knowledge in that subject. All this is to through the newspaper and felt it offered the she was afraid of the prospect of going back capitalize on every adults experience. most with the APL program. ''I like Cabrini to school after 20 years. She worked in Continuing Education does its own adver- and the kids," Zehner said. One course Upper Darby as a teaching assistant in she was pleased with is the "transitions" special education. '' APL program was tising and marketing. They insert ''tabgreat for me," Bauer said, "I was able to loids'' in newspapers. A tabloid is a listing course that she took. of Cabrini's courses, and it describes the Leahy said this course helps ease the prepare a portfoJio from my wQrkexperience APL program and workshops one can take. transition back into college. It also helps the and get credit for it.'' It then sends out a viewbook to adults who adults define their career goals and polish It has been a positive experience for her call the office. Leahy said Cabrini must their writing, reading, and study skills. and she feels she has learned a lot and can show its options and the programs must "be Zehner said her family is very supportive. now apply what she learned to her life. One unique and stand out.' ' She ~s taking three courses and is working difficulty was that both her husband and she Joan Bateman was looking for a school full-time. "I established a routine and it is went to school; she went at night and her husband during the day. Their son was that was close to where she worked and had not that hard when the kids are older." a good communications department. She Randee Gallo was a flight attendant for young and it was hard for her because she was interested in VilJanova, Widener, and 10years and she stopped because her young- could not be as involved with her son's West Chester, but thought that Cabrini was est daughter went to college. She then found education as she would liked to have been. "focused." She heard about Cabrini a job as a volunteer working at a clinic for Now she thjnks it has helped him become through a co-worker graduate and she spoke chemically addicted mothers and their more involved in his school work. Bauer children. She was offered the position of will be present at the graduation ceremonies highly of it. Bateman works in Valley Forge and director and for this position she needed a in May to receive her degree. handles the public relations and advertising degree. Her major is social work and she An important part of continuing educaat her company. This is her first semester is almost finished, with five classes left to tion is the advising of the students. '' A lot at Cabrini and she is taking an introductory take. She took the route of APL and received of advising is done in the office and course in PR. Bateman said she wants to 30 credits from the experience she had in the continuing education is the intermediary "learn the fundamental basics" because field. She expects to graduate in 1992. between students and faculty," Leahy said. most of the things she does at work is what ''Cabrini has teachers that really respect They describe the specifics of the programs offered and help them decide upon a course she is learning now. It is just she did not students of all ages,'' Gallo said. know what the idea behind some of the Gallo is also a member of Alpha Sigma of study that are related to their education and Lambda, the national honor society for career. strategies are. She enjoys her night class and likes hav- students continuing in their education. This Recently, ACT 101 was made available ing younger students in the class. Bateman chapter was started at Cabrini in 1986. Leahy for the adult part-time students. This grant said she was impressed with the ideas and said it makes the adult students feel proud provides academic and personal services for thoughts that the younger students add to the to be recognized for their academic achieve- financially and educational disadvantaged ment. "It was fun," Gallo said, "feeling a students. class.
Stublfek• Cllbrinicould bavebemertpepuedber t«ia-.. c,ai:,na dleUniver- uane wrldDI .a pncliQejob ~becauee a4id -not .. .._. ,-alotofdultait-W a .....,
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f riday, oct.. 26, 1990
Service project required for seminar 300 class by Bob Healey Students under the new core curriculum, current sophomores and freshmen, will be required to talce a seminar 300 class their junior year. There is discussion presently going on among the faculty to add a service component to the program. The proposed program will <:onsist of a three credit (two and a half hours a week) class, dealing with the common good of society. The service component will consist of ~e students actually promoting the common good in the community. According to Dr. Sharon Schwane, philosophy department chair, the service component will teach students how they effect public policy. "Whenever you stick your neck out people will always be there to chop at it." Schwarze also said the service component will show students the channels they must go through in order to change something in the political process. According to professors the faculity agrees in theory but the particulars need to be ironed out. One question that remains is grading
students on their service and motivation of students. According to Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson of English/communications, and James Hedtke, history and political science, students will be graded on what
"With any difficult task many will be unmotivated, the teacher or coach must facilitate motivation." -Mr. James Hedtke, assistant professor they bring into the class from their experience. Students will not be graded on the success of their service, rather they will be graded on what they learned from it. ''With any difficult task many will be unmotivated," Hedtke said, "the teacher or coach must facilitate motivation.'' He also said there are always unmotivated students but that does not prevent teachers from teaching.
According to the student handbook, Cabrini College bears the name of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini and is a network of the Missionary Sisters of Sacred Heart. ''The apostolic priorities include working for peace and justice, working against poverty and oppression, promoting personal and interpersonal growth and increasing compassionate concern for all human beings. According to Zurek the service project would be in keeping with the goals of the coJlege. According to Hedtke, who along with Dr. McGuinness taught a class entitled "War and Peace,' ' the service component meshes well with the mission statement. He also said, "We as individuals must help the common good, we can't continue to blame crap on others." ''Theory without practice is sterile,'' Zurek said, "and knowledge without action is dumb.'' The initiation of the service component for sem.300 is slated for the fall of '91. This is when the class of '93, the first class to be admitted under the new core, will be juniors. The faculty wiJI vote in early spring and sem.300 will still be mandatory even if the
service component is not added. According to faculty there is little negative feedback and the only remaining question is how to structure the particulars of the class. For years the mission statements of small, private liberal arts colleges has been community awareness and promotion of the common good within that community. "We have to show students that there is more to life than financial rewards,'' Hedtke said. According to Zurek this wrll be an educational project, students will see things they have before. One objective of the component will be to have students experience things they discussed in class. Students are more likely to be impressed by what they see rather than what they read. For example, students might observe the living conditions of migrant workers in nearby Chester County. Also, problems hit home when you are amoung the homeless in Philadelphia, rather than reading about them. "We need to promote action along with discussion on topics," Schwarze said.
Kappa uses fund..raisersto continueserviceaetf.vities ly Jan Gay
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offaeilaltall of IC-
more SIGNS from 1 tutions placing signs on roadways. One major restriction Cabrini faces is meeting the minimum requirement of5,000students. Berlant said, "We have been in contact with the other neighboring schools" to join together in a group effort. However, with Eastern College and Valley Forge Military Academy, the enrollment numbers reached a little over 3,000. Berlant said that Cabrini and PennDOT can work with this number and it will not be a major problem. Cabrini's budget crisis is another problem. The budget is placing constraints on the funds and there is not enough moneytopay for signs. "Ithasnotbeenatop priority right now," Berlant said. Until enough funds are acquired, Cabrini can not pay for new signs. As of now, the public relations and admissions offices try to handle the Jack of signs by giving good directions. The public relations office has written a visitors guide to help clarify the directions from the Pennsylvania Turnpike, Schuylkill Expressway, Lancaster Pike, and soon, the Blue
Route. Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, receives calls from parents and students who would like to visit the college. The admissions office also gives directions over the phone and would send them the visitors guide. Gardner said, "It would be nice to have large clear signs" to "expand the knowledge of Cabrini being here.'' Diane Huff, junior, comes from Reading, Pa. She never found signs the college said would be there. Even now she has trouble. Huff said,' 'I always wanted to malce a sign and put it over the Villanova/Rosemont sign." Huff hates to give directions to people who wish to visit her and finds it a major problem. Angela Visco, freshman, got Jost the first time visiting the college. She is from Northeast Philadelphia and travels down the Schuylkill Expressway. "You really need a sign on the expressway,'' Visco said. ''There are little itty-bitty signs, like 5 by 7 and I wear glasses and it is hard to see.'' Katie McGehan, freshman, is from Virginia. ''There are a lot of signs for Villanova and Rosemont, but none for
Cabrini.'' She called ahead for directions and felt they were good. There are lucky students who do not have problems. Chris Marchese is a freshman from Haddonfield, N .J. He did not find it difficult because he has a cousin who attends Cabrini.
CLOTHINGDRIVE Sponsored by the SOCIAL WORKCLUB! WHEN:Friday, Oct 26 Saturday Oct. 27
WHERE:Outside the bookstore (Fri.) WCGA(Sat.)
TIME: 10:00am-3:00pm
f ridaXzoct. 26, 1990
Security incidents reported Oct. 16 through Oct. 22.
Criminal Mischief Haunted House at Xavier Hall Oct. 25-27 from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The price of admission is $3 for children and $3 .50 for adults. It is not recommended for children
10/19-10: 15 a.m. -Grace Hall Admissions department was entered into and the signs were moved around.
under five. Come and enjoy the apple cidernnd other treats for a ghoulish time. For more infonnation call 971-8111.
Memorial Mass will be held for Muriel (Mu) Clouser on Friday, Oct. 26, at 5: 15 in the chapel. All are invited to attend. Spend Sunday, Oct. 28, from 12-4 p.m. at the Linville Orchards. This trip is being sponsored by SGA. There is no admission charge and transportation will be provided. If you want to go into the pumpkin patch, there is a $1 fee, and a $3 fee for the hayride which are both optional. For more information contact Felicia Falcone at 971-8415. The van leaves at noon.
Ethnic Dance-A-Thon will be held in the Atrium from 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2, through 7 :00 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 3. Sponsorship is required to participate and prizes will be awarded to the person who raises the most money. Dance the night away to reggea, hip-hop, club, Brazilian music and more! Ethnic snacks will be served. Funds raised go to support BSA, CARET and Hunger Awareness. For more information, contact Anna Rodriguez, box #304, or Ellen Battersby, box #706.
10/21-5:30 a.m.-Suspects broke into candy machine located on the lower level of Sacred Heart Hall and ransacked the machine. Upon an inspection of the premises, a destroyed toilet was discovered in the ladies locker room on the same floor of Sacred Heart.
Harassment by Telephone 10/22-8 p.m.-Student in House l received harassing and threatening telephone calls. Radnor police were notified and brought to the scene. Security and Radnor police kept a watch of the building throughout the night.
Bookstore re-organizes by Bob Healey
Clothing Drive will be held on Friday, Oct. 26 outside the bookstore and Saturday, Oct. 27 in the Widener Center Gathering Area from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The drive is sponsored by the social work club. Are you feeling stressed-out? An Autogeoics Power Nap will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 30 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in room 2 of the Rooyman Center. All are invited. For more information, call 971-8566.
