f riday, nov. 2, 1990
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
College awards credit for life experience
Student services office vandalized
by Bob Healey
photo by Chns Pesotski
Six windows in the dean of students office were smashed in the early morning hours of Oct. 31. Elsewhere on campus, damage from "mischief night" was light. See the full story on page nine.
vol. xxxvii, no. 8
Time and money. These are two concerns that prevent adult students from returning to college. Cabrini has developed a program that gives credit for learning through work experience to help assuage these concerns. The name of the program is Assessment of Prior Learning(APL). "We awardcredit for learning that results from work experience," Lori Kahn, assessment of prior learning coordinator, said. According to Kahn, the program will help facilitate and stimulate adults to return to college. "We are wilJing to recognize what you already know,'' she said, '' and then put you in advanced classes." This will allow students to receive credit for lower-division classes and the concentrate on upper-level classes. Also, students who receive credit through the program only pay one-third the amount of a regular course. According to a public relations pamphlet, "If you can demonstrate that your knowledge is comparable to the learning that takes place in our classrooms, Cabrini will award college credit.'' According to Kahn, students who are interested in the program put together a portfolio. The student works closely with Kahn, who is the mediator between professor and student. Together, Kahn and the student pick out courses that resemble and are compatible with the knowledge they have acquired. They gear the portfolio towards meeting the requirements set by the professor in the class syllabus.
For instance, if a student has worked as a store manager, he would gear his portfolio towards the syllabus of Bus. 120 (Principles of Management). The professor of Bus. 120 will review the portfolio and decide whether the student has learned enough to pass the class, using the criteria and guidelines of the course syllabus. If so, the student will receive the credit but no letter grade. These credits, like transfer credits, will not affect the student's cumulative average. If a student is denied credit there is no academic penalty. According to Kahn, academic validity is in no way infringed upon because, "the award of credit remains in the hands of the professor.' ' Kahn also said that dialogue between student and professor is encouraged. Other colleges have the APL program but Cabrini specializes in it. "I feel we a doing a disservice to studeots if we don't provide these options," Kahn said. "It is part of a quality adult education.'' According to Kahn, students, especially adults, returning to college used to attend the one that was closest to their home but now they shop around. "Students choose us because of the APL program,'' Kahn said. "I purposely came to Cabrini because of the program,'· said Joanne Packtor, who received 15 credits through APL and is awaiting the decision on three more. "It is nice to know that what I have learned and accomplished is important.'' Kahn also said that experience other than more CREDIT on 4
Cafeteria responds· to criticism by Matt Hodlofski
Students who live on campus miss many luxuries of home. The most convenient one is home cooked meals. Students frequently complain a~ut the cafeteria food, although 'the staff thinks their service is sufficient. Recently the dishwasher was broken for a week and a half, and the cafeteria used Styrofoam plates and cups along with the utensils. The dishwasher's dry rinse booster boiler was cracked and because of that, the rins~g mode wasn't working. Students however claim that they were given dirty dishes and glasses for the day preceeding the Styrofoam solution. According to the cafeteria, Styrofoam was used because at the
time it was the only resort. ''The two main reasons we used it over anything else was that Styrofoam is biodegradable and recyclable," Dee Cochran, food service direc-
"Our company is authorized to buy from certain , purveyors, who must meet certain specifications," - Dee Cochran, food service director tor, said. ''You could see the film at the bottom of the glasses and there was remnants of food on the uten-
sils," one disgruntled student, who requested her name be withheld, said. The company that provides Cabrini with food is Seilers. According to Cochran, Seilers has been here about ten years. ''Everything is specified a USDA Grade A product," Cochran said. ''Our company is authorized to buy from certain purveyors, who must meet certain specifications,'' Cochran added. "If there is a comment to be said, let it be said in an adult manner," Cochran said. Not all of the students are as perturbed, however. "Sometimes
more CAFETERIA on 9
perspectives ...... 2, 3
Cabrini's Haunted
news ................ 4, 8, 9
House R.I.P.
features .......... 5, 6, 7
(pages 6&7)
sports........ 10, 11, 12
-::-\ ,,,
Soccer garners ESAC crown
(page 12)
f ridax, nov. 2, 1990
Continuing educati9n's clout on campus
Soldiersin the sand
When the sun goes down, the campusrevolves around anotherworld. Parkinglots, classroomsandhallwaysare filled to new capacities as the number of continuing education students enrolled reaches 443. The orientationof the programis innovative, andthere's the possibility that our traditional undergraduate emphasis will be left behind in the dust. Perhaps it's the undergraduates own insecurities or jealousies that are underlyingthese fears of being overshadowed. Thevitalitycontinuingeducationstudentsbringto classes, and the money that replenishes the business office would be sorely missed if the presence of this new brand of students was not as strong. As the educational roles began to change in the '80s, more adults realized in very real terms (such as job security, satisfaction and advancement), the important function education and a college degree had. The continuing education student is now picking up the slack for the decline in enrollment of qualified undergraduates. Aggressive efforts have been made to find a niche in the Cabrini community for those considered to be the more serious students. Individual attention, specific courses geared towards the transition a continuing educati9n student faces, and the newly-developed assessment for prior learning program are all support services directed towards facilitating the success of these students. Undergraduates have comparable services offered to them, _including success seminars and the options to gain credit for advanced placement courses, but they are not embraced with the same intensity, and their value is not as esteemed. With the race for quality undergraduates, however, we should not neglect spending some extra time and energy dedicated to the creative development of the undergraduate program.