All Saints' Day masses will be held at 12:20 in the chapel and at 9:30 p.m. in Xavier Great Room. All are invited to attend. Want to have your voice heard about student activities? Come to this Nov. l meeting from 4:30-5:30 in the Dean of Students Conference Room. Stop complaining that there is nothing to do and do something about it. This is your chance to get answers to your questions and to learn how to plan activities on campus.
Fall Formal is Friday, Nov. 9, from 9p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Sheraton Valley Forge. The theme for the dance is "In Your Eyes." Tickets are on sale now in front of the cafeteria during dinner and lunch.
AttentionAll Students! If you have not signed your student loan check, be sure to go to the business office and do _soimmediately. Checks are only held for a short time and then are returned to the bank without being cashed. If you are unsure about whether your loan check has arrived, check with the business office to be sure.
Commissioningfor lectors and Eucharistic Ministers will be held on Sunday, Oct. 28 at the 6 p.m. mass in the chapel.
Introduction to WordPerfect is being offered every Tuesday evening from Oct. 30 to Nov. 20 from 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Jay Arnold, president of Computer Training and Assistance Inc., will help develop your word processing skills, using the popular word processing program among businesses, WordPerfect 5.
TV reporter auditions: Alwaysdreamedofbeing
a televisionreporter? Cabrini's new cable television program ''Local focus'' will hold auditions for on-<:amera reporters in the college TV studio on Tuesday, Oct. 30, between 12:30 and 1:45 p.m. Come prepared to conduct a 2-3 minute interview of Junior Chris Pesotski about his views concerning racial prejudice and ethnic intimidations on campus. For more infonnation, contact Cathy Yungman at ext. 8349. This could be your first step to stardom. Society for Human Resource Management will raffling off a pair of tickets for the Flyers vs New York Islanders from Oct. 15 through 31. The chances cost $1 and the drawing will be held Nov. l, in the Widener Center.
Flu shots available through health services for a fee of $10. The shot is recommended for: Otherwise healthy persons age 65 or over; adults and children with chronic illnesses; health-care workers; and any person who wishes to reduce the chance or acquiring influenza. If you have any questions about whether you should receive the vaccine, consult your physician. For more information, contact health services at 971-8400. Take advantage of the WeekendVan Shuttle Serviceto Center City Philadelphia. The van leaves at 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and stops at the Visitors Bureau at 15th and JFK Boulevard. Students returning to campus should assemble at the Visitors Bureau no later than 5:00 p.m.
Don't forget! The Holy Spirit Library is participating in Acme Supermarket's Free I~Ms for Your Schools program. Please save: Acme receipts dated through 2/5/ 91; Scott Paper "Leaming Tools for School" seals; Campbell's labels; and Tastykake Family Pack UPC bar code symbols. Deposit them in the box near the Circulation Desk in the Library or send them through Campus Mail.
D~pite the abrupt retirement of Albert Vassallo on Sept. 19, 1990 the book store has been business as usual. However, future management and distribution of books in January remain prominate, unanswered questions. According to John Barclay, chief financial officer, an advertisement is being run in local papers and posted around campus in hopes of finding a new manager. He said the position is open to anyone on and off campus. According to Barclay the hiring freeze is non-applicable to replacing Vassallo because it is not a new position and money has already been allocated. Hiring two people, however, would not be possible. Presently Sr. Antonina Avitabile, purchasing manager, and Judith Barnes, business officer cashier, are running the bookstore. "But ultimately I am responsible," Barclay said. "We, Judy and myself, are taking on extra responsibility until a new manager is hired," Avitabile said. "Albert, though, still calls and has even come in on occassion.'' According to the business office, A vitable will be in charge of ordering-books for next semester if a new manager is not hired in time. Vassallo' s departure was sudden but he left the store in complete working order. "I was delighted that it was so well organized," Barclay said, "especially with the lack of space.''
According to Avitabile, Vassallo had everything very well organized and has made himself readily available to answer questions. According to Barclay students will purchase books in January in the same fashion they did this semesterunless the new manager changes the system. ''The list makes it easier for the workers," Bernadine Febbo, a bookstore worker, said. "It is the best way to do it with the lack of space.''
"I don't know if anyone can replace Albert. He had many years of dedicated service." -John Barclay, chief financial officer The process of hiring a new manager has just begun and there is no deadline, according to the business office. "I don't know if anyone can replace Albert," Barclay said. "He had many years of dedicated service." "He had a computer in his brain," Avitabile said. "He knew everything about all the books, he will be hard to replace." According to Jayda Zazyczny, a bookstore worker, Vassallo is enjoying himself but he does miss the store. "This was his baby," she said.
more FREEZE from 1 to be unfrozen so I could hire a replacement,'' Kristine Mudrick, library director, said. According to Mudrick, the situation is not at a panic point yet. Potential problems may arise when books ordered by faculty arrive in four to five weeks. According to Mudrick, Sulekha Kelyan, inter-library loans and serial collection manager, and herself have been handling Clouser's workload. Last year, Clouser cataloged 3,500 books. Dr. Jolyon Girard, history and political science chairperson, wrote a proposal to hire a third full-time faculty person. Girard wanted a third faculty member to teach about cultural diversity andthird world countries. According to Girard, this proposal was turned down. "The department can survive without the new addition. This is not good for students," Girard said. "The two teachers (Girard and James Hedtke) have about 60 advisees between them.'' , Chairperson of the Education division, Dr. Dawn E. Middleton, said her department has felt no effect yet because they haven't
lost any staff or faculty since the freeze. The education department was not planning to hire before hiring freeze went into effect. The education department wrote up a proposal to extend· their staff next year. "Ultimately, we will have to hire another faculty member to assist with field experience and student teacher supervision,'' Middleton said. According to Middleton, not hiring a new faculty member would make jobs busier for faculty members. "The day-time faculty have a heavy load already because continuing education students must do their work in the day as well," Middleton said. "The students aren't suffering it's the faculty that suffers." Not all the job categories are having problems with the hiring freeze. Michael Caranfa, physical plant chief officer of physical plant, said, ''There were _novacant positions for physical plant.'' Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, said, "We would feel the trouble if somebody left and we couldn't replace them."
f riday, oct. 26, 1990
Studyingfor midterms, everyonehas a technique by Alexa Napoleon Questioned on their least favorite pastime, 99 percent of Cabrini students answered ...studying. No surprise there, but when asked what they do while they study, studying does not seem too bad. Whether students enjoyed music or television while they studied, or preferred silence, they seemed to at least have fun on their study breaks. Students' study breaks are often longer than their actual study times, but some students say that less study time in place of 'quality time' with their friends is worth it. When stressed out from excessive studying, students seem to need to let off steam. When freshmen Kayce Pottichen and Angela Visco take a study break, "We play weird music and dance crazily around the room." Pottichen and Visco also enjoy singing to "The Little Mermaid" to break stress. When Heather Quinlan, Jennifer Yates, and Deanna D 'Alfonso, freshmen, study, their breaks "last all day." Yates often writes letters between assignments and all three both listen to music and watch television as they study. Tricia Daley and Cyndy Bangs listen to the radio or watch television when they need to study, while Julie Keough . and photo by Lisa Lindley Carolyn Freitas need silence in order to study. "Study buddies" Joelle Spagnola, right and Mary Chris Curci stvdy for midterms in one of Woodcrest's study lounges When students really need to study, they cut out extended study breaks and often disappear into their study lounges. If Diane Students preferring music listen to a listening to music, freshmen Andrea Cranga, Popular and effective methods from the Osborn, freshman, needs to study, she es- variety of different types. If Woodcrest is Christina Omiatek, and friends sing. "Master Student" text include reciting macapes to the quiet study lounge in Wood- noisy, Kerri Brambilla, freshman, pops in a Some students when they study, if they terial as you read it, summarizing paragraphs crest. But Cynthia Taddei studies in Simon and Garfunkel tape. Wendy Crossley study, have different outlooks. Sophomores in the margin of your textbook and mapping Xavier's great room and said that her friends prefers to listen to dance music '' with a good Carol Bristow, Tara Kegel, and Jeannie your notes. walking in and out really does not bother her. beat.'' Besides watching television and Dougherty take study breaks at a nearby bar, Janet Shoemaker, M.Ed, of the CARe house 6, or Tara's car. "We study every center suggests practicing math examples night except Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- before a test, answering the questions at the day, Friday, and Saturday," they said. ends of sections in the text and reviewing Omiatek, Cranga, and company study only when they are "too tired for joking around "I jog in the hallwaywith a and partying." Strange things often occur when Cabrini book,singing." students study too much. In freshman Potti- John Cardwell, freshman chen' s semi-haunted room, a jar of peanut butter apparently flew across the floor and hit her in the head. Some students have strange notes after the class. compulsions to run around their residence Shoemaker also recommends forming halls wildly and some write weird messages study groups and working together to reinon other people's memo boards. force information. Cramming is not a good Unusual means of study also take place idea, because frequently, something come here at Cabrini. "I jog in the hallway with a up to prevent studying for that particular book, singing,'' freshman John Cardwell exam. said. Problems students face in studying for a Students really do study if they need to. test are gaps in notes and misunderstanding Freshmen Felicia Hayes and Nina Chartier of the instructor. Gaps in notes can be help each other. They teach each other avoided by reviewing notes after the class different methods to reinforce learning. period, writing notes in the margin, and They also use index cards, outlines, and developing questions to ask the teacher. If highlighting. The only problem they have is the student does not comprehend the profesa "peek at our favorite show" on television sor's lecture, the student can form a study can stretch into all night. Students also study individually or in group or can request a tutor from the CARe groups. Beth Mulrihill and Michelle Center. If a student is having a problem in a McKenna prefer either of these two methods, although sometimes, students end particular subject, assistance can be requested from a tutor in the CARe Center. up laughing more than studying. Studying seems to be much more com- Tutors are available in almost every subject plicated than running highlighters through area. "People are really looking for help," every word in your text and getting in trouble for being too loud during a study Shoemakersaid. Thetutors are busy helping session. Some students feel they need to students who need assistance in math, hismake the best of studying, since it is tory, education and other subject areas. necessary. One Cabrini student who refuses Students are also enthusiastic about tuto identify himself thinks that "since you tors. One junior said, "My tutor is always need to do it, you might as well do willing to help me if r have a problem. My something outrageous to break up the agony understanding of my math class has really SPONSORED BY DOMINO'S PIZZA sessions." improved.' ' If students are serious about studying, Study groups and reviewing notes are there are a variety of methods to try. These also popular methods. Mulrihill and McKmethods can be found in either the '' Becom- enna find it helpful to study in groups, if they ing a Master Student'' book used in freshman do not have too much fun. seminar or from the CARe center.
f riday, oct. 26~ 1990
Phobias: facing your most frightening fears by Karen Kerchusky Acrophobia is the fear of high places. Claustrophobia is the fear of closed spaces. Arachnophobia is a summer movie dealing with the fear of spiders. Italso got the nation talking about phobias. Veronica Hoffman is not just afraid of spiders but of all bugs. "I won't touch it. I won't kill it," Hoffman said. "Someone has to do it for me." Some people here at Cabrini feel the same way. Michele Montgomery is one of them. '' Ants I can kill,••Montgomery said. Any other insect has her finding someone else to kill it. Eric Hope is not phobic of all insects, just bees and roaches. Hope refers to a childhood experience to explain bis fear. He was stung in the arm. then stung in the cheek within minutes. "I hate the noise of their
wings," Hope said. Snakes are not popular reptiles on campus. Andrea Atmonavage, Kevin Obrecht and David King all have a phobia of snakes. Kingwill not even go into the reptile house at the zoo. Claustrophobia is a very big phobia on
"All the way up, I pray, I don't know why I put myself through it." -Jennifer Pagano, acrophobiac campus. Kasey Eckman asked for her desk to be next to the window because of her fear of closed spaces. Lynn Bechtel found out she was claustrophobic when she fainted after the elevator she was riding in got stuck. T¥a
~-Cabrini.-,. becwlhelO\COf .......... ~
He likened bimilelfto ''the personsiapta ia the show&!' He RfMll'tllougbtbe 1WJlld be singingtD• audienceUDlD!bit, tint performace.DobaysaidlbalMUdlfobu the samepitch as one of the &mou opera stars.
In the futun,, Gilbert hopes that the fine arts department at Cabrini will tpODSOr an operetta for 1he:ir aext performanc:ein the mansion. "I would like a lipler tiscordardimetalkedabouttbevariouusoperetta, sc:aedling cheerier," (]Qbat pects of love while the song from II said. Barbiere di Siviglio was comedic. Les Susan Kravitzwouldlikeafullopr,ato Oiemins de l'amour was only song they come to Cabrini. Dobay wouldlike auogfromtbe20thcenturyopera. This was something different. "t"JWnbermusic also a.lovesong to be sung draped over a would be a refreshing cbMlge,'' Dohay piano. The last song bad all four singers said. singing and made a lasting impression The Bel Canto Quartet pladsto perfonn with the audience. in the Glassboro area andthe Eastern AlMost of lbe audience heard about the lentown area in the near future. opera through mailing lists and most, like Dr. Adeline Bethany, fine arts chairDohay, have beencoming to the perform- person, hopes that the next event has as ances for years. Cabrini students, how- great a tum out as this one did. Suppa and ever,camemoady because they either bad his Bel Canto Qaartetusually perform to do a reviewfor music class or because every other year at Cabrini. Supa was they lived in the mansion and were curi- contacted last year to perfonn this past ous. Carmen Doranzo heard about the Sunday. opera in the Inquirer and his friends, the Suppa, who taughtinCabrini'sfineart
by Jennifer Melchiorre
Cabrini's annual haunted house is on its way, so be prepared to jump out of your skin because this is going to be "your worst nightmare come true," John Cardwell, freshman, said. The Student Government Association is extremely excited about this year's haunted house, according to members. "There is more enthusiasm this year. Last year it seemed like a chore,'' Katie Mullen, SGA member, said. The haunted house will be held in Xavier Hall from Oct. 25 to 27.
"It's a great opportunity to meet people, get involved and have fun with friends and the community." -Angela Visco, freshman
The theme, '' Movies, Monsters and Madmen," has been added to this year's haunted house. With this new feature, the SGA is hoping things will ''work better and performers. department before :Bethany, bas a special smoother," according to SGA member Joe CaJt Suppa,lbe conductor and music bond with the school.He taught President Hvizdos. diiecw of the Bd Canto Quanet. made Sister Eileen Currie in high achool. To get the attention of the surrounding ~ tlwOl)CJ'U easier by narrar.Michele Maguire. an intern of the fine area, fliers are being put up everywhere and ing wbat the a,ogs about at the arts department, said that the performers an ad was placed in the Philadelphia Inbe~o(eacluoog.He gpt tbename were .. individualsingers associatedwith quirer. The funding comes mainly from the "Bel C'Qto'', whichmew .beautiful differenteoUeges and8$111Cialions..,,. community. "The community looks formusic, from ti» 19'hantw_y 8tylcet "They go as a gn>uP, ro odlS ward to the haunted house. It really bring He bopos y~ ~-Magmresaid. Cabrini and the community together," sia"8tolhlt~....... ~· ''Coc,Jdio.. is the key»the Bel Mullen said . lit plaos ... Opela Quatfet.''~ to The admission price is $3.50 for adults Suppe. and $3 for children. All proceeds go right
--*~~~ ...-··~•--•~1,,,r
say it. Chris Conrad is afraid of growing old alone. "Idon't wanttoseeithappentome," Conrad said. "My motto is from Jake and Elwood Blues, 'Everybody needs someone to love."' Dr. Lily Waechtler, counselor, feels phobias can be overcome. "Leaming to relax," Waechtler said, is the key. Phobias can excessively limit a person's life. Relaxing when the anxiety starts helps a phobic person deal with their fear one step at a time. Lea Brundin agrees that phobias can be cured. For Brundin swimming in deep water without a mask makes her panic. She tried to overcome her fear when she took scuba lessons. However, an uncomfortable experience set her back. Tara Monte also believes that phobias can be overcome. An acrophobic, Monte deals with heights in cheerleading when some positions require her to stand on other people. "It's a step by step process," Waechtler said, "According to the hierarchy of your fear." A Phobia is your body reacting to what your mind says. First you visualize what makes you fearful until you do not experience anxiety. You work your way up to confronting your fear with action, like crossing a bridge....ll' going in an elevator. Phobias "keep you from growing," Waechtler said. "But the good thing about phobias is that they can be treated."
Double,doubletoil, and cauldronbubble: Cabrini's·HauntedHouse a bewitchingtime of.-~ 6- 25
l;==••·•;J-.,.baldbffael Gilbert.a Quartet. llldcdsiRplg opeaa'lheaudienceto decide which years ago.Healways liked GPft. aongshelikedthe most. ''They were all aood," Gilbertsaid. ~-La aohenle was on the top of Julius Dohay's list with IlBarbierediSiviglio ooming in a close second. The program started with friendship songs from Don Carlo and Norma then moved OR to love songs from L 'Ultima Cam.oneand Un Ballo in mascbera.~ iongs fiun,Cannen, La l'raviata and Non
Monte considers claustrophobia to be one of her fears. The other is heights. Not many people have a fondness for heights. Charlyn Buzzard, Jeff Patti and Meaghan Panzer all consider themselves to be acrophobics. Deanna D' Alfonso does not like open heights. Her solution is to close her eyes. Diane Osborn has the same solution. When Osborn rode a baby roller coaster, she closed her eyes for the whole ride. Jen Pagano prefers to deal with her fear of heights by going on roller coasters. Each time produces the same result. '' All the way up, I pray," Pagano said. "I don't know why I put myself through it." Kim Kojeski won't go skiing from high places because the one time she did, she was afraid of what she saw when she looked down. Paul Schneider considers a childhood accident reason for bis fear of heights. '' I fell out of a tree, face first,'• Schneider said. There are a f(:w unusual phobias on campus that don't fall into a category. Wire hangers are Lydia Hallam's worst nightmare. ''I freak out when my clothes are on wire hangers," Hallam said. Chris McLaughlin is afraid of what can happen to her car, a I990 Camaro RS. Jenn Spingler gave the answer of "the guys at Cabrini'' for her phobia. Marc Scoleri is afraid of not buying enough beer. Heather Quinlan doesn't like the word moist to the point that she will not
back to the students for future events that the SGA has in mind. "We'rehopingtobetter the school so students will stick around on the weekends instead of going home," Mullen said. - Cider and cookies are being donated by the cafeteria. Candy, pumpkin pie and candy apples will also be available. The senior class is sponsoring a hay ride after the haunted house each night at 9:30. Many of the students working on getting things together for the haunted house said this year's' 'Movies, Monsters and Madmen" will be something to remember. Brian Wolk, freshman, said "It's yearbook material. This will be a legend.'' SGA plans to meet every Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. up until The annual Ha the haunted house begins. $3 for children. When asked why the haunted house seemed like such a good idea, Angela Visco, freshmen, said, "It's a great opportunity to meet people, get involved and have fun with friends and the commu-
f riday, oct. 26, 1990
Lefties, making it in a right-handed world by Joe Martini
Most people who are righthanded probably never stop to consider how many things they would have to do differently if they were left-handed. Daily procedures that righties don't even think about may be difficult tasks for lefties. Just about everything made to be used by humans is made for righties. Tim Janusz, senior, lefty, said, "Left-handed people are forced to live in a right-handed world." The biggest complaint from lefties is that they can't use the same scissors that righties use. Of all the lefties interviewed, every one said that they couldn't use a regular pair of scissors. The shape of the handles just doesn't fit the left hand properly. Left-handed people have great difficulty with a host of other tasks. Most lefties complain about their penmanship because the letters lean the opposite way of proper script. Lefties also have trouble with erasable and felt tip pens because their hand passes over whatthey've just written and they inevitably smear the ink. They also have difficulty with things like buttons and buttonfly jeans, spiral notebooks, desks, snaps, tying knots and throwing things like baseballs or footballs. Driving can also be frustrating for lefties. Production cars are
basically designed for people who are right-handed. the radio, heat and air conditioning controls are usually on the right side of the driver. Most lefties mentioned that they had difficulty driving a car with a --manual transmission because it needs to be shifted with the right hand. One lefty said that he had a hard time smoking while driving. The ashtray is on the right-hand side of the drivers seat in most cars. If you smoke with your left hand, it is very difficult to reach across to the ashtray, so lefties are forced to use the window. A very often overlooked problem that lefties have is the shortage of left-handed desks. Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson of English/ communications, said that he had not even considered ordering lefthanded desks for the comrnunications room because he is righthanded. Many times, lefties need to buy specialized items such as can openers, mugs, baseball gloves, and the all-time classic ..... scissors. Some of these items are hard to get, or must be specially ordered. Lefty golf clubs are hard to find, along with left-handed musical instruments, such as guitars, basses, and violins. Curt Laudenberger, a lefty junior, says that he has adapted to living in a right-hand dominated world. Laudenberger plays the