frank emmerich photography editor
College, the place to dwell on the negative. "I have a test tomorrow." "I nearly failed my exam.'• ''The cafeteria food sucks." "I have so much work to do." As I sit here typing at the computer I think, "I have a viewpoint to write, a paper to rewrite, 100 pages of a book to read, and a presentation to prepare for." What does it all mean? Is college the best four years of our lives? This is what the plus thirty-somethings tell us? How many times are we asked, "Is the glass half empty or half full?'' And how many times will we respond, "Half empty?" We tend to always look at the negative aspects of Life. We never stop "to smell the roses." I hate cliches because they are over simplifications of life. However, they are the only things we have to refocus our energies on the positive aspects of life. The great writer, Charles Dickens, wrote, ''it was the best of times; it was the worst of times." r I contend that these are "the best of times." However at the same time, they can be "worstoftimes" if we don't take those few extra moments a day and recognize all FOR Nt SOVIET CRACl(l)OWN Tl/( IRAQIINV4S10N ON UTl·M\NIA, \.J£. those positive aspects of our lives. Wll.l. NOT I was driving home last Friday for a short .StT STIL\.. STAND visit. As I approached the toll booth at the Willow Grove interchange I pondered how much work I had todo. I had laundry to wash, books to read, and appointments to keep. However, as I waited in my Jeep with my 80 cents ready for tolls, my eyes wandered to the sky. I immediately focused on a dark object in the sky. I began to imagine I was walking through the sand with a hot sun beating down on me. No, I was not daydreaming about the FORTUE. CHIN£.sf. FO~TllE.W/./Ol($ALlLOOT/NG ON TH£JOBOf SOLVING Jersey shore, getting a tan, walking the CRVJ!ltN& OFDf.Jl.lx.RAC. Y, OF THt NATIONS stl '.f... TH£ ISQI\ELIOCCVPAT10N beach. I was thinking I could be stationed in OF 11-lf.WE.ST 8ANI(, w£ NEIL~_.__,.KOWTOW Saudia Arabia, carrying a heavy backpack, LIE; DOWN an automatic rifle through a nation which on the surface isn't much more than a gigantic sand pile. A sand pile similar to the one I played in as a kid with my plastic army figures. The difference is that in my sand , pile as I dug deeper and deeper the only 'treasures I found were broken dishes and ~a NOW 71/E.BuO<El lost army figures. When one digs below the ~~.st~~~~ sand pile of Saudia Arabia one finds no lost childhood toys, but instead one finds black gold -- oil. Oil is the universal currency. It can buy you anything. Those who distribute it can keep a nation operating and the entire industrialized world running. They are the Editor-in-chief: Carlo Iacono Staff: Matthew Brush, Joseph Buda,Rita S. Cellucci, Karen Oumorney, William Fulton, John Gay, Robert Healey, Matt same people who could grind the American Managing Editor: Jennifer Morrison Hodtofsk1, Kimberly Keck, Karen Kerchusky, Kimberly Leblang, Lorraine Marie Lill, Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Kim dream and the rest of the industrialized News Editor: Chris Pesotski Marshall, Jennifer Melchiorre, Alexandra L. Napoleon, Lisa nations of the world to a halt. Neuman, Amanda Picher. Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Raynock, Assistant News Editor: Melissa Landsmann Frank Sciolla, Dawn Timbario, Missy von Siegel, Charles The United States is a dependent nation. Watertall. Perspectives Editor: Sharlene Sephton We are so dependent on oil that without it Photography Staff: Heather Clisham, Ivan Domazet. Matt Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed our life of dreading exams, and papers and Forman, John Gay, Mark Gudas, Kim Kojeski, Edd McNamee, Judi Panasik, Carin Pesotski, Chris Pesotski, Sue Roux, Charles meetings could be a life of sheer survival. Sports Editor: Denise Edwards Waterfall. Not just in obtaining the basic necessities of Copy Editor: Andrea Atmonavage Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. life - food, water, and shelter but jn survivBusiness Managers: Kim Marshall and Michelle Merger Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits ing combat. secured by tuitioo and student fees. Photography Editor: Frank Emmerich How many of us ever pictured ourselves The editorials ard opinions published in Loquitur are the views of Assistam Photography Editor: Lisa Lindley the studem editorial staff and the individual writers and in fatigues, carrying a rifle and always being not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Photograph·y Adviser: Or. Carter Craigie on guard? Perhaps, at any moment our life Loquitur is estab ished as a forum for student expression and as could be terminated by a single explosion, by Adviser: Or. Jerome Zurek a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of
the inhalation of poisonous gas, or even a single bullet fired from an Iraqi Americanmade rifle? I never pictured it, until that day waiting to pay my toll in a car powered by gasoline. Gasoline imported from that giant sand pile that covers the black gold. I begin to reconsider as I advance in the toll line. Maybe it isn't so bad to write that paper or study for that midterm exam? Maybe these are the best years of my life? It has got to be easier than wondering where that next drink of water will come from ittthe desert, or even wondering when I will see my friends and family, or ifl will ever see them again? This week's issue of Time magazine reads, "Gloom over the· Gulf." It is a sobering thought that for the sake of oil, people could die -- people my age, men and women like me, my friends, and even me. Oil has the potentialto make the "best of times'• the ''worst of times.'' All it takes is orie miscalucation, one mistake to change the fragile dream that each and everyone of us has grown t~ct. I pay my toll and slowly yield onto the offramp. Now I am almost anxious to have fun and write that paper, read that book, wash that laundry, and attend that appointment. Two hours pass and my brief visit home comes to a conclusion. Not much was accomplished for the four gallons of black gold I used. I enter the on ramp of the turnpike and look to the sky, the place of my awakening. What was it about the sky that brought me to the realization? The sky I saw on my journey home was no longer filled with my childhood experience of harmless C-130's, instead three fighter planes had circled above me, awaiting the go signal. Maybe for war, maybe just to land like my childhood C- l 30's at the Willow Grove Naval Air Station. I don't know the technical name for these planes, but even I, as the young child playing in my sand pile could recognize that these were not instruments of peace-- these were weapons of war. They were that one symbol of potential calamity which could bring to a conclusion my "best of times." I grab my toll ticket, and approached the rush hour traffic. Drivers speed and weave in and out oftraffic because they've got to put dinner on the table, take their child to soccer practice, or prepare for tomorrow's presentation. I merge with my fellow drivers, accelerate, and pass those who are just going too slow. Let's face it, I've got a paper to write, an exam to study for, and a meeting to attend. I don't have time for this. Those fighters became a revelation of the past. I am only interested in fighting through one more college obstacle. It is always easy to see these days as "the worst of times." But if you just think about; think aboutthe fun and recognize the potential situation which could easily create "the worst of times," I think that even for a fleeting second we could all appreciate the "best of times" we are having. Try to take the time and to stop and smell the roses, because I would rather smell roses then the smell gunpowder. I would rather listen to the sounds of nature then the sounds of gunfire. Take time to see the beautiful world in which we live; it is better than seeing fire and destruction. Dickens wrote in his Tale of Two Cities, "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times." It's the' 'worst of times," when one is so busy to recognize that he just missed the ''best of times.''
friday, nov. 2, 1990
Presidential ploy to resurrect pop·u1arity . . The traditional phone call came late on a his normal self was to show him where his all my work had failed this afternoon. Monday afternoon. The President wanted to behaviormightleadhim. It was time to bring "What if we reverse the trend? I mean, see me once again. I realize that this might in the big guns. Reagan wasn't very good at acting so he seem to the average person to be an honer, "George Herbert Walker Bush, get up! I became a successful politician. What if we but the President had just interrupted a want you to look at this because it is your take Danny, who is not a very successful fabulous show Oprah was doing on men who bill future. If you don't grap the bull by the politician and make him an actor - he might sleep with a 5 x 7's of President Nixon and firman horns and stand up like a man, you will end lift us up out of this morass.'