drums, but he plays righty. He feel~ that he is at an advantage being a left-handed drummer who plays on a right-handed set. "I have bettel' coordination with my left hand, ·so I can hit the snare (drum) harder," Laudenberger said. Lauden berger says he is content being a lefty, and takes a certain amount of pride in it. '' Since we use the opposite side of our brains for motor functions, lefties are the only people in their
der," Giambrone said, "Either that or I'll find a guitar that I really dig, and there's no lefty model in production.'' Maura Johnson, a lefty sophomore, has the usual difficulty with things like scissors, mugs, driving stick, buttons and throwing baseballs and footballs. Johnson said that she feels excluded at family gatherings because she can't participate in sports. Johnson had an unusual experi-
hand is more coordinated. This is similar to Laudenberger's advantage when playing drums. One Cabrini student said of being lefty, "It's great because you're an elitist." Some interesting studies have been done about lateral preference. According to the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, there may be an association between lateral preference and delinquent behavior. Stanley Coren, of the University "Since we use the opposite side of our brains of British Columbia, did a survey for motor functions, lefties are the only people of 1900 college students. He compared the rates of self-reported in their right minds." injuries among left and right-Curt Laudenberger, handed people. Left-handed people were more junior likely to have injuries requiring medical attention. The highest. right minds," Laudenberger said. ence over the summer when she injury rate occurred among leftRichard Giambrone, a left- had to quit a job because she handedmen driving vehicles: 2.35 handed musician, has tremendous couldn't perform a specific task times the rate of injuries among difficulty and frustration dealing due to her left-handedness. Johnson right-handed people. with a right-hand dominated mu- was working taking bottles off a Discover magazine's study of sic world. '' Producers and manag- conveyer belt and putting them back baseball players claims right-haners say, (sarcastically) 'Oh, you're on it. The belt moved from left to ders live longer. a lefty......great.' It's really discour- right, and because she had to switch A survey done by New Scientist aging,'' Giambrone said. han.ds, she couldn't do it. magazine concluded that older Giambrone also has a hard time In spite of this, Johnson is not mothers give birth to more left-' getting left-handed guitars and bitter. "I'm proud to be a handed babies. basses. He can't play righty guitar lefty.....lefties do it better," Johnson A psychiatric study in the Jouror bass and says that he feels dis- said. nal of Abnormal Psychology recriminated against in music stores. There are some advantages to ported that there is a higher inci"The sales people don't wantto being left-handed. Giambrone said dence of left-handed and non-rightdeal with me because they know that he has an advantage when play- handed (ambidextrous) people they'll have to make a special or- ing the keyboards because his left among schizophrenics.
ted House will be held Oct. 25 through Oct. 27. Admission will be $3.50 for adults and 'roceeds benefit the Student Government Association.
FREE SPRING BREAK TRIPS to Cancun and the Bahamas Organize a small group and you travel FREE. Call 1(800) 344-8360 for more information.
f riday, oct. 26, 1990
'Pacific Heights:' psychological thriller with a twist by Kimberly Marshall
It begins with a truck driving through the scorching desert at the beginning of daybreak when the heat ripples through the air. Then, a steamy sex scene between Michael Keaton and Tippy Hedren. Not to worry though, it isn't too hot. Hedren cools it off with an ice cube. Hedren remarks how gentle Keaton is as he nibbles on her neck. "Whatever works," Keaton said. Which seems to be the motto of Carter Hayes, Keaton's character, in the new release, "Pacific Heights." Flash to a giant Victorian home on the comer of a street in San Francisco. Patty Palmer, played by Melanie Griffith, and Drake Goodman, portrayed by Matthew Modine, are looking at buying a $750,000 home. The Victorian dream house needs many renovations but it would be like living out a dream for Palmer and Goodman. They will be using all their savings to purchase the house but wiJI have two downstairs apartments to rent. The income they need to survive on will put them at the mercy of their tenants. If one tenant does not have his rent money paid on time, Palmer and Goodman could run into trouble. Palmer and Goodman are boyfriend and girlfriend and this is the first time they have lived together. Their new home is the beginning of their future together. Palmer does most of the painting and rewiring while Goodman takes care of the paper work. After a short while the house is turned into a gorgeous home. Various people come to see the apartment and Palmer narrows it down to one older couple and and a single man who is very hesitant about having a credit check but he reluctantly takes an application, which he is to return the next day. The first couple move in and, while lugging in their furniture, the man's credit application, which he slipped under the door, gets lost in the shuffle. One morning while the second apartment is stiJI vacant, Carter Hayes pulls into Goodman's driveway in his Porsche, claiming he spoke with Palmer a few days before and wanting to see the apart-
Photo courtesy of Twent,etll Century Fox
Michael Keaton intimidates his landlord, portayed by Melanie Griffith, in the thriller "Pacific Heights." ment. When Goodman attempts to have him fiJI out a credit application, Hayes has an innocent tale about having no established credit. When he waves a wad of bills in front of Goodman and claims he will pay the monthly rent in cash, the credit check and references become insignificant. A series of disturbing events take place after Hayes moves in, not to mention the fact that he never comes up with the rent. When Palmer and Goodman try to evict Hayes, they discover the law protects the tenant and not the landlord. Hayes has an uncanny ability to twist situations around, to be in his favor. As the game continues, Hayes' dubious behavior takes its toJI on Palmer and Goodman's relationship, their home and possibly their lives. Keaton is most effective as Carter Hayes, a cunning sociopath who weaves his way into the lives of Palmer and Goodman. He is like a parasite, sucking them dry of everything they have. It is a far cry from his defender-of-the-good role in "Batman." Keaton has you wondering what is going on in his mind throughout the entire movie and portrays the insanity in his eyes. Matthew Modine and Melanie Griffith are the typical yuppie
couple who drink bottled water while painting the house. She is an equestrian and gives riding lessons and he manages a kite- making
factory. They both do a very good job at evoking the audience's emotions because their lives are turned upside down by this stranger.
You can't help but feel sorry for them, especially since the laws protect Hayes. All three leading roles are done weJI but Keaton steals the show. Modine is very aesthetically pleasing to watch, as is Griffith. Her whining, childish voice can grate on your nerves, though. The movie ran for one hour and 45 minutes and for the entire first hour I kept asking myself what was going on. It was not entirely confusing but the events happening in Hayes' apartment were too vague. Sophomore Christina Rudden did not enjoy the film. "It was typical thriller stuff like when Palmer goes home alone and Hayes is in the house,'' Rudden said. Rudden said you probably had to be intothatsortofmovie to enjoy it. "Pacific Heights" is out there for those of you interested. If you go on a week night to the Eric Plaza in King of Prussia you will get your $5 ..50worth if you enjoy the film or not. Take your ticket stub to TGI Friday's afterwards and receive a free appetizer.
Photo courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox
Actor Matthew Modine and actress Melanie Griffith portray the young couple who is terrorized by their sociopathic tenant, played by Michael Keaton in "Pacific Heights."
Notebooks and mrtic:mrywen, ~boobaoreaeq,ect a jJrofit tltis year. Pra- also on everyone's list of tilings IO Wllltteaee 1!1111-atUJS at Carini to Prank I . can also be entty,ex.tboob lie the big seller, most needed. dlat collegestu-- AcalPJin& bookstores. , with students buying books for Krista Palmisano,junior, feels sweat shirts ind ger, director of VillaftovaUniverThe Delaware County Com- their classes. After the textbook that the bookstore is not meeting Sciolla.sophomore, sitybooblore, heavyweightdolhes to say, though,that he that an,made to last are v«y munityCollegebookstore in Media rush is over, however, clothes, the collegecommunity's needs. To . 'speedos. popular this year.Plaid shorts and carries art supplies, reference stationary and posters will replace solve this problem, ~e bookstoreis boob and computer disks. Villa- the books as the bookstore·s main open to suggestions. Call Jayda Cabrini studentsalso L.L. Bean clothing in teal .-S Zazycmy at 971-8526during boolcwith VillanoYa DOYa and Penn State, two of the sourceof income. the ac:hool colors,royal . At cabrini. SCUdcnts like Julie store hours with your sugseslions.
loquitur ·
f riday, oct. 26, 1990
Studentmentoring experienceexplored by Matthew Brush
which can help accomplish these goals are participating in career In recent weeks, Jennifer Marks- days, sharing personal educaGold, director of student services, tional and work experiences as a has been in the process of putting role model or school visitor, together a student mentoring pro- acting as a tutor and being there gram here at Cabrini College. when needed. The mentoring program, MarksMarks-Gold, who was director Gold said, is made up of two parts. of social activities at Pierce Junior In the first part, a Cabrini student College before coming to Cabrini, goes to an inner-city high school had started the same type of proand educates students on why they gram there with success and felt the should stay in school and then need for it here at Cabrini. attend college. The program was first molded In the second part, a Cabrini at a community college in Pittsstude_ntmore or less adopts a stu- burgh and has since grown into an dent in the particular high school organization of many people who who is less fortunate and shows are devoted to students who are in them all the different options and need of guidance and direction. aspects one has in college. The program will also get The mentor's job is also to show help from a non-profit organizathem that money should not be the tion called Philadelphia Futures, most important factor in deciding which deals with mentoring on a college. Marks-Gold went on programs and gives scholarships to to say that for individuals who par- people with a lack of funds. ticipate in this program, the re' "For every person there is a warded will be that they are role college,'' Marks-Gold said. The models for kids who need support best way to- set to know a person for one of the biggest decisions in better, she thought, is by going to a one's life. meal with the person and commuSome of the goals of mentoring nicating about anything that conare to acquaint students with con- cerns each other. In that way, the crete ideas and opportunities of student and the mentor can the working world, to influence resolve any problems each might students to believe in themselves have together. enough to graduate high school "I hope that after reading this and go to college and to increase a article students who are interested students self-esteem and pleasure can come to me and follow through in attending school. with the idea," Marks-Gold Some of a mentor's activities said.