· the wotnen who love them. up like this insidious creature. This aging, So, ·off I went to the shining city on the brilliantine stick insect followed the same hill. Our nation's capital is beautiful this otaped all of these performances in case I course, of waffling with no agenda, as you I was stunned by the time of year, both the leaves and the politi- ever contemplate becoming a Republican), are. Look at him, George, this is YOU!!!!" cian's views are changing- depending on and he escaped all three performances with- With that, Bush peeked our form undert the President's proposal. Make the direction of the wind. As I entered the out the interviewers collapsing from uncon- desk to see the portrait in my hand ... James a sitcom for Dan Quayle in spacious office of Chief of Staff John Sununu. trollable laughter or falling into apoplectic Earl Carter! an attempt to boost I detected the smell of burning martyr in the state from boredom. Bush looked stunned, "Carter?" air. In fact. it was simply Sununu burning Anyway, there was Danny looking per''Yes, Carter,"' I replied. "The fact that Presidential ratings'? I had Congressman Newt Gingrich in effigy. plexed. I told him that Bush was hiding you can't control domestic policy, because failed. (This after Gingrich had led the battle to under the desk, to which Quayle responded, you don't ha:,,-eone. The fact that you can no defeat the first budget package orchestrated "Does this mean I'm It?!" longer control foreign policy because you over six months by Sununu.) have no domestic control... hosI was stunned by the President's proposal. Sununu was to brief me on the tages ... recession ... gas prices ...", Make a sitcom for Dan Quayle in an attempt content of my meeting with the "Good god, man! I'll be Car- to boost Presidential ratings? I had failed. President. It seemed that Poppy terized! ! ! Bill, help me, don't let Bush got on the phone, "Get me CBS. was extremely upset about the me wither, have mercy, man!" They owe me a favor because of the Dan President Bush's approval rating budget thing - not to mention his Realizing that I had finally Rather fiasco. I want a.spot for Danny ... " has plummetedthe last two declining popularity rating. Bush brought the severity of the situ- Bush's mood improved as he waxed philoneeded help and he needed it fast, months, accordingto The Times ation to his attention, it was time to sophic with the producers of the CBS Sununu confessed. It was to be my move in for the kill. "George, Mirror Center for People & The sitcom, "Major Dad." When Bush finally job to deliver the President from you have to stop blaming people. put the receiver down he looked absolutely Press, a news industry group that this house of hell he had created for Stop trying to make everybody reborn. monitors public reactionto news. himself. happy. The Conservative Right is "Bill, we've got it. Danny is going to be Sununu 's office walls are lined not going to like you because you a star, he's going on 'Major Dad' and right with photographs. I once heard realized you have to raise taxes to before election night, too. Thanks, Bill. that you can tell a lot about a man bring down the deficit. The Lib- Once again, you've save the country from 76% from his walls. An interesting eral left isn't going to like you another presidential nervous breakdown. array of shots abounded in the because you are Pro-Life. Your Well, I'm going down to the nursery to tell Neanderthal from New Hamponly hope is to be the moderate Danny the good news." shire's office. One halfof the office you are at heart. You have to supWith that, the President left me alone in were pictures of Atilla the Hun, port civil rights bills from now on. the Oval Office. I replace the portrait of Ivan the Terrible, Adolf Hitler, You have to make nice to Demo- Jimmy Carteron the wall and closed the door Josef Stalin, Edi Amin and Pol Pot. crats like Dick Gephart, even if he behind me. As I headed back home my mind On the opposite wall were the does look like the Aryan Power's reflected on an afternoon's work at the images of Florence Henderson, poster chiid. Most of a!J, Mr. White House. I don't know if I've saved the Bea Arthur, G. Gordon Liddy, Ron President, you have to stop mak- administration... but l certainly saved a dying Howard and Kermit the Frog. ing firm commitments that you television network. When I.overcame my stupification have no power to fulfill- it makes *NOTE: Watch for Vice President D.an at this choice of photos I asked him you look like,' ' I now pointed to Quayle on the CBS sitcom, "Major Dad." their signigicance to which Sununu Jimmy's portrait, "HIM!!! And Monday, November 5 at 8:30 pm on channel simply replied, "I don't believe in The cause: The PersianGulf if you 're not careful, Ronald Re- 10! The future of your government may Freud." agan may run against YOU this depend on it! crisis, soaring gasoline prices Mercifully, it was time for my time." and the budget stalemate,acappointment with old Read my I knew that cording to the polling group. Hips, himself. Bush looked sullen the final touches and defeated-kind of like when he were added by was Vice-President. He was laying MichaelJantze,GannettNews Service mentioning Reprostrate on his desk in the Oval agan's name. Office, while mumbling to himself Bush still has about tax increases and catheters. "God, NO!" I screamed. "But it does nightmares that Reagan takes "Good morning, Mr. B.," I said cheer- mean that we have a serious problem, I away the Vice-Presidential fully as I gently picked him up and sat him in wouldn't wake you up for something trivial. nomination from him in 1980 To the editor: his chair. Dan, we need to boost the President's spirits. in favor of Alan Alda. "God, Bill," he exacerbated, "I'm really He's upset about the veto of the civil rights Bush thought for a minI would like to thank Tim Donovan for his very · screwed. I've vetoed a civial rights bill (the bill and the budget fiasco- not to mention the ute, that's about the limit of thoughtful editorial on the abortion issue in the last only president since Andrew Johnson in the troops overseas." his thought span. He looked issue ofLoquitur. I am especially impressed with his last 130 years to do so); I've raised taxes; The mere mention of the word "troops" at Carter's image and smiled. presenting the ideas of women who are both femiI've sent 200,000 troops to watch Kuwait be- brings a sincere look of shame to Quayle's The smell of bµming wood nist and pro-life. come Southern Iraq; and on top of all this- face. He immediately began espousing about filled the room as I realized I too believe that abortion is not consistent with they don't love me anymore!" With this, how he worked hard in the National Guard the President had an idea. the moral principle of reverence for life while at the Bush ducked under his desk into that little and that he really would have gone to ''Bi!J, do you remember same time I believe I am a feminist scholar. It is hiding spot that John John Kennedy Jr. used Vietnam exceptthere weren't nearly enough that series 'Carter Counrefreshing to read the thoughts of a student who as a two-year-old. golf courses. Bush began moaning from try'?" Bush asked. He was, looks at complex issues from multiple perspectives At this time, Vice-Presid~nt Dan Quayle under the desk, "And I've still got HIM!!!! of course, referring to that and is then able to formulate his own position. entered the office, having just awaken from Oh, God!!!" hideous sitcom from the late his nap. Quayle appeared, donning a Realizing that Quayle was doing nothing 1970s that soughtto capitalSincerely, "TAXES SUCK!" T-shirt and an Oakland to humor the Boss, I had Sununu and Jim• ize on the Southern renaisM.L. Corbin Sicoli;Ph.D. A's cap. Baker take Quayle to the mall for ice cream. sance brought on by the Professor'of Psychology It would be prudent at this juncture to say Bush needed to become the brave WWII election of Jimmy Carter. a brief peace about the Veep' s performance veteran once again - he had sunk back into In reality, the show painted Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and over the last six months. Quayle, to his the depth of Wimpman. What to do? the authorship known to the editors. However. tt the writer w,shes, ;l such a pathetically stupid picand the edtor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter credit, has not made himself much of a liabil"I' VE GOT IT!! !" I screamed. I ran ture of the South that not upon publication and an inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, ity to Bush recently. In the month, Quayle over to one of the portraits on the wall, even Bi!Jy Carter could top. double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space. the editor may edit has appeared on Nightline, Face the Nation, removed it, and held it up high. The only way "Yes, Poppy, but I don't or condenseit. Letters to the editor should be submitted by and This Week with David Brinkley (I vide- to bring the Skull and Bones master back to follow,'' I said, wondering if noon on Mondays.
Fallingfrom favor
Professor praises mature insight of student
fridaXznov. 2, 1990
CULTURAL AWARENESS WEEK: Nov. 2-9. Space is limited. For more information about reserving your spot and about prices for the following events, stop by student services. Student activities is supplementing half the cost for each event. All week:A world map will be on display in the cafeteria and everyone is welcome to use push pins to geographically locate your ancestors' homelands.
Security incidents reported Oct. 23 through Oct. 29. Injury
10/25-5:15 p.m.-Ambulance summoned to the soccer field for one of the visiting team members. Disorderly Conduct
Cultural banners made by different offices, student organizations and residence halls representing their roots will be on display in the cafeteria. November 2: Ethnic Dance-A-Thon will be held in the Atrium from 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2, through 7:00 a.rri. Saturday, Nov. 3. Sponsorship is required to participate and prizes will be awarded to the person who raises the most money. Dance the night away to reggea, hip-hop, club, Brazilian music and more! Ethnic snacks will be served. Funds raised go to support BSA, CARET and Hunger Awareness. For more information, stop by Campus Ministry.
View rehearsal of the Philadelphia Orchestra at IO a.m. at the Academy of Music. Cost is $10. For more information, call 971-8380. November 4: Museum Mania- Van leaves at 11 a.m. from the following museums: American-Swedish Museum from noon to 2 p.m.; Jewish-American Museum from 2 to 4 p.m.; and Afro-American Museum from 4 to 6 p.m. Trip followed by dinner at Cafe Hue', a Vietnamese restaurant. Van leaves Philadelphia to return to Cabrini at 8 p.m. Bring spending money for dinner and souveneirs.
All Saints' Day last mass will be neld at 9:30 p.m. in Xavier Great Room. All are invited to attend. American Red Cross will be on campus for a blood drive on Tuesday, Nov. 6, from noon to 5 p.m. in the Widener Center Gathering Area. Stop by or contact the Health Services office for more information.
Open forum in the cafeteria to discuss food services at 4 p.m. on Nov. 8. Come and voice your opinion. Everyone welcome.
Cultural Dance Ensemble in Widener Center Lecture Hall from 6: 15 to 7: 15 p.m.
New Youth Symphony will be presenting a "Vaudeville Night" on Friday, Nov. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at The Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr. Ticket price for students is $3, $10 for reserved seating, and $5 for general admission. Please call 688-2233 or 623-8812 for additional information.
Cultural music workshop from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. by a Jazz flutist in the cafeteria. International Club members will translate names into foreign languages from 12:30 to I p.m. in the cafeteria and will create a name tag for you. Guest lecturer Jennifer Casolo will speak about El Salvador at 7 p.m. in the Atrium. November 7: Ballet trip to the Shubert Theater to see "Gaite Parisienne," "Irish Fantasy," and "Arden Court." The van leaves at 7 p.m. for the 8 to 10 p.m. performance. The cost is $5 in advance and $10 at the door. Sign up by Nov. 2 in student services. November 8: International Club members will translate names into foreign languages from 12:30 to l p.m. in the cafeteria and create name tags for you.
Student Brandon Dougherty will hold an open discussion about the culture of Saudi Arabia and how it is affecting U.S. troops from l to l :40 p.m. in the SGA office (across from the Wigwam). Folk Dancing Lessons from 8 to 10:30 p.m. at the Water Tower Recreation Center (sneakers recommended). The van leaves at 7:30 p.m. The cost is free if you sign up by Nov. 6 and $2 at the door.
,. '
November S: Tai Chi lessons from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. The cost is $2 in advance and $5 at the door.
November 6: Ethnic Food Fair in the cafeteria at lunch. Commuters are welcome for free.
10/26-9:35 p.m.-Report of a fight between a student and off-campus persons. MA was summoned. Perpetrator given a disorderly conduct citation by Radnor Police.
Movie "Romero" at 8 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. November 11: A Jazzy Afternoon at the Afro-American Cultural Museum. Van leaves at 3:00. Cost is $4 in advance and $8 at-the door.
more CREDIT from 1 paid work may go into the portfolio. "Leaming takes place in many ways," she said, .. not just on-the-job learning." Cabrini also takes into account volunteer jobs that have to do with such things as the church, politics, art and any other volunteer jobs a person may have been involved with. ''We want adult students to feel they can draw upon their backgrounds and get credit for where they are are now in their lives. " I have seen many people gain degrees through life-long learning assessment. APL provides a wonderful opportunity," Kahn said. There is a one time fee of $175 for a portfolio, and $145 fee for each three credits that a student wants assessed. If a student would like three credits, the total cost would be $320; for six credits the cost would be
Are you feeling stressed-out? A Guided Visualization Power Nap will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 6 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in room two of the Rooyman Center. All are invited. For more information, call 971-8566. Regional Art Educators' Exhibit in the library Fine Arts Gallery from Sunday, Nov. 4 through Sunday, Dec. 9. The opening reception is Sunday, Nov. 4 from 3 to 5 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public. For more information, call ext. 8380. Spring pre-registration dates: Seniors--Nov. 6; Juniors--Nov. 8; Sophomores-Nov. 13; Freshmen--Nov. 14. Be sure to schedule an appointment with your ad;iser and to pick up a schedule of classes from the office of the registrar. Registration will not be given to those students with outstanding balances. Fall Formal is Friday, Nov. 9, from 9 p.m. to l a.m. at the Sheraton Valley Forge. Tickets are on sale now in front of the cafeteria during dinner and lunch. Androcles and the Lion, the Aesop's fable, will be presented Nov. 9-11 and Nov. 16-18 by Cabrini's Theater for Young Audiences. Curtains rise at 7p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall for the Nov. 9 and 16 performances; all other shows begin at 2 p.m. Admission is $5. Rerservations are recommended and can be made be calling 971-85 IO. ''Building Multi-Cultural Bridges: Making the World Right for Everyone'' seminar will be held on Saturday, Nov 10 from IO a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Central Baptist Church in Wayne. There's a $20 registration fee. Students with college identification may attend for only $3. For more information, call 644-1504.
L ■::.
, .......
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Men who don't register with Selective Service aren't eligible for some federal benefits. And that includes federal student aid for college. So if you're within o month of turning 18, toke five minutes and fill out o simple cord ot the post office.
......... ..........
..,.................................... .., __ A.,.... ___ .,..
LA.SAi.LEUNWERSITY & STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER INVITES ¥OU TO A FREE INFORMATIONAL SEMINAR contblctedby Gregory Bruce - Director, MBA Program School of Business Adminisb'ation - LaSalle University A O 14, 19 TIME: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm PLACE: LaSalle University - 20th and Olney Srudent Union Building in the Music Room
TopksInclude; The MBA • What it is and what it can do for you Types of Programs-Coursework • The Admissions Process The Job Market • How to Prepare for the GMAT Questions are Welcomed and Encouraged
This seminar is presented to the community wjlhoutchaw. Seating is limited and reservations are required .
Call 659-9111
f riday, nov. 2, 1990
Freshman or fir.st-year student: that's the question by Karen Kerchusky "It:s 1,000 years of history going down the drain," Angela Visco, freshman, said. The history of freshman is changing. The term is now first-year student. An article in The Chronicle of Higher Education said, ''The word excludes women.'' However, Cabrini is not changing . terms be~ause freshman is sexist. Dean of Students Robert Bonfiglio said the word was "antiquated.'' "It's just not a nice word,'' said Ana Hazelrigg, resident manager of Woodcrest. According to Bonifiglio, as of Oct. 18, the student services staff agreed to use the term first-year student as much as possible instead of freshman. Student services is open to feedback this year; however, for the class of 1995, first year student will be implemented in all office publications. The Loquitur editorial board will have to decide what term to use. Carlo Iacono. editor-in-chief. said it depended if there was enough sentiment to change. ·•1 like the term freshman," said Charlyne Adams, freshman, correction, fir-,t-yearstudent. "It's traditional. I don't see anything wrong with it.''
"It's just a name," said Felicia Hayes, first-yearstudent. The public relations office is also in the process of changingto first yearstudent. Karen Berlant, director of public relations,said thatthe per-
son or freshmore. "Who cares," said Janeen ·Papania, first-year student. "Why waste time?" ''There are a lot more things to worry about," said Calee Fortmann, first-year student.
tory but not because it was sexist. "It's discrimination because they're new. They don't know what upper classmen know," Shimkus said. Rose Beltz feel Cabrini's change is in the right direction. "It's more mature. I feel like I;m in high school,'' Beltz first-year student, said. "I would try to use the name first-year student.'' "It's a good step,'' Toni Ann Bini, first-year student, said. ''Freshman is degrading to everyone." Most current freshman did not see the need to change terms. "I don't think there is anything wrong with it," Priscilla Fuentes, firstyear student, said. Tradition was the most popular reason not to change. Lynn Bechtel, Susan Haines and Jeanie Harkins, first-year students. said that they should find something better to do. Dominique Drew. first-year • student. wi II still stick with freshman. ''lt'i.J».. changing m} name,·' Steven Czech, first-year student, said. "It's tradition." · 'It's easier to call them . Photo by Jud, Panas,k freshman.·· Tom Anderson, Freshmen or first-year students Michelle Mc Kenna, Brian Killen and Kayce Pottichen enjoy sophomore said. Monday night football in Woodcrest. "Life is in stages." Mary Jane ception of the term freshman is will first-year student become the Inman, first-year student, said. "Next year it will be the same," negative. said Michele Dormer, first-year norm. ''You start out as a freshman in Some of the possibilities be- student. "People will call themMary Shimkus, junior. felt the high school and work }qu· way up. sides first-year student arefreshper- selves freshman." term freshman was discriminaIt's the same thing in college.''