moreSERVICE from 1 the burden of violation in the form of fines. Eligibility is based upon any student who has violated some aspect of the code of conduct and has been formally charged with such an act. They would have an option to either pay a substantial fine or agree to and successfully complete the community service program and pay a more moderate fine. According to Emmerich, "People who want to call mom and dad to pay the fine can and people who want to take responsibility for their actions can perform community service hours." He went on to say that a lot of students and families don't have the money to pay for unexpected fines and through community services, they will be rehabilitated if done right. However, it would be the responsibility of the director of resident life and the dean of students to put emphasis on community service through persuasion and through creating a substantially different scale of fining. "I think it's a wonderful proposal because it was well thought out and put together,'' Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students said. "It would serve a number of purposes. It would compliment the educational component of disciplinary procedures and it would also focus on community development. That's their goal in human services, community development and educational purposes.'' As for resident life, Cathy Caulfield, director of resident life said,' 'I think that his (Emmerich's), proposal is suggesting that it be used more widely. I like that concept. '' I think that the system is not meant to be a punishment but educational. When you look at sanctions, you look at what kind of message it is sending to people,'' Caulfield said. She went on to say that community services will not be available for all fines. But she sees that fining sometimes penalizes the people who don't have the money. However, she added, "I am looking forward in doing something with community services because it gives people a chance to give back to the community," Caulfield said. Tammy Causl'!y, assistant director of resident life, said that she thought that it was also a good idea but that it had a lot of gaps. Causley agrees with Caulfield in terms of community services being educational. '• It would be nice if we didn't need a system of punishment but rather an educational system," Causley said.
Ana Hazelrigg, head resident of Woodcrest, said "I think that community services would be a great idea if we could have it supervised.'' Hazelrigg said. Supervision seems to be one of the biggest concerns in terms of the proposal among the resident life staff and Student Services. "My concern with the proposal would be the monitoring," Caulfield said. She added, how worried she would be if people who do the actual monitoring make sure that the offenders do what they are supposed to do. The proposal states that the hours of community service being performed would be determined by the director of resident life, the dean of students, and the executive board of the resident student association. An appeal of such a decision could be brought to the s\udent government association executive board, who would act as a mediator in such matters. According to the the proposal, a work study student would be responsible for keeping accurate records of hours of community service performed and for the notification of those assigned to community service. The on-site supervisory responsibilities would be perhaps placed upon an employee of physical plant. Elizabeth Miller, junior, said, "I think that it depends on what the crime is. For people who break parietals, I think that they should have a choice to do community service. For people who get busted for alcohol, I think that they should pay. the fine. And for repeated offenders, I think that they should do both, plus increase their fines." Alisha Jusino, freshman, said, "I think that there are certain times where minor situations are considered minor. I think that a lot of students who don't have a problem paying the fine would be as quick to commit the offense again." Kathleen Graham, senior, said, "I think that it's fair. I'm glad that they have the option to do some type of service if they don't have the money to pay for it.'' Bernadine Febbo, senior, said, "I think it will be better to do community service than to pay a fine. I just think it's silly to have to pay a fine for a parietals.'' Jeff Foley, senior and historian of SGA, said that "Ithink that it's a good idea and if people know that they have to do community service, it might deter them from breaking the
student code of conduct." When asked, which would they choose if they had an option, Graham responded, '• I think that it depends on what the community service is. Students might have a problem with doing community service if they feel degrading or snotty about it." Miller said, "It depends on what I did wrong. If I broke parietals I would do community service. But ifl violated the alcohol policy I would pay the fine.'' Jusino, however, would choose to do community service. "It's not like I can go around and do what I want because I don't have the time or the money to do so. I just don't have the $25 to pay for a stupid fine,'' Jusino said. As for resident assistants, Jeff Hines, senior RA, said that he doesn't think that the proposal will be beneficial. •'I don't think that it will defeat the whole purpose from people learning a lesson. Because the only lesson people learn is when it comes out of their pockets. "I think that they will be willing to take a chance on breaking residential rules and regulations because if you break a specific rule and you have an option, you will take the most lenient punishment. Only a fool wouldn't do that," Hines added. Karie Papay, senior RA, said, "It's an incentive for them not to pay the fine. You wouldbeteachingthem in a round about way of what they did wrong.'' Edd McNamee, senior RA, said, "I think that one of the biggest problems will be is to find someone to monitor. I don't think that it will be quite enough and in my opinion, the fine is not enough.'' With all this in mind, if the proposal is approved, it will promote a feeling of motivation, self-esteem and accomplishment within those assigned t(?the program. Also, those volunteering for the program for a decreased fine would be correcting that in which they treated with neglect. As for the community, they would get free labor, rehabilitate the offender and strengthen the code of conduct by emphasizing retribution by means of services to the community. According to Caulfield, if all the logistics are worked out, community service will be available to students who choose to take on that option.
friday, oct. 26, 1990
Psi Chi inductseight new members by Bob Healey On Oct.10, Psi Chi, the national honors society in psychology, initiated eight new members. The cerirnonies were held in the mansion and Cynthia Schulrneyer, who is working on herPh.D. at Indiana University in Counciling and Educational Psychology, graduated from Cabrini in 1984. Psi Chi, which was founded in 1929, comes from two latin words. Psyche meaning enrichment and cheires meaning fellowship .and research. Psi Chi was established to encourage, stimulate and maintain scholorship in psychology and advancing the science thereof. An advantage of being in Psi Chi is that it provides academic recognition to its members by the mere fact of membership. "Psi Chi is associated with the American Psychology Association," Diane Glancey, new president of the Cabrini chapter, said. "The APA recognizes Psi Chi thus giving you experience and exposure.'' According to Dr. Anthony Tomasco, head of the psychology department, Psi Chi is nationally recognized as an honors society. He said when students apply for graduate school and jobs they are recognized as honor students. "It looks great on your resume,'' Glancey said. Schulmeyer enlightened the new members and those in attendance about the process of earning a doctrate in psychology. Schulmeyer is currently defending her dissertation and she said optimisticly it will be completed by the new year. Schulmeyer said she attended graduate school because psychologist need both
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photo by Lisa Undley
Diane Glancey, Psi Chi president experience and a continuing education. "In psychology, to be a fully practicing psychologist, you need a Ph.D.,'' said Dr. M.L. Corbin Sicoli, professor of psychology. Schulmeyer also informed the students of how the process works. She used the words patience and perserverence to describe the system. She is in her tenth year of post secondary schooling. Schulmeyer, a native of Baltimore, returned home by attending Loyola College after graduating from Cabrini. She will receive her doctrate, however, from Indiana University. Psi Chi, Schulmeyer and the psychology department all stress the importance of graduate school. "Society demands a Ph.D. from paychologists," Sicoli said. "People are placing their lives in the hands of psychologists."
PART-TIME POSITIONCare and work with animals at local Veternary Clinic. For more information call Dr. Harding at 265-6044. ACTIVITY LEADER- work with elderly in Nursing and Rehab.Center. Background in Arts and Crafts helpful. Hours are Tues.-Thurs.,48pm, 3 weekends a month 8:30-4:30pm. Pays $5.00/hr. Pay goes up after 3 months.
RESIDENTIAL ADVISQR/MANAGERfor the Delaware County Branch of the PA Association for the Blind is seeking candidates to do programming for thier clients who reside in thier facility. Must have H.S. diploma, 1 yr. experience working with blind, a valid PA drivers license, and certified in First Aid and CPR. Call Kim Savage-Feaster 874-5478. 10/2.
PROMOTIONAL HELP/ DELIVERY PERSONHOSTESSThe Shops at needed to deliver sandwiches,etc. to shops of Liberty place need 30 indiMain Line. Hours are I Oam- viduals to assist in thier grand opening festivities. Contact 1pm. For more information Kathleen Adams at 85 I call Ray Nudy/Cece Corco9055. ran at 687-1345. SALES/STOCKperson needed to sell children's shoes and do some stock work. Flexible hours- Friday, Saturday, Sunday evenings and extra Christmas hours. Pay negotiable. ContactBarbara Robbins-649-9867. OPPORTUNITY- Enterprising Interns has full and parttime postions available for people with good communications skills and personal computer experience. If interested contact Susan Pentek at 254-0249. TEACHER/TEACHER AID- Positions available. Flexible days and hours. Contact Karen Bearde or Tonya Bonner at 647-5177.
WAITER-WAITRESSneeded at Merion Cricket Club in Havertown. Parttime, flexible hours, must be 18 or older. Contact Ann Coughlan at 642-5800. I 0/2. DATA ENTRY- operator needed to work in Marketing dept. Will train $5.75-$6.00/ hour. Call Dave Coldwell at 527-6200. Mailroom Clerk also needed to work 8:3012:30 M-F, $6.31/hr. 10/2. OFFICE CLERK- Person needed to perform general office duties. Computer background a plus but will train. Flexible hours, 8-10 hours per week 7.00/hr. Contact Jane at 527-2110. 10/ 2.
"Our department recommends graduate school,'' Tomasco said. He also said that state law now requires a Ph.D. before one becomes licensed. "It helps the public recognize that a psychologist has met certain standards.'' Schulmeyer also told the students that you do not need an exceptional 1.Q. to goto graduate school, but you have to be motivated. The final chapter of graduate school is your dissertation. '' A dissertation is a research project that you undertake, on your own, and provide justification for," Schulmeyer said. Schulrneyer's dissertation is entitled "What is a Learning Disability." It concentrates on the perceptions and attitudes of teachers and school psychologists towards elementary school students. Schulmeyer is now in the final stage of her dissertation which is an oral defense of her project. She said at times she she was overwhelmed but was able to remain motivated. She stressed motivation but also told the students to take time for themselves. Schulmeyer came to Cabrini as an undeclared major but graduated with two degrees, one in psychology and the other in special education. She currently works at the Children's Seashore House and is a clinical professor at the University of Pennslyvania. She plans to teach full time upon receiving her doctrate. The eight new members of Psi Chi are: Ellen Abramson, Diane Glancy (president), Melissa Landsmann (vice president), Lisa Martelli, Christine O'Brien (secretarytreasurer), Chris Pesotski, Evelyn Wagenhoffer and Kimberly Wheeler.