Admissions is also trying to phase out of using the term freshman. Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, admitted that freshman is an easy, one-word term to use. Only by using it consistently
Mother Cabrini trivia contest 1. Which number child was Frances out of thirteen childern? 2. What was her profession before she became a sister? 3. What year did Mother Cabrini come to the United States? 4. Name all the states in this country where Frances Cabrini founded institutions to help people? 5. In what city and in what year did Mother Cabrini become a citizen? 6. What year did Mother Cabrini die? 7. On what day is Mother Cabrini's feast day celebrated? 8. What year was Mother Cabrini canonized? 9. Name one hospital tht Mother Cabrini founded. 10. What was Mother Cabrini's favorite flower? 11. How many institutions did Mother Cabrini start in her lifetime? 12. What famous historical place has Cabrini's name inscribed upon it?
13. What does "Not to the East, but to the West" mean? 14. Which pope said this quote to Mother Cabrini? 15. Of what is Mother Cabrini the patron saint? 16. What pope signed Cabrini's papers for sainthood? 17. Name three other countries (besides the United States) in which Cabrini founded instituitions? 18. What group did Cabrini found? 19. What is the official starting date of this congregation? 20. In what year was Cabrini College founded and who was the founding president? Entries should be sent to either Danielle Harrris (Box 542) or Bill Schellinger no later than November 9, 1990. Entries will be corrected and a winner will be announced at dinner on Nov. 13, 1990. A $100. 00 prize will be awarded to the person with the most correct answers.
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friday, nov. 2, 1990
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by Jennifer Melchiorre What do you get when y offun togelher? Cabrini's a get and this years v.as b) fa Jeff Fole). SGA member. Lines wrapped around t haunted house ,~as held, wi big attraction was. ··It was~ We only had tv.o minutest Marshall, one of the partici Radio station QI 02 s making ''Movies, Monsters ing. Also, the SGA raised events. The money will go sponsoring. Everyone involved coo into it, while still enjoying been done without them,' said. "The people who part it all together as the visito
H r
Attention Seniors! Don't Forget ..• The Senior Dinner November 16
6:30 p.m.
Mansion Dining Room Responses and Mother Ursula Award nominations are due in the Alumni Office November 9.
friday, nov. 2, 1990
s E n of screams and a ton nted house is what you ·tone we've ha_dyet," of Xavier, where the waiting to see what the had to cut off the line. 1rquad up." Kimberly weekend, said. on Saturday night, en" even more exci twith this weekend's es that the SGA will be
ectly and put their all es. "It couldn't have ullen, SGA treasurer, ad as much fun putting ullen said.
0 On Your 18th Birthday Miss Carlee Danielle Fortmann ....... . C A B R I N I
is for Carlee enjoying her college days is being away and missing you is for bright days that Cabrini will bring ,is for ringing the answering machine daily is for incredible which you have become is for nifty dorm mates isfor the incontrovertible joy you have given us these past 18 years!!!!!!!!
Oh Happy day Miss C.D. With all our love, M & P & TJ & of course Brows ....... . XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! photos by Lisa Lindley and FrankEmmerich
friday, nov. 2, 1990
Computer competency achieved by John Gay
won't hand in papers because lheycould not find a typewriteranddon'tknow how to use the computer lab,'' Pesotski said. Luckraft stresses the fact th~ computers are now a part of our lives and are not to be feared. Luckraft sees less and less of the "computer phobia" that used to grip students. "I don't see it in the students who are coming in as freshman and sophomores, but I see it in older students,'' Luckraft said. Luckraft believes these fears center around the equipment itself. "Initially it's
the curriculum committee and in the fall of 1987 ·became a requirement for graduation. Cabrini's computer competency program Luckraft admits that initially there was is achieving its goal of giving students the some discussion that the course was too skills and knowledge necessary to survive technical for a liberal arts college. "It's not and flourish in a computerized society, to penalize our students, it is to make them according to Julie Luckraft, chairperson of more valuahle and to help them excel at their the computer information science departcollege work," Luckraft said. ment. Though the program has been very sucThe computer competency requirement cessful, the computer facilities have much dictates that students must complete two of to be desired according to Luckraft. The three computer learning modules as a part of computer lab consists of 22 personal comthe core curricuputers on network, each five to 10 years-old. lum program. They are "used and The modules are abused," according to six-week courses Luckraft. "You can't be afraid of computers because they are designed to give Luckraft cites a the student basic major problem with the only machines. You manipulate them, they don't computer skills schools computer hardmanipulate you." that can be apware. It has a wide plied to their col-Bill Fulton, array of various differlegiate as well as senior ent parts that often leads professional cato problems in class, reers. according to Luckraft. The requirement can also be met by like, 'oh no it's a machine. I'm going to ''It is difficult when you have a full class passing a computer competency test (no touch the wrong button and its going to and you are telling people to look for a credit) or by following a structured, break,''· Luckraft said. certain key in the upper right hand comer individual, learning tuturial (no credit). The Practice is the key to success with the and have to say to a student, oh no you have three modules are word processing, spread- modules, according to Luckraft. "There is a different keyboard, yours is in the lower sheets, and data base. not a lot of theory behind what we are doing. left,'' Luckraft said. One of her goals for the Chris McMahon, a sophomore We are teaching how to use a tool and the future is to have a uniform system. English'communications major, just com- only way to learn is to just do it,'· Luckraft The environmental conditions of the pleted the word processing module and said. computer room also leads to computer breakfound it beneficial. "It's cut my time The competency requirement got its start down. · 'The room is so hot and humid that prqducing papers considerably," McMa- after Luckraft returned from a conference on the contacts sometimes don't connect,·· hon said. computer,. After seeing that this was the Luckraft said., The computer lab was supCarin Pesotski, a freshman direction many colleges were moving in, she posed to get central air conditioning two English'communications major. agrees. suggested it would be a good thing to have years ago. according to Luckraft. Pesotski has also just completed the word at Cabrini. These conditions, combined with heavy processing module. "I know people who The idea received strong support from use of the computers. leads to equipment failure. "How can you have a program and support your stuclcnts if you don't have machines to work with?." Luckraft said. "It's disturbing to have a class with students beginning to enjoy and see the use of computers and have the machine die on them. It's irritating to instructors and discouraging and upsetting to students. How would you feel if you just typed a tenpage paper and the machine dies?,'' Luc kraft said. Requests have been made to the deans office for new equipment, according to Luckraft. "The equipment is failing and it is failing at an ever-increasing rate. We desperately need new equipment,'' Luckraft said. Bill Schei linger, a junior English\secondary education major, had the modules in his freshman year. Aside from the advantage he feels it gave him in doing papers, Schellinger sees computer competency as a necessity for an education major. If you're not satisfied with your "Who knows, in the 21st century there might be a computer on every student's current grades, come to the CARE desk," Schellinger said. "In the future we CENTER, in the Rudy Rooyman might have courses where computer competency is required, where the teacher might Center, to meet with a tutor in design a whole course that is designed around ANY subject. A tutor can make a computers.'' Luckraft cites the Wharton School of big difference in your final course Business and the University of Maryland as grade. colleges where computer competency is not taught but expected. ''Cabrini is nice in that it has the view, yes, you should have a competency and yes, we will give it to you,'' Luckraft said. dedicated to caring for you. Bill Fulton, a junior English'communications major has not had any of the modules yet, but realizes the importance of being computer competent. "You'd better be computer literate. It's not the wave of the future, it is right now," Fulton said. "You can't be afraid of computers because they are only machines," Fulton said. "You manipulate them, they don't manipulate you."
idterms are over!
WARNING NOTICES have been distributed!
liflllld11a~-,. In.......
bodl$mllliiMJ quick., mental die lff#IN!tlt of women in die PersianGulf. "E\'erything is segrcptedbetween men and women.,'' theparatroopers said They also notedthatwomenare not allowed to work and they must enter, -exit and sit in the rear of buses. Women are not allowed to have jobs and if they want to purchase anything her husband must buy it. Wtft
Also, women must wear veils over their faces and her parents arrange her wedding and choose her husband. Another thing that intrigued the paratroopers was the prayer rituals of the people. • 'They all pray six times a da). When it is prayer time they close all the stores, face the east and pray." Small an·d Uhart said. Both paratroopers consider Saddam Hussein a~us person. "He is an unpredictable person that can not be trusted.'' they said. •·Any person who could gas his,own people ind shoot his own son for not believing in what he believes in is a ruthless killer.'· Both Small and Uhart expres·sed the sentiments shared by many Americans and said the United States should eliminate Hussein from his leadership so he can not harm any other countries in the Middle East. In a conversation before they left both Small and Uhart said they believed they would be in the Middle East until at least the new year. Kevin Small is originally from Morton, Pa. and Keith Uhart is originally from Carson City, Nev.
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loquitur ·
friday, nov. 2, 1990
Mischiefnightaftermath Freshmen Class, Spring 1990 Lea Brundin Rita Celluci Cathleen Diehl Susan DiMoia Brandon Dougherty Catrina Hornig Juanita Jones Karen Kerchusky Kara Kerper Lisa Lipar Patricia Loughran Elizabeth MacGuire David McCabe Veronica McNamee Karen Moffett Michele Montgomery Lisa Naab JoAnn Packtor Jennifer Pagano Audra Paoleschi Robert Salladino, Jr. Dawn Timbario Maria Toth Jane Wick Monifa Williams SophomoreClass, Spring 1990 Jennifer Bannar Brian Benjamin Colleen Brennan Colleen Campbell Denise Castorani Laura Colamosca Mary Colgan Kathleen D' Amelio Christine Earley Denise Edwards Frank Emmerich William Firman, Jr. Stace Gaiser
J 0 B
s Q
u A D
Christine Giunta Diane Glancey Elizabeth Goldman Alissa Guerra Donna Kindig Clyde Laforest, Jr. Melissa Landsmann Michele Maguire Donna McGregor Meredith McKinley Tara Jeanne Monte Kathleen Murray Lisa Neuman Elizabeth O'Shea Christopher Pesotski Rosemary Phillips Amanda Picher Susanne Rago Christina Roach William Schellinger Joseph Schmidt Sharlene Sephton Barbara Stone Mary Teichman Deidre Theyken Eileen Turner Michelle Vuocolo Kimberley Wheeler Diane Windle Caroline Young
Junior Class, Spring 1990 Donna Amoroso Elizabeth Baumstark Natacha Bolufer Norma Borzillo Stephen Buividas Amy Cossari Doris Costello Suzanne Davaro Linda Defrancisco
REASEARCH ASSISTANT- part-time person needed to locate missing heirs and recover unclaimed assets Hours are 9:00-5:30, minimum of 12 hrs. pr.wk.up to 40 hrs./wk. $5.50/hr. Contact Susan Dexter at 6649800. SALES/CASHIERFull/ Part-time available. Flexible weekdays, Saturdays are necessary. Salary and commission. If interested call Howard Brody at 8968500. RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR/SUPERVISORJewish Community Homes for Adult independence has positions available. For more information- call (215)2919414. Send resume to: J/Chai, 401 E. Hunting Park Av., Philadelphia, PA 19124. TEACHER- Great Beginnings (a child care and learning center) is looking for someone for their preschool classroom. For more information contact Ann Marie at 644-4710. EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERNS- Great Beginnings is looking for individuals interested in hands on experience in their day care center. Call 644-4710.
Georgina Demas Sheila Gillespie James Heasley II Margaret Howard Timothy Janusz· Jeanine Kederis Susan Landis Jacquelyn Lashay Marilyn Lewis Catherine Libertz Peter MacNeal Adele Malasavage Lisa Martelli Robyn McAnulty Kristine McCarthy Kelly McGillan Barbara McPhelim Michelle Merger Jennifer Moisey Susan Moriarty Tami Moylan Katherine Mullen Suzanne O'Connor Danielle Paciello Karie Papay Christina Pasqualini Christine Piombino Beth Reed Patricia Renz Heather Riddell Ralph Romano Mary Jean Sakal Sharon Sheedy Carol Smith Pamela Unger Joanne Vice Donna Werkheiser Monica Wroblewski Michael Yeager Lisa Young Anna Zawodniak
by Chris Pesotski Six windows, valued at as much as $1,000, were smashed in the dean of students office during a ''mischief night'' vandalism spree. According to staff members, the attack on Dr. Robert Bonfiglio 's office, which occurred about 2 a.m. Oct. 31, may have been a retaliation for a letter he sent warning students that penalties for students caught vandalizing college property would be "swift and severe.'' "I haven't read the letter, if people were trying to retaliate, that's very childish," Sr. Bernadette Anello, director of campus ministry, said. Jennifer Marks-Gold described the scene when she arrived at work Wednesday morning to discover the damage. ' 'There was glass everywhere,' ' MarksGold said. ''There i~ a big mark on (Bonfiglio's) desk, where the rock they used to break the glass was sitting.'' The department of security and safety reported no suspects, and the student
moreCAFETERIA from 1 the food is good. The deli along with the cereal is my favorite,'' Kerry McGillan, first year student, said. Students expressed complaints that they are only served one entree per night. According to Cochran, only one entree is served because of cost control, and the cook would be in a tailspin because of the extra work load. "If we were to give students everything they wanted, food would be
SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT- Part-time/full-time positions available- Circuit City Stores- for express applications and more details see the Financial Aid office or call 938-7638.
RESIDENTIAL ADVISOR/MANAGER- for the Delaware County Branch of the PA Association for the Blind is seeking candidates to do programming for thier clients who reside in thier CHILDCARE- work with facility. Must have H.S. children 2 monthsto 4 years, diploma, 1 yr. experience assisting teacher who is working with blind, a valid trained for Education Pro- PA drivers license, and certigram. Mon.-Fri., Full-time, fied in First Aid and CPR. 8 hrs/day. Pay negotiable. Call Kim Savage-Feaster Hours/Money. Must like 874-5478. 10/2. children.For more informaPROMOTIONAL HELP/ tion, contact Helen Salis- HOSTESS- The Shops at bury- 527-4191. Liberty place need 30 indiPROFILING- CCI, Inc. is viduals to assist in thier grand looking for a science major opening festivities. Contact interested in Field sampling Kathleen Adams at 851of Chemical waste. Work 9055. independently, weekdays,felxible _hrs. Paid WAITER-WAITRESSby the hr. and mileage. If needed at Merion Cricket interested call 254-9984. Club in Havertown. Parttime, flexible hours, must REST A UR ANT HELPbe 18 or older. Contact Ann Malvern Ctr. in Great Valley Coughlan at 642-5800. 10/2. has all shifts available. No experience necessary. Call DATA ENTRY- operator 889-4843 for interview. needed to work in Marketing CHILDCARERocking Horse Childcare has full and part-time openings. Morning/Afternoon hours available. Call 647-5177 to set up an interview. OPPORTUNITY- Waverly Heights has full and part-time openings- call645-8610.