ACCOUNTING STUDENT NEEDED- To set up filing system on a computer (will train), must have computer skills. Flexible (part-time) hours. Contact Ruth Harris at 644-8887. SCHOLARSHIPSFinancial Aid Grants are available from the Gundaker Foundation Inc. to needy foreign students who are studying at Philadelphia area colleges and universities. To be eligible for awards foreign students must meet the following requirements: Student must be in his/her last year of study, must be planning to return to their native country within 12 months of receiving the grant, students projected expenses must be within $2000 of their projected resources. Please see Financial Aid Office for more details and applications. JOB OPPORTUNHYExecutive Assistant to Vice Pres., entry level position. Full time, Mon.-Fri., 9:005:30. Contact Bob DeBoyce at (609) 234-3757. 11/30.
American Red Cross
HOUSECLEANINGOeaning in Berwyn for a four bedroom house, work every other week, prefers a Christian. Call 666- 7371, ask for Susan.
EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERNSGreat Beginnings is looking for individuals interested in hands on experience in their day care center. Call 644-4710.
SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT- Part-time/full-time positions available- Circuit City Stores- for express applications and more details see the Financial Aid office or call 938- 7638.
CHILDCARE- work with children 2 months to 4 years, assisting teacher who is trained for Education Program. Mon.-Fri., Full-time, 8 hrs/day. Pay negotiable. Hours/Money. Must like children.For more information, contact Helen Salisbury- 527-4191.
SALES/CASHIERFull/ Part-time available. Flexible weekdays, Saturdays are necessary. Salary and commission. If interested call Howard Brody at 8968500. RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR/SUPERVISORJewish Community Homes for Adult independence has positions available. For more information- call (215)2919414. Send resume to: J/Chai, 401 E. Hunting Park Av., Philadelphia, PA 19124.
TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM- Spiegel catalog has opportunitiesfor full and part-time employees. For more information call Theresa Hinterberger at 245-1700. CHILDCARE- St. David's Nursery School needs someone to assist with lunch and an afternoon. Hours are l 23pm, Mon.,Wed.,and Fri. $6.00 an hour. Call 687-3777. 10/2.
TEACHERGreat BeginRESEARCHERS/DAT A nings ( a child care and learnFor Nat. ing center) is looking for COLLECTORSHighway Traffic Safety someone for their preschool Adm. Part-time opening, classroom. For more inforSALES ASSOC IA TESevenings Wmdsor Shirt Co. has open- mation contact Ann Marie at daytime/early (flexible hours), $7.00/$8.00 644-4710. ings. Excellent starting per hour. Contact: Larry wages employee discounts, Decina 957-8013. 10/2. paid vacations, sales contests. If interested call 337If you did not find what you were looking for in the above 3474. 10/9. ads please visit our Job Board located within the Financial Aid Office. The Job Board is full of part-time and seasonal jobs.
- loquitur
f riday, oct. 26, 1990
Athletics'dynasty hopes vanish 1na blinkof an eye ■
an opinion by Chris Pesotski I hope you didn't blink. Because just that quickly, what many were calling a dynasty came to an end in a frenzy of crimson celebration. The Oakland Athletics, who many had already all but awarded the championship by default, were awakened from their long lay' off by the thundering crash of their "dynasty" crumbling to the ground. It was going to take near-perfect baseball for the Reds to beat the A's, and even then Oakland would have to cool down a great deal after their dazzling destruction of the Red Sox. Unbelievably, both happened. The most talented team in baseball suddenly couldn't hit or field. The pitchers who had dominated the A.ffiericanLeague looked tired and simply couldn't get the key out. The Reds continued playing the kind of baseball which got them to the big game. They ran the bases well, got the hits in pressure situations and they just didn't give the A's a chance in the late innings. In short, they played good, fundamental baseball and worked as a team to accomplish a goal. Good fundamental baseball wouldn't have won the series, though if it weren't for a few heroics. Eric Davis' shocking lightning bolt home run off Dave Stewart in the
first game lit a fire under the Reds which would supply all the intensity needed to carry them through the four games. But there was more where that came from. The Nasty Boys were nastier than ever, continuing the World Series scoreless streak held by the Cincinnati bullpen, which dates all the way back to 1975, another 13 innings. Billy Hatcher and Chris Sabo went ballistic on Reds pitching, proving to all the world the Reds could not be held back. Looking back, the World Series was the perfect finale for the season which preceded it. Marred from the start by a bitter spat between players and owners, the only constant for the 1990 summer campaign was the wire-to-wire consistency of the Cincinnati ballclub. The American pastime sprouted quickly after the late spring, aided by the hot glare of constant telt;vision coverage. But by midsummer, baseball had wilted under the scrutiny of five nationally-televised games a night. Lack-luster pennant races failed to revive the average fan's interest in towns whose teams had fallen out of the race by July. Traditionally, as the leaves tum crisp, the baseball fan looks to the game to stabilize at a high, tense plateau with the Fall Classic. What better a team than the season's paragon
of unwavering competence to push the tension to a level which bordered the ridiculous? The Reds won that title on their own. No one anointed them king of baseball. They fought hard, and played the game the way it was meant to be played. The high drama played out on the field captured a segment of life on a grander scale than the symmetrical green diamond. Groups of people who do things for their
time to ante up. The Oakland A's were beaten by a team of men working together to do what all else thought was impossible. They had dissimilar styles and intensities, different philosophies on life and the game, and varying levels of experience and competence. But they pulled together and exemplified unity. The Reds won, and they taught us all a
The Oakland A's were beaten by a team of men working together to do what else thought was impossible. They had dissimilar styles and intensities, different philosophies on life and the game, and varying levels of experience and competence. But they pulled together and exemplified unity.
own betterment as individuals rarely accomplish much when they get together to seek a goal. A team full of ml/lti-millionaire journeyman players and young pretenders to greatness failed the gut check when it came
lesson if we were looking for it. Diversity, when combined with unity of heart and commonalty of objective is an unbeatable team. Now to begin to practice it off the field.
Boyhood dreams.s~ark memories an opinion by William A. Fulton When I was a kid I did what every other young boy did. I played Little League baseball, Pop Warner football, all the sports my township had to offer. I had fun, but it seemed that I had more fun just getting a group of guys together and playing stickball with an old tennis ball and a sawedoff Bobby <:::larke street hockey stick. We would play all summer long. The only things that could break up our games were a lack of sunlight and old lady Rodenbaughs' threats to call the police if we didn't stop smoking line drives off the side of her house. · In the winter we'd break out the Nerf football and practice making_ diving one-handed catches into the freshly-plowed snowbanks on the side of the road. That was the time to dream, and we took advantage of every opportunity that our creative minds had to offer. From catching the winning· touchdown pass in the Super Bowl, to throwing a World Seriesperfect game, there wasn't anything we couldn't accomplish when we were young and filled with dreams. As I approached my teen-age years, the stage was set for one of my boyhood dreams to become a reality. My father and I always had the dream of my playing football at Upper Merion high school. It was a dream that was born out of a rea-
playing in Pop Warner whe~ I was younger. My dad told me I had greathands, hands that would carry me through high school and right into a college education that I otherwise couldn't afford. I worked hard trying to Iive up to that dream. When I would be in a game and drop a pass or miss a tackle, I could always glance over at my dad on the sideline. He would just calmly nod his head and I could read his lips telling me,
doubt, the lowest time in my life. The next year I tried to recapture that dream but it wasn't the same. , Without my dad standing there on the sidelines to epcourage me, the dream didn't seem as special as it once was. I didn't realize it then but, when my father died, our dream died with him. I was also unaware at that time that what I was learning was that for me, sports was only special when I had someone to share them with.
As long as there is still a part of that child in me who still wants to dream and experience all that there is to being human, then I guess sports will always play a part in my life.
"Don't worry about it. You've got what it takes.'' Through those early years, that was all the encouragement I would need. However, there was one scene that wasn't in our original script. When I was fourteen and a freshman in high school, my father lost his own personal battle with cancer. Needless to say, it turned my whole world up-side down. To make matters worse, the very day I went back to school after my fathers' funeral, I fractured my ankle in practice. I was lost for the rest of thy season, and it was, without a
Most of the friends I have today I have come to know through athletics in one form or another. Some of my friends I met in gym class in high school. In between shooting baskets or running laps around the track, we would argue about such vital topics as why the Eagles will never win with Marion Campbells' "Bend but don't break" defense, or why the Phillies should trade Von Hayes. (I guess some things will never change.) After a while we shared more than just the typical cynicism that comes with being a Philadelphia
fan. There were the usual growing up distractions of cars, girls, and going to college (Not necessarily in that particular order), but sports was the foundation that our friendship was built upon. My friends and I are in our mid twenties now. For some of us the college years were just one big blur. _Theywere over before some of us even had a chance to figure out how to enjoy them. Others of us have noticed it isn't too much fun out there trying to complete in the current job market without a college degree. We are the ones who don't mind attending college on what we like to c~l the "Eight year plan." We have seen some of us meet and eventually break up with the girl we swore was the woman of our dreams. We even watched in disbelief as the one person who we thought would never settle down took that deep plunge into marriage. But, through it all, the one thing that can still bring us all together to distract us from whatever our often hectic lives might provide for us is the E.agles game on a Monday night, or a Sixers vs. Celtics clash at the Spectrum. I imagine people like to follow sports for all sqrts of reasons. For me it's a chance to experience and share those moments and memories that are all a art
of growing up. Whether they be boyhood dreams during those stickball games in the street, the pain and confusion felt when one of those dreams dies, or even the welcome chance to catch up with good friends who are slowly bnt surely developing lives and families of their own. As long as there is still a part of that child in me who still wants to dream and experience all that there is to being human, then I guess sports will always play a part in my life.
Fitnessand 'vou
Knee i_njuries frequentamong collegeathletes by Amanda Picher For athletes, injuries are a part of life. With luck, all the athlete will experience will be bumps and bruises. However, this is not always what happens. Sometimes, serious injuries occur. When the injury is inflicted on something as vital as the knee, the athlete can face anything from a few weeks of discomfort to years of recovery. The knee itself is made up of the kneecap (patella), cartilage, tendons and four major ligaments. According to sports . trainer Bill Lukasiewicz, there are two main categories of knee injuries--direct contact and torsion. Direct contact occurs when the knee is hit directly, either from the front or side. Torsion occurs when the knee is twisted or wrenched. At Cabrini, Lukasiewicz sees the most serious injuries from field hockey, but added that many runners have knee troubles also. In field hockey, there are more sprains and tears to ligaments, tendons and cartilage, while runners face problems from overuse, or repetitive stress. Lukasiewicz said that the signs of repeti. tive stress are pain and inflammation. For a more serious injury, such as a ligament sprain, the person can usually tell when it happens. He or she might hear a popping sound or feel a tear. It will hurt, or it might even be impossible to walk on the injured leg. According to Lukasiewicz, first aid for these injuries is immobilization. The person will also probably be sent to have X-rays to determine the severity of the damage. According to Dr. Bill Deube~ of Bryn Mawr Sports Medicine, the degree of damage decides what the next step in treatment will be. For a problem like repetitive stress, anti-inflammatory medications are available, along with corrective exercises. Other
aspects of the injury are also looked at. Deuber said, ''There are a ◄ variety of causative agents for 'I"..,..~> a problem like repetitive stress." The source of the problem is looked for, and could be anything from the kind of shoes a person wears photo by IvanOomazet to a previously existing medical condition, such as knock- Sophomore Christine Costigan does heredaily exercises for a recent knee injury she knees. Deuber added that for sustained while competing in a field hockey game. more serious cases, ultrasound treatment may be used. As for more serious knee injuries, Deuber felt pain. After being misdiagnosed five plays sports, but this is the first year he has said the treatment again depends upon the times, it was finally discovered that she has felt strong enough to play without the brace. degree of damage. In many cases, rest, bone chips under her kneecap. Surgery is Soon, Christine_ Costigan, sophomore, physical therapy and a brace are enough. necessary to repair this. Until she can have will be experiencing the same kind of Recovery is almost or completely total. the surgery, Lampazzi must wear a knee therapy. She recently spramed a ligament Location of the damage is also very im- brace whenever she plays sports, and she while trying to make a goal during a field portant. According to Deuber, damage to can't sit cross-legged without feeling pain. hockey game. Costigan collided with the ligaments on the inner knee takes longer to Her knee also aches when it rains. goalie, and the goalie's pads hit her knee. correct than damage to outer ligaments. There For Marie Defrancesco, sophomore, the "The initial pain was horrible," Costigan is no blood supply to ligaments on the inner problem was not nearly as serious. She said. Now that her knee is immobilized, it knee, which is the reason that recovery takes injured her knee during the first field hockey only hurts if it gets twisted. After the therapy longer. For a ligament tom badly enough, game this season. According to Defrancbuilds up the muscles around the damaged surgery might be required to remove it from esco, "Someone stepped on my foot and I ligament, Costigan should be almost fully the joint. Deuber also added that once keptrunning." Her injury was a misaligned recovered. Still, she is not happy with this stretched, a ligament will never return to its patella, which she was told was relatively experience. "The only good thing that the original condition. The muscles around minor. After rest and the use of a brace, her happened was I made the goal,'' she said. it must be strengthened through physical knee was fine again. Now, like Lampazzi, There are ways to lower the risk of knee therapy to provide the necessary support. A her knee aches when it rains, but that is the injuries during sports. According to Deubrace also helps. only time. ber, a good cross-training program can preIf tpe damage is serious enough, a person Charles Tucci, junior, did not need sur- vent a problem like repetitive stress. might feel the effects of the injury for gery for his knee injury, but his recovery was Avoiding excessive training also helps. several years. This is the case with Christine not as easy as DeFrancesco's. Tucci landed "The best protection is to be properly Lampazzi, senior. She injured her knee in wrong during a volleyball game his fresh- conditioned and to use common sense,'' 1983 doing gymnastics. Lampazzi was man year and spraineda ligament. He was Deuber said. performing a jump over the horse out for most of the season. He went through Strong muscles and good flexibility help '' My friend told me before class to break two months of physical therapy, going three the body to better absorb shocks. Deuber a leg," Lampazzi said. "I damn near did." times a week for two to two and a half hours. also added that treating minor injuries During her jump, one leg went over and one ''For the first year, anything faster than a before they become major ones can save leg did not. She heard a pop in her knee and walk, I needed a brace,•' Tucci said. He still people a lot of trouble.
Athletictraineran assetto athleticdepartmentand program by DawnTimbario As he tapes the foot of an injured soccer athlete, Bill Luskawiecz performs his job as Cabrini's athletic trainer. At age 25, Luskawiecz is a sports medicine graduate student at Temple University who is pursuing·a masters in this field. He received his bachelor's degree at Springfield College in Massachusetts in 1988. Before coming to Cabrini in September, Luskawiecz was assistant athletic director for Providence College in Rhode Island. "I always wanted a job where I could be around athletics," Luskawiecz said. Luskawiecz must keep a flexible schedule because he is a full time student. In case 'of injury, ~t is important that he attend all Cabrini's home games but Luskawiecz stresses the fact that his schooling comes first. •'Bill tries to do the best around his schedule," John Dzik, athletic director, said. In the past, Cabrini has always staffed trainers from Temple's program by paying a stipend in exchange for the student's service. Luskawiecz was assigned the trainer's position here upon enrolling at Temple.
A large percentage of Cabrini's athletes were introduced to Luskawiecz this summer, and all of them have been in contact with him through their home games. "He's always at our home games," Wendy Crossley, a freshman volleyball player, said. She adds that his presence is a comfort at the games. Senior co-captain of the cross-country team, Paul Greenhalgh, said Luskawiecz is always in his office in case an athlete needs ice or medical attention. "He's very accessible," Greenhalgh said. Luskawiecz is responsible for all teams at Cabrini. Dzik said, "He must provide the necessary care for all the athletes, in addition to being present for as many practices and home games as his schedule will allow." Does Luskawiecz meet his responsibilities? Joelle Spagnola, freshman tennis player, thinks so. "He really cares a lot. He is always there for us." Matt Schlegelmilch, sophomore soccer player, said he had gone to Luskawiecz many times for pulled muscles and felt that he was very helpful. Maryanne Walker, freshman tennis player, said she sustained a leg injury years back and
Luskawiecz is always available to see when the pain reoccurs. It is required of every trainer to have a bachelors degree in either biology, sports medicine, or health. The National Athletic Trainers Associa-
degree in sports medicine or a related field, and to pass the national certification exam, made up of three section, with a 90% or better on each section. At Temple, Luskawiecz takes courses in anatomy and physical agents in sports medicine, which is a hands-on learning class. In order to exercise his knowledge, he must visit other sports medicine facilities and write up an assessment of them. Luskawiecz said the most rewarding · aspect of his job is being able to help, participate and interact with people. "I really like the rehab aspect of sports medicine,'' Luskawiecz said. He has worked with the geriatric patients and admits it is more frustrating to aid them because they lack the incentive to get better, as opposed to an athlete whose interests lie in returning to their sport. Dzik.admits that it would be ideal if Cabrini could staff a full time trainer, because it is an photo by Frank Emmerich absolute necessity to have one. Yet, he Bill Luskawiecz, athletic trainer. admits the situatior is workable, if not ideal. Dzik said Luskawiecz is a very consciention requires Luskawiecz to have 1,500 tious fellow. "We are lucky to have him," hours of practical experienc_e,a bachelors Dzik sairl
f riday, oct. 26, 1990
Athlete of the week
Dynamic duo; Detrick and Spagn_ola co-athletes of the week by Lisa Neuman Playing number one doubles on Cabrini's tennis team with a record of 3-0 _over a four match series, junior co-captain Susie Detrick and freshman newcomer Joelle Spagnola are Coach Reggie Day's athletes of the week. ''They have done an excellent job so far," Day said. Detrick, who plays number two singles, has a singles record of 4-0. Spagnola, playing number four singles, also stands at a 4-0 singles record. "They are very consistent players. They show leadership by example, action and positive attitude, along with a solid work ethic. They are willing to do their part, and they play a good game," Day said about the two players. Day thought carefully about what criteria he would use to make his selections for athlete of the week. He said it would not be very fair to choose just one athlete when both Detrick and Spagnola have made significant contributions to the team and the game. "The team is experiencing growing pains. None are blue-chip players but they want tennis as part of their college_ education," .J)ay ·--....__ said. "When they come out for tennis, they are making a commitment to time, physical exertion, a certain, amount of pain, and the pressure of competition.•· Detrick, a junior and also a co-
captain, feels a lot of pressure from the coach and the team, as well as herself. "I feel that I've earned it. I hope I represent a majority of the team," she said. This is Detrick's second year playing on the Cabrini courts, having played a yearforSusquehanna University. She began playing tennis as a result of her mother playing the sport and sending Detrick to tennis clinics. "I enjoy the thrill of competition, the sport itself, and the exercise," she said. Detrick has learned much in terms of handling pressure from being a part of the team. "I've ./ learned a better game. I've learned to deal with pressure from both the team and from playing the sport in general. I enjoy being captain, and I feel a lot of pressure in that, too,'' she said. Spagnola, who has been playing tennis for a little more than seven years, was excited upon hearing the news of being chosen for coathlete of the week. "It feels great. I'm so surprised, I can't believejt. I feel very honored," she said. Spagnola admitted to being a little nervous when she first started playing for Cabrini. "I Jove the. team. I was nervous at first with the upperclassmen on how they would accept me,'' Spagnola said. '' Now I feel right at home, and the team is very supportive. I feel.the team are my friends, and they have
made me feel very comfortable.'' She also thinks very highly about her doubles partner and co-athlete of the week Detrick. "We keep each other up. We don'tgetdownon each other when we're playing. It's serious, but it's also fun to play with Susie,'' Spagnola said. Spagnola seems to be right at home on the tennis courts. "I enjoy the sport. It's really a sport for everyone, whatever age they are. You don't have to be good to play. and it's great exercise," she said, ''Tennis is also a mental game. It keeps your mental capacity up, even though it's a very physical game.•' ''I always let them prove themselves. They can contribute to the school in a positive way, whether they be freshmen or seniors," Day said. ''They can fit into a collegiate athletic experience. College is more than using just brain cells." According to Day. one of the lessons he tries to teach his young team is the difference between winning a match and having an opponent lose a match. He says a winner puts out 100% and deserves to win. -1f a player.puts inless effortthan that, they did not win, their opponent simply lost the match. This philosophy seems to work on Detrick, who feels that half of the team has a good attitude and puts in the hard work, while some joine'd
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photo by Frank Emmerich
Senior.Susie Detrick and freshman Joelle Spagnola; doubles partners, and this weeks athletes of the week. not knowing the full extent of commitment tennis takes on a college level. Both Detrick and Spagnola expressed their commitmentto the team and the sport, and in return have had a positive experience.