If you did not find what you werelookingfor in the above ads pleasevisitourJobBoardlocatedwithinthe FinancialAid Office.The Job Board is full of Dart-timeand seasonaliobs.
who reported the incident said she only heard breaking glass. "I didn't see anyone," the student said. "Ijust heard the noise and called security.'' According to the security report filed, no entry was gained to the office by the vandals. According to Michael Caranfa, chief pnysical plant officer, the glass was ordered immediately following clean up of the debris, and should be installed by week's end. Ana Hazelrigg, head resident of Woodcrest Hall, reported that a window was broken in that building. "That was really ,the extent of the problem, except for the usual eggs and stuff,'' Hazelrigg said. Caranfa reported a more threatening problem. "Someone, thinking they were turning on a fire hydrant, actually shut off the sprinkler protection system for the mansion.'' In doing so, the vandals also broke the valve for the system. At 2:30 a.m., Radnor police were notified to break up a disturbance involving Cabrini and Eastern College students.
dept. Will train $5.75-$6.00/ hour. Call Dave Coldwell at 527-6200. Mailroom Clerk also needed to work 8:3012:30 M-F, $6.31/hr. 10/2. CLEANING HELP- pers?n needed approx. once every 2 wks. for woman in King of Prussia . Also needed Motherss Helper- For more info.- call 962-0886, ask for Patricia.
wasted," Cochran said. According to Cochran, the cafeteria would like to open up more lines of communication. "Don't let things build up, tell us what you like and don't like," Cochran said. Cochran also said that theft is a major problem. Frequently salt and pepper shakers, silverware, plates, trays and glasses are missing. ''Theft increases the cost of the entire program,' ' she said.
TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM- Spiegel catalog has opportunitiesfor full and part-time employees. For more information call Theresa Hinterberger at 245-1700. ACCOUNTING STUDENT NEEDED- To set up filing system on a computer (will train), must have computer skills. Flexible (part-time) hours. Contact Ruth Harris at 644-8887. · SCHOLARSHIPS- Financial Aid Grants are available from the Gundaker Foundation Inc. to needy foreign students who are The Frances Hook Scholarship Fund is awarding Art Scholarships to undergraduate students under the age of 24. Awards_ range from $2,500 to $500. For an application please see the Financial Aid Office. The American Business Women's Association is awarding scholarships to undergraduate women students who are financially deserving, who have completed a minimum of 32 college credits, and who have a G.P.A. of 3.0 or better. Applications must be received by February 1, 1991. For more info. and application please see the Financial Aid Office.
PART-TIME POSITIONCare and work with animals at local Veternary Clinic. For more information call Dr. Harding at 265-6044. ACTIVITY LEADERwork with elderly in Nursing and Rehab.Center. Background in Arts and Crafts helpful. Hours are Tues.-Thurs.,4-8pm, 3 weekends a· month 8:304:30pm. Pays $5.00/hr. Pay goes up after 3 months. DELIVERY PERSONneeded to deliver sandwiches,etc. to shops of Main Line. Hours are lOam1pm. For more information call Ray Nudy/Cece Corcoran at 687-1345. SALES/STOCK- person needed to sell children's shoes and do some stock work. Flexible hours- Friday, Saturday, Sunday evenings and extra Christmas hours. Pay negotiable. Contact-Barbara Robbins-6499867.
OPPORTUNITY- Enterprising Interns has full and part-time postions available for people with good communications skills and personal computer experience. If interested contact Susan Pentek at 254-0249.
f riday, nov. 2 1 1990
Atthleteof the week
Collins:team motivatoron and off field by Aman~a Picher
It was very difficult for field hockey coach Mimi Greenwood to decide on one player for athlete of the week. She did, however, and that player is goalkeeper Bridget Collins., senior. ;,I value my two other seniors, Kelly Boyer and Michelle Ballinghoff," Greenwood said. Collins, however, had no replacement for her position and as a result, played all game,every game this season. Greenwood also added that Collins is responsible for many saves this year. Collins did not play field hockey in high school. She transferred to Cabrini from St. Francis College in Loretto when she was a sophomore. She started playing field hockey that same year. Her first position was halfback. She never saw herself as a goalie until her junior year. The team'sgoaliequitsuddenly that year, so Collins took her place in the next game. There were no scores by the opposing team that game, and since then, it was accepted that Collins was the new goalie. It is the only position she has played ever since. As a goalie, Collins thinks one of her duties is to keep control on
the field. She also believes that another one of her responsibilities is to keep the team awjlfe of what is happening on fhe field .. Krista Palmisano, juniqr, who plays link, agrees that Collins carries out her beliefs. ''I think she is the most dedicated player on the team,'' Palmissano said. '' She always motivates us, especially when we're down.'' Collins' support of the team is obvious in the way she cheers and encourages everyone on the team during games. She reinforces her support during halftime, when the team is together. Christine Costigan, sophomore, who plays right wing, believes Collins is very deserving of athlete of the week. She describes Collins as a strong team leader who supports her teammates and keeps their heads up. Costigan added that Collins plays very well and does a great job as goalie. "She's my friend," Costigan said. "I look up to her. She's helped me a lot, both on and off the field." Another teammate, Veronica O'Hora, a sophomore who plays sweeper, shares Costigan's view.
O'Hora also calls Collins a great leader who has kept the team together and brought them up when things were not going well. She is glad Collins stuck with the goalie position, even when things were rough. As for Collins herself, she was very honored when Coach Greenwood selected her for athlete of the week. She feels lucky because she believes a lot of other people were just as deserving, and only a few people can be chosen. Collins believes that many times, goalies get either all the recognition or all the blame. But, she stresses the team aspectof the gll!11e. "The team works hard, and I work hard with them,'' Collins said. Collins feels very close to the team and has enjoyed Senior goal keeper, Bridget Collins lunges to block an on coming shot the time she spent with on goal. them. According to Collins, she made ing with snapshots and water bal- made my time here more speher best friends at Cabrini on the loons. Collins, of course, took part cial," Collins said. "I will really field hockey team. in the celebration. miss my friends on the team." Despite the loss of the last game It was the last field hockey game "We're a team," O'Hora said. of this season, the team was in in her college career. "I don't know what we'll do good spirits afterwards, celebrat"There is nothing else that's without her next year.''
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friday, nov. 2, 1990
more VOLLEY from 12
CICERO: Last week 8-2overall. 5-5 against the spread. For the year 14-6 overall and 9-11 against the spread.
VIRGINIA 28 Ga: Tech 24 (+8) Yellow jackets don't have" Lethal Weapon 3" on the gridiron. Iowa 17 ILLINOIS 16 (-4)* Iowa "Hawks" all over the Illini's situation. WASHINGTON 35 Arizona l O (+ 7) Huskies send the Cats to the pound. Auburn 21 FLORIDA 17 (+3) Tigers make suitcases out of the Gators. Penn 25 PRINCETON 17 (+2.5) Quakers make oatmeal out of the Tiger defense. EAGLES 24 New England 17 ( +9) Patriots are too busy worrying about female reporters. KANSAS CITY 24 LA. Raiders 20 (+2) Chiefs spread the" Word" to the Raiders. Houston 30 LA. Rams 24 (-4) The Rams are looking to finish the season in the Pac 10. MINNESOTA 24 Denver 20 (-1) Vikings conquer the Broncos. Washington 45 DETROIT 10 (+2.5) Redskins are looking for scalps.
athletic department, but the athletic department doesn't think they can give us the funds this year," Tucci said. In response to these_speculations, Dzik said, "I can't tell you. I haven't sat down with anyone from the club, so I don't have a budget. I would like to think we'll be able to support them in the way we did last year.'' Dzik said that the athletic department usually provides the entrance fee to the league,
officials for home games, and authorizes the use of the van for away games as much as possible. As for varsity status sometime in the future, Bonfiglio sounded optimistic. "I hope once we are past our current budget situation, we can reconsider the establishment of men's intercollegiate volleyball at Cabrini,'' Bonfiglio said.