"We say a prayer before every match. We don't pray to win, we pray for the assistance that we need to do the best we can, and to be winners in the game of life,'' Day said.
A Roman and a guy from Jersey pick 'em W.'..ebackafter a weebodo!Jiic1dligour wouadsanditdQNa:t.._11a.-myeaaier. BOIIWfalkhi.hopes co illpe'"Jiil.ftCOfddlis Metor he migbl • --....tBlld. c;~ - Lastweek 6-4 qvefllli.4-6 against d.,e&pad. &.ntwalk Bud Last week3-7 overaJI.3-7 against the spread. S. Mississippi 33 VA.1ECH 14 (tOJloldes find~tqugherthan Owls. S. Mississippi 4~ VA. TECH 12 (+l) Hakies too tough for Vo-Tech. Michigan24 INDIANA 14 (+7) Too bad Bobby~ doesn't coach football. Michigan 28 INDIANA 7 (+7) Wolverines in ornery mood. Nebraska 42 IOWA STATE 20 (+ 19) Cyclone dies down in the Big Eight. Nebraska 60 IOWA STATE 30 (+ 19)Huskers flatten Cyclones. Penn State 17 ALABAMA 14 (-2) * Lions' arrive b&tring ill "Tidjngs." .ALABAMA21 Penn Slafe 16 (+2) "Tide" turns on l'iittan~Lions. Notte Dame 38 Pm 17 {12.5) Irish muchillg towards title. Notre'D~ '28 PITT 7 (.+125) Panthers get Christened. HOUSTON 45 Arkansas 20 (18.5) Cougars have a pork roast HOUSTON _35Arkansas 14 (18.5) Hungry Cougars feast on bacon. Eag,les31 DALLAS 13 (+3) Birds soarfor thevictoryin "Buddy Bowl II." ,Eagles23 DALLAS 17 (+3) Birds bounceback. Washington24 N.Y. GIANTS 23.(-4) Giantsbag of miraclesis empty thisweek. Chicago 31 PHOENIX 17 (+5) Ciu-d$get caught in a snare by theBears. SAN FRANCISCO38 Clevelandt 6 (+12.5)Niners tum the BrownsUJ)llide down.
N.Y. GIANTS 17 WAshihgton14 (+4) Jerseydudes on a roll. PHOENIX24 Chicago 21 (-5) * Lowly Cardsdeal the upset. SAN FRANCISCO28 Cleveland17 (+ 12.5) Browns not as badas peoplethink.
HOMETEAM in CAPS *-Upset special ( )- Point spread
ore JASKELEWICZ from 16 "Icatch my opponents off guard," Jaskelewicz said. "They don't expect me to be as aggressive as I am.•' Hubley attributes Jaskelewizc's success to the fact that he trains the hardest on the field. "He's fast,durable, and doesn't get hurt,:• Hubley said. "He's calm with the ball. He's the type of player who doesn't panic and takes time to set up the shot. He waits for the other team to make the mistake with the ball." Jaskelewicz likes to describe the wa he la s as
'' power over placement.'' '' A lot of my goals are not hard shots, but break a ways. rid much rather steal the ball and make the goal off of the other teams mistakes, this is power over placement," Jaskelewicz said. Not only is Jaskelewicz the leading scorer but he also leads the team in assists this season. According to the statistics, Jaskelewicz has seven assists with Matt Capone next on the team with two. '' An assist is as good as a / goal to me,'• Jaskelewicz said. "I like to see my teammates score,·• Jaskelewicz said. "I
like watching the game as much as I like playing it.'' '' As long as he is helping the team win it does not matter to his mother or I whether he makes one goal -Orthree assists, as long as he gives 100% during each game we're proud of him," Anthony Jaskelewicz said. "Now that I've set the new record I can be less nervous and enjoy our final games on the way to the ESAC championships. Family, friends and teammates are no longer waiting for me to score that goal,'' the junior Jaskelewicz said.
626-HELP "My friendstoldme, 'If you haveto go anywhere,go to Amnion'."
f ridaXzoct. 26 1 1990
Jaskelewiczscores14th of season,breaksall time career record by Denise Edwards
photo by John Gay
Glen Jaskelewicz, sophomore forward, shows off his speed_ quickness and aggressive playing style during a home game against Wesley University.
'' Scoring that goal took a lot of pressure off of me," Glen J as ke le w icz, sophomore forward,explained the feeling connected with becoming the new alltime career record goal setter. "I wanted to make that goal while my parents were there because without them I would not be where I am today," Jaskelewicz said. "I've learned a Jot about soccer from my dad, he taught me you have to take the chance to make the goal." Jaskelewicz made the record breaking goal on Saturday, Oct.13 against Shenandoah. The goal could not of come at a better time for the Cavs. With 1:15 left in the second half and the score at I 1, Jaskelewicz made his way into the 18. "I had an all right angle for the shot and with a little luck it went in,'· Jaskelewicz said. Jaskelewicz's goal gave the Cavs what they needed to upend Shenandoah and advance their record to 3-1 in the ESAC division. ''Because the goal came at such an opportune time in the game it was the icing on the cake,'' An-
thony Jaskelewicz,father,said. "I was thrilled to death," Ruth Jaskelewicz,mother,said. "It was the greatest feeling in the world." Duncan Hubley, head soccer coach, believes this was one of the hardest goals Jaskelewicz had to make. "For the past three games he pressed to score," Hubley said. "He may have ice water running through his veins when he plays but his awareness of the record within reach affected his play." "Last year was easier for me because no one including myself didn't know I could make so many goals," Jaskelewicz said. This year he was a marked man and was double teamed, every goal he made took more skill,more speed and aggressiveness according to Hubley. "He's a cunnir;ig forward," Hubley remembered the head soccer coach at Frankfurth high school describe Jaskelewicz as being. "He's not your typical forward," Hubley said. "You expect a larger player in this position."
more JASKELEWICZ on 15
Reggie Day reaches200th career win as coach by Stephanie Ranieri
Results Soccer 10/20 10/18
0 Cabrini 1 Cabrini
West Chester 5 HolyFamily 0
Field Hockey 10/18 10'20
0 1
Cabrini Cabrini
BrynMawr 2 Wesley 2
Women's Tennis 10/20
ESAC Champ.Toum. Cabrini3rd overall Susie Detrich2nd
Cross Country 10/20
GettysburgInv. ChrisCallinan9th out of 100 Sue Beck30th out of 100
Schedule Soccer Sat. 10/27 SalisburySt. away Wed. 10/31 StocktonSt. away
2pm 2pm
Women's Volleyball Sat.
10/27 ESACChamp.Tourn
Women's Tennis Sat. 10/27 Phil.Cath. Col.Champ.
Cross Country Sat. 10/27 · BardCol. Inv. away 11am
After two decades of coaching tennis Reggie Day's blazing trail has yet to cool down. The victory over Cheyney had dual meaning to the team and their coach. It not only gave the womens tennis team confidence as they head for the Eastern States Athletic Conference but it also held a more significant meaning for Coach Day as it gave him his 200th victory. "I'm glad we got him the victory," Karen Bell, a sophomore, said, •'This is something he's been looking forward to. It's a definite thrill and a victory not only for the team but for Coach Day." "This victory was a milestone every coach looks forward to,'' Day said. ''The win goes to my players and I'm excited about winning, but I want to keep it in perspective for the season.' ' "l,t wasn't as exciting because of the fact that Cheyney is a weak team,'' Susie Detrick said. "It was a combination effort on the part of the team and Coach Day. He brought our talents together." ''Coaches might be more aprehensive toward our team as we will now be looked upon as stronger competitors," Bell said, ••It will affect the team in a positive way as it makes us a proud team and gives a push to win." After his graduation from Notre Dame university Day started his career in the head coaching position at Briarfield Academy in Louisiana. From there he continued on to Castle Heights Military Academy in Tennessee. In this area Day coached at Radnor High, Malvern Prep, Haverford College, and now at Cabrini. As a player Day currently ranks 42nd in the Middle States region of the United States tennis Association for the 35 and over bracket. Day is presently ranked 17th in Philadelphia area for this same bracket. When asked if he sees any obvious vari-' ations in the actual tennis itself or the programs in the South as compared to that of the North he said that there was no real differ-
photo by Frank Emmerich
Coach Reggie Day gives his team an inspirational speech at the Oct. 20 ESAC Championship Tournament in which host Cabrini placed third. ences. "The tennis doesn't change but the attitude in the game does. We saw the Bjorn Borg stage where we watched as hard hitters made their presence known. Then we had the John MacEnroe stage where everybody had the bad boy image,'' Day said. •'Aside from my coaching at Cabrini I am the tennis director for Marple township and I give private lessons for adults and juniors, some at Cabrini and others in Marple," Day said. Day, however, did not attribute his success to hardwork alone. •'My success is from being in the right place at the right time,'' Day said. The players said Coach Day is more than just a coach. He sees his team as a family and treats them that way. "He cares about us,'' Detrick said. ''The team works hard and they deserve
each and every win," Day said. "In five years I see myself still here at Cabrini if they'll allow it. Coac}l Day is just as proud of his team as he is of his victory. "We went from rags to roses overnight," Day said. "I don't know too many teams that can make such a claim. 90 percent of life is being there." This years womens tennis team for the 1990 season were a definite part of Day's 200th win. KarenBell,soph., Stacey Conesky,soph., Joy Asselta, freshman, KathyD'Amelio,junior,Celeste Eschbach,soph.,Susie Detrick,senior,Erin McCarte, junior, Cornelia Ms gill. freshman, Lisa Rose,soph. AprilScott,soph.Joelle Sp a g no I a, freshman, Mary Anne Walker,freshman,and Kim Wheeler junior.