BOARDWALK BUD: Last week 7-3 overall and 6-4 against the spread. For the year l 010 overall and 9-11 vs. the spread. VIRGINIA 24 Ga. Tech 17 First real test for Cavs. ILLINOIS 21 Iowa 17 Fighting Illini on the warpath. WASHINGTON 35 Arizona 14 Dogs meaner than Cats. Auburn 23 Florida 19 Gators get swamped. Penn 17 PRINCETON 14 Locals win on I.Q. points. EAGLES 28 New England 10 They d_on'tcall em Pats for nothing. KANSAS CITY 35 Raiders 31 Lamonica vs. Dawson revisited. Houston 21 RAMS 20 Moon shines over LA. and Everett. MINNESOTA 23 Denver 17* Yikes angry mood is helped out bu the dome. Washington 30 DETROIT 14 Skins a lot better than people think. HOME TEAM in CAPS
i~ ,!~ ~
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f riday, nov. 2 1 1990
Soccer captures ESAC title by Carlo Iacono and Matt McGeehan Overcoming a season of internal and external adversity, the men's soccer team sprung to a 1990 ESAC championship. Anchored by Glen Jaskelewicz's three goals, the Cavaliers posted a 3-2 victory at Salisbury State on Oct. 27 to seal the title. ''To win that game is the best feeling in the world," senior co-captian Steve Buividas said. 'fhe win gave the Cavaliers a 12-6 overall mark with a 5-1 ESAC tally. The ESAC title does not guarantee the team a birtP in the NCAA Division III tournament since the league doesn't receive an automatic berth. One game at Stockton State on Oct. 31 remained for the team. Junior co-captian Bill DiRita said, "It is obvious that we have a lot of strong players
coming back. Our goal was to win the ESAC championship and now that we acheived that we will be ready to defend it next year.''
"To win that game is the best feeling in the world,'~ -Senior co-captian Steve Buividas
Junior Joe Cavaliere said, "Wehavea lot inore experience team this year and I felt that we were the team to beat." The young team played a difficult non-
league scpedule and overcame injuries and team discipline problems to land on top. Jaskelewicz's goals came via a pentaly kick, a headbob with the assist going to freshmanBrendan Ryan, and the game winnner came on a perfect feed from sophomore Matt Capone. The hat trick provided Jaskelewicz with 18 goals for the season and his record-setting career mark stands at 35. Freshman goalkeeper Clark Zimmerman stifled Salisbury by making eight saves. A Oct. 24 2-1 victory over Allentown Col'!'egeset up the championship game. So.phomore Mike "Pickle" Conner posted the first mark with an assist to Buividas. Jaskelwicz posted the game winner with two minutes remaining in overtime. The Cavaliers last title came in 1987 when they won the ESAC Northern division.
Men's voll_eyballteam gets spiked
Scoreboard I Results Soccer 10/24 10/27
2 3
Cabrini Cabrini
Allentown Salisbury
0 Cabrini Phil. Text. final overall record 3-11-1
1 2
Field Hockey 3
Women's Volleyball 10/27
5th out of 16 ESAC Tourn.
Women's Tennis 10/27
1st Phil. Cath. Col. Champ.
Men's Cross Country 10/27
1st out of 12 Bard Col. Inv.
Women's Cross Country 10/27
4th out of 13 Bard Col. Inv.
by J.P. Raynock
The volleyball club, after receiving a $6,000 grant from the United States Volleyball Association to upgrade the club to a team, was denied varsity status by the college. According· to Dr. Robert.Bonfiglio, dean of students, the main reason for the college's denial of varsity status to the volleyball club was money. Due to current budget situation, the college was forced to review its. ability to expand the athletic program, Bonfiglio said. Chris Thompson, sophomore, said that Cabrini was one of only three teams in the country to receive such a grant. The only stipulation attached to the grant was that the team remain in the league for three years. The grant would cover operating costs for the first year, and the school would pay for the other two, Thompson said. According to John Dzik, athletic direc'ror, the grant was categorized as seed money and by taking it, the team had to assure the U.S.V.B.A. that they would be a sponsor for three years. •'We figured it would cost $4500 to start, $5-5500, for the second year, and $6-7000 for the third year. That's a total package in excess of $15,000, and we decided that we didn't have sufficient money in our operating budget," Dzik said. Dzik confirmed that the college was one of only a few schools to receive a grant and that the school had returned the grant money
!Schedule Cross Country Sat.11/3
ESAC Frostburg away 11am
IathlE:ticdept.new~ Chris Callinan placed 1st in the Bard College Invitational. He broke the course record by :41 seconds with a time of 27:21. pho<oby IvanDomazet
Senior co-captain, Tim Janusz returns a shot over sophomore, Chris Thompson at a recent men's volleyball practice.
since they will be unable to meet it's terms. "What's really ridiculous is that we support ourselves as a club;but the school sees us as a sport and takes recognition for our accomplishments," Thompson said. In addition to losing v_g[Sitystatus, the club itself may be in dire financial straits.
''We might not even be a_club if we don't get money forrefs," Charlie Tucci, juniorand cocaptain, said. "We received funds from the
. During the 2nd annual Philadelphia Catholic College Invitational Mary Anne Walker finished 1st overall. Sue Detrick captured the consolation round.
more VOLLEY on 11
Walker paces Lady Cavs to PACC tennis title by LorraineMarie Lill This year's women's tennis team ended their season on Saturday, Oct. 26 at the 2nd Annual Philadelphia Area Catholic Colleges Invitational (PACC), played here at Cabrini. The invitational was designed to be post season play for a number of local colleges that are basically the same size as Cabrini. The tournament was sponsored by Wayne Sporting Goods and Prints Sporting Goods. These sponsors help out by either giving discounts on trophies or donating them. They also help out with shirts and sweat bands which are given to the players. Every player gets some-
thing. This year's tournament only had four colleges competing in it because of a conflict with the National Association of lntercollegiant Athletics (NAIA). Several teams were eliminated because the NAIA had their district championships this weekend. The colleges that participated this year were Immaculata, Rosemont, Chestnut Hill and Cabrini. There are no conference championships or season team records on the line during this tournament; Rather, it is meant to be good, competitive fun. Maryanne Walker, freshman, went (3-0) to win the PACC
championship. Walker defeated Valerie Nu yen from Chestnut Hill (6-4, 6-4), then went into the semifinals and defeated Danielle Rickards from Immaculata (6-4, 6-2). Walker's final match was against Doreen Donato from Rosemont college. She won the championship by defeating Donato (6-4, 62). "I feel really good now. I'm really tired, but it was a good match and a good couple of matches," Walker said. Susie Detrick, junior, co-captain, became the consolation winner of the PACC tournament by defeating Tara Sarg of Rosemont college (6-1, 2-6, 6-3). Detrick lost in the second round of the PACC to
the eventual runner up Donato (2-6, 6-4, 6-3). In the consolation round Detrick defeated Chris Ann Dowd of Immaculata (6-0, 6-2) and Carrie San Phillips of Rosemont (6-0, 61). Detrick then defeated Sarg, becoming the PACC's consolation winner. "I feel tired, exhausted and happy. I was thinking, I better beat her:" Detrick said. The players in the PACC tournament for Cabrini were the top four players on the team. Maryanne Walker, Susie Detrick, Erin McCarte, who could not make the tournament, and Joelle Spagnola. To win the tournament, Cabrini had to defeat Rosemont in both
finals with Walker in singles and Detrick in consolation. ''Cabrini went into the finals . trailing Rosemont (11.5-9) and played Rosemont in both finals. We had to win both and we did,'' Reggie Day, coach, said. Cabrini finished first with a total of 13 points. Rosemont finished second with 11.5, Immaculata finished third with 8 and Chestnut Hill finished fourth with 2.5 points. "Maryanne's win put us in the lead by 1/2 point. The final outcome rested on Susie's match. If she wins, we wirr. If she loses, we lose by 1/2. As Susie usually does, she came through with a win," Day